Monday, October 9, 2017

Zero Episode 44 Terrarune Takeover PT 2 The rise of Legion Zero

A/N: You may have noticed something. The past three forms that are new are just update versions of three old cards. I do like those cards but compared to the forms, they're kinda of useless. I made them go into the forms. So what's up with Zane? He's actually like a jerk being that he's using his powers to make Brad look stupid. Well, we're going to find out and after this, I should be working on two to three Zero Shorts and then we get to meet one of Zane's most annoying villains. Also if you take my stories seriously, I'm impressed. This is done for fun and nothing else. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,still in Fulmination Form, had escaped his horsemen's capture with him launching himself toward the top of the dome and he splatted into it like a bug on a windshield. "Ouch. That had to hurt." said Rayth. Alastor nodded as he soon noticed that Vicky was heading toward Konosuke's sword. She was about to grab it but then she was slammed by Shayde. "Spiro needs the generals back at the castle. She's gone missing and his highness isn't in a good mood." said Shayde.

Vicky was out cold with her suit retreating revealing a seriously injured girl. "Vicky!" said Zane. "So do you care about her Zane? I didn't see that coming." said Sovereign. The teen glared at her as he said,"We're protecting her got that Sovereign?". The two soon went over to her as Konosuke said,"Your end is near as my sword lays in the earth. The sword once removed shall end this world faster.".

He looked over at Zane who growled. "Make the gauntlets appear or all will be dying." said Konosuke. He and the rest of the generals aka Alastor, Rayth, and Shade were soon gone. "I can't believe this!" said Zane. He soon aimed his antennae at Sovereign who said,"You serious aren't you Zane?". "You're the real reason why MY town is being invaded by Phantoms because you just had to be greedy! Tell me why I shouldn't attack you." said Zane as his electricity charged.

Before the attack could fire, the two heard,"Children of Cypress Park!". The two turned to see ,with their enhanced vision, Natasha and Jim sitting in Zane's car with Atem and Kania ,still invisible, in the backseat with the young boy holding the dog. The mother was both driving and talking through an microphone. "Please report to the safety of your parents!" said Natasha. The car was then plowing through several un-moving skeletons. 

Zane said,"She's looking for me not you.". "Natasha is a great mother unlike her husband." said Sovereign as she flew off. Zane blast her with some electricity as she disappeared. Zane smirked as he turned back into Legion Zero and then Zane. He looked up to see his mom and Jim running up to them as they were frowning. Zane looked at the injured Vicky with him saying,"Um. I didn't do it Jim. We should get her some medical help instead of yelling at me.".

Back at the Alvarez House, the skeleton armies stood there with an energy shield ,created by Natasha to negate all Phantoms except for those of her family, covering the house. The news from the living room TV was playing as Sophie Baldwin's voice said,"Welcome to Day 1 ,I hope no more, out of our imprisonment of our town.". Ana, Atem, Danny, Kania, Kristen, and Wolfram were currently inside and watching the news.

Sophie stood in the center of the TV screen as she said,"We're currently in our sixth hours of captivity from this dome. Cypress Park remains cut from the outside world. And lets get to Lloyd Baldwin ,who is unlucky to be out there with them, with some news on the dome breaking.". The screen changed to show Lloyd standing there as some guy working on the dome ,thanks to a large drill like invention, in the background.

Lloyd said,"Well Sophie, an eerie calm has fallen over our town despite it being pretty destroyed, has several new bony residents, and covered in an eerie glowing green dome. We still have no luck in piercing the dome.". "So are they related?" said Atem. "Honestly squirt. I have no idea." said Danny as he had Wolfram sitting on his lap. Kristen looked toward the basement as Kania said,"Zane is now fine and recovered.". "Yeah but he isn't himself." said Kristen.

Back in the basement, Vicky ,who was feeling better, and Zane were watching the same thing in the basement. Behind them, Lilith and Natasha were working on the Command Zion with both halves connected looking to be about ten feet tall. Lilith wiped her brow as Natasha said,"This suit is the only way we have to get out of here by either punching our way through the ground or the dome. We still have the problem of the neural interface.".

Reggie was sitting nearby with Ed handed him a cold water bottle. "I'm going to be wearing the suit because I'm the only one with super powers meaning that I can handle the suit longer than a normal human." said Reggie. He stood up but he moved slowly than normal. "Reggie! I'm not letting you hurt yourself. I don't to lose anyone close to me again!" said Natasha. Zane walked over to Lilith as he said,"Hurts you doesn't it? She still cares so much about my dear old dad and not you.".

Lilith said,"I have more IMPORTANT things to worry about than Natasha's crush on Shawn and so do you Zane. Your temper is getting worse. We can't have you doing something stupid right now but what am I expecting from the idiot son of Shawn?". Zane clenched his fists as it started to bleed. He was tempted to knock Lilith out with him thinking,"Why have I been so dam angry the past couple of days? I need help.".

Vicky made her way up the stairs and toward the group. She still covered in bruises as she sits with them, holding her stomach. "So are you feeling better?" said Danny.  "A little but I'm shocked to see that you care. Don't you hate me?" said Vicky. "Even when we were in the A List together, I didn't know you and after I got kicked out, you're pretty mean to me. You really think we would hang out with you without wondering you're planning? And where did get the bracelets?" said Kristen.

She was still wearing the Gauntlets of Power which were on her wrists. "I wonder if Kristen thinks that Zane gave those to her." thought Kania. Vicky looked at the two angered teens with her saying with a sly smirk,"That falls under the category of none of your dam business.". Zane slowly came up from the basement with him saying,"Hey.". Zane's CJ went off as he ran upstairs. "I wonder what's up with him. He could be sneaking out to see his REAL girlfriend." said Vicky.

Kristen stood up as she grabbed Danny's arm angrily. "We're going to talk with Zane in private." said Kristen. "Good idea but you could let go of my arm before you tear it off?" said Danny. Zane stood in front of his room as he said,"Athena. Activate the Ammunition Arm.". "But what if Vicky sees you, I bet a good amount of bucks that she'll blast you to pieces before asking questions." said Cole. "She won't find out." said Zane. "Fine but you're cleaning up your room." said Athena.

Zane opened the door with him covered in Ammunition Arm and he saw Auratina sitting on his bed holding a book. "You were such a cutie Zane but now you got this handsome charm to you. I can see what those two see in you." said Auratina. Zane growled as he said,"Why are you here? And how did you get through the barrier?!". He aimed his gun arm at Auratina who said,"I came in here before you activated it because we need to talk Zane.".

Danny and Kristen were walking up to Zane's room with Danny saying,"So Kris why are you worried about Zane cheating on you? I mean he's a loyal dude.". "Yeah but I'm letting Vicky get to me. She's totally flirting with him and Zane ,being dense, doesn't notice it." said Kristen. "Yeah and she can't be right about Zane cheating on you." said Danny. The girl opened the door to the room and she saw her boyfriend talking with Auratina with her fainting.

Zane ran up to Kristen ,catching her, and he said,"Kris! What happened?". "So why is the princess in your room?" said Danny. "It's a long and complicated story." said Zane. Zane placed Kristen on his bed as Auratina said,"Didn't you tell them Zane?". "Not yet. You should probably tell them what you told me." said Zane. "Okay. You could tell that Konosuke is looking for the Gauntlets." said Auratina.

Danny crossed his arms as he said,"Yeah and he's trapped our town in an impenetrable dome. So why would the samurai thinks its here?". "My father can sense them and they're somewhere in town. I heard that they were taken by Sovereign. She's hiding somewhere in town and he's will destroy everything and everyone to get them." said Aura. "Do you think it could be in a locked or sealed form right now?" said Zane.

Kristen slowly woke up as Zane said,"Morning princess. I thought that you would need a kiss from your prince to be awoken from your slumber.". "So you're not cheating?" said Kristen. "Me cheat? I can't cheat whatsoever and according to Danny, I can't lie whatsoever." said Zane. "You really can't bro. So about it being in a sealed form? Could it be bracelets?" said Danny. "Why bracelets? I mean it should be like something cool like a ring." said Zane.

Aura said,"When not in use, they do turn into bracelets. I would admit that a ring based sealed form could be better.". "So the bracelets could be the Gauntlets right? We know that Lilith wants my battle suit because she failed getting the Gauntlets and Crown combo platter." said Zane. "So how do you know this?" said Kristen. "Museum of Supernatural Antiquity. Bane told me about it and we have to find them." said Zane. He turned into Legion Zero with him saying,"I have the perfect bait.".

In the Cypress Park's hunting store, Wraith was just standing there with Zane phasing into the room behind him. He was charging up an steel gray nether blast with him saying,"Wow. This is easy. Too easy if you ask me.". He fired the blast right through his chest causing him to fall over. Zane saw that it was a cutout as he said,"Son of a....". He was punched by the real Wraith right into some supplies as he said,"Did you think that you could sneak up on me?".

He flew right over to Zane but he was soon stopped by Zane in Raptor Form. "Fly!" said Zane. He punched the hunter into toward the ceiling but Wraith recovered. Danny reappeared with Aura and Kristen as he said,"Man. It feels weird to be intangible.". Wraith fired Black Nether at Zane who then punched it, It was destroyed as Zane fired a sonic scream launching Wraith back. The hunter went to Zane but he was caught by something.

Zane looked to see Bane standing there with him saying,"You're here for something Zane. Tell me or else I don't think I can hold two of them back any longer Zane.". Zane then turned around to see Aster, Celeste, Dyno, Hyde, Jennifer, Kendra, Seth, and Smog standing around him. "Let me say this once. I need your help. Tell me why Konosuke is doing this." said Zane. He pointed to Aura who said,"Please tell him.". "Fine." said Wraith.

Zane then punched Wraith into some supplies with Zane turning back to normal. Kristen crossed her arms as she said with a frown,"And why did you do that?". "I have issues and punching helps." said Zane. Everyone was soon gathered around a fire created by Hyde. "It was many years ago. I don't think most of you Phantoms were around back then." said Hyde. "So you're saying that you're really old." said Zane.

Hyde glared at him as Smog said,"You really like pissing people off don't you Zane?". "It's a gift Smog." said Zane. "Anyway, Spiro Midnight wasn't the gentle giant as he is today. He along with his horsemen, Konosuke, and his army were invincible and tended to be more destructive than any one Phantom. He's also older than one may think." said Bane. "He was a harsh but fair ruler. I once served in his army back then." said Dyno.

Zane was about to say something but Kristen glared at him shutting him off. "He's the only one who could hold the powers of the Gauntlets of Power and Crown of Rage. Wearing both, he could do anything." said Aster. "So why isn't he control Terrarune now? He sounds invincible." said Danny. "I heard that he stopped his conquest when he met your mother Princess." said Hyde. "My keeper told me that he did fall in love HARD." said Aura.

Dyno said,"He locked up the Gauntlets of Power with it unable to open except by the Nightmare Key. I may have let Lilith get the key.". "YOU DID THIS DYNO!?" yelled Zane. He attacked the warden ,brutally beating him and no one could stop him, as Kendra said to Jennifer,"Wow. I've never seen Johnny this mad before.". "MY NAME ISN'T JOHNNY VINCENT GOD FREAKING DAMN IT!!!!!!!" yelled Zane. He flew off with the two dinosaur nether heads formed around him.

Celeste said,"Zane is angry. Spiro has destroyed our homes and it's bad.". "Can't someone tell me why my bro is so angry? And can we ask for your help against Spiro Nightmare and his army?" said Danny. "To be honest, Johnny has never been this angry." said Jennifer. "You don't get it do you guys? Zane HATES being called someone that he hasn't met before. I'm guessing that you guys didn't know that. He and I had a chat about this." said Seth.

Kendra said,"Why didn't Zane say anything?". "Zane is a high level of stubbornness and he tends to keep his emotions inside until he well explodes." said Danny. Bane handed Danny a phone as he said,"I created ,not stole, this. When you need us, just press it and we will be here.". The group of Phantoms was gone except for Aura with Kristen said,"So where is Zane now?". "I hope not causing trouble. Lets go find him." said Aura. The three were soon gone.

Lilith was sitting on a building looking over Cypress Park with her saying,"You wanted a chat didn't you Zane?". She turned to see Zane ,as Legion Zero and in his crimson aura, standing there. "You're putting innocent people in danger. You're stopping now. Tell Vicky that you want the bracelets back or else." said Zane. Lilith had a smug look on her face as she said,"So you figure out my plan? Has your tiny mind pierced it together or did your pals help you?".

Zane said,"They did but I know that you tried to become the Empress of Terrarune and failed, gave it to Vicky to hide it, and stealing them, the crowd, and the battle suit.". She was quiet as Zane said,"I'm smarter than I look.". "That's right. At first, I barely considered you a threat but now, you're nothing more than a cut rate Johnny." said Lilith. Zane growled with Lilith saying,"Did you know that you're just like him? I mean he had an anger problem just like you do.".

Zane roared as he turned into Thunder Form. The two dinosaurs rested there on the thunder beast's shoulders with Lilith saying,"Uh oh.". Zane slammed an electric fist into Lilith with the two heads fired an crimson red nether beam at Lilith causing her to be sent flying. Zane jumped after her and she crashed into a billboard. "Wow. You're so strong Johnny Vincent. You're becoming just like him aren't you?" said Lilith as she was Sovereign. "I AM NOT JOHNNY!" roared Zane.

He turned into Turbo Form with him saying,"TURBO!". He flew toward Sovereign slamming into her as they landed back at the football field. Zane turned into Thunder Form as Sovereign said,"You don't see it do you? You use your powers for your own uses, throwing out attacks, and yelling. That is Johnny and you using Tyrannus is strange but nothing to be worried about. You're nothing more than a copy of your father and Johnny Vincent.".

Sovereign blasted Zane back with him landing nearby Konosuke's sword. "Oh yeah?" said Zane. He stood up with his face screaming rage. "Well then, I'll make you give it back to Spiro and show everyone that I AM NOT JOHNNY VINCENT!" yelled Zane. He placed his hand on the handle as Sovereign flew over to him. "Zane! Don't do it!" said Sovereign. "You're not the boss of me!" said Zane as the sword came out.

The ground started to shake around with the dome shattering into pieces. People were running from the falling pieces. Sovereign turned intangible to avoid them as the two dinosaur heads blasted them away from Zane. The dome was soon gone as Zane saw that they were in Terrarune with the skeleton armies return back to normal and went back to rampage. Forsaken Dirge soon started shaking until it went flying back to its owner who stood there with the horsemen and Spiro.

Spiro said,"Idiot Child. You just ended the town.". He fired red nether at the two with Sovereign getting blasted. Zane's heads blocked the attack as Spiro said,"You have Tyrannus?". Zane looked at the two heads as he said,"Yeah. I'm going to use them to kick your ass!". He jumped toward Spiro as the emperor backhanded him. The two began brawling as Sovereign was out cold being held there by some guards as Konosuke just watched.

On a public TV screen, Natasha and Reggie sat there, looking very serious. "Attention all Citizens of Cypress Park! This is Reggie Robertson and Natasha Alvarez!" said Reggie. "Phantoms have pulled our town into their home turf known as Terrarune." said Natasha. The screen soon showed Ed and Jim were working at a computer with Vicky nearby them. "I'm launching the probe now." said Jim as he pressed out a button.

A small rocket flew out of the house with Ed saying,"I'm increasing the radius to protect the city just in case.". He pushed a level up which expanded the shield around the house to cover the shield. All of the skeletons were pushed back ,with them being caught in the crossfire of Spiro and Zane's duel, and people ran screaming into the shield. "The shield is up to full power and the probe is working." said Jim as Vicky ran off ,in pain, to go help.

The skeletons ,that wen't destroyed by the emperor and Zane's attack, tried to break through with one of Spiro's shot hitting one of the TV screen. He looked back at Zane ,who was panting, and Sovereign who was still unconscious and turned back into Lilith. "You're both Cross Species? And one of you has his aura. Colored me impressed." said Spiro. He charged an attack with him saying,"Enjoyed your life child? It's soon about to end.".

He was about to fire but he heard,"Hey Ugly! Surprise!". She fired some slime into his eyes and he was blinded. The guards were confused as Zane turned into Thermal Form. He froze Spiro and he burned the guards. Vicky grabbed Lilith with her soon loosing her balance. She landed on the ground hard just as Spiro burned away the goop and broke the ice. "Oww!" said Vicky. She took off her gloves as Konosuke saw the Gauntlets in their base form.

Konosuke flew toward him as he said,"Give me those bracelets! They belong to the...". Zane then created a giant ice wall with him saying,"Don't give it to them!". Spiro then slammed Zane into the ground as he coughed blood on the emperor. She then took off the bracelets with her holding onto a bazooka. She placed them on the tip of the bazooka missile. "If you Phantoms want it, go get it losers!" said Vicky.  

The missile went flying far away with the horsemen going after it and Spiro looked at Zane. "You can't let your rage control you child. Emotions can be used for or against you as a Phantom so if you want to fight me again, I'll accept your challenge." said Spiro. He then flew off with Zane slowly getting back up. The dinosaur heads was gone as he said,"Lilith. Vicky.". He looked to see that Vicky was flying away with Konosuke going after them.

Zane turned into Turbo Form as he said,"Turbo!". He flew above them with him blasting an energy beam out of his eyes causing Konosuke to stop his assault. Vicky landed inside of the dome with her dragging Lilith away. "You're an idiot child." said Konosuke. "I kept you busy so I think that my plan is going perfectly. Turbo!" aid Zane. He flew off as Konosuke said,"My liege. What do you suggest we do?".

Spiro stood there ,with him wearing the crown and gauntlets, and he said,"We shall see Legion Zero soon enough Konosuke. He is going to be the next king of Terrarune so lets get ready to make Earth mine now.". He walked away as his steps were soon producing energy and Konosuke soon followed and then went to go get his sword back. Zane ,in Turbo Form, floated above them with him looking at his hands with them producing the crimson red nether in it.

He calmed down as his face got serious. Inside and around Zane's house, several people were outside, looking in fear hoping to survive from the bony army. Zane ,while invisible, flew right back toward his home as he whispered,"Turbo!".  He landed in his room as he saw Lilith resting in a chair and a beat up Vicky ,out of her suit, nearby her. "I just need some time to rest." said Vicky. She was out cold as Zane ,back to normal. reappeared. He placed her on his bed as he said,"I'm sorry Vicky.".

He heard,"Have you calmed down Zane?". Zane then turned around to see an awaken Lilith with him saying,"I'm fine Lilith but you need to stop whatever you're planning.". "Oh. And if I don't, are you going to attack me?" said Lilith. Zane sighed as he turned into Fairy Form. He fired his pink dust at Lilith and went to sleep. "Take a nap vampire. It's time for me to get serious." said Zane. He soon looked at himself in the mirror with him saying,"Maybe being myself would help better.".

He heard someone coming up and he turned back to normal. Arturo and Natasha opened the door as Arturo said,"You see sweetheart? I told you that I sense them up here.". Natasha hugged Zane as she said,"Are you okay sweetie?". Zane hugged her back as he said,"I'm fine mom. So when is the battle suit going to be functional?". "You're not serious are you Zane?" said Arturo. Natasha looked at the two males as she said,"What's going on?". "You'll see mom." said Zane.

Down in the basement, Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kristen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara were sitting there. "So where did Zane go?" said Karen. "Who knows Karen? I mean right now, Zane is in his angered state so it's hard for him to listen to others." said Ray enjoying some tea. Arturo came downstairs as he said,"He's been along with Vicky in his room for hours.". Karen and Kristen rushed up the stairs as Tara said,"This is depressing.". The rest followed her as Arturo shrugged.

Zane stood there looking at the blade that rested in his room and CJ alerted Zane of his friends. The girls burst into his room as Karen said,"Zane! You're okay!". She hugged him as Zane said,"Yeah. I just had to get out my anger and stress.". Kristen slightly glared at Karen before her attention was on Vicky ,who looked terrible, and she said,"What happened?". "She actually fought against Konosuke and Spiro in her condition. I was consume by anger and she got caught in the crossfire." said Zane. 

Danny said,"Dude. This isn't your fault. She wanted to protect the town.". "From the evil Phantoms not the good ones." said Ray. "That isn't the point Raymond." said Gwen. Zane looked at his friends and he said,"Danny, I'm a hero and it's time to be a hero rather than a childish excuse for one.". He turned into Legion Zero as he said,"Hang on. This will get a little bumpy.". He turned invisible as he grabbed them all. "Okay. This feels weird." said Rachel. "You'll get used to it." said Kristen.

They were in the basement with several adults ,which includes Ed, Natasha, Reggie, and Tony, were standing around something covered in a fireproof tarp. "Despite Command Zion's ability to enhance your natural abilities, it could be fatal." said Natasha. She showed off the fully completed Command Zion to the adults and Team Power. Zane smiled as he said,"This is perfect.". The suit was ten feet tall with the top of it being covered by a clear dome.

The chest is broad being that in the center, a strange logo was there being that it was an A with the background being a nuclear explosion. The suit is armored being silver with dull green ,that glows upon activating it, accents to them. His arms, feet, hands, and legs looked large and robotic. The shoulders ,which were strangely large cubes, had the same logo on them. It looked to be ten feet tall just like Atomic. "I'm going to be using it. This suit will kill anyone, it should be me." said Reggie.

He was then knocked to the ground by Natasha as she said,"You're still weak from the first time. I'm going in.". She was then knocked to the ground by Ed who said,"Zane needs you and so does Tara so I'm going.". He was knocked to the ground as this started a trend. "Wow. This is perfect. I was totally going to blast them with Black Nether or Fairy Form's dust but this is working." said Zane. "No. You can't Zane!" said Karen.

Zane and the others landed on the ground with Zane saying,"I have to. This is my fault and I can get rid of that problem.". "Well, you may have another problem with that." said Gwen. Zane turned to see Vicky ,in her outfit, survived whatever happened down here and Zane said,"Hey Agent.". She turned to see him floating above her as he said,"Yeah. This suit isn't for sale or it isn't in your size. Pick your answer on which to get mad at.".

Vicky aimed her rifle at him as she said,"I don't know how you got in here but this is my fight. We may not be killing each other but soon....". "Two things. I got in through the internet and your fight is over." said Zane. Jim came walking into the lab ,while holding some snacks, and he was shocked to see everyone out cold with two heroes standing there. "Hey! What's going on down here?" said Jim as the rest of Team Power sneaked out of there before Jim saw them.

Vicky said,"You're not my dad!!!". Zane shrugged as he took off her hood. She screamed as Zane said,"You should really give up the whole killing MY kind thing and join the school choir with that voice of yours.". "Vicky?" said a shocked Jim. "You're dead Zero!" said Vicky. She pulled out some pistols but she was forced to drop them thanks to her father holding her down. "Thank you Legion Zero. She has issues." said Jim. "Issues is an understatement." said Cole.

Athena silently agreed him with Zane saying,"So I'm going to borrow this suit to save the town from Spiro. Tell Natasha Alvarez when she wakes up.". He grabbed the suit with him going through the house and the suit was in hand. "So you've been killing Phantoms? All of this time? Are you okay Victoria?" said Jim. "I'm okay." said Vicky. He then placed her down but he yelled,"YOU'RE SO IN TROUBLE!".

On the roof, Zane placed the Command Zion down as Athena said,"I can see where Vicky gets her lungs from.". "So by that logic, does Hannah's dad have lungs like her?" said Zane. "Lets go test it out Zane!" said Cole. "We can't. It's time to be a hero rather than a prankster or Kevin." said Zane. On the ground, Kevin sneezed. Zane turned into Swift Form with him rushing into his house picking up his sword and grabbed some scraps from his mother's inventions.

He turned into Brain Form as he said,"Now. It's time to get rid of that pesky and annoying neural interface.". He messed with the suit as he finished, he turned into Gadget Form. He jumped onto the suit with its color scheme changing to black and purple and his logo replaced the A. Zane turned back to normal as he took off the glass cover. He jumped in and he closed the hatch behind him. He turned on the suit as he said,"Okay. Lets begin you two.".

Athena said,"Activating Neural Interface.". The snake like metal covered Zane's entire back and he said,"Okay. This feels weird.". He saw on the screen ,in front of him, there was a battery symbol with his two A.I.s  on the screen. "Lets start this bad boy up Zane." said Cole. The purple lights were soon starting to glow. The battery's gauge was at 100 and Zane posed. "Alright! It's time to Power Up for real!" yelled Zane.

His Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Okay. You guys should know that you can't sneak up on me like at all especially with the Zero Suit.". He turned around to see his team, pets, and family ,except for Natasha, standing there. "Zane. Stop this please." said Karen. Zane sighed as he said,"This is just the start of my journey. I'm going to be fighting a god to protect all that I care about. This is what I have to do.".

Arturo said,"I'll keep my daughter from sending the cavalry in. Zane, you may hate to hear this but you're becoming more like your father by the day. Just make sure to come back for her and my sake okay?". "I promise grandpa and thanks for being there to listen to my bitching." said Zane. The old Phantom was gone as Atem looked at his dad. "You're so cool right now." said Atem. He was crying as Zane placed his giant metal hand on his head.

Zane said,"Atem. I need you to promise your dear and young dad something.". Atem nodded as Zane said,"Protect Grandma for me. I'll be back I promise but you need to protect her from any Phantoms that may break the barrier. Promise me that?". Atem shook his head up and down rapidly with Ana saying,"I'll help too. Family has to stick together right?". Kania nodded as Wolfram tried to lick his master. "Maybe after this bud. Just protect them for me okay?" said Zane. "WE WILL!" yelled Atem.

He ran off with the other three following him. "I forgot how dam stubborn you can be man but you're serious." said Danny. "Yeah." said Zane. "Your mom used the word fatal cos." said Tara. "I'm going to be back. I have so many things to do which include teasing Atem about his girlfriend, trying all flavors of slushies at Fantasia, and so many other things so I'm not going to let some former dictator stop me." said Zane. "Well don't die okay." said Danny. "I won't." said Zane.

He then looked down at his friends as he thought,"I really hope I'm not lying.". He looked at Gwen, Rachel, and Ray with Gwen saying,"Kick their buts Legion Zero no Zane.". She hugged him and Ray said,"Bro. You got this. Just make sure that they don't do this again.". The two then fist bumped with Rachel said,"Don't die Zane. We may have to get a new friend for our social group and trust me, no one can replace you.". "Thanks Rae. I feel so loved." said Zane.

He then looked at his cousin and brother like friend with Tara saying,"Zane. I know that you weren't totally on board with being a hero but you're becoming a great hero so kick some but.". She hugged her cousin as Danny said,"Zane. Come back.". "I will Danny. You know when I'm lying right? So tell me if I am." said Zane. Danny looked at Zane's right eye ,which stood still, and he said,"Okay. Just be your normal self.". "Who else would I be?" said Zane.

He then looked at Karen and Kristen with him saying,"But if I don't make it back but I will be, you really should say whatever you want to tell me.". "Come back okay my novio idiota." said Kristen as she kissed the glass of the cockpit. "She called you her idiot boyfriend." said Cole. "Zane got that Cole." said Athena. Karen looked at Kristen and Zane as she said,"Um.... I.....". Before Karen could finish her statement, a wind went right past her. "Blocked." said the two A.I.

The group looked up to see that several clouds were forming to make Spiro's face. "Humans of this park called Cypress! Hear my words as law!" said Spiro. "Ignoring that. I need you guys to drop the shield for a split second. This suit will still have my nether signature but well, it will just look cool if you do that." said Zane. "Same old Zane. We'll handle that right guys?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I may be serious but I'm still the lovable Zane." said Zane.

Danny shrugged his shoulders as he said,"You got this man but be careful okay?". They were gone as Karen looked back at Zane with her mouthing,"I love you Zane. Please don't die.". She went to go join the others with Zane transforming into Legion Zero. The purple light soon began to glow and he flew off. Some of the crowd ,mainly teens, saw him and they cheered. "Kick his butt Zero!" said Sam as she cheered. "It's not Zero anymore! It's Legion Zero!" said Zane.

As he flew closer to the barrier, Danny looked at Ray ,who was holding the switch to turn off the shield, and he said,"Now!". Ray pulled it down as it went off for a second. Zane flew through as the shield went back up. "Okay Athena and Cole. Pull up the map. We did some recon of Terrarune so lets find Spiro's house. He's late on his but kicking." said Zane. He flew off with Cole saying,"So what's the plan?". "Beat him up and maybe stop the invasion." said Zane.

Athena said,"Maybe?". "I wouldn't mind being under a ruler myself but one who destroyed my town is no bueno in my book." said Zane. He crashed into something as he said,"Sorry about that. I mean you're not alive so why am I...?". He looked up to see a black/gray golem like Phantom with a stone like face. He looked to be male with two white eyes and a neon glowing aura. "Legion Zero. What are you doing here in Terrarune?" said the Phantom.

Zane said,"You're part of Spiro's army aren't you? Well, I'm after your boss and I will defeat all of his minions.". Zane's hands soon glowed with energy as the Phantom said,"I'm not working as a minion of the Emperor. My name is Riser, the Guardian and Protector of Terrarune. I have met your past self before our encounter. Hyde was a previous Zero killed by the Form Morpher. You know about that creature correct?".

Zane's hands stopping glowing as he said,"Yeah. According to the Alliance's database ,which was really easy to hack into by the way, the Form Morpher is a creature that has many faces and its kill count consisted of most Zeroes including some other important powerful beings. It can somehow travel through the Omniverse due to Zeroes being all over the Omniverse. I'm not planning on dying.". "I can see that. Take this." said Riser.

Zane was given a magic scroll with him saying,"Um thanks.". "This is the Limbo Codex aka the best map of the Omniverse. The Alliance may have a good map but this one is way better." said Riser as several different portals opened up. "Thank you Riser. So why didn't you leave Terrarune before the invasion started?" said Zane as he placed the scroll inside of the armor compartment aka his sword's location and inside of his suit.

Riser said,"I can't leave. I'm the one who gives all in the Omniverse a second chance at life by being a Phantom. Good luck against Spiro. He's stronger than normal but you're Zane so good luck.". Zane nodded as he flew off toward the castle and he stopped in front of it. "Sons of gods! This is going to be fun." said Zane. He saw almost ten thousand skeletons ,with them blocking the way to the castle, and the door was locked unlike before.

They were armed and all of them were ready to attack Zane. He saw the four horsemen, Kurse, and Shayde with the latter two riding skeletal dragons. Airielle and Sandra were on their skeletal pegasus with Airielle on a black skeletal pegasus with her holding a scale and Sandra on a white skeletal pegasus with sharp fangs and teeth. She's wearing a golden crown armed with a bow and arrow over her normal outfit before.

Zane said,"Okay. I shouldn't use too much of my power starting out of the gate.". His right hand was glowing with energy as he fired out an energy ball. It landed in front of some of the Phantoms with them laughing out loud. It then caused a giant explosion getting rid of the skeletons and parts of the ground below them. They glared at Zane who said,"Okay. I didn't see that coming but well, it was so dam cool! Time to cool things off!".

His suit began to glow as he said,"Frost Form!". His suit begin to glow as it changed. He stayed the same size with him having frost coming from every part of his body. The armor is now a navy blue color ,except for his shoulders, ankles, armpits, arms and legs being cyan blue, and his chest and abdomen are black. He has strange icicles shaped marks on the palms of his hands and soles of his feet with them pure snow white.   

His fingers and toes are pointed with them being dark cyan. He has four navy blue wings ,with black edges, sticking out of his back. His suit's chest plate matched Frost Form's chest plate except he was missing his logo on his chest. He looked at himself with him saying,"Okay. So this is weird. Frost Form changed?". "Yep! He changed just like a caterpillar into a butterfly except you didn't have to eat out the entire city." said Cole.

Zane sighed as he formed ice in his hands. He combined the two balls together with him throwing it toward the army. The ball exploded causing a giant eruption of ice. He felt tired as he said,"I guess that the bigger attacks takes a lot out of me. Lets play it cool for now.". Athena groaned as Cole said,"Hey. I thought it was a pretty COOL pun.". Athena slapped her partner as Zane looked up to see several Nether Blasts firing toward him.

Zane soon created a blizzard around him which froze all of the attacks. He rushed toward the army with him taking a deep breath. He fired out a massive breath of frost which froze several members of the army. The army soon tackled him to the ground, forming a very big pile. A really big skeleton sat on top with them soon feeling a chill. "Blizzard Time!" yelled Zane. The pile soon turned into ice with it soon breaking.

Zane backed away as a huge group of them. Zane gathered ice in his hand but the group was blasted by a random missile. Zane then looked up to see the Midnight Bird with him saying,"Who the hell is driving that? Patch me in.". The monitor ,in his suit, showed Danny's face along with the rest of his team there. "You do know that I'm totally not a fan of Heroic Sacrifices whatsoever. You're totally kicking some but over there." said Rachel.  

Zane said,"What the hell are you guys doing here?! It's too dangerous!". "You came here knowing that you were going to die didn't you?" said Tara. Zane looked away as Danny said,"Anyway, we all came here to help you while Rachel stays in the bird.". "So how did you get the Midnight Bird to begin with?" said Zane. "Parker gave us the keys with him saying,"Get me back the watch and the idiot attached to it.". He cares so much about you." said Kristen.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he turned around to see all of the Phantoms that he knows plus several that he doesn't know and his team except for Rachel ,in costume, except for Ray who was covered in Bane's metal. Rachel flew into the air with Zane saying,"So how was it?". "A little roomy but right now, I am mad at you." said Celeste. She crossed her arms as Bane said,"Less talking you two. It's time to fight!".

Zane flew into the air with him breathing down with him freezing the army solid. Danny ,using the Phantom Smashers, smashed through the sculptures. Mareona breathed fire on them with Celeste covering her back using her guitar. Bane soon blasted apart the two dragon guards and he said,"Zane! You take care of the king! We'll handle the rift raft!". Zane smiled as he said with a thumbs up,"Thanks Bane! I owe you a beer after this!".

He flew inside of the castle with Ray said to Seth,"He does know that he can't buy beer right?". "In Terrarune, you need money and well Zane has it in spades." said Seth. Alastor and Rayth went after Zane as Hyde followed his successor. Danny smiled as he jumped back. Shayde stood there as he said,"Humans. So stupid. You know that you're going to die against me.". Ray punched him as he said,"Sorry about this but I need to punch you for what happened before!".

Danny then followed suit with PhantomsSmashers to the face with the bigger Phantom glaring at them. "I got an idea." said Danny. "Hit him hard and fast?" said Ray. Danny smiled as the two teens rushed toward the Phantom. He slammed the ground with Red Nether heading toward them. The two punched him in the mouth hard with Danny turning his right arm into the Spook Howitzer and hit the Phantom straight forward.

He soon fell to the ground defeated with Ray smiling. Kurse was about to attack them from behind but he was slashed by Gwen. He fell over as Gwen said,"Wow. He was what was it? Oh. Cannon Fodder.". "Dude. You and Zane are corrupting her. She was so pure." said Ray. "Not really. We still have work to do. I can't let Zane get distracted with grunts." said Danny. He went toward the bone army as Gwen and Ray followed suit.

Inside of the castle, Zane had frozen any skeletons that got close to him and CJ went off. He dodged a suit of armor with Alastor and Rayth ,riding on their horses, standing there. "Listen. I really don't want to fight you guys." said Zane. "Sorry Legion but that isn't going to happen." said Rayth. It was in a split second but Alastor's giant Boulder was smashed to pieces by Red Nether. "Sorry but he's going to die by my hands." said a voice.

Hyde appeared with Zane saying,"You came in after me?". "If anyone is going to kill you Zane, I think it'll be me kid. Johnny was a pain to deal with but you're more of an annoyance." said Hyde. "I don't get it. Was he being a caring guy or jerk?" said Cole. "A little bit of both. Get ready to fight Zane." said Athena. "Right you two. Time to heat things up! Pyre Form!" said Zane. The frost was gone as it was soon replaced by fire.

The glass dome was covered in fire which soon matched Pyre Form's hair. His body was now tar gray and made out of gas burners. He had Pyre Form's wings sticking out of his back. His chest plate was magma themed armor. He was also wearing Pyre Form's suit. He was wearing Pyre Form's gauntlets and greaves. He then threw two giant fireballs covering the room in flames. Hyde glared at Zane who said,"I know that you can't fight but I'll keep them busy while you REAP them.".

Hyde smiled as the reaper Phantom was gone. Alastor ,without his horse, flew toward Zane with several suits of armor. "I can use Telepathic abilities! So eat some metal!" said Alastor. Zane then released a giant stream of fire which melt the suits of armor. It also destroyed part of the roof causing it to landed on Alastor. Hyde held his scythe on the horsemen's neck and he said,"This is going to hurt for a second.".

Zane was shocked to see Alastor's head in front of him as he yelled,"What the actual hell man?! I know you're the reaper still!". Zane soon puked as Hyde said,"Don't get like that Zane. You'll need to get used to it. Phantoms are immune to death if they're in Terrarune. I didn't destroy his Essence. It'll just take a little bit of time before Alastor reforms. So where is the other one?". Zane turned around and he said,"You may want to hide. I'm about to release a huge flame.".

Hyde was gone as Zane saw several metal armor suit flying toward him. "Flame Blast!" said Zane as he released a giant burst of fire. They all erupted in flame with Zane hearing,"I knew that you were so strong Legion Zero. Far more than your past self Johnny Vincent.". Zane blocked Rayth's blade with a fire sword. "Thanks. You're the first person to ever say that I'm better than him so I owe you one." said Zane.

He reverted back to Frost Form with him releasing ice. All of the fire ,around them, was frozen as Zane panted. "Zane. You really should be more careful. We may have fixed the problem of you dying when wearing this suit but still, I don't want you to die." said Athena. "Yeah. We would have to get a new partner and I got you trained the right way." said Cole. Zane sighed as he saw that Rayth was heading toward him.

Zane turned intangible with Rayth going right through him. He was covered in frost as Rayth said,"I see. Your Frost Form can turn intangible like a Phantom can but you can freeze anything that you go through. You're worthy of a later fight.". "Why not? I'm still good." said Zane. "You will need all of your energy for Konosuke and Spiro. We shall fight on a later date." said Ratyh. The Phantom flew off as Zane shrugged. He jetted off toward the throne room.

Back outside, Seth was holding a Platinum Nether Gatling Gun with him saying,"Okay. You're so pissing me off buddy.", Spectral Samurai was slicing through all of the bullets with him saying,"It's sad to see one of Terrarune's most famous musician die by my hands.". "I would say that the babe Celeste is a better musician. Zane is a lucky dog." said Seth. SS was about to hit the rocker but he was blasted back by several missile.

Bane stood there with Wraith as Wraith said,"So explain to me why you're working with Spiro? I thought you were a Phantom for Hire.". "He pays well. I'm a fan of this Spiro than the weakling like he is now. Your friend or  Johnny's successor is going to die by him or Konosuke. They're both level 10 Phantoms and what is he? A Level 7 or 8?" said SS. "He isn't Johnny first off. His name is Zane." said Wraith.

Bane said,"I hate to admit it but Johnny wouldn't have defeated Wraith, Sovereign, and several other high ranking Phantoms.". "I'll cover you guys." said Seth. He fired his weapon at SS who sliced them. He however couldn't counter multiple attacks at once unlike Konosuke as Bane punched him in the right side and Wraith punched him in the face. The samurai was out cold as the three went to go handle more skeletons.

Back inside, Zane ,back to normal but still in his battle suit, was heading to the throne room and he said,"So are we there yet?". "We're not a roadtrip Zane." said Athena. "But you didn't answer him so are we there yet?" said Cole. Zane's CJ went off as he went back. Konosuke was in front of him and he said,"Your senses weren't exaggerated Legion Zero. You can dodge an attack without even a single thought.". He was holding his multi-colored blade with Forsaken Dirge resting.

Zane pressed a button on the monitor in front of him as he glowed. "This is something that I added to it in Gadget Form." said Zane. Konosuke saw that the armored teen was gone and in its place, Zane stood there holding a single blade in his hand. This sword is a it's a one foot tall longsword. The hilt is shaped like bat wings being that they extend upwards toward the blade. It looks like a single edge blade much to the confusion of others but it’s actually a double edged blade.

The blade is black with white edges. The handle ,which a medium sized, is brown leather and the cross-guard is golden. At the base of the blade, it has a crescent moon symbol which is a silver color. Konosuke rushed toward Zane and in time, the two soon had their blades clashed causing a small shockwave. The room was slightly destroyed upon contact of the two blades. "This is so cool right Athena?" said Cole.

Athena said,"I guess but Konosuke has more experience than Zane does despite his training with Gwen and others. Zane needs to be careful.". "Hint Hint!" said Cole. "You're Konosuke, Shogun of the Blue so I really can't go easy on you. I made a promise to kick your master's ass because he hurt my friends and family so I hope you really don't mind being my very first sword Spectral Sun's first victory." said Zane.

The two backed away from each other with Konosuke saying,"You're strong. This is your first time wielding that blade correct?". "Yes but I've had training with swords before our fight. Your sword that transported our town to Terrarune is looking cool." said Zane. Konosuke unsheathed his other blade as he said,"Your eye for weapons is good for someone so young. This blade has ended the life of an Akostar and Eazairvian. You know what those are correct?".

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I also know that it must be pretty tough.". "It is. Do you desire it to battle evil with?" said Konosuke. "Maybe but I'm on a mission and nothing's going to stop me until I complete it." said Zane. Zane turned into Magus Form with Konosuke saying,"You're stronger than any other opponent I've faced before now. The last time I felt this feeling was when I fought the Akostar. To be honest, I was hungry at the time.".

The two clashed blades once again as it caused an explosion of nether destroying part of the castle. "I hope you like to fly. Hellish Thrust!" said Konosuke. He thrust his blade at Zane which created a giant burst of air. Zane dodge it as it destroyed the wall behind him. Zane then blocked Konosuke as he thought,"He's way faster than Gwen is! I need to keep him away from me!". Zane soon jumped back as he said,"Ocean Flowing Strike!".

Zane's sword was soon covered in water and Zane rushed toward his target. Konosuke noticed the water around the sword was forming into a strange whale like creation. The attack hit with Konosuke ignoring that he was just slashed and soaked with him saying,"Frog Leap!". He jumped toward the teen with Zane saying,"I need to block this!". He held his sword and Konosuke went past him. "He took my attack?!" thought Konosuke. The building around them was falling apart.

Zane said,"We should get out of here Konosuke.". "Agreed." said Konosuke. The two clashed once again with the impact launching the two out. Outside, Danny and Gwen looked up see Zane and the samurai clashing on one of the castle's towers. "Is that Zane?" said Danny. "Yes. He's using one of the blades that Mel gave him. He calls it Arcane Sun." said Gwen. "So can Zane defeated him? I mean he is better than a sword than I am and maybe you." said Danny.

The two swordsmen clashed blades again with Gwen saying,"Maybe but Zane hasn't used his blade before today I think. He has a natural talent with it then.". Zane was about to fall off the tower but his shadow held them. Zane soon rushed up the tower ,with his sword in it, and he jumped right into the air. The tower soon split in half as Zane aimed his sword down. The two then clashed again with the clash causing another shockwave.

The two stood across from each other as Konosuke said,"You're strong Zane but I'm not losing this fight. Let us end this.". He sliced the remaining parts of the tower in half with Zane ,thanks to his shadows, launching himself into the air. "Soaring Beast: Thunderbolt Storm!" said Zane. Zane then held the sword into the air with it soon covered with lightning. "Frog Leap!" said Konosuke. He then jumped toward Zane.

Danny and Gwen watched as Zane said,"I've seen your demise three slashes ago!". He slashed the samurai causing the lightning to gather along Konosuke. The samurai was falling toward the ground as Zane saved him using a shadow dragon. "Don't thank me Konosuke. I'm just being a hero like my father is." said Zane. The two landed on the ground as Konosuke said,"I've lost against you, a boy not older than twenty.".

Zane turned back to his superhero identity as Zane said,"You weren't so bad yourself old timer.". The boy then caught Forsaken Dirge and its sheath. "This blade deserves a worthy user. Take it and defeat the Emperor." said Konosuke as he fell to the ground. Zane slowly nodded as he reactivated his battle suit and flew toward the ruined castle. Zane soon found the throne room as he said,"Okay then. It's go time.". He slammed the doors open and he saw Spiro standing there.

Spiro said,"You and my samurai had a duel causing my castle to be destroyed. You're just like me but more naive.". "I honestly don't care about you think of me. I'm not here to make bad jokes and to kick your ass." said Zane. "Bring it on!" said Spiro. He rushed toward Zane and Zane turned into Atomic Form. The glass dome soon formed into a pointed form. His body turns black except for his shoulders being dark purple.

On his back, he has two large cylinders ,filled with the signature green liquid and dark blue spheres moving in there, there. The ends of his fingers had openings like nozzle. His arms had five openings with two ,larger, opening on both of his shoulders and a giant one on his chest. The two clashed and it causing a giant eruption of Red Nether. He launched Spiro back and he fired a giant atomic blast at the king launching him into his throne and into the wall.

Zane was panting as Athena saying,"Zane! Switch forms now! Atomic Form is too much right now! I would suggest Swift Form.". Spiro soon returned as he said,"Too much power in a child? Let me get rid of it!". He threw his Ax toward Zane who swapped into Swift Form. He was wearing Swift Form's black full body speed suit over its bulky body. The glass dome had a green sunglasses in front of Zane's face, mainly his eyes.

His arms and legs were covered in spikes and  a single gray fin on his back. His hands were looking like black fingerless gloves and his feet were black boots. He rushed toward Spiro ,with the dark purple aura/streak with lightning to it looking bigger, with Spiro easily dodging his attacks. He soon made the axe as it went back around to knock Zane out of his battle suit. The suit disappeared as Spiro then punched Zane hard. He went flying into the wall and he coughed up blood.

He slowly got back up as Zane heard,"You can't win. Give up. You're nothing more than an annoying pest.". Zane got back up as he said,"Do you want to know why I'm here Spiro? I'm not here for fame and glory. I just want to enjoy every day I have left with my friends, spend time with the people who are my family, and kick some ass! They're waiting for me to come back and see you defeated! I know that they're in pain for seeing me risk my life to fight but right now I don't care!".

Spiro fired a red nether blast at Zane who dodge the attack. Zane soon activated Archon Zero with his eyes turned molten gold, his body was covered in living crimson red lines, and his exposed body was covered in strange glowing lines very much like cracks. He jumped into the air and he said,"I'm here to win so I can enjoying that precious time I have with them! I'm going to make sure you know, fear, and respect my name!".

He bounced off the wall and punched Spiro. Zane said with each punch he added a name,"My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez, Son of Natasha and Shawn Alvarez, Grandson to Arturo, Older Brother to Ana Alvarez, Father to Atem Alvarez, Partner to Athena and Cole, and the Hero LEGION ZERO! I hope you prepare to lose! Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!". The king was sent flying toward the main door.

Spiro looked to see Zane standing above him as he yelled,"LEAVE THEM ALONE!". He punched Spiro in the chest, breaking a few ribs. Spiro soon saw Zane glowing as he stood there in a new form. He looked to a robotic humanoid mole and ten feet tall. His body is black with horizontal white stripes. He has four stripes around his chest, two around his arms and legs, and stripes with this making his logo ,somehow, on his back.

He has a strong looking body with him wearing a Barbute ,with a y-shaped design, helmet. Under his helmet. his face is white with a long and thin pink nose. His eyes had thin black stripes ,under his blue eyes, that matched the stripes on his arms and legs. He has pointy ears. His body is covered in a natural dark blue/indigo body armor that covered his chest, legs, and shoulders. His arms looked to be big jackhammers which looked natural to his biology.

He had three fingers and his feet looked like organic mole feet with a robotic edge. His tail looked to be an natural armadillo tail. "Drill Form!" said Zane. Spiro fired a Nether blast at Zane ,who was moving rather slow, with it going right off hitting the roof. Zane placed his hands on Spiro and he activated his arms. It caused a giant earthquake with Spiro being at the epicenter of it. "You're going down your highness! .1 Shaking!" said Zane.

The two went out of the ruined castle landing in the main area. Zane looked up to see his friends as he said,"Get out of here! This is going to be big! .6 Shaking!". The earthquake's power increased as Spiro began shaking hard. Zane grabbed the king and he said,"I hope my time on the field will help me with this shot.". He launched the king into the castle and he slammed both of his hands to the ground. "10. Shaking!" yelled Zane.

The ground below them began to crackle as Danny said,"Okay! I'm not a fan of this one!". He was about to fall into the void that is Terrarune but Bane caught him. "Zane is taking control of this fight so we should get out of here!" said Bane. Everyone ,good or bad, ran away as Spiro came out of the ruined castle. Zane switched to Diamond Form with him saying,"You should just give up now your highness. I may be on death's door but I'm kicking your but!".

Spiro began to convulse as something popped out of his arm. "Dude! It's just like that movie except I hope with less death." said Cole. Zane saw the something and he said,"Oh gods dam it.". It was a giant twenty feet tall worm with sharp teeth, a wide reptile like mouth, and its tail ended in a spiked ball. It's body is a dark purple and orange hide, a blue underbelly, several crimson red stone spikes running down its back, and four red crab like legs on each side near the front.

It roared as Zane said,"Okay. So what the hell is that? And how do I beat it? Heck, I'll even kill it.". The beast rushed toward Zane as he barely dodge the attack. "Well, it's faster than Diamond Form but lets see how you like your diamonds!" said Zane. He fired several diamonds at the worm who just roared. Zane looked toward Spiro as he said,"Are you awake your highness and if you are...?". Zane was tossed into the air and he said,"Help me!". He was then swallowed hole.

Zane woke up in the worm's stomach and he said,"Wow. I've been eaten. I really hope that this isn't a normal thing for me.". "Zane. You're inside of the Trastry aka a worm creature. They burrow into a person with them controlling them. I got a feeling that Spiro wasn't the reason behind Cypress Park's takeover." said Athena. "You may want to stay in Diamond Form because that stomach acid is really bad to humans aka you" said Cole.

Zane said,"Dully noted. So how do I get out of here and how do I beat the Trastry? It moves faster than Diamond Form which isn't that hard to beat but still.". "It's strong and durable. You've seen how fast it can be. It's able to dig through anything in its path. It's fire proof and its stomach acid can melt pretty anything except for diamonds. Lets hit it from the inside and you should use the Prime version of the Form Zane." said Athena.

Zane said,"Prime Form? Is that a form I have?". "Didn't you read the instruction manual at all?" said Cole. "You two are the instruction manual!" said Zane. The stomach moved as Athena said,"It's on the move. You need to go past your limits. Just believe in yourself partner.". "Insert Motivation words here partner. Just do it!" said Cole. Zane sighed as he focused. His body soon glowed bright purple as he said,"Diamond Prime!".

His body grew to fourteen feet tall which wasn't a problem to move around in since the worm had a roomy stomach. His body is now bulky and robust. His top soon changed to a metallic silver color and his pants turned black. He kept his boots. His cobalt blue diamonds soon turned obsidian black. He had green diamond like fur around his wrists and legs making them looking quite sharp. They also replaced his pink bracelets that he once had on his body. The shoulder crystals were gone.

His back had six crystals which were longer than normal, octagon shaped, and different color than normal. It was Amber, Cobalt, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire. "Okay. This feels weird. I mean I feel the same as when I'm Diamond Form except well much stronger. So how should I do this?" said Zane. "Go big Zane!" said the two A.I. Zane smiled as his body began to glow as he said,"You're speaking my language guys! Crystal Wonderland!".

Outside, Spiro ,who recovered, saw the Trastry and he readied his axe. He was about to attack but then the worm roared in pain. It soon had diamond/crystals protruding from his body. The king saw that the side of the worm was being cut open. He saw Zane ,in his Prime State, walking out and he said with a groan."Okay. I REALLY hope that I don't have to cut my way out of a giant beast again or least not in the near future.". "Are you okay Zane?" said Spiro.

Zane then stretched his arms as he said,"Just peachy your highness. So are you?". "Well, I feel ashamed for what I did while under that's control." said Spiro. "Yeah. I don't blame you but at least, you didn't have to go inside of it. So can you bring my home back to Earth? I mean you may be a good guy to us Phantoms but humans take a LOT of convincing." said Zane. Spiro then nodded as he said,"The town is back and the skeletons are done.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Good. I'm so tired.". He then turned back to his normal self as Spiro held the young hero. "You alright Zane?" said Spiro. "I'm just happy that you're back to normal. So how do you get rid of the army?" said Zane. "Rest is the best option Legion Zero. You defeated me and my daughter." said Spiro. "That I can do. So can I get a way back home? I can't move my body." said Zane. Spiro smiled as he flew off with Zane as the teen lost consciousness.

Zane soon heard,"Zane?". He slowly opened his eyes and he saw Karen. "Zane?" said Karen. He fully opened his eyes as he saw that he was in his bed and covered in bandages. He saw that his friends and family were around him alongside Ed, Jim, Reggie, and Vicky who was also covered in bandages. He then saw Lilith ,currently in the human form, with her looking rather annoyed. "You know that you're quite an annoying child but I'm happy to see you safe." said Lilith.

Zane thought,"Is she being nice for face or what?". "Lilith here said that she found you just outside of the outskirts of town when we arrived back in our reality. She saved you." said Reggie. Zane looked at his vampire villainess as she mouthed,"Don't say anything or I'll tell mommy about your death march Zane.". "I'm just happy you're safe but no straining activities for at least a day or two. You're may be stronger than most kids but don't push yourself." said Natasha.

Zane looked at his watch and he said,"I wasn't planning on it but sure. So how long are you staying here MS. Rune?". "For only a few days Zane, we have to get back to New York. I do wonder what happened to your battlesuit though." said Lilith. "We have it Zane!" said Cole. "Who knows but lets see how things go from here on out?" said Zane. He was trying to get back up but his body told him no as Karen and Kristen looked at him. "Fine. I'm staying." said Zane.

Downstairs on the TV, Sophie Baldwin stood there. "Well, the worst crisis in the history of Cypress Park is over. Cleanup of the skeleton army is going perfectly and well, things are peaceful in our town for normal. We may never know what happened but there's one thing for sure." said Sophie. As she said this, the screen behind her showed the town throwing the skeletons away and Brad helped getting the football field back to normal.

Sophie said,"Legion Zero has saved us and I'm sure that he'll be our hero. His popularity has gone up with more people finding him less of a threat after he risked his life to stop the army.". The screen was soon blasted as Vicky stood in front of her TV. "You're going down Zero." said Vicky holding a pistol in hand. "Vicky! That wasn't the Sibylline Gun was it?!" said Jim's voice. "No!" said Vicky as she hid the gun poorly behind her back.

A few days later, Zane ,who was less mummy like, closed his locker shut. "Dude. You have to let it go man." said Danny. He stood there with Gwen, Karen, and Rachel as Zane said,"I can't. I mean what was the Trastry doing in Spiro? I mean the Phantoms are rebuilding according to grandpa but still! I'm sure that something is going on and why can't I go there and find out?". Karen placed her hand on his mouth as Rachel said,"Calm down Hero boy. You saved us so just calm down.".

Zane smiled but CJ went off. Brad was behind him as he said,"Leave. Me and Zit have to talk alone now.". "If you're going to beat him Bradley, you should know that Zane...." said Gwen. Zane placed his hand in front of her as he said,"Even in my weakened state, I can fight my own battle. I'll be fine I promise.". The four were gone as Brad said,"You have a lot of nerve walking up like you owe the place don't you Zit?".

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I'm sorry for being well me. The last week has been weird for sure and well, I have power so I should be more responsible. Square?". Brad smiles evilly. Later that day, Brad was walking around Fantasia wearing a cheerleader uniform. Zane floated above him ,while being in a invisible state. as Athena said with a groan,"I thought you were going to be more responsible with your powers.".

Zane said,"I don't need to be a telepath to know what Brad was thinking but I'll start tomorrow.". "I have an idea! Lake Zane." said Cole. Zane smiled as he ,with mind control, made Brad get into a car and drive to the lake. Kristen sighed as she said,"That idiot.". Danny sat with her as he said,"Did you honestly think Zane was going to change?". "A little." said Kristen. Karen sat with them as she said,"I'm just happy to have him back.".

Vicky walked over to them as she said,"So I'm guessing that everything is back to normal around here in Cypress?". "Pretty much." said the trio. "Oh. You know how I said that I didn't like him. Well, he has changed in my eyes." said Vicky. The trio glared at each other as Danny thought,"Zane can be such a manwhore sometimes. He has his work cut out for him. His poor arms.". Zane sneezed as he shrugged his shoulders with him going back to planning his prank on poor Brad.

Next Time,
Will Zane learn his lesson? Probably not but there's hope. Zane meets an old "Friend" and well, things get crazy. This and more next time on Zero! 

New Cards/Forms:      
Drill Form. This transformation's card has a black frame with a giant drill in the center of the card. Zane's body produces a drilling sound with him smiling. He can turn his hands, feet, and body into drills.

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