Friday, March 15, 2019

Zero Episode 117 The potential revealed Section 1 (Written on December 16 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 117 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 117. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: You may have noticed that I've changed up Episode 114, 115, and 116 to be slightly different with Danny being the main focus of the battle between Blaze's group and Team Maelstrom. This is because I wanted Danny to kick some but for Rachel's freedom since Zane couldn't compete. However, it wasn't Zane who showed up in the very end but Wolfram. Danny did all that he could but he failed in the end despite his metagene activating.

The last episode showed that while Team Maelstrom could have won, they lost thanks to the Reaper Powder which has defeated them before in the past. I honestly didn't plan for it but it showed up. The reason why I did this is because I wanted to make the climax being Zane vs Blaze being that he went missing at the end of the episode. Wolfram told Danny where Zane went being that while the characters can understand him, the audience cannot.

You can only understand him when he's in either his humanoid wolf form or human form. Lets just say that I planned for this from the start since I want to keep you wondering what he said. I could go back and try to fix this but nah. This episode will have Zane showing his full power and the potential that he unlocked. This fight will be extremely overpowering and showing Zane's full power being that it'll be painful toward Blaze.

I always enjoy a good beatdown especially whenever an author makes a totally terrible or obnoxious character and then has another character kicking the bad character's ass is so worth it in the end. It's very soothing. I had just finished watching One-Punch man a couple of weeks ago being that I'm excited for the second season. Don't get wrong though. I find the parts without the fighting to be rather disappointing and not really for me but the fights were a visible spectacle.

Saitama ,while an overpowered characters, works being that I would love to see him in a Death Battle one day. I don't know who he would face but it would be an interesting fight to watch. I enjoy Death Battle for the fights rather than the facts because to me, it's more fun and also you don't have to deal with people who basically say that Death Battle is wrong and here's why. I always find those types to be really sad because you're wasting your time taking pot shots at something that's made for fun.

I often wondered why people would waste time complaining about something and I hope that it isn't just for clicks. You should do what you want to do what you like rather than hate on something. If you dislike the outcome of a fight, that's okay. It's just one opinion and not the definite answer. I may change this mindset of mine later down the road but who really knows? Back to my point, Saitama does a good showing of a beatdown for me.

While I think that most of the characters other than a couple of them are undeveloped at least within the anime, their fights are interesting. I enjoy a good curb stomp battle trope plus there is no kill like overkill trope. One of my favorite example of the latter is when Jose basically tries to kill them with a giant cannon and then a mecha. He doesn't win in the end but that was so cool. I'm a huge fan of explosive fights but I'm not one to ignore a good story.

In the case of Curb-Stomps, I think Asta and Yuno's fight for the magic knight exams were really good at this because it shows that commoners aren't weak like the rich and nobles think. I may not be a fan of Yuno because he's too perfect. I mean I've read all of Black Clover being that I can't find a single flaw of his. I mean I'm not a fan of truly perfect character even thought Zane is that type of character. He however has flaws being that his loyalty to his friends can blind him.

This is just a justification I understand but I'll admit that I really don't care. I also love a good No Holds Barred Beatdown being that one of my favorite examples is Fairy Tail. It's when Minerva wrecks Lucy in the Grand Magic Games and that was just good to watch due to my hatred of the character. It's the one of the good things that I remember about that arc because all I remember is the dam time travel which annoys me.

I'm not a sadist ,I don't think but who knows, because I don't like watching people in real life getting hurt. One of the reason why I like that scene is because right after this, we  get a great curb stomp of Sabertooth from Fairy Tail that same day or day 5 but that's another story. I'll go more into details later in Fairy Legion. I should probably begin already. After this episode, there will be a lot of information revealed about Zane's power so expect four to five posts just dedicated to him.

Lucky him right. It's an updated version of the post from the last time I did this being that they came out almost a year ago. You would think that I would be upset by this and I am but at the same time, I've enjoyed all of the work I've done in the past year. Anyway, lets begin with Zane who we saw very little of last episode.

Zane P.O.V.
I was currently lying back on my bed. It had been two days since my team's fight with Blaze. Thanks to fate having a sick sense of humor, my friends were defeated and Rachel lost her freedom to Blaze. After I saw what happened to Danny and the others, I secretly had Wolfram sneak into the arena. I could tell that for once in my life, my dog wasn't happy. When I saw Danny getting beat up brutally by Blaze, I had to leave the room.

He was trying to be like me and honestly, I don't even know what I should say about the whole thing to begin with. I'm proud of Danny for standing up to his enemies and defending Rachel's honor but he was on death's door in the process. Once I left the booth, I had flown out of the arena where the game was held and just flew off to an abandoned section of Terrarune. I unleashed my anger onto anything that came close to me, nothing was left except for dust which blew away in the breeze.

I later returned home with me hearing from Ivan who called me to tell me that my team was being healed by the Alliance. They would have been healed at the arena but thanks to the Powell family ,I think the eldest daughters Astrid and Chloe, practically banned the group from being healed there due to them deciding to help the mistake with this whole thing. When I heard this, I punched the nearby wall and broke it with a single punch.

To be honest, I truly wish that I could be down there fighting with them but I was forced to watch just because of what Spiro did in the past. I let them down. Out of their injuries, Danny had suffered the worst being that most of his ribs were broken along with his arms. He was moving around according to Kevin's texts but I couldn't go see them. I had been barricading myself in my room and well, I've been alone for these past two days.

According to Kevin's texts, they were at the engagement party since it was always scheduled before the game and they asked me to show up. I couldn't leave my room until I get rid of some of my anger which is a result of me being mad at myself for just letting my friends get hurt while I just sitting there, doing nothing but drink. I just need to be alone for now being that whenever anyone of my friends get hut in a way I don't like, I get mad which is a bad thing.

I just lose myself to my anger, causing me to make rash decisions. I have both agoraphobia ,the fear of public spaces and crowds to an extend, and atychiphobia, the fear of failure. I don't like to fail anyone being that right now, I failed my friends. "So how long is this pity party of yours going to be lasting for Zane?" said Sivarth. I looked down to my left hand and it was glowing crimson red. "Just shut up Sivarth. I failed. Plain and fucking simple." I said,

Sivarth was silent as I said,"Do you think I'm just going to get over this easily?! I was able to forgive Malik who is the reason for losing my right arm but not this! Rae is going to start a life that she hates just due to her family being monsters! They're not her family! This is wrong!". I fired a giant beam of Tyrannus Nether out of my mouth, making a massive hole in the roof. It slowly repaired itself with Sivarth saying,"And what are you going to do about it Zane?".

I was quiet this time around as Sivarth said,"Partner. I have a great deal of respect in you. You were able to use Tyrannus despite at the time being a novice when it comes to your powers. I know that when you're at full power, nothing can stand in your path. I'll leave you alone to sulk and just know this. While you sit here and complain about the past, the present is here and now. You can save Rachel from this fate so grow the hell up already!".

The glow was gone from my hand as I sighed. He was right but I needed to do something first before I go and fight. I was sitting on the floor in my room with me in the Burmese posture. I had complete silence being that I could feel my power radiating off my body and through the tower. I'm sure that anyone with an inkling of standard willpower could sense me doing this. Whenever I let my power go wild like this, it causes animals to react in fear of a clearly powerful threat.

I'm wearing my typical lounge wear being that I was breathing slowly. Every time I close my eyes, I just see my friends getting beating up by Blaze and his group of devils alongside the time that Toxic destroy them when they were trying to protect me. Both of these times were so close together and I just watch both of this happen. I'm so pathetic. I heard a calm, serene female voice and I didn't know who this voice belonged to but right now, I didn't care.

The voice saying,"Don't beat yourself up like this Zane. No one in this Omniverse is perfect. You know this. Humans have the power to do anything that they set their minds to. This is however despite them being the weakest species, humans were able to affect the Omniverse in a meaning full manner. Your friend Daniel did this by activating his metagene to make him into a true force for good just like his personal hero.".

I could be wrong but I think the voice stopped to let me think about who his personal hero is and honestly, I don't think I deserve to be that hero if it's me. "He doesn't regret losing to Blaze because he gave it a hundred percent to win just like you have done many times throughout your life. Prove the devils wrong is your first step to getting her back from the devils. You'll then show the Omniverse what the name Zero should truly mean." said the voice. 

After that, I was then blinded. I saw that I was no longer in my room but in an empty white void. It's like my mindscape expect I saw several cloaked and hooded figures ,being that they are easily over fifty of them, sitting in wooden pews. All of them were currently radiating negative energy and it felt toxic to me. I heard,"You claim that you'll defeat Skull Plague but you can't. Your reliance on your friends is holding you back from your true potential so get rid of them.".

It came from one of the hooded figures. I wasn't sure which one said it but I think all of them thought the same as the one who spoke out against me. "I will because unlike you guys, I didn't die by Form Morpher like most of you losers." I said. These hooded figures were all of the past Zeroes and all of them have been appeared inside of my mindscape ever since I opened the Omni-Door earlier. A couple of them weren't here but the ones missing are the good ones.

The majority of the deceased ,male, females, and every gender in between, have been giving me crap since then. You know about your inner voice or conscious right? It's like that but instead one person telling you what to do and what not to do, it was fifty plus people chiming in with their own and usually negative opinion toward me. Trust me, it's hard to tune them out since a majority of them wanted me to kill Megan a few weeks. I didn't but I was real temped to.

After all of this, I think I'll ask Leif or Parker to get them to shut them up. I'm getting off point since they're talking again. "Then why couldn't you stop Blaze from beating up your friends? He's a lowly devil compared to you!" said a Zero. Their resentment toward the Omniverse and the hatred for the beings that were jealous of their power is a overwhelming force. "Didn't you die by a devil when you slept with his wife?" I said, crossing my arms.

The Zero ,being Zero #71, grumbled something as one of the hooded figure stood up. This was the leader of the group with the figure saying,"Embrace your hatred child! Storm into the devil's castle and kill them all. You'll be the tool to exact revenge on this cruel and unfair Omniverse!". I couldn't see who was under the hood since they're pretty much shells at this point being resentment and anger toward everyone around them. It's sad to be honest with you.

Much to no one's surprise, the leader of the congregation is Hyde. While he may be alive as a Phantom right now, he was still a Zero except he was the worst of the worst. They were chanting something being that I couldn't do a thing to stop them. I looked down to see my lower half covered in pure darkness and I was unable to break out. This obsidian black darkness is the resentment and anger in a corporal form being that it's one vs fifty plus with the odds clearly against me.

Their constant negatively had been getting the better of me ever since I opened that door and well with me just watching Blaze and Toxic hurting my friends while I did nothing, I couldn't do a damn thing to stop them. "Don't give up older me!' said a voice. Despite the darkness covering my entire body, I could still see and hear a boy's voice. It belonged to someone easily under ten years. I tried to look toward the voice but my eyes were blinded by the darkness.

A light shined through the darkness covering my body being that I saw myself when I was four years old. He looked like I did when I went back to the past with Hourglass aka Zero Episode 79. Huh, my mom and the girls were right about this. I was a pretty cute kid. You keep hearing that from people but you know what they say. You really are your own worse critic after all. He looked right at me with him punching me in the gut.

His punch didn't hurt me physically but mentally is another story. "Look at you me! You're not what I wanted to be at all! I mean remember what daddy told us but do you?! Boys and girls don't cry and mope around! We get back up and fight to protect the ones who treasure! You live by that code right?!" said the younger me. "He's right Zane." said a new voice. Ryoka stood there with the younger man standing by her side. 

They look like a mother and son when standing next to each other. Makes you wonder who the father would be. "He's right. Out of every Zero, you've always overcome the odds no matter what side you were on." said Ryoka.I was silent as the hooded Zeroes nearby us chanted out,"Don't listen to them Zane. They're nothing but the representation of your weakness that holds you back from getting revenge on those who mock our power!". 

Without thinking too hard about it, Ryoka wrapped her chains around the area that contained the hooded Zeroes. They didn't have a chance to react to them due to them being engulfing them in a pillar of black ice and preventing all sound coming from them. "Okay. I think the first version of us is really cool older me. The mask made her really mysterious but those chains are so cool. You have to learn how to do that." said younger Zane.

I nodded as Ryoka said,"Shut up you fools. You make me disgraced to call myself a Zero being that the vast majority who came after me are pathetic. Abe, Vito, Zane, and three others are the only ones I respect. Zane, look all around you. You need to see something importing. This is your potential.". I looked around me to see images and memories of the past two years, both good and bad appearing. I saw me being a hero, saving people and fighting bad guys.

This made me smile at this sight. "Zane. I don't know what man you're going to be but when you grow up but I do know this. You're going to be a man who others respect and try to be like." said Shawn's voice. My dad told me this when I first began using my Nether for the first time. I didn't care back then but I do know. "Your potential is linked directly to your friends that give you strength and you give them strength in return. It's the reason why you fight." said Ryoka.

She smiled as she said,"You're the first Zero to grow stronger for an unselfish reasons. Accept your greatest power. It's the bond that you share with the people you've made. It's your greatest power after all.". She vanished as child me hugged me. The darkness around me was slowly vanishing as younger Zane said,"Go show those old farts how Zane Vincent Alvarez does things already and go win back Rachel's freedom! You're the hero I'm growing up to be so you got this!". After saying that, he vanished.

I saw that the other Zeroes had broken out of their icy prison at this point. "You must use your powers for yourself and only yourself! Annihilate those who stand in your way." said the zeroes. "How about you old fucks just shut the hell up and move on?! I'm not longer your puppet. Your pure negatively won't control me any longer! I'll defeat Skull Plague with the power of my friends by my side. My first goal is defeating Blaze and saving Rachel from her fate." I said.

They growled at me with me saying,"Sorry but I can't hear you. Did you say that you'll give up and go to the Astral Realm and out of my head?!". Their energy went flying toward me being that I just smiled at this. The energy was blocked by a translucent sphere with it being the size of a basketball and I looked right at it. I could easily holding it within my palm being that I could see swirling black, crimson red, dark indigo, molten gold, steel gray, and turquoise energy within.

I rushed toward it with me saying,"My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez. I'm Legion Zero! I'm the ultimate protector for good! I'll be the one to kill Skull Plague and protect my friends! My friends give me strength and I give me strength! It's an perfect equivalent exchange! Lets show everyone in the Omniverse how I rock and roll!". I grabbed the orb and tossed it back at them destroying the negative energy and Zeros.

After the explosion had calmed down, I saw that I was still inside of the white void but to look at the positives here. The negative energy and Zeroes are no longer here. "Zane. You may be the most inexperienced and youngest Zeroes I've seen either in terms of the romantic conquests or battles but you're easily the strongest Zero without question. It seems that my husband, the male Vulcorian, and the last living Chirotirian made the right choice giving you their powers." said a new feminine voice.

I looked around the void being that I smiled and said with my hands behind my head or arms behind my hand,"Thanks Azalea. I'm sure that you're still recovering from being lost in the Infinite Void for so many years but I'm sure your honey bear wants to see you after being apart for a long time.". I turned to see the wife of Sivarth Rezarod, the Eradication Akostar standing there. She’s a huge or gigantic dragon being slightly smaller than Sivarth.

This isn't saying much since Sivarth is about ten meters tall or maybe even bigger. She looks like a Western Dragon. Her body is covered in ocean blue scales with her belly and the inner portions of her long tail being pink. Her back has maroon covered spines with it going down her back to the end of her tail which is a long spade-tipped prehensile tail. Her head is triangular shape with two platinum horns and large and round turquoise eyes being that her pupil is bigger than a tall human.

She has large and sharp canine teeth coming out of her mouth and razor-shaped diamond claws. She has two fairy like dragon wings with rippled tips and smooth edges. There is a sharp claw at the end of each wing with four hind legs. "I'm sure he does and he cares about you. He told me once that you shouldn't be ashamed of your weakness. You make a mistake yes. Doubting the royal devil and the fallen Zero is a foolish mistake but it won't stop you from victory." said Azalea.

I sighed as I said,"Well yeah. I'm not going to deny my weakness toward my friends. I'll give my all to fight anyone who dares hurt them. Those old fools may get the better of me this time but well, I won and they lost. They're nothing more than brats despite being than me. I mean I'm still young so what's their excuse?". I think all beings act childish at time in their lives. My husband did that when he was young. He was quite the hot mess." said Azalea with a smile.

Hearing this made me chuckled as I said,"And while I would love to hear those stories, got any advice for me before I get going.". "Yes. You're very strong being able to carry several powerful beings inside of you and use their powers to protect those weaker than him not to destroy others just because you're a good being. I speak for all of you in inside of Zane or a member of Team Legion Zero. You will have to act swiftly in rescuing the young devil from her fate." said Azalea.  

I saw several images from the Domination match with clenching my fists. This made me sprouted my stingers with my skin getting pierced and candy syrup dropping onto the floor. "Yeah. Thanks for reminding me of my goal Azalea." I said. "Before you go, I have to tell you something. Would you believe that Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth asked me to make sure that you aren't acting like a whiny baby anymore." said Azalea.

This made me smile as I said,"Yeah. Those guys care for me since I'm like their little brother. They have a lot of faith in me just like my friends. I won't let them down. Oh. I'm sure that they deny that I'm like their little brother but I know the truth.". The white void and Azalea were fading around me being that I was waking up. I was back in my room and I smiled. I had the power to free Rachel from Blaze and well, I was going to make the devil pay for taking her from where she belongs.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane sat upright to see that he had been in the white void for a good couple of hours. He entered around noon he thinks but now, it was night. It was made obvious thanks to the moon lighting the room. He saw the glow of a magic circle appear being that it belonged to her. Gayle stood there with Zane saying,"So are you here to deliver a message from Blaze? I'm already going to sock him in the face for hurting my friends so just leave.".

Gayle smiled with her saying,"It seems that Danny and Lady Rae were worried for nothing. I wanted to say this. Your friends were great out there and I'm not joking. No one other than your group have stood up to Blaze and survived to live another day. Your team did good in Domination despite being first time competitors. Well done in picking them.". "I didn't expect you to have a nice side to you but I guess even the most stoic women has a bit of kindness within them." said Zane.

The woman sighed as she said,"As you know clearly, Lady Rachel surrendered in order to keep Lord Blaze from killing Danny.". Zane shook his head to clear the memories of that devil hurting his best friend or brother with him sighing. "Yeah. Don't need to remind me about that. I guess my blind faith in the strength of my friends blinded me to the fact that Domination favors those who will do anything to win the dishonorable way rather than the honorable way." said Zane.

Gayle looked at Zane with her saying,"Lord Blaze may have been declared the victor but the devils and the Omniverse saw the once mistake of the Akostar Clan act and be like her older brother in so many ways. They both have a caring heart and have the ability to find powerful yet interesting allies.". "I guess so. Thank you for getting my friends to the Alliance to get healed. I'll make the Salamander Clan pays for hurting my team." said Zane.

He clenched his fists with him saying,"I'm extremely proud of my friends. They never gave up and Danny showed me that. He never gave up no matter how many times he was knock to the ground by Blaze and his group. He's a real man. So anything else you have to tell me? I mean you came here for a reason right?". "In my life, I've meet many kinds of people before finding my husband and you and him share something in common." said Gayle.

Zane smiled as he said,"Our charming good looks? Our wonderful personality?". "No. It's your gentle Essence or my husband's case, heart. You two both care deeply about others and once you set your mind to something, nothing can change it. Rachel is the exact same way. I can see why she likes you." said Gayle. "Okay. It's weird to see someone like her act girly but she is a woman if her curves weren't obvious." thinking Zane, looking at her.

Gayle made her magic circle appear in front of her. "I came here to deliver this to you." said Gayle as she held a piece of paper. "What is this?" said Zane. "An invite from Ignacio to his little sister's wedding." said Gayle. "You can't be serious Gayle. Why would Blaze allow her ex to come to their wedding?" said Zane. "You're not wrong. The engagement party is about to begin inside of the Salamander clan mansion. It's quite big being the size of Japan times ten." said Gayle.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. To a normal person, that would be huge. However, my kingdom spans all of the Earth times one million. So why are you telling me this?". "I'm sure you're going to stop this wedding before Rachel becomes Blaze right? You reject this outcome don't you?" said Gayle. "You're dam right I do. Rachel isn't a object. She's a being of the Omniverse and she gave up her choice of marriage to the worst person in the Omniverse for her to protect Danny." said Zane.

The Cross Species clenched his fists with him saying,"I'm her best friend and she puts others before herself even more than I do! She hates Blaze more than I do! I'm not going to let her life be ruined by her bastard siblings messing it up just because they were jealous of her power or whatever the hell is going on!". Gayle chuckled softly with Zane thinking,"Oh. That was cute. I can't deny that at all. I guess the serious ones always do have the most cute laugh and sounds. Point to you Rico.".

Gayle smiled as she said,"I'm sure that you did your research on me and Rachel's family after you learned about the truth about who Rachel is. Ignacio has faith in you and so do I. I would give you a instant way there but you're not a fan of that aren't you?'". "Yeah. I rather not make my grand romantic gesture without puking of course. Total mood killer." said Zane with a blush. "Indeed. Ignacio says that Blaze is expecting a rescue attempt from someone, be ready for a fight." said Gayle, disappearing.

Zane was left alone in his room with him taking a deep breath. "Okay. I'm ready to go but I hope that I'm not wrong about this. Rachel Powell likes me right?" said Zane. "Of course she does! Just get going and kick some ass already! We've been watching you mope too long!" said Kane with him shocking Zane a bit. "I know Kane. Thanks for reminding me about that. Since I'll be going out to battle for love, I better get changed for it." said Zane.

He glowed, changing out of his lounge wear and was ready for battle. He wore his Zenith Costume with him wearing the Legionnaire Gauntlets to replace his black and silver amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces. Over his costume, he's wearing his Enigma Talisman. This is the beautiful long double-breasted black cloak ,with a hood and velvet, with a large drawstring closure at the collar. On the back of the cloak, he has his superhero logo on the back.

This logo proves that he's Legion Zero, protector of Cypress Park and member of the Alliance after defeating Xiadur. He isn't wearing the cloth that comes with the Talisman and he didn't need to look like Zero due to a very simple reason. Everyone in Terrarune which includes the Supernatural District knew who Zane really was. Zane equipped Lazarus Soul with the powerful blade currently resting on his back.

Zane looked at himself with him saying,"Okay. I look amzing and totally ready for battle.".  He left his room with him thinking,"Rachel does like me. I mean Rachel's a very caring person but she obviously treats me differently compared to other guys like Allen, Danny, Kevin, and Leo. She loves romance slightly less than I do. It's obvious that most girls don't usually don't try to have sex with me when they need me to do a favor from me.".

His nose bled a bit as he thought,"I mean Roxy would do it as a joke but Rachel meant it. She really thought sleeping would get Blaze off her back but nope. Sierra is surprisingly seductive. I doubt she's doing in on purpose but man, she's a seduction master!". He smiled as he wiped away the blood from his nose when he was remembering that memory of Rachel and Sierra's flirting in Zero Episode 114 and Episode 108 respectively.

Zane smiled as he thought,"Anyway. I'm sure that Rachel likes me and I like her as a woman. I've seen many sides of her in the past nine years. Her brilliance, her nobility which I didn't know about until two weeks ago but who care about that, her beauty, her kindness which rivals mine for being that she cares too much about those she cares about, and her stubborn temper. Sometimes, she's mature but other times she's childish.".

He began thinking about the memories that he shared with Rachel over the past nine years when they were kids to now. There was a lot of good memories that they shared together. "I hope that I'm not wrong with my judgement here. I also wish women were easier to understand at times." mumbled Zane to himself. "You don't know how we feel and you're calling us complicated Zaney." said a familiar voice. Zane looked in his living room to see his harem sitting there.

Zane blinked as he said,"Oh hey there ladies. Didn't hear you all come in. So how are things with all of you? I'm just going out to see the......". "Don't try to hide it Zane. We know what's going on." said Kristen. "I wasn't going to hide it. I really was going out to see the moon at its peak." said Zane. The six looked right at him with him saying,"Well, I guess I suck at hiding my feelings toward you girls and I'm sorry for adding another girl to the harem. You must hate me.".

Karen smiled as she said,"Don't worry so much Zane. You're a Cross Species of seven different species so it only makes sense that you have seven lovers. I'm just happy that you're back to normal plus we like Rae.". She fiercely hugged him being that her face was buried in his chest. "Yeah. Sorry that I was in that depression. I let those old farts take advantage of me like I was their toy." said Zane with him slowly wrapping his arms around her.

The two were like this for a while with Roxy smiling. "So mind if I join in this hug you two have going on or what? I mean I'm not planning on fighting you to get in on that." said Roxy. Karen let him go with her dragging him to the couch. The girls sat around him with Rain said,"I know that you've been focused on a lot of things being that you've been ignoring the feelings of the women who love and share you.".

With a serious expression, Zane said,"Yeah. Sorry about that you girls. I let my power obsession and loyalty to my friend blind me to your feelings. It probably won't happen again but I can't promise you ladies that. Right now, I need to go save Rae before she's married to the gecko and bring her back to Cypress Park. I'll probably be fighting a lot on my way so that'll be fun. I mean I have to get out my aggression in a constructive way aka punching that gecko hard in the face.".

Sierra smiled at seeing the man she loved back to normal. "Since you can obviously defeat monsters with ease, you need to promise us something." said Sierra. She slowly took off his cloak with him saying,"Okay. What is it exactly? I'm not going to pick up any more chicks I swear on my hopefully immortal life madams!". "Here's the thing. You may not show that you are injured but right now, you need to be healed with the power of love." said Sierra.

She pressed her chest against his back with him blushing. Rain sat on his lap with her saying with a bright red face,"Please don't be a baby Zane and wrap your arms around me. Roxy suggested that we do this naked but I don't think we're at that stage just yet.". "Yep and I'm good with taking things slow and steady because being that the turtle is way better than the hare. I would have liked doing that don't get me wrong but later." said Zane, wrapping his arms around his actress.

Zane saw his arms being held by Karen and Kristen ,with the left arm going to Karen and right arm going to Kristen, who said,"Don't worry Zane. We love you.". "And don't you forget it handsome." said Roxy with a smile. "You may never show it sugah but you show fear around us since we started dating last year. I could never figure out why until Conner told us while you and the gang were training to save Rachel from her engagement." said Nova.

Karen looked right into Zane's eyes as she said with tears in her eyes,"The fear of losing us to your enemies is something that you can never stop thinking about. Is that true Zane?". "Yeah. I don't want anyone of you to be sad if I died which I totally won't. I also promised several people that I won't die any time soon so I won't." said Zane. Roxy  shared in hugging Zane's back with Nova sharing Zane's lap with Rain.

Zane smirked as he said,"Oh wow. This is really nice. The Zeroes who died by jealous lovers are totally jealous of me right now even though I stopped hearing their bitching. Totally annoying as well. Is it weird that I love women despite being a species that has no gender?". "It's fine. I love you Zane. I want to be with you ever since we were in middle school. I can't see my life without you. All of us admire you and many people feel the same. Rachel is feeling the same I bet." said Karen.

Sierra smiled as she said,"You saved me from my father being that we didn't even know each other for a day. That's when I begin to fall for you.". "You gave me the passion to give my all to my dream of being an actress back when we were kids." said Rain. "You were the first person not to judge me by my money." said Roxy. "You didn't judge me Zane just because I had powers and treated me nicely." said Nova. "And you didn't care who I really trying to be." said Kristen.

Zane smiled with him saying,"I love all of you girls being that I'm sure that you're going to be my side forever. Giving me strength even once time separates us. All of my friends, family, and everyone I've met and care about are my strength. I will get a part of my strength back from that Cocky Gecko and the devils. I promise to be there with all of you being the man who you love.". Zane hugged all of them with him giving them a kiss. "Okay. I'll be back so cheer for me loudly." said Zane.

The girls smiled and said in unison,"Go kick his but Zaney.". Zane nodded as he stood up and opened up a portal to the Supernatural District. He walked through the portal with it closing behind. Zane's portal reappeared in the Supernatural District with him making his cloak reappear. "I'm sure that I'll never under the feelings of women. Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra. Thanks for being my side and I hope I can live up to your expectations of me." said Zane.

He clenched his fists as he said with his wrists cracked,"I'm going to save you Rae because you're someone who I love with all of my Essence. A real man makes a promise to the people who cares about him, flaws and all.". Sivarth was crying with Cole saying,"Dude. Is the big bad dragon crying at Zaney's epic and totally heroic speech?". "No! I just have something in my eyes! Shut up Cole or I smack you with all of my ten tails at once!" said Sivarth.

Azalea giggled at Sivarth's embarrassment as Twilight said,"Ignore them Zane. I'll be there to support you as well.". "As will I Zane." said Athena. "Time to kick some major but." said Zane with a smile. He took a step forward with Crisis Judgement went off. "Oh wow. The welcoming party is early and there is a lot of them. I mean I was expected a group but a entire army. Colored me impressed you fiery gecko." said Zane. 

Kane chuckled as he said,"Yeah. They either expected you to come and stop the wedding being a major pain in the ass like normal. The Supernatural District does have a rule against Phantoms being there to begin with so this might just be the army that deals with the intruding species. I think it's time to fight. Zane. Show them what happens when you mess with Legion Zero for us you got it punk?".

Zane smiled as he said,"You don't need to tell me twice. I came here with a job to do and I'm not leaving until it's done. I also have some grievances to take with the Salamander Clan so lets give them a welcome.". He walked forward before breaking out into a sprint. He could see a horde of devils plus their servants heading toward him. "Time to learn your place you devil bastards! I'm going to make you pay! Lets go Avenger!" shouted  He activated his Vulcorian powers and charged forward.

Meanwhile inside of the mansion, the engagement party between Rachel Powell and Blaze Ingram was about to begin. Terrarune was divided into two sections being that the biggest portion belongs to the Phantoms ,living in the Phantom District, and the rest of the supernatural lived in the other with the oh so clever name of the Supernatural District. It was quite the glamorous show being that most of the royal devils attended.

Inside of the room inside of the Salamander clan mansion, Rachel was currently looking at herself in a floor mirror and said,"This is just an engagement party so why in the nine realms am I wearing a wedding dress?". She was currently dressed in the same dress that she wore in Zane's dream aka Episode 114. I told you that I would reuse the design. Rachel sighed as she looked herself over. She really did look beautiful and this dress was important to her.

From what her brother told her, this dress was made for her by their father before he died. The younger devil wished that he could be here to see this but didn't want to see her getting married to the man of her nightmares rather than the man of her dreams. The man of her dreams was going to be Zane but the Omniverse had other plans for her happiness and she hated these plans. She really should be happy to be hearing this but right now, she was depressed. 

In the room, a couple of maids stood beside her. Before one of them could answer her, Rachel heard all too familiar arrogant voice coming out. "Because of our dear future brother in law wanted it. I would say that you look beautiful dear sister but you're still the mistake after all." said the voice. Rachel slowly turned around to see her older sister Astrid Powell and Chloe Powell standing there with Blaze by their side. 

They entered the room in a burst of Salamander's flames. Upon seeing the three devils she hated the most, Rachel could only clenching her fist. Both Astrid and Chloe are twins being that Astrid is the older twin by twelve minutes. The two devils looked to be about twenty three years old with their physical appearance being in the middle of Kurt and Lucius. Like their younger sister, Astrid and Chloe were attractive devils. 

Astrid is a tall, slender woman with pale skin. It looked like she didn't get out much. Her copper red hair goes down to her waist with her bangs swiped behind her ears and was exposing her forehead. She has green eyes. Her feminine curves are slightly smaller than her twin sister and was actually smaller than Rachel. Just another reason to hate her sister am I right? No it isn't since that's a petty reason. She is also the tallest daughter of the Akostar Clan so that's something I guess. 

The older twin is wearing a light pink/white long sleeved sweater with it exposed her chest thanks to an opening in the sweater. She wore this with a white skirt that goes to the middle of her thighs and high-heeled brown sandals. She's wearing very distinct black eyeliner around her eyes. Chloe is a short and slender woman with cream colored skin. Her copper red hair is styled in a more masculine manner compared to her sisters.

She had her hair in a high sleek and braided ponytail with the end of it going to the middle of her back. She has green eyes like her siblings being slightly brighter than Astrid's eyes. Like mentioned before, she's slightly bigger in the terms of curves compared to Astrid but smaller than Rachel. She's also the shortest daughter of the Akostar Clan. She's wearing a blue tank top with her modest but noticeable chest being front and center.

Her legs are covered by skin tight gray pants with a crimson red stripe. She's wearing calf high pumps. It's texture and appearance similar to yoga pants but were jeans. Fashion is weird. She's wearing silver hoop earrings. Blaze's wearing a white tuxedo with a red bow tie and black dress shoes. "Lord Blaze. It is back luck for the groom to see........." said one of the maids. Chloe raised a hand to silence her as she said,"Shut up before I feed you to the creatures who lives in the moat.".

The maid gulped in fear as Astrid said,"Calm down sister. This foolish maid thinks the way she does thanks to those stupid human superstition that our dear sister filled her head with probably. We'll be gone soon but Blaze wanted to have a quick word with his bride in private with just up. Leave or I'll let my sister's threat go through.". As the maid left the room, Blaze walked up to Rachel with the youngest devil in the room backing away.

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"I'm sorry sis but I'm not Blaze's bride.". "Oh but you will soon enough. We'll be making a good impression on the devils race to let the entire Supernatural District about our union and then phase two will begin." said Blaze. He touched Rachel's shoulder with one hand and her chin in another. Rachel shivered upon his touch being that despite him having the power of fire, his touch felt cold and nothing like Zane's touch.

According to Gayle, Zane had shut himself in his room after the match. Rachel knew her best friend too well and she was sure that he was blaming himself for letting his friends get hurt by Blaze and his group. "What's phase two?" said Rachel. "Oh. I guess we should tell her shouldn't we since she's so involved in our little plan." said Chloe. "Fine. Go ahead because she can't do anything to stop it. I'm still mad that she is wearing the dress that belongs to our dear mother." said Astrid, crossing her arms.

Blaze chuckled as he said,"After our wedding beloved, I plan to have the five devils clans and the entire Supernatural District aligned together in a single goal. We're going to attack the kingdom of Phantoms and end their rule. No longer are we going to be under the thumb of those ghosts. We're the strongest species and soon, the Phantoms will be nothing more than servants under our rule.". Rachel looked at Blaze and then her siblings with her saying,"Fuck you all.".

Her voice was filled with venom with her trying to mimic Zane the best she could. "You don't get it do you? Even if your stupid plan works, you have to fight against Spiro and Zane. Those two are the strongest Phantoms around plus you have to deal with the guard of Spiro Midnight and the other powerful Phantoms." said Rachel. Instead of getting mad, Blaze just smiled while Astrid and Chloe were livid at their sister insulting their plan.

Blaze lightly slapped her cheek twice with him saying,"Don't worry my dear. I'm sure that you still show feelings toward him but I'll be the better being. I'll leave him alone but scarred for you to have him as a cicisbeo. However if you show him any more affection to him than you do to me, he'll be nothing more than ash. Goodbye for now beloved!". He turned away and walked away, taking both Astrid and Chloe in a vortex of flames. For those who are curious, here's what a cicisbeo.

Rachel was left alone with her saying,"He's so generous isn't he? I wonder what he would say about all of this.". "Oh wow. You're so nice you sexually confused gecko. I may know what a cicisbeo but I'm not that." said Zane's imaginary voice in her head. She giggled and imagined her imaginary Zane would have punched Blaze in the face and then hit him in the family jewels after his insult just to add insult to injury. "Zane. Everyone. I'm going to miss you but I'll never forget you." said Rachel, crying.

She thanked Zane for letting her being herself to be just a normal girl who wants her to be herself standing there. She soon saw the image of Zane smiling appearing in her heart as she heard one of the returning maids,"Lady Rachel. It's time.". The devil wiped away the tears being that she was about to head toward her future. She accepted her fate not knowing that her fate was about to change being that it was going to change for the better.

In the large hall belonging to the Salamander clan, it was currently ordained with spectacular and flame like decorations to celebrate the joyous occasion of two people unifying through marriage. An arranged one yes but it's still a marriage regardless. The guests ,being very high ranking devils or supernatural species except for the Phantoms, were scattered throughout the enormous hall, with the main conversation being about the upcoming wedding.

Another topic was how it's going to effect the future of the five devil clans and also what the future had lead them. If you were to walk through the hall, you would hear this for sure but one voice stuck out from the wrong reasons. This is because her voice is loud enough to be carried through the entire hall as she spoke and also through Terrarune because it was so loud. It made Hannah Grant's voice look quiet and thankfully, the glass inside of the room didn't shatter.

The voice belongs to Avril Ignram. She was surrounded by the other members of Blaze's team ,except for the king aka Archie, queen aka Rhoda, and Sonja, with her boasted to anyone nearby her ,usually not by their choice, about her brother's recent victory in Domination. You may be wonder why I bring the three missing devils up being that it will have an outcome in due time. With her fan covering her mouth, Avril said,"Of course we would win!".

She began laughing as she said,"After all, we were up against the mistake of the Devils and her group of unlucky misfits! He had to made it like he was going to lose to keep us entertained!". Some of the guests gave her a look that said,"You're full of shit.". The entire Omniverse saw the game where the mistake and her team were able to get Blaze's team to their final member of Blaze.  On the other side of the hall, Team Maelstrom ,with Sly and Wolfram in their human form. stood there.

Wolfram was currently in his human form since he's a Phantom and they're hated in this section of Terrarune. All of them were dressed in their best evening wear and they were unable to tune out the devil's boasting despite drinking alcohol from wine glasses. Despite all of them being underage, the devils didn't care about those silly humans drinking laws. All of the group wanted to hit them with the one who was still covered in bandages still held a serious grudge against her. 

The mummy was Danny. He shouldn't have been here but it took himself performing the puppy dog eyes from himsekf, Leo, and Wolfram to convince the others to let to show up. "She's quite the character. I thought she would be too embarrassed to come here after the beatdown that she had suffered at our hands. It was really lethal dude." said Allen, drinking from his drink. "Yeah but she totally had it coming." said Jordan, getting Gwen and Heidi to agree from her.

Leo while eating some cake and in a fancy dress due to his love of feminine clothing said,"So when no one's looking, we going to attack her right? I mean I don't like hitting women whatsoever but she's annoying.". "I like that idea but instead, we should make her fall in a puddle of mud instead. She would hate that more." said Kevin. "I like Kevin's idea better" said Wolfram. Sly nodded as she heard,"Sorry about my sister's mouth. She gets it from our brother.".

The group turned to see Archie with his wife Sonja by her side. "So why are you two here? Are you here to make fun of us since we lost to Blaze despite us having the advantage for most of the match to begin with?" said Sly. "Yeah. My boyfriend here won the MVP title after all." said Gwen with Danny nodding. Due to the bandages around his body, he couldn't talk that much despite his body clearly feeling fine and getting stronger.

Much to his joy, his metagene activated and he grew stronger. "It isn't that Sly. I just wanted to say that we did have a really good match despite our queen cheating to win and our ace being the typical bastard that he is." said Sonja. "I truly wish the outcome was different." said Archie. "Archie and Sonja. Thank you for the support but don't be so quick to say that." said Heidi with a smile. "Our fight has just begin due to you guys pissing off a honest to goodness idiot." said Sly.

Suddenly, the raised platform at the end of the hall burst into flames as Blaze appeared. He was now wearing a white suit, unbuttoned all the way showing off his muscular chest. He had a massive smirk from his victory with him spreading out his arms to attract the attention of the entire hall. "So does everyone in your family love to show off?" said Kevin. "You're not wrong at all. That's the normal behavior of the Salamander Clan. I'm the exception." said Archie, shaking his head.

In a very loud, pompous tone which was heard throughout the entire hall and surrounding area, Blaze said,"Greetings, renowned beings of the Supernatural District who are gathered here today. Today, we celebrate the union of the Akostar Clan and Salamander Clan.". "And now, I present to you...." said Blaze, gesturing to the empty space near him. His magic circle suddenly appeared, revealing Rachel whose eyes were closed in contempt.

She couldn't look at her friends since she was sure that they were all feeling the same thing as their leader. Being unable to protect her from this monster. "Despite her being forced to marry that monster, she looks really nice." said Allen. This earned the head nod of Danny and Kevin. Gwen and Heidi pinched Danny and Kevin's cheeks with Jordan and Sly sighing. Leo and Wolfram looked confused as Blaze said,"My beautiful bride Rachel Powell. May we have many joyful years by each....". 

He was unable to finish his sentence due to the entire room shaking thanks to a massive source of energy entering the mansion. The chandeliers in the ceiling moved back and forth from the vibration of the energy entering of the building. Everybody in the hall could sense the source of energy even though they couldn't normally sense energy. Some of them knew this energy very well and they smiled. He was coming and he was pissed beyond belief.

This being had a distinct temper and pissing him was an extremely bad thing. "What the hell is that energy and who does it belong to?!" said Black, looking round the hall. He wanted to know who was interrupting his big moment. The hall soon heard the sounds of several explosions being that Danny just smiled. He removed the bandages around his mouth and he said,"I think as a group, I'm sure that he can do this since he was unfortunately unable to shine thanks to some political bullshit.". 

Sly nodded as she said,"Sure. It took him long enough to get here but who cares?". "I hope that prick gets what he deserves." said Leo, with Wolfram nodding in agreement. Rachel stood on the platform being that she had absolutely no idea about what was going on. She only knew that one person would do something like this. Going into enemy territory that would lead to their death just to help one of their friends or family member. 

Instead of a prison ran by a corrupted warden, this person was crashing a party that was filled with distinguished and powerful devils. "That damn idiot. I really do love him." thought a joyful Rachel. She smiled as she clamped her hand over her heart with it beating faster by the moment. She was almost about to start crying but she needed to remain strong. Blaze on the other hand was livid being that no one in the room knew what was going on. 

Some people did but they weren't going to tell him. "I demand to know who or what is ruining....." said Blaze. He got his answer being that the entrance to the hall was destroyed violently alongside the entire wall of that side of the hall. Large chunks of the wall fell to the ground as a gigantic, reddish black skinned fist tore through it. It was making the wall ,which is able to survive one of Rhoda's explosions in one of her bad moods aka whenever Lord Blaze ignored her for his sister, look like paper. 

It went pulled back through the large hole it made, quickly returning back to its owner. There was a loud kaboom with the front door exploding off their hinges, shocking everyone in attendance. A dust cloud blocked the view of the front door. "What?! Who dares?!" yelled Blaze as flames covered his entire body. He was ignored but the party heard,"Sorry. I'm late but I wanted to destroy your house like you destroyed my house! It's karma mother fucker!". 

After the voice spoke its peace, Rhoda, the Ingram family's head security guard and leader of the elite guard of the Ingram family, and the rest of the elite guard came flying into the hall itself. They crashed into the ground, revealing themselves. All of them looked badly defeated. The family's head security guard is a powerful Cerebrus being that it's a very unique breed of Cerebrus. Its name is the Relinacoon being a female. Her name is Keagan and raised by the family for her entire life. 

She was raised primarily by Archie but was loyal to the entire family. She's a large dog like creature being that instead of having three heads like normal, she had nine heads. Her fur is black being that her eyes are bright red color but she looked different. Each head had short, and very cropped ears being that all of them had enormous mouths, pink tongues, and long sharp teeth. She has short but thick legs with five gray claws that are extremely sharp. 

Like the Hydra, this Cerebus has the ability to grow three extra heads if one is sliced off. She can also regenerate any damage taken in battle. This is thanks to the flames of the Salamander Clan running through his veins. She can also shoot balls or waves of flames from her mouth. The giant canine's body was covered in sparks with her body twitching. The elite guard of the Ingram family are a group or herd of Minotaurs. They are all humanoid monsters with the head of a bull.

All of them were twenty feet tall with thick, muscular arms and chest. They have sharp fangs protruding from their two mouths and they all had their signature weapons of a large double-bladed axes. The weapons were bigger than an average sized human male. Said weapon is literally on fire thanks to their allegiance to the Salamander Clan. They normally travel in herds and will grow in strength if a member of their herd is injured. 

They will pursue the being who attacked the member of their clan that got attacked until they're nothing more than a puddle of blood on the ground. Both Avril and Blaze were extremely shocked to see Keagan, Rhoda, and all of the elite guard defeated. Whoever did this is extremely powerful and foolish at the same time. "I'm real sorry that I'm late but wow. I had to travel all across the Supernatural District just to reach this place. I mean I have to fight against so many beings." said the voice.

With a chuckle, the voice said,"I mean I was lucky to have my favorite bird, giving me a ride and then there was the welcoming party. The overgrown mutt, juiced up cows, and the devils here were so annoying but hey, I made it here.". Something was flying through the smoke, dissipating the smoke in the process. There was a piece of paper in its right arm, covered in a metal gauntlet. The paper  flew through the air with it being hit by a burst of lightning. 

After the lightning vanished, the voice said,"They told me that I wasn't on the guest list which is so rude since I'm the fiancee's main squeeze! I should have received a VIP badge! Backstage Pass! But I got nothing! You are so going to pay for this you incest loving bastard!". A giant ,about 6 feet and ride able, Pegasus flew into the room. It has elements of several different animals and a male flying horse. His body is a black color with a mohawk-like crest of hair.

This crest goes from the top of his head to the base of the neck of crimson red flames. He has several yellow spots with it completely covering his body. He has light tan hooves with brown eyes and gray duck like bill like muzzle with four noticeable tusk-like pinches to the four corners of his duck bill. He had a green fur collar. He has a large dark red fan-like tail. He has two long, eagle like wings sprouting from his shoulders. The tips of the wings are crimson red. 

He has a brown saddle with black, red, and white patterns. He's equipped with silver armor. He's pulling a large red wooden chariot ,with red and white flame like decal, with two wheels. The most noticeable thing about the horse was that his nose was running. On the chariot, Zane was standing there and he said,"Sup! Sorry I'm late but I brought you two a wedding gift so I hope you can forgive me and my steed for being late for this shame of a wedding.". 

The horse gallop through the room, leaving behind flame footprints. "You!" yelled Blaze. "Me! I'm sure you know my name but I'm sure that you're just not saying it just to hurt my feelings. I'm hurt. You're making my metallic Essence feel rusted over." said Zane with him crying a bit. These tears were clearly fake and Zane looked at Rachel. Despite enjoying how she look, Zane could see a whole bunch of emotions in her. It was a mixture of joy, sadness, and fear.

Blaze growled as he said with him glaring at Zane,"Can't you just stop being annoying for once in your pathetic life?! Your friends lost Rachel! She belongs to me! You are just a sore loser! Get out of here right now! You've interrupted my event and injured my subjects! I should end your pathetic life but I'm feeling generous.". He was already annoyed that Danny ,a human/metahuman, survived against his fiery wrath and now, the most annoying being in the Omniverse is here at both HIS home and party.

All he wanted to do was force a beautiful girl to marry him and then later take over one of the nine realms of the Omniverse. Was that so wrong? Yes it is Blaze. Forcing someone to marry you is very wrong. "Okay. I'll answer all of your questions in order. Nah. Not feeling that. We didn't lose Rachel since there is always a chance to save a friend no matter what. I may be a sore loser but to me, I don't care. I'm not leaving." said Zane, crossing his arms over his chest.

Blaze's left eye twitched with him saying,"Who do you think you are fool?! This is an engagement between two great powers. You have no reasons to be here Phantom scum!". He clearly had enough of the Japanese American. Yes. Zane is Japanese American but he looks to be more American than anything else so he doesn't question people at all when they think he's called a normal Caucasian. His Japanese heritage is obvious with Zara. Anyway back to the story.

Zane frowned with him saying,"Sorry but don't bring my race and species into this conflict. You've hurt my friends and forced one of them into something she doesn't want so that makes it MY business! My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez! Legion Zero! And I'm here to fight for her honor because Rae is my friend! I always fight for the people I care about and hurt the bastards who hurt them in any way possible!". He unfolded his arms with him cracking his knuckles loudly.

Blaze just growled at Zane, his patience getting weaker and Rachel blushed at Zane's words. Avril had something to say about. "So did you seriously come here to fight for the mistake? You know who my brother is right?" said Avril. "I did and I don't care about who your brother is. I know that you think he's the best but here's the thing sister. You're wrong. He's just a ugly bastard who loves his little sister which by the way is messed up most of the time." said Zane with him turning to face her.

Getting annoyed, Blaze shouted,"Enough of this nonsense! Rachel lost the game and we had an agreement! Now leave with your stupid horse!". The horse quaked as Danny blinked. "Did the horse just quack?" said Zane. "Yeah. This is Buzz. Turns out the Elemowl is able to evolve into a Pegasus. I was shock to see him but he did save me from those weird monsters that lived in the water around this place. I was almost eaten alive but that monster regretted that decision." said Zane.

Buzz smiled as Kevin said,"Dude. You really do make the weirdest friends.". "I do but it's way better than making boring friends and being the incest loving lord. Rae technically forfeit which must have your fragile male ego so happy didn't it? You couldn't accept that Rae wouldn't give up to you like everyone so you decided to throw a fit and attack a human, the weakest species. Honestly, you really want this man child leading you, let alone marry Rae." said Zane.

He smirked as he said,"I mean just imagine if they have a family dispute. What could happen to our favorite devil princess? And do you really think that an invasion against Phantoms would be a good idea? I mean Phantoms are more resourceful than you think. Me and a single Phantom horse tore right through your precious army. Do you think that the man child here would be a good ruler and leader? I mean all of you seen what happens when things don't go his way.".

Despite being a Phantom, the other devils and supernatural creatures agreed with Zane's statement and it showed in their faces. They also saw Blaze's behavior so what would happen if Blaze had a disagreement with someone? How would that work in the long run? Plus Buzz and Zane did come into the mansion with neither of them having a single wound on their body. Blaze saw what Zane was doing being that the seeds of doubt were planted in their heads, making him look bad.

First, Zane made him look a fool in front of Gayle with her being one of the strongest devils in recent history and now he made him look like a child. He couldn't allow this injustice to go on! He couldn't hold back his anger any longer with him throwing a fireball toward Zane. Zane just smiled with him saying,"Hook, line, and sucker!". He jumped into the air in front of Buzz with him kicking away the fireball, covering his leg in Black Mojo.

It hit a giant chandelier and caused it to fall onto the ground, shattering into a million pieces. Anyone nearby it retreated a few feet away from the destroyed glass and the being in front of them with him having Mojo. Some of the older and matured devils knew about the Vulcorian but them still being around is impossible. This is due their species had been wiped along time ago. There were a couple of rumors floating around that two of them were still alive but they didn't believe them.

However, they were all pretty much scared of the creature that had arrived being that the Vulcorian were known for their destructive power. In the past, several brash and overconfident devils were killed by the Vulcorian so they were cautious. "Temper temper. You really need to cool down and I guess you all saw how he would treat his future wife. Poor girl isn't she?" said Zane. He pointed to Blaze with him shaking his head in a "tsk tsk" fashion.

This made Blaze completely pissed off being that he fell for the human's trap. Blaze was going to attack him with Zane stopping him. He looked right at Buzz who said,"Buzz. Would you mind going to the spot where I need you to go for me?". The horse nodded as he flew off with Zane holding an unsheathed Lazarus Soul. The blade was radiating power and he said,"Before you attack me, this is just the start of the beatdown you earned after hurting my friends! Zenith Slash!".

His blade was slowly gather Impulse, causing the blade to glow steel gray and covered in cosmic energy. He compacted the gathered up energy with the sword covered in an aura. He gripped his sword with his hands with the energy around the sword focused and being rather strong. He swing the blade to the right, releasing the energy toward Blaze. It came out as a stripe with it curving to make an energy wave.

The devil flew out of the way of the attack, cutting the wall behind Blaze and Rachel was knocked on the ground due to the impact of the attack. She slowly stood back up as the windows that covered the hall were shattered from the energy with the room dead silent. "You don't belong here at all!" yelled Chloe as she was flying in the air. Zane looked up at Chloe with him sighing. He placed his blade on his back and smiled while cracking his neck.

With a smile, Zane said,"So you're one third of the bastard siblings that got Rae into this mess in the first place. I've been waiting to do this for a while.". Before anyone could do anything, Zane jumped into the air and launching himself right toward Chloe. Zane's right fist instantly punched Chloe in the face, sending her flying into a wall and made a large crater around the impact. There was a cloud of smoke as well with the devil sliding down the wall and was out cold.

He looked around the room to find Astrid with him teleporting toward her. He reappeared with him delivering a powerful uppercut to Astrid. This sent her flying into the ceiling but before hitting it, Zane appeared and hit with a spin kick to her stomach. This sent her crashing into a table, knocking her out easily. The devils stared at him in shock. He just destroyed two powerful devils like they were nothing but ants. "Zane!" yelled Rachel as Zane turned to her.

She was so happy to see him being that he made Blaze look like a fool, hurt both of her siblings who abused her entire life, and just be his lovable self. "Rae! I'm sorry that I'm late but I'm here to make due on the promise I made you! That's what I'm good at! That and being an awesome hero but that isn't the point right now." said Zane. Blaze snarling at the young man who had disrupted the party and made him look like a fool in front of his important and esteemed guests. 

He had destroyed his mansion, destroyed several of his guards alongside his Phantom bird, and wrecked his siblings in law who are not slouches in battle. "What the hell are you doing here you bastard?!" snarled an angry Blaze. "Your ass is pretty much ash at this point but maybe my fist will make it clear on why I'm here. Rae doesn't belong to you even me! I love her but she's still her own person." said Zane.

Within seconds, Rachel blushed and looked at Zane who smiled. "Don't worry Rae. I'm here to save you and I know that I shouldn't say this but listen up. It's always okay to ask help if things go out of control since you got your friends supporting you every step of the way. Team Maelstrom is here to save our favorite devil." said Zane. Hearing this made Rachel smile brightly. "Okay. Lets do this. The others paved the path for me and I can got this." said Zane.  

After saying this, Zane began walking toward the platform where the two royal devils stood there as Blaze whistled. "Guards and my group! Seize and kill him now!" yelled Blaze. Zane stopped with him seeing several guards ,being normal devils armed with energy spears, and Blaze's group except for Archie, Avril, Rhoda, and Sonja surrounded him with them looking ready to kill the intruder for making a scene.

Zane wasn't intimated by this scene and he said in a mocking tone,"I suggest that you all stay back because right now, I want to hurt Blaze. I'm sure that you don't want to mess with me or should I say my team?". The devils were confused by this with them soon hearing a voice,"He's dam right. You best stand down unless you want to get wrecked by the Chirotirian.". One of the guards said with his spear now shaking in his hands,"The Chirotrian?!".

Another guard said,"Impossible! The Chirotrian are the ancestors to our proud race but they were wiped out!". "Silly devils. I'm Lucifer, your ancestor! My power of destruction is able to rival the Eazarian, Qlakrik, and Vulcorian!" said Lucifer. Zane made Lucifer appear behind him with the Chirotrian smiled. "He's right but him being stronger than me is impossible." said Kane and Sivarth from his left and right hand respectively.    

Zane sighed as he said,"Guys. Please focus. We're here for Rae not who is stronger between the two of you.". "Yeah. We'll have our fight later which I'll win Sivarth and Xazzaran." said Lucifer with the devils shocked. "The Eradication Akostar?!" said one of the party guest being a male. "He is in that boy's body along with Lucifer and Xazzaran?!" said a female. "How is that boy alive? Those three are monsters!" yelled another female.

Zane smiled as he said,"So what is it going to be? Trying to stab me and boil me alive or deal with a very angry Lucifer.". Lucifer smiled with him cracking his knuckles. The devils flinched as Blaze shouted,"Off with his head fools!". Despite their fear, they took battle stance as Zane smiled. "Well I tried to be peaceful. Lucifer. I know that you wanted to fight but I think I have the perfect way to end this fight. You don't mind right?" said Zane.

Lucifer smiled as he said,"Sure. You let me have fun with that overgrown dog earlier. Show them what happens when you mess with a god.". Lucifer went back inside of Zane with Zane smiling. "I THINK THAT IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE A NAP BEING THAT KILLING YOU ALL ISN'T WORTH MY TIME!" said Zane. Zane released a circular purple wave of energy, knocking them all out. Avril was shocked by this with her screaming out,"How did he do that?!".

Zane smiled as he said,"Because I'm clearly stronger than your brother.". Danny walked over to Zane with him saying,"Damn man. You really know how to make an entrance don't you?". "Yeah. You know me. Oh and Danny." said Zane. The two boys bumped fists with Zane saying,"Nice job during the game. You and the rest of the team proved to everyone that you're worthy of being on my team aka being my side to protect me. So just stay back and watch your leader work.".

Danny looked confused with him seeing 6 minotaurs standing there with him saying,"Oh. I get it man. Sure but next time, I'm joining you. Got some new toys to try out.". "Yeah. I got you man. I won't have to hold back this time." said Zane. He turned toward Blaze and Rachel, intent to get her back and home to Cypress Park. The minotaurs did try to get in his way, but Zane phased right through them and kept his intangibility active as they tried to slice him with their weapons.

Zane sprouted several arms from his back with these fists punched them to the ground. Nothing was going to stop Zane this time. Just as he got onto the podium and in front of the groom and bride-to-be, a line of ten devil guards stood in his way. The guests weren't happy at Zane and demanding answers from anyone who would listen. "Is this your doing?!" said a female. "What is the meaning of this Lord Blaze?!" yelled a male.

He responded to this by holding out his right hand and he made a Zenith Sphere in front of him with it being a purple color. "I really don't want to do this. Actually, I do so how about you just stand out of the way before I blast you!" said Zane. The devils ignored him with Zane shrugging. "I tried to be peaceful." said Zane. Before either side could make a move, the presence of a new person stopped everything.

It was calm and noble but held authority and power that was impossible to ignore. "That's quite enough Legion Zero. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I didn't want this marriage to even happen but both of my idiotic siblings wanted to screw over my darling little sister so I asked the most current Zero for his assistance." said a voice. Ignacio stood there with Gayle by his side. His mantle now had armored plates ,about ten, five on each side, on his shoulders.

In complete shock, Rachel said,"Brother?!". "Oh hey there your highness. Good to see you in person rather than your wife. I mean I like you Gayle but seeing the handsome king in person is something else." said Zane. Ignacio turned to Zane with him smiling. "You made quite a showing and my wife was right about your personality being something truly special." said Ignacio, enjoying Zane's charming personality the more time he's around him.

Blaze clenched his teeth with him saying,"Thank you for coming on such short notice? Lord Ignacio, what is the meaning of this?!". He was clearly annoyed. "It isn't important Blaze. I just want some fun at this boring party." said Ignacio. "Okay. I really like him and I'm not taking about how handsome he is. Before I go any farther, I need to do something." said Zane as he cocked his left fist back. Said fist punched Ignacio in the stomach, shocking the entire room.

Gayle held her husband with her losing her cool and she said,"Aren't you two working together to save Rachel from Blaze?! Why did you hit him?!". "You're working with him?!" said Avril and Blaze with both of them pointed right at Zane. "If you think about it, it makes sense that the one member of the Akostar clan who was heavily against this marriage would help her friends." said Archie. "Did you expect him to punch our king?" said Sonja.

Archie looked at his wife with him saying,"Nope but I'm sure that Zero has a reason for doing it and we'll know it soon enough or not.". "We are working together Gayle but he could have tried harder to prevent this. A family member should always protect their family with all of their might and always have their best interest at heart. Got it your highness? Plus he's the final third of the bastard siblings who got Rae into the mess. I don't leave things half assed." said Zane.

It was obvious to everyone that Zane was telling that the devil king that he was very much disappointed not as a ruler but as a older brother and a man. Ignacio had been feeling guilty about this whole thing for a while now. Seeing all of these children ,at least to him, fight so hard in order to save their friend while he did nothing was something that would have pissed off both his headstrong mother and calm father whose angry made his wife look small in comparison.

The king nodded as he said,"He's absolutely right Gayle. Dear sister of mine. I'm truly sorry for failing you as a brother. I should have been there for you but no. I let all of this happen.". "It's fine. At least you're doing something now unlike those two." said Rachel, pointing at her unconscious sisters. "She's right. Mother will still beat the crap out of you for going this far." thought Gayle. "To be honest with you, you're really tough. I totally expected you to go flying off like Rae's older sisters." said Zane.

He looked at himself as he said,"Oh and don't get me wrong here. While I may be mad at you for failing Rae when she needed you, I did the exact same thing. This time however, we're going to be there for her. We all make mistakes but learning them is more important.". Ignoring this heart felt moment from the four, Blaze decided to but in. "What are you doing here?! I was promised your sister Ignacio!" yelled Blaze, not caring about him insulting or being rude to the devil king.

The king placed his hand in front of Blaze's mouth, shutting him up. "I watched the game the other day with my true brother in law. To be honest, I feel bad for your clan. My sister lack experiences and a larger force in Domination but her and her friends were close to beating your experienced team. As a member of the very egotistic and pompous Salamander Clan, that was quite the show of failure in my honest opinion Blaze.". "Oh! He told you." said Zane, earning a glare from Blaze.

Blaze clenched his teeth with him saying,"The victory only matters in the end sir.". He didn't want to be remind of that game being that he wanted to move on his life. "Yes but you only won through my sister surrendering to save her friends. I do planning on convincing the higher ups to allow Phantoms to compete in Domination going forward. I'm sure that if both Legion Zero and his dog were allowed to compete, Rachel and her team would have won without question." said Ignacio.

Ignacio took a deep breath with him saying,"The fact that you couldn't defeat a mere human who was able to defeat half of your forces on his own including your monstrous queen Rhoda with a powerful blast of energy is already quite pathetic. You only won thanks to your enemy surrender. I don't think you should feel good about this since the public will see you as a man who can only win if his enemy surrenders and making girls cry.". Blaze growled being that he was being insulted once again.

Zane smiled with him saying while swooning,"Okay. I think I'm falling for your brother Rae. Looks like you have a rival Gayle.". "So is Zane joking or is he serious?" said Cole. "Fifty fifty. It's Zane and he's a living enigma. Not even our creator can figure him out." said Athena. Ignacio turned toward Zane with him saying,"Blaze is such an embarrassment isn't he?". "Hey. You said it not me your highness. So what's up? Want to kiss? I'm all for it but will those two be?" said Zane.

He pointed to Gayle and Rachel with both devil woman confused at Zane's actions. "Sorry but I love my wife Zane." said Ignacio. "Fair. I'm still open if you're interested." said Zane. "Since you brought this party some well needed excitement, thank you for showing up. It's highly unprofessional to have a party without any form of entertainment. Mind helping with that?" said Ignacio. "Sure. I always bring the party. What do you need me to do? Is it pissing off Blaze? I can do that." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"And I know the perfect way to do just that. Call off this sham of  a wedding and letting Rae here kick Blaze him very hard in his family jewels.". "Hold on! Do you know what you're doing?! This wedding is important for the future! It isn't something that a freak of nature like you can just butt into!" said Blaze. "And do you really think I care? My friend was in danger so I came to save her plain and simple. So lets go for my idea." said Zane. 

During his way here, he was thinking about just attacking Blaze and possibly killing her due to his actions but decided against that much to his team's chagrin. Zane was however still pissed that they put Rae's future on the line for some game. Despite being told that this is how they did things in royal families by his father when he was a kid, this made him mad regardless. A being should choose whoever they want to marry not someone else.

Ignacio chuckled as he said,"Nope. Since you were wrongfully robbed a fight with Blaze due to your species, how about you two fight instead? Sounds interesting doesn't it you two? You two are quite powerful but there comes a question. Who is stronger?". Blaze smiled being that he could make Zane look like a fool compared to him. He wanted to get rid of the stress that Zane was giving him which in the past few minutes, there was a lot of it.

Zane sighed as he said,"While I would love to fight him, why not just cancel the whole thing? You and I both know that I could have easily killed Blaze during our first counter so why extend this whole thing longer than it already has?". "The Indestructible Salamander vs Legion Zero. Our guests would like an all-out battle, no rules or restrictions between you two." said Ignacio. "And I was ignored. Is that what it is like?" said Zane, shaking his head.

Hearing this made Blaze smile. "If you want me to kick the ass out of this brat, I'm all for it." said Blaze. I think he was getting off on this but I'm not going to figure it out. Zane will instead. "Calm down. I know that the thought of burning me is turning you on but I'm not into you. You're seriously not even close to my type. You're going down since you're up against a real Akostar. Salamanders are nothing more than a weak downgrade of them." said Zane. 

To taunt Blaze, he punched his left fist against his right palm. Rachel didn't like this being that she flashed back to see Danny getting beaten up by Blaze except this time it was Zane. Blaze was holding Zane by his shirt and burning him alive despite his tolerance toward flames and able to regenerate. She wasn't there to stop Danny's beating but this one she was. "No! Wait brother! I refuse for him to fight against Blaze! I will fight himself myself." said Rachel. "Rae." said Zane.

He could see the determination in her eyes and well, he was proud of her. "Rachel. You won't be fighting him." said Zane. "But I can...." said Rachel. "I'm not arguing with you on this. You're strong no doubts but right now, Blaze could beat you in five minutes or less." said Zane. "Wow. You're such blunt toward even your friends." said Blaze. "Can it you. I'm not done. The fact that she wants to fight him in order to stop this marriage is something to admire." said Zane.

Rachel looked at Zane as he said,"And beside, I can easily tell that she will become much stronger than you in no time at all.". She looked in his eyes with her seeing the normal confidence in them that she loved with her unsure about the whole thing. "Zane. I can't see you getting her hurt or killed for my sake. I already saw that happen to Danny and the others. I won't be able to live myself if something happen to you. You're my...." said Rachel.

Both Gayle and Ignacio looked at Rachel with both devils seeing that Rachel cared deeply for her friends especially Zane. "I'll be fine Rae okay? After all, I can handle myself in a fight. I defeat Xiadur after all and well, I got this." said Zane. Hearing this made Rachel accept this, hoping that he was right. "Just up to the ante, the victor shall receive three rewards of anything that their heart desires. Think of it as compensation for your time." said Ignacio, turning toward the crowd. 

Blaze put his arm around Rachel with a smug smile. "I need nothing since I got everything I want." said Blaze. "Don't do it Zane. Be the bigger person." said Twilight. "I know that but damn. He's just asking me to punch out some if not all of his teeth!" said Zane, clenching his teeth. "And what about you Legion Zero?" said Ignacio. This room erupted once again mainly from the guests or anyone with royal blood. 

They weren't happy that the devil king allowed Zane to stay for this but getting a reward. "For him? You can't be serious brother! To give such a reward to a Phantom who hurt your dearest siblings is the worst decision you've could have decide! He should die!" yelled Chloe, flying over to the group on the main stage with Avril. Both devils recovered from Zane being that Ignacio soon walked over to them and hit them on the head.

Avril and Chloe looked at their older brother who was pissed off despite his calm expression. "You two need to stop acting like children. Rachel is our sister not the mistake! Our father is rolling in his grave at their behavior you're showing toward a member of our family!" said Ignacio with scarlet red energy aka Ardor leaking off his body. Both of the royal devils looked out from their brother with Ignacio turning toward the crowd and he said,"Quiet.".

The crowd was silent as Sivarth said,"He's got a presence doesn't he?". "Yeah." said Zane. "He may be a Phantom but that doesn't matter. He could have brought his entire army of Phantoms to wipe us out but he didn't. Be lucky that he spare your lives. I also invited him but we attacked him so a war may happen due to you fearing him." said Ignacio, causing them to gulp in fear. "So do you think you would ever do something like that?" said Lucifer.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Nah. I'm not in the mood to cause anyone who didn't hurt me or my friends trouble and pain plus a species genocide is so out of style these days.". "So what do you desire young hero? Eternal wealth? A woman of great beauty? Simple ask and I'll do anything in my power to give you your desires.". Zane folded his arms, closed his eyes, and started laughing. "Do you really want to know?" said Zane.

He cracked his knuckles with him saying,"I don't have a lot of desires in this world. My dad told me very something. "If you have the power that's strong enough to rock the Omniverse and stop evil in its tracks, use it to protect and fight for those who you care about.". He put his closed fist over his chest with him saying,"I'll use my immense power to protect I love and care about! However, I'm not an idiot.".

Zane took a deep breath as he said,"There is something that I got to say loud and clear. I want you devils to hear this so don't go deaf on me. I'm fighting for my dream! I fighting for my friends! I'm fighting for the future of the Omniverse and the children! Sorry your highness but nothing that you can offer me will help fight for the future sorry.". The devils were shocked by this since getting a reward let alone three is practically impossible and this boy is refusing all of them.

He smiled as he said,"Plus I already have the woman I love with all of my Essence so why would I need anything else?". Zane walked over to Rachel with him saying,"I'm here to fight for you Rachel Angelise Powell, my queen.". He kissed her hand with the devil blushing and Blaze was pissed off that he was touching HIS wife. "She isn't your wife or my queen. She's her own person and even if I win this duel, you can choose whoever you want to marry and I'll accept it." said Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You mean it Zane?". "Of course I do. You're a person first rather than an object. Even if you don't pick me to be your king, I'll be protecting her for the rest of my immortal life. So if you or anyone wants to marry her, you'll have to go through me." said Zane. His power was soon radiating out of him, causing all of the beings in the room to sweat in terror of the power that this boy has.

They also saw Azalea, Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth standing beside Zane with the crowd ,mainly from the Supernatural District, were scared of Zane with Team Maelstrom just smiling. "I mean are you scared of fighting me Blaze? I mean I'm easily stronger than you but hey, I would just love to be proven wrong by you." said Zane with his voice filled with confidence. Rachel was silent with her face bright red and steam coming out of her head.

Zane had confessed to her before but in private. This time, he just confessed to her in public. "Zane really knows how to make a scene doesn't he?" said Gwen, smiling. Leo's eyes sparkled with him saying,"I want to be like him some day!". "Me too squirt." said Kevin with him tussling Leo's hair and the vampire blushed. "Blaze. Do you accept this fight?" said Ignacio, accepting Zane as his soon to be brother in law.

Astrid and Chloe were a different story since they weren't a fan of Zane. "No objections. Blaze will make this quick." said Blaze. "I'm sure that most women hate when you go too fast. They like to take it easy and be romantic at the same time." said Zane. Several giggles ,from the females, came from the crowd being that Blaze just ignored Zane. He was really tempted to burn Zane's mouth off being that soon enough, he wouldn't have to deal with Zane no longer.

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