Friday, March 22, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 30 The Dragon Egg and the Mermaid

A/N: Yep. You think that I would have done this episode as a part of last episode but well, the episode was getting pretty long. I mean we had Levy and Zane getting together, the reappearance of Ethereal Mania, and the beatdown of Erza, Gray, and Natsu. I think that's more than enough for one episode being that I've got a lot to talk about in this author note. I did take a break for three months so there was a lot of Edens Zero, Fairy Tail, My Hero, and One Piece.

For this author note, I plan to talk about Edens Zero Chapters 5-14 alongside One Piece Chapter 928-930. The reason for this selection is because the Edens Zero chapters are for Volume 2 because I actually reviewed Volume 1 by complete luck and One Piece is because I wanted to do the chapters before the break. Lets begin with Edens Zero. I would say between this and Fairy Tail Sequel, Edens Zero is slightly better.

I would only say slightly because the sequel series is biweekly and also leaves me with less questions being that Edens Zero is generic but I think I like that kind of stuff. Keep it simple and clean rather than trying to question the formula. Both of them have a appealing art style being that art is highly subjective. You'll see what I mean in due time plus it's better than Jojo. I don't like Jojo because I think there is only three types of people.

Either you're a small kid, female, or a muscular man. I mean I watched the first book being the 26 episodes on Netflix being that I stopped just before the wedding of the bluehaired Jojo and his lady friend. You may think that I'm being unfair toward it but to me, I want to at least enjoy the art. Fairy Tail may be appealing to males with busty women but I'm okay with that. I mean I'm not into muscles being that too much muscles makes you look ugly aka Jojo. That's just my opinion on it.

So Chapter 5 of Edens Zero starts with the introduction of the character Xiaomei and she's the narrator of Edens Zero. You may be wondering why I brought this up because she does reappear again around the start of the current arc of Edens Zero. I honestly forgot about her because well, I just forgot. I'm trying to think of another example of the narrator having a name. Fairy Tail had this being that she was the narrator for each arc but Xiaomei doesn't appear to be in the story.

I'm wondering if she'll appear in the story but the main thing about her appearance is that she reveals that time doesn't mean anything. I wonder what this means being that I'm expecting time travel and hopefully, it won't make me annoyed. I'm not a fan of time travel because it's very easy to screw it up. I don't mind when it goes forward but backwards only brings problem. Chapter 5 reveals that Shiki and the gang traveled fifty years in the past.

This means that the young blond man and the older man are the exact same person except fifty years younger. I'm not sure what will happen when these two will meet but lets just say that it won't be pleasant or maybe cause a temporal paradox. They mentioned a time paradox being that if you mess with anything in the past, the future where you come from will be fucked up. I do like how it's the guy Shiki who has to remind the girl Rebecca of their mission aka Professor Weisz.

It's usually the guy who gets distracted but this time, it's Rebecca being that she wants to livestream the past. I'm pretty sure that will be a time paradox but I'm not an expert of this kind of stuff. We also meet the gang boss of Norma being that his name is Sibir who owns a mech. I'm a fan of mechs being that if the Franky Shogun was in real life, I would probably be like Luffy whenever he sees is. In Chapter 6, we also learn that Sibir can talk to birds.

I bring this up because Shiki mentions that it isn't that weird since they're taking to a cat. I know that Happy isn't a cat fully because he's more like a cyborg. Rebecca tells them to run away from Sibir but well, things don't really go that way. I really dig Shiki's powers because I always find characters who can manipulate gravity interesting. Sibir's henchman try to shoot them down with missiles but they conveniently miss.

I mean it would be a bad thing but still. It's kinda hard to not hit someone with a missile because they have an explosive impact unlike bullets. Shiki ,with his powers, easily destroy Sibir's mech being that they escape but this reveals that Sibir has a mechanical limb. I honestly found it rather interesting to say the least. I mean this is the future and spoiling the future of the series a bit but there is a character called Jinn and he has a rocket fist.

He's honestly interest me because I'm a rather simple person and a rocket fist is simply amazing to me. Why do you think Zane has one? The trio soon hides out at a bar being that we see some more aliens in the series which is something that I wanted from Edens Zero. I mean we say a literal bunny girl being that I'm not a fan of bunny girls. They also reunite with young Weisz at the bar being that it used to be his hangout back in the day.

He later learns that Shiki's group is from the future and that he gets a receding hairline in the future which is the more important thing. I mean people knowing you in the future is shocking enough but also the fact that you'll go bald is a rather bad thing. He kinda trusts them being that they are not with Sibir being that Weisz stole something from them aka that case. Weisz soon gets his case taken from him by Shiki who became a thief.

It makes no sense to me but we learn whatever is in the case being that it's a chibi robot girl who should have been the mascot of Edens Zero rather than Happy 2.0. I mean she's a girl being that she can be turned into a busty woman so that's marketable from Hiro. She's an anti-machine robot by the name of Em Pino or Pino for short. Her powers are to short out electronics like an EMP. Shiki also wants to be her friend which she approves of.

She later leaves after they mention Sibir being that she doesn't want to go against him. I wonder what that could mean but we learn that in his past Weisz, he used to steal things but overtime, he kinda stopped. It's kinda like how you did something in the past but instantly regret it over time. According to the bunny girl, Weisz used to work with Sibir before they have a falling out. We later learn why Pino is scared of Sibir thanks to a B-Cube.

He broke off her left leg just because she couldn't dance due to it not being part of her program. We also learn that Pino used to belong to a different master before Sibir being that he most likely stole her from the previous master. We also learn that her memories of her former master were erased by Sibir being that it's made very obviously that he's the bad guy and that the main character will go and attack him because Pino is his friend.

We also learn that Pino is from the future like them but she came to the past through an unknown way and was used by Sibir for evil purposes. The chapter ends with Sibir planning to take over the town with the help of the Foote Brothers being Edens Zero's versions of the Vanish Brothers. Yeah. That's a less subtle reference to Fairy Tail because it's very obvious when Hiro makes a Fairy Tail reference and man, it hits you like a truck.

The chapter starts with Shiki's group heading toward Sibir's base being that they learn it from the bunny girl. She could have a name but I'll just call her bunny girl. Weisz also learns that Sibir had ripped off Pino's leg and for leaving him, he's going to rip off her leg but was stopped by Weisz who save her for his evil purposes. I think the term for him is Anti-Hero and Weisz stops the leader with a rock.

Before Sibir can strike down Weisz, Shiki's group arrives and Shiki takes the grunts with the power of gravity, wiping the nameless grunts. Weisz leaves with Pino thanks to him "borrowing" the vehicle that Rebecca and co brought with them. I mean he's kinda doing the right thing by keeping Pino from Sibir but well, he's leaving Rebecca and co to die. I really like Weisz because he has a cool character design to me. Reminds me of Musica from Rave Master.

He also takes Happy with him, making Rebecca useless. Shiki gets taken out by a giant object and leaves Rebecca along with the Foote brothers. One of them speaks with a German ,I think, accent aka the one with the man bun afro. You'll also never guess how the brothers fight. I mean it's in their name being that they'll kick you to death. I mean it was interesting but well, the next couple of chapters ruin them for me.

The chapter ends with Shiki seeing Micheal ,who was from Chapter 1 aka the pumpkin robot, in the trash heap but we learn in the next chapter that this isn't the case. The robot in the junk pit is Johnny and that him and Micheal were mass produced. It's like how Plue ,from Fairy Tail, is part of the races of Plues. We also learn that the robots that lived with Shiki basically let him think that he was a good mechanic but it wasn't the case.

We learned that back in Chapter 1 but I loved how savage the robots were toward Shiki. He tries to fix poor Johnny being that the robot mentions that him and his brothers were thrown down here after Sibir got bored of playing with them. If Sibir kicks a puppy, I'm pretty sure that he'll be an even more of a bad guy. I mean it's kinda just annoying at this point. While Happy, Pino, and Weisz handle Sibir in his mecha, Rebecca handles the foote brothers.

This is also the chapter that made me hate the Foote brothers because they apparently want to be stomped by Rebecca's legs. I'm not one for kink shaming but that's kinda taking it too far. I mean I was kinda cheering for Shiki when he one shot the duo being that people who take their fetishes too far is kinda uncomfortable for me. Before Sibir attacks Weisz's ground, Shiki stops him and they start their fight.

Sibir's arm was made by Weisz but that means nothing to Shiki who says that machine should be treated the same as humans since they have hearts too. Is it bad that I'm more or less used to this kind of stuff by now? I guess reading this kind of stuff has made me have a tolerance toward that kind of stuff. We also see that Sibir's bird is evil like him and tries to kill Shiki but was saved by Pino being that her and Shiki are friends now plus she was apparently made by future Weisz.

She also comes with Shiki and his group to the future since she doesn't belong there. We also gets Weisz trying to figure out the results to several sports mainly to cheat. It's like Back to the Future or typical time travel stuff. The police soon arrives to chase them down being that Weisz was a former member of Sibir's gang and the police is unaware of Shiki's group not being part of Sibir's gang so they're in trouble.

They try to leave the planet but something is stopping them. However, Weisz shows up being that he'll help them escape but if they give him the ship. Chapter 11 is a color page which isn't apparent in the manga volume. We get to see a robot Griffon which looks awesome and also for some reason, the bunny girl is there. We later learn that Weisz has a Ether Gear like Shiki being that he can remold machines within seconds.

He remolded their ship to escape the planet being that he also fixes up Pino's leg. He also calls Shiki's Ether Gear called Thomp boy which is an amazing name and not at all stupid. We also learned that Shiki and his group didn't go back in time but instead to a planet whose time had been stolen from it. We also learn of the space monster called the Chronophase being that it eats a planet's time. We also learn that the people from Norma are called Normans.

I really like this being that future Weisz left with the bunny girl by his side so good for the professor and also she didn't age. We learn that it wasn't Weisz who fixed Pino but Shiki's grandpa. We also learn that that the Weisz from the past and the Professor can exist since the planets that were eaten by the Chronophase exist in a different reality so we're good for now. I'm expected it at this point. The chapter ends with space pirates and the return of Space Erza.

Yes, I know her name isn't Erza but it is. I mean Elsie starts with the same letter as Erza and Crimson is a freaking simile of Scarlet. It's not subtle at this point being that I'm not a big fan of Erza to begin but my lack of care toward Space Erza grows in the next chapter. We learn from Rebecca that Space Erza has conqueror the seven seas and her ship is named the Skull Fairy. I don't mind a reference to your previous series but this is getting kinda annoying at this point.

It's like how in Wano, there are references to Oda's one shot being that it's in the form of Ryuma who comes from Monsters. However, the Fairy Tail references in Edens Zero are super in your face being that well, it gets annoying. Space Erza isn't the worst example of this being that trust me, I'll be talking about the return of Lisanna and Mira in time. Space Erza starts with complimenting Weisz by saying that he was a genius for escaping the Chronophage.

She then insults him by saying that he's an idiot for going right into their ship's tractor beam. We also learn that Space Erza likes to plunder because what else does pirate do? I mean One Piece shows that not at all pirates have a plundering kink. She plans to sell them to the planet of Guilst and also that Pino notes that Rebecca has to leave for the bathroom. I would say that's disgusting but I really like blunt characters. I mean Zane is the pinnacle of bluntness.

I should mention that I'll be called the Weisz of the past by his name and the future Weisz the professor just to make things easy. Anyway, I bring this up being that Weisz says that Guilst was an entertainment planet very much like Las Vegas but robot Happy brings up that it's a wretched hive of scum and villainy being that anything goes in this lawless place. We'll learn more about Guilst in the next arc and well, it's an interesting planet to say the least.

Weisz tries to sell out the rest of the group being that he says that being a mechanic will help her out but Shiki says that he shouldn't betray his friends but Weisz brings up a valid point being that they aren't friends being that the Professor is friends with Rebecca and Happy but he isn't since both him and the Professor are two different people. Shiki suggests that they plunder the ship from Space Erza being that she finds it rather funny.

She even tells him where to go being that she just sealed her fate. You don't tell the main character where you are because he's coming to kick your ass. Shiki goes on ahead being that Weisz goes to help him being that he's thinking of using Space Erza as his prisoner, earning a comment from Rebecca. I mean if this was Fiore Erza, it would be normal since she's been a prisoner twice when she was a kid and when she was a teen.

We see inside of the Skull Fairy that there are strange looking pods all over being that it's like an alien infestation being that Shiki sees Space Erza's grunts heading toward them with their limbs turning into tentacles. Yes, Edens Zero now has tentacles and it reminds me of the characters Kanaloa and Yakdoriga mainly the latter. I only bring this up because Rebecca gets tied up in them in a very and sexy provocative manner.

She later takes of them using her Happy blasters being that she mentions Ducky. This is only in the manga volume being that poor Weisz is left behind and Rebecca teases him. I really like Rebecca by the way since she isn't useless like Lucy is fight me. We also see Space Erza's true face which is a weird skull face. I like to believe that both Space Erza and Fiore Erza have this kinda of face but it's usually masked by a heavy amount of make up.

I mean it would be a weird as hell fan theory but it gets you talking about the series. We also learn that she knows about Shiki being connected to the Demon King aka Shiki's grandpa. We see that Space Erza has the tentacle powers like her crew members. Thanks to the power of flashbacks, we learn that Shiki has a way of living. If anyone can do it, I can. It's slightly better than I'm Fired Up but it's your typical battle cry.

We also learn about the Cosmic Government ,which is the government but in space, and the interstellar union army with its member Justice and Victory. Wow. That is terrible. It's like naming your bad guy Evil. It isn't very creepy but we do learn more about two more people from the cover page which is Justice who also so conveniently looks like Jellal and also the weird monkey looking guy.

You think that Shiki defeats Erza ,not calling her by her real name because she's Erza but in fucking space, but nope. She's conveniently not there. Stupid plot convenience. This Erza is also a parasite known as a Kawpicatt S4 which is a parasite that can mimic human forms which it did with Erza and her crew. We learn this from the real Erza being that she's an evil Erza who uses Shiki and gang to clean up the bugs.

They later gained the ship from Erza being that she was going to give Shiki the ship since he is the Demon King's Grandson. He and Erza met when he was coming back from trying to find Mother which by the way is a stupid name for a cosmic being. I'm still firmly on that because Galexia or something involving space is something far more creative than naming it Mother. We learn that Erza wanted to give this ship to Shiki because she owed his grandfather a favor.

She also says that she isn't evil but well, I don't like her totally unique character design so I hope that one day, she gets punched hard. We also see that Erza has a lot of ships plus her and Shiki are friends since she was a friend of grandpa. Really not a fan of another Erza but I doubt she's going to be a major character. We learn that whoever reaches Mother will be born again so that means that someone could come back from the dead.

I'm calling it now. They're going to bring back this story's version of Zeref using this thing because Hiro is that original with his character designs. I'm also called Justice Jellal because whenever he uses his Ether Gear, he looks like him. I can understand why people are annoyed with Hiro when it comes to Edens Zero because there are very little original design. At least they look nice unlike anything from Jojo because they're pretty much all muscular men.

I really do like Weisz being that I'm sure that I would be shocked if fast travel was a thing and a new character is revealed at the end of the chapter. I'll talk about her later being that well, I got an issue with her. Since I have the manga volume, I always wanted to talk about the afterwords. I like how Hiro mentions that Weisz is a good guy who is still a scumbag which hasn't shown up before in his story before.

We also learn that Pino was going to be the mascot character but Hiro couldn't figure out how to put her into chapter one so he went with Happy instead. That annoyed me more because Pino is a way more interesting than Robot Happy even though he got hit by a car which made me smile along with the fake Erza getting punch. It's the little thing being that if a Fake version of Jellal ,aka Justice, gets hurt, I'll be happy.

Anyway, lets go onto the One Piece chapters because oh boy, I got a lot to say about that. We learn the name of the old man who was saved by Kid and Luffy is named Hyo. We learn more about him later on so I won't give you my full opinions on him just yet. He's grateful to Luffy for saving him from the weird hippo guy being that Luffy says not to worry about it being that Luffy had business with him.

Luffy later gives him exchange tickets because he's such a good guy and I'm happy how nice Luffy is to old man Hyo. We also see the return of Raizo being that whatever scene he is in, he sticks the fuck out and I like that. I love weird designs in One Piece being that Raizo is a competent character, the Smile users are just ugly and pretty sad. Anyway, we learn that the key to Luffy's cuffs are in a case of sea prism stone.

He plans to get them for Luffy but in time. This later changes on but we don't know them. We also see the return of Caribou who tries to get on Luffy's side being that unlike with Hyo, Luffy isn't having any of Caribou's shit. We do learn that the sea prism stones on the devil fruit users were made to have a mild effect being that they can work but Caribou can't. Like before, we learn some stuff about Caribou because well, it's be a long time since we've last seen him.

Caribou tries to get Luffy to help him break up being that Luffy says for him to ask Kid instead being that Caribou says that his reputation is ruined. He challenged Big Mom and lost his arm but he ran away like a coward from her. I at first wondered why did the deed being that my bet was Cracker or Katakuri because if it was Smoothie, I would be kinda happy because she finally did something but it was off screen so it's kinda sad. However, these rumors were fake news.

I wonder if the rumors were because of Big Fake News Morgans. Kid himself says that he wounded one of her generals ,calling Smoothie or maybe someone else but I'm wanting Smoothie to do something, being that he lost his arm thanks to Shanks. I'm also sure that Shanks did this because Kid made fun of his missing arms and well, he didn't want to deal with that kind of shit. Kid and Luffy argue who will take down Kaido being that Caribou is caught in the middle of it.

The main part of this chapter shows the appearance of Komursaki and I'll say this now. I don't like her at all and it's because of her appearance. Art and beauty is highly subjective and my reasons for disliking her is because of art. We learn that thanks to Bingo and some other men, Komursaki took all of their money making me dislike her at the start because I felt bad for Bingo. This was my thought on my first reading being that it changed afterwards.

I think Bingo is a monster and Komursaki is still a gold digger. Bingo basically gave her all of his money in order to marry her being that he sold off everything he owns which includes his family being that just makes you a monster straight up. I don't feel bad for Bingo in the slightest being that he sold all everything to be with her being that she basically spent all of it because she's apparently with Kyoshiro who is the main mob boss of Wano which is like up there on the food chain.

I still don't like Komursaki because she basically tricked Bingo with promises of love and Bingo is a monster because he sold everything he owns in order to be with her. The point is that both of them are awful people. I do like Kyoshiro because I really want his hair to be used as a weapon. I don't care if it's a joke or not but come on. It's just asking for it. We learn that Bingo's scumbagness isn't the first time that this has happened.

You know what they say. Love makes you do stupid things and this is really stupid. We also get the appearance of Komursaki and I'll say this right here and now. Why did Oda draw those weird lines on her eyelids? Is it some kind of fashion trend? I'm not an expert in fashion at all but it's so obvious and kinda ugly. I mean is that pretty to people or what? Apparently, her hair color is supposed to be teal or a shade of blue just like Kaido's dragon form.

Just look at the cover for Volume 92 being that I'll be taking about that at a later date because well, I have something to say about that. We also see how tall her Geisha are and that they are so dam tall. I mean that's a solid foot at the very least and must be hard to walk in. I mean women have the ability to walk in heels which look very impractical to me but what do I know?  We do see that she uses one of her men as a support.

I didn't noticed this at first being that well, it's kinda obvious. I'm going to disagree with her being beautiful since art and beauty are very subjective. I'll be using that word a lot. I really hope she gets sliced open and yes, I do know what happens in the future and I was happy about that scene in the manga before something happened. It's like how I enjoyed Happy getting run over by a car. I'm a fan of characters that I hate getting hurt and that's rather messed up in my opinion.

We also see Momo training with Tama being that he mentions his sister in this chapter and I wonder if Komursaki is his sister. Huh. I wonder. It's pretty obvious that she is. It's like how Dabi is related to the Todoroki family. Anyway, Chapter 929 had the Straw Hats ,except for Jibbei which makes me sad but no sign of Carrot so I'm okay with that, dressed as ninjas. I really like all of their designs being that you can see both sexy Nami and Robin so both sides of the fandom are happy with that.

Our chapter shows Franky get mad at his boss Minatomo who build Kaido's mansion and was a joke character for losing the plans for Kaido's mansion being that he gave it to the pawn shop. This sent poor Franky on search for the plans being that the people of Wano sees the carpenters like the shipwrights of Water Seven. We also see the return of Kanjuro being that we get to see his amazing art and well, he sticks out because of it.

Franky soon goes on a wild goose chase in search of these plans being that he starts at the pawn shop and then goes to the row house and to someone named Kumagoro being that the plans were soon given to Kobei which is Kumagoro's landlord. It's then given to Kobei's favorite geisha Kisegawa being that it was then given to someone named Tokijiro. It was soon given to Rakuda being that it was stolen from him and the thief was from Kuri.

In Kuri, Franky tells Kinemon this being that he tells him to help out the others in the capital for right now. We see the return of the Minks being that they are my least second race in One Piece because my least favorite race is the Long Limbs members which combines the Long Arm, Long Leg, and Snake Neck Tribe. I just find them slightly different compared to the race of Giants and Dwarves. We also see that Minks are currently stealing from Kaido.

They're blaming poor Shutenmaru for their crimes and for some reason, Carrot is there. I really hope that she doesn't join the crew because I don't think she deserves a spot. I mean Jimbei deserves his spot on the crew after everything that he has done for Luffy. Carrot in my eyes hasn't done anything yet and if Oda has on the crew, I'll be annoyed but I'll get over it in time. We also see Zoro hanging out with someone named Tonoyasu aka Yasu.

He kinda reminds me of Tama being that I grew to hate her because of later events in the arc. You'll see what I mean by that in time. Zoro saved this guy after paying for his meal. The chapter ends with Orochi pretty much telling the World Government aka CPO to fuck off. Orochi wants to meet Vegapunk but that's impossible being that this resulted in one of the them to be shot by Orochi. The people of Wano don't fear the Celestial Dragons which I like.

He says that he's good without them being that he has Kaido supporting them from the not subtle shadows. We also see Orochi's banquet going on with several beautiful women like Robin and not the ugly as hell ,from the inside rather than the outside, Komusaki and amazing food. We also see Orochi and I love him. His design is very goofy and if you want to hear the perfect voice of him, watch Tekking101's reviews because it's perfect and fitting. 

He also has an amazing moment later on but my favorite part of the chapter is near the end. We do see Law again because he's a fan favorite. I'm not a fan of Law because he has had enough time to shine. This means that most of the eleven supernovas haven't had a moment of screen time like Apoo and Urogue. I mean we hear about them but I want to see them in action. I don't hate Law but I rather have him stay to the sidelines to let other supernovas shine for once.

Drake is a perfect example because we learn about his devil fruit which is a dinosaur version of Kaido's devil fruit and that he's an Allosaurs. It's like a Tyrannosaurus Rex but different and I don't blame anyone who thought that he was a T-rex. I would argue that the T-Rex is the most famous dinosaur but I could be wrong. We also meet Page One being that he also has a dinosaur fruit which is a spinosaurs. Chapter 930 has Zoro going to Ebisu town which is a town filled with people like Tama and Yasu.

I kinda just read through it without really caring but I did like how they tried to make Zoro smile. We also learn about someone named Ushimitsu Kozo. He's basically the Japanese Robin Hood being that he steals from the rich to give to the poor. The chapter's main thing is that Big Mom and her crew shows up being that she's coming to Wano for three reasons. They are to get Straw Hat, get back Zeus, and get Kaido to pay for child support.

I mean Katakuri could be Kaido's dad because we've never met any other fathers so far. We did meet Pound but that's just one baby daddy of Big Mom. So  Kaido and Big Mom could mean something. I mean Oda did give information about all of Big Mom's kids and the main message from that is that Oda's weird art design can be used for both good and evil. I mean I'll talk about it later but man, you really want to meet their dads at one point. They tried to get into Wano by going the waterfall.

Kaido is scared by this being that they are stopped by King who turns out to be a dinosaur aka a pternodon and Big Mom sinks in the water like a rock. It's a fat joke plus Devil Fruits make you sink like a rock in water. I'll see myself out. The rest of the chapter shows the group of Franky, Sanji, and Usopp running away from Drake and Page One with Law. I stated why I don't like Law but hopefully to me, we get other supernovas a turn in the spotlight.

This worked great for Bege and I'm hoping that we can learn more about Kid or Drake. Mainly the latter though because he's a dinosaur and that's just cool. The rest of the chapter has Page One who's wrecking the place looking for Sanji because of what he did. Due to this, Sanji uses the raid suit to take care of him and I've saved my thoughts on that for next time. Anyway, I should mention that I'll be doing my full opinion on Wano when the second act of the arc ends.

I really want to read it at that point and see if my opinion has changed from the start when I was still salty about Oda ending Reverie earlier. The last bit that I want to talk about is that we only have the reunion of mother and daughter, the bond of a past loves, and how far Zane will go to help out those he cares about before we can get into the Phantom Lord Arc which I'm going to enjoy writing. This episode takes a lot of inspiration from Natsu and the Dragon Egg.

It also takes place right before the end of Chapter 29. It's like how the start of Chapter 27 was before the end of Chapter 26. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the mysterious East Forest which is found east of Magnolia, our story begins. Yes, this is quite a clever name for a location being that their planet is named Earthland. This forest is overflowing with magic power of which many tales were told. East Forest is a large forest, with a large variety of both plants and animals. The animals range from bats and turtles to stegosaurus. Yeah. This place is very weird.

The climate appears to be warm, with a good amount of moisture, which can be inferred by the lush vegetation as well as the fairly frequent and dense mist. There are also numerous glades where Natsu used to train in his younger years. Fun fact, Natsu found Happy's egg in this forest exactly 6 years before they both met Lucy. Speaking of Lucy. "Oh come on. You of all people know that I have a novel to write so why did you drag me here exactly on your stupid fishing trip?" said Lucy.

She was there along with Kaida, Levy, Stella, and Zane being at a lake somewhere deep in the forest with a fishing rod inside of the water and a camp set up nearby. At the edge of the late, they was a cliff nearby. "Stop your bitching. You obviously have writer's block so enjoy Mother Nature before it comes to life and takes over." said Zane, holding one of the fishing rods. "Is that a reference to Zane's past?" said Stella. "Yeah except it was Father Nature." said Sly.

Zane nodded as he said,"Big pain in my ass being that I was currently fighting off Ethereal Mania at the time. But hey, I got to beat up Marcus and gained five beautiful girlfriends.". Levy ,who was sitting in Zane's lap, pinched him with her saying,"What did I say about you mentioning other women in front of me?". "I shouldn't but I can't help myself." said Zane, shrugging. Levy shook her head as Kaida was playing with Plue whom Lucy summoned earlier.

Lucy sighed as she said,"So why did you really bring me here? I doubt you would really want to help me with my problems.". "You're right. I need you to summon Aquarius. I promised a friend of mine that I would reunite two people." said Zane. Lucy noted how serious Zane was being that she sighed as she pulled out her key. "Fine. Maybe I'll finally figure out how all of my spirits seem to know you exactly." said Lucy.

She soon placed her key into the water with her soon summoning Aquarius. The mermaid looked at Lucy annoyed before noticing Kaida looking at her. "You're so pretty." said Kaida. Aquarius blushed as she said,"So is this yours Zane?". "Yep. I adopted her." said Zane, removing Levy from his lap as he stood up. He soon held up a key with him saying,"Time for you to reunite with someone special to you.".

This earned a confused look from Aquarius ,with her holding Kaida and hugging her, and Lucy as Zane soon summoned Hali in her human form. This caused Aquarius to drop Kaida being that Hali smiled. "It's good to see you again Nerida." said Hali. "Mommy!" said a girly sounding Aquarius with the two mermaids hugging. "They're related?! And how do you have a gate key?!" said Lucy with her pointing at Zane.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"You really think I would steal Lavern's key but she gave it to me so I could reunite Hali with Nerida. They're obvious related being that they can both use water magic, are mermaids, and Hali was the Aquarius of my time. It was before you were born.". "Yep. Me and Zane were drinking buddies." said Hali. "Didn't we try dating?" said Zane, smirking. "We did but I couldn't handle your unique way of speaking." said Hali.

Aquarius smiled as she said,"So why did you do this Zane?". "Because I wanted to. Simple and clean plus I wanted Hali to meet the brat that you've been talking about." said Zane. Hali soon emitted a dark aura of terror with Lucy shaking in fear. "Is this the real reason why you did this?" whispered Levy as Zane whistled. Levy shook her head at Zane's unique methods with Lucy saying,"What are you talking about?".

Hali took a deep breath as she said,"Don't try and make foolish excuses. My beloved Nerida has been complaining about some brat who has been summoning her in the most inappropriate times. Do you know what the consequences of what you've down?!". "But how am I supposed to know what she was doing when I was summoning her?! It's usually at random!" yelled Lucy in fear. "You could always check her Zenith Account. I mean she's always posing things there." said Zane.

Stella looked at him with an "Are you serious" look and Hali said,"He's correct brat but since this dimension is so low tech, you should learn or else you'll get my wrath.". She looked at Levy. "And if I hear about you breaking my friend's heart, I'll make you suffer the same." said Hali. Levy nodded with her being scared senseless. "Hali. I know that you're trying to protect me but don't threaten my girlfriend. You remember what I did to the Lion right?" said Zane.

Hali nodded with her saying,"Yes. You punching him through a thousand building just because he touched your girlfriend at the time. I forget how you Alvarez men can be. I'll be spending time with my daughter so don't bother us.". The two were gone being that both Levy and Lucy laid on their knees in terror. Kaida soon giggled with her saying,"Those two were really funny!". "I don't think everyone here thinks that way." said Sly.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Hali is quite the over protective mamma when it comes to Nerida aka the current Aquarius and me too since I'm like her son. I remember one time when Scorpio broke Aquarius's heart. The spirit soon learned his place being that you don't want to make her mad. I mean it makes my rampages look nothing compared to hers.". This scared the group ,except for Kaida and Sly being that they didn't care, there being that they remembered Zane's rampage the other day.

Erza, Gray, and Natsu are still recovering being that Zane had repaired the guild hall using Chronos Form before they arrived at the lake. "Great. I had to deal with two crazy spirits." said Lucy with her crying coming tears. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." said Stella, patting her shoulder. "Yeah. I guess we're done here since I'm not getting any fish." said Zane, glaring at the lake. "I don't think glaring at the lake is a good way of getting fishes Zane." said Levy.   

Zane soon nodded with him saying,"I got it! We'll go swimming to get them out.". "Are why are you hunger from fish? You're not Happy are you?" said Lucy. "Zane's favorite restaurant is going to be serving sushi and Zane promised that he would get them some fish. It's really good." said Sly, with her mouth watering. "So how will swimming help?" said Stella. "You'll bring any fish toward me so I can catch them." said Zane.

Levy and Lucy saw a very obvious flaw in Zane's plan being that while one of them didn't have the heart to tell him the truth, Stella did but didn't due to love. She soon changed into one of her swimsuits being that it wasn't a bikini. She did own some bikinis but lets just say that she wants to try and seduce Zane being that it was quite obvious to Lucy. Levy wondered why Stella did this but she was pretty sure that she was trying to take Zane from her.

I mean it is. Love is a battlefield after all. Her swimsuit is a one piece swimsuit being that it matched her hair color. It had interlocked red straps above her chest and around her midriff near her navel with circle like connectors. She's wearing a necklace with a blue diamond in the middle. She wearing brown gladiator sandals going up to her knees. "Zaney. If your hook hooks onto me or my suit, I'll drag you into the lake and drown you." said Stella, making her draconian traits appear.

This scared Lucy ,being that she jumped, being that Zane shrugged. "It wouldn't be the first time and you look nice by the way." said Zane, earning a blush from Stella. "If you do that Zane, I won't kiss you for the rest of the day." said Levy, crossing her arms and pouting. "No! Don't do that! I need your kiss Levy or I'll die." said Zane, with him shedding crocodile tears. Kaida tilted her head as Sly said with her claw on Kaida's head,"Don't try to understand Zane kid. It's an impossible task.".

Stella looked down into the lake with her taking a calming breath and diving it with a little splash. It wasn't obvious but Reedus was sitting nearby them, observing the group and painted them, starting with the group that he could see. He was painting it for the guild or more specifically, Kaida. Like him, she loves to draw and he'll admit that she has great talent. Zane may scare him at times but he would be honored to help Kaida succeeded in her art.

Levy said,"So do you like girls in swim suits?". "Yep being that I would love to see you in one. It will be amazing." said Zane. Lucy gagged as she said,"Guys. PDA.". "Don't say that. I mean if Natsu wasn't injured, you would loved to come here with him. Don't lie because I'll know." said Zane with Lucy bushing. Under the lake, Stella was enjoying her swim. She loved to swim being that her mom helped her discover her love of swimming despite her mom being the Earth Dragon.

The dragon used Earth Dragon Dive to help teach her daughter how to swim and breath under water like a fixture. Don't ask how it worked being it was magic. Despite the lake not being too big, it was rather deep.  She began swimming down deeper to try and get a closer look at some of the fish that could be living here and saw several shadows getting closer. She soon found herself face to face with a large burgundy eel like fish that were taller than her with yellow fins.

He had strange white tufts being that the female wasn't too sure if they were fur or not. "I really hope you're friendly." thought Stella. This eel opened up his mouth and roared underwater at her, forcing her to swim away fast. The fish was impressed on how fast the girl was moving being that to Stella at least, swimming in the water is like swimming in the ground. Again, magic is a wonderful thing isn't it.

This was seen above the water with Kaida saying,"I think Stella has one!". "And it looks like a whopper too!" said Sly. Crisis Judgement soon went off as Zane blocked a wave of water that would have washed over them that rose up from below the surface. He however didn't protect Lucy being that the blond cried out,"First it was Aquarius, then Zane, and now Stella?!".  The eel chomped down on the space where Stella was once was.

The eel quickly turned around only to hear,"Earth Make: Titan Push!". Two giant hands came from the ground to the left and right of her being they pushed the eel toward the rod. It soon was caught on Zane's line being that Zane smiled. He soon began reeling it in like nothing else being that the eel was being quite stubborn. "Hey Stella! Show what happens when you're stubborn!" said Zane with Stella hearing him.

She soon punched the eel in the face with the punch knocking out of the water. "It's so big!" yelled Lucy. "That's what she said." said Sly and Zane, fist bumping much to the sigh of Levy. "You're so cool Stella!" said Kaida, cheering with Plue. Reedus chuckled with him memorizing the image of the eel like fish in the air with Stella coming out of the water, Lucy reacting to the size of it, Sly and Zane teasing Lucy, Levy sighing, and Kaida dancing with Plue.

He soon looked down at his canvas being that he smiled. "Wow. It really brings back the feelings of the good old days." said Reddus. Zane smiled with him saying,"Yep. This will make some amazing sushi won't it partner?". "Especially under his amazing skills! So do you think this will do?" said Sly with her mouth watering. "Yep. I'm pretty sure this will work. I need to get it to him before it rotten up." said Zane. "And how are you going to do that?" said a skeptical Lucy.

Zane soon made a portal with him saying,"Sending it directly to her obvious.". "Huh. So what power do you not have?" said Levy, watching Zane push the fish into the portal. "Good question. I'll have to look." said Zane with Stella rolling her eyes. She crossed her arms as she said,"Or in other words, you will have Athena or Cole do it.". "You're right Stella! Zane works us like slaves! He never pays us a single dime." said Cole but was soon slapped by Athena.

Zane sighed as he said,"I'm thankful that you girls don't have to hear them.". "Wasn't Danny the only one who could hear them?" said Sly. "Yeah and he can ignore them." said Sivarth. "So Levy, I have to ask you something." said Lucy. "Is it about her three sizes? Don't try. I already tried asking her that but she didn't answer me that." said Zane, dodging Stella's punch. "Nope. Do you know what Natsu puts up the tough guy act? I mean he'll never get the girls to like him that way." said Lucy.

Levy was quiet being that Lucy had unintentionally said her signature catchphrase. I'll give you a hint on whose it could be. Her name starts with L and has seven letters. "Um. It's complicated." said Levy with her looking away. "Yeah. I think if you would be happy if you would like Natsu not having girls flocking to him." said Zane. "I am but I don't know that much about him." said Lucy. "Then, we shall go to the guild hall. All will be explained there." said Zane, with everyone following him. 

The group was soon in the backroom of the guild hall being that it's an archive for the Guild where records of the jobs taken and information about the members of Fairy Tail lived. Mirajane was busy down here with a stack of books in hand and on a ladder. She's quite thankful that she wasn't wearing a skirt being that well, you know exactly where I'm going with this. "Hey Mira! What are you doing up there?!" said Lucy. "Still less books than my place." thought Zane.

Mira stopped her actions being that she soon saw Lucy along with her crush, his daughter who was super adorable, his girlfriend, his partner in crime, and Stella standing there. "I'm just doing a bit of reorganizing. That's all. I mean this stuff is really boring that needs to get done." said Mira. "Oh I can help with that." said Lucy. "Are you sure that you want to? I mean I had to reorganizing the Heights of Knowledge and well, it wasn't fun." said Zane.

Lucy smiled as she said with a thumbs up,"Yeah, I'm really good with boring stuff.". "I think I finally figured out why you don't have a boyfriend." said Zane with Lucy sighing. The other girls on the other hand giggled being that three of them (Levy, Mira, and Stella) found Zane's sense of humor rather unique, Kaida idolized her father, and Sly was just used to Zane's sense ,called Blunt Style, of humor at this point in her life.

Zane did help the girls out with a few things being that he didn't lift a finger but use the combo of telekinesis and tendrils to do it for him, getting called lazy by Lucy but Zane retort with that he's training. "So what did you mean by the guild hall having the answer to my question? And why are you always such a jerk?" said Lucy with her currently on the ladder. Zane was leaning against a nearby wall, listening to his music and going through his phone.

He shrugged as he said,"It's called be awesome. You should try it some time.". "Apparently, it's cute to some people." said Sly. "Yep. I mean me and Kaida are just adorable. Oh and don't worry, I'm not peeping Triple B. So quit the death stares ladies." said Zane. "You can't be serious can you Zane? I'm sure that you're joking." said Lucy. "Being serious is really boring plus it isn't fun. I mean Natsu isn't at all serious and that's why you fell for Natsu's boyish charm." said Zane.

Lucy soon blushed with her screaming,"What?!". She wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and stumbled on the ladder. This caused her to fall down on the floor at a fast rate and heading toward a bunch of books. She braced herself for impact being that she soon crashed into it. "Are you okay Lucy?" said Mira. "And why didn't you catch her?" said Stella. Zane shrugged as Lucy said,"I'm okay you guys. I guess ladders aren't really my strong suit huh?".

Zane looked at her as Levy said,"So what are you going to say?". Zane soon clapped his hands, made a peace sign with his right hand, made a circle with his hands, and put his hands over his eyes like binoculars. "Huh?" said the girls. "He says,"I can see your panties."." said Sly. Lucy glared at him with him saying,"Sorry not sorry but to be fair, I was more looking at that.". He pointed a piece of paper that was sticking out of a book.

Lucy soon held it with her saying,"It's an old painting.". "Put on the table!" said Kaida. Lucy did that with the group seeing that it was a group of familiar faces with Natsu in the center with a couple of adults in the background including Macao, Makarov, and Wakaba. "Wow. Is that everyone when they were kids?" said Lucy, putting her index finger on her chin to try and figure it out. "And you win a gold star for that brilliant deduction Triple B." said Zane.

Mira lightly punched him with her saying,"Be nice or Levy will be mad at you.". "I am because I could have said that she could have gotten a bronze star." said Zane. "And how is that better?" said Stella. "Gold is shiny and bronze isn't." said Kaida. "Kaida's right. I mean I recognize all of them except for two of them." said Zane. The group sat down at a table with Cole saying,"Wow. This picture still look nice.". "That must be Gray." said Stella.

She pointed to the shirtless boy with Zane saying,"Of course you would remember him shirtless. So lewd Stella.". He dodged a book with Lucy saying,"So who is this girl next to him?". She has brown hair and purple eyes. She's wearing a orange and thin checkered dress. She had her hair tied. "I'll give you a hint. She drinks a lot of booze." said Levy. "That's Cana?!" said Lucy. "Yeah. I never thought I would see her looking so pure. I missed the bikini top." said Zane.

This earned him a pinch from Levy with Kaida saying,"Oh wow. Macao and Wakaba look so young but why does Master look the same?". "Who knows? And what are you looking for Zane?" said Sly as Zane was looking for something with an intense look. He spotted a young Levy. She had short blue hair with her wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with red edges and red skirt. She had a nose in a book with her peeking out to smile at the painting.

Zane smiled as he said,"Ah. I guess my little bookworm hasn't changed too much since back then. I'm shocked to see that you're still cute as a button.". Levy blushed much to the jealous of Mira and Stella with Zane saying,"Hey! I found Laxus. Man, he really gots that teen defiance down pat.". There was a yellow ,spiky, haired teen standing to the side looking more defiance than the kids. Lucy chuckled and grinned at the sight of Natsu.

She said,"I know that face anywhere. He looks the exact same as he did before but what's with the little blue dragon.". "That's Happy." said Mira. "What?!" cried out Lucy and Stella. "Wow. Talking about a serious downgrade." said Zane. "So how did he change from dragon to cat?" said Kaida. "The painting was done on the day that Happy was hatched from the egg." said Mira. "Wait. Happy came from an egg?" said Sly. Kaida nodded as she said,"Like you did Sly!". 

Mira shook her head as she said,"Not exactly. I hadn't been a member of Fairy Tail for too long and well....". Zane stopped her as he said,"As much as I love a good story, I think Triple B should see it live. Time to go back to the past!". "Huh?" said the quartet of Levy, Lucy, Mira, and Stella. "You can't be serious. You know Hourglass hates when people including you mess with the past." said Sly as she looked at her partner with a dead panned look.

Zane scoffed as he said,"I know that. We're just going to watch the past. It's like how Hourglass did that for me before I went to go train for twenty one months.". He's talking about Zero Episode 78 and Zero Episode 79 if you were curious. It's also called Chronoskimming. "Oh and that case, go on and show them." said Sly as Zane turned into Chronos Form being that I've teased this form for a while now so he had to appear eventually.

Zane soon grabbed all of the girls ,with them all being held in a big hug being that the trio of Levy, Mira, and Stella blushed, as he said,"Time to travel back and don't you worry about the others noticing that we're gone. To those unaware, going back means that they won't notice that we even left. Please hang on tight because time travel can be a little bumpy. Back to the past we go.". The group was soon gone.

They soon arrived in the forest with Mira saying,"So you took us to the forest?". "Nope. We're on the date October 20, X777 and we're about a day away from Magnolia." said Zane. "So you're saying that we..." said Levy. Zane nodded with them hearing,"Finally! I made it past those stinking mountains!". The group soon a younger Natsu with Lucy gushing on how he cute he was being that a painting didn't do it justice.

He's wearing a red t-shirt with yellow shorts and black shoes but his most obvious clothing outfit is his white scaly scarf. "Papa! Won't Natsu see us?!" said Kaida. "Nope Peanut. To him, we're nothing more than specters or illusions." said Zane as he swiped his hand right through Natsu who was pulling out his map. "Huh. I didn't know that Natsu could read a map." said Sly. "Okay. I'm about a day travel from Magnolia." said Natsu with his stomach growling.

Stella sweatdropped with her saying,"Why did that stay the same?". "Ugh! I'm so hungry!" said Natsu with him soon picking up on the smell of cooked meat. "Food!" exclaimed Natsu. He soon rushed to the location of the spell being that the group soon followed him. Natsu soon found a small fire with some meat roasting over it. His mouth watched as he sneaked toward the fire. "I'll just eat this real quick before anyone notices." thought Natsu.

He picked up one of the pieces of meat being that before he could take a bite, he felt a cold blade press against his throat. "If you want to live, you'll put that down now." said a female voice from behind him. "Okay." said Natsu putting the meat back. "Now leave." said the person, pushing Natsu way who moaned out,"Wait, I'm starving!". The girls soon saw that the person threatening Natsu was a young Erza Scarlet holding a sword being that she had beautiful scarlet red hair.

She's wearing a tattered light blue dress with a eye path over her right eye. "Oh wow. Even in the past, Prude Knight was threatening people with swords." said Zane. "We started on the wrong foot. My name is Natsu Dragneel!" said Natsu, holding out his hand. "Is he trying to make friends with the person who tried to kill him?" said Levy. "I think he's thinking with his stomach instead of his head." said Sly.

The young Erza looked at Natsu suspiciously before her sword vanished into thin air. She reached out and shook Natsu's hand. "I'm Erza Scarlet." said Erza, releasing Natsu's hand. "Do you use magic Erza?" said a shocked Natsu. "Yep. It's called Requip Magic. It allows me to easily change armor and weapons with a single thought." said Erza, making her sword reappear in her grasp. "That's really cool! I'm a wizard too." said Natsu.

His hands were soon engulfed being that Erza saying,"What magic is this?". "It's Fire Dragon Slaying Magic. My dad says that I can combine it with other elements or use them but I have to eat them. I've haven't had the chance to do that yet." said Natsu, smiling. "That's impressive. So what are you doing out here?" said Erza, siting next to the fire. "I'm heading to Magnolia and joining Fairy Tail." said Natsu with him sitting across from Erza.

Erza said,"Really? I'm heading there too.". Natsu's eyes widened as he said with a massive smile,"We should totally go together!". Erza couldn't help herself the small smile that had spread across her face being that she said,"Okay then. We'll go there together.". "Sweet! We're going to be great friends for sure!" said Natsu with his stomach growling. "And that's a mood killer." said Stella with Natsu's face turning red in embarrassment. "So could I have some of your food please?" said Natsu.

Erza handed him a piece of meat as she said,"Sure.". "You're an angel Erza!" said Natsu with him taking a massive bite of his food. This caused Erza to blush at Natsu with her eating her own food to mask the blush. "Wow. Natsu was a lady killer back in the day." said Mira, giggling. "So don't get jealous Triple B." said Zane, earning a punch from Lucy. "So what happened to your right eye?" said Natsu. "And here I thought that Zane was blunt." said Sly.

Erza visibly flinched at that with her saying,"I rather not talk about it.". "Okay then but if you ever want to talk about it, I'm all ears." said a smiling Natsu. Erza's mood brightened slightly as she said with a small smile,"I may take up on that offer some day Natsu.". "See? Why can't you be like that? I think a young Natsu is more caring than you could ever be." said Lucy. "Because that's boring. I'm not one for subtlety." said Zane, with the girls nodding at that.

After eating, Zane's group was watching Erza and Natsu heading back on the path toward Magnolia being that they noticed that both Erza and Natsu became friends rather fast. Erza liked Natsu's hyper and carefree way of life while Natsu liked Erza's stern but caring attitude. After reaching the town of Magnolia, Natsu said,"Race you there Erza!". Before Erza could say anything, Natsu rushed on ahead as Erza went after him.

The Future group watched them going through the streets being that Zane said,"We'll seeing a faster version of the events in front of us because to us watchers, time is moving fast. We don't want to be watching this forever.". The two kids soon front themselves in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall with Natsu saying,"We're here.". He stared at the building in wonder. "Yeah. Why did we have to run here?" breathed out Erza. "Because it's fun!" said Natsu.

Erza shook head as Natsu said,"Okay. It's go time.". He put his hands on the door as he said,"So do you want to do it together?". "Sure." said Erza with a smile as she placed her hands on the door as well. "3, 2, 1, push!" said Natsu with him and Erza pushing the door open. They were instantly meet with the loud sounds of the guild hall. It was filled with laughter, arguments, and fights echoed all over the guild being that the door opening didn't do anything.

Natsu looked in awe from the doorway as he said,"Wow. This isn't so bad.". "Oh. Welcome to Fairy Tail. Is there something I can do to help you?" said Makarov being that he looked the exact same as he does in the present day. "Wow. Master didn't age." said Kaida. "Yep. Once you reach a certain point in your life, you kinda stop aging." said Zane. "My name is Natsu Dragneel and this is Erza Scarlet. We're here to join the guild." said Natsu with a toothy grin.

Makarov smiled as he said,"Well son, my name is Makarov and I'm the master of this guild. So follow me so you can get your guild stamp.". The two followed the man with Erza saying,"Hold on a second. Do we have to take a test of some kind?". "Nope. Here at Fairy Tail, we're a family and we accept each other no matter the past." said Makarov. Mira looked at Zane with her saying,"So is that reaching you at all?".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. The old man can think that but I have trouble accepting others because well, I can tell when you're going to stab me in the back.". The two soon got their guild mark being that they grinned being both of them were members of Fairy Tail aka a family. After a congratulations from Makarov, the two decided to explore the guild. "You two must be new members aren't you?" said a girl's voice.

The two turned around being that Lucy noticed it was the girl from the picture. She has short white hair in a bob like cut and big blue eyes. Like I've said before, not an expert in fashion. She's wearing a simple, pink dress paired with dark red shoes. "My name is Lisanna Strauss. I hope you two will be happy here." said Lisanna, smiling. Lucy looked shocked as she said,"Strauss?! That means that she's related to you and Elfman right Mira?".

Mira looked away as Zane said,"Patience Triple B. All will be revealed soon.". "Yep. Me and Erza are a little lost." said Natsu, earning a punch from Erza. "I'm not lost." said Erza. "Okay. I don't mind showing you two around if you don't mind." said Lisanna. "Sure!" said Natsu. The two soon followed Lisanna around the guild hall with a friendship being born this day and well, it's quite a powerful one to say the least.

The group of Kaida, Levy, Lucy, Sly, Stella, and Zane won't be showing up for while because two of them are in the past at this point. One of them is rather important while the other one isn't. I'm pretty sure that it's obvious on who it is. Anyway, Erza and Natsu had adjusted to being Fairy Tail wizards rather well. The duo had formed a team being that they even went on their first mission together. It wasn't a real hard mission exactly.

However, Zane did make a comment about the job in question being hard for Triple B, with him soon dodging her Lucy Punch. Erza however changed into a white long sleeve shirt and skirt with dark blue leggings, and a pair of brown boots with a red ribbon around her neck. She also sported an armor chest plate, and a sword strapped to her hip. The duo of fire and sword were tasked with helping an elderly couple doing various chores around the house.

The mission was going good until Natsu destroyed half the house much to the shock of Levy and Lucy. It happened because Natsu tried to grab the couple's cat, only to get pounced on and had his face clawed. This pissed Natsu being that he chased the cat throughout the house. Zane understood the pain Natsu went through since cats are evil. He even tried to use his fire to try and 'stop" the fleeing feline.

The elderly couple got a good laugh out of the situation being that Erza was less than thrilled. This produced the woman who reprimand others. After furiously apologizing to the couple, Erza swiftly scolded Natsu. The couple was alright with the damages and paid the duo their full reward for their efforts. The two celebrated their successful mission together in the guild hall. As Erza and Natsu celebrated in the guild, Erza indulged herself in a piece of strawberry cake.

Natsu and anyone noted that she thoroughly enjoying it. While Erza savored her cake, Natsu's eyes wandered to the other members of the guild which she got introduced to thanks to Lisanna the other day. The first people Natsu saw were Maco and Wakaba. Macao had longer, thicker, and spikier hair with quite a bit less facial hair. He's wearing a dark blue v-neck with forearm length sleeves and white pants plus dark shoes.

Wakaba had on a pair of black glasses with him a brown leather jacket and an orange shirt under it along with brown pants and boots. The two men were sitting at their own table nursing their drinks and reminiscing their younger days. Natsu could easily overhear him because of his enhanced dragon slayer senses and it was quite obvious that they were also ogling several of the girls that were around the guild. Natsu didn't mind Wakaba or Macao.

They were alright in his book, a little perverted, but alright none the less. Next, Natsu's eyes landed on Reedus. He was very much the same as he was seven years in the future except with less of a stomach being that he had that stomach for his Pict magic. The man was leisurely painting and humming to himself. Natsu didn't really know what to think of Reedus. He had only spoken to the pict mage once or twice, so he really hadn't gotten a good read on Reedus.

However, Reedus was one of Natsu's nakama so he was cool with the dragon slayer. I would have some questions but hey, Natsu is a simple guy at this point. When Natsu turned his head, he spotted Cana and Levy. Both girls were sitting down and playing some sort of board game. Natsu was rather intrigued by both girls magical abilities. The dragon slayer found Cana's card magic and her ability to predict the future using tarot cards very cool.

Levy's script magic allowed her write words in the air and whatever word she wrote would form in front of her. For example if she wrote the word fire, the word would materialize and be engulfed in flames. Levy also loved to read books, which Natsu didn't care for at all. He's a fighter not a reader. Cana let out a cheer when she suddenly won the game but Levy quickly called her out for using magic to cheat. As Natsu watched the exchange, he frowned slightly.

Even though Cana was smiling with her friends, he could tell she was hiding something from the rest of the guild. Natsu knew it had something to do with Gildarts, Fairy Tail's strongest mage and a huge knock off of a famous pirate from the series with a rubber boy. I may be a Fairy Tail defender but I won't deny that Gildarts looks like Shanks being that all shounens copy each other in some regard but this is an obvious one.

It's like how Igneel's son from the sequel series looks like the main character of Dr. Stone. I mean it's kinda obvious to me and here's the thing, I don't even read Dr. Stone. Alongside Promised Neverland, I lost interest in the two of them. I'm happy to see them being so successful right now but I don't plan on reading them any time soon. Lets get back to the story before I go on a rant. The dragon slayer had noticed how Cana would often flinch ever so slightly when Gildarts' name was mentioned.

He spared one last glance at Cana, Natsu turned his head again and spotted all three of the Strauss siblings who were all sitting at a table together. Mira had honestly changed the most in the past seven years mainly to Lucy and Stella being that in her past, she was a bit of a troublemaker. She had her white tied up in a high ponytail and held there with a dark purple ribbon. She's wearing a Gothic and revealing outfit.

She was wearing a dark and skimpy purple sleeveless tank top adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest. She wore this with a pair of dark blue ,leather, shorts held up by a studded belt with a demonic-looking belt buckle. and black thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, each bearing a skull adorned by a flower on the upper front pants. She also sported a bracelet shaped like a demonic arm around her left wrist.

She had a matching ring on the same hand's middle fighter, and dark nail polish. Elfman also changed from burly man to cute kid. Mira thinks different. His hair was still spiky. He's wearing an elegant, looking attire consisting of a blue suit over a white shirt. He had this outfit with a red papillon around the neck, and polished dark shoes. Mirajane Strauss honestly scared the shit out of Natsu. Especially since she was glaring at Erza, who was still enjoying her cake.

Both girls had almost instantly formed a fierce rivalry, each constantly trying to outdo the other. It didn't help that Mirajane was extremely strong and had a wickedly short temper that rivaled Zane's temper somewhat. In the short time that Natsu had been at Fairy Tail, he had lost count of the amount of times Mira had beaten him. Thank God Erza was always quick to save him and fend off Mira's fierce fists. Elfman perplexed Natsu.

The dragon slayer could tell that the take over mage was rather strong but not even on Mira's level at all thanks to his very sensitive and timid nature being that he's quite shy. Natsu couldn't think of one time he had heard Elfman raise his voice or get angry at anyone. However, Natsu could also tell that Elfman was fiercely loyal and protective of his sisters. He would do anything to keep them safe and I mean anything.

It was obvious that Lisanna liked Natsu and the feeling was mutual. Other than Erza, Lisanna was Natsu's first friend in Fairy Tail. The young girl had quickly approached Natsu after he had gotten his guild mark and asked if they could be friends. Natsu grinned and immediately agreed. Ever since then whenever Natsu wasn't with Erza, he was most likely with Lisanna. They were teased by the older members as a couple.

Despite not having Crisis Judgement, Lisanna turned her head to see Natsu looking at her. She smiled and waved at Natsu. The dragon slayer smiled and waved back. Turning around, Natsu saw Jet and Droy sitting at the table behind him. Jet was practically bouncing in his seat, while Droy played with some seeds in front of him. Natsu liked Jet but his endless energy and constant running wore Natsu out.

Droy was also cool with Natsu, but the dragon slayer was baffled by Droy's magic. I mean who uses plants to fight? I mean there are several examples I could name but I doubt that Natsu would know who any of them are. From what Natsu could hear, they seemed to be talking about potentially forming a team. They were arguing about potential members for their new team. Natsu heard Erza and his names mentioned as potential members.

However, Droy and Jet quickly realized that Erza and him were already a team. After a few more moments, both boys agreed that Levy would probably make the best addition to their team with Zane coming with an idea being rather awful. Natsu smiled as he watched Droy and Jet make their way over to where Cana and Levy were sitting. The next person Natsu saw made his blood boil in anger upon contact. At the table across from him, Gray Fullbuster sat there.

He was in the process of removing his clothing being that he was soon in his black boxers. The Fire Dragon Slayer and Ice Make wizard ,had instantly became rivals. The dragon slayer didn't really know what it was but something about Gray just constantly rubbed him the wrong way. It could be because Gray used ice and Natsu used fire. It was most likely due to Gray sometimes being a smug asshole. The ice mage was constantly making little comments that would set Natsu off in an instant.

Natsu couldn't count the amount of times Gray and him had fought in his short time at Fairy Tail. It would always start with Gray insulting Natsu and him retaliating with his own insults. Their arguing would only escalate from there, eventually leading to a full on fist fight. But like with Mira, Erza would always break the two of them up. It resulted in a severe beating as punishment for Gray and scaring the poor boy for life.

Natsu on the hand got a stern talking to from Erza for Natsu. It always surprised Natsu how Erza would rarely hit him. She may have smacked him upside the head a few time  but she never gave him the beatings she would give other guild members. She would usually just drag him away and scold him which actually worked rather effectively than a beating. Natsu found himself apologizing rather frequently after a scolding from Erza. Insert whip sound effect here.

Natsu swore he would never apologize to Gray being that the bastard deserved everything he had coming. Gray noticed that Natsu was looking at him and was about to make a snide comment. Natsu just smirked and raised his arm being that twirling around Natsu's finger was Gray's boxers. The ice mage had a horrified look on his face as he looked down to see that he was completely naked in the middle of the guild which was kinda normal then and now.

When Gray looked back at Natsu, he immediately started to glare at the dragon slayer and demanded that Natsu return his boxers. Natsu simply grinned and engulfed his hand in flames, instantly turning Gray's boxers into a pile of ashes. The ice mage let out a surprised squeak as he raced around the guild hall in search of something to cover himself. While Gray cursed Natsu and swore that he would get payback. Natsu merely laughed at Gray's misfortune.

However, his fun was stopped by a harsh glare from Erza instantly shutting him up. The dragon slayer knew he'd get a talking to later. Zane mentioned that even as a little girl, Prude Knight hadn't changed too much. Natsu spotted a person who pissed off the young dragon slayer. This person infuriated him even more than Gray did. Leaning against a wall neat the back of the guild was Laxus Dreyar aka the Grandson of the Guild Master except seven years younger.

He's wearing a dark green shirt with a long sleeved black shirt underneath, gray cargo jeans, and black boots. He had his earphones with spikes. A growl actually escaped Natsu's throat when he spotted Laxus. This caused Erza to look up from her piece of cake. She followed Natsu's gaze and groaned. "Natsu please don't start anything with Laxus tonight. We've both had a long day, and I don't need to take you to the hospital." said Erza as she ate a forkful of cake.

Natsu grumbled to himself and sank into his seat but continued to glare at Laxus. On the other side of the guild hall, Laxus spotted Natsu glaring at him. Laxus decided to tease the boy because he found it funny. He wasn't exactly the asshole that he was in the future being two events shaped the lightning wizard that he is today. One of them is known thanks to Chapter 29 but the other one reason will be revealed very soon. Laxus merely smirked at Natsu, making the pink-haired dragon slayer furious.

If Erza wasn't right in front of him, Natsu would have charged across the guild and challenged Laxus to a fight. With Gray, Natsu disliked him for numerous reasons. The main reason being that Laxus often said that he was better than everyone in the guild and dismissed everyone else. This hasn't changed in the past seven years. Natsu was constantly compelled to challenge Laxus, to try and prove that he was wrong but Natsu wasn't even close to Laxus' level yet.

He will be nut not right now. So whenever Natsu challenged Laxus, he would get his ass kicked harder than Blaze's ass did by Zane in Zero Episode 117. Laxus continued to smirk at Natsu as he walked out of the guild with Natsu glaring at Laxus the whole time. As Laxus exited the guild, Natsu promised himself he'd beat Laxus one day and prove that he was the better wizard. "Natsu. Let's head to bed." said Erza as she got up from her seat.

Natsu sighed before he nodded and followed after Erza like a puppy. Truth be told, Natsu was worn out as well but wasn't particularly looking forward to going to sleep. This was because Natsu and Erza had to share a bed much to Lucy's jealous despite the two being kids. Since neither of them had a place to stay at the moment, they had to stay at the temporary housing. However, the housing was already packed, Natsu and Erza were forced to share a room.

The room wasn't very big and only had one bed. Natsu had insisted that Erza take the bed while he slept on the couch. Erza however refused to let Natsu sleep on the couch and told him that he could share the bed with her. Natsu ,though hesitant at first, was overjoyed that he got to sleep on the bed regardless that he shared it with a girl. However, Natsu ,plus the group watching them except for Zane, who soon found out that Erza was often plagued with terrible nightmares.

In the middle of the night, Erza would often grab onto Natsu and hold onto him tightly. She would then mumble a few incoherent things, before a few tears would escape her left eye. The first time this happened Natsu was extremely worried because he had no idea what to do. He decided to do what Igneel did for him when he had a bad dream. Natsu soon grabbed onto Erza and held her close to his body using his natural body heat to soothe her.

He then ran his fingers through her scarlet hair and whispered kind words into her ear. After doing this for a while, Erza would eventually calm down, snuggle closer to Natsu, and then she drift off to a peaceful slumber. When Erza awoke the next morning and found Natsu holding onto her, she let out a screech and promptly kicked him out of the bed. Natsu had quickly scrambled to his feet and found Erza sitting on the bed blushing madly as she clutched a hand over her racing heart.

Ah young love. It's oh so violent. Erza yelled at Natsu for a solid five minutes straight before stormed out of the room. Erza had hardly spoken to him for most of the day. After Natsu had explained what had happened, Erza blushed bright red and immediately calmed down. "Natsu. I want to get some sleep!" exclaimed Erza, grabbing Natsu's hand and dragging him towards their shared room. "I'm sure that you'll be the only one getting any sleep." Natsu mumbled under his breath.

Erza heard this so she turned around and smiled at Natsu. "If you help me sleep tonight, we can go on any mission you want tomorrow and then after that,  I'll treat you to dinner. How's that sound?" said Erza, earning a cheer from Natsu. Erza could only giggle as Natsu now dragged her towards their room. Within minutes, they were in their shared bed. Erza let out a contented sigh as Natsu wrapped his arms around her and surrounded her in his relaxing warmth.

Erza warmly smiled at Natsu as she thought,"Oh Natsu. What would I do without you?". She soon drifted off to sleep in Natsu's arms. It was now July 6th X778 being that Makarov was looking for Natsu. "He went out." said Wakaba. "Knowing Natsu, he's probably out fighting our pervert." said Macao. Outside of the guild, Macao was right being that chibi Gray and Natsu were fighting. "I'll show you panty flashing freak!" said Natsu. "Lets see you try lame brain lizard!" said Gray.

The two clashed fists as they said,"Shut up!". They were fighting being that Lucy sweatdropped,"I can't believe how those two haven't changed at all.". "Yep. Those two were little balls of hate and anger. They would fight every time that they ran into each other." said Mira. "Wow. That's sad." said Stella with Kaida noticing that they were in South Gate Park. The young girl watched the two butting heads with each other before hearing,"All right you two. That's enough! Water Dragon Roar!".

The two were soon slammed into the tree that stood in the center of the park being that Lucy saw that it was the other girl that she didn't know being that the other one was Lisanna. She’s a beautiful young woman being that she has tan skin with wavy black hair ,that goes to her shoulders, with blue tips and ocean blue eyes. Her eyes can either make someone feel calm or see themselves at the mercy of a predator. She has a dimples on both side of his mouth.

She has seashell earrings. Her teeth are like other Dragon Slayers except she can eat his way through steel. She’s an average 5 foot 6 and she's fifteen years old. She has a busty figure with an average but strong looking figure which isn’t that strange in Fiore thanks to magic. Her curves and chest are voluptuous ,since most females have that, but she does have a toned looking stomach. She has very noticeable muscle tone to her.

For a picture of it, think of Leo Cornelia from A Story about Treating a Female Knight who has never been treated as a Woman as a Woman for her muscle tone. She’s wearing a short sleeved dark blue hooded jacket. It has a distinct wave like pattern on it and has gold lining to it. She wears a white tank top/halter top underneath. She has her jacket unzipped, revealing her ample bust. She’s wearing blue jeans that looks it was hugging her figure like it was her second skin and a brown belt.

She wears high heeled brown boots with an Ocean Blue guild mark on the side of her neck. "Meet Lynn Stralbe aka the original Erza." said Mira. "So it wasn't Erza?" said Lucy. "She did but it was mainly the Tsunami who handled them." said Levy. "Mind your business for once!" said Gray. "Want a piece of me you jerk?" said Natsu. "Sure but I hope Erza doesn't mind me roughing you up a bit but knowing her, she will." said Lynn, cracking her knuckles and taunting the two. 

They rushed toward her but their attack failed thanks to Lynn turning her entire body into water, with the boys passing right through them. Think of this of someone trying to hit Logia type from One Piece without Haki or Juvia. She soon punched them on the head, leaving them lying on the floor. "I better not see the two of you fighting anymore. You're both going to be models for younger wizards one day so no more pointless fighting understand?" said Lynn, walking away from them.

Gray mumbled out,"You got lucky this time water witch.". "Yeah. I'll win next time." grumbled Natsu being that the area soon changed to show Natsu sitting outside in the rain and on the cliff side that was behind the guild hall. "Even though he had friends in Fairy Tail, he often had a sad look on his face. I'm sure that Stella understands what it's like to lose a parental figure and so do I like a lot." said Zane, earning a sympathetic look from the girls.

Sly sighed as she said,"Didn't you gain your father back?". "Yeah but I never really forgave myself and I let that haunt me for twelve years. I even hated Christmas which by the way, I still do. I'll let you celebrate it but I won't enjoy it. Lets just say that I'll be busy fighting off an annoying pest." said Zane smiling. It was the very next day being that it had been the one year anniversary of Igneel's disappearance being that he wanted to be alone.

Erza and Lisanna were hesitant to leave him alone at first. However the big sis of the guild Lynn soon explained that this day mean something important to her and Natsu. Unlike Natsu, her mother like figure Karba ,not Kaiba, the Water Dragon died being that the two girls comforted their "big sister" over her lost. Natsu was walking through the forest that surrounded Magnolia being that all of his thoughts contained Igneel and it made Natsu sad and lonely.

He did love all of his nakama at Fairy Tail being that he made the right decision in joining Fairy Tail being that he even got along with his rivals Gray, Laxus, and Lynn. Gray and Lynn were very good matches to his magic being that the female dragon slayer taught him things that Igneel was too lazy to teach his son aka about their unique mating system but Natsu didn't get it until much later and boy do I mean that. Natsu would easily give his life for anyone of his nakama even Laxus.

Laxus ,thanks to Lynn, was slightly nicer but not by much. He's still a loner at heart and that doesn't changed until much later. Even with all of his friends by his side, it didn't completely get rid of the loneliness that he felt sometimes. He was also doing some training in the forest being that his training was punching cruelly-drawn pictures of Gray, Laxus, and Lynn being that those two were his rivals. These pictures make Kanjuro's art look like masterpieces if you were extremely hammered.

This doesn't include Ryunosuke being that Robin found it adorable being that anything Robin finds is adorable is adorable without question since Robin is one of the best girls in One Piece. By punching these pictures were tied to a tree by a rope, he was venting out his frustrations. "Stupid Gray! Stupid Laxus! Stupid Lynn! You stink!" growled Natsu. He soon punched the tree so hard being that it made the entire area shake and his hand was bruised. "Nope. Didn't hurt at all." said Natsu.

Levy, Lucy, and Stella sweatdropped as they said,"Sure tough guy.". Natsu soon leaned a tree as he soon slumped to the ground, closing his eyes. "I'll find you Igneel and we'll become a family. I can introduce you to all of my new friends." said Natsu, smiling at the thought of his friends meeting Igneel and being shocked since he's a dragon. Zane made a mental note to show the guild either Azalea or Sivarth in their human form before having them go Akostar on them.

He could also do that himself being that Sivarth agreed to this plan much to the disappointment of Azalea at her husband's childish nature. He soon drifted off to sleep against the tree being that he was rudely awakened by something landing on his head. "That really hurt! What the heck hit me?!" said Natsu, rubbing the comical bump on his head. He soon felt a weight on his lap and looked down to see a large white egg.

It was about the size of child Natsu being that it had blue fire/dragon claw like markings on it. "It's an egg. What's inside of it?" said Natsu, tapping it a few times. It soon shook slightly in response being that Natsu said,"Whoa! I better get this to the guild! This is cool!" said Natsu, picking up the egg and raced toward Fairy Tail. Back at the guild hall, Erza stood at the request board being that she was currently scanning all of the available missions.

Within her first year at Fairy Tail, Erza gained an artificial eye so insert the Zelda gaining item jingle here. It was thanks to Porlyuscia aka Fairy Tail's main physician. The red-head grown out her hair being that was now braided and in a ponytail. She was soon surprised when someone spoke up next to her. "So when do you think Natsu is going to come back Erza?" said a voice. Lisanna stood next to her being that she was staring at Erza with hopeful eyes.   

Erza soon grabbed a particular request and read its contents as she said,"I don't know Lisanna. Natsu wanted to be left alone and I plan to honor his request by going on an easy job. Do you want to come with me?". Lisanna looked sad before putting up a smile. "That's alright Erza. I'll just wait for Natsu to come back." said Lisanna before heading back to her brother and sister. Erza sighed as she went to notify Master Makarov that she was going on a mission.

Before reaching the master, the guild door were kicked open. Everyone turned to see Natsu running into the guild, carrying the massive egg. "Hey you guys! Check out this awesome egg I found!" said Natsu, walking up to Makarov. "Where in blazes did you find that thing?" said Makarov. "And I thought you wanted to be alone today. So what is that thing?" said Erza. "I found this egg in the East Forest obviously!" said Natsu, being happy about that.

Makarov raised his eyebrows with him saying,"The East Forest?". "Where else would you find eggs Gramps? I mean the forest is where you get eggs right Natsu?" said Laxus. "Yeah! I was sleeping under a tree when this thing fell on my head!" said Natsu, not getting that Laxus was insulting him being that Zane admired Laxus's sarcasm. "Look at that. I guess you're good for something after all ash for brains. Going to fry it up for us?" said Gray.

He was only wearing his boxers which Cana reminded him off much to his embarrassment. "I ain't going to fry this because I'm going to keep it. It's obviously a dragon egg." said Natsu, heading toward Erza and his room. "And what are you doing Natsu?" said Erza, walking beside him "Keeping the egg from Gray so he won't break it. I want to keep it under close supervision." said Natsu, with him opening the door.

It was a shock to him ,but not anyone else, when Erza immediately closed the door before he could enter the room. "You're not keeping that egg in our room." said a stern Erza. "Why not? I mean I found it so I should keep it safety." said Natsu, reaching for the door handle again. His hand was quickly slapped away. "Because we don't know what is in that egg Natsu. We don't need some dangerous monster hatching in the middle of the guild." said Erza.

She was dragging away a pouting Natsu. "But it's a dragon egg Erza!" said Natsu, earning the interest of the past Levy. I replaced Cana in the scene and I should mentioned that if I mention Levy, I'm talking about the Levy from X778. I'll be calling Levy ,of X778, the clever names Past Levy and Mira ,of X778, Mirajane. Get it? "Really?" said Past Levy. "Of course. I mean it's covered in dragon markings." said Natsu. 

Gray inspected the egg closely with him saying,"Looks more like flames to me Flame Brain.". "So anyway Gramps, why don't you hatch the dragon with a spell?' said Natsu, smiling. He was soon hit by Makarov's staff being that Natsu yelled,"Ouch! Why did I get hit?". "Don't be a fool. There is no such thing that dishonor the miracle of life like that. Life is born from love and love alone. No spell can match that power." said Makarov.

Lucy looked at Zane with her saying,"Aren't you going to say anything?". "For once, he isn't wrong about that." said Zane. Natsu stared blankly at him, not following the old man. "Sorry gramps but I don't follow you." said Natsu. "You'll understand when you get older." said Makarov. "So how are babies born then?" said Natsu, making all of the children wonder that statement. "I'll have Porlyusica tell you kids that on a later date or maybe Lynn." said Makarov.

Kaida looked at Zane with Sly saying,"And Zane will tell you once you're older. Unlike Master, Zane isn't lazy and tends to not leave anything out. He's one for detail.". "Master is saying that if you want it to hatch, you should do it yourself." said Erza. "And I guess that you currently wear the pants in the relationship with Hatchling huh Erza." said a voice. Lynn stood there with her saying,"Normally, you easily burn everything so this will be a good learning experience for you Hatchling.". 

Natsu ignored Lynn with Gray saying with a cautious tone,"I didn't see you come in Lynn.". "I've been waiting for you Erza and Lynn!" said Mirajane, causing Erza to look at her. "How about we pick up where we left off? Come on!" said Mirajane, taunting Erza. Nearby her, Elfman and Lisanna sat there being that the younger one saying,"You're going to fight her again.". "Now that you mention it Mira, we never did finish our last match." said Erza, with a red aura surrounding her.

She smirked as Mirajane was soon covered in a purple aura. "I still can't believe it. You were picking fights with Erza and you were the punk in the picture." said Lucy. "Yep. I bet you were surprised huh Zane." said Mira, smiling. "I like how bold and risque you were but this sweet style ain't half bad either." said Zane. This earned a blush from Mira with Levy looking right at Zane. "Wait. Did you know about this?" said Levy.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. I do a through job when it comes to my research Levy. Our Mira was the Demon of Fairy Tail. Her power and scary nature was known through Fiore. She was Prude Knight's main rival back then being that she wasn't Prude Knight but Prude Squire instead.". "I'm still shocked to see that the boy in the suit is Elfman." said Stella. "Yeah. He isn't at all manly." said Sly, being back in the present and in the guild hall. He suddenly sneezed.

Anyway, Erza and Mirajane were soon fighting. The two soon charged at each other, glaring and shouting. "I'm going to bury you alive!" said Mirajane. "I'll make you beg for mercy!" said Erza as the two of them threw a punch at each other. Mirajane kicked Erza away as she said,"Is that armor your training bra?!". Erza soon punched her back with her saying with anger,"Like showing off your love handles?!".

The two gripped each other hands and pushed at each other with their aura clashing with each other despite not really being there. "You ugly prude!" said Mirajane. "You stupid wench!" said Erza with Mirajane coming back with the insult of Thunder Thighs. They continued to insult each other much to the amazement of Cana, Gray, and Natsu. "Way to keep it class you two. Should you two try and stop them?" said Cana, looking at Laxus and Lynn.

Laxus shrugged as he said,"Sounds like too much work. I rather not deal with their anger any time soon.". "Yep. Me and Laxus would easily wreck the guild if we get involved." said Lynn. "So she gets all mad when we can't fight but she can wreck the guild whenever she wants." said Gray. Laxus soon smiled as he said,"Hey Erza! Mira! Gray called you ugly!". Natsu punched Gray toward them being that both girls had red eyes and Gray screamed.

Laxus soon began laughing with Lynn giggling at Gray running away from Erza and Mirajane. "I do forget how much you and Laxus are alike Zane." said Levy. "Yeah. It was fun." said Mira. "Some day, I'll beat both of them up!" said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. "Ah. Give me a break Natsu. Keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you." said Lisanna. "Yep. You said Natsu's first girlfriend's signature line." said Zane. "Natsu had a girlfriend?!" shouted Lucy and Stella.

The duo of Levy and Miralooked at Zane with Sly whispering to them,"You'll tell her about Lisanna once we get back so just play along.". "Yep. They were childhood sweethearts much to the jealously of Erza." said Mira with a smile. Levy and Stella nodded as Lucy turned back to the scene with his arms crossed. "Shut up. What do you know Lisanna?" said Natsu. "More than you could ever know hatchling." said Laxus and Lynn in unison.

Natsu blushed as he said,"You don't get to call me that Laxus!". "Yeah Laxus. I mean he's Lynn's little bro so only she gets to call him that. So how did you find the egg Natsu?" said Lisanna. "From the sky obviously." said Natsu. "And that makes no god damn sense like you thinking that it's a dragon egg." said Gray who was butt naked. Elfman mumbled out,"Gray. You're naked.". Lisanna blushed as Natsu covered her eyes. "Put on some clothes Gray! You're scaring Lisanna!" said Lynn.

He was soon punched into the wall by a giant water fist very much like the Holy Fist of Love except with the cross mark on the back of it, causing Laxus to laugh out loud. "Three reasons why it's a dragon egg. It fell from the sky where dragons fly in. It had flames on it. It also fell on me being that I'm a Dragon Slayer. This is why it's a dragon egg!" said a triumphant Natsu. No one ,not even the cynic Laxus, could tell Natsu the truth. Zane would have but he wasn't there.

Lisanna smiled as she said,"Well since you found it, you might as well take care of it. Can I help you with it?". "Really?!" said Natsu, looking like a puppy. "Yep. I've never tried raising a dragon before so this could be fun." said Lisanna. "Fun is a stretch to say the least." said Gray. "So how do we hatch it?" asked Natsu. Lisanna thought about for a moment before saying,"I think that you have to warm it up first. I remember reading that in a book.".

Natsu was quite gullible at this age being that he heard about warming it up, he got the idea. "Then I'm perfect!" said Natsu, picking up the egg and releasing a torrent of fire from his mouth upon it as this shocked everyone around them. "Not like that!" said Lisanna. Laxus soon socked Natsu on the head, stopping the flames. "Idiot." said Laxus with Gray catching the egg and placing it down on a small blanket with the egg somehow sweating.

Sly looked at Zane with her saying,"I never asked but did Rico ever do that to me when I was in my egg?". "He did but then I sent him flying into a mountain." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. This display did stop Erza and Mirajane from fighting. "Careful. We're trying to hatch the egg not poach it!" said Lisanna with her hands clearly on her hips. "Yeah. You're right. Sorry Lisanna." said Natsu with a red embarrassed face. "Wow. He's so submissive." said Zane.

Lisanna smiled as she said,"Don't worry Natsu. It'll be like we'll be one big family with you being the daddy and you being the mommy. I mean we're best friends and Lynn told me that best friends are like husband and wife.". Laxus looked at Lynn with the female shrugging. "Well, I'm not so sure but I....." said Natsu. He soon made Lisanna cry being that it was faker than crocodile tears. "You really think that I would be a horrible mom and wife don't you Natsu?!" said Lisanna.

This earned the wrath of Lynn and Mirajane being that the former had a dragon like aura behind her and the latter had a dark aura. "You don't think my sister is good enough Natsu?" said a demonic sounding Mirajane. "You should have respect for women and you made Lisanna cry." said Lynn with her cracking her knuckles and water rushed around her. These two females scared Natsu as he said with fear,"No! I just want to say that I would be more than happy to have her as my wife!".

This made Lisanna blush hard with Natsu figuring out what he said. The other kids were quiet being that Lynn smirked. "So when's the wedding?" said Lynn. "And another question. Will the egg being the ring bearer?" said Laxus. "I like these two a lot." said Zane. "With her as my wife in pretending! I mean I would not be against having as my real wife but not...." said Natsu. "We get it Natsu!" shouted the group of four girls Cana, Erza, Mirajane, and Past Levy with the four girls blushing.

Laxus laughed out loud with him saying,"This is too fucking good!". Lynn punched him as she said,"I don't think you should swear in front of them.". "Nah. They're probably learned it from the old fools of the guild already." said Laxus. "Sit back and let me handle it. Take Over: Animal Soul: Bird!" said the young Lisanna as she soon transformed. She was no longer a little girl but now she's a large green bird and if this wasn't done by magic, I dread to imagine the cost for clothing.

The feathers from the user's neck up to its head, wings, and tail are lime green, dark green and pink respectively. The tips of the wings possessed a pink-tint. She also acquires long, indigo talons and an orange beak. "You're a bird!" said Natsu. "Oh. I get it." said Gray. "We're experts when it comes to hatching eggs." said Lisanna, wrapping her arms around the egg. Cana stood nearby the table where Elfman was sitting and he sighed. "What's wrong Elfman?" said Cana.

Elfman said,"Well, my little sister has perfected the Full-Body Take Over but I'm still have trouble with it.". He was looking down at the table with Cana saying,"Oh right. You guys do use the same magic.". A little bit later, Lisanna ,in her bird form, and Natsu were in the South Gate Park under a tree. The egg hadn't hatched yet being that Natsu was on all fours and staring at her. It was a rather awkward sight to say the least. "Could you stop Natsu? You're scaring me." said Lisanna.

Natsu was soon hit by Mirajane who said,"Stop bothering my sister punk!". Natsu turned to see both Erza and Mirajane with her saying,"Be nice Mira. Natsu didn't know better right?". "Sorry. So the egg will hatch if we stay like this." said Natsu. "Yep but it gets really boring." said Lisanna. "So why are you here exactly Mira?" said Natsu. "To see you ignoring Ginger Knight here and making her oh so jealous of my sister aka best wife." said Mirajane, pissing off Erza who was holding in her anger.

Erza ignored her taunting to say,"Oh. To me, it seems like the younger sister is outshining the older sister.". "Well if I did take the role, I would do way better than her!" said Mirajane. The two were soon headbutting each other. "Oh yeah? I would make it better than both of you combined!" said Erza. "Lets ask Natsu!" said Mirajane. "Right!" said Erza. The two turned back to Natsu who was more focused on the egg that moved slightly. "It's moving!" said Natsu.

The egg soon smacked into Lisanna ,deactivating her Take Over, before hitting Erza and Mirajane. So by my knowledge of power scaling, an egg is stronger than Erza. I'm an expert after all. Fight me on this. It soon forced its way into Natsu's arms. "Huh. You calmed down." said Natsu. "Maybe it wants to be with you Natsu. It seems happier with you." said Lisanna, recovering from the shock. "So do you think that egg?" said Natsu. It moved slightly as if to say yes.

Natsu smiled as he said,"Hey. You're right!". "See?" said Lisanna. "You and Erza are always right Lisanna!" said Natsu. "I have an idea. Why don't we make a house for us and the egg?" said Lisanna as Natsu nodded. "Could make it like a secret base?" said Natsu. "Sure." said Lisanna. Natsu soon turned the duo of Erza and Mirajane ,who was still in shocked that an egg hit them, and said with Natsu being a few inches in front of him,"Want to play house with us?".

This caused them to both fall over onto their back but they soon recovered from the back to back shock from an egg and Natsu with the former being more deadly. "So are you two alright?" said Natsu. "Shut up. Lets play house and I'll be the wife." said Mirajane. She grabbed Natsu's right arm as he dropped the egg. Lisanna caught it as Erza said,"No. I'll be the wife.". She soon grabbed Natsu's left arm with Lisanna saying,"I got it!".

This got their attention with Lisanna saying,"You're my sister so you'll be the aunt!". She smiled as Mirajane deadpanned,"Aunt?!". She soon imagined herself as an old lady, feeding bread crumbs to birds on a bench. I'm not sure that this would be an aunt. I mean that this sounds like a grandma to me but speaking of grandma, you'll see. "Well don't be shocked Auntie Mira." said Erza. "And since you are the most mature out of everyone with a sense of responsibility and strong-willed." said Lisanna.

Erza proudly smiled as she thought,"And yes, I'll be the perfect wife!". "You'll be a...." said Lisanna with Natsu interrupted with,"Grandma!". This shattered Erza with her almost getting snapped away by Grimace. If you don't get the reference, watch Infinity War. Looking forward to Endgame being that I watched the second trailer an unhealthy amount of times. Erza soon imagined herself as an old lady sitting in a rocking chair. See that's a grandma to me.

Regardless of this, Zane was on the floor laughing with the girls there sweatdropping at the god like being laughing. "I forgot how blunt kids can be! Natsu is a comedy gold mine!" said Zane. "Don't worry about them seeing us. Zane may be an idiot but he's one for not fucking up the timestream since Hourglass isn't one to mess with." said Sly. "Natsu! I was going to say that she could be an aunt like Lynn and Mira!" said Lisanna, pouting.

Natsu smiled as Mirajane said in a mocking tone,"Don't worry sis. I don't think Grandma Erza minds too much but we need to get her pudding soon.". "Shut up." said Erza, blushing red. "So are you okay with this Lis?" said Natsu, with all of the girls ,from the past and present, noticing the nickname since the other guy was laughing like an idiot. "Yep. I'm your sole wife with them as my supporters." said Lisanna, getting a "Hey!" from Erza and Mirajane.

Natsu soon smiled being that he said,"I got it!". He didn't figure out that he was the reason why the girls wanted to be his wife and the egg's mother. The egg didn't know it since it was an egg and Natsu is a dense little boy. "And that is?" said Mirajane. "All three of you can be my wives!" said Natsu with a stupid grin on his face, silencing the three girls and anyone around them who heard them which includes the future group.

Zane recovered as Sly said,"I know that for you guys that you can have only a single wife but Zane has always been in a harem.". "Yep. It only has to get the approval of the first girl before it can be a thing. I have a too big Essence plus having so many wife is pretty sweet. I really like kids and being a dad is the best thing for me in the multiverse." said Zane, with him tussling Kaida's hair and the girl giggled. Levy looked at Mira and Stella with her thinking about something.

Erza and Mirajane soon grabbed Natsu's arms with them dashing off, leaving behind Lisanna and the poor egg. "Wait for me!" screamed Lisanna with her carrying the egg. About twenty minutes later, the group were in the woods being that they found a place. The sun was just about to start seeing when they arrived. It was nearby a mountain with a beautiful sunset in the horizon. They soon began building the house with Natsu leading the construction.

Natsu soon began gathering a lot of stone being that he smashed them together. "What do you think you guys?! This house is so awesome!" said Natsu. It soon shattered as Mirajane chuckled. "I guess your awesome house isn't so awesome. Good think that the egg wasn't in there." said Mirajane with Lisanna nodding and holding the egg which accepted Lisanna as its mother. "Natsu. We should try to cutting the rock." said Erza.

Her mindset was that a rock house would do them good because of a fairy tale ,not Fairy Tail, about three pigs and a wolf. She isn't wrong but it was made out of bricks not stone. Mirajane didn't want to be outclassed by her rival being that she used her magic to cut the rock into a more square shape. "So leave it to me! Take Over: Animal Soul: Rabbit!" said Lisanna, with her becoming a purple bunny that easily larger than Natsu.

In a few minutes, Lisanna soon made a house which was covered in straw but used the stone as a support. "All done!" said Lisanna. "Wow. That's amazing Lis! I can only break stuff!" said Natsu with him saying that with complete honestly. "Come on, let's check inside!" beckoned Lisanna as the three other kids sweatdropped. "I don't think you're going to fit in there." said the three kids in unison.

The four were soon inside being that it was rather roomy inside of the hut. "Why don't you take a seat?" said Lisanna ,back to normal, with Natsu holding the egg. Natsu sat down with both Erza and Mirajane sitting with them. The future group was watching being that they kinda phased through the small house meant for kids. "It's like we're a family now aren't we?" said Lisanna. "So what do you mean Lis?" said Natsu.

Lisanna smiled as she placed a hand on the egg. "We got a mommy, daddy, and the egg is like our baby that hasn't been born yet. We also got an aunt and grandma too." said Lisanna with the aunt and grandma sulking a bit before recovering. "Hey. I think you would make a sexy aunt Mira." said Zane. This got a blush from Mira with Levy pinching him before figuring out that he's all metal and that hurt her more than anything else.

Natsu blushed as he said,"I guess that isn't half bad.". Lisanna blushed as Lucy gushed. "Ah. This is so sweet." said Stella. "Yeah. It's too sweet. Me and Zane are for more spicy things." said Sly with Zane nodding. "How about we try warming it together?" said Lisanna. "Um sure." said Natsu with the two hugging the egg together. Erza and Mirajane decided not to get involved being that this scene was too messy being that they were being watched by a shadowy figure.

Zane knew this but the others didn't since they were distracted by the cute scene. Back at the guild hall, Laxus was talking with Macao and Wakaba. "You guys seriously don't think it's a dragon egg do you?" said Laxus. "Well both Natsu and your girlfriend saw that they were raised by dragon so isn't that strange." said Macao. "Yeah. I'll buy the first dragon I meet lunch if that ever happens which it won't." said Laxus, ignoring the comment about Lynn being his girlfriend.

Do note that this may come into play later. "Don't be such an old man. I mean they're kids plus both Natsu and Lisanna. I mean they're such a cute couple together. They even bet you and Lynn as Fairy Tail's cutest couple." said Wakaba. "Aw, It's puppy love and it even beats Natsu and Erza. Natsu is a player isn't he?" said Macao. "And this is why I don't have a serious male role model." deadpanned Laxus, focusing into his music and ignoring the older men.

They continued their conversation for a while not noticing a very angry Lynn until she trashed the table that they were at. Food and drinks spilled with Laxus catching his before the table fell. "What the heck is your issue Lynn?" said Wakaba, with jumping up in fright. "Can't you sulk around like your boyfriend here?" said Macao, pointing to Laxus. The fire wizard was punched by Laxus who sighed loudly.

Makarov chuckled at his grandson being that he knew that Lynn was on his mind alongside Ivan due to them being rather important to him. Lynn began shaking as she said,"I knew that I shouldn't have let them go off on their own since I'm their big sister. So they've been hanging out without me.". "Uh huh." said Wakaba being that Macao was recovered from Laxus's punch. "Why are they ignoring me exactly?!" said Lynn, bawling into tears. "And this is why we aren't together." said Laxus.

A bit later, Lisanna asked Natsu to be led out to the tree and show her the exact spot where he found the egg being that Erza and Mira left them alone. This is due to them wanting to fight each other but not near the egg just in case it got bad habits from them. Little did they know that the egg would get some bad habits but not in the ways they expected. "So you hit this tree and the egg fell down from it?" said Lisanna as Natsu nodded.

A heavy footstep soon shook the ground with Lucy's eyes widening. It was a Gorian except instead it was a Forest Vulcan called a Gorian. The only difference between this brand of Vulcan and the Vulcan from Fairy Legion Chapter 2 are very simple. This species has their fur colored green and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored a bright shade of purple. Unlike the Mountain Vulcans, their eyes evidently lack pupils and seemingly glow.

The lower half of their body is a darker shade of green and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five pink hearts on each arm. "Give me the egg right now boy!" said the Gorian. "Did you know ladies. The Gorian's favorite food is the egg? This has been a pointless fact brought from you to all of the viewers at home." said Zane in a narrator like voice. "Yeah right! No way!" said Natsu.

He soon handled the egg to Lisanna as Natsu moved in between them. "If you're really hungry, how about a knuckle sandwich?!" said Natsu. He soon charged at the Vulcan and slammed his fist into the monkey's chest. Unlike in the future, this didn't do anything to the Gorian. "That tickles!" said Gorian before bitch slapping Natsu who began bouncing across the clearing multiple times much to Lisanna and Lucy's horror.

Sly said,"Wow. He bounced like ten times didn't he Kaida?". The little girl nodded. Natsu landed with several bumps on his head as Lisanna said in a pleading tone,"Let me help you Natsu. You're really hurt!". "No way. Just stay back." said Natsu, getting back up. "Why?!" said Lisanna as she was real concerned. Gorian began slamming his massive fists together. "Because I'm the dad and the dad protects my family!" said Natsu, causing Lisanna to blush.

Natsu also shouted out,"Beside, I'm just getting started so bring it on! I won't lose to a monkey!". Its more like a gorilla but I'm sure that Natsu doesn't know the differences between the two. He was soon punched by said monkey being that the monkey followed up with a kick. Natsu soon slammed into a tree, worrying poor Lisanna. "Hit him with your magic you idiot!" said Lucy being that Lisanna said the same thing except without the idiot part.

Natsu said,"If this creep is only using his fists, I'll just beat him with mine!". The fire dragon slayer soon pushed himself back up. "That's cute but how about you show me?" said Gorian, smiling. Yes, I know that his name isn't Gorian but his species but I'm calling him that. Unless they confirm his name to be Steve or something, Gorian is staying as his confirm name until I see otherwise. Natsu soon grinned as he made a bring it on motion with his hands.

Natsu said,"Stop your yapping and start fighting! I ain't holding back on you because I'm fired up now!". Gorian charged forwards in anger at the statement and then jumped up. He soon smacked down onto the ground before kicking Natsu. Natsu tried to blocking the blow but was sending flying into a tree. "Be careful!" shouted Lisanna. Natsu soon landed on the tree with him pushing himself off and using the thrust to charge toward the monkey.

Natsu soon landed one powerful headbutt on Gorian, knocking him out. "You did it! You did it! You saved the day." cheered Lisanna. Natsu grinned as he had a large lump on his head and covered in bruises and injuries from the short fight with the Gorian. "I sure was cool right?" said Natsu with him falling down. "Oh no, you're hurt!" cried out Lisanna. "So was that cool or what?" said Zane. "A little bit." said Sly.

After recovering from the fight, the duo plus egg soon ran back to their house with it starting to rain being that Natsu had the idea of using his shirt to cover the egg. "The egg's going to get cold!" said Lisanna. "We're almost there!" said Natsu. Lisanna soon ran on ahead being that she said,"Hold on a second.". She ran inside being that she said,"Kay come in.". "Okay. She's weird." said Natsu under his breath.

He soon saw the trio of Erza, Lisanna, and Mira sitting there with them all in blankets. "Welcome back dear!" said Lisanna. "Huh? What are you talking about Lis?" said Natsu. This earned from a pout from Mirajane being that Lisanna said in a more harder tone,"I said welcome back dear.". It took two times for Natsu to figure out being that his cheeks blushed slightly. "Oh hi honey. I'm home from something important that required me to leave." said Natsu.

Despite Natsu not being the best at this, this did the trick perfectly with Lisanna being satisfied by his answer. The four began talking with Lisanna saying,"So you and Erza live together huh?". "Yep! We sure do!" said Natsu. "Then who cooks your meal for you?" said Lisanna. "We eat at the guild. Right Natsu?" said Erza, with Natsu nodding his head. "So you have to pay right?" said Lisanna. "Yeah and  that's why me and Erza are always working when I could be out training." grumbled Natsu.

Lisanna sighed as she said,"That's really sad Natsu.". "You think so Lis?" said Natsu. "I could cook dinner for you if you want but I'm not good as Mira." said Lisanna. "Wow. You can cook. That's so cool Lis!" said Natsu. "So you can cook Mira?" said Erza as Natsu soon imagining Mirajane using kitchenery to threatening him being that this visibly scared him. Mirajane noticed this with Natsu saying,"You cooks with food not little kids right?".

Mirajane smiled with her saying with a glare,"What do you think my dear brother in law?". This scared Natsu with Erza saying,"So does Elfman cook?". "Yep. He's really good." said Lisanna. "I could easily see that Lis." said Natsu, imagining Elfman happily cooking something. Natsu soon had a thought with him soon wrapped the egg in his arms in a protective manner. "No! You can't take the egg and eat it! It's going to be my little brother for sure!" said Natsu.

I mean Natsu does have two brothers being that one is genetic and the other one is because he's Igneel's son. One of them is rather new though. "Don't jump to conclusions!" scolded Erza with both Lisanna and Mira sweat dropping at the scene. "We want to see the egg hatching just as much as you do remember?" said Lisanna. "Then don't scare me like that. I hope you hatch real soon because then we can go fishing." said Natsu, hugging the egg.

This scene was really cute, making all of the girls watching this blush. "Even if you get mad and pick fights all of the time, you're a really nice guy Natsu just like Mira." said Lisanna, smiling. "Huh? Are you serious?" said Natsu. This earned him a punch from Mira being that Lisanna smiled. "I've had a blast playing house with you so maybe one day when we're older, I become your bride for real like I am right now." said Lisanna.

This caused everyone ,except for Sly and Zane, to blush at this scene. "What are you taking about Lisanna?" said Natsu. "He's right! If anyone is going to be your bride, it'll be me!" said Erza with this shocking both Lisanna and Natsu. Mira ,the future one, blushed as she said,"Aww. They're so cute aren't they?". "Yeah. It isn't the weirdest confession I've seen." said Zane. "You confessing to Rae is up there." said Sly with Zane nodding.

Before the others from the future could say anything, Mirajane chuckled. "Sorry grandma but I'm going for my sister hands down." said Mirajane. "He was so brave and strong against the Gorian plus you're good with kids too. What's not to like?" said Lisanna, gushing. "You think so? said Natsu with his face erupting in a blush and steam coming out of his head. "Yep!" said Lisanna, causing Natsu to fall over with his face overheating.

Lisanna and Mirajane soon giggled at Natsu with him mumbling,"Why can't you and Erza by my brides?". This caused the girls to blush with Mirajane sighing. "It isn't that simple." said Mirajane with Natsu wanting to ask her what she meant. However, they were soon stopped by the rain stopping and revealing the sunset. It looked beautiful with the four kids looking at it. "Wow. It's so pretty." said Lisanna with Erza and Mirajane nodding.

Natsu looked at Lisanna and then Erza with him smiling. "It would be nice if we could stay like this forever. Right?" said Lisanna. The egg soon began moving back and forth with Natsu saying,"Hey you're moving again and making noise!". "Yeah." said Lisanna with a smile. "I can't wait for the egg to hatch." said Mira with her smiling sweetly and not like a demon. It was soon night time being that the four were sleeping. The future group ,except for Zane, didn't noticed the shadowy figure.

The next morning, Natsu woke up first being that he rubbed his eyes. He looked around for a moment being that he let out a cry that startled Lisanna and the other girls. "THE EGG IS GONE!" yelled Natsu. "WHAT?!" shouted Lisanna in a equal loud voice. "Why didn't you look after it Mira?!" said Erza. "Want to fight?!" said Mirajane. "Both of you, stop. We need to find the egg." said a serious Lisanna.

The four soon returned to the guild hall with Natsu accusing all of the members of the guild on who stole the egg. "All right. Which one of you stole it!" said Natsu. "No one wants your dumb egg so go bother someone else." said Gray in a blunt manner. Past Levy nodded her head as Cana said,"I don't know anything about it plus your clothes Gray.". The boy was shocked as Natsu went to Laxus who said,"Nope. That's your thing not mine hatchling.". "Quit calling me that!" said Natsu.

Lucy looked at this scene with her saying,"You can't be serious. Laxus was being nice and teasing Natsu.". "Yep. Despite his soul attitude, Laxus was a lot like Zane back in the day. There were a few things that changed him for the worse." said Mira, frowning. "Where is it Lynn!?" said Natsu. "Didn't I tell you a hundred times not to judge people without evidence?" said Lynn in a sisterly voice being that the older girl was looking at the job board.

Gray ,not knowing any better, took the opportunity to twist the knife in the wound deeper. "Nope. We haven't seen it. You ate it, didn't you pinky?" said Gray. This soon began Erza and Mirajane beating him up with the other kids, Macao, Makarov, Laxus, and Lynn either watching this scene with either annoyance or just enjoyment in their eyes. "They're are at it again." said Macao. "I hate to see what the guild is going to be like in the future." said Wakaba.

Makarov said,"They only fight being that they acknowledge each other's strength being that they see themselves in each other. It only motivates them to be stronger so we have nothing to worry about you two.". "And here I thought that you couldn't sound any more stupid." said Laxus with him looking at the silent Natsu who was on his knees. "Where is it.... Our egg?" said Natsu with him on the verge of tears.

This stopped the fight with everyone looking at him in worry. "Natsu." said Erza, Lisanna, Lucy, and both Mira and Mirajane. Laxus sighed with him walking up to Natsu. The lightning wizard soon put his hand on Natsu's head as he said,"Stop crying okay pinkie. It's bothering me. If you want, I'll help you find your stupid egg.". "Really?" said Natsu, wiping away tears. "Yeah but stop crying. Men don't cry." said Laxus.

Lynn smiled at Laxus with Makarov saying,"Ah. You are good with kids Laxus so how about you and Lynn get together already?". He was soon hit in the face by a water fist as Lynn saying,"Don't ruin the cute moment there master.".  Cana made a noise upon realizing something as she said,"I remember Elfman telling me yesterday that he was jealous of the fact that you had the egg.". "What?" said an outraged Natsu.

Laxus looked at her with a serious look as he said,"Seriously? You really think the guy who would get his ass kicked by a butterfly took the egg.". "Hey sorry you guys." said a voice. The future group soon saw Elfman holding the egg with a sheepish grin. "Holy crap. You really did steal the egg." said Laxus. He cracked his knuckles with him saying,"You'll pay for this with an electrocution.". Elfman shivered as Lynn placed her hand on Laxus's shoulders.

Lynn shook her head as she said,"No Laxus. We should hang him instead.". Laxus smiled as Elfman visibly began sweating. "Sorry for not asking you guys but you were all tossing and turning so much in your sleep. I was real worried about the egg so I took it home. I may not be the best with magic but I was with it all night along. It should be fine." said Elfman. "Oh I get it. You're a real man aren't you Elfman!?" said Natsu, causing Elfman to blush.

There was soon a sound of an audible crack being that all of the kids cried out in anticipation, with it drawing in every member of the guild there including a tired out Laxus. The guild ,except for Laxus who went away, soon crowded around the egg being that the cracks were getting larger. It soon burst open and out come a small blue cat with wings, shocking the guild. "It's a freaking cat?!" said Macao and Wakaba. Lynn sighed as Laxus smirked. "Told you that it wasn't a dragon." said Laxus.

The cat soon began flying around the air with it soon landing on Natsu's head. "So it has wings? It's a bird right?" said Natsu. "No silly. It's a blue cat!" said Lisanna. The cat soon opening his eyes and he proclaiming his first word, "Aye!". It was in such a tinny adorable voice with everyone ,including the future group except for Zane who doesn't want to admit that Happy is cute in anyway, had hearts in their eyes and was fawning over the cute cat.

The tension of the guild hall instead vanished as even the moody Laxus smiled at the scene but still found it rather stupid that they were acting like this over a cat. Lisanna and Natsu watched the mood lightening up being that Lisanna grabbed Natsu's arm. "Everyone was worked up but thanks to our blue bird of happiness, everyone is happy." said Lisanna. "Happiness?" said Natsu. He soon held the cat in his arms.

Natsu smiled as he said,"In that case, I'll call him Happy.". An ear twitched and the blue cat woke up saying "Aye!" in agreement. This caused another round of cheers from everyone who was currently celebrating the latest addition to their family. Natsu soon jumped up and down as he paraded Happy the "dragon". "It isn't a dragon idiot!" said Gray. "Well it has wings like a dragon." said Natsu. "So do birds and a tail!" said Natsu. "Dogs have that too." said Lynn.

Sitting a few table away, Reddus sat a few tables away with him shrugging. "Nah. I'll paint him as one instead." said Reddus. Zane smiled as he said,"And now our voyage to time has come to an end. Please hang on tight as we had back to the present day.". The six girls soon grabbed onto Zane as they warped back to the present day. After arriving back to the basement, Zane deactivated Chronos Form with him sitting down in a chair.

Mira looked at Zane with him saying with a smile,"I'm fine Mira. Don't worry okay? I think Peanut, Stella, and Triple B enjoyed the rather cute story.". Makarov soon came from the entrance and stood on the railing. "Hey there Lucy, Mira, and Stella. Mind if I borrow you ladies assistance for a moment upstairs?" said Makarov. "Sure thing master." said the three, leaving the other four behind in the basement to look at the painting.

Kaida looked at the picture with Levy saying,"What's wrong?". "Nothing. I mean I see all of them in the present day but not Lisanna and Lynn. Why is that?" said Kaida. Zane sighed as he said,"Hey Levy. I'll meet you at the restaurant. I have something to do.". "Okay?" said Levy. He was gone as Cole saying,"So do you think Lucy knows about what happened to Lisanna exactly? I mean she isn't around because she....".

Athena shook her head for now as she said,"Not likely. I'm more concerned about Lynn. I'm sure that she's half of the reason why Laxus is an asshole and not like Zane somewhat.". Zane soon reached the main floor with him looking for Mira. He soon found her being that she finished her task with Master Makarov being that Lucy and Stella were helping him in her place. She was making her way back to the archive room with her bumping into Zane. "Is something wrong Zane?" said Mira.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"Mira. Can we talk outside in private?". Mira could easily tell the subtle sense of urgency in his voice, catching her off guard. "Um sure." said Mira. The two were soon walking out of the guild hall. Once they were out of earshot, there was a look of concern on Zane's face before he began speaking up to Mira. "I'm so sorry for reminding you about her Mira so please do whatever you want with me!" said Zane, bowing.

It was very straight to the point being that Mira fell silent and lowered her head to the ground. "If you don't want to talk about, I understand. Despite my bravado, I'll never force someone to do something that they don't want to." said Zane. Mira clenched her fists and regained her composure, though the look on her face was one of genuine sadness. "No. Just… give me a moment." said Mira with her not crying being that she then began leading the way.

The two walked in complete silence with neither one of them speaking a word to each other. Zane knew that Mira was capable of using small spells but he was clearly aware of how much magical energy she had accessed to her but she came off as someone who couldn't do much. She somehow lost it being through less than pretty means. They soon arrived at the site of where Lisanna had built the house for her, Erza, Mira, Natsu, and the egg seven years ago.

However, there was something else in front of it. A diamond shaped grave placed on a rectangle slab and it was made out of stone with some writing on it. "Lisanna Strauss. X768-X782. Beloved Sister and Friend to all souls, human or animal.". Zane took a deep breath being that even though he knew about her death, Zane had trouble around gravestones. He had been to the ones of his friends being that he always found himself shaking like nothing else. "So how did it happen?" said Zane.

Mira looked at him with a essence-wrenching look as Zane said,"I know that was a dumb question but do you mind if you come with me on one final trip to the past? I promise you if it gets intensive for you. I'll bring us right back faster than Gray takes off his clothes.". He knew that he fucked up but it was best to bring humor into things. That's one of the things that he learned when he was grieving at all of the loss he's been through. Zane held out her hand with Mira grabbing it.

Zane turned back into Chronos Form with the two going back in time. They were soon in Magnolia's South Gate Park. "Don't tell me that the two of you are fighting again." said a voice. Mira soon saw Lisanna standing there with her smiling. "She doesn't see us remember but if you want to talk with her Mira, I understand. I've done my fair share of hugging the images of my past." said Zane. Mira noticed the sadness in his voice as Mira hugged Zane.

Mira said,"I know what you mean. You talk about killing but I'm sure that you're haunted by all of the death that you've seen in your life but you keep moving forward. How do you do it Zane?". "It's very hard to be honest because whenever I close my eyes, I see them dying in front of me. The first time that this happened, I couldn't take it." said Zane. Mira soon noticed that he stopped talking as he said,"We'll talk later.".  

Lisanna had her hair longer but not by much being that it looked good on her. She had a generous bust. This will change. She's wearing a short dark red dress with a white collar and bow. She's wearing gold rings on her arms above her elbows and a pale pink fabric flowing down from them. She wore tall, black socks along with brown shoes. "Hey Lis. Welcome back." said Natsu. She smiled as she saw both Happy and Natsu ,looking as they do in the present, sitting down at the tree's base.

They were looking away from each other being that it didn't take women's intuition to figure out why they were fighting. "Natsu here aka your boyfriend ate my whole fish without asking!" said Happy as Natsu rolled his eyes. "Whenever I eat any fish, you say that it was yours." said Natsu. Lisanna soon put her arms on her hips as she said,"Jeez. Natsu. You can be so juvenile. I mean you're the dad after all.". "Huh?" said Happy.

Lisanna smiled as she said,"So you have to take good care of your wife and son. I don't think I need to say who your wife and son are.". "Hey! That was like a hundred years ago." said Natsu. "So what are you guys talking about?! Tell me!" said Happy. Natsu turned away with a blush on his face as he said,"It's nothing okay?!". "It's normal for families to fight to fight once in a while but you need to make up. No matter what, Happy is our son." said Lisanna with a smile.

Happy said with him shivering,"I think Lisanna's going psycho on us!". "Don't say that about her man!" said Natsu. "Then how should I talk? Like this then?" said Happy in a Southern accent. "You know that isn't what I meant." said Natsu. "Still so juvenile." said Lisanna with a know it all tone. "I hate when you or Mira pick on me like this!" said Natsu, causing Happy and Lisanna to giggle at him being that Mira smiled at this scene.

However, the smile was gone as soon as it came as she saw her self from two years ago standing there with Elfman. Past Mira will be Mirajane and present Mira will be Mira. Just wanted to remind you about that. "Come on Lisanna. We have to get going." said Elfman with him wearing the same outfit as he does in the present except without the scar. "Already? But you guys just got back from a job request didn't you?" said Natsu. 

Lisanna smiled as she said,"But this one is an S-Class request being that Mira wants us to go and help her so don't worry. I mean we had Elfman here practice like crazy with his Take-Over Magic.". "Then at least promise that you'll came to me, Happy, and the others." said Natsu with him and Happy soon raising their pinky fingers. "Promise." said Lisanna with a smile. The three soon shook pinkies as Mirajane yelled,"Lisanna! Hurry up! We need to go!".

Mirajane's outfit was like it was in the past but with a more revealing top. Zane knew that mentioning it right now would be a bad idea. Lisanna immediately sprinted toward her siblings with her looking right at Happy and Natsu. "See you when I get back honey!" said Lisanna, causing Natsu to blush with Happy looking confused and Natsu for fish. "You really love teasing him don't you?" said Elfman with a warm smile. "Yep! So what's the job again?" said Lisanna, smiling.

Mirajane smiled as she said,"It's an emergency request. They want us to kill a monster called the beast which is an oh so clever name. I don't mind Natsu coming with us. Your boyfriend is pretty strong and well, he may learn a thing from you if you two have some alone time.". She said the last part of this in a teasing tone and causing Lisanna to blush. Elfman however had a different and more violent reaction.

Elfman said,"What?! I don't him to come along with us! I may approve of him being with Lis but I'm the man of this family, I'll protect both of you!". However, it soon was something that none of them were prepared for this. The town had decided to ask Fairy Tail to handle the problem being that when the Beast had encountered them. there was a huge battle. Lisanna and Mira had suffered from some moderate injuries but Elfman was not as lucky.

He tried to prove himself as a man being that he tried to Take Over the beast but it failed. The beast was going on a rampage. Do note that this flashback will be seen again but written different. I could just copy and paste this one but I'll just do it twice or I link to this post. It makes the point blunter than a hammer which I would argue is pretty blunt in dealing damage. "Elfman! Please pull yourself together!" pleaded Mirajane in an urgent tone.

The Demon was currently on the ground with the upper half of her body leaning up against a nearby boulder with her left arm holding her right. Her body was covered in wounds being unable to defend herself from the creature that loomed directly in front of her. It was the Beast being that it had a very muscular body, giving off an apelike physique. It's most prominent feature was its big, meaty claws with horns protruding from its head. It has long white hair with a small beard. 

It had glowing purple eyes with the scar over its right eye. The Beast is Elfman. A green bird soon flew over the two beings being that it quickly landed next to Mirajane. It was Lisanna being that she said,"I had everyone in town evacuate big sis so I'm here to help you.". "You have to run. It's too dangerous. I was getting hurt real bad but I won the monster. Elfman had the idea of taking over the beast but well...." said Mirajane in a strained voice.

Lisanna's eyes widened as she said,"That's Elf?!". She sweated a bit as she looked at the larger than normal creature. "It almost worked but the beast was too strong for him. He's lost control and is the result." said Mirajane as Lisanna helped up by throwing her arm over her shoulder. "Oh no. What can we do to stop him? Can we save him?" said Lisanna as the ape like creature looked toward the pair of battered girl and lumbered his way over. 

Mirajane soon said,"If we can find a way to make him come to his senses before the beast completely takes over Elf's soul, we may have a chance.". Within seconds, the beast stopped directly in front of them as its posture and demeanor looked intimidating. The purple eyes of the creature stared directly at its prey being that malice was clearly on its mind. The beast roared being that Mira could feel that Zane was getting angry.

However, both Miras and Zane soon saw something neither of them wanting to see. It was Lisanna being that she left her elder sister alone and began to walk forward, causing the currently injured S-Class wizard to fall on one knee. She was unable to do anything in its current state. "Lisanna! Come back here!" exclaimed both Mira and Mirajane being that both version's voice fell on deaf ears for obvious reasons.

Lisanna said,"Big brother Elf. Are you feeling alright?". She sounded so sweetly being that she soon stared down at the glowing purple eyes of the colossal beast without any semblance of fear in her voice or appearance. "Everything will be okay. It's your little sister Lisanna and big sis Mira is here too. We're a family and when times are tough, we pull together and work things out. So why don't we go home and talk about what happened? I'm not mad at you." said Lisanna.

She spread out her arms being that those were her final words to Elfman. The large monster stood there perfectly still for a moment, giving the girl a brief glimmer of hope being that she saw that her brother was still alive or more like his mind. Mirajane felt the same thing but Elfman didn't respond in the same manner. The beast was bringing back its right hand, obviously making to attack. Despite the white-haired girl innocent smiling in front of the monster, she didn't show an ounce of fear.

Zane soon let go of Mira being that she shouted,"Zane!". The robot rushed toward her but he had forgotten that he wasn't really there. He passed right through her being that the monster had brought her hand down on Lisanna for a slap. It showed no mercy to the youngest Strauss being that she was sent flying across the ravive and a nearby rock formation. "Lisanna!" shouted Mira/Mirajane. The two from the future soon returned back to the present.

They were back outside of the gravesite with Zane deactivating Chronos Form. He could say nothing at least a little positive to say being that it reminded me of when he went Wrath for the first time. He knew tragic loss all too well being that as an empath, emotions like this suck the worse. He didn't want to go back in time for a third time because he couldn't handle it. "I knew about you being an S-Class wizard but for you stopping because of this, I don't blame you one bit." said Zane.

The two sat next to each other with Mira nodding. "Yeah. I lost my ability to lose magic and began working at Fairy Tail as an employee." said Mira. "And I'm guessing that both Elf and hatchling haven't gotten over it." said Zane. "Yep. No one felt good when Lisanna died. Everyone liked Lisanna being that I remember how it rained non-stop for days." said Mira. "I guess even the planet liked her I'm guessing." said Zane.       

Mira soon told him that she was officially buried in Kardia Cathedral but there was a second grave near the straw hut. "So how did Natsu take it? I can guess how Elf took it." said Zane. "Not much better than I did. While Elf blamed himself for killing Lis and was crying constantly, I had distanced myself from everyone. Natsu was here the whole time being that he spent three whole days up at the straw hut where we played." said Mira.

Zane nodded as he said,"Everyone has their own way of grieving. Natsu just needed to be alone. I can understand.". "How do you grieve?" said Mira. "You've seen it in spades. I make jokes and push everyone away from me. After a while, I just stopped caring about everything. I don't want to lose anyone like I did." said Zane. Mira nodded with her saying,"Out of everyone in the guild, there are still people who still blame themselves for her death.".

The two were silence being that it didn't take a genius to figure out who those three individuals were being that Zane knew that Lisanna was special to them and while he may be an asshole, he has his limits. "Natsu thinks that if he actually came with us, Lis may have lived. She was his first crush after all. I remember seeing him talk with Elfman after Natsu came back from here. He asked Elfman to move her grave to here and not to blame himself." said Mira.

Zane finished her with,"Because it's what she would have wanted. That's some smart thinking on Natsu's part. I really don't think I should leave you alone right now. Crying doesn't suit anyone at all in the slightest. We can't blame ourselves or others but if you keep living in the past, you'll never move toward the future. No matter how good or great the past was, the past is the past. You need to move on with the knowledge that the people who have long since past would want you to.".

Mira was stunned by Zane's response with her saying,"How do you know that?". Zane sighed as he looked at Mira. "See all of my scars and injuries? I got them from making terrible mistakes in my youth. I could heal them easily but I don't. They're reminders. Whenever I close my eyes, I think of those days, both good and bad. I can't let them down because well, they're my treasure and I would do anything to keep them happy even if in the process, I cry." said Zane smiling.

She noticed the expression on him being that it was far from the relaxed expression that she was used to seeing on him. "Huh. You seem so sure about this. How long did it take you to move on?" said Mira. "Too dam long. It took me twelve years to get over my dad's death and more than one hundred to get all of my friends dying." said Zane, crying a bit. Mira soon stood up and walked toward the grave of her sister. "What are you doing Mira?" said Zane.

She ignored him as Mira took a deep breath. "Hello Lisanna. It's your big sister." said Mira with tears forming in her eyes and her voice was shaking. She tried her best to stay calm. "I don't know if you can hear me from wherever you are but I've never forgotten about you. Your face, your smile, your kind heart, and pretty blue eyes that we share. I'll never forget about you." said Mira with her holding back the waterworks and maintaining a stable voice.

She found herself pausing being that a sudden and rather loud jolt of lighting sounded off in the skies above though no rain fell. It was quite lucky that the white-haired woman had a moment to gather herself being that her sadness and tears would have stopped her for continuing. "I'm sorry and I'll love you forever Lisanna. I'll move on like Elfman and Natsu have. I promise." said Mira with her tears soon falling openly from her eyes.

Upon her eyes letting loose the large pools of water that they had held back, the sky allow the rain to pour forth. A massive amount of rain coated everything and had begun to drench both Mira and Zane in the process. She didn't care being that if anything, it just gave her the ability to blame the water streaming down her cheeks to be covered by the rain. It was never good to lie being that she could never stand to make Elfman worry by bringing up Lisanna after everything.

She tried wiping her cheeks being that it was rather pointless being that the rain wasn't going to stop for her. "Mira. You can't be out in the rain like this." said Zane. Mira's tear-filled eyes soon saw Zane with him holding a Primordial construct umbrella in hand, guarding his body from the rain. "We don't want our favorite barmaiden catching a cold." said Zane. He soon walked up to her being that he soon began shielding her from the rain by making the umbrella bigger for the two of them.

Mira uttered,"Zane.". The fact that the two were so close being that Mira would have blush out of embarrassment being that despite everything happening to her, she couldn't forget her crush on Zane since she's a source of life for her. "So what should I do?" said Mira. "What do you mean?" said Zane. "To move on." said Mira. "Mira. I can't tell you what you should do being that Mira was your ray of sunshine huh?" said Zane. Reference to Zero.

Mira would be confused at this statement but despite Zane having a girlfriend who was her close friend, Mira was happy to have someone consoling her. "I'll repeat myself until my dying breath but everything that has happened to you. It isn't your fault. Fate is a fucking bitch. Trust me on that little fact." said Zane, trying his best to be calm and affectionate but he knew that he couldn't stop his blunt mouth no matter how hard he tried. Mira said with tears falling for her eyes,"Zane.".

She didn't know much about her "friend" but he could tell that he had a lot of emotional weight that was holding him down. "You may feel like the weight is holding you being that the image of what happens keeps playing in your head over and over like a DVD. The pain will never go away but blaming yourself is never the way to solve the problem. It just makes harder to deal with in the long run." said Zane. "How do you know so much?" said Mira in a shaking voice.

She was trying her best to fight through the lump in her voice. "Because I've been through too many times. Use this lose as a way to get stronger because even though they're not longer here with us in a physical sense, they're always fucking with us in the places where it counts. In our Essences and our memories." said Zane with a solemn smile. She soon hugged him tightly being that her head was soon buried deeply in his chest and began crying.

She knew how sad Zane was being that it was made clear to her that being immortal is one of the worst things in the world. "Zane." said Mira, only squeezing him harder. Zane held the umbrella with his mind as he wrapped his hands around her, holding her in a affection manner. The sound of rain and thunder roared and poured from the sky being that the two just not moving a single being that Zane didn't want to because Mira was someone special to him.

He knew that he cared for her on the same level as Levy being that Stella is getting there. He had to talk with Levy about this because it was looking like he was going to enter another harem in the very close future. "Have you ever stopped yourself from blaming yourself?" said Mira with her voice soon going back to normal. Her tears were long gone as Zane shook his head for no being that Zane said,"I can never truly forgive myself.".

He chuckled with him saying,"Having a memory that never forgets is a pain in the ass sometimes but I did move on in a way. When I thought that I lost my dad, I grew up. I had to protect my mom from the danger that could hurt her. I became her guardian that day and a total mama's boy according to my friends but I didn't care. I'm the person that I am today because of the loss in my life and the past can't be changed no matter how much power you have.".

The two stood there in silence with several more minutes being that Mira was hugging Zane tightly and Zane allowing it. He knew that he had to pick up Levy for their date but she would understand why he's late. The barmaid soon let go of the Cross-Species with her smiling. "So I thinking learning how to use my magic is the first step." said Mira. "That sounds good to me but I think heading home would be a good start too." said Zane.

He soon embraced her hands as he said,"Don't try to rush yourself. Moving on is hard for all of us but hell, it makes you feel better in the long run.". Mira's face was bright red being that she grabbed his right arm, remaining close to his body. "So do you want to go back home or the guild hall Mira? Your choice." said Zane. "I think my home. I'm sure you know where I live Mr. Stalker." said Mira with a teasing grin.

Zane grumbled as he said,"I only know where you live because of my research. I'm not the stalker type I'll have you know. Kinda thankful that we're not going back to the guild. Don't feel like dealing with Cana's teasing right now right?". Mira nodded as the two soon left the gravesite being that they went back home. Like their walk here, it was in silence except for the raining beating around the two of them and Zane's music playing in Mira's ears due to his headphones playing.

During the walk back, Mira didn't let go of Zane's arm being that she enjoyed his warmth. "So we're here much to your dismay." said Zane. Mira looked up to see that they were in front of Mira's house as she finally let Zane being that he stood there in the rain. "Do you want to come in? I mean it's the least I can do for you after you've helped me so much." said Mira. "Sure. I need to make sure that you feel alright." said Zane.

The two stood in place with them looking into each other's eyes with being that Zane was looking in the gorgeous blue orbs in front of him. Zane could easily sense a greater emotion behind him being that Mira was sure that Zane wasn't at all dense. She knew that it was going to take some time but something will happen between the two of them. She soon took a step forward being that she soon granted herself the courage to do what she has done.

Mira thought,"Sorry Levy but I like the same guy.". She soon kissed Zane with Zane's eyes widening a bit. His two main thoughts were that Mira was kissing him and that Levy was going to kill him for this if she isn't very open to the idea of sharing him. Both of them were grateful that Elfman wasn't here being that he was a job right now. Mira soon opened the door toward her house with her inviting Zane who soon walked inside.

He knew that being alone with a woman who was desired by many, many, many, many, etc men just based off her look would get in her trouble with Elfman. However, Zane had a feeling that Elfman was going to be slightly different than the other brothers whose sister he dated. He shivered at how Carlos reacted to when he found out about him dating Kris along with the others. Elfman was many thing but tactful isn't one.

Zane thought as he was escorted into the living room by Mira,"I wonder what Mira would do if Elfman was here. I hope she would getting rid of the part that makes him a man.". In the kitchen of the Strauss home, Mira was looking into the mirror with her seeing Zane Alvarez in it with a dreamy look in her eyes. Even though he was with another woman, he did her an amazing service and take this in whatever manner you want.

I mean this may be a serious as hell scene but there is always something dirty in everything mainly dirt. I mean it's the most dirty. "Zane. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself like you but one day, I have to thank you for this." thought Mira, holding a lone hand toward her heart. She knew that one of her desires is to protect her family being that includes Zane and the rest of Fairy Tail. She has trouble letting go of her emotions of losing her sister.

She soon took a deep breath with her deciding to move forward being that her mind was slowly get clear. "Okay. I need to focus on what I want to protect." thought Mira. She soon imagined all of her comrades one by one. It soon started with the appearance of Cana, Elfman, Erza, Gray, Happy, Kaida, Levy, Lucy, Master Makarov, Natsu, Sly, Stella, and Zane. The others were there as well being that she focused on the others who were relying on her and if they need her help drastically.

Her eyes soon widened being that her magic power soon began rushing through her veins being that it was a shock to her. It was soon gone as Mira thought. "So are you trying to relearn magic? I'll have you know that learning magic or in my case Animus wasn't easy." said a voice. Zane soon stood in the doorway with him saying,"Sensing is one of my specialty but here's the thing. Moving forward is good thing but take it easy.".

He soon put his hands on her shoulders as he said,"I'll help you train to get the demon back but for right now, you should get some sleep. Don't push yourself.". "But you...." said Mira. "I'll be fine. I'm going to get some sushi with Levy. I have a date tonight after all." said Zane. Mira soon went up the stairs with Zane thinking as he left the house,"Levy. I please beg you for you not hating me but she needed my help. I can't stopped being a hero.".

A bit later, Levy said,"I'm not mad at you Zane.". The rain had cleared up as the two were heading to dinner. Zane had told her everything after they arrived back in the present the first time. "Oh thank the gods." said Zane. "Because you're not the type to cheat. So you really like her don't you?" said Mira. "Yep but it isn't because of her looks." said Zane. "I know that. So could you do me that favor you owe me?" said Levy, with Zane nodding.

At a ramen stand, Laxus was sitting there with him deep in thought. It had been two years since he last saw Lynn being that it was plaguing him. Around the time before the S-Class Trial of X782 and even before Lisanna's death, Lynn got incredible sick. She was infected by a magic disease that couldn't be healed by Polyuscia. She was sent to a group called the Bureau of Magical Development in order to cure her. That was a lie that Makarov told the guild being that Laxus knew the truth.

It had been destroyed about a year ago being that Laxus was pissed off at his grandfather from within holding this information from him and his children. He didn't admire it but he liked Lynn. She was all that he couldn't be. She was good with others member of the guild where he couldn't be. He was soon pulled out of his thoughts by the owner saying"So do you want your usual Zane? And who is your date?".

Laxus turned to see the new Cross-Species who was making waves in Fairy Tail standing there with his arm being wrapped around a beauty of a woman. She's 5 foot 6. Her wavy, wild looking blue hair reached her lower back and her bangs were held back by a patterned, orange bandanna. Her curves were most apparent to him being it stuck out more than most women he knew whose curves stuck out like a sore thumb.

She has a well-toned stomach, wide hips, long and smooth well-shaped legs that had healthy and thick thighs. Her breasts were a size that was big being that her breasts really needed a better way to describe them. It could easily be described as two watermelons attached to her chest. Her ass was also a quite impressive size. She's wearing a orange dress that revealed her back and went to the middle of her thighs. She wore this with black garter belt stockings and brown thigh high boots.

As Laxus tried to figure it out, Zane said,"Sure thing but get me and my girl the famous sushi that I brought you Nagato.". Nagato is the owner of the shop with him having a bushy gray mustache. He's wearing a dirty looking apron over a pair of tan slacks and gray short sleeved shirt. "Sure thing there Zane. Sit down." said Nagato. Both Zane and his date sat down with Laxus noticing the guild mark on her back. It was the same as Levy's.

Laxus stood up with him saying,"Levy! Is that you?!". Levy nodded as she said,"Huh. I thought you were wrong about him not figuring it out was me.". "Me thinks it was your guild mark. I mean you and your groupies all share the same mark. Kinda creepy if you ask me." said Zane. "What happened to you?!" said Laxus, shocked. Ha. "I alter her body being that Levy was always born with this but I love what's in her head." said Zane, kissing her forehead.

Levy nodded as she said,"Before you say anything, I asked him to do this because I was jealous of the other girls and I asked him to do this.". "I guess but wow, you really went above and beyond with her." said Laxus, sitting down. "I try my best. So Lynn was amazing wasn't she?" said Zane. Laxus guessed that Zane knew about him as he said,"She was.". "Don't think that she's dead. The Omniverse has a way of surprising you when you least expect it." said Zane.

Nagato returned with Zane's usual and the house special aka Sushi. The two thanked Nagato with Laxus saying,"So how do you know old man Nagato?". "I've known him since I was your age or maybe younger." said Zane, enjoying his ramen. "He's an Omniversal being like Zane." said Levy as Laxus nodded. "So are you mad at the old man hiding what happened to Lynn from us?" said Laxus as Levy thought about it.

Levy shrugged as she said,"Kinda but like Zane told me, everyone has their ways of living and that I should try my best to respect them even if I don't agree with them.". "So do you know what I'm going to do soon Zane?" said Laxus. "Yep and you got our support. Just don't get Levy hurt." said Zane. "I can't promise that. She's rather through in her work." said Laxus. "I know that somehow but lets just enjoy our food for now." said Zane. The three sat there and enjoyed their food.

Next time,
We finally get to the Phantom Lord Arc because there is nothing holding me back. Hold on, we seem to have more baggage coming in being the form of Lucy's past. Oh boy, get ready for that next time on Fairy Legion because I sure as hell ain't holding back my wrath upon this arc.

Wizard Saint Ranking: Prior to Phantom Lord Arc. Personal Opinion.
1. God Serena.
2. Draculos Hyberion.
3. Wolfheim.
4. Warrod Sequen.
5. Ira Yates.
6. Makarov Dreyar.
7. Jose Porla.
8. Lisa Vastia.
9. Jura Neekis.
10. Siegrain.

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