Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes Section 1 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. I didn't plan for another two months of 2020 not to have no posts but working on this took more time that I expected. I also played through Persona 5 Royal a second time and by doing that, it took up even more time. The review for that game will come eventually and there were a lot of other things that took up such as starting Fire Force and finally reading Kaguya-Sama: Love is War. I highly recommended both of them mainly Kaguya-Sama.

It's easily one of the best romantic comedies I've ever read. There is also the fact that I went back and updated some of the posts from later 2019- early 2020 which consisted of Zero Episode 128-146. Yeah so to be blunt, 2020 has been a downer of year and I'm going to say that the main reason why my writing has been moving at a snails pace. I don't like talking about politics and well, I tried to find something good involving this year. 

The article about 2020 itself thanks to Wikipedia didn't help my search since there was the death of Joel Schumacher, Kobe Byrant, Neil Peart, and the king of Wakanda himself Chadwick Boseman. I made it clear sometime late last year after my MCU binge that I honestly think Black Panther ,the movie, was the weakest Phase 3 movie for me and that's still the case now. My opinion on the movie hasn't changed and probably wouldn't. 

If Black Widow when that comes out is terrible, the rankings may change if is part of Phase 3. It was still sad to hear about Chadwick Boseman's death since he was only forty three year old when he died and since 2016, he had Colon Cancer. That's just impressive to me since he kept it a secret until his passing. It makes you think about one thing. How will the MCU work without the Black Panther? I mean thanks to the pandemic, Marvel Studios has had time to think about it.

This could mean that Shuri could be the next Black Panther. I mean we'll have female Thor so female Black Panther isn't totally impossible. We'll just have to wait and see. The next thing I want to talk about is a certain man who I'll be calling a mutated Oompa Loompa. With that comment alone, I think that made it pretty obviously who I'm talking about. The reason I bring him is up is quite simple and that reason is that I hate Trump Jokes. 

I don't like the guy whatsoever mind you but here is the thing. He really doesn't deserve to be president because he treats the job as nothing special at all, makes America look like a joke which isn't too hard given how dumb some American can be aka the whole Logan Paul showing off the the Aokigahara "suicide forest" a few years ago, and never learning from his mistakes. It's like seeing a real life TV show character who doesn't learn from mistakes and repeats them the very next episode. 

For me, it's only very annoying whenever I'm marathoning a show with that type of characters but you hopefully get my point. Did you know that President William Harrison did the least amount while he was President? To be fair to President William Harrison, he was sixty eight years old at the time. He may have done a lot as Senator for Ohio when he was alive. I may need to do more research on that but did you know that Zachary Taylor apparently died from eating cherries

The more you know I guess. The reason why I've never been a fan of Trump bashing jokes is that the punchline always end up the same way. Either he's an asshole, idiot, or sometimes both. I've never been the biggest fan of running jokes or hearing jokes that all have the same punchline. Do note that this is just a me thing. It's a nitpick at its finest. I've ranted about minor things before. So when people are actually happy that Trump may have got the virus and saying that he had it coming, you're awful. 

Plain and simple. He isn't a good person whatsoever and is a prime example of why people who hold important should probably be banned for social media but I would never wish death upon that person. That's not who I am. I may hate fictional characters for days but here's the thing. They aren't real. Trump is a real person so I won't wish death upon him. I also learned that a president should be banned for social media or if they have one, they should be heavily watched over. 

If you want to call me a Trump supporter for this hot take, go ahead but I'm not going to change my mind on the topic. Trump is an awful president but being happy about him getting the C virus, you're just bad as him in my books. Lets change topics one last time. After this longer than normal episode or special, Fairy Legion will return. This episode is a special which means that this is why it's a longer than normal episode. Thanks to the C virus, I had a lot of time working on Fairy Legion.

This may be a good thing to me though. Hopefully, these new changes will be be good.  

Narrator P.O.V.
Our story begins not on the planet Earth or in the Milky Way Galaxy. It takes place on the planet Saspra and in the Gamma Anchor System. This spiral galaxy is home to multiple planets such as Golax Prime MX which is the home of the Vordlarins and Ithuna which was the former home of the Magnus. Saspra hasn't changed much since Zane visited the planet six years ago. It's still a pale red color with a giant crater in the center of the planet. Said crater looked like an infinite symbol. 

This jungle is filled to the brim with vegetation and lacked any kind of life. The lab of Parker was busy with Kane ,in his Vulcorian form, looked at the elder Eazairvian who was in his human form. He was on his computer and typing away. "So what are you working on now slimey?" said Kane. Parker ignored him. "Hey! You should really respond to someone when they're talking to you." said Kane. Parker once again ignored him.

Kane sighed as he said to himself,"It seems that you and Zane are more alike than I thought.". "That should have been obvious Kane. Guess you and Zane also share some similar personality traits too. You both tend to ask the obvious and not needed questions." said a female voice. Kane turned toward the lab's entryway and saw Athena standing there with her arms crossed. She was in her human form but not the same one from Zero Episode 35. Here's a quick reminder of how she looks.  

She still has a petite form but instead of looking like a teenager, she looks like an adult. She still had a beautiful face with blue eyes. Her silver hair was still the same length except her bangs were swept to the left side of her face. She wears a white ,with black stripes, v neck shirt, a blue jean skirt with opaque black tights underneath, and white high heels. She is wearing black nail polish over her fingernails and toenails alongside some red lipstick. She now had a pair of gold hoop earrings in her ears. 

Kane looked at her as he said,"You're right but someone had to ask it. Azalea, Cole, and Lucifer are back at that placerelaxing. So why are the two of us are here or not with Zane who is currently on Earth? Sivarth gets to be with him so why not me.". "You know the answers Kane. We promised Janet and Zane that we would keep Parker from becoming a hermit. The reason why we're not with Zane is because I think he's doing fine with us backseat heroing as Cole puts it." said Athena.

She crossed her arms as she said,"Sivarth is with him since he promised not to backseat heroing and just sleep. Astaroth needs someone to talk with when Zane is busy and Sivarth fulfills that tole.". "I guess that's true. Out of everyone in Team Legion Zero, the only being who can't leave Zane is Astaroth and every being in the Omniverse needs someone to talk with." said Kane. "You're correct about every being needing someone to talk with Xazzaran." said Parker, not turning away from the monitor. 

Kane looked at Parker with him saying,"Oh. You respond to that Parker.". "Xazzaran. You were trying to start a conversation with me using elevator small talk which is something you got from being around Zane. As you're well aware by now, I don't respond to pointless things. It's possible for me to make bodies for beings inside of Zane to inhibit so they don't have to be inside of him but Astaroth and Sivarth are a different case." said Parker. 

Athena looked at him as he said,"And what is that?". "They're Zane's guardians." said Parker. "That's your answer? Not going to say anything scientific." said Kane. Parker ignored him and went back to his work. "And he's back to ignoring us. I feel so loved here." said Kane. "So father, what are you working on?" said Athena. "I don't think you're going to get an answer and calling him your dad is still weird no matter how times I hear it." said Kane. 

Parker blinked as he said,"Well Athena, I'm currently working on this.". "He answers you and not me?! What kind of sexist bull crap is that?!" said Kane. "You called me slimey. Only he can get away with those nicknames of his." said Parker. "So unfair." said Kane, sulking. Parker smirked as he punched in a few keys. After a few seconds, an image appeared that confused both Athena and Kane. It looked like a 3-d hourglass shape with it glowing azure blue and covered in a circuitry pattern. 

The hourglasses had a few steel gray pegs coming out of it. "So I know that I'm not the smartest being around but what is that?" said Kane. "No idea Kane." said Athena. "These right here are something I've been working on for Daniel." said Parker. "You mean Danny right?" said Kane. "After learning about him being a Homo Supremus and his desire to become strong so he can keep watching over Zane as another guardian, I decided to create this. I call it the Gadget Glass." said Parker. 

Kane rolled his eyes as he said,"Clever name. So what does it do?". "Gives him an upgraded version of Natasha's nanomachines or nano machines. While I admire the craftsmanship of hers, these one are more fitting. I'm planning on sending Zane the schematics soon. Just one of them will give the young Homo Supremus a major power boost." said Parker. "So did he just insult Zane's mom? I don't think some people are going to be happy about that." said Kane. 

Athena looked at him as she said,"I don't think he intended to since making fun of a single Alvarez piss off the entire family and trouble. So how will Danny get them inside of him? And will it lead to any nasty side effects in combat?". "Zane will have to inject them into Daniel through a syringe. It should increase his strength, ability to control that vast amount of energy inside of him, give him an impressive regenerative ability, and the ability to live forever." said Parker.

He crossed his arms as he said,"Normally, I would have him come here but I decided to do it this way since Danny needs to be there by Zane's side for the wedding. Once Zane inject Danny with my little invention, it will take about twelve hours to complete and it should be painless.". "Should be? Why am I worried for the kid?" said Kane. "He will be fine since losing someone close again won't be good for his recovery." said Parker. 

Parker typed something into his computer with a green progress bar appearing. "And it should be heading toward Zane through the Z.E.R.O. and I made sure to remind Rachel to tell Zane about it since that fool has a tendency to ignore my calls." said Parker. The Eazairvian grumbled about Zane getting the high-fructose corn syrup on the Z.E.R.O. Watch, muting the communication tab more than three times, slamming his prized invention into a wall during one of his outbursts, and other petty things. 

Kane sighed as he said,"So does he care for Zane or what? I can never really get a good read on their relationship. I mean Parker considered Zane to be a son very much after they met New York right?". "Yes he does. I think Zane calls him a tsundere but that may just be some light teasing. Parker consider Zane to be a precious being to him since he's the only Zero that's worthy in his eyes." said Athena.

She smiled as she said,"Not even the two Xasius or the sixteenth president are considered good in his eyes since Zane has so much potential inside of him.". "Yeah. I may not get all this tech stuff but I've seen the logs on the Z.E.R.O. Watch. I know you built that thing for the Omniversal's greatest hero but why haven't you told him the truth?" said Kane. "What do you mean by that Xazzaran? I've told Zane everything that he needs to know about it." said Parker. 

Kane looked at him as he said,"Don't act like this Parker. Zane out of all beings deserve the truth. I heard your conversation with Janet. It was right after you went to go check on Kilene the other day. She came by to visit you and make sure you're eating which you are. You need to tell him the truth or else.". "Are you threatening me? I may not be a fighter but I'm still a member of one of the two strongest species in the Omniverse." said Parker. 

The Vulcorian looked at him as he said,"I am because you're lying to Zane. I saved his life when he was a baby because of the debt I owed Natasha but I've seen him grow into an amazing man who I deeply respect. He's going to be the Protector of the Omniverse without a doubt and you need to tell him the truth about what the watch really is for.". The two glared at each other with Athena shaking her head. 

Before their argument could get worse, the computer monitor began to blast an alarm. "So what's going on now? Is there another piece of rubble flying toward the planet again? That seems to happen a lot even though this place is deserted. Or did the upload to the watch fail?" said Kane. "No to both of your questions. It isn't the meteor alarm but the intruder alarm. I used to keep rare, extinct species here since they were being hunted by humans whose ego were quite massive." said Parker.

He sighed as he said,"That changed thanks to the wildlife preserves we have now but I kept the alarm for just this.". He began typing something into the computer. "So while he's doing that, do you have any idea on how to convince slimy to talk with Zane about that? I mean one of them can be kept a secret but the other is a bit more obvious." whispered Kane. "We'll find out soon enough." whispered Athena. 

Parker sighed as he said,"You two know that I can hear you right? I may not have Zane's hyper hearing but I'm not deaf. Check this out.". The two looked at the monitor with them seeing a spaceship hovering over the planet. It looked slightly bigger than Basalt's ship the Indefatigable. It looked to be in the shape of a battleship mixed with a UFO. Its body is very long and float on the top. The hull of the ship appears to be made out of a navy blue metal. 

Unlike most normal ships. It has faint silver stripes and has a neon pattern to it. On the sides of the ship, there are four bat like wings protrusions with there being two on each side. Alongside the ten thin but durable silver engines in the back, it has four sails. There was one sail toward the bow, one sail toward the stern, and the two other sterns on the left and right side of the main deck. All four sails looked like they could barely sail. The deck of the ship were packed with a number of silver cannons. 

It had the figurehead of a animal skull with what species being unknown on it. It has a demonic appearance with a long, pyramid shaped chin and filled with large, white bones that formed fangs. Some of the bones were missing and it had an overbite. The skull's head has numerous cracks along it. Its beady eyes were glowing a faint red color. In the figurehead, there was a massive cannon there. Above the engines, there was a large, bony tail sprouted from there. 

This tail most likely belonged to the creature whose head was mounted. On the right side of the ship, the words "ISC (Imperial Spacecrusier) Rebellion" were inscribed there to a gold color.  "So that's a bad thing right?" said Kane. "Seriously Kane? You were calling Parker Cole earlier but well, that was clearly a Cole statement Kane. Don't you recognize it?" said Athena. "Do you honestly think I know spaceships at all?" said Kane. 

Parker sighed as he said,"Focus you two. That ship belongs to a criminal that you two met him before now.". "We have father?" said Athena. Inside of the ISC Rebellion's command deck, a familiar group of enemies were operating this ship. This group are the Gammas. Since it's been a long time since their last appearance, lets get a reminder on who they are. The Gammas are about the size of an adult human and a humanoid appearance. 

It's wearing a black full-body suit and the elbow, ankle, knee, and chest area being orange. Their heads resembling oval shaped skulls. They have three bright red eye in the center of the head. They had a thunder bolt going right through their heads which looked rather painful but it doesn't because they don't feel pain. "So are you ready to send them out ma'am?" said a Gamma with it looking at its captain who wasn't Basalt but someone else piloting this ship. It was a female. 

She's a tall woman with her being taller than Veto. She has an athletic body and a air of royalty to her. She has light pink skin. Instead of hair, she has gray rose like hair. She has a third moon shaped birthmark in the center of her forehead. She has two red eyes with no pupils whatsoever. On both of her ankles and wrists, she has five moon shaped birthmarks. She wears a gray jacket with dark purple armored shoulder pads. Under her jacket, she wears an orange ripped looking shirt. 

The rips in her shirt show the gray chainmetal that she wears under it. She wears a pair of dark pink torn jeans. She wears a studded black belt with a silver belt buckle. She wears black biker boots. She wears white gloves and two silver metal armbands. "Yes. Ship them out. I'm sure that slime is expected something from us but well, I'm not him." said the woman with a smile on her face. "Yes Miss Molvai." said the head Gamma with it pressing a button on its console.

From Parker's lap, Kane blinked with him saying,"You can't be serious. That's one of the Molten Empire's head ships!". "Yes it is. It seems that Basalt is back for revenge." said Parker. "But no offense here father. Zane killed him." said Athena. "Do you honestly believe that? You know how stubborn Basalt can be." said Parker. "While I'll admit that it may seem like him being dead is really unclear since there was no body, I know that his wounds prevented him from his ship exploding." said Athena.

Kane looked at the computer monitor with him saying,"Hey Parker. Look.". Parker looked to see several objects leaving the ship with Parker saying,"It's nothing to worry about.". "Are you sure about that?" said Kane. "Yes. Basalt uses robots but I have set up an barrier around the planet that will short circuit any robotic entities." said Parker. The objects crashed as the trio saw that they weren't robots but something else. Athena and Kane were reminded of their friend Twilight upon seeing them.

They have a humanoid state with a solid crimson red muscle mass, large blank white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils, carnivorous jagged sharp teeth, long flexible tongues sticking out of their mouths, and colored veins. These veins are one of the seven colors of the rainbow ,except for red, plus black and white. "Those aren't robots Parker." said Kane. "I can see that Kane. Do you two want to do something about them?" said Parker.

Athena looked at her father with him saying,"I will be here, providing you two support with ice and sound based weaponry since that's the weakness of the Vordarlin.". "You got it! Lets go!" said Kane as he rushed out of the lab and Athena nodding her head. Within seconds, Parker watched his daughter fight against the Vordarlin army by using the ice and sound based weaponry that he made appear. Kane didn't use them since he had his white Mojo and sword to stop them from coming. 

When the Vordarlin were ripped off their host, Parker saw the being underneath. All of them were from the same species and this species had been living in the Infinite Void for a very long time. This species is the Zalicansion and they were all in their adult state. Their bodies are burly, top-heavy with them standing at six feet tall. Their chest, face, palms, and the bottom of their feet are a dark blue color. The rest of their bodies are covered by a dark gold armored carapace. 

Their arms are considered to be longer than their legs and it looks like they skipped leg day. Their hands are sharp claws and they have a wide mouth with ten sharp teeth protruding upwards. They now have a red star shaped gem like eye in the center of their face. Their hands now have three thumbs. From their back, they have small wings. He began typing something into his computer with him saying,"And with that, those two should be able to handle those mindless fools.". 

Despite the invasion of Vordlarins, Parker was in no way worried. Parker began looking through one of his microscope on a experiment. Without any kind of warning, the door to his lab was opened rudely by an explosion. "This must be their leader since he smells stronger than the ones outside. I think I should try to pull a Zane." thought Parker. "So I'm sure you're no fool. That door could have been open with a twist of knob but no. You decided to be barbaric and blow it open." said Parker. 

Parker wasn't very good at this since Zane would have said,"You could have just knocked.". "I'm real sorry about that but your planet has been awful rude to me and my Slimes." said a disturbing deep and evil masculine voice. After hearing this, Parker looked up to see another Vordlarin standing there. He looked eight feet tall with him being very muscular with noticeable broad shoulders. He's an army green color with a camouflage like pattern. 

He has four orange eyes ,that have small glowing red veins in them, and black mouth. He has a pair of gold draconic horns coming out of him. He has downwards shark-like teeth that look razor sharp with the bottom of his face is gray. His eyes has no outline around them unlike Darth and Twilight. He sprouts four spider legs out of his body with small spikes on his arms, legs, shoulders, and thighs. His mouth is usually open, revealing his red gums. 

Parker sighed as he said,"I did that since there are annoying beings who don't know that I like to be left alone.". "Sorry but that isn't happening. You are wanted by a certain being. He wanted to take revenge on another by using his greatest strength against him. My name is Rivart Mayhem, ruler of  the Infinite Void." said Rivart. "Really? I doubt that since the Infinite Void is a dimension which is always growing but that isn't important right now. What are you doing here?" said Parker. 

Rivart smiled as he said,"I already told you why I'm here. Your prized invention aka the Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega Watch or the Z.E.R.O. Watch was made for the hundredth Zero Zane Vincent Alvarez aka Legion Zero to fight and possibly defeat Skull Plague. You already know this so let me get to the point. My partner or employer wants you to build him another watch or something to prevent Zane from stopping him this time around.". 

The Vordlarin was blasted in the chest and head by two white Mojo blasts. "That's never going to happen!" yelled a voice. Parker turned to see Athena and Kane standing with the former saying,"I know that you don't like me speaking for you father but I need to say this here and now. No one here would sell out Zane. My father would never build a weapon like the Z.E.R.O. Watch or anything that could destroy the Omniverse. So get out of here right now.". 

Parker narrowed his eyes as he said,"That's my answer so leave.". Rivart had began regenerating shortly after getting blasted with him chuckling loudly. "He was right about all of you having been affected by that boy's kindness. I may have never met him before but I've heard a lot about him. A lot of bad things since the worst of the worst go to the Infinite Void and they love talking about him in the Infinite Void. I guess we should go with Plan B since you all want to defend him." said Rivart. 

He opened his chest and pulled out a machine with it being familiar to Parker. It was one of Vuldall's invention before he became a she and was currently in jail. It was known as the Holographic Image Displacer with it being in the shape of a golden cube and this cube was about the size of a Newfoundland dog. It has a satellite dish on the east, north, south, and west side of it. It began whirled to life with Parker's eyes get more narrow upon seeing the image being displayed. 

Parker looked at the screen with him saying,"Of course it would be you. I thought it would be the being who had his winning streak ruined but nope, his daughter decided to get revenge.". Molvai smiled as she said in her captain chair/throne with her arms crossed,"Oh Parker. It's good to see you once again. If my partner here showed me your face againI think you refused my request.". "You're correct. My daughter said it best. I wouldn't build a device that would or kill any innocent being." said Parker.

The Eazairvian smiled as he said,"I may not believe that every being has good in them but that fool does.". "It seems that the rumors were correct. Zero has done the exact opposite of Skull Plague and my father." said Molvai. "Actually have beings like you out of respect rather than fear?" said Athena. "That is impressive since Parker here hates pretty much everyone." said Kane. "Note to self. Hit Kane for his comment later." thought Parker. 

Instead of being angry like her father would be, Molvai smiled as she snapped her fingers. To the left of her, a energy cage appeared and it contained Janet inside. "Janet!" shouted Parker, shocking actual fear upon seeing his love inside of that cage. "Parker! Don't do what she says! She's planning on...." said Janet with her being stopped from talking by her cage giving her a pretty nasty shock. "Let her go you bastard! Using a hostage is dirty and a coward's move!" said Kane. 

Molvai smiled as she said,"I will let her go Vulcorian but I want my device. Either built me a watch like his or a way to take it down. If you don't do that, you're smarter enough to figure out what I would do to her.". "Don't listen to her Parker. It's just one life lost compared to the seemingly infinite lives if we gave her that device like that one used in the Vromilyrra Dynasty." said Janet with her cage shocking her once again. "Let her go right now or I'll erase you from existence." said Parker. 

His hands were glowing with Primordial energy with Athena and Kane easily telling that Parker was in no way joking. To Parker, Janet is the being he would give his eternal life for. "Of course but you need to make my device for me. We have set her cage's electricity to be at a low level but if you keep refusing my simple request Parker, I'll be uping the voltage." said Molvai. "Parker. If you give her something on the same level as the watch, the Omniverse will suffer another Omniversal War!" said Janet. 

Despite him claiming to be one who doesn't let his emotions get the better of him, the choice that he's about to make is an emotional and irrational one. "I'll do it Molvai. Let her go." said Parker. "You can be serious. Don't do that!" said Kane. "I have to Kane. The love of my life is in danger. I'm sure you would do the same and so would he." said Parker. Kane stayed silent as Athena looked at Parker. "Do you need my assistance father?' said Athena. "Perhaps I do." said Parker. 

Molvai smiled as she said,"I'll let her go once you make my device.". The clock ticked away as Parker was either replicating his masterpiece or building something to destroy it. Rivart was unsure of which one it was but he was sure that the inventor/scientist was working on it. Athena and Kane tried to convince him to go slow but couldn't since Parker was determined to save Janet. By the time it was finished, Parker was finished. 

It didn't resemble either version of the Z.E.R.O. Watch but something else entirely. It was a small remote shaped device with it being made out of a golden metal. Its handle is connected to a small sized triangle section with a screen on it. Coming out of each of the triangle points, there is a glowing red prong. "So is it done and what is it?" said Rivart. He had the Holographic Image Displacer back inside of his body. 

While finishing up a bit of the device's wiring, Parker said,"I rather not tell you since it's a bit too complicated for someone for your intelligence.". "I don't think you should be speaking to me like that. My partner's ship has its weaponry aimed down at your precious planet and we have your beloved held hostage." said Rivart with him turning his left arm into a jagged like blade and it was aimed at Parker's throat. 

Athena looked at Kane who shrugged. "I will be speaking to you that for three crucial reasons. The first reason is that you can't rush stuff like this. The second reason is that you aren't the first being who has threatened to destroy my planet. The third and final reason is that you shouldn't threaten Janet and telling me about it moron." said Parker with a smirk. He pressed down on a button on his computer monitor and the screen glowed red. 

Rivart was confused by this with him watching as the trio of Athena, Kane, and Parker vanished. Before he could do anything about this, the lab exploded. The Vordlarin leader was sent flying and some of his goons watched this happen in confusion. In the crater, Rivart shook his head. "Gods damn it. I'll make that slime ball pay for doing that to me." said Rivart. He looked at the building burning in the distance and before he could do anything about it, there was a ringing coming from inside of his body. 

He sighed as he pulled out a device that resembled a brick style phone from the 80s mixed with a satellite phone. You would think that he would use something more modern but I guess he's behind the times then. "So your scanner picked up that he and his two buddies left the planet huh." said Rivart with the voice on the other end told him something. "Yes. I still have his device but I got no clue what it will do. Will you still take it?" said Rivart. 

The voice spoke him as Rivart nodded. "You got it. I'll give it to you so you can give it to him and we'll go onto phase two of the master plan. So beam us already your highness." said Rivart. He hanged up with him and the Slimes on the planets turned into a swirling ball of white energy. These balls flew away from the planet and toward the ship. They left the planet which was now abandoned and on fire due to Parker's explosion.    

Meanwhile with our protagonist, he was currently in his mindscape. This is called a mood whiplash if you're curious. "This is really nice." said Zane since he had just finished setting up a sunbed. Even though his mindscape was pretty much a white void compared to most other beings, he learned that he was able to alter it to his liking. He decided to make it a tropical island because why not? Smiling to himself, Zane was wearing his normal beachwear. 

He's wearing a navy blue short sleeved Hawaiian inspired shirt with a gray hourglasses design. He's wearing a pair of black trunks with red stripes and a molten gold "LZ" on the left side of his shorts. His trunks have a steel gray cord. He wears black sandals with this. Over his eyes, he's wearing a normal pair of sunglasses and his Z.E.R.O. Watch was the only accessory he had on him in his mindscape. He made a table appear next to him and it had a drink on it. 

Zane smiled with him saying,"I know that I'll be going two amazing places in due time but having the mindscape look nice is better than its normal look.". He stretched with him getting more comfy in his chair as the sun shined brightly over him and he took a instantly quick nap. A few minutes later, Crisis Judgement went off. "Even in my mind, I don't get to have a break huh?" said Zane, moving his glasses to see that a storm cloud was replacing the sunny sky. 

There was lightning flashing all around him, raining heavily, and the wind was increasing. He got off the sunbed and stood there with his arms crossed. "Okay. So what is it this time? Let me guess. You old fools don't want me to be happy. Okay. Bring it on." said Zane as he watched the sunbed and table he was using earlier. This was due to the wind getting stronger. "Zane. Give me the Z.E.R.O. Watch." said a thick booming voice that echoed across the entire island. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. That's new but nothing too special.". With a smile, Zane extend his right index finger, pinky, and thumb. His right hand was in a fist shape and held over his chest vertically. He then began to concentrate and his body had a faint molten gold color around it. He was in his costume and began hearing large thick footsteps echo primarily from the ocean. "Come on Zane. Surely you remember who I am don't you?" said the voice. 

The Cross Species cracked his neck as he said,"Let me guess. This is a new way of testing me. Fine, lets go.". He watched as the ocean waters began to recede and a giant figure jumped out of the water. It landed on the beach with a dust cloud covering the area. "Seriously? Couldn't you just teleport onto the beach? You just had to jump huh Basalt?" said Zane. Basalt began to emerge from the dust cloud and stomped forward. "I'm sorry about that. Did I ruin your beach vacation?" said Basalt. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Not really since you're just a figment of my imagination. I have another being to blame for that.". He turned into the fusion of Dinosaur Form and Swamp Form aka Swamp Dinosaur Prime. This fusion is different from the other fusions for two reasons. It is the fusion of Dinosaur Form, Swamp Form, and Swamp Prime since Parker really liked the idea of combining two normal forms with a prime form. 

It is very possible to fuse two prime forms but Zane doesn't do it often because two plus forms fused together is good enough in his opinion and to Zane, two prime forms combined is overkill. The other reason is that Dinosaur Swamp Form isn't that good of a name in Parker and Zane's opinion. I mean doesn't it sound bad compared to Swamp Dinosaur Form. He's a large and muscular humanoid plant/dinosaur with rough looking white scales and his underside is emerald green color. 

He has noticeable black metal plating over his ankles, parts of his arms, back, chest, knees, part of his legs, shoulders, parts of his tail, and waist. His head is very much like a flame with his face being a grayish tan color and his forehead being black. He has a single protruding wooden horn sticking out of his head. It sticks out of his very thick and wide blue ,with white vine like wisps coming off it constantly, hair. He has two red ,oval shaped eyes which he wears under a black mask. 

Zane's arms and legs are very bulky, easily showing off how strong this dino really is. He has five toed sauroid like feet and hands with five triangle-shaped blackish white wooden claws. He wears a modern style caveman like outfit. He has a black and green collar around his neck, resembling a blossoming flower. He wears black ,with a tiger like stripe pattern, pants with gray fingerless gloves. His pants have a skull shaped belt.

He has a massive and thick ,as a tree, lizard like tail with five bluish white gooey bomb like shells running down each of his arms and his back. Before Basalt could do or say anything, Zane unleashed a huge stream of bluish white flames. He didn't stop the non-stop fiery assault with him saying,"Do you seriously think that making Basalt will scare me Ryoka? I mean I killed him four years ago and also, he isn't all too scary to be.". 

The island eventually faded away alongside Basalt and the fire coming from the dinosaur. As the mindscape returned back to normal, Zane heard a masculine voice,"I told you that he wasn't going to be scared of that guy. We should have picked her.". "Did you want him to hate us for the rest of time?" said a feminine voice. Zane sighed as he deactivate the fusion and stood there in his normal clothes. He saw both Ryoka and Vito Xasius standing there with the two arguing. 

Despite being family, those two often arguing with each other more than Zane does with the past Zeroes. "So why do you two have to ruin my mindscape vacation?" said Zane with him stopping them from arguing. "To keep you on your toes." said Ryoka. "Aka to make sure that you're not getting too cocky and died by the Form Morpher like the other Zeroes did. While I may agree with my ancestor here on keeping you from being a cocky asshole, you need to relax Ryoka." said Vito.

Vito smiled as he said,"I mean you're still considered to be the best Zero since you managed to prevent war to affect the Omniverse for a hundred years and more than willing to do whatever is required to save the day.". He began walking over to Zane. "Ryoka. Beings were still pray you at least when I was alive. You're not going to lose your title as the best Zero for a long time unless Zane here does something impressive like I don't know. Defeat Skull Plague which you totally will bro." said Vito. 

The seventh Zero put his right arm around Zane. "Thanks Vito. Look Ryoka. I know that you're worried about me but I will be fine. Unlike most of the previous Zeroes, I do have several beings to support me so that won't lead to my death." said Zane. "I know that Zane but like you, I'm paranoid. I needed to tell you something before you wake up." said Ryoka. Noticing the serious tone in her voice, Zane looked at her as he said,"What's up?". 

Ryoka took a deep breath as she said,"Try to be nice to her and please don't judge her based of her bloodline or the past.". "You do know that Zane judges beings based of them in the present rather than blood or the past right?" said Vito. The two Xasius began arguing with Zane waking up. He was resting on his bed and he rubbed his head. "Yep. I'll never get a break for my destiny or family bickering even in my mindscape. I wonder what she meant by that though." said Zane as he sighed.

Meanwhile in an old abandoned Nuclear Reactor facility on the outskirts, it was dark and black. With a noticeable groan, Danny ,in costume, slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was dangling upside down inside of a large Nuclear Reactor facility. "Okay. This isn't what I expected when I came back home to see the old gang." muttered Danny as he saw that he was dangling upside down with a chain wrapped around him. "You're awake mate. Thank the gods. Thought we lost you there." said Allen's voice.

Danny begin looking for his friends but instead of just finding his British friend, he spotted three others hanging upside down in chains as well. The three others are his bro's Assistant in the Alliance Arya, Danny's girlfriend Gwen, and his brother's fiancée Rachel. "So what happened you guys? And why exactly are we upside down? And where is Allen?" said Danny. "You seriously don't remember Morph? I mean it was only an hour ago." said Arya. "Not really. Memory is fuzzy." said Danny.

Gwen sighed as she said,"I knew that injecting you with that would cause problems.". "I don't think one of Parker's inventions would give him amnesia. We're currently upside down because Dr. Progeny managed to captured us after we took down his mutated zoo earlier. Quark is tied with you by the way Morph." said Rachel. Danny turned around to see Allen with the British man smiling despite their circumstance. "Ah. That makes sense I think." said Danny.

Arya looked at the four with her saying,"I know that I'm the new girl here but is this normal? I mean most people our age spend time at the beach, an amusement park, or the mall. I'm grateful we did get capture though since going to the mall sounds awful.". "And what's bad about the mall Seraphina? I happen to like the mall." said Rachel. "Everything! I mean the crowds are just the worst and why buy clothes when buying them online is a much better option!" said Arya.

Gwen looked at Danny with her saying,"As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, shouldn't we be more worried about him?". She pointed down below with Dr. Progeny adjusting some knobs next to a nuclear reactor with a timer going down. "This reactor is absolutely perfect for my Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb! In a matter of time, I will sent this bomb into the atmosphere and create a new world that will be much better than this one!" said Dr. Progeny, ignoring that conversation.

Danny sighed as he said,"I'm just thankful that he isn't doing the evil genius laugh.". As if on que, the mutant began laughing with Allen saying,"Really shouldn't have said anything about it mate.". "Yeah I know. So did anyone contact him yet? I would have broken out but these chains are preventing the use of my powers." said Danny. "He should be here soon or later." said Rachel. "Can't he teleport?" said Gwen. "Yeah but Zero is for the dramatics as you're well aware." said Arya as she tried to contact him.

Back with Zane, he was currently in his living room. He was unaware of what was going on since he was told by his friends to take the day off from any heroics since he needed to take more time off for himself and he was doing surprisingly well. He only left the apartment and that was only to get a slushie from Courtney. "This is really nice actually. I may have been against it at first but it's nice doing nothing for once. Nothing could make this day any better." said Zane with him watching TV.

Like with Danny earlier, the TV decided to chime in. "This summer. Janis Mcbride and Sarah Fletcher will experience the most ultimate romantic experience of their lives. Love that Transcends Time and Space: Love Island. Coming to theaters soon." said the TV. "Okay.  This is perfect. I'm finally getting to see Janis McBride on the big screen!" said Zane. "While I'm happy about this as well partner, we have a problem." said Astaroth with Zane sighing. "What?" said Zane.

Astaroth emerged from Zane with him saying,"Your cell has been buzzing for a while. I'm impressed that you didn't hear it earlier.". "I can tune out certain things you know." said Zane. He walked over to his phone with him looking down at it. "Huh." said Zane. "What? Is it bad?" said Astaroth. "I guess Arya has been trying to contact me for a while." said Zane. "What are you waiting for?! Answer it already!" said Astaroth. "Okay. I will. Just calm your tits." said Zane.

He answered it as he said,"Hey there Arya. What's up? Enjoying Cypress Park?". "Is now a bad time Zero?" said Arya's voice. "Not really. I mean I'm just sitting around and doing nothing. Did you know that they are making a Love that Transcends Time and Space movie. It's going to be amazing." said Zane. "That's a good thing right?" said Arya. "It is." said Zane. "I'm so sorry to be bothering you but we're currently being held hostage!" said Gwen's voice. "By who?" said Zane.

Rachel's voice appeared as she said,"Honey bear. I know that we told you to stay at home and relax but..". "Which I'm doing rather well by the way." said Zane with him sprouting a tendril to grab his slushie. "Anyway, we need your help. Dr. Progeny is planning on transforming the entire world with his.... What was your device called again?" said Arya. "It's the Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb! How hard is that for you all to understand?! Get over here Zero! I'm waiting for you." shouted Dr. Progeny.

Zane blinked with him saying,"So I'll be there in about a few minutes.". "A few minutes? Can't you warp here?" said Gwen. "Slicer. You've known me for how long?" said Zane as he turned into Legion Zero and was standing on top of a building nearby his apartment. "Six long years Zero. What's your point?" said Gwen. "I can easily sense the good doctor's Impulse and use Direct Transportation to be there but nah, I got a better idea. See you guys soon." said Zane as he hanged up.

He began leaping from building to building with him leaping out over the road and heading toward the ground. To someone watching him, it may look like he's trying to kill him but it was something else. A pair of large tendrils emerged from Zane's back and went toward some nearby building. Once said tendrils splattered to the buildings, Zane used the tendrils to launched himself forward and sprouted his wings to fly toward wherever he's going. "Yeehaw!" shouted Zane with a huge smile on his face. 

A few minutes later, Zane spotted the location where Dr. Progeny and his friend's Impulse were with him seeing a single guard. It was one of Progeny's mutated monsters that he was famous for and it was a new one.  This animal resembled a humanoid yellowish gold panther ,with green cheetah like spots, that stood as tall as a human. It has a compact, muscular build with powerful running legs. It stands on its hind legs with two long snake like arms and five retractable claws on all four paws. 

It have two heads with each head having a short set of ears, long canine teeth, forked tongue, and pale red eyes. and a long tail with the end of its tail being a spiked ball. "So how do you want to handle this partner?" said Astaroth as Zane floated above the feline. "I got it. It's time to begin." said Zane as he smiled. The feline looked around and waited for someone or something to attack him. "Hey there pussy cat! Fetch!" shouted a voice. 

Said cat looked in front of him and he saw Epilogue flying toward him. The feline easily dodged it and was going to swipe it away but he was hit in the right head's face by an invisible fist. This fist pushed him back as Zane appeared in Camouflage Form. "So the hero finally decide to show up and face my master." said the feline. "Yep. That's me. You're different from the rest of Progeny's creatures since you're taking." said Zane. 

The feline laughed as he said,"My name is Saber Tooth Cobra. How about I just show you since you won't be going to see my master any time soon.". The cat rushed toward him with Zane thinking,"Oh wow. He's fast.". Zane easily dodged the feline's fist and grabbed his arm using his tail. Upon capturing the arm, Zane slammed him into the ground and unleashed a wave of green goo/slime from his mouth that captured the feline. "What is this?!" said STC, trying to get rid of it. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Something to keep you still so I can get you your shot.". He then pierced him with the spike like appendage directly in the face. This caused the feline to roar out in pain with him unleashing a stream of acid to push Zane away. It freed him from his prison with him saying,"Is that all you can do?". "Nope. I can do this." said Zane as he wrapped his tail around STC's neck and slammed him into the ground once again. 

The hero jumped back with the feline shouting,"Quit doing that! It's annoying! I need to swallow you whole!". "Okay. Really should have kept that to yourself. Hey. Be a bro and do you mind staying there for about five seconds?" said Zane as the feline looked confused. "Why?" said STC. "What do you think about the Love that Transcends Time and Space movie? I mean she has been in movies before but this is big. This is the franchise's first movie in theaters after all." said Zane. 

Before he could get an answer, the feline was smacked into the ground by Armadillo Form in his ball mode. "Nice job there. A perfect hit." said Zane as the ball began rolling over the feline. "Thanks Boss. I wasn't too sure about arriving exactly on him. So do you think roadkill is okay?" said Armadillo Form. "I think his name is Salty Teeth Cat and he's fine but get off him. I think we need to hear his answer." said Zane. 

The clone rolled off as STC with him having a giant ball shaped marking on his body and he groaned in pain. "No more mommy. I'll be a good kitty." said STC. "I have an awful idea. Lets go." said Zane with a big smile on his face. In the main part of Dr. Progeny's base, the group there felt a very large explosion and it shook the entire building. "So what do you think took him so long?" said Allen. "To be dramatic and show off obviously." said the girls and Danny. 

Dr. Progeny looked at the door off of the factory's hinges and saw that his creation was there with him covered in gold electricity and had a ball shaped mark on him. "I'm real sorry that I'm late but that guy was blocking me from ruining your science fair project." said a voice. The smoke cleared and showed Zane ,in Electron Form, standing there. "Wait. Electron Form did that? I thought he was weaker compared to Frankenstein Form and Thunder Form." said Arya.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Normally, you would be right but...". "So the guest of honor has finally arrived! What do you think of my Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb?!" said Progeny. "Honestly, it isn't your thing. I mean you're more of mutated creature not bombs. You need to stick to a theme if you want to be a good villain." said Zane. Progeny aimed his hand at Zane with him firing a powerful and deadly looking dark blue energy beam out of it. 

The battery easily dodged the attack since it's super obvious. "So what was that for? You always told me to tell you if your crimes well don't fit your image. And do you hear a buzzing sound? I mean it's annoying." said Zane. "In less than a minute, the world will be shown a new better way of living and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" said Progeny. "You do know that by saying that, Zero will stop you right?" said Rachel. "Silence!" said Progeny. 

He smiled as he said,"In the meantime, meet my latest creation. He's been dying to meet you for a very long time!". There was a loud buzzing filling the air with the buzzing getting louder and louder by the second. Due to how loud it was, anything that was small in the room began to vibrate and shake. "This creature was made it just for you! I may have based it off a creature you've fought before but this one is much stronger than the ones you fought before." said Progeny. 

A giant insect like creature appeared from wherever it had been nesting and took a stand against Zane. It was large with it easily dwarfing the rest of Progeny's creations and most of Zane's forms. It looks to be a scorpion men with it having an incredible dark green muscular human torso and covered in scars similar to Frankenstein's monster. It has two glowing red diamond shaped eyes with its right eye being much larger than the left eye. It has sharp white teeth. 

Its scorpion like lower half is a dark red color and looks to be metallic in nature. It has four canine like legs with silver metal claws. It has two arms with its right arm being a red metallic crab like pincer. It has a giant rhino like horn. It has a giant rhino like horn and four large, highly damaged bat like wings coming out of its back. Upon seeing Zane, it let out a loud piercing sound. "I got to say Doc. This creature looks more impressive than the others but it'll go down." said Zane.

After saying that, Zane jumped back to avoid the creature's upper left leg trying to stomp him. "He may big but he's rather slow." said Allen, watching Zane avoid the creature's energy blasts. Zane unleashed a wave of electricity at some barrels of air, causing them to explode. The explosion hit the creature from behind, engulfing it in fire and Zane smirked. "And that's the end of that monster of the week!" said Zane, bowing to no one in particular.     

Crisis Judgement went off as the creature jumped out of the flames and toward Zane with the battery turning into electricity. Zane reappeared with him turning into Turbo Form and fired three energy beams at him. It pierced the creature with the creature ignoring the damage and charging right at Zane but like before, he missed due to Zane's incredible agility. "Hey Zero! I really hate to bother you but we have a bomb about to blow in thirty seconds I think!" said Arya.

Gwen looked at her as she said,"You think?". "I'm upside down Slicer. This is just me taking a shot in the dark here." said Arya. "Don't worry. I got it all under control." said Zane as he fired another energy beam at the creature, stunning it. At the chain holding them, Glacier Form appeared and froze the chains. He smashed them, freeing the five who easily descended using their powers. "So you're a clone right?" said Allen. "Yep. You go it ready. Boss loves to be a diversion after all." said Zone.

Rachel looked at Danny who smashed the creature into the ground using his Phantom Smashers and Zane turned into Psychic Form, implanting the creature into the ground even further. "You're not wrong about that at all." said Rachel. "You may be beating my creature but news flash! I won!" said Progeny with a smile on his face. "You can count right? It's seven on one." said Arya. "You're in no way strong enough to stop my bomb since I planned for all of your forms stopping it!" said Progeny. 

Zane smiled as he turned into Cyber Prime and Zone turned into Gadget Form. "You may say that doc but well, I just love to prove you wrong!" said Zane, unleashing a massive green energy beam at said bomb. As Zane was blasting the bomb with energy, Gadget Form began hacking into the computer above it. "So you do know what you're doing right mate?" said Allen. "Of course I do. How do you think I am?" said Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You're really smart but is this really the best plan you could come up with?". "Of course! This plan is ingenious!" said Arya. "It is?" said Danny. "I think Zane is trying to overload the system from two fronts plus I'm sure Zane has a plan in case it goes boom aka Astral Form or maybe another powerhouse like Radiation Form." said Arya. "Yep. That's totally what we're doing right boss?" said Zone from the computer. "Yep." said Zane. 

As the two began their combo move, the reactor began to blow steam in several spots as the heat within grew to critical levels. "You fool! You're overloading the system!" said Progeny. "That's the point and you call yourself a genius." said Zane with a smirk as Gadget Form vanished, leaving behind electrical energy that blasted Progeny away into a pile of trash. The gauges started going critical as steam poured out of every single part of the machine and began to crack apart. 

Inside of the reactor, the water inside hissed and bubbled with the steam valves popping up of the machine before they fell over dead. "We may want to find some cover!" said Danny as the rest of Team Maelstrom found cover with Zane shrugging. The countdown to the bomb stopped with Zane giving his friends a thumbs up. "See? There was nothing to worry about." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off with an alarm sounded from the reactor. "Okay. I probably had this coming." said Zane.

A wave of red energy emitted from the bomb with it hitting Zane dead on. The force of the explosion sent Zane flying through the air as the wave of energy went through the rest of the factory. "So is it over yet?" said Arya, peeking her head up to see that the bomb had been shut down. Zane was on the floor with him out of Cyber Prime and in his costume. "Yep. That wasn't fun but at least, I stopped whatever he was planning on doing." thought Zane.

Due to him trying to regain his senses, he didn't noticing that his watch's faceplate glowing bright red and sparks of bright platinum colored electrical energy coming of the watch. "You may have defeated me today but next time, things will be different!" said Progeny with him currently being on the back of his creature and he flew away. "Huh. I totally didn't see that thing flying but I've been proven wrong before." said Zane. "You okay there mate?" said Allen.

Zane turned to face his friends with him saying,"Yep. I feel perfectly fine.". "You can't be serious. You just got hit with a DNA wave which could have destroyed your confusing genetics!" said Arya. "You do know that my genetics is already messed up right?" said Zane. Rachel looked down at the Z.E.R.O. Watch with her noticing that it was emanating platinum energy. "Um Zero. Your watch." said Rachel. "I got no idea and yes. I still don't know how this thing work after six years." said Zane.

Before Zane could try and figure it out, the platinum glow was gone and the faceplate went back to its normal color. "Okay then. Time to go chase after the doctor." said Zane. "Zane. You need to relax. We should probably figure out what that wave of energy did to the watch. Call Parker." said Gwen. "Even if he does that, I'm pretty sure that Parker will call him if something is broken." said Danny. "See? Listen to your boyfriend. Lets go catch a doctor bro." said Zane.

After saying that, he turned into Frost Form. "Okay. I wasn't planning on doing that but lets go!" said Zane. He didn't get too far before turning into Werewolf Form with the werewolf looking at himself. "I didn't mean to do that either." said Zane with him turning into Ram Form. "Okay Gwen. You may be right about how I should call Parker." said Zane with him turning into Fairy Form. "So can this thing catch the doctor?" said Arya. "Yep because I got the power of improvising." said Zane.

With Progeny, he frowned while he was riding on the back of the Scorpion. Yes. This is that thing's name by the way. "You may lost today my beauty but next time, I'll be the one to win!" said Progeny with him smiling. "Hey doctor. You may not want to say that until you lost us." said a voice with the mutant turning around to see Danny ,using his Phantasmal Drive's motorcycle form, and Zane was the back of it. "Do you want to do the honors bro?" said Zane. 

Danny nodded as he slammed right into Progeny, causing him hitting the Homo Supremus dead on with the creature missing a tooth and Zane unleashed a pink dust at the scorpion. "Now. I bet you're feeling really sleepy aren't you?" said Zane. The scorpion began flying into steam pipes while trying to stay awake but he was getting really tired. "Leave me alone!" said Progeny, firing two energy beams at the men but they dodged it easily. 

Zane was floating above one of the vats with Progeny smiling. He expected Zane to be stopped but he didn't expect Danny with his Phantasmal Drive coming from his back. "And you're done!" said Danny with him punching Progeny in the face and this sent the mutant flying. The Scorpion began to fall asleep with him landed into one of the nuclear vats. "So is it bad that I really don't care that the monster died?" said Zane. "It would be if we didn't know that Progeny could make more." said Danny.

As he was talking to Zane, he placed a Negation Collar around Progeny. The Cross Species nodded with him deactivating Fairy Form and he shrugged while floating in the air. "Okay. I guess I'm done using my......" said Zane as he felt his body tense up. He began falling down into the vat of acid below with Danny flying toward him but he was instantly stopped by a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy coming from Zane. "Zane!" shouted Danny as he landed on the ground.

Before hitting the acid, he was caught by Rachel ,who sprouted her wings, who smiled upon catching him. She was holding him in a bridal carry or in this case, groom carry. "My hero. You're the best." said Zane. "You're welcome Zaney." said Rachel. She landed on the ground with Gwen saying,"So what just happen?". "No idea." said Zane as his costume vanished and was back in his casual clothing. "This was awesome! Is this normal for Team Maelstrom?" said Arya. "Kinda." said Allen and Danny.

Once the cleanup was done, Zane was driving the Vindicator out of the power plant with the rest of Team Maelstrom being there. "So where does Efren sleep when you need to borrow the Vindicator? And why is almost blowing up a nuclear reactor awesome Arya?" said Gwen. "Because it is." said Arya with Gwen sighing. "To answer your first question, Efren stays in an apartment which I'm his landlord." said Zane. "Since Progeny has been defeated, I got the perfect team building exercise." said Rachel.

Arya ,who called shotgun earlier, looked at the devil with her saying,"And what's that?". "You'll see. Zaney do you mind driving there?" said Rachel, biting on Zane's ear. "Sure but do you need to bite my ears? I'm not complaining but..." said Zane. "I just wanted to." said Rachel, smiling. "So is this normal too?" said Arya. "They've been in the honeymoon phase since they got together." said Allen. "That was almost three years ago right?" said Arya. "Yep. Welcome to Team Maelstrom." said Gwen.

Later, Team Maelstrom was currently at the Cypress Park mall. It was a typical day there. The group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Zane were taking Arya shopping since she really needed some more clothing for their group's little vacation in the Salaron Empire. It just so happen to have a beach as well which means that Gwen and Rachel were helping the extremely stubborn Arya shop for clothes in the same shop from Zero Episode 145

The boys were each doing their own thing. Allen was looking around at his own pace and Zane was leaning against a wall, listening to some music. Danny was practicing his fighting moves and poses in front of a store mannequin. "You're going down!" said Danny with him reeling back a punch but he suddenly slipped on nothing. He felt onto the ground with the impact loosening the mannequin for its display and its head fell right into Danny's lap.

Allen looked at him as he said with him holding the headless mannequin. "That was both an extremely childish yet smooth move there mate. At least, you didn't scare any children.". "Yeah I guess and I bet you were responsible for that weren't you Zane?" said Danny with him looking at the Cross Species who smiled. "Do you honestly think I would do something like that to you?" said Zane. "Yes I do. Why do you have to ruining my fun?" said Danny.

Zane shrugged as he said,"You're a grown adult. I know that these places are boring but I don't think treating it like a boxing ring would make Gwen happy.". "That's true. So what did you find Allen? I mean you seemed determined to find something for Arya for some reason." said Danny. The British man was holding several piece of clothing in his hands with him saying,"I found a lot of outfits for her but do you think they would look good on her?". 

Danny looked at them with him saying,"Not really but I don't really know clothes.". "Well Allen, what does your gut say? Always trust your gut as I always say." said Zane. "I don't know which one to give her." said Allen as Danny sighed. "How about you just leave it to Gwen and Rae? You're making this more complicated than it needs to be." said Danny. "Okay then mate. So why are you being so Kevin like?" said Allen. "I just hate shopping with Rae." said Danny.

Allen rolled his eyes as he said,"I think you're exaggerating. Rae doesn't shop that much.". "Oh she does but she has been holding back lately. You're acting better than Arya since we had to literally drag her into the mall. She was kicking and screaming the whole time." said Zane. "That's truth. So explain to me why this is a team building exercise? And why didn't Arya have a swimsuit prior to moving into you and Rae's place?" said Allen. "I think Rae just want a new model to try clothes on." said Danny.

Zane sighed as he said,"Maybe but before meeting me, Arya was a hermit for a good period of time and she outgrew her old swimsuit. When Rae noticed her lack of clothing, she was about to drag Arya out to the mall before I stopped her. Rae loves to shop after all. This is her finding a break from the life she found herself in. Worrying about me fighting battling bad guys every day.". "Much to your wallet's determent." said Danny. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"If I didn't make more than enough money from my job, I would try to stop her from shopping but that wouldn't last for too long.". "So what's taking them so long? It's just a simple swimsuit." said Allen. "For Rae, getting a swimsuit takes a while." said Danny with Zane nodding. "Zaney! I need you to come over here!" said Rachel's voice as Zane smiled. "You heard the lady." said Zane as he walked over to the dressing room. 

He stood outside of the dressing room with him saying,"What's up?". "We need your expert opinion on something Zane. It seems Arya found a shirt." said Gwen's voice from the other end. "And this requires me because?" said Zane. "I need your unique yet critical sense of fashion." said Rachel's voice. "Show me the shirt so I can get a good look at it." said Zane as a shirt flew out of the dressing room. Even though he had an awful sense of fashion which he didn't deny, this shirt was basic. 

It was a white color with a red cartoon fox head. "Well, what do you think Zane?" said Gwen. "I think it's cute and totally her." said Zane. "It's cute Zane?" said a very shy sounding Arya. "Yep. It is totally you Arya." said Zane, holding back his laughter since it was cute to hear her sound like this. "Why are you laughing at me?!" said Arya with Zane sensing that she was pouting in the dressing room. "I don't think Zane is teasing you probably." said Gwen. 

Arya looked at her as she said,"Probably? Not even you guys call tell when he's being serious or not? I think someone should!". "Don't worry so much Arya. Zane probably just laughing at how perfect this shirt is for you. He always told me that everyone has their own style and this shirt will look good on you." said Rachel. "That's my fiancée for you. She's an amazing woman." thought Zane. "Really? Do you think I should get it?" said Arya as Zane sighed. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Sure Arya. I mean all of your new clothes are coming out of my wallet so it doesn't really matter.". "Of course it does!" said Arya. She jumped out of the dressing room and looked at him. "Okay. I know that you spoil Rachel rotten by buying things for her but not me! I make my own money after all so if you're going to buy me something, I'm going to buy you something. Got it?" said Arya. 

After she said that, she was interested in what she was going to buy for him. "Sure. What do you have in mind for little old me?" said Zane. She began looking around the store with Allen and Danny walking over to Zane. "So what is she doing? I thought we were here in search of a swimsuit. Next is shoes right?" said Allen. "We were buying her a swimsuit but Rachel asked Zane to tell her if a shirt would match Arya. It totally does by the way." said Gwen.

Danny nodded as he said,"Okay but why is Arya searching around the store? You didn't really answer Allen's question Gwen.". "Arya needed to prove that she wasn't going to be bought off like Rachel does thanks to Zane not thinking before he speaks." said Gwen. "That does sound like Kevin more than Zane but I can see where you're coming from." said Danny. "You two aren't going to defend yourself from the comment of you not thinking before you speak or being bought off." said Allen.

Rachel and Zane shrugged as Arya returned with a pair of cool looking black sunglasses with molten gold lenses. "Check this out Zane. These are like your normal glasses except cooler." said Arya. "So you'll buy this for me if I buy your shirt and swimsuit." said Zane. "Which you guys have found right? I don't hate shopping but I don't want to spend all day shopping." said Allen. "Yep. So lets see them on you." said Rachel as she stuck her head out of the dressing room curtain. 

Gwen followed suit as the group watched Zane removed his signature glasses and replace them with his shades. "So how do I look Arya?" said Zane as he looked at the frozen up Arya and she was a blushing mess. "Oh wow. He's a real heartbreaker isn't he Rae?" said Gwen as she turned to see Rachel passed out with her nose bleeding. "Typical Rae." said Danny as Allen nodded. "So are you ready to go? I think we have more shopping to do right..." said Zane.         

Without warning, the faceplate of Zane's watch began glowing bright red and bright platinum colored electrical energy came out of the watch. The Z.E.R.O. Watch began beeping loudly and rapidly. "What the hell?" said Zane as he saw the energy building up inside of the watch. His arm began to tense up in pain and Zane gritted his teeth as a sphere of energy formed around the watch. Before too long, it exploded and sent Zane flying through the store. 

This sent Zane flying through the store and into the wall. He kept flying with him eventually landing into the fountain on the first floor of the mall. This got the entire mall's attention with Team Maelstrom going to catch their leader. The five saw Zane with him soaking wet and sitting in the fountain. Zane noticed that his left arm was numb and it was like it was breaking apart at the molecular level. "Okay. Is this the result of that explosion? I need to contact Parker as soon as I can." thought Zane.

He slowly stood back up with him feeling a bit nauseous. "Zaney! Are you okay?!" said Rachel as she looked over him in concern. "I'm fine. Just a little wet and my arm is in a little amount of pain." said Zane, trying to move his left arm but it was numb and tingling a bit. "So did you do that on purpose Zane?" said Gwen, pointing to the damage he made. "Gwen. Do you really I do something like this? I would use my powers to prank Danny but not destroy the mall." said Zane.

Danny looked at Zane with him sighing. Zane got out of the fountain and dried off by taking off his shirt much to Arya, Rachel, and every female except for Gwen's joy. A mall cop approached them with him saying,"So do you mind explaining me what you doing Mr. Alvarez?". "Um. A Phantom sent him flying here?" said Allen with Danny looked at his friend. "Listen Alvarez. I'm not in a good mood since I still have the paperwork from the Ultimate Showdown incident to deal with." said the security guard.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"How many times do we have to tell you this? It wasn't my fiancé's fault that the mall was attacked.". "And I don't care. Don't cause any more incidents or you'll be banned from the mall for life. Got it?" said the guard. "Oh no. Being banned from the mall. That's such a bad thing to happen." said Arya in a super sarcastic tone. "You do know that the mall has more than clothing store you know." said Gwen with Arya shrugging. "Sure thing copper." said Zane, saluting him. 

The guard walked away with Allen saying,"So since you evade mall jail once again, are you going to be okay mate?". "Yes but just in case gang. We should probably leave the mall before I get blamed for destroying it again." said Zane. "You mean you should leave the mall. I think we still have some shopping to do." said Rachel as she grabbed Arya's arm. "No! You can't let her do this Zane!" said Arya with her looking at Zane.

Zane looked at her and then Rae with Astaroth saying,"This choice of yours will decide how your relationship with Arya and Rachel will go from here on.". "I'll make sure that she doesn't go too overboard Zane." said Gwen. "Okay. Good luck Arya. You'll need it." said Zane, saluting her. The boys watched as Arya got dragged away and Allen said,"So before we leave, mind getting some food from the food court while we wait for the ladies?". "Sure." said Danny and Zane as they walked away.

Later, the boys were waiting for the girls outside of the mall and Danny looked at the Z.E.R.O. Watch with him sighing. "So what happened to this thing? You guys got an idea?" said Danny. "Probably that oddly named bomb messed with it somehow. At least, you didn't get Rae banned from the mall. She would have killed you." said Allen. "Do you honestly believe that? I mean she loves me and I can use my connection to the mayor to get her unbanned." said Zane.

Danny looked at him with him saying,"Zane. Don't you hate her because she cloned you without your permission and has tried to steal your mom from your dad?". "I do man but well, I should use our unique connection for my benefit before she gets kicked out like every other mayor in this city." said Zane with Allen and Danny shrugging. "I'm just happy that we're out of there. Has the mall always been boring to you bro?" said Danny. 

Zane looked ahead with him seeing Gwen and Rachel talking with bags in their arms as Arya was right behind them, looking bored out of her mind. "Nope but Arya may share your feelings toward it." said Zane. The girls joined them as Allen said,"So how was the mall ladies?". "Awful Allen! I'm never going again! Zane blow it right up now!" said Arya. "Nah. I rather not give more fuel to Curtis who probably used today's incident as another reason for his fans to hate me." said Zane.

Gwen sighed as she said,"It wasn't that bad Arya. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.  I mean you enjoyed the video game shop didn't you?". "I did but why did we spent so much time looking at clothes?" said Arya. "Because you want to look good don't you? I mean you want to keep the guys interested in you don't you?" said Rachel. Allen and Danny looked at the red faced Arya with her saying,"Like I told you a hundred times before, I don't like Zane that way! He's like my brother!". 

She stormed off to the Vindicator with Allen saying,"Um. What's up with Arya?". "Let just say that Rae here has a dumb theory about Arya liking Zane in a romantic fashion similar to the twins since he brought her out of her house." said Gwen. "It isn't a dumb theory Gwen. Right Zane?" said Rachel. "I'm not getting involved in this since well, I'm not Kevin. We better get to the RV." said Zane. "Why? Don't you have the keys?" said Allen. "I do but Arya isn't a patient girl sometimes." said Zane.

A bit later, the Vindicator was parked in a rural forest campsite. It was a bright and peaceful evening with the stars twinkling in the bright night sky. There was a wooden oak table and it was peaceful. "I can't believe I got stuck sleeping outside." said Zane. He was currently on the ground in a Orb Form sleeping bag with Astaroth saying,"You drew the short straw here partner but look on the bright side, you get an amazing view of the night sky.". 

Zane nodded with him saying,"That's true. You really don't get this view in the city.". "Hey Zane." said Arya. Zane looked up to see his Assistant standing there with him smiling. "What's up? Rae being too clingy? I tend to forget that she's like that when she is drunk or asleep." said Zane. "No. I just wanted to talk with you and she isn't too bad compared to me." said Arya. "Shoot." said Zane. "Um. How do I say this?" said Arya. "Just speak your mind Arya. There is no judgement here." said Zane.

Arya nodded as she said,"I'm sorry for how I acted at the mall! I just hate shopping!". She bowed with Zane blinking. "It's fine. I mean we have all things we hate plus you're not good with crowds. I should have been there but you know." said Zane, pointing to the watch. "Yeah. So did you figure out what was going on?" said Arya as she sat next to him. "Not yet but I'll find it out in the morning. So have you seen the stars yet? They're looking extra nice tonight." said Zane.

The tech girl looked up with her saying,"Oh wow. They're nice.". "Yeah. That's a truly beautiful sight just like you." said Zane. "Seriously? Your fiancée is literally six feet away." said Arya with a faint blush on her face. "Sorry. I can't help it. So was shopping really that bad? I mean you got some cute outfits right?" said Zane. "Yeah but I just hate how she...." said Arya with Zane hugging her. "If you have a problem with something, just tell someone." said Zane.

Arya sighed as she said,"I know that but they're your friends. I mean they have been making me feel welcome especially Wolfram. Is Kevin still upset about how I dissed him? I mean it's the truth though. I don't think of him being physically attractive and from what I heard about, he doesn't have the best personality out there.". "He'll get over it and don't worry. Kevin is a good guy and we just like teasing him. That is what friends do. You'll get used to it I promise." said Zane.

Before Arya and Zane could keep talking, an blaring alarm sounded out from the Z.E.R.O. Watch and the faceplate was flashing platinum. The rest of Team Maelstrom emerged from the watch as Allen said with his ears covered,"So did you do something to the watch Arya?". "No way. I may be a master but hacking into Parker's most prized possession is just asking to be erased! I'm not stupid!" said Arya as she covered her ears. 

Gwen looked at them as she said,"Instead of asking who hacked into it, how about you figure out why it's blaring the alarm and how to shut it off Zane?!". "I think he would if he wasn't on the floor and his ears weren't bleeding." said Rachel, pointing to Zane who was on the floor and his ears were bleeding candy syrup. "I got it. It's probably Parker calling him." said Danny as he touched the faceplate. The alarm stopped much to the group's joy.

After that, the watch made a projection of Parker ,in his human form, standing in front of them. "So what's Parker doing here?" said Zane as his ears stopped bleeding. "My name is Parker, creator of the Z.E.R.O. Watch." said Parker. "Um. We know that since you practically start every rant with that line of yours." said Danny. "He isn't wrong you know." said Zane as the girls except Arya sighed. "Sometimes you two. I don't think that's the real Parker to begin with." said Allen.

He was soon proven correct as Parker said,"If you're receiving this message, my lab on Saspra has been destroyed by the Molten Empire. If you don't remember, Basalt is the ruler of the Molten Empire. I'm unsure if he was leading the attack since you took care of him four years ago but I don't care. My annoyance level is at a yellow.". "Hold on a second. Did he just say that his lab blew up? Is he and the rest of Team Legion Zero okay? And what about Basalt possibly coming back?" said Gwen. 

Zane looked at his friend as he said,"If I know Parker, he'll probably explain what he meant by that right now.". "Do not worry Zane. I and the beings who live inside you are fine. Just keep being the only being I consider worth to wield my device. Don't come searching for me or else. I'm busy with my experiments and do try to listen. The Alliance will handle the fools who decided to attack my planet. You have hyper hearing so use it." said Parker.

During his entire speech, he was glaring right at Zane with a stern look. The image dissipated. "Okay then. That was new to me." said Arya. "Like we keep saying, you'll get used to seeing it since Parker tends to berate Zane for using his invention in a manner unfitting a hero or something like that." said Allen. "I think he just says that because Parker likes having someone to talk to. So are you going to ignore what he said Zane?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked up with him smiling. "I would but what are the possibilities of me having a reason to go off world?" said Zane. "Did you just say what I think you said?" said Danny. "Yep and if I know how the Omniverse works, it will be happening very soon." said Zane as he sat down on the ground. The group looked confused as the ground began to shake. "Is it an earthquake?" said Arya. "Nope. It's something better than an earthquake Arya." said Zane.

The five looked up to see a spaceship ,being the Armada, heading right toward them and Gwen looked at Zane. "Let me guess. You heard them coming?" said Gwen. "You know me so well." said Zane. The ship's hold opened up with an armored masculine figure stepped out of the ship. The armored man looked tall, very athletic, and muscular. He's wearing a similar armor to Veto except it's more slimming compared to Veto's battle ready armor. 

It's a black jumpsuit with the arms, legs, and sides being dark purple. He had spiked dark silver metal chest straps that forms an "X" shape on his back. The man is wearing two black shoulder plates with small purple and white flame coming out of them naturally. He wears silver short steel-toed boots. His boots had sharp spikes on the side. He's wearing silver clawed gauntlets with the right arm having this longer than normal blade that extends from his forearm. 

The blades looks to be the size of a katana blade which goes off into five curved points that looked like a set of claws. His head is covered by a retractable metallic black helmet with two white demon like eyes. It completely covers his face. It has seven spikes at the top. It also looked like a crown. In the center of his chest, he has a gold hourglass shape with the inner part of the hourglass been covered in dark purple flames. 

Excluding Arya and Zane, Team Maelstrom thought that the figure looked familiar with it being that bounty hunter who teamed up with Zane before. By sensing the masked stranger's Impulse, Zane knew who it was and he smiled. Arya had no idea who this guy but he had this strong sense of authority from him. It was like Zane whenever he get serious. "I don't know who this armored freak is but he'll think twice about attacking Earth." said Danny. 

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by dark purple flames. "Seriously? Do you really think we would be stupid to attack his home planet. What kind of morons do you take us for?" said the armored man with Danny shrugging. "A bad kind?" said Danny with Zane hearing slapping and laughter from inside of the slip. "He really doesn't care about getting slapped huh. Hey there. Like the new look Zane?" said the armored man. He placed his left fist in front of him and Zane smirked. 

Zane fist bumped the armored man with him saying,"I do Malik.". "Malik?!" said the group except Arya who knew the name but never met him before. The armored man removed his helmet, revealing Malik. He has grayish blue skin and red glowing eyes with them missing the dark lines that he had four years ago. His white ,flame like hair, went back and forth. His teeth had fangs which stick out. "So how life is treating you? And since when you have been with the Paradoxes?" said Zane. 

Malik shrugged as he said,"Honestly, it's been pretty good for me. Hourglass sent me to help out these numbskulls but we have a lot to talk about.". "We?" said Allen as the group eventually saw the trio of Ralad, Sitara, and Vlad standing there. "Hey there Terrans. We come in peace and all that junk." said Vlad. "Be nice Vlad. So I see some new faces. Who are they?" said Sitara. "The redhead is Rachel Powell aka Zane's fiancée, the male is Allen Newman, and glasses is Arya Cunningham." said Ralad.

Sitara nodded as Vlad said,"Holy crap. That was so much talking. I'm impressed with you bug boy.". "I remember you two from when Zane got sent to the Infinite Void. How are you guys doing?" said Gwen as Arya looked at Vlad. "And what type of animal are you?" said Arya. "I think you Terrans call me a cat or something like that." said Vlad. After him saying that, Arya began petting him much to his annoyance. 

Vlad glared at her as he said,"Hey! What are you doing?!". "Petting you obviously. You're so fluffy by the way." said Arya. "Of course I am!" said Vlad. "That's because you spent hours in the baths and you like this don't you?" said Malik, smirking as he saw Vlad's tail moving back. "No I do not!" said Vlad with no one believing him for a second. "Focus. We came here for two reasons. The first reason was to ask for your help Zane and the second reason is obvious." said Sitara. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Um. Do you mind telling me why? I mean I think the first reason is why I can't sense Altair, Kitt, Turseek, and Veto's Impulse.". "It's the SD signal coming from the watch. Our ship's scanners picked it up just after what happened on Saspra." said Vlad with him trying to ignore Arya petting him. "The SD signal?" said Allen. "I got nothing." said Gwen. "The Self-Destruct mode has been activated hasn't it?" said Zane.

Team Maelstrom looked at him as Danny said,"Hold on a second. Did you just say what I think you said bro? I could be wrong but you said self destruct right?". "That I did." said Zane. "He's right. The Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega Watch broadcast a signal to the entire Omniverse once the countdown begins and well....." said Malik. "The watch will go boom along with whoever is wearing aka our favorite Cross Species." said Vlad. "Gods damn it." said Zane.

Sitara looked at Zane with her saying,"So do you have any idea on what may have triggered the Self-Destruct mode?". "I think I do. It was the Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb." said Rachel. "The what bomb?" said Vlad. "According to its creator Dr. Progeny, it would have activate every earthling's Meta Gene which wouldn't be a bad thing but they would be mutated even more into minions for total world domination." said Arya, holding Vlad in his arms. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"I see. That makes sense and put me down.". "Nah. You're too fluffy to let go and I doubt anyone is going to tell me to let you go." said Arya. "She's right. So how are you doing right now mate?" said Allen. "Isn't it obvious? Zane got cocky." said Gwen as she pointed to Zane hitting himself in the face. "Zane!" said Danny and Rachel. "I can't believe that I did this to myself!" said Zane as he kept punching himself in the face. "Um context please." said Ralad.

A bit later, Malik nodded. "I see. So you think that this bomb activated the Self-Destruct mode." said Malik. "That does sound like a solid guess but what about the lab blowing up?" said Gwen as Danny and Rachel were trying to stop Zane from hitting himself. "You mean Parker's lab right sorcerer? That could be a reason since we got the signal for the SD and Parker's lab going off at the exact same time. It ain't a bad theory." said Vlad. 

The hacker aka Arya looked at the group with her saying,"So why are you guys so worried? I mean Zane is BFF with Parker aka the creator of the watch. We can just go to Saspra and get it fix no problem.". "Weren't you listening before? Never mind that. The point is that none of us know how the watch works. The only beings in the Omniverse are Parker and Zane." said Sitara. "Actually, there is one more." said Allen. "I want to hear this. Who is this being?" said Vlad. "Velda." said Allen.

Malik looked at Sitara who shrugged. "Never heard of her before. Is she a friend of yours?" said Sitara with Zane looking at her. "Nope. Let me get her." said Zane as he vanished. "So who is she?" said Vlad as Danny sighed. Zane reappeared with Velda as she looked back to normal and not the bimbo version from the last time we saw her. "Alvarez! What are you doing with me?!" said Velda. She saw the group looking at her with her eyes widening upon seeing Sitara staring her.

Velda hide behind Zane with her whispering,"What is she doing here?! You do know who she is right?!". "She's my friend like you are. I broke you out of prison to help us with the Self-Destruct mode going off." said Zane. "The Self-Destruct mode? Why would you activated that?! Let me guess. You were bored and decided to test out random functions of the watch again! Idiot!" said Velda. "That was one time! And it was to see if I could work under a special circumstance." said Zane. 

The two began arguing as Rachel said,"You three know about Vuldall right?". "Of course we do. He was the former assistant to Parker, creator of the watch and a hermit. Didn't he get fired because of him being responsible for the death of a species or something like that? I can't remember how he got fired but he did." said Vlad. "Yes but in due time, he went after the watch since he believed that it belonged to him even though it was made for Zane." said Rachel. 

Ralad looked right at Velda who was arguing with Zane about something related to the watch from what he gathered. "So from what I'm guessing, that's Vuldall isn't it?" said Ralad. Malik, Sitara, and Vlad looked at Ralad in confusion and he sighed. "Isn't it obvious? I mean why would Zane break out a prisoner if this prisoner couldn't help us in our situation. My bugs are also telling me that Vuldall turned into her thanks to a Terran's invention." said Ralad.

Vlad looked at Velda with him saying,"Huh. So your bugs are telling you that Vuldall turned into a girl because of a Terran.". Ralad nodded as Vlad began laughing and fell off the stump he was sitting on earlier. This laughter got Velda's attention as she said,"Why is he laughing at me?". "He was told how you become a woman." said Sitara. "I'll get my revenge on him later. So tell me why you broke me out of prison this time Zane?" said Velda. "This time? You've done this before Zane." said Malik. 

Feeling his counterpart's judgement, Zane sighed. "I had my reasons and those reasons are to tease her obviously." said Zane. "Of course you would do something like that." said Allen. "Yeah. If there is an opportunity to tease someone, Zane will take it." said Arya. "So what happened?" said Velda. She was told about what happened and she sighed. "I see. So Parker and the countless beings who live inside Zane went missing after Saspra went up in flames." said Vlad. "That's what we presume." said Sitara.

Danny nodded as he said,"Since everyone here is caught up to speed, I have to ask. How are you going to find Parker? I may not know him as well as Velda and Zane do but I'm pretty sure that this time around, he's going to keep his location a secret.". "On my pride and joy Armada, we have the equipment to scan the watch for Parker's Impulse Signature." said Vlad. "Impulse Signature?" said Gwen. "It's like a DNA Signature but a bit harder to track except to Zane." said Vlad.

He jumped onto Zane's shoulder with him saying,"This guy is really good at sensing Impulse since he trained with Eltron. Once we do that, we can scan the entire Omniverse until we find him. We also got the assistant of Parker helping us so finding Parker will be easy. We also need Zane here to help us rescue the others since we need him to break into an prison for us.". "I'm happy that you guys have a plan but well, how long will it take before kaboom?" said Allen.       

Velda looked at the watch with her saying,"My best guess here is a week. Not much time at all. We need to get going.". "She's right. If Zane keep using the watch like he does, the time may be even shorter than predicted. Do you think you can make something to extend the timer?" said Malik. "I can if you stop the Frugnoid stops laughing at me." said Velda, pointing to the snickering Vlad. "I'm sorry but you getting gender swapped because of a Terran is hilarious. That will never stop being funny." said Vlad.

Sitara sighed as she said,"We need to get going. There is no telling who else picked up on the signal and who else will be on their way here.". "Okay then. I think it's time for another adventure with the Paradoxes out in the Omniverse? Sweet!" said Zane, smiling. A few minutes later, Sitara stood there on the ramp as the group of Malik, Ralad, Velda, and Vlad were already on board. She was looking at the members of Team Maelstrom and she sighed.

The Sihero looked at them as she said,"I'm really sorry about this but we only need Zane for this set of missions. Velda will be kept a close eye on so don't expect her to go running off maybe. Ralad will be keeping a close eye on her.". "I get that but I'm just worried about my fiancé." said Rachel. "Yeah. I mean Zane isn't taking this seriously like at all." said Arya. "He will once things get serious." said Allen as Gwen sighed. "Aka not right now." said Gwen.

Zane appeared from thin air with a black and red duffle bag. "You do know that I could hear you guys from my apartment right? Don't worry. I'm taking this seriously. My life is on the line here and well, I don't want to blow up even though I could regenerate from it. Parker may not want to come find him but I'm worried about him and the rest of Team Legion Zero. I always win you guys even though I usually get injured along the way." said Zane. "Which is why I'm going with you bro." said Danny.

Sitara looked at him with her saying,"You do know that we only need Zane since he's aware of how the Omniverse works to an extent aka not you Daniel.". "I get that but you will need someone to keep Zane in line and not make things worse than they already are." said Danny. "That's true. While Malik and Velda know Zane pretty well, Danny knows him the best out all of us." said Gwen. "Name one time I made things worse." said Zane. 

Allen looked as he said,"Are you seriously asking that or are you just making jokes to lighten the mood up a bit mate?". "I'm hurt I really am." said Zane. "But he's in no way wrong." said Arya. "Okay then fine. You can help us find Parker and keep Zane in check. I rather not have Zane's reputation ruined more than it already has. Lets get going. Malik and Vlad are inside and dying to show you around the Armada." said Sitara. 

Zane nodded as he turned to his team and threw him a thumbs up. "Lets go find us a Parker!" said Zane as he ran inside of the ship. "Wait for me!" said Danny as he ran after Zane. "Those two will always be the same no matter how old they get. Promise me you'll keep them safe." said Rachel. "Of course. I may not know Daniel and Zane like the rest of you do but I can tell that you care for them deeply. They're also members of the Paradoxes and we're a family. Family protects each other." said Sitara.  

Arya smiled as she said,"That's something Zane would say.". "It is. See you all later." said Sitara as she walked up the ramp. The hatch of the ship closed and Sitara turned around to see the two looking around the ship. "Oh. You two didn't go that far?" said Sitara. "This place is cool." said Danny. "Yeah but my space ship is better." said Zane. "It isn't a contest you know but Vlad would totally make it one if he was here." said Malik. 

The Phantom was standing there with a smile on his face. "So where is Vlad?" said Sitara. "He lead Velda to the lab so she can build that device for Zane. So you came too Daniel." said Malik. "Yeah I did Malik. I may have forgiven you for what you did to him but well...." said Danny. "I get it. You don't have to remind me. I get it." said Malik. He walked ahead with Zane looking at Danny. "Dude. Malik has changed a lot since then." said Zane. "Focus. You two can talk later." said Sitara.

Danny and Zane nodded as they followed Malik and Sitara toward a platform. It began moving like an elevator before reaching the top. It was moving through the surprisingly large ship. It had shelves that were stacked with futuristic technology and machines present in the vessel. "So I have to ask. Do you need all of this stuff? And what's that for?" said Danny. "We do and we're currently going by the training room. At least three of us in the group likes to be in tip top shape between jobs." said Sitara.

Malik nodded as he said,"Yeah before me and Ralad joined up, this place was only used by Sitara who is already pretty strong.". "Thanks but you can never be too cautious since the Omniverse is always adapting." said Sitara. "You totally sound like Ryoka by the way. So what's that for?" said Zane with him pointing to a room. "Oh. It's building materials such as diamond and gold." said Sitara. "Did you just say that you use diamonds and gold to build things in space?" said Danny.

The Phantom nodded as he said,"That she did Danny. I mean it's weird right?". "Not really. I don't get how Terrans would use diamonds and gold for money instead of building material. Iron and steel work but they're quite weak. Your culture is confusing." said Sitara. "Yeah. It can be confusing but look at it like this. You're seeing it from an outsider's perspective. From our perspective, using diamonds and gold to build things is strange." said Zane. "Whatever." said Sitara.    

The platform stopped at a glowing green chamber with four hoverboards by a screen. "This is the hover simulator. Veto says that it can create over a thousand different courses. You two are welcome to use it whenever you want." said Malik. "Sweet. We totally need to race bro." said Zane. "You're speaking my language." said Danny as Sitara shook her head. The four eventually reached the ship's cockpit with Ralad waving to them.

It had a 360 interactive holographic screen that was a bright green color with some red industrial lights above the holoscreen as Danny admired how futuristic it looked. "Dude. This place is sick. It's like we're in a living video game or sci fiction show. ". "Yeah. I'll admit that the Armada does have a better cockpit but the Midnight Bird is better in every other way." said Zane. "You say that Zane but this isn't half bad." said Velda. 

Zane turned to see Velda and Vlad with him saying,"So did you build me that device yet?". "Not yet Zane. According to Sitara, we need to get going now. She was really upset about not building you that device. So tell me. You and her. Are you a thing?" said Vlad. Velda blushed bright red at the Frugnoid's insinuation of her and Zane being a couple with Zane not really caring at the moment since he wanted to explore the ship further. Everyone took a seat. 

Malik turned to Danny and Velda with him saying,"So is this your first time in a space ship Velda? I can presume that Danny hasn't been in space before.". "Yeah. You usually don't travel in something so pedestrian." said Zane. "Of course I have. I'm not a newbie when it comes to traveling through outer space." said Velda. "Neither have I." said Danny. "I don't think video games count." said Zane as Danny glared at him. "Just start the ship." said Sitara.

The cat like alien nodded as he pressed a button and this fired up the engines. The landing gear went in and the Armada began floating in the air. "Lets fly!" said Vlad as he pressed a button and they instantly flew out of Earth's atmosphere and into space at light speed. The seats locked everyone in a bar that's similar to a roller coaster and Zane put his hands up. "What in the nine realms are you doing?!" said Velda. "I'm having fun." said Zane as Vlad smirked. 

Before he could do anything, Sitara said,"Don't you do it. I may allow Zane to do it but you're different since you're driving.". "You're such a buzz kill. You know that right?" said Vlad as the ship zoomed through the solar system  with them going right into the Universe Path. The six were against their seats due to the extreme speed. "So is this normal or what?! Because I feel like a pancake and about to puke my churro up!" said Danny as he was getting a facelift. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Yeah. It's like an awesome roller coaster ride.". "And don't you dare puke or else, I'll kill you!" said Vlad. The ship eventually slowed down mainly to preserve fuel. The ship eventually came to a stop and Danny opened his eyes. The gravity around him became lighter with him smiling. He undid his seat belt and began floating upwards. He knew that he was in zero gravity. Velda got out her seat and floated, secretly enjoyed the zero gravity experience. 

Malik shook his head as he said,"I'm pretty sure that this isn't your first time in zero g Velda. Danny may be different but you two really should get into your seat.". "Aren't you shocked that I'm not doing it as well?" said Zane. "You've been in zero gravity before bro." said Danny as he began doing the backstroke. "Why?" said Velda with her doing a somersault spin. "Okay. I warned you." said Malik as he looked at Ralad. "Start up artificial gravity." said Ralad. 

He pushed a button and this caused both Danny and Velda to kiss the ground of the ship much to the noticeable amusement of Malik, Vlad and Zane. "And that's why." said Sitara with a small smile on her face. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" said Velda with Ralad shrugging. "That's a total me move by the way Ralad." said Zane. "I hate to ruin your guys fun but we need to get the countdown to slow down." said Sitara. "Yeah. I rather not have the only Terran I like blowing up." said Vlad.

Ralad coughed with Vlad looking at Danny and Malik. "What? I'm not wrong at all Ralad. You two were Terrans before well, life happened." said Vlad. "Lets go." said Velda. She along with Danny and Sitara walked toward the science bay with Vlad saying as he stood next to Zane,"Man. She's really determined to save you Zane. So be honest with me. Are you dating? I mean she is pretty cute but not as your devil friend. She's sexy.". "Rae is my fiancée and no, we're not." said Zane. 

Malik looked at Zane with him saying,"So are you ready for what may happen next? I'm pretty sure that we weren't the only group to get the SD signal.". "The signal about Saspra blowing up was only us if you were curious." said Vlad. "A little bit but I'm not too worried. I mean the seven of us plus the rest of the Paradoxes can handle whoever decides to come after the watch. I'm pretty sure about that." said Zane with his signature smile.     

In a different part of the Omniverse, junk and broken debris surrounded a small ship. It had several large and powerful tendrils coming from a ship that looked the ISC. Inside of the bigger ship, a alien ,that looked like a humanoid bat mixed with a pirate, was running for his life since he had managed to survive the massacre that had taken place. He and the rest of the crew managed to find one of the Molten Empire's flag ship just floating out in space.

They thought that it was abandoned and they could loot it for some parts. However, they were dead wrong about them being alone. From the shadows, a pair of pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils looked at the bat and smiled with its carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue sticking out. "You can't escape your destiny!" said a menacing voice. Dark purple ,with tainted dark orange veins, tendrils impaled the humanoid bat. "Ahh!" screamed the bat.

His body went limp as the tendrils left its body and returned back to its owner as the bat fell onto the ground. A ten feet tall behemoth of a Vordlarin stood there. He's a dark purple color with tainted dark orange veins covering her body. He has pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils. He has a large mouth with him carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue sticking out. The bottom half of his face is blue. 

This Vordlarin looked like he had a dinosaur like body. He has several metal parts on his body with him having two skulls on his shoulders. He has white bands around his forearms and metal legs. He released tendrils from his stomach area and they attack anything near them. "This was so much fun. I've been desiring to kill some new threats for a while. Who knew that making a deal with that guy would be so much fun?" said the Vordlarin, licking his mouth as he eyed the corpse. 

Before he could devour the pirate, he was stopped. "I would hate to ruin your meal Grimace but our boss's boss needs us for something." said a feminine voice. Grimace turned around to see his partner Vordlarin Lunacy emerged from the darkness. Lunacy is a female Vordlarin and she considers herself to be a femme fatale. She's a yellow color with black and white veins covering her body. She has pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils. 

She has a smaller mouth compared to the rest of Rivart's minions but she has the minion's carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue. The bottom of her face is a white color. She's about six feet tall with having two rabbit like ears protruding from the top of it. She has a slim figure with a hourglass figure that set her apart. Her nose is a pink color.  She has short, cropped rose pink hair sticking out of her head with her bangs covering her right eye. 

Lunacy is wearing a sleeveless yellow zipped up jacket with brown sleeves. She wears a metal chest plate under her jacket. She wears red shorts. Her body has natural cherry blossom petals coming out of her but this is natural. "Seriously?! Right now?! I'm starving." said Grimace. "I didn't say that you couldn't eat him but we need to get moving." said Lunacy. "Sweet." said Grimace, picking up the bat and began to eat. "So how are we doing on the cleaning?" said Lunacy.

Ripping off a wing, Grimace said,"I think we've killed all of them beside maybe three. Don't know. I wasn't paying. Did the boss's boss find them?". "Most likely." said Lunacy. "I may not know him like the rest of the Omniverse but well, I hate to be on his bad side." said Grimace. "Like these pirates." said Lunacy as she stepped past a half eaten Walrus alien. The two approached an open airlock where three surviving alien crew members trapped inside were shaking in fear.

Instead of their lives being threatened by the duo of Grimace and Luncay, they got someone else and it was the Molten Decimator Basalt who wasn't dead like the rumors would say. He had shrunk down back to 12 feet tall but didn't look his high-tech enhancements or his bulky, hulking frame. He just lost his hunch. He still has dark red skin with patches on his skin ,mainly around the right side of his face, still showing off his gums and impressive dental work. 

His body now has blue lava like veins across his arms and they seem to be naturally pulsating. He was still bald since he spent time even in the Infinite Void shaving his head and part of his right pointed elf like ear is missing. His black eyes ,with magma/lava colored irises, are still menacing. He wears a blackish red armored plate adorning his chest, shoulders, and waist with its shoulders spiked. In the center of the armor plate and shoulder blades, he has his empire's symbol aka a volcano there. 

It was a silver color. Under his armor plate, he wears black-skin tight material under it. This material covered the upper half of his body except for his arms. He wears dark red pants with silver plating on its thighs and shins. He wears blackish-red armored boots. He wears blackish red armored gauntlets that goes up to his elbows. His hands are five claw appendages. In front of his armored chestplate, he wears a strange object.

The object is a gold ,with a gray edge, heart shaped medallion with four different colored gems at the most east, north, south, and west point of the medallion. Each gemstone has a different alchemy symbol for an element etched around it. The gem to the east is a white triangular shaped topaz with the alchemy symbol for air etched around it. The gem to the north is a blue circular shaped sapphire with the alchemy symbol for water etched around it. The gem to the south is a green rhombus shaped malachite. 

Said malachite has the alchemy symbol for earth etched around it. The gem to the west is a red square shaped ruby with the symbol for fire etched around it. In the center of the medallion, there is a silver square shaped stone with a black power symbol that glows black. Sheathed on his back, there is a large sword fitting of his size and looked deadly. This sword's gold handle looks similar to a gun and from the hilt, there is a long, magma colored lightning bolt-shaped energy blade of energy coming out of it. 

It has many spiked points on it. "Why are you doing this?" said a frog pirate. "You're asking him that instead of the obvious?! You died!" shouted a big lipped horned alien. Grimace wanted to eat that one since he was annoying but he was stopped by Lunacy who reminded him of Basalt. "If you honestly think that I died, you're wrong. We need your ship's fuel to get back with the home ship so I can get the Z.E.R.O. Watch and get my revenge on him." said Basalt.

He clenched his fist and grabbed the frog pirate, burning him alive. "Zane Alvarez. Once I get back to my ship, I swear that you'll pay for sending me to the Infinite Void!" said Basalt, throwing the burned up corpse of the pirate nearby his friends. As he walked away from them and the two Vordlarins, he was unable to forget Zane with his magma/lava colored irises glowing brightly. "I won you damn freaking magma dome bastard." said a voice. 

Basalt turned around to see Zane standing there with him being the Zane from four years ago. "The next time we met, I'll be stronger and so will my friends Basalt. When I grow stronger, they grow stronger as well. Equivalent exchange is great. I promise Uriel that I would come back so good bye. I do hope you don't die. I may hate your guts but having you die would just be the worst." said Zane as he vanished with Basalt growled much to the confusion of Grimace, Lunacy, and the pirates.

The Maferno pressed a button on the console and the airlock door sealed shut. The two pirates were screaming as they were jettisoned into outer space. "Okay. That was pretty good." said Grimace with Lunacy shaking her head. "Master Basalt. We have word for our boss about what happened on Saspra." said Lunacy. "Oh really do tell." said Basalt. "According to our boss, Parker blew up his lab but he made your invention and has went missing." said Lunacy. 

Lunacy looked at Basalt with her saying,"They also picked up on a signal from the Z.E.R.O. Watch as well.". She held out her left arm with her pulling out a small cube that projected the image of the Z.E.R.O. Watch for Basalt to see. "I see. So what are you doing in space Alvarez?" said Basalt. "From what my boss knows, it went off shortly after the lab blew up. Something happened to the watch from what I guessed." said Lunacy. "Your death will come soon Zane." said Basalt.

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