Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Where have I been for the past Month

A/N: Hey there. You may have noticed that I haven't posted in the previous month and if things go the way they're going, there may not be any new posts this month. Do note that it isn't due to the pandemic going on right now. Let me tell you why there has been a lack of posts. At the start of last month, I need to take my laptop in for a new battery. I did have a computer to write on but I mainly used that time to work on some plans I had in the future of Fairy Legion and Zero.

These plans consisted of working on Zero Episode 145 and the arc going onwards. I'm also working on updating Zane's Attacks and Spells plus add some new ones. It'll come out in a new version of Zane's Abilities, Powers, Weapon, and Others, Zane's Attacks, Combos, and Techniques, Zane's Forms and their abilities, and Zane's Spells. The old two posts won't be altered in any manner. Some posts may be altered if I decided to change them.

I'm just saying that now so you know why March had no posts. The DC crossover may not happen for a long time since I'm going to be rewriting Fairy Legion. This rewrite isn't too drastic since I plan to do what I did for Fairy Legion Chapter 1-26. This is mainly to touch up on some story details and change a couple of things up. It won't be anything too drastic like Lisanna being alive instead of "dead". That will change the story up a good amount and honestly, I kinda like her "dead".

A great motivator for Elfman, Mira, and Natsu but mainly her siblings. Spoiler alert. Her coming back didn't destroy this motivation but she doesn't do anything upon coming back. These changes for Fairy Legion will be rather minor and will be build up something that I personally feel rushed. I plan to do have the first updated chapter of Fairy Legion sometime in April or early May. After the new versions of what I mentioned and the next Zero episode comes out. That's really I have to say.  

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