Friday, November 6, 2020

Zero Special 1 Molten Paradoxes Section 5 (Written on December 14 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Special 1 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Special 1. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"You're an important ally of mine you know and if I knew that you were alive, I would have made sure that you won't be effected by the D.F.P.B. You have every right to be mad at me and Parker by the way.". "I really can't be mad at you or daddy. You two mean so much to me. You're my older brother Zane since dating you would drive any girl crazy. No offense to the girls who like you." said the girl. 

Parker groaned as he said,"While I'm enjoying this sickly sweet scene, Zane needs to look at my other invention or Havoc.". The hard light form of the Z.E.R.O. Watch let go of Zane and walked over to him with puffed up cheeks. "Listen here daddy. I need to make sure that Zane doesn't something this stupid with me ever again since the two of us are connected at the biological level!" said the watch. She was about to hit him like she did with Zane but was stopped by Zane.

The Eazairvian nodded as he said,"Matrix. I know that you're probably affected by the out of control emotions that Zane is since Twilight just finished having her child but he will need both of you to defeat Basalt.". "Hold on. That egg is something to help me and it's alive isn't it? I can pick up a heartbeat. And Twilight had a kid?! Why am I the last being to hear about this?!" said Zane. "Yes it is and well, daddy was unable to contact you about the birth. By the way, I'm much better than him." said Matrix.

As she said this, her arms crossed. "Both of you are powerful especially when you're working together and you know that." said Parker with the girl scoffing. The entire room shook as they heard Vlad screaming,"Hey. I really hate to be that guy but Basalt is getting closer to break down the barrier! Lets get a move on!". "Fine. Matrix and Zane. Meet the other invention and join us outside. It's time to fight already. Lets see what you all came up with." said Parker. 

He was gone with Malik looking at Zane. "You heard the man. We'll avenge them I promise." said Malik. "We will no doubt." said Zane. The trio of Arya, Malik, and Sitara left Matrix and Zane alone together. "So what is Havoc like? Is he like you or Twilight? I mean he's related to Twilight right?" said Zane. "It's complicated but you'll see but just know that I won't let you die Zane." said Matrix. "You gotcha Matrix." said Zane. 

Zane went over to the glass jar and he looked at it. "So what is the egg for? I mean you blocked me from touching it last time so I'm curious." said Zane. "Just touch it and find out. It's connected to Havoc." said Matrix. "And you won't get jealous and shock me like you did before." said Zane. "I won't." said Matrix. Zane shrugged as he placed his hand on the glass jar. Zane watched as the sludge that covered the egg shaped object jumped out of the jar, landing on the wooden desk like wet paint.

The egg-shaped object followed the sludge out of the jar before going into the sludge and vanishing from view. "Okay then. So is that Havoc? Got to say, I'm not impressed." said Zane. "I'm sorry for not making a good impression on you Zane! Please don't hate me!" said a soft yet childish voice. Zane turned to the sludge with it being a slime like object and a semi-solid substance. Compared to when Zane met Twilight all those years ago, this Vordlarin looks to be smaller than her.

It was like he was looking at a baby Vordlarin. He looks to be three inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. His body is primarily black with molten gold line like patterns all over his body. He has glowing steel gray egg shaped eyes with it looking childlike. His eyes has a smooth white outline that looks like a domino style mask. He has a white mouth and black spiky teeth. "Havoc. I'm sorry about judging you like that since we've never met before. You're a Vordlarin right?" said Zane.

The slime nodded as he said,"Yep! I'm Twilight's son and hopefully your new Vordlarin partner.". "My new partner?" said Zane. "Of course Zane! My mom is busy with stuff back home on Golax Prime MX so she asked me to be bonded with you in her place. I hope you'll accept me because Parker began experimenting on me to make sure that happens." said Havoc. "Um sure. So will the tendrils I produce look like you or your mom?" said Zane. 

Before Zane could get an answer, the ground began shaking. "We don't have time for this. Just bond together already but I'll be his main partner!" said Matrix. "Okay! Lets do this!" said Havoc with Zane nodding. Havoc jumped onto him, covering Zane's entire body before vanishing. "Okay. That was different compared to Twilight but not a bad thing in the slightest." said Zane. "Thanks! Parker made sure that our bonding isn't like other Vordlarins. So are you ready to go?" said Havoc. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. So are you going to be floating around me Matrix? I mean Aurora does the same thing when she wants to. It's rare since she's the shy type.". "Nope. That isn't my thing. Just don't die okay Zane" said Matrix as she vanished and Zane left the room. In the main area of the lab, the two groups prepared for the upcoming battle at Galnatilia. The only one missing was Zane. "So what did you guys come up with? I mean our plan is pretty simple." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva was sitting nearby the crap with her meditating as she said,"Yet effective. We'll be able to keep Parker safe from Basalt's grasp since having Parker working for him will lead to the Omniverse being control by Basalt.". "What about the bomb?" said Lorelei. "Basalt would probably force me to undo the bomb by hurting Janet. Basalt knows this and will do just that if push comes to shove." said Parker with him wondering what Basalt and Molvai was going to use that device for. 

Sitara looked at Parker with her saying,"Parker. I have to ask. How did you escape from my father the first time around?". "I used a teleportation device that can't be tracked. It turns the user and others into a cloud of Impulse and warps them to whatever location that the user decides upon. I guess that you need this for your group's plan." said Parker. "Yes. Do you mind giving this to us?" said Sitara. "Yes. Be careful with it since it's one of a kind." said Parker, handing her a remote. 

The female nodded as she said,"I promise that if it does break, I'll pay you back.". "You do know that device is easily over a million in most dimension's currency right?" said Velda. "I see. I'll keep it from those with sticky hands." said Sitara. Kitt looked at Veto and Vlad with him saying,"Aka you two. So what if Basalt brings the ship down here to provide cover fire for his troops?". "Are you doubting Zane and his group's odds against the soldiers made out of paper?" said Turseek. 

Kitt looked at him said,"No. And what do you mean by that?". He didn't get an answer from Turseek much to his annoyance and confusion. "We'll make sure to dismantle their ship's power source just in case." said Velda. "That was my idea by the way." said Veto. "Don't forget that we may have to deal with your sister Sitara." thought Altair with him touching Sitara's shoulder. "I understand that Altair but we'll handle her. Right Malik?" said Sitara as Malik nodded. 

After that was established, an automated voice said,"The barrier surrounding the lab will last for fifteen minutes.". "Okay. We should probably get moving." said Vlad with him cracking his knuckles. The Paradoxes plus Lorelei and Velda stood together with Arya smiling. "Wow. You guys look like a real superhero team right now. Don't worry about us! We got this handle!" said Arya. "Yes. Stay safe you guys. By the way, these plans are terrible." said Bridgette. 

Before Veto could defend his team's plan, a voice said,"Yeah but these two plans are the result of everyone working together rather than by themselves. We may not win today but at least, we'll die among friends which is a pretty good way to go out if you ask me.". The group turned to see Zane standing there with Parker saying,"So did you meet the other one? And nice mini speech there.". "Yeah thanks. He's sure something and Matrix not liking him is strange." said Zane.

He crossed his arms with him saying,"I just hope they can work together when things get serious. I'm sure they will but I could be wrong.". "So. Do you mind if we meet them?" said Veto. "No time for introduction. Lets go." said Sitara as her group teleported away. "So are you girls ready to fight? I would count Parker but I'm pretty sure he's going to stay back and let us handle this." said Zane. "You know me so well." said Parker. 

Bridgett looked at Arya with her saying,"So Arya. Kitt did bring up a good point earlier. What are you going to do about that?". "Just watch and see." said Arya, pressing an app on her phone. Outside, the Maferno was pissed off since he couldn't get his revenge on Zane or obtain Parker due to the latter's forcefield. "So why can't I kill them yet? I smell those bitches in there!" said Grimace. "Calm down Grimace. I'm sure that our boss has a plan." said Lunacy. 

Rivart looked at him as he said,"Like using the ship above us to blast the forcefield from above. It should work.". The three turned to Basalt who was silent. "So are you going to say anything or what?" said Lunacy. "Hush. My daughter and the robot have been working on it for the past fifty minutes. They'll suffer for making me wait this long." said Basalt as his eyes glowed. Up above, the ISC Rebellion's crew had been trying to blast the forcefield from above but something prevented them. 

In the command deck, Molvai sat there with it clear to everyone that she was pissed. "So tell me why we haven't been to get rid of that barrier yet Booker?" said Molvai. Nearby her, Janet smiled. "Way to go Parker. You always have a plan for everything." thought Janet. The robot with him saying,"We've been trying but something is preventing that.". Whenever any member of the crew tried to fire one of the ship's weapons, they were shocked. 

The ship had been hacked and this hack was done by Arya who did this shortly after gaining the codes for Parker's defense system. She did this while talking to Bridgette and Cinarva. "If the weapons don't work, try something else!" said Molvai. "Right!" said Booker with several of the Gammas facepalming at their boss's stupidity. The ship started to begin its descent but like with its weapon, it was stopped by one of Arya's hacks. 

From the satellite dish, a beam of orange energy came out and went through Parker's barrier. It came in contact with the ISC Rebellion and formed an energy barrier. "So how are you feeling right now Molvai? I'm pretty sure that you and your father are feeling the exact same right now." said Janet. "Son of a....!" screamed Molvai. As Molvai was swearing up a storm, Sitara's group appeared with Veto looking at Sitara. 

Veto groaned out,"Couldn't you pick a more brighter area to teleport into? Like where the ship's power source or where they're keeping Janet for example.". "Yes. We need a light source." said Lorelei. Malik sighed as he made his fists glow purple to prove light. "Happy now you babies?" said Malik. "Yes." said Veto. "The command deck is this way. That's where Janet is and my sister." said Sitara with the group walking. "Can you sense their presence?" said Turseek. 

Sitara shook her head as she said,"Nope. I can hear my sister swearing. Something must happen since well, she's swearing up a storm.". "Yeah. I can too. So does she do this often?" said Kitt. "Nope. Her swearing is rare." said Sitara. "I really hate to stop this important conversation but we may need to split up." said Velda. The group was at a crossroad with Velda saying,"According to what you told me about this ship, the command deck is to the right and the power source is to the left.". 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"So how do we want to do this? I mean I'm pretty sure that your sister is to the right since she's swearing like a sailor.". "Even if my sister is at the command deck, Basalt probably hired someone to guard Janet due to how important she is. Here are the team. Lorelei and Velda. You two are with me. The rest of you. Rescue Janet." said Sitara. "Yes ma'am!" said Vlad with him saluting her with Turseek and Veto following suit.

Altair looked at Kitt and Malik with both of them shrugging. The two groups split up after that. Back in the lab, Arya snickered as Parker looked at Arya's handiwork. "Let me guess. You did that." said Parker with him sounding impressed. "I sure did! That barrier will prevent the ISC Rebellion from getting too close to us and unable to fire their beams. It comes at a cost." said Arya. "Let me guess. We're going to start fighting soon." said Bridgette with Arya nodded. 

The girl sighed as he said,"Yeah. Sorry about that but at least, we won't have to deal with the lasers from above.". "It's fine. We can work around this. Oh and Zane. I'll get to work on replacing the Preservation Band." said Parker. "What do you mean by that? I mean I still have it on if you haven't noticed." said Zane, pointing to his arms. "So if you sported any extra set of arms Zane, will they be covered by the gauntlets?" said Arya. "No idea." said Zane. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"We can test that out later you two. So are you ready to go?". "Yeah. Lets do this girls." said Zane. The four walked out of the lab with Arya activating her armor and Zane looked at Cinarva. "So is now a bad time for a history lesson on the Feroxian? The barrier is still up but...." said Zane. "It's fine. I can give you the quick notes version of them. Terran culture is so amusing." said Cinarva. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Yeah. It really is but well, Terrans aren't especially friendly when it comes to other species. Not even Metahumans are spared even though they're still human. That may never change.". "I see. So what do you want to know about them little bro?" said Cinarva. "What's a Feroxian? I'm well aware of most species of the Omniverse but the Feroxian is new to me. I'm also not a fan of you calling me your brother since well, I don't know you all too well." said Zane.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Maybe once I get to know you better but for now, we're not siblings.". "I understand your concern so I won't call you my sibling until you're ready. Don't want you to slice off my arm again." said Cinarva. Zane looked away embarrassed with Arya and Bridgette giggling. Seeing Zane embarrassed is a rare but amazing sight. "Yeah. I feel bad about that but you know. I'm not saying that I'm not totally at fault here but well, lets get back on point here." said Zane.

He looked at her as he said,You can take revenge on me later.". "I just might. Being a Cross Species is normal in the Omniverse and a Cross Species of two or more species is rare. You being a Cross Species of eight species is extremely rare. The Feroxian are a very powerful race of Omniversal heroes. There were a couple of us who wanted to be conquerors or warlords of dimensions who couldn't fight back but those Feroxians are in a very small amount and usually ostracized." said Cinarva.

She smiled as she said,"The Feroxians are protectors rather than villains. We're like the Alliance except we don't have to deal with all of that red tape.". "Which Zane already ignores." said Arya. "Yeah. Like I said before, he's an anti-hero." said Bridgette. "That does sound nice. So will I be growing gills? Or a spare set of limbs? I'm good for anything. I mean you may look human but the tail makes you stick out like a sore thumb. I mean I could figure a way to make it not stick out." said Zane. 

Zane began mumbling with Bridgette saying,"Stop your rambling for now Zane.". "You'll find out in due time. You just need to awake to that power. So how are you dealing with this? I think a revelation like this will change your life since we're a powerful species. In the top ten species of the Omniverse if you're curious." said Cinarva. "Lucky. We're barely in the top fifty." said Bridgette. "Really? There is a power ranking for all species in the Omniverse." said Arya. 

Bridgette looked at her as she said,"Yeah. It's really interesting. I'll show you it after we make it out of here alive.". "Don't you mean if?" said Cinarva. "Don't jinx us like that!" said Arya. "I know that it's weird for me to say this but focus Arya. I'm more worried about Parker and the rest of our friend's overall safety rather than being a member of another species. After a while, you get used to these big life altering reveals. Lets take them down ladies." said Zane.      

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up to see the barrier ,around the lab but not around the space ship, disappeared and he looked at the girls. "It's time to fight." said Zane with them nodding. The area around them shook as Basalt's organic and robot army appeared. It didn't required hyper vision to see that the Goliaths, Gakuzod, and Vonrall were flying above. "So you decided to come out and face me like a man. Color me impressed." said Basalt as he appeared with the leading Vordlarins. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Thanks Basalt. I can promise you this. You're going down.". "Our rivalry ends now. Kill them!" said Basalt. "You got it sir. Lets move out!" said Rivart, ordering his slimes into battle. The Phestrons and Upsilons began firing lasers at the heroic quartet as the Vordlarian trio of Grimace, Lunacy, and Rivart jumped off their platform. Rivart stood there with all of his soldiers running toward Zane's group. Despite the odds looking bad for the very start, Arya smirked. 

A giant metal wall appeared in front of the group and protected them from the onslaught. The lasers reflected off the metal and this destroyed/killed a couple of Phestrons and Upsilons. Despite losing numbers, they didn't stop trying to shoot the wall. "Wow. Those guys are stupid or stubborn. Either answer works." said Bridgette. "Yes. We need to make sure that the Phestrons don't get close since they can eat metal." said Cinarva. 

The hacker looked at Zane who was staring at the watch. "Zane! I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be stupid enough to use the watch since well, I like living!" said Arya. "Of course. Matrix told me at least FIFTY times not to use the watch. You girls got your plan and I got mine. I think I only need to say one thing. Attack!" said Zane with a determined expression and he put his laser cannon over his arm. He leapt over the wall and crashed onto the ground, ready to fight with the girls right behind him.

This fight here and now was known as the War of Galnatilia with this battle being one fight that will change the Omniverse forever. Zane aimed his cannon at some of the Upsilons with his eyes narrowing at the sight of them. "You're going down." said Zane as molten gold energy began to focus in the barrel and he began firing out several molten gold bullets. He made sure to get as many targets as he possibly could. "Arya!" said Zane as he unleashed a barrage of molten gold energy bullets at the robots.

Arya felt above him with her smiling. "Totally stole this from Kitt but oh well." said Arya as the back and shoulders of her suit opened up, revealing missile launchers. She unleashed the missiles onto a group of Phestrons, causing them to fall off into the distance. Zane rushed through the explosion with him grabbing the head of a Phestron and tossing it toward a group of them, knocking them all to the ground. "Strike!" said Zane, firing a giant molten gold bullet. This caused an explosion upon contact. 

While the duo of Arya and Zane worked together, Bridgette kicked a lone Upsilon right into the ground and it shattered in half upon the robot hitting the ground. She held several bombs with her spinning around and unleashed the bombs. It made several explosions go off at once. Nearby her, Cinarva rammed into a large horde of Phestrons and used her impressive combat skills to destroy as many as she could.

The duo of Bridgette and Cinarva found themselves back to back as they blast back their enemies with bombs and yellow Impulse respectively. "Hey Bridgette. Do you mind if I borrow your body for a second?" said Cinarva. "Sure. Just make sure that we take down a lot of them." said Bridgette. Cinarva made a large whips of yellow Impulse and it wrapped around Bridgette's waist. Using the whip, she began spinning Bridgette around the battlefield like a spinning top. 

Bridgette began taking down anything in her way using a combination of bombs, kicks, and punches at the exact same time. After Bridgette stopped, she turned back at Cinarva who was slowly getting surround by the enemy. Cinarva smiled with her unleashing a barrage of yellow energy beams from all sides. These beams pierced the enemies around her, causing several explosions in the process. "That was awesome!" said Bridgette with Cinarva nodding.  

Seeing the explosions from the two ladies, Zane smirked. "Time to switch things up." said Zane as he put his cannon on his back. He made Lazarus Soul appeared and slammed the blade right into the ground. This created a small earthquake, destroying several upsilons with ease. Zane put his soul sword back in his pocket dimension and he held Fafnir with him smiling upon seeing the Goliaths getting close to him.

He covered the blade in Carnal with him unleashed several energy slashes toward them, slicing a couple of them into pieces. He began running toward the closest Vonrall who held its hammer after seeing Zane getting close to him. Zane jumped toward it with him dodging the hammer and stabbing the sword in the head. The Vonrall screamed in pain with its body getting covered in Carnal. It turned into a black platform that floated into the air with silver rockets coming out of the bottom. 

Zane looked toward a group of Upsilons heading toward him and tossed his sword time. "It's feeding time!" yelled Zane with the sword heading toward the group of Upsilons and sliced them into scrap metal. The sword went back to Zane and the Cross Species used the platform to jump back toward the main battlefield. Arya flew toward a group of them with her armor deflected the lasers as she got closer to him. Her right arm turned into a broadsword and she sliced them upon getting close.

She grabbed one of the surviving and used it to hit one of the Goliath, knocking it back and causing its planned laser shot to hit another one. This knocked both of them to the ground with the planet shaking due to their combined weight. Arya turned her sword arm into a gatling gun arm with her unleashed a barrage of cyan blue fire bullets that turned into dogs upon leaving the suit of armor. These dogs grabbed anything close to them in their jaws and exploded.

This caused the area to be engulfed in cyan blue flames. After landing back on the main battlefield, Cinarva and Zane stood back to back with them unleashing massive energy beams toward the enemies around them. "Hey Cinarva. Watch this." said Zane as he made a black Mojo Zenith Sphere. "An energy sphere? That's not all too special but I can sense that it's powerful. So what are you going to do with it Zane?" said Cinarva. "Kick it obviously." said Zane with him giving a massive kick.

Cinarva watched as the energy sphere began bouncing off the Phestron and robots like a game of pinball. The sphere exploded, creating a massive explosion of Mojo. Cinarva jumped toward her with her covering her arm in yellow energy claws. She defeated a group of enemies with a single slash and turned to see a large group of Slimes heading toward them. She took a deep breath with her unleashing a massive stream of yellow energy that send the slimes flying with Zane slashing them with Fafnir. 

Looking around, Havoc said with fear clearly in his voice,"So why do you to continue to fight Zane? I mean the odds are against you! I really don't get it!". "Jeez! Don't you have faith in him Havoc?! He was your mother's partner and the Protector of the Omniverse." said Matrix. "I'm sorry!" said Havoc. "It's fine Matrix. The reason why I keep on fighting is simple Havoc. If I give up now, the Omniverse could be in danger and hurt. So are you guys ready to help me save the Omniverse?" said Zane, smiling.

Matrix nodded as she said,"Hell yeah Zane! You got my support even though you can't use me like normal.". "But we still have your brain." said Astaroth. "And my might! I said that right Zane?" said Havoc. "Yes. Lets do this team." said Zane. "Right!" said the three beings. He ran toward a group of them with him slicing a Upsilion's head clean off with him stomping on the ground. He made a giant pillar of earth appear under him and stood above the battle field.

Astaroth appeared with him unleashing several Worthy Arrows, causing several massive explosions of energy. Back on the ISC Rebellion, Molvai left the command deck to get some air. She went toward the room where the ship's power source was. Upon getting close, she noticed the destroyed Gammas and unconscious Phestrons nearby by the room's entrance. There was holes in the ground and walls with several vines coming out of them. "No. It can't be." thought Molvai, running into the room.

Her eyes widened upon seeing the group of Lorelei, Sitara, and Velda standing there. "You. I knew that it was you but tell me. Why did you bring her into this?!" said Molvai. She charged toward Sitara with her daggers ready to stab her adopted sister. Sitara blocked her sister's attack with her turning to Lorelei and Velda. "You two. Get back." said Sitara with Lorelei shaking her head. "No. I won't let you fight her alone!" said Lorelei.

She was about to make her plants appear but Velda stopped her. "If you try and help her, she may get hurt. Now come on." said Velda. She ran off with Lorelei looked at Molvai and Sitara. Sitara grabbed Molvai's arm and used it to punch herself in the face. After that, she trapped the other daughter of Basalt in earth and she turned toward them. "Disable the power Lorelei. I'll make sure that she stays buried and doesn't come after you." said Sitara.

Lorelei nodded with her running after Velda. Sitara didn't have a chance to relax as Molvai broke out of her prison and kicked Sitara in the stomach, sending her back. Like she had many times before meeting her real family, Sitara dodged the daggers and punched Molvai right in the face. This knocked her to the ground with the two sisters glaring at each other. "On three. One. Two. Three!" said the two with them charging at each other.

As the fight between sisters went on, Malik's group were about to reach the command deck but they were stopped by a familiar face to Team Paradox excluding Malik. It was Wesnos with a group of Phestrons since the Gammas were currently busy trying to break Arya's hack which only got stronger as they tried to break it. "You idiots. Good. I was hoping to get revenge on you for a while now." said Wesnos. "Seriously? You're working with Basalt Bug Rapture?" said Turseek.

Vlad began snickering with him saying,"Bug Rapture! I totally forgot about that horrible yet hilarious nickname of yours!". He began laughing on the floor. "I think it's time to fight instead of laughing Vlad." thought Altair as he helped Vlad up. "Yeah. Lets party!" said Vlad. Malik and Wesnos fought with the group of Phestrons fighting the others. Malik easily phased through Wesnos's energy beam and socked him in the face. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"I may have never met you before now but I met your younger brother Ralad. The prodigal son.". "So? He's dead now since he decided to save some girls. Die!" said Wesnos as he unleashed several waves of bugs at Malik who smiled. Altair tossed the Phestrons toward Kitt and Turseek who either sliced them in two and socked them with his fist. Veto made several emerald green energy beams appear and form them into fists, knocking down any Phestron who got in their way.

As this was going on, Vlad blasted them from above. Malik unleashed a wave of purple fire at the bugs, scorching them alive and socking Wesnos in the face. "Dam you!" yelled Wesnos with Turseek charging at Wesnos. Wesnos turned into bugs, evading his attack but the Phestron behind him wasn't so lucky since he got hurt. "Even if you defeat me here, you still have to deal wit those monsters outside and Molvai in here!" said Wesnos. "Don't doubt my friends." said Turseek. 

He and Malik teamed up against Wesnos with the others fighting the Phestrons. As the War of Galnatilia raged on, huge explosions of energy and rubble covered the battleground with a massive dust cloud raging around the site. It blinded anyone from watching it. Arya and Zane face each other back to back as Crisis Judgement went off. Zane turned to see a Goliath standing there with four Upsilons with all five robots firing their lasers at them. 

Zane made a giant version of Epilogue appear in front of them, blocking the lasers and reflecting it back. Once the attack stopped, the duo looked up to see the four Upsilons each glowing a different color before exploding. The Goliath suddenly had several insect sized holes in them and it felt to the ground with it exploding. These four colors were azure blue, dark purple with black and white blotches, lagoon blue, and scarlet red.

As the debris and rubble cleared, Arya and Zane's eyes widened in shock. "No way. It can't be. Is it reallly...." said Arya, turning to Zane who didn't show any kind of reaction. On a nearby cliff, five figures emerged from the dust. "Sorry that we made you worry about us like that mate." said a British voice. "Yeah but I hope you see how it feels to watch a friend you care about die. Maybe you'll stop doing that but I highly doubt it." said a female voice. 

Zane saw Allen and Gwen stood there with a dark and grim voice saying,"Yeah but to be fair, you guys didn't believe that I survived either. I thought I died but well, I lived to fight another day.". Ralad stood there with the duo. "I'm sorry about hurting you Zane but I promise that it won't happen again." said a female voice that made Zane's eyes starting to tear up. "Yeah bro! Because you can't keep Team Maelstrom down!" said a male voice. 

Danny and Rachel stood there with the five standing there proud and perfectly fine. "Holy freaking crap Zane! They're alive! Allen! Danny! Gwen! Rae! Ralad!" said a shocked Arya with her eyes tearing up from the sight. Zane's smile grew bigger as he began running toward them with Danny and the others scaling down the cliff. Arya followed behind him as she deactivated her armor. She stood there with Ralad as Zane hugged the group of Allen, Danny, Gwen, and Rachel tightly.

As this was going on, his eyes producing a large amount of tears. "You guys are alive! Thanks the gods for that! I'm so happy!" said Zane with him increasing the strength of his hug. The four looked at each other and at Zane with them smiling. "While I'm happy to see you again mate, mind letting us go?" said Allen. "Yeah. Your hug is rivaling one of Efren's hugs and your crying is surpassing the amount he produces very fast." said Gwen. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"No way! I'm never letting you guys go! I already failed to keep you guys safe and I can't control my emotions right now thanks to Twilight being pregnant and having a kid as well.". "Um okay then. I'll ask what's going on later. So do you mind helping us?" said Danny, turning toward Arya and Ralad with the former shaking her head no and the latter smirked. "I would but I think Rae would hate me for it." said Ralad as the devil's face was bright red. 

Rachel placed a comforting hand on her head as she said,"It's okay Zane. Calm down. We're never going to leave you.". "Yeah. We're a family after all and family never really leaves." said Danny. Zane nodded as he let them go. "So do you want a death hug too Ralad? I don't mind." said Zane, wiping away his tears. "No. I'm good. I already die once." said Ralad. The seven were protected by a metal wall as Bridgette and Cinarva appeared. "Hey there Ralad. You're alive. Good to know." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva looked at the group with her saying,"So how are all of you alive? I mean we saw you die." said Cinarva. "Especially me!" said Arya. "Ralad here saved us from those foxes. He did this by making them spit us out due to them being covered in fleas or cockroaches. Same thing really." said Allen with a shrug. "Yeah. It turns out that his species can regenerate as long as the prime insect inside of him survives." said Gwen. "Yep. I usually don't do that since well, it isn't fun being blown up." said Ralad.

He turned toward Zane with him saying,"I thought you would have know that Zane since you met my brother.". "I did or have?" said Zane. "Yeah. He was in the Extinction Colosseum with the Paradoxes and Rythos. I think he's on the ship above but I could be wrong about that." said Ralad. Zane still looked confused as Cinarva said,"I don't think he knows what you're talking about.". "I see then. He went by the name of Bug Rapture." said Ralad. "That's the guy! His name was hilarious!" said Zane, smiling.

Bridgette shook her head as she said,"Of course you remember someone by a terrible nickname you gave them.". "Actually, he gave himself that name." said Ralad. "You can't be serious." said Arya and Danny. "I am. Lets just say that he's an idiot. So I noticed that you're no longer angry. I could sense that huge among anger coming from you as I was heading toward you guys. When I mentioned it, your friends knew it was you. So how are you doing?" said Ralad. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm no longer angry any more. I got it all out of my system by a whole lot of yelling and crying plus slicing off Cinarva's arm.". "You did what?" said Rachel with her looking at Cinarva who shrugged. "It's a long story." said Cinarva. "The point is Rae, I'm real happy to have you guys back." said Zane. Before they could celebrate, the metal wall broke apart with them hearing,"I can't believe that you couldn't take this down. I mean it's super easy for a guy like myself!". 

The group looked to see a person standing there alongside Grimace, Lunacy, and some slimes. It was a brand new person and it was an armored being stood there. Like most beings who wear armor, the gender is obvious. He looks to be 6 foot 1 with a lean yet muscular frame. He looks to be around in his early 20s. He's wearing a silver ,re-enforced, helmet that covers his entire head. He has a gold full-face five-pointed star mask and a jagged jaw mouthpiece. 

He wears a black bodysuit under a set of silver armor. His armor consists of a silver boots, chest plate with a golden star-shaped orb in the center of it, gauntlets, and shoulder pads. The tip of his gauntlet fingers look to be rather sharp. "So does anyone know who this guy is? He kinda reminds me of Kevin's armor back in the day except somehow more tacky. I never thought that would be possible but here's proof of it." said Danny. 

Zane nodded as he said,"No idea bro but for some strange reason, he reminds me of Malik and myself in terms of his Impulse signature.". "So by that logic, he's an alternate dimension counterpart of yours Zane?" said Bridgette. "Yes. Zane is correct. This is Nemesis. He's the reason why the Paradoxes and Bridgette got arrested. He used Zane's image for evil." said Cinarva with her fists clenched. "Hey! I ain't his counterpart! He's MY counterpart and I'm way better than him!" said Nemesis. 

Grimace slapped him as he said while licking his lips,"Who the hell cares about that armor boy? I get my chance to rip apart these bitches who sent me out into the outer space!". He began charging toward them with Arya looking at Gwen. "Arya. I think the two of us will handle Grimace." said Gwen with her ready to slice the Vordlarin in two. "Dibs on the girl Vordlarin." said Bridgette. The three rushed toward Grimace and Lunacy who smiled upon seeing them. 

The two ran off as the three ran after them. The Slimes were about to go after them but they were stopped by several golems made out of bugs. "Sorry but all of you are mine to play with. Lucky me I guess since I wanted to take you guys down for a while now." said Ralad. He flew right toward them as the golems carried the Slimes away much to their annoyance since they were bugs and shouldn't be able to lift them up. 

Rachel looked at Nemesis as she said,"Cinarva. I know that you want to take down the guy who used Zane's face to hurt your section of the Omniverse but I need to make him pay for using my beloved's face to hurt others.". Cinarva looked at the devil with her seeing the determination in the younger woman's face. "You got this and don't die. I really don't want to see Zane hurt again because he would somehow blame me for it." said Cinarva. 

Danny blinked with him saying,"Again. I really think we need context for what happened in the last couple of hours.". "You won't have a chance because it's time for Nemesis to wreck some....." said Nemesis with him getting blasted by a giant explosion of Ardor. Rachel flew right after him and this action caused Cinarva to shake her head. "Yep. She and him belong together." said Cinarva. She went to go help the duo of Allen and Ralad with the minions. 

The duo of Danny and Zane were the only two that remained as they saw Basalt above them, smirking as his Upsilons were getting ready to blast them. "So do you and your friend have any last words before you die? You may have done well so far but well, your little army will be outnumbered in time. Hand me over the Z.E.R.O. Watch, your corpse, and Parker in any order!" said Basalt. "You're so wrong Basalt. You may have more beings serving you out of fear but you don't get it." said Zane.

Zane slammed both of his fists together, creating a shockwave. "It's time to make your learn your place and power up!!" said Zane. "Yeah. We got important shit to do back home and well, the fight is just get started!" said Danny with the two fist bumping. Gwen casted a spell with her unleashing a massive wall of water at Grimace. This pushed the bloodthirsty Vordlarin back with Gwen saying while slicing the air in front of her using her sword,"Give up because well, I have the power of my friends by my side!". 

Rachel pulled two boulders out of the ground with her Ardor and sent them at Nemesis who blasted them away with gold energy beams. "You don't get it babe. I'm the freaking best and that Zane guy is nothing compared to me!" said Nemesis. Rachel glared at him with her charging toward him and slammed her fist into his face. "Shut up! You don't get it! Zane is the man I love and I promised to become strong enough to stay at his side!" said Rachel. 

She began building up Ardor with her saying,"I won't fail my friends like I did in the past because I'm a member of the Omniverse's strongest team!". She firing two massive blasts of Ardor at him and this sent him into a group of Phestrons with the Phestrons getting erased by the energy. Allen looked at two Vonralls with him smiling. He fired several plasma balls toward them much to their confusion since they floated there and didn't explode whatsoever. 

Allen looked at them as he said,"When I met Zane for the first time, I never expected myself to have friends who are people I would die for. I won't be dying though since well, dying would only hurt my mates. Lets go! Plasmic Shower!". The spheres began spinning toward them and began raining down on them, unleashing a massive amount of energy onto them. It began covered the entire sky with a blinding light. "Hell to the yeah! That's what happens when you mess with Qwark!" said Allen, smirking. 

Ralad began dodging laser fire from the Upsilons with him saying,"I may be a new member of the Paradoxes but I don't care. We're a family and well, I won't let you take that from me!". Arya looked at Grimace who was fighting against Gwen using a sword of his own. "Before I met Zane, I stayed alone in my room and couldn't live in the present. However, I decided to become a being that helps others here and now! That's my vow! My name is Seraphina and it's time to wreck some fools!" said Arya. 

She unleashing several cyan colored bombs at Grimace with Gwen jumping back to avoid the explosion and slashing Grimace who was distracted. Bridgette and Cinarva stood next to each other with Cinarva saying,"Ready to show them the power of a Jaeger and Preserver Bridgette?". "Hell yeah. Lets show them our passion!" said Bridgette with her unleashing several bombs toward a group of Upsilons and Lunacy with it causing several explosions. 

Cinarva flew right through the explosions and grabbed one of the Vonrall with her tossing it toward the ground. She unleashed a giant yellow energy beam at them, causing an explosion upon the being hitting the ground where Lunacy was standing. Basalt watched this with his eyes twitching in anger. "No! That won't be happening! Kill them all!" said Basalt. The soldiers charged toward Danny and Zane with the latter turning into Cetacean Form. "Is that really such a good idea right now bro?" said Danny. 

Matrix looked at Danny with her saying,"I allowed it to happen Danny since he'll need his full power to take down Basalt. While I hate to admit it, the gender swapped Stausosk makes a good invention.". "So did you get a new A.I. from Parker? She doesn't sound like Athena or Cole." said Danny. "Bro. It's somewhat complicated but come on. You know what I'm thinking." said Zane. "Yeah but Gwen hates these." said Danny. "But it would be awesome right?" said Zane. 

Danny shrugged as he said,"Yeah.Okay. Launch me bro.". Zane grabbed Danny and launched him like a cannonball. Danny flew through the air with him smashing into the army using his Phantom Smashers leading the charge. Zane unleashed a wave of ice with it freezing the Phestrons. Danny turned toward them with him saying,"Looks like you boys got served your just desserts!". He unleashed a massive azure blue energy blast, blasting them to pieces. "Wow. That was terrible man." said Zane. 

The Homo Supremus looked at him as he said,"Yours aren't that much better bro.". "Yeah but that's on purpose but lets keep going. Whoever takes the most down has to buy a round of slushies when this is all over." said Zane. "Sure bro but don't think you'll win just because you had a head start on me." said Danny. The two brothers fist bumped as they went back to fighting and winning much to Basalt's growing annoyance.           

While this was going on, the adopted sisters of Molvai and Sitara were fighting. They both knew each other's moves all too well since they've spared against each other several hundred times before today. Movlai tried to stab Sitara with her daggers but these blades were blocked by the sword. "You won't be winning this fight sister." said Sitara. "I think you should know this since you've been around Terrans but don't count the chickens before they hatch." said Molvai. 

The two sisters began hitting each other in the face with Molvai kicking Sitara and Sitara punching Molvai. Their hits send each other back. While the fight between sisters happened, the Paradoxes boys fought against Wesnos and the army of Phestrons. Altair and Vlad were violently killing the Phestrons with Altair using his natural strength to rip them in two and Vlad filled them with holes. Veto fired a emerald green energy blast at a Phestron, sending him to the ground. 

Wesnos was kept busy thanks to Tursek as Malik easily took care of a group of Phestrons using his fists and nothing else. "Yep. Vlad was right. This species is the literally definition of cannon fodder." thought Malik with a smile. After saying that, the Phantom was caught in a choke hold and began breathing on him. "As Zane says, two words. Breath mints." said Malik with him phasing right of the hold and he smiled. His eyes glowed purple with him blasting the Phestron head on. 

Instead of it being his signature purple fire Nether, it was purple electricity Nether and this shocked the Phestron right into the wall. He then made a rope of purple fire Nether and wrapped it around a group of Phestrons, burning them with the rope. He tossed them into the air and he said,"Kitt! Veto! Vlad! Shoot them down!". The three nodded as they blasted them to pieces. As this was going on, Altair watched Malik taking a deep breath and he released a giant purple fire tornado toward a group of Phestron. 

This began burning the Phestrons alive, turning into air. The tornado eventually faded with the group seeing Wesnos's head getting slammed into the wall by Turseek. "You lost. I think you should enjoy your brother but you'll be in hell rather than heaven." said Turseek, punching Wesnos's face. This caused him to turn into a pile of bugs with the others joining him. "Nice job man. Way to avenge Ralad even though it was Basalt who killed him." said Veto. "Let him have this." said Kitt. "Okay." said Veto. 

Before they could start relaxing, Vlad noticing a group of Phestrons heading toward him. "Seriously you guys?! How many did they order?!" said Vlad. Altair stood there with him sprouting several tendrils and they pierced all of the Phestrons right in the head, sending them to the ground. "Dude. Why didn't you do that from the start?!" said Veto and Vlad. "Because Turseek wanted to fight them earlier." thought Altair as he placed his tendrils on his friend's shoulders. "Thank you friend." said Turseek. 

Malik shook his head and he smiled. The group was in front of the Command Deck with Booker getting more Phestrons to attack the group alongside some of the Gammas that weren't in the Command Deck at the moment. "So why isn't the door opening again?" said Turseek. "Because they're keeping us out obviously. That's why Sitara and her group went to go take down the alarm system." said Kitt, firing a barrage of missiles at the enemy. "Oh! I get it!" said Turseek. 

Veto looked right at him as he said,"You weren't listen to most of our plan weren't you?". "Yes. I only cared for my part aka punching things." said Turseek, slammed his fist right through a Gamma. "Ah. At least you paid a bit of attention." thought Altair. "Whatever. Hey Phantom. Mind going through the door using your powers? I mean I've seen you phase through objects like this before so this should be nothing to you." said Vlad. "You got it bobcat." said Malik as he went intangible. 

Upon touching the door, he screamed in agony and turned him solid. "Okay. This door was made to prevent nothing from getting in and vise versa." said Malik. Back with Sitara, the two were still fighting. They either clashes fists, kicks, and weapons. In due time, Molvai got the upper hand by disarming Sitara and stabbed both of her daggers in Sitara. However, Sitara regained her strength and turned into smoke. 

She released a massive burst of fire, sending Molvai through the hole that they fight made a little big earlier. Molvai managed to hold on thanks to a piece of debris and hung several thousands of feet above the planet which was in a battle. "Molvai! Hang on!" said Sitara with her holding out her hand to save Molvai. "Sister. I'm begging you here but help us fight Basalt. We both know that he's crazy." said Sitara. 

Molvai looked at her as she said,"Yes he is. I have my doubts about Zero defeated him but he did. My dear sister. I can't work with you but promise me this. Keep your niece away from her grandfather and father.". She eventually cut off her hand and went flying toward the surface much to the shock of her sister. Sitara looked away and she said,"I will but who is the father?". She walked away as the duo of Lorelei and Velda disabled the power source for the command deck with several vines whipping it. 

Sitara joined them with her aimed her sword upwards and fired a massive stream of fire upwards. "Lets go." said Sitara as Lorelei nodded. Under the trio, there was a vine growing and it was working like an elevator. The girls eventually reached the guys with Vlad smiling. "Took you girls long enough. So since you're late, mind if you take care...." said Vlad. He turned around to see Sitara slicing down all of the Phestrons. "Now come on lets go." said Velda. 

The group walked into the Command Deck with them seeing Booker looked at them. Janet looked at them with her presuming that this group was here to save her and Velda is much better than Vuldall in her opinion. "Seriously?! What the hell?!" said Booker. "You've been served by the Paradoxes!" said Veto with him firing an emerald green energy blast at the robot. This sent him flying into the wall with him groaning. "Wow. He's really weak. Has that always been the case?" said Lorelei. 

Sitara nodded as she said,"Yep. So how do we free Janet?". She was talking to Velda since the guys were either taking down the Gammas that didn't ran away upon the group entering or watching the fight down below. "Remember the teleporter? We can use that to teleport back to the lab and have Parker free her." said Velda. "Good plan." said Sitara. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure that they want to join in the fight." said Lorelei, looking at the boys. 

After dragging them away from the fight, they were about to teleport but something big just happened back on the surface. Let's find out what shall we. Rivart stood there with him looking right at his minions. "You fools. Help Grimace and Lunacy out. After that, take down the Feroxian and Merzollan. Even if Basalt manages to take down Zero, I see them as a problem. Take them over if you deem them to be a better host. We will create an era for the Vordlarin to rule!" said Rivart. 

The crowd of Slimes cheered with his host looking to see several of their minions getting blasted away by azure blue energy. The remaining minions, Rivart, and Xavier turned to see Danny standing there with his arms crossed. "It's the Homo Supremus. What do you want?" said Rivart. "My brother Legion Zero is getting ready to fight your boss so I decided to handle you for him." said Danny with the two facing off against each other. 

Rivart's eyes widened in shock before grinning darkly and laughing loudly. "Really kid? I get that you must think that you're some tough shit since you share the same species as Primrose but news flash kid. You're nothing compared to Zane aka not worth my time. You may be worth a good warm up though." said Rivart. Instead of getting angry, Danny smiled and punched Rivart right in the face.

This punch sent him back a couple of feet into some minions and revealed Xavier whose nose was bleeding. Rivart reformed over Xavier with him yelling,"Damn it brat! I'll make you pay for hurting me!". "I may not be on the same level as him since Zane keeps on getting stronger for a very simple reason. The bonds he made. I promised to be there at his side until the end of time so taking you out will make that happen so bring it on slimey!" said Danny, cracking his knuckles. "Die!" yelled Rivart.

He held out his left arm with it morphing into a large blade that slammed onto the floor. Knowing that the boss was going to busy, the minions moved back and went to go follow their last order. "It's kinda weird to be on the opposite end of that." thought Danny with him recalling all of the time that Zane made a weapon coming out of his body. Danny rushed toward Rivart with the Vordlarin holding out his left arm and was prepared to slice Danny in two. 

It was blocked by Danny's azure blue energy shield. Pissed about this, Rivart turned his right arm into a spiked warhammer and tried to smack Danny in the head. He was stopped once again thanks to him getting kicked into the ground by his Spectral Busters. With Rivart on the ground, Danny aimed his Spook Howitzer at him and he unleashed a huge blast of azure blue energy on him. Rivart smiled as he aimed his palms at the energy and absorbed it. "Die!" yelled Rivart.

He unleashed a blast of azure blue energy that looked to be twice the size of Danny. He dodged it and it caused an explosion that sent several minions and Basalt's army flying away. Danny and Rivart glared at each other. Part of a Vonrall ,which had been blown up by Bridgette a few seconds ago, crashed nearby the two. This was the signal to start their brawl. Rivart slapped Danny's face, knocking him back and Rivart landed a powerful left hook with the Homo Supremus getting sent flying to the ground. 

Danny quickly recovered and saw a smiling Rivart moving toward them at a slow pace. Scowling at him, Danny made the evolved version of Spook Howitzer appear and unleashed a massive azure blue energy blast at him. Rivart held out his left hand and began absorbing it much to Danny's shock. "I really hate to do this to you kid but whatever. You pissed me off." said Rivart, sending back the attack at twice its strength. 

The Homo Supremus's eyes widen as he was sent flying across the ground. Several of Rivart's tendrils were wrapped around his body and Rivart slammed Danny into the ground, creating a crater. As Danny and Rivart were fighting, Zane ,out of Cetacean Form, kept on blasting or slicing anything that came close to the lab while his friends fought the others around him. He mainly used Fafnir and Lazarus Soul for sword slashes with his cannon arm for blasting. 

Zane looked at them as he thought,"I can't keep doing this forever. Even if we destroy them, they just keep on coming. It's an infestation.". As he was thinking about this, Allen and Bridgette landed nearby him with Allen blasting a group of Phestrons, sending them flying. Bridgette kicked one of the Upsilons in the face, reducing it to a pulp. Shaking the oil off her, the trio looked upwards with them seeing two Vonralls heading toward them. "I'll take the one on the left. You take the one on the right." said Allen. 

Bridette smiled as she said,"Yeah. Zane. Keep the mobs busy while we handle the mini boss.". "Was that a video game reference? Have you been around Arya for a long period of time?" said Allen. As the two were chatting, Zane looked down at his Z.E.R.O. Watch and it began bleeping. His arms were glowing platinum with the gauntlets around his arms looking ready to burst. "Hey Matrix. I think it's that time you predicted earlier." thought Zane as he placed his swords back in his pocket dimension.

Matrix sighed as she said,"Yeah. I really hate that this is happening by the way! Just wanted to make sure you knew!". "No! There has to be something we can do! Maybe finding a way to release the energy out in a less deadly manner." said Havoc. "Havoc. Matrix. You two may have just met Zane today but trust me when I say this, a explosion like this won't stop him." said Astaroth. "Thanks for the support partner. Okay. Lets do this!" said Zane. 

Zane looked at the two with him saying,"Allen. Bridgette. I promise to keep the mobs busy.". He easily removed the microchip under his watch and threw it onto the ground, breaking it. Upon removing it from the watch, Zane's entire body was in pain and was beginning to glow rapidly with platinum colored energy. Violent bursts of Impulse began to come off. "Yep. This isn't pleasant whatsoever." said Zane with him gritting his teeth and coughing up blood.

He turned toward a stunned Allen and Bridgette. "What are you doing Zane?!" said Bridgette as she could feel Zane generating a large amount of Impulse. "Honestly, I think it's something stupid but I need to weaken Basalt's force by a great deal and this is the best idea I can come up with. Don't worry you guys. I'll be fine. That's a promise!" said Zane, smiling. After saying that, Zane began running toward the exact center of the battlefield.

While he was running toward the air, the energy inside of him kept building up and he stopped once he reached the center. Zane closed his eyes and he took a deep breath. "You may be thinking that I'm doing something suicidal right about not but I won't be dying since I got a lot to live for! I live by a code after all!" thought Zane. He began letting all of the Impulse build up until it had nowhere to go after that. "I fight for my dream damn it!" yelled Zane as the Impulse had nowhere to go. 

He let out a gigantic blast of Impulse and this explosion destroyed the entire battlefield. It rivaled a small nuclear explosion. It blinded any living being and the electrical shockwave caused anything nearby Zane to get sent flying away. All around, both good and evil were caught in the crosshairs of the massive explosion with Basalt, Grimace, Lunacy, Nemesis, and Rivart getting sent into the rocky canyon below. 

As the explosion grew outwards, a massive sphere of Impulse surrounded the area and the sky of the planet glowed a bright yet destructive platinum color. It shook the entire planet as well with the mushroom cloud taking the shape of the letter "Z". The explosion eventually calmed down with a huge explosion of air blasting over the entire planet and a couple of dimensions nearby the planet. In the background, the ISC Rebellion ,affected by Zane's Explosion, began falling toward the planet.

It crashed right to the ground. This caused a massive explosion that was tiny compared to the Z.E.R.O. Watch. Everything went quiet with most if not all of Basalt's robotic minions getting shortened out and dying due to the electrical nature of Zane's kamikaze attack. The group was recovering from the attack with Rachel clutching her head in pain. She was slowly began getting up and saw that she was covered in dust and debris with an armorless Arya nearby her. 

Rachel shook her head as she muttered,"What just happened? Did Cinarva do something?". She saw smoke and debris all over the landscape. Her eyes widened with her muttering,"No. That heroic dummy!". Arya looked at Rachel with the devil screaming,"Zane!". The two began looking around for him and both of them saw the group of Allen, Bridgette, Cinarva, Danny, Gwen, and Ralad walking over to a large crater that was made from the explosion. 

Arya and Rachel made their way to the crater with the area around them looking like a warzone. "Oh gods. What happened here?" said Arya. "From what my bugs are telling me, it was because some of the enemies went kaboom aka they dead yo." said Ralad. "They dead yo? Did you seriously just say that mate?" said Allen. "Focus please." said Cinarva. "Rae. I need to tell you something. It isn't very nice to look at." said Gwen with Danny nodding. "Okay. Thanks for the warning Gwen." said Rachel. 

She peered down into the crater before gasping in horror at the sight. Lying dead center in a massive crater, Zane was lying on his back and looking upwards at the sky above. "Yep. I'm in pain." thought Zane. He looked like a complete mess in a similar manner to when he fought Basalt for the first time and Kilene. He looked like he shouldn't be alive but he was. His hair is now ragged and messy with his body covered in several cuts and bruises.

Both arms were destroyed with his prosthetic right arm and the Preservation Band were shattered into pieces. Pieces of metal and wires were everywhere. His left arm was pretty much nothing at this point except for his shoulder and the Z.E.R.O. Watch was a couple of feet nearby his body. The watch was perfectly fine unlike its owner. His chest was covered in a massive burn that looked to be smoking red. His metal Essence was fine though.

His clothing was destroyed with the top half of his clothing being nothing more than rags. His skull was heavily bleeding, covering his face in candy syrup mainly due to part of his head missing. His body now had several holes with candy syrup blood coming out of him in waves. All of his ribs were broken. It wasn't obvious from the outside but all of Zane's bones that remained after the explosion were carbonized.

Seventy five percent of his teeth are missing with his right eye permanently closed. It was covered by a dark purple mark and pupil was dilated. His left eye had exploded and was in ruins nearby him. He was missing his body from the waist down. His body has platinum colored veins of vibrant and destructive Impulse covering it wherever it could. He should have died but nope, he's still alive and kicking. "This is true pain. Really thankful that my regeneration is keeping me alive." said Zane. 

He smiled as he said in a content tone,"Because well, I don't want to join you girls just yet. Maybe one day but not today.". "Zane!" screamed Arya with her and the rest of Team Maelstrom sliding down into the crater. The trio of Bridgette, Cinarva, and Ralad looked down with them hearing,"Holy crap! What in the nine realms happened here?". They turned around to see the others standing there with Janet inside of her cage. "It's complicated." said Ralad. 

Turseek and Veto's eyes widened upon seeing him. "Ralad?! You're alive but how?!" said Turseek and Veto. "I may have been smashed into bite sized bits but my prime bug still remained. Just took me a while to regenerate. Thank the gods for this planet having a lot of insects." said Ralad. "Well, it's good to have you back bug boy." said Kitt. "Yeah." said Ralad. "So what happened here?" said Sitara. "Zane is what happened here. If you take a look in the biggest crater, you'll get your answer." said Cinarva. 

Bridgette nodded as she said,"And it isn't pretty." said Bridgette. Malik looked down to see his prime counterpart. "Crap. What happened to him?" said Malik. "He removed that device of yours Velda and decided to be a hero. The smaller one not the gauntlets." said Bridgette. "That idiot. Of course he would do something like that." said Velda. "Zane. Can you still hear us?!" said Arya with tears beginning to leak from her eyes. "Yeah. I can Arya so please don't cry." said a weak Zane. 

He smiled at them but it was a weak one. "So how was it you guys? I mean that explosion was totally amazing right?" said Zane with him coughing up tar. Worried, Allen and Danny tried to help Zane up which worked at first since at the moment, he weighed less than normal. "Ouch! Don't pull me too hard you guys. I'm in a ton of pain right now." said Zane. "Mate. You really got to stop this kind of crap. I don't think we can keep on seeing you like this and stop with the color commentary." said Allen. 

Gwen nodded as she said,"He's right Zane. None of us want to see you like this.". The group turned to see Parker standing there with Janet smiling. "Parker. You're okay." said Janet. "I would the same for you Janet except you're in a cage. Let me get you out of there." said Parker as he made a pair of turquoise colored scissors cut open the cage, freeing her. "So what about Zane? Is that why you're here?" said Lorelei. 

Parker smiled as he said,"Yes. Zane doing something selfless like this isn't unexpected whatsoever. I and countless others owe him a great deal. Healing him is the least I can do.". He slid his way into the crater with his smile growing bigger as she saw the love of her life change from a hermit who hated pretty much every being except himself and a handful of others to someone who can tolerate others. It's a slow improvement. "How are you doing Zane? Oh and good to see you guys alive as well." said Parker. 

Danny looked at him as he said,"Seriously?! Just look at him and you got your answer.". "Yes. It was a dumb question I know." said Parker. "So can you heal him Parker?!" said Arya. "I can but...." said Parker. "But nothing slimey! He's the reason all of us here are fighting for you! You will heal him right now or else!" said Arya. "Or else what? I also don't like being interrupted." said Parker. "I'll expose all of your invention datas to the Omniverse and don't think I'm joking here." said Arya.

The two glared at each other with Parker sighing. He held a small remote and aimed it at Zane. The Cross Species was encased in a gold dome. Said dome floated above the air with Zane's body was slowly losing the platinum colored veins of vibrant and destructive Impulse. "Oh wow. You convinced one of the most stubborn beings in the Omniverse to do what you want. I can see why my Zaney has you as his Assistant and you're doing great at that job." said Rachel with Arya smiling. 

Allen nodded as he said,"Yeah. She reminds me a lot of you Rae. So what is that dome going to do to him Parker?". "He'll be safe until I can get his body is recovered. I will need you all to do something for me though." said Parker as Arya placed the Z.E.R.O. Watch inside of the dome. The group was walking out of the crater with Danny saying,"Which is what exactly?". "Protect me while I heal him. I doubt Basalt and his forces will be stopped by that explosion. This is something I needed to do." said Parker.

The hacker smiled as she said,"You got it! Team Maelstrom is on the case!". "Along with the Paradoxes as well." said Sitara, smiling with the rest of the group nodding. "Thanks Parker. I know that you may not have wanted me to come here and find you but thanks for healing me. I feel better already." said Zane with a smile. He tried to move but couldn't. "Yeah. You're not even close to being healed yet. Lets get you fixed up." said Parker. "I'm coming with you." said Velda.

Parker looked at Velda with her saying,"I know that you don't want me near your lab anymore after what happened and honestly, I don't either.". "So why do you want to go?" said Turseek. "Just shut up man." said Kitt. "Thanks robot. I want to help Zane and before you said anything, it isn't because I like you or anything Zane!" said Velda. "I wasn't going to say anything." said Zane. "You were thinking it Zane. Now lets get going." said Janet.

Parker and Velda looked at her as Janet said,"I'll keep you two from fighting each other.". "Smart." said Malik and Zane. "Jinx! You owe me booze!" said Zane with Malik sighing at his counterpart's current actions. The group of Janet, Parker, Velda, and Zane were gone as the others waited for Basalt and his groupies to return if they survived. In the lab, Parker ,with the barely conscious Zane nearby, plus Janet and Velda entered the Eazairvian's lab. "So how are you going to heal Parker?" said Janet.

She was looking right at the Cross Species inside of the dome. "I'll be putting him in the recuperation pod and apply those upgrades I've been working on into your body." said Parker. "Should you I don't know ask for his permission before you do anything to him." said Velda. "I doubt he'll object to it too much since it will make him even stronger. It's similar to the Gadget Glass except not specially made for the Homo Supremus." said Parker. "I think his name is Danny." said Janet.

Parker sighed as he said,"Of course I know his name.". Janet watched Parker place Zane's managed up body inside of a typical science fiction healing pod. The concave cylinder hissed closed with a very thick, breathable green goo flooded the tank as countless devices and scanners began looking over every inch of his body. Parker looked up to see Zane's Essence had flat lined at least ten times but his Essence kept on going. 

He didn't have all the time in the Omniverse since despite Zane's explosion earlier knocking out all of the machines working for Basalt, Basalt still had the organic members of his army. "Zane. Can you hear us?" said Parker, looking over Zane's body. "You should probably answer him Zane. You're not going to be sleeping through your healing if we have anything to say about it." said Velda. "Why not? I mean I think my ears blew up earlier." said Zane.

The Cross Species groaned as he said,"But I'm not a hundred percent since my hyper hearing will work even if I don't have ears. Do I still have ears?". "See Velda. You brought upon his mouth since having him quite is something a lot of beings want." said Parker. "So this is some kind of healing chamber right? It's going to heal me right?" said Zane as he moved his empty left eye socket to where he thought Parker was. The right eye was focused on the duo of Janet and Velda. 

Parker nodded as he said,"Yes. It will. I always presumed that someday, you would get yourself injured to a point where your regeneration couldn't fix it. Wish it happened after an intense battle rather than you activating the Self-Destruct feature's explosion for the fourth time.". "Yeah. I feel really bad about that. Please don't remind me about it since I'm going to be doing that to myself for a while. Matrix will be reminding me about hurting her like that too." said Zane.

Zane began clenching and unclenching his non existent fists. Even though both arms were gone, he still felt like they never left him to begin. "So I have to ask a dumb question. Why hasn't Zane been unable to regenerate yet? He's able to survive having his head cut off before so this should be nothing different right? And what about Havoc? Is he okay?" said Janet. "With each explosion, the Z.E.R.O. Watch was slowly weakening his impressive regeneration." said Velda. 

She sighed as she said,"After the last explosion, his regeneration has enough power to keep him alive even though the top half of his head is missing. Havoc is the same since a bonded Vordlarin can live on a host's finger until they find a new host.". "Do you understand now Janet? I reminded Zane of this. He activated the Self-Destruct feature since you disemboweled several Trungin in your little tantrum earlier." said Parker. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Trungin? You mean those foxes that took my friends away and made me think that they died." "Yes. Their species had already been hunted for a very long time prior to your arrival and they have a good reason to hate other species after today." said Parker. "Yeah. I really feel bad about that but well, I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind for the past couple of days. Doesn't excuse my actions mind you." said Zane. "That's true." said Parker. 

The Cross Species looked toward Velda as he said,"So did Velda know about them?". "Unlikely. Their existence was unknown to most of the Omniverse until today. Your former right arm was completely destroyed. I'm sure you could restore it back but you won't because of how stubborn you are." said Parker with him seeing most of Zane's body slowly reform except for his left eye and right arm. "What's your point? I could fight without it but I like having a metal arm. Makes me look badass." said Zane.

He crossed half of his left arm arm over his chest. His arm had slowly began growing back along with his other missing limbs. "Free him from the recuperation pod Janet." said Parker. "Are you sure about that? He's still regrowing." said Janet. "Just trust him Janet. I normally wouldn't but he knows how Zane's biology works the best since he probably studies the data from the Z.E.R.O. Watch for hours on end." said Velda. 

Parker nodded as he said,"She is correct. Zane's regeneration should handle everything except for your arm and eye.". Janet freed Zane from the pod. This was done by a pressurized switch and smoke came out of it. Zane fell to the ground with Parker sighing. "Will you be able to walk with those legs of yours?" said Velda as she looked at Zane's baby legs. "In a minute but right now, I'll do this since I'm curious about something." said Zane as he sprouted his tendrils from his back. 

It didn't match Havoc's colors but Twilight's. He began stretching mainly to get use to moving with his new set of limbs that worked like his old ones. The four began moving to a certain room with him saying,"When I got to know you Zane, I began making you a replacement prosthetic that's similar to your old one with some major improvements.". "Okay. What are they? And please tell me that you kept my rocket powered punch. You better have or else." said Zane. 

Velda looked at him as she said,"Seriously? Why are you so concerned if it has a rocket punch or not Zane?". "It's Zane." said Janet. "That would make no sense normally but since we're talking about Zane." said Velda. "Yes. I did Zane since it is something you would beg me to have installed.  Your new arm will have the ability to have a copy of the Zenith Core implanted into it. It will allow you to turn into a form without showing that you had turned into the form." said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"That's pretty sweet but knowing you. You didn't add just that.". "You're correct Zane. I'll give you great detail on it but we don't have the time as you're well aware." said Parker. "Why the rush?" said Janet. "Janet. Even though I released a powerful explosion, I doubt that will stop Basalt for good. It didn't stop him the last time so why would it now?" said Zane. "Right. Here catch." said Parker as he tossed something to Zane who caught it using his now fully grown left arm. 

It was Zane's brand new mechanical arm. Instead of looking like a mechanical human arm, it now looks to be a mechanical demonic or draconic arm. His right arm is now a single color with it being a deep cadet gray color. There is some black located around the chelidon, knuckles, and shoulder. It's also covered in platinum colored cracks that constantly glow. His fingers are now a dark indigo color and still has his indigo Hidari Gomon palm tattoo but his tattoo is now a white color. 

His fingernails are carmine red claws. With no trouble at all, Zane attached to himself and began moving it around. "I like a lot. Feels much faster than the older one. I really did like my old arm but in the cold, my punches using my right arm moved half a second slower than if I used my left arm. A very minor compliment with it but it was still one." said Zane with him punching the air in front of him. "Since you got a handle of it Zane, try it out by thinking about a form." said Parker. 

Zane nodded as he said,"You got it.". He turned a nearby wall with him unleashing a wave of crimson red diamonds coming out of his hand. "That's Diamond Form. A total classic for you. It's your favorite right?" said Janet. "It is." said Zane. The ground began shaking with Velda gulping. "Can't we get a break?" said Velda. "Nope. The fight is getting started. Parker. Fix the Z.E.R.O. Watch. I'll need its power and well, Matrix is my friend." said Zane. 

Parker nodded as he said,"Right. Oh and get ready for the brand new Preservation Band.". He began getting to work on his prized invention. "Wait Parker. What do you mean by that?" said Velda. "Isn't it obvious? I made your device better and combined it with one of his accessories. I also made things better for him." said Parker. The two began arguing with Zane looking at Janet. "Aren't you supposed to stop them from doing this? They remind me of the twins except they're not adorable." said Zane. 

The two began watching both inventors work and argue at the exact same time. "I would as well but at this, nothing I do will stop them." said Janet. "Right. Just like the twins." said Zane with a nod. Back outside, the group there looked to see a large robotic claw crashing onto the rocky ground, sending rubble and debris plunging to the ground. A Goliath appeared with the rest of its robotic brothers not be too far behind. "I thought Zane's bomb wiped them out!" said Vlad. 

Sitara clenched her fists as she said,"Probably just the weaker ones but the stronger ones live to fight another day.". The Goliaths appeared with the five remaining Vonrall, a couple hundred Slimes, and a hundred Phestrons as its back up crew. "Hey you guys. Things may look bad now but things couldn't get worse." said Veto. The ground shook once again as Basalt landed there with an angry look. The group of Grimace, Lunacy, Nemesis, and Rivart right behind him. "Dude. Don't ever say that!" said Danny. 

Basalt roared as he said,"Where is he? Where is Zane Alvarez?!". "We're in no way going to tell you where he is since we refuse to let you rule the Omniverse father." said Sitara. "Sitara my favorite daughter. It's so nice to see you again after four years but you're in the way of my destined clash with Zane." said Basalt. "Since you're here, I have to ask. How did you survive your ship exploding around it?" said Cinarva.

Cinarva looked at her as she said,"From what I know, it was powered by a Thauma Engine. It's one of the Omniverse's most powerful engines after all. It may be extremely powerful since it can travel from dimension to dimension in seconds but it has a major flaw. If it explodes, it makes a massive explosion that will kill any being that gets caught in it regardless of how durable they are.". "Okay. We have to get that for the Armada after this." said Vlad. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"Aren't you worried about the ship being destroyed and killing all of us before we have a chance to escape the blast zone?". "So you considered yourself to be a member of the group?" said Ralad. "If that's the case, welcome to the family." thought Altair. Lorelei looked away as Sitara said,"Vlad. You're also ignoring the obvious fact of how it cost an arm, leg, organ, and possibly one of your children to even buy one of them on Spacetronics.". 

Vlad shrugged as he said,"So? I mean price doesn't matter when we could always "borrow" one.". "You do know that we're not criminals and there is a cop here. Remember?" said Kitt, pointing to Cinarva. "I had some help from my loyal servants such as my other daughter, a familiar friend to Zane's Vordlarin partner, and well the assistance of Aihlus to thank for my escape from that accursed dimension." said Basalt. "So I know most of them except for the Aihlus. Do you guys know who he is?" said Allen.

Arya pushed up her glasses as she said,"Allen. He's a psychotic Kruxod. He got tired of his mundane life on his home planet. He started to attack and kill other Kruxoids just fun of it. He eventually got the attention of the Alliance due to his highly illegal experiments and black market deals. After the Alliance found out about what he did, they were planning on sending him to Blacktomb Detention Center but the transport was attacked by an unknown force. Guess he got sent into the Infinite Void.". 

The British metahuman nodded as he said,"Huh. Good to know. I guess he must have been a black market dealer in the Infinite Void and made a fortune there since not too many bright people get sent there.". "He had a stronger than normal hatred for a certain being and that's how we met. I may hate having owing other beings favors but we eventually came to an agreement. In exchange for his services, I will destroy Parker along with taking over the rest of the Omniverse." said Basalt. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"That sounds like the worst deal ever. I mean did that Aihlus get anything out of it?". "Oh he did and then some." said Basalt. "So what magma dome? It may not look like it but I got stronger since the last time you saw me four years ago. Zane is the exact same." said Danny, cracking his knuckles. "And if I recall, Zane defeated you the last time you guys met so will you be able to defeat him this time around. He has gotten much stronger." said Rachel. 

Sitara looked at them as she said,"I know that you two have no doubts in Zane defeating Basalt but two things. Zane isn't here and don't underestimated Basalt. He always has a trick or seven up his sleeves at all times.". "And my favorite daughter is correct. Most of you are well aware of how I prepared for every possibility in battle. Unlike my previous encounter, I won't be losing especially with this." said Basalt.

The living volcano held an object that he pulled it out of a compartment pouch built into the waist area of his armor. He held it out in the palm of his right hand and showed it off for everyone to see. Said object was a silver three-dimensional hexagon with a orange/red/yellow lava line like pattern going across it. Emblazoned on one side, there is a red outlined volcano. "While Zane wields Parker's greater invention, I have a weapon that was forged from his greatest rival himself." said Basalt. 

Veto's eyes widened as he said,"Parker has a rival?". He was promptly ignored by the others as they watched Basalt crush the hexagon in his hand. It made a strange beeping sound with silver ooze ,with bright orange/red/yellow jagged lines, spreading up his right arm and across his body. It's similar to whenever a Vordlarin bonds with another being except more mechanical rather than organic. Like with Darth and Rivart probably, the ink like substance began reshaping Basalt's body. 

It began changing his appearance once again. He had a hulking, demonic look. His entire body is covered by a silver metallic substance with bright orange/red/yellow jagged glowing lines on his arms, chest, legs, and shoulders. His shoulders have naturally volcano like protrusions coming out of them with them spewing out Basalt's signature magma/lava constantly. He has blackish-red spikes armored protruding from his ankles. 

His forearms are bulky with him having a blackish red rocket like engine protruding out from his elbows. The front and sides of his neck have five grill holes on them, constantly producing steam from them. His head is now in the shape of his blackish-red armored helmet except it's a silver color and he always has on his skull-like facemask. His black eyes ,with magma/lava colored irises look even more menacing whenever he's wearing this armor.

His body has a natural black glow coming out off his body, licking at the air like a lit flame. The group looked at the new appearance of the molten conqueror. This full body armor he wore was similar to a Vordlarin's suit but it was foreboding. "Oh gods." said Arya. "What's wrong Arya?" said Gwen. "The amount of power that the suit is radiating is super strong." said Arya. "Let me guess. You're scared of it." said Malik with Arya rapidly nodding.

Bridgette crossed her arms as she said,"That armor. It reminds me of the girl's battle suit or Gadget Form earlier. Something is off about it.". "Yeah. The Impulse around it will cause anyone of weaker will to faint. So you should probably stay away Veto." said Cinarva with her seeing all of the Phestrons fainting. "She's right. This is no ordinary battle suit since it was created from the body of Parker's greatest threat Aihlus." said Basalt. "I highly doubt that." said a voice.

The group turned around to see Velda standing there. "I may not like that idiot since he claims to be smarter than Parker which is impossible. I'm the one who is smarter than him not that idiot. That armor does look like his work though." said Velda. "So do you know anything else about this Aihlus guy is Arya?" thought Altair as Arya looking right at the mute. "I do. I read something about him in an Alliance report once." said Arya.

She looked at Basalt with her saying,"Compared to the rest of the Kruxod, he was born differently since he was considered to be a mutant. He was born stronger than the rest of his kind and in due time, he got bored of his mundane life. He eventually went psychotic since he went around attacking and kill his kind just for the fun of it.". "He sounds like a real sick son of a bitch to me." said Kitt, clenching his fists and glared at Basalt. 

Velda nodded as she said,"And now, Basalt turned the psycho into a suit of armor. We need to focus on taking him done compared to the rest of them.". "I agree. You are going down Basalt. Armor or not, I'll kick your ass since you hurt my family in the past and you need to pay for that!" said Danny, cracking his knuckles. The rest of his allies got ready into battle. "No. This time around. Your group will be the one to fall and everyone you care about will die. Hear me Zane?!" said Basalt.

Suddenly, the jagged lines on Basalt's body began glow brightly and his body began beeping loudly. His right arm turned into a blaster with a pyramid-shaped barrel. As the blast charges up, greenish-blue light glows inside. He unleashes a dense beam of greenish-blue energy toward the group. "Sorry Basalt but that ain't happening! Void Absorption!" shouted an all too familiar voice. Basalt watched as his blast caused an explosion but instead of hitting the group who hide Zane from him, it hit something else. 

The energy was being absorbed as Basalt heard,"Hey Basalt. You and I may be very powerful but there is a key difference between us.". The smoke cleared as everyone saw Zane standing there with his new prosthetic arm and left eye that looked to be the exact same one as the one destroyed. Zane was also wearing the Enigma Talisman except he was missing the cloth around his face. "Zane! So you decided to show your face after all." said Basalt, not phased by his explosion failing to his target. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Zane! You're okay now!". "And looking much better I might add. You're completely whole." said Turseek. "Thanks Turseek. Like my new arm you guys? I got it from Parker himself." said Zane, flexing his right arm. After flexing, Zane turned toward Basalt and cracked his knuckles. "The key difference between us is the bond I made with my friends. The bonds that I made with them give me strength to defeat any evil who may harm others." said Zane. 

Basalt glared at Zane with him saying,"It seems that you haven't lost that part of you after what happened to you. You may have your eye and the women you love but you still have the annoying optimism that I will be crushing into pieces. Do you honestly think that your optimism will get you far in life? It won't and protecting that you swore to protect is nothing but a pipe dream. If you wish to protect what matters to you most, crush anything that may stand in your way.".

He clenched his fists as he said,"Power is the only thing that matters in the Omniverse. If you want to be a hero, you cannot stand by and let others take what belongs to you.". Despite his immense anger toward Zane, Basalt couldn't let himself get distracted now especially not with all of the raw power that he felt radiating off Zane. Underestimating him was a sure-fire way of finding himself defeat which will not happen again. "Hold on. Is Basalt give Zane some advice? Am I seeing this right?" said Veto. 

Vlad nodded as he said,"Nope. I'm seeing it too. This is weird.". "Focus you two." said Kitt with Ralad nodding his head. "Oh wow. I guess I was right about you. The reason why you're so obsessed with power Basalt." said Zane. "And why is that brat?" said Basalt. "You're scared of losing. That fear of yours will lead you to being obsessed with power and while it may have brought you success in your past, it led to your defeat once before and in the present." said Zane.

Basalt snarled at Zane with his eyes beginning to glow green. He unleashed a massive beam of green energy from his eyes with Zane not doing anything to stop him. "What are you doing Zane? I think you need to use that technique of yours to absorb that energy beam!" said Veto. The beam hit Zane with it not doing anything to him. "Is that all you can do Basalt? That barely tickles." said Zane with him disappearing from sight. 

Basalt used his armor's system to track down where Zane and he got his answer as Zane implanted his foot into Basalt's mouth. "Boom." said Zane with him aiming his right hand at Basalt and it turned into a cannon. Both Basalt and Zane were caught up in a explosion of Vibration Nether, creating a noticeable bass sound afterward. Zane landed on the ground unharmed with Basalt getting pushed back a bit. It was only a handful of inches but to Sitara, she had never seen it before. "He's winning." said Sitara. 

Lorelei looked at her as she said,"But didn't the fight just start?". "Yeah but this is just the start of their fight and right now, Zane is leading." said Malik. Basalt looked at Zane with the Cross Species not saying anything. "I know that your species is able to use the stronger version of fire and has a natural immunity to fire but well, this fire will make you burn. Hellfire Emperor Firefly Swarm." said Zane with his arms glowing.

Several small and glowing gold fireballs emerged from them, floating toward Basalt. The Maferno laughed and he began swipe at the seemingly harmless balls of fire, destroying them. "Do you honestly think that this attack will stop me?!" said Basalt. Zane snapped his fingers with the remaining fireballs exploding and the area around Basalt was instantly covered in golden flame. "Hellfire Emperor Hellion Paroxysm!" said Zane, aiming his arms right in front of him and fire surround both arms.

The fire transformed into a dragon's head with him tossing the right dragon head toward Basalt. It bit down into Basalt with it managing to pierce through Basalt's armor. "How did this ember manage to pierce my armor?" thought Basalt with the dragon exploding shortly after piercing him. Zane aimed his left dragon toward Basalt, releasing a single, continuous stream of fire. "So what is he doing? All he is doing is trying to burn him but fire doesn't work on a Maferno!" said Grimace. 

Lunacy sighed as she said,"He must have a plan or that explosion destroyed his brain.". "Of course my counterpart is an idiot unlike I! The genius Nemesis!" said Nemesis. Rivart looked at Zane with Basalt beginning to push through the fire. "Quit this pathetic attempt to burn me now!" said Basalt with him cocking back his fist to punch Zane. "Sure Basalt." said Zane as his left dragon arm was begining  producing acid inside. This caused the Maferno to roar in pain due to the acid melting the armor.

Zane looked at the melting armor and saw that the armor was healing itself as it was being destroyed by the acid. "Self-healing. It's a pain to deal with it isn't Zane?" said Astaroth. "Of course Zane knows that! He fought that snotball warden remember?" said Matrix. "Don't worry. I got this. Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch." said Zane as his right fist was covered in his signature fire. Unlike normal, these flames are in a liquid state. 

The Cross Species punched Basalt in the part that was exposed thanks to the acid with the liquid going into Basalt's skin and was absorbed into his body. Basalt shook his head with him moving away from Zane. "Do you honestly think that these attempts to stop with me will work Alvarez?! I won't let you steal my daughter from me!" said Basalt. "Did he just say that he won't let Zane steal Sitara?" said Allen. "He could be taking about Molvai." said Bridgette. 

Cinarva sighed as she said,"It must have been that liquid fire from earlier.". "Of course! That's his Hellfire Emperor Noxious Punch spell! It makes the target and begin to see things!" said Arya. "Huh. I guess that does make sense." said Danny. "Now here's the question. What's his plan here?" said Gwen with Rachel looking at Zane. Instead of cracking jokes, Zane was completely serious and this meant one thing. Basalt got his full attention. "Hellfire Emperor Supernova Blast." said Zane.

He tossed a giant fireball at the dazed Basalt. This created a massive firestorm upon hitting him and it was burning everything around it. The fire cleared away with a single clap from Basalt whose armor was glowing in residual heat. "Perfect. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Diamond Powder!" said Zane with him releasing a wave of ice from his body. Basalt was caught up in the wave with him covered in a thick layer of ice. 

Danny nodded as he said,"Okay bro. Since you froze one of your arch enemies, mind telling the class what's your game plan here?". "Isn't it obvious Danny? Think about it. The armor Magma Dome is made out of metal at least from what I gathered." said Zane as there was loud cracking and steam began to emerged from the ice. "When hot metal is rapidly cooled, it begins to break down." said Zane with Basalt emerged from the ice and his armor was in globs around him. 

Vlad waked as Basalt's armor began going back onto him. "Okay. Good job with the science lesson kid but I don't think he's happy about that." said Vlad. "Oh I know that. That's why I'm going nuclear." said Zane. "You're doing what?" said Turseek and Veto. "Going nuclear. I thought he made that perfectly clear." thought Altair as he touched both of their shoulders. "He did but those two are idiots." said Kitt as Turseek and Veto glared at him with Lorelei sighing. 

Zane turned into Radiation Prime and he turned back to his friends. "Stay back behind the diamond wall comrades because well, it's going to be quite painful for him." said Zane. "What diamond wall?" said Allen as a dome of Diamond Prime's diamonds appeared right in front of him and Basalt's group. "Um Zane. why did you protect them? They're the bad guys." said Havoc. "Zane is someone who protects everyone including his enemies." said Matrix.

She sighed as she said,"It's a somewhat annoying trait of his but one that I don't entirely hate.". "You're speaking like a true member of Team Legion Zero Matrix." said Astaroth. "Of course. I've been with Zane and Athena since the very start even though I looked so fat." said Matrix. "I didn't think you looked fat Matrix. You've always looked pretty." said Havoc with Matrix blushing. Astaroth shook his head in amusement. 

Astaroth smiled as he thought,"Reminds me of Athena and Cole except with far less hitting and Cole's stupid comments. An improvement if you ask me.". "Your time is up Basalt. This form will make you pay greatly for your crimes." said Zane with him taking several deep breaths. Basalt didn't say anything to Zane but he did charge toward the Cross Species with his sword in hand. Zane fired a beam of radiation from his eyes, blasting the Maferno back and making a noticeable divot in the ground.

Basalt got back and was about to use his magma but he felt cold. "Feel cold comrade? I bet you do since you felt the cold of the underworld traveling through your body didn't you?" said Zane with Basalt glared at Zane. "What did you to me Zero?" said Basalt with shivering teeth. "Oh. I didn't do a thing but he did." said Zane, pointing to his right as Specter Form appear. "How long has that thing been here?" said Basalt with him trying to regain back his body heat. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Since I think I arrived to stop you initial attack. I just need to keep you distracted for a bit with my fire and ice combo so my clone here could freeze your blood from the inside.". "I was thinking about making him hit himself boss but we're not here to play around and you know this." said Specter Form. "Right. Lets do this." said Zane as the ghost faded away and Zane aimed both hands in front of him.

He unleashed a massive beam of radiation with said beam swallowing Basalt up whole. Basalt roared in pain, the radiation burning through his armor. It didn't kill him since his armor was made to survive against any species. The beam eventually turned into an explosion and sent Basalt flying into the jungle below. "Okay. That's Phase 1. Time for Phase 2. Gods hope this plan work or the Omniverse is doomed. I'll do anything in my power to prevent that." said Zane, teleporting away.

After both Basalt and Zane were gone, the five remaining Vonrall and the Upsilons looked down at the two diamond creations, deciding to attack both of them. The machines fired missiles and the Vonrall used their hammers to smash the diamonds but failed. "Oh wow. This diamond is rather durable." said Sitara. "And probably pretty worth a pretty penny on Spacetronics." said Vlad. He was about to cut some of the diamond off but was stopped by Altair and Malik. "What?" said Vlad. 

Malik looked at him as he said,"That diamond you're trying to steal is protecting us from Basalt's troops so at least wait until they're destroy or killed before you decide to pilfer our barrier away.". "Okay then fine. Gods. You're just like Sitara." said Vlad. Altair nodded as Malik looked up to see the top of the diamond barrier cracking a bit. "Guys. Get down!" said Malik, unleashing a wave of purple flames. The group listened as a piece of the diamond roof fell apart but was burned away thanks to the flame.

The two diamond domes were nothing more than diamond walls at this point. A Goliath's mechanical hand came down with it grabbing Malik much to the surprise of the group. "Holy crap. Did you see that boss?" said Grimace as he stood outside of their destroyed barrier. "Yes. We have one less opponent to deal with but don't you count your cards just yet. This group is stubborn like our boss." said Rivart.

Lunacy and Nemesis noticed several purple flame pillars emerging from the machine, burning its circuitry with ease. The robot went crashing down with the group of minions moving away from it but one of the Vonrall wasn't so lucky due to it being crushed by the machine. The impact caused a huge explosion of dust and debris with a bright lagoon blue forcefield appearing around the good guys, protecting them from the explosion. 

Some of the Slimes weren't so lucky as they were knocked off the side of the cliff once again. Danny turned his girlfriend who smiled. "Thanks for that save Gwen." said Danny. "Aren't you happy that I'm here?" said Gwen, smirking. "Yeah Gwen. I'm glad that all of you are still here and don't have to find that out." said a voice. Team Maelstrom turned around to see a holographic Zane ,still in Radiation Prime, standing there. "Hold on. I thought you were fighting magma dome right now mate." said Allen.

Arya blinked as she said,"Of course he is. He's using a hologram Allen! He's using a C.O.N.E. to project himself here.". "Correct like always Arya. That's the case." said Zane. "So while you guys have your team meeting, we'll handle them." said Sitara. "Yeah. Have fun you crazy kids." said Vlad. "But they're adults. How are they kids?" said Turseek. "Just focus on punching people to a pulp okay?" said Kitt with Ralad nodding.

Excluding the group who were still in the lab, the others left the diamond wall and began fighting the enemy. "Things out there are looking pretty intense. Pretty sure that the second biggest threat out there is Rivart whose just standing there with the two bigger Vordlarins and the worst version of Zane in the Omniverse." said Danny. "Yeah. They all have an incredible amount of power but compared to the Impulse Basalt and Zane are generating, they're nothing." said Arya.

Not paying attention to their conversation, Rachel looked right at Zane. "What did you mean by that Zane?" said Rachel. "Look. Right now, I'm getting ready to fight Basalt and I don't expect to win this fight. I mean I have a couple of ideas but well, Basalt isn't someone I don't plan on letting my guard down around. If we get back home, I'm marrying the crap out of you Rae." said Zane. Allen shook his head as he said,"Even when you're being serious mate, always got to crack a joke don't you mate?". 

Gwen looked at him as she said,"In what way is that a joke? Those two are going to get married no matter what.". "Yeah! I thought Kevin was the biggest idiot of Team Maelstrom but I guess we know who is the idiot is now huh?" said Arya. "Arya. You haven't been around Efren for that long but if there is anyone who could be called an idiot and wouldn't mind it, it would be him without a doubt." said Danny. "Look. You can do this Zane." said Rachel. "Huh?" said Zane. 

The Sorceress nodded as she said,"Yeah. She's right Zane. You may have been destined to defeat Skull Plague and given a large amount of power to achieve this goal but you really don't need all of that power to achieve that.". "Yeah. Share the power!" said Arya. "I'm good with the amount of power I have thanks you very much but you're a bonafide hero mate. You helped a lot of people and well, you can take this magma dome down." said Allen. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Thanks for the encouragement you guys. I promise not to let you guys down!". He clenched his right fist. "So what's the game plan here? I mean we know what you're going to be doing bro but the rest of us need some kind of direction." said Danny. "That's where I come in you crazy kids." said a voice. Parker stood there with him saying,"So how are you enjoying your new arm Zane?". 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"I'm liking it a lot. I was able to use Diamond Prime and Radiation Prime at the exact same time without turning into the former. I was able to use Pyre Prime earlier and no one expected a thing.". "So where is your assistant? Did she leave the planet and abandoned us?" said Gwen. "She's back in the lab. Had to make sure she didn't try and escape. Janet is making sure about that. So are you ready to use Albion?" said Parker. 

Arya blinked as she said,"Albion. Is it strong Zane?". "Yep. Think Astral Form except Zane is more than willing use to it." said Parker. "Oh wow. That is impressive. So are you ready to go bro? I doubt Basalt is going to die from all of that radiation." said Danny. "Yeah. Wish me luck. I need all of it to take down Magma Dome." said Zane as he vanished. "So do you have a plan or are you here to encourage Zane?" said Rachel. "A little bit of A and B." said Parker.   

With Basalt, the armored Maferno finally crashed into the ground and made a sizable crater. His armor was cracked and scorched in various spots with his body covered in blood, burns, and bruises. "I can finally move after he froze me from the inside. I guess he isn't playing around." thought Basalt as he slowly stood back up. He was in way defeat since he has survived much in the Infinite Void. "You got that magma dome. As you can clearly see, I'm not playing around here." said a voice.

Basalt looked above him to see Zane ,out of Radiation Form, was sitting above him using a disc made out of solid Primordial energy as a platform. He had four energy discs floating around him. The other four discs were each made out of a different energy. One disc is made out of black Mojo, one disc is made out of molten gold Animus/Liasada, one disc is made out of royal blue Carnal, and one disc is made out of steel gray Nether. "So are you here to taunt me or what?" said Basalt.

Zane began descending downwards. He jumped off the disc of Primordial with the disc joining its sibling in floating around Zane. "Nope. I'm here to kick some butt aka yours." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. He activated Archon Zero Master with the energy discs being there alongside the nine Primordial energy spheres were still there. Instead of being scared, Basalt only smiled. "Um. Why is he smiling at us? It's scary." said Havoc. 

Basalt nodded as he said,"You may won our first clash but the war is another story. I want to make sure that the Omniverse knows who is truly the strongest between the two of us and to make sure we have no interruptions, I had this made.". He typed something into his left gauntlet. Even though the ISC Rebellion was destroyed, it managed to fire out a red beam of energy. Zane looked to see that the area around himself and the Maferno was contained in a large transparent dome of red energy. 

Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay. I totally don't expect that ship to be still operation but I was wrong. So let me take a guess here on what this dome can do. No one can enter and no one can leave. I know that you love me Basalt but you didn't need to lock up me in a forcefield. Low blow man. So once I defeat you again, can I take Booker with me? I mean I always wanted someone to help out with some community service back on Earth.".

He smirked as he said,"I mean Father Nature shouldn't be allowed in the gardens but you know the warden.". "Even during a serious situation, you're always making jokes but you're right. This forcefield can keep the fight between the two of us. No one to interrupt us such as your precious friends and my loyal servants." said Basalt. "They could sneak their way into the dome if they you know dig their way under the dome." said Zane. 

Basalt smiled as he said,"Normally that would work but this forcefield goes under the ground.". "Oh wow. You really did prepare for our fifth fight. I mean technically, we fought each other four times. So beside the folks up there, is it anyone else going to watch me kick your butt?" said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "Our fight is been recorded by some Betas. It's being displayed to the entire Omniverse except for the Prime Dimension aka Earth." said Basalt.

He looked at Zane with him saying,"I decided to let you keep your secret identity for now before I destroy by bringing back your corpse to display toward the Terrans who put their trust in you. Does that really matter? In due time, I will be gaining another planet and you'll be dead.". "Oh wow Basalt. I can't believe how confident you are. So can you skip with the whole threatening speech and just start fighting. You do know that you never won one of our four fights before right?" said Zane.

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I mean two of them were left undecided and one of them wasn't a real victory since you had to use a hostage to win." "That's only three. What about the forth one?" said Basalt. "I thought you wouldn't want me mentioned the time you lost to our adoring public. Trying to keep you from well erupting in rage." said Zane. "Yes. I remember now. So do you want to say any final words before I end your pathetic life?" said Basalt. 

Basalt looked at him as he said,"I'm giving you time to say your final prayers to your loved ones who will see this and regret being unable to stop this.". "Only two since well, I'm not dying today. Primordial Torrent!" said Zane, firing multiple Primordial energy beams coming from his hands and the spheres around him. They went toward Basalt who held out his left hand and made another sword appear. This sword matched the one on his back which he held in his right hand.

Both blades were encased in his signature magma/lava and swung the swords down. These swords sliced through the energy beams, causing an explosion afterwards. Back above, the fight was still going on. "Huh. I guess you were right about these guys Vlad. They are literally the definition of cannon fodder." said Lorelei as she manipulated several vines to pierce right through the Phestron charging toward her. "I told you!" said Vlad, blasting back a group of Phestron while on Altair's shoulder. 

Sitara slicked a slime in half with her blasting it with fire. "Like I said countless times, don't get cocky even the fight is in your fight." said Sitara. "They have the right to be cocky Sitara since we're fighting against extremely weak enemies." said Turseek. "Yeah. I mean it's not like we're up against a serious opponent." said Kitt, unleashing a barrage of missiles at a group of Slimes. The Paradoxes plus Lorelei heard a roar with them turning to see a single Vonrall with a group of Slimes protecting it. 

This Vonrall however was covered by a Vordlarin, increasing its strength. "I feel like we brought this upon us. What do Terrans call it?" thought Altair, touching Malik's shoulder. "Karma and tempting the Omniverse big guy." said Malik. "Don't worry so much. We can totally handle the double VV." said Veto. "Double VV?" said Ralad. "It's a Vonrall being controlled by a Vordlarin Ralad. I mean what would you call them then?" said Veto. "A enemy we need to take down." said Sitara. 

Veto sighed as he said,"You can be a real buzzkill sometimes you know that.". This comment earned him a hit on the back of his head from Malik. As this conversation was going on, Danny was looking at the Vonrall. "I got this. Allen took down two of them easily so it shouldn't be that difficult since I know its weakness." thought Danny as he sprouted his Phantasmal Drive and flew right toward the double VV. 

He landed on the creature's back with him thinking,"Time to use one of my new gadgets. The Combat Arms!". His entire body was coated in an extremely durable metal, giving his skin a battleship gray metallic sheen. He turned his right hand into the end of a cannon, unleashing a massive azure blue blast onto the double VV. This caught the attention of the Slimes bodyguards. Danny's attack pushed the double VV into the ground with him looking at the slime guards. "That looked painful." said Kitt. 

Vlad smiled as he said,"But awesome! Keep going kid!". "So are you guys going to do something about it or what?" said Danny, provoking the guards. The guards began releasing tendrils toward Danny who smiled. He blocked them using heater shield that emerged from his arms. "Time to finish them off. Supreme Luster." thought Danny, jumping back. He aimed his left arm forward with him focusing energy into his arm, causing them to glow azure blue. 

The gathered up energy focused up in his palm, releasing a dense beam of swirling energy from it. It was a massive beam of energy, hitting the slimes dead on and send all of them flying with this explosion killing the double VV in the process. Danny ran off to go find a certain Vordlarin leader with Altair smiling. "Yep. He's definitely Zane's brother. He will be just fine so don't worry Zane." thought Altair with him looking at the red dome containing his friend and one of the most deadly beings.  

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