Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes Section 2 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Back on the Armada, Zane was lying against a futurist surgery gurney with some sort of lid to a pod above them. "So are you ready to get tested bro?" said Danny. Zane turned to see Danny standing there with Malik and Sitara. "I promise that this won't hurt at all." said Sitara. "Yeah. Not really worried about that. I'm more worried about those two." said Zane as he looked at the duo of Velda and Vlad. "We're not that bad Zane." said Vlad. "Yeah. Have some faith in your friends Alvarez." said Velda.

Malik sighed as he said,"So what are you going to do to him exactly?". "Just watch." said Vlad as he put on a virtual reality visor. He pressed some buttons as a holographic computer screen appeared in front of Vlad with Velda standing nearby him. "He will be fine right?" whispered Danny. "You two need to trust Vlad. He may be an idiot like Veto but he's smarter than the rest of the idiots except Ralad." said Sitara with a smile. 

Using his fingers, Vlad caused the large scanning machine to go right above Zane with the table flattening down. "If I don't make it, tell Rae I love her!" said Zane as the bottom one followed up as Zane was engulfed in darkness. "Freaking drama queen." said Velda as Zane felt his body get scanned as a blue projection of himself came up from above them alongside projection of the Z.E.R.O. Watch that was beginning to disassembled themselves and showed off all of the pieces.

Danny heard Zane said,"So give me the news doc. Am I dying? I feel like I am.". "No. You're not. Your body like I guessed is quite interesting." said Vlad. "Meaning what exactly?" said Malik. "As we are well aware, Zane is a Cross Species. Hey Velda. Mind showing them what I'm seeing?" said Vlad. "Sure thing. I'm not your servant by the way." said Velda. "Yeah. Yeah. I get that since Zane is your master right?" said Vlad with Sitara watching Vlad getting punched by Velda for his comment.

After punching Vlad, Velda pressed some buttons as the rest of the group saw Zane's holographic body and the disassembled Z.E.R.O. Watch. "Look at Zane's body." said Vlad. Danny looked at Zane's body as he saw several different colors inside of Zane's body. These colors are black, crimson red, molten gold, purple, royal blue, steel gray, and turquoise. All of these colors originated from Zane's Essence and went throughout his body. "Do you know what these colors mean?" said Velda.

Danny cupped his chin as he said,"If I'm right, they each represent one of the species that make Zane up right?". "You're correct robot boy. Color me impressed." said Velda. "So is that a compliment?" said Danny. "I would take it as one bro. I mean she's like Parker. Insults you most of the time except if they impress you or love you. Either or." said Zane. "Quiet you!" said Velda. "See? She's always mean to me for some reason that makes no sense." said Zane.

With a loud sigh, Sitara said,"So what's the point here?". "The point is that I can't find either Parker's DNA and Impulse signature due to Zane's body. Can you possibly turn your energy for a moment?" said Vlad. "He can try that but maybe try this instead. Parker has an massive ego right? I mean wouldn't he want others to be know who made it? He probably wrote his signature someone on the watch." said Malik as Vlad's eyes widened. "Of course! Good idea ghosty!" said Vlad.

He began rebuilding the watch and Zane watched as the watch was getting rebuild in front of him. The Cross Species saw that there was microscopic Braille on it. "Hey you guys! It's written in Braille!" said Zane. "I got it!" said Vlad. "That's great Vlad. So do you mind letting me out?" said Zane. "Nope. While Vlad and the others put it into their computer system so they can track down Parker and their team, you and I will be working on delaying the explosion. Do you mind giving me the headset?" said Velda.

Vlad shrugged as he handed the device to her. "Good luck Zane! We'll miss you!" said Vlad as he ran out of the room with Malik looked at Danny and Sitara. "Make sure that he gets the information in. I'll make sure she doesn't torture him too much." said Malik. "You got it." said Danny as he and Sitara were gone with Velda going to work on Zane. Back in the cockpit, Ralad watched as Vlad was putting in the information from Zane's watch into the ship's navigation.

Sitara looked at Danny with her saying,"Now we can scan for Parker anywhere in the Omniverse while Zane is getting tortured.". "Why do you guys keep saying that she'll torture him? I mean Velda may not be the most pleasant being to be around but she isn't bad. I think she's pretty nice except when she's been a total tsun." said Danny. "Tsun?" said Ralad. "It's an Earth expression. So how long does this normally take?" said Danny. "A few minutes why?" said Vlad.

Danny looked at the trio with him saying,"So do you mind telling me how the other members of your team got captured? And how Malik joined your team. I want to know how Malik joined but I'm more curious about how you guys separated in the first place.". "Don't you already know how Danny?" said Sitara. "No. Was I supposed to?" said Danny. "We contact Zane about it and asked for his help in getting them back. Didn't he say anything about it?" said Vlad.

The Homo Supremus shook his head for no as Ralad sighed. "Did we contact him using Veto's number or someone else?" said Ralad. "I don't think it matters but we used Veto's I think." said Sitara. "My bugs are telling me that Zane has an app on his phone that instantly directed spam calls or robo-solicitors to sex hotlines." said Ralad. "So why did he do that?" said Vlad. "I think it's because Veto tended to call Zane a lot about how we're doing and he got annoyed." said Sitara. 

Vlad sighed as he said,"That does sound like him. So why are you so curious about them? I mean you met them once.". "I may not know Altair, Kitt, Turseek, and Veto like you guys and Zane do but they're Zane's friends. In Team Maelstrom, we always do whatever we can for our friends. So how did they get sent to prison? We're going to free them right?" said Danny. "Yep. Since you're so curious, let me tell how our team got separated." said Vlad.      

Flashback P.O.V.
Lets go back by three weeks. The group ,including the latest member Ralad, had arrived on Obinax Sonomi and it was a rather peaceful day. This is the home world/city of the capital of the Vromilyrra Dynasty and a population of thirty billion beings. "So why are we here again?" said Turseek as he left the ship with the rest of their little group/family. Ralad had offered to keep an eye on the ship. "Did you seriously forget why we're here? We came here to help out our fellow Paradox." said Vlad. 

Vlad was currently on Altair's shoulder. "But he isn't a member is he? And why aren't you saying his name?" said Turseek. "That's why Turseek." said Kitt. He pointed over to a wanted poster of Zane with it being a Facial Composite Failure. Think Sanji's first wanted poster from One Piece or Nia's posture from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. "For some reason, they think Legion Zero is a criminal and they will arrest anyone if they deem them to be an ally of his." said Kitt. 

Turseek nodded as he said,"Okay. We must be here to try and convince these guys of the obvious fact that Zane is no way a criminal. He's a honest to goodness superhero.". "That's correct. We'll need to split up." said Sitara. "Why do we need to do that?" said Veto. "According to Altair, the six of us stick out mainly the cloaked one so I'll go with her." said Vlad. "Okay. I get that given her family ties but why just you two?" said Veto.

Sitara looked at her as she said,"Reasons. We're going now. Try not to cause too big of a scene.". "Have some faith in us." said Turseek. "I would but I got my doubts." said Sitara as she and Vlad separated from the group. "So what's our plan?" said Kitt. "Lets go check out the main square. I mean there is bound to be some information there right?" said Veto with Altair shrugging. "It's worth a try says Altair." said Turseek. The four walked off with them not noticing that they were being watched. 

The Vromilyrra Dynasty's police force is known as Enforcement Bureau or EB by the people. At the EB headquarter, two officers were watching as their colleague were sending a criminal that they fought and capture earlier today to Osezarix 35. The two officers are both normal human with one being male and the other one being female. The male is a Yoslghkin by the name Miohru. He looks to be a slim, muscular male with him being 5 foot 10, shorter than the female next to him. 

His gray skin has tawny orange highlights with it being in the form of ice running throughout his body. He has a long snout with four spikes coming out of the top of it. He has dark auburn hair and purple eyes. He wears a gray jacket with a snowflake pattern on the back with an orange sweatshirt under it. He has a bright blue scarf that covers his neck. He wears black spandex like pants and black shoes. The female is a Feroxian by the name of Cinarva Varthard.

She has a slim yet muscular build with her being around 6 foot. Compared to her adopted mother, she has a bewitching and voluptuous figure with it being a mixture of a hourglass figure and pear shaped body. She looks to be more of a fighter rather than a model. This is similar to Zara but slightly less than compared to the Cross Species. She's taller than her mother but shorter than her father. She has shoulder length ghost white hair with magenta colored streaks and tips in her hair.

Her hands are parted to the side in order to not block her vision. Her body, face, and ears are covered in fair dark red scales. She has round sky blue eyes with slitted gray irises. She has sharp teeth and pointed ears. Despite having four fingers and a thumb, she only has four toes. One of her toes comes out of the back of her foot. It's three toes in the front and one in the back. She has a scar over her left shoulder, right side of her waist, and the back of her left ankle.

She wears a dark blue jacket with metallic shoulder pads. Under her jacket, she wears a low cut black long sleeved shirt exposing her midriff underneath. She wears brown pants with part of her pant leg rolled up to reveal her scaled legs. She wears a dark magenta sash. She wears dark gold boots that look to be made for her feet specifically. She has two leathery and ragged bat-like wings and a long and spiked gold reptilian tail.

The end of her tail is curled around her knees. She wears dark gold bracelets that cover both of her wrists and most of her forearms. She wears red lipstick. She wears red jade stud earrings that are shaped like lions. She wears a red bandana around her head with a white crown symbol in the center of it. The duo of Cinarva and Miohru have been partners ever since they joined the Enforcement Bureau with them protecting the Vromilyrra Dynasty from threats every day.

In a short amount of time, the two had a reputation across the Omniverse and it's usually a positive one except after the day Legion Zero attacked the Vromilyrra Dynasty. They were both in a different section of the massive government at the time of the attack but they were often blamed for  not doing anything to stop him. "So Cinarva." said Miohru with him looking at his partner who was looking at the criminals who being shipped off to the Osezarix 35.

Both Cinarva and Miohru are respected members of the Enforcement Bureau since they are well known for their kind, caring, and thoughtful nature. Cinarva tends to be the fighter between the two with Miohru often providing support from a distance. Miohru is often known for his comical quirks which annoys most beings but Cinarva doesn't mind it too much. "Yes Miohru?" said Cinarva. "Are you doing alright? You've been off every since you got the double platter of bad news." said Miohru.

Cinarva nodded as she said,"Yeah. Is it that obvious?". "Kinda but I'm really good at reading you. So have you told the Chancellor about your theory?" said Cinarva. "And what would that theory be you two?" said a menacing voice. They turned to see the right hand of the current chancellor Plexatron or Plex to most people floating there. He's similar to Booker ,since they were created around the same time, except more built for combat.

He's three feet tall with him being a silver color. His head is pyramid shape with a gold visor and beak like mouth. he has two arms that each have five claw like fingers. Compared to Booker, his body can within the temperature of a star's surface and the coldest depths of space. He is able to see farther away whenever he needs to. He can turn his arms into buzz saw that can cut through most materials and cannons that can be used as a laser for battle or a scanner that can be used to scan objects. 

The cannons can also contain microscopic samples by vacuuming them up. He's able to shrink down in size and hack technology. Despite his harsh sounding voice, he's a pretty nice guy except he tends to be a bit strict mainly when the chancellor is stressed out. "It's about Legion Zero being...." said Miohru with his mouth being covered by Cinarva. "A menace to the great Vromlilyrra Dynasty and if he ever attacks, we'll stop him." said Cinarva.

Plex looked at the two with him shrugging. "Whatever. I just wanted to tell you that you two are doing a good job and you're on patrol. After that, you can head on home." said Plex. He floated away with Miohru looking at him. "Why did you do that? And how do you want to do patrol duty today?" said Miohru. "Because I don't want him to get in more trouble since I'm not a hundred percent sure about my theory. Lets go." said Cinarva with her leaving as Miohru ran after her.    

At the main square, Turseek was looking at the citizens of Obinax Sonomi who were living their lives in peace. "I can't believe this friends." said Turseek. He looked at the duo of Altair and Kitt with Kitt saying,"What is it? I thought you were looking out for Veto who went missing. Yeah. I know that he's out flirting instead of finding information about Legion Zero.". "They honestly think that our friend is a bad guy but he isn't." said Turseek.

Kitt nodded as he said,"I know. That's why we're here. We need to see why they would think that since you know how the Vromilyrra Dynasty operates. It's a total hivemind you guys. If one being thinks something, they all think the same thing.". "So do you think it's okay to drink from the fountain?" said Turseek. "Huh? Why are you asking that? I know that you aren't an idiot but that sounds stupid." said Kitt.

Turseek pointed to Veto who had gotten slapped into the fountain by a woman who was with her boyfriend. "Ah. I think I know why you would think that. We should probably get him out of there which you're already doing Altair. Good job." said Kitt as he watched Altair stretch out his fingers and they grabbed onto Veto, pulling him out of the fountain. "Thanks. So did you guys get anything? Because I got nothing." said Veto. "Yeah. I wonder why." said Kitt, rolling his eyes. 

As this was going on, the duo of Sitara and Vlad were walking through the more seedy parts of the planet with Vlad looking at the disguised Sitara aka a brown cloak over his body. "So explain to me why you wanted it to be just the two of us again?" said Vlad as Sitara sighed. "Because we were being followed by one of his minions." said Sitara. "Seriously? I didn't see anyone." said Vlad. "That's the point Vlad. The others can handle the spy." said Sitara.

Vlad looked at her as she said,"Yes. I know what I said. They may be idiots but they can handle themselves in a fight. We need to find our informant known as the Oracle. He'll help clear Zane's name since according to rumors, he has footage of what happened." said Sitara. "Yeah. That sounds like a good plan but we're seriously trusting that guy who will sell out his mother to survive in this messed up Omniverse." said Vlad. "That's just a rumor. The informant is a total momma's boy." said Sitara.

The cat rolled his eyes as he said,"I'll take your word for it. I think we're here.". The two looked to see a building guarded by two study looking aliens. They resembled an African rhino with the rhinos have bright blue rock-like skin with several black and dots covering it. Their chest are square shaped with their limbs looking thick. They have three fingers and two toes. They have two tails and four green diamond like eyes. 

Both of them are wearing bouncer like clothing with the right one having an energy spear and the other one had a energy cannon over his right arm. "Halt. If you wish to enter the temple of the Oracle, you must have proper clarification." said the left rhino. "Since when did we need clarification to see him? I mean I saw him just the other day." said Vlad. "That changed after he provided the EB some pretty interesting information about Legion Zero." said the right rhino. "Oh really?" said Sitara. 

Without a second to breath, the right rhino said,"Yeah. I mean I would never trust a Cross Species with that much power especially since he's a Terran.". "Hey Vlad." said Sitara. "I got you partner. Have fun with them." said Vlad as he snuck his way past the guards. Before the two could do anything about it, Sitara held her sword and smiled as the two gulped. A few minutes later, Sitara and Vlad walked through a corridor with them seeing the Oracle sitting at the end of table and eating by himself.

He looked to a cyan skinned humanoid lizard alien with a pair of antennae coming out of his forehead and a singular red eye with black stripes covering it. He's completely bald. He's wearing a slightly torn white shirt with the right sleeve missing. He's wearing brown pants with a gold, pyramid shaped belt buckle. He is wearing brown sandals. Upon seeing the duo enter the room, the Oracle smiled. "Look who decided to see me. The survivors of two species that died thanks to Skull Plague." said the Oracle. 

Vlad smirked as he said,"So are you enjoying being a suckup toward the Dynasty? Those guards weren't cheap ones you normally have guarding this place.". "Still pretty weak though." said Sitara with a small shrug. "It's nice. So what do I owe you your gracious visit?" said the Oracle. "We need to know two things. Do you think it's possibly to redeem Legion Zero's name here in the Dynasty? And what kind of information did you give to the Dynasty about him?" said Vlad.

The Oracle sighed as he said,"Honestly, I doubt that since the Dynasty is pretty much a hive mind and changing their mind after they make a decision is practically impossible after seeing not one but five of their planets destroyed by the guy. Can you believe that one being did that? He's like a certain someone you are all too familiar right Sitara?". "That man and Zero are in no way the same. Zero is a heroic soul despite him having his more vile traits. I can say that it wasn't him." said Sitara. 

She looked serious with the Oracle smiling. "I don't like that smile" said Vlad. "You say that but well, I want you to watch this." said the Oracle as he threw them a VHS. "Seriously? A video? That's all you're going to do for us." said Vlad. "You're lucky that I'm doing that for you since you two practically broke into my home. I could have called the Dynasty to come and arrest you but they're going too busy." said the Oracle. "What do you mean?" said Sitara. 

With a sinister smile, the Oracle said,"You will see. Just leave.". Knowing that he wasn't going to say anything more, the two left and the Oracle smiled as he went back to drinking his imported wine. As they left the building, Sitara looked annoyed. "So what's up with your friend?" said a voice. Sitara and Vlad turned to see an armored man aka Malik leaning nearby. "None of your business metal head." said Vlad as Malik sighed.

He looked at them with him saying,"Look. I know that I don't seem like the most trustworthy guy out there.". "Good. You understand why I need you to leave us alone and..." said Sitara. Before she could finish that sentence, Malik pushed her to the ground as she said,"Hey buddy! What's the big idea?!". "I think that's the big idea or ideas either one works." said Vlad as he pointed to the yellow, with black and white veins, tendrils that came out of the ground. "Darn. I missed." said a voice.

The three looked up to see Grimace who was eating one of the rhinos from earlier and said rhino was still alive, Lunacy who had her hands to the ground, and Rivart standing there with an army of slimes behind them. "Vordlarins? Why are you attacking? I thought you guys didn't attack planets and get off me." said Sitara. Malik listened as Grimace said,"Huh Lunacy. I guess armor boy saw you coming. I told you that we should have just attacked them head on but no.". 

Before Lunacy could say anything, Rivart stopped him. "I'm sure you don't know who we are." said Rivart. "We don't." said Vlad. "But you should know that we're working for a friend of yours. She goes by the name of  the Executioner or something along those lines." said Rivart. Sitara's eyes widen a bit as she said,"We need to go now.". "Huh? We can totally take them and what about the others?" said Vlad. "Just trust me. Got anything to handle them armor boy?" said Sitara.

Malik sighed as he said,"Fine but my name isn't Armor Boy, Buddy, or metal head.". He aimed his hands at them with him unleashed a wave of purple fire at the Vordlarins who weren't happy about the fire. "Okay. You're special. I like you." said Vlad. "Can the bromance. Lets move." said Sitara as she ran off. "Always so bossy. You don't dig that in a lady do you armor boy?" said Vlad. "My name isn't Armor Boy. Gods. It's like I'm with him." said Malik as the two ran off.

Above them, Brood was looking down from a nearby building with him being able to see two very interesting sites. Four members of the Paradoxes were hanging out in the plaza and two members plus an armored Phantom running from some Vordlarins. "Oh wow. This is already pure chaos. Are you sure that you don't want me to use them instead of him?" said Brood. He stayed quiet as Brood nodded his head. 

Brood looked up into the sky and he said,"You got it boss. I'm just saying that if we want things to happen fast, we should let things happen a certain way but your way is so much more fun.". He made a blue fire portal appear and something came flying through it with it heading toward the plaza as Brood vanished to another place. At the plaza. Veto was trying to contact Sitara and Vlad. "I can't seem to contact the others due to my suit malfunctioning at the worst times. Got any ideas?" said Veto.

Altair was about to say something but he looked up. "What's wrong?" said Turseek as he followed his friend's eyes. The four watched as an giant orb crashed into the ground and destroy the fountain. "It's Legion Zero! He's here to destroy us! Run!" said a male. The crowd ran away with Kitt saying,"Is it really him?". "Let us find out friends." thought Altair as he touched the trio's shoulder. They looked down at the lower level of the plaza with their eyes widened. 

It's a large eight feet tall silver metal ball. "Okay. I know Zane has a lot of forms but is that one of them?" said Turseek. "Maybe Orb Form?" said Veto with Kitt looking at it. "Not really. That ball looks smaller than Orb Form." said Kitt. "And you know this how?" said Turseek and Veto. "I pay attention to my friend's power and I think he's emerging." said Kitt as he noticed that there was smoking coming out of the ball and it began to open up. 

Emerging from the ball, a large, muscular wyvern-like creature flew out. It looked masculine with him being twenty four feet tall and four oval shaped reptile-like eyes. The eyes on the left side of his face were a blue color and the eyes on the right side of his face were a red color. His head is a conoid shape with a black bone-like jaw and silver horns coming out of the sides of his head. He had a red mouth filled with sharp white shark like fangs and a silver tongue that stick out of his mouth. 

He had a fairly long neck with a cool darkish green metal plated front and black back. His body is primarily gold with his underbelly and the bottom of his tail being silver. He has two large black human arms ,with five sharp claws, coming out of each side of his chest. His elbow joints are like rocket engines. He has two large raptor ,dinosaur, like legs with the ends of his five clawed feet having blue webs in-between them. 

The wyvern has two large wings that look to be twice its size. He has metal spikes coming from the middle of his shoulder blades to the end of his tail, looking like a mace. In the center of his chest, there is a giant metal gold five-pointed star. "Okay. I'm pretty sure that isn't Zane." said Veto. "Are you sure about that?" said Turseek. "I told those idiots before but my name ain't Zero! It's Nemesis and it's time for you idiots to learn that!" roared Nemesis. 

He took a deep breath with him unleashed a wave of gold fire from his mouth on the couple ,who threw Veto into the fountain earlier, and the two closed their eyes. They eventually opened their eyes to see an wall of emerald green energy. The Paradoxes landed on the ground with Veto saying,"I really think you two should leave.". They nodded as they ran off. "Who the hell are you idiots? You aren't the people who tried to stop me before!" said Nemesis. 

Turseek looked at the creature with him saying,"We're here because you are causing destruction using our friend's name and we cannot stand for that! That's what he said by the way!". He pointed to Altair who nodded. "Hold on a damn second. You guys are friends with my counterpart? Dude. That's so lame! I mean just wow." said Nemesis "What do you mean by that? Are you saying that you are from another dimension?" said Kitt.

Nemesis looked smug as he said,"Of course I am. I mean I'm pretty famous over where I'm from and after I destroyed this shithole, I'll be even more famous. So are you ready to die?". "Nope. I think we should go with Operation Shut Up the Beast." said Veto. "Huh? what are you talking about bro?" said Nemesis. The wyvern was smacked in the face by Turseek, blasted in the face by Kitt's missiles and Veto's emerald green energy blasts, and was slammed into the ground by Altair.

As this was going on, the duo of Cinarva Varthard and Miohru were doing their patrol with Miohru turning toward the plaza. "Hey Cinarva." said Miohru. Cinarva was helping some kids across the street as she said,"Yeah?". "I could be horribly wrong here but isn't that one of the creature who Legion Zero has turned into before according to the report." said Miohru. Cinarva looked up to see Nemesis with her eyes widened. Before Miohru could say anything, Cinarva flew off and caused shockwaves as she flew.

Miohru whistled with him saying,"Yep. She's really pissed. I feel bad for that dragon. I better go assist her.". He flew after her but at a much slower speed compared to Cinarva. Back in the plaza, Nemesis tried to swipe at Kitt but his tail was caught by Altair. "Let me go!" said Nemesis. "Instead of that dumb idea, how about no?" thought Altair as the creature roared. He was about to unleashed another fire blast at Altair but his head was slammed into the ground by a yellow energy blast.

Turseek looked to see Cinarva floating there with her fists glowing. "Don't move you bastard." said Cinarva. "Oh crap. It's her." said Kitt. "Who?" said Turseek and Veto. "Seriously? You guys can be real idiots. She's one of the strongest being in the Vromilyrra Dynasty and she's pissed. We should get out of her way. She's like Sitara when she's mad." said Kitt with Turseek and Veto nodding in agreement. The four Paradoxes were about to run from Cinarva as Nemesis laughed.

He flew into the air with him looking down at her. "Do you seriously think that I'm scared of you girlie? I eat bitches like you breakfast!" said Nemesis. He flew toward her with with her easily dodging him by flying and she unleashed a powerful yellow energy blast at Nemesis's neck that wasn't covered by armor. This sent him crashing into the ground and his body was chained to the ground by green energy chains. "Seriously?! These chains won't keep Nemesis down!" said Nemesis.

The wyvern broke them out with Cinarva smiling. "Good. I really want to make you pay since you're besmirching his name." said Cinarva as she charged at him. "So do you think we should help her you guys?" said Veto with Kitt and Turseek shrugging. "Can you please contact Sitara and Vlad? They should know about this." thought Altair with him touching Veto's shoulder. "Tried that but it's all staticky. Tried contact Ralad but same thing." said Veto.

Before Turseek could say anything,  Kitt looked to see Nemesis heading toward them due to Cinarva tossing him. "Guys! We need to move!" said Kitt. The three nodded as they ran with Nemesis making a noticeable impact in the ground. "What the hell is that? This bitch can't be defeat me. I think it's time to switch from Voyager to....." said Nemesis as he vanished. "What the?" said Cinarva. She was confused by Nemesis leaving like that and she looked down at the Paradoxes.

Before she could do anything, she saw the Enforcement Bureau's police cruisers appear with the four Paradoxes getting captured in ice. "How about you guys just chill out?" said Miohru. "What are you doing? They aren't criminals. They were fighting that monster!" said Cinarva, standing in front of the four frozen Paradoxes. "Yeah! And your pun is awful." said Turseek. "Oh. They aren't criminals? Tell me why they are under arrest for the endangerment to life and destruction of property." said Mihoru.

Kitt looked at him with him saying,"To be fair, it was that Akostar not us sir. We only caused a disturbance and that was Veto.". "Wow. Way to throw me under the bus bro." said Veto. "So it seems that you two were able to capture the former student of rebel Crulgrum Veto, killer Reladroid Kitt, the thousand victory champion Turseek, and the partner to the creepy freak Vlad Altair." said Plex. "Oh great. It's you. I thought you got dismantled. All of us have gone clean." said Veto.

Plex scoffed as he said,"By the words of Alliance and as you're well aware, they mean jack shit here. So why are you and your band of fuckups here?". "Is he trying to be an ass on purpose or what?" whispered Miohru to Cinarva. He didn't get an answer from her as she wanted to hear what they said. "Do you really want to know why?" said Turseek. "Yeah. I mean we already know about your buddies causing trouble by burning down the resident district." said Plex.

Cinarva looked at him as she said,"They did?". "Yes. These heroes of yours caused several people to lose their lives and home including the Oracle who told us about Legion Zero being a villain instead of a hero like the Alliance claims him to be." said Plex. "Zane is a hero! You idiots are being told a lie straight to your face! Neither Sitara and Vlad would kill the Oracle!" said Kitt. "Take them away. We will get our answers from them back at H.Q." said Plex.

Miohru looked at Plex with him saying,"What about us? Do you need us to go after the other two members of their group?". "No. You two will help me take them back to HQ. We'll make sure that we get the other half of the dumbass trio Vlad and the daughter of Basalt Sitara Fortune. Both sisters will be in our custody in due time." said Phit. Cinarva watched as Miohru, Pitt, and her fellow orders take the four Paradoxes to H.Q. with her trying to figure out what's really going on here. 

Back with the trio of Malik, Sitara, and Vlad. They were currently running back to the Armada and they were running from the Enforcement Bureau's cruiser aka hover police cars. "So explain to me why we're running from those fascists again? We can easily take them down like this." said Vlad using his jetpack to keep up with the others. He was currently aimed both of his dual pistols at the cruisers, firing at them and caused a couple of them to crash into the ground hard. 

Sitara looked at him as she said,"Because they probably blame us for what happened earlier and that Akostar from earlier. You and I both know how the Enforcement Bureau work.". "I know that Sitara but...." said Vlad. "Technically Sitara. It was a wyvern not an Akostar." said Malik, interrupting their conversation which caused the two to look at him. "Seriously?! Who the hell cares about what that thing is?! It was a giant monster and we're getting blamed for it coming here!" said Vlad.

The female of the group nodded as she said,"You have a point but your comment.". She stopped as she swung her sword, sending a wave of air and this wave sliced a row of cruisers in half. It's a good thing that all of these cruisers are unmanned at the moment. "What do you mean by that? It was just a simple smartass remark. Nothing too special about that. I make all of those all of the time. Hell, most of our friends do." said Vlad.

Sitara looked at him with her saying,"Because it sounded like something Zane would say. Do you remember how he correct us about him an ape not a monkey?". "Oh yeah. I do remember. Turseek still didn't get why Zane told him that." said Vlad. Malik looked at the two of them with all three of them hearing,"Hey there gang. Need a lift?". The trio looked up and they saw Armada flying above them with Ralad aiming the ship's guns at the last batch of cruisers. 

From the cockpit, Ralad smiled as he fired a barrage of laser blasts at them. Vlad watched the cruisers go down with him crossing his arms. "That wasn't bad. I could do better." muttered Vlad. "Focus. Open up the hatch." said Sitara. "You got it boss." said Ralad, pressing a button. The ship's hatch opened up and Vlad grabbed Sitara. "So how are you going to get up there armor...." said Vlad. "And he's already gone." said Sitara as she watched him vanish.

Vlad shrugged as he said,"This guy is just like Zane.". He flew the Sihero up to the hatch and into the cargo bay. The door closed behind them with Sitara saying,"Get us out of here Ralad!". The ship flew away from the planet and escaping the Vromilyrra Dynasty. "So while I'm thankful that we didn't get arrested and sent to Osezarix 35, what about the others?" said Vlad. "You'll just have to break them out of jail duh." said a voice.

The two turned to see Malik standing there with his arms crossed. "You! What are you doing on our ship?!" said Sitara, aiming her sword at his neck. "Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. I came here to help you." said Malik. "You're not intimated by her? I mean she's one of the two fiercest woman in the Omniverse." said Vlad. "This isn't the first time a female has aimed their weapon at my neck due to them not trusting me. Let me show who you I am." said Malik.

Malik pressed the right side of his helmet, revealing the man under him. His face looked the same as it did in the present. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a lime green v-neck shirt right under his jacket. His shirt has white sleeves that are hidden by his jacket. He has "Devil" imprinted across his chest in black letters and covered in a purple fire pattern. He wears brown pants ,with them having intentional tears in them, and his boots from his armor. 

He wears a brown leather belt and gloves. He wears one of his armored gauntlets with it being the left one. Sitara and Vlad were shocked to see their friend Zane standing in front of him and he looked much different. "Zane? What the hell happened to you? You changed so much since we last saw you!" said Vlad. "I'm not the Zane you know." said Malik. "You're from a different dimension aren't you?" said Sitara. "Seriously? How can you tell? You're blind!" said Vlad.

Sitara sighed as Malik said,"She must have sensed my Impulse and how it's similar yet different to Zane's Impulse.". "Correct. So what are you doing?" said Sitara. "I was asked by my boss Hourglass Universe to help you guys out. We need to break into Osezarix 35 right?" said Malik. "Yes. So how do you know Hourglass Universe?" said Vlad. "I'll tell you about her later but we need someone to break into the prison and I know the perfect guy for the job." said Malik, smiling.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny looked at Sitara and Vlad with him saying,"So you just decided to trust him?". "Yeah. I mean he looked like Zane and knew Hourglass Universe. She's easily one of the strongest Phantoms ever and any one with a brain knows not to fight her or mess with time." said Vlad. "But didn't he seem not very trusting?" said Danny. "I know that you have a problem with him due to the past but he has changed a great deal." said Ralad.

Sitara placed her hand on Danny's shoulder as she said,"I understand your worry about trusting him after what he did to Zane but Zane trust him.". "Yeah. I guess. So did you find Parker?" said Danny. "I think I did." said Vlad. "You think?" said Danny and Sitara. "Well, I get a general location on where he could be but we don't have that section of the Omniverse in our ship's database charted. The only place that does is in the Osezarix 35." said Vlad. 

The four beings heard,"You mentioned that place before in your story. What is it?". They turned to see the trio of Malik, Velda, and Zane standing there. On his right arm, Zane was now wearing a medium-sized dark gold bracelet that have steel gray streaks on the outside of the bracelet. In the center of the bracelet, there is a royal blue stone like object and lines forming Z. "Hey guys. Find a way to stop Zane for blowing earlier and why is Velda's face red?" said Vlad.

Velda looked away as Malik said,"Zane did something to make her look like this. He's now wearing something called the Preservation Band. According to her, the device will activate when it senses a high amount of Impulse coming from Zane. It will form a gauntlet over both arms and can withstand a huge amount of Impulse coming from Zane.". "Let me guess. He hugged you for making that device?" said Danny as Velda nodded. "So what is Osezarix 35?" said Zane. 

Sitara nodded as she said,"Osezarix 35 is the Vromilyrra Dynasty's prison facility. It contains some of the worst criminals in the Omniverse and tends to contain anyone who goes against the Vromilyrra Dynasty.". "I've heard about it before. So is Parker there?" said Velda. "Nope. The information we need to find him is there along with our pals. Ralad. Do you mind?" said Vlad. "You got it boss." said Ralad as he pressed a few buttons. "It's time for you to break into your first prison bro. Excited?" said Zane.     

As Ralad began setting course to the facility, an alarm went on off. "So what did you do?" said Danny as he looked at Velda. "Why are you looking at me? I did nothing to this hunk of...." said Velda as she was shocked by Vlad who had futuristic brass knuckles on him. "I really can't believe that you actually shocked her Vlad." said Sitara. "Nobody insults the Armada. So what's the alarm for?" said Vlad. "It says that there was a security breach on the lower level. We got stowaways." said Ralad.

Zane looked at Danny with the man nodded. The two activated their costume with Danny saying,"Leave them to us. You guys make sure that we get to Osezarix 35.". "Yep!" said Zane. "Me and the Phantom will go with them. Lets go boys." said Vlad. The four left the cockpit with Sitara sighing. "Put her in one of the chairs Ralad." said Sitara with Ralad nodding. The group of Danny, Malik, Vlad, and Zane were heading down to the lower deck.

Vlad looked at Danny and Zane with him saying,"Okay heroes. Here's the plan. We are going to cover more ground by splitting up.". "But isn't spitting up a bad thing?" said Zane as the elevator was going down. "This isn't a horror movie Zane." said Malik. "It could be. Let me see. Astral Sense." said Zane as his eyes turned a noticeable and bright molten gold color with two magic circles in front of him. "So got anything man?" said Danny.

Zane turned to him with him saying,"Yeah. Lets get going.". "I thought that you would use one of your forms." said Vlad as the moving platform came to a stop in the cargo boy. "Velda told me not to use one of them for least an hour upon putting on the band. Rather not make her mad since she gets all slappy with me. It doesn't hurt but it's annoying." said Zane. "Okay. Me and Vlad will take the right side. You two take the left side." said Malik. "Gotcha." said Danny.

The four split up with both Malik and Vlad looking for the intruder. "So does this feel like a horror movie to you?" said Vlad. Malik ignored him with him hearing something. He made his purple fire Nether appear and he saw the other duo. "Smooth move. So did you two find them?" said Vlad. "Not yet but I got them now." said Zane as he was gone. "Hey! Let us go!" said a voice. "We should go find him now. He may need our help." said Malik.

Zane stood there with his arms crossed. "So while I'm happy that you guys are here, why are you here exactly? We have it handle." said Zane. In front of him, he saw the group of Allen, Arya, Gwen, and Rachel with the four tied up in Zane's tendrils. "To be fair, I was perfectly okay with staying on Earth but...." said Gwen. "Do you really think that I would let you and Danny go into the Omniverse without me? We're a family Zane." said Rachel. 

Allen nodded as he said,"Yeah. She's right. Gwen used a spell to teleport us on here and she thought that she wouldn't alert the Paradoxes. I guess that failed but hey, I won't let my two best mates do something this fun without me.". "It did. Danny, Malik, and Vlad should be here. I'll see what they want to do with you since this is the Paradoxes's ship after all. Not mine since mine is better." said Zane, crossing his arms. The trio of Danny, Malik, and Vlad showed up as Malik's eyes widened.

Like when Zane found them, Malik crossed his arms and he said,"Gwen? Rachel? What are you doing here?". "Plus the other two. I know that you knew them back in your dimension but don't forget that they invaded our ship. I didn't mind you guys coming along but Sitara did. It's totally because she's jelly over the devil's beauty." said Vlad. "I'm sorry for invading your ship but I promised to be there with Zane since he helped saved me and well, I don't want him to blow up." said Arya.

She smiled as she said,"And Team Maelstrom is a team no a family. Family look out for each other.". "I think you got our answer. We know that Danny and Zane could have done it without us but we're a group. If you want them, you got all of us." said Gwen. "Yep! Slicer said it best. I mean if it was her, she would probably make fun of you right Zane?" said Arya. "Don't remind me about her. I really hate that howler monkey." grumbled Zane. "Agreed." said Astaroth.

Malik shrugged as he said,"You heard them Sitara. What do you say?". "Fine. Just get up here. We need to talk." said Sitara's voice. "Oh you guys are in trouble. Don't feel bad for you. She used the voice." said Vlad as he snickered. Before they could get, the watch began beeping faster than normal. "You didn't use the watch again did you?" said Allen. "Nope. I used Astral Sense." said Zane, pointing to his eyes. "I'll go check on something with Velda. Show them around won't you?" said Vlad.   

Later, the trio of Allen, Danny, and Zane ,with the latter two out of costume, were currently in the hover simulator. They were flying through a simulation of outer space during a meteor shower. "This is awesome. We totally need hover boards when we get back to Earth." said Allen. "Aren't you at the least bit worried about the self-destruction speeding up even though you didn't use the watch?" said Gwen as she and the other girls seemingly gloating in the air beside them.     

Zane shrugged as he said,"A little but getting worked up and scare about won't do me any good. I tend to do my best work under pressure.". "I really think you should be worried at least a little bit Zane." said Rachel. "I hate to sound like Kevin but why should I Rae? I mean even if the watch goes boom, I can always regenerate from it without a scratch. Parker will be made if the watch explodes but he can always make a new one." said Zane.  

Danny shook his head as he said,"Sometimes bro. Your easygoing attitude is a pain. None of us like seeing you dying or getting hurt.". "I know that. We'll find Parker plus the missing Paradoxes and get him to turn off the watch's SD. I'm sure that everything will go back to normal in due time." said Zane as he performed a trick using his board. "What if Parker can't be found? If the watch goes boom, you will lose Astral Form." said Arya, speaking up for the first time upon arriving at the hover simulator. 

She was on her phone/tablet/laptop. It was a black ,thick, smartphone with it being lined with orange lights along the sides and keyboard. "If that happens, I'll...." said Zane. "You'll what?" said Rachel with her arms crossed. "I'll figure it out Rae. I always do." said Zane. The simulation turned off as Sitara and Velda entered. "While we know that you always do, you might have to accept that you'll never be able to access the power of the Eazairvian ever again." said Sitara.

Velda nodded as she said,"Compared to the other Eazirvain's Cross Species aka her, you can only access the full power of that species in Astral Form. Parker and I made that form so you could be a force to be reckon with. I'm sure that your life won't be changed too much since you got too much power already but just be careful. I rather not see the device I spent hours worked on destroyed it.". "You say that but you're just like us. You don't want to see Zane go boom." said Allen. "Yeah right!" said Velda.   

Zane looked at the group with him saying,"Look. I may not be born into a normal life but becoming Zero is probably the best thing to ever happen to me. Marrying you Rae will replace that but being a hero is something I want to do for the rest of my life. I won't let that dream end because of some stupid self-destruction crap.". "So what did you find out?" said Gwen. "Even with the Preservation Band, the countdown is still going and will be stronger. You may need to stay on the bench for now." said Sitara.

Danny looked at her as she said,"What? I tried to use a Terra Expression? Did I use it wrong?". "No. I just never heard it before." said Danny. As the two were talking, the watch began beeping. The platinum sphere of energy reappeared with it being much bigger than it was at the mall. It covered both of his arms with the faceplate glowing bright red. Zane was gritting his teeth harder than last time and there is a strong wind blowing around him. 

Zane was forced onto one knee like he was proposing with him saying,"Get away from me now!". The group listened as the sphere explodes. This sends Zane flying once again with Zane coughing up blood upon hitting the wall of the hover simulator. His blood was a mixture of his signature turquoise candy syrup blood and his royal blue tar. His watch is giving off steam with both of his arms feeling a great deal of pain. 

Looking down at both of his arms, his hands were glowing a platinum color with vibrant and destructive Impulse flowing him. "Are you okay Zane?" said Arya. "Just peachy." said Zane, smiling. This smile didn't calm anyone down like it normally would. "So why is his hands glowing platinum? That's new to us." said Allen. "It seems that the explosions are affecting you more than I and the feline thought. How could this be?" said Velda, looking over him.

Rachel looked away with Gwen noticing this. "Is something the matter Rae? I know that seeing Zane like this isn't exactly pleasant but if you know something, mind sharing?" said Gwen with Rachel looking at Zane who was being hugged by Arya. "Okay. Parker told me and Zane about something he had planned for the watch about three years ago. It's name is Albion and it is combining the Z.E.R.O. watch with Zane on a biological level." said Rachel.

Velda looked at her as she said,"What?! How and why would you let him do that to you?!". "To be strong and protect everyone obviously. Don't you know me at all you fool?" said Zane as the color in his hands faded. He slowly stood back up with a faint trace of Impulse running through both arms. The faceplate is about a third red at this point. "This changes things." said Sitara. "It does?" said Arya and Danny. "Yes. We need to get the info on where Parker is and rescue our idiots." said Sitara.     

In the cockpit, Arya was impressed with the controls with the rest of the group getting comfortable in the ship. "This is impressive Vlad. You said that you build all of this by yourself?" said Arya. "You're talking to a super genius here." said Vlad. "Don't compliment him too much. If you do, his ego will only grow bigger with each compliment." said Malik. "Hey can it Phantom! You're just jealous that she isn't complimenting you" said Vlad as he glared at Malik. "We're here. Osezarix 35." said Ralad.    

The Armada exited out of a large wormhole with them seeing Osezarix 35. It has four moons rotating around the space station. It looks very futuristic and cylindrical with it being easily taller than any building on Earth. It is currently night there. "So This is is Osezarix 35? I have to ask. What happened to Osezarix 1 through 34?" said Allen. "They were all destroyed by a criminal at some point with the guy who ruined your image in this section of the Omniverse destroying the last one Zane." said Sitara.

Zane nodded as the group heard an automated female voice,"You're currently approaching secure space of Osezarik 35. Identify yourself or be destroyed.". "So what's the plan now?" said Gwen. "I got it!" said Arya with her jumping into a chair. "Seriously? You think you can hack past their system?" said Vlad as he crossed his arms. "Just trust me kitty kat. I got this." said Arya as she began trying in some codes with the space station's weapons system prepared themselves to fire and aimed at the ship.

Velda hugged Rachel with her saying,"I can't watch!". A few seconds later, the group heard the automated female voice say,"Sorry about that. Your security clearance has been accepted. Please head to Prisoner Drop Off Bay #10 Officer.". "How did you do that?" said Vlad. "She's a super genius and can hack into anything. That's why she's the best damn assistant in the Alliance." said Zane with him giving Arya head pats much to her joy. "Hell yeah I am!" said Arya.

Danny sighed as he said,"Thanks for that Arya. You're a good ally to have.". "Indeed. So how long are you two going to be hugging by the way?" said Gwen. Velda looked at Rachel who smiled. "I'm not against it since you're really cute when you're scared Velda." said Rachel. Velda let her go with her muttering,"It's like having two of them.". "So why did you go with Prisoner Drop Off Bay? We have codes for the sanitation bay?" said Sitara as Ralad flew toward the station.

Arya looked at her as he said,"Well, I didn't want them to think that the Armada is a garbage truck so I picked a prison transfer ship. It didn't take that long to make an ID for us.". "Wow. You're just like Zane Arya. Good to have an ally and terrible to have as an enemy." said Allen with Arya snickering. Ralad parked the ship in a place where he knew that it would easy for them to get away once they get what they needed.

Malik looked at Sitara with him saying,"So what's the plan? We need to find the others and get the map on where Parker is right?". "Yep. I just so happen to know where they are being kept but we need one team to get the map. Allen and Arya. You two may want to stay here." said Sitara. "Um why?" said Arya as Allen nodded. "Humans are special here in the Omniverse." said Malik. "Okay. Why is that exactly? And what about the ones who look human like?" said Danny.

Zane looked at him as he said,"Earth is considered the Omniversal melting pot.". "It is? Since when Zaney?" said Rachel. "Since it was created from what I guessed. Warrior told me that it's considered to be a place for refugees to go and it's considered to be the center point of the Omniverse. If our Earth goes, the Omniverse follows suit." said Zane. "Yeah. I've heard from Hourglass that you had to do it already. How was it?" said Malik.

The Cross Species looked at his Phantom counterpart with Zane saying,"Exhausting. Due to most humans hating anything that isn't normal, these refugees are forced to live in cities that the Magnus created before humanity make its appearance. Humans are well liked among the rest of the Omniverse for two reasons. The first reason is that they're considered delicacies.". "Yep. I'm going to puke." said Allen. "It isn't a pleasant thought but at least, they don't see you for the other reason." said Zane.

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"What could be worse than being treated as food Zaney?". "Well Rae, let me tell you. This is according to Parker, Terran DNA is considered to be extremely durable and can adapt to pretty much anything. Most metahumans got their powers from their ancestors dating or being experimented on by aliens in the past. Parker told me that Terran DNA could possibly be used to revive dying races but those experiments are considered inhumane now a day." said Zane. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"I think I remember hearing about some humans have been taken from Earths across the Omniverse to be used for illegal experiments or taken to become another being's pet which isn't very fun. It's like slavery but Omniversal.". "Wow. So shouldn't the Alliance do something about that?" said Velda. "They tried but it's like the hydra. Take down one abduction, twenty more grow in its place." said Zane.

Arya looked at Zane as she said,"So what about you, Danny, Gwen, and Rae?". "We'll be fine since while we may look human, we don't smell or taste human. I'm not sure about you Velda so do you mind staying here?" said Zane. "Wasn't planning on going." said Velda, sitting back in her chair with Ralad shrugging since he would enjoy the company. Arya agreed to stay behind as well. "So since the history lesson is over, what's the plan here boss lady? We need to make two teams right?" said Vlad.

Malik nodded as he said,"And don't forget. We're wanted by the Alliance for the destruction of the Vromilyrra Dynasty's main city.". "I know that. How good at you sewing and making disguises Zane?" said Sitara. "Pretty good every since I got the powers of Carnal and had some free time to learn how to sew." said Zane. "Um. Why are you talking about?" said Danny. "From time to time, we need a disguise and these ones will be perfect." said Sitara.

As Team Maelstrom and the Paradoxes were getting to work on their planet, Cinarva Varthard was in the guards area. "So why am I here again?" muttered Cinarva. She looked around to see that she was alone in the guards area. "I mean I broke my word about coming here and no one knows that I'm here but I need to know what they know." thought Cinarva with her opening up one of the lockers and came up with a similar plan to Zane's group. Lets find out why she's here.

Flashback P.O.V.
Cinarva was in front of the chancellor's office with Plexatron in front of him. "So why does the chancellor want to see me?" said Cinarva. Plex gave her a shrug as he said, "I got no idea but she wanted to see you.". "Ah. That quells all of my concerns." said Cinarva. Plex opened the door with him smiling. "I wish you good luck with her Cin." said Plex. He closed the door behind her with Cinarva hearing,"Ah. I am sorry to bother you Preserver but I need to have a word with you.".

The woman turned around and saw Chancellor Lalorth sitting at her desk, smiling. She's middle-aged with her being a tall, curvaceous woman of average height. Her body is covered in a purple and green skin or exoskeleton with four-fingered hands, a chestnut-shaped head, and a long face. She has short brown hair. She has four slanted light blue eyes with gold sclera. She has lilac colored lips with pointed, white teeth that are spaced quite far apart from each other. 

She has silver antler like antennae coming out of her head. Her antennae come out of her head at a forty five degree angle and she has silver mandibles. She's wearing a high-collared black jumpsuit with gold stocking-like edges. Her jumpsuit's pants legs are cut short, ending slightly above her knees. She wears matching collared boots that go up to her knees. Her outfit exposed her knees and nothing else about her body. 

Her jumpsuit has red shoulder guards with a purple cape. She wears a diamond leaf-shaped necklace. In her early twenties, Lalorth joined the Enforcement Bureau in order to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. She rose through the rank in order to become a preserver just like the duo of Cinarva and Miohru did. She eventually became the Chancellor. As the leader, she dedicated much of her time to ending generations of bloodshed that her people had suffer. 

She's a fair but firm and rather strict toward everyone woman. She tends to be disgust toward criminals but despite that, she always tries to see the good of the criminals. She tends to have trouble showing emotions other than indifference. Her smiling is seen as rare and if a officer sees her smile, they get extra pay from Plex. "So did you need to see me for Chancellor?" said Cinarva, saluting her by putting her closed fist over her chest. 

Larloth sighed as she said,"Cinarva. You don't need to call me Chancellor or salute me. We're friends ever since you joined all of those years ago.". "Yes. I tend to forget that." said Cinarva. "It's fine. So I heard that you fought Legion Zero earlier." said Larloth. "That isn't Legion Zero. He called himself Nemesis." said Cinarva. "That's what I said when I showed those ambassador footage of his rampage but nope. He transformed and that's something only Legion Zero can do." said Larloth.

Cinarva blinked with her saying,"Oh wow. That's really a stupid way of thinking. It's like judging an entire species based of one criminals.". "Yeah. They're pricks." said Larloth. "So is there anything else you need me? I was asked to over look over the four "criminals" that we captured earlier. We let their three compatriots go and one of them just so happened to be the daughter of Basalt." said Cinarva as she clenched her fists.

Larloth sighed as she said,"It's fine. You'll get your chance to capture her. I'm sure of it. You may leave. I need to reminded you about something truly important. You do intend to forget this so I believe it's my duty to remind you of it as a former Preserver.". "What is it?" said Cinarva. "A being should always follow their own sense of justice regardless if others disagree with them. You're dismissed." said Larloth as Cinarva left the office.

A few minutes later, Cinarva was with the duo of Miohru and Plex as they were looking over the four members of the Paradoxes that were arrested earlier. "I still can't believe that we let Sitara Fortune escape. Even though she comes from a race of warriors, she was trained by the other daughter of Basalt Molvai to be a deadly killer." said Miohru. "Yes but we're looking at the deadly killer's partners in crime so be happy with that." said Plex.

Cinarva looked at the robot with her thinking,"Is he trying to make us feel better?". "So the big rock is partner with a cat? That's just weird." said Miohru. "I heard that the cat took rocky under his wing instead of the other way. Kitt and Turseek probably joined up with them due to being bored of fighting weaklings or something along those lines." said Plex. "And what about Veto?" said Cinarva. "He actually comes from Terra." said Plex.

Miohru looked at him as he said,"Which one? There is like infinite.". "The Prime one obviously. He was abducted by Crulgrum, the rebel Baradan at a young age." said Plex as Veto flipped them off. "Oh. I'm so sorry about doing this to you pigs but you arrested us for BULLSHIT reasons!" said Veto, frowning at them. "Are you trying to make them hate us more?" said Kitt. "Meh. I say he should go for it and why are they pigs again you guys?" said Turseek as Altair sighed.  

Plex rolled his eyes at them with him saying,"No matter what, scum will always be scum.". "I do want to visit Prime Earth one day even though there may be humans like him there." said Cinarva. "So what do you want to do with them?" said Miohru. "Take them to Osezarix 35 obviously." said Plex. "I should tell you this Plex. I plan on going with them." said Cinarva. "Um why?" said Miohru. "I want a chance to fight one of the daughters of Basalt. I'm sure she'll eventually come to break them out." said Cinarva.

Miohru looked at her partner with her seeing how serious she was. "Okay. I guess I'll handle clean up with Plex here instead." said Miohru. "Since when do you order me around Miohru?" said Plex. "Since now. Lets go." said Miohru as the two were gone. Cinarva looked at the four Paradoxes were arguing about something with Altair saying nothing. "I don't know why you four were here to clean his name but I'll find out why." thought Cinarva. 

A few days before Zane's group arrived at Osezarix 35, Cinarva and the four captured Paradoxes had arrived to the prison facility. They were being guided by some prison guards ,who are members of the Vromilyrra Dynasty's army that wore silver jumpsuits/mercenary style armor, and Cinarva was there as well. "So what is this place like?" said Turseek. "You seriously don't know." said Kitt with Turseek nodding.

The Throlzak looked and placed his hand on his friends' shoulders. "Do not worry. This prison isn't all too bad. The guards let the prisoners do whatever as long they don't escape but they are forced to make ammunition for the dynasty. We won't be here for too long since I'm sure that Ralad, Sitara, and Vlad will be there to break us out." thought Altair. "Yeah. I rather not be here since we did NOTHING wrong you damn cops." said Veto with Cinarva rolling her eyes.

Until they had time to transfer them here, she had to hear that a lot from him. "Stop." said a prison guard with everyone stopping. "So why do you keep saying that Veto?" said Turseek. "To make sure that they  know how much they screwed up." said Veto. "It's annoying so could you please stop?" said Kitt. "Even though I think that you guys are innocent, it doesn't matter." said Cinarva. "Why?" said Turseek. "I saw you guys fighting Nemesis not working with them like the Magistrate says." said Cinarva.

Veto smiled as he said,"Thank you. I guess you're not so bad for a cop.". "Thanks I think. So tell me why you are working with a lackey of a genocidal dictator?" said Cinarva. "You mean Sitara? She isn't the lackey of Basalt anymore." said Kitt. "What do you mean? I thought she was still working for the Molten Empire even though daddy is dead. And why isn't your friend talking?" said Cinarva as the prison guard led them to another room.

Kitt looked at her as he said,"You seriously don't know? Well according to our friend Vlad, he lost his ability to talk after being experimented on by the guards of Blacktomb Detention Center. He isn't a big fan of prisons by the way.". "Ah. That makes sense." said Cinarva. Without warning, one of the guards used a taser rod on Veto and knocked to the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you? He did nothing wrong?" said Cinarva as Kitt and Turseek helped him up.

The guard shrugged as he said,"What can I say Preserver? I didn't like how he was making fun of my people.". This caused the other guards to laugh at Veto who flipped them off. He got shocked once again much to Cinarva's objection. The four Paradoxes were eventually processed by the guards with Cinarva never liking how they process beings. They were stripped down and washed, humiliating them. Let just say that they really like when a female prisoner show up.

Yeah. It's messed up and this place is supposed to be a place of justice. Both Cinarva and Lalorth have tried to get this changed but well, the Magistrate ,who were the main force of justice in the Vromilyrra Dynasty didn't listen since they are perverts. After that, Cinarva was escorted to a different part of the prison as she watched Veto getting tazed once again. She promised herself that she would get that information no matter what it takes. Lets see how this works out for her. 

Narrator P.O.V. 
Inside the hallways of Osezarix 35, the hull of the superstructure easily ended upwards for miles upon miles ahead. There were easily thousands of alien prisoners and criminals of the Vromilyrra Dynasty there. Down one corridor, there was thick smoke rising from an industrial area. Several hundred alien criminals walked around the overcrowded corridor in very unsafe living conditions. Through the smoke, five members of the intruding group walked through.

The one leading the back was Sitara with her wearing a thick ragged black cape that somehow managed to disguise herself. After her, Malik walked forward with his armor and overall intimating appearance doing a good job at intimidate these criminals. After him, the duo of Danny and Gwen were sharing a surprisingly well made alien costume. It has orange skin with four muscular arms, two large eyes, wearing a green loin cloth, and a snake like bottom half. 

Allen was the last member of this group with him being dressed up as a giant dog like creature with gray fur, white claws, purple eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. "I really can't believe this." said Gwen. "About what? We've done couple costumes before and we did win the three leg race before." said Danny. "Not about this costume. We actually broke into prison and not alerted the guards. We stick out like sore thumbs." said Gwen. 

Malik walked up to them with him saying,"Yeah. We do but honestly, I think I rather wear the costume rather than those tacky ass jumpsuits.". Allen looked at one of the warthog prisoner who was wearing a tacky orange prison jumpsuit with its ankles and wrists shackled by energy cuffs and a large shock collar goes around their neck. "Yeah. They somehow make Earth's prison uniforms actually look stylish so that's a plus I guess" said Allen. "Keep it down. Do you want us to get caught?" said Sitara.

Danny looked around as he said,"I don't think anyone is really paying attention to us cloaky mainly the guards.". "I don't think they care if the prisoners aren't wearing the suits or the cuffs. It's survival of the fittest here." said Malik. The group stopped as they watched a fire dragon and ice dragon wrestle each other. "Everyone is here for a reason and have a common hatred toward the Molten Empire plus our pal over here." said Malik.

Gwen looked at Sitara with her saying,"What do you mean by that?". "It was my past life as a fighter for the Molten Empire. Let just say that a lot of them became criminals because of what the Molten Empire died to their families." said Sitara. "No one here is friendly so try not to piss anyone off." said Malik. "Then why did you let those two go off on their own?" said Danny. "I got a strong amount of faith in the princess. She'll keep them from doing something that stupid. Don't you?" said Sitara.

Danny shrugged as he said,"I do but well..". As they moved through the prison area, another figure in a cloak watched them and glared before following them in the shadows. Allen glanced over as a rather large orange skinned monster of an alien stomp on a alien pangolin. It gobbled it up and began eating it alive in a rather disgusting manner. "Okay. It's official. I'm wishing that I stayed behind with Arya right about now." said Allen.  

Gwen turned to him as she said,"What's wrong Allen?". "I think for your sanity, you shouldn't know Gwen." said Allen, coughing a little. Said monster looked at Alien but was stopped by Malik. "I know that you're top dog here but honestly, you're nothing." said Malik as he cold cocked him in the nose and shattered it. "Wow. You two really are counterparts huh. Rushing to violence." said Sitara. "Meh. I like punching ugly sons of bitch. So where are the others?" said Malik.

Sitara touched her right ear as she said,"So do you got any idea where they are Arya and Ralad?". "Did you forget about me?" said Velda's voice. "Who could forget your lovely personality?" said Vlad's voice. "Quiet you! Have you three found the data yet?" said Velda. "Not yet but we're getting close according to your notes Arya." said Rachel's voice. "Hold on. I haven't heard Zane for a while." said Arya's voice. "Well. Funny story. He bolted after sensing something." said Vlad.

Danny and Malik sighed as Danny said,"Of course he split off from the group due to him sensing something off.". "That does sound like him but he'll be fine right?" said Allen. The group there looked at him as he said,"What? Can't a guy look at the positive here?". "Malik. Keep an eye on them. I'm going to scope the place out. Vlad. You and Rachel get Zane back and find that data!" said Sitara. "You got it ma'am. I won't let them out of my sight." said Malik with Vlad making a whip sound. 

Gwen heard a slap with her presuming that it was from Rachel. "Hey. Watch it pal." said Malik as someone bumped into him. That someone was Grimace. He along with Lunacy and Rivart were here after Basalt heard about Zane's friends being locked up. Basalt knows about Zane's desire to save his friends no matter what so he sent the three to ambush them. "Not yet Grimace. Keep on Sitara for me okay?" said Rivart's voice in his ear. "Gotcha boss." said Grimace.

With Rachel's group a few minutes prior, the couple of Rachel and Zane looked up and saw all of the criminals walking around. Unlike with Danny's group, this area looked to be much more civilized compared to their group's lawless area. "Oh wow. I can't believe something like this exist here." said Rachel. Her costume was similar to Allen's except instead of her being a dog, she was a cat instead. It was due to her acting more like a cat according to Zane.

This made no sense to Arya, the Paradoxes, and Velda but Team Maelstrom got it due to them being well aware of how Rachel acts when Zane flirts with her. If you want context, check out one of the two episodes from August. Your answer will be there. Her costume had white fur, gold claws, blue eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. "It isn't that strange. I mean even among scum bags, they are good people." said Zane with his voice sounding demonic.

Rachel turned to see Zane except he looked a bit different. Thanks to him eating Tropical Mutant, he gained the ability to change his species without using Astral Form. He went into great detail on how he couldn't use the full power of the Eazairvians aka changing from human to Frugnoid except if he uses Astral Form to change into that species. However using the watch in any regard was banned due to the self destruct function so he worked around it.    

Instead of looking human, Zane was now a species known as the Merzollan. They are considered to be the opposite of the Baradan who are well known for being a very law abiding species and have been called the Omniversal bootlickers before. The Merzollan are rebels without a cause and they looked similar to demons from fictions. However similar to Qlariks, they don't all look the same but you can always tell when you see one.  He looks the same height as before with a slim, yet muscular figure. 

He has obsidian black skin with sharp white teeth. His hair changed to a platinum color. He has glowing crimson red eyes with both of his spiral shaped pupils being slitted. He's wearing the same clothes as he did when he's human. "You say that Z but I just saw someone die because they stole another person's food." said Rachel. "I didn't say that they were exactly saints you know." said Zane. "Okay. So have you seen Vlad lately?" said Rachel.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Oh crap. I totally forgot about him and was enjoying being alone with you.". "Sometimes Zane. We should probably go find him." said Rachel with Zane nodding. The two pushed through a crowd of prisoners with them seeing a standoff between Vlad and two convicts that looked rabbit clowns. "You two freaks of nature are going to pay for pissing me off!" said Vlad with him having his brass knuckles on.   

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by Zane who sprouted a tendril from his back. "So do you mind telling me what you're doing?" said Zane. "Taking care of business here. You may be a pretty nice guy Z but I'm not." said Vlad. "And what is this important business of yours Vlad? I think you have two more important things to take care of." said Rachel. "Oh you say that but you didn't have your rat on a stick taking you from these freaks!" said Vlad, pointing to the rabbit clowns.

The clowns chuckled in unison with Vlad saying,"Oh? You may be laughing but let me make sure you bastards never laugh again!". Zane sighed with him looking at Vlad. "You will calm down and focus on the mission or else, I'll break every bone in your body. Once I do that, I'll heal you back up and do it again." said Zane in a sinister tone. This caused the crowd to run away in terrors with Rachel shaking her head.

Vlad looked at Zane with him saying,"Okay. I know that you said that to get rid of the crowd Z and not because I almost blew our cover right?". "Vlad. What do you think?" said Rachel. "Fine. I know that we should be trying to find the others and collect the data but honestly, we should just relax. I'm pretty sure those fours will do something stupid and attract attention that way." said Vlad. "If my fiancé's life wasn't on the line, I would agree with you but it is so focus." said Rachel. 

Before Vlad could say anything else, he blinked. "Hey Rachel." said Vlad. "Yes?" said Rachel. "Where did Z go? Do you think he sensed something and ran off?" said Vlad. Upon hearing that, Rachel looked around and noticed that her disguised boyfriend was gone. "Zane! That dummy! I thought we told him not to split off!" thought Rachel as a faint layer of Ardor flared up around her. As she was thinking, Vlad was having the conversation from earlier including the slap from Rachel.

Vlad looked at her as he said,"So do you think you'll be able to find him?". "Me? Why not you?" said Rachel. "I thought devils could sense where their loved ones were or something like that." said Vlad as Rachel blinked. "You didn't know you could do that did you?" said Vlad with a smirk. "Shut up. I think I sense him nearby. Lets go." said Rachel. The two ran off toward where Zane was with them catching the attention of a figure watching them with noticeable interest.

Back with Zane, he stood in front of a building called the "Grumpy Bassoon" that had a lot of shouting and cheering coming from it. The sign had alien writing around it. "So why did you stop in front of a bar? And not tell your teammates about where you were going." said Astaroth. "I sensed something here." said Zane. "Okay. That answered question 1 but not 2." said Astaroth. Before Zane could say anything, a being flew out of the western style doors.

They landed on the ground groaning with this being Veto. "Son of a bitch. As if today could get any worse." said Veto. He turned to see Zane looking at him with him saying,"Ah! Please don't hurt me! I bruise easy!". "Calm down Veto. It's me." said Zane. "Z!" shouted two voices. Veto turned to see a disguised Rachel and Vlad running toward him. "Vlad?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were with Sitara! Did you?" said Veto.

Vlad slapped him in the face with Rachel saying,"So why did you do that?". "He was having a panic attack obviously." said Vlad. "Okay. I'm good now. So what are you doing here?" said Veto. "Saving you and the others plus finding out where Parker went to with the help of Rachel and Zane. He's gone again isn't he?" said Vlad. "Zane is here?" said Veto, looking around. "Yeah and unlike last time, it was obvious where he went." said Rachel, looking at the bar's doors that were moving.  

A bit earlier, Zane had walked into the bar and it reminded him of a western saloon. Its patrons weren't animatronic but criminals of the Vromilyrra Dynasty laughing and drinking. You may be wondering how they got alcohol in here. Compared to both Blacktomb and Thunder Cove, this prison is more like a five star resort. "So are you here to defend Veto's honor or what?" said Astaroth. "Okay you pieces of shit! Who was the guy who beat up the Terran?" said Zane. 

Zane got his answer from a criminal with him saying,"That idiot Terran thought he could take on Big Tony.". The disguised Cross Species turned to see a blue extremely bulky cat that reminded the Cross Species of the Cheshire Cat except with big white eyes. "Oh really? I beat all of that muscles of yours is nothing more than fat tubby cat." said Zane with a smirk. The criminal ,known as Big Tony, began making his way over to Zane until he was standing right in front of him. 

He was easily three times bigger than Zane. "Do you honestly think that rebel?" said Big Tony with him cracking his knuckles. "Yep. I sure do and let me show what for." said Zane, punching Big Tony in the face. Upon contact with his fist, the cat's fat began to ripple and he was sent flying right into the wall, slumping against it. This caused the entire bar to erupt in laughter with Zane smiling. He sat down at the bar with Astaroth said,"So since you're done punching tubby, mind answering me?". 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yes I did come in here to avenge Tony but that changed." said Zane as there was only one other person at the bar like he was. The bar keeper was also keeping the distance from the being sitting at the bar. As this was going on, Rachel was about to follow Zane inside when she felt a hand placed onto her shoulder. She turned around to see Veto shaking with a look of fear on his face. "Don't go in there. Trust me." stuttered Veto. 

Rachel looked at him concerned as she said,"Look. I may not know you like my fiancé does but I'm sure that you don't get scared easy now do you?". "You seriously don't know why he's so scared right now huh Princess?" said Vlad. "No. Mind telling me why?" said Rachel. "Despite Veto being well a few crayons short of a box....." said Vlad. "Hey!" said Veto, glaring at the cat. "I'm saying the truth and you know it!" said Veto. 

The two began glaring and bickering at each other with Rachel crossing her arms. "Get to the point you two." said Rachel. "Okay fine. He does know about the Jaegers and how you shouldn't fuck with anyone of them. You didn't do that did you?" said Vlad. "No! Of course not but it's....!" said Veto. Vlad tried calming Veto down and well, Rachel got curious about who scared the guy like that. She snuck her way inside of the bar and saw Zane sitting at the bar with a single female being there. 

She looks to be a year or two older than them with her being a Merzollan except she was probably born one rather than Zane who can turn into one. She has a tall ,with her being 6 feet 2, curvaceous figure with dark gray blue skin. She has long purple hair ,with green accents and white highlights, in a ponytail. Her bangs cover her left eye, exposing her right eye. Her exposed eye has white sclera and a red bomb-shaped pupil which is somehow slitted. Her eyes has black eyeshadow. 

Under her natural black lips, she has a red dot that looked similar to a beauty mark. Her teeth are naturally pointy in a similar manner to a vampire. She has two dark purple horns protruding from her head, dark purple wings behind her, and a silver metallic tail with it having a bomb-shaped end.  She wears a metallic purple off the shoulder crop top, covering her right shoulder and exposing the left shoulder. Her top exposes her green lacy bra and a generous amount of cleavage.

She wears a black pleated miniskirt with a black and silver belt. She wears a pair of ripped black leggings, exposing her curves. She wears knee high black high heel boots with it having a single green stripe on it. She wears a black ,with a single green stripe, choker around her neck with a gold bomb shaped emblem. She wears gold bat piercings on her ears. She wears black and gray fingerless satin gloves on her arms. She has red fingernails with her nails having a bomb exploding pattern to them. 

Rachel sat next to Zane who smiled upon seeing here. "Hey there bar keeper. Mind get a glass of Dragon's Ale? Tossing tubby like that gets a man thirsty." said Zane. "Huh. Dragon's Ale. That's pretty strong I only know one being who can handle it. Are you sure that you can handle it boy?" said the female with her sounding seductive yet demonic. "I can since I've been drinking for a very long time now. Almost twenty years in fact." said Zane. 

The woman smiled as she said,"Okay then. How about you try this?". She slid a cup in front of Zane with Rachel taking a look inside of the cup. It was a bright orange liquid with Zane shrugging. "Are you sure about drinking this Zane?" whispered Rachel. "Of course I am. I mean you only live once after all and I got a pretty good tolerance to the devil's water." said Zane, chugging it down. His eyes widening up a bit.

It tasted like orange juice mixed with Irish coffee with him having a warm feeling going through out his body. "Oh wow. This is really strong. I mean I think it's even stronger than Cherry Blossom Punch for devils. I think if I drink a brewery of this stuff, I'll get hammered fast. You always did have a talent for finding amazing drinks." said Zane as he slid it back and she turned around in her seat to face the couple. 

The female smiled as she said,"Thanks. I'm very determined to see you drunk after you saw me drunk that one time.". She looked right at Rachel with her saying,"I overheard you talking to the Frugnoid and Terran outside of the bar. You really don't know who I am do you?". "Nope. Why should I care? You're just another criminal." said Rachel. "Oh! She told you!" said Zane with him sipping his beer that was given to her.

Astaroth sighed as the Merzollan smiled. "You're feisty. I like that a lot in beings. My name is Bridgette Isirova aka the Explosive Supernova." said Bridgette, holding out her hand and hoped that she thought she would run off after hearing that. "Okay then. My name is Rachel Powell but that'll change to be Rachel Alvarez. I'm sure you and my fiancé know each other somehow. So are you going to rat us out to the guards?" said Rachel, shaking Bridgette's hand. 

This comment sparked the interest of the Merzollan. "Nah. You're good in my book. I mean I heard about you from this guy here who is hiding his true self. I mean the reason he's doing this is because of some jackass ,who just so happened to share some similarities, blaming him for his crimes here in the Vromilyrra Dynasty." said Bridgette. "So that's how you ended up here? Defending my honor? I'm touched Bri. I really am you know." said Zane. 

Bridgette smiled as she said,"Oh shut up. You can be a real pain sometimes you know that. So how about you tell your friends to come on in? I don't bite unless you piss me off.". "Sure. I already sent the message to them." said Zane, pointing to the side of his head. "So since you two know why I'm here, how about you tell me why you're here?" said Bridgette. "We came here to rescue our friends who got sent here after trying to clear his name like you did and get the location of Parker." said Rachel. 

The Merzollan nodded as she said,"Ah. That sounds like a really fun time.". She watched as Veto and Vlad walked in with her smiling. "Since all of your pals are here, I think I need to do something very important." said Bridgette with a big smile on her face. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek with the rest of the group and bar being shocked for a reason. Rachel was in no way happy about seeing her fiancé getting kissed by an old friend of his

Veto and the bar was shocked to see someone of her stature kiss Zane and Vlad was impressed with Zane's talent with attracting ladies. "Hands off my Zaney!" screamed Rae with her covering her arms in Ardor and pushing the woman off Zane's lips. The punk like woman was sent flying as Veto said,"Holy crap.". "Yeah. That was hot." said Vlad. "So you do know who you just push?" said Zane. "Yeah! Are you crazy Rae?!" said Veto. "You and Zane really don't care who you attack do you?" said Vlad.

When he saw that, he was reminded heavily of the time that Zane intentionally ignored his warning not to piss off Rythos back when they first met. "Not really Vlad. I'm this dummy's fiancée and no one gets to kiss him except me." said Rachel with her angrily kissing Zane on the lips. "So are you going to stop this from happening? And do you think she's forgetting about the twins?" said Astaroth with him crossing his arms. "Do you think it would be a good idea if I did?" said Zane. 

Astaroth shrugged as he said,"Maybe? Not a hundred percent sure on that. I just don't want to see Rae hurt and neither do you.". "I would be worried about her but you and I know what's going to happen." said Zane. "Oh wow. I'm impressed with your future wifey Zaney." said Bridgette, looking over Rachel who released Zane from their kiss. "Thank you. I better not see you kissing him without my permission unless you want to be erased from existence." said Rachel with Ardor appearing around her.

Bridgette smiled with her saying,"Okay then! I like you devil! You got spunk. I like that and well, this lucky guy here told me all about you before. I was concerned for a bit but after meeting you, you're a good girl. Come with me. All of us need to have a little chat.". She walked away as Vlad took a breath of relief. "Okay then Princess. You ain't half bad of a woman if you aren't scared of pissing her off." said Vlad. "And who is she? No one has told me anything about her beside how scary she is." said Rachel. 

Veto gulped with him saying,"She's a very powerful female. She can split a planet with her bare hands and that isn't a good thing.". "She's a good person Veto. Just don't piss her off. Plain and simple. It's like with me." said Zane. He walked over to where Bridgette was with Rachel and Vlad going after the two. Veto stood there with him noticing that the entire bar looking at him and ran after them, mainly due to him being scared for his life.

A little bit later, Bridgette smiled with her saying,"I met Zaney here after the worst date I've ever had in my life and I need to vent out my anger.". "I see. So how were you venting out your anger? Your way is probably better than Zane's way." said Rachel. "My way isn't that bad Rae." said Zane. "It is a bad way Zane. The way I do is by blowing shit up and rocking out on a instrument. On my planet, I'm considered to be too much so I left and began my journey through the Omniverse." said Bridgette.

The Merzollan began to jugging three bombs with her tail with this impressive Rachel since she had only seen someone like Zane do that before. "She seems nice Zane. Tell me about this date of yours Bridgette." said Vlad. "Well, I decided to go out with this famous athlete. A total jock and normally, he wouldn't be my type but I decided why not? You only live once and all that junk. He arrived on time and the date started out like it normally does." said Bridgette. 

She looked at the group and she said,"We would go see a movie but that's when shit hit the literally fan I tell you not. The jock spilled his popcorn and drink on the floor alongside my shoes.". "Seriously? That is why you considered it the worst date ever. Kind of petty in my opinion." said Rachel. "Didn't you once punch Mack in the face and kicked in the nuts when he did the same thing to you during our double date with Brad and Leigh?" said Zane. 

Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"Yes I did but he is the opposite of you when it comes to picking up girls.". "So this Mack guy treats girls like objects instead of beings with thoughts and opinions." said Bridgette. "Yep." said Rachel. "Wow. For some reason, I now want to hurt this piece of shit." said Bridgette. "Women am I right Zane? They make no sense sometimes." said Veto as the two females glared at him, scaring him once again.

The abuse involving Veto won't be stopping any time soon. "Ignore him you two. He's an idiot. While I enjoy a good brawl as much as the next guy, what about the date with the jock? I know the story but my friends don't." said Vlad. "Since when have you been interested in stuff like this?" said Zane. "That's true. I'm not into romantic crap like Zane and secretly Sitara is. I really want to know what you did to the guy." said Vlad. 

Bridgette smiled as she said,"He left to go get some snacks and when he returned, he did the same thing except it was my hair this time around.". "Oh wow. I didn't know that part." said Zane. "Let me guess. You care a lot about your hair." said Rachel. "Of course I do. It's the symbol of my rebellion and totally my best feature right Vladdy?" said Bridgette. "Uh huh. Totally." said Vlad. He was pretty sure that her hair wasn't her best feature but he wasn't going to tell her that it wasn't.

He liked living. "I gave him a pretty nasty glare but instead of being quiet, he only made things much worse. Due to the jock being an super klutz, he was bothering the other people in the theater. Instead of saying sorry, the jock antagonized him. The poor guy who told him to be quiet ran away and the jock tried to say sorry but well, I was pissed off at this point." said Bridgette. "Yeah. You do hate people who bother us in public don't you?" said Zane. 

Bridgette nodded as she said,"Of course. I may be a rebel but I don't like bother other people during a movie or something. It's called being respectful in public.". "So what happened next Bri?" said Rachel with her interested in the story now. "Well Rae, the guy that the jock scared off earlier came back with the usher and manager. Both of them were like me aka pissed. The jock began to argue with them and in a period of thirty minutes, I got kicked out.".

She clenched her fists as she said,"It was because of that jock. Instead of saying sorry like he should have done earlier, he blamed them and asked me to come back to his place for you know. After hearing that, I exploded.". "What do you mean by that exactly?" said Vlad. "I threw one of my explosions at him obviously and before you ask, he's still alive. I think he regrets pissing this rebel off that's for sure. I blew up the movie theater. The Alliance tried to arrest me but that didn't work." said Bridgette.

Bridgette smiled as she said,"I took down a couple of them down with some well timed explosions and one of them who went by the clever name of Cannon Arm Xavier sent me flying off the roof I was standing on. That bastard almost sent me to my death but my number one guy here saved me from death by holding me in my arms like a total boss. After that and a quick kiss to the cheek as thanks, he became my BFF. He's totally rocking the rebel look right now. I like it a lot. You do too right Rae?".

She put her arms around Rachel and Zane's shoulders with Veto slightly scared and impressed due to the sight in front of him. He was scared since one of the Jaegers had their arms around his two friends and impressed since Zane had two very pretty girls liking him. It was a real struggle for him. "I guess so but I prefer Zane." said Rachel. "True. I like Zane the way he is rather than him trying to be someone he's not." said Bridgette.     

Vlad looked at her with him saying,"Huh?". "I like beings who don't put up an act being someone who they aren't." said Bridgette. "Okay. That makes completely sense to me unlike this idiot." said Veto. "I thought you of all people wouldn't lie to the Jaeger since she just mentioned that she hates beings who lie to her. I mean I just don't get it " said Vlad. "Shut up man! I'm trying to stay on her good side!" said Veto. 

Bridgette smiled at the two Paradoxes arguing with Rachel looking at Bridgette. "So I know that I'm extremely sexy Rae but my eyes are up here. I'm not against it at all mind you but your beloved is right here." said Bridgette with a smirk as Rachel looked away, embarrassed. "Smooth move there Rae. I mean if you're going to cheat on me, be a little more subtle about it since I'm right here." said Zane.

Without a second, Rachel punched Zane in the arm. "Ow. She's so mean to me. Beat her up for me Bri." said Zane. "Oh grow up Zane. We both know that didn't hurt you." said Rachel and the woman in unison. "So do you mind helping us out with our little quest? I'm pretty sure that we'll be starting a prison riot soon so are you up for helping us out?" said Vlad. "Seriously?! You ask her that?! Are you insane?!" said Veto. "Sure. Lets do this guys." said Bridgette much to Veto's shock.

Nearby the Grumpy Bassoon, the disguised Cinarva had overheard a conversation between one of the corrupted guards and the inmates. It involved taking care of the Jaeger's best friend. They may not be able to fight her since she'll literally break them in two but their friend was another story entirely. "I can't believe that you would allow something like this." said Cinarva. The corrupt guard looked at her with a smile on his face.

Said smile wasn't obvious due to their helmet but Cinarva had a feeling that he was perversely smiling under his helmet. "Oh come on. I'm giving the criminal scum what they so rightfully deserve. A babe like you shouldn't be concerned with that." said the guard. These suit of armor didn't hide the wearer's body. This statement caused Cinarva to frown under her helmet and gave him a left kick to the guard's chin with said kick sending him flying away.

He landed nearby some prisoners who shrugged and attacked him. "I would feel bad about sending him to get attacked by them but he had it coming. Even though the Enforcement Bureau may be corrupt, a true officer doesn't work like this. Lets go." thought Cinarva with her running off. Meanwhile in the shower area which was both genders, a human or Terran female was getting pinned against a wall of the shower. "Hands off me you alien freak!" said the female.

The alien that had her pinned to the wall was around her age and female. Yeah. You expected it to be male but well, things aren't what you expect. They are also both clothed. It's a vulpine humanoid female with orange and white fur. The white part of her fur is covered up by the jumpsuit that all prisoners were force to wear except her jumpsuit had a hole for her tail with said tail have three white rings on it. She was not wearing the energy cuffs and shock collar like the other prisoners. 

She has white hair with part of it braided and she has two green eyes. She has a shapely figure. "Why are you doing this to me of all people?!" said the Terran. "It's nothing personal really but the guard whom I'm totally using to get whatever I want in this hellhole wants you dead after he figured out who brought you in. I mean we get some really scum in here but the guy who brought you to us is one of the worse beings in the Omniverse." said the feline. 

The Terran was unable to scream for help because of the feline's makeshift shiv aka a metal pipe against her neck. "Hey. What's going on in here?" said a voice. The two females look back in fear for different reasons. The feline was sure that no one would stop her from killing or roughing up this Terran a little bit. The Terran was scared of most of the criminals here except for her cellmate who was a character in her own right. The Terran's savior was Turseek with the top half of his jumpsuit ripped off. 

Don't forget. His species hates shirts. He did have the energy cuffs and shock collar on. "Do you know who I am right?" said Turseek. "Yes. You're Turseek the Thousand Victory Champion." said the feline in fear. "And I'm sure that you know what I'm about right?" said Turseek with him walking toward the girls. "Help me take care of her? I mean she was brought in by Crulgrum! Remember him and what he did. He slayed dozens of innocent lives!" said the feline.

Turseek looked at her as she said,"I lost my family because of him! I became a criminal because of him and someone needs to pay!". Before that could happen, Cinarva was hiding behind the wall and using her energy to make her invisible. Said officer wasn't unable to do anything due to the feline was held in place by something invisible. "Hey. Why the hell can't I move?!" said the feline. "Because of me you very silly fox." said a voice. 

After hearing this, the group of the feline, the Terran, Turseek, and Cinarva turned to see the disguised Zane and Bridgette standing there. "Bridgette?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were drinking at the Grumpy Bassoon!" said the feline. "I was but thanks to my buddy's ears here, I could overhear a hit ordered by a corrupted officer. Pretty sure he's fired or dead. Who knows? He's a piece of complete and utter garbage." said Bridgette, putting her arm around Zane. 

Cinarva wondered what happened to the guard but she didn't care. "No doubt. You shouldn't take out your anger on someone who doesn't deserve it. Got that? I mean do you really think killing her will sooth your soul?" said Zane. "Why should I listen you Merzollan? You don't know anything about me! Let me go already! I want my revenge on her!" said the feline. trying to break out of the control he had on her. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Because I'm pretty sure that this Crulgrum guy doesn't care about her in the slightest since he threw her in here to begin. Do you really think that killing her is the best way to avenge your family? I'm pretty sure that killing Crulgrum or someone that Crulgrum brought here would make them happy. They would want you to live.". The feline looked at Zane and dropped her knife. She went onto the ground with her muttering sorry. 

Bridgette walked over to the Terran with Turseek saying,"So what did you just do?". "I talk her down big guy. Unlike most of the beings in here, I didn't sense that she was truly evil compared to well the guy who has literally killed his entire family because of a simple disagreement of politics. So yeah. That guy deserves to be here but I really do think that the woman whose entire life was destroyed because of one bad day doesn't." said Zane. 

Turseek crossed his arms as he said,"You sound so sure about that. How come?". "While it may not be that obvious from first glance, a being's Impulse will always tell the truth on who they really are. So I'm hurt that you don't recognize me old friend." said Zane. "Should I? You don't look anyone I know. And what about her?" said Turseek. "You should but I can understand your confusion since well, I look a lot different compared to before." said Zane.

Astaroth sighed as he said,"Partner. We both know that Turseek isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so I doubt he's going to get it so easy.". "So how about the officer take the innocent victim back to her cell already? We'll make sure that the Terran is okay." said Zane. "Huh? No one is in here but us." said Turseek. Zane sighed as he aimed his left hand at the wall where Cinarva was hiding. "She's right there but currently hiding herself using an invisible technique of some kind." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"It's impressive but honestly, I can sense her Impulse from a mile away and also her heartbeat.". Upon hearing this, Cinarva gasp. She was sure that no one could find when she's doing this but this Merzollan was able to and hear her heartbeat. As the two males were having their conversation, Bridgette was trying to calm down the Terran. "So are you okay? I mean I really should have been there for you but well, a woman needs her drink." said Bridgette. 

The Terran sighed as she said,"I'm fine. So who are your friends? They protect me from the cat girl or the guy who species you are.". "I don't know about the Gregralzad but the other Merzollan is my friend and you've met him before." said Bridgette. The Terran was confused by this statement with the group hearing,"So what are you planning?". They saw Cinarva standing there with Turseek looking right at her and put his mechanical hand into his natural palm. "Huh. I remember you." said Turseek. 

Zane looked at him as he said with a pout,"Oh. You remember her but not me. Why are you so mean to me Turseek?". "Like I told you before, I don't know you. Even though that armor covers the officer from top to bottom, I never forget a warrior's body." said Turseek. "So why are you here? And I doubt he's going to remember you when you look like that." said Bridgette, walking over to them with the Terran by her side. Upon taking a close eye on the Terran, Zane's eyes widened. 

Astaroth smiled as he said,"That's interested. You may be wondering why she's here partner but the Omniverse is a strange yet wonderful place after all.". This familiar face was Lorelei Vinson. "I want to help you Paradoxes out. Nothing else." said Cinarva. "Oh really? I'm not too familiar with the politics behind the Vromilyrra Dynasty but helping "criminals" escape in any manner will get you court martialed for treason." said Zane. 

Cinarva looked at Zane with her saying,"I don't care about that. I've gone AWOL so many times not since I believe in finding the truth rather than what the Vromilyrra Dynasty. Because I don't believe any one of these six are truly criminals. They're more honorable than the guards here and well, I'm sick of the guards hitting on me to be honest. The Vromilyrra Dynasty needs to be reformed. I'll help you and your friends escape if I can join you. Do we have a deal?". 

The room was quiet as Bridgette said,"I get that you want to reform the system which is noble but be serious. Why are you helping us?". "Isn't it because of the guards hitting on her? That would get rather annoying." said Lorelei. "No. I want to meet someone and try to clear his name." said Cinarva with her looking right at Zane and Bridgette noticed this with the Merzollan smiling. "Okay then. We're good with working you. Hey big guy." said Bridgette. "What is it?" said Turseek. 

Bridgette looked at him as she said,"Do you mind taking her to where you and your friends are staying in this hell hole? I think the three of us need to talk in private.". "Sure but mind telling about who you are? You know me but I don't know you." said Turseek. Zane shrugged with him placing his fingers on his head and Turseek's eyes widened. "Oh on my gods! I'm so sorry for not recognizing you my very dear friend!" said Turseek, hugging Zane and the three females heard his bones cracking a bit.

It sounded really painful. "It's okay big guy. Just do what we asked okay?" said Zane with him used to bone breaking hugs. "You got it! Come on girl." said Turseek. Lorelei looked right at Bridgette who smiled. "You can trust him. I promise." said Bridgette. She nodded as the two were gone. "So I'm going to guess that the someone you want to meet and clear his name is Legion Zero or Zane Alvarez. Am I correct?" said Bridgette. "Yes but how did you know that?" said Cinarva. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Yeah. How did you know? I mean you're good at reading people but not this good. It's like you read her mind or something.". "Lucky guess. I mean that's why I and the Paradoxes are here. We came here for him since we're good pals." said Bridgette, with her putting her arm around Zane. "Are you saying that this is Zane Alvarez? I thought he was a Terran and not a Merzollan." said Cinarva. 

Bridgette looked at the duo with her saying,"Yep but thanks to some one who share a similar power, he had to disguise himself. How about you show yourself off Zane?". Zane shrugged as he turned back to normal and Cinarva's eyes widened. His eyes were rather unique. His eyes were storm gray and they were struck by how warm they are. It reminded her of a flame that would never be blown out. Every detail in his irises were clear and concise. 

She may not know art at all since staring at it often confuses her. The sclera were pristine and looked to be untouched by anything at the moment. "So are you ready to hear my plan?" said Zane. "Yes but you have one already?" said Cinarva. "Yep. Lets just say that I'm rather good at coming up with plans. Now lets get going." said Zane. He walked out of the shower area with Bridgette and Cinarva following after him. The feline would have joined him but she was grabbed by tendrils.

A few minutes later, Zane ,in costume, was sitting on a perch that was looking over the entire prison with him smiling. "Okay. So can everyone hear me?" said Zane as he was talking with five beings in particular. These five are Bridgette, Cinarva, Malik, Sitara, and Vlad. "We hear you loud and clear. So what's the plan? I mean we may have met up with the gang but we still need the information about where Parker is." said Vlad.

Zane nodded as he said,"I'm about to tell you the plan Vlad so listen up. If we're going to get out of here, we need to get into the central watchtower for two reasons. These reason are that the information for Parker's location is there and to make sure that our friend's bombs go off.". "And that's where me and Princess come in right? We'll meet up with the Preserver won't we?" said Vlad. "Yes you will. I was able to obtain a device to allow us access into the tower." said Cinarva.

With an eye raise, Malik said,"May I ask how you did that?". "None of your business. What's the next stage of the plan Zero?" said Cinarva. "Simple really. Bridgette and Sitara. Bring the Paradoxes and Lorelei to where Malik and the others are. Have Danny place his phones up to their collar and cuffs. I asked Arya to make a virus which will allow them to use their powers. It won't disable the bombs but at least, they can fight." said Zane. "You got my support." said Bridgette.

Sitara sighed as he said,"A good plan but what about you? What are you going to do?". "Simple. I'm going to do what I do best." said Zane. "And that would be?" said Cinarva, Sitara, and Vlad. "Cause a riot/scene." said Bridgette and Malik. "Jinx! You owe me a beer Malik!" said Bridgette with Malik sighing. "Just be careful Zane. Don't forget about you know what." said Vlad. "I'll be fine mom but thanks for worrying. You'll know when to begin. It's showtime!" said Zane.

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