Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Zero Episode 80 The Next Chapter

A/N: This episode is the last episode of Season 2. Was there some unanswered questions? Yes. Did it feel random and make no sense? Yes. I know that I'm not perfect because I'm not writing the next Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or One Piece. I'm just doing this story for fun because I've liked writing and superheroes every since I was a kid. To me, it's an escape and I spend a good amount of time on it being I spend most of my time writing.

This really does sound like I'm writing the last post ever but I still have more to come and I hope you stay around to read it. I like writing Zane as a character because he's an OC insert characters and you will see this soon. I'm perfectly aware of this and it's strange to me. I really hate those overpowered characters because I can't relate to them. I like the underdog rather than the perfect one. So why am I writing Zane like this?

To me, Zane is the next generation of Bob. Bob was featured everywhere on the blog mainly back on the first one. He was the overpowered character and I gave him the name Bob to relate with better. It was also the most basic name I could think of. I would argue that next time to John. this is the most basic male name in writing. I named Zane because of Yugioh GX. I may have done that type of story so many time because I thought I would do something but in the end, I did the same thing.

I actually made a blog just for that type of story but for almost seven months, I've done nothing with it because I've been focused on Zero. I also just like the name Zane because to me, it sounds so cool. I decided to name the next generation character after a character that didn't show up in Power Guild. If you're confused, look back for a post called Here's the Old Blog or I'll make thing really easier so you don't have to search.

It's called convenience focus and yes, I didn't notice the extra D. I wasn't the best at noticing errors in my writing and I think I've improved but I could be wrong .Soul ,you know that other story on this blog, has always been put on the back burn for a long time and I've said that I was going to get on but here's the thing. I'm not sure if I ever will. I like Soul and the world I built for it but looking back, it's so dam confused and really plot convenient for Natsu.

That's why I've been slowly transferring characters over to the less complicated. I may do a better story later down the road but that's WAY later and I mean that. There will still be a timeline of the series to make things slightly less complicated. It won't excuse most of the series and its flaws but I'm going to try make things less complicated. Lets get started. This episode is going to be written like EP 48 being that it's several different stories around the same time and I'm sure that Google Translate is wrong about Spanish but I could be wrong.

Narrator P.O.V.
Outside of Cypress Park, Carlos was sitting with his sister. It was extremely awkward as Carlos said to break the tension,"So sis.". "Why did you help? I mean I'm happy that you're on the good side but still, you're still a criminal." said Kristen. Luke was nearby but he knew that these two need to talk because it reminded him ,too much, of Ed and Marilyn Gregory except Kristen wasn't against every race that isn't a pure human.

Carlos said,"It's something that your interes amoroso told me. He told me that you still care about me despite all of the shit I put you and the rest of our family through. I guess his really annoying words got to me and plus I rather not see him in the slammer for killing me because I made you cry. I still didn't expect him to be Legion Zero but he seems rather nerdy.". "He isn't a nerd at all Carlos." said Kristen.

She had a small blush as Carlos laughed. "I know that sis. He seems like a pretty average guy with a really un-average family." said Carlos. "It's true that Zane's family is rather abnormal but it's sweet. I think my favorite is Atem." said Kristen. "He's Zane's kid right sis? I don't get why Zane didn't adopt him like a brother." said Carlos. "Zane has always wanted to be a father ever since I've known him. It may be half the time of Karen but I know Zane pretty well." said Kristen.

Cinder said,"To be honest, I wouldn't mind having him as a cunado. He's a loyal guy and treat you right sis. So would you be okay sharing him? He may not be like Mack but he's a playboy.". "Zane isn't like Mack!" said Kristen. "I know that sister but you can't deny that he's rather dense and boy, I wish I was kidding about that. He's also rather indecisive." said Carlos. "Well, we did date but Zane erased that." thought Kristen.

Kristen said,"I know that but Zane's a good guy. I'm sure that Zane's going to pick Karen but I'm not going to make easy for her.". "Well, I'll be cheering you on from behind bars. I'm going to be there for a long time right?" said Carlos. Luke walked out of his hiding spot as he said,"Yes but we have a little problem.". "What? Did Daemon escape and plotting revenge? Did Ash survive?" said Kristen. "After what Zane did to him, I would be shocked." said Carlos.

Luke said,"No to both of them Kristen. Daemon along with Scarlet Demon went along peacefully. I'm sure that we won't be able to find Aurel, Halphas, or Reid. We also took Daisy because we felt bad for her.". "So what is it?" said the siblings. "Remember Tara's aunt? I was just informed by my superiors that she along with Swarm are planning something. Despite my nephew being a hero, he has people who hate his guts." said Luke.

Kristen said,"So? Do you need Carlos?". "I rather not be crowd control." said Carlos. "Do you want to be in jail longer?" said Luke. "Not really sir. I'm on crowd control I guess. Do I get fancy riot gear or what?" said Carlos. "No. We'll be meeting up with some others to help protect Zane and his family from Marilyn. I really hope that we can throw Marilyn in jail after this." said Luke. He walked away as the siblings followed after him. "I hope my cell isn't next to hers. She's loco." said Carlos.

Danny was sitting with Gwen, Karen, and Rachel outside of a cafe as Danny said,"It's a real nice day isn't it?". "Is he trying to ignore the fact that I know about Zane being Legion Zero and him erasing my memory? So why did he so that again?" said Karen. "Zane did that to protect you and the others from his enemies. Most of his enemies knew about his secret identity and he didn't want the people he cares about to be hurt by his actions." said Gwen.

Rachel said,"Or in Zane's words Karen, he doesn't want anyone that he holds very close to his heart to be hurt.". "So how did you remember? I'm pretty sure you don't have powers." said Karen. "Zane did erase her memories as well Karen but unlike you and Kristen, the three of us have been friends since we moved here from Noble Haven so many years ago. To be honest, I don't get myself but I'm sure that her bond with Zane gave her memories back." said Danny.

Gwen sipped her drink as Karen said,"So is Zane alright? He's been in his house or the remains of it since he won against Daemon.". "His name is Malik." said a voice. The group turned to see Kevin standing there as Gwen said,"So how are you dealing with this?". "Fine. I'm just pissed that Zane was that monster because of well me." said Kevin. "I still can't believe you're Kevin. I thought you would have worked with Ash upon his secret identity being revealed." said Rachel.

Karen said,"I guess you've changed.". "I have and I wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry for almost killing you back in middle school and this time, I really mean it this time because I rather not have an angry Zane." said Kevin. "So were you abducted by aliens?" said Danny. "People can change Danny just like Walter and Carlos for a period of time." said Gwen. "So have you asked out Zane? I mean he's a player despite not knowing it." said Kevin.

Rachel said,"So what team are you on Kevin? I'm pretty sure that you were jealous of Zane in every way under the sun.". "I would say what team I'm on but what are the teams again?" said Kevin. "Let me see. There is Team Kane, Krane, Roxe, and Zova." said Gwen. Kevin looked very confused as Rachel said,"And here's what those teams mean.". She soon handed him a piece of paper as Kevin said,"Thanks Rae.". "Well, we're waiting." said Danny.

Kevin said,"To be honest, I'll go with you Karen.". "Really?" said Karen. "Well, I'll be cheering you on to obtain that dense idiot's heart." said Kevin. "Wow. I'm impressed." said Gwen. "Thanks. So why is your phone ringing Danny?" said Kevin. Danny pulled out his phone and he said,"We need to go right now.". "Why?" said the four. "Zane's in trouble because of Tara's bitch of an aunt." said Danny as the five rushed toward Zane's house.

In Cypress Park's hospital, Jim was pacing outside of his daughter's room. Ray and Tara sat nearby as Ray said,"So are you sure that Vicky can be normal?". "I'm sure that my daughter and Doctor Brock can make human with some cybernetics installed." said Tara. "So like a human version of Bane?" said Ray. "Yes." said Tara. Jim walked toward them as he said,"So did you two know about my daughter being well Agent Phoenix?".

Ray said,"Well, we have known since she started to target Zane just because he's a quarter Phantom so a long time now.". "Can you explain to us why she hated Phantoms? I would say that you know why." said Tara. "To be honest, I think she hated them because most of them caused trouble. There were two events according to her. It was when they ruined her robotic animals and when they ruined her clothes." said Jim. "The latter one sounds really petty." said Ray.

Jim said,"I don't think any men will understand the love of clothes.". "Well, I think Vega will but I'll be quiet for now." thought Tara. The door opened as Ed and Maxwell stood there. "Is she?" said Jim as he looked hopefully. "Well, she's mostly human but has some robot influence." said Ed. "What Ed means is that Vicky will be her normal self but she will have trouble going through metal detectors. I think you can see her now Jim." said Maxwell.

Jim went inside as Tara said,"So what's left?". "Fixing the town after what happens. This is going to change everything that's for sure." said Ed. "So what about the other one?" said Ray. "You mean Ed's sister. She should be resting. She did get a new arm but I'm pretty sure she's never happy about being saved by an enemy of man." said Maxwell. The four heard,"And you're right.". Marilyn stood there as she crossed her single arm over her chest. "You really should be resting sister." said Ed.

Marilyn said,"I'm sorry but I'm not listening to a traitor of the human race. We need to eliminate the last threat!". "You're not serious are you? I mean he saved our town." said Ray. "But he also destroy it brat! He and his freaks should burn in hell!" said Marilyn. "He's our savior and I won't let you hurt him when he's recovering." said Maxwell. Ray grabbed her only arm as Tara said,"You won't be escaping.". Marilyn began laughing as Ed said,"What's so funny?".

Marilyn said,"Do you honestly think that I'm the only one who wants Zane dead? He's nothing more the shell of the bastard who destroy this town and I called Swarm to make sure that Zane dies!". Ray knocked her out as Maxwell said,"We better restrain her.". "Yeah. Tara, we should make sure just in case her threat was fake." said Ray. "I know what to do." said Tara. She pulled out her phone as she called everyone to make sure Zane is safe. Ray was dragging Marilyn to her room. 

In the ruins of Cypress High, Brad walked around his stomping grounds. He remembered being taken by a Knight and Rook to be turned into that dragon creature. He wasn't sure if he ate anyone but he was happy that he was stopped. He soon found some of Zane's friends (Cameron, Heidi, Jasmine, Marcia, Nova, Roxy, Sophie, and Travis) sitting in the gym. He ,like most of the town, was shocked to find out Zane's secret identity.

He also learned how much shit he went through to get back home and stop Daemon who turned out to be an evil version of himself. Kevin had Kirk but Brad was pretty sure that Kevin didn't go through losing his arm and heart, going to prison, and fighting for two weeks straight. Brad soon hid in the bleachers as Cameron said,"So did you hear about Tara's aunt?". "Yeah. She's planning on attacking Zane at his house." said Nova.

Brad's eyes widened as Heidi said,"I don't get what the big deal is. He's really strong plus he holds those nice people in front of his house.". "You're talking about the guy wearing the hippo costume right? They're strong according to Zane's older brother." said Travis. "Which one? Kurt or Lucius? I like Lucius more but Kurt has his moments." said Sophie. "Well, I like Zane." said Roxy. "Wow. I can't believe you would say that in front of me when I've liked Sugah longer." said Nova.

The two argued as Jasmine said,"So are those two friends?". "Maybe. I'm not so sure. So should we go help the others?" said Cameron. "Well, I think we owe Zane that much." said Marcia. "Lets go then already." said Nova and Roxy. The group was gone as Brad sat there. He pulled out his phone as he said,"Hey David. Zane is in danger because of Tara's bitch aunt. I'm pretty sure that the folks there will need some rest so lets go.".

In a building somewhere in town, Trevor stood there with the group of students ,which consisted of Buster, Cindy, Darren, Felicia, Lynette, Nazar, Sierra, Sonya, Taylor, Tomas, and Trevor, that joined him and the Alliance in rescuing Cypress Park. "I have to say well done my students. You did well each of you." said Trevor. "Thanks teach but I feel bad for Zane. He went through so much and he's still blamed for turning Cypress Park into hell." said Nazar.

Darren nodded as he said,"You know well that humans are scared of things that they don't understand and well, Zane's unique biology is something that I don't understand. He can have both Animus and Nether in him which are very much like oil and water.". "It may because he's an Eazairvian. Parker seems to think that but who knows with that walking space booger." said Sonya. "So what are we going to do about Swarm?" said Buster.

Cindy said,"Help Zane and his friends take them down of course!". "That seems like a good idea on paper but if we attack humans, the government may pull the school's funding." said Trevor. "That's a really bad reason to be honest with you." said Felicia and Lynette. "Well, I'm going to help Zane. He helped me so I'll always help him." said Sierra. "Even when he has to move?" said Vega. "Guys. I think Sierra is right." said Taylor.

The group looked at her as she said,"I know that we have known Zane for almost two months now but he's a prime example of what a hero should be. He saved people who he hated in his normal life or people who hate him. I think we should follow in his footsteps. I don't care if we lose funding for the school. Helping our friend is far more important than our school.". "Fine. We'll go there in three times." said Trevor as he explained the plan.

Outside of Zane's house, Ivan was shocked. "I can't believe those jerks! Why would they want to hurt my friend?!" said Ivan. "Because darling. Humans are known for their paranoid nature. They destroy anything that they don't understand." said Liv. She stood there with Daryl, Frank, Sharia, and Trunk being that all of them looked serious. Henry was back in his homeland of Taelamelan. "Well, I think I could make a wood barricade around the house." said Trunk.

Frank said,"They're mostly likely going to bring weapons that can easily cut through wood. You're going to be useful Trunk. We're making weapons.". "Lets try not to make anything too sharp. I rather not have Natasha's front yard tainted in blood." said Liv. "Yeah. It's hard to get blood out of things to be honest." said Frank. "You know this from experience don't you?" said Ivan. Frank shrugged at that comment as Trunk said,"So how many weapons?".

Sharia said,"I'm guessing a lot. Zane has many allies more than just us.". "They'll mostly like want to help him out. Zane just like both of his parents. Stubborn beyond belief but loyal to their allies. They will push through any limits to protect those they care about." said Liv. "Amen to that." said Frank as he got ready to fight. Trunk was making them weapons as Daryl looked back at the house with him saying,"Zane stay safe.".

At the train station, the Alvarez Family plus Courtney were there. "So I'm still confused. Why aren't we helping my idiot older brother?" said Ana. "It's part of the plan sis so don't worry so much." said Kurt. "He's right. Zane may have won the day but he still is a Phantom which is the reason why this town went through hell for the past week." said Courtney. "She's right. So what do you have in that bag nephew?" said Lucius.

Atem was holding a bag as he said,"Sorry Uncle Lucius but it's a secret!". "Is it a really cool weapon like a double sided hammer with a buzzsaw?" said Kurt. "I highly double that it could fit in that bag but we'll just have to wait and see." said Ana. "Thanks Auntie Ana." said Atem. "So Atem. Are you going to miss your dad? I'm pretty sure he's going to miss you." said Courtney. "Yep! Daddy may have just gotten back but I know he's going to come back stronger." said Atem.

Atem was crying as Kurt said,"You remind me too much of your old man. He was always crying even when he was really happy. I used to call him crybaby.". "Please tell me you're not going to be calling your nephew that." said Courtney. "If he does, I'll be hitting him." said Ana. "Make that two of us. I think this reminds me of when we left Zane." said Lucius. "Yeah. Hey Atem. Do you want to be train by your uncle Kurt?" said Kurt.

Atem shook his head yes as he said,"I rather all four of you train me.". "I won't mind Atem. It beats school." said Ana. "I'll try to help you Atem but you must know that I and your two uncles will be busy with work right?" said Courtney. "Wait. What do you mean by that?" said Kurt. "It means get a job Kurt or work more in Prime Force. Your choice." said Lucius. Kurt sighed as Ana said,"I wonder how Zane dealt with Kurt when he was young.". Atem shrugged.

Inside of Zane's room, Natasha and Zane sat there. "Mom. Did you want me to leave? I mean I just came back from what seems like a decade long trip but it was honestly like two weeks. I would have been back soon but grandpa and Lucas kept me in Ezlario. It was a pain." said Zane. "I rather have you here but you've learned something. You may be powerful but you still have no idea about how your powers even worked." said Natasha.

Zane said,"Did Hourglass tell you about my journey through time?". "She did. She wanted to make sure I knew where you were going. I know you're a free spirit like your father so keeping you in this house must have been painful. Even though you defeated Daemon, people still see you as a monster because of Wrath. Do you think they're wrong?" said Natasha. "Not exactly mom but I can see where they're coming from." said Zane.

Natasha said,"As your mother, I'm really annoyed that they blame you. They should know that you won't become like Malik. That was his real name right? Before he was used as a scapegoat by Kevin's evil counterpart, he remind me so much of you. I couldn't tell the difference.". "I'm guessing that both John Doe and Jane Doe can't tell up apart either despite one of us being a teenager and the other one is a fully grown adult." said Zane.

Natasha was about to say something as Zane heard something. "What's wrong?" said Natasha. "There is something going on outside and I'm not counting Liv's people." said Zane. The two looked out the window to see a group of Swarm going against Liv's people as Natasha dragged Zane away from the window. "The others will handle this. They're after you Zane." said Natasha. "Yeah. Go figure. I save them and they try to kill me. Ain't that ironic?" said Zane.

Zane said,"So are the others helping out?". "Yeah. They all care a lot about you because you made them your friends. I think Kevin is trying to help establish order in the city and I bet being one of the human heroes, he may get it done." said Natasha. "That's good. I think he's changed for the better and I'm happy to call him my friend." said Zane. "You may be right. He picked having power for friends he made. I guess he's trying to change everyone's minds about him." said Natasha.

Zane said,"Do you know if anyone died?". "I think Malik kept them alive. Marilyn is the main reason why Swarm is here. I'm pretty sure you're liked by the town mainly the teens. Her hatred for anything not human has blinded her to the fact that she was saved by one of them." said Natasha. "Fan freaking tastic. What about our family?" said Zane. "They're currently waiting at the train station. I'm pretty sure you have a form that can teleport away right?" said Natasha.

Athena said,"Tell her that you do Zane.". "I do. So would you be mad at me if I said erase everyone's memories of this and my secret?" said Zane. She looked at Zane confused as Zane said,"Lucas gave me something that can help in my current predicament. I'm not sure if he saw this coming but from what I can tell, people can't accept change so easily. It's a bad thing if I keep my secret undone. I'll deal with the consequences of my actions later.". 

Natasha said,"Anyway, so did what did you see?". "I saw dad when he was a preteen and around my age playing with Aunt Isabel and Uncle Nate, seeing you protect Kane from two of Skull Plague's lackeys, you and dad meeting Conner at the hospital and him talking with Kane who saved my life because of my bloodline, and some memories from when we all lived together on Mt. Stirols. I used to be so cute." said Zane.

Natasha said,"Zane. If you had a choice, would you go back in time to make sure you're not the next Zero?". "Why are you asking me this?" said Zane. Natasha smiled as she said,"I know that you never saw this growing up but superheroes have the worst job. They have to sacrifice a lot to keep people safe. Their personal lives, happiness, and mostly likely sanity. You were lucky to have others helping you out but Malik only had his friend right? He probably forget about who he was.".

Zane thought about it and he said,"I guess so. I haven't told Danny that Devin was his friend just like the two of us. He's Danny's counterpart. I did lose something. My lack of a love life. I could have lost my sanity but who knows what the future holds for me?". "Don't worry Zane. You're not crazy just yet." said Cole. "If you overuse Cartoon Form, you will be but you barely have use your forms the past couple of weeks." said Athena. Zane sighed as he said,"I'm going to try and stop the crowd.".

He turned into Legion Zero as Natasha said,"I understand. I'll meet you at the train station. Just stay safe okay? I need to pack you a training bag.". Zane hugged her as he flew through his house. Zane saw that Swarm and his friends were currently in front of city hall. Zane flew slowly toward city hall being that he saw that his friends were holding weapons that were mostly like made by Trunk and unlike normal wood, it wouldn't be destroyed so easily.

He could also tell that Swarm had weapons that would probably kill some people being that they would excuse it for justice. Zane went faster as he was soon ahead of both side. However, Zane didn't make it in time because the two sides were fighting. Zane was about to step in and stop it before the loud and annoying Crisis Judgement went off. He dodged a red beam being that Zane turned to see Marilyn standing there with a weapon aimed at him. She glared at him as Zane raised an eye on her.

Zane wanted to hurt her for hurting his kind and causing this fight to even begin but Zane held back his anger. "Okay. This is getting annoying. STOP RIGHT NOW!" said Zane. He released an purple circular energy wave from his body being that several soldiers and people stopped fighting. Zane landed in the middle of their fight as Zane turned back to normal. "You guys know that I'm not a fan of pointless fighting right? I mean we all just survived against Daemon and his group." said Zane. 

Marilyn said,"You're a monster and you should die!". "Well, you're not wrong but you shouldn't judge an entire species just because one was a monster." said Zane. "But Zane." said Liv. "It's fine Liv. You don't need to fight for me. Everything is going to change soon enough and trust me, both sides will be happy." said Zane. "So what are you going to do Zane?" said Kevin. Zane turned to him as he said,"I will be leaving town for a while.". "Really?!" said most of the town people.

Marilyn wasn't happy about this but she was happy that Zane was leaving. "But I'll coming back to my home. I'm one of the many protectors of Cypress Park even though you want me to leave. You won't be remembering me saying this but I just wanted to make sure that I got this out there." said Zane. Zane turned into a new form. He's now an eight foot tail demon like creature with dark purple skin. He has two crimson red diamond shaped eyes and has a smile, hiding razor sharp teeth.

He has two medium sized dark gold horns sticking out from the sides of his head. He has two arms and legs with four hands and toes respectively. He has two long, prehensile tails with the end of their tail being in the shape of a broadsword. Both of his tails move with a mind of their own. He's covered in a gray armored suit that covers most of his body except for his arms. It has a dark red stripe going down the middle of his back and chest. 

The armor had three gem like orbs being blue, green, and red on each shoulder pad. His hands are covered in black fingerless gauntlets. He wears a dark red belt around his waist. It has a strange spiral symbol in the center of his belt. Attached to his belt, he has a 44 revolver and saber type weapon. "You may be mad at me for disobeying but here's the thing. I don't care. Teleport Form! I'm out of here." said Zane. He was gone as he teleport out of there.

Zane soon reappeared at the train station being that he saw Ana, Atem, Courtney, Kurt, Lucius, and Natasha waiting for him. He turned back to normal as the family ran up and hugged him being that Atem was the first one to hug him and it was a tight one. It was very silent being that they didn't saw a single word for a solid ten minutes but it felt like hours. "Daddy. I really don't want you to leave us." said Atem. "And I don't either Atem but I have to go." said Zane.

Ana soon saw that both Danny and Gwen coming toward them. "Danny? Gwen? What are you two doing here?" said Zane. "Do you seriously think I'm going to let you leave town by yourself? We're brothers and also I need to get some training to make sure that I'm not holding you back." said Danny with a smile. "And I'm coming because I don't want to lose either you or Danny again." said Gwen. "I guess you three are going to be a team." said Courtney.

Zane heard,"You have decided on the next chapter of your life haven't you?". Zane noticed that all of his family were frozen in time as Leif stood there. "Hey old man. So are you going to be telling me something that Eros forgot?" said Zane. "Perhaps. He said that you'll need to conquer anything evil resting in your heart before you can grow." said Leif. "Thanks. I really wish that you guys just gave me a straight answer but hey, you don't want to make things too easy for me." said Zane.

He was soon gone as Zane talked with his family. "So Atem, I heard that you're getting training from Ana, Courtney, and both uncles? Color me impressed. Someone's going to be a little badass just like his old man." said Danny. "You do know that I'm only a couple of months older than you right?" said Zane. "Yeah but you've a portion of an immortal species in you so yeah." said Danny. A train soon arrived as Natasha said,"And this is the train that'll lead you three to the Alliance H.Q.".

Ana and Atem hugged Zane being that they were both crying. They clung onto Zane tightly being that they didn't want their brother/father to leave them but he had to. "Dad. Here." said Atem. He soon gave Zane an wooden Eagle necklace as Zane said,"I love it Atem. I'll wear it proudly.". Zane soon put the necklace as Kurt said,"I guess this time, it's you whose leaving.". "And this time, Dad isn't involved." said Zane. "Well, for Atem it is." said Lucius.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Semantics.". "True. Zane. Take care of yourself." said Natasha. She soon handed him a small brown bag as Natasha said,"I made this bag recently. Lets just say that it may be small but the inside is really big.". "Thanks mom." said Zane. She hugged him as she said,"I'm so proud of you Zane. I bet Shawn is too.". "Yeah. I know." said Zane who was trying to hold back his tears and failing.

Danny and Gwen dragged him as Danny said,"We better get going if we don't. You won't leave ever and we need to go.". "He's right." said Gwen. Zane nodded as the three entered the train. The train soon went off as Zane thought as he sat in a train car,"I guess it's a good thing that I'm leaving. I'm pretty sure that I would say that I'm only human despite being 25% human. I guess this is the start of a new chapter of my life.".

Danny got Zane's attention as he said,"So how are you going to make people forget about you? I'm pretty sure people took pictures and video of you. You know that once something goes on online, it never leaves.". "I know. Watch this." said Zane. Zane soon touched the skull pendant being that he soon had the silver chain wrapped around his arm being that the pendant hanged there. "This little device can erase memories of me being Legion Zero but only on Prime Earth." said Zane.

Gwen said,"I see. So can you pick whose memories get erased?". "Yep. Get ready because I'm about to do it." said Zane. He flicked the pendant being that all over the earth, 99% of the Earth's population and the internet lost the memory of Zane being Legion Zero. "That's pretty cool." said Danny. The three just sat there and they talked. The train soon stopped after about an hour. "Well, lets get going you guys." said Gwen. "Right." said the boys.

The three walked around as Danny said,"So why are people looking at us?". "Well, they did see our fight against Malik plus I'm Darin's grandson and Shawn's son. I tend to draw attention." said Zane as he put his arms behind his head. "So should we head toward the castle?" said Gwen. "We probably should. I know the fast way." said Zane. "Is it a magic tram car?" said Danny. "No. It's me. Grab me and watch me run." said Zane. The two shrugged as they grabbed Zane. The three were soon gone.

Lucas was standing in front of the castle's entrance as a soldier said,"So when are they arriving sir? I doubt Marco would lie about Zane.". "Soon. I sense them coming." said Lucas. The trio soon showed up as Danny and Gwen caught their breaths. "Never do that again." said the two. "Eh. You get used to it after a while. Hey boss man." said Zane. "It's good to see you alive and well Zane. You two must be Morph and Slicer." said Lucas. "You know our names?" said Danny.

Lucas said,"I'm one of the highest ranked members of the Alliance and I'm rather impressed with your achievements young man.". Danny blushed as Gwen said,"Thank you sir. So are you going to be our teacher?". "Not exactly. Upon hearing about this, our top scientist Loren Burns has been working on a training schedule for the three of you. You may explore for a while and once he's ready and finished, I'll contact Zane through his Talisman." said Lucas.

Danny said,"Sweet. Does this place have a weapon shot? I was thinking about making some new gadgets.". "Yeah and I want to see if I can upgrade my sword." said Gwen. "And I want to try some new food." said Zane. Lucas tilted his head as Danny said,"Ignore him sir. His stomach is the prime example of a black hole.". "Oh we know. Have fun in the city. You three may not be here for a long time." said Lucas. Zane nodded as he grabbed his friends shoulders and disappeared.

The three soon reappeared in the weapons shop as Danny said,"Did you not hear what we just said earlier?!". "Actually, Zane used a teleportation spell." said Gwen. "Yep. It was my Arcane Emperor Transmission." said Zane. "Yeah. I guess I should try to learn some magic for my girl." said Danny as he wrapped his arm around Gwen. "Was I like that with Kristen?" said Zane. "Yes and no. You two were far more obnoxious." said Gwen. "Harsh but honest Gwen." said Zane.

The three were soon walking around a shop as Gwen said,"So what type of weapon are you looking for Danny?". "I was thinking an Ax." said Danny. "Then let me help you. I think I know my weapons rather well." said Gwen. "What about you?" said Danny. "I'll find me some upgrades to Time Rune at the next shop." said Gwen. Zane was ignoring them being that he could heard a voice calling to him as he walked toward a weapon.

It looked to be a large hammer being about 3 feet tall. The brown handle is long and its guard is semicircular with five golden spikes on it. Its body is a metallic dark gray. The head of the hammer is double-sided with the right side being a typical sledgehammer and the left sides being an axe with its blade shaped like a crescent moon like a monk’s spade. On the front of the hammerhead, his logo rests there with a white circular background to it.

It also has a gold trim to it being that it glows when in use. The entire hammer had a gold trim and the teen heard,"Hey kid. Pick me up.". Zane heard,"Are you interesting in that hammer?". Zane son turned to see the shopkeep standing there next to him as Zane said,"Yeah. It was talking to me and looks powerful.". "That's Oathbreaker. It once belonged to a Zero who was infamous for using this hammer in combat." said the shopkeep.

The shopkepp said,"I heard that it was cursed being that only the truly strong can wield it. I doubt that you can...". Zane soon held the hammer as he said,"So can I have it? I mean if it costs a lot, my grandpa is Darin so he can pay the bill.". "Free of charge." said the shopkeep. After been informed by Lucas, the trio was soon walking toward a room somewhere in the castle as Danny said,"Dude. That hammer sticks out on you so much.".

Zane had the hammer resting on his back as he said,"You're just jealous.". "Kinda but I can make my own weapon with rockets at the end of it." said Danny. Before the two could begin bickering about the weapon, Gwen said,"I really hope that thing can shrink down.". "Maybe but I'll get used to it." said Zane. The three soon reached a room as Danny said,"To become true hero you guys?". "True heroes." said Gwen and Zane.

They opened the door as they saw Lucas standing there with two people ,a male and female, sitting in thrones, and four people standing nearby. The woman ,sitting in the throne, had long black hair and silver eyes. Her long hair was in a braided ponytail being that it was held in place by a large gold ornament which is shaped as a sun. She has a notable and large scar in-between her collarbone. She's wearing a white long-sleeved blouse being that she wears a black robe over it.

It's fastened at the front of her chest. She's wearing a long black ,silk, skirt that covered most of her legs being that she's wearing extremely thick-soled okobo sandals. The man next to her looked large and had a broad figure. He's also bald which is strange considering that he has a pair of his white bushy eyebrows. He also has a large black beard that reminded the trio of Santa Claus's infamous beard. He has dull red eyes being that they looked worn out from age.

For clothing, he wears a gray robe, dark green long sleeved shirt, black pants, and a pair of brown wooden sandals. He's wearing silver knight like armor over both of his hands, knees, and shoulders. He's wearing a large set of gold and silver prayer beads around his neck. One of the four had a skeletal and lean appearance being that he looked more skeleton than human. He has shoulder length purple hair and he has orange eyebrows. He has gold eyes.

He wears a dark purple jacket being that it covers his entire body, a floral t-shirt, a dog tag around his neck, and dark orange boots. The next one looked strange but that's not saying much being that the other three looked strange in their way. One was a man being that he had a rather lean build and he's very tall. He has dark skin being that has thick brown hair. The sides of his hair is shaved off being the front of his hair is a mohawk being that the tip is blood red.

He wears a red ,waist-length, jacket that shows off most of his muscular chest being that he had the symbol of the Alliance on the back. He's wearing dark green shorts that was showing off his rather hairy legs. He wears a pair of large framed gray sunglasses with orange lenses. He's wearing a large red sash around his waist and brown sandals with a gold trim to them. The next person has makeup on his face. He's also a tall man.

His head is skeleton like being that he has a skull like visage. His ears looked to be studded snow white horns with several piercing in them. He has short crimson red hair being spiky. His eyes are gold being that he wasn't smiling. His makeup shows that his face is entirely painted silver with the areas around his eyes, nose, and mouth being blue, green, and red respectively. He's wearing a fancy gold and white hat being that's a mixture of Egyptian Pharaoh's headdress and Baseball cap.

He wears a lab coat with a long green scarf currently resting around his neck. The next person is a female and the most normal looking member. She's plump and has brown hair framing her face. She has a large fork and spoon adornment in her hair being that it's rather obvious. She's wearing emerald green lipstick. Her skin is light and fair. Her eyes are light green with black pupils and noticeable eyelashes.

She's wearing a long sleeved light green blouse with a white doctor's coat and she wears this with brown boots and silver shoe laces. She wears emerald green earrings. The last person is the most strange which is saying a lot. He's a tall and light skinned man. He looks to be rather aggressive and wild. He's muscular being that he stick out compared to the previous four mentioned. He has high and pronounced cheekbones and hairless brow ridges. His face is covered in scars.

Both sides of his temples have a scar going over them. He has a scar that goes from his right chin to his left temple. He has long dark blue hair that goes down to his shoulders but it didn't block his vision or his greenish gray eyes. He's wearing a brown straw hat being that it was currently resting on his back. He wears dark red bandages over his chest. He's wearing a white sleeveless hip length jacket that's opened exposed his scarred chest and looked ragged.

It had a high collar with dull gold edges. He's wearing black pants and brown sandals. His body was rather hairy being that it was exposed thanks to his sleeveless jacket. "I welcome the trio who helped saved Cypress Park Danny Malone, Gwen Vasquez, and Zane Alvarez. I'm Warner Ybarra, the leader of the Alliance." said the old man with the beard. The mohawk man walked over to them as he said with a smile,"My name is James Singleton aka the creator of the sword itself!".

He soon posed as the makeup wearing man said,"Can you not act mature for once James? It's rather annoying to be honest.". "Be nice Loren. He's just excited." said the large woman. "My name is Cora Ybarra, the co-leader of the Alliance. Loren Burns ,the one wearing the makeup, is our head scientist plus the creator of your training schedules. The other female here is Mystique Temperance, she's our head nurse." said Cora aka the black haired woman.

The skeleton like man said,"I'm one of the top members ,like Darin and Lucas, Winston Pratt and my friend here aka the one with the scars is Theron Villarreal. He's been real interested in you Zane for a while now.". Theron aka the man with the scars licked his lips. "Lucky me." said Zane. "You three wish to train to become stronger correct? I'm sure that you're prepared to go though hell to protect your time correct?" said Warner. "Yeah." said Zane.

James said,"Then follow me. My old buddy Loren is almost down with the schedules being that the last one took a little bit longer. We're going to take a bath.". He walked off as Danny said,"Should we follow him?". "It doesn't seem like a bad idea." said Gwen. She walked after him as Zane whispered to Danny,"It may be co-ed.". Danny blushed as he said,"If you're wrong dude. I'm going to kick your ass Zane.". They went after Gwen and James as Theron groaned.

Loren said,"And what's wrong with you? You know that despite resting for a week, they still need to recover and James's the best way to do it.". "I know but I better be able to fight Zane! He's so strong despite being a kid! Way more than his old man was or is." said Theron. "He's still alive. Liv and her group is planning a search party. I'm not fully invested with it but you know Liv." said Cora. "She'll keep us informed of any changes." said Warner. "I know." said Cora.

The trio and James were in a hot springs being that there was several small waterfalls and busts of both the Chinese and Western Zodiac. "So explain to me why we're in a hot spring?" said Danny. "It feels rather nice and trust me, it beats having Loren heal you. He uses science." said James. "I don't mind it but it's rather strange. I thought we would be training." said Gwen. "You three are still injured plus having a cute girl in here is amazing. You like her here don't you Danny?" said James.

Danny and Gwen blushed as Zane said,"I'm guessing that this water isn't normal.". "Correct. You're smarter than you look. This water drains all of the damage from the body being that it slowly heals itself. This hot spring is better than modern medicines hands down." said James. He soon slammed Zane's head into the water as Danny said,"What the hell are you doing?!". "Zane here has the worst wounds so he needs to make sure he gets most of the water in his system." said James.

Gwen looked at Zane ,who was just resting there, as she said,"So are you sure that he won't die?". "I am pretty sure because Theron comes in here often. That fool usually gets injured to see how strong his opponents are being that he only likes fighting strong opponents." said James. Zane soon came out as James said,"Catch this.". He threw a punch toward Zane being that he caught it and held it with ease. "You're not punching me so easily even though we're pals." said Zane.

James said,"You three. Your treatment is done. Go see Mystique. She's the next step.". "Thanks for healing us." said Gwen. "Nah. You three should enjoy your youth so don't train too hard. I'll need to see your weapons after the boss is done with you." said James. The three were gone as James said,"I hope Mystique doesn't come too overboard. We usually don't get to see new people and Zane, that boy has some serious monsters inside him.".

In the kitchen, the trio sat there as several massive bowls and plates of foods stood there. They were back in their clothes. Danny and Gwen were shocked by this amount as Zane's mouth watered. "So did she really make all of this food for us? I mean I barely eat a percent of this on a good day." said Danny. "I'm guessing that she's rather excited for guests." said Gwen. "Lets eat you guys! I'm starving after that bath!" said Zane.

Danny said,"But you're always hungry. It doesn't matter what you're doing beforehand.". "Like I have said before, you're just jealous." said Zane. The two were about to fight and argue being that Gwen was going to stop them. The three soon heard,"Don't be scared of the food. It isn't filled with poison whatsoever. Food should not be used to kill people. James's hot springs was to get you healed and mine is always but it involves food.".

She stood there with a large smile as both Danny and Zane's stomach growled. "You're so going down Zane!" said Danny. "Bring it on Danny! I'll eat double your amount! Ready! Set! Go!" said Zane with the two rushing toward the food. Gwen sighed as Mystique said,"It's good to see kids eating so much that your stomachs exploded. I'm going to make some dessert.". She soon went back to the kitchen as the three started eating. Zane devour several bowls as he said,"I'm in heaven! I can't stop eating!".

Danny said,"It's good but for some reason, I saw a worm in there.". "That may be disgusting but the flavors is amazing." said Gwen. "You guys. Is it okay we're doing this? I'm sure that the ones who still have their memories are training their buts off." said Danny. "We fought and got injured plus I'm pretty sure that this is the best way. We relaxed in the hot spring and then we're eating. This is the best way to get ready for training." said Zane.

Danny said,"And you know this how?". "Lucky guess. I"m going to eat so much that my stomach explodes!" said Zane. He went to go eat as Danny and Gwen looked at each other and shrugged. The two joined him as they heard,"Well done Zane! I guess you got the point rather well!". The three soon turned to see a rather slender and well-endowed young woman standing there. She has Mystique's hair being that it covered her face.

She's wearing a light green collared sleeveless top, navy blue pants, red/violet sash for a belt, and the boots that Mystique was wearing before. The boys were shocked as the woman said,"You understand the basic of my healing. I helped James with his invention being that you won't die like dogs during your training. Loren won't make things easy for you. I'm sure. The main course is done so who's ready for dessert?!".

Zane saw a massive cake behind her as he ran toward it. "Someone seems excited." said the woman as she smiled. "So who the hell are you?" said Danny. "Isn't it obvious? I'm Mystique. This is what I really look like. I just eat a lot of food like Zane does but I strangely lose weight when I'm cooking. I tend to go overboard when it comes to guests." said Mystique with a smile. "That's an major no huge understatement." said Danny and Gwen in unison.

Later, the three were back in the throne room with Loren and Warner. Warner smiled as he said,"I guess you three enjoyed the baths and buffet.". Danny looked at Zane who had a wheelbarrow nearby him as he was eating the cake. "Yeah. You can say that one of us enjoyed the latter more than normal." said Danny. "You're just jealous." said Zane. "Of your black hole stomach? Not really." said Danny. "So are our training schedules complete?" said Gwen.

Loren said,"Yes. Danny Malone will be training with myself, Darin, Frank, James and Winston. This will take about 8 months given what the Alliance knows about you.". "Wow. Well, I'm not going to miss Junior year. Yeah me." said Danny. "Gwen Vasquez will be training with James, Lauren aka Zane's grandmother, Mystique, and both leaders. This will also take 8 months." said Loren. "It seems that I also won't missing junior year." said Gwen.

Loren said,"And then we have Zane Alvarez. I don't feel bad for you at all kid. You'll be training with Conner, Hourglass, Lucas, Marco, Parker, Rico, Savant, and Theron. According to Hourglass, you will be having the Astral Elder, the spirit of Tyrannus, and the Vulcorian resting inside of you. This will take twenty months and unlike your pals, you're be training in the Plocylst Archipelago like previous Zeroes who didn't die by the Form Morpher.". Zane gulped after hearing this.

Danny placed his hand on his friend's shoulder as he said,"I don't feel bad for you.". "Screw you but I'm just happy that I don't want to go back for junior year. Have fun with prom Danny." said Zane as he went to eat some more cake. "There's still one problem. Who is Rico? I know the others and I've heard about Leif and this Vulcorian." said Gwen. "You'll meet him soon." said Warner. The three soon heard music playing. The trio soon covered their ears from singing.

They soon heard someone singing,"I'm happy to be back to the home of the Alliance! The Protectors of the Omniverse! It's nice to see that you're so welcoming to a fool like me!". "His singing is awful even more than Kevin." said Danny. "That's just wrong." said Zane. Someone soon landed in the room as it was male. He looked to be rather tall being that he has a good build and fair skin. He has long black hair ,that went down to his waist, and it's rather unique.

The top of his hair is rather spiky being that it was tied in a ponytail. His eyes are almond shaped and a dark gray color. He has a narrow jaw-line. He has small wrinkles under his eyes. He has a goatee. He's wearing a long dark yellow sleeveless vest that exposed off his chest, orange sleeves that covers his shoulders to his elbows, baggy red pants, and black tennis shoes. He wears a long orange rope like belt that was around his waist and it looked tight.

He also had a white scarf around his neck. Zane also saw a small blade with it hidden inside of his belt. "And my name is Rico Aurelius! You must be impressed!" said Rico. The trio was confused as Warner said,"It's good to see you again. You haven't changed at all.". "Yeah. He's still obnoxious as ever." said Loren. "Harsh!" said Rico. He looked at Zane as he said,"So you're Shawn's seed? My name is Rico!".

He held out his right fist as Zane fist bumped him. "We're now bonded Zane and I! Brothers for life because we bumped fists!" said Rico. "He's rather strange." said Gwen. "That's an understatement there Gwen." said Danny. "Lets get going! To travel to the island!" said Rico. Zane sighed as Danny held out his left fist. Zane smiled as the two fist bumped. "You two are now bonded!" said Rico. Zane was soon dragged out of the room being that Zane just accepted it.

Rico and Zane were soon on a boat that belonged to the Maiden Clan. The two men were joined by Carolyn, Kena, Lauren, Lorena, Naomi and Paula. "So is this place important Zane?" said Carolyn looking out on the Universe Path. "According to Rico, it is. I'll hold him to that." said Zane. "We're almost there." said Paula. The group soon saw a massive turtle being that it had several islands on its back as Zane said,"This place loose so cool.".

Rico jumped toward Zane as he said,"This place is the tightest place in the Omniverse and outside of time meaning that it has a different sense of time than back in Cypress Park.". The boat soon landed as Lorena said,"It's interesting to say the least.". "Yeah! This place makes twenty one months feel like years because every month normally in the Omniverse is fifty years here. We won't be aging at all due to us being born outside of the archipelago." said Rico.

Lauren said,"Zane. I promise your mother that you'll be well feed being that I'll come here to visit you with food.". "That sounds awesome grandma. Could you bring me that really good food?" said Zane. "I think Rico won't allow that." said Kena. "She's right your highness. None of you ladies are allowed to visit my bro while he's training!" said Rico. His cheeks were pinched by Lauren as Zane said,"Don't make her mad Rico! She's scary!".

Lauren said,"And what right do you have? I'm his grandmother and I was asked by his mother to make sure he eats!". "Chill out! If you spoil him, the boy won't grow any stronger. We got food for years here fool!" said Rico. "Fool?" said Lauren. Both Carolyn and Naomi held their queen back as Lauren calmed down. "If he's hurt..." said Lauren. "He'll be fine. He's the son of Shawn and that fool was strong!" said Rico. Zane waved goodbye to them as he and Rico went into the forest.

Zane looked around as he saw that it was something from the age of dinosaurs. "Your other teachers will come to join us because most of the two, we'll be the only human like creatures staying here and it's better than living the desert!" said Rico. "Wow. This place is awesome! Are there dinosaurs here Rico?!" said Zane. "Yeah man! You should know that several giant animals live here and like you and I, we're connected by a bond. They'll be some extra help in your training for sure!" said Rico.

Zane said,"So how do you know that?". "I'm a genius!" said Rico. Crisis Judgement went off as a giant Ape showed up. It roared as Rico said,"Chill out Kong. He and Zane are bros just like us!". The two fist bumped as Zane said,"Fist bumping must be pretty important to you.".  It's the thing that drives me forward man!" said Rico. Rico held out his left fist as Zane followed suit. The ape walked off as Rico said,"We have to go somewhere before our training can really begin bro!".

The two were soon in front of a waterfall as Rico said,"This is the Reality Rapids! You'll just need to sit here Zane.". He pointed to some land at the base of the waterfall as Zane jumped toward it. "Sit here and open your ears to the world fool. The answers will come to you for sure!" said Rico. "Okay." said Zane. He sat down as Rico stood nearby. "This is the first step in order to make you the strongest Zero ever born within the Omniverse baby!" said Rico.

Zane soon heard himself say,"Do you seriously think those who care about you don't see you as a monster? It's sad that you care about them.". Zane soon saw himself standing there as he looked different. He has four-colored hair ,that was the same length being that the left side of the hair is white, the middle of his hair is a gray and silver color, the right side of his hair is black, and laced with red streaks. He's wearing the same clothes as Zane being that his eyes had black sclera.

Zane saw him as the Zane copy said,"And you're shocked at seeing your true self. Everyone in the Omniverse sees us a weapon.". "Who are you?" said Zane. "Are you blind Zane? That's you! These water bring out a different side to you that you keep hidden." said Rico. "God. Can that guy shut the hell up? He's more annoying that your family. is." said the fake Zane. "Ignore him Rico. Keep talking." said Zane.

The fake Zane said,"You can't be serious me. I mean he's nothing more than an obnoxious fool just like Kurt is. He may have trained the previous Zeros but they're dead just like your family is going to be because we're so weak. You can me your true self or Pain for short.". "I'm nothing like you and I won't listen to you!" said Zane. "I made you mad just like Skull Plague, Kirk, and all of your enemies will!" said Pain.

He touched his chest as he said,"And I have all of your power inside of you and I'm not scared of a single part of it unlike you!". Zane clenched his fist as he rushed toward Pain. The two Zane soon clashed as Zane said,"You're just a fake!". The two soon went back as Zane thought,"This guy is me but uglier.". "You can't beat me until you accept your darkness." said Pain. Zane soon saw that Pain began changing. Rico said,"Yo! This match is over!". "Cowards the both of you!" said Pain.

The fake Zane melted into the water as Zane said,"What are you doing? I could have totally have taken him!". Rico punched him as he said,"Fool! This water project your true self that you push down deep! Every Zero who's trained under me faced their darkness to become the best of the best heroes in the Omniverse!". Zane looked away as Rico said,"How about we take a break bro? We got lots of time.". "Fine. I'll join you. I just need to think." said Zane. "Okay bro!" said Rico.

He was gone as Zane looked at his reflection. Zane shook his head as he thought,"Do I really think that? I mean I know that they love me but I'm a amalgam of several different things. Maybe I'm just scared of losing my temper.". He looked at the water as he heard,"Going to try again?". Rico stood there as he said,"Dinner is going to take a while because our bros are getting ready. All of them want to meet the new kid or perhaps new bro.".

Zane said,"Rico. How many Zeroes have you trained?". "To be honest, you're the fourth. The rumor about Zeros dying like the dinosaurs is true. Most of them have died before I could get a chance to meet them. That bastard Form Morpher killed three previous Zeroes that I personally trained! So do you want to know about them? I got a book in my hut but it's like a palace!" said Rico. "Okay then Rico. Can I try again?" said Zane. "Sure kid. I'll be here to cheer you on for sure!" said Rico.

Zane soon stood in the platform of land as Pain reappeared. "So you're back. I didn't expect you to be back so soon. I guess that idiot of teacher told you about being bros or something. He's done that shit with the others Zeroes who're dead." said Pain. "You and I, Pain are two sides of the exact same coin. It's impossible for me to beat you because when we're both strong." said Zane. "And you can't get rid of me. I'm you like how I was the previous zeros's pain!" said Pain.

Zane said,"I'm scared of my power. I could lose control and kill the people I care about. Those I care about are going to get stronger because they want to protect me. If I want to protect them. I need to accept all of my power.". "Seriously?! They ran you out of town because one bitch couldn't take being saved by you and your "pals". I'm your only thing because we're going to be together forever! Don't trust anyone!" said Pain.

Zane said,"I need to be honest with myself though. I need to accept all parts of me. My human side from my mom, my Phantom side from Arturo, Johnny Vincent, and Sivarth, my Sorcerer side from my old man, my Eazairvian side from Leif picking me as the hundred Zero, and my Vulcorian side from Xazzaran/Kane. You're also part of me Pain so lets work together.". He held out his bandaged right fist as Pain fell onto his knees.

Rico said,"Dang Zane! You figured it out much faster than your predecessor did! They were stubborn fools!". "Why? Aren't you scared of what's to come?" said Pain. "I am scared Pain but I'm won't let it it stop me. I should be proud of myself and not be scared of a SINGLE part of me." said Zane. Pain hit Zane's fist being that he said,"You're better than the last couple of Zeroes. They died before this idiot could get them. Don't lose kid.". Pain was soon gone as Zane stood there.

Rico jumped behind Zane as he said,"We're only half way done Zane! Dinner is soon so into the waterfall we go!". He jumped in as Cole said,"Is this a good idea? I mean we could get wet and may melt.". Zane jumped in as he said,"Wow. This place is bigger than the outside may portray.". Rico and Zane stood in a temple like area as Rico said,"Welcome to the Temple of the Astral Realm! This is where we're going to fight Pain once again!".

Zane said,"Hold on. Again?". "Yeah! Did you seriously think talking to the fool would be be enough Zane?" said Rico. They walked toward a door as Zane said,"Maybe a little. So how old is this place and what's up with these ninety nine statues?". They looked to be human like being that most of them were missing their heads. "The ones that lost their heads are like that because they died by the Form Morpher." said Rico.

Zane said,"So what is the Form Morpher? I've heard its name mentioned several times.". "Like that boney bastard, it's a Qlakrik and it roams the Omniverse looking for suckers." said Rico. "Ah. I really hope I don't mean that guy but mostly, I will. So how am I going to fight Pain? He was able to copy my moves." said Zane. "You accepted yourself fully but you still need to fight your darkness. I'm just guessing here but it's going to be an creature feature." said Rico.

The two soon stopped in front of an entrance as Rico said,"See that Z on the wall? You need to open the door Zane and if you have any doubt, you won't be able to fight yourself.". "Okay. Wish me good luck." said Zane. "Fool! You don't need it." said Rico. Zane placed his hand on the Z as it slowly went into the wall. The door ,that was inside of the wall, soon opened as Rico said,"Well done. I was kinda hoping for a more cooler way to open it.". "What do you mean?" said Zane.

Rico said,"I'm going to question Leif why you have to touch a single button to activate the door. You should have to go through a challenge unique to that Zero. That sounds cool doesn't it?". "I guess so so what's in here?" said Zane. "Follow me!" said Rico. He went toward the door as Zane soon went inside. The door soon closed behind him as Rico said,"Just in case one of those fools follow us, they may be my bros but they're curious fools.".

Zane looked around and he said,"Wow. This room is rather bland.". They were in a pure white room as Rico said,"I tried to paint this place one day but the paint was gone. This temple has a mind of its own. So have you been to Elysian yet?". "Yep." said Zane. "Good. Just do that but you'll be fighting your darkness. I'm going to be joining you. Bros comes first any day of the week." said Rico. The two soon sat on the ground. They were in the Burmese Posture.

Zane heard,"Close your eyes fool. I'll connected to you using a fist bump.". Zane held out his right fist and closed his eyes. Rico soon saw Zane's chest move up and down with him saying,"That's a strange way to go there. Most Zeroes usually just think about it but you're still a child. Zane, you need to give this your entire being. Don't let anything stop you got it!?". The two collided fists as Zane soon found himself in Elysian.

He soon heard heavy panting being that he saw Wrath standing there. "Yep. I really do look like a monster don't I?" said Zane. "Zane. What are you doing here?" said Wrath. "I'm here to conquer my darkness and beating you up is the first step to that." said Zane. He activated his costume as the form soon rushed toward him. Zane dodge its attacks as he thought,"He's powerful but I just need to keep my distance for now.". "You got it this brother!" yelled Rico's voice.

Zane nodded as he rushed toward the creature. He soon roared being that the ground started to shake around him. "You're going down me! That sounds so weird!" said Zane. He rushed toward W as W charged up energy. "Karmic Limbo!" said W. Zane soon dodged the attack as he rushed behind the creature and he said,"Time for a cold shower!". He turned into Frost Form and took a massive breath which soon froze the creature solid.

RM said,"Did you honestly think that I can't handle a little ice?". He was soon covered in fire as Zane said,"Time for plan Z.". He turned into Swift Form as he rushed around W. He landed off several punches in a rapid fire fashion as W said,"This match is over!". He soon began to transform as Zane said,"That isn't happening!". Zane turned back to normal as he said,"Time for my Archon Zero Master!".

He soon activated the second level as the creature soon transformed into a mixture of Wrath and Sivarth. He's still a titanic being ,being about ten meters tall or maybe even bigger, dragon like creature with it having ten long and sweeping tails with the tip of the tail being an arrow-headed spade. It's body was mostly covered in white scales with some of them being crimson red scales. The lower body, stomach, and inner portions of his long tails and leg were obsidian black.

He has four large dragon wings sprouting out from the top of his shoulders being obsidian black on the outside and an indigo interior. He has a mask fused to his head being that he had two large and round slitted eye holes with seven pipe like extensions sticking out of it. He had large red pupils and sclera with his irises turning gray. He has black spikes sprouting all over his body. He soon roared as Zane was launched back.

Zane dodged his tails being that he was soon stomped by his paws. It disappeared as Zane turned invisible. "Do you think I can't find you coward?! You're nothing but one!" said RM. "Time to show you what I'm made of!" said Zane. He rushed toward RM as the creature swipe at him. Zane smiled as he jumped onto one of the tails. "Get off!" said RM. "Nah." said Zane. Zane soon jumped above him as he turned into Orb Form. "Supernova Slam!" said Zane.

The ball hit RM's back hard as he roared out in pain. Zane rolled in front of it as he turned back to normal. "Okay. I got this." said Zane. He stood there as he heard,"You're a monster Zane. You'll kill everyone that you care about.". Zane shrugged as he heard,"No. You're not a monster Zane. You're my son.". Zane soon saw his mother standing there as Zane said,"Mom?". "Hi sweetie. I guess you must missed me." said Natasha.

Zane hugged her as he said,"I know that it hasn't been a day but I really feel bad for leaving you!". "I understand. You get your attachment from both me and your father." said Natasha. "But what about Wrath?" said Zane. He saw that he was in the same place when he talk to Shawn. "Shawn made sure that when you fight him one day, a projection of me comes to talk with you while your darkness is kept busy. He's smart sometimes despite being a lazy bum." said Natasha.

Zane smiled as Natasha said,"Why are you smiling mister?". "I'm just happy to see you again. I didn't want to say this before but since you can't hurt me, you're very pretty mom. I can see why Lilith likes you." said Zane. "You idiot." said Natasha. She tussled his hair as Zane said,"I wonder what I would look like with red hair like yours mom. I was always jealous of it being that I could only have part of it.". "You're just like your father in so many ways." said Natasha.

Zane said,"So I have to ask. How did you and dad meet and fall in love?". Natasha blushed as she said,"Well, I'll tell you when you're older. It's also super embarrassing.". "Come on mom. You've told me about your wedding day and you always tease me about my love life. It's my turn now." said Zane as he smiled. "When I met your father, we were in college. I saw Shawn and I wonder what was up with this guy." said Natasha.

She sighed as she said,"He pissed people off like this punk on campus. I think his name was Johnny Vincent. He always had Celeste and Jennifer but I've known them since high school.". "Huh. You never told me that you knew Celeste and Jennifer." said Zane. "You never asked plus they probably don't remember me. Different social circles. I was a smart girl but I had a temper. I actually defeated a street gang who tried to rob me and Ed. I'm sure that I left lasting scars on them." said Natasha.

Zane said,"Note to self. Don't piss you off. So who made the first move?". "I did. He seemed like a nice guy and well, he liked me too. He was so embarrassed. His face went red just like that! I'm sure you get that from him Zane." said Natasha. "Oh joy." said Zane. "You know the rest but I need to ask you something. Who are you Zane?" said Natasha. Zane smiled as he said,"I'm Natasha Bishop and Shawn Alvarez's son, Zane and Legion Zero! ". "That's right! Go get him." said Natasha.

Zane soon looked at RM as he said,"You're going down! Time to show you a new move!". Zane soon multiplied being that they was a small army of him standing there. They soon rushed toward RM and the creature roared. "Your defeat is right now! Legion Swarm!" yelled Zane. The clones soon created several multi-colored spheres being that they were either made out of the elements or one of Zane's natural energies (Animus, Nether, or Primordial).

The creature was pelted with the spheres being that it roared out in pain and covered in a massive and deadly explosion. Zane panted being that the clones were gone. "I'll get better with that. Believe it Kane!" said Zane. The creature was soon gone as Kane ,in the form from EP 78, stood there. "Kid. You and I are going to be partners from this day forward. Up for it?" said Kane. He held out his left fist as the two fist bumped. Zane soon returned back to see Rico looking at him.

Zane backed away as Rico said,"Well done Zane! You did it right?!". "Hell yeah I did! So when is dinner?! I'm starving for training and food!" said Zane. "Follow me kid!" said Rico. The two ran out as Zane thought,"Mom and everyone else. I'm going to become stronger! I promise!". They soon reached the entrance as Zane said,"Time to Power Up!". "That's your catchphrase?! I like it!" said Rico. The two soon ran deep into the forest. 

Meanwhile, Kirk soon found himself in a ruined city. He looked down to see that he was a fusion of his armored form and his normal self. "Where am I?" said Kirk. "To your new home also known as the Dread Dimension." said a voice. He turned to see Xona standing there with Skull Plague. "Hello sexy. My name is Ash." said Kirk. "We know who you are Kirky! You're here because you're way too evil for the Astral Realm! I like evil losers like you." said Skull Plague.

Kirk said,"I'm not a loser! That asshole just got lucky with that powerup!". "Not likely." said Xona. "Well, I can promise you revenge on both him and Kevin if you help me with my goal. So what do you say Prime Gear? It's your new name by the way." said Skull Plague. He focused his aura to make a hand as Kirk shook it. "You got it boss." said Kirk. The three soon flew off as things are going to change for the better and worst.

Next time,
Time has passed and things have changed. What has changed? How much stronger will Zane be now? This and more next time on Zero!
New Cards/Forms:
Teleport Form. This card has a black frame with a creature standing there in the center of it being that there was several portals around it.

Pairing Names:
Zane and Karen. Kane
Zane and Kristen. Krane
Zane and Roxy. Roxe
Zane and Nova. Zova

Cinder's Words.
Interes amoroso: love interest.
Cunado: brother in law.
Loco: crazy.

Story 1: Carlos, Kristen, and Luke.
Story 2: Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kevin, and Rachel.
Story 3: Ed, Jim, Doctor Maxwell Brock, Ray, Tara, and Marilyn.
Story 4: Brad, Cameron, Heidi, Jasmine, Marcia, Nova, Roxy, Sophie, and Travis. 
Story 5: Buster, Cindy, Darren, Felicia, Lynette, Nazar, Sierra, Sonya, Taylor, Tomas, Trevor, and Vega.
Story 6: Daryl, Frank, Ivan, Liv, Sharia, and Trunk.
Story 7: Ana, Atem, Courtney, Kurt, and Lucius.
Story 8: Natasha and Zane.
Story 9: Ana, Atem. Courtney, Danny, Gwen, Kurt, Lucius, Natasha, and Zane.
Story 10: Cora, Danny, Gwen, James, Loren, Malik/Daemon, Mystique, Rico, Scarlet Demon, Theron, Warner, Winston, and Zane.
Story 11: Carolyn, Kena, Lauren, Lorena, Naomi, Paula, Rico, and Zane.
Story 12: Ash/Kirk/Prime Gear, Skull Plague, and Xona.

Just to make sure:
Cora Ybarra. The woman ,sitting in the throne, had long black hair and silver eyes. Her long hair was in a braided ponytail being that it was held in place by a large gold ornament which is shaped as a sun. She has a notable and large scar in-between her collarbone. She's wearing a white long-sleeved blouse being that she wears a black robe over it. It's fastened at the front of her chest. She's wearing a long black ,silk, skirt that covered most of her legs being that she's wearing extremely thick-soled okobo sandals.

Warner Ybarra. The man next to her looked large and had a broad figure. He's also bald which is strange considering that he has a pair of his white bushy eyebrows. He also has a large black beard that reminded the trio of Santa Claus's infamous beard. He has dull red eyes being that they looked worn out from age. For clothing, he wears a gray robe, dark green long sleeved shirt, black pants, and a pair of brown wooden sandals. He's wearing silver knight like armor over both of his hands, knees, and shoulders. He's wearing a large set of gold and silver prayer beads around his neck.

Winston Pratt. One of the four had a skeletal and lean appearance being that he looked more skeleton than human. He has shoulder length purple hair and he has orange eyebrows. He has gold eyes.  He wears a dark purple jacket being that it covers his entire body, a floral t-shirt, a dog tag around his neck, and dark orange boots.

James Singleton. The next one looked strange but that's not saying much being that the other three looked strange in their way. One was a man being that he had a rather lean build and he's very tall. He has dark skin being that has thick brown hair. The sides of his hair is shaved off being the front of his hair is a mohawk being that the tip is blood red. He wears a red ,waist-length, jacket that shows off most of his muscular chest being that he had the symbol of the Alliance on the back. He's wearing dark green shorts that was showing off his rather hairy legs. He wears a pair of large framed gray sunglasses with orange lenses.

Loren Burns. He's wearing a large red sash around his waist and brown sandals with a gold trim to them. The next person has makeup on his face. He's also a tall man. His head is skeleton like being that he has a skull like visage. His ears looked to be studded snow white horns with several piercing in them. He has short crimson red hair being spiky. His eyes are gold being that he wasn't smiling. His makeup shows that his face is entirely painted silver with the areas around his eyes, nose, and mouth being blue, green, and red respectively. He's wearing a fancy gold and white hat being that's a mixture of Egyptian Pharaoh's headdress and Baseball cap. He wears a lab coat with a long green scarf currently resting around his neck.

Mystique Temperance. The next person is a female and the most normal looking member. She's plump and has brown hair framing her face. She has a large fork and spoon adornment in her hair being that it's rather obvious. She's wearing emerald green lipstick. Her skin is light and fair. Her eyes are light green with black pupils and noticeable eyelashes. She's wearing a long sleeved light green blouse with a white doctor's coat and she wears this with brown boots and silver shoe laces. She wears emerald green earrings.

Theron Villarreal. The last person is the most strange which is saying a lot. He's a tall and light skinned man. He looks to be rather aggressive and wild. He's muscular being that he stick out compared to the previous four mentioned. He has high and pronounced cheekbones and hairless brow ridges. His face is covered in scars. Both sides of his temples have a scar going over them. He has a scar that goes from his right chin to his left temple. He has long dark blue hair that goes down to his shoulders but it didn't block his vision or his greenish gray eyes. He's wearing a brown straw hat being that it was currently resting on his back. He wears dark red bandages over his chest. He's wearing a white sleeveless hip length jacket that's opened exposed his scarred chest and looked ragged. It had a high collar with dull gold edges. He's wearing black pants and brown sandals. His body was rather hairy being that it was exposed thanks to his sleeveless jacket.

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