Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes The scenes showing Basalt and Zane fighting each other on Galnatilia (Written on December 15 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons. This post is dedicated to the fight between Basalt and Zane during the Zero Special and will be showing off those moments in its own post.

Do note that this will be cut off whenever the fight goes away from them and will be disjointed.

Suddenly, the jagged lines on Basalt's body began glow brightly and his body began beeping loudly. His right arm turned into a blaster with a pyramid-shaped barrel. As the blast charges up, greenish-blue light glows inside. He unleashes a dense beam of greenish-blue energy toward the group. "Sorry Basalt but that ain't happening! Void Absorption!" shouted an all too familiar voice. Basalt watched as his blast caused an explosion but instead of hitting the group who hide Zane from him, it hit something else. 

The energy was being absorbed as Basalt heard,"Hey Basalt. You and I may be very powerful but there is a key difference between us.". The smoke cleared as everyone saw Zane standing there with his new prosthetic arm and left eye that looked to be the exact same one as the one destroyed. Zane was also wearing the Enigma Talisman except he was missing the cloth around his face. "Zane! So you decided to show your face after all." said Basalt, not phased by his explosion failing to his target. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Zane! You're okay now!". "And looking much better I might add. You're completely whole." said Turseek. "Thanks Turseek. Like my new arm you guys? I got it from Parker himself." said Zane, flexing his right arm. After flexing, Zane turned toward Basalt and cracked his knuckles. "The key difference between us is the bond I made with my friends. The bonds that I made with them give me strength to defeat any evil who may harm others." said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane with him saying,"It seems that you haven't lost that part of you after what happened to you. You may have your eye and the women you love but you still have the annoying optimism that I will be crushing into pieces. Do you honestly think that your optimism will get you far in life? It won't and protecting that you swore to protect is nothing but a pipe dream. If you wish to protect what matters to you most, crush anything that may stand in your way.".

He clenched his fists as he said,"Power is the only thing that matters in the Omniverse. If you want to be a hero, you cannot stand by and let others take what belongs to you.". Despite his immense anger toward Zane, Basalt couldn't let himself get distracted now especially not with all of the raw power that he felt radiating off Zane. Underestimating him was a sure-fire way of finding himself defeat which will not happen again. "Hold on. Is Basalt give Zane some advice? Am I seeing this right?" said Veto. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Nope. I'm seeing it too. This is weird.". "Focus you two." said Kitt with Ralad nodding his head. "Oh wow. I guess I was right about you. The reason why you're so obsessed with power Basalt." said Zane. "And why is that brat?" said Basalt. "You're scared of losing. That fear of yours will lead you to being obsessed with power and while it may have brought you success in your past, it led to your defeat once before and in the present." said Zane.

Basalt snarled at Zane with his eyes beginning to glow green. He unleashed a massive beam of green energy from his eyes with Zane not doing anything to stop him. "What are you doing Zane? I think you need to use that technique of yours to absorb that energy beam!" said Veto. The beam hit Zane with it not doing anything to him. "Is that all you can do Basalt? That barely tickles." said Zane with him disappearing from sight. 

Basalt used his armor's system to track down where Zane and he got his answer as Zane implanted his foot into Basalt's mouth. "Boom." said Zane with him aiming his right hand at Basalt and it turned into a cannon. Both Basalt and Zane were caught up in a explosion of Vibration Nether, creating a noticeable bass sound afterward. Zane landed on the ground unharmed with Basalt getting pushed back a bit. It was only a handful of inches but to Sitara, she had never seen it before. "He's winning." said Sitara. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"But didn't the fight just start?". "Yeah but this is just the start of their fight and right now, Zane is leading." said Malik. Basalt looked at Zane with the Cross Species not saying anything. "I know that your species is able to use the stronger version of fire and has a natural immunity to fire but well, this fire will make you burn. Hellfire Emperor Firefly Swarm." said Zane with his arms glowing.

Several small and glowing gold fireballs emerged from them, floating toward Basalt. The Maferno laughed and he began swipe at the seemingly harmless balls of fire, destroying them. "Do you honestly think that this attack will stop me?!" said Basalt. Zane snapped his fingers with the remaining fireballs exploding and the area around Basalt was instantly covered in golden flame. "Hellfire Emperor Hellion Paroxysm!" said Zane, aiming his arms right in front of him and fire surround both arms.

The fire transformed into a dragon's head with him tossing the right dragon head toward Basalt. It bit down into Basalt with it managing to pierce through Basalt's armor. "How did this ember manage to pierce my armor?" thought Basalt with the dragon exploding shortly after piercing him. Zane aimed his left dragon toward Basalt, releasing a single, continuous stream of fire. "So what is he doing? All he is doing is trying to burn him but fire doesn't work on a Maferno!" said Grimace. 

Lunacy sighed as she said,"He must have a plan or that explosion destroyed his brain.". "Of course my counterpart is an idiot unlike I! The genius Nemesis!" said Nemesis. Rivart looked at Zane with Basalt beginning to push through the fire. "Quit this pathetic attempt to burn me now!" said Basalt with him cocking back his fist to punch Zane. "Sure Basalt." said Zane as his left dragon arm was begining  producing acid inside. This caused the Maferno to roar in pain due to the acid melting the armor.

Zane looked at the melting armor and saw that the armor was healing itself as it was being destroyed by the acid. "Self-healing. It's a pain to deal with it isn't Zane?" said Astaroth. "Of course Zane knows that! He fought that snotball warden remember?" said Matrix. "Don't worry. I got this. Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch." said Zane as his right fist was covered in his signature fire. Unlike normal, these flames are in a liquid state. 

The Cross Species punched Basalt in the part that was exposed thanks to the acid with the liquid going into Basalt's skin and was absorbed into his body. Basalt shook his head with him moving away from Zane. "Do you honestly think that these attempts to stop with me will work Alvarez?! I won't let you steal my daughter from me!" said Basalt. "Did he just say that he won't let Zane steal Sitara?" said Allen. "He could be taking about Molvai." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"It must have been that liquid fire from earlier.". "Of course! That's his Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch spell! It makes the target and begin to see things!" said Arya. "Huh. I guess that does make sense." said Danny. "Now here's the question. What's his plan here?" said Gwen with Rachel looking at Zane. Instead of cracking jokes, Zane was completely serious and this meant one thing. Basalt got his full attention. "Hellfire Emperor Supernova Blast." said Zane.

He tossed a giant fireball at the dazed Basalt. This created a massive firestorm upon hitting him and it was burning everything around it. The fire cleared away with a single clap from Basalt whose armor was glowing in residual heat. "Perfect. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Diamond Powder!" said Zane with him releasing a wave of ice from his body. Basalt was caught up in the wave with him covered in a thick layer of ice. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Okay bro. Since you froze one of your arch enemies, mind telling the class what's your game plan here?". "Isn't it obvious Danny? Think about it. The armor Magma Dome is made out of metal at least from what I gathered." said Zane as there was loud cracking and steam began to emerged from the ice. "When hot metal is rapidly cooled, it begins to break down." said Zane with Basalt emerged from the ice and his armor was in globs around him. 

Vlad waked as Basalt's armor began going back onto him. "Okay. Good job with the science lesson kid but I don't think he's happy about that." said Vlad. "Oh I know that. That's why I'm going nuclear." said Zane. "You're doing what?" said Turseek and Veto. "Going nuclear. I thought he made that perfectly clear." thought Altair as he touched both of their shoulders. "He did but those two are idiots." said Kitt as Turseek and Veto glared at him with Lorelei sighing. 

Zane turned into Radiation Prime and he turned back to his friends. "Stay back behind the diamond wall comrades because well, it's going to be quite painful for him." said Zane. "What diamond wall?" said Allen as a dome of Diamond Prime's diamonds appeared right in front of him and Basalt's group. "Um Zane. why did you protect them? They're the bad guys." said Havoc. "Zane is someone who protects everyone including his enemies." said Matrix.

She sighed as she said,"It's a somewhat annoying trait of his but one that I don't entirely hate.". "You're speaking like a true member of Team Legion Zero Matrix." said Astaroth. "Of course. I've been with Zane and Athena since the very start even though I looked so fat." said Matrix. "I didn't think you looked fat Matrix. You've always looked pretty." said Havoc with Matrix blushing. Astaroth shook his head in amusement. 

Astaroth smiled as he thought,"Reminds me of Athena and Cole except with far less hitting and Cole's stupid comments. An improvement if you ask me.". "Your time is up Basalt. This form will make you pay greatly for your crimes." said Zane with him taking several deep breaths. Basalt didn't say anything to Zane but he did charge toward the Cross Species with his sword in hand. Zane fired a beam of radiation from his eyes, blasting the Maferno back and making a noticeable divot in the ground.

Basalt got back and was about to use his magma but he felt cold. "Feel cold comrade? I bet you do since you felt the cold of the underworld traveling through your body didn't you?" said Zane with Basalt glared at Zane. "What did you to me Zero?" said Basalt with shivering teeth. "Oh. I didn't do a thing but he did." said Zane, pointing to his right as Specter Form appear. "How long has that thing been here?" said Basalt with him trying to regain back his body heat. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Since I think I arrived to stop you initial attack. I just need to keep you distracted for a bit with my fire and ice combo so my clone here could freeze your blood from the inside.". "I was thinking about making him hit himself boss but we're not here to play around and you know this." said Specter Form. "Right. Lets do this." said Zane as the ghost faded away and Zane aimed both hands in front of him.

He unleashed a massive beam of radiation with said beam swallowing Basalt up whole. Basalt roared in pain, the radiation burning through his armor. It didn't kill him since his armor was made to survive against any species. The beam eventually turned into an explosion and sent Basalt flying into the jungle below. "Okay. That's Phase 1. Time for Phase 2. Gods hope this plan work or the Omniverse is doomed. I'll do anything in my power to prevent that." said Zane, teleporting away.

With Basalt, the armored Maferno finally crashed into the ground and made a sizable crater. His armor was cracked and scorched in various spots with his body covered in blood, burns, and bruises. "I can finally move after he froze me from the inside. I guess he isn't playing around." thought Basalt as he slowly stood back up. He was in way defeat since he has survived much in the Infinite Void. "You got that magma dome. As you can clearly see, I'm not playing around here." said a voice.

Basalt looked above him to see Zane ,out of Radiation Form, was sitting above him using a disc made out of solid Primordial energy as a platform. He had four energy discs floating around him. The other four discs were each made out of a different energy. One disc is made out of black Mojo, one disc is made out of molten gold Animus/Liasada, one disc is made out of royal blue Carnal, and one disc is made out of steel gray Nether. "So are you here to taunt me or what?" said Basalt.

Zane began descending downwards. He jumped off the disc of Primordial with the disc joining its sibling in floating around Zane. "Nope. I'm here to kick some butt aka yours." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. He activated Archon Zero Master with the energy discs being there alongside the nine Primordial energy spheres were still there. Instead of being scared, Basalt only smiled. "Um. Why is he smiling at us? It's scary." said Havoc. 

Basalt nodded as he said,"You may won our first clash but the war is another story. I want to make sure that the Omniverse knows who is truly the strongest between the two of us and to make sure we have no interruptions, I had this made.". He typed something into his left gauntlet. Even though the ISC Rebellion was destroyed, it managed to fire out a red beam of energy. Zane looked to see that the area around himself and the Maferno was contained in a large transparent dome of red energy. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay. I totally don't expect that ship to be still operation but I was wrong. So let me take a guess here on what this dome can do. No one can enter and no one can leave. I know that you love me Basalt but you didn't need to lock up me in a forcefield. Low blow man. So once I defeat you again, can I take Booker with me? I mean I always wanted someone to help out with some community service back on Earth.".

He smirked as he said,"I mean Father Nature shouldn't be allowed in the gardens but you know the warden.". "Even during a serious situation, you're always making jokes but you're right. This forcefield can keep the fight between the two of us. No one to interrupt us such as your precious friends and my loyal servants." said Basalt. "They could sneak their way into the dome if they you know dig their way under the dome." said Zane. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Normally that would work but this forcefield goes under the ground.". "Oh wow. You really did prepare for our fifth fight. I mean technically, we fought each other four times. So beside the folks up there, is it anyone else going to watch me kick your butt?" said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "Our fight is been recorded by some Betas. It's being displayed to the entire Omniverse except for the Prime Dimension aka Earth." said Basalt.

He looked at Zane with him saying,"I decided to let you keep your secret identity for now before I destroy by bringing back your corpse to display toward the Terrans who put their trust in you. Does that really matter? In due time, I will be gaining another planet and you'll be dead.". "Oh wow Basalt. I can't believe how confident you are. So can you skip with the whole threatening speech and just start fighting. You do know that you never won one of our four fights before right?" said Zane.

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I mean two of them were left undecided and one of them wasn't a real victory since you had to use a hostage to win." "That's only three. What about the forth one?" said Basalt. "I thought you wouldn't want me mentioned the time you lost to our adoring public. Trying to keep you from well erupting in rage." said Zane. "Yes. I remember now. So do you want to say any final words before I end your pathetic life?" said Basalt. 

Basalt looked at him as he said,"I'm giving you time to say your final prayers to your loved ones who will see this and regret being unable to stop this.". "Only two since well, I'm not dying today. Primordial Torrent!" said Zane, firing multiple Primordial energy beams coming from his hands and the spheres around him. They went toward Basalt who held out his left hand and made another sword appear. This sword matched the one on his back which he held in his right hand.

Both blades were encased in his signature magma/lava and swung the swords down. These swords sliced through the energy beams, causing an explosion afterwards.

Back with Zane, Basalt unleashed several streams of magma at Zane with the Cross Species easily blocking them using one of the discs surrounding him or dodging them. "Seriously? You got this high tech suit of armor and you're still trying to burn me alive with lava/magma streams. Here's some words of advice. You're becoming predictable which will lead to my victory and your defeat!" said Zane. He held a V.B.R.S. in between all of his fingers excluding the thumb.

He threw the six marbles toward Basalt. The Maferno was covered in vines thanks to the marbles with him trying to burn them away, the vines would cover themselves in spikes. These spikes are strong enough to pierce through his incredibly durable armor and right into his skin. Basalt growled in anger with him seeing Zane's five discs heading toward him. Basalt slammed his fists onto the ground, which producing wave after wave of jagged black spikes with red curvy lines inscribed around them.

These spikes began to produce lava/magma, burning everything and this included the discs. "Damn. I really like those discs." said Zane. "You can always make more Zane. I really don't get what's the big deal. Those discs can be used for attack, defense, or platforms but they have a weakness toward strong amount of pressure or you losing focus." said Astaroth. "With Zane, I doubt it would make any sense if he explained." said Matrix. 

Havoc nodded as he said,"That's a good description of Zane. You really do know him Matrix. I only heard about him from my mom and Parker.". "You will never truly know Zane." said Astaroth. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked to see that Basalt's eyes were glowing green. "I better make another shield or start move fast." thought Zane. "You're right Zane. I think it's time for me to get some new material!" said Basalt, unleashing two giant beams of green energy from his eyes. 

These beams went flying toward him with Zane taking an educated guess on what these beams were going to do. He began moving around the battle field with him trying to make the beams hit something else. However, the beams hit Zane directly in the back and these beams turned into electricity. These beams shocked him upon contact and this confused him. Zane looked to see that Basalt's vines were burned away and his armor was covered in holes. "I'm free!" said Basalt. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"And looking like swiss cheese. Just wanted to pointed that out.". Basalt charged Zane with Crisis Judgement going off. From what Zane could see, the Maferno was planning on slicing Zane in two and his eyes glowed. Zane blocked the Maferno's shield using a large translucent and intricately designed shield coated in a cosmic colored light. Zane's superhero logo is carved in the middle of the shield. "Sorry but that won't be working on me. Unworldly Shield!" said Zane.

He released a stream of candy syrup right into Basalt's face, blinding him for a second. Using the shield in front of him, he pushed the larger opponent back. Zane jumped back with him making his right arm turn into its liquid form. It began growing in size, hardening up and slowly forming a giant version of his new arm. "Lets go! New combo move! Avalanche Rocket Punch!" said Zane, launching the giant fist toward Basalt. This pushed him back a couple of feet in a grove of trees.

Basalt easily recovered from this attack with the Maferno stomping onto the ground. Several waves of magma emerged from Basalt with Zane glaring at it. "You really need to cool down Basalt!" said Zane with him turning into Water Prime. "Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Ocean Wrath!" said Zane, making a giant wave of water come toward the magma. This made the entire battlefield get covered in a thick layer of steam.

Using his armor, he saw several mermaids come out of the steam and the Maferno began destroying them with relative ease. "Is that all you got Zane?! I won't let water stop me from getting my revenge on you!" said Basalt as he sliced right through a mermaid. "Of course that wouldn't stop you but it makes a great distraction to get this working." thought Zane, unleashed a wave of Diamond Prime's diamonds throughout the area around them. 

Basalt looked at them as he said,"These diamonds. You used them earlier while in Radiation Prime but tell me. How did you do that?". "A good Magnus never reveals his secrets and instead of worrying about you, you need to be worried about them. They're quite angry if you ask me." said Zane, pointing to something behind Basalt.  The Maferno turned around to see a Crystup and several rock golems.

They were similar to the ones that Salem created back in Zero Episode 129 except for different colored ruins covering their bodies. Their ruins are colored a mixture of molten gold and purple. Basalt began fighting off the Crystup and golems with no problems at his end. They were shattered and Basalt looked annoyed. "Did you honestly think those pathetic minions would stop me from getting my revenge on you?" said Basalt. 

Zane shrugged as he said while clenching his fists,"Not really. I know that you hate me for beating you up but here's the thing. I won't let you hurt my friends. I'm the only one here strong enough to take you down since Parker is a pacifist.". "Always the cocky one aren't you? You may think your attempts to distract me are working but they won't." said Basalt. "Okay then. If you really want me to show you that I'm serious, I will! Fierce Sol!" said Zane with him throwing the attack toward Basalt. 

Basalt's eyes glowed green with him firing out green energy beams at the sphere. This created a massive explosion with both fighters remaining calm and confident.

As these fights were going on, a more intense fight was going on. The jungle around Parker's lab had gotten a makeover and it wasn't pretty. The ground had been ripped apart with countless spots of lava/magma licking away at the air around them. Most of the flora had been reduced to burning cinders by said flame. There were diamond shards of all shape and sizes scattered around with them belonging to Comet Prime and Diamond Prime.

There were frost marks covering the ground, indicating that Zane used Frost Prime and Thermal Prime to fight Basalt as well. Another part of the battlefield had cut fragments of wooden vines that came from Vine Prime. A third area was completely soaked, meaning that Zane used the lakes that were inside of the forcefield to try and stop Basalt but it didn't work. The planet's life forms were trying to stay away from their fight but it didn't work. 

However, the mountains range were safe from the battle as well since they were just outside of the barrier. Zane ,in Warlord Form, was sent flying back from one of Basalt's punches and it sent the powerful form skipping across the surface of the swamp water. The form made a big splash upon hitting the swamp. He let out a painful, guttural roar with him slowly returned to his feet and he winced from the blow. "Yep. That armor is no way a joke. Duly noted." said Zane with him panting heavily.

Zane's tough hide was covered in scraps, bruises, and burns. "Quit with the jokes Zane. It's getting old to hear them. You should know that I'm ready for whatever form or technique you have in your arsenal. It makes no difference." said Basalt with him walking toward Zane through the swamp water. It was being evaporated upon coming in contact with the Maferno. He did have some wounds on him but the fight was going in Basalt's favor. 

Havoc gulped as he said,"Hey Zane. I know that you're busy but do you think we could try something? I know that we just met all but since we're going to be working together from...". Zane blinked as he thought,"Oh wow. Is this how I sound whenever I ramble on?". "Yes you do partner but Rachel loves you for that. So don't change okay?" said Astaroth. "Focus you guys! Basalt is getting closer and I doubt he'll let us finish our conversation." said Matrix. 

Zane nodded as he said,"So what's your idea Havoc? At this point, I'm up for anything.". "Okay then. Here it is." said Havoc. After hearing the plan, Zane smiled. "If you have any more idea like that Havoc, our partnership is going to be amazing." said Zane. "Really? Okay! I won't let you down Zane. My mom never let you down and neither will I." said Havoc. Zane take a deep breath with him unleashing a massive hurricane of air from his mouth. "Heavenly Emperor Barrage!" said Zane. 

The burst of air pushing Basalt back. "Really?! I doubt your bad breath is going to stop me!" said Basalt. He was about to unleash his flames but was unable to move. "Are you really repeating the Specter Form trick? I thought you were better than that!" said Basalt. "You really do know nothing about me." said Zane, turning into Alien Form. He's eight feet tall with him being a slim yet muscular humanoid reptilian alien.

Zane has dark purple scale like skin with him having a natural emerald green exoskeleton. This exoskeleton covers his arms, chest, legs, neck, and shoulders with gaps in between, revealing his dark purple scale like skin. His head is covered by a green fire like substance which also works like his hair. His skull is black and skeletal, showing his pronounced cheekbones. He has two horns protruding at a solid forty five degree angle coming out of the side of his head. 

He has a black ink like tongue. He has three eyes, which are always hidden behind a visor. This visor is actually a natural part of his body and can't be removed. It’s in the shape of sunglasses that exposes his forehead. It's clear and see-through, showing off his trio of eyes. All three eyes are oval shaped and inside of rectangular eye sockets. His left eye is a sapphire blue color, his right eye is a ruby red color, and his center third eye is a emerald green color. His ears are large and pointed like an elf. 

Zane has noticeable insect like traits to him with him having a black film connected to the tibia and tarsus of his legs. His mouth looks insect like. He has five fingers and talon-like toes. He has two emerald green and dark purple bat/moth like wings being that they come out of his back. The dark purple part of his wings is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his wings is part of his natural exoskeleton.

He has a thick dark purple scaled prehensile tail with the end of it being a emerald green wrecking ball. Like with his wings, the dark purple part of his tail is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his tail is part of his natural exoskeleton. He wears a long dark red cloak with it always open and has glowing molten lining. He wears his gray sleeveless tunic like gi and a black tie with his tie having a silver UFO on it. He wears dark purple pants with a gold obi like belt. 

Zane is wearing black boots with the bottom of his boots being a red color. He wears black fingerless gloves. "That is Alien Form. While this form looks quite weak compared to Warlord Form, I won't be underestimating you Zane." thought Basalt. "Listen up Magma Dome. It's time for you to die or get beaten to a pulp which ever works. At this point, I'm good." said Zane with him jump right toward Basalt and his jump created a shockwave.

Before Basalt could do anything about, he coughed up saliva due to Zane's head slamming right into his stomach. He began to unleash a barrage of punches, kicks, and tail swipes on Basalt with Basalt getting annoyed. Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt unleashed green lightning bolts shaped energy blades from the tops of his wrists. He was about to slash Zane away but his attack missed thanks to Zane releasing a burst of sapphire blue ice and this froze the swamp water around them. 

Zane flew back with him producing black ink from his mouth. This ink turned into bullets that covered the ice below them. Basalt growled with him break out of the ice by melting it away. This create a thick layer of smoke with Basalt deciding to use the smoke to his advantage. He rushed toward Zane but instead of hitting him, the Maferno was covered in black ink. "Sorry buddy. Try again." echoed Zane's voice with the Maferno looking for him. 

He got his answer due to Zane kicking him hard in the face. The force of the blow was extremely strong with the shockwave breaking the ice around where Basalt was. Basalt's head whipped to the left with him staggering back a bit. He opened his mouth and spat out a couple of teeth. Zane didn't let up on him with him increasing the gravity on Basalt and this was made obvious thanks to Zane's hands glowing emerald green. "I think it's time for some golf." said Zane, making Oathmaker appear. 

Zane slammed the hammer right into the Maferno's face once again, breaking more teeth by the second time around. "And now your idea Havoc." said Zane with him turning into Sound Prime and this was thanks to his right arm. "High-Def Surround Sound!" said Zane as Sound Prime's discs appeared from Zane's body. They floated around Basalt, unleashing their sound onto him. The Maferno screamed with him covering his ears and Zane smirked. "Fore!" said Zane.

He swung the hammer right into Basalt. This send the Maferno flying out of the swamp and landed onto his back hard. Zane stood nearby Basalt with the alien looking unharmed and missing Oathmaker. He also deactivated Sound Prime and put Brawn Prime in its place. Basalt's chest plate had a deep indention with orange, red, and yellow spider web like crackles. His necklace was gone as well. "That's a good start." said Zane. 

During their fight, Zane easily noticed that Basalt's armor had the annoying ability to regenerate any damage that it took. However, it had its limits. A really powerful attack would leave a mark on the armor. Basalt slowly stood back up with him smiling. "Yes! This is what I have been wanting this entire time! A truly worthy opponent!" cackled Basalt. "Okay then. It's clear that I probably broke your brain earlier. Time to finish the job." said Zane.

He launched himself toward Basalt with Zane creating a shockwave. Basalt narrowed his eyes and charged at Zane. Before they clashed once again, Zane cocked back his left fist and punched forward. Basalt extended his right arm and caught the punch with his hand. It made a resounding boom and shockwave, shaking the ground around them. After this clash, Zane went back by backflipping. "So why did you do that? I mean you can fly!" said Matrix. 

Without missing a beat, Havoc said,"I think he was trying to look cool for the crowd watching this fight.". "Really? That's his reason Havoc?" said Matrix. "If you're going to be a member of Team Legion Zero, you'll get use to Zane's showboating. I'm thinking its genetic at this point." said Astaroth. Zane opened his chest, revealing four black ,ink like, tentacles that can be used to grab opponents at close or long range. 

Basalt was about to burn them away but was stopped by emerald green darts coming from Zane's fingers. The ink like tendrils grabbed Basalt's arms and legs, bringing him close to Zane. Upon getting close to Basalt, the alien was about to kick Basalt in his metallic face but the Maferno's armor caught Zane's foot. Basalt began releasing an incredible heat, causing Zane to let him go and he was slammed into the ground by Basalt.

The Maferno increased his grip on Zane's head, sadistically laughing as his armor picked up Zane's bones breaking due to his grip. "Basalt. You're really trying to kill me aren't you." said Zane. "I think I figured you out. You makes those needless comments of yours when you're scared but I think it's time for you to learn your place." said Basalt. Without giving Zane a chance to comment, a pyramid shaped gun barrel appeared from Basalt's chest. 

Zane's eyes widened with him taking a powerful greenish-blue energy directly. This blast sent Zane skidding back and with his feet cutting trenches into the ground. Zane was unable to catch his breath due to the charging Basalt who smashed both of his fists into Zane. This blow created another shockwave that ripped the ground open within a fifty meter radius and sent Zane flying away. A few minutes later, Zane opened his eyes and looked around the crater where he ended up. 

He saw that on his way here, he made a large trench into the ground. "Yep. Everything hurts. I'm not a fan of this." said Zane as he coughed up candy syrup. He shakily climb to his feet and began climbing out of the crater with his left hand was placed on top of his head. He opened his eyes and deactivated the form. "Okay. Basalt isn't holding back and well, I need to get serious. Or more serious than I was before." said Zane. "Ready to use Albion yet? It's ready to go." said Matrix. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Not yet. We got a couple of Havoc's plans left plus I can beat this guy without it.". He looked up to see that all of his friends were still fighting Basalt's forces. Before Astaroth could say anything about Zane not using Albion and to stop showing off, his watch began beeping. Zane pressed the faceplace down with him saying,"So how are things going up there? Things are going great down here. I think I'm doing some damage to him and he's doing some to me, it's mutual.". 

From the watch, Velda's voice said,"Focus Zane. We're currently working on disabling the forcefield that's keeping you and Basalt inside.". "Um why? I rather not let Basalt get to you guys plus he really wants to keep our fight one on one. He made that perfectly clear easily." said Zane. "Zane. We need to disarm the forcefield in order to free some Trungins that managed to get captured in there with you. I have Arya work on the forcefield but she says that it will take a handful of minutes." said Parker. 

Parker smiled as he said,"Since you're here, let me give you some words of encouragement.". "Oh that's just great. I get another lecture from you." said Zane, rolling his eyes. Matrix sighed as she shocked Zane much to his annoyance. "I thought we were friends now Matrix and why does this hurt me?! I'm immune to electricity!" said Zane. "How about you just listen to daddy Zane and quit with the back talking?!" said Matrix. "So mean." grumbled Zane. 

The Eazairvian sighed as he said,"Don't let Basalt's immense power get to you. You are stronger than him even with him using that suit of armor that increases his strength. I'll admit that the design isn't god awful like that knock off Z.E.R.O. Watch but its power is unmatched by anything Aihlus has even made.". "Just get back to taking down that forcefield so we can help those foxes. I'll keep Basalt busy. I think he's coming to pay me a visit and it will be painful." said Zane as he hanged up. 

Zane didn't need Crisis Judgement to see Basalt jumping toward him, landing a good nine feet away from Zane. "This power I have at my disposal is unmatched! There is nothing that you can do to stop me!" said Basalt with Zane gritting his teeth and narrowed his eyes. He looked down at his watch with him saying,"Okay. I got this.". Before Basalt could do anything, he began smelling something quite foul. "Really? Do you think that you'll knock me out using sleeping gas?" said Basalt.

He looked to see Zane standing there in Matter Form. "It ain't sleeping gas magma dome but hey, prove me wrong." said Zane with his arms crossed and a smirk present on his face. Basalt glared at Zane, making a magma ball appear in his hand. "Kaboom." said Zane with him turning into smoke. The battlefield was caught up in a massive explosion of ice with Basalt being caught in the middle of it. The smoke eventually cleared with Basalt standing there in the center of a crater. 

He was in a slight amount of pain. "So how did you enjoy the methane + magma ship? It would have made a fiery explosion but well, my Carnal said differently." said Zane as he returned onto the battlefield. "Let me show you how much I enjoyed it." said Basalt. Before Basalt could do anything about his threat, Zane ,in Orb Prime, slammed right into him and pushed him back. The ball began moving around the Maferno's crater, making a noticeable divot in the ground. 

Due to how fast he was going, Zane create a tornado and this launched Basalt into the air. Zane bounced up to Basalt, slamming him back into the ground and made the crater even bigger. Basalt groaned with Zane landed nearby. "Okay. Lets go." said Zane as he turned into Thunder Form with his right arm giving him the ability of Chaos Form. The ape placed his hands onto the ground with the ground begining to form around Basalt. This trapped the Maferno in the ground. 

Zane began glowing bright purple as he said,"Time to up the voltage! Thunder Prime!". Thunder Prime is sixteen feet with his body's appearance looking the exact same as it was before except for the second set of arms. He wears a black natural faceplate over his face. This plate covers his forehead, nose, eyebrows, and ears but his eyes and mouth are exposed. Both of his eyes have red scleras, white irises, and black pupils. Over his eyes, he has white thunder bolt shaped markings. 

These markings appear over his ankles and wrists with them replacing the bolts. His mouth is the same as before except he had now has two tongues and four large jagged fangs coming out of his mouth whenever his mouth is closed. He wears a black hooded jumpsuit with bright dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, stripes across the arms and legs. His jumpsuit has silver shoulder pads ,in the shape of discs, with a lightning bolt etched into them. 

He wears black boots, brown fingerless gloves, and gold gauntlets with a lightning bolt etched into them. He now has a large version of his tail and it looks metallic. It’s constantly producing Zane’s signature dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, electricity. "And you're Frankenstein Prime as well thanks to your right arm. Hope that's enough voltage for you." said Matrix. "Thanks Matrix. Hey Basalt! Get ready for your electrocution!" said Zane. 

After saying that, Zane smiled and he said,"I pray for your forgiveness but this sinner deserves nothing less than your judgement Zagehz. Thunder Emperor Judgement!". He pressed both of his palms firmly together and his fingertips evenly aiming them toward the sky. Four molten gold storm clouds appears above the buried Basalt. The four clouds send down a barrage of giant thunderbolts onto Basalt, creating a large explosion of thunder.

This increased the size of Basalt's crater and released him from the ground in the process. Basalt tried to move but couldn't due to his armor being overcharged with electricity thanks to Zane's first spell. Zane opened his mouth, releasing a giant stream of destructive thunder from his mouth and making it an explosion at the end. "Lets start things off with Thunder Emperor Barrage into Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Arcadia Smash!" said Zane.

As he was saying this, his left arm getting covered in a solid layer of thunder. The gathered electricity went into the air with him forming a molten gold cloud above Basalt once again. The cloud brought down several giant thunderbolts ,which are in the shape of fists, onto Basalt. "I'm not down yet! Lets go! Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Celestial Stanchions!" said Zane, clasping all of his hands together. 

He began focusing his electricity and covering himself in it. As he's doing this, the sky around him was getting darker and thunder boomed above. The wind ,inside of the forcefield, was picking up and Basalt found it hard for him to breath. Zane ,with his eyes glowing, looked down at Basalt with him holding out all of his hands and clapping. After clapping, twelve pillars of lightning came out of the sky and struck Basalt. 

Zane launched a thirteen pillar toward Basalt with this pillar turning into a gigantic dragon/fist hybrid that hit Basalt directly. This created a massive explosion of lightning and Zane glared at him. "Get up bastard!! I'm not down with your electrocution yet!" roared Zane as his electricity sparked up in intensity. Basalt slowly stood up as there was a green aura around his body. "Your electricity is strong but nothing can break through this shield." said Basalt.

The aura was gone as he charged toward Zane and jumped into the air. He unleashed a massive stream of magma at Zane who blocked it by a massive stream of thunder. The two elements clashed in mid air with neither side gaining the advantage. "I'm not done with you! Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Dreadnaught!" said Zane with him gathering up a huge cluster of electricity and glares directly at Basalt with him clapping. 

After clapping a single time, twelve spheres of lightning comes out of the sky above him. They slowly heads toward Basalt, creating a massive explosion of electricity. With each sphere destroy, the explosion grows bigger. Basalt had the green aura around him and he was sure about something. Zane's spell was strong but nothing compared to his armor. As this barrage of explosions is going on, Zane cups his palms together with him making a massive version of Oathbreaker appear. 

He began charging toward Basalt with him smashing the hammer into Basalt right after the twelfth explosion. This makes a final explosion that shook the area around them. Basalt went flying back with Zane smiling. "See?! I broke your stupid shield with my electric personality!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off with him turning into lightning, dodging several purple energy beams. These beams hit Basalt with him defending the shots. 

Zane reformed a few feet away with him seeing a pack of Trungin firing the purple energy beams at Basalt. "Huh. I found the Trungin. Lets just hope we're allies this time around." thought Zane with him being reminded of what happened earlier. The pack didn't let up on the energy beams with Basalt glaring at them. "Oh wow. They must not want Basalt to destroy their home. I mean I'm doing the exact same thing but I guess that they deem Basalt to be the bigger threat." said Zane. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked at them. "Get out of here! He's too strong!" said Zane. His warning was ignored as Basalt turned his left arm into an cannon and blasted several energy projectiles at the pack. The pack was quick enough to avoid the blasts with the explosions knocking Zane off his feet and onto his back. "Leave now! He's too strong for you! I learned that sometimes, you have to know your limits and retreat to fight another day!" said Zane.

Zane clenched his fists as he said,"I know that you guys want to protect your home I understand that but leave that to me! I may have hurt you in the past but I plan to make amends! Believe in me got it?!". Despite not liking the Cross Species and his friends for steeping into their territory, they knew when they were unmatched and retreated. They could also feel that Zane was strong like the armor wearing one so they trusted him to make good on his promise. 

With them out of the way and hopefully out of the forcefield, Zane glared at Basalt who smiled directly at him. "Always the hero aren't you? You must hate that don't you?" said Basalt. "It's better than being the villain who has beings in his life out of fear rather than love like a hero does." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped back to evade a pillar of lava. Before Zane could recover, a metal wire went around his neck. 

It was strangling him and he tried to get it off him but this wire was draining him of all of his electricity and strength. Basalt ,with the wire coming out of his right wrist, brought his arm down and this sent Zane into the ground. With the wire still around his neck, Basalt dragged Zane over to him and he smiled. He turned his left arm into magma and he slammed into Zane's chest with him creating a giant hole in Zane's chest. 

Basalt tossed Zane away with him unleashing a barrage of magma construct fists at Zane. Each fist slammed into him and Basalt slammed his left foot right into Zane's face, creating a crater in the ground. "Bastard. Don't think you can defeat me by burning away my Essence. Malik tried that six years ago and it failed just like your face!" said Zane with him spitting in Basalt's face. "Really Zane? Spitting. How pathetic." said Basalt. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"If you honestly think that, you don't know me whatsoever.". His spit turned out to be royal blue tar and exploded right in Basalt's face. This pushed Basalt back and off Zane with him deactivating Thunder Prime. His wounds from Basalt's magma blast to the chest healed up with Basalt smiling. He held his sword with him swinging it fast. The sword unleashed a barrage of orange, crescent-shaped energy waves with serrated edges lashed out.

They didn't go toward at Zane but one of the retreating Trungin. "No! Coward!" shouted Zane. "I like to call it a strategic maneuver since well, you're a hero after all." said Basalt. The Trungin was unaware of this until Zane slammed into him and took the attack head on.  This attack literally sliced Zane into pieces with his blood coming out of him. The Trungin was shocked by the Cross Species's ability to give himself for an enemy but knew Zane need her gone so he could fight Basalt.

Zane groaned as he said,"Okay then. Ouch. That's real sharp.". His body slowly began to regenerate and repair itself. Zane slowly pushed himself off the ground and on his leg. He let out an annoyed grunt with his left eye closed since it had been shattered thanks to Barrage's sword wave. "Damn it. Do you know how much it cost to rebuild one of those? Not much since I'm rich but I hate being a cyclops for any period of time since it hurts my loved ones!" said Zane with him making a new left eye appear. 

He turned into Salamander Prime with him making two clones appear. The clones turned into Archfiend Prime and Gravity Prime. "You two ready?" said Zane. "Gotcha boss." said the two. Gravity held out his hands with them glowing crimson red. The gravity around Basalt increased with the Maferno getting pushed into the ground. Zane fired two beams from his two cannons. The left beam was royal blue Carnal and the right beam was turquoise Primordial. 

These beams exploded upon contact with Basalt with Zane taking a deep breath. "Do it now while the boss is getting charged!" said Gravity. Archfiend began making cannons with him saying,"Let me introduce you to the Barrage Blasters! Arcane Emperor Barrage Blaster! Armageddon Emperor Barrage Blaster! Chaos Emperor Barrage Blaster! Forest Emperor Barrage Blaster! Heavenly Emperor Barrage Blaster! Hellfire Emperor Barrage Blaster!".

As he was saying this, the cannons began charging up a respective element. "Luminous Emperor Barrage Blaster! Ocean Emperor Barrage Blaster! Permafrost Emperor Barrage Blaster! Thunder Emperor Barrage Blaster! Umbra Emperor Barrage Blaster!" said Archfiend. From the cannons, all eleven Barrage spells appeared and struck Basalt head on. "Lets go! Zenith Sphere Wave times three!" said Zane as he fired out a Zenith Sphere Wave from his mouth and two cannons. 

One Zenith Sphere Wave is made out of Akostar energy being a Cosmic Crimson Red, Carnal being Royal Blue, and Mojo being Black. These beams collided onto Basalt, creating a massive explosion and making a mushroom cloud. Archfiend Prime and Gravity Prime vanished as Zane ,with him deactivating, looked at the cloud. "It seems that you are a hero to the very end. It is funny. I always wanted the power of your watch to rule over all." said Basalt's voice. 

Zane clenched his fists as he heard,"But thanks to you, I gained a power that easily dwarfs the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Once I end your life and take the watch for myself, nothing will be able to stop me.". The Maferno stood there with him cracking his knuckles. "Is that all you got Zane? I thought you were the one who replaced me as a Jaeger." said Basalt as he produced a huge amount of magma/lava. He unleashed two massive streams of magma at Zane who blocked these steams of magma.

This was thanks to an ethereal solid gate shaped construct that shines crimson red. "Thanks Unworldly Gate." said Zane. Basalt charged Zane with him cocking back his left fist. Zane turned intangible with him appearing behind Basalt. "Impulse Sabers." muttered Zane with him focusing Impulse into his arms. The energy turned into a piercing energy blade around his arms. These blades went to a few inches above his hands. 

He slashed Basalt in the back twice, causing him to roar in anger as Zane began rapidly stabbing Basalt rapidly. He finished by crossing both blades over the Maferno and deliver a powerful x-shaped slash over him. "Damn you! I will make pay for that!" roared Basalt. "And now, you're sounding like a stereotypical villain. You make think that your armor dwarfs the Z.E.R.O. Watch but honestly, I'll take you down with it on!" said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane as he said,"So are you going to use one of your stronger forms? I know for a fact that you are still holding back.". "You're right about me holding back but you're doing the exact same. Pot calling kettle black much?" said Zane. Basalt began laughing with Matrix saying,"I think you broke him Zane.". "Fine. I'll go all out on you Zane if you do the same and stop with those dumb jokes of yours." said Basalt. 

Instead of doing that, Zane turned into Atomic Prime. "Really? Why not Astral Form or are you too scared like you were back then?" said Basalt. "Not at all. I just know that I can do this without using that power in that way. Now are we going to keep talking like old ladies or are we going to fight like men?" said Zane. "Fine. Use this form of yours. I'll make your defeat even more painful!" said Basalt as the two clashed fists. 

This sent shockwaves throughout the entire planet and Zane went back from it. He began launching the compressed dark matter that rotating around his body at Basalt. This kept Basalt from doing anything since each sphere exploded upon contact and kept him from dodging with Zane making a bigger sphere of dark matter. "Take this!" shouted Zane with him tossing the sphere at Basalt. The sphere made a massive mushroom cloud upon contact with the Maferno and Zane stood there. 

Zane crossed as he thought,"He isn't down yet.". "How come you're so sure? You unleashed a million Sv or siverts with your last attack alone. No being should have live through that." said Matrix. "Basalt is stubborn and persistent like I am. Things are just getting warmed up." said Zane as he flew into the explosion where Basalt was waiting for him. During his fight, Zane's arms were glowing and he cocked back both of his arms. 

Upon seeing the Maferno, Zane slammed both fist into the left and right side of Basalt's head. This created a massive explosion that consisted of five million SV or siverts with it creating a massive mushroom cloud and sent shockwaves throughout the planet. A few minutes later, the explosion cleared up and it revealed the outcome of Zane's explosion. Zane ,out of Atomic Prime, was being held in the air by Basalt's left hand around his neck. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Your attack was so cute there. Trying to kill me with all of that radiation but you should know that I won't be losing to you ever again. You also forgot about my ability to deactivate your form with a single blast. Your attacks almost made me break a nail.". "You're making jokes now Basalt? What has the Omniverse come to?" said Zane with Basalt glaring. He released an electric shock through Zane with him screaming in pain and Basalt dropped him. 

The Maferno smiled as he said,"I'm so sorry. That seems to be your thing. I think I'll just stick to mine instead.". He blasting Zane with his green energy beam that was shocking Zane upon contact. Zane was being pushed farther into the ground with him smiling. "Sorry but I can't let you have the high ground here Basalt. Time to go above and beyond in kicking your butt!!" said Zane as his eyes glowed bright blue. 

Basalt was hit in the back of the head by something with him thinking,"I don't think any of his friends enter the dome so who hit me and with what?". He turned around to see Zane standing there with him saying,"Don't look away from me or my clone but here's the question. Am I the real one or a fake? Have fun figuring out!". Basalt looking down to see Zane smiling at him. Basalt sliced the clone's head clean off with his sword. 

This caused Basalt to get caught up in a massive explosion of emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flames. The entire area was covered in fire and these flames formed the words "Try Again You Failed!" with these four words pissing Basalt up. He saw that the Zane from before was gone and several silver marbles came flying toward him. "Those toys of your won't do nothing to me!" shouted Basalt with him slammed his arms into the ground. 

A huge eruption of magma came out of the ground and they came in contact with the magma. The spheres unleashed a powerful burst of air and this turned all of the magma into stone. The stone eventually shattered thanks to Basalt's fist and before the Maferno could do anything, he was blasted in the face by a massive pillar of black Mojo that came from Zane. He was standing there in Satanic Corruption and wearing Avenger Mask with the Cross Species cracking his neck.

Basalt looked at him with him saying,"So the power of your most hated enemy lies within you. Why would you do that?". "To save people. I'm willing to become a monster but unlike the Brandsa, I won't let this power control me. Lets go!" said Zane. He charged right toward Basalt with him saying,"Satanic Crosscut and Satanic Railgun!". His arms began growing to be at least five times bigger and Zane crossed his arms, forming an "X" shaped pattern. 

Upon reaching Basalt, he brought them down onto him. Basalt tried to block Zane's attack but he couldn't move his body thanks to the firefighting foam forming around his body. He didn't know how they appeared but he tried to break out of it. However, any kind of fire only made the foam stronger. Zane's attack caused him to slide back and he had a royal blue "X" shaped mark on his chest. As he was being pushed back, Basalt saw several royal blue Carnal energy beams appear around Zane.

The Cross Species punched the air in front of him. These beams went flying toward Basalt and Basalt began launching magma at them. Upon contact, the beams created a massive explosion with the magma. During the explosion, Zane charges through them and slammed his fist into Basalt's chin. The Maferno was sent flying into the air with him releasing green energy beams from his eyes. It collided with Zane and released electricity throughout his body but this didn't stop Zane. 

Zane shouted as he said,"If you honestly think that electricity will stop me from kicking your ass, you got another thing coming! You won't be conquering my home and my friends got it?! Satanic Roar!". He unleashed a giant beam of royal beam Carnal from his mouth toward the Maferno. "It needs more power. Time to give it some. Increase the power of my attack!" said Zane as his energy beam was covered in molten gold runes. 

This made a massive explosion and it sent shockwaves of Carnal throughout the area. Basalt landed on the ground with him covered in wounds but instead of giving up, he got back up and made his right arm getting bigger as Zane's left arm did the same. The two opponents charged toward each other and their fists slammed into each other. This shockwave went over the entire planet and the two opponents stopped with the flashy attacks, brawling with each other as each punch created a shockwave. 

In due time, Zane's neck was pinned under Basalt's foot and had his entire body encased in magma that was released electricity. The Cross Species had Avenger Mask and Satanic Corruption deactivated at this point. "Give up now and your death will be brief but painful!" said Basalt, driving his foot harder into Zane's face who groaned. "Sorry but that won't be happening any time soon you magma spewing bastard!" shouted a voice. 

Basalt turned to see Danny flying above them and he was above them in Wraith Armor. The gadget changed once again. Danny is still wearing a black full-body plated armor with wing-like jets on his back. His armor is covered by an glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. His face is covered by a mask version of his helmet which is an obsidian black color with a smaller version of his logo and white eyepieces over his eyes. His hair is still like flames with it now being azure blue energy. 

His skin is now colored an azure blue color with him having azure blue energy claws over his feet and hands. His eyes are pupilless and a white color. They glowed with a noticeable vibrancy and power within them. He has two energy wings coming out of his back and wears a gold laurel. His body has a noticeable azure blue aura with it glowing radiantly.  "You have beaten him before so just kick his ass already!" yelled Danny. "Fool. After I finish with him, you're next." said Basalt. 

Danny nodded as he said,"If you honestly think you won against Zane, you're a big idiot. I mean you know much Zane loves to talk especially during a fight.". "Don't interfere with our fight!" said Basalt with his eyes glowing. "I won't since well, he would be mad at me if I do." said Danny. Before Basalt could say anything, he was grabbed by black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains. It tossed him away from Zane and Zane floated out of the ground. 

There were two holes in Zane's prison and it exposed Zane's chains which were covering his arms. "So where you letting him kick the crap out of you just to do that or what?" said Danny. "A little bit of A and B. So is Basalt's army taken down and are the Feroxian okay?" said Zane. "Yes to both. All we have left is taking down Basalt, Rivart, and your evil twin. I leave the former to you. Rae on the other hand wanted to fight evil you." said Danny. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Tell her that I'll be okay. Now get going. Help out Rae if she really needs it but let her fight this guy. She can easily win.". "You got it bro." said Danny as he flew off and deactivated Wraith Armor.  Basalt glared at Zane with the Cross Species floating above him in his rocky prison. "Do you honestly think your little trick will led to my defeat?" said Basalt as he got ready to blast Zane. "Nope but if you think my trick is over, you're wrong." said Zane. 

Before Basalt could attack Zane, something appeared in front of him. It was Gravity Prime and the planet smiled. He made his hand glow crimson red and decreased the gravity around Basalt. He sent Basalt flying and with his other three arms, he sent a barrage of rocks at the Maferno and it was preventing him from doing anything. The amount of rocks was plentiful and in different sizes due to their fight being quite messy. 

The Maferno burned the rubble away and turned to see Titan Form standing there. He blasted cosmic red energy right at Basalt with the energy pushing him right into the ground. Zane rushed right toward Basalt, leaving behind a red and steel gray blur in his place. Zane's foot landed directly into Basalt's chest and this pushed Basalt into the remaining trees which burned away upon contact. "Okay. Activate Code 07-130-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion. Astral Form!" said Zane. 

When Zane said that, the entire battlefield was covered in a blinding light. Basalt blinked with him seeing not Astral Form but another form entirely. It was Radiation Prime and he blinked. "Oh what the hell! The one time I wanted Astral Form. Just my luck. At least, I got a Prime Form." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. "Sorry Zane! I didn't mean too!" said Matrix. "So why isn't he Astral Form? He actually wanted it for once." said Astaroth. 

Matrix screamed as she said,"I don't know! I must be malfunctioning due to the explosions from the watch.". Basalt charged toward Zane and prepared his sword to cut Zane in two. Zane sighed as he aimed both of his hands at Basalt. "This may not be on the same level as Astral or Atomic Prime but this will still hurt you a lot." said Zane as his rings begin to glow brighter. He unleashed a beam of luminescent red radiation at Basalt with the beam hitting the Maferno dead on. 

This beam sent Basalt flying until he slammed into the force field surround them. Zane flew into the air with making a giant sphere of radiation. It had black markings on it and forming a hazardous symbol on it. "Get a load of this magma dome! Zenith Radiation Sphere!" shouted Zane as he tossed the sphere down onto Basalt and this created a huge mushroom cloud of radiation. Zane flew right into the cloud and he spotted Basalt standing there without any scratches. 

He groaned with him saying,"Can you just give up Basalt? I'm getting sick of fighting you.". "As am I!" said Basalt, holding his sword and it began absorbing the radiation around them. This included Zane with him flying back. The sword was completely covered in luminescent red radiation and it glowed brightly. Without a second warning, Zane fired another beam of radiation at Basalt and the Maferno's sword absorbed it. Zane began creating copies out of his body and sent them flying toward Basalt. 

A third of the clones fired radiation, a third of the clones were getting ready to punch them, and the final third of them was getting ready to kick them. Basalt only stood there as he took the hits of the clones and they were absorbed into his sword. "Come on. This sword of yours has to have a limit when it comes to absorbing Impulse!" thought Zane as he increased the amount of radiation he was blasted at Basalt. From the outside of the forcefield, all of Zane's friends watched the fight. 

Basalt smiled and pushed back against the powerful beam. Basalt walked through the beam and his sword was absorbing the radiation in the process. "I will enjoy this." said Basalt. He held out his right arm and it was now a large cannon with a scope mounted on the left side. Greenish-blue light glowed from within the wide barrel. "I may have enjoyed our fight prior to this but well, I think it's time to end this." said Basalt. "What a big gun you have there Basalt." said Zane. 

The Maferno nodded as he said,"This gun is something known as the Extinction Cannon. It keys into a target's Impulse and will destroy it on a subcellular level.". He began narrowing his eyes at the biggest thorn in his side. "Even if you can regenerate from anything, this gun will make sure that you will be in a great deal of pain doing so. Think of it like getting hit by a fellow Eazairvian except you aren't my target." said Basalt. "No. You leave them out of this!" roared Zane angrily. 

Basalt shrugged as he said,"Why should I? All of them have been a thorn in my side for too long but you're the biggest thorn. I will get rid of her first!". The EC charged up and fired out a large concentrated green energy beam with orange lightning spiraling around it. Zane watched the beam of energy go past him and went toward its target which forced Zane to chase after it. "I hope you can prevent her death Zane since you failed before. Seventh time is the charm after all." said Basalt.

Before Basalt could do anything, he felt the sword shaking and the Z.E.R.O. Watch began to glow platinum. "What's going on?!" said Booker. The watch emitting a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy. It sent the robot flying into Rachel's attack, causing him to short circuit and looked destroyed but he was still alive. "What just happened you guys?" said Ralad with Turseek shrugging. "I honestly have no idea but it's good for us right?" said Turseek.

Danny looked right at Basalt's sword with it gaining a mind of its own and it sliced the Maferno in the chest with him roaring in pain. The sword shattered with the stored energy coming out of the remains of the sword. After this, the entire area was covered in a huge flash of light. This blinded everyone with them hearing a familiar voice,"Holy crap! I'm alive! Never doing that again!". The light faded with them seeing Zane standing there with a smile on his face. 

The watch went back onto Zane and he had his metal prosthetics on him. "Let me just say this here and now you guys. I'm never dying again if that's what waiting for me at the other end of light! I met the Grim Reaper and you would not believe who she's related too!" said Zane. Turning around, Zane smiled at his friends. "Oh hey guys. Sorry about bringing the fight up here but well, I always got to be the hero." said Zane. 

Both Danny and Rachel looked at the revived Zane with shock as the Cross Species turned to his two closest beings. "Zaney." muttered Rachel with her mood slowly going back to normal. "Sorry about making you worry about me bro and Rae but well, I won't be dying any time soon. I got too many beings caring about me and well, dying would break their hearts." said Zane. Rachel tackled Zane with her hugging him as if her life depending on it.

She began kissing him all over with Danny smiling. "Zane!" said Danny with him joining the hug as Rachel began crying. "He's alive you guys! He's alive you guys!" chanted Rachel. "Of course Zane is Rae. Zane is too stubborn to die and well, what happened to you mate?" said Allen. "You're not mad about me dying? I mean I thought I was dead too but well, I'm too damn stubborn to die. I'll tell you about that experience later." said Zane.

Gwen sighed as she said,"At this point and I really hate to admit it, it's a part of you. Welcome back to the land of the living once again Zane. For the love of the gods, stay in it. We're begging for you to do it.". "Yeah! What she said Zane!" said Arya with her head nodding rapidly. "You got it." said Zane as Danny and Rachel eventually let him go. "Alvarez! Get over here!" yelled Basalt. Zane turned around to see the Maferno glaring right at him with his chest still having its cut on it. 

His magma/lava was slowly healing his wound. "Oh. That's right. You're still here." said Zane with him reappearing in front of Basalt. Basalt grabbed his neck, slamming Zane into the ground. "Why didn’t he dodge it ?!" thought the others. "You will be die Zane. There will be no more surprises or tricks from you! Time for you to perish Alvarez!" said Basalt as he held Zane in the air. Both hands were around Zane's neck and the Maferno smiled at this. 

Even if the Cross Species bonded with a Vordlarin, Basalt was sure that he was still going to die by blocking the airflow to his neck and brain. Struggling to breathe right, Zane's face was slowly becoming blue and pale. "I think this moment will be your biggest failure even more when you failed back on Earth." said Basalt. Zane slowly closed his eyes when he began smiling. "Why are you smiling?" said Basalt. 

Zane began speaking through labor breaths as he said,"You're forgetting why I'm so feared and beloved in the Omniverse Basalt. I think it was the Scarlet Demon who said it first but my true power isn't just my strength but the power of the bonds I've made through my life. Matrix! Show him what our bond really means!". The peanut gallery watched Zane’s right arm move on its own and a glowing platinum energy ball appeared in the hand. 

Like before on the Armada's cargo hold, the Impulse there was stronger than normal and creating that bass/thunder sound but it wasn't as loud as before. The ball was growing in size and was tossed toward Basalt's face. It detonated and there was an explosion of black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning. It sent everyone ,except for a few, flying back. Once it stopped, the area around the ball was destroyed and the ground was torn apart. 

Basalt was sent flying against the forcefield, hitting it hard. The being was sliding down the forcefield and faceplanted into the ground. "Holy crap. That was so cool!" said Veto. Danny looked at Zane with the Cross Species trying to catch his breath. "So are you okay man? And did you mean to use lightning earlier?" said Danny. "I'm fine." said Zane, ignoring the lightning question once again. "So I shouldn't have to ask but do you need me to help you handle or do you got this?" said Danny. 

He saw the raw determination in his brother's eyes with him smiling. "I don't get why I even asked you this. You got this. Just kick his ass already and don't hold back this time. If you do and die again, I'm going to kick your ass." said Danny. He ran off as Crisis Judgement went off and Zane turned to see Basalt charging toward him with pure, smoldering anger in his eyes. "You'll pay for that Alvarez!” said Basalt.  

The Cross Species smiled with him making a portal and it swallowed up Basalt. "Take care of the others. Basalt is mine!" said Zane, flying into the portal after him and it closed. The portal reopened with Basalt and Zane flying toward the ground within the forcefield. The two began exchanging various blows with each other. Each blow was creating a noticeable shockwave and Basalt landed a uppercut to Zane, sending him flying into the air.

Zane smiled as he slammed his enlarged feet into Basalt with the Maferno getting sent into the ground even faster. Basalt's impact caused a huge cloud of dust to emerge from the forest. Zane saw that Basalt was in a massive crater and watched from above. "So are you going to do something or what?" said Matrix. "I may have met Basalt the one time but if I'm right, he'll be mad about this." said Zane. Basalt stood back up with him taking a deep breath. "You will pay for doing that Alvarez." said Basalt. 

The Maferno released a huge wave of lava from his body and this burned everything around him. He sent it toward the descending Zane who absorbed it with ease. "Void Absorption." said Zane, cracking his neck. "I think it's time we end this." said Zane as he began pumping his Impulse into the air around him and his emotions with the latter increasing his strength. It was at a point where the pressure that was coming off Zane was enough to bother Basalt despite him being in no way weak. 

Basalt glared at him as he said,"So are you ready to seriously fight me? I should let you know that I'm stronger than I was four years ago.". "You damn right I am and don't forget that I'm not the not same being from back then as well. Let me show you what I mean by that you lava-spewer bastard!" said Zane. "Words alone will only get you so far in the Omniverse if you don't have the power to back it up Zane! You have the power to rule over the Omniverse but no." said Basalt.

The Maferno cracked his neck as he said,"You decide to help which is the worst possible outcome you can do with it.". He began making several magma meteors and launching them toward Zane. The hero stood there calmly with him holding Lazarus Soul in its true form. He held his soul sword toward the magma meteors and unleashed a huge array of two types of energy fist-shaped constructs. These two energies are Carnal and Mojo. 

Zane's energy shells pierced right through the meteors with Basalt looking at Zane. "The weapon is powerful just as I remember and I shouldn't take it lightly unlike that devil." thought Basalt. "If you honestly think that will stop me, you got another thing coming!" said Zane with a smirk and unleashed three massive hammer shaped constructs. The Maferno unleashed a massive wave of magma with him thinking that Zane's feeble attack was burned away but something hit him in the stomach and harder. 

It was a massive wave of molten gold Liasada. It pushed the conqueror back and he clutched his midsection in pain, falling to his left knee. "What was that?" thought Basalt. "If you think that would stop me, I'm here to prove you wrong. If you take me lightly like so many before you, I'll make you regret that decision." said Zane as he rested the sword lazily over his right shoulder. It gave Basalt the impression of I don't give a damn and that the Cross Species was mocking him. 

Basalt growled and stood back up with him saying,"Oh. You want me to take you serious. That's a joke Zane.". Zane looked at Basalt with him moving the sword off his shoulder. "The Omniverse has an expression. The pot calling the kettle black. You can't call me out for taking you lightly when you have done the same." said Basalt. "You're right. I do tend to do that but right now, I'm not. Now get back up so I can kick your ass and do you admit your defeat?" said Zane, aiming his sword at Basalt.

He didn't get a response and unleashing a barrage of Primordial bombs from the sword. "So are you sure about this plan Zane? I mean Basalt is really strong and considered to be a high level threat. I mean he killed you!" said Havoc. "Listen here Slimey." said Matrix. "Slimey?" said Havoc. "Zane here may be an idiot when it comes to my feelings and constantly getting himself into life ending situations but in a fight, you can have complete trust in him." said Matrix. 

Astaroth rolled his eyes as he said,"She's right Havoc. Whatever Zane went through earlier, I'm sure that he doesn't plan on losing. Lets see what you're going to do Zane.". "Climactic Clash." said Zane with him holding his sword in front of him and began focusing all of his energy into the blade. It began glowing molten gold and steel gray. After the explosion faded, Basalt unleash a barrage of magma meteors in order to tire Zane out. 

Zane didn't try to dodge Basalt's attack and began rushing toward the Maferno. Once he got close, he slashed Basalt in the chest and Zane appeared behind the Maferno who growled as he was being sliced repeatedly with each slice causing a shockwave afterwards. "Damn you!" yelled Basalt as he unleashed a giant stream of magma and it was more intense than normal since the Maferno was even more pissed off. Even though he could handle the heat, Zane decided to dodge it just to piss Basalt off more. 

Seeing no other choice to end Zane, he unleashed a stream of lava/magma at Zane. This stream looked like several volcanoes unleashed their fury at once and aimed at one source. Zane stopped and looked at the stream with a smile. "Time for you to cool down Basalt. Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Dragon's Rage!" said Zane as the area around him was covered in water. Instead of aiming one of his arms at Basalt's magma stream, Zane aimed his sword at the stream. 

It unleashed the massive water dragon. Instead of boiling away, the dragon pushed its way right through the magma and hit Basalt directly. The Maferno caught up blood as he was sent flying through several trees before hitting the ground hard. Due to his enhancements, he was going to recover from this and his fiery rage was only going to get stronger. He coughed out some water that went right into his lungs earlier and glared at Zane. Due to his natural ability to use lava/magma, the water was gone. 

Basalt charged toward Zane with him planning on smashing Zane into the ground. His arms grew in size with Zane blocking both of Basalt's fists using his sword. The impact make a noticeable shockwave upon contact. This create a clash between the two before Basalt used his superior strength to assert dominance over Zane. However, Zane expected this to happen so he decided to act upon Plan B. He broke off the clash by jumping back and it caused Basalt to slam his fists right into the ground. 

He didn't keep his eyes off Zane who went toward the sole tree ,that survived everything, and used it as a springboard, launching himself toward Basalt. Due to how fast Zane was moving, he was unable to block the charging hero. "Take this!" said Zane with him slashing the Maferno twenty times and after this slash, he made his rifle Termination appear and it was being held in the air using telekinesis. He made Lazarus Soul disappear with him fired the rifle directly in Basalt's face.

This caused a massive explosion of Zane's signature electricity to hit the Maferno head on. Zane used this explosion to make some distance between this and his opponent. After putting the rifle back in his pocket dimension, Zane charged toward Basalt but the Maferno was ready this time around. He blocked Zane's sword and was about to slam his enlarged arm into Zane. However, Zane dodged the strike and aimed his sword at Basalt. "Primordial Bolt!" said Zane.

After saying that, he began unleashing several small blasts of Primordial energy at Basalt. To block Zane's attack, Basalt unleashed his magma meteors. While this was going on, Zane landed on the ground and aimed his sword toward Basalt who saw Zane planning something. He fired several magma storms at Zane and the Cross Species smiled. "Tyrannus Spheroid!" said Zane as he unleashed a giant sphere of Tyrannus Nether toward Basalt. 

The magma storms clashed with the Tyrannus Nether with their clash creating an massive explosion and sending dust flying. Even thought Basalt was covering his face with his left arm alone, he kept a close eye on Zane just in case he was planning something sneaky. "Worthy Arrow!" shouted Zane but Basalt heard it from all around him. Basalt looked to see several molten golden energy arrows flying toward him with Basalt beginning to dodge them.

Due to the amount and speed of the arrows, it was hard for him to dodge all of them and they hurt. Lets just that Basalt wasn't happy about Zane having complete control over their fight. "Quit mocking me with these attacks and fight me like a man!" shouted Basalt with him unleashing a giant amount of magma/lava from his body. This caused the entire forest around him to get engulf in flames and he saw several clones of Zane getting burned alongside the plants. 

Basalt saw Zane standing there with his arms crossed. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane muttered to himself,"No shit he's going to attack with me something big. I don't need you telling me that. He's super obvious.". "Die!" yelled Basalt with him unleashed several giant blasts of magma/lava went straight toward Zane who stood there. "Akostar Barrier!" thought Zane as both of his arms were covered in his Akostar energy and formed a barrier around himself. 

Matrix looked around as she said,"This barrier won't last forever since it's connected to your stamina. Do something before you become a scorched Zero! And no! That doesn't sound good!". "You may have a way to prevent me from burning you but not for much longer. Once that happen Zane, I'll be sure to display your skeleton to those precious friends and watch in utter joy as I break their spirit!" said Basalt with a smile. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Oh my gods. Shut the hell up. I thought you weren't like those villains I fight on Earth. A loudmouth idiot who eventually gets a beatdown from yours truly.". Several magma meteors went flying toward Zane as they hit the barrier alongside the blasts. "Zane! I won't stand for your mouth any longer!" roared Basalt. "Nah. I need to marry my childhood sweetheart and get another to open to her new friends!" said Zane. 

He left the barrier and he noticed Basalt's magma/lava was chasing him down. This battle between good and evil was no way close to be finish.

Back below, Zane sighed as he avoided another wave of magma/lava from Basalt. "You got nowhere to hide Zane since nothing you can do will allow you to escape your demise!" said Basalt. For longer than he would have liked, Zane was forced to keep moving so he could prevent getting parts of his body burned away. He could easily recover from it but it would get annoying after a while. If he tried to do anything while standing in place, a powerful attack made of magma/lava rushed toward him.

Even though Zane started the fight in favor, it seems that Basalt was making sure that he was the one leading this fight rather than the other way around. "What's the matter hero?! Weren't you going to defeat me and save your precious friends from dying!" said Basalt as he kept up the pressure of his fiery assault. "He would if you let him fight!" said Matrix with Havoc agreeing with her. In the lab, Arya joined the trio of Janet, Parker, and Velda with the four watching Zane's fight. 

Arya clenched her fists as she said,"Come on Zane! Kick that guy's butt already!". "She does know that Zane could hear her even if she whispered right? And how did he come back from the dead in the first place? He was absorbed into that sword." said Velda. "Shut up! I know that but I want to make sure that Zane knows that I believe in him! You want him to win too right Velda?! It's because you like Zane just like Rae does." said Arya.

Her comment made Velda look away from the group. "Shut up. Of course I do but not in the way you're insulating." muttered Velda with a blush on her face. "I never thought I would see you act like a schoolgirl Velda. It's a nice change if you ask me." said Janet. "We just need to have faith in him since well ladies, we're about to see Zane's ultimate power in action." said Parker. "Do you mean that or the strength of bonds Zane use to become the strongest Zero?" said Janet.

Parker nodded as he said,"Janet. You're both wrong and right. The strength of his bonds and that are the same thing.". "Strength of bonds? What does that mean?" said Arya and Velda. "Just watch and you will see." said Parker. Back on the battlefield, Basalt stopped his assault of magma and crossed his arms with him loudly groaning as Zane landed on the ground. He was bleeding a bit. "I'm sure that you can't unleash your full power when I'm forcing you to move around like that." said Basalt. 

Basalt looked at Zane as he said,"All I'm doing is prevent you from giving it your all. I'll give you this Zane Alvarez. You manage to give me a challenge in the times that we fought but in the end, you'll fall like you did before. You may have gotten stronger but you're still weak!". With just the thought of losing all of them especially Rachel due to someone like Basalt, the thought alone pissed him off. He was feeling the exact same as he did back during the Massacre.

When he lost Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra thanks to the duo of Bimbo and Kilene. He was being reminded of seeing Rachel and the others crying their eyes at their "funeral" and in the hospital, he began breathing heavily and his fists were balled hard. Candy syrup blood was dripping from them thanks to his stingers piercing his skin. "Basalt. I may respect you for being determined for what you want but you made a fatal mistake." said Zane through clenched teeth. 

Basalt noticed Zane's fists as he said,"Oh. Did I upset you Zane? There is no needed for you to get so angry because well, I plan to make their deaths quick and painless. You can join them if you want.". He said all of this with a cruel smile on his face. Hearing this, something inside of Zane broke. Zane's breathing got more hectic and began growling like an enraged monster. His body began shaking uncontrollably as he continued to inhaled and exhale raggedly. 

Zane'ss smile ,which could bring hope and joy to others, wasn't there. He had a look on his face that would kill anyone ten times over due to the shadow covering everything except his eyes which were beginning to glow. It still had its signature spark of determination and rebellion no doubt but there was an intent to kill rising up to service. "Oh yes. It seems that something is going on with him. I wonder if I can bring out to the surface." thought Basalt. 

The Maferno nodded as he said,"Oh yes. This will be so much fun but there comes a problem. Who should I start with? The brother of yours who has been a major screw up from day one and failed you when you need him most? The redheaded devil? Oh what am I saying? I'm going to kill her first since you shouldn't deserve anyone to love.". He was pretty sure that single threat of his broke the straw on the camel's back and would cause Zane to rage out, giving Basalt the chance to kill him. 

Instead of getting angry like he expected, Zane took a deep breath and smirked. "You saying that means you've never lost before but that isn't the case since I defeated you before if you recall." said Zane. He was in no way tired and was sure that this fight was just getting started. "If you give up now and stand by my side, I'll let you rule over that place you call home. If you refuse my generous offer, I will destroy everything and everyone you care about." said Basalt.

After hearing that, Zane's face had an expression of pure rage on him. His teeth were clenched tightly together, his storm gray eyes were glowing with pure rage, and multi colored ,being all of his different forms of Impulse coming out, veins throbbing all over. His face looked so intense that it made Basalt shiver. "So what are you will do Zane? Accept his offer and hurt innocent beings just to keep those you care about dear? Or will you keep on fighting." said a female voice. 

Instead of being concerned by the new voice, Zane blinked as he said,"Seriously? You've been stalking me for my entire life. I'm a protector not a ruler so ruling over others really isn't my thing.". "I'm just making sure. So are you ready to give this bastard his just desserts?" said the voice. "Yep and if you're going to contact me, don't act like him. I mean you're better than that Morana. So when we're done with Basalt, you'll let me hear my teammates again right?" said Zane. 

Morana giggled as she said,"Of course. I mean Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix can live without you for a few minutes.". Zane looked at Basalt with him smirking. "Okay Basalt. I know what to do. It's time for me to win and no longer holding back. If I do, I'll lose what I hold dear and I never want that to happen again! You want an precise answer from me Basalt but honestly, I doubt you expected this as an answer." said Zane. 

Baslt growled as Morana said,"Okay then Zane. To activate this power, you need to remain calm by emptying your mind and focus on the good parts rather than the bad.". "Seriously? You're doing this right now. I know how to activate Albion even though I've never never used it until now." said Zane. "Whatever Zane. I'm just trying to make things fun for you." said Morana. "Morana. Cole has been doing this kind of stuff for years. so it doesn't bother me." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"And I'm sure that Matrix will be doing it since she's more like Cole than Athena much to her dismay.". "I bet you're happy that she can't hear you so she doesn't shock you?" said Morana. "Yeah but she's a girl." said Zane with a smile. Zane's watch instantly projects a holographic image above it. It comes in the form of the Greek letter for Psi "Ψ" and it's a platinum color. "What is he doing down there? That power is off the charts!" said Nemesis. 

Cinarva smiled as she thought,"Zane is unleashing his full power. Show him what happens when you get mad. I know about the first time you let your rage get the better of you thanks to Parker but this time, you're in control of it brother.". "I hope you're ready Basalt. You won't be hurting Rae or anyone I care about ever again!" said Zane, touching the Greek letter. Upon touching it, his watch glows and covers his entire body in platinum colored energy. This energy blinded the ones watching above.

The energy engulfed Zane in a aura of platinum colored energy and makes an sphere around him. The sphere slowly floated a few feet above the ground. "This sphere of yours won't stop me Zane!" yelled Basalt, unleashing a huge stream of lava/magma at the sphere. Instead of burning the sphere away, the hot substance fell onto the ground. "Is this your plan?! Hiding from me!? Why not face the truth?! You will fail them!" said Basalt. He kept bringing the heat and the sphere didn't show any cracks.

Basalt was getting ready to fire another shot of the EC at Zane. The sphere eventually cracked wide open, releasing a wave of platinum colored energy that sent Basalt flying back. Basalt landed with him seeing Zane's new appearance. The energy eventually fades, revealing a changed looking Zane. Zane’s skin turns dark gray and his eyes change colors as well. His eyes have pure white sclera, molten gold irises, and cerulean blue pupils. 

In the center of his forehead, he had a third eye which is open at all times. His third eye is different compared to his main set of eyes. He has a obsidian black sclera and it's missing the molten gold iris that his two eyes have. His third eye's pupil is in the shape of a cross and is a golden amber color. His eyes became more stern with it showing great intensity and focus in them. They also radiate with energy and have a strong superiority to them. 

Zane's eyes would make the most hardened individuals tense up if given a look from him. His hair looks wavy with it flowing upwards and gives it a rising, flame-like appearance. The tips of his hair was standing up at the end. His hair changes to a carmine red color. His ears are now pointed similar to an elf. He has sharp wolf like teeth coming out of his mouth with two fangs sticking out of his mouth and these two ,three inch long, fangs point upwards. 

His mouth is closed at the moment but inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue with it being seven inches long. His nose looked like a snout of a dragon rather than a human's nose but only on close examination. Protruding from his head, there are two metallic looking horns ,about six inches through his hairline, with them being colored reddish black with a flame like pattern to them aka Vulcan Emperor's scales. 

The upper half of his body and most of his face ,excluding his eyes and nose, are also covered by his Vulcan Emperor Scales. Zane now has four arms coming from his body. One set of arms come from his shoulders like normal and the second set of arms appear right under the first set of arms thanks to a second set of shoulder blades. His torso is longer than normal because of his second set of arms. His upper sets of arms are like dragon arms with five carmine red claws rather than regular nails. 

His arms match Astral Form's arms in terms of their appearance. It's black ,with several white star like dots scattered all over the limb, and covered in a bright turquoise aura. His arms ,from his elbow upwards, are covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales and looks similar to chain mail. His "chainmail" are reddish black ,being metallic and a flame like pattern, scales. The other set of arms ,aka the lower set of arms, doesn't changed too drastic. 

He has a dragon like tail which is covered in Zane's Vulcan Emperor scales. The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. His clothing looked different. He's wearing a form-fitting armor that isn’t too tight and hugs his muscular figure very well. It’s a black light-armored shirt. Zane's shirt abdomen/chest is a platinum color with the sides of the shirt being a steel gray color. 

It does a great job at outline his muscles, mimicking body armor. This shirt’s collar covers his neck. His shirt collar is actually a metal plate and used for protection against strikes to his neck. His shirt has an interesting design to them. It's a black tribal dragon tattoo with it having a crimson red background. The background is a molten gold pentagram surrounded by a magic circle. The entire thing was made out of ancient runes. 

His two shoulders are both protected by platinum armored shoulder pads, mimicking the appearance of a pauldron. Like with Astral Form, he’s wearing a cape. It’s made out of a gaseous material. It can't be grab or anything and drapes off his shoulders. He wears long black pants with the sides of his pants having a molten gold stripe on the left pant leg and a steel gray stripe on the right pant leg. He wears his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. He wears black combat boots/running shoes. 

Zane's shoes have gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles. It now goes up to his shins. His shoes are lightweight but durable for combat. His shoes are attached to his pants. He wears platinum armored knee pads. Zane is wearing something interesting on his lower left arm. The object that he wears is the Z.E.R.O. Watch in its brand new combat mode. It covers his knuckles up to his elbow. It’s a black metal-like tight fitting fingerless gauntlet. 

You can’t see a speck of skin of his arm when it is in combat mode. There are several crimson red lines from the faceplate to each one of his fingers.  On the back of the knuckles, there is white squared areas. The lines that connect the middle and ring fingers together forms a "Z" shape. In the center of the gauntlet, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate with it having molten gold stripes, forming an “LZ” outline. 

On each side of the faceplate, it has five symmetrical, gray tubings/vent going down from each side of the device. The Z.E.R.O. Watch looks built into his arm and muscle. He is wearing a glove on his lower right arm that’s similar to the Z.E.R.O. watch in its combat mode. He wears a black fingerless glove that goes up to his elbow. This glove completely covers his arm with it showing none of his skin. It has the crimson red lines over it in the same pattern as the watch and the white square areas over his knuckles.

Zane wears black sunglasses that are in the shape of a visor that cover all three of his eyes. His visor is connected to black ,with steel gray lining, headphones like earpieces that have a gold "LZ" on them. The headphones go over his ears. His face is covered by a platinum face mask attached and the only thing not covered is his hair. His body is covered in a massive aura of platinum colored energy. It looks to be a steady flow of energy and looks to be similar to a burning flame. 

He's constantly emitting misty wisps of royal blue colored energy. These wisps of energy look like electricity that's coming off his body. The ground below him is shaking due to the power releasing from his body. He eventually took a deep breath with the ground no longer shaking. "The ground is done shaking finally." said Turseek. "Yeah but this quiet won't last given who is fighting. Why is so quiet down there though? I mean I can't sense energy whatsoever but this is a bad thing right?" said Vlad. 

No one could give him an answer due to Zane's currently appearance. "What is that power you have now Zane?" muttered Basalt as he nodded. Zane didn't answer him at first with him looking over himself. With his upper set of arms, he inspected the horns coming out of his head. They felt hard as Vulcan Emperor's scales. "This is Albion. I like it a lot. It's like all of my powers combined into one. It outshines Archon Zero Master and Omni Mode without a doubt." thought Zane.

He punched the air in front of him using his bottom set of his arms and cracked his upper set of his arms knuckles. "Yeah. I really need to figure out a way to activate this without the whole transformation sequence. Compared to my other transformations, this one takes time and any time wasted during a fight is bad. I mean it's cool now but I'm sure after a while, I'll get sick of it. May take a while to that doy though." thought Zane. 

Morana smiled as she said,"Don't worry Zaney. I'll help you figure that out once we're alone since I'm the only woman strong enough to take you on especially when you're like this. You're oozing power and well, it's a total turn on for me.". "Okay then. You should know that I'm not interested in you whatsoever. Oh sweet. I'm not talking like a snake so I'm really thankful that Eros doesn't talk like that." said Zane with his voice sounding deep and calm. 

The female voice giggled as she said,"You say that but trust me, you'll be falling for my charms Zane! I mean your voice alone is turning me on!". "Oh joy. I can't wait for that day and another training session with you Morana. You make the twins's training session look cute." said Zane, rolling his eyes. "Just like them." said Morana with her smiling. "Yeah you're right. They won't be happy about hearing me dying but I'll deal with that at a later date." said Zane. "Good idea." said Morana.

Upon activating Albion, everyone above them could feel the energy Zane was feeling. "No way! That is Zane right?" said Rachel. "Of course it is. Can't you tell?" said Danny whose smile was only growing bigger. "Not really Danny." said Rachel. "Trust him on this Rachel. That is my little brother's Impulse right now." said Cinarva. "Little brother?" said Allen and Gwen. "So what in the nine realms did we miss?" said Rachel. "A lot and we'll explain everything once this is all over." said Malik. 

Vlad smirked as he said,"Trust me when I say this princess, there is a lot to discuss and it will blow your mind.". "Yep! I guess this is why Parker had Albion built into him! It kicks so much ass! Go Zane!" said Danny, looking at Zane. As Morana and Zane were talking, Basalt looked right at Zane. "This amount of power in a being should be impossible but Zane is stronger than anyone I've ever met. His body should have long since exploded due to how much power is at his disposal but it doesn't." thought Basalt. 

Zane smirked as he said,"So like my new look Basalt? I call it Albion. Your defeat starts now.". "It matters not Zane since well, I'm still the stronger one. Oh. You seem so confident. Fine then. I've been wanting a rematch with you for a long time now. I'll admit that you're the only being who'll stop my Omniversal conquest." said Basalt. "If you seriously think that killing me will allow you control of the Omniverse, you got another thing coming." said Zane. 

The Cross Species cracked all of his knuckles as he said,"You're going down. I already thought that I lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Ralad today because of you and Parker's pets. I think it's time for you to learn your place!". The two enemies charged right toward each other with their clash creating a powerful explosion. This clash of power sent pieces of rubble ,of every size, flying across the forest with the destruction from their fight only getting bigger from here. 

Within five minutes, the forest area of Parker's summer planet was turned into a battleground. The duo of Basalt and Zane fought with neither of them holding back. After their initial clash, Basalt moved back and stuck his hands into the ground. He threw a massive piece of the ground toward Zane who dodged it by flying into the air. "Okay. I know why Basalt is known for never staying dead." thought Zane as he flew toward and began exchanging blows with Basalt. 

Despite his stronger body, each one of Zane's hits did hurt. With his lower left arm, he began making a Zenith Spear except it looked slightly different. It was a platinum color instead of the signature dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, lightning. Basalt easily caught Zane's arm with him planning on swat the annoying bug away but this plan failed due to Zane having three other arms. The Cross Species hit the Maferno with three Zenith Punches two in the face and gut. 

This attack pushed the magma being back before glaring at Zane. "I'll admit that this new power of yours is by definition powerful but you will not stop me so easily. Is this the being I've deemed to be my rival?" said Basalt. "Thanks for the compliment Basalt. I'm just getting started so be ready for the power I wield." said Zane as he held out his hands. The ground once again shook with Basalt feeling how much stronger Zane was getting. 

Basalt looked at him saying,"So I guess that you decided to tap into the full power of your hybrid blood with this new appearance of yours.". "You're right. I needed a power to access the same level I used on Kilene without losing myself to anger. I haven't had a chance to test it out on a living opponent so are you ready to go?" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt began firing several balls of magma toward Zane.

Each ball was about the size of an African bush elephant and they looked like a meteor. Zane easily dodged them by moving back and the magma meteors burned the ground. "It's a real good thing that we're a good feet away from the others huh." thought Zane as Basalt charged toward him. The two began brawling with Basalt getting a good hit on Zane's face who responded by kicking Basalt's right arm. 

Using his other two arms, Zane began firing platinum energy blasts toward Basalt. This caused Basalt to glare at Zane who smiled. He vanished with him aiming all four hands at them. Each hand fired a massive energy beam at Basalt and the two were engulfed in a massive explosion. It sent the Maferno back a couple of feet and into the air. Upon hitting the ground, Basalt created a massive crater and sent a huge amount of dust into the air. "I guess you didn't like that huh." said Zane. 

Basalt looked up to see Zane floating above him with both arms crossed over his chest. "That wasn't bad Alvarez but if you think that simple energy blasts will stop me, you got another coming boy. I wonder if this is your full power." said Basalt as he emerged from the crater. "If you think that, you got another thing coming." said Zane. "You can't be serious. You at your peak is using Astral Form since that form has the power of the Eazairvian!" said Basalt. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"You're right but how do you know that exactly?". "When I decided to go after you and the power you wield at your fingertips, I contact Vuldall to give me all of the information that he had on your watch and you. I didn't expect to fight against someone like you and Vuldall turning into a female." said Basalt. "Yeah. I learned that things don't always turn out how you initially plan them. If you're so curious, I think I will just show you." said Zane.

He smiled as his eyes closed. He vanished from sight with Basalt looking for his rival. He was kicked in the head by Zane reappearing. "You damn pest! This ends now!" roared Basalt with him charging up energy and fired the EC at Zane. "Wow. Someone is pissed." said Zane, aiming his four hands at Basalt and unleashing a giant platinum energy beam at Basalt's shot. The two beams clashed with them trying to force the other one back. 

Zane added more power into his beam as he said,"Come on Magma Dome. Is that all you got? I'm just getting started.". This pushed back Basalt's beam much to his annoyance. As Zane's beam got closer and closer to him, Basalt had only one thought running through his head. "No. I can't go out like this damn you. I refuse to lose to him again!" thought Basalt as he began summoned every scrap of energy he had and put it all into his attack. 

His beam quadrupled in size with it pushing back Zane's attack like it was nothing at all. "Uh oh." said Zane as he was engulfed by Basalt's attack. The beam tore through the area and this beam disintegrating everything in its path until it finally exploded. Basalt stood there with a smile. "I defeated you Zane finally ." thought Basalt. "Don't count your eggs before they hatch is an expression you should really start to follow." said a voice.

Basalt turned around to see Zane without any wounds. "How did you?" said Basalt as he was punched by Zane. Zane looked at Basalt with the Cross Species not saying a single word and normally, this wouldn't piss Basalt but it did this time. "Fine. Remain silent." said Basalt with him making a massive ball of magma appear above him. "I'm going to crush you. The outcome of our fight has been decided from the start. This is the end of your life Zane. I hope you made it count. Die Zane!" said Basalt. 

He tossed the magma meteor toward Zane with Zane only shrugging. He looked down at his lower left hand and he said,"Okay. This is new. I summoned Fafnir.". Instead of holding Fafnir, he was holding a longsword that reminded him of the famous blade. It is now a double-edged longsword with no fuller and its blade is a pure obsidian black color with its edge shining. The grip of the sword is a steel gray color with the crossguard resembling a pair of demonic looking dragon wings. 

It has a molten gold seven leaf clover etched into the blade. The sword's sheath is half obsidian black and snow white with a crimson red devil sigil sheath. Said sheath goes on Zane's back whenever it appears. "Okay then. I didn't know that you could change appearances on me Fafnir. Doesn't this mean that you finally accept me as your owner? I mean prior to the charge, you begrudgingly accepted me as your owner since I past that little test three years ago." said Zane, swinging the sword around. 

Zane heard a voice,"Hey! Quit swinging me around like a stick!". Zane looked down at Fafnir with him blinking. "Huh. It's nice to hear your voice finally Faf. Didn't expect you to be a man though. I mean totally thought you would be a woman but hey, I've been wrong before." said Zane. "Yeah. I did too to be honest." said Morana. "If you call me Faf again, I will drain you of your Impulse like I did with my previous owners." said Fafnir. 

The Cross Species rolled his eyes as he said,"Okay fine. So what's the plan here Fafnir? Ready to fight alongside me to take down Basalt. Aurora won't mind right?". "I don't see why she would be mad in the first." said Fafnir. "Even male weapons are idiots." said Morana. "Whatever. Lets do this!" said Fafnir with Zane nodding. Zane smiled as he clapped his upper hands together with him slowly spreading them apart. He made Lazarus Soul appear in his lower right arm with him saying,"That is always fun to do.”. 

Zane put his upper arms behind his back with him jumping toward the magma meteor. He brought down both blades onto the meteor with him slicing the meteor into four pieces. "He sliced through my attack like it was nothing at all. I put a fair bit of my power into it." said Basalt. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned to see some of the Goliaths heading toward him. "I doubt that was Basalt's doing since he wants to be the one to kill you." said Fafnir. 

Morana nodded as she said,"The blade is correct. Take care of them would you darling?". Zane nodded as he put both swords back into his pocket dimension. He aimed his upper left hand at the Goliaths, with him unleashing a giant platinum energy beam. This beam tore through the barrier with it destroying three of them at once and making a massive explosion as a result. Zane flew right out of the hole with him increasing the size of his upper right arm and sent it toward the remaining Goliaths. 

They were all demolish in an instant. Once this was done, the three remaining Vonrall flew toward Zane and unleash a barrage of red fireballs at him. They made contact with Zane sighing. He vanished from their sight with one of them feeling something wrapping around their body. It looked down to see a chain and the chain belonged to Zane. Zane swung the chained up Vonrall at its fellow Vonrall, blasting them all with a massive platinum energy blast. He did all of this before the forcefield regenerated.

Back with Basalt, the Maferno noticed a giant stream of platinum energy coming right toward him. It took on the shape of a dragon opening its mouth wide. Basalt didn't have time to dodge it since he felt Zane's chains wrap around his body. 

With a loud roar from the energy, Basalt got swallowed in the dragon's mouth. There was a huge explosion shortly after and the smoke covered the entire forcefield. Once the smoke clear, Basalt stood there with the armor around his right arm completely destroy. It was slowly regenerate back. "Not a bad move Zane. It won't stop me however." said Basalt with him glaring right at Zane. "Keep up the power attacks Zane! It's the only way to fight back at regeneration!" said Morana with Zane nodding. 

Basalt glared at him as he said,"You can't win against me! Why don't you understand this?!". "Because I choose not to. If you honestly think I'll let you rule over my home like that, I won't let you do that." said Zane. Basalt charged toward him with his plan being to punch Zane but was stopped by the upper set of arms. "If you keep trying to fight me, I'll break you in two understand?" said Zane with him making two massive broadswords of platinum energy appear.

These swords slashed Basalt, sending him rolling across the ground. Zane launched himself into the air with him gathering up energy in the process. His body's aura began to change shape, forming a powerful looking phoenix. "Lets go Zane. I think it's time for you to teach Basalt a well needed lesson in ass kicking! Baryon Ruination!" shouted Morana. Zane nodded with him flying high into the air, his phoenix aura growing in power and size. 

After reaching the top of the forcefield, Zane let the aura flow out of him and it covered the sky in a platinum colored glow. Zane descend at full-speed and his head was at the front of it. His target ,while recovering from Zane's swords, looked up and he didn't have a chance to dodge it. Zane crashed straight into Basalt, causing a massive explosion of energy afterwards. The wind from this explosion was powerful enough to force the ones watching to hold onto something.

By the time Basalt had recovered, he looked at Zane whose eyes looked serious. "So is this all you got Magma Dome? I'm barely sweating over here and you are. How pathetic." said Zane. This pissed off Basalt who erupted, causing Zane to go back. Zane didn't respond to him but just walked toward Basalt with a calm expression. Basalt began to step back with him gritting his teeth in anger. "Fine. You just earned yourself death!" shouted Basalt. 

He was about to unleash a wave of green energy at Zane but his left arm was grabbed by Zane who warped behind him. "Sorry but I can't have you harming Galnatilia anymore." said Zane. Basalt growled and swiped at him using a hammer that came out of his body. Zane easily dodged it with Basalt going in for an uppercut but once again, Zane dodged it. "Fly for me Magma Dome." said Zane as he flicked Basalt's biceps. 

Much to the Maferno and everyone watching shock, Basalt was sent flying away and making a dust cloud upon contact. Basalt looked up with him saying,"What are you doing?". Zane didn't respond to him using his mouth but a simple come at me hand gesture. This pissed Basalt off with him charging toward Zane and this sent the Maferno into a frenzy. To his shock however, Zane blocked all of his kicks and punches using his right pinky with him yawning. "Damn you!" roared Basalt.

Zane dodged another barrage of kicks from him. "Okay. You guys are seeing what I'm seeing right? I'm not going crazy." said Lorelei. "Yeah. Zane is making the Molten Decimator look like a joke which is by the way hilarious." said Vlad. Basalt slammed his left palm into the ground but saw that Zane had warped away. "How are you dodging my attacks?" said Basalt. "I'm just moving too fast for your simple mind to comprehend." said Zane. "Simple?!" said Basalt who wasn't happy about that. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yes. Your attacks may be powerful but you're rather simple to see through. To someone who is advanced in fighting like myself, your attacks will only land if I let them too.". "Your arrogance will lead to your defeat." said Basalt. "Prove me wrong then Magma Dome." said Zane. Basalt began charging up energy with the group above watching in awe. "Okay. I don't think Basalt is playing around any more. We need to get in there and help our idiot leader." said Allen. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"I think Zane will be just fine Allen. Just have faith in him like we always do.". The area around Basalt was covered in smoke with Zane doing nothing but getting in a fighting pose. Basalt charged out of the smoke and went to tackle Zane into the ground. He was stopped by an invisible force with the Maferno getting sent flying high into the air. "Have a nice fall Basalt!" said Zane with him flying right past him and clenched all of his hands together. 

Zane send his fists into Basalt's spine and this caused the explosion of black lightning which shook the entire planet. Basalt's eyes widening in pain and coughing up blood. This sent Basalt flying toward the ground very fast with Parker appear there much to the shock of the Paradox and Team Maelstrom. "That was well done." said Parker. "Can you seriously sense what he did from here? I mean I know Zaney and how he fights but how he is fighting right now. It's like he's a different person." said Bridgette.

Parker looked at her as she said,"It's simple. Have faith in the hero we put our hopes into.". Bridgette shrugged, accepting that as an answer. Back with Zane, Basalt crashed into the ground and Zane warped back down to see the Maferno's armor looking pretty much useless at this point. "Don't you get it? Even with all of that power you got, I will be the winner of our fight right? I lied about not holding back on you earlier. This is me at full strength by the way." said Zane. 

Basalt slowly stood back up with him glaring at Zane. "I think this is teaching you something. What you're feeling is the pain and suffering you've inflicted on the Omniverse for years. Do you get it now?" said Zane. "Stop it! I refuse to be talk down to someone like you! You are no god!" yelled Basalt. Zane just looked at him with a dead expression. "I'm not afraid of this power of yours! I am Basalt, the Molten Decimator! The Omniverse is mine to rule! I'm the strongest!" roared Basalt. 

The area around the two had several pillars of lava/magma come out. "What did I just say about destroying the planet?" said Zane with him having an annoyed look. "I don't care about if this planet lives or die. I just want to see you dead!" said Basalt as he vanished thanks to the pillars of lava/magma forming around him. Zane stood there with the ground breaking around him. Basalt was right behind Zane but the Cross Species warped and punched Basalt square in the face.

Zane's strike sent him back and into the ground. "I'm a god and this is what happens to those who defy their god." said Zane. He moved his hand toward the ground, turning all of the pillars toward their creator and firing on him. Basalt expected this attack to do nothing to him but much to his surprise, it was doing something to him. Basalt began screaming in agony as Zane watched him crash into the ground. 

The Maferno slowly got back up with him missing his left arm as there was a faint layer of acid around him. "I guess that you're finished now Basalt. Just give up before I do more than disarm you. Get it Basalt? Disarm?" said Zane. "Damn you." said Basalt. Basalt recovered with him firing another beam of the EC at Zane who did nothing to dodge it. The beam hits its target dead on and resulted in a loud explosion, throwing up a cloud of ash and smoke.

Basalt laughed manically with him saying,"And this ends the pathetic tale of Zane Alva....". He stopped as the smoke departed, showing Zane who was pissed off. "You'll pay for doing that." said Zane as he took foreboding steps toward Basalt with the ground below him shaking as waves of extreme power radiated off Zane. "Basalt. I hope you made your final prayers earlier because this god is here to say this to you. Die." said Zane as he unleashed a dense, powerful platinum colored beam from his eyes. 

The Maferno acted quickly as he held up his right forearm to block the beam. The force behind the blast pushed the Maferno back a few meters and left his body exposed to the outside world since the armor around his right arm was destroyed. His arm had chunks of it completely destroyed. Even thought he could heal from any wound Zane managed to deal him, it still hurt like a bitch. He glared at Zane with him saying,"Nothing you can do will stop me! Your emotions mean nothing to me and my conquest!". 

Zane glowed brightly as he said,"Just shut up already!". "Do you think acting like a flashlight will stop me Zane? You are going to die a fool like you were always destined to!" roared Basalt as he fired another round of the EC at Zane but Zane did nothing to stop the blast. Zane let the beam strike him once again and he absorbed the energy into his body. "Impossible. You should have died from that attack!" said Basalt. 

The Cross Species looked at him as he said,"Nothing is impossible. Got it? This power I was given was to protect those who can't protect themselves from monsters like you so let me show that!". He blasted toward Basalt at an alarming speed. Basalt made a copy of his sword appear in his right hand and swiped at Zane when he got close enough. "Die!" yelled Basalt. Zane stood there with his lower set of arms crossed. 

With his upper left arm, he grabbed it and the sword began absorbing the energy Zane was producing rapidly. Zane cocked back his upper right fist and slammed into Basalt's face. The impact from this punch created the explosion of black lighting, making a large crater right under the two and destroyed everything within the area. Basalt's mask was broken, exposing his heavily bruised face. He was sent flying away with Zane charging toward him like a missile, leaving behind a trail of energy in his way. 

As Basalt was flying, he was being constantly hit by Zane's energy blasts that increased Basalt's flight time. Basalt eventually stopped as he saw Zane coming toward him and tried to stop him. He fired a salvo of small but powerful energy blasts from his body alongside waves after waves of lava/magma at him. Zane kept going as his body kept absorbing all of Basalt's attempts to stop him. Basalt growled as he decided to charge right at Zane. 

He knew that Impulse was out of the question since right now, Zane was absorbing it like a sponge and growing stronger over time. He knew that in hand to hand combat, he was clearly the superior opponent right? As he threw a haymaker, he was shocked to see his fist go right through Zane's face. "Crap. He's a Phantom!" thought Basalt as Zane slammed his feet right into Basalt's head. This pushed the Maferno into the ground hard and had half of his body stuck in the ground. 

Basalt tried to break out of the ground but he couldn't. "Fly away little magma birdie." said Zane as he slammed all four fists into Basalt, creating an explosion of black lightning. This explosion sent Basalt out of the ground which tore apart the ground in the process. He eventually stopped in the swamp whose water was burned away thanks to Basalt. "Alvarez!" shouted Basalt, glaring at Zane. For once, Zane stayed silent and charged toward Basalt with his expression screamed one thing. 

He was pissed off and needed to take out his anger on something. Basalt just happen to be that unlucky something. Basalt slammed his fist into the ground and unleashed a wave of magma. This wasn't all he did as a line of jagged black spikes with red curvy lines inscribed around them came right out of the ground. Each spike that sprouted out of the ground grew in size and unleashed lava/magma from this with these spikes increasing the wave of magma he unleashed earlier. 

Zane didn't care about whatever Basalt was doing since right now, he was pissed. He promptly smashed through the molten material and the spikes with no issue. Fists glowing with intense power, Zane unleashed a barrage of haymakers and uppercuts. Each one of these hits made a shockwave and caused the ground to shake below him. The Maferno was sent flying backwards from the powerful blasts and Zane glared at the flying magma dome. 

The Maferno crashed into the ground with Zane saying,"You don't get it do you? Even with your current strength, there was no way you could have defeat me. Answer me this. Have you ever trained?". "I haven't." said Basalt. "Okay. I got that for our first encounter since you're nothing more than a bully. I bet you use your size to intimate those weaker than you. You could have been much stronger instead of ruling over others." said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane as he said,"Silence Alvarez! I don't need to hear you lecturing me!". "That's a real shame then. If you and I were friends or rivals, I bet you would be much stronger than you are right now." said Zane with a shrug. "If you think that you won, you got another thing coming." said Basalt as he slowly stood back up. "Fine. I guess trying to appeal to the good in you was pointless. Worth a try I guess." said Zane with a sigh. 

After saying this, both of them got into a fighting stance with them charging toward each other. Basalt cocked back his remaining arm and Zane cocked back all four of his fists. "I will win this!" thought the two as the fists collided. This created a massive shockwave, destroying the ground below them even more. "How many times are they going to do this exactly?! I'm getting sick of these shockwaves and those damn explosions of lightning! Seriously you two! Do something else!" said Vlad. 

Basalt landed on the ground with Zane appearing in front of him. "Cosmic Zenith Sphere." said Zane with him holding a Zenith Sphere in each one of his hands. All four spheres had all of Zane's energy infused into it which comes in the form of swirling platinum burning fire like energy. He tossed all of them toward Basalt with it making a massive explosion of energy and the black lightning reappeared once again. This explosion sent Basalt flying away once again. 

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I really hope that activating this wasn't a waste of time. Basalt is trying so hard to win but well, I'm getting bored.".  Before Zane could go after him, he felt something in the air. He turned to see the duo of Janet and Parker standing there with Parker holding a strange device at the moment. It was a silver hexagonal diamond that was covered in royal blue circuitry lines. It floated above Parker's hand. 

The Cross Species looked at them as he said,"What are you two doing here exactly? I thought you were disabling the forcefield.". "We did. You just didn't notice." said Janet. "Huh. I guess I didn't Janet." said Zane, seeing that the forcefield was gone. "Oh wow. You finally had a reason to use Albion. Basalt really must have pissed you off didn't he huh?" said Parker. "I died and made me relieve my greatest fear." said Zane. "You died? But how are you?" said Janet with her looking over Zane. 

Parker stopped her as he said,"We don't have time for that. You can tell us about it later. I think I found a way to make Basalt pay for his crime and remove him from that suit of his.". "I agree. So what is it? It looks not what I was expected to be a Basalt stopping machine. I mean it's like a mini nuclear power planet and reminds me of Danny's nanomachines or chips." said Zane. "This is the Counteraction Area Network or as you would put it, CAN." said Parker. 

Morana giggled as she said,"That is so you.". "This device will remove Aihlus from Basalt and make him perfect for what you have in mind instead of killing him." said Parker. "Wait. You know what Zane is going to do?" said Janet. "The reason how Zane operates is a mystery to all who know him even those who have known him for years but Zane won't kill unless there is no other option. Ready to go?" said Parker as Zane nodded. 

He floated over to the duo with a stone-faced frown and serious look in his eyes. "What happened to you?" said Janet. "I will explain later but right now, Basalt needs to pay for this. Now get her out of here for me Parker." said Zane as he grabbed the CAN with his lower right hand. He began to absorb all of the Impulse inside of the device and he cracked his neck as the device was easily drained dry. "Do me proud Zane." said Parker as both he and Janet were gone.

Zane looked up to hear an all too familiar enraged roar and saw Basalt flying toward him with him roaring his name. He landed on the ground and charged toward Zane. His right arm looked to have grown in size. "Die!" yelled Basalt, getting ready to slam the fist into him. Zane sighed as he teleported away, dodging the earth shattering punch which broke the ground around him but Zane kicked Basalt into the ground. 

Zane picked him up and swung him away with Basalt landing. "This power I have a result of training and honing my body. Both of us have limits and well, I'll keep getting strong but this is where you'll end. This is for making my treasure cry. You'll pay for that and every other crime you done! Learn your place!" said Zane. He unleashed a massive beam of platinum energy. "Die Zane Alvarez!" roared Basalt as he turned his head into the EC which he used to unleash his own energy beam. 

In that moment, the two beams went across the open area toward each other. They connected into each other with them making an explosion of black lightning ,with a crimson red outline, that spread out far from the impact. Zane's beam eventually absorbed Basalt and went flying toward the Maferno. This was the end and he screamed fear. "Damn you Zane!" roared Basalt as the beam struck him and engulf his entire body in waves of platinum colored energy. 

A few seconds later, Zane looked at the thick cloud that blocked Basalt from view. Zane kept an eye close on Basalt and made sure that he was prepared for whatever Basalt had leave up his sleeve. It wasn't needed since Basalt had turned into a stone statue. His face was permanently etched into one of fear and Zane smiled. The power suit Basalt was using was back to its stasis form and right on the ground. Zane held the battle suit with him warping it to Parker's lab.

He looked at the stone statue with him nodding. "This is going to be good." said Zane as he cocked back his right fist and punched the statue. The statue shattered into pieces with Parker returning to Zane's side. "Zane. Did you just?" said Parker. "No I didn't. Just before my blast hit him, I made a copy of him using Astral Form's powers and had the real one sent into a nightmare like state thanks to Nightmare Form's powers. I needed to destroy/kill a version of Basalt." said Zane.

The Cross Species sighed in relief as he said,"It's cathartic plain and simple. He's somewhere nearby and won't be bothering us for a good while.". "So are you going to be okay?" said Parker. Before Zane could answer him, he sighed. "Seriously? Just stop! You lost!" said Zane. Parker turned to see Basalt standing there. He had his left arm back with Basalt looking scared yet pissed off. "How did you know he would show up?" said Parker. "No clue. I just felt it." said Zane with a shrug.

Parker nodded as he said,"I think you and Cinarva need to have a talk after all of this is over.". "Okay then. Mind standing back. As you're well aware, Albion doesn't hold back." said Zane. "Oh I know that." said Parker, moving back from Zane. To intimate the Maferno, Zane unleashed a massive amount of energy from his body. This energy could be felt from every being on the planet. "Just what are you Zane?! The pressure you're oozing is too much from a normal being to handle." said Basalt.

As Basalt talked, his eyes twitched in rage. "Zane! Tell me where all of that power came from! Your body should have exploded since no normal being can handle this much power!" said Basalt. "You're right about that. No normal being could handle this much being but I'm not a normal being as you're well aware. I like to call this power Albion. I like to think of this power as a combination of all of the physical and mental training I've done to become strong." said Zane.

With his lower arms crossed, Zane said,"In the words of Parker, Albion is a fusion of everything in my vast arsenal and that includes the power of the Eazairvian. So I'm sure you're well aware of the species known as the Homo Supremus and how great they were thanks to Danny and Vivian showing off how strong they are. Let me just say that I have some connections to the Feroxian aka the god version of them.". "Impossible!" said Basalt with his teeth clenched tightly. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"You may think that but a woman up there says that I'm her brother. I would doubt her but honestly, I think she's telling the truth.". Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt began charging toward Zane. Zane looked completely calm as Basalt's left fist went toward him and smack him in the face. Zane only smiled as he use all four fists to punch Basalt and sent him back. "We have a game back on Earth called baseball." said Zane.

The Cross Species looked at Basalt as he said,"It's probably popular in outer space and the Omniverse as well. According to Vlad, there are casinos out here. That was strike one and I should mention that if you do something stupid again two more times, you'll regret it.". He slammed his upper left fist into his upper right palm. He did the reverse with his lower set of arms. In an angered state, the Maferno began blasting Zane with a huge amount of magma as Zane sighed. 

He held out both set of arms with the magma getting erased from existing. "And that's strike number two. Get out of here while you still can because strike three will just make you pathetic." said Zane. "I won't lose to a punk like you!" yelled Basalt as he charged toward Zane one last time. He unleashed a wave of platinum diamonds. Basalt's body was covered in a green aura and this blocked the diamonds for hitting him. 

Upon falling to the ground, these crystals exploded into a burst of platinum energy and this pushed him back. Zane flew toward Basalt with him kicking the Maferno in the gut. "Fly away!" roared Zane as he was sent flying back and right into a pillar of platinum colored diamonds. These diamonds pierced Basalt's body with Zane snapped his right hand. "Lets go! Meteor Surprise!" said Zane as several pieces of rubble came flying at Basalt. 

Basalt burned away both the crystal and rubble but was getting pelted by Zane's attack. He unleashed a massive green beam of electricity at Zane with Zane cocking back his right fist. He punched the beam into the air and sent it flying back at him. The Maferno was getting shocked by his own energy beam but he pushed through it and charged at Zane. "Damn you!" yelled Basalt as he began rapidly punching Zane who easily dodged or phase through the blows.

After seeing his fists fail, he blasted Zane with a huge stream of magma. The attack failed thanks to the energy around Zane. Basalt cocked back his left fist and was prepared to smash Zane's face into the ground. However, he wasn't there but could feel him close by. Basalt turned around to see Zane with him clapping his hands. He unleashed several platinum energy beams at Basalt who was too slow to counter them. 

Each beam pushed him back and Zane smiled. "I know this is a familiar move of Diamond Prime but why not?" said Zane as he made seven platinum diamond construct fists appear around him. They began spinning in place with Zane sending them at Basalt. They slammed into the Maferno with each punch sent Basalt flying back. Zane made one of the fists grab Basalt and toss him into the air. The other two fists began to reshape themselves into several missiles and launched themselves toward Basalt. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Lets do this! Pierce that magma spewing freak head on!". The missiles exploded upon contact with Basalt and sent him into the ground. Before he could get back up, he looked up to see a giant ball of platinum colored energy. It fell onto him and there was a huge explosion of energy with the Maferno dead center in it. When the dust settled, Zane looked to see Basalt still standing and no way finished. 

The Cross Species groaned as he said,"Seriously? Fine. Since you're extremely stubborn even by my very high standards, you need more punishment. Multi-Arm Mortar.". He began unleashed a barrage of punches with Basalt unable to block or defend himself from the barrage of punches. "You're totally sounding like a sadist Zaney." said Morana. "I blame having several sadistic teachers including you." said Zane with Morana accepting that as an answer. 

Basalt was pushed back after the last punch with him being heavily bruised. "Are you done yet? I'm getting bored." said Zane. This pissed off Basalt as he unleashed a huge stream of magma at him. The attack hit with Basalt laughing. This laughter stopped as the magma was focused into a ball above Zane and Zane looked perfectly fine. The magma ball glowed royal blue and it turned into a ball of liquid nitrogen. "I can't believe this." said Basalt as he saw his last attempt at trying to kill Zane fail.

It didn't take super powers to tell that Basalt's pride was shattered. "Believe what?" said Zane. "I lost to you again. In my entire life, I've only lost to one being in a fight. I can't stand it. Just end it now." said Basalt with him using the little bit of his strength to say this. He accepted his death if Zane was the one to kill him. "If that's what you truly desire, I'll give you that." said Zane as he held out his lower and upper right arm. 

He made a massive Zenith Sphere with him about to kill Basalt using the Zenith Sphere but he decided to do something else. He slammed the ball of liquid nitrogen onto Basalt and this froze the Maferno much to his shock before he was out cold. The ice had formed into a sarcophagus which was made possibly thanks to the Zenith Sphere. "I know you want to die but I'm not at a murder like you." said Zane, holding out his lower left arm and revealed that his fingers were crossed. 

Zane looked at the ice sarcophagus that contained Basalt and smiled. It was instantly covered in several platinum colored chains which were getting heavier as they absorb Basalt's Impulse. "So with Basalt being defeated, answer my question." said Parker. He heard what had happened to Zane and while he may not be the best at comforting, he had to try at the very least. Zane was like a grandchild to him even though he wouldn't admit it much to Janet's amusement. 

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yep. I feel just fine. Just hope that the next time I use Albion, it isn't out of rage but my luck right?". "Indeed. So what are you going to do about that?" said Parker. He was pointing to the frozen Basalt. "You'll see Parker. Once we cleaned up, you really need to get back with Janet. At least try to make it work. You deserve to be happy too you know?" said Zane. "Perhaps but lets get you back to the others." said Parker as he walked over to Zane. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I know that you're going to teleport us there but mind if I do it? Really don't feel like puking right now.". "Sure Zane. I think you're a good guy." said Zane as he picked up the ice sarcophagus. Parker nodded as Zane teleported them away.

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