A/N: Yeah. I'm real sorry for a lack of updates for the past four months and this was probably a result of me going overboard with this episode alongside everything that has been going on in the Earth for the past four months. Even thought I don't keep up with politics since it's depressing and shows the worst of humanity most of the time, I know about what was going on with the C Virus. I would mention a certain movement going on involving race but I rather not say anything on that for now.
In life, talking about race ,like politics, leads to trouble most of the time. My writing as I go method tends to have its issues and this is one of them. If I'm really excited about writing something, it takes a good amount of time. I would personally recommend coming up with a base plan and then write. Don't do what I do. You can fix up issues here and there but you should have a basic outline. That's how the MCU works ,I think, and look at its success against other movie companies.
This author note will be about a really stupid yet interesting controversy from early this year so lets ignore what's going on. Before we do anything, lets look at a maybe possible future for Mario Kart. I do think this is a possibility but I'm not against having a Doctor Mario, Old Man Mario, or maybe Green Mario skin. I really hate how in that future, Luigi has been called Green Mario and now an unlockable character like he is in four out of the five Smash Bros games so far.
I'm counted the 3DS entry as one by the five. With that out of the way, is this controversy about the latest DLC fighter for Ultimate? Nope. I don't mind another Fire Emblem rep since we had five new characters in the last pack. I count Piranha Plant as apart of it since he's a DLC fighter at least to me. We have another fighter pack of characters so I'm not mad at all. This controversy is about My Hero Academia and the Nazi Party? What?! Is this a Buzzfeed article? Nope.
This is just a weird thing to give an Mangaka crap for. The creator of My Hero Academia has his fair share of controversy prior to this. I bring up the redemption of Endeavor with him being one of the worst ,not the worst but one of the worst, parents in Anime/Manga or how Momo is drawn with an adult woman's body despite being 15. I totally get the Endeavor one but like I mentioned before on this blog, I rather have a character who is willing to change rather than not change at all.
However, this character should not forget the many mistakes they made. The whole Momo thing thing is weird but at the exact same time, most characters in fiction are drawn with clearly impossible body proportions. Just like at anything from Part 1-3 of Jojo for an example of this. So at the end of the day, it doesn't bother me since it's a fictional universe. This latest controversy is very dumb but interesting at the exact same time.
I would talk about this in Fairy Legion but honestly, I just wanted to talk about it. So for some info or great detail on this controversy, check out these articles at the end of the post. This controversy began with the My Hero Character who reminds me of Dr. Eggman except without the stash. His name was Shiga Maruta but this was later changed Kyudai Garaki. Now why is this such a big deal you may be asking.
The name Maruta is a reference to the infamous Unit 731 from World War 2. I'm not a big history buff so I didn't know why people were so upset about this at first. After doing some research on the subject, I can see where they're coming from. However bombarding Horikoshi with utter hatred and demanded that the name being changed for HIS manga is absurd and something that a fan shouldn't do. At the end of the day, a name is just a word.
You shouldn't judge a person just because they happen to share a name with a fictional character. I speak from personal experience since I share the same name as Patrick Star. I really didn't like how I shared the same name as the dumb pink starfish when I was growing up. However over time, I didn't let those jokes get to me. For people who had a loved one suffered because of Unit 731, I understand your pain but those who don't have that connection. You really don't have a say in the matter.
It's good to listen to your emotions but use your head and think before making a decision. The new name also brought in controversy as well being that Horikoshi can't get a break by people who are letting a name ruining a good story for them. There are fans tearing up chapters, throwing away volumes of the manga, and berating the man about this. These people aren't fans but spoiled children who if they don't like something, they complain.
Don't get me wrong. I'm well aware that I do the exact same thing but I'm not going to destroy anything that I spent my money on just because I disagree with what the author is doing with their story. That's just stupid and totally disrespectful toward the author. If there is one thing I know about the manga industry, it's the long hours and very tight deadlines to produce new chapters. I don't think mangas and their creators that come out monthly have to deal with these strict deadlines but I could be wrong.
If this controversy somehow kills My Hero Academia, I'll be upset with the people who are letting a name get them so riled up. Oh and don't get me started on the whole My Fascism Academy thing. Just because Bakugo shares the same birthday as Hitler doesn't make it an issue in my opinion. Is a normal John Doe a fascist just because he shares the same birthday as a dictator? No. This is why I called this controversy dumb but at the same time interesting.
Said controversy will bring up a discussion and hopefully, you form your own opinion about it rather than just joining up with one side without reading the facts. Lets switch gears here to something more positive. Like I said before, I'm not an expert on World War 2 and would suggest you doing some research on it. It's a very important point of history. This episode will have Rachel and Zane on an all day date. Now what is an all day date you may be asking?
An all day is a date that last from 12 AM to 11:59 PM or to use military time, 00:00 to 23:59. The name makes it obvious once you get that little detail. This and the next episode will have the relationship of Rachel and Zane explored in great and lengthy detail. It ,in my opinion, is the best relationship I've done. If you've seen the others relationships I've done for Zero, I really hope you would agree and if you don't, that's great. It's always good to have a different opinion.
We're going to learn and see how Zane proposed to Rachel in the first place and not just hear about it so that's good. I planned this from Episode 128 and was going to show how in Zero Episode 132.5 but my main focus on how the Massacre happen. I'm a big fan of characters who suffer from a personal tragedy and can move past it to become a better person than they were before the tragedy. This and the next episode will be mainly done in two different time periods.
The first time period is the current present day of Zero or in the year 2024 and the second time period is six weeks after the Massacre. You read the last one right. I'm not joking. We're going to see how Zane was after losing Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra. The time period in the present are going to show how Rachel and Zane are as a couple. It'll be very titillating. I use the word titillating for two reasons.
It's honestly better than me using the same words over and over. The second reason is to embrace my inner middle schooler since it has the word tit in it. I know it's a flimsy excuse but it's the honest truth. It won't be as bad as say Zero Episode 132.5 and part of Zero Episode 144 but it's to show how Rachel and Zane are a couple. It could be seen as smut and well, I'm not going to deny that it is. They're in love with each other and aren't afraid of showing it in a more risqué manner.
There will also be a lot of female fanservice so you're a fan of that, you'll probably like that more than the story it's attached too. If that sounds like a series you know, that statement can applies to a lot of series and I meant a lot of them. I'm going to do my best to show how Rachel and Zane act as a couple. Not just the fanservice. You may wonder why I do this stuff like this. From the start, my stories were always written to be for teens and up because that's the type of stories I like to read personally.
I like stories that have some graphic violence, swearing, and a whole bunch of fanservice. I'm not going to put a mature warning for my entire blog mainly due to the obvious fact I tend to write characters who swear like a sailor or maybe some characters ,mainly females and some times men but mainly the ladies, have clearly unrealistic proportions. I grew up reading comics and stories where that was the case for a long time. It's gotten a lot better over the years.
This may have taken a while but we're finally moving toward having costumes for the ladies that don't reveal your butt and cleavage but nothing too vulgar. The costumes now are lot better than the ones in the 2000s and it's a very good thing that they've evolved over time. It may have took Wonder Woman until the movie to get rid of the swimsuit outfit she has been wearing. I vastly prefer the warrior look for her since she was raised on an island of them. It only makes sense.
Male's costumes ,on the other hand, have stay basically the same for some reason. Just look at Spider-Man. I mean I get female costume but why don't the guys costume changed to something other than tight fitting spandex? It is something that I noticed pver time. Just look at any superhero costume and you'll see what I mean by this. Also. I don't own Fairy Legion or Fairy Tail whatsoever. Probaly mentioend this before but I just wanted to make sure.
That's why I'm not getting paid to write these stories and why I don't put ads on my blog. Thought they would mostly like be ignored or blocked by ad blockers like most websites's ads but still. My point is that I won't make you pay for anything. I do these stories for fun and no one can stop me from doing that. I'm not going to do what I did for 132.5 and put up several warnings throughout the chapter. All of that was for a test and well, it worked for something I have in mind. You'll see how in due time.
Zero Episode 156 was supposed to come out in February as you can see from what I've been talking about but certain things aka a whole lot of editing and planning to rewriting Fairy Legion took up a lot of my time. There was also my recent playthrough of Persona 5 Royal ,with this masterpiece of a game taking about a week+ to complete, and I'll be talking about this game in the very near future. This post is going to be a long one so lets begin the all day date.
Narrator P.O.V.
It was the wee hours of the night within Cypress Park being close to ten at night. The sun had pretty left the city with the cool night air covering the city. Most of the city was asleep being that a few were out this late. This mainly consisted of the party animals. They were currently drinking the night away and were going to suffer from a pretty nasty hungover in the morning for sure. However, there is always someone willing to commit deplorable actions.
In a nearby car, a trio of thugs was planning to commit a crime. "So is the coast clear?" said a man's voice. "Like I told you three times already, it's clear Justin. So what's the plan again?" said a second male's voice with a yawn coming out afterwards. "For crying out lord you morons, Michael! We're going to be stealing an armored car that's filled with money so we get into the Secret Oasis tomorrow night! We need some serious cash remember?!" said a third voice.
One of the thugs aka Justin said,"Yeah Michael. Let me guess. You were sleeping before you got the call from the boss weren't you?". "I was man. Spend all day and yesterday watching that marathon that I was telling you about. It was really good. Honestly Albert, I really don't care about getting in the club that's run by that guy. He's really scary and hates guys like us.". "Shut up you freaking idiots! Quit acting like you're girls at the salon and get ready! We have one real shot to become badass." said Albert.
Albert put a black ski mask over his head to hide his identity and held a pistol. "Yeah. The police may suck against metahumans but on normal human like us, they're pretty touch." said Justin as he followed his leader's action except he had a shotgun. Michael put on a skeleton mask over his face and smacked a metal bat into his palm. "So you do know that guys like us use ski masks rather than Halloween masks right?" said Justin.
Michael shrugged as he said,"I'm sorry but this heist was unplanned. I still have to wash my ski masks since unlike you guys, I care about how I smell.". "You're acting like women. Shut up and go home because I want to get my revenge on that brat." said Albert. "I thought you hated when we bring up how you got your butt kicked by him and I'm pretty sure that he wasn't trying. It was good times being a part of Hellion Company." said Michael.
Albert turned toward Michael with him saying,"Shut up right now you fruit.". "Um boss. We're wasting time talking instead of action and don't be a prick." said Justin. "Right. Once we're done here, we'll be sitting in the club with beers in our hands and some sexy bitches by our side." said Albert. The duo of Justin and Michael looked at him. "Okay. I'll be doing this. You two losers can do whatever you want when we're there." said Albert.
The trio displayed their weapons as they peaked out from their rented jeep. Their eyes looked to the left and right across the silent street. They waited patiently as Justin looked right at the clock that sat above the bank. It was exactly five minutes from ten. They knew how fast the city's protector went into action if there was a crime commit so every second count. "Move. Take care of anyone who sees us since we can't have anyone talking about us." whispered Albert.
It may not seem like it but this wasn't the first time that they performed a heist. Justin and Michael left the jeep with them using their eyes to look out for anyone who could notice them. It was pretty late at night and most people were either asleep or drinking right now. Albert ran across the street and up toward a large, parked armored car. With one final look, Albert rammed his left elbow into the window of the armored car. The glass was easily shattered and there was a boisterous alarm.
Albert's hearing wasn't the best to begin with ever since he had an annoying girl ,aka Sadie from Zero Episode 132.5, screaming into it through a megaphone one time when he was in college. As a response to this, Albert punched her into a three week coma. He lost his college scholarship, twenty one month community service, and got sued for sexual harassment thanks to Sadie who had connections to high priced lawyers. All of them didn't matter to him since she made him deaf and it was only fair.
It wasn't really but well, Albert thinks differently. He reached into the car and unlocked the door with ease. "Get over here right now you two before he shows up!" said Albert. The man jerked the door open and climbed into the driver's seat. The door was slammed shut behind him as he began to hot wire the vehicle. Justin got into the passenger's seat as Michael took the back area. The man rolled down one of the windows as Albert handed his pistol off to him.
The leader stepped down on the gas pedal with the car roaring with life. The tires howled to life with it shooting down the road and ran right over a mailbox before driving away. Justin clenched the safety bar for dear life and turned away to Albert. "What the fuck man?! Did you learn to drive blindfolded or what?!" said Justin. "Who cares man?! We got away easy! Once we drop this off, we got us tickets to the best damn club on the planet!" said Michael.
After puking a bit, Justin looked at him. "I thought you didn't care." said Justin. "This is going to be the best damn way to spend Spring Break!" laughed Albert. "Now come on JAM. You three know that the best place for you guys to spend Spring Break is in prison. You and I both know this don't you?" said a extremely high-pitched and staticky voice. "Please tell me that was you Michael." said a slightly scared Albert, turning to the man in the back.
Michael clenched his fists as he said,"Nope. Why would I call us JAM? Only one person does that and you know what that means.". "And here I thought that you were the dumb one Mikey but I guess that I was wrong. You earned the title of idiot Al!" laughed the mysterious voice. "Okay. Time to fill you with holes you annoying bastard!" yelled Albert. "Oh Al. I love how you actually think that you can stop this since I got somewhere to be." said the voice, continuing its laughter.
The hood of the armored truck exploded as golden electricity came from it. Albert growled as the car stopped moved and thanks to two of them wearing seatbelts, they weren't jerked forward and onto the street. Michael ,who was in the back and not wearing a seatbelt, wasn't so lucky as he was sent flying into a pile of money. Moral of the story is that you should always wear a seatbelt just in case something like this happens. Car accidents can happen to everyone.
Despite being pain, he enjoyed being buried in money. The trio groaned as they turned to the front of the car and Zane appeared with him being Electron Form. "Shit! It's Zero!" screamed Justin. "Fuck this shit! I'm not going to get my ass kicked by him again! It still hurts after the last time he kicked it." cried Michael. He kicked open the back, jumping out. The other two thugs followed shortly after and they ran off in three different directions.
Zane looked at this with him saying,"Oh no. They seem to have split off. Whatever am I to? Oh I know.". He made two clones of himself with him saying,"Lets play our favorite game! Fetch the bad guys!". The two clones nodded as they went after Justin and Michael. Zane went after Albert who aimed his two pistols at the approaching Zane. "Stay back you annoying brat or you're going to be filled with holes! Your bitch won't be able to recognize you after I'm done with you!" said Albert.
The man began firing his gun at Zane who dodged the bullets easy. "Dude. This is pathetic even for you." said Zane. Zane flew up into the air and turned into Hulking Form. Zane clenched his fists with him preparing to slam his fists into Albert. The thug began to fire his weapons at the hero but the bullets did nothing to stop Zane's decent. Albert was hit by the attack and was sent flying right into the side of the trash can.
He was out cold with Zane looking right at him. "You would have gotten a lighter beating if you didn't call her a bitch. You can make fun of me or do whatever you want but making fun of someone I deeply care about earns you nothing more than a beating." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Albert didn't respond to this with Zane sighing. "I wonder how those two are doing. Lets go see." said Zane, flying away but not after encasing Albert in crystals for the police.
With the duo of Justin and Michael, the two were being shocked repeatedly by the Electron duo. "This is so much fun right Ohm?" said the right Electron. "Oh totally Volt mainly when the one with the gun tries to shoot us." said the left Electron or Ohm. His face was blasted off by Justin's shotgun who smiled at this. "Ha! Take that you living battery!" said Justin. "You do know that he can regenerate right?" said Michael. Justin watched in fear as Ohm's face was restored back to normal.
Ohm laughed as he said,"That was really funny! Especially your face! It's our turn now ready Volt?!". Volt nodded as the two fused back together and changed into Hunter Form. The hunter glared at the two with him taunting them. "Get him! I'll cover you!" said Justin. Michael charged toward him with his bat and Justin fired his shotgun. You may wonder how that would work since shotguns are wide range compared to a pistol's short range.
Lets just say that Justin fired it at just the right time to barely avoid Michael. The bullets did nothing to the hunter's skin and they harmlessly fell onto the ground. "Is that the best you got? Boss eats this for breakfast." said Ohm Volt. This being is a Zone by the way since it's the combination of both Ohm and Volt. Michael tried to hit him with his bat but instead of dodging, Ohm Volt let out a sonic whistle. This action confused the two thugs. The metal bat that Michael was holding suddenly swung into Michael.
This hit launched Michael into a park car. "What hit me?" said Michael with him groaning in pain. As he got up, he felt something grabbed him and he was on the ground unable to move. Ohm Volt stood over him as he said,"Astral Clamp. It's a real bitch but you're out of the way of being running over so be grateful.". Ohm Volt turned to see Justin running for the jeep with him sighing. "It seems that they never learn but the hunt continues!" said Ohm Volt.
Justin looked back to see Ohm Volt and Zane ,as Hunter Form and Hulking Form respectively, right behind him with him saying,"Oh god! I just want this night to be over!". "It will be because you're going to give up." said a voice. Justin couldn't move whatsoever as something came out of his shadow. It was Stealth Form and began to wrap Justin within in his shadow. "And with that, the capture is now complete." said Stealth. He turned to see Zane and his fellow clone standing there.
Stealth smiled as he said,"Sorry about that. I finished up with Everett and Jerald on the other side of town. So why was JAM doing this?". "Probably for the same reason why every criminal has been acting up lately. To be able to visit Secret Oasis. It's a club. We need to an invite to it." said Ohm Volt. "But that will have to wait. We got to meet the mom." said Zane, pointing to a nearby clock that rang 10. Ohm Volt and Stealth nodded as they fused back into Zane and he flew off.
Upon reaching the air, his suit's internal phone began ringing. It was a text message and it was from Rachel. "Okay. I need to get this patrol over with so we can get ready for....." said Zane. Before Zane could finish his sentence, his hyper hearing began picking up on a crime currently in progress. "The Omniverse just loves messing with me doesn't it?!" said Zane, tuning into the radio frequency that the police radio were using.
The crime involved General Mayhem aka Hayden Behan returning back to Cypress Park and working as a getaway driver for a jewelry heist. Zane sighed as he knew that he could let the police handing this but even though Hayden was a C-list super villain, his inner hero couldn't ignore it. He just hoped that Rachel would understand and began flying toward where the police were chasing down Hayden. The police were currently going after a strange looking vehicle.
It looked to be a rocket-powered gold station wagon with a lightning bolt shaped lining and looked to be twice its size. Normally, the station wagon would lose to a police cruiser in a race but this souped up wagon was leaving the police in their dust. Inside of their van, there was a small gang of men all wearing ski mask. They had automatic weapons and duffle bags that were filled to the brim with jewels between them.
The driver was Hayden and was wearing a black racing suit that had an atomic bomb logo on it. He still wore his arm and leg braces ,that are shaped like revolver cylinders, and silver boots. Behind them, two police cars were giving chase. In one car, a young cop ,straight out of the academy, had a death grip on the dashboard. As they were driving through going through the streets, he turned toward his partner for the evening Scott Castro.
Most of the academy looked up to him being that he still continued to serve even after losing both his wife and daughter. "How the hell is a freaking station wagon beating us! I really don't get it!" said the rookie. "Kid. There is something you need to know about Cypress Park that should be taught in the academy. Always expect the unexpected when it comes to the criminals. The guy we're chasing after can reverse-engineering technology." said Scott. "Then how do we stop him Captain?!" said the cop.
The old cop took a sharp turn around the corner, following Hayden and the young cop saw a figure swoop in from above and land on the roof of the station wagon. "And you have your answer." said Scott, smiling. "Seriously?! We rely on Zero to handle all of our problems!" said the cop. "God you're green. Legion Zero can't ignore a crime in progress or about to be even though he should be enjoy his youth while he has it. He's still blaming himself that fool." said Scott.
With a head tilt, the young cop looked at his superior and he said,"What did you say sir?". Scott didn't answer him. Inside of the wagon, the group of men looked to the roof when they heard a thud. "What was that you guys?" said a man. "I'll go check. Probably just some pigeon stool. This city has a infestation of them this time of year" said a second man. The man open his window down. Upon doing this, two tendrils came it and grabbed the man.
Hayden looked out his rearview mirror with him seeing the goon hanging from a street lamp strapped in candy syrup. "Oh. It's him." said Hayden, cracking a smile. "Who?!" said the other men. Before Hayden could answer them, the group heard,"Oh wow Hayden. Someone seems confident today. I mean you haven't never won against me before so what makes today special?". They turned to see Zane floating beside the wagon thanks to his Legion Board.
One of the men held up a tommy gun and fired rounds at him. All of his bullets bounced off Zane with them landing on the street, dented. "Ignoring that pathetic display. So why are you back here Hayden? I thought me taking down your overgrown robot twice would have kept you away." said Zane. "Zero. Do you honestly think I would let you or that hack of a host get away with destroying one of my babies just like that?" said Hayden, smiling. "I can dream can't I?" said Zane.
Before the two could continue the typical hero and villain back and forth, the leader of the group ,who was sitting shotgun, glared at Zane. "Mayhem! Get rid of the hero and I'll triple your price." said the leader. "Oh wow. Triple your price? You must be confident. Do you honestly think that you can escape from me?" said Zane, whistling. "You're confident now but this wagon can reach speeds that will leave you in my dust!" said Hayden.
The man began smash into other cars with Zane staying right behind the wagon. If anyone just so happened to be in those cars before Hayden smashed into them, they were taken out of there thanks to a tendril coming from Zane's back. These tendrils also grabbed anyone who was going to get hit by one of the cars. Zane jumped off his board and landed on the roof of the wagon. He got into a surfer like pose with him saying,"Okay. Time to stop this before I get sent......".
Crisis Judgement went off as a giant rocket engine appeared in front of him. "Oh gods damn it." said Zane. The rocket engine blasted Zane off the car with the hero getting sent back toward the cop car that was following them from behind. He landed upon the windshield with his suit absorbing the minor shock. "Yep. I'm getting tired if one of Hayden's improvements caught me off guard." mumbled Zane as he saw an old face inside of the car. "Hey Scott. Good to see you." said Zane.
Scott looked at Zane with him saying,"Hey Zero.". After they stop this joy ride, he was going to talk with Zane no matter what. He has been trying to talk with Zane about the Massacre for the past three years but well, Zane has been phantoming him. "Zero! I'm a big fan! Ever since you saved me and my fellow recruits from that poser of a rock star." said the younger cop. "Huh and here, I thought you hate him. Whatever." said Scott.
Zane blinked with him saying,"That is right. I remember you. So is this your first day in Cypress Park huh. Hope you're enjoying it. Take him to that donut place after this Scott. You know the one.". "I was going to but maybe you could join us so we can...." said Scott. "And there's my ride officers! See you around!" said Zane, turning his legs into Spring Form's legs and jumped ahead of the wagon by a good couple of feet. Upon landing, Zane smiled due to him coming up with an idea.
He turned into a new form but in all actually, this form is just Boulder Form but has changed drastically thanks to the Zenith Core. This one however took longer unlike the other forms who got an upgrade. It came four years after the Zenith Core was given to Zane and shortly after his first encounter with Parker's former assistant/student Vuldall later Velda. This delay was mainly due to Parker struggling to come up with any new ideas for Boulder Form.
Parker eventually came up with an idea for this form which is more in turn with nature. This form's change is similar to the trio of Brick Form, Fairy Form, and Fulmination Form. That trio were once gold framed cards but now, they're forms like the others. It also gets a new name in the form of Nature Form. Like Beast Form, this form shrinks in size but not in power. He is now six feet tall with him having a unique looking head. It's similar to a wooden tiki mask and it's a circular shape.
It's primary color is maroon red with forest green markings over his face that resemble a ferocious crocodile/glyph, giving him a unique face tattoo but greatly limits his career options. He does have hair but it comes in the form of molten gold ,with platinum streaks, color energy that mimic it. It also resembles a tree. There are two lightning bolts protrusions on either side of his face ,around the middle of it, and they seem to resemble ears.
He has four cobalt blue eyes with them being a triangular yet round shape. All four eyes are encompassed by black rings. He has two rectangular eyebrows over his eyes. He lacks pupils in his eyes and doesn't have a nose. He has a square jaw with his jagged mouth ,which is a silver color, having markings that resembles fangs and he has pure white teeth. Over his eyes and in the center of his forehead, there is a golden crown symbol there.
Coming out of the top of his head, he has five diamond shaped crystals. From left to right, the colors of the crystals are blue, green, red, white, and yellow. His body is primarily a forest green color except for his chest/stomach region. That part of his body is a silver color with a black border and there are eight slits over where his ribs would be. He now has four arms with one set of arms come from his shoulders like normal and the second set of arms being right under the first set of arms.
They however float beside his body rather than being connected to it. All four of his arms have a hole in them with the arms not connected to his body having silver bands on the ends of them. Each hand has five claws and the palms of his hands are in the shape of a star. The soles of his feet are in the same shape with him having five claws for toes. He no longer has holes in his feet though with his legs looking thicker than they did previously.
For clothing, he wears a skin tight sleeveless shirt that exposes his arms. It's predominantly a platinum color with it having a vest-shaped design over his torso. His shirt exposes the slits where his ribs would be. The vest-shaped design is a maroon red color with black lines tracing the edges and collar of his shoes. He wears black pants. Over his knees and tail, he has silver armor plating. He has silver shoulders pads. He doesn't wear shoes.
His eyes and the crystals begin to glow whenever this form begins to store up energy. He loses the giant steel horn in the center of his forehead. His orange tail is thinner than before but doesn't look to have lost any of its strength. It does look less like a hammer but more like a fan-like. His card is different as well. It still had a black frame with a large tree in the center of the card. This tree has a ring of air, earth, fire, magma, and water around it.
Zane looked at himself with him saying,"So this is the new Boulder Form. I like it a lot. Maybe I'll test you out later but now, lets stick with a classic move.". He made several massive stone pillars appear in front of the wagon with just a single stomp. Upon seeing the rocks, Hayden began laughing and increased the speed. "Do you seriously thinking this is funny man?! We need this money to enter the Secret Oasis!" said the gang's leader.
Hayden looked at him with him saying,"If you got yourself a normal driver, this would be the end of the line but I'm not an ordinary driver.". He then pressed down on the horn with the front of the wagon turning into a massive drill appear and it began rotating faster. The drill bore its way right through the rocks in front of it and the gang leader cheered. "It seems that you and your boys are going to the Secret Oasis after all huh. I guess good things comes to those who pay the right price." said Hayden.
The leader cheered louder as he said,"Yes! We're going to win!". "Hey. Here's some words of advice from your favorite menace to your criminal activites. You really shouldn't count your eggs before they hatch by the way." said a unknown voice. One of the goons in the back turned to see the crushed rock pillars behind them glow black with traces of red and began to transform. They all turned into giant hands and grabbed onto the wagon.
In an attempt to escape, the tires screech against the ground as Hayden tried to escape from the hands that were holding down his ride. "Come on man! Use something like that drill to escape those damn hands! I'm not into hands!" said a goon. "How about you shut up?!" said Hayden. The wagon somehow broke free of the rocky hands, continuing down on its path. The rock hands vanished shortly after losing the wagon.
However before the criminals could do anything, the pavement began to glow black ,with traces of red, just like the rocks earlier. The wagon was launched into the air due to the pavement transforming into a springboard. Before Hayden could do anything, the wagon was held in mid air by two pavement hands now. Both the leader and Hayden were sent flying through the front windshield. The other criminals were trapped inside.
Before the guy made an impact with the dirt, he was held in the air by a familiar tendril and the man looked up to see Zane ,in Alchemy Form, standing there with his arms crossed. "So why did you go flying huh? Oh I know. Is it because you weren't wearing a seatbelt or maybe Hayden did something to spite you? Either one works really." said Zane. As this was going on, Hayden is crawling through the broken windshield and was going to escape. He wasn't going back to jail.
Upon landing on the ground, he was surrounded by ten cop cars with all twenty cops spilling out of them and pointing their guns right at him. "Put your hands up right now Mayhem or else!" said one of them. "And what if I don't?" said Hayden, smirking as he had a trick or two up his sleeve. Before he could perform said trick, he heard a familiar voice,"Come on Hayden. If you do that, you'll be embarrassed by little old me again.".
The villain looked to see the blacktop around him turning into a liquid and attack him. The man was captured in a pavement themed chains and Zane smiled. He deactivated Alchemy Form and flew off just as Scott arrived, missing Zane by mere moments. While flying, Zane was hoping that this would be the last crime for the night. However, he picked up on another crime and Zane said to himself,"Even when I want it too, crime never sleeps.".
Nearby, the door from a bank exploded open. From inside, two figures came out and one of them is a familiar face. This familiar figure is Lidox. He was the head lackie of Basalt but this was four years later. He has moved onto bigger and lets hope better things. For a quick reminder, lets be reminded of his physical appearance. Lidox is a very thin yet muscular skeletal humanoid alien. He's about six feet tall.
He has pure gray skin with strange dark violet markings on his face. These markings are like a zebra's stripes. He has red eyes ,with purple eyelids, and pointed ,sharp to the touch, purple hair. He has a handlebar mustache that was just screaming that he's the bad guy. Sticking out of his forehead, there is a giant antenna that's glowing red. He had changed up his outfit in four years with him wearing a classic and distinguished black suit. He's wearing a gold and silver tie.
The alien is still wearing his brown pointed dress shoes and elaborate white gauntlet like gloves with red and silver switches on them. It's releasing violet colored flames and looked to be constant. The alien is currently holding a bizarre, gleaming golden orb in his left hand. This sphere looked to be the size of a basketball. The second figure is an an alien like Lidox. He's a heavy, strong demonic looking alien with a solid mixture of fat and muscle in his body.
This kimono covered his body a great detail so there will be no nip slips coming from him. It's also wrapped tight with a silver belt and has a flat bull skull belt buckle. His kimono did show off his heavily muscular arms. He's wearing brown geta sandals. His four hands are covered by bandages. Here's a minor spoiler alert. This alien isn't the leader type but the muscle type. "I know that your species isn't the graceful type but do try to be careful with explosives Tulbur." said Lidox.
He was holding the orb like it was his child. "We really shouldn't get this damaged too much because this is our ticket to the big league." said Lidox. "Gotcha." said Tulbur. Before the two aliens could get too far, they were blocked by a wall of light. "You two are real stupid. I mean you decide to rob a bank in my city. That was your first mistake." said a voice. Lidox saw the wall in front of them reform into Zane. The superhero was currently in Detective Form.
Lidox smiled as he said,"Ah Zero. It's so good to see you again.". "You worked as Basalt's lackie right? How is he doing? I think he died but I've heard rumors about him being alive." said Zane as he crossed his arms and smirked. "That's none of your business boy. We don't have time to deal with a hero. Zero meet Tulbur. You've meet his sister before." said Lidox. "I have?" said Zane, trying to figure out who Tulbur's sister was. "How about you help remind him Tulbur?" said Lidox.
Tulbur nodded as he charged toward Zane. With the way he ran, he was moving like he was a sumo wrestler. It was made apparent due to his knees being flexed and has a hunchback. The alien had a noticeable silver glow. "Oh. I remember who your sister is now!" said Zane, slamming his left fist into his right palm. Zane turned into light just as Tulbur tried to hit him with his palms. The alien slowly turned around to see Zane reform with the light being smiling.
Within seconds, ten pillars of light began forming around Tulbur. The pillars were fired at him with Tulbur slamming his four fists together as the pillars hit hit him. The light pushed the alien back a bit with Zane saying,"Okay. You're much different from her. She would have punched the light. I mean blocking the pillars was cool too but punching them back is another story.". "Cicatrix is an attacker while I'm a defender. Now fight me hero!" said Tulbur. "Okay if you insists." said Zane.
Zane turned into Nitro Form with him throwing several explosions at Tulbur. The alien's view of the hero was pretty much impossible with the alien closing his eyes. His lower half of his body and lower set of arms were covered in wax as the alien heard,"Time for an old classic spell. Hellfire Emperor Flame Tornado!". Zane came in from above with the hero spinning like a top. He was going to assault Tulbur with a barrage of punches and kicks but something happened.
The hero's feet and hands were grabbed by Tulbur. "Okay. I honestly didn't expect you to do that but please be gentle with little old me." said Zane. Tulbur smiled as he tossed Zane with a great deal of force. Zane went flying through several metal poles on the street, cars, and into a wall. Zane got back up with him seeing that both Liadox and Tulbur were gone. "Son of a. He and Cicatrix are siblings since well, they both hit like a truck." said Zane.
Despite letting Liadox and Tulbur escape, today was pretty good for the hero. He had stopped over twenty robberies with eighty percent of them involving the criminals doing it in order to get into the new club Secret Oasis that's somewhere in Cypress Park, ten muggings, and brightened up the days of several kids all in a single day. As he was heading home, he was hoping that Rachel wasn't worried too much about today. Today was the day that Zane was going to meet Rachel's mother.
This meeting was a big deal for Rachel since it would be their first meeting after several years of not seeing each other and the day that Zane gets inducted into the Akostar Clan. Rachel was going to be the next leader of the group since Ignacio picked her over her sisters. The duo of Astrid and Chloe weren't happy about this but one look from Gayle shut them up. Zane would have taken over the clan but thatt wasn't going to happen due to Zane being the ruler over Terrarune and him refusing the offer.
Whenever a being marries into the Akostar clan, this meeting happens. According to Gayle, this event usually involved drinking so Zane was very excited. He grew to love drinking even though he couldn't get hammered like most people. He was able to get drunk but it takes a large amount of alcohol to get him hammered so making a fool of himself tonight is impossible. He just needed to be himself. This advice came from Gayle and Zane trusted the Snow Queen more than her husband.
The superhero ,out of Nitro Form, eventually reached his tower and entered it easily. Zane got out of his costume and he was wearing a a new outfit. He's wearing a comfortable dark gray knit short sleeve sweater and black lounge pants. "Hey Rae. I'm back. Sorry I'm late but for some reason, every criminal really wants to get into this Secret Oasis place. For the love of the gods, please tell me that you aren't freaking about your family coming over....." said Zane as he looked over to his living room.
He has pure gray skin with strange dark violet markings on his face. These markings are like a zebra's stripes. He has red eyes ,with purple eyelids, and pointed ,sharp to the touch, purple hair. He has a handlebar mustache that was just screaming that he's the bad guy. Sticking out of his forehead, there is a giant antenna that's glowing red. He had changed up his outfit in four years with him wearing a classic and distinguished black suit. He's wearing a gold and silver tie.
The alien is still wearing his brown pointed dress shoes and elaborate white gauntlet like gloves with red and silver switches on them. It's releasing violet colored flames and looked to be constant. The alien is currently holding a bizarre, gleaming golden orb in his left hand. This sphere looked to be the size of a basketball. The second figure is an an alien like Lidox. He's a heavy, strong demonic looking alien with a solid mixture of fat and muscle in his body.
He looked to be fourteen feet tall with his height easily dwarfing Lidox. He has dark green skin with parts of it covered in silver metallic plating. He has four muscular arms and two small but still muscular legs. It looked like he skipped leg day. His legs are shaped like a pair of boots. Alien biology is pretty weird but to aliens, our biology is weird. He has round rosy cheeks with his mouth exposing his sharpen canine, a downward-pointed hooked nose, and thin glowing red eyes.
The alien has two organic looking horns coming out of his forehead. He had not a double chin but a triple chin. His triple chin was hidden by his beard but his chin stuck out like a sore thumb. He has long black hair with a topknot. It wasn't a man bun but a chonmage. Just had to make that fact clear by the way. He has a noticeable widow's peak. He's wearing a large, light blue kimono with a red and white triangle pattern. He wears dark blue pants with a red and white triangle pattern.
He was holding the orb like it was his child. "We really shouldn't get this damaged too much because this is our ticket to the big league." said Lidox. "Gotcha." said Tulbur. Before the two aliens could get too far, they were blocked by a wall of light. "You two are real stupid. I mean you decide to rob a bank in my city. That was your first mistake." said a voice. Lidox saw the wall in front of them reform into Zane. The superhero was currently in Detective Form.
Lidox smiled as he said,"Ah Zero. It's so good to see you again.". "You worked as Basalt's lackie right? How is he doing? I think he died but I've heard rumors about him being alive." said Zane as he crossed his arms and smirked. "That's none of your business boy. We don't have time to deal with a hero. Zero meet Tulbur. You've meet his sister before." said Lidox. "I have?" said Zane, trying to figure out who Tulbur's sister was. "How about you help remind him Tulbur?" said Lidox.
Tulbur nodded as he charged toward Zane. With the way he ran, he was moving like he was a sumo wrestler. It was made apparent due to his knees being flexed and has a hunchback. The alien had a noticeable silver glow. "Oh. I remember who your sister is now!" said Zane, slamming his left fist into his right palm. Zane turned into light just as Tulbur tried to hit him with his palms. The alien slowly turned around to see Zane reform with the light being smiling.
Within seconds, ten pillars of light began forming around Tulbur. The pillars were fired at him with Tulbur slamming his four fists together as the pillars hit hit him. The light pushed the alien back a bit with Zane saying,"Okay. You're much different from her. She would have punched the light. I mean blocking the pillars was cool too but punching them back is another story.". "Cicatrix is an attacker while I'm a defender. Now fight me hero!" said Tulbur. "Okay if you insists." said Zane.
Zane turned into Nitro Form with him throwing several explosions at Tulbur. The alien's view of the hero was pretty much impossible with the alien closing his eyes. His lower half of his body and lower set of arms were covered in wax as the alien heard,"Time for an old classic spell. Hellfire Emperor Flame Tornado!". Zane came in from above with the hero spinning like a top. He was going to assault Tulbur with a barrage of punches and kicks but something happened.
The hero's feet and hands were grabbed by Tulbur. "Okay. I honestly didn't expect you to do that but please be gentle with little old me." said Zane. Tulbur smiled as he tossed Zane with a great deal of force. Zane went flying through several metal poles on the street, cars, and into a wall. Zane got back up with him seeing that both Liadox and Tulbur were gone. "Son of a. He and Cicatrix are siblings since well, they both hit like a truck." said Zane.
Despite letting Liadox and Tulbur escape, today was pretty good for the hero. He had stopped over twenty robberies with eighty percent of them involving the criminals doing it in order to get into the new club Secret Oasis that's somewhere in Cypress Park, ten muggings, and brightened up the days of several kids all in a single day. As he was heading home, he was hoping that Rachel wasn't worried too much about today. Today was the day that Zane was going to meet Rachel's mother.
This meeting was a big deal for Rachel since it would be their first meeting after several years of not seeing each other and the day that Zane gets inducted into the Akostar Clan. Rachel was going to be the next leader of the group since Ignacio picked her over her sisters. The duo of Astrid and Chloe weren't happy about this but one look from Gayle shut them up. Zane would have taken over the clan but thatt wasn't going to happen due to Zane being the ruler over Terrarune and him refusing the offer.
Whenever a being marries into the Akostar clan, this meeting happens. According to Gayle, this event usually involved drinking so Zane was very excited. He grew to love drinking even though he couldn't get hammered like most people. He was able to get drunk but it takes a large amount of alcohol to get him hammered so making a fool of himself tonight is impossible. He just needed to be himself. This advice came from Gayle and Zane trusted the Snow Queen more than her husband.
The superhero ,out of Nitro Form, eventually reached his tower and entered it easily. Zane got out of his costume and he was wearing a a new outfit. He's wearing a comfortable dark gray knit short sleeve sweater and black lounge pants. "Hey Rae. I'm back. Sorry I'm late but for some reason, every criminal really wants to get into this Secret Oasis place. For the love of the gods, please tell me that you aren't freaking about your family coming over....." said Zane as he looked over to his living room.
Rachel ,who is wearing her lounge wear aka a white tank top and red ,being the exact same color as her hair, short shorts, was pacing back and forth in the living room. Her shorts were conformed to her bottom and didn't reveal anything either and her tanktop also made sure that none of her goods didn't fall out. This outfit may be seen as skimpy but covers everything that needs to be covered. If she was outside, she would be making a pretty impressive divot in the ground.
Zane sighed as he said,"And here I thought that you weren't going to be doing this. I can be oh so wrong sometimes.". Two of his arms emerged and stretched out of his back. Within seconds of being born, they grabbed onto her. She was still moving her legs while in the air. It was a impressive sight to see. The hero cupped his chin with him decided to pull a trick out of Rachel's book. He kissed her and this caused her to stop in place.
Rachel looked at see her fiancé and she blushed out of embarrassment for being seeing like that rather than him kissing her. "Zaney! How long have you been standing there?" said Rachel, being put down on the ground. The Cross Species had his second set of arms return back to his body with him crossing his main pair of arms. "I want to say for a long time but I've been home for about three minutes now. Sorry I'm late. I know that I promised you that I wouldn't be well, duty calls." said Zane.
The devil smirked as she said,"It's fine. I told Ignacio to arrive a bit later than what we planed given your inability to ignore someone in danger. Aren't I such a smartie?". "That you are. You really are my perfect match. So do you mind if I make something to eat real quick? Being a hero makes you very hungry." said Zane. "Go nuts Zaney." said Rachel. She began watching Zane who was was cooking some bacon, pancakes, and scrambled eggs as a snack.
Upon entering the kitchen, he was wearing a grayish blue apron ,with the Legion Zero logo on it and a flame like pattern to it, over his sweater and Rachel ,who sat in her typical spot aka a booth at the kitchen counter, was watching Zane cooking for her. She smiled upon seeing him cooking. The man noticed her staring at him as she was moving her head from side to side in her hands with a goofy smile on her face. "So while I may be used to people staring at me, why are you doing it?" said Zane.
Rachel flicked his nose playfully as she said,"Come on Zane. Don't act so stupid. You know exactly why I'm staring at you. You're my hero and working in the kitchen. You really do make a good chef.". "I guess so. I personally think I would be a great chef if I didn't get stuck with well, the destiny of saving people." said Zane. He began to teasingly tickle her chin with his pinky finger. "Don't get me wrong Rae. I love being a superhero despite its flaws but I always wanted to be a normal guy." said Zane.
The devil smiled as she said,"You and normal will never happen Zaney.". "Ain't that the truth. So to be serious for a sec, are you okay? I know that this day is super important for us as a couple but you're really overthinking this and this coming from me. The being who overthinks everything." said Zane as he poured himself a glass of orange juice. "Not really Zane. I don't want those two here but I really want to see my mom again. According to Ignacio, she was a real badass." said Rachel.
After drinking from his glass, Zane smiled as he said,"Just like my fiancée.". "Thanks for believing in little old me Zane but I'm just worried about those two judging me like they did for most of my life before you scared them and most of the devils into submission." said Rachel. "Don't worry. I'm sure that with your mom, Gayle, and me here, they'll be on their best behavior." said Zane. "How can you be so sure?" said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"I just do Rae. From what I know about your mom, she isn't the type to let her daughters fight over petty things. There is also the fact that your sisters aren't the same beings as they were for more of your life. Don't forget. They did send us those really nice chocolates for Valentine's Day this year.". "You do know that those "nice" chocolates were aphrodisiacs ight?" said Rachel in a dry tone.
The Cross Species shrugged as he said,"So? Neither of us cared since we have a very lovely night together. You don't need to worry about your sisters, Let me be the paranoid one in our relationship okay? You just be the confident seductress I fell for okay?". He began to kiss her jawline with light kisses before ending it off with a kiss to her forehead. "Okay then Zane. I will. Do you mind waiting for them? I need to get dressed for tonight." said Rachel.
The hero looked her over as he said,"I think you look perfectly fine. I mean they've seen you naked before and... Okay. I realized where I was going with that and going to stop right there. Have fun picking out an outfit honey.". "And people say that you don't think before you speak." said Rachel with a smile. "I don't but sometimes I do." said Zane. Rachel then smiled and began dragging Zane to their bedroom, closing the door behind them.
In the past four years, Zane's bedroom had changed from it was in Zero Episode 108. The bed was still the same size as it was four year ago. The blanket/comforter/sheets had changed to be a molten gold color with streaks. The streaks were forming an infinite symbol. It’s still made out of a silk/satin substance and feels amazing to the touch. The color of the streaks is based off the energy that Rachel uses and one of Zane's signature colors.
The bed still has a large array of pillows on it. A few of them were shaped like red hearts. There is usually a lot of toss and turning from the couple during the night and day. The walls didn’t change colors but did lose the posters. This was mainly due to Zane growing up. There is still a canopy over the bed. It has four bed posts on each corner which nearly hit the ceiling of his room. By flicking a switch up, a mirror ,about the size of the bed, comes out of a hidden compartment under the canopy.
You may wonder why there would be a mirror in the canopy but that question is often ignored due to the room’s other extravagant features such as the chandelier and fireplace. It has the nightstand on each side of the bed for the couple. Each nightstand had a lamp, alarm clock, and a variety of devices on chargers. The fancy looking chandelier is still in the room alongside the nice looking desk with the guitar and amp nearby it. There were some gears and notes on it.
It was mainly used by Zane for his personal use. There will still the five-piece U-Shape section sofa in front of my bed for some reason. The room was still the same size as it was before since that was perfect and didn’t need to be changed. There was now a red carpet covering the floor. It still had Wolfram's dog bed but the dog wasn’t here at the moment since he wanted to leave his master and special friend alone for their important event.
His dog bed had a comfortable cushion being really soft and plush alongside a comfy sheet. The cushion had Wolfram's name sewn right into it. If the Phantom dog was here, he would sleeps on the main bed with Rachel and Zane since he loves them equally. The reason why the dog has a bed is a mystery. The room has its very own balcony which looks over the city and in my honest opinion, it has a great view. To the right side of the bed, there was a huge flat-screen TV.
It was resting on a desk that currently had several video game consoles and mini kitchen to it. The mini kitchen had a decently sized refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, sink, oven, coffee maker, and blender. In front of the bed and couch alongside nearby the entrance, there was a fire burning in the black marble fireplace. The fire would extinguish itself if no one was in the room and the chance of burning down the house was practically zero.
The fire doesn’t turn on unless Rachel and Zane ,of the Prime Dimension, are inside of the room. To the left side of the bed, there are two tall and wide dressers with ten drawers overall. One drawer was for Rachel and the other one was for Zane. For Rachel, she had one of the biggest vanity ever. It fit with the rich person aesthetic that the room had rather well. There were rows of cosmetics, hair products, and tons of appliances just waiting to be used.
The walk-in closet had two giant folding doors keeping its million of different outfits inside of it. It was locked up right with a specialized lock that could open for only Rachel and Zane of the Prime Dimension. Not even alternative dimension counterparts could access it. The personal bathroom on the other hand got a serious upgrade since two people primarily lived here. The bathroom’s size was practically equal to the size of some apartments within the city of Cypress Park.
It looked impressive and fancy thanks to the floor and counter tops were done in marble. There were two sinks with a lot of counter space. One sink ,which belonged to Zane, had the basics for male and the other sink looked like a miniature salon. There were practically every type of hair product. There were two full-length mirrors and arranged to show off almost every angle of a person. The shower had a hot tub/miniature pool/sauna inside of it.
This pool could easily fit both Rachel and Zane with some extra leg room. This redesign was done by Zane with the help from Sivarth once again. "Zane. I have to ask you something." said Rachel. "What's up?" said Zane with him looking up from his phone and turning his head toward the closed bathroom door. "Let me guess Rae. Are you having some trouble putting on your clothes on? I can help you if you really want." said Zane with a smirk.
Zane heard his fiancée giggle as she said,"Nope. I'm having no trouble with that. Maybe some other time. Do you mind tell why is it that you build a larger than normal bathroom and a walking up closet in our room? I think I've seen you wear more than ten outfits a year and all of your clothes are created through your powers. I mean I like the space but still. It's a big excessive and I'm royalty.". "I thought it was super obvious." said Zane. "No. It isn't. That's why I'm asking." said Rachel.
The Cross Species sighed as he said,"At one point in time, I planned to be married to seven women at one point. I know that this stereotype isn't true with most females but you love to shop until you drop or more likely, Kevin drops. It never stops being funny. Since you girls all love to shop, I need to make a place where we would put all of the clothes that don't get used.". "Oh. I didn't realize how far ahead you plan for the future most of the time Zane. Sorry for reminding you about that." said Rachel.
Zane knew that Rachel was trying to prevent him from thinking about the Massacre. "It's fine. You don't need to keep yourself from talking about that day. I can handle it. Oh. Do you want me to shave Rae before the family comes in or keep it mainly to tease your brother about his inability to grow facial hair." said Zane, scratching his beard. "I'll answer your question after mine. How did your beard grow back so fast? Didn't you just shave off your beard the other week?" said Rachel.
The hero nodded as he said,"Yeah. I shaved mainly because there was no counterpart of me in that dimension from what I researched. It was nice being clean shaven for a while.". "Okay. So how did it grow back so fast? I mean Allen and Kevin have been trying to grow facial hair for years now and they can't compete with you on who has the best beard of Team Maelstrom. You shaved and within a few days, it's back to normal. Oh and keep it, I like teasing my brother about his baby face." said Rachel.
Zane chuckled as he said,"That's a solid reason not to shave in my books. To answer your totally valid question Rae, an Eazairvian is able to pick another race to mimic. Once we pick a species, we become the perfect specimen of that species. Since I'm usually a human male, this is always how I would look no matter what. If I picked an male ogre, I would be the perfect male ogre.". "Oh I see. So Zara would be the most beautiful human woman." said Rachel. "Yeah. Why did you bring her up Rae?" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Oh nothing. Just curious about my fiancé's biology. I'm ready so take a look at me and tell what you think of me. I got it just for tonight.". The Cross Species turned around to see his fiancée poising for him ,like a supermodel, for him in an outfit caught his interest instantly. Rachel had her hair tied up in a chignon and it was held by a small hibiscus in her hair. It was much different compared to her signature violet hair pin with a music note pattern.
She's wearing an rather opulent furisode dark indigo kimono that look to sparkle. Despite her more than generous cleavage being covered, her outfit showed that she was quite curvy. The bottom of the kimono and sleeves are adorned with a Western dragon and burning swords pattern on it. This pattern was in a not so subtle reference to her being a member of the Akostar clan and her fiancé being quite the very powerful swordsman.
The last part of her outfit is her wearing a molten gold obi with a red devil pattern. She's wearing white tabi socks and brown Zori sandals. She's wearing a pair of small ,heart shaped, pair of earrings, her gray choker with a purple skull pendant on the front of it, cherry red lipstick, and her engagement ring. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm dressed like this." said Rachel with a smile. "A bit but I don't care. You look amazing Rae even more than normal. Rocking the Japanese beauty look." said Zane.
He looked over her with him saying,"I don't have to dress up right?". "You might want to Zane. My brother, Gayle, and myself may not mind your casual yet sexy style but my sisters will. They're just jealous of your beauty." said Rachel. "That makes a whole lot of sense given your family. Guess I'll match my loving fiancée." said Zane. Before Zane could change, his phone beeped. "And that little beep is for when my family gets here I'm guessing." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"You just need to open the door and they should be allowed in.". "Should?" said Rachel. "Athena and Cole may not be here on Earth at the moment but they left behind an impressive yet petty security system in their place. I'm proud of them. I'll be out very soon so don't worry too much Rae. We got this." said Zane, smiling. Rachel nodded happily as she left the couple's bedroom and went to the front door of their apartment while Zane began to change.
As she made her way to the door, she began recalling all of the time that he has been playfully bulling her. The savage yet good nature tickling, the hugs that were always warm which she loved, and their verbal back and forth. They were all filled with a combination of love and lust being that she always wanted more from him. The devil stopped her thoughts for now as she opened the door as she began to giggle at what she saw in front of him. "You two look so great." said Rachel.
The devil heard two voices speaking to her in complete unison,"Ha ha. This is so funny. We just adore your lover's unique sense of humor.". The group of Astrid, Chloe, Gayle, and Ignacio stood there with the male of the group holding a bottle of booze in his hands. The youngest devil looked at her older sisters with Astrid's body was covered in rotten eggs and Chloe's body was covered in mud. "I guess this is the result of Athena and Cole's security system. Good job you two." thought Rachel.
Ignacio chuckled as he said,"It really is funny you two. I mean you really don't think about it but it seems that our too forgiving brother in law can hold a grudge. He probably still holds a grudge for hurting his precious Rachel. In fact, I think he still hates me for my crimes against you my dear baby sisters.". "Lets talk about something else. So where is Zane? Let me guess. He's out on patrol. It seems that crime never sleeps in Cypress Park." said Gayle, looking for him.
Chloe nodded as she said,"Yeah. We almost got mugged by a couple of humans when we first arrived here. They were unlucky since they had to fight against the Snow Queen.". "So did you two do anything about the mugging or did you let Gayle do all the work?" said Rachel. "Sister. Why would we need to waste our precious time and Ardor on weak humans?" said Astrid. "I think you got your answer. So the current location of your future husband." said Ignacio.
Rachel nodded as she said,"You're right shockingly. He's in our bedroom getting dressed brother. He's all finished with hero work for the rest of the day. He finished up his civilian job rather easy but his hero work keeps him busy.". "Hero work? How mysterious." said Chloe. "Are you sure that he isn't lying sister? Being a member of the Alliance is a dangerous job after all." said Astrid. "Zane was born to be a hero and I can't stop him." said Rachel, remembering something from the past.
Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
It was late December of 2022 and Zane ,without his beard and in his winter outfit being the same one from Zero Episode 103, was walking back to Zenith Tower. It was a few hours since his annual fight with Holiday Guardian and was tired. Zane yawned with him thinking,"So tired. I thought because it's the holidays, crime would decrease at least a little bit but nope. I'm so tired. Holiday Guardian did some training in order to make me like Christmas. Still don't like the holiday but I do like beating him up.".
The hero pulled out his phone and saw that it was almost three thirty in the morning. "Dam. I was out all night. I really need to get better at optimizing my time. Rae's probably asleep and I rather not wake her up. She likes her bed rest especially when I'm there in bed with her." thought Zane. Zane found himself outside of his parent's home since he and Rachel were staying there during the holidays much to their kids and Wolfram's joy despite them living at the Zenith Tower with Zane most of the year.
Zane didn't get it himself but it probably had something to do with the holiday from he guessed. There was something else on his mind rather than trying to figure out why the kids and Wolfram wanted him and Rachel at the Alvarez home for the holiday. It involved Rachel. As a hero, he'll do anything that he can to help and that takes priority in his opinion. He had missed his fair share of birthdays including Rachel and well, there was a part of him thinking that he was being unfair to her.
Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
It was late December of 2022 and Zane ,without his beard and in his winter outfit being the same one from Zero Episode 103, was walking back to Zenith Tower. It was a few hours since his annual fight with Holiday Guardian and was tired. Zane yawned with him thinking,"So tired. I thought because it's the holidays, crime would decrease at least a little bit but nope. I'm so tired. Holiday Guardian did some training in order to make me like Christmas. Still don't like the holiday but I do like beating him up.".
The hero pulled out his phone and saw that it was almost three thirty in the morning. "Dam. I was out all night. I really need to get better at optimizing my time. Rae's probably asleep and I rather not wake her up. She likes her bed rest especially when I'm there in bed with her." thought Zane. Zane found himself outside of his parent's home since he and Rachel were staying there during the holidays much to their kids and Wolfram's joy despite them living at the Zenith Tower with Zane most of the year.
Zane didn't get it himself but it probably had something to do with the holiday from he guessed. There was something else on his mind rather than trying to figure out why the kids and Wolfram wanted him and Rachel at the Alvarez home for the holiday. It involved Rachel. As a hero, he'll do anything that he can to help and that takes priority in his opinion. He had missed his fair share of birthdays including Rachel and well, there was a part of him thinking that he was being unfair to her.
Upon reaching the front door, Zane noticed the light were on as he yawned loudly. "Did my energy hording mother leave the lights on? That would never happen. She's big on not wasting energy despite our house running on a personal generator that she made when I was eight." said Zane. He was about to open the door but the other end opened on its own. "Oh hi there. Welcome home Zaney." said a familiar feminine voice. Rachel ,in her loungewear, stood there with a bandage on her right cheek.
She smiled upon seeing him as she said,"I heard how you stopped Holiday Guardian again. Good job like always.". "You're still up? It's almost four in the morning." said Zane. "Yep! I was up all night waiting for you!" said Rachel, smiling "You really shouldn't be proud about that. You're not stressed about school are you? I really should have called you but I didn't exactly have a chance since those idiots didn't give me a break." said Zane, still thinking about how he was been treating her.
The devil smiled as she said,"Nope. I'm passing all of my classes but I have been having some trouble sleeping since my favorite sleeping buddy was out fighting crime. I made you some dinner and maybe we can take a bath together.". "That sounds awesome but...." said Zane. "What's wrong? You seem more out of it than normal or ever. It's Christmas day after all so how about we just go to bed okay?" said Rachel. Zane was quiet as he looked at her.
The devil smiled as she said,"Nope. I'm passing all of my classes but I have been having some trouble sleeping since my favorite sleeping buddy was out fighting crime. I made you some dinner and maybe we can take a bath together.". "That sounds awesome but...." said Zane. "What's wrong? You seem more out of it than normal or ever. It's Christmas day after all so how about we just go to bed okay?" said Rachel. Zane was quiet as he looked at her.
As he looked at her worried face, Zane remembered all of the times they spend together along with the other girls that he was going to marry but lost their lives due to him being a coward. "You're being unfair to her and you know it." said a voice in his head. "Rachel. We need to talk." said Zane. "About what? Are you okay?" said Rachel. "I think we need to see other people so we should break up." said Zane. This simple statement stunned her as she stuttered out,"Why?".
Zane looked away as he said,"I just can't do this. I'm your fiancé but I can't make you happy. I'm a hero who works most of his time saving other people. You've always been a supporting force in my life and I'll never forget that. That will never changed even we're together or not. However, I have never done anything for you. I've missed your birthday and how I hurt you after the Massacre. I can't forgive myself that. What kind of man hurts the woman he loves and stays with her.".
Rachel clenched her fists as she said,"Can I ask you something?". "Okay." said Zane. "Zane. Do you love me? I don't want to hear any jokes or sarcasm from you. I want the truth." said Rachel. "More than life itself Rae. When I save you from Blaze, I wanted you for myself but I can't..." said Zane. He was stopped from talking by Rachel who was kissing him and had tears running down her face. "I love you dummy! Flaws included! So quit being so negative okay?!" said Rachel.
A surprised Zane looked at her with her saying,"You say that you never do anything for me but you saved me from being married to Blaze and I'm always on your mind. You worry about me getting into danger when I'm a stronger than normal girl. I'm always going to cheer you on because your smile is literally the best part of you, you're the best hero, and you worrying over me like this makes me really happy Zane. Sometimes, I'm really thankfully for how I survived that day.".
Rachel noticed Zane looking away from her as she said,"Don't do that Zane. I'm grateful because I nw carry all of the love that they had for you and being with you for a day or minute is just what I need. Saying that you want to see other people because you want to keep me safe. Hearing you say that, I don't think I could be without you...". Zane took a quick look at her with him seeing a very concerned Rachel. This made his cold, mechanical Essence melt.
He always admired how much she cared for him since she stayed at the hospital every single day while he was recovering from the Massacre, ignoring everything for him. He cared for her the same way. Zane hugged her tightly with her saying,"Okay. While I'm not against this but...". "I don't want to see you cry like you did that day at the hospital. I became stronger to protect you." said Zane. Rachel returned the hug with her wondering what was going on with Zane. She began slowly rubbing Zane's back gently.
Zane blushed as he said,"Um Rae.". "Yes dear?" said Rachel. "I think I may be exhausted and letting what Holiday Guardian say get to me." said Zane. "You let that loser get to you?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I am exhausted because I don't want anything to hurt you or my treasure ever again. So tell me this. Are you sure about all of this? I can't promise that I'll always make you happy. Someday, I'll make you really sad and that's something that I can't have happen even though it will." said Zane.
The hero clenched his left fist as he said,"When I said that I wanted to see other people, I was being a total asshole and this was because I let my negative emotions get the better of me. So are you okay with being with me?". "Oh wow. Why are you so good at proposing when you don't mean to and when you do, you're awful at it." said Rachel with a smirk. "Huh?" said Zane. "It's fine Zane. You'll always go and sacrifice yourself for someone if they need it. That's one of my favorite parts about you." said Rachel.
Rachel smiled as she said,"And if I'm unhappy, I need you to be there for me so that can change. You'll always come back home safe because if you do, you'll make me happy.". Zane nodded as he brushed his hands against the bandaged cheek. "Okay I will. So Rae. About your injury. How did this happen? And you need to take better care of it. I can't have you or anyone I truly care about hurt." said Zane. Zane blinked with him pinching her cheeks. "Ouch! That really hurts you dummy!" said Rachel.
Zane crossed his arms as he said,"Sorry Rae but I'm a tad peeved at you for not treating this wound of yours properly and not telling me about it. Wait a minute. Why were you so fast to open the door? And you're so cold.". "Well Zane, it's a funny story." said Rachel, with her whistling. "You do know that lying to me is pretty much impossible right Rae?" said Zane. "I know that you'll return back home after work so I was sitting here at the entrance." said Rachel.
The hero produced a small flame as it covered Rachel's hands which he held on tight. "Okay. Wolfram can do that since his body is covered in fur but you're not covered in fur. Devils may be stronger than humans but they can still catch colds." said Zane. "Zaney. Isn't it obvious? I was waiting for you. You know that I can only see you for a certain period of time before I go back to school. You're the man I love and I really hate when you're out there fighting crime by yourself." said Rachel.
Rachel had a small blush on her face with her saying,"I know that you can easily handle yourself in a fight but there are some really strong beings out there and I worry about you.". Zane just looked at her as she talked. It was super obvious to him how she must have felt to be stuck at home, unable to do anything as the love of her eternal life is constantly putting himself in harm's way just to protect people he doesn't even like. Zane hugged her with the devil blushing upon him touching her.
Zane said with his eyes slowly closing,"I love you so damn much Rae. We need to get marry right now honey. You're the best. I'm so sleepy.". Zane fell asleep with Rachel sighing. "Oh Zane. It's obvious how exhausted you are." said Rachel. She smiled at him before dragging him inside and onto the living room couch. She pulled a blanket over him as she kissed his forehead. "Night night my hero." said Rachel as she left Zane alone to rest.
She didn't get too far however mainly because of Parker showing up in the living room. "Parker. What are you doing here? Is something wrong with Zane?" said Rachel. "I was worried about his mental state but it seems you handled it well enough." said Parker. "You really do care for him don't you? I always thought it was just your invention you cared about." said Rachel. "While it may not seems like it, I'm more than capable for caring for two things." said Parker.
He looked at the sleeping Zane with him saying,"Zane is someone who honors and shows to all what a hero really is.". "And what is that exactly?" said Rachel. "A hero isn't someone with impressive powers given to them from an outside source or by birth, flashy costume, or anything else you would see in a comic book/fiction. A hero is someone who can help another being in need." said Parker. "That does sound like Zane." said Rachel.
She smiled as she said,"Zane isn't the type of being to run from danger. He's dedicated to his job as a superhero and helping people is the only reward he could ever need. Nothing and no one can stop him from doing that. He's easily one of the most stubborn beings I've ever met. He may mistakes here and there but according to him, being a superhero is a learn as you go affair.". "Ain't that the truth and this is coming from me." said Parker as he continued talking with the devil.
Narrator P.O.V.
Astrid sat down on the couch with her saying,"So sister. I have to ask an important question.". "And that is?" said Rachel, crossing her arms. "How good of a lover is the Protector of the Omniverse? I mean he's an Akostar right? They're rumored to be some of the greatest lovers in the Omniverse." said Astrid with a smile. Rachel blushed upon hearing that. "Oh. He must be pretty good if he can get that hard of a blush from you." said Chloe with a smirk. The younger twin sister's ear was pinched hard by Gayle.
Gayle looked at her with her saying,"Now what did you and your sister promise me when we left the Supernatural Realm?". "We promised that we wouldn't tease our dear little sister too much but come on Gayle. Aren't you curious on how good he is in the bedroom compared to your husband?" said Chloe. "I love Ignacio even though he's an idiot." said Gayle. "Hey!" said Ignacio. "It's the truth and how he is in the bedroom is none of your business as well." said Gayle in a cold, secretary like voice.
Rachel always admired how cold yet warm Gayle could be toward others. She tried to do that with Zane but she couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes of his especially when he added the the voice and the lip quiver. "Fine but one day, I'll get an answer out of you. So where is mother Ignacio? She was supposed to meet us here." said Chloe, sitting next to her sister. "She was. Probably got locked out like Gayle did four years ago. How long did it take you before Zane let you in again?" said Ignacio.
Gayle was silent with her giving Ignacio the signature look that usually shuts him up. "Fine but I'll get my answer from you tonight if things go according to plan." said Ignacio. Before the four devil women could question him about that, the two heard something falling in the bedroom. "Zane!" said Rachel as she ran to the bedroom. "So should we go see what got her so upset?" said Astrid. "It beats sitting here waiting around for the ceremony." said Chloe.
The two girls went after their sister in curiosity as Ignacio looked at Gayle. "Fine. You can go with them. You're on vacation." said Gayle. "Thanks you're the best." said Ignacio, kissing Gayle on her left cheek before giving her the bottle of booze he was holding. "Sometimes. I think I married a child but I wouldn't have my life any other way. Still. It's oblivious to everyone that he's up to something but I'm sure that it won't be too bad right?" said Gayle.
Rachel stood outside of the room with Astrid saying,"So what do you think it's going to be my dear sister?". "I bet that he has a nymph in there but perhaps, he wants to date a mermaid. Men love to be with the unknown and more than willing to give up what they have in order to get it." said Chloe as Rachel ignored them. She was thinking about something Gayle told her once. It was about her sisters and how they tease her about her relationship.
Gayle mentioned that the sisters were jealous of it and she should just ignore them because in the end, it doesn't matter what they think. The love that the two of them is share is special and can't be broken so easily. The devil princess opened the door with her eyes widening. The three devils saw a shirtless Zane on the couple's bed. The only clothing he had on was black/charcoal gray dress pants. The front half of his body was exposed and how it was covered to the brim in many scars.
Some of them looked to be rather fresh from recent fights which would go away over time. His chest scar ,that he got from Kilene, stuck out the most. While his body is always a enticing sight, this scene was a heartbreaking one for Rachel. All of these scars were a symbol for how far Zane is willing to go to protect a single being. Rachel isn't the biggest fan since it hurts to see a new scar on his battle written body.
It was obvious to everyone that Zane is more than willing to go that extra mile just to protect someone from danger. It's his job as a hero and to him, it is how they're supposed to bear the pain of others. Upon seeing Zane currently without a shirt, three things happened.Her face turned crimson red like the Impulse she produced, blood was slowly leaking out of her nose, and she was drooling a bit. "Sis. Your nose is bleeding and you're drooling." said Astrid.
Chloe smiled as she said,"Well can you blame her? She is going to be married quite the hunk even though he's part human. I wonder if Rachel enjoys touching those incredible muscles.". The younger twin was also looking at Zane being that she was trying to hide her own nosebleed. One thing to know about Chloe Powell is that she really like muscles on her fellas. Astrid is more for smart guys and Chloe is more for jocks. This has been a useless bit of info about Rachel's sisters.
Rachel ignored her sisters since she was thinking about this morning. When Rachel and Zane got serious as a couple, Zane often trains without a shirt whenever she's around. Rachel really enjoying his muscles move whenever he's training. Zane saw the three devils standing there in the doorway and he said,"Rae! I can explain! She came onto me!". "Is she invisible Zane?" said Astrid. "Yeah, You probably know how the Akostar clan doesn't like traitors." said Chloe.
Zane gulped as Astrid and Chloe had their Ardor activated their arm and leg respectively. "So what's going on here? Zane is cheating on my beloved sister? I find that unlikely but stranger things have happened." said Ignacio as he looked around the room and sighed. "Mother. Come on out. I know that you love your jokes but this one will get your son in law killed." said Ignacio. "Mother?" said the three devils. The three turned to see a crimson red energy portal forming within the room.
Rachel's eyes widened as she said,"Ardor can make portals?". "Ardor can do a lot of things my little princess. You would have learned about everything that Ardor can do but didn't thanks to your sisters being rather childish despite being over a hundred years old now. They're going to get a spanking from me after this for sure." said a voice. Astrid and Chloe shivered at the voice's threat as Ignacio chuckled at it. "Oh mother. You're still the same woman from back in the day." said Ignacio.
Zane blinked as he said,"Um Rae. Do you know what's going on? And do you honestly think that I cheated on you?". "No idea but I'm starting to get an idea. Zane. I know that you would never cheat on me. Not even with my brother who you have a crush on even though I don't get how you would but love is weird and confusing." said Rachel. "You're such a smartie! Gets it from me I tell you and not from my idiot who's your father FYI." said the voice giggling.
Ignacio smiled as he said,"That she does mother. How about you come out of the portal and introduce yourself already? You may have stopped the twins from hurting Zane but I'm sure they want to see the woman who gave them life one hundred thirty-five years old.". "Holy crap! You two are not just jealous spinsters but old ones too!" said Zane. "Who are you calling spinsters?!" said the twins in unison. "You two obvious." said Rachel. "You're funny kid but call me by my name!" said a voice.
The group watched a being jumped out of the portal. She's a tall and beautiful woman with her looking to be around in her early 30s. She looked to be taller than the trio of Astrid and Chloe but shorter than the the other devils in Rachel and Zane's apartment plus Zane himself. She has long, wavy light orange hair that went to her waist. To Zane, her hair reminded him of a burning flame mainly because it was rather wild looking and the color helped as well.
Her green eyes were like Rachel being that they were more like gems than actually eyes. She has a aesthetically beautiful face with crimson red full lips. She has a single sharp, pronounced canine tooth sticking out of her mouth. She had a hourglass figure with it being attractive and visually appealing. It reminded Zane of Rachel's body a great deal mainly with how athletic it looks. It's voluptuous with large and firm breasts being around the same size as her youngest daughter, thin waist, and wide hips.
She's wearing a rather revealing outfit. She's wearing a dark green tank top with it having a very elaborate, frilly pattern on it and a black hem to it. She's wearing blue jeans that highlighted her legs a good deal. She's wearing a dark green sash around her waist with a pattern of several black dragon claws on it. She's wearing dark green thigh high boots with them split at the collars, forming an M-shape. She's wears gold devil tail earrings.
The devil turned to Zane with him just looking at her. "Hi there Zaney. Sorry for teasing you but a mother just had to make sure that you're not going to hurt her daughter. You're not going to hurt her after your fight with Blaze showed me but I just had to make sure. You'll understand once Uriel and Zoey get to be around that age. My name is Marian Powell but you can just call me mom." said Marian with her smiling at him. "Wait. You're Rae's mom?" said Zane.
Marian smiled as she said while poising,"Yep! I look good for my age don't I?". Before she could see or get his reaction, a metallic fist hit her face. The woman was sent flying out of the room and into the wall. The four other devils were shocked at this. The fist went back to Zane's right arm and connected to it. "That's for leaving her with the two evil spinsters and lay about brother who hurt her by being bitches and not doing anything about it respectively!" said Zane.
Zane cracked his knuckles and punching his left open palm. "Did he just punch our mother?" said Astrid. "I think he just did sister and just because of what we did to him." said Chloe. "We better not get on his bad side." thought the two in unison. The two looked at Zane with him smiling and they ran away. Zane chuckled with him saying while wiping a tear,"That never stops being funny. It was totally worth scaring them.".
Rachel looked at Zane with a scared expression as she said,"Zane! Did you just punch my mom for hurting me?". "I did Rae. You're the woman I love but I was barely using any strength on her and she's a pretty tough gal I'll admit." said Zane. "Ha! Just like Darin! Whenever you see someone who abuse a member of their family regardless of blood, you resort to punching them regardless of the consequences you may face." said Marian.
Rachel turned to see Marian emerge from the wall with her forehead bleeding. "Oh wow. I guess I'm getting pretty old. Haven't had someone make me bleed in a couple centuries now." said Marian with her licking the blood. "Um brother. What's going on?" said Rachel. "Don't worry. All will be explained in due time. We should leave Zane to finish changing." said Ignacio. "Oh come on Ignacio. I'm sure Rachel doesn't mind having a shirtless Zane." said Marian with her lightly poking Rachel's cheek.
Zane looked at the blushing Rachel with her saying,"I don't but mother. This ceremony is extremely important since you did this with father and brother with Gayle. I love Zane and his family but I want him to be apart of my family even though it has two rotten eggs.". "Well said. Now come on. We have much to talk about. said Marian, pushing her daughter into the living room. "She's an interesting character Zane but don't you dare punch my mother again." said Ignacio.
The devil looked at Zane with a serious look which was rare to see. "I probably won't but she did leave Rae alone with the duo of Astrid and Chloe. They made a good chunk of her twenty two years of life a living hell. They were going to give her to a scumbag just because they were jealous of her beauty and power. Like how I punched you for not doing anything to stop the wedding, I did the exact same with Marian. For Rae, I'll hurt anyone who dares to hurts her." said Zane as he crossed his arms.
Ignacio looked at Zane with him sighing. "So stubborn but that's why me, my little sister, and my wife likes you so much. I'm sure that the Massacre has changed you and made you more protective of Rachel than ever. Zane. She got stronger to protect you from feeling that pain ever again. I'm sure you know that she and your friends all did that for that. Be grateful for having such friends." said Ignacio. The devil royalty walked away as Zane look at his right fist and clenched it.
A few minutes later, Zane walked out of the bathroom with him wearing the same outfit that he wore to fight Daemon six years ago. It looked to have been updated for obvious reasons aka him growing and looked to be the outfit that Zane wore in the dream wedding that he had with Rachel in Zero Episode 114. He's wearing a black royal like cloak/coat ,that covered his shoulders, held together by a golden chain and clasp.
Under his cloak/coat, he's wearing a charcoal gray formal waistcoat. He's wearing a carmine red long sleeved buttoned up dress shirt and a silver tie. The shirt worked also as a muscle shirt and its sleeves are rolled up. He's wearing black/charcoal gray dress pants and if he wasn't at home, he would wears black dress shoes. His Z.E.R.O. Watch and his wedding ring were the only one of his accessories that Zane had on him. Marian saw him with her smiling.
The matriarch turned to her youngest as she said,"Oh wow Rachel. You've gotten yourself such a handsome husband and from what I know about him, he's quite a catch. Even when he was still a teen, he did a lot of impressive things. Defeating two powerful Phantoms is impressive. Right Gayle? And do call me mom Gayle. You've been a part of our family for years now.". "Yes mother. I did think that he was just a normal human before I did my research on him. I judged him too early." said Gayle.
Zane looked at Marian with him saying as he sat next to Rachel,"Thanks for the compliments but honestly, I got lucky with Malik and Spiro since both of them were being control by the Trastry. So how do you know about my fights with those two and Blaze?". "When Ignacio came looking for me while I was on my journey, he first mentioned to me how my youngest daughter was about to be wed to the heir of the Salamander Clan." said Marian.
Marian turned toward Astrid and Gayle who turned from their mother's glare. "I was about to storm back home to stop this wedding myself but my son stopped me since it was already stopped. He said that an rookie Alliance group saved Rachel from Blaze. Blaze's defeat is thanks to their leader aka you Zane. You're quite impressive due to you being the up and coming star of the Alliance especially after everything you did during the year you spent working there." said Marian.
The devil matriarch looked at Zane with her saying,"Thank you so much for saving my daughter from Blaze Zane. I plan to say thanks to the rest of that group as well while I'm here. Blaze has always been a scummy devil due to him treating his wives like trophies instead of beings. My children's father hated Blaze and never wanted that devil to marry any of his daughters.". "So you two almost gave Rae away even though your father hated Blaze. Not cool." said Zane, glaring at the twins.
Gayle nodded as she said,"Yeah. That wasn't one of their brighter moves. Mother. I'm sure that Rachel and Zane are interested about you, I think they have some questions for you.". "You're right Gayle my dear. So ask away kids." said Marian. Rachel looked at Zane with the hero smiling. "You can ask first Rae. This is the first time you've seen her in sixteen years. The child should be the one to ask the first question to the parent who abandoned them." said Zane.
Ignacio nodded as he said,"He's right Rachel.". "Okay. Mom. Why did you leave me after dad died when I was six?" said Rachel. "But you know why she left us little sister. She left us because of what happened to father." said Astrid. "And we blamed you for it." said Chloe. "That's your reason for what you did to Rae? I thought it was because you two were jealous of her power and beauty. I mean she's going to get married while you two are still spinsters." said Zane.
The twins looked at him with them saying,"Quit calling us that!". "Okay fine. Twinsters." said Zane as the two females glared at him. "Focus you two." said Gayle, releasing out her Impulse and this caused the two devils to tense up in fear. "You really have them whipped don't you?" said Ignacio. "She does just like with you." said Rachel. "Despite me enjoying you teasing my daughters Zane and your brother Rachel, I need to tell my youngest why I left her." said Marian with her sighing.
Marian looked at the group with her saying,"Your father did died thanks to the actions of Hyde. You know about him right Zane?". "I sure do. He was one of the few evil Zeroes who used this great power for evil but to give him some credit, he isn't the worst Zero." said Zane. "I see. Your feelings toward him are conflicted." said Marian. "If you know how bad the previous Zeroes were, you would be grateful to whichever ones didn't suck hard. Still pissed at him for what he did." said Zane.
Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"Did you two have a rematch during Lynx's first mission with you? I was jealous to hear that you went on a family adventure with me, your future wife.". "Yeah. It was and well, sorry for not including you. We're going to change that soon." said Zane. "Those two really can go off into their own little world huh." said Marian. "Yes they really can." said Gayle. After the couple finished, they turned to Marian.
Marian frowned as she said,"I wanted to go after him for what he did. I'm a vengeful woman after all. I left in the middle of the night a few weeks after my husband's death.". "That's around the time when the bullying from the twinsters started if you were curious Zane." said Ignacio. "A little bit. Thanks for using the name twinsters." said Zane, earning a groan from the twinsters. "For a royal devil, getting to Terrarune wasn't easy and I was captured by the Grave Bone Squad." said Marian.
Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"That's the group that works for Skull Plague right?". "Yeah. I remember them from one of Kane's stories. All of them come from a Qlakrik Surgrag. It's a special ability of his. So why did Skull Plague want you? He only sends the Grave Bone Squad after beings with potential." said Zane. "Probably because of my reputation." said Marian. "Reputation? What kind of reputation? Is it a good one?" said Rachel.
Marian smiled as she said,"I personally think so but my enemies may disagree. I'm the Violent Demon after all.". "You're the Violent Demon? My grandpa has told me and my brothers stories about you when we were little." said Zane. "Yep. So you've heard about me." said Marian. "I sure have. You were a member of the Alliance back in the day. You were able to strike fear into the hearts of men with just a single glance." said Zane.
He crossed his arms as he said,"However despite your hostile nature and short temper, you always believed in judging others by their actions rather than their words. I totally respect you for that.". "Of course I did. If you're deciding to fight, why in the nine realms would I care about what species you are and who your family is? Did Darin mention how I was great at motivating others?" said Marian. "He sure did. You were easily the best trainer in the Alliance and you scarred him for life." said Zane.
Zane looked at her as he said,"So I got to ask. Why did you marry someone from royalty? I mean you hated royalty from what my grandpa told me. If you didn't, Rae would never be born so thank you for that.". "When you find the one you want to spend your life with, you have to give it your all in order to obtain their affection back. I'm sure you're well aware of that Zane." said Marian. "Yeah. I sure do." said Zane with Rachel smiling.
Ignacio nodded as he said,"The story of how our parents is one that involved my mother chasing down our father for several years until he said yes.". "That's truly a romantic story." said Gayle. "It's slightly similar to how your parents met Zane." said Rachel. "I guess so Rae." said Zane, thinking about how his parents met which involved a motorcycle to the face. "So do you have an image of yours days back in the alliance mom?" said Rachel. "I sure do. Watch." said Marian.
The matriarch snapped her fingers as Rachel saw Ardor appear on the table in front of her. The energy slowly formed an image and this image was of Marian standing victorious over a group of defeated beings. The devil had an extra pair of eyes with all four eyes glowing red like flames. She had long sharp claws and her devil wings sticking out. "Oh wow. This was taken after you raided a Odium Society base all by yourself right?" said Zane with his eyes sparking like stars.
Marian nodded as she said,"Yep but me doing it by myself isn't exactly right. Darin was there but he wasn't supposed to be there. Before I started my assault, Darin appeared from the sky. He was sent there by Trixie after she found out about how he went to go peep on some girls with Rico. Your family has some fierce ladies doesn't it Zane?". "We sure do and we got another one joining us very soon. She doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. That makes her amazing in my books." said Zane.
Rachel blushed as Chloe said,"Except for you right? You're an Akostar and they hate being told what to do right?". "Yeah but Rae is my rock. She keeps me from becoming a super villain who could take over the Omniverse with very little issue." said Zane. "Yep. You're welcome for that everyone. Villain Zane isn't somethin no one in the Omniverse wants." said Rachel. The two kissed as Astrid gagged and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Gods. Can you keep the PDA to a minimum?" said Astrid.
Ignacio nodded as he said,"The story of how our parents is one that involved my mother chasing down our father for several years until he said yes.". "That's truly a romantic story." said Gayle. "It's slightly similar to how your parents met Zane." said Rachel. "I guess so Rae." said Zane, thinking about how his parents met which involved a motorcycle to the face. "So do you have an image of yours days back in the alliance mom?" said Rachel. "I sure do. Watch." said Marian.
The matriarch snapped her fingers as Rachel saw Ardor appear on the table in front of her. The energy slowly formed an image and this image was of Marian standing victorious over a group of defeated beings. The devil had an extra pair of eyes with all four eyes glowing red like flames. She had long sharp claws and her devil wings sticking out. "Oh wow. This was taken after you raided a Odium Society base all by yourself right?" said Zane with his eyes sparking like stars.
Marian nodded as she said,"Yep but me doing it by myself isn't exactly right. Darin was there but he wasn't supposed to be there. Before I started my assault, Darin appeared from the sky. He was sent there by Trixie after she found out about how he went to go peep on some girls with Rico. Your family has some fierce ladies doesn't it Zane?". "We sure do and we got another one joining us very soon. She doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. That makes her amazing in my books." said Zane.
Rachel blushed as Chloe said,"Except for you right? You're an Akostar and they hate being told what to do right?". "Yeah but Rae is my rock. She keeps me from becoming a super villain who could take over the Omniverse with very little issue." said Zane. "Yep. You're welcome for that everyone. Villain Zane isn't somethin no one in the Omniverse wants." said Rachel. The two kissed as Astrid gagged and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Gods. Can you keep the PDA to a minimum?" said Astrid.
Marian smiled as she said,"Don't say that Astrid. I know that you're jealous of your sister since he's such a fine looking male specimen." "Let me guess mother. The reason why you were in his room was because of your lack of modesty."said Chloe. "You know me so well dear." said Marian, smiling. "Um what does she mean by that?" said Rachel. "Your mother once asked a group of men and women to strip down and bathe together in the hot springs." said Gayle.
The mother pouted with it looking rather cute. "Which didn't happen by the way. There was a prude there and she ruined my fun." said Marian. "Yeah. I met a girl like that during my time with the Alliance. She was worried about her man being seen by the other girls and made a wall out of rock to block the girls in our group for seeing him. She also blocked the guys from peeping because men are all perverts or some crap like that." said Zane. "Did you go peep Zane?" said Rachel.
Despite glaring at him, Zane knew she wasn't mad. "I'll have you know that I only thought of you and no other women could compare to your beauty. True me on this. However, I was impressed with how determined the guys in our group were though. They were treating it like it was a mission that they couldn't fail or something along those lines. I just sat there and enjoyed the hot springs which were amazing. It was great for getting rid of the built up stress within my body." said Zane.
Marian nodded as she said,"That sounds just like my experience. Your prude must be the ancestor of my prude. I mean what's wrong with showing the guy you like some skin? Just be tasteful about it since not everyone is comfortable with a lot of exposure. I mean no offense to you but men which includes my son are dense and they sometimes need a huge hint to see that a girl may like that.". "You sound just like my friend Harry. He hates shy women." said Zane.
Marian nodded as she said,"That sounds just like my experience. Your prude must be the ancestor of my prude. I mean what's wrong with showing the guy you like some skin? Just be tasteful about it since not everyone is comfortable with a lot of exposure. I mean no offense to you but men which includes my son are dense and they sometimes need a huge hint to see that a girl may like that.". "You sound just like my friend Harry. He hates shy women." said Zane.
The duo of Marian and Zane were talking about how Heidi can get Kevin to notice her much to the confusion of the other devils. Rachel was the odd devil out in this. She knew how much Heidi liked Kevin and how Zane has been pushing Heidi. He pushed her in a mixture subtle and not subtle ways to get Kevin to notice her over the years. It has worked since Heidi and Kevin usually hang out together but there were in no way a couple.
Good friends but not a couple. "How did we get to this point again?" said Astrid. "No idea sister. I guess the Eazairvian's ability to go off on tangents is true." said Chloe. "So how do you usually stop Zane? I'll stop mother." said Gayle. "With a kiss." said Rachel. "I guess the simple way is usually the most optimal way." said Ignacio as Rachel kissed Zane. A bit later, Marian and Zane finished their strange conversion about Heidi and Kevin's very unique relationship much to the others' confusion.
Zane looked at her as he said,"So I have to ask you something since Rae refuses to ever answer give me an answer on this.". "And what would that be? I'm shocked that our deal sister would hide another secret from her eternal love." said Astrid. "But don't forget sister. She did hide that she was royalty, a devil, and her middle name from him and his friends for almost a decade. That blew up in her face didn't it sister?" said Chloe.
Gayle hit the two twinsters on the head as Marian said,"Sure thing Zane. Ask away. I'll answer any question you have.". "Mom. I really don't think you should answer his questions." said Rachel. "Come on sweetie. You really shouldn't worry. I doubt that it'll be for the three of us to have a threesome. It isn't that right? I just met you after all Zane so maybe later. I also don't think my daughter wants to share you with her mother. That's just wrong on so many levels." said Marian.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. I mean I love Rae with all my Essence and she's all the devil I could ever possibly ask for. I just want to know how Ardor works but a certain fiancée is keeping me in the dark about it.". "Wait. That's the question you don't want her to answer?" said Ignacio. "You and I both know how easy it is for Zane to go on a rant when it comes to powers brother. He would have been ranting about ways of how my power could work for hours if I told him." said Rachel.
The youngest devil turned to her mother with her saying,"Mom. I'm begging you. Please don't tell him about our power. He'll force me into training and I hate that side of him honest. I don't think kissing him will stop him from ranting.". "I would say yes sweetie but if I know the Alvarez family, they're pretty good at getting what I want." said Marian as she pointed to Zane. His eyes were like a cute baby polar bear/moose that needs some help. "Please let her tell me about Ardor Rae." said Zane.
He was speaking in a tone that sounded like a child who was going to cry and his lower lip quiver. It seems that Zane is embracing his inner child. "Fine." said Rachel with her unable to resist Zane when he's like this. According to Natasha, it was like looking at Zane back when he was a crybaby. Kurt and Lucius were the first two to come up against this version of Zane since neither brother wanted to see him cry and did whatever he wanted if this face ever showed up even when he's an adult.
Zane cheered with Rachel sighing. "Okay then. As you know already, Impulse is an important aspect of every being in the Omniverse. For devils, it comes in the form of Ardor. Ardor is basically on the same level of importance for us as say blood for humans. As you saw with the Salamander clan, their Ardor comes the form in flames." said Marian. "And is it different for the other four clans? I'm going to guess the Kraken Clan uses water and Sylph Clan uses air/wind." said Zane.
Astrid nodded as she said,"Correct. Our clan has energy manipulation down pat. At least, most of us do.". "I'm getting better at it thanks to my friends I'll have you know." said Rachel. "And we're quite thankful for their assistance. As you probably noticed, you do run out of Ardor with continue usage of it." said Marian. "Which means one thing now. Zane is going to be switching up our training routine to now improving my physical abilities." said Rachel, shivering at her training with sadist Zane.
Chloe looked at her sister with her saying,"And that's bad because? I mean you get to work out with your fiancé whose muscles are attractive but not overblown like those in the Dwarf Clan.". "The Dwarf Clan are muscle heads? I thought they would be short." said Zane. "Their name may suggest one thing Zane but the Dwarf Clan are considered to be the second stronger clan among the five devil clans. They have the ability to use their Ardor to manipulate all forms of earth." said Gayle.
Ignacio nodded as he said,"She isn't kidding about that Zane. Any member have the potential to make ash, clay, coal, glass, metal, mud, oil, sand etc.. You get my point. The most current heir is two times stronger than Blaze. Yeah. He and the rest of his clan really are someone that you don't want to mess with.". Zane was silent as Rachel noticed the silence from him. "Zane. Please tell me that you didn't fight against them already." said Rachel. "Well, funny story Rae." said Zane, chuckling.
Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
A bit earlier that day, Zane was walking through the slums of Cypress Park . He was heading toward one of the cities's abandoned building for a quick workout. It was a good place for him to do some quick training before the criminals come out to play. Zane was well aware of how he couldn't use his more destructive techniques since they can easily destroy the city if he isn't careful. After half an hour of walking through the slums of his city, there were two sets of eye following him.
Despite his constant vigilance, this part of the city isn't exactly the safest especially toward the one percent. Most of the time, they had it coming since the rich part of Cypress Park's elite aren't exactly the most friendly people to be around. As Zane, he was well known as the CEO of Zenith Industries so the eyes that were following him probably belonged to a couple of punks. They were probably thinking that they can get some quick cash by jumping him and holding him for ransom.
Their plan was going to crash and burn. He stopped walking and closed his eyes. Behind him a few hundred feet, he could sense two humans. They were both leaning up against a wall and trying to look inconspicuous. For a normal person, their act would have work but Zane was in no way a normal person. The duo may look him but their aura is telling another story entirely. He opened his eyes as he kept moving and he eventually made his way to the building.
Zane made sure that the duo following him didn't suspect anything. He made his way inside and he thought,"It's showtime baby. Yeah. It's a pretty good catchphrase. May just use that.". He made his way to the second floor with him doing some stretching to warm up before the training. "Look what we have here." said a really scratchy sounding voice. Zane turned around to see two men ,with them looking like well dressed thugs aka mobsters, standing there and were twirling knives in their hands.
Both of them had earpieces in their ear and tinted glasses over their eyes. Alongside looking like mobsters, they reminded Zane of bouncers at a club. The duo was currently looking down on him and that look was telling Zane that the bouncers thought that they were better than him. It was a look that the rich often gave him or when another species look down on him just because he's human or a Cross Species. Their rather wicked smirks indicated that they were clearly up to something.
The two broke into laughter with the goon on the right said,"Seems we found the great and powerful Zane Alvarez stretching.". "You have to be real stupid for letting your guard down especially since you've got the honor of being one of the targets that our boss is after. Defeating the crispy gecko is an impressive threat but our boss is pretty much a badass." said the second goon. "Here's the thing. You should come with us or we won't hurt you too much." said the first goon.
Zane looked at the two with a bored expression on his face. "And why should I listen to you? I mean at least the crispy gecko had power worth a dam compared to your guys. I really did thinking that devils were supposed to be powerful but you're nothing more than jokes." said Zane. "I guess you could see past our disguises so time for plan B!" said the goon on the right. He rushed at Zane with his knife ready to slash him.
Due to several criminals trying that same maneuver on him several times, Zane saw his attack coming from a mile away and just move to the side. "You should know that punks like you have tried to stab me with knives for a very long time now and spoiler alert. It isn't going to work and neither is your plan buddy." said Zane. Zane phased right through the goon's punch and spun around. He kicked upward and sprouted multiple feet from his leg. "Learn your place." said Zane.
The man was rapidly kicked by the barrage of feet and the goon went flying back. Blood was flying from his mouth as he flew through the air. Zane wasn't done being that he swung both of his fists at the man. His arms extended and turned into candy syrup. The arms were both covered in Vulcan Force and the fists turned three times bigger. The two giant fists hit the goon with enough force that he went flying toward the wall. The wall had spider like cracks in it upon the devil hitting it.
Upon hitting the wall, the devil slowly dropped to the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as well. "What? That's impossible! You're supposed to be a weak human!" said the goon who had dropped his knife in fear. His eyes were wide as saucers, knowing that their boss had a big mistake in sending the two of them alone to handle the target. They were just lower ranked devils. "And I think your boss need to get updated information. Your lack of information is the result of your defeat." said Zane.
Zane looked to see the goon's face changing expression being that it went from shock, fright, and into resolve. The goon gritted his teeth and rushed forward to fight Zane. "I may not be one of the boss's Nymphs but as a member of the Dwarf Clan, I can't lose to a human like you!" said the goon with him firing two streams of mud at Zane. "Oh. So you're part of the Dwarf Clan. I guess another devil wants to take Rae from me. It won’t happen I can promise you that." said Zane.
The hero jumped over the streams of mud with him saying,"Rocket powered punch!". As he said that, his right fist flew toward the devil and pushed him back. The devil dropped to his knee with him trying to get back up. "Damn it. Why the hell is he hurting me?! Our clan is known for our amazing defenses. He broke through it with no trouble at all." said the devil. The devil was hit in the gut by a sharp punch due to Zane's left hand.
Gayle hit the two twinsters on the head as Marian said,"Sure thing Zane. Ask away. I'll answer any question you have.". "Mom. I really don't think you should answer his questions." said Rachel. "Come on sweetie. You really shouldn't worry. I doubt that it'll be for the three of us to have a threesome. It isn't that right? I just met you after all Zane so maybe later. I also don't think my daughter wants to share you with her mother. That's just wrong on so many levels." said Marian.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. I mean I love Rae with all my Essence and she's all the devil I could ever possibly ask for. I just want to know how Ardor works but a certain fiancée is keeping me in the dark about it.". "Wait. That's the question you don't want her to answer?" said Ignacio. "You and I both know how easy it is for Zane to go on a rant when it comes to powers brother. He would have been ranting about ways of how my power could work for hours if I told him." said Rachel.
The youngest devil turned to her mother with her saying,"Mom. I'm begging you. Please don't tell him about our power. He'll force me into training and I hate that side of him honest. I don't think kissing him will stop him from ranting.". "I would say yes sweetie but if I know the Alvarez family, they're pretty good at getting what I want." said Marian as she pointed to Zane. His eyes were like a cute baby polar bear/moose that needs some help. "Please let her tell me about Ardor Rae." said Zane.
He was speaking in a tone that sounded like a child who was going to cry and his lower lip quiver. It seems that Zane is embracing his inner child. "Fine." said Rachel with her unable to resist Zane when he's like this. According to Natasha, it was like looking at Zane back when he was a crybaby. Kurt and Lucius were the first two to come up against this version of Zane since neither brother wanted to see him cry and did whatever he wanted if this face ever showed up even when he's an adult.
Zane cheered with Rachel sighing. "Okay then. As you know already, Impulse is an important aspect of every being in the Omniverse. For devils, it comes in the form of Ardor. Ardor is basically on the same level of importance for us as say blood for humans. As you saw with the Salamander clan, their Ardor comes the form in flames." said Marian. "And is it different for the other four clans? I'm going to guess the Kraken Clan uses water and Sylph Clan uses air/wind." said Zane.
Astrid nodded as she said,"Correct. Our clan has energy manipulation down pat. At least, most of us do.". "I'm getting better at it thanks to my friends I'll have you know." said Rachel. "And we're quite thankful for their assistance. As you probably noticed, you do run out of Ardor with continue usage of it." said Marian. "Which means one thing now. Zane is going to be switching up our training routine to now improving my physical abilities." said Rachel, shivering at her training with sadist Zane.
Chloe looked at her sister with her saying,"And that's bad because? I mean you get to work out with your fiancé whose muscles are attractive but not overblown like those in the Dwarf Clan.". "The Dwarf Clan are muscle heads? I thought they would be short." said Zane. "Their name may suggest one thing Zane but the Dwarf Clan are considered to be the second stronger clan among the five devil clans. They have the ability to use their Ardor to manipulate all forms of earth." said Gayle.
Ignacio nodded as he said,"She isn't kidding about that Zane. Any member have the potential to make ash, clay, coal, glass, metal, mud, oil, sand etc.. You get my point. The most current heir is two times stronger than Blaze. Yeah. He and the rest of his clan really are someone that you don't want to mess with.". Zane was silent as Rachel noticed the silence from him. "Zane. Please tell me that you didn't fight against them already." said Rachel. "Well, funny story Rae." said Zane, chuckling.
Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
A bit earlier that day, Zane was walking through the slums of Cypress Park . He was heading toward one of the cities's abandoned building for a quick workout. It was a good place for him to do some quick training before the criminals come out to play. Zane was well aware of how he couldn't use his more destructive techniques since they can easily destroy the city if he isn't careful. After half an hour of walking through the slums of his city, there were two sets of eye following him.
Despite his constant vigilance, this part of the city isn't exactly the safest especially toward the one percent. Most of the time, they had it coming since the rich part of Cypress Park's elite aren't exactly the most friendly people to be around. As Zane, he was well known as the CEO of Zenith Industries so the eyes that were following him probably belonged to a couple of punks. They were probably thinking that they can get some quick cash by jumping him and holding him for ransom.
Their plan was going to crash and burn. He stopped walking and closed his eyes. Behind him a few hundred feet, he could sense two humans. They were both leaning up against a wall and trying to look inconspicuous. For a normal person, their act would have work but Zane was in no way a normal person. The duo may look him but their aura is telling another story entirely. He opened his eyes as he kept moving and he eventually made his way to the building.
Zane made sure that the duo following him didn't suspect anything. He made his way inside and he thought,"It's showtime baby. Yeah. It's a pretty good catchphrase. May just use that.". He made his way to the second floor with him doing some stretching to warm up before the training. "Look what we have here." said a really scratchy sounding voice. Zane turned around to see two men ,with them looking like well dressed thugs aka mobsters, standing there and were twirling knives in their hands.
Both of them had earpieces in their ear and tinted glasses over their eyes. Alongside looking like mobsters, they reminded Zane of bouncers at a club. The duo was currently looking down on him and that look was telling Zane that the bouncers thought that they were better than him. It was a look that the rich often gave him or when another species look down on him just because he's human or a Cross Species. Their rather wicked smirks indicated that they were clearly up to something.
The two broke into laughter with the goon on the right said,"Seems we found the great and powerful Zane Alvarez stretching.". "You have to be real stupid for letting your guard down especially since you've got the honor of being one of the targets that our boss is after. Defeating the crispy gecko is an impressive threat but our boss is pretty much a badass." said the second goon. "Here's the thing. You should come with us or we won't hurt you too much." said the first goon.
Zane looked at the two with a bored expression on his face. "And why should I listen to you? I mean at least the crispy gecko had power worth a dam compared to your guys. I really did thinking that devils were supposed to be powerful but you're nothing more than jokes." said Zane. "I guess you could see past our disguises so time for plan B!" said the goon on the right. He rushed at Zane with his knife ready to slash him.
Due to several criminals trying that same maneuver on him several times, Zane saw his attack coming from a mile away and just move to the side. "You should know that punks like you have tried to stab me with knives for a very long time now and spoiler alert. It isn't going to work and neither is your plan buddy." said Zane. Zane phased right through the goon's punch and spun around. He kicked upward and sprouted multiple feet from his leg. "Learn your place." said Zane.
The man was rapidly kicked by the barrage of feet and the goon went flying back. Blood was flying from his mouth as he flew through the air. Zane wasn't done being that he swung both of his fists at the man. His arms extended and turned into candy syrup. The arms were both covered in Vulcan Force and the fists turned three times bigger. The two giant fists hit the goon with enough force that he went flying toward the wall. The wall had spider like cracks in it upon the devil hitting it.
Upon hitting the wall, the devil slowly dropped to the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as well. "What? That's impossible! You're supposed to be a weak human!" said the goon who had dropped his knife in fear. His eyes were wide as saucers, knowing that their boss had a big mistake in sending the two of them alone to handle the target. They were just lower ranked devils. "And I think your boss need to get updated information. Your lack of information is the result of your defeat." said Zane.
Zane looked to see the goon's face changing expression being that it went from shock, fright, and into resolve. The goon gritted his teeth and rushed forward to fight Zane. "I may not be one of the boss's Nymphs but as a member of the Dwarf Clan, I can't lose to a human like you!" said the goon with him firing two streams of mud at Zane. "Oh. So you're part of the Dwarf Clan. I guess another devil wants to take Rae from me. It won’t happen I can promise you that." said Zane.
The hero jumped over the streams of mud with him saying,"Rocket powered punch!". As he said that, his right fist flew toward the devil and pushed him back. The devil dropped to his knee with him trying to get back up. "Damn it. Why the hell is he hurting me?! Our clan is known for our amazing defenses. He broke through it with no trouble at all." said the devil. The devil was hit in the gut by a sharp punch due to Zane's left hand.
Before the devil had a chance to recover, Zane gave the devil a powerful uppercut and sent him flying away with the devil feeling a great deal of pain. Zane makes two arms appear on both side of his body with it equaling six arms overall. Zane smiled as he said,"If that is the case devil, lets go with Vulcan Emperor to weaken that defense you're so proud of. Multi-Armed Mortar!". All of these arms were covered in Vulcan Emperor’s scales.
These arms were launched toward the devil and all six fists began punching said devil rapidly. Due to that combo earlier, it was impossible for the devil to dodge. In a matter of seconds, the devil was hit with over a thousand punches. Zane stopped upon seeing that the devil was out cold, his face extremely bloodied, and his body bruised beyond belief. "Maybe I should have hold back just a bit. I need to know why their boss wanted me gone. It's a good thing I can read minds." said Zane.
Zane aimed his left hand toward the two unconscious devils and fired a stream of candy syrup out of it within seconds. It instantly hardened over them, trapping them in a giant ball. He put his hand over one of the devil's head and began reading his mind. "Oh. So another devil royal wants Rae as his bride. That won't be happening Rufus. I promised myself that I would protect her so it's time to make another devil pay." said Zane, looking at them.
The hero turned toward the ball and opening up a portal to Ezlario. He placed a note for the Alliance about them being criminals as he kicked the ball into the portal. "They'll be just fine under Darin's watch and hopefully, they don't get struck with Theron as their guard. He can be pretty brutal when it comes to punishing criminals. Like that one devil said, they're durable so they can handle a little physical punishment. Back to training I go." said Zane.
Narrator P.O.V.
The six devils looked at Zane with him saying,"What? They attacked me first and I found out that their leader Rufus Medlock is after Rachel like Blaze was. I'm the victim here.". "That may be the case but still. I don't like when you go and challenge really powerful people without telling anyone about doing that." said Rachel. Zane can sense her fear and worry with him shrugging. Rachel was grabbed by Zane with his warm hand placed on her stomach and he pushed her onto his lap.
Rachel blushes a bit as her back touched his muscular chest. "Zane! What are you doing?! My family is right here! I don't mind when you do this in front of the others but my family?!" said Rachel. "So? I mean I'm sure that they know how much we love each other. Plus this is totally making the twinsters jealous and that's always a good thing right?" said Zane. "I guess but you should have told me that you were going to do this. Jerk. " said Rachel as she was pouting angrily in his lap.
Marina smiled as she said,"You two remind me of the good old days except I put him on my lap. He really liked it when my breasts touched his back. I was always moving my fingers around his chest and he was really buff. Not as buff as your man though.". "Ignore that for now. So what are you planning to do about the Dwarf Clan? They really don't like springing their men out of jail." said Astrid. "Beat the crap out of them duh. It may be barbaric but it works." said Zane in a blunt manner.
Chloe's eyes widened as she said,"Um. You aren't serious right? I mean you were able to fight against the Salamander Clan's forces but this is the Dwarf Clan you're going to be fighting against. They're known for many things and one of those things are having an impressive army that rivals the Sentry Corps in terms of number but their power is another story entirely.". "Chloe. I don't think your advice is reaching him whatsoever. Just look." said Astrid.
The younger twin looked at Zane whose eyes were literally shining like diamonds. "Seriously?! You want to fight an entire clan of devils?!" said Chloe. "Yep. I won't let anyone take Rae or anyone of the beings I hold close to away from me ever again. I'll fight against an entire army just to keep her safe. I made myself that vow after what happened." said Zane, remembering that day clearly. Rachel grabbed Zane's hand with her saying with a smile,"And I'll be there to help you this time.".
Ignacio looked at his sister with him saying,"Did I hear you right? Are you going to help Zane fight the Dwarf Clan? Just the two of you?". "Yeah. Did I stutter brother?" said Rachel. Marian began laughing as Gayle looked at her. "You two really are the perfect couple. I'm so proud of you." said Marian with her wiping away a couple of tears. "Rachel. Zane. I won't stop you from fighting against Rufus and the Dwarf Clan whatsoever." said Gayle.
The trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio looked right at Gayle with them saying,"You can't be serious Gayle?! You're sending them to their graves!". Gayle looked at them with the three devils frozen both figuratively and literally. "Be quiet you three. You really should have more faith in them. Me and mother believe in them so why wouldn't you?" said Gayle. The trio would have answered her but they were frozen inside of a block of ice.
Marian shook her head as she said,"I'm sure they would have answered you if they weren't frozen my dear. So do you have a plan for taking down Rufus?". "Yep. We'll figure it out soon but right now, I think we should have a drink. Want me to free your siblings Rae?" said Zane. "Nah. I think they should chill out a little bit for a while. So can you tell me some stuff about dad mom?" said Rachel, cupping her chin. "Sure thing. Let me tell you two about how we met." said Marian.
About twenty minutes later, the trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio were unfrozen and the main part of their meeting was ready to begin. "I feel like I've been waiting for this moment for over a thousand years now! I'm having a drink with my baby sister and her fiancé!" said Ignacio. The seven each held a cup with each cup containing the booze that Ignacio brought with him. The booze is a very bright pink color, similar to what the drink is named after.
Zane nodded as he said,"I guess that's nice. You should know that Rae has a great tolerance toward Alcohol. Efren and Heidi on the other hand are not.". "He's right about that." said Rachel. Heidi had tried some alcohol before since most of Team Maelstrom ,mainly Efren and Zane, like to drink. It turns out that she's a real lightweight even more than Efren. It took one mug of simple booze made her pass out. Heidi was drunk with a smile on her flushed face.
Rachel nodded as she said,"This is a new experience for me since I'm drinking with my amazing sister in law, idiot brother, mother, and my twinsters.". "Hey! Quit calling us that! We don't like when Zane does it so you shouldn't either!" said Astrid and Chloe, earning laughter from Marian. Rachel held her cup up to her nose with her sniffing it. It had a strong apple and strawberry scent to it. The scent enticed her to drink what was in front of her.
Narrator P.O.V.
The six devils looked at Zane with him saying,"What? They attacked me first and I found out that their leader Rufus Medlock is after Rachel like Blaze was. I'm the victim here.". "That may be the case but still. I don't like when you go and challenge really powerful people without telling anyone about doing that." said Rachel. Zane can sense her fear and worry with him shrugging. Rachel was grabbed by Zane with his warm hand placed on her stomach and he pushed her onto his lap.
Rachel blushes a bit as her back touched his muscular chest. "Zane! What are you doing?! My family is right here! I don't mind when you do this in front of the others but my family?!" said Rachel. "So? I mean I'm sure that they know how much we love each other. Plus this is totally making the twinsters jealous and that's always a good thing right?" said Zane. "I guess but you should have told me that you were going to do this. Jerk. " said Rachel as she was pouting angrily in his lap.
Marina smiled as she said,"You two remind me of the good old days except I put him on my lap. He really liked it when my breasts touched his back. I was always moving my fingers around his chest and he was really buff. Not as buff as your man though.". "Ignore that for now. So what are you planning to do about the Dwarf Clan? They really don't like springing their men out of jail." said Astrid. "Beat the crap out of them duh. It may be barbaric but it works." said Zane in a blunt manner.
Chloe's eyes widened as she said,"Um. You aren't serious right? I mean you were able to fight against the Salamander Clan's forces but this is the Dwarf Clan you're going to be fighting against. They're known for many things and one of those things are having an impressive army that rivals the Sentry Corps in terms of number but their power is another story entirely.". "Chloe. I don't think your advice is reaching him whatsoever. Just look." said Astrid.
The younger twin looked at Zane whose eyes were literally shining like diamonds. "Seriously?! You want to fight an entire clan of devils?!" said Chloe. "Yep. I won't let anyone take Rae or anyone of the beings I hold close to away from me ever again. I'll fight against an entire army just to keep her safe. I made myself that vow after what happened." said Zane, remembering that day clearly. Rachel grabbed Zane's hand with her saying with a smile,"And I'll be there to help you this time.".
Ignacio looked at his sister with him saying,"Did I hear you right? Are you going to help Zane fight the Dwarf Clan? Just the two of you?". "Yeah. Did I stutter brother?" said Rachel. Marian began laughing as Gayle looked at her. "You two really are the perfect couple. I'm so proud of you." said Marian with her wiping away a couple of tears. "Rachel. Zane. I won't stop you from fighting against Rufus and the Dwarf Clan whatsoever." said Gayle.
The trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio looked right at Gayle with them saying,"You can't be serious Gayle?! You're sending them to their graves!". Gayle looked at them with the three devils frozen both figuratively and literally. "Be quiet you three. You really should have more faith in them. Me and mother believe in them so why wouldn't you?" said Gayle. The trio would have answered her but they were frozen inside of a block of ice.
Marian shook her head as she said,"I'm sure they would have answered you if they weren't frozen my dear. So do you have a plan for taking down Rufus?". "Yep. We'll figure it out soon but right now, I think we should have a drink. Want me to free your siblings Rae?" said Zane. "Nah. I think they should chill out a little bit for a while. So can you tell me some stuff about dad mom?" said Rachel, cupping her chin. "Sure thing. Let me tell you two about how we met." said Marian.
About twenty minutes later, the trio of Astrid, Chloe, and Ignacio were unfrozen and the main part of their meeting was ready to begin. "I feel like I've been waiting for this moment for over a thousand years now! I'm having a drink with my baby sister and her fiancé!" said Ignacio. The seven each held a cup with each cup containing the booze that Ignacio brought with him. The booze is a very bright pink color, similar to what the drink is named after.
Zane nodded as he said,"I guess that's nice. You should know that Rae has a great tolerance toward Alcohol. Efren and Heidi on the other hand are not.". "He's right about that." said Rachel. Heidi had tried some alcohol before since most of Team Maelstrom ,mainly Efren and Zane, like to drink. It turns out that she's a real lightweight even more than Efren. It took one mug of simple booze made her pass out. Heidi was drunk with a smile on her flushed face.
Rachel nodded as she said,"This is a new experience for me since I'm drinking with my amazing sister in law, idiot brother, mother, and my twinsters.". "Hey! Quit calling us that! We don't like when Zane does it so you shouldn't either!" said Astrid and Chloe, earning laughter from Marian. Rachel held her cup up to her nose with her sniffing it. It had a strong apple and strawberry scent to it. The scent enticed her to drink what was in front of her.
Marian looked at her youngest as she said,"Rachel. You don't need to force yourself okay? This drink isn't for the faint heart.". The devil said this while sipping her drink and she had a faint blush on her face. "It's fine mom. I'll have one cup because this is a family tradition. You and Gayle did this with dad and Ignacio back in the day. I want to do this with Zane ever since he proposed to me and he's a very important part of my life." said Rachel.
It reminded her of when she was a kid being that she used to have a big problem with anyone that is the same sex of her ,excluding family for pretty obvious reasons except in certain places if you know what I mean, spending time with Zane. This jealously was due to her being unsure of her feelings toward Zane but thankfully, it had died down around meeting Karen in middle school. Rachel began checking herself in the mirror, running her hands down her world-class figure in deep thought.
Zane placed her on their bed with him smiling. "Okay. So for my first order, I would like to hold my hand tight." said Zane. The two held hands. "Okay. This is what you wanted from me Zane? Kinda tame and totally not arousing." said Rachel. "You say that now but I'm sure that the you from back in the day would have passed out if we held hands. It was kinda cute to see you like that." said Zane. "Ugh. Don't remind me about how pure I was." said Rachel.
Rachel sighed as she said,"So before you have your war flashback Zane, why were you in the sewers this time? Chasing after a bad guy?". "Not exactly Rae. I was down there, chasing after a congregation of sentient alligators who stole a extremely priceless jewel from a congregation of crocodiles who just so happened to live here in Cypress Park. Those two groups of reptiles are rivals and hopefully, they'll become friendly. Love will blossom in time." said Zane with a smile.
The devil giggled as she said,"That's true and you're really not subtle when it comes to flirting. So I have to ask you a serious question. How bad of a drunk was I last night? Was I Efren bad Zane?". "I would say yes to you being a Efren level drunk. However, you were sexy unlike Efren. Your totally not subtle jealously was apparent. You were fighting with the twinsters, Gayle, and mom over little me and not your brother. I'm touched." said Zane.
Rachel smiled at seeing the old Zane appearing right now but the Zane from high school was long gone and this is okay. At least, he wasn't trying to be someone he was not. "So I have a serious problem and I'm going to fix it." said Rachel. Before Zane could ask for clarification, the devil cupped the bottom of her negligee and flew over to their bed. "We really should be cuddling the way that Tron made us." said Rachel in a simple yet seductive tone. She pulled off her negligee and she wasn't embarrassed.
Zane was the being that she was going to spend the rest of her eternal life with and he has seen her naked countless times by now. "So do you want me to strip for you or do you want to strip me? This is a serious question by the way." said Zane. Rachel tend to have a lack of shame when it comes to being naked. Zane accepted this as a normal devil quirk as he learned last night with her mother and sister in law much to Rachel's jealously. It was an interesting experience to say the least.
Rachel shrugged as she said,"Either or Zane. Are you coming? I really want to cuddle with you before breakfast time. We have things to do today.". She smiled as she watched Zane strip within a second and that was impressed. "You're my queen after all." said Zane as he entered the bed and Rachel snuggled next to him with a contented sigh coming out of her. Zane could feel her very soft body against his and well, it was a nice feeling.
The two cuddled in their birthday suits for a good ninety minutes before the clock struck six in the morning. Zane felt pressure on his chest with him seeing Rachel snuggling tightly against his chest. He smiled at how his fiancée was treating him like a really big teddy bear but how tight she was holding him did bother him. "I may love her a lot but when she gets clingy, she's a pain. I wonder if she has some cat in her DNA." thought Zane. "Hey Rae. It's time to get a move on." said Zane.
Cazagon nodded as he said,"Yeah. The Attacker type Ingrull aren't someone you should underestimated even if it's a female. So are you an agent too?". "Sorta of." said Zara. "What is that supposed to mean lady?" said Cazagon. "Ever heard about the Eazairvians?' said Zara. "I have lady. One of the strongest species in the Omniverse. Never seen one before since they tend to stay way from those weaker than them. I think Parker is one but I've never seen him before." said Cazagon.
The alien scoffed as he said,"All is fair in killing Zero for his bounty.". "You have a bounty?" said Rachel as she ran over to help Zane. "It's complicated and I'll tell you about it later. It involves me and Danny." said Zane. Lidox flew toward them and held out his left hand which was covered in electricity but instead of shocking Rachel, he touched Zane whose electricity did nothing to him. "And I think you need to leave me alone." said Zane.
Rachel shook her head as she said,"While that place may be good, I doubt it's a reason to come here since beings other than humans have to deal with both Avalon and Swarm hunting them down.". "That may be true but Fantasia is so good and I will fight you on that." said Zane. "The reason I want to go back is because I wish to head back to Ezlario so I may help cater your wedding." said Cazagon with the couple looking at him.
Rachel looked at Zane who said,"That's the Alliance symbol of showing respect toward another. I got that a lot during my year with the Alliance. So do you want me to send you back now or later big guy?". "Right now since I want to make sure your grandfather knows about me cooking for his grandson's wedding." said Cazagon. "Sounds like a good plan to me! Later man!" said Zane as he fired his weapon and sent the giant to Ezlario.
The devil looked at him as she said,"You’re always teasing me and fawning on me every chance you get! And I really enjoy it. You always know what buttons of mine to push and even though I may not like having people see me as the princess and next ruler of an entire clan of devil, I like when you do it for me. You always put up this face of strength and confidence so you can keep helping others but I know that you're the type of guy who goes all out in order to protect what he holds dear.".
The devil giggled as she said,"40! 50! 60! 70! 80! 90!". "Fine! I'll be back in bed with you in a....." said Zane. "100! Zaney Bear! Come back to bed! Your devil is getting lonely!" whined Rachel as she was moving around in the sheets. "I'm literally in front of you." said Zane with his arms crossed. "Zaney Bear! Come on!" whined Rachel. "Good grief." thought Zane as he loudly sighed and looked at the devil. "Do you really like being mean to me? I thought you loved me and...." said Rachel.
This is due to the towel looked ready to expose her body at any second. The bottom of her rear stuck out from the towel, immediately causing Rachel's hormones to go insane at this image. Knowing Rachel like she does, she gave her bottom a hard smack. It rippled like a pebble in a lake. "She's doing this to me on purpose I know but wow, she's really good at being seductive." thought Rachel. Zara entered the bathroom with her closing the door using her behind.
Rachel looked at her with her eyes sparkling like stars and her blushing made her face look even more attractive that she didn't even try to hide. "So before you go, can I get a goodbye hug big sister?" said Rachel with a wide smile and a carefree tone. To get what she wanted, she purposely bounced her breasts. "Sure but knowing you, it'll be more than just a hug." said Zara with her arms crossed over her chest in a mature posture.
Ignacio wiped away a tear with him saying,"Oh Rachel. The love you have for Zane makes me proud to call you my sister.". "And you didn't before?" said Zane. "Here I go. Bottom's up!" said Rachel as she began drinking. Rachel slightly grimaced at the drink’s sweet bubbly taste before chugging down the contents inside of the cup into her mouth and down her throat. The booze tasted amazing. As she was drinking this, her face was getting red.
It reminded Zane of his face whenever he blushes except it was a deep shade of crimson thanks to the booze. "Okay. You're clearly wasted. I've never seen her like this. This thing better not have give her any side effect." said Zane with him glaring at Ignacio who smiled. "Don't worry so much Zane. This drink will make your all day date even better than you two planned it to be. All devils love Cherry Blossom Punch." said Ignacio. The devil was extremely happy that Rachel had drunk it.
It reminded Zane of his face whenever he blushes except it was a deep shade of crimson thanks to the booze. "Okay. You're clearly wasted. I've never seen her like this. This thing better not have give her any side effect." said Zane with him glaring at Ignacio who smiled. "Don't worry so much Zane. This drink will make your all day date even better than you two planned it to be. All devils love Cherry Blossom Punch." said Ignacio. The devil was extremely happy that Rachel had drunk it.
Zane looked at him as he thought,"This can’t be good. I remember the last time Ignacio gave her a drink. Hopefully, I can solve it.". "Zane. Why are you so far away? Tell me already or I'll pinch you so hard." said Rachel with a drunken smile on her face and a very noticeable blush on her face. She began to stare at him with a faraway look in her eyes as she licked and bit her lips. She breathed heavily with her tiling her head cutely. She had a lustful aura of Ardor around her.
She had began moving toward him and once she got close, she began resting on his chest. "That's much better. I miss my favorite fireplace." said Rachel, getting real cozy on Zane's lap. "I'm going to guess that you are drunk aren't you?" said Zane. Rachel looked up at him as she said,"I'm not drunk! You're drunk!". "Um honey. I think out of all beings here, I know when someone is drunk." said Zane. "You're so amazing Zaney." said Rachel, looking into Zane's eyes with her tilting her head in a cute manner.
The devil's eyes looked lustful toward Zane and this was shown with the hearts in her eyes. "I really love you! I don't care who in the Omniverse hears it! I love you Zane!" said Rachel with her hugging him tightly and she passionately kiss him. Zane did nothing as her tongue dominated his own. In their four years together as a couple, Zane learned how to be an attentive lover. Even when Rachel is drunker than a skunk, Zane need to make sure Rachel knew one thing.
She need to know that Zane was capable of supporting her emotionally, physically, and intimately. The latter of the three would have to wait until later. After a moment, his arms moved of their own accord and wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her closer. He returned the kiss with an matching energy and relaxed more into it the longer they did. Zane held her very close so she would keep her balance and follow him.
As he did this, she pushed herself against him and hugged his body as close as she could. Her hands roamed his form with her fingers slipped under his shirt. He quickly grabbed her hands to stop her from going too far in front of her family. "You two are so romantic." said Marian, gushing at this scene in front of her. It reminded her greatly of herself and her husband back in the day. "Thank you a lot Marian. She's usually not like this mind you." said Zane.
The young devil looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane.". "Uh yes?" said Zane. "I've seen you staring at my mom and Gayle! Cut that out or no sex for a month!" said Rachel. "I'm not staring at them Rae! I love you remember?" said Zane. "Come on Zane. What's the deal huh? Both of us are attractive I'll give you that but cheating on Rae like that is pretty ballsy." said Gayle with a giggle. Zane turned to see Astrid, Chloe, Gayle, and Marian with blushes matching Rachel.
Ignacio smiled as Zane said,"Seriously?! You got your entire family drunk?! Have you no shame idiot brother?!". "I think Zane has decided to take a taste of a mature flavor sister." said Astrid, giggling. "I guess so." said Chloe. "Bored with me already?! I knew that you can't keep your lust for women in line even though I'm sexy!" said Rachel. Her furisode was open a bit and this was exposing her breasts to Zane. "I know how much you love my breasts so here you go!" said Rachel.
Rachel moved Zane's head toward them with Zane blushing. "Oh! It seems that Rachel is making her claim on Zaney! What will you girls do now?!" said Ignacio. "All of the girls here are related to you know that right?" said Zane, escaping his fiancée's breasts. "Come on Zane. Who do you love the most?! I love you way more than anyone in the entire Omniverse!" said Rachel. "Oh wow. This is getting intense. She confessed her love for him but will he do the same?" said Marian.
Gayle giggled as she said,"Or perhaps, he'll confess to one of us.". "What are you talking about? You know that I....." said Zane. "Pick Gayle or Marian! Their boobs are just as big and they have more experience in the bedroom than Rachel does!" said Ignacio. Zane looked toward the two with them smiling and the hero slammed his head into the table at just the thought of them in bed. "Hey there buddy! Quit checking out my mom and sister! I'm all the woman you need!" said Rachel.
Ignacio laughed as he said,"This just proves who he loves my dear sister.". Like the rest of the devils in the room, his face was red as well. "This totally proves that this stuff gets devils hammered instantly and I love you Rae." said Zane. "You don't like us Zaney? I mean we just met today but I thought you were a nice guy." said Marian. She was about to start crying with Zane saying,"Don't cry Marian. I like you as a person....". "You love her?! She's my mom!" said Rachel.
Zane groaned as he said,"Love and like are two different things Rachel. I probably had this coming for a while now but damn you Omniverse! You just love to fuck me over don't you.". "Like I do!" cooed Rachel with Zane's face slamming into the table. "I think you girls should quit teasing since Rachel is super possessive of her man. Plus you have me Gayle." said Ignacio. "Brother. You're reading the situation wrong." said Astrid and Chloe. "So what do you mean by that?" said Ignacio.
Gayle looked at Ignacio with her saying,"We weren't teasing him. I've been interested in him since he decided to fight against Blaze to save Rachel.". "Yep!" said Marian. The statement from his wife caused Ignacio to turn into stone and the statement from his mother caused the stone to crack. Ignacio wasn't a fan of this development whatsoever. Cherry Blossom Punch was how the Powell family indicts a new member normally.
All members of the family and the newcomer drinks Cherry Blossom Punch to welcome a new being to the Akostar Clan. This beverage has alcohol in it and with enough drinking of it, it can get any being hammered. However, this drink just so happen to get devils extremely hammered and the effect lasts for twenty four upon first consumption. Zane happens to be the first being to join the Akostar Clan and not be a devil so this was a new experience for the family.
Zane ,on the other hand, had a different opinion about the whole thing. He was used to handle drunks of all kinds but all of these drunks were members of his fiancée's family. He may have shared a drink with them but to Zane, he'll be a part of the Akostar Clan once he marries Rachel. He made sure that the royal devils got home safely and Marian had placed a kiss on his cheek upon leaving. This little kiss upset the still drunk Rachel and she stormed off after that much to Zane's worry.
She was standing in her bedroom's bathroom with her sighing. "I know that I shouldn't be jealous of my mother kissing Zane but still. He could have stopped her." thought Rachel. Even after she had stopped drinking due to Zane keeping the booze away from the devils thanks to a pocket dimension, Rachel still felt a little woozy, quite lightheaded, and having a bit of trouble concentrating. She was also releasing out small and super adorable burps. She also had a nasty jealous streak going on.
It reminded her of when she was a kid being that she used to have a big problem with anyone that is the same sex of her ,excluding family for pretty obvious reasons except in certain places if you know what I mean, spending time with Zane. This jealously was due to her being unsure of her feelings toward Zane but thankfully, it had died down around meeting Karen in middle school. Rachel began checking herself in the mirror, running her hands down her world-class figure in deep thought.
Her looks ,from top to bottom, had always been something of a great asset to her thanks to her sharing a lot of characteristics with her mom as she found out in great detail tonight. Her mom's figure was slightly more adult compared to hers and Gayle but was still better than the twinsters. She hated how most guys noticed that about her before anything else. Rachel remembered how Zane had to stop the advances of guys trying to hit on her usually using fear tactics.
This was before he became Zero and he learned these tactics from a movie he saw with Courtney. Zane once told her that he was proud of being with a girl like her who is a beauty inside and out. It was obvious to everyone and their grandma that Zane was an extremely good-looking guy who naturally stole more hearts than most guys could ever achieve in their lifetime. It wasn't just his looks that drew people in but his unique personality.
Rachel usually held back her jealously whenever a girl would flirt with him especially when he was Legion Zero. Zane would often pretend not to notice it even when the girl flirting isn't at subtle about it whatsoever. She was well aware of how Zane could tell when a girl is flirting with her. Rachel was pretty sure that her body had brought her the man of her dreams but she would never forget how her friends helped her through the whole Blaze thing.
It was Zane who defeated Blaze four years ago. Danny could have easily defeated Blaze if things went differently in their Domination match. In that match, the homo supremus did fight against the group of Archie, Avril, Belle, Bernice, Blaze, Eloise, Rhoda, and Wilma. He took one of Rhoda's explosion in order to protect Leo and Sly from it. After taking this first explosion and dealt with a lot of damage from the devils, Danny was hit with a barrage of explosions.
These explosions also defeated Allen, Gwen, Jordan, Kevin, and Leo around the same time. It was also the first time he used Wraith Armor and accessed his latent powers of a homo supremus. To get back on point, Rachel trusted Zane with everything since he had taken her heart and body. Rachel's face turned red as she covered her mouth to hide her growing smile. She had lost her innocence to him shortly after Zane brought her back to Cypress Park and it was her choice.
Zane was perfectly willing to wait but she couldn't wait after seeing him kick some serious but. She did have to say sorry to the other girls dating Zane at the time since they were first but love is blinding. She was stopped from relieving that particular memory by Zane's voice. "Hey Rae. Can we talk? I know that you're made about what happened but you should know that I will always love you and you alone." said Zane's voice.
Rachel looked at the door with her beginning to form a very sexy idea. It was something she had in mind for a while now. "Sure. Just wait outside for me okay?" said Rachel. "Okay. Thanks Rae. You're the best you know that." said Zane. The devil looked at herself and got ready for her evil scheme. About ten minutes, Rachel was sitting on their bedroom couch. The devil princess had a massive pout on her face with her arms crossed under her breasts, making her large breasts more obvious.
Her legs were also crossed. She had changed out of her furisode into something more casual. She’s wearing rather suggestive lingerie. It’s a black ,silk, lace spaghetti strap negligee. It's held on her body by two thin straps on her shoulders and ending at the middle of her thighs. It has a sakura petal print with crimson red lining. She had her hair out of her chignon and back to its normal appearance. She’s wearing a pair of scarlet red fluffy slippers. Rachel had on her engagement ring.
Zane ,in his lounge wear, was trying to hide the growing blush on his face from seeing a large amount of her cleavage but was failing miserably due to her outfit making it practically impossible not to see her breasts due it being cut to emphasize her bust. Even though he was in "trouble" with her, Zane was staring at her. If it wasn't obvious enough, this was just part of Rachel's plan. "Gods damn. I know that I love her more than just her body but it's really nice." thought Zane.
He smiled as he thought,"I wish she wore that for more just the bedroom but her typical lounge wear isn't half bad. It still shows off how beautiful she is. I'm a big fan of her cleavage being that her sexy mounds and I are totally more than just best friends. Yes we are.". He was stopping for thinking any more about this by a gentle chop to his head. "Ouch. You hurt me why Rachel?" said Zane in a deadpanned voice.
It didn't hurt him but he could pretend like it did. "Can't you turn off the perv Zane? I like the gentleman version of you but wait a minute. Gentleman Zane got my mom to kiss him!" said Rachel with her arms crossed. "Come on Rae. It wasn't my fault that she kissed me. You know that right?" said Zane as Rachel huffed. "You should have stopped her from kissing you Mr. I can see the future! I know she's very sexy and all but you have me!" said Rachel with a sigh.
Zane sighed as he said,"You're right Rae. I guess her kissing me is totally my fault. Real sorry.". He didn't feel like arguing with her about this since a drunk Rachel is extremely stubborn even more than he can be most of the time. It was actually pretty impressive and sometimes, you just have to let the other people be right especially when they're drunk. It wasn't because of her gender whatsoever since Zane is an Eazairvian aka neither gender.
Rachel smiled as she had won against him which usually happened but she still liked it whenever she did. "Oh and me being a perv. Can you blame me? You're clearly making that impossible since your body is yelling at me to stare at it and you like when I do." said Zane. Even though Crisis Judgement was going off, Zane had ignored it with Rachel palm striking him in the face. "Do you really think that I would like to hear that from you right? I'm mad at you Zaney!" said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said with a red ,not from a blush, face,"Okay. I know what to do. If you really don't want to be around me, I'll just leave you alone to calm down. Maybe Efren won't me hanging out with him and we'll go for peruse for chicks. Good day ma'am!". He began walking toward the bedroom door and Rachel gasped upon seeing him leaving. She crashed into him as she screamed,"No!". Even though he easily saw it coming from her, Zane didn't do anything to stop her.
The hero was pinned to the floor with her arms wrapping her neck and held onto him very tight like he was a giant teddy bear. Her colossal, extremely soft breasts was above his face. "I'm sorry! Please don't leave me for Efren! I was just jealous of my mom flirting with you! She knows that I love you more than anyone and well, I don't want you to leave me for her! All of my anger was me trying to get back at you for it!" said Rachel.
For a second, Zane stopped looking at her melons and smiled. "Rae. After all of this time, you really should know two things. When I'm joking and how much I love you. I won't leave you for Efren. He's a good guy but not my type. Danny on the other hand. Lets just say that if Gwen wasn't a very good friend of mine, I would totally be seducing him and he would be mine." said Zane. "I know that but still! You know that then I'm drunk, I can't control my jealously!" said Rachel.
The devil grabbed Zane's head and buried his head under a massive pair of breasts and she began rubbing her cheek into Zane's hair. "You're not in trouble Zaney! I was just teasing you! Please don't leave. I want to be with you for our entire date." said Rachel as Zane smiled even though his face was engulfed in softness. "Gods. This is how I'm going to die. Dying by breasts. Not a bad way to go out in my opinion but man, I'll get teased for it from the past Zeroes." thought Zane.
Rachel looked right at Zane ,with her having a puppy dog eye look going on, and she said,"Pretty please Zaney?". "Yep. I wasn't going to leave you but since you're begging me to stay...." said Zane. He was stopped by talking by her kissing his face with kisses. She ended off her kissing barrage by making direct contract with Zane's lips. She began to kiss him with such vigor and passion that it rivaled the sun itself due to its intensity.
Zane would have to tried to break free from their kiss but he trusted Rachel and enjoyed himself. As Rachel was kissing him, her breasts was bouncing and ass shaking. Rachel removed her mouth from her fiancé and eventually let him go as she smiled at him. "That was amazing." thought Zane, looking at her. "So since did you plan all of that in the moment or what?" said Rachel. "What makes you say that Rae? I was only staring at your amazing fun bags." said Zane.
Rachel sighed as she said,"When you say stuff like that, you totally did! Have I never noticed how much of a perv you are?!". "Seriously? You've never noticed that I was a pervert. I call totally bull on that but whatever Rae. If you honestly don't like my pervert side, I'll stop. I promise." said Zane. "Don't do that Zaney. I don't hate it but have some restraint." said Rachel. "Will do." said Zane, throwing up a thumbs up. "So are you ready to begin our all day date?" said Rachel.
Zane looked at her with him saying,"That's today?". Rachel looked at him with her crossing her arms and pouted. "You know I'm kidding Rae. Do you really think I would forget something that we've been planning for six months now?" said Zane, smirking. Rachel leaned against his chest, treating him like an oversized pillow or a body pillow. Either or works. "Of course I know that but I'm sure that my kisses of remembrance helped." said Rachel. "Sure. Of course it did." said Zane, rolling his eyes.
Rachel noticed her fiancé's very noticeable eye roll with her punching him in the side. "Ouch. Why do you have to a body of steel?" said Rachel with her rubbing her fist which turned into a red color. "To protect my beautiful wife obviously." said Zane, kissing her knuckles. Zane looked at Rachel with her seeing that her face was red. "So what's up?" said Zane. "I think this is the first time you've kissed my knuckles before and it's weird." said Rachel speaking in a cute tone.
Zane tilted his head as he said,"Okay then?". "Having my hand kissed like this is something I saw happen to my sisters not me." said Rachel. She slowly recoiled her hand slowly as she held it. She was blushing hard with her looking embarrassed but cute. "Really? The twinsters got kissed before you even though there was a beauty in front of them. I'm shocked." said Zane, flirting with her and smiling. He wrapped his arm around Rachel’s shoulder and the devil blushed.
The hero looked at her as he thought,"Let me see. Rachel loves when I flirt with her in or out of public like this. I won't lose here.". Zane began kissing the devil’s neck. Rachel blushed upon feeling Zane's soft lips on her neck and felt like a jolt of electricity tingled in that one spot. "Zane. I'm not going to sit around the house, cooking and clean for you since I want to be a working woman. The first step to my perfect future is becoming your wife which I can't wait for." said Rachel with a smile.
Zane removed Rachel from on top of him which made her upset at first but she found herself in a bridal position so this pleased her a good deal. "Yeah. I'm the exact same. One month we have until the big day Rae. We've been planning our future since the engagement three years ago. Everything is going to perfect so I won't be seeing the infamous Bridezilla that Ignacio, Lucius, and Shawn were warning me about. Even if Bridezilla showed up, I would still love her." said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"Yep. I think I found out why I love you so much.". "My body or my wonderful personality?" said Zane. "Obviously your body but seriously, it's your personality. You're always putting others by yourself and to be honest, you're really selfish." said Rachel. "I can't help it you know." said Zane. "Sigh. You're always doing whatever you wants but that isn't how a relationship works. So our all day date will have us ordering the other one around. Understand?" said Rachel.
Zane placed her on their bed with him smiling. "Okay. So for my first order, I would like to hold my hand tight." said Zane. The two held hands. "Okay. This is what you wanted from me Zane? Kinda tame and totally not arousing." said Rachel. "You say that now but I'm sure that the you from back in the day would have passed out if we held hands. It was kinda cute to see you like that." said Zane. "Ugh. Don't remind me about how pure I was." said Rachel.
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I'm just getting started. Like any good couple, we'll be doing everything together so get ready for an amazing date.". "If you're with me, I'm sure we'll get through them no problem." said Rachel. The Cross Species looked at her with a hurt expression on his face and he said,"And now, you're stealing my words Rae. Give them back you thief.". "Sorry but we're going to be together forever so get used to it. I'll always be your queen." said Rachel, giggling at his antics.
After that, the two began kissed each other with a strong amount of passion in it. Their tongues broke through each other mouths and began moving together. In this exact moment aka the clock striking midnight, they were playing the age old game where both participants were both winners and this is how their all day date began. Their All Day Date just so happen to landed on White Day of all days of the year.
This day ,in most Asian countries, where everything that was given to the male on Valentine's Day by the female needs to be returned in full three times over. Their All Day Date was very similar to this in concept. However, both Rachel and Zane had a very detailed plan to make this their best date ever before their big wedding which was going to be amazing especially the honeymoon. To compensate for the couple's eight inch height difference, Rachel had to sit on her knees to connect with Zane's lips.
He had offered to shrink down in order to reach her height but she rejected that idea straight up. This never bothered her since she liked Zane's height. It always made her feel safe even when they were kids and how he was seen as the tallest kid in the class even when most of the other boys were shorter than the girls. When the couple's lips connected, there was that all too familiar spark that the two felt whenever they kissed.
It has been there ever since they started kissing four years ago. There were the distinct taste of arousal like always and whenever they kissed, they could pick up on what the other is fearing. For Rachel, she was worried about being taken away from her friends thanks to another devil. Zane was going to make sure that wouldn't happen even if he has to use Astral Form. Despite being well known for his courage and self confidence, Zane was still able to get scared.
This isn't obvious to most people but to his close friends and loved ones, they know about Zane's fears of him being unable to save them or having his confidence ,that shines through the darkness of the Omniverse according to the trio of Ivan, Liv, and Trevor, eventually vanish. Rachel loves Zane for a multiple amount of reasons being that his determination and honesty are some of her favorite things but the Massacre changed Zane.
When he finally left the hospital six months after the Massacre, he matured but kept his unique sense of humor intact. He tends to have a serious yet forlorn look on his face whenever he is thinking about the Massacre. His serious look is something that Rachel loved but the forlorn look wasn't something that she was a fan of. She was a fan of the confident, kind, happy, goofy, serious, reliable, handsome, and smart look that he portrayed. A sad one isn't something she liked.
When he finally left the hospital six months after the Massacre, he matured but kept his unique sense of humor intact. He tends to have a serious yet forlorn look on his face whenever he is thinking about the Massacre. His serious look is something that Rachel loved but the forlorn look wasn't something that she was a fan of. She was a fan of the confident, kind, happy, goofy, serious, reliable, handsome, and smart look that he portrayed. A sad one isn't something she liked.
Another thing that the couple had in common was that both of them had an admiration for both men and women. For Rachel, Carlos Ortiz aka Cinder was her first boyfriend in her entire life but they didn't really do anything other than holding hands. Kissing wasn't going to happen due to Carlos having a gambling problem and spontaneous human combustion whenever someone doesn't go his way or Zane's alter ego.
She never told anyone but Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra why she decided to date Carlos in the first place. It was because of her unrequited feelings that she had toward Zane who was her first crush ever since he saved her from some bullies when they were kids. Even though she couldn't figure out her feelings toward Zane until she was about to be married off to Blaze, she did have a couple of girlfriends. One of these girls she dated was Joyce aka Celeste's Phantom Drummer.
Like with Carlos before and after, these relationships didn't really go past hand holding mainly due to Rachel. Getting to first base with Rachel is practically impossible. Ever since she figured out she liked girls earlier on in middle school thanks to Karen and some of the other girls around her, she always dreamed having a serious relationship with either a man or woman. She always admired the relationship between Gayle and her older brother despite her brother being well an idiot.
Ever since she was little, Rachel wanted that for herself and she eventually got it thanks to being with Zane. However, there was always a part of her who wanted to know what it would be like to be with a women in a serious relationship. There was a couple of problems with that. The first and most obvious relationship is that she loved Zane and didn't want to cheat on him just to see what a relationship between two women could be like.
However, Zane wasn't like other guys and the devil was well aware of this. She began coming up with a plan to make her dream a reality and she need to do whatever she can to see what it would be like to have a serious relationship with a woman. Zane pulled out of the kiss much to Rachel's confusion. This bothered her since whenever they kiss normally, neither party wanted to stop but like most beings, they have to breath eventually.
Zane looked away from her with him saying,"Rae. Did I do something wrong earlier and be honest with me. Don't inflate my ego". "What? You didn't. You can't really mess up a kiss since you're naturally good at kissing." said Rachel. "Thanks but I still didn't feel refuse your mom's drunken advances even thought I handle Gayle and the twinsters's advances. Her flirting technique reminds me of yours." said Zane.
As Zane was talking/rambling on, Rachel looked at Zane with her seeing that Zane wasn't sleeping once again. It wasn't as obvious earlier due to her being drunk but she eventually noticed it. There was dark bags under his eyes and this always confused her. According to Zane, he only needed an hour of sleep to be at his max potential for over a month. If the bags under his eyes told her anything, he wasn't even doing that for a pretty obvious reason. It was either because of nightmares or overworking.
Rachel sighed as she said,"Zane. You didn't do anything wrong. Sure, I was mad at my mom flirting with you. Okay, I was really mad at her but you really are a prime catch. I'm really lucky to have you as my fiancé/lover. I just hope you're okay with what I have planned for our date today.". "Okay. You sound sure about this so I'll stop worrying about it. So what is it?" said Zane. "You have to guess and don't use your powers to cheat." said Rachel with Zane sitting next to her on the bed.
The devil rested her head on his lap and watched him cup his chin. "Do you remember when I did this from you back at the Velvet Spoon?" said Rachel. "Yeah. Efren really didn't want to kiss Leo or Wolfram but maybe, we shouldn't have gotten our dog and little dhampir that drunk. It was however a hilarious time over all." said Zane. "We really need to do that again and Lynx is totally joining us for an Maelstrom drinking party/karaoke party. It can be done whenever we get a new member." said Rachel.
Zane smirked with him saying,"If the queen decrees it, we shall do it. So to answer your question. Is your idea for a date a new recipe? I may have a black hole but you're not exactly the best cook in the Omniverse. You do remember the time that you made a cake for Leo's birthday party. Ellie really hated spending one of her few days off getting Kevin's stomach pumped.". Rachel pouted as she pinched Zane's left thigh which didn't bother him.
Rachel sulked as she said,"You can be so mean sometimes you know that. My idea isn't food related Zane and you have one more guess.". "Since when did I have a limited amount of guesses? This isn't twenty questions right?" said Zane. "You do since you're making fun of my cooking. I've gotten much better." said Rachel. "Okay then you petty devil. Is it how you're thinking about how you always wanted to....?" said Zane.
Zane smirked with him saying,"If the queen decrees it, we shall do it. So to answer your question. Is your idea for a date a new recipe? I may have a black hole but you're not exactly the best cook in the Omniverse. You do remember the time that you made a cake for Leo's birthday party. Ellie really hated spending one of her few days off getting Kevin's stomach pumped.". Rachel pouted as she pinched Zane's left thigh which didn't bother him.
Rachel sulked as she said,"You can be so mean sometimes you know that. My idea isn't food related Zane and you have one more guess.". "Since when did I have a limited amount of guesses? This isn't twenty questions right?" said Zane. "You do since you're making fun of my cooking. I've gotten much better." said Rachel. "Okay then you petty devil. Is it how you're thinking about how you always wanted to....?" said Zane.
The devil smiled as she thought,"Is he going to say what I think he's going to say?". If he was, this was going to go so much easier. "Take out the douchebag who wants to take you away from your family and friends yourself!" said Zane. Rachel facepalmed with Zane tilting his head in confusion. It reminded her of Wolfram whenever he's confused. "Did I get it wrong? You do want to do that to Rufus right?" said Zane with him looking at the devil who was getting off his lap.
Rachel looked at him as she said while learning against him,"You're not wrong about me wanted to get back at Rufus and the rest of devil kind to stop taking me away from you guys.". "Okay then?" said Zane.. "But my idea no my dream for our date isn't that in the slightest. As punishment for getting it wrong, you have to drink some tea I prepared." said Rachel with her arms crossed. "That's my punishment?" said Zane.
He smirked as he said,"I really thought that I was getting another kiss like the last handful of times I was punished for disobeying my queen. And since when did you know how to make tea? I thought royals didn't know how to brew their own tea.". "My grandma taught me how to make tea even though she didn't teach the twinsters how because of what they did to me. Don't judge a book by its very sexy cover." said Rachel.
She left the room after that with Zane smiling. "I really do love how you're calling them twinsters by the way." said Zane. "It's a really catchy name for them Zane and it's one of the nicknames of yours that actually work. So are you going to drink the tea I made for you Zaney?" said Rachel. The devil re-entered the room with her sashaying her hips seductively. Zane could tell that she was doing this on purpose. She was holding two cups of teas for Zane and herself.
Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. That was too damn fast. Did you plan this?". "Yep. I've been planning this for a VERY long time now. You're not the only one who plans things out several weeks to months in advance. So here you go master." said Rachel, mimicking a maid. She handed him a streaming cup of tea with Zane smiling and held in the warm cup in his right hand. "Thanks Rae and please don't call me master. You and I both hate being reminded how we're royalty." said Zane, smiling.
He took a sip of his tea with his eyes widening upon the liquid hitting his tongue. He downed the entire drink with him easily placing the flavor and looked at Rachel. "That was amazing tea. I really dig the strong strawberry taste. It reminds me of the drop of Cherry Blossom Punch I had before you stole my cup from me. You really liked it." said Zane. Rachel smiled as she sat next to him and cuddle with him while sipping her tea. "You know why I wanted you to have this tea with me?" said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"No idea. I'm trying to figure it out without using my telepathy. It's cheating if I do because well, I've been with you for thirteen almost fourteen years. I really should be able to help you out." said Zane. "If it isn't obvious, I'm still recovering from my brother's awful prank. This tea is supposed to help whoever drinks it recovered from a hangover and has another effect." said Rachel. "Is it making you even sexier?" said Zane.
Rachel lightly slapped him as she said,"Nope. According to my grandma, it should help you with your constant nightmares.". "Oh really? I guess that does sound better than you being even more beautiful. I would like to have some happy dreams involving you and some whipped cream. Please tell me that's on the itinerary." said Zane. "Not happening. So do you think we can beat up my brother later? That booze was good but not worth the hangover." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I don't mind since well, Gayle is probably punishing him right now as we speak.". "Yeah. I had a feeling my brother would be a sub when my sister in law is involved." said Rachel, remembering what happened earlier at the dinner. "However, I doubt she would mind if we make sure he learns the lesson. Oh by the way, I love how the tea has these bubbles that snap along my tongue." said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Yep. This tea has some alcohol on it that will affect other species except for devils. You would noticed that wouldn't you boozehound?". "Rachel Angelise Powell. Are you insulting that I Zane Vincent Alvarez, am addicting to the nectar of the gods themselves?" said Zane with him looking offended. "Yes you are. As punishment for calling me by my middle name, you need to take a shower since you really stink Zaney." said Rachel, holding her nose.
Zane looked at her as she said,"Let me guess. You were in the sewers yesterday and how didn't I smell it before?". To make sure that Zane got the hint, Rachel held her nose. "Honestly, I got no clue. Your nose may not be a hyper sniffer like Parker is but I did chase down a perp through a fancy boutique and got spayed with perfume from all side thanks to the perp having telekinesis. It was a war zone in there I swear to the gods." said Zane, shivering in place.
Rachel sighed as she said,"So before you have your war flashback Zane, why were you in the sewers this time? Chasing after a bad guy?". "Not exactly Rae. I was down there, chasing after a congregation of sentient alligators who stole a extremely priceless jewel from a congregation of crocodiles who just so happened to live here in Cypress Park. Those two groups of reptiles are rivals and hopefully, they'll become friendly. Love will blossom in time." said Zane with a smile.
To most people, they would think that Zane is taking crazy and currently on drugs but Rachel knew about the more supernatural aspect to their home. "Wait. Both Alligators and Crocodiles both live here in Cypress Park and they have heightened intelligence? I thought that the Florida Everglades was the only place where Alligators and Crocodiles could live together." said Rachel. "That's what I thought but I was wrong. I'll tell you about that adventure later." said Zane.
He cracked his neck with him saying,"Today is our day and I guess I should take a shower.". "You really should stinky. So since I'm feeling generous, you can use my soap. I need you to smell divine today okay?" said Rachel. "Sure thing but well, it's going to take some time. You got a lot of conditioner and shampoo in there." said Zane. "Keep running that mouth of yours or our date will end without you getting to handle theses." said Rachel, bringing her arms together and made them look bigger.
Zane looked at her as she said,"Rachel. You're a really monster. Holding your boobs hostages when they did nothing wrong. A monster I tell you!". Zane went to their bathroom and closed the door right behind him. Rachel moved over to their bedroom couch and waited for him. Ever since Zane proposed, Rachel and Zane have been sharing everything as a couple. This idea came from Rachel since she want to drill it into his head that she knew that she loved him and wasn't going to stop loving him until she died.
He may have a photographic memory but sometimes, he forgets. His photographic memory forgetting things and his indomitable will tends to be more weaker when he's exhausted. The latter of which she saw two Christmas ago when Holiday Guardian managed to use one of Zane's fears aka losing Rachel to his advantage. The Phantom lost the physical battle because Zane is much stronger even with the Phantom getting his typical holiday power up.
The mental battle between the two was another story. Rachel watched him leave with her heart beating in her chest. She was pretty sure that Zane's hyper hearing picked her heartbeat up. "Hey Rae. Is everything alright?" said Zane's voice coming from the bathroom. "Yep. I'm fine. Just excited for tonight." said Rachel. "Okay. Just relax okay? Everything is going to good." said Zane's voice. She had absolutely no idea about how she was going to ask him a very important question.
It wasn't an easy question to ask since this question could change their relationship. She really liked how their relationship was and didn't want to change it. However, Rachel could feel the excitement of another side to her dream coming to life and this excitement reminded her of that day that changed her life forever. This day involved Zane saving her from Blaze. The others were there to be fair but it was Zane who stormed his way into the castle, kicking butt in the process.
After teaching her siblings and Blaze a lesson, he basically told the entire Supernatural Realm that she belonged to him and no one else. She told the other girls who loved Zane at the time about this and said that it really powered her up. She would have been less subtle about how Zane made her feel but the trio of Wolfram, Uriel, and Zoey were in the room at the time. The devil didn't want to scar her future kids like her mother did with her back in the day.
Shortly after the fight, Gayle told Team Maelstom about how Blaze now had a fear of anything that happen to remind him of Zane. The Salamander Clan's psychiatrists called it the very fitting name of Zanephobia and before Zane or anyone from Team Maelstrom could do anything, Gayle told them about the stuffed yet totally realistic looking dragon/Akostar that was placed outside of Blaze's room. It made Blaze stay in his room and hasn't left since it arrived.
No one knew where the stuffed creature came from but Zane was pretty sure that Ignacio had a hand in it. The devil wanted to get revenge on Blaze for what he did to Rachel after all. The Salamander Clan tried to remove but if anyone touched it, they were hit with a high dose of Ardor that matched the Akostar Clan's Ardor perfectly. That was one of the best moments in Rachel's life. Needlessly to say, she eagerly waited for her fiancée's return.
For once, Zane came back in under five minutes and was currently toweling off his hair. The stereotype of men taking short showers is true according to Gwen ,who has been living with Danny since they graduated high school, but Zane liked to take his time. According to him, Zane loves hot water especially after a long day at work. Rachel noticed that Zane didn't have a shirt on and his hair looked lustrous. "Um Zane." said Rachel.
Zane sat down next to her with the smell of sweet raspberries emitting from his hair. Rachel was staring directly at his hair and smiled brightly. "He used the raspberries shampoo to tease me since it's my favorite fruit. His usually messy hair looks silky smooth and wavy now. It also smells so good." thought Rachel. Zane looked at her with him seeing the blush on her face and she was licking her lips while looking directly at him.
She currently had bedroom eyes for him and Zane chuckled internally. "Oh Rae. Please don't change for me okay?" thought Zane with him having a bright smile on his face. "So how did you know which conditioner to use?" said Rachel. She cuddled her close to him. "Do you seriously think I don't know your favorite fruit by now? We've been together for years now. I'm also not a complete dummy despite you calling me that." said Zane. The devil whistled with Zane sighing.
The Cross Species shook his head as he said,"I'll just ignore your lack of trust in me for now. You're lucky that I like you Rae. So how about we watch Fatal Glory to start this date off? It has Byron Waldron in it and that one scene in it. You know the one I'm talking about. It's with the bulldozer, police chase, drug dealers, and produce workers. Oh gods. I'm totally rambling again aren't I Rae? I know how much you hate when I start on one of my rants.".
He was bashfully began rubbed the back of his head using his left hand. The devil could tell that Zane was trying to stop himself from doing something that was out of his control and she couldn't let that happen to him. If she knew anything about the Eazairvians ,one of the many species that make Zane the being he is, is that they love to ramble about whatever they find interesting. For Leif and Parker, it's mainly about their prize inventions.
From what she knew about the bitch who hurt her man in a way that could never be healed from, she talked about herself and her ego was the size of a planet. It was a genetic thing and he couldn't stop himself from doing that. It was like preventing a fish from swimming in the ocean Whenever Zane puts one of his hands behind his head and rubs the back of his head, he's nervous about something. He can also do this also with both hands behind his head.
It wasn't Danny ,who is usually the first one to notice if something is off with Zane, who noticed this but her. She was really proud about that. Rachel smiled at him and despite her having some minor grievances about whenever he begins ranting, she loved how passionate Zane can be about several random topics and hoped that part about him never changes. Rachel was about to say something about it being okay for him to go one of his rants but she noticed something about Zane's face.
His handsome, masculine beard was gone. "I see that you finally noticed the lack of my beard. Took you forever. Guess my hair distracted you huh. This isn't a problem right? I plan to be clean shaved for our wedding by the way. This mug of my mine should last for a month if I manipulate my genetic structure just the right way and well, I think Allen and Kevin won't mind too much. They really like having facial hair much to Heidi's dismay." said Zane.
The devil smiled as she said,"I'm sure they won't and neither do I. So the reason why you grew one for two reasons is to hide one of your many scars and to make her happy. Am I right?". "Yeah. She would be mad at me for shaving but I'm sure she would want me to shave for our wedding. I may never get your gender but I'm good at reading people. Okay then Rae. You know the reason why I grew a beard so tell me how those reasons came to be." said Zane.
Rachel grabbed his chin as she said,"Well, the first reason is because of those concerned parents in the PTA not liking your scar which I can understand but you're no thug. The second reason is that Kristen liked beards on her guys. Nova and Karen on the hand didn't.". "Bingo. Those concerned parents were actually the husbands and wives to employees whom I had fired from Price Co when I obtained the company. They just hated me. So do you like me cleaned shaven?" said Zane.
The devil shook her head as she said with a smile,"I know that I was more for anti-beard back in the day but I've grown to love it since it works on you. Allen and Kevin on the other hand.". "Yeah. So how about we get this movie started?" said Zane. Rachel responded to this with a smile and making her way into his arms as the two cuddled together in bed. The Cross Species tensed up with Rachel looking up at him with a confused look. "What's wrong? You're usually the handsy type." said Rachel.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. Nothing is wrong except for two things.". "Which are?" said Rachel. "Well, we haven't started the movie yet and...." said Zane. He gave her a tight hug which caused her to let out a cute shriek. "You need to be punish for being so darn sexy. And why did you squeak? I thought you were use to me being handsy." said Zane with a devilish smirk plastered on his voice. "You know that I am but you're using your powers to make your hands freezing!" said Rachel.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. Nothing is wrong except for two things.". "Which are?" said Rachel. "Well, we haven't started the movie yet and...." said Zane. He gave her a tight hug which caused her to let out a cute shriek. "You need to be punish for being so darn sexy. And why did you squeak? I thought you were use to me being handsy." said Zane with a devilish smirk plastered on his voice. "You know that I am but you're using your powers to make your hands freezing!" said Rachel.
She was trying to escape his grip. "Guilty as charged. You may be trying to escape but I know you love it." said Zane as he squeezed her waist tighter and rubbed his cheek against her. This kind of behavior is normal for their relationship since they just love to bully each other in ways that may seem rude from an outside perspective but Zane and their friend group knew that she liked it. Whenever she tells him to stop doing something, she only wants it more.
Zane was extremely sure that Rachel didn't mind it since she was smiling and giggling when she was complaining. She really love to show her man unconditional love but she was willing to call him out for things such as when he belittles himself or does something extremely stupid. Zane chuckled as he began to rub her right cheek with his fingers. "Come on Rae. You can just tell me that you like it or perhaps you love me when I do this." whispered Zane into her ear with a seductive tone.
He added in a kiss on her left cheek to seal the deal. "Of course I love you but... Ugh! Why did I have to fall for a seducer." said Rachel. Zane turned her to face him with his left hand while sliding his right hand right on her stomach. "Oh. Do you want me stop? I think you know the only way to stop me from being a seducer. If you want me to keep going, do nothing." said Zane. Rachel pouted at him with her knowing that there was only one thing to stop Zane's teasing touch.
With a pout, Rachel whimpered out,"You know something Zane. You can be a really big jerk.". "But you love when I act like a super villain." said Zane. Rachel decided to accept his advances and gave him a passion filled kiss. Zane placed one of his hand on her belly and cheek. Rachel hated how natural it was for Zane to get a kiss from her. Zane was usually such a nice and loyal guy but he has this evil side of him that usually came out when he was pranking and teasing people.
The devil ,for some strange reason, didn't mind this side of him whatsoever. Whenever Blaze touched her, it was always with force and made her uncomfortable. Zane ,on the other hand, aimed from the right points at the right time since it drove her mad with lust. It was embarrassing and made whatever they had planned for the night even more incredible than normal. She knew that he wasn't scared of hiding his feelings for her because neither was she.
Rachel did this to him being that Zane was much better at hiding his lust for her. The couple separated with Zane wrapping his arms around Rachel's stomach. She held them in place with her hands. She had a warm smile on her face as her man held her tightly, resting his chin on her left shoulder. "So about the movie. I don't want to leave your side for even a second so mind using your powers to keep us together Zane." said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he moved the DVD into the player using his telekinesis. "Okay. So I have to ask you something. Did you imagine seeing us like this back when we were Uriel's age?" said Zane. "A little. I was too young to understand the difference between familiar love and love you have for another person outside of your family. That explains why I didn't want you to be around any other girls. Devils don't like to share. It's genetic and similar to how Eazairvians love to rant." said Rachel.
The hero nodded as he said,"That makes sense. I knew the difference but my mom made sure that I did by drilling it into me through romantic movies at a very young age.". "So how and when did you fall for little old me huh? You know how I fell for you back in the day." said Rachel. "Well, I think it was how you've always been there for me through every good or bad moment. You helped me accept my role as Zero into something I can't live without. I really do appreciate that by the way." said Zane.
Rachel kissed him as she said,"And I will be there for you for the rest of time since you saved me from Blaze.". The couple spent the wee hours of the mornings, cuddled up together with them occasionally moving to get something eat, drink, and the bathroom. By four thirty in the morning, the two were both happy with how their date had begun. Zane let out a faint but noticeable yawn with Rachel looking up to him and tapping his nose with a smile on her face. "Boop." said
Zane looked at her with him saying,"Yes?". "That yawn of yours reminds me of Wolfram when he tries to stay up with us. It's really cute on you too. Need to take your hour of sleep don't you? And don't lie. I can see the bags under your eyes. The tea didn't work it seems." said Rachel, seeing the faint bags under his eyes. "Yeah. I guess I do. Mind getting up for a second? We can sleep anywhere together but the bed is much more comfier than the couch according to Wolfram." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as she moved off him. One thing she loved about Zane is how much of a fireplace he can be thanks to his fire powers and his body is sturdy like one. He was her missing half and she was his missing half. Zane smiled at her with him standing up and stretching for a bit. The devil curled a bit on the couch, yawning and reminding Zane of a cat. The Cross Species figured that out when he began to seriously teasing her.
She likes rubs under her chin, having her stomach and sides of her waist rubbed, and having his hands rubbed under her arms. Zane snickered at how cute she was at the moment. "You're really cute right now Rae. I'm sure we can take a quick nap and have enough time to keep our date going strong. I'm sure that both of us can last until nighttime for us to really go to sleep if you catch my drift." said Zane with him winking.
The devil giggled as she said,"That's true and you're really not subtle when it comes to flirting. So I have to ask you a serious question. How bad of a drunk was I last night? Was I Efren bad Zane?". "I would say yes to you being a Efren level drunk. However, you were sexy unlike Efren. Your totally not subtle jealously was apparent. You were fighting with the twinsters, Gayle, and mom over little me and not your brother. I'm touched." said Zane.
Rachel smiled at seeing the old Zane appearing right now but the Zane from high school was long gone and this is okay. At least, he wasn't trying to be someone he was not. "So I have a serious problem and I'm going to fix it." said Rachel. Before Zane could ask for clarification, the devil cupped the bottom of her negligee and flew over to their bed. "We really should be cuddling the way that Tron made us." said Rachel in a simple yet seductive tone. She pulled off her negligee and she wasn't embarrassed.
Zane was the being that she was going to spend the rest of her eternal life with and he has seen her naked countless times by now. "So do you want me to strip for you or do you want to strip me? This is a serious question by the way." said Zane. Rachel tend to have a lack of shame when it comes to being naked. Zane accepted this as a normal devil quirk as he learned last night with her mother and sister in law much to Rachel's jealously. It was an interesting experience to say the least.
Rachel shrugged as she said,"Either or Zane. Are you coming? I really want to cuddle with you before breakfast time. We have things to do today.". She smiled as she watched Zane strip within a second and that was impressed. "You're my queen after all." said Zane as he entered the bed and Rachel snuggled next to him with a contented sigh coming out of her. Zane could feel her very soft body against his and well, it was a nice feeling.
The two cuddled in their birthday suits for a good ninety minutes before the clock struck six in the morning. Zane felt pressure on his chest with him seeing Rachel snuggling tightly against his chest. He smiled at how his fiancée was treating him like a really big teddy bear but how tight she was holding him did bother him. "I may love her a lot but when she gets clingy, she's a pain. I wonder if she has some cat in her DNA." thought Zane. "Hey Rae. It's time to get a move on." said Zane.
Rachel mumbled out,"No. You're comfy.". "So do you want to be the one who ruin our all day date by just staying in bed like this. I'm not complaining mind you but we did plan this for months." said Zane with a smile. "You're right but you're so comfy." said Rachel. "Okay then. Time for the tickles to come in." thought Zane as he moved her hands to her sides. Rachel responded to this by snuggling closer to him. "You're a good man. I don't care what my sisters say about you." said Rachel.
Zane smirked as he thought,"Oh Rae. You forget who you're talking about.". He quickly put his hands under the blanket and began ticking her sides a little. Rachel jumped a little but she kept her hold on Zane. "You're not doing what I think you're doing right?" said Rachel. "And what would that be? Is it this?" said Zane with him ticking Rachel's side more. This became too much for Rachel as she let go of him with her laughing and rolling around.
Rachel eventually said,"Okay! I get it! Just stop!". "You got it your highness." said Zane, stopping. "If you want me to let you go, I think a kiss should have worked instead." said Rachel. "It would have but you love getting kissed and hated being ticked. Your hold would have tighten." said Zane. He was about to get out of bed but was stopped by Rachel grabbing him. "Don't go. I need my wake up kiss." moaned Rachel. "I'm not leaving but since you're begging, I'll give you that." said Zane.
The hero leaned toward her lips with Rachel closing her eyes waiting for him. Zane stopped and a smirk appeared. He leaned down to her exposed midriff since their blanket was covering up the rest of her body. He began to lay small kisses on it. Rachel's eyes opened up and lightly moaned out,"Zane. You're a real villain sometimes you know that.". "And you're a real minx Rae. That's why we're such a good couple and your body was just beginning me to kiss it like this." said Zane.
The devil knew that she was getting turned on from his kisses and charm combo. She lightly grabbed his chin and slowly pulled it. Zane knew what she was doing and pulled his head up to her. Once they were face to face up, she instantly captured his lips. After five minutes, she pulled up and sat up. "Okay then. I'm ready to go now." said Rachel. "Finally. You can be lazy like a damn cat sometimes." said Zane. "And what's wrong with that Zaney? You like it when my body is against yours." said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"Nothing at all but we don't want to spend the entire day in bed right?". "I wouldn't mind." said Rachel. "Rae." said Zane with his arms crossed. "Okay fine. You're so mean to your always loving and sexy fiancée." said Rachel with her sulking a bit. "I have to especially when you're acting lazy and I really want to spend the day doting on you from outside of the bed. I can spend another time doting on you in bed another time. Maybe your birthday or mother's day." said Zane.
The hero was the first to roll out of bed and did his morning exercise routine. He started with one hand push-ups with Rachel watching him. She enjoyed the view being that the only thing she didn't like was that he was wearing pants but he was shirtless so good with the bad I guess. After finishing up his morning exercise routine, Rachel was staring at the shirtless Cross Species who was currently covered in sweat. She was staring at his well developed figure and shamelessly traced every curve of his torso.
Rachel had a very goofy grin on her face as she thought in a excited tone,"While I love Zane for many reasons, him being a living Adonis is just one of my favorite reasons.". "And that was a good morning workout. Wish I could have made it more intense but this is good enough I guess." said Zane. Zane instantly noticed the perverted look on Rachel's face and he sighed. He was well aware of how most men ,mainly the duo of Darin and Rico, are more perverted than women.
However, there are some women out there who make some well known male perverts look like saints in comparison. Zane put a towel on his shoulder and he snapped his fingers in front of Rachel. This snapped Rachel out of her daze with her nose bleeding. "Huh. What's going on? I was staring at this really hot guy." said Rachel. "You were staring at me in a perverted manner Rae. I'm hurt that you only see me as an object. I thought you loved me for more than just my body." said Zane with a smirk.
Rachel didn't answer him at first as she was embarrassed at being caught by Zane so the Cross Species decided to go with plan C aka mentioning her cooking. "So then you pervy devil. Do you want me to make you breakfast or should you? I still remember the time when how you tried to make me pancakes for my birthday once and.." said Zane. Zane was hit in the face with one of his bed's pillows. He could have dodged it but he didn't feel like it.
Rachel pouted as she said,"Jerk. That was years ago and I was still in high school so my cooking has obviously improved. I'll cool since you made it yesterday. How about you take another shower? And not because you stink like a skunk this time.". "Okay then. I don't want you to treat me like a piece of meat. What about you ? After breakfast is made, you're joining me right?" said Zane. "Not today. We did that yesterday and having a couple's shower isn't on this All Day date itinerary." said Rachel.
The hero looked at her with him saying,"Okay then. I'll trust you and taking my sweet time. I got this really nice raspberry grape shampoo and body wash combo since it feels just amazing on my battle hardened skin.". Zane kissed her forehead and slipped into the bathroom. In the shower, he paused after shampooing his hair and spotted a familiar bottle of conditioner. He used the conditioner since Rachel had been planning this date for a while now and he was going to look his best for it.
Zane eventually finished off his shower, sighing contentedly at the fruity scent. "Yep. Totally worth it for how good I smell." said Zane. He looked on his bed and noticed some clothes that Rachel left behind for him. "At least, she isn't staying in bed all day today. She may not mind if we do that but I do. I can't mess today up since I have a important question to ask her and from what I can tell, she has something for me." said Zane with him putting on the clothes that Rachel left for him and headed to the kitchen.
The hero looked at her with him saying,"Okay then. I'll trust you and taking my sweet time. I got this really nice raspberry grape shampoo and body wash combo since it feels just amazing on my battle hardened skin.". Zane kissed her forehead and slipped into the bathroom. In the shower, he paused after shampooing his hair and spotted a familiar bottle of conditioner. He used the conditioner since Rachel had been planning this date for a while now and he was going to look his best for it.
Zane eventually finished off his shower, sighing contentedly at the fruity scent. "Yep. Totally worth it for how good I smell." said Zane. He looked on his bed and noticed some clothes that Rachel left behind for him. "At least, she isn't staying in bed all day today. She may not mind if we do that but I do. I can't mess today up since I have a important question to ask her and from what I can tell, she has something for me." said Zane with him putting on the clothes that Rachel left for him and headed to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Rachel was currently making herself and Zane a delicious breakfast so they would have just enough energy for the entire day. She was pretty sure that Zane didn't need this extra amount of energy but she did since she had the stamina of a devil. A devil may have more stamina than a normal human and some metahumans but compared to a god like being aka Zane, it was tiny. She was wearing more clothing that she did earlier.
The devil was wearing a snow white apron and from an outsider's perspective, she looked to be wearing only just the apron. This is known as the naked apron if you were curious. Normally, the devil would be only be wearing the apron but she decided to surprise her man by wearing a bikini under it for a very simple reason. She liked to see Zane surprised since his shocked face is adorable. The bikini that she was wearing is a new one that she bought recently aka within the last six months.
Said bikini's top is a reddish blue color ,with her breasts looking ready to burst out of her top, and her bikini bottoms is a white color. Her hair was currently in a ponytail as well. She was going to make them some bacon, pancakes, and eggs. Zane did like scrambled eggs but she was going to make a nice egg white omelet to spice things up. Rachel broke open a few eggs, removing the yolks and whipping the whites into a good and creamy froth.
Rachel found their spice drawer as the bacon cooked, pulling out some pepper and onion powder. She did add some extremely hot and spicy sauce to it but made sure that it wouldn’t effect the entire dish. Zane may things hot and spicy but she had her limits. While cooking, Rachel was dancing with the biggest smile on her face and her cheeks were flushed to just the right amount. If you looked hard enough, you could see little hearts floating around her and her eyes were heart shaped.
Said hearts were created thanks to Ardor. "I'm so happy! This is going to be the best day ever!" thought Rachel, holding her face in her hands. "I know this is totally weird for me since I'm acting like a giddy schoolgirl. I've felt it before with Zane but I've been thinking about Zane twenty four seven ever since he came up with the idea of the All Day Date in the first place. I can't control myself!" thought Rachel as she had a smile on her face.
With a twirl, Rachel thought,"He's the greatest, coolest, sweetest, strongest, funniest, handsomest, and cutest guy ever born and he treats me like a princess! He has the most adorable laugh and him holding me in his arms feels like heaven. His kisses are the sweetest thing I've ever had.". She began squealing and spinning around, unable to contain her overflowing happiness. Before she fell to the ground, she was caught by an invisible force.
The devil was slightly scared at first but Zane appeared with her holding her. He was wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt with the kanji for Hero in the center of it and olive colored lounge pants. He was wearing his glasses and Z.E.R.O. Watch. "While I'm also very excited about today too Rae, you need to keep it under control when you're in the kitchen." said Zane, pointing to something. Rachel followed to where his finger pointed at it and there was a floating frying pan containing the bacon.
She looked at the Cross Species who was smiling at the moment. "You know why I did this and it's very simple. I love bacon too much for it to spill onto the floor." said Zane. Rachel stood back up ,despite not wanting to leave Zane's arms, with her grabbing plate and silverware for the couple. As Rachel was doing this, Zane placed the frying pan back down. "So let me guess. You're imaging me cooking for our kids even though we both know who the better cook between us." said Rachel, handing him his plate.
Zane nodded as he said,"I am but then I remember what you're wearing. You wouldn't wear this in front of our kids now or then. You don't plan on scarring them for life and despite the jokes we make, you're not that bad of a cook. Well, you were an awful cook but that has changed.". "Thanks for the loving compliment dear but I think I know how our kids would act if I wore this." said Rachel. "And how would that be?" said Zane.
Rachel turned to him with a seductive grin and moved her face closer to his ear. "They would be more focused on the food since it looks and smells amazing. You on the other hand would be staring at something else." whispered Rachel seductively. She began licking his ear with her expecting this to catch Zane off guard since he was getting really good at countering her flirting with his own but this did nothing to him.
She went back as she said,"What the hell?! I thought you would be turning red by now!". "Sorry but I've grown an immunity to this thanks to you doing it so many times." said Zane. "Why are you so good at so many things?" said Rachel with a pout. "You're just jealous of little old me." said Zane. After finishing making the last part of their breakfast, she turned around to receive a very warm embrace and very passionate kiss from her man.
Happy purrs and sweet moans escaped from her mouth as her tongue ran along every single inch of his mouth. Her bombshell body ran along his compact yet muscular body. After ending their kiss, Rachel looked right at Zane with her eyes filled with the most love and longing they've had for him in a long time. "I'm really happy we're doing this." whispered Zane. She kissed Zane once again before cuddling against his chest.
Rachel looked up at her as she whined,"So tell me why we can't just spend all day here at the house? I really like being this close to my favorite fireplace.". "Because I want to do other things beside cuddling with my favorite redhead. At least, I won't be going out for any hero work. The gang is covering for me today." said Zane, patting her head. Rachel smiled as she felt Zane's soft touch on her head made obvious to everyone by a smile plastered on her face.
She really liked being treated like this espcially by Zane. "I guess that's good but won't you get antsy? I mean you have ignored a cry for help." said Rachel. "Don't worry. I won't be going off to be Zero until much later tonight or so mind if I eat like a cow or any hungry animal? This looks really good." said Zane as he began to salivating over the spread in front of him. "Sure. I made it with your blackhole stomach in mind." said Rachel.
Zane looked at her at Rachel with him saying,"Sweet. You're just the best. Lets eat here in the kitchen since mother of the gods, I'm so hungry.". As the two sat in the kitchen, Rachel was looking at him. "Is something wrong Rae?" said Zane, popping some bacon alongside taking a bite of an amazing omelet into his mouth. "It's nothing." said Rachel. "Rachel. Are you lying to me? You know that lying to me is practically impossible right? My powers make lying impossible." said Zane.
Rachel was silent as Zane said,"Look Rae. If you don't want me to go fight Rufus today, I can wait till tomorrow. I mean we're meeting up with the entire team tomorrow anyways so strength in numbers and all that crap.". "No! I want to help you take down Rufus since we're going to be husband and wife. I want to show you that I can protect you just as well as you can protect me! I just want to talk with you after breakfast and maybe cuddle while we talk." said Rachel in a quiet yet anxious tone.
Like Zane, Rachel has nervous tics. Whenever she's nervous, she trails a finger around and through her hair. She also twiddling her fingers and thumb as well. It reminded Zane of a cute habit that they saw in a movie once. "Sure. Oh gods damn it." said Zane as he brushed his hair out of his face. "What's wrong? I doubt the food bothered you." said Rachel. "It's my hair. I forgot to get my hair cut the other day. I got distracted by Rampage whose was living up to his name downtown." said Zane.
The hero sighed as he said,"I can never get a break for me time anymore. I could use my powers to do this but I like to pay people to do it. Supporting the economy is always a good thing.". Rachel smiled as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Zane's neck. "You can be so cute sometimes Zane and by the way, your hair smells great. I think you really need to use that shampoo more." said Rachel, sniffing his hair. "Will do since you like it. So do you want to cuddle here or in the living room?" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"The living room obviously. The kitchen works for eating and impromptu makeout session after a long day but cuddling is another story. First, we should probably clean up. I know how much you hate a messy kitchen,". "Sounds smart to me." said Zane. Rachel let go of Zane for a split second and gave him a peck on the cheek. She began to put her dirty dishes in the washer with Zane assisting her by moving the pan and spatula she's used earlier.
For some strange reason, Zane was humming a song. Rachel always admire how good a singer Zane can be being that it was just one of his many talents thanks to him being a Zero. The devil touched his arm using her breasts, stopping his singing. "Okay Zane. Do you mind handing it up here? I need to change into more cuddling appropriate clothing." said Rachel. "I would question if that's a thing and why that outfit wouldn't work but sure. Go ahead." said Zane
Rachel smiled as she said,"Good boy. I guess you can teach a stubborn dummy new tricks.". She got on her tip toes to try and pat his head. Zane leaned down to help his much shorter fiancée out with her little issue and she walked off as Zane did the dishes with a goofy smile on his face. He was always enjoying the almost-married life with Rachel but in a short period of time, it was going to be the real deal. Even though they weren't married yet, everyone considered them to be.
They were called the eternal honeymooners. Zane looked down at his wedding ring and began thinking. ith him thinking,"Okay. I know that she has something to tell me. It's super obvious when she's planning one of her schemes. However, this scheme seems to be for a different. I have something to tell her as well and hopefully, she doesn't mind it too much. I mean I think I know her pretty well but women are the biggest mystery in the Omniverse after all.".
Both Rachel and Zane eventually finished their tasks with them embracing in the living room couch with Zane smiling. He currently had Rachel ,wearing her lounge wear, in his arms. The one thing that the two love about cuddling is the absolute bliss they felt. "So even though I like this a lot, what's wrong Rae?" said Zane. "Um. Well, I was just thinking about how cute Uriel was the other day and...." said Rachel, looking dreamily at him.
She was using her looks to trick him. "Rae. Do you really think you can trick me? I'm not that oblivious since I can tell that something is bothering you ever since our first kiss this morning." said Zane. "It seems that I can't trick you. I'm just...". "You're acting very weird. Did I do something or what? Did a girl call you fat again? Here's the thing. She's just jealous of how curvy you are." said Zane as he ran his fingers along her arms. "What?! Of course you didn't! Why would you think that?" said Rachel.
The devil looked at Zane with her saying,"And how did you know about Sadie? Did you use your telepathy?". "I have my sources that shall remain nameless. To answer your first question not involving everyone's least favorite feminist, I just presumed the worst in things. You know this. It's a bad habit I know but I'm getting off topic here." said Zane. "Which I love when you do Zaney." said Rachel with her giggling as she was trying to stop from her heart beating like nothing else.
Zane sighed as he said,"And now, you're the one doing it. Do you want to go shopping on our date today? I mean I never mind when you want to go shopping with me but acting like this is rather strange.". Rachel was quiet as Zane needed a way to get her to open about what's bothering her. The Cross Species had an idea. "So Rachel. Do you remember when I told you that I was going to tease you about your middle name." said Zane.
The devil blinked with her remembering what Zane said back in the day aka Episode 114. "Uh. You were serious?" said Rachel. "Do you really think I would forget about a chance to tease you my dear Angelise." said Zane. "Seriously? I don't tease you about yours!" said Rachel with a big pout on her face. Zane smiled as he began laughing with Rachel covering her face with her hair. "Why are you laughing at me? My middle name isn't that funny." said Rachel.
Zane smirked as he said,"It totally is or it's more ironic. I mean I never get to see you like this.". Rachel was getting up in his face with anger in her eyes. "You do know that I can murder you and get away with it no problem right?" said Rachel. Zane held her close to him. "Don't say that Rae. It's a cute name for a cutie like you Angelise." said Zane as Rachel puffed her cheeks out. Despite her very clear embarrassment, she felt happy at him saying her middle name.
The twinsters used to call her by that name when she was little and this was before the bullying started from the two of them. They still called her by her middle name as well. "Zane. For the love of the gods, please don't call me that out in public. I don't mind when we do it in private but out in public, I can't handle it. You may not know it but my middle name and I have a past together." said Rachel. Zane rested his head on her shoulder with him poking her cheek with his finger.
He smiled as he said,"Mind telling me about it? I'll stop teasing you about it and move on if I know why you hate it when I call you that. Danny does it too but once we know why, we'll stop.". "Okay. I will. I guess it's because of the twinsters used to tease me about it." said Rachel. "That makes sense since the twinsters aren't exactly the most friendly people to be around. They only act nice around me and your sister in law because we're scary." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I always thought it was because you're a devil and your middle name is Angelise. Mind explaining how that came to be?". "My dad. He gave me my middle name since when he saw me, I was his little angel." said Rachel. "That's really cute but isn't your dad a devil and any mention of the lord's creature causes you pain." said Zane. "No. My dad was human and member of the Alliance. He married into the Salamander Clan." said Rachel.
Zane looked at her with him saying,"Okay then. I guess we should come up pet names then since calling each other by our middle names is out of the picture. I'll still be calling you my little devil but we need pet names.". "Why?" said Rachel. "Because most people ,mainly females, call me Zaney and you Rae. I want to feel special." said Zane, pouting. Rachel placed her hands on his shoulders as she gave him a quick peck on the lips.
After removing her lips from his, Rachel smiled. "I'll come up with a pet name for yours and maybe I'll allow you to call me Angelise but only on occasion." said Rachel. "Sweet. You're the best Rae." said Zane. "So did you mean everything that you said to me back then? You know during the whole Blaze conflict." said Rachel. "Of course I did. Name me one time that I lied about loving you." said Zane as Rachel blushed heavily. "Stop it." whined Rachel.
Zane blinked with him saying,"Stop what? Loving you? That isn't possible by the way Rachel.". In an attempt to keep him by her side, she hugged him tightly. "Stop saying things that makes me fall in love with you harder! You keep saying things that make me fall for you harder!" said Rachel. "That isn't going to happen by the way. I'll make you fall in love for the rest of your eternal life. You're not still drunk from the Cherry Blossom Punch right?" said Zane with him returning the hug.
Rachel pushed away from him and looked directly in his eyes with it reminded her of a really cute puppy dog or Wolfram. "Are you serious? And no. I'm not drunk from any alcohol but your love." said Rachel with a very sweet tone. "Of course babe. Lets seal the deal." said Zane. The two then began sharing a hot and passionate kiss with each other. The devil had a huge smile on her lips as they were kissing.
She didn't know why Zane was teasing her about this but it was helping her open up to her idea. Even though she wanted this for a long time, it was something she was still scared of asking him this. "So how are you feeling? Are you willing to talk about what's bothering you or do I have to keep teasing you? I'm open to both ideas. If my parents taught anything about marriage, it's about trust and relying on your partner for pretty much everything and everything." said Zane.
The devil looked at Zane with her sighing. "Okay but it's two things." said Rachel, resting her head on his chest. "The first thing is rather simple. I'm worried about just us fighting Rufus today. I mean I'm not doubting how strong you are Zane but it's better to be safe than sorry like you say constantly." said Rachel. "Yeah. No doubt that Rufus and the Dwarf Clan are strong but we can handle them. I'm sure of it. So what is the other thing you have for me?" said Zane.
Zane heard Rachel take a deep breath with her saying,"Okay then. Zane. I need to ask you for a serious request and if you're uncomfortable with this whole thing, I understand completely.". "Okay. So what is it?" said Zane. "You know how I like girls right?" said Rachel. "Uh huh. I've known about you being bi for a long time now. This is nothing new." said Zane, nodding. "The reason why I was so nervous is because I have a question for you." said Rachel.
The Cross Species knew that Rachel was almost about to tell him and need just one final push. "Oh. I have a question for you too. How about we asking each other our question at the same time? It might help." said Zane. "Um sure." said Rachel. The two looked at each other with them nodding. "Do you mind becoming Zara? I want to experience what would it be like to have a serious relationship with a girl. It should be like our relationship hopefully except between the same gender." said Rachel.
She began trail her left index finger through her hair. "Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted a relationship like my brother and Gale have. They may tease each other but you can tell that they love each other. I finally got that when we started dating. I may have to share you but well, I didn't mind it since you always did the best you could for all of us" said Rachel. "Yeah right. I'm pretty much screwed up that relationship when I failed." said Zane.
Within a second, Rachel poked Zane's left cheek with her right pinky finger and giving him a noogie with the other. "Stop that thinking right now dummy. I'm sure that the others would want us to be happy especially today. You didn't screw up got it?" said Rachel with Zane nodding. "I've always wondered what it would be like to be a with a woman in a serious relationship. You can switch between male or female at will so if you become Zara, we can see what a relationship like that could be." said Rachel.
The devil looked at Zane with her saying,"So would you do me the honors of becoming Zara for me? I love every part of you Zane and that includes Zara. I don't want to cheat on you in order to make this possible but like my mom said last night. When a devil wants something, they do whatever they can to get what they want including hurting the ones they love.". Zane was going to ask her his question but he was silent.
Rachel noticed how silent Zane got and this made her worried. He was usually never this quiet unless he was sleeping or wasn't in his body. It was neither of these cases hopefully since he promised to be with her for the entire day. "Um Zane. Did my request stun you into silence? I know that it's a bit of a weird one but I really know that we can do this. So what's wrong?" said Rachel. She had her arms tucked right under her chest, accenting her large breasts just a bit.
Despite sounding selfish, she was worried. She was wondering if asking him this was a big mistake and may have just ruined their all day date. It could have ruined her relationship as well. "Okay. I've been hiding something from you and don't worry. It isn't a secret lover or me doing that again but it involves Zara." said Zane, looking away from her. "And?" said Rachel. "It's actually more complicated than you think. Something not even Liv could understand maybe." said Zane.
Rachel blinked as she said,"Okay. You sound nervous which is weird. You're usually the most confident person I know but me wanting to see Zara is making you sound like the least confident person I know. It is like you're a whole other person. It's very concerning Zane.". "You're right but me becoming Zara is a complicated matter." said Zane. "You're not joking right?" said Rachel. "For once in my life, I'm not Rachel." said Zane.
The devil looked over and she nodded. "Okay. Like I did for you back then, I need to bring back the proud and strong sunshine that Trevor and most of our friends admire so much." said Rachel. "That includes you right Rae?" said Zane, smiling. It wasn't one of his signature sun like smiles he was proud of but one that screamed fear and terror. "Yep. I got a lot of work ahead of me but I can do this.” said Rachel, looking determined.
She left Zane alone for a few moments being that the hero clenched his fists, causing his stingers to pierce his skin. "Why am I nervous about this? I mean Zara is just me but female. Why am I scared of being her ever since then?" thought Zane. "Zane. I leave you alone for maybe less than five minutes and your stingers are out." said Rachel’s voice. Zane looked up to see Rachel standing there with a blanket over her shoulder.
The blanket is the same one that Uriel and Zoey slept in in Zero Episode 137. For a quick reminder, it’s a large dark purple ,molten gold LZ pattern, blanket. She was holding two nice, glowing cups of hot chocolate. "Remember when you did this for me four years ago. It was right after we almost had sex to prevent my first engagement from happening. I think it’s time for me to return the favor and put those away or no hot chocolate for you Zane." said Rachel with her pointing to the stingers.
Zane blinked as he said,"Oh right. Sorry. I usually have much better control of these things but you know how I get when I'm emotional. Powers go out of whack.". The stingers went back into his body just as the holes in his arms disappeared. Rachel sat next to him with her wrapping the blanket around herself and him in a split second. Zane held his cup of hot chocolate with him sipping it. It was the perfect temperature for him.
He smiled as he said,"Oh wow. You got the Alvarez hot chocolate down pat. I'm real impressed since I never told you how it's done.". "I easily figured it out when your mom invited me and Ellie over to make sure that we were good for her baby boys. She wanted to make sure that we won't hurt you and Lucius respectively." said Rachel. "Mainly me right?" said Zane. "Yep because of you know. Whenever Kurt gets a girlfriend much to everyone's shock, she'll probably get the same talk." said Rachel.
The devil got serious as she said,"Lets talk. So why are you so scared about being Zara? You've never had before today.". Zane didn’t answer her as he took another sip of his cocoa. "Is it because you're going to be too sexy? I mean news flash. Your entire family is extremely attractive and so is mine. I think I can handle myself in front of her." said Rachel. The Cross Species remained quiet as Rachel sighed.
She looked at her head as she said,"Okay. That probably isn't it. I may not be good at reading you like Danny or Liv are but I always know when something is bothering you.". Zane was still silent as Rachel sighed loudly. She knew that Zane always push away others whenever it came to his own problems but for some weird reason, he always gets involved when it comes to other people's problems. It's a weird situation and the only way to get Zane to talk about his problems is if someone pushes back hard.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Zane. I'll always be there for you to protect you whenever you're scared. You don't have to do everything by yourself. You have really loyal friends who are more than willing to help you out.". She pulled him closer to her after moving the cups away. He had a small blush on his face due to his head being on top of her breasts. "Um Rae.” said Zane. "Oh. Hello there Welcome back to the land of living. We missed you." said Rachel. "We?" said Zane.
The devil looked sad as she said,"Yeah. You’ve been ignored your loving wife and her simple request for our all day date even better. The other two are two of your favorite pillows.". "Okay. I know that you’re trying to make me open up to you about all this and I guess that it’s working." said Zane. "You guess Zane?" said Rachel "Yeah. I know that I tend to be a buzzkill sometimes. So I’ve been thinking...." said Zane. "Which is normally a very bad thing." said Rachel, giggling.
Zane looked at her as he said in a hurt tone,"Ha ha. I’m real hurt that you would think that way of me babe.". To others, it would sound like Zane is generally offended by what Rachel said but the devil knew that it didn’t bother him. "So what are you thinking?" said Rachel. "I need to tell you why I'm so uncomfortable with turning into Zara." said Zane. Rachel smiled as she knew that this was where he was going to her everything about Zara.
She knew that Zane kept some secrets from him and that was fine. "This all began after I stay with the Maiden Clan for a couple of weeks during the time I was working with the Alliance." said Zane. "That was because you wanted to spend time with your maternal grandma right? I remember Kevin being jealous of you when you told him that. However, you then reminded him of the Maiden Clan's strict policy against men aka arrows and spikes. It stopped his jealousy right in its tracks." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. That was the idea at first. Whenever a man does step forth on the Garden Of Eve, the women there will boil or skewer them alive. It's graphic and totally unnecessary if you ask me.". "Getting distracted again Zane. I need you to remained focused." said Rachel in a light childing tone while shaking her head. "Right. The women there opened my eyes to something that I didn't even know about myself." said Zane.
This statement caught Rachel's attention. "What do you mean by that? I'm not judging you Zane but I'm curious on why turning Zara now into such a big deal for you. I just want to see what it would be like to have a serious relationship with a girl and that girl is you. You should be lucky." said Rachel, pressing her breasts into his arm. Zane was used to Rachel's aggressiveness ,mainly when she’s hammered or whenever she’s in the mood, flirting at this point in their relationship so he didn't blush.
Rachel smiled as she said,"If you turn into her Zane, you would draw attention no doubt but it wouldn't be bad since you don't have to deal with those Ultimate Showdown fanboys.". "Yeah. I forget about them. They make Swarm look like the good guys and Sadie a kindhearted person." said Zane. "I don't get why they would blame you for the show being cancelled. It was that monster's fault. Sometimes I wish people could see that but all of them are sheep." said Rachel, pursing her lips.
Zane sighed as he said,"Yeah. From what I've seen, most people have trouble changing their opinions about something so easily. This includes little old me. It sucks but that's just the Omniverse or sheep mentality for you. It works for you one moment and in the next, it works against you.". "I'm just a scapegoat for them since I was shown hating on the show. Those villains only did what they did because of Ricardo who turned out to be an alien. I wonder if he's being experimented at Area 55." said Zane.
Rachel blinked as she said,"Hold on. Don't you mean Area 51?". "You poor naïve devil. I guess you haven't been exposed to the dark secrets of the planet Earth yet. I learned the cold hard truth after hacking into the government's computers that one time I went to DC to be the chaperone for your future son's trip. It was also when I fought against football head and Ibis for the first time." said Zane. If you're wondering who football head and Ibis are, check Zero Episode 141.
The devil pouted as she said,"Still. It doesn't make things right with you and what happen to Ultimate Showdown. I'll accept that for now but I have to know why becoming Zara is a problem for you. Don't lie to me. I've went shopping with teenager Zara before. If you're worried about me taking advantage of you like I do with you whenever I'm drunk or erotogenic, I swear to the gods that I won't.". She began making her way onto his lap and plastered herself over his chest.
In order to keep his face from going red, Zane began thinking of really anything to keep his mind off the current situation that he faced. "And when was the last time you went shopping with Zara Rae?" said Zane. "Just before your trip to Ezlario almost four years ago. So I got to ask. Are you jealous of me flirting with her? That is pretty petty of you if that's the case Zaney. You and Zara are the same person after all." said Rachel with her running her hands along his abs.
Despite Zane’s pretty impressive endurance especially when it comes to her aggressive flirting, he had his limits. The devil knows these limits well since she’s close to getting Zane to spill the beans like he did with her earlier. The couple had a special game that they played. They would flirt with each other and the one who out flirted the others gets to order the loser around. The score was tied up between the couple with this game being number five hundred and fifty-five.
To get him to spill the beans, she could kiss him like she has done many times before but she decided to switch it up. She didn't want him to think that he knows all of her trucks. She moved Zane's right hand onto her soft breasts and this caused Zane to look at her. "Please just tell me what's bothering you about this. My boobs usually make you talk don't they? I told you what was bothering me so it's only fair what's bothering you right?" said Rachel.
She looked right into his eyes with her saying,"If you don't want to talk with me, they're more than willing to talk with you.". The look in her eyes told Zane that she was going to get him to talk no matter what and there was no way he was going to get out of it. He always did admire her determination. He removed his hand off her breasts even thought there was a part of him who wanted to keep it there and was sure that Rachel wouldn't mind.
If he talked, the hand could stay. "Okay but don't make the boobs do your dirty work. You can get me to talk without using them to do your dirty work. They're innocent." said Zane. Despite him being stronger than the average male, he couldn't ignore the seduction expertise of Rachel Angelise Powell for that long. He isn't invincible. "Then talk or else, I'll use them to make you talk." said Rachel, making them looking bigger.
Not using any powers but the power of seduction and misdirection. "Okay then. The reason why I won't go Zara is complicated. Do note that it isn't just because I'm jealous of you flirting with her or anything like that. Me and Zara are the same being after all." said Zane. As he was talking, his signature face-covering blush appears. Seeing that Zane was slowly reminding her of how he proposal to her which was totally cute in her opinion, she need to help him calm down before he starts rambling again.
It also appeared whenever he gets nervous. To stop this, she began gently rubbing her back to calm her down. "It's okay Zane. Just take your time. Remember the advice Liv told you on how to become the best version of yourself. Just talk and show your true self instead of holding it in." said Rachel with her lips were curved in a smile. It didn't scream any other emotion but kindness and support. "Okay. As you're well aware of, I'm not a normal guy." said Zane.
Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"No shit Sherlock but I doubt anyone in our friend group or anyone who knows him mind that.". She punched him and then winced. "We like or in my case love how out of the box you can be and don't want that part of you to change. I do wish how you weren't so hard to hit since you hurt. So what's bothering you about being Zara nowadays. Be honest with me here. No jokes or lying. I'll call it off if you really don't want to tell me and can't do." said Rachel.
She placed her hands on top of his, gently squeezing them. The devil could tell that Zane was conflicted and needs help admitting this. The future psychotherapist could easily see this conflict forming inside of Zane. "Zane. If you're really uncomfortable about this, we don't have to do this. I don't want to push you to do something that you're uncomfortable with." said Rachel. After a few minutes of silence, Zane took a deep breath.
Zane clenched his fists as he said,"It's fine. I think I need to tell you something that I've been hiding for what seems like forever but in all reality, it's only been around for a short period of time.". "Um. You do know that three plus years isn't a short period of time." said Rachel. "For an immortal being, it is. As you know, Eazairvians are neither male nor female. We swap between genders and species whenever we want since staying in one form isn't fun." said Zane.
The Cross Species nodded as he said,"There are more genders than two primary genders as I learned. I tend to stay as a guy because well, I didn't know about being an Eazairvian until I was sixteen. I personally identify as a male just to make things simple and most people know me as a guy. Both Leif and Parker tend to stay and identify as male since female them is just abnormal. I saw Female Parker one time and Rae, it was something that I can never forget.".
Rachel smirked as she said,"Is it because she was so beautiful?". "Nope. I just know him as the booger who made my watch. I may have a photographic memory but that image of her is burned into my brain." said Zane. When Zane said that, Rachel imagined a female Parker and she will admit that it's rather weird even thinking about it. Seeing it must be another story. "However, I'm different for obvious reasons." said Zane.
He made Primordial appear in front of her as he said,"As a Cross Species, I don't mind being either Zane or Zara. I can switch between pronouns like Clair does with her outfits over the years. When I spend that time with the Maiden Clan, I noticed two things. The first thing was about how the beings from that dimension repopulate. It's quite fascinating but I've save that for another time. The second thing involves Zara which I know you're more interested in.".
Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I began looking back on all of the times that I've been Zara and remember how out of place I felt. I don't think I could spend more than a week as the Zaras you've gotten to know the past couple of years.". "Okay. You may have explain to me what you're mean by that since whenever you talk about powers, I have no idea what you're saying most of the time." said Rachel. "The versions of Zara that you've met are different versions of her from alternative dimensions." said Zane.
The devil's eyes widened as Zane said,"Yeah. It was a real shock to me too. I learned that thanks to a dear friend of mind. He told me this once he learned of my unique condition.". "So the Zaras that I got to know and had a total crush on are both from another dimension?" said Rachel as she made circular motions around his wrist using her thumbs. "Bingo. So you had a crush on those Zaras." said Zane. "I did. They were really cute girls. Can you blame me?" said Rachel.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. They were all beautiful women. I just wish you didn't get to know Zara through her counterparts. According to my dear friend, the two sixteen year old Zaras you met only appeared thanks to me having a psychic link with them. The eighteen year old Zara was shown to me thanks to bonding with Twilight and I only got a glimpse into her life.". "So while this is quite fascinating, has the real Zara appear before your time with the Maiden Clan?" said Rachel.
Before Zane could answer her, Rachel looked at her and she said,"I ask you this because of Bakeneko Form and Fairy Form right? From what I've seen, those two are your more feminine forms.". "I think Zara should tell you that. For most of my life, I've been Zane and I like who I am. I really do. I made many amazing friends as Zane and I wanted you to be the first person to see the real Zara. She may just be my feminine side but to me, she's a whole other being waiting dying to express herself." said Zane.
Zane looked at her with him saying,"The reason why I wanted you to be the first one to meet is quite simple. You're the woman I want to spend the rest of my eternal life with and I'm begging you to be the first one to meet her. Trust me. I may be sounding weird now but you're understand what I mean very soon.". As he was talking about Zara, he was hoping that Rachel wouldn't find him to be a freak and reject him.
He would never admit this to anyone except Liv who can get him to open him about pretty much anything within a period of time. Due to his immense power and unique biology, he was scared of getting rejected. It was one of his Feet of clay. Not from people he has never met before but from those he held dear to his very Essence. Instead of saying something, Rachel hugged him. "So are you going to smothering me to death? If you are, I'm sorry for whatever I said before to upset you." said Zane.
Rachel sighed as she said,"I would if you honestly think that I would judge you for something like this or anything. I love you and I want to be with every single part of you. The good, bad, and Zara. Do you really think something this will stop me from loving you? I'm honored that you wants me to be the first person Zara ever meets. In my opinion, this is similar to how you and Danny learned about me being bi back in middle school and never ONCE judged me for it.".
Zane remembered that and he smiled, remembering that day clearly. "Yeah but to be fair, Danny didn’t know what that meant at the time since he saw you as his friend regardless if you liked girls or not which are so better than men. I did since my mom drilled into me what that entire Rainbow colored flag aka the LGBTG+ community is when I was in elementary school. The puberty talk for me was when I was four years old due to me always wanting to be around Kurt and Lucius." said Zane.
Rachel smirked as she said,"So Zara is sexy right?". "She is. I hope I don't sound arrogant when I say that. Why do you ask?" said Zane. "Did you know what I've always wanted?" said Rachel. "The ability to juggle and flip someone off in several different languages?" said Zane. "No. That is a you thing and knowing you, it's probably something you'll do one of these days. I always wanted a girls day out but given new information, that isn't going to happen." said Rachel.
Zane blinked with him saying,"I know that I'm going to sound stupid but you've done that before right Rae? I had to pick you up for a couple of those mainly when you went out with Celeste, Jennifer, and Kerry.". "Not with my friends but a lover." said Rachel. "Rae. I may be smarter than the average male but I have no idea what you're talking about." said Zane. "I'm sure you aware of the difference between having a girls day out between friends and a lover." said Rachel. "I guess." said Zane.
Rachel held his hands as she said,"Without any doubt, I'm sure that Zara could be that lover if you give a chance." said Rachel. "Okay. That makes sense but like you said, I don't think you'll get an all day date with Zara today. Today is our all day date." said Zane. "Are you seriously jealous of yourself?" said Rachel with her eyebrow raised. "No I'm not. We're going to do this. You'll get a chance to go on a girls day out with Zara." said Zane.
The devil smiled with Zane sighing. "I know you're happy but I need to make this clear. You better treat this relationship seriously and not like the ones you had in the day. There were more like flings rather than a relationship. I rather not have my first relationship like that as a woman ruined. " said Zane. "Of course. Do you honestly think I would do that to you? I know you're the perfect being for me without any doubt in my heart." said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"Of course. I just wanted to make sure. I'm an idealist for romance after all and having my first date as a woman being treated as nothing more than as a joke is something I won't stand for. I know you're serious about this but well, I just don't want to have my Essence broken. This will be the first time she really comes out and makes herself known.". "And now you're back to being the man I love, I need to do something first." said Rachel.
Before he could get an answer from her, Rachel whacked Zane on the back of his head hard. "What’s wrong with you Zane?! You didn’t need to wait until today to tell me about this but I can understand why you were so nervous about it. This is a big deal and I’m just shocked at how long it took you or anyone this to tell me this. You’re usually so open about things except with your true feelings and asking for help which is something you really suck at." said Rachel.
Even though she cared about him, she was speaking to him like a mother would talk to her child who was being a rude little shit. She was also wagging her finger at him to make her point across and it was also good practice for when she has to scold the kids and Wolfram. "Yeah. It was a lot of things Rae and was something I had to figure out for myself before I could tell you about it for myself but I'm telling you about now. Doesn't that mean anything?" said Zane. "It does." said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"Okay then. It's official. Your fist of love really hurts. You're not even married into our family and you already have the Alvarez Fist down.". Rachel smiled at hearing this since the Alvarez Fist is mainly performed by the women of the family to make sure that the males get the hint through their thick skulls. Zane was the only man who could do it since he studied his mom performing it a lot mainly to his dad and Kurt back in the day.
There was a few times when it happened to Lucius since he was supposed to be responsible for Kurt and Zane's safety. "It's impressed since not even big sis Ellie has that done yet. She's getting very close and it works the best on getting the guy who is known for bottle up his feelings until the bottle explodes to open up." said Zane with him rubbing the bump on his head from her hit. The swelling went down fast but there was still an ache of pain still there.
Not even his healing factor could heal entirely from an Alvarez punch. "So are you going to become Zara now? If this is what gets you doubting yourself, I'll seriously question you. I mean you constantly fight against opponents that seem impossible or make friends with your enemies that have seriously tried to kill you before." said Rachel. "I only made friends with Malik since I was trying to save him. He was under a lot of emotional pain." said Zane.
Zane smiled as he said,"Besides, what's the possibility of me making friends with one of my enemies ever again?". "Pretty high given who you are. So how about you just become Zara already? Once you do that, I'm sure that your worries about it will vanish. That's something that the confident being I know and love would say." said Rachel with a smile. "Okay. If it isn't obvious enough, I'm not exactly the most comfortable with this." said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as he said,"Then we don't have to do this. I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me of all beings Zane.". "Thanks but ever since we've been having this conversation, I guess Zara has been yelling at me. It's time for Zara to come out but first, I need to do something." said Zane. "And that is?" said Rachel, getting nervous yet excited at seeing her. Zane covered his hands in his signature flames with the flames going up and down her back in an instant.
These flames weren't going to burn her in any way being that it just warmed her up. Rachel released a delighted purr that reminded Zane once again of her cat like traits. She edged her lips closer to Zane with her blush growing stronger. Zane placed his left hand on her cheek and the two kissed. The two began passionately kissing with Zane not minding the slight grazing of her claws he felt going along his body. Devils have the ability to grow bat like wings and razor sharp claws at will.
They can do this by just a single thought or an intense feeling of emotions. It’s like how Zane can sprout his spider like stingers whenever he’s mad. It’s something that Zane learned about during a training session where Rachel sliced her way through a wall of ice. She’s able to cover her claws in Ardor, with the energy increasing their power by destroying anything that they slice. Rachel was always in a good mood whenever she had a chance to feel up Zane’s well toned body.
He worked a great deal to have the muscles that he proudly display every day. She slipped her hands under his shirt and ran them against his rock hard abs. She loved his abs the most being that you could grind meat off them or break a large fist upon impact. She could just barely feel Zane sliding his hands down her back, rubbing them along her ass without a moment of hesitation. It wasn’t something that surprised her since Zane is really grabby. "You really love feeling me up don’t you?" said Rachel.
The devil rested her head on his chest. She began rubbing her right hand over his chest, mainly his eight pack. "Of course I do. You do the same thing so I wouldn’t judge little old me too harshly for giving you love." said Zane. "So where is Zara? She is going to show up right?" said Rachel. "She will but close your eyes and don't you open them. If I see them open for just a second, Zara's debut will have to wait until after our honeymoon is over. I'm not changing my mind on this." said Zane.
Rachel looked at Zane with her seeing if Zane was joking but he wasn't. "Okay." said Rachel, closing her eyes. Even though she couldn't see what was going with Zane, she heard Zane kissing her forehead and heading toward the bedroom. Five minutes later, Rachel heard Zane's voice in her head,"Okay then Rae. You can open your eyes. Zara is ready for her debut.". The devil opened her eyes and her eyes widened upon seeing what was in front of her.
In front of the devil, there was a woman standing there. It was obvious to the devil princess that she was no ordinary woman given that she radiates both beauty and strength. Her beauty was something that you could see on the front cover of a modeling magazine. This magazine would feature not mortals but of angels and goddess instead. From what Rachel could tell, this empress in front of her was the real Zara without any doubt.
She's six foot three, one hundred ninety centimeters, or seventy-five inches. She was still shorter than Zane by only seven centimeters/3 inches. With this in mind, Zara is easily one of the tallest woman Rachel has ever seen. The only other woman who was taller than the Cross Species was Liv. This is Zara's height without heels mind you. Her skin is alabaster white. It looked to be absolutely flawless with it showing no sign of any acne, body hair, or scars which Zane had plenty of the latter.
Too much if you're asking most people but that only adds to Zane's charm according to Rachel. Unlike the previous versions of Zara before her, she looks to be more of a American woman rather than a Japanese woman. The pale skin may screamed one nationality but the lack of an epicanthic fold say another wise. She has long ,going down to her lower back, wavy voluminous black hair. Like Zane, she has a single bang hanging over the left side of her forehead.
Like Zane, she has a different color for her bang. It wasn't the natural cinnabar red color that Zane had for his bang. Zara's bang is a teal ombre color. The tips of her hair were still black rather than a teal ombre color. It has a nice raspberry scent to it with it looking well mainted. It looked to be incredibly silky where you could run your hair through it and wouldn’t tangle at all. It went down her back like a waterfall. Her hair looked perfect paired with her feminine face.
Speaking of her face, it has a noticeable feminine allure to it. Her face gives off the appearance of a classical beauty, drawing others in with just a single glance. Its shape is similar to a heart. She has a small, very adorable button nose. She has a slim chin with an jaw that ends in a perfectly pointed curved and has high, prominent cheekbones. Zara has a slim, swan-like neck that holds up her head. She doesn't look to have too much make-up on her face with her going for a somewhat natural look.
It makes her beauty shine compared to someone who uses too much makeup. She has beautiful storm gray ,almond shaped, eyes that have an alluring quality to them and practically shined with power. Their beauty wouldn't go unnoticed and like Zane's eyes, they could easily pierce the coldest of hearts. It may not be obvious but like with Zane, her left eye is a prosthetic. At this exact moment, she had a hint of mischief, smugness, and kindness in them.
Looking at Zara's eyes, Rachel was reminded of Zane's eyes. She has long and noticeable eyelashes that only accentuated her features. Her eyelashes fluttered with each blink and looked to be quite captivating to look at. She has a pair of perfectly arched eyebrows, looking rather thin. They looked to be pristine plucked by a professional. She has soft, full luscious lips with them currently in a playful yet confident smile.
She had the exact type of lips that a model would dream to have and looked to be a perfect cupid bow. It wasn't cartoonishly large like someone who had injected too much collagen injected into them. On her lips, she is wearing shiny burgundy colored lipstick which tasted like grapes if kissing them. Her lips were closed and they hid her two rows of pearly white teeth. Her teeth would sparkle if seen in just the right light.
Like with Zane, Rachel was sure that Zara's smile had the ability to captivate the hearts of men, women, and every gender in between. Her smile would have the power to melt ice due to how warm it is. She has a beauty mark or amole in the exact same spot as Zane aka under her right eye. Without any doubt to anyone, Zane's silhouette screamed to the Omniverse that she was a bombshell who is a goddess in both beauty and battle.
It may look like she's nothing more than a walking wet dream for both genders mainly males rather than women. However, she is actually the epitome of feminine beauty. Her body measurements are B125-W63-120 (centimeters) or B37-W23-H35 (inches). Yes. She has measurements that slapped the face of science directly. She has a very clear and noticeable hourglass figure with her having a lean yet athletic figure. It’s what most women ,mainly celebrities, wish they could have.
Her body is both taut and has distinct curves. Her spine is curved forward, accentuate her curves. Her curves alone would put most supermodels to shame and would make them look flat in comparison despite them not being that. She's not too big or thin. While she may curves for days, she could easily break you in two with ease thanks to her noticeable muscles. Due to her height, she had a set of longer than average arms and legs.
In a similar manner to how Zane favors speed over strength during a fight, her long limbs do just that and just show that she's a tall girl. Her muscle tone is most visible on both her arms and legs which is due to her training her body to surpass any limits that she may have. She has quite strong yet graceful limbs with thin yet somehow toned shoulders. Her arms have elegant feminine muscle on them and her hands were noticeable as well.
The woman's fingers were long and slender, delicate and refine like the hands of royalty. They had some roughness to them but it’s barely noticeable. Zara's touch was delicate and careful as a small petal in a thunderstorm. Both her fingernails and toenails look like they just gotten filed at the salon earlier. She has rose red colored nails. They have a natural gloss to them and the tip of the nail was painted snow white, giving them a French tip.
Her nails looked to be perfectly smooth and have a lean polish to them. Like Zane, her right arm was a prosthetic. She has a slim, waspish waist and her waist showed off her figure. It looked more fitting for a model than a warrior. She has a noticeable eight pack with the hardness of someone who spends their time making sure that they’re in tip top shape. They were light but noticeable, given her a good look of muscle.
She also has a S-Line which is a real thing mind you. The only fat that she has on her body is either for her curves or in all reality, it’s muscles. The muscles ,upon touch, feel like steel but still soft. All of her muscles ,like Zane, look to be toned and compacted. She has a beautiful line running down the middle below her breasts and meeting at her toned naval. Like with Zane’s abs, you could totally grind meat off them off those abs. It could break a large fist upon impact as several criminals learned the hard way.
Zara's slim waist flowed perfectly into her lissome, long, and sensually legs. Her legs look to have been toned by exercise, sculpted by the gods, and look to go on for miles. Like her legs, Zara's hips were divine. It looked to be perfect for bearing children. They would make any women who sees them jealous beyond belief. Like her lips, it didn’t look distorted or cartoonish but all natural. Their hips is quite seductive to see in action.
After her hips, her thighs were the next thing Rachel admired. They looked to be rather plush and juicy that would have driven others mad in order to see them in the nude but had noticeable muscles in them. Her Amazonian thighs could be used for a pillow to sleep on whenever they're not in use. It made Rachel's thick and plush thighs look flat in comparison when that wasn't the case. Her calves were slim yet shapely as well.
She has dainty and prominent ankles with them in a permanent arch, being perfect for heels. Her ankles made it easy to point her toes like a ballerina. Her feet were smooth and well defined in every nuanced curve. The upper soles of her feet were dipped for a royal posture. The size of her breasts looked to be something that shouldn't exist in reality but here they are. Her eye-catching bust size would make most girls jealous for a moment before thinking about it for a moment.
Due to how big she was, she would have some serious back pain as she gets older. That's just a side effect when it comes to big boobs. Due to her muscular body, her breasts look to be boobs of steel. Her breasts were bigger than most women which included Rachel's as well. The devil's chest had been stated by Efren to be the most curvy member of Team Maelstrom. If you're curious, Sly is the flattest member and the Akostar wasn’t too happy about that little comment from him.
This resulted in Efren being kicked in the face really hard and sent flying much to the amusement of Wolfram. Despite being the most busty member of Team Maelstrom, the devil's chest would be considered flat compared to her. If you're curious, Rachel's body measurements are B93-W58-H90 in centimeters or B37-W23-H35 in inches. She has an hourglass figure and is an D-Cup so the more you know. Zara's breasts looked to be an extra means of storage.
Rachel was sure that Zara did mainly because this something that she does mainly to tease her lover. It also look to be a set of pillows and an extra degree of protection due to how soft yet firm they are. They swelled from her torso like mountains and stood out from her body. However despite their size, her breasts were not bigger than the size of her head. Her breasts were spherical in shape with them being both firm and bouncy.
Her breasts look to be two large bowling balls placed against each other. Their size would make some watermelons and possibly a jackfruit to shame with how big they are. Her breasts look to be enough to overwhelm any normal sized hands that could get a chance to grab them. Those with giant hands could grab onto them but well, they won't be holding on to them for too long before they get broken or cut clean off.
The size of her breasts looked to be impossible to hide no matter what she wore since their size defy physics itself in terms of her. Her breasts is a mixture of fat and muscles. Unlike Kevin, Rachel couldn't tell what Zara's cup size is and doesn't have a name for each cup size like he does. Rachel wondered how Heidi deals with that part of Kevin. If Kevin saw Zara's breasts, he would easily compare her assists to a beautiful treasure. She has a large F-Cup.
All the devil knew is that they were big and you could see them belong to a porn star but not a natural pair. It would only be possible with them thanks to silicone. It should be sagging at least a little bit thanks to dear old gravity but nope, her breasts seemly defy that pesky force of nature. It may be due to her having the ability to manipulate gravity or maybe just genetics. The world may never know. Due to her height, her breasts looked oddly fitting to say the least. A larger woman could have this size as well.
Finishing off her curves, she had an ass and what an ass she had. It's heart shaped and it would make any woman ,ranging from young or old, extremely jealous upon taking a single glance at it. It’s filled with both fat and muscle. It would still attract an eye or two due it bouncing no matter how hard and whatever she wore over it, it would be obvious that she had a ass. The clothing that she's wearing right now looks to be a feminine version of Zane's current attire.
She was wearing something that would look stylish to others but it would be comfortable to her. She's wearing a black racerback waistcoat vest. It looks similar to the one that Zane wears due to it have a closet pocket on each side. She has her cellphone ,being the exact same as Zane's, resting in her vest's left pocket of her side pocket. It has dark gray piping and and has a stylized logo emblazoned in the center of the strap covering her back.
It's a thulian pink color and looks to form a "Z" shape. She wears a fuchsia long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and has a plunging neckline, exposing her amazing cleavage. It also exposes her bra rather well. Zara's bra is a black bikini style sports bra with white frills. It does a great job in covering her breasts and snugly push them together, creating cavernous cleavage. At the center of her bra, there is a little dragon holding the two cups together.
Her bra was accented by a pink band and had black webbing lace strings criss crossing over her cleavage. It would make her breasts look like they were in jail for being too sexy. Her bra was holding her girls nicely in place with it being made for more active women like a sports bra and those with larger than normal breasts. It wasn't struggling to hold them either. Her shirt has dark gray stripes going down the sides and trimming.
The tank top has a molten gold stylized fleur-de-lis/seven leaf clover emblem on it. The fleur-de-lis having a strong black outline around it. This fleur-de-like has a black "X" design behind it. The word "Goddess" was written under it and was a carmine red color. The sleeves of her shirt had compression sleeves sewn into them. Like Zane, she usually going overboard in her training. She's wearing grayish black denim/plaid bellbottom jeans that make her sexy, shapely legs stick out.
Her pants sides has a white criss cross pattern to it. Her pants look to have silver kneepads stitched into it. She wears the Z.E.R.O. Armor belt which looks the exact same but more feminine. She’s wearing a pair of obsidian black flat sandals with white criss-crossing white stripes and exposes her toes. For accessories, she wears Zane’s signature ring on her left index finger. She has also Zane’s Enigma Talisman on her right wrist and Zane’s Z.E.R.O. watch on the same wrist.
She wears a dark gray wristband on her left wrist. This band is used to suppressed her aura and power from others. It also has two glass beads with a visible molten gold "Hero” written in kanji in the center of the two beads. She wears small platinum diamond teardop earrings which look similar to a Zenith Sphere. They look quite fashionable and bold in terms of their appearance but they don't stick out. She does have a belly button piercing with a small platinum diamond stud.
Her earrings are a different version of the Galaxy Phones if you're curious. She’s wearing a black ,with a cherry red ribbon stitched all the way around and tied in the front in a little white bow, mini hat. This is because she finds it cute. No other reason. To match her little hat, she wears a black ,with a tiny cherry red and white bowtie, choker around her neck. She wears Zane’s signature glasses but fitting her feminine figure with it looking more fashionable than his.
She has a thulian pink purse with a charm bracelet. The charm looked like a crescent moon with a crater with a black jewel in the center. Her clothing was made out of Monorilite just Zane's. You may wonder why I made her so sexualized. I wanted to make sure that you knew that Zara is a fighter rather than being just Ms. Fanservice which she totally is and I'm not going to deny that. She is the type of woman no doubt but well, she will draw the eyes of others by her curves rather than her muscles.
It's the opposite of Zane who draws people in by his physical looks but turned off by his very unique personality. She's more of Wonder Woman than say Princess Peach. You get me. Overall, Zara was an extremely beautiful woman in many aspects since she was bound to draw attention regardless of what she did. She looked like a woman who was at peace with herself and the world unlike the previous Zaras who Rachel got to know.
Despite looking rather relaxed, Rachel noticed something about her. She isn't perceptive when it come to combat like Zane was but even she could tell that she was ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. When she finished with her examination of Zara, Rachel's jaw unconsciously dropped. It was more like this rather than this. She was very interested in the woman in front of her. From Zara's perspective, it was obvious that her favorite redhead was drooling over her like a piece of meat.
This was obvious to her since well, she does the exact same thing whenever she's looking at Zane. She formed a smirk as she came up with an idea.
She moved her arms under her large breasts, swaying her hips side to side in a confident manner while lowering her body down with one. She gave Rachel a sexy wink. "So do you like what you see Rachel my love? Or is my beauty frying your brain?" said Zara with her blowing her a kiss. Her voice is high pitched ,not glass shattering like Hannah's voice can be, alto/soprano voice. It also has a regal and classy tone to it. It sounds like a mature yet sophisticated woman.
Her voice would send shivers down both men and women's spines due to how erotic and sensually it sounds. It was the type of voice you could listen to for hours on end and want to hear talk dirty. Her voice had a strange yet wonderful undertone. Even when she isn’t trying, her voice sounds sultry and sexy. It’s also been called velvety smooth. Her voice has been called the combination of several angels singing at once and has been called the most beautiful and delicate sound people has ever heard.
It could make anyone who hears it follow her commands. Her voice oozed a great deal of sexuality and confident. The way that she was talking made one get drawn to her even more than what her body does rather well. "You're so pretty." said Rachel without thinking and cheeks bright red.Her eyes was going over her body once again, enjoying the size of her amazing curves. They stopped as they landed on her breasts. "Thank you but my eyes are up not down there." laughed Zara in a playful manner.
To tease her further, she stick out her bountiful chest. She was real tempted to swing her breasts back and forth like a set of pendulums but that would have killed her. That may be something that she will do a little bit later. Rachel blushed and forced herself to look up at her face, struggling to keep her eyes from staring at her curves. Even though she was a woman who was going to be married to the love of her life, she couldn't help herself from staring at Zane.
After a few awkward moments of silent, Rachel stuttered out,"Sorry about that.". "'Relax. I mean you're the first woman to see me like this so look all you like but close your jaw. You really don't want any bugs to make a home in there. I speak from experience from this." said Zara with a cat like smile as she moved Rachel's jaw up. "Yep. This is really fun." thought Zane.. "I have to say that you're impressed with you Zara. You're easily a ten plus." said Rachel.
She had her hands both raised to give the Cross Species a ten. "Thanks. I really should have held back just a bit but what can I say? It's my destiny to be beautiful." said Zara. "So is this your first time like this? And ego much. Also what do you mean by having bugs making home in your mouth?" said Rachel. "I have been a hero for six years and I have done a whole lot of stuff." said Zara. "So why did you answer that question?" said Rachel.
Zara shook her head with her saying in an annoyed tone,"Nope. I had to make it just right by testing out which features I liked and which I didn't. It just so happens that the Maidens love to play dress up mainly when it came to me. I had some trouble accepting that people would see me as only as a sex object and it got very annoying whenever I do anything as either gender, the maidens will have nose bleeds. None of them rocketed to the moon but it was annoying.".
Rachel looked at her as he said,"While I do feel a bit sorry for you, blame your genetics for that or maybe just make yourself look less sexy. There is a solution to your problem.". "And why would I do that Rae? I mean I like good as either a male or women and so do you." said Zara with her squeezed one of her breasts and to tease Rachel further. she moaned sensually. "Yeah. I do. Gods. What have I done? I have made a monster." said Rachel
Zara sighed as she said,"You do have a fair point. I mean I'm used to it when women stare me as Zane but not as Zara. I'll need to work on that in the near future.". The devil smiled with her seeing that even as a female, she just loves to ramble on. Zara looked at her devil and she had a smile on her face. She disappeared with her reappearing behind Rachel and smiled. "I've been waiting to do this for a long time!" giggled Zara. "Wait what are you?" said Rachel in a confused tone.
The devil got her answer as Zara began playing with her breasts. Rachel moaned loudly in pleasure with the devil falling onto to the ground and Zara was on top of her. "Zane! What are you doing to me?!" said Rachel with a atomic red face. She would have pushed her off but well, Zare had her ginormous bosom against her face. Zara looked down at her with her smiling. "My name isn't Zane Rae. It's Zara. I want to make sure that my love of breasts is present in both genders which it is." said Zara.
Rachel couldn't see it but she could tell that she was smiling. "I'm still very much bi and to be honest, your breasts are amazing no matter what gender I am." said Zara. The Cross Species continued to play with Rachel's breasts as she said,"They are not as nice as mine but a really good feeling in my hand! Let me see if your hair is better than mine.". By sprouting another arm from her left shoulder blade, she began running her hair through it.
Zara smiled as she said,"It's pretty soft and well worth of being a part of your beauty.". "Oh gods! What have I done?! I knew that Zane was a big fan of my breasts but Zara is a super fan of my breasts! This is hell." thought Rachel with a dark red face. It looked similar to a beetroot. "I really stop but this is really nice. I was against this at first since I wanted to spend time with Rae but seeing this sexy girl on girl action is totally amazing." thought Zara with her enjoying herself.
She honestly expected this scene to be reversed with Rachel grabbing Zara's breasts but this was just as good. Zara playfully smiled and winked at Rachel. "So Rachel. How about the two of us go take a bath together?" said Zara. "What?" squealed Rachel. Zara looked at her in a seductive tone and smile. "You heard me. I'm sure that you had a fantasy about it before except not with little old me and I'm not taking about a bath at the hot springs." said Zara.
The Cross Species got closer to Rachel as she said with a seductive tone,"Your body will be clean with or without me but we'll do it together. Doesn't that sound fun Rae Chan?". Her voice was the type of voice that could make anyone who hears it have a nose bleed. "Um it does but..." said Rachel with her nose dripping blood. Zara's voice was working its magic. The immense pleasure she felt when Zara began playing with her breasts and hair, causing her to be unable to think rationally.
Zara looked at she thought,"Me thinks I went a bit overboard there. I think she has been out seduced with her being so adorable when she's been out seduced or gotten turned on. Both work for me.". "I'm real sorry for doing that to you Rae. You're really beautiful. Seeing that kind of beauty in front of you makes a woman thirsty like wandering through a desert for months." said Zara. She got off the devil with the redhead pouting.
Rachel glared at her as she sad,"Well, thank you for that compliment but you could have at least warned me first. Even as a woman, you can't get enough of me you carnal beast!". "Yeah. I totally sorry about that Rae." said Zara with her mimicking Zane's action of putting his hand behind his head if he's nervous. This simple proved to the devil that these two are the same being if the Impulse wasn't obvious enough. Most people can't sense the minute details between Impulse however.
Zara smiled as she said,"So how about you give me a quick squeeze as payment?". "What?!" thought Rachel with a blush as she repleaced how soft her breasts were. Deciding to embrace this, she got close to Zara as their breasts colliding. To Rachel, it was like two bowling balls or pillows being placed against each other. "Oh wow. Your girls are really soft too." said Rachel. "Thanks. They're a result of hard work. And by hard work, I mean genetics." said Zara.
She lifted up her breasts with her saying,My breasts are a solid mixture of fat and muscles. If I ever decides to make herself look older, they won't be sagging and still keep a bouncy appearance to them. I love these power sometimes.". She let them fall and they jiggle for a bit. They eventually stopped with it showing an incredible amount of firmness. " They are also a sign of my title of goddess since in some cultures, breasts are the symbol for maturity, fertilty, and femininity." said Zara.
Rachel giggled with her saying,"Can I quote you on that Zara? You really do know that no one cares why you look good right? I mean they just like how you look good.". "Okay fine. To make it very simple, my good looks won't never fade away thanks to my very unique biology." said Zara. "Okay then. Let me guess. You're thinking about how I can apply my Ardor to my physical appearance after getting information about it from my mom aren't you?" said Rachel.
After hearing that, Zara whistled loudly as Rachel giggled at this. "Oh. Even if you're female, you're still my power obsessed freak." said Rachel, kissing her on the cheek. "Okay then. So do you want to know something cool?" said Zara. "Sure. What's up?" said Rachel. "I was going to show off my body naked or wearing practically nothing at all. The both of us are girls after all." said Zara. The devil blushed as she imagined Zara naked and she wanted to see this badly.
Even without using her powers, Zara could see that Rachel wanted this. "However, I didn't since I was really worried about how you would personally see me. I mean I'm very proud of the body I have and I want to flaunt it to you but no! I'm still scared of you hating me because of it!" said Zara. "Zara!" said Rachel. She wanted to stop the Cross Species from belittling herself. "I'm not just interested in you even though you are really sexy. You are the being I love regardless of what gender you are." said Rachel.
Not detecting any sign of her lying whatsoever, Zara smiled. "Thanks for saving that. I'm happy that I fell in love with you. So be honest with me? Do you like it when I get jealous?" said Zara. "A little since well, you don't get jealous often. I mean compared to me." said Rachel. "But I love it when you're like that. It's really cute to see. You should love all of your partner's eccentrics. Both the good and bad ones in fact." said Zara.
Rachel nodded as she said,"Exactly! I love you and all of your eccentrics.". "Okay since we got that out of the way, I think I love you even more than I already have." said Zara whith her smirked in a very similar manner to Zane. In order to stop the teasing, Rachel punched Zara in the ribs and regretted it instantly. Like with Zane, it felt like she just punched a mountain. "So do you really think that would work? Honestly. I may be beautiful but this woman packs a serious punch I have you know." said Zara.
She flexed, showing off her muscles and the devil groaned. "A little but both of you are very physical impressive. Even if you eat so many calories, I know that you wouldn't gain any pounds and I wish that you did. Because I can't have you or Zane from being stolen from me." said Rachel. Zara tackled Rachel to the ground with her squeezing her tightly and nuzzling her. "Um. What are you doing now?" said Rachel, not minding how close she was but she was wondering why Zara was doing this.
Zara looked at her as she said,"Don't you ever say that I would leave you from some other being! I love you too much to leave or betray you!". As she was saying this, Rachel noticed that both Zane and Zara were like fireplaces. "I was just teasing you. You do know that right?" said Rachel. "Of course I know that silly. I've been with you for almost our entire lives but I wanted to show you how much I like you Rachel as a woman. It may not sound like it makes a difference but it does" said Zara.
Rachel began examining Zara's body as she said,"Sometimes. So I have a question for you.". She went slack jawed in shock and disbelief with a massive blush ,that looked like one of Zane's full face blushes that she loved seeing on his, appearing on her face. "What the actual hell?! How is she so sexy! Ignoring her amazing as hell figure, her breasts alone are making me jealous! And I'm really proud of how my body is!" thought Rachel.
The Cross Species noticed Rachel looking her over as she said,"Is it about my measurements? I’m more curvy than you and that's all I'm giving you.". She made her chest bounce in a way that would tease Rachel perfectly. "I'm much more curvy than you since my breast size is naturally larger than yours. I can change my three measurements whenever I want" said Zara. "You're bigger than my mom and I thought she had the biggest breasts ever." said Rachel.
Zara smiled as she said,"Yeah. Thank the Alvarez genetics for that.". Rachel began trail a finger around and through her hair as she said in a cute, shy tone,"So Zara.". "Yes my dear?" said Zara with a smile on her face. "How come you're so well..." said Rachel, trying to figure out a way to say this without pissing her off. "Curvy?" said Zara. Rachel nodded as Zara giggled. "You don't have to be nervous about asking me that Rae. I mean we're both girls here so we'll be fine." said Zara. "So how?" said Rachel.
Zara smiled as she said,"Oh. It's simple really. Like when I'm Zane, I'm the prime depiction of the female form with amazingly sexy curves and muscles. It shows that I'm not just a walking depiction of the feminine form.". "So how much different are you compared to Zane Zara?" said Rachel with a smile on her face. "We're different yet similar Rae. Beside the opposite gender difference." said Zara with a smile on her face. "No duh. So do you have like any of his you know?" said Rachel.
The Cross Species got what Rachel was trying to ask her as she sighed. "You mean do I have any of the prosthetics, scars, and tattoos I have as a guy? I do mainly with my left eye. It's a permeant reminder of what being a hero really brings to the table. I do missing having those tattoos since they make you look cool." said Zara. "You better not be thinking about that day." said Rachel. "I always am Rae. I can't stop thinking about it." said Zara.
Before Rachel could knock some sense into him, Zara smiled. "Don't worry okay? Just focus on the sexy woman in front of you." said Zara. "Fine. I will but you are unlike most men for multiple reasons Zane. They can be so simple sometimes except for you." said Rachel. "Amen to that sister or honey. Our relationship is confused isn’t it?” said Zara. "It is but it doesn't have to be." said Rachel. "Oh I agree but well, it's your special day with Zane after all." said Zane.
The devil was about to say something but was stopped by Zara. "Yes I know that we're the same being but I like to be Zara whenever I have breasts. So you didn't answer me earlier but I want to see if I was right." said Zara. She began to pose with her hips out. She moved her left arm reaching down as she pressed it against her chest causing it to slip underneath them. "So you like how I look Rachel?" said Zara, winking.
Rachel was about to say something but she fainted. Her entire body was atomic red and her brain shut down. The Cross Species brought her hand on her cheek in amusement. "Ara Ara. I was really hoping for a nosebleed rocket but I was wrong. She’s so damn cute whenever she’s embarrassed and it's just another thing we share in common huh. I guess I should get the smelling salts. No sleeping until later my love." said Zara, kissing Rachel's cheek whose blush got worse.
A few minutes later, Rachel woke up and saw that she was looking up at the ceiling of her home. "What just happen?" said Rachel. She then began remembering what just happened and she sighed. "Yeah. I really did just pass out from Zara. Great. She's going to be teasing me about it for the entire day." said Rachel.
"And a good morning to you
A few minutes later, Rachel woke up and saw that she was on Zara's lap. "Morning sleeping beauty. Did you have a good nice sleep?" said Zara, smiling. Upon walking back up, the first thing Rachel noticed about Zara is that her appearance had changed. Her once mid-thigh length hair had shrunk to just above his butt. Despite her breasts being well bigger, Rachel could tell that they were slightly smaller than they were before.
Rachel smiled before frowning. "I really did. You're really soft. Did I really just pass out? So damn embarrassing." said Rachel. "Yeah but it's okay. I called it. I was like fifty percent sure that you could handle my feminine beauty at full power. So is there anything else you have for me? You totally miss when I cuddle with you as Zane don't you?" said Zara with her placing a hand on the deck's cheek. "I do but what do you mean by your feminine beauty at full power?" said Rachel.
Zara smiled seductively and winked at Rachel. "You know how I never use my full power on anyone except the truly stubborn?" said Zara. "Yes. You have the power of max potential of every Zero before you." said Rachel. "Bingo. According to my research on the history of Zeroes, every Zero ,male, female, or any other gender, had the ability to swap since they were all Eazairvians like me but no one has done it other than me." said Zara. "Of course. So the you from earlier..." said Rachel.
The Cross Species nodded as she said,"Yep. That was Zara's beauty at a million percent. While I like how beautiful I can be especially my girls, they don't exactly make buying clothes too easy and fighting is another story as I learned the hard way. The women in my family can really pack a punch after all. I shrink them down if I have to go be a hero. On the shopping front, most stores don't exactly support big breast pride as you're well aware." said Zara.
Rachel remember how hard it is to shop for clothes. "I guess that would be an issue from the caliber of your guns. So what about in the Garden of Eve? They have women of all varieties there if I recall." said Rachel. "You're right. That place has women of all shapes, size, and species there since they don't discriminate against their fellow sisters. If you're a woman of body, heart, or mind, they will like you there. Men on the other hand. They'll try to kill you." said Zara.
The Cross Species smiled seductively and winked at Rachel. "So to switch topics Mistress, do you want me to get you something? Or do you perhaps need me for lustful reasons? I can do both at the same time because I’m great at multitasking." said Zara. Rachel looked at her and bit her tongue. She was real tempted to do things with Zara but she needed her questions answered first. "No. Maybe later Zara. I have something to ask you. And this is a serious question so don’t tease me." said Rachel.
Noticing how serious Rachel was, Zara agreed to her request. "Okay." said Zara. "So are you Zane? And are is Zane you?" said Rachel. "Okay. I got this. You know Bakeneko Form right? This form is the perfect example of what me and Zane are to each other." said Zara. "Okay. That didn't answer my question whatsover." said Rachel. She was pretty sure that Zara was trying to explain the subject to her in a less complicated matter compared to normal.
Zara sighed as she said,"As you're well aware, an Eazairvian is considered to be neither gender but can turn into either gender whenever they want. This is due to Eazairvians being literally gods and can do whatever they want. Eazairvian Cross Species are a bit different according to Parker. We considered ourselves to be both male and female but use the right pronouns when we are that gender. Zane would use masculine pronouns and I use feminine pronouns.".
Rachel looked right at Zara with the devil taking a breath. "So does she considered herself male?" said Rachel. "You mean that bitch? I think so but I'm not sure. Parker promise to let me know where he put her one day but only when he stops worrying about me getting hurt again or me doing something I would regret." said Zara as Rachel could see where Parker was coming from. "So when did you start seeing yourself as female?" said Rachel.
Zara smiled as she said,"Not until much later than I would like to admit. I mean I did become a girl in order to find a gift for Kristen or just fun because why not? This changed after I went to the Garden of Eve. I finally learned about a part about myself that I didn't know I was myself. It really does explain why I had a lot of feminine interests.". The devil nodded as she was well aware of Zane being well in touch with his feminine side.
The Cross Species nodded as she said,"Yeah. When I got in touch with my feminine side, I soon began missing the girls who made me happy. They brought a smile to my face.". "While I don't want to rush you, what about Bakeneko Form?" said Rachel. She wanted to ask Zane/Zara more questions but that would have to wait until another time. "Oh. Bakeneko is the only way for us to coexist at the same time plus it's like we're twins. Wouldn't that be nice?" said Zara.
Rachel imagined it as she blushed at both Zane and Zara flirting with her at the same time. "That would be amazing. I'm just impressed that you're not going into a rant." said Rachel. "Yeah. I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. So do you have any other questions for little old me before I switch back to being Zane? I mean I like being Zara but I really wanted to spend today with you as Zane." said Zara with a smile. "So do you wish that the others were still alive right?" said Rachel.
Zara looked at her with the Cross Species sighing. "Yeah. I mean they would have enjoyed today for sure but I know that they would want me to be happy. When I lost them as Zane, I was blinded by my anger and blamed myself for what happened." said Zara with sadness on her perfectly crated face. "So why are you so open about this? I mean I'm happy you are but it's kinda weird since you suck at talking about your feelings." said Rachel.
The Cross Species looked at her as she said,"I guess it's because I'm more emotionally intelligent as a woman but who really knows? I think it's pretty obvious whenever I get truly pissed off and unleash a rage like no other.". "So do you think you'll ever feel like that?" said Rachel. "Probably but only if I get to be on the same level as anger that I felt during the Massacre, you may just lose me." said Zara. "What do you mean by that?" said Rachel.
Zara looked at her as she said,"Do you remember the first time that you saw me when I was really angry?". "Yeah. It was back when you saw your dad get killed in front of you and activated Wrath for the first time. I was so scared of you back then." said Rachel. "Yeah. I got real lucky that I snapped out of it back then. When I saw the girls die in front of me, I snapped and used Astral Form. I never uses that form unless the opponent can take a beating." said Zara.
Rachel saw Zara clench her fists as she said,"I didn't show those two bitches a single ounce of mercy and I think I showed the Omniverse what happens when you piss me off. I need you to be honest with me Rae. Do you think you're willing to see that day through my eyes? This isn't for the faint for heart whatsoever.". Rachel nodded her head as Zara sighed. "Okay. I just hope I can forgive myself for doing this but I need help him through this pain." said Zara.
She placed her right hand on Rachel's head and began showing her what happened that day through her eyes. A few minutes later, Zara removed her hand from Rachel's head and the devil began crying. "Oh my gods." said Rachel. "Yeah. I felt the exact same way whenever I think about that day." said Zara. "So did anyone try to stop you from going that far?" said Rachel. "Nope. I just need to beat the ever living crap out of her." said Zara.
Zara looked at her hand as she said,"You may wonder why the trio of Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth didn't either. They were on Saspra at the time busy with one of Parker's experiments. When Earth was getting destroyed, they figured out what happened and let me tell you. They were pissed and wanted to murder that bitch in cold blood. They were even thinking of reviving her in order to kill her again until they get their anger out.".
Rachel looked at Zara who wasn't joking. "I'm feeling the same after seeing that happen. So is that why they spend most of their time on Saspra? Are they hoping to get the information about her location from Parker who's very tight-lipped about pretty much anything." said Rachel. "Yeah. They are plus they like it there. I'm able to do my job without them backseat superheroing and Parker's experiments are kinda of interesting. So can you keep what happened to me a secret until I tell the others myself." said Zara.
The devil looked at her as she said,"Are you serious? This is you we're talking about here. I think both of us are well aware of how bad you are about talking about your problems and you're still trying to move past the Massacre at a very slow rate.". "Yep. I did promise myself that I would never show or tell anyone about what happened that day but that changed." said Zara. "Really? You did that but why spill the beans?" said Rachel.
Zara looked at her as she said,"Rae. we both know what you and Team Maelstrom did outside of my hospital room.". "How? You were unconscious at the time!" said Rachel. "I was but my hearing is just that good. I'm really proud to have true friends like you guys by the way. That's why I keep on training to keep getting stronger.". "Well, we're happy to have you as our friend or in my case, lover boy." said Rachel.
The Cross Species smiled as she said,"Well, I think it's time for me to go now. I really miss being Zane with you. I enjoyed having a chat with you.". "So were you sure about showing me all that?" said Rachel as Zara shrugged. "No really but if I seem sad, try to bring my smile okay?" said Zara. "Okay but you can be really stubborn sometimes." said Rachel. "Oh don't I know that." said Zara. Before she left, she kissed Rachel on the lips.
Rachel was reminded of Zane when she was kissing Zara. This made total sense since the two were the same being. Both of their kisses were sweeter than candy and totally makes all of the undesirable traits of Zane not a problem in her eyes. It was something that Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy and Stella saw in Zane as well and Rachel promised to love Zane for them as well. It was something she did at the hospital when Zane was out cold due to his injuries.
After ending their kiss, Rachel watched Zara glowing turquoise and turn back into Zane. "Hey Rae. So how was kissing Zara? My kisses were better right? I know we're the same being but I like to believe that I'm a better kisser at the very least." said Zane. He was stopped from ranting thanks to him being push down onto the couch with Rachel hugging him tighter than she had before. "Rae. You're totally crushing my ribs and lungs." said Zane.
Rachel looked up at Zane for a split second with tears forming in her eyes. "Zane. Thanks for showing me what you experienced during the Massacre and while I'm mad at you for not showing or telling me about it earlier, I can understand why." said Rachel with her nuzzling against his chest. Zane couldn't see it but he was sure that her eyes were currently red and puffy due to the crying. Her voice was also raspy and sore due to how much she was crying.
Zane smiled as he said,"It's okay if you want to cry Rae. You don't need to hold back for me. I don't mind and it's better to do it now before...". He didn't have a chance to finish before Rachel began crying hard into his chest. Seeing this, Zane began rubbing the poor devil's head to calm her down and gently whispering words to make her feel better. She slowly began hiccupping. "Zane." said Rachel with her looking up at him with bloodshot eyes.
The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yeah. It's official. I really hate seeing you like this. You crying is something I truly hate. I remember the face you made when I woke up the first two times after being unconscious. It broke my Essence each time I saw it you know.". "That's really obvious when it comes to seeing you in pain. You're simple yet complicated. So have you ever felt like you did ever since that day?" said Rachel.
Zane cupped his chin before he said,"Nope.". "Really? Are you telling me the truth?" said Rachel. "I sure am. I've been angry before no doubt about that but not to that level I was back then. Hopefully, I won't get that mad any time soon. So do you have all of your questions answered?" said Zane. "Yep. All but one." said Rachel. "Which is what Rae?" said Zane. "Do you mind if I tell Danny about what you felt back then? I mean he was easily the second most worried about you after all." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"I don't mind but how are you going to show him? You don't exactly have the ability to show someone memories like I do.". "Don't worry. I have a way to do that but I think we're due for some cuddling time and watching some trashy TV." said Rachel. "Sounds like a good idea but I need to do something super fast." said Zane. "Which is what Zaney?" said Rachel. "You will see very soon." said Zane.
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"So how was her kiss?". "Good. It reminded me a lot of yours Zane but it was grapes and something sweet like crepes." said Rachel, blushing as she remember her kiss with Zara. "Huh. That sounds neat. So what do mine taste like? I mean our lips both have a taste to them according to my research." said Zane. "Um. They're sweet like candy?" said Rachel with her trying to remember what Zane's lips taste like.
This caused Zane to sulk a bit with him saying,"Okay Rae. I understand. Her lips must be better than mine if you can tell me what they taste like huh.". He was teasing her much to his amusement. He looked to see Rachel getting worried. "Don't be sad Zaney! I love...." said Rachel with her blinking for a second. "Hey! Wait a minute You're teasing me!" said Rachel. Zane turned back around and flickered her forehead playfully.
Zane smirked as he said,"You know me so well Rae and I'll make you remember what my lips taste like.". "Huh?" said Rachel with Zane planting a kiss on her within seconds. Once Zane finished the kiss with Rachel, he said,"Did you love it Rae?". Rachel ,with a dark red blush on her face, licked her lips as she said,"It taste like grapes with a very strong spicy aftertaste. I mean it taste like something sweet but well, I can't name what.". "Curry." said Zane. "That's it." said Rachel.
A few minutes later, Rachel was looking at Zane and she said,"So Zane. I have to ask. What are you doing?". Zane was currently in his most intelligent forms aka Brain Form ,in his human form, and was doing something to the couple's phones. "Making your phone better obviously. You're lucky that I'm doing it as Brain Form rather than Archfiend Form. I'm sure that you don't want your phone to turn into a cannon right? Most girls don't want that for some strange reason." said Zane.
Rachel giggled at Zane as she said,"You're right. So what are you doing? You didn't explain why you're making my phone better.". "Oh right! I'm synching our phones together with a highly advanced mapping function that will be able to track either one of us anywhere in the Omniverse. It's actually similar to how Parker can track the Z.E.R.O. Watch in any dimension. Pretty cool right?" said Zane, puffing out his chest with pride.
The devil hugged the form tightly as she said,"It is and thanks for being the overcautious yet reckless man I love.". The devil eventually let Zane go as he transformed back to normal. Zane smirked as he snuck his fingertip into her bellybutton and began wiggling it around. She began to shriek and laugh at this. "Hey there! What are you doing?! Stop it!" said Rachel. She tried to escape from Zane's grip but couldn't.
Zane looked at her as he said,"Do you honestly think I'll do something like that for you without some kind of payment?". The tickles stopped as Zane began rubbing his hand up and down her waist. "To be frank, you're easily worth any amount of money based off your looks alone but your personality is what I fell for." said Zane. Rachel blushed and rubbed his chest. "So since you're giving me such an amazing gift, I have something for you." said Rachel. "You do?" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Yeah. Close your eyes and let me go so I can get it.". "How about no? I mean you do have the ability to move things with your mind thanks to Ardor right?" said Zane. "I really hate how you know how my powers work better than I do and thanks for telling me how to do this." said Rachel. "Your mom told me the basics of what your powers can do and my mind went into overdrive on what you can do. I then gave you the instructions through my telepathy." said Zane.
The Cross Species tapped the side of his head using his fingers. Rachel covered her left arm in Ardor with a box floating into the living room. "That will never stop being cool no matter times I see it. So what did you get me?" said Zane. Rachel opened the box for Zane with him smiling. It was a black leather jacket that looked to fit him perfectly. "Okay. You really know my sense of fashion well." said Zane, letting Rachel go as he admired the jacket.
Rachel smiled as she said,"I knew you would like it Zane. It's like the hoodie you made for the kids but more mature. I mean the hoodie still looks good on you handsome but I think you would look good in this as well. I had your logo as Legion Zero sewn in to the back of it. The collar will be able to hold your headphones in it no problem.". "Thanks. I'll get looks of jealously from Legion Zero fans and lust from fangirls. Totally going to be wearing this today for our date by the way." said Zane.
The devil kissed Zane as she said,"Zane. I really do admire how reckless, perverted, kind, and loyal you can be.". "Thanks for saying that. And here's another gift for you." said Zane. "Seriously? You really didn't have to." said Rachel. "I did because I can. I love you Rae and don't you forget it." said Zane with him making a box appear from thin air. Rachel smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "So what you just said totally came from Love that Transcends Time and Space wasn't it?" said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"It isn't word for word but you know me so well.". Rachel opened the box and her eyes light up. She pulled out a diamond encrusted black hairband with a molten gold devil's tail attached to it, a gold chain Lapis Lazuli heart pendant, and a pair of earrings that looked to be in the shape of a five pointed star with the star being a diamond. "How did you do all of that? I know that I shouldn't ask you this but this is too much." said Rachel.
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I hand made our wedding rings so it wouldn't be that much of a hassle to make you more jewelry. I could have gotten a jewelry place and payed both an arm and leg both figuratively and literally. I just wanted to show you that I love you. My mom always say that the best gifts are handmade rather than bought. You would agree right? I'm sure that you want me to put on the pendant for you right?".
Rachel smiled as Zane did just that. The devil held the earrings and headband as she smiled. "So who is the best Cross Species in all of Cypress Park?" said Zane. "I would like to say someone else but there is no-one who could compete with you." said Rachel as she gave him an extremely passionate kiss and laid her head on his chest. "So are you ready to get your cuddle on?" said Rachel. "Yeah but get your cuddle on sounds straight out of the early 2000." said Zane, getting a punch to the arm for his comment.
A bit later, the couple was watching TV with Zane resting his head on Rachel's lap. It was usually the other around but thanks to Zane bringing out his inner crybaby, Zane got to rest on his lap. "And he's going for the box folks! Will he do or will he....? Thud! Kaboom!" said the TV. The couple began laughing at the sight of a game show contestant getting socked with an explosive boxing glove. "And he's out of here!" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"I know that I was against watching a show called Unfortunate Fools but watching people getting hit is oddly satisfying.". "Yeah. Theron told me to watch it once and I got hooked." said Zane with Rachel leaning over with her breasts pressing down on her fiancé's face. "So while I don't mind them there, your boobs and I are getting even closer." said Zane. "Oh. Sorry about that. So how is it going down there?" said Rachel, quickly leaning back and smiling at him.
Zane smiled as he said,"What could you possibly mean?". "Do you really need me to spell it out for you or are you messing with me?" said Rachel. "I'm enjoying it Rae. It's a pleasant feeling. You've gotten good at identifying when I'm messing with you young grasshopper." said Zane. "So is this lap pillow just pleasant for you?" said a pouting Rachel. She began to run her fingers through his soft hair as this action was making Zane's worries and stress melt away. "Yeah it is." said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"You do know that I may not be able to tell when you're lying to me but it really hurts when you are.". "Hold the phone here. I said that it was pleasant! That's a synonyms for nice! I decided to spice up my jargon. Is that so wrong?" said Zane. "You say that but I'm sure that you're enjoying having a sexy beauty like myself deciding to let you use her lap for a pillow. Don't lie Zaney." said Rachel.
Zane sighed as he said,"Okay then. Your lap feels like I'm floating on a extremely fluffy cloud that's because of my girl's amazing thighs and the scent of a woman is driving me wild! Happy now?". To make it clear that he liked it, he began rubbing his face into her lap pillow. Rachel giggled as she rubbed his head. "Yep because you really don't need to hide how much of a pervert when you're around me. I don't mind that side of you at all." said Rachel. "I'm not that big of a pervert." said Zane, pouting.
Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Really? Do you expect me to believe that? I'm pretty sure that with your powers, you were totally peeping on the girls locker room at one point.". "I can not confirm or deny that but I can say this. Kevin totally did when he had Phantoms powers thanks to Isis. She likes to gossip about beings she has granted wishes for." said Zane. He began ticking her cheek with his finger with this action causing her to purr like a cat.
Zane always admired when she was acting like a cat since unlike the rest of his family mainly the males, he likes them a lot. She lowered her head to nuzzle against his nose and peck at his lips for a long time. His face was trapped in her hands. Rachel loved to kiss Zane being that they were always trying new ways to kiss the other. Each and every kiss they shared brought a smile on her face. "We really need to do this again." said Rachel, resting her head on his forehead.
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"You got that right. So how much do you love kissing me?". "I love it so much like how much you love those dancing reality shows." said Rachel. "To be fair, I only began watching it because my favorite actress was on for a season." said Zane. "And you wouldn't mind if I signed you up for a season if you got to dance with her." said Rachel. "Not at all but if you do that, tell me ahead of time. I need to be prepared to dance with her." said Zane. "Will do." said Rachel.
Before she could say anything else, an alarm on Zane's phone went off off. "And it's showtime!" said Zane, getting up with his signature smirk on his face. "You're really looking forward to this date aren't you?" said Rachel, turning off the TV. "Heck yeah. I get to go out with the most beautiful girl in the Omniverse." said Zane, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "And this is going to be an amazing day I promise." said Zane with the two kissing once again.
A few minutes later, Zane was waiting for Rachel in the living room. He was wearing his normal outfit except he wasn't his signature jacket but the black leather jacket that Rachel gotten for him. On her request, he wasn't wearing most of his signature accessories except for his Galaxy Phones, Z.E.R.O. Watch, and wristband. This includes his glasses as well. Like how Rachel asked Zane to wear his new jacket and get rid of most of his accessories, Zane hand picked an outfit for her.
Zane smiled as he said,"So are you done Rae? We're burning daylight.". With his hyper hearing, he could hear the sound of their bedroom door open and Zane closed his eyes. The sound of each footstep moved slowly after the other was telling Zane that she was either scared about letting him see her in her outfit early or trying to be sneaky. If Zane didn't know his fiancée at all, he would say that it was the former. "Angelise. I get that you're trying to be sneaky but you're not doing a good job at it." said Zane.
The superhero smirked as he said,"At least when it comes to me and my hyper hearing.". "Okay fine but don't call me Angelise. You know how much I don't like my middle name." said Rachel, stopping where she stood. "But it's really cute just like you are." said Zane. "If you call me that again, you won't get any more kisses from me anymore." said Rachel. "Are you sure you can live without of my kisses?" said Zane, smirking with him knowing how much Rachel loves getting kissed by Zane.
Even though he couldn't see her, Zane imagined her with her arms crossed and pouting. "Of course I can." said Rachel. "Whatever. Okay. Can I open my eyes now?" said Zane. "Sure but you didn't need to close them in the first place." said Rachel. "As a wise being once said, don't try and understand what goes through my mind." said Zane. Zane opened his eyes and saw a truly beautiful image in front of him. Her copper red hair looked like a never ending stream of hair.
It came out from her diamond encrusted black hairband ,with a molten gold devil's tail attached to it, he got from her. Her lips were covered by crimson red lipstick instead of her pink lipstick. She's wearing a black leather vest and she's wearing a long sleeved red and white shirt. Her shirt has the words "DEVIL PRINCESS" written on it being that it's a navy blue color. Her shirt looks to have a stitched up pattern to it. She's wearing a pair of dark blue denim shorts with a spiked and studded black belt.
These shorts would show off a generous amount of her thighs if they weren't covered by a pair of light gray tights that look to be fashionably worn out. Her tights worn out appearance has a few cuts in the material here and there, showing off what lies underneath. She wears black knee high high-top sneakers boots with maroon colored laces that has a checker board design. It gives the devil an extra three inches to her. She's wearing her new five pointed star earrings.
She's wearing her signature choker alongside her new Lapis Lazuli heart pendant that goes around her neck thanks to a gold chain. Her tattoo was present on her alongside her wedding ring as well, silver headphones around her neck, and gold sunglasses hanging from her collar. It was topped off by a beige designer purse. The view in front of him showed him how lucky Zane was when it comes to having such a beauty in love with him.
Rachel looked at him as he said,"So are you going to say anything about it? I mean I like it myself even though you only know about five colors when it comes to clothes. It's better than just two.". As she was talking, Zane walked up to her. He stopped in front of her as she groaned. "Oh come on! I know that you're only doing this to tease me! So say..." said Rachel as Zane brought her in for a passionate kiss. It wasn't she wanted from Zane but she wasn't going to complain about it since she really liked kissing.
The devil was addicted to his lips since they were so sweet. She returned his gesture with a sweet moan and kiss. After pulling away from her, Zane began to laugh. "Sorry about doing that Rae but wow. I really like what I see in front of me. Your body is perfect by the way." said Zane with him submerging his face in Rachel's hair and hugged her tightly like she did to him earlier in their date while they were in bed. "You really make life worth living for Rae!" said Zane.
Even though she got embarrassed whenever Zane get overly romantic with her, she couldn't help but smile when he does stuff like this. She began to nuzzle her face into his chest, enjoying the affection he's giving to her. Zane loves Rachel's hair a great deal being that whenever he wants to tease her, he puts his face into it. "Well, I'm happy that you're enjoying it." said Rachel. Zane finally let her go and he smiled. "I sure am." said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she looped her left arm through Zane's right. "So are you ready to getting going honey bear?" said Rachel. "Yeah but honey bear? I mean that's a terrible pet name for me. You should totally give me a cool yet cute pet name. I got yours in mind. Angelise. Come on. Wouldn't that be just the best my beloved Angelise?" said Zane. This comment earned him a kick to the shin from Rachel who had a noticeable pout on her face.
Thanks to Zane using Direct Transportation, they were at the Cypress Park mall within seconds instead of minutes later thanks to traffic. "So when you suggested this for our all day date, I was okay with it at first but I wonder why. You and I both know that you have more than enough clothing." said Zane. "My initial plan was to get you some more clothes since you only wear up to five outfits max. You primarily wear black or gray. It wouldn't kill you to wear more colors Zane." said Rachel.
As the two entered the building, Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I can get that since you're much more fashionable than me. I do wear a bunch of outfits when I do part time model work but that's when I have free time which lately I don't since I'm really busy. I also make my own clothing so I don't require more clothing since store bought clothing tears rather easy like paper in a shredder.". He was remembering how one of his shirts was torn to shred.
The Cross Species was going at the super low speed ,at least for him, of mach twenty. "That's right. I tend to forget that I'm dating a model some times." said Rachel with a smile on her face. "Ms. Rachel Powell. Are you undressing me with your eyes again?" said Zane in a mock upset tone. "Yep." said Rachel with her smile growing bigger and cat like. "So I'm going to model different outfits for you later huh?" said Zane. "You sure are and I just may do the same for you but who knows?" said Rachel.
Zane chuckled as he said,"Well then, I hope you do.". "Back on topic here, I now want to go shopping since I now have two very important people I need to shop for." said Rachel, pointing to a clothing store. "Let me guess. That store has a sale going on for me and a certain beauty whom I recall you fainted over." said Zane. "Yep. You're learning and you're going to be teasing me about me fainting over you for a while aren't you?" said Rachel.
The Cross Species smirked as he said,"Yep. You know me so well. I'm going out on a limb here and say that I'll be carrying a whole lot of bags huh.". "Perhaps if you upset me but you haven't so once we pay for it, you can warp it back to our place. Like you tell our kids, we should use our powers to make life's more annoying parts easier but not to bully others." said Rachel with her trying to sound like Zane. "Oh wow. Is that how I sound like when I'm speaking like a leader or parent?" said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"Kinda but you sound much cooler. I can't reach lower notes like you can.". "But I can reach higher notes like you Rae Rae like OMG." said Zane with his voice matching Hannah's perfectly. Rachel giggled at hearing such a high voice coming from someone like Zane. "Even though I love whenever you mimic another person's voice, please stay with the sexy one I feel in love with." said Rachel. "Sure thing. I'll keep being the thief who stole your big heart." said Zane.
The devil smiled as she said with a loving look on her face,"You did save me from being married to Blaze after all. Did you really think I wouldn't fall for you?". "While I did save you from Blaze, you used your own power to stand up for yourself. We were just the support underneath your wings. While you may be a princess, I doubt you would be the type who would need saving. You just need a well need confidence boost into becoming an amazing devil who can kick some serious butt." said Zane.
While Zane may be right about that, the devil knew that she had her friends on her side during the fight and were willing to do whatever they can to save her from Blaze. Being with her friends, they make her feel safe even in the enemy they're up against is much stronger than your average street punk. Despite being a superhero, Zane wasn't the type to act like a knight in shining armor who would never let her fight for herself even if she really wants to fight.
He was letting her fight against Rufus after all since he was confident in her abilities but the devil knew that Zane would step in if things go out of hand. "Lets go already." said Rachel, with her pulling Zane inside. The couple walked into a clothing store which looked rather fancy in his opinion. The clothing looked highly fashionable for young adults and this was made obvious thanks to the mannequins. "So should we start with you or Zara?" said Rachel. "Do I really have a choice in the matter?" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"No you don't babypop but it's cute that you think that you do.". The devil began leading Zane over to the women's section. "Why couldn't we start with my stuff first? I know that you really want to dress her up like a doll but I feel uncomfortable. And babypop is a much better pet name than honey bear." muttered Zane, crossing his arms. Rachel was ignoring him since she was looking over at the dresses and began scanning the store's section.
This kind of behavior was normal for her. "And now, you're ignore me for clothing. Fine. I'll just keep talking until you stop me. I should be used to people staring at me because of my job but these stares are from women who think I'm a sick pervert." said Zane. "Let me see. I don't think she would look good in pink. That has too much lace. Too short. Orange? Who likes wearing orange? It makes you look like a pumpkin especially if you're wearing green with it." muttered Rachel.
Zane shook his head as he thought,"Oh wow. She is the one muttering now. Creepy.". "This is too big for her. Too short. Okay! We got something here!" said Rachel. The devil held up a silver dress for Zane to look at. It had thin spaghetti straps and a couple of frills to add to its cuteness. "Despite it being absolutely adorable, there is a tiny no major problem with it Rae. It's way too transparent." said Zane with a frown. "Huh?" said Rachel with a cute head tilt.
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Let me explain. As you're well aware, Zara is very curvaceous and a parka would show off her curves. This dress would show off more than I'm personally comfortable with. Let me show you.". With a single motion, Zane put his head behind the dress with Rachel clearly understand what he was talking about. She knew that some outfits used lighter and thinner material but this dress would be better for a nightgown rather than she would wear out in public.
Rachel sighed as she said,"Okay then. So do you know why this dress be on sale here?". She dropped the dress onto the floor and had no plan of putting it back on the rack for reason. "No clue. So what's next?" said Zane. As he was talking, he was brushing back some of his shoulder-length locks. "Okay then. Before we got take down Rufus, we really need to get you a hair cut since your hair is too long." said Rachel. "Yeah or I can just use my powers to cut it to save time." said Zane.
The devil crossed her arms as she said,"Didn't you say that you like to support the economy whenever you can?". "I do but honestly, I think you'll be doing that for me very soon since you love to shop." said Zane. "Okay then Zaney. I'll need you to go find a dress for me." said Rachel. "Didn't we come here for me and not you? That was the point right?" said Zane. "We did but I'm sure you can find something for yourself." said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"That's fair because I've been eyeing that shirt for a while now.". He was currently pointing at a shirt. Rachel looked at the piece of clothing and it was a purple shirt with a cute anime dog on it. "It is adorable but I thought you wouldn't wear that kind of thing ever. Uriel or Zoey would but you. Didn't see that coming." said Rachel. "Me and Zara are similar in terms of our fashion sense. Don't try to figure us out because we're an enigma and it's on sale so I want it." said Zane.
The Cross Species smirked as he said,"I'm literally bouncing on my heels right now.". Rachel began imagined his female side doing that and she smiled. "So to change subjects for now, do you want to get the shirt for you?" said Rachel. "Rachel. I'm literally screaming to get it. I think the answer is super obvious. The dog on the shirt reminds me of Wolfram who is one of the most fluffy things in the Omniverse." said Zane, holding the shirt up. "He really is just like Osmosis Form." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. That is kinda weird how that is but whatever. He kick some serious butt and that's what matter.". "Oh! These jeans would good on you too!" said Rachel as she headed over to another clearance rack. "You really know what would look good on me huh? I mean you do buy some pretty cute outfits for the girls and Leo after all." said Zane. "Yeah. You and Atem would be hopeless without my help mainly Atem." said Rachel with a smile.
The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yeah. He may be book smart but fashion smart he is not. Such a shame but oh well. Like father like son I guess. Atem got that while Zoery got". "Okay then. Do you mind going to look for any good dress in my size? You know what I like to wear right?" said Rachel with her wrapping her arms around his right arm. "If you answer correct, I'll make sure to get a really good outfit for your eyes only." said Rachel.
Rachel was testing Zane to see if he knows her sense of fashion. "I do. You hate the color combo green and orange since it reminds you of the time you got drenched by rotten pumpkin juice back in high school because of one of Sam's pranks that was meant for Karen. We're looking for a spring/summer outfit so maybe a splash or two of color here and there.." said Zane. "Okay. Good boy." said Rachel with her poking his nose. "So while I'm doing that, what are you going to be doing?" said Zane.
The devil smiled as she said,"Good question. I'm going to looking for some skirts and jeans for Zara plus finding an outfit for myself. You know where the dressing room is right?". "To the left of here and you got it. See you later." said Zane. He began walking away. Rachel walked toward a rack of skirts and began looking for it with her smiling. She was enjoying herself being that she knew that Zane wasn't a big fan of clothes shopping.
It's mainly because whenever he gets ask to go clothes shopping, he's used as a pack mule mainly when it comes to those who know about his powers. He was willing to do it for their future relationship since it made Rachel very happy. After picking out a couple of shirts, skirts, shorts, and hats, Rachel walked toward an open dressing room. She threw her large pile down on the bench before locking the door. She put her purse next to the pile of clothes and began to change into a different outfit.
She may have come shopping here for Zane/Zara but she really wanted to see the look on Zane's face when she picked out a certain outfit. Before she could put on the finishing touch to her first outfit combo, she heard,"Excuse me sir. Where are you going?". It belonged to a female and Rachel turned toward her. The devil only heard rumors about this store having cameras inside of the dressing room that were going to only be viewed by woman but no one bought that.
It was also proven false by Hannah and Sam of all women. "Hello there. Is anyone in there?" said the same female voice. Someone knocked on the door of the dress room to get Rachel's attention. "Yes. Is there something wrong?" said Rachel. "I caught this man standing out here whose apparently looking for his fiancée. We just wanted to make sure he was telling the truth." said the employee. "Zane? What did you do this time?" thought Rachel.
Before she could continue her thoughts, Rachel heard a loud sigh from the woman. "While I'll admit that he's attractive, our store's policy says we keep an eye on anyone who may do something illegal or against human decency. We've also had a problem with perverts lately mainly from one of the high schools." said the employee. The devil took a breath with her opening the door just enough for her to see out.
She saw Zane standing there with his arms holding some clothes and he looked slightly annoyed. "Help me Rae Rae. She's going to call the cops on little old me because she thinks I'm a pervert who enjoys gawking at women which I'm not." said Zane. Even thought the devil knew that Zane was like all guys in the fact that he was a pervert, he wasn't like those high schoolers in the news. It was a trio of local high school boys that hid inside of girls locker room and watched them change.
It made Atem sick to his stomach being that he knew the perverted trio well. As Osiris, he taught those boys a lesson about being creeps. That action made everyone in the Alvarez family proud of him and applaud him. "Oh don't worry. That dummy you have under suspicion is my fiancé. I asked him to pick out an outfit for me." said Rachel. "Really? He is with you ma'am?" said the employee with a faint hint of disappointment.
Rachel nodded as she said,"He is and don't worry about him doing anything perverted like those kids on the news. Zane and his younger brother would beat the ever living tar out of any pervert if he spotted one doing something like that.". She clearly remembering the time that Zane punched Mack for staring at Karen and Rain once. The playboy didn't see it coming since Zane was on the other side of the pool and the Cross Species used his powers without alerting suspicion on him.
Zane punching Mach was during the summer right after they graduate high school and before the Massacre. "Okay. I'm real sorry for labeling you just like those perverts." said the employee, bowing to him. "It's no problem. You were just cautious and I can't blame you for that." said Zane. Rachel smiled at Zane's response. She knows how much Zane hated especially whenever beings bow to him and judged him by his gender. It happened a lot and got annoying in his opinion.
When the employee gone, Zane turned to the slightly cracked door and he said,"Thanks for the save there Rae. I could have gotten out of it but well, I need a woman's touch.". "I think it's only fair for me to help you out in your time of need. So did you find anything for little old me and maybe you?" said Rachel with her holding out her hand. "I did for you. Let me just say this. I'm surprisingly very picky when it comes to picking out a cute outfit for myself. Who knew?" said Zane.
The Cross Species hand her the clothes he picked out for his fiancée. "Zane. How is possible that you could only find one thing?" said Rachel as she closed the door. "Because like I said, I'm really picky and stopped myself from picking out a couple of good outfits." said Zane as he leaned against the wall on the other side of the dressing room. His arms were crossed and was currently staring at the other shoppers inside the store.
Most of the store consisted of women and well, he was getting his fair share of looks. They were wondering if he was a pervert, gay, or single. He didn't need his powers to tell what they were thinking about him. He did this so that he could be kept an eye on by the staff since getting arrested wasn't on the itinerary. Inside of the dressing room, Rachel was looking at the outfit that the Cross Species picked for her.
It was a dress like she asked for so he got that part right. It was a platinum colored dress with it have a cute frill pattern at the bottom of it. The frills started out as pure platinum but they slowly turned a crimson red as they went down. Rachel slipped it on and began looking at herself. It was absolute perfection. From what she could tell, no one could see it through being that the dress fit her body amazingly. The straps were nice and secure on her.
They weren't too tight on her or going to slip off her body unless she wanted to. The material fit nice against her bust being that they were allow to breathe and make sure that they looked bigger than they already were. The length was just right being that it ended just above her knees which drew attention to her long, beautiful legs. It was slim fitting enough to make her body look good, but its elegance perfectly balances her sexiness with cuteness. She wore her boots.
It reminded her of those princess dolls that she used to play with back in the day but a lot more mature than those dolls. She was pretty sure that accepting his feminine side had a hand in helping her picking this out. Rachel opened the door with Zane turning to see her. "Zaney." said Rachel with her saying one of his usually nicknames for him in a sing song voice. She grabbed the sides of her dress with the tips of her fingers and curtsy for him. "So what do you think of little old me?" said Rachel.
The devil giggled when she saw steam coming out of Zane’s head. "You look great Rae but that's a given babe. Oh and on the inside, I'm totally squealing on how much of a princess you're looking." said Zane with a smile. "Thank you for that compliment Zaney." said Rachel. "So what I love the most about how the dress's colors changes. It stuck out to me." said Zane. With a smile, Rachel began lightly poking his face with her coming up with a little trick for Zane.
She smiled as she said,"So can you pick me out some underwear too? I mean you really do know what looks good on me since you want me to wear something that you can rip off me on our wedding night right?". "Of course but..." said Zane. He looked around to see the entire store looking at him with a noticeable blush on their face. "You made me say that on purpose didn’t you? Devil trickery is truly nasty." whispered Zane.
The devil giggled as she said,"I sure did. You still love me right? You’re so fun to tease. It’s just like whenever I tease Atem about his obvious crush who will remain nameless. He totally says the most embarrassing things when I tease him in just the right way.". "Yeah I do. Men have trouble admitting their feelings and I was just as bad right?" said Zane. "You were but your case is a little different. You had a crush on little old me plus six others instead of just one girl." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"I sure did Rae but I don’t have trouble admitting my feelings toward my love of Love that Transcends Space and Time.". "That’s a completely different story and you know that Zane. Even though you're better about talking how much you love me, I think you need to work on how to ask people for help when it comes to your problems.” said Rachel. "True but accepting my feminine side has helped I think." said Zane. "So I think I know what I want." said Rachel.
After showing him a black baby doll with a flame like pattern woven into the breast cups and another outfit which will be shown at the bottom of this post, she was back in her date outfit with the outfits that she really liked. "Lets go find something for you now." said Rachel. "Sure but aren't you forgetting something Rae?" said Zane. "Nope." said Rachel. "You got to be kidding me. I know that you're not going to ignore that mountain of clothing and how did you bring it all in there?" said Zane.
He was pointing to the large pile of clothing that she had brought into the dressing room. According to the sale going on, that entire pile was just barely over a hundred dollars. "Oh right. Don't worry so much. The employee will take care of them." said Rachel. "I'll meet you in the men's section. I got something I need to do." said Zane as he walked past her and picked up the mountain of clothing with one hand.
Zane began hanging up the clothing that she had left there. "You can't be serious Zane. That isn't your job." said Rachel. "You're right but I can't turn off being a hero. It's a curse after all Rae." said Zane with her sighing. She was later in the men's section with her waiting for Zane. After ten minutes, Zane met up with her and she found something for him while she was waiting. "So what do you think about this to start?" said Rachel as she held up an official Legion Zero shirt.
The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Do you really think I'll wear something like that? My ego isn't that big yet.". "Yes because it looks good and feels amazing." said Rachel. The shirt reminded Zane of his Zeta Costume. It's a black shirt with a stylized molten gold "LZ" in the center of his shirt. The LZ has steel gold dragon wings on each side of the letter. The collar and cuffs of the shirt is crimson red and look to be made out of chainmail rather than the normal material for shirts.
It look to expose the build of whoever wears it. "Okay. It's nice Rae but I'm not wearing this." said Zane, feeling the shirt. "Why not?" said Rachel. "Because I like the shirt I have on now obviously." said Zane. "That kinda makes sense but do you like it Zane? I know how picky you can be when it comes to clothing." said Rachel. "It's better than most of the clothing that's based off my image." said Zane, with him shivering.
He remembering seeing the Liger Form kigurumi once and while the girls liked it, he didn't. "It kinda reminds me of the Legion Zero Jacket that the kids has and my brand new leather jacket. So is there a male dressing room? I'm well aware of the ladies' dressing room." said Zane. "There is but I want you to undress for me here babypop." said Rachel with her emphasizing here and gave a gesture for him to take his shirt off. "Fine. Not going to try fighting you on this since it's a losing fight." said Zane.
Zane began taking off his shirt and jacket. This revealed his impressive eight pack and abs of steel to not only Rachel. "I know that I see this every day but I'll never stop admiring this sight." said Rachel with the rest of the women ,single or married, in the shop admiring it as well. The employee from earlier would have stopped this from happening but she really liked what she saw in front of him. They started wolf whistling at Zane.
The men on the other hand were jealous of Zane's figure and the attention he's getting from the girls. It was a strong mixture of both. "Okay then. I guess if Zara was doing this, she would get wolf whistle from the guys and stares of envy/hostility from the girls. Overall, this is weird to see women wolf whistling. Not sure if that would be called something else but whatever. Better give them a show I guess." thought Zane, flexing.
Rachel huffed a bit as she slapped his chest lightly. "Rae. I know that you're jealous but I belong to you till the day we part." said Zane, kissing her on her forehead. This scene caused the women to awww at this with it sounding straight out of a studio audience. As Zane put on the shirt on, Zane smiled. "So how do I look babe?" said Zane. "Good but you need a new pair of pants. How long have you been wearing those?" said Rachel with a cheerful smile.
Zane sighed as he said,"No. I'm not taking off my pants here. I'm a model not a stripper. There is a difference.". "Why do you have to be such a tease? Do you not love me?" said Rachel with her bringing out the puppy dog eyes on him. "You do know that the puppy dog eyes won't work on me right but how about later? I'll give you a private show." said Zane. "As Zara." whispered Zane. Rachel's smile grew much bigger as she dragged Zane away to get him a perfect outfit that would be amazing for him.
They later went to the counter where the woman who was in charge of the register was the exact same woman who was staring at Zane like he was a piece of meat earlier and the one who thought Zane was a pervert. "Oh. It's you two. I have to say sorry once again to Mr. Alvarez once again. I know that you have a bad reputation right now but I just want you to know that I don't think you should be responsible for what happened to Ultimate Showdown." said the employee.
Rachel blinked as she said,"Hold on. How do you know my fiance's name?". "Huh. I thought it was obvious who he was since he has that signature piercing of his in the middle of his chest. He also has all of those scars of his." said the woman. "Yeah Rae. It's really obvious who I am. You're marrying a famous celebrity after all." said Zane. "Whatever Zane. Lets just pay for our clothing and get something to eat already." said Rachel. "Okay. So do you want to pay for it or should I?" said Zane.
The woman behind the counter began scanning their items. "How about we use my discount and your card? It would look like we're buying it together." said Rachel. "Sound idea there Rae but I hope to see you wearing that dress sometime soon." said Zane. "Sure thing." said Rachel. The woman behind the counter was slightly jealous of how good the couple in front of her were acting. Her boyfriend personally was the type of guy to flaunt his wealth around.
She was planning on dumping him and reporting him to the police after her shift today since she caught him stealing from her jewelry box. She didn't know why he was stealing from her but she had a feeling that it had something to do with the Black Blossom Bar and Frankie. She recorded him doing this using a secret camera in a jacket that she bought for him using her store discount. The secret camera was sewn into the jacket thanks to a friend of hers.
As Zane handed her his card, the woman noticed that there was a small piece of paper attached to it. The woman looked at Zane who just smiled at her. She thought that she was giving him his number and when she opened it, it wasn't his number but another man's number. It was for Scott Castro and the piece of paper had the word,"Call this number and get that scumbag arrested. You deserve much better than him.". She nodded to herself as the couple left the store.
Upon leaving the store, they were now deciding where to eat. "So know any good places to eat around here Rae? I'm up for anything when it comes to food as you're well aware." said Zane. "I know a really good place here. Want to go?" said Rachel. "Sure. Lets go." said Zane, followed her. The couple began walking through the mall as Rachel said,"Despite some trouble getting you some new clothes, this date is going just as planned.". "Yeah but our date is nowhere over yet." said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Oh yeah. The best part is going to be at the end.". "And do you mean by that?" said Zane. "Dummy. Do you really think I'll let our all day date end without doing it?" said Rachel. "I''m looking forward to it my devilish beauty." said Zane, wrapping his arms around her entire body and smirking. "Of course. You're my very perverted babypop." said Rachel. "I'm very much loving this new nickname by the way. Way better than dummy" said Zane.
The Cross Species placed his forehead against her as Rachel said,"Me too.". The two kissed. After breaking off from their kiss, the two went back to walking and talking about what came to mind. Rachel always admired how Zane would slow down for her when they were walking together since there was a noticeable height difference between the two. "Rae. Do you remember how I had a question for you personally?" said Zane. "Yeah. So what is it?" said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"So for our wedding, you're okay with me having some of my out there friends?". "Yes I'm fine with it because we both know what Rico and Theron would do if they weren't invited to your wedding. I like how we're leaving this dimension in order to have our wedding. It's different. And is this really your question?" said Rachel. "I just wanted to make sure about something. I know that you really like the trio." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as she said,"Yeah. Those three are just amazing and with the guidance they'll get from us and their loved ones, I'm sure they'll grow up to be great people. What are you getting are?". "After our wedding and sometime in the future, I want to have a biological kid with you." said Zane after a deep breath. "Really? That's your question." said Rachel, looking at him with a serious yet confused look on her face.
Zane looked at her as he said with a brighter than normal smile,"Yeah. I know that I must be sounding crazy but according to my mom, it's a very different feeling raising a child that you created compared to one you adopted. She still loves the hell out of Ana, Lucius, and Kurt mind you but she always treated me differently compared to them. I want to experience that kind of feeling and to be perfectly honest, I really want to have a kid with you Rae.".
Rachel looked at her with her beginning to rub his head. Despite its messy appearance, his hair was really soft and felt good to the touch. "It's fine Zane. I was thinking the same thing but not for a while. I don't think I would look good pregnant." said Rachel. "I disagree but I think I would have to explain to Wolfram how babies born first." said Zane. "Wait. He doesn't know? I thought he learned alongside the trio." said Rachel. "He did but we both know how bad Wolfram's memory can be at times." said Zane.
The devil sighed as she said,"Yeah. His memory isn't the best but he's loyal. Didn't Kevin trick him into believing that babies come from the cabbage patch or was it the stork?". "I think it was the stork but Kevin isn't technically wrong Rae. There is a dimension where a couple request a child and the stork delivers it to them." said Zane. "You would know that Zane. I'm just happy you told me about this." said Rachel. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't tell you about this?" said Zane.
Rachel looked at him and lightly punched him in the rubs. "You do have a noticeable tendency to hide things of all kinds from your friends which isn't healthy in the slightest but I think you're getting better about sharing. Accepting your feminine side probably helped." said Rachel. "I tried." said Zane. "So how about we get some food already to celebrate us our future?" said Rachel. "Sounds great." said Zane with him having a smile that wasn't going to vanish any time soon.
After reaching a restaurant, the two sat there while they waited for some food. "So Zane. Since you've been doing such a great job sharing with me, mind tell me about how your time with...." said Rachel. As Rachel was talking, Zane was staring at the devil but one part of her body in particular. This part just so happened to be her long, sexy legs. Even though her legs were covered up, they were just begging him or anyone for to touch them.
This action was obvious to the devil since she knew how much of a pervert Zane can be sometimes. She lightly push away his hand with her giving him a look that told him straight out,"No touching young man.". It was a new one in my opinion. "I thought you would want me to touch you since you're a cute kitty kat and you like it when I touch you." said Zane with him pouting. "Sorry Zane but you're going to have wait till tonight." said Rachel with a mischievous grin and booping his nose.
Zane smiled as he said,"You're a damn tease you know that. Fine, I'll play your game.". He looked around to see that no one was watching them and he got an sexy idea. He pulled her in by her waist with his telekinesis and placed his left hand up her right thigh in a single motion that caught the devil off guard. Sensing this, Zane smiled devilishly at her and he leaned in close to the side of her head. He blew gently in her ear and this caused her to shiver.
In a deep and seductive voice, Zane said,"Oh my very dear devil. Do you know what you've awakened with your teasing. The two of us are going to take down Rufus and the reward for doing that is going to be amazing." He moved away from her, looking right at her shocked and bright red face much to his joy since teasing her is always fine. Zane's signature smirk was on his face as he continued to eat. "And now, we're back to being tied in our little game." said Zane. It took time for Rachel to recover.
When a guy does something to a girl, the girl should feel worried for her life but Zane made it feel like she went on a amazing rollercoaster. After she finally recovered, Rachel looked at him and wondered how she was going to ask him about that time. "So Zane. Before I caught you for being a perv, I was going to ask you something." said Rachel. "More questions? I thought you knew everything about little old me." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as she said,"I do except for about a very specific year of your life. It was the time you spent working for the Alliance and it was right after you recovered from the Massacre. You left a week or two after leaving the hospital.". "Oh yeah. I was going to tell you about that but a certain devil who shall remain nameless didn't let me tell her because she had very specific needs for my body in her words. Wolfram was so confused but what you meant by that." said Zane.
The devil blushed as she said,"Oh yeah. I did that because it had been a year since the last time you've kissed or hugged me. So did any girls fall for you during that time?". "I don't think so but well...." said Zane with him thinking about it. He was quiet as Rachel looked at him. "I'm pretty sure that Zane didn't cheat on me but whatever happened during that year must have been intense." thought Rachel. "Lets just say you'll find out tomorrow. I plan to tell the others about it." said Zane.
Rachel blinked as she said,"Really? You're not going tell me anything but you're going to tell your friends about your life.". "Yep. Call it payback for something you did to me earlier." said Zane. Before the devil could get an answer from Zane, their food arrived to their table and forgot about their current conversation. For Rachel, it was a plate of Seafood Fired Rice. Zane had ordered an enormous burger with it being very much different from a normal sized burger.
It was easily a five-tiered burger with tomatoes, lettuce, and onions between each slab of three-inch thick meat and thin flat buns between it all. "I still can't believe that you ordered that Zane." said Rachel. "Are you serious? You know how big my stomach is and I've heard about this monstrosity before." said Zane, looking at the burger with his mouth watered. "I thought you've never been here before." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Oh I haven't but as someone who has been to several buffets, you learn to be aware of really good food. So lets eat already.". Zane grabbed the burger with the bun being soft and fluffy despite it looking rather thin. He began eating it with him smiling blissfully. "Oh my gods. This burger is really good Rae but not the best one I've ever had." said Zane. "Really? What's the best one then?" said Rachel as she put some rice into her mouth.
The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Rachel. I know that I told you that I wouldn't tell you about the year I spent with the Alliance until tomorrow but I can say this. I made sure to eat a lot of different types of food that comes from different parts of the Omniverse. Even though food may look the same between two different dimensions, there is a noticeable difference between them to a true connoisseur of food.". "Okay. So where in the Omniverse is the best burger?" said Rachel.
Wiping away some gooey cheese from his mouth, Zane said,"That's a good question. I remember having it alongside a variety of food and it was just amazing. So how is your seafood?". The Cross Species asked her this when he saw that her plate was almost empty. "Good but I'm sure you had some really good seafood before. Want to try a bite?" said Rachel with her holding a spoon of rice for him. "Sure thing." said Zane as he leaned forward and accepted it without question.
Zane smiled as he said,"Okay first thing. It's a bit too mild for me being that I like really hot and spicy things.". "Really? I'm barely holding on here. Let me guess. The food came from a volcano." said Rachel with her enjoying the simple raspberry drink that she ordered alongside her meal. "Yeah. You know me and my love of spicy food." said Zane with a smile. In the end, Zane easily devour the massive behemoth in front of him with no problem.
Rachel was pretty sure that Zane could eat everything on the menu and still have room for dessert. She had to stop him so that other customers could have something to eat. After paying the bill, Rachel looked at Zane once they left the restaurant. "So what's next?" said Zane. "We still have more planned before the big event tonight but well.." said Rachel. She was wondered why she was so scared about asking him a seemingly very simple question.
The two were walking through Cypress Park to try and burn off some of the excess calories. It was mainly for Rachel though. "Rae. This isn't our first date so don't act like it was. I mean technically, it's our first All Day Date but you know what I mean." said Zane. "You're right. There is a movie that I wanted to see with you. It's Confessions of the Heart." said Rachel. "Wait a minute. You want to go see a chick flick? But you hate those type of movies more than I hate a lot of things." said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"Yeah but I know how much you love those movies. I mean you're the biggest fan of Love that Transcends Space and Time after all. You always shedding tears after every romantic movie.". "It isn't wrong at all to shed tears when it comes to those movies regardless of one's gender. So why do you want to go see it? I mean I can watch it on my own time." said Zane. "Which you never have by the way." said Rachel.
Zane was quiet after she said that as Rachel said,"Come on. I'm doing something out of my comfort zone for you. If you really don't want, we could always...". "Rae. I want to go see it with you." said Zane with a smile. "You do?" said Rachel. "Of course. I love chick flicks and well, I heard good things about this movie. It had my favorite actress as its leading lady so that's a plus. Ah Janis Mcbride. She's a woman I would cheat on you for Rae." said Zane.
Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Did you just tell me who you would cheat with?". "I did but do you really think I would go through with it? I mean I'm not Mack plus I don't want to hurt you." said Zane. "Yeah. You wouldn't." said Rachel. "So are you really to go?" said Zane. "Yeah but please don't cry too much." said Rachel with her fluttering her eyelashes like she saw in an old movie once. "No promises. So the movie we're going to see." said Zane. "Yes?" said Rachel.
Zane said,"Is Confessions of the Heart just a romance or...?". "It will have fantasy, action, comedy, and romance." said Rachel. "Oh good. While I may love me a good chick flick, it get kinda boring watching just a romantic comedy. I mean it's the staple for a good chick flick but it gets boring after a while." said Zane. So far, Rachel was having the perfect date being that it was just a normal one. There wasn't any reason for him to leave during the middle of it because of a super villain or robbery going on.
It happened more often than she would like due to Zane having this impressive ability to draw people in. People ,who knew him, came up to them and see hello to them. This ability to draw people in also included people who wanted him dead. Rachel really did enjoy any amount of time that she spend with Zane even if it was for a short amount because Zane had a lot of responsibilities and he couldn't ignore them no matter what.
At the movie theater, Rachel paid for the popcorn and drinks which was mainly for Zane due to his stomach has been called a black hole and he was still hungry even after eating that massive burger from earlier. The amount of food bought concerned the employees due to the amount but remember hearing the rumor about a certain customer buying a ton of snacks and eating it all without gaining any weight from it.
They expected this customer to be a larger person but someone of Zane's figure confused them. Zane tried to convince Rachel that he would pay for it but Rachel told him that she was using Ignacio's money and Zane agreed to this because messing with Ignacio is always fun. Rachel was shocked with how progressive and unique Confessions of the Heart was among chick flicks. It was an animated film that focused on an stereotypical handsome man falling in love.
It wasn't with a beautiful princess but an overweight but extremely kind woman whose appearance didn't change at all for the entire movie much to her shock. The theater was packed with couples much the shock of no one. It may have looked like Zane was dragged here by Rachel like the rest of the men or women who were dragged by their significant other but it was the reverse. The devil was shocked about two things.
This chick flick didn't make Rachel fall asleep like they normally do and how much crap the hunk was getting from his friends and others because he was in love with a hippo as they put it. Zane was finding really engaging being that parts of it made the devil cry just a bit. She was sure that if Zane wasn't focused too much on the movie, he would be teasing about her crying thanks to a chick flick. Zane was trying and failing to hold back his tears.
His storm gray eyes were filled with passion as the characters in the movie captured his Essence. Zane knew that if one of his guy friends saw him acting like this, they would tease the crap out of him since it wasn't manly to cry. Rachel was different since she was used to seeing him act like this when it comes to chick flicks. It was the only time he could express himself without looking weaker and she was pretty sure that he enjoyed this.
The movie ended with the man telling the woman ,who was played by Janis Mcbride, that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. This was because of her inner beauty which outshines any other woman's outer beauty. It was a big fuck you to society's definitions of beauty. The movie was given a resounding applause by the women and Zane. A couple of the men clapped but the majority of the testosterone population of the audience only gave a gold clap to appease the women.
Rachel was the same as the men. The couple of Rachel and Zane left the theater. "That was a really good movie. It was easily one of the best out there. Maybe it was the amazing story or Janis's amazing performance but...." said Zane. He turned to Rachel who was giggling. "Look Rae. I'm more than confident in my manhood to admit that I enjoyed that amazing masterpiece of a movie." said Zane. "I know that Zane." said Rachel.
The devil smiled as she said,"Even though I really hate chick flicks with a burning passion, this was really good.". "Thanks. I guess you're kinda embarrassed to be with someone who cries like this during a chick flick." said Zane. "Nope. I think it's a really good thing to let our your emotions especially in your case." said Rachel. "I let out my emotions all the time." said Zane. "You do but it's mainly only your anger." said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"That's fair and thanks for suggesting this. I know that these movies aren't your cup of tea but this must have been a pain for you.". "It wasn't that big of a pain. This was actually a good movie despite it being a chick flick." said Rachel. "And maybe we'll watch another one?" said Zane. "Perhaps but not today. I don't think your Essence can take another sitting." said Rachel, teasing him just a bit. "Oh it can but lets keep going on this date." said Zane.
After leaving the movie theater, Zane looked right at Rachel who is looking at him with a smile on her face. "You're really amazing Rachel." said Zane. "So why are you saying that? What are you planning Zane?" said Rachel. "Tell me the truth here. Are you happy when you're with me?" said Zane. "Of course I am." said Rachel. "Even when I'm being a cocky and reckless fool in order to protect a single person?" said Zane. "Yep." said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"What about when I'm hiding secrets from you?". "Yep." said Rachel. "Even though I have a really bad temper and the future we could have together won't be like our friends?" said Zane. "Yes! What are you doing?" said Rachel. "Just wanted to make sure because well, I'm so damn happy with you right now. You make me worth living for." said Zane, stroking her hair with a bright smile on his face.
The couple were holding hands as Rachel said,"And now, you know how I felt when you saved me from Blaze. You were so cool even though you made my heart leap out of my chest like several times!". The two went to an alleyway in order to kiss. A few minutes later, Zane sensed a very dangerous presence with him vanishing from sight much to the confusion of his fiancée. In a location just out of Rachel's field of vision, a man was standing there. He has a muscular, slender appearance.
He has unkempt shoulder length brown hair with part of it in a rattail, a long triangle like face, and sharp gray eyes. He sports a brown chin strap beard. He's wearing a closed dark gray tight-fitting jacket over a blue striped shirt. He wears dark green pants with noticeable holes in the knee area. He wears navy blue tall boots. Over his hands, he's wearing a pair of black leather gloves and black shades over his eyes. In his right ear, he has an earpiece in there.
This earpiece as just like the devil servants of Rufus had in their ears. While he may look human, he has a small pair of animal like horns sticking out from the top of his head. The man looked at the devil and he held a dagger. "I'll knock her out before he comes back since I'm much fastest than him." said the man. He jumped toward Rachel and was planning on slitting her throat. Rachel turned toward him with her expression confusing him.
He was used to seeing expressions of fear from the knife and they would try to attack him. His neck was then grabbed by Zane's right hand and the hero's grip was tight. "So how about you tell me what you were planning on doing my fiancée Glenn. I never thought you would do something stupid but I was wrong." said Zane with his eyes glowing a faint red. Zane slammed the man into the side of the nearest wall and caused the wall to crack upon the man hitting it.
Glenn's dagger dropped onto the ground as well. "Zero! How did you catch me?! I'm the fastest member of Salvation!" said Glenn. "Don't you mean was? I did take down your little group with no problem I recall. Now tell me why or I'll bring out my stingers through your head." said Zane. "So Zane. Who is this? You two seem to know each other." said Rachel. "Glenn boy here is the Shrouded Dagger. He was a former member of the bounty hunter group known as Salvation." said Zane.
Rachel blinked as she said,"Former? Did you get kicked out or what?". "Not exactly." said Glenn. "I took down his former place of business during that year of the Alliance. It was a pretty big deal even though they went down with no problem on my end. So why are you after my fiancée? Revenge or is it work?" said Zane. "I was hired by Rufus to take her back to the Secret Oasis without her friends getting involved. Since you found me out, I should inform him of how the plan changed." said Glenn.
Crisis Judgement went off as Zane let go of Glenn's neck and held it out to catch a ball of earth. When it reached Zane's hand, it exploded and covered the area in a blinding light. The light eventually vanished with Zane rubbing his eyes. "Really hate when he does stuff like this. He's gone isn't he?" said Zane with a groan. "Yeah he did. So is this normal for you?" said Rachel. "A little but I'm confused." said Zane. "And what would be that?" said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"That man is able to manipulate Impulse like most beings in the form of flash bombs like what he did earlier, manipulate objects that he covers with Impulse in a similar manner to telekinesis, energy blasts, or energy blades. He's well known for the latter and they are able to move at impressive speed.". "So what is the big deal? From what you just told me, that was nothing new for him." said Rachel.
The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"It was faint but I picked up a trace of Ardor in his flash bomb. He's working with the Dwarf Clan to take you down.". "So? Will that stop us from taking down Rufus tonight?" said Rachel. "No but we may need to come up with a better plan than what we were talking about at lunch. I think Glenn was stalking us." said Zane. "If that's the case, how come you didn't pick up on him?" said Rachel.
Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I was distracted by that burger and you.". "Sometimes Zane." said Rachel with a shake of her head. Before Rachel could say anything, her phone began to ring. "So are you going to answer it? It could be important." said Zane. "I was going too. You just keeping thinking about what we're going to do about Rufus." said Rachel, holding her phone. "You got it." said Zane as he began thinking about what they were going to do tonight.
Rachel answered her phone and the voice on the other end said,"I'm sorry for doing this Rachel but my idiotic godson has been ignoring my calls.". "Parker? Is that you?" said Zane with a confused look on his face. "Let me guess he has a confused and stupid look on his face." said Parker. "Yeah. How do you know?" said Rachel. "I know the Alvarez family all too well." said Parker. "So how do you know my fiancée's phone number?" said Zane.
Parker loudly groaned as he said,"Because I wanted to make sure that I had a way to contact you in the case you do something stupid with my invention like get that high-fructose corn syrup on it or perhaps mute the communication tab again.". Zane blinked as he groaned. "Please tell me you didn't do that Zane." said Rachel. "He did. After the ninety nine call, I decided to get your attention Rachel. I have to tell him something important but for some reason, I couldn't get in contact with him." said Parker.
Zane looked at the phone with him saying,"Then when did you have Athena or Cole tell me that you need to talk with me? Or anyone in Team Legion Zero.". "Because I have them working on another experiment of mine." said Parker. "So what do you need from him Parker? I don't mean to be rude but the two of us are busy." said Rachel. "Ah yes. The All Day Date. I've been informed about it by your team and I'm truly sorry for interrupting you two but we have a problem." said Parker.
The elder Eazairvian loudly sighed as he said,"For some reason, the Alliance had an orb of Tokrudan on Earth and in your city. It was stolen and under your watchful eye. What kind of hero lets that happen? In his own city.". "Hurrah. I get a lecture from you today and you're serious about the stole Tokrudan aren't you? I don't think you can really joke about that. said Zane. "In the six years that you've known me Zane, when have I ever joked around?" said Parker.
Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"He has a point. Parker isn't the joking type. So what is Tokrudan exactly?". "You didn't tell her about one of the most dangerous elements in the Omniverse? What kind of husband are you?" said Parker. "I really doubt Rae cares about that kind of stuff and besides, I never thought she would actually see it. Let me guess. You know who stole it." said Zane. "I do Zane but I think the lady needs a explanation on what Tokrudan is." said Parker.
Zane nodded as he said,"Basically, it's an extremely sought out element. It can give a boost to any piece of technology or a being's strength. It comes in an orb shape. It's like Xonstonite but not as good. So who stole it?". "Lidox and Turlbur. Those two you fought last night using Detective Form and Nitro Form. You should have easily took them down but for some reason, you let them go." said Parker. "That reason was because I was late for meeting with my fiancée's family." said Zane.
Rachel knew that the two Eazairvian were about to start arguing which would last for at least four hours at the bare minimum. In order to continue her All Day date, she need to stop this from happening. "Um you two. How about we just go get the orb back?" said Rachel. "That's a good idea Rachel. It seems that she is the one with the smart ideas compared to you. I need you to get it back soon or else, I'll tell Rachel about that." said Parker. "Parker. I'll get it back but you don't need to blackmail me." said Zane.
Parker chuckled as he said,"But it's more fun that way. Good bye for now and tell that Vicky girl about who helped you create her new suit from the remains of her old one.". Parker hanged up as Rachel looked at Zane. "So what's the plan? And what's he talking about?" said Rachel. "We track down those thieves and if my senses are right, they should be nearby." said Zane. He was walking away as Rachel sighed. "At least, we're doing this together." said Rachel.
In a nearby cafe, the duo of Lidox and Tulbur were sitting inside of there and drinking some coffee. "So I have to ask Zane. How come the police aren't here? This is a crime scene and both of them stuck out like sore thumbs mainly the big guy." said Rachel. She was wearing her costume aka her being Riptide as she turned to Zane .who was dressed as Legion Zero, who was staring at the duo with anger. The both of them were on a rooftop across the street from the café.
Zane looked at Rachel with him saying,"Probably because both of them are disguising their true image to anyone with Elementary or Standard Willpower. It's like how my wristband suppress my aura and power from most people.". "Zane. Remember when I told you how I don't get whenever you go all power nerd on me. You're doing that again. They're using something like your Legion Visor to do this right?" said Rachel. "Yeah. So what do you think we should do honey?" said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"You're not serious are you? You're usually the guy who plans out our moves.". "I am but I want to see what you can do as a leader. I feel bad about being the reason why we had to put pause on our all day date." said Zane. "Oh. Do you really think our date is on pause right now?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I mean superheroing isn't the most romantic thing out there." said Zane as he crossed his arms.
The devil sighed as she said,"I don't mind doing this because I'm with you and that means we're still on our date so how about we get this done? These guys aren't that tough right?". "Yeah. Lidox is but Tulbur is another story. He's the younger brother of an alien I fought and if I'm right, they're expecting someone to attack them." said Zane. "Okay. I have an idea. Can I pick one of your forms?" said Rachel. "Um sure Rae. I would personally select a more stealthy form myself but..." said Zane.
Rachel ignored him as she said,"Okay then. Activate Thunder Form.". Zane turned into the form with him looking at her. "Rae. I love you to death but I have no idea what your plan is. Thunder Form isn't exactly known for being a master of stealth." said Zane. "Oh. It may not be good for stealth but it is good for being a distraction. You'll distract the big guy and little guy while I get the orb. They got to have it on their person right?" said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"Oh. I get it. Good thinking. It's time to kick some butt.". Zane jumped down from the roof and charged toward the cafe. Lidox was grabbed by Zane with the thinner alien being tackled to the ground within a second. Before Tulbur could do anything, Zane's tail was aimed directly at him and a huge amount of yellow thunder was coming out of it. "Try it and well, it won't be pretty big guy." said Zane. "I'm willing to take those odds." said Tulbur.
Lidox blinked with him saying,"Don't do anything stupid Tulbur by fighting him! If you fight him, we'll alert the human police and I rather not fight them or me getting hurt. You must be here about us stealing that orb of Tokrudan from your bosses aren't you Zero?". "I am. Nothing will stop me from punching you by the way. If you want your beatdown to not hurt your pretty face too much, tell me where the orb is." said Zane.
While this was going on, Rachel was waiting for the alien to give out the location of the orb so she can get it from wherever they were hiding. "I would tell you but there is a problem with that. I already gave it to my boss whom you've met through his goons earlier." said Lidox. "You mean Rufus don't you Lidox?" said Zane. "Yep! He is expecting you and your lovely fiancée soon if that arrogant fool's report was correct." said Lidox.
Rachel clenched her fist as Zane said,"And that stops me from blasting your big pal into a building how?". "If you do that, I won't tell you where the Secret Oasis and you reading me or my partner's mind won't work. We paid good money to have mental blockers placed and Rufus did this because of what you did to his men yesterday." said Lidox. "That may be the case but not even mental blockers can keep me from protecting my love." said Zane.
Tulbur could see that Zane was serious about his threat and he took a deep breath. His left fist was glowing silver and was going to punch Zane off Lidox. Before he could do that, the larger alien was blasted away by Ardor and Zane turned to see Rachel standing there. "Oh. It seems that your fiancée couldn't take seeing you hurt. How romantic." said Lidox in a mocking tone. "You do know the situation you're in right? Tell us where the Tokrudan is or where the Secret Oasis is." said Rachel.
She walked up to him and placed her fist against his head. "While I may be against brutality, I won't let another devil take me away from the people I care about." said Rachel. "Rae." said Zane. Before he could do anything about getting Lidox to talk, Crisis Judgement went off with Zane getting punched by Tulbur and onto a car outside of the cafe. "Sorry about that boss but we can't let them know about the boss's location." said Tulbur.
Lidox laughed as he said,"It's no problem at all. I was just about to teleport out of here.". "I won't let that happen!" said Rachel. Before she could do anything, Lidox pressed a button on his left gauntlet and both aliens vanished. Rachel looked over at Zane who deactivated the form. "Sorry about that. I couldn't stop them from leaving." said Rachel. "It's fine. I have an idea to get the location of where Rufus is and hopefully, she'll help us." said Zane.
About half an hour later, the duo of Rachel and Zane were walking through Thunder Cove Detention Center. The couple was still in costume and they were in the Correction Center. "So how did we get in here so easily? Why aren't your villains acting up upon the sight of you?" said Rachel. "To answer the second question first. They're currently asleep right now due to it being nap time." said Zane. "You can't be serious. Nap time is for little kids not super villains." said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"You would be right but to most people including myself, I considered them to be little kids. I convinced the totally not corrupt warden about this since he gets paid to sleep instead of working.". "While this is really interesting, can you tell me why we're here?" said Rachel. "To see a friend of ours. You'll remember her once you see her." said Zane. Rachel just agreed to this since she wanted this to be done with.
Inside of a specific prison cell, a being of immense age and power was going back and forth. It was Velda but instead of wearing her normal clothing upon changing gender or a prison uniform, she was wearing something worse. It was a maid outfit that she was forced into thanks to the sick warden. If she didn't want to wear the uniform, she would get tortured and that torture was pretty bad from what she heard from the other prisoners.
The Stausosk didn't like to hurt physically ,which was a bold lie that she died, so she picked the outfit instead. She thought that it would be something be like that one maid café she went to before coming to Earth and getting her entire life flipped around. She instantly regretted that choice and according to Adrian, there was no going back. She's wearing a black French maid ,not a chambermaid outfit like she thought, outfit. It was covered in dark red frills.
Her head had a maid headband with dark red ruffles on it. Her top was cut in a specific way that it only covered her chest. The bubblegum pink apron that she wore left her midriff exposed alongside her bellybutton piercing. It also exposed her black ,with sky blue frills, bra. The skirt ,that had slits on the side, she wore was no better being that it only reached the uppermost part of her thighs and if she moved, her undergarments would be exposed.
It looked slutty but thanks to something covered them, it wasn't that bad. Her arms were covered in her long black fishnet sleeves that go up her elbows but they now hook around her middle finger instead of ending around her wrist. Her legs were covered by white stockings. She's wearing knee high black high heel boots that looked similar to maryjane shoes. She still wore her black studded earrings, silver hair-clip in the shape of a DNA helix, and silk choker with the latter working well with the Negation Collar.
She had her gauntlet removed for obvious reasons. If her extremely exposing outfit wasn't bad enough for the super genius's pride, that idiot human found one of the inventions she was building in secret. It changed her body once again like the Alternator and due to the Negation Collar, she couldn't do anything to stop him. Her already long enough hair had gotten longer and down to her butt. Part of her hair were done up in braided pigtails on either side of her head thanks to the rings.
It gained bubblegum pink highlights with it looking something like this picture. It looked really nice and well maintained despite her being in prison. Her eye color had been changed as well but she didn't noticed this at first. She did later thanks to a mirror. Her red irises had changed to a calming aquamarine color. Her eyes had gotten bigger given her a more innocent look to her even though they were slit like a feline. Her eyelashes had gotten longer, thicker, and more curved alongside her eyebrows.
They were more like thin feminine arches. Her lips looked to be more plump and kissable. Her fingertips and lips were still red. The little amount of her muscles that her body had were gone, being replaced by delicate, silky, and supple skin. It showed that she had never worked a day in her life and never once spend time in the laboratory. A normal person would be happy to have skin like hers but Velda doesn't care about what others think of how she looks but of her intelligence.
If you met her before this change, you would know that she isn't curvaceous whatsoever. That changed due to Adrian not liking that so it had to change. Her breasts ,which were small but she liked them this size, had gotten bigger much to her dismay at first but she eventually grew to admire them. Due to her limited knowledge of biology especially female, they looked to be big and their exact size was unknown to her.
The person who made the uniform did since Adrian had planed this for a while now. He has a lot of free time on his hands. Her hips had pushed out more and her butt expanded to be more of a cushion. She wouldn't admit this out loud but she admired how good her long, feminine legs look and she like how they looked in her skirt. Thankfully, her invention didn't make her into a bimbo like the human intended for her.
However, she was having more crude and indecent thoughts lately involving Zane as her master and being chastised by him for making a mistake. Whenever she had those thoughts, her skin was covered from top to bottom in goosebumps. She was blaming the Alternator and the warden for these thoughts but these thoughts were always there. "I can't believe that I'm stuck in this outfit because of that idiotic warden." said Velda as she sat at the edge of her bed which was a nice, comfy king sized bed.
Because she had been such a good prisoner due to her never once trying to escape since she found no real point to doing so, she was given certain benefits that would a normal prison snitch would get it. The other prisoners ,who were all pretty much super villains, would do what they normally do to prison snitches but there was no point since she never really said anything to the guards about their attempts at escape. They also left the prison because of Adrian being so easy to bribe.
It wasn't worth it in their minds. Her prison cell has green-blue walls, a silver glass like ceiling, and brown wooden floor. There was pillars in all four corners of the room and an very expensive-looking chandelier on the ceiling's center. There is a large flat-screen TV on one side of the room along with huge speakers. It was all hooked up to a DVR and a TV monitor. It was barely used since Velda didn't find TV to be all too interesting except for two things.
Those two things are news related to Zane and also the fashion channel. The floor has a red carpet that takes up most of the floor. On the other wall, there are large bookshelves filled with books which she enjoyed the most. Her bed is a huge, king-sized bed made of white wood with a softer than clouds mattress, green pillows, and a big red blanket. She looked at one of the books that was given to her and she founded them interesting.
Even though she was stuck in prison and looking like this, reading always found a way to calm her down. The book that she was reading was about types of clothing and she found it interesting. Before coming to Earth, she never once cared about fashion and that didn't bother her. She hated how she was forced to wear something so slutty instead of something cute. One outfit interested her the most being that it was a light-blue sleeveless dress with a blue ribbon around the waist and a blue bow in the back.
She really liked the outfits that the books looked good as an image, she wondered what they look like on her. She was constantly telling herself that this was wrong and she shouldn't be like but honestly, she was tempted to ignore it. She put her book down on her bed and walked over to the mirror that was placed into her room. Even though she hated how she look nice, there was a part ,which was really small, that liked how she looked.
The alien struck a sexy pose and she said,"Despite this being something I hate a great deal, I'm sure that Zane would be unable to resist my beauty.". She then began imagine Zane holding her tight and having rather impure thoughts about him grabbing her more fatty parts and there was a very strong blush on her face. "So should I come back later or what? I mean just wow." said a voice. Velda looked around the room and she said with the blush still on her face,"Who's there?!".
Zane ,in Frost Form, appeared with him saying,"Sup.". Upon seeing the hero standing there, she went to the opposite side of the room and she screamed out,"Zero! What are you doing?! And you better not being looking at my undergarments!". "I'm not Velda so chill out." said Zane with Velda giggling. "Oh gods. She's laughing at my jokes. Something is wrong." thought Zane. He had heard about Velda's new outlook on life thanks to Adrian and wanted to punch him for it.
The Cross Species could ignore the fact that Adrian was well known for accept bribes and letting out known super criminals since he was easily the best warden that Thunder Cove has ever had. Lets just say that like with all of Cypress Park mayors having an eccentricity, all of the Thunder Cove Wardens were corrupt in some regard. The fact that Adrian would change Velda without her consent is true criminal in his eyes.
If he had some free time which was rare, he would but taking down Rufus was more important. Even though Velda was scared of him being here without warning, a part of her was really excited about him being here. You'll find out what's up with Velda soon I promise. "So why are you here again Alvarez? I do hope that you're not a illusion of mine like the last couple of times. And before you say anything, those idiots who are guarding me won't be seeing or hearing us." said Velda.
Zane blinked as he said,"Let me guess Velda. One of your inventions is doing that. Impressive since prison isn't exactly the place you would built something like that. I'm actually worried about how you're going crazy due to Donald's inventions and one of your own. Seeing an illusion of me is weird but to each there their own I guess. You have a nice jail cell by the way. Very cozy and an upgrade from your lab huh. ".
The alien's face was engulfed in a blush and she said,"So tell me why you're here and you better not be here to punish me or something like that master.". "Okay then. You're clearly have some screws loose right now so do you mind if I borrow something from you? It's important." said Zane as Velda looked at him. She walked up to him and she said with a finger placed on his chest,"Explain to me why I should or else, I will scream.".
Zane smiled as he said,"I'll change you back to normal. I'm sure that you're not the biggest fan of how you look right?". "I'm not entirely against it but you changing me back will only be a temporary change. That idiot of a warden has one of my inventions and will change me back once he sees me back to what I was." said Velda. "I see. I got an idea." said Zane, smirking. Velda gulped in fear yet she was excited for what Zane had planned.
Outside of the prison wing, Rachel was leaning against a wall and she sighed. She didn't expect Zane to bring her to where they were holding Velda since Velda hated/liked Zane. What goes through Velda's head is a mystery. The devil turned to see Zane ,in Frost Form, holding something. It looked like a pair of gloves, a headset, and a tablet with a pen. "Sorry for the wait Rae. Even as a female, the being loves the sound of her voice." said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"So are you sure about this? I mean from what you and Parker have told me about her when she was a man, she wasn't too big on sharing her inventions with others if they don't have anything that she could use for another invention.". "Yep. This is the only way I can think of to stop Rufus since I want to do this with you." said Zane. "That's so sweet but we don't know where he is. He has to be somewhere in Cypress Park right?" said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Most likely since criminals have been coming here in order to get to this Secret Oasis. I asked Velda about it after she finished talking about how she didn't want to see a single scratch on her baby for thirty minutes. Her and Parker really like to talk.". "Just like you sweetie." said Rachel. "That's Fair. She mentioned how the Dwarf Clan had hired her to do their security once." said Zane.
The devil looked at the Cross Species with her saying,"With the technical side right? I doubt she would do physical work.". "Yeah especially now since she was trying to seduce me and I don't think she was intended on doing it. It was looking at a more pink Sierra." said Zane. "Focus. What did she tell you about Rufus?" said Rachel. "You got it but first." said Zane. He turned into Teleport Form and warped the two out of the prison.
They reappeared outside of the prison and next to the Astral Tank which they used to get here. "Now that we have some privacy. Velda mentioned how the places had infrared vision, a very special defense system for beings with intangibility aka a lot of electricity, and guards for big and small guys. They can also tell if something is a Trojan horse or not." said Zane. "So how are we supposed to get in there then?" said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"With an invite. It's the only way according to Velda since if you try to enter without one, you're instantly under suspicion and taken to a place called the Mud Pit which isn't what you think.". "It isn't a place where half naked women wrestle each other for most men's sick pleasure?" said Rachel. "Much to my surprise, it isn't. It's a place where Rufus alter a being’s body and mind into something else." said Zane.
Rachel clenched her fist as she said,"That does sound like something Rufus would do even though I was hoping that it was just rumors. So this device you got from her will help us enter Secret Oasis, teach Rufus a well need lesson, and free everyone who is under Rufus's control against their will.". "It will Rae because Velda was sure about that. He loves women and hates men. This device will help us change Rufus’s victims back to normal." said Zane.
The devil nodded as Zane deactivated the form. "So what is it if you don't mind me asking?" said Rachel. "Oh. She calls it Bringing out the Inner You. Weird name but it's pretty powerful. To give you a very basic synopsis of what this thing does, it can alter someone's body at the cellular level. It doesn't matter what species you are being that this device will affect you." said Zane. "Wow. It reminds me of how you can turn into any species you want no problem." said Rachel.
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. It was made to bring out the true self of the being in question. It was made to help people with undercover work according to her but I could see it helping those who struggle with the body that they're born with.". "That does sound pretty nice." said Rachel. "I'll just keep this in my pocket dimension until we need to get them back to normal. I need to tell you something very important Rae." said Zane. "What is it?" said Rachel.
The Cross Species took a deep breath as he said,"If things go to hell in a hand basket, I’ll step in okay? I can’t lose you. You're my rock and well, I won’t let you get taken from me.". Rachel hugged Zane with her saying,"Okay Zane. If that does happen, you can handle this bastard no problem but let me get in a really good hit.". "You got it." said Zane. Rachel let him go as she said,”So be honest. Do you really trust Velda? You know she hates you right?”. Zane blinked at her as he said,"She does?".
Rachel gave him a look that screamed,"Are you serious?" as Zane sighed. "Fine. From what Parker told me about her when she was Vuldall, he was considered a tsundere. He was also into serving people if you catch my drift. She also likes when I call her cute and well, it's an adorable sight to say the very least. The side of her was brought out thanks to Donald so I'll thank him next time he's trying to murder me even though his killer robots or a supervillain using a battlesuit made by him." said Zane.
The devil looked at Zane as she said,"Is that why Adrian did that with her hair?". She felt bad for her with her looking both uncomfortable and happy. "Twintails are the tsundere hairstyle after all and I doubt that warden would think of something like that." said Rachel. "Yeah. I may have convinced him to give her that. I can be a really good pranksters." said Zane. "Yes. You really are. So I have an idea for our raid on Rufus's club." said Rachel. "Which is?" said Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she said,"You know how you does more criminal things as Crimson Spade right? I was really happy that you told me about being him without me subtly nagging you about it by the way.". "Yeah. That was because I honestly couldn't keep that a secret. However, Crimson Spade is more of an anti-hero than a villain since Crimson Spade does good things but not in a conventional manner. What's your point here?" said Zane.
He was trying to pull back on the ranting. "I'm thinking about becoming an anti-heroine myself in order to take down Rufus." said Rachel. "Okay then. So do you want a costume out of the same material as my clothing? If you do, I can do that within seconds." said Zane. "Um sure. I was thinking about just buying something but I'm sure my over protective lover wouldn't have that." said Rachel. "You know me so well and I can say this. It'll be good." said Zane, kissing her.
Back at their home, Zane was sitting on their bed with him saying,"So explain to me why you have to make this into a mini-fashion show again? We're on a time crunch here.". "Don't be such a buzz kill dummy. We'll be fine." said Rachel. The devil was currently getting changed in their closet as Zane sighed a bit. "I would be if we didn't have to fight against a devil who wants you as a wife and nothing else. So would you like to see Legion Zero as female." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as she said,"You should really do that. I kinda want to see what your forms look like all bouncy.". "If that does happen, you do know that they won't be like the ones online aren't going to be them right?" said Zane. "Really?" said Rachel. "Yeah. The ones online were nothing more than Rule 63 versions of them and built for desire but like Zara, they're built for a fight and desire instead." said Zane with a smile. "I see." said Rachel. "So are you ready?" said Zane.
The devil sighed as she said,"Fine. Get ready for me Zaney.". The closet door opened up as Zane looked at his fiancée in her anti-heroine costume. She was determined to fight for her freedom and she was wearing an outfit that made her natural beauty even stronger in his mind. Her outfit is similar to the jumpsuits that Alyssa, Empress, and Freda wears alongside her costume as Riptide. She wears a very form-fitting royal blue jumpsuit with it looking to be made out of a leather and latex material.
It shines upon the room's light hitting her, very good at hugging her form perfectly, and it draws attention to her chest thanks to a cleavage cutout and drew attention to it. Her suit has silver knee and shin pads sewn into it. These knee and shin pads are spiked. She wears a silver ,with gold accents, belt with a black Cat of Nine Tails flail on her waist. She wears a silver metal like domino mask that looks similar to Crimson Spade's mask over her eyes.
Her mask has red tinted lenses and her now amethyst colored hair is let flown free. Her mask shows off her eyebrows. She's wearing white arm length gloves with black cat like fur attached to the end of them and over her fingers, they are long sharp claws. These claws look to be able to cut through glass with relative ease. She's wearing dark crimson red thigh high boots with black fur from the back of the calf. It has rockets built into it and the heels are elegant looking.
It looked to be sculpted in a manner to perfectly climbing up walls and looks painful to be hit by. The collar of her suit has the same black fur as her boots and gloves. This fluff travels down to her chest area. The material that makes the outfit she is wearing and the one worn as Riptide is made out of Monorilite just like all of Zane's clothing. It's extremely flexible, ten times stronger than steel, and can take a great amount of pressure to even damage it at all.
Upon touching it, it feels just as smooth and cool as regular spandex but not too tight. Her suit make it look she could dish out deadly and acrobatic moves. The way that Rachel walked screamed confidence and grace with the heels clicking upon hitting the ground and each step poised and calculated. Her walk was hypnotizing, although he expected such grace and attention drawing from her. "So how do I look your highness?" said Rachel, poising. "You look beautiful but that's a given." said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Thanks. Really love how it accentuated my body. So what's with the boob window?". "Come on. Is it really that hard to figure out why you have one?" said Zane. "Oh I know why Zaney. Courtney said it best. No matter what gender you are, you're a major breast maniac. What I'm asking you is why the window though?" said Rachel. "Well, I wanted to see your girls. I'm a massive pervert for you after all." said Zane.
The devil sighed as she said,"I kinda wish that it was Crimson Spade teaming up with me to take down Rufus but I can understand why you decided to be Legion Zero. You made that perfectly clear on our way home.". "Yeah. To most beings, Crimson Spade and I are two different people. I want Rufus to know that it's me who is taking him down alongside my beautiful fiancée who is dressed more attractive than normal." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as she said,"That makes sense. I really love how this feels against my body. Not too tight around my breasts, butt, and thighs. Unlike Alyssa as you're well aware of. I could go commando in this and you would be unaware of it until I told you.". "What are you talking about? Me and Alyssa are just friends like I told you and are you commando right now?" said Zane. "I'm sure that you're not using your x-ray vision to take a peak. You'll learn if I am later." said Rachel, lightly chopping his head.
Zane grumbled out a fine as Rachel said,"Uh huh. You two are just friends. Do you really think I don't mind sharing you?". "Um. You get really jealous when it comes to me and being around other women." said Zane. "That was when I didn't know about my feelings toward you!" said Rachel. "You were like that last night." said Zane. "Because I was drunk!" said Rachel. "Okay. I'll ask her out when we get back from our trip" said Zane. "Yeah. Lets do this." said Rachel, pumping herself for the fight ahead.
Zane smiled at her confidence and turned into Crimson Spade. Similar to how Zane updated his costumes as Legion Zero over the years, Crimson Spade had his costume updated as well. This update was around 2021 to 2022. It was mainly used during Zane’s time working for the Alliance. There were little changes to it. He still looks to be in his early twenties with his appearance and voice altered. He still has grayish-platinum hair with his bangs hanging over his forehead.
He still has a lean, yet muscular figure to him. His eye color is now a piercing storm gray color which glow when Zane is trying to intimidate someone. Whenever females look at him, they ,poorly, try to hide their admiration for how well Crimson Spade's costume shows off his toned physique. He still wears a black domino mask but instead of being in the shape of a spade, it was now in the shape of a smooth masquerade mask.
It goes over his eyes with it covering his forehead down fully covering his lips. His mask’s two white lenses are clear and see-through which allows him to see out but prevents any damage to his eyes. They are slitted. The mask's nose is curved like a hark and the letters "CS" was branded in crimson red in the center of his forehead. He wears a slim black gilet/cargo vest and hood with a crimson red outline with a series of crimson red Xs going down the front to keep it together.
There is a crimson red dragon pattern printed on the left side of his cargo vest. He has a crimson red compression/muscle sleeveless shirt with a storm gray front underneath his cargo vest. He wears silver chainmail sleeves which covers his arms and he has black knee pads. He wears sleek black cargo pants that look similar to dress pants and has crimson red trimmings. He wears a silver metal utility belt with several small spade pouches on the belt.
He wears black ,with crimson red lining, plating over his calves, thighs, and shoulder pads. He wears blackish-red boots with steel-soles that now has crimson red spades that clinked whenever he took a step, blackish red streamline gauntlets which cover the entirety of his forearm and goes right up to his elbows, and blackish red fingerless gloves. He doesn’t wear his weapon on his person but he can make them appear with a single thought. It takes a couple of seconds for them to appear.
Zane smiled as he said,"So are you ready to kick some devil but honey? I mean this is going to be slightly more fun than taking down a Swarm base while riding a burro.". "Um Zane. You do know that it's just going to me and you right? You don't have to put an act around me." said Rachel. "Right. Sorry Rae. I've been doing this whole second secret identity thing for a while now and it's something I do without thinking at this point." said Zane.
Rachel shook her head as she said,"Sometimes Zane. You can just be a really big kid.". "Yeah. That's probably why I'm so good with kids and it makes life more fun in my opinion. So you ready to go? It's showtime Rae." said Zane. "Yep. I'm ready Zane. Rufus is going down thanks to the power of our love and fists." said Rachel. The devil walked out of the room with a confident grin and stride. "That's the woman I love." thought Zane as he went after her.
A little bit later, the duo of Rachel and Zane looked down from the rooftops to see three men moving some stolen merchandise into a truck. These three men are the trio known as JAM which was named after its three members Justin, Albert, and Michael. Since none of them are wearing mask disguising their face, I think it's time to show off their physical appearance. Lets start with Albert with him being the leader of JAM and the self proclaimed ladies man.
Albert is a proud Irish American with him being the oldest member of the little group JAM at 32 years old. He has a heavy build with most people ,including the other two members of JAM, considered him to be sixty percent fat and forty percent muscle at this point. This is due to him being a former wrestler during high school. Albert has black hair and green eyes with a bit of stubble to him. He's wearing a gray polo shirt with brown cargo pants and sandals.
This man has a bad habit of drinking and smoking. The latter of which he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. He has an unhealthy liver because of that. Justin ,a French American, has short buzzcut like brown hair and matching colored eyes. He's wearing a orange button-up shirt with a white long sleeve shirt under it. He wears dark green stonewashed jeans ,with a single white stripe on them, and a pair of brown boots. He wears a expensive looking black watch.
This man was a former runner for his college track team being that he's pretty much the opposite of Justin. He has a connection to the Secret Oasis thanks to him dating an escort from the club and this little connection pleased him. Michael ,who is a Greek American, has blond hair in the form of a mullet and dark blue eyes. Compared to the other two members of JAM, he has more scars along his body. One of his more noticeable scar is on over his right pectoral that he got from being shiv in prison.
He has scars over his elbows and knees from his brawling days as a boxer. He's wearing a navy blue jean jacket with a dirty dark pink v-neck shirt and ripped looking blue jeans. He wears casual black sneakers. Michael is considered to be the heart of the little group and swings for the other team. "So are you sure about them working with Rufus? Rufus hates men like a lot." whispered Rachel. "I do since buzzcut down there is dating one of Rufus's escorts." whispered Zane.
Rachel looked at him as she whispered,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. Scott got this little bit of information from the guy himself. These three will help us find Rufus since I can't sense the Dwarf Clan's Ardor anywhere in Cypress Park." whispered Zane. "And how are we going to do that Zane? They know who you are since both of your identity are famous in the criminal underground for different yet similar reasons." whispered Rachel.
Zane smirked as he whispered,"Rachel my dear. I think you know how to use your feminine charm to your advantage. You do it all the time with me.". "Oh. Why didn't I think that?" whispered Rachel. She landed down there as she said,"Hello there boys. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to have some fun and since you've been doing so good, the boss sent me as a reward.". She placed her left hand on her hips and made sure that the three men were staring at her.
The Cross Species blinked as he thought,"Okay. She is really good at this. I wonder if she learned this from Alyssa or is this all natural? I have to ask her later.". Rachel pressed her chest against Albert with him saying,"The boss sent you to us?! Ha! That's a fucking joke. A knockout like you would never waste your time with us.". As he said this, he grabbed Rachel's right butt cheek and squeezed it. "I hope she knows what she's doing and why is this the only idea I had?" thought Zane, clenching his teeth.
Rachel began rubbing her finger along her chest as she said,"Hold on there stud. You three don't get to have fun with little old me until you deliver the merchandise first.". "Can't I just... Hold on the three of us. No way am I sharing with these two." said Albert. "Hey man. I'm perfectly happy with that girl I'm seeing down at the club. She may be a escort for other guys but she's so very loving to her loyal customers." said Justin. "And I'm not into girls as you guys are well aware of." said Michael.
Albert smiled as he said,"Okay! How long will it take for us to get to the club?". "I think maybe about ten to fifteen minutes given that traffic is pretty light tonight. Zero hasn't been seen all day according to what I heard at the Black Blossom." said Justin. "Oh hell yeah. I can't wait ten to fifty minutes. I want to have some fun now." said Albert. "Okay since you're so insistent. We can play but lets play my game instead." said Rachel.
Without warning, she elbowed Albert in his face with enough strength to break his nose and mouth easily. Her hit actually knocked her unconscious with him falling backwards. The two remaining goons and Zane looked at Rachel who giggled. "Oopsie. I used too much strength on him but he held me too tightly after all. I hate to be a total bitch but I'm on a very strict time schedule here after all." said Rachel.
Justin nodded as he said,"Sure thing. Whatever floats your boat beautiful.". "You really shouldn't have said that." said Rachel as Justin got closer to her. However, Zane appeared and punched him square in the face. "Thanks for the assist but did that this assist only happen due to you being jealous of that guy getting so close to me even though this was your plan." said Rachel. "I'm pretty sure that you had a plan for getting the information we needed and just went along with me to be nice." said Zane.
Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Crimson Spade." "Okay fine. I was jealous but you know why I am." said Zane. "True. So what should we do about him?" said Rachel. She pointed to the star struck Michael with him saying,"You two don't have to hurt me! I'm a sucker for love and the love that you two share is just too adorable for words! I'll make sure these two clowns don't bother you anymore then they already have! Oh and take this.".
Michael handed Zane over a letter with him saying,"According to my boss, this is supposed to get us into the Secret Oasis. Hope you two have fun!". Michael dragged them away as Zane watched this happen. "So was too easy or what?" said Rachel. "A little because it usually ramps up in difficult for seemingly simple jobs." said Zane. "So what's inside the truck? You told me that there was something called Morphing Powder which I think you told me about." said Rachel.
She walked toward the truck with Zane trying his best not to look at her ass that was just taunting him due to her outfit. "Yeah. Morphing Powder is given to a being who wants to disguise themselves as another species or gender. From what I could tell from looking over the bank footage earlier, Lidox and Tulbur used it to get the Tokrudan in the first place." said Zane. "So why do you think JAM was hired to pick this stuff up? And how did they get bail so fast?" said Rachel.
Zane looked at him as he said,"I'm guessing that Rufus wants to use this stuff for something so he had one of his goons pay for them to break out. I have no idea what Rufus is planning but we can't let it happen.". "Yeah. So we stole the truck of Morphing Powder in order to not raise suspicion right?" said Rachel. "Yep. That was the initial plan but Michael gave us an invitation. We should take it." said Zane with him holding up the letter that he was given.
Rachel opened the letter for him with her saying,"Okay then. It only has a location and time written on it.". "If that's the case, we should probably get going." said Zane. "You know where this is?" said Rachel. "Yep. I know Cypress Park like the back of my hand and this plan is totally better than what I would normally do." said Zane. "Which is?" said Rachel. The two held hands with Zane saying,"Go find Secret Oasis and wreck the place.".
A little bit, the night air was cool being that there was a brisk wind going through the area. After arriving at the location that was written on the letter, Rachel leaned against Zane as they came close to the location which the devil spotted earlier. "So is a parking garage normal for criminal activity or now?" said Rachel. "In my experience, I ended up finding myself in warehouse so this is a nice chance for me." said Zane.
The couple was outside of a parking garage with it being a noticeable five story building. The two quietly walked into the building. "So did the letter mentioned what level they be on?" said Rachel. "I think the fifteenth floor." said Zane. "And how do you know that exactly Spade?" said Rachel. "I can detect a presence above us but the exact level eludes me. Oh thanks for calling me Spade. It's good to stay in character when on a mission." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as Zane grabbed onto her and warped them up to the fifteenth floor. "So we needed to meet there here at 8:15 right?" said Zane. "Yeah but do you think we should have disguises ourselves as JAM? The person who wanted the Morphing Powder expected them not us." said Rachel. "That isn't a bad idea but for criminals, it's you snooze you lose. If they run away upon seeing us, I'll just chase them down and make them talk." said Zane.
With a smile, Rachel said,"You really got a plan for everything huh?". "Yep. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for any outcome that you may deal with as a hero. I came up with this plan while I've been ogling you in that costume." said Zane. "At least, you aren't trying to hide the fact that you're a pervert Spade." said Rachel. "Yep and you came out now." said Zane. Rachel turned to see a large, shadowed figure standing under a light that hung from the ceiling.
It looked to be a thin yet muscular male with him being a taller than normal man. He has noticeable broad shoulders. He has long silver hair tied in a ponytail and has brown eyes. He has a very noticeable and handsome looking jawline. He wears a black fedora with a golden trim. He wears a black trench coat with white accents and dozens of straps and buckles. Under his trench coat, he wears a white long sleeve open cuffed shirt with a dark red button up vest.
He wears dark blue pants with a brown belt and silver boots. He has a broadsword in a sheath strapped across his chest and a rifle in a holster strapped to his right thigh. "Hello there you two lovebirds. It seems that those three morons got their ass kicked but from the famous anti-hero Crimson Spade instead of some idiotic metahuman that Zero fights on a daily basis, I'm impressed." said the man with his voice sounding auto tuned.
Rachel looked at Zane with him saying,"Out of all beings in the Omniverse, it just had to be you. You do know how cliché you're being right man?". "You know the saying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. So are you going to introduce me to your lady or what brat?" said the man. "Fine. Rae. Meet me one of the Alliance's greatest spies Apollo. He's good at finding out secrets even more than Silas which is how he knows about me being Crimson Spade." said Zane.
Apollo nodded as he said,"Sup. I met your man when he was working for the Alliance and we worked together real good. I was the one to help him take down several organizations.". He tipped his hat to her. "While it's nice to meet one of Zane's work friends, I have a question for you. So why did you ask JAM to get you Morphing Powder in the first place?" said Rachel. "To keep away from the Dwarf Clan obviously. They used to obtain the Tokrudan for their corrupted boss." said Apollo.
The man looked at him as he said,"I'm sure that you two are after him due to you bringing two devils to Ezlario. The Dwarf Clan weren't happy about you doing that but the rest of the Alliance on the other hand were proud of you. They asked me to come in contact with you and give you this.". He reached inside of his coat and pulled out a gold folder that looked stuffed with papers. "This is all of the information that I got on Rufus after three weeks of very close examination." said Apollo.
With a gust of wind, the envelope flew across the parking garage and landed in Zane's hands. He opened it up and he said,"Oh my gods! Is this picture accurate?!". "Unfortunately, this being isn't like your fiancee since he's very ugly on both the inside and outside." said Apollo. Compared to most devils who looked like physical attractive human, Rufus wasn't that in the slightest. He is unnaturally tall when he is being compared to normal devils who tend to be around the height of a normal human.
His body is a solid mixture of fat and muscle with it leaning more toward fat than muscle. He has dark green skin with his white hair being unkempt. He has noticeable thick eyebrows, a pointed handlebar that curls at the end, sideburns, and thick mutton chops. He has large red compound eyes. His face looked similar to an angler fish. He has a thick, blubbery face with a noticeable broad and shovel shaped jaw. His mouth was wide open.
This exposed his longer than normal golden tongue and yellow teeth. The devil wears a formal black collared shirt with it opened partway to expose his chest in a manner that showed off his body in a distinct way aka a whole lot of fat. He wears blue jeans and brown fancy looking boots. He wears a massive gold crown with two horns ,which are part of the crown rather than his body, curved around the metal trinket. These horns looked similar to a crescent moon.
For some strange reason, he has webbed hands and several gold rings on each finger of his. In his picture, it looked like he was constantly twitching and rubbing his hands together. His picture was showing that he was drooling over a woman ,in a bunny girl outfit, who clearly uncomfortable to be there and in that outfit. "I have to ask. How in the Nine Realms is he a devil?!" said Zane. "Yeah. Rufus isn't follow the devil's societal definition of beauty." said Apollo.
As a proud member of the Alliance, he was well aware of how some species have a different definition of beauty and Rufus would be considered attractive to only a small amount of species. "I'm impressed with you Zane. You're not puking at the side of him." said Apollo. "I'm holding it in until after this is all over and it won't be pretty whatsoever. So who get the "glorious" privilege of guarding him?" said Zane with him frowning.
The spy looked at Zane with him saying,"Do you honestly think I wouldn't find that out for you? Check the folder your highness and show it to him.". From the folder, Rachel pulled out six photos and showed them to Zane with these photos showing very familiar faces to him. These pictures show the image of Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai, and Tulbur. "Of course it would be them. Just my luck and despite the changes, I can tell that it's Cicatrix." said Zane.
Cicatrix had to spend a good amount of time to recover after the beatdown Zane gave her. Most of her body is covered with burns. Her nose is missing her left nostril and her chin has a large fist shaped scar over it. Her right horn was completely split in half, exposing a gold color. She now wears a black and mahogany jumpsuit with a v-neck collar similar to her sleeveless shirt. She has gray shoulder pads, mahogany hip points, and black and gold-stripped gloves.
She still has black thigh high high heeled jackboots except they have a gold ring at the top and have gold toe caps to them. She’s now wearing a new helmet with it being a gold color and square shaped. Her new helmet has no visor but trident like horns on each side. "Yeah. I'm sure that the two of you can handle them right?" said Apollo. "Yeah." said Rachel. "Huh. I didn't expect you to answer you me with that but with Zane by your side, you two got this." said Apollo.
Zane looked at Apollo with him saying,"So this rare breed of devil who doesn't use Impulse or Ardor to manipulate their outward appearance to look younger they really are only has six bodyguards. You two both know that I normally don't judge people by their looks but Rufus makes the twinsters who both have a somewhat terrible personality look beautiful.". "Focus honey. We'll stop him I promise." said Rachel. "Gotcha but why are you saying my line?" said Zane.
Rachel smiled as she said,"Because I wanted to.". "You thief." said Zane with a smirk. "I really hate to be that guy but there is more. I found a seventh one and let me just say this guy is a cut above the rest of them in terms of being a royal pain in the ass." said Apollo. Rachel opened the folder with it revealing a photo of a young looking man sticking out. He looks to be a young man not much older than the rest of Team Maelstrom. He looked to be a solid six foot one with a well built figure.
He has a tan with him having a rounded yet slightly angular face with three yet piercing gold eyes. The third eye is in the middle of his forehead and has a dark circle around this eye in particular. He has spiky gray hair with his bangs draped over his third eye but still exposing it. He has a medium-sized sharp looking scar going from above his left eyebrow toward the bottom of his left cheek. Over his mouth, he wears a dark purple mask that looks to be wrapped around the lower half of his face.
His mask left opening for his nostrils and his mouth. His mask covers his neck as well and from what Zane could tell, he was hiding something behind the mask. It also covered up his right eye as well. He's wearing a black waistcoast over a high-collared maroon red shirt, black matching pants, and brown cloth loafers. He wears a black and white cowboy hat with a gold lightning bolt shaped emblem. He wears a pair of silver elbow and shin guards. He's wearing a pendant around his neck.
The pendant is shaped like a shark skull with turquoise gemstones for eyes. It hangs inside of a silver pentagon. His picture showed him ,with a stern look on his face, smoking a cigarette as he was holding a heavily bruised Swarm agent and he was standing among a group of them plus Avalon clones in the rain. "His name is Aurelio Vanburen. From what I know about him, he is much stronger than the others who work under Rufus like much stronger." said Apollo.
Apollo sighed as he said,"Those idiots in Swarm were taken down by dark red Impulse that looked like wind in my oh so humble opinion. From what I figured out, he has your typical tragic past. His parents died thanks to their house getting struck by a giant bolt of lightning when he was five years old.". "Is that it?" said Rachel. "Yeah. Even with my amazing ability to gather up information about beings, this guy is something else." said Apollo.
Zane looked at the man with him saying,"Explain. I like to know what I'm getting myself and my fiancee into. You know how much I hate going into a mission or job without the proper research before hand.". "Oh yeah. I do. Your fiancé isn't the type to go in without some kind of a plan. He is the most recent member to join the Dwarf Clan after he took down some Avalon Clones and Swarm Agents who were slaughtering a group of devils." said Apollo.
Zane sighed as he said,"And this is another reason why I hate Avalon and Swarm. Once when we get a chance, I'm going to make them pay by using violence.". "For once, I have to agree with you. So what is your plan?" said Rachel. "From what I figured out, Rufus has been taking several different species and is planning to sell them off on the Omniverse black market. He was going to use the Morphing Powder to disguise them as humans since they're more valuable as you're well aware." said Apollo.
Apollo took a deep breath as he said,"And from what I can tell, he is going to use that Mud Pit of his and the Tokrudan he stole to increase its power. Getting rid of a being's will is bad enough but from what I found out, he'll change them against his will.". "If I didn't hate Rufus already, I really hate him now. He makes Blaze look like a freaking saint among devils." said Zane. Rachel noticed that Zane's right fist was clenched with his stingers coming out in full force.
Rachel placed her hand on his shoulder as she said,"Calm down Zane. We'll make him pay.". "He knows that Rachel but well, Zane here hates slavery more than anything. So are you two ready to go with my plan?" said Apollo. "And what is your plan?" said Zane. "Oh don't you worry you two. I got a plan to get you into the Secret Oasis without alerting Rufus at first. Knowing Zane like I do, he'll make a scene within seconds so it's best to prepare for that." said Apollo.
Later that night. It was 8:30 in Cypress Park and in front of an old, abandoned office building, there were several criminals outside of it. It wasn't just Cypress Park criminals however but criminals from all parts of the Omniverse. All of them looked human however thanks to the Morphing Powder that they were given to them by one of Rufus's devils. They were outside of the building like it was a grand opening or something along those lines.
Among the criminals, a man stood there. He's 5 foot 10 with him having a very attractive appearance to him. He has short amethyst colored hair and green eyes. He's wearing a royal blue suit jacket over a white collared dress shirt, black necktie, and dark crimson boots. "I can't believe this was his master plan. He's supposed to be the great strategist but this is even worse than one of his plans." said the man with him sighing.
He turned around to see himself in a broken mirror with him thought,"I really look too much like my brother. What did she see in him? You could say the same for my partner as well.". "Hey! You pathetic sacks of crap! Quit being slimeballs!" said a voice. The man turned to see several criminals taking pictures of something with a man pushing them away. The man pushing them away was Glenn and the something that the men were talking pictures of was a real beauty.
She looked to be around 5 foot 2 ,without any footwear, and a natural looking tan to her. She has a slender build with noticeable curves to her. She has long, wavy rose pink hair that went to her shoulders and bright red eyes that stuck out. She's wearing a form-fitting, seamless dress ,which goes to the middle of her thighs, that smoothly transitioned from a calming, royal blue to a black. She's wearing a scarlet ribbon around her waist like a belt.
It has slit on both sides of the dress that allowed anyone to get a good view of her long legs even though they were covered up by fishnet stockings. Thanks to her dress's deep v-neck, it exposed her cleavage in a tasteful manner but not too much. She is wearing black elbow-length opera like gloves over her arms and her legs were covered by Her face was covered in light make-up which accentual her face's natural features and red lipstick.
Her matching black laceless high heels increased her height by just four inches and were making a gentle cocking sound with each step. She's wearing diamond earrings and matching necklaces. "Oh wow. She looks amazing." said a criminal. "I totally bet she isn't human. No human could look that good even if they were a meta or Cross Species." said another criminal. Everyone was drooling over her. Even though she didn't show it, the purplette could tell that the girl was in no way amused.
Glenn held a red carpet in his arms with him saying,"Ma'am. This is for you since you're a very special guest.". He unrolled the carpet as the woman smiled at him. "Thank you kind sir." said the woman in a soft, gentle voice. She began walking along the red carpet toward the purplette with her smiling upon seeing him. "So how do I look Raph?" said the woman. "You look great and my name is Raphael. You know this." said Raphael, flicking her forehead.
The woman pouted as she said,"Meanie. I hope this appeals to Rufus's taste. It will. That's what I heard from a good friend of mine.". Raphael was looking her over with the woman crossing her arms. "Focus there. Do you remember why we're here and our goal?" said the pinkette. "Sorry. You're just so wow. So did you get my message?" said Raphael. "Yep! I sure did and well, your role has been assigned to you so just deal with it." said the woman.
Raphael sighed as he said,"From what I heard around, this place is even more dangerous than I thought it was. I know we decided to do this together but I've heard about this examination. We need some help from the others.". "Don't worry. We got this. I mean you're my escort after all." said the woman. She linked her arms with Raphael who blushed. "You're so lucky to have brought this babe to Lord Rufus my man." said Glenn.
The horned figure wrapped his arm around Raphael as the purplette said,"Thanks. So can we go inside now? Don't want to keep Lord Rufus waiting right?". "Oh yeah. That's a totally a good idea. Come on babe." said Glenn. He was about to grab the pinkette's hand but was stopped by Raphael. "I'm her escort not you so hands off." said Raphael. "Sorry man." said Glenn. He walked ahead as the two followed behind him. "Aww. So protective of little old Zara aren't you Rae?" said a familiar voice.
Raphael groaned as he said,"Do you really think that you should be mocking me right now? And where are you? We're about to enter the home base of Rufus and the Dwarf Clan. Alongside their impressive strength, they're known for their information network. You also gave me the name Raphael so shouldn't you use it instead of my real one Apollo?". Inside of Raphael/Rachel's ear, there was a small ball of scarlet red light.
Apollo chuckled as he said,"Relax devil. You two both look different from normal so they won't be to tell who you are. The Morphing Powder can mask your presence from beings with Elementary or Standard willpower but it won't be able to mask their natural Impulse. Rufus's building has sensors that can detect it instantly. You should be worried about Zara more than me calling you by your name or where I am. I mean she's the one who is going to go through the examination.".
Rachel was looking at the pinkette aka Zara with her smiling. "Yeah Rae. I mean if they find us out, we can take them out easily." said Zara. She could talk with Apollo and Rachel due to her having the same earpiece as the disguised devil. "Using physical force obviously." said Zara. Rachel knew that whatever gender her love may be, their confidence was always something that she admired and could keep her going. "So I got to know. Does Rufus have a terrible sense of style?" said Zara.
The girl crossed her arms as she said,"I mean it's slightly better than anyone of Timmy's building but this is still pretty pathetic. I mean I could break with my finger alone.". Glenn opened the door with the two walking in. Glenn was behind them as the trio walked through the run down building. The walls were filled with holes and covered in a variety of various tags from gangs. "I'm sure that you're well aware of the saying don't judge a book by its cover right?" said Rachel.
Apollo nodded as he said,"She's right. The Dwarf Clan is known for creating buildings that may look like treasure on the outside but the inside is a treasure. Their creations are easily the most durable and according to rumors, the Earth Envoy aka Rufus's buildings can survive a nuclear strike. They build the Salamander Clan’s mansion and for normal people, it would be impossible to destroy them.". "So this is on purpose?" said Zara. "Yes it is. So are you picking up on anything?" said Rachel.
Glenn didn't hear their conversion but did wonder why Raphael touching his ears. "Nothing. I guess we have to get in deeper before we can hear anything." said Zara. The trio turned one last corner with Glenn opening another door. "And welcome to the Beautiful Demon!" said Glenn. The two were surprised that once the door had opened, they could hear loud rave style music from inside and almost blinded by the variety of multi colored lights flooding the hallway from within.
Rachel looked at Glenn with her saying,"So this music belongs to Rufus right?". "Yeah. He just love this kinda of music even though his family hated it. How are you doing babe?” said Glenn. He turned over to Zara with her seeing that the Cross Species was covering her ears. “Gods damn it! This music is terrible! I know that I have selective music taste but this is OBJECTIVE terrible! I think it’s that one loser from Ultimate Showdown’s music!" thought Zara.
Zara took a deep breath as she thought,"I think it’s called house techno but honestly, I don’t care right now! I said that I can do this so I need to deal with it." said Zane. Rachel placed a hand on her disguised friend’s shoulder with her helping the Cross Species deeper inside. Upon entering the room, Zara was blinded by the flashing lights and overbearing music. “Are you okay?” whispered Rachel. Rachel knew that her partner had a weakness toward loud sounds.
Rufus’s music was probably hurting her more. “I will be okay very soon. If this devil thinks that terrible rave is going to stop me from protecting you, he has another thing coming!” whispered Zara, with her clenching her fist tightly. She was feeling a slight bit of nausea due to the combination of lights and music. The couple had found themselves in a somewhat small but packed club of bright colors and lights.
Over the bar, there is a neon outline of a naked succubus laid under the words “Club Beautiful Demon” emphasizing what type of club this was. It looked almost bigger than it does on the outside but this was probably due to the Dwarf Clan being infamous for their architecture and their ability to truly maximum a space. There are two levels to the club with the top floor being just tables. There were women ,in skimpy, sitting, talking, and making out with each others.
On the bottom floor, there was a bar and a large dance floor. The floor look to made out of black and red tile. There were tables on this floor but the main party was on the dance floor. There was a door to another room off to the side that said “Private Area”. "So babe. I think there is something that you should know about my boss Lord Rufus aka the Earth Envoy." said Glenn. "Is it how his taste in music is just awful. This music should never be played." said Zara.
Glenn chuckled as he said,"Yeah. It's awful but Rufus pays very well so I and the other deal with it since well, look around you.". Zara looked in front of her with her eyes widening. "I’m going to guess that he hates men. This place has more women in it than a shopping mall.” said Rachel with her noticing that all of the inhabitants of the club were females. Most of the women looked to made out of pitch black earth with a buxom figure. Their face are a white color with red markings for eyes and mouth.
Their fingernails were red. All of them wearing outfits fit for a bunny girl which comes in the form of a gray skin-tight leotard with the symbol of the Dwarf Clan ,being a gold diamond shape, on it. It covers the chest and rear with the leotard made out of a latex like material and that shined. It has a adorable artificial rabbit tail at the rear end of it. This symbol makes it apparent who they belong to. Their leotard’s collar is dark blue, gray cuffs, and wears fishnet pantyhose/stockings over their legs.
She wears white fingerless gloves and stunning black high heels. Over their neck, they wear a black choker with RUFUS printed on it. As they were moving around, they mindlessly let their breasts and sway. "Yeah. My boss has a seriously bad case of androphobia. If he comes into contact with another male, he’ll break out into a serious bad rash. It's that bad.” said Glenn. "I think you need to stop talking now Glenn." said a voice. Glenn turned to see Aurelio standing there with two devils by his side.
Glenn sighed as he said,"Oh come on Aurelio. What's the problem about telling the new guy? I mean he won't remember.". "While that may be true, we shouldn't be taking any chances. It in no ways hurts to be cautious since Zero is in this city." said Aurelio. "Tch! I'm in no way scared of that coward! You're talking to the Shrouded Dagger!" said Glenn. "Whatever. I'm just trying to knock some common sense into you. Hate how I have to work with one idiot but three. Just my luck." said Aurelio.
The man sighed as he said,"So do you want to tell them or should I?". "Tell us what?" said Rachel. "I guess he didn't. The girl comes with me and you get to go with the guys. Sounds fun right? You don't get a choice to say no by the way." said Aurelio. Zara looked at Rachel with her saying,"I'll be fine. Don't forget. Even if we're far away, we'll always be bonded.". Aurelio looked at the pink haired girl with the disguised devil saying,"Okay. You're right. Stay safe.".
Zara threw a thumbs up as Aurelio said,"Come on. Lets go.". Aurelio and Zara walked away as Glenn turned to the two suit-wearing devils. "How about you leave me and my new bro alone you two? Go make sure no guy gets to the girls." said Glenn. The suits were gone as Rachel said,"What do you mean by that Dagger?". "Dude. You don't need to call me that. The name's Glenn. If it wasn't obvious, this place is popular with criminals." said Glenn.
Rachel nodded as she said,"Yeah. I heard about them through the news.". "Yeah. We got a couple of local guys but most of our clientele is from the Omniverse. Let just say that if anyone from the Alliance were here, they would be shocked on how many criminals here. Did you noticed that beside two of us and Sir Grumpy, we're the only two guys here in the club area." said Glenn. "A bit. What happened to them?" said Rachel.
The two walked past two girls who were currently making out and grinding each other in beat with the awful music. If they weren’t here to take down Rufus, Rachel would be amazed at how those two are able to do that. The couple made their way to a table in the back of the club where their music wasn’t as loud so they could chat. "The boss here hates men so if one just so happens to enter one of his buildings without his permission, he has a way of dealing with them." said Glenn.
Glenn looked at Rachel with him saying,"Not sure on the specific but it has something to do with Ardor and making them pleasing to him.". "That's interesting. So have you seen it down before?" said Rachel as she saw girls either kissing or dirty dancing. Their dancing was clearly something that had nothing to a resort and was more like having sexual relations if you catch my drift. "Once or twice but honestly, I ain't into that kind of shit. The boss is a super freak." said Glenn.
Rachel had to agree with the bounty hunter with her saying,"If that's the case, why did I get to stay with you and pinkie?". "That's because you brought us pinkie and I vouch for you. You seem like a good guy and well, I kinda need someone to talk about this place. I mean all of these babes are wearing revealing and tight clothing while grinding up against each other. Don't you want to just take one back to your place and have fun with them?" said Glenn.
The disguised devil shook her head as she said,"Nope. I got my eyes on one women and I was raised not to be a cheater. This woman I'm crushing on is so damn sexy.". She was pretty sure that Zara ,even in this loud music, could hear her and her partner loved compliments from her. "Seriously? These girls are sexy and totally hammered We can do anything with them except if the boss likes them. Them being drunk is due to some devil drink according to Sir Grumpy." said Glenn.
Rachel looked at what the girls were drinking earlier with it being Cherry Blossom Punch. "I've heard about that drink before. It's name is Cherry Blossom Punch. Doesn't it only work on devils?" said Rachel. "Yeah but this is a strong version. Whoever drink it increases all being's sexual desires rather than just devils. It helps the boss a great deal since he LOVES women especially lesbians. The boss is one of three males in the Dwarf Clan." said Glenn
Glenn smiled as he said,"His group is literally a harem since it’s mainly females and ones who love the fairer sex but will have relationships with their master if he chooses them for a private show. Pinkie is one of the girls who will be selected for a private show along with this one girl.". "Okay. Apollo and Zane. I thought I hated this guy more than I did but wow. He’s a real creep even more than I did when it came to Blaze. We got this." whispered Rachel. "Yeah." said Apollo.
The reason why Zara didn't respond was because she was busy with Aurelio. The two were in a different part of the building. "So how are things with you?" said Zara. Aurelio was silent as Zara sighed. "Oh wow. This guy doesn't want to talk. So do you think I should tell Rae how you're so good in walking in heels? I mean if I do, Ellie needs to learn about about Lucius's past. Kurt also needs to be there as well since teasing him is always worth it." thought Zara.
As she was thinking this, the duo entered a casino like area. It had several dozens table open with lots of people at them. There were some open slots as well but there were less slots compared to table. Above the casino, the same neon outline ,that's in the club, was there as well. There was a second floor but the second floor had doors leading to unknown rooms. The floor look to be made out of black and red tile as well.
Unlike the club area from before, there were more men in here but not by much. The gender ratio was 75% female to 25% male. Rufus doesn't believe in gender equality after all. The few men were been served by the bunny girls that would be dancing if they were in the clubs. "Okay then. You need to go up to the second floor at the very end of the hall. I better not see you snooping around or else." said Aurelio. "Or else what exactly?" said Zara.
Aurelio looked at her as he said,"Lets just say that your tan will get even worse.". "I see." said Zara as she began walking through the casino since the stairs were on the other side of the hall. The patrons were turning to look at her with them drooling. "Gods. It's only cute when Rae drools." said Zara under her breath and internally barfed. Before Zara could go any farther, her left wrist was grabbed hard by Lidox.
The alien smiled as he said,"Well, you must be the girl that the purple hair guy brought. I have to say that he brought in a prime catch.". "Um Lidox. I would suggest letting her go." said Tulbur who was sitting at the small table as him. "And why should I do that? I doubt she could stop me from getting a quick squeeze." said Lidox. "If you leave a mark on one of the boss's girls Lidox, you aren't getting a warning." said Tulbur.
Lidox scoffed as he said,"I know that but can you blame me? We finally got a couple of lookers and that disgusting pile of crap gets them. Life isn't fair right?". Before Tulbur could remind his partner about him being celibate, Lidox was hit in the face by dark red Impulse and sent flying across the casino. "I warned him about touching the merchandise several times and this is what he gets." said Tulbur as he shook his head.
Zara looked at the alien with her saying,"So what just happened?". "That was karmic retribution in the form ofAurelio. I suggest you get going to where you were asked before things get worse." said Tulbur with a calming smile. "Wow. He and his sister are two different beings. The Ignrull is a interesting species that's for sure." said Zane. "But what if someone touches me like your friend did? He really hurt." said Zara. "Would you like me to be your bodyguard?" said Tulbur with Zara nodding.
Tulbur stood up with him saying,"Then lets go shall well.". The two walked through the casino with Tulbur giving the more grabby guest a lesson in respecting the lady's privacy. There was also random burst of dark red wind as well but unlike Tulbur, the wind shows no mercy. "And here we are." said Tulbur as they were at the location where Aurelio wanted Zara. "Thank you and I'm sorry about your friend." said Zane. "He'll be fine." said Tulbur, waving off her concern.
Upon Zara entering the room, it was too normal and peaceful. Crisis Judgement went off as the door behind her closed shut and there was the sound of a machine turned on. "I know my smell isn't hyper like my hearing but that fruity smell. It's familiar and probably used to dull out the girls's senses and make them unable to fight back." thought Zara. The Cross Species went up to the door and tried to break out.
Even though she was masking her true strength, Zara could feel part of it fading thanks to a gas that was a bright pink color and had a distinct color to it. "I should do something about it but doing that, it would alert Rufus about me being not a normal girl." thought Zara. She nodded as she was going to play along for now. To play up the ruse, she got onto her knees. The door then opened up as the unique looking trio of Aurelio, Cicada, and Cicatrix walking in.
The trio were all wearing gas masks which prevented the gas from affecting them. "Hey there. How are you doing? I better you're feeling up for anything right? I bet you want to be more comfortable so lets get going to a new more comfy room." said Cicatrix. "And where are we going?" said Zara with her acting dazzed. "Come on now. Get moving. And meathead. Do treat this one with care." said Aurelio as he crossed his arms.
Cicatrix scoffed as she said,"I know that little man. Do you want to fight after this? It could be the biggest attraction of the night.". "Why would I waste my time on you? You're physically strong but dumber than an ox or perverted bison." said Aurelio. Cicatrix was about to punch him but it was stopped by Cicada's staff. "Focus you two. We need to get ready for tonight's main event." said Cicada. "You're right. Lets go." said Aurelio as he walked toward Zara who was pretending to fall asleep.
A few minutes later, Zara heard a voice speaking to her. "Hey. Are you okay?" said the voice. Zara woke up to see a woman above him. She looked to be in her late teens and around Atem's age aka fifteen. She looks to be developed into quite the young woman whose figure could be seen as goddess like if she keeps it well maintained. She has fair skin, long, wavy sky blue hair, amber colored eyes, freckles on her face, and pale purple fish like ears. Her ears indicated that she wasn't human.
Part of her shoulder-length hair is gathered in pigtails with it held there thanks to a golden dolphin hairpin. She's wears a white, sleeveless dress which looks to be extremely expensive, goes down to her knees, and had a dolphin themed pattern to it. Her dress has a white hood attached to it and the edges of her dress is gold. She has a wide brown ribbon around her waist. She's wearing brown sandals. Around her neck and both of her wrists, she had a collar and handcuffs respectively.
Zara got up which scared the poor girl and she said,"Yeah. I'm fine. Your name wouldn't happen to be Michelle would it be?". "Yeah. How do you know my name miss.?" said Michelle. "That's super. My name isn't important. I guess Apollo was right about you being here." said Zara. "Apollo? Are you with the Alliance?" said Michelle. "I am but not normally like this." said Zara. "But your dress, hair, and makeup look so amazing." said Michelle.
The Cross Species smiled as she said,"Thanks I know but you don't look half bad yourself.". The girl blushed as she covered her face with her hands. "Thank you." said Michelle. "So is there anyone else in here beside us? And are there any cameras?" said Zara. "Yes to the first question but no to the second question. The reason why is because of one of the bodyguards getting drunk and blasting all of the cameras into pieces." said Michelle.
Zara nodded as she said,"That's good. Do you mind taking me to the other prisoner? I need to confirm something.". "Okay. I think he should be awake right now. Lets go." said Michelle. Zara followed the other female to a different part of the room and she picked up groaning. "Do you hear that? That means he is awake!" said Michelle. "I see. So why was he sleeping? Is it his bedtime or something along those lines?" said Zara.
Michelle looked at her as she said,"Unlike me and you too, the owner of this place has him fight for amusement. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem but there is a problem in the form of the Cherry Blossom Gas. It will weaken his amazing strength to something that could be much weaker even though in my opinion, it's pretty strong.". "That's because you ain't a giant girly! And stop talking so damn loud! I got a mammoth sized headache right now. Damn pervert devil." said a gruff voice.
Michelle and Zara stopped walking to reveal the third prisoner in the room and this prisoner is much larger than the two women. He looked to be about twenty feet tall with him having a well-proportioned body. He has short, unkempt dark blue hair, brown eyes, a big and bushy beard, and a noticeable scar going along his nose. He's wearing a gold metal Viking like helmet with one of the helmet's eyepiece missing or more like destroyed.
The man is wearing a dark red coat that exposed his muscular chest and scars. He wears brown pants and dark orange boots. There is a belt like object around his waist with it covered in metal plates. His arms were covered by large cloth vambraces on them and each vambrace had a larger than normal shield on them. His entire body was covered in chains and like Michelle, those chains were probably draining him of his strength.
Michelle smiled as she said,"I would like you to meet my prison pal Cazagon. He's a giant with the ability to manipulate his size at well. Cazagon. I would like to meet My name isn't important. She's new.". "Girly. I don't think that's her name. No parent would purposefully name their spawn that." said Cazagon who groaned loudly. Michelle looked stunned by this revelation. "Okay then. I'm just going to ignorant the notion of her thinking that my name was that." thought Zara.
Zara looked at Cazagon as she said,"You wouldn't happen to be the Cazagon who is known as the size changing destroyer would you? You were a member of the Alliance for a while before vanishing about fifty years ago in search of amazing meals.". "That's correct. I'm that Cazagon. Even though I achieved the rank of Commander First Class, I decided to leave in order to make amazing meals for those who went hungry. I'm furious that I was captured by a man named Brood." said Cazagon.
He punched the wall he was leaning against and shook the room. "So why are you here?" said Michelle who turned to Zara. "I was asked by Apollo to come save you both." said Zara. "Apollo? That guy is a good agent but why would he sent in you? No offense to you girls but in my lifetime, men are seen as the stronger gender. However, there are some strong ladies." said Cazagon. "Like the one who punched you the other day?" said Michelle.
Cazagon nodded as he said,"Yeah. The Attacker type Ingrull aren't someone you should underestimated even if it's a female. So are you an agent too?". "Sorta of." said Zara. "What is that supposed to mean lady?" said Cazagon. "Ever heard about the Eazairvians?' said Zara. "I have lady. One of the strongest species in the Omniverse. Never seen one before since they tend to stay way from those weaker than them. I think Parker is one but I've never seen him before." said Cazagon.
Michelle looked at Cazagon with her saying,"So why did you call her lady and me girly?". "Because she's a real woman and you're still growing." said Cazagon. "While I'm enjoying this back and forth, I need to show you two something." said Zara. The two looked at Zara who glowed turquoise and Zane stood there in his Zeta costume. "You're a man?!" screamed Michelle. "No girly. This is Legion Zero. I know you and I guess you're here to take down the Earth Envoy." said Cazagon.
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I'm here with my fiancée and rescue you two.". "Sweet! This place is giving me the shivers." said Michelle. "Yeah. This place is totally a dungeon that's made for only one thing and it sure as hell ain't keeping beings locked up." said Cazagon. There was a gong sound as the trio heard a voice,"Now ladies. I know that things may be boring but not anymore. The master is willing to see you now!".
The room's door opened with the voice saying,"Head out the door to the right and up the stairs. Come on ladies. Let go!". "So should we go?" said Michelle. "You ain't got a choice but they need both of you instead of just one. They'll get suspicious if one goes to see him." said Cazagon. "I'm well aware of that so time to use my signature Zenith Duplication to fix that issue." said Zane as he made the disguised version of Zara appear. "That's so cool!" said Michelle.
Zara nodded as she said,"Yeah. Now lets get going. Have fun boss.". The two were gone as Cazagon turned to Zane. "So what's your plan? Going to meet up with your fiancée? Has she been captured like you?" said Cazagon. "I was going to break you out since I know that my fiancée is fine. She is currently disguised as a man." said Zane. "Not going to ask how you did that but your plan has a serious flaw in it brat." said Cazagon as Zane turned to the giant.
With Zara, she stood there with Michelle who stayed silent. They were escorted to Rufus's private floor which was above both the casino, club, and dungeon. The two were being looked over by Rufus's seven bodyguards. These bodyguards are Aurelio, Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai, and Tulbur. Zara noticed the black eye around Glenn's left eye with her thinking,"I wonder how he got that shiner.". "Okay there ladies. Please line up for the Earth Envoy." said Lidox.
Cicada rolled her eyes at this as she said,"Do you not see that they already are? Idiot.". "Ha! She told you!" said Cicatrix. "Be quiet brute." said SS. The two glared at each other with Aurelio sighing. "Lets get this down already." said Aurelio. "Let me give you the honor of introducing you both to the Spectral Realm's most eligible bachelor. The legend himself Rufus Medlock!" said Glenn. The Omniverse's most ugly devil appeared with him smiling. "Oh gods. My eyes." thought Zara.
Rufus began walking toward them with him saying,"I bet you two are both happy to see me as I am with you. I thought it was going to a bad night thanks to something else but hey, this ain't half bad.". He began to sniff Michelle with the rest of the room looking at Rufus with disgust. I should mention this by now but Rufus is made to be a disgusting individual with no likable traits. "I always did the younger ones but your serious friend is peaking my lust extra bad." said Rufus.
Zara rolled her eyes internally as she thought,"Lucky me.". Rufus finished looking them over as he said,"I've made my choice!". "Finally. This usually takes forever." said SS. "It will be you who has earned my love!" said Rufus. "This is sad." said Zara. Rufus looked at her with him saying,"What did you say pinkie?". "I said that you're sad." said Zara. "Oh wow. Someone has a lot to prove and I'll break it down since you've earned my love!" said Rufus.
Rufus looked at the woman with him saying,"Still playing the cold-hearted bitch? It's a good thing I like sloppy seconds but first, I need to put the loser in storage.". Within seconds, Michelle had Rufus's frog like tongue wrapped around her wrist. "Ew! Gross! Get it off me...." said Michelle. The girl was turned to stone after that with Zara glaring at Rufus. "What did you do to her you piece of shit?!" said Zara as she was about to kick him.
However, she was stopped by Cicada's staff. "Nice catch." said Tulbur. "Oh. Did I make you mad? It only makes you even more sexy in my eyes and I bet seeing another one will make you furious!" said Rufus, snapping his fingers. Part of the right wall vanished as Zara's eyes widened. There were at least fifty stone statues on display for all to see with one of those statues being Rachel and she was in her anti-heroine outfit. "Rae!" thought Zara.
Rufus chuckled as he said,"My latest one was going to be my future wife Rachel Powell when Glenny and Aurelio brought her to my office after she tore part the club. Got a couple of good hits on you two didn't she?". "Yeah. Don't remind me." said Glenn, rubbing his arm. "Heh. You got owned by a girl. I guess the Shrouded Dagger isn't all too sharp after all." said Lidox. "And you need to stop being sexist now. That devil is stronger. She only lost because of bad luck." said Aurelio.
Zara looked at him with her thinking,"Way to go Rae but I guess this guy is pretty strong.". "And how did that happen?" said Cicada. "She took down at least five hundred of the boss's stone devils and slaves plus Glenn before I showed up. Her Ardor is powerful even more than her older brother." said Aurelio as he looked at Rachel. "At first, I admired Rachel for the great beauty and power combo but that changed after meeting you." said Rufus as he walked over to Zara and did a spin in the process.
Aurelio sighed as he said,"Um. Are you serious? You do know that she literally kicked the crap out of your men with her buddy there plus that spin. Ugh.". "Who cares?! She makes my heart flutters with her goddess like figure, longer than the hills legs, voluptuous curves, and her amazing fingers. you will be mine." said Rufus. "Seriously? This guy is so damn lucky. Getting a mega babe like her is practically impossible." said Glenn.
Lidox turned to him as he said,"You may be new here kid but trust me when I say this. Our boss knows the feminine physique. She was able to figure out the big lady's measurements with a single glance and compared her to a mountain.". "And if we weren't working for him, he would be punched into next year." said Cicatrix. "That's my sister for you. She's always resorting to using her fist instead of her words." said Tulbur. "And that's why I'm her partner but honestly, he has it coming." said Cicada.
SS said,"Who cares about what she looks like?". "I do you idiotic Phantom! And you're lucky that you're still useful to me boy unlike him." said Rufus. He pointed to a suit wearing devil with him saying,"Um. What do you mean by that sir?". The devil didn't get an answer from his boss since at the moment, his face was being squeezed heavily by Cicatrix with the devil trying to get her to let him go but it was impossible.
Rufus chuckled as he said,"Cicatrix my dear. Do take him to the Mud Pit and make him more tolerable to my eyes.". "You got it you fat piece of garbage." thought Cicatrix with her walking out out of the room. Rufus turned back to the frozen in place Zara with him saying,"So back to you. I wonder what I should to do with you my beauty." He held out Zara's right hand and kissed it while bowing to her. In response to this, the clone spit in the face.
If she wasn't held in place, the devil would have his nuts kicked so hard that they would go back inside out of fear or one would be destroyed. "Don't you touch me you sick fucker! You make Blaze look like a saint! I may like boys and girls but there is no way you're my type!" shouted Zara with her trying to wipe away the salva but couldn't and it wasn't because of Cicada. Rufus wiped away the spit with him clenching his teeth in anger.
His eyes were blazing with a burning fury. "You damn virago sow! Do you know what you just did to me?!" said Rufus. "Cleaned you up a bit even though you're one ugly son of a bitch. And calling me a virago sow? Come up with a better insult." said Zara. "This is your punishment for insulting me!" said Rufus with him making an earth construct knife and cut Zara's dress. This made her breasts spill out of them and doing this caused Glenn and Lidox to pass out.
They did a VIP seat to the show after all. "Seriously? That's pathetic. It's just fat you babies." said Specter Samurai. "While I agree with you on how they were both pathetic, Lidox is much more pathetic since he's been with Rufus for more than three weeks." said Cicada. "Damn you. I'm going to make you pay for that Rufus! These breasts of mine belong to Rachel! I need to focus and not let my anger get the better of me." thought Zara. The clone blinked as she took a deep breath.
As Zane learned from Sly, female Akostars are far more emotional than male Akostars which is saying a lot. She was well aware of what happens to an female Akostar around that time of month. Sly goes from a usually calm and collected being to someone who snaps at others even if they say something nice at her or start crying up literal waterfalls. One time, Zane and the other members of Team Maelstrom had to use buckets to get rid of all of the water that she was producing.
The Akostar was so embarrassed that she didn't show her face to anyone for a solid three days until she calmed down. For a female Akostar whose emotions are acting randomly, it's deadly. The clone was well aware of how bad she can get since it's like when the boss is affected by the Ethereal Mania but even more deadly. Rufus then began stroking Zara's cheek as he said,"Such a vile temper. I shall make you see that you'll be a great wife for me.".
Zaraa glared at him as she said,"Seriously?! What is up with you devil royalty?! Taking any women you want just because you can makes nothing more than scum!". "She has a point there." said Aurelio. "I think we all agree to that but who are we working for?" said Cicada. "Fair point." said Aurelio with him sighing. "It's quite a shame to see such a display though." said Tulbur. "I just wish it didn't take so damn long." said SS.
Rufus laughed as he said,"Oh I'm so scared of little old you. The only being that I would be scared of is Legion Zero aka Zane Alvarez but wait. He isn't here. Most of my hired help has lost to him before they came to work for me. I remember watching the beatdown and it was pretty good unlike the one that Blaze did to his friend. What was his name again? It matters not.". He finished talking as he kissing her forehead.
Zara growled as Rufus sighed. "I really do hate how humans give women rights. I think you need to learn your place." said Rufus with him punching her in the stomach without warning. This caused Zara to cough blood with her glaring. "Just you wait you asshole. Once my powers come back to me, you'll pay for this with your life you pathetic cowardly bastard!" shouted Zara. She was once again punch in the stomach but much harder this time.
Her legs were then skewered by two earth spikes with her roaring in pain. Even though she was on the same level as the Boss in terms of strength, the pain that she was feeling from Rufus's strikes really did hurts. It wasn't on the same level as the wounds Zane sustained during his fight with Basalt or the Massacre since these wounds pissed her off. She was tempered to go Astral Form on this asshole but she couldn't thanks to Zane having the watch right now.
Rufus told Cicada to let Zara go and the clone fell onto the floor. "Oh my dear. I think you and I being married with the best thing to ever happen in your life. Why don't you think about it." said Rufus. "I would rather marry a skunk than you." said Zara. "Let see how you feel when you taste my lips." said Rufus, about to kiss her much to her disgust. "Oh hell no!" thought Zara with her trying to keep her lips away from his.
To stop the kiss, she puked on Rufus with the duo of Aurelio and Cicada laughing upon seeing this happen. The girls that Rufus brought in here fought back before but not like this. The duo of Specter Samurai and Tulbur didn't care as Glenn and Lidox were still passed out. Rufus got away from her as he said,"Fine. I'll make you fall for me no matter what.". He motioned to Aurelio who pulled a level and this caused Zara to fall through a trapdoor. Lets see how Rachel become stone shall we?
Flashback P.O.V.
Rachel was staring at the drink that she was given ,thanks to one of the bunny girl servers, with a noticeable distain. Glenn didn't notice it due to him getting a lap dance from two of them. "So are you going to do something about it or what?" said Apollo. "What do you mean? I thought our plan was to wait for Zara to confirm if Cazagon and Michelle are here before we tear this place apart." said Rachel as Glenn was dragged onto the dance floor.
Apollo sighed as he said,"You're not wrong but I can tell that you're mad about one of your species's favorite drinks being used in such a way. I'm also not against some violence toward these sentient piles of dirt.". "What do you mean?" said Rachel. "Oh right. Zane mentioned how you're not good at sensing Impulse yet. Don't worry. It's something that takes most if all beings a long time. All of Rufus's suit wearing men and his servants are made out of a combination of Earth and Ardor." said Apollo.
Rachel nodded as Apollo said,"You have no idea what I just said did you?". "Yeah. My fiancé is the one who knows too much about what powers can and can not do." said Rachel. "With your abilities, I'm sure that you can handle most of them with ease since you're a member of the Akostar Clan. I would suggest trying to take down as many as you can." said Apollo. "What do you mean by that? I mean why would you ask me of this and not Zara?" said Rachel.
The devil heard a loud sigh as Apollo said,"I want to see what you can do. Call me curious but I like Zane/Zara. That Cross Species is a great kid and I want them to be happy. With every servant and suit that gets defeated, a being is released from Rufus's control.". "I see. That sounds like a good idea but can I start with Glenn first?" said Rachel. "Sure." said Apollo. Rachel made her flail appear with her smacking Glenn in the face ,giving him a black eye, and caused a brawl in the club.
Narrator P.O.V.
With Zane, he was currently looking for a place known as the manager's room. This was just before his clone learned about what happened to Rachel and later Michelle. The superhero was currently sneaking around using his suit's camouflage. "I can't believe Rufus. I mean he's a perverted scumbag but having Cazagon and Michelle's chains and collar skewer their heads off. There is also the fact that it blows up as well. This is add insult to injury." thought Zane.
The Cross Species found himself in front of the room with him noticing that the doorknob had a layer of frost around it. "Hold on. Ice?" said Zane. He slightly nudged the door open and he saw an old friend of his. It was Thomas Wright aka Cryonic and leader of the Tremendous. In the past four years, he hadn't change too much. "Where is it? I thought I could trust him for reliable information." muttered Thomas with him being unaware of Zane. "So what are you doing here snowcone?" said Zane.
The cyrokinetic blinked with him turning around to see Zane standing there with him leaning against the door. "I mean I haven't seen you or your pals after that time you tried to rob a train and failed thanks to Morph and Qwark's combination move which was badass." said Zane. "Are you here to arrest me Zero? And why are you here? This ain't your type of scene." said Thomas. "I got my reasons and unless you tell me why you're here, I'll arrest you." said Zane.
Zane turned into Scarecrow Form and wrapped the ice man in the room's plants. "I know that you could easily break out of the plants but well, I wouldn't recommend it." said Zane. "Oh. I know about this form's special ability but it wouldn't work. Those suits that have been wandering around this place are nothing more than puppets." said Thomas. "Okay then. So why are you here? Security here is pretty tight for men. Women on the other hand." said Zane.
Thomas shrugged as he said,"That was easy on my part. I have a man on the inside since we're working together. What about you?". "I'm here to take down the boss of this place with my fiancée alongside freeing two captives." said Zane. "Sounds like you're having a fun date night aren't you kid?" said Thomas as Zane nodded. Before Zane could do anything, the clone sent him a message. Even when Zane and his clones are separated, they can still send each other message.
Zane punched the nearby wall with Thomas saying,"What's up?". "My fiancée has been captured after taking down five hundred devils and one of his bodyguards." said Zane. "I see. She's a tough lady and fitting for someone like you to take down that many opponents. So want to make a deal?" said Thomas. "What kind of deal?" said Zane. "We work together. Our goals align so why not we finally work together?" said Thomas.
The strawman crossed his arms as he said,"Okay but I have a question for you. Why are you here exactly? You didn't tell me.". "The rest of the Tremendous have gone missing. I thought they were on jobs or in prison but I found out that they went to this club and haven't been seen since. From what my man on the inside told me, the boss has something to do with their disappearance. I sneaked my way into the room and was about to find out where they were being held but you caught me." said Thomas.
Zane looked at him and could tell that for once, Thomas wasn't lying. "So since I told you my story about why I'm here, how about you let me go already? I could free myself but I rather have you do it partner." said Thomas. "Fine." said Zane, snapping his fingers Within seconds, the plants that held Thomas let him go and Zane walked over to him. "So why are you opening the safe?" said Zane with a interested look.
Thomas turned to Zane with him saying,"From what my man tells me, it contains a map that would led us to the dungeons and a room where the disarmament for the exploding chains and collar are. I'm guessing you need one of those rooms as well to help save someone like you normally do." "Yeah. I was in a prison like room here but I didn't see anyone from the Tremendous down there." said Zane.
After hearing that, Thomas sighed as he said,"I see then. Lets open this safe already. Got any silent explosions on you?". "I do since well, I can make the room go dead silent." said Zane, turning into Sound Form. He made three discs leave his body with him saying,"Surround Sound.". The disc began releasing sound and prevent anyone from outside to hear them. "I guess you being called the jack of all trades hero isn't a bad title for you. So stand back." said Thomas.
Zane moved back as Thomas placed a C4 like device and he snapped his fingers. Within seconds, the bomb went off as the safe was covered in ice and not the wall. Zane removed the safe from the wall and opened it on the desk. The only thing that came out of the safe was bars of gold and a map. "Check out all of that gold." said Zane. "Yeah. I would take it but I need to find out what happened to my men. It seems that the males are taken to somewhere to become perfect or some crap like that." said Thomas.
Zane nodded as he said,"And the room where I need to go is in the other direction. I guess this is where we part ways.". "Yeah. If I see you in trouble, one of the devils will just so happen to get a nasty cold." said Thomas. The leader ran out of the room with Zane deactivating the form. "Okay then. What should I do? I know that getting Cazagon's help will be nice but the girls are in danger and my clone hasn't responded to my messages." thought Zane.
The Cross Species heard a voice speaking to him,"Do not worry about your love partner. She was able to support you in your time of pain when I could not.". The voice sounded low and gravely with it sounding dry and and ancient. It had an regal feeling to it, reminding whoever hears it of a king. "So do you mind counting out Astaroth? I rather not talk to you in my head." said Zane. Within seconds, a being appeared right in front of Zane.
This being is Astaroth and he had changed in the past four years. He looks very similar to Lucifer but very different due to him having some elements of Predator State and his own. According to Astaroth himself, this is his true self that he wants the world to see. He looked to be slightly taller than Zane by about eighteen inches or eight feet tall. He's a dark gray slim yet muscular humanoid demon with his body looking to have been sculpted from porcelain.
He now looks to have a more suave appearance compared to his more brute like appearance with long arms and legs. He has an eight-pack. His black hair is cut to his chin with the ends of his hair flowing through the air like energy. His face looks rather demonic with two crimson red eyes. He has slit pupils and a jagged mouth. Astaroth's mouth resemble sharp, elongated teeth or fangs. It's in a a permanent smirk but can move its shape. He has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead.
Astaroth has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead. In the area between each of his horns and hidden behind his bangs, he has a fluorescent black heart there. The foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. He has two elf shaped ears. He has two large obsidian black energy wings coming out of his back.
His wings seem to resemble the wings of a bat and can turn into a flowing obsidian black cape that billows in the wind. Similar to Crimson Spade, Astaroth wears a domino mask over his face. It's a royal blue color with two white lenses that are clear and see-though. The mask's nose is curved like a hawk. He wears a vivid black jacket with crimson red trims and a royal blue shirt paired with a black tie underneath.
Astaroth's jacket have shoulder pads with a small gold skull emblem on them. He wears black pants underneath with a gray belt and gold belt buckle. He wears royal blue armored boots with black "X" straps. The heel of his boot is a steel gray sword shape blade. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy and his chest is wrapped in a pair of chains ,in a z formation, that looks to match Zane's chains aka black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains.
He has five gold claw like fingers with them enclosed in black leather fingerless gloves with gold metal skull shaped studs on the back of them over each knuckle. He’s wears emerald green magatama earrings. Under his boots, he stands upon very powerful swirling vortexes of black/red/yellow energy and this is how he moves around. Yeah. He had a noticeable change compared to before and this will be shown off.
Astaroth looked down at Zane with him saying,"So what is your plan Zane? I'm sure you know what to do since your clone can handle herself in a fight. We made a promise to help Apollo by saving two beings who have been taken away from their loved ones by a devil. I do respect you a greal deal since you're the type to always honor his promises and never gives up the fight no matter even if the odds are against him.".
Zane didn't try to respond since Astaroth was right. "It seems that you know what to do. You are destined for great things and I want to be a part of that. When you come back from this sad depressed state you found yourself in, you made a powerful bond. Do remember what that bond gave you and how that bond you made gives you strength." said Astaroth. "I got you. Ready to cause some chaos?" said Zane as the devil smiled.
Later in a more private part of the building which resembled a maze, Cicatrix was walking with her brother with him pushing a cart filled with money and other precious things. On top of this pile, there was the Tokrudan orb. "So explain to me what we're doing again? I thought we needed to go check on that woman who fell into the trap hole." said Cicatrix. "It seems that our boss wants to make sure that orb is put in place. Remember that intruder earlier?" said Tulbur.
Cicatrix crossed her arms as she said,"You mean that guy with the voice box? I thought we had him turned into one of the servants.". "Nope. He managed to escape and Aurelio blamed Lidox for that. It's the reason why he's walking with a limp." said Tulbur. "For a human, that guy has a short temper." said the Attacker. "Hey there. What is this doing here?" said a guard. This got the sibling's attention as they walked toward the guard.
The guard turned to see the two with him saying,"Um. What is it?". "Don't worry. You're not in trouble young man." said Tulbur. "We were just curious about what you said earlier." said Cicatrix. "Oh. I found this earlier and wonder what was it doing here." said the guard. He held up a marble with Cicatrix's eyes widening. "Hold on. That's...." said Cicatrix. She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence due to the entire hallway getting covered in smoke.
From the smoke, Zane emerged from one of the corridor's shadow as Werewolf Form. "Okay. That should keep those two busy for a while. From what the map said, the room I need to find is somewhere down here." said Zane. "So what about the Tokrudan orb? And shouldn't we go find the clone? I thought that was the reason for getting that servant to talk earlier. And why the smoke bomb?" said Astaroth.
Zane shrugged as he said,"We should leave it alone for now since if we take it, Thomas will have even more trouble finding his men.". "Do you still think they're still men at this point? I mean Rufus hates men according to that servant we interrogated." said Astaroth. "I would go find out but we're nearby the statue room. I need to find Rae." said Zane. "Sounds like a plan. We'll go find Thomas and Zane after that." said Astaroth.
The wolf nodded as Crisis Judgement went off. He blended into the shadows as the smoke cleared out of the corridor thanks a stream of dark red wind. The two Ignrull siblings saw Aurelio standing there with him saying,"And what are you two doing? Don't you remember your order from the boss?". "You need to calm down. We're getting there but we may have an intruder." said Tulbur. "Do you seriously think that?" said Aurelio.
Cicatrix looked down on Aurelio as she said,"Of course we do and it's him!". "I kinda need a name since I'm not too familiar with the Prime Dimension." said Aurelio. "He is this town's biggest threat Legion Zero. His fiancée was one of the stone statues we obtained earlier so I suspect he's here to get revenge on Rufus." said Tulbur. "Which for the record, I'm totally for." said Cicatrix. "All of us but we have to do our job to the best of our abilities." said Aurelio.
Aurelio turned to the devil servant with him saying,"Which includes the help. Now get back to work or you'll be rocking a pair of bazookas on your chest.". The servant ran off as Tulbur said,"You really need to relax.". "I will once you catch Legion Zero. I'm going to get tonight's festivals in order so you two go back to work." said Aurelio. He walked off as the siblings went to where they were going. "Wow. This guy reminds me a bit of you partner." said Astaroth.
Zane agreed with him moving through the maze and he reappeared in front of the statue room. "This looks to be a problem since if I try to open it. I need to go a form that can become intangible." thought Zane. He was about to turn back to normal and phased but noticed that the door would open by a fingerprint scanner and decided to break that instead. He turned into Chronos Form with him firing electricity at it. This caused the scanner to overload and the door opened.
The robot smiled as he said,"Open Sesame.". He walked inside and saw several hundred statues lined up like they were on display. "My gods, I think there are almost a thousand statues in here. It's no wonder why Apollo wanted me to save Michelle. There are several different species of women in here. I see a banshee, dryad, lamia, mermaid, nymph, ogre, and yuki-onna." said Zane with him deactivating Chronos Form.
Zane began looking for Rachel's unique Impulse signature since according to Apollo, the stone statue has a faint Impulse signature and he should be able to find it since sensing Impulse is something that he's really good at. After the three hundred eighty-seven statue, Zane found her with him taking a deep breath and his hands began glowing steel gray. "Reviving Touch." said Zane. He placed his hands on her shoulder with the stone cracking.
Rachel was free of her stone prison with her blinking. "Oh gods. That felt so weird." said Rachel. She looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane? What are you doing here? I thought you were currently a girl right now.". "My clone is her right now and she's captured." said Zane. "Your clone got captured?!" said Rachel. "Yeah. We need to hide now though." said Zane. "Um why?" said Rachel. "Rufus will be here in a few minutes and I won't have him turning you to stone again." said Zane.
The devil nodded as the two hid behind a stone statue of a giant woman with them hearing,"Find the rat who got in here right now!". The couple turned to see Rufus standing there with Glenn, Lidox, and Specter Samurai aka Shiegki. There was also some devils as well. "So do you want to take care of them now or later?" whispered Rachel. "Later Rae. I don't want to break any of these statues since they're still alive." whispered Zane. "So are you sure about him being here?" said Shiegki.
Glenn looked at the Phantom with him saying,"Listen. I don't like Zero either but you have this huge murder boner for the guy. Why is that?". "I have my reason for wanting Zero dead and if he's in here or somewhere in this house of sin and debauchery, I'll end him." said Shiegki. "Ahem! You are here to kill the intruder not to talk about a non-issue!" said Rufus. "Seriously? You considered the protector of the Omniverse to be a non-issue." said Lidox.
Rufus looked at the alien with him saying,"Of course! The fact that Blaze lost to the Cross Species was pathetic. While you three take care of the intruder, I'm going to get ready for tonight's entertainment so kill him now!". The devil walked off as Glenn said,"So do you guys really want to search through the entire room or just say that we did?". "Are you suggesting that we lie to our boss who can turn us into those bimbos wandering the upper floors?" said Lidox.
Shiegki rolled his eyes as he said,"You two can go get drunk upstairs without me. I want Zero dead more than anything.". "Because he made you look foolish right? I mean news flash buddy. He made all of us except for Aurelio look stupid." said Glenn. He was then slammed into the wall by Shiegki and the Phantom growled. "If you're saying that I'm weaker than Zane, I'll make you regret that choice by cutting your throat." said Shiegki.
Lidox sighed as he turned to the devils and he said,"While I separate these two, you find Zero if he's even here.". "Yes sir." said the devils. The devils began walking through the room with Rachel turning to Zane. "So do you have an idea to move these statues somewhere safe? I don't think we can get out of here without a fight." whispered Rachel. "Yeah. Get ready to move Rae." said Zane as he turned into Camouflage Form.
He touched Rachel's shoulder with the two of them vanishing from sight. "You really don't want to fight in here do you?" whispered Rachel. "Of course I don't Rae. These statues are innocents and I don't get them involved in my fights but I have a way to keep them safe." whispered Zane. The devil saw several copies of Zane. "When did you?" whispered Rachel. "Like I've told you before, I come up with plans. I made them while I was looking for you. They'll be our distraction." said Zane.
The lizard snapped his fingers as the clones turned into candy syrup and covered the entire room's floor in it. This caused the devil to be unable to move as Lidox was confused by this. "What's going on out there?" said Lidox. "It's Zero! I know he's here!" said Shiegki. The Phantom flew above the statues and looked for the Cross Species as the devils were trying to escape from their prison. He couldn't sense Zane's energy whatsoever and the Phantom growled.
Glenn looked at Lidox with him saying,"So do you want to leave this to him and go get a couple of drinks with the bimbos?". "Sure." said Lidox. The two were gone as Rachel and Zane appeared in the doorway. "So is this your entire plan?" said Rachel as Zane turned into Alchemy Form. His hands were covered in black energy with traces of red in it. "Not at all Rae. It's just getting started. Watch and learn." said Zane.
Zane placed his hands on the ground as the candy syrup transformed into tar and swallowed up the devils. Shiegki noticed this with him seeing both Rachel and Zane. "Alvarez! You'll die by my sword for what you did to me!" said Shiegki. He flew toward Zane with his sword covered in grayish red Nether and was about to fire a blast at him. He was stopped by two tar tendrils which dragged him to the tar covered floor and trapped there before hardening.
Rachel turned to Zane with her saying,"So are the statures alright?". "They're fine. The devils and the Phantom are not. We should get going. Even though it'll keep him there for a while, I'm not going to doubt how determined Specter is to kill me." said Zane. He pointed to where Shiegki got buried and the area was covered in the Phantom's Nether. "Good idea but first." said Rachel. She released a wave of crimson red Ardor through the room.
The ardor didn't hit the statues but the captured devils and Phantom instead. This caused them to scream out in pain with Zane whistling. "Nice. You're getting better at controlling your Ardor. I'm so proud of you Rae." said Zane. "Thanks but I had three really great teachers." said Rachel. "Yeah. Allen and Danny are pretty good at manipulating energy." said Zane. "I was talking about you dork but we should get going." said Rachel with a head flick. The two were gone after that.
A bit later, Aurelio walked into the room and looked at Shiegki who had his arms crossed. He was cut free from the tar and had watched the devils who were captured alongside him get taken to the Mud Pit for corrections. "And you call yourself competent. You had both Zero and his woman in your grasp but instead of detaining them, you let them escape." said Aurelio. "Instead of giving me crap for letting them escape, tell me why you didn't try to capture them?" said Shiegki.
The Phantom swung his sword in anger as he said,"They're somewhere in the building right? I'm going to chase after them.". "Don't waste your time." said Aurelio. "Why not?" said Shiegki. "Like with a mouse, we need some bait." said Aurelio. He snapped his fingers as Tulbur walked in with a heavily bruised Thomas. "Cryonic? What is he doing?" said Shiegki. "Apparently, one of Rufus's guards was working with him to free the Tremendous we captured the other week." said Aurelio.
Tulbur nodded as he said,"I found himself outside of the room where we put the Tokurdan orb and he tried to fight me and my sister. He did a good job against us but well, it was two against one.". "And he was up against a competent Attacker and Defender. His chances of success were low from the start. Do you know why this is a good thing?" said Aurelio. "No?" said Shiegki. "We have our bait for the two rats." said Aurelio with Shiegki smiling.
Meanwhile in the casino area, Glenn and Lidox was sitting there. "I know that we have to work for a real scum bag of a boss but this isn't half bad." said Lidox as he was admiring the view of two servants kissing each other. He had ordered them to do it earlier. "Yeah. So do you think we can steal a small portion of the boss's earning for ourselves? I mean we just have to avoid the eye of the number one suck up but I'm game if you are." said Glenn.
Before the alien could answer, the casino door blew open as Rachel and Zane ,with him being out of Alchemy Form and in costume, stood there. "Hi there. We decided to come welcome you to Cypress Park." said Rachel. "With violence!" said Zane. Glenn stood up as he said,"Get him you mindless bimbos!". The servants and suits began rushing toward them with Rachel looking at Zane. "Zane. Do you remember the time we learned how to dance?" said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"Of course I do. I think we should show these devils how we dance.". After saying that, Zane put a hand on her shoulder blade and held out his arm to his side. Rachel put a hand on his shoulder and outstretched her arm grabbing onto Zane's hand. "Now watch you criminally underpaid devils as we dance our way right to your boss." said Rachel. Zane looked away from Rachel with her saying,"What's wrong? Oh and do you mind leading?".
The Cross Species shook his head as he said,"It's nothing. I'll tell you late and yes on the leading part Rae.". Zane put his right foot forward and then he put his left foot forward in a outer diagonal position. He then put both feet together with his left foot a step back and put his right foot a step back in a inner diagonal and lastly put them back together. Rachel did the same thing as Zane but the opposite way. As they were dancing, the two's aura were combining into one.
After they finished their dancing, Zane dipped Rachel and looked into her eyes. "For those who are uncultured, this is known as the dip aka the finisher in a dance." said Rachel. "I don't think they care since they're done for." said Zane. Their combined aura formed into a giant puddle of energy with the enemy devils coming in contact with it. "What the?" said a devil as the devil was getting absorbed into the puddle and unable to move.
The rest of his kind was following suit as the couple said,"It's time for our Combination Move! This is our Devilish Passion!". From the puddle, several balls of energy float around them and exploded with the enemy devils getting hit by an barrage of explosions from all directions. The devils didn't stand a chance against the combination of Ardor and one of Zane's many energies. The couple smiled as Rachel said,"This attack may have been a pain in the ass to master but totally worth it.".
Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Me and Danny are working on one right now and trust me Rae, it will be pretty powerful. We just need a name for it.". "That does sound like something that you two would come with." said Rachel. "Lets get going." said Zane, earning a nod from the devil. She began firing a barrage of electricity bullets with some of the devils dodging them. The suits were the ones dodging with the servants getting hit.
If the suits dodged it, they were in the face by Rachel's elongated flair or shocked by a bolt of lightning coming from her suit. Zane jumped onto the bolt with him running along it and grabbed the face of the closest devil. His grip was like a ferocious beast and he snapped the devil's head to the left. The neck had snapped and before he could recover, Zane kicked him in the stomach. Zane tossed his body toward a group of suits and this knocked them over like bowling pins. "Strike!" said Zane.
Rachel shook her head with a smile on her face. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged Glenn's kick which would have hit him in the head. "So how about you stay still so I can end you?" said Glenn. "Do you really think I would do that? I kinda have a lot to live for." said Zane. He turned intangible as a violet flame like energy beam passed through him. "What the hell man? Zero is my kill!" said Glenn as he glared at Lidox whose eyes were glowing violet.
The alien scoffed as he said,"All is fair in killing Zero for his bounty.". "You have a bounty?" said Rachel as she ran over to help Zane. "It's complicated and I'll tell you about it later. It involves me and Danny." said Zane. Lidox flew toward them and held out his left hand which was covered in electricity but instead of shocking Rachel, he touched Zane whose electricity did nothing to him. "And I think you need to leave me alone." said Zane.
Zane grabbed the alien and tossed him toward Glenn. The bounty hunter would have dodged it but the Cross Species's throw caught him off guard. The two were nearby a wall and Zane appeared with him saying,"To make sure that you stick around, Sweet Downpour!". The two men were pinned to the wall by the candy syrup and it hardened instantly. "Nice job there partner. May I show off my skills to Lady Rachel as well?" said Astaroth. "Go nuts." said Zane.
Astaroth appeared with him flexing his muscles. The suits began charging toward Zane with Astaroth threw his left arm back and toward the devils. The punch hit the devils directly into the ground. Zane turned toward Astaroth with the devil like creature smiling. "You don’t need to say anything at all there partner. I got this. Zenith Sphere!" said Astaroth with him forming an obsidian black energy sphere and tossed it like it was fired out of a cannon.
It hit one of the devils head on, causing a massive explosion of energy upon contact and send the devils sailing through the casino. "So do you want to go after him or stay here where we're safe from his and the floating Phantom's wrath?" said Lidox. "I think you know my answer." said Glenn. "Oh wow. You and Astaroth are totally the same being. Always causing destruction wherever you go." said Rachel as she ran over to him and Astaroth went back inside of Zane.
Zane smiled as he said,"I'll take that with a compliment. We should probably start moving since they're going to start throwing rocks at us.". "Good idea." said Rachel. The two ran behind a slot machine as the servants and suits began launching rocks of all sizes toward the couple. "So how do women deal with that?" said Zane. He dodged an rock that heading toward his face using a slot machine with Rachel saying,"Um honey. What are you talking about?".
The Cross Species turned toward her as he said,"You may know the answer to this but why do busty women ,in real life and fiction, hide their possession in their bosoms?". He tossed a giant fireball at two of the devils who were shooting at them. "Are you seriously asking that stupid question right now Zane?!" said Rachel. "Yes I am! It has been bothering me for years now! I mean you did that earlier remember?!" said Zane.
Zane slammed his foot onto the ground with several goons getting launched by a giant energy fist that came out of the ground. "You should know that I'm not getting an answer from you now or ever." said Rachel. "Really? You can be so mean to me sometimes. I thought you loved me because I guess you hate me huh." said Zane. "I'll tell you why later maybe" said Rachel. She held a small ball of highly condensed Ardor.
It exploded upon contact with the earth constructs dispersing upon contact with the energy. "Okay. I'm really impressive with how much better you are with your Ardor." said Zane with him making a mental note not to piss her off. "Thank you babypop and I'm really impressed with how curvy you are." said Rachel. "Well, I love how curvy you are!" said Zane. If you're curious about the clone, here is your answer.
A few minutes earlier, the couple had rescue the clone from her prison where she was being watched over by a couple of suits and they didn't stand a chance. It was around the time that Aurelio was talking with the duo of Shiegki and Tulbur. The more you know by the way. "Just die you two!" shouted the goons. "Shut up. We're trying to have a conversion." said the couple. Rachel threw a giant ball of Ardor at them alongside a giant Colossal Zenith Sphere made out of magma which came from Zane.
This attack covered the area in magma. "Okay. I may have went overboard but for a disgusting bastard like Rufus, I don’t care about the property damage." said Zane. Rachel nodded as she said,"It’s for the best babypop. Now lets go take down Rufus.". "I think we may have some problems with that since there are still more devils to take down." said Zane. The devil turned to see another group of servants and suits charging toward them with Rachel sighing loudly.
Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"So when you broke into the Salamander clan mansion, did you have to deal with this much opposition to save me?". "Yeah. That opposition mainly consisted of devils, their servants, a Relinacoon, and their minotaurs. It was a really good workout and would good with a song attached to it." said Zane. Inside of Zane's mindscape, Astaroth was watching the fight going on. "So are you done toying around these devils or what?" said Astaroth.
Astaroth sighed,"We have things to do aka saving Cazagon and Michelle.". "Are you going to be a backseat driver since you're not the one fighting right now?" said Zane. "Maybe but I can see why the others do it so much. It's really fun. Oh. Do you think we can do that?" said Astaroth. "Sure but can Rachel handle it? I mean she had trouble with seeing me for the first time and I don't want her fainting again. At least not here." said Zane.
The demon like being smirked as he said,"That may be true but don't lie to me. You want to see how cute her reaction is going to be.". "That's true. It will be amazing." said Zane as he jumped over his cover and he threw two V.B.R.S toward the ground. Both of them erupted into smoke and the devils were trying to figure out where Zane went. In a second, the smoke cleared. This revealed two Zaras standing there in the place of Zane.
Rachel saw this as well with her face engulfed in a huge blush. "Two Zaras?! This must be heaven." said Rachel with her smashing her flail into a shocked devil's face. The two Zaras ran toward the army of devils with them smiling innocently. The army was shocked at what they were seeing being that they ignored their survival instincts screaming at them to fight since they were so pretty. "I hope you enjoy this! Sexy Explosion!" said the Zara clones.
Both of them exploded, engulfing the army of devils in the explosion and sending them flying. Rachel watched this with her worried for the real Zane. One of the devil guards was going to attack her since she put down her guard but was kicked in the nuts by Zane. "Hey there. Like the show?" said Zane as the devil guard was on the ground and in a great deal of pain due to said kick. "I did. So was that your idea or Astaroth? You two are both perverts." said Rachel.
Before Zane could answer her, Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped in front of Rachel. He was hit with a gold beam of energy. It caused the Cross Species to fall onto the ground with him unable to move at all. Rachel couldn't do anything about it since she was unable to move thanks to a aqua beam of energy. "It seems that we finally caught the two rats." said a voice. Aurelio and Cicada stood there with the male holding a small handheld device.
It was a gold color with it being similar to a TV remote with two glowing red prongs coming out of the front of it. "What did you do to him you coward?!" said Rachel. The devil saw Cicatrix and Tulbur walk in with the female holding Thomas by his hand and the male was dragging a beaten up and chain covered man behind him. She knew Thomas from his fights with Zane and the man must be Cazagon since Michelle was back in the stone room.
Aurelio held the remote with him saying,"Preventing him from using his immense power for at least an hour and overload his nervous system. He's been sleeping for that amount of time as well. I got it from a bounty hunter named Trag when I told him about coming to Cypress Park.". "We should get them ready for the main event in that case Aurelio." said Cicada. "You got it and get those two morons down." said Aurelio. He picked up Zane with Rachel unable to do anything about it.
About an hour, Zane ,still in costume, woke up with him grumbling. "Yep. This is a major pain in my ass." said Zane. He looked around to see that he was in a perfect square arena filled with dirt. Above the arena, there were sharp stalactites. The arena was light up just enough to expose the rows of benches which ran the entire circumference of the area. There were torches hooked up to each post that sat in the east, north, south, and west corner of the arena.
Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. This isn't a half bad arena.". "So you're finally awake kid. Took you long enough." said a voice. Zane looked up to see a heavily bruised Thomas chained the wall alongside the giant Cazagon who was still in his chains from before. "Yeah. So got to ask an important question. What in the nine realms happened to you? I know you're pretty tough since you and I fought before. These wounds of yours look serious." said Zane.
Thomas scoffed as he said,"And there it is. Legion Zero's kindness toward both ally and foe. I'll be fine but after finding the big guy in whoever runs this place's creepy sexy dungeon, I was ambushed by two Ignrulls. You heard about how strong their species are but having to go up against both an Attacker and Defender. I got beaten the crap out by two Ignrulls. No idea about him. I heard about how strong this species are but an Attacker and Defender together, they're pretty tough.".
Cazagon nodded as he said,"Got to agree with the metahuman on that brat. It seems you failed to find the key to our explosive cuffs by the way.". "Explosive? But they look like normal chains to me and what is he talking about kid?" said Thomas. "It's complicated. Your chains and collar will skewer you if I break them off and they blow up too." said Zane. "Seriously? What have I gotten myself? Saving my men who aren't even here." said Thomas.
Zane sighed as he said,"They are here Thomas but not in a way you expected.". "What do you mean by that kid?" said Thomas. Before Zane could answer him, the three heard,"Welcome Legion Zero to your execution ground! The Battle Arena!". The room was lit up thanks to several fireflies and the three saw several criminals ,coming from all parts of the Omniverse with not a single one coming from Cypress Park, and Rufus's seven bodyguards.
They were sitting in the stands with them being serviced by the servants. Zane looked up to see Rufus sitting there on a cushy looking throne in an announcer's box with a chained up Rachel and Michelle who was still a statue. Like the giant, devil, and metahuman, the teenager was wrapped in chains. Zane growled as he shouted,"Rufus! Let them go right now! If you don't, I swear to the gods I'll end your pathetic life and I'll do just that in fact!".
His eyes were glowing red and there was a faint layer of Tyrannus around him. He spread his legs apart to the sides with his legs crouched just a bit. It wasn't obvious thanks to his costume but his Liasada tattoo appeared. "What is he doing? I can sense great power from him and it's like a Sorcerer but much stronger." said Cazagon. "Sorcerer? You mean a wizard right big guy. The kid is that but something stronger and a true one not like Salem." said Thomas.
Cazagon's eyes widened upon hearing this from Thomas as he said,"Do you mean a Magnus right human? Is he a Impure or a Undergrounder?". "A what?" said Thomas. "So how much do you know about the Omniverse?" said Cazagon. "Less than I should right? I've been a metahuman for four years now and I tended to stay in matters involving the Earth. I know that's a dumb mindset to go by but whatever. So do you mind tell me more about it?" said Thomas.
The giant looked down at him with him saying,"Do you really think it's time for a story? Look at the brat. I think he's about to do something stupid. You can't sense Impulse like I can snowman. Despite their many weakness, humans have immense potential inside of them. Zero here is a clear example of that since he was the one to take down the Vision Enterprise which enslaved members of my race for a very long time. I owe him a great debt that will never be repaid.".
Back with Zane, he looked up at Rufus with his eyes glowing brighter. "You'll pay for pissing me off. I was already mad at you for what you've done to these poor beings by turning them into stone or into those bimbos. Beings like you may sick down to my Essence and need to be eradicated from this realm right now. Tyrannus Lance!" said Zane. In his right hand, Tyrannus Nether began to appear and form into a lance like shape.
It was slowly getting bigger with it being twice Zane's size in a matter of seconds. It looks like a hyper compressed energy lance with a steel gray mandala around it. "Destroy the being whose took away several being's freewill right now. Die!" said Zane with speaking in Liasda. The giant energy lance was covered in molten gold runes with Zane tossing it at Rufus who didn't do anything about it. "I know that we hate him especially me but shouldn't we do something to stop that?!" said Glenn.
Lidox looked at him as he said,"If you want to die in the process, go ahead. I ain't going to stop you. I got a life to live after all.". "Cowards." said Cicada. "And are you going to do something about it?" said Lidox. "I won't do that Lidox since our boss didn't get the reputation of the Earth Envoy and one of the strongest devils of all time for nothing." said Cicada. "I thought he just bribed someone to give those titles." said Shiegki.
Cicada said with a chuckle,"That's a fair assessment but you haven't seen him fight against that giant down there.". "He can fight?! I thought he was just a disgusting fat ass." said Lidox. "And this is the first time I've heard you laughed. I like it." said Glenn. Cicatrix ignored the conversion going on around her as he watched the giant energy lance fly toward her boss and Rufus smiled. There was a huge explosion in front of the royal box as Zane took a deep breath.
Astaroth ,from inside of Zane, sighed as he said,"I think in your rage, you forgot about Rae being next to Rufus alongside the petrified Michelle.". Zane was silent as Astaroth shook his head. "You were once again blind by your rage after seeing the love of your life in chains thanks to that bastard." said Astaroth. "Yeah I know that. I was just wondering how I control that anger since it can be used to protect others." said Zane. "A therapist perhaps?" said Astaroth.
The smoke from the explosion cleared as Zane saw that both Michelle and Rachel were okay. This would have included Rufus as well but he wasn't so lucky. Part of his suit was destroyed thanks to the suit which exposed some of his fat much to everyone's disgust. His crown had been blown off his body thanks to the explosion. "You bastard! I'll kill you for ruining my designer suit! Do you know how much money it cost for me to get a suit that's made for me?!" said Rufus.
Rachel giggled as she said,"Much more than what your clan makes each month since you spend it on making buildings like this instead of helping the Alliance like the other four clans and paying those villains down there.". "Oh! She told you!" shouted Zane. "You'll pay for that. I had to use my Ardor to block that overgrown toothpick so I think you earned yourself Death by Boulders!" shouted Rufus. The crowd cheered as Zane said to himself,"I'm guessing that's a bad thing huh.".
Aurelio shook his head as he said,"He has no idea on what he's getting himself into.". "Yeah. What is that exactly?" said Glenn. "Idiot. Just wait and see." said Shiegki. Several suits appeared on the edge of the arena with Zane saying,"I think I know what they're going to do.". "Yeah. Kinda obvious what death by boulders is. You would have to be a real idiot not to know what that is." said Astaroth. Glenn sneezed after the devil like being said that.
Rufus looked down at Zane with him smiling. "Oh my beloved. Do you seriously think that he's going to stand a chance against me? Look at him. His impressive attack failed." said Rufus. "Didn't you lose your crown and reveal your blubber because of his attack?" said Rachel. "He just got lucky. I had little time to prepared my shield and...." said Rufus. "That sounds like an excuse to me." said Rachel as Rufus growled at her.
The devil noticed this and smiled. "If you're so sure about him defeating you and save me so we can beat the ever living tar out of you, why not test him even further?" said Rachel. "That's a good idea my beloved!" said Rufus, snapping his fingers. Before the barrage of boulders could begin, one of Rufus's servant began sashaying her way over toward Zane. "Hi there big boy. I know that you hate my master for some stupid reason but how about I make you change your mind?" said the servant.
She bent down and gazed lustfully into the hero's eyes. "Don't fall for it partner. I wouldn't blame you. Even though Rufus is a literally piece of shit, he does have good taste in women." said Astaroth with the demon nodding. "I'm really sorry but to be honest, I would never been interested in whores like you." said Zane. Without warning, she was sliced into pieces by four bladed whip-like tendrils coming out of Zane's back at the same time.
Zane looked at Rufus with him saying as the tendrils moved around him,"While I'm against killing all willy nilly, killing these slaves of yours is fine. You created them by stealing another being's free will which is the worst crime in the Omniverse. I think you should have feel their pain.". He began gathering Impulse into his hands with him collecting a certain amount of it. Zane eventually stretched out his fingers until all ten fingers were aimed in a different direction.
At the tip of each of his finger, there is a small silver sphere resting there. "Lets start your lesson with my Omni-Direction Beam Array!" said Zane as the spheres began firing out several energy beams in all directions. "Eliminate him now!" shouted Rufus. The suits nodded as they began creating and throwing down boulders ,that were the size of a mini-van, at Zane. Instead of hitting Zane, they hit the energy beams and shattered into pebbles. "Impressive." said Aurelio.
Tulbur looked at Aurelio who said,"Think about it. Zero here probably knew what death by boulders was unlike the Shrouded Dagger and planned for that. I heard about him being a genius fighter and thought it was a exaggeration. Guess I was wrong.". "Zero is no way a genius!" said Shiegki. Rufus saw that some of Zane's energy beams were heading toward him with him growling and he stomped on the ground. Like before, several metal shields appeared to protect Rufus from Zane's attack.
These shields were smaller than the first one but they did block any energy beam that came toward him and his two trophies. "Ha! You fool! My shields are stronger than your energy!" said Rufus. "That's due to him not trying." thought Aurelio and Rachel. Both of them thought the same thing but didn't know the other was thinking it. Upon hearing that, Zane smiled. "Okay. Increase the power of my attack! Worthy Arrow!" said Zane.
He said the first part in Liasada and Worthy Arrow in English. The molten golden arrow appear except it was a steel gray color instead of its signature molten gold color due to the Liasada power up. Zane tossed the arrow toward Rufus who planned to block it like he had done several times before with Zane's attacks. However, the shield couldn't handle the immense power of the arrow. The devil was struck with fragments of the shield and caused him to roar in pain.
Unknown to him, Zane's attack has another purpose as well. The explosion had covered the entire arena in a thick layer of smoke and Zane smiled. "Time for a mix of Adrenaline Zone and my Vulcan Emperor scales as well." thought Zane as he activated both of them. The scales were mainly around his arms and legs. He looked at the four chained up beings and began to move. "So what's the plan here? You do know that if you try to remove them without the key, bad things will happen." said Astaroth.
Zane was quiet as Astaroth said,"Don't worry. I'm sure that you have a plan. I know that you do but I hope you thought it through.". Ignoring Astaroth, Zane grabbed the duo of Cazagon and Thomas's chains. "Hey! What are you doing Zero?! You do know that these things are explosive right?!" shouted Thomas. "Trust me. I got this." said Zane. "Why is it that I have my doubts about that statement?" said Cazagon.
The hero took a step back with him punching the chains and collar instead of the two that they were attached to. They fell off the giant and metahuman with them blinking. "Okay. So what did you..." said the two. Zane grabbed them with him tossing them toward the crowd of spectators and this caused an explosion. "All according to plan." said Zane. "Don't you feel bad for the criminals you just blown up kid?" said Thomas. "Meh. They had it coming." said Cazagon with Zane nodding.
After that, the smoke cleared as Rufus saw that his arena had two massive holes in it plus two of his prisoners were free. "How did you? They should be dead!" said Rufus. "Now if I told you that, that would ruin the magic wouldn't I?" said Zane, winking. "I projected my willpower onto the chains and by doing this, I was able to free them without an explosion." thought Zane. "Did you have to be the one to spoil the surprise?" said Astaroth with a sad look on his face.
Zane looked at the demon with him saying,"Oh I'm sorry. Did you not know?". "Of course I knew but did they know Zane?" said Astaroth. "They who Astaroth? And are you trying to be Cole of all beings to mimic?" said Zane. Cazagon looked at Zane with him saying,"Does he think that's cute? It doesn't really work on a guy normally.". "He does it just to annoy people and it's working." said Thomas. Rufus glared at Zane with several metal swords floating around him and his body was cracking with Ardor.
It was obvious to anyone ,who survive the two explosions earlier, that Rufus was mad. Zane deactivated Adrenaline Zone but not his Vulcan Emperor scales. "I guess someone can't handle a little pain and trust me, you have a lot more coming for you but hold on a second." said Zane. He made two white slime shaped balls appear and he threw them at the duo behind him. Their stamina and wounds were healed with Thomas stretching after getting healed.
Looking at Zane, Thomas said,"I owe you one Zero. So what's the plan? If it involves taking down Rufus and his goons, I'm all for it by the way.". "As am I." said Cazagon, cracking his knuckles. "Not exactly. I need you two to do something for me but to make sure that they don't know what I need you to do." said Zane, shaking his head. He placed his fingers on his head with the two heard Zane's plan thanks to telepathy. "You got it." said the two as Thomas turned around.
He released a massive wave of ice at the wall behind him and froze it solid. Cazagon cocked back his left fist with him punching the frozen part of the wall. It shattered, revealing a hallway. Cazagon shrunk down to about the size of Thomas and Zane with Thomas saying,"And here I thought you were kidding about how you can shrunk.". "I wasn't. We should get moving." said Cazagon. The two were gone as Rufus growled.
The devil turned to the Omniverse criminals who didn't get hit with an explosion and he shouted,"I need you morons to deal with those prisoners who escaped! I expect my seven bodyguards and my creations to stay! This fool needs to be punished for laying a finger on me!". "And what happens if we don't? I mean we're going up against a famous metahuman criminal and a giant!" said a criminal. Said criminal was held up in the air by a giant earth hand which came from the roof.
Rufus looked at the criminal with him saying,"If you don't, I'll bring you to the Mud Pit and turn you into one of my personal servants!". The criminal shivered in fear with Rachel saying,"You know that if you treat your employees like that, you won't have them when you need them.". Rufus looked at her in anger and Cicada shouted,"She has a point you know!". Rufus glared at the bug woman with a stalactite falling onto her and Cicatrix glared at him.
She was about to attack hi but was stopped by Tulbur. "It isn't worth it." said Tulbur. "I know that but still, he's going to pay." said Cicatrix as she punched away the rock burying her friend. Aurelio aimed his right hand at the giant stone hand. His arm had cannons coming out of them and they fired out dark red Impulse out of them. The stone was destroyed and the criminal fell to the ground. "Get going and follow his order or else." said Aurelio.
The criminals ran out of the arena with Zane sighing. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged the swords no problem. "You fools. Bring out the steel balls and you seven! Attack him as well. I need him ended fast!" said Rufus. "Finally! I get to kill Zero!" said Shiegki with him jumping into the arena and Cicatrix following suit. "Why did I have to get stuck working for brutes?" said Lidox as he and Glenn followed suit.
Aurelio and Tulbur looked at Cicada with her holding her head. "I'll be fine. I'm sure Rufus won't care about one of us not fighting." said Cicada. "Make that two." said Aurelio, leaning back in his seat. "I can understand why Cicada isn't fighting due to him being an idiot but not you." said Tulbur. "Because I hate sharing an opponent. You should go help your sister." said Aurelio. Tulbur nodded as he entered the arena and the second round of death by boulders was about to begin.
From her spot by Rufus’s side, Rachel watched in fear as her partner was dodging a barrage of spiked steel balls. They look to be slightly bigger than a normal human by at least ten times. Her hero was also force to dodge six out of seven bodyguards fighting Zane. Rufus was making earth constructs of weapons and oddly utensils. Zane jumped out the way to avoid getting stabbed by a giant gold knife. "I bet you're wondering if I should give him a chance but nope!" said Rufus.
He grabbed her head with Zane shouting,"Hey! Don't touch her!". He was about to stretch his right arm toward Rufus but he was slammed into the wall by a charging Cicatrix. "Instead of focusing on her, you should focus on a real woman." said Cicatrix, cracking her knuckles. Zane stood back up as he said,"Do you really think I can't multitask? I rather not having your disgusting looking boss touching my fiancée like that plus why should I focus on you?".
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"I mean the Ignrull may have a different definition for beauty but to me, you're nothing more than a over-muscular cow.". This statement pissed off Cicatrix who began charged at him. Zane jumped over and made her slam into the wall that he crashed into a moment earlier and before she could recover, Zane fired out a stream of candy syrup. The syrup kept her there and she tried to break out of it.
Lidox whistled as he said,"Oh wow. He really knows how to get under your sister's skin huh?". "Yeah that is true. My sister isn't the best when it comes to insults mainly for Zero." said Tulbur. "You damn morons! Do I pay you to stand around and gossip or do I pay you to murder the only thing stopped me from ruling what I deserve?" growled Rufus. Zane hide behind a pillar ,that was made from an earlier attack of Rufus, to avoid the spiked balls.
He was avoiding the barrage of Nether that came from a juiced up Specter Samurai. "Quit hiding and fight me!" shouted Shiegki. Zane ignored him and looked to see Astaroth. The demon appeared to help out Zane with his fight. He was fighting the duo of Cicada ,who recovered a few moments ago, and Glenn. Aurelio wasn't fighting much to Rufus's annoyance but the hired help only looked up at him and flipped him off. He was also ignoring Rufus's threats involving the mud pit.
Astaroth looked at Zane with him saying,"I know that you find him impressive but we need to focus partner.". "But maybe we can..." said Zane. "Focus Zane. Remember why we're here." said Astaroth with a serious tone. "Fine. Why aren't you fun like I am?" said Zane. "Because one of us needs to be the serious. So you noticed that Rufus isn't trying to hard to kill us. His bodyguard except the masked one are." said Astaroth. Zane had to agree with him on that assessment. This included Tulbur.
Rufus was enjoying this since he thought Blaze was an idiot for losing to someone so weak and he was sipping on his massive wine glass. Said wine glass was twice his size and a good amount of booze was sipping onto him. The devil was hit with obsidian black energy and turned toward Astaroth. "Quit doubting our power. You don't know what you decided to mess with." said an angry Astaroth with him slamming his fist into Cicatrix who charged at him.
Everything he had done to innocent beings and touching Rachel like that, Astaroth was going to pay him back tenfold. Stumbling slightly from the energy, anger fueled the devil. "You damn specter! I'm going to be the ruler of an entire species and after taking care of Zero, I'll be ruling over Terrarune and the Omniverse!" said Rufus. He ordered one of his minions to throw a spiked ball at him. The guardian saw this coming from a mile away and he moved out of the way.
Upon hitting the ground, it caused an explosion and this explosion hit Cicada instead. She skid across the ground with Cicatrix catching her. "Are you okay?" said Cicatrix. "Just fine. I'm just wondering if we made a mistake." said Cicada. "What do you mean? We get to have revenge on the brat who made us lose our cushy jobs at the Extinction Colosseum." said Cicatrix, pointing to Zane who was dodging Lidox's violet flame like energy blasts that went toward Zane thanks to Tulbur slapping it.
Cicada blinked as she said,"While I want to get revenge on him and the Paradoxes like you, do you like working for a guy like him? And that was cool teamwork.". Cicatrix pointed to Rufus who was licking his lips and looking at Rachel who was disgusted at the sight. "So? We've worked for perverts before and he pays well." said Cicatrix. Zane was furious at what Rufus was doing to Rachel and because of this, he was grabbed by an earth construct of a tongue.
Zane blinked as he said,"Um. Can you please change your construct? I'm not into tongue from dudes like you.". Instead of getting an answer, he was slammed into the ground repeatedly and was gripped tightly. "Zane!" shouted Rachel. "Partner!" said Astaroth. He made a Worthy Arrow appear and threw it free to Zane but his powerful attack was stopped by Tulbur who took the attack. "Ouch." said Tulbur who fell to the ground and made a crater in the ground.
He slowly emerged from it with Glenn saying,"Dude. How durable is this guy?". "Pretty. He works great as blocking attacks doesn't he? Wish he would have work with Basalt back in the day but get this man. He has morals." said Lidox. "And thank the gods, I'm used to tight bear hugs!" thought Zane as he turned into Liger Form. The feline broke out of the earth and landed on the ground. "You may have a number's advantage but you're going down there bastard!" said Zane.
Zane's eyes filled with determination and voice filled with smugness that pissed off Rufus more than anything. "This foolish brat. Did he not know what he was up against? It is my job as a king to make him learn his place by force." thought Rufus. Rufus looked at his bodyguards and shouted,"Leave the arena now!". "You got it." said Lidox who was holding his arm. He got hit with one of the spiked balls and wanted this to be over with. He was a planner not a fighter after all.
Shiegki didn't share his feelings and had to be dragged out of the arena by Cicada's staff or magic wand as the Phantom called it. They sat there with Aurelio waving at them. "So are you going to fight me man to man?" said Zane, taunting him. "Oh wow. I'm just impressed that you're not calling him brother Zane." said Astaroth. "Trust me brother. It's a struggle." said Zane. "Oh. I will." said Rufus with him snapping his fingers as his servants jumped into the arena. The suits didn't.
Cicatrix shouted,"You coward! Fight him instead of having your minions do it!". "Sister. Please calm down." said Tulbur. "He's right. I think you should know something about the boss. He's able to create constructs that have sentience and opinions." said Aurelio. "Then why are they nothing more than sex slaves?" said Cicada. "Do you honestly think that Rufus would let someone to tell him what to do or more less a woman?" said Aurelio.
Glenn nodded as he said,"That's fair. So you're telling me that despite it not looking like he's fighting Zane, he is.". "Yep." said Lidox with him emphasizing the P. "Okay then. So what are they going to do to him? Tickle him to death?" said Astaroth. "Don't joke about that brother. That could be deadly if the person who was tickling us is made out of acid." said Zane. "I will give you that partner. So do you think you'll need me for them?" said Astaroth.
Zane shook his head as he said,"Nope. You're good to rest until you feel like I need your help.". The demon went back into Zane as Rufus said,"Do you have any final requests?". "Yeah. I'm going to do you is tear down this house and make you pay for touching and thinking about Rae like she's some kind of object." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. Rufus snapped his fingers with some of the slaves ,because that's what they are, turning into an metal like liquid.
They grabbed onto Zane from below him with their metal hands. Zane broke out of them with ease and jumped into the air. He fired a huge beam onto the ground with it causing an massive explosion of mud that went flying. The seven bodyguards were covered in the mud with Cicatrix groaning. "And are you regretting this job now?" said Cicada, smirking. "Shut up." said Cicatrix, pouting. "Never thought she was against being muddy and I thought we weren't in the splash zone." said Lidox.
Tulbur said,"Yeah. She may like fighting but getting covered in mud and insults aren't something that she's a fan of.". "The more you know." said Glenn with Specter Samurai nodding. As Zane landed, he looked around to see that his energy blast destroyed all of Rufus's slaves and he smiled at this. Crisis Judgement went off as he saw several hands emerge from the ground below and grabbed onto him. Zane broke out of them like before but they regenerate faster and began to pull him deeper into the ground.
When his body was halfway into the ground, Zane turned into Pirate Form and smiled. "Fine. If you want to play that game then, I'm willing to play by your crooked game!" said Zane as he was fully submerged. "Zane!" shouted Rachel. She was about to jump down even though she was covered in chains but she was slapped by Rufus. "Don't you dare get in the way of his enlightenment you damn bitch!" said Rufus. He got a response of spit in the face.
Rachel glared at hhim as she said,"Do you honestly think that work on Zane?! He doesn't follow you or anyone's orders! And neither do I!". "Fine. I think I'll make you go through a beating before I give you something similar to him." said Rufus with him smacking Rachel into the arena. As Rachel recovered from the smack, she began to see the same spiked balls that were trying to assault Zane earlier coming toward her. With a loud snap, this barrage went into overdrive.
Due to her training with Zane, she was able to dodge them even though she was covered in chains. "I don't need you to worry Zane. I'll save you I promise." thought Rachel with her blasting away some of the minions using her Ardor but more just took their place. "Damn it!" said Rachel, stomping onto the ground and this released a wave of Ardor upon impact. It destroyed the minions but more kept on coming as Rufus laughed his ass off.
Under the ground, Zane was keeping away the slaves that tried to grab and seduce him. Even though he was underground, it felt like he was underwater. While he was fighting them off, he was picking up on some whispering. It sounded like both men and women ,young and old, were praising the hell out of Rufus when no being would do that willing. If they were being paid handsomely, they would. "Make them shut up already!" shouted Astaroth.
Zane nodded as he said,"Okay. This is weird. This arena must be connected to those who serve under Rufus's mental state. They'll cover up his more disgusting traits and praising him despite him being nothing more than dirt. I'm really wish that I wasn't good at hearing because hearing all of this praise was driving me crazy or more than normal.". He blasted away several slaves using a mixture of electricity and water. This stunned them with Zane smiling.
Even though Zane could handle himself perfectly well in here despite the fact of Rufus being praised is worse than literally garbage, Zane would admit that the constant praise for the devil ,in all directions at full blast, was making him doubt his plan that but just a little. "Everything in the Omniverse is only good for Lord Rufus." echoed the voices with someone of them aka the women being extremely thirsty for him.
Those voice sounded more horny than teenage boys which is saying a lot or a certain harem whose well known for list off several different names from breasts. I wish I was kidding about but nope. The couple of Rachel and Zane were here to take down Rufus because he was a very disgusting being and how he was planning on taking Rachel from where she belonged. If Zane was a weaker being, the idea of doing that would making him feel extremely guilt.
According to these voices, doing something that would make Rufus look bad is something more wrong than murder. These voices were quite loud and shouting their love for him. These voices ,that were mostly feminine if you were curious, sounded like having overwhelming lust for Rufus. Either these voice were hypnotized to say this or they actually felt the way they did. Zane doubt the latter but he could be wrong about that.
Rufus was the lowest of low but these voice that were praising Rufus were driving him insane. "Would you idiots shut the hell up?!" shouted Zane. He was thankful that he could talk under water and was slightly thankful that he wasn't a smeller like Parker is. Inside of the Mud Pit, there is a noticeable scent of arousal and it was kinda distracting to say the very least. The voices were telling him that their bodies longed for Rufus.
They wanted him to wrap his muscular/fat arms around them, kiss them with his amazing lips, and do whatever he wanted from them. They were saying that they had to fight anyone who was an enemy of Rufus being that she had to protect him. "Okay. I have an idea now." said Zane. "Thank the gods. So what is it? Because I'm up for anything at this point." said Astaroth. "Anything?" said Zane with a smirk. "You know what I mean!" said Astaroth. "Serving our Lord Rufus?!" said the voice.
Zane blinked as he said,"Um not at all. I'm pretty sure that I know what Rufus is trying to do to me. Make me serve him as nothing more than a slave. That isn't going to happen in the way he planned for and this is going to be good regardless.". He covered himself in a giant ball of water and that ball had a faint layer of electricity on it. Inside, Zane nodded as he said,"Lets go!". The entire pit was blinding with light afterward.
Back above, Rachel was fighting her best since Rufus decided to join in the assault on the fight for obvious reasons aka the fact that she can't fight back. His bodyguards would have joined in as well but the group ,except for the duo of Glenn and Lidox who were knocked out by a combo of Cicatrix and Tulbur, had a code. If the client is doing something that goes the hired help found to be too much, they'll refuse to work for him.
Cicada refused to work for him anymore due to the treatment of women that she had seen from him and his men, Cicatrix was because he got her covered in mud, Specter Samurai wanted to kill Zane and Rufus didn't let him, and the duo of Aurelio and Tulbur was just following the crowd. They agreed with Cicada's method since the other two reasons were very petty in his opinion. Rachel's Ardor pelted Rufus who struck back with the ground below Rachel.
The balls ,moving at a very impressive speed, was making this fight difficult for Rachel. "You won't be surviving this without any injuries my dear but I don't care!" shouted Rufus. Rachel was slammed into the ground after barely dodging the barrage of steel boulders coming from Rufus's bull construct. She slowly got back up with her thinking,"Okay. He's much stronger than Blaze and I could ever be. Blaze had to use the power of Skull Plague to even come close to Zane's strength at the time.".
She looked at the ground with her thinking,"I don't think the other two heirs of the other two clans could match this guy. Zane. What are you still doing down there?". "I bet you really want to see your man again huh? Don't worry. If you give up after letting me get a couple of good hits on your perfect as hell body, I'll let you keep him as a mindless slave whose only purpose is for sex." said Rufus. "Is he serious about that?" said Tulbur.
Aurelio shrugged as he said,"Who knows? I mean have you seen any males beside the hired help?" "I guess that does crazy when you say it like that." said Tulbur. "Bring out Zero already/Let me kill Zero already!" shouted Cicatrix and Shiegki respectively. Rufus smiled as the ground to his right began to turn into liquid and something was coming out. It was Zane but look to be like the slaves that he had been destroying earlier.
Like how the slaves were clothing that highlighted their bodies, Zane was doing the same except wearing shorts instead. "So do you want me to teach her lesson in respecting you Lord Rufus?" said Zane in a dead sounding tone. "No. What did you do to him? That can't be Zane!" said Rachel in a shocked tone. She didn't care about Zane's secret identity right not since Thomas is the only one who doesn't know that Zane and Legion Zero are the same person.
Despite Zane not having a will of his own thanks to Rufus, she was enjoying the view though. "Oh Rachel my love. Do you honestly think a Cross Species freak could defeat my Mud Pit? It was made to make anyone who dare to think badly of me serve my hand and foot. I was going to make him into a slave used only for my pleasure but I decided to be nice. Having him give over his kingdom without making him disappear will be worth in the long run. Don't you think?" said Rufus, belittling Rachel.
If Rachel hated him before which she did, she hated him more being that he was a disgusting pervert but to change someone's mental and physical appearance into a depraved likeness of the feminine form. She didn't know why Zane got so mad whenever a criminal got rid of a being's free will but in this exact moment, she did. "Do you honestly think that? If you think that this makes you great, you're dead wrong!" said Rachel.
Cicatrix said,"Oh wow. Girl is saying what we're all thinking. I think her and Zero work together.". "Are you complimenting Zane in some regard?" said Lidox who recovered aster than Glenn. "Of course not henchmen! I despise him but not the woman he was with!" said Cicatrix. "So does she like him or not?" said Shiegki. "Yes she does." said Cicada and Tulbur. This comment earned the two a punch in the arm from Cicatrix with one of them not really feeling it and the other really feeling it.
Take a guess on which is which. Rather than responding to Rachel, Rufus decided to let Zane do it who smiled. Zane walked toward Rachel with him saying,"Oh Rachel. I know that you may have the body of a bimbo but having the brain too? Color me shocked. I'm sure you're aware of how dumb you sound right?". A battle cry rang out from the devil with her charging toward Rufus. Her body was producing a heavy amount of Ardor that was slowly erasing the cuffs. It was also getting rid of the explosive.
You may be wondering why she didn't do that earlier and the reason is simple. She didn't know that she could and that she was doing it. "You bastard!" yelled Rachel. She fired a huge stream of Ardor at Rufus with Zane jumping toward it. Instead of destroying it like one may expect, it was absorbed into him and gave him strength. Within seconds, he slammed her into the ground. "Zane. Please. Remember why you're the man I love and how much you hate that bastard!" said Rachel.
Zane scoffed as he said,"Oh please. Why would I be that fool who thought that Rufus was nothing more than perfect and a bastard is what that fool was. Learn your place bitch!". He spoke to her in a disgust and venom filled tone. The Cross Species kicked Rachel in the face and grabbed her. "Lord Rufus is a true kind and benevolent man like how Miranda Manning was the best person on Ultimate Showdown. I truly regret shutting that show down the way I did." said Zane.
He began running his hand along her face and had a extremely inhumane smile on his face. "Oh wow. I didn't know that Zero could be so cruel." said Glenn who had recovered. "Yeah. If my sister didn't like him already, him being a clear dominant one made him better right sis?" said Tulbur. Like before, this earned him a hit from Cicatrix but in the junk this time and from her massive foot. "There was to be a way to get you back right?" said Rachel.
Loud laughter echoed through the room as Rachel struggled to see Rufus sipping down on some alcohol which was different than before and Rachel knew what it was. It was Cherry Blossom Punch that Rufus had on the club floor and Rachel smiled. Aurelio noticed this as well with him sighing. He knew that Zane had asked those two from earlier to do something like this but he didn't sense them enter the arena so why did the booze get switched like that.
Rufus said,"This is truly entertainment! Do you see how dumb you are. If you fell in line and became my wife, you wouldn't have your love beating the crap out of you!". Due to the alcohol, Rufus had ordered his suits to stop attacking. Rachel got Zane to let her go with a slap and she aimed her flail at Zane. "Oh wow. You're a unrefined woman. It's no wonder how you couldn't defeat Lord Rufus without using your feminine wiles." said Zane, chucking as he sprouted two tendrils.
They grabbed onto the flail and forced it out of her hands with the tendrils slamming it into Rachel's arms. A scream of pain echoed from the woman since even when he's using his tendrils, the hit really hurt. Rachel felt onto the ground with Zane standing over her. "Oh wow. And here I thought that you got stronger to protect me from people like Lord Rufus. I guess you're nothing more than your looks then. How about you moan since that's all you good for!" ordered Zane.
Zane slammed Rachel in the face using her own flair and she was on the floor. "Okay. He may be our enemy but this is too much." said Lidox. "Why do you care? You were the one to capture his family when you were working for Basalt." said Specter. "I may have worked for a monster out of fear for my own life but I didn't do anything beside knocking them out. That was all Booker." said Lidox. He was about to do something but was stopped by Aurelio.
Cicada looked at him as she said,"What are you doing? I thought you would let this idiot do something that would get him killed.". "Because this isn't over yet. It's barely getting started." said Cicatrix. "Are we watching the same fight?! He's literally beating her! Not even Rufus did that!" said Lidox. "Just watch it happen and you'll forget it out." said Aurelio. Picking up the battered and broken body of Rachel, Zane was just to face to face with her.
Zane chuckled as he said,"I always did find you to be the most beautiful women in the Omniverse. That was never a lie.". He kissed her cheek and this caused Rachel to groan in happiness. "However, I don't deserve such a beauty like you but Lord Rufus on the hand does. My lord, may I be the one to enlighten her?" said Zane with him bowing to Rufus while holding Rachel in his left hand. "Since you did such a good job Zero, I don't see why not!" said Rufus with some of his booze falling on his shirt.
Instead of cleaning it off, he was licking it off. "Please Zane. I know you're in there." said Rachel as she was barely conscious. "Oh really. Do you really think that you can trick with me using your feminine wiles? Deception may be your forte but this time it won't work. I know how much you hate Lord Rufus but that isn't the case. He's a forgiving and wonderful man but maybe if you got on your knees and praised him as your lord and savior, he may overlook your rebellious side." said Zane.
As he was talking to her, Rufus was making the ground in front of him turning into liquid like he did with Zane earlier. "No way in hell am I serving that bastard! He can't be redeemed! You know this Zane!" shouted Rachel. She would never forgive what Rufus did to Zane and everyone just because he wanted to be on top. "Okay then. I tried being nice but you earned this." said Zane with a smug look on his face. He jumped into the air and held her like a princess.
The two jumped into the liquid ground with it making a splash. After seeing the two vanish, Rufus turned toward his bodyguards. "Why the hell are you morons just sitting there? You made me do all of that hard work! What is wrong with you? What am I paying you for?!" said Rufus. "Lord Rufus. With all due respect...." said Glenn. "That tone of yours sounds like you want to become my sexy slave!" said Rufus.
Glenn was scared as Aurelio said,"He isn't demeaning you sir. You were the one who told us to stay back and let you handle it. After that, you made Zane do it. Speaking of him....". Rufus turned around to see Rachel and Zane standing there. "Ah! You two are back. That was fast. So how is she my loyal servant who will help me rule the Omniverse?" said Rufus, appearing into the arena. "Pretty good. Ain't I right?" said Zane. "Yes. May I show our lord how much I care for him?" said Rachel.
Zane put his hands behind his head as he said,"Sure. I'll leave this to you.". The devil walked toward her with Rufus's cruel smile growing bigger. "As you incompetent fools can see, no one denies the king what he wants and I get what I want!" said Rufus with him monstrously laughing. "I can't believe we're letting this disgusting bastard do this. They may be our enemies but to serve under him without free will." said Cicada. "Just wait. This is going to be good." said Aurelio with a smile on his face.
Rachel began swaying her way to Rufus with the devil seeing that she was going to kiss him or maybe something more. It looked like she had done this before with him but it was the first time. She stopped as she bumped into him. This confused him and the crowd watching with Rachel smiling. She focused Ardor into a knife like construct and slashed at Rufus, cutting his tongue clean off. "You bitch!" said Rufus without a tongue. "No freaking way." said Cicatrix. "I didn't see that coming." said Lidox.
Tulbur watch Rachel pushing Rufus to the ground with her smiling and holding her flair. "And this is for making me and my beloved fight for your sick pleasure! Stealing your catchphrase here Zaney but he needs to learn his place the hard way!" said Rachel with her slamming her flail hard on Rufus's nuts and this caused him to scream out in pain due it giving him a high really jolt upon contact. The entire arena except for the stands was covered in scarlet red Ardor in the for of lightning.
Zane wasn't bother too much since the electricity didn't do anything to him. The Earth Envoy was being hurt by the former Mistake of the Akostar clan. "Way to go Rae. I’m so proud of you and nice job with my phrase." said Zane with her kissing her on the cheek. "Thanks Zane but I was holding back since I don’t want to cause another power outage. Onto Phase 2?" said Rachel. The ones in the stands were about to do something but the area around them was covered in a pink dust and they were out cold.
Rachel turned around to see a Zone standing there in Fairy Form with a smile. "And with that, mission complete!" said Zone, throwing up a peace sign. You may wonder how they both weren't under Rufus's control this entire time along with Rufus drinking the enhanced version of Cherry Blossom Punch. The devil should have noticed that but he didn't since alcohol often blinds the senses. We're going to find out right now.
Flashback P.O.V.
Zane was looking at the heavily bruised body of Rachel with him sniffing a lot. "Please don't be like that Zaney." mumbled Rachel. He looked up to see Rachel smiling at him as she said,"I am sure that Rufus fell for it even if we didn't have your brother's booze in his system. The others fell for it too and we didn't have to use alcohol to do it.". After she said that, Zane turned into Rachel who wasn't injured whatever. "Oh my gods! Are you going to be okay Zaney?!" said Rachel.
Rachel turned to see the heavily bruised version of her turn into Zane ,who was in Illusion Form, with him saying,"I'm fine. This is nothing compared to what Basalt did to me or really any one of my serious fights. Plus these wounds are nothing. Did you have to beat me up that badly though? I mean I was trouble using Illusion Form's powers due to how badly you were beating me. You were acting more sadistic than I am during our training.".
The devil bowed as she said,"I'm really sorry about that but well, you know how infuriating Rufus can be. So I heard the chanting earlier when I was being dragged here, where is it?". "Oh. I turned off the totally not subliminal message earlier with Pirate Form's electricity. This pit we’re in has the ability to alter a being’s body to something else and well, I think I know what happened to the criminals who came in before us." said Zane.
Rachel nodded as Zane said,"I then left to grab some Cherry Blossom Punch and replaced his wine with it before I switched placed with you. You "emerged" and the rest you should know.". "I still can't believe that you pulled off a switch like that. You're a real magician." said Rachel. "Thank Kris for that. She taught me that misdirection is key to winning any fight even if the opponent is more powerful than you." said Zane. "I'm sorry for hurting you." said Rachel.
Zane deactivated Illusion Form as he said, "It's fine so ready to do Part 2?". "Yeah but what about my wounds?" said Rachel. "Don't worry. I'm sure with how drunk Rufus is, he would have forgotten about this place restoring any wounds that you've gotten thanks to me." said Zane. "Okay so do you want to do the honors or should I?" said Rachel. "You can do it and make it hurt a lot." said Zane, throwing her a thumbs up. The two left the Mud Pit.
Narrator P.O.V.
Rufus was on the ground with him wheezing and all of his bodyguards were knocked out thanks to Fairy Form. The only one that was missing was Aurelio. "Nice kick Rae. That looked painful and rivaled those kicks that Miranda gave Shane's. We did miss Aurelio but oh well, we got the main scum bag" said Zone. "Thanks I think. I'm pretty sure I didn't intend on making him infertile like Well, I was determined to making him suffer for what he did." said Rachel.
Zone was gone as Zane said,"I'll agree with you on that. I think we need to celebrate our victory.". The two kissed with them letting each other go. "So are you ready to tear this place down already?" said Rachel. "Yep. Lets do this." said Zane, turning into Archfiend Form. "Really? That form. I thought you were going to go Astral Form on this place." said Rachel. "I was thinking that but then after hearing those voices, I wanted to dismantle this from top to bottom!" cackled Zane.
With Ardor covering her body, Rachel shook her head as she said, "Oh Zane. Don't change.". Zane smiled as Rufus stood back up. "You two. You're dead!" shouted Rufus. He flew toward the couple with Zane yawning. "That sounds like a great idea but from what my Phantom friends tell me, it isn't too exciting.” said Zane, shrugging. The devil threw a fist his way with Zane easily dodging it and grabbed Rufus's arm. "Let me go!" said Rufus as his rash was covering his body.
Rachel smiled as she said,"You got it.". Swinging with all of her might, she slammed her flail into the monster's jaw and this send him flying into the wall. "Nice swing there Rae. Hit it right out of the park." said Zane, whistling. "Thanks babypop." said Rachel. "Hii. Hii gaaww!" said a certain devil who wasn't stay down. The mood changed as the couple glared at the devil who slowly standing back up. He was holding his jaw and winced. "Yooo roke my gaw you ucking icc!" shouted Rufus.
Even though he was in a great deal of pain, he glared at them. "Is it sad that I’m not scared of him whatsoever right now?” said Rachel. "Yeah. He'll need surgery and I ain’t the guy to do it." said Zane. The devil’s jaw was clearly broken at this point since several teeth were missing, his longer than normal tongue had vanished from its mouth, and the only thing that kept his jaw connected to the rest of him was some skin.
Astaroth smiled as he said with a smile,"And now, I think it's time for Rachel to deliver the coup de grace to Rufus's defeat.". "Right. I'll tell her." said Zane. "Um. I think she knows what to do in this situation partner." said Astaroth. "Ah. That's right." said Zane. Rachel walked over to the heavily injured devil with her flail in hand. The devil felt the air pressure changing and his face was frozen in fear. "I think this is what you deserve for taking away the will of so many beings!" said Rachel.
She charged toward the devil with her slamming her flail into his balls once gain with a great deal of strength. This caused the devil royal to let out a extremely girlish scream with Zane smirking at the sight. "Ah. The oh so classic hit to the nards. It's also the weakness of almost all men in the Omniverse." said Zane. "What do you mean by almost all?" said Astaroth. "I think men who don't have nards won't be affected by this." said Zane.
Astaroth nodded as he said,"Fair point there.". "So when you get a chance, mind making me a new flail? This one is tainted by a great deal of sin." said Rachel as she pointed at Rufus with his eyes were rolled back and foam was coming out of his mouth thanks to the flail to the nards. "Yeah but Rae. I think right now, you're my true hero." said Zane. "So do you mind explain what you mean by that since I have no idea what you mean by that." said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"A true hero protect what they care about the most. You protected the life you have with me and our circle of friends without holding back. I obviously did because this was your fight not mine. You were being brave and selfless plus doing the right thing. That's why I considered myself and you to be a true hero plus not caring about what others think of your actions. That's what I mean.".
Upon hearing that, Rachel held him close and she said,"Thank you for saving that Zane. You're my hero too.". The couple kissed. "She does know that she isn't kissing you but Archfiend Form right?" said Astaroth. "Don't ruin the mood you demon!" said Zane as Astaroth shrugged. "As a wise man once said, payback is a bitch." said Astaroth with him still being salty at Zane for telling how he destroy the chains and collar for Cazagon and Thomas earlier.
During that fight, she was remembering how hard her friends fought for her to free her from Blaze. It gave her the determination to fight with all of the power she had in her disposal. The female looked at the scum that was Rufus and she slammed her flil right into the devil. This sent him flying into the wall and it shattered. "You learned your place hopefully. Don’t mess me or my friends ever or you'll pay greatly!" said Rachel, smirking. "Nice. Lets go!" said Zane.
Rachel giggled as she said,"You've been waiting to tear this place down for a while now haven't you Zane?". "Ever since I entered the club area, I think I will start there first. Oh and do you mind going to check on Cazagon and Thomas. They've probably gotten all of the statues out and take Michelle for me okay?!" said Zane. "You got it and have fun." said Rachel. She flew off as Zane began to glow bright purple and he said,"Archfiend Prime!".
It was a few minutes later but Secret Oasis had been destroyed. All of the criminals that Rufus had hired had been captured by Thomas while Cazagon carried the statues out of the building. Rachel helped the giant in that regard since Zane was currently destroying or as he puts it fixing the building where so many beings lost their free will. The Mud Pit was the first to go and upon doing that, several beings had appeared in front of the building.
They were confused on how they were free from Rufus but didn't care and escaped into the night. This included the members of the Tremendous who was pretty sure that their boss saved them and not their greatest enemy. After Thomas helped Cazagon and Rachel carry out the last statue, the snowman left and told them that next time, he and Zane will be enemies. "So Rachel. How does it feel to be in a relationship with Zane?" said Cazagon.
Rachel turned to the giant who wasn't at his normal height of forty feet because of the natural echo a giant has. She knew about this thanks to Zane in Titan Form who tended to echo his voice just to mess with Danny and Gwen. "Amazing. So how are you going to get these statues free and back to their families which must be throughout the Omniverse? I would just suggest my fiance could help you but..." said Rachel.
She pointed to Zane who is in the middle of the wreckage and he was still in Archfiend Prime. He's now twelve feet tall. He now has a stronger, muscular physique. His head is now a triangle shape with him having a large chin. He has four arms and glowing green eyes. He loses his black pupils. His skin turns a darker red color with two long, curved metal horns on his head. He wears a pristine white lab coat over his clothing. It looks to be the same one as before but a little more tattered.
Over all of his hands, he has giant gray metal gloves. He also wears black boots. He now has two tails with the ends of his tails resembling welding torches. "I understand but don't you think he was planning this during his rampage?" said Cazagon. "I may know him the second best out of our friend group but no one and I mean this when I say this. No one knows what goes through Zane's mind. It's both simple yet complicated" said Rachel.
Zane walked over to the two with him holding a bazooka like weapon on his back. "Hey there you guys! I bet you guys are wondering what this beauty can do." said Zane. "Let me guess. More unneeded destruction." said Cazagon. "Nope! Nope! Nope! Just watch and learn!" said Zane as he aimed the gun at the statue. "Um Zane. What are you doing?" said Rachel. "Science bitches!" said Zane as he pulled the trigger. The gun fired out several beams of light and each beam hit a statue.
Said statue was turned back into a flesh and blood being before getting warped away. This included Michelle. "What did you just do to them?" said Cazagon. "I turn them back into flesh and blood plus sent them back at the same time. They may have a bit of memory loss but that was due to being a statue and not my beauty here. I swear to the gods on that." said Zane, holding his weapon. "So is this mission over? I for one I am exhausted." said Rachel.
Cazagon chuckled as he said,"She may be powerful but to be a member of the Alliance, she needs a great deal of stamina.". "I have a lot of stamina but I tend to use it in a different way." said Rachel with the giant easly getting what she meant. Devils are known for their impressive records when it comes to bonding in the bedroom. "Anyway, can that gun work on me?" said Cazagon. "You don't want to stay here in Cypress Park? We haven't take you to Fantasia yet big guy!" said Zane.
Rachel shook her head as she said,"While that place may be good, I doubt it's a reason to come here since beings other than humans have to deal with both Avalon and Swarm hunting them down.". "That may be true but Fantasia is so good and I will fight you on that." said Zane. "The reason I want to go back is because I wish to head back to Ezlario so I may help cater your wedding." said Cazagon with the couple looking at him.
Cazagon looked at Zane with him saying,"While I and the rest of my species owe you for saving us from the Vision Enterprise for countless generations, I want to make things right by you personally. As of now, I shall be at your beck and call for the day you need help taking down Skull Plague. He is a strong foe but I know that you can defeat him. Catering your wedding is the least I can do for the savior of the Omniverse.". "Um thank you. We were looking for a cater for a while." said Rachel.
Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks Cazagon and tell your species this. I may have saved members of the giants but don't think you owe me because of that. Just think of it as helping out a friend since I always help out my friends and people I barely know since that's what a hero does.". "You got it Zane. Good luck in your quest from here on out." said Cazagon. He bowed to Zane with his left fist slammed into his right open palm.
Rachel looked at Zane who said,"That's the Alliance symbol of showing respect toward another. I got that a lot during my year with the Alliance. So do you want me to send you back now or later big guy?". "Right now since I want to make sure your grandfather knows about me cooking for his grandson's wedding." said Cazagon. "Sounds like a good plan to me! Later man!" said Zane as he fired his weapon and sent the giant to Ezlario.
A bit later, Rachel and Zane ,out of Archfiend Prime, stood outside of the destroyed Secret Oasis with Rachel turning to Zane who smiled. "So are you sure that this guy will be able to take all of them to Ezlario without them rebelling and killing them? I mean your gun from earlier could have done the job no problem." said Rachel. She was pointed to the tied up Dwarf Clan and the other criminals. This didn't count Aurelio who escaped earlier.
Zane looked at her as he said,"Don't worry. Callum is easily one of the best agents in the Alliance and can totally handle all of them no sweat.". "Okay. I'll trust you on this since you know more about the Alliance than I ever will." said Rachel. Zane looked up and he said,"He's here by the way.". Rachel looked up to see a spaceship descended to the ground. The spaceship looked to be slightly smaller than a jumbo jet but much bigger than a fighter bomber.
It's also a circular shape with it being specially crafted and looks sleek in design. Its color is primarily dark gold with it having a series of white lights running up and down the channels on its outer hall. It has two gray lines coming from the center of the ship with these lines connected to two wings. It had four large cylinder engines protruding from the back of it with each wing having three sizable nozzles on the underside of the wing.
On the front part of the wings and sides of the ship, there is the insignia of the Alliance. It's a bright silver A that constantly glow but the A has a black planet ,with the planet being a twelve pointed star shape, like background. As it was slowly descended to the earth below, the wings went back into the body and replaced by four legs. The ship landed with the bottom part of the ship opening up and a good bit of steam came out.
There was also a distinct humming sound coming from the ship. "While I'm happy to see again old friend, I would heavily suggest you using your own powers to delivers criminals back to H.Q." said a masculine voice. "Yeah I could have but well, I wanted to see you again. I also know that you were also out there gambling and enjoying the Omniverse's great variety of food instead of working. He also sucks at talking to women." said Zane.
Rachel shook her head as the voice laughed. "Yeah. You know me so well." said the voice. The smoke eventually cleared and Rachel saw a human standing there. The devil was pretty sure that he wasn't human being that she could sense a great power coming from her. It reminded her of Zane except with more of a radioactive feeling. The smoke eventually cleared and Rachel saw a human standing there with a smile on his face.
The devil was pretty sure that he wasn't human being that she could sense a great power coming from her. It reminded her of Zane except with more of a radioactive feeling. He looks to be one inch taller than the trio of Allen, Danny, and Kevin with him being 6 foot 3. He has a lean yet athletic figure. He has pale peach-colored skin with short spiky yet shaggy flame like hair red hair and magenta ,with aquamarine pupils, eyes. He has pointy ears and thick eagle like beak for a mouth.
His hair seemed to move through the air, literally defying gravity. He had a serious yet kind expression on his face. Unlike the Alliance agents she has seen over the year, the man wasn't wearing that. He's wearing a highly sophisticated, figure-defining jumpsuit. It's a dark blue color with silver stripes on the sides of his arms, torso, and legs. In the center of his jumpsuit, he has a gold specialized star shaped emblem on it. He wears a dark green high-collared jacket over his jump suit.
His jacket is covering his chest and shoulders. He wears black and brown utility belt with a gold triangle gem belt buckle. He wears a blue headband tied around his forehead. He wears black boots and his shoes shows that he has three large black bird like talons for feet and three black claws for fingers. "So Rae. Meet my friend Callum. He's a Rakrow aka a humanoid bird." said Zane. "Nice to meet you. So nice work in taking down Rufus." said Callum.
He walked over to Rufus who looked to have the crap beaten out of him. "We wanted to take him for a while now but there was the pesky Mud Pit of his. So let me guess. It was you who did this to him right Rae?" said Callum. "Actually, my name is Rachel. Rae is just my nickname and yeah I did. How did you know? It could have been Zane." said Rachel. "Oh. I know Zane and how brutal he can be at times mainly when it comes to criminals who steal free will." said Callum.
The Rakrow smiled as he said,"To Zane, that's the worst crime you could possible do to another. He doesn't like murders or rapists either but you get my point. Zane may be forgiving but he'll never forgive someone who takes away another's free will.". "I see. So do you need help with taking the prisoners onto your ship?" said Rachel. "Nope. I already did it." said Callum. Rachel saw that all of the criminals were gone with her turning to Zane. "How?" said Rachel.
Zane shrugged as he said,"What can I say? He's really fast and could give both Allen and Danny a run for their money. So do you mind convincing my grandpa and Theron not to make this a big deal? I mean I already get called spoiled and given titles that I don't deserve.". "Like we keep telling you, you do deserve the title of Shogun Zane but sure. Those two do go a bit overboard. Have fun you two and I'll see you at the wedding." said Callum.
He was gone with Rachel looking at Zane. "So Zane. Do you mind telling me about the time you spent with the Alliance?" said Rachel. "I will Rae but not now. I want everyone in Team Maelstrom to hear this since you guys are some of the most important beings in my life. I think I can speak for the both of us when I say this. It's been a long day and it's time to rest." said Zane. "Yeah. That makes sense." said Rachel as she kissed Zane, ending their mission perfectly.
After finishing off Rufus, the couple were back home. On the living room couch, Rachel was drifting in and out of sleep along with leaning on Zane's shoulder. Zane knew not to move her since she doesn't like to be moved when she's sleeping. Danny learned this the hard way back in middle school. It would have been Kevin but he wasn't considered to be their friend at the time since he almost killed Karen due to her meat allergy. "Come on Rae. It's time for bed." said Zane. "I'm so tired." mumbled Rachel.
She sounded half awake. "No really. You're tired. Colored me shocked." said Zane. "Shut up. I don't need your sexy sarcasm right now. Can we go to bed? I know that I promised you a lot but taking down Rufus was...." said Rachel. "I understand Rae. There is always the next time once we're married." said Zane. He knew that Rachel was pretty much done for the day and was going to sleep peacefully once he gets her into bed.
Rachel's face lit up a little after hearing that from him being that despite her wanting to do more things with Zane, she was exhausted. Zane had stamina and energy for days which she was jealous of but he would be there until she finally fall asleep. However, there was a problem that the devil had at this very moment. She was too tired to walk the short distance from their living room to their bedroom. Zane stood up from the couch and Rachel putting her plan into action.
She muttered out,"Oh Zaney. You really are the best and so lucky to be sleeping with the most beautiful devil.". "I think you're asleep at this point." said Zane. Zane held out his hand out for Rachel to get up but Rachel was still in a teasing mood. She held out her arms to Zane and made a noise that was a mixture of a moan and grunt. "Dummy." said Rachel. "Huh?" said Zane, looking at her and knowing what she was planning for him.
Even though she can be quite crafty, she can be rather obvious in what she wants sometimes mainly when she's drunk or sleepy in this case. "Dummy!!" said Rachel. "Sorry there Rae but I don't know why you're calling me Dummy. You know my name by now since you've screamed it in the throes of passion before." said Zane in a deadpan tone but there was a smirk on his face. "Carry me please." mumbled Rachel. "Carry me please? That doesn't sound like Dummy to me." said Zane, cupping his chin.
Rachel lightly glared as she said,"Dummy!". "And she's getting angry now. Lets see how far I can go with this." thought Zane. "If you tell me what the magic words is, I'll do it for you my lady." said Zane with him acting like a butler. "Zaney! Please carry me!" said Rachel with her arms outstretched and sounding extremely childish. Zane shook his head back and forth with him pulling her up with a little force.
The devil somehow sprung up with more energy and momentum than one may expected for someone who looked to be asleep. It looked like she planned for herself to be in his arms. "Thanks for catching me Zaney. You're so good at that aren't you?" said Rachel with giggling as she began playing with the bang that hung over his forehead while Zane held her like a bride. Out of everyone that he's ever had in his arms which was a lot, he would have to say that Rachel was his favorite.
Her nice frame made her inner beauty shine with her sweet scent appearing to him. He wanted to do a lot of things with her but right now, he had to be a gentleman. "I think it's time for someone to go to bed." said Zane. "Okay then. Wish you could join me but you've got so much stamina. I'm so freaking jealous." said Rachel in a depressed tone. As Zane made the quick journey to their bedroom, Rachel was leaning on Zane's shoulder for support. "Zaney." said Rachel. "Is something wrong?" said Zane.
Rachel was half awake at this point as she said,"You mean a lot to me and the others.". "Uh. I know that. You guys tell me that every single day I have a depressing thought." said Zane. "Well yeah but I think you're the most special to me!" said Rachel with her kissing his right cheek. Zane placed her on the bed as she said,"Thanks Zaney. I love you so much.". "Really? You love me. I’m shocked but the fact that you’ve been kissing me every five seconds since we left gave me a clue." said Zane.
The devil punched him in his chest as she said,"I told you to stop with the sarcasm." . "Nah. I don’t feel like it since I know how much you love it." said Zane, smiling. Upon touching the bed, she pulled the covers over herself and forgetting about Zane for a second upon placing her down on the bed. Zane sat on the bed next to her with him holding out his left arm and Rachel grabbed onto the limb like it was her favorite pillow or stuffed animal.
Rachel was drifting between the realm of dreams and the realm of reality, barely speaking. "Why are you the way you are?" mumbled Rachel who was very close to passing out but something was on her mind. "Why am I what?" said Zane, pecking her on the cheek. "Being such a reckless yet sweet jerk all the time.” said Rachel. “Harsh but go on. I love hearing you praise me. It's really nice to hear all the time Rae.” said Zane.
The devil looked at him as she said,"You’re always teasing me and fawning on me every chance you get! And I really enjoy it. You always know what buttons of mine to push and even though I may not like having people see me as the princess and next ruler of an entire clan of devil, I like when you do it for me. You always put up this face of strength and confidence so you can keep helping others but I know that you're the type of guy who goes all out in order to protect what he holds dear.".
She took a deep breath as she said,"However, you can't ignore the fact that you're the one in pain and need of help. You may be a superhero Zane but you don't need to be a hero all the time. I worry about you especially when I see you injured. You may be the most loyal, kind, charming, strong, and confident guy but well, you can be a real dummy sometimes. I really hate how you always swoop and saving people left and right all the day because that's how I fell for you.".
Rachel smiled as she said,"I don't want anyone to fall for you but I know that you don't plan on people falling for you.". The devil was rambling at this point. "Rachel. You're not wrong about me at all since I'm not invincible. Nothing in the Omniverse is but I do this to impress you." said Zane. "Seriously Zane?! You act like a reckless dummy to impress me. Do you really think that works on me?! I’m pouring my heart out to you and that’s what you tell me!" said Rachel with a faint blush on her.
Zane chuckled as he said,"I don't know but I want to be someone that people can depend on and be there for you in times of need. That’s what my family was like for me growing up even after everything that happened to them. I admire that a lot back then. I guess I got a really big hero complex huh.". "You really do Zane but can you promise me something Zane?" said Rachel. "Is it a pinkie promise? Or an advanced pinkie promise?" said Zane.
He looked at his free hand as he said,"I know that there is no such thing as an advanced pinkie promise but you tell that to Uriel.". "It is an advanced pinkie promise you dummy. Promise me that you'll try to stay safe. I do see you as a person to rely on but I don't want to lose you either. It’s one of my biggest nightmares after all. We’ve been together since we were nine years old and have been through so much in that time. Every since that day, I’ve been having crazy nightmares." said Rachel.
Zane looked at her as he said,"You have? Why didn’t you tell me? I know that this is weird for me to say since I don't say anything about my problems but you're usually pretty good about telling me what's wrong.". "I didn’t want you or the others to worry about me plus I was more worried about you. You have a bad dream almost every time you close your eyes. My nightmare is not being there with you because you’ve died protecting me or someone else." said Rachel.
She began crying a bit as she said,"I can’t stop you from protecting people but I don’t want you to die either. Please stay safe okay? I can’t lose my heroic dummy.". "Of course. You’re not getting rid of me that easy and don’t you forget it Rae." said Zane as he didn't want to hurt the woman he loved the most in the Omniverse due to him being a stupid idiot. "Okay. I love you with all my...." said Rachel before finally falling asleep. "I feel the same." said Zane, kissing Rachel on the cheek.
This is one of the ways on how to seal an advanced pinkie promise. The other way ,that’s between the couple, is a kiss on the lips but Rachel was too tired for one of their more passionate kiss right now. Zane smiled as he admired how beautiful Rachel can be even when she's asleep since she makes a slight whimper and how adorable that is. Zane began gently rubbing her side to help ease her to sleep which was faster than normal.
Zane smiled as he watched the woman he would live for fall asleep after such an intense day. She was really too good for some like him. "And now that she's asleep. I think I can get in some quick training before she wakes up." thought Zane. He tried to get out of bed but Crisis Judgement went off. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck and yanked him back down, making Zane's face connect with Rachel's breasts. "Okay. I'm not against this at all." thought Zane.
He looked up to see a pouting Rachel with puffed up cheeks and puppy dog eyes. "So I thought that you were asleep." said Zane as his mouth was covered by his breasts. "I was but then my Zaney bear was going to leave me! You can't just leave your beautiful wife in bed all alone, you know!" whined Rachel loudly. Zane tried to get out of her cleavage with the hero doing that eventually. "Sorry Rae but well, I need to get some training in and you need to get some sleep. We're also not married yet." said Zane.
Rachel grumbled before letting him go. "Fine but you have until I count to a hundred!" said Rachel. The Cross Species began to move toward his typical training room but before he could leave the bed, the devil began counting loudly. "1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!" said Rachel. "You need to go much slower Rae!" said Zane. "10! 20! 30!" said Rachel. "And now, you're just counting by ten! Go back and do it again but slower and in Pig Latin!" said Zane.
The devil giggled as she said,"40! 50! 60! 70! 80! 90!". "Fine! I'll be back in bed with you in a....." said Zane. "100! Zaney Bear! Come back to bed! Your devil is getting lonely!" whined Rachel as she was moving around in the sheets. "I'm literally in front of you." said Zane with his arms crossed. "Zaney Bear! Come on!" whined Rachel. "Good grief." thought Zane as he loudly sighed and looked at the devil. "Do you really like being mean to me? I thought you loved me and...." said Rachel.
Within seconds, Zane got onto the bed and smiled. He began punishing her with the combo of tickles and noogies. "Owie! Please stop doing that Zaney! I'm sorry!" said Rachel. With a light flick to the nose, Zane looked at her. "I love you Rae but don't act like Wolfram. I love the little guy but he can be so needy sometimes. You're both adorable so I can't be too mad at either of you for too long." said Zane with a smile. As she rubbed her head due to the noogies, Zane pulled her in for a close hug.
Rachel looked up at Zane's smile. "Don't be sad Rae. I like how much you love me more than Wolfram does since you have boobs and he doesn't. I hope. Don't know too much about Phantom animal biology yet." said Zane. "I think you're rambling again." said Rachel. "And that's a bad thing?" said Zane. "Not at all but if you're going on on, I need to do this." said Rachel as she wanted a kiss from him. Zane did this without a fight as the two kissed.
The devil's mouth allowed her fiancé's tongue access to the inside of her mouth. A soft whimper escaped her lips as their kiss got more intense. After removing her mouth from his, Rachel looked at him and she smiled. "Guess what Zane?" said Rachel. "What is it my beloved wife?" said Zane. With a big smirk on her face, Rachel pounced him and nuzzled his face in a catlike manner. "I love you and I need to be with you forever!" said Rachel.
Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"I can easily figure that out Rae since you screamed to the heavens when you... Oh. I get it. You just keeping being you and I'll keep bein me.". "That's a good boy. You deserve a special reward for being such a good boy." said Rachel as she hugged him and got ready for him to do something that she had been thinking about for their entire all day date. Rachel rested her body against Zane's with her using his chest as a pillow. "Can I be a little selfish here Zaney?" said Rachel.
She looked up at him with a smile on her face. "Haven't you been doing that since we got home my devil?" muttered Zane. This comment would have earned him a punch or kiss ,with the latter being the more common of the two, but the devil was too tired for either option right now. "Can I cuddle with Zara? I mean we've cuddle a lot today and before so I think it's only fair that we cuddle as girls..." said Rachel.
On her face, she had on a smile that would anyone fall head over heels in love to this incredibly sexy and amazing woman. "Sure. I don't mind at all." said Zane. "Thank you. I really love all of you." said Rachel. Within a second, Zara appeared and she smiled. Within seconds, Rachel put her breasts against Zara's. "So do you mind if you stay like this for the rest of the night? I need a good night sleep." said Rachel with her smiling at the Cross Species.
Astaroth smirked as she said,"So did you see this coming or what partner?". "I won't confirm or deny that I did but I know for a fact that you're not going to be against this right?" said Zara. Rachel ,with her being barely awake at this point, started to hug and cuddle up to Zara with her said in her sleep,"You're so soft. Rae Rae likes a lot.". She began rubbing her head into Zara's massive rack. Zara shook her head in amusement with her kissing her forehead. "Good night Rachel. I love you." whispered Zara.
Even though she didn't need to sleep, she decided to rest her eyes. As the sun was slowing rising over Cypress Park's horizon, the first rays of light shined across the city. People were slowly waking up and getting themselves ready to start another day. A light breeze blew through the city, carrying with it the scent of the sea. One of Cypress Park's inhabitant aka a rooster decided to crow out the welcome from a brand new day. This simple serenade bothered a being with hyper hearing.
From her home, Zara released a "small" burst of Empyrean Will and killer intent all over Cypress Park in an instant. This burst only effected that annoying bird who passed out ,with it looking rather pale, and fall to the ground with foam coming out of its mouth. This confused the nearby farmers and animals who were slightly thankful for the rooster shuting its mouth. This sound caused Zara to wake up from her slumber and she growled.
With a single eye open, Zara muttered out,"Annoying bunch of feathers. You totally had it coming.". "I would say that was a stupid use of Empyrean Will but that bird had it coming." said Astaroth. "You really do make a good wingman Astaroth. So mind helping me convincing Rae to let me go back to being male or what?" said Zara as she saw several rays of sunlight streaming in through the window. "I would but she would kill me if I took away her favorite pillows." said Astaroth.
The devil like creature smiled as he said,"And yes Zara. I know what I said. I may be technically dead to begin with but Rae would find a way to kill me.". "That's true. She really hates whenever her pillow is taken from her. So did she do anything to my body while I was sleeping?" said Zara. "And what if she did?" said Astaroth. "Just curious is all. I'm not against it." said Zara, shrugging. "Just look down and you'll get your answer." said Astaroth.
Zara turned to the sleeping Rachel with the sight of the peaceful looking girl made her smile. She could pick up the adorable sounds of breathing coming from her and with ease, she moved some of her hair from her face. As the light hit her hair, it began to glow like fire and it reminded Zane of her fiery temper. "She really does look cute whenever she's awake or sleep. I'm so happy for her. I think she did a good job at making the All Day Date perfect." said Zara.
Astaroth nodded as he said,"Yeah. You helped too and don't you forget. Still, I wonder what she thinks about you.". "We could find out by reading her mind." said Zara with a giggle. "Okay but whenever she finds out we did this, I'm totally throwing you under the bus." said Astaroth. "You can do that partner but well, she'll side with me since I got that technique and you don't." said Zara with a smirk. "That may be true but we'll just have to wait and see." said Astaroth.
Zara placed her right pinky finger on Rachel's head and began reading the devil's mind. "Oh Zane. I love you so much but Zara. She's just amazing especially her boobies." thought Rachel. She began nuzzling against Zara's breasts which were soft, round, and squishy. Said devil began letting out a sound that reminded Zara of a cat purring. "Her boobs feel so soft and tranquilizing like a warm hug after a long day of studying and being apart from my one true life." thought Rachel as she purred louder.
The Cross Species removed her finger from Rachel's forehead and she smiled. "So if she wasn't a devil Astaroth, do you think she would be a good bakeneko?" said Zara. "Yeah she really would. I wonder if we could convince her to switch species on us." said Astaroth. "Maybe if we uses my girls, we just might be able to." said Zara. The duo talked for a while as Rachel slowly woke up. The first thing she saw was something between her eyes. "Oh my goddess!" said Rachel as her face was crimson red.
She was looking over the woman whose figure is easily the most beautiful she has ever seen and held a luscious elegance to it. Her lips were parted in a smile with Rachel wondering if she wouldn't mind if she kissed them. Before she could continue that thought, she noticed that her hand was still holding onto Zara's left breast and began slowly taking her hand off the well-developed chest. "I think it's time for you to tease the teaser partner." said Astaroth.
Hearing that, Zara formed an evil smile on her face and she said,"Good idea Astaroth.". "Oh Rae. How about you just leave your hand right there while I do this." said Zara as her eyes had an air of mischief to them. The Cross Species poked the devil in one of her erogenous zone aka her bellybutton and this woke her up. Rachel turned her head to Zara who smiled at her. "While I may love you a lot, I don't like being touched in that way." said Rachel with a pout on her face.
The Cross Species rolled her eyes as she said while licking her lips in a seductive manner,"And that's a lie if I've ever one. So do you want to go a round with little old me before I go back to being the man of your dream?". "No! I mean I want to but...." said Rachel with her face was redder than a tomato. "You want to take this slow huh? I'm shocked since you wanted to do Zane just after he saved you from Blaze." said Zara. She walked toward Rachel with the Cross Species kissing the devil's neck.
These kisses made the devil purred like a cat. "Oh wow. You made her purred with kisses. I mean you did the same with your bazoombas earlier. Color me impressed." said Astaroth. "Well, I have the ability to seduce men and women like you can. I just tend to specifically in women. I'm doing this for a specific reason." said Zara. "Which is?" said Astaroth. "Convince Rachel to do some training obvious. I really want to increase her fighting prowess." said Zara.
Astaroth sighed as he said,"Sure but do you mind if I ask her? You're a sadist when it comes to training and she's scared of you going too far even though she knows why.". "Thanks for being that for me partner." said Zane. "No problem. We may be partners Zane but I'm not a sadist like you are." said Astaroth. "Okay but please make sure that she becomes stronger but first things first...." said Zara with Rachel blushing heavily.
While Zara was talking to Astaroth, she was moving her hands across Rachel's body. "You should be happy Rae. Astaroth managed to convince me to let me train you a bit before we go meet up with the others. He is such a nice guy isn't he?" said Zara. "Yes! Now please let them go." said Rachel as Zara's hands were on her breasts. "And you're lying again Rae. You love my hands on them don't you?" said Zara.
Rachel thought,"You may be a sadist when it comes to training and now you're a sadist when it comes to groping me!". "That may be true but I'm proud of it. So do you miss the male me or did your favorite version of me change?" said Zara with a grin. "I like both genders equally but I miss male you." said Rachel with her pouting her cheeks out in annoyance at losing Zara. The Cross Species could tell that Rachel was going to miss her pillows but she had an idea.
Within a second, Zara turned back into Zane with the male playfully poking the pouting Rachel on her cute nose. "I know that you miss her but don't worry. You'll see her again." said Zane. "Fine but she better come back soon. I miss her." said Rachel with her crossing her chest with her arms. "I miss you too Rae but soon, we'll have our fun times once again!" said Zane with him changing his voice to match hers. "I love you." said Rachel.
After switching his voice back to normal, Zane looked at her. "Okay. I'm well aware of that but why did you fall for Zara so fast? I mean we're the same being but usually, you don't fall in love with something that fast. That's more my thing. I don't mind this side of you Rae but I'm honestly curious about it." said Zane. "Okay but I'll tell you in the bath tub." said Rachel with a playful smile. "While I may not be against taking a bath with you, do you really think that's the best place for a talk like this?" said Zane.
He blinked with him thinking,"Hold on. I think she just wants to see me naked even though she has seen me naked before. Whatever, I better just do it to make her happy.". "Of course!" said Rachel with her looking in a proud posture. Her hands were on her hips and Zane was pretty sure that she made her breasts bounce on purpose to get his attention. It worked. "Fine. I'll get the bath ready and if you're late by even a second, bad things will happen." said Zane.
Rachel was the one confused now. "And why do you want to get the bath ready?" said Rachel. She was curious about the whole thing. "Because of reasons that I won't tell you and you'll find out." said Zane as he turned back into Zara. Instead of seeing the beauty in clothing, she was wearing only a white fluffy towel. She was well aware of how Zara could look with less clothing but that tiny towel just drew her attention to her hourglass figure and the massive mounds on her chest.
Zara winked at her as she said with a seductive grin,"So do you like what you see Rachel? If you want to join your big sis, I'm more than open to the idea of some bathroom bonding before we meet up with the others at the Velvet Spoon for the very big news. I wants you to be happy so come join me before I change my mind on the whole thing.". The devil's eyes were wandering down and staring at Zara's swinging hips and statuesque butt.
This is due to the towel looked ready to expose her body at any second. The bottom of her rear stuck out from the towel, immediately causing Rachel's hormones to go insane at this image. Knowing Rachel like she does, she gave her bottom a hard smack. It rippled like a pebble in a lake. "She's doing this to me on purpose I know but wow, she's really good at being seductive." thought Rachel. Zara entered the bathroom with her closing the door using her behind.
She left behind a beyond flustered Rachel who began thinking about what was going on. "Okay. I don't know if she and Astaroth are working together to tease me but I'm not against this entirely. Oh gods. I'm a pervert like mom is or was." said Rachel. She remembered some of the stories Ignacio told her about Marian. They usually involve her trying to seduce dad using her body and elaborate schemes that would be perfect on a nineties sitcom. I'm talking like Full House and early Simpsons level here.
The devil had a love-struck look on her face as she thought,"Oh gods. I am my mom but Zane has told me that he likes it when I do stuff like that. I really like how developed she is and the way her ass moves when she sways it back and forth alongside those honkers!". From inside the bathroom, Astaroth and Zane were talking. "So are you enjoying this partner? And she does know we can hear her right?" said Zara with a shit eating grin on her face.
Astaroth shrugged as he said,"Yeah. I didn't know that Rae could be such a perv. Nice job using your butt to close the door. If I was in your shoes, I would have used my guys. I guess seeing the seductress act like this is a nice chance of pace but don't go too far. We both know what happens when she's pushed too far in terms of teasing. Her perversion is just less subtle than ours is and I was thinking about using Zenith Duplication for some fun times.". He was chuckled perversely.
Zara sighed as she said,"I can't believe that you're a massive pervert. Didn't expect that whatsoever. I blame Rico for that and at least compared to him, you're a less subtle pervert toward women in general. It doesn't make it better but you get my point.". "I would be upset about you calling me a pervert but right now, I don't care. You two are fulfilling the secret yuri dreams that most straight men have in some way so go nuts you two crazy lovebirds." said Astaroth in a sage like tone.
The Cross Species shook her head as she said,"And people think girls are confusing. I'm sure that no one will understand what goes through your mind.". "I think people say the same thing about you partner." said Astaroth. "You're right about that." said Zara. "So you may want to get her in here already. We have things like training and telling the others the big news. She's coming by the way so get nude already. I doubt she's going to be in the bath with a bikini on." said Astaroth.
Zara began running the water as she said,"I can't believe this. One of my secret dreams is coming true and the part of me who is known for being jealous is letting this happen.". "Yeah. Fate's weird like that. Don't worry. I won't tell Kane or Sivarth about this." said Astaroth. "What about Cole?" said Zara with her being well aware of Cole's inability to keep a secret. "Don't worry about him and just relax. I mean you got this and be yourself." said Astaroth.
The Cross Species nodded as she removed her towel and got into the water, smiling at its warmth with her breasts bobbed up and down with the water. To get Rachel to come in faster, she had an idea. "Rae Rae! It's bath time!" said Zara. "Wow Zara. Rae Rae?" said Astaroth. "If you make another comment like that, I'll block you from enjoying the yuri." said Zara with a frown. "You wouldn't partner!" said Astaroth. "Don't tempt me." said Zara. Outside of the bathroom, Rachel could hear the water running.
She also saw the stream rising from the crack under the door. "I'm here Zara." said Rachel with a deep breath. "Come on in! The water is just divine and the bubbles are great too!" said Zara as she spoke in a childish manner. The bathroom door opened as Rachel walked in with her wearing a towel and a bikini underneath. This bikini is the one she had on yesterday so Zara had seen it before. "Oh wow. She's wearing a bikini. I didn't see that coming." said Astaroth with him being completely sarcastic
Zara ignored this comment as she had a big smile on her face. This was due to the bath being the perfect temperature and also seeing Rachel in a bikini. "Come on in Rae Rae! The water is amazing but not as amazing you are especially in that towel!" said Zara in a childish tone. "Rae Rae huh. That's the best pet name you could come up with right? You're usually up for bubble baths but only on your personal days Zane. So are you sure about us being together in the baths like this?" said Rachel.
She had a bright red face that reminded the Cross Species of a tomato or a really angry Sam. "It's fine since I really wants to know why you love female me so much and fast. How about you come on in already?" said Zara with her grabbing some bubbles and blowing them at her. "We're just two women taking a bath together. I mean this is perfectly normal right?" said Zara. Rachel removed the towel and showed off her bikini.
Zara had an idea as she said,"You're wearing a bikini?". She already knew about it but wanted to see Rachel's reaction to find out that she didn't. "Yes. Aren't you?" said Rachel. "Yeah. I'm totally doing that." said Zara. "She's lying but honestly, I don't care." thought Rachel as she entered the bath. Both women enjoyed the warm water that in turned create steam that covered their bathroom. "This is really nice." said Rachel.
She was trying her best to look away from Zara's natural G Cups that floated alongside the water. "After what we all went through yesterday, I think we totally deserve this. Isn't that right my babypop and Snookums?" said Rachel. "It seems that someone is clearly trying to avoid looking at the girls. I'm guessing that I'm Snookums and your babypop is Zane." said Zara. "It's a better nickname than Rae Rae." said Astaroth. "Shut up or no yuri for you." said Zara.
Astaroth shrugged as Zara said,"So Rae. Tell me. Why are you wearing a bikini?". "Aren't you?" said Rachel. "I like to take my baths without that pesky clothing bothering me. I bet we can do this twice a week." said Zara with her giggling as she leaned onto the devil's shoulder. "Hurrah." said Rachel with a blush on her face since she was in the bath with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and she was utterly naked.
The two were silent as they enjoyed the bath. "So Zara?" said Rachel. "Yes sweetie? Is something wrong?" said Zara with her moving her head in a cute manner. "Aren't you curious about how I'm acting around you? I mean I'm usually so bold when it comes to male you but with female you. I act like so..." said Rachel. "Pusillanimous?" said Zara. "If you mean scared, yes. I don't mean to freak you out by this side of me." said Rachel.
Zara smiled as she leaned onto Rachel's chest, pressing together their breasts against each other. She also kissed her on the cheek. Inside of the mindscape, Astaroth had a pervert smile on his face. "Come on Rae. Tell me." said Zara. "As you know, I like both guys and girls a lot." said Rachel with a light blush due to how close they were to each other. "Uh huh. I know that. I mean I'm the same except we prefer women." said Zara with her eyes rolled.
Rachel nodded as she said,"That's true. When I was growing up, I always wanted a female to bond with. I wanted someone I could take a bath right and sleep with. My mom would let me snuggle into her bosom and that would make feel safe.". Zara hugged her, wrapping her own arms around her. "If you wanted this for a long time, why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm sure I wouldn't mind letting your fantasy come to life since I'm totally enjoy our hot girl on girl action right now." said Zara.
The devil shook her head as she said,"I'm sure that you would but it's really awkward to ask. The relationship that we have is something that I treasure dearly and I didn't want that to change our relationship.". "Look. You should know that asking me for a serious girl on girl relationship isn't going to change our relationship. If you want to be with Zara, just ask okay?" said Zara with a kind, motherly look on her face.
Rachel's eyes widened as she said,"Really? Do you mean it?! I mean you're technically a guy most of the time!". "Tell her yes partner. If you call yourself a man, you will do this." said Astaroth. "I will do this partner but you should know that I do respect women." said Zara. "As do I espcially when it comes to combat since they tend to aim for the male's Achilles Heel quite often." said Astaroth with Zara agreeing with that statement.
After finishing their mental conversation, Zara nodded her head and this made Rachel hug her. Due to how close they were, their breasts were pressed close together. "This is so damn sexy." thought Zara with her holding back a bloody nose. "Amen to that partner. You really did a good thing for two reasons." said Astaroth. "Thank you so much Zara. You won't regret being with me whatsoever!" said Rachel as she gave the Cross Species a really big smile.
Zara returned the hug as she said,"No problem. That's what lovers do for each other and this is the least I can do for you.". "What do you mean?" said Rachel. "That you accepted this so easily. I know that it may not look like it but I was actually really worried about showing this side to you. I mean I was nervous about introducing this side to you since well, I like our relationship." said Zara with a small yet heart warming smile on her face.
Rachel moved her arm around the Cross Species's waist to comfort her. "Yeah. I could tell that but it was hard when you were groping me. I guess you were really nervous huh?" said Rachel. "I guess so but well, you're just so gropeable. When I'm nervous, I grope." said Zara. "Like I told you before, that only works as a compliment when it comes from you." said Rachel with a caring tone. "Yeah. I'm just happy that we can be together and hold no secrets between you." said Zara.
She sounded happy and honest. "I mean you already love Zane for being the hero and the guy behind the mask but having you love female me is important too." said Zara. After hugging, Rachel looked at her as she said,"So Zara.". "What's up?" said Zara. "Do you mind if I call you my big sister? I mean you're like a big sister to me even though I see you as a lover too. It's like how Zane is a big brother type figure to a lot of people including people his own age or older in Efren's case." said Rachel.
Rachel had a dark red blush on her face as she said,"You don't need to change who you are because honestly, you're doing a much better at being a sister compared to the twinsters.". "Sure thing Rae but only if I can call you my little sis? It's like how I call Danny my brother. I also love Ana but she's adorable." said Zara with a smile on her face. "Thank you big sister! Thank you so much!" said Rachel in a extra cute tone.
She hugged the Cross Species tighter. "Way to go. I'm proud of how you're handling this." said Astaroth with a smile on his face. "Thanks. I'm really good at helping people after all." said Zara. "True. Oh and Rae is trying to get her big sis's attention." said Astaroth. The devil was pushing her breasts onto Zara's and wrapped her arms around the blackette's neck. "You're really good at seducing me big sis so how about you give me some tips?" said Rachel with a big grin on her face.
Astaroth clapped as he said,"Oh! Do it! Please I'm begging you!". He was really enjoying how close the girls assets are to each other. It was making the start of today amazing. "I'll do it only if you get rid of that pesky bikini. I want to have some serious girl on girl action but it's in the way." said Zara with her smirking. "Okay!" said Rachel as she took off her bikini top much to Astaroth and Zane's joy. The two continued bathing, enjoying themselves and Astaroth enjoying it as well from the mindscape.
The Cross Species kissed Rachel on her forehead with Rachel saying,"Thank you for loving me and well, I think we need to get washed up.". Due to how comfortable she was, she didn't noticed the twinkle in Zara's eyes that appears whenever Zane has a prank in mind. Zara grabbed the shampoo with her washing the devil's hair. Rachel happily nodded as she started to scrub herself down with it, making suds appear throughout her body and the tubs.
Even though they were both grown women, the two began playing around the suds. "Moments like this make you really want to relax. It beats our bath time Zaney. Don't be jealous okay?" said Rachel. "I'm not since this is like watching one of those videos that Rico showed me once during my training." said Zara as she playfully blew suds at Rachel. The two continued their playful flirting until they stood up with Rachel draining the water from the tub.
It left the women covered in soap suds that covered their bodies in certain places on their bodies aka natural censoring. Think of natural censoring like that smoke that covers a woman's body during a bath scene. But as the two were about to finished by Rachel who started the shower to clean off their suds covered bodies, she heard a unsettling giggle coming from Zane. "Um. Are you feeling alright big sister? You're scaring me." said Rachel.
Zara smiled as she said in a pixie like tone,"It's fine Rae because I'm just having some fun.". "Haven't you have been fun this entire time?" said Rachel as she felt Zara's breasts against her back. "You got this sis. Show her how perverted we can be." said Zane. "What are you.... You can't be serious are you big sis...?" said Rachel. Zara didn't let her finish as she cupped her hands onto Rachel's breasts and began playing with them.
This made Rachel moan and try to get out of it. "It's time for your breast massage little sis!" said a jubilant Zara. "Big sister! Why are you like this?! You're worse than normal!" said Rachel with her not hating it in the slightest and she was saying this in between moans as the shower began. "I'm just getting out some pent-up lust I had! I got to be honest with you little sis. Your boobs feel good." said Zara with her massaging the devil's breasts.
Zane giggled as she said,"They're so soft and firm too! It doesn't match mine but they're still pretty good!". Thank you big sister. Coming from you, I'm really happy to hear that." said Rachel with her moaning out in pleasure and there was a noticeable blush on her face at the treatment she was getting from her girlfriend. She stopped trying to fight it as Zara went faster but didn't make it painful for the devil.
The Cross Species began tickling the other woman, causing her to laugh at the feeling. "So tell me little sis, how ticklish are you?" said Zara. "You know how much I am big sister." said Rachel as she knew what was going to happen to her and didn't try to fight her. "Amazing." said Zara with her beginning to tickle the devil. Rachel began laughing loudly from the tickle attack. "Her hands are soft and warm!" thought Rachel.
This went on for a while before Zara decided to stop after sensing that Rachel was close to passing out from laughing too much. "And here's where I stop for now little sister. Hope you're excited for the next time I do this." said Zara. "Okay big sister." said Rachel with her smiling at her. "It's official. You and Rachel's intense flirting is amazing and even more whenever there is lesbian moments on Love that Transcends Time and Space. These moments are peak sexy." said Astaroth.
He threw her a thumbs up. "So why is it that the most powerful beings all are perverts?" said Zara. "No clue. I think it's a side effect of having all of this immense power. Who knows what you will be like when you're older like over a hundred." said Astaroth. "Probably a jerk who pushes people away in order to have their Essence broken again. That sounds right and I won't regret it." said Zara. The two women finished up their shower as their bodies had a lack of suds.
Zara smirked as she said,"I guess I should sorry for doing that little sister but well, your body is just begging for a grabbing!". "You're such a pervert you know that right?" said Astaroth. "Can it you bigger pervert!" said Zara. Rachel giggled at how she could tell that Zara was yelling at one of the beings who share he body even though couldn't see. After she finished drying herself off, a sudden idea came to mind. She began poking her own breasts with her face blushing red at the action.
Rachel said,"I know that you love grabbing me, so big sister.". "What's up little sis? Up for another grope?" said Zara as she was drying her hair using a mini tornado. Rachel began playing with her fingers as the towel covered her breasts. "No. So maybe after the wedding, we can do this again?" said Rachel. "I would be honored to be your big sister whenever you want little sis." said Zara with her looking at Rachel.
Astaroth chucked as he said,"Yeah. I don't mind this at all since I get to view some sexy lesbian moments from the safety of my mind.". "While I love Zane's magic fingers, yours was amazing too big sister! I just don't think we should go that far yet." said Rachel with her looking dreamily and her gem like eyes sparkled. "True. I'm just happy to have a girl to grope other than myself obviously." said Zara. Rachel blinked at her as she said,"Did you just say what I think you said?".
The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Yeah. I've been lonely since I discovered this side of myself a few months ago.". "Very smooth partner. Way to make your intentions known up front." said Astaroth with a smirk. "Shut up you!" shouted Zara. "Little sister. Are you happy to have someone like me be with you?" said Zara. "Yep!" said Rachel with her placing her toes in a shy manner and had a cute expression on her face.
Zara giggled as she said,"Okay then little sister. I'll fulfill your selfish request.". She went and pecked Rachel on the forehead. This made Rachel really happy before she jumped onto Rachel, boobs were pressed against each other again. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for! I would have you as a bridesmaid but I really want to marry Zane!" said Rachel. "I can't believe. She is somehow more cuter than normal." thought Zara.
Astaroth smiled as he said,"Be happy that she loves every single part of you.". "Thank you for that partner." said Zara. "Seeing this side of you is oddly interesting." said Astaroth with him sounding very smug. After some time, their bodies were wrapped in towels. "So do you mind if I go back to being Zane? I really don't want to show myself off to others like this for a while. You were lucky to see this to begin with" said Zara.
She was standing in a womanly pose as she said,"I want to remain a little secret to only you for now little sis.". Rachel looked at Zara being that while she did miss Zaney a great deal, she didn't want to ruin the sisterly bonding they were having. "Darn. If you do that, I can't be with you anymore until you reveal yourself. I'll miss your boobs so much." said Rachel with her having big and watery puppy dog eyes and she was poking Zara's breasts. With a small sigh, she flicked Rachel's forehead.
Zara grabbed both of her breasts as Rachel said,"Big sister! Don't do that!". Her body was covered in a bright pink blush. "I'm sure you know that I don't like when Wolfram acts clingy. I'll come back but male me misses you a lot. And I know you liked that grope." said Zara with a giggle. "Okay but come back." said Rachel. "You got it little sister." said Zara. She was about to walk out of the room with her stopped by Rachel.
The devil chuckled as she said,"You know me so well big sister!". Like Zara, she was not trying to hide her intentions whatsoever. "Oh well. You better listen to her since you know how stubborn she can be." said Astaroth. "Yeah. So do you think she's going to keep staring at my breasts with obvious lust in her eyes?" said Zara. "I think that will happen once we stop doing that." said Astaroth. "So never I guess." said Zara. "Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner folks!" said Astaroth.
Zara ignored Astaroth with her hugging Rachel. The towel-covered breasts were pressed against each other much to Astaroth's joy. "Goodbye little sister. Even when you're with Zaney, your big sister will always be there for you." said Zara with her rubbing the devil's head in a similar manner to when Zane has to calm down Uriel, Zoey, and Wolfram when they're upset or craving attention. She walked out of the room and turned back into Zane. "Yep. I'm in love with her even more." said Zane.
Before Astaroth could say anything, Zane's phone rang and he walked toward it. He held it up and it had an interesting symbol covering the phone's main screen. The background was black and red with a gold twelve pointed star in the center of the background. There was a slime like creature and it reminded Zane of his slime like form. It wasn't the Slime Form that comes from his watch but its creator Parker instead.
It was shaped like a rain droplet and like an oval. It was a royal blue color with two round storm gray eyes and his smile looked sinister unlike Zane's which has been goofy. It had a dragon like tail with the end of it having lightning bolts coming out of it. Most people would have gotten rid of it due to it looking rather creepy looking and considered to be nothing more than a bug. However, Zane's phone is extremely advanced and makes supercomputers look like joke.
Zane picked it up and he sighed. "Is something wrong Zane?" said a voice. He turned around to Rachel all clothed. "It's nothing. Just someone texting me aka the prison. Let just say that Adrian isn't too happy about me changing his maid back to normal." said Zane. "Okay then. So are you ready to go? The others are waiting for us at the Velvet Spoon." said Rachel. "Yeah but I've to meet you there since I need to do something important first." said Zane.
Rachel looked at him with her seeing his signature fire behind his eyes. This fire has been called the flame of rebellion since nothing would take it out. If it gets hit with a powerful gust of wind, it wouldn't be destroyed no matter what. Any attempt to take this flame out, it would only make it stronger. "Okay then. I bet you'll be late since being Zero never ends." said Rachel. Zane nodded as Rachel left the room and the Cross Species sighed. "Lets do this." said Zane.
Later at Velvet Spoon, Danny was sitting there at a table with him whistling loudly. "Um Danny." said Leo. He turned to see the rest of Team Maelstrom except for Zane looking at him. "What?" said Danny as he stopped whistling. "I know that you're worried about Zane but I'm sure he'll be just fine. So for the love of the gods, stop whistling." said Jordan. "Yeah. Wolfram's hearing can't handle it and I'm sure if Zane was here, he couldn't either." said Lynx.
Wolfram looked at them with him saying,"I'm fine Lynx. Thanks for worrying about me. My hearing isn't strong as masters so your whistling don't hurt that much. My hearing only hits a little bit.". "It's weird to hear you talk with your mouth instead of your mind by the way. I know that our lives haven't been normal for a while now and I should be used to it but I'm not." said Kevin. "Same mate." said Allen. "Sometimes you two. So where is Zane? He's ninety minutes late." said Sly.
Efren nodded as he said,"Yeah. I think we would know if Captain is out there fighting against a bad guy and well, I'm mad at you Rachel.". "Um why?" said Rachel. "You fought against an entire clan of devils without us and more importantly, me!" said Efren. "While I do think Efren's reason is a tad bit selfish, I have to agree that challenging one of the five devil clans just the two of you is stupid." said Gwen. "But from what it sounds like, you two had a fun date over all." said Heidi.
Leo nodded as he said,"Yeah! I mean you two have been planned the date for almost a year now and your guys wedding is coming up too. I'm really excited for it.". "And I'm one of the groomsmen and not one of you guys." said a smug Kevin. "Lucky jerk. Why aren't I the other best man for captain/master instead of him?" grumbled Efren and Wolfram respectively. "You guys do know that it wasn't an easy decision for them right?" said Sly.
The Lazmond looked at the two as she said,"She's right. Danny and Kevin are considered to be Zane's two closest male friends outside of his brothers of course.". "I know that but still." said Efren with him sulking. "She's right Efren. Even though you're the newest member of Team Maelstrom, you clearly understand Zane and his history better than I do when I first joined. You also understand the Omniverse better than the rest of us so that's impressive in its own right." said Allen.
Efren nodded as he said,"Yeah. I've barely explored it before I was captured and detained in Dark Haven.". "You do remember that I was in stasis for a long time right but thanks you guys. Did your team's form because of the Domination game?" said Lynx. "That's what the Alliance says it is Lynx but to us, it started way back against the Meat Baron with me, Gwen, and Zane." said Danny as Gwen nodded and smiled at that memory since it was one of her favorite memory.
The bar's door opened as the group turned to see Zane standing there. The very first thing the group noticed that Zane had a different hair cut that they were used to seeing on him. His black hair ,with red tips, was shorted to a very distinct looking like style. It was not your typical shonen anime protagonist hair cut aka the trope of Shonen Hair. If you need a visual example of Zane's new hair cut, I have some examples for you.
We have Nero's haircut from Devil May Cry 5, Aang's hair from Avatar: The Last Airbender Book Three before the Day of the Black Sun, Zoro's haircut from One Piece, and Zuko's haircut from Avatar: The Last Airbender Book Two before he gets the shaggy look. I hope these examples did a good job at showing off what Zane's hair looks like. It still had its wild look to it with his hair no longer covering his neck and exposing his neck tattoo.
He has his single bang which hangs over the left side of his forehead and this bang is a red color. "Hey there you guys. Sorry I'm late." said Zane. "Dude. I've never seen your hair this short before ever." said Danny as he walked over to Zane. "Yeah. I decide to get it cut since it was time for a change and it was around my shoulders." said Zane. "Captain. I think it looks great on you." said Efren. "I agree with Efren!" said Wolfram as he went over to Zane to give him for a headpat.
Danny put his arm around Zane's neck as he said,"I think this is a good change for you. So Rae told us that you are going to tell us about your year with the Alliance, you ready to spill the beans? We won't force you too if you're uncomfortable.". "Yep. I asked three of my friends I made there to help. One of them is going to be here in a few minutes since it takes a while for her to leave Ezlario or to be more specific, her apartment." said Zane. "And the other two?" said Heidi.
The door opened as they heard a reserved heavenly feminine voice say,"I can't believe we managed to be late to our very important meeting sister. Couldn't inhibit yourself huh?". "Oh shut up! I know for a fact, we would have been late regardless and not because of my stomach!" said a aggressive yet heavenly voice. A pair of heels taping across the floor were present among the bickering as the group except for Zane turned their head toward the door.
Walking toward them were a set of female twins ,around their age, heading toward them. Both twins look to be around five foot eight. They both had a petite yet curvy frame with the girl on the right having a bit more muscle than the girl on the left. They both have a noticeable yet whimsical appeal about them. They both have porcelain like skin with a rosy blush on their face and piercing gold eyes. If their eye color wasn't obvious enough, neither of them were normal humans.
They both have purple hair with them being different shades of purple. The girl on the right has shoulder red-violet hair. She has part of her hair tied in a braided ponytail on the right side of her head and resting on her right shoulder. It's held thanks to a golden skull shaped hairclip. She's wearing a black satiny blouse with the front of it being a royal blue color and the section of her blouse that's a royal blue color forms the letters T and Y.
She's wearing a pair of royal blue jeans and brown boots that got to the middle of her calves. She wears a white wool scarf that cover her neck. Over her left arm, she's wearing an armband with a metal yin symbol on it. The girl on the left has long ,about to the tip of her scapula, heliotrope magenta hair. Her bangs cover her left eye and the left half of her forehead. Unlike the girl on the right, she is wearing a faint layer of makeup.
It came in the form of makeup over her eyes, lips, and cheeks. Her lips are a ruby red color. She's wearing a black long-sleeved trendy velvet sundress with several gold cats and white crescent moons decorating the dress. Her dress go past her knees. She is wearing a bracelet with a metal yang symbol on her right arm. She's wearing silver high heeled Mary Jane shoes that had a butterfly like style to them that don't actually raise her height up.
The girl on the left is wearing a silver circlet around her head and there was a gold "TY" in the center of the circlet. The girl on the left is wearing small, gold earrings. Over all, these two look straight out of a fantasy story. The girl on the left wore a gold necklace with the roman numeral "XV" on it and the girl on the right wore a gold necklace with the Roman numeral "XVI" on it. The one on the right had a angry look on her face with her arms crossed and the one on the left has a calm looking smirk.
Both of them stopped next to Zane with the calm one smiling at Zane. "Sorry we're late Zane. My dear sister was distracted by this cupcake in the window of a nearby bakery." said the calm one aka the twin on the left. "It's fine you two. I know how both you and Celina love your sweets mainly Celina." said Zane. "Hey! Don't blame me entirely for us being late Zane! Izola called it absolutely scrumptious and her mouth watered." said Celina.
Izola shrugged as she said,"I won't deny that at all but I only stare at the confectionary for five minutes compared to your ten.". Before Celina could say anything, Zane stopped her. "It's fine. I think you two should introduce yourself while I check on the other one's ETA." said Zane. "That's understandable given her personality. Hello Team Maelstrom. It’s nice to meet all of you. I've seen all of you and your strong connection to Zane." said Izola, bowing to them.
Celina smiled as she said,"Yep and if you all managed to hurt him in a serious way, I would have no problem in breaking you into pieces.". "Nice to meet you both. So how do you two know Zane?" said Heidi. "Oh. Our relationship to Zane is built off the relationship he made with my master. He's also the man we believe will defeat Skull Plague and has earned our love." said Izola with Celina blushing but she agreed. "Hold on Zane. You charmed another girl?!" said Kevin.
Zane looked at his friend with him shrugging. "I think you of all beings would know that he's very good at that mate. It's probably one of his family's special gifts. It's both of a blessing and curse despite it being more of the former than the latter to most guys." said Allen. "What he said and well, I doubt you would have that power Kevin." said Sly with Kevin sulking. "I guess I have a lot to tell you guys so lets begin." said Zane.
Next time,
Who are Celina? Who is the other being that Zane wants the others to meet? What happened in the year Zane was working for the Alliance? Will Rufus return or has his pride been destroyed by the couple of Rachel and Zane? Will there be another episode on this length again? This and more next time on Zero!
What Zane is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a ruin translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here https://www.vikingrune.com/rune-converter.
1. English: Destroy the being whose took away several being's freewill right now. Die! Liasada: Katastrépste to on pou tou afaírese tin elefthería pollón ónton aftí ti stigmí. Kaloúpi!
2. English: Increase the power of my attack! Liasada: Afxíste ti dýnami tis epíthesís mou!
Rufus's seven bodyguards:
Aurelio, Cicada, Cicatrix, Glenn, Lidox, Specter Samurai aka Shiegki Kawada, and Tulbur.
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