Saturday, November 7, 2020

Zero Special 1 Notes Section 2 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 Notes and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1 Notes. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Molvai. She was a former Fiesteth warrior for hire, the right hand woman of the Molten Empire aka all of the dimensions and planets ruled by Basalt, and the adopted daughter of the conqueror Basalt and Sitara Fortune. The Fiesteth are a female only species and they're a warrior species like the Sihero. Fiesteth were taught to be warriors at a young age and live under the rule of a queen. The rule of the queen can last for years or a hand for days since anyone can challenge the queen to fight. 

By sixteen years old, Molvai was well known for being deadly and worked as a killer for hire for whoever paid her. At eighteen years old, she was eventually banished from her home when the queen at the time kicked her off the planet. She become a popular mercenary and traveled from planet to planet. She eventually went to work under Basalt where she helped him overtake a planet with over five billion beings on it. 

Molvai helped the Maferno take over the planet alongside a young Sitara and the two formed a sister like bond. After hearing about his hired help's unique career, Basalt decided to help her out as well by adopting her. This was to make Sitara into a powerful warrior and killer. Refusing to be used by the Maferno, Molvai disagreed. Basalt burned her until she agreed to being her daughter. She decided to train Sitara and hoped that the two of them could eventually break away from Basalt's rule. 

Sitara was able to do this when she got sent to the Infinite Void by Molvai sending her there. She joined the Paradoxes and escaped her father. Molvai was another story. When her father was "killed" by Zane in the year 2020, she was forced to make sure that the Molten Empire alive. She had Booker search for her father's remains in the Omniverse and began abusing Lidox.  She eventually heard rumors of her father being alive in the Infinite Void shortly after Sitara escaped the Infinite Void.

Her sister's escape was thanks to the current Zero. She had some of her minions investigate these rumors and both turned out to be truth. She formed a partnership with the Vordlarin Rivart Mayhem to revive her father, seek revenge on Parker since the Eazairvian was responsible for her father being sent to the Infinite Void, take down the Paradoxes since she doesn't want her sister to be happy, and look for something that will change the Omniverse forever. 

The latter of which confused Molvai but Basalt told her that she needed to find this item and didn't want to make him mad. She had met a member of the Paradoxes before her sister joined them and this was before she was forced to join up with Basalt. The two met in a bar and formed a physical relationship fast. This was due to Molvai drinking a lot prior to meeting Vito and Vito being a light weight when it comes to booze and women. 

She and Veto had slept together with Veto disappearing the next morning. The reason why he left wasn't because he was a piece of shit but a being who held a grudge against him found him outside of the room where he and Molvai slept. Molvai didn't know this but she swore to make him pay for what she did to him. She eventually found out about her having a child and this was one of the reasons why she didn't want to join up with Basalt. 

To keep Basalt from turning her daughter into a warrior like her and her sister, she sent her to Earth. She never thought that she was meet her daughter again but she did on the battle of Galnatilia much to her shock. Molvai isn't the most friendly of beings out there. She tends to get angered and frustrated easily especially when she's around idiots. This is shown with Veto who had a one night stand with her and left her with child. 

She strongly hates Veto for this even though she knew why he left her and their child but she still hates him for that. She kicked him in the balls for doing that to her. She held a grudge against Sitara for a long time due to her losing to Sitara who had a strong desire to win. Whenever she lost, Basalt had her beaten by one of his torturer. Despite her hatred, she has respect for Sitara for never letting herself to be defeated by a superior opponent.

Like most beings in the Omniverse, she hates her father Basalt for many reasons. She was forced to become his daughter and was beaten for every failure since she was supposed to be a amazing warrior and not a failure. Even though she hates him with a passion, she'll serve him out of fear but this to make sure that she has the perfect chance to kill her.  She tends to have little loyalty to him since she planned to betray him after his plans for revenge ever fail. 

She's known for her sadistic nature and takes great pride in her sadism since she often takes time to break her targets down before killing them. Unlike Sitara who tends to show some regret with what she did when she was forced to serve Basalt, Molvai doesn't and tends to murder anyone who gets in her way. She swore to kill Basalt in order to free the Omniverse from true terror rather than Skull Plague who she finds to be nothing more than a story that parents tell their kid to be good. 

Molvai doesn't doubt him being real but compared to Basalt who actually commits terror across the Omniverse, he is nothing more than fiction. When she does try to be friendly, she tends to be rather awkward. She's a tall woman with her being taller than Veto. She has an athletic body and a air of royalty to her. Instead of hair, she has gray rose like hair. She has a third moon shaped eye in the center of her forehead. She has two red eyes with no pupils whatsoever. 

On her ankles and wrists, she has five moon shaped birthmarks. She wears a gray jacket with dark purple armored shoulder pads. She wears an orange ripped looking shirt under her jacket. The rips in her shirt show the gray chainmetal that she wears under it. She wears dark pink torn jeans. She wears a studded black belt with a silver belt buckle. She wears black biker boots. She wears white gloves and two silver metal armbands.

As a Fiesteth, they looks very similar to humans. They have light pink skin, flower like hair, and different shaped birthmarks on their ankles, forehead, and wrists. This applies to Molvai and their Cross Species children as well. These birthmarks glows a certain color depending on the Fiesteth. Like her younger sister, Molvai is well known for her skill in battle. She's a well known sadist. She's a very smart woman and considered to be very cunning. 

She's very fast and agile with her using whatever she can to complete her goal. Due to her being a Fiesteth, she's a skilled hand to hand fighter but can use weapons to handle her opponents. She's an expert at interrogating by using anger, fear, and seductive tactics. She is capable to survive in deep outer space and doesn't require a space suit. She can also survive in cold temperatures. These two abilities are something that Fiesteth can do naturally. 

The Fiesteth are a single gender species since all of them are females. They tend to go offworld in order to reproduce and possible having a daughter. If they have a son, they'll abandoned that child. She is able to see in complete darkness and use the darkness to blend perfectly in her environment. She is able to recover from wounds fairly fast and can resist most psychic attacks. Due to her traveling around the Omniverse, she knows several different forms of martial arts and pressure points of several species. 

She is highly skilled in military strategy, space warfare, leadership, navigation over the Omniverse, and the operation of advance technology. She's an expert at interrogating by using anger, fear, and seductive tactics. Her muscular tissue is stronger than a human and this was before it was enhanced by the bionic upgrades. Her body has been given a bionic upgrade after a rather brutal beating from Basalt's main torturer for losing against Sitara. This gives her enhanced strength and other abilities. 

Thanks to the bionic upgrade, she can lift up to twenty five tons and easily snap the neck of most species with ease. She's able to fire out red electricity from her arms that can be used as a pretty good stun gun upon close or hit a fair distance away. Her body now naturally generates this electricity. Due to her bionics, she is able to start any type of spaceship in the Omniverse and can use them to escape when things get dicey. 

She can realign any out of place body parts such as a broken spine within seconds of it being broken by an enemy. She can survive from a great height and jump down onto the ground from several stories in the air. She shows no injuries and can survive being stuck in a ship exploding around her. She can communicate with others due to her body having a communicator installed into her. She can project images from her eyes and can hack into any computer system. 

Molvai can plug herself into a ship to power its energy shots with it shocking her on the other end. She can quickly process vast amounts of information and use that knowledge at whatever time they're needed. She is able to use both hands perfectly. Whenever she goes into battle, she uses an ancient and powerful pair of daggers that she "borrowed" from her home planet when she was kicked off her home planet. 

Her dagger Severance Kris looks to be made out of some kind of wood from first glance but it's made out of an ancient metal. It's a black titanium blade with a gold handle and glows red when in use. This dagger can be used a light in a dark environment. This dagger has the ability to focus Impulse from the wielder into it and fire energy blasts from them. This is very different from her ability to produce electricity since this energy is potent enough to stun beings that either manipulate energy.

It's considered to be much stronger than her. She can enhance the daggers with her electricity. The dagger's blade can deflect most forms of Impulse with ease. She can use her daggers as a close and long ranged weapon since with the latter, she can throw the dagger at an opponent and warp to where the dagger thrown. She can make the thrown dagger reappear in her hand. With her dagger, she's able to fight with her sister using her sword and disarm her. 

She can use her dagger as a gun and use to hit small creatures or someone's head from a distance. This dagger can be used to help her climb up surfaces. This dagger can pierce most objects with ease. She has trouble in warm environments.  

Rivart Mayhem. Long before Darth, there was another member of the Vordlarin who went against his hive back on Golax Prime MX. His name is Rivart Mayhem. He was born and created shortly after the Omniverse War. Another Vordlarin that was born around the same time was the future queen Khufu Tiberius aka Twilight's mother. The two of them were close and considered to be partners but they were just friends as Twilight would put it. 

He was never a big fan of the matriarchal society and its ruler Khufu Tiberius for reasons. According to Khufu, Rivart was her Darth. He did agree with the hive's goal of bonding with worthy hosts but instead of becoming a noble and powerful warrior, he wanted to rule over the Omniverse and build an army for himself. Due to this mindset of his and how he tried to tear down the matriarchal society, the hive excommunicated Rivart. 

Khufu was the one asked by the hive to send him away and Rivart promised that he'll get what his heart desire. To prevent this from happening, she send him into the Infinite Void and the princess ,at the time, hoped that Rivart would die in the realm that's considered by most species to be hell itself. By doing this, the elders made her the next ruler of their planet. In the Infinite Void, Rivart was able to create several warriors using the other beings that were thrown into the dimension.

In time, he was able to rule a section of the dimension without bonding a signature being for more than a couple of hours at most. This was due to him being sent to a section of the Infinite Void that had a very similar atmosphere to Golax Prime MX. It took him over five thousand years before finding the perfect being to bond with. It was around 2021 to 2022. According to one of his scouts, a human found their way into the dimension. 

Rivart ordered a couple of minions to go capture the human and bring him to the main base. This human turned out to be a former Alliance agent by the name of Xavier Haywood who held the title of Commander Fourth Class. He was well known for taking great pride in his status and he hits like a cannon which fits his name of Cannon Arm Xavier. He was sent here by the duo of Arya Cunningham and Zane Alvarez easily figuring out that he was using his title to hide his vast amount of crimes. 

These crimes including hunting the Wolpertiger to extinction, having extravagant parties which usually involving a large amount of alcohol and illegal drugs with him using the Alliance's money to pay for these parties, and being responsible for several Alliance agents getting mind controlled into working for the Odium Society as sleeper agents. He almost killed Bridgette when he knocked her off the roof that she was on. 

He also helped the Odium Society assassin get into Ezlario in order to kill Joyce aka Arya's adopted mother. Xavier was eventually captured by the Vordlarin's army after he manage to destroy couple of them using his immense strength for a human. The man was brought in front of Rivart and the leader began to forcibly bond with the human. It wasn't a perfect bond like Darth and Megan but one of Bryan and Darth.

Xavier was promised a chance to get back at the being who threw him in here and the man accepted it. Rivart decide to use this human since the being aka Zane had his old love Khufu's little girl Twilight bonded with him. He began taking over the Infinite Void with him finding a way out of there and with the help of an old enemy of Zane. Rivart is a army green color with a camouflage like pattern. He has four orange eyes ,that have small glowing red veins in them, and black mouth. 

He has a pair of gold draconic horns coming out of him. He has downwards shark-like teeth that look razor sharp with the bottom of his face is gray. His eyes has no outline around them unlike Darth and Twilight due to them being born in a different generation. He has a disturbing deep and evil voice. Xavier is a tall man with him being eight feet tall. He's very muscular with noticeable broad shoulders and tanned skin. He has dark orange hair. He has predominant widow's peak and sideburns. 

He has a large scar on his nose which he got from a fight with certain Cross Species and a evil goatee but he's lacking a twirly mustache. He has pale red eyes. He has thick eyebrows, prominent cheekbones, and prominent chin. He has a black outline around his eyes. He has metallic bolts attached to the sides of his neck which are naturally. He's wearing a navy blue dress shirt, red tie, and blue jeans. He wears brown combat boots. 

Over time, Xavier begins to change after bonding with Rivart. His skin is now a pale gray color with bright green veins around his eyes and face. His sclera have turned red and his hair has turning white. Xavier was well known for his strictness and performs his actions with utmost dedication  to make his own life better. He isn't afraid of using force or his strength to get what he wants. He is quick to anger whenever someone doubts him or disagrees with him. 

He tends to resort to intimidation and uses violence to get what he wants. He is very greedy and cares about nothing except his own personal success. He tends to hold grudges toward those who upset him and this makes it easier to corrupt him according to Rivart. Rivart desires to be in control and tends to attack anyone who threatens his control over his minions. Like the rest of his species, he hates being used as a weapon. He also wants to rule over others and hates women ruling over men.

When Rivart decides to cover Xavier, it starts by him making army green ,with a camouflage like pattern, blobs of slime emerge from his body. His face slowly covers Xavier. Unlike Darth and similar to Twilight, he doesn’t change Xavier’s height since Xavier is the perfect height for him. He sprouts four spider legs out of his body with small spikes on his arms, legs, shoulders, and thighs. His mouth is usually open, revealing his red gums. 

Xavier was well known for his strictness and performs his actions with utmost dedication  to make his own life better. He isn't afraid of using force or his strength to get what he wants. He is quick to anger whenever someone doubts him or disagrees with him. He tends to resort to intimidation and uses violence to get what he wants. He is very greedy and cares about nothing except his own personal success. 

He tends to hold grudges toward those who upset him and this makes it easier to corrupt him according to Rivart. Rivart desires to be in control and tends to attack anyone who threatens his control over his minions. Like the rest of his species, he hates being used as a weapon. He also wants to rule over others and hates women ruling over men. Even before bonding with Rivart, he had years of Alliance training under his belt. 

Xavier is a close range fighter, tending to use his fists to handle any problems that he may face. He has enhanced strength, speed, and durability due to his Metagene activate. He can survive and breath in outer space with no needed for a space ship. This is due to the metal coming out of his body naturally. His metagene is the ability to absorb energy/Impulse, fire out powerful waves of force or tremors, and shift between two different forms.

He is able to absorb Impulse and redirect it as a blast with this redirected blast having twice its strength. He's able to shot powerful waves of force that can be used to send beings away and break ribs. He can make localized earthquakes appear by stomping on the ground and he can manipulate the magnitude of them. These quakes are strong enough to crack the ground under him and shake nearby objects. He is able to control what direction these tremors go. 

In his Aggression State, his skin turns into a terracotta like stone. This makes him stronger and more durable than before but he is unable to dodge due to him.  In his Rapid State, he moves faster and makes it hard for him to hit. He does lack strength. He has his species' strength and weakness with some special abilities thanks to all of the minions. Rivart can cover his claws in a fire like substance with him able to use these claws to slash and burn things at the same time. 

He can breath out powerful torrents of flame from his mouth. He has the rare ability to infect/control "weaker minded" beings and this is shown with how he was able to take over an entire species of Zalicansion within seconds and uses them to maintain control of the dimension even whenever he's gone. He can remote-pilot them, can see through their eyes, and directly control them. He's able to regenerate from a small tissue if he's removed from his host.

Rivart can grow in size by consuming any nearby Vordlarin with his including his minions. Unlike the rest of his species, he didn't have a weakness toward the cold and this is due to him training to overcome this weakness of his. He also had his slimes take over beings who could manipulate ice or have a higher than normal temperature to achieve this. He hates loud noises with the control over his minions weakening if he hears a loud enough noise. 

He has a stronger than normal weakness toward electricity since he was expelled from the clan before the Vordlarin gained a stronger tolerance to it.

Rivart's minions are known as the Slimes have a humanoid state with a solid crimson red muscle mass, large blank white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils, carnivorous jagged sharp teeth, long flexible tongues sticking out of their mouths, and colored veins. These veins are one of the seven colors of the rainbow except for red plus black and white. His two main henchmen Grimace and Lunacy are two of his stronger spawns that had infected a powerful species in the Omniverse. 

Trent Newton aka Nemesis. As Nemesis: Absorption, Absorption Empowerment, Absorption Regeneration, Absorption Weaponry, Acceleration Immunity, Army Creation, Binding, Burning, Climbing, Concussive Force, Containment Immunity, Damage Negation, Energy Absorption, Energy Attacks, Energy Blast, Energy Constructs, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Propulsion, Energy Shield Construction, Energy Solidification, Ergokinetic Combat, Flight, Force-Field Generation, Heads-Up Display, High-Speed Flight, High-Tech Alien Exoskeleton, Hyperspace Travel, Interstellar Travel, Jet Propulsion, Megaton Kick, Megaton Punch, Oxygen Independence, Power Absorption, Power Fists, Power Legs, Power Replication, Power Suit, Radiation Immunity, Ray/Beam Manipulation, Scanner Vision, Selective Force-Field, Self-Sustenance, Shield Construction, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Thermal Resistance, Vacuum Adaptation, Wall Generation, and Wallcrawling. Thanks to the Mutator Powers of Atomic Form, Brain Form, Brawn Form, Chaos Form, Diamond Form, Dinosaur Form, Dragonfly Form, Frankenstein Form, Frost Form, Fulmination Form, Gadget Form, Gluttony Form, Gravity Form, Liger Form, Mummy Form, Pyre Form, Radiation Form, Salamander Form, Sound Form, Specter Form, Swamp Form, Swift Form, Thunder Form, Titan Form, Turbo Form, Vine Form, Vision Form, Water Form, and Werewolf Form. 

He wasn’t born from the Prime Dimension but from a dimension inside of the Boonies aka the outer ring of the Omniverse. He is also an alternative dimension counterpart of Zane Alvarez whose life went down a different yet similar path compared to his prime counterpart. When he was six years old, his father Leland Newton had died. His mother Shelia wrongfully told him that his father died by some muggers but Trent’s father was a criminal who tried and rob World Systems. 

Shelia did this in order to spare her son from the truth but this only created a rift between her and Trent which never healed. He couldn’t accept that his father had died and whenever someone reminds him about, he lashes out violently. It has been a year and half since his father had died before his mother tried to start dating again. When Trent was eight years old, he had gotten much angrier than he was six years old. 

He was still trying to accept that his father had died and how his mother had hid the truth about who his father was. After school one day, he learned from his mother that she started dating once again. Trent was happy for her but this took some time since he believed that she betray her father who treated her like garbage and this new boyfriend was the exact same except he could hide it much better than his father. 

When Trent met his new stepfather Alejandro, the man didn’t show any sign of what a father truly is. Trent made the mistake of calling him Al which was a childhood nickname that he hated greatly so he decided to treat Trent badly whenever Sheila isn’t looking. Shelia was unaware of this since she wanted her and Trent to be happy again. Whenever Trent made an attempt to try and connect with Alejandro, the man told him to fuck off and get him booze. 

If Trent did something out of line in Alejandro’s opinion, the man beat the kid and gave his nine year old a black eye and broken arm which his mother thought was due to Trent falling down the stairs. Trent was going to tell her the truth but Alejandro threatened his and her life if he squealed. Due to his troubled home life, he was considered to be a school bully. He saw anyone who tried to become his friends as someone who would betray him. 

As he got older, he slowly began a criminal. By time he was sixteen years old, he was a juvie with a ten mile long rap sheet. His mother never abandoned him since he was the only family that she had left in this world. Alejandro abandoned the child when he was stealing cars just like his old man. In juvie, he was visited by a certain terror of the Omniverse Skull Plague ,using his proxy body, and Prime Gear.

This was only half a year after Prime Gear become a Qlakrik thanks to Zane killing him and Skull Plague demanded the new Qlakrik to implement the anti-Zero plan into action. The Anti-Zero plan came to be after Skull Plague learned of his minion Prime Gear gaining the blueprints to the Z.E.R.O. Watch when he was able to disable Athena and Cole from helping Zero. The Qlakrik decided to have an evil version of Zane running around and have him start his Apocageddon without alerting the Alliance.

Prime Gear was forced to implant the blueprints into the sleeping teen's head and the parts to make in a place where Trent can find it. The Qlakrik also activate Trent's metagene just because. The brand new metahuman awoke with him sneaking out of his cell since the security at the detention center was just terrible. He began building the device and once he finished, he held the Mutator and turned into one of his ten forms to break out of juvie.

He went back home and saw that his stepfather lying there on the couch with the man drinking an entire box of beer. Alejandro didn’t care about how his stepson had broken out of juvie and came back home while causing a great deal of destruction in the process. Trent asked the deadbeat where his mom and wife was with the man saying that she was at work at that pathetic medical job of hers where she helps mentally disabled kids. 

Trent told him that it was good since he wanted to show him his wristwatch and transformed into one of his forms. Alejandro didn’t care about how his stepson transform but he did mind how the mutant was in front of his TV. This only pissed Alejandro and decided to do something he’s been wanted to do for almost ten years. About four hours later, Shelia came back home and had been worrying about Trent who escaped juvie by transforming into some kind of monster. 

She thought that she would see Alejandro watching TV but she didn’t and eventually saw a trail of blood. The trail of blood led to Alejandro’s man cave and she opened the door to scream at the top of her lungs. It was Alejandro and he looked to have been brutally beaten who later died due to his injuries given to him. This was done by Trent who began his extensive career as the supervillain Nemesis. This career rivaled Zane’s superhero career. No one could stop him due to the amount of power that he had. 

The only person who tried to see in the good in him was his mother even after Trent killed his stepfather. She just wanted to be with the only member of her family left. The last appearance of Trent aka Nemesis in his home dimension was him killing his version of Lilith on live broadcast. It was in the year 2024. Trent was kicked out of his home dimension by a being in a black cloak which would tell anyone that this being was a member of Exodus but it wasn’t.

Said figure was Brood who was ordered by Skull Plague to do this. His home dimension wasn’t destroyed but Trent found himself in the Omniverse to cause trouble. He learned about Zero and how he was nothing more than a counterpart to him. This pissed him off greatly since he refused to be compared to some hero. He found himself nearby the Vromilyrra Dynasty and decided to make his evil known plus blame Zane in the process. 

He caused the destruction of many different cities, killed several beings, and finished it off by destroying a sun. This destroyed the five planets around it and caused the bounty hunter duo of Primrose and Trag to go after Zane. Zane and company easily defeated Primrose and Targ with Zane giving the latter to the Vromilyrra Dynasty who threw him into the Infinite Void since he failed to bring in Zane for committing a heinous crime. 

The fact that Zane even did something caused the Paradoxes to head there to clear up their friends' name. They all knew that Zane wouldn’t do something like this. The Paradoxes eventually discovered Trent when he attacked the Vromilyrra Dynasty. He didn’t care about them since he was still under the assumption that everyone believed him to be Legion Zero. He was able to fight off most of them but they were annoying. 

However thanks to Brood once again, he was sent him to a different place and time aka Galnatilia a few weeks later. He decided to work with Basalt for no real reason. He eventually met Zane but didn’t get a chance to fight him since he had someone else to fight. This separated the duo of Sitara and Vlad from the rest of the Paradoxes who were arrested by the Vromilyrra Dynasty who blamed them from the destruction despite it being Trest. 

Unlike most of Zane's enemies and counterparts who have some kind of moral conscience, Trent is pure evil and enjoys causing destruction wherever he goes. Due to the immense power he was given thanks to Skull Plague, he became extremely cocky and arrogant. He often sees himself as the very best with him usually looking down on his and thinking that any problem can be solved using his immense strength. 

He's extremely bloodthirsty, megalomaniac, sadistic, spiteful, and driven by aggression toward others. He becomes short-tempered and hotheaded when insulted or irritated. This is seen as his greatest weakness and serves as his greatest strength. He doesn't take kindly to losing, getting made fun, or being reminded of his past or being a counterpart to Zane.  Even if he loses a fight, he says that he was going easy on them. 

Due to him being bullied by his step-father and having trouble accepting others help, he enjoys causing other beings misery and taking sadistic joy in inflicting pain. He enjoys being bad and evil in many different ways such as withholding information from his allies or sadistically attacking or tormenting others. He works better as a vicious gang leader with him not pulling back any of his punches on his enemies. 

If you get in Nemesis's way, you usually ends dead. He does tend to leave his enemies alive so they can suffer and this leads to his defeat a fair share of times. He is very social among women of all species. He's easily triggered whenever he faces against those who believe in justice and does things for others instead of themselves. He dislike those who are overpowered since he wants there to be no one to stop him.

Trent tends to suffer from arrogance with him tending to underestimate his enemies and that usually leads to his defeat. Unlike most of Zane's villains, he didn't find Zane to be a real threat and believes his power to be nothing compared to his. Under his armor, he looks to be 5 foot 9 with a lean yet muscular frame. His muscle tone is due to his life of crime but his height is due to a different reason. He's Biracial with him being Caucasian and his mother being African American. 

He looks more Caucasian. He has shoulder-length black hair with it styled in a half-assed attempt of an afro. It’s more like a curly fluffy ball. The back and sides of his hair is shaved. He has mint green eyes. He wears a dark green leather spiked jacket with the back of his jacket having a gold five-pointed star on it and a white spiky hood. The ends of his jackets are ripped around the waist and wrist. He wears a torn black long sleeved shirt with two orange stripes on each sleeve and an orange “T” on the chest.

Trent wears worn out brown jeans with a chain dangling from his left pocket. He wears gray sneakers with the soles being black on the bottom and there being a black stripe on top of the shoes. His right ear is pierced in three places with silver small diamonds. He wears gold-tinted sunglasses. On his right wrist, he wears the Mutator. It looks to be a large gauntlet with it covering his entire forearm. It's a silver color with there being a giant gold five-pointed star in the center of it. 

It's spiked with a red button on the left side of the watch. When he’s absorbed a good amount of energy, his skin and eyes glow gold. There are golden roots spreading across from his eye sockets. Trent's main way of handling any opposition in the Mutator. The Mutator's appearance is similar to the first version of the Z.E.R.O. Watch since Prime Gear found the second version to be stupid. In Parker and Velda's opinion, Trent's watch was a cheap knockoff for a multitude reasons.

Zane didn't get why at first since those two never make sense to him. The main two reasons that Zane could figure out from him was built for destruction and revenge rather than peace which Parker built it for and was being used by an angry child which upset Velda since she could see the potential for it in the same way she hated/liked Zane for using the Z.E.R.O. watch. The forms that Trent can turn into are similar to Zane's forms but with a twist. 

Their DNA was altered and turned mutated, making them much stronger than Zane's forms. Compared to Zane's one hundred forty forms and seventy prime forms, Trent's watch has only ten of them but they have a great deal of strength behind them. One of these forms have the strength of two, three, or four forms with their powers and weakness but are no way similar to those forms. Anomaly has the strength and weakness of Gluttony Form, Salamander Form, and Vision Form. 

Bogeyman has the Frankenstein Form, Mummy Form, Specter Form, and Werewolf Form. Cyberpunk has the strength and weakness of Brain Form, Gadget Form, and Sound Form. Damnation has the strength and weakness of Atomic Form, Gravity Form, and Radiation Form. Blight has the strength and weakness of Fulmination Form and Pyre Form. Marshland has the strength and weakness of Swamp Form, Thunder Form, and Water Form. 

Niflheim has the strength and weakness of Dragonfly Form and Frost Form. Renegade has the strength and weakness of Brawn Form, Dinosaur Form, Liger Form, and Titan Form. Terra Firma has the strength and weakness of Chaos Form, Diamond Form, and Vine Form. Voyager has the strength and weakness of Orb Form, Swift Form, and Turbo Form. These mutation is a result of the watch being created from Prime Gear aka someone who didn’t know the Z.E.R.O. Watch all too well. 

He had the blueprints to the watch due to his encounter with Zane but he didn’t understand all of the little details of it. Whenever he uses these forms, he becomes more animalistic and feral as a result of these mutations. Upon arriving to the Prime Dimension, he later stole the Defender Armor which he wears whenever he isn't in one of his form. He can done the armor by pressing the red button on the left side of his watch.

Most beings see the Defender Armor as a somewhat stronger version of the suit that Primrose wears. It is extremely durable to most forms of damage except for one thing. It's helmet can collapsed into his suit whenever Trent wants. It can allow him to breath in the vacuum of space, underwater, or anywhere without a steady supply of oxygen. His armor gives him an four bio-organic gold plated spider legs that emerge from his back.

These legs can be used for climbing up walls thanks to its adhesive grapples, allowing them to cling onto any surfaces. These spider legs can pierce a being and drain them of their energy, leaving them as empty husk. His gauntlets can fire out gold energy blasts that can be adjusted whenever he wants. These blasts can be used to burn through most objects or destroy them. He can fire energy beams from his chest plate or from his spider legs. 

He can fire out gold spheres that can hold his opponents in a gold energy field that prevents them from moving and can be moved around by Trent. In the back of his boots, there are highly advanced jets that allow him to levitate and move forward with it propulsion. His suit houses a HUD which can analyze his opponent’s moves and come up with a strategy. It even has a zoom in function which is helpful against small foes. He can easily lift large pieces of rubble and rip open metal doors with ease. When he’s absorb energy, his body and eyes gains a gold membrane. 

He later gained a robot army thanks to him stealing it from the Vromilyrra Dynasty. His robot army are all wearing black skin-tight uniforms. The uniform has gold sections on the chest and extremities. They wear silver helmets that completely covers their head and functions as  their heads. They have a purple star shaped visor. They wears silver gauntlets which is also a fusion of a brass knuckle. They're heavily armored that are resistant to elemental and physical attacks. 

They're able to use jetpacks to simulate flight, shoot energy or a powerful electric field which can capture people and it’s hard to escape from these gauntlets, and can be reformed from any wound. They’re able to handle powerful metahumans.  However, they can’t handle the heat whatsoever. The Mutator was only built for combat and lacks the more minor features of the watch such as how it can translate any language in the Omniverse but it can work as a communicator. 

All of his forms he can become are around the same strength as the forms in Zane's watch but before Zane got the Zenith Core installed. It doesn't have the prime function installed. It has a high weakness toward electricity outside of the one created by the forms. It also takes about twenty seconds to transform or swap between forms which Zane's watch does instantly. According to others, his greatest strength is his anger but it's also his greatest weakness. 

He has trouble controlling his rage and if he uses it at the right time, he could be invincible. Due to him creating the Mutator and only using its for destruction, he isn't taping into the full potential of his augmented forms. As a result of the Mutator, his body is somewhat underdeveloped and tends to be smaller than others his age. He also relies greater on his armor or forms to handle problems. The Defender Armor ,despite all of its power, has a major weakness.

It shares this weakness with the Mutator aka electricity.  Trent needs to absorb a constant stream of energy in order to survive. He does have his limits when it comes to absorb energy. If he absorbs a huge amount of energy, his hunger for an even larger source of energy becomes a reality. His arrogance can make him careless and greatly underestimate his opponents.

New Species of the Omniverse:
Zalicansion. This species is a very strange one since all members live on a planet known as Keruta AHC3. This planet was moved into the Infinite Void by a single being. This happened hundred years after the Omniverse War. It was done by the Feroxian Talous Kuggarn since he deemed them to be a threat to him. The Zalicansion were left alone for several generations with them being always fearful of the Feroxian returning to kill them. 

Their time of peace eventually had to change when a being found them. This being was Rivart Mayhem and he had used them to create his army of Slimes so he may conquer the Infinite Void. The Zalicansion are known for their ability to evolve as they mature. When born, they start out in their baby state. Their baby state are about the size of normal human children. All of them are a gold color and this color changes over time. 

All of them have five fingers on each of their two arms and hoof like feet. They have a single green star shaped gem like eye in the center of their face. They lack a mouth and they communicate through blinking their eyes. They evolve into their adult state. Their bodies are burly, top-heavy with them standing at six feet tall. Their chest, face, palms, and the bottom of their feet are a dark blue color. The rest of their bodies are covered by a dark gold armored carapace.

Their arms are considered to be longer than their legs and it looks like they skipped leg day. Their hands are sharp claws and they have a wide mouth with ten sharp teeth protruding upwards. They now have a red star shaped gem like eye in the center of their face. Their hands now have three thumbs. From their back, they have small wings. When the Zalicansion are young, they can blow themselves and regenerated with ease. 

All Zalicansion have immense strength and five of them can easily destroy an entire town with their strength alone. Any damage that they take is restore instantly. They have complete control over their muscles and this can be used in two ways. They can be used to increase their already supernatural strength or have impressive durability. They can fly through the air but a slower speed than expected given the size of their wings. 

Some members of their species can fire beams of Impulse from their eyes in the form of green and red energy blasts. Their main weakness is that they aren't too bright. They can be controlled easily by any species as long as they can smash things and this is shown when Rivart took them over with little to no problem. Despite not having ears, they are super sensitive toward loud sound and this can harm them a great deal.   

Progeny's monsters:
Monster 5: Sabertooth Cobra. This animal resembled a humanoid yellowish gold panther ,with green cheetah like spots, that stood as tall as a human. It has a compact, muscular build with powerful running legs. It stands on its hind legs with two long snake like arms and five retractable claws on all four paws. It have two heads with each head having a short set of ears, long canine teeth, forked tongue, and pale red eyes. and a long tail with the end of its tail being a spiked ball. 

Compared to the rest of Progeny's monsters, this one has some level of intelligence. It isn't all too impressed compared to the mindless monsters that Progeny has made but it's possible for him to get a High School degree. He is able to form plans for whomever he is fighting against. He is extremely overconfident in his abilities with him proclaiming that he has everything planned and acts violently in battle. 

He has enough stamina and energy to continue fighting for over an hour without tiring, being a considerable for for your average metahuman and the rest of the mutated monsters of Progeny. He has night vision. He is extremely fast being able to dodge bullets with ease and punch two experienced fighters several times within seconds. He is able to move so fast that most things move slow to him. His body is extremely flexibility.

The Sabertooth Cobra is able to stretch parts of his body a good feet in front of him and can wrap around his enemies. He is able to strange his opponents' bodies and spit an acidic liquid that can easily corrode metal. Due to how sharp his fangs are, he is able to pierce through most object and inject them with a powerful poison. He is strong enough to break stone and lift up a car. However if he's up against an opponent who is stronger than your average metahuman or mutated monster, he will lose.

It's mainly due to him being more of a glass cannon compared to the rest of Progeny's monsters.

Monster 6: Scorpion. It's a large creature and easily dwarfing most if not all of Progeny's creation. It looks to be a scorpion men with it having an incredible dark gray muscular human torso and covered in scars similar to Frankenstein's monster. It has two glowing red diamond shaped eyes with its right eye being much larger than the left eye. It has sharp white crystal like teeth. Its scorpion like lower half is a dark red color and looks to be metallic in nature. 

It has four gorilla like legs with silver metal sloth like claws. It has two arms with its right arm being a red metallic crab like pincer. It has a giant rhino like horn and two large, highly damaged bat like wings coming out of its back. It can easily smash its way through most objects with no sign of injury afterwards. Despite its size, it can move incredibly fast. It can dig through the ground using its claws. It can produce and fire energy from its body but mainly does it from its horn. 

Said body is immune to electricity, hypnosis, and lasers. It can generate and manipulate intense heat and fire from its body. He tends to make fire come out of him in fireballs or giant streams of fire. It can either uses it bat like wings to fly or produce jet boosters to fly. Despite its slightly faster speed than normal, it can be easily countered by someone faster than it and has no way of defending itself against aerial attacks. 

It has weakness toward gravity, ice and water. It also can't handle loud noise and with a loud enough nose, it shatters.  

Members of Paradoxes: 


Sitara Fortune.


New members of the Paradoxes:
Lorelei Vinson aka Verdue. She is the daughter of Veto and Molvai with her having both of her parents powers. By pushing back her bangs, it's revealed that she has a third diamond shape eye in the center of her forehead. On her ankles and wrists, there are four dark pink diamond shape birthmarks. They glow when using her powers.

Malik Vincent Zapata aka Daemon. Member of the Phantoms. He is a Zane from an alternative timeline where all of Malik’s entire family and friends were killed right in front of him. He thought that was because of his main enemy Lincoln Rune aka a male counterpart to Lilith Rune but it wasn’t the case. This was because of a being wanted Malik’s power. This being was Kirk Wallace aka Prime Gear and a counterpart to Kevin. 

After that explosion, he spent ten long years honing and mastering his powers. Once in a while, he decide to drain some of his more powerful enemies of their power to become the most evil being in that timeline. He later learned of alternative timelines and the Omniverse as a whole thanks to a group of scientists whom his servants later murder for no real reason. He decided to wait until a counterpart of his comes to his dimension in an attempt to stop him. 

This was so he can take over the Omniverse with an iron fist. For a while, he didn’t consider himself to be a good person since he has commit a lot of crimes. He still has strong memories of his friends and family before becoming a monster to get rid of the pain. He actually waited for over a week before he started his conquest. This caused him to get taken over by a Trastry due to Prime Gear wanting to take over the Omniverse by using Malik as his puppet. 

After the whole invasion of Cypress Park, Malik told Zane to protect his family and friend to protect them causing Zane to think about what his future could be. He tends to be rather serious compared to the other enemies that Zane face when he was sixteen years old. After working with Hourglass Universe, he is more than willing to help Zane in his fight against Cypress Park. He wasn't at first well liked by his fellow Phantoms.

This was due to him hurting their leader Zane but grew to like him much to the teasing of Celeste and Jennifer. He tends to be a prude toward provocatively dressed women and he’s a really good cook. He later joined the Paradoxes after saving the Armada from being captured by the Vromilyrra Dynasty. He has all of Zane’s Phantom based powers but on a much strong level. His main form of Nether is a purple flame. He’s considered to be a high ranking Phantom and this has granted him immortality. 

Ralad. Member of the Kulrur. Unlike his older brother Wesnos, he tends to be a more serious being and tends to not let others get to him. He tends to be quite stoic with him saying very little and has been called mute. He has shown very little emotion with him being a caring person deep down. He has a problem of holding grudges such as when he helped Hyde in his plan to kill Zane due to the Cross Species defeating his older brother but decided against it.

He decided this after seeing what Hyde was going to do to Earth. He was willing to forgive Zane after he joined the Paradoxes. He joined the group shortly after his short time working for Hyde and thanks to them, he learned more about the Cross Species. He has a strong connection to those he calls allies and attacks anyone who hurts them. Unlike Wesnos, he is a very cautious being and doesn't underestimate an opponent no matter what species they are. 

He does enjoy a good fight and will do whatever he can to win a fight. Whenever he does talk, he speaks with his voice sounding dark and grim even if he's making a joke. Despite being the younger brother to Wesnos, he's considered to be the stronger combatant since he didn't take any of the cybernetics that the older brother took and was considered to be a natural prodigy. Like other members of his species, he's able to change his size and shape.

This is done by commanding the insects that make up his body to form any shape he wants. He's able to reform any damage due to the prime insect inside of him. He's able to turn his body into a swarm of insects and can be used to reform somewhere else. Unlike Wesnos who uses his bugs to assert dominance, he can use them to seal wounds or protect. He can have his insects to attack opponents in a wide area, surrounding them and draining them of their Impulse which weakens them. 

He can make his insects tunnel through the ground and locate Impulse signatures. They report back to him. His bugs can also be used to block his presence from sensors and be used to control others. These bugs can be used to paralyze others. Some of his bugs are extremely venomous since they destroy a target's body from within. These bugs are extremely hard to come by so Ralad uses them only for certain occasions. 

He's able to talk and control any type of animals but tends to only do this with most forms of insects out of personal preferences. Whenever he overexerts himself, his eyes glow a blinding white. He has impressive strength since he's able to pick up large objects and throw them with ease. He's able to fly using his beetle-like wings. If he changes how his body looks, his strength increases. He's able to move faster than his older brother and shows greater feats of durability. 

Ralad can survive against radiation based attacks unlike Wesnos due to his cybernetics. He is a good pilot with him being the backup pilot of the Paradox's ship if Vlad is busy or lets him. He shows a great deal of intelligence with him being well known for his analytical and observational skills. He can make strong decisions with pinpoint results. He tends to stay several steps ahead of his enemy and keep his distance unlike his brother who charges into battle. 

He can be affected by bug based poisons. If the prime insect is injured a great deal, he could die. His main weaknesses are extreme temperatures such as extreme cold or heat. He can be immobilized by ice based attacks or stopped in place by electricity. Wesnos can survive against extreme cold, extreme heat, and electricity because of his cybernetics. He also can't swim. If he's blasted by either a strong amount of wind or water, his insects are scattered and take time to reform back into his body. 

Random Notes: 
Galnatilia is a few hundred light years away from Earth and in the Amphiaraus Nebula. It has several rumors surrounding it. It has earned the reputation of being a place of death due to the thousands of destroyed spaceships that were destroyed by asteroids and nonstop darkness. According to Parker, this planet is the perfect place to hide from others and tends to come here during the summer. He build a device that absorbs all of the Impulse around the planet.

In turn, the device would project a layer of darkness around the planet. You may think that this darkness would be more than enough to keep people away but Parker really hated others a lot. He made several asteroids that would be used as a natural barricade for anyone who got close into the planet since they can't see due to the darkness around the planet. If they managed to get through the asteroids, a ship would have to get past its invisible barrier. 

This barrier prevents anyone except for Parker from entering the planet by either a ship or portal. It disable any ship upon entry of the planet. The only way for a being ,other than Parker, to enter the planet is by using the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Upon getting in close range to the planet, the Z.E.R.O. Watch will lead Zane his way to the planet and having Zane on said ship so the barrier doesn’t work.

From space, Galnatilia is a dark gray crystal like planet with five purple energy rings around the planet and an intense blue glow. On its surface, it looks similar to Earth in terms of its size but it's more uncivilized. It's a jungle like planet that's filled of vegetation, a tropical climate, enormous lakes scattered across the planet and mountain ranges, and various intelligent non-sapient life forms. The surface of the planet ,not covered by planet, looks to be made out of coal. 

It has no sign of night or day, making impossible to tell how long you have been on the planet. One species reigns supreme on the planet and it's name is the Trungin. The Trungin are extremely predatorial over their home and will attack anyone if they deem them a threat. They are considered very powerful, being able to easily kill anyone who intrudes on their territory. The species has spent its entire life on Galnatilia and has resided there long before Parker made his presence there. 

They were once captured and forcibly taken from their home to be used as guard animals or have their bodies used to create weapons or jewelry. This made the species extremely untrusting of those who look different to them. They allowed Parker to live on their planet since he is only here for a certain amount of time and he stopped the intergalactic slave trading of their kind. The Trungin are a reptilian and fox-like species. 

It's noted that their bodies are composed of a dark purple stone like substance that's extremely durable. They have orange diamond like spikes protruding from the top of their heads to the tip of their tail. They have red sharp looking eyes. To attack/defend themselves, the species manipulates Impulse and it's a purple color. They can release Impulse from their mouths, heal from any damage taken, being able to tell what time it is on their planet, sense if someone is violent or not, or blend into their surroundings.

Their rock like bodies are extremely durable against more forms of attacks but a strong enough attack can shattered them. They can eat an entire human being whole and still move relatively fast.

The Forbidden Emblem of Hatred. This item is among one of the most potent and powerful amulets within the Omniverse. It is a member of the Trio of Infinite Power and considered to be one of the greatest weapons which has been desired by many for countless generations. It's a gold ,with a gray edge, heart shaped medallion with four different colored gems at the most east, north, south, and west point of the medallion. 

Each gemstone has a different alchemy symbol for an element etched around it. The gem to the east is a white triangular shaped topaz with the alchemy symbol for air etched around it. The gem to the north is a blue circular shaped sapphire with the alchemy symbol for water etched around it. The gem to the south is a green rhombus shaped malachite. The alchemy symbol for earth etched around it. The gem to the west is a red square shaped ruby with the symbol for fire etched around it. 

In the center of the medallion, there is a silver square shaped stone with a black power symbol that glows black. It was used by Basalt who had his daughter Molvai spend years trying to find it for him since he could have his other daughter Sitara assist him in conquering the Omniverse. Molvai was forced to take over reins of the Molten Empire when Basalt was rumored to be killed by Zane in the year 2020.

Molvai still had her minions search for the amulet which she eventually found alongside her father thanks to a helpful tip from Rivart. She eventually gave this device to Basalt who didn’t use it at all in his fight with Zane for one reason. He wanted to defeat Zane using his own strength and the Supernova Bombardment Armor rather than some trinket. Due to it being a member of the Trio of Infinite Power, it has the ability to destroy a dimension with just a snap of the wielder's finger. 

Anyone who wields this amulet will have their power increased drastically. It can teleport allow the user of anywhere through the Omniverse using its powers through a portal of Impulse. In the case of Basalt, he made a portal of magma/lava. It serves as a stabilizer for Impulse, allowing the wielder power over Impulse itself and having the ability to increase the strength of their attacks. Due to its power, only beings with immense power can directly wield the amulet. 

If someone weak touches it, they will explode in a burst of Impulse. This can be averted if a group of weaklings share the power among themselves. It also holds the weakness of corrupting the wielder, making them more irrational and violent. This corruption last even after removing the amulet from their body. 

The Supernova Bombardment Armor is an item that was created from Aihlus himself. It comes in the form of a silver three-dimensional hexagon with a orange/red/yellow lava line like pattern going across it. Emblazoned on one side, there is a red outlined volcano. Whenever Basalt decides to activate it, he crushes the hexagon in one of his hand. It makes a strange beeping sound with sliver ooze ,with bright orange/red/yellow jagged lines, spreading up his right arm and across his body. 

It's similar to whenever a Vordlarin bonds with another being except more mechanical rather than organic. The ink like substance reshapes Basalt's body and changes his appearance once again. His entire body is covered by a silver metallic substance with bright orange/red/yellow jagged glowing lines on his arms, chest, legs, and shoulders. His shoulders have naturally volcano like protrusions coming out of them with them spewing out Basalt's signature magma/lava constantly. 

He has blackish-red spikes armored protruding from his ankles. His forearms are bulky with him having a blackish red rocket like engine protruding out from his elbows. The front and sides of his neck have five grill holes on them, constantly producing stream from them. His head is now in the shape of his blackish-red armored helmet except it's a silver color and he always has on his skull-like facemask. His black eyes ,with magma/lava colored irises look even more menacing. 

Basalt's body has a natural black glow coming out off his body, licking at the air like a lit flame. This full body armor that is worn by its user is similar to a Vordlarin's suit but more foreboding. According to Arya, the power that the armor gives off is super strong. The Impulse around it will cause anyone of weaker will to faint. Upon putting on the armor, Basalt gained the ability of Aihlus along with the Kruxod. He can alter biologically organisms and technology like Aihlus did when he was alive. 

As Basalt makes a weapon, the jagged lines on his body glow brightly and his body beeps loudly. He can make his arm into a blaster with a pyramid-shaped barrel. As the blast charges up, greenish-blue light glows inside. He unleashes a dense beam of greenish-blue energy that causes an explosion upon contact. It can sent a target flying away. He can make green lightning bolt shaped energy blades from the tops of his wrists.

This makes him able to easily reflect back away projectiles or slice things upon contact. One such weapon is the Extinction Cannon. It's a large cannon with a scope mounted on the left side and when it's charging, greenish-blue light glowed from within the wide barrel. It unleashed a large concentrated green energy beam with orange lightning spiraling around it. This gun has the ability to key into a target's Impulse and will destroy it on a subcellular level. 

If the target can regenerate from any damage take, it makes sure that the target is in a great deal of pain in the process. Upon piercing a target, they have a giant hole in their body and has greenish-blue cracks inside of them which rapidly spreads. It also disables any electronics nearby the explosion. He can produce jagged black spikes ,with red curvy lines inscribed around them, from his body or make them appear from the ground. These spikes can grow and produce lava/magma from this. 

This armor is incredibly durable being that any damage that the user takes is gone. Only a really powerful attack leaves a mark on the armor. A strong enough attack shows a deep indention with orange, red, and yellow spider web like cracks around it. Even though his armor increased his incredible strength, he still had his limits since it makes him a walking armory and doesn't increase his body whatsoever. 

Even after having the armor forcefully removed by the Counteraction Area Network aka CAN, Basalt retain the ability to create weapons from his body but he can't alter others or technology.

The trio of Infinite Power is a set of three items. Any item of this trio can grant the wielder whatever they want and there are no limits to this. This trio consisted of the Forbidden Emblem of Hatred which was seen and used by Basalt, Heavenly Scepter of Control which has last been seen during the Omniverse/Omniversal War by a female Magnus, and the Unholy Sinner who haven't been seen in a very long time. 

Saiditems found their way into the hands of several different users over the years. Only those with immense power can directly wield them such as Basalt and those who don't face dire consequences. In the case with Basalt's item, anyone weak who touches it will exploded but this can be reduced if multiple beings share the power among themselves. All three items together can control the fabric of the Omniverse itself. 

Any user is able to alter it in the same manner as Eltron, the creator of the Omniverse and the only Phacoris around. This control over the Omniverse makes both the Eazairvian and Qlakriks look weak in comparison. These items are considered to be the most powerful artifacts in the known Omniverse and they kept the balance in it. According to Rythos, just one of these items can destroy a dimension with just a snap of the wielder's finger. 

When all three items are brought together and wielded by a being who can contain/control their immense power, they are nearly unstoppable and can change the Omniverse in whatever way possible. Its effects can be reverse but only if all three items are together once again. Due to their sheer power, only a single being of exceptional power or collection of beings who are unified and in harmony can wield their power. 

Because of this, these items are often placed in mediums that can allow the user limited but more stable control over these items. Each one of these items are nigh-indestructible and it requires a great deal of power to even destroy one. Not even god like beings can destroy one of them unless they unleash their full power on the object. 

The Vromilyrra Dynasty is a vast empire that rules over a million planets and handful of dimensions. Their main policy for growth and their power is a result of a bunch of different species working together to create a group that rivals the Alliance and Odium Society. The Vromilyrra Dynasty and it's police force is ruled by the Chancellor and this is decided upon by several different leaders from planets. They call their police fore the Enforcement Bureau.

However, it's known as the EB to the Omniverse. They are in charge of patrolling the space in the Vromilyrra Dynasty, exploring the Omniverse, fighting hostile forces, discovering new planets for the Vromlyrra Dynasty to absorb and expand, and destroying anyone in their way. They have several different species in their group but there is one or a group of members of the EB known as the Preservers who does whatever they want and not even the Chancellor can stop them. 

The latest Preservers are Cinarva Varthard and Miohru along with the current chancellor Lalorth when she worked as a preserver. 

Miohru. He looks to be a slim, muscular male with him being 5 foot 10, shorter than the female next to him. His gray skin has tawny orange highlights with it being in the form of ice running throughout his body. He has a long snout with four spikes coming out of the top of it. He has dark auburn hair and purple eyes. He wears a gray jacket with a snowflake pattern on the back with an orange sweatshirt under it. He has a bright blue scarf that covers his neck. 

He wears black spandex like pants and black shoes. He has a semi-transparent monocle over his eyes. Despite his kind-hearted nature, he is a powerful opponent and force to be reckon with. He moves and perceives at light speed but he can still communicate with others by going slow as he puts it. As a Yoslghkin, he has the ability to read the thoughts, fear, and desires of others. He uses this knowledge in order to help criminals redeem themselves and those who are suicidal calm down. 

Miohru is able to breath both inside and outside of water. He can naturally float in the air. He can lower or raise the surrounding area's temperature with him being able to create and generate fire and ice from his body at the same time. He's able to fight for long periods of time due to him being able to withstand extreme temperatures. He isn't too durable compared to his partner and tends to fight at a distance compared to her.

Osezarix 35 is the Vromilyrra Dynasty's prison facility. It contains some of the worst criminals in the Omniverse and tends to contain anyone who goes against the Vromilyrra Dynasty. It has four moons rotating around the space station. It looks very futuristic and cylindrical with it being easily taller than any building on Earth. It is currently night there. It has several watchtowers and the facility is guarded by a impressive security system. 

The guards were members of the Vromilyrra Dynasty's army that wore silver jumpsuits and mercenary style armor. These guards let the prisoners do whatever as long they don't escape. The prisoners were forced to make ammunition for the Vromilyrra Dynasty. This prison is similar to a panopticon which is a type of prison that has a central watchtower. This tower has a 360-degree viewing area and a single guard inside to potentially view all prisoners at once. 

The device that Parker made for Basalt can cover a being in a blue light and this scan their DNA into the device. It will then tell the wielder how to defeat them within seconds of scanning them and turns the device into a weapon that can defeat the species on this.

In the Omniverse, there is a group called the Jaegers. This group is often consisted of the seven ,maybe eight, most infamous and powerful beings in the Omniverse. They're not seen as allies nor enemies of anyone. They tend to do their own thing, exerting influence and terror with just their names alone. The members of this little group once consisted of Basalt the Molten Decimator, Bridgette the Explosive Supernova, Crulgrum the Crafty, Akana the Mistress of Mayhem, and Vigran the Devil's Artist. 

Two Jaegers's identities are unknown to everyone but Akana and Vigran. This is due to them making an attempt to keep their identities a secret. They managed to do this perfectly fine except from the duo of Akana and Virgan who are the original Jaegers and allowed them to do this. Most of the Jaegers considered Basalt to be a disgrace to the name. Crulgrum was neutral toward him. Akana and Vigran wanted him out of the group for a long time with Bridgette feeling the same despite being the new girl.

She joined the group after killing a Jaeger using one of her explosions. The Devil's Artist and Mistress of Mayhem eventually got their wish when Zane Alvarez killed Basalt. Zane didn't know this but he got Basalt's spot since he killed Basalt by sending him to the Infinite Void in the first place. They never met Zane before but according to Bridgette, Zane is a good guy and will help the reputation of the Jaegers go back to normal. 

Even after Basalt escaped the realm, Zane is still considered to be a member since there are only three ways to kick someone out of the group. You need to kill one of the Jaegers, defeat them in combat, or send them to the Infinite Void.

Members of the Jaegers:
Akana Barnes, Mistress of Mayhem. Akana is a Qlakrik being that for a long period of time, she was different from the rest of her species for one reason. She didn't want Skull Plague to complete his dream and unlike his sister Morana and Xoringel who actively sided against Skull Plague, Akana left the Dread Dimension and didn't participate in the Omniverse War. She wondered around the Omniverse with her looking for friends who didn't judge her for her species. 

This took a great deal of time mainly due to her being a Qlakrik which is often considered to be the most hated species due to their crimes during the Omniversal War and Skull Plague. This later changed after meeting Vigran who saved her from some of Skull Plague's minions who thought her power could help bring their master out of the Dream Dimension. The two later became the first beings to become Jaeger with Bridgette and Crulgrum joining much later on. 

Despite not looking that old, she's often seen as an older sister figure to Bridgette and Zane once she met the latter. She's an acquittance of Crulgrum and hates Basalt.  Unlike most Qlakriks, she’s very kind and caring being that she tends to help others regardless of what species they are. She does have an explosive temper. She’s very curious and open-minded being that she notices the differences of others and respects them. 

She's often quick to resort to violence when she gets triggered or when someone is making life hard for her fellow Jaeger. This doesn't apply to Basalt since she has gone out of her way to mess with the Molten Empire just because she can. She tends to be quite protective over her fellow Jaegers except for Crulgrum whom she's neutral toward and hates most men. This is due to her past and she doesn't like talking about it. Akana has no tolerance when it comes to alcohol. 

This is because she gets quite bashful and easily embarrassed when drunk. When she’s in angered or jealous state, she becomes hostile to everyone. She only returns back to normal after one of the Jaegers calms her down. She’s always happy to be depended on by others being that any kind of responsibility makes her happy. She’s protective of people that she cares about being that she usually goes above and beyond to protect them. She’s very emotional being that she can cry a huge storm. 

She can be very easily impressed being that she loves beams, cannons, and robots. Despite her childish nature, she can be rather clever and loves to play tricks. She hates people who treats life poorly with her losing her happy nature when she sees people getting hurt more than they deserve. When she’s in a feral and hostile state, she can be calmed down if someone pats her head. She's a rather small female with her being only 4 foot 11 and has a very petite frame.

Akana does have some curves but compared to other girls, she could be seen as flat. She wears platform boots in order to make herself look taller. She has dark purple skin and looks to be sixteen but she's actually much older. She has long shining green hair with two red horns coming out of the sides of her head and blue stripes at the top of them. She has two big orange eyes with red slits and long, thin eyelashes. 

She wears black eyeshadow and snow white lipstick with fingernails matching her lips. She wears a ripped, short sleeved metallic purple shirt under a black romper with green straps. Her shirt reveals her midriff. She wears a black shirt with it covering half of her thighs and her legs are covered by a pair of dark pink stockings that are ripped. She wears black knee high platform boots with noticeable and tall heels.  

Akana wears dark green evening fingerless gloves with a black choker around her neck. She has on a snowflake shaped necklace with a green stone in the center being that it was given to her by her parents. She has a long and thin lizard like tail with a heart-shaped spade at the end of it and bat like wings coming out her back. She has a mature and feminine voice despite her appearance. She's well known for her magical ability being that she can easily out magic a Magnus and Sorcerer at the same time. 

She's able to breathe without oxygen and can use her Impulse to heal any injuries that she or another being may take. She's able to control people with her eyes and tends to use this power to get whatsoever wants. She's able to adjust the temperature of the Impulse around, creating ice that she uses offense and defense. She's good at hand to hand combat since she can swiftly punch a being several times larger than her away. 

Akana can also send a being several times larger than her through several walls with a single kick. She's decent at playing an instrument and tends to play the keyboard when she's playing with Vigran. She can transform into her Qlakrik Form with her eyes glowing bright red and grows to be ten feet tall. She has a slender yet well-proportioned body like a model. She has gigantic and dazzling wings of Rainbow Carnal sticking out of her back. Her clothes adjust to her size. 

Her kicks are strong enough to create an earthquake. Her stomp ,without any kind of force, can release a powerful wind that can send people flying back. When she’s angered, her stomp can make an impressive size crater. She’s an incredibly strong Qlakrik being that she can easily defeat an army without trying. She’s able to control the air and wind around her with just a simple flick of her hand and can create tornados with ease. She can easily blow away physical objects or people away. 

She tends to float in the air and use it quite often. She tends to move extremely fast being able to save others. She has the ability to read the hearts of others. She’s really good at cooking. She may not look like it but she’s a natural fighter. She has very large amounts of stamina, being able to stay active for several hours at once. She can move really fast, being able to dodge attacks and striking him. She's able to strike her opponent with a powerful strike. 

Akana is an expert in stealth being able to hide and being untrackable. She says that Vigran and later Zane are the only beings to ever catch her when she’s playing tag. When she’s really mad, she activates a rage like mode being that her powers are increased and she has a more feral nature. It can cause fear among several villains. She can use Rainbow Carnal. In her Rage Form, she can lose her mind and rampage until she stops. This form also drains her Impulse. 

Her hypnotism doesn't work on those with a strong will much to her annoyance. She has a very strong hatred toward electricity due to a rather embarrassing incident from her past. This is something that the other Jaegers know with Vigran using that to tease her much to her annoyance. 

Bridgette Isirova aka the Explosive Supernova. She's a Merzollan with her being slightly different compared to the rest of her species. She's still a rebel like the rest of her cause but she does have a cause. The cause that she fights for is helping beings find their passion or desire to live. She grew up among her people and for sixteen years, she was living her life that her folks gave her. Over time, she was considered to be too much even among her own people.

They were known for causing destruction through out the Omniverse. This may have been due to her explosive personality and love of music but who really knows. She eventually left home to go on a journey to find herself or something like that. For three years, she bounced around before landing on Ezlario. She didn't cause any trouble there with her having a job as a singer at a local club nearby her place. This all changed after a date she went on with a jock. 

It was the combo of him spilling popcorn and his drink on her shoes and later hair, bothering people during a movie, and getting kicked out of a movie theater when he fought with the user and manager that caused her to explode. The jock didn't take responsible for his actions too so it only added more fuel to the fire. She eventually let loose with her blowing up anything that pissed her off. This rampage started with the movie theater where she was publicly embarrassed.

Said jock who was literally the worst guy she has ever dated. This eventually alerted the Alliance and she managed to hold her own against them but then she came up against Cannon Arm Xavier. He sent flying off the roof she was on and almost sent her to her end. However, Zane saved her by catching her in his arms in a total boss move. 

After Zane knocked out Xavier for almost killing her, Bridgette kissed him on the cheek as thanks. The two eventually became very close friends with Bridgette seeing Zane as her BFF. She has been called a thrill-seeker and tends to find herself in life-threatening situations which she tends to gets out of all the time. She treats her hair as an important treasure since to her, it's a symbol of her rebellion. She hates guys or girls who treat the opposite gender as objects rather than beings with thoughts and opinion. 

She also doesn't like to bother others during a movie or something along those lines. She also hates it when people don't take responsibility for their actions. She's rather flirtatious, loves having a good time with anyone. When it comes to life, she's very passionate and outgoing with her always trying to help people break out of their shell and find the passion in their life. She's extremely brave, repeatedly put herself in danger in order to have some fun. 

Bridgette does treasure life above anything else and claims that living is the greatest treasure any being can have. Like the rest of the Merzollans, she has an explosive temper and anyone who makes her explode will regret it. She is very friendly with her being generally very nice to any one in the Omniverse regardless of their age, gender, social status, or species. She doesn't discriminate. She is often considered to a highly energetic individual.

She often uses her explosion and musical talent to inspire hope, confidence, and improve morale. She has great pride in her strength and title as the Explosive Supernova  with her often going out of her way to attack anyone who makes fun of the group except it is Basalt whom she hates. She has a huge passion and love for music, often using it as a way to calm down and not let her explosive temperature get the better of her. 

Bridgette is shown to be very bold, daring, and determined. She's extremely confident and often has an extremely large smile on his face. She's an extremely loyal, caring, and loyal being with her deciding to travel the Vromilyrra Dynasty to clear Zane's name after hearing about him being a criminal. Despite her being a Merzollan, she tends to show some sense of responsibility mainly when it comes to others not taking responsibility for their actions. 

She tends not to show force toward others but when she does, she becomes quite scary. She's a strong believer in the idea of Passion which is a being find something to live for and become a better person. She believes that everyone in the Omniverse should have this, help others better themselves and strive for something in the time they have alive. When she met Zane, she considered him to be different than the rest of the Alliance agents that she had meet over the year. 

He had the passion that she admired in a being and wants to keep that passion burning alive no matter what. She tends to show great interest toward anyone with a strong passion such as Zane and the rest of his friends when she met them. Despite her lack of an attitude, she tends to be quite stubborn and tends to be one of the most stubborn beings in the Omniverse. Despite not looking it, she's a formidable combatant with her tended to excel in hand to hand combat. 

She's able to beat up beings that are much taller than him such as Turseek who's well known for his impressive fighting skills. She's extremely fast being that she can keep up with Zane in terms of speed. She can easily move around during combat with exhausting herself. She's extremely good at dodging attacks and make a comeback shortly after. She has impressive strength being that she often uses her strength to beat people up when they're being stupid. 

A single punch of her can make a hole in a steel wall easily. She tends to shoot herself toward an opponent with her rapidly punching and kicking them before sending them flying. She's extremely durable being able to survive a massive energy blast by crossing her arms in front of her but the force of said blast pushing her back. She's quite perceptive, easily telling that the Zane who was attacking the Vromilyrra Dynasty wasn't her Zane but a counterpart of him. 

She has impressive hearing being that she can hear a conversation going on outside while she’s in a crowd bar and can tell what species are talking. Like the rest of the Merzollan, she's extremely powerful and a master of fire. She can create and manipulate fire anywhere in the Omniverse and tends to use it to create fiery explosions of pain. Zane has often compared her powers to his friend Harry but much stronger since her explosions can destroy planets if she's pissed off enough. 

He does admit that the fight between Bridgette and Harry would be really interested to see. She's well known for her musical talent with her singing voice being considered angelic. She's able to sing in different speeds and tones. She tends to be a fast learner mainly when it comes to sing and everything except for driving spacecrafts. Despite not looking like it, she's really good with kids. She has absolutely no talent when it comes to piloting and tends to get around by taking the long way. 

She also hates water since enough water can douse her flames. If she's feeling extremely passionate about something, she is able to use her full power. This power is a double edged sword since if she isn't feeling passionate about something, she is much weaker than one expected. 

Crulgrum the Crafty. He's a Baradan who was born as a natural rebel which stucks out among his law abiding race. According to him, he spend most of his childhood in a cage. After twenty years, he finally had a chance to break out of said cage. When he was twenty years old, he and his friends took an opportunity to take a test ride of his father's experimental spaceship known as the Verminus. Despite having complete control over the ship, he eventually crashed into his people's courthouse.

This let out several known prisoners that his mother had put away over the years. No one knew who crashed into the courthouse but Crulgrum was sure that his mother ,a famous prosecutor, would find out that he was the one responsible and sent to the slammer for the rest of his life. He was also sure that his friends would eventually squealed like a pig. He took the rebuilt Verminus and some weapons with him leaving the planet. 

He was branded as a criminal by his people and was wanted by the Vromilyrra Dynasty for what he did to them. He eventually became a being who only looks out for himself and will do whatever job he can to survive in the Omniverse. He was eventually given very generous financial compensation by an unknown contract. He was asked to bring certain begins from all parts of the Omniverse to a certain location. 

Crulgrum agreed to this even though there was a part of him refused to take children away from their families but lucky for him, that never happened for the many years he was doing this job. This eventually stopped around the time he turned thirty. He eventually made his way to Earth and kidnap Veto from his parents. Before he could deliver the young Veto to where he dropped off the other children, he eventually found out the grizzly truth. 

The contract was a high ranking member of the Odium Society. Crulgrum was basically bringing in beings who went against the group and having them killed. Deciding to spare the young Crulgrum, he decided to take in the young Veto and built a close relationship with him despite him hating showing affections toward others. Eventually, Veto found out his adopted father had been doing and betrayed him much to the Baradan's shock. 

Due to this betray, he became bitter toward his student and swore to get revenge on him. However, there was a part of him knew that this was just the Omniverse make him pay for what he did. He also went out of his way to protect the young man who made a name for himself. He's willing to kill, threaten and betray if he feels that his well-being is in danger or wants something. He tends to be a lone wolf and does whatever as long as you pay him a good amount. 

He hates being reminded of his parents who were always putting him down and those who he called his friends. He often shows great hatred toward fellow Baradan. He often thinks that most species ,mainly Terrans, are weak and deserve to be nothing more than slaves. The only Terran that the disgraced Baradan respected is Veto and their relationship is complicated. Even among criminals, Veto is the only being that Baradan is soft upon and goes out of his way to protect 

This has cost him his credibility among criminals. Even though he was betrayed by Veto for what he did in the past, he was still come to his adopted son's aid but will go out of his way to mess with him if Veto is doing something stupid. This was shown when he learned about his son sleeping with one of Basalt's daughter and never going out of his way to visit her back on Earth. He went out of his way to kidnap his daughter and force him to be a parent. 

Despite being a cold hearted man, he does have a soft side and this is shown with Veto. He spared the young child's life after learning what the Odium Society was doing with the beings that he brought to the location over the years. Even though he hates being born among such peaceful beings, he will feel shame and remorse for his actions. He also has a rivalry with Trag. Crulgrum is easily taller and stronger than your average human with him being an impressive seven foot four. 

He has gray almost monochrome colored skin. He has long wild green-white hair that goes down to the middle of his back. He has natural black eyeliner around his seaweed green eyes. His nose are two slits. His mouth possess fangs with rather noticeable upper canines that stuck out when his mouth are closes. His forehead has a natural looking black sun shaped tattoo. He's wearing a dark blue hooded vest-like color with a gray trim.

Crulgrum wears an dark red shirt with it open and exposing his chest. His chest, shoulders, and upper back have a prominent fire like tattoo. He wears dark gray pants with a brown utility belt and black leather boots. He wears a black steel bracer on his right forearm. He has a gruff sound voice. As a Baradan, he has five times the durability, endurance, stamina, and strength of a human. He is capable of taking hits from strong beings like Turseek and can survive much stronger hits than a human could. 

He isn't bulletproof however since enough bullets can put him down permanently. As a Baradan, he has a resistance to poison, toxins, and most diseases. This didn't last for too long since he had cybernetic enhancements in order to become stronger than the weaklings of the Omniverse. His body is now able to withstand powerful blows and attacks that would kill a normal Baradan and human. He can jump from great heights and land unfazed as the ground below him leaves behind a crater where he landed.

Crulgrum is now able to withstand most energy based attacks and can heal from injuries faster than a Baradan can normally achieve. Due to him desiring to survive, he had to train himself in several forms of combat and has lost to several powerful fighters over the years but has gotten stronger with every loss than every victory. He also well versed in multiple different languages which he tried to teach Veto but that failed. 

He's able to fly through the air thanks to energy powered rockets in his boots. Due to his cybernetic enhancement, he's able to manipulate ultramarine Impulse that's similar to his adopted son but tends to be used as a way to keep him alive. He is well known for most forms of weaponry since he refuses to be caught off guard. He owns grenades that explodes into a foul gas that's similar to the stink that a skunk produces. 

This gas is harmless to most species except for those who use Impulse as their main form of defending themselves. He never goes on a job without taking a handful of them since every being uses Impulse in some regard. The grenades also can come in the form of a kind of goo like substance which instantly forms a crystal like substance and drains them of their energy. It can also work as a Impulse nullification field but this field only last for about thirty minutes. 

He owns silver disks that turned into an energy bolo which can be used to contain those who try to fight him and uses this to detain wild beasts who piss him off. It can also drain a being of their natural Impulse and makes them unable to fight back. It prevents the being from obtaining more from all around them. They can expand in size and spin around the target before shocking them. They can make spiked blades protrude from the sides of them and spinning, working as buzz saws.  

Crulgrum's main form of travel is the Verminus. It is a dark red, futuristic looking car. It has a sleek sports car like design with a noticeable engine sticking out of the front of the ship. It has two yellow headlights and a large, curved wind designs running along the side and coming off the back of the vehicle. It has three large, red glowing wheels. The car has a long, shaded windshield that opens to reveal the interior of it. The interior has a wide front seat and identical looking backseat. 

The front seat has a orange steel wheel with two handles. It can fit several beings inside of it. The interior is a dark red color.  This car naturally floats in the air. It has the ability to travel through the Omniverse at light speed. Due to Crulgrum having this ship for most of his life, he is an expert pilot and can effectively pilot the ship into combat. He can't refuse a Nazarch. This is a challenge done by the Vromilyrra Dynasty that allows two fighters to use whatever they can to win a fighter. 

His whistling also sounds like a harmonica.

Vigran the Devil's Artist. Vigran's species is Hikcander and it's similar to Chirotirians or Devils with one major difference. Vigran's species are very much like Hermaphrodites. The difference is that a Hikcander has the option to decide if they want to identify as male, female, or whatever they want around eleven years of age. They can have feminine features as a male and vise versa. They can have both male and female reproductive organ.

However, most members of this species usually stick to one gender's reproductive organs. Vigran decided to identify as a male with feminine features. He's been a member of the Jaegers since its founding shortly after the Omniverse War. He became close friends with Akana since she was the only one who could survive being a Jaeger for more than a century or two. He grew to like Bridgette and later Zane when the two joined the Jaegers.

It's often noted that he's neutral toward Crulgrum and the other Jaegers through the centuries. The only Jaeger that Vigran has ever hated was Basalt since he ruined the entire reputation of the group by just existing. In his free time, he runs one of the most famous bordello in the Omniverse known as Club Temptation where several beings ,men, women, and the other genders, work to please their customers either through any means possible such as gambling, lovemaking which costs extra, or singing. 

He tends to be a relaxed individual whose favorite activity is playing music, singing, and visiting his friends if they're still alive. He tends to keep a very open mind and tends to appreciate all kinds of Species. He's well known for being a masochist and often goes out of his way to get injured in a fight much to the confusion of others. He always believes in second chances and will go out of his way to help someone who lost their way. 

Vigran hates how Basalt made the Jaegers seem like bloodthirsty monsters and was grateful toward Zane after the Cross Species took him down. He tends to get bored easily and often goes out into the Omniverse to look for interesting things. He's well known for his sweet tooth with it being a form of payment at Club Temptation. Depending on how good the sweet is, it will get you far at his club. He's well known for his smile and according to Akana, she has only seen him never smile a single time. 

This was after Basalt had wiped out an entire species just because they didn't agree with his demand. It was truly a frightening experience according to her. Vigran is around eight foot six with him having a slender, womanly build to him. He doesn't have curves like Bridgette but from a distance, you would think that he's a woman and you're not wrong per say since he identifies as a male but has feminine plumbing to him. 

He has red coral colored skin with a long, angular face and gold freckles. He has fluffy looking golden blond hair styled into five points, making it looking like a triangle. The final two points are forming horns with three cyan blue streaks in his "horns". The ends of his hair's points had have a noticeable red glow to them. He has two dark pink eyes with round, circular white pupils. Vigran has a medium sized mouth filled with pointy sharp golden teeth. His mouth curls at the end whenever he smiles. 

The Hikcander's hands looks human with four fingers and a thumb but his feet are cloven red hooves. He wears a black suit jacket with with gold buttons and cuffs. His suit jacket has a hood to it. He wears a dark magenta turtleneck under his jacket. He wears sleek, slim looking black pants with shiny white dress shoes with his shoes having a cyan blue lightning bolt design to them. 

He has a long, curly tail with it covered in black fur. He's able to deliver a powerful shock upon shaking hands with him since the amount of electricity that he can produce is easily over 500 volts. He's able to move things with his mind being that his telekinetic abilities can work through a video call. Virgan's best known power is able to control time with him being to pause it, reverse it, fast forward it, and he can do this on others. 

Vigran tends to stick to the rules of time travel very tightly since he's scared of pissing off Hourglass Universe since she's scary when upset. He has the ability to absorb and manipulate the life essence of most beings in the Omniverse. The only beings whose he can't touch are those with a strong will. He is able to warp reality around him and can manipulate shadows to do whatever he wants. He's quite flexible with him being able to position his body into numerous unnatural poses.

He can turn the upper half of his a one hundred eighty degrees no problems. He is often regarded as one of the smartest beings in the Omniverse since he's able to run his bordello without any problems from the Alliance. He often things several steps ahead before making any move whatsoever. He's well known for his dancing and singing since he's often singing at Club Temptation and whenever he's singing, it's better than any lovemaking done at the bordello according to several reviewers. 

Vigran has the ability to play any musical instrument since according to him, music is the only thing worthy learning. He tends to play the drums whenever he's playing with Akana and Bridgette. Despite all of his talents, he's an awful cook and his food can be used for killing with relative ease. He hates when he's reminded about that. 

Other characters:
Morana Yung. She's the Goddess of Death and Decay with her being responsible for claiming the souls of the deceased throughout the Omniverse. She is also the older sister of Skull Plague. She was placed inside of Tophet aka hell several thousand years ago just because she disagreed with her brother's plan for the Apocageddon. Like with Celina and Izola, she was unable to talk and communicate with others for several thousand years. 

This made her very clingy toward meeting new people. Even though she was stuck inside of Tophet, she was still able to do as her job without too much problems. This was done by her creating the Grim Reapers who reap the souls of the deceased and help guide them to where they belong after dead. She wanted to meet Zane for a long time since he had a powerful aura that can be felt throughout the Omniverse. 

After Zane died from getting absorbed into Basalt's sword, Morana saw that this was the perfect change to see him. She asked her grim reapers to bring him to her so they could meet him. She was sure that with this, he could stop Skull Plague no matter what. Morana is often flirtatious, loves to tease other beings, and has a desired for talent. She seeks the best and most talented beings with her hoping that they will be able to defeat her brother no matter what. 

Once Skull Plague is either defeated in battle or kill, she will be free from her prison. However, she was unable to find anyone strong enough to complete the job until Zane made his presence known to her by defeating several beings at a young age. After learning about him, she gained an obsession over Zane and actively does whatever she can to see him grow into a being strong enough to kill her brother and protect the Omniverse. 

Unlike her brother, she doesn't take credit for her minion's achievements and tends to be quite the sadist even in a sparring match. She also likes beings who praises you. She also doesn't like ruling over others. She tends to be quite selfish in what she wanted with her having her minions bringing Zane to Tophet in order to see him even though he was fighting against Basalt at the time. She also likes to talk privately with Zane. To do this, she blocks out the rest of Team Legion Zero when she needs to talk with him. 

She tends to tease Zane often since she finds him attractive and hates whenever a cute girl shows him affection other than herself. She tends to get embarrassed whenever Zane brings up her cute moments.  Like her brother, she's considered to be extremely powerful and well known for her power. For many years, she was able to defeat her younger brother in combat. She's able to manipulate Tophet in whatever way she wants and the souls of other beings. 

The latter of which is used for her job as the Goddess of Death and Decay. She created the Grim Reapers in order to do her job since she's unable to collect the souls of the deceased due to her trapped inside of Tophet. The Grim Reapers are humanoid figures with only an old and torn cloak visible covering their body. It has two red eyes sticking out of the cloak. Out of the cloak, it has a pair of bony hands holding a metal scythe. 

Her Carnal is able to do anything Morana wants it too and this includes turning her into a Akostar or dragon like form. Her Akostar form is a large dragon with her being slightly bigger than Azalea but smaller than Sivarth. She looks like a Western style Dragon. Her body is covered in pale gray skin with an eerie purple glow around her body. Her four legs have five large, razor-sharp celestial blue claws protruded from her feet. 

She had a long and thin tail with bone like fins and spikes running along its length. The end of her tail is in the shape of a scythe. The spikes and fins continued up to her neck. Her skull is triangular shape with six short curved celestial blue horns coming out of her head, forming an organic looking crown. Her large maw consists of rows of razor-sharp teeth and she has a dark purple forked tongue. She has two pure milky white eyes with no pupils and her eyes are easily twice the size of an average human. 

Her large wings come out of her shoulder blades and they have a bat like appearance. Her wingspan has a good forty meter wingspan. Her wings have parts of them missing. 

Who defeated/killed a Vonrall:
Allen (2), Bridgette (1), Cinarva (1), Danny (1), one of the Goliaths thanks to Malik (1), and Zane (4).

Team A (Sneaking onto the ISC Rebellion and rescuing Janet): Altair, Janet, Kitt, Lorelei, Malik, Sitara, Turseek, Velda, Veto, and Vlad.
Team B (Fighting against Basalt and his army): Allen, Arya, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Gwen, Parker, Rachel, and Zane.

The symbol for the Paradoxes resembles a Red Sun with the sun have twelve points to it.  

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