Thursday, March 14, 2019

Zero Episode 116 The Maelstrom and the Salamander fight begins

A/N: Yep. I'm back being that I got two episodes out on the same day being that thanks to a snow day that I didn't was going to happen happened, I got the day to just write and it shows. Last episode's main goal was to show Rachel's training. She's getting much stronger being that with the help of her friends, she's able to control her powers better than she did before. Yeah. I've accepted that I'm writing a shonen at this point.

I love Shonens being that they don't need to be revolutionary to be good. There are some shonens that I can't get into because of personal preferences and things I can't ignore. One thing that I can't watch because of little things is Fairy Tail Final Season because of the war arc. It isn't the worst arc in the series being that I despise the grand magic games for including time travel. I was going to talk about this in Fairy Legion but I love to repeat myself or I'll forget.

I despise Time Travel because it's so easy to fuck it up. One Piece did good it with in my opinion because the time fruit can only go FORWARD being that it can't be used to alter events in the series such as Ace's death. It takes away that feeling. The reason why I bring this up is the whole Big Mom amnesia thing. I totally get why people are annoyed with this because amnesia is such a basic trope in fiction and can be used to fix a plot hole.

I'm okay with this because I still see Big Mom as a threat and earns her title as a Yonko. She's still a child in a women's body because no one told her now. She's powerful but not too bright. Her crew is more threatening her and I don't care for most of the crew. I'm well known for my hatred of Smoothie and Flampe being that the latter, I've seen no one like her. I'll admit that I got faith in Oda to make Big Mom and her crew look good but I'm getting off point.

This amnesia has been done before with Sabo being that I like him more than Ace because I just find him more interesting. He was voiced by Vic so yeah. I said voiced in a past tense because I'm sure he's going to swapped out once the dub of One Piece gets there in thirty years. I know the Sabo movie is coming out soonish so we'll see what happens. I'm going to keep an eye on it but don't expect me to talk about it.

I have enough to talk about in Fairy Legion being that my main focus for a while. Anyway, I should say that me introducing Jordan and Leo when I did is because I wanted to. These two will be the last two members of Team Maelstrom until after we finish writing Fairy Legion. There are two members left and yes, I made it thirteen members because unlucky thirteen. Jordan and Leo will shine in this fight because Wolfram and Zane are not able to fight.

This episode will either be one or two episodes being that I'll decided while writing. This arc is either ending with Episode 117 or Episode 118. Not sure yet but it'll be one of the two I'm sure. We'll begin our story in Zane's room. This is because Zane's not going to be a main factor in this and the next one I think because he can't play the game due to his blood. This is unfair but you'll see at the end why I did. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V. 
It was a hour before Domination being that Zane was currently lying down on his bed. "So we got an hour left huh." said Zane. He told everyone to meet him and in his living room being that Rachel told them that they are Team Maelstrom and they won't lose to a bunch of lizards, earning a cheer from the group. Zane also told them that they could wear whatever they want to the match being that Blaze's team was doing this as well.

Zane however wasn't so lucky being that he was forced to wear what he calls his royal outfit being the exact same outfit from his dream wedding to Rachel aka Zero Episode 114. "Everyone has been training like nothing else so as their leader, I'll be cheering like a cheerleader instead of fighting with them. That's so bad" said Zane. "Yeah but they got this." said Kane. "Hey guys. Honestly time. Do you think they'll win without me and Wolfram?" said Zane.

Sivarth was silent before speaking,"Zane. I've never thought good things about humans before I met you and your friends. All of you have improved by leaps and bounds being that you're the strongest Zero hands down. You've mastered your powers. I'm not sure if Blaze will play fair but the game of Domination is a game that's naturally unfair. Blaze's immortality is a major factor but your friends will surpass like they did with their limits.".

Zane nodded with him clenching his right hand tightly and firmly. "You're right Sivarth but I got faith in my friends. We'll win your freedom back Rae no matter what." said Zane, looking up at the ceiling and smiling. He soon heard a faint knock on the door with a faint male voice saying,"Hey. Are you okay Zane? Can I come in? You told me not to bother you but I don't want to bother either Jordan or Sly since they're both focused.". "It's fine Leo. Come on in." said Zane, sitting up.   

The door opened to reveal the brunette vampire standing there in what he calls his battle outfit. It is a dark purple tunic with a image of two black vampire like wings. He wears a silver belt that holds up his black pants and matching black boots. He wears golden bracers on his arms. He wears black gloves with a golden mark insignia of a cross. He wears a brown belt across his chest which holds his broadsword ,that has a wider than normal blade and swirly grip, in its sheath.

It also has a transparent crimson red bat in its hilt. "You look pretty badass Leo. You're going to be great." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. This outfit gives me confidence since you made it for me after you got back your memories. You told me to wear whatever will give me strength." said Leo, blushing. "I guess it's working huh. You don't sound nervous to me." said Zane, smiling. He may be putting up a facade right now due to him worried for the outcome.

Leo smiled as he said,"Um yeah. I feel strong. Could I stay with you before the others arrive? I know that you would prefer a girl but....". "It's fine Leo. I don't mind." said Zane. Leo soon sat next to him with him holding onto his arm tightly, seeking comfort by his closeness. Leo liked how warm Zane was because it brought him comfort. "Leo does make a real cute girl doesn't he?" said Athena. "You sounding like Cole is the weird thing to me." said Lucifer with the others agreeing with Lucifer.

Zane ignored his partners with Zane tussling his hair. "So are you scared? I mean I did ask you and Jordan to come help me in the eleventh hour." said Zane. "Nope. I mean all of you have been so kind to me. Kevin may have been shocked about my gender at first but he's a good guy. I think he and I are going to be good friends. We'll win Zane I promise. We want Rae to be free too." said Leo with him smiling. "Let. You being confident gives me confidence." said Zane.

Zane's phone soon buzzed with him saying,"The others should be here soon. I asked them to be here by 11:45. Ready to go?". "Yeah." said Leo, getting pumped up. The two soon arrived in the living room with them being the last two here. "How was I the last one here in my own house?!" thought Zane. Everyone was wearing their costumes being that they were the team of superheroes with Jordan wearing her outfit as Vesta and Sly was human.

As Vesta, she makes four phoenix wings. She wears a black skin-tight latex catsuit with a cleavage cutout and zippers/openings for her wings. She wears a white kimono with a orange/red fire like pattern and a gold sash over her catsuit along with a gray skirt. Her hair changes to pure fire and her eyes turns chestnut brown. She wears matching fingerless gloves that go to her biceps and dark gold thigh-high boots. She wears a gold crucifix around her neck.

Sly's human form is about sixteen years old. She's 5 foot 6 with fair skin and good but not super sexy curves. She has a black bone ,with silver streak, tail coming out of her back with a gold and red aura covering it. She has her black hair cut short, stopping just short of boy-style but still stylish. She has red glowing eyes. She's wearing a blue ,with white lace singlets, tank top with tight blue jeans ,with a black belt.

She's wearing long, slim navy blue high heel boots. Her boots went up to her knees. Everyone looked serious with them ready for the important match about to happen. "Before Gayle arrives, I want to say this. Good luck and win." said Zane, smiling. Gayle's magic circle appeared with her saying,"Are all of you ready?". "As ready as we can be." said Rachel. "You seem more confident so thanks human friends." said Gayle. "Is she trying to be nice or what?" said Jordan, earning a shrug from Kevin.

Gayle said,"I should inform you that this match will be broadcast to the entire Supernatural District of Terrarune.". "What?! I'm going to be on TV?! Zane! I'm scared!" said Leo, grabbing onto the king as the group chuckled at Leo's antics. "Don't worry Leo. You'll do fine. So do you mind if I make our opponent look even more stupid." said Zane. "Maybe if we have time. Wolfram and Zane. You two will be heading with me to the VIP box to watch. The game begins in five minutes.".

The group nodded as Wolfram and Zane stood up. "You two will head out first." said Gayle. Wolfram barked as Zane said,"He has a point Gayle. Mind sending me the location? I'll just warp there myself because well, I ain't too big on using others portals.". "Yes Zane. After they leave, you all will be transported to the battlefield thanks to a magic circle." said Gayle. "And where are we exactly fighting in the first place?" said Allen.

Danny said,"It'll be a hand made dimension that are reserved for Domination. We can do some real damage there without worry.". "Yeah. If only you could play too Zane. You would work really well there, given your destructive potential." said Heidi. "Yeah but rules are rules even though they're stupid." said Zane. "My lady should know that your family will be watching the match along with both clans." said Gayle.

Zane smiled as he said,"So I get to punch Rae's bastard siblings while my friends beat the crap out of Blaze's group?! That's sweet!". He was soon slapped by Rae who said,"You do know that you're the king for an entire species right?!". Zane smiled as Gwen said,"I doubt Zane cares about that.". "So my dear brother will be watching this too. Great." said Rachel. "Yeah. He sounds like a nice guy to me and well, you may want to say something before its too late." said Zane.

Sivarth said with his voice echoing out of Zane's body,"I got your point Zane.". This soon started everyone in room being that Gayle didn't expected him but she hide it well thanks to a simple rising of an eyebrow.  "What's up Sivarth?" said Danny. Sivarth sighed as he said,"Why can't Phantoms compete in the games? I doubt you devils care about who plays being that the devils are quite prideful. No offense you two but it's the truth of the matter.".

Zane muttered,"And here I thought Kane was the racist not you.". "It's actually for a rather stupid reason in my opinion. Spiro kinda went a drunken rampage and destroyed several cities." said Gayle with Sivarth loudly sighed. "Of course it would be something stupid. Really hate how our species keeps getting judged for the actions of one member of our species." said Sivarth. "Fate is messed up like that." said Zane.

As the clock on the wall chime midnight, Gayle's magic circle grew bigger. "It's time." said Gayle as she plus Wolfram and Zane stood to the side. "Lets do this." said Rachel, leading her way into the magic circle. "Good luck gang!" said Zane, with Wolfram waving to them. The group soon vanished with Gayle saying,"Ready to go Zane?". "Yeah. Lets." said Zane. The three were soon gone, leaving an empty Zenith Tower.

Zane had arrived to the VIP box being that upon arriving, he was bombarded by people that were interested in him and Wolfram. Zane knew that he should conduct himself professionally but these people were the one who made Rachel hate herself so he decided to unleash the demon stare being that it wasn't named after a devil. The demon stare is something that he got from his training being that it involves Zane crossing his arms, narrowing his brow, and having a mean scowl on his face.

It was clearly saying,"You may be so powerful and can kick some ass but here’s the thing. I’m way stronger and kicking your ass will be easy.”. They all backed away from him after being that Zane knew they were trying to get on his good side being that he was already wise to their tricks and wasn't going to fall for it. Wolfram and Zane were soon led to their seats being that it was just two chairs and one of them was occupied.

He looked to be in his mid 20s like Gayle was and like her, his real age is unknown. "So. We finally meet in person Ignacio Powell. My name is Zane Alvarez, the Phantom King and this is Wolfram, my loyal pet." said Zane. Ignacio looked to be a male version of Rachel with him being a tall and slender man. He has strong yet kind green eyes. His copper red hair goes down to his shoulders with the ends of it being rather wave.

He's wearing a loose fitting dark red shirt ,that has silver dragon like design going vertically across the shirt, with long sleeves and a high collar, exposing his collarbone as well. He's wearing dark blue pants with brown high boots. He's wearing a short, fur mantle which covers his shoulders being that a claw of an Akostar ,being three claws, was placed in the center of the mantle. "Nice to meet you as well Zero or should I say Zane. Wolfram too. Please have a seat." said Ignacio.

He politely gestured to the open seat with Zane saying with his arms crossed and stern expression,"I would say that I'm humbled by your kindness Ignacio but my friends are fighting down there while I'm stuck up here because of my drunk predecessor. I'm also forced to watch Rae fight for her right to choose the man or woman she wants to me because of your sisters aka bitches.". Ignacio was quiet with Cole saying,"Nice job Zane. Way to be professional.".

Ignacio soon began to cry with him saying,"I know that I'm an awful big brother being that I hate that I couldn't stop neither Astrid and Chloe for putting my sister into this mess. Will you forgive me your highness?". Zane sweatdropped as he said,"Wow. I totally expected you to attack me for saving shit about your family but you crying wasn't what I was expecting.". Zane soon sat down next to him with Ignacio saying,"I could never hate my Rae's first friend or lover.".

Zane smiled as he said,"So are we in the private room or what? I mean it's guarded by some tough looking devils and we can't be seen.". "Yep. I asked for you and I to be alone since my sisters are both here and going to mock Rachel through the whole match. They can't hear them taunting but neither should we. Look. The match is about to begin. Lets hope it's good." said Ignacio. Zane soon turned to the arena with him shocked about what was in front of him.

With Team Maelstrom, Kevin looked around as he said,"So where the hell are we?". He looked out to see that they were in the old schoolhouse nearby Cypress High. "Huh. I thought we would be on a war torn area or something other than freaking school." said Kevin. "Welcome everyone. My name is Gayle Powell, the wife of Ignacio Powell. I shall be the arbiter for today's Domination. The teams are Blaze from the Salamander Clan and Team Maelstrom from the Alliance." said Gayle's voice.

In Zane's box, Wolfram looked at Zane with him saying,"I don't know why she didn't say the Akostar clan either pup.". "That's because of my sibling's intervention. They don't want to be associated with the so called mistake of our family." said Ignacio. "Wow. They're bigger assholes that I thought. I'm so socking them later." said Zane. "Make it hurt okay Zane?" said Ignacio. "You got it your highness so lets keep watching." said Zane.

Gayle's voice said,"After listening to the opinion of both Lady Rachel and Lord Blaze. I've decided to give our newcomer a fair shot. This is an exact replica of a school in the human world being this is the one that Lady Rachel goes to in Cypress Park. It's known as the oh so brilliantly named Cypress High. This is the battleground for today's match.". "Wow. We got home count advantage here. This is going to be easy." said Danny.

Allen shook his head as he said,"I agree with you there mate but they probably did some research on Rachel when they were stalking her. I think the only major difference is the sky.". Jordan looked out to see that the sky looked like the northern lights. "Okay. That's cool." said Jordan. "That's magic for you Jordan. It's quite impressive." said Gwen. "Each team has been given a base for their match. Team Maelstrom was given the old schoolhouse used before the new one was built." said Gayle.

She soon said,"And Team Blaze's base is in the office belong to the current student council president in the main school building.". "Zane is going to pissed about this." thought Team Maelstrom with Ignacio and Wolfram trying to calm Zane down. "Why the hell is that prick in my office?! I don't care that it's a replica! I demand that he changes spots! He should be in the dumpster because he's a piece of literally trash!" yelled Zane.

This was ignored by Gayle being that Blaze did this to spite Zane and it worked as he spit on Zane's desk, earning Zane's anger. His team sweatdropped at their leader's action. "The game will begin in five minutes after a quick strategy meeting between both teams being that contact with the opposing team is not allowed. Oh and I should mention that they will be no contact from the outside until the game is over. Now the game will begin." said Gayle.

Zane watched this scene with him hoping that they could win. He slapped himself for even thinking that they could lose with him shouting,"Good luck you guys! You got this!". Back in the old schoolhouse, Danny turned to the group with him saying as he slammed his left closed fist into his right open palm,"Don't worry you guys. I got a great idea. I'll act as a decoy so we can catch them off guard.". "No offense Danny but that's a really bad plan. That's a Zane plan." said Sly.

Jordan nodded as she said with her arms crossed,"Unless you're into getting your ass handed to you in front of several people and I mean a lot.". "Be smart mate. I'm sure Blaze is expecting us to rush into battle like a bunch of idiots." said Allen. The group was soon handed a small ball of scarlet red light as Rachel said,"Put them into your ears. They'll work as a communication device since Zane's Galaxy Phones aren't working down here. We can communicate with each other but they can't hear us.".

Kevin slowly nodded as he said,"Cool. We'll be secret agents but fighting devils instead of enemies against the government.". The bell rang with Team Maelstrom getting ready to fight. With Team Blaze, Blaze sat in Zane's chair with him speaking to his team. "It was a genius idea to have my base in that scum of a king. Rachel belongs to me and I'll show them all what happens when you mess with the Lord of the Salamander Clan." said Blaze.

He got comfortable as he said,"Show no mercy and break their foolish bond of friendship they treasure so dear. I want to see that scum of a king cry in front of him and begging me for forgiveness. You know what to do and what happens if you fail me.". "Yes Lord Blaze." said the group. Back with Team Maelstrom, they were looking over a detailed map of the school. "We know where Blaze's base is but it's still a risky move." said Rachel.

Kevin nodded as he said,"Okay. Why is it that again?". "If we do anything too flashy like running straight toward the school, they'll see us and attack us. They already have the numbers game so we can't do anything too risky.". "She's correct. We need to come up with a better plan of attack." said Rachel, looking over the map. "How about we use the back entrance?" said Allen. "A good idea but it's too obvious. He'll see it coming from a mile away." said Rachel.

Danny looked at one of his closest friends being that she was trying to think of a move. The longer she takes, Blaze could take control of the area leaving her without a plan. Danny looked over the map with him saying,"Why not we start with the gym?". This got everyone's attention as he pointed the building. "While our gym is bigger than normal but it's clearly in the center of the field. It's an equal distance between our two bases and it'll get his attention.".

Rachel was surprised by this side of Danny but he had his moments of being a genius. "Okay. I also have another idea. Since we're in the middle of the woods, it'll take some time from Blaze's servants to even find our base. We should set up an ambush with traps.". "Nice ideas Danny." said Sly. "We'll go with Danny's ideas. We should use this to our advantage. Jordan and Leo may not know this place too well but we do." said Rachel as she cupped her chin in thought.

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. We have the advantage since we know this place like the back of our hand. Most of us do since Allen, Jordan, Leo, and Sly haven't been here for too long. Like Zane always tell me, any advantage regardless of how big or small it is.". "Okay. Here's the plan." said Rachel, earning everyone's attention. "The team of Danny, Leo, and Sly. Do you three mind securing the gym?" said Rachel.

The three nodded with Rachel saying,"Good. Leo. Do you mind helping Allen set up some traps around our location, creating a defensive perimeter.". "Will do." said Allen. Leo soon turned into a swarm of bats with Allen leaving as well. "Gwen and Heidi. I'll need you to cast an illusion spell around our location and just in case, they have someone who can erase Magic/Animus. Heidi will make it the real deal. It's the key for our ambush. Jordan, Kevin, and Sly go with them." said Rachel.

The five were soon gone with Danny staying behind. "So do you leave me on purpose or what? I mean I know that I'm your second best ,male, friend but I can help out." said Danny. "I just needed someone to help calm me down." said Rachel. She pointed to the couch that was in the schoolhouse as she said,"Please?". Danny sat next to her as he said,"So you and Zane.". "Yes. Is there something wrong with that? said Rachel.

She looked at him with a look that gave Danny shivers. "I don't hate you two together in the slightest Rae. You two are my best friends and honestly, I'm happy for you two. However, I do think that you two should have been together a long time ago. Really hate how you two finally admit your feelings to each other. So does his harem know?" said Danny. "I think they knew about my feelings toward Zane being more than just friends before I did." said Rachel.

Danny chucked as he said,"Yeah. It was kinda obvious to everyone. I mean when you two talk to each other, it's flirting more than talking. So have you two done anything as a couple yet? I mean you two did have PRIVATE training session together.". "Despite what Kevin says, those private sessions were more painful than romantic. I did give him a lap pillow." said Rachel. "Really? How did Zane react to it?" said Danny, knowing how dramatic Zane can be.

Rachel smiled as she said,"He said that it was comfortable even more than his pillows which is high praise given how nice his bedroom pillows really are. He told me that it felt like a cloud flying right through the air. He's really strong isn't he?". "Yeah he is but we both know that he has some serious doubts." said Danny. "Yeah. So do you want to hear my dramatic speech I've been working for a while now." said Rachel.

Danny nodded as Rachel spoke into her headset,"Okay. Let me say this right now and can all of you hear me. Show them no mercy. All of us are our team's ultimate weapon. All of us have come so far. I want to make Zane proud of us for taking us in to be part of his team to kill Skull Plague and being helpful toward all of us. I'm sure that Zane would say the same thing. Anyone have anything to say before we get ready?".

Danny said while cracking his knuckles,"Yeah. I got something. Rae, I speak for Zane here but we're going to make Blaze pay for messing with you and our team. You guys are my best friends and my family so I won't let you down at all. We're not just a team but a family. That's a saying of Zane but I think it applies here. Rae, this is from Zane and don't get jelly Gwen.". He soon kissed Rachel's left cheek with Rachel blushing and her heart beating faster.

It was going to be on the lips but Danny was in a happy relationship and he left the building. Danny soon left the old school building and he met up with Leo who emerged from the forest as a swarm of bats and Sly, floating toward him. The trio soon made their way to the gym as Rachel said,"You guys know the plan. We can't avoid fighting so be ready for anything. You have your orders so lets begin Team Maelstrom's first mission. The crushing of the Salamander.". "Right!" said the group.

Danny's group soon reached the gym with them entering through the usually locked backdoor. Danny knew the way to open it without the key that was needed. Danny soon twisted the doorknob to the left and then twice to the right. After opening the door, they moved quietly being that they were hoping to catch Blaze's group off guard if they got there first. They made their way through the back area of them for a while before they were on the raised stage at the end.

They edged forward behind the curtains, focused on finding them before they found them. "They're here you guys." whispered Leo being that he was currently a swarm of bats, being their eyes in the sky. "How many little buddy?" said Danny. The light soon turned out as they heard,"Come on you dam friends of the mistake of the devil species. We know you two are here.". Danny and Sly looked at each other with them nodding.

Danny sighed as he said,"Well, at least they didn't find out about him.". The two walked out into the open as Sly said,"So. Got any snappy comments like our leader?". "A couple. You girls are very bad at seeing the full picture." said Danny.  In the center of the gym, the trio of Belle, Cecilia, and Eloise stood there with Cecilia saying in a very boastful manner,"So did the boy need the help of the humanoid dragon?".

Danny looked at Sly with him ignoring Cecilia,"So what's the plan Sly? I'm sure you know that I can easily handle the chainsaw lady and the devil whose ass got killed by our leader without trying whatsoever.". "Hey there human! He got lucky! He caught me off guard and got me punished by Lord Blaze because of that!". "That doesn't matter here and now. You lost to my partner. Danny, do you mind handing those two while I get the one who lose to Zane?" said Sly.

Danny got into a combat stance with him saying,"And if either one need any help, we'll use the secret signal.". "Right. Lets go." said Sly. The two soon jumped off the stage with Blaze watching the scene from his base. "This is going to be good to watch. The best friend and Akostar partner. Lets see the scum weep. What's happening on the other front?" said Blaze. He was also currently talking to Rhoda who said,"The group of Jenna, Leticia, and Nadine are heading toward the enemy's base.".

The trio arrived there as Jenna said,"Dam it. This fog is so thick. I can't see a dam thing.". "It isn't just a magical fog being that we should have been able to get rid of it upon arriving." said Leticia. The three soon jumped out of the way to avoid a barrage of energy,  fire, and plasma coming from the woods. "Did they seriously think a trap would work?" said Nadine. "I guess the fools for friends that the mistake made are dumber than our lord thought. "A cute trick for a virgin princess." said Leticia.

Back in the gymnasium, Sly was currently dodging Cecilia's attacks. "Stay still and burn away you annoying!" yelled Cecilia, throwing fire ball at the dragon. "Not happening devil. That doesn't like fun at all." said Sly, firing electricity at him and causing her to jump back. "So ladies, who wants to lose to me first?" said Danny. Belle jumped toward him as he said,"I'll take you down you stupid male pig! I smash you even you're friends with the man who made fun of our lord and master!".

Her punch was dodged by Danny who said,"And you resort to name calling. You're so mature and are you proposing me? I should tell you now that I have a girlfriend who I love more than anything and I don't want to break by her heart by cheating on her by a clearly inferior woman.". In anger, Belle fired several bursts of fire which were in the shape of fists at Danny who blocked them using his Phantom Smashers.

Eloise stood there as Belle said,"Shut up human! You're clearly an inferior male compared to our lord and master Blaze!". "Not really lady. I mean I'm not speaking for all of humanity here but I'm sure about this. I'm clearly softer, gentler, and more amazing than a lizard whose nothing more than a rich redneck." said Danny. Lilith was about to strike him with her chainsaw but she was kicked back by Sly who said,"Quit with the jokes Danny. Not really your thing.".

Danny looked offended as he said,"I'm hurt Sly. I can totally make jokes and honestly, I've wanted to say something about our enemy. I mean do you think our least favorite lizard and the schoolgirl are a good couple because honestly, they're awful.". After saying that, Danny winked at Sly being that the Akostar was confused by this. She then figured out what he was doing being that she knew that Zane had a tendency to make jokes during a fight for a very specific reason.

He wanted his opponents to make a mistake that would led to his defeat. She soon decided to play along. "I know that you and Gwen are together but what about me? I mean we may be apart by several years but I'm clearly a more attractive woman than you think." said Sly, faking anger with a frown and pout. "No. It's not that at all Sly." said Danny in a melodramatic tone. "I thought that you liked me." said Sly.

Danny held up his hands as he said,"I do like you Sly! It's just that.....". "It's because that I'm not that pretty compared to everyone?" said Sly. "No!!! I mean she does have...! No! I can't cheat on the woman who I love more than any other woman!" said Danny. "You like them big don't you? You and Zane are friends after all." said Sly. "I don't think Zane and myself judge women based off their looks but Zane does have a tendency to go for battleships rather than gumballs." said Danny.

The three girls of the Salamander Clan would have wiped the floor with these two by now but they were honestly confused by these two. "So what are they doing exactly?" said Eloise, clearly confused by the whole thing. "I think they're arguing about the boy making jokes during the fight which the guy who made fun of Lord Blaze." said Belle. Before Cecilia could say anything, Sly soon socked Cecilia in the face and sending the devil back.

The devil recovered as Cecilia said,"Nice hit but...". The humanoid dragon soon hit Cecilia in the stomach and causing the devil to fly away. "No mercy for scum like you and your concubines." said Sly. Danny dodged a chainsaw that would have going right through his head with him entered a nearby blue portal. Ever since Sly punched Cecilia earlier, these portals have appeared from out of nowhere and had been helping Danny dodging both Belle and Eloise's attacks.

Danny's voice soon echoed out,"Come on ladies. I thought you wanted to avenge your master who is a fiery idiot for trying to compete with a literally god.". He soon struck the two in the back using his Phantom Smashers before vanishing into another portal. All of these portals were done by Leo if it wasn't obviously. The devils were unaware of this being that he was currently hidden in the rafters being a swarm of bats.

Leo was going to help Sly but she knew that Sly could handle herself. Danny's opponents jumped right at him being that Eloise revved her chainsaw and began slicing rapidly while moving toward Danny. She also had a devilish ,ha get it, smile on her face. Danny looked at this with him saying,"I can't believe that you would try and slice me up like that. For shame.". "Time to slice you up and make your bro cry like a bitch that he is! That's our master's plan!" said Eloise.

Danny soon saw the weapon engulfed in flames as he said,"And that's just overkill and I'm friends with the king of that plus two amazing sword users.". He dodged several diagonal slices, a couple of frontal and side swipes, and ending with a backflip. By doing the flip, Eloise's attack did hit but not Danny. It sliced Belle who said as her body was slowly healing,"What the hell is your problem Eloise?! We're on the same team!".

Said chainsaw wielding devil pointed at Danny with her saying,"But it was that asshole's fault for moving!". "Sorry ladies but don't hate the player, hate the game." said Danny. He soon turned his right arm into Spook Howitzer, blasting the two back as Danny entered another portal. The two devils were breathing heavily being that they had been chasing Danny for a while now. "How the hell are you dodging our attacks with these damn portals?!" shouted Belle. "You're cheating!" said Eloise.

Sly rolled her eyes as she dodged Cecilia's attack. "That isn't it at all. We're using whatever we can to our advantage. That's the nature of Domination after all." said Sly, kicking Cecilia in the face and the kick sent her to her teammates. Before the trio could do anything, Danny appeared and pushed the trio down hard as he could. Thanks to his impressive strength, the court was clearly dented from the impact of three devils.

As they were getting up, Leo knew what to do and hoped this was going to be something cool for Zane to see. Eloise was about to strike Danny with her weapons being that he caught it just an inch before hitting his face. "Oh wow. Someone's real antsy today. Time to ruin your friends with cold and hard reality!" said Danny, snapping the weapon clear in half. Eloise's eyes widened in shock as she said,"You broke it?!".

Her weapon was made using some of the strongest wood in the Omniverse being that this simple yet attractive human was able to break it like it was nothing. She had no chance to react being that Danny soon socked her into the fact, sending her back into the two other devils. "And stay down unless you want to lose even harder." said Danny. The three devils soon got back up and charged at the duo with Sly saying,"I guess they do. So going to bring out the big tools?".

Danny nodded as he said,"Yep. If I want to be my friend's side until the end of time, getting stronger is something I need to do. Time to free Rae from her pain because that's what a real man does! Zane told me that a real man is someone who helps his friends!". He soon made the Phantom Smashers appear with him saying,"Time to use my new evolved tools to kick some ass!". They soon gained a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. They also now cover up to his elbows.

He soon jumped toward the trio with him saying,"Eat this!". He soon made an azure blue construct of a nunchaku. The weapon hit the trio, causing them to roll along the floor and hit the other side of the court. "So do you think they learned what happens when you mess with Team Maelstrom in anyway shape or form?" said Danny as he cracked his neck. "No offense to Rae here but given how stubborn devils can be, not likely." said Sly.

The three devils slowly got back up, not wanting to these newbies. "We can't lose to a human and a dragon." said Eloise. "Yeah. Blaze will be mad and no one likes him when he's mad!" said Belle. "So since he isn't here, I'll ask in his place. Are you girls into getting punished by Blaze? Asking for a friend here!" said Danny. "Nice job. Zane would have asked them that." said Sly. "It's like I've been with him for a decade now. You learn how the guy thinks by now." said Danny.

This was the final insult that the harem of Blaze would take from them. They all agreed to kill him first and if Blaze would let them, they would go after his leader. "Bastard!" yelled the trio with their bodies engulfed in flames. Danny and Sly stood there as Sly said,"So what's the plan? I mean you made them mad.". "Don't worry. The vampire is ready to strike down!" said Danny. The trio was soon slashed by an unknown force.

To add insult to injury, they were then blasted into the wall of the gym by unknown blue flames. The three devils were covered in a cloud of smoke as Leo stood there while holding his blade out in front of him. His sword has a silver blade. "Sorry but you and your friends are going down. If you don't want to be more embarrassed, give up now." said Leo. "Wait?! You had someone here! And it's a girl!" said Cecilia.

Danny smirked as he said,"We sure did and Leo here is a dude by the way.". He soon tussled Leo's hair making him blush. Before Cecilia could do anything, Leo looked at Danny and Sly with him saying,"Gosh. I hope I didn't hurt them too much.". "Leo. Even though they're working with the Cocky Gecko, Domination will automatically teleport anyone who is unable to fight. I personally think they'll be more embarrassed on how you left them rather than you defeated them." said Sly.

The three devils and Leo were confused by Sly being that the devils looked down with the trio screaming out. Back in the booth, Zane was cracking up with Wolfram confused at his master's antics. "So I don't get what so funny." said Ingram. "It's because Leo isn't a perv like most vampires your highness. He's way too docile to be a perv plus I'm sure that the cocky gecko will hate seeing his girls like this and losing. It's a win win for us." said Zane.

Ingram nodded as he said,"Ah. Anything goes in Domination after all.". "Preach it and do you think we could have booze in here?" said Zane. "Aren't you too young to drink?" said Ingram. "You're talking to the king of the entire dimension you know this right?" said Zane. "Fair point. I'll have our best ale sent here." said Ingram. Wolfram soon barked as Zane said,"Yeah. He's a good guy despite being related to two evil siblings but he's related to Rae so he can't be that bad.".

Back on the battlefield, Leo had no words on what he was seeing. He just stood there, mouth agape being that he didn't plan on burning their clothes off. Danny was chucking as he said with his eyes covered by his right evolved Phantom Smashers,"Wow Leo. I didn't know that you could be so perverted.". "That wasn't supposed to happen! I cast a paralysis spell on my blade being that upon contact with my blade, they should have been unable to move not lose their clothes!" said Leo.

His voice was cracking due to the three naked girls in front of him as they weren't too happy with the vampire. "Dirtbag!" said Belle. "How could you?!" said Eloise. "You're sick freak!" said Cecilia. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't mean too! I swear!" said Leo, about to start crying. "Yeah right asshole!" said Belle. "And you call yourself a man?!" said Eloise. "More like a pervert!" said Cecilia with her two fellow devils agreeing with her.

None of Blaze's devils believed him being that it's usually the quiet ones who are secretly the most perverted. Leo fell to the ground with Sly saying,"Huh. I think I figured how this happened.". "How did this happen?!" said Leo, crying a bit. Despite them being angry, the three devils were confused by this boy maybe. Even though Danny said that he was a boy, he looked too feminine to be a real man but maybe that's his kink.

Sly said with her arms crossed,"I think your flames burned away your paralysis spell which in turn, it burned their clothes away.". "So it was my fault." said Leo, sulking for a bit. Danny chucked as he said,"Okay. I think we should end their suffering for the devils and Leo's sake.". "You're right. Do you want to stay here while I handle Leo's mess?" said Sly. Leo cried with Danny said,"Yeah. Don't want to piss Gwen off and also someone has to revive Leo.".

Sly nodded as she walked toward the devils with her arms covered in lightning. "Do know what you three have done?! Lord Blaze will be mad at us for failing!" said Cecilia. "And here's what I think about that idea." said Sly. He soon blasted the three devils with electricity, causing the three of them to start glowing. "So are you guys okay there?" said Rachel's voice. Danny turned to the magic circle that formed around his ears as he said,"Yeah Rae. We're fine. Leo isn't though.".

Rachel said in a worried tone,"What happened?". "He tore our clothes off!" shouted Belle. "Just wait until the higher ups hear about this!" said Cecilia. "Wow. I didn't expect that from you Leo. Such a pervert." said Kevin's voice. "Shut up guys! I didn't mean too! I swear!" said Leo, crying his eyes out as the three devils were gone. "Three members of Team Blaze have been defeated." echoed Gayle's voice. "Well, I bet Blaze knows that we mean business." said Sly.

Danny nodded as he returned his arms back to normal. "Yeah. I mean your opponent thought that she could defeat Zane despite her being unable to beat his friends." said Danny. "Good job you three. The gym has served its purpose and we need to move into phase two of our plan." said Rachel. The three were running out of the gym with Rachel's voice saying,"You three are going to meet up with Allen's group being that he's sprung the trap on his enemies.".

The trio soon saw an explosion of plasma within the woods mixed with flames. "Three members of Team Blaze have been defeated." echoed Gayle's voice. "Okay that's amazing." said Danny. "Yep. Kevin is a genius despite being a pervert but less than our partner or brother plus Leo." said Sly. Leo soon got depressed with him saying,"Please stop you guys.". "Sorry but that isn't going to happen." said Danny. "Yeah." said Sly.

The three soon went toward the next location being that Danny soon sensed something. "Look out you guys!" yelled Danny. He soon pushed the two out of the way of a deadly explosion being that it was seen throughout the battlefield. Leo and Sly were soon sent flying through a few feet and onto their back hard. "Danny!" yelled Leo and Sly as fire blocked their vision of their older friend. "Leo! Sly! Talk to me! What happened to Danny!" shouted Rachel.

She heard and felt the aftershock of the explosion from their home base. Both of them were staring blankly into space at what just happened. Once the fire cleared, Danny had covered his body into azure blue energy that generated from his evolved Phantom Smashers. "Oh. So you survived you filthy male." said a voice. Sly looked above with her seeing the same woman who made out with Blaze the day they met.

It was his Queen Rhoda. "Do you think that being a hero will win you anything on the battlefield? Victory will be mine!" said Rhoda. "Danny!" yelled Zane. He soon clenched his left fist as Ignacio said,"As much as I hate to admit, this is Domination. You need to use anything to win.". "I know that but it hurts watching my friends getting hurt while I just sit here." said Zane. Danny looked up at Rhoda who just smiled.

Danny clenched his teeth and smiled. "Oh. You think that a weak explosion like that is going to stop me. Well, you are dead wrong!' said Danny. He soon jumped into the air with him punching the devil clean in the face. The devil went toward the ground as Danny landed. "You somehow survived my explosion and I guess that you're impressive in some regard human. You're still nothing compared to Lord Blaze." said Rhoda.

Danny looked right at Rhoda as he said,"Like I told your fellow devils, I'm going to be by Zane's side and be someone who others can depend on him like Zane! Your boss is an incest loving bastard!". He fired several shots from Spook Howitzer being that most of them missed. Leo couldn't move being that he was still in a state of shock. "Leo! It's okay! I'm fine!" said Danny. Sly was about to go help Danny but she was soon punched hard in the back and then engulfed in flames.

She was sent flying into a tree and onto the ground with Leo shouting,"Sly!". He ran over to her and picked her up being that she had turned back into her dragon form. She soon faded away in a sea of light, slipping right through Leo's hands. All that he could do was stare in shock at his hands being that the youngest member of their team instantly vanished. "One member of Team Maelstrom has been defeated." echoed Gayle's voice.

Danny and Leo soon looked to see Bernice standing there. The devil soon began laughing with her saying,"She says that she's an Akostar. That's a real laugh.". "All of you are just like the mistake. You will all fall to our Lord Blaze." said Rhoda. The boys were both mad being that Danny growled at them. "Leo. You need to get out of here. Head to our next location." said Danny. "You aren't going to fight us by yourself are you human?" said Rhoda.

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. Even though you two are playing the game right, you'll find out what happens with my friends!". "Leo. Rhoda is too powerful right now. You and Danny need to get out of here now." said Rachel with Danny not listening to her. "Sorry but I promised Zane that I would take out of a couple of bitches for him." said Danny. "You really should listen to the mistake boy. If you play with fire, you'll be burned to ash!" said Rhoda.

Both her and Bernice soon formed a ball of fire in her hand. The two threw it at the boys, only for the flames to evaporate upon contact with a giant wall of water before it crashed down onto them. Heidi stood there with her saying,"I'll handle these two bitches Danny. You two go meet up with the others okay? I'm mad at what they did to Sly and well, you don't mess with my friends.". She glared at the two devils with her holding her staff and getting ready to fight.

Danny looked at Heidi with him saying,"Thank you. Don't show them mercy.". "I wasn't going to but thanks for the advice Danny." said Heidi. The two boys soon ran in the direction with Heidi rushed toward the recovered Bernice and Rhoda. Danny was soon grabbed by someone with Leo seeing that it was the knight of Team Maelstrom Allen. He looked a little tired with him saying,"You're not looking so good there mate.".

Danny smirked as he said,"You really shouldn't talk.". "Allen! I thought you were with Jordan and Kevin!" said Danny. Allen nodded as he said,"I was but lets talk someone where else.". The trio soon found themselves in the sports shed as Allen said,"After that explosion, I was asked to come check up on you guys and just before I could blast those two for hurting Sly, Heidi stepped in. She's way too good for Kevin even though he isn't a bad dude anymore.".

Danny held out his fist with him saying,"We're going to win this so lets go.".The two older teens fist soon bumped and Leo got pumped up for their victory. Before they could get too far, the trio heard Rachel's voice,"Allen. Danny. Leo. I need you three to meet up with Jordan and Kevin. The next phase of our plan was for Danny's team and Allen's team to meet up and handle Blaze's group before we could take down the Cocky Gecko.". 

Allen crossed his arms as he said,"But I'm sure that plan changed once he brought out one of the big guns Rhoda.". "Yeah. We got this so what about you?" said Leo. "I'm going to launch a sneak attack on Blaze and take him out." said Rachel. Danny blinked with him saying,"Rae. I'm one of your best friends but that plan sounds stupid.". "I know that but we have to make a crazy plan in order for us to win." said Rachel. "I know but....." said Danny.

He soon stopped as he heard,"Don't worry Danny. I'll be going with her.". "Gwen." said Danny. "All of you in Team Maelstrom and our friends back home in Cypress Park. My sword will protect all of my friends." said Gwen. "Okay. Stay safe okay?" said Danny. "I will. You do the same." said Gwen as Allen smiled. "Don't worry mate. We'll handle these concubines of the lizard and then take down the head whoremonger." said Allen. "Right!" said Leo.

The trio reached the middle of the football field, seeing Jordan and Kevin standing there. "So where are they? They should be here right?" said Leo. "Kevin here thinks that the best way to bring them out is by just telling them that we're ready to fight." said Jordan. "Come on out you lizards!" yelled Kevin. "And here I thought that all of you humans were stupid." said a voice. The five soon turned to see Sonja standing there with her holding her massive Zweihander.

Sonja said,"All of you will be going down for Lord Blaze.". Allen chuckled with him saying,"You honestly think that you'll be defeating us. It's cute. My name is Allen Newman aka Quark and people call me the energy knight. Let me show you why that is.". "You got this man." said Danny. Allen nodded with him making an plasma sword and rushing toward Sonja being that the female knight soon rushed toward each other.

The two clashed blades with their fight being hard to see. "Wow. He's really on fire today. Our third best sword user is rocking it." said Leo. "Yeah. Gwen is busy and Zane isn't able to fight so Allen has a lot to prove." said Kevin. "Don't worry. You four will be busy with us." said a voice. Wilma stood there with Avril. "To think lord brother had me come take care of you. He wasn't mad about us losing the others but for some reason, eldest brother and his sword loving nut of a wife were." said Avril.

Avril sighed as he said,"She needs to focus on the game. I finally found someone attractive but he's a freaking loser like the rest of the mistake's team.". "Yep. You're clearly the most messed up member of their group." said Jordan. "Oh. You really think that your childish insults will work on me which they won't mind you. Tell me why the mistake would like such a lower being. Even though she's a mistake, she's still a devil and being in love with a freak like him is a mystery to me." said Avril.

Danny shrugged as he said,"Honestly, I don't get it myself but they're happy with each other. They also have a unique relationship.". "Yeah right. Why would I get jealous of the mistake? She has the worst taste in men clearly compared to my lord brother." said Avril with Wilma nodding. When she met Zane, she wondered why Rachel would even CONSIDER dating and then sleeping with guy. She did think he had a nice body but his mouth was something else.

Leo looked right at Avril with him said,"So did this Blaze guy screw his sister? I mean I'm not saying that's wrong but it's messed up.". "Yeah. It really is." said Kevin. The girl was clearly annoyed not being that all of them were making fun of her brother being that he deserved more respect. "For your information, we haven't slept together at all." said Avril. "Yet." said Danny. Avril looked pissed as she was stopped by Sonja.

Allen cracked his knuckles with him saying,"Sorry to interrupt your important conversation but we have a fight to win remember you guys?!". "Right. We know that." said Danny and Kevin. "No they didn't." said Jordan. Nearby, Gwen and Rachel sneaked into the main building of the school. "So what the hell are you freaks supposed to be anyway? One of you is a freaking fire bird, a gender confused vampire, a total nerd, and a total loser." said Avril.

Kevin said,"Wow. Your words hurt us so much. Pipsqueak's mine by the way.". He aimed his right gauntlet at her with him saying,"So I have to ask. Why are you and Blaze's older brother serving under him? You're family right?". "I don't talk to the the poor because it's a waste of my time and effort. Get him Wilma." said Avril. She soon began laughing at Kevin condescendingly being that the boys were very much tempted in smashing her into the ground just to shut her up.

Danny sprang toward her with him turning his right arm into the Phantom Smasher. He drew back his fist, bring it down on her but he was soon got a roundhouse kick by Wilma. It was directly toward his fist. The power behind the kick told Danny that she was stronger than she looked. She threw another punch at Danny who blocked it using Phantom Smasher. She tried again with the other arm but failed once again due to the Phantom Smasher.

Danny punched her back ,using his other arm, being that the strength of the hit caught her off guard with her wiping her face of blood. "Not bad. The mistake trained her pet decently." said Wilma. "I think you got the wrong idea about our relationship. I've worked too long and hard to compete with Zane so losing to you isn't happen!" said Danny. "How heroic human. You make me want to cry so let makes that happen with you instead." said Wilma in a clearly mocking tone.

She rushed toward Danny being that was a fatal mistake. Danny turned his right arm into the Spook Howitzer and blasted her directly. The devil was engulfed by the weapon's blast and disappeared in a flash of sparkles. "Wilma!" said Avril. "One member of Blaze's team has been defeated." said Gayle. Danny smirked as he said,"And you're down another member. You'll be losing soon so how about you give up?".   

Avril glared at Danny with her soon launching a massive fireball toward Danny being that Danny was soon grabbed by Leo ,who had four bat wings sticking out of his back, and evaded the attack. "So why the hell didn't you help your friend fight Danny earlier? Are you too scared of losing to us?" said Jordan. Before Avril could answer, Bernice ,who appeared from out of nowhere, soon appeared in front of Avril. "Sorry I'm late Lady Avril. I was preoccupied." said Bernice.

Danny looked at her as she said,"Oh. You're still in the game. Avril Ingram doesn't need to dirty her hands on you freaks! You having the advantage will not be permanent once I beat you two into bloody pulps!". She rushed toward the duo of Danny and Kevin with Danny said,"So he sees you guys as part of a collection right?". "That's right! Why do you ask?" said Bernice. "So be honest with us, is your brother into his sisters?" said Kevin.

This caught Bernice off guard with Jordan blasting her in the face with a fireball and then Leo sent a bolt of lightning from her sword toward her. Bernice soon rushed toward Jordan and Leo who dodged her punch that destroyed the ground. Out of the corner of Danny's eyes, he watched Allen and Sonja fighting. His energy sword was sliced in half by Sonja's sword. "You aren't half bad human but we're are going to win!" said Sonja.

She soon tried to slice the teen being that he dodged it and created an plasma hammer, slamming the weapon into Sonja and pushing her back. The knight soon held both of her swords with her slashing Allen. Allen's weapon was destroyed but he soon blasted her, pushing her back. "Thanks for the nice comment there. All of us in Team Maelstrom trained our buts off to protect our friends. Let so how much I've grown!" said Allen.

He placed his hands onto the ground, creating several plasma constructs and they forced Sonja to keep dodging them while slicing the plasma. If she moved a second slower, she would have been defeated due to the plasma moving at a faster than normal rate. "Yep. Allen hasn't been slouching whatsoever. I need to show why I'm the second in command of Team Maelstrom!" thought Danny as he dodged Bernice's attack.   

Bernice laughed as she said,"To be honest with you when I first met you all other than those two, you seemed to be the weakest one in the pathetic group. I guess that title belongs to the Akostar.". "Don't you dare call her weak! You just caught her off guard." said Danny. The two were soon focused on fighting each other being that the trio of Jordan, Kevin, and Leo watched this fight. "Wow. Danny is totally being manly isn't he?" said Jordan.

Leo rapidly nodded as Kevin said,"I hate to be a buzzkill here but we need to be ready for anything that they have planned.". Jordan and Leo nodded with the three turning toward Avril who smiled. The duo of Gwen and Rachel soon found themselves inside of the school. "So you decided to come to me my beloved. I'm impressed. I expected me to bring the bodies of your friends to get you out of your base." said Blaze. The two turned to see Blaze standing there with Archie with the lord smiling.

Back with Danny's group. Allen went back with him saying,"Okay! Nighthawk! Tag in!". Leo soon rushed toward Sonja with him slicing her several times. She was unable to block or dodge it given Leo's impressive speed. She was hit with electricity and fire slashes being that she was unable to do anything but block Leo's attacks. "Leo may be taking my title as third best swordsman of Team Maelstrom but don't doubt me as well!" said Allen.

He soon fired a massive ball of plasma toward Sonja, sending her flying away. "Don't look away in a fight!" yelled Bernice. She swung her arm toward Danny with him grabbing it. "Fly away devil!" said Danny. He soon spun her around in a circle with him throwing her. Danny jumped into the air above her with him soon bring up both of his arms above his head and transformed both arms into . He then brought them right on top of Bernice, breaking the ground below her.

She soon vanished as Gayle said,"One member of Team Blaze has been defeated.". Sonja walked over to her sister in law being that she soon blocked several fireballs coming from Jordan. "So are you going to do something about this Avril?" said Sonja, sending a couple of fireballs toward Allen and Kevin. "I don't need too!" said Avril. Team Maelstrom soon heard an explosion being that it felt too close to be the duo of Heidi and Rhoda fighting.

Looking toward the direction of the sound and aftershock, Danny looked toward the roof with his eyes widening. "Rae? Gwen? Blaze?! What are they doing up there?!" said Danny. "I'm going to guess that he figured our plan." said Allen. "The mistake was about to gather some powerful people but we're the Ingram family! Our power is unmatched in the Supernatural District! You never had a chance at beating us and never will!" said Avril.

As soon as Avril finished, Danny rushed toward her with him making his Phantom Smashers appear and jumped toward her. "Shut up!" yelled Danny. His attack was soon blocked by Sonja with her saying,"Sorry but that isn't going to happen.". Avril jumped toward Danny with her rapidly punching Danny in the gut. "You're just a human! You have no chance against the devils your stupid friend decided to challenge because of his stupid love for the mistake!" shouted Avril.

Avril soon roundhoused kicked Danny in the back of his head and sent him toward the ground, falling flat on his stomach. He rolled over to try and fight back being that Sonja was about to slice him in two but her sword was blasted away by a plasma ball. Danny rolled away with Allen and Kevin soon fighting Sonja who blocked plasma and then a dose of Nether being a orange color. Jordan and Leo soon helped Danny up while Allen and Kevin fought Sonja.

Suddenly, an explosion of fire soon covered the school roof. "Rae! Gwen!" cried Danny. He was soon protected from Avril's attack thanks to Leo. "Don't worry Danny. We're fine. I managed to cast a spell to block his attack. Just focus on your battle and we'll focus on ours okay?" said Gwen's voice from Danny's magical earpiece. "You need to move to a more open space Gwen and Rachel. Those flames are not your normal flames. I can feel them from here." said Leo.

Danny soon heard Zane's voice,"You guys. I believe in all of you. We've all gotten stronger in order to protect each other. Show them what it means to be a member of Team Maelstrom!". Back on the roof, Blaze stood there being that he had sent his brother away so he could handle the mistake and her friend. He blocked Gwen who held Time Rune and sent her flying off the roof but was blasted in the face by a scarlet red energy burst.

Rachel sprouted her devil wings and caught Gwen. "Thanks." said Gwen. The two landed on the ground as Blaze cracked his knuckles and neck. "Oh wow. That attack was so strong coming from you mistake. It would be so much easier if you reign and become my wife!" yelled Blaze, sending a giant fire ball at the girls with Rachel blocking it using a scarlet red energy shield. Back on the ground, Avril soon surrounded the trio of Danny, Jordan, and Leo.

The three were soon forced to dodge several balls of fire. "Okay. This is getting annoying. Do you mind helping me Jordan? I need some energy." said Danny. Jordan soon began singing as Danny was soon covered in a pink particles of light. "Now Allen!" said Danny with Jordan and Leo sprout wings being that Jordan's wings were fire. The two younger members of Team Maelstrom grabbed Danny as they flew into the air.

Avril and Sonja soon saw Allen in the air. He soon made a massive sphere of plasma and throwing it down on the ground, causing a small dust cloud. Meanwhile with Heidi, she looked at the crater that contained Rhoda. "So are you going to give up?" said Heidi. "Wow. Your strength is unmatched but to me and Lord Blaze, you're nothing. You will all lost to your betters." said Rhoda. "We'll win back Rachel's freedom since we believe in each other and that gives us strength!" said Heidi.

Rhoda soon began laughing with Heidi looking at her. She soon held a pill being that Heidi remember the little pill clearly. It was used by Toxic with her saying,"Where did you get that?". "Something that will give me the leg up in this fight. My Lord provided this for me just in case things went sour. It's called Reaper Powder. It would kill a human like you but to a devil, it'll give me strength with no downgrades!" said Rhoda. Heidi got ready to fight as the devil smiled.

Back with Danny, Avril and Sonja were caught in the center of Allen's attack being that Sonja was the one to protect the young heiress from any damage. However, Avril was sent flying through the air and was soon caught by her older brother. "Put me down!" said Avril, with her punching and kicking her older brother. "Sorry but not. We need to focus." said Archie. "One member of Team Blaze has been defeated. Four members remain for Team Blaze." said Gayle's voice.

Avril sighed as she said,"Fine you're right brother so this better be worth it.". The devils soon went on the ground with Danny looking at his group. "Okay. Me, Allen, and Leo will handle the one who isn't screwing her brother." said Danny. "I don't like my brother you idiots!" screeched Avril. "Then why did you sleep with him the other night sister?" said Archie. "Because I like to okay? I don't like him in that manner got it?!" said Avril.

Archie rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever. Just be careful.". He rushed toward Allen, Danny, and Leo with Allen firing several Plasma balls at him. However, the balls soon went toward the ground with Archie said,"Cute but that won't work on me.". He soon looked at the trio, causing them to take a knee due to the gravity around them increasing. "You guys!" said Jordan with her dodging one of Avril's fireballs.

Archie was about to punch Danny but his fist was blocked by Danny who didn't transform his limbs into his signature invention. The wind generated from this blow was intense, pushing Allen and Leo away but Danny held his ground. "Impossible! He was effected by brother's gravity and he should be worn out from all of the fighting!" said Avril. Danny soon knocked the man back with saying,"It's time for me to kick some ass.".

He glared right at the two devils in front of him as he said,"My name is Danny Malone, best friend to Rachel Powell! I'm fighting to protect her from your self-absorbed, cocky gecko bastard! I won't let down my family or friends again!". Allen, Jordan, and Leo were confused by the last part of this statement with Kevin knowing what Danny meant by that. After he was defeated by Halphas two years ago and was used to cause a war, Danny wanted to get stronger.

He kept pushing himself past his normal human limits being that the nanomachines inside of his body had their limits which could never change. However as Zane soon discovered using Brain Form and his other smart forms plus, Danny never officially activated his metagene. The metagene is in all humans in the Prime Dimension. However, the amount of humans who can activate the gene is only 20 to 25% of humans.

Out of that percentage, they are either divided into normal metahumans who have powers but look human and then we have the deviants. The deviants are metahumans who have powers but don't look at all human. The most well known deviants are Blanche, Rocco, Solomon, and Tototl with Rocco looking like a normal human but has non human features aka his horns and spider like pincers. The metagene usually activates in response to a traumatic incident.

This incident can activate from the day they're born to the day they died. Their powers can range from enhanced strength to shooting beams from their eyes. It's seemingly random on what powers you get. The drugs Chemical PX, Cosmic Phenomenon, and Reaper Power are able to active a person's metagene and can install a pre-assigned power. When Danny learned about this, he asked Zane to find a way to activate it with Zane saying that it'll activate when its ready.

Danny looked at his best friend with Zane explaining himself using Brain Form. The metagene is still an unknown force. By rushing the activation of it by using Chemical PX, Cosmic Phenomenon, or Reaper Power can lead to unforeseen outcomes such as an increase amount of rage and love for violence, sterilization, and other things. Danny nodded with him wanting to let it happen naturally and Zane accepting that as an answer. 

Unknown to Danny, his body was slowly glowing azure blue. It started small but was increasing in brightness. "I was unable to fight as I watched everyone I cared about get hurt by my enemies. I wanted to become strong in order to protect the people that I care about just like him. I won't give up this fight or any fight because that's something he doesn't do since he has something to fight for. I have something to fight for too and I won't give until she's safe!" said Danny.

After finishing his speech, he soon glowed a blinding azure blue color generating from within his body. It blinded the two devils and the other members of Team Maelstrom. Alongside the light that was coming from his body, his power was increasing to an immense degree and could be felt around the entire battlefield with the group of Blaze, Gwen, Heidi, Rachel, and Rhoda looking in his general direction.

Gwen, Heidi, and Rachel never felt anything like this before coming from Danny but Zane ,who was watching this go down with Ingram and Wolfram as the other two were confused by this scene as well, smiled. "It seems that your metagene finally activated bro. Show them the power of Impulse and what happens when you mess with Team Maelstrom." thought Zane. Danny soon released an enormous burst of azure blue energy, blowing wind and dirt away from him.

Suddenly, Danny stood there and transformed much to his and everyone's shock. His hair and eye color changed being that he now has white hair and azure blue eyes. He now wears a dark blue jumpsuit with a black collar and cuffs. He has his superhero logo in the center of the jumpsuit. It's a silver gear with a large drill head pointing downward in the center of the gear. He loses the metal that covered his chest and shoulders. He wears silver gauntlets and thick black combat boots.

His obsidian black, metallic helmet is a bit much bulky but still sleek in terms of appearance with it completely covering his head except for his mouth. It has a smaller version of his logo on the front of the helmet and has white eyepieces over his eyes. Avril backed away from Danny as she said,"He's gotten stronger?! How?!". She was clearly scared of Danny in this state with Allen saying,"So what happened to you mate and are you in there mate?".

Danny looked down at himself and then his friends. "No clue man but I'm sure that this new power of mine can turn the battle in our favor. Okay. I have an idea. Hit me with your best shot you guys! I got an idea!" said Danny to his team. His team was confused at first but they were oddly used to strange ideas and plans thanks to being friends with Zane. Zane was well known for doing stuff like this constantly, giving them heart attacks.

However, all of those crazy ideas usually work to give Zane an advantage in a fight. The four smiled and aimed right at their changed friend who just stood there. It happened within a second being that the four fired plasma, flames, Orange Nether, and electricity at Danny. The devils didn't do anything since they were stunned at Danny's new power and no one would intentionally attack their teammates unless they were idiots.

Upon coming close to Danny, the teen soon held out his gauntlets in front of him and absorbed into him, shocking the devils. Danny soon turned his left arm into Spook Howitzer and aimed right at the two devils. "And fire!" said Danny. A giant azure blue beam of energy went right toward the devils as Archie shouted to his stunned sister,"Move now!". Avril flew into the air with her watching Archie getting blasted back by the giant beam of energy.

He slowly vanished from the battlefield due to the damage he just gained as Gayle said with her sounding neutral but had a bit of shock to it,"One member of Team Blaze has been defeated. Three members of Team Blaze remain.". The devil was impressed by the human's strength but she had to remain neutral. She was happy that Rachel found interesting friends. Blaze looked at the field in total shock with him seeing a mere human taking out his younger sibling with a single blast.

This couldn't happen. "Ah. You mad that a human which you once called the weakest species in the Omniverse took down your brother? Sucks to be you." said Rachel. She had a lot of confidence with it being only Blaze plus Avril and Rhoda. She was winning. However, there was soon an explosion and a large scream was heard by all there. Kevin recognized the voice and Gayle said,"One member of Team Maelstrom has been defeated.".

Gwen punched the ground as she said,"No! Heidi!". "You got far my dear but in the end, it doesn't matter. Fate has something in store for you and it's being my bitch for the rest of your life! Give up now and I may be gentle to you." said Blaze. "Screw you!" yelled Rachel. She fired a bigger blast of her energy at Blaze, being bigger than her previous attack. It soon hit Blaze right in the face with him screaming out in pain. "You bitch!" screamed Blaze.

His face was slowly regenerating with him saying,"You don't fucking get it do you?! You need to learn your place! Blaze always win! I get anything that I want! You will lose this game and become my wife!". The flames slowly healed him back to normal with Gwen saying,"What did you give your queen? That explosion was stronger than the one before.". "It's a new drug that's going for a high price on the black market called Reaper Powder. You've heard of it right?" said Blaze.

Gwen and Blaze remembered how Megan used that drug to wreck them before. "In the game of Domination, anything goes except for the Phantom scum playing aka your precious Zaney." said Blaze with a egotistic smirk on his face. He soon launched a massive burst of flames at the girls with Gwen blocking it with her sword. The flames soon pushed her off the roof as Danny and Rachel soon yelled,"Gwen!".

Before anyone could do anything, Rhoda flew from the other side of the field and fire bombed the rest of Team Maelstrom. Her attack included Gwen. "No! You fucking bastards!" yelled Zane with Wolfram barking in agreement. The smoke cleared as Gayle's voice echoed out,"Five members of Team Maelstrom has been defeated. Two members of Team Maelstrom remain.". She felt bad for Rachel and her friends.

She could see that all of them worked hard to free Rachel from her engagement. Danny's body was singed all over with him on his hands and knees. He looked up to see Rhoda flying above him with a smile that made him want to crush it. "So are you insects ready to give up?" said Rhoda. Danny let out a very deep and beastly growl. "I will smash you into a bloody pulp." said Danny. He soon took several deep breaths with him slowly picking himself off the ground.

He looked up to glare at the three devils in front of him as Rachel said,"Danny!". "You may as well give up." said Blaze, smirking at his fiancee's misery. He also knew that Zane was pissed off at seeing his oh so precious friends like that. "Fuck you!" yelled Rachel with her blasting Blaze directly with her energy. "You don't get it do you? You'll become my wife and there is nothing you can do about it!" yelled Blaze, with Rachel getting ready to fight.

Avril flew over to Rhoda with her clearly ignoring Danny who was glaring at the devils. "Nice job taking care of those insects. Despite one of them surviving." said Avril. "As you've seen, they're not to be underestimated. I was forced to use those drugs in order to beat one of them." said Rhoda as she had a clear empty bottle. Danny soon saw that her arms and legs having strange blue claw like markings. Her body now had increased muscle mass.

Danny clenched his teeth as he said,"Wow. I guess you know what they say about devils. They are fucking cheaters.". "Who cares about honor filthy human! In this game, we should do anything we can to win! We never lose!" said Avril. "How about you shut the hell up you annoying bitch?! From what I've seen, the rest of your group fought hard for their lord while you did jack fucking shit! How about you put your money where your mouth is you incest loving bitch!" said Danny.

Rachel ,while blocking Blaze's fire using her energy, knew that Danny was extremely pissed being on the same level as Zane's anger. Compared to Zane, Danny never gets angry. However, he was pissed off. "Regardless. With our flames that grant us the ability to heal and burn away losers like you stupid friends! We're winners and you're losers! No one can match to our power!" said Avril, laughing like your typical rich woman laugh.

Danny was getting more and more angry being that he knew that he should have stayed with Heidi being that the two of them could have defeated Rhoda without his friends getting hurt. "Fine. I'll show you how you're so fucking wrong." said Danny in a dark tone, scaring the devils a bit. He soon jumped into the air with him grabbing onto Rhoda's leg. "Learn your place bitch!" yelled Danny. He made the arm that held the queen's leg transform into Phantom Smashers.

He soon threw her into the ground and jumped down at her. He soon turned both of his legs into the Spectral Busters, preparing them to smash the devil's face in. However, she dodged his attack. "How dare you touch me?! Only Lord Blaze can touch me! I'll end your pathetic life!" yelled Rhoda as she sent a powerful explosion his way. Instead of moving, Danny stood there. Avril's eyes widened as she shouted,"Move Rhoda!".

Rhoda looked at her lord's sister being that Danny had absorbed her powerful explosion. He soon made the evolved version of the Spook Howitzer appear being that the weapons were smaller but more powerful with a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. "Boom bitch!" said Danny as he fired two blasts from them. Avril saw that they were even bigger than the one that completely nuked her brother out of the game.

Rhoda was sent flying through the air with her clothes being torn apart. "How?! He's just a normal human!" thought Rhoda. Danny jumped toward him with him punching her in the face with the evolved Phantom Smashers that was his right arm. "That's for hurting my friends bitch." said Danny with Rhoda hitting the ground and making a large crater upon contact. Avril watched Danny landed on the ground as Rhoda disappeared in sparkles.

Despite on how he did it, Gayle was shocked to see Rhoda been defeated. "One member of Team Blaze has been defeated. Team Blaze has two members remain." said Gayle. Avril was shaking at what she saw happen. "Impossible. She was powered by the drug that brother gave her so how did the human defeat her?" said Avril, frozen with fear. "I'm sure Rae can handle herself. Time to get my revenge." said Danny, smiling.

Back with Rachel, she stood there holding her arm but she was smiling despite her pain. Both her and Blaze heard the announcement from Gayle with Blaze seeing the sparkles. "What the hell?!" yelled Blaze. A mere human shouldn't have taken out his queen like that with the amount of power that he had used on her was on the level of a high ranking devil but that's impossible. He was pulled out of his musing by Rachel's laughter.

Blaze glared at her with Rachel saying,"I may have lost Allen, Gwen, Jordan, Kevin, Leo, and Sly but I still have Danny! You and your fucked up family pissed us off and all of us are very loyal to each other no matter what! My friends are my strength and they fought their all to kick your ass! I won't let them down!". She didn't expect Danny to do something like that but he was training to be on the same level as their resident god.

Blaze glared at his bride-to-be. He only had himself and Avril being that he was tied with the mistake because of humans! He refused to lose to these virgins with Blaze smiling. "Not if I end your life first bitch!" yelled Blaze. He soon prepared a massive ball of flames with him being stopped by a giant slash of azure blue energy. Blaze jumped back to avoid the slash with his eyes widening to see the battlefield. It was covered in several slash marks with Avril clearly on the ground.

Her entire body looked cut up, punched repeatedly, blasted with energy, and kicked in the face. She soon vanished as Gayle said,"One member of Team Blaze has been defeated. One member of Team Blaze remains.". "Sorry there your lordship but your sister was pissing me and my friends off so I had to make her learn her place." said a voice. Before Blaze could do anything, he was soon kneed in the face and sent flying into the ground.

Rachel looked up to see Danny with him in his Wraith Armor, easily his strongest invention. Danny's arms were now the Phantom Smashers with the Spook Howitzer hidden in his arms. His back had the Phantasmal Drive’s wings, legs turn into the Spectral Busters, and the main weapon is the Ghostly Broadsword. His eyes and hair are glowing green and gold like fire respectively. His body is covered in a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern.

Danny smiled as he said,"Sorry I'm late for ass kicking duty Rae but well, I had some trash to clean up.". Blaze flew back up to them as he said,"Oh good. I was hoping to fight the second rate fool who had been pissing me off. How sad. All of the Mistake's chosen warriors are pathetic just like her. It's sad really.". "Shut the hell up. You hurt my friends just to get Rachel and make my bro mad. I'll show you what happens when you hurt our friends!" said Danny.

He soon rushed toward Blaze with the force of a speeding train, sending him flying back into the ground that was below him. Blaze coughed up blood with Danny not letting off him easy. He soon fired a barrage of missiles from his arms, causing several azure blue explosions in a row. Danny flew into the explosion, grabbing Blaze by the shirt and headbutting him directly in the face. Danny flew back onto the roof with him smiling.

Blaze's laughter soon reached the teen's ears as they heard,"This is funny! I'm actually impressed that you humans could actually be worth a damn in the Omniverse!". Blaze flew out of the crater with his wounds slowly healing away. "Seriously. That healing is over fucking powered and we're friends with a guy who can regrow limbs!" said Danny, groaning. He was panting being that despite his power up, he was completely exhausted.

Blaze noticed this with him saying,"It looks you're running out of steam. If you and the mistake gives up, I'll go easy on you. Make this beatdown of yours look gentle. I'll also enjoy seeing the look on that fool's face!". "Sorry but Rae and Zane are our team's next couple and I'm not letting either of them get hurt thanks to you being a spoiled brat!" said Danny. Rachel soon fired two waves of her energy which cut off Blaze's arms.

Blaze laughed at the sight of them with the bones, muscles, and skin coming back in a single burst of flames. "Ha. This is just a child screaming out. You don't have the control to handle the immense power of your clan. I would just hate to ruin my wife before our night together where you'll be like the rest of them and ....." said Blaze. He was stopped by Rachel who said,"Shut the hell up. So are you sure about this Danny?".

She turned to her friend with him nodding. "Okay. Ready to go!" said Rachel. She blasted Danny with her energy, causing confusion from Blaze at first. However. he was soon blasted by the same azure blue energy as Archie and Rhoda but much stronger. "Did we get him?" said Rachel. The two soon heard laughing as Danny said,"Not a betting man but I'm going to say no.". Danny and Rachel saw Blaze standing there with his wounds healed.

Blaze smirked as he said,,"That's all you two have together? I barely broken a sweat fighting you but you are pathetic. You somehow defeated my brother, queen, and sister plus several of my loyal and sexy servants. It's checkmate.". "Sorry but if Zane has taught me anything, it isn't over until the match is over with us being the victors! You're not going to intimate me Blaze!" said Rachel. Danny smiled as she thought that this was amazing.

Rachel looked at Danny as she said,"Danny. You and the others were so brave. You pushed back and never gave up. Way to be real heroes.". "Yeah. Zane would do the same so we thought that we will as well. So mind if I kick his fucking ass? I mean I know that Zane wanted to save you but I have to get my hits in too." said Danny. "Sure. Have fun but I'll be covering you." said Rachel, smiling as she got ready to fight.

Rachel soon charged her energy with her getting ready to fire. Danny was about to blast Blaze in the face with Spook Howitzer aimed right at the devil. He soon coughed with Rachel looked at him. His face looked pale with him soon losing his balance and deactivating Wraith Armor. "What the? I should still have energy but...." said Danny. "Danny! Move!" screamed Rachel. Before Danny could do anything, Blaze kicked Danny and sent him falling down the roof.

The robotic metahuman reached the adjoining roof of the building. Blaze soon appeared in front of him. The devil picked the teen up with him smiling. He punched Danny in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood. Blaze sneered with him saying,"You're not so high and mighty are you damn human scum?". He soon deliver another a punch to Danny with the teen coughing the blood right in Blaze's face. "I'm not giving up so screw you!" yelled Danny.

Blaze wiped the majority of the blood off his face with his free right hand before glaring at Danny once more. "You just don't know when to die, do you robot?" said Blaze. He was about to blast the robotic human in the face with a knee with it being blasted away, causing Blaze to drop Danny onto the roof and him to groaned weekly. He soon saw several blasts of Rachel's energy heading toward Blaze, blasting away parts of him.

Rachel soon fired a barrage of them with her hoping that this rapid fire assault of hers was weaken his regeneration but it wasn't working due to his healing flames. "Admit it! You're nothing more than an excuse! Give up before I end his...." said Blaze. He was soon punched in the face by Danny who just glared at the devil. "Don't listen to him Rae! I still got will to fight! You won't be brought into this political bullshit!" said Danny.

Blaze glared at Danny with him saying,"Just shut up.". He brought his knee up sharply to impact with Danny's stomach hard and fast, causing him to groan weakly. Blaze continued to punch and kick Danny mercilessly and without any indication of stopping until he was dead. "Danny!" yelled Rachel with horror. She couldn't watch this. "Just give up and I'll spare his life." said Blaze. "Shut the hell up you sister fucking bastard." said Danny.

Blaze kicked Danny in the face, knocking his helmet off. "You don't get it do you? Even if we lose here today, my bro will come to you and end you for hurting us. Our team's greatest power is never giving up and protecting our own. I won't stop until you're......" said Danny. He was soon hit in the face by a flame powered kick, causing an explosion of flames. The smoke cleared as Danny stood there with him being in an immense amount of pain.

Danny's ribs were broken with his mouth bleeding. Blaze's eyes twitched as he said,"How?! You survived my flames that killed an Akostar!". "So? Your flames are nothing compared to Zane." said Danny. "Do not mentioned him! I despite that scum! You're all fools for listening to him! It's time I teach you a well needed lesson!" yelled Blaze. He soon kneed Danny in the guy, punched the side of the teen's face, and kicked him in the chest.

However, Danny kept getting back up. Rachel was crying her eyes out being that she had seen some of Blaze's games before hand to come up with a strategy to take him down. She never seen him so ruthlessly. Danny stopped moving and talking with him about to fall to the ground. He was soon held by his hair by Blaze who smiled. "I'll put him out of his misery." said Blaze with him preparing to punch him again.

This punch had all of his power behind it to finally finish off the troublesome pest. "No! That will kill him!" yelled Rachel. "So what?! I'm going to be sending this bastard to where he truly belongs! The Dread Dimension! You're going to die because while deaths are rare in Domination, they can happen and they are nothing more than accidents!" said Blaze. Before he could make due on that, Danny opened his eyes and shocking Blaze.

Danny flipped him off and spit in his face. "Damn you!" yelled Blaze, wiping the blood off his face as Danny stood there. "I'm sure you know Uwaric so I hope I'm not butchering this but I don't give a fuck. Te meam mentulam sugare fucking stimulum!" said Danny with a smile. For those who are curious, Danny just said,"Suck my dick you fucking prick.". Even in a death like state, Danny had time to rhyme so good for him.

This set Blaze over the edge with him making a giant fireball, easily dwarfing a school and was going to fire it on Danny. "Burn in hell!" yelled Blaze. "Danny!" said Rachel. She flew down quickly with her hugging Blaze's back. Danny fell over to the ground in a bloody heap as he heard a pleading Rachel who said,"I give up! I give up! You won so please stop hurting him! I'll marry you! Just stop hurting my friends!".

Blaze smugly smiled as he said with him getting rid of the flames,"Checkmate. Blaze wins again so fuck off Alvarez and his human friends.". He soon pushed the crying head of Rachel into his chest as he laughed. "No Rae. Don't do it." said Danny. "Oh stop being a sore loser." said Blaze. He kicked Danny, causing Danny to throw up more blood and rollled down the side of the roof. Danny was about to fall off the roof but was grabbed by Wolfram's mouth.

Danny soon looked at the Phantom ,who was in his wolf form, and he said,"Wolfram. What are you doing here?". Wolfram barked as Danny's eyes widened. "No. Zane isn't to blame. I am. I made a promise I couldn't keep. Where is he now?" said Danny. "Rachel has given up. The winner is Lord Blaze Ingram." said Gayle. "Fuck me." mumbled Danny. He soon watched Rachel break apart from Blaze and rushed toward him and Wolfram.

She pulled him into her arms. She began starting to stroke his bloody face with her soft hands and telling him how proud she was of him and the others. He tried raising his hand to cup her cheek but couldn't find the strength to do so. He let his hand fall limply by his side as she knew what he was trying to do. He felt her soft hand grip his own bloody hand. "I'm sorry." whispered Danny. His body succumbing to the darkness and the last thing he saw was Rachel's tear-stained face.

Ignacio sat there in the booth with him looking at the broken glass that the Phantom dog just broke and he turned over to the once empty and clearly destroyed chair of Zane. "He left as the beating of his brother began. What will he do now?" thought Ignacio. He looked at his crying sister with him saying,"What the hell did I let happen? Damn you Astrid, Chloe, and myself. We failed you mom and dad. We let Rachel get taken by that monster and we need a hero to save her.".

Next time,
Rachel surrendered being that she now belongs to Blaze despite Danny and the rest of Team Maelstrom's best efforts. Where did Zane go? Will he be able to save Rachel from her fate? This and more next time on Zero.

Fight 1:
Danny, Leo, and Sly vs Belle, Cecilia, and Eloise.
Winners: Danny, Leo, and Sly.
Eliminated: Belle (by Danny, Leo, and Sly), Cecilia (by Danny, Leo, and Sly), and Eloise (by Danny, Leo, and Sly).

Fight 2: Off screen
Allen, Jordan, and Kevin vs Jenna, Leticia, and Nadine.
Winners: Allen, Jordan, and Kevin.
Eliminated: Jenna (by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin), Leticia (by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin), and Nadine (by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin).

Fight 3:
Danny, Heidi, Leo, and Sly vs Bernice and Rhoda.
Winners: Rhoda.
Eliminated: Heidi (by Bernice) and Sly (by Rhoda).
Left: Danny, Bernice, Leo, and Rhoda.

Fight 4:
Allen, Danny, Jordan, Kevin, and Leo vs Archie, Avril, Bernice, Rhoda, Sonja, and Wilma.
Winners: Danny.
Eliminated: Allen (by Rhoda), Archie (by Danny), Avril (by Danny), Bernice (by Danny), Gwen (by Rhoda after Blaze knocked her off the roof from her fight with him), Jordan (by Rhoda), Kevin (by Rhoda), Sonja (by Allen), and Wilma (by Danny).

Fight 5:
Danny and Rachel vs Blaze.
Winners: Blaze.
Eliminated: Danny and Rachel by Rachel giving up.

MVP: Danny with 7 victories.

Total Score: Team Maelstrom Bolded
Allen: 4. Defeated by Rhoda.
Archie: 0. Defeated by Danny.
Avril: 0. Defeated by Danny.
Belle: 0. Defeated by Danny, Leo, and Sly.
Bernice: 1. Defeated by Danny.

Blaze: 2. Didn't get defeated.
Cecilia: 0. Defeated by Danny, Leo, and Sly.
Danny: 7. Force to surrender by Rachel.
Eloise: 0. Defeated by Danny, Leo, and Sly.
Gwen: 0. Defeated by Rhoda.

Heidi: 0. Defeated by Rhoda.
Jenna: 0. Defeated by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin.
Jordan: 3. Defeated by Rhoda.
Kevin: 3. Defeated by Rhoda.
Leo: 3. Defeated by Rhoda.

Leticia: 0. Defeated by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin.
Nadine: 0. Defeated by Allen, Jordan, and Kevin.
Rachel: 0. Surrender to Blaze.
Rhoda: 6. Defeated by Danny.
Sly: 3. Defeated by Bernice.

Sonja: 0. Defeated by Allen.
Wilma: 0. Defeated by Danny.

Danny's New Powers thanks to his metagene activating: Binding, Damage Negation, Decelerated Aging, Disguise Mastery, Energy Absorption, Energy Amplification, Energy Constructs, Energy Healing, Energy Portal Creation, Energy Propulsion, Energy Shield Construction, Energy Solidification, Energy Spike Protrusion, Energy Wall Generation, Ergokinetic Combat, Ergoportation, Force-Field Combat, Force-Field Generation, Hyperspace Travel, immortality, Interstellar Travel, Oxygen Independence, Platform Creation, Psychic Immunity, Psychic Shield, Radiation Immunity, Regeneration Healing Factor, Selective Force-Field, Self-Sustenance, Semi-Immortality, Shield Construction, Supernatural Intelligence, Thermal Resistance, Vacuum Adaptation, and Wall Generation.

Danny's new Inventions/upgraded Invention. Will start appearing after this upgrade:
Deathly Talons. This invention is giant emerald green and silver claw like gauntlets that cover his arms up to his elbows. They also have small but very powerful tri-nozzled artillery cannons on them. With his claws, he’s able to slice through most objects with ease and freeze things upon contact with the claws. They can even slice through diamonds with ease.He’s able to send his claws toward a enemy and can be brought back. From the cannons, he’s able to fire out powerful energy bolts that can demolished and freeze over multiple city blocks. This invention doesn’t need an upgrade. This weapon is a part of the brand new and improved Wraith Armor.

Eidolic Magnet. This invention is a giant red and white magnet that has an azure blue computer circuitry pattern. This invention transforms either of his arms into it. He’s able to conduct electricity through them, being able to move metal toward him and create balls of magnetic energy. This is used to capture enemies by hitting them by a ball of magnetic energy that attracts metal to them, preventing them from moving or escaping. He’s able to fire out a huge blast of electricity from within the magnets which can knock over a fifty story building when fully charged. This invention doesn’t need an upgrade. This weapon is a part of the brand new and improved Wraith Armor.

Haunted Drill. This invention is a giant silver,and white drill covered with black spikes that have an azure blue computer circuitry pattern. This invention transform either of his arms or legs into it. He’s able to charge toward his enemies with him able to pierce through it. He’s able to fire out tiny missiles which Danny controls with their mind. He’s able to launch the spikes out of the drill which Danny can control. He’s able to dig through the ground and make powerful earthquakes. This invention doesn’t need an upgrade. This weapon is a part of the brand new and improved Wraith Armor.

Uncanny Warhammer. This invention is a gold lance with it being a foot tall and the sides of the lances being a typical warhammer. It has a sliver mantle. It’s covered by an azure blue computer circuity pattern which glow when in use. Unlike Danny’s other inventions, he’s able to use this weapon without changing his body. This weapon is able to focus and enhance Danny’s powers and it’s nigh-indestructible. It can withstand powerful energy blasts. It can channel energy within the weapon, allowing Danny and others to travel between dimensions. It can travel through intense heats and fire energy blasts that can destroy most buildings. Danny can throw his weapon a far distance away being he can bring it back to him with a single thought. It will even travel through dimensions. It can home into anything that Danny wants. When he decides to use its full power, the weapon glows azure blue. It’s quite an impressive melee weapon being that it can easily pierce through objects with the spearhead and the sides of the weapon being the heads of hammer allows the weapon to smash through most objects. It can be used to project his energy from it. He’s able to transform the weapon into an extremely large, long-barreled cannon that comes complete with its very power source and energy-reading meters. Danny’s eyes are equipped with a targeting scope. He’s able to hit 1,000 + targets without Danny needing to focus. He’s able to fire a massive beam of energy which travels extremely fast and shoot down objects that can reach massive sizes. This massive beam drains him. This invention doesn’t need an upgrade. This weapon is a part of the brand new and improved Wraith Armor. 

Wraith Armor. Thanks to Danny’s activating his metagene, the armor changed. It now covers Danny’s body being it doesn’t change his size. It’s still on the same level as Zane’s Command Zion, Z.E.R.O. Armor, and also his full potential. His body is completely covered in black full-body plated armor with wing-like jets on his back. His armor is covered by an glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. His face is covered by a mask version of his helmet which is an obsidian black color with a smaller version of his logo and white eyepieces over his eyes. His hair is still like flames with it now being azure blue energy. He can still manipulate the elements, energy, gravity, matter, and space and time being that all of his inventions are bigger, faster, and stronger than before. He’s able to fight for longer period of times with his main weakness of it draining his energy but slower unless he uses the bigger and stronger attacks.

Danny's new Powers Description: Thanks to him activating his metagene during the fight with the Ingram family, Danny gained more power alongside a new costume. His healing is now accelerated to an impressive degree being that this first appeared when he survived an explosion from a Reaper Powder powered Rhoda and he was healing from the damage of her taken within a few seconds. He can also recover from acid and magma within minutes. He can increase his healing time by using his energy to cover the injured area. This healing factor slows his aging, bordering on immortality. He’s able to shapeshift being that he can impersonate others to remarkable degree and can mix in his inventions to look more organic. Unlike most shapeshifters, his shapeshifting is usually done subconsciously being that it’s mainly used to adapt to any situation that Danny finds himself in. It can increase his body’s density and composition in the form of body armor or increased muscle strength, giving him a strong durability toward pain and injury. He’s now able to use his inner energy which is an azure blue color outside of his inventions and it acts as Impulse similar to how Tron and Zane can access it. He can now absorb any form of Impulse, able to use the energy to recharge himself or increase the power of his attacks. He can create solid and hard hitting energy constructs and forcefields. He’s able to now travel through space with ease, easily passing the speed of light and provide protection from telepathic attacks. He’s able to thrive in deep space and hostile worlds without the need of physical nourishment. He’s able to survive in radioactive environments without the need of a suit. His intelligence is enhanced being able to figure problems that he would have trouble with in the past except when it comes to Latin related problems. His helmet is able to download profiles of opponents and objects of interest into Danny’s mind due to it being connected to the Alliance’s database. It can detect nearby energy surges or anything that could threaten Danny. It also allow him to access computer systems being that it doesn’t matter if it’s heavily-protected and hack into broadcasts to transmit his voice and images to a far distance. It protects him from mind reading and pick up radio transmissions. It’s highly durable. It can translate languages from other species for him and allows him to multitask. His costume is now able to accommodate his new powers without being damaged by them. It’s highly resistant to damage, including outer space conditions and is airtight. It’s able to self repair itself, allowing itself to seal up rips and tears on its once. He can alter the appearance and nature of his costume to suit his needs.

Danny’s Inventions: Deathly Talons, Eidolic Magnet, Ghostly Broadsword, Haunted Drill, Phantasmal Drive, Phantom Smashers, Spectral Busters, Spook Howitzer, Uncanny Warhammer, and Wraith Armor.

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