Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Team Maelstrom's Powers

A/N: This post is very similar to when I detail all of Zane's powers, attacks, and spells being that this is just the prelude to when I remake Zane's stuff which will have most of the same material as the previous one with some new stuff added onto it. Team Maelstrom will have more members but these are the members ,excluding Zane, up until I start working on Fairy Legion so enjoy the spoilers. Lets begin.

The three types of fighters are Power, Support, and Technique. A power type fighter is for close combat, tending to fight up close and personal. A support type fighter is good for helping others up close and from a distance away. A technique type fighter is good for using their powers in a unique manner.

As of April 2, 2019. I decided to add Team Legion Zero being that I do have two characters who haven't appeared yet around this post going up so I thought about reposting it but I'll just leave here instead so this post gets longer. Athena, Cole, and two other characters won't be counted since their abilities are shown better in Zane's description in my opinion.

Types of Fighter. Bold means more than one type of fighter.
Power: Danny, Gwen, Wolfram, and Zane.
Support: Gwen, Heidi, Kevin, and Zane.
Technique: Allen, Rachel, Sly, and Zane

Allen's Powers: Accelerated Perception, Acceleration Immunity, Attack Ignoring, Enhanced Athleticism, Flight, Friction Negation, High-Speed Flight, High-Speed Reflexes, Intangibility, Intangibility Combat, Invulnerability, Ionic Manipulation, Ionic Mimicrry, Ionic Radiation Manipulation, Ionic Vision, Ionic Weaponry, Ionikinetic Combat, Ionikinetic Constructs, Ionization, Immortality, Magic, Oxygen Independence, Plasma Attacks, Quintessence Force, Self-Sustenance, Speed Perception, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, and Telekinesis.

Danny's Powers: Army Creation, Artillery Proficiency, Bionic Physiology, Bio-Tech Manipulation, Blade Construction, Blade Retraction, Body Modification, Cannon Creation, Computer Interaction, Concussive Force, Containment Immunity, Cyber Mind, Dual Wielding, Electronic Communication, Electronic Disruption, Electronic Eyes, Energy Attacks, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Cannon Skill, Enhanced Gunmanship, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Inventing, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Ergokinetic Combat, Flight, Giant Weapon Physiology, Gun Creation, Gun Protrusion, Hammer Generation, Heat Vision, High-Speed Flight, High-Tech Exoskeleton, Infusion, Laser Vision, Limb Expansion, Limb Extension, Mecha Physiology, Mechanical Blade Construction, Mechanical Intuition, Mechanical Limb Generation, Mechanical Morphing, Mechanical Whip Generation, Megaton Kick, Megaton Punch, Metal Generation, Nanite Constructs, Nanite Manipulation, Nanite Weaponry, Nano-Active Blood, Natural Weaponry, Organic Constructs, Power Fists, Power Legs, Powers Via Object, Pure Technology Manipulation, Replication, Replication Combat, Saw Protrusion, Scanner Vision, Shapeshifting, Shapeshifting Combat, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Superpowered Physiology, Sword Arm, Tech Flight, Technological Combat, Technological Constructs, Technology Generation, Technological Weaponry, Technology Attacks, Technology Augmentation, Technology Cutting, Technology Infusion, Technology Manipulation, Technomorphism, Tentacle Extension, True Power, Vehicle Creation, Vehicle Morphing, Weapon Constructs, Weapon Creation, Weapon Improvisation, Weapon Manipulation, Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Transformation, Weaponized Body, Whip Generation, Wing Manifestation, and X-Ray Vision.

Gwen's Powers: Cutting, Deflection, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Impale, Magic, Magic Intuition, Multi Slash, Razor Wind, Slash Effect, Slash Projection, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, and Supernatural Strength.

Heidi's Powers: Aerial Adaptation, Aerial Combat Mastery, Aerokinetic Combat, Aerokinetic Constructs, Aerokinetic Flight, Aerokinetic Surfing, Aeroportation, Air Attacks, Air Generation, Air Manipulation, Air Pressure Generation, Air Solidification, Aquatic Adaptation, Burning, Crushing, Deflection, Drowning, Earth Attacks, Earth Generation, Earth Manipulation, Earthquake Generation, Electrical Immunity, Enhanced Combat, Enhanced Staff Proficiency, Fire Attacks, Fire Generation, Fire Manipulation, Firestorm Creation, Flame Solidification, Flood Creation, Geokinetic Combat, Geokinetic Flight, Geokinetic Surfing, Hurricane Creation, Hydrokinetic Combat, Hydrokinetic Constructs, Hydrokinetic Flight, Hydrokinetic Surfing, Hydroportation, Immortality, Magic, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Pyrokinetic Flight, Pyrokinetic Surfing, Pyroportation, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Balance, Supernatural Flexibility, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Terrakinetic Constructs, Terraportation, Tidal Wave Generation, Tornado Creation, Tornado Manipulation, Vibration Emission, Wind Generation, Water Attacks, Water Generation, Water Pressure Generation, Water Manipulation, Water Solidification, Water Walking, and Whirlpool Generation.

Kevin's Powers: Decomposition Manipulation, Gadget Usage, Magic, Martial Arts Intuition, Regenerative Healing Factor, Restoration, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Stamina, and Supernatural Strength.

Rachel's Powers: Acceleration Immunity, Aerial Adaptation, Aerokinetic Combat, Aerokinetic Constructs, Aerokinetic Immunity, Air Attacks, Air Generation, Air Manipulation, Air Negation, Air Pressure Generation, Air Solidification, Air Walking, Atmokinetic Combat, Atmospheric Adaptation, Atmospheric Freezing, Avalanche Creation, Binding, Blindness Inducement, Blizzard Creation, Burning, Burst, Cloud Generation, Cloud Flight, Cloud Manipulation, Cold Air Generation, Cold Generation, Cold Manipulation, Concussive Force, Crushing, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Cyclone Spinning, Deflection, Dehydration, Demon Physiology, Demonic Combat, Demonic Element Manipulation, Demonic Force Manipulation, Demonic Ice Manipulation, Demonic Infusion, Demonic Lightning Manipulation, Demonic Magic, Demonic Wind Manipulation, Deoxygenation, Destruction, Destruction Magic, Destructive Energy Manipulation, Electric Conductivity, Electrical Immunity, Electricity Attacks, Electricity Generation, Electricity Manipulation, Electricity Solidification, Electrokinetic Combat, Electrokinetic Constructs, Electric-Fire Attacks, Electric-Fire Manipulation, Element Attacks, Element Aura, Element Combat, Elemental Constructs, Elemental Generation, Elemental Infusion, Energy Absorption, Energy Amplification, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Generation, Energy Detection, Energy Infusion, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Beauty, Enhanced Staff Proficiency, Enhanced Whipmanship, Ergokinetic Combat,  Fire Attacks, Fire Generation, Fire Immunity, Fire Manipulation, Fire Mimicry, Fire Negation, Fire Rain Generation, Firestorm Creation, Flame Solidification, Flight, Flood Creation, Fog Generation, Force-Field Generation, Freezing, Frostbite, Frozen Surface, Heat Absorption, Heat Attacks, Heat Generation, Heat Manipulation, Hell-Fire Attacks, Hell-Fire Combat, Hell-Fire Constructs, Hell-Fire Infusion, Hell-Fire Manipulation, Hell Water Manipulation, High-Speed Flight, Hot Air Generation, Human Disguise, Hurricane Creation, Hydrokinetic Combat, Hydrokinetic Constructs, Hydrokinetic Regeneration, Ice Ball Projection, Ice-Fire Attacks, Ice-Fire Manipulation, Ice-Fire Negation, Ice Generation, Ice Manipulation, Ice Mimicry, Ice Negation, Ice Storm Creation, Immorality, Lightning Bolt Projection, Lightning Calling, Magic Intuition, Martial Arts Intuition, Mind Control, Multiple Wings, Night Vision, Omnilingualism, Personal Weather, Power Compression, Precipitation Manipulation, Pressure Resistance, Prevalent Discharge, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Rain Generation, Rain Manipulation, Scald Generation, Seductive Magnetism, Semi-Immorality, Shocking, Snow Attacks, Snow Generation, Snow Manipulation, Speed Swimming, Steam Attacks, Steam Generation, Steam Manipulation, Storm Generation, Storm Manipulation, Storm Mimicry, Storm Negation, Sub-Zero Rain, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Beauty, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Thermal Manipulation, Thermal Resistance, Thermokinetic Combat, Thunder Manipulation, Thundercloud Creation, Thundercloud Generation, Thundercloud Manipulation, Thunderstorm Creation, Tornado Creation, Vacuum Adaptation, Vapor Attacks, Vapor Manipulation, Vibration Emission, Water Absorption, Water Attacks, Water Dashing, Water Generation, Water Immunity, Water Maneuverability, Water Manipulation, Water Pressure Generation, Water Sense, Water Solidification, Weather Attacks, Weather Generation, Weather Manipulation, Weather Perception, Weather Sensing, Wind Generation, Wing Manifestation, Wind Projection, and Whirlpool Generation.

Sly's Powers: Atmospheric Adaptation, Blade Protrusion, Burning, Claw Retraction, Constriction, Crawling, Dragon Physiology, Electric Breath, Enhanced Bite, Fire Breath, Flight, Immortality, Magic, Poison Generation, Prehensile Tail, Regenerative Healing Factor, Salamander Physiology, Seismic Sense, Shocking, Size Manipulation, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Vision, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Transformation, Vacuum Adaptation, and Venomous Fangs.

Wolfram's Powers: Beast Morphing, Canine Physiology, Claw Retraction, Climbing, Compass Sense, Ectokinetic Attacks, Ectokinetic Combat, Ectokinetic Constructs, Ectoplasm Generation, Ectoplasm Manipulation, Energy Beam Emission, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Roar, Enhanced Tracking, Environmental Adaptation, Fang Retraction, Fur Generation, Horn Protrusion, Human Disguise, Immortality, Invisibility, Intangibility, Night Vision, Predator Instinct, Psychic Communication (When he's barking, people around him can understand him if he wants them too), Size Manipulation, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Athleticism, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Flexibility, Supernatural Roar, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Temperature Regulation, Transformation, Weredog Physiology, and Werewolf Physiology.

Allen's Power Description: Even with him having powers, he was trained by his mother being that she wanted him to make sure that no one knew about his powers. He was trained in acrobatic and martial artist, being that he looks like a normal but highly athletic human. Thanks to his powers, he can hold his own in a fight. He has superhuman agility, durability, endurance, reflexes, speed, and strength with his ionic form is his real power.  He thinks and moves at superhuman speeds with him able to resist the effects of friction, low oxygen, and kinetic impact. He can see things moving at superhuman speed such as Zane when he is in Swift Form. His body is made of compressed ionic energy which protects him from physical damage or being harmed by his target. He calls it plasma. He can concentrate his ionic energy into constructs being that he can make weapons, that can slice through steel. He can also fireballs of it from his body. His body is naturally resistant toward cold being that he can sit in a frozen lake without showing any signs of hypothermia. His attacks can burn things, be a concussive force, or hold or bring his opponents to others. His powers is like Phantoms being that he can go intangible but he’s unable to bring people with him. He can be traced by his radiation.

Danny's Inventions:
Ghostly Broadsword. This invention is a giant ,about a foot tall, crimson red broadsword and chainsaw hybrid. It looks rather sharp. He can either turn either of his arms or hands into the sword or just create it. He can slice through most objects like butter which includes buildings. He can extend the blade to reach far distances. He can slam them into the ground to create an earthquake. It’s a very durable blade but the metal can be eaten as seen when Chomp starts to eat it. They soon get an upgrade thanks to a group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha. They soon get a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. The blade itself looks more like a drill. Thanks to the circuitry pattern, they glow in the dark. Upon seeing something in the distance, he can warp himself to it and slash it. It’s very similar to Spectral Sun’s special ability Matter Distortion. He can ignite the blade in fire with him being able to leaving a burn on the object he’s cut. It’s durability has increased and can’t be eaten. This invention is the main weapon for the Wraith Armor.

Phantasmal Drive. This invention is one of three options being that the color is always silver being that it can either be a pair of jet fighter wings from his back, hoverboard from his feet, and his BMW styled motorcycle from his legs. This invention is highly versatile being that it can be used to travel on the air, land, and sea. His wings can fly at high speeds, making him extremely agile in the air, and can also allow him to travel through the ocean. His hoverboard floats in the air above his feet being that he can use to go up buildings. His motorcycle can travel over any terrain and reach mach 20. He can go through vertical loops and curves. He can slam into objects breaking them with him wearing a helmet. Compared to the rest of his inventions, they are not very durable. They soon get an upgrade thanks to a group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha. They soon get a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. His back gains the jet fighter wings with the bottom of his feet allows him to float in the air and the motorcycle covers his legs. Thanks to the circuitry pattern, they glow in the dark. He can reach impressive speeds even more of the former being that he can charge up azure blue energy to use as a weapon. It’s also more durable. This invention can be used for movement abilities in the Wraith Armor. 

Phantom Smashers. This invention is a pair of giant emerald green gauntlets that can either turn both or one of his hand into them. His enhanced strength is increased being that he can break through most objects, lift things several times his own weight, and hold several people in them. He can control their flexibility, length, and size being that he can extend them a great distance away from him being able to help people from any distance. He can launch himself into the air and then use them to absorb any knockback upon landing on the ground. He can move them so fast being that he can make them work like drills and can dug through most substances. They can cover themselves in fire and project it. They are very durable against most substances except for acid or stuff that can destroy his hands much to his dismay. They soon get an upgrade thanks to a group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha. They soon get a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. They also now cover up to his elbows. Thanks to the circuitry pattern, they glow in the dark. He can soon create azure blue constructs being that he can make weapons such as shields, swords, and a unique manriki/nunchaku weapon. He can also focus the azure blue energy to completely cover his body to increase his abilities. He can slam his foot into the ground or clap to create an energy wave that can hit an incredible distance away. His constructs are able to deal with a lot of damage and handle a lot of damage. They naturally reflect solid projectiles and if he can focus hard enough, he deflect attacks back at his enemy. They do have their limits but it takes a lot of punishment to break them. This invention forms the arms of the Wraith Armor.

Spectral Busters. This invention is a pair of giant gold boots with spiked soles. He can either turn one or both of his legs into them. His kicking power is increased being that he can crush boulders with a single kick. His kick can send a noticeable imprint in solid metal. He can extend them to kick opponent from a distance. He can use them to jump high into the air or incredible distances. It can also switch gravity around it. He can stomped on the ground, to create earthquakes and fissures. He can walk up walls or any environments. They are very durable being that the inventions is connected to his legs being that if his legs are broken, he can’t use them. They are rather slow. They soon get an upgrade thanks to a group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha. However unlike the rest of his invention, they soon get a glowing azure blue circuitry pattern. They also now cover up to his knees with spurs on the back. Thanks to the circuitry pattern, they glow in the dark. Their kicking power is increased with his speed being superhuman and can charge up an increased attack. This invention forms the legs of the Wraith Armor.

Spook Howitzer. This invention is a giant gray bazooka ,with a small box on top of it, that transform either of his arms into it. He can either use the surroundings around him for ammo or his inner energy which is an azure blue color. The latter of the two does drain him on how much he fires at a time. He can recover from it though but it takes some time. The ammo can either send a Phantom back to Terrarune or can send a target back a far distance away. It can also instantly disintegrated huge piece of falling debris in the middle of the air. The bazooka can be used as a great way of defensive purpose. He later can produce a small frog mechanical tongue like whip  ,from the small box on top of the bazooka, being that it can wrap around his target being that it’s useful for holding his enemies or grab some ammo for the bazooka. It can cut and turn corners with ease. It can release a small electrical charge. The whip can thin out and break under enough pressure or stress. They soon get an upgrade thanks to a group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha. They soon get a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. Both of his arms have a smaller but powerful version of them. Thanks to the circuitry pattern, they glow in the dark. They have an unlimited supply of ammo now. There is also a diversity of ammo. It ranges from some destructive purposes being the most infamous, capturing using glue, net, or other substances, and different types of ammos. The whip is much thicker and can’t be destroyed unlike the previous version. This invention forms the hidden weapons of the Wraith Armor mainly focused in the arms.

Wraith Armor. This invention is a combination of other named inventions and has a final version that’s on the same level as Zane’s Command Zion or Z.E.R.O. Armor. This armor was only possible thanks to the group of nanomachines that were made for him by Natasha but up. He has the chance to grow up to 50 feet tall but its main form covers his body with the invention, not growing at all. His arms turn into the Phantom Smashers with the Spook Howitzer hidden in his arms, back sprouts the Phantasmal Drive’s wings function, legs turn into the Spectral Busters, and the main weapon is the Ghostly Broadsword. His body also changes a bit. His eyes and hair is more apparent outside of his helmet being that his eyes are glowing green with his head has gold flame like energy in a stream flickering from the top of his head, working as hair. His body is covered in a glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. He can manipulate the elements, energy, gravity, matter, and space and time. This invention’s major weakness is that it slowly drains Danny over a long period of time.

Danny's Power Description: He’s easily the second strongest member of Team Maelstrom being that he can easily lift up large objects with ease. His punches are easily able to break a building. He can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of a normal human athlete. He’s able to run several hundred miles within an hour. Thanks to the nanomachines within his body, he’s able to exert himself for long period of times before he needs to rest. Thanks to training, he’s able to shoot and hit targets from a far distance. However, he tends to be a hand to hand fighter. He can easily survive from falls from tremendous heights, exposure to high temperatures and pressure, powerful energy blasts, and tremendous impact forces. He has impressive agility and reflexes. He's able to skillfully wield tools and weapons in either hand. He's able to control machines and create impressive weapons. He's able to create impressive weapons being that thanks to the nanomachines inside of his body, it's makes him more machine than man but acts more human.

Gwen's Power Description: Time Rune later gets an upgrade from James Singleton being that it gains a new form called the Infinite Rune. In its evolved state, it changes from a huge broadsword to a double-edged katana and it's very powerful. The blade is black with a golden edge. The grip of the blade is wrapped in white bandage like cloth. The sword has a tsuba hand-guard in the shape of a gold clock. Gwen can focus her Animus into the blade, enhanced the sword's power and brute force. She also moves much faster and can release powerful shockwaves. She can unleashed a powerful strike, that tears apart the ground. When she's doing this, her blade is covered in her Animus which is a lagoon blue color. She can combine with the elements to give it a secondary effect aka burning or shocking using fire or electricity respectively.

Heidi's Power Description: She tends to focus on all forms of fighting with her mainly focusing on staff based combat or hand to hand combat.  She’s extremely proficient in hand to hand combat. From when she was young, she took self defense classes so she could protect herself from bullies. She’s extremely swift with her able to jump around and fight enemies who are much more experienced than her. As Viola, she has the ability to control/manipulate Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Thanks to her fighting style, she tends to use the elements for extra power in her attacks and to protect herself. She is a master with Air, Earth, and Water with her having some trouble with fire due it being the most powerful in her opinion. She’s able to create large barriers of waters to protect herself or others, stronger than normal whips of water, and waves strong enough to push through a army plus if it is frozen, it can be used to make a battle suit over twenty five feet high. She uses the water to launch herself into the air with her able to stay up there using a waterspout under her feet. Using her water, she can fight off several attackers with the ocean and she’s great at grabbing people using the water to get them out of danger. She can also heal others with her water making most injuries go away. She is able to move the earth around her with her mainly using it to protect herself or others. She can make giant earth walls to block attacks or a suit of earth for armor. Fire was quite hard for her at first due to her thinking that it was the most destructive of the elements. However, she got some training from Corona making fire easier for her to control. She tends to use it like water but mainly attack. She is able to breathe fire out like fictional dragons and she can control her inner fire to fire bolts of flames that causes an explosion of fire upon contact. Air was easy to her with this being her main method of dodging attacks by moving through the air like she’s dancing. She’s able to fire bursts of air from her hands and feet with her able to send anyone away. When she’s Viola, she has great physical ability. She’s able to lift grown men with just one arm, jump across buildings, and do stunts that free runners would be jealous of. She is fast and agile with sharp than normal reflexes. She has higher dexterity and balance than others due to Viola being the ultimate gymnast being able to do barrages of projectiles with ease and she can slide across surfaces with good control, perform mid-air flips and twirls, run up and across walls, and other things with ease. She’s flexible with her able to bend and twist like a pretzel. She is able to escape away from enemies and use their strengths against them. She has a staff ,from the Astral Realm, called Serenity. This staff is made out of Evodium which is a very rare and strong metal that originates from the Astral Realm. It can’t be destroyed. It can absorb damage with it being able to power up the staff for an extra powerful attack. It can extend to an unlimited length. She is able to use it for a staff, vaulting pole, or split in half for nuchaku. It can be thrown at a target with it always coming back. It is a silver staff with a glowing violet ankhs at both ends. It can be retractable with it not using, it’s attached to her hips. Upon the staff glowing white, it fires a beam of light that makes a hole in whatever it hits. It can make fire, create earthquakes, and freeze things. It can absorb energy with it being used to power up the staff. She’s able to spin it around at high speeds with it generating a gray colored shield to block attack or use as a glider. It can be used as a javelin or a viewing pole. She can manipulate energy being that she had no control of this power by training with her friends helped her grow being that she can create anything with this energy being that it’s a white color. She has a strong fear of lightning and thunder being that she's unable to do anything if she doesn't know where the lightning and thunder comes from. If she knows where the lightning and thunder is coming from, she is able to do something.

Kevin's Power Description: Both his shirt and pants ,which like like his first and second costume, is made out of cloth but it’s actually made out of a carbon nanofiber, and mesh armor segments around his ankles and wrists. He’s very smart being able to hack into anything ,that uses technology, using his phone, build inventions several years before their time. Due to him being a nerd, he’s very knowledge about superpowers being one of the smartest beings in the Omniverse. He has superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman durability, superhuman stamina, and superhuman senses. His strength shows mainly when he can handle Zane’s muscular based forms, easily push down a door, can throw robots from Ash or anyone with ease, shatter multiple rows of concrete with a single punch, and can easily lift up to 1000 tons being that he can lift more when he wears his suit. He’s very fast being that he can react faster than a normal human being that he’s seen as a prime candidate for the Olympics. He can survive being attacked by Zane’s most powerful attacks and recover in a matter of moments. He can easily fight for several days in a row without fighting. Without his suit, he can dodge strikes from bullies either human or superhuman, gunfire, and energy blasts. He’s a tech guy and he’s able to hack into anything technology with his phone and set off alarms. He soon learned that his left hand decays things and his right hand restores them. He had to wear his first suit’s gloves at first until he learned how to control his power. He has an healing factor being that his cells and tissues go faster but more painful wounds take longer time. This also increase his longevity being that he can live several times longer than a normal human. He uses technology to make him look young being that he can’t handle Zane’s taunts about his age. He can make his first two suits appear by calling it to him by his phone or by pressing down on his shirt sleeve. The first suit had the ability to repel all forms of matter being that it can survive extreme temperatures such as 500 degrees Celsius and high electrocution. He can fire out energy being that it can easily send normal sized humans into the door breaking it. He can survive being slammed by a door being that it melts around him. Bullets bounce off the suit. Anything that Kevin touches melts upon contact. If a physical attack comes toward him, the physical attack gets blasted back. It can easily fly. It’s weakness being that it can’t work against sound based attacks being that it goes right through it and also it can’t get wet. His second suit can handle most of the elements being able to survive attacks involving them being that it’s bulletproof. It’s shown mainly when he’s attacked by Phantoms. His suit can reach mach 10 to 20 being that he can use it for fly. He can fire out small explosions which slowly makes a bigger one over time. His visor that can observe and monitor up people including their location upon an initial scan and he can figure out their weakness which he uses in a sadistic manner. It also allows him to see everything. Thanks to a gas that he created, he’s able to teleport around the place and around the area. It has flaws however since it takes a period of time depending on how much the person trapped in the gas weighs or depends if Kevin wants to help them. His gauntlets can fire a strong shockwave of air from them which can push back a giant like person with ease. He can cock back his punches which can increase his attack harder. He’s able to take a lot of damage but he does have his limits and he can reflect the damage back to it. His third suit can use both of his previous suits abilities being that it has some new toys in its arsenal. His boots and gauntlets can allow him flight being that he can easily through the air, space, and water. He can also conjure any element being that he only needs to scan it in action to use. He can also use Animus and Nether but tends to be a man of science. His suit can easily travel through space being that it had a rebreather system that works without flaws and activates upon entering an bad environment. He can phase through solid matter by aligning the suit’s molecules to match the object he’s trying to go through. He can get rid of his mask and change his appearance by just a thought.

Sly's Power Description: She can also turn into a Salamander. She has a long tail. She’s able to grow in a full sized Eastern and Western Dragon. She’s able to adapt and breathe in/on any gaseous mediums being able to survive poisons unlike most animals. She is immortal due to her being an Akostar. She’s able to breath out fire which is extremely powerful and able to burn its way through anything. She has endurance, intelligence, strength, senses, and vision. She‘s able to roar so loud despite being extremely small. She’s able to fly using telekinesis or her wings when she changes forms. She can regenerate being that she’s able to survive powerful attacks with ease. She can produce lightning. She can also turn into a giant form of her salamander form. Her body can reach ten meters tall being that her black scales are now covered by dark purple metallic scales. Her body is about a foot or two thick with it being six feet long. She has a long forked tongue with small thorn like barbs at the end. She has large, massive fangs sprouting from the top of her jaw, allowing her to generate a powerful poison from it. She has very small, barely visible nostrils on her nose. The end of her tail is a massive blade very much like a scorpion tail.

Team Legion Zero:
Azalea's Powers: Acceleration Immunity, Aerial Combat Mastery, Aerobatics, Attack Compression, Bulletproof Skin, Claw Retraction, Concussion Beams, Draconic Attacks, Draconic Constructs, Draconic Energy Generation, Draconic Energy Manipulation, Dragon Physiology, Energy Breath, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Roar, Evil Sense, Fire Breath, Flight, Giant Monster Physiology, Hatred Detection, High-Speed Flight, Magic Resistance, Power Compression, Prehensile Tail, Quintessence Force, Regenerative Healing Factor, Reptilian Physiology, Scale Manifestation, Shockwave Stomp, Supernatural Condition, Telepathy, Thermal Resistance, Unnatural Size, Wave Motion Blast, and Western Dragon Physiology.

Sivarth's Powers: Anger Empowerment, Attack Compression, Bulletproof Skin, Claw Retraction, Concussion Beams, Dinosaur Physiology, Dragon Physiology, Ectoplasm Generation, Ectoplasm Manipulation, Ectoplasmic Attacks, Ectokinetic Combat, Ectokinetic Constructs, Elemental Ball Projection, Emotion Detection, Energy Breath, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Roar, Evil Sense, Flight, Ghost Physiology, Giant Monster Physiology, Hatred Detection, Head Manifestation, Intangibility, Life-Force Ball Projection, Life-Force Beam Emission, Life-Force Breath, Life-Force Manipulation, Magic Resistance, Natural Weaponry, Power Compression, Prehensile Tail, Quintessence Force, Regenerative Healing Factor, Reptilian Physiology, Scale Manifestation, Shockwave Stomp, Supernatural Condition, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Thermal Resistance, Tornado Creation, Unnatural Size, Wave Motion Blast, Wing Manifestation, and Western Dragon Physiology.

Twilight's Powers: Acid Generation, Acid Immunity, Acid Manipulation, Acidic Blood, Acidic Bodily Fluids, Adhesion, Amorphous Physiology, Antibody Creation, Antibody Manipulation, Asexual Reproduction, Aquatic Adaptation, Binding, Biological Symbiosis, Blunt Force Immunity, Body Heat Camouflage, Body Shedding, Bulletproof Durability, Camouflage, Clothing Generation, Cocoon Generation, Collective Memory, Compressability, Constriction, Curing, Deflation, Dermal Armor, Dimensional Storage, Disease Detection, Effect Stacking, Elastic Combat, Elasticity, Emotion Absorption, Emotion Detection, Emotion Empowerment, Emotion Manipulation, Emotion Metabolization, Emotion Vampirism, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Evolutionary Cocoon, Expandability, Experience Sharing, Explosion Inducement, Explosion Infusion, Explosion Manipulation, Explosive Bodily Fluids, Explosive Combat, Explosive Hell, Fire Immunity, Foreign Forces Removal, Gender Transformation, Goo Generation, Healing, Health Optimization, Hibernation, Hive Mind, Impact Absorption, Impale, Internal Bodily Cleansing, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Limb Expansion, Limb Extension, Liquid Mimicry, Malleable Anatomy, Melting, Mouth Manifestation, Multiple Mouths, Natural Weaponry, Negative Emotion Empowerment, Nitroglycerin Secretion, Organic Attacks, Organic Combat, Organic Constructs, Organic Generation, Organic Manipulation, Parasite Physiology, Partial Possession, Positive Emotion Empowerment, Possession, Power Augmentation, Power Suit, Prehensile Tongue, Psychic Communication, Psychic Shield, Racial Memory, Radiation Immunity, Reforming, Regenerative Healing Factor, Resurrection, Scattering, Self-Detonation, Sensory Sharing, Sergekinetic Combat, Shapeshifting, Shared Vision, Sharp Teeth, Size Combat, Size Enhancement, Size Manipulation, Size Reduction, Skin Color Manipulation, Slime Manipulation, Slime Mimicry, Solidification, Super Eating, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Healing Factor, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Symbiosis, Symbiotic Absorption, Symbiotic Combat, Symbiotic Connection, Symbiotic Costume, Tendril Generation, Tentacle Extension, Thermal Resistance, Tight Space Maneuvering, Vacuum Adaption, Wallcrawling, Web Breath, Web Constructs, Web Generation, and X-Ray Vision

Xazzaran/Kane's Powers: Absorption, Air Walking, Ammunition, Artillery Proficiency, Attack Powers, Attack Reversal, Badassery, Binding, Blade Retraction, Blade Shifting, Blood Clotting, Bullet Generation, Bullet Hell, Bullet Projection, Bullet Propulsion, Claw Extension, Claw Retraction, Cold Immunity, Counter, Cutting, Cyclone Spinning, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Deflection, Dermal Armor, Destruction Embodiment, Elasticity, Elemental Combat, Elemental Attacks, Elemental Generation, Elemental Infusion, Elemental Manipulation, Empowered State, Energy Absorption, Energy Amplification, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Cutting, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Redirection, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Clawmanship, Enhanced Gunmanship, Enhanced Marksmanship, Enhanced Roar, Ergokinetic Combat, Entity Exoskeleton, Fighting Instinct, Fire Attacks, Fire Constructs, Fire Generation, Fire Immunity, Fire Manipulation, Flash Step, Genesis Creation, Gun Protrusion, Horn Protrusion, Ice Attacks, Ice Generation, Ice Manipulation, Impale, Infinite Supply, Infusion, Inner World Creation, Intuitive Aptitude, Life-Force Attacks, Life-Force Manipulation, Maximum Quintessential Control, Megaton Kick, Metamorphic Arm, Missile Generation, Monster Physiology, Multi Strike, Natural Weaponry, Organic Attacks, Organic Shield Construction, Physical Augmentation, Power Augmentation, Power Compression, Power Fists, Power Legs, Power Replication, Predator Instinct, Prehensile Tail, Pressure Strike, Pyrokinetic Combat, Razor Foot, Razor Hand, Regenerative Healing Factor, Regrowth, Shapeshifting, Shapeshifting Combat, Sharp Tail, Shield Manipulation, Skin Hardening, Soul Absorption, Soul Removal, Speed Combat, Spiritual Aura, Spiritual Force Manipulation, Spiritual Particle Manipulation, Spiritual Weaponry, Subspace Travel, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Regeneration, Supernatural Self-Preservation, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Swordsmanship, Supernatural Vision, Supernaturally Dense Tissue, Sword Manipulation, Tail Manifestation, Tendril Generation, Transformation, True Form, Volatile Constructs, Weapon Physiology, Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Transformation, Weaponized Tail, Wing Manifestation, and X-Ray Vision.

Azalea's Power Description: She can slash things with her claws, bit down things that can easily break through steel, and her scales naturally deflect bullet. As an Akostar, she can manipulate the Akostar energy ,being that it comes from within her body and it comes in the form of ocean blue energy, to use as a weapon. Her Akostar energy is so dense being that it can naturally dispel all forms of energy that comes in contact with it. She usually helps Zane with his energy training and helped him releases his Potential. She can create powerful shockwaves either through a powerful roar and stomp.

Sivarth's Power Description: He’s widely known for his strength being that he’s considered too powerful and dangerous mainly when he’s angered. He can manifest himself outside of Zane being that the two are a perfect tag team. They can communicate each other with a telepathic link to make sure that Zane doesn’t look crazy. He has great endurance. He has trouble when Zane gives his energy to his friends and it can be felt from different dimensions. He’s still in love with Azalea being that he acts different when it comes to her according to Kane and Zane. He hates when people are staring at him. He can turn into a human like form which he does whenever he feels like it. He can create powerful shockwaves either through a powerful roar and stomp. He can destroy a bridge and repel attacks with ease. Sivarth can help Zane out being that he can help him detect things from far distances and help Zane train his emotions plus helping tell bad or good people. Zane can breath out fire and hurricanes. Sivarth may be known for his destruction based abilities but he’s very smart. He can help Zane form a plan when Zane can’t figure out a plan. Zane can lend portions of his power which granted people enhanced abilities. It can also be used to protect someone from outside damage and increase their physical endurance, have a great deal of force behind their attacks, flight, and heightened speed.

Twilight's Power Description: Unlike Darth who makes his hosts larger, she keeps her host the same size with some add on to them being rather minor. She has the ability to change her form being different from her kind being that Twilight keeps Zane the exact same. In her base form or bonded to a host, she can sprout two mouths being that they have one for eating and drinking and the other for talking. Her body doesn’t show this often being she has extremely small holes over her bodies to breath through when he doesn’t have her mouths out. This also applies to her host Zane. Unlike Darth, she’s connected to her hive being that she has a Racial Memory. She uses the information and memories from her hive in her partnership or her bond with Zane. She has several abilities that makes her unique compared to every other Vordlarin and she’s the only one who can use this abilities. Upon bonding with Zane, she goes through a spontaneous mutation and her special abilities developed even more. She had to go in a hibernation state about a couple of weeks upon bonding with Zane. She can let Zane use her abilities while also altering his DNA. Her body can naturally produce acid ,like the rest of her kind, but her body can also produce two different chemical which are both powerful. She can also produce a chemical that can cure all illnesses ,except for the common cold, that would inflict Zane or others around her. The other ability is that she can naturally produce a highly flammable liquid. The highly flammable liquid can be used as an explosive material. She can let Zane use this ability to a deadly effect. She can cause any part of her body to explode being that it’s a very powerful explosion. Due to her biology, she can naturally reform herself. She can cover part of Zane’s weapons with her body causing them to explode. She can naturally climb/cling onto any surface ,small or large. Her appendages can be solid that pack a punch. This is special being that no other Vordlarins including her father can do this. She can hide Zane using a unique form of camouflage due it having the ability to Zane’s body heat or other such emissions, leaving him invisible to such things as thermal imaging equipment. This power can also work for hiding his Nether signature and Animus from Phantoms and Sorcerers respectively. When she covers Zane in his costume, she can absorb physical impact to use against their enemies. She can produce an organic substance from her body that looks like webbing according to Zane. She can fire webbing out of her mouth being that she tends not to do it because she finds it disgusting. She can make things out of her webbings being that Zane uses this ability perfectly being that she can make a cocoon around her in order to evolve Zane’s body. She can sprout spider like legs being that she can use it to purge a body of impurities being that she can get rid of any drugs, toxins, and diseases. She can detect a foreign substance in Zane’s body or anybody around him. She can use this to cure others by using Zane as a medium. She can make weapons appear from her body, with Darth being well known for that ability. Her ability to cure all illness doesn’t stop Zane from being affected by his species weakness mainly when it comes to magic and sound. She can only naturally explode a certain amount of time before she needs to recharge. She may have the weakness of loud sounds and the cold but when she’s bonded to a host, it isn’t that bad for her due to Zane having a natural warm body.

Xazzaran/Kane's Power Description: In battle, he’s a calm and level-headed fighter. He can turn into his Vulcorian form which normally looks that’s very similar to Zane but with an inverted color scheme and some difference. His true form is somewhat Zane turns into when accessing Wrath but different. He’s also part of Zane being that he’s a exact mimic of Zane in appearance and power. He has his own power being that he lets Zane access this power with a fight at the start of it. If Zane dies, Kane dies with him. He lives inside of Zane’s inner world being that he can appear in front of Zane. He’s an expert of battle being that he relies on his instinct of his and the souls that he has absorbed. His sword is a katana that he can only use being that Zane doesn’t want to use this blade because it belongs to him. Zane and him don’t use their sword as often being that they both like using hand to hand combat. He’s an expert being that he can clash with a accomplished swordsman or swordswoman despite never using his blade. He strikes with flawless precision being that his speed is best used to make lethal attack with little effort. He tends to wield his blade with his left hand, leaving his right hand free. He can land critical hits on his enemies and Zane. As he absorb souls, his skills with the sword developed and he grew with Zane. He can use it in effect and versatile maneuvers being that he can use his sword in ways that Zane could never do. He can throw his sword ,which is connected to him by his tendrils, toward his target. He has incredible aim and control where and how it strikes. He also fights like a berserker, being that he tends to work on his instincts not giving a fuck about what could happen to him. This is shown in Zane’s Wrath that he used during the Takeback of Cypress Park. He’s able to use his speed to attack Conner from both sides and appearing above him to allow no escape for the man causing massive amount of damage. Despite his weak looking frame, he’s very strong being that he can life several tons and push things back with one finger. He can swing his sword so hard that it can create small craters in the ground by just a single swing or slamming his blade into the ground. He can pick up and throw several people with ease being that he can use them as weapon. He can move so fast that he can create a powerful tornado. His punch can send a target flying several meters away with ease being that he can smash his opponent through solid steel. He can easily shatter trees and walls. His punches can easily destroy buildings. He’s very fast being able to appear in front of people who are extremely fast. He can easily keep up with people regardless of injures. He can block several fast and relentless attacks with his eyes closed. He can easily catch up to people being that he only let people live only to keep them weak. He can move so fast that he turns into a tornado being that he can perform fast attacks while his opponents can’t do anything to stop them. He can block attacks in a matter of seconds being that he catches his opponents off-guard several times during a fight. His speed is so fast that it looks like teleportation being that he shimmers for a second. When Zane accessed his power during his Vulcorian Mode which turned him into Kane in a sense, he killed Ash being that the Phantom had tricked Zane earlier by killing a holographic Shawn right in front of him. He can move so fast being that he can create after images of himself to confuse his enemies. He can do this even if one or both of his legs are broken. He can move so fast that he can end two of his enemies before they can find him out. He’s very durable being that he can survive a devastating explosion being that he remains standing despite the environment being completely destroyed. He can get wounded in several areas being that he fights despite his injuries. He can survive powerful attacks with ease. He’s proficient in hand to hand combat being that he can take on several opponents tending to use his hands and feet for powerful hits mainly as sneak attacks. He has a natural affinity toward Fire and Ice. He naturally emanate the two elements from his mouth. He can generate fire from his body being that he can cover his weapons with fire increasing their power. His fire control is impressive being that he can wrap anything that he touches in fire. He can also generate fireballs which he can throw and breathe it out like a flamethrower. His flames are very strong being able to resist water. He can generate ice from his body being that he can create large ice creations to attacks his opponent from afar. He can fire icicles at an alarming speed from his hands and generate ice creation being that his sculptures of ice are very detailed. He can freeze a room solid and he can send ice out to target a specific part of an opponent’s body. He can use the energy of the Vulcorian known as Mojo being that it’s a white color. He can fire it out of his body without warning. It comes out of his body being that his target has little time to react unless he charges it up increasing it’s destructive power. He can fire up to 1000 being that he has to catch his breath if he does this over and over. His main ability with this is that he can make several copies of himself or snakes that are bigger than normal. They erupt in a massive explosion upon contact. He can generate tendrils that can extend long distance being that they come from any part of his body. He can grab people with them, his tendril can easily pierce through steel with ease, and he can turn them into blade at an incredible speed and precision being able to take on and cut down several opponents at the same time. He can use it for defense or defeat multiple opponents at the same time. He can turn his tendrils into guns, shields, and swords making him a versatile fighter. His favorite gun is a large, thirteen-barreled minigun which really hurts. He can launch a continuous barrage of Mojo which is very hard to avoid and he can use them to block at close range.

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