Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes (Full Post)

A/N: Yeah. I didn't plan for another two months of 2020 to have no posts but working on this took more time that I expected. I also played through Persona 5 Royal a second time and by doing that, it took up more time. The review for that game will come eventually and there were a lot of other things that took up such as starting Fire Force and finally reading Kaguya-Sama: Love is War. I highly recommended both of them mainly Kaguya-Sama since it's easily one of the best romantic comedies I've ever read. 

There is also the fact that I went back and updated some of the posts from later 2019- early 2020 which consisted of Zero Episode 128-146. Yeah, 2020 has been a downer of year and I'm going to say that the main reason why my writing has been moving at a snails pace. I don't like talking about politics and well, I tried to find something good. The article about 2020 on Wikipedia didn't help my search since there was the death of Joel Schumacher, Neil Peart, and the king of Wakanda Chadwick Boseman.

I made it clear sometime late last year after my MCU binge that I honestly think Black Panther ,the movie, was the weakest Phase 3 movie for me and that's still the case now. My opinion on the movie hasn't changed and probably wouldn't. If Black Widow when that comes out is terrible, the rankings may change. It was still sad to hear about Chadwick Boseman's death since he was only forty three year old when he died and since 2016, he had Colon Cancer. 

That's just impressive to me since he kept it a secret until his passing. It makes you think about one thing. How will the MCU work without the Black Panther? I mean thanks to the pandemic, Marvel Studios has had time to think about it and maybe Shuri. I mean we'll have female Thor so female Black Panther isn't totally impossible. We'll just have to wait and see. The next thing I want to talk about is a certain man who I'll be calling a big Oompa Loompa. 

With that comment, I think that made it pretty obviously who I'm talking about. The reason I bring him is up is quite simple and that reason is that I hate Trump Jokes. I don't like the guy whatsoever mind you but here is the thing. He really doesn't deserve to be president because he treats the job as nothing special at all, makes America look like a joke, and never learns from his mistakes. It's like a real life character who doesn't learn from mistakes and repeats them the very next episode. 

For me, it's only very annoying whenever I'm marthoning a show with that type of characters but you hopefully get my point. Did you know that President William Harrison did the least amount while he was President. To be fair to President William Harrison, he was sixty eight years old at the time. He may have done a lot as Senator for Ohio when he was alive. I may need to do more research on that but did you know that Zachary Taylor died from eating cherries? 

The more you know I guess. The reason why I've never been a fan of Trump bashing jokes is that the punchline always end up the same way. Either he's an asshole, idiot, or sometimes both. I've never been the biggest fan of running jokes or hearing jokes that all have the same punchline. Do note that this is just a me thing. It's a nitpick at its finest. I've ranted about minor things before. So when people are actually happy that Trump may have got the virus and saying that he had it coming, you're awful. 

Plain and simple. He isn't a good person whatsoever and should probably be banned for social media but I would never wish death upon that person. That's not who I am. I may hate fictional characters for days but here's the thing. They aren't real. Trump is a real person so I won't wish death upon him. I also learned that a president should be banned for social media or if they have one, they should be heavily watched over. 

If you want to call me a Trump supporter for this hot take, go ahead but I'm not going to change my mind on the topic. Trump is an awful president but being happy about him getting the C virus, you're just bad as him in my books. Lets change topics one last time. After this longer than normal episode, Fairy Legion will return. This episode is a special aka it's longer than a normal episode. Thanks to the C virus, I had a lot of time working on Fairy Legion.

Hopefully, these new changes will be be good.  

Narrator P.O.V.
Our story begins not on the planet Earth or in the Milky Way Galaxy. It takes place on the planet Saspra and in the Gamma Anchor System. This spiral galaxy is home to multiple planets such as Golax Prime MX which is the home of the Vordlarins and Ithuna which was the former home of the Magnus. Saspra hasn't changed much since Zane visited the planet six years ago. It's still a pale red color with a giant crater in the center of the planet. Said crater looked like an infinite symbol. 

This jungle is filled to the brim with vegetation and lacked any kind of life. The lab of Parker was busy with Kane ,in his Vulcorian form, looked at the elder Eazairvian who was in his human form. He was on his computer and typing away. "So what are you working on now slimey?" said Kane. Parker ignored him. "Hey! You should really respond to someone when they're talking to you." said Kane. Parker once against ignored him.

Kane sighed as he said to himself,"It seems that you and Zane are more alike than I thought.". "That should have been obvious Kane. Guess you and Zane also share some similar personality traits too. You both tend to ask the obvious and not needed questions." said a female voice. Kane turned toward the lab's entryway and saw Athena standing there with her arms crossed. She was in her human form but not the same one from Zero Episode 35. 

She still has a petite form but instead of looking like a teenager, she looks like an adult. She still had a beautiful face with blue eyes. Her silver hair was still the same length except her bangs were swept to the left side of her face. She wears a white ,with black stripes, v neck shirt, a blue jean skirt with opaque black tights underneath, and white high heels. She is wearing black nail polish over her fingernails and toenails alongside some red lipstick. She now had a pair of gold hoop earrings in her ears. 

Kane looked at her as he said,"You're right but someone had to ask it. Azalea, Cole, and Lucifer are back at that placerelaxing. So why are the two of us are here or not with Zane who is currently on Earth? Sivarth gets to be with him so why not me.". "You know the answers Kane. We promised Janet and Zane that we would keep Parker from becoming a hermit. The reason why we're not with Zane is because I think he's doing fine with us backseat heroing as Cole puts it." said Athena.

She crossed her arms as she said,"Sivarth is with him since he promised not to backseat heroing and just relax. He claims that it's a good thing and Astaroth needs someone to talk with when Zane is busy.". "I guess that's true. Out of everyone in Team Legion Zero, the only being who can't leave Zane is Astaroth and every being in the Omniverse needs someone to talk with.". "You're correct about every being needing someone to talk with Xazzaran." said Parker, not turning away from the monitor. 

Kane looked at Parker with him saying,"Oh. You respond to that Parker.". "Xazzaran. You were trying to form a conversation with me by using elevator small talk which is something you got from being around Zane. As you're well aware by now, I don't respond to pointless things. It's possible for me to make bodies for beings inside of Zane to inhibit so they don't have to be inside of him but Astaroth and Sivarth are a different case." said Parker. 

Athena looked at him as he said,"And what is that?". "They are Zane's guardians." said Parker. "That's your answer? Not going to say anything scientific." said Kane. Parker ignored him and went back to his work. "And he's back to ignoring us. I feel so loved here." said Kane. "So father, what are you working on?" said Athena. "I don't think you're going to get an answer and calling him your dad is still weird no matter how times I hear it." said Kane. 

Parker blinked as he said,"Well Athena, I'm currently working on this.". "He answers you and not me?! What kind of sexist bull crap is that?!" said Kane. "You called me slimey. Only he can get away with those nicknames of his." said Parker. "So unfair." said Kane, sulking. Parker smirked as he punched in a few keys. After a few seconds, an image appeared that confused both Athena and Kane. It looked like a 3-d hourglass shape with it glowing azure blue and covered in a circuitry pattern. 

The hourglasses had a few steel gray pegs coming out of it. "So I know that I'm not the smartest being around but what is that?" said Kane. "No idea Kane." said Athena. "These right here are something I've been working on for Daniel." said Parker. "You mean Danny right?" said Kane. "After learning about him being a Homo Supremus and his desire to become strong so he can keep watching over Zane, I decided to create this. I call it the Gadget Glass." said Parker. 

Kane rolled his eyes as he said,"Clever name. So what does it do?". "Gives him an upgraded version of Natasha's nanomachines or nano machines. While I admire the craftsmanship of hers, these one are more fitting. I'm planning on sending Zane the schematics soon. Just one of them will give the young Homo Supremus a major power boost." said Parker. "So did he just insult Zane's mom? I don't think some people are going to be happy about that." said Kane. 

Athena looked at him as she said,"I don't think he intended to since making fun of a single Alvarez piss off the entire family. So how will Danny get them inside of him? And will it lead to any nasty side effects in combat?". "Zane will have to inject them into Daniel through a syringe. It should increase his strength, ability to control that vast amount of energy inside of him, give him an impressive regenerative ability, and the ability to live forever." said Parker.

He crossed his arms as he said,"Normally, I would have him come here but I decided to do it this way since Danny needs to be there by Zane's side for the wedding. Once Zane inject Danny with my little invention, it will take about twelve hours to complete and it should be painless.". "Should be? Why am I worried for the kid?" said Kane. "He will be fine since losing someone close again won't be good for his recovery." said Parker. 

Parker typed something into his computer with a green progress bar appearing. "And it should be heading toward Zane through the Z.E.R.O. and I made sure to remind Rachel to tell Zane about since that fool has a tendency to ignore my calls." said Parker. The Eazairvian grumbled about Zane getting the high-fructose corn syrup on the Z.E.R.O. Watch, muting the communication tab more than three times, slamming his prized invention into a wall during one of his outbursts, and other petty things. 

Kane sighed as he said,"So does he care for Zane or what? I can never really get a good read on their relationship. I mean Parker considered Zane to be his godson but the two never met before New York right?". "Yes he does. I think Zane calls him a tsundere but that may just be some light teasing. Parker consider Zane to be a precious being to him since he's the only Zero that's worthy in his eyes." said Athena.

She smiled as she said,"Not even the two Xasius or the sixteenth president are considered good in his eyes since Zane has so much potential inside of him.". "Yeah. I may not get all this tech stuff but I've seen the logs on the Z.E.R.O. Watch. I know you built that thing for the Omniversal's greatest hero but why haven't you told him the truth?" said Kane. "What do you mean by that Xazzaran? I've told Zane everything that he needs to know about it." said Parker. 

Kane looked at him as he said,"Don't act like this Parker. Zane out of all beings deserve the truth. I heard your conversation with Janet. It was right after you went to go check on Kilene the other day. She came by to visit you and make sure you're eating which you are. You need to tell him the truth or else.". "Are you threatening me? I may not be a fighter but I'm still a member of one of the two strongest species in the Omniverse." said Parker. 

The Vulcorian looked at him as he said,"I am because you're lying to Zane. I saved his life when he was a baby because of the debt I owed Natasha but I've seen him grow into an amazing man who I deeply respect. He's going to be the Protector of the Omniverse without a doubt and you need to tell him the truth about what the watch really is for.". The two glared at each other with Athena shaking her head. 

Before their argument could get worse, the computer monitor began to blast an alarm. "So what's up? Is there another piece of rubble flying toward the planet again? That seems to happen a lot even though this place is deserted. Or did the upload to the watch fail?" said Kane. "No to both of your questions. It isn't the meteor alarm but an intruder alarm. I used to keep rare, extinct species here since they were being hunted by humans whose ego were challenged." said Parker.

He sighed as he said,"That changed thanks to the wildlife preserves we have now but I kept the alarm for just this.". He began typing something into the computer. "So while he's doing that, do you have any idea on how to convince slimy to talk with Zane about that? I mean one of them can be kept a secret but the other is a bit more obvious." whispered Kane. "We'll find out soon enough." whispered Athena. 

Parker sighed as he said,"You two know that I can hear you right? I may not have Zane's hyper hearing but I'm not deaf. Check this out.". The two looked at the monitor with them seeing a spaceship hovering over the planet. It looked slightly bigger than Basalt's ship the Indefatigable. It looked to be in the shape of a battleship mixed with a ufo. Its body is very long and float on the top. The hull of the ship appears to be made out of a navy blue metal. 

Unlike most normal ships. It has faint silver stripes and has a neon pattern to it. On the sides of the ship, there are four bat like wings protrusions with there being two on each side. Alongside the ten thin but durable silver engines in the back, it has four sails. There was one sail toward the bow, one sail toward the stern, and the two other sterns on the left and right side of the main deck. All four sails looked like they could barely sail. The deck of the ship were packed with a number of silver cannons. 

It had the figurehead of a animal skull with what species being unknown on it. It has a demonic appearance with a long, pyramid shaped chin and filled with large, white bones that formed fangs. Some of the bones were missing and it had an overbite. The skull's head has numerous cracks along it. Its beady eyes were glowing a faint red color. In the figurehead, there was a massive cannon there. Above the engines, there was a large, bony tail sprouted from there. 

This tail most likely belonged to the creature whose head was mounted. On the right side of the ship, the words "ISC (Imperial Spacecrusier) Rebellion" were inscribed there to a gold color.  "So that's a bad thing right?" said Kane. "Seriously Kane? You were calling Parker Cole but well, that was clearly a Cole statement Kane. Don't you recognize it?" said Athena. "Do you honestly think I know spaceships at all?" said Kane. 

Parker sighed as he said,"Focus you two. That ship belongs to a criminal that you two met him before now.". "We have father?" said Athena. Inside of the ISC Rebellion's command deck, a familiar group of enemies were operating this ship. This group are the Gammas. Since it's been a long time since their last appearance, lets get a reminder on who they are. The Gammas are about the size of an adult human and a humanoid appearance. 

It's wearing a black full-body suit and the elbow, ankle, knee, and chest area being orange. Their heads resembling oval shaped skulls. They have three bright red eye in the center of the head. They had a thunder bolt going right through their heads which looked rather painful but it doesn't because they don't feel pain. "So are you ready to send them out ma'am?" said a Gamma with it looking at its captain who wasn't Basalt but someone else piloting this ship. It was a female. 

She's a tall woman with her being taller than Veto. She has an athletic body and a air of royalty to her. She has light pink skin. Instead of hair, she has gray rose like hair. She has a third moon shaped birthmark in the center of her forehead. She has two red eyes with no pupils whatsoever. On both of her ankles and wrists, she has five moon shaped birthmarks. She wears a gray jacket with dark purple armored shoulder pads. Under her jacket, she wears an orange ripped looking shirt. 

The rips in her shirt show the gray chainmetal that she wears under it. She wears a pair of dark pink torn jeans. She wears a studded black belt with a silver belt buckle. She wears black biker boots. She wears white gloves and two silver metal armbands. The woman smiled as she said,"Yes. Ship them out. I'm sure that slime is expected something from us but well, I'm not him.". "Yes Miss Molvai." said the head Gamma with it pressing a button on its console.

From Parker's lap, Kane blinked with him saying,"You can't be serious. That's one of the Molten Empire's head ships!". "Yes it is. It seems that Basalt is back for revenge." said Parker. "But no offense here father. Zane killed him." said Athena. "Do you honestly believe that? You know how stubborn Basalt can be." said Parker. "While I'll admit that it may seem like him being dead is really unclear since there was no body, I know that his wounds prevented him from his ship exploding." said Athena.

Kane looked at the computer monitor with him saying,"Hey Parker. Look.". Parker looked to see several objects leaving the ship with Parker saying,"It's nothing to worry about.". "Are you sure about that?" said Kane. "Yes. Basalt used robots but I have set up an barrier around the planet that will short circuit any robotic entities." said Parker. The objects crashed as the trio saw that they weren't robots but something else. Athena and Kane were reminded of their friend Twilight upon seeing them.

They have a humanoid state with a solid crimson red muscle mass, large blank white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils, carnivorous jagged sharp teeth, long flexible tongues sticking out of their mouths, and colored veins. These veins are one of the seven colors of the rainbow ,except for red, plus black and white. "Those aren't robots Parker." said Kane. "I can see that Kane. Do you two want to do something about them?" said Parker.

Athena looked at her father with him saying,"I will be here, providing you two support with ice and sound based weaponry since that's the weakness of the Vordarlin.". "You got it! Lets go!" said Kane as he rushed out of the lab and Athena nodding her head. Within seconds, Parker watched his daughter fight against the Vordarlin army by using the ice and sound based weaponry that he made appear. Kane didn't use them since he had his white Mojo and sword to stop them from coming. 

When the Vordarlin were ripped off their host, Parker saw the being underneath. All of them were from the same species and this species had been living in the Infinite Void for a very long time. This species is the Zalicansion and they were all in their adult state. Their bodies are burly, top-heavy with them standing at six feet tall. Their chest, face, palms, and the bottom of their feet are a dark blue color. The rest of their bodies are covered by a dark gold armored carapace. 

Their arms are considered to be longer than their legs and it looks like they skipped leg day. Their hands are sharp claws and they have a wide mouth with ten sharp teeth protruding upwards. They now have a red star shaped gem like eye in the center of their face. Their hands now have three thumbs. From their back, they have small wings. He began typing something into his computer with him saying,"And with that, those two should be able to handle those mindless fools.". 

Despite the invasion of Vordlarins, Parker was in no way worried. Parker began looking through one of his microscope on a experiment. Without any kind of warning, the door to his lab was opened rudely by an explosion. "This must be their leader since he smells stronger than the ones outside. I think I should try to pull off a Zane." thought Parker. "So I'm sure that you are no fool. That door could have been open with a twist of knob but no. You decided to be barbaric and blow it open." said Parker. 

Parker wasn't very good at this since Zane would have said,"You could have just knocked.". "I'm real sorry about that but your planet has been awful rude to me and my Slimes." said a disturbing deep and evil masculine voice. After hearing this, Parker looked up to see another Vordlarin standing there. He looked eight feet tall with him being very muscular with noticeable broad shoulders. He's an army green color with a camouflage like pattern. 

He has four orange eyes ,that have small glowing red veins in them, and black mouth. He has a pair of gold draconic horns coming out of him. He has downwards shark-like teeth that look razor sharp with the bottom of his face is gray. His eyes has no outline around them unlike Darth and Twilight. He sprouts four spider legs out of his body with small spikes on his arms, legs, shoulders, and thighs. His mouth is usually open, revealing his red gums. 

Parker sighed as he said,"I did that since there are annoying beings who don't know that I like to be left alone.". "Sorry but that isn't happening. You are wanted by a certain being. He wanted to take revenge on another by using his greatest strength against him. My name is Rivart Mayhem, ruler of  the Infinite Void." said Rivart. "Really? I doubt that since the Infinite Void is a dimension which is always growing but that isn't important right now. What are you doing here?" said Parker. 

Rivart smiled as he said,"I already told you why I'm here. Your prized invention aka the Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega Watch or the Z.E.R.O. Watch was made for the hundredth Zero Zane Vincent Alvarez aka Legion Zero to fight and possibly defeat Skull Plague. You already know this so let me get to the point. My partner wants you to build him another watch or something to prevent Zane from stopping him this time around.". 

The Vordlarin was blasted in the chest and head by two white Mojo blasts. "That's never going to happen!" yelled a voice. Parker turned to see Athena and Kane standing with the former saying,"I know that you don't like me speaking for you father but I need to say this here and now. No one here would sell out Zane. My father would never build a weapon like the Z.E.R.O. Watch or anything that could destroy the Omniverse. So get out of here right now.". 

Parker narrowed his eyes as he said,"I would listen to her since that's my answer". Rivart had began regenerating shortly after getting blasted with him chuckling loudly. "I guess he was right about all of you having been affected by that boy's kindness. I may have never met him before I've heard a lot about him. A lot of negative since the worst of the worst go there. I guess we should go with Plan B since you all want to defend him." said Rivart. 

He opened his chest and pulled out a machine with it being familiar to Parker. It was one of Vuldall's invention before he became a she due to her desire to get the watch from Zane. It was known as the Holographic Image Displacer with it being in the shape of a golden cube and this cube was about the size of a Newfoundland dog. It has a satellite dish on the east, north, south, and west side of it. It began whirled to life with Parker's eyes get more narrow upon seeing the image being displayed. 

Parker looked at the screen with him saying,"Of course it would be you. I thought it would be the being who had his winning streak but nope, his daughter decided to get revenge.". Molvai smiled as she said in her captain chair/throne with her arms crossed,"Oh Parker. It's good to see you once again. If my partner here showed me your face again, I think you refused my request.". "You're correct. My daughter said it best. I wouldn't build a device that would or kill any innocent being." said Parker.

The Eazairvian smiled as he said,"I may not believe that every being has good in them but that fool does.". "It seems that the rumors were correct. Zero has done the exact opposite of Skull Plague and my father." said Molvai. "Actually have beings like you out of respect rather than fear?" said Athena. "That is impressive since Parker here hates pretty much everyone." said Kane. "Note to self. Hit Kane for his comment later." thought Parker. 

Instead of being angry like her father would be, Molvai smiled as she snapped her fingers. To the left of her, a energy cage appeared and it contained Janet inside. "Janet!" shouted Parker, shocking actual fear upon seeing his love inside of that cage. "Parker! Don't do what she says! She's planning on...." said Janet with her being stopped from talking by her cage giving her a pretty nasty shock. "Let her go you bastard! Using a hostage is dirty!" said Kane. 

Molvai smiled as she said,"I will let her go Vulcorian but I want my device. Either built me a watch like his or a way to take it down. If you don't do that, you're smarter enough to figure out what I would do to her.". "Don't listen to her Parker. It's just one life lost compared to the seemingly infinite lives if we gave her that device like that one used in the Vromilyrra Dynasty." said Janet with her cage shocking her once again. "Let her go right now or I'll erase you from existence." said Parker. 

His hands were glowing with Primordial energy with Athena and Kane easily telling that Parker was in no way joking. To Parker, Janet is the being he would give his eternal life. "Of course but you need to make my device for me. We have set her cage's electricity to be at a low level but if you keep refusing my simple request Parker, I up the voltage." said Molvai. "Parker. I'll be fine. If you give him something on the same level as the watch, the Omniverse will suffer another Omniversal War!" said Janet. 

Despite him claiming to be one who doesn't let his emotions get the better of him, the choice that he's about to make is an emotional one. "I'll do it Molvai. Let her go." said Parker. "Seriously?! Don't do that!" said Kane. "I have to Kane. The love of my life is in danger. I'm sure you would do the same and so would he." said Parker. Kane stayed silent as Athena looked at Parker. "Do you need my assistance father?' said Athena. "Perhaps I do." said Parker. 

Molvai smiled as she said,"I'll let her go once you make my device.". The clock ticked away as Parker was either replicating his masterpiece or building something to destroy it. Rivart was unsure of which one it was but he was sure that the inventor/scientist was working on it. Athena and Kane tried to convince him to slow but couldn't since Parker was determined to save Janet. By the time it was finished, Parker was finished. 

It didn't resemble either version of the Z.E.R.O. Watch but something else entirely. It was a small remote shaped device with it being made out of a golden metal. Its handle is connected to a small sized triangle section with a screen on it. Coming out of each of the triangle points, there is a glowing red prong. "So is it done and what is it?" said Rivart. He had the Holographic Image Displacer back inside of his body. 

While finishing up a bit of the device's wiring, Parker said,"I rather not tell you since it's a bit too complicated for someone for your intelligence.". "I don't think you should be speaking to me like that. My partner's ship has its weaponry aimed down at your precious planet and we have your beloved held hostage." said Rivart with him turning his left arm into a jagged like blade and it was aimed at Parker's throat. 

Athena looked at Kane who shrugged. "I will be speaking to you that for three crucial reasons. The first reason is that you can't rush stuff like this. The second reason is that you aren't the first being who has threatened to destroy my planet. The third and final reason is that you shouldn't threaten Janet and telling me about it moron." said Parker with a smirk. He pressed down on a button on his computer monitor and the screen glowed red. 

Rivart was confused by this with him watching as the trio of Athena, Kane, and Parker vanished. Before he could do anything about this, the lab exploded. The Vordlarin leader was sent flying and some of his goons watched this happen in confusion. In the crater, Rivart shook his head. "Gods damn it. I'll make that slime ball pay for doing that to me." said Rivart. He looked at the building burning in the distance and before he could do anything about it, there was a ringing coming from inside of his body. 

He sighed as he pulled out a device that resembled a brick style phone from the 80s mixed with a satellite phone. You would think that he would use something more modern but I guess he's behind the times huh. "So your scanner picked up that he and his two buddies left the planet huh." said Rivart with the voice on the other end told him something. "Yes. I still have his device but I got no clue what it will do. Will you still take it?" said Rivart. 

The voice spoke him as Rivart nodded. "You got it. I'll give it to you so you can give it to him and we'll go onto phase two of the master plan. So beam us already your highness." said Rivart. He hanged up with him and the Slimes on the planets turned into a swirling ball of white energy. These balls flew away from the planet and toward They left the planet which was now abandoned and on fire due to Parker's explosion.    

Meanwhile with our protagonist, he was currently in his mindscape. This is called a mood whiplash if you're curious. "This is really nice." said Zane since he had just finished setting up a sunbed. Even though his mindscape was pretty much a white void compared to most other beings, he learned that he was able to alter it to his liking. He decided to make it a tropical island because why not? Smiling to himself, Zane was wearing his normal beachwear. 

He's wearing a navy blue short sleeved Hawaiian inspired shirt with a gray hourglasses design. He's wearing a pair of black trunks with red stripes and a molten gold "LZ" on the left side of his shorts. His trunks have a steel gray cord. He wears black sandals with this. Over his eyes, he's wearing a normal pair of sunglasses and his Z.E.R.O. Watch was the only accessory he had on him in his mindscape. He made a table appear next to him and it had a drink on it. 

Zane smiled with him saying,"I know that I'll be going two amazing places in due time but having the mindscape look nice is better than its normal look.". He stretched with him getting more comfy in his chair as the sun shined brightly over him and he took a instantly quick nap. A few minutes later, Crisis Judgement went off. "Even in my mind, I don't get to have a break huh?" said Zane, moving his glasses to see that a storm cloud was replacing the sunny sky. 

There was lightning flashing all around him, raining heavily, and the wind was increasing. He got off the sunbed and stood there with his arms crossed. "Okay. So what is it this time? Let me guess. You old fools don't want me to be happy. Okay. Bring it on." said Zane as he watched the sunbed and table he was using earlier. This was due to the wind getting stronger. "Zane. Give me the Z.E.R.O. Watch." said a thick booming voice that echoed across the entire island. 

Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. That's new but nothing too special.". With a smile, Zane extend his right index finger, pinky, and thumb. His right hand was in a fist shape and held over his chest vertically. He then began to concentrate and his body had a faint molten gold color around it. He was in his costume and began hearing large thick footsteps echo primarily from the ocean. "Come on Zane. Surely you remember who I am don't you?" said the voice. 

The Cross Species cracked his neck as he said,"Let me guess. This is a new way of testing me. Fine, lets go.". He watched as the ocean waters began to recede and a giant figure jumped out of the water. It landed on the beach with a dust cloud covering the area. "Seriously? Couldn't you just teleport onto the beach? You just had to jump huh Basalt?" said Zane. Basalt began to emerge from the dust cloud and stomped forward. "I'm sorry about that. Did I ruin your beach vacation?" said Basalt. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Not really since you're just a figment of my imagination. I have another being to blame for that.". He turned into the fusion of Dinosaur Form and Swamp Form aka Swamp Dinosaur Prime. This fusion is different from the other fusions for two reasons. It is the fusion of Dinosaur Form, Swamp Form, and Swamp Prime since Parker really liked the idea of combining two normal forms with a prime form. 

It is very possible to fuse two prime forms but Zane doesn't do it often because two plus forms fused together is good enough in his opinion and to Zane, two prime forms combined is overkill. The other reason is that Dinosaur Swamp Form isn't that good of a name in Parker and Zane's opinion. I mean doesn't it sound bad compared to Swamp Dinosaur Form. He's a large and muscular humanoid plant/dinosaur with rough looking white scales and his underside is emerald green color. 

He has noticeable black metal plating over his ankles, parts of his arms, back, chest, knees, part of his legs, shoulders, parts of his tail, and waist. His head is very much like a flame with his face being a grayish tan color and his forehead being black. He has a single protruding wooden horn sticking out of his head. It sticks out of his very thick and wide blue ,with white vine like wisps coming off it constantly, hair. He has two red ,oval shaped eyes which he wears under a black mask. 

His arms and legs are very bulky, easily showing off how strong this dino really is. He has five toed sauroid like feet and hands with five triangle-shaped blackish white wooden claws. He wears a modern style caveman like outfit. He has a black and green collar around his neck, resembling a blossoming flower. He wears black ,with a tiger like stripe pattern, pants with gray fingerless gloves. His pants have a skull shaped belt.

He has a massive and thick ,as a tree, lizard like tail with five bluish white gooey bomb like shells running down each of his arms and his back. Before Basalt could do or say anything, Zane unleashed a huge stream of bluish white flames. He didn't stop the non-stop fiery assault with him saying,"Do you seriously think that making Basalt will scare me Ryoka? I mean I killed him four years ago and also, he isn't all too scary.". 

The island eventually faded away alongside Basalt and the fire coming from the dinosaur. As the mindscape returned back to normal, Zane heard a masculine voice,"I told you that he wasn't going to be scared of that guy. We should have picked her.". "Did you want him to hate us for the rest of time?" said a feminine voice. Zane sighed as he deactivate the fusion and stood there in his normal clothes. He saw both Ryoka and Vito Xasius standing there with the two arguing. 

Despite being family, those two are often arguing more than Zane does with the past Zeroes. "So why do you two have to ruin my mindscape vacation?" said Zane with him stopping them from arguing. "To keep you on your toes." said Ryoka. "Aka to make sure that you're not getting too cocky and died by the Form Morpher like the other Zeroes did. While I may agree with my ancestor here on keeping you from being a cocky asshole, you need to relax Ryoka." said Vito.

Vito smiled as he said,"I mean you're still considered to be the best Zero since you managed to prevent war to affect the Omniverse for a hundred years and more than willing to do whatever is required to save the day.". He began walking over to Zane. "Beings still pray you at least when I was alive. You're not going to lose your title as the best Zero for a long time unless Zane here does something impressive like I don't know. Defeat Skull Plague which you totally will bro." said Vito. 

The seventh Zero put his right arm around Zane. "Thanks Vito. Look Ryoka. I know that you're worried about me but I will be fine. Unlike most of the previous Zeroes, I didn't have anyone to support and that will lead to my death." said Zane. "I know that Zane but like you, I'm paranoid. I needed to tell you something before you wake up." said Ryoka. Noticing the serious tone in her voice, Zane looked at her as he said,"What's up?". 

Ryoka took a deep breath as she said,"Try to be nice to her and please don't judge her based of her bloodline or the past.". "You do know that Zane judges beings based of them in the present rather than blood or the past right?" said Vito. The two Xasius began arguing with Zane waking up. He was resting on his bed and he rubbed his head. "Yep. I'll never get a break for my destiny or family bickering even in my mindscape." said Zane as he sighed.

Meanwhile in an old abandoned Nuclear Reactor facility on the outskirts, it was dark and black. With a noticeable groan, Danny ,in costume, slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was dangling upside down inside of a large Nuclear Reactor facility. "Okay. This isn't what I expected when I came back home to see the old gang." muttered Danny as he saw that he was dangling upside down with a chain wrapped around him. "You're awake mate. Thank the gods. Thought we lost you there." said Allen's voice.

Danny looked for his friends but instead of finding his British friend, he spotted three others hanging upside down in chains as well. The three others are his bro's Assistant in the Alliance Arya, Danny's girlfriend Gwen, and his brother's fiancée Rachel. "So what happened you guys? And why exactly are we upside down? And where is Allen?" said Danny. "You seriously don't remember Morph? I mean it was only an hour ago." said Arya. "Not really. Memory is fuzzy." said Danny.

Gwen sighed as she said,"I knew that injecting you with that would cause problems.". "I don't think one of Parker's inventions would give him amnesia. We're currently upside down because Dr. Progeny managed to captured us after we took down his mutated zoo earlier. Quark is tied with you by the way Morph." said Rachel. Danny turned around to see Allen with the British man smiling despite their circumstance. "Ah. That makes sense I think." said Danny.

Arya looked at the four with her saying,"I know that I'm the new girl here but is this normal? I mean most people our age spend time at the beach, an amusement park, or the mall. I'm grateful we did get capture though since going to the mall sounds awful.". "And what's bad about the mall Seraphina? I happen to like the mall." said Rachel. "Everything! I mean the crowds are just the worst and why buy clothes when buying them online is a much better option!" said Arya.

Gwen looked at Danny with her saying,"As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, shouldn't we be more worried about him?". She pointed down below with Dr. Progeny adjusting some knobs next to a nuclear reactor with a timer going down. "This reactor is absolutely perfect for my Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb! In a matter of time, I will sent this bomb into the atmosphere and create a new world that will be much better than this one!" said Dr. Progeny.

Danny sighed as he said,"I'm just thankful that he isn't doing the evil genius laugh.". As if on que, the mutant began laughing with Allen saying,"Really shouldn't have said anything about it mate.". "Yeah I know. So did anyone contact him yet? I would have broken out but these chains are preventing the use of my powers." said Danny. "He should be here soon or later." said Rachel. "Can't he teleport?" said Gwen. "Yeah but Zero is for the dramatics as you're well aware." said Arya as she tried to contact him.

Back with Zane, he was currently in his living room. He was unaware of what was going on since he was told by his friends to take the day off from any heroics since he needed to take more time off for himself and he was doing surprisingly well. He only left the apartment and that was only to get a slushie from Courtney. "This is really nice actually. I may have been against it at first but it's nice doing nothing for once. Nothing could make this day any better." said Zane with him watching TV.

Like with Danny earlier, the TV decided to chime in. "This summer. Janis Mcbride and Sarah Fletcher will experience the most ultimate romantic experience of their lives. Love that Transcends Time and Space: Love Island. Coming to theaters soon." said the TV. "Okay.  This is perfect. I'm finally getting to see Janis McBride on the big screen!" said Zane. "While I'm happy about this as well partner, we have a problem." said Astaroth with Zane sighing. "What?" said Zane.

Astaroth emerged from Zane with him saying,"Your cell has been buzzing for a while. I'm impressed that you didn't hear it earlier.". "I can tune out certain things you know." said Zane. He walked over to his phone with him looking down at it. "Huh." said Zane. "What? Is it bad?" said Astaroth. "I guess Arya has been trying to contact me for a while." said Zane. "What are you waiting for?! Answer it already!" said Astaroth. "Okay. I will. Just calm your tits." said Zane.

He answered it as he said,"Hey there Arya. What's up? Enjoying Cypress Park?". "Is now a bad time Zane?" said Arya's voice. "Not really. I mean I'm just sitting around and doing nothing. Did you know that they are making a Love that Transcends Time and Space movie. It's going to be amazing." said Zane. "That's a good thing right?" said Arya. "It is." said Zane. "I'm so sorry to be bothering you but we're currently being held hostage!" said Gwen's voice. "By who?" said Zane.

Rachel's voice said,"Honey. I know that we told you to stay at home and relax...". "Which I'm doing rather well by the way." said Zane with him sprouting a tendril to grab his slushie. "Anyway, we need your help. Dr. Progeny is planning on transforming the entire world with his.... What was your device called again?" said Arya. "It's the Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb! How hard is that for you all to understand?! And get over here Zero! I'm waiting for you." shouted Dr. Progeny.

Zane blinked with him saying,"So I'll be there in about a few minutes.". "A few minutes? Can't you warp here?" said Gwen. "Slicer. You've known me for how long?" said Zane as he turned into Legion Zero and was standing on top of a building nearby his apartment. "Six long years Zero. What's your point?" said Gwen. "I can easily sense the good doctor's Impulse and use Direct Transportation to be there but nah, I got a better idea. See you guys soon." said Zane as he hanged up.

He began leaping from building to building with him leaping out over the road and heading toward the ground. To someone watching him, it may look like he's trying to kill him but it was something else. A pair of large tendrils emerged from Zane's back and went toward some nearby building. Once said tendrils splattered to the buildings, Zane used the tendrils to launched himself forward and sprouted his wings to fly toward wherever he's going. "Yeehaw!" shouted Zane with a huge smile on his face. 

A few minutes later, Zane spotted the location where Dr. Progeny and his friend's Impulse were with him seeing a single guard. It was one of Progeny's mutated monsters that he was famous for and it was a new one.  This animal resembled a humanoid yellowish gold panther ,with green cheetah like spots, that stood as tall as a human. It has a compact, muscular build with powerful running legs. It stands on its hind legs with two long snake like arms and five retractable claws on all four paws. 

It have two heads with each head having a short set of ears, long canine teeth, forked tongue, and pale red eyes. and a long tail with the end of its tail being a spiked ball. "So how do you want to handle this partner?" said Astaroth as Zane floated above the feline. "I got it. It's time to begin." said Zane as he smiled. The feline looked around and waited for someone or something to attack him. "Hey there pussy cat! Fetch!" shouted a voice. 

Said cat looked in front of him and he saw Epilogue flying toward him. The feline easily dodged it and was going to swipe it away but he was hit in the right head's face by an invisible fist. This fist pushed him back as Zane appeared in Camouflage Form. "So the hero finally decide to show up and face my master." said the feline. "Yep. That's me. You're different from the rest of Progeny's creatures since you're taking." said Zane. 

The feline laughed as he said,"My name is Saber Tooth Cobra. How about I just show you since you won't be going to see my master any time soon.". The cat rushed toward him with Zane thinking,"Wow. He's fast.". Zane easily dodged the feline's fist and grabbed his arm using his tail. Upon capturing the arm, Zane slammed him into the ground and unleashed a wave of green goo/slime from his mouth that captured the feline. "What is this?!" said STC. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Something to keep you still so I can get you your shot.". He then pierced him with the spike like appendage directly in the face. This caused the feline to roar out in pain with him unleashing a stream of acid to push Zane away. It freed him from his prison with him saying,"Is that all you can do?". "Nope. I can do this." said Zane as he wrapped his tail around STC's neck and slammed him into the ground once again. 

The hero jumped back with the feline shouting,"Quit doing that! It's annoying! I need to swallow you whole!". "Okay. Really should have kept that to yourself. Hey. Be a bro and do you mind staying there for about five seconds?" said Zane as the feline looked confused. "Why?" said STC. "What do you think about the Love that Transcends Time and Space movie? I mean she has been in movies before but this is big. This is the franchise's first movie in theaters after all." said Zane. 

Before he could get an answer, the feline was smacked into the ground by Armadillo Form in his ball mode. "Nice job there. A perfect hit." said Zane as the ball began rolling over the feline. "Thanks Boss. I wasn't too sure about arriving exactly on him. So do you think roadkill is okay?" said Armadillo Form. "I think his name is Salty Teeth Cat and he's fine but get off him. I think we need to hear his answer." said Zane. 

The clone rolled off as STC with him having a giant ball shaped marking on his body and he groaned in pain. "No more mommy. I'll be a good kitty." said STC. "I have an awful idea. Lets go." said Zane with a big smile on his face. In the main part of Dr. Progeny's base, the group there felt a very large explosion and it shook the entire building. "So what do you think took him so long?" said Allen. "To be dramatic and show off obviously." said the girls and Danny. 

Dr. Progeny looked at the door off of the factory's hinges and saw that his creation was there with him covered in gold electricity and had his orb shaped mark on him. "I'm real sorry that I'm late but that guy was blocking me from ruining your science fair project." said a voice. The smoke cleared and showed Zane ,in Electron Form, standing there. "Wait. Electron Form did that? I thought he was weaker compared to Frankenstein Form and Thunder Form." said Arya.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Normally, you would be right but...". "So the guest of honor has finally arrived! What do you think of my Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb?!" said Progeny. "Honestly, it isn't your thing. I mean you're more of mutated creature not bombs. You need to stick to a theme if you want to be a good villain." said Zane. Progeny aimed his hand at Zane with him firing a powerful and deadly looking dark blue energy beam out of it. 

The battery easily dodged the attack since it's super obvious. "So what was that for? You always told me to tell you if your crimes well don't fit your image. And do you hear a buzzing sound? I mean it's annoying." said Zane. "In less than a minute, the world will be shown a new better way of living and there is nothing you can do to stop it!" said Progeny. "You do know that by saying that, Zero will stop you right?" said Rachel. "Silence!" said Progeny. 

He smiled as he said,"In the meantime, meet my latest creation. He's been dying to meet you for a very long time!". There was a loud buzzing filling the air with the buzzing getting louder and louder by the second. Due to how loud it was, anything that was small in the room began to vibrate and shake. "This creature was made it just for you! I may have based it off a creature you've fought before but this one is much stronger than the ones you fought before." said Progeny. 

A giant insect like creature appeared from wherever it had been nesting and took a stand against Zane. It was large with it easily dwarfing the rest of Progeny's creations and most of Zane's forms. It looks to be a scorpion men with it having an incredible dark green muscular human torso and covered in scars similar to Frankenstein's monster. It has two glowing red diamond shaped eyes with its right eye being much larger than the left eye. It has sharp white teeth. 

Its scorpion like lower half is a dark red color and looks to be metallic in nature. It has four canine like legs with silver metal claws. It has two arms with its right arm being a red metallic crab like pincer. It has a giant rhino like horn. It has a giant rhino like horn and four large, highly damaged bat like wings coming out of its back. Upon seeing Zane, it let out a loud piercing sound. "I got to say Doc. This creature looks more impressive than the others but it'll go down." said Zane.

After saying that, Zane jumped back to avoid the creature's upper left leg trying to stomp him. "He may big but he's rather slow." said Allen, watching Zane avoid the creature's energy blasts. Zane unleashed a wave of electricity at some barrels of air, causing them to explode. The explosion hit the creature from behind, engulfing it in fire and Zane smirked. "And that's the end of that monster of the week!" said Zane, bowing to no one in particular.     

Crisis Judgement went off as the creature jumped out of the flames and toward Zane with the battery turning into electricity. Zane reappeared with him turning into Turbo Form and fired three energy beams at him. It pierced the creature with the creature ignoring the damage and charging right at Zane but like before, he missed due to Zane's incredible agility. "Hey Zero! I really hate to bother you but we have a bomb about to blow in thirty seconds I think!" said Arya.

Gwen looked at her as she said,"You think?". "I'm upside down Slicer. This is just me taking a shot in the dark here." said Arya. "Don't worry. I got it all under control." said Zane as he fired another energy beam at the creature, stunning it. At the chain holding them, Glacier Form appeared and froze the chains. He smashed them, freeing the five who easily descended using their powers. "So you're a clone right?" said Allen. "Yep. You go it ready. Boss loves to be a diversion after all." said Zone.

Rachel looked at Danny who smashed the creature into the ground using his Phantom Smashers and Zane turned into Psychic Form, implanting the creature into the ground. "You're not wrong about that at all." said Rachel. "You may be beating my creature but news flash! I won!" said Progeny. "You can count right? It's seven on one." said Arya. "You're in no way strong enough to stop my bomb since I planned for all of your forms stopping it!" said Progeny. 

Zane smiled as he turned into Cyber Prime and Zone turned into Gadget Form. "You may say that doc but well, I just love to prove you wrong!" said Zane, unleashing a massive green energy beam at said bomb. As Zane was blasting the bomb with energy, Gadget Form began hacking into the computer above it. "So you do know what you're doing right mate?" said Allen. "Of course I do. How do you think I am?" said Zane.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"You're really smart but is this really the best plan you could come up with?". "Of course! This plan is ingenious!" said Arya. "It is?" said Danny. "I think Zane is trying to overload the system from two fronts plus I'm sure Zane has a plan in case it goes boom aka Astral Form or maybe another powerhouse like Radiation Form." said Arya. "Yep. That's totally what we're doing right boss?" said Zone from the computer. "Yep." said Zane. 

As the two began their combo move, the reactor began to blow steam in several spots as the heat within grew to critical levels. "You fool! You're overloading the system!" said Progeny. "That's the point and you call yourself a genius." said Zane with a smirk as Gadget Form vanished, leaving behind electrical energy that blasted Progeny away into a pile of trash. The gauges started going critical as steam poured out of every single part of the machine and began to crack apart. 

Inside of the reactor, the water inside hissed and bubbled with the steam valves popping up of the machine before they fell over dead. "We may want to find some cover!" said Danny as the rest of Team Maelstrom found cover with Zane shrugging. The countdown to the bomb stopped with Zane giving his friends a thumbs up. "See? There was nothing to worry about." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off with an alarm sounded from the reactor. "Okay. I had this coming." said Zane.

A wave of red energy emitted from the bomb with it hitting Zane dead on. The force of the explosion sent Zane flying through the air as the wave of energy went through the rest of the factory. "So is it over yet?" said Arya, peeking her head up to see that the bomb had been shut down. Zane was on the floor with him out of Cyber Prime and in his costume. "Yep. That wasn't fun but at least, I stopped whatever he was planning on doing." thought Zane.

Due to him trying to regain his senses, he didn't noticing that his watch's faceplate glowing bright red and sparks of bright platinum colored electrical energy coming of the watch. "You may have defeated me today but next time, things will be different!" said Progeny with him currently being on the back of his creature and he flew away. "Huh. I totally didn't see that thing flying but I've been proven wrong before." said Zane. "You okay there mate?" said Allen.

Zane turned to face his friends with him saying,"Yep. I feel perfectly fine.". "You can't be serious. You just got hit with a DNA wave that could have destroyed your already weird genetics!" said Arya. "You do know that my genetics is already messed up right?" said Zane. Rachel looked down at the Z.E.R.O. Watch with her noticing that it was emanating platinum energy. "Um Zero. Your watch." said Rachel. "I got no idea and yes. I still don't know how this thing work after six years." said Zane.

Before Zane could try and figure it out, the platinum glow was gone and the faceplate went back to its normal color. "Okay then. Time to go chase after the doctor." said Zane. "Zane. You need to relax. We should probably figure out what that wave of energy did to the watch. Call Parker." said Gwen. "Even if he does that, I'm pretty sure that Parker will call him if something is broken." said Danny. "See? Listen to your boyfriend. Lets go catch a doctor bro." said Zane.

After saying that, he turned into Frost Form. "Okay. I wasn't planning on doing that but lets go!" said Zane. He didn't get too far before turning into Werewolf Form with the werewolf looking at himself. "I didn't mean to do that either." said Zane with him turning into Ram Form. "Okay Gwen. You may be right about how I should call Parker." said Zane with him turning into Fairy Form. "So can this thing catch the doctor?" said Arya. "Yep. I surely can because I got the power of improvising." said Zane.

With Progeny, he frowned while he was riding on the back of the Scorpion. Yes. This is that thing's name by the way. "You may lost today my beauty but next time, I'll be the one to win!" said Progeny with him smiling. "Hey doctor. You may not want to say that until you lost us." said a voice with the mutant turning around to see Danny ,using his Phantasmal Drive's motorcycle form, and Zane was the back of it. "Do you want to do the honors bro?" said Zane. 

Danny nodded as he slammed right into Progeny, causing him hitting the Homo Supremus dead on with the creature missing a tooth and Zane unleashed a pink dust at the scorpion. "Now. I bet you're feeling really sleepy aren't you?" said Zane. The scorpion began flying into steam pipes while trying to stay awake but he was getting really tired. "Leave me alone!" said Progeny, firing two energy beams at the men but they dodged it easily. 

Zane was floating above one of the vats with Progeny smiling. He expected Zane to be stopped but he didn't expect Danny with his Phantasmal Drive coming from his back. "And you're done!" said Danny with him punching Progeny in the face and this sent the mutant flying. The Scorpion began to fall asleep with him landed into one of the vials. "So is it bad that I really don't care that the monster died?" said Zane. "It would be if we didn't know that Progeny could just make more." said Danny.

As he was talking to Zane, he placed a Negation Collar around Progeny. The Cross Species nodded with him deactivating Fairy Form and he shrugged. "Okay. I guess I'm done using my......" said Zane as he felt his body tense up. He began falling down into the vat of acid below with Danny flying toward him but was stopped by a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy. "Zane!" shouted Danny as he landed on the ground.

Before hitting the boiling acid, he was caught by Rachel ,who sprouted her wings, who smiled upon catching him. "My hero." said Zane. "You're welcome Zaney." said Rachel. She landed on the ground with Gwen saying while Allen helped Danny up,"So what just happen?". "No idea." said Zane as Rachel let him go. Upon doing that, his costume vanished and Zane was back in his casual clothing. "So this was awesome! Is this normal for Team Maelstrom?" said Arya. "Kinda." said Allen and Danny.

A bit later, Zane was driving the Vindicator out of the power plant with the rest of Team Maelstrom being nearby. "So where does Efren sleep when you need to borrow the Vindicator? And why is almost blowing up a nuclear reactor awesome?" said Gwen. "Because it is." said Arya with Gwen sighing. "So to answer your first question, Efren stays in an apartment. Luckily for him, I'm his landlord." said Zane with a smirk. "So since we're done with Progeny, I got the perfect team building exercise." said Rachel.

Arya ,who called shotgun, looked at the devil with her saying,"And what's that?". "You'll see. Zaney do you mind driving there?" said Rachel, biting on Zane's ear. "Sure but do you need to bite my ears? I mean not that I'm complaining but..." said Zane. "I just wanted to." said Rachel, smiling. "So is this normal?" said Arya. "They've been in the honeymoon phase since they got together." said Allen. "That was almost three years ago right?" said Arya. "Yep. Welcome to Team Maelstrom." said Gwen.

Later, Team Maelstrom was currently at the Cypress Park mall. It was a typical day there. The group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Zane were taking Arya shopping since she really needed some more clothing for their group's little vacation in the Salaron Empire. It just so happen to have a beach at the moment. Gwen and Rachel were helping the extremely stubborn Arya shop for clothes in the same shop from Zero Episode 145

The boys were each doing their own thing. Allen was looking around at his own pace and Zane was leaning against a wall, listening to some music. Danny was practicing his fighting moves and poses in front of a store mannequin. "You're going down!" said Danny with him reeling back a punch but he suddenly slipped on nothing. He felt onto the ground with the impact loosening the mannequin for its display and its head fell right into Danny's lap.

Allen looked at him as he said with him holding the headless mannequin. "That was an extremely smooth move there mate. At least, you didn't scare any children." said Allen. "Yeah I guess and I bet you were responsible for that weren't you Zane?" said Danny with him looking at the Cross Species who smiled. "Do you honestly think I would do something like that to you?" said Zane. "Yes I do. Why do you have to ruining my fun?" said Danny.

Zane shrugged as he said,"You're a grown adult. I know that these places are boring but I don't think treating it like a boxing ring would make Gwen happy.". "That's true. So what did you find Allen? I mean you seemed determined to find something for Arya." said Danny. The British man held several piece of clothing in his hands with him saying,"I found a lot of outfits for her but do you think they would look good on her?". 

Danny looked at them with him saying,"Not really but I don't really know clothes.". "Well Allen, what does your gut say? Always trust your gut." said Zane. "I don't know which one to give her." said Allen as Danny sighed. "How about you just leave it to Gwen and Rae? You're making this more complicated than it needs to be." said Danny. "Okay then. So why are you being so Kevin like?" said Allen. "I just hate shopping with Rae." said Danny.

Allen rolled his eyes as he said,"I think you're exaggerating. Rae doesn't shop that much.". "Oh she does but she has been holding back lately. You're acting better than Arya since we had to literally drag her into the mall." said Zane. "That's truth. So explain to me why this is a team building exercise? And why didn't Arya have a swimsuit prior to moving into you and Rae's place?" said Allen. "I think Rae just want a new model to try clothes on." said Danny.

Zane sighed as he said,"Maybe but before meeting me, she was a hermit for a good period of time and she outgrew her old swimsuit. When Rae noticed her lack of clothing, she was about to drag Arya out to the mall before I stopped her. Rae loves to shop after all. This is her finding a break from the life she found herself in. Worrying about me fighting battling bad guys every day.". "Much to your wallet's determent." said Danny. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"If I didn't make more than enough money from my job, I would try to stop her from shopping but that wouldn't last for too long.". "So what's taking them so long? It's just a simple swimsuit." said Allen. "For Rae, getting a swimsuit takes a while." said Danny with Zane nodding. "Zaney! I need you to come over here!" said Rachel's voice as Zane smiled. "You heard the lady." said Zane as he walked over to the dressing room. 

He stood outside of the dressing room with him saying,"What's up?". "We need your expert opinion on something Zane. It seems Arya found a shirt." said Gwen's voice from the other end. "And this requires me because?" said Zane. "I need your unique yet critical sense of fashion." said Rachel's voice. "Show me the shirt so she can get a good look at it." said Zane as a shirt flew out of the dressing room. Even though he had an awful sense of fashion which he didn't deny, this shirt was basic. 

It was a white color with a red cartoon fox head. "Well, what do you think Zane?" said Gwen. "I think it's cute and totally her." said Zane. "It's cute Zane?" said a very shy sounding Arya. "Yep. It is totally you Arya." said Zane, holding back his laughter since it was cute to hear her sound like this. "Why are you laughing at me?!" said Arya with Zane sensing that she was frowning in the dressing room. "I don't think Zane is teasing you probably." said Gwen. 

Arya looked at her as she said,"Probably? Not even you guys call tell when he's being serious or not? I think someone should!". "Don't worry so much Arya.Zane probably just laughing at how perfect this shirt is for you. He always told me that everyone has their own style and this shirt will look good on you." said Rachel. "That's my fiancĂ©e for you. She's an amazing woman." thought Zane. "Really? Do you think I should get it?" said Arya as Zane sighed. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Sure Arya. I mean all of your new clothes are coming out of my wallet so it doesn't really matter.". "Of course it does!" said Arya. She jumped out of the dressing room and looked at him. "Okay. I know that you spoil Rachel rotten by buying things for her but not me! I make my own money after all so if you're going to buy me something, I'm going to buy you something. Got it?" said Arya. 

After she said that, she was interested in what she was going to buy for him. "Sure. What do you have in mind for little old me?" said Zane. She began looking around the store with Allen and Danny walking over to Zane. "So what is she doing? I thought we were here in search of a swimsuit. Next is shoes right?" said Allen. "We were buying her a swimsuit but Rachel asked Zane to tell her if a shirt would match Arya. It totally does by the way." said Gwen.

Danny nodded as he said,"Okay but why is Arya searching around the store? You didn't really answer Allen's question Gwen.". "Arya needed to prove that she wasn't going to be bought off like Rachel does thanks to Zane not thinking before he speaks." said Gwen. "That does sound like Kevin more than Zane but I can see where you're coming from." said Danny. "You two aren't going to defend yourself from the comment of you not thinking before you speak or being bought off." said Allen.

Rachel and Zane shrugged as Arya returned with a pair of cool looking black sunglasses with molten gold lenses. "Check this out Zane. These are like your normal glasses except cooler." said Arya. "So you'll buy this for me if I buy your shirt and swimsuit." said Zane. "Which you guys have found right? I don't hate shopping but I don't want to spend all day shopping." said Allen. "Yep. So lets see them on you." said Rachel as she stuck her head out of the dressing room curtain. 

Gwen followed suit as the group watched Zane removed his signature glasses and replace them with his shades. "So how do I look Arya?" said Zane as he looked at the frozen up Arya and she was a blushing mess. "Oh wow. He's a real heartbreaker isn't he Rae?" said Gwen as she turned to see Rachel passed out with her nose bleeding. "Typical Rae." said Danny as Allen nodded. "So are you ready to go? I think we have more shopping to do right..." said Zane.         

Without warning, the faceplate of Zane's watch began glowing bright red and bright platinum colored electrical energy came out of the watch. The Z.E.R.O. Watch began beeping loudly and rapidly. "What the hell?" said Zane as he saw the energy building up inside of the watch. His arm began to tense up in pain and Zane gritted his teeth as a sphere of energy formed around the watch. Before too long, it exploded and sent Zane flying through the store. 

This sent Zane flying through the store and into the wall. He kept flying with him eventually landing into the fountain on the first floor of the mall. This got the entire mall's attention with Team Maelstrom going to catch their leader. The five saw Zane with him soaking wet and sitting in the fountain. Zane noticed that his left arm was numb and it was like it was breaking apart at the molecular level. "Okay. Is this the result of this or that? I need to contact Parker as soon as I can." thought Zane.

He slowly stood back up with him feeling a bit nauseous. "Zaney! Are you okay?!" said Rachel as she looked over him in concern. "I'm fine. Just a little wet and my arm is in a little amount of pain." said Zane, trying to move his left arm but it was numb and tingling a bit. "So did you do that on purpose Zane?" said Gwen, pointing to the damage he made. "Gwen. Do you really I do something like this? I would use my powers to prank Danny but not destroy the mall." said Zane.

Danny looked at Zane with him sighing. Zane got out of the fountain and dried off by taking off his shirt much to Arya, Rachel, and every female except for Gwen's joy. A mall cop approached them with him saying,"So do you mind explaining me what you doing Mr. Alvarez?". "Um. A Phantom sent him flying?" said Allen with Danny looked at his friend. "Listen Alvarez. I'm not in a good mood since I still have the paperwork from the Ultimate Showdown incident." said the security guard.

Rachel looked at him as she said,"How many times do we have to tell you this? It wasn't my fiancĂ©'s fault that the mall was attacked.". "And I don't care. Don't cause any more incidents or you'll be banned from the mall for life. Got it?" said the guard. "Oh no. Being banned from the mall. That's such a bad thing to happen." said Arya. "You do know that the mall has more than clothing store you know." said Gwen with Arya shrugging. "Sure thing copper." said Zane, saluting him. 

The guard walked away with Allen saying,"So since you evade mall jail once again, are you going to be okay mate?". "Yes but just in case gang. We should probably leave the mall before I get blamed for destroying it again." said Zane. "You mean you should leave the mall. I think we still have some shopping to do." said Rachel as she grabbed Arya's arm. "No! You can't let her do this Zane!" said Arya with her looking at Zane.

Zane looked at her and then Rae with Astaroth saying,"This choice of yours will decide how your relationship with Arya and Rachel will go from here on.". "I'll make sure that she doesn't go too overboard Zane." said Gwen. "Okay. Good luck Arya. You'll need it." said Zane. The boys watched as Arya got dragged away and Allen said,"So before we leave, mind getting some food from the food court while we wait for the ladies?". "Sure." said Danny and Zane as they walked away.

Later, the boys were waiting for the girls outside of the mall and Danny looked at the Z.E.R.O. Watch with him sighing. "So what happened to this thing? You guys got an idea?" said Danny. "Probably that oddly named bomb messed with it somehow. At least, you didn't get Rae banned from the mall. She would have killed you." said Allen. "Do you honestly believe that? I mean she loves me and I can use my connection to the mayor to get her unbanned." said Zane.

Danny looked at him with him saying,"Zane. Don't you hate her because she cloned you without your permission and trying to steal your mom from your dad?". "I do man but well, I should use our unique connection for my benefit before she gets kicked out like every other mayor in this city." said Zane with Allen and Danny shrugging. "I'm just happy that we're out of there. Has the mall always been boring to you bro?" said Danny. 

Zane looked ahead with him seeing Gwen and Rachel talking with bags in their arms as Arya was right behind them, looking bored out of her mind. "Nope but Arya may share your feelings toward it." said Zane. The girls joined them as Allen said,"So how was the mall ladies?". "Awful Allen! I'm never going again! Zane blow it up now!" said Arya. "Nah. I rather not give more fuel to Curtis who probably used today's incident as another reason to hate me." said Zane.

Gwen sighed as she said,"It wasn't that bad Arya. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.  I mean you enjoyed the video game shop didn't you?". "I did but why did we spent so much time looking at clothes?" said Arya. "Because you want to look good don't you? I mean you want to keep Zane interested in you don't you?" said Rachel. Allen and Danny looked at the red faced Arya with her saying,"Like I told you before a hundred times before, I don't like him that way! He's like my brother!". 

She stormed off to the Vindicator with Allen saying,"Um. What's up with Arya?". "Let just say that Rae here has a dumb theory about Arya liking Zane in a romantic fashion similar to the twins since he brought her out of her house." said Gwen. "It isn't a dumb theory Gwen. Right Zane?" said Rachel. "I'm not getting involved in this since well, I'm not Kevin. We better get to the RV." said Zane. "Why? Don't you have the keys?" said Allen. "I do but Arya isn't a patient girl sometimes." said Zane.

A bit later, the Vindicator was parked in a rural forest campsite. It was a bright and peaceful evening with the stars twinkling in the bright night sky. There was a wooden oak table and it was peaceful. "I can't believe I got stuck sleeping outside." said Zane. He was currently on the ground in a Orb Form sleeping bag with Astaroth saying,"You drew the short straw here partner but look on the bright side, you get an amazing view of the night sky.". 

Zane nodded with him saying,"That's true. You really don't get this view in the city.". "Hey Zane." said Arya. Zane looked up to see his Assistant standing there with him smiling. "What's up? Rae being too clingy? I tend to forget that she's like that when she is drunk." said Zane. "No. I just wanted to talk with you and she isn't too bad." said Arya. "Shoot." said Zane. "Um. How do I say this?" said Arya. "Just speak your mind Arya. There is no judgement here." said Zane.

Arya nodded as she said,"I'm sorry for how I acted at the mall! I just hate shopping!". She bowed with Zane blinking. "It's fine. I mean we have all things we hate plus you're not good with crowds. I should have been there but you know." said Zane, pointing to the watch. "Yeah. So did you figure out what was going on?" said Arya as she sat next to him. "Not yet but I'll find it out in the morning. So have you seen the stars yet? They are looking extra nice tonight." said Zane.

The tech girl looked up with her saying,"Oh wow. They're nice.". "Yeah. That's a truly beautiful sight just like you." said Zane. "Seriously? Your fiancĂ©e is literally six feet away." said Arya with a faint blush on her face. "Sorry. I can't help it. So was shopping really that bad? I mean you got some cute outfits right?" said Zane. "Yeah but I just hate how she...." said Arya with Zane hugging her. "If you have a problem with something, just tell someone." said Zane.

Arya sighed as she said,"I know that but they are your friends. I mean they have been making me feel welcome especially Wolfram. Is Kevin still upset about how I dissed him? I mean it's the truth though. I don't think him physically attractive and from what I heard about, he doesn't have the best personality out there.". "He'll get over it and don't worry. Kevin is a good guy and we just like teasing him. That is what friends do. You'll get used to it I promise." said Zane.

Before Arya and Zane could keep talking, an blaring alarm sounded out from the Z.E.R.O. Watch and the faceplate was flashing platinum. The rest of Team Maelstrom emerged from the watch as Allen said with his ears covered,"So did you do something to the watch Arya?". "No way. I may be a master but hacking into Parker's most prized possession is just asking to be erased!" said Arya as she covered her ears. 

Gwen looked at them as she said,"Instead of asking who hacked into it, how about you figure out why it's blaring the alarm and how to shut it off Zane?!". "I think he would if he wasn't on the floor and his ears weren't bleeding." said Rachel, pointing to Zane who was on the floor and his ears were bleeding candy syrup. "I got it. It's probably Parker calling him." said Danny as he touched the faceplate. The alarm stopped much to the group's joy.

After that, the watch made a projection of Parker ,in his human form, standing in front of them. "So what's Parker doing here?" said Zane as his ears stopped bleeding. "My name is Parker, creator of the Z.E.R.O. Watch." said Parker. "Um. We know that since you practically start every rant with that line of yours." said Danny. "He isn't wrong you know." said Zane as the girls except Arya sighed. "Sometimes you two." said Allen.

Parker said,"If you're receiving this, my lab on Saspra has been destroyed by the Molten Empire. If you don't remember, Basalt is the ruler of the Molten Empire. I'm unsure if he was leading the attack since you took care of him four years ago but I don't care. My annoyance level is at a yellow.". "Hold on a second. Did he just say that his lab blew up? Is he and the rest of Team Legion Zero okay? And what about Basalt possibly coming back." said Gwen. 

Zane looked at his friend as he said,"If I know Parker, he'll probably explain what he meant by that right now.". As if on que, Parker said,"Do not worry Zane. I and the beings who live inside you are fine. Just keep being the only being I consider worth to wield my device. Don't come searching for me or else. I'm busy with my experiments and do try to listen. The Alliance will handle the fools who decided to attack my planet. You have hyper hearing so use it.".

During his entire speech, he was glaring right at Zane with a stern look. The image dissipated. "Okay then. That was new to me." said Arya. "Like we keep saying, you'll get used to seeing it since Parker tends to berate Zane for using his invention in a manner unfitting a hero or something like that." said Allen. "I think he just says that because Parker likes having someone to talk to. So are you going to ignore what he said Zane?" said Rachel. 

Zane looked up with him smiling. "I would but what are the possibilities of me having a reason to go off world?" said Zane. "Did you just say what I think you said?" said Danny. "Yep and if I know how the Omniverse works, I will be going soon." said Zane as he sat down. The group looked confused as the ground began to shake. "Is it an earthquake?" said Arya. "Nope. It's something better than an earthquake Arya." said Zane. 

The five looked up to see a spaceship ,being the Armada, heading right toward them and Gwen looked at Zane. "Let me guess. You heard them coming?" said Gwen. "You know me so well." said Zane. The ship's hold opened up with an armored masculine figure stepped out of the ship. The armored man looked tall, very athletic, and muscular. He's wearing a similar armor to Veto except it's more slimming compared to Veto's battle ready armor. 

It's a black jumpsuit with the arms, legs, and sides being dark purple. He had spiked dark silver metal chest straps that forms an "X" shape on his back. The man is wearing two black shoulder plates with small purple and white flame coming out of them naturally. He wears silver short steel-toed boots. His boots had sharp spikes on the side. He's wearing silver clawed gauntlets with the right arm having this longer than normal blade that extends from his forearm. 

It looks to be the size of a katana blade which goes off into five curved points that looked like a set of claws. His head is covered by a retractable metallic black helmet with two white demon like eyes. It completely covers his face. It has seven spikes at the top. It also looked like a crown. In the center of his chest, he has a gold hourglass shape with the inner part of the hourglass been covered in dark purple flames. 

Team Maelstrom ,excluding Arya and Zane, thought that the figure looked familiar with it being that bounty hunter who teamed up with Zane before. By sensing the masked stranger's Impulse, Zane knew who it was and he smiled. Arya had no idea who this guy but he had this strong sense of authority from him. It was like Zane whenever he get serious. "I don't know who this armored freak is but he'll think twice about attacking Earth." said Danny. 

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by dark purple flames. "Seriously? Do you really think we would be stupid to act your home planet. What kind of morons do you take us for?" said the armored man with Danny shrugging. "A bad kind?" said Danny with Zane hearing slapping and laughter. "He really doesn't care about getting slapped huh. Hey there. Like the new look Zane?" said the armored man. He placed his left fist in front of him and Zane smirked. 

Zane fist bumped the armored man with him saying,"I do Malik.". "Malik?!" said the group except Arya who knew the name but never met him before. The armored man removed his helmet, revealing Malik. He has grayish blue skin and red glowing eyes with them missing the dark lines that he had four years ago. His white ,flame like hair, went back and forth. His teeth had fangs which stick out. "So how life is treating you? And since when you have been with the Paradoxes?" said Zane. 

Malik shrugged as he said,"Honestly, it's been pretty good for me. Hourglass sent me to help out these numbskulls but we have a lot to talk about.". "We?" said Allen as the group eventually saw the trio of Ralad, Sitara, and Vlad standing there. "Hey there Terrans. We come in peace and all that junk." said Vlad. "Be nice Vlad. So I see some new faces. Who are they?" said Sitara. "The redhead is Rachel Powell, the male is Allen Newman, and the glasses is Arya Cunningham." said Ralad.

Sitara nodded as Vlad said,"Holy crap. That was so much talking. I'm impressed with you bug boy.". "I remember you two from when Zane got sent to the Infinite Void. How are you guys doing?" said Gwen as Arya looked at Vlad. "And what type of animal are you?" said Arya. "I think you Terrans call me a cat or something like that." said Vlad. After him saying that, Arya began petting him much to his annoyance. 

Vlad glared at her as he said,"Hey! What are you doing?!". "Petting you obviously. You're so fluffy by the way." said Arya. "Of course I am!" said Vlad. "That's because you spent hours in the baths and you like this don't you?" said Malik, smirking as he saw Vlad's tail moving back. "No I do not!" said Vlad with no one believing him for a second. "Focus. We came here for two reasons. The first reasons was to ask for your help Zane and the second reason is obvious." said Sitara. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Um. Do you mind telling me why? I mean I think the first reason is why I can't sense Altair, Kitt, Turseek, and Veto's Impulse.". "It's the SD signal coming from the watch. Our ship's scanners picked it up just after what happened on Saspra." said Vlad with him trying to ignore Arya petting him. "The SD signal?" said Allen. "I got nothing." said Gwen. "The Self-Destruct mode has been activated hasn't it?" said Zane.

Team Maelstrom looked at him as Danny said,"Hold on a second. Did you just say what I think you said bro? I could be wrong but you said self destruct right?". "That I did." said Zane. "He's right. The Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega Watch broadcast a signal to the entire Omniverse once the countdown begins and well....." said Malik. "The watch will go boom along with whoever is wearing aka our favorite Cross Species." said Vlad. "Gods damn it." said Zane.

Sitara looked at Zane with her saying,"So do you have any idea on what may have triggered the Self-Destruct mode?". "I think I do. It was the Desolation Fusion Photon Bomb." said Rachel. "The what bomb?" said Vlad. "According to its creator Dr. Progeny, it would have activate every earthling's Meta Gene which wouldn't be a bad thing but they would be mutated even more into minions for total world domination." said Arya, holding Vlad in his arms. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"I see. That makes sense and put me down.". "Nah. You're too fluffy to let go and I doubt anyone is going to tell me to let you go." said Arya. "She's right. So how are you doing right now mate?" said Allen. "Isn't it obvious? Zane got cocky." said Gwen as she pointed to Zane hitting himself in the face. "Zane!" said Danny and Rachel. "I can't believe that I did this to myself!" said Zane as he kept punching himself in the face. "Um context please." said Ralad.

A bit later, Malik nodded. "I see. So you think that this bomb activated the Self-Destruct mode." said Malik. "That does sound like a solid guess but what about the lab blowing up?" said Gwen as Danny and Rachel were trying to stop Zane from hurting himself. "You mean Parker's lab right sorcerer? That could be a reason since we got the signal for the SD and Parker's lab going off at the exact same time. It ain't a bad theory." said Vlad. 

The hacker aka Arya looked at the group with her saying,"So why are you guys so worried? I mean Zane is BFF with Parker aka the creator of the watch. We can just go to Saspra and get it fix no problem.". "Weren't you listening before? Never mind that. The point is that none of us know how the watch works. The only beings in the Omniverse are Parker and Zane." said Sitara. "Actually, there is one more." said Allen. "I want to hear this. Who is this being?" said Vlad. "Velda." said Allen.

Malik looked at Sitara who shrugged. "Never heard of her before. Is she a friend of yours?" said Sitara with Zane looking at her. "Nope. Let me get her." said Zane as he vanished. "So who is she?" said Vlad as Danny sighed. Zane reappeared with Velda as she looked back to normal and not the bimbo version from the last time we saw her. "Alvarez! What are you doing with me?!" said Velda. She saw the group looking at her with her eyes widening upon seeing Sitara staring her.

Velda hide behind Zane with her whispering,"What is she doing here?! You do know who she is right?!". "She's my friend like you are. I broke you out of prison to help us with the Self-Destruct mode going off." said Zane. "The Self-Destruct mode? Why would you activated that?! Let me guess. You were bored and decided to test out random functions of the watch again! Idiot!" said Velda. "That was one time! And it was to see if I could work under a special circumstance." said Zane. 

The two began arguing as Rachel said,"You three know about Vuldall right?". "Of course we do. He was the former assistant to Parker, creator of the watch and hermit. Didn't he get fired because of him being responsible for the death of a species or something like that? I can't remember how he got fired but he did." said Vlad. "Yes but in due time, he went after the watch since he believed that it belonged to him even though it was made for Zane." said Rachel. 

Ralad looked right at Velda who was arguing with Zane about something related to the watch from what he gathered. "So from what I'm guessing, that's Vuldall isn't it?" said Ralad. Malik, Sitara, and Vlad looked at Ralad in confusion and he sighed. "Isn't it obvious? I mean why would Zane break out a prisoner if this prisoner couldn't help us in our situation. My bugs are also telling me that Vuldall turned into her thanks to a Terran's invention." said Ralad.

Vlad looked at Velda with him saying,"Huh. So your bugs are telling you that Vuldall turned into a girl because of a Terran.". Ralad nodded as Vlad began laughing and fell off the stump he was sitting on earlier. This laughter got Velda's attention as she said,"Why is he laughing at me?". "He was told how you become a woman." said Sitara. "I'll get my revenge on him later. So tell me why you broke me out of prison this time Zane?" said Velda. "This time? You've done this before Zane." said Malik. 

Feeling his counterpart's judgement, Zane sighed. "I had my reasons and those reasons are to tease her obviously." said Zane. "Of course you would do something like that." said Allen. "Yeah. If there is an opportunity to tease someone, Zane will take it." said Arya. "So what happened?" said Velda. She was told about what happened and she sighed. "I see. So Parker and the countless beings who live inside Zane went missing after Saspra went up in flames." said Vlad. "That's what we presume." said Sitara.

Danny nodded as he said,"Since everyone here is caught up to speed, I have to ask. How are you going to find Parker? I may not know him as well as Velda and Zane do but I'm pretty sure that this time around, he's going to keep his location a secret.". "On my pride and joy Armada, we have the equipment to scan the watch for Parker's Impulse Signature." said Vlad. "Impulse Signature?" said Gwen. "It's like a DNA Signature but a bit harder to track except to Zane." said Vlad.

He jumped onto Zane's shoulder with him saying,"This guy is really good at sensing Impulse since he trained with Eltron. Once we do that, we can scan the entire Omniverse until we find him. We also got the assistant of Parker helping us so finding Parker will be easy. We also need Zane here to help us rescue the others since we need him to break into an prison for us.". "I'm happy that you guys have a plan but well, how long will it take before kaboom." said Allen.       

Velda looked at the watch with her saying,"My best guess here is a week. Not much time at all. We need to get going.". "She's right. If Zane keep using the watch like he does, the time may be even shorter than predicted. Do you think you can make something to extend the timer?" said Malik. "I can if you stop the Frugnoid stops laughing at me." said Velda, pointing to the snickering Vlad. "I'm sorry but you getting gender swapped because of a Terran is hilarious. That will never stop being funny." said Vlad.

Sitara sighed as she said,"We need to get going. There is no telling who else picked up on the signal and who else will be on their way here.". "Okay then. I think it's time for another adventure with the Paradoxes in the Omniverse? Sweet!" said Zane, smiling. A few minutes later, Sitara stood there on the ramp as the group of Malik, Ralad, Velda, and Vlad were already on board. She was looking at the members of Team Maelstrom and she sighed.

The Sihero looked at them as she said,"I'm really sorry about this but we only need Zane for this set of missions. Velda will be kept a close eye on so don't expect her to go running off maybe. Ralad will be keeping a close eye on her.". "I get that but I'm just worried about my fiance." said Rachel. "Yeah. I mean Zane isn't taking this seriously like at all." said Arya. "He will once things get serious." said Allen as Gwen sighed. "Aka not right now." said Gwen.

Zane appeared from thin air with a black and red duffle bag. "You do know that I could hear you guys from my apartment right? Don't worry. I'm taking this seriously. My life is on the line here and well, I don't want to blow up even though I could regenerate from it. Parker may not want to come find him but I'm worried about him and the rest of Team Legion Zero. I always win you guys even though I usually get injured along the way." said Zane. "Which is why I'm going with you bro." said Danny.

Sitara looked at him with her saying,"You do know that we only need Zane since he's aware of how the Omniverse works to an extent aka not you Daniel.". "I get that but you will need someone to keep Zane in line and not make things worse than they already are." said Danny. "That's true. While Malik and Velda know Zane pretty well, Danny knows him the best out all of us." said Gwen. "Name one time I made things worse." said Zane. 

Allen looked as he said,"Are you seriously asking that or are you just making jokes to lighten the mood up a bit mate?". "I'm hurt I really am." said Zane. "But they are in no way wrong." said Arya. "Okay fine. You can help us find Parker and keep Zane in check. I rather not have Zane's reputation ruined more than it already has. Lets get going. Malik and Vlad are inside and dying to show you around the Armada." said Sitara. 

Zane nodded as he turned to his team and threw him a thumbs up. "Lets go find us a Parker!" said Zane as he ran inside of the ship. "Wait for me!" said Danny as he ran after Zane. "Those two will always be the same no matter how old they get. Promise me you'll keep them safe." said Rachel. "Of course. I may not know Daniel and Zane like the rest of you do but I can tell that you care for them deeply. They're also members of the Paradoxes and we're a family. Family protects each other." said Sitara.  

Arya smiled as she said,"That's something Zane would say.". "It is. See you all later." said Sitara as she walked up the ramp. The hatch of the ship closed and Sitara turned around to see the two looking around the ship. "Oh. You two didn't go that far?" said Sitara. "This place is cool." said Danny. "Yeah but my space ship is better." said Zane. "It isn't a contest you know but Vlad would totally make it one if he was here." said Malik. 

The Phantom was standing there with a smile on his face. "So where is Vlad?" said Sitara. "He let Velda to the lab so she can build that device for Zane. So you came too Daniel.". "Yeah I do. I may have forgiven you for what you did to him but well...." said Danny. "I get it. You don't have to remind me. I get it." said Malik. He walked ahead with Zane looking at Danny. "Dude. Malik has changed a lot since then." said Zane. "Focus. You two can talk later." said Sitara.

Danny and Zane nodded as they followed Malik and Sitara toward a platform. It began moving like an elevator before reaching the top. It was moving through the surprisingly large ship. It had shelves that were stacked with futuristic technology and machines present in the vessel. "So I have to ask. Do you need all of this stuff? And what's that for?" said Danny. "We do and we're currently going by the training room. At least three of us in the group likes to be in tip top shape between jobs." said Sitara.

Malik nodded as he said,"Yeah before me and Ralad joined up, this place was only used by Sitara who is already pretty strong.". "Thanks but you can never be too cautious since the Omniverse is always adapting." said Sitara. "You totally sound like Ryoka by the way. So what's that for?" said Zane with him pointing to a room. "Oh. It's building materials such as diamond and gold." said Sitara. "Did you just say that you use diamonds and gold to build things in space?" said Danny.

The Phantom nodded as he said,"That she did Danny. I mean it's weird right?". "Not really. I don't get how Terrans would use diamonds and gold for money instead of building material. Iron and steel work but they're quite weak. Your culture is confusing." said Sitara. "Yeah. It can be confusing but look at it like this. You're seeing it from an outsider's perspective. From our perspective, using diamonds and gold to build things is strange." said Zane. "Whatever." said Sitara.    

The platform stopped at a glowing green chamber with four hoverboards by a screen. "This is the hover simulator. Veto says that it can create over a thousand different courses. You two are welcome to use it whenever you want." said Malik. 'Sweet. We totally need to race bro." said Zane. "You're speaking my language." said Danny as Sitara shook her head. The four eventually reached the ship's cockpit with Ralad waving to them.

It had a 360 interactive holographic screen that was a bright green color with some red industrial lights above the holoscreen. as Danny admired how futuristic it looked. "Dude. This place is sick. It's like we're in a living video game or sci fiction show. ". "Yeah. I'll admit that the Armada does have a better cockpit but the Midnight Bird is better in every other way." said Zane. "You say that Zane but this isn't half bad." said Velda. 

Zane turned to see Velda and Vlad with him saying,"So did you build me that device yet?". "Not yet Zane. According to Sitara, we need to get going now. She was really upset about not building you that device. So tell me. You and her. Are you a thing?" said Vlad. Velda blushed bright red at the Frugnoid's insinuation of her and Zane being a couple with Zane not really caring at the moment since he wanted to explore the ship further. Everyone took a seat. 

Malik turned to Danny and Velda with him saying,"So is this your first time in a space ship Velda? I can presume that Danny hasn't been in space before.". "Yeah. You usually don't travel in something so pedestrian." said Zane. "Of course I have. I'm not a newbie when it comes to traveling through outer space." said Velda. "Neither have I." said Danny. "I don't think video games count." said Zane as Danny glared at him. "Just start the ship." said Sitara.

The cat like alien nodded as he pressed a button and this fired up the engines. The landing gear went in and the Armada began floating in the air. "Lets fly!" said Vlad as he pressed a button and they instantly flew out of Earth's atmosphere and into space at light speed. The seats locked everyone in a bar that's similar to a roller coaster and Zane put his hands up. "What in the nine realms are you doing?!" said Velda. "I'm having fun." said Zane as Vlad smirked. 

Before he could do anything, Sitara said,"Don't you do it. I may allow Zane to do it but you're different since you're driving.". "You're such a buzz kill. You know that right?" said Vlad as the ship zoomed through the solar system  with them going right into the Universe Path. The six were against their seats due to the extreme speed. "So is this normal or what?! Because I feel like a pancake and about to puke my churro up!" said Danny as he was getting a facelift. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Yeah. It's like an awesome roller coaster ride.". "And don't you dare puke or else, I'll kill you!" said Vlad. The ship eventually slowed down mainly to preserve fuel. The ship eventually came to a stop and Danny opened his eyes. The gravity around him became lighter with him smiling. He undid his seat belt and began floating upwards. He knew that he was in zero gravity. Velda got out her seat and floated, secretly enjoyed the zero gravity experience. 

Malik shook his head as he said,"I'm pretty sure that this isn't your first time in zero g Velda. Danny may be different but you two really should get into your seat.". "Aren't you shocked that I'm not doing it as well?" said Zane. "You've been in zero gravity before bro." said Danny as he began doing the backstroke. "Why?" said Velda with her doing a somersault spin. "Okay. I warned you." said Malik as he looked at Ralad. "Start up artificial gravity." said Ralad. 

He pushed a button and this caused both Danny and Velda to kiss the ground of the ship much to the noticeable amusement of Malik, Vlad and Zane. "And that's why." said Sitara with a small smile on her face. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" said Velda with Ralad shrugging. "That's a total me move by the way Ralad." said Zane. "I hate to ruin your guys fun but we need to get the countdown to slow down." said Sitara. "Yeah. I rather not have the only Terran I like blowing up." said Vlad.

Ralad coughed with Vlad looking at Danny and Malik. "What? I'm not wrong at all Ralad. You two were Terrans before well, life happened." said Vlad. "Lets go." said Velda. She along with Danny and Sitara walked toward the science bay with Vlad saying as he stood next to Zane,"Man. She's really determined to save you Zane. So be honest with me. Are you dating? I mean she is pretty cute but not as your devil friend.". "Rae is my fiancĂ©e and no, we're not." said Zane. 

Malik looked at Zane with him saying,"So are you ready for what may happen next? I'm pretty sure that we weren't the only group to get the SD signal.". "The signal about Saspra blowing up was only us if you were curious." said Vlad. "A little bit but I'm not too worried. I mean the seven of us plus the rest of the Paradoxes can handle whoever decides to come after the watch. I'm pretty sure about that." said Zane with his signature smile.     

In a different part of the Omniverse, junk and broken debris surrounded a small ship. It had several large and powerful tendrils coming from a ship that looked the ISC. Inside of the bigger ship, a alien ,that looked like a humanoid bat mixed with a pirate, was running for his life since he had managed to survive the massacre that had taken place. He and the rest of the crew managed to find one of the Molten Empire's flag ship just floating out in space.

They thought that it was abandoned and they could loot it for some parts. However, they were dead wrong about them being alone. From the shadows, a pair of pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils looked at the bat and smiled with its carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue sticking out. "You can't escape your destiny!" said a menacing voice. Dark purple ,with tainted dark orange veins, tendrils impaled the humanoid bat. "Ahh!" screamed the bat.

His body went limp as the tendrils left its body and returned back to its owner as the bat fell onto the ground. A ten feet tall behemoth of a Vordlarin stood there. He's a dark purple color with tainted dark orange veins covering her body. He has pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils. He has a large mouth with him carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue sticking out. The bottom half of his face is blue. 

This Vordlarin looked like he had a dinosaur like body. He has several metal parts on his body with him having two skulls on his shoulders. He has white bands around his forearms and metal legs. He released tendrils from his stomach area and they attack anything near them. "This was so much fun. I've been desiring to kill some new threats for a while. Who knew that making a deal with that guy would be so much fun?" said the Vordlarin, licking his mouth as he eyed the corpse. 

Before he could devour the pirate, he was stopped. "I would hate to ruin your meal Grimace but our boss's boss needs us for something." said a feminine voice. Grimace turned around to see his partner Vordlarin Lunacy emerged from the darkness. Lunacy is a female Vordlarin and she considers herself to be a femme fatale. She's a yellow color with black and white veins covering her body. She has pale white eyes with bright green spirals for pupils. 

She has a smaller mouth compared to the rest of Rivart's minions but she has the minion's carnivorous jagged sharp teeth and long flexible tongue. The bottom of her face is a white color. She's about six feet tall with having two rabbit like ears protruding from the top of it. She has a slim figure with a hourglass figure that set her apart. Her nose is a pink color.  She has short, cropped rose pink hair sticking out of her head with her bangs covering her right eye. 

Lunacy is wearing a sleeveless yellow zipped up jacket with brown sleeves. She wears a metal chest plate under her jacket. She wears red shorts. Her body has natural cherry blossom petals coming out of her but this is natural. "Seriously?! Right now?! I'm starving." said Grimace. "I didn't say that you couldn't eat him but we need to get moving." said Lunacy. "Sweet." said Grimace, picking up the bat and began to eat. "So how are we doing on the cleaning?" said Lunacy.

Ripping off a wing, Grimace said,"I think we've killed all of them beside maybe three. Don't know. I wasn't paying. Did the boss's boss find them?". "Most likely." said Lunacy. "I may not know him like the rest of the Omniverse but well, I hate to be on his bad side." said Grimace. "Like these pirates." said Lunacy as she stepped past a half eaten Walrus alien. The two approached an open airlock where three surviving alien crew members trapped inside were shaking in fear.

Instead of their lives being threatened by the duo of Grimace and Luncay, they got someone else and it was the Molten Decimator Basalt who wasn't dead like the rumors would say. He had shrunk down back to 12 feet tall but didn't look his high-tech enhancements or his bulky, hulking frame. He just lost his hunch. He still has dark red skin with patches on his skin ,mainly around the right side of his face, still showing off his gums and impressive dental work. 

His body now has blue lava like veins across his arms and they seem to be naturally pulsating. He was still bald since he spent time even in the Infinite Void shaving his head and part of his right pointed elf like ear is missing. His black eyes ,with magma/lava colored irises, are still menacing. He wears a blackish red armored plate adorning his chest, shoulders, and waist with its shoulders spiked. In the center of the armor plate and shoulder blades, he has his empire's symbol aka a volcano there. 

It was a silver color. Under his armor plate, he wears black-skin tight material under it. This material covered the upper half of his body except for his arms. He wears dark red pants with silver plating on its thighs and shins. He wears blackish-red armored boots. He wears blackish red armored gauntlets that goes up to his elbows. His hands are five claw appendages. In front of his armored chestplate, he wears a strange object.

The object is a gold ,with a gray edge, heart shaped medallion with four different colored gems at the most east, north, south, and west point of the medallion. Each gemstone has a different alchemy symbol for an element etched around it. The gem to the east is a white triangular shaped topaz with the alchemy symbol for air etched around it. The gem to the north is a blue circular shaped sapphire with the alchemy symbol for water etched around it. The gem to the south is a green rhombus shaped malachite. 

Said malachite has the alchemy symbol for earth etched around it. The gem to the west is a red square shaped ruby with the symbol for fire etched around it. In the center of the medallion, there is a silver square shaped stone with a black power symbol that glows black. Sheathed on his back, there is a large sword fitting of his size and looked deadly. This sword's gold handle looks similar to a gun and from the hilt, there is a long, magma colored lightning bolt-shaped energy blade of energy coming out of it. 

It has many spiked points on it. "Why are you doing this?" said a frog pirate. "You're asking him that instead of the obvious?! You died!" shouted a big lipped horned alien. Grimace wanted to eat that one since he was annoying but he was stopped by Lunacy who reminded him of Basalt. "If you honestly think that I died, you're wrong. We need your ship's fuel to get back with the home ship so I can get the Z.E.R.O. Watch and get my revenge on him." said Basalt.

He clenched his fist and grabbed the frog pirate, burning him alive. "Zane Alvarez. Once I get back to my ship, I swear that you'll pay for sending me to the Infinite Void!" said Basalt, throwing the burned up corpse of the pirate nearby his friends. As he walked away from them and the two Vordlarins, he was unable to forget Zane with his magma/lava colored irises glowing brightly. "I won you damn freaking magma dome bastard." said a voice. 

Basalt turned around to see Zane standing there with him being the Zane from four years ago. "The next time we met, I'll be stronger and so will my friends Basalt. When I grow stronger, they grow stronger as well. Equivalent exchange is great. I promise Uriel that I would come back so good bye. I do hope you don't die. I may hate your guts but having you die would just be the worst." said Zane as he vanished with Basalt growled much to the confusion of Grimace, Lunacy, and the pirates.

The Maferno pressed a button on the console and the airlock door sealed shut. The two pirates were screaming as they were jettisoned into outer space. "Okay. That was pretty good." said Grimace with Lunacy shaking her head. "Master Basalt. We have word for our boss about what happened on Saspra." said Lunacy. "Oh really do tell." said Basalt. "According to our boss, Parker blew up his lab but he made your invention and has went missing." said Lunacy. 

Lunacy looked at Basalt with her saying,"They also picked up on a signal from the Z.E.R.O. Watch as well.". She held out her left arm with her pulling out a small cube that projected the image of the Z.E.R.O. Watch for Basalt to see. "I see. So what are you doing in space Alvarez?" said Basalt. "From what my boss knows, it went off shortly after the lab blew up. Something happened to the watch from what I guessed." said Lunacy. "Your death will come soon Zane." said Basalt. 

Back on the Armada, Zane was lying against a futurist surgery gurney with some sort of lid to a pod above them. "So are you ready to get tested bro?" said Danny. Zane turned to see Danny standing there with Malik and Sitara. "I promise that this won't hurt at all." said Sitara. "Yeah. Not really worried about that. I'm more worried about those two." said Zane as he looked at the duo of Velda and Vlad. "We're not that bad Zane." said Vlad. "Yeah. Have faith in your friends Alvarez." said Velda.

Malik sighed as he said,"So what are you going to do to him exactly?". "Just watch." said Vlad as he put on a virtual reality visor. He pressed some buttons as a holographic computer screen appeared in front of Vlad with Velda standing nearby him. "He will be fine right?" whispered Danny. "You two need to trust Vlad. He may be an idiot like Veto but he's smarter than the rest of the idiots except Ralad." said Sitara with a smile. 

Using his fingers, Vlad caused the large scanning machine to go right above Zane with the table flattening down. "If I don't make it, tell Rae I love her!" said Zane as the bottom one followed up as Zane was engulfed in darkness. "Freaking drama queen." said Velda as Zane felt his body get scanned as a blue projection of himself came up from above them alongside projection of the Z.E.R.O. Watch that was beginning to disassembled themselves and showed off all of the pieces.

Danny heard Zane said,"So give me the news doc. Am I dying?". "No. You're not. Your body like I guessed is quite interesting." said Vlad. "Meaning what exactly?" said Malik. "As all of us are well aware, Zane is a Cross Species. Hey Velda. Mind showing them what I'm seeing?" said Vlad. "Sure thing. I'm not your servant by the way." said Velda. "Yeah. Yeah. I get that since Zane is your master right?" said Vlad with Sitara watching Vlad getting punched by Velda for his comment.

After punching Vlad, Velda pressed some buttons as the rest of the group saw Zane's holographic body and the disassembled Z.E.R.O. Watch. "Look at Zane's body." said Vlad. Danny looked at Zane's body as he saw several different colors inside of Zane's body. These colors are black, crimson red, molten gold, purple, royal blue, steel gray, and turquoise. All of these colors originated from Zane's Essence and went throughout his body. "Do you know what these colors mean?" said Velda.

Danny cupped his chin as he said,"If I'm right, they each represent one of the species that make Zane up right?". "You are correct robot boy. Color me impressed." said Velda. "Is that a compliment?" said Danny. "I would take it as one bro. I mean she's like Parker. Insults you most of the time except if they impress you." said Zane. "Quiet you!" said Velda. "See? She's always mean to me for some reason that makes no sense." said Zane.

With a loud sigh, Sitara said,"So what's the point here?". "The point is that I can't find either Parker's DNA and Impulse signature due to Zane's body. Can you possibly turn your energy for a moment?" said Vlad. "He can try that but maybe try this instead. Parker has an massive ego right? I mean wouldn't he want others to be know who made it? He probably wrote his signature someone on the watch." said Malik as Vlad's eyes widened. "Of course! Good idea ghosty!" said Vlad.

He began rebuilding the watch and Zane watched as the watch was getting rebuild in front of him. The Cross Species saw that there was microscopic Braille on it. "Hey you guys! It's written in Braille!" said Zane. "I got it!" said Vlad. "That's great Vlad. So do you mind letting me out?" said Zane. "Nope. While Vlad and the others put it into their computer system so they can track down Parker and their team, you and I will be working on delaying the explosion. Do you mind giving me the headset?" said Velda.

Vlad shrugged as he handed the device to her. "Good luck Zane! We'll miss you!" said Vlad as he ran out of the room with Malik looked at Danny and Sitara. "Make sure that he gets the information in. I'll make sure she doesn't torture him too much." said Malik. "You got it." said Danny as he and Sitara were gone with Velda going to work on Zane. Back in the cockpit, Ralad watched as Vlad was putting in the information from Zane's watch into the ship's navigation.

Sitara looked at Danny with her saying,"Now we can scan for Parker anywhere in the Omniverse while Zane is getting tortured.". "Why do you guys keep saying that she'll torture him? I mean Velda may not be the most pleasant being to be around but she isn't bad. I think she's pretty nice except when she's been a total tsun." said Danny. "Tsun?" said Ralad. "It's an Earth expression. So how long does this normally take?" said Danny. "A few minutes why?" said Vlad.

Danny looked at the trio with him saying,"So do you mind telling me how the other members of your team got captured? And how Malik joined your team. I want to know how Malik joined but I'm more curious about how you guys separated in the first place.". "Don't you already know how Danny?" said Sitara. "No. Was I supposed to?" said Danny. "We contact Zane about it and asked for his help in getting them back. Didn't he say anything about it?" said Vlad.

The Homo Supremus shook his head for no as Ralad sighed. "Did we contact him using Veto's number or someone else?" said Ralad. "I don't think it matters but we used Veto's I think." said Sitara. "My bugs are telling me that Zane has an app on his phone that instantly directed spam calls or robo-solicitors to sex hotlines." said Ralad. "So why did he do that?" said Vlad. "I think it's because Veto tended to call Zane a lot about how we're doing and he got annoyed." said Sitara. 

Vlad sighed as he said,"That does sound like him. So why are you so curious about them? I mean you met them once.". "I may not know Altair, Kitt, Turseek, and Veto like you guys and Zane do but they are Zane's friends. In Team Maelstrom, we always do whatever we can for our friends. So how did they get sent to prison? We're going to free them right?" said Danny. "Yep. Since you're so curious, let me tell how our team got separated." said Vlad.      

Flashback P.O.V.
Lets go back by three weeks. The group ,including the latest member Ralad, had arrived on Obinax Sonomi and it was a rather peaceful day. This is the home world/city of the capital of the Vromilyrra Dynasty and a population of thirty billion beings. "So why are we here again?" said Turseek as he left the ship with the rest of their little group/family. Ralad had offered to keep an eye on the ship. "Did you seriously forget why we're here? We came here to help out our fellow Paradox." said Vlad. 

Vlad was currently on Altair's shoulder. "But he isn't a member is he? And why aren't you saying his name?" said Turseek. "That's why Turseek." said Kitt. He pointed over to a wanted poster of Zane with it being a Facial Composite Failure. Think Sanji's first wanted poster from One Piece or Nia's posture from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. "For some reason, they think Legion Zero is a criminal and they will arrest anyone if they deem them to be an ally of his." said Kitt. 

Turseek nodded as he said,"Okay. We must be here to try and convince these guys of the obvious fact that Zane is no way a criminal. He's a honest to goodness superhero.". "That's correct. We'll need to split up." said Sitara. "Why do we need to do that?" said Veto. "According to Altair, the six of us stick out mainly the cloaked one so I'll go with her." said Vlad. "Okay. I get that given her family ties but why just you two?" said Veto.

Sitara looked at her as she said,"Reasons. We're going now. Try not to cause too big of a scene.". "Have some faith in us." said Turseek. "I would but I got my doubts." said Sitara as she and Vlad separated from the group. "So what's our plan?" said Kitt. "Lets go check out the main square. I mean there is bound to be some information there right?" said Veto with Altair shrugging. "It's worth a try says Altair." said Turseek. The four walked off with them not noticing that they were being watched. 

The Vromilyrra Dynasty's police force is known as Enforcement Bureau or EB by the people. At the EB headquarter, two officers were watching as their colleague were sending a criminal that they fought and capture earlier today to Osezarix 35. The two officers are both normal human with one being male and the other one being female. The male is a Yoslghkin by the name Miohru. He looks to be a slim, muscular male with him being 5 foot 10, shorter than the female next to him. 

His gray skin has tawny orange highlights with it being in the form of ice running throughout his body. He has a long snout with four spikes coming out of the top of it. He has dark auburn hair and purple eyes. He wears a gray jacket with a snowflake pattern on the back with an orange sweatshirt under it. He has a bright blue scarf that covers his neck. He wears black spandex like pants and black shoes. The female is a Feroxian by the name of Cinarva Varthard.

She has a slim yet muscular build with her being around 6 foot. Compared to her adopted mother, she has a bewitching and voluptuous figure with it being a mixture of a hourglass figure and pear shaped body. She looks to be more of a fighter rather than a model. This is similar to Zara. She's taller than her mother but shorter than her father and younger brother. She has shoulder length ghost white hair with magenta colored streaks and tips in her hair.

Her hands are parted to the side in order to not block her vision. Her body, face, and ears are covered in fair dark red scales. She has round sky blue eyes with slitted gray irises. She has sharp teeth and pointed ears. Despite having four fingers and a thumb, she only has four toes. One of her toes comes out of the back of her foot. It's three toes in the front and one in the back. She has a scar over her left shoulder, right side of her waist, and the back of her left ankle.

She wears a dark blue jacket with metallic shoulder pads. Under her jacket, she wears a low cut black long sleeved shirt exposing her midriff underneath. She wears brown pants with part of her pant leg rolled up to reveal her scaled legs. She wears a dark magenta sash. She wears dark gold boots that look to be made for her feet specifically. She has two leathery and ragged bat-like wings and a long and spiked gold reptilian tail.

The end of her tail is curled around her knees. She wears dark gold bracelets that cover both of her wrists and most of her forearms. She wears red lipstick. She wears red jade stud earrings that are shaped like lions. She wears a red bandana around her head with a white crown symbol in the center of it. The duo of Cinarva and Miohru have been partners ever since they joined the Enforcement Bureau with them protecting the Vromilyrra Dynasty from threats every day.

In a short amount of time, the two had a reputation across the Omniverse and it's usually a positive one except after the day Legion Zero attacked the Vromilyrra Dynasty. They were both in a different section of the massive government at the time of the attack but they were often blamed for  not doing anything to stop him. "So Cinarva." said Miohru with him looking at his partner who was looking at the criminals who being shipped off to the Osezarix 35.

Both Cinarva and Miohru are respected members of the Enforcement Bureau since they are well known for their kind, caring, and thoughtful nature. Cinarva tends to be the fighter between the two with Miohru often providing support from a distance. Miohru is often known for his comical quirks which annoys most beings but Cinarva doesn't mind it too much. "Yes Miohru?" said Cinarva. "Are you doing alright? You've been off every since you got the double platter of bad news." said Miohru.

Cinarva nodded as she said,"Yeah. Is it that obvious?". "Kinda but I'm really good at reading you. So have you told the Chancellor about your theory?" said Cinarva. "And what would that theory be you two?" said a menacing voice. They turned to see the right hand of the current chancellor Plexatron or Plex to most people floating there. He's similar to Booker ,since they were created around the same time, except more built for combat.

He's three feet tall with him being a silver color. His head is pyramid shape with a gold visor and beak like mouth. he has two arms that each have five claw like fingers. Compared to Booker, his body can within the temperature of a star's surface and the coldest depths of space. He is able to see farther away whenever he needs to. He can turn his arms into buzz saw that can cut through most materials and cannons that can be used as a laser for battle or a scanner that can be used to scan objects. 

The cannons can also contain microscopic samples by vacuuming them up. He's able to shrink down in size and hack technology. Despite his harsh sounding voice, he's a pretty nice guy except he tends to be a bit strict mainly when the chancellor is stressed out. "It's about Legion Zero being...." said Miohru with his mouth being covered by Cinarva. "A menace to the great Vromlilyrra Dynasty and if he ever attacks, we'll stop him." said Cinarva.

Plex looked at the two with him shrugging. "Whatever. I just wanted to tell you that you two are doing a good job and you're on patrol. After that, you can head on home." said Plex. He floated away with Miohru looking at him. "Why did you do that? And how do you want to do patrol duty today?" said Miohru. "Because I don't want him to get in more trouble since I'm not a hundred percent sure about my theory. Lets go." said Cinarva with her leaving as Miohru ran after her.    

At the main square, Turseek was looking at the citizens of Obinax Sonomi who were living their lives in peace. "I can't believe this friends." said Turseek. He looked at the duo of Altair and Kitt with Kitt saying,"What is it? I thought you were looking out for Veto who went missing. Yeah. I know that he's out flirting instead of finding information about Legion Zero.". "They honestly think that our friend is a bad guy but he isn't." said Turseek.

Kitt nodded as he said,"I know. That's why we're here. We need to see why they would think that since you know how the Vromilyrra Dynasty operates. It's a total hivemind you guys. If one being thinks something, they all think the same thing.". "So do you think it's okay to drink from the fountain?" said Turseek. "Huh? Why are you asking that? I know that you aren't an idiot but that sounds stupid." said Kitt.

Turseek pointed to Veto who had gotten slapped into the fountain by a woman who was with her boyfriend. "Ah. I think I know why you would think that. We should probably get him out of there which you're already doing Altair. Good job." said Kitt as he watched Altair stretch out his fingers and they grabbed onto Veto, pulling him out of the fountain. "Thanks. So did you guys get anything? Because I got nothing." said Veto. "Yeah. I wonder why." said Kitt, rolling his eyes. 

As this was going on, the duo of Sitara and Vlad were walking through the more seedy parts of the planet with Vlad looking at the disguised Sitara aka a brown cloak over his body. "So explain to me why you wanted it to be just the two of us again?" said Vlad as Sitara sighed. "Because we were being followed by one of his minions." said Sitara. "Seriously? I didn't see anyone." said Vlad. "That's the point Vlad. The others can handle the spy." said Sitara.

Vlad looked at her as she said,"Yes. I know what I said. They may be idiots but they can handle themselves in a fight. We need to find our informant known as the Oracle. He'll help clear Zane's name since according to rumors, he has footage of what happened." said Sitara. "Yeah. That sounds like a good plan but we're seriously trusting that guy who will sell out his mother to survive in this messed up Omniverse." said Vlad. "That's just a rumor. The informant is a total momma's boy." said Sitara.

The cat rolled his eyes as he said,"I'll take your word for it. I think we're here.". The two looked to see a building guarded by two study looking aliens. They resembled an African rhino with the rhinos have bright blue rock-like skin with several black and dots covering it. Their chest are square shaped with their limbs looking thick. They have three fingers and two toes. They have two tails and four green diamond like eyes. 

They are both wearing bouncer like clothing with the right one having an energy spear and the other one had a energy cannon over his right arm. "Halt. If you wish to enter the temple of the Oracle, you must have proper clarification." said the left rhino. "Since when did we need clarification to see him? I mean I saw him just the other day." said Vlad. "That changed after he provided the EB some pretty interesting information about Legion Zero." said the right rhino. "Oh really?" said Sitara. 

Without a second to breath, the right rhino said,"Yeah. I mean I would never trust a Cross Species with thatmuch especially since he's a Terran.". "Hey Vlad." said Sitara. "I got you partner. Have fun." said Vlad as he snuck his way past the guards. Before the two could do anything about it, Sitara held her sword and smiled as the two gulped. A few minutes later, Sitara and Vlad walked through a corridor with them seeing the Oracle sitting at the end of table and eating by himself.

He looked to a cyan skinned humanoid lizard alien with a pair of antennae coming out of his forehead and a singular red eye with black stripes covering it. He's completely bald. He's wearing a slightly torn white shirt with the right sleeve missing. He's wearing brown pants with a gold, pyramid shaped belt buckle. He is wearing brown sandals. Upon seeing the duo enter the room, the Oracle smiled. "Look who decided to see me. The survivors of two species that died thanks to Skull Plague." said the Oracle. 

Vlad smirked as he said,"So are you enjoying being a suckup toward the Dynasty? Those guards weren't cheap ones you normally have guarding this place.". "Still pretty weak though." said Sitara with a small shrug. "It's nice. So what do I owe you your gracious visit?" said the Oracle. "We need to know two things. Do you think it's possibly to redeem Legion Zero's name here in the Dynasty? And what kind of information did you give to the Dynasty about him?" said Vlad.

The Oracle sighed as he said,"Honestly, I doubt that since the Dynasty is pretty much a hive mind and changing their mind after they make a decision is practically impossible after seeing not one but five of their planets destroyed by the guy. Can you believe that one being did that? He's like a certain someone you are all too familiar right Sitara?". "That man and Zero are in no way the same. Zero is a heroic soul despite him having his more vile traits. I can say that it wasn't him." said Sitara. 

She looked serious with the Oracle smiling. "I don't like that smile" said Vlad. "You say that but well, I want you to watch this." said the Oracle as he threw them a VHS. "Seriously? A video? That's all you're going to do for us." said Vlad. "You're lucky that I'm doing that for you since you two practically broke into my home. I could have called the Dynasty to come and arrest you but they're going too busy." said the Oracle. "What do you mean?" said Sitara. 

With a sinister smile, the Oracle said,"You will see. Just leave.". Knowing that he wasn't going to say anything more, the two left and the Oracle smiled as he went back to drinking his imported wine. As they left the building, Sitara looked annoyed. "So what's up with your friend?" said a voice. Sitara and Vlad turned to see an armored man aka Malik leaning nearby. "None of your business metal head." said Vlad as Malik sighed.

He looked at them with him saying,"Look. I know that I don't seem like the most trustworthy guy out there.". "Good. You understand why I need you to leave us alone and..." said Sitara. Before she could finish that sentence, Malik pushed her to the ground as she said,"Hey buddy! What's the big idea?!". "I think that's the big idea or ideas either one works." said Vlad as he pointed to the yellow, with black and white veins, tendrils that came out of the ground. "Darn. I missed." said a voice.

The three looked up to see Grimace who was eating one of the rhinos from earlier, Lunacy who had her hands to the ground, and Rivart standing there with an army of slimes behind them. "Vordlarins? Why are you attacking? I thought you guys didn't attack planets and get off me." said Sitara. Malik listened as Grimace said,"Huh Lunacy. I guess armor boy saw you coming. I told you that we should have just attacked them head on but no.". 

Before Lunacy could say anything, Rivart stopped him. "I'm sure you don't know who we are." said Rivart. "We don't." said Vlad. "But you should know that we're working for a friend of yours. She goes by the name of  the Executioner or something along those lines." said Rivart. Sitara's eyes widen a bit as she said,"We need to go now.". "Huh? We can totally take them and what about the others?" said Vlad. "Just trust me. Got anything to handle them armor boy?" said Sitara.

Malik sighed as he said,"Fine but my name isn't Armor Boy, Buddy, or metal head.". He aimed his hands at them with him unleashed a wave of purple fire at the Vordlarins who weren't happy about the fire. "Okay. You're special. I like you." said Vlad. "Can the bromance. Lets move." said Sitara as she ran off. "Always so bossy. You don't dig that in a lady do you armor boy?" said Vlad. "My name isn't Armor Boy. Gods. It's like I'm with him." said Malik as the two ran off.

Above them, Brood was looking down from a nearby building with him being able to see two very interesting sites. Four members of the Paradoxes hanging out in the plaza and two members plus an armored Phantom running from some Vordlarins. "Oh wow. This is already pure chaos. Are you sure that you don't want me to use them instead of him?" said Brood. He stayed quiet as Brood nodded his head. 

Brood looked up into the sky and he said,"You got it boss. I'm just saying that if we want things to happen fast, we should let things happen a certain way but your way is so much more fun.". He made a blue fire portal appear and something came flying through it with it heading toward the plaza as Brood vanished in another part. At the plaza. Veto was trying to contact Sitara and Vlad. "I can't seem to contact the others due to my suit malfunctioning at the worst times. Got any ideas?" said Veto.

Altair was about to say something but he looked up. "What's wrong?" said Turseek as he followed his friend's eyes. The four watched as an giant orb crashed into the ground and destroy the fountain. "It's Legion Zero! He's here to destroy us! Run!" said a male. The crowd ran away with Kitt saying,"Is it really him?". "Let us find out friends." thought Altair as he touched the trio's shoulder. They looked down at the lower level of the plaza with their eyes widened. 

It's a large eight feet tall silver metal ball. "Okay. I know Zane has a lot of forms but is that one of them?" said Turseek. "Maybe Orb Form?" said Veto with Kitt looking at it. "Not really. That ball looks smaller than Orb Form." said Kitt. "And you know this how?" said Turseek and Veto. "I pay attention to my friend's power and I think he's emerging." said Kitt as he noticed that there was smoking coming out of the ball and it began to open up. 

Emerging from the ball, a large, muscular wyvern-like creature flew out. It looked masculine with him being twenty four feet tall and four oval shaped reptile-like eyes. The eyes on the left side of his face were a blue color and the eyes on the right side of his face were a red color. His head is a conoid shape with a black bone-like jaw and silver horns coming out of the sides of his head. He had a red mouth filled with sharp white shark like fangs and a silver tongue that stick out of his mouth. 

He had a fairly long neck with a cool darkish green metal plated front and black back. His body is primarily gold with his underbelly and the bottom of his tail being silver. He has two large black human arms ,with five sharp claws, coming out of each side of his chest. His elbow joints are like rocket engines. He has two large raptor ,dinosaur, like legs with the ends of his five clawed feet having blue webs in-between them. 

The wyvern has two large wings that look to be twice its size. He has metal spikes coming from the middle of his shoulder blades to the end of his tail, looking like a mace. In the center of his chest, there is a giant metal gold five-pointed star. "Okay. I'm pretty sure that isn't Zane." said Veto. "Are you sure about that?" said Turseek. "I told those idiots before but my name ain't Zero! It's Nemesis and it's time for you idiots to learn that!" roared Nemesis. 

He took a deep breath with him unleashed a wave of gold fire from his mouth on the couple ,who threw Veto into the fountain earlier, and the two closed their eyes. They eventually opened their eyes to see an wall of emerald green energy. The Paradoxes landed on the ground with Veto saying,"I really think you two should leave.". They nodded as they ran off. "Who the hell are you idiots? You aren't the people who tried to stop me before!" said Nemesis. 

Turseek looked at the creature with him saying,"We're here because you are causing destruction using our friend's name and we cannot stand for that! That's what he said by the way!". He pointed to Altair who nodded. "Hold on a damn second. You guys are friends with my counterpart? Dude. That's so lame! I mean just wow." said Nemesis "What do you mean by that? Are you saying that you are from another dimension?" said Kitt.

Nemesis looked smug as he said,"Of course I am. I mean I'm pretty famous over where I'm from and after I destroyed this shithole, I'll be even more famous. So are you ready to die?". "Nope. I think we should go with Operation Shut Up the Beast." said Veto. "Huh? what are you talking about bro?" said Nemesis. The wyvern was smacked in the face by Turseek, blasted in the face by Kitt's missiles and Veto's emerald green energy blasts, and was slammed into the ground by Altair.

As this was going on, the duo of Cinarva Varthard and Miohru were doing their patrol with Miohru turning toward the plaza. "Hey Cinarva." said Miohru. Cinarva was helping some kids across the street as she said,"Yeah?". "I could be horribly wrong here but isn't that one of the creature who Legion Zero has turned into before according to the report." said Miohru. Cinarva looked up to see Nemesis with her eyes widened. Before Miohru could say anything, Cinarva flew off and caused shockwaves as she flew.

Miohru whistled with him saying,"Yep. She's pissed. I feel bad for that dragon. I better go assist her.". He flew after her but at a much slower speed compared to Cinarva. Back in the plaza, Nemesis tried to swipe at Kitt but his tail was caught by Altair. "Let me go!" said Nemesis. "Instead of that dumb idea, how about no?" thought Altair as the dragon roared. He was about to unleashed another fire blast at Altair but his head was slammed into the ground by a yellow energy blast.

Turseek looked to see Cinarva floating there with her fists glowing. "Don't move you bastard." said Cinarva. "Oh crap. It's her." said Kitt. "Who?" said Turseek and Veto. "Seriously? You guys can be real idiots. She is one of the strongest being in the Vromilyrra Dynasty and she's pissed. We should get out of her way. She's like Sitara when she's mad." said Kitt with Turseek and Veto nodding in agreement. The four Paradoxes were about to run from Cinarva as Nemesis laughed.

He flew into the air with him looking down at her. "Do you seriously think that I'm scared of you girlie? I eat bitches like you breakfast!" said Nemesis. He flew toward her with with her easily dodging him by flying and she unleashed a powerful yellow energy blast at Nemesis's neck that wasn't covered by armor. This sent him crashing into the ground and his body was chained to the ground by green energy chains. "Seriously?! These chains won't keep Nemesis down!" said Nemesis.

The wyvern broke them out with Cinarva smiling. "Good. I really want to make you pay since you're besmirching his name." said Cinarva as she charged at him. "So do you think we should help her you guys?" said Veto with Kitt and Turseek shrugging. "Can you please contact Sitara and Vlad? They should know about this." thought Altair with him touching Veto's shoulder. "Tried that but it's all staticky. Tried contact Ralad but same thing." said Veto.

Before Turseek could say anything,  Kitt looked to see Nemesis heading toward them due to Cinarva tossing him. "Guys! We need to move!" said Kitt. The three nodded as they ran with Nemesis making a noticeable impact in the ground. "What the hell is that? This bitch can't be defeat me. I think it's time to switch from Voyager to....." said Nemesis as he vanished. "What the?" said Cinarva. She was confused by Nemesis leaving like that and she looked down at the Paradoxes.

Before she could do anything, she saw the Enforcement Bureau's police cruisers appear with the four Paradoxes getting captured in ice. "How about you guys just chill out?" said Miohru. "What are you doing? They aren't criminals. They were fighting that monster!" said Cinarva, standing in front of the four frozen Paradoxes. "Yeah! And your pun is awful." said Turseek. "Oh. They aren't criminals? Tell me why they are under arrest for the endangerment to life and destruction of property." said Mihoru.

Kitt looked at him with him saying,"To be fair, it was that dragon not us. We only caused a distrubance and that was Veto.". "Wow. Way to throw me under the bus bro." said Veto. "So it seems that you two were able to capture the former student of rebel Crulgrum Veto, killer Reladroid Kitt, the thousand victory champion Turseek, and the partner to the creepy freak Vlad Altair." said Plex. "Oh  great. It's you. I thought you got dismantled. All of us have gone clean." said Veto.

Plex scoffed as he said,"By the words of Alliance and as you're well aware, they mean jack shit here. So why are you and your band of fuckups here?". "Is he trying to be an ass on purpose or what?" whispered Miohru to Cinarva. He didn't get an answer from her as she wanted to hear what they said. "Do you really want to know why?" said Turseek. "Yeah. I mean we already know about your buddies causing trouble by burning down the resident district." said Plex.

Cinarva looked at him as she said,"They did?". "Yes. These heroes of yours caused several people to lose their lives and home including the Oracle who told us about Legion Zero being a villain instead of a hero like the Alliance claims him to be." said Plex. "Zane is a hero! You idiots are being told a lie straight to your face! Neither Sitara and Vlad would kill the Oracle!" said Kitt. "Take them away. We will get our answers from them back at H.Q." said Plex.

Miohru looked at Plex with him saying,"What about us? Do you need us to go after the other two members of their group?". "No. You two will help me take them back to HQ. We'll make sure that we get the other half of the dumbass trio Vlad and the daughter of Basalt Sitara Fortune. Both sisters will be in our custody in due time." said Phit. Cinarva watched as Miohru, Pitt, and her fellow orders take the four Paradoxes to H.Q. with her trying to figure out what's really going on here. 

Back with the trio of Malik, Sitara, and Vlad. They were currently running back to the Armada and they were running from the Enforcement Bureau's cruiser aka hover police cars. "So explain to me why we're running from those fascists again? We can easily take them down like this." said Vlad using his jetpack to keep up with the others. He was currently aimed both of his dual pistols at the cruisers, firing at them and caused a couple of them to crash into the ground hard. 

Sitara looked at him as she said,"Because they probably blame us for what happened earlier and that dragon from earlier. You and I both know how the Enforcement Bureau work.". "I know that Sitara but...." said Vlad. "Technically Sitara. It was a wyvern." said Malik, interuppting their conversation which caused the two to look at him. "Seriously?! Who the hell cares about what that thing is?! It was a giant monster and we're getting blamed for it coming here!" said Vlad.

The female of the group nodded as she said,"You have a point but your comment.". She stopped as she swung her sword, sending a wave of air and this wave sliced a row of cruisers in half. It's a good thing that all of these cruisers are unmanned at the moment. "What do you mean by that? It was just a simple smartass remark. Nothing too special about that. I make all of those all of the time. Hell, most of our friends do." said Vlad.

Sitara looked at him with her saying,"Because it sounded like something Zane would say. Do you remember how he correct us about him an ape not a monkey?". "Oh yeah. I do remember. Turseek still didn't get why Zane told him that." said Vlad. Malik looked at the two of them with all three of them hearing,"Hey there gang. Need a lift?". The trio looked up and they saw Armada flying above them with Ralad aiming the ship's guns at the last batch of cruisers. 

From the cockpit, Ralad smiled as he fired a barrage of laser blasts at them. Vlad watched the cruisers go down with him crossing his arms. "That wasn't bad. I could do better." muttered Vlad. "Focus. Open up the hatch." said Sitara. "You got it boss." said Ralad, pressing a button. The ship's hatch opened up and Vlad grabbed Sitara. "So how are you going to get up there armor...." said Vlad. "And he's already gone." said Sitara as she watched him vanish.

Vlad shrugged as he said,"This guy is just like Zane.". He flew the Sihero to the hatch and into the cargo bay. The door closed behind them with Sitara saying,"Get us out of here Ralad!". The ship flew away from the planet and escaping the Vromilyrra Dynasty. "So while I'm thankful that we didn't get arrested and sent to Osezarix 35, what about the others?" said Vlad. "You'll just have to break them out of jail duh." said a voice.

The two turned to see Malik standing there with his arms crossed. "You! What are you doing on our ship?!" said Sitara, aiming her sword at his neck. "Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. I came here to help you." said Malik. "You're not intimated by her? I mean she's one of the two fiercest woman in the Omniverse." said Vlad. "This isn't the first time a female has aimed their weapon at my neck due to them not trusting me. Let me show who you I am." said Malik.

Malik pressed the right side of his helmet, revealing the man under him. His face looked the same as it did in the present. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a lime green v-neck shirt right under his jacket. His shirt has white sleeves that are hidden by his jacket. He has "Devil" imprinted across his chest in black letters and covered in a purple fire pattern. He wears brown pants ,with them having intentional tears in them, and his boots from his armor. 

He wears a brown leather belt and gloves. He wears one of his armored gauntlets with it being the left one. Sitara and Vlad were shocked to see their friend Zane standing in front of him and he looked much different. "Zane? What the hell happened to you? You changed so much since we last saw you!" said Vlad. "I'm not the Zane you know." said Malik. "You're from a different dimension aren't you?" said Sitara. "Seriously? How can you tell? You're blind!" said Vlad.

Sitara sighed as Malik said,"She must have sensed my Impulse and how it's similar yet different to Zane's Impulse.". "Correct. So what are you doing?" said Sitara. "I was asked by my boss Hourglass Universe to help you guys out. We need to break into Osezarix 35 right?" said Malik. "Yes. So how do you know Hourglass Universe?" said Vlad. "I'll tell you about her later but we need someone to break into the prison and I know the perfect guy for the job." said Malik, smiling.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny looked at Sitara and Vlad with him saying,"So you just decided to trust him?". "Yeah. I mean he looked like Zane and knew Hourglass Universe. She's easily one of the strongest Phantoms ever and any one with a brain knows not to fight her or mess with time." said Vlad. "But didn't he seem not very trusting?" said Danny. "I know that you have a problem with him due to the past but he has changed a great deal." said Ralad.

Sitara placed her hand on Danny's shoulder as she said,"I understand your worry about trusting him after what he did to Zane but Zane trust him.". "Yeah. I guess. So did you find Parker?" said Danny. "I think I did." said Vlad. "You think?" said Danny and Sitara. "Well, I get a general location on where he could be but we don't have that section of the Omniverse in our ship's database charted. The only place that does is in the Osezarix 35." said Vlad. 

The four beings heard,"You mentioned that place before in your story. What is it?". They turned to see the trio of Malik, Velda, and Zane standing there. On his right arm, Zane was now wearing a medium-sized dark gold bracelet that have steel gray streaks on the outside of the bracelet. In the center of the bracelet, there is a royal blue stone like object and lines forming Z. "Hey guys. Find a way to stop Zane for blowing earlier and why is Velda's face red?" said Vlad.

Velda looked away as Malik said,"Zane did something to make her look like this. He's now wearing something called the Preservation Band. According to her, the device will activate when it senses a high amount of Impulse coming from Zane. It will form a gauntlet over both arms and can withstand a huge amount of Impulse coming from Zane.". "Let me guess. He hugged you for making that device?" said Danny as Velda nodded. "So what is Osezarix 35?" said Zane. 

Sitara nodded as she said,"Osezarix 35 is the Vromilyrra Dynasty's prison facility. It contains some of the worst criminals in the Omniverse and tends to contain anyone who goes against the Vromilyrra Dynasty.". "I've heard about it before. So is Parker there?" said Velda. "Nope. The information we need to find him is there along with our pals. Ralad. Do you mind?" said Vlad. "You got it boss." said Ralad as he pressed a few buttons. "Time for you to break into your first prison bro. Excited?" said Zane.     

As Ralad began setting course to the facility, an alarm went on off. "So what did you do?" said Danny as he looked at Velda. "Why are you looking at me? I did nothing to this hunk of...." said Velda as she was shocked by Vlad who had futuristic brass knuckles on him. "I really can't believe that you actually shocked her Vlad." said Sitara. "Nobody insults the Armada. So what's the alarm for?" said Vlad. "It says that there was a security breach on the lower level. We got stowaways." said Ralad.

Zane looked at Danny with the man nodded. The two activated their costume with Danny saying,"Leave them to us. You guys make sure that we get to Osezarix 35.". "Yep!" said Zane. "Me and the Phantom will go with them. Lets go boys." said Vlad. The four left the cockpit with Sitara sighing. "Put her in one of the chairs Ralad." said Sitara with Ralad nodding. The group of Danny, Malik, Vlad, and Zane were heading down to the lower deck.

Vlad looked at Danny and Zane with him saying,"Okay heroes. Here's the plan. We are going to cover more ground by splitting up.". "But isn't spitting up a bad thing?" said Zane as the elevator was going down. "This isn't a horror movie Zane." said Malik. "It could be. Let me see. Astral Sense." said Zane as his eyes turned a noticeable and bright molten gold color with two magic circles in front of him. "So got anything man?" said Danny.

Zane turned to him with him saying,"Yeah. Lets get going.". "I thought that you would use one of your forms." said Vlad as the moving platform came to a stop in the cargo boy. "Velda told me not to use one of them for least an hour upon putting on the band. Rather not make her mad since she gets all slappy with me. It doesn't hurt but it's annoying." said Zane. "Okay. Me and Vlad will take the right side. You two take the left side." said Malik. "Gotcha." said Danny.

The four split up with both Malik and Vlad looking for the intruder. "So does this feel like a horror movie to you?" said Vlad. Malik ignored him with him hearing something. He made his purple fire Nether appear and he saw the other duo. "Smooth move. So did you two find them?" said Vlad. "Not yet but I got them now." said Zane as he was gone. "Hey! Let us go!" said a voice. "We should go find him now. He may need our help." said Malik.

Zane stood there with his arms crossed. "So while I'm happy that you guys are here, why are you here exactly? We have it handle." said Zane. In front of him, he saw the group of Allen, Arya, Gwen, and Rachel with the four tied up in Zane's tendrils. "To be fair, I was perfectly okay with staying on Earth but...." said Gwen. "Do you really think that I would let you and Danny go into the Omniverse without me? We're a family Zane." said Rachel. 

Allen nodded as he said,"Yeah. She's right. Gwen used a spell to teleport us on here and she thought that she wouldn't alert the Paradoxes. I guess that failed but hey, I won't let my two best mates do something this fun without me.". "It did. Danny, Malik, and Vlad should be here. I'll see what they want to do with you since this is the Paradoxes's ship after all. Not mine since mine is better." said Zane, crossing his arms. The trio of Danny, Malik, and Vlad showed up as Malik's eyes widened.

Like when Zane found them, Malik crossed his arms and he said,"Gwen? Rachel? What are you doing here?". "Plus the other two. I know that you knew them back in your dimension but don't forget that they invaded our ship. I didn't mind you guys coming along but Sitara did. It's totally because she's jelly over the devil." said Vlad. "I'm sorry for invading your ship but I promised to be there with Zane since he helped saved me and well, I don't want him to blow up." said Arya.

She smiled as she said,"And Team Maelstrom is a team no a family. Family look out for each other.". "I think you got our answer. We know that Danny and Zane could have done it without us but we're a group. If you want them, you got all of us." said Gwen. "Yep! Slicer said it best. I mean if it was her, she would probably make fun of you right Zane?" said Arya. "Don't remind me about her. I really hate that howler monkey." grumbled Zane. "Agreed." said Astaroth.

Malik shrugged as he said,"You heard them Sitara. What do you say?". "Fine. Just get up here. We need to talk." said Sitara. "Oh you guys are in trouble. Don't feel bad for you. She used the voice." said Vlad as he snickered. Before they could get, the watch began beeping faster than normal. "You didn't use the watch again did you?" said Allen. "Nope. I used Astral Sense." said Zane, pointing to his eyes. "I'll go check on something with Velda. Show them around won't you?" said Vlad.   

Later, the trio of Allen, Danny, and Zane ,with the latter two out of costume, were currently in the hover simulator. They were flying through a simulation of outer space during a meteor shower. "This is awesome. We totally need hover boards when we get back to Earth." said Allen. "Aren't you at the least bit worried about the self-destruction speeding up even though you didn't use the watch?" said Gwen as she and the other girls seemingly gloating in the air beside them.     

Zane shrugged as he said,"Kinda but getting worked up and scare about won't do me any good. I tend to do my best work under pressure.". "I really think you should be worried at least a little." said Rachel. "I hate to sound like Kevin but why should I Rae? I mean even if the watch goes boom, I can always regenerate from it without a scratch. Parker will be made if the watch explodes but he can always make a new one." said Zane.  

Danny shook his head as he said,"Sometimes bro. Your easygoing attitude is a pain. None of us like seeing you dying or getting hurt.". "I know that. We'll find Parker plus the missing Paradoxes and get him to turn off the watch's SD. I'm sure that everything will go back to normal in due time." said Zane as he performed a trick using his board. "What if Parker can't be found? If the watch goes boom, you will lose Astral Form." said Arya, speaking up for the first time upon arriving at the hover simulator. 

She was on her phone/tablet/laptop. It was a black ,thick, smartphone with it being lined with orange lights along the sides and keyboard. "If that happens, I'll...." said Zane. "You'll what?" said Rachel with her arms crossed. "I'll figure it out Rae. I always do." said Zane. The simulation turned off as Sitara and Velda entered. "While we know that you always do, you might have to accept that you'll never be able to access the power of the Eazairvian ever again." said Sitara.

Velda nodded as she said,"Compared to the other Eazirvain's Cross Species aka her, you can only access the full power of that species in Astral Form. Parker and I made that form so you could be a force to be reckon with. I'm sure that your life won't be changed too much since you got too much power already but just be careful. I rather not see the device I spent hours worked on destroyed it.". "You say that but you're just like us. You don't want to see Zane go boom." said Allen. "Yeah right!" said Velda.   

Zane looked at the group with him saying,"Look. I may not be born into a normal life but becoming Zero is probably the best thing to ever happen to me. Marrying you Rae will replace that but being a hero is something I want to do for the rest of my life. I won't let that dream end because of some stupid self-destruction crap.". "So what did you find out?" said Gwen. "Even with the Preservation Band, the countdown is still going and will be stronger. You may need to stay on the bench for now." said Sitara.

Danny looked at her as she said,"What? I tried to use a Terra Expression? Did I use it wrong?". "No. I just never heard it before." said Danny. As the two were talking, the watch began beeping. The platinum sphere of energy reappeared with it being much bigger than it was at the mall. It covered both of his arms with the faceplate glowing bright red. Zane was gritting his teeth harder than last time and there is a strong wind blowing around him. 

Zane was forced onto one knee like he was proposing with him saying,"Get away from me now!". The group listened as the sphere explodes. This sends Zane flying once again with Zane coughing up blood upon hitting the wall of the hover simulator. His blood was a mixture of his signature turquoise candy syrup blood and his royal blue tar. His watch is giving off steam with both of his arms feeling a great deal of pain. 

Looking down at both of his arms, his hands were glowing a platinum color with vibrant and destructive Impulse flowing him. "Are you okay Zane?" said Arya. "Just peachy." said Zane, smiling. This smile didn't calm anyone down like it normally would. "So why is his hands glowing platinum? That's new to us." said Allen. "It seems that the explosions are affecting you more than I and the feline thought. How could this be?" said Velda, looking over him.

Rachel looked away with Gwen noticing this. "Is something the matter Rae? I know that seeing Zane like this isn't exactly pleasant but if you know something, mind sharing?" said Gwen with Rachel looking at Zane who was being hugged by Arya. "Okay. Parker told me and Zane about something he had planned for the watch about three years ago. It's name is Albion and it is combining the Z.E.R.O. watch with Zane on a biological level." said Rachel.

Velda looked at her as she said,"What?! How and why would you let him do that to you?!". "To be strong and protect everyone obviously. Don't you know me at all you fool?" said Zane as the color in his hands faded. He slowly stood back up with a faint trace of Impulse running through both arms. The faceplate is about a third red at this point. "This changes things." said Sitara. "It does?" said Arya and Danny. "Yes. We need to get the info on where Parker is and rescue our idiots." said Sitara.     

In the cockpit, Arya was impressed with the controls with the rest of the group getting comfortable in the ship. "This is impressive Vlad. You said that you build all of this by yourself?" said Arya. "You're talking to a super genius here." said Vlad. "Don't compliment him too much. If you do, his ego will only grow bigger with each compliment." said Malik. "Hey can it Phantom! You're just jealous that she isn't complimenting you" said Vlad as he glared at Malik. "We're here. Osezarix 35." said Ralad.    

The Armada exited out of a large wormhole with them seeing Osezarix 35. It has four moons rotating around the space station. It looks very futuristic and cylindrical with it being easily taller than any building on Earth. It is currently night there. "Oh wow. So this is is Osezarix 35? I have to ask. What happened to Osezarix 1-34?" said Allen. "They were all destroyed by a criminal at some point. The guy who ruined your image in this section of the Omniverse destroy the last one Zane." said Sitara.

Zane nodded as the group heard an automated female voice,"You are currently approaching secure space of Osezarik 35. Identify yourself or be destroyed.". "So what's the plan now?" said Gwen. "I got it!" said Arya with her jumping into a chair. "Seriously? You think you can hack past their system?" said Vlad as he crossed his arms. "Just trust me kitty kat. I got this." said Arya as she began trying in some codes with the space station's weapons system prepared themselves to fire and aimed at the ship.

Velda hugged Rachel with her saying,"I can't watch!". A few seconds later, the group heard the automated female voice say,"Sorry about that. Your security clearance has been accepted. Please head to Prisoner Drop Off Bay #10 Officer.". "How did you do that?" said Vlad. "She's a super genius and can hack into anything. That's why she's the best damn assistant in the Alliance." said Zane with him giving Arya head pats much to her joy. "Hell yeah I am!" said Arya.

Danny sighed as he said,"Thanks for that Arya. You're a good ally to have.". "Indeed. So how long are you two going to be hugging by the way?" said Gwen. Velda looked at Rachel who smiled. "I'm not against it since you're really cute when you're scared Velda." said Rachel. Velda let her go with her muttering,"It's like having two of them.". "So why did you go with Prisoner Drop Off Bay? We have codes for the sanitation bay?" said Sitara as Ralad flew toward the station.

Arya looked at her as he said,"Well, I didn't want them to think that the Armada is a garbage truck so I picked a prison transfer ship. It didn't take that long to make an ID for us.". "Wow. You're just like Zane Arya. Good to have an ally and terrible to have as an enemy." said Allen with Arya snickering. Ralad parked the ship in a place where he knew that it would easy for them to get away once they get what they needed.

Malik looked at Sitara with him saying,"So what's the plan? We need to find the others and get the map on where Parker is right?". "Yep. I just so happen to know where they are being kept but we need one team to get the map. Allen and Arya. You two may want to stay here." said Sitara. "Um why?" said Arya as Allen nodded. "Humans are special here in the Omniverse." said Malik. "Okay. Why is that exactly? And what about the ones who look human like?" said Danny.

Zane looked at him as he said,"Earth is considered the Omniversal melting pot.". "It is? Since when Zaney?" said Rachel. "Since it was created from what I guessed. Warrior told me that it's considered to be a place for refugees to go and it's considered to be the center point of he Omniverse. If our Earth goes, the Omniverse follows suit." said Zane. "Yeah. I've heard from Hourglass that you had to do it already. How was it?" said Malik.

The Cross Species looked at his Phantom counterpart with Zane saying,"Exhausting. Due to most humans hating anything that isn't normal, these refugees are forced to live in cities that the Magnus created before humanity make its appearance. Humans are well liked among the rest of the Omniverse for two reasons. The first reason is that they're considered delicacies.". "Yep. I'm going to puke." said Allen. "It isn't a pleasant thought but at least, they don't see you for the other reason." said Zane.

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"What could be worse than being treated as food Zaney?". "Well Rae, let me tell you. This is according to Parker, Terran DNA is considered to be extremely durable and can adapt to pretty much anything. Most metahumans got their powers from their ancestors dating or being experimented on by aliens in the past. Parker told me that Terran DNA could possibly be used to revive dying races but those experiments are considered inhumane now a day." said Zane. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"I think I remember hearing about some humans have been taken from Earths across the Omniverse to be used for illegal experiments or taken to become another being's pet which isn't very fun. It's like slavery but Omniversal.". "Wow. So shouldn't the Alliance do something about that?" said Velda. "They tried but it's like the hydra. Take down one alien abduction, twenty more grow in its place." said Zane.

Arya looked at Zane as she said,"So what about you, Danny, Gwen, and Rae?". "We'll be fine since while we may look human, we don't smell or taste human. I'm not sure about you Velda so do you mind staying here?" said Zane. "Wasn't planning on going." said Velda, sitting back in her chair with Ralad shrugging since he would enjoy the company. Arya agreed to stay behind as well. "So since the history lesson is over, what's the plan here boss lady? We need to make two teams right?" said Vlad.

Malik nodded as he said,"And don't forget. We're wanted by the Alliance for the destruction of the Vromilyrra Dynasty's main city.". "I know that. How good at you sewing and making disguises Zane?" said Sitara. "Pretty good every since I got the powers of Carnal and had some free time to learn how to sew." said Zane. "Um. Why are you talking about?" said Danny. "From time to time, we need a disguise and these ones will be perfect." said Sitara.

As Team Maelstrom and the Paradoxes were getting to work on their planet, Cinarva Varthard was in the guards area. "So why am I here again?" muttered Cinarva. She looked around to see that she was alone in the guards area. "I mean I broke my word about coming here and no one knows that I'm here but I need to know what they know." thought Cinarva with her opening up one of the lockers and came up with a similar plan to Zane's group. Lets find out why she's here.

Flashback P.O.V.
"So why does the chancellor want to see me?" said Cinarva. She was in front of the chancellor's office with Plexatron in front of him. Plex gave her a shrug as he said, "I got no idea but she wanted to see you.". "Ah. That quells all of my concerns." said Cinarva. Plex opened the door with him smiling. "I wish you good luck with her Cin." said Plex. He closed the door behind her with Cinarva hearing,"Ah. I am sorry to bother you Preserver but I need to have a word with you.".

Cinarva turned around and saw Chancellor Lalorth sitting at her desk, smiling. She's middle-aged with her being a tall, curvaceous woman of average height. Her body is covered in a purple and green skin or exoskeleton with four-fingered hands, a chestnut-shaped head, and a long face. She has short brown hair. She has four slanted light blue eyes with gold sclera. She has lilac colored lips with pointed, white teeth that are spaced quite far apart from each other. 

She has silver antler like antennae coming out of her head. Her antennae come out of her head at a forty five degree angle and she has silver mandibles. She's wearing a high-collared black jumpsuit with gold stocking-like edges. Her jumpsuit's pants legs are cut short, ending slightly above her knees. She wears matching collared boots that go up to her knees. Her outfit exposed her knees and nothing else about her body. 

Her jumpsuit has red shoulder guards with a purple cape. She wears a diamond leaf-shaped necklace. In her early twenties, Lalorth joined the Enforcement Bureau in order to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. She rose through the rank in order to become a preserver just like the duo of Cinarva and Miohru did. She eventually became the Chancellor. As the leader, she dedicated much of her time to ending generations of bloodshed that her people had suffer. 

She's a fair but firm and rather strict toward everyone woman. She tends to be disgust toward criminals but despite that, she always tries to see the good of the criminals. She tends to have trouble showing emotions other than indifference. Her smiling is seen as rare and if a officer sees her smile, they get extra pay from Plex. "So did you need to see me for Chancellor?" said Cinarva, saluting her by putting her closed fist over her chest. 

Larloth sighed as she said,"Cinarva. You don't need to call me Chancellor or salute me. We're friends ever since you joined all of those years ago.". "Yes. I tend to forget that." said Cinarva. "It's fine. So I heard that you fought Legion Zero earlier." said Larloth. "That isn't Legion Zero. He called himself Nemesis." said Cinarva. "That's what I said when I showed those ambassador footage of his rampage but nope. He transformed and that's something only Legion Zero can do." said Larloth.

Cinarva blinked with her saying,"Oh wow. That's kinda a stupid way of thinking. It's like judging an entire species based of one criminals.". "Yeah. They're pricks." said Larloth. "So is there anything else you need me? I was asked to over look over the four "criminals" that we captured earlier. We let their three compatriots go and one of them just so happened to be the daughter of Basalt." said Cinarva as she clenched her fists.

Larloth sighed as she said,"It's fine. You'll get your chance to capture her I'm sure of it. You may leave. I need to reminded you about something truly important. You do intend to forget this so I believe it's my duty to remind you of it as a former Preserver.". "What is it?" said Cinarva. "A being should always follow their own sense of justice regardless if others disagree with them. You are dismissed." said Larloth as Cinarva left the office.

A few minutes later, Cinarva was with the duo of Miohru and Plex as they were looking over the four members of the Paradoxes that were arrested earlier. "I still can't believe that we let Sitara Fortune escape. Even though she comes from a race of warriors, she was trained by the other daughter of Basalt Molvai to be a deadly killer." said Miohru. "Yes but we're looking at the deadly killer's partners in crime so be happy with that." said Plex.

Cinarva looked at the robot with her thinking,"Is he trying to make us feel better?". "So the big rock is partner with a cat? That's just weird." said Miohru. "I heard that the cat took rocky under his wing instead of the other way. Kitt and Turseek probably joined up with them due to being bored of fighting weaklings or something along those lines." said Plex. "And what about Veto?" said Cinarva. "He actually comes from Terra." said Plex.

Miohru looked at him as he said,"Which one? There is like infinite.". "The Prime one obviously. He was abducted by Crulgrum, the rebel Baradan." said Plex as Veto flipped them off. "Oh. I'm so sorry about doing this to you pigs but you arrested us for BULLSHIT reasons!" said Veto, frowning. "Are you trying to make them hate us more?" said Kitt. "Meh. I say he should go for it and why are they pigs again you guys?" said Turseek as Altair sighed.  

Plex rolled his eyes at them with him saying,"No matter what, scum will always be scum.". "I do want to visit Prime Earth one day even though there may be humans like him there." said Cinarva. "So what do you want to do with them?" said Miohru. "Take them to Osezarix 35 obviously." said Plex. "I should tell you this Plex. I plan on going with them." said Cinarva. "Um why?" said Miohru. "I want a chance to fight one of the daughters of Basalt. I'm sure she'll eventually come to break them out." said Cinarva.

Miohru looked at her partner with her seeing how serious she was. "Okay. I guess I'll handle clean up with Plex here instead." said Miohru. "Since when do you order me around Miohru?" said Plex. "Since now. Lets go." said Miohru as the two were gone. Cinarva looked at the four Paradoxes were arguing about something with Altair saying nothing. "I don't know why you four were here to clean his name but I'll find out why." thought Cinarva. 

A few days before Zane's group arrived at Osezarix 35, Cinarva and the four captured Paradoxes had arrived to the prison facility. They were being guided by some prison guards ,who are members of the Vromilyrra Dynasty's army that wore silver jumpsuits/mercenary style armor, and Cinarva was there as well. "So what is this place like?" said Turseek. "You seriously don't know." said Kitt with Turseek nodding.

The Throlzak looked and placed his hand on his friends' shoulders. "Do not worry. This prison isn't all too bad. The guards let the prisoners do whatever as long they don't escape but they are forced to make ammunition for the dynasty. We won't be here for too long since I'm sure that Ralad, Sitara, and Vlad will be there to break us out." thought Altair. "Yeah. I rather not be here since we did NOTHING wrong you damn cops." said Veto with Cinarva rolling her eyes.

Until they had time to transfer them here, she had to hear that a lot from him. "Stop." said a prison guard with everyone stopping. "So why do you keep saying that Veto?" said Turseek. "To make sure that they  know how much they screwed up." said Veto. "It's annoying so could you please stop?" said Kitt. "Even though I think that you guys are innocent, it doesn't matter." said Cinarva. "Why?" said Turseek. "I saw you guys fighting Nemesis not working with them like the Magistrate says." said Cinarva.

Veto smiled as he said,"Thank you. I guess you're not so bad for a cop.". "Thanks I think. So tell me why you are working with a lackey of a genocidal dictator?" said Cinarva. "You mean Sitara? She isn't the lackey of Basalt anymore." said Kitt. "What do you mean? I thought she was still working for the Molten Empire even though daddy is dead. And why isn't your friend talking?" said Cinarva as the prison guard led them to another room.

Kitt looked at her as he said,"You seriously don't know? Well according to our friend Vlad, he lost his ability to talk after being experimented on by the guards of Blacktomb Detention Center. He isn't a big fan of prisons by the way.". "Ah. That makes sense." said Cinarva. Without warning, one of the guards used a taser rod on Veto and knocked to the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you? He did nothing wrong?" said Cinarva as Kitt and Turseek helped him up.

The guard shrugged as he said,"What can I say Preserver? I didn't like how he was making fun of my people.". This caused the other guards to laugh at Veto who flipped them off. He got shocked once again much to Cinarva's objection. The four Paradoxes were eventually processed by the guards with Cinarva never liking how they process beings. They were stripped down and washed, humiliating them. Let just say that they really like when a female prisoner show up.

Yeah. It's messed up and this place is supposed to be a place of justice. Both Cinarva and Lalorth have tried to get this changed but well, the Magistrate ,who were the main force of justice in the Vromilyrra Dynasty didn't listen since they are perverts. After that, Cinarva was escorted to a different part of the prison as she watched Veto getting tazed once again. She promised herself that she would get that information no matter what it takes. Lets see how this works out for her. 

Narrator P.O.V. 
Inside the hallways of Osezarix 35, the hull of the superstructure easily ended upwards for miles upon miles ahead. There were easily thousands of alien prisoners and criminals of the Vromilyrra Dynasty there. Down one corridor, there was thick smoke rising from an industrial area. Several hundred alien criminals walked around the overcrowded corridor in very unsafe living conditions. Through the smoke, five members of the intruding group walked through.

The one leading the back was Sitara with her wearing a thick ragged black cape that somehow managed to disguise herself. After her, Malik walked forward with his armor and overall intimating appearance doing a good job at intimidate these criminals. After him, the duo of Danny and Gwen were sharing a surprisingly well made alien costume. It has orange skin with four muscular arms, two large eyes, wearing a green loin cloth, and a snake like bottom half. 

Allen was the last member of this group with him being dressed up as a giant dog like creature with gray fur, white claws, purple eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. "I really can't believe this." said Gwen. "About what? We've done couple costumes before and we did win the three leg race before." said Danny. "Not about this costume. We actually broke into prison and not alerted the guards. We stick out like sore thumbs." said Gwen. 

Malik walked up to them with him saying,"Yeah. We do but honestly, I think I rather wear the costume rather than those tacky ass jumpsuits.". Allen looked at one of the warthog prisoner who was wearing a tacky orange prison jumpsuit with its ankles and wrists shackled by energy cuffs and a large shock collar goes around their neck. "Yeah. They make Earth's prison uniforms actually look stylish somehow." said Allen. "Keep it down. Do you want us to get caught?" said Sitara.

Danny looked around as he said,"I don't think anyone is really paying attention to us cloaky mainly the guards.". "I don't think they care if the prisoners aren't wearing the suits or the cuffs. It's survival of the fittest here." said Malik. The group stopped as they watched a fire dragon and ice dragon wrestle each other. "Everyone is here for a reason and have a common hatred toward the Molten Empire plus our pal over here." said Malik.

Gwen looked at Sitara with her saying,"What do you mean by that?". "It was my past life as a fighter for the Molten Empire. Let just say that a lot of them became criminals because of what the Molten Empire died to their families." said Sitara. "No one here is friendly so try not to piss anyone off." said Malik. "Then why did you let those two go off on their own?" said Danny. "I got faith in the princess. She'll keep them from doing something that stupid. Don't you?" said Sitara.

Danny shrugged as he said,"I do but well..". As they moved through the prison area, another figure in a cloak watched them and glared before following them in the shadows. Allen glanced over as a rather large orange skinned monster of an alien stomp on a alien pangolin. It gobbled it up and began eating it alive in a rather disgusting manner. "Okay. It's official. I'm wishing that I stayed behind with Arya right about now." said Allen.  

Gwen turned to him as she said,"What's wrong Allen?". "I think for your sanity, you shouldn't know Gwen." said Allen, coughing a little. Said monster looked at Alien but was stopped by Malik. "I know that you're top dog here but honestly, you're nothing." said Malik as he cold cocked him in the nose and shattered it. "Wow. You two really are counterparts huh. Rushing to violence." said Sitara. "Meh. I like punching ugly sons of bitch. So where are the others?" said Malik.

Sitara touched her right ear as she said,"So do you got any idea where they are Arya and Ralad?". "Did you forget about me?" said Velda's voice. "Who could forget your lovely personality?" said Vlad's voice. "Quiet you! Have you three found the data yet?" said Velda. "Not yet but we're getting close according to your notes Arya." said Rachel's voice. "Hold on. I haven't heard Zane for a while." said Arya's voice. "Well. Funny story. He bolted after sensing something." said Vlad.

Danny and Malik sighed as Danny said,"Of course he split off from the group due to him sensing something off.". "That does sound like him but he'll be fine right?" said Allen. The group there looked at him as he said,"What? Can't a guy look at the positive here?". "Malik. Keep an eye on them. I'm going to scope the place out. Vlad. You and Rachel get Zane back and find that data!" said Sitara. "You got it ma'am. I won't let them out of my sight." said Malik with Vlad making a whip sound. 

Gwen heard a slap with her presuming that it was from Rachel. "Hey. Watch it pal." said Malik as someone bumped into him. That someone was Grimace. He along with Lunacy and Rivart were here after Basalt heard about Zane's friends being locked up. Basalt knows about Zane's desire to save his friends no matter what so he sent the three to ambush them. "Not yet Grimace. Keep on Sitara for me okay?" said Rivart's voice in his ear. "Gotcha boss." said Grimace.

With Rachel's group a few minutes prior, the couple of Rachel and Zane looked up and saw all of the criminals walking around. Unlike with Danny's group, this area looked to be much more civilized compared to their group's lawless area. "Oh wow. I can't believe something like this exist here." said Rachel. Her costume was similar to Allen's except instead of her being a dog, she was a cat instead. It was due to her acting more like a cat according to Zane.

This made no sense to Arya, the Paradoxes, and Velda but Team Maelstrom got it due to them being well aware of how Rachel acts when Zane flirts with her. If you want context, check out one of the two episodes from August. Your answer will be there. Her costume had white fur, gold claws, blue eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. "It isn't that strange. I mean even among scum bags, they are good people." said Zane with his voice sounding demonic.

Rachel turned to see Zane except he looked a bit different. Thanks to him eating Tropical Mutant, he gained the ability to change his species without using Astral Form. He went into great detail on how he couldn't use the full power of the Eazairvians aka changing from human to Frugnoid except if he uses Astral Form to change into that species. However using the watch in any regard was banned due to the self destruct function so he worked around it.    

Instead of looking human, Zane was now a species known as the Merzollan. They are considered to be the opposite of the Baradan who are well known for being a very law abiding species and have been called the Omniversal bootlickers before. The Merzollan are rebels without a cause and they looked similar to demons from fictions. However similar to Qlariks, they don't all look the same but you can always tell when you see one.  He looks the same height as before with a slim, yet muscular figure. 

He has obsidian black skin with sharp white teeth. His hair changed to a platinum color. He has glowing crimson red eyes with both of his spiral shaped pupils being slitted. He's wearing the same clothes as he did when he's human. "You say that Z but I just saw someone die because they stole another person's food." said Rachel. "I didn't say that they were exactly saints you know." said Zane. "Okay. So have you seen Vlad lately?" said Rachel.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Oh crap. I totally forgot about him and was enjoying being alone with you.". "Sometimes Zane. We should probably go find him." said Rachel with Zane nodding. The two pushed through a crowd of prisoners with them seeing a standoff between Vlad and two convicts that looked rabbit clowns. "You two freaks of nature are going to pay for pissing me off!" said Vlad with him having his brass knuckles on.   

Before he could do anything, he was stopped by Zane who sprouted a tendril from his back. "So do you mind telling me what you're doing?" said Zane. "Taking care of business here. You may be a pretty nice guy Z but I'm not." said Vlad. "And what is this important business of yours Vlad? I think you have two more important things to take care of." said Rachel. "Oh you say that but you didn't have your rat on a stick taking you from these freaks!" said Vlad, pointing to the rabbit clowns.

The clowns chuckled in unison with Vlad saying,"Oh? You may be laughing but let me make sure you bastards never laugh again!". Zane sighed with him looking at Vlad. "You will calm down and focus on the mission or else, I'll break every bone in your body. Once I do that, I'll heal you back up and do it again." said Zane in a sinister tone. This caused the crowd to run away in terrors with Rachel shaking her head.

Vlad looked at Zane with him saying,"Okay. I know that you said that to get rid of the crowd Z and not because I almost blew our cover right?". "Vlad. What do you think?" said Rachel. "Fine. I know that we should be trying to find the others and collect the data but honestly, we should just relax. I'm pretty sure those fours will do something stupid and attract attention that way." said Vlad. "If my fiancĂ©'s life wasn't on the line, I would agree with you but it is so focus." said Rachel. 

Before Vlad could say anything else, he blinked. "Hey Rachel." said Vlad. "Yes?" said Rachel. "Where did Z go? Do you think he sensed something and ran off?" said Vlad. Upon hearing that, Rachel looked around and noticed that her disguised boyfriend was gone. "Zane! That dummy! I thought we told him not to split off!" thought Rachel as a faint layer of Ardor flared up around her. As she was thinking, Vlad was having the conversation from earlier including the slap from Rachel.

Vlad looked at her as he said,"So do you think you'll be able to find him?". "Me? Why not you?" said Rachel. "I thought devils could sense where their loved ones were or something like that." said Vlad as Rachel blinked. "You didn't know you could do that did you?" said Vlad with a smirk. "Shut up. I think I sense him nearby. Lets go." said Rachel. The two ran off toward where Zane was with them catching the attention of a figure watching them with noticeable interest.

Back with Zane, he stood in front of a building called the "Grumpy Bassoon" that had a lot of shouting and cheering coming from it. The sign had alien writing around it. "So why did you stop in front of a bar? And not tell your teammates about where you were going." said Astaroth. "I sensed something here." said Zane. "Okay. That answered question 1 but not 2." said Astaroth. Before Zane could say anything, a being flew out of the western style doors.

They landed on the ground groaning with this being Veto. "Son of a bitch. As if today could get any worse." said Veto. He turned to see Zane looking at him with him saying,"Ah! Please don't hurt me! I bruise easy!". "Calm down Veto. It's me." said Zane. "Z!" shouted two voices. Veto turned to see a disguised Rachel and Vlad running toward him. "Vlad?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were with Sitara! Did you?" said Veto.

Vlad slapped him in the face with Rachel saying,"So why did you do that?". "He was having a panic attack obviously." said Vlad. "Okay. I'm good now. So what are you doing here?" said Veto. "Saving you and the others plus finding out where Parker went to with the help of Rachel and Zane. He's gone again isn't he?" said Vlad. "Zane is here?" said Veto, looking around. "Yeah and unlike last time, it was obvious where he went." said Rachel, looking at the bar's doors that were moving.  

A bit earlier, Zane had walked into the bar and it reminded him of a western saloon. Its patrons weren't animatronic but criminals of the Vromilyrra Dynasty laughing and drinking. You may be wondering how they got alcohol in here. Compared to both Blacktomb and Thunder Cove, this prison is more like a five star resort. "So are you here to defend Veto's honor or what?" said Astaroth. "Okay you pieces of shit! Who was the guy who beat up the Terran?" said Zane. 

Zane got his answer from a criminal with him saying,"That idiot Terran thought he could take on Big Tony.". The disguised Cross Species turned to see a blue extremely bulky cat that reminded the Cross Species of the Cheshire Cat except with big white eyes. "Oh really? I beat all of that muscles of yours is nothing more than fat tubby cat." said Zane with a smirk. The criminal known as Big Tony began making his way over to Zane until he was standing right in front of him. 

He was easily three times bigger than Zane. "Do you honestly think that rebel?" said Big Tony with him cracking his knuckles. "Yep. I sure do and let me show what for." said Zane, punching Big Tony in the face. Upon contact with his fist, the cat's fat began to ripple and he was sent flying right into the wall, slumping against it. This caused the entire bar to erupt in laughter with Zane smiling. He sat down at the bar with Astaroth said,"So since you're done punching tubby, mind answering me?". 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yes I did come in here to avenge Tony but that changed." said Zane as there was only one other person at the bar like he was. The bar keeper was also keeping the distance from the being sitting at the bar. As this was going on, Rachel was about to follow Zane inside when she felt a hand placed onto her shoulder. She turned around to see Veto shaking with a look of fear on his face. "Don't go in there. Trust me." stuttered Veto. 

Rachel looked at him concerned as she said,"Look. I may not know you like my fiancĂ© does but I'm sure that you don't get scared easy now do you?". "You seriously don't know why he's so scared right now huh Princess?" said Vlad. "No. Mind telling me why?" said Rachel. "Despite Veto being well a few crayons short of a box....." said Vlad. "Hey!" said Veto, glaring at the cat. "I'm saying the truth and you know it!" said Veto. 

The two began glaring and bickering at each other with Rachel crossing her arms. "Get to the point you two." said Rachel. "Okay fine. He does know about the Jaegers and how you shouldn't fuck with anyone of them. You didn't do that did you?" said Vlad. "No! Of course not but it's....!" said Veto. Vlad tried calming Veto down and well, Rachel got curious about who scared the guy like that. She snuck her way inside of the bar and saw Zane sitting at the bar with a single female being there. 

She looks to be a year or two older than them with her being a Merzollan except she was probably born one rather than Zane who can turn into one. She has a tall ,with her being 6 feet 2, curvaceous figure with dark gray blue skin. She has long purple hair ,with green accents and white highlights, in a ponytail. Her bangs cover her left eye, exposing her right eye. Her exposed eye has white sclera and a red bomb-shaped pupil which is somehow slitted. Her eyes has black eyeshadow. 

Under her natural black lips, she has a red dot that looked similar to a beauty mark. Her teeth are naturally pointy in a similar manner to a vampire. She has two dark purple horns protruding from her head, dark purple wings behind her, and a silver metallic tail with it having a bomb-shaped end.  She wears a metallic purple off the shoulder crop top, covering her right shoulder and exposing the left shoulder. Her top exposes her green lacy bra and a generous amount of cleavage.

She wears a black pleated miniskirt with a black and silver belt. She wears a pair of ripped black leggings, exposing her curves. She wears knee high black high heel boots with it having a single green stripe on it. She wears a black ,with a single green stripe, choker around her neck with a gold bomb shaped emblem. She wears gold bat piercings on her ears. She wears black and gray fingerless satin gloves on her arms. She has red fingernails with her nails having a bomb exploding pattern to them. 

Rachel sat next to Zane who smiled upon seeing here. "Hey there bar keeper. Mind get a glass of Dragon's Ale? Tossing tubby like that gets a man thirsty." said Zane. "Huh. Dragon's Ale. That's pretty strong I only know one being who can handle it. Are you sure that you can handle it boy?" said the female with her sounding seductive yet demonic. "I can since I've been drinking for a very long time now. Almost twenty years in fact." said Zane. 

The woman smiled as she said,"Okay then. How about you try this?". She slid a cup in front of Zane with Rachel taking a look inside of the cup. It was a bright orange liquid with Zane shrugging. "Are you sure about drinking this Zane?" whispered Rachel. "Of course I am. I mean you only live once after all and I got a pretty good tolerance to the devil's water." said Zane, chugging it down. His eyes widening up a bit.

It tasted like orange juice mixed with Irish coffee with him having a warm feeling going through out his body. "Oh wow. This is really strong. I mean I think it's even stronger than Cherry Blossom Punch for devils. I think if I drink a brewery of this stuff, I'll get hammered fast. You always did have a talent for finding amazing drinks." said Zane as he slid it back and she turned around in her seat to face the couple. 

The female smiled as she said,"Thanks. I'm very determined to see you drunk after you saw me drunk that one time.". She looked right at Rachel with her saying,"I overheard you talking to the Frugnoid and Terran outside of the bar. You really don't know who I am do you?". "Nope. Why should I care? You're just another criminal." said Rachel. "Oh! She told you!" said Zane with him sipping his beer that was given to her.

Astaroth sighed as the Merzollan smiled. "You're feisty. I like that a lot in beings. My name is Bridgette Isirova aka the Explosive Supernova." said Bridgette, holding out her hand and hoped that she thought she would run off after hearing that. "Okay then. My name is Rachel Powell but that'll change to be Rachel Alvarez. I'm sure you and my fiancĂ© know each other somehow. So are you going to rat us out to the guards?" said Rachel, shaking Bridgette's hand. 

This comment sparked the interest of the Merzollan. "Nah. You're good in my book. I mean I heard about you from this guy here who is hiding his true self. I mean the reason he's doing this is because of some jackass ,who just so happened to share some similarities, blaming him for his crimes here in the Vromilyrra Dynasty." said Bridgette. "So that's how you ended up here? Defending my honor? I'm touched Bri. I really am you know." said Zane. 

Bridgette smiled as she said,"Oh shut up. You can be a real pain sometimes you know that. So how about you tell your friends to come on in? I don't bite unless you piss me off.". "Sure. I already sent the message to them." said Zane, pointing to the side of his head. "So since you two know why I'm here, how about you tell me why you're here?" said Bridgette. "We came here to rescue our friends who got sent here after trying to clear his name like you did and get the location of Parker." said Rachel. 

The Merzollan nodded as she said,"Ah. That sounds like a really fun time.". She watched as Veto and Vlad walked in with her smiling. "Since all of your pals are here, I think I need to do something very important." said Bridgette with a big smile on her face. She then gave him a kiss with the rest of the group and bar being shocked for a reason. Rachel was in no way happy about seeing her fiancé getting kissed by an old friend of his

Veto and the bar was shocked to see someone of her stature kiss Zane and Vlad was impressed with Zane's talent with attracting ladies. "Hands off my Zaney!" screamed Rae with her covering her arms in Ardor and pushing the woman off Zane's lips. The punk like woman was sent flying as Veto said,"Holy crap.". "Yeah. That was hot." said Vlad. "So you do know who you just push?" said Zane. "Yeah! Are you crazy Rae?!" said Veto. "You and Zane really don't care who you attack do you?" said Vlad.

When he saw that, he was reminded heavily of the time that Zane intentionally ignored his warning not to piss off Rythos back when they first met. "Not really Vlad. I'm this dummy's fiancĂ©e and no one gets to kiss him except me." said Rachel with her angrily kissing Zane. "So are you going to stop this from happening? And do you think she's forgetting about the twins?" said Astaroth with him crossing his arms. "Do you think it would be a good idea if I did?" said Zane. 

Astaroth shrugged as he said,"Maybe? Not a hundred percent sure on that. I just don't want to see Rae hurt and neither do you.". "I would be worried about her but you and I know what's going to happen." said Zane. "Oh wow. I'm impressed with your future wifey Zaney." said Bridgette, looking over Rachel who released Zane from their kiss. "Thank you. I better not see you kissing him without my permission unless you want to be erased from existence." said Rachel with Ardor appearing around her.

Bridgette smiled with her saying,"Okay then! I like you devil! You got spunk. I like that and well, this lucky guy here told me all about you before. I was concerned for a bit but after meeting you, you're a good girl. Come with me. All of us need to have a little chat.". She walked away as Vlad took a breath of relief. "Okay then Princess. You ain't half bad of a woman if you aren't scared of pissing her off." said Vlad. "And who is she? No one has told me anything about her beside how scary she is." said Rachel. 

Veto gulped with him saying,"She's a very powerful female. She can split a planet with her bare hands and that isn't a good thing.". "She's a good person Veto. Just don't piss her off. Plain and simple. It's like with me." said Zane. He walked over to where Bridgette was with Rachel and Vlad going after the two. Veto stood there with him noticing that the entire bar looking at him and ran after them, mainly due to him being scared for his life.

A little bit later, Bridgette smiled with her saying,"I met Zaney here after the worst date I've ever had in my life and I need to vent out my anger.". "I see. So how were you venting out your anger? Your way is probably better than Zane's way." said Rachel. "My way isn't that bad Rae." said Zane. "It is bad Zane. The way I do is by blowing shit up and rocking out on a instrument. On my planet, I'm considered to be too much so I left and began my journey through the Omniverse." said Bridgette.

The Merzollan began to jugging three bombs with her tail with this impressive Rachel since she had only seen someone like Zane do that before. "She seems nice Zane. Tell me about this date of yours Bridgette." said Vlad. "Well, I decided to go out with this famous athlete. A total jock and normally, he wouldn't be my type but I decided why not? You only live once and all that junk. He arrived on time and the date started out like it normally does." said Bridgette. 

She looked at the group and she said,"We would go see a movie but that's when shit hit the literally fan I tell you not. The jock spilled his popcorn and drink on the floor alongside my shoes.". "Seriously? That is why you considered it the worst date ever. Kind of petty in my opinion." said Rachel. "Didn't you punch Mack in the face and kicked in the nuts when he did the same thing to you during our double date with Brad and Leigh?" said Zane. 

Rachel looked at Zane as she said,"Yes I did but he is the opposite of you when it comes to picking up girls.". "So this Mack guy treats girls like objects instead of beings with thoughts and opinion." said Bridgette. "Yep." said Rachel. "Wow. For some reason, I now want to hurt this piece of shit." said Bridgette. "Women am I right Zane? They make no sense sometimes." said Veto as the two females glared at him, scaring him once again.

The abuse involving Veto won't be stopping any time soon. "Ignore him you two. He's an idiot. While I enjoy a good brawl as much as the next guy, what about the date with the jock? I know the story but my friends don't." said Vlad. "Since when have you been interested in stuff like this?" said Zane. "That's true. I'm not into romantic crap like Zane and secretly Sitara is. I really want to know what you did to the guy." said Vlad. 

Bridgette smiled as she said,"He left to go get some snacks and when he returned, he did the same thing except it was my hair this time around.". "Oh wow. I didn't know that part." said Zane. "Let me guess. You care a lot about your hair." said Rachel. "Of course I do. It's the symbol of my rebellion and totally my best feature right Vladdy?" said Bridgette. "Uh huh. Totally." said Vlad. He was pretty sure that her hair wasn't her best feature but he wasn't going to tell her that it wasn't.

He kinda like living. "I gave him a pretty nasty glare but instead of being quiet, he only made things much worse. Due to the jock being an super klutz, he was bothering the other people in the theater. Instead of saying sorry, the jock antagonized him. The poor guy who told him to be quiet ran away and the jock tried to say sorry but well, I was pissed off at this point." said Bridgette. "Yeah. You do hate people who bother us in public don't you?" said Zane. 

Bridgette nodded as she said,"Of course. I may be a rebel but I don't like bother other people during a movie or something. It's called being respectful in public.". "So what happened next Bri?" said Rachel with her interested in the story now. "Well Rae, the guy that the jock scared off earlier came back with the usher and manager. Both of them were like me aka pissed. The jock began to argue with them and in a period of thirty minutes, I got kicked out.".

She clenched her fists as she said,"It was because of that jock. Instead of saying sorry like he should have done earlier, he blamed them and asked me to come back to his place for you know. After hearing that, I exploded.". "What do you mean by that exactly?" said Vlad. "I threw one of my explosions at him obviously and before you ask, he's still alive. I think he regrets pissing this rebel off that's for sure. I blew up the movie theater. The Alliance tried to arrest me but that didn't working." said Bridgette.

Bridgette smiled as she said,"I took down a couple of them down with some well timed explosions and one of them who went by the clever name of Cannon Arm Xavier sent me flying off the roof I was standing on. That bastard almost sent me to my death but my number one guy here saved me from death by holding me in my arms like a total boss. After that and a quick kiss to the cheek as things, he became my BFF. He's totally rocking the rebel look right now. I like it a lot. You do too right Rae?".

She put her arms around Rachel and Zane's shoulders with Veto slightly scared and impressed due to the sight in front of him. He was scared since one of the Jaegers had their arms around his two friends and impressed since Zane had two very pretty girls liking him. It was a real struggle for him. "I guess so but I prefer Zane." said Rachel. "True. I like Zane the way he is rather than him trying to be someone he's not." said Bridgette.     

Vlad looked at her with him saying,"Huh?". "I like beings who don't put up an act being someone who they aren't." said Bridgette. "Okay. That makes completely sense to me unlike this idiot." said Veto. "I thought you of all people wouldn't lie to the Jaeger since she just mentioned that she hates beings who lie to her. I mean I just don't get it " said Vlad. "Shut up man! I'm trying to stay on her good side!" said Veto. 

Bridgette smiled at the two Paradoxes arguing with Rachel looking at Bridgette. Compared to her, this Merzollan had generous and somewhat motherly hips that reminded her of Zara. "So I know that I'm extremely sexy Rae but my eyes are up here. I'm not against it at all mind you but your beloved is right here." said Bridgette with a smirk as Rachel looked away, embarrassed. "Smooth move there Rae. I mean if you're going to cheat on me, be more subtle about it since I'm right here." said Zane.

Without a second, Rachel punched Zane in the arm. "Ow. She's so mean to me. Beat her up for me Bri." said Zane. "Oh grow up Zane. We both know that didn't hurt you." said Rachel and the woman in unison. "So do you mind helping us out with our little quest? I'm pretty sure that we'll be starting a prison riot soon so are you up for helping us out?" said Vlad. "Seriously?! You ask her that?! Are you insane?!" said Veto. "Sure. Lets do this guys." said Bridgette much to Veto's shock.

Nearby the Grumpy Bassoon, the disguised Cinarva had overheard a conversation between one of the corrupted guards and the inmates. It involved taking care of the Jaeger's best friend. They may not be able to fight her since she'll literally break them in two but their friend was another story entirely. "I can't believe that you would allow something like this." said Cinarva. The corrupt guard looked at her with a smile on his face.

Said smile wasn't obvious due to their helmet but Cinarva had a feeling that he was perversely smiling under his helmet. "Oh come on. I'm giving the criminal scum what they so rightfully deserve. A babe like you shouldn't be concerned with that." said the guard. These suit of armor didn't hide the wearer's body. This statement caused Cinarva to frown under her helmet and gave him a left kick to the guard's chin with said kick sending him flying away.

He landed nearby some prisoners who shrugged and attacked him. "I would feel bad about sending him to get attacked by them but he had it coming. Even though the Enforcement Bureau may be corrupt, a true officer doesn't work like this. Lets go." thought Cinarva with her running off. Meanwhile in the shower area which was both genders, a human or Terran female was getting pinned against a wall of the shower. "Hands off me you alien freak!" said the female.

The alien that had her pinned to the wall was around her age and female. Yeah. You expected it to be male but well, things aren't what you expect. They are also both clothed. It's a vulpine humanoid female with orange and white fur. The white part of her fur is covered up by the jumpsuit that all prisoners were force to wear except her jumpsuit had a hole for her tail with said tail have three white rings on it. She was not wearing the energy cuffs and shock collar like the other prisoners. 

She has white hair with part of it braided and she has two green eyes. She has a shapely figure. "Why are you doing this to me of all people?!" said the Terran. "It's nothing personal really but the guard whom I'm totally using to get whatever I want in this hellhole wants you dead after he figured out who brought you in. I mean we get some really scum in here but the guy who brought you to us is one of the worse beings in the Omniverse." said the feline. 

The Terran was unable to scream for help because of the feline's makeshift shiv aka a metal pipe against her neck. "Hey. What's going on in here?" said a voice. The two females look back in fear for different reasons. The feline was sure that no one would stop her from killing or roughing up this Terran a little bit. The Terran was scared of most of the criminals here except for her cellmate who was a character in her own right. The Terran's savior was Turseek with the top half of his jumpsuit ripped off. 

Don't forget. His species hates shirts. He did have the energy cuffs and shock collar on. "Do you know who I am right?" said Turseek. "Yes. You're Turseek the Thousand Victory Champion." said the feline in fear. "And I'm sure that you know what I'm about right?" said Turseek with him walking toward the girls. "Help me take care of her? I mean she was brought in by Crulgrum! Remember him and what he did. He slayed dozens of innocent lives!" said the feline.

Turseek looked at her as she said,"I lost my family because of him! I became a criminal because of him and someone needs to pay!". Before that could happen, Cinarva was hiding behind the wall and using her energy to make her invisible. Said officer wasn't unable to do anything due to the feline was held in place by something invisible. "Hey. Why the hell can't I move?!" said the feline. "Because of me you very silly fox." said a voice. 

After hearing this, the group of the feline, the Terran, Turseek, and Cinarva turned to see the disguised Zane and Bridgette standing there. "Bridgette?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were drinking at the Grumpy Bassoon!" said the feline. "I was but thanks to my buddy's ears here, I could overhear a hit ordered by a corrupted officer. Pretty sure he's fired or dead. Who knows? He's a piece of complete and utter garbage." said Bridgette, putting her arm around Zane. 

Cinarva wondered what happened to the guard but she didn't care. "No doubt. You shouldn't take out your anger on someone who doesn't deserve it. Got that? I mean do you really think killing her will sooth your soul?" said Zane. "Why should I listen you Merzollan? You don't know anything about me! Let me go already! I want my revenge on her!" said the feline. trying to break out of the control he had on her. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Because I'm pretty sure that this Crulgrum guy doesn't care about her in the slightest since he threw her in here to begin. Do you really think that killing her is the best way to avenge your family? I'm pretty sure that killing Crulgrum or someone that Crulgrum brought here would make them happy. They would want you to live.". The feline looked at Zane and dropped her knife. She went onto the ground with her muttering sorry. 

Bridgette walked over to the Terran with Turseek saying,"So what did you just do?". "I talk her down big guy. Unlike most of the beings in here, I didn't sense that she was truly evil compared to well the guy who literally killed his entire family because of a simple disagreement of politics. Yeah. That guy deserves to be here but I really do think that the woman whose entire life was destroyed because of one bad day doesn't." said Zane. 

Turseek crossed his arms as he said,"You sound so sure about that. How come?". "While it may not be that obvious from first glance, a being's Impulse will always tell the truth on who they really are. So I'm hurt that you don't recognize me old friend." said Zane. "Should I? You don't look anyone I know. And what about her?" said Turseek. "You should but I can understand your confusion since well, I look a lot different compared to before." said Zane.

Astaroth sighed as he said,"Partner. We both know that Turseek isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so I doubt he's going to get it so easy.". "So how about the officer take the innocent victim back to her cell already? We'll make sure that the Terran is okay." said Zane. "Huh? No one is in here but us." said Turseek. Zane sighed as he aimed his left hand at the wall where Cinarva was hiding. "She's right there but currently hiding herself using an invisible technique of some kind." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"It's impressive but honestly, I can sense her Impulse from a mile away and also her heartbeat.". Upon hearing this, Cinarva gasp. She was sure that no one could find when she's doing this but this Merzollan was able to and hear her heartbeat. As the two males were having their conversation, Bridgette was trying to calm down the Terran. "So are you okay? I mean I really should have been there for you but well, a woman needs her drink." said Bridgette. 

The Terran sighed as she said,"I'm fine. So who are your friends? They protect me from the cat girl or the guy who species you are.". "I don't know about the Gregralzad but the other Merzollan is my friend and you've met him before." said Bridgette. The Terran was confused by this statement with the group hearing,"So what are you planning?". They saw Cinarva standing there with Turseek looking right at her and put his mechanical hand into his natural palm. "Huh. I remember you." said Turseek. 

Zane looked at him as he said with a pout,"Oh. You remember her but not me. Why are you so mean to me Turseek?". "Like I told you before, I don't know you. Even though that armor covers the officer from top to bottom, I never forget a warrior's body." said Turseek. "So why are you here? And I doubt he's going to remember you when you look like that." said Bridgette, walking over to them with the Terran by her side. Upon taking a close eye on the Terran, Zane's eyes widened. 

Astaroth smiled as he said,"That's interested. You may be wondering why she's here partner but the Omniverse is a strange yet wonderful place after all.". This familiar face was Lorelei Vinson. "I want to help you Paradoxes out. Nothing else." said Cinarva. "Oh really? I'm not too familiar with the politics behind the Vromilyrra Dynasty but helping "criminals" escape in any manner will get you court martialed for treason." said Zane. 

Cinarva looked at Zane with her saying,"I don't care about that. I've gone AWOL so many times not since I believe in finding the truth rather than what the Vromilyrra Dynasty. Because I don't believe any one of these six are truly criminals. They're more honorable than the guards here and well, I'm sick of the guards hitting on me to be honest. The Vromilyrra Dynasty needs to be reformed. I'll help you and your friends escape if I can join you. Do we have a deal?". 

The room was quiet as Bridgette said,"I get that you want to reform the system which is noble but be serious. Why are you helping us?". "Isn't it because of the guards hitting on her? That would get rather annoying." said Lorelei. "No. I want to meet someone and try to clear his name." said Cinarva with her looking right at Zane and Bridgette noticed this with the Merzollan smiling. "Okay then. We're good with working you. Hey big guy." said Bridgette. "What is it?" said Turseek. 

Bridgette looked at him as she said,"Do you mind taking her to where you and your friends are staying in this hell hole? I think the three of us need to talk in private.". "Sure but mind telling about who you are? You know me but I don't know you." said Turseek. Zane shrugged with him placing his fingers on his head and Turseek's eyes widened. "Oh on my gods! I'm so sorry for not recognizing you my very dear friend!" said Turseek, hugging Zane and the three females heard his bones cracking a bit.

It sounded really painful. "It's okay big guy. Just do what we asked okay?" said Zane with him used to bone breaking hugs. "You got it! Come on girl." said Turseek. Lorelei looked right at Bridgette who smiled. "You can trust him. I promise." said Bridgette. She nodded as the two were gone. "So I'm going to guess that the someone you want to meet and clear his name is Legion Zero or Zane Alvarez. Am I correct?" said Bridgette. "Yes but how did you know that?" said Cinarva. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Yeah. How did you know? I mean you're good at reading people but not this good. It's like you read her mind or something.". "Lucky guess. I mean that's why I and the Paradoxes are here. We came here for him since we're good pals." said Bridgette, with her putting her arm around Zane. "Are you saying that this is Zane Alvarez? I thought he was a Terran and not a Merzollan." said Cinarva. 

Bridgette looked at the duo with her saying,"Yep but thanks to some one who share a similar power, he had to disguise himself. How about you show yourself off Zane?". Zane shrugged as he turned back to normal and Cinarva's eyes widened. His eyes were rather unique. His eyes were storm gray and they were struck by how warm they are. It reminded her of a flame that would never be blown out. Every detail in his irises were clear and concise. 

She may not know art at all since staring at it often confuses her. The sclera were pristine and looked to be untouched by anything at the moment. "So are you ready to hear my plan?" said Zane. "Yes but you have one already?" said Cinarva. "Yep. Lets just say that I'm rather good at coming up with plans. Now lets get going." said Zane. He walked out of the shower area with Bridgette and Cinarva following after him. The feline would have joined him but she was grabbed by tendrils.

A few minutes later, Zane ,in costume, was sitting on a perch that was looking over the entire prison with him smiling. "Okay. So can everyone hear me?" said Zane as he was talking with five beings in particular. These five are Bridgette, Cinarva, Malik, Sitara, and Vlad. "We hear you loud and clear. So what's the plan? I mean we may have met up with the gang but we still need the information about where Parker is." said Vlad.

Zane nodded as he said,"I'm about to tell you the plan Vlad so listen up. If we're going to get out of here, we need to get into the central watchtower for two reasons. These reason are that the information for Parker's location is there and to make sure that our friend's bombs go off.". "And that's where me and Princess come in right? We'll meet up with the Preserver won't we?" said Vlad. "Yes you will. I was able to obtain a device to allow us access into the tower." said Cinarva.

With an eye raise, Malik said,"May I ask how you did that?". "None of your business. What's the next stage of the plan Zero?" said Cinarva. "Simple really. Bridgette and Sitara. Bring the Paradoxes and Lorelei to where Malik and the others are. Have Danny place his phones up to their collar and cuffs. I asked Arya to make a virus which will allow them to use their powers. It won't disable the bombs but at least, they can fight." said Zane. "You got my support." said Bridgette.

Sitara sighed as he said,"A good plan but what about you? What are you going to do?". "Simple. I'm going to do what I do best." said Zane. "And that would be?" said Cinarva, Sitara, and Vlad. "Cause a riot/scene." said Bridgette and Malik. "Jinx! You owe me a beer Malik!" said Bridgette with Malik sighing. "Just be careful Zane. Don't forget about you know what." said Vlad. "I'll be fine mom but thanks for worrying. You'll know when to begin. It's showtime!" said Zane. 

Zane turned off the telepathic call he had and jumped to a lower level of the prison with him turning into a form. Upon landing on the next level with him performing a typical superhero landing, he turned into a fusion form. This fusion is a fusion of four forms with these forms being Cartoon Form, Gluttony Form, Orb Form, and Pyre Form. The name is Cartoon Gluttony Orb Pyre Form and that's a mouthful of a name isn't it. 

He's eight feet tall with him being a humanoid looking creature. His body looks very bulky with very broad arms, legs, and shoulders. His body is two different colors with these two colors being black and dark green. His body is primarily black with his chest, face, the palms of his hands, and the soles of his feet being dark green. The top of his head has gas burners sticking out of his head, covering the top of his head in flames and forming hair of some kind. 

Zane has bright gray hallowed out eyes with noticeable gold outline around them. He has a flat crimson red nose and a crimson red jaw. His wide, serrated ,jack-o-lantern looking, mouth is filled with large white shark like teeth that are visible. He has three small whiskers on his cheeks. He has four fire construct claws on both of his palm like hands and feet. The claws on his feet are shorter than his finger claws but they are still there and they hurt. He wears an obsidian black sleeveless jumpsuit.

He's wearing brown gloves over his hands and brown leather boots over his legs. He wears a leather broad-brimmed black hat with his fire like head sticking out of it. His arms, black, chest, legs, and shoulders are protected by natural magma looking armor like plating. "Lets roll out!" said Zane as he began running with him transforming into a giant magma ball. This caused the prisoners to avoid him and inside the ball, Zane smiled.

From the ball, ten longer than normal ,sticky, and strong lava tongues came out of the ball. They began wrapped around anything in their sight. The borrowed objects went into the ball and Zane launched himself into the air by bouncing and got out of his ball. He opened his mouth and launched several molten projectiles with them making several different explosions. "That must be the signal. He really makes it obvious huh." thought the four (Cinarva, Malik, Sitara, and Vlad).  

Bridgette ,on the other hand, smiled at seeing the explosions. One of the explosions blocked the path of a certain individual with that individual smiling. With Malik's group, the disguised trio saw the seven explosions and sighed. "That's Zane isn't it?" said the trio. "Oh wow. You really do know him. Color me impressed." said Malik. The armored up Phantom was punched in the face with Danny looking at the criminal who punched him.

It was Grimace and Luncacy standing there. "Oh wow. It seems that some Vordlarins made their way in here." said Malik. "Yep. We came here to confirm if two beings were here. Our master is handling one of them and the other one should be here soon." said Lunacy. "In the meantime, it's feeding time!" said Grimace. He rushed toward the disguised trio with Lunacy jumping toward Malik from the air. 

Gwen looked at Allen and Danny with her saying,"I think we can take off the disguises.". Allen and Danny nodded as the three stood there in costume. Danny blocked the charging Grimace with his Phantom Smashers with Allen blasting him from above using plasma and Gwen sliced him. "Oh wow. I guess you three aren't just snacks. I'll enjoy eating you alive!" said Grimace. "Creepy." said the trio as Malik tried to blast Lunacy who jumped around his Nether blasts. 

Back with Zane, the fusion was fired molten projectiles toward his target who dodged them. Despite his size, he was moving around like an acrobat. "Okay be honest partner. Did you expect him to be so agile?" said Astaroth as Zane was focused on the fight. "Not really." said Zane as he turned into a ball and charged right into the figure. The figure was pushed back and the figure smiled. "Not bad brat. I guess you being her partner wasn't a joke after all!" said the figure.

The figure was Rivart and with a mighty toss, he tossed the giant ball into the air. He jumped after it and spiked it into the ground, causing a huge explosion of dust. Zane rolled out of the destroyed object and deactivated the form. "I was really hoping that you were a sexy girl instead of a scary monster. So how did you escape for the Infinite Void Cannon Arm Xavier?" said Zane. Rivart smiled as he revealed who his host was and it was a Terran by the name of Cannon Arm Xavier.

Xavier is a tall man with him being eight feet tall. He's very muscular with noticeable broad shoulders and tanned skin. He has dark orange hair. He has predominant widow's peak and sideburns. He has a large scar on his nose which he got from a fight with certain Cross Species and a evil goatee but he's lacking a twirly mustache. He has pale red eyes. He has thick eyebrows, prominent cheekbones, and prominent chin. He has a black outline around his eyes. 

He has metallic bolts attached to the sides of his neck. He's wearing a navy blue dress shirt, red tie, and blue jeans. He wears brown combat boots. This is how Zane remembered him but he had changed in the years since Zane saw him. His skin is now a pale gray color with bright green veins around his eyes and face. His sclera have turned blood red and his hair has turning white. "I bet you didn't expected to see me again after this time huh brat?" said Xavier. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Honestly, no I didn't. I would say that it's good to see you but I don't really like you too much since you hurt both Arya and Bri.". "I may have been sent to hell but I wanted you to die for ruining my career." said Xavier. "You did that to yourself since you didn't even try to hide your crimes. Arya may be an expert at digging things up but even a novice could figure out what you were doing. I think the Wolpertiger are happy about no one hunting them." said Zane. 

Astaroth nodded as Xavier smiled. "Oh that will change once I end your life." said Xavier. "Oh wow Xavier. I've never heard someone tell me that before. You're so creative with your death threats. Get them from the magma spewer?" said Zane with him rolling his eyes. "Aren't you scared of me?" said Xavier. "No really since you're clearly just a common thug compared to the enemies I've been fighting over the years. I'm no way scared of you." said Zane. 

Xavier loudly laughed as he said,"Oh. You still have that awful sense of humor of yours. I think it still shows you fear.". He was getting covered in army green slime that reminded him of Darth and Twilight. "I guess you're more scary but honestly, I've seen beings do that before." said Zane. "So you're the being who bonded with my dear Khufu's daughter and defeated the powerful Basalt. I can understand why everyone is so scared of you but I'm no coward." said Rivart. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Like I told your host earlier, I've heard that exact line before so it really lost all of its intended scariness.". This only pissed Rivart off with him opening his mouth and roaring in Zane's face. The Cross Species's face was covered in a mixture of saliva, spit, and slime with him groaning louder. "I do think that you're one of my more disgusting enemies so congrats for that I guess." said Zane, turning intangible and letting the triple s named substance go onto the ground. 

Rivart smiled as he said,"Maybe I should devour you just to shut you up.". "Or you could go on a vegan diet. I mean I heard that it's supposed to be better for you than meat but I can't ignore a good steak. Please stop with the tongue thing by the way. We're not at this point in our relationship for tongue by the way." said Zane as Rivart had his long tongue coming out of his mouth. "Don't forget that the boss wants Zane dead before we do anything to him." said Xavier's voice coming from Rivart. 

Astaroth blinked as he said,"Boss. Who could they be working for?". "You're right. Be grateful that the boss wants you dead and I try not to upset a being of his stature." said Rivart who smiled darkly at Zane. "I bet you're shocked to see this from me. I think I should tell you what's going to happen to you and the rest of the Omniverse." said Xavier. "You do know that you're not the first Vordlarin I've met or fought before right?" said Zane.

Zane smirked as he said with a blunt tone,"I'm going to guess this Vordlarin is using you to complete his goal of conquest or something like that right?". Xavier was quiet with Rivart growling. "It seems that you're well experienced in many things but do now that will change soon since I've made a partnership that will get me what I need for my conquest." said Rivart. "He's right. This power will give me a chance to get back what was taken from me and ending your life." said Xavier. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"And now, I'm curious. What's your guys plan here?". The duo looked at Zane with them staying silent. "I mean I get that Xavier wants me dead since I ruined his success but how does that work alongside Rivart's plan for conquest? I mean Xavier here will be happy once he gets back what he had in the Alliance but will you Rivart?" said Zane. The former Alliance agent glared at Zane.

Instead of saying anything about that, Rivart said,"I'll tell you that never. I promised my partner that I would keep you alive but I never said in tact. Let's leave some parts of him since well, humans are feared when pushed to your limit or in fear of death. That's when they are the best tasting after all!". He began charging toward Zane who smiled. "How about you come on out and send him flying pal?" said Zane.

Rivart was confused by this but he noticed some bombs on the floor. His eyes widened with the bombs exploding and send them flying away. Bridgette stood there as she said,"As if that Terran couldn't get any uglier. So what do you need me to do? I mean your explosions may have looked like they had no thought in them but I can see the message amongst the explosions.". "I need you to blow that up for me Bri." said Zane, pointing to a panel on the center tower's wall. 

Bridgette looked at him as she said,"Okay. Why couldn't you do it?". "Because I want to make sure that you aren't get rusty in your old age obviously. It will also help out Rae's group since they're currently fighting off some guards and prisoners who were bribed the former to be their bitches." said Zane as he pointed to an explosion of Ardor. "You could seriously tell what was going on from here Zane? Come on. I'm not an idiot." said Bridgette with her arms crossed.     

Zane pointed to his ears as he said,"Of course I could. Hyper hearing after all and I know my Rae. So once that panel goes boom, the prison will go in emergency power mode and make it easy for us to get what we need plus leave just like that.". "Okay. Just watch and learn." said Bridgette as she began rolling a bomb around her arm before tossing it toward the panel. This made the prison go into emergency power mode and alarms went off.

The two beings nodded and fist bumped. "So ready to cause another riot old friend?" said Zane. "You know it Zaney." said Bridgette, smiling. The two were gone. With Rachel, she shook her head. "Why does he like to make things difficult?" said Rachel as she dodged several armed drones shoot. "He's the love of YOUR life so why don't you know the answer to that?!" said Vlad as he hid behind a tipped over table. 

He aimed his pistols over the table with him firing them at the drones, destroying them. "So where did the Preserver go here? She didn't ditch us right?" said Vlad. "Have some faith in her." said Rachel as the two saw several guards aiming their weapons at them. "Okay. You may have some doubts." said Rachel as Vlad looked at her. "Put up your hands up now!" said one of the guards. The two shrugged as they did that with one of the guards getting hit with a yellow energy blast.

This blast sent a couple of the guards flying away with Cinarva landing in front of the duo of Rachel and Vlad. "Preserver?! What are you doing here?! And with them?!" said a guard. "I'm freeing these people who were wrongfully imprisoned him. Now get out of our way." said Cinarva. She fired another energy blast at the guard, sending him flying. Rachel rushed past her and began beating them up using her firsts alongside her Ardor. "Oh wow. You're not half bad in a prison riot Princess." said Vlad.

Rachel turned toward him with her aiming her hand at a guard who was about to shoot him. She fired out a blast of Ardor at the guard, knocking him off his perch. "Thanks Vlad. When your fiancĂ©e has a tendency to not keep a low profile, you learn how to fight." said Rachel. Cinarva smiled as she gave a powerful left hook to a guard who had flirted with before. "I'm just happy that none of them are flirting with me." said Cinarva. 

Vlad looked at her with her saying,"So does that happen a lot or what?". "More than you would like. So from what I remember, we can only access the central tower by a certain device." said Cinarva. "Yeah. I thought you got one." said Rachel. Cinarva looked down at an nearby and clearly unconscious guard with her seeing the device in his arm. "I did." said Cinarva. She grabbed the guard's arm and ripped the device from his arm much to Rachel's disgust. "Did you have to do it like that?!" said Rachel.

Cinarva shrugged as she said,"I couldn't just removed it from their wrist like a watch obviously or something along those lines since it was internally wired.". "Yeah Princess. I mean how else would you remove it? By asking the guy nicely? The Omniverse doesn't work like that plus we're in currently a riot. Common courtesy dies and in its place, anarchy exists." said Vlad. Rachel sighed as Cinarva said,"Lets get going you two.". "Right." said the two as they followed her to the central tower. 

With Danny's group, he was taking charging as he charged toward Grimace and he made his Ghostly Broadsword appear. He sliced off his head, decapitating him. "Hey! What's your damage?!" said Grimace's head. "Nothing personal. Hey Qwark! Go long!" said Danny, kicking the head toward Allen who caught it. "You got it!" said Allen as the plasma being tossed it and Grimace roared in anger. The body was looking for his head with Gwen holding her sword.

She began charging toward the body, knocking the much larger body toward a group of prisoners who were rioting nearby. "Like that boys?" said Gwen as she smashed her sword onto a prisoner's head and blasted him in the face with lagoon blue Animus. "Yep. I'm totally in love." said Danny with him making the Deathly Talons and slashed a larger prisoner, freezing him upon contact. "Damn you! You'll pay for that." stuttered the criminal.

Danny looked at him as he said,"I'm sorry. Mind speaking clearer? I couldn't hear you over the Uncanny Warhammer!". He slammed the gadget into the prisoner, sending him flying away. "Oh wow. These guards are rather weak." said Allen with him firing out four plasma balls at a group of prisoners. "It seems that the Vromilyrra Dynasty's criminals are rather weak or we're too strong. Either or works right?" said Gwen, landing a powerful right hook toward a criminal's face.

Suddenly, a portal ,belonging to Zane, opened from above them. One by one, the Paradoxes ,except for the trio of Malik, Ralad, and Vlad, plus Bridgette and Lorelei showed up. They all landed fine except Veto who fell on his face. "Smooth move there." said Lorelei and Sitara. "Oh wow. You got insulted by two women at the same time. That's just sad bro." said Kitt. "Shut up Kitt." said Veto. "So you know why we're here right robot boy?" said Bridgette.

Danny blinked with him saying,"Uh. Who are you and who is she?". "None of your business. I'm just with them to escape after I was wrongfully imprisoned!" said Lorelei. "Just like us!" said Veto as Kitt sighed. "And now, that line is being repeated." said Kitt. "A friend of Zanes. So mind letting the powers  play?" said Bridgette, holding a bunch of bombs in her hands. "To be fair, she's the norm when it comes to his friends from beyond Earth." said Allen.

Gwen sighed as she said,"I really wish you were kidding but you aren't.". Danny chuckled as he placed his phone against Altair, Lorelei, and Veto. "Thank you Daniel." thought Altair. "You're welcome big guy. Lets fight!" said Danny. Allen and Kitt moved away, firing multiple plasma balls and rockets toward the prisoners. This pushed them back with Lorelei's ankles and wrists glowing pink. Several plants emerged from the ground, punching and kicking them toward the walls.

Kitt looked at Lorelei with him saying,"Huh.". "What's up?" said Allen. "It's nothing. Lets focus on the fight for now." said Kitt. "Okay then mate." said Allen. Sitara began swinging her sword Tyrant Razor toward the prisoner, killing a couple of them due to the strength of her swing. Altair began to molded his hands into swords with him blocking blows and this was perfect for Gwen who made a wave of lagoon blue Animus, sending them back.    

Altair and Gwen ducked with Sitara unleashed a sonic howl and hit several prisoners at once. "He says nice job Sitara." said Gwen as Altair nodded. "Thanks. So where is Malik?" said Sitara. "Fighting against a Vordlarin. She looked like a bunny rabbit but I didn't get a....." said Gwen. "She's already gone Gwen." thought Altair. "Yeah. It seems that Zane isn't the being in the Omniverse to do something like that." said Gwen, shaking her head.

Bridgette looked at Danny with her saying,"Okay then robot boy. I got to admit that you guys are not half bad!". Danny looked at her with her watching as she kicked a prisoner in the face before tossing a barrage of bombs at a group of guards. This caused several explosions. "You're not half bad either. So how do you know Zane? And where is he?" said Danny. "Oh. That's rather simple." said Bridgette as the two were stopped from talking from a prisoner.

Said prisoner ,using his natural wings, flew above them and began firing out glue from his mouth. "So are all aliens like that ugly bastard?" said Danny. "Nope. He's a special one." said Bridgette as Veto flew up behind the glue spitter, punching him into the ground. "Oh yeah! Get wrecked!" said Veto, flexing as Bridgette sighed. "So I got to ask. Is he the leader of the Paradoxes?" said Bridgette. "If he is, I question my entire life." said Danny.     

With Malik, he glared at Lunacy who smiled at him. "Come on Phantom. Can't you hit little old me already?" said Lunacy. "Of course I get stuck fighting a Huncrid. One of the most agile freaks in the Omniverse." said Malik, rolling his eyes and firing a barrage of purple fire Nether blasts. Lunacy kept bouncing around them with her giggling. "You really suck at hitting your opponent." said Lunacy with Malik sighing. "Or maybe, I'm missing on purpose." said Malik.

Lunacy looked at him but was hit in the back by a sonic blast, sending her tumbling to the ground and was blasted by purple fire Nether. Sitara landed there with her saying,"You're welcome. So were you serious about missing on purpose? To wear her down?". "Yeah. I mean the Huncrid may be an agile species but their stamina is limited. So do you think we can get back to the others without fighting some criminals?" said Malik.

Sitara looked at him as she said,"Can Zane keep his promise about not using his watch when he used his watch and a fusion form which are naturally stronger than his normal forms?". "Fair." said Malik as the two flew toward the others. "So back to my question, where is Zane?" said Danny. "Let me guess. He went to go fight the strongest enemy in the prison and left us with the cannon fodder." said Gwen. "Oh wow. How did you know he would do that?" said Turseek. "We know him." said Allen.

Back with Zane, he was currently fighting against Rivart as a group of prisoners watched. "I can't believe my eyes. It's the destroyer! He's here to kill us!" said a multi-eyed alien. "Seems that someone is popular." said Rivart with him swiping at Zane who dodged it. "Jealous? If you want, I'll make you just as popular!' said Zane, kicking him into the group. This send them flying everywhere with Zane smirking. "Sweet Breath!" said Zane.

The Cross Species unleashed a large wave of candy syrup from his mouth, trapping all of the prisoners and Zane jumped toward them. "Empyrean Rush!" said Zane as a circular purple wave of energy came out of his body, sending them flying away. Zane landed with him saying,"This has been fun but I have to get going. I got a certain being to see and fix my...". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane stepped back to avoid the swipe of a giant bear alien. "Stay still destroyer!" said the bear.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Nah. I'm good. So why are you trying to kill me?". "Because I just feel like it brat!" said the bear, grabbing Zane. "Ha! You won't be escape!" said the bear. Zane shrugged as he turned into Undergrowth Form. He slowly gained spikes, causing the bear to let him go due to how sharp the spikes are. He let Zane go and the bear stumbled back with him trying shaking the twigs out of his body.

Due to this, he didn't see Zane changing into Nitro Form and he smiled. "This is going to be the best for me and you!" said Zane, unleashed a wave of wax and this stuck the bear to the ground. "Let me go now!" said the bear, struggling to break free from the wax. "Nah. I'm good bro. Kaboom." said Zane with him snapping his fingers and the wax exploded. "And with that, I'm done!" said Zane, bowing to no one as he vanished.

Back with the main group, Malik and Sitara had joined them in the prison brawl. Lorelei was fighting against a giant bunny alien with her not seeing a giant turkey alien charging toward her. Before he could do anything, the bird smacked into the wall and fell to the ground with Lorelei seeing this happen in front of there. She turned to see Zane ,out of Nitro Form, standing there on top of several unconscious prisoners with a smile. "You're welcome for the save by the way." said Zane.   

Lorelei rolled her eyes as she said,"Whatever. So are your friends done with what they needed at the central tower?". "Maybe." said Zane, shrugging. "What do you mean by that?" said Lorelei. She then noticed the red faceplate. "So is it supposed to be like that?" said Lorelei. "Nope. That's why I'm out here to get this thing fixed. I mean it's going to blow up " said Zane. "And why aren't you concerned about this?" said Lorelei.

Zane shrugged as Altair swiped away a few more prisoners away, Allen blasted them with a plasma barrage, and Kitt sliced them up with his bladed appendages. Sitara looked up to the pipes above her and she smiled. She threw her sword up there, separating the pipe and sent a cloud of purple gas out with it sending some of the prisoners into a deep slumber. "Instead of talking Zane, focus on combat right now!" said Sitara, glaring at him. 

Lorelei looked at Zane with her saying,"Let me guess, you're going to ignore her sound advice.". "You know me so well." said Zane, turning into Gadget Form. "Didn't we tell you not to use the watch unless absolutely necessary Zane?!" said Gwen, slicing a prisoner's arms clean off. "I did and now, it's time for me to shine! Let me show you something I've had in Gadget Form's arsenal for a while now and have been dying to show off. Time for Combat Mode!" said Zane as he did a superhero pose. 

This confused the crowd of prisoners with Sitara facepalming. "So why is he posing now of all times? I may work with a bunch of idiots but Zane is the biggest one of them sometimes." said Sitara. "Of course the pose is important since all the best superheroes and techniques involves poses in them." said Veto with Altair, Kitt, and Turseek nodding in agreement. "I don't get it." said Lorelei. "Just go with it. It's Zane after all." said Allen. "That's Zane in a nut shell! Show us what you can do!" said Bridgette. 

Zane nodded with him turning himself into a ball like form and grew in size. His torso resembled a tank with thick legs, two powerful arms, four jet fighter wings coming from his back with these wings forming an X shape, and a large minigun protruding from both of his shoulders. He fired a barrage of green energy bullets from the two miniguns on his shoulders. He made a bazooka like appendage come out of his left arm and aimed it at a charging bull alien. 

With a smile, Zane fired out a powerful looking red and white beam from the bazooka, sending the bull flying off and hitting the ground like a pebble on the water. "I think it's time to play a classic game from Terra! Dodgeball with Zenith Sphere!" shouted Zane. Zane ,in Gaget Form, pressed his fingers together to create his signature sphere. He chucked the sphere toward the charging enemy, crashing hard into the beings below and sent him flying.    

Kitt looked at Zane with him saying,"Okay. That's just plain cool.". "I think it's a bit too much." said Malik. "It isn't enough if you ask me Phantom." said Bridgette, throw bombs at some prisoners. From the air, Zane was grabbed by Rivart thanks to his tendrils. "You'll be coming with me now boy! And soon Sitara!" said Rivart with him jumping away. "Give him back!" shouted Danny and Gwen. The two along with Turseek rushed forward, bashing through all of the prisoners. 

Zane looked at his friends with him saying,"Get back!". He deactivated Gadget Form with the Z.E.R.O. Watch beeping loudly once again. Said watch was starting to glow platinum once again with it slowly covering Zane like he was in a hamster ball. The wind around Zane began to pick up with Zane sighing upon seeing it. "Okay. I totally had this coming with all of the forms I used but on the brighter side, I have a new attack!" said Zane, imagining himself covering his entire body in an energy sphere. 

Upon creating said sphere, he would launch himself toward an enemy. It would hurt upon contact and would explode afterwards. Zane smiled at that. However in real life, the sphere of energy was slowly building energy and then explode. This sent everything around Zane to go flying from the explosion with this affected both friend and foe, sending them crashing into the ground in various positions. Zane was sent flying with him landing onto the ground, making a crater. "Zane!" shouted Danny.

He was the first one to recover and another voice said his name as well. A few minutes prior to the explosion, the central tower guard was having a terrible day. He was trying to call reinforcements until the door behind him open up. He slowly turned around to see Cinarva with Rachel and Vlad. The guard raised his hands in surrender as the trio walked in. "Sorry about doing this." said Cinarva as she tossed him out. "So can you do this? I doubt the others will keep the prisoners distracted forever." said Rachel. 

Vlad rolled his eyes as he said,"I'm pretty sure that I can stick into a virus created by a hacker whose genius rivals my own.". "Personally, I think she surpass yours." said Rachel as Cinarva watched Vlad stuck a flash drive into the tower's computer system. "You're just saying that because you know her longer than I do. When this is all over, me and her will have a battle of the brains." said Vlad as he was typing something into the keyboard.

Cinarva looked out to see the tower's weapons fire onto the droids, reinforcement from the guards who were fighting the prisoners, and some of the prisoners. Some of the droids managed to escape from the tower and were firing onto the bulletproof windows. "I'm sure she'll win because I like Arya. She and Ana are the little sisters I never had." said Rachel. "I hate to be a buzzkill but what about them?" said Cinarva. 

Vlad rolled his eyes as he said while typing something,"Oh. They will go away in due time. Don't get your panties in a twist copper.". The two females ,ignoring his possible sexist comment, looked out and saw that the prison's artificial gravity was turned off except for the tower and where the others were fighting. "Oh wow. That was actually impressive." said Rachel with Vlad smirking. "Arya could do it better though." said Rachel.

Cinarva nodded as she said,"Yeah. You managed to turn off the artificial gravity everywhere except here and where the others are. The ones fighting down there probably won't even noticed.". "Yeah. I sure did plus I disable the collars of the Paradoxes and that girl. We also got the information that we need to find Parker so away we...." said Vlad. The central tower was affect by the explosion from the Z.E.R.O. watch and it caused Vlad to fly out of the chair he was sitting on, hitting the floor hard.

Vlad blinked with him saying,"What was that? Please don't tell me it was the.....". "Zane!" screamed Rachel as she broke through the bulletproof glass window and flew toward where Zane was. "I guess we should go join the others. Got the flash drive?" said Cinarva. "Yep. I also got a splitting headache too. Really hate that watch." said Vlad. "Oh you poor thing." said Cinarva, picking up the Frugnoid in her arms.

Back with Danny, he was the first one to arrive at the crater and his eyes widened at Zane's image. He looked like he did when he fought against Basalt and Kilene. His body was smoking with parts of his body covered in burn marks and purple blotches of bruises. Part of his body looked to be turning into a mixture of his turquoise candy syrup and royal blue tar. His watch was still on his arm, having large glowing platinum visible veins coming around his watch. 

His mouth had changed to be four flaps with his signature fire coming out of his mouth. His eyes were closed at the moment. "Are you okay?" said Danny. "Did you just seriously ask him that?! I mean look at him!" said Rachel's voice. Danny turned to see her landing there with Cinarva and Vlad. The rest of their group arrived with Tureek and Veto looked at Vlad who was in Cinarva's arms. The duo began to snicker at Vlad who blasted them with his pistols, shocking them.

Altair shook his head as he heard Zane groaning. "Hey there Rae Rae. I love you so much." said Zane with his right eye being bloodshot and an acidic green color. His left eye was currently close but it wasn't broken hopefully. "He's fine. I think he's just intoxicated." said Sitara. "So this is what he is like when he's drunk. I don't like it whatsoever." said Bridgette. Zane slowly stood up with him falling back down to the ground and he laughed. "Whoopsie daisy! I fell down." said Zane.

Malik helped him up with him saying,"So what's our plan for escape? I would ask our tactician but I think he's drunk.". Cinarva looked at Zane who was using Malik as support and she saw that both of his arms were glowing platinum with vibrant and destructive Impulse. Zane's entire body was tingling with the four gray buttons on the watch glowing bright red and the faceplate is about two thirds red at this point. "That really doesn't look good." said Cinarva, pointing out the watch's change.

Before anyone could say anything, a familiar whirring was heard. It was the Armada with the ship being behind them. "We're here to save the day! Time to blast them away!" said Arya with Ralad smiling as he invited them to come aboard through the cargo hatch. "Wow. I really got to thank Arya for the assist and the bug guy too." said Allen. "What about Velda?" said Gwen. "Meh." said Allen. The group began running toward the ship with Zane saying in Malik's arms,"Mal Mal. What about the bunny rabbit?".

Malik looked down at Zane with him sighing. "Don't worry Zane. The bunny is safe." said Rachel. "He is? Okay." said Zane with a smile on his face. "You're not authorized to be in this maximum-security area. Leave now or be destroyed peacefully." said the prison's A.I. "I thought you shut down the tower earlier cat!" said Lorelei as they were on the ship. "I did and I'm not a cat!" said Vlad. Said ship was being blasted by the central tower's weapon system but the Armada could handle it.     

Some of the prisoners tried to jump onboard as well but Turseek punched them off. "Get off my plane you criminals!" said Turseek. "We'll handle the uninvited guests. Ralad! Get us out of here!" said Kitt with Ralad nodding as he flew the ship out of the prison fast. As they were escape, the prison didn't let up on trying to destroy the ship and sent some drones to chase them down. "We got some company and Zane is puking tar!" said Veto as he blasted emerald green energy at the drones.

He and Veto were currently blasting the drones with his pistols. Lorelei kept the prisoners off the ships using plants that came from out of nowhere. As she created plants, Sitara noticed something off about this Terran. The girl's ankles and wrists were glowing pink just like her ankles and wrists. "It can't be but...." thought Sitara. "Would someone please close the hatch this century? I honestly don't care who but for the love of the gods, someone close the damn door!" shouted Vlad. 

Cinarva nodded as she pressed the red cargo hatch button and closed the hatch door. "So I hate to be that girl but are you sure this is the right way out of here?" said Lorelei. "Have faith in Ralad. Even though he may be a lot of bugs, he's a really good pilot." said Turseek. "Unlike Bri!" said Zane with Bridgette glaring at him. Ralad was currently flying the ship with him flying around the innards of the prison as Arya cheered him on. "Go buggy! Go!" said Arya.

Velda ,who sat nearby, rolled her eyes as she saw the others arrive with her looking at Zane. "Did that idiot ignore our constant warnings and use the watch? And where is she doing here?!" said Velda with her pointing at Bridgette. "We'll tell you what happened after we deal with the big wall." said Allen. "I think this is the end of our journey." said Cinarva. "She has a point." said Kitt. "Way to have faith in our friends Kitt. Zane. Can you use your powers right now?" said Malik.

Zane smiled as he said,"I sure can! What do you need me to do Mal Mal?". "And are you going to tell me what you need my clearly drunk fiancé for?" said Rachel, crossing her arms. "Saving our lives most likely. You guys do what you need to. Ralad. Go faster." said Sitara. Malik and Zane turned the ship intangible by covering their Nether in it and Ralad made the Armada head right through the walls. The drones chasing them weren't so lucky as they blew up upon contact with said wall.

Due to the ship being intangible, they flew right of Osezarix 35 and toward the warp gate. "That was so much fun! Lets go again for Prison Break Number One Million Bitches!" said Zane with him passing out and hitting the ground. Everyone looked at the sleeping Zane with Vlad saying,"Even though I enjoy a good riot, I never want to do that again. Everyone agree?". "Yep." said the group. The ship left Osezarix 35 and they complete one of their goals. 

As the Armada flew through the Omniverse at light speed, Velda was examining the Z.E.R.O Watch in the med bay. Zane was sitting there on the futuristic surgery gurney from before. Nearby the duo, the group of Allen, Arya, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Gwen, Malik, Rachel, and Sitara watched her work on Zane. "So I know that finding Parker is important but what about healing him?" said Arya. "I will in a second. So tell me what did you use the watch for beside heroics?" said Velda.

Zane ,no longer drunk, cupped his chin with him saying,"Let me see. I used it once to open a jar of pickles before.". "You can't be serious. You're still drunk aren't you?" said Cinarva. "Nope. He is sober right now. He did but to be far, it was a really tough jar of pickle. It took the power of Brawn Dinosaur Liger Form to open it." said Arya. "Since we got your attention, what about the self-destruct? I'm pretty sure that a being truly smarter than Parker can shut it off right?" said Danny.

Malik sighed at Danny's attempt to trick Velda with him thinking,"He's just like Dustin.". "Thanks for the compliment Daniel but well, it can't be shut down at this point." said Velda with her sighing. "Say what?!" said Allen. "I would if I could but that would be if this idiot didn't have it installed into his body using Albion. I really hate to admit it but only Parker is the only being smart enough to save Zane at this point. I'm truly sorry." said Velda. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"It's fine Velda. You tried your best and that's all that matters.". "You aren't mad about me not being able to save you Zane?" said Velda. "Nope. You may have been brought here against your will but you helped me out regardless. I mean I got this sweet set of gauntlets now. So I can't complain too much." said Zane, smiling as he held up his arms covered in dark gold gauntlets. The group watched as Sitara had her sword against Velda's collar.

Sitara glared at her as she said,"You better give us a good reason not to send you back to Osezarix 35 in a body bag.". "She's totally serious about that by the way." said Bridgette. "When the cat brought back the information about where Parker could be, I recalled him mentioning something about a planet he thought about living at." said Velda. "That's a good reason to keep her around." said Rachel. "And why didn't you mention this earlier? And where is it?" said Sitara.

Velda sighed as she said,"Because I only JUST remembered it. I may be one of the smartest beings in the Omniverse but I forget things. If he's hiding anywhere in the Omniverse, he's on Galnatilia.". This caused the trio of Bridgette, Cinarva, and Sitara to looked shocked. "You can't be serious Velda but to be fair, I know that you're not the type to play practical jokes like Bridgette here." said Cinarva. "Yeah but this makes me things interesting in a bad way." said Bridgette.    

Arya looked at the rest of the group who didn't know what Galnatilia was with her saying,"I'm pretty sure that Galnatilia isn't exactly an island paradise.". "Or is? I mean Parker likes to go on vacation just like any other being right?" said Zane with him unhooking himself from the machine. "So Velda, are these energy blasts that the watch produce aren't just getting stronger but causing Zane to suffer some kind of mental damage?" said Gwen.

Allen looked right at her and then Zane as he said,"Now that you mention it, that does makes sense.". "I did noticed that correlation Slicer and was going to bring them up before Sitara attacked me." said Velda as Sitara looked away from the group. "As everyone in this room around is well aware from Zane or a different source, Impulse is in everyone and everything. Everything has a limit and the amount of Impulse inside of Zane is reaching critical levels." said Velda.

Upon saying this, she made a holographic image of Zane's body appear. "Oh wow. Your body can contain a lot of Impulse inside of it." said Cinarva. "You can tell how much Impulse a being has?" said Danny. "Of course she can. She's a Feroxian. That species is well known for being able to control all forms of Impulse and can use it in many different ways." said Sitara. "Yep. From what I can tell, your body is about to go boom in due time Zane as you keep using the watch." said Cinarva.

Zane nodded as he said,"Uh huh. I already knew that thanks to Parker telling me about it when I was sixteen but you guys can forget that I can regenerate from anything.". "That may have been the case but things changed." said Velda. "Um. Say what now?' said Zane. "You seriously don't know? I mean did you two know?" said Velda, looking at Malik and Sitara. "Hourglass told me nothing about the watch since Parker hates sharing details." said Malik. "So what's going to happen?" said Sitara.

Velda sighed as she said,"If the self-destruct is allowed to go off, you will become nothing more but ashes floating in the wind. You won't be able to come back from that Zane. Since your body naturally generates Impulse like nothing else, your ashes alone will be enough to cause an explosion big enough to destroy an entire dimension. If you were back on Earth, the explosion would have destroyed the entire Omniverse without a moment notice. Not ever an Eazairvian could stop it.".   

Zane looked at Velda and hoped that she was lying but she wasn't. "I'm a ticking time bomb. The entire Omniverse could be destroyed because of me trying to be a showboat. Gods fucking damn it!" thought Zane. "I wish I was lying but I'm not. I do know this. Parker may be a hopeless paranoid but he cares for Zane despite not saying it aloud due to pride and others teasing him about it. This was an unexpected side effect of Albion." said Velda.

Gwen looked right at Zane who was pacing back and forth with her sighing. "You need to calm down Zane." said Gwen. "Why should I? Oh I know because you think I'll accelerate the explosion like I did back at the prison?! Why am I such a fucking idiot?!" said Zane, slamming his fists into the ground and causing the entire ship to shake. "Hey! What's going on in there? I'm currently in the lab and working on something right now!" said Vlad's voice from the lab.

Every room on the Armada is able to communicate with each other. "You better not be building another bomb Vlad!" said Veto's voice. "Another bomb?" whispered Allen with Arya and Danny shrugging. "So how long have you know about this?" said Malik as Bridgette and Rachel tried to help Zane calm down even just a bit. "Since Zane came back from the prison, not too long but well....." said Velda with her being stopped by something invisible choking her.

Zane glared at her as he said with his right hand in front of him,"I don't care! I'm literally a walking nuke for the Omniverse! I've saved countless lives with this watch and if I knew about this earlier, I would have been more careful at the prison instead of being a fucking showoff!". "Calm down. No one here thinks that right?" said Bridgette with Zane releasing his grip on Velda go. "Yeah. You're my hero Zane!" said Arya with Danny looked at Malik who sighed. "Mine too." said Malik.

Cinarva looked at Zane with her saying,"No one here is doubting that you're a hero but why are you a hero? Do you do it because it's the right thing to do or the thrill of being a hero? I've seen countless beings become heroes in order for fame and fortune.". The officer was slammed into the wall by Astaroth's fist and Zane glared at her. "If you honestly think I'm a hero because of fame and fortune, you don't know jack shit about me." said Zane.

He slowly stood back up with him saying,"Ever since I became Zero or Legion Zero Cinarva, I always swore to help anyone I can regardless if they're good or bad. I'm sick and tired of dealing with this crap you know? Do you think I like have several beings believing that I can kill Skull Plague?! I hate all of this chosen one destiny crap thrown on me! I need my space so don't find me!". He teleported out of the med bay with Team Maelstrom planning on going to find him.

They were stopped by Bridgette who sighed loudly. "Look guys. As much I want to go help Zane from getting himself killed or something worse, we need to leave him alone. Just let the guy breathe for a moment okay? He has a lot of pressure pushed onto himself and after hearing that he was going to be responsible for the Omniverse explode, he was going to explode. I know that was a bad word to say but well, you get what I'm trying to say." said Bridgette with the entire med bay staying silent.    

As the Armada was flying in the vast emptiness of the Omniverse toward Galnatilia, it was an very interesting time since Zane had run off after hearing about how he was going to kill an entire dimension or the entire Omniverse if he was back on Earth. Arya and Vlad were currently working on something in the lab. It was a weapon for Danny since the two had an idea for one after seeing Danny in action earlier in the prison through the prison's security camera.

They had borrowed it from the prison when they were hacking. Altair was nearby them but he was distracted by Arya's phone where he was playing a game on it. He had never played a game like this before so it was very interesting. "So I got to ask. Why aren't you out there looking for Zane? I mean you're one of his close pals right? Velda would have join us if she didn't have to pretend that she hate him for disobeying her direct order about not using his watch." said Vlad. 

Altair looked up and said something using sign language. It was a part of the game that he was playing and wanted to try it out. Neither one of them knew sign language however so he was ignored much to his dismay. "Like Bridgette said earlier, Zane will bounce back. Even though the Omniverse loves fucking with him, he never gives up." said Arya. "True. He's easily the most stubborn son of bitch I've ever met. So I got to ask." said Vlad. 

Without missing a beat, Arya said,"Is it about me having a crush on Zane? If it is, I don't.". "Nope. I think it's obvious that you don't like him like the princess clearly does. It's about that Terran girl we picked up back at the prison. She reminds me of Veto." said Vlad. "A bit but I got to ask. Have you confirm this theory with either Bridgette, Cinarva, or Sitara? I mean they're really good at sensing things." thought Altair as he transmitted his thoughts to them though touch since sigh language failed. 

Vlad sighed as he said,"I would but Veto is always around when I try to do that.". Speaking of Veto, the recently revealed to be metahuman walked in. "Hey you two. You better not being building any bombs in here." said Veto. "Let me guess. You tried to make a bomb before and he stopped you. I mean he mentioned that you did that earlier." said Arya. "Yeah. Totally buzz kill. I mean I wouldn't dare blowing up MY Armada but for some reason, he thinks that it's his." said Vlad. 

Altair looked at Veto who said,"You two do know that I can hear you talking right?". "So?" said Arya and Vlad as Veto sighed. "So are you two okay with having the Jaeger on our ship? I mean is that really a good idea?" said Veto. "We talked about this before Veto. She is a friend of Zane and is willing to help us find Parker so Zane doesn't go boom on us." said Kitt's voice. The Reladroid stood there with his arms crossed. 

Vlad smirked as he said,"I bet you're just scared of her Veto because she can blow up a moon.". "Who wouldn't be?!" said Veto. "A brave leader rather than a coward. I mean you aren't scared of Zane and he can blow up moons with ease." said Arya. "She has a point there." said Kitt with Veto sulking. "I think that you're brave Veto." thought Altair. "Thanks...." said Veto. "But you can be a really big idiot most of the time." thought Altair as Veto sulked.     

In the cockpit, Sitara was currently with the group of Bridgette, Malik, Ralad, and Velda. "So are you two girls doing okay after you know." said Ralad. "Zane lashing out on us. I'll be fine." said Velda. "I still can't believe that the calm and collected Legion Zero did something like that." said a voice. The group turned to see Lorelei standing there. The group that came from Osezarix 35, they had changed out of the prisoner's uniforms into their normal outfits.

Lorelei had decided to change up her outfit from the one she wore on Earth. This was mainly because of Bridgette wanted to have some fun with her. Her shoulder hair was cut to her chin and it had part of it braided. Her bangs no longer covering her eyes, exposing them completely. She now wears a black tank top that exposes her midriff with emerald green-pink stripes. She wears a brown leather jacket over her tank top. She wears pale green pants with a brown belt. 

She wears her brown converse sneakers/boots but with black platforms and steel toes. She wears brown fingerless gloves with a metal braces and a black choker with spikes. Her full moon shaped pendant was on full display and she had a pair of dark pink tined goggles over her eyes. She still wore her earrings in her left ear but replaced the ones in her right eye with a single gold skull earring. "It's very strange to see but it makes sense." said Bridgette.

The group looked at the Merzollan with her saying,"It may not look like it but Zane doesn't like having all of this pressure put upon him. I mean to pick one of his many pressures. He's the Cross Species of several different species and has the destiny of taking down the Omniverse's great villain. Not a single Jaeger can compared to the terror that Skull Plague may bring if he escapes his home dimension. When Zane decides to fight against Skull Plague, I'll be there to support him.". 

She smiled as she said,"So to change topics. Lorelei, how are you personally enjoying your voyage to the Omniverse?". "Not much Bridgette. I was stuck inside of a prison for a month no real reason." said Lorelei. "Really? You don't know why you were brought there." said Malik. "Nope. I already asked the goggles wearing girl and cat about with them telling me the same thing. Crulgrum brought me there as payment for a favor he owed the warden. So please tell me we're close to where Parker is." said Lorelei.

Ralad shook his head for no as Lorelei sighed. "I don't mean any offense here to you guys but outer space looks the same." said Lorelei. "None taken but we're not in outer space. We're actually in the Omniverse. It just looks and acts like outer space." said Malik. "You really do sound like Zane." said Velda. "Yeah Velda. It may be because we're the same person except we went down much different paths." said Malik. 

Noticing how thick the tension was, Lorelei decided to change the topic. "So Sitara. I have to ask. Why did those slime monsters want you and Zero?" said Lorelei. "I have no idea." said Sitara. "I'm pretty sure you have a an inkling of one. Maybe involving your...." said Ralad. She glared at him with Ralad sighing. "Look. I know that you hate to be reminded him of your past but it's a part of you. Do you think that your sister hired those Vordlarins to capture you and Zane for obvious reasons?" said Ralad. 

The Terran looked at her as she said,"Why would her sister want to capture her and Zane?". "She's one of the daughter of Basalt." said a voice. Malik turned toward Cinarva, standing there. Instead of her uniform, she was wearing something more casual. It was a gray sweatshirt, a pair of blue jeans, and black combat boots. "Good to see you Officer. So I bet the Vromilyrra Dynasty wasn't happy about you performing treason toward the empire." said Malik.

Cinarva shrugged as she said,"No shit Sherlock. It's a Terran expression from what I heard. They aren't happy about me helping four members of the Paradoxes escape, a Terran, and one of the Jaegers escape their prison. Prior to that, they were still dealing with the fallout of someone's sister stealing a powerful weapon.". Sitara knew that it was Molvai that the Feroxian was talking about. "And what's the name of this powerful weapon?" said Velda. 

The officer shrugged as she said,"I got no idea. That information was kept a close knit secret. All I know is that the Molten Empire used a great deal of their force to obtain this weapon. They even hired one of the Jaegers to obtain this item.". "So was it Bridgette? That's why you were sent to prison right?" said Ralad. "Ha. I would never do something like that. I only got send there because I was trying to stop the Vromilyrra Dynasty's slander against Zane being a villain which he ain't." said Bridgette.

She smiled as she said,"He's more like an anti-hero.". "Focus. It isn't one of the three Jaegers who don't normally commit criminal acts. Basalt is dead and that leaves only one." said Cinarva. "There are five of them?" said Lorelei. The five looked at her as she held up her hands. "Don't look at me like that you guys! I grew up on Earth for my entire life! I've never left it before a month ago! So who else would steal this important weapon if it wasn't Bridgette and the other two?!" said Lorelei. 

Velda looked at Cinarva as she said,"You can't be serious. I'm sure that he would never work with them.". "I'm sure that he did since he is well known for doing whatever job he can to survive in the Omniverse even work with the Molten Empire. I may have committed treason by helping you break out of the prison and don't regret that since the Vromilyrra Dynasty needs to change." said Cinarva. "So who are you guys talking about?" said Lorelei. 

Bridgette looked at her as she said,"Crulgrum the Crafty.". Lorelei shocked to hear this from her since he was the one to bring her to Osezarix 35 in the first place. During this whole conversation, the Phantom noticed that Sitara had left and he went to go find her. After being reminded about her connection to the Molten Empire, Sitara was looking out into the Omniverse and needed to be alone for a while. She hated being reminded of that part of her life and how she didn't have a choice. 

Molvai was the same but she never tried to escape like the Sihero did since she was scared of Basalt's wrath. When she did try to escape from the Molten Empire, she was sent to the Infinite Void. Even though the Infinite Void was called a dimension where escape was practically impossible, she met the Paradoxes there. Even though they were idiots, she liked them since they treated as Sitara and not the favorite daughter of the Molten Decimator. 

She was taken out of her thoughts but a voice saying,"Hey. Sorry to bother your alone time Sitara. I just wanted to check up on you.". Even though she was blind, she was able to tell who was talking to her and this was something she did without her psychic powers. "It's fine Malik. Sorry about my behavior in there." said Sitara. "It's all good. I think I know your pain Sitara." said Malik with him standing next to her out of his armor. 

The female looked at him as she said,"Do you mean when you were a villain? It's obvious to all of us except Turseek that Danny, Gwen, and Rachel don't truly trust you after what you did to him.". "Yeah. I wasn't the being that you know today. I was a real monster. Anyone who disagreed with me was burned by my Nether. Your way of negotiation is much better. Holding up your sword to your neck and forcing your way in is a really nice and cute way of getting what you want." said Malik. 

Malik didn't see it but his comment made Sitara smile. "Thanks I think. My father and sister gave that to me." said Sitara. "You're talking about Basalt and Molvai aren't you?" said Malik. "Yes but I don't consider those two to be my family. Basalt took over my species and used them as his personal warriors for a period of time. The ones who didn't agree with the Maferno were burned alive. Two of the rebels were my parents and they were burned alive right in front of me." said Sitara.

She waved her left hand in front of her as she said,"I lost my vision from a fight I had with Basalt and he turned me into a weapon. I truly don't know what my sister is planning on doing but if she's going to continue our father's legacy, I will do anything that I can to stop her and I'm sure that my real family will be there to assist me. Once we get Zane back to normal, what do you plan on doing? You joined up with us because of what Hourglass saw in the future correct?". 

Malik nodded as he said,"That's what I thought at first Sitara but well, it's something much different now.". "Mind telling me? If you don't want to, I completely understand." said Sitara. "I don't mind since well, I told you. My mother was an amazing woman Sitara. She took great care of me and never once mentioned my father to me. I remember when I was a child and we went sledding for the first time. It was one of the best times of my life and listening to some music." said Malik.

Sitara smiled at him as she said,"That sounds nice. So how did she you know?". "Die? It was cancer and there was nothing I could do about it. I was only nine years old when it happened and I couldn't handle it. I did attend the funeral but that's where I met Lincoln Rune. At the time, I didn't know that he was my father. He made my life a living hell because he was my main enemy and the one who gave me my powers." said Malik.

He clenched his fists with him saying,"After Ash caused the death of my family and friends, he adopted me and I found out the truth about him. I drained him of his life and energy with me taking out my anger on everything. I killed him and countless others just to make me feel better. That changed after I met him.". "I bet I know who that was." said Sitara with a smile. "Yeah. He helped a lot of beings out there since the type of guy Zane is." said Malik.

Malik smiled as he said,"Zane taught me that you can't be blinded by your emotions and I know that he doesn't follow his own advice but he helped me move past my past. I began working with Hourglass Universe in order to make amends with those I hurt and despite the majority of Phantoms hating me for what happened, I got a couple of friends. After hearing about what you and your friends were doing, I asked Hourglass if I could join up with you and here I am. I promise that I'll be here to help you.". 

The two were getting close to each other with Sitara saying,"What are you doing to me Malik? Is the charm you and Zane naturally have.". "I'm doing nothing at all but I'm not against it. Are you?" said Malik. "Not really. I always thought that I was better than those waifs who fell for guys just because of some words but I guess I was wrong." said Sitara. The two were about to kiss but were stopped. "Hey lovebirds! We got some really big news!" said Vlad's voice. 

Sitara looked at Malik whose armor covered his body except for his head. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Malik?" said Sitara. "Punish Vlad for ruining the mood between us?" said Malik. "Yep. This better be worth it or else." said Sitara. The two walked toward the cockpit where the others except Zane were waiting for them. "So do you know why we're called here?" said Malik. "No clue. Vlad called us here and well, he told us nothing." said Gwen.

Turseek crossed his arms as he said,"Yes and I was about to win my hoverboard race with Allen and Danny.". "Was he? He's the worst hoverboarder I've ever met." whispered Kitt. "Not really but let him have this." whispered Allen with Danny nodding in agreement. "So I got to ask you something very important Bridgette." said Vlad. "What is it Vladdy? Are you going to ask me be yours? Sorry but my heart belongs to another." said Bridgette. 

Rachel looked at her with Vlad saying,"No. Tell me who replaced Basalt in your little group. I mean it's been four years since Basalt up and died thanks to our favorite hero but there has been nothing on who is the next Jaeger.". "Wait a minute. Basalt was a Jaeger? I mean that makes sense given how much of a monster he was but wow. That's impressive." said Veto. "Why didn't you know that?" said Lorelei. "I don't really do politics." said Veto. 

Allen looked at the group with him saying,"So what exactly are the Jaegers? Unlike most of you, I don't know who they are.". "The Jaegers are a group of the most infamous and powerful beings within the Omniverse. I mean we aren't bad people per say but we're not exactly good people either. We're very neutral. Basalt was only a Jaeger since the guy I replaced brought him into the fold. He was terrible since he made the Omniverse think that we're all monsters." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva rolled her eyes as she muttered,"Which isn't inaccurate.". "I heard that cop. One Jaeger was a monster but the current are not. Don't judge the entire group just because of one bad egg. Trust me, no one liked him. I hoped Zane killed Basalt but well, he's stubborn just like the rest of us Jaegers." said Bridgette with her crossing her arms. "So do you mind telling us who the next Jaeger already? I mean they're not getting any younger here." said Velda with her pointing to Team Maelstrom except Arya. 

Bridgette sighed as she said,"Take a chill pill. I'm getting to it. So how does one get into the Jaegers exactly?". "You have to kill one of them which is impossible, defeat them in combat, or send one of them to the Infinite Void." said Sitara. "Bingo." said Bridgette. "Hold on a minute. You can't be serious right?" said Danny. "Huh? What is she talking about?" said Turseek, Veto, and Vlad. "Numbskulls. She's saying that there is now a new fifth Jaeger and we know him too well." said Gwen. 

The entire ship looked toward the ship where Zane somewhere was with Bridgette nodded. "Yep. You got it Gwenny. Zane Vincent Alvarez is the latest member of our little group. Lucky him am I right you guys?" said Bridgette. "No it isn't! That's even more pressure put upon on him and as we learned earlier today, he hates that! Does he know about this?" said Rachel. "Not to my knowledge. I think we should go find him. Lets go you two." said Bridgette as she dragged Lorelei and Rachel out of the pit.

A few moments earlier somewhere in the Armada, Zane was currently had his back against a metal crate. He was in the ship's cargo hole and had been there since his outburst earlier. "I can't believe that I did that to everyone. I mean why have I been like this? I'm used to having the Omniverse putting this much pressure on me for a while now. I mean I'm more emotional than normal and my emotions have been out of whack for a while. I've seen this before." thought Zane. 

He ran his right hand through his head as he thought,"It's when Sly was really emotional during that time of the month.". Zane looked at that his arms were once again glowing platinum with vibrant and destructive Impulse. He sighed upon seeing them. After waking up from his drunk like state, his arms have been tingling for a while. He didn't mention it to anything but it was probably obvious that the explosion left its impression on him. 

Upon the Self-Destruction or Self-Destruct feature being activated, most of the watch's features had been deactivated. This including the healing function. Even with the Preservation Band, he was sure that both of his arms were covered in red blotches. His left hand was like he had frostbite and his right hand looked burn. After he left the med bay, he reappeared the bathroom area and decided to try a shower to clear his mind. 

Taking a bath usually helps him clear his mind back so a shower should work just as well right? Upon him stepping into the shower, the water was like acid to his skin and his muscles were getting looses. It was like he was turning into candy syrup and melting away. His stomach suddenly began to feel full which hasn't happen for a long time and he had to rush out of the shower toward the toilet. He then began puking his entire stomach which seemed like hours to him. 

He puked until everything in his stomach was gone and it felt like his stomach was being squeezed by a giant hand. After a while, he stopped throwing up and began panting in exhaustion. It felt like he had just finished up a massive workout session but all he had been doing for the past hour was puking his guts out. He closed his eyes and he fell onto the bathroom tile. He looked up to see that his vomit was a mixture of his candy syrup and tar instead of the typical vomit color. 

It was also glowing and well, he was really regretting having Albion installed into his body. He slowly began to stand back up and felt better. He stopped the shower and dried himself off, instantly drying himself off using his intangibility. He walked out of the bathroom area and well, he had began stumbling over his two feet. He bumped into a lot of things and well, parts of his body was bright red due to the impact being painful. 

Zane tried to clench his fists as he said,"Whatever is going onto me. I'll figure it out and well, I won't be the one responsible for destroying the Omniverse.". "You sound confident Zane. Well, you always seem to impress with me." said a familiar voice. Zane slowly moved his head upwards with him seeing one of his more unique friends Izola standing there in the air. "You always did the ability to look past adversity to see the good in a situation. That's why me and my sister love you so much." said Izola. 

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Why are you here Izola? And is it just you? Let me guess. You are here to try and cheer me up? Whatever is it. I don't care since it's you doing it and not Savant. After what I just heard, I really don't want to deal with him today. I truly understand why Hourglass has so many issues with the man.". "You know me so well Zane. That is why I'm here. So let me guess. You're having a bad day." said Izola with a smile. 

After saying that, the being was currently being pressed against the wall by Astaroth who held his massive drill-like broadsword/katana right at her chest. "Tell us why you're here. I'm not in the mood for any higher being's shit right about you so tell us why the Self-Destruct mode went off and no riddles!" said Astaroth. "Calm down big guy. Izola is a fan and if you hurt her, you'll have to deal with gramps. You don't want to make him mad." said Zane with him slowly standing back up. 

He was about to fall down with him seeing Celina preventing him from falling off the crate. "And there you are. You two are never that far apart after all." said Zane. "But he....." said Astaroth. "You better remove your weapon or else." said Celina. "Or else what?" said Astaroth. "I won't hug Zane for an entire month. He has always said that I'm his favorite to hug among the two of us!" said Celina, looking proud about that fact. 

Astaroth and Zane sweat dropped as Izola said,"Despite that being clearly wrong, your punishment has a serious flaw.". "It is the truth! Zane told me that before!" said Celina. "You're also ignoring the other half of my statement." said Izola with her not worried about the weapon against her chest. "So what's my plan's flaw?" said Celina. "You love being hugged too much to go without a month. I bet you can't even last five minutes." said Izola. "Oh yeah! I totally can!" said Celina. 

Izola rolled her eyes as she said,"Why do I doubt that?". The twins began bickering with Astarorth said,"And the tension has been destroyed.". "That's the twins for you. They're great at destroying the tension with a destructive strike." said Zane as he shook his head and they stopped bickering. "To get back on point, things in the Omniverse happen for a reason and this reason is quite crappy if you ask me. You're out to find Parker so you don't go boom right?" said Izola. 

Celina glared at the watch before turning back to Zane. "Which you better not Zane! I rather not lose you to some dinky piece of metal." said Celina. "I agree. Don't die because I need you in my life. You're the love of my life." said Izola with Celina rapidly nodding. "I'll tell you three what I'm going to do after a certain someone removes their weapon. " said Zane. Astaroth looked at Zane with him sighing and he said,"Fine. I'll be nice to her but the weapon stays.". "That's fine with me." said Zane, shrugging. 

He knew how stubborn Astaroth could be. "So are you going to answer me?" said Izola. "Yes. We're heading there right now and well, I'm just done. Don't give me wrong. I'll keep fighting against evil and injustice until well, I died which won't happen any time soon." said Zane. "It better not." grumbled Celina with Zane tussling her hair to cheer her up which it did and it caused Celina to punch him. This punch hurt Zane a great deal due to his body not being at its full strength right now.

After relaizing this, this made Celina really upset. She didn't like hurting Zane after all. Izola shrugged as she placed Zane's head in her lap and began running her finger through her hair much to the jealously of Celina. Astaroth looked at her with him putting his weapon on his back and watched what she was going to do. "I know that lately, you have been feeling highly emotional but grandfather told me to tell you something. All of this bad stuff will lead to only good." said Izola. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Thanks I think. I know that we'll find Parker and get me back to normal but well, I just want to be married already.". "So are you sure that you'll find him? I mean you're really smarter but is on a whole other level. He's also hates other beings and stubborn." said Celina. "That sounds like Zane except for the whole hating other beings. He likes being around beings and way more handsome." said Izola. "Focus for your grandpa's sake." said Astaroth. 

Izola smiled as she said,"Parker may made your watch for two reasons. These two reasons are because of destiny and making amends for what his assistant did. It is also to please Janet whose heart he broke due to his actions. You use it to make the Omniverse a better place to live one day at a time. This is one of the many reasons why we love you so much.". "Thanks. So do you think Parker will be mad about me showing up?" said Zane.

He looked at the two with him saying,"I mean Parker hates when someone bothers him especially if they come without leaving a message about them showing up. Savant knows that from experience.". "I think you'll figure it out like you always do. So are you feeling better now Zane?" said Celina. "You better since you got to be resting on my lap. I know that I'm not as curvy as Rachel is but I think my lap pillow isn't that bad." sad Izola. 

Zane flickered her forehead with him saying,"Don't compared yourself to someone else Izola. Your lap pillow is perfect.". "Thank you Zane." said Izola. "Ahem! My lap pillow is much better than hers Zane so next time you need a pillow, come to me!" said Celina. This caused the twin to glare at each other and began arguing with each other as Astaroth stood next to Zane. "So should I just get going? It seems that they won't say or do anything to hurt you." said Astaroth. 

The Cross Species looked at him as he said,"These two hurting me? I have my doubts about that.". As he said that, he slowly began standing back up. This action made Izola mad and Celina happy with Zane feeling his arms tingle slightly.  He looked down to see his arms were faintly glowing platinum and he sighed. "I really need to find a way to control this Impulse and get to it a level where it won't hold me back if I were to fight someone." said Zane. 

Astaroth looked at Zane with him saying,"Perhaps Bridgette and that officer may have an idea on how. They know a thing or two about controlling Impulse." said Astaroth. "That sounds like a good idea to me since well, I like Bridgette. The officer is someone I don't really know all too well." said Zane. "And now, it's time for you to wake up." said the twins in unison. "Wait. What are....." said Zane as a bright light covered his eyes. 

Zane opened his eyes to see that he was in the barracks for the Paradoxes and tucked into a bed. "So you're finally awake. Thank god, we rather have you awake rather than asleep." said a voice. Zane turned to see Lorelei standing there. "Yeah. I didn't even know that I was. So were you the one to find me up?" said Zane. He tried to get up but couldn't. "I wouldn't get up if I were you." said Lorelei with a frown. "Why?" said Zane. 

He removed the cover with him seeing both Bridgette and Rachel under it and hugging him. "Damn it Zane. Why do they have to be clothed?" said Astaroth. "I'm personally grateful that they are since we're not in a snow storm and well, I need to focus right now. You also need to stop being a pervert Astaroth and I'll bonk." said Zane. "As you can see, those two found you on top of a crate sleeping and they were worried about you." said Lorelei. 

Zane nodded as he said,"And the reason why they're sleeping with me?". "No idea." said Lorelei with her sitting on a chair. "So lets not wake them up for a while. I got to ask. How did you end up in that prison Lorelei?" said Zane. "And why should I tell you anything Zero?" said Lorelei. "Simple. I'm the only other being you know on this ship other than Bridgette. We're not friends but we're at least acquaintances. You really should tell me how you got here. Do you remember Sitara?" said Zane.

Lorelei nodded as Zane said,"She's the woman with a sword if you have forgotten and trust me when I say this. She's someone you don't want to mess with.". "I thought she doesn't hurt kids." said Astaroth with Zane shrugging. "She doesn't need to know that." said Zane. Astaroth shrugged as he watched what was going to happen next. Lorelei looked at Zane with her trying to counter to Zane's argument but she couldn't and she sighed. "Fine. I will tell you. It was about four weeks ago." said Lorelei.

Flashback P.O.V.
It was a late Friday night on Earth, Lorelei was drinking lemonade. She was alone as her two allies Randy and Tyrone Miller were working with football head and Ibis on a job. This left her all alone and no one to hang out with tonight. The restaurant that she was currently at was barricaded in vines which prevented anyone from bothering her. The local fire fighters were trying to cut their way through the vines but whenever they made a dent, the vines regrew and attacked them. 

Lets just say that the fire fighters were thinking about hiring the local gardeners to handle this mess since never ending vines aren't in their jurisdiction. "This is so damn boring." thought Lorelei. Before she could look at her phone to hear about the backlash in Cypress Park involving that reality show, she heard a harmonica coming from somewhere. She turned around and saw a man standing there with him whistling. This man is Crulgrum the Crafty. 

Crulgrum is easily taller and stronger than your average human with him being being an impressive seven foot four. He has gray almost monochrome colored skin. He has long wild green-white hair that goes down to the middle of his back. He has natural black eyeliner around his seaweed green eyes. His nose are two slits. His mouth possess fangs with rather noticeable upper canines that stuck out when his mouth are closes. His forehead has a natural looking black sun shaped tattoo.

He's wearing a dark blue hooded vest-like color with a gray trim. He wears an dark red shirt with it open and exposing his chest. His chest, shoulders, and upper back have a prominent fire like tattoo. He wears dark gray pants with a brown utility belt and black leather boots. He wears a black steel bracer on his right forearm. "I  guess things aren't boring after all." said Lorelei as she put down her lemonade and got ready to fight the clear alien. 

Crulgrum looked at her with him saying in a gruff sounding voice,"Excuse me young miss. Your name wouldn't happen to be Lorelei Vinson? Not to sound speciesist here but Terrans all look alike to me. You kinda look like the brat but well, I could be wrong.". "Yes. I'm Lorelei Vinson. What do you want with me?" said Lorelei. "I would tell you but honestly, I think you're just a victim in those things due to the brat being the complete opposite of me when it comes to me taking people in." said Crulgrum. 

Before she could do anything, Crulgrum held a silver pistol and fired it at Lorelei. This put a silver needle in Lorelei's neck instead of a bullet. "What did you....." said Lorelei as she removed the needle and this knocked her out. "And with that, I need to get out here. Hope this gets that brat to be a better father." said Crulgrum with him picking up Lorelei and put her over his shoulder. From his pocket, he held a small black remote with a single red button on it. 

Crulgrum said,"Time for you to go to your new home.". He pushed down on the button and a bright light came down onto the restaurant. This confused the people watching. The vines were gone and it was like no one was there. The duo of Randy and Tyrone were worried about Lorelei going missing at first but being allowed to work alongside football head and Ibis on jobs stopped them from worry about her. 

A few days later, Osezarix 35 had just gotten a new group of prisoners. Two of the guards saw Crulgrum and the unconscious Lorelei over his shoulder walking toward them. They walked over to the man and the one on the right looked at the man. "So what do we owe your presence Crulgrum? Decided to turn yourself in after committing all those crimes." said the right guard. "I called in a favor with your boss and well, you need to take her in." said Crulgrum. 

The left guard looked at him as he said,"A Terran? I thought you learned your lesson with the last one. I heard that he'll be here pretty soon. Want to see him.". "Just take her already. I already need to get going on my next job. It's going to be a pain." said Crulgrum, handing Lorelei to the left guard. He was gone thanks to his remote. "Oh wow. He is all business isn't he?" said the left guard. "He sure is rookie. Get her dressed in a jumpsuit and find her a cellmate on the ship before she wakes up." said the right guard.

After hearing his order, the left guard took Lorelei toward the other prisoner with the right guard following after him. Lorelei woke up with a pain in his neck and being on a hard mattress. She was laying down on a bunk bed inside of a jail cell. The only thing in the cells ,except for the bunk bed, was a toilet, sink, and mirror. She looked down to see that she was wearing an ugly and tacky orange prison jumpsuit. 

She was still wearing her shoes except she had her ankles and wrists shackled by energy cuffs and a large shock collar around her neck. "Where am I?" muttered Lorelei. "Finally you woke up sleeping beauty. I was getting worried and was totally going to kiss you to see if that woke you up. That's how that Terran tale works right? I only got one real Terran friend and to be brutally honest with you, it's kinda hard to tell when he's being serious or not." said a female voice.

Lorelei looked up to the top bunk. Bridgette looked down at her with a smile. "Who are you? And why aren't wearing this?!" said Lorelei. "They tried to put one of those on me but well, I gave them a look and they ran away in terror. You're so very lucky that you got me as a roommate Terran. The name's Bridgette." said Bridgette. "Okay then. Where am I Bridgette? And how did I get here?" said Lorelei with her trying not to be scared of Bridgette's interesting appearance. 

She had never seen an alien before now. "You're in Osezarix 35 aka one of the worst prisons in the Omniverse and you're in this cell after the guards threw you in here about a week ago. I don't know for sure yet but you've been sleeping for a while now." said Bridgette. Lorelei was quiet after hearing that news. "Good. You get it. Since I'm so nice, I'll figure out why you were thrown in here. I got some connections even in here. Any other questions for me?" said Bridgette. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"So do you happen to know how to escape?". "You can't be serious. I mean escaping here is impossible. I mean I could do it but a powerless Terran is another story." said Bridgette. "Nothing is impossible." said Lorelei. "Who in the nine realms said that cheesy crap?" said Bridgette. "Legion Zero. A hero from Earth." said Lorelei. "I heard about him before. Pretty strong for a Terran and has put a couple of people in here before he carry out a pretty serious crime." said Bridgette.

The Terran blinked with her saying,"Zero committed a crime?". "No. He didn't. He was blamed for one and that's why I'm here. I'll tell you about it tomorrow." said Bridgette. Lorelei rolled her eyes as she said,"So do you mind telling me why my neck is killing me? I doubt it was from the bed but I wouldn't say no.". "Oh that. You are probably just now feeling the bomb that it's in your neck Terran." said Bridgette. "Bomb?!" screamed Lorelei. 

Bridgette sighed as she said,"Yes. The bomb in your neck is to make sure that you follow their rules. So don't break them and you'll live another day.". "That's a bit much don't you think?" said Lorelei. "The warden is a sick fuck what can I say? He doesn't mind if a couple of prisoners die but if they do, they need to die in a flashy manner." said Bridgette. "I need to get out of here." thought Lorelei. She tried to use her powers but couldn't. 

The jaeger shook her head as she said,"If you're trying to use those powers of yours, you can't. Your collar and cuffs of yours prevent that. I should have told you that earlier but I think you should have learned yourself. To be brutally honest here, you should probably get some sleep. I mean I'll protect you while we're here but well, you'll need a good night sleep to truly survive out there." said Bridgette. "I can't believe this. Randy. Tyson. I miss you two idiots." muttered Lorelei.     

Narrator P.O.V.
Lorelei looked at Zane who was slowly trying to remove himself from the grip of Bridgette and Rachel as she said,"So why are you asking about my past Zero? And were you listening to my story?". "I was totally listening you. If you want me to answer that, you need to answer one of my questions." said Zane. "Fine. Ask away. You'll get me to talk so why fight fate?" said Lorelei. "Because it's fun to fight fate even when it's putting a lot of pressure on you when you're only six years old." said Zane.

The Terran looked at the Cross Species with her getting curious about Zane's life. "So why are you still calling me Zero? I mean you've probably heard everyone on the ship call me and the rest of my team's name by my real name by now." said Zane. "It's the name I'm used to calling you but in time, that may change. Now answer mine." said Lorelei. Unknown to her, Bridgette and Rachel had woken up with them waiting to hear Zane's answer.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I consider you to be my friend Lorelei and I really want to know more about you. Like how you got caught up with the wrong crowd. You may think that those two boys, football head, and Ibis are good but they aren't. If you keep running with that circle, you'll back in jail and I'm sure that a girl like Bridgette and guys like me and Turseek wouldn't be there to help you out. It's a dog eat dog world out there in the Omniverse.". 

Bridgette agreed with that statement. "Okay I will tell you but don't act like you aren't listening. I'm only telling you this one." said Lorelei. "Okay. I'm all ears." said Zane. "I didn't know who my parents were except they abandoned me when I was a baby. At a young age, I discovered my powers and I was bullied for it. I never had friends but people I stole for. I need to do that to survive. I stole all over Hawaii so I could live." said Lorelei. 

She looked at Zane with her saying,"Let me guess. You still see me as a criminal and when this is all over, you're going to bring me to justice like the rest of your rogue gallery which includes that strange woman. You know the one I'm talking about. I think her name is Velda.". She remembered what Tyrone said about him back when she was on Earth. "Nope. I just feel really bad for you since I couldn't be there to help you." said Zane. "Why would you want to help me?" said Lorelei. 

Zane smiled brightly as he said,"Because you're my friend obviously and I worry about my friends. I mean we broke out of a prison together and if that doesn't make friends, I don't know what does. I feel bad for asking about your past.". "It's fine. Tyrone was very much wrong about you." said Lorelei with her smiling. "Yep. I may be a hero but I don't put people away just because they're criminals. I try to see the good in people and try to appeal that side of them." said Zane. 

After hearing this, Bridgette and Rachel decided to make themselves known to Lorelei. They were sure that Zane knew about them being awake since his hyper hearing is well known. "You two! How long were you awake?" said Lorelei. "For a while. We saw babypop's natural charm in action. Able to charm practically anyone into being his friend and in my case lover." said Rachel, kissing him on the lips. "I missed your lips so damn much. Sorry about being well...." said Zane.

Bridgette smirked as she said,"Mortal?". "Yeah that." said Zane. "Since you're feeling better now, I got ask you something very important to ask Zane. Have you been hiding your prosthetics and scars back on Earth?" said Bridgette with Zane staying silent. "How do you know about him doing that?" said Rachel. "I may not know Zane as well you do Rae but I'm good at reading people. I'm going to take a guess on why you're doing. Mind if I psychoanalyze your fiancĂ©e Rae?" said Bridgette. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"Sure I don't mind. I would love to hear your perspective Bri.". "Are you regretting these two meeting now Zane? They're becoming good friends and you know that that means. And why isn't Lorelei trying to stop this?" said Astaroth. "Partner. It's better that these two are friends rather than enemies. And I don't blame Lorelei from stopping this since would you want to piss these two off at the same time?" said Zane. "No." said Astaroth. 

Bridgette looked at Zane with her saying,,"I think the reason why he hides his prosthetics and scars is simple. He's either worried about getting called a freak or having his friends getting judged for being friends with the freak.". "Wow." said Rachel. "What? Is your theory different compared to mine?" said Bridgette. "Nope. It's the exact same. So are we right Zane?" said Rachel. "Um sure I guess. I would lie about that but meh. Not worth lying about." said Zane. 

The Merzollan looked at the Cross Species with her saying."Look Zane. I don't know if I speak for Rae and your friends here but I need to tell you something. A lot of people may not like you due to your appearance or personality but know this. There will always be people who accept you for you regardless of how you act or look. I accept you for being a Terran and you know how much I don't care for Terrans except for you Lorelei.". "Thanks I think." said Lorelei. "You don't like Terrans?" said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah but that's because of what happened when she was staying in Ezlario and well, you know what happened there.". "Ah." said Rachel. "Can I get back on point here? I'm pretty sure you got several hundred beings out there who like you and do you think they care about what you look like? No. They don't. Even if all of them grow old and pass on, I'm sure that they'll keep living on in your Essence of yours." said Bridgette. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Okay. I'll start doing that but it may be confusing when I go back home to Cypress Park. I mean do you think I could come up with a reason for my arm looking well different?" said Zane. "You'll figure it out like you always do. Now come on Zane. Lets go join the others." said Rachel. Zane loves the height difference between him and Rachel since he will often nuzzle the top of her head and hang his arms over her shoulders from behind.

The pair have this cute little couple comfort thing where they’ll rest foreheads together. It always calms Zane down, allowing him at least a moment to relax and think, thankful to have someone close as he does so. Zane followed the three females with him smiling. "Oh. There is something I need to tell you about before we get there." said Bridgette. "And would that be exactly?" said Zane. "You know about the Jaegers?" said Bridgette. "I do. You're a member. What does that mean?" said Zane.   
Meanwhile back at Osezarix 35, it was being destroyed by the Molten Empire. Rivart along his army of Slimes destroyed the prison in order to make amends for them letting both Sitara and Zane go. Many prisoners and guards were killed with them getting interrogated for information. One such interrogation took place in the warden's office. The interrogator was Molvai who had a dagger along the warden's neck. These daggers are famous due to them being Molvai's signature weapon. 

They are known as Severance Kris looks to be made out of some kind of wood from first glance but it's made out of an ancient metal. It's a black titanium blade with a gold handle and the handle glows red when in use. The warden of Osezarix 35 is a tall and thin looking male. He has bright yellow skin, five red eyes, a bald head, and three little antennas coming out of his head. He's wearing a gray suit, black pants, red tie, brown belt, and gray shoes. 

During the riot, the warden was getting pleasured by a group of green skinned androids. These androids were destroyed by Molvai upon the interrogation beginning. "While I may allow you to run the prison you do in order to obtain warriors for the Molten Empire, you letting three important prisoners escape won't please me." said Molvai. "Three?! I thought you were looking of two of them!" said the warden with Molvai glaring at him. 

He was kicked into the pile of the destroyed androids and Rivart walked in. "Oh wow. You really went to town on this place didn't you?" said Rivart. "It's because he refused to talk. Why are you here Vordlarin?" said Molvai with her glaring at him. "To inform about two things. We may have an idea where those idiots are going thanks to a certain vulpine alien telling me. They're going after Parker who went missing after I blew up his lab." said Rivart. 

Molvai nodded as she said,"And what's the other thing Vordlarin?". "Your daddy is here and wishes to see you. I would bring the Warden." said Rivart. The warden's eyes widen upon hearing this since he thought Basalt was dead. "I see. Have your slimes cleanse the entire prison. Make it well known to the Vromilyrra Dynasty what the Molten Empire is all about." said Molvai. "You got it." said Rivart. The female turned toward the scared warden and began dragging him out of the office much to his terror.

In the ISC (Imperial Spacecrusier) Rebellion's command deck, Basalt stood there with his hands behind his back. He looked down to see the familiar Gammas searching the entire Vromilyrra Dynasty for traces of the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Lunacy was there as well since Rivart asked her to keep an eye on the Maferno while Grimace and him get to have fun. "Why did I have to watch over him? He's perfectly capable of watching himself." muttered Lunacy. 

Basalt looked at her with him shrugging. "Scan the area for Zane. I won't allow him and his motley crew escape." said Basalt. "Yes sir." said the Gammas. A few minutes later, Molvai and the warden arrived with Molvai throwing the man into the room and he was captured by several tendrils coming from Lunacy. "So tell me something good. I heard from Rivart about Zane being here to retrieve his friends and Bridgette. So where are they going?" said Basalt.

The warden looked at him as he said,"With all due respect Lord Basalt, I had no idea.". "That sounds like an excuse to me. They were clearly here for a reason other than just rescuing their friends." said Basalt. "Sir. If I may say something." said Booker, floating over to them. "You may." said Basalt. "From what I examined from the prison's security system, they recently acquired a map of the Amphiaraus Nebula." said Booker. "What do you know that I don't Zane?" said Basalt. 

Molvai looked up with her saying,"He was with my sister and her friends father. Do you think that means something?". "Who cares about that? I just want to get revenge on him for destroying my prison and making me look like a joke!" said the warden. "Which isn't that hard to do." said Lunacy with the warden glaring at her. "Silence!" said Basalt, smacking the warden into the wall. "Ouch. That looked painful didn't it?" said Molvai with a smirk.

The warden stood back up with him saying,"You'll regret doing that since I'm sure that the Enforcement Bureau will be here to send all you to jail where I'll be torturing you all for the rest of time.". "You says that but I'm well prepared for them. The question is are you ready for her?" said Basalt. Despite him being in the same room as the powerful warlord Basalt, the warden was in no way scared. Basalt is called the Molten Decimator by the Omniverse.

He's considered to be one of the most powerful and feared men in the Omniverse who commands a massive army of several different species. The warden looked at Molvai who shrugged. "I doubt my father would use someone of my talents to handle a pest like you. You're nothing more than a spoiled child." said Molvai. "She's correct. I'm already upset that you let my favorite daughter go with her friends. Lunacy, teach him a lesson that he'll never forget." said Basalt.

Lunacy bowed to Basalt with her saying,"Finally. I've been itching to try a new technique after seeing Zero do this earlier.". Lunacy began growing in size, rivaling Grimace and the warden gulped in fear.  She stretched out both of her arms with them gaining spikes on them and slammed them into the warden. The warden coughed up blood upon contact with the wall. "Look at you. You claim to be a powerful being but you're nothing more than a weakling with a mouth." said Lunacy.  

Molvai looked at her father with her saying,"While I'm not happy about you calling the traitor your favorite daughter, don't we need to keep him alive to get more soldiers?". "After we get what I want from Zane, I doubt we need him anymore. Make sure to bathe the area in blood." said Basalt with him leaving the command deck. Molvai looked away as Lunacy made good on her promise to Basalt and it wasn't pretty. 

In the ISC (Imperial Spacecrusier) Rebellion's throne room which was different from the command deck, Basalt sat there and had just finished watching the information about what he has missed in the past four years. While watching this, he couldn't stop thinking about his single defeat at the hands of Zane who has only grown stronger in the time he spent in the Infinite Void. The thought of his one and only defeat only made the Maferno clench his teeth and fist in anger. 

He was stopped from erupting due to Booker entering the throne. "I've acquired some information about where in the Omniverse Legion Zero is. Your daughter is cleaning up the mess that the warden may in the ship." said Booker. "Are you sure about this? I rather not have my time wasted. You claim to have figured out the device Parker gave Molvai but instead, you're here." said Basalt. "I'm working on right now. Don't worry. We know where Zane is going now." said Booker.

Basalt saw a holographic map appear in front of him as Booker said,"He and his friends are heading to Galnatilia. Parker may be there as well.". "I see. Retrieve the slimes before we go and get me some more competent missions. Have them meet us there." said Basalt. "Yes sir!" said Booker. He floated out of the throne room and Basalt turned toward the  imprisoned Aphral who glared at him. "I can't believe my eyes. The Molten Decimator is alive." said Janet.

The Maferno smiled as he sad,"Like your precious Parker and Zane, I'm far too stubborn to die.". "Your robot will never figure out the device's secret since Parker isn't a killer like you. I may have been against him building such a device" said Janet. Basalt sighed before hitting a button on the right armrest of his throne. This released a shock through the cage and the Aphral just glared at him. "I'm sure that there are beings that are smart like Parker. If Booker fails, I get them to do what I want." said Basalt.     

Janet glared at him as Rivart entered the room. "So we're ready to go but I have a question for you Basalt." said Rivart. "What is it?" said Basalt. "You of all beings lost to a teenager from Earth." said Rivart. This comment pissed Basalt off but instead of burning something, he took a deep breath. "Yes. I lost to him but this time will be different. He and I are similar in some regard." said Basalt. "In what way are you and that Terran related?" said Rivart. 

Basalt clenched his fists as he said,"Both of us have a strong spirit that can make the Omniverse bend to our wills. I use my spirit to make others serve me and Zane uses his spirit to make others feel safe. Polar opposites.". "Seriously? I mean he's just some Terran brat." said Rivart. "If you think like that, you'll easily be defeated by him. He has a power that no other Zero had before. The desire to protect others and having strong bonds with others." said Basalt.

Janet really hate that she was agreeing with Basalt. "It's seen as his ultimate strength but it will be his ultimate weakness." said Basalt, smiling as he began getting ready for a fight. "Whatever. I'm going to get my army ready for whatever you have planned for him. Just inform us when we can start fighting." said Rivart. He left the room with Janet looking at Basalt. "How did you come back from the death?" thought Janet. Lets find out shall we?

Flashback P.O.V.
Inside of the Infinite Void, a spaceship known as the Verminus was flying through it. It's a dark red, futuristic looking car. It has a sleek sports car like design with a noticeable engine sticking out of the front of the ship. It has two yellow headlights and a large, curved wind designs running along the side and coming off the back of the vehicle. It has three large, red glowing wheels. The car has a long, shaded windshield that opens to reveal the interior. 

The interior has a wide front seat and identical looking backseat. The front seat has a orange steel wheel with two handles. It can fit several beings inside of it. The interior is a dark red color.  This car naturally floats in the air. Said ship was looking for something in an area that was similar to an asteroid belt that consisted of many different objects. This section is a blue color with most of the object covered in a noticeable layer of purple-red frost. 

If there is one thing known about the Infinite Void, it's a diverse looking place since no two sections are the same. Its driver Crulgrum was annoyed. "So are you about him being around here Molvai? I mean I don't trust that slimey freak and I hate being in here especially in this part of the void." said Crulgrum with him loudly sighing. "I don't trust them either Crulgrum but I do know my father. He's incredibly stubborn and refuses to die. Keep looking or else, you won't be getting paid." said Molvai's voice.

Her voice came from the dashboard. Crulgrum sighed as he activated his ship's radar and was checking for life signs that matched the Maferno. His eyes widened due to him actually picking something up. He quickly drove through the debris until he found what his radar was picking up. It was a giant block of ice and floated among a large cluster of metal that came from a ship. "Holy crap. You're actually alive Basalt." said Crulgrum. 

Inside of the block of ice, the conqueror Basalt was actually alive instead of being dead. He was missing his right arm down from his elbow, the upper half of both legs were blown off completely, his chest was badly burned, and had a nasty scar over his left eye. His body was covered by a black, tattered cape that he stole from someone mostly likely. "Oh wow. You survive in a area whose survival area is practically in the tens." said Crulgrum. 

Crulgrum pressed a button on his dashboard and the ship produced a large industrial claw. It hooked onto the giant block of ice. The block of ice was slowly dragged closer to the ship and the bottom of the ship opened up. "Thank gods that this area of the Infinite Void has oxygen." thought Crulgrum as he looked over Basalt's body as it entered the ship. "So did you find him?" said Molvai. "Yeah. I'm shocked since well, Zero did a number on him." said Crulgrum. 

Molvai sighed as she said,"Just get him back here. We need to get him recovered, begin our plan, and you will get paid.". "You got it boss." said Crulgrum. The ship launched through the dimension at a high speed and headed out of the dimension toward a location unknown. In due time, Crulgrum and the barely conscious Basalt had arrived at the ISC Rebellion. As the small ship landed inside of the ship's hanger, Crulgrum looked at the slimes running around the ship and he scoffed. 

Crulgrum thought,"Man. These freaks are multiplying.". He spotted a large floating table coming toward him and presumed that this table was for Basalt which he placed on it. Upon the ice cube hitting the table, it began floating away and Crulgrum followed it. He eventually arrived in a lab where he saw the group of Booker, Molvai, and Rivart waiting for him. "So are you going to pay me or what? I have places to be such as not here with them." said Crulgrum, pointing to Rivart. 

Molvai ignored him as she said,"Place him in the tank and you'll get paid.". "You heard the mistress bounty hunter! Get moving!" said Booker. Crulgrum muttered out the word bitch with Rivart snickering at this. "He's right. Booker. You do it." said Molvai much to the robot's shock. He carried the frozen Maferno into a test tub. It slowly filled up with a red and orange colored liquid. This liquid looked similar to lava and like lava, it was eventually melting away the ice. 

The liquid was allowing the almost cadaver to float. "He kinda looks like an olive inside of a jar." said Crulgrum. "Okay then." said Rivart, looking at the bounty hunter with a confusion look. "It's a food from Terra according to the brat." said Crulgrum. Molvai moved toward a table where several items were laid down. These items consisted of the gold medallion and the sword that he had in the present alongside a third item. The third item is a silver three-dimensional hexagon.

It has a orange/red/yellow lava line like pattern going across it. Emblazoned on one side, there is a red outlined volcano. "It was worth taking time collecting these items from those Vromilyrra Dynasty champions. They were strong sure but compared to me, they were nothing." said Molvai with her moving the table toward the test tub and pressed a button on the side of it. The test tub released a beam of light with it scanning all of the items and making them disappear. 

The group heard an automated voice say,"Devices scanned. Technology shall be integrated into bio-mechanical reconstruction.". "Sure. You'll probably killed them but whatever Molvai. So how is he still alive?" said Rivart. "There is a saying in the Omniverse. The most stubborn beings will not die so easily since they have a desire that needs to be fulfilled." said Molvai. "In other words, he's too stubborn to die. Just like the rest of us Jaegers." said Crulgrum. "Bingo!" said Booker.

Several bluish orange metal cylinders appeared in the tank and pierced Basalt's body with Basalt's body slowly regrowing. Suddenly, Basalt's eyes opened slowly. His body slowly began to rebuild itself thanks to the liquid around it and the robots. The liquid was eventually gone as Basalt began to move again and broke out of the test tub like chamber. "I'm back." said Basalt. "Welcome back master. It's good to see you in one piece." said Booker. 

Basalt ignored the robot's brownnosing like normal with him saying,"So you brought me back daughter and my fellow jaeger. Thank you.". "You saying thanks? I'm shocked Basalt. So when am I getting paid? You know that I won't be helping you." said Crulgrum. "Give him his money Booker. So do you want to know our next objective father?" said Molvai.  "Yes. I already know the plan and it will get me revenge on those one who put me in the Infinite Void! Zane Alvarez! You will pay!" said Basalt.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back in the med bay, Zane was back on the surgery gurney with him saying,"We really got stop meeting like this Velda.". He looked at Velda who sighed. The two were alone. "If you stopped getting yourself injured, we wouldn't be meeting like this. Look at the bottom of your watch." said Velda as Zane looked at his left arm. Even though his injured arms were covered by the gauntlet, the watch was still above the gauntlet. He saw a small gold microchip under it. "So what's the little thing going to do?" said Zane.  

Velda looked at him as she said,"It should help my Preservation Band by deflect the energy fluctuations back into the watch itself. Think of it like a mirror. It will also allow you to use its functions that were turned off by the Self-Destruct feature.". "Okay. While I'm very thankful for being able to go into a form, why did you do this? I mean I did hurt you earlier." said Zane. "Don't feel bad about it. I had it coming for a long time now." said Velda.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"You shouldn't think like that Velda because...". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped toward Velda and catching her. The ship began shaking due to something hitting it. "Thanks for that I think." said Velda. "You're welcome." said Zane. The two rushed toward the cock pit where the others were waiting for them. "So what's going on here?" said Zane. "We made it to Galnatilia Zane or should I say Jaeger." said Vlad.

Danny sighed as he said,"I really don't think he likes being reminded of that. And what are you talking about? Nothing is there.". The Homo Supremus was correct since there was no planet in front of them but there was large chucks of meteorite and spaceships. "Yeah. Can anyone with night vision see if any thing is there?" said Lorelei. "Good idea. Zane! Use those peepers of yours to see the planet." said Arya with Zane looking at her.

Velda looked at the darkness with her saying,"Parker told me that this planet is the perfect place to hide from others and tends to come here during the summer.". "So this place is his summer getaway? Kinda weird if you ask me." said Turseek. "Anyway, he build a device that absorbs all of the Impulse around the planet and the device would project a layer of darkness around the planet. You may think that this darkness would be more than enough to keep people away but Parker really hated people." said Velda.

Zane nodded as he said,"That's Parker for you.". "He made several asteroids that could be used as a natural barricade for anyone who got close into the planet due to them being unable see thanks to the darkness around the planet. If they managed to get through the asteroids, a ship would have to get past its invisible barrier. This barrier prevents anyone except for Parker from entering the planet by either a ship or portal." said Velda.

Ralad turned on the ship's headlights with Veto looking at her. "I heard about how much of a hermit Parker can be but I don't think he would go this far." said Veto. "You really should have expected him to go above and beyond since he's an Eazairvian. Can you or Ralad drive though it Vlad?" said Sitara. "I don't think either of us can and don't lie Vlad." said Ralad. "I wasn't!" said Vlad. Altair rolled his eyes as Vlad said,"I may be awesome but even I have my limits.". 

Gwen looked at the group with her saying,"So how are we supposed to get there?". "Isn't the answer obvious Gwen? We have it right here." said Velda. "Use my nipple lights?" said Kitt. "No. And do you actually have because if you're do, that's gross." said Malik. "I disagree. That's totally something I would have in my robo butler if I ever decide to build one." said Arya. "You two are both weird." said Lorelei. "No. It's Zane and his watch." said Velda. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Cool. I get out into space again.". "I'm jealous of you right now but I can wait until the day I can go into space." said Allen. "Agree." said Danny. "You two could always go out there with me. Be my personal bodyguards." said Zane. 'We're good." said the two. A few minutes later, Zane stood there in Omni Mode on top of Armada. "It's a real good thing that Omni Mode allows me to breathe in outer space since several of my forms can breathe out here." said Zane.

He looked around with him saying,"It's really nice out here by the way. So what am I doing out here again Velda? You forced me out here without telling me what I have to do exactly.". "The Z.E.R.O. Watch has a built in homing device in it. The only way for a being ,except for Parker, to enter the planet is by using the Z.E.R.O. Watch or having Parker's permission. You're going to be the one guiding us through the asteroid field." said Velda.

She was talking to him through his helmet as Zane shrugged. "You got it." said Zane as the Armada flew below him. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane saw a large asteroid heading toward the ship. He held out his left hand and it was covered in a dark magenta flame like aura around it. Said asteroid was tossed away with Lorelei said,"So is the reason why you guys let Zero go out there on his own because of his unnatural radar?". "Yep. That was totally my plan." said Velda.

Bridgette looked at her with her saying,"Right. It's a good thing that we have Zane directing the ship and keeping us from being ripped to shreds.". "Great. Even more pressure I have to deal with. Thanks Velda." said Zane. He then heard a beeping from his suit's left gauntlet and it began glowing platinum yet again. "Oh come on. Not another explosion." thought Zane as he held his left arm out. "The planet Galnatilia detected. Automated homing system activated." said an automated voice.

It didn't sound like Athena and Cole but it was female. The watch released a wave of platinum colored energy and Zane saw a map appear in front of his mask. "It's working." said Zane. "I hate to be that girl here but which way should we go? Starboard or port?" said Cinarva. "Question. What are you talking about? We aren't on a boat." said Turseek. "Seriously? It means right or left respectively. You've been on this ship for how long?" said Gwen and Lorelei.

Zane nodded as he said,"We need to go left.". The ship turned left with it evading some asteroid and space debris. "To be fair, we usually don't let Turseek give directions. He would get lost in a maze if left alone." said Kitt. As the ship was flying through the asteroid field, Ralad and Vlad was evading them or Zane was tossing them away out of their way. "At this rate, we're going to be at the planet in no time at all." said Danny. 

After reaching a certain point, the Z.E.R.O. Watch glowed a blinding platinum color and sent out a beam of energy forward. It revealed Galnatilia in all of its glory.  From space, Galnatilia is a dark gray crystal like planet with five purple energy rings around the planet and an intense blue glow. "Oh wow. I like it more than Saspra." thought Zane. "As do I." said Astraroth. "Let me introduce to you all for the first time the summer planet Galnatilia!" said Zane.

Malik smiled as he said,"Well done Zane. How about you come on in already?". As Zane looked over the planet with him making a goal to show this view to the special women in his life, he felt a shock coming from the Z.E.R.O. Watch. This wouldn't bother him normally since most forms of electricity don't do anything to him but this jolt bothered him. "Okay. I'm pretty sure that this shock is due to the SD but this whole thing is strange and I'm friends with a talking bobcat." thought Zane. 

Before he could do anything about this, Crisis Judgement went off just as the Armada's radar went off much to the shock of Vlad. "Um  guys. We got company." said Vlad. As Vlad told the beings inside the ship this, Zane looked up to see a large asteroid heading toward them. "Lets do this. Arcane Emperor Absolute Method: Narcissus Detonate Sword!" thought Zane as he began focusing a large amount of Animus surround him. 

The gathered Animus eventually forms a rather familiar sword with it looking to match Lazarus Soul’s evolved state. Zane threw the giant sword toward the asteroids and the impact of the sword caused several explosions throughout the entire area. Anything that gets caught up in the explosions feel a great amount of power rushing through them. Zane snapped his fingers with a giant explosion signaling the end of the attack. It blew the rock to nothing more than rubble and he smirked. 

Crisis Judgement went off as he began dodging massive drill-like claws slamming into the interior of the Armada and cracked the hall of the ship, causing it to come to a halt. This sent Zane flying into space with him saying,"Son of a......!". Inside of the cockpit, the group inside looked to see the gigantic structure of the ISC Rebellion floating nearby them. "Damn it. It's my sister." said Sitara. "You mean Molvai? And the Molten Empire?!" said Veto.

Several large Betas flew toward the Resolute's hull and began using lasers to cut the ship open. "My baby!" shouted Vlad. "Give me my daughter and the brat right now! If you do, I promise that your death will be swift except for him." said Basalt's voice. "Basalt?!" said Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Sitara. "He's alive?! I thought he died because of Zero four years ago!" said Lorelei. "Like the rest of the Jaegers, he's too stubborn to die. Damn it. People are going to be so pissed." said Bridgette.

Altair placed his hand on Ralad's shoulder with the bug man nodding. "I see. Good plan big guy and way to take charge. Can you hear us Zane?" said Ralad. "I can but I'm currently floating through space right now and it isn't very funny! So who is the jackass attacking us?" said Zane. "We'll tell you who it is later. Does this ship have something to grab him?" said Cinarva. "Yep. I've been working on a mini Armada...." said Vlad. 

Zane sighed as he said,"You know that I could always fly back using Turbo Form or maybe...". "Zane. I need you to stay in Omni Mode just in cause the countdown is increased by you turning into one of your forms." said Velda. "Fine. So is this mini Armada good?" said Zane. "Of course it is and its name isn't the mini Armada. It's called the Valor Bandit. I built it to defend the Armada." said Vlad. "Sweet. Lets go." said Zane with Vlad turning off communications with him.

He turned right toward Cinarva with him saying,"So why didn't you tell Zane about Basalt being alive officer?". "He needs to focus and seeing someone he thought that he had killed may distract him." said Cinarva. "Yeah. That's a great idea. I see nothing wrong with it at all." said Vlad. "Ralad. You keep the cockpit secure at all costs. The group of Altair, Arya, Gwen, Kitt, Lorelei, Rachel, Turseek, Velda, and Vlad. You guys will be keeping Basalt and his minions busy." said Sitara.

Arya nodded as she said,"You got it Sitara.". Ralad smiled as he pressed a button. From the bottom of the ship, a small, gray colored ship with four orange wings with two wings coming from each side. It has four thrusters coming out of the back of it. It launched itself toward Zane with him seeing the ship coming toward him. "Neat." thought Zane as he phased into the ship. Back at the Armada, the top of the ship blew open and the oxygen blasted out with an alarm going off.

Various Gammas ,that belonged to Molvai, and Slimes ,belonging to Rivart, dropped in and began walking through it. The group of Basalt, Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart dropped in shortly after with Basalt leading the trio of Vordlarins in. "Eliminate anyone except for Zane. He's mine understand?" said Basalt. "You got it boss. So do you mind if I eat some of them?" said Grimace. "Didn't you get enough to eat earlier?" said Lunacy, causing Grimace to shrug. 

As this was going on, Sitara led the battle team (except for the duo of Altair and Velda who elected to stay with Ralad) away from the cockpit of the ship down one of the corridors with everyone there getting ready to fight. "Do not let them destroy this ship. Use the environment around you and you will win." said Sitara. "She's totally right. We only have to stop Basalt which is pretty much asking us to fight god." said Turseek. "Are you getting scared?" said Vlad.

Turseek shook his head no as he said,"Nope. I always wanted to try and fight a Jaeger who wasn't my friend.". With Zane, he was currently sitting inside of the cockpit. "Wow. This cockpit reminds me of my car." said Zane as he removed his mask. The cockpit itself is covered gray and green . It has several screens surrounding the seat and faces a steering wheel and dashboard in the front. "So can you do this Zane?" said Astaroth.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"It's like driving a car.". "That doesn't alleviate my worries in the slightest." said Astaroth. "Just have faith in me partner. I got this." said Zane as he put his hands on the steering wheel and placing his feet on a pedal. As this was going on, the Gamma and Slimes were currently walking through the seemingly empty ship. They began investigating every nook and cranny with a group of minions heading through a doorway. 

Unlike before, the minions found something and it was Turseek. He smiled as he grabbed one of the Slimes and used it to beat the other minions to pieces. "This is a lot of fun!" said Turseek. His rampage got the attention of some other minions but they were grabbed by Lorelei's planets. "I now get why I was paired up with the big guy." thought Lorelei as she hid in the rafters above them. A group of them were either blasted by Vlad's weapons and sliced by Kitt himself.     

At the same time with Zane, he was currently flying through outer space. "You know when I had some doubts about you flying this thing, they're gone." said Asteroid with Zane smirking. He pressed a button with Astaroth seeing a drink being served to him. It had glowing red water and had little bears floating in it. "Please tell me you're not.... Wait. What am I even saying?" said Astaroth. He watched as the Cross Species drank it. "Not bad. Needs more vodka." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he looked up to see that he was heading toward a moon sized asteroid in front of him. "Oh no. I'm so scared of this rock." said Zane with him pressing a button. He made some turrets appear and fired out a barrage of lasers. This destroyed the asteroid with Zane saying,"Yep. You make one hell of a ship Vlad.". He flew toward the ISC Rebellion with the ship detecting the smaller ship. 

Several Betas were flying out of the ship and several turrets were aimed at him. "Say hello to my little friend or medium sized friend!" said Zane, smirking. His ship began firing upon the enemy turrets and Betas, destroying most of them. "Best space adventure yet!" shouted Zane as he flew around the ISC Rebellion much to the annoyance of Booker and Molvai who watched the smaller ship do this to them from the inside. 

Back on the Armada, four Gammas patrolled a corridor right before Arya and Rachel snuck by. "So are you sure about this Arya?" said Rachel. The devil was in her costume and she was talking to Arya who smiled. The robots couldn't hear them. "Don't worry. I got this. Just get to the hover simulator. I'll bring them to you." said Arya. "Okay." said Rachel as she made her way toward the hover simulator and waited for Arya who stood there.

She held out her phone with her saying,"I've been itching to try this baby out for a while!". She touched an app and her phone glowed a bright blue color. As this plan was going on, some of the minions were sliced to bits by Gwen's sword. "You're much too slow for me." said Gwen as she vanished away and went to get another group of them before they saw it coming. As this was going on, the seven being team of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto.          

Allen looked at Sitara who was opening a closer. "So what are we doing again?" said Allen as he turned into plasma. "Can you breath in outer space?" said Sitara. "Nope." said Allen. "Catch." said Sitara as she handed him a gray aviator helmet with a dark blue visor covering the wearer's eyes. "Our team will be freeing the Armada from my father's ship." said Sitara as she put on a similar helmet to Allen. "What about them?" said Allen.

Bridgette smiled as she said,"Unlike you, all of us can breathe in outer space either naturally or by our costume/armor.". "Ah. I guess I finally get to go out into outer space. Lucky me." said Allen, putting on the helmet. "I can't believe how calm you two are." said Veto. "They probably have faced worse. If we don't clear the tethers by the time we reached the planet's gravitational pull, all of us will died on re-entry." said Cinarva. The seven nodded as they got ready to go. 

In the cockpit, it was completely empty and the door opened. Basalt walked in with the duo of Grimace and Rivart right behind him. "It seems that we have scared the pilot or pilots away from the ship." said Basalt. "So since no one is here, can I go find something to eat? You let Lunacy leave but not me. I think you're biased." said Grimace. As they were talking, Rivart began sniffing the air and detected some scents.    

Rivart smiled as he said,"Oh wow. There was a lot of people and all different species in here at one point Basalt. I mean I can pick up some Terrans with all three of them being a metahuman, a Homo Supremus, Devil, Feroxian, Frugnoid, Gregralzad, Merzollan, Phantom, Reladroid, a Sihero aka your daughter, Sorcerer, Stausosk, and Throlzak. Zane was here too.". As the villains were talking about who was there, they didn't notice dark purple cockroaches going into a hatch.

Basalt looked at the holographic monitor with his eyes widening at what he saw in front of him. He saw Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto. They were on the outside of the Armada and trying to cut through the cables of the ship. He also saw Rachel alone in the hover simulator. "Rivart. I need you to take a couple of Slimes to handle the ones outside. Grimace, go feed on the devil." said Basalt. The two were gone with Basalt looking at the holographic monitor once again.

The Maferno clenched his fists with him saying,"Where are you Alvarez? I know your type. There is no way you would hide.". Due to him trying to find Zane somewhere in the ship, he didn't noticed a wave of dark purple cockroaches behind him and attached themselves to him. "You won't be hurting him. Got that?" said a voice. Basalt tried to remove the insects from his body but he was blinded by the insects and was punched into the wall by Altair's enlarged fist. 

He stood there as Ralad reformed next to him. "Thanks for the assist friend." said Ralad with Altair nodding. "You two will regret doing that." said Basalt with him getting frozen solid. The two Paradoxes turn toward Velda who was holding a rifle that was covered in frost. "I think you really need to chill out right now." said Velda. "You're right Altair. Her trying to be like Zane is rather strange to see." said Ralad as Altair had his hand on the bug man's shoulder. The ice began to crack.

Outside, Zane was flying his ship past more asteroids and destroyed space ships. "So shouldn't you be worried about the company outside?" said Astaroth. The Betas were trying to shoot him down but their shots kept missing. Zane flew past the Armada with him using his ship's lasers to destroy two Betas which exploded above the ship.  The group that were trying to get rid of the drills looked up with Danny and Vero destroyed the wreckage of said betas using their energy.

Malik looked at the ship with him saying,"Zane! What are you doing?! Get back to the ship!". "You're just jealous and well, I like destroying these robots." said Zane. He fired out some more lasers which destroyed an asteroid and the fragments went backwards, destroying the Betas. Some more Betas appear and were about to blast Zane but they were stopped by an explosion and yellow energy. "You're not alone Zane." said Cinarva. "Yep. We'll cover your back while the others cut." said Bridgette.  

Back inside, Gwen had joined up with Rachel inside of the hover simulator. The two were hiding behind a computer. "So let me see if I got this right. Arya disappeared in a blue light after touching something on her phone." whispered Gwen as the two saw several Gammas entered the room. "If I didn't see it happen, I wouldn't believe it either." whispered Rachel. "Don't worry you two. I got this." said a voice as the Gammas were destroyed by something invisible.

Gwen's eyes widened as she said,"Was that you Arya? You can manipulate time itself?". "Yep. I bet you're so jelly right now but well, I got this little beauty too." said Arya as she reappeared. She was wearing a ten foot tall, heavy duty black battle armor with cyan blue lines and a faceplate was a clear piece of cyan blue glass. It showed off her face. "Like it? Vlad helped me make it and it's like Gadget Form which is easily one of Zane's most badass forms." said Arya, smiling brightly. 

Rachel shook her head as she said,"Yep. You two work perfectly together.". The trio saw a group of Slimes standing there and they were heading toward the girls. Rachel began blasting them with her species' signature energy and manipulate the energy with rings of Ardor that trapped them to the ground by their arms, legs, neck, and waist. Gwen made sure that they stayed there as she casted a gravity spell on them. 

The three girls ran out of there with Arya smiling. "And now for the coup de resistance." said Arya as the hover simulator's door closed shut. The room temperature decreased with the girls looking inside to see the slimes and wrecked Gammas get frozen over. "Lets go check on Ralad's group." said Gwen with Arya and Rachel nodding. The trio ran toward the cockpit and didn't notice a Gamma/Slime hybrid watching them leave with it growling. 

Arya smiled as she said,'That was amazing teamwork you guys!". "Yeah you did good for your first fight as a member of Team Maelstrom." said Rachel. Gwen came to a screeching halt much to the confusion of the other two. "Get ready you two. We got company and not the friends kind." said Gwen as she held her sword. Rachel looked down the corridor with her seeing Grimace hungrily glaring at them with acid like saliva dripping out of his mouth. 

Before any one of them could react, Grimace began sprinted forward on all fours. He then grabbed Rachel and slammed her down to the floor. Before Arya and Gwen could do anything about this, they were pinned to the nearby wall by tendrils coming out of the Vordlarin's body. "You won't escape me since I hunger for devil!" said Grimace with him licking his lips. Arya's right arm grew bigger with her fists having spiked knuckles and tried to punch Grimace.

Grimace simply swatted the attack aside with the spikes piercing his flesh, causing him to scream out in anger. "You damn bitch! I'll make you pay for doing that!" said Grimace with him roaring directly in Arya's face with it sending spit and saliva onto the armor much to her dismay. "I'm really mad that I get stuck eating some tiny portions but well, food is food." said Grimace, licking his jagged teeth much to the girls shock. 

Back in the cockpit, Altair barely avoid Basalt's massive fist with him wrapping part of his body around the fist and looked at his two friends. Ralad send several waves of bugs at Basalt with them biting into the Maferno and began draining him of his Impulse. He then grew to be twice his normal size and he punched Basalt right in the face. "Velda now!" said Ralad as Velda aimed her rifle right at him. It fired another energy beam which Basalt saying,"I'm done with this tomfoolery!".

The Maferno moved Altair's body to block Velda's energy blast and slam Ralad into the ground. Upon hitting the ground, parts of Ralad's body split open and several bugs flew all over the cockpit. "You can't keep me down Basalt." said Ralad as the scattered bugs slow went back into Ralad's body. Before he could go back to normal, Basalt grabbed a piece of the metallic floor onto him and dropped it on Ralad with the bug man grunting out in pain.

Altair and Velda looked at the bugs that were heading toward Ralad's body and they were all slowly dying. "Ralad. No. It's my fault." muttered Velda. "No. It's his." thought Altair as he charged toward Basalt with his arms being bladed. Basalt turned toward him and unleashed a stream of lava at him. The Throlzak's eyes widened as he was slammed into the wall and was unconscious. His body was slowly regenerating as Basalt left the room and went looking for Zane, leaving Velda as the only survivor.    

Back with Zane, he was currently leading the Betas away from the Armada as Basalt's robotic minions fired after him. "So do you two mind covering for me already?! I got an idea!" said Zane as he flew right into a large hole in a asteroid. "What is he doing?" said Cinarva, firing a yellow energy beam at a Beta with it exploding. "Who cares? It's probably going to be amazing regardless." said Bridgette with her throwing some bombs at the Betas, causing some of them to explode upon hitting the machine. 

Inside of the asteroid, Zane looked around the rock's interior of the cave and took notes of something interesting as the Betas ,that weren't destroyed, began firing upon him. "So what's the plan here? We don't exact have a lot of space to work with." said Astaroth. "I know that but it's time to bring theses robots back home!" said Zane with him holding out his arms. "Shape the walls of space stone to send these Betas back home!" said Zane in Liasada. 

The ship glowed molten gold as the walls of the asteroid began shifting behind it and this didn't cause the Betas to crash into them but instead, they were flying out a different way that they came in. These Betas went flying toward the ISC Rebellion, crashing into it much to Molvai's annoyance. Zane's ship flew out of a nearby hole with him smirking. Back on the Armada, Sitara's group had finished getting rid of most of the tethers from the Armada. Only one remained.

Veto activated his armor's radio with him saying,"Zane. I know you probably want to keep on fighting out here but we may need you inside.". "Isn't that because...." whispered Allen with Danny telling him to shut up. "What is he talking about you guys?" said Zane. "It's nothing important. Just park your pod in the cargo bag." said Sitara. "You got it." said Zane as he flew right toward the cargo bay. Inside of the ship, a certain being heard this and smiled with him going to reunite with Zane. 

Back inside of the ship, Rachel looked at Grimace. "I'm guessing that you and your buddies aren't from Golax Prime MX." said Rachel. "And how is Basalt alive? Zane killed him." said Gwen. "Yep. Me and my brothers were born in the Infinite Void due to our boss being the ruler of the Infinite Void. In due time, we eventually found the frozen corpse of Basalt and contact the Molten Empire. Our boss promised freedom from that hell and a chance to rule." said Grimace. 

Arya looked at Gwen and Rachel with the two nodding. "So is your boss partners with Basalt or is he just another servant of his?" said Arya. "They're partners. So tell me why all of you here? Is it due to the partner of Twilight being here?" said Grimace. "You mean Zane right? I truly hate to inform you about this but well, the Z.E.R.O. Watch is about to go boom and I think this entire dimension will go as well." said Gwen. "Liar!" said Grimace. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"Now why would we lie about something like that? I mean if Zane doesn't find Parker, we'll all be dead and you won't get to anything delicious ever again.". "You bitches must be lying! I will make you pay for that!" said Grimace. "That won't happen. Time for you to get a taste of ice and sound combined into one. Sonic Blizzard!" said Gwen in Liasada. Unlike Salem and Zane who are able to speak the language perfectly, Gwen had some struggles.

However, Arya's suit was able to translate the spell perfectly and a giant ball of freezing energy hit Grimace head on. This caused the Grimace to scream out in pain with his entire body getting frozen solid and while in the ice, the Vordlarin was getting assaulted by a barrage of sound. Rachel pushed Grimace off her thanks to a point blank explosion of Ardor. This send him flying down the hall with Arya and Gwen falling to the ground.

Gwen began panting with her saying,"I really speaking Liasada. It drains my Animus dry.". "But that attack was super powerful! It only makes sense right?" said Arya. Rachel didn't get a chance to answer her as they heard someone charging toward them. "You bitches! All of you will die for making me look stupid!" roared Grimace as he was the only one charging toward them. "So do you got an idea to get us out of here?!" said Arya as she was carrying Gwen in her arms.

The devil noticed an escape pod container with a large green button next to it. "In here!" said Rachel with the two girls smiling and ran inside the escape pod. "Hey you guys! We're right here and just ready for the taking." said Gwen, taunting the Vordlarin. "Is he trying to be be like Zane? Because it isn't working." whispered Arya. "Yeah. Danny, Zane, and I corrupted her." said Rachel as Grimace sprinted across on all fours and jumped toward them, ready to devour them all.      

Rachel smirked as she aimed her right hand at him and made a Ardor chain which wrapped around Grimace. She tossed the Vordlarin into the escape pod and Gwen pressed her sword against the green button, closing the hatch door. Upon figuring out what happened, Grimace turned around and slammed his hands upon the door. "You damn bitches! You will pay for this!" roared Grimace. "I'm sorry. We can't hear you but I hope you have a nice trip in out there." said Arya, waving to him.

The escape pod door opened up with Grimace trying to try and prevent himself from being out of the Armada with his thick claws implanting themselves into the metal. "This isn't over! I'll be back for you bitches!" roared Grimace. He was blasted off into space with the air pressure being dragged outside and Rachel sealed the escape pod door shut. "And with that, we should go check on Ralad and his group." said Arya with the two other females nodding.

Back outside, Zane was heading toward the cargo bay with Crisis Judgement going off. Some of the Betas stuck themselves to the Valor Bandit. "Hey! Get off! I don't like uninvited guests!" said Zane. As this was going on, Zane looked up to see Rivart and a couple of slimes heading toward Danny's group with his eyes widening. "You guys! Turn around!" shouted Zane. Veto was punched in the back by Rivart with him smiling. 

Rivart looked at the others with him saying,"I'm mad since I lost a really good minion today! And I won't be getting him back!". He stomped onto the ground with him making a localized earthquake and this caused the group to separate. "I'll handle the big one you guys. The rest of you handle either the drills or his minions." said Sitara as she rushed toward him. Sitara rushed toward her with her sword and Rivart opened his mouth, releasing a powerful torrent of flames.

Sitara began spinning her blade in front of her, creating a small hurricane and this blasted Rivart off into space like his minion earlier. Danny turned toward Zane with him seeing that the Valor Badnit was getting destroyed with him turning to Allen. "If you can make the shot mate, I'll give you the energy you need." said Allen. "I can. Mind helping out you guys?" said Danny as he made the upgraded Spook Howitzer appear in the place of his right arm.

The duo of Bridgette and Veto nodded with Danny smirking. "Good. Time to help you out bro." said Danny as he aimed his weapon at the smaller ship. As this was going on, the trio of Arya, Gwen, and Rachel had arrived in the cockpit. It was dead silent with Gwen saying,"Ralad? Altair? Velda? Is anyone here?". "I found something!" said Arya as she stood in front of where Ralad was buried and there were several dead bugs around there. "Oh gods!" said Rachel.

She looked at her mute friend slumped against the wall, clearly burned and near death. "Basalt attacked us. Where is Velda?" thought Altair as he placed a finger on her. "We didn't see her. What about him big guy?" said Rachel, pointing to Ralad's bugs. Before Altair could tell her anything, the hybrid of Gamma and Vordlarin appeared with him aiming his weapon at them. Before any one of the females or Altair could do anything, all of Ralad's bugs jumped in front of the laser blast.

This caused an explosion and sent the surviving bugs everywhere, killing all of them. The hybrid was destroyed as well as the females screamed,"Ralad!". "He's gone. He sacrificed himself to save us." said Gwen with Arya sniffing. Altair slammed his fist into the ground with him growling in anger. The trio of Kitt, Lorelei, and Vlad entered with them seeing the mess. "Altair!" said Vlad, running over to his friend. "Ralad. You may have been a new member but we'll miss you." said Kitt with Lorelei nodding. 

Zane was flying toward the cargo bay and he closed his eyes as the Betas finally destroyed the miniature ship after Danny's shot blew them up. It had the side effect of destroy Vlad's miniature ship but Zane was pretty sure that he could build another one. The Cross Species crashed onto the floor and tumbled before coming to a stop. The cargo door sealed itself shut shortly after that and Zane slowly stood back up. "Yep. That was too much excitement in one day for me." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went up with Zane looking forward and he growled. "Hello there Zane. I'm so excited to meet you again." said a voice. Zane turned to see Basalt standing there and in his right hand, he was holding an unconsious Velda who was covered in burns. "You bastard. What did you do to her?! And how are you alive?!" growled Zane. "Like you, I can't be killed so easily. You'll pay for sending me to that hell and I will be proudly display your corpse while I rule the Omniverse!" said Basalt.

Basalt reared back his punch with Zane easily phasing through it and freeing Velda using two tendrils that emerged from his back. Before Zane could put Velda somewhere safe, Basalt turned around and threw a punch at Zane who blocked it with his arms. Before the hit could connect with Zane, the Z.E.R.O. watch started to glow platinum. "What the? I didn't transform into anything during my entire dogfight earlier. Is it the feedback pulse?" thought Zane.   

The water eventually emitted a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy and pushed Basalt back. "I guess even when you're about to blow me and the rest of the Omniverse up, you still have my back don't you? Thanks." said Zane with him covering Velda in a protective barrier of tendrils on the floor nearby him. It wasn't the best way to keep Velda safe but it would have to do since Basalt is persistent. "That won't stop me Zane. I hope you're ready to die." said Basalt. "Yeah. That ain't happening." said Zane.

Like a wild west showdown also known as a showdown at high noon or a Mexican standoff, the two stared each other down. At the sounds of an invisible wrestling bell, Basalt charged and putting his left hand into a fist during the run. Without putting any amount of thought into his strike, Zane clenched his right fist with him covering his arm in Vulcan Emperor and was going to strike him with Zenith Smash. 

He stretched his arm back as the Impulse around the arm was getting stronger with each twist. There was a very distinct sound coming from it which both of them ignored.  It wasn't completely ignored due to Velda hearing it and groaned. "What the hell is he doing? I don't think Basalt or Zane would stupid to use that here but. Whatever." thought Velda. The sound sounded like someone was playing bass at full blast and the sound of thunder combined with it being heard throughout the cargo bay. 

As the sound grew in decibels, the ground right below Zane's arm was starting to shatter thanks to the Impulse coming off it. "Alvarez!/Basalt!" shouted the two. Basalt's fist connected with Zane's spinning corkscrew fist.  It didn't create a shockwave or explosion of flames like expected but something else instead. Both of them were in the center of an explosion of black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning which looked impressive. 

This lightning was tearing right through space around it. It made a noticeable divot in the ground around them and pushed Basalt away from Zane. It made the Maferno cough up blood and Zane rushed toward the storage shelves with the tendril covered Velda in his arms like a princess. If she was awake or aware of what was going on right now, she would be blushing due to the close contact between her and her possible crush.

The Maferno glared at Zane as he shouted,"Get back here Alvarez! And what was that lightning earlier?". He was running after Zane. "Nah. I'm good man but well, how about you try and figure it out instead without me giving you the answer? Unworldly Barrier!" said Zane, ignoring the lightning question. It was mainly due to him not hearing it. A pentagon shaped barrier appeared around Basalt with it exploding and send him flying. 

After seeing Basalt get distracted, Zane placed Velda behind a corner and he said,"I'm sorry Velda. I will make him pay for hurting you. No one gets away without my friend.". "You will not escape me from me Zane! I will find you and make you pay for everything that you've done to me in the past four years!" roared Basalt, smashing his fist into the Armada's hull denting it. Zane looked down at the Z.E.R.O. Watch and he felt pain in both of his arms.         

Zane sighed as he deactivated Omni Mode and he looked up. "Look Basalt. I know that you hate me and I hate you after what you did to Sitara, your daughter but I got bad news for you. The Z.E.R.O. Watch is in Self-Destruct mode. Even if you manage to get it from me, you'll just blow up along with whatever your dimension you're in!" said Zane. "I don't care about that dinky trinket. I just want you dead." said Basalt. "At least, he gave up on stealing the watch from you." said Astaroth as Zane sighed.

The group of Malik and Sitara finished off with them breaking the tethers off the ship. The Armada began plunging toward Galnatilia thanks to its planet's gravitational orbit. "Hang on everyone!" said Danny as the Armada plunged sharply toward the planet. Back with Zane, he arrived next to a glowing red button and remember some from the tour earlier. He made Fenrir and Lazarus Soul appear with him saying,"So are you ready to fight?". 

Zane looked like a grim reaper with a sword in each one of his hands. His face looked demonic. His smirk grew as he felt a slight hum come from his swords, almost as if the blades were giving an approval of him as its wielder. Basalt found Zane with the Cross Species glaring at him. "So you gained a new sword. It matters not to me." said Basalt. "You'll regret saying that. Bring it on!" said Zane as he engaged Basalt in combat. 

Basalt unleased a wave of lava/magma with Zane dodging it. "Satanic Siege!" said Zane with him spinning and stabbing Lazarus Soul into the ground in front of him. This created a small earthquake that destroyed the ground below it. He returned Lazarus Soul back to his pocket dimension and covered Fafnir in royal blue Carnal and he tosses said blade toward a target. The sword flew toward Basalt who was slashed in the chest by the sword.

The royal blue Carnal covered Basalt with Zane catching Fafnir. He snapped his fingers, causing an explosion and sent him flying back into the cargo bay door. "Give up Basalt. Since I'm so nice, I'll make a deal with you. I'll give you the watch without a fight but you have to help find Parker and stop it from well exploding." said Zane, looking at the door control. "I don't make deals with my enemy." said Basalt with him grabbing his sword. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I tried being the bigger being here but since you're being stubborn like a fool, I guess it's time for plan B.". He sprouted a tendril from his back and slammed it right into the glowing red button with this triggering a loud red alarm. It opened the bay doors with the air pressure being dragged outside. Zane implanting himself into the ground thanks to several tendrils. "Hope you enjoy the cold, lonely Omniverse Magma Dome!" said Zane with a huge smirk on his face. 

Basalt tried to grab Zane but failed as Zane turned intangible at just the right moment. "Damn you Alvarez!" roared Basalt as he went flying out into the planet's atmosphere. After seeing that, Zane closed the doors and removed the tendrils from the metal. He walked over to where he placed Velda with him saying,"I think this is finally over. Still. Why didn't anyone tell me about Basalt? I think that would be something important to mention.".

Velda groaned as she heard,"Are you okay Velda? Who did this to you?". The Gregralzad opened his eyes to see Zane with him holding a Zenith Potion. "It wasn't Basalt but one of his Vordlarin minions instead. Where is...." said Velda. She tried to stand up but groaned in pain. "Easy there. The Vordlarin that did this to you has probably left the ship by now but left behind some serious wounds that can't be healed completely right now. If only I could use Restore Form but that would only...." said Zane.

The two felt a sudden jolt through the ship as Velda gulped. "I normally hate to point the obvious but that isn't good." said Velda. "I think we need to go back to the cockpit. Hang on tight." said Zane as he and Velda teleported away. On the outside of the Armada, the ship began glowing red with the metal beginning to peel off the structure. The spaceship began to plummet down toward the planet. Inside the cockpit, the group there was trying to figure out said ship's control.     

Vlad began nervously pressing the buttons around him as the others looked on. Kitt was helping Altair up. "So why are you just pressing buttons? Don't you know how to fly this thing?" said Turseek as he had joined up with the group a few moments prior. "I would but the fights from earlier disable the ship's control. That magma spewing bastard and his cronies did something to my baby." said Vlad. The group turned to see Velda and Zane appearing from out of nowhere.

Zane looked at Vlad with him saying,"So what's going on here? I'm pretty sure that crashing into the planet would be a bad thing.". Turseek grabbed Velda with her trying to stay conscious but her injuries were preventing that. "No shit. Vlad is trying his best to keep the Armada from being a scrap pile when we arrive on Galnatilia. Instead of standing there, try and help!" said Kitt. Zane noticed all of the dead bugs in the cockpit and he said,"So what happened to Ralad?". 

Arya looked away as he said,"He died sacrificed himself to save us from one of Basalt's minions.". "Of course it was that magma spewing bastard. I'm sorry that you guys had to see that. No one should see a friend die for them." said Zane, clenching his fist. "There isn't much we can do for him now Zane." said Gwen. "Yeah. So I got to ask. Did you guys know about it being Basalt to attack the Armada earlier?" said Zane. "Are you seriously asking that right now?" said Lorelei.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah I am. I just fought him in the cargo bay earlier and didn't know that he was alive. Why didn't anyone tell me about him?". "Because Cinarva thought you would only focus on taking him down which she was a hundred percent correct about you selfish idiot. Ralad died and I bet that you're only focused on Basalt aren't you?" said Lorelei. "Selfish? Who the hell are you talking about?! I'm the exact opposite of selfish!" said Zane with his eyes having a faint red glow.

Lorelei rolled her eyes as she said,"Whatever Zero.". The two glared at each other with Vlad saying,"I knew that Cinarva's plan would make any more things worse!". The Armada took another lunge toward the planet Galnatilia with everyone crashing to the floor. "You two need to focus! We can land the ship if we work together!" said Rachel. "That's right. Leave it to me. I got an idea!" said Zane. "Okay. I'm starting to agree with you on Zane being selfish." said Vlad.

Zane ignored him as he turned into Prodigy Form. "What do we say about using the watch?!" said Velda with her glaring at him. "I got this under control. Leave this to me!" said Zane as he began to fly the ship toward the planet. The group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto were back inside of the ship and were heading toward the cockpit. Back in the cockpit, Zane was trying to stop the ship's descent and he smirked. "I got it!" said Zane.

The Armada had entered Galnatilia's upper atmosphere and the spaceship plummeted down through the sky directly toward a large rocky canyon below the ship. The ship was now entering a more stable landing descent with the spaceship flying past the large rocky crags around the spaceship. Everyone took a sigh of relief with Zane smirking. "See. I took you I could do this. it's like piloting the Valor Bandit which I crashed earlier." said Zane. 

Vlad glared at Zane with him saying,"You did what?!". "To be fair, Basalt's minions destroyed it no me." said Zane. "Um you guys." said Arya, pointing to a large rocky crag right in front of them. Zane tried to shoot it down but the weapons won't working. It crashed into the structure with the huge rocky pillar collapsed on itself with rocks and debris plunging before the Armada skipped along the ground with it crashing through several alien trees and debris flying off to the side. 

There was a large trench was forming behind the ship and in front of them, there was a large vertical cliff face in front of them. "So could someone please start the breaks?!" said Kitt. "I got it!" said Zane with a smile. Outside of the ship, Astaroth appeared and grabbed onto the ship. The ship stopped with it sending everyone ,except Zane, in the cockpit barreling toward the front of the ship and crashed into the nearby wall. "Ouch. Lets never do that again." said Turseek. "Agree." said Kitt.
As everyone recovered from the crash, the group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Malik, Sitara, and Veto entered the cockpit. "I hate to ask but what happened in here?" said Malik. "We crashed and Zero is being a selfish idiot." said Lorelei with Zane glaring at her. Danny looked around and saw some dead bugs. "That's Ralad right?" said Danny. "He may have been a newer member of the group but he was a part of our family." said Veto with Sitara nodding. 

Gwen looked at Danny with her saying,"He died trying to save us.". "We need to find Parker and fast but first, why the hell are you in one of your forms Zane?" said Cinarva. "I don't know why I am but tell me why you didn't let me know about Basalt being alive?!" said Zane. "Huh. I told you that he was going to find out about him being alive and pissed when he find out that you kept that a secret. He really hates when someone keep secrets from him." said Bridgette.

Cinarva rolled her eyes as she said,"And I was right about him being focused only on getting revenge on Basalt instead of trying to pilot the ship.". "Excuse me?! I kept the Armada from crashing!" said Zane. The two began arguing with each other. Sitara sighed as she looked over the group. "Get Altair and Velda healed up. We leave in thirty minutes and there better not being any fighting you two." said Sitara, glaring at Cinarva and Zane who stopped for now. 

Thirty minutes later, the cargo bay door open. Turseek and Velda had been healed up thanks to Zane using Restore Form much to Cinarva and Velda's annoyance. They didn't want the countdown to accelerate but Sitara knew that they needed Turseek and Velda to be healed fast. The seventeen being group were separated into two categories. They were either flying on hoverboards or through other means.  

Altair, Bridgette, Kitt, Lorelei, Sitara, Turseek, Velda, Vlad, and Zane were on team hoverboards with Zane using the Legion Board. He was banned from using his powers unless absolutely necessary. The team flying using other means were Allen, Arya using her armored suit, Cinarva, Danny using the motorcycle version of the Phantasmal Drive, Gwen was riding on the back of Danny's bike, Malik used his powers, Rachel used her wings, Veto were flying using his armor, and Vlad used his jetpack.     

Velda looked down at her scanner with her saying,"According to my scanner, Parker's Essence should be just past this valley.". "I'm impressed that you didn't use the Z.E.R.O. Watch to track him down or the Impulse sensors." said Vlad. "I rather not accelerate the countdown unlike a selfish idiot." said Velda with Zane rolling his eyes. "How is healing you selfish?" grumbled Zane. "Using one of your powers accelerate the countdown and you should just stop trying to be a hero." said Cinarva.

Zane flipped her off with Danny saying,"Dude. At least try and act mature about this. At least we got a really cool large laser cannon.". "Yeah mate. It's bad ass." said Allen. Most of Team Maelstrom except for Arya whose armor absorbed the cannon, Lorelei, Velda, and Vlad each had a gray large laser cannon that would cover over their arm in combat but out of combat, it would go on their back. This cannon either uses the wearer's Impulse as ammo or red energy ammo.

On the planet surface, it looks similar to Earth in terms of its size but it's more uncivilized. It's a jungle like planet that's filled of vegetation, a tropical climate, enormous lakes scattered across the planet and mountain ranges, and various intelligent non-sapient life forms. The surface of the planet ,not covered by planet, looks to be made out of coal. It has no sign of night or day, making impossible to tell how long you have been on the planet. "So does anyone live here beside Parker?" said Lorelei. 

Velda shook her head as she said,"Not really. Parker hates other beings and well, this planet has no other form of life. Parker may have brought some forms of life but I'm not a hundred percent sure.". Bridgette shook her head as she looked at Rachel. "What's up Rae?" said Bridgette. "It's Zane. He's acting rather strange." said Rachel. The two girls looked at Zane whose hands were glowing platinum once again and he groaned in pain. "How are you doing Zane?" said Arya, flying up next to him.

Like the duo of Bridgette and Rachel, she was worried about him since he was her first friend and she wasn't going to let him die like this. She may have made friends with the rest of Team Maelstrom and the others on the Armada but Zane was special. He was like an older brother to her and seeing him like this wasn't pleasant. Arya saw that Zane's hands went back to normal. "Not great but I'll be fine Arya. I won't blow the Omniverse not again." said Zane, looking focused.

The group was in front of a tall rock pillar in front of them with it building around a circular crater and it had glowing pink water inside of the crater. There was a large mechanical satellite dish at the top of the pillar. "Yep. I can feel Primordial inside of there. Lets get the Z.E.R.O. Watch fixed before Zane makes it blow up." said Cinarva with Zane rolling his eyes. "I like you Zane I really do but the fact that this job is almost over is an extremely good thing." said Vlad with Altair nodding.

Said group went along the path heading into the mountain and entered the cave. Inside of the rocky mountain, the group entered a large cavern. It had a mechanical feel to it but there was a lot of vines and roots covering the cavern. "Oh wow. Parker is awful about keeping his lab clean." said Veto. "Stay alert Veto. We need to be careful for anything hostile." said Kitt. "Hello? Is anyone home?" said Turseek with the group glaring at him. "What? Someone had to ask." said Turseek.

The group began walking with Malik saying,"I really hope you didn't bring us here in order to die by the bomb Velda.". "I have a name you know." said Zane. "The compound must have been overrun. Parker had a fear of others discovering his lab being here so he made this lab look run down on purpose. These vines are probably used to trick anyone who somehow managed to make it here." said Velda. "And I can sense his Primordial inside of this structure. We need to keep moving." said Cinarva.

As the group moved forward down the hallway, several red eyes started peeking outwards from the plants in the walls. Crisis Judgement was going off with Zane sensing that someone was off. "So are you sure about him still being here? I mean he could have made a generator of Primordial to trick energy sensers like you." said Turseek. "I doubt it since Primordial is a unique brand of Impulse and can't be replicated." said Velda with Cinarva nodding.   

Vlad looked at Zane with the Cross Species stopping and glaring at some vines. "Hey man. Is something wrong?" said Vlad. The pile of vines opened up and something jumped out of it. It looked like a reptilian fox. Their bodies are composed of a dark purple stone like substance that's extremely durable. They have orange diamond like spikes protruding from the top of their heads to the tip of their tail. They have red sharp looking eyes. 

There was a group of them with them pouncing on Gwen and Lorelei. Before the girls could do anything about it, an azure blue and emerald green blast destroy the two foxes attacking them. "We got company and it isn't the friendly kind. Please tell me that these aren't Parker's security guards." said Veto with his hands glowing emerald green. "No idea but I doubt that there was two of them." said Danny with the group getting ready for the rock monsters that appeared.

Rachel fired a wave of Ardor, blasting them back. The group of Altair, Arya, Lorelei, and Velda blasted a group of them using their cannons. Gwen and Sitara used their sword to slice up any stone creature that manage to get past their long range fighters. "Stay together everyone!" said Sitara as Malik released a wave of purple fire nether at a group of them, sending them flying back. "Show them no mercy!" said Malik.

Allen fired a barrage of plasma spheres which exploded upon contact. Bridgette and Kitt fired out their bombs and missiles ,respectively, all around the area, making the area dissolve into chaos. Zane aimed his cannon at a fox, blasting it to pieces. Crisis Judgement went off as several fox fired out a barrage of purple Impulse beams. "Almighty Shield!" thought Zane. The group had a translucent gold shield like barrier around them. It blocked the energy beams, absorbing the damage. 

Malik had several foxes pouncing onto him with him blasting them away with an explosion of purple fire Nether. Things may not be looking good for our heroes but they're about to get much worse. After he made the barrier appear, his body began to tense up and generate bright platinum energy. "Damn it all. Not now!" thought Zane as his watch began shocking him and the barrier vanished. He went on his knees with a group of foxes heading toward him. "Move Zane!" shouted four voices.

Zane was pushed out of the way by Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel with the four getting eaten by the foxes. This sight caused him to be scarred and reminded of the Massacre. "Let me out of here you overgrown pebble!" said Allen, kicking and punching the fox. "You guys!' shouted Arya as she tried to free her first friends but was stopped by a group of foxes. "Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! No! It's time to power up!" shouted Zane. 

He looked down at his watch with Cinarva and Velda noticing this. "Zane! Don't do what I think you're going to do!" said Velda as Lorelei removed the foxes from Arya. "You selfish idiot! if you do this, the countdown will accelerate!" yelled Cinarva. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DON'T CARE! I WON'T LOSE ANYONE CLOSE TO ME EVER AGAIN!" roared Zane. He turned into a fusion form of Diamond Prime, Liger Prime, and Swift Prime known as Diamond Liger Swift Prime. 

Zane looked to be twenty feet tall with a slim yet muscular body. His body is a reddish black color fur with molten gold energy crystals protruding from his body. His head is in the shape of a helmet with this helmet being a mixture of a Barbuta, Great Helm, and Greek Corinthian Helmet. He has two molten gold oval shaped eyes. He has a triangle shaped nose. His helmet is a black color with a single white line going from the top of his helmet and continues onto the chin plate and stops at his neck. 

His upper canines grew much longer very much like a saber tooth-tiger. His helmet has a molten gold visor ,which is a Z shape, that can flip down while running, making to get bugs in his eyes and mouth. It wasn’t a problem before but it’s nice to have. It also has a HUD that loads up a map, telling him where to go if needed. It also glows constantly when it's done. He had four sharp extremely dangerous crystal tails with them being octagon shape and the ends of them being a sharp weapon.

These four tails are a different color with one being an emerald color, one being an gold color, one being an ruby color, and one being an sapphire color. His body has a large chest piece with the upper half of it covered black and the lower half colored royal blue. These two colors of his chest plate are divided by a single molten gold five pointed star in the center of his chest piece. It has two hexagonal crimson red markings on each side of his torso below the armpits. 

His arms ,up to his hands, and legs ,up to his feet, are covered by gray segmented armor with his shoulders having sharp ,black, pauldron like extensions with sharp molten gold edges. His right arm is a large steel gray drill like appendage which looks it like belongs to Drill Form. His left hand has three diamond like claws with steel gray bandages wrapped around his hand. He has gray rocket boosters sticking out of his back with flames coming out of it. 

Zane has two burnt orange dragon like wings which helps him stop easier. His body had a dark red aura/streak and the ground below him is covered in lightning. His body had a lot of rage and anger, with it slipping off his body. "Hang on! I'll be there in a flash!" roared Zane with him speeding around the arena. All of the foxes were destroyed by something piercing them at light speed and this including the ground.

His allies were spared from his wrath and the foxes decided to attack Zane due to them deeming Zane to be the bigger threat. "Hurry Zaney!" screamed Rachel. "Yeah mate! It's very uncomfortable in here and they are absorbing our attacks." said Allen with Danny trying to break out of the fox by punching the mouth with his Phantom Smashers. Due to Zane being deemed the bigger threat, the fox began to keep Zane busy and he was unable to do anything.

Gwen looked at Zane who was growling. "Zane. It's fine." said Gwen. "What are you talking about brother?!" said Zane, stabbing some of the foxes currently on top of him but he was still trapped under their combined weight. "You need to let go mate." said Allen. "No way in hell am I abandoning you guys!" said Zane. "They're right. We'll be alright bro. We're tough." said Danny. "You need to find Parker and stop the Omniverse from blowing up." said Rachel. 

Zane's eyes widened as he said,"But..". "Zane. You have sacrificed yourself for us so many times in the past six years." said Gwen. "You've always been there for us for the worst and best of times. I think it's time for us to return the favor mate." said Allen. "If you make it back to Earth, tell my mom that I love her." said Danny. "Zane. I love you." said Rachel. The foxes dragged them into a hole in the ground with him roaring with utter anger,"NO!". 

Altair, Malik, Sitara, and Veto got the foxes off Zane who rushed toward the hole that instantly closed with a metal hatch. Zane looked at the hole which he saw Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel go into and he roared their names in anger. He frantically tried to pull the manhole off but even with his immense strength, it wasn't budging. "Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae!" roared Zane, trying to break the hole open by smashing his fists onto it. It wasn't budging despite all of his strength. 

As this was going on, the remaining foxes left them. "No." said Arya, falling to her knees and began weeping. "This is awful." said Lorelei with her trying to comfort the armored woman. The rest of the group watch on with fear and horror for him. "Zane! They're gone." said Malik. The Phantom was heavily reminded of what happened to Zane in the past. He lost himself to his anger and sadness when he fought against Kilene. 

Zane turned his alternative dimension counterpart with his eyes glowing molten gold and roared out loudly,"SHUT UP!". He socked Malik right in the face, sending him flying into the wall and his nose was broken from the punch. "Malik!" said Kitt with him and Turseek running over to him. "FUCK! I SWORE TO NEVER LET ANYONE IMPORTANT TO ME DIE IN FRONT OF ME! I CAN STILL SAVE THEM DAMN IT!" roared Zane. 

Cinarva ran in and tacked him away from the hole. She pressed her arms down from him as she glared at him. "Grow up Zane! There were too many of them. Sometimes, even a Preserver fails. There is nothing we could have done." said Cinarva. "Shut up bitch!" said Zane, releasing a molten gold solar beam from his mouth and slamming her into the wall. She came crashing down with Zane beginning to punch her into the ground. 

Vlad sighed as he said,"Well at least, he isn't trying to break through the hole. I mean those foxes weren't going to stop until they had one of us.". Altair shook his head and slapped the back of Vlad's head for his comment. "Read the room." thought Altair. Veto looked at Altair and Turseek with the two nodding. The trio dragged Zane off Cinarva with Arya saying,"Oh no. This is just like before.". "What are you talking about kid?" said Vlad.

Lorelei went over to Cirarva whose face looked brutally beaten. "You don't know about the Massacre do you?" said Arya. "I heard about it in passing but well, how bad was it?" said Bridgette. "For about six months, Zane was in the hospital and tried to kill himself over thirty times." said Arya. "Oh shit. You're serious aren't you." said Bridgette. "You really don't get it. They sacrificed themselves to save me. It should have been me gods fucking dam it!" said Zane. 

Zane easily pushed the trio of Altair, Turseek, and Veto off him and walked away from the hole to hopefully calm down. The only emotion Zane could feel now is rage and he need to take his anger out on something. Said object just happened to be a wall. "It should have been me gods damnit it! I promised to protect everyone that I hold dear to me and what did I do instead?! I let all of them die! Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! Ralad! They died instead of me!" said Zane. 

With each word spoken, he punched the wall. Each punch caused the entire cavern to shake and in due time, the wall exploded with Zane calming down. He deactivated the fusion with Zane falling to his knees and stared at the ground. The dust and debris settled down with Zane panting angrily. Tears were filled up in his bright molten gold eyes. He may be a very emotional person but that was due to his powers.

He was feeling exactly like he did after the Massacre since he lost four beings very close to him and a friend. It was too much for him to bear. "Damn it. Allen. Danny. Gwen. Rae. Ralad. It should have been me. Fuck me. I deserve to die." said Zane. Instead of bottling up his emotions like normal, he let his emotions run loose and openly cried with tears running down his face. The group looked right at Zane as the pressure in the room grew as power began coming off Zane in waves as he gripped his fingers. 

Zane roared out,"Gods damn it!". He slammed both of his fists into the ground. This left a massive dent in the floor and shook the entire planet. The force of this attack caused most of the group to fall onto their backs with only a few staying up. The Paradoxes looked at Zane in shock at the massive show of strength that came after an emotional breakdown. The group of Altair, Kitt, Malik who has holding his nose, Sitara, Turseek, Veto, and Vlad lowered their heads in sympathy.

Arya began crying with Lorelei and oddly Velda trying to comfort her. Both of them may have not known the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel for so long but they were so nice to the former hermit in the short time that they have known them. Cinarva had a guilty expression on her face with Bridgette walking over to Zane who was muttering several obscenities to himself in many different languages. She wrapped him in a hug. "It's okay Zane. Just breathe okay?" said Bridgette.

Before she could do anything more, she was pushed by Zane. "Get away from me Bri! I'll just get you killed if you get close to me!" yelled Zane. "No I wont. Zane! You need to take a deep breath!" said Bridgette with her going back to hug her. Instead of pushing her away, Zane wrapped his arms around her and cried into her shoulders. "Wow. He's really emotional right. I mean he's known for being highly emotional but this on another level." said Vlad.

Malik nodded as he said,"I think he's being reminded of his biggest mistake and perhaps another reason.". "Zane. I know that you have a tendency to bottle up your emotions but to become a truly powerful being, you need to let out your emotions in a more natural way. Just cry. I don't think anyone would think any less of you if they saw you bawling your eyes out." said Bridgette. "Indeed. A real warrior knows when to cry." said Turseek. 

The normally serious Sitara joined in on the hug along with Arya. "She's right.  It isn't healthy to hold back when it comes to your emotions." said Sitara. Zane nodded as he began to cry for several minutes and the tears didn't stop for a while. His eyes were very puffy and glowing molten gold. His sadness eventually turned to rage with him looking at Cinarva with him growing in anger. "Thanks. I know whose fault this is really." said Zane as he phased out of the female's arm.

Zane activated Satanic Corruption while wearing the Avenger Mask. He sent out a massive blast of black and royal blue energy toward her, sending her flying back into the wall. Everyone was shocked by this with Zane roaring,"This is all your fault bitch!". He made his Astral Chains appear with the chains grabbing her and began repeatedly slamming her into the ground, shaking the cavern each time. "Oh wow. He's really pissed." said Vlad with his eyes widened. 

Altair nodded as he thought,"Yes. It seems that Zane's emotions increase his strength but at a cost.". "I have to ask what is this cost?" said Veto. "Becoming blind." said Sitara. "Is that what happened to you Sitara?" said Turseek. He was punched into the ground by Malik's purple flame Nether with Velda sighing. "Freaking idiots. All of you" said Velda as Zane dragged the heavily bruised Cinarva out of the hole. "What the hell is wrong with you brat? I didn't do anything!" said Cinarva.

Zane glared at her with him snarling at her. "Do you really want to know?! Fine! If you hadn't helped give parts for this thing to that slimeball, this watch would never been invented! That's right! I know about your connection to him officer! I've gone through so much crap in the past six years and I lost eleven people I care about because of the Omniverse decided to fuck me over time and time again! I can't take it anymore!" roared Zane.

He sprouted his stingers from his wrists with Sitara walking over to them. "You two need to calm down Zane. Mainly you Zane!" said Sitara with her glaring at Zane. "Seriously Sitara?! I didn't do anything to you but this selfish brat is lashing out at others because he can't handle that he makes mistakes! News flash! Everyone makes mistakes" said Cinarva. "I don't make them dam it! I'm not selfish! I'm Legion Zero! Damn it! Satanic Crosscut!" roared Zane.

Zane's arms began growing to be at least five times bigger. He charges toward her with him crossing his arms in an x shaped pattern and upon getting close to the officer, he brings them down on her. This sends Cinarva flying back with the target having a royal blue “X” shaped mark on her chest. Before Zane could continue, Arya stood up and she screamed out,"Zane! Stop fighting!". With Cinarva's face in his left hand with his stinger about to pierce her face, he turned toward Arya breathing heavily. 

Everyone looked at her with her armor being gone and her face being bright red. "You don't get it Arya. This bitch is responsible for...." said Zane with him being slapped by Bridgette and this caused him to drop Cinarva who went away from Zane. "All of us know how good your hearing is so how about you use it already dumbass!" said Velda. "Look. I know that a lot of bad has happened to you. It has happened to all of us including myself." said Arya.

She clenched her fists as she said,"You couldn't have stopped it for happening but do you know what they would have you to do? They would you to keep going rather than letting stewing in the past! You need to stop fighting among your friends and save the Omniverse! Please Zane! Be the man everyone here admires rather than being a piece of shit like Skull Plague!". The group remained quiet as Veto said,"She's right Zane. We need to find Parker before kaboom.".    

Zane glared at Cinarva with him vanishing from sight. He reappeared with him holding Fenrir and the officer's left arm was sliced clean off and erased from existence by royal blue Carnal. Cinarva screamed  as she went onto her knees. "Didn't you hear what she just said at all idiot?!" said Lorelei, Turseek, and Vlad. "I did. I was tempted to end her life but I didn't. Just leave me alone." said Zane with him walking away and leaning against the wall. "Altair. Do you have what I asked you to bring?" said Kitt.

Altair nodded as he opened Vlad's backpack with the bobcat confused. "What are you doing Kitt?" said Sitara. "I asked him to bring back some healing items and one of these items just happen to be reverse crystal aka you gain an arm back Cinarva." said Kitt. "Way to plan ahead." said Veto. "Yeah. So did you expect it to be Zane or one of Parker's traps?" said Malik. "A little bit of A and B. Mainly A." said Kitt as the rock alien pulled out a purple crystal with an hourglass implanted on it.

He placed it on the Feroxian's stump and it returned back to normal. "So since everything is back to be at some level of peace, Velda. Do you happen to know where Parker could be?" said Sitara. "Yes. As Zane was trying and failing to calm from his tantrum, I remembered something from the past. Lets see if it is still here." said Velda. She walked over to a hidden panel in the wall and this opened up a door with it leading into a round tunnel.

It was dark and pitch black. "Looks inviting. Lets go and Zero. It seems that you're like the rumors say about you. You're just a criminal playing hero." said Cinarva, glaring at Zane who promptly flipped her off. "And you're nothing more than a bitch. Get moving or I'll cut off your head." said Zane. She flew on ahead with Altair, Kitt, and Lorelei going after her on their board. Vlad was with them but using his jetpack.

Malik looked right at Arya, Bridgette, and Sitara. "We'll go on ahead. You girls. Bring back the sunshine of the Omniverse." said Malik. "Okay. We will." said Sitara with Malik, Velda, and Veto going down the tunnel. "So are you coming Zane? You're very important to the mission." said Bridgette. "I'll be with you girls in a minute. I just need to be alone." said Zane. The girls looked at him before going into the tunnel and left Zane alone.

He walked over to the hole with him saying,"I'm so damn sorry you guys. I couldn't protect any one of you. Allen and Danny. I'm always going to remember you as the guy who will always be there for me even when I'm doing something stupid. You two are my brothers. Gwen. You're a good friend and I know that you would have made Danny a happy man. Rae.". He took several deep breaths with him undoing both Avenger Mask and Satanic Corruption.

Zane looked at the hole with him saying,"I love you and I'm sorry that I failed to make your dream come true. Being your husband would have been the best thing to ever happen to me I'm sure of it.". He placed both of his palms together with his fingertips evenly aimed right toward the sky. "In the honor of Allen Newman, Danny Malone, Gwen Vasquez, and Rachel Powell. I hope you rest in peace. I promise to avenge you." said Zane, making his Legion Board appear and going down the tunnel.         

As the group flew/hovered through the tunnel, Zane sat there on his board with his headphones on his ears. He didn't have his signature smile or smirk on his face but a frown with Bridgette and Sitara looked toward him. "How are you doing Zane?" said Bridgette. "Like a literally piece of shit. How the fuck do you think I feel?" said Zane, glaring at her. He groaned loudly with him saying,"I'm sorry you guys. Gods. What am I going to say to their parents?".

Zane looked at the women with him saying,"Their parents told me that they trust me with the safety of their children and Rae's mom just reunited with her daughter. God. I'm just a piece of shit.". "I'm sorry Zane but here's something you need to know. All of here have experienced lost including me. You know how I'm the daughter of Basalt right?" said Sitara. "Yeah. Malik told me about it on our way here and asked me for advice on how to talk with you about it." said Zane. 

Sitara smiled as she said,"I see. When I worked for Basalt, I didn't care about anyone other than myself and I saw a lot of "comrades" sacrifice themselves before me. If I cared about them, I would have a lot of survivor's guilt that tears me up inside.". "But didn't a single one tell you that they would give up their life not because of the job but because they care about you?" said Bridgette. "If they did, I didn't listen. I eventually became a mercenary for the Molten Empire." said Sitara.

Malik listened to this as Altair and Vlad were talking about something. "I was loyal to whoever paid me the most, no matter how evil, they were. If they went against me, Basalt would show up and made them pay for their crimes." said Sitara. "So how did you leave him? I mean I met you and the others in the Infinite Void." said Zane. "It was a year after the Omniverse thought that Basalt died. My sister decided to invade a planet which cheered for his defeat." said Sitara.

She clenched her fist with her saying,"When the people didn't bow at her feet, she destroyed the entire planet to make an example out of it. Molvai did the crime but she wouldn't have done it if I didn't provide her the planet's security codes. I got them from a job and well, they still worked. I decided to leave shortly after that and well, Molvai send me to the Infinite Void as punishment.". "Wow. Your sis is a total bitch. No offense." said Bridgette. 

The Sihero shrugged as she said,"It's fine Bridgette. After meeting the rest of the Paradoxes, I decided to do what ever I can to protect the Omniverse from evil like Basalt and the Molten Empire.". "Gods damn it. This is all my fault." said Zane. "Zane." said Bridgette with Sitara stopping her. "I decided to act cool and heroic rather smart. It's my fault for activating the self-destruct and well, I killed five beings just because I wanted to look cool. What kind of hero am I?!" said Zane.

Cinarva rolled her eyes as she muttered,"More like criminal if you ask me.". She was blasted in the back by Velda who glared at her. "Shut up. Zane may be an idiot but at least, he isn't a goodie two shoes like the rest of your species. He is the being who will truly defeat Skull Plague. There is no doubt in my mind ." said Velda. "Zane. Expressing yourself in any way means that you're in no way perfect and that's a good thing." said Sitara.  

She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure that you've been told this countless times by now Zane but it's not at all good to keep your feelings bottled up. They'll just end up exploding like they have done before. In life, you just need to yell and hit something but there are times where you need to sit and talk with someone to let out some of that steam. So how do you feel?" said Sitara. "Better but I...." said Zane. "Easy Zane. Don't go all psycho on us." said Veto.

He was punched for his comment by Altair. "I'm sure that they are in no way dead. Those three seem to be stronger than an average member of their species." thought Altair. "Zane. All beings may have made mistakes since it's bound to happen everyone at one point. If we don't find Parker and reverse your mistake, their sacrifices would have been in vain. We won't let that happen right?" said Arya with her holding her fist. 

Zane smiled brightly with him returning the fist bump. "Hell yeah. Lets find Parker and make him fix the watch or else." said Zane. "You'll go psycho on him like you did with the officer?" said Vlad. "Oh. I get punched but not him." said Veto. "I didn't feel like hitting him." said Turseek. Crisis Judgement went off as Kitt shouted as the quartet of Arya, Bridgette, Sitara, and Zane passed the others,"Stop!". They were too late as they set off an alarm. 

The four were almost engulfed in flames with Zane grabbing the four girls. "Void Absorption!" said Zane as he spouted two arms from his back and they began absorbing the flames. They were perfectly safe with Arya looking at Zane. "Thanks for the save." said Arya. "No problem Arya. I'm a hero after all." said Zane. "So did everyone forget about the booby traps or was it just me?" said Kitt. "I didn't but all of you were focused on the criminal." said Cinarva with the group glaring at her.

Zane lead the group forward with him seeing a futuristic steel door that was sealed off. On each side of the hallway, a series of red dots activated and observed the group. A turquoise camera glanced at Zane from the front door and it narrowed itself. "Zane?! What are you doing here?!" said Parker's voice with his holographic image appeared in front of the door. "Didn't you get my message back on Terra? I thought you would have listened and what is she doing here?!" said Parker.

Velda looked at Parker with her saying,"Nice to see you too. I didn't come here to see you but help out my friend.". "While I'm touched that you considered me to be a friend, I need to focus here. I'm sure that you can tell that the watch is in self-destruct mode..." said Zane. "Of course I noticed that along with your tantrum earlier. You shook the entire planet! Did you not think I wouldn't noticed that? I knew that making that device was going to bring me more trouble." said Parker. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"Anyway, how about you just open the door and let us in? I want this self destruct undone. We'll be out of your hair shortly.". The hologram vanished as several steel doors appeared to block off the lab. "Hey idiot. I really don't think you get it. We came here because of the watch blowing up an entire dimension and how it can't be stopped!" said Lorelei with her and the others getting ready to break their way in. 

Parker sighed as he said,"Of course I understand but you'll have to wait. I have to rescue her from that maniac's clutches. She was captured because of you defeated him with it.". "Okay Parker. I get why you're being more than of an ass than normal but right now, I don't care. We'll save her after you fix the watch. I already lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel because of my fuck up. So look into your heart and do the right thing or well, I'll break in." said Zane with his right hand clenched.

It was silent after Zane's threat. "As you often tell people when you're upset, fuck off and come back later. I have important work to do." said Parker. "And here I thought he changed." said Velda. Zane's right eye twitched in anger with his anger taking over once again. His eyes glowed molten gold with him saying,"Fine. I tried being a nice guy but you've pissed me off Parker and you're going to pay for doing that like that bitch Cinarva!". 

He activated Emperor Mail with him charging toward the door and cocking back his fist. He slammed it against the door, causing a huge feedback of energy and it pushed the group behind him back. "Smart move there criminal." said Cinarva with Zane glaring at her. "Focus on the mission partner." said Astaroth with Zane charging at the door once again. He repeated this pattern for a while with him shouting,"I've come too far and lost too much to give up now!". 

Zane made multiple massive magnetically levitating piece of metals ,matching the color of Emperor Mail, appear from out of nowhere which then form into cannons. Both of Zane's arms are covered by cannons with all of Zane's cannons slowly charge up energy with them all firing an energy beam right in front of him. "Let me in damn it!" roared Zane as he fired a barrage of beams. The door was destroyed with the group entering the laboratory. 

Vlad whistled with him saying,"Okay Zane. If I ever need someone of your strength, make sure to come help me out.". "Indeed. Pissing you off would be a bad idea." said Turseek. "Hint hint." said Veto with Cinarva rolling her eyes. The group looked to see Parker ,in his human form, standing in front of the desk. "You will turn off the self-destruct function right now got it?!" said Zane. "Okay but only if you do something for me Zane." said Parker.

Altair blinked with him touching Malik's shoulder. "Oh. He asks why aren't you being so nice to him after he broke down your door?" said Malik. "I'm used to him doing things like this since he's a very emotional being especially after that." said Parker. "Okay then. What do you want me to do? And what do you mean by that?" said Zane. "Help me save the love of my life from the Molten Empire. I need your assistance Legion Zero." said Parker while on his knees. 

This shocked the group with Zane deactivating Emperor Mail. "I'm not sure that I heard you heard you right. You want us to help you?" said Velda. "I was asking Zane not you. You still haven't figure out how to turn back to normal or do you like being female?" said Parker. Velda looked away with Parker sighing. "I made the Z.E.R.O. Watch for two reasons. It was to make amends with Janet and for the Zero who destined to be the one to kill Skull Plague." said Parker.

He looked up and he said,"And to spite me like it does always, the entire Omniverse ,including the recently revived Basalt, sees it as a weapon. I expected you to use as one too.". "Wow. Way to faith in the kid." said Kitt. "Yeah." said Veto. "Focus you two." said Arya. "I used your device to help those who can't help yourself and stop criminals. I always try my best to do the right thing even thought it may seem selfish at times." said Zane. 

Cinarva looked at him with Zane saying,"I'm sorry for how I acted toward you Cinarva. Even though I still think you're a big bitch, I blamed you for problems that were out of my control. After everything that has happened to me in the past six years, I wouldn't change a thing. Parker. I always believe that every being has some good in them and you should too. Help me stop the countdown and I promise to help you save Janet.".

Parker looked at Zane with the Cross Species holding out his fist. "Okay. Lets do this. We don't have all of the time in the world however. Basalt is here and well, he's angry. I think you're the one responsible for that Zane." said Parker, returning the fist bump by shaking it. "Wait. My father is here Parker?" said Sitara. "Of course he is Sitara. I don't know how he got past the planet's secondary defense. It shuts down any ship that doesn't have the Z.E.R.O. Watch on it but I'll find out." said Parker.

He turned around and turned on the computer with the laboratory being in the satellite dish at the top of the mountain. The screen showing Basalt ,floating above them on a hover platform, heading toward them with an army. This army consisted of the Gakuzod, Phestrons, Slimes, upgraded Upsilons, and Vonrall. The Gakuzod are extremely large creatures with seals/serpentines like bodies. Their body are covered in dark blue armor like scales and some of their scales are colored yellow. 

They have two dragonfly like fins coming out each side of them. These four wings have fan-like appendages inside of them. It has a large mouth filled with unruly teeth and can be used to swallow an entire skyscraper with a single bit. It has small orange eyes. The back of them has a giant bronze scorpion like stinger. The Phestrons looked to be about 6 feet tall. They look to be a humanoid, slightly muscular species with a metallic sheen. 

All of them had a branch like body with it being predominantly a dark green color and red highlights that come in the form of veins. They have four silver arms and four claw like fingers. Their heads are rhombus shaped and similar to a knight's helmet. They have two spherical, glowing red eyes and a craggy insect-like mandible and jaws. The upgraded Upsilons are still humanoid with them looking to be twelve feet tall. Their heads are a gray colored with them in the shape of SS-styled helmet. 

They have a singular red visor shaped eye in the center of its head and a wide glowing blue panel for their mouth. It loses the red crack-lines but gains two thunder bolt like horns on the sides of their heads.. Their bodies are a dark red color with gray plating on their two arms and legs. They still wear black jumpsuits and have silver bodies. Their torso are larger than before with shoulder plates. They have long arms and thin legs with large kneecaps. 

Unlike before, these Upsilons have jet plane like wings coming from their back. The Vonrall are a vaguely humanoid species with a mechanical appearance and looked to be eight feet tall. They looked to be well-muscles with their bodies colored black and silver highlights. Their small, skull shaped heads have jagged, metal curled horns on either side and have gold angry looking eyes. Its eyes are in the shape of diamonds with black outlines. 

Their head are bound to their body by blue diamond shaped chains. It has two large shoulder like appendages with them being in the shape of metal gears. It has two muscular arms and legs. Its forearms are large, cylindrical gold gauntlets with diamond-shaped indents and decorated by jagged gray lines. It has five blocky dark blue fingers with red fingernails. Its legs are large, cylindrical boot like appendages with the tips of its feet are dark blue. 

All of them wield a large, silver axe like hammer with gold blades. This handle of the hammer is a bronze color with the pommel is a gold spike. There were only five Gakuzoid, ten Vonrall, and a whole lot of the other three groups mentioned earlier. The trio of Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart were there as well with them being on another hover platform. "I hope this isn't bad that we came here invited." said Basalt, smiling. 

Rivart smiled as he said,"I know that you can hear me inside of  there Sitara. You and your friends won't be sending me or my boy out into space this time.". "Yeah and those bitches will be devour by me!" said Grimace with him licking his teeth. "Calm down brother. We'll get them I promise you that." said Lunacy. "So at least things couldn't get any more worse right?" said Cinarva. "You never say that." said Arya, shaking her head. 

As if on que, several small silver ball ,with a red/purple stripe, crashed into the group. The top of the ball had a black and red/orange top, with the red/orange forming an "G" shape at the top. If it wasn't obvious enough, it looks like an Osmdroid ,in terms of its body structure, but it was slightly different than the one that destroyed Hargeon. Its name is the Goliath and it has been upgraded. It looks to be about sixty feet tall and towers over everything though. 

It's body is now egg shaped ,which is black with a red/purple stripe that goes across the center of its chest, and has six stubby looking but heavily armored spider limb like appendages for legs. It has a rather broad chest and has a circular orb for a head. In the center of the orb, it had one large red camera lens for its eye. It's shoulders are cup shaped with round silver like spikes protruding from them. It's two red and light orange arms are rather long with powerful and giant metal silver hands with five fingers. 

Under the robot's metal shell, they have dark red wiring which was connected everything together. The army slowly charged toward the mountain with Basalt saying,"This ends now. Get up there and kill them! The Omniverse will be mine!". "Yes sir. You heard your boss boys. Get them!" said Rivart as the robots began firing onto the mountain with the other minions charging toward but their blasts were redirected by an energy barrier. "So as you can see, we're clearly screwed." said Veto.

Turseek looked at Zane with him saying,"Huh. I thought you would your watch or have charged ahead to fight them. I mean if you were, I would have joined you.". "That sounds like a very bad plan but why are you still here Zane? Rushing ahead is your thing." said Lorelei. "I'm  hurt that you guys think that of me but well, you're not wrong. Parker. You have a plan right?" said Zane. "I do. Here's my plan. We need to go in two teams and these two teams will each make their own plan." said Parker.

Sitara nodded as she said,"That's great but how long will that barrier last for? If there is one thing about my father, he's persistent.". "If my calculations are right which they always are, we got an hour before they break it. That's a good amount of time for us to come up with plans for victory." said Parker. "So what are the teams here? I hope that I'm not with her." said Veto, pointing to Cinarva. "You'll see whose on what team. Right now." said Parker as the team lineups were on the screen.

A few minutes later, the two teams have been decided and began formulating a plan with Basalt's army still trying to break into the lab. "So while I'm happy that we didn't get stuck with the officer, do you really think having four vs easily two hundred plus soldiers is such a smart idea?" said Veto. He stood there with the rest of the Paradoxes, Lorelei, and Velda with Vlad sighing. "Don't worry Terran. I mean there are up against the Phestron aka the cannon fodder species." said Vlad.

He smiled as he said,"The only real threat they have is that trio of Vordlarins that seem to be smarter than the slimes we fought earlier plus Basalt.". "Seriously? You do remember that Zane is very close to exploding if those veins of his aren't obvious enough." said Veto. "I thought your devices prevented that happening Velda." said Turseek. "It should have prevented the countdown but due to his tantrums earlier, he's probably accelerated it." said Velda. 

Sitara snapped her fingers with her saying,"Focus all of you. What's most important is figuring our how we'll get onto the ISC Rebellion and rescuing Janet. That's our team mission." said Sitara. "We could probably do using some kind of teleporter right?" said Kitt. "Yes but only if Parker has a teleporter that can be untraceable by the ship's scanner. We used to get assassins who appeared by either teleporting to where Basalt was or made a portal." said Sitara. 

Velda nodded as she said,"He mostly likely does. He was able to make it here from Saspra without anyone finding him for a good period of time.". "We also have to deal with my sister who is probably onboard and waiting for her father. Booker will be there also but meh. He's a not real threat." said Sitara. "I got a plan." said Veto. "You have a plan?" said Vlad. "Yes." said Veto. "Oh wow. I totally feel confident in your plan when you saw that." said Vlad, rolling his eyes. 

The Terran glared at him with him saying,"I got a plan and it may not seem like I do but I do.". "So do you have a plan Malik or Sitara? I'm doubting that Veto has a plan." said Vlad. "Agreed. The last plan he had got us arrested." said Kitt. "That wasn't my fault! The Vromilyrra Dynasty are filled with idiots." said Veto. "So what's your plan Veto?" said Turseek. "You believe me big guy?" said Veto. "Of course I do. Does this plan have me breaking skulls?" said Turseek. 

Veto nodded as he said,"Yes. Of course.". "I'm all for this plan whatever it is." said Turseek. "You can't be serious." said Lorelei. "For him, it makes total sense." thought Altair with Lorelei sighing. "Why is it that most of the time, men are idiots?" said Lorelei. "We'll never know." said Sitara. Velda would have said something but she was a male until just recently. "So we got two people for my plan and none for your guys plan." said Veto. 

The bobcat looked at the other with him saying,"Please tell me that either one of you two have a plan. I kinda don't want to follow his plan.". "I got about ten percent of one." said Malik. "Seriously?! That's nothing compared to Veto's crappy plan." said Vlad. "Well excuse me, you put me on the spot there Vlad." said Malik. "It's barely a concept Malik and with ten percent, we're doomed for failure." said Velda. "Please tell me that you're not going to side with Veto's plan compared to my plan." said Malik. 

Sitara looked at him as she said,"Why do you care about making a plan when we have one?". "See? I got Sitara and Velda on my side. Four vs five. I just need one more person to side with me before we can begin Operation Paradoxes saving the day!" said Veto, looking smug much to the annoyance of Lorelei and Vlad. "I believe in your plan Malik. You may be the newest member of our little group but you've done great for our little group in the time you've been apart of it." thought Altair.

He took Malik this by touching his shoulder as Altair thought,"I'm sure that Ralad would have believed in you if he was still alive.". "Thank you Altair. Look. I know that I may be the new guy here but I believe in us. All of us have lost stuff before. We've lost our homes, our family, and any semblance of a normal life. If there is one thing that I've learned in my time alive, the Omniverse just loves to take more than it gives." said Malik.

Malik looked at the group with him saying,"That isn't happening today. We're going to do something that Zane does every day.". "And what's that exactly?" said Kitt. "Being a superhero and never giving up. He helped all of us in some regard. I won't stand by and let Basalt get the Z.E.R.O. Watch with him ruling over the entire Omniverse." said Malik. "Hold on. I'm pretty sure that your plan has us fighting Basalt along with Zane's group." said Vlad.

Vlad looked at Malik with him saying,"Even though we're supposed to just go and rescue Janet. I mean that team is filled with some really strong beings. and well, fighting against Basalt even with our numbers is practically suicide. Zane's group are probably the only ones strong to even fight him without dying.". "Yes Vlad. My plan is that but also Veto's plan as well. We'll combine our two plans to make a single plan that I promise will work you guys." said Malik.

Sitara looked at Malik with her saying,"Malik. I'm going to support your plan. For a long time, I never had friends but now I do. I'm willing to die alongside them but won't since I got some impressive allies.". "Indeed. I'm willing to die alongside all of you so I support the combined plan of Malik and Veto." said Turseek. "Same. Lets kick some but." said Kitt. "Ever since I got my powers, my life hasn't been the same. I had no control of them and caused some accidents because of them." said Lorelei.

The group looked at her as she said,"I never made any real friends because they only saw me as a monster, something to be dissected, and to use for their selfish gain. If you need me, I'll be there to help you out since I see you guys as my friends even though we've been together for a very short period of time.". "I'm sure that you'll be needing my technical genius to make this plan a reality." said Velda. "I'll shall support you all in whatever way I can. For the Paradoxes." thought Altair.

He stretched out all ten fingers to communicate with the group. The group looked at Vlad with him saying,"I was going to join in on this teamwork bonding crap. Just wanted to wait until Altair finished speaking. I'm not that much of an asshole to interrupt the big guy. We're doing this to avenge Ralad since he died to get us here. I don't want anyone to forget that.". "Of course." said Malik. With that, the group began coming up with their plan.        

As the Paradoxes were coming up with their plan, Parker let the other group (Arya, Bridgette, Cinarva, and Zane) toward a different room. During the walk, Zane's watch kept shocking him and it was getting on his nerves. It was doing this every since he got close to Parker from outer space. "Okay. I got to ask you guys. What are we up against?" said Arya. "We're going to be fighting against Rivart and his army of space sludges." said Cinarva.

She turned to the young woman with her saying,"Space sludges are the racial slur for the Vordlarin but only a couple of Vordlarin mind this word. We also have the Gakuzod, Phestrons, Vonrall, and Basalt's robot army.". "Yeah but we really don't have to worry about the Phestron since they are the cannon fodder species. We can take them out no problem." said Bridgette. "Which I may normally say don't be cocky, you're stronger than most beings Bridgette." said Parker.

Parker nodded as he said,"They may have strength in numbers but kinda weak. They would overwhelm weaker beings but against us, they don't stand a chance.". "I'm sure that none of us have forgotten the massive elephant in the room. Basalt. Who is going to fight him?" said Cinarva. "I will Cinarva." said Zane. "Seriously? But you're....." said Arya, pointing to Zane's face. For a while now, Zane's body has been covered by platinum colored veins.

It was made obvious now due to them covering his face. "I know that but right now, I'm the only one who has ever beaten him. I may have gained the title of Jaeger by defeating him in the past but now, it's time to see if I actually have a right to earn it." said Zane, clenching his fist. "That's the spirit! I'll make sure to keep the weaklings off you so that you and magma dome can have your fight in privacy." said Bridgette. "Correct. We're here." said Parker. 

The four entered a room with Parker closing the door behind him. "Let me guess. You want to keep the nosey ones out." said Cinarva, referring to Turseek, Velda, Veto, and Vlad. "Yes. I may be upset with you breaking Velda out of prison but she seems to be behaving herself. I need to tell you something and it has something to do with your recent behavior for a while now. Your emotions. They've been out of control no?" said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I thought it was because of the watch getting close to blowing up but it's something else. And you wouldn't happen to know about Rivart do you? He seems to know me as Twilight's bonded partner.". "And maybe I'll know why you're shocking me. I wouldn't be surprise to hear that you're alive at this point." thought Zane as the watch shocked him once again. "Your out of control emotions isn't because of the watch. I know." said Parker.

Parker looked at Zane with him saying,"Yes. That was a surprise to me as well but it's a result of your bonding with Twilight. You may have noticed that no one from Team Legion Zero other than Astaroth is here. They are currently fixing Saspra except for Twilight. She is currently on Golax Prime MX, ruling it.". "She is? Why didn't she tell me?" said Zane. "It was so sudden. She didn't have time to tell you. Her mother was poisoned by Rivart. Twilight's mother and Rivart have a history together." said Parker. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"While I'm enjoying this history lesson, we don't exactly have an infinite amount of time here.". "Indeed. Arya. You're smarter than the average being I presume? Do you mind managing the planet's defense system?" said Parker. "Of course I can but I wanted to fight alongside the others. My suit is pretty strong and I should be able to multitask." said Arya. "Well, I'll give you the codes for it." said Parker. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Wow. I really can't believe my eyes. The usually selfish and close minded Parker is sharing.". "What can I say? You have changed me. You may be still the brat who is using my apology gift to Janet so you may play superhero and have trouble accepting failing but you're growing into your very own being. You may be the reincarnation or having the Essence/soul of several powerful beings but you're Zane Alvarez. I hope you don't forget that." said Parker.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"There is no benefit in comparing you to anyone else before you. The heavy burdens you care are nothing since in the end, I respect you.". "Thanks for saying that Parker. I liked hearing that from you." said Zane. "So do you mind telling me about something Parker?" said Cinarva. "What is it? And how important is it? Like you mentioned earlier, we don't have an infinite amount of time here." said Parker. 

Cinarva nodded as she said,"This is very important. Like I told Zane and the others, I broke them out of Osezarix 35 in order to change the Vromilyrra Dynasty but there was another reason. In the year 2001, my brother Rerzam was born. We aren't related by blood since I was adopted by the king and queen of my species Rotok Kuggarn and Gissea Kuggarn respectively. We lost him after our kingdom was attacked by Qlakrik.". "Oh wow. That's awful." said Arya.

Bridgette nodded as Cinarva said,"Thanks you two. We thought that he died all those years ago but then we got word about you Zane. You were similar to us in the royal family and your Impulse was similar to Rerzam. No two beings can have the same Impulse so let me say this. I don't know how you managed to stay alive brother but I'm glad you're alive Rerzam. However like Parker said, you aren't him but Zane Alvarez.". 

She hugged Zane with him blinking and tilted his head. "Huh?!" said Arya and Zane. "I see. That does make a little bit of sense thinking about it." said Bridgette. "Did you know about this Parker?" said Zane, phasing out of his sister's arms. "A bit. When I met you for the first time, I didn't detect any Feroxian DNA in you. Before you ask Zane, I doubt either Kane and Sivarth know about it so don't go blame them. It probably lays dormant inside of you and well, you'll figure it out later." said Parker.

He turned toward Zane with him saying,"Zane. Before we began preparing for our plan, promise me this. You've heard about this before but you are the hope for the Omniverse. You have all of this power given to you by the Omniverse in order to protect. I won't let you die due to your inability to ignore someone in danger.". "But I won't. My power comes the bonds I made along my life to become the Protector of the Omniverse. I'm not a fool who run off to my death due to my pride." said Zane. 

Parker smiled as he said,"You got it. Cinarva. After we finish with our planning, mind giving Zane a quick synopsis of your species's history.". "I will Parker if Zane is willing to learn and won't cut off my arm again." said Cinarva. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that but you were acting like a bitch and well, my emotions were out of whack because of what happened to Twilight. I mean getting the title of ruler over night would make anyone stressed out and I should know." said Zane. 

Cinarva smiled as she said,"It's fine Zane. Just don't do it again.". "Okay. You seem to have the wrong idea about why your emotions went out of control. we need to talk in private. Here. Look at this you three." said Parker. He typed something on the computer behind him and Bridgette nodded. "You got it Parker. Have fun talking with Zane." said Bridgette. "Yep! Whatever it is, you can handle it. I mean you handle being a Feroxian Cross Species pretty well." said Arya. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I think at this point Zane, the only thing I want is this day to be over. Lets get going Parker.". "You got it. Follow me." said Parker as they left the girls alone to come with their plan excluding Zane. They would have including Zane in on the plan but they knew that Zane worked best to the beat of his own drum. "So Parker." said Zane. "What is it Zane? I don't want to tell you why your emotions are out of control mainly because of those two." said Parker. 

The Cross Species looked behind him to see Veto and Vlad's head sticking out from behind a wall with him sighing. "Ignore them Parker. I just told Sitara about them through. Vibration Atmosphere." said Zane with him, snapping his fingers. Much to their disappointment, Veto and Vlad couldn't hear their conversation and they were caught by Sitara who wasn't happy about finding them. "Since we got no one listening or watching us, my watch has been shock me." said Zane. 

Parker looked at Zane as he said,"Interesting. How long has this been going on and are you sure about this? Your body is a natural insulator after all.". "I think I would know why if something was shocking me. It has been doing it since we arrived here. I was above the planet and it shocked me." said Zane with the watch shocking him. "Ah. Do not worry about that. I need to show you something." said Parker, ignoring Zane's issue. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Really? You're just going to blow off the whole shocking issue then? Fine. I guess this issue will go away by whatever it is you want to show me like how the SDM will be solved in due time.". "Correct." said Parker with him smiling. "Why is it that all omnipotent and omnipresent love refusing telling me what I need to know?" said Zane. "Because it's fun to see you struggle obviously. You'll be doing that in time too Zane." said Parker. 

The Cross Species sighed as the two walked to a different part of the lab. "And here are my two latest inventions which will help you." said Parker with him pointing to a wooden desk and a silver capsule in front of him. The wooden desk had a single item of interest on it. It was a small steel gray egg-shaped object with it floating in a glass jar and surrounded by a black sludge-like fluid. This sludge has molten gold line patterns resembling circuitry. 

Zane noticed that the latter item has molten gold patterned lines on it and looked to big enough to fix a human inside of it without any discomfort. "So which you examine first?" said Parker. "I guess I'll go for the egg first." said Zane. Before he could walk toward, the Z.E.R.O. Watch shocked him again and this caused him to hit the ground. "Huh. You really weren't joking earlier." said Parker. "Why would you think I would joking with you about this?" said Zane as he slowly got back up. 

Parker shrugged as he said,"You tend to make jokes most of the time so you wouldn't blame me for thinking that.". "That's fair. So I guess you want me to go to the other one first huh?" said Zane. The faceplate glowed with Parker smiling. "Interesting." said Parker as Zane turned to him. "So could you just tell me what's going on?" said Zane. "Nope. I think you should to figure it yourself. That's how you learned how to master your powers in the first place right?" said Parker. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I guess so and it's the more fun way I guess.". After recovering, Zane stood in front of the capsule. He placed his left hand and the capsule glowed white. "So is this supposed to be happening?" said Zane. "Yep and don't be too mad my dear." said Parker as the front side of the capsule slowly began to vanish away. A light flew right out of the capsule and it slowly began forming a humanoid shape.

The light eventually faded away with a cute female standing there. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. She looked to be about eighteen years old with a fair yet curvy frame, cute face, and vibrant peach colored skin. She has golden blond colored hair with it tied in a high ponytail. Her ponytail is held in place thanks to a silver ,with cyan colored lining, butterfly like hairband.

She has two black eyes with cyan colored pupils. In the exact center of her collarbone, she has the word "M" implanted there and it's similar to Zane's metallic piercing except hers looks to be organic compared to his. She's wearing a primarily white sleeveless dress with it ending at her hips and has a cyan blue ribbon tie. The girl's dress has a black rim wrapped around the hem of the dress with a black stripe on each side of her dress. 

The girl wears tight silver bike shorts under her dress. She wears brown knee high boots with silver soles and heels. She wears a pair of cyan gloves that go to the middle of her forearm and nearly reach her elbows. She wears a silver choker around her neck. Attached to each side of her waist, she has a steel gray yo-yo with a cyan center. Like her, they also bearing the letter "M" written in the center of the yo-yo. She has two large wings made out of mercury protruding from her back. 

She looked around and stared directly at Zane. "Hello Zane. How are you doing today? Are you doing well?" said the girl in a robotic voice. "Um. Hi. It's nice to meet..." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. Without warning, the girl bitch-slapped him hard. The slap was heard throughout the lab. "What is your damage?! I didn't say or do anything to you yet!" said Zane. "You are such a freaking moron!" said the girl.

To Zane, she was sounding more expressive than she did before. "So do you know who she is Parker because I don't....?" said Zane. "You really shouldn't have said that idiot or Rae calls you dummy." said Parker. "Huh?" said Zane. "You over-powered!" said the girl with her grabbing Zane by his arms and piledrived him into the ground. The Cross Species slowly pulled himself out of the ground with him saying,"Ow. I think.". 

Her hits didn't do anything to him since his wounds from the Z.E.R.O. Watch were still very much present on him. Her attack still hurt but not as me. "Pain in the entire Omniverse's ass sixteen year old jerkface!" said the girl. "Um. You're a bit off on my age. As you can clearly see, I'm a man and no longer sixteen." said Zane. "Yet you won't deny being a pain in the ass." said Parker. "I mean it's the truth. You're the exact same." said Zane. 

Parker shrugged since he couldn't argue against that. Suddenly, the strange girl began to burst into tears and began hugging him tight. "You keep getting yourself hurt! Do you think I like seeing that?! That's why I will always be there to protect you no matter what! And now, I'm going to be blown up because of daddy's lab blowing up and that weirdo's bomb! You're too important to leave left alone to his device since you just lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rae all at once!" said the girl with her crying a lot. 

This momen was interuppted by a voice saying,"So what's going on in here?". Zane turned toward the trio of Arya, Malik, and Sitara with the male smirking. "So trouble in paradise? You totally had this coming." said Malik. "I guess I did. So who is she?" said Zane with him trying to calm her down. "You seriously don't know Zane. You aren't an idiot." said Parker. "We've been together since you started being the best hero in the Omniverse." said the girl through her sniffles and she held onto Zane tightly. 

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I'm taking a shot in the dark here when I see this but you're the Z.E.R.O. Watch aren't you?!". The girl nodded her head. "So how are you here and there? I mean the only logical answer is that the watch has gained sentience and have the ability to project itself as a hard-light object." said Arya. "That's correct and well, I'm mad at you." said the girl as she held onto Zane tighter. "And why is that?" said Zane, trying to look into her eyes and ignoring his ribs cracking. 

The Z.E.R.O. Watch screamed at Zane with her saying,"You seriously can't keep playing the fool!". She now had ten arms and began slapping him. "So should we try to break those two apart? I'm sure that her hits aren't doing anything to him but it's hard to watch. Reminds me of that show Devin showed me. Those girls attack that poor boy so many times just because he was in the wrong place wrong time." said Malik. "I think she's going past fifty now." said Sitara. 

Arya nodded as she said,"Yeah but that's a typical romance anime Malik. Common sense is practically thrown out especially when it comes to ecchi slapstick which is always hilarious.". "We really should stop this." said Sitara. "Nah. This is funny and he had this coming for a while now." said Parker. "So what did I do wrong?" said Zane with him rubbing his cheeks after she stopped slapping him and it was after a hundred times. 

The Z.E.R.O. Watch looked at Zane with her saying through clenched teeth and a frown,"I've been with you since you were sixteen years old. I was created by daddy to help you fight against Skull Plague but thanks to you being an idiot, I'm going to explode and my daddy won't repair me because he's being a stubborn idiot!". She glared right at Parker who shrugged. "So why are you blaming me for that when it's Parker's fault for being an idiot?" said Zane. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"Didn't you get mad at Cinarva and blame her for your problems earlier Zane? You're being a hypocrite.". "I think that was due to him just losing four of his close friends and he was holding in his emotions. I'm not defending his actions mind you." said Sitara. "Malik! You need to learn to read the room!" said Arya. "Because I can Zane and it's your fault for attacking that bomb the way that you did!!" screamed the girl with her crying. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Fine. Just calm down. I'm sorry for causing this to happen. We don't exactly have the time to fight among ourselves when Basalt is literally at our doorsteps.". To calm her down, he hugged her. "I can't stay mad at you since I know that staying at you mad for a long period of time is impossible." said the girl through her tears. "That sounds just Celina doesn't it Zane?" said Astaroth with Zane agreeing with him. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"You're an important ally of mine you know and if I knew that you were alive, I would have made sure that you won't be effected by the D.F.P.B. You have every right to be mad at me and Parker by the way.". "I really can't be mad at you or daddy. You two mean so much to me. You're my older brother Zane since dating you would drive any girl crazy. No offense to the girls who like you." said the girl. 

Parker groaned as he said,"While I'm enjoying this sickly sweet scene, Zane needs to look at my other invention or Havoc.". The hard light form of the Z.E.R.O. Watch let go of Zane and walked over to him with puffed up cheeks. "Listen here daddy. I need to make sure that Zane doesn't something this stupid with me ever again since the two of us are connected at the biological level!" said the watch. She was about to hit him like she did with Zane but was stopped by Zane.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"Matrix. I know that you're probably affected by the out of control emotions that Zane is since Twilight just finished having her child but he will need both of you to defeat Basalt.". "Hold on. That egg is something to help me and it's alive isn't it? I can pick up a heartbeat. And Twilight had a kid?! Why am I the last being to hear about this?!" said Zane. "Yes it is and well, daddy was unable to contact you about the birth. By the way, I'm much better than him." said Matrix.

As she said this, her arms crossed. "Both of you are powerful especially when you're working together and you know that." said Parker with the girl scoffing. The entire room shook as they heard Vlad screaming,"Hey. I really hate to be that guy but Basalt is getting closer to break down the barrier! Lets get a move on!". "Fine. Matrix and Zane. Meet the other invention and join us outside. It's time to fight already. Lets see what you all came up with." said Parker. 

He was gone with Malik looking at Zane. "You heard the man. We'll avenge them I promise." said Malik. "We will no doubt." said Zane. The trio of Arya, Malik, and Sitara left Matrix and Zane alone together. "So what is Havoc like? Is he like you or Twilight? I mean he's related to Twilight right?" said Zane. "It's complicated but you'll see but just know that I won't let you die Zane." said Matrix. "You gotcha Matrix." said Zane. 

Zane went over to the glass jar and he looked at it. "So what is the egg for? I mean you blocked me from touching it last time so I'm curious." said Zane. "Just touch it and find out. It's connected to Havoc." said Matrix. "And you won't get jealous and shock me like you did before." said Zane. "I won't." said Matrix. Zane shrugged as he placed his hand on the glass jar. Zane watched as the sludge that covered the egg shaped object jumped out of the jar, landing on the wooden desk like wet paint.

The egg-shaped object followed the sludge out of the jar before going into the sludge and vanishing from view. "Okay then. So is that Havoc? Got to say, I'm not impressed." said Zane. "I'm sorry for not making a good impression on you Zane! Please don't hate me!" said a soft yet childish voice. Zane turned to the sludge with it being a slime like object and a semi-solid substance. Compared to when Zane met Twilight all those years ago, this Vordlarin looks to be smaller than her.

It was like he was looking at a baby Vordlarin. He looks to be three inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. His body is primarily black with molten gold line like patterns all over his body. He has glowing steel gray egg shaped eyes with it looking childlike. His eyes has a smooth white outline that looks like a domino style mask. He has a white mouth and black spiky teeth. "Havoc. I'm sorry about judging you like that since we've never met before. You're a Vordlarin right?" said Zane.

The slime nodded as he said,"Yep! I'm Twilight's son and hopefully your new Vordlarin partner.". "My new partner?" said Zane. "Of course Zane! My mom is busy with stuff back home on Golax Prime MX so she asked me to be bonded with you in her place. I hope you'll accept me because Parker began experimenting on me to make sure that happens." said Havoc. "Um sure. So will the tendrils I produce look like you or your mom?" said Zane. 

Before Zane could get an answer, the ground began shaking. "We don't have time for this. Just bond together already but I'll be his main partner!" said Matrix. "Okay! Lets do this!" said Havoc with Zane nodding. Havoc jumped onto him, covering Zane's entire body before vanishing. "Okay. That was different compared to Twilight but not a bad thing in the slightest." said Zane. "Thanks! Parker made sure that our bonding isn't like other Vordlarins. So are you ready to go?" said Havoc. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. So are you going to be floating around me Matrix? I mean Aurora does the same thing when she wants to. It's rare since she's the shy type.". "Nope. That isn't my thing. Just don't die okay Zane" said Matrix as she vanished and Zane left the room. In the main area of the lab, the two groups prepared for the upcoming battle at Galnatilia. The only one missing was Zane. "So what did you guys come up with? I mean our plan is pretty simple." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva was sitting nearby the crap with her meditating as she said,"Yet effective. We'll be able to keep Parker safe from Basalt's grasp since having Parker working for him will lead to the Omniverse being control by Basalt.". "What about the bomb?" said Lorelei. "Basalt would probably force me to undo the bomb by hurting Janet. Basalt knows this and will do just that if push comes to shove." said Parker with him wondering what Basalt and Molvai was going to use that device for. 

Sitara looked at Parker with her saying,"Parker. I have to ask. How did you escape from my father the first time around?". "I used a teleportation device that can't be tracked. It turns the user and others into a cloud of Impulse and warps them to whatever location that the user decides upon. I guess that you need this for your group's plan." said Parker. "Yes. Do you mind giving this to us?" said Sitara. "Yes. Be careful with it since it's one of a kind." said Parker, handing her a remote. 

The female nodded as she said,"I promise that if it does break, I'll pay you back.". "You do know that device is easily over a million in most dimension's currency right?" said Velda. "I see. I'll keep it from those with sticky hands." said Sitara. Kitt looked at Veto and Vlad with him saying,"Aka you two. So what if Basalt brings the ship down here to provide cover fire for his troops?". "Are you doubting Zane and his group's odds against the soldiers made out of paper?" said Turseek. 

Kitt looked at him said,"No. And what do you mean by that?". He didn't get an answer from Turseek much to his annoyance and confusion. "We'll make sure to dismantle their ship's power source just in case." said Velda. "That was my idea by the way." said Veto. "Don't forget that we may have to deal with your sister Sitara." thought Altair with him touching Sitara's shoulder. "I understand that Altair but we'll handle her. Right Malik?" said Sitara as Malik nodded. 

After that was established, an automated voice said,"The barrier surrounding the lab will last for fifteen minutes.". "Okay. We should probably get moving." said Vlad with him cracking his knuckles. The Paradoxes plus Lorelei and Velda stood together with Arya smiling. "Wow. You guys look like a real superhero team right now. Don't worry about us! We got this handle!" said Arya. "Yes. Stay safe you guys. By the way, these plans are terrible." said Bridgette. 

Before Veto could defend his team's plan, a voice said,"Yeah but these two plans are the result of everyone working together rather than by themselves. We may not win today but at least, we'll die among friends which is a pretty good way to go out if you ask me.". The group turned to see Zane standing there with Parker saying,"So did you meet the other one? And nice mini speech there.". "Yeah thanks. He's sure something and Matrix not liking him is strange." said Zane.

He crossed his arms with him saying,"I just hope they can work together when things get serious. I'm sure they will but I could be wrong.". "So. Do you mind if we meet them?" said Veto. "No time for introduction. Lets go." said Sitara as her group teleported away. "So are you girls ready to fight? I would count Parker but I'm pretty sure he's going to stay back and let us handle this." said Zane. "You know me so well." said Parker. 

Bridgett looked at Arya with her saying,"So Arya. Kitt did bring up a good point earlier. What are you going to do about that?". "Just watch and see." said Arya, pressing an app on her phone. Outside, the Maferno was pissed off since he couldn't get his revenge on Zane or obtain Parker due to the latter's forcefield. "So why can't I kill them yet? I smell those bitches in there!" said Grimace. "Calm down Grimace. I'm sure that our boss has a plan." said Lunacy. 

Rivart looked at him as he said,"Like using the ship above us to blast the forcefield from above. It should work.". The three turned to Basalt who was silent. "So are you going to say anything or what?" said Lunacy. "Hush. My daughter and the robot have been working on it for the past fifty minutes. They'll suffer for making me wait this long." said Basalt as his eyes glowed. Up above, the ISC Rebellion's crew had been trying to blast the forcefield from above but something prevented them. 

In the command deck, Molvai sat there with it clear to everyone that she was pissed. "So tell me why we haven't been to get rid of that barrier yet Booker?" said Molvai. Nearby her, Janet smiled. "Way to go Parker. You always have a plan for everything." thought Janet. The robot with him saying,"We've been trying but something is preventing that.". Whenever any member of the crew tried to fire one of the ship's weapons, they were shocked. 

The ship had been hacked and this hack was done by Arya who did this shortly after gaining the codes for Parker's defense system. She did this while talking to Bridgette and Cinarva. "If the weapons don't work, try something else!" said Molvai. "Right!" said Booker with several of the Gammas facepalming at their boss's stupidity. The ship started to begin its descent but like with its weapon, it was stopped by one of Arya's hacks. 

From the satellite dish, a beam of orange energy came out and went through Parker's barrier. It came in contact with the ISC Rebellion and formed an energy barrier. "So how are you feeling right now Molvai? I'm pretty sure that you and your father are feeling the exact same right now." said Janet. "Son of a....!" screamed Molvai. As Molvai was swearing up a storm, Sitara's group appeared with Veto looking at Sitara. 

Veto groaned out,"Couldn't you pick a more brighter area to teleport into? Like where the ship's power source or where they're keeping Janet for example.". "Yes. We need a light source." said Lorelei. Malik sighed as he made his fists glow purple to prove light. "Happy now you babies?" said Malik. "Yes." said Veto. "The command deck is this way. That's where Janet is and my sister." said Sitara with the group walking. "Can you sense their presence?" said Turseek. 

Sitara shook her head as she said,"Nope. I can hear my sister swearing. Something must happen since well, she's swearing up a storm.". "Yeah. I can too. So does she do this often?" said Kitt. "Nope. Her swearing is rare." said Sitara. "I really hate to stop this important conversation but we may need to split up." said Velda. The group was at a crossroad with Velda saying,"According to what you told me about this ship, the command deck is to the right and the power source is to the left.". 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"So how do we want to do this? I mean I'm pretty sure that your sister is to the right since she's swearing like a sailor.". "Even if my sister is at the command deck, Basalt probably hired someone to guard Janet due to how important she is. Here are the team. Lorelei and Velda. You two are with me. The rest of you. Rescue Janet." said Sitara. "Yes ma'am!" said Vlad with him saluting her with Turseek and Veto following suit.

Altair looked at Kitt and Malik with both of them shrugging. The two groups split up after that. Back in the lab, Arya snickered as Parker looked at Arya's handiwork. "Let me guess. You did that." said Parker with him sounding impressed. "I sure did! That barrier will prevent the ISC Rebellion from getting too close to us and unable to fire their beams. It comes at a cost." said Arya. "Let me guess. We're going to start fighting soon." said Bridgette with Arya nodded. 

The girl sighed as he said,"Yeah. Sorry about that but at least, we won't have to deal with the lasers from above.". "It's fine. We can work around this. Oh and Zane. I'll get to work on replacing the Preservation Band." said Parker. "What do you mean by that? I mean I still have it on if you haven't noticed." said Zane, pointing to his arms. "So if you sported any extra set of arms Zane, will they be covered by the gauntlets?" said Arya. "No idea." said Zane. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"We can test that out later you two. So are you ready to go?". "Yeah. Lets do this girls." said Zane. The four walked out of the lab with Arya activating her armor and Zane looked at Cinarva. "So is now a bad time for a history lesson on the Feroxian? The barrier is still up but...." said Zane. "It's fine. I can give you the quick notes version of them. Terran culture is so amusing." said Cinarva. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Yeah. It really is but well, Terrans aren't especially friendly when it comes to other species. Not even Metahumans are spared even though they're still human. That may never change.". "I see. So what do you want to know about them little bro?" said Cinarva. "What's a Feroxian? I'm well aware of most species of the Omniverse but the Feroxian is new to me. I'm also not a fan of you calling me your brother since well, I don't know you all too well." said Zane.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Maybe once I get to know you better but for now, we're not siblings.". "I understand your concern so I won't call you my sibling until you're ready. Don't want you to slice off my arm again." said Cinarva. Zane looked away embarrassed with Arya and Bridgette giggling. Seeing Zane embarrassed is a rare but amazing sight. "Yeah. I feel bad about that but you know. I'm not saying that I'm not totally at fault here but well, lets get back on point here." said Zane.

He looked at her as he said,You can take revenge on me later.". "I just might. Being a Cross Species is normal in the Omniverse and a Cross Species of two or more species is rare. You being a Cross Species of eight species is extremely rare. The Feroxian are a very powerful race of Omniversal heroes. There were a couple of us who wanted to be conquerors or warlords of dimensions who couldn't fight back but those Feroxians are in a very small amount and usually ostracized." said Cinarva.

She smiled as she said,"The Feroxians are protectors rather than villains. We're like the Alliance except we don't have to deal with all of that red tape.". "Which Zane already ignores." said Arya. "Yeah. Like I said before, he's an anti-hero." said Bridgette. "That does sound nice. So will I be growing gills? Or a spare set of limbs? I'm good for anything. I mean you may look human but the tail makes you stick out like a sore thumb. I mean I could figure a way to make it not stick out." said Zane. 

Zane began mumbling with Bridgette saying,"Stop your rambling for now Zane.". "You'll find out in due time. You just need to awake to that power. So how are you dealing with this? I think a revelation like this will change your life since we're a powerful species. In the top ten species of the Omniverse if you're curious." said Cinarva. "Lucky. We're barely in the top fifty." said Bridgette. "Really? There is a power ranking for all species in the Omniverse." said Arya. 

Bridgette looked at her as she said,"Yeah. It's really interesting. I'll show you it after we make it out of here alive.". "Don't you mean if?" said Cinarva. "Don't jinx us like that!" said Arya. "I know that it's weird for me to say this but focus Arya. I'm more worried about Parker and the rest of our friend's overall safety rather than being a member of another species. After a while, you get used to these big life altering reveals. Lets take them down ladies." said Zane.      

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up to see the barrier ,around the lab but not around the space ship, disappeared and he looked at the girls. "It's time to fight." said Zane with them nodding. The area around them shook as Basalt's organic and robot army appeared. It didn't required hyper vision to see that the Goliaths, Gakuzod, and Vonrall were flying above. "So you decided to come out and face me like a man. Color me impressed." said Basalt as he appeared with the leading Vordlarins. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Thanks Basalt. I can promise you this. You're going down.". "Our rivalry ends now. Kill them!" said Basalt. "You got it sir. Lets move out!" said Rivart, ordering his slimes into battle. The Phestrons and Upsilons began firing lasers at the heroic quartet as the Vordlarian trio of Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart jumped off their platform. Rivart stood there with all of his soldiers running toward Zane's group. Despite the odds looking bad for the very start, Arya smirked. 

A giant metal wall appeared in front of the group and protected them from the onslaught. The lasers reflected off the metal and this destroyed/killed a couple of Phestrons and Upsilons. Despite losing numbers, they didn't stop trying to shoot the wall. "Wow. Those guys are stupid or stubborn. Either answer works." said Bridgette. "Yes. We need to make sure that the Phestrons don't get close since they can eat metal." said Cinarva. 

The hacker looked at Zane who was staring at the watch. "Zane! I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be stupid enough to use the watch since well, I like living!" said Arya. "Of course. Matrix told me at least FIFTY times not to use the watch. You girls got your plan and I got mine. I think I only need to say one thing. Attack!" said Zane with a determined expression and he put his laser cannon over his arm. He leapt over the wall and crashed onto the ground, ready to fight with the girls right behind him.

This fight here and now was known as the War of Galnatilia with this battle being one fight that will change the Omniverse forever. Zane aimed his cannon at some of the Upsilons with his eyes narrowing at the sight of them. "You're going down." said Zane as molten gold energy began to focus in the barrel and he began firing out several molten gold bullets. He made sure to get as many targets as he possibly could. "Arya!" said Zane as he unleashed a barrage of molten gold energy bullets at the robots.

Arya felt above him with her smiling. "Totally stole this from Kitt but oh well." said Arya as the back and shoulders of her suit opened up, revealing missile launchers. She unleashed the missiles onto a group of Phestrons, causing them to fall off into the distance. Zane rushed through the explosion with him grabbing the head of a Phestron and tossing it toward a group of them, knocking them all to the ground. "Strike!" said Zane, firing a giant molten gold bullet. This caused an explosion upon contact. 

While the duo of Arya and Zane worked together, Bridgette kicked a lone Upsilon right into the ground and it shattered in half upon the robot hitting the ground. She held several bombs with her spinning around and unleashed the bombs. It made several explosions go off at once. Nearby her, Cinarva rammed into a large horde of Phestrons and used her impressive combat skills to destroy as many as she could.

The duo of Bridgette and Cinarva found themselves back to back as they blast back their enemies with bombs and yellow Impulse respectively. "Hey Bridgette. Do you mind if I borrow your body for a second?" said Cinarva. "Sure. Just make sure that we take down a lot of them." said Bridgette. Cinarva made a large whips of yellow Impulse and it wrapped around Bridgette's waist. Using the whip, she began spinning Bridgette around the battlefield like a spinning top. 

Bridgette began taking down anything in her way using a combination of bombs, kicks, and punches at the exact same time. After Bridgette stopped, she turned back at Cinarva who was slowly getting surround by the enemy. Cinarva smiled with her unleashing a barrage of yellow energy beams from all sides. These beams pierced the enemies around her, causing several explosions in the process. "That was awesome!" said Bridgette with Cinarva nodding.  

Seeing the explosions from the two ladies, Zane smirked. "Time to switch things up." said Zane as he put his cannon on his back. He made Lazarus Soul appeared and slammed the blade right into the ground. This created a small earthquake, destroying several upsilons with ease. Zane put his soul sword back in his pocket dimension and he held Fafnir with him smiling upon seeing the Goliaths getting close to him.

He covered the blade in Carnal with him unleashed several energy slashes toward them, slicing a couple of them into pieces. He began running toward the closest Vonrall who held its hammer after seeing Zane getting close to him. Zane jumped toward it with him dodging the hammer and stabbing the sword in the head. The Vonrall screamed in pain with its body getting covered in Carnal. It turned into a black platform that floated into the air with silver rockets coming out of the bottom. 

Zane looked toward a group of Upsilons heading toward him and tossed his sword time. "It's feeding time!" yelled Zane with the sword heading toward the group of Upsilons and sliced them into scrap metal. The sword went back to Zane and the Cross Species used the platform to jump back toward the main battlefield. Arya flew toward a group of them with her armor deflected the lasers as she got closer to him. Her right arm turned into a broadsword and she sliced them upon getting close.

She grabbed one of the surviving and used it to hit one of the Goliath, knocking it back and causing its planned laser shot to hit another one. This knocked both of them to the ground with the planet shaking due to their combined weight. Arya turned her sword arm into a gatling gun arm with her unleashed a barrage of cyan blue fire bullets that turned into dogs upon leaving the suit of armor. These dogs grabbed anything close to them in their jaws and exploded.

This caused the area to be engulfed in cyan blue flames. After landing back on the main battlefield, Cinarva and Zane stood back to back with them unleashing massive energy beams toward the enemies around them. "Hey Cinarva. Watch this." said Zane as he made a black Mojo Zenith Sphere. "An energy sphere? That's not all too special but I can sense that it's powerful. So what are you going to do with it Zane?" said Cinarva. "Kick it obviously." said Zane with him giving a massive kick.

Cinarva watched as the energy sphere began bouncing off the Phestron and robots like a game of pinball. The sphere exploded, creating a massive explosion of Mojo. Cinarva jumped toward her with her covering her arm in yellow energy claws. She defeated a group of enemies with a single slash and turned to see a large group of Slimes heading toward them. She took a deep breath with her unleashing a massive stream of yellow energy that send the slimes flying with Zane slashing them with Fafnir. 

Looking around, Havoc said with fear clearly in his voice,"So why do you to continue to fight Zane? I mean the odds are against you! I really don't get it!". "Jeez! Don't you have faith in him Havoc?! He was your mother's partner and the Protector of the Omniverse." said Matrix. "I'm sorry!" said Havoc. "It's fine Matrix. The reason why I keep on fighting is simple Havoc. If I give up now, the Omniverse could be in danger and hurt. So are you guys ready to help me save the Omniverse?" said Zane, smiling.

Matrix nodded as she said,"Hell yeah Zane! You got my support even though you can't use me like normal.". "But we still have your brain." said Astaroth. "And my might! I said that right Zane?" said Havoc. "Yes. Lets do this team." said Zane. "Right!" said the three beings. He ran toward a group of them with him slicing a Upsilion's head clean off with him stomping on the ground. He made a giant pillar of earth appear under him and stood above the battle field.

Astaroth appeared with him unleashing several Worthy Arrows, causing several massive explosions of energy. Back on the ISC Rebellion, Molvai left the command deck to get some air. She went toward the room where the ship's power source was. Upon getting close, she noticed the destroyed Gammas and unconscious Phestrons nearby by the room's entrance. There was holes in the ground and walls with several vines coming out of them. "No. It can't be." thought Molvai, running into the room.

Her eyes widened upon seeing the group of Lorelei, Sitara, and Velda standing there. "You. I knew that it was you but tell me. Why did you bring her into this?!" said Molvai. She charged toward Sitara with her daggers ready to stab her adopted sister. Sitara blocked her sister's attack with her turning to Lorelei and Velda. "You two. Get back." said Sitara with Lorelei shaking her head. "No. I won't let you fight her alone!" said Lorelei.

She was about to make her plants appear but Velda stopped her. "If you try and help her, she may get hurt. Now come on." said Velda. She ran off with Lorelei looked at Molvai and Sitara. Sitara grabbed Molvai's arm and used it to punch herself in the face. After that, she trapped the other daughter of Basalt in earth and she turned toward them. "Disable the power Lorelei. I'll make sure that she stays buried and doesn't come after you." said Sitara.

Lorelei nodded with her running after Velda. Sitara didn't have a chance to relax as Molvai broke out of her prison and kicked Sitara in the stomach, sending her back. Like she had many times before meeting her real family, Sitara dodged the daggers and punched Molvai right in the face. This knocked her to the ground with the two sisters glaring at each other. "On three. One. Two. Three!" said the two with them charging at each other.

As the fight between sisters went on, Malik's group were about to reach the command deck but they were stopped by a familiar face to Team Paradox excluding Malik. It was Wesnos with a group of Phestrons since the Gammas were currently busy trying to break Arya's hack which only got stronger as they tried to break it. "You idiots. Good. I was hoping to get revenge on you for a while now." said Wesnos. "Seriously? You're working with Basalt Bug Rapture?" said Turseek.

Vlad began snickering with him saying,"Bug Rapture! I totally forgot about that horrible yet hilarious nickname of yours!". He began laughing on the floor. "I think it's time to fight instead of laughing Vlad." thought Altair as he helped Vlad up. "Yeah. Lets party!" said Vlad. Malik and Wesnos fought with the group of Phestrons fighting the others. Malik easily phased through Wesnos's energy beam and socked him in the face. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"I may have never met you before now but I met your younger brother Ralad. The prodigal son.". "So? He's dead now since he decided to save some girls. Die!" said Wesnos as he unleashed several waves of bugs at Malik who smiled. Altair tossed the Phestrons toward Kitt and Turseek who either sliced them in two and socked them with his fist. Veto made several emerald green energy beams appear and form them into fists, knocking down any Phestron who got in their way.

As this was going on, Vlad blasted them from above. Malik unleashed a wave of purple fire at the bugs, scorching them alive and socking Wesnos in the face. "Dam you!" yelled Wesnos with Turseek charging at Wesnos. Wesnos turned into bugs, evading his attack but the Phestron behind him wasn't so lucky since he got hurt. "Even if you defeat me here, you still have to deal wit those monsters outside and Molvai in here!" said Wesnos. "Don't doubt my friends." said Turseek. 

He and Malik teamed up against Wesnos with the others fighting the Phestrons. As the War of Galnatilia raged on, huge explosions of energy and rubble covered the battleground with a massive dust cloud raging around the site. It blinded anyone from watching it. Arya and Zane face each other back to back as Crisis Judgement went off. Zane turned to see a Goliath standing there with four Upsilons with all five robots firing their lasers at them. 

Zane made a giant version of Epilogue appear in front of them, blocking the lasers and reflecting it back. Once the attack stopped, the duo looked up to see the four Upsilons each glowing a different color before exploding. The Goliah suddenly had several insect sized holes in them and it felt to the ground with it exploding. These four colors were azure blue, dark purple with black and white blotches, lagoon blue, and scarlet red.

As the debris and rubble cleared, Arya and Zane's eyes widened in shock. "No way. It can't be. Is it reallly...." said Arya, turning to Zane who didn't show any kind of reaction. On a nearby cliff, five figures emerged from the dust. "Sorry that we made you worry about us like that mate." said a British voice. "Yeah but I hope you see how it feels to watch a friend you care about die. Maybe you'll stop doing that but I highly doubt it." said a female voice. 

Zane saw Allen and Gwen stood there with a dark and grim voice saying,"Yeah but to be fair, you guys didn't believe that I survived either. I thought I died but well, I lived to fight another day.". Ralad stood there with the duo. "I'm sorry about hurting you Zane but I promise that it won't happen again." said a female voice that made Zane's eyes starting to tear up. "Yeah bro! Because you can't keep Team Maelstrom down!" said a male voice. 

Danny and Rachel stood there with the five standing there proud and perfectly fine. "Holy freaking crap Zane! They're alive! Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! Ralad!" said a shocked Arya with her eyes tearing up from the sight. Zane's smile grew bigger as he began running toward them with Danny and the others scaling down the cliff. Arya followed behind him as she deactivated her armor. She stood there with Ralad as Zane hugged the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel tightly.

As this was going on, his eyes producing a large amount of tears. "You guys are alive! Thanks the gods for that! I'm so happy!" said Zane with him increasing the strength of his hug. The four looked at each other and at Zane with them smiling. "While I'm happy to see you again mate, mind letting us go?" said Allen. "Yeah. Your hug is rivaling one of Efren's hugs and your crying is surpassing the amount he produces very fast." said Gwen. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"No way! I'm never letting you guys go! I already failed to keep you guys safe and I can't control my emotions right now thanks to Twilight being pregnant and having a kid as well.". "Um okay then. I'll ask what's going on later. So do you mind helping us?" said Danny, turning toward Arya and Ralad with the former shaking her head no and the latter smirked. "I would but I think Rae would hate me for it." said Ralad as the devil's face was bright red. 

Rachel placed a comforting hand on her head as she said,"It's okay Zane. Calm down. We're never going to leave you.". "Yeah. We're a family after all and family never really leaves." said Danny. Zane nodded as he let them go. "So do you want a death hug too Ralad? I don't mind." said Zane, wiping away his tears. "No. I'm good. I already die once." said Ralad. The seven were protected by a metal wall as Bridgette and Cinarva appeared. "Hey there Ralad. You're alive. Good to know." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva looked at the group with her saying,"So how are all of you alive? I mean we saw you die." said Cinarva. "Especially me!" said Arya. "Ralad here saved us from those foxes. He did this by making them spit us out due to them being covered in fleas or cockroaches. Same thing really." said Allen with a shrug. "Yeah. It turns out that his species can regenerate as long as the prime insect inside of him survives." said Gwen. "Yep. I usually don't do that since well, it isn't fun being blown up." said Ralad.

He turned toward Zane with him saying,"I thought you would have know that Zane since you met my brother.". "I did or have?" said Zane. "Yeah. He was in the Extinction Colosseum with the Paradoxes and Rythos. I think he's on the ship above but I could be wrong about that." said Ralad. Zane still looked confused as Cinarva said,"I don't think he knows what you're talking about.". "I see then. He went by the name of Bug Rapture." said Ralad. "That's the guy! His name was hilarious!" said Zane, smiling.

Bridgette shook her head as she said,"Of course you remember someone by a terrible nickname you gave them.". "Actually, he gave himself that name." said Ralad. "You can't be serious." said Arya and Danny. "I am. Lets just say that he's an idiot. So I noticed that you're no longer angry. I could sense that huge among anger coming from you as I was heading toward you guys. When I mentioned it, your friends knew it was you. So how are you doing?" said Ralad. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm no longer angry any more. I got it all out of my system by a whole lot of yelling and crying plus slicing off Cinarva's arm.". "You did what?" said Rachel with her looking at Cinarva who shrugged. "It's a long story." said Cinarva. "The point is Rae, I'm real happy to have you guys back." said Zane. Before they could celebrate, the metal wall broke apart with them hearing,"I can't believe that you couldn't take this down. I mean it's super easy for a guy like myself!". 

The group looked to see a person standing there alongside Grimace, Lunacy, and some slimes. It was a brand new person and it was an armored being stood there. Like most beings who wear armor, the gender is obvious. He looks to be 6 foot 1 with a lean yet muscular frame. He looks to be around in his early 20s. He's wearing a silver ,re-enforced, helmet that covers his entire head. He has a gold full-face five-pointed star mask and a jagged jaw mouthpiece. 

He wears a black bodysuit under a set of silver armor. His armor consists of a silver boots, chest plate with a golden star-shaped orb in the center of it, gauntlets, and shoulder pads. The tip of his gauntlet fingers look to be rather sharp. "So does anyone know who this guy is? He kinda reminds me of Kevin's armor back in the day except somehow more tacky. I never thought that would be possible but here's proof of it." said Danny. 

Zane nodded as he said,"No idea bro but for some strange reason, he reminds me of Malik and myself in terms of his Impulse signature.". "So by that logic, he's an alternate dimension counterpart of yours Zane?" said Bridgette. "Yes. Zane is correct. This is Nemesis. He's the reason why the Paradoxes and Bridgette got arrested. He used Zane's image for evil." said Cinarva with her fists clenched. "Hey! I ain't his counterpart! He's MY counterpart and I'm way better than him!" said Nemesis. 

Grimace slapped him as he said while licking his lips,"Who the hell cares about that armor boy? I get my chance to rip apart these bitches who sent me out into the outer space!". He began charging toward them with Arya looking at Gwen. "Arya. I think the two of us will handle Grimace." said Gwen with her ready to slice the Vordlarin in two. "Dibs on the girl Vordlarin." said Bridgette. The three rushed toward Grimace and Lunacy who smiled upon seeing them. 

The two ran off as the three ran after them. The Slimes were about to go after them but they were stopped by several golems made out of bugs. "Sorry but all of you are mine to play with. Lucky me I guess since I wanted to take you guys down for a while now." said Ralad. He flew right toward them as the golems carried the Slimes away much to their annoyance since they were bugs and shouldn't be able to lift them up. 

Rachel looked at Nemesis as she said,"Cinarva. I know that you want to take down the guy who used Zane's face to hurt your section of the Omniverse but I need to make him pay for using my beloved's face to hurt others.". Cinarva looked at the devil with her seeing the determination in the younger woman's face. "You got this and don't die. I really don't want to see Zane hurt again because he would somehow blame me for it." said Cinarva. 

Danny blinked with him saying,"Again. I really think we need context for what happened in the last couple of hours.". "You won't have a chance because it's time for Nemesis to wreck some....." said Nemesis with him getting blasted by a giant explosion of Ardor. Rachel flew right after him and this action caused Cinarva to shake her head. "Yep. She and him belong together." said Cinarva. She went to go help the duo of Allen and Ralad with the minions. 

The duo of Danny and Zane were the only two that remained as they saw Basalt above them, smirking as his Upsilons were getting ready to blast them. "So do you and your friend have any last words before you die? You may have done well so far but well, your little army will be outnumbered in time. Hand me over the Z.E.R.O. Watch, your corpse, and Parker in any order!" said Basalt. "You're so wrong Basalt. You may have more beings serving you out of fear but you don't get it." said Zane.

Zane slammed both of his fists together, creating a shockwave. "It's time to make your learn your place and power up!!" said Zane. "Yeah. We got important shit to do back home and well, the fight is just get started!" said Danny with the two fist bumping. Gwen casted a spell with her unleashing a massive wall of water at Grimace. This pushed the bloodthirsty Vordlarin back with Gwen saying while slicing the air in front of her using her sword,"Give up because well, I have the power of my friends by my side!". 

Rachel pulled two boulders out of the ground with her Ardor and sent them at Nemesis who blasted them away with gold energy beams. "You don't get it babe. I'm the freaking best and that Zane guy is nothing compared to me!" said Nemesis. Rachel glared at him with her charging toward him and slammed her fist into his face. "Shut up! You don't get it! Zane is the man I love and I promised to become strong enough to stay at his side!" said Rachel. 

She began building up Ardor with her saying,"I won't fail my friends like I did in the past because I'm a member of the Omniverse's strongest team!". She firing two massive blasts of Ardor at him and this sent him into a group of Phestrons with the Phestrons getting erased by the energy. Allen looked at two Vonralls with him smiling. He fired several plasma balls toward them much to their confusion since they floated there and didn't explode whatsoever. 

Allen looked at them as he said,"When I met Zane for the first time, I never expected myself to have friends who are people I would die for. I won't be dying though since well, dying would only hurt my mates. Lets go! Plasmic Shower!". The spheres began spinning toward them and began raining down on them, unleashing a massive amount of energy onto them. It began covered the entire sky with a blinding light. "Hell to the yeah! That's what happens when you mess with Qwark!" said Allen, smirking. 

Ralad began dodging laser fire from the Upsilons with him saying,"I may be a new member of the Paradoxes but I don't care. We're a family and well, I won't let you take that from me!". Arya looked at Grimace who was fighting against Gwen using a sword of his own. "Before I met Zane, I stayed alone in my room and couldn't live in the present. However, I decided to become a being that helps others here and now! That's my vow! My name is Seraphina and it's time to wreck some fools!" said Arya. 

She unleashing several cyan colored bombs at Grimace with Gwen jumping back to avoid the explosion and slashing Grimace who was distracted. Bridgette and Cinarva stood next to each other with Cinarva saying,"Ready to show them the power of a Jaeger and Preserver Bridgette?". "Hell yeah. Lets show them our passion!" said Bridgette with her unleashing several bombs toward a group of Upsilons and Lunacy with it causing several explosions. 

Cinarva flew right through the explosions and grabbed one of the Vonrall with her tossing it toward the ground. She unleashed a giant yellow energy beam at them, causing an explosion upon the being hitting the ground where Lunacy was standing. Basalt watched this with his eyes twitching in anger. "No! That won't be happening! Kill them all!" said Basalt. The soldiers charged toward Danny and Zane with the latter turning into Cetacean Form. "Is that really such a good idea right now bro?" said Danny. 

Matrix looked at Danny with her saying,"I allowed it to happen Danny since he'll need his full power to take down Basalt. While I hate to admit it, the gender swapped Stausosk makes a good invention.". "So did you get a new A.I. from Parker? She doesn't sound like Athena or Cole." said Danny. "Bro. It's somewhat complicated but come on. You know what I'm thinking." said Zane. "Yeah but Gwen hates these." said Danny. "But it would be awesome right?" said Zane. 

Danny shrugged as he said,"Yeah.Okay. Launch me bro.". Zane grabbed Danny and launched him like a cannonball. Danny flew through the air with him smashing into the army using his Phantom Smashers leading the charge. Zane unleashed a wave of ice with it freezing the Phestrons. Danny turned toward them with him saying,"Looks like you boys got served your just desserts!". He unleashed a massive azure blue energy blast, blasting them to pieces. "Wow. That was terrible man." said Zane. 

The Homo Supremus looked at him as he said,"Yours aren't that much better bro.". "Yeah but that's on purpose but lets keep going. Whoever takes the most down has to buy a round of slushies when this is all over." said Zane. "Sure bro but don't think you'll win just because you had a head start on me." said Danny. The two brothers fist bumped as they went back to fighting and winning much to Basalt's growing annoyance.           

While this was going on, the adopted sisters of Molvai and Sitara were fighting. They both knew each other's moves all too well since they've spared against each other several hundred times before today. Movlai tried to stab Sitara with her daggers but these blades were blocked by the sword. "You won't be winning this fight sister." said Sitara. "I think you should know this since you've been around Terrans but don't count the chickens before they hatch." said Molvai. 

The two sisters began hitting each other in the face with Molvai kicking Sitara and Sitara punching Molvai. Their hits send each other back. While the fight between sisters happened, the Paradoxes boys fought against Wesnos and the army of Phestrons. Altair and Vlad were violently killing the Phestrons with Altair using his natural strength to rip them in two and Vlad filled them with holes. Veto fired a emerald green energy blast at a Phestron, sending him to the ground. 

Wesnos was kept busy thanks to Tursek as Malik easily took care of a group of Phestrons using his fists. "Yep. Vlad was right. This species is the literally definition of cannon fodder." thought Malik with a smile. After saying that, the Phantom was caught in a choke hold and began breathing on him. "As Zane says, two words. Breath mints." said Malik with him phasing right of the hold and he smiled. His eyes glowed purple with him blasting the Phestron. 

Instead of it being his signature purple fire Nether, it was purple electricity Nether and this shocked the Phestron right into the wall. He then made a rope of purple fire Nether and wrapped it around a group of Phestrons, burning them with the rope. He tossed them into the air and he said,"Kitt! Veto! Vlad! Shoot them down!". The three nodded as they blasted them to pieces. As this was going on, Altair watched Malik taking a deep breath and he released a giant purple fire tornado toward a group of Phestron. 

This began burning the Phestrons alive, turning into air. The tornado eventually faded with the group seeing Wesnos's head getting slammed into the wall by Turseek. "You lost. I think you should enjoy your brother but you'll be in hell rather than heaven." said Turseek, punching Wesnos's face. This caused him to turn into a pile of bugs with the others joining him. "Nice job man. Way to avenge Ralad even though it was Basalt who killed him." said Veto. "Let him have this." said Kitt. "Okay." said Veto. 

Before they could start relaxing, Vlad noticing a group of Phestrons heading toward him. "Seriously you guys?! How many did they order?!" said Vlad. Altair stood there with him sprouting several tendrils and they pierced all of the Phestrons right in the head, sending them to the ground. "Dude. Why didn't you do that from the start?!" said Veto and Vlad. "Because Turseek wanted to fight them earlier." thought Altair as he placed his tendrils on his friend's shoulders. "Thank you friend." said Turseek. 

Malik shook his head and he smiled. The group was in front of the Command Deck with Booker getting more Phestrons to attack the group alongside some of the Gammas that weren't in the Command Deck at the moment. "So why isn't the door opening again?" said Turseek. "Because they're keeping us out obviously. That's why Sitara and her group went to go take down the alarm system." said Kitt, firing a barrage of missiles at the enemy. "Oh! I get it!" said Turseek. 

Veto looked right at him as he said,"You weren't listen to most of our plan weren't you?". "Yes. I only cared for my part aka punching things." said Turseek, slammed his fist right through a Gamma. "Ah. At least you paid a bit of attention." thought Altair. "Whatever. Hey Phantom. Mind going through the door using your powers? I mean I've seen you phase through objects like this before so this should be nothing to you." said Vlad. "You got it bobcat." said Malik as he went intangible. 

Upon touching the door, he screamed in agony and turned him solid. "Okay. This door was made to prevent nothing from getting in and vise versa." said Malik. Back with Sitara, the two were still fighting. They either clashes fists, kicks, and weapons. In due time, Molvai got the upper hand by disarming Sitara and stabbed both of her daggers in Sitara. However, Sitara regained her strength and turned into smoke. 

She released a massive burst of fire, sending Molvai through the hole that they fight made a little big earlier. Molvai managed to hold on thanks to a piece of debris and hung several thousands of feet above the planet which was in a battle. "Molvai! Hang on!" said Sitara with her holding out her hand to save Molvai. "Sister. I'm begging you here but help us fight Basalt. We both know that he's crazy." said Sitara. 

Molvai looked at her as she said,"Yes he is. I have my doubts about Zero defeated him but he did. My dear sister. I can't work with you but promise me this. Keep your niece away from her grandfather and father.". She eventually cut off her hand and went flying toward the surface much to the shock of her sister. Sitara looked away and she said,"I will but who is the father?". She walked away as the duo of Lorelei and Velda disabled the power source for the command deck with several vines whipping it. 

Sitara joined them with her aimed her sword upwards and fired a massive stream of fire upwards. "Lets go." said Sitara as Lorelei nodded. Under the trio, there was a vine growing and it was working like an elevator. The girls eventually reached the guys with Vlad smiling. "Took you girls long enough. So since you're late, mind if you take care...." said Vlad. He turned around to see Sitara slicing down all of the Phestrons. "Now come on lets go." said Velda. 

The group walked into the Command Deck with them seeing Booker looked at them. Janet looked at them with her presuming that this group was here to save her and Velda is much better than Vuldall in her opinion. "Seriously?! What the hell?!" said Booker. "You've been served by the Paradoxes!" said Veto with him firing an emerald green energy blast at the robot. This sent him flying into the wall with him groaning. "Wow. He's really weak. Has that always been the case?" said Lorelei. 

Sitara nodded as she said,"Yep. So how do we free Janet?". She was talking to Velda since the guys were either taking down the Gammas that didn't ran away upon the group entering or watching the fight down below. "Remember the teleporter? We can use that to teleport back to the lab and have Parker free her." said Velda. "Good plan." said Sitara. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that they want to join in the fight." said Lorelei, looking at the boys. 

After dragging them away from the fight, they were about to teleport but something big just happened back on the surface. Let's find out what shall we. Rivart stood there with him looking right at his minions. "You fools. Help Grimace and Lunacy out. After that, take down the Feroxian and Merzollan. Even if Basalt manages to take down Zero, I see them as a problem. Take them over if you deem them to be a better host. We will create an era for the Vordlarin to rule!" said Rivart. 

The crowd of Slimes cheered with his host looking to see several of their minions getting blasted away by azure blue energy. The remaining minions, Rivart, and Xavier turned to see Danny standing there with his arms crossed. "It's the Homo Supremus. What do you want?" said Rivart. "My brother Legion Zero is getting ready to fight your boss so I decided to handle you for him." said Danny with the two facing off against each other. 

Rivart's eyes widened in shock before grinning darkly and laughing loudly. "Really kid? I get that you must think that you're some tough shit since you share the same species as Primrose but news flash kid. You're nothing compared to Zane aka not worth my time. You may be worth a good warm up though." said Rivart. Instead of getting angry, Danny smiled and punched Rivart right in the face.

This punch sent him back a couple of feet into some minions and revealed Xavier whose nose was bleeding. Rivart reformed over Xavier with him yelling,"Damn it brat! I'll make you pay for hurting me!". "I may not be on the same level as him since Zane keeps on getting stronger for a very simple reason. The bonds he made. I promised to be there at his side until the end of time so taking you out will make that happen so bring it on slimey!" said Danny, cracking his knuckles. "Die!" yelled Rivart.

He held out his left arm with it morphing into a large blade that slammed onto the floor. Knowing that the boss was going to busy, the minions moved back and went to go follow their last order. "It's kinda weird to be on the opposite end of that." thought Danny with him recalling all of the time that Zane made a weapon coming out of his body. Danny rushed toward Rivart with the Vordlarin holding out his left arm and was prepared to slice Danny in two. 

It was blocked by Danny's azure blue energy shield. Pissed about this, Rivart turned his right arm into a spiked warhammer and tried to smack Danny in the head. He was stopped once again thanks to him getting kicked into the ground by his Spectral Busters. With Rivart on the ground, Danny aimed his Spook Howitzer at him and he unleashed a huge blast of azure blue energy on him. Rivart smiled as he aimed his palms at the energy and absorbed it. "Die!" yelled Rivart.

He unleashed a blast of azure blue energy that looked to be twice the size of Danny. He dodged it and it caused an explosion that sent several minions and Basalt's army flying away. Danny and Rivart glared at each other. Part of a Vonrall ,which had been blown up by Bridgette a few seconds ago, crashed nearby the two. This was the signal to start their brawl. Rivart slapped Danny's face, knocking him back and Rivart landed a powerful left hook with the Homo Supremus getting sent flying to the ground. 

Danny quickly recovered and saw a smiling Rivart moving toward them at a slow pace. Scowling at him, Danny made the evolved version of Spook Howitzer appear and unleashed a massive azure blue energy blast at him. Rivart held out his left hand and began absorbing it much to Danny's shock. "I really hate to do this to you kid but whatever. You pissed me off." said Rivart, sending back the attack at twice its strength. 

The Homo Supremus's eyes widen as he was sent flying across the ground. Several of Rivart's tendrils were wrapped around his body and Rivart slammed Danny into the ground, creating a crater. As Danny and Rivart were fighting, Zane ,out of Cetacean Form, kept on blasting or slicing anything that came close to the lab while his friends fought the others around him. He mainly used Fafnir and Lazarus Soul for sword slashes with his cannon arm for blasting. 

Zane thought,"I can't keep doing this forever. Even if we destroy them, they just keep on coming. It's an infestation.". As he was thinking about this, Allen and Bridgette landed nearby him with Allen blasting a group of Phestrons, sending them flying. Bridgette kicked one of the Upsilons in the face, reducing it to a pulp. Shaking the oil off her, the trio looked upwards with them seeing two Vonralls heading toward them. "Okay. I'll take the one on the left. You take the one on the right." said Allen. 

Bridette smiled as she said,"Yeah. Zane. Keep the mobs busy while we handle the mini boss.". "Was that a video game reference? Have you been around Arya for a long period of time?" said Allen. As the two were chatting, Zane looked down at his Z.E.R.O. Watch and it began bleeping. His arms were glowing platinum with the gauntlets around his arms looking ready to burst. "Hey Matrix. I think it's that time you predicted earlier." thought Zane as he placed his swords back in his pocket dimension.

Matrix sighed as she said,"Yeah. I really hate that this is happening by the way! Just wanted to make sure you knew!". "No! There has to be something we can do! Maybe finding a way to release the energy out in a less deadly manner." said Havoc. "Havoc. Matrix. You two may have just met Zane today but trust me when I say this, a explosion like this won't stop him." said Astaroth. "Thanks for the support partner. Okay. Lets do this!" said Zane. 

Zane looked at the two with him saying,"Allen. Bridgette. I promise to keep the mobs busy.". He easily removed the microchip under his watch and threw it onto the ground, breaking it. Upon removing it from the watch, Zane's entire body was in pain and was beginning to glow rapidly with platinum colored energy. Violent bursts of Impulse began to come off. "Yep. This isn't pleasant whatsoever." said Zane with him gritting his teeth and coughing up blood.

He turned toward a stunned Allen and Bridgette. "What are you doing Zane?!" said Bridgette as she could feel Zane generating a large amount of Impulse. "Honestly, I think it's something stupid but I need to weaken Basalt's force by a great deal and this is the best idea I can come up with. Don't worry you guys. I'll be fine. That's a promise!" said Zane, smiling. After saying that, Zane began running toward the exact center of the battlefield.

While he was running toward the air, the energy inside of him kept building up and he stopped once he reached the center. Zane closed his eyes and he took a deep breath. "You may be thinking that I'm doing something suicidal right about not but I won't be dying since I got a lot to live for! I live by a code after all!" thought Zane. He began letting all of the Impulse build up until it had nowhere to go after that. "I fight for my dream damn it!" yelled Zane as the Impulse had nowhere to go. 

He let out a gigantic blast of Impulse and this explosion destroyed the entire battlefield. It rivaled a small nuclear explosion. It blinded any living being and the electrical shockwave caused anything nearby Zane to get sent flying away. All around, both good and evil were caught in the crosshairs of the massive explosion with Basalt, Grimace, Lunacy, Nemesis, and Rivart getting sent into the rocky canyon below. 

As the explosion grew outwards, a massive sphere of Impulse surrounded the area and the sky of the planet glowed a bright yet destructive platinum color. It shook the entire planet as well with the mushroom cloud taking the shape of the letter "Z". The explosion eventually calmed down with a huge explosion of air blasting over the entire planet and a couple of dimensions nearby the planet. In the background, the ISC Rebellion ,affected by Zane's Explosion, began falling toward the planet.

It crashed right to the ground. This caused a massive explosion that was tiny compared to the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Everything went quiet with most if not all of Basalt's robotic minions getting shortened out and dying due to the electrical nature of Zane's kamikaze attack. The group was recovering from the attack with Rachel clutching her head in pain. She was slowly began getting up and saw that she was covered in dust and debris with an armorless Arya nearby her. 

Rachel shook her head as she muttered,"What just happened? Did Cinarva do something?". She saw smoke and debris all over the landscape. Her eyes widened with her muttering,"No. That heroic dummy!". Arya looked at Rachel with the devil screaming,"Zane!". The two began looking around for him and both of them saw the group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Gwen, and Ralad walking over to a large crater that was made from the explosion. 

Arya and Rachel made their way to the crater with the area around them looking like a warzone. "Oh gods. What happened here?" said Arya. "From what my bugs are telling me, it was because some of the enemies went kaboom aka they dead yo." said Ralad. "They dead yo? Did you seriously just say that mate?" said Allen. "Focus please." said Cinarva. "Rae. I need to tell you something. It isn't very nice to look at." said Gwen with Danny nodding. "Okay. Thanks for the warning Gwen." said Rachel. 

She peered down into the crater before gasping in horror at the sight. Lying dead center in a massive crater, Zane was lying on his back and looking upwards at the sky above. "Yep. I'm in pain." thought Zane. He looked like a complete mess in a similar manner to when he fought Basalt for the first time and Kilene. He looked like he shouldn't be alive but he was. His hair is now ragged and messy with his body covered in several cuts and bruises.

Both arms were destroyed with his prosthetic right arm and the Preservation Band were shattered into pieces. Pieces of metal and wires were everywhere. His left arm was pretty much nothing at this point except for his shoulder and the Z.E.R.O. Watch was a couple of feet nearby his body. The watch was perfectly fine unlike its owner. His chest was covered in a massive burn that looked to be smoking red. His metal Essence was fine though.

His clothing was destroyed with the top half of his clothing being nothing more than rags. His skull was heavily bleeding, covering his face in candy syrup mainly due to part of his head missing. His body now had several holes with candy syrup blood coming out of him in waves. All of his ribs were broken. It wasn't obvious from the outside but all of Zane's bones that remained after the explosion were carbonized.

Seventy five percent of his teeth are missing with his right eye permanently closed. It was covered by a dark purple mark and pupil was dilated. His left eye had exploded and was in ruins nearby him. He was missing his body from the waist down. His body has platinum colored veins of vibrant and destructive Impulse covering it wherever it could. He should have died but nope, he's still alive and kicking. "This is true pain. Really thankful that my regeneration is keeping me alive." said Zane. 

He smiled as he said in a content tone,"Because well, I don't want to join you girls just yet. Maybe one day but not today.". "Zane!" screamed Arya with her and the rest of Team Maelstrom sliding down into the crater. The trio of Bridgette, Cinarva, and Ralad looked down with them hearing,"Holy crap! What in the nine realms happened here?". They turned around to see the others standing there with Janet inside of her cage. "It's complicated." said Ralad. 

Turseek and Veto's eyes widened upon seeing him. "Ralad?! You're alive but how?!" said Turseek and Veto. "I may have been smashed into bite sized bits but my prime bug still remained. Just took me a while to regenerate. Thank the gods for this planet having a lot of insects." said Ralad. "Well, it's good to have you back bug boy." said Kitt. "Yeah." said Ralad. "So what happened here?" said Sitara. "Zane is what happened here. If you take a look in the biggest crater, you'll get your answer." said Cinarva. 

Bridgette nodded as she said,"And it isn't pretty." said Bridgette. Malik looked down to see his prime counterpart. "Crap. What happened to him?" said Malik. "He removed that device of yours Velda and decided to be a hero. The smaller one not the gauntlets." said Bridgette. "That idiot. Of course he would do something like that." said Velda. "Zane. Can you still hear us?!" said Arya with tears beginning to leak from her eyes. "Yeah. I can Arya so please don't cry." said a weak Zane. 

He smiled at them but it was a weak one. "So how was it you guys? I mean that explosion was totally amazing right?" said Zane with him coughing up tar. Worried, Allen and Danny tried to help Zane up which worked at first since at the moment, he weighed less than normal. "Ouch! Don't pull me too hard you guys. I'm in a ton of pain right now." said Zane. "Mate. You really got to stop this kind of crap. I don't think we can keep on seeing you like this and stop with the color commentary." said Allen. 

Gwen nodded as she said,"He's right Zane. None of us want to see you like this.". The group turned to see Parker standing there with Janet smiling. "Parker. You're okay." said Janet. "I would the same for you Janet except you're in a cage. Let me get you out of there." said Parker as he made a pair of turquoise colored scissors cut open the cage, freeing her. "So what about Zane? Is that why you're here?" said Lorelei. 

Parker smiled as he said,"Yes. Zane doing something selfless like this isn't unexpected whatsoever. I and countless others owe him a great deal. Healing him is the least I can do.". He slid his way into the crater with his smile growing bigger as she saw the love of her life change from a hermit who hated pretty much every being except himself and a handful of others to someone who can tolerate others. It's a slow improvement. "How are you doing Zane? Oh and good to see you guys alive as well." said Parker. 

Danny looked at him as he said,"Seriously?! Just look at him and you got your answer.". "Yes. It was a dumb question I know." said Parker. "So can you heal him Parker?!" said Arya. "I can but...." said Parker. "But nothing slimey! He's the reason all of us here fighting for you! You will heal him right now or else!" said Arya. "Or else what? I also don't like being interrupted." said Parker. "I'll expose all of your invention data to the Omniverse and don't think I'm joking here." said Arya.

The two glared at each other with Parker sighing. He held a small remote and aimed it at Zane. The Cross Species was encased in a gold dome. Said dome floated above the air with Zane's body was slowly losing the platinum colored veins of vibrant and destructive Impulse. "Oh wow. You convinced one of the most stubborn beings in the Omniverse to do what you want. I can see why my Zaney has you as his Assistant and you're doing great at that job." said Rachel with Arya smiling. 

Allen nodded as he said,"Yeah. She reminds me a lot of you Rae. So what is that dome going to do to him Parker?". "He'll be safe until I can get his body is recovered. I will need you all to do something for me though." said Parker as Arya placed the Z.E.R.O. Watch inside of the dome. The group was walking out of the crater with Danny saying,"Which is what exactly?". "Protect me while I heal him. I doubt Basalt and his forces will be stopped by that explosion. This is something I needed to do." said Parker.

The hacker smiled as she said,"You got it! Team Maelstrom is on the case!". "Along with the Paradoxes as well." said Sitara, smiling with the rest of the group nodding. "Thanks Parker. I know that you may not have wanted me to come here and find you but thanks for healing me. I feel better already." said Zane with a smile. He tried to move but couldn't. "Yeah. You're not even close to being healed yet. Lets get you fixed up." said Parker. "I'm coming with you." said Velda.

Parker looked at Velda with her saying,"I know that you don't want me near your lab anymore after what happened and honestly, I don't either.". "So why do you want to go?" said Turseek. "Just shut up man." said Kitt. "Thanks robot. I want to help Zane and before you said anything, it isn't because I like you or anything Zane!" said Velda. "I wasn't going to say anything." said Zane. "You were thinking it Zane. Now lets get going." said Janet.

Parker and Velda looked at her as Janet said,"I'll keep you two from fighting each other.". "Smart." said Malik and Zane. "Jinx! You owe me booze!" said Zane with Malik sighing at his counterpart's current actions. The group of Janet, Parker, Velda, and Zane were gone as the others waited for Basalt and his groupies to return if they survived. In the lab, Parker ,with the barely conscious Zane nearby, plus Janet and Velda entered the Eazairvian's lab. "So how are you going to heal Parker?" said Janet.

She was looking right at the Cross Species inside of the dome. "I'll be putting him in the recuperation pod and apply those upgrades I've been working on into your body." said Parker. "Should you I don't know ask for his permission before you do anything to him." said Velda. "I doubt he'll object to it too much since it will make him even stronger. It's similar to the Gadget Glass except not specially made for the Homo Supremus." said Parker. "I think his name is Danny." said Janet.

Parker sighed as he said,"Of course I know his name.". Janet watched Parker place Zane's managed up body inside of a typical science fiction healing pod. The concave cylinder hissed closed with a very thick, breathable green goo flooded the tank as countless devices and scanners began looking over every inch of his body. Parker looked up to see Zane's Essence had flat lined at least ten times but his Essence kept on going. 

He didn't have all the time in the Omniverse since despite Zane's explosion earlier knocking out all of the machines working for Basalt, Basalt still had the organic members of his army. "Zane. Can you hear us?" said Parker, looking over Zane's body. "You should probably answer him Zane. You're not going to be sleeping through your healing if we have anything to say about it." said Velda. "Why not? I mean I think my ears blew up earlier." said Zane.

The Cross Species groaned as he said,"But I'm not a hundred percent since my hyper hearing will work even if I don't have ears. Do I still have ears?". "See Velda. You brought upon his mouth since having him quite is something a lot of beings want." said Parker. "So this is some kind of healing chamber right? It's going to heal me right?" said Zane as he moved his empty left eye socket to where he thought Parker was. The right eye was focused on the duo of Janet and Velda. 

Parker nodded as he said,"Yes. It will. I always presumed that someday, you would get yourself injured to a point where your regeneration couldn't fix it. Wish it happened after an intense battle rather than you activating the Self-Destruct feature's explosion for the fourth time.". "Yeah. I feel really bad about that. Please don't remind me about it since I'm going to be doing that to myself for a while. Matrix will be reminding me about hurting her like that too." said Zane.

Zane began clenching and unclenching his non existent fists. Even though both arms were gone, he still felt like they never left him to begin. "So I have to ask a dumb question. Why hasn't Zane been unable to regenerate yet? He's able to survive having his head cut off before so this should be nothing different right? And what about Havoc? Is he okay?" said Janet. "With each explosion, the Z.E.R.O. Watch was slowly weakening his impressive regeneration." said Velda. 

She sighed as she said,"After the last explosion, his regeneration has enough power to keep him alive even though the top half of his head is missing. Havoc is the same since a bonded Vordlarin can live on a host's finger until they find a new host.". "Do you understand now Janet? I reminded Zane of this. He activated the Self-Destruct feature since you disemboweled several Trungin in your little tantrum earlier." said Parker. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Trungin? You mean those foxes that took my friends away and made me think that they died." "Yes. Their species had already been hunted for a very long time prior to your arrival and they have a good reason to hate other species after today." said Parker. "Yeah. I really feel bad about that but well, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind for the past couple of days. Doesn't excuse my actions mind you." said Zane. "That's true." said Parker. 

The Cross Species looked toward Velda as he said,"So did Velda know about them?". "Unlikely. Their existence was unknown to most of the Omniverse until today. Your former right arm was completely destroyed. I'm sure you could restore it back but you won't because of how stubborn you are." said Parker with him seeing most of Zane's body slowly reform except for his left eye and right arm. "What's your point? I could fight without it but I like having a metal arm. Makes me look badass." said Zane.

He crossed half of his left arm arm over his chest. His arm had slowly began growing back along with his other missing limbs. "Free him from the recuperation pod Janet." said Parker. "Are you sure about that? He's still regrowing." said Janet. "Just trust him Janet. I normally wouldn't but he knows how Zane's biology works the best since he probably studies the data from the Z.E.R.O. Watch for hours on end." said Velda. 

Parker nodded as he said,"She is correct. Zane's regeneration should handle everything except for your arm and eye.". Janet freed Zane from the pod. This was done by a pressurized switch and smoke came out of it. Zane fell to the ground with Parker sighing. "Will you be able to walk with those legs of yours?" said Velda as she looked at Zane's baby legs. "In a minute but right now, I'll do this since I'm curious about something." said Zane as he sprouted his tendrils from his back. 

It didn't match Havoc's colors but Twilight's. He began stretching mainly to get use to moving with his new set of limbs that worked like his old ones. The four began moving to a certain room with him saying,"When I got to know you Zane, I began making you a replacement prosthetic that's similar to your old one with some major improvements.". "Okay. What are they? And please tell me that you kept my rocket powered punch. You better have or else." said Zane. 

Velda looked at him as she said,"Seriously? Why are you so concerned if it has a rocket punch or not Zane?". "It's Zane." said Janet. "That would make no sense normally but since we're talking about Zane." said Velda. "Yes. I did Zane since it is something you would beg me to have installed.  Your new arm will have the ability to have a copy of the Zenith Core implanted into it. It will allow you to turn into a form without showing that you had turned into the form." said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"That's pretty sweet but knowing you. You didn't add just that.". "You're correct Zane. I'll give you great detail on it but we don't have the time as you're well aware." said Parker. "Why the rush?" said Janet. "Janet. Even though I released a powerful explosion, I doubt that will stop Basalt for good. It didn't stop him the last time so why would it now?" said Zane. "Right. Here catch." said Parker as he tossed something to Zane who caught it using his now fully grown left arm. 

It was Zane's brand new mechanical arm. Instead of looking like a mechanical human arm, it now looks to be a mechanical demonic or draconic arm. His right arm is now a single color with it being a deep cadet gray color. There is some black located around the chelidon, knuckles, and shoulder. It's also covered in platinum colored cracks that constantly glow. His fingers are now a dark indigo color and still has his indigo Hidari Gomon palm tattoo but his tattoo is now a white color. 

His fingernails are carmine red claws. With no trouble at all, Zane attached to himself and began moving it around. "I like a lot. Feels much faster than the older one. I liked my old arm but in the cold, my punches using my right arm moved half a second slower than if I used my left arm. A very minor compliment with it but it was still one." said Zane with him punching the air in front of him. "Since you got a handle of it Zane, try it out by thinking about a form." said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"You got it.". He turned a nearby wall with him unleashing a wave of crimson red diamonds coming out of his hand. "That's Diamond Form. A total classic for you. It's your favorite right?" said Janet. "It is." said Zane. The ground began shaking with Velda gulping. "Can't we get a break?" said Velda. "Nope. The fight is getting started. Parker. Fix the Z.E.R.O. Watch. I'll need its power and well, Matrix is my friend." said Zane. 

Parker nodded as he said,"Right. Oh and get ready for the brand new Preservation Band.". He began getting to work on his prized invention. "Wait Parker. What do you mean by that?" said Velda. "Isn't it obvious? I made your device better and combined it with one of his accessories. I also made things better for him." said Parker. The two began arguing with Zane looking at Janet. "Aren't you supposed to stop them from doing this? They remind me of the twins except they're not adorable." said Zane. 

The two began watching both inventors work and argue at the exact same time. "I would as well but at this, nothing I do will stop them." said Janet. "Right. Just like the twins." said Zane with a nod. Back outside, the group there looked to see a large robotic claw crashing onto the rocky ground, sending rubble and debris plunging to the ground. A Goliath appeared with the rest of its robotic brothers not be too far behind. "I thought Zane's bomb wiped them out!" said Vlad. 

Sitara clenched her fists as she said,"Probably just the weaker ones but the stronger ones live to fight another day.". The Goliaths appeared with the five remaining Vonrall, a couple hundred Slimes, and a hundred Phestrons as its back up crew. "Hey you guys. Things may look bad now but things couldn't get worse." said Veto. The ground shook once again as Basalt landed there with an angry look. The group of Grimace, Lunacy, Nemesis, and Rivart right behind him. "Dude. Don't ever say that!" said Danny. 

Basalt roared as he said,"Where is he? Where is Zane Alvarez?!". "We're in no way going to tell you where he is since we refuse to let you rule the Omniverse father." said Sitara. "Sitara my favorite daughter. It's so nice to see you again after four years but you're in the way of my destined clash with Zane." said Basalt. "Since you're here, I have to ask. How did you survive your ship exploding around it?" said Cinarva.

Cinarva looked at her as she said,"From what I know, it was powered by a Thauma Engine. It's one of the Omniverse's most powerful engines after all. It may be extremely powerful since it can travel from dimension to dimension in seconds but it has a major flaw. If it explodes, it makes a massive explosion that will kill any being that gets caught in it regardless of how durable they are.". "Okay. We have to get that for the Armada after this." said Vlad. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"Aren't you worried about the ship being destroyed and killing all of us before we have a chance to escape the blast zone?". "So you considered yourself to be a member of the group?" said Ralad. "If that's the case, welcome to the family." thought Altair. Lorelei looked away as Sitara said,"Vlad. You're also ignoring the obvious fact of how it cost an arm, leg, organ, and possibly one of your children to even buy one of them on Spacetronics.". 

Vlad shrugged as he said,"So? I mean price doesn't matter when we could always "borrow" one.". "You do know that we're not criminals and there is a cop here. Remember?" said Kitt, pointing to Cinarva. "I had some help from my loyal servants such as my other daughter, a familiar friend to Zane's Vordlarin partner, and well the assistance of Aihlus to thank for my escape from that accursed dimension." said Basalt. "So I know most of them except for the Aihlus. Do you guys know who he is?" said Allen.

Arya pushed up her glasses as she said,"Allen. He's a psychotic Kruxod. He got tired of his mundane life on his home planet. He started to attack and kill other Kruxoids just fun of it. He eventually got the attention of the Alliance due to his highly illegal experiments and black market deals. After the Alliance found out about what he did, they were planning on sending him to Blacktomb Detention Center but the transport was attacked by an unknown force. Guess he got sent into the Infinite Void.". 

The British metahuman nodded as he said,"Huh. Good to know. I guess he must have been a black market dealer in the Infinite Void and made a fortune there since not too many bright people get sent there.". "He had a stronger than normal hatred for a certain being and that's how we met. I may hate having owing other beings favors but we eventually came to an agreement. In exchange for his services, I will destroy Parker along with taking over the rest of the Omniverse." said Basalt. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"That sounds like the worst deal ever. I mean did that Aihlus get anything out of it?". "Oh he did and then some." said Basalt. "So what magma dome? It may not look like it but I got stronger since the last time you saw me four years ago. Zane is the exact same." said Danny, cracking his knuckles. "And if I recall, Zane defeated you the last time you guys met so will you be able to defeat him this time around. He has gotten much stronger." said Rachel. 

Sitara looked at them as she said,"I know that you two have no doubts in Zane defeating Basalt but two things. Zane isn't here and don't underestimated Basalt. He always has a trick or seven up his sleeves at all times.". "And my favorite daughter is correct. Most of you are well aware of how I prepared for every possibility in battle. Unlike my previous encounter, I won't be losing especially with this." said Basalt.

The living volcano held an object that he pulled it out of a compartment pouch built into the waist area of his armor. He held it out in the palm of his right hand and showed it off for everyone to see. Said object was a silver three-dimensional hexagon with a orange/red/yellow lava line like pattern going across it. Emblazoned on one side, there is a red outlined volcano. "While Zane wields Parker's greater invention, I have a weapon that was forged from his greatest rival himself." said Basalt. 

Veto's eyes widened as he said,"Parker has a rival?". He was promptly ignored by the others as they watched Basalt crush the hexagon in his hand. It made a strange beeping sound with silver ooze ,with bright orange/red/yellow jagged lines, spreading up his right arm and across his body. It's similar to whenever a Vordlarin bonds with another being except more mechanical rather than organic. Like with Darth and Rivart probably, the ink like substance began reshaping Basalt's body. 

It began changing his appearance once again. He had a hulking, demonic look. His entire body is covered by a silver metallic substance with bright orange/red/yellow jagged glowing lines on his arms, chest, legs, and shoulders. His shoulders have naturally volcano like protrusions coming out of them with them spewing out Basalt's signature magma/lava constantly. He has blackish-red spikes armored protruding from his ankles. 

His forearms are bulky with him having a blackish red rocket like engine protruding out from his elbows. The front and sides of his neck have five grill holes on them, constantly producing steam from them. His head is now in the shape of his blackish-red armored helmet except it's a silver color and he always has on his skull-like facemask. His black eyes ,with magma/lava colored irises look even more menacing whenever he's wearing this armor.

His body has a natural black glow coming out off his body, licking at the air like a lit flame. The group looked at the new appearance of the molten conqueror. This full body armor he wore was similar to a Vordlarin's suit but it was foreboding. "Oh gods." said Arya. "What's wrong Arya?" said Gwen. "The amount of power that the suit is radiating is super strong." said Arya. "Let me guess. You're scared of it." said Malik with Arya rapidly nodding.

Bridgette crossed her arms as she said,"That armor. It reminds me of the girl's battle suit or Gadget Form earlier. Something is off about it.". "Yeah. The Impulse around it will cause anyone of weaker will to faint. So you should probably stay away Veto." said Cinarva with her seeing all of the Phestrons fainting. "She's right. This is no ordinary battle suit since it was created from the body of Parker's greatest threat Aihlus." said Basalt. "I highly doubt that." said a voice.

The group turned around to see Velda standing there. "I may not like that idiot since he claims to be smarter than Parker which is impossible. I'm the one who is smarter than him not that idiot. That armor does look like his work though." said Velda. "So do you know anything else about this Aihlus guy is Arya?" thought Altair as Arya looking right at the mute. "I do. I read something about him in an Alliance report once." said Arya.

She looked at Basalt with her saying,"Compared to the rest of the Kruxod, he was born differently since he was considered to be a mutant. He was born stronger than the rest of his kind and in due time, he got bored of his mundane life. He eventually went psychotic since he went around attacking and kill his kind just for the fun of it.". "He sounds like a real sick son of a bitch to me." said Kitt, clenching his fists and glared at Basalt. 

Velda nodded as she said,"And now, Basalt turned the psycho into a suit of armor. We need to focus on taking him done compared to the rest of them.". "I agree. You are going down Basalt. Armor or not, I'll kick your ass since you hurt my family in the past and you need to pay for that!" said Danny, cracking his knuckles. The rest of his allies got ready into battle. "No. This time around. Your group will be the one to fall and everyone you care about will die. Hear me Zane?!" said Basalt.

Suddenly, the jagged lines on Basalt's body began glow brightly and his body began beeping loudly. His right arm turned into a blaster with a pyramid-shaped barrel. As the blast charges up, greenish-blue light glows inside. He unleashes a dense beam of greenish-blue energy toward the group. "Sorry Basalt but that ain't happening! Void Absorption!" shouted an all too familiar voice. Basalt watched as his blast caused an explosion but instead of hitting the group who hide Zane from him, it hit something else. 

The energy was being absorbed as Basalt heard,"Hey Basalt. You and I may be very powerful but there is a key difference between us.". The smoke cleared as everyone saw Zane standing there with his new prosthetic arm and left eye that looked to be the exact same one as the one destroyed. Zane was also wearing the Enigma Talisman except he was missing the cloth around his face. "Zane! So you decided to show your face after all." said Basalt, not phased by his explosion failing to his target. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Zane! You're okay now!". "And looking much better I might add. You're completely whole." said Turseek. "Thanks Turseek. Like my new arm you guys? I got it from Parker himself." said Zane, flexing his right arm. After flexing, Zane turned toward Basalt and cracked his knuckles. "The key difference between us is the bond I made with my friends. The bonds that I made with them give me strength to defeat any evil who may harm others." said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane with him saying,"It seems that you haven't lost that part of you after what happened to you. You may have your eye and the women you love but you still have the annoying optimism that I will be crushing into pieces. Do you honestly think that your optimism will get you far in life? It won't and protecting that you swore to protect is nothing but a pipe dream. If you wish to protect what matters to you most, crush anything that may stand in your way.".

He clenched his fists as he said,"Power is the only thing that matters in the Omniverse. If you want to be a hero, you cannot stand by and let others take what belongs to you.". Despite his immense anger toward Zane, Basalt couldn't let himself get distracted now especially not with all of the raw power that he felt radiating off Zane. Underestimating him was a sure-fire way of finding himself defeat which will not happen again. "Hold on. Is Basalt give Zane some advice? Am I seeing this right?" said Veto. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Nope. I'm seeing it too. This is weird.". "Focus you two." said Kitt with Ralad nodding his head. "Oh wow. I guess I was right about you. The reason why you're so obsessed with power Basalt." said Zane. "And why is that brat?" said Basalt. "You're scared of losing. That fear of yours will lead you to being obsessed with power and while it may have brought you success in your past, it led to your defeat once before and in the present." said Zane.

Basalt snarled at Zane with his eyes beginning to glow green. He unleashed a massive beam of green energy from his eyes with Zane not doing anything to stop him. "What are you doing Zane? I think you need to use that technique of yours to absorb that energy beam!" said Veto. The beam hit Zane with it not doing anything to him. "Is that all you can do Basalt? That barely tickles." said Zane with him disappearing from sight. 

Basalt used his armor's system to track down where Zane and he got his answer as Zane implanted his foot into Basalt's mouth. "Boom." said Zane with him aiming his right hand at Basalt and it turned into a cannon. Both Basalt and Zane were caught up in a explosion of Vibration Nether, creating a noticeable bass sound afterward. Zane landed on the ground unharmed with Basalt getting pushed back a bit. It was only a handful of inches but to Sitara, she had never seen it before. "He's winning." said Sitara. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"But didn't the fight just start?". "Yeah but this is just the start of their fight and right now, Zane is leading." said Malik. Basalt looked at Zane with the Cross Species not saying anything. "I know that your species is able to use the stronger version of fire and has a natural immunity to fire but well, this fire will make you burn. Hellfire Emperor Firefly Swarm." said Zane with his arms glowing.

Several small and glowing gold fireballs emerged from them, floating toward Basalt. The Maferno laughed and he began swipe at the seemingly harmless balls of fire, destroying them. "Do you honestly think that this attack will stop me?!" said Basalt. Zane snapped his fingers with the remaining fireballs exploding and the area around Basalt was instantly covered in golden flame. "Hellfire Emperor Hellion Paroxysm!" said Zane, aiming his arms right in front of him and fire surround both arms.

The fire transformed into a dragon's head with him tossing the right dragon head toward Basalt. It bit down into Basalt with it managing to pierce through Basalt's armor. "How did this ember manage to pierce my armor?" thought Basalt with the dragon exploding shortly after piercing him. Zane aimed his left dragon toward Basalt, releasing a single, continuous stream of fire. "So what is he doing? All he is doing is trying to burn him but fire doesn't work on a Maferno!" said Grimace. 

Lunacy sighed as she said,"He must have a plan or that explosion destroyed his brain.". "Of course my counterpart is an idiot unlike I! The genius Nemesis!" said Nemesis. Rivart looked at Zane with Basalt beginning to push through the fire. "Quit this pathetic attempt to burn me now!" said Basalt with him cocking back his fist to punch Zane. "Sure Basalt." said Zane as his left dragon arm was begining  producing acid inside. This caused the Maferno to roar in pain due to the acid melting the armor.

Zane looked at the melting armor and saw that the armor was healing itself as it was being destroyed by the acid. "Self-healing. It's a pain to deal with it isn't Zane?" said Astaroth. "Of course Zane knows that! He fought that snotball warden remember?" said Matrix. "Don't worry. I got this. Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch." said Zane as his right fist was covered in his signature fire. Unlike normal, these flames are in a liquid state. 

The Cross Species punched Basalt in the part that was exposed thanks to the acid with the liquid going into Basalt's skin and was absorbed into his body. Basalt shook his head with him moving away from Zane. "Do you honestly think that these attempts to stop with me will work Alvarez?! I won't let you steal my daughter from me!" said Basalt. "Did he just say that he won't let Zane steal Sitara?" said Allen. "He could be taking about Molvai." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"It must have been that liquid fire from earlier.". "Of course! That's his Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch spell! It makes the target and begin to see things!" said Arya. "Huh. I guess that does make sense." said Danny. "Now here's the question. What's his plan here?" said Gwen with Rachel looking at Zane. Instead of cracking jokes, Zane was completely serious and this meant one thing. Basalt got his full attention. "Hellfire Emperor Supernova Blast." said Zane.

He tossed a giant fireball at the dazed Basalt. This created a massive firestorm upon hitting him and it was burning everything around it. The fire cleared away with a single clap from Basalt whose armor was glowing in residual heat. "Perfect. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Diamond Powder!" said Zane with him releasing a wave of ice from his body. Basalt was caught up in the wave with him covered in a thick layer of ice. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Okay bro. Since you froze one of your arch enemies, mind telling the class what's your game plan here?". "Isn't it obvious Danny? Think about it. The armor Magma Dome is made out of metal at least from what I gathered." said Zane as there was loud cracking and steam began to emerged from the ice. "When hot metal is rapidly cooled, it begins to break down." said Zane with Basalt emerged from the ice and his armor was in globs around him. 

Vlad waked as Basalt's armor began going back onto him. "Okay. Good job with the science lesson kid but I don't think he's happy about that." said Vlad. "Oh I know that. That's why I'm going nuclear." said Zane. "You're doing what?" said Turseek and Veto. "Going nuclear. I thought he made that perfectly clear." thought Altair as he touched both of their shoulders. "He did but those two are idiots." said Kitt as Turseek and Veto glared at him with Lorelei sighing. 

Zane turned into Radiation Prime and he turned back to his friends. "Stay back behind the diamond wall comrades because well, it's going to be quite painful for him." said Zane. "What diamond wall?" said Allen as a dome of Diamond Prime's diamonds appeared right in front of him and Basalt's group. "Um Zane. why did you protect them? They're the bad guys." said Havoc. "Zane is someone who protects everyone including his enemies." said Matrix.

She sighed as she said,"It's a somewhat annoying trait of his but one that I don't entirely hate.". "You're speaking like a true member of Team Legion Zero Matrix." said Astaroth. "Of course. I've been with Zane and Athena since the very start even though I looked so fat." said Matrix. "I didn't think you looked fat Matrix. You've always looked pretty." said Havoc with Matrix blushing. Astaroth shook his head in amusement. 

Astaroth thought,"Reminds me of Athena and Cole except with far less hitting and Cole's stupid comments. An improvement if you ask me.". "Your time is up Basalt. This form will make you pay greatly for your crimes." said Zane with him taking several deep breaths. Basalt didn't say anything to Zane but he did charge toward the Cross Species with his sword in hand. Zane fired a beam of radiation from his eyes, blasting the Maferno back and making a noticeable divot in the ground.

Basalt got back and was about to use his magma but he felt cold. "Feel cold comrade? I bet you do since you felt the cold of the underworld traveling through your body didn't you?" said Zane with Basalt glared at Zane. "What did you to me Zero?" said Basalt with shivering teeth. "Oh. I didn't do a thing but he did." said Zane, pointing to his right as Specter Form appear. "How long has that thing been here?" said Basalt with him trying to regain back his body heat. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Since I think I arrived to stop you initial attack. I just need to keep you distracted for a bit with my fire and ice combo so my clone here could freeze your blood from the inside.". "I was thinking about making him hit himself boss but we're not here to play around and you know this." said Specter Form. "Right. Lets do this." said Zane as the ghost faded away and Zane aimed both hands in front of him.

He unleashed a massive beam of radiation with said beam swallowing Basalt up whole. Basalt roared in pain, the radiation burning through his armor. It didn't kill him since his armor was made to survive against any species. The beam eventually turned into an explosion and sent Basalt flying into the jungle below. "Okay. That's Phase 1. Time for Phase 2. Gods hope this plan work or the Omniverse is doomed. I'll do anything in my power to prevent that." said Zane, teleporting away.

After both Basalt and Zane were gone, the five remaining Vonrall and the Upsilons looked down at the two diamond creations, deciding to attack both of them. The machines fired missiles and the Vonrall used their hammers to smash the diamonds but failed. "Oh wow. This diamond is rather durable." said Sitara. "And probably pretty worth a pretty penny on Spacetronics." said Vlad. He was about to cut some of the diamond off but was stopped by Altair and Malik. "What?" said Vlad. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"That diamond you're trying to steal is protecting us from Basalt's troops so at least wait until they're destroy or killed before you decide to pilfer our barrier away.". "Okay then fine. Gods. You're just like Sitara." said Vlad. Altair nodded as Malik looked up to see the top of the diamond barrier cracking a bit. "Guys. Get down!" said Malik, unleashing a wave of purple flames. The group listened as a piece of the diamond roof fell apart but was burned away thanks to the flame.

The two diamond domes were nothing more than diamond walls at this point. A Goliath's mechanical hand came down with it grabbing Malik much to the surprise of the group. "Holy crap. Did you see that boss?" said Grimace as he stood outside of their destroyed barrier. "Yes. We have one less opponent to deal with but don't you count your cards just yet. This group is stubborn like our boss." said Rivart.

Lunacy and Nemesis noticed several purple flame pillars emerging from the machine, burning its circuitry with ease. The robot went crashing down with the group of minions moving away from it but one of the Vonrall wasn't so lucky due to it being crushed by the machine. The impact caused a huge explosion of dust and debris with a bright lagoon blue forcefield appearing around the good guys, protecting them from the explosion. 

Some of the Slimes weren't so lucky as they were knocked off the side of the cliff once again. Danny turned his girlfriend who smiled. "Thanks for that save Gwen." said Danny. "Aren't you happy that I'm here?" said Gwen, smirking. "Yeah Gwen. I'm glad that all of you are still here and don't have to find that out." said a voice. Team Maelstrom turned around to see a holographic Zane ,still in Radiation Prime, standing there. "Hold on. I thought you were fighting magma dome right now mate." said Allen.

Arya blinked as she said,"Of course he is. He's using a hologram Allen! He's using a C.O.N.E. to project himself here.". "Correct like always Arya. That's the case." said Zane. "So while you guys have your team meeting, we'll handle them." said Sitara. "Yeah. Have fun you crazy kids." said Vlad. "But they're adults. How are they kids?" said Turseek. "Just focus on punching people to a pulp okay?" said Kitt with Ralad nodding.

Excluding the group who were still in the lab, the others left the diamond wall and began fighting the enemy. "Things out there are looking pretty intense. Pretty sure that the second biggest threat out there is Rivart whose just standing there with the two bigger Vordlarins and the worst version of Zane in the Omniverse." said Danny. "Yeah. They all have an incredible amount of power but compared to the Impulse Basalt and Zane are generating, they're nothing." said Arya.

Not paying attention to their conversation, Rachel looked right at Zane. "What did you mean by that Zane?" said Rachel. "Look. Right now, I'm getting ready to fight Basalt and I don't expect to win this fight. I mean I have a couple of ideas but well, Basalt isn't someone I don't plan on letting my guard down around. If we get back home, I'm marrying the crap out of you Rae." said Zane. Allen shook his head as he said,"Even when you're being serious mate, always got to crack a joke don't you mate?". 

Gwen looked at him as she said,"In what way is that a joke? Those two are going to get married no matter what.". "Yeah! I thought Kevin was the biggest idiot of Team Maelstrom but I guess we know who is the idiot is now huh?" said Arya. "Arya. You haven't been around Efren for that long but if there is anyone who could be called an idiot and wouldn't mind it, it would be him without a doubt." said Danny. "Look. You can do this Zane." said Rachel. "Huh?" said Zane. 

The Sorceress nodded as she said,"Yeah. She's right Zane. You may have been destined to defeat Skull Plague and given a large amount of power to achieve this goal but you really don't need all of that power to achieve that.". "Yeah. Share the power!" said Arya. "I'm good with the amount of power I have thanks you very much but you're a bonafide hero mate. You helped a lot of people and well, you can take this magma dome down." said Allen. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Thanks for the encouragement you guys. I promise not to let you guys down!". He clenched his right fist. "So what's the game plan here? I mean we know what you're going to be doing bro but the rest of us need some kind of direction." said Danny. "That's where I come in you crazy kids." said a voice. Parker stood there with him saying,"So how are you enjoying your new arm Zane?". 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"I'm liking it a lot. I was able to use Diamond Prime and Radiation Prime at the exact same time without turning into the former. I was able to use Pyre Prime earlier and no one expected a thing.". "So where is your assistant? Did she leave the planet and abandoned us?" said Gwen. "She's back in the lab. Had to make sure she didn't try and escape. Janet is making sure about that. So are you ready to use Albion?" said Parker. 

Arya blinked as she said,"Albion. Is it strong Zane?". "Yep. Think Astral Form except Zane is more than willing use to it." said Parker. "Oh wow. That is impressive. So are you ready to go bro? I doubt Basalt is going to die from all of that radiation." said Danny. "Yeah. Wish me luck. I need all of it to take down Magma Dome." said Zane as he vanished. "So do you have a plan or are you here to encourage Zane?" said Rachel. "A little bit of A and B." said Parker.   

With Basalt, the armored Maferno finally crashed into the ground and made a sizable crater. His armor was cracked and scorched in various spots with his body covered in blood, burns, and bruises. "I can finally move after he froze me from the inside. I guess he isn't playing around." thought Basalt as he slowly stood back up. He was in way defeat since he has survived much in the Infinite Void. "You got that magma dome. As you can clearly see, I'm not playing around here." said a voice.

Basalt looked above him to see Zane ,out of Radiation Form, was sitting above him using a disc made out of solid Primordial energy as a platform. He had four energy discs floating around him. The other four discs were each made out of a different energy. One disc is made out of black Mojo, one disc is made out of molten gold Animus/Liasada, one disc is made out of royal blue Carnal, and one disc is made out of steel gray Nether. "So are you here to taunt me or what?" said Basalt.

Zane began descending downwards. He jumped off the disc of Primordial with the disc joining its sibling in floating around Zane. "Nope. I'm here to kick some butt aka yours." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. He activated Archon Zero Master with the energy discs being there alongside the nine Primordial energy spheres were still there. Instead of being scared, Basalt only smiled. "Um. Why is he smiling at us? It's scary." said Havoc. 

Basalt nodded as he said,"You may won our first clash but the war is another story. I want to make sure that the Omniverse knows who is truly the strongest between the two of us and to make sure we have no interruptions, I had this made.". He typed something into his left gauntlet. Even though the ISC Rebellion was destroyed, it managed to fire out a red beam of energy. Zane looked to see that the area around himself and the Maferno was contained in a large transparent dome of red energy. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay. I totally don't expect that ship to be still operation but I was wrong. So let me take a guess here on what this dome can do. No one can enter and no one can leave. I know that you love me Basalt but you didn't need to lock up me in a forcefield. Low blow man. So once I defeat you again, can I take Booker with me? I mean I always wanted someone to help out with some community service back on Earth.".

He smirked as he said,"I mean Father Nature shouldn't be allowed in the gardens but you know the warden.". "Even during a serious situation, you're always making jokes but you're right. This forcefield can keep the fight between the two of us. No one to interrupt us such as your precious friends and my loyal servants." said Basalt. "They could sneak their way into the dome if they you know dig their way under the dome." said Zane. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Normally that would work but this forcefield goes under the ground.". "Oh wow. You really did prepare for our fifth fight. I mean technically, we fought each other four times. So beside the folks up there, is it anyone else going to watch me kick your butt?" said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "Our fight is been recorded by some Betas. It's being displayed to the entire Omniverse except for the Prime Dimension aka Earth." said Basalt.

He looked at Zane with him saying,"I decided to let you keep your secret identity for now before I destroy by bringing back your corpse to display toward the Terrans who put their trust in you. Does that really matter? In due time, I will be gaining another planet and you'll be dead.". "Oh wow Basalt. I can't believe how confident you are. So can you skip with the whole threatening speech and just start fighting. You do know that you never won one of our four fights before right?" said Zane.

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I mean two of them were left undecided and one of them wasn't a real victory since you had to use a hostage to win." "That's only three. What about the forth one?" said Basalt. "I thought you wouldn't want me mentioned the time you lost to our adoring public. Trying to keep you from well erupting in rage." said Zane. "Yes. I remember now. So do you want to say any final words before I end your pathetic life?" said Basalt. 

Basalt looked at him as he said,"I'm giving you time to say your final prayers to your loved ones who will see this and regret being unable to stop this.". "Only two since well, I'm not dying today. Primordial Torrent!" said Zane, firing multiple Primordial energy beams coming from his hands and the spheres around him. They went toward Basalt who held out his left hand and made another sword appear. This sword matched the one on his back which he held in his right hand.

Both blades were encased in his signature magma/lava and swung the swords down. These swords sliced through the energy beams, causing an explosion afterwards. Back above, the fight was still going on. "Huh. I guess you were right about these guys Vlad. They are literally the definition of cannon fodder." said Lorelei as she manipulated several vines to pierce right through the Phestron charging toward her. "I told you!" said Vlad, blasting back a group of Phestron while on Altair's shoulder. 

Sitara slicked a slime in half with her blasting it with fire. "Like I said countless times, don't get cocky even the fight is in your fight." said Sitara. "They have the right to be cocky Sitara since we're fighting against extremely weak enemies." said Turseek. "Yeah. I mean it's not like we're up against a serious opponent." said Kitt, unleashing a barrage of missiles at a group of Slimes. The Paradoxes plus Lorelei heard a roar with them turning to see a single Vonrall with a group of Slimes protecting it. 

This Vonrall however was covered by a Vordlarin, increasing its strength. "I feel like we brought this upon us. What do Terrans call it?" thought Altair, touching Malik's shoulder. "Karma and tempting the Omniverse big guy." said Malik. "Don't worry so much. We can totally handle the double VV." said Veto. "Double VV?" said Ralad. "It's a Vonrall being controlled by a Vordlarin Ralad. I mean what would you call them then?" said Veto. "A enemy we need to take down." said Sitara. 

Veto sighed as he said,"You can be a real buzzkill sometimes you know that.". This comment earned him a hit on the back of his head from Malik. As this conversation was going on, Danny was looking at the Vonrall. "I got this. Allen took down two of them easily so it shouldn't be that difficult since I know its weakness." thought Danny as he sprouted his Phantasmal Drive and flew right toward the double VV. 

He landed on the creature's back with him thinking,"Time to use one of my new gadgets. The Combat Arms!". His entire body was coated in an extremely durable metal, giving his skin a battleship gray metallic sheen. He turned his right hand into the end of a cannon, unleashing a massive azure blue blast onto the double VV. This caught the attention of the Slimes bodyguards. Danny's attack pushed the double VV into the ground with him looking at the slime guards. "That looked painful." said Kitt. 

Vlad smiled as he said,"But awesome! Keep going kid!". "So are you guys going to do something about it or what?" said Danny, provoking the guards. The guards began releasing tendrils toward Danny who smiled. He blocked them using heater shield that emerged from his arms. "Time to finish them off. Supreme Luster." thought Danny, jumping back. He aimed his left arm forward with him focusing energy into his arm, causing them to glow azure blue. 

The gathered up energy focused up in his palm, releasing a dense beam of swirling energy from it. It was a massive beam of energy, hitting the slimes dead on and send all of them flying with this explosion killing the double VV in the process. Danny ran off to go find a certain Vordlarin leader with Altair smiling. "Yep. He's definitely Zane's brother. He will be just fine so don't worry Zane." thought Altair with him looking at the red dome containing his friend and one of the most deadly beings.  

Back with Zane, Basalt unleashed several streams of magma at Zane with the Cross Species easily blocking them using one of the discs surrounding him or dodging them. "Seriously? You got this high tech suit of armor and you're still trying to burn me alive with lava/magma streams. Here's some words of advice. You're becoming predictable which will lead to my victory and your defeat!" said Zane. He held a V.B.R.S. in between all of his fingers excluding the thumb.

He threw the six marbles toward Basalt. The Maferno was covered in vines thanks to the marbles with him trying to burn them away, the vines would cover themselves in spikes. These spikes are strong enough to pierce through his incredibly durable armor and right into his skin. Basalt growled in anger with him seeing Zane's five discs heading toward him. Basalt slammed his fists onto the ground, which producing wave after wave of jagged black spikes with red curvy lines inscribed around them.

These spikes began to produce lava/magma, burning everything and this included the discs. "Damn. I really like those discs." said Zane. "You can always make more Zane. I really don't get what's the big deal. Those discs can be used for attack, defense, or platforms but they have a weakness toward strong amount of pressure or you losing focus." said Astaroth. "With Zane, I doubt it would make any sense if he explained." said Matrix. 

Havoc nodded as he said,"That's a good description of Zane. You really do know him Matrix. I only heard about him from my mom and Parker.". "You will never truly know Zane." said Astaroth. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked to see that Basalt's eyes were glowing green. "I better make another shield or start move fast." thought Zane. "You're right Zane. I think it's time for me to get some new material!" said Basalt, unleashing two giant beams of green energy from his eyes. 

These beams went flying toward him with Zane taking an educated guess on what these beams were going to do. He began moving around the battle field with him trying to make the beams hit something else. However, the beams hit Zane directly in the back and these beams turned into electricity. These beams shocked him upon contact and this confused him. Zane looked to see that Basalt's vines were burned away and his armor was covered in holes. "I'm free!" said Basalt. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"And looking like swiss cheese. Just wanted to pointed that out.". Basalt charged Zane with Crisis Judgement going off. From what Zane could see, the Maferno was planning on slicing Zane in two and his eyes glowed. Zane blocked the Maferno's shield using a large translucent and intricately designed shield coated in a cosmic colored light. Zane's superhero logo is carved in the middle of the shield. "Sorry but that won't be working on me. Unworldly Shield!" said Zane.

He released a stream of candy syrup right into Basalt's face, blinding him for a second. Using the shield in front of him, he pushed the larger opponent back. Zane jumped back with him making his right arm turn into its liquid form. It began growing in size, hardening up and slowly forming a giant version of his new arm. "Lets go! New combo move! Avalanche Rocket Punch!" said Zane, launching the giant fist toward Basalt. This pushed him back a couple of feet in a grove of trees.

Basalt easily recovered from this attack with the Maferno stomping onto the ground. Several waves of magma emerged from Basalt with Zane glaring at it. "You really need to cool down Basalt!" said Zane with him turning into Water Prime. "Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Ocean Wrath!" said Zane, making a giant wave of water come toward the magma. This made the entire battlefield get covered in a thick layer of steam.

Using his armor, he saw several mermaids come out of the steam and the Maferno began destroying them with relative ease. "Is that all you got Zane?! I won't let water stop me from getting my revenge on you!" said Basalt as he sliced right through a mermaid. "Of course that wouldn't stop you but it makes a great distraction to get this working." thought Zane, unleashed a wave of Diamond Prime's diamonds throughout the area around them. 

Basalt looked at them as he said,"These diamonds. You used them earlier while in Radiation Prime but tell me. How did you do that?". "A good Magnus never reveals his secrets and instead of worrying about you, you need to be worried about them. They're quite angry if you ask me." said Zane, pointing to something behind Basalt.  The Maferno turned around to see a Crystup and several rock golems.

They were similar to the ones that Salem created back in Zero Episode 129 except for different colored ruins covering their bodies. Their ruins are colored a mixture of molten gold and purple. Basalt began fighting off the Crystup and golems with no problems at his end. They were shattered and Basalt looked annoyed. "Did you honestly think those pathetic minions would stop me from getting my revenge on you?" said Basalt. 

Zane shrugged as he said while clenching his fists,"Not really. I know that you hate me for beating you up but here's the thing. I won't let you hurt my friends. I'm the only one here strong enough to take you down since Parker is a pacifist.". "Always the cocky one aren't you? You may think your attempts to distract me are working but they won't." said Basalt. "Okay then. If you really want me to show you that I'm serious, I will! Fierce Sol!" said Zane with him throwing the attack toward Basalt. 

Basalt's eyes glowed green with him firing out green energy beams at the sphere. This created a massive explosion with both fighters remaining calm and confident. Back above, Allen, Arya, and Gwen were fighting against the duo of Grimace and Lunacy. Allen offered to help Rachel but she was focused on taking down Nemesis who used gold energy beams and a robot army to keep her busy. Nemesis's robot army are all wearing black skin-tight uniforms.

The uniform has gold sections on the chest and extremities. They wear silver helmets that completely covers their head and functions as  their heads. They have a purple star shaped visor. They wears silver gauntlets which is also a fusion of a brass knuckle. Despite being out numbered, Rachel's Ardor was tearing these robots apart with no problem. "So do you guys have an idea how to separate the Vordlarin from their hosts? From what I know, Zane usually defeats Darth that way." said Gwen.

She kept the two back thanks to a wave of ice. Allen shrugged with him unleashing a barrage of plasma bullets at them. Grimace took the bullets head on while Lunacy jumped around them. Arya ,covered in her armor, aimed her left hand at the duo, turning it into a gatling gun. The gun began firing out oversized fists with spiked knuckles, hurting Grimace on contact since he refused to dodge any of their attacks.

Arya noticed pieces of metal from the destroy robots and she smiled. "Quark! I need you to help me with something." said Arya. "Sure thing Seraphina. Mind keeping them busy for just a second?" said Allen. "Sure." said Gwen, charging toward them. Grimace smiled with him getting ready to strike Gwen and devour her alive but was used as a springboard by Lunacy. "Hey! She's mine to devour!" said Grimace. "Oh shut up." said Lunacy, blocking Gwen's sword with a sword made from her body.

Grimace was about to attack Gwen while she was busy with Lunacy but was unable to move. He looked around and saw that instead of being frozen like Basalt was earlier, his body was held in place by a giant claw machine claw made out of plasma. "Sorry but you won't be hurting my friend while she's busy at the moment." said Allen. "Seriously. You two won't be able to stop us." said Lunacy, blasting Gwen with Impulse with the sorceress using her sword to slice it in half. 

The male Vordlarin nodded as he said,"She's right! There is nothing you can do to stop me from getting my revenge on you bitches!". Before he could do anything about that, several pieces of metal came crashing down. The two Vordlarins didn't see this happening. "I see. Your plan is simple. It seems you're going to use the frequency from the pieces of metal to stun them so we can rip them apart. It seems that she and Zane both have a impressive mind." thought Gwen. 

Gwen smiled as she said,"You really shouldn't say that since the Omniverse has a way to ruin your plan.". Allen flew behind Grimace and grabbed his arm. He slammed him into the ground with the male Vordlarin roaring. "Do it now Seraphina!" shouted Gwen. The girl nodded as she began placing more pieces of metal into the ground nearby the trio of Allen, Grimace, and Lunacy with the two Vordlarins getting held in place by Allen's plasma claw. 

With each piece planted in the ground, Arya hit them and released a sound that caused both of the Vordlarins to roar in anger. Seeing both of them in pain, Allen flew into the air above them with both Arya and Gwen moving back. "Lets go. Plasmic Blast." said Allen with him firing a giant blast of plasma from above and this made a noticeable crater in the ground. The shockwave hit the pieces of metal, creating more soundwaves. 

Grimace and Lunacy were knocked out and they were contained in glass jars that appeared from under the Vordlarins. "So I have to ask. Where did the jars come from?" said Allen, floating down to the two of them. "Parker's security system has them to contain enemies who can turn into a liquid form. I'm sure that they'll be able to contain those two since their ears will be ringing for at least six hours." said Arya with a smile. "May I ask how you're sure about that?" said Gwen. "Science." said Arya. 

Allen nodded as he said,"That make sense to me.". "It does?" said Gwen. "Of course it does. It's like saying magic to explain something complicated. We should go help Rae out by taking care of the robots so she can handle another evil version of Zane." said Allen. He flew off. "I'm guessing that he doesn't know now that worked." said Gwen. "Nope! He's right about us helping Rae though." said Arya. The two girls went to handle the robots with Allen as Rachel began fighting against Nemesis.  

With Danny, he was fighting against Rivart with the leader of the Vordlarins slashing Danny's chest with his thick claws. "You're in over your head! I've been absorb and taking the abilities of several species who found their way into the Infinite Void! I'll be taking great pleasure in ripping you in two right in front of Zane and that woman's family!" said Rivart. "That's not happen!" said Danny as he made the Spectral Busters. 

He kicked Rivart back and turned his arms into the Phantom Smashers. He ripped open the ground and held a huge chunk of rock with him throwing it at Rivart. Rivart roared with him turning both of his arms into spiked broadswords with him slicing the ground in four pieces. Dust and rubble covered the area with Danny trying to remember what the weakness of a Vordlarin were from the time he fought against Darth that one time. 

Danny thought,"Okay. He hates ice and sound. Lets go with the latter since I'm pretty sure that you can't get rid of that weakness no matter what you do to prevent it. Right Zane?". Before Danny could do anything, Rivart sprinted out from the dust and slammed Danny in the ground. Dust and debris covered the area due to how hard Rivart slammed Danny into the ground. "Any last words punk?!" shouted Rivart and Xavier in unison. "Yeah. Get off me. Sonic Disruptor!" said Danny.

He had amplifiers coming out of the back of his hands with these speakers being a black color. He makes a pair of headphones go over his ears. He aimed his hands right at Rivart, releasing an azure blue sound wave. This caused Rivart to roar in pain and Danny punched him in the face. "I know your species's weakness and nothing will stop me from kicking you ass!" said Danny. The two began exchanging punches with their hits creating shockwaves upon contact with each other. 

As these fights were going on, a more intense fight was going on. The jungle around Parker's lab had gotten a makeover and it wasn't pretty. The ground had been ripped apart with countless spots of lava/magma licking away at the air around them. Most of the flora had been reduced to burning cinders by said flame. There were diamond shards of all shape and sizes scattered around with them belonging to Comet Prime and Diamond Prime.

There were frost marks covering the ground, indicating that Zane used Frost Prime and Thermal Prime to fight Basalt as well. Another part of the battlefield had cut fragments of wooden vines that came from Vine Prime. A third area was completely soaked, meaning that Zane used the lakes that were inside of the forcefield to try and stop Basalt but it didn't work. The planet's life forms were trying to stay away from their fight but it didn't work. 

However, the mountains range were safe from the battle as well since they were just outside of the barrier. Zane ,in Warlord Form, was sent flying back from one of Basalt's punches and it sent the powerful form skipping across the surface of the swamp water. The form made a big splash upon hitting the swamp. He let out a painful, guttural roar with him slowly returned to his feet and he winced from the blow. "Yep. That armor is no way a joke. Duly noted." said Zane with him panting heavily.

Zane's tough hide was covered in scraps, bruises, and burns. "Quit with the jokes Zane. It's getting old to hear them. You should know that I'm ready for whatever form or technique you have in your arsenal. It makes no difference." said Basalt with him walking toward Zane through the swamp water. It was being evaporated upon coming in contact with the Maferno. He did have some wounds on him but the fight was going in Basalt's favor. 

Havoc gulped as he said,"Hey Zane. I know that you're busy but do you think we could try something? I know that we just met all but since we're going to be working together from...". Zane blinked as he thought,"Oh wow. Is this how I sound whenever I ramble on?". "Yes you do partner but Rachel loves you for that. So don't change okay?" said Astaroth. "Focus you guys! Basalt is getting closer and I doubt he'll let us finish our conversation." said Matrix. 

Zane nodded as he said,"So what's your idea Havoc? At this point, I'm up for anything.". "Okay then. Here it is." said Havoc. After hearing the plan, Zane smiled. "If you have any more idea like that Havoc, our partnership is going to be amazing." said Zane. "Really? Okay! I won't let you down Zane. My mom never let you down and neither will I." said Havoc. Zane take a deep breath with him unleashing a massive hurrican of air from his mouth. "Heavenly Emperor Barrage!" said Zane. 

The burst of air pushing Basalt back. "Really?! I doubt your bad breath is going to stop me!" said Basalt. He was about to unleash his flames but was unable to move. "Are you really repeating the Specter Form trick? I thought you were better than that!" said Basalt. "You really do know nothing about me." said Zane, turning into Alien Form. He's eight feet tall with him being a slim yet muscular humanoid reptilian alien.

Zane has dark purple scale like skin with him having a natural emerald green exoskeleton. This exoskeleton covers his arms, chest, legs, neck, and shoulders with gaps in between, revealing his dark purple scale like skin. His head is covered by a green fire like substance which also works like his hair. His skull is black and skeletal, showing his pronounced cheekbones. He has two horns protruding at a solid forty five degree angle coming out of the side of his head. 

He has a black ink like tongue. He has three eyes, which are always hidden behind a visor. This visor is actually a natural part of his body and can't be removed. It’s in the shape of sunglasses that exposes his forehead. It's clear and see-through, showing off his trio of eyes. All three eyes are oval shaped and inside of rectangular eye sockets. His left eye is a sapphire blue color, his right eye is a ruby red color, and his center third eye is a emerald green color. His ears are large and pointed like an elf. 

Zane has noticeable insect like traits to him with him having a black film connected to the tibia and tarsus of his legs. His mouth looks insect like. He has five fingers and talon-like toes. He has two emerald green and dark purple bat/moth like wings being that they come out of his back. The dark purple part of his wings is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his wings is part of his natural exoskeleton.

He has a thick dark purple scaled prehensile tail with the end of it being a emerald green wrecking ball. Like with his wings, the dark purple part of his tail is part of his natural biology and the emerald green part of his tail is part of his natural exoskeleton. He wears a long dark red cloak with it always open and has glowing molten lining. He wears his gray sleeveless tunic like gi and a black tie with his tie having a silver UFO on it. He wears dark purple pants with a gold obi like belt. 

Zane is wearing black boots with the bottom of his boots being a red color. He wears black fingerless gloves. "That is Alien Form. While this form looks quite weak compared to Warlord Form, I won't be underestimating you Zane." thought Basalt. "Listen up Magma Dome. It's time for you to die or get beaten to a pulp which ever works. At this point, I'm good." said Zane with him jump right toward Basalt and his jump created a shockwave.

Before Basalt could do anything about, he coughed up saliva due to Zane's head slamming right into his stomach. He began to unleash a barrage of punches, kicks, and tail swipes on Basalt with Basalt getting annoyed. Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt unleashed green lightning bolts shaped energy blades from the tops of his wrists. He was about to slash Zane away but his attack missed thanks to Zane releasing a burst of sapphire blue ice and this froze the swamp water around them. 

Zane flew back with him producing black ink from his mouth. This ink turned into bullets that covered the ice below them. Basalt growled with him break out of the ice by melting it away. This create a thick layer of smoke with Basalt deciding to use the smoke to his advantage. He rushed toward Zane but instead of hitting him, the Maferno was covered in black ink. "Sorry buddy. Try again." echoed Zane's voice with the Maferno looking for him. 

He got his answer due to Zane kicking him hard in the face. The force of the blow was extremely strong with the shockwave breaking the ice around where Basalt was. Basalt's head whipped to the left with him staggering back a bit. He opened his mouth and spat out a couple of teeth. Zane didn't let up on him with him increasing the gravity on Basalt and this was made obvious thanks to Zane's hands glowing emerald green. "I think it's time for some golf." said Zane, making Oathmaker appear. 

Zane slammed the hammer right into the Maferno's face once again, breaking more teeth by the second time around. "And now your idea Havoc." said Zane with him turning into Sound Prime and this was thanks to his right arm. "High-Def Surround Sound!" said Zane as Sound Prime's discs appeared from Zane's body. They floated around Basalt, unleashing their sound onto him. The Maferno screamed with him covering his ears and Zane smirked. "Fore!" said Zane.

He swung the hammer right into Basalt. This send the Maferno flying out of the swamp and landed onto his back hard. Zane stood nearby Basalt with the alien looking unharmed and missing Oathmaker. He also deactivated Sound Prime and put Brawn Prime in its place. Basalt's chest plate had a deep indention with orange, red, and yellow spider web like crackles. His necklace was gone as well. "That's a good start." said Zane. 

During their fight, Zane easily noticed that Basalt's armor had the annoying ability to regenerate any damage that it took. However, it had its limits. A really powerful attack would leave a mark on the armor. Basalt slowly stood back up with him smiling. "Yes! This is what I have been wanting this entire time! A truly worthy opponent!" cackled Basalt. "Okay then. It's clear that I probably broke your brain earlier. Time to finish the job." said Zane.

He launched himself toward Basalt with Zane creating a shockwave. Basalt narrowed his eyes and charged at Zane. Before they clashed once again, Zane cocked back his left fist and punched forward. Basalt extended his right arm and caught the punch with his hand. It made a resounding boom and shockwave, shaking the ground around them. After this clash, Zane went back by backflipping. "So why did you do that? I mean you can fly!" said Matrix. 

Without missigng a beat, Havoc said,"I think he was trying to look cool for the crowd watching this fight.". "Really? That's his reason Havoc?" said Matrix. "If you're going to be a member of Team Legion Zero, you'll get use to Zane's showboating. I'm thinking its genetic at this point." said Astaroth. Zane opened his chest, revealing four black ,ink like, tentacles that can be used to grab opponents at close or long range. 

Basalt was about to burn them away but was stopped by emerald green darts coming from Zane's fingers. The ink like tendrils grabbed Basalt's arms and legs, bringing him close to Zane. Upon getting close to Basalt, the alien was about to kick Basalt in his metallic face but the Maferno's armor caught Zane's foot. Basalt began releasing an incredible heat, causing Zane to let him go and he was slammed into the ground by Basalt.

The Maferno increased his grip on Zane's head, sadistically laughing as his armor picked up Zane's bones breaking due to his grip. "Basalt. You're really trying to kill me aren't you." said Zane. "I think I figured you out. You makes those needless comments of yours when you're scared but I think it's time for you to learn your place." said Basalt. Without giving Zane a chance to comment, a pyramid shaped gun barrel appeared from Basalt's chest. 

Zane's eyes widened with him taking a powerful greenish-blue energy directly. This blast sent Zane skidding back and with his feet cutting trenches into the ground. Zane was unable to catch his breath due to the charging Basalt who smashed both of his fists into Zane. This blow created another shockwave that ripped the ground open within a fifty meter radius and sent Zane flying away. A few minutes later, Zane opened his eyes and looked around the crater where he ended up. 

He saw that on his way here, he made a large trench into the ground. "Yep. Everything hurts. I'm not a fan of this." said Zane as he coughed up candy syrup. He shakily climb to his feet and began climbing out of the crater with his left hand was placed on top of his head. He opened his eyes and deactivated the form. "Okay. Basalt isn't holding back and well, I need to get serious. Or more serious than I was before." said Zane. "Ready to use Albion yet? It's ready to go." said Matrix. 

Zane shook his head as he said,"Not yet. We got a couple of Havoc's plans left plus I can beat this guy without it.". He looked up to see that all of his friends were still fighting Basalt's forces. Before Astaroth could say anything about Zane not using Albion and to stop showing off, his watch began beeping. Zane pressed the faceplace down with him saying,"So how are things going up there? Things are going great down here. I think I'm doing some damage to him and he's doing some to me, it's mutual.". 

Velda's voice said,"Focus Zane. We're currently working on disabling the forcefield that's keeping you and Basalt inside.". "Um why exactly? I rather not let Basalt get to you guys plus he really wants to keep our fight one on one. He made that perfectly clear easily." said Zane. "Zane. We need to disarm the forcefield in order to free some Trungins that managed to get captured in there with you. I have Arya work on the forcefield but she says that it will take a handful of minutes to destroy it." said Parker. 

Parker smiled as he said,"Since you're here, let me give you some words of encouragement.". "Oh great. I get another lecture from you." said Zane, rolling his eyes. Matrix sighed as she shocked Zane much to his annoyance. "I thought we were friends now Matrix and why does this hurt me?! I'm immune to electricity!" said Zane. "How about you just listen to daddy and quit with the back talking?!" said Matrix. "So mean." grumbled Zane. 

The Eazairvian said,"Don't let Basalt's immense power get to you. You are stronger than him even with him using that suit of armor that increases his strength. I'll admit that the design isn't god awful like that knock off Z.E.R.O. Watch but its power is unmatched by anything Aihlus has even made.". "That wasn't a lecture. Just get back to taking down that forcefield so we can help those foxes. I'll keep Basalt busy. I think he's coming to pay me a visit and it will be painful." said Zane as he hanged up. 

Zane didn't need Crisis Judgement to see Basalt jumping toward him, landing a good nine feet away from Zane. "This power I have at my disposal is unmatched! There is nothing that you can do to stop me!" said Basalt with Zane gritting his teeth and narrowed his eyes. He looked down at his watch with him saying,"Okay. I got this.". Before Basalt could do anything, he began smelling something quite foul. "Really? Do you think that you'll knock me out using sleeping gas?" said Basalt.

He looked to see Zane standing there in Matter Form. "It ain't sleeping gas magma dome but hey, prove me wrong." said Zane with his arms crossed and a smirk present on his face. Basalt glared at Zane, making a magma ball appear in his hand. "Kaboom." said Zane with him turning into smoke. The battlefield was caught up in a massive explosion of ice with Basalt being caught in the middle of it. The smoke eventually cleared with Basalt standing there in the center of a crater. 

He was in a slight amount of pain. "So how did you enjoy the methane + magma ship? It would have made a fiery explosion but well, my Carnal said differently." said Zane as he returned onto the battlefield. "Let me show you how much I enjoyed it." said Basalt. Before Basalt could do anything about his threat, Zane ,in Orb Prime, slammed right into him and pushed him back. The ball began moving around the Maferno's crater, making a noticeable divot in the ground. 

Due to how fast he was going, Zane create a tornado and this launched Basalt into the air. Zane bounced up to Basalt, slamming him back into the ground and made the crater even bigger. Basalt groaned with Zane landed nearby. "Okay. Lets go." said Zane as he turned into Thunder Form with his right arm giving him the ability of Chaos Form. The ape placed his hands onto the ground with the ground begining to form around Basalt. This trapped the Maferno in the ground. 

Zane began glowing bright purple as he said,"Time to up the voltage! Thunder Prime!". Thunder Prime is sixteen feet with his body's appearance looking the exact same as it was before except for the second set of arms. He wears a black natural faceplate over his face. This plate covers his forehead, nose, eyebrows, and ears but his eyes and mouth are exposed. Both of his eyes have red scleras, white irises, and black pupils. Over his eyes, he has white thunder bolt shaped markings. 

These markings appear over his ankles and wrists with them replacing the bolts. His mouth is the same as before except he had now has two tongues and four large jagged fangs coming out of his mouth whenever his mouth is closed. He wears a black hooded jumpsuit with bright dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, stripes across the arms and legs. His jumpsuit has silver shoulder pads ,in the shape of discs, with a lightning bolt etched into them. 

He wears black boots, brown fingerless gloves, and gold gauntlets with a lightning bolt etched into them. He now has a large version of his tail and it looks metallic. It’s constantly producing Zane’s signature dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, electricity. "And you're Frankenstein Prime as well thanks to your right arm. Hope that's enough voltage for you." said Matrix. "Thanks Matrix. Hey Basalt! Get ready for your electrocution!" said Zane. 

After saying that, Zane smiled and he said,"I pray for your forgiveness but this sinner deserves nothing less than your judgement Zagehz. Thunder Emperor Judgement!". He pressed both of his palms firmly together and his fingertips evenly aiming them toward the sky. Four molten gold storm clouds appears above the buried Basalt. The four clouds send down a barrage of giant thunderbolts onto Basalt, creating a large explosion of thunder.

This increased the size of Basalt's crater and released him from the ground in the process. Basalt tried to move but couldn't due to his armor being overcharged with electricity thanks to Zane's first spell. Zane opened his mouth, releasing a giant stream of destructive thunder from his mouth and making it an explosion at the end. "Lets start things off with Thunder Emperor Barrage into Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Arcadia Smash!" said Zane.

As he was saying this, his left arm getting covered in a solid layer of thunder. The gathered electricity went into the air with him forming a molten gold cloud above Basalt once again. The cloud brought down several giant thunderbolts ,which are in the shape of fists, onto Basalt. "I'm not down yet! Lets go! Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Celestial Stanchions!" said Zane, clasping all of his hands together. 

He began focusing his electricity and covering himself in it. As he's doing this, the sky around him was getting darker and thunder boomed above. The wind ,inside of the forcefield, was picking up and Basalt found it hard for him to breath. Zane ,with his eyes glowing, looked down at Basalt with him holding out all of his hands and clapping. After clapping, twelve pillars of lightning came out of the sky and struck Basalt. 

Zane launched a thirteen pillar toward Basalt with this pillar turning into a gigantic dragon/fist hybrid that hit Basalt directly. This created a massive explosion of lightning and Zane glared at him. "Get up bastard!! I'm not down with your electrocution yet!" roared Zane as his electricity sparked up in intensity. Basalt slowly stood up as there was a green aura around his body. "Your electricity is strong but nothing can break through this shield." said Basalt.

The aura was gone as he charged toward Zane and jumped into the air. He unleashed a massive stream of magma at Zane who blocked it by a massive stream of thunder. The two elements clashed in mid air with neither side gaining the advantage. "I'm not done with you! Thunder Emperor Absolute Method: Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Dreadnaught!" said Zane with him gathering up a huge cluster of electricity and glares directly at Basalt with him clapping. 

After clapping a single time, twelve spheres of lightning comes out of the sky above him. They slowly heads toward Basalt, creating a massive explosion of electricity. With each sphere destroy, the explosion grows bigger. Basalt had the green aura around him and he was sure about something. Zane's spell was strong but nothing compared to his armor. As this barrage of explosions is going on, Zane cups his palms together with him making a massive version of Oathbreaker appear. 

He began charging toward Basalt with him smashing the hammer into Basalt right after the twelfth explosion. This makes a final explosion that shook the area around them. Basalt went flying back with Zane smiling. "See?! I broke your stupid shield with my electric personality!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off with him turning into lightning, dodging several purple energy beams. These beams hit Basalt with him defending the shots. 

Zane reformed a few feet away with him seeing a pack of Trungin firing the purple energy beams at Basalt. "Huh. I found the Trungin. Lets just hope we're allies this time around." thought Zane with him being reminded of what happened earlier. The pack didn't let up on the energy beams with Basalt glaring at them. "Oh wow. They must not want Basalt to destroy their home. I mean I'm doing the exact same thing but I guess that they deem Basalt to be the bigger threat." said Zane. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked at them. "Get out of here! He's too strong!" said Zane. His warning was ignored as Basalt turned his left arm into an cannon and blasted several energy projectiles at the pack. The pack was quick enough to avoid the blasts with the explosions knocking Zane off his feet and onto his back. "Leave now! He's too strong for you! I learned that sometimes, you have to know your limits and retreat to fight another day!" said Zane.

Zane clenched his fists as he said,"I know that you guys want to protect your home I understand that but leave that to me! I may have hurt you in the past but I plan to make amends! Believe in me got it?!". Despite not liking the Cross Species and his friends for steeping into their territory, they knew when they were unmatched and retreated. They could also feel that Zane was strong like the armor wearing one so they trusted him to make good on his promise. 

With them out of the way and hopefully out of the forcefield, Zane glared at Basalt who smiled directly at him. "Always the hero aren't you? You must hate that don't you?" said Basalt. "It's better than being the villain who has beings in his life out of fear rather than love like a hero does." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped back to evade a pillar of lava. Before Zane could recover, a metal wire went around his neck. 

It was strangling him and he tried to get it off him but this wire was draining him of all of his electricity and strength. Basalt ,with the wire coming out of his right wrist, brought his arm down and this sent Zane into the ground. With the wire still around his neck, Basalt dragged Zane over to him and he smiled. He turned his left arm into magma and he slammed into Zane's chest with him creating a giant hole in Zane's chest. 

Basalt tossed Zane away with him unleashing a barrage of magma construct fists at Zane. Each fist slammed into him and Basalt slammed his left foot right into Zane's face, creating a crater in the ground. "Bastard. Don't think you can defeat me by burning away my Essence. Malik tried that six years ago and it failed just like your face!" said Zane with him spitting in Basalt's face. "Really Zane? Spitting. How pathetic." said Basalt. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"If you honestly think that, you don't know me whatsoever.". His spit turned out to be royal blue tar and exploded right in Basalt's face. This pushed Basalt back and off Zane with him deactivating Thunder Prime. His wounds from Basalt's magma blast to the chest healed up with Basalt smiling. He held his sword with him swinging it fast. The sword unleashed a barrage of orange, crescent-shaped energy waves with serrated edges lashed out.

They didn't go toward at Zane but one of the retreating Trungin. "No! Coward!" shouted Zane. "I like to call it a strategic maneuver since well, you're a hero after all." said Basalt. The Trungin was unaware of this until Zane slammed into him and took the attack head on.  This attack literally sliced Zane into pieces with his blood coming out of him. The Trungin was shocked by the Cross Species's ability to give himself for an enemy but knew Zane need her gone so he could fight Basalt.

Zane groaned as he said,"Okay then. Ouch. That's real sharp.". His body slowly began to regenerate and repair itself. Zane slowly pushed himself off the ground and on his leg. He let out an annoyed grunt with his left eye closed since it had been shattered thanks to Barrage's sword wave. "Damn it. Do you know how much it cost to rebuild one of those? Not much since I'm rich but I hate being a cyclops for any period of time since it hurts my loved ones!" said Zane with him making a new left eye appear. 

He turned into Salamander Prime with him making two clones appear. The clones turned into Archfiend Prime and Gravity Prime. "You two ready?" said Zane. "Gotcha boss." said the two. Gravity held out his hands with them glowing crimson red. The gravity around Basalt increased with the Maferno getting pushed into the ground. Zane fired two beams from his two cannons. The left beam was royal blue Carnal and the right beam was turquoise Primordial. 

These beams exploded upon contact with Basalt with Zane taking a deep breath. "Do it now while the boss is getting charged!" said Gravity. Archfiend began making cannons with him saying,"Let me introduce you to the Barrage Blasters! Arcane Emperor Barrage Blaster! Armageddon Emperor Barrage Blaster! Chaos Emperor Barrage Blaster! Forest Emperor Barrage Blaster! Heavenly Emperor Barrage Blaster! Hellfire Emperor Barrage Blaster!".

As he was saying this, the cannons began charging up a respective element. "Luminous Emperor Barrage Blaster! Ocean Emperor Barrage Blaster! Permafrost Emperor Barrage Blaster! Thunder Emperor Barrage Blaster! Umbra Emperor Barrage Blaster!" said Archfiend. From the cannons, all eleven Barrage spells appeared and struck Basalt head on. "Lets go! Zenith Sphere Wave times three!" said Zane as he fired out a Zenith Sphere Wave from his mouth and two cannons. 

One Zenith Sphere Wave is made out of Akostar energy being a Cosmic Crimson Red, Carnal being Royal Blue, and Mojo being Black. These beams collided onto Basalt, creating a massive explosion and making a mushroom cloud. Archfiend Prime and Gravity Prime vanished as Zane ,with him deactivating, looked at the cloud. "It seems that you are a hero to the very end. It is funny. I always wanted the power of your watch to rule over all." said Basalt's voice. 

Zane clenched his fists as he heard,"But thanks to you, I gained a power that easily dwarfs the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Once I end your life and take the watch for myself, nothing will be able to stop me.". The Maferno stood there with him cracking his knuckles. "Is that all you got Zane? I thought you were the one who replaced me as a Jaeger." said Basalt as he produced a huge amount of magma/lava. He unleashed two massive streams of magma at Zane who blocked these steams of magma.

This was thanks to an ethereal solid gate shaped construct that shines crimson red. "Thanks Unworldly Gate." said Zane. Basalt charged Zane with him cocking back his left fist. Zane turned intangible with him appearing behind Basalt. "Impulse Sabers." muttered Zane with him focusing Impulse into his arms. The energy turned into a piercing energy blade around his arms. These blades went to a few inches above his hands. 

He slashed Basalt in the back twice, causing him to roar in anger as Zane began rapidly stabbing Basalt rapidly. He finished by crossing both blades over the Maferno and deliver a powerful x-shaped slash over him. "Damn you! I will make pay for that!" roared Basalt. "And now, you're sounding like a stereotypical villain. You make think that your armor dwarfs the Z.E.R.O. Watch but honestly, I'll take you down with it on!" said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane as he said,"So are you going to use one of your stronger forms? I know for a fact that you are still holding back.". "You're right about me holding back but you're doing the exact same. Pot calling kettle black much?" said Zane. Basalt began laughing with Matrix saying,"I think you broke him Zane.". "Fine. I'll go all out on you Zane if you do the same and stop with those dumb jokes of yours." said Basalt. 

Instead of doing that, Zane turned into Atomic Prime. "Really? Why not Astral Form or are you too scared like you were back then?" said Basalt. "Not at all. I just know that I can do this without using that power in that way. Now are we going to keep talking like old ladies or are we going to fight like men?" said Zane. "Fine. Use this form of yours. I'll make your defeat even more painful!" said Basalt as the two clashed fists. 

This sent shockwaves throughout the entire planet and Zane went back from it. He began launching the compressed dark matter that rotating around his body at Basalt. This kept Basalt from doing anything since each sphere exploded upon contact and kept him from dodging with Zane making a bigger sphere of dark matter. "Take this!" shouted Zane with him tossing the sphere at Basalt. The sphere made a massive mushroom cloud upon contact with the Maferno and Zane stood there. 

Zane thought,"He isn't down yet.". "How come you're so sure? You unleashed a million Sv or siverts with your last attack alone. No being should have live through that." said Matrix. "Basalt is stubborn and persistent like I am. Things are just getting warmed up." said Zane as he flew into the explosion where Basalt was waiting for him. During his fight, Zane's arms were glowing and he cocked back both of his arms. 

Upon seeing the Maferno, Zane slammed both fist into the left and right side of Basalt's head. This created a massive explosion that consisted of five million SV or siverts with it creating a massive mushroom cloud and sent shockwaves throughout the planet. A few minutes later, the explosion cleared up and it revealed the outcome of Zane's explosion. Zane ,out of Atomic Prime, was being held in the air by Basalt's left hand around his neck. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Your attack was so cute there. Trying to kill me with all of that radiation but you should know that I won't be losing to you ever again. You also forgot about my ability to deactivate your form with a single blast. Your attacks almost made me break a nail.". "You're making jokes now Basalt? What has the Omniverse come to?" said Zane with Basalt glaring. He released an electric shock through Zane with him screaming in pain and Basalt dropped him. 

The Maferno smiled as he said,"My mistake. That seems to be your thing. I think I'll just stick to mine.". He blasting Zane with his green energy beam that was shocking Zane upon contact. Zane was being pushed farther into the ground with him smiling. "Sorry but I can't let you have the high ground here Basalt. Time to go above and beyond in kicking your butt!!" said Zane as his eyes glowed bright blue. 

Basalt was hit in the back of the head by something with him thinking,"I don't think any of his friends enter the dome so who hit me and with what?". He turned around to see Zane standing there with him saying,"Don't look away from me or my clone but here's the question. Am I the real one or a fake? Have fun figuring out!". Basalt looking down to see Zane smiling at him. Basalt sliced the clone's head clean off with his sword. 

This caused Basalt to get caught up in a massive explosion of emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flames. The entire area was covered in fire and these flames formed the words "Try Again You Failed!" with these four words pissing Basalt up. He saw that the Zane from before was gone and several silver marbles came flying toward him. "Those toys of your won't do nothing to me!" shouted Basalt with him slammed his arms into the ground. 

A huge eruption of magma came out of the ground and they came in contact with the magma. The spheres unleashed a powerful burst of air and this turned all of the magma into stone. The stone eventually shattered thanks to Basalt's fist and before the Maferno could do anything, he was blasted in the face by a massive pillar of black Mojo that came from Zane. He was standing there in Satanic Corruption and wearing Avenger Mask with the Cross Species cracking his neck.

Baslt looked at him with him saying,"So the power of your most hated enemy lies within you. Why would you do that?". "To save people. I'm willing to become a monster but unlike the Brandsa, I won't let this power control me. Lets go!" said Zane. He charged right toward Basalt with him saying,"Satanic Crosscut and Satanic Railgun!". His arms began growing to be at least five times bigger and Zane crossed his arms, forming an "X" shaped pattern. 

Upon reaching Basalt, he brought them down onto him. Basalt tried to block Zane's attack but he couldn't move his body thanks to the firefighting foam forming around his body. He didn't know how they appeared but he tried to break out of it. However, any kind of fire only made the foam stronger. Zane's attack caused him to slide back and he had a royal blue "X" shaped mark on his chest. As he was being pushed back, Basalt saw several royal blue Carnal energy beams appear around Zane.

The Cross Species punched the air in front of him. These beams went flying toward Basalt and Basalt began launching magma at them. Upon contact, the beams created a massive explosion with the magma. During the explosion, Zane charges through them and slammed his fist into Basalt's chin. The Maferno was sent flying into the air with him releasing green energy beams from his eyes. It collided with Zane and released electricity throughout his body but this didn't stop Zane. 

Zane shouted as he said,"If you honestly think that electricity will stop me from kicking your ass, you got another thing coming! You won't be conquering my home and my friends got it?! Satanic Roar!". He unleashed a giant beam of royal beam Carnal from his mouth toward the Maferno. "It needs more power. Time to give it some. Increase the power of my attack!" said Zane as his energy beam was covered in molten gold runes. 

This made a massive explosion and it sent shockwaves of Carnal throughout the area. Basalt landed on the ground with him covered in wounds but instead of giving up, he got back up and made his right arm getting bigger as Zane's left arm did the same. The two opponents charged toward each other and their fists slammed into each other. This shockwave went over the entire planet and the two opponents stopped with the flashy attacks, brawling with each other as each punch created a shockwave. 

In due time, Zane's neck was pinned under Basalt's foot and had his entire body encased in magma that was released electricity. The Cross Species had Avenger Mask and Satanic Corruption deactivated at this point. "Give up now and your death will be brief but painful!" said Basalt, driving his foot harder into Zane's face who groaned. "Sorry but that won't be happening any time soon you magma spewing bastard!" shouted a voice. 

Basalt turned to see Danny flying above them and he was above them in Wraith Armor. The gadget changed once again. Danny is still wearing a black full-body plated armor with wing-like jets on his back. His armor is covered by an glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. His face is covered by a mask version of his helmet which is an obsidian black color with a smaller version of his logo and white eyepieces over his eyes. His hair is still like flames with it now being azure blue energy. 

His skin is now colored an azure blue color with him having azure blue energy claws over his feet and hands. His eyes are pupilless and a white color. They glowed with a noticeable vibrancy and power within them. He has two energy wings coming out of his back and wears a gold laurel. His body has a noticeable azure blue aura with it glowing radiantly.  "You have beaten him before so just kick his ass already!" yelled Danny. "Fool. After I finish with him, you're next." said Basalt. 

Danny nodded as he said,"If you honestly think you won against Zane, you're a big idiot. I mean you know much Zane loves to talk especially during a fight.". "Don't interfere with our fight!" said Basalt with his eyes glowing. "I won't since well, he would be mad at me if I do." said Danny. Before Basalt could say anything, he was grabbed by black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains. It tossed him away from Zane and Zane floated out of the ground. 

There were two holes in Zane's prison and it exposed Zane's chains which were covering his arms. "So where you letting him kick the crap out of you just to do that or what?" said Danny. "A little bit of A and B. So is Basalt's army taken down and are the Feroxian okay?" said Zane. "Yes to both. All we have left is taking down Basalt, Rivart, and your evil twin. I leave the former to you. Rae on the other hand wanted to fight evil you." said Danny. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Tell her that I'll be okay. Now get going. Help out Rae if she really needs it but let her fight this guy. She can easily win.". "You got it bro." said Danny as he flew off and deactivated Wraith Armor.  Basalt glared at Zane with the Cross Species floating above him in his rocky prison. "Do you honestly think your little trick will led to my defeat?" said Basalt as he got ready to blast Zane. "Nope but if you think my trick is over, you're wrong." said Zane. 

Before Basalt could attack Zane, something appeared in front of him. It was Gravity Prime and the planet smiled. He made his hand glow crimson red and decreased the gravity around Basalt. He sent Basalt flying and with his other three arms, he sent a barrage of rocks at the Maferno and it was preventing him from doing anything. The amount of rocks was plentiful and in different sizes due to their fight being quite messy. 

The Maferno burned the rubble away and turned to see Titan Form standing there. He blasted cosmic red energy right at Basalt with the energy pushing him right into the ground. Zane rushed right toward Basalt, leaving behind a red and steel gray blur in his place. Zane's foot landed directly into Basalt's chest and this pushed Basalt into the remaining trees which burned away upon contact. "Okay. Activate Code 07-130-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion. Astral Form!" said Zane. 

When Zane said that, the entire battlefield was covered in a blinding light. Basalt blinked with him seeing not Astral Form but another form entirely. It was Radiation Prime and he blinked. "Oh what the hell! The one time I wanted Astral Form. Just my luck. At least, I got a Prime Form." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. "Sorry Zane! I didn't mean too!" said Matrix. "So why isn't he Astral Form? He actually wanted it for once." said Astaroth. 

Matrix screamed as she said,"I don't know! I must be malfunctioning due to the explosions from the watch.". Basalt charged toward Zane and prepared his sword to cut Zane in two. Zane sighed as he aimed both of his hands at Basalt. "This may not be on the same level as Astral or Atomic Prime but this will still hurt you a lot." said Zane as his rings begin to glow brighter. He unleashed a beam of luminescent red radiation at Basalt with the beam hitting the Maferno dead on. 

This beam sent Basalt flying until he slammed into the force field surround them. Zane flew into the air with making a giant sphere of radiation. It had black markings on it and forming a hazardous symbol on it. "Get a load of this magma dome! Zenith Radiation Sphere!" shouted Zane as he tossed the sphere down onto Basalt and this created a huge mushroom cloud of radiation. Zane flew right into the cloud and he spotted Basalt standing there without any scratches. 

He groaned with him saying,"Can you just give up Basalt? I'm getting sick of fighting you.". "As am I!" said Basalt, holding his sword and it began absorbing the radiation around them. This included Zane with him flying back. The sword was completely covered in luminescent red radiation and it glowed brightly. Without a second warning, Zane fired another beam of radiation at Basalt and the Maferno's sword absorbed it. Zane began creating copies out of his body and sent them flying toward Basalt. 

A third of the clones fired radiation, a third of the clones were getting ready to punch them, and the final third of them was getting ready to kick them. Basalt only stood there as he took the hits of the clones and they were absorbed into his sword. "Come on. This sword of yours has to have a limit when it comes to absorbing Impulse!" thought Zane as he increased the amount of radiation he was blasted at Basalt. From the outside of the forcefield, all of Zane's friends watched the fight. 

Basalt smiled and pushed back against the powerful beam. Basalt walked through the beam and his sword was absorbing the radiation in the process. "I will enjoy this." said Basalt. He held out his right arm and it was now a large cannon with a scope mounted on the left side. Greenish-blue light glowed from within the wide barrel. "I may have enjoyed our fight prior to this but well, I think it's time to end this." said Basalt. "What a big gun you have there Basalt." said Zane. 

The Maferno nodded as he said,"This gun is something known as the Extinction Cannon. It keys into a target's Impulse and will destroy it on a subcellular level.". He began narrowing his eyes at the biggest thorn in his side. "Even if you can regenerate from anything, this gun will make sure that you will be in a great deal of pain doing so. Think of it like getting hit by a fellow Eazairvian except you aren't my target." said Basalt. "No. You leave them out of this!" roared Zane angrily. 

Basalt shrugged as he said,"Why should I? All of them have been a thorn in my side for too long but you're the biggest thorn. I will get rid of her first!". The EC charged up and fired out a large concentrated green energy beam with orange lightning spiraling around it. Zane watched the beam of energy go past him and went toward its target which forced Zane to chase after it. "I hope you can prevent her death Zane since you failed before. Seventh time is the charm after all." said Basalt.

The beam broke through the forcefield and Zane followed after it as the forcefield regenerated. Up above, Rachel was fighting against Nemesis with her hearing,"Move Rae!". She turned to see Zane and the EC's blast heading toward her and she moved. Before the EC's blast could hit her, Zane blocked the shot with him taking the full impact of the blast. The force of the explosion sent Zane flying with Rachel raising her arm over her face to shield her eyes from the brightness of the blast. 

Nemesis flew away as well. Upon lowering her arm, the devil princess's eyes widened and her mouth opened in shocked horror. "No." whispered Rachel. Zane ,currently out of Radiation Prime, was sprawled out on his back with a painful groan escaped his throat as he tried to sit back up. He peeked open his right eye and gritted his teeth, trying to push through the pain. His vision was blurry for a second before it focused and when it did, he let out a single word. "Fuck." said Zane. 

Thin trails of gray smoke wafted from a deep indention in his chest with greenish-blue cracks inside that were rapidly spreading. His prosthetic Essence was destroyed and looked like he was about to fall onto the ground which he did. "Zane!" screamed Rachel as she flew toward him and got the rest of the group's attention. "That fucking idiot. He blocked a shot from the EC just to protect the princess." said Vlad, clenching his fists. "The EC?" said Turseek. 

Kitt sighed as he sad,"To put it simply Turseek, it's a very powerful cannon. Even for someone of Zane's power, it hurt a lot and I think Zane made that sacrifice all heroes will eventually have to make. Wish it didn't happen but..". "Zane." said Rachel. She was by his side as the cracks completely cover his body with Havoc who was crying. "Damn it. Why did you do that Zane?!" screamed Havoc. "Because that's what heroes do obviously." coughed Zane with the two turned to see Zane smiling at them. 

He coughed up lage globs of candy syrup and thanks to the hole in his chest, he was heavily bleeding tar. "Hey Rae. I saved you right? I didn't let another massacre happen?" said Zane. The pain was preventing him from doing a bigger smile though. He began coughing with Havoc carefully placed his body under Zane's head. "Thanks." said Zane. "What were you thinking?! You know how much I hate when you're a reckless dummy but you keep doing it!" screamed Rachel.

Tears was slowly beginning to form in her eyes. The group of Allen, Arya, Celeste, Danny, and Malik stood there with Danny clenched his fists. "Damn it! It happened again!" growled Danny. "Calm down mate." said Allen. "Are you seriously telling me to calm down right now?! My brother just had his Essence blown out again and I couldn't stop it from happening!" yelled Danny with his eyes glowing with rage. "Yeah idiot! Didn't you do that to him the first time around Malik?" said Arya. 

Gwen sighed as she said,"He did but you shouldn't say that right now.". Malik looked away in regret. "I made you a promise. I refuse to see you cry like that you did that day and well, I don't want to lose another woman I love again." said Zane as he went into a coughing fit with even more candy syrup dripping from his mouth. "Zane! Don't worry! I promise that we will get you out here! Just stay with us okay?!" said Rachel as she couldn't hold back her tears. 

She looked down at his watch that was currently malfunction due to how powerful the EC's explosion was and the devil had no way to contact Parker since Nemesis and Rivart were still here. Zane reached out and weakly rested his hand atop Rachel's hand. She looked at him though tears and saw the loving smile she fell for. "It's okay Rae. Please stop crying." said Zane. "No! You can't die like this! You still have so many things left to do!" said Arya.

The woman ran up to them with her saying though her tears,"You and I still need to see the Omniverse together like you promised! Get married to Rae! Be the best man for Danny's wedding to Gwen! Watch your kids grow up! And so much awesome stuff! You can't die here Zane! You're the person who saved me! Don't die!". "She's right Zane. You can't die here because all of us still need you." said Rachel through her tears. Both females stopped crying as they felt Zane's hand on top of their heads. 

Zane smiled as he said,"No. I made this choice fully aware of what could happen to me. When I become Legion Zero all those years ago, I know that I would need to make that sacrifice one day. If that is how I'm going out, it's my choice okay?.". He felt his consciousness steadily slipped away. "Zane Vincent Alvarez! Don't you dare die on me! If you do that, I'll stop loving you and date someone like Blaze or Ruben!" screamed Rachel in angered despair. 

The Cross Species's right eye was half open with his body growing limp. "No matter what happens to me, I will always be happy. I made so many good friends and I met you Rae." said Zane. "Zane." said Malik. Gwen went into Danny's arms, crying with Malik clenched his fists. "I love you Rachel Angelise Alvarez and don't you forget it....." said Zane as his body was being grabbed by an invisible force. "So what's happening?" said Allen with him watching Zane's body flying across the battlefield.

He went into Basalt's right hand. "Father! How did you escape?" yelled Sitara. "It may have taken me some time to break my own forcefield but I did it and well, I had a idea while I was doing it. It involves this hero here." said Basalt. He made his sword appear and stabbed it right through Zane's head much to the shock of his friends. "Zane/Zane!" screamed the group. "Damn. That's brutal! I love this guy! He's way better than my Basalt!" said Nemesis. "Son of a..." said Zane as he felt the sword absorbing him. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Do you finally understand?". Zane looked up at him and began glaring at the Maferno. "Not really but I bet you're going to tell me anyway aren't you." said Zane with him coughing up blood. "I let you get in all of those attacks so I can absorb your Impulse. This sword will be the last thing you ever see before your life ends. Be thankful that I decide to kill you like this and let you say your prayers." said Basalt as he pulled the sword out of his head. 

Zane couldn’t do anything to fight back with him glaring at Basalt. He refused to look back at where his friends was since he didn’t want to let them down. Zane was cut in half with Basalt began rapidly slicing Zane. With each slice, more parts of Zane was absorbed into the blade. In due time, nothing remained of Zane except for the Z.E.R.O. Watch landing on the ground and Basalt had a heinous smile on his face. "Damn it. You're going to pay for this." said Malik, with him glaring at Basalt. 

Upon seeing Zane die, Rachel yelled,"Zane! No!". Arya closed her eyes to block out the horrible image she had saw. The devil punched the ground and cried her eyes out. "I finally won!" yelled Basalt as he placed the sword back inside of his body. In a flash, Booker appeared. "He's still around? I thought we destroyed all of those robots!" said Veto. "I guess we missed the most cowardly." thought Altair. Booker floated over to where the Z.E.R.O. Watch was and Basalt said,"Give me my reward.". 

Booker smiled as he held the watch and said in his toadie like voice,"Already on it sir. The Omniverse is yours to rule now.". "You are a monster Basalt!" shouted Rachel. Allen looked at the Z.E.R.O. Watch with a sad look on his face. The males of the group turned to Basalt who began laughing much to his anger. "Nope. He's a genius but your beloved Zane was an idiot." said Booker. "This is amazing! I knew that killing you would be a great feeling but this is truly amazing!" said Basalt.

He smiled as Basalt said,"Even in death, you will always let down those you care about! Seeing your red haired concubine turn into a blubbering mess was worth it!". Danny looked at him with his fists clenched tightly. "Allen. Malik. You know what we need to do." said Danny with the two nodding. The three went flying toward Basalt with them shouting,"Shut the hell up you bastard!". The Maferno was hit in the face by a combination of Impulse.

One was plasma from Allen, purple fire Nether from Malik, and a massive azure blue energy blast from Danny.  Basalt's jaw was hit hard by Turseek who glared at Basalt. "Do it now Paradoxes! We need to make him pay for what he did to Zane! And what he said about Rachel!" shouted Turseek as Kitt blasted him with a barrage of missiles and Vlad blasted him in the face several times until he ran out of ammo. Cinarva and Veto released several yellow and emerald green energy blasts respectively. 

Altair and Lorelei went over to the duo of Arya and Rachel, grabbing them with Ralad protecting the four using his bugs. Gwen and Sitara rushed toward Basalt, slashing him at the same time. The entire group went back as Bridgette cracked her knuckles. "This is for killing Zane you damn magma dome bastard!" screamed Bridgette. She began releasing wave after wave of explosions at Basalt. Even after all of that damage, Basalt stood there and he smiled. 

Booker laughed as he said,"Holy crap! These guys are freaking morons! I mean your strongest failed to stop him so what will you all do!?". "Keep on fighting obviously." said Danny with him punching Booker away. "Because that's what Zane would do!" said Malik, unleashing a wave of purple fire Nether at Basalt. After hearing Malik said, Rachel slowly stood back up. Her face was covered in a mixture of tears and Zane's blood. 

The blood belonged to Zane and her eyes were glowing scarlet red. "Move now. He's mine." said Rachel, cracking her knuckles in a manner similar to Zane. "Rachel." said Arya and Lorelei. Within seconds, Rachel rushed toward Basalt at a blinding speed and socked him hard in the face. Despite not seeing her appear in front of him, Basalt did see something from the devil. Her eyes were lacking pupilless and looked eerie. Her hair was slowly rising, moving around like roaring flames.

Her punch caused him to drop his sword and sent him flying much to the shock of everyone. "Princess is strong." said Vlad. "So it's true about devils. When they find their true love, don't take it away from them or you'll die. She reminds me of the Violent Demon except well, more." said Bridgette. After landing, Rachel turned right toward Danny with her body having wisps of scarlet red Ardor coming off her, devil like horns were coming out of her head, and her skin was glowing scarlet red. 

It was like she was a different person. "Danny! I need your help! We need to avenge Zane's death! Are you with me or not?!" yelled Rachel with a pissed off look. Danny nodded as he cracked his knuckles and this action activated his Wraith Armor. Both of his arms turned into the upgraded Spook Howitzer with the weapon aimed at Basalt. "Supreme Luster!" said Danny. Once Basalt landed, he groaned and his mask was broken. 

Rachel's punch revealed that she managed to break his nose and caused it to bleed profusely. He slowly stood back up and noticed the two giant energy beams coming toward him. He was getting ready to absorb the Impulse just like he did with Zane before but was stopped. "Don't you fucking dare!" yelled Rachel with her releasing a wave of scarlet red Ardor at him and her attack caused him to freeze up in place. 

This wave effected her allies and well, it made them feel like their hearts were being destroyed. Due to the fear, Basalt was unable to absorb the attack and was sent flying into the forest below. "Oh wow. I guess you and Zane shared an incredible temper." said Veto. Rachel turned to her with him hiding behind Altair. "Don't hurt me! Hurt Basalt instead!" screamed Veto. "Sometimes." said Sitara with her head shaking. "We need to make him pay for what he did." muttered Rachel.

She turned toward where Danny's attack sent Basalt flying and glared at the one responsible for Zane's death. She was beginning to cry once again. "He killed Zane even after I promised to get stronger for and I won't let him live for that!" yelled Rachel as a massive ball of scarlet red Ardor appeared above her. "Basalt! Die! Die! Die!" yelled Rachel with the ground below her forming a crater thanks to the size of the energy ball and this clearly showed that she was pissed off.      

The ball of energy went flying toward Basalt with it slamming right into him. This created a massive explosion and Rachel flew after him, making sure that Basalt was nothing more than a bloody stain on the ground. A bit shook up, Basalt struggled back to his feet and he saw Rachel flying toward her. Her right fist was covered in Ardor and he wasn't going to let her hit him again. He unleashed a wave of magma at her and well, it didn't work.

It was blocked by an azure blue energy shield with Danny floating above. "Sorry but you're getting what you deserve. There is no escape from a woman's wrath." said Danny with Rachel connecting her fist to Basalt's face once again. This would sent him flying but Rachel wasn't going to let that happen. A giant Ardor fist came out of her and slammed Basalt into the ground which made spider cracks appear upon him hitting it. 

The devil cracked her knuckles and began punching the Maferno into the ground. Each one of her punches was felt by the Maferno and he was slightly thankful that he could take a punch since this devil didn't hold back unlike her fiancĂ©e. She wasn't a joke. With her focusing Ardor into her leg, she kicked Basalt right in the face and this made a giant crater around him. Basalt looked up to see Rachel staring down at him and channeled another massive amount of Ardor into it. 

She glared at him as she said,"This is for the man I love. Die you bastard!". Her fist went slowly toward her face but before it could connect, she was blasted in the back by an orange, crescent-shaped energy wave and sent flying. "Rachel!" said Danny, flying toward her. He caught her and glared to see Booker standing there with him holding Basalt's sword. "I'm real sorry for the delay master. Shall we move the execution?" said Booker, handing Basalt back his sword. 

After standing up, Basalt grabbed the sword with him saying,"Yes. Let us go then.". He made a portal that resembled magma/lava. It swallowed all four before vanishing. The rest of the group saw Basalt reappear with Booker, Danny with him deactivating Wraith Armor, and Rachel. "Danny! Rae!" said Allen as he ran over to her. "You won't be able to save them before I melt them both for wasting their life avenging the biggest fool in the Omniverse!" said Basalt. 

Before Basalt could do anything, he felt the sword shaking and the Z.E.R.O. Watch began to glow platinum. "What's going on?!" said Booker. The watch emitting a large feedback pulse of steel gray energy. It sent the robot flying into Rachel's attack, causing him to short circuit and looked destroyed but he was still alive. "What just happened you guys?" said Ralad with Turseek shrugging. "I honestly have no idea but it's good for us right?" said Turseek.

Danny looked right at Basalt's sword with it gaining a mind of its own and it sliced the Maferno in the chest with him roaring in pain. The sword shattered with the stored energy coming out of the remains of the sword. After this, the entire area was covered in a huge flash of light. This blinded everyone with them hearing a familiar voice,"Holy crap! I'm alive! Never doing that again!". The light faded with them seeing Zane standing there with a smile on his face. 

The watch went back onto Zane and he had his metal prosthetics on him. "Let me just say this here and now you guys. I'm never dying again if that's what waiting for me at the other end of light! I met the Grim Reaper and you would not believe who she's related too!" said Zane. Turning around, Zane smiled at his friends. "Oh hey guys. Sorry about bringing the fight up here but well, I always got to be the hero." said Zane. 

Both Danny and Rachel looked at the revived Zane with shock as the Cross Species turned to his two closest beings. "Zaney." muttered Rachel with her mood slowly going back to normal. "Sorry about making you worry about me bro and Rae but well, I won't be dying any time soon. I got too many beings caring about me and well, dying would break their hearts." said Zane. Rachel tackled Zane with her hugging him as if her life depending on it.

She began kissing him all over with Danny smiling. "Zane!" said Danny with him joining the hug as Rachel began crying. "He's alive you guys! He's alive you guys!" chanted Rachel. "Of course Zane is Rae. Zane is too stubborn to die and well, what happened to you mate?" said Allen. "You're not mad about me dying? I mean I thought I was dead too but well, I'm too damn stubborn to die. I'll tell you about that experience later." said Zane.

Gwen sighed as she said,"At this point and I really hate to admit it, it's a part of you. Welcome back to the land of the living once again Zane. For the love of the gods, stay in it. We're begging for you to do it.". "Yeah! What she said Zane!" said Arya with her head nodding rapidly. "You got it." said Zane as Danny and Rachel eventually let him go. "Alvarez! Get over here!" yelled Basalt. Zane turned around to see the Maferno glaring right at him with his chest still having its cut on it. 

His magma/lava was slowly healing his wound. "Oh. That's right. You're still here." said Zane with him reappearing in front of Basalt. Basalt grabbed his neck, slamming Zane into the ground. "Why didn’t he dodge it ?!" thought the others. "You will be die Zane. There will be no more surprises or tricks from you! Time for you to perish Alvarez!" said Basalt as he held Zane in the air. Both hands were around Zane's neck and the Maferno smiled at this. 

Even if the Cross Species bonded with a Vordlarin, Basalt was sure that he was still going to die by blocking the airflow to his neck and brain. Struggling to breathe right, Zane's face was slowly becoming blue and pale. "I think this moment will be your biggest failure even more when you failed back on Earth." said Basalt. Zane slowly closed his eyes when he began smiling. "Why are you smiling?" said Basalt. 

Zane began speaking through labor breaths as he said,"You're forgetting why I'm so feared and beloved in the Omniverse Basalt. I think it was the Scarlet Demon who said it first but my true power isn't just my strength but the power of the bonds I've made through my life. Matrix! Show him what our bond really means!". The peanut gallery watched Zane’s right arm move on its own and a glowing platinum energy ball appeared in the hand. 

Like before on the Armada's cargo hold, the Impulse there was stronger than normal and creating that bass/thunder sound but it wasn't as loud as before. The ball was growing in size and was tossed toward Basalt's face. It detonated and there was an explosion of black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning. It sent everyone ,except for a few, flying back. Once it stopped, the area around the ball was destroyed and the ground was torn apart. 

Basalt was sent flying against the forcefield, hitting it hard. The being was sliding down the forcefield and faceplanted into the ground. "Holy crap. That was so cool!" said Veto. Danny looked at Zane with the Cross Species trying to catch his breath. "So are you okay man? And did you mean to use lightning earlier?" said Danny. "I'm fine." said Zane, ignoring the lightning question once again. "So I shouldn't have to ask but do you need me to help you handle or do you got this?" said Danny. 

He saw the raw determination in his brother's eyes with him smiling. "I don't get why I even asked you this. You got this. Just kick his ass already and don't hold back this time. If you do and die again, I'm going to kick your ass." said Danny. He ran off as Crisis Judgement went off and Zane turned to see Basalt charging toward him with pure, smoldering anger in his eyes. "You'll pay for that Alvarez!” said Basalt.  

The Cross Species smiled with him making a portal and it swallowed up Basalt. "Take care of the others. Basalt is mine!" said Zane, flying into the portal after him and it closed. The portal reopened with Basalt and Zane flying toward the ground within the forcefield. The two began exchanging various blows with each other. Each blow was creating a noticeable shockwave and Basalt landed a uppercut to Zane, sending him flying into the air.

Zane smiled as he slammed his enlarged feet into Basalt with the Maferno getting sent into the ground even faster. Basalt's impact caused a huge cloud of dust to emerge from the forest. Zane saw that Basalt was in a massive crater and watched from above. "So are you going to do something or what?" said Matrix. "I may have met Basalt the one time but if I'm right, he'll be mad about this." said Zane. Basalt stood back up with him taking a deep breath. "You will pay for doing that Alvarez." said Basalt. 

The Maferno released a huge wave of lava from his body and this burned everything around him. He sent it toward the descending Zane who absorbed it with ease. "Void Absorption." said Zane, cracking his neck. "I think it's time we end this." said Zane as he began pumping his Impulse into the air around him and his emotions with the latter increasing his strength. It was at a point where the pressure that was coming off Zane was enough to bother Basalt despite him being in no way weak. 

Basalt glared at him as he said,"So are you ready to seriously fight me? I should let you know that I'm stronger than I was four years ago.". "You damn right I am and don't forget that I'm not the not same being from back then as well. Let me show you what I mean by that you lava-spewer bastard!" said Zane. "Words alone will only get you so far in the Omniverse if you don't have the power to back it up Zane! You have the power to rule over the Omniverse but no." said Basalt.

The Maferno cracked his neck as he said,"You decide to help which is the worst possible outcome you can do with it.". He began making several magma meteors and launching them toward Zane. The hero stood there calmly with him holding Lazarus Soul in its true form. He held his soul sword toward the magma meteors and unleashed a huge array of two types of energy fist-shaped constructs. These two energies are Carnal and Mojo. 

Zane's energy shells pierced right through the meteors with Basalt looking at Zane. "The weapon is powerful just as I remember and I shouldn't take it lightly unlike that devil." thought Basalt. "If you honestly think that will stop me, you got another thing coming!" said Zane with a smirk and unleashed three massive hammer shaped constructs. The Maferno unleashed a massive wave of magma with him thinking that Zane's feeble attack was burned away but something hit him in the stomach and harder. 

It was a massive wave of molten gold Liasada. It pushed the conqueror back and he clutched his midsection in pain, falling to his left knee. "What was that?" thought Basalt. "If you think that would stop me, I'm here to prove you wrong. If you take me lightly like so many before you, I'll make you regret that decision." said Zane as he rested the sword lazily over his right shoulder. It gave Basalt the impression of I don't give a damn and that the Cross Species was mocking him. 

Basalt growled and stood back up with him saying,"Oh. You want me to take you serious. That's a joke Zane.". Zane looked at Basalt with him moving the sword off his shoulder. "The Omniverse has an expression. The pot calling the kettle black. You can't call me out for taking you lightly when you have done the same." said Basalt. "You're right. I do tend to do that but right now, I'm not. Now get back up so I can kick your ass and do you admit your defeat?" said Zane, aiming his sword at Basalt.

He didn't get a response and unleashing a barrage of Primordial bombs from the sword. "So are you sure about this plan Zane? I mean Basalt is really strong and considered to be a high level threat. I mean he killed you!" said Havoc. "Listen here Slimey." said Matrix. "Slimey?" said Havoc. "Zane here may be an idiot when it comes to my feelings and constantly getting himself into life ending situations but in a fight, you can have complete trust in him." said Matrix. 

Astaroth rolled his eyes as he said,"She's right Havoc. Whatever Zane went through earlier, I'm sure that he doesn't plan on losing. Lets see what you're going to do Zane.". "Climactic Clash." said Zane with him holding his sword in front of him and began focusing all of his energy into the blade. It began glowing molten gold and steel gray. After the explosion faded, Basalt unleash a barrage of magma meteors in order to tire Zane out. 

Zane didn't try to dodge Basalt's attack and began rushing toward the Maferno. Once he got close, he slashed Basalt in the chest and Zane appeared behind the Maferno who growled as he was being sliced repeatedly with each slice causing a shockwave afterwards. "Damn you!" yelled Basalt as he unleashed a giant stream of magma and it was more intense than normal since the Maferno was even more pissed off. Even though he could handle the heat, Zane decided to dodge it just to piss Basalt off more. 

Seeing no other choice to end Zane, he unleashed a stream of lava/magma at Zane. This stream looked like several volcanoes unleashed their fury at once and aimed at one source. Zane stopped and looked at the stream with a smile. "Time for you to cool down Basalt. Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Dragon's Rage!" said Zane as the area around him was covered in water. Instead of aiming one of his arms at Basalt's magma stream, Zane aimed his sword at the stream. 

It unleashed the massive water dragon. Instead of boiling away, the dragon pushed its way right through the magma and hit Basalt directly. The Maferno caught up blood as he was sent flying through several trees before hitting the ground hard. Due to his enhancements, he was going to recover from this and his fiery rage was only going to get stronger. He coughed out some water that went right into his lungs earlier and glared at Zane. Due to his natural ability to use lava/magma, the water was gone. 

Basalt charged toward Zane with him planning on smashing Zane into the ground. His arms grew in size with Zane blocking both of Basalt's fists using his sword. The impact make a noticeable shockwave upon contact. This create a clash between the two before Basalt used his superior strength to assert dominance over Zane. However, Zane expected this to happen so he decided to act upon Plan B. He broke off the clash by jumping back and it caused Basalt to slam his fists right into the ground. 

He didn't keep his eyes off Zane who went toward the sole tree ,that survived everything, and used it as a springboard, launching himself toward Basalt. Due to how fast Zane was moving, he was unable to block the charging hero. "Take this!" said Zane with him slashing the Maferno twenty times and after this slash, he made his rifle Termination appear and it was being held in the air using telekinesis. He made Lazarus Soul disappear with him fired the rifle directly in Basalt's face.

This caused a massive explosion of Zane's signature electricity to hit the Maferno head on. Zane used this explosion to make some distance between this and his opponent. After putting the rifle back in his pocket dimension, Zane charged toward Basalt but the Maferno was ready this time around. He blocked Zane's sword and was about to slam his enlarged arm into Zane. However, Zane dodged the strike and aimed his sword at Basalt. "Primordial Bolt!" said Zane.

After saying that, he began unleashing several small blasts of Primordial energy at Basalt. To block Zane's attack, Basalt unleashed his magma meteors. While this was going on, Zane landed on the ground and aimed his sword toward Basalt who saw Zane planning something. He fired several magma storms at Zane and the Cross Species smiled. "Tyrannus Spheroid!" said Zane as he unleashed a giant sphere of Tyrannus Nether toward Basalt. 

The magma storms clashed with the Tyrannus Nether with their clash creating an massive explosion and sending dust flying. Even thought Basalt was covering his face with his left arm alone, he kept a close eye on Zane just in case he was planning something sneaky. "Worthy Arrow!" shouted Zane but Basalt heard it from all around him. Basalt looked to see several molten golden energy arrows flying toward him with Basalt beginning to dodge them.

Due to the amount and speed of the arrows, it was hard for him to dodge all of them and they hurt. Lets just that Basalt wasn't happy about Zane having complete control over their fight. "Quit mocking me with these attacks and fight me like a man!" shouted Basalt with him unleashing a giant amount of magma/lava from his body. This caused the entire forest around him to get engulf in flames and he saw several clones of Zane getting burned alongside the plants. 

Basalt saw Zane standing there with his arms crossed. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane muttered to himself,"No shit he's going to attack with me something big. I don't need you telling me that. He's super obvious.". "Die!" yelled Basalt with him unleashed several giant blasts of magma/lava went straight toward Zane who stood there. "Akostar Barrier!" thought Zane as both of his arms were covered in his Akostar energy and formed a barrier around himself. 

Matrix looked around as she said,"This barrier won't last forever since it's connected to your stamina. Do something before you become a scorched Zero! And no! That doesn't sound good!". "You may have a way to prevent me from burning you but not for much longer. Once that happen Zane, I'll be sure to display your skeleton to those precious friends and watch in utter joy as I break their spirit!" said Basalt with a smile. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Oh my gods. Shut the hell up. I thought you weren't like those villains I fight on Earth. A loudmouth idiot who eventually gets a beatdown from yours truly.". Several magma meteors went flying toward Zane as they hit the barrier alongside the blasts. "Zane! I won't stand for your mouth any longer!" roared Basalt. "Nah. I need to marry my childhood sweetheart and get another to open to her new friends!" said Zane. 

He left the barrier and he noticed Basalt's magma/lava was chasing him down. This battle between good and evil was no way close to be finish. Up above the two, the Paradoxes plus Lorelei was watching the fight since Nemesis and Rivart were busy with something Zane left behind. It was several invisible barriers and these barriers were part of Unworldly Labyrinth according to Arya. "I still can't believe how much of a badass Zane is! I mean all of you Terrans are but Zane is the most badass." said Vlad. 

Turseek nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean he came back from the dead. Has that ever been done before now?". "Maybe from a zombie like being." said Ralad with Lorelei sighing. "I don't think he was looking for an answer." said Lorelei. "I'm just impressed how he's able to fight your old man and make him look like a joke. I mean their fight is destroying the planet below him." said Kitt. "While my father is strong, his method of fighting is rather basic to figure out." said Sitara. 

She looked down at Basalt with her saying,"If he wasn't a monster in combat, I could defeat him. One way or another, my father was going to lose one day. Even though he is pushing Zane to dodge, he will eventually fall. We need to make sure Zane has no problems in his fight.". "But those barriers are still up." thought Altair with him pointing to the pissed off Nemesis and Rivart. "Yeah but those barriers may break. Keep your guard up." said Malik.

Veto looked at Vlad as he said,"Hey Vlad. Do you think they are any wagers on this fight going on and is it possible for us to get in on these wagers for a quick buck?". "I think that can be arranged." said Vlad with him smirking. "And I think we'll be the ones keeping our guard up since the fight has their full attention Malik." said Sitara. "I thought boys got smarter over time." said Lorelei. "Nope. We only get dumber as we grow." said Ralad with Malik not denying that in the slightest.  

Back below, Zane sighed as he avoided another wave of magma/lava from Basalt. "You got nowhere to hide Zane since nothing you can do will allow you to escape your demise!" said Basalt. For longer than he would have liked, Zane was forced to keep moving so he could prevent getting parts of his body burned away. He could easily recover from it but it would get annoying after a while. If he tried to do anything while standing in place, a powerful attack made of magma/lava rushed toward him.

Even though Zane started the fight in favor, it seems that Basalt was making sure that he was the one leading this fight rather than the other way around. "What's the matter hero?! Weren't you going to defeat me and save your precious friends from dying!" said Basalt as he kept up the pressure of his fiery assault. "He would if you let him fight!" said Matrix with Havoc agreeing with her. In the lab, Arya joined the trio of Janet, Parker, and Velda with the four watching Zane's fight. 

Arya clenched her fists as she said,"Come on Zane! Kick that guy's butt already!". "She does know that Zane could hear her even if she whispered right? And how did he come back from the dead in the first place? He was absorbed into that sword." said Velda. "Shut up! I know that but I want to make sure that Zane knows that I believe in him! You want him to win too right Velda?! It's because you like Zane just like Rae does." said Arya.

Her comment made Velda look away from the group. "Shut up. Of course I do but not in the way you're insulating." muttered Velda with a blush on her face. "I never thought I would see you act like a schoolgirl Velda. It's a nice change if you ask me." said Janet. "We just need to have faith in him since well ladies, we're about to see Zane's ultimate power in action." said Parker. "Do you mean that or the strength of bonds Zane use to become the strongest Zero?" said Janet.

Parker nodded as he said,"Janet. You're both wrong and right. The strength of his bonds and that are the same thing.". "Strength of bonds? What does that mean?" said Arya and Velda. "Just watch and you will see." said Parker. Back on the battlefield, Basalt stopped his assault of magma and crossed his arms with him loudly groaning as Zane landed on the ground. He was bleeding a bit. "I'm sure that you can't unleash your full power when I'm forcing you to move around like that." said Basalt. 

Basalt looked at Zane as he said,"All I'm doing is prevent you from giving it your all. I'll give you this Zane Alvarez. You manage to give me a challenge in the times that we fought but in the end, you'll fall like you did before. You may have gotten stronger but you're still weak!". With just the thought of losing all of them especially Rachel due to someone like Basalt, the thought alone pissed him off. He was feeling the exact same as he did back during the Massacre.

When he lost Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra thanks to the duo of Bimbo and Kilene. He was being reminded of seeing Rachel and the others crying their eyes at their "funeral" and in the hospital, he began breathing heavily and his fists were balled hard. Candy syrup blood was dripping from them thanks to his stingers piercing his skin. "Basalt. I may respect you for being determined for what you want but you made a fatal mistake." said Zane through clenched teeth. 

Basalt noticed Zane's fists as he said,"Oh. Did I upset you Zane? There is no needed for you to get so angry because well, I plan to make their deaths quick and painless. You can join them if you want.". He said all of this with a cruel smile on his face. Hearing this, something inside of Zane broke. Zane's breathing got more hectic and began growling like an enraged monster. His body began shaking uncontrollably as he continued to inhaled and exhale raggedly. 

Zane'ss smile ,which could bring hope and joy to others, wasn't there. He had a look on his face that would kill anyone ten times over due to the shadow covering everything except his eyes which were beginning to glow. It still had its signature spark of determination and rebellion no doubt but there was an intent to kill rising up to service. "Oh yes. It seems that something is going on with him. I wonder if I can bring out to the surface." thought Basalt. 

The Maferno nodded as he said,"Oh yes. This will be so much fun but there comes a problem. Who should I start with? The brother of yours who has been a major screw up from day one and failed you when you need him most? The redheaded devil? Oh what am I saying? I'm going to kill her first since you shouldn't deserve anyone to love.". He was pretty sure that single threat of his broke the straw on the camel's back and would cause Zane to rage out, giving Basalt the chance to kill him. 

Instead of getting angry like he expected, Zane took a deep breath and smirked. "You saying that means you've never lost before but that isn't the case since I defeated you before if you recall." said Zane. He was in no way tired and was sure that this fight was just getting started. "If you give up now and stand by my side, I'll let you rule over that place you call home. If you refuse my generous offer, I will destroy everything and everyone you care about." said Basalt.

After hearing that, Zane's face had an expression of pure rage on him. His teeth were clenched tightly together, his storm gray eyes were glowing with pure rage, and multi colored ,being all of his different forms of Impulse coming out, veins throbbing all over. His face looked so intense that it made Basalt shiver. "So what are you will do Zane? Accept his offer and hurt innocent beings just to keep those you care about dear? Or will you keep on fighting." said a female voice. 

Instead of being concerned by the new voice, Zane blinked as he said,"Seriously? You've been stalking me for my entire life. I'm a protector not a ruler so ruling over others really isn't my thing.". "I'm just making sure. So are you ready to give this bastard his just desserts?" said the voice. "Yep and if you're going to contact me, don't act like him. I mean you're better than that Morana. So when we're done with Basalt, you'll let me hear my teammates again right?" said Zane. 

Morana giggled as she said,"Of course. I mean Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix can live without you for a few minutes.". Zane looked at Basalt with him smirking. "Okay Basalt. I know what to do. It's time for me to win and no longer holding back. If I do, I'll lose what I hold dear and I never want that to happen again! You want an precise answer from me Basalt but honestly, I doubt you expected this as an answer." said Zane. 

Baslt growled as Morana said,"Okay then Zane. To activate this power, you need to remain calm by emptying your mind and focus on the good parts rather than the bad.". "Seriously? You're doing this right now. I know how to activate Albion even though I've never never used it until now." said Zane. "Whatever Zane. I'm just trying to make things fun for you." said Morana. "Morana. Cole has been doing this kind of stuff for years. so it doesn't bother me." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"And I'm sure that Matrix will be doing it since she's more like Cole than Athena much to her dismay.". "I bet you're happy that she can't hear you so she doesn't shock you?" said Morana. "Yeah but she's a girl." said Zane with a smile. Zane's watch instantly projects a holographic image above it. It comes in the form of the Greek letter for Psi "Ψ" and it's a platinum color. "What is he doing down there? That power is off the charts!" said Nemesis. 

Cinarva smiled as she thought,"Zane is unleashing his full power. Show him what happens when you get mad. I know about the first time you let your rage get the better of you thanks to Parker but this time, you're in control of it brother.". "I hope you're ready Basalt. You won't be hurting Rae or anyone I care about ever again!" said Zane, touching the Greek letter. Upon touching it, his watch glows and covers his entire body in platinum colored energy. This energy blinded the ones watching above.

The energy engulfed Zane in a aura of platinum colored energy and makes an sphere around him. The sphere slowly floated a few feet above the ground. "This sphere of yours won't stop me Zane!" yelled Basalt, unleashing a huge stream of lava/magma at the sphere. Instead of burning the sphere away, the hot substance fell onto the ground. "Is this your plan?! Hiding from me!? Why not face the truth?! You will fail them!" said Basalt. He kept bringing the heat and the sphere didn't show any cracks.

Basalt was getting ready to fire another shot of the EC at Zane. The sphere eventually cracked wide open, releasing a wave of platinum colored energy that sent Basalt flying back. Basalt landed with him seeing Zane's new appearance. The energy eventually fades, revealing a changed looking Zane. Zane’s skin turns dark gray and his eyes change colors as well. His eyes have pure white sclera, molten gold irises, and cerulean blue pupils. 

In the center of his forehead, he had a third eye which is open at all times. His third eye is different compared to his main set of eyes. He has a obsidian black sclera and it's missing the molten gold iris that his two eyes have. His third eye's pupil is in the shape of a cross and is a golden amber color. His eyes became more stern with it showing great intensity and focus in them. They also radiate with energy and have a strong superiority to them. 

Zane's eyes would make the most hardened individuals tense up if given a look from him. His hair looks wavy with it flowing upwards and gives it a rising, flame-like appearance. The tips of his hair was standing up at the end. His hair changes to a carmine red color. His ears are now pointed similar to an elf. He has sharp wolf like teeth coming out of his mouth with two fangs sticking out of his mouth and these two ,three inch long, fangs point upwards. 

His mouth is closed at the moment but inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue with it being seven inches long. His nose looked like a snout of a dragon rather than a human's nose but only on close examination. Protruding from his head, there are two metallic looking horns ,about six inches through his hairline, with them being colored reddish black with a flame like pattern to them aka Vulcan Emperor's scales. 

The upper half of his body and most of his face ,excluding his eyes and nose, are also covered by his Vulcan Emperor Scales. Zane now has four arms coming from his body. One set of arms come from his shoulders like normal and the second set of arms appear right under the first set of arms thanks to a second set of shoulder blades. His torso is longer than normal because of his second set of arms. His upper sets of arms are like dragon arms with five carmine red claws rather than regular nails. 

His arms match Astral Form's arms in terms of their appearance. It's black ,with several white star like dots scattered all over the limb, and covered in a bright turquoise aura. His arms ,from his elbow upwards, are covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales and looks similar to chain mail. His "chainmail" are reddish black ,being metallic and a flame like pattern, scales. The other set of arms ,aka the lower set of arms, doesn't changed too drastic. 

He has a dragon like tail which is covered in Zane's Vulcan Emperor scales. The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. His clothing looked different. He's wearing a form-fitting armor that isn’t too tight and hugs his muscular figure very well. It’s a black light-armored shirt. Zane's shirt abdomen/chest is a platinum color with the sides of the shirt being a steel gray color. 

It does a great job at outline his muscles, mimicking body armor. This shirt’s collar covers his neck. His shirt collar is actually a metal plate and used for protection against strikes to his neck. His shirt has an interesting design to them. It's a black tribal dragon tattoo with it having a crimson red background. The background is a molten gold pentagram surrounded by a magic circle. The entire thing was made out of ancient runes. 

His two shoulders are both protected by platinum armored shoulder pads, mimicking the appearance of a pauldron. Like with Astral Form, he’s wearing a cape. It’s made out of a gaseous material. It can't be grab or anything and drapes off his shoulders. He wears long black pants with the sides of his pants having a molten gold stripe on the left pant leg and a steel gray stripe on the right pant leg. He wears his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. He wears black combat boots/running shoes. 

Zane's shoes have gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles. It now goes up to his shins. His shoes are lightweight but durable for combat. His shoes are attached to his pants. He wears platinum armored knee pads. Zane is wearing something interesting on his lower left arm. The object that he wears is the Z.E.R.O. Watch in its brand new combat mode. It covers his knuckles up to his elbow. It’s a black metal-like tight fitting fingerless gauntlet. 

You can’t see a speck of skin of his arm when it is in combat mode. There are several crimson red lines from the faceplate to each one of his fingers.  On the back of the knuckles, there is white squared areas. The lines that connect the middle and ring fingers together forms a "Z" shape. In the center of the gauntlet, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate with it having molten gold stripes, forming an “LZ” outline. 

On each side of the faceplate, it has five symmetrical, gray tubings/vent going down from each side of the device. The Z.E.R.O. Watch looks built into his arm and muscle. He is wearing a glove on his lower right arm that’s similar to the Z.E.R.O. watch in its combat mode. He wears a black fingerless glove that goes up to his elbow. This glove completely covers his arm with it showing none of his skin. It has the crimson red lines over it in the same pattern as the watch and the white square areas over his knuckles.

Zane wears black sunglasses that are in the shape of a visor that cover all three of his eyes. His visor is connected to black ,with steel gray lining, headphones like earpieces that have a gold "LZ" on them. The headphones go over his ears. His face is covered by a platinum face mask attached and the only thing not covered is his hair. His body is covered in a massive aura of platinum colored energy. It looks to be a steady flow of energy and looks to be similar to a burning flame. 

He's constantly emitting misty wisps of royal blue colored energy. These wisps of energy look like electricity that's coming off his body. The ground below him is shaking due to the power releasing from his body. He eventually took a deep breath with the ground no longer shaking. "The ground is done shaking finally." said Turseek. "Yeah but this quiet won't last given who is fighting. Why is so quiet down there though? I mean I can't sense energy whatsoever but this is a bad thing right?" said Vlad. 

No one could give him an answer due to Zane's currently appearance. "What is that power you have now Zane?" muttered Basalt as he nodded. Zane didn't answer him at first with him looking over himself. With his upper set of arms, he inspected the horns coming out of his head. They felt hard as Vulcan Emperor's scales. "This is Albion. I like it a lot. It's like all of my powers combined into one. It outshines Archon Zero Master and Omni Mode without a doubt." thought Zane.

He punched the air in front of him using his bottom set of his arms and cracked his upper set of his arms knuckles. "Yeah. I really need to figure out a way to activate this without the whole transformation sequence. Compared to my other transformations, this one takes time and any time wasted during a fight is bad. I mean it's cool now but I'm sure after a while, I'll get sick of it. May take a while to that doy though." thought Zane. 

Morana smiled as she said,"Don't worry Zaney. I'll help you figure that out once we're alone since I'm the only woman strong enough to take you on especially when you're like this. You're oozing power and well, it's a total turn on for me.". "Okay then. You should know that I'm not interested in you whatsoever. Oh sweet. I'm not talking like a snake so I'm really thankful that Eros doesn't talk like that." said Zane with his voice sounding deep and calm. 

The female voice giggled as she said,"You say that but trust me, you'll be falling for my charms Zane! I mean your voice alone is turning me on!". "Oh joy. I can't wait for that day and another training session with you Morana. You make the twins's training session look cute." said Zane, rolling his eyes. "Just like them." said Morana with her smiling. "Yeah you're right. They won't be happy about hearing me dying but I'll deal with that at a later date." said Zane. "Good idea." said Morana.

Upon activating Albion, everyone above them could feel the energy Zane was feeling. "No way! That is Zane right?" said Rachel. "Of course it is. Can't you tell?" said Danny whose smile was only growing bigger. "Not really Danny." said Rachel. "Trust him on this Rachel. That is my little brother's Impulse right now." said Cinarva. "Little brother?" said Allen and Gwen. "So what in the nine realms did we miss?" said Rachel. "A lot and we'll explain everything once this is all over." said Malik. 

Vlad smirked as he said,"Trust me when I say this princess, there is a lot to discuss and it will blow your mind.". "Yep! I guess this is why Parker had Albion built into him! It kicks so much ass! Go Zane!" said Danny, looking at Zane. As Morana and Zane were talking, Basalt looked right at Zane. "This amount of power in a being should be impossible but Zane is stronger than anyone I've ever met. His body should have long since exploded due to how much power is at his disposal but it doesn't." thought Basalt. 

Zane smirked as he said,"So like my new look Basalt? I call it Albion. Your defeat starts now.". "It matters not Zane since well, I'm still the stronger one. Oh. You seem so confident. Fine then. I've been wanting a rematch with you for a long time now. I'll admit that you're the only being who'll stop my Omniversal conquest." said Basalt. "If you seriously think that killing me will allow you control of the Omniverse, you got another thing coming." said Zane. 

The Cross Species cracked all of his knuckles as he said,"You're going down. I already thought that I lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, and Ralad today because of you and Parker's pets. I think it's time for you to learn your place!". The two enemies charged right toward each other with their clash creating a powerful explosion. This clash of power sent pieces of rubble ,of every size, flying across the forest with the destruction from their fight only getting bigger from here. 

Within five minutes, the forest area of Parker's summer planet was turned into a battleground. The duo of Basalt and Zane fought with neither of them holding back. After their initial clash, Basalt moved back and stuck his hands into the ground. He threw a massive piece of the ground toward Zane who dodged it by flying into the air. "Okay. I know why Basalt is known for never staying dead." thought Zane as he flew toward and began exchanging blows with Basalt. 

Despite his stronger body, each one of Zane's hits did hurt. With his lower left arm, he began making a Zenith Spear except it looked slightly different. It was a platinum color instead of the signature dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, lightning. Basalt easily caught Zane's arm with him planning on swat the annoying bug away but this plan failed due to Zane having three other arms. The Cross Species hit the Maferno with three Zenith Punches two in the face and gut. 

This attack pushed the magma being back before glaring at Zane. "I'll admit that this new power of yours is by definition powerful but you will not stop me so easily. Is this the being I've deemed to be my rival?" said Basalt. "Thanks for the compliment Basalt. I'm just getting started so be ready for the power I wield." said Zane as he held out his hands. The ground once again shook with Basalt feeling how much stronger Zane was getting. 

Basalt looked at him saying,"So I guess that you decided to tap into the full power of your hybrid blood with this new appearance of yours.". "You're right. I needed a power to access the same level I used on Kilene without losing myself to anger. I haven't had a chance to test it out on a living opponent so are you ready to go?" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt began firing several balls of magma toward Zane.

Each ball was about the size of an African bush elephant and they looked like a meteor. Zane easily dodged them by moving back and the magma meteors burned the ground. "It's a real good thing that we're a good feet away from the others huh." thought Zane as Basalt charged toward him. The two began brawling with Basalt getting a good hit on Zane's face who responded by kicking Basalt's right arm. 

Using his other two arms, Zane began firing platinum energy blasts toward Basalt. This caused Basalt to glare at Zane who smiled. He vanished with him aiming all four hands at them. Each hand fired a massive energy beam at Basalt and the two were engulfed in a massive explosion. It sent the Maferno back a couple of feet and into the air. Upon hitting the ground, Basalt created a massive crater and sent a huge amount of dust into the air. "I guess you didn't like that huh." said Zane. 

Basalt looked up to see Zane floating above him with both arms crossed over his chest. "That wasn't bad Alvarez but if you think that simple energy blasts will stop me, you got another coming boy. I wonder if this is your full power." said Basalt as he emerged from the crater. "If you think that, you got another thing coming." said Zane. "You can't be serious. You at your peak is using Astral Form since that form has the power of the Eazairvian!" said Basalt. 

Zane looked at him as he said,"You're right but how do you know that exactly?". "When I decided to go after you and the power you wield at your fingertips, I contact Vuldall to give me all of the information that he had on your watch and you. I didn't expect to fight against someone like you and Vuldall turning into a female." said Basalt. "Yeah. I learned that things don't always turn out how you initially plan them. If you're so curious, I think I will just show you." said Zane.

He smiled as his eyes closed. He vanished from sight with Basalt looking for his rival. He was kicked in the head by Zane reappearing. "You damn pest! This ends now!" roared Basalt with him charging up energy and fired the EC at Zane. "Wow. Someone is pissed." said Zane, aiming his four hands at Basalt and unleashing a giant platinum energy beam at Basalt's shot. The two beams clashed with them trying to force the other one back. 

Zane added more power into his beam as he said,"Come on Magma Dome. Is that all you got? I'm just getting started.". This pushed back Basalt's beam much to his annoyance. As Zane's beam got closer and closer to him, Basalt had only one thought running through his head. "No. I can't go out like this damn you. I refuse to lose to him again!" thought Basalt as he began summoned every scrap of energy he had and put it all into his attack. 

His beam quadrupled in size with it pushing back Zane's attack like it was nothing at all. "Uh oh." said Zane as he was engulfed by Basalt's attack. The beam tore through the area and this beam disintegrating everything in its path until it finally exploded. Basalt stood there with a smile. "I defeated you Zane finally ." thought Basalt. "Don't count your eggs before they hatch is an expression you should really start to follow." said a voice.

Basalt turned around to see Zane without any wounds. "How did you?" said Basalt as he was punched by Zane. Zane looked at Basalt with the Cross Species not saying a single word and normally, this wouldn't piss Basalt but it did this time. "Fine. Remain silent." said Basalt with him making a massive ball of magma appear above him. "I'm going to crush you. The outcome of our fight has been decided from the start. This is the end of your life Zane. I hope you made it count. Die Zane!" said Basalt. 

He tossed the magma meteor toward Zane with Zane only shrugging. He looked down at his lower left hand and he said,"Okay. This is new. I summoned Fafnir.". Instead of holding Fafnir, he was holding a longsword that reminded him of the famous blade. It is now a double-edged longsword with no fuller and its blade is a pure obsidian black color with its edge shining. The grip of the sword is a steel gray color with the crossguard resembling a pair of demonic looking dragon wings. 

It has a molten gold seven leaf clover etched into the blade. The sword's sheath is half obsidian black and snow white with a crimson red devil sigil sheath. Said sheath goes on Zane's back whenever it appears. "Okay then. I didn't know that you could change appearances on me Fafnir. Doesn't this mean that you finally accept me as your owner? I mean prior to the charge, you begrudgingly accepted me as your owner since I past that little test three years ago." said Zane, swinging the sword around. 

Zane heard a voice,"Hey! Quit swinging me around like a stick!". Zane looked down at Fafnir with him blinking. "Huh. It's nice to hear your voice finally Faf. Didn't expect you to be a man though. I mean totally thought you would be a woman but hey, I've been wrong before." said Zane. "Yeah. I did too to be honest." said Morana. "If you call me Faf again, I will drain you of your Impulse like I did with my previous owners." said Fafnir. 

The Cross Species rolled his eyes as he said,"Okay fine. So what's the plan here Fafnir? Ready to fight alongside me to take down Basalt. Aurora won't mind right?". "I don't see why she would be mad in the first." said Fafnir. "Even male weapons are idiots." said Morana. "Whatever. Lets do this!" said Fafnir with Zane nodding. Zane smiled as he clapped his upper hands together with him slowly spreading them apart. He made Lazarus Soul appear in his lower right arm with him saying,"That is always fun to do.”. 

Zane put his upper arms behind his back with him jumping toward the magma meteor. He brought down both blades onto the meteor with him slicing the meteor into four pieces. "He sliced through my attack like it was nothing at all. I put a fair bit of my power into it." said Basalt. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned to see some of the Goliaths heading toward him. "I doubt that was Basalt's doing since he wants to be the one to kill you." said Fafnir. 

Morana nodded as she said,"The blade is correct. Take care of them would you darling?". Zane nodded as he put both swords back into his pocket dimension. He aimed his upper left hand at the Goliaths, with him unleashing a giant platinum energy beam. This beam tore through the barrier with it destroying three of them at once and making a massive explosion as a result. Zane flew right out of the hole with him increasing the size of his upper right arm and sent it toward the remaining Goliaths. 

They were all demolish in an instant. Once this was done, the three remaining Vonrall flew toward Zane and unleash a barrage of red fireballs at him. They made contact with Zane sighing. He vanished from their sight with one of them feeling something wrapping around their body. It looked down to see a chain and the chain belonged to Zane. Zane swung the chained up Vonrall at its fellow Vonrall, blasting them all with a massive platinum energy blast. He did all of this before the forcefield regenerated.

After seeing that, Rivart decided to do something cowardly. He decided to run away since he was terrified about everything that was going on. He saw all of his minions being defeated, his two lieutenants being defeated, the guy who seemingly made the Vromilyrra Dynasty wet themselves get utterly destroyed by Rachel, and Basalt losing to Zane. Before he could get too far, he was stopped by a wall of azure blue energy from all sides. 

He turned to see Danny who had a smirk on his face. "Sorry but you're not escaping me any time soon slimey." said Danny. "Fine! If you want to die, I'll grant you that!" said Rivart. He got back to his feet and started charging at Danny with the Vordlarin looking a raging beast. Danny was ready for this since he was well aware of the Vordlarin's weakness. He held his hands together and began compressing azure blue energy into them, making a swirling sphere of energy between his hands. 

As this was going, Rachel was glaring hard at the being who ruined Zane's good name in the Vromilyrra Dynasty and also shared his face. "So sexy. I bet you're just impressed with my skills." said Nemesis, with her flexing. "In what way would I ever be impressed with a monster like you? You used my fiancé's face to commit murder." said Rachel with Ardor covering her hands. "Isn't it obvious? I'm clearly superior to everyone here including him and the old man." said Nemesis.

He looked at her as he said,"They're counterparts to ME but for some reason, that idiot is considered to be the prime copy. So how about you start dating a real man instead of a loser? I mean he keeps on dying but if you date me, I'll make you a queen. If you stay with the loser, you'll only end up dead like those bitches he let die!". This statement pissed Rachel off as her signature energy began spreading all over her entire body and it exploded. 

This energy blinded Nemesis but could see that Rachel was the cause of the explosion and looked different. Her skin was a scarlet red color, anger filled her eyes, her hair flew wildly around her and it looked like a roaring flame, and had long flowing tendrils of Ardor coming out of her back. She overall looked demonic and everyone on the battle field could see her anger. "Okay what the hell is that?" said Nemesis, subconsiously moving back.

Rachel walked forward, creating spider like cracks with each step. "You really don't get it. You are just a copy of him and nothing more. I always thought that Malik was the worst version of him that will ever exist but you had to exist." said Rachel while cracking her knuckles and there was a giant ball of Ardor appearing above her thanks to the tendrils protruding from her back. It was slowly growing bigger. 

It was slowly rising into the air with Rachel saying,"I love Zane no matter what and nothing will change that fact. I know that he will win since we're going to be husband and wife no matter what. Now perish by his signature attack!". For the first time in his life, Nemesis was scared of a woman which will change in his future if he survives. "This may not be as good as one of my bros but right now, it will do the job perfectly. Lets go!" said Danny. 

At the same time in unison, Danny and Rachel shouted,"Zenith Sphere/Zenith Sphere!". The two of them threw their respective sphere at their opponent. Danny threw his at Rivart and Rachel send the ball down onto Nemesis. Rivart was sent flying into the massive explosion that Rachel's sphere made. Her explosion completely obliterated the area and made a smoking crater. Both villains were in the center of the crater. This explosion of her shook the planet in a similar fashion to Zane's explosions earlier. 

The smoke eventually cleared with Rachel falling onto her knees and panting heavily. She went back to normal. "It's official. Thank you for your sadistic training Zane." said Rachel. It felt like she had went through several of Zane's training sessions back to back with no break. "Rae!" said two voices as the devil turned to see Danny and Gwen running to her. "Gwen. We just saw Rae's max potential and it was amazing. You used a Zenith Sphere like Zane." said Danny. 

Rachel nodded as she said,"Yeah. I thought it was fitting but I really wished he died though.". Danny and Gwen both picked her up. The trio looked up to see Rivart slowly standing back up. "You didn't defeat me. I'm invincible and will be the ruler of the Omniverse!" said Rivart. Before he could do anything to the trio, the being crashed into the ground face first. The Vordlarin removed itself from Cannon Arm Xavier before sneaking off. "Not happening sticky!" said a voice. 

Allen and Arya appear with the latter catching Rivart in a glass jar that appeared from the ground. The Vordlarin tried to break out of the jar with Allen said with a smirk,"Sorry but that ain't happening any time slimer. We got the other two Vordlarins who weren't mindless servants.". "That's good. So all we have left is taking down Basalt." said Gwen. "Hey Danny. Is he?" said Rachel. "If you're seriously thinking that Zane won't win against Basalt, you don't deserve to be his wife." said Danny.

He smiled as he said,"I got complete confidence in him don't you?". Gwen punched him. "And you deserve that for insulting that she doesn't. So are you going to be alright Rae?" said Gwen. "That was totally awesome. You were totally pulling a Zero move. Something overkill rather than you dying. That isn't very fun to watch." said Arya. "Amen to that sister." said Allen. "I will be you guys but I will learn how to master this power I was given." said Rachel as she looked determined. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Well, me and the others will be there to help you.". "Yeah I know that Danny and I think she will too if my theory is right." thought Rachel as she knew the perfect woman to help her get stronger. Back with Basalt, the Maferno noticed a giant stream of platinum energy coming right toward him. It took on the shape of a dragon opening its mouth wide. Basalt didn't have time to dodge it since he felt Zane's chains wrap around his body. 

With a loud roar from the energy, Basalt got swallowed in the dragon's mouth. There was a huge explosion shortly after and the smoke covered the entire forcefield. Once the smoke clear, Basalt stood there with the armor around his right arm completely destroy. It was slowly regenerate back. "Not a bad move Zane. It won't stop me however." said Basalt with him glaring right at Zane. "Keep up the power attacks Zane! It's the only way to fight back at regeneration!" said Morana with Zane nodding. 

Basalt glared at him as he said,"You can't win against me! Why don't you understand this?!". "Because I choose not to. If you honestly think I'll let you rule over my home like that, I won't let you do that." said Zane. Basalt charged toward him with his plan being to punch Zane but was stopped by the upper set of arms. "If you keep trying to fight me, I'll break you in two understand?" said Zane with him making two massive broadswords of platinum energy appear.

These swords slashed Basalt, sending him rolling across the ground. Zane launched himself into the air with him gathering up energy in the process. His body's aura began to change shape, forming a powerful looking phoenix. "Lets go Zane. I think it's time for you to teach Basalt a well needed lesson in ass kicking! Baryon Ruination!" shouted Morana. Zane nodded with him flying high into the air, his phoenix aura growing in power and size. 

After reaching the top of the forcefield, Zane let the aura flow out of him and it covered the sky in a platinum colored glow. Zane descend at full-speed and his head was at the front of it. His target ,while recovering from Zane's swords, looked up and he didn't have a chance to dodge it. Zane crashed straight into Basalt, causing a massive explosion of energy afterwards. The wind from this explosion was powerful enough to force the ones watching to hold onto something.

By the time Basalt had recovered, he looked at Zane whose eyes looked serious. "So is this all you got Magma Dome? I'm barely sweating over here and you are. How pathetic." said Zane. This pissed off Basalt who erupted, causing Zane to go back. Zane didn't respond to him but just walked toward Basalt with a calm expression. Basalt began to step back with him gritting his teeth in anger. "Fine. You just earned yourself death!" shouted Basalt. 

He was about to unleash a wave of green energy at Zane but his left arm was grabbed by Zane who warped behind him. "Sorry but I can't have you harming Galnatilia anymore." said Zane. Basalt growled and swiped at him using a hammer that came out of his body. Zane easily dodged it with Basalt going in for an uppercut but once again, Zane dodged it. "Fly for me Magma Dome." said Zane as he flicked Basalt's biceps. 

Much to the Maferno and everyone watching shock, Basalt was sent flying away and making a dust cloud upon contact. Basalt looked up with him saying,"What are you doing?". Zane didn't respond to him using his mouth but a simple come at me hand gesture. This pissed Basalt off with him charging toward Zane and this sent the Maferno into a frenzy. To his shock however, Zane blocked all of his kicks and punches using his right pinky with him yawning. "Damn you!" roared Basalt.

Zane dodged another barrage of kicks from him. "Okay. You guys are seeing what I'm seeing right? I'm not going crazy." said Lorelei. "Yeah. Zane is making the Molten Decimator look like a joke which is by the way hilarious." said Vlad. Basalt slammed his left palm into the ground but saw that Zane had warped away. "How are you dodging my attacks?" said Basalt. "I'm just moving too fast for your simple mind to comprehend." said Zane. "Simple?!" said Basalt who wasn't happy about that. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yes. Your attacks may be powerful but you're rather simple to see through. To someone who is advanced in fighting like myself, your attacks will only land if I let them too.". "Your arrogance will lead to your defeat." said Basalt. "Prove me wrong then Magma Dome." said Zane. Basalt began charging up energy with the group above watching in awe. "Okay. I don't think Basalt is playing around any more. We need to get in there and help our idiot leader." said Allen. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"I think Zane will be just fine Allen. Just have faith in him like we always do.". The area around Basalt was covered in smoke with Zane doing nothing but getting in a fighting pose. Basalt charged out of the smoke and went to tackle Zane into the ground. He was stopped by an invisible force with the Maferno getting sent flying high into the air. "Have a nice fall Basalt!" said Zane with him flying right past him and clenched all of his hands together. 

Zane send his fists into Basalt's spine and this caused the explosion of black lightning which shook the entire planet. Basalt's eyes widening in pain and coughing up blood. This sent Basalt flying toward the ground very fast with Parker appear there much to the shock of the Paradox and Team Maelstrom. "That was well done." said Parker. "Can you seriously sense what he did from here? I mean I know Zaney and how he fights but how he is fighting right now. It's like he's a different person." said Bridgette.

Parker looked at her as she said,"It's simple. Have faith in the hero we put our hopes into.". Bridgette shrugged, accepting that as an answer. Back with Zane, Basalt crashed into the ground and Zane warped back down to see the Maferno's armor looking pretty much useless at this point. "Don't you get it? Even with all of that power you got, I will be the winner of our fight right? I lied about not holding back on you earlier. This is me at full strength by the way." said Zane. 

Basalt slowly stood back up with him glaring at Zane. "I think this is teaching you something. What you're feeling is the pain and suffering you've inflicted on the Omniverse for years. Do you get it now?" said Zane. "Stop it! I refuse to be talk down to someone like you! You are no god!" yelled Basalt. Zane just looked at him with a dead expression. "I'm not afraid of this power of yours! I am Basalt, the Molten Decimator! The Omniverse is mine to rule! I'm the strongest!" roared Basalt. 

The area around the two had several pillars of lava/magma come out. "What did I just say about destroying the planet?" said Zane with him having an annoyed look. "I don't care about if this planet lives or die. I just want to see you dead!" said Basalt as he vanished thanks to the pillars of lava/magma forming around him. Zane stood there with the ground breaking around him. Basalt was right behind Zane but the Cross Species warped and punched Basalt square in the face.

Zane's strike sent him back and into the ground. "I'm a god and this is what happens to those who defy their god." said Zane. He moved his hand toward the ground, turning all of the pillars toward their creator and firing on him. Basalt expected this attack to do nothing to him but much to his surprise, it was doing something to him. Basalt began screaming in agony as Zane watched him crash into the ground. 

The Maferno slowly got back up with him missing his left arm as there was a faint layer of acid around him. "I guess that you're finished now Basalt. Just give up before I do more than disarm you. Get it Basalt? Disarm?" said Zane. "Damn you." said Basalt. Basalt recovered with him firing another beam of the EC at Zane who did nothing to dodge it. The beam hits its target dead on and resulted in a loud explosion, throwing up a cloud of ash and smoke.

Basalt laughed manically with him saying,"And this ends the pathetic tale of Zane Alva....". He stopped as the smoke departed, showing Zane who was pissed off. "You'll pay for doing that." said Zane as he took foreboding steps toward Basalt with the ground below him shaking as waves of extreme power radiated off Zane. "Basalt. I hope you made your final prayers earlier because this god is here to say this to you. Die." said Zane as he unleashed a dense, powerful platinum colored beam from his eyes. 

The Maferno acted quickly as he held up his right forearm to block the beam. The force behind the blast pushed the Maferno back a few meters and left his body exposed to the outside world since the armor around his right arm was destroyed. His arm had chunks of it completely destroyed. Even thought he could heal from any wound Zane managed to deal him, it still hurt like a bitch. He glared at Zane with him saying,"Nothing you can do will stop me! Your emotions mean nothing to me and my conquest!". 

Zane glowed brightly as he said,"Just shut up already!". "Do you think acting like a flashlight will stop me Zane? You are going to die a fool like you were always destined to!" roared Basalt as he fired another round of the EC at Zane but Zane did nothing to stop the blast. Zane let the beam strike him once again and he absorbed the energy into his body. "Impossible. You should have died from that attack!" said Basalt. 

The Cross Species looked at him as he said,"Nothing is impossible. Got it? This power I was given was to protect those who can't protect themselves from monsters like you so let me show that!". He blasted toward Basalt at an alarming speed. Basalt made a copy of his sword appear in his right hand and swiped at Zane when he got close enough. "Die!" yelled Basalt. Zane stood there with his lower set of arms crossed. 

With his upper left arm, he grabbed it and the sword began absorbing the energy Zane was producing rapidly. Zane cocked back his upper right fist and slammed into Basalt's face. The impact from this punch created the explosion of black lighting, making a large crater right under the two and destroyed everything within the area. Basalt's mask was broken, exposing his heavily bruised face. He was sent flying away with Zane charging toward him like a missile, leaving behind a trail of energy in his way. 

As Basalt was flying, he was being constantly hit by Zane's energy blasts that increased Basalt's flight time. Basalt eventually stopped as he saw Zane coming toward him and tried to stop him. He fired a salvo of small but powerful energy blasts from his body alongside waves after waves of lava/magma at him. Zane kept going as his body kept absorbing all of Basalt's attempts to stop him. Basalt growled as he decided to charge right at Zane. 

He knew that Impulse was out of the question since right now, Zane was absorbing it like a sponge and growing stronger over time. He knew that in hand to hand combat, he was clearly the superior opponent right? As he threw a haymaker, he was shocked to see his fist go right through Zane's face. "Crap. He's a Phantom!" thought Basalt as Zane slammed his feet right into Basalt's head. This pushed the Maferno into the ground hard and had half of his body stuck in the ground. 

Basalt tried to break out of the ground but he couldn't. "Fly away little magma birdie." said Zane as he slammed all four fists into Basalt, creating an explosion of black lightning. This explosion sent Basalt out of the ground which tore apart the ground in the process. He eventually stopped in the swamp whose water was burned away thanks to Basalt. "Alvarez!" shouted Basalt, glaring at Zane. For once, Zane stayed silent and charged toward Basalt with his expression screamed one thing. 

He was pissed off and needed to take out his anger on something. Basalt just happen to be that unlucky something. Basalt slammed his fist into the ground and unleashed a wave of magma. This wasn't all he did as a line of jagged black spikes with red curvy lines inscribed around them came right out of the ground. Each spike that sprouted out of the ground grew in size and unleashed lava/magma from this with these spikes increasing the wave of magma he unleashed earlier. 

Zane didn't care about whatever Basalt was doing since right now, he was pissed. He promptly smashed through the molten material and the spikes with no issue. Fists glowing with intense power, Zane unleashed a barrage of haymakers and uppercuts. Each one of these hits made a shockwave and caused the ground to shake below him. The Maferno was sent flying backwards from the powerful blasts and Zane glared at the flying magma dome. 

The Maferno crashed into the ground with Zane saying,"You don't get it do you? Even with your current strength, there was no way you could have defeat me. Answer me this. Have you ever trained?". "I haven't." said Basalt. "Okay. I got that for our first encounter since you're nothing more than a bully. I bet you use your size to intimate those weaker than you. You could have been much stronger instead of ruling over others." said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane as he said,"Silence Alvarez! I don't need to hear you lecturing me!". "That's a real shame then. If you and I were friends or rivals, I bet you would be much stronger than you are right now." said Zane with a shrug. "If you think that you won, you got another thing coming." said Basalt as he slowly stood back up. "Fine. I guess trying to appeal to the good in you was pointless. Worth a try I guess." said Zane with a sigh. 

After saying this, both of them got into a fighting stance with them charging toward each other. Basalt cocked back his remaining arm and Zane cocked back all four of his fists. "I will win this!" thought the two as the fists collided. This created a massive shockwave, destroying the ground below them even more. "How many times are they going to do this exactly?! I'm getting sick of these shockwaves and those damn explosions of lightning! Seriously you two! Do something else!" said Vlad. 

Basalt landed on the ground with Zane appearing in front of him. "Cosmic Zenith Sphere." said Zane with him holding a Zenith Sphere in each one of his hands. All four spheres had all of Zane's energy infused into it which comes in the form of swirling platinum burning fire like energy. He tossed all of them toward Basalt with it making a massive explosion of energy and the black lightning reappeared once again. This explosion sent Basalt flying away once again. 

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I really hope that activating this wasn't a waste of time. Basalt is trying so hard to win but well, I'm getting bored.".  Before Zane could go after him, he felt something in the air. He turned to see the duo of Janet and Parker standing there with Parker holding a strange device at the moment. It was a silver hexagonal diamond that was covered in royal blue circuitry lines. It floated above Parker's hand. 

The Cross Species looked at them as he said,"What are you two doing here exactly? I thought you were disabling the forcefield.". "We did. You just didn't notice." said Janet. "Huh. I guess I didn't Janet." said Zane, seeing that the forcefield was gone. "Oh wow. You finally had a reason to use Albion. Basalt really must have pissed you off didn't he huh?" said Parker. "I died and made me relieve my greatest fear." said Zane. "You died? But how are you?" said Janet with her looking over Zane. 

Parker stopped her as he said,"We don't have time for that. You can tell us about it later. I think I found a way to make Basalt pay for his crime and remove him from that suit of his.". "I agree. So what is it? It looks not what I was expected to be a Basalt stopping machine. I mean it's like a mini nuclear power planet and reminds me of Danny's nanomachines or chips." said Zane. "This is the Counteraction Area Network or as you would put it, CAN." said Parker. 

Morana giggled as she said,"That is so you.". "This device will remove Aihlus from Basalt and make him perfect for what you have in mind instead of killing him." said Parker. "Wait. You know what Zane is going to do?" said Janet. "The reason how Zane operates is a mystery to all who know him even those who have known him for years but Zane won't kill unless there is no other option. Ready to go?" said Parker as Zane nodded. 

He floated over to the duo with a stone-faced frown and serious look in his eyes. "What happened to you?" said Janet. "I will explain later but right now, Basalt needs to pay for this. Now get her out of here for me Parker." said Zane as he grabbed the CAN with his lower right hand. He began to absorb all of the Impulse inside of the device and he cracked his neck as the device was easily drained dry. "Do me proud Zane." said Parker as both he and Janet were gone.

Zane looked up to hear an all too familiar enraged roar and saw Basalt flying toward him with him roaring his name. He landed on the ground and charged toward Zane. His right arm looked to have grown in size. "Die!" yelled Basalt, getting ready to slam the fist into him. Zane sighed as he teleported away, dodging the earth shattering punch which broke the ground around him but Zane kicked Basalt into the ground. 

Zane picked him up and swung him away with Basalt landing. "This power I have a result of training and honing my body. Both of us have limits and well, I'll keep getting strong but this is where you'll end. This is for making my treasure cry. You'll pay for that and every other crime you done! Learn your place!" said Zane. He unleashed a massive beam of platinum energy. "Die Zane Alvarez!" roared Basalt as he turned his head into the EC which he used to unleash his own energy beam. 

In that moment, the two beams went across the open area toward each other. They connected into each other with them making an explosion of black lightning ,with a crimson red outline, that spread out far from the impact. Zane's beam eventually absorbed Basalt and went flying toward the Maferno. This was the end and he screamed fear. "Damn you Zane!" roared Basalt as the beam struck him and engulf his entire body in waves of platinum colored energy. 

A few seconds later, Zane looked at the thick cloud that blocked Basalt from view. Zane kept an eye close on Basalt and made sure that he was prepared for whatever Basalt had leave up his sleeve. It wasn't needed since Basalt had turned into a stone statue. His face was permanently etched into one of fear and Zane smiled. The power suit Basalt was using was back to its stasis form and right on the ground. Zane held the battle suit with him warping it to Parker's lab.

He looked at the stone statue with him nodding. "This is going to be good." said Zane as he cocked back his right fist and punched the statue. The statue shattered into pieces with Parker returning to Zane's side. "Zane. Did you just?" said Parker. "No I didn't. Just before my blast hit him, I made a copy of him using Astral Form's powers and had the real one sent into a nightmare like state thanks to Nightmare Form's powers. I needed to destroy/kill a version of Basalt." said Zane.

The Cross Species sighed in relief as he said,"It's cathartic plain and simple. He's somewhere nearby and won't be bothering us for a good while.". "So are you going to be okay?" said Parker. Before Zane could answer him, he sighed. "Seriously? Just stop! You lost!" said Zane. Parker turned to see Basalt standing there. He had his left arm back with Basalt looking scared yet pissed off. "How did you know he would show up?" said Parker. "No clue. I just felt it." said Zane with a shrug.

Parker nodded as he said,"I think you and Cinarva need to have a talk after all of this is over.". "Okay then. Mind standing back. As you're well aware, Albion doesn't hold back." said Zane. "Oh I know that." said Parker, moving back from Zane. To intimate the Maferno, Zane unleashed a massive amount of energy from his body. This energy could be felt from every being on the planet. "Just what are you Zane?! The pressure you're oozing is too much from a normal being to handle." said Basalt.

As Basalt talked, his eyes twitched in rage. "Zane! Tell me where all of that power came from! Your body should have exploded since no normal being can handle this much power!" said Basalt. "You're right about that. No normal being could handle this much being but I'm not a normal being as you're well aware. I like to call this power Albion. I like to think of this power as a combination of all of the physical and mental training I've done to become strong." said Zane.

With his lower arms crossed, Zane said,"In the words of Parker, Albion is a fusion of everything in my vast arsenal and that includes the power of the Eazairvian. So I'm sure you're well aware of the species known as the Homo Supremus and how great they were thanks to Danny and Vivian showing off how strong they are. Let me just say that I have some connections to the Feroxian aka the god version of them.". "Impossible!" said Basalt with his teeth clenched tightly. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"You may think that but a woman up there says that I'm her brother. I would doubt her but honestly, I think she's telling the truth.". Crisis Judgement went off as Basalt began charging toward Zane. Zane looked completely calm as Basalt's left fist went toward him and smack him in the face. Zane only smiled as he use all four fists to punch Basalt and sent him back. "We have a game back on Earth called baseball." said Zane.

The Cross Species looked at Basalt as he said,"It's probably popular in outer space and the Omniverse as well. According to Vlad, there are casinos out here. That was strike one and I should mention that if you do something stupid again two more times, you'll regret it.". He slammed his upper left fist into his upper right palm. He did the reverse with his lower set of arms. In an angered state, the Maferno began blasting Zane with a huge amount of magma as Zane sighed. 

He held out both set of arms with the magma getting erased from existing. "And that's strike number two. Get out of here while you still can because strike three will just make you pathetic." said Zane. "I won't lose to a punk like you!" yelled Basalt as he charged toward Zane one last time. He unleashed a wave of platinum diamonds. Basalt's body was covered in a green aura and this blocked the diamonds for hitting him. 

Upon falling to the ground, these crystals exploded into a burst of platinum energy and this pushed him back. Zane flew toward Basalt with him kicking the Maferno in the gut. "Fly away!" roared Zane as he was sent flying back and right into a pillar of platinum colored diamonds. These diamonds pierced Basalt's body with Zane snapped his right hand. "Lets go! Meteor Surprise!" said Zane as several pieces of rubble came flying at Basalt. 

Basalt burned away both the crystal and rubble but was getting pelted by Zane's attack. He unleashed a massive green beam of electricity at Zane with Zane cocking back his right fist. He punched the beam into the air and sent it flying back at him. The Maferno was getting shocked by his own energy beam but he pushed through it and charged at Zane. "Damn you!" yelled Basalt as he began rapidly punching Zane who easily dodged or phase through the blows.

After seeing his fists fail, he blasted Zane with a huge stream of magma. The attack failed thanks to the energy around Zane. Basalt cocked back his left fist and was prepared to smash Zane's face into the ground. However, he wasn't there but could feel him close by. Basalt turned around to see Zane with him clapping his hands. He unleashed several platinum energy beams at Basalt who was too slow to counter them. 

Each beam pushed him back and Zane smiled. "I know this is a familiar move of Diamond Prime but why not?" said Zane as he made seven platinum diamond construct fists appear around him. They began spinning in place with Zane sending them at Basalt. They slammed into the Maferno with each punch sent Basalt flying back. Zane made one of the fists grab Basalt and toss him into the air. The other two fists began to reshape themselves into several missiles and launched themselves toward Basalt. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Lets do this! Pierce that magma spewing freak head on!". The missiles exploded upon contact with Basalt and sent him into the ground. Before he could get back up, he looked up to see a giant ball of platinum colored energy. It fell onto him and there was a huge explosion of energy with the Maferno dead center in it. When the dust settled, Zane looked to see Basalt still standing and no way finished. 

The Cross Species groaned as he said,"Seriously? Fine. Since you're extremely stubborn even by my very high standards, you need more punishment. Multi-Arm Mortar.". He began unleashed a barrage of punches with Basalt unable to block or defend himself from the barrage of punches. "You're totally sounding like a sadist Zaney." said Morana. "I blame having several sadistic teachers including you." said Zane with Morana accepting that as an answer. 

Basalt was pushed back after the last punch with him being heavily bruised. "Are you done yet? I'm getting bored." said Zane. This pissed off Basalt as he unleashed a huge stream of magma at him. The attack hit with Basalt laughing. This laughter stopped as the magma was focused into a ball above Zane and Zane looked perfectly fine. The magma ball glowed royal blue and it turned into a ball of liquid nitrogen. "I can't believe this." said Basalt as he saw his last attempt at trying to kill Zane fail.

It didn't take super powers to tell that Basalt's pride was shattered. "Believe what?" said Zane. "I lost to you again. In my entire life, I've only lost to one being in a fight. I can't stand it. Just end it now." said Basalt with him using the little bit of his strength to say this. He accepted his death if Zane was the one to kill him. "If that's what you truly desire, I'll give you that." said Zane as he held out his lower and upper right arm. 

He made a massive Zenith Sphere with him about to kill Basalt using the Zenith Sphere but he decided to do something else. He slammed the ball of liquid nitrogen onto Basalt and this froze the Maferno much to his shock before he was out cold. The ice had formed into a sarcophagus which was made possibly thanks to the Zenith Sphere. "I know you want to die but I'm not at a murder like you." said Zane, holding out his lower left arm and revealed that his fingers were crossed. 

Zane looked at the ice sarcophagus that contained Basalt and smiled. It was instantly covered in several platinum colored chains which were getting heavier as they absorb Basalt's Impulse. "So with Basalt being defeated, answer my question." said Parker. He heard what had happened to Zane and while he may not be the best at comforting, he had to try at the very least. Zane was like a grandchild to him even though he wouldn't admit it much to Janet's amusement. 

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Yep. I feel just fine. Just hope that the next time I use Albion, it isn't out of rage but my luck right?". "Indeed. So what are you going to do about that?" said Parker. He was pointing to the frozen Basalt. "You'll see Parker. Once we cleaned up, you really need to get back with Janet. At least try to make it work. You deserve to be happy too you know?" said Zane. "Perhaps but lets get you back to the others." said Parker as he walked over to Zane. 

Zane nodded as he said,"I know that you're going to teleport us there but mind if I do it? Really don't feel like puking right now.". "Sure Zane. I think you're a good guy." said Zane as he picked up the ice sarcophagus. Parker nodded as Zane teleported them away.  Both groups ,including both Janet and Velda, saw Parker and Zane appear with the frozen Basalt with Sitara's eyes widening. "Zane. Did you kill him?" said Sitara. 

To her, it looked Basalt had died. "Don't get me wrong Sitara. I really wanted him dead like a lot since he literally killed me but I had many more options to take. I only kill if I see no other options or when I feel like it." said Zane. "Please tell me it's more of the former than the latter." said Kitt. "It really does depend on how I'm fighting." said Zane with a shrug. "So Zane. Why haven't you turn back to normal yet?" said Cinarva. "She has a point Zane. Why haven't you?" said Morana. 

Zane nervously chuckled with him saying,"Funny story about it. Unlike most of my transformations, I don't know how.". "Seriously? I mean you're not Veto." said Lorelei. "Why are you making me fun of me too? We just met." said Veto. "Because you really give off the butt monkey vibe and you're totally that guy who everyone on the team picks on since you make it really easy too. I'm not wrong at all you guys right?" said Lorelei. 

Vlad began laughing at Veto with Turseek joined. "Nope. You're correct." said Vlad. "You'll figure it out someday Veto. So what are you going to do with the magma dome?" said Rivart. "Something stupid Ralad. He's going to make friends with him." said Malik. "Like he did with you right?" said Rachel with Malik nodding. Zane held out his hands and there were covered in his signature flames. He placed them on the ice sculpture much to the confusion and shock of the Paradoxes. 

The beings who knew Zane weren't all too shocked by this since Zane treats his enemies as his friends even though most of them don't see him as a friend. Basalt looked at Zane weirdly. "So do you have a reason for freeing me Alvarez?" said Basalt. He would have broken out of his ice prison but the chains still drained him of his energy. He was exhausted from the fight as well but his pride wouldn't admit that. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I guess to tell you that if you plan on killing yourself once you're free from your icy prison, don't do that. I mean you shouldn't just give up because you lost to me. You put up a great fight so that means something right? ". "Do you really think I need your sympathy? Just send me to your Alliance prison already and celebrate with your strength." said Basalt, glaring at them. "We're not scared of you lava spitter!" said Veto as he hid behind Kitt and Turseek. 

Vlad rolled his eyes as he said,"And this is why we consider Malik and Sitara to be our leaders instead of you.". "You lost. Big whoop. It happens to everyone in the Omniverse." said Zane. "Don't you get it Zane? Before meeting you, I've never lost until meeting you." said Basalt. "Okay. You're clearly a sore loser. I thought you were some big shot dictator but nope, you're just a child playing dictator. Acting this after losing twice isn't that big of a deal." said Zane.    

Basalt rolled his eyes as he said,"I don't expect you to understand. You and I both have a reputation to keep. I'm feared by most of the Omniverse which includes that one fool over there.". "I totally get that since I lost before. I mean I may seem like I win a lot but I lose a fair bit too. I have a lot of beings counting on me and whenever I fail, I feel terrible. I really feel like I'm letting them down. Back during the Massacre, I felt like I should just die in order to make things right but I was wrong!" said Zane.

Zane clenched his fists as he said,"If you lose a fight, don't give up and get stronger so you'll win next time. True strength doesn't come for winning all the time but never giving up no matter what! I didn't become strong just to control beings and win but to protect everything I care about. Losing to me is just a reason to become stronger.". "I really don't get him sometimes." thought Basalt. "Why are you telling me this? I tried to kill your family and friends twice." said Basalt. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Because even though I find you to be a bad guy, I don't want you to kill yourself. I protect both friends and foes so you're under my protection. Oh. I probably shouldn't tell you this but I was holding back during our fight since I need to teach you a lesson. The reason you lost against me is so simple. We both may have more power than we really need and stubborn beyond belief but there is the major difference between the two of us." said Zane. 

Basalt rolled his eyes as he said,"And what would that be? The fact that your jokes are outright terrible Zane.". "Yes but no. The bond I have with my family and friends is the differnce. They are the reason why I got to be so strong and using this power to protect rather destroy." said Zane. Basalt scoffed at this. "Whatever. You may think that I'm foolish for relying on others to be strong but it's better than be all alone with beings who only hang around you out of fear rather than respect." said Zane. 

Zane took a deep breath and unleash his full power. The entire planet shook with Basalt's eyes widened in terror. "Even though you're my enemy, I'm not going to kill you since there are only two beings who I really kill. Be lucky you're not one of them." said Zane. "Really Zane? If that's the case, who are the two beings who want dead? If you used your full power on me earlier, I would have been stopped a long time ago." said Basalt. 

The Cross Species looked at Zane as he said,"You're strong Basalt no doubt. I mean you forced me to use Albion who I deemed only for the truly strong opponents. I mean this technique is the prime example of last resort. Your major weakness is that for the longest time, you went undefeated. You're not the strongest being in the Omniverse as I clearly showed you today or back four years ago. There is always a being out there stronger than you. This being will appear when you least expect it.".

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm say this since you're constantly underestimating me even though you've seen how strong I am.". "What's your point Zane? Do you want me to stop underestimating anyone who challenges me?" said Basalt who was getting annoyed at Zane lecturing him like he was a child. Despite that, he wanted to see what Zane wanted him to do. "Yep but well, don't stop your desire to rule." said Zane as Veto glared at him. 

Veto glared at Zane as he said,"Are you serious Zane?!". "I sure am. I mean even though Basalt has killed a lot of beings and ruled over several planets, he has a strong determination to win. I can respect that. There is nothing wrong with being confident but don't take it too far since arrogance will get you killed. You underestimated me and my friends but look. You lost again. So how about the next time we fight, don't underestimate me and my friends or you'll lose. Sound good man?" said Zane. 

The Maferno looked at Zane with him sighing. "Fine. I'll try that so how are you going to do me? And who are the two beings that you'll kill?" said Basalt. "Oh yeah. I told you that huh. The two beings that I'm going to kill are Kilene and Skull Plague. Both of them have hurt me and others a great deal. They totally deserve to die. Oh and I'm going to do this." said Zane as he picked the ice prison up with his telekinesis. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Hope you have a nice flight and a nice fall wherever you end up.". The ice prison was thrown into outer space within seconds of being launched. After finishing that, Zane sighed as he floated above the ground. "And with that, I'm done." said Zane. "That was amazing. He tossed Basalt into space like it was nothing." thought Altair. "Albion is no joke. It lets Zane use the full extent of his formidable power which he can use to defeat any enemy he finds himself again." said Parker. 

Upon hearing this conservation, Zane stretched out his head toward them and he said,"Please tell me we're done you guys. Despite having enough power to fight Basalt ten more times, I'm exhausted and don't feel like doing anything any more. Instead, I'm looking forward to relaxing on a beach.". "Yes Zane. We're all good now. Basalt is defeated and won’t be bothering us for a good while. You did throw him far away and I doubt he'll be coming back again just to lose." said Sitara with a smile.

Malik nodded as he said,"And I’m pretty sure that Arya here hacked into Basalt’s broadcast to show the Vromilyrra Dynasty that Zane is a hero rather than a villain like Nemesis.". "That’s good. With that in mind, I'm done since I learned how to turn off Albion. Should have done that earlier but whatever." said Zane as he deactivated Albion. As he did that, Zane was covered in a cloud of dust. "Are you okay mate?" said Allen. "Just peachy honestly. I just feel like taking a nap right now." said Zane.

The cloud of dust cleared up thanks to army green ,with streaks of battleship gray, air/wind. Zane was slowly standing back up with him looking different. All of the injuries he sustained in his fight with Basalt were healed and it looked like he had never been in a fight. His red bang and the tips of his hair were now a carmine red color. His hair was still primarily a black color. His eyes now have pure white sclera, molten gold irises, and storm gray pupils that are slitted. 

In the center of his forehead, he has a third eye which he keeps closed unless he's angered or shocked about something. This is difference compared to Albion's always open third eye. Unlike Albion, the difference between his main set of eyes and third eye are more obvious. His third eye has an obsidian black sclera, his third eye's pupil is in the shape of a cross and is a storm gray color, and it's also missing the molten gold iris. 

Zane's eyes have a very striking appearance to say the least. They also show compassion, warmth, and the ability to pierce deeply into a being's soul. At this very moment, Zane's usually hidden eye scar was exposed. His ears were now pointed similar to an elf and his teeth now has sharp wolf like fangs. Near the end of his mouth, he has two fangs sticking out of his mouth and these two ,three inch long, fangs point upwards. 

This is obvious whenever his mouth is closed and inside of his mouth, he has a forked tongue with it being seven inches long. His nose looked like a snout of a dragon rather than a human's nose but only on close examination. Protruding from his head, there are two metallic looking horns ,about six inches through his hairline, with them being colored reddish black with a flame like pattern to them aka Vulcan Emperor's scales. 

Like in Albion, Zane now has four arms coming from his body and his arms are placed in a similar manner to that transformation. He has one set of arms coming out of his shoulders like normal and the other set of arms appear right under the first set of arms thanks to a second set of shoulder blades. His torso is longer than normal because of his second set of arms. Three of his arms look the same with the only one different being his lower right arm. His lower right arm is his new prosthetic arm. 

Zane's finger nails are now carmine red dragon claws and now his toenails are as well. His arms and waist are now covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. This isn't the case with his prosthetic arm which only have the scales covering his forearm and has the platinum colored cracks covering them. Zane now had a tail freely dangling from his back or to be more specific, his tail bone. This tail matched the one seen in Albion.

For a quick reminder, it's a dragon like tail covered in reddish black ,being metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. The end of his tail is an arrow-headed spade with it being an obsidian black color and it's made of fur which is really soft. Overall, he had a wild and animalistic look to him. "Zane. You still have a tail." said Veto. "No shit Captain Obvious. You also ignored the striking eyes, fangs, four arms, horns, and pointed ears either." said Kitt.

He got closer to Zane with him saying,"His hair is also different I think? I honestly can't tell with him at all.". Zane looked over himself ,thanks to his body being reflect thanks to a Diamond Form crystal, with him smiling. "Eh. It's not that big of a deal. I'm just tired. To be honest with you guys, I crave a good nap or something like that. Hey Parker. Does this planet have any booze on it? I need a drink." said Zane in a very exhausted tone. "Amen to that. I need a good drink after all of this." said Vlad.

Sitara shook her head as she said,"Did you ignore the arms, ears, eyes, fangs, and possibly different hair comment Zane?". "Like I said before, I'm used to this Sitara. My body has changed so much in the past six years. Don't worry so much okay? You would not look good with gray hair in my opinion. Right Malik?" said Zane with a big smile on his face. "Yeah. He has a point. Mainly on the gray hair part. So don't worry okay?" said Vlad. 

Altair nodded as he thought."At the very least, you’re back to being chill rather than fiery. I like this Zane rather than the other Zane from earlier.". He was talking thanks to him touching Vlad's shoulders and Vlad agreed with this since he liked happy Zane rather than angry Zane. "I think I can explain what happened to him. Prior to him activating Albion for the first time, I noticed something interesting." said Parker, looking at the group 

Parker's words got everyone's attention and they turn to him. Zane was the only one who didn't care at the moment since he was tired. "When I gave Zane the Z.E.R.O. Watch six years ago, I built it for many reasons. I built it to help Zane control the vast amount of Impulse that laid dormant in his body until he was able to do it himself with no problem. When I met Zane for the first time, I detected the very faint presence of Feroxia DNA inside of him." said Parker.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"I decided to figure out how that happened and eventually, I figure how you had Feroxian DNA inside of you. There were some cells inside of his body that were inactive compared to the rest of his cells which were active and causing Zane's body to overload. It seems that Zane's body naturally turned off those cells until Zane was able to contain the energy. Over time, I noticed that these cells were slowly waking up.".

Parker smiled as he said,"It was slowly turning and transforming part of Zane's DNA into Feroxian. It was about 5% of his Eazairvian and Human DNA, making 10% over all. Activating Albion activate all of these cells at once. Cinarva’s brother Rerzam somehow turned into Impulse and went into Zane since even as a newborn, he was able to somehow tell the young prince to could live inside of him instead of dying.".

Zane yawned loudly as Parker said,"It makes no sense to me but neither does magic. I asked Hourglass to confirm this theory and she was right.". "Okay. That makes no sense to me." said Veto. "That's because you're a total idiot Veto." said Arya. "Hey! Only my teammates can give me crap not you new girl!" said Veto. "She doesn't care about that. If she has something to say, she will say it." said Zane. "So mind telling me how that happened Arya? And please make it simple." said Allen. 

Arya smiled as she said,"Sure thing Al. According to the Alliance, Cross Species gain more features from their inactive DNA. Let me give you an example. A being whose a Cross Species of Human and Vampire like Leo may look human when they're young but as they get older, they will look more as a vampire. Get it?.". "Oh. I get it." said Turseek with Allen nodding. "Do you really?" said Kitt. "Nope but I'm smarter than Veto who doesn't." said Turseek as Veto pouted. 

Vlad smiled as he said,"Okay then. I got to ask. Why does he look stronger? I mean Zane was already pretty strong to begin with but somehow, he looks stronger.". Thanks to his tail as support, Zane was currently upside down and his head was against the ground. "And I’ll explain that part. Whenever a Feroxian is beaten to near death, there is an extremely rare chance of them becoming even stronger than they were before they were beaten to death." said Cinarva. 

Rachel looked at her as she said,"How rare are we talking here? I mean Zane has been beaten to death more than three times within six years.". She was somewhat subtly enjoying Zane's new look and how it made his more wild side more apparent. She may like Zane for a lot of things but his looks is one of her favorites. "Very rare Rachel. It has only been seen once every thousand years. It seems that Zane is a very lucky being." said Cinarva. "Yeah. He sure is." said Danny. 

Lorelei sighed as she said,"While I enjoyed this history and biology lesson, will someone mind explaining how he now has a tail along with three eyes, four arms, pointed ears, and fangs?". "It isn’t that weird to see on him honestly and I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with him being 10% Feroxian." said Gwen. "If it's a bother, he could have removed but it would grow right back due to his regeneration. One of his arms is also the prosthetic so that's interesting." said Parker.

He crossed his arms as he said,"I thought that after activating Albion for the first time, his arm would grow back but it's still gone. It's interesting that Zane's spine only extended out whenever he had a tail there. After today's events, he now has a permanently tail there. He also has evil eyes, pointed ears, and wolf like fangs. He'll should be able to manipulate how long his tail is alongside the color his eyes are but his ears and teeth. Not so sure about that. He'll figure it out.". 

While upside, Zane was punching the air using his lower set of arms and crossed the upper set. "These extra arms are so cool. I mean I've had extra arms before but now, they feel naturally to me. The tail as well. I'll think about all of this later. You heard the scientist. Right now, I’m going to take a nap since I earned it and don't say that I'm being selfish or have an ego for saying that. Not in the mood to deal with that crap right now." said Zane. "Indeed. You were quite the impressive warrior." said Turseek.

He was about to touch Zane with Crisis Judgement going off. "I won't let him hurt you him!" said Havoc as he fired out a large blob of his body from a cannon that sprouted from Zane's upper right shoulder. Turseek was pinned to the ground with him trying to break free of the slimy blob of mass. "I didn't mean to do that Turseek. Upon bonding with their perfect partner for the first time, a Vordlarin has trouble telling the difference between friend and foe." said Zane. 

Zane made the cannon go back inside of him as he said,"Havoc is just a little shy and worried for me after almost dying once.". "Don't you mean twice?" said Lorelei. "And did your first Vordlarin partner do that with you?" said Kitt. "Not really Kitt. She just hide inside of my body until she was ready to began the process. Lorelei. I think I did died when I got absorbed into the sword but honesty, I'll figure it out later." said Zane as he fell asleep right there and not having a care in the world. 

Turseek was trying to free himself from the slime as he said,"While this story is really fascinating, is any one going to free me? I rather not be live inside of this goo.". "I'll get you out old friend." thought Altair. "And I'll stay a safe distance so I don't get that gunk on my fur." said Vlad. "I agree." said Veto with Sitara shaking her head while Malik and Ralad helped Altair free Turseek from the slime. Zane began dreaming about the time that he died and how he met the mysterious woman Morana. 

Flashback P.O.V.
When Zane ,looking the same as he did before activating Albion, woke up, he blinked his eye for a second. "Huh. Where in the nine realms am I? It isn't the Astral Realm, Elysian, my mindscape, or the Transient Yonder. I mean I died right?" thought Zane. As far as he could see even without using his metahuman vision, he could see nothing there. The fact there was nothing there made him uneasy. He looked down and saw an endless pool of water below him. He was able to stand upon it without fail in. 

There was water as far as the eye could see and it never looked more blue. It was an amazing sight to say the least. Without any kind of warning, his reflection began changing slightly and it came out of the water. "Okay then. I guess it's time for a clone fight to get me some answer.." said Zane as he got ready to fight. The copy looked at Zane with him tilting his head. "Okay. I guess you won't talk to me." said Zane. He charged at the reflection and went right through him. He vanished from this world. 

Upon entering the water, it felt cold and he began floating inside of the water. It was hard for him to think but eventually, he picked up on a sound. It was the sound of rain with Zane seeing dark skies overhead and rain falling around him. "Rain? Under water? I may like the rain but this is wrong. I don't think this is what you see when you die." said Zane. He was able to speak under water thanks to his neck having gills and Satanic Corruption. 

Zane looked down to see a graveyard. "Please don't be that graveyard from before." muttered Zane as he remembered one of his nightmares involving a graveyard. However, it wasn't that. He looked down to see all of his friends and loved ones he has made over the years. Everyone he formed a bond was there and there was a lot of tears. He couldn't hear anyone say anything but their actions spoke louder than any word that could have been said. 

It was a depressing sight to see and there was a white cloth with his superhero logo draped over a casket. This casket was getting ready to be buried and well, it was obvious whose funeral he was watching over. "Shit. I can't believe it. I actually died. I hurt a lot of people by dying," said Zane with him seeing a lot of red eyes from crying rather than it being a natural color. "Okay. I can't let this happen. I need to get back to my friends right now!" said Zane to no one in particular. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turn to see the silhouette of a Akostar above him. It was flying above him and before Zane could do anything about it, he heard an ethereal feminine sounding voice,"Wake up Zane.". "Seriously? I have the rest of eternity to hear you guys give me crap for dying. Let me enjoy the moment of peace." said Zane. "Get up right now Zane or I will end you." said the voice, sounding more demanding. "Okay then mom. I'm getting up." said Zane as he was covered by a bright light. 

The cold feeling was gone with it being replaced by a warmth. Zane looked up to see that he was in a room made out of cobblestone. It had several lit torches for lighting. There was a large and thick looking wooden ,probably made out of hickory, door that in front of him. It had a gold ring knocker and a more ancient looking lock in his opinion. It was a restraining wooden beam set up in order to keep people out and. It would work on people who didn't have pyrokinetic abilities. 

Zane was pretty much confused since he looked down to see that he was a rather big bed. It was easily five times bigger than your average king sized bed. It had multiple blankets topped with a thick purple comforter. "Okay. I like this but I need to find out what happened to me or where am I?" said Zane. He emerged from the bed and felt the cold stone below him. "Lets get out of here." said Zane with him prepared to blast the door down.

However, there was a small problem. He was currently missing his left eye, right arm, and most of his accessories including the Z.E.R.O. Watch were missing as well. "Okay. This isn't good but whatever, I'll find my way out of here and get back before it's too late." thought Zane. He walked toward the door with him opening said door by punching it open. After leaving the room, Zane's eye widened. "Okay then. What is this? Is this heaven? Because honestly, it looks like hell to me." said Zane. 

Zane found himself in an area that was very similar to his mindscape, Elysian, the Transient Yonder, and Utopia except this place was much more sinister and reminded him of death. It was an never ending landscape of blackened earth and several shallow pools of water. It had Impulse coming out of it in many different forms such as fire and lightning alongside rare forms of Impulse such as Mojo. The area had a thick and heavy black mist covering the ground.

He then noticed several gray bones of different species protruding from the ground. These bones formed mountains that were so high up that the top of them look to reach the heavens themselves. Zane looked up to see a pure black sky and a moon with a huge chunk missing. Zane began exploring the area with him feeling something off about this place. He couldn't hear or sense anyone other than himself but for some strange reason, he felt like someone was here. 

Zane slowly turned around to see a giant eye looking at him. "Hi there Zane!" said the eyeball with it having a feminine sounding voice. Zane blinked at the sight of the eye and shrugged. "Detonation Zenith Punch." said Zane as his left fist and forearm greatly increased in size. His enlarged limb looks like Zane when he activates Predator State. His arm is glowing a crimson red color, being extremely bright and hard to notice. His arm is emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy. 

Upon reaching a good size, he punches the giant eyeball with a high amount of energy and causes a massive explosion on impact with said fist. "Ow! What was that for you ignoramus?!" screamed the eyeball as it emerged from the explosion, unharmed. "For sneaking up on me because I tend to punch beings who do that kind of shit. I'm impressed that you managed to survive that attack though." said Zane. "You got a point there and well, I'm not your average being." said the eyeball. 

Zane rolled his eye as he said,"Obviously. So who are you and where am I exactly?". "Welcome to Tophet and if I were to describe this place as one thing, it would be hell." said the eyeball. This comment from the eyeball earned it another Detonation Zenith Punch to the eye. "Ow! Would you quit doing that Zane?!" said the eyeball. "Nah. I just got reminded that I died and instead of finding my way back, you and I are standing around talking!" said Zane. 

The eyeball glared at him as it said,"Gods damn. You're really bad kid you know that. Didn't your mom ever teach not to hit a lady?". "She did but she also told me to punch a bitch if she really deserves it. Hold on. You're a woman." said Zane. "Yes Zane! Can't you tell a girl from a guy?" said the eyeball. "Honestly, the differences between the genders doesn't normally involves eyes. The voice should have been a giveaway though. You remind me of a being though." said Zane. 

Zane's comment caused the eyeball to blink. "That's right. I tend to forget stuff like that since well, I don't get company other than those guys but they're silent. Fine. To prove my point, I'll look the part of something familiar to you.". Zane covered his eyes as instead of the floating eye, a female stood there. She looked to be around his age and reminded him of a couple of beings. These beings are Cheryl, the twins, and Skull Plague with the latter being forcing him to get ready for a fight.

Compared to him, she was rather petite. She was only five feet four just like the twins and was a giant compared to Cheryl. She had a slim yet alluring figure with supple breasts and full yet tight ass. She has dark yet fair skin with rose red cheeks, a small and cute nose, and black lips in a permanent pout. She has waist length pure ash gray hair ,with several black and purple bangs resting in front of her face, and her hair was in a high braided ponytail that flowed down to her mid back.

She has glowing milky white eyes with slits for pupils. Her eyes shined with brilliance, confidence, and mischief. She's wearing a black kimono like dress that ends just a little bit above her knees and hung somewhat loosely off her bare and enticing shoulders. It has a white flower skull pattern covering the bottom half of her kimono. Her kimono also proudly displayed her cleavage. She wears ash gray stockings under her kimono.

The woman is wearing a pair of rather fetching pair of black pumps and a small black top hat on her head. She has small silver dragon-shaped studded earrings in her ears and a circular heart shaped locket on a choker. She had two large metal battle axes/broadswords on her back with each blade having the symbol for infinity etched into it. Her smile looked demonic as she held a black cane. Her nails looks to be naturally sharp in a similar manner to claws.

She also had three unique tails protruding from her body. Her tails were all long and thin with bone like fins and spikes running along its length. The end of her tail is in the shape of a scythe. "Huh. I really did not expect to see a woman of her level of beauty here and makes it worth coming here just a bit. Not a lot but trying to look at the postitive here." thought Zane as he watched her strut toward her. "So how do I look Zero? Did I get you powered up?"said the woman with a smile on her face.

Her voice was soft and soothing. The woman stood in front of him as she said,"To most males, my appearance always get a certain part of them excited if you're buying what I'm selling.". Zane was sure about one thing. She was testing to see what he was going to do. It was obvious to him since she was looking right at him while balancing on her cane and accentuating her body. "I guess so but I like the hat mainly." said Zane. "Thank you for the compliment Zero." said the woman.

Zane looked at her as he said,"So who are you? Let me take a guess. You're not going to tell me what I want unless I do something for you. Oh and you also know who I am despite us never meeting before now.". As he was saying this, he was speaking in a deadpanned tone. "Bingo! You're real good at this. I guess you have experience with this. Okay. I want you to hug me." said the woman. "You aren't serious are you? I can't hug you since I'm missing an arm here." said Zane, pointing to his missing arm.

The woman looked at Zane with her appearing right in front of him. "I'm very serious here. I mean I've been alone for over a thousand years! Do you know how long it's been since I've company here?! A Qlarik needs love too damn it!" said the woman. She began wrapping her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. "Oh wow. You're really warm Zero. I'm jelly that the devil gets to have this whenever she wants." said the woman.

Zane couldn't see her face but he was sure that she was pouting. "I really wish I could leave Tophet but my stupid brother put me here just because I disagreed with his dream that he had since childhood! I mean I get that he's really determined to make this dream possible but at the cost of all of those innocent lives espcially the lives of kids, there is no way in Tophet am I letting that happen!" said the woman.

To make it even more obvious that she was enjoying the hug, she nuzzled against him. Zane's only thought was wondered who this woman was since she was the sister of a Qlarik with a dream. She was also hugging him tighter much to his joy/annoyance. "So while I may not be against hugs at all, I need to leave sooner rather later." said Zane. "Why the rush?" said the woman. "Yeah but my friends and the Omniverse are in danger thanks to Magma Dome throwing a hissy fit." said Zane.

Said woman looked up at him as Zane said,"You need to tell me how to leave or else.". "Or else what Zero?" said the woman. "I'll fight you." said Zane as the woman let him go. She looked at him and began laughing. "Yep. It's official. I don't think I will ever get women no matter how old I get." thought Zane. "Okay. I'll tell you who I am and why you are here. My name is Morana Yung. I brought you here to my prison for one reason." said Morana.

The woman held up a single finger as she said,"I want to make sure that you can stop my younger brother from completing his dream.". "Sure thing Morana. You didn't need to bring me here to tell me that. So who is your brother?" said Zane. "You know him already Zero. His name is Skull Plague." said Morana. Before Zane could say anything, she unleashed a massive beam of violet ,with gray streaks, Carnal right at him with him dodging it. 

When the beam hit the ground, it caused an explosion of Impulse. Zane looked over at her and she smiled brightly. "There is no time for talking! It's time for fighting!" said Morana. She also changed her outfit to a skintight black sleeveless singlet that went from her neck down to her knees and her hair was let loose. She looked impatient for a fight and reminded him of Theron. Zane sighed as he began fighting Skull Plague's older sister and was sure that he was going to lose.

Some time later, Zane ,heavily bruised, was on the ground with him saying,"Okay. You're strong and a total sadist.". Morana ,in her outfit with the cane, stood over him with a huge smile on her face. She was injured as well but less than Zane. "You did good even though you're lacking at the moment. Even fought against my Akostar form and won. It seems you beating the granddaughters of Rumos wasn't them going easy on you since they love you." said Morana. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Even if those two love me, I doubt they would hold back especially in a fight to become stronger which I have. Thanks for the compliment Morana. I fought against Azalea and Sivarth countless times so I know how Akostars sized creatures fights to an extent. Sly is an exemption to that since she's still a young Akostar compared to those two. I just wish I could have both arms but for some reason, my left eye and right arm didn't show up when I woke up here.".

He felt naked with without it at this point. "None of my gadgets showed up either such as the Z.E.R.O. Watch. I couldn't even use any of my weapons either." said Zane. "Yeah. That's because of little old me. I wanted to have a conversation with you and well, I wanted to see how you fought with your bare hand Zane." said Morana, helping Zane up. "I really hate how you could control everything in this place. You really had a distinctive advantage in our fight." said Zane. 

Morana smiled as she said,"Oh don't be too salty. You were up against the Goddess of Death and Decay. I'm easily quite strong and have a lot of responsibilities Zane.". "You do? I'm shocked. I thought you were lazy like your older brother is." said Zane with Morana punching him right in the stomach. The impact of the hit send Zane flying into a pile of bones, coughing up tar in the process upon hitting the collagen. "Okay. That hurt a lot and I totally deserve it I think." said Zane. 

The Qlakrik sighed as she said,"My brother isn't lazy Zane. He just takes credit for the work of his minions. Oh and I'm sorry about hitting you. I just get mad whenever someone compares me to my brother.". "Fine. He isn't lazy. Happy? So what are these so called responsibilities?" said Zane with him slowly healing from Morana's punch. She brought him over to her and forced him to sit down in front of her. "Um. What are you doing?" said Zane.

Morana looked at him and she smiled. "Just relax and you better do what I say or else." said Morana with her shortly resting on his lap. "Um...." said Zane. "Start moving your hand through my hair and if you don't, I'll break you in two. I need this." said Morana with Zane sighing. "You're just like Rae you know that." said Zane with Morana giggling. Zane began running his left hand through her hair and it made her purr like a cat.

Zane looked down at her with him thinking,"I'm sure she can read my mind but well, I don't think I should stop doing this. She's just like Rae when it comes to our snuggle time. Very clingy just like a cat.". "To answer your question from earlier, my responsibilities is that I collect the souls of the deceased throughout the Omniverse." said Morana. "Even though you can't leave Tophet thanks to Skull Plague. Mind telling me how you do that?" said Zane. 

Morana nodded as she said,"Yeah but like my brother, I created minions to do that. However, I don't take the credit for their work.". In front of her, a creature appear. It looked like a humanoid figure with only an old and torn cloak visible covering their body. It has two red eyes sticking out of the cloak. Out of the cloak, it has a pair of bony hands holding a metal scythe. "Hold on. You made the Grim Reapers Morana?" said Zane. 

She nodded as she said,"Yep. They reap the soul of the deceased and help guide them to where they belong after death. I mean these guys help me bring you to me since I wanted to meet you for a long time now.". "And why is that exactly?" said Zane. "Your aura obviously. I mean it's really powerful and can be felt throughout the Omniverse especially when you get serious. My aura is like the afterlife aka death. You can feel it right?" said Morana. 

Before he could answer her question, Morana decided that she wanted something else from Zane. She sat up to lean back against Zane's chest and she got comfortable with his singular arm wrapped around his waist. "You're so warm Zaney. I wanted this for a long time now. You better not let me go or I'll beat the ever living the snot of you." said Morana with her humming in delight and made sure that she could fully enjoy his warmth. 

Zane nodded with him saying,"Yeah. I really didn't expect the Goddess of Death and Decay to be so touch feely.". This observation caused her to wrap her arms around his neck and began nuzzling her nose into it deeper. "I sure am but only to those I trust and very warm aka you Zaney!" said Morana as she smiled cutely at him. She also had a faint blush on her. "I know that you're getting married soon but well, I really missed having contact with beings. You don't mind right?" said Morana.

To keep Zane from doing this, she was looking at him using the combination of her milky white eyes and a small pout on it. "It's fine." said Zane. "Don't worry. You got many more cuddle sessions in your future so be lucky." said Morana as she hugged him tightly and pressed her body into him. "I think it's official. She reminds me of the twins now." thought Zane. "You are really the best being to use as a cuddle buddy." said Morana.    

With a loud sigh, Zane said,"Anyway. I can feel the death coming off you. It isn't pleasant but well, I hopeful I can trust you. Your brother isn't exactly my favorite being.". "Of course you can trust me. I mean even though it's been over five hours since you arrived here, it's been around a couple of minutes back on Galnatilia give or take. The time in Tophet moves at whatever speed I want it to by the way." said Morana. "That's good. So can I leave? I'm worried about my friends." said Zane.

Morana smiled as she said,"Sure but don't think you're done hearing my sultry voice in your head Zane.". "Oh boy. Can't wait for that. So I got to ask you something Morana." said Zane. "What is it? I mean I'm happy to answer any of your questions since well, I like having you around. You're good company unlike the reapers. I mean they do their job perfectly fine Zane but they're also total introverts." said Morana. "So what is the true meaning of death?" said Zane. 

The Qlakirk looked at him as she said,"Huh. I didn't expect to hear that from you but I got you. It's the final resting place for a being. Death is often as a unknown and the greatest fear of all is the unknown. Death shouldn't be fear since it's the well-deserved rest for a soul after living in the Omniverse. When a living being' soul dies, it is taken back to the Omniverse to use it to help the next generation of beings. This is the cycle of life and death. This is my opinion on the matter.". 

Zane nodded as he said,"Okay. That makes sense to me. I mean I treat life as something precious and tend to hate beings who would take another's life so easily or treat their own lives as nothing all too special. However, I'm willing to kill if there is a being who will never change their evil way such as your brother and Kilene. If I let him or Kilene live, they'll keep doing bad things and never become a good person.". 

Morana looked at Zane as she said,"This answer Zane is one that will always be surrounding in mystery and left up to interpretation. For me and hopefully you one day, there is an extra variable. I can see a being if they are corrupt. If there is a being who kills another being with ill intent, they're corrupted by the essence of evil. The more one kills, the more they get corrupted. If one kills with good intent, they don't get corrupted.". 

The Qlakrik smiled as she said,"Don't worry. I can tell if someone is truly evil at their core by seeing their Impulse since a being's Impulse can truly lie. It makes me the perfect assassin.". "I see. Do you think you can teach me that? I want to be a hero but honestly, I don't want to be a goodie two shoes hero. I'm willing to take a life of someone who is corrupted but not take the life of a comrade of the corrupted. I mean what if someone hires a assassin to kill another being?" said Zane.

Zane crossed his arm as he said,"So Morana. Is the assassin who is corrupt or the person who called the hit corrupt?". "I don't mind Zane since you're willing to learn the difference unlike my brother who doesn't care about the difference. Lets use your example to prove the difference. The being who hires the assassin has the chance of being more corrupted than the assassin even they don't get their hands dirty with blood." said Morana. 

Morana looked at Zane as she said,"The best way to figure out the difference Zane is a thorough investigation. If you think a being is corrupt, investigate them until you're a hundred percent sure. Every being is power will misuse it in some way, shape, or form. It doesn't make them evil exactly since you use your immense power to positively influence the lives of others.". "You got it Morana." said Zane as he was gone. Zane would return even if Morana had to drag him here.   

Narrator P.O.V. 
It had been three hours since the War of Galnatilia ended with Zane's side being victorious. The wind howled loudly with the destroyed robots of the Molten Empire's army covered it. There were battle scars covering the area mainly from Basalt and Zane since those two didn't hold back in their fight whatsoever. Nearby the wreckage of a Goliath, the group of Grimace, Lunacy, and Xavier were tied up and bounded with Negation Collars. 

There were slimes there as well but both Nemesis and Rivart went missing. Molvai's body was also unable to found and this proved to Sitara that her sister was still alive. Parker offered to fix the Armada so they could leave Galnatilia behind. Vlad would have stopped him from messing with his baby but he was too tired to care at this point and didn't want to mess with the elder Eazairvian after seeing what Zane could do. "So why did you decide to leave this place again Parker?" said Allen.

Parker looked at him as he said,"Because beings found their way here obvious. I suspect that the Trungins would like to live without anyone bothering them. Thanks to the upgrades given to the security system, I'm sure they'll be safe until they decide to leave.". "And how will they do that Parker? I highly doubt they'll be building spaceships." said Velda. "Perhaps they might. The Trungin are smarter than one may think so don't count them out yet." said Parker. 

Veto looked at Parker as he said,"So I got to ask. Aren't you going to take back the Z.E.R.O. Watch? I mean it's your prized invention but Zane almost destroy it and an entire dimension.". He was punched by Altair with Sitara sighing. "I made that device for him since his grandmother suggested that he would be the one to help the Omniverse grow by defeating Skull Plague. I'm sure that this will happen and while it may bring trouble wherever it goes, I'm sure Zane can handle it." said Parker. 

Parker smiled as he said,"Have faith in the kid. I do and I usually don't have faith in such things.". "So did you manage to record that Matrix? Zane may want it for blackmail in the future." said Astaroth. "Are you saying that I wasn't recording daddy saying that he has faith in something? Don't doubt me." said Matrix. "I think he was just making sure about that." said Havoc. The being finished his repairs on the Paradoxes's ship and he walked over to Janet. "So Janet." said Parker. 

Janet looked at him as she said,"Yes Parker?". "I know that the Aphral plan to pick you up but do you mind if I tag along and explore the Omniverse?" said Parker. "Don't you want to head right back to Saspra?" said Janet. "I'm sure that those six can handle themselves there and not blow up my planet. I've been living in solitude for too long and I'm sure that your group will help me achieve that." said Parker with a smile. 

The two heard a voice saying,"I think our favorite hermit here is asking you if he can join you and maybe have a couple of dates along the way back home. He's being social. I'm so proud of him.". Zane stood there with a smirk. He had woken up from his nap earlier and offered to fix the planet but Parker told him to let nature handle it with Zane accepting that as an answer. "Oh I know that Zane. I want him to ask me that." said Janet with Parker sighing loudly. 

Parker shook his head as he said,"Sometimes. Zane. Try not to blow the Omniverse any time soon because you owe Rachel that much.". "Yeah. I know that and don't worry. We may name a kid after you." said Zane. "I don't expect that from you two but I wouldn't be against it." said Parker. "And with that, we're off." said Janet as the two were gone. Zane shook his head as he looked at his Z.E.R.O. Watch. "Thanks Parker. See you later." muttered Zane. 

Allen walked over to him as he said,"While I did enjoy our adventure as much as the next guy, we should probably get back to Earth. Pretty sure that Efren has called everyone trying to find us.". "You are right about that. The Omniverse is truly worth exploring but not today or for a long time. Maybe after the kids are in high school or earlier." said Zane. "So you mean Atem, Uriel, and Zoey right?" said Danny. "Nope Danny. The kids we'll have eventually." said Rachel with a smile. 

The hacker looked at Rachel's stomach as she said,"So you aren't pregnant right?". "Nope. Not yet." said Rachel. "So do you guys mind giving us a lift back? I mean I could teleport us back but I'm too lazy to do that." said Zane. "Sounds like you but sure. We don't mind at all." said Ralad. "Before that, we have to drop off them back at Osezarix 35. I got pardoned for breaking you guys out since you were innocent but these ones. Not so much." said Cinarva.

Arya nodded as she said,"I don't mind but well, I doubt the great Cannon Arm Xavier will like it so much since you're the prey there.". "You'll pay for this. All of you will pay!" said Xavier. "I highly doubt that since their boss basically ditched them with that armor wearing loser. It's weird how he didn't use a single transformation to fight you Rae." said Bridgette. "Lets get going you guys. I would like to leave this place sooner rather than later." said Sitara. as the group went onto the Armada. 

It had been several hours since they left Osezarix 35 and Galnatilia behind with Cinarva wishing them good luck. Bridgette also left the party as well with the promise to train Rachel whenever she wanted to mainly to see Zane. The Armada was currently traveling through the Universe Path at a comfortable speed with Zane currently walking around the metallic corridors of the ship. "I really do love and hate my life sometimes. I almost blew up the Omniverse just to show off." thought Zane.  

Zane looked at his new appearance with him thinking,"I'm happy to have met Matrix and learning that Twilight's son is a good being like his mother. Wish I knew about her being pregnant and ruling over her people but well, I guess things are going back to a state of normal. My new appearance on the other hand. I get used to it.". Zane was slowly approaching the hover simulator with him seeing Arya and Rachel currently observing a virtual reality simulation of a sight quite familiar to Zane.

The sight was a lake that wasn't from Earth but Ezlario. This lake was nearby the orphanage where Arya grew up and where she spent a good amount of time before being adopted. The water was a clear crystal blue color, perfect for swimming. There was a single tree by the lake and as Zane learned personally, it provided the perfect amount of shade for a picnic. It was a truly beautiful sight. "Hey there ladies. You two doing alright?" said Zane. 

Both females turned to see him standing there with Arya frowning. "Not really Zane. I've been thinking about everything that's happened to me in the last few days. I joined Team Maelstrom and all of this happened in my first week of joining it!" said Arya. "Yeah. I can understand what you're going through Arya. We didn't exactly leave the best impression on you. I honestly can't promise you that things will get calmer from here on. If you want to leave, we completely understand right Zane?" said Rachel. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I totally freaked out when I lost Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rae back on Galnatilia.". "Yeah. I mean I like those four a lot but they mean a lot to you." said Arya. "Yeah they really do. Thanks for helping me back then." said Zane. "No problem." said Arya. There was silence in the air briefly before Arya looked at Zane. "No matter how many times I see it, this is a really beautiful sight." said Zane. "I got to agree with Zane here Arya. This is really beautiful." said Rachel. 

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"Just like a certain devil who I heard kick some serious butt.". "I think someone is trying to earn some brownie points." said Rachel with her pulling Zane right into a kiss. Arya rolled her eyes as she remember Danny telling her that whenever Rachel and Zane start flirting, they tend to ignore everything around them. The two ,much to her surprise, didn't go into a passionate make out session since according to Kevin, they're in an eternal honeymoon phase. 

Arya tried to get their attention as she said,"Yeah. I remember going here when I was bullied and my mom took me here whenever we could.". "Arya. You do know that I'll do anything in my power to protect you and the others from danger right?" said Zane. "Of course I know that! I saw that earlier when you blew yourself up and almost died!" said Arya. "Which is the norm for him much to our dismay." said Rachel. "Yeah. I really hate how that's the case." said Zane. 

The hacker looked at Zane as she said,"So are you okay Zane?". "What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." said Zane. "Oh wow. You were right about him Rae. He's the worst when it comes to admitting that he has a problem." said Arya. "Yep. He's a terrible liar." said Rachel. "Okay fine. I'm wishing that I didn't have everyone putting their faith in me to be the one to save the Omniverse and well, I wished I had a normal quiet life." said Zane. 

Rachel had a half smile on her face as she said,"Yeah. You made that obvious back in the med bay but get over here.". "Please tell me you aren't going to hit me." said Zane. "Duh. Of course she is. You need to learn your place." said Arya. Zane walked toward Rachel with her playfully knocking him upside the head. "That's for not telling anyone about your problems and letting them build up you big dummy." said Rachel in a chastising tone but her smirk betrayed her feelings. 

She wrapped her arms around her neck and cradled his head to her bosom. Zane shrugged with him making himself comfortable by using his tail to wrap around Rachel's back gently. "So how are you enjoying her pillows Zane?" said Arya. "A lot. They're really soft like her hair. I would let you feel them but they're mine to snuggle against. I'm rather greedy when I want to be." said Zane. "Zane. I really wish you would change but you really shouldn't fight fate. It's a losing fight." said Rachel.

The devil began running her fingers through his hair as she said,"You're Zane Vincent Alvarez who is the protector of the Omniverse whose life has been nothing but crazy. I accept that part of you and wouldn't you to change a single part of you. You're my ideal lover after all. I wish you made more time for our dates but crime never sleeps.". "Yeah. I will make time for you or anyone if you need me. It may not be me exactly but I'm sure the clone will do a great job. A solid A." said Zane. 

Rachel smiled at him as she said,"I know that babypop.". "So how am I doing as your fiancĂ© Rae? And Arya. Please tell me that I'm not the worst person to work with." said Zane. "You're doing a really good job in my opinion." said Rachel. "Yeah! I mean you're better than your grandpa who drives Verna to drink most days of the year. Axel is a part of her awful drinking problem but you're not making my job difficult." said Arya. "You really do care a lot about him don't you Arya?" said Rachel. 

Arya nodded as she said,"Of course I do! He was my first real friend and didn't mind that I never left my house due to personal reasons.". "So tell me the truth. Do you like Zane? And I don't mean like a friend but as a lover. There is a difference you know." said Rachel. "Of course I like Zane but as a friend. Nothing more!" said Arya as she looked away from Rachel. "Didn't you tell me that you weren't going to pressure her on this? She has said to like me as a brother countless times." said Zane.

Rachel sighed as she said,"I did but I changed my mind. You two both have a problem in hiding what you truly feel about something.". "Rachel and Zane. I'm only telling you two this so don't go blabbing about it okay?!" said Arya with Rachel and Zane looking at her, urging her to go on. "The truth is that I like Zane a lot but I know for a fact, it isn't like how you two feel for each other or Malik and Sitara do for each other!" said Arya.

She took a deep breath as she said,"Zane was the first person who went out of his way to help me leave my house after my mom died because of that bastard. The twins may be the same as me since he was their first real contact other than their brother and grandfather who look nothing like them. When I saw Zane snapped after seeing you and the others died, it was like he wasn't the person who I care about whatsoever! He was so violent and angry.".

Arya looked at Zane as she said,"You're not the type of guy to kill others whenever they upset in any regard!". "Yeah. I was a monster but I'm not anymore right? I promise that I'm gentle except when I'm angry." said Zane. "Of course you're not Zane. You're an dummy but a lovable one. So be honest with us on this Arya, how do you really feel about him? Don't worry. Not as a romantic partner but as a brother like figure. I do think I can handle another women liking him." said Rachel. 

Zane rolled his eyes as he muttered,"Why are you lying Rae?". Rachel pinched Zane's right ear. "Hush you!" said Rachel. "I'm just speaking the truth here. You wanted me to do that more right?" said Zane with Rachel shrugging. "Zane Alvarez is a really amazing and caring guy. I mean most of his family is super nice but Zane is easily the nicest guy around. He always helps out whenever he care even if he doesn't like the person in question aka the howler monkey." said Arya. 

She smiled as she said,"Out of everything that makes up Zane, my favorite thing about him is his smile though. I mean it just lights up a room and says that everything will be okay. It's easily one of the seven great wonders of the Omniverse in my humble opinion.". "That's nice to hear Arya. I mean my smile is pretty nice but being one of the seven great wonders? Color me impressed." said Zane. "So you don't mind that he isn't exactly a normal being." said Rachel. 

Arya nodded as she said with a smile,"Nope. I mean being normal is totally the worst. I mean everyone on Team Maelstrom is in no way normal but that's way better than on a team filled with normal beings in my opinion. Like my mom always said, it matters what's on the inside that counts rather than the outside plus fangs are totally a good look on you.". "So do you love me? That's my question for you Arya my dear." said Zane. 

She looked at him as she said with a bright red face,"As a brother Zane yes. I know that I haven't known you as long as say Danny or Gwen but I can tell that you two need to get married ASAP. If you don't mind, we could go out together sometime in the future! Just the three of us! As friends! I mean there is no rush mind you but I really want to hang out with you again Zane! Rae too I guess.". After saying that, she began looking like a cute animal. "Is that okay with you two?" said Arya with a cute head tilt. 

This made Rachel internally squeal due to how cute Arya was being. "Oh wow. I know that Zane told me how cute she can be sometimes but this level of cuteness. It's something else! I really hope things work out between the two of you!" thought Rachel as it felt like she was being stabbed in the chest with the word "Cute" written on it. She then hugged Arya much to her shock and began rubbing her head with her hand. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I don't mind hanging out with you but well, you were right about having it after the wedding.". "It may be a few days before the wedding since we're going to be far too busy during the honeymoon." said Rachel, snuggling up next to Zane. "Thanks a lot you two. I really like having you guys as my friends." said Arya. "It's fine Arya. Take your time. We're in no rush since slow and steady wins the race." said Zane. 

Rachel agreed with her saying,"He has a point. We should probably get back to the others.". "Do we really have to? I'm perfectly fine enjoying the company of two beautiful ladies." said Zane. The two looked at him with them nodding. They each grabbed one of Zane's arms and began dragging him out of the simulator with Zane not trying to fight it. "So is this normal to him Matrix?" said Havoc. "Yep." said Matrix. "But it isn't a bad thing." said Astaroth. "No. It is not." said Matrix.               

Several hours later, it was a bright and sunny morning back on Earth with the yellow sun bearing down on the planet. In the forest clearing where the Armada had taken off from, the Vindicator was still present there and not moving for over five days. The ground eventually began to shake with the Armada slowly flying downwards. The ship landed upon the ground coming to a halt and the cargo hatch of the ship opened up. 

As the cargo hatch opened up, Allen walked out. "Ah Earth. I missed you so much." said Allen. "Please tell me that you won't be kissing the ground any time soon." said Gwen with her walking out of the ship and she was holding Danny's hand. "Yeah man. That's totally something Kevin would do. You're better than that." said Danny. "Yeah. So where did Zane wandered off to?" said Allen. He saw Arya and Rachel talking to Altair, Kitt, Lorelei, Malik, Sitara, Turseek, Veto, and Vlad.

Danny turned to Allen as he said,"I think he went to go drop off Velda back at the prison. So did Lorelei decide to join up with the Paradoxes?". "She did because she gets to spend time with her family." said Gwen. "Yeah. Still can't believe that Veto is the father and the fact that he's the only one who doesn't know about that little fact." said Allen. "Yeah. I blame Turseek for that." said a voice. Allen, Danny, and Gwen turned around to see Zane standing there with him holding a slushie thanks to his tail. 

Excluding his tail, he looked to be a normal human with two arms crossed over his chest. His eyes looked to be a normal storm gray color, his arms, mouth, and nose looked regular, and he was lacking his horns and eye scar.  "Did you really have to stop by Fantasia before coming back here?" said Gwen with her eyebrow raised. "It's Zane. Do you really think he wouldn't?" said Allen. "Part of me was." said Gwen.

Danny looked at Zane with him saying,"So how did Courtney take you having a tail and the rest of your new appearance? You did promise Bri and Rachel that you wouldn't hide your prosthetic and scars no longer.". "She wasn't working today bro and I told Bri that I would wait at least four days before I reveal my new look to the public. I'm still working on how to hide my tail." said Zane. "What about the rest of your more Feroxian traits?" said Gwen. 

Zane grabbed the slushie from his tail with him saying,"Like with my prothestic, I can make them look normal with just a single thought. I could do that with my tail but nah. It works better as a belt in my opinion.". "So I got to ask you something important Zane." said Arya with her and Rachel joining the group. "What's up?" said Zane. "I didn't get a chance to ask you this since well, you were exhausted but now. Can you make your horns appear?" said Arya.

The Cross Species shrugged as he made his horns appeared. "Yep. I can make them appear and disappear with a thought as you can plainly see. So what didyou want with them?" said Zane as he saw his assistant's glasses shining. "Oh. I get it. Go nuts partner." said Zane, bending down. "Sweet! You and Rae have more in common now! You both have horns and a tail." said Arya with her grabbing onto Zane's horns. "Yeah. We do. So I got to ask about your little episode." said Zane. 

Before Rachel could say anything, Arya began stroking Zane's horns lightly with him letting out a purr sound coming from Zane. "Okay. That was so damn adorable Zaney." said Rachel, knowing what to do whenever he is stressed or in the mood for some teasing. "Yeah. Thanks for giving her some ammo against me Arya. So that episode." said Zane, making his horns disappear much to Arya's visible dismay.     

Rachel looked at Zane with her saying,"We'll talk about in private. Not that I don't trust you guys but this is something between us.". "No need to explain yourself Rae. You were a badass up there since you made Basalt look like a bitch." said Allen. "And that copy of Zane too! He was totally more bark than bite if you catch my drift." said Arya. "So are you going to say goodbye to the Paradoxes Zane?" said Gwen. 

The Cross Species nodded as he walked toward the cargo hold where the Paradoxes were. "Thanks for your help you guys." said Zane. "You're welcome Zane. I just hope that the next time we met, you won't be responsible for the Omniverse blowing up because of your ego." said Veto. For his comment, he was punched by Lorelei. "Ignore him Znae. We'll see you and the rest of your group at the wedding." said Lorelei. "She's right. See you around Zane." thought Altair.

As the Paradoxes walked back to their ship, the space ship moved upwards before vanished into the blue sky and left Earth behind. "So after an adventure, I'm looking forward to a nice normal day in Cypress Park." said Allen. "Amen to that. I'm really looking forward to that vacation in the Salaron Empire." said Zane, stretching his arms out. "So how about we go shopping at the mall? I mean I think some shopping would be good right?" said Arya. 

Rachel smiled as she said,"It is but maybe we should start at some local shops to make sure you don't get overwhelmed.". "That sounds like a great idea you two but I think our plan is going to be something else." said Gwen. "Yep. Three. Two. One." said Danny. "I hate to be a buzzkill here but we got a problem." said Matrix. "Yeah. It's a big one!" said Havoc, emerging from Zane's left arm like it was nothing. "So do you mind telling us?" said Danny. "Sure!" said Havoc, going back into Zane's arm. 

Matrix sighed as she said,"Sometimes. You can be such a coward. A horde of what appears to horror movie icons such as creatures from the lagoon, frankensteins, mummies, vampires, werewolves, and zombies are attacking Cypress Park. They're currently being lead by Hyde. The local Cypress Park police managed to urge the citizens to evacuate while the rest of Team Maelstrom are handling the monster army.". "I guess a normal day for us is fighting monsters." said Rachel, smiling. 

Zane smiled as he crackled his knuckles. "Yeah but I wouldn't have it any other way at this point. Ready to go team?" said Zane. The group nodded as they went back to the Vindicator and got ready for another battle. This ended another encounter with the Paradoxes and Molten Empire but Zane was sure that this wouldn't be the last time he would fight one of the Omniverse's biggest threat. If Basalt decides to come back for revenge, Zane knew that he and his friends would be ready for anything.     

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