Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes Section 4 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

After reaching a certain point, the Z.E.R.O. Watch glowed a blinding platinum color and sent out a beam of energy forward. It revealed Galnatilia in all of its glory.  From space, Galnatilia is a dark gray crystal like planet with five purple energy rings around the planet and an intense blue glow. "Oh wow. I like it more than Saspra." thought Zane. "As do I." said Astraroth. "Let me introduce to you all for the first time the summer planet Galnatilia!" said Zane.

Malik smiled as he said,"Well done Zane. How about you come on in already?". As Zane looked over the planet with him making a goal to show this view to the special women in his life, he felt a shock coming from the Z.E.R.O. Watch. This wouldn't bother him normally since most forms of electricity don't do anything to him but this jolt bothered him. "Okay. I'm pretty sure that this shock is due to the SD but this whole thing is strange and I'm friends with a talking bobcat." thought Zane. 

Before he could do anything about this, Crisis Judgement went off just as the Armada's radar went off much to the shock of Vlad. "Um guys. We got company." said Vlad. As Vlad told the beings inside the ship this, Zane looked up to see a large asteroid heading toward them. "Lets do this. Arcane Emperor Absolute Method: Narcissus Detonate Sword!" thought Zane as he began focusing a large amount of Animus surround him. 

The gathered Animus eventually forms a rather familiar sword with it looking to match Lazarus Soul’s evolved state. Zane threw the giant sword toward the asteroids and the impact of the sword caused several explosions throughout the entire area. Anything that gets caught up in the explosions feel a great amount of power rushing through them. Zane snapped his fingers with a giant explosion signaling the end of the attack. It blew the rock to nothing more than rubble and he smirked. 

Crisis Judgement went off as he began dodging massive drill-like claws slamming into the interior of the Armada and cracked the hall of the ship, causing it to come to a halt. This sent Zane flying into space with him saying,"Son of a......!". Inside of the cockpit, the group inside looked to see the gigantic structure of the ISC Rebellion floating nearby them. "Damn it. It's my sister." said Sitara. "You mean Molvai? And the Molten Empire?!" said Veto.

Several large Betas flew toward the Resolute's hull and began using lasers to cut the ship open. "My baby!" shouted Vlad. "Give me my daughter and the brat right now! If you do, I promise that your death will be swift except for him." said Basalt's voice. "Basalt?!" said Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Sitara. "He's alive?! I thought he died because of Zero four years ago!" said Lorelei. "Like the rest of the Jaegers, he's too stubborn to die. Damn it. People are going to be so pissed." said Bridgette.

Altair placed his hand on Ralad's shoulder with the bug man nodding. "I see. Good plan big guy and way to take charge. Can you hear us Zane?" said Ralad. "I can but I'm currently floating through space right now and it isn't very funny! So who is the jackass attacking us?" said Zane. "We'll tell you who it is later. Does this ship have something to grab him?" said Cinarva. "Yep. I've been working on a mini Armada...." said Vlad. 

Zane sighed as he said,"You know that I could always fly back using Turbo Form or maybe...". "Zane. I need you to stay in Omni Mode just in cause the countdown is increased by you turning into one of your forms." said Velda. "Fine. So is this mini Armada good?" said Zane. "Of course it is and its name isn't the mini Armada. It's called the Valor Bandit. I built it to defend the Armada." said Vlad. "Sweet. Lets go." said Zane with Vlad turning off communications with him.

He turned right toward Cinarva with him saying,"So why didn't you tell Zane about Basalt being alive officer?". "He needs to focus and seeing someone he thought that he had killed may distract him." said Cinarva. "Yeah. That's a great idea. I see nothing wrong with it at all." said Vlad. "Ralad. You keep the cockpit secure at all costs. The group of Altair, Arya, Gwen, Kitt, Lorelei, Rachel, Turseek, Velda, and Vlad. You guys will be keeping Basalt and his minions busy." said Sitara.

Arya nodded as she said,"You got it Sitara.". Ralad smiled as he pressed a button. From the bottom of the ship, a small, gray colored ship with four orange wings with two wings coming from each side. It has four thrusters coming out of the back of it. It launched itself toward Zane with him seeing the ship coming toward him. "Neat." thought Zane as he phased into the ship. Back at the Armada, the top of the ship blew open and the oxygen blasted out with an alarm going off.

Various Gammas ,that belonged to Molvai, and Slimes ,belonging to Rivart, dropped in and began walking through it. The group of Basalt, Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart dropped in shortly after with Basalt leading the trio of Vordlarins in. "Eliminate anyone except for Zane. He's mine understand?" said Basalt. "You got it boss. So do you mind if I eat some of them?" said Grimace. "Didn't you get enough to eat earlier?" said Lunacy, causing Grimace to shrug. 

As this was going on, Sitara led the battle team (except for the duo of Altair and Velda who elected to stay with Ralad) away from the cockpit of the ship down one of the corridors with everyone there getting ready to fight. "Do not let them destroy this ship. Use the environment around you and you will win." said Sitara. "She's totally right. We only have to stop Basalt which is pretty much asking us to fight god." said Turseek. "Are you getting scared?" said Vlad.

Turseek shook his head no as he said,"Nope. I always wanted to try and fight a Jaeger who wasn't my friend.". With Zane, he was currently sitting inside of the cockpit. "Wow. This cockpit reminds me of my car." said Zane as he removed his mask. The cockpit itself is colored gray and green. It has several screens surrounding the seat and faces a steering wheel and dashboard in the front. "So can you do this Zane?" said Astaroth.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"It's like driving a car.". "That doesn't alleviate my worries in the slightest." said Astaroth. "Just have faith in me partner. I got this." said Zane as he put his hands on the steering wheel and placing his feet on a pedal. As this was going on, the Gamma and Slimes were currently walking through the seemingly empty ship. They began investigating every nook and cranny with a group of minions heading through a doorway. 

Unlike before, the minions found something and it was Turseek. He smiled as he grabbed one of the Slimes and used it to beat the other minions to pieces. "This is a lot of fun!" said Turseek. His rampage got the attention of some other minions but they were grabbed by Lorelei's planets. "I now get why I was paired up with the big guy." thought Lorelei as she hid in the rafters above them. A group of them were either blasted by Vlad's weapons and sliced by Kitt himself.     

At the same time with Zane, he was currently flying through outer space. "You know when I had some doubts about you flying this thing, they're gone." said Asteroid with Zane smirking. He pressed a button with Astaroth seeing a drink being served to him. It had glowing red water and had little bears floating in it. "Please tell me you're not.... Wait. What am I even saying?" said Astaroth. He watched as the Cross Species drank it. "Not bad. Needs more vodka." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he looked up to see that he was heading toward a moon sized asteroid in front of him. "Oh no. I'm so scared of this rock." said Zane with him pressing a button. He made some turrets appear and fired out a barrage of lasers. This destroyed the asteroid with Zane saying,"Yep. You make one hell of a ship Vlad.". He flew toward the ISC Rebellion with the ship detecting the smaller ship. 

Several Betas were flying out of the ship and several turrets were aimed at him. "Say hello to my little friend or medium sized friend!" said Zane, smirking. His ship began firing upon the enemy turrets and Betas, destroying most of them. "Best space adventure yet!" shouted Zane as he flew around the ISC Rebellion much to the annoyance of Booker and Molvai who watched the smaller ship do this to them from the inside. 

Back on the Armada, four Gammas patrolled a corridor right before Arya and Rachel snuck by. "So are you sure about this Arya?" said Rachel. The devil was in her costume and she was talking to Arya who smiled. The robots couldn't hear them. "Don't worry. I got this. Just get to the hover simulator. I'll bring them to you." said Arya. "Okay." said Rachel as she made her way toward the hover simulator and waited for Arya who stood there.

She held out her phone with her saying,"I've been itching to try this baby out for a while!". She touched an app and her phone glowed a bright blue color. As this plan was going on, some of the minions were sliced to bits by Gwen's sword. "You're much too slow for me." said Gwen as she vanished away and went to get another group of them before they saw it coming. As this was going on, the seven being team of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto were in a different part of the ship. 

Allen looked at Sitara who was opening a closet. "So what are we doing again?" said Allen as he turned into plasma. "Can you breath in outer space?" said Sitara. "Nope." said Allen. "Catch." said Sitara as she handed him a gray aviator helmet with a dark blue visor covering the wearer's eyes. "Our team will be freeing the Armada from my father's ship." said Sitara as she put on a similar helmet to Allen. "What about them?" said Allen.

Bridgette smiled as she said,"Unlike you, all of us can breathe in outer space either naturally or by our costume/armor.". "Ah. I guess I finally get to go out into outer space. Lucky me." said Allen, putting on the helmet. "I can't believe how calm you two are." said Veto. "They probably have faced worse. If we don't clear the tethers by the time we reached the planet's gravitational pull, all of us will died on re-entry." said Cinarva. The seven nodded as they got ready to go. 

In the cockpit, it was completely empty and the door opened. Basalt walked in with the duo of Grimace and Rivart right behind him. "It seems that we have scared the pilot or pilots away from the ship." said Basalt. "So since no one is here, can I go find something to eat? You let Lunacy leave but not me. I think you're biased." said Grimace. As they were talking, Rivart began sniffing the air and detected some scents.    

Rivart smiled as he said,"Oh wow. There was a lot of people and all different species in here at one point Basalt. I can pick up some Terrans with all three of them being a metahuman, a Homo Supremus, Devil, Feroxian, Frugnoid, Gregralzad, Merzollan, Phantom, Reladroid, a Sihero aka your daughter, Sorcerer, Stausosk, and Throlzak. Zane was here too.". As the villains were talking about who was there, they didn't notice dark purple cockroaches going into a hatch.

Basalt looked at the holographic monitor with his eyes widening at what he saw in front of him. He saw Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto. They were on the outside of the Armada and trying to cut through the cables of the ship. He also saw Rachel alone in the hover simulator. "Rivart. I need you to take a couple of Slimes to handle the ones outside. Grimace, go feed on the devil." said Basalt. The two were gone with Basalt looking at the holographic monitor once again.

The Maferno clenched his fists with him saying,"Where are you Alvarez? I know your type. There is no way you would hide.". Due to him trying to find Zane somewhere in the ship, he didn't noticed a wave of dark purple cockroaches behind him and attached themselves to him. "You won't be hurting him. Got that?" said a voice. Basalt tried to remove the insects from his body but he was blinded by the insects and was punched into the wall by Altair's enlarged fist. 

He stood there as Ralad reformed next to him. "Thanks for the assist friend." said Ralad with Altair nodding. "You two will regret doing that." said Basalt with him getting frozen solid. The two Paradoxes turn toward Velda who was holding a rifle that was covered in frost. "I think you really need to chill out right now." said Velda. "You're right Altair. Her trying to be like Zane is rather strange to see." said Ralad as Altair had his hand on the bug man's shoulder. The ice began to crack.

Outside, Zane was flying his ship past more asteroids and destroyed space ships. "So shouldn't you be worried about the company outside?" said Astaroth. The Betas were trying to shoot him down but their shots kept missing. Zane flew past the Armada with him using his ship's lasers to destroy two Betas which exploded above the ship.  The group that were trying to get rid of the drills looked up with Danny and Vero destroyed the wreckage of said betas using their energy.

Malik looked at the ship with him saying,"Zane! What are you doing?! Get back to the ship!". "You're just jealous and well, I like destroying these robots." said Zane. He fired out some more lasers which destroyed an asteroid and the fragments went backwards, destroying the Betas. Some more Betas appear and were about to blast Zane but they were stopped by an explosion and yellow energy. "You're not alone Zane." said Cinarva. "Yep. We'll cover your back while the others cut." said Bridgette.  

Back inside, Gwen had joined up with Rachel inside of the hover simulator. The two were hiding behind a computer. "So let me see if I got this right. Arya disappeared in a blue light after touching something on her phone." whispered Gwen as the two saw several Gammas entered the room. "If I didn't see it happen, I wouldn't believe it either." whispered Rachel. "Don't worry you two. I got this." said a voice as the Gammas were destroyed by something invisible.

Gwen's eyes widened as she said,"Was that you Arya? You can manipulate time itself?". "Yep. I bet you're so jelly right now but well, I got this little beauty too." said Arya as she reappeared. She was wearing a ten foot tall, heavy duty black battle armor with cyan blue lines and a faceplate was a clear piece of cyan blue glass. It showed off her face. "Like it? Vlad helped me make it and it's like Gadget Form which is easily one of Zane's most badass forms." said Arya, smiling brightly. 

Rachel shook her head as she said,"Yep. You two work perfectly together.". The trio saw a group of Slimes standing there and they were heading toward the girls. Rachel began blasting them with her species' signature energy and manipulate the energy with rings of Ardor that trapped them to the ground by their arms, legs, neck, and waist. Gwen made sure that they stayed there as she casted a gravity spell on them. 

The three girls ran out of there with Arya smiling. "And now for the coup de resistance." said Arya as the hover simulator's door closed shut. The room temperature decreased with the girls looking inside to see the slimes and wrecked Gammas get frozen over. "Lets go check on Ralad's group." said Gwen with Arya and Rachel nodding. The trio ran toward the cockpit and didn't notice a Gamma/Slime hybrid watching them leave with it growling. 

Arya smiled as she said,'That was amazing teamwork you guys!". "Yeah you did good for your first fight as a member of Team Maelstrom." said Rachel. Gwen came to a screeching halt much to the confusion of the other two. "Get ready you two. We got company and not the friends kind." said Gwen as she held her sword. Rachel looked down the corridor with her seeing Grimace hungrily glaring at them with acid like saliva dripping out of his mouth. 

Before any one of them could react, Grimace began sprinted forward on all fours. He then grabbed Rachel and slammed her down to the floor. Before Arya and Gwen could do anything about this, they were pinned to the nearby wall by tendrils coming out of the Vordlarin's body. "You won't escape me since I hunger for devil!" said Grimace with him licking his lips. Arya's right arm grew bigger with her fists having spiked knuckles and tried to punch Grimace.

Grimace simply swatted the attack aside with the spikes piercing his flesh, causing him to scream out in anger. "You damn bitch! I'll make you pay for doing that!" said Grimace with him roaring directly in Arya's face with it sending spit and saliva onto the armor much to her dismay. "I'm really mad that I get stuck eating some tiny portions but well, food is food." said Grimace, licking his jagged teeth much to the girls shock. 

Back in the cockpit, Altair barely avoid Basalt's massive fist with him wrapping part of his body around the fist and looked at his two friends. Ralad send several waves of bugs at Basalt with them biting into the Maferno and began draining him of his Impulse. He then grew to be twice his normal size and he punched Basalt right in the face. "Velda now!" said Ralad as Velda aimed her rifle right at him. It fired another energy beam which Basalt saying,"I'm done with this tomfoolery!".

The Maferno moved Altair's body to block Velda's energy blast and slam Ralad into the ground. Upon hitting the ground, parts of Ralad's body split open and several bugs flew all over the cockpit. "You can't keep me down Basalt." said Ralad as the scattered bugs slow went back to form his body. Before he could go back to normal, Basalt grabbed a piece of the metallic floor onto him and dropped it on Ralad with the bug man grunting out in pain.

Altair and Velda looked at the bugs that were heading toward Ralad's body and they were all slowly dying. "Ralad. No. It's my fault." muttered Velda. "No. It's his." thought Altair as he charged toward Basalt with his arms being bladed. Basalt turned toward him and unleashed a stream of lava at him. The Throlzak's eyes widened as he was slammed into the wall and was unconscious. His body was slowly regenerating as Basalt left the room and went looking for Zane, leaving Velda as the only survivor.    

Back with Zane, he was currently leading the Betas away from the Armada as Basalt's robotic minions fired after him. "So do you two mind covering for me already?! I got an idea!" said Zane as he flew right into a large hole in a asteroid. "What is he doing?" said Cinarva, firing a yellow energy beam at a Beta with it exploding. "Who cares? It's probably going to be amazing regardless." said Bridgette with her throwing some bombs at the Betas, causing some of them to explode upon hitting the machine. 

Inside of the asteroid, Zane looked around the rock's interior of the cave and took notes of something interesting as the Betas ,that weren't destroyed, began firing upon him. "So what's the plan here? We don't exact have a lot of space to work with." said Astaroth. "I know that but it's time to bring theses robots back home!" said Zane with him holding out his arms. "Shape the walls of space stone to send these Betas back home!" said Zane in Liasada. 

The ship glowed molten gold as the walls of the asteroid began shifting behind it and this didn't cause the Betas to crash into them but instead, they were flying out a different way that they came in. These Betas went flying toward the ISC Rebellion, crashing into it much to Molvai's annoyance. Zane's ship flew out of a nearby hole with him smirking. Back on the Armada, Sitara's group had finished getting rid of most of the tethers from the Armada. Only one remained.

Veto activated his armor's radio with him saying,"Zane. I know you probably want to keep on fighting out here but we may need you inside.". "Isn't that because...." whispered Allen with Danny telling him to shut up. "What is he talking about you guys?" said Zane. "It's nothing important. Just park your pod in the cargo bag." said Sitara. "You got it." said Zane as he flew right toward the cargo bay. Inside of the ship, a certain being heard this and smiled with him going to reunite with Zane. 

Back inside of the ship, Rachel looked at Grimace. "I'm guessing that you and your buddies aren't from Golax Prime MX." said Rachel. "And how is Basalt alive? Zane killed him." said Gwen. "Yep. Me and my brothers were born in the Infinite Void due to our boss being the ruler of the Infinite Void. In due time, we eventually found the frozen corpse of Basalt and contact the Molten Empire. Our boss promised freedom from that hell and a chance to rule." said Grimace. 

Arya looked at Gwen and Rachel with the two nodding. "So is your boss partners with Basalt or is he just another servant of his?" said Arya. "They're partners. So tell me why all of you here? Is it due to the partner of Twilight being here?" said Grimace. "You mean Zane right? I truly hate to inform you about this but well, the Z.E.R.O. Watch is about to go boom and I think this entire dimension will go as well." said Gwen. "Liar!" said Grimace. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Now why would we lie about something like that? I mean if Zane doesn't find Parker, we'll all be dead and you won't get to anything delicious ever again.". "You bitches must be lying! I will make you pay for that!" said Grimace. "That won't happen. Time for you to get a taste of ice and sound combined into one. Sonic Blizzard!" said Gwen in Liasada. Unlike Salem and Zane who are able to speak the language perfectly, Gwen had some struggles.

However, Arya's suit was able to translate the spell perfectly and a giant ball of freezing energy hit Grimace head on. This caused the Grimace to scream out in pain with his entire body getting frozen solid and while in the ice, the Vordlarin was getting assaulted by a barrage of sound. Rachel pushed Grimace off her thanks to a point blank explosion of Ardor. This send him flying down the hall with Arya and Gwen falling to the ground.

Gwen began panting with her saying,"I really speaking Liasada. It drains my Animus dry.". "But that attack was super powerful! It only makes sense right?" said Arya. Rachel didn't get a chance to answer her as they heard someone charging toward them. "You bitches! All of you will die for making me look stupid!" roared Grimace as he was the only one charging toward them. "So do you got an idea to get us out of here?!" said Arya as she was carrying Gwen in her arms.

The devil noticed an escape pod container with a large green button next to it. "In here!" said Rachel with the two girls smiling and ran inside the escape pod. "Hey you guys! We're right here and just ready for the taking." said Gwen, taunting the Vordlarin. "Is he trying to be be like Zane? Because it isn't working." whispered Arya. "Yeah. Danny, Zane, and I corrupted her." said Rachel as Grimace sprinted across on all fours and jumped toward them, ready to devour them all.      

Rachel smirked as she aimed her right hand at him and made a Ardor chain which wrapped around Grimace. She tossed the Vordlarin into the escape pod and Gwen pressed her sword against the green button, closing the hatch door. Upon figuring out what happened, Grimace turned around and slammed his hands upon the door. "You damn bitches! You will pay for this!" roared Grimace. "I'm sorry. We can't hear you but I hope you have a nice trip in out there." said Arya, waving to him.

The escape pod door opened up with Grimace trying to try and prevent himself from being out of the Armada with his thick claws implanting themselves into the metal. "This isn't over! I'll be back for you bitches!" roared Grimace. He was blasted off into space with the air pressure being dragged outside and Rachel sealed the escape pod door shut. "And with that, we should go check on Ralad and his group." said Arya with the two other females nodding.

Back outside, Zane was heading toward the cargo bay with Crisis Judgement going off. Some of the Betas stuck themselves to the Valor Bandit. "Hey! Get off! I don't like uninvited guests!" said Zane. As this was going on, Zane looked up to see Rivart and a couple of slimes heading toward Danny's group with his eyes widening. "You guys! Turn around!" shouted Zane. Veto was punched in the back by Rivart with him smiling. 

Rivart looked at the others with him saying,"I'm mad since I lost a really good minion today! And I won't be getting him back!". He stomped onto the ground with him making a localized earthquake and this caused the group to separate. "I'll handle the big one you guys. The rest of you handle either the drills or his minions." said Sitara as she rushed toward him. Sitara rushed toward her with her sword and Rivart opened his mouth, releasing a powerful torrent of flames.

Sitara began spinning her blade in front of her, creating a small hurricane and this blasted Rivart off into space like his minion earlier. Danny turned toward Zane with him seeing that the Valor Bandit was getting destroyed with him turning to Allen. "If you can make the shot mate, I'll give you the energy you need." said Allen. "I can. Mind helping out you guys?" said Danny as he made the upgraded Spook Howitzer appear in the place of his right arm.

The duo of Bridgette and Veto nodded with Danny smirking. "Good. Time to help you out bro." said Danny as he aimed his weapon at the smaller ship. As this was going on, the trio of Arya, Gwen, and Rachel had arrived in the cockpit. It was dead silent with Gwen saying,"Ralad? Altair? Velda? Is anyone here?". "I found something!" said Arya as she stood in front of where Ralad was buried and there were several dead bugs around there. "Oh gods!" said Rachel.

She looked at her mute friend slumped against the wall, clearly burned and near death. "Basalt attacked us. Where is Velda?" thought Altair as he placed a finger on Rachel. "We didn't see her. What about him big guy?" said Rachel, pointing to Ralad's bugs. Before Altair could tell her anything, the hybrid of Gamma and Vordlarin appeared with him aiming his weapon at them. Before any one of the females or Altair could do anything, all of Ralad's bugs jumped in front of the laser blast.

This caused an explosion and sent the surviving bugs everywhere, killing all of them. The hybrid was destroyed as well as the females screamed,"Ralad!". "He's gone. He sacrificed himself to save us." said Gwen with Arya sniffing. Altair slammed his fist into the ground with him growling in anger. The trio of Kitt, Lorelei, and Vlad entered with them seeing the mess. "Altair!" said Vlad, running over to his friend. "Ralad. You may have been a new member but we'll miss you." said Kitt with Lorelei nodding. 

Zane was flying toward the cargo bay and he closed his eyes as the Betas finally destroyed the miniature ship after Danny's shot blew them up. It had the side effect of destroy Vlad's miniature ship but Zane was pretty sure that he could build another one. The Cross Species crashed onto the floor and tumbled before coming to a stop. The cargo door sealed itself shut shortly after that and Zane slowly stood back up. "Yep. That was too much excitement in one day for me." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went up with Zane looking forward and he growled. "Hello there Zane. I'm so excited to meet you again." said a voice. Zane turned to see Basalt standing there and in his right hand, he was holding an unconscious Velda who was covered in burns. "You bastard. What did you do to her?! And how are you alive?!" growled Zane. "Like you, I can't be killed so easily. You'll pay for sending me to that hell and I will be proudly display your corpse while I rule the Omniverse!" said Basalt.

Basalt reared back his punch with Zane easily phasing through it and freeing Velda using two tendrils that emerged from his back. Before Zane could put Velda somewhere safe, Basalt turned around and threw a punch at Zane who blocked it with his arms. Before the hit could connect with Zane, the Z.E.R.O. watch started to glow platinum. "What the? I didn't transform into anything during my entire dogfight earlier. Is it the feedback pulse?" thought Zane.   

The water eventually emitted a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy and pushed Basalt back. "I guess even when you're about to blow me and the rest of the Omniverse up, you still have my back don't you? Thanks." said Zane with him covering Velda in a protective barrier of tendrils on the floor nearby him. It wasn't the best way to keep Velda safe but it would have to do since Basalt is persistent. "That won't stop me Zane. I hope you're ready to die." said Basalt. "Yeah. That ain't happening." said Zane.

Like a wild west showdown also known as a showdown at high noon or a Mexican standoff, the two were stared each other down. At the sounds of an invisible wrestling bell, Basalt charged and putting his left hand into a fist during the run. Without putting any amount of thought into his strike, Zane clenched his right fist with him covering his arm in Vulcan Emperor and was going to strike him with Zenith Smash. 

He stretched his arm back as the Impulse around the arm was getting stronger with each twist. There was a very distinct sound coming from it which both of them ignored.  It wasn't completely ignored due to Velda hearing it and groaned. "What the hell is he doing? I don't think Basalt or Zane would stupid to use that here but. Whatever." thought Velda. The sound sounded like someone was playing bass at full blast and the sound of thunder combined with it being heard throughout the cargo bay. 

As the sound grew in decibels, the ground right below Zane's arm was starting to shatter thanks to the Impulse coming off it. "Alvarez!/Basalt!" shouted the two. Basalt's fist connected with Zane's spinning corkscrew fist.  It didn't create a shockwave or explosion of flames like expected but something else instead. Both of them were in the center of an explosion of black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning which looked impressive. 

This lightning was tearing right through space around it. It made a noticeable divot in the ground around them and pushed Basalt away from Zane. It made the Maferno cough up blood and Zane rushed toward the storage shelves with the tendril covered Velda in his arms like a princess. If she was awake or aware of what was going on right now, she would be blushing due to the close contact between her and her possible crush.

The Maferno glared at Zane as he shouted,"Get back here Alvarez! And what was that lightning earlier?". He was running after Zane. "Nah. I'm good man but well, how about you try and figure it out instead without me giving you the answer? Unworldly Barrier!" said Zane, ignoring the lightning question. It was mainly due to him not hearing it. A pentagon shaped barrier appeared around Basalt with it exploding and send him flying. 

After seeing Basalt get distracted, Zane placed Velda behind a corner and he said,"I'm sorry Velda. I will make him pay for hurting you. No one gets away without my friend.". "You will not escape me from me Zane! I will find you and make you pay for everything that you've done to me in the past four years!" roared Basalt, smashing his fist into the Armada's hull denting it. Zane looked down at the Z.E.R.O. Watch and he felt pain in both of his arms.         

Zane sighed as he deactivated Omni Mode and he looked up. "Look Basalt. I know that you hate me and I hate you after what you did to Sitara, your daughter but I got bad news for you. The Z.E.R.O. Watch is in Self-Destruct mode. Even if you manage to get it from me, you'll just blow up along with whatever your dimension you're in!" said Zane. "I don't care about that dinky trinket. I just want you dead." said Basalt. "At least, he gave up on stealing the watch from you." said Astaroth as Zane sighed.

The group of Malik and Sitara finished off with them breaking the tethers off the ship. The Armada began plunging toward Galnatilia thanks to its planet's gravitational orbit. "Hang on everyone!" said Danny as the Armada plunged sharply toward the planet. Back with Zane, he arrived next to a glowing red button and remember some from the tour earlier. He made Fenrir and Lazarus Soul appear with him saying,"So are you ready to fight?". 

Zane looked like a grim reaper with a sword in each one of his hands. His face looked demonic. His smirk grew as he felt a slight hum come from his swords, almost as if the blades were giving an approval of him as its wielder. Basalt found Zane with the Cross Species glaring at him. "So you gained a new sword. It matters not to me." said Basalt. "You'll regret saying that. Bring it on!" said Zane as he engaged Basalt in combat. 

Basalt unleased a wave of lava/magma with Zane dodging it. "Satanic Siege!" said Zane with him spinning and stabbing Lazarus Soul into the ground in front of him. This created a small earthquake that destroyed the ground below it. He returned Lazarus Soul back to his pocket dimension and covered Fafnir in royal blue Carnal and he tosses said blade toward a target. The sword flew toward Basalt who was slashed in the chest by the sword.

The royal blue Carnal covered Basalt with Zane catching Fafnir. He snapped his fingers, causing an explosion and sent him flying back into the cargo bay door. "Give up Basalt. Since I'm so nice, I'll make a deal with you. I'll give you the watch without a fight but you have to help find Parker and stop it from well exploding." said Zane, looking at the door control. "I don't make deals with my enemy." said Basalt with him grabbing his sword. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I tried being the bigger being here but since you're being stubborn like a fool, I guess it's time for plan B.". He sprouted a tendril from his back and slammed it right into the glowing red button with this triggering a loud red alarm. It opened the bay doors with the air pressure being dragged outside. Zane implanting himself into the ground thanks to several tendrils. "Hope you enjoy the cold, lonely Omniverse Magma Dome!" said Zane with a huge smirk on his face. 

Basalt tried to grab Zane but failed as Zane turned intangible at just the right moment. "Damn you Alvarez!" roared Basalt as he went flying out into the planet's atmosphere. After seeing that, Zane closed the doors and removed the tendrils from the metal. He walked over to where he placed Velda with him saying,"I think this is finally over. Still. Why didn't anyone tell me about Basalt? I think that would be something important to mention.".

Velda groaned as she heard,"Are you okay Velda? Who did this to you?". The Gregralzad opened his eyes to see Zane with him holding a Zenith Potion. "It wasn't Basalt but one of his Vordlarin minions instead. Where is...." said Velda. She tried to stand up but groaned in pain. "Easy there. The Vordlarin that did this to you has probably left the ship by now but left behind some serious wounds that can't be healed completely right now. If only I could use Restore Form but that would only...." said Zane.

The two felt a sudden jolt through the ship as Velda gulped. "I normally hate to point the obvious but that isn't good." said Velda. "I think we need to go back to the cockpit. Hang on tight." said Zane as he and Velda teleported away. On the outside of the Armada, the ship began glowing red with the metal beginning to peel off the structure. The spaceship began to plummet down toward the planet. Inside the cockpit, the group there was trying to figure out said ship's control.     

Vlad began nervously pressing the buttons around him as the others looked on. Kitt was helping Altair up. "So why are you just pressing buttons? Don't you know how to fly this thing?" said Turseek as he had joined up with the group a few moments prior. "I would but the fights from earlier disable the ship's control. That magma spewing bastard and his cronies did something to my baby." said Vlad. The group turned to see Velda and Zane appearing from out of nowhere.

Zane looked at Vlad with him saying,"So what's going on here? I'm pretty sure that crashing into the planet would be a bad thing.". Turseek grabbed Velda with her trying to stay conscious but her injuries were preventing that. "No shit. Vlad is trying his best to keep the Armada from being a scrap pile when we arrive on Galnatilia. Instead of standing there, try and help!" said Kitt. Zane noticed all of the dead bugs in the cockpit and he said,"So what happened to Ralad?". 

Arya looked away as he said,"He died sacrificed himself to save us from one of Basalt's minions.". "Of course it was that magma spewing bastard. I'm sorry that you guys had to see that. No one should see a friend die for them." said Zane, clenching his fist. "There isn't much we can do for him now Zane." said Gwen. "Yeah. So I got to ask you guys something. Did you guys know about it being Basalt to attack the Armada earlier?" said Zane. "Are you seriously asking that right now?" said Lorelei.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah I am. I just fought him in the cargo bay earlier and didn't know that he was alive. Why didn't anyone tell me about him?". "Because Cinarva thought you would only focus on taking him down which she was a hundred percent correct about you selfish idiot. Ralad died and I bet that you're only focused on Basalt aren't you?" said Lorelei. "Selfish? Who the hell are you talking about?! I'm the exact opposite of selfish!" said Zane with his eyes having a faint red glow.

Lorelei rolled her eyes as she said,"Whatever Zero.". The two glared at each other with Vlad saying,"I knew that Cinarva's plan would make any more things worse!". The Armada took another lunge toward the planet Galnatilia with everyone crashing to the floor. "You two need to focus! We can land the ship if we work together!" said Rachel. "That's right. Leave it to me. I got an idea!" said Zane. "Okay. I'm starting to agree with you on Zane being selfish." said Vlad.

Zane ignored him as he turned into Prodigy Form. "What do we say about using the watch?!" said Velda with her glaring at him. "I got this under control. Leave this to me!" said Zane as he began to fly the ship toward the planet. The group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto were back inside of the ship and were heading toward the cockpit. Back in the cockpit, Zane was trying to stop the ship's descent and he smirked. "I got it!" said Zane.

The Armada had entered Galnatilia's upper atmosphere and the spaceship plummeted down through the sky directly toward a large rocky canyon below the ship. The ship was now entering a more stable landing descent with the spaceship flying past the large rocky crags around the spaceship. Everyone took a sigh of relief with Zane smirking. "See. I took you I could do this. it's like piloting the Valor Bandit which I crashed earlier." said Zane. 

Vlad glared at Zane with him saying,"You did what?!". "To be fair, Basalt's minions destroyed it no me." said Zane. "Um you guys." said Arya, pointing to a large rocky crag right in front of them. Zane tried to shoot it down but the weapons won't working. It crashed into the structure with the huge rocky pillar collapsed on itself with rocks and debris plunging before the Armada skipped along the ground with it crashing through several alien trees and debris flying off to the side. 

There was a large trench was forming behind the ship and in front of them, there was a large vertical cliff face in front of them. "So could someone please start the breaks?!" said Kitt. "I got it!" said Zane with a smile. Outside of the ship, Astaroth appeared and grabbed onto the ship. The ship stopped with it sending everyone ,except Zane, in the cockpit barreling toward the front of the ship and crashed into the nearby wall. "Ouch. Lets never do that again." said Turseek. "Agree." said Kitt.
As everyone recovered from the crash, the group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto entered the cockpit. "I hate to ask but what happened in here?" said Malik. "We crashed and Zero is being a selfish idiot." said Lorelei with Zane glaring at her. Danny looked around and saw some dead bugs. "That's Ralad right?" said Danny. "He may have been a newer member of the group but he was a part of our family." said Veto with Sitara nodding. 

Gwen looked at Danny with her saying,"He died trying to save us.". "We need to find Parker and fast but first, why the hell are you in one of your forms Zane?" said Cinarva. "I don't know why I am but tell me why you didn't let me know about Basalt being alive?!" said Zane. "Huh. I told you that he was going to find out about him being alive and pissed when he find out that you kept that a secret. He really hates when someone keep secrets from him." said Bridgette.

Cinarva rolled her eyes as she said,"And I was right about him being focused only on getting revenge on Basalt instead of trying to pilot the ship.". "Excuse me?! I kept the Armada from crashing!" said Zane. The two began arguing with each other. Sitara sighed as she looked over the group. "Get Altair and Velda healed up. We leave in thirty minutes and there better not being any fighting you two." said Sitara, glaring at Cinarva and Zane who stopped for now. 

Thirty minutes later, the cargo bay door open. Turseek and Velda had been healed up thanks to Zane using Restore Form much to Cinarva and Velda's annoyance. They didn't want the countdown to accelerate but Sitara knew that they needed Turseek and Velda to be healed fast. The seventeen being group were separated into two categories. They were either flying on hoverboards or through other means.  

Altair, Bridgette, Kitt, Lorelei, Sitara, Turseek, Velda, Vlad, and Zane were on team hoverboards with Zane using the Legion Board. He was banned from using his powers unless absolutely necessary. The team flying using other means were Allen, Arya using her armored suit, Cinarva, Danny using the motorcycle version of the Phantasmal Drive, Gwen was riding on the back of Danny's bike, Malik used his powers, Rachel used her wings, Veto were flying using his armor, and Vlad used his jetpack.     

Velda looked down at her scanner with her saying,"According to my scanner, Parker's Essence should be just past this valley.". "I'm impressed that you didn't use the Z.E.R.O. Watch to track him down or the Impulse sensors." said Vlad. "I rather not accelerate the countdown unlike a selfish idiot." said Velda with Zane rolling his eyes. "How is healing you selfish?" grumbled Zane. "Using one of your powers accelerate the countdown and you should just stop trying to be a hero." said Cinarva.

Zane flipped her off with Danny saying,"Dude. At least try and act mature about this. At least we got a really cool large laser cannon.". "Yeah mate. It's bad ass." said Allen. Most of Team Maelstrom except for Arya whose armor absorbed the cannon, Lorelei, Velda, and Vlad each had a gray large laser cannon that would cover over their arm in combat but out of combat, it would go on their back. This cannon either uses the wearer's Impulse as ammo or red energy ammo.

On the planet surface, it looks similar to Earth in terms of its size but it's more uncivilized. It's a jungle like planet that's filled of vegetation, a tropical climate, enormous lakes scattered across the planet and mountain ranges, and various intelligent non-sapient life forms. The surface of the planet ,not covered by planet, looks to be made out of coal. It has no sign of night or day, making impossible to tell how long you have been on the planet. "So does anyone live here beside Parker?" said Lorelei. 

Velda shook her head as she said,"Not really. Parker hates other beings and well, this planet has no other form of life. Parker may have brought some forms of life but I'm not a hundred percent sure.". Bridgette shook her head as she looked at Rachel. "What's up Rae?" said Bridgette. "It's Zane. He's acting rather strange." said Rachel. The two girls looked at Zane whose hands were glowing platinum once again and he groaned in pain. "How are you doing Zane?" said Arya, flying up next to him.

Like the duo of Bridgette and Rachel, she was worried about him since he was her first friend and she wasn't going to let him die like this. She may have made friends with the rest of Team Maelstrom and the others on the Armada but Zane was special. He was like an older brother to her and seeing him like this wasn't pleasant. Arya saw that Zane's hands went back to normal. "Not great but I'll be fine Arya. I won't blow the Omniverse not again." said Zane, looking focused.

The group was in front of a tall rock pillar in front of them with it building around a circular crater and it had glowing pink water inside of the crater. There was a large mechanical satellite dish at the top of the pillar. "Yep. I can feel Primordial inside of there. Lets get the Z.E.R.O. Watch fixed before Zane makes it blow up." said Cinarva with Zane rolling his eyes. "I like you Zane I really do but the fact that this job is almost over is an extremely good thing." said Vlad with Altair nodding.

Said group went along the path heading into the mountain and entered the cave. Inside of the rocky mountain, the group entered a large cavern. It had a mechanical feel to it but there was a lot of vines and roots covering the cavern. "Oh wow. Parker is awful about keeping his lab clean." said Veto. "Stay alert Veto. We need to be careful for anything hostile." said Kitt. "Hello? Is anyone home?" said Turseek with the group glaring at him. "What? Someone had to ask." said Turseek.

The group began walking with Malik saying,"I really hope you didn't bring us here in order to die by the bomb Velda.". "I have a name you know." said Zane. "The compound must have been overrun. Parker had a fear of others discovering his lab being here so he made this lab look run down on purpose. These vines are probably used to trick anyone who somehow managed to make it here." said Velda. "And I can sense his Primordial inside of this structure. We need to keep moving." said Cinarva.

As the group moved forward down the hallway, several red eyes started peeking outwards from the plants in the walls. Crisis Judgement was going off with Zane sensing that someone was off. "So are you sure about him still being here? I mean he could have made a generator of Primordial to trick energy sensors like you." said Turseek. "I doubt it since Primordial is a unique brand of Impulse and can't be replicated." said Velda with Cinarva nodding.   

Vlad looked at Zane with the Cross Species stopping and glaring at some vines. "Hey man. Is something wrong?" said Vlad. The pile of vines then opened up and something jumped out of it. It looked like a reptilian fox. Their bodies are composed of a dark purple stone like substance that's extremely durable. They have orange diamond like spikes protruding from the top of their heads to the tip of their tail. They have red sharp looking eyes. 

There was a group of them with them pouncing on Gwen and Lorelei. Before the girls could do anything about it, an azure blue and emerald green blast destroy the two foxes attacking them. "We got company and it isn't the friendly kind. Please tell me that these aren't Parker's security guards." said Veto with his hands glowing emerald green. "No idea but I doubt that there was two of them." said Danny with the group getting ready for the rock monsters that appeared.

Rachel fired a wave of Ardor, blasting them back. The group of Altair, Arya, Lorelei, and Velda blasted a group of them using their cannons. Gwen and Sitara used their sword to slice up any stone creature that manage to get past their long range fighters. "Stay together everyone!" said Sitara as Malik released a wave of purple fire nether at a group of them, sending them flying back. "Show them no mercy!" said Malik.

Allen fired a barrage of plasma spheres which exploded upon contact. Bridgette and Kitt fired out their bombs and missiles ,respectively, all around the area, making the area dissolve into chaos. Zane aimed his cannon at a fox, blasting it to pieces. Crisis Judgement went off as several fox fired out a barrage of purple Impulse beams. "Almighty Shield!" thought Zane. The group had a translucent gold shield like barrier around them. It blocked the energy beams, absorbing the damage. 

Malik had several foxes pouncing onto him with him blasting them away with an explosion of purple fire Nether. Things may not be looking good for our heroes but they're about to get much worse. After he made the barrier appear, his body began to tense up and generate bright platinum energy. "Damn it all. Not now!" thought Zane as his watch began shocking him and the barrier vanished. He went on his knees with a group of foxes heading toward him. "Move Zane!" shouted four voices.

Zane was pushed out of the way by Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel with the four getting eaten by the foxes. This sight caused him to be scarred and reminded of the Massacre. "Let me out of here you overgrown pebble!" said Allen, kicking and punching the fox. "You guys!' shouted Arya as she tried to free her first friends but was stopped by a group of foxes. "Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! No! It's time to power up!" shouted Zane. 

He looked down at his watch with Cinarva and Velda noticing this. "Zane! Don't do what I think you're going to do!" said Velda as Lorelei removed the foxes from Arya. "You selfish idiot! if you do this, the countdown will accelerate!" yelled Cinarva. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DON'T CARE! I WON'T LOSE ANYONE CLOSE TO ME EVER AGAIN!" roared Zane. He turned into a fusion form of Diamond Prime, Liger Prime, and Swift Prime known as Diamond Liger Swift Prime. 

Zane looked to be twenty feet tall with a slim yet muscular body. His body is a reddish black color fur with molten gold energy crystals protruding from his body. His head is in the shape of a helmet with this helmet being a mixture of a Barbuta, Great Helm, and Greek Corinthian Helmet. He has two molten gold oval shaped eyes. He has a triangle shaped nose. His helmet is a black color with a single white line going from the top of his helmet and continues onto the chin plate and stops at his neck. 

His upper canines grew much longer very much like a saber tooth-tiger. His helmet has a molten gold visor ,which is a Z shape, that can flip down while running, making to get bugs in his eyes and mouth. It wasn’t a problem before but it’s nice to have. It also has a HUD that loads up a map, telling him where to go if needed. It also glows constantly when it's done. He had four sharp extremely dangerous crystal tails with them being octagon shape and the ends of them being a sharp weapon.

These four tails are a different color with one being an emerald color, one being an gold color, one being an ruby color, and one being an sapphire color. His body has a large chest piece with the upper half of it covered black and the lower half colored royal blue. These two colors of his chest plate are divided by a single molten gold five pointed star in the center of his chest piece. It has two hexagonal crimson red markings on each side of his torso below the armpits. 

His arms ,up to his hands, and legs ,up to his feet, are covered by gray segmented armor with his shoulders having sharp ,black, pauldron like extensions with sharp molten gold edges. His right arm is a large steel gray drill like appendage which looks it like belongs to Drill Form. His left hand has three diamond like claws with steel gray bandages wrapped around his hand. He has gray rocket boosters sticking out of his back with flames coming out of it. 

Zane has two burnt orange dragon like wings which helps him stop easier. His body had a dark red aura/streak and the ground below him is covered in lightning. His body had a lot of rage and anger, with it slipping off his body. "Hang on! I'll be there in a flash!" roared Zane with him speeding around the arena. All of the foxes were destroyed by something piercing them at light speed and this including the ground.

His allies were spared from his wrath and the foxes decided to attack Zane due to them deeming Zane to be the bigger threat. "Hurry Zaney!" screamed Rachel. "Yeah mate! It's very uncomfortable in here and they're absorbing our attacks." said Allen with Danny trying to break out of the fox by punching the mouth with his Phantom Smashers. Due to Zane being deemed the bigger threat, the foxes began to keep Zane busy and he was unable to do anything.

Gwen looked at Zane who was growling. "Zane. It's fine." said Gwen. "What are you talking about brother?!" said Zane, stabbing some of the foxes currently on top of him but he was still trapped under their combined weight. "You need to let go mate." said Allen. "No way in hell am I abandoning you guys!" said Zane. "They're right. We'll be alright bro. We're tough." said Danny. "You need to find Parker and stop the Omniverse from blowing up." said Rachel. 

Zane's eyes widened as he said,"But..". "Zane. You have sacrificed yourself for us so many times in the past six years." said Gwen. "You've always been there for us for the worst and best of times. I think it's time for us to return the favor mate." said Allen. "If you make it back to Earth, tell my mom that I love her." said Danny. "Zane. I love you." said Rachel. The foxes dragged them into a hole in the ground with him roaring with utter anger,"NO!". 

Altair, Malik, Sitara, and Veto got the foxes off Zane who rushed toward the hole that instantly closed with a metal hatch. Zane looked at the hole which he saw Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel go into and he roared their names in anger. He frantically tried to pull the manhole off but even with his immense strength, it wasn't budging. "Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae!" roared Zane, trying to break the hole open by smashing his fists onto it. It wasn't budging despite all of his strength. 

As this was going on, the remaining foxes left them. "No." said Arya, falling to her knees and began weeping. "This is awful." said Lorelei with her trying to comfort the armored woman. The rest of the group watch on with fear and horror for him. "Zane! They're gone." said Malik. The Phantom was heavily reminded of what happened to Zane in the past. He lost himself to his anger and sadness when he fought against Kilene. 

Zane turned his alternative dimension counterpart with his eyes glowing molten gold and roared out loudly,"SHUT UP!". He socked Malik right in the face, sending him flying into the wall and his nose was broken from the punch. "Malik!" said Kitt with him and Turseek running over to him. "FUCK! I SWORE TO NEVER LET ANYONE IMPORTANT TO ME DIE IN FRONT OF ME! I CAN STILL SAVE THEM DAMN IT!" roared Zane. 

Cinarva ran in and tacked him away from the hole. She pressed her arms down from him as she glared at him. "Grow up Zane! There were too many of them. Sometimes, even a Preserver fails. There is nothing we could have done." said Cinarva. "Shut up bitch!" said Zane, releasing a molten gold solar beam from his mouth and slamming her into the ceiling. She came crashing down with Zane beginning to punch her into the ground. 

Vlad sighed as he said,"Well at least, he isn't trying to break through the ground. I mean those foxes weren't going to stop until they had one of us.". Altair shook his head and slapped the back of Vlad's head for his comment. "Read the room." thought Altair. Veto looked at Altair and Turseek with the two nodding. The trio dragged Zane off Cinarva with Arya saying,"Oh no. This is just like before.". "What are you talking about kid?" said Vlad.

Lorelei went over to Cirarva whose face looked brutally beaten. "You don't know about the Massacre do you?" said Arya. "I heard about it in passing but well, how bad was it?" said Bridgette. "For about six months, Zane was in the hospital and tried to kill himself over thirty times." said Arya. "Oh shit. You're serious aren't you." said Bridgette. "You really don't get it. They sacrificed themselves to save me. It should have been me gods fucking dam it!" said Zane. 

Zane easily pushed the trio of Altair, Turseek, and Veto off him and walked away from the hole to hopefully calm down. The only emotion Zane could feel now is rage and he need to take his anger out on something. Said object just happened to be a wall. "It should have been me gods damnit it! I promised to protect everyone that I hold dear to me and what did I do instead?! I let all of them die! Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! Ralad! They died instead of me!" said Zane. 

With each word spoken, he punched the wall. Each punch caused the entire cavern to shake and in due time, the wall exploded with Zane calming down. He deactivated the fusion with Zane falling to his knees and stared at the ground. The dust and debris settled down with Zane panting angrily. Tears were filled up in his bright molten gold eyes. He may be a very emotional person but that was due to his powers.

He was feeling exactly like he did after the Massacre since he lost four beings very close to him and a friend. It was too much for him to bear. "Damn it. Allen. Danny. Gwen. Rae. Ralad. It should have been me. Fuck me. I deserve to die." said Zane. Instead of bottling up his emotions like normal, he let his emotions run loose and openly cried with tears running down his face. The group looked right at Zane as the pressure in the room grew as power began coming off Zane in waves as he gripped his fingers. 

With a powerful roar, Zane let out,"Gods damn it!". He slammed both of his fists into the ground. This left a massive dent in the floor and shook the entire planet. The force of this attack caused most of the group to fall onto their backs with only a few staying up. The Paradoxes looked at Zane in shock at the massive show of strength that came after an emotional breakdown. The group of Altair, Kitt, Malik who has holding his nose, Sitara, Turseek, Veto, and Vlad lowered their heads in sympathy.

Arya began crying with Lorelei and oddly Velda trying to comfort her. Both of them may have not known the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel for so long but they were so nice to the former hermit in the short time that they have known them. Cinarva had a guilty expression on her face with Bridgette walking over to Zane who was muttering several obscenities to himself in many different languages. She wrapped him in a hug. "It's okay Zane. Just breathe okay?" said Bridgette.

Before she could do anything more, she was pushed by Zane. "Get away from me Bri! I'll just get you killed if you get close to me!" yelled Zane. "No I wont. Zane! You need to take a deep breath!" said Bridgette with her going back to hug her. Instead of pushing her away, Zane wrapped his arms around her and cried into her shoulders. "Wow. He's really emotional right. I mean he's known for being highly emotional but this on another level." said Vlad.

Malik nodded as he said,"I think he's being reminded of his biggest mistake and perhaps there is another reason.". "Zane. I know that you have a tendency to bottle up your emotions but to become a truly powerful being, you need to let out your emotions in a more natural way. Just cry. I don't think anyone would think any less of you if they saw you bawling your eyes out." said Bridgette. "Indeed. A real warrior knows when to cry." said Turseek. 

The normally serious Sitara joined in on the hug along with Arya. "She's right.  It isn't healthy to hold back when it comes to your emotions." said Sitara. Zane nodded as he began to cry for several minutes and the tears didn't stop for a while. His eyes were very puffy and glowing molten gold. His sadness eventually turned to rage with him looking at Cinarva as he growled in anger. "Thanks. I know whose fault this is really." said Zane as he phased out of the female's arm.

Zane activated Satanic Corruption while wearing the Avenger Mask. He sent out a massive blast of black and royal blue energy toward her, sending her flying back into the wall. Everyone was shocked by this with Zane roaring,"This is all your fault bitch!". He made his Astral Chains appear with the chains grabbing her and began repeatedly slamming her into the ground, shaking the cavern each time. "Oh wow. He's really pissed." said Vlad with his eyes widened. 

Altair nodded as he thought,"Yes. It seems that Zane's emotions increase his strength but at a cost.". "I have to ask what is this cost?" said Veto. "Becoming blind." said Sitara. "Is that what happened to you Sitara?" said Turseek. He was punched into the ground by Malik's purple flame Nether with Velda sighing. "Freaking idiots. All of you" said Velda as Zane dragged the heavily bruised Cinarva out of the hole. "What the hell is wrong with you brat? I didn't do anything!" said Cinarva.

Zane glared at her with him snarling at her. "Do you really want to know?! Fine! If you hadn't helped give parts for this thing to that slimeball, this watch would never been invented! That's right! I know about your connection to him officer! I've gone through so much crap in the past six years and I lost eleven people I care about because of the Omniverse decided to fuck me over time and time again! I can't take it anymore!" roared Zane.

He sprouted his stingers from his wrists with Sitara walking over to them. "You two need to calm down Zane. Mainly you Zane!" said Sitara with her glaring at Zane. "Seriously Sitara?! I didn't do anything to you but this selfish brat is lashing out at others because he can't handle that he makes mistakes! News flash! Everyone makes mistakes" said Cinarva. "I don't make them dam it! I'm not selfish! I'm Legion Zero! Damn it! Satanic Crosscut!" roared Zane.

Zane's arms began growing to be at least five times bigger. He charges toward her with him crossing his arms in an x shaped pattern and upon getting close to the officer, he brings them down on her. This sends Cinarva flying back with the target having a royal blue “X” shaped mark on her chest. Before Zane could continue, Arya stood up and she screamed out,"Zane! Stop fighting!". With Cinarva's face in his left hand with his stinger about to pierce her face, he turned toward Arya breathing heavily. 

Everyone looked at her with her armor being gone and her face being bright red. "You don't get it Arya. This bitch is responsible for...." said Zane with him being slapped by Bridgette and this caused him to drop Cinarva who went away from Zane. "All of us know how good your hearing is so how about you use it already dumbass!" said Velda. "Look. I know that a lot of bad has happened to you. It has happened to all of us including myself." said Arya.

She clenched her fists as she said,"You couldn't have stopped it for happening but do you know what they would have you to do? They would you to keep going rather than letting stewing in the past! You need to stop fighting among your friends and save the Omniverse! Please Zane! Be the man everyone here admires rather than being a piece of shit like Skull Plague!". The group remained quiet as Veto said,"She's right Zane. We need to find Parker before kaboom.".    

Zane glared at Cinarva with him vanishing from sight. He reappeared with him holding Fenrir and the officer's left arm was sliced clean off and erased from existence by royal blue Carnal. Cinarva screamed  as she went onto her knees. "Didn't you hear what she just said at all idiot?!" said Lorelei, Turseek, and Vlad. "I did. I was tempted to end her life but I didn't. Just leave me alone." said Zane with him walking away and leaning against the wall. "Altair. Do you have what I asked you to bring?" said Kitt.

Altair nodded as he opened Vlad's backpack with the bobcat confused. "What are you doing Kitt?" said Sitara. "I asked him to bring back some healing items and one of these items just happen to be a reverse crystal aka you gain an arm back Cinarva." said Kitt. "Way to plan ahead." said Veto. "Yeah. So did you expect it to be Zane or one of Parker's traps?" said Malik. "A little bit of A and B. Mainly A." said Kitt as the rock alien pulled out a purple crystal with an hourglass implanted on it.

He placed it on the Feroxian's stump and it returned back to normal. "So since everything is back to be at some level of peace, Velda. Do you happen to know where Parker could be?" said Sitara. "Yes. As Zane was trying and failing to calm from his tantrum, I remembered something from the past. Lets see if it is still here." said Velda. She walked over to a hidden panel in the wall and this opened up a door with it leading into a round tunnel.

It was dark and pitch black. "He's so inviting. Lets go and Zero. It seems that you're like the rumors say about you. You're just a criminal playing hero." said Cinarva, glaring at Zane who promptly flipped her off. "And you're nothing more than a bitch. Get moving or I'll cut off your head. You'll die." said Zane. She flew on ahead with Altair, Kitt, and Lorelei going after her on their board. Vlad was with them but using his jetpack.

Malik looked right at Arya, Bridgette, and Sitara. "We'll go on ahead. You girls. Bring back the sunshine of the Omniverse." said Malik. "Okay. We will." said Sitara with Malik, Velda, and Veto going down the tunnel. "So are you coming Zane? You're very important to the mission." said Bridgette. "I'll be with you girls in a minute. I just need to be alone." said Zane. The girls looked at him before going into the tunnel and left Zane alone.

He walked over to the hole with him saying,"I'm so damn sorry you guys. I couldn't protect any one of you. Allen and Danny. I'm always going to remember you as the guy who will always be there for me even when I'm doing something stupid. You two are my brothers. Gwen. You're a good friend and I know that you would have made Danny a happy man. Rae.". He took several deep breaths with him undoing both Avenger Mask and Satanic Corruption.

Zane looked at the hole with him saying,"I love you and I'm sorry that I failed to make your dream come true. Being your husband would have been the best thing to ever happen to me I'm sure of it.". He placed both of his palms together with his fingertips evenly aimed right toward the sky. "In the honor of Allen Newman, Danny Malone, Gwen Vasquez, and Rachel Powell. I hope you rest in peace. I promise to avenge you." said Zane, making his Legion Board appear and going down the tunnel.         

As the group flew/hovered through the tunnel, Zane sat there on his board with his headphones on his ears. He didn't have his signature smile or smirk on his face but a frown with Bridgette and Sitara looked toward him. "How are you doing Zane?" said Bridgette. "Like a literally piece of shit. How the fuck do you think I feel?" said Zane, glaring at her. He groaned loudly with him saying,"I'm sorry you guys. Gods. What am I going to say to their parents?".

Zane looked at the women with him saying,"Their parents told me that they trust me with the safety of their children and Rae's mom just reunited with her daughter. God. I'm just a piece of shit.". "I'm sorry Zane but here's something you need to know. All of here have experienced lost including me. You know how I'm the daughter of Basalt right?" said Sitara. "Yeah. Malik told me about it on our way here and asked me for advice on how to talk with you about it." said Zane. 

Sitara smiled as she said,"I see. When I worked for Basalt, I didn't care about anyone other than myself and I saw a lot of "comrades" sacrifice themselves before me. If I cared about them, I would have a lot of survivor's guilt that tears me up inside.". "But didn't a single one tell you that they would give up their life not because of the job but because they care about you?" said Bridgette. "If they did, I didn't listen. I eventually became a mercenary for the Molten Empire." said Sitara.

Malik listened to this as Altair and Vlad were talking about something. "I was loyal to whoever paid me the most, no matter how evil, they were. If they went against me, Basalt would show up and made them pay for their crimes." said Sitara. "So how did you leave him? I mean I met you and the others in the Infinite Void." said Zane. "It was a year after the Omniverse thought that Basalt died. My sister decided to invade a planet which cheered for his defeat." said Sitara.

She clenched her fist with her saying,"When the people didn't bow at her feet, she destroyed the entire planet to make an example out of it. Molvai did the crime but she wouldn't have done it if I didn't provide her the planet's security codes. I got them from a job and well, they still worked. I decided to leave shortly after that and well, Molvai send me to the Infinite Void as punishment.". "Wow. Your sis is a total bitch. No offense." said Bridgette. 

The Sihero shrugged as she said,"It's fine Bridgette. After meeting the rest of the Paradoxes, I decided to do what ever I can to protect the Omniverse from evil like Basalt and the Molten Empire.". "Gods damn it. This is all my fault." said Zane. "Zane." said Bridgette with Sitara stopping her. "I decided to act cool and heroic rather smart. It's my fault for activating the self-destruct and well, I killed five beings just because I wanted to look cool. What kind of hero am I?!" said Zane.

Cinarva rolled her eyes as she muttered,"More like criminal if you ask me.". She was blasted in the back by Velda who glared at her. "Shut up. Zane may be an idiot but at least, he isn't a goodie two shoes like the rest of your species. He is the being who will truly defeat Skull Plague. There is no doubt in my mind ." said Velda with Cinarva ignoring that. "Zane. Expressing yourself in any way means that you're in no way perfect and that's a good thing." said Sitara.  

She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure that you've been told this countless times by now Zane but it's not at all good to keep your feelings bottled up. They'll just end up exploding like they have done before. In life, you just need to yell and hit something but there are times where you need to sit and talk with someone to let out some of that steam. So how do you feel?" said Sitara. "Better but I...." said Zane. "Easy Zane. Don't go all psycho on us." said Veto.

He was punched for his comment by Altair. "I'm sure that they are in no way dead. Those three seem to be stronger than an average member of their species." thought Altair. "Zane. All beings may have made mistakes since it's bound to happen everyone at one point. If we don't find Parker and reverse your mistake, their sacrifices would have been in vain. We won't let that happen right?" said Arya with her holding her fist. 

Zane smiled brightly with him returning the fist bump. "Hell yeah. Lets find Parker and make him fix the watch or else." said Zane. "You'll go psycho on him like you did with the officer?" said Vlad. "Oh. I get punched but not him." said Veto. "I didn't feel like hitting him." said Turseek. Crisis Judgement went off as Kitt shouted as the quartet of Arya, Bridgette, Sitara, and Zane passed the others,"Stop!". They were too late as they set off an alarm. 

The four were almost engulfed in flames with Zane grabbing the four girls. "Void Absorption!" said Zane as he spouted two arms from his back and they began absorbing the flames. They were perfectly safe with Arya looking at Zane. "Thanks for the save." said Arya. "No problem Arya. I'm a hero after all." said Zane. "So did everyone forget about the booby traps or was it just me?" said Kitt. "I didn't but all of you were focused on the criminal." said Cinarva with the group glaring at her.

Zane lead the group forward with him seeing a futuristic steel door that was sealed off. On each side of the hallway, a series of red dots activated and observed the group. A turquoise camera glanced at Zane from the front door and it narrowed itself. "Zane?! What are you doing here?!" said Parker's voice with his holographic image appeared in front of the door. "Didn't you get my message back on Terra? I thought you would have listened and what is she doing here?!" said Parker.

Velda looked at Parker with her saying,"Nice to see you too. I didn't come here to see you but help out my friend.". "While I'm touched that you considered me to be a friend, I need to focus here. I'm sure that you can tell that the watch is in self-destruct mode..." said Zane. "Of course I noticed that along with your tantrum earlier. You shook the entire planet! Did you not think I wouldn't noticed that? I knew that making that device was going to bring me more trouble." said Parker. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"Anyway, how about you just open the door and let us in? I want this self destruct undone. We'll be out of your hair shortly.". The hologram vanished as several steel doors appeared to block off the lab. "Hey idiot. I really don't think you get it. We came here because of the watch blowing up an entire dimension and how it can't be stopped!" said Lorelei with her and the others getting ready to break their way in. 

Parker sighed as he said,"Of course I understand but you'll have to wait. I have to rescue her from that maniac's clutches. She was captured because of you defeated him with it.". "Okay Parker. I get why you're being more than of an ass than normal but right now, I don't care. We'll save her after you fix the watch. I already lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Ralad because of my fuck up. So look into your heart and do the right thing or well, I'll break in." said Zane with his right hand clenched.

It was silent after Zane's threat. "As you often tell people when you're upset, fuck off and come back later. I have important work to do." said Parker. "And here I thought he changed." said Velda. Zane's right eye twitched in anger with his anger taking over once again. His eyes glowed molten gold with him saying,"Fine. I tried being a nice guy but you've pissed me off Parker and you're going to pay for doing that like that bitch Cinarva!". 

He activated Emperor Mail with him charging toward the door and cocking back his fist. He slammed it against the door, causing a huge feedback of energy and it pushed the group behind him back. "Smart move there criminal." said Cinarva with Zane glaring at her. "Focus on the mission partner." said Astaroth with Zane charging at the door once again. He repeated this pattern for a while with him shouting,"I've come too far and lost too much to give up now!". 

Zane made multiple massive magnetically levitating piece of metals ,matching the color of Emperor Mail, appear from out of nowhere which then form into cannons. Both of Zane's arms are covered by cannons with all of Zane's cannons slowly charge up energy with them all firing an energy beam right in front of him. "Let me in right now bastard!!!!" roared Zane as he fired a barrage of beams. The door was destroyed with the group entering the laboratory. 

Vlad whistled with him saying,"Okay Zane. If I ever need someone of your strength, make sure to come help me out.". "Indeed. Pissing you off would be a bad idea." said Turseek. "Hint hint." said Veto with Cinarva rolling her eyes. The group looked to see Parker ,in his human form, standing in front of the desk. "You will turn off the self-destruct function right now got it?!" said Zane. "Okay but only if you do something for me Zane." said Parker.

Altair blinked with him touching Malik's shoulder. "Oh. He asks why aren't you being so nice to him after he broke down your door?" said Malik. "I'm used to him doing things like this since he's a very emotional being especially after that." said Parker. "Okay then. What do you want me to do? And what do you mean by that?" said Zane. "Help me save the love of my life from the Molten Empire. I need your assistance Legion Zero." said Parker while on his knees. 

This shocked the group with Zane deactivating Emperor Mail. "I'm not sure that I heard you heard you right. You want us to help you?" said Velda. "I was asking Zane not you. You still haven't figure out how to turn back to normal or do you like being female?" said Parker. Velda looked away with Parker sighing. "I made the Z.E.R.O. Watch for two reasons. It was to make amends with Janet and for the Zero who destined to be the one to kill Skull Plague." said Parker.

He looked up and he said,"And to spite me like it does always, the entire Omniverse ,including the recently revived Basalt, sees it as a weapon. I expected you to use as one too.". "Wow. Way to faith in the kid." said Kitt. "Yeah." said Veto. "Focus you two." said Arya. "I used your device to help those who can't help yourself and stop criminals. I always try my best to do the right thing even thought it may seem selfish at times." said Zane. 

Cinarva looked at him with Zane saying,"I'm sorry for how I acted toward you Cinarva. Even though I still think you're a big bitch, I blamed you for problems that were out of my control. After everything that has happened to me in the past six years, I wouldn't change a thing. Parker. I always believe that every being has some good in them and you should too. Help me stop the countdown and I promise to help you save Janet.".

Parker looked at Zane with the Cross Species holding out his fist. "Okay. Lets do this. We don't have all of the time in the world however. Basalt is here and well, he's angry. I think you're the one responsible for that Zane." said Parker, returning the fist bump by shaking it. "Wait. My father is here Parker?" said Sitara. "Of course he is Sitara. I don't know how he got past the planet's secondary defense. It shuts down any ship that doesn't have the Z.E.R.O. Watch on it but I'll find out." said Parker.

He turned around and turned on the computer with the laboratory being in the satellite dish at the top of the mountain. The screen showing Basalt ,floating above them on a hover platform, heading toward them with an army. This army consisted of the Gakuzod, Phestrons, Slimes, upgraded Upsilons, and Vonrall. The Gakuzod are extremely large creatures with seals/serpentines like bodies. Their body are covered in dark blue armor like scales and some of their scales are colored yellow. 

They have two dragonfly like fins coming out each side of them. These four wings have fan-like appendages inside of them. It has a large mouth filled with unruly teeth and can be used to swallow an entire skyscraper with a single bit. It has small orange eyes. The back of them has a giant bronze scorpion like stinger. The Phestrons looked to be about 6 feet tall. They look to be a humanoid, slightly muscular species with a metallic sheen. 

All of them had a branch like body with it being predominantly a dark green color and red highlights that come in the form of veins. They have four silver arms and four claw like fingers. Their heads are rhombus shaped and similar to a knight's helmet. They have two spherical, glowing red eyes and a craggy insect-like mandible and jaws. The upgraded Upsilons are still humanoid with them looking to be twelve feet tall. Their heads are a gray colored with them in the shape of SS-styled helmet. 

They have a singular red visor shaped eye in the center of its head and a wide glowing blue panel for their mouth. It loses the red crack-lines but gains two thunder bolt like horns on the sides of their heads.. Their bodies are a dark red color with gray plating on their two arms and legs. They still wear black jumpsuits and have silver bodies. Their torso are larger than before with shoulder plates. They have long arms and thin legs with large kneecaps. 

Unlike before, these Upsilons have jet plane like wings coming from their back. The Vonrall are a vaguely humanoid species with a mechanical appearance and looked to be eight feet tall. They looked to be well-muscles with their bodies colored black and silver highlights. Their small, skull shaped heads have jagged, metal curled horns on either side and have gold angry looking eyes. Its eyes are in the shape of diamonds with black outlines. 

Their head are bound to their body by blue diamond shaped chains. It has two large shoulder like appendages with them being in the shape of metal gears. It has two muscular arms and legs. Its forearms are large, cylindrical gold gauntlets with diamond-shaped indents and decorated by jagged gray lines. It has five blocky dark blue fingers with red fingernails. Its legs are large, cylindrical boot like appendages with the tips of its feet are dark blue. 

All of them wield a large, silver axe like hammer with gold blades. This handle of the hammer is a bronze color with the pommel is a gold spike. There were only five Gakuzoid, ten Vonrall, and a whole lot of the other three groups mentioned earlier. The trio of Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart were there as well with them being on another hover platform. "I hope this isn't bad that we came here invited." said Basalt, smiling. 

Rivart smiled as he said,"I know that you can hear me inside of  there Sitara. You and your friends won't be sending me or my boy out into space this time.". "Yeah and those bitches will be devour by me!" said Grimace with him licking his teeth. "Calm down brother. We'll get them I promise you that." said Lunacy. "So at least things couldn't get any more worse right?" said Cinarva. "You never say that." said Arya, shaking her head. 

As if on que, several small silver ball ,with a red/purple stripe, crashed into the group. The top of the ball had a black and red/orange top, with the red/orange forming an "G" shape at the top. If it wasn't obvious enough, it looks like an Osmdroid ,in terms of its body structure, but it was slightly different than the one that destroyed Hargeon from Fairy Legion Chapter 18. Its name is the Goliath and it has been upgraded. It looks to be about sixty feet tall and towers over everything though. 

It's body is now egg shaped ,which is black with a red/purple stripe that goes across the center of its chest, and has six stubby looking but heavily armored spider limb like appendages for legs. It has a rather broad chest and has a circular orb for a head. In the center of the orb, it had one large red camera lens for its eye. It's shoulders are cup shaped with round silver like spikes protruding from them. It's two red and light orange arms are rather long with powerful and giant metal silver hands with five fingers. 

Under the robot's metal shell, they have dark red wiring which was connected everything together. The army slowly charged toward the mountain with Basalt saying,"This ends now. Get up there and kill them! The Omniverse will be mine!". "Yes sir. You heard your boss boys. Get them!" said Rivart as the robots began firing onto the mountain with the other minions charging toward but their blasts were redirected by an energy barrier. "So as you can see, we're clearly screwed." said Veto.

Turseek looked at Zane with him saying,"Huh. I thought you would your watch or have charged ahead to fight them. I mean if you were, I would have joined you.". "That sounds like a very bad plan but why are you still here Zane? Rushing ahead is your thing." said Lorelei. "I'm  hurt that you guys think that of me but well, you're not wrong. Parker. You have a plan right?" said Zane. "I do. Here's my plan. We need to go in two teams and these two teams will each make their own plan." said Parker.

Sitara nodded as she said,"That's great but how long will that barrier last for? If there is one thing about my father, he's persistent.". "If my calculations are right which they always are, we got an hour before they break it. That's a good amount of time for us to come up with plans for victory." said Parker. "So what are the teams here? I hope that I'm not with her." said Veto, pointing to Cinarva. "You'll see whose on what team. Right now." said Parker as the team lineups were on the screen.

A few minutes later, the two teams have been decided and began formulating a plan with Basalt's army still trying to break into the lab. "So while I'm happy that we didn't get stuck with the officer, do you really think having four vs easily two hundred plus soldiers is such a smart idea?" said Veto. He stood there with the rest of the Paradoxes, Lorelei, and Velda with Vlad sighing. "Don't worry Terran. I mean there are up against the Phestron aka the cannon fodder species." said Vlad.

He smiled as he said,"The only real threat they have is that trio of Vordlarins that seem to be smarter than the slimes we fought earlier plus Basalt.". "Seriously? You do remember that Zane is very close to exploding if those veins of his aren't obvious enough." said Veto. "I thought your devices prevented that happening Velda." said Turseek. "It should have prevented the countdown but due to his tantrums earlier, he's probably accelerated it." said Velda. 

Sitara snapped her fingers with her saying,"Focus all of you. What's most important is figuring our how we'll get onto the ISC Rebellion and rescuing Janet. That's our team mission." said Sitara. "We could probably do using some kind of teleporter right?" said Kitt. "Yes but only if Parker has a teleporter that can be untraceable by the ship's scanner. We used to get assassins who appeared by either teleporting to where Basalt was or made a portal." said Sitara. 

Velda nodded as she said,"He mostly likely does. He was able to make it here from Saspra without anyone finding him for a good period of time.". "We also have to deal with my sister who is probably onboard and waiting for her father. Booker will be there also but meh. He's a not real threat." said Sitara. "I got a plan." said Veto. "You have a plan?" said Vlad. "Yes." said Veto. "Oh wow. I totally feel confident in your plan when you saw that." said Vlad, rolling his eyes. 

The Terran glared at him with him saying,"I got a plan and it may not seem like I do but I do.". "So do you have a plan Malik or Sitara? I'm doubting that Veto has a plan." said Vlad. "Agreed. The last plan he had got us arrested." said Kitt. "That wasn't my fault Kitt! The Vromilyrra Dynasty are filled with idiots." said Veto. "So what's your plan Veto?" said Turseek. "You believe me big guy?" said Veto. "Of course I do. Does this plan have me breaking skulls?" said Turseek. 

Veto nodded as he said,"Yes. Of course.". "I'm all for this plan whatever it is." said Turseek. "You can't be serious." said Lorelei. "For him, it makes total sense." thought Altair with Lorelei sighing. "Why is it that most of the time, men are idiots?" said Lorelei. "We'll never know." said Sitara. Velda would have said something but she was a male until just recently. "So we got two people for my plan and none for your guys plan." said Veto. 

The bobcat looked at the other with him saying,"Please tell me that either one of you two have a plan. I don't want to follow his plan.". "I got about ten percent of one." said Malik. "Seriously?! That's nothing compared to Veto's crappy plan." said Vlad. "Well excuse me, you put me on the spot there Vlad." said Malik. "It's barely a concept Malik and with ten percent, we're doomed for failure." said Velda. "Please tell me that you're not going to side with Veto's plan compared to my plan." said Malik. 

Sitara looked at him as she said,"Why do you care about making a plan when we have one?". "See? I got Sitara and Velda on my side. Four vs five. I just need one more person to side with me before we can begin Operation Paradoxes saving the day!" said Veto, looking smug much to the annoyance of Lorelei and Vlad. "I believe in your plan Malik. You may be the newest member of our little group but you've done great for our little group in the time you've been apart of it." thought Altair.

He took Malik this by touching his shoulder as Altair thought,"I'm sure that Ralad would have believed in you if he was still alive.". "Thank you Altair. Look. I know that I may be the new guy here but I believe in us. All of us have lost stuff before. We've lost our homes, our family, and any semblance of a normal life. If there is one thing that I've learned in my time alive, the Omniverse just loves to take more than it gives." said Malik.

Malik looked at the group with him saying,"That isn't happening today. We're going to do something that Zane does every day.". "And what's that exactly?" said Kitt. "Being a superhero and never giving up. He helped all of us in some regard. I won't stand by and let Basalt get the Z.E.R.O. Watch with him ruling over the entire Omniverse." said Malik. "Hold on. I'm pretty sure that your plan has us fighting Basalt along with Zane's group." said Vlad.

Vlad looked at Malik with him saying,"Even though we're supposed to just go and rescue Janet. I mean that team is filled with some really strong beings. and well, fighting against Basalt even with our numbers is practically suicide. Zane's group are probably the only ones strong to even fight him without dying.". "Yes Vlad. My plan is that but also Veto's plan as well. We'll combine our two plans to make a single plan that I promise will work you guys." said Malik.

Sitara looked at Malik with her saying,"Malik. I'm going to support your plan. For a long time, I never had friends but now I do. I'm willing to die alongside them but won't since I got some impressive allies.". "Indeed. I'm willing to die alongside all of you so I support the combined plan of Malik and Veto." said Turseek. "Same. Lets kick some but." said Kitt. "Ever since I got my powers, my life hasn't been the same. I had no control of them and caused some accidents because of them." said Lorelei.

The group looked at her as she said,"I never made any real friends because they only saw me as a monster, something to be dissected, and to use for their selfish gain. If you need me, I'll be there to help you out since I see you guys as my friends even though we've been together for a very short period of time.". "I'm sure that you'll be needing my technical genius to make this plan a reality." said Velda. "I'll shall support you all in whatever way I can. For the Paradoxes." thought Altair.

He stretched out all ten fingers to communicate with the group. The group looked at Vlad with him saying,"I was going to join in on this teamwork bonding crap. Just wanted to wait until Altair finished speaking. I'm not that much of an asshole to interrupt the big guy. We're doing this to avenge Ralad since he died to get us here. I don't want anyone to forget that.". "Of course." said Malik. With that, the group began coming up with their plan.        

As the Paradoxes were coming up with their plan, Parker was currently leading the second group which consisted of Arya, Bridgette, Cinarva, and Zane, toward a different room. During the walk, Zane's watch kept shocking him and it was getting on his nerves. It was doing this every since he got close to Parker from outer space. "Okay. I got to ask you guys. What are we up against?" said Arya. "We're going to be fighting against Rivart and his army of space sludges." said Cinarva.

She turned to the young woman with her saying,"Space sludges are the racial slur for the Vordlarin but only a couple of Vordlarin mind this word. We also have the Gakuzod, Phestrons, Vonrall, and Basalt's robot army.". "Yeah but we really don't have to worry about the Phestron since they are the cannon fodder species. We can take them out no problem." said Bridgette. "Which I may normally say don't be cocky, you're stronger than most beings Bridgette." said Parker.

Parker nodded as he said,"They may have strength in numbers but weak. They would overwhelm weaker beings but against us, they don't stand a chance.". "I'm sure that none of us have forgotten the massive elephant in the room. Basalt. Who is going to fight him?" said Cinarva. "I will Cinarva." said Zane. "Seriously? But you're....." said Arya, pointing to Zane's face. For a while now, Zane's body has been covered by platinum colored veins.

It was made obvious now due to them covering his face. "I know that but right now, I'm the only one who has ever beaten him. I may have gained the title of Jaeger by defeating him in the past but now, it's time to see if I actually have a right to earn it." said Zane, clenching his fist. "That's the spirit! I'll make sure to keep the weaklings off you so that you and magma dome can have your fight in privacy." said Bridgette. "Correct. We're here." said Parker. 

The four entered a room with Parker closing the door behind him. "Let me guess. You want to keep the nosey ones out." said Cinarva, referring to Turseek, Velda, Veto, and Vlad. "Yes. I may be upset with you breaking Velda out of prison but she seems to be behaving herself. I need to tell you something and it has something to do with your recent behavior for a while now. Your emotions. They've been out of control no?" said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I thought it was because of the watch getting close to blowing up but it's something else. And you wouldn't happen to know about Rivart do you? He seems to know me as Twilight's bonded partner.". "And maybe I'll know why you're shocking me. I wouldn't be surprise to hear that you're alive at this point." thought Zane as the watch shocked him once again. "Your out of control emotions isn't because of the watch. I know." said Parker.

Parker looked at Zane with him saying,"Yes. That was a surprise to me as well but it's a result of your bonding with Twilight. You may have noticed that no one from Team Legion Zero other than Astaroth is here. They are currently fixing Saspra except for Twilight. She is currently on Golax Prime MX, ruling it.". "She is? Why didn't she tell me?" said Zane. "It was so sudden. She didn't have time to tell you. Her mother was poisoned by Rivart. Twilight's mother and Rivart have a history together." said Parker. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"While I'm enjoying this history lesson, we don't exactly have an infinite amount of time here.". "Indeed. Arya. You're smarter than the average being I presume? Do you mind managing the planet's defense system?" said Parker. "Of course I can but I wanted to fight alongside the others. My suit is pretty strong and I should be able to multitask." said Arya. "Well, I'll give you the codes for it." said Parker. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Wow. I really can't believe my eyes. The usually selfish and close minded Parker is sharing.". "What can I say? You have changed me. You may be still the brat who is using my apology gift to Janet to play superhero and have trouble accepting failing but you're growing into your very own being. You may be the reincarnation or having the Essence/soul of several powerful beings but you're Zane Alvarez. I hope you don't forget that." said Parker.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"There is no benefit in comparing you to anyone else before you. The heavy burdens you care are nothing since in the end, I respect you.". "Thanks for saying that Parker. I liked hearing that from you." said Zane. "So do you mind telling me about something Parker?" said Cinarva. "What is it? And how important is it? Like you mentioned earlier, we don't have an infinite amount of time here." said Parker. 

Cinarva nodded as she said,"This is very important. Like I told Zane and the others, I broke them out of Osezarix 35 in order to change the Vromilyrra Dynasty but there was another reason I did that. In the year 2001, my brother Rerzam was born. We aren't related by blood since I was adopted by the king and queen of my species Rotok Kuggarn and Gissea Kuggarn respectively. We lost him after our kingdom was attacked by Qlakrik.". "Oh wow. That's awful." said Arya.

Bridgette nodded as Cinarva said,"Thanks you two. We thought that he died all those years ago but then we got word about you Zane. You were similar to us in the royal family and your Impulse was similar to Rerzam. No two beings can have the same Impulse so let me say this. I don't know how you managed to stay alive brother but I'm glad you're alive Rerzam. However like Parker said, you aren't him but Zane Alvarez.". 

She hugged Zane with him blinking and tilted his head. "Huh?!" said Arya and Zane. "I see. That does make a little bit of sense thinking about it." said Bridgette. "Did you know about this Parker?" said Zane, phasing out of his sister's arms. "A bit. When I met you for the first time, I didn't detect any Feroxian DNA in you. Before you ask Zane, I doubt either Kane and Sivarth know about it so don't go blaming them. It probably lays dormant inside of you and well, you'll figure it out later." said Parker.

He turned toward Zane with him saying,"Zane. Before we began preparing for our plan, promise me this. You've heard about this before but you are the hope for the Omniverse. You have all of this power given to you by the Omniverse in order to protect. I won't let you die due to your inability to ignore someone in danger.". "But I won't. My power comes the bonds I made along my life to become the Protector of the Omniverse. I'm not a fool who run off to my death due to my pride." said Zane. 

Parker smiled as he said,"You got it. Cinarva. After we finish with our planning, mind giving Zane a quick synopsis of your species's history.". "I will Parker if Zane is willing to learn and won't cut off my arm again." said Cinarva. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that but you were acting like a bitch and well, my emotions were out of whack because of what happened to Twilight. I mean getting the title of ruler over night would make anyone stressed out and I should know." said Zane. 

Cinarva smiled as she said,"It's fine Zane. Just don't do it again.". "Okay. You seem to have the wrong idea about why your emotions went out of control. we need to talk in private. Here. Look at this you three." said Parker. He typed something on the computer behind him and Bridgette nodded. "You got it Parker. Have fun talking with Zane." said Bridgette. "Yep! Whatever it is, you can handle it. I mean you handle being a Feroxian Cross Species pretty well." said Arya. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I think at this point Zane, the only thing I want is this day to be over. Lets get going Parker.". "You got it. Follow me." said Parker as they left the girls alone to come with their plan excluding Zane. They would have including Zane in on the plan but they knew that Zane worked best to the beat of his own drum. "So Parker." said Zane. "What is it Zane? I don't want to tell you why your emotions are out of control mainly because of those two." said Parker. 

The Cross Species looked behind him to see Veto and Vlad's head sticking out from behind a wall with him sighing. "Ignore them Parker. I just told Sitara about them through. Vibration Atmosphere." said Zane with him, snapping his fingers. Much to their disappointment, Veto and Vlad couldn't hear their conversation and they were caught by Sitara who wasn't happy about finding them. "Since we got no one listening or watching us, my watch has been shock me." said Zane. 

Parker looked at Zane as he said,"Interesting. How long has this been going on and are you sure about this? Your body is a natural insulator after all.". "I think I would know why if something was shocking me. It has been doing it since we arrived here. I was above the planet and it shocked me." said Zane with the watch shocking him. "Ah. Do not worry about that. I need to show you something." said Parker, ignoring Zane's issue. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Really? You're just going to blow off the whole shocking issue then? Fine. I guess this issue will go away by whatever it is you want to show me like how the SDM will be solved in due time.". "Correct." said Parker with him smiling. "Why is it that all omnipotent and omnipresent love refusing telling me what I need to know?" said Zane. "Because it's fun to see you struggle obviously. You'll be doing that in time too Zane." said Parker. 

The Cross Species sighed as the two walked to a different part of the lab. "And here are my two latest inventions which will help you." said Parker with him pointing to a wooden desk and a silver capsule in front of him. The wooden desk had a single item of interest on it. It was a small steel gray egg-shaped object with it floating in a glass jar and surrounded by a black sludge-like fluid. This sludge has molten gold line patterns resembling circuitry. 

Zane noticed that the latter item has molten gold patterned lines on it and looked to big enough to fix a human inside of it without any discomfort. "So which you examine first?" said Parker. "I guess I'll go for the egg first." said Zane. Before he could walk toward, the Z.E.R.O. Watch shocked him again and this caused him to hit the ground. "Huh. You really weren't joking earlier." said Parker. "Why would you think I would joking with you about this?" said Zane as he slowly got back up. 

Parker shrugged as he said,"You tend to make jokes most of the time so you wouldn't blame me for thinking that.". "That's fair. So I guess you want me to go to the other one first huh?" said Zane. The faceplate glowed with Parker smiling. "Interesting." said Parker as Zane turned to him. "So could you just tell me what's going on?" said Zane. "Nope. I think you should to figure it yourself. That's how you learned how to master your powers in the first place right?" said Parker. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I guess so and it's the more fun way I guess.". After recovering, Zane stood in front of the capsule. He placed his left hand and the capsule glowed white. "So is this supposed to be happening?" said Zane. "Yep and don't be too mad my dear." said Parker as the front side of the capsule slowly began to vanish away. A light flew right out of the capsule and it slowly began forming a humanoid shape.

The light eventually faded away with a cute female standing there. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. She has golden blond colored hair with it tied in a high ponytail. Her ponytail is held in place thanks to a silver ,with cyan colored lining, butterfly like hairband.

She has two black eyes with cyan colored pupils. In the exact center of her collarbone, she has the word "M" implanted there and it's similar to Zane's metallic piercing except hers looks to be organic compared to his. She's wearing a primarily white sleeveless dress with it ending at her hips and has a cyan blue ribbon tie. The girl's dress has a black rim wrapped around the hem of the dress with a black stripe on each side of her dress. 

The girl wears tight silver bike shorts under her dress. She wears brown knee high boots with silver soles and heels. She wears a pair of cyan gloves that go to the middle of her forearm and nearly reach her elbows. She wears a silver choker around her neck. Attached to each side of her waist, she has a steel gray yo-yo with a cyan center. Like her, they also bearing the letter "M" written in the center of the yo-yo. She has two large wings made out of mercury protruding from her back. 

She looked around and stared directly at Zane. "Hello Zane. How are you doing today? Are you doing well?" said the girl in a robotic voice. "Um. Hi. It's nice to meet..." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. Without warning, the girl bitch-slapped him hard. The slap was heard throughout the lab. "What is your damage?! I didn't say or do anything to you yet!" said Zane. "You are such a freaking moron!" said the girl.

To Zane, she was sounding more expressive than she did before. "So do you know who she is Parker because I don't....?" said Zane. "You really shouldn't have said that idiot or Rae calls you dummy." said Parker. "Huh?" said Zane. "You over-powered!" said the girl with her grabbing Zane by his arms and piledrived him into the ground. The Cross Species slowly pulled himself out of the ground with him saying,"Ow. I think.". 

Her hits didn't do anything to him since his wounds from the Z.E.R.O. Watch were still very much present on him. Her attack still hurt but not as me. "...Pain in the entire Omniverse's ass sixteen year old jerkface!" said the girl. "Um. You're a bit off on my age. As you can clearly see, I'm a man and no longer sixteen." said Zane. "Yet you won't deny being a pain in the ass." said Parker. "I mean it's the truth. You're the exact same." said Zane. 

Parker shrugged since he couldn't argue against that. Suddenly, the strange girl began to burst into tears and began hugging him tight. "You keep getting yourself hurt! Do you think I like seeing that?! That's why I will always be there to protect you no matter what! And now, I'm going to be blown up because of daddy's lab blowing up and that weirdo's bomb! You're too important to leave left alone to his device since you just lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rae all at once!" said the girl with her crying a lot. 

This moment was interrupted by a voice saying,"So what's going on in here?". Zane turned toward the trio of Arya, Malik, and Sitara with the male smirking. "So trouble in paradise? You totally had this coming." said Malik. "I guess I did. So who is she?" said Zane with him trying to calm her down. "You seriously don't know Zane. You aren't an idiot." said Parker. "We've been together since you started being the best hero in the Omniverse." said the girl through her sniffles and she held onto Zane tightly. 

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I'm taking a shot in the dark here when I see this but you're the Z.E.R.O. Watch aren't you?!". The girl nodded her head. "So how are you here and there? I mean the only logical answer is that the watch has gained sentience and have the ability to project itself as a hard-light object." said Arya. "That's correct and well, I'm mad at you." said the girl as she held onto Zane tighter. "And why is that?" said Zane, trying to look into her eyes and ignoring his ribs cracking. 

The Z.E.R.O. Watch screamed at Zane with her saying,"You seriously can't keep playing the fool!". She now had ten arms and began slapping him. "So should we try to break those two apart? I'm sure that her hits aren't doing anything to him but it's hard to watch. Reminds me of that show Devin showed me. Those girls attack that poor boy so many times just because he was in the wrong place wrong time." said Malik. "I think she's going past fifty now." said Sitara. 

Arya nodded as she said,"Yeah but that's a typical romance anime Malik. Common sense is practically thrown out especially when it comes to ecchi slapstick which is always hilarious.". "We really should stop this." said Sitara. "Nah. This is funny and he had this coming for a while now." said Parker. "So what did I do wrong?" said Zane with him rubbing his cheeks after she stopped slapping him and it was after a hundred times. 

The Z.E.R.O. Watch looked at Zane with her saying through clenched teeth and a frown,"I've been with you since you were sixteen years old. I was created by daddy to help you fight against Skull Plague but thanks to you being an idiot, I'm going to explode and my daddy won't repair me because he's being a stubborn idiot!". She glared right at Parker who shrugged. "So why are you blaming me for that when it's Parker's fault for being an idiot?" said Zane. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"Didn't you get mad at Cinarva and blame her for your problems earlier Zane? You're being a hypocrite.". "I think that was due to him just losing four of his close friends and he was holding in his emotions. I'm not defending his actions mind you." said Sitara. "Malik! You need to learn to read the room!" said Arya. "Because I can Zane and it's your fault for attacking that bomb the way that you did!!" screamed the girl with her crying. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Fine. Just calm down. I'm sorry for causing this to happen. We don't exactly have the time to fight among ourselves when Basalt is literally at our doorsteps.". To calm her down, he hugged her. "I can't stay mad at you since I know that staying at you mad for a long period of time is impossible." said the girl through her tears. "That sounds just Celina doesn't it Zane?" said Astaroth with Zane agreeing with him. 

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