Saturday, March 16, 2019

Zero Episode 117 The potential revealed Section 2 (Written on December 16 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 117 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 117. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A bit later, the fight between the two was set up in a arena that was in a pocket dimension that looked like a Colosseum except with several giant chess pieces and towers covering the battlefield. The sky itself was bright red. "Oh wow. This dimension is pretty strong. More than the Domination dimension that's for sure. I really can't wait to break it." said Zane, looking around. "It's quite fascinating that you will be fighting like the Romans did back in the day." said Azalea.

Hearing this made Zane with the oldest female on Team Legion Zero. He and Blaze were the only beings in this dimension being that everyone else was back in the mansion. Zane knew that Rachel was worried for him despite seeing him do seemingly impossible things. Zane turned to see Blaze with the devil just looking forward to put Zane in his place. He was back into the first outfit Zane had seen in him but now, he was wearing gold arm and legs guards.

From above, the two heard Ignacio say,"Let the battle begin.". His face was projected in the sky with Zane getting ready to fight. "It's go time. No holding back." said Zane to his team. "You got this. Kick this guy's but Zane." said Team Legion Zero. "I've been waiting for this for almost two weeks now so I hope you're ready to lose." said Zane. "You messed with the wrong family Alvarez! My brother's going to burn you to cinders!" shouted Avril's voice.

Zane slowly rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly at her comment. "Okay then. I got a lot to unpack here. I'm actually impressed with your sister Blaze. I mean I've never seen a being so obsessed with her sibling. I'm not one to judge people on their kinks. Actually, I totally do like all of the time. So after I kick your butt, you may want to help your sister find a new love interest whose better than you in every way. " said Zane.

Unable to handle these insults no matter, Blaze's eyes twitched with him yelling,"I'll destroy you!". He flew into the air as fire completely covered his body and propelled himself toward Zane. He was doing this using fire construct wings and Zane just smiled. He stood there with him not moving. Just as Blaze was about to reach him, he cocked his left fist back before throwing it forward and was going to knock him with a single blow.

However, said blow missed due to Zane disappearing. "What the?" said Blaze as he flew right through him. Just as he passed through Zane, another Zane appeared and grabbed the airbone devil. He slammed the devil into the ground hard with him saying,"Yeah. I'll be perfectly honest here. You're super obvious and easily the worst pyrokinetic I fought. I thought it would be Cinder but nope. You're the worst.". "Zane. Stay safe." thought Rachel. 

After recovering from his sudden impact with the ground, Blaze got up and turned around to face him as he put some distance between them. "I forgot about him being a Phantom. Damn that annoying intangibility of his." thought Blaze as he threw a fireball at Zane who easily dodged it. Blaze's aim was always perfect being that Zane should have been fried. He didn't understand how a lower being was surviving against him. 

He wasn't having a good day. "No matter how many times you dodge my attacks, you will never beat my power!" shouted Blaze. He fired several fireballs at Zane with the teen easily dodging the flames and kicking one into Blaze. "Goal!" shouted Zane. Zane knew that he could easily destroy the fireball but he had another idea instead. "I know that you want to use the trump card during the fight but this earlier on. I won't stop you." said Athena. "Yeah." said Zane. 

Blaze was about to say something but then he felt a wave of power radiating from Zane, dispensing the fireball. What was this power?! It wasn't anything that he felt before in his two thousand, eight hundred, and twenty two years of life. Yes, the devil is a really old one. With this fact revealed, his and Rachel's relationship just got really weird didn't it?  This is due to them being two thousand, eight hundred, and four year difference. It's like a ten year old dating a fifteen year old. That's a reference to Zero.

The crowd watching could also feel this surge of the power which included Rachel. "This power is it from Zane is it? It's so warm and familiar." thought Rachel. Back on the field, Zane's right gauntlet begin glowing as Zane smiled. "I'm going to win this fight because you're not invincible. No one is including myself. You have no honor Blaze and that makes me better than you!" said Zane. Energy slowly surrounded him.

Zane looked at Blaze with him saying,"I made a promise to someone special that I intend to keep! And no one is going to stop me from keeping my promise! NOTHING got it?! Lets go!". He raised his right gauntlet to the heavens, glowing bright as a thousand suns. Blaze increased the flames around him, focused around his right fist. He spunched into the light to end the false royal here and now. He was shocked as something caught his flamed fist. 

Before he could take a good look at his enemy, he was socked directly in the face by a fist. The devil was knocked off balance and sent crashing into the ground a few feet away from where he had been hit in his perfect face. "What the hell are you?" said Blaze.  He rose to his feet with him glaring at the creature, being that it didn't look human. It looked like Zane in his armored suit but it looked slightly different. 

His body is still covered in a black bodysuit with him losing the crimson red web pattern to it. This is noticeable when Zane doesn’t have his entire body clad in steel gray plated armor being that the armor having a dragon like design to it. The armor has a sharp appearance to it. It has openings in the back of the armor. Out of these openings, they have a pair of large, reddish black metallic ,with a flame like pattern to them, scaled dragon wings with crimson red cosmic energy feathers or patagrim.

These wings match Zane’s Akostar wings. In the middle of his wings, he has a rocket booster like propulsion. His head is covered by a metallic black helmet/mask with it now more like a dragon like appearance. This is apparent thanks to his newly formed mouthpiece with sharp teeth-like structures on the helmet. He has glowing steel gray eyes ,along with the white outline, with diamond-shaped jewels on the places where the eyes would be. 

He's wearing his Legionnaire Gauntlets and under his armor, he looks different being that he has a case of heterochromia and his eyelids are like a reptilian slit. His left eye’s iris and pupil turn molten gold and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a flame like pattern to it. His right eye’s iris and pupil turn steel gray and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a lightning bolt like pattern to it.

Zane's steel gray armored boots has spikes on the sides of them just like his vambraces. He has a long armored dragon like tail being that unlike his wings, his dragon like tail is different than the normal tail he can grows if Zane wants. It starts out wide from the base of the tail. However, it soon segments outwards with two obsidian black ,spade like, prongs at the end being that a constant stream of Impulse flows between it.

Lazarus Soul was still on Zane's side, unsheathed and radiating with power. The power from the suit caused Blaze to tremble and sweat literal bullets. "You're going down. This is the brand new and amazing Hyperion Mail!" said Zane. "That's Hyperion Mail?!" said a shocked Rachel. From what Zane told her, Hyperion Mail is the result of Twilight being bonded to him not this. "Oh wow. That thing look pretty tough." said Kevin. "Really don't want to be the guy who pissed that one off." said Allen.

Gwen shook her head as she said,"Focus boys. Blaze is learning not to do that the very hard and painful way. Do you know where it came from?". "Who cares right now Gwen? I've been wanting to see Zane at his full power for a while and this is it." said Danny. Wolfram nodded. Blaze growled at the sight of the armor teen being that he couldn't see Zane's face but he could just imagine the smirk plastered on Zane's face.

The shock of the armor was gone with him beginning to laugh darkly and in a very triumphant manner at Zane. "So are you okay gecko? I mean I didn't even punch you that hard so you shouldn't have brain damage unless you're really weak. Not making fun of people with brain damage but I am making fun of you." said Zane. "Do you really think that suit of armor will defeat me, the strongest Salamander!" said Blaze.

Zane didn't show any sign of emotion at Blaze's declaration being that his armor masked his face and any emotions that was shown on his face. "Okay then. How about instead of standing there and gawking at my armor, show me how strong you think you are." said Zane, with him giving the devil a "come and get me" gesture. The devilish smirk was gone with Blaze snarling at him with murderous intent in his eyes.

He lunged at Zane being that his fist was fiery hot and struck right at Zane's armored head. Zane saw Blaze's attack coming from a mile away being that he dodged the punch. Zane landed a firm but powerful uppercut to the chin. The chin was completely broken along with the ground right under Zane being that the chin was being healed and Blaze was in the air. Under his wings, Zane sprouted several dragon like limbs and he said,"Fire!".

Zane fired several Impulse beams right at Blaze with the devil seeing that after Zane fired a single beam of energy, the one after it was stronger than the first beam. Blaze barely managed to avoid the barrage of lasers being that he watched them destroyed two rook statues and a knight statue in a huge explosion of raw energy and power. The destruction alone caused Blaze to be shocked as he heard his voice say,"Don't you dare keep your eyes off me!".

Blaze coughed blood as he looked down to see several steel gray energy tendrils. The devil looked like swiss chess and falling to the ground. His body was slowly healing as Blaze said,"I will end you!". He was about to throw a fireball but Zane had vanished. "Peek-a-boo bitch!" said a voice with Blaze's eyes widening. Zane appeared with him socking Blaze right in the stomach, sending the devil flying into a bishop statue. "That's for Rae, my team, and for just pissing me off!" yelled Zane.

Zane punched his left palm with his right fist as he said,"Rachel will never belong you to since I'm still around kicking your butt like my team did to you the other day! Our bonds will grow ever stronger and will become stronger than they were today! The real reason behind my great strength is the bonds I make with my friends!". His team smiled at this statement with them feeling the same as him. Despite never seen anything like this before, the devil refused to lose to him.

He pulled himself out of the rubble, the wounds healing thanks to the fire. He was pissed off at Zane for many reasons. "You just got lucky you dam human understand?! The flames of the indestructible Salamander fuels my wrath! It's power is stronger than your friends?! How pathetic are you! Those who are weaker than you are your peon! Nothing more than a tool! I'll show you what real power is as I scorch you to dust!" yelled Blaze. 

Blaze's body was covered in fire with him circled around the now-broken chess piece before homing in on his target. "I'm sorry. What did I say? I just tuned you out. I'll make you regret messing with Legion Zero!" said Zane. His power boosted before clashing with Blaze head to head. There was a large explosion with both combatants caught in the middle of it. The cameras that were recorded the fight were blinded, causing the audience to turn away.

Despite being devils and other supernatural creatures, the light was quite blinding. Blaze crashed onto the floor, grunting upon impact as Zane stood there. "Oh wow. When I heard how strong you were, I thought you would be a challenge but nope. You really are a candle compared to a real fire user aka me." said Zane, making his signature flames and forming a sword. "So is Zane being cocky or is the armor and him just that strong?" said Cole. "A and B. He really is a candle though." said Lucifer.  

Blaze recovered as he said,"You're hiding behind that armor boy! You're nothing more than a pile of ashes!". He threw another fireball with Zane just sighing. "Seriously? What is it with fire users only using fireballs? I get that it's a good ranged attack but come on! At least use something different or spice it up like a beam!" said Zane. He held his fiery blade and cut the fireball clean in half, sending both halves to the side of him and burning the ground around Zane.

With a whistle, Zane said,"Oh wow. Your flames are really toasty. Do you think that scares me flame brain? You honestly pissed me and nothing can stop me when my friends on my line!". He took flight as Blaze copied the armored teen. Blaze's fists turned into fire with Zane's fist glowing steel gray and has a trace of crimson red. The two punched each other's face with Blaze coughing blood out of his mouth.

Zane lowered his fist with him saying,"So how did it feel? I mean your punch tickled since I've gotten the fist of love from my grandpa one time. This punch hurt but because of that, grandma and my mom punched him into a building causing a fire. That was an interesting Thanksgiving.". Blaze couldn't say a single thing due to the incredible burning pain in his chest, coughing up more blood than normal. "This pain. How did you?" said Blaze, looking at Zane as the two descended.

The devil saw a very bright twinkle in Zane's right hand. It was in the shape of an item that's feared by the devils. "A cross?!" yelled Blaze, not believing his eyes. He couldn't figure out where he got that so he decided to ask Zane after crashing into the ground. Blaze slowly stood back up with his jaw slowly regenerate due to his body rejecting holy items. "Where did you get that?!" said Blaze as pain flowed through his body like blood or fire. Pick whichever. I like both.

Zane looked right at the silver cross with him saying,"Oh. You mean this old thing. I asked an angel if I could borrow it. I told the angels about me coming to kick your ass. They were quite gracious but at the same, they're total party animals. You really believe angels to be this totally uptight species but no. It was a shocker to me. I think they're just like all species in the Omniverse. Perfect but flawed. That is such an awesome statement I learned.".

Jordan blinked as she said,"So are we going to ask him about his journey here or not?". "We will Jordan because I think it's sounding more interesting by the minute." said Sly. "So how are you feeling right now Blaze? Knowing that a weak being like you claim is me is kicking your ass hard. How does a mighty being fall to their knees over a simple piece of metal on a necklace. No matter how powerful you think you are, there is always someone stronger than you and that's me!" said Zane.

Blaze growled at Zane with him realized something. Something of that power shouldn't have been a reality without a cost. "Wait a second. This is impossible!" said Blaze. "You losing to someone or me winning? I mean you're losing badly." said Zane. "No! This suit of armor of yours shouldn't be at all possible! Your body should have been torn apart by the amount of power. You're just a human with filthy Phantom blood!" said Blaze.

Sivarth's voice echoed out of the armor,"Normally devil, you would be right. Zane is a human but only a simple twenty five percent of him is that. The other seventy five percent of him is other species with ten percent is the proud and noble Akostar. After all, Akostar have been known to make pacts with beings if the Akostar is interested. This armor is the result of our bond. You're nothing compared to Team Legion Zero and our bond!".

Blaze was confused by this statement with him saying,"What does that have to do anything? That shouldn't......". His eyes widened as he looked at Zane. "Hold on a second. What did you give that Akostar boy?! If you're ten percent Akostar, what did you give him?!" said Blaze. "Something very important to me but I was only seven years old. It's my Essence or heart but honestly, I do not care anymore. Sivarth is one of my friends and I show you the power of our bond." said Zane.

Blaze chuckled as he said,"You fool. Do you honestly think giving him your heart was such a great idea? You could have died and probably will die because of how fickle they are!". He threw a fireball at Zane who just kicked it. "I don't care! Giving my Essence to Sivarth in order to save Jordan and Leo was totally worthy it! I'm willing to fight for my friends with all the power I have inside of me! You're going down you polygamous bastard!" said Zane.

Everyone at the party was shocked by this being that only his team knew about Zane's sacrifices but the devils didn't. If there is one thing that humans are known for, they're selfless. Not a single devil there would give up anything for others. Rachel just stared Zane being that he ,literally, crashed the party and challenged Blaze to one on one just for her. She was rendered speechless. "Have you lost your mind brat?! You are a freak!" yelled Blaze.

Zane shrugged as he said with his arms crossed,"Honestly, I don't care. I may be a freak but I have friends, family, and I won't lose to you bitch.". He was ready to finish this. "Rae isn't a title, more than a princess! She deserves so much better than a life that she doesn't want to live! She's an all too important part of my life and I'll save her from you or anyone who dares to hurt her! After all, a man gives his all for the woman he loves!" said Zane.

He rushed forward with his rockets and pulled his right fist back. Back at the party, Rachel couldn't believe her ears despite her hearing him saying it multiple times to her. Blaze couldn't move due to the holy energy affecting him. He didn't even have enough power to make a defensive force. Holy energy makes devils sluggishly and unable to return back back to normal until the holy energy is gone from their bodies.

Zane rushed toward Blaze with him landing a powerful uppercut right into the devil's jaw like before and it broke. You could hear the jaw breaking from the mansion and the devil went flying right into the air. The devil crashed into the ground with the area around the devil covered in dust and the devil barely seeing several pieces of metal ,matching the armor's color, flying right toward him and they quickly covered his body. The devil's arms and legs were trapped, making him unable to move.

The hero made multiple massive pieces of metals ,which matched the armor's color, magnetically levitated around him. They slowly formed into cannons and Zane's arms were covered by cannons. All of Zane's cannons were slowly charging up energy with Danny figuring out what Zane was going to do. He remember his best friend using this attack against Steamroller and how he sent the easily five hundred pound man flying down the street. However, this attack had changed.

Zane's rocket booster like protrusion and Zane's wings fused together to create a giant energy absorbing panel which were in the shape of a heater and round shield. He combined both of his arm cannons and combined them, making a giant cannon in its place. The cannons that floated around Zane matched the giant cannon that covered Zane's hands. "I really hope you can take a beating Blaze because you're getting it and then some! Fire!" said Zane.

The cannons each fired out a massive beam of energy being that these beams were slowly combining into one. The giant beam went flying right toward Blaze, obliterate the ground below it. They all  combined into one massive beam which easily dwarfing both Blaze and Zane in terms of size and being twenty feet tall. Blaze screamed in pain as he was completely covered in energy and made a massive explosion, making a mushroom cloud.

In time, the smoke cleared and showed off the destruction that the beam left behind. The area was obliterated with Blaze being in the center of the crater. Blaze slowly stood back up, revealing his injuries. "Do you really think you can defeat me?! I'm a Salamander! We're invincible!" said Blaze. His body was slowly regenerated using his clan's flames. His slow recharge rate was because of the holy energy in his body despite his body getting eradicated by the giant beam attack.

Zane rolled his eyes with his armor returned back to normal. "Yeah. As you can clearly see, I've been kicking your ass this entire fight. You may think your flames are invincible but news flash! Nothing in the Omniverse is invincible! You really need to cool down!" said Zane. He made a Zenith Sphere, being a blue color. Zane aimed the sphere at Blaze, punching it right at the devil. Due to the remaining holy energy, he was slower than he was before.

Blaze got hit by the sphere being that instead of pain, he only felt water hitting his chest and face. He was confused by this but he screamed out in pain. His chest was burning away as his voice reached a high pitch that would make Avril wince in pain from the sound. If he did this in a glass shop, there would be a lot of broken glass and a employee cleaning it up. His devil flames were trying to heal his injuries but it wasn't working.

Zane chuckled at his opponent's pain as he said,"Do you honestly think that the angels just gave me a cross to defeat you? Well, you would be right. I got this water from some elves on my way here and man, you don't want to know how I got it. That's a amazing story for a another time but hey, you're feeling pain aren't you Blaze?". He held a bottle ,with a strange flower symbol on it, dropping it and the devils watching this fight were shocked.

The elves despised the devils due to the devils destroyed most of their land just for fun being that they do have a fondness for humans that find themselves in their forest. "Lord Blaze! He's feeling pain from that boy?!" said a female devil. "What did that boy do?! The elves wouldn't have done this for him!" said a male goblin. "Big brother!" shouted a confused and concerned Avril. He was a noble like her and a member of the Salamander Clan so why wasn't he healing?

Ignacio chuckled as he said,"So Zane is smarter than Blaze. He really does have more than one plan for Blaze's weakness.". The young girl turned to him in shock as she screamed,"Impossible! My brother is flawless!". "No he isn't sister. We have a weakness toward the cross due to our hatred of the angels and righteous forces such as the elves's water. He's a very smart being. I wouldn't mind being a member of his group or serve him under him." said Archie.

Avril glared at her brother with her saying,"He's cheating!". "No it isn't. Your group cheated first using the highly illegal Reaper Powder and don't think I forgot about that. You could try to sue Zane but I'm sure that he has a impressive team of lawyers to help him." said Ignacio. "Yeah. I expect Zane to find a tactic like this but I was expecting him just to punch him." said Heidi. "I still don't get it. The cross I got but why is the water affecting him? He can regenerate like bro right?" said Leo.

Gwen nodded as she said,"Blaze and his family can regenerate but his mind is another story. The body of the Salamander may be immortal but the mind and emotions are not.". "I'm so sorry Blaze being that I remember hearing that salamanders love water so I thought why not. I guess you don't since you're a devil and you just hate good natured things aka the cross and the elves's water. Put them together and well, your defeat is served. How does it feel to lose?" said Zane.

Third degree burns were all over Blaze's chest and face being that he was no longer a royal devil. He was a bloody, burned mess being that if not treated soon, he would be nothing more than a scarred beast. His body was shaking, showing fatigue. His power was trying to heal him as the combo of good and righteous forces destroy him. In his life, he has never seen his defeat or blood before. He felt weak but also angry. He launched a giant fireball at Zane being that it was slowly than before.

This was due to his power focused on healing him using the flames of the Salamander Clan. Zane cracked his neck with him grabbing a piece of rubble. It expanded in size, easily dwarfing the fireball. He threw the massive object toward the ball, intercept the attack. "I'm keeping an eye on my environment and using it to my advantage!" said Zane. He rushed toward Blaze with the devil saying,"Impossible! You're hurting me! This is impossible!".

Blaze threw several small fireballs at Zane with the fire just bouncing off the armor. "You're nothing compared to me! I'm of royal blood and you're nothing but a genetic misfit! These flames will burn you alive!" yelled Blaze. He stood back up with his flames covering his body and rushed toward Zane despite getting injured. "Do you think I'm scared of you? You're going to regret messing with me and my friends!" said Zane.   

The two clashed fists, releasing fire and impulse everywhere. An explosion covered the field, sending both combatants back. Blaze went crashing into a pawn statue with Zane stopping just before hitting a rook statue. Blaze emerged from the rubble with him flying in the air. "Oh wow. I totally thought you were done but hey, you've must gotten your second wind old man." said Zane. Blaze threw a giant ball of fire ,matching the sun, at Zane and the armored teen stood there. 

Zane smiled under his mask just as the ball of fire was about to swallow him whole. "Your flames will be your downfall." said Zane. He covered his arms in his signature flames with his hands held out in front of him. "Absorb!" said Zane. The crowd and Blaze watched the ball of fire slowly transmuting itself right in front of their eyes. Blaze's flames matched Zane's flames. "Oh. Look at that. Your fire turned into mine. What a twist." said Zane.

Blaze's eyes widened once again as he yelled,"You scum! What the hell did you do to my flames you damn punk?!". "Well you gecko, I'll make this simple for you. I stole your flames in order to make you learn your place. Infernal Clap!" said Zane. Zane's body ignited with his arms and hands blazing with an incredible intensity, glowing brighter than normal. His arms and hands are covered in a visible haze, being a dark indigo color.

Zane clapped his hands together, creating a giant wave of fire or shockwave of heat. It went toward Blaze with Avril saying,"Why is he doing that? Our clan makes us immune to fire!". "Just watch and you'll get your answer." said Archie. The flames slammed into Blaze, screaming in pain. The wave felt like a destructive force of a erupting volcano. "How the hell are these flames hurting me?! I am fire itself!" yelled Blaze.

Blaze didn't get a response from Zane due to the devil getting punched in the stomach, air escaping his lungs. He round house kicked Blaze in the head, sending him right into the ground. He fired a barrage of Zenith Spheres at Blaze with the devil barely dodging the barrage. He was slowly getting back up before Zane appeared behind Blaze. He punched Blaze into the ground, creating a large explosion of dust covering the two.

As the dust settled, Zane slowly pulled Blaze out of the ground and held him up in the air by his dress shirt. Zane kicked Blaze right in the chest and was sent flying away, crashing into a second bishop piece. Zane walked toward him with him saying,"This beatdown I'm giving you is a response to you hurting my friends! Eat their pain bastard!". He flew right toward Blaze, slamming his open right palm into Blaze 's face and gripping it.

Blaze tried to blast Zane away from him with the devil's fire just bouncing off the armor. Zane threw the devil into the air and before Blaze could recover, he was hit into the ground by two dragon arms that sprouted from his chest. "Wow. Zane is really showing not a single ounce of mercy on this guy whatsoever." said Allen. "Yeah Allen but Blaze had it coming. Zane is a vengeful person when it comes to those who hurt his friends." said Jordan.

After coming out of the crater Zane put him, Blaze glared at Zane. "You bastard! I'm going to kill you for being a pain to me and everyone you've ever met in your pathetic life!" yelled Blaze. Zane easily dodged another fireball of him with him saying,"Alongside the environment, you need to keep a close eye on your opponent because they'll may do anything to win!". He aimed his left gauntlet in front of him, slowly charging up energy.

With a smile, Zane said,"My body has an immense amount of power flowing through and out of it. I've been told this recent but it's true. Humans can do anything that they set their mind to being that I'm still human.". He eventually made a translucent sphere shape ,being about the size of a basketball or football, and he grabbed the sphere with his hand. It looked like Zane's potential. The sphere had swirling black, crimson red, dark indigo, molten gold, steel gray, and turquoise energy within.

After it appear, Znae began running toward Blaze as he yelled,"To win a fight against a foe who may be stronger than you or not, aim for their weak spot and hit them hard!". His team felt butterflies in their stomachs upon hearing Zane's words. He was thanking them for his support and saying that this beatdown is a team effort. Blaze couldn't move. He exhausted all of his power and was wide open for Zane's attack. 

He did the only thing he could think of. " S-stop..... You can't do this!...." said Blaze. Blaze launched several waves of fire and fireballs at Zane with the flames just bouncing off the armor. "This engagement isn't just important for the Akostar and Salamander Clan but the future of the Devils, you fucking fool! A being like you could never understand what our race went through during the Omniverse War! You have no right getting involved in matters that don't involve you!" yelled Blaze.

Blaze released a massive ball of fire at Zane, transforming into a giant salamander. Instead of running from the giant fire lizard, Zane kept walking and then through the creature. Zane removed his helmet as his face was revealed. "I really don't give a crap. Do you think I've listened to a single word you've said? That isn't important anymore! I did all of this because you hurt Rae. She's an important part of my life. I would do anything for her which includes any bullshit politics involving her." said Zane.

Rachel's eyes were widened as Zane said,"Do you know how far you pushed her? She never wanted this wedding but you and her bastard family made her upset and desperate! She lashed out, tried to hurt herself in ways that can't be undone, and worse of all, she cried. She cried for what you did to her and the family she made on Earth and not with her own species. Do you know what that's like?! I doubt you do.".

He stopped moving as he said,"To be pushed to your utmost limits and seeing no other option but to surrender in order to live another day? I can never expect you to do but could you do it for your brother and sister? Your fellow devils? No you wouldn't. Family is the most important thing you can have other than life itself. Money isn't important especially when it comes to the idea and concept of a family. She wants nothing to do with you! GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL BASTARD!!!!".

Blaze was quiet as Zane said,"So are you ready to get a taste of your well needed medicine? Because I got just the thing for you!". After getting into a running stance, the hero broke into an run with him covering his fist in the Zenith Sphere. "Learn your place Blaze! Bond Zenith Sphere!" said Zane as he unleashed a powerful uppercut into Blaze's gut. The devil hunched over and cough up blood. It's due to the physical pain from Zane's assault mixed with the cross and elf water combo.

Zane smiled as he said,"Have a nice flight Blaze!". The sphere exploded with Blaze getting launched into the remains of a giant king sized piece, making a noticeable Blaze-sized indentation within the piece. Blaze coughed a large amount of blood as he said,"Dam you.". He was slowly standing back up before falling back into the rubble. "Get up already! I got to kick your ass harder!" said Zane with a smile. "You're a sadist Zane. I think that's obvious now." said Kane.

The hero shrugged his shoulders as he said,"Yeah but only toward people who piss me off.". "At least you accept it Zane." said Lucifer and Sivarth in unison. Blaze was feeling true fear from Zane since he couldn't believe what was happen to him. He was losing to a lower being. "So do you want power you oh so powerful devil?" said a voice. Blaze noticed that time was frozen around him being that in front of him, he saw Skull Plague.

For a quick reminder, this is Skull Plague outside of his meat suit aka Fallout. It's been a while so here's a quick recap. I mean it's been how many years in real life. His first physical appearance was in Zero Episode 64 which aired on Thursday, November 23, 2017. It has been four hundred seventy eight days, sixty eight weeks and two days, or one year, three months, and twenty one days since then. I'm not counting by the time but the day.

Anyway, he's a living and somehow breathing humanoid male skull. He looks to be the size of a basketball or watermelon. The skull is a ash gray color and covered in a black aura. In the center of the skull, there is a singular eye. The eye itself is just a red pupil. He has four thin, black limbs that were constantly moving around the skull. He has three bone like fingers on the end of each limb. Out of his back, energy ,being the Qlakrik's Carnal, was generating out of him. It was a dark red color.

Upon seeing the infamous being floating there, Blaze released out a scream and he yelled out,"What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here! You are supposed to be in the Dread Dimension not here in the Supernatural District!". He tried to back away from Skull Plague being that the devil was picked up by two Carnal arms and was standing him up. He looked at the devil with his body looking like crap due to his injuries fighting Zane.

Skull Plague whistled as he said,"Wow. Zaney really did a number on you huh Blaze young boy. To be honest with you, I don't think Zane was using 10% of his strength on you. He's gotten really strong in a short amount of time. He did open the Omni Door after. Not sure what he got from it but man, he's wrecking your shit. Oh by the way, we're in Savadran aka the middle ground of several dimensions of the Omniverse and by the way, you can never leave.".

Blaze's eyes widened with Skull laughing. "Oh wow! You totally believe that you're stuck here aren't you?! Nah. You're not. I mean I am but lets get back on point here. Zaney is much stronger than you since he's trying to kill me along with his pals. I'm sure he could do it. Out of everyone I've met who can use fire, you're really weak like uber weak." said Skull. "Impossible Qlakrik! My flames can burn Akostars!" said Blaze.

Skull rolled his eye as he said,"You're right but to be fair to the Akostars, they were near death due to other wounds from previous fights so that shouldn't count but it does. I mean against Azalea and Sivarth, you'll die by either one of them stomping on you like the lizard you are which by the way is a hilarious thought. Just watch devil boy!". He made an image of Blaze fighting against Azalea and Sivarth with each Akostar smashing him over and over.

Blaze watched this scene with a shocked expression. "So are you alright buddy? Did I just destroy your fragile ego? I mean Zaney is doing that as well out there but I'm adding insult to injury at this point." said Skull. Blaze was silent as Skull shrugged despite not having shoulders whatsoever. "Okay then you loser devil. Anyway, I decided to grant you power in order for you to defeat Zaney for me so will you do it?" said Skull. "Really?" said Blaze.

He looked at the Qlakrik with hopeful determination with Skull smiling. "Yep! You'll have the power of a Qlakrik and trust me, you'll win! Just shake my hand." said Skull, making one of his hand go in front of him. Blaze grabbed it as Carnal covered him. The devil screamed out in pain as Skull said,"I think you'll be fine. Come on bats! Swarm him up!". Skull flew back with several stone bats covered Blaze's body with his screaming getting louder.

Back in the Colosseum, Zane was heading toward Blaze but he stopped. "So why did you stop? Blaze still needs to learn his place." said Cole. "I sense Carnal." said Zane, shocking Cole. "No. Would he Sivarth?" said Kane. "It doesn't matter Kane. He makes no sense whatsoever. All of his actions are for entertainment. I bet that he's making a deal with Blaze right now and I'm pretty sure that he accepted. Zane you know what to do." said Sivarth.

Zane nodded as his body sprouted several steel gray energy tendrils with them heading toward the pile of rubble that contained Blaze and latched themselves onto the devil. Using the energy tendrils, Zane was slowly taking away Blaze's power. He was hoping that he could get rid of the Carnal that was slowly forming inside of the devil and transforming him. Around the pieces of rubble, several dragon limbs ,being fists and feet, began beating the snot out of Blaze.

This covered the devil and Zane in a large dust cloud. Zane's helmet was going back over his head as the dust cloud came closer to him. Rachel was watching in amazement at how Zane was fighting Blaze. She felt a single tear start to go down her cheek as she thought with pure joy,"He's winning against Blaze. You can do this Zane!". This attack continued for a few more seconds before a large, fiery explosion erupted out of the dust cloud.

Much to their shock, the crowd saw Zane getting sent flying back across the field and his feet creating deep grooves in the ground. "ENOUGH! You can't not defeat me with your tricks no longer Zero! I'll end this match with your death!" shouted a demonic voice. Blaze flew into the air and he was looking very different, shocking both of his siblings and the rest of the devils watching. His skin color is now a white color being the same color as very hot flames.

His eyes and face looked to be the same as before with his hair floating in the air, acting like fire itself as it flowed through the wind. He now had a third eye being that unlike his normal eyes, it was glowing red. His pants were gone being that it was now metallic armor/tights. The armor is a dark green with a gold outline being that it has several spikes protruding from them with a fiery tip to the them. He was now barefoot with three demonic talons for toes.

Blaze has two upward horns coming out of his head. His arms had spikes on the sides being that they resembling blunt but deadly knives. They were engulfed in flames that were burning with an incredible intensity, being white hot. His blazer was ripped, looking like a vest. This is due to his four metallic demonic wings sticking out of his back being that they were a bright gold color with embers falling off them. His flame like gem was currently glowing.

He shot through the air at blinding speeds being that everyone back at the mansion struggled to keep up with. He darted all around Zane before suddenly rushing toward Zane from behind. However, the super hero could still see him coming thanks to a lot of training. Zane spun around being that he was going to smack Blaze in the face. This time was different being that Blaze finally learned to expect this simple but effect move.

You really think that he would gotten it by now but Blaze isn't the smartest devil. He isn't an idiot but he isn't the smartest either despite his age. The devil dodged Zane's armored fist before bringing his arm down on top of it, his flame cut clean through his right arm. It was severed from his elbow onward and sending it falling to the floor. Zane clutched his new stump as he said,"Hey! I didn't cut off any of your limbs earlier thank you very much! Play fair!".

Blaze was done with his antics being that he landed right behind Zane. He spun around with his right hand on the ground. He sliced clean through Zane, cutting him in half. "Well, darn. This actually hurts just a bit though." said Zane.  His upper half landed on the ground with his lower half landed a few inches away from the upper half. "NO ZANE!" cried Rachel, watching this fight with tears flowing down her face.

She just watched Zane getting sliced into three pieces being that he had done so much for her and it gotten him killed for it. She watched her friends get hurt before being that she couldn't take the pain any longer. She clasped her hands over her mouth to stop the gasp that escaped her mouth being that she shook slightly. A hand was on her right shoulder as Danny stood there. "Don't worry Rae. Zane's fine." said Danny, smiling.

Rachel grabbed Danny's bandages as she yelled,"How can you be so sure Danny?! We just saw him die again! I should have gone through with the engagement being that I just watched the love of my eternal life die! My friends also got hurt right in front of me because of my actions! Zane's dead and you're injured Danny!". "Calm down Rae. I know that the last couple of weeks have been rather intense for you but think about it." said Danny.

Through her tears, Rachel said,"What?!". "Remember. Zane has lost limbs before this fight. We've been shocked by this but he goes back to normal." said Danny. Rachel's eyes widened with Danny saying with a smirk,"Okay. You got it. Anyway, back to the fight. He would want you to watch Rae since he's doing it for you.". Rachel did so being that she saw Blaze with his arms out stretched and laughing triumphantly.

Blaze said while looking down at the pieces of Zane,"Ha! You have been defeated by the almighty Blaze! Even with this added power, I would have killed you before you did any damage! See that Rachel! There is nothing that you can do to....". He heard laughter with it sounding very obnoxious. He turned to see Zane laughing with him staring at the sky above him. "How are you still alive?! He gave me this power and promised that you would die!" snarled Blaze.

He backed away from the superhero, with his eyes widen in shock. Zane continued laughing as candy syrup tendrils sprouted from his waist being that they snaked across the dirt until it reached the upper half of his body and latched on tight to it. This also happened with Zane's right arm with the tendrils coming from his stump instead. The audience gasped as the tendrils began pulling the upper half and arm back to the lower half.

They fused back together with Zane rolling his shoulders and shit eating grin ,despite the helmet completely covering his face, on him. Zane looked at the shocked look of Blaze. "Huh? The great and magnificent Blaze hasn't seen someone outside of your family with regeneration before. That's the thing about you noble types. You're so blinded to the outside world and because of that, your ego inflates like a balloon before popping." said Zane, making a sound.

Astrid and Chloe were very much shocked like Blaze being that they turned to their youngest sibling who was smiling at seeing him back in action. Her happiness dwarfed their shock being that the duo of devils turned to Ignacio smiled. "So what happened?!" said Astrid and Chloe. "I think you two learned the power of a Zero haven't you? I doubt he'll be dying anytime since unlike most of the previous ninety nine zeroes, he has something to fight for other than himself." said Ignacio.

He was smirking as the two royal devils were shocked by this new information. They knew about the Zeroes and how most of them cared only for themselves. They were always considered to be very powerful but also stupid. Back with Zane, he was looking over himself being that he was checking if his body had been restored properly despite being burned by Blaze. "Wow. You being a Brandsa and Devil Cross-Species makes you weaker than me." said Zane.

If you want to look up what a Brandsa is, check out Zero Shorts Episode 1. Brandsa are basically the weaker version of Qlakriks. It's like compared a dragon to a wyvern. Both are quite deadly creatures of fantasy but one is clearly better. They can use Carnal and whatever ability they had before. That's pretty much it. I'm not saying that they're coming back like Alf ,in pog form, but they may show up once and a while. Don't quote me on that. I could be wrong.

Blaze was slowly backing away from Zane with him saying,"This is impossible boy! Only I and my family have the power of regeneration!". Zane crossed his arms ,forming the shape of an "X" in front of him, being that he said,"And that's where you're wrong Blaze. I guess I should end this fight before Skull Plague completely takes you over since you still have family who loves you for some reason but I'm not one to judge.".

Zane looked down at both of his gauntlet covered arms as he said,"I think it's time to bring out the really big guns.". Zane's body was pulsating rapidly with him slowly surrounded by several glowing energy spheres which materialize from out of nowhere. They floated in the air around him. The spheres are either colored black, crimson red, dark indigo, molten gold, steel gray, and turquoise. It looked like that Zane was transforming into Wrath but it was something else entirely. 

Blaze could feel a powerful source of energy coming and radiating off from Zane. Even with his immense power boost, every fiber of his being was telling him to run away and hide from the power source despite him not wanting to run away because of Zane pissing him off constantly. This feeling effected those back in the mansion who were watching the fight as well. They were scared yet interested of what was going on with Zane at this moment.

Zane began to chant,"Time to awaken my full potential. I am the Emperor who will not let anything stop me from protecting those who I treasure dearly. Within me, infinite power and dreams are there and give me strength to fight those who would hurt the innocent. I am the Savior of the Omniverse that I swear to protect! Let me show you the power that breaks all limits! Emperor Mail!”. During the chant, Zane was slowing changing.

He still wears the black bodysuit alongside his plated dragon armor being that it looks to be more organic than before and looks to be crimson red and steel gray armor. It looks more bulky without losing its speed in the process. His shoulders are covered by two layers of thick armor curved shoulder padding. They now have two cannon in the areas between Zane’s neck and shoulder pads. It keeps the same appearance as before.

Zane grew a second set of dragon wings with all four wings having a cannon on them. Two cannons are under his armor and the chest looks to be the most different being that it was a cluster of enclosed armor. He still has the rocket booster like propulsion and his helmet are the same. His tail looks the same except now, he has four obsidian black ,spade like, prongs at the end. "What the hell are you?" said Blaze with noticeable fear in his voice.

He looked up at him with him smiling under the helmet. He released a giant burst of energy that was violently destroys everything in its way and light up the entire area. It was also creating larger than normal shockwaves and waves of pressure. They usually knocks everyone off their feet and can be felt for miles around. Some people in the mansion were out cold. The area around Zane is covered in a crater and his aura emits a fiery spirit that emanates both energy and passion.

Zane smiled with him saying,"You should know that the Emperor Mail means that you're going to be fucked hard buddy.". "What?! This power you have in your body should have destroyed you by now!" yelled a fearful Blaze. "Don't worry. You're still stronger than him." said Skull's voice in his ear. "Nope. My body is still fit as a fiddle. Time for you to fall." said Zane. He compressed both of his arms into his body while slowly sprouting several cannons like objects out of his body.

The cannons formed around Zane, completely covering him from all sides. He fired off a flurry of continuous punches. All of his punches matched Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum in terms of appearance and Zane shouted,"Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Storm!". Blaze was sent flying away and onto the ground with him coughing up blood. Despite his body regenerating from the damage, Blaze still felt the pain being that he didn't like it whatsoever.

Zane charged right toward Blaze and moved toward the devil at incredible speed. "You don't deserve anyone of those women who serve under you but everyone deserves someone! However, you don't deserve Rae!" said Zane, with him socking the devil right in the face. This sent him flying across the field being that he was sent through several chess pieces and ended up in one of the Colosseum's towers. This created a large hole from the impact of the devil.   

He whistled as he said,"Oh wow. You went flying. I totally expected you to go a couple of feet in front of the tower but inside of it. This armor really doesn't hold back. I'm guessing that you learned that there is always someone stronger than you aka me.". Blaze emerged from the hole being that he was engulfed in flame being that they were rather intensive. He lunged toward Zane with his fist reared back.

Zane easily saw this coming being that he dodged Blaze's punch and grabbed his arm. He threw the devil into the ground, making a massive crater. Zane flew high into the air being that Blaze said while his broken body was slowly repairing itself,"What are you?! This power in a single person is impossible!". "Jeez and people don't tell me that I don't listen. The name is Zane Vincent Alvarez aka Legion Zero. So get it memorized. Tyrannus Lance!" said Zane.

He focused Tyrannus Nether in his hand with it slowly forms into a lance like shape and getting bigger over time being that it can easily be the size of a skyscraper. It looks like a hyper compressed energy lance. It was covered by a steel gray mandala around it being that Zane threw it down on Blaze. Blaze barely dodged the spear with the spear causing a massive explosion and slammed into the tower where Blaze crashed into early.

This made a massive explosion, destroying the tower to collapse. "You can't win! You're nothing compared to me! You're nothing!" roared Blaze, before flying right at Zane. Zane easily dodged the attack with Zane slamming his right fist into the back of Blaze, creating a large and deep crater from the impact. "Rae deserves better! She deserves someone who make her happy and hopefully, I'm that person! I'll make everyone see that no matter what it takes!" roared Zane.

His voice carried across the arena, reaching Rachel who gasped. She put her hand to her chest as she felt her heartbeat started to beat faster at Zane's words. Astrid looked at her sister with her saying in a teasing tone,"Is he making your heart beat little sis?". Rachel glared at her with her saying,"For the past eighteen years, you treated me like a mistake. I'm sure that Zane would want me to forgive you since we're family and I will but don't tease me or I'll sick him on you.".

Astrid gulped in fear being that she learned that Zane was scary. "Dam you!" yelled Blaze. His body was engulfed in fire being that he created the biggest fireball Zane had seen the devil make so far and it was thrown toward Zane. Zane shrugged as he said, "Oh wow. You're really trying to kill me aren't you Blaze? Oh well, Unrivaled Gateway.". He focused as he created candy syrup , in the shape of "0", with the center of them matching the color of his portals.

He created several portals around the battlefield with Zane jumped through one and evaded Blaze's attack which caused a massive explosion. Blaze looked around for Zane as the armored teen appeared and was rushing toward Blaze. He held Lazarus Soul and slashed Blaze across the chest. "This is the end for you bastard!" yelled Zane. Blaze made a giant fiery claw from his body being that he was about to grab Zane.

However, Zane escaped the attack thanks to a portal and Blaze's attack missed. Blaze looked at his wound with him hearing,"Oh wow. Not even your wounds are now longer healing up. I guess Zaney has more tricks being that the sword can use all of the abilities that all of his swords have or maybe it's the energy field that's around you. It's negating your healing factor.". Blaze noticed the steel gray energy field around him with it covered the entire battlefield.

Blaze saw Zane reappear being that he rushed toward him. "You can't stop me!" said Blaze as he made two fire claws and swiped at Zane. Zane evaded them thanks to a portal with him flipping off the devil as he evade the attack. Zane reappeared being that Blaze evaded Zane's sword slice unlike last time. "I guess he's slightly smarter than I thought but this time, I need to go even faster than before!" thought Zane.

Both Blaze and the crowd saw Zane appeared and reappear through several portals, trapping Blaze in a prison of slashes. "You'll run out of energy eventually! You're close to your limits! You'll die if you make a single mistake!" roared Blaze. "Sorry but that ain't happen! I'm fighting for Rae and my friends here! You made her cry when you brutally assault Danny right in front of her! I'll hurt anyone who makes my friends cry got it!!" roared Zane in anger.

This caused Rachel to cry again being that she wanted to give Zane the perfect reward more and more by the minute. Zane reappeared being that he made a steel gray Nether construct of Cardinal Etcher appear in his hand as he directly stabbed it right in the center of Blaze's chest and hitting the gemstone directly, cracking it in half. Zane smiled as Crisis Judgement went off. "You dam fool. You got close to me!" said Blaze.

Zane's arms were covered in Blaze's fire with him saying,"Burn away!". His arms were being burned alive with Zane not saying anything. "You dam fool! Nothing will stop my victory! I took that attack on purpose to let you come to me! You'll fail in front of everyone like the bitch you and that mistake really are!" said Blaze. "Silly Blaze. That would only work on someone who doesn't have extremely powerful regeneration aka not me." said Zane with a smile.

He cut off his own arms, freeing himself from Blaze's fire. The energy sword was still inside of Blaze as Zane's arms grew right back. The energy sword still remained inside of Blaze being that Zane's arms grew right back. Before Blaze could do anything about the sword or Zane escaping him, Zane aimed his hands right toward Blaze. "Time for Arcanum Skydive and Arcanum Aster! A double combo of pain!" said Zane with a smile.

A giant ring appeared in front of Blaze with Zane firing several types of energy beams ,with the energy beams being several types of energies ranging from Animus to Mojo plus every other type of energy that Zane controls, from his body being that it included the cannons. All of the energy beams went right toward the empty part of the ring. Zane flew right toward the ring with him going right through the center of it.

His body is covered in a massive energy aura being that he began flying high into the air and comes slamming down into Blaze. During the flight down, he began spinning like a drill and comes down like a meteor. Upon making impact, this made a massive explosion which shook the arena and the mansion. Before Blaze could do anything once again, Zane created a large amount of Impulse into a sphere like construct in the same vein as Zenith Sphere.

There is a stream of lightning coming off the sphere, flames going around the sphere, and frost freezing everything around it. He threw it right toward Blaze being that the hand that the sphere was thrown slowly closing into Blaze. While it was heading toward Blaze, it slowly increases in both size and pressure. Upon reaching the devil, it splits open in a pure white flash. There is a loud roar being that the effect range is a semi-circle that went around Blaze.

It went for a good fifty meters around him from all sides, made a massive crater in the ground and sent Blaze flying into the ground. Blaze was completely annoyed at Zane and his antics being that he threw a gigantic sphere at Zane. "If you want to play fireball, I'll play along! Fierce Sol!" said Zane while taking up a fierce stance. He began creating a miniature sphere of Impulse being that it matches the color of the energy that comes from Predator State.

Said sphere radiates so much Impulse being that it can be seen and felt by everyone back at the mansion. Zane threw it toward Blaze being that it was slowly growing over time being that it was taller than Cypress High and Blaze's mansion, easily dwarfing Blaze's fireball by a lot. The two spheres collided, causing a massive explosion and it engulfed Blaze inside of it.  The only thing that was escaping the explosion was the cries of agony.

The arena was covered in dust being no one could see the impact of the attack. The dust cleared with Blaze on the ground, still alive but was pretty much destroyed by the raw Impulse. "How are you doing this child? You're just a mistake!" said Blaze. "Oh wow. You're still alive. I'm impressed. I'm sure that those attacks should do the trick." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Zane smiled with him saying,"You know what they say. There is no kill like overkill.".

Everyone who was watching the fight learned that Zane's sadistic nature extended outside of training. Blaze was slowly rising to his feet. His fear of Zane grew exponentially being Zane punched him in the chest, sending him into the ground. Zane sprouted a dragon limb and the limb picked up Blaze by the throat, dangling off the floor. "Look man. Since I'm feeling really generous, do you give up?" said Zane.

His mask didn't show the raw determination behind Zane's eyes. "Never!" yelled Blaze. He tried to escape but failed. "Well, I tried to be nice. Lets see. I'll go with this one first. Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Carnage!" said Zane. He threw Blaze a good distance away and rushing toward the stunned devil. Zane held his swords using his mind being Cardinal Etcher, Espada, Forsaken Dirge, Spectral Sun, and Striker.

Zane smiled as he said while holding Lazarus Soul,"This blade is the physical embodiment of my soul and like me, I can break the limits of my soul to crush anything in my path!". His sword glows dark purple and gold being that a new sword appears in its place. Instead of a katana, it changes to be a very uniquely-shaped broadsword being that the blade is only shorter than Zane ,whatever height big or small, by a few inches.

The blade look like to be a bigger version of the previous blade being that it’s still curved, double-edged, and slender. The edge is reddish purple and the blade is reddish black looking like metal scales with a flame like pattern to it, being like Vulcan Emperor. The hilt is the exact same as being that it’s black ,with a purple criss cross pattern looking like a circuit board, wrapping. It’s also long enough to be used with two hands.

Lazarus Soul's eight pointed maple leaf flower/snowflake handguard is also the same being that the string that once hanged from the end of the pommel is a silver spiked chain in the same vein as the Enigma Talisman. "No! That sword! Keep it away from me!" said Skull Plague. "Is he scared of that blade or what?" thought Blaze. Zane sliced Blaze being that the effects of his attack didn't appear until Zane landed, causing six massive cuts to appear on Blaze's body.

Blaze emitted a painful cry being even more intense than any other pain that he has felt before being that even though the swords were long gone due to Zane returning them back to the pocket dimension, Blaze could feel the pain coursing throughout his body. "Do you give up?" said Zane with him emitting more power. Blaze didn't answer him but his head shook for him. "Sorry but you can't say no to fighting him devil. Good luck with surviving." said Skull.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Oh whatever. Lets end this with the final attack for the folks watching me kicking your ass. Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Devastation is its name. This attack cannot be stopped. This attack denies destiny, breaking both time and space, and will destroy all its path!". Zane focused all of his energy into all of Zane’s cannons and forms a dragon like face with each one. The cannons matches Vulcan Emperor’s scales.

The armored panel in his chest opened up, revealing a cannon and his mouth turns into a cannon as well. Zane also makes a thin but long cannon barrel appear in front of him with him firing out several beams in all directions. All of them decimates the area around Zane, with it taking almost ten minutes for the debris and smoke to clear enough to see anything. Once that clears, the sky around Zane is destroyed.

He looked over at Blaze being that he was barely alive but back to normal. The area looked very much devastated. He held himself against the bricks of the statue being that even with the power he gained from Skull Plague, he still lost. He was fading in and out of consciousnesses but he looked up to see an image that would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was Zane's smirk. Zane removed his helmet with him striking the "V" sign and he said,"I won! Suck it devils!".

Zane looked at Blaze with him saying,"Now, I need to make sure that you'll never bother Rae and my friends ever again.". He walked toward Blaze, holding Lazarus Soul and was going to stop him in the chest. "No. Stay away from me! I lost!" said Blaze. "Yeah you did." said Zane. "No! Don't hurt him you monster!" shouted Avril, disappearing in a magic circle. Archie followed suit. Archie knew that out of everyone here, she was the most scared of what Zane could do to her.

Despite the enemy being much stronger than her, he admired something about his sister. Even in the face of danger, she wanted to protect her brother. Zane looked at the two siblings who were heading toward them with Zane smiling. Heheld his sword and rushed toward her with Avril closing her eyes in fear. Nothing happened for a while with her slowly opening her eyes to see the sword's hilt hitting her forehead in a light gesture.

Zane confidently smiled as he said,"Relax. I didn't expect you to go out of your way to save the very cocky gecko. I think I made him learn his place. So if you don't want to make me mad, you two may want to stay out of my way.". Avril looked right at the sword. It was radiating power being that she moved onto its owner's eyes. She could now see what Rachel see in Zane for a very long time now. It's his ferocity, bravery, loyalty, drive, strength, heart, and compassion. 

All of those things and everything else radiated from Zane's smile being that the devil's face blushed bright red. Zane removed his blade from her before turning it back to its normal state and looked to the cracked sky and his eyes pierced the crowd for both good and bad reasons. They were either scared of the power that Zane contained in his body. It made all of the previous Zeroes look pathetic in comparison.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm sure you learned your place Blaze and I hope all of them learned your place. Don't mess with Rachel Powell or my friends or else?! I don't care whatever species you are and whatever your rank is! If anyone of you make my friends cry at all, you'll have to answer to me Legion Zero!". His armor and words were radiating with power. "So Zane, are you going to kill my brother?" said Archie.

Zane slowly turned to the second son of the Salamander Clan and he said,"Nope. It was more of an intimation tactic which worked really well. I freed Skull Plague's influence from Blaze hopefully. You two may want to get Blaze out of here being that well, he's near death. I really beat the immortality out of him." Archie picked up his older brother and put him over his shoulder. Avril looked at Zane with Zane just smiling.

Her face was bright red and she said in a flustered tone,"What?!". "I never noticed this before but you are pretty cute. I mean your attitude was a major turn off for me plus I'm into devilish redheads not devilish blonds. We're the same. Both of us got attitude and personality that aren't appealing but we have people who love us. So we're pals right? I mean I did hurt your brother but I can be friends with you right?" said Zane. "No that's not how it works!" yelled Avril.

Archie laughed with him saying,"Let me guess. You're going to be teasing her from now on aren't you?". "Yep. I'm sure you'll be trying to change the Supernatural District." said Zane. "Yeah. Blaze may be stubborn but I'm sure using you to scare him into submission will work." said Archie. "That's a nice way of doing it." said Zane. "The match is over! The winner is Zane Alvarez, future king of Terrarune!" declared Ignacio.

He turned toward Rachel with her smiling brightly. "Zane. You did it you son of a bitch." said Rachel with her voice filled with pure happiness. She was going to cry but she had shed enough tears for a long time. "This battle is over. Go to him." said Ignacio, warmly smiling. Without warning, Rachel expand her devil wings. The floor beneath Zane and the two devils began to collapse and the sky shatter to pieces. "Huh. I guess the dimension is falling apart." said Zane.

As Zane stood there, he watched the Ingram family leave using the portal. He deactivated Emperor Mail with him slowly descending toward the ground. He would have stopped himself but he was going to be just fine. "Nice job Zane. You destroy an entire dimension. Color me impressed." said Cole. "Quite. It seems that we made an impression. I think it's a good and bad one. So where did you send Buzz?" said Athena.

Before Zane could answer her, he was caught by Rachel who hugged him tightly. Rachel was crying her eyes out with these tears being tears of joy. "Thank you Zane. You saved my life!" said Rachel as she embraced him, with her crying more happy tears. She was finally free. "Rae! Everyone is watching us including your very attractive older brother!" said Zane, smiling. Rachel looked at him with her starting to laughh.

She wiped away the tears as she said,"Why must you try and ruin the moment? Please don't tell me that you're crushing on Ignacio.". "A little but I want to see you happy not sad. I fought to bring back the smile I fell for. I only have my eyes set on a Powell whom I just saved from the worse engagement ever." said Zane. She smiled as she rested his cheek against his forehead fondly. She was crying as she said,"I know that you don't want me to cry but sorry, I'm just so happy. You freed me.".

Zane smiled as he said with Rachel running her hand through his hair,"Don't worry Rae. I don't mind at all plus after all of your crying, you'll start smiling again right? When I met you when we were just kids, I promised that I would protect you no matter what. This applies to all of the girls who I love so much and my family which includes every one of my friends. You're worth fighting for Rae and don't you forget it.". He kissed her, signify the end of the engagement.

A bit later, Zane stood in a garden like area with him holding Rachel's right hand. "So when's the wedding you two?" said Danny, nudging Zane. "Not for a good long while right? I rather not deal with another wedding like this again." said Gwen. "Indeed." said Allen. Wolfram hugged his master's new lady as he said,"You'll be a good lady for my master Rae!". "I know that but first, I have to go through the Alvarez initiation." said Rachel.

Kevin looked at Zane who raised his hands up in defense. "Hey. That is my family thing not mine." said Zane. "So how are you two getting back?" said Heidi. "Like this." said Zane, whistling. Buzz appeared with the Pegasus quacked. "So why is he a Pegasus now Zane? I distinctly remember him being a duck." said Danny. "Puberty is weird for all species Danny." said Zane with Buzz nodding. "So where did you send him exactly Zane?" said Jordan.

Buzz looked at Zane with Zane saying,"It's a secret.". "And that's one of your best things. You love keep us in suspense. We should probably getting going." said Rachel. "Aw but I really see your room and find teasing material for my devil." said Zane. "That so isn't happening. Come on Zane. We'll need some us time to consummate our union." said Rachel with her not being bashful. She dragged Zane away, leaving him and Leo blushing red.

As the Pegasus flew away into the distance, Ignacio stood on a balcony overlooking them with his wife by his side. "So how did you expect Zane to leave if he lost?" said Gayle. "He would find a way to get out of here." said Ignacio. He smiled being that he was proud of the man that his little sister had chosen. "I'm just happy that this shame of a marriage didn't happen. Rachel fell for Zane hard and it's like us isn't it?" said Gayle.

She smiled as Ignacio said,"I'm pretty sure that I didn't have to fight another devil clan for you but I can see your point. I'm thankful that this Zero is resourceful and has a strong will for one. He proved that saving my sister.". "Yeah. My favorite student totally is different from the norm but that's a good thing these days." said a voice  Gayle and Ignacio turned around to see Conner standing there with the devil king saying,"Enjoy the show? I know you're quite good at appearing wherever you want.".

Conner shrugged as he said,"I sure did. Zane's quite the fighter. After taking down Blaze who has been screaming for revenge on Zane, his chances of killing Skull Plague have gone up and his approval rating has gone up in Terrarune.". "So as his secret to a few royal adviser, you're thinking about having all of Terrarune united one day." said Gayle. "Yep. I just got to tell Zane that I'm his royal adviser first. He's been so busy lately so I haven't had a chance to." said Conner.

He shrugged as he said,"I'll tell him but the kid needs to enjoy his youth before he gets involved in politics. You can't punch your way out of that." said Conner. "Amen to that. I'm sure that he could but it won't be easy." said Ignacio. "So will Blaze be fine Conner?" said Gayle. "He will be but I'm sure Blaze will attack Zane once again but like today, he will lose and maybe Zane will show no mercy to him whatsoever." said Conner.

In the Omniverse or Universe Path, Zane was observing the Omniverse. The chariot that Buzz was dragging behind was protecting his passengers. Zane wanted to explore this massive place one day being that despite the evil plaguing it, its beauty shined. As he was looking around, Rachel placed a hand on his cheek softly. She looked at him with a pained expression and a pout. Zane decided to listen the mood with his humor much to Team Legion Zero saying no.

Zane smiled as he said,"So why is my lovely fiancée pouting? I just saved you from that dreadful wedding you know. I should see be seeing a smile not a pout. I mean you're wearing such a beautiful dress. You would make your mom proud wearing it. It looks better on you than it ever will on your sisters who is a solid seven out of ten. I would rank her lower but most devils are physical appealing despite their dreadful personality.".

Rachel giggled at Zane's comment before she went to staring back at him sadly. "So what's up? My amazing sense of humor usually makes you happy." said Zane. "I think she's wondering what we had to give up for the Emperor Mail partner and no one thinks your sense of humor is good since it tends to pissing people off all the time." said Sivarth, making his voice heard to both teens and horse with the equid/horse not really paying attention.

Rachel sighed as she said,"I'm happy Sivarth. I think I'm the only one who likes Zane's humor despite it being undisputed bad. Tell me what that armor cost you. You already lost your Essence twice being that Sivarth took it the first time and then Malik burned it.". "Nothing." said Sivarth. "Really? You aren't lying to protect him are you Sivarth?" said Rachel, glaring at Zane's left hand that was glowing crimson red. "He is not." said Azalea.   

Rachel blinked as she said,"Who is that?". "Nice to meet you Akostar Clan princess. My name is Azalea Rezarod. I've been living inside of your fiance since his training. My father in law or Leif found me just after I left the Infinite Void. I was separated from him due to an old enemy who is long dead. It happened before you two were born. I haven't made my appearance till now since I need time to recover after being in the Infinite Void." said Azalea.

Rachel looked at Zane's right hand being that there were a sapphire blue glow. "So when were you going to tell me about her Zane?" said Rachel. "When she was back to normal. I didn't want her to introduce until she was ready. I don't like rushing my friends's recovery." said Zane. "She's correct your highness. I'm sure you hate being referred to your title like Zane does so what should I call you?" said Azalea.

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"Just call me Rae. My title was the Mistake but now, I'm the heroine Riptide.". She made her scarlet red energy appear with her saying,"So do you know why I had trouble controlling this energy?". "Nope. I never asked." said Zane. "Like Sivarth before he was sealed in his tomb, my Ardor is similar to his Tyrannus Nether. So how did you evolve the Hyperion Mail and creating the Emperor Mail?" said Rachel, getting back on topic.

Sivarth sighed as he said,"The Hyperion Mail was upgraded due to our bond Rachel. It's also one half of Zane's potential. His potential is able to access all of Lucifer's powers aka Predator State and the evolution of the Hyperion Mail. So Zane, you can handle this from here?". "Yeah. You two overgrown lizards have fun." said Zane. The two glows were gone as Rachel looked at Zane. "I'll keep being the same man you love forever since I don't plan on dying whatsoever." said Zane.

He held her hands with him saying,"I'm willing to fight for you for whatever cost it may cause me but I won't change who I am. The lovable fool.". "I know that but maybe one day, we could be married for real not just a dream I've had for a while now. I really doubt any more suitors are going to come after you being that you demolished Blaze into a bloody pulp which was amazing but he will come back. He can regenerate and he's very stubborn like you." said Rachel.

Zane tilted his head as he said,"Are you sure about that? I mean even with Skull Plague's help, he lost to me Rae.". "Be serious Zane." said Rachel. "I am." said Zane. "Zane." said Rachel. She turned away from Zane, hiding tears from Zane. Zane took her chin and gently guided her eyes to his. "I'll always be there for you Rae. Even if I die, you can bring me back from the dead as a devil. Nothing will stop me from protecting you Rae. I'll always be there for you okay?" said Zane, smiling.

Rachel felt her heart stop. The feeling of his touch, the softness in his eyes, being that she couldn't look away from the hero. Her hero. Zane wiped a single tear from her face with his thumb. She knew what he meant being that he did what he does best. Saving people. "Now. I think we're overdue for my reward." said Zane. Rachel was quiet before she said,"Huh.". He  kissed her, putting his and her face together.

It was another lip-lock that the two had shared but it was passion and love. Rachel's eyes were closed and Zane could sense that she was happy plus he enjoyed the kiss. They flew past the moon as Zane removed his lips from hers. Her face was bright red and steam escaped her ears. "You're real cute. I mean I've already kissed you like five times by now and by the way, I'm not stopping with the kisses any time soon." said Zane, smiling.

Rachel smirked as she said,"I know that I'm not your first since Rain beat me by ten years but I'm sure I can be first in another place.". "If it's handholding, you already lost to my mom." said Zane. "I was thinking about somewhere else and I'm sure you where I mean. I'm still a little sad that you and I couldn't do it before we were interrupted by other matters." said Rachel, pouting playfully. "I'm sure we could continue where we left off in due time and we'll go into the cows come home." said Zane.

Rachel smiled as she said,"Okay. So after initiation, we'll have fun together. Sound like fun?". "Oh it does and ignore any of the beings inside of you. If we do this, I don't want to have a fourth kid. I'm sure Atem, Uriel, and Zoey would love a sibling but I'm already really busy." said Zane. "Oh. You're right. Too young to be a mother but I'm not against the idea." said Rachel. She leaned against him as she said,"I really like you Zane.".

She had a blush on her face with him saying in a confident tone,"Of course you do since I'm such a catch with my great personality, amazing jokes, and spectacular body.". This comment earned him a soft punch in the shoulder by the devil as they flew past the Prime Dimension's moon. "You can be really worse than Blaze you know that?" said Rachel. "Yeah but I'm not screwing my sister. Ana isn't into me that way." said Zane. "Keep this up and I'll marry Blaze next time if he asks." said Rachel.

Zane smirked as he said,"Go ahead! Next time, I may not save you since you're going with clearly the wrong devil.". "You're a real jerk sometimes." said Rachel. "But the lovable kind. I missed you Rae since you've been gone for a while tomorrow. You're my best ,female, friend since Danny is my best friend." said Zane. "So I needed to tell you something." said Rachel. "What? Is it that you actually love Wolfram more than me? I understand. Wolfram is a cutie after all" said Zane.

Rachel smiled with her saying,"I decided that I'm going to live with you if that isn't a problem with you?". "Nope. I was going to ask you and the other girls if you wanted to live with me. Me, Sly, and Wolfram are always looking for roommates. Wolfram mainly. I'm not going for anything sexual other than kisses and hugs until we decided to go the full nine yards. I'm good with just enjoying the love that we have now." said Zane, with Rachel cuddling onto him as they returned back home.

Next time,
With Rachel's engagement long and over with, how will things look for our hero now going forward in his life? Will Skull Plague corrupt anyone else that goes against Zane? What is Basalt planning against Zane? What is the Odium Society planning against Zane? What are the folks in the black cloaks planning against Zane? This and more next time on Zero!

Five Devils Clan of Terrarune.
Akostar Clan: Energy.
Dwarf Clan: Earth.
Kraken Clan: Water.
Salamander Clan: Fire.
Sylph Clan: Air/Wind.

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