Thursday, January 18, 2018

Zero Episode 81 Welcome Back Legion Zero PT 1 Reuniting with a person from your past

A/N: Yep. We're finally in Season 3 out of 4 I hope. I'm well aware that Season 1 ended with 25 episodes and the second season ended with 65. Yeah if this doesn't show my lack of thinking steps ahead. I don't know what does. You could say that Season 1 ended at Kristen and Zane's kiss but I'm too lazy to go back to change that. I also just like the huge contrast as well between the two seasons to be completely honest.

It's a stupid reason who cares. I can promise that Season 3 will explain some things about the mythos of the series while introducing some new things. I'll stress this once again. I'm not writing the next major book series or having the new theme park. I really don't think I could do something like that due to my lack of thinking steps ahead and also my artistic talent is just awful because I can make bad stick figures. I may like writing but here's the thing. I'm not a good one and this for fun.

I'll admit that. So this story now takes place in August of 2019 being that in 2020, the next President Election will happen. It will not be based of the result of the real life 2020 election. I would like to see a female president in the United States but that may be a long time from now. I mean I could be horribly wrong but smear campaigns are something that will happen. Lets see what happens but that won't happen for a long time.

Anyway, the reason why the series takes place a year in the future is because of the Chinese Zodiac and Zane is eighteen. The rest of the cast is also two years old so I could write down how old each person is but that's doesn't sound not fun. I mentioned their ages in the first half. Do note that it isn't like One Piece where it may go on for years. I do plan the series done ,I hope, by the end of 2018 or sometime in 2019. I'm sure that this series is going to end. Lets begin on the Plocylst Archipelago.

Most people haven't changed too much except they're older. I'll mention any real big changes ,such as scars, that happen but it's mostly likely going to be Zane since he's the main character. It won't be too big but it's noticeable somewhat with others. Several characters will only look older and their clothing is updated. The only people who remember Zane is Legion Zero ,outside of the family and superhero community, is Danny, Courtney Gwen, Kevin, Rachel, and Ray. This will change.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was currently snowing on the massive dimensional turtle and it was very strange due to it being August in the Omniverse. It had been almost two years since Zane's fight with Daemon and the immense breakout of several prisoners from Blacktomb Detention Center. Someone was walking through the snow as a voice echoed out,"Zane!". "I'm coming. Just chill out. It's been twenty ones months huh. It fells like I just got here." said a male voice.

Nearby, Kong was about to chomp down on a giant piece of meat but it was soon taken from him by a massive emperor penguin. The two soon began fighting over it as Lorena watched nearby. She heard something coming toward her being that she aimed her bow at it. It was a massive rhino and it soon roared loudly. "Hey. Don't attack my friend Ryan and get me that rack of meat now Pedro." said a voice. The three soon got nervous as Lorena saw someone ,a man, standing there.

The person looked at them as he said,"Remember what happens when you make me mad.". The ape and penguin dropped the rack as the man said,"Good job.". "Zane. Is that you? The ship is ready for you to sail." said Lorena. "Thanks Lorena. Let me just grab a quick snack." said Zane. 

He stood there as he looked different. He looked to be 6 feet tall and his skin color had changed just a bit. Like his older brother Kurt, his skin now had a light tan compared to before. If you want to see a visual example, think Roronoa Zoro from One Piece mainly from after the timeskip. This little section involving Zane's skin tone comes from the author three years mainly because I didn't mention Zane's skin color not in his forms or using one of his techniques. 

To put it very simple, I'm really not good at describing skin color. Another example of Zane's skin color is Jotaro Kujo from Jojo Part 6 practically the anime or Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail. This little section from the future is over so lets go back to 2018. Zane's voice also dropped an octave or two. His body looked very fit being somewhat muscular and lean. His skin looks to be very strong but it’s soft like silk. 

His body has been called a mixture of a linebacker, running back, and gymnast. His frame looked like a fighter being that he has a broad chest and washboard ,six pack, abs. His face is chiseled and has hardened edges in his jawline. He also has a V-line. He had very little fat on his body. He was showing off his prosthetic right arm and his "Z" piercing on his chest. His chest scar had vanished. His hair is the exact same as it was two years ago 

The only thing difference between then and now is a single bang being that it hangs over the left side of his forehead. His eyes are now storm gray that was similar to a thunderstorm. His clothing was the same as it was in Episode 78-80 but it didn't fit his body. His dark purple t-shirt looked more like a vest and it only covering the upper half of his chest, his black jacket was pretty much gone, his jeans looked like shorts, and his sneakers were the exact same as before.

On his left shoulder, his steel gray metallic skull protected by a molten gold dragon. stood there without being covered by anything. His left palm has a Hidari Gomon tattooed to match the right one being a indigo color. He's wearing his Z.E.R.O. watch on his left wrist alongside with the Enigma Talisman. He's wearing his necklace that he got it from Atem being that it was in the shape of Egyptian Eagle Hieroglyph and held by a thin chain.

He has a small brown bag on his back. He soon walked toward the fire being that the animals soon looked at him with tears in their eyes as Zane went toward the food being that he was extremely hungry and seemingly ignored everyone around. Lauren, both Carolyn and Naomi, and Kena stood there with some members of the Maiden Clan as Lauren said,"I guess you've bonded with them just like Rico did.". "He used force of will though unlike that one." said Naomi.

Zane said,"To be honest, I'm going to miss these guys but like Rico told me, we are bonded because our fist bump. They do look quite tasty though. I mean just look at them." said Zane. Zane grabbed the rack of meat as he devoured it in a single bite with the three animals looking right at him. The three animals knew that Zane was slightly kidding about eating them being that they learned fast not to mess with Zane with his food or when he's hungry.

Lauren said,"Don't worry about food Zane. I got all of your favorites waiting for you on the ship. It's a good thing that I'm well prepared for your bigger stomach.". "Thanks grandma." said Zane. "So where is your master? I thought he would be here." said Carolyn. "To be honest Carolyn, I really don't know what's going through his head sometimes. We may have spend a long ass time together but I'm scratching the surface that makes up Rico." said Zane.

He looked at the animals as he said,"It's time to say goodbye you guys.". The three begged for him to stay as Zane and the women heard,"Don't cry! Zane may be leaving but all of us bonded!". Rico soon stood there with several giant animals as Kena said,"Did you really bring them all here?!". "Of course I did granny! All of us bonded and they wanted to say goodbye but I know my student will come to visit with the people he's bonded with!" said Rico, with him posing.

The animals, who were behind him, sulked as Zane said,"Please don't cry.". Zane held out his fist as Rico smiled. He fist bumped Zane as the animals placed their paws or limb on the fists. "Good bye Zane! You're much stronger! Save your old man and knock some sense into that fool! Defeat Skull Plague! Make people fear the name Legion Zero! The Champion of the Omniverse!" said Rico. "I will!" said Zane. He walked toward the Maiden Clan as Rico wiped away a couple of tears.

Zane was sitting on the Maiden Clan ship as he said,"This is nice. I'm back in civilization. I missed it so much to be honest.". He looked at his right arm and he focused. It turned to match his left arm and he soon got rid of the Hidari Gomon on the left arm. He wanted to look the most natural back home so he learned how to hide his true self using a highly concentrated illusion. His bag was currently resting next to the chair.

As of right now, Zane's body was currently being pinched by most of the maiden clan that was on the ship. "So how did your training go Zane?" said Lauren. "I'm much stronger than before but I think I still had a lot to learn. I was able to destroy a mountain before but well, I could have easily destroyed a whole mountain range." said Zane. "Seriously kid?!" said Paula. "Why would I lie about something like that?" said Zane looking at her confused.

Paula said,"You know what they say about men?". "What?" said Zane. "Paula! Zane isn't like those men that work in the Alliance!" said Lorena. "You mean the Zane cult? How are they doing? Theron only tells me that they're good for training but he's crazy." said Zane. "They're doing well. So what are you going to do when we get to Ezlario?" said Kena. Zane looked at the elder as he said,"Maybe get some food. I'm still hungry.". "You haven't changed a bit Zane." said Kena.

Zane soon sat up as he said,"I sense something. Stop the ship!". The ship soon stopped as Lauren came toward Zane. "Are you sure about this?" said Lauren. "Yeah. My senses are at their best and if we keep going this way, we'll piss off the Trastry. I rather not make those guys mad. I already killed so many of them for food." said Zane. "I see. Turn the ship around right now." said Lauren. "Yes your highness!" said the clan.

The ship turned as Kena said,"Wow. That's impressive. Most people can't sense the Trastry. They're untraceable by normal means. We're lucky that the ones who live near our home aren't the brightest to say the least.". "Thanks. I had Hourglass, the living snot, and Spiro train my senses. I think it's still a work in process but I was able to sense you guys arriving on the island. I mean you ladies may be the expert of the hunt but you have a unique feeling at least to Crisis Judgement." said Zane.

Carolyn slapped Zane's back as she said,"Me and my sister want to have another fight with you! If you don't mind of course.". "He would mind thank you very much. He wishes to get back home. I'm curious about this Cypress Park." said a voice. The group soon saw a creature standing next to Zane's bag. It looked to be a black ,with silver stripes, lizard. It had four legs, two wings, a long tail, and it looked to be small enough to sit on a normal human shoulder. It's nine inches tall.

Naomi said,"Where did you even come from? I doubt that something this small would be able to live on the island.". "My name is Slytha first off and I'm not just a lizard but a proud and noble Akostar you dam human!" said Slytha. Zane sighed as he said,"Sly, these people are the Maiden Clan and their leader is my grandma.". "I see then. I'm Zane's Akostar partner." said Sly. "So you're the most recent one I presume?" said Kena.

Sly went over to Zane as she said,"Yes. I was born to be this idiot's partner. He found my egg being that he saved me from some of the idiotic animals on the Archipelago.". "Yep. She reminds me of a dragon which is pretty cool. Despite her size, she's very durable and strong." said Zane. "So may I ask why you're a salamander? I thought you would look like a dragon." said Lauren. "That's rather easy for me to do." said Sly. She glowed as she transformed.

She looked to be a chibi western dragon with her being about 1 foot 6. She didn't have scales on her body being that she was all bones. They matched her scales in terms of color. Her body was covered in a gold and red aura. She has a small horn on her nose, a strange "Z" shaped mark in the center of her eye sockets, and five fingers and toes with sharp claws. "I can switch between the two being that it's a natural ability." said Sly. "I see." said Lauren.

The ship stopped as Zane said,"Aren't we stopping in Ezlario?". "We would but we need to head back to the Garden of Eve. It's an emergency." said Kena. "Okay. That makes sense to me. I can easily fly over there so it's no problem." said Zane. Sly nodded as Lauren said,"Take this.". She held up a fake mustache as Zane started to laugh. "Thanks grandma but I don't think I'll need it. I'm well liked there right?" said Zane. 

Lauren said,"You should be careful Zane. The Omniverse may respect you but Skull Plague has been more active lately. Stay out of trouble.". "He can't promise that." said Sly. 'True. I've loaded your bag with some changes of clothes, several pound of food, and so much other stuff. It's a good thing my daughter is a genius." said Lauren. "It seems that the Alvarez family ,even if they're not related by blood or not, have an ego." said Kena.

Zane grabbed his bag and he activated Enigma Talisman. The cloak soon covered his body. "Thanks ladies. I owe you girls a lot for taking me to the Archipelago and to Ezlario." said Zane. "I hope you can reunite with your pals back on Cypress Park." said Lorena. "Don't get hurt or the queen will kill you." said Paula. "Zane. The Maiden Clan is at your beck and call." said Lauren. "Thanks. All of you are like family to me! Ready to go Sly?" said Zane.

Sly turned into a salamander as she rested on his shoulder. Zane floated in the air and he walked toward Ezlario. "So Zane, could we get this cotton candy? You and Rico were talking about it. It's really good right?" said Sly. "Sure. So should we go through the legal way or the fun way?" said Zane as he stopped. They were on the outskirts of the city as Sly said,"Which way is faster to the cotton candy? I am hungry.". "The fun way." said Zane.

He soon jumped over the wall as he landed in the city. "I guess the guards are rather lack but just in case." said Zane. He and Sly turned invisible as Sly said,"So what can this talisman do?". "It can grant me or anyone who wears it flight or in other words hovering in mid air. It can also erase memories being that it can cover the entire earth. It can also effect certain people being that I erase the memories of me being Legion Zero." said Zane.

The two were walking around as Sly said,"So now only certain people know?". "Yeah but I bet that all of my pals got super strong during the almost two years since I've last seen them. I bet Atem is now stronger." said Zane. "So does this talisman has any other abilities? Beside the invisibility, I'm sure that this thing can last longer than normal invisibility cloaks." said Sly. Zane nodded as he soon stopped in front of a cotton candy stand.

Sly saw that several kids were in front of it as Zane said,"Well, we're here. Dig in. I think I can keep them busy.". He focus Nether in his left hand being that it was a blue color. It turned into a baseball as he threw it nearby. The kids were gone as Sly slithered over to the stand. She soon devoured all of it and she said,"I think I found my new favorite food.". "Oh Sly. We're just getting started plus I still have a couple of things to tell you about the Enigma Talisman ." said Zane.

Sly jumped back on Zane's shoulder as Zane said,"People or animals can't find us so we could like devour the entire food market without anyone seeing or sensing of us. My immense power is hidden so I could technically sneak into a prison without anyone finding or sensing me at all.". "Please tell me we're not going to prison anytime soon." said Sly. "Fine. I won't." said Zane. "Okay. So what else can this thing do?" said Sly.

Zane said,"It can separate my soul from my body being that I have both Kane and Sivarth taking my place. I'll be using this to make sure no one figures out the truth about me. I can be still seen by plain humans without any special powers. It can also make an shield around me plus I can make two hands from my suit. It also works like a cellphone. The Alliance can call me if they need me. It's the best way for Lucas and the others to call me.". "Oh. That explains the ringing sound." said Sly.

Zane's eyes widened as Sly said,"You don't hear it?". "Honestly, I can tune out noises despite having really good hearing. It's a talent." said Zane. "Well, you should answer it. I'm getting hungry and once we answer it, we can get more food." said Sly. "Truer words have never been said." said Zane. He soon answered it as he heard,"I can't believe it took you this long to answer!". "Sorry about that. I'll be there soon. I'm just getting a snack." said Zane.

He reappeared shocking the crowd as a voice said,"You know that your grandpa has missed you right Zane?". "I know that Amelia. I'll be there soon. So is Kurt still working with you guys in Prime Force and how is Ivan doing?" said Zane. "Not lately, He's been staying with your family. I'm not actually here but our scanners picked up your energy before you disappeared. Ivan's actually waiting for you at the castle." said Amelia. "Sweet. Tell him I'll see him real soon. " said Zane.

He hanged up as Sly said,"So should we get some food or head to the castle?". "Well, I'm sure that Mystique has a buffet planned." said Zane. "That does sound good. So are you going to run there? I need to get ready." said Sly. She wrapped her body around Zane as she said,"Ready!". Zane nodded as he rushed off, causing a huge cloud of dust. The crowd nearby him coughed from it. Outside of the castle entrance, Ivan was spinning there.

He said,"I hope that my good friend Zane got stronger! I got some good news about Shawn!".He felt a hand touching his shoulder as he turned around. He saw Zane as Zane said,"Wow Ivan! You haven't changed at all. It's good to see you by the way.". "Zane!" yelled Ivan. He hugged Zane as he began to cry. Sly tried to ignore the waterworks from Zane's shoulder as she said,"So why is he crying like you two haven't seen each other in years?".

Ivan saw Sly as he said,"So this must be your new friend? My name is Ivan and me and Zane bonded during our time in prison! It was a painful time to say the least!". Zane phased out of his friend's grip as he said,"I missed you too Ivan but I've only been gone for 1,050 years.". "That's too long Zane! It may have been that to you but to me, it's been even longer!" said Ivan. He started to spin as Sly said,"You two do know that the Plocylst Archipelago operated on its time right?".

Zane said,"I know but Ivan.". Ivan looked at Zane who held out his left fist. "My friend no bro taught me that when two people fist bump, we'll be bonding forever." said Zane. Ivan fist bumped as he said with a smile,"Oh yeah! Do you wish to hear the news about your dad? Mistress Liv, Daryl, and the rest of our friends found some Shawn related stuff.". "Sweet. I should go check it with the old man first. He wanted to see me after my training according to Lucas." said Zane.

Theron was pacing around the main room with Cora and Warner. "He'll be here soon Theron." said Cora. Theron hadn't changed much but the top half of his ears were missing. "I know that but I'm killing for a rematch with him. He's the only one to damage me like this." said Theron, pointing to the top of his missing ears. Winston stood nearby him as he said,"Wow. I thought you would never find someone to equal you in strength. I would say that Danny will be a good rival for Zane.".

Theron said,"Yeah. I see the brat as my son and I bet that freak Rico sees him in the same way. It's the same way as I see you as my brother Winston and both Cora and Warner as my parents.". "I think he see you the same way Theron." said Warner. The four turned to see Ivan, Sly, and Zane standing there with Zane smiling. Zane soon deactivated the Talisman as he said,"Sup guys. I missed you...". Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Did you think I would fall for a weak attack like that Frank?".

He soon blocked a punch as Ivan saw Frank who threw it. He stood there with Trunk as Trunk said,"I still can't believe you tried that Frank. He's mostly likely a master of all of Crisis Judgement's features plus some new stuff by now.". "I know that but I need to make sure that he isn't rusty. He could have gotten weaker unlike Danny who got stronger." said Frank. "Hey Franky and Trunk. It's good to see you two. How is Danny doing?" said Zane.

Frank said,"Good. He's stronger now. You're much stronger kid. I guess that training was worth it. I think you've changed from that beanpole to a slightly stronger one." said Frank. "That's a compliment Zane. I've been around Frank long enough to understand him. You're going to beat off the ladies with a stick I just now." said Trunk. "And why would I do that exactly?" said Zane. "Zane. Tell me, what type of women are you interested in?" said Frank.

Zane said,"I'm interested in women who love me for me and not my appearance or power. I'm sure that several girls love me now. I'm not that dense or stupid kid anymore.". "Conner may sure that my idiot of a partner understood women and their affections." said Sly. "So he'll be a true casanova for sure!" said Ivan. "I see." said Trunk. Zane walked up to Cora and Warner as he said,"So why did you ask for me? I'm not mad but curious.".

Cora's eyes twitched as she said,"Zane. Do you have something else to wear?". Zane looked down as he said,"To be honest, this is my best. We really went overboard on the training.". "Yeah. I guess I shouldn't have slashed them to threads." said Theron. "True but they made great target practice." said Zane. She snapped her fingers as several members ,being that they were wearing the same uniform as in EP 34 and 77, appeared. "Yes ma'am!?" said a soldier. "Take Zane to get dressed!" said Cora.

Zane said,"Wait what?" . Sly jumped off as Zane was soon taken away by the guards. "So why didn't he attack them?" said Trunk. "I think Zane didn't see them as enemies." said Frank. "Maybe but why is she so picky about Zane's appearance?" said Ivan. "It's because she hates slobs." said Winston. The trio looked at the frail man as he said,"She may not be a bloodlust maniac anymore but when it comes to appearance, she goes back.".

Theron nodded as he said,"So why did you call him here old man?". "I need to talk with him about his destiny as Zero or in his case Legion Zero. It's of grave and great importance. It's also a private conversation meaning that most of you all will have to leave." said Warner. "Except for you, Sly, and Winston. You three will be needed." said Cora. "We understand. I think Mystique is planning some food for Zane. We should help her out." said Frank. "Right." said Ivan and Trunk.

The three were gone as Winston said,"So what is it Warner? I mean you didn't tell it to either Danny and Gwen. They're Zane's partners after all.". "This is something that only Zane needs to know. It's about Form Morpher." said Warner. "You mean the Qlakirk whose killed most if not all of Zeroes before Zane?" said Theron. "The exact same." said Cora. "Well, that's not good. Zane is coming back." said Sly.

Zane stood there as he was wearing a new outfit. He's wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a dark purple snake like creature design on the left breast of the hoodie and a silver checkered pattern to it. It was currently open revealing a burnt orange t-shirt with a silver fiery spiral pattern. He's wearing a pair of blue jeans and signature tennis shoes. He also had his Galaxy Phones in both of his ears, his wooden necklace, and his talisman and watch were still on him as well.

Zane said,"Thanks for the new outfit Cora. I'm digging it.". "Thank you Zane. We need to talk about your title." said Cora. Zane soon rejoined Sly in front of the thrones as Warner said,"Zane. Can you tell me what you know about the Form Morpher?". "Not much. He's killed many of my ancestors or predecessors. Rico told me that three Zeroes survived against him at first but eventually died by his hands. So why are you asking? Rico said that I had great potential to be the best as well." said Zane.

Warner said,"The Form Morpher is a very powerful Qlakrik being that he's been killing Zeroes so that Skull Plague can talk over the Omniverse. Our scouts gave us its real form.". He pressed a button on its throne as Zane saw a holographic projection of a creature standing there. He looks to be a gray color and shady looking. He has six slender spider legs. He has four arms with his upper right arm being very thick and muscular. His arm is covered in orange fur/hair. 

His lower right arm is slender and skeletal with four fingers, his upper left arm is very much swollen all over the arm being that his hands looks like a dragon claw, and the lower left arm is rather tiny being very much like a Tyrannosaurus Rex's arm. He had five glowing white eyes, a dog like snout, and his mouth had giant fangs sticking out his mouth and five small teeth on the inside. "Wow. I'm going to be honest and if I sound racist, I don't care. He's one ugly son of a bitch!" said Zane.

Theron nodded as he said,"Yeah. It's no wonder why we couldn't find out his real appearance.". "We pierced his form together through several pictures. Our scouts reported that the creature is heading toward the Prime Earth. You understand what this means." said Winston. "Yeah. He may already be on Earth and you want me to find him." said Zane. "Will you be able to kill him Zane? I mean it's a monster." said Cora.

Zane said,"Well, he did kill most of my ancestors so I owe them that much. I didn't train to let those who hurt my friends or innocent people. So is it a male?". "Honestly, we have no idea. It's been both female and male of every species." said Winston. "So how Zane is supposed to know if it's the Form Morpher? I mean does it have a certain scent?" said Sly. "Zane. Remember the Supernatural Legends and Mystery series of books?" said Cora.

Zane said,"Yeah. I currently have the second and fifth volume. Do you know where the other five are? I tried to ask Rico but he didn't answer me in the normal way.". "Well, we have knowledge about their locations." said Warner. "Really? That's amazing. Could you tell me where? I need to find them because I promised to find them." said Zane. "Not the exact location Zane plus you have to get back home. Your mother is expecting you back home sometime this week." said Cora.

Zane said,"True plus I owe Atem and Wolfram a game of catch.". "We'll inform you if we find one of the books. I talked with the creator during your training. She told me that she remembered something about Form Morpher and its biggest weakness." said Warner. "Really? What is it?" said Zane. "She said,"A normal person can't tell when someone close to them is replaced by the Form Morpher but one who has powers of the Eazairvian can."." said Warner.

Theron said,"You'll be able to tell Zane. I think you know how by now.". "Yeah. So the author is still alive? I thought she was dead." said Zane. "She's around and you know her Zane." said Winston. The teen looked confused as Sly said,"Anyway, we better get going.". "Yeah. So you guys will contact me through the talisman?" said Zane. "Yep. Oh Zane, we'll be fighting again soon and trust me, you're going down." said Theron. "I'll keep that in mind old man." said Zane.

Theron said,"Old man?!". Zane grabbed his bag as he said,"Well, I better get going. I don't want to miss my train.". "Or in other words. See you guys later. I rather not destroy this place in my fight with Theron." said Sly. "Good luck Zane and welcome back." said Cora. Zane nodded as he was soon gone with Winston said,"Wow. He's really fast. I think he was walking.". "Yeah. Zane's best thing in a fight is his speed plus his powers is nothing to scoff at. Skull Plague is going down." said Theron.

Zane was sitting in a train's coach as he rested there. "Ah. That was a close one Sly. I really wasn't in a mood for fighting with Theron. He's really strong and I doubt I can win. Last time was lucky." said Zane. "True. You and Kane got lucky." said Sly. Sly looked at Zane's chest as she said,"So how are they doing? I'm able to hear Athena and Cole but Kane and Sivarth are a different story.". "They're doing fine but I guess they're not for talking." said Zane.

Zane looked at his watch as he said,"Hey Athena. Have you inform my family and friends about me coming home?". "Not yet Zane. I think you rather surprise them. We've been partners for almost two years now but to me, it feels like yesterday when Parker assigned/created me. I think Cole joined us because you weren't using enough forms but your training made you use all one hundred and forty forms at least once." said Athena. "Indeed but we have to thank the crazy idiot." said Cole.

Zane said,"Yeah. I guess Rico was thinking about the future more than I thought. I mean he trained me in my fighting skills mainly in physical combat but he knows about Zeroes than he'll admit to. I guess he was said about losing his bros but shows it through his unique style of speaking. He may be loud and rather strange but I won't deny that he's wise beyond his years. I guess living on an creature outside of time makes you rather strange but wise. I wonder if I'll be like that someday.".

Athena said,"Who knows what will Zane but the six of us will be a great team. Team Legion Zero if you will. So what's the first thing you're going to do when we get back to town? I would say that we should go see the family. I bet Atem missed you the most and start crying.". "Nah. I say we should go fight some crime." said Kane. Since becoming partners, Zane could talk with the Vulcorian through Elysian aka the exact same way as Sivarth.

Cole said,"Kane brings up a good point. I mean we spent so much time training and heck, we even upgrade the costume a bit. I bet our fans on the prime Earth will like seeing us in action after two years of inactivity.". "You two do know that we did do some work for the Alliance during our training right? I'll agree with you on the new costume. I think we should make sure that kids dress right for Halloween." said Athena. "Let the kid decided. We'll figure a plan there." said Sivarth.

Zane said,"Thanks Sivarth. I'll do just that.". Sly rested on Zane's head as she said,"So what's the plan Zane?". "I was thinking that we just go around town. It could have changed in two years and heck, I rather shock my friends and family rather than doing something predictable. I remember what one of my ancestors said,"You can do things the expected way but where's the fun in that?". So once, we get to Cypress Park. Lets see what fate is in store for us." said Zane.

The train soon stopped as Zane stretched. "Okay. Lets go." said Zane. He walked out as he walked to the cliff side. The train station was located on the outskirts of town and in Zane's opinion, it had one of the best views of the entire city. Sly sat on Zane's right shoulder as she said,"Wow. This town has a lot in such a small place.". "Well, it's because we have several of the 1% living here. The group may be jerks but they pay very well." said Zane.

Sly said,"I see a beach, forest, ocean, and several things that a city's capital would normally have. I'm impressed. This city is something else.". "So when is your birthday Sly? Would it be the day that you hatched or when you were birthed from the Astral Realm? I'm not fairly well versed in the Akostar biology." said Zane. "I'll tell you Zane once I figure all of it out. Should we get going to meet your family?" said Sly. "Yeah." said Zane.

He walked toward the city as he heard,"Stupid bird!". He saw a little boy ,who looked to be around Atem, Camille, and Molly's age now, and he was crying his eyes out standing there as he said,"Hey little guy. What's wrong?". The boy looked at Zane with him saying,"That stupid bird took away my ice cream! My mommy gave me that money for ice cream and I didn't even get a piece!". Zane soon followed his finger as he saw a seagull flying around taunting the two of them.

Zane sighed as he said,"I totally forgot how annoying those guys could be. Do you want me to get him for you?". The boy shook his head yes as Zane grabbed a nearby rock. "This will be easy." said Zane. He threw the rock as it soon hit the bird square on. It went crashing toward the ground as the boy said,"You got it in one shot!". "Well, I was really good at throwing things. How about I get you some ice cream? It sucks having your dessert taking from you." said Zane.

He grabbed his hand as the boy soon got some new ice cream. "Thank you mister!" said the boy. "I'm not Mister. The name is Zane." said Zane. "Zane? Are you Atem's big brother? He's my friend! Are you back in town from your trip to Japan?!" said the boy. "Yep. Are you one of his friends? Can you keep a secret? I want to shock him." said Zane. "I sure can! See you later Zane!" said the boy. "Wait. I need one more thing from you." said Zane.

Zane held out his left fist as the boy smiled. The two fist bumped as Zane said,"I know that you were crying and at your age, crying may seem girly but I know that a real man cries. I won't tell that you're crying okay?". "Okay!" said the boy. He hugged Zane as he said,"Thanks for helping me Zane! You are so awesome just like Atem says!". Zane smiled as he said,"Well, I guess Atem isn't wrong about that. You should get back home before your mom gets mad. See you around kid.".

The boy ran off as Sly said,"So why did you help him? I'm sure that his mother would have been fine with just buying him some ice cream.". "You don't get it Sly. To him, his mom gave him that money for ice cream and to a kid, money is precious." said Zane. Sly shrugged as she said,"Whatever. You confuse me sometimes. Lets keep going.". Zane was walking toward town as he heard a girl's voice say,"Um. Do you mind taking a photo for me?". "Sure." said Zane.

He held her phone as the girl said,"Make sure to get the sunset in the background.". "Gotcha." said Zane. Zane looked at the girl as she posed. She looks to be 5 foot 8. She has long silver hair that reached her back as she had a small ponytail to the right side of her head. The ponytail was held there by a violet hair tie. Her bangs are pushed back which is showing off her beautiful face and green eyes. She has a beauty mark under her left eye and circular blushes on her cheeks.

These two added to her appeal. Her body is slender yet curvy showing that she's athletic. Her body just screamed very cute to him in so many ways. She has sapphire blue helix ring and rook piercing in both ears. She's wearing a small dark pink choker necklace. She's wearing a black t-shirt/blouse with long sleeves that goes to her elbows, frilly top, and a cute baby dragon on the front of it. She's wearing a white skirt that shows off her legs and brown wedges sandals.

He took the photo as he said with a smile,"Welcome. You'll like it here for sure.". The girl fainted on the spot. "Smooth. His lessons really did work. You're one smooth operator. " said Sly. Zane ignore his partner's insult as he picked her in a bridal style. He stayed away from groups of people because he doesn't want to get arrested and it wasn't his fault but he would be blamed for it because people are very quick to judge.

She soon woke up as she heard,"Are you alright? Did you get heat stroke?". She sat up as she saw that she was resting on his jacket being that his shirt was exposed. "Sorry about that. I'm just thinking about someone." said the girl. "Okay. So are you a tourist?" said Zane. "Somewhat. I'm here for a TV drama. We decided to film in Cypress Park because your town is famous for having superheroes such as Morph, Neurozap, Slicer, Starlight, and Zero who hasn't been seen in a while." said the girl.

Sly whispered,"I know three of them but who the hell is Neurozap and Starlight?". "So are you one of the actress?" said Zane. "Yep! I'll be playing one of the main roles." said the girl. "Well, I just have to catch it. My name is Zane Alvarez " said Zane. "Rain Xenia Brooks. I guess you've heard about me before haven't you Zane." said Rain. Zane looked at her as he said,"Honestly, I haven't seen that many movies in the past two years. I've been pretty busy.".

Rain stood up as she said,'Well, I best get going. Actually, do you mind coming with me? I need a big strong guy like yourself. You protected me while I was out cold didn't you.". "Yeah. I'm really good at protecting people." said Zane. The two stood there as Rain said,"Could you help me with something Zane?". "What's up Rain?" said Zane. "Would you mind going around town with me?" said Rain as she looked down. "Sure." said Zane with a confused look.

The two were looking over Cypress Park as Rain said,"Wow. The view is amazing here!". "I guess so but I'm not an art person." said Zane. "Zane. Do you have someone you like?" said Rain. Zane looked at her as he thought,"Is she already in love with me? I haven't show off the true Zane.". "My situation is a bit more complicated." said Zane. "Mine too Zane. The guy that I like is someone that I haven't seen in some time but he's the one who helped me become the person I am today." said Rain.

She turned around as she said,"I'll never forget what he looks like. I'm acting on those feelings so I can make sure that I'm truly invested in my role. Thanks for coming with me Zane! You're a big help and you remind me a lot of that boy.". "Well, I tend to remind people of other people. It's a curse to be honest with you. I have to prove myself more times than I count." said Zane. "Okay. So what should we do after this? I haven't been on a date before." said Rain. "No idea." said Zane.

Zane thought,"I don't know that much about dating. Kristen decided everything because it made her happy. I really wonder how she is doing ,along with the others, and she's must have changed a bit. I do really hope that Carlos isn't causing too much trouble for her and Rae.". "I got it Zane! So could you help me with something?" said Rain. "Sure." said Zane. She held out her hands as she said with a blush on her face,"Could you try give me a hug?". Zane had a small blush as he said,"Are you sure?".

Rain had a small blush herself as she said,"Well, you should know that all the good romantic movies have a tender hug scene being that it could be after the guy comes back from war or being presumed dead. I think if we do that, I'll understand love for my part.". "I get you." said Zane. "Zane. Don't be a perv got it?" said Kane. "Zane. Are you alright?" said Rain. She was close to him as Zane's face was bright red. "It's nothing Rain! I'm just thinking about how nice the sunset is!" said Zane.

Rain said,"Are you alright? Your face is bright red.". "Yeah. I get it from my dad. He blushed red when he was around beautiful girls." said Zane. Her face was red as Zane thought,"What the hell? I can't believe I just admit how attractive she is! Damn you old man! I'm hurting you for this!". She smiled as she said,"Wow Zane. I've never met such a guy like you before. Do you say that to all of the girls or just me?". She looked right at him as Zane's face got redder. "Well, I...." said Zane.

She giggled as she said,"You may look tough Zane but you're so cute! You remind me of a maiden in love!". Zane looked away from her ,mainly to hide his blushing red face, as he said,"I'm pretty manly Rain.". Sly rolled her eyes as she slithered into Zane's bag. "I don't mean it Zane. I'm sure that you're strong. I mean those muscles of yours don't look fake." said Rain. The two just stood there as Crisis Judgement went off.

Zane heard,"Hey man. So did you heard the rumor?". Zane soon grabbed Rain as the two hide in the nearby trees. Rain blushed being that she was so close to him as Zane saw Mack walking with Bryan and right toward their spot. "Wow. Those two haven't changed at all. I mean they're older and wearing different clothes but I bet they're still the same." thought Zane as he ignored Rain whose blushing up a storm. "What?" said Mack.

Bryan said,"There was a really cute girl by the train station. I heard that she's around here.". "Really man? Is she a tourist? You know that people show up in droves during this time?". "I think so. She was seen with the guy who looked like Zit." said Bryan. "You can't be serious? Zane isn't here right now? She might be around here." said Mack. The two were gone as Zane took a deep breath and he released Rain. "So are you a common street punk?" said Rain.

Zane said,"Not exactly. I'm the student council president and well, I've been gone for over twenty months. I was also kinda of a pain to the A List.". "Kinda of? They hated your guts for just standing up to them plus you hit them more times than I can count." said Athena. "I think they still do hate him Athena." said Sivarth. Rain went over to the cliff side as Cole said,"She's pretty cute no really cute Zane. Don't screw things up with her.". "Yeah. I hope so too." said Zane.

He walked over to her as she began climbing over the gate. "Wait Rain! It's really windy there!" said Zane. "Don't get your panties in a knot Zane. I though you were the punk student council president not the school chicken!" said Rain. Zane rolled his eyes as Crisis Judgement went off. The ground that she was standing on broke as she began falling. "Rain!" said Zane. She grabbed his right arm as Zane thought,"I really hope you don't break on me!".

The two soon went falling toward the water as Zane thought,"I need to protect her from the water. I jumped off bigger cliffs during my training and in Brain Form!". He grabbed her as Rain's face was red. The two soon slammed into the water with Zane's back hitting the water. Despite his training, he was knocked out from the shock of having a cute girl hugging him for dear life. Rain saw this as she dragged his body back toward land and she began trying to revive him.

Zane heard,"Zane!?". He woke up as he sat up. He was covered in water as Rain said,"Zane! You're okay! I was so worried! I tried CPR but you weren't waking up! I may have kissed you a lot more than normal because your lips are so sweet! They're like candy!". She rambled on as her face got redder. "That doesn't matter. I've been through worst. So are you okay?" said Zane.  "Yeah. I'm wet but no physical injuries." said Rain. "That's good." said Zane.

He soon laid back down in the water as he said to her,"That's really good.". She was next to him as she said,"Hey Zane. Do you mind being my boyfriend?". Zane was quiet as he thought,"I'm not going to lie but having a girl like Rain using my arm as a pillow isn't half bad but what will Kristen think? I really care about her but Rain is like....". His eyes widened as Crisis Judgement went off. They were soon covered by a wave as they got up.

Rain said,"For starters, we should get dry Zane. Your bag is back at the cliff side.". "Yeah. It's pretty important Rain." said Zane. Later, the two were walking as Rain said,"Like I said before, the reason for me being here is a bit more complicated than what it seems.". "Huh?" said Zane. "I need someone to be my practice boyfriend. The character I'm playing is very passionate when it comes to love and well, I told my director that I could do it!" said Rain.

Zane said,"I see. So do you like doing things passionately?". "Yep. The boy I like taught me to never give up on the things you really want. He says that his dad told him that. I think you know why I wanted you to my boyfriend. I mean if I have a lover, I think I'll understand the role better. You're also the only guy my age that I'm not scared of." said Rain. "Yeah. Bryan and Mack are two popular guys plus jerks to women." said Zane.

Zane stopped in place as Rain said,"Zane? Are you alright?". "Rain. Where did you come? I'm not talking about Hollywood." said Zane. "Pennsylvania. Why?" said Rain. Zane kissed her as Rain's eyes widened. "What is he doing?" thought Rain. He let her go as Zane said,"I can't explain it but for some reason, I could never forget your hair Rain. It's so unique and pretty just like you are my sweet Rain after all.".

Rain said,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. So this boy that you were talking about? Was it me or perhaps my evil twin." said Zane. "It was you Zane. I guess you're smarter than you look." said Rain. "Thanks I think. So do you want to start "dating"? I'll warn you ahead of time. I'm not the perfect boyfriend at all." said Zane. "You're fine Zane. We should exchange numbers so we can plan some dates." said Rain as she smiled. They pulled out their phone as Zane's phone was soaked.

Rain's phone was fine as she said,"Sorry about that Zane." Zane smiled as he said,"Don't worry. My mom is an great inventor. She can make a toaster into a cannon that fires out a powerful yet tasty attack.". "Same old Zane." said Rain. The two exchanged soon numbers as Rain said,"I should get going. I'll text you later with our second date!". She was gone as Sly said,"So are you ready to go home lover boy?". "Yeah, I'll be tackled by three people." said Zane. "Maybe four." said Cole.

Zane stood in front of his house as he said,"Wow. This place has changed. There isn't any holes in it and it seems bigger.". "Yeah. I guess Natasha made a name for herself. She's a smart cookie but a cute one. Shawn's one lucky guy." said Kane. "Kane. I hope you know that you're talking about my mom you do know that right." said Zane. "Just get in there lover boy." said Sivarth. Zane sighed as he knocked on the door. He heard footsteps as he said,"I guess no one's home. I better check later..".

He was soon tackled by two people as Zane heard,"Dad! You're back!". Zane soon looked up to see Atem and Wolfram. Wolfram was currently on his chest as Atem stood nearby. Atem looked to be older being that he had a muscular body ,fitting his size, and it stuck out for his age. His black hair slightly covered his brown eyes and his smile could still melt ice. He's now wearing a long sleeved beige shirt, gray pants, and white tennis shoes.

Wolfram outgrown his puppy stage in terms of physical maturity but mentally, he's still a puppy and that's due to him dying as one. He now looked to be a golden retriever/Siberian husky/Shiba Inu/wolf looking both cute and fierce at the same time. Two years ago, Zane could easily have him resting on his head or in his jacket pocket. Wolfram is now 20 inches or one foot and eight inches. He's also slightly overweight ,with muscle not fat, and has a large round brown nose.

His body is still covered in snowy white fur ,with regions of silver fur around his neck, snout, and the ends of his limbs and tail, He also two large, floppy ears being a black color. He has neon green eyes looking at him. He's now wearing gold anklets around his pink-colored paws. His necklace change in the past two years. Instead of the old "CI" dog tag, his dog tag is now a white skull and bones known as a jolly roger charm with the letter "Z" there being a molten gold color.

It makes it pretty obvious on who he belongs to. I'll give you a hint. His name starts with Z and is the main character of the show. Zane started to laughed as he said,"I guess you two haven't changed at all in the past four years!". Wolfram soon began licking Zane's face as Atem said with a serious pout,"I've totally changed dad!". Wolfram barked as Zane chuckled. "Same old Wolfram. I'm just happy you've haven't changed Wolfram." said Zane with Wolfram's tail wagging rapidly.

Zane soon look very serious as he said,"I'm joking son because I can tell that your training didn't go to waste at all. You have to show me how much you've learned because well, I want to see it son. So is grandma, your great grandfather, your aunt or uncles, or Kania home?". Wolfram barked as Zane said,"You've gotten bigger and I bet you're an expert guard dog.". Zane soon scratched behind the dog's ears as Wolfram wagged his tail rapidly.

Atem said,"Yep! Me and Wolfram were playing that game you and I play! It's really good! Uncle Danny can still beat me but I can beat Uncle Ray.". "Can I join you guys? I'm impressed with your growth. Ray may not be a gamer but he's pretty decent. Danny and I are tied in skill." said Zane. Sly coughed loudly as Zane said,"Oh right, this is Sly Atem and Wolfram.". "Nice to meet you." said Atem with Wolfram barking. The four soon went inside as Zane return home.

Next time,
How will Zane's eventually date with Rain go?! Will he meet some old friends or new enemies? And will Legion Zero return? This and more next time on Zero! 

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