Sunday, November 8, 2020


 A/N: Yeah. Anything involving Zane will get his own post. This shouldn't be a shocker since I did this twice before. Both of these times were around March and April so that will probably happen again around that time next year. I mean I shouldn't say that I could be wrong. This post will be all about Albion plus Zane's two new partners. Expect the most recent version of Zane related notes to be updated shortly after this post comes out. Lets begin already. 

New Partners:
Havoc. Havoc Equinox was born shortly after Twilight heard about her mother being poisoned by an unknown enemy. This was around 2024 with the princess unsure about who try to assassinate but that didn't matter since she was called back to Golax Prime MX by the elders. She didn't want to leave her friends in Team Legion Zero but Parker suggested something for her to do. He would find out who poisoned her mother.

In the mean time while she's ruling her people, Zane would have a Vordlarin partner whose been given an upgrade. Twilight agreed to this and she had a child by the name of Havoc. Parker began experimenting on the young Vordlarin with him making sure that Havoc is connected to Zane in the same manner as his mother and have the ability to meld with his prized Z.E.R.O. Watch much to the shock of Team Legion Zero.

He doesn't allow anyone other than himself and Zane to use his prized invention. Thanks to this experiment, Zane's emotions were higher than normal and Parker didn't expect this. Before bonding with Havoc, he lived in a small jar that Parker has on his lab on Galnatilia aka Parker's summer planet. He appears as a small steel gray egg-shaped object with him floating in a glass jar and surrounded by a black sludge-like fluid. 

This sludge has molten gold line patterns resembling circuitry. Havoc stays like this until Zane appears and it transforms. The sludge covers the egg shaped object with the sludge jumping out the jar and landed on the desk like wet paint. The egg-shaped object followed the sludge out of the jar, going into the sludge and vanishing. He looks like a slime like object and a semi-solid substance. 

Compared to when Zane met Twilight all those years ago, this Vordlarin looks to be smaller than her. It was almost like a baby. He looks to be three inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. His body is primarily black with molten gold line like patterns all over his body. He has glowing steel gray egg shaped eyes with it looking childlike. His eyes has a smooth white outline that looks like a domino style mask. 

He has a white mouth and black spiky teeth. He has a soft yet childish voice. Havoc is known for being extremely cautious and shy compared to his mother who was well known for being confident. This is due to him being young and matures slower than Vordlarin his age. He gets more confident over time thanks to him being a member of Team Legion Zero but he's still very shy. 

The young Vordlain often has trouble understand why most species have double standards when it comes to gender since in a fight, it means jack and shit. This Vordlarin has all of the strength and weakness of his species alongside his mother's abilities that she had when she bonded with Zane. Whenever a being hits Zane, Havoc can cover that part of Zane's body and the Vordlarin can absorbed the blow. 

It makes the opponent's hit bounce off him in a similar manner. He can make the person or object that tried to hit him stuck inside of the goop. Bullets do nothing to Zane to begin with but when covered by Havoc, bullets gets absorbed into the skin. It can also protect Zane or anyone else covered in this substance from a point-blank explosion. Just like his mother, Havoc tends to emerge from Zane's arms. 

Havoc can change both of his arms into weapons unlike other Vordlarins due to him being a prime version of the species as Parker puts it. Some of his weapons are Zane molding his fingers to create a spear shape and he either stretches his limb to hit a target or launch the spear to hit the spear from a distance. He can form a small ballista shaped object over Zane's arm and fire out bullets of the substance that makes Havoc up. 

One of Zane's favorite tactic to perform with Havoc and Twilight is having tendrils of the Vordlarin's body come out of Zane and loop around a target's body. This constrict the target from top to bottom in a cocoon. This cocoon is similar to the cocoon that appears that a Vordlarin has whenever they bond with a perfect being. The target can try to rip the slime off them but it can grow back really fast. This is a great way to detain foes. 

With the power of combining technology with the Vordlarin's biology, he can generate more high tech weaponry such as wrist-mounted auto-cannons or rocket launchers protruding from his back. Zane can make his tendrils explode upon contact with something. Zane can reached into his back and take out two balls of slime that are similar to bombs. Zane chucks them toward a target and upon contact, it covers the entire area in slime and it's hard to break out of it. 

Zane can slam his hands down on the ground with a giant wall of slime appearing in front of Zane. This can be used to block any attacks that come toward Zane. The slime wall can come out of Zane's body if Havoc doesn't want Zane to get hurt. Zane can clasp his hands together with it forming them into a missile launcher. He launches a large slime missile toward a target and it makes a giant explosion of slime covering the area around the missile exploding. 

He can access Zane's vast amount of energy and fire it at his opponent. This ability isn't shared by the hive since whatever experiments that Parker did to Havoc prevented these new found abilities to be accessed by the hive. He's still connected to the hive like his mother and grandmother. This means that he has all of the abilities that all of the Vordlarin have. The main ability of Havoc and only him has is that he can appear over any one of Zane's forms. 

It gives that form the ability of the Vordlarin or a different form. This is different from his mother who can make tendrils come out of the form's body and how Zane can make the appendage of another form appear on the form he's currently using. With Havoc, he can make Zane's costume cover his body or hide the clothing within into his body. Whenever he wants to talk with Zane privately, he takes Zane to a dimension that's similar to Elysian. 

The ceilings, floor, and walls blended together to form a space of black and red material that throbbed and pulsated as if it were alive. While in this dimension, he appears as a sleek living body suit. This bodysuit is black with a molten gold line like patterns all over his body. He has two glowing steel gray egg-shaped eyes. His eyes has a smooth white outline that looks like a domino style mask.

He has a white mouth and black teeth. He has steel gray bone-styled combat boots and gauntlets with a molten gold "H" shaped object in the center of his chest. In reality, Zane can be covered in Havoc in order to protect him from danger.  Whenever he wants to look intimidating, he grows to be about twelve feet tall. The molten gold lines vanish as he grows in size with him only keeping the "H" shaped object in the center of his chest. 

His head looks massive with inch long teeth and tongue. He tends to roar afterwards just to make his point across. His voice sounds deep and monstrous whenever he's bigger than normal. Whenever Havoc decides to cover Zane in a protective layer, it starts by Havoc making black ,with molten gold lines, tendrils of sludge emerging from his legs. These tendrils of slime increase the thickness of his muscles. 

Like his mom and Rivart, he doesn't change his host's size unless in an angered state. Zane's arms gets covered in the same black ,with molten gold lines, tendrils as his legs. The tendrils from his arms and legs combining together, forming over the rest of his body. It slowly covers Zane's face and and hair. Whenever Havoc is mad or worried for Zane's safety, he can protect Zane in a big and bulky armor. 

Zane can do this as well but tends not to since looking big and bulky makes you very physically strong but too slow for his liking. Even though he bonded with Zane, the tendrils that Zane produce are similar to Twilight rather than Havoc.

Matrix. Matrix is the Z.E.R.O. Watch given sentience and this was planned from the very start. Parker wanted someone to be there to assist Zane if he need help handing a problem. Giving life to his invention was going to take longer than he anticipated so he made Athena and Cole to help Zane until Matrix was ready. This happened around the time of the Self-Destruct Mode activated thanks to a very deadly combination.

It was Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb and Parker's lab on Saspra blowing around the same time. Matrix eventually met Zane for the first time and despite hitting him, the two got to be good friends alongside Havoc who was another creation of Parker. Matrix doesn't lack emotions and in no way act like a normal artificial intelligences seen in fiction. She can do it to trick beings since they don’t expect that from her. 

She's helpful and supportive by nature with her quick to offer assistance and answer any questions that's given to her. She tends to have trouble when it comes to understand organics since they tend to go against logic. She can be ruthless at times and often suggest more inhumane ways of dealing with problems. She tends to have a strong dislike toward things that can't be explain such as magic and will do whatever she can to understand. Whenever she's annoyed, she becomes sharp and agitated. 

Matrix has a free will with her refusing to help or do anything if she finds the order against the purpose of the Z.E.R.O. watch. She is very straight-forwards and to-the-point without realizing it. She seems to be unaware of concepts such as humor, sarcasm, and deception and often views these characteristics are misinterpretations of the truth that she desires to correct thanks to her helpful nature even if her input is neither helpful nor appreciated. 

She's witty and playful with a small sense of cryptic humor laced with some sarcasm. She has neither arrogance nor false modesty about her immense capabilities, and her statements about her abilities have an objective perspective that human beings typically cannot achieve. She does get bored often and easily. In fact, it is said that seven seconds of inactivity for an AI is excruciating. Matrix naturally has a calm and composed expression with her not showing any kind of emotion. 

This changes if either she feels very emotionally about something. Due to her being painstaking created by Parker, she has a great amount of knowledge of the Omniverse and the Z.E.R.O. watch. This is why Basalt wanted her since she could possibly create a version of the Z.E.R.O. watch to be used for destruction instead of protection. She can communicate wirelessly with any wireless technology and tends to use this to override other technology and take control of them. 

Unlike Athena and Cole, she isn't bound to the watch at first. She's free to leave at any point and she makes her body hidden inside of the watch. She can appear for a beam of platinum colored light coming from the Z.E.R.O. Watch as either a hologram or hard-light form. Matrix can control Zane's body and use whatever powers of Zane she want. She is able to naturally activate any of the watch's feature if she feels that Zane is danger. She can access any of the watch form's abilities if she needs to. 

This is shown with her eye, face, or hair color changing to match that form in some regard. This is due to her having a direct connection to the Z.E.R.O. watch and acts as its protector for those who would use it for ill intentions. She has been called a living instruction manual and she didn't deny being called that. She has been able to communicate with animals. Before being activated by Zane's touch, Matrix was a silver capsule with molten gold patterned lines on it. 

Her capsule is big enough to fit a human inside of it without any discomfort. Her appearance is based on whatever Zane wanted her to become and that was to be a normal human. The Z.E.R.O. Watch or Matrix's form is a a cute female standing there. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. 

She has golden blond colored hair with it tied in a high ponytail. Her ponytail is held in place thanks to a silver ,with cyan colored lining, butterfly like hairband. She has two black eyes with cyan colored pupils. In the exact center of her collarbone, she has the word "M" implanted there and it's similar to Zane's metallic piercing except hers looks to be organic compared to his. She's wearing a primarily white sleeveless dress with it ending at her hips and has a cyan blue ribbon tie. 

The girl's dress has a black rim wrapped around the hem of the dress with a black stripe on each side of her dress. The girl wears tight silver bike shorts under her dress. She wears brown knee high boots with silver soles and heels. She wears a pair of cyan gloves that go to the middle of her forearm and nearly reach her elbows. She wears a silver choker around her neck. Attached to each side of her waist, she has a steel gray yo-yo with a cyan center. 

Like her, they also bearing the letter "M" written in the center of the yo-yo. She has two large wings made out of mercury protruding from her back.

Albion. This power came to be shortly after the Massacre when Parker came to visit his godson in the hospital. Zane was there after succumb to his mental and physical wounds against Madam Kilene and her minion Bimbo. The Eazairvian could tell that Zane was going to be blaming himself for this even though it wasn’t his fault. Just after Zane got the news about his brain tumor, Parker entered the room and talked with Rachel and Zane. 

The Eazairvian wanted to talk with Zane alone but with what just happened to his godson, he allowed her to be there by his side. The elder told Zane about an idea that he has for a while now. This idea is combining the Z.E.R.O. watch with Zane on a biological level. Parker calls this idea Albion. He explained that by combining his prized invention alongside the strongest Zero ever, he can beat any opponent that dares to threaten his friends or loved ones.

It wasn’t obvious due to Zane being covered in bandages from top to bottom ,except for his right eye, but he was extremely interested in this idea thanks to his right eye turning into a star since this peeked his interest. Rachel asked about the side effects of this little idea of his with Parker telling them the side effects. Any damage that Zane would take in battle is increased since Albion has Zane's body working overdrive. 

This is a similar fashion to Archon Zero and Archon Zero Master. If the watch is damaged in a serious manner, Zane would have no control over his powers. He equals it to healing and killing him at the exact same time. He would transform into a form that’s different from the one he wanted, produce acid when he wanted water, and release radiation instead of sweat. Hearing this alone scared Rachel being that she didn’t want to lose Zane.

Zane was still recovering from the Massacre and didn’t want to lose him. She also wonders how Albion is different from Archon Zero Master or Omni Mode with Parker saying that Archon Zero/Archon Zero Master allows Zane to use all 1,000,000% of his natural power and Omni Mode allows Zane to use every form within the Z.E.R.O. Watch ,including all of the Prime Forms and Astral Form, without transforming. 

Parker said that Albion will be the fusion of everything in Zane’s vast arsenal. Even after hearing that, Rachel didn’t want to lose Zane and told Parker no to this little plan of his. Parker wasn’t going to try and convince her since he could easily see that she was worried about losing Zane after just losing six people that were her sisters in love. He wasn’t going to try and understand what goes through a female’s mind.

The last time he did something like that, Janet left him. However, Zane convinced her to let him go through with it. He told her that he need to protect her and everyone from danger that they can’t handle. It’s a hero job to protect people after all because he doesn’t want to lose someone close to him ever again if he has a chance to save them. Rachel looked right at Zane and she sighed. She knew how stubborn he can be. 

She told Parker not to kill him or else, he’ll die by her hands. Parker told her that he won’t mess up on something this important. The surgery to combine Zane with his watch began shortly after Zane’s tumor was removed and the work on his eye prosthetic was starting to begin. After the surgery, Zane began training Albion in secret and waited for the exact day or moment when he needed the power to protect what he cares for the most in the Omniverse. 

Zane activates Albion with a single thought and his watch instantly projects a holographic image above it. It comes in the form of the Greek letter for Psi “Ψ” and it’s a platinum color. This image is the symbol for Albion. Upon touching it, his watch glows and covers his entire body in platinum colored energy. When Zane activated this power for the first time, he gets engulfed in a aura of platinum colored energy and makes an sphere around him.

This sphere hides him from view and the sphere eventually cracks open, with it revealing Zane's new appearance. The energy eventually fades, revealing a changed looking Zane. Zane’s skin turns dark gray and his eyes change colors as well. His eyes have pure white sclera, molten gold irises, and cerulean blue pupils. In the center of his forehead, he had a third eye which is open at all times. His third eye is different compared to his main set of eyes. 

He has a obsidian black sclera, his third eye's pupil is in the shape of a cross and is a golden amber color, and it is also missing the molten gold iris. His eyes became more stern with it showing great intensity and focus in them. They also radiate with energy and have a strong superiority to them. Zane's eyes would make the most hardened individuals tense up if given a look from him. 

Zane’s hair looks wavy with it flowing upwards and gives it a rising, flame-like appearance. The tips of his hair was standing up at the end. His hair changes to a carmine red color. His ears are now pointed similar to an elf. He has sharp wolf like teeth coming out of his mouth with two fangs sticking out of his mouth and these two ,three inch long, fangs point upwards. Inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue with it being seven inches long. 

His nose looked like a snout of a dragon rather than a human's nose but only on close examination. Protruding from his head, there are two metallic looking horns ,about six inches through his hairline, with them being colored reddish black with a flame like pattern to them aka Vulcan Emperor's scales. The upper half of his body and most of his face ,excluding his eyes and nose, are also covered by his Vulcan Emperor Scales. 

Zane now has four arms coming from his body. One set of arms come from his shoulders like normal and the second set of arms appear right under the first set of arms thanks to a second set of shoulder blades. His torso is longer than normal because of his second set of arms. His upper sets of arms are like dragon arms with five carmine red claws rather than regular nails. These arms match Astral Form's arms in terms of their appearance. 

It's black ,with several white star like dots scattered all over the limb, and covered in a bright turquoise aura. His arms ,from his elbow upwards, are covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales and looks similar to chain mail. His "chainmail" are reddish black ,being metallic and a flame like pattern, scales. The other set of arms ,aka the lower set of arms, doesn't changed too drastic. He has a dragon like tail which is covered in Zane's Vulcan Emperor scales. 

The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. His clothing looked different. He's wearing a form-fitting armor that isn’t too tight and hugs his muscular figure very well. It’s a black light-armored shirt. Zane's shirt abdomen/chest is a platinum color with the sides of the shirt being a steel gray color. It does a great job at outline his muscles, mimicking body armor. This shirt’s collar covers his neck. 

Zane's shirt collar is actually a metal plate which can be used for protection against strikes to his neck. His shirt has an interesting design to them. It's a black tribal dragon tattoo with it having a crimson red background. The background is a molten gold pentagram surrounded by a magic circle. The entire thing was made out of ancient runes. His two shoulders are both protected by platinum armored shoulder pads, mimicking the appearance of a pauldron. 

Like with Astral Form, he’s wearing a cape. It’s made out of a gaseous material. It can't be grab or anything and drapes off his shoulders. He wears long black pants with the sides of his pants having a molten gold stripe on the left pant leg and a steel gray stripe on the right pant leg. He wears his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. He wears black combat boots/running shoes. His shoes have gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles. It now goes up to his shins. 

His shoes are lightweight but durable for combat. His shoes are attached to his pants. He wears platinum armored knee pads. Zane is wearing something interesting on his lower left arm. The object that he wears is the Z.E.R.O. Watch in its brand new combat mode. It covers his knuckles up to his elbow. It’s a black metal-like tight fitting fingerless gauntlet. You can’t see a speck of skin of his arm when it is in combat mode. 

There are several crimson red lines from the faceplate to each one of his fingers. On the back of the knuckles, there is white squared areas. The lines that connect the middle and ring fingers together forms a "Z" shape. In the center of the gauntlet, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate. The faceplate has molten gold stripes, forming an “LZ” outline. 

On each side of the faceplate, it has five symmetrical, gray tubings/vent going down from each side. The Z.E.R.O. Watch looks built into his arm and muscle. He is wearing a glove on his lower right arm that’s similar to the Z.E.R.O. watch in its combat mode. He wears a black fingerless glove that goes up to his elbow. This glove completely covers his arm with it showing none of his skin. 

It has the crimson red lines over it in the same pattern as the watch and the white square areas over his knuckles. He wears black sunglasses that are in the shape of a visor that cover all three of his eyes. Zane's visor is connected to black ,with steel gray lining, headphones like earpieces that have a gold "LZ" on them. The headphones go over his ears. His face is covered by a platinum face mask attached and the only thing not covered is his hair. 

His body is covered in a massive aura of platinum colored energy. It looks to be a steady flow of energy and looks to be similar to a burning flame. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of royal blue colored energy. These wisps of energy look like electricity that's coming off his body. The ground below him is shaking due to the power he was releasing from his body. Whenever Zane speaks in Albion, his voice is deep and calm.

In Albion, Zane’s speed, strength, and power output become formidable and imposing. He can easily punch a larger than him being through many large trees with a single punch. He can punch a building that’s clearly bigger than him into the sky. Zane can destroy easily an entire space station with a single attack. His fists can easily break through the strongest and most durable objects. In Albion, Zane’s strength is basically limitless in this form. 

His body is extremely durable. It’s hard to damage him even by an attack whose power equal over a thousand nukes combined. His skin is strong enough being that blades do nothing to his skin. He can survive extreme pressures and temperatures. It showing no blisters in case of heat and frost in case of cold, falling from orbits, high caliber bullets, missiles, and the strongest of elemental or energy based attacks leaving behind no scratch on him. 

Zane is able to jump a great distance being that he can easily travel across states and long distance with a single leap. He’s able to aim his jumps and landing somewhere with incredible precision. Zane is able to jump up to the moon and beyond with a single bound. He’s able to fight or doing things for long periods of time without rest especially when he’s focused. His speed is heighten being that he moves so fast that time is nearly standing still. 

He can run incredibly fast being that he can outrun most speedsters with relative ease and this is done by turning his entire body into Impulse which moves at a speed faster than the speed of light. His body is broken apart when he does this and reformed when he’s done. His reflexes have been called faster than light. He’s able to adapt within seconds of a problem and he has great psychic resistance in order to keep unwanted guests out. 

Zane can easily regenerate from any wounds within seconds of gaining them shown often when he gets burned alive by acid or magma or atomized. He can rip his head from his body and throw it to hit his enemies being that it connects back to him without seconds. Zane’s body has been called a battery for several different energies being that they’re able to stay in the same place without causing an explosion due to him having the soul of a Vulcorian inside of him.

According to Zane, he can release enough power from his body to destroy an entire city. It can cause 0.1 to 10 magnitude earthquakes across the world. He could easily destroy an entire planet with a couple of footsteps. This form could shake the entire dimension or even destroy it with its raw power. It shows how much power Zane has inside of him and it's usually something that most beings can't comprehend. 

He’s able to discharge a huge burst of energy from his body which is able to destroy a fleet of robots. This burst can reach several miles away from Zane. With this technique, the intensity of his attacks can blind bystanders due to how strong it was. The temperature and strength of any explosion he makes can create crates and melt through most objects when you get close to them. 

Zane is able to roar loudly, being able to reach people from several miles away from him and shatter the ground below him. He can knock people to the ground, shake the ground, and blow the clouds away with a single clap or yell. He can knock people to the ground, shake the ground, and blow the clouds away with a single clap or yell. After activating Albion, Zane can control and manipulate platinum cosmic energy. 

It can be used to create cosmic storms and he can absorb cosmic energy from the stars around him. Shortly after using Albion, Zane is able to see pathways of Impulse. It can cause an explosion of Impulse and manipulate it to form whatever he wants. When Zane does this, he sees platinum colored energy form in front of him. Some of his attacks that Zane came up with Albion are extremely powerful. 

Zane can fire a giant beam over great distance that can cut through concrete and destroy anything in its path. One attack is Albion Devastation. He can create a powerful shield that can close inward and only disappear once Zane wants it to. This energy shield can cut through solid objects with ease. He can use this energy outside of Albion. When Zane activated Albion for the first time, five of his elements changed colors. 

His Air/Wind changed to an army green ,with streaks of cadet gray, color. His Darkness changed to a midnight black color. His Earth changed to a russet color. His Light changed to a ghost white color. His Water changed to a celtic blue/egyptian blue/liberty blue ,with a hint of royal purple/tyrian purple, color. Unlike when Zane mastered Primordial Energy, his elemental changes affect the forms that uses those elements. 

This includes his electricity/lightning, fire, and ice. Zane can sprout thrusters from his back, allowing him to fly through the air or increase his impressive speed. Zane’s voice has a deep and mechanical filter but only when his face is covered by the mask he wears. The mask that he wears protects him from inhaling anything dangerous and serves to collect samples if he needs any air based gas or chemical analyzed. 

Zane’s headphones that he wears can detect extremely faint sounds. It also can detect or frequencies that can’t be heard by humans. It helps Zane focus his hearing on certain target while numbing out other noises. He can shut down any cameras and microphones in its vicinity. His visor contains a computerized radar system that can analyze what he sees, go into different spectrum views, and recorded everything seen. 

It can see a person’s bio energy, brainwaves, Impulse, and physical elements. The visor can deem a person’s threat level ranging from low to high. This visor can tell a lot of things. These things are if someone is pregnant or not, identify if someone is a metahuman or not, see in the dark, see people who are intangible, detect heat sources, or telling Zane if someone is lying or being truthful. The visor works as a high powered telescope. 

Zane can see through other dimensions or objects that are concealed from sight, making them appear shortly after scanning them. It can be relay this information in real time. He does this by a single thought or touch his watch on his left arm. This comes in the form as a small map for his location, oxygen levels, suit integrity, vitals aka a heart monitor, power, a list of contacts, a feed that shuffle through any news, and the time. 

The watch ,in its combat mode, has a couple of special features. It can produce a special kinetic energy tether. It has an unlimited reach and can reach practically anything in range. Zane can activate the tether by squeezing his left hand and fires out a beam of pure platinum colored energy comes out of the watch. It moves out of it at light speed. It can be used to pull objects and people close to him, suspending them inside of a stasis field that pauses time around it.

Whatever object/being that Zane grabs glows platinum. This indicating that it’s in the stasis field and cannot move. His headphones and his visor’s ability can work inside of the Z.E.R.O. Watch outside of its combat mode. The most special and powerful abilities of the Z.E.R.O. watch's combat mode is the ability to project a hard-light holograms of the forms inside of the Z.E.R.O. watch. This is different from when Zane uses Cartoon Form.

These holograms mimic Zane’s actions in them perfectly being that they can adapt to the situation like Zane would. It’s nearly identical. The only downside to this power is that Zane can’t use any form that the hologram is using at the time. The clothing that Zane can wear allows him to survive a wide variety of hostile environments without any issue such as underwater or the vacuum of space. 

It can survive extreme temperature and pressure. The suit can surviving the heat and impact of atmospheric re-entry without no damage. His mask can protect Zane from ultraviolet rays in space. It can tailor itself for specific opponents such as anti-magic effects for magical opponents or suppression blasts against a mob. He can direct all of his power to stabilize himself and make sure that he stays in Albion no matter what.

Despite of its power behind it, Albion has its fair share of weakness. If the watch is damaged in a serious manner, Zane has no control over his powers. Parker equals it to healing and killing him at the exact same time. He could transform into a form that’s different from the one he wanted, produce acid when he wanted water, and release out toxic gases instead of air or radiation instead of sweat. 

The only thing that can seemingly damage Zane is objects that were made to damage him specifically. It doesn’t last for too long since Zane finds a way to counter it in time. Zane can be drained of his immense energy, weakening him but it slowly comes back to him in time. Most forms of magic can defeat him despite him having magic. This power is connected to Zane on a emotional level being that it automatically activates when Zane is under a great deal of stress. 

Albion works best whenever Zane is calm and collected but it does have another appearance mainly whenever Zane is pissed off. This appearance is given the name Akuma and the main appearance is given the name Albion. It activates in the same way as Albion does normally but instead of his watch projecting the Greek letter for Psi “Ψ”, it projects a different letter from a whole different country instead being the Land of the Rising Sun Japan. 

This letter is the Kanji for Akuma “悪魔” and it’s a carmine red color. Upon it appearing, Zane touches it and covers his entire body in carmine red energy. Compared to the platinum energy of Albion, this carmine red energy of Akuma is similar to blood and this energy causes Zane to roar upon contact. Anyone other than Zane who touches or gets close to this energy will be experience a minor degree of pain.

It’s similar to touching something hot or getting a paper cut. However for Zane, it’s a different story. As the energy covers his body, his body slowly begins to burn and it corrodes away. The ground below Zane turns into a crater. In due time, Zane unleashes a truly atrocious roar. This roar is similar to the roar he produced when he turns into his Qlarik Mode and sounds like the roar he did when he used Wrath. It sends absolute terror to anyone who hears it. 

The roar eventually dies down with it revealing Zane’s new appearance. His height doesn’t change unless Zane wants it too. His skin is now his Vulcan Emperor Scales and has carmine red energy spreading across his body like veins. His eyes changed to have obsidian black sclera, molten gold irises, and carmine red pupils. The area around his eyes are cracked and he only has two of them compared to Albion's three. He still have a stern yet focused appearance to them. 

Similar to most of his transformation, his hair changes color. It’s a pure white color similar to whenever he activates Avenger but it has the same appearance it does in Albion. It has a wavy appearance with it flowing upwards, a rising, flame-like appearance, and the tips of his hair stand up at the end. His head has a rough skull like shape with his jaw becoming more pronounced and lengthening slightly. 

It widens slightly alongside his mouth and has sharp wolf like teeth coming out his mouth even more than it does in Albion. Compared to Albion, Akuma has his body looking more bulky and his muscles bulge out, looking more defined in the process. He only has four arms with five claws that can slash through pretty much anything in the process. He also has the same dragon like tail that he has in Albion. 

In Akuma, he does have specific clothing he wears. He wears the same belt, pants, and shirt that he wears in Albion. However, he doesn’t wear the cape and shoulder pads from the upper half of his body. He doesn’t wear his shoes and the end of his pants are destroyed, exposing his legs which look like his arms. He doesn’t wear the facemask, gloves, headphones, sunglasses, or Z.E.R.O. Watch in his combat mode while in Albion. 

His body is covered in a massive aura of carmine red energy with it being a steady flow of energy. It’s similar to a burning flame with him constantly emitting misty wisps of black energy and the wisps of energy look like frost coming off his body. The ground below him is shaking and Zane’s voice sounds demonic with a trail of steam escape his mouth. Akuma has the same power and abilities of Albion with Zane considering Akuma to be part of Albion. 

Any damage that Zane takes in either Akuma or Albion affects his body personally. Albion works his body into overdrive in a similar fashion to Archon Zero and Archon Zero Master and the damage Zane takes in it is increased. It can have a paralysis type effect after prolonged usage or Zane takes a lot of damage at once with him being unable to heal the damage. If someone creates a special frequency for the Z.E.R.O. Watch, it will affect the watch. 

However Parker tells Zane not to worry about it since it’s a very rare issue for the watch to deal with since this frequency is unknown to most beings. This power has trouble holding back against his enemy so Zane has to try his best hold back whenever he uses it. However if the opponent can take it, Zane doesn't hold back. Albion is so powerful with it eclipsing the power output of Archon Zero Master and most of his other transformations. 

All of the injuries he sustained in his fight with Basalt were healed and it looked like he had never been in a fight. His red bang and the tips of his hair were now a carmine red color. His hair was still primarily a black color. His eyes now have pure white sclera, molten gold irises, and storm gray pupils that are slitted. In the center of his forehead, he has a third eye which he keeps closed unless he's angered or shocked about something. 

This is difference compared to Albion's always open third eye. Unlike Albion, the difference between his main set of eyes and third eye are more obvious. His third eye has an obsidian black sclera, his third eye's pupil is in the shape of a cross and is a storm gray color, and it's also missing the molten gold iris. Zane's eyes have a very striking appearance. They also show compassion, warmth, and the ability to pierce deeply into a being's soul. 

His ears were now pointed similar to an elf and his teeth now has sharp wolf like fangs. Near the end of his mouth, he has two fangs sticking out of his mouth and these two ,three inch long, fangs point upwards. This is obvious whenever his mouth is closed and inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue with it being seven inches long. His nose looked like a snout of a dragon rather than a human's nose but only on close examination. 

Protruding from his head, there are two metallic looking horns ,about six inches through his hairline, with them being colored reddish black with a flame like pattern to them aka Vulcan Emperor's scales. Like in Albion, Zane now has four arms coming from his body and his arms are placed in a similar manner to that transformation. He has one set of arms coming out of his shoulders like normal. 

The other set of arms appear right under the first set of arms thanks to a second set of shoulder blades. His torso is longer than normal because of his second set of arms. Three of his arms look the same with the only one different being his lower right arm. His lower right arm is his new prosthetic arm. Zane's finger nails are now carmine red dragon claws and now his toenails are as well. 

His arms and waist are now covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. This isn't the case with his prosthetic arm which only have the scales covering his forearm. It still has the platinum colored cracks covering them. Zane now had a tail freely dangling from his back or to be more specific, his tail bone. This tail is the one that is seen in Albion. 

For a quick reminder, it's a dragon like tail covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. Overall, he had a wild and animalistic look to him. Zane can make his tail go around his waist like a belt and tries to make it work alongside his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. 

He can have more than one tail but sticks with one out of personal preference. His eyes are covered in translucent scales. These scales are practically invisible and they have a noticeable purpose. These scales are used to keep out dust or contaminants whenever possible and totally win staring contest. All of his more Feroxian traits can be easily masked by hiding their true appearance using an illusion which takes no extra work on his part. 

Whenever Zane sprouts an extra set of arms, his dexterity in or out of combat is increased than most people. He's able to defend himself from oncoming attacks with one set of arms while attacking his enemies with the other pair no problem. In a serious fight, he tends to use two arms mainly out of personal preference. Zane is able to use his tail as a powerful weapon and can move blindingly fast to relentlessly attack his opponents. 

This gives them little time to prevent the attack. He can fire Impulse from his tail with him being able to fire an beam of it from his tail which spans a very large range and destroys anything in its path. Once Zane activated Albion for the first time, he figured a fatal flaw with it. It’s only someone like Zane could see as a problem as stated by most beings. He doesn’t like the transformation sequence of either Akuma and Albion.

According to him, both of them are cool to perform against an opponent but he was sure that he would get sick of seeing it over time. When Zane mentioned this fatal flaw of his to Parker, the inventor sighed. Parker told Zane that he could activate Albion without the transformation sequence. He was confused about this at first but accepted this as one of Zane’s quirks. They shouldn’t try to figure out why he would think about this. 

If you really need a example of what Zane's arms look like, just look at this gallery. My main example for what Zane's arms look like are Ezel from Fairy Tail and Shiva from Shuumatsu no Valkyrie: Record of Ragnarok. The specific characters I think of when it comes to having more than two arms are Four Arms or the Tetramans from Ben 10 and the species Shokan. Think Goro, Kintaro, and Sheeva from Mortal Kombat.   

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