Monday, November 16, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 1 A new adventure

 A/N: Yep. After eight months or to be technically eight months and fourteen days of work, welcome to the Fairy Legion remaster/Updated Re-Release. Ignore Where have I been for the past Month. That was the start of the re-editing process. You should know that this remaster wasn't because I got bored with the idea of Zane crossing over with Fairy Tail. I didn't but something did change over the pandemic where the world has been taken over by bricks ,if you get that reference nice, I re read Fairy Legion.

While I think that it's some of my best work, the early stuff isn't the best. I also think it's a bit of a hot mess. I also had a lot of new ideas that required me to rework the entire series from the ground up anyways plus Zero is a thing so the remaster was bound to happen. I should mention this now. This remaster is more like Persona 5 Royal than Super Mario 3D All Stars. The latter isn't a bad game but it has very little in terms of new features.

Ignoring the controversy behind it, it's basically the first 3D Mario games on Switch making it easily one of my favorite consoles of all time. I haven't played every console out there so take my praise with a grain of salt. The remake will be some new ideas but most of it will stay the same. Why fix what's already perfect is something I would say but nothing is perfect. Everything in the world has flaws and being able to accept those flaws makes a product better in my eyes than just ignoring the flaws.

Fairy Tail is often a big example of that mindset for me. While there may be parts I dislike for very petty reasons, there is a lot of things I love and got me into Anime/Manga. If you're wondering, I will be keeping the old version of Fairy Legion Chapter 1-48 here on the blog. This is for two reasons. The first reason is because I want to show the differences between Fairy Legion and Fairy Legion Royal. The second reason is because I want to keep the number count.

You may wonder what I'm talking about with the second reason so let me explain. If you look on PowerfulPowerStories, there are numbers next to the year and months. I started out really good in 2016 and 2017 with 45 and 109 respectively. You would think that I would only make more posts as the years went on but I seem to have gone in reverse. This may be because they were getting longer and put more time into them but well, the number was 73 in 2018.

It's about half way between 45 and 109 but only off by four posts. 2019 was 65 and 2020 ,as the start of November, has a measly 17. That's barely one fifth of last year. The pandemic may have slow down the load of posts and the length of the last three Zero Posts didn't help. I also tried to start a Yugioh Story but that crashed and burn harder. If I got rid of the first Fairy Legion in terms of post that share the name, 2018 would have 44 posts and 2019 would have 47 posts.

Huh. When I look at it that way, it isn't that but I don't want to get rid of the first Fairy Legion. It holds some good memories for me since I really love the nickname of Prude Knight for Erza and Hatchling for Natsu. Triple B wasn't the best nickname since I grew to like Lucy over time plus I think that name belongs to Bimbo who may be returning to Fairy Legion Royal but who knows? I can tell you some of the changes that will be affected Fairy Legion Royal.

Most things that happen before Chapter 1/Episode of Fairy Tail will be the so will Lisanna still be "dead"? Who knows? For example, I plan to cut out a certain character who I deem to be unneeded in my opinion. I'll give you a single hint on who this character is. She's related to one of the main characters of Fairy Tail. If that isn't obvious enough, I'll make it more obvious as the story goes on so stay tune. Another change is some character's gender will be swapped.   

I truly think that a character is good when the gender or sexual preference of the character isn't a main part of their character. For example, I can't switch Elfman's gender since he's a real man. I mean if I did do that, Elfman would be a very muscular woman. Not on the same level as She Hulk in the current Avenger run but more of Marge Simpsons from the episode The Strong Arm of the Ma. If you want a picture of what I'm talking about it, check out these two pictures

Do note that I don't think women having muscles is wrong or something to be hated. I really don't but too much muscles on either men or women is too much for me. At least it's better than a mohawk which I actually hate. I won't be changing every character's gender but only about ten at the most. I will tell you about one character who is getting the gender swap. My hint for this is that they are a Dragon Slayer. Yeah this hint makes it hard to figure out who that is.

While reading Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest and as of Chapter 68, there are only three female Dragon Slayers compared to the fourteen male Dragon Slayers. I don't count the Quantum Army since they're more like machines than actually flesh and blood humans. Yeah. The gender imbalance is strong with this one so who will be the lucky male to swap? I'll be teasing who that may be but it won't be the main dragon slayer Natsu Dragneel.

That's all I'm willing to share for now in terms of changes between Fairy Legion and Fairy Legion Royal. What I plan to do is at the end of each chapter, I will be telling you the difference between each chapter. I hope you enjoy something that I have been working on for over eight months and to bring up something from Zero Special 1, Donald Trump is out of office. I mean at this point, I don't seem him winning so hopefully, we won't get Biden jokes and learn from Trump's many mistakes. 

Final things. There will be character being OOC and will not be like the official material. This will be my interpretations on these characters which I do not own in any way shape or form. The rights to Fairy Tail and anything that I reference belong to their owners. This should be obvious. I also don't make any money off this but I do it for my personal enjoyment and that's what matters right? It may not be canon to Zero just like the last Fairy Legion was. Lets begin with the brand new Fairy Legion.  

I didn't think I need to do something like this but in today's culture, it doesn't hurt to be careful. Some of the ideas I have planned aren't exactly for the faint of heart and if I put this here, it's a warning. In hindsight, I should have done this for the more graphic episodes of Zero Episode 132.5 and 146 to name some specific episodes. Hindsight is 20/20 after all. Everyone ,including myself, can be overly sensitive about certain things that affect them personally. 

Here is an obligatory content warning which will probably be ignored like most content warnings. It's like how some websites require you to be in your real age to access its more mature content. Some people put in their real age but I'm sure that most don't because if you lock out content behind a wall, you'll want to see it more and more. That's just a fact of life since if you block something from someone, they'll only want to see it more. 

If you're curious about how manga is rated, check out this link. I honestly didn't know about this until writing this content warning. It's fascinating to learn something about one of your favorite mediums and I think it's slightly different from how movies and video games are rated. Here's the content warning. This series contains sequences that may be particularly disturbing to younger children or people with sensitive mindsets. 

This series contains alcoholic drinks, drug usage, fantasy/comic violence showing teens to adults, foul language, gore, proactive imagery that depicts both females and men in an highly unrealistic manner mainly females, public indecency from females and males mainly seen with ankles, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, and waists, and several items that aren't exactly PC. Do not that if you don't like that kind of stuff, that's fine and there is no wrong with that. This just might not be for you.

Narrator P.O.V. 
It was a warm, early July mid morning in Cypress Park, Florida and the year is 3201 AD. Cypress Park had changed a great deal since 2024 AD. This is due to two things. The first thing is that the buildings and roads look to be straight out of a typical science fiction story. The other thing is that multiple races and species throughout the Omniverse were coexisting together. This coexistence was made possible thanks to Cypress Park's protector Legion Zero aka Zane Vincent Alvarez. 

At some point in his life, Zane had a dream. He wanted to make his home into a place where humans and every other species of the Omniverse could live and interact with each other in a society where no one species ruling over the others. To accomplish this, Zane began study and reading guides on various historical leaders throughout the Omniverse. He focused on both good and bad leaders with him making sure to  cover all of his bases when it comes to what makes a good and bad leader. 

While learning about good and bad leaders, Zane learned how to manage a city. After being told several times by humanity's leaders at the time of Zane's dream that they wouldn't hunt down any species living within Cypress Park, he began working on his dream. He had proper funding from most of the world's nations and corporations due to his services toward the planet over the years. Cypress Park was reborn as a city built for all species throughout the Omniverse.

Its population ,reaching the millions, was protected by Legion Zero and it is considered to be a honest to goodness metropolitan urban center that felt safe. Despite Zane being a very active presence within the city, there was still trouble in this metropolis. There was a civil unrest between humans and every other species who lived in the city due to humanity being well known for its jealously toward anything that's better or scorn toward anything different from them.   

The humans that lived in Cypress Park's dislike toward the other species lessen over time being that Avalon and Swarm did try and destroy Cypress Park because of it having non humans living there but humanity even grew to accept their otherworldly neighbors. In 3201 AD, there was still racism and speciesism within Cypress Park but it wasn't as bad as some other cities like Elysian which is well known for its bias toward humans. 

Even with Zero living in the city most of the time, there was still crimes. Crimes were mainly done in order to keep Zane from getting rusty since most people like the hero including the villains. For the more troublesome criminals, he puts them in Thunder Cove. Unlike Thunder Cove back in 2024, the prison wasn't corrupt and ran by a warden who can't be corrupted. It still had the name Cypress Park with it having many different names such as Infinite Freedom, Serenity, Victory, and Unity.

A regular day in Cypress Park looks like this. The nearby streets has several dozens humans and several different species ,that have appeared in Zero, walking throughout the city. Some of them were riding on hoverboards above the ground. There were various signs plastered throughout the city that were written in several different languages that could be understood by any species in the Omniverse. Above the hoverboard lines, there are several flying cars that hovered in the traffic lanes above the sky. 

This was mainly because of the giants and even with flying cars, traffic was still a nightmare. In the far sky, a spaceship blasted off into the atmosphere. From the air, you could see the city's spaceport which is an airport for Omniversal or space travel rather than just traveling around the globe. One of Cypress Park's most famous landmarks are Legion Tower/Zenith Tower since it's in the center of the city and the home of Zane Alvarez aka Legion Zero. 

Legion Tower dominates the skyline and can be seen from anywhere in Cypress Park. This building is seen as a symbol of peace and inspiration for all who live or visit the city. As the town and the rest of the Omniverse's protector, the inhabitants and most beings consider Zane to be the real mayor of this city despite never running from office. It was also after an event that will be kept secret for now. Don't want to spoil everything now do I?

Even in a period of peace and tranquility, chaos and conflict has a tendency to rear its ugly head. Chaos and conflict would come in the form of a cloak wearing human look male heading toward city hall. He had arrived in Cypress Park by a blue portal. He is wearing a white cloak ,which have jade green trims to it, that covers his entire body and his head is primarily covered by a bronze owl shaped burqa type mask. His mask has jade green eyepieces over where his eyes would be. 

The back of his cloak, sleeves, and top part of his mask have a jade green hourglass insignia etched into it. His cloak have a pattern of jade green phases of the moon and roman numbers 1-12 with it being embroidered on it. Under his cloak, he is wearing a beige skin tight body armor. He is wearing a jade green skirt over his waist. He's wearing white gloves over his hands and black boots. The cloaked man looked around with his mask screamed nervous before gaining a serious look to it. 

He began heading toward city hall and went to a certain part of it. He placed a small box on the ground and walked away. "All hail the Goddess." muttered the man. He began speed walking away from city hall with him bumping into someone and nearly falling over. "Hey there mate. Are you okay?" said a humanoid bat. The cloaked man moved away from the bat while bumping into more beings. "All hail the Goddess." muttered the man. 

While this unique situation was going on, our story's main protagonist is currently at a nearby stall and buying something for a dear friend of his. Our main character is an one thousand one thousand one hundred ninety-nine years old ,with him turning one thousand two hundred years old in less than two weeks, Zane Vincent Alvarez. The Cross Species knew all too well that becoming a superhero means that your life will be filled with action, excitement, peril, and sacrifice at every turn. 

Some may find this kind of life exciting being that times of peace and tranquility make most people either quit or become villains in order to regain that lost excitement. The most exciting thing for Zane in the past year was a mission for the Alliance where he discovered and ultimately took down a burusera circuit spanning the Omniverse. He discovered this mission by complete accident due to him being in the wrong place at the wrong time but doesn't regret stopping it.

Zane may be almost one thousand two hundred years old but he looked to be in his early 20s or to be more specific, he look to be twenty four. He is six foot six or 199 centimeters. According to most women, Zane is the perfect blend of cute and handsome with his hair having a wild look and wowing the ladies. His black hair ,with natural carmine red tips, was cut in a very distinct looking like style. It was not your typical shonen anime protagonist hair cut aka the trope of Shonen Hair. 

If you need a visual example of Zane's new hair cut, check out Zero Episode 145 for this example. It still had its wild look to it with his hair no longer covering his neck, exposing what lies behind it. He has a single carmine red bang hanging over the left side of his forehead. His eyes have a rather striking appearance. Both of his eyes have pure white sclera, storm gray pupils that are slitted, and molten gold irises. He has a mole under his right eye. 

His ears are pointed similar to an elf and his teeth have wolf like fangs. Inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue. His nails ,on both his feet and hands, now look to be naturally sharp in a similar manner to claws. His forearms and waist are covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. His nose also looked to be a snout of a dragon rather than a human but only on close examination. 

According to most beings mainly females and some males, his pointed ears, wolf like fangs, and strong looking eyes were considered to be one of the features that makes him so attractive much to his confusion. Beauty is in the eye of beholder after all. His body clearly puts most bodybuilders to shame with it being lean and muscular, being the perfect combination of speed and strength. He weighs one hundred and eight pounds. This body has been called the superhero body.

Zane tends to favor speed over strength however, each and every single muscle was toned and compacted. He's well built but not overdone. His muscles were meant for protecting others rather than showing them off. This was done through several herculean hours dedicated to his training. It made him look extremely attractive if he's caught without a shirt. His body is something that most men envy and would kill to have.

Most women would love to hold that body in their arms. His body has been called god like. His skin looks to be very strong but it’s soft like silk upon contact. If you want an example of Zane's skin color, check this post since I'm awful at describing it. The fact that his skin is covered in scars only brought out his handsomeness according to a certain female's opinion. His body has been called a mixture of a gymnast, linebacker, running back, and triathlete. 

His frame looked like a fighter being that he has a broad chest and washboard ,eight pack, abs. He has a V-line. He has very little fat on his body. Zane's chest is much bigger than they were before along his biceps and triceps alongside broad pecs and shoulders. The first thing that most beings tend to notice is Zane's body. It gives off an aura of great strength and never ending endurance. It radiates strength as well. 

Anyone who goes up against someone with this muscle tone would question their chances of winning and for most men, their manhood and pride. When this happens, some men try to fight Zane and this fails due to these men being really drunk. The other thing is that Zane is much stronger than most men his age and above. Thanks to having an highly impressive body, he's able to perform impressive physical feats. Assurance and confidence comes out of his body in waves. 

His face is angular, chiseled and has hardened edges in his jawline with no sign of baby fat and hard statuesque cheek bones. His face would be considered drool worthy. He has a sharp jaw with a face that had a rogue like charm. His eyes has the spark of determination and rebellion inside of them. His eyes tells people that he isn't going to give up or let anyone tell him what to do with his life. His spark of rebellion is stronger than most.

It's an intense and raging spark that doesn't go out so easily and tends to be strong even when the enemy is stronger than most. When Zane wants to intimidate someone, he makes his eyes look fierce and glares at people. Zane is also known for having a devilishly alluring smile that has been known to charm the ladies and piss off the males. His smile brings confident, warmth, and joy. He usually has an expression of excitement with him having a large, tooth-bearing grin. It's been called infectious. 

Zane's smile has the ability to ease almost any situation that he finds himself in and calm down the most ferocious beast. His voice is a smooth tenor and like fine whiskey. It reminds everyone that a true man's speaking. He tends to be speak with a lack of seriousness but it will gain a serious tone when it needs to. Zane often has full confidence in his voice but sometimes, that confidence tend to disappear. Zane either had a beard or didn't have a beard with his face currently being the latter of the two. 

This pleased the anti-beard faction of his fan base but the pro-beard faction didn't like this. Zane is well known for switching between having a beard and not having a beard every year. This is due to which ever faction had the most vote this year on the Legion Zero fan site which was managed by one of Zane's close friends. 3201 just so happened to be the year of snake and the year of anti-beard. He has a fair share of scars on his body. 

In the center of his chest where his heart or Essence would be, he has ridges of machinery. The machinery forms to make a long and thin "Z" shape with it looking both organic and metallic. If you didn't know the origin of it, it's a very weird piercing or tattoo. This is his heart/Essence being that he lost it when he was sixteen years old and about three to four months in his career as Legion Zero. He got this mechanical Essence from Devin Malone.

This replacement heart is something that sticks out when he isn't wearing clothing. His right arm didn't match his left arm since he lost it around the same time that he lost his Essence. Zane's right arm was actually his second one since Zane managed to break the first one during the War of Galnatilia. The second right arm wasn't made by Devin but Parker. Instead of looking like a mechanical human arm, it now looks to be a mechanical demonic or draconic arm. 

His right arm is now a single color with it being a deep cadet gray color. There is some black located around the chelidon, knuckles, and shoulder. It's also covered in platinum colored cracks that constantly glow. His fingers are now a dark indigo color and still has his indigo Hidari Gomon palm tattoo but his tattoo is now a white color. His fingernails are crimson red claws that could work as fingers. His forearm are covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them.

It still had the platinum colored cracks covering them. Zane has a long diagonal scar on his chest with it running from Zane's left shoulder to the right side of his abs. Another scar started at the right side of his jaw. It was haphazardly stretched entirely over the right side of his neck and shoulder. It's connected to the metal prosthetic arm. The scar is reddish-purple. This color is due to the scar being instantly cauterized by a high amount of heat. 

Another scar he had went vertically from his forehead through his left eyebrow and his eye. This scar ended at the top of his left cheekbone. He has some tattoos on his body. To match the white Hidari Gomon tattoo on his palm, he has a white Hidari Gomon tattoo on his left palm. On his left shoulder, he has a steel gray metallic tribal looking skull tattoo. This skull has noticeable fangs and four eye narrow sockets.

The skull was being protected by a molten gold dragon with this dragon having four wings and two wings were on either side of the body.  Its wings were drawn back, looking intimating and breathing fire from its mouth. Zane's final tattoo is resting on the back of his neck. It’s a black heart with the foreground looking like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them.

In his thousand plus years of life, Zane was currently wearing an outfit fitting the hotter Florida weather rather well. He's wearing a sleeveless white compress/muscle shirt. It has a black v-neck style collar. Some of his chest was shown off thanks to his shirt. His shirt is extremely form fitting, showing off his amazing muscles. He was wearing a pair of slightly ripped and frayed grayish blue jeans. These jeans are worn with his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt and having silver kneepads sewn into them.

His Z.E.R.O. Armor belt is a ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle. It’s a simple belt with his gadgets, potions, and snacks inside of it. It has seven pouches or cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside of the belt. He's wearing his signature black, purple, and white sneakers with a steel sole to them. His shoes have a dark gray stylized fleur-de-lis/seven leaf clover emblem over it.

The fleur-de-lis had a strong black outline around it. This fleur-de-like has a black "X" design behind it. He's wearing his black and white signet style ring as well. His ring has a thick band with a circle surface surrounded by a lining with four pointed claw/fang like shape at the east, north, south, and west. The circle of the ring has a gold seven-leaf clover and silver Z embedded on it. This ring currently rest on his left middle finger. 

Zane is wearing silver ,with it looking to be made out of pure platinum, chain necklace with a wooden molten gold chibi western style dragon playing on a crimson red guitar. His guitar has a small vine like pattern to it. In its mouth, the dragon is holding a silver kunai which has a helix like design. Resting on his right wrist, Zane is wearing a dark gray wristband with a black stripe. It has two glass beads with a visible molten gold "Hero” written in kanji right in the center of the two beads. 

This wristband is used for several things. It's most famous use is suppress Zane's aura and power from others. The other two things are that Zane can use this wristband to activate his Enigma Talisman and Legionnaire Gauntlets. Despite looking rather normal, this item is just one of the many items that are made famous by Zane. Zane's most famous item is the Z.E.R.O. (Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega) watch. Said item was currently on his left wrist and in its combat mode.

It covers his knuckles up to his elbow. It’s a black metal-like tight fitting fingerless gauntlet. You can’t see a speck of skin of his arm. There are several crimson red lines from the faceplate to each one of his fingers. On the back of the knuckles, there is white squared areas. The lines that connect the middle and ring fingers together forms a "Z" shape. In the center of the gauntlet, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate. 

The faceplate has molten gold stripes with it forming an “LZ” outline. On each side of the faceplate, it has five symmetrical, gray tubings/vent going down from each side of the plate. The tubings/vents light up if certain conditions are met.  He's wearing a pair of cool looking black sunglasses with molten gold lenses. These glasses were given to him by his Alliance Assistant Arya Cunningham with them being a portable supercomputer and just another one of Zane's company Zenith Industries inventions.

Around his neck, he is wearing a pair of Galaxy Phones. These Galaxy Phones are black ,with crimson red details, wireless over-the-ear headphones. Zane's headphones looks to be a hybrid of several types of headphones. This hybrid headphones consist of Audio-Technica ATH-WS990BT, Audio-Techina M50x, AR3bt SE, AKG K845BT, Audio-Technica model ATH-EM700 SV, and ATH-AR3BT Audio-Technica headphones. He has silver star emblem on the headphones. 

He has a dragon like tail currently dangling from his back. This tail is reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. When he was younger around his early 20s, he often disguised his prosthetic limb and had his Akostar tail wrapped around his waist. The latter also working as a matching accessory to his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. 

In the past, Zane has disguised his more animalistic traits since well, normal humans don't have those traits. Over time however, he didn't have a reason to keep his identity as Legion Zero a secret any longer mainly due to the fact that Cypress Park was filled with different kinds of beings from out the entire Omniverse which had only grown over time. It was no longer time for secrets and Zane's fear of losing the people close to him is still there but doesn't let it control him like it did. 

He kept a prominent social life within Cypress Park and the Omniverse but always made time for his family and helping out his neighbors. Zane had spent most of the morning doing some helping out his city by picking up leaves that were stripped off the trees earlier in the week. This was due to a storm that affect Cypress Park and it wasn't a natural storm since Cypress Park rarely get storms. This is just one of the reasons why several beings wanted to live in Cypress Park.

Even though he was a famous superhero who fought against some of the strongest beings in order to protect the Omniverse, he always helped out his home whenever he could. He did this when he was a kid and that hasn't changed whatsoever. "Let me see. Which one would he like? Gods. I know that he loves pretty much everything in the nine realms but I really don't know what to get. So what do you think?" said Zane.

He was smiling at the vendor who was a humanoid lioness and due to this smile, she was unable to speak. This was because the Legion Zero was asking her for her opinion on what to get. Like most of Cypress Park, she was a very big fan of his and was on Team Anti-Beard. "Um. I think you should go with...." said the lioness. "Do you mind speaking up a bit miss? I can't hear you." said Zane with him getting rather close to her with her face getting bright red. 

The lioness blurted out,"Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy Zane! It's our most popular item.". "Then I'll take that." said Zane. "Okay!" said the lioness. As she was getting Zane's order ready for him, the Cross Species was deep in thought. "I really should be enjoying the peace and quiet since Cypress Park and the entire Omniverse hasn't been this peaceful in a long time but I'm bored. I used to stop delinquents from robbing mom and pop store every day but lately, I've done nothing for months." thought Zane.

He looked down at his watch and made a light purple holographic computer screen appear above the faceplate. He began scrolling through the contact list on his phone due to his watch being connected to his watch. He knew that his brother Danny Malone was currently doing a job for the Alliance with him being gone for least three months at this point. As for Zane later, he has been asked by the Alliance to take up a leadership role at the Alliance base here in Cypress Park. 

At first, Zane wasn't the biggest fan of the whole leadership role that was thrusted upon on him since he was more of a lone wolf especially as of late. Over time, Zane got used to the idea since it was a good idea for him to teach the next generation of heroes mainly to show the Omniverse what's wrong with the most current generation of heroes. It was well known among the people of Cypress Park that Zane didn't think too highly of the latest generation of heroes that populate the Omniverse. 

When asked why he thinks this by a reporter, he had this to say. "Heroes of today are nothing more than a bad joke. They may claim to have the situation under control but a majority of time, they don't. I usually have to help them out when shit hits the fan but they aren't never happy whenever I do that. To them, I should stay out of the way since I'm nothing more than a relic of the past and should leave this to the younger generation." said Zane. 

Zane smirked as he said,"When I heard that from them, I just laughed. I began reminding them on how they just stood around and did nothing while waiting for a hero who had the right abilities to handle a certain situation. With that mindset, they are idiots and I truly had to question what they were teaching at my alma mater of Arcadia U. They could be so much better but nope. The heroes of today only care about fame and money that comes with being a hero instead of what a hero should be.".

He crossed his arms as he said,"A hero’s main set of priorities is to keeping people safe, stopping crimes before they get worse, keeping the innocent safe, doing the right thing, and so many other tasks. I’m sure that the only reason why most metas become heroes is to use their powers without any restrictions. I was fully against the governments of my dimension making such a law that prohibits the usage of a being's supernatural abilities but they didn’t listen to me.". 

Zane sighed as he said,"To most people including your audience, I'm nothing more than a relic of the past. The heroes of today really do hate how a relic like myself could and would their job better than them. They once told me that I was only putting myself in danger even when I wasn’t whatsoever. This statement only pissed me off since a hero should never ignore someone in danger. I call most heroes of today nothing more than complete mockeries of what the heroes were back in the day.". 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Call me an old man all you want but I don’t care. If you can’t do the job you were given, don’t complain when someone decides to do their job for you and better you ever could. If these heroes aren't willing to risk their lives in protecting people, they are in the wrong career field. I would go into detail in why not doing anything if you don't have the right ability or power to solve an issue is a bad thing but here's the thing.". 

Zane smiled as he said,"Most people don’t study powers and what they can possible do depending on several different factors like I do. One of them asked me why I was giving them so much crap and I told her why. I hate people who use their power not to help others but for themselves. Those beings calling that themselves heroes this day only makes me sick to my stomach. I told them to fuck off and take a good hard look in the mirror.". 

The Cross Species smirked as he said,"If they start acting like heroes, they should do it soon. I flipped them off and I left. It turns out my little rant went viral all around the Omniverse and lets just say that the people weren’t too happy with how the heroes were acting. That's why I'm here on your show today is it not?". When Zane gave this little speech, he had an irritated look on his face but spoke in a calm and collected tone. 

He may have sounded hard toward an entire generation of heroes but this comes from experience and seeing their action through the lenses of a hero from a previous generation and as a civilian. Even with his job as a teacher, Zane really missed the days where he would spent the entire day fighting against the criminals who used their powers for selfish gains. While he did like a good fight, he used his immense power to protect those who can't protect themselves.

At this very moment, Zane was still waiting for the lioness to get him his order of cotton candy. "So how long does it take to make cotton candy? We're in the future. I hope he enjoys this but knowing him, he would like anything I get him. I would kill to fight a criminal organization like Swarm but they're pretty gone." thought Zane, randomly surfing the internet on his watch. Before he could find anything interesting, Crisis Judgement went off.

Zane sighed as he thought,"You know. I probably had this coming since I was practically begging for some action but whatever. It's better than nothing I guess.". Shortly after thinking that, there was an explosion down at city hall and destroyed the front half of the building. The townspeople cried out in terror at the explosion with the Cross Species sighing. "You would think at this point in their lives, they would be used to explosions since it happens all the time here. So are you okay miss?" said Zane. 

Due to how close they were to the explosion, Zane protected the lioness whose face was bright red due to Zane being very close to her. He protected her thanks to a hug and caused the cotton candy that she was making onto the floor. "Um yes!" said the lioness. "That's good so while I go help out, do you mind finishing that up for me?" said Zane, pointing to the cotton candy on the floor. "Sure Legion Zero! It's no problem!" said the lioness. "It's Zane not Legion Zero but thanks." said Zane. 

Zane let her go with him teleporting over to city hall and the lioness fainted due to her hero hugging him. Before the fire could start burning other buildings around it, Zane appeared in front of the burning building and he said,"This shouldn't take up too much time especially since I'm a one man fire fighting department.". "Quick! Someone call The fire department!" said a female werewolf with Zane aiming his hands at the flames. 

He began walking toward the hall with the flames heading toward Zane. "Come to papa." said Zane as the flames were getting absorbed into his hands. The crowd watched Zane doing this and the building eventually stopped burning due to every flame getting absorbed into Zane. Zane turned toward the crowd with him smiling. "So is everyone okay? I know that city hall was empty today due to it being a holiday but I just like to make sure." said Zane. 

The crowd cheered for him with the cloaked man looking at Zane in anger. This was shown with his mask showing anger. He was currently hiding behind a building. "All hail the goddess." muttered the man. Before he could do anything, his mask began to vibrating similar to a phone and the man placed his right hand on it. "Yes?... You need me where? But Zero..... I understand... We will handle him. All hail the goddess." sad the man with him disappearing in a blue portal once again. 

Back with Zane, he had reappeared back at the cotton candy stall where the lioness had recovered. She managed to make Zane's order for him without any issue since before, she was distracted by Zane being in front of her. "Um. Did you handle the problem Zane?" said the lioness. "I sure did and thanks for two things." said Zane. He pulled out his wallet from his pants pocket with the lioness looking confused at this. "What do you mean?" said the lioness. 

Zane gave her payment for the confection as he said,"You made me my order even though there was panic all around you and you called me by my name.". "Um. No problem sir. Thank you for all that you've done!" said the lioness, handing him the confection. Zane smiled at her which causing her to faint. "And here I thought I wasn't flirting with her but I guess I was. Thanks Conner." said Zane as he made a fire styled cushion for the Lioness who had a goofy grin on her face.    

After leaving the cotton candy stand, Zane began walking toward one of his shops since it was a hole in the wall. He could have teleported there no problem but he knew that his friend could wait for hours without complaining one bit. He decided to walk there since it was such a nice day. He put on his pair of headphones with him picking out a playlist that was made from different artists from throughout the Omniverse.

This playlist consisted of classical music with a hint of techno to it, speedy tunes, and tribal tunes. He may have his musical bias aka anything with a guitar or a decent beat but he wanted to expand his pallet when it comes to music. He did deleted any kind of rave music since that type of music always gives Zane a headache that requires a good amount of booze to get rid of. He walked by a donut shop with him having a massive smile on his face. "I'm a little hungry. Lets make a quick stop here." said Zane.

He began walking into the shop. In the past, Zane wouldn't have time to get donuts since he was always busy with work. His busy schedule was a result of him trying to balance his social and superhero life equally. However in the past couple of decades, things have changed for the better. Most of his free time lately has been dedicated to anyone who needs his help in Cypress Park or a member of his extended family. 

Crime had been slowed down to a crawl due to the hard work of the folks working for the Alliance and Zenith Industries. Even with that explosion earlier, that was a rare occurrence since the Omniverse was in a state of peace. This state of peace was due to the Alliance getting some technology from Parker. Parker lending the Alliance his technology took longer than initially expected since Parker doesn't trust anyone except for a rare few. He'll work with other beings but doesn't trust them completely. 

The very stubborn Eazairvian eventually gave the Alliance some of his technology. This happened after the duo of Janet and Zane begging him too for over thirty years. Parker was pretty sure that knew that the Alliance's enemies would try to get their grips on his technology so he made sure that if they got on it, they would learn not to steal his inventions the very hard and painful way. Despite his boredom with this peaceful era, Zane was enjoying it. 

He didn't become a hero for the fame but to protect people who are unable to protect themselves. He didn't mind do any charity events since they were always to help out the less fortune, but to protect people who can't protect themselves. Zane became famous for helping people and tends to be ranked the number one hero. He has years of experience, fame, and power under his belt so no one in this dimension or more the Omniverse was a challenge for him.

Zane never stop training since he was well aware of what could happen to him if he was getting lazy or overconfident in his abilities. He was powerful yes but Zane was well aware of two very simple facts of the Omniverse. There is always someone stronger than you and nothing is considered to be impossible or invincible. After signing a couple autographs by a group of tourists visiting from a dimension where the beings were made out of blocks, Zane stood in front of a familiar bar.

This bar was the Velvet Spoon which hadn't changed in the past one thousand one hundred eighty-two years and this included the owner. "Lets just hope he doesn't mind me being this late but hopefully, the ultimate sweet combination of cotton candy and donuts brings a smile to his face." thought Zane with a smile. Zane opened the door with him hearing a voice,"Zane! You're back!". Zane turned to see his friend standing there. "Sorry about the wait little buddy but well, I got caught up." said Zane.

In front of him, a young boy with him looking to be about twelve years old sitting at the bar and sipping on a apple strawberry slushie mostly likely gotten from Cypress Park's famous restaurant Fantasia. He stands at four foot ten with him having short green hair and large, round black eyes. His green hair obscured his left eye and rounded tiger like ears coming out of his head. He has an noticeable pair of eyelashes and rosy cheeks. He's wearing a pink hoodie and his hoodie is covering in black spots. 

The center of hoodie is a white color. His hoodie covers his hands with the sleeves resembled webbed fingers. He wears his hood ,which forms a frog's head that completes with two beady eyes resting on the hood, over his head. He's wearing a black three quarter sleeved undershirt alongside blue jeans and dark pink sneakers with three black stripes down on both sides. "It's fine Zane! I wasn't bored at all!" said the boy with a big goofy smile and he jumped toward Zane. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I know that little buddy but I don't like leaving you alone for too long. Here. I got you something to make you happy.". Zane showed the boy the cotton candy and donuts. The boy's eyes lit up upon seeing the food in front of him. "You got this just for me?!" said the boy. "Yep. I know that giving you only sweets would be a bad thing but well, I'm not really worried about your dental hygiene." said Zane. "I think so too!" said the boy.

Later, the two were sitting at the bar with the younger of the two enjoying the sweets given to him and the owner smiled at them. The owner of the Velvet Spoon is and will always be Renee Myers. She looked like she did back in Zero Episode 104 and was currently wearing a white apron with a pink water like pattern to it. "It's always nice to see you around Zane but with this little guy by your side, it brings out your big brother charm that isn't seen often." said Renee. 

Zane smiled as he said while tussling the younger boy's hair,"Yeah. I guess you've been good for my image haven't you little guy?". "I think so too!" said the boy with a smile. Renee and Zane engaged in a conversation with the other male enjoying his sweets. The boy may have been with Zane for only six to seven years now but Renee was well aware of his true appearance and his love of sweets. He always had something sweet on his person and had a extremely positive attitude. 

Renee made sure to have something sweet just in case he showed up. "So Zane. I heard a little rumor about the explosion on city hall and how a certain hero saved the day." said Renee. "Was that hero you Zane?!" said the boy with his eyes turning into stars. "Yep. I save the day like always. So are you ready to go little buddy?" said Zane. "Sure! Where are we going?" said the boy. "I told you what our agenda is for today when we left the apartment this morning but I guess you forgot." said Zane. 

The boy looked all depressed with him saying,"I'm sorry Zane.". "It's fine. I expected this. We're going to see my statue." said Zane. "That's right! We're going to see the metal Zane Miss Renee!" said the boy with his depression fading away. "I see. That must sound like a lot of fun for you two." said Renee. "It sure is. So do you mind washing up first before we go?" said Zane with him seeing the boy covered in powder sugar. "Sure thing!" said the boy, running to the bathroom.

After seeing the boy leaving, Renee looked at Zane. "So I bet you're using this little trip to investigate the bombing at city hall aren't you hero?" said Renee. "What could you possibly mean?" said Zane. "I heard about a rumor. Word is that there is a new cult here in Cypress Park." said Renee. "Oh really? And why are you telling me this and not the Alliance? I'm considered to be retired." said Zane. "Even if the Omniverse at peace, you'll always find yourself involved in something sinister." said Renee. 

Zane sighed as he said,"You're not wrong about that but even if there is something sinister going on, I hope to leave it to the Alliance. I may miss the old days but I'm retired. Plain and simple.". He stood up with him walking toward the bathroom. "Oh Zane. Even if you say that, I'm sure that you'll get involved and do everything in your power to stop it." thought Renee. Half an hour later, Zane and the hoodie wearing boy was currently sitting under a hundred foot statue of Zane. 

The metal statue was similar to the one seen in one of his alternative futures except it was made out of a nearly unbreakable material. This metal was from the Astral Realm known as Evodium and it was the metal as Heidi's weapon. It had him ,in his signature Zeta Costume and around the same age as he looks currently, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and his signature smile plastered on his face. 

It had some text that was written under the statue and it said,"This statue is dedicated to Legion Zero or Zane Alvarez, a young man who wasn't born in Cypress Park but grew up here. He became a hero in 2017 during what's called the Heroic Age. Some notable achievements of the career are being a founding member of the Centurions, forming and being the leader of Team Maelstrom. He's heavily involved in several conflicts that all lead him to be the greatest hero in the Omniverse.". 

The boy looked at Zane with him saying,"Hey Zane. Can I ask you something?". "Um sure. What's on your mind?" said Zane. "I heard you and Renee were talking about the bombing. Are you going to try and figure out what happened?" said the boy. "Not really little buddy. I mean I'm more worried about that storm from the other day. It wasn't natural." said Zane as the boy agreed with Zane. "True. So what do you think about taking a vacation?" said the boy. 

Zane put his arms behind his head as he said,"A vacation? That does sound nice but no matter where we could, I would be recognized.". "Hey there Zero!" said a voice above the two males. The duo looked upwards with a human looking girl floating on a hoverboard. "Looking sexy as always especially without the beard." said the girl with her blowing a kiss to him. Zane smiled as he watched the girl fly off on her hoverboard. 

The boy looked at Zane with him saying,"So is she a fan of yours?". "Yeah and she's probably part of the faction whose is anti beard. Even though Cypress Park hasn't had a civil war in a long time, there is still a war going on and it involves my physical appearance. Really wish that wasn't the case but what are you going to do?" said Zane. "Stop it?" said the boy. "You can't stop people from having an opinion little buddy." said Zane with him feeling calm and at peace. 

Zane looked up at himself with him thinking as he ran his right hand through his hair,"I know that you may have changed a lot Cypress but you're still my and many others home. I hope I'm making everyone who has left you proud of what you've become in the past couple of years ". He had a smile on his face that was a mixture of happiness and sadness. He was enjoying the time of peace and wished that he could truly enjoy it but there was a problem. 

Whenever there is peace, chaos will surely show its head. There was always the Omniversal threat of Basalt and his robotic army, Rivart and his Vordlarin minions plus Darth, and a group of villains who didn't like him. They were the next generation version of villains that spawned from the Heroic Age and there was a couple of villains from when Zane was starting out as a hero such as Clair Fisher aka Voltaire and Roger Huffman aka Downpour. 

Those two were able to stay alive for several thousand years mainly because of them being living elements. There was also Thomas Wright aka Cryonic and the Tremendous who tend to make trouble for the innocent people. Zane had the problem of constantly remembering his mistakes mainly the Massacre and the other mistakes he has made in his extremely long career as Legion Zero. Unlike when he was a teenager, he was more willing to talk about it with others and didn't bottle his emotions up.

Zane began taking several deep breathes as he thought,"Take a deep breath. I know that I've made my fair share of mistakes but I've also had my fair share of success as well.". His eyes were closed just in case he accidentally petrify someone which has happened a fair share of times mainly when he was feeling real emotionally. As he was repeating what his family, friends, and therapist have told him, his tail was unconsciously wrapped around his waist. 

After feeling calm, Zane opened his eyes and a light purple beam came out of his eyes. The beam hit a flying pigeon and it turned into stone. Zane watched the stone fall toward the ground and looked to see his friend holding the statue. The boy had two large white angel wings coming out of his back. Zane took a sigh of relief. "Nice catch there Frosch." said Zane. Yep. This is Frosch from Fairy Tail but how comes he's looking human? You'll find out soon. 

Frosch looked at Zane with him saying,"Why did you do that Zane? He was just flying by.". "Sorry about that. I may not like you rats with wings but you're part of my home regardless." said Zane as the stone statue glowed steel gray. The bird was unpetrified and flew off. Zane shook his head as he looked down at his wedding ring and recalled his marriage to Rachel. It was easily up there as one of the best days of his life alongside the really good days.          

Zane looked at the hovering Frosch with him saying,"You can come down now.". "Okay but are you having an episode?" said Frosch as his wings went back into him. "I did but I'm better now. Thanks for catching the rat with wings little buddy." said Zane. "Yep! I'm really good at catching things!" said Frosch, smiling. "You sure are just like a certain being whose been quiet all day. Come on Havoc. I think everyone in Cypress Park knows about you so there is no point in you hiding." said Zane.

He said all of this while looking at his right arm. "I think so too!" said Frosch with a bright smile on his face. After the human said that, a familiar face came out out of Zane's head. This is Zane's Vordlarin partner Havoc Equinox with him being the mother of Twilight Equinox who was Zane's first Vordlarin partner and the current queen of the Vordlarin. Due to being bonded with Zane for so long, Havoc has changed.

This is unlike the rest of his species who doesn't change from the day they're born until the day of their death. Due to him being bonded with Zane for so long, Havoc's physical appearance changed. This was strange since Vordlarins don't change from the day they're born until the day that they die. He looked to be the same size as his mother and the rest of his kind. His eyes looked bigger and wider, fitting a more adult appearance. 

His teeth matured with his teeth being longer, spiker with giant points on each tooth. His tongue had grown longer as well. "Okay Frosch. I'll do it for you but I better be safe Zane. I really don't want to fight today and we did come in contact with an explosion so the probability of us fighting is rather high to say the very least. It may be a nice clear sky and it's quiet. Frosch may be here Zane but.." said Havoc in a booming and deep voice. He was rambling.

To stop him from talking, Zane placed a chocolate, lemonade, and strawberry slushie into Havoc's mouth and he sighed. Havoc is still a worry wort like he was back in the day and his more mature voice didn't hide that the fact that Havoc isn't very intimidating. "So why did you do that Zane? Slushies may be good but it's rude to interrupt someone." said Frosch. "Reasons. He was tempting the Omniverse and once he starts rambling, he never stops." said Zane.

Frosch looked confused as he said,"Huh?". "It's complicated Frosch. The Omniverse is a very fickle mistress." said Zane. "Okay!" said Frosch with Havoc finishing his slushie. "Thanks for that Zane. So can I ask you to do something for me? I tried asking Matrix but she said no." said Havoc. "What is it partner?" said Zane. "You know how you have a fan club right? Apparently, I have one too and I hate it a lot!" said Havoc.

Zane looked at Havoc with him saying,"I mean I don't like being popular like the rest of Team Legion Zero so why do I have a fan club?!". He began shivering with Zane sighing. "Havoc. I don't think I can get rid of your fan club anytime soon." said Zane. "Why not?!" said Havoc. "Because having fans are awesome! I mean they're super nice especially when its super hot." said Frosch. "Wrong type of fans little buddy." said Zane.

Havoc looked at Zane as the Cross Species smiled. "Don't worry about them Havoc. Just pretend that they're not there. That's what I do since having a fan club isn't what important about being a hero isn't what important." said Zane. "Hey there Legion Zero! Keep being a total boss!" shouted a reindeer humanoid who was hovering in the air thanks to hoverboots. "Yeah man! You're the best hero in the Omniverse!" said a plant metahuman. 

The two flew off as Zane waved to them. "I thought you said that having fans aren't important to being a hero!" said Havoc. "I did but it's always good to say hi to someone when they said hi to you." said Zane with a smile. "Okay then. That makes no sense to me." said Havoc. "I think so too!" said Frosch. "So what do you want to do?" said Havoc. "What do you mean? I mean we're currently relaxing here under the Legion Zero statue." said Zane.

Frosch smiled as he said,"I know what he means Zane!". "You do Frosch? Thanks for your support young one." said Havoc. "Of course! A real Alvarez is always supports out his friends. We should take a vacation!" said Frosch. "Yeah! That's a great idea but where should we go? Zane naturally draw attention where he goes." said Havoc. "Yeah. That's true. How about a dimension in the boonies? I mean most dimensions out there don't know me all too well. So how about it?" said Zane.

After hearing that, Frosch and Havoc looked at Zane with them saying,"You're willing to take a vacation Zane? Jinx!". The two glared at each other as Zane sighed. "It isn't that strange right? I mean we could always......" said Zane. He stopped talking as he felt something off. "What's wrong?" said Frosch. Zane didn't answer him as his eyes glowed. The statue was caught up in an explosion as Havoc protected Frosch and Zane from the explosion. 

The Vordlarin did this by covering the two in his body. Zane landed on the ground with him saying while Havoc went back into him,"Are you okay Frosch?". "I'm okay. What about Havoc?" said Frosch with him looking for the Vordlarin. "I'm okay Frosch. Explosions like that are nothing to me" said Havoc as he went back inside of Zane. The smoke cleared as Zane saw someone standing there. "I have been tasked to take you down Zane by my goddess." said a voice. 

The own mask wearing man stood there with his left hand extended outwards as a purple magic circle or seal appearing. This indicated that he was the one responsible for the explosion. "Why didn't I sense him until he fired out his attack? Who is this guy? Those magic seals are similar to Frosch back when I first met him before he began learning how to use Impulse as his main way of fighting. It also reminds me about that place as well." thought Zane as he looked at the man. 

Owl mask looked at Zane as he said,"You may have survived against my attacks for the first time Zane and his friend but next time, you won't be so lucky since you'll prevent the goddess from completing her goal if you survive! Die!". From the magic seal, he began firing out purple beams of Impulse right at the duo with Zane holding Frosch in his arms. The Cross Species easily dodged them with no problem as he thought,"Okay. That isn't Impulse but something else.". 

He backflipped away from a giant beam of Impulse and Zane noticed that the beam was similar to darkness. "I don't know what it could be but I can't let it touch me. Hey Frosch. Ready to fight?" said Zane. "Yep! Lets do this partner!" said Frosch as Zane let him go. Zane nodded as he turned toward the masked man. "Lets go!" said Zane. He vanished from sight as the masked man looked around for him but only saw Frosch flying in the air with his wings sprouted.

The mask wearing man growled as he said,"Where did you go Zane? You can't escape the goddess's vision!". He aimed his hands at Frosch. Before he could do anything, he felt someone tapping on his right shoulder. "What the?" said the masked man as he felt a fist connected right into his face. Zane reappeared as he cracked his knuckles. "So tell me who you are and while you're attacking us?" said Zane. "Yeah. It's really rude to attack someone when someone's back is turned!" said Frosch.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Um Frosch. That's the one case when you're fighting against sword fighters and beings you respect not terrorists like this guy.". "Oh! My bad! You're good bad guy!" said Frosch. "My name is no of important but my mission is clear. You need to die hero so our goddess may succeed!" said the man. His hands glowed with Impulse with Zane smiling. "I think I got the best form for taking you down." said Zane as the man fired his Impulse blast at him. 

This caused an explosion with the masked man smiling. "Now. It's time for me to take care of his little buddy." said the masked man. Before he could do anything about it, he was unable to move thanks to his entire body being covered in crimson red diamonds. "Impossible!" said the masked man. "I guess your goddess didn't teach you that nothing in the Omniverse is impossible especially when I'm involved. I wish I wasn't but what can't you do?" said a voice. 

Owl mask turned to see Zane standing there in one of his signature forms and it was Diamond Form aka a fangirl's favorite form. He's twelve feet tall with him having a lean and muscular figure. He looks to be made out of a crimson red diamond like substance. He has his sharp square shaped head. He has royal blue eyes with them covered by black markings. He has two diamond like pillars protruding from his back. His diamond like body has several black lines. 

These lines are glow molten gold upon Zane gathering energy. He wears a black top ,with no sleeves, that covered his chest and silver metal neck guard. He wore this with white pants and black combat boots. His outfit is covered in symbols or markings of gray crystals. He wears steel gray greaves that cover his shins, large pauldrons that covers his shoulders, and vambraces that cover his arms. His top has a hood which Zane can wear over his head. He has five fingers and toes. 

He wears the short black robe that all of Zane's forms wear. "How didn't my magic affect you?" said the masked man. "It would have if this form didn't absorb magic." said Zane. "This matters not since my goddess will grant me victory! Dark Rando!" said the masked man. Zane looked directly at the masked man with him noticing purple Impulse gathering in front of his face. The gathered Impulse had horror-stricken faces and looked condensed. 

Owl mask sent the gathered up and condensed Impulse in the forms of beams right toward Zane who slammed his hands into the ground. Several diamond pillars appeared from the ground as they pierced right through the beams. Said beams were bleeding. "Okay. That's just plain weird." said Zane. The masked man was about to fire another Dark Rondo but was stopped by Frosch kicking him in the face from above. "Comet Strike!" said Frosch.

The strength of Frosch's kick sent the masked man flying off into the distance. This included his diamond prison but his mask landed onto the ground nearby them, shattered. "Are you okay Zane? He didn't hurt you right" said Frosch as he looked at Zane. "I'm fine Frosch. I think I can handle a little Animus." said Zane. "That was Animus? I'm not sure that it was. I mean you use Animus and Liasada before but this is nothing like that. It's stronger than Animus but not stronger than Liasada." said Havoc.

Havoc appeared from Zane's left forearm with him saying,"You felt it before right Zane? I think it was very similar to the storm from the other day.". "Yeah. I did since I did have a theory about the storm being a magical one but I wasn't too sure about that theory. Didn't have time to give it a proper examination. So where did you sent that guy Frosch?" said Zane. The boy pointed toward a twinkle in the sky with him smiling. "That way Zane! I sent him flying like a baseball!" said Frosch. 

Zane face palmed with him saying,"Um Frosch. You do know that I still need to interrogate him right?". "Wait. You didn't do that already Zane? I thought that's why he was in the crystal." said Frosch with a tilt head. "Nope." said Zane. "So I messed things up?" said Frosch as he began to cry. "No Frosch. You just made a mistake. It happens to everyone. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure that we'll get our answer in due time." said Zane with him smiling.

Frosch nodded as Zane deactivated the form and his phone began to ring. Frosch landed on the ground as Zane answer his phone. "Hello? This is Legion Zero. How may I help you today?" said Zane. "Come on kid. I bet you know why I'm calling you." said the voice on the other end. "Let me guess Vigran. It probably has to due with your club needing some more business. I'm also not a kid anymore despite looking like one." said Zane with an annoyed look on his face. "Vigran? Who is that?" said Frosch,

Havoc looked at the boy with him saying,"Zane will tell you about him after his call. Mind getting the mask over there for us?". "Okay!" said Frosch as he ran over to pick up the shattered mask. "So what do you want? It better be important." said Zane, getting right down to business. "You are no fun sometimes Zane. If Akana or Bri call, you would be happy but not little old me. I'm hurt. You know that storm that affected Cypress Park right?" said Vigran. 

Zane looked at his phone as he said,"Uh yeah. I spend the morning cleaning up from said storm. What's your point here?". The Cross Species looked at Frosch who was holding the stranger's mask. "Said storm was made from a strange energy source that's very similar to Animus but stronger. It's still weaker than Liasada but It's raw and unrefined. It's also similar to what happened six years ago here in the Prime Dimension." said Vigran. "Are you sure about that?" said Zane. 

The Cross Species recalled what happened six years ago and it wasn't pretty. "Pretty sure about that. So are you busy right now?" said Vigran. "Are you seriously asking me that?" said Zane. "I just wanted to make sure. You need to chill. I'll send you my location. I'll see you later kid." said Vigran. "Please stop calling....." said Zane as Vigran suddenly hung up. Zane took a deep breath with Frosch looking right at Zane. "So are you okay Zane? You seem angry." said Frosch. 

Zane sighed as he said,"It's nothing Vigran is Vigran after all. So what did you find about our mask wearing friend?". "Not much since I made it go boom. Sorry about that." said Frosch as he held the pieces of the mask. "It's fine Frosch. I can still figure out that the mask he was wearing disguised his voice so I couldn't id him by his voice and it would filter the air he breathed. If I tried to knock him with sleeping gas or a hallucinogenic gas, it wouldn't work." said Zane. 

Frosch blinked as he said,"Oh wow. I've never seen Zane like this.". "I have and trust me when I say this. It isn't fun when he goes all power geek on us." said Havoc as he coughed loudly and Zane shook his head. "Sorry about that. So Frosch. I have to ask you something." said Zane. "What is it?" said Frosch. "Are you ready to go?" said Zane. "Where are we going exactly?" said Frosch. "To visit my old friend who according to my text, he's over in Traverse Groves." said Zane. "Lets go!" said Frosch. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay but you don't have look human by the way.". "I don't?" said Frosch with a tilted head. "Yeah. I mean I don't look human and Vigran hates beings who hides who you truly are behind a mask." said Zane. "I thought that was Liv." said Havoc. "They have similar mindsets in that regard Havoc." said Zane. "That's true. I'm going back but don't hesitate to call me. I'll be here to support." said Havoc as he went back into Zane. "Okay Zane." said Frosch as he glowed. 

In the place of the boy, a one foot eight anthropomorphic green fur cat stood there on his hind legs. He has large, round black eyes with each eye having a pair of prominent eyelashes and rosy cheeks. His entire body ,except for his face, is covered by a pink frog like suit. It's similar to the hoodie that Frosch was wearing earlier including the black spots and the suit sports a plain belly. It has webbed hands and a hood forming the frog's head, that completes with two beady eyes resting on the hood, over his head. 

He has a long tail. "So where are we going Zane?" said Frosch. "Washington." said Zane. "The capital or state?" said Frosch. "The state." said Zane. "Okay. Lets go." said Frosch as he jumped onto his left shoulder. Before Zane could go anywhere, Frosch looked at Zane. "So I'm confused about something Zane." said Frosch. "What about little buddy?" said Zane. "Why are we going to see your friend? I mean I'm sure that the Alliance would have the information on the mask wearing guy." said Frosch.

The feline crossed his arms as he said,"They know everything right? You're not mad at the Alliance are you?". "I'm not mad at the Alliance Frosch but Vigran is the man for the job at getting information that doesn't involve that pesky red tape. I would ask Apollo but he's busy on an assignment involving Xena aka a really bad woman." said Zane. Frosch accepted that as an answer as Zane teleported away with Frosch by his side.

On the outskirts of Cypress Park, there was pieces of diamonds and an unconscious man nearby it. Due to the destroyed mask, we're able to see the man's true face and how he looked. He has scruffy looking black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He looked very handsome and in his early 20s. Due to his mask being missing thanks to Frosch, his right collar bone was exposed and it showed a strange orange mark planted there. Due to Frosch's kick, he had the feline's sneaker imprinted on his face. 

A feminine voice said,"You failed the goddess Owl. I don't feel bad.". To the right of the unconscious Owl, a man and woman stood there. These two were dressed very similar to Owl except the male was much bigger than Owl in terms of muscle mass and height. The male looked to be a few inches shorter than Zane with him wearing a silver bulldog shaped burga type mask. His mask has the same colored eye pieces as Owl. 

Under his cloak, he's wearing a black combat style body armor and not skirt over his waist. He isn't wearing the boots and gloves that Owl wore. The female's boots had a noticeable heel to them and she was wearing a bronze unicorn shaped burga type mask with jade green eyepieces. "So what do you want to do with him Bulldog? Send him back home to be cleansed so he doesn't squeal like a piggy?" said the female with her making oinking sounds. 

The male looked at her which caused her to stop the sound effect. "That's typical of what we do with those who failed the goddess but we can still use him. I'm sure I can explain why we didn't just erase him on the spot. Tell me. What was his last mission Unicorn?" said Bulldog. "According to Cherub, he was asked by the goddess to kill Zane Alvarez. It's a pretty hard mission to accomplish but we would do anything for the Goddess." said Unicorn.

Bulldog nodded as he said,"Yes Zane Alvarez. He is a threat to the goddess's plan if left alone. We will be assisting him due to how strong the target is.". He picked up Owl who groaned. "Just the three of us?" said Unicorn. "Yes. Our goddess has a plan and we will complete it no matter what. We'll get Owl here a new mask and hopefully, he'll be happy about not losing the goddess in his heart and mind." said Bulldog. The three were gone by a portal that was similar to the one that Owl made earlier. 

Meanwhile with Frosch and Zane, the duo had appeared in Traverse Groves. "Yep. You really know where the best locations for your club Vigran. This part of town is sketchy beyond belief." thought Zane. The duo was walking down the cold, dark streets of a section of Traverse Groves that's filled to the brim with sin. Every city has a place like this and Traverse Groves is no exception to this. Frosch looked around to see with him saying,"Wow! This place is really something huh Zane?!". 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. It sure is. We may explore this place at a later date but we have somewhere specific to be.". He waved to some people who recognized him. He was famous throughout the country after all. "Okay." said Frosch as the two kept walking through the red light district of Traverse Groves. "That's strange." thought Zane. "What do you mean Zane?" said Havoc. The two were talking to each other through their special connection. 

The Cross Species crossed his arms much to the confusion of Frosch as he thought,"I'm well aware of how busy red light districts can be. This is quiet.". "Are you sure? It seems pretty busy to me!" said Havoc. "Yeah. There may be a lot of people but it is less loud than normal. I bet it's because of the weather lately. It's been stormy all over the planet like it was six years ago." thought Zane. "Yeah. It's strange. Do you think it has something to do with that energy Vigran detected earlier?" said Havoc. 

Zane looked at Frosch who was distracted by a shiny light. "Perhaps but there is only one way to find out." thought Zane. They eventually reached their destination which was in the middle of Traverse Groves's red light district. "Wow! This building is so big Zane." said Frosch with a huge smile plastered on his face, admiring the building in front of him. "Yeah. Vigran really liked to go above and beyond sometimes." said Zane.

The two were in front of a large building with it being about five floors. The building has a neon sign saying,"Club Temptation" in the center of it with two large seductive looking devil posing seductively on either side. Normally, Zane wouldn't take someone like Frosch here but the feline was determined to help Zane on this case and the Cross Species could never say no to him since he's so adorable. Frosch noticed the long line of people outside of the building. 

He turned toward Zane with him saying,"Oh wow. That line is so long. So how are we going to get in there? I mean we don't have time to waste right?". "You're right about us having little time but there is always another way into a building." said Zane, pointing to the left side of the building. There was a door cracked open with fluorescent light and loud thumping pop music coming out of it. "Oh. I just realize something. Are your ears going to be okay Zane?" said Frosch. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I will be fine Frosch. I'm not the only being in the Omniverse with sensitive hearing but thanks for worrying about me.". He and Frosch sneaked into the backalley and opened the steel door. "So where are we Zane?" said Frosch as he jumped off Zane's shoulder. After closing the door behind him, Zane looked to see that there were in a room. It had a large queen pink bed with a wall of cabinets on the left and the entrance to the bathroom on the right. 

In front of the bed, there was a silver pole that stretched up to the veiling. The walls of the room were noticeably sound proof with matching queen pink foam panels covering the walls. The door leading to the alley was a silver color and the door leading to the building was the same color. "How should I go about this? Let me just say this." thought Zane. "It's a room where a lot of fun happens. We should probably get out of here." said Zane. "Why?" said Frosch. 

Zane looked at the feline with him saying,"To find my friend obvious or did you forget the mission we're on?". Frosch nodded as Zane opened the door and looked out to see no one there. The two were walking down a large, wide hallway with soft red carpet covering the floor and the ceiling arched high above them. The two eventually reached the main part of the building with Zane sighing. "Of course he did this to spite me." thought Zane. 

There were two floors to the part of the building with there being a bar area to the right of the room with stools that had purple heart shaped cushions. Most of the booths were black with matching purple cushions to the stools. There were silver polls at these booths with there being a large wooden, well-polished stage. It had  two silver poles with an aquarium behind the stage. There were rooms off to the side ,that said,"Privacy", with men and women walking into them.

Both genders had a goofy looking expression on it. The customers cheered and laughed as they talked with their servers as if they were old friends. From what Zane could tell, they were regulars. "Hey Zane. So why is everyone dressed up like your forms but weird? They're practically wearing nothing!" said Frosch. All of the servers ,male and female of a variety of species, were wearing slutty version of Zane's forms much to his embarrassment. 

All of them were nines and tens in the looks department since Vigran had a talent for getting physical attractive people to work here. "It's complicated Frosch. I'll tell you about it later. How about we get a drink?" said Zane. "Really? Don't we have to find your friend?" said Frosch. "Oh don't worry. He knows that I'm here." said Zane. "Okay!" said Frosch. Before they could get too far, they were spotted by a woman. "Hold on sirs!" said the woman. 

Zane turned to see a buxom, curvaceous woman standing there. She was wearing a bright blue bunny suit and she was made out of fire. "She's on fire Zane! Put her out!" said Frosch. "Not exactly little buddy. She is a species where they're sentient flames." said Zane. "So how may I help you two?" said the living flame in a sensual manner. "We would like a table please." said Zane in a calm and collect manner. 

The flame smiled as she said,"Oh really? If that's the case, follow me please and I'll set you up at a place handsome.". She went over to a counter and pulled out a menu.  The duo followed the flame to a table with her saying,"Here's your seat sirs.". "Thank you miss flame!" said Frosch as he sat down on the booth. He got really comfortable thanks to the cushion behind him and he smiled. "This is really soft Zane!" said Frosch. 

Upon hearing the name Zane, the flame's eyes widened and she had a alluring smile on her face. "I guess Vigran's idea of comfortable hasn't changed over the years." said Zane. Zane turned toward their server with his eyes perfectly level with her bust and he sighed. She was trying to seduce him since during their walk here, she was making sure that her bottom would mesmerized anyone who looked at it. "If I didn't have Rae do stuff like this, I would have fallen for it maybe." thought Zane. 

Frosch possibly being seduced wasn't an issue since well, he doesn't care about girls just yet. That may change but not today. "If you want to touch and cope a feel of my body, you're going to have to pay extra for it. If you ask for a dance, that's another story." said the flame, making her fiery cleavage more obviously. "Sounds nice but maybe another time. We would like to see the manager of this place. I'm an old friend of his. You heard my friend here say my name right?" said Zane. 

The flame woman nodded as she said,"Of course. We've been expected you for a while. Will your friend be joining us?". "Yep. Where I go, he goes." said Zane. "Yep! I'm his wing man!" said Frosch with a smile. The flame giggled a little bit at the feline as she said,"Lets get going then.". The trio went up to the second floor with Zane noticing that the flame was teasing him. It was made obvious to him thanks to her hips swaying in a exaggerated manner. 

Luckily, Frosch wasn't paying too much attention to that since he wasn't interested in that kind of stuff yet. Frosch saw two security guards ,who made out of stone, standing in front of a double door at the far end of the top floor. It has a golden plague on it that said,"Manager." on it. "So is this where your friend is?" said Frosch as the flame woman walked inside of the room. "Yep. My friend is pretty important here." said Zane. 

The doors creaked open as the flame said,"Alright Zane. Mr. Vigran will see the two of you now.". She held the door open for him with Frosch and Zane stepping into the room as the flame bunny closed the door behind them. They were in a lavish room with pictures, pinups, and little knick-knacks hanging everywhere. The floor was covered by a nice looking red curtain. There was a full-length mirror on the right side of the room. 

In the center of the room, there was a large desk and behind it sat the manager Vigran aka the Devil's Artist and a Jaeger. He sat there with his ever permanent smile on his face. Vigran is around eight foot six with him having a slender, womanly build to him. He doesn't have curves like Bridgette but from a distance, you would think that he's a woman and you're not wrong since he identifies as a male but has feminine plumbing. It's complicated but this is due to his species.

He has red coral colored skin with a long, angular face and gold freckles. He has fluffy looking golden blond hair styled into five points, making it looking like a triangle. The final two points are forming horns with three cyan blue streaks in his "horns". The ends of his hair's points had have a noticeable red glow to them. He has two dark pink eyes with round, circular white pupils. He has a medium sized mouth filled with pointy sharp golden teeth. 

Vigran's mouth curled at the end. His hands looks human with four fingers and a thumb but his feet are cloven red hooves. He wears a black suit jacket with with gold buttons and cuffs. His suit jacket has a hood to it. He wears a dark magenta turtleneck under his jacket. He wears sleek, slim looking black pants with shiny white dress shoes with his shoes having a cyan blue lightning bolt design to them. He has a long, curly tail with it covered in black fur.

In front of the desk, there was a large soft heart shaped red chair. To the sides of the desk, there were golden polls. "Zane my dear old friend. How are things with you?" said Vigran as he motioned Zane to sit across from him which Zane did. "Good. So why did you call me here? It better be important." said Zane as he sat down with Frosch sitting on his lap. "You need information right? Why not go to the Alliance?" said Vigran. 

Frosch smiled as he said,"Zane says that he doesn't want to deal with all of the red tape. My name is Frosch. You're very pretty sir.". He held out his right paw to the manager. "Nice to meet you as well Frosch. So when were you going to tell me about this little guy? He's adorable." said Vigran as he pinched Frosch's cheeks. "I'm pretty sure you already knew about him since you follow Akana and Bri on Zenith. Those two both post pictures of Frosch." said Zane.

Vigran shrugged as he said,"Fine. I already knew about him so why haven't you introduced me to him before now?". "Because I didn't want you to trick him into working for you. I'm sure that Frosch's high level of cuteness would bring you a truck load of customers and well, I rather not have Frosch working here. So lets quit the small task. You call me here for something important right?" said Zane. "That's fair. So lets talk. I'm sure you remember what I told you about over the phone." said Vigran. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. How the recent storms are similar to the ones seen six years ago and how they almost destroyed Australia. They're still recovering since a good portion of the continent was ripped from the planet.". "Yeah. I guess they were thankful for you being there. Well, I began to do some investigation and I found something shocking. I need to inform you about it in person." said Vigran.

Frosch and Zane nodded as Zane said,"Go on.".  Vigran pressed a button on the desk in front of him and the full length mirror went upwards, revealing a large computer screen. It displayed various numbers and symbols. "Like I told you over the phone Zane, the storm was made out of a very strange energy source. It was similar to Animus but stronger." said Vigran. "Is it Liasada? I thought only Magnus could only use it." said Frosch. "You're right about that but it's complicated." said Vigran.

The feline looked confused as he said,"You're right. I'm sure that I or any other different Magnus didn't create since well, this energy isn't Liasada but it's raw and unrefined.". This statement confused Frosch even more. "That's what I told Zane over the phone but I managed to find something out. I found out where it came out." said Vigran. A keyboard appeared from the desk with him typing away at his keyboard. Seconds later, an image of a continent appeared. 

Frosch's eyes widened as he said,"Oh wow. That place looks big! So what is it?". "That's the continent of Ishgar or to be more specifically, the kingdom of Fiore." said Zane. "You know what that is don't you Zane?" said Vigran. "I do. So where is it? I'm sure I would noticed it appearing from out of nowhere like that." said Zane. "That's the thing. It didn't appear here in the Prime Dimension but it will if we leave things alone." said Vigran. "What do you mean by that?" said Frosch.

Before he could answer him, Zane sensed something and looked serious. "Vigran. Do you mind give us this information later?" said Zane. "Yeah. I heard it too. Do you two mind taking care of them while I get the customers to safety?" said Vigran. "Sure. Lets show them what two Jaegers can do." said Zane as Vigran disappeared. "What's going on Zane?" said Frosch with him looking serious. "I'll explain it too you later. Get ready to fight Frosch." said Zane. 

Frosch nodded as Zane grabbed him and teleported out of the room. On the first floor of the club, there was chaos. "Where is he? I demand Zane and his little friend right now! They made a fool out of me in front of the goddess!" said a male's voice. Several purple Impulse beams appeared from purple magic seals and they originated from a specific source. The source was Owl who had a brand new mask and was laughing manically. "Shouldn't we stop him?" said a voice. 

Bulldog sat at the bar with Unicorn shrugging. "You can but it's quite the pointless effort. This was bound to happen eventually since those who fail the goddess are doomed to have the memory of her erased and that's a fate worse than death itself." said Unicorn, sipping some booze. Owl stopped his energy beam barrage when his mask smiled. "Where are you? I know that you're here you damn brat! I will keep blasting this place until you appear!" said Owl. 

The duo of Bulldog and Unicorn watched as Owl was caught up in an explosion of platinum colored energy. From the bar, Bulldog caught Owl with him saying,"It seems that your plan worked. Good job Owl. Our target is here.". On the stage, Frosch ,in his human form, stood there with Zane who smirked at them. "Yep. I sure am here. You made a grave mistake in attacking this place. Tell me what all of you doing here and who you're working for." said Zane. 

Unicorn looked at Bulldog who placed Owl on the ground in a painful manner. "It seems that Zane was able to tell the obvious since Owl probably mentioned her once. The three of us are members of the Order of Rukinity." said Unicorn. "Order of Rukinity?" said Frosch. "I heard about your little group before but you guys are nothing but small potatoes compared to the Zentopia Church. I wonder how override is doing. Probably still a grouch." said Zane. 

A green magic seal appeared behind Unicorn as she said,"So you did visit that realm before. It matters not. Prepare to die.". Frosch saw her disappeared with him thinking."She's fast like Zane!". He turned toward Zane as the two heard,"Hypernova Strike!". Unicorn reappeared with him aiming her right fist at Zane's head but it was blocked by Zane's left hand. The impact of her head made a noticeable burst of wind around them. 

Owl's eye pieces widened as he said,"Impossible! Unicorn is the fastest woman in the Order! She makes that hat wearing loser look like a turtle!". "Focus. Fire your spell to distract them and I'll take care of the cat." said Bulldog as he slammed his left hand right into his right hand. As he did that, a red magic seal appeared before vanishing. This seal was different compared to the duo of Owl and Unicorn with it having several words etched into it. "You got it Bulldog! Dark Rando!" said Owl. 

Several beams of Impulse flew toward Frosch and Zane. Unicorn vanished as Frosch jumped back and Zane looked at the Impulse. "I think I got it now." said Zane. The beams slammed into Zane, causing an explosion. "We got him!" said Owl. "Don't get cocky Owl!" said Bulldog as Unicorn reappeared behind Bulldog. Bulldog looked around and saw that the younger boy was gone. "Where did he go?" said Bulldog. "We managed to clean up Owl's mess so I think this was a success." said Unicorn. 

Before Bulldog could say anything, he noticed some seeds hitting the ground. "What the?" said Bulldog as the seeds began sprouting into vines and they covered the three cult members. "Sorry but you won't be escaped this time around." said a nasally and stuffed voice. "You say that mysterious voice but we were blessed by the goddess! Darkness...." said Owl as he tried to break out of the vines but was unable to move thanks to the vines becoming stronger. "Sorry but that won't be happening." said a voice. 

The trio turned to see Frosch standing there. "Seriously?! You're the one to keeping us in here." said Owl as he groaned in pain due to him being less durable compared to the bulky Bulldog but was more durable than Unicorn. "Quit squirm or Zane's vines will get stronger. Just stop fighting it. I mean Zane has already figured you guys out." said Frosch. "And why should we do that?" said Unicorn. "Because any attempt at stalling will fail. Explode." said the nasally voice from before. 

Frosch went back as the three cult members were caught in an explosion of ice. "That never gets old Frosch. Even those masks filter out gas, they can still be affected by it." said the nasally voice as the ground opened up and revealed Zane standing there. He was in Swamp Form. He looks to be a tall and muscular humanoid plant, being eight feet tall. His skin color is a emerald green color with black patches around his ankles, knees, shoulders, and waist. 

His body is covered in brown roots which end around his ankles and wrists. He has five blackish red wooden fingers which are in the shape of claws and in the center of his palm, there is a hole. He has five blackish red wooden toes being more like vines rather than claws. The five toes are wrapped around a silver rock. At the bottom of the rock and in the center of the rock, there is a hole. this hole is also in the center of his palms. 

Zane has a black and green collar around his neck, resembling a blossoming flower. His head is very much like a flame with his face being a yellow color and his forehead is black. His hair is red with the tips of them being orange. He wears a black mask over his eyes. He has green eyes and they’re an oval shape. He has black pupils. He has two long and flowing petals coming out of his shoulders, which resembling flames. 

He has fire colored horns on his ankles and kneecaps. He has three orange, red, and yellow orbs ,which resembles flames, running down each of his arms. "How did you do that exactly? You covered them in methane and made it explode with fire right? If that's the case, it should be a fiery explosion not a frozen one right?" said Frosch. "It's a secret." said Zane. "Didn't you use this exact same tactic on Basalt back in the day?" said Havoc. 

Zane was quiet as the ice cleared up thanks to an explosion from within the ice. "Boom!" shouted a voice as Bulldog stood there with him glaring at Zane. The man glared at Zane with him saying,"Your little trick won't on someone like me. Do it now you two!". Unicorn nodded as her arms were covered in a green magic seal. "Rapid-Fire Strike!" said Unicorn as she began rapidly punching and kicking the larger man. "What is he doing?" said Frosch. 

The plant glared at Bulldog as he said,"I don't know but focus on taking down his two friends. I'll handle the alpha dog.". He began charged toward the dog. "Not happening Zane! Dark Enveloping Claw!" said Owl as a claw of purple Impulse formed from the ground and went around Frosch, making him unable to move. "Frosch!" said Zane. "Flash!" said Bulldog as Zane looked around to see that the area around him was covered in light and created a massive explosion of light. 

Frosch closed his eyes as he heard Owl said,"Goddess! Did you have to make such a big explosion of light?". "Quit complaining Owl. Our mask prevent light from affecting us. You're being a bigger baby even more than normal." said Unicorn's voice. "Focus you two. Did we take him down? I think we need to bring back the boy to the Goddess." said Bulldog's voice. "Why?" said Owl and Unicorn's voice in unison. 

The light was beginning to fade as Frosch opened his eyes to see Bulldog in front of him. "Because he's a....." said Bulldog as the man was punched in the face and sent flying by a fiery explosion. "I won't let you take Frosch! Hellfire Emperor Ignition!" said a voice. Frosch turned to see Zane standing there with a smirk. "Zane! You're okay!" said Frosch. "Yeah. I'm not going down by a tacky light show and how you're not longer being contained in darkness." said Zane as his hands were covered in fire. 

Zane placed his hands on the darkness that was around Frosch and it faded away with the boy smiling at this. "I think so too!" said Frosch. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane heard,"Boom!". There was a wall of vines in front of Frosch and Zane, protecting them from an explosion. The duo of Owl and Unicorn stood there as Bulldog stood in front of the wall of vines with the man's sleeves burned up. "Your fire may be strong but it only gave me energy!" said Bulldog. 

From the other side of the wall, Zane smiled. "So I was right. Your body absorb and builds up kinetic energy into your body from anything. Don't know if that's because of your magic but it doesn't matter." said Zane. "Of course Zane! I'll defeat you not because my goddess asked me too! It's because I never give up on a good fight! Rumble!" said Bulldog as he began punching the wall in front of him. Each one of his punches were causing an explosion.

Owl sighed as he said,"Even though he's one of the smartest and strongest member in the Order of Rukinity, he is a fighting obsessed freak.". "Indeed. Even after joining the Order, all of us keep a part of our old lives in tact. For Bulldog, it is his obsession for fighting. For you Owl, it's your lust for the ladies. For me, it's my love of snark." said Unicorn. "Hey! I don't have a lust for the ladies!" said Owl with him glaring at Unicorn. 

Unicorn rolled her eye pieces as she said,"Oh really Owl? Do you think you using the order's money for clubs like this would go unnoticed? How stupid.". The two began arguing as Bulldog sighed. Frosch turned toward Zane who was focused on keeping the wall of vines in tact by replacing any vines that were destroyed by Bulldog's explosions. "Hey Frosch. I got an idea." said Zane. "Sure! I'm ready to do anything I can to help you." said Frosch. "Good. Now here's the plan." said Zane.

The vine wall was gone as Bulldog turned toward Owl and he yelled,"Do it right now Owl!". "Right Bulldog! Darkness Insurgence!" said Owl as several streams of purple Impulse came flying out of the magic seals around him and slammed into the area where Frosch and Zane were. It caused a massive explosion of darkness. "And we're done now. Lets go home. I'm bored." said Unicorn. Before she could get too far, she was covered in a platinum colored explosion. "Unicorn!" said Owl. 

Frosch ,with his wings out, floated above them as he said,"Don't get cocky! We'll never give up! Comet Strike!". He flew right toward them and cocked back his right fist. Said fist connected with Owl in the face. "Boom!" said Frosch as Bulldog watched the boy mimicking his spell. An explosion sent Owl flying away with Bulldog clenching his teeth. "I bet you're really shocked to see my little buddy copy your magic huh?" said a voice. 

Bulldog turned around with him seeing both Vigran and Zane standing there with the latter out of Swamp Form. "What do you mean by that Zero?" said Bulldog. "Lets just that it's thanks to a whole lot of training." said Zane. "Fine. I'll make you tell me. Lets go! Pew Pew!" said Bulldog as he began firing out blue Impulse blasts toward the two Jaegers. With no problem at all, Vigran and Zane dodged his attack. 

Vigran looked at Bulldog with him saying,"Oh wow. This guy is really strong. Totally didn't expect that given who his partners are but wow, the cat can really fight.". He watched Frosch dodge and strike both Owl and Unicorn with no problem. "Yeah he really is Vigran. He managed to survive my training to become the strongest and cutest being in the Omniverse." said Zane. "Oh wow. He should get a medal since he survived your spartan ,barely draconian, yet extremely effective training." said Vigran. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. He was really determined.". "Hold on. Did you say that he's a cat? I call total ......" said Owl as he was kicked in the face. "Don't get distracted birdy!" said Frosch as he looked at Unicorn. "Dark Rondo!" said Frosch as he unleashed Owl's attack right at Unicorn. Bulldog watched this go on as he clenched his fists. "We need to retreat now. I think the goddess needs to know about this." thought Bulldog. 

Before he could grab either Owl and Unicorn, Zane smiled. "You're not escaping until I get all of my questions answered!" said Zane as he leapt toward Bulldog and cocked back his left fist with it being covered in platinum colored energy. "Zenith Punch!" said Zane as Bulldog blocked it with his open right hand. Zane's attack caused a massive explosion with Bulldog getting sent flying into the duo of Owl and Unicorn, shattering the stage. "Ow! What's wrong with you?!" said Owl. 

Unicorn nodded as she said,"Yeah you fighting maniac. Use a defensive spell for once in your life.". "I don't have any defensive spells but well, I do have a lot of energy built up thanks to Zane's attack." said Bulldog. Before he could do anything, the trio was covered in turquoise candy syrup. "Even though I've seen you do a hundred plus times by now, I still find it gross." said Vigran. He looked at Zane who smiled as he wiped away some candy syrup from his mouth. "I think so too!" said Frosch. 

Zane looked at Frosch as he said,"Seriously? You too Frosch? I thought you like my candy syrup.". "So why haven't you broken us out yet?" whispered Unicorn. "I can't." muttered Bulldog. "Seriously?! What do you mean by that? We should be absorbing Impulse like we do back home!" yelled Owl. "Shut up idiot! We don't want them to know about where we're from!" said Unicorn. "And now, you're the one yelling." muttered Bulldog. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up. A blue portal appeared and a giant beam of white Impulse came flying out of it. "Almighty Shield!" said Zane as a transparent gold shield like barrier appears and wraps around Zane's group like a warm hug. It blocked the white beam with ease as Frosch looking around them. The floor was getting erased as Vigran groaned. "Seriously? Do you know how much money it's going to cost to fix this place?" said Vigran. 

Frosch looked at Zane with him nodding. "Not much mister since you can reverse time according to Zane. I'm sure Hourglass wouldn't mind if you did that." said Frosch. "Oh wow. You told him about my special power thanks to your telepathy. You've gotten good with it. So will you and Frosch put in a good word for me?" said Vigran. "Perhaps." said Zane with Frosch nodding. The energy beam eventually vanished as Zane undid the barrier around them. "Son of a....". muttered Zane. 

The Cross Species saw that the three members of the order were gone. "I guess that beam must have been a distraction for their buddies to pick them up." said Vigran. "Oh no Zane! What are we going to do?!" said Frosch. "Don't worry little buddy. Unlike last time, I came prepared." said Zane. "Let me guess. You placed a C.O.N.E. on those three during the chaos earlier. You're such a clever one aren't you Zane?" said Vigran. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. I was unable to read these minds thanks to those annoying masks they are wearing so before we go, mind telling us what you were going to tell us about in your office before those three showed up?". "Yes please!" said Frosch. "Sure but mind fixing this place for me?" said Vigran. "Sure. I'm used to cleaning up after fights. Been doing it since I was sixteen and well, I don't think I'm going to stop that any time soon." said Zane as he looked down at his watch. 

A little bit later, Vigran sat back in his desk with Frosch back in his feline form. "So what do you mean earlier? If we leave Fiore alone, something bad will happen right?" said Frosch while sitting in Zane's lap and enjoy a hot fudge sundae. "I'm impressed that you remembered that Frosch but well, I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." said Vigran. "Get to the point." said Zane. "I think so too!" said Frosch. "Of course. I asked Akana and Bri to check out Fiore." said Vigran. 

Havoc emerged from Zane's left arm as he said,"Those two? Investigate and being inconspicuous? Why do I have trouble believing you?". "You know he has a point right?" said Zane. "Of course. Well, their actions in Fiore were unknown thanks to a particular guild there. Pretty sure you know which one I'm talking about. So did you recognize those mask wearing idiots's Impulse after I got rid of this?" said Vigran as he held three bracelets. 

They were a jade green color with them being in the shape of hourglasses. "Let me explain what they are. These things were blocking Zane from sensing them. I'm sure that if they were assassins, they would be really good at their job since their Impulse can't be sensed. Not against Zane or myself but against a corrupt businessman, they would be good no doubt." said Vigran. "Oh wow. That's so cool Vigran!" said Frosch. "Yeah but I wish they weren't used against us." said Havoc.

Zane nodded as he said,"Thanks Vigran. The magic seals made it obvious where their Impulse is. Their Impulse is a weaker version of the storms and this stand of Impulse is called Ethernano.". Frosch looked at Zane who looked serious. "Zane. Are you okay?" said Frosch. "He is currently thinking Frosch about something. So what's your opinion about this?" said Vigran. "What do you mean?" said Frosch. "Oh wow. You really don't know and you didn't tell him Zane." said Vigran. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"I wasn't sure Vigran and you know why.". "Sure about what? I'm confused." said Frosch. "When I found you on the outskirts of China six years ago Frosch, you had the typical sign of traveling between dimensions aka your Impulse was altered. It seems that you and those mask wearing weirdos are from the same place. Fiore is your home Frosch since you use Ethernano like they did." said Zane. 

Frosch was silent with Zane sighing. "Look Frosch. I know that you're mad at me for not telling you this but I wasn't sure." said Zane. "You weren't sure about something?" said Vigran. "Of course Viggy. I'm a being of the Omniverse so I make mistakes. So these storms are because Fiore and the Prime Dimension are going to collided aren't they?" said Zane. "Don't call me Viggy Zane. Akana does and it pissed me off. Nope. It's a good old fashioned...." said Vigran. "I'm not mad at you Zane!" said Frosch.

The two Jaegers looked at Frosch with him smiling. "Sorry but I needed to speak my mind." said Frosch. "You don't look sorry to me." said Vigran as Havoc sprouted a tendril and hit the club owner in the arm. "Of course he is! Can't you tell Vigran?" said Havoc. "Honestly, I'm still not sure he is a guy but whatever. You know him better than I do and well, I'm just impressed you hit me even though me and your partner share the same title." said Vigran. 

When the club owner said this, Havoc went back into Zane and was scared for his life. "Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry for hitting you like that!" said Havoc. "Vigran. Please don't scare Havoc. You know how much of a worrywort he can be sometimes even though he is so much stronger than he was back then. So why aren't you mad at me for not telling you the truth Frosch? I expected a violent reaction rather than this." said Zane.

Frosch looked right at Zane with him saying,"Because Cypress Park is my home Zane not this flower place! I've never even been there before so why should I care about it?". "That's true. I mean Zane has been there before and has made a name for himself over there." said Vigran. "You have? I didn't know that." said Frosch. "Yeah. I didn't tell you because well, I didn't know that you were from Fiore before today. I'll tell you about it later since it's a very long story. Is that okay?" said Zane.

The feline nodded as Zane turned toward Vigran. "So what do you need us to do about the storms? And do you think the Order of Rukinity is involved somehow? Both the storms and the Order of Rukinity are connected somehow since they both use Ethernano. I hate to sound paranoid but in my experience, they are usually connected." said Zane. "They also want you dead since the dog and owl guy claimed that you're going to stop their goddess." said Frosch. 

Havoc emerged from Zane's arm as he said,"To be fair, Zane probably would have done something if the Prime Dimension somehow found itself in danger to begin with but them attacking you like this only let to their death. Right Frosch?". "I think so too!" said Frosch. "You're absolutely right about the Order and storms being connected Zane. According to what I've heard about them thanks to Bri, they have a weapon that's capable of destroying dimensions." said Vigran.

The club owner sighed as he said,"And much to no one's surprise, they're planning on destroying the entire Omniverse.". "I'm confused Zane. What does he mean by that? I get that the weapon they have is dangerous but what does he mean by the entire Omniverse being destroying?" said Frosch. "You didn't tell him that if the Prime Dimension is destroyed, the entire Omniverse goes boom. What kind of friend are you?" said Vigran. "The best kind!" said Frosch. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I did tell him that but he doesn't get it even when I used the pop up book and puppets. Let just say that we need to stop the Order no matter what Frosch.". Frosch nodded as he smiled. "I see. Don't worry Frosch. I know that Akana still doesn't get that this planet is the center of the Omniverse despite her age. So do you happen to know where they are?" said Vigran. "Yeah. According to the C.O.N.E.s, they are the historic seaport in New Jersey. Fan freaking tastic." said Zane. 

Frosch looked at Zane with him saying,"What's wrong with New Jersey Zane?". "I don't have a problem with New Jersey the state Frosch. I just had a very unique experience with a group of jerseyites that were from another dimension. They almost took over several dimensions before I stop their dimensional conquest." said Zane. "Yeah. That was definitely a mission I've never forget. So much spray tan and the usage of a certain word. Just thinking of that mission freaks me out." said Havoc, shivering.

Vigran looked at the confused Frosch with him saying,"Yeah. Zane has done a lot in his career. So are you two going to go by yourselves? I mean this is some pretty big stuff. Maybe ring the Alliance for some assistance or perhaps your elite team.". "Um. Are you going to come with us?" said Frosch. "Sorry but I'm not really a fighter like the rest of the Jaegers. I usually leave the fighting to the other Jaegers since all of them love to fight." said Vigran. 

Zane sighed as he said,"That stereotype mainly applies to Bri you know. We'll be just fine right little buddy? I'm sure the two of us can handle this by ourselves since the other members of Team Maelstrom are currently off dimension right now and on assignments that take full priority. Are you up for the job? I mean we're a pretty strong duo aren't we?" said Zane with a pretty confident face. "I think I so too!" said Frosch with him flexing a bit. 

Vigran looked at the two as he said,"Okay then you two. I wish you good luck. I don't think I need to say this to you but please be safe Zane. A lot of beings would be really upset and probably go after the being if you die Zane. Myself included.". "Of course. I know that. Trust me. I died once and I rather not relieve that feeling again thank you very much." said Zane, remembering the time he died thanks to Basalt during the War of Galnatilia but was brought back from the dead. 

The club owner nodded as he said,"I just wanted to make sure. Can't be too careful. Hey Frosch. Mind making sure that Zane doesn't do anything too stupid like I don't know set off his watch's self-destruct feature.". "Hey! That was centuries ago!" said Zane. "Of course! Me and Zane are friends! And friends always protect each other!" said Frosch. Vigran smiled as he and Zane teleported away to the Garden State. "Good luck Zane. I just hope you enjoy whatever happens next." said Vigran.

Meanwhile in New Jersey, Owl was thrown into a pillar. "I can't believe you failed the goddess not once but twice Owl. You were asked to kill Zane and even with the help of two fellow members Bulldog and Unicorn, you still failed." said a voice. Owl looked up to see one of the highest rank member of the Order Fox standing there. He's taller than Bulldog by an inch with both masked men being shorter than Zane. Unlike the duo of Bulldog and Owl, his uniform was designed differently. 

His uniform is a white ,with jade green trims, gi with the sleeves ripped off and a jade green knot-style obi, black sweatpants, and red sandals. It exposed his slim yet muscular figure with his broad shoulders on full display and part of a dark red mark. His gi has a jade green hourglass insignia etched into the back of it and the front right side of the gi. Unlike the other three members, his gi doesn't have the jade green phases of the moon and roman numbers 1-12 plastered on it. 

His fox themed mask looks to be a domino style mask with it being a gold color. His mask has ruby red eyepieces. He has spikey white hair. His mask exposes his sharp, defined facial features which including his very strong looking jaw and noticeable cheekbones. He has a dark red/crimson mark ,with it being the alchemy symbol for Creation, burned into his sternum. "So get up and defend yourself bronze boy. I want to hear you before I send you to get erased." said Fox. 

Fox heard,"I don't think he can since you hit like a truck or Bulldog whenever he's charged up.". Fox turned around to see both Bulldog ,whose uniform was back to normal after it was destroyed, and Unicorn with the latter being tied in rope. "Tsk. Just tell me that you managed to elude him Unicorn. I'm not too big on your snark." said Fox. "And here is Fox's oh so ingenious method of integration. Attack first and demand an answer even though your hit knocked them out cold." said Unicorn.

Her mask smiled as Unicorn said,"You must have done this a lot before joining the Order.". "I would suggest shut up if I were you Unicorn. I rather not see TWO members who I happen to like get erased today." said Bulldog. "Erased? Why would I get erased even though it was Owl who messed up." said Unicorn. "Because you and Bulldog were supposed to help him end Zane's life before he stops our goddess's plan. Bulldog is immune to being punished by order of the goddess." said Fox. 

Unicorn turned to see Fox right in front of her and he picked her up. "Before you toss her toward Owl, may I ask how things are going with the plan?" said Bulldog. "They're going fine since the goddess is here now." said Fox. "The Goddess is here?!" said Unicorn with this waking Owl up. "Oh. You're awake. Yes. Our Goddess Krota is here and will activate the device to get what we her loyal servants have been working on for the past five centuries." said Fox. 

The female tapped on Fox's arm as she said,"That's amazing and all but mind putting me down big guy?". Fox complied with him tossing Unicorn into Owl. "Well, I can't say that she didn't have this coming. She really needs to learn not snark with you Fox. So let me ask another question. What will we do if Zane decides to show up?" said Bulldog. "We'll take care of him if he manages to get past the guards. They were made using Jellyfish's Creation Magic." said Fox.

He crossed his arms as he said,"The guards may not be strong as those demons from back home but they'll do the job. You two better not screw up again or you'll be erased. Bulldog, make sure that they do this. If you see that they don't, you know what to do.". The gold mask wearing man glared at the two bronze masks before walking away. "Hold on. Why is Bulldog in risk of being erased? He failed in the mission too!" said Owl. 

Unicorn's eye pieces rolled as she said,"Because he's a silver bird brain. You're such a newbie. Silvers can get away with messing up from time to time unlike us bronzes.". "What about Fox? I mean we're not supposed to say the goddess's name out loud or say our real name. I mean that's an instant erased right?" said Owl. "As long as he helps the Goddess, he can say it whenever he wants. He can also says our real names too but only when he decides to erase you." said a creepy female voice.

The two bronzes turned around to see the infamous Jellyfish behind them. She wore a silver jellyfish mask and had four tentacles instead of arms. Upon seeing the silver, the two screamed in fear and this caused Bulldog to groan. "Sometimes Jellyfish. So why are you here? Please tell me that it isn't too scary the bronzes." said Bulldog. "Not this time. Zane and his little pal are here. So did I happen to hear that the little pal is a cat. I doubt it but who knows? You could be right." said Jellyfish. 

Upon hearing this, Bulldog's mask grinned in excitement. "Get ready to fight you two. I may like the both of you but don't think I'll be going easy on you. Mess up one more time and getting erased is in your immediately future." said Bulldog. "And the fighting maniac is here. Fantastic." said Unicorn. "So is she always this snarky bird brain?" said Jellyfish. "Yeah. Been like that since forever and my name is Owl not Bird Brain." said Owl. 

Outside of a warehouse in Jersey, Frosch and Zane appeared with Frosch looking around. "So this is where the bad guys are right? This place looks really lonely." said Frosch. "Yeah. Most super villain bases look like this except they usually have people. So are you ready to go stop those villains?" said Zane. "Lets do this." said Frosch. Zane nodded as the two began heading toward the warehouse. As they were getting closer, Zane's hyper hearing began picking up on laughter. It sounded quite childish. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped forward and evade a claw strike from a demon like creature that was made from stone. The stone demon had two hollow bronze eyes, a mouth that looked to be sketched on, and claws that looked like executioner blades  "Zane!" said Frosch as he saw his best friend go right through a wall thanks to the demon. "I'm okay Frosch. It's fighting time. Show him what you can do little buddy!" said Zane's voice. "Okay!" said Frosch.

The demon looked at the hole where Zane went but he turned around to face Frosch instead. "So what are these things exactly?" said Frosch. "No clue but they're made out of Ethernano which means one thing. The Order is here and wants to keep us out." said Zane's voice. The demon charged at Frosch who easily saw it coming. "Infernal Slash!" said Frosch as he jumped toward the demon. Frosch's right arm was covered in fire and using his fire covered arm as a sword, he slashed the demon.

Frosch started from the left to the right with the fire covered the demon, burning it alive. The demon roared out in pain with it turning into pebbles. "Wow. That was easy." said Frosch. He walked into the hole after Zane who waited for him. "So how was your first demon killing Frosch?" said Zane as they went further into the warehouse. "Not very good. I mean it went down in a single hit. Are all demons like that Zane?" said Frosch.

As the two were walking around, the darkness had surrounded them but they were fine due to their natural night vision and ability to sense Impulse respectively. "Sometimes. It depends on the type of demon. Those rock demons don't look to be the most study of demons but even those who may seem weak are stronger in numbers than by themselves." said Zane. "So are we getting close to the Order? I mean you can't sense them rightt?" said Frosch. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep but first, let me light the place up.". The two were in a large area with the Cross Species noticing something interesting. There was a light switch situated on the wall and Zane flipped the switch on. It was quiet for a few second before the overhead lights turned on and the room was covered in light. Frosch looked around the room with him seeing several crates stacked onto each other and barrels. "Where are Zane?" said Frosch. 

The Cross Species turned toward Frosch with him saying,"The storage area mostly likely little buddy. I can tell and not because of the box and barrels. It's the smell of dust and mold. I know that I sound weird but well, it makes sense right?". "Sure!" said Frosch. "I'm pretty sure that he's just saying this to make you feel better." said Havoc. "I know that but I don't care." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as the two heard the childish laughter from outside. "Get ready to fight Frosch." said Zane.

Several demons emerged from the ground around them and some were being formed from the wooden objects. The wooden demons looked similar to their rocky counterparts except their claws were made out of metal instead of part of their bodies like the rock demons. "And here I thought I gave up the demon slaying business a long time ago." said Zane. "At least those demons had personality and couldn't shut the hell up until you cut them down using Fafnir." said Havoc.

These material demons slowly surrounded them with Zane slowly began to smile. "I not sure if you demons have sentience but you should know this. Your pal learned what happens when you jump us. Since you're here, are you ready to teach them a lesson Frosch?" said Zane. "Yep! Lets do this!" said Frosch as a smile appeared on his face. The demons slowly surround them with Zane saying,"So who wants to go first?".

Frosch looked up as he saw a metal demon emerging from the catwalk right above them. This demon is similar to the rock and wood demons except with its body looks jagged. The demon jumped toward them with Frosch saying,"I think this guy wants to go first Zane.". "Gotcha." said Zane as he teleported away. The metal demon was planning on mauling Frosch but didn't see Zane appear to its right and was punched. 

Said demon went right into its comrades and sent them flying away. The metal demon had a noticeable fist sized indent on its body. One of the stone demon recovered with it receiving Frosch's fist directly into the jaw. "Boom!" said Frosch as the feline's fist caused an explosion on impact. This destroyed the demon and the explosion sent a couple of the other demons flying away. "You still have his magic Frosch? I thought it would have been gone by now." said Zane.

Frosch nodded as he said,"Yeah but I mean his magic is super simple to figure out so replicating is no problem.". "It is?." said Havoc. "It's basically making Impulse explode upon contact but that's just an initial assessment. I'll need to see the dog's magic in action more for a more thorough assessment. " said Zane. Zane dodged a wooden demon's claw swipe and Zane used his tail to trip the demon. The demon fell onto the ground with Zane grabbing the demon and part of the ground around it.

He did this with his left arm being gigantic. "Giant Toss!" said Zane as he tossed the demon and rubble toward a group of demons. This caused the rubble to pierce right through the wooden demons with them destroying the wooden demons but the stone demons survived. Not for long mind you due to Zane's giant fist colliding them head on. Another metal demon lunged toward him with its attack missing due to Zane turning intangible. Its claws pierced through the ground with Zane grabbing it. 

The demons didn't know how its fellow demon was floating there and they watched the metal demon get slammed into the ground hard. Zane reappeared with him unleashing a blast of Emerald Green ,with a Obsidian Black tint, fire from his mouth. "Hellfire Emperor Beam!" said Zane as he tossed the melting demon toward a group and the metal began to melt over these demons, ending their lives. Frosch flew into the air with him covering in bright green Impulse. 

He began firing beams of Impulse toward any demon that got toward them.  These beams pierced right through the demons, causing them to fall onto the ground. Zane noticed that over time, there were less demons compared to when they started. "Frosch. Stay back. I'm going to end this." said Zane as Frosch flew into the air and watched Zane held out his hands. He made his shield Epilogue appear in his left arm and sword Fafnir in his right arm. 

Epilogue is a circular, buckler shield with it being primarily steel gray and has a molten gold "LZ" in the center. It’s about 3 feet in diameter. Fafnir is a a double-edged longsword with no fuller. Its blade is a pure obsidian black color with its edge shining. The grip of the sword is a steel gray color with the crossguard resembling a pair of demonic looking dragon wings. It has a molten gold seven leaf clover etched into the blade. 

The sword's sheath is half obsidian black and snow white with a crimson red devil sigil sheath. Said sheath goes on Zane's back whenever it appears. "Ready? Lets do this." said Zane as three demons charged toward him. This trio was each made out of a different element. One demon was made out of metal, one demon was made out of stone, and one demon was made out of wood. Upon seeing them charging toward him, Zane smiled and he charging toward them with him appearing behind the trio. 

Zane's action confused the demons before they fell to the ground in pieces in a different way. The metal demon was cut in two pieces thanks to a slash going from the top of the demon to the bottom of the demon. The stone demon was cut in half similar to the metal demon except it was a horizontal aka left to right. The wood demon was cut into several pieces. As the pieces of the demons fell to the ground, Zane tossed the shield toward a group of demons with the shield being used to slice them in half. 

The Cross Species grabbed the shield with Frosch seeing that there was only two demons remaining. It was a metal demon and wood demon with the metal demon charging toward Zane. The wood demon stood there and looked at its fallen comrades. Watching Zane go to work, Frosch began to hear Zane's voice in his head and his voice said,"Frosch. I need to keep an eye on Woody for me. It's planning something nasty I'm guessing.". "Gotcha!" said Frosch. 

The metal demon was going to bring down its left claw on Zane but it was blocked by Zane slamming Epilogue right into its face. The demon was pushed back with Zane stabbing Fafnir right into its chest without hesitation. "Feeding time Fafnir." said Zane as the sword began absorbing the Ethernano that created it. The sword began glowing royal blue with the metal demon fading away. "Hey Zane! Look at that!" said Frosch as he pointed to the wooden demon. 

It began to glow with it covered in several light blue magic seals. Using his hyper hearing, Zane easily overheard a voice say,"You and the cat may have defeated my babies Zane but instead of fighting an army of demons, how about a single massive one?! Fuse together my babies and form into one massive behemoth. Combine: Metal, Stone, and Wood Demons!". The corpse of the demons began to fuse with the wooden demon and covered the wooden demon in a bright light blue glow.

Shortly after appearing, Crisis Judgement went off. Zane looked toward Frosch ,who was still in the air, with him seeing five giant saw blades heading toward Frosch who was still blinded thanks to the lightshow. "Frosch!" said Zane. He tossed Epilogue toward Frosch with the shield covering the feline and all five blades were deflected off with one of them heading toward Zane. The Cross Species made Fafnir go into his pocket dimension with him holding out his right arm to block said blade. 

It blocked the blade with Zane skidding backwards. "Zane! Are you okay?!" said Frosch as he flew toward Zane whose right arm had the giant saw blade implanted into it. Zane tossed the saw blade and Frosch saw that Zane's right arm has a noticeable gash in it. "Oh no. Are you going to be okay?" said Frosch. "Yeah. I'll be fine since my healing is quick. Get ready. We got company and I doubt it's the friendly kind." said Zane as Frosch nodded. The two looked up to see a demon in front of them.

Unlike the three types of demon before, this one looked to be more monstrous and easily twenty feet tall. It has eight different appendages with two large gorilla-like arms in the front and six horse-like legs in the back. Its body is a mixture of metal, stone, and wood with these three materials stitched together haphazardly. This stitch work was done using staplers. The left half of its body is covered in metal, the right of its body is covered in wood, and random portions of its body are covered in stone. 

Its face is similar to the demons before. It has a massive tail like appendage with five saw blades protruding from it. "Oh wow. That's an ugly demon Zane!" said Frosch. "Yeah but most demons are as I learned. Get ready to take this thing down Frosch. It seems we've gotten the Order's attention. Let's make sure we make them regret messing with us." said Zane as Frosch noticed that Zane's wound from earlier was healing up. "Okay Zane!" said Frosch. 

The demon approach slowly with it begin to break out into a sprint. "Frosch. I need you to distract the creature." said Zane. "Um. I don't mind Zane but why?" said Frosch. "I got an idea and it's a good one buddy. Just move when I tell you too okay?" said Zane with him holding his left hand out and began building up Impulse. "Okay!" said Frosch as he charged toward the demon. "Gínete Fýlakas tou Midenós!" said Frosch as he began glowing bright green and speaking in Greek.

After some time, Frosch stopped glowing and in his place was a new being. In Frosch's place, there is a eight feet tall humanoid cat standing there. His body looked like compact and muscular similar to Zane with him having sharp looking teeth and claws. His eyes are glowing blood red with cross shaped pupils. His eyes are still round and having a pair of prominent eyelashes. He has rosy cheeks. His fur is still a green color with him having several white stripes on his arms, chest, and legs. 

His rounded tiger like ears are on full display. He's wearing a bright pink sleeveless tunic with the bottom edge embroidered black, having a black spotted pattern, and has a black frog shaped emblem embroidered on the back. This emblem has two beady eyes. He wears blue jeans. His arms are protected by silver metal bracers and his knees are protected by silver shin guards. He doesn't wear shoes but is wearing black fingerless gloves that resembled webbed fingers. 

The end of his tail is similar to a flame. He has two large white angel wings coming out of his back. His body is constantly surrounded by bright green flames of Impulse. The demon and muscular cat collided fists with Frosch smiling. "Time for you to play dead!" said Frosch in a deep yet childish sounding voice. He flew above the demon and slammed both feet into the back of the creature, causing him to crash into the ground hard. This shook the entire warehouse. 

Havoc looked at Frosch with him saying,"I'm just happy that he has control of this form. He was able to use Liasada despite not being a Magnus like you.". "That's because he wanted to become stronger and having Wolfram around to help Frosch control those urges helped too." said Zane. The demon recovered from Frosch's attack and began firing its saw blades at Frosch who easily dodged them. "Darkness Insurgence!" said Frosch as several streams of purple Impulse came flying out of him. 

All of the streams slammed directly into the demon's face, causing a massive explosion on impact. "So aren't you going to say anything about him retaining that Owl's guy magic Zane?" said Havoc. "It's just darkness Havoc. Not too complicated to figure out but it's very easy to be corrupted by it." said Zane as he watched Frosch rapidly punching the demon. "Frosch! I need you to blind the demon for me before retreating! You got that?" said Zane with Frosch nodding. "Gotcha. Comet Claws!" said Frosch.

The feline's claws glowed green. He began rapidly slashing the demon with his claws leaving behind a burning impact. The most noticeable burn was over the demon's eyes with it being blinded. The larger feline flew away as Zane looked at Frosch. "Well done son. Lets finish this off!" said Zane as he made a tennis ball of platinum colored energy in his left hand. Even though it was blinded, the demon could still feel how bright and warm the ball was. 

Zane held the ball with his left and tossed it toward the demon and his throw was very similar to a professional baseball player. Upon hitting the demon, it caused a massive explosion which easily shook the entire warehouse and sent the demon flying out of there. "Lets go after it Frosch! It'll lead us to the Order I'm sure!" said Zane. "Okay!" said Frosch as the two went right after it. In a different part of the warehouse, the quartet of Bulldog, Jellyfish, Owl, and Unicorn sensed the fighting going on. 

Jellyfish began moving her head from side to side with her saying,"Oh wow. I didn't know that the kitty was strong. He was able to kill one of my babies no problem.". "So those babies are supposed to be strong. They're super easy to take down. Even Owl here can take them down no problem at all." said Unicorn. "Yeah. Hey! Are you calling me weak?!" said Owl with him glaring at her. "Hey Owl. Why fight the facts?" said Unicorn with a shrug. 

The two glared at each other with Bulldog saying,"Unicorn. Her babies aren't strong by themselves but in a group, they're powerful. I supposed to give their combined power something to compare, they are similar to a captain of the Rune Knights. By themselves, they barely get into the hundreds.". "And how are you getting this information?" said Owl. "Using a Magic Power Finder." said Bulldog. "Oh that makes total sense." said Unicorn. "It does?" said Jellyfish. "Not really but I don't care." said Unicorn.

Before this conversation could go on, the warehouse began to shake and the masked beings felt something coming toward them fast. "Hey. What are you doing Bulldog?" said Owl. The gold ranked male stood there with his hands in front of him. "Playing catch." said Bulldog. The combined demon appeared into the room with the demon looking dead and being caught by Bulldog. These two things shocked Jellyfish. "My baby! What did they do to it?! It's dead!" said Jellyfish. 

Unicorn looked at her with her saying,"You didn't say this about the weaker ones. Why is the big one such a big deal?". "I thought you would be more shocked to see Bulldog catching it." said Owl. "It's real simple because those ones took less of her magic power to create and well, I think it's time to get rid of it." said Bulldog as he tossed the giant demon toward the rooftop. It broke through the rooftop, making a massive hole in the warehouse and it was covered in red magic seals. "Boom." said Bulldog.

The demon began to burst into green slime, covering the four wizards in it. "Eew! That's gross!" said Owl. "Yeah. Don't you have any self control?" said Unicorn. Bulldog looked at Unicorn with him saying,"I don't care about self control. Get ready to fight.". "Sorry about destroying your little base but right now, I don't really care." said a voice. Owl looked up to see Zane standing there with his arms crossed. "I think so too." said Frosch as he stood next to Zane with his wings much smaller. 

Owl's eye pieces widened as he said,"Holy goddess! What happened to the cat?!". "It took a whole lot of steroids obviously. Lost its cuteness in the process." said Unicorn. "So why are all of you here? This warehouse is pretty much used for storing old equipment. I may have destroyed this place but I'm sure the city of New Jersey will blame you not me and my partner here. " said Zane. "I think so too." said Frosch. "I'm shocked to have you come to us Zane but whatever. Golden Asteroid!" said a voice.

A giant meteoroid made out of gold went flying toward Frosch and Zane with Zane smiling. "This is going to be fun! Luminous Emperor Atlas Blade!" said Zane as he made a sharp broadsword out of ghost white light in his right hand and this blade was easily two meters long. He jumped toward the golden meteoroid with him slicing the giant rock into four equally sized pieces. The four pieces fell onto the ground with one of them nearly crushing Unicorn. 

Unicorn glared at Zane with her saying,"Hey! Watch where you cut things! And you need to not make your attack squish us!". Fox walked into the room with a smug look on his face. "I don't care about you since our opponent is Zane, the being who can't be stopped especially when the innocent are in danger from villains. Golden Fists!" said Fox as he had a gold magic seal ,with bluish red electricity discharges coming from it, around his arms. The four pieces of gold glowed as they began reshaping themselves. 

In their place, there were four gigantic fists with Zane looking at them. "I got this." said Zane as the four fists slammed into Zane. "Oh wow! You squished him!" said Owl. "Not even close. Those two are just getting started." said Jellyfish. Bulldog watched the golden fists glow royal blue and began turning into Egyptian blue ,with a hint of Tyrian purple, water. "He has the same magic as Fox?! I thought he has the only one." said Unicorn. 

From the water, Zane emerged from it with him saying,"Sorry but your friend Fox isn't the only one out there who can alter the structure of Impulse. It isn't that special to be honest with you. Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Poseidon Sledgehammer!". After saying that, Zane began to move all of the water around him into a giant sledgehammer/warhammer hybrid. Zane held the hammer with him charging toward Fox. Bulldog was going to intercept the water but decided to let Fox handle this. 

Fox's body turned into green diamonds with him jumping toward Zane. His right arm grew to match the water hammer in terms of its size. "Diamond Hammer." said Fox as the two hammers clashed. This created a shockwave with both fighters glaring at each other and they landed on the ground. "Not bad at all Fox was it. I guess the dog isn't the only competent member of the group." said Zane. "You got a point there Zane." said Fox.

He clenched his fists as he said,"Those two Bronzes are weak and Jellyfish's creations are only slightly stronger than the two of them. Myself and Bulldog are the only ones strong enough to be members of the Order.". "Oh wow. He's blunt just like you Zane." said Frosch. "I like this guy little buddy. He's like the two of us." said Zane. "Of course you do." said Havoc. Before the fighting could continue, the seven beings heard a voice. 

The voice said,"Don't fight our guests my children. I'm sure they should know why I tried to have him killed.". A portal appeared with it being similar to a clock. The two clock hands reached twelve and a female appeared. She's a fairly tall woman with her being rather beautiful. She has a slender yet voluptuous build with her breasts being quite obvious. She has a fair skin complexion with narrow looking bronze colored eyes. Her sclera are a light blue color. 

She has rosy cheeks and dark purple lips with thin looking eyebrows and obvious eyelashes. She has long white hair with it reaching her waist and curls upwards. She's wearing a form-fitting white ,that shows off her extremely impressive curves, dress with a gold time themed design similar to the uniforms that the Order members ,except for Fox, were wearing. It has a low backside and neckline with two golden shoulder pads holding it up. 

The woman is wearing a brown belt. She wears black high-heel boots with gold soles. Her hands are covered in dark gray evening gloves with a clock themed pattern over the palm of her hands. She's wearing a ouroboros themed necklace around her neck. The five members of the Order bowed to her as they said,"All hail the Goddess.". "So this girl is the final boss right Zane?" whispered Frosch as he walked over to him. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. You can feel it right? The Ethernano she is generating is powerful and unlike her men, she isn't hiding it from me. If push comes to shove, I'll handle her and you take care of the goons.". "Okay. After I take care of them, I'll help you okay Zane?! Friends always protect each other!" said Frosch. "You got it little buddy and way to speak like an Alvarez or a member of Team Maelstrom." said Zane as the two fist bumped. 

Fox stood up first as he said,"Lady Krota. What are you doing here? I told you that I will handle the intruder and his little pet.". "Pet? I'm not his pet jerkface! I'm his son!" said Frosch with a big smile on his face. "Yeah. What he said." said Zane. "Zane Alvarez. Even though you claim to be a god, you use your immense power to help others in need. What a waste." said Krota with her having a lot of confidence in her voice. 

To Zane, it sounded like she had everything in the bag and that there was nothing he could do to stop her. Zane had seen this in his villains too many times and well, Zane always enjoyed destroying villains when they're like this. Even though she sounded confidence, Zane wasn't going to let his guard down around her. "If you're supposed to be an all seeing goddess, I think you should know the answer to that Krota or do you not know? I mean you're not a real goddess." said Zane. 

Bulldog clenched his teeth as he said,"Attack him right now Owl!". "You got it! Dark Rondo! Darkness Insurgence!" said Owl as he unleashed the two spells back to back. These two spells cause an explosion of darkness with Unicorn looking at Bulldog who was slammed right into the ground by Fox whose skin was still made out of green diamonds. "That only built up kinetic energy. What is he planning?" said Unicorn. "Why did you interrupt our goddess Bulldog? Tell me now or else!" said Fox. 

The gold mask looked at his superior with him saying,"Because we need to take care of Zane no matter what. He also said her real name. Isn't that against the rules?". "That's no excuse!" growled out Fox. "It's fine Fox. Bulldog was only doing what I asked of Owl but he failed twice and followed our group's doctrine. At least, he didn't fail a third time." said Krota. "Here's some words of advice Krota." said a voice.

Krota turned to find the voice with her hearing,"Don't ever say that. It's like you want the Omniverse to screw over you and your plans.". She turned toward the darkness with it cleared up. The group looked to see a giant silver blue igloo with Unicorn looking at Owl. "Oh wow. You failed for a third time. It seems that you're getting erased after this failure." said Unicorn. "Shut up!" said Owl. "Since I'm so nice, I'll get rid of the ice for you." said Unicorn as a green magic seal appeared. 

She disappeared with Fox sighing. "What's up?" said Jellyfish. "Just watch. The bronze is about to make a fool of herself just because she wanted to prove a point to the other bronze." said Fox. "Hypernova Strike!" said Unicorn with her appearing above the igloo. She slapped her left foot into the top of the igloo and this caused the woman to be frozen above. "She's an ice sculpture!" said Jellyfish. "That's because of the ice covering Zane and his feline." said Bulldog. 

Fox nodded as he said,"Correct. You're not an idiot like she is. Get her down and destroy the ice without touching it. You can do that right? Use whatever you can.". "Sure. Owl. Grab her using your magic but don't touch the igloo." said Bulldog. "You got it." said Owl as he made several purple Impulse beams and they grabbed onto Bulldog. As this was going on, Bulldog began to move his arms in a weird fashion that's was similar to an octopus tentacles. As this was going on, his knees were bent. 

Jellyfish tilted her head in confusion as she said,"What is he doing? Is he mocking me?". "Just watch and find out. I shall help." said Krota as she floated over to the frozen Unicorn. "Give me the power to crush anything in my path. Brawling Spirit: Fiery Fists!" said Bulldog. He rushed toward the igloo and began smacking it with several punches. However unlike Unicorn, he wasn't freezing. "Hey! How come he isn't a frozen dog?!" said Owl. 

He looked at his goddess who was currently unfreezing Unicorn and she did this using several gray holy like magic seals. Owl didn't hear her cast any spell but it was working fast. "It's because of his special martial arts. It is like the Chop Hanging Palm that the Drunk Falcon Bacchus uses but well, better in this goddess's opinion." said Krota. "Bacchus. Why does that name sound familiar?" said Owl. "He's the only good member of Quatro Cerberus." said Jellyfish with Fox nodding his head.

This is my personal opinion but be honest. Are there any fans of Quatro Cerberus or Quatro Puppy out there? I'm sure that there is but they are in a very small amount and I mean small since well, they didn't have the best showing during the Grand Magic Games. As Bulldog's fists connected with the igloo, the ice melting by red flames. "Not bad doggo. I guess this will be worth my time." said the voice from earlier. Bulldog was sent flying due to an attack and Fox was punched into an unknown creature. 

Krota saw that this unknown creature is Zane with him being in Alien Form. He's eight feet tall with him being a slim yet muscular humanoid reptilian alien. He has dark purple scale like skin with him having a natural emerald green exoskeleton. This exoskeleton covers his arms, chest, legs, neck, and shoulders with gaps in between, revealing his dark purple scale like skin. His head is covered by a green fire like substance which also works like his hair. 

His skull is black and skeletal, showing his pronounced cheekbones. He has two horns protruding at a solid forty five degree angle coming out of the side of his head. He has a black ink like tongue. He has three eyes, which are always hidden behind a visor. This visor is actually a natural part of his body and can’t be removed. It’s in the shape of sunglasses that exposes his forehead. It's clear and see-through, showing off his trio of eyes. 

All three eyes are oval shaped and inside of rectangular eye sockets. His left eye is a sapphire blue color, his right eye is a ruby red color, and his center third eye is a emerald green color. His ears are large and pointed like an elf. Zane has noticeable insect like traits to him with him having a black film connected to the tibia and tarsus of his legs. His mouth looks insect like. He has five fingers and talon-like toes. 

He has two emerald green and dark purple bat/moth like wings being that they come out of his back. The dark purple part of his wings is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his wings is part of his natural exoskeleton. He has a thick dark purple scaled prehensile tail with the end of it being a emerald green wrecking ball. Like with his wings, the dark purple part of his tail is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his tail is part of his natural exoskeleton. 

For clothing, Zane is wearing a long dark red cloak with it always open and has glowing molten lining to it. He wears his gray sleeveless tunic like gi and a black tie with his tie having a silver UFO on it. He wears dark purple pants with a gold obi like belt. Zane is wearing black boots with the bottom of his boots being a red color. He wears black fingerless gloves. Frosch emerged from the half frozen igloo as well. "Don't just focus on Zane! I'm here too! Frosty Hailstorm!" said Frosch. 

Several ice themed arrows appeared all around the feline and went directly toward the group of Jellyfish, Krota, Owl, and the recently unfrozen Unicorn thanks to Krota. "No way! I'm not getting frozen! Hypernova..." said Unicorn. Before she finished casting her spells, she easily grabbed Owl with her saying,"Bait!". "Hey! Don't yeet me like that you...." said Owl as the arrows collided with him. They froze him on contact and he crashed into the ground with the ice around him cracking just a bit. 

With a noticeable head shake, Jellyfish began poking the frozen Owl. "Low blow. He's probably dead maybe. You had this coming since you said yeet. That's an old meme and you know it boy." said Owl with a smile on her face. Do remember that this series takes place in 3201 AD not 2020 AD. "I don't care. The cat is mine." said Unicorn as she rushed toward Frosch with the two beginning to fight. "Die you annoying pussy cat." said Unicorn. 

She made several quick jabs to Frosch who easily dodging it and countered it. "Hammer Tail!" said Frosch as the tip of his tail turned into a hammer. He slammed it into Unicorn who coughed in pain. "Oh wow. Now that I'm fighting against beings who use that type of Impulse with Frosch being by my side, I wonder if....." thought Zane. His train of thought was interrupted by Crisis Judgement going off. "Click Click! Sizzle!" said a voice. Zane jumped off Fox as he evade a giant beam of radioactive flames. 

This came from a pissed off Bulldog whose mask was slightly broken and exposed his tanned skin. "So why haven't you gotten out of the ground? We need to make him pay by bashing him into the dirt." said Bulldog. "I would but I can't." said Fox. He was trying to break out of something invisible with Havoc saying,"So when did you bring out in the Unwordly Sphere Zane?". "I'll tell you after Havoc. Don't want to ruin the surprise." said Zane as he turned to see Bulldog. 

Bulldog began cracking his knuckles with each knuckle crack creating a shockwave. "Fine. Just get yourself out of there whenever and help me take him down. Brawling Spirit: Solar Barrage!" said Bulldog. He sent several fists made out of light toward Zane who easily dodged them. "Those fists are actually pretty helpful to me doggy. I doubt he knows about this form has the ability to absorb solar energy even though I'm another form as well." thought Zane. 

With seconds, he easily spit out a dark blue ruby shaped object. It has light blue eyes, little horns, and black bat like wings. The creature went right into Bulldog's exposed skin and he froze in place. "Huh. I thought he had a strong will to resist Vampire Form but I guess I was wrong." said Havoc. "He seems smarter than the two bronze numbskulls but I was wrong. It does happen. Good idea to have Alien Form and Vampire Form with my right arm activated Havoc." said Zane.

He watched as the barrier around Fox was removed. "These two are a very nasty combo of speed and strength. Time for Part Two." said Zane. "Thank the goddess. It's over." said Fox. "It's time for you to test your might doggy! Fight Fox!" said Zane with a smile on his face. Bulldog turned toward Fox with him roaring in anger and charged toward Fox. The two members began clashing as if they were never in the same group to begin with.

Fox went back with him glaring at Zane. "Don't think because the silver mask is fighting me means that you can live to watch us fight. Diamond Pillar! Gold Pillar!" said Fox as he stomped onto the ground and a gold magic seal ,with bluish red electricity discharges, appeared on the ground around him. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane began easily dodging the pillars of gold and green diamonds that emerged from the ground. 

Thanks to his right arm, Zane turned into a small black bat with two black ,with red interior, wings. It made dodging Fox's attack even easier. Krota watched as her minions began fighting the two heroes and she smiled. She held out her left hand and a gray magic seal appeared.  In her hand, a large gold and gray disk ,about ten feet in diameter, appeared with multiple carving made into it. The carvings resembled runes that were on the Order's magic seals. "And now activate." said Krota.

She began focused Ethernano into the disk. The runes began glowing white. Unicorn kicked Frosch right in the chest with the feline stumbled backwards. "Don't lose focus on me so easily kitty cat! Catalyze: Diamond Demons, Catalyze: Gold Demons, and Catalyze: Water Demons!" said Jellyfish with a huge smile. Three light blue magic seals went over to the diamond pillar, gold pillars, and water on the floor. 

Those three objects began forming demons that were similar to the metal, stone, and wood demons from earlier but fitting those elements instead. "I really wish I could make them different shapes but well, I don't have enough magic power to make them all too special. Just some generic goons for you two to fight. The Combine spell did a number on my magic power." said Jellyfish with her dancing around in a unique fashion. "You're such a weirdo." said Unicorn.  

Frosch began dodging the demon's strikes with him saying,"Time to see if you like going boom!". The water demons exploded with him kicking the diamond and gold demons toward Owl. They crushed him with him groaning since they shattered the ice. "Why me?" said Owl. "Because you're a butt monkey obviously." said Jellyfish with a smile. Unicorn was about to fight the distract Frosch but was kicked in the face by Zane who appeared in front of her. 

Unicorn went back with her being stunned by the powerful blow. "Zane! I thought you were fighting Dog and Fox!" said Frosch. "I was but...." said Zane. Frosch looked toward the duo of Bulldog and Fox who were fighting. "Stop it you fool! He's making us fight each other! Cobalt Hammer!" said Fox with him slamming his left arm ,which had turned into a hammer, into Bulldog. "I got the fighting bug and I ain't stopping till it's gone! Rumble! Brawling Spirit: Thunderous Rage!" said Bulldog.

The dog's punches were explosive and reminded Frosch of a thunder storm. "Everything is going boom boom!" said Frosch. "Yeah. What is she doing up there?" said Zane as his eyes widened. "Frosch! I need you to handle these fools for me okay?" said Zane as he deactivated both Alien Form and Vampire Form. "What is that?" said Frosch. "A very bad and powerful item. It's known as the Shield of Microlith and it's a dimension destroy item." said Zane. 

He charged toward Krota with him saying,"Sorry but I'm preventing you from activating the Shield of Microlith! Fierce Sol!". He launched a massive sphere of Impulse with it being a obsidian black color and made a massive explosion on impact. "Sorry Zane. Try again." said Krota as the explosion was gone. Before Zane could do anything, he was punched back by both Bulldog and Fox with the former breaking out of his mind control. "Hands off our goddess brat." said the two in unison. 

Zane glared at them as he said,"Fine. I'll just use you guys instead. Ready?". He charged right toward Bulldog and Fox. Much to Krota's shock, Zane tackled into the two and she teleported out the way of the two men. However, the two mask wearing men slammed right into the Shield of Microlith with both of them letting out screams of pain. "No! You fools! What have you done?!" said Krota. They fell onto the ground with several beams of white energy flying out of the disc. 

The Cross Species turned toward Frosch with him saying,"Frosch! Start dodging!". "Okay!" said Frosch as he went back to his normal cat form. He easily dodging the beams with one of them hitting the gold demons that protected its mistress. It was gone in a white light. "No my baby!" said Jellyfish. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned to see a giant white beam head toward Frosch and he jumped toward him. "Frosch!" said Zane. 

He grabbed the cat as the two were engulfed in the beam. Frosch looked at Zane whose pain was engulfed in pain. "Zane!" shouted Frosch. "I'm fine little buddy. Don't worry. We'll be...." said Zane as the duo of Frosch and Zane were gone in a flash of steel gray light. Before the Order could celebrate their victory, the disc began to glow brighter and brighter. An intense white light covered the warehouse from top to bottom, blinding the Order as they looked away. 

Cracks began covered the disc and there was a huge explosion. "Son of a bitch!" screamed Owl as he vanished alongside the demons and Unicorn. "For the record, I blame the two men my goddess." said Jellyfish as she vanished alongside the in pain Bulldog and Fox. Krota joined them shortly. After a moment, the light was gone and the warehouse was gone. It was erased from the Omniverse. This means only one simple thing. The Order, Frosch, Havoc, and Zane were gone.   

Next Time,
With the Shield of Microlith broken, what will happen next for our heroes? Will Zane ever go on a vacation where no one knows who he is as Legion Zero? Will Frosch ever go back home to Fiore? And what will Zane's friends think of Zane leaving the way he did? This and more next time on Fairy Legion Royal!
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced prior in Fairy Legion or Zero (Forms that were activated and used thanks to the Zenith Core within Zane's Right Arm are underlined. Their appearance will be seen at a later date):
Alien Form. This card has a black frame with a little green alien standing in the center of the card ,with a UFO in the background of the card, and the alien is giving off the sign of the horns with his hands. When Zane places this card inside, Zane leaves behind his humanity and becomes more alien like. This Form was introduced in Zero Special 1 and it's Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet.

Diamond Form. This card has a black frame with a giant rainbow colored crystal in the center of the card. This form was introduce in Zero Episode 13 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 44. This form can create diamonds constructs and absorb all forms of energy to use as a weapon. It's also Zane's signature form. This form later got a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It is very similar to what happened to both Brain Form and Frost Form. Instead of going through a amphibious or insect like metamorphosis, both Diamond Form and its Prime Form progress into the future or matures to be much stronger according to Parker. Both Diamond Form and Diamond Prime's matured states were both seen in  Zero Episode 108

Swamp Form. This card has a black frame with a swamp in the background and a creature standing in front of the swamp with a cocky smirk on his face. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 27 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 92. This form is rather strong with it having the power to combine the power of Mother Nature and fire to create a powerful combination.

Vampire Form. This card has a black frame with a coffin and crimson red moon background as a vampire like creature standing there. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 41 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 97This form has three diffferent appearances with him having a humanoid form and bat form. This form can control people using something he spits out called Hypno Bats. It has the special ability to work whenever Zane is asleep. The Prime Form also has a bat form or pure vampire form. In Zero Episode 97, we saw the pure vampire form. The bat form grows an extra set of wings, making four. This form later gets a change/upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. It's very similar to what happened to both Brain and Frost Form. Instead of going through a amphibious or insect like metamorphosis, both Vampire Form and its Prime Form progress into the future or matures according to Parker. Vampire Form's matured state was first seen in person around the time of Fairy Legion Chapter 39 and Vampire Prime's matured state hasn't been seen yet.

What Frosch is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here.
1 (Frosch). English: Become Guardian of Zero! Liasada: Gínete Fýlakas tou Midenós!

List of changes between Fairy Legion Chapter 1 and Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 1 in no particular order. Bold Changes will be the ones primarily discussed in the next Author Note but most of the changes mentioned will be there. These will be not all of the changes but a good amount of them.
1. The Author Note is completely different. 

2. The Chapter Name is different.

3. At the start of this species, Zane is now one thousand one hundred ninety-nine years old rather than being ninety hundred ninety-eight years old like he was in Fairy Legion.  

4. Sly isn't Zane's partner in this story but someone else.

5. Frosch is somehow in the Prime Dimension and is very close friends with Zane. The two are like father and son since he raised him from birth. Whenever he walks in his feline and human, he makes the same sound effect as he does in the anime. This doesn't apply to the Guardian of Zero spell. He's able to use Green Impulse and has the ability to copy Bulldog, Owl, and Unicorn's magic somehow. That will be explained in time.

6. Zane didn't use Camouflage Form, Fulmination Form, and Swift Form in this chapter. He did use Diamond Form since that's a staple of starting off a series. He instead used Alien Form and Swamp Form with Vampire Form being used thanks to Zane's right arm.

7. Zane is aware of Fiore and Ishgar with him being there before. 

8. Every wizards ,except for Frosch due to reasons that will be explained, use the magic seals or circles that they do in the Anime. All of Zane's forms are wearing the black robes and later on in the series like two chapters, they will have Zane's Guild Mark where Zane does.  

9. Zane spends more time on Earth than he did in the previous series. 

10. There is a group known as the Order of Rukinity with them being a group of wizards from Ishgar and they serve a woman known as Krota. 

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