Thursday, March 16, 2017

Zero Episode 13 Zero vs Vampire Mistress of Terrarune

A/N: Welcome to Episode 13 so will this episode be unlucky? I mean here in the USA, thirteen is seen as a bad number. There are also good examples but did you know there is something called as a devil's dozen. You learn something new everyday. Sometimes, it can be a good thing or it can be useless to say the least. Anyway, lets begin with a alleyway. This may sound offensive to all New Yorkers but does a lot of crime happen there? I blame Cops Show for that. This is a long one to make up for the last two which were short.

Narrator P.O.V.
In one of the many alleyways of New York, a dog like creature was trying to hide from the people who were chasing it. "Hey. I still don't get why we're chasing this thing again." said a voice. "You remember what the boss said if we don't catch him right?" said a second voice. "Yeah but she is smoking hot man." said the first voice. "I don't want to mess with her because she's a freaking monster." said the second voice.

The dog hid behind a trashcan and he turned his head to see the people chasing her. They looked to be your typical thugs with a ski mask over their heads. The one on the left was wearing a dark red long sleeved shirt and the one on the right was wearing a dark blue long sleeved shirt. "Hey. I think I see him." said the red. "Really man? Are you sure? I'm really tired." said the blue. "Trust me Harvey. We got this." said the red. "Whatever Roger." said the blue guy aka Harvey.

The dog was about to move but the three heard,"Hey idiots! You should get away from her.". The two grunts turned around to see a teen standing there. His body was completely covered in bandages and it made him look like a mummy and Harvey laughed. "Seriously man? You don't know who you're messing with." said Roger. He held a gun toward the teen and Harvey said,"Seriously man? You're going to kill a kid.".

Roger said,"Dude. We can just dump him in the river.". "Oh yeah. Kill the kid." said Harvey. The boy smiled and he said,"Okay. I think you should learn what happens when you hurt an innocent life.". He grabbed Roger's hand and he broke it. The gun fell to the ground and the teen threw Roger into the wall. The dog was shocked by the strength of the teen and Harvey said,"You're dead punk!". He ran to him and the teen evaded him by jumping.

He kneed Harvey in the face and he went to the ground. The teen landed on the ground and he said,"So cool. I can't believe that worked! I guess I have to thank that snot rocket later.". He looked up and he saw the dog looking at him. The teen figured out that he was a she with him thinking that the goons weren't the brightest of the bunch. She looked to be a mixture of a several breeds of dogs even the fictional breeds and some dinosaur like elements.

She had the body structure of a German Shepard, Great Dane, and Siberian Husky. Her body was black with red stripes all over. She has long hind legs compared to her front legs. Her skull is like a dinosaur with a jagged mouth, red eyes, and pointed ears. She has three pointed toes on her legs. He noticed that her tail wasn't normal but it was made of Nether. "Why did you help me?" said the dog as she went toward him.

The teen said,"I can sense that you were in danger. My name is Zane.". "I'm a Phantom and the only one of my kind left. Thanks for the save but I'll be leaving." said the dog. She was about to go but Zane stopped her. "Yeah. You're not leaving. Why would those idiots after you?" said Zane. "I don't know Zane but I don't care." said the dog. "Stay with me. I'll protect you." said Zane. He fell down and the dog helped him up.

The dog said,"Listen. I can sense that you just came from the hospital. What are you doing out of there?". "I could sense that you were in danger and I wanted to help." said Zane. The dog shook her head and she said,"Fine. I'll take you back to your hospital and stay with you. My species name is Cliffarg.". "I'll call you Kania." said Zane. He fell asleep and Kania dragged him back to the nearby hospital. 

The next day, Zane woke up and he stretched. "Wow. I thought that I would be in pain." said Zane. "I guess you forgot that you're a fourth Eazairvian." said a voice. Zane looked up to see Parker in front of the bed with Kania sleeping on the chair. When the nurses saw her, Zane woke up to convince the nurses to keep her there or she'll attack them. She almost attacked on but Zane stopped her. "Oh. So can I leave now? This place is so boring." said Zane.

Parker sighed and he said,"You're such a child sometimes.". "So is that a yes?" said Zane. "Yes. I just need to check something." said Parker. The slime went on his chest and Zane thought,"Dude. This is so weird.". "It ain't a picnic for me either." said Parker. Zane looked at him and he said,"So anything wrong?". "Nope. You better not go evil on us." said Parker. "Why?" said Zane. "You could destroy the Earth with your power." said Parker.

Zane said,"That sounds pretty cool.". Parker rolled his eyes and he said,"So what about her?". He had his hand aimed toward Kania and Zane said,"She's going coming with us. I like her.". "Why? You don't know her." said Parker. "I don't know why but I got this weird feeling that she needs someone to be there for her plus I'm a dog person." said Zane. He got up and Kania got up. "Freaky." thought the slime.

Kania looked at Parker with her saying,"You two are Eazairvians?". "So are Eazairvian powerful or what?" said Zane. "We are. We're able to reshape the universe." said Parker. "Cool. So are you ready to go Kania?" said Zane. "Are you alright? You passed out." said Kania. "Don't worry. He will be fine soon." said Parker. He attached himself to her as Zane said,"Don't worry. I don't think he will be a pain to deal with on you.". "He's better than fleas." said Kania.

Parker said,"I feel touched. We should get going.". "Please tell me we're not transporting our way up there." said Zane as he shivered. "No. I have labs on the surface because I rather fall from the station than takes those nasty teleporters." said Parker. Kania was confused as Zane said,"You'll learn.". "So that is the best answer that you got?" said Kania. "Zane here isn't very bright." said Parker. The dog snickered at the slime's joke as Zane rolled his eyes.

Later, Kania watched as the slime was working on something. They were in a nearby building and it was abandon. "Before you ask, New York has a lot of these." said Parker. "I wasn't going to ask you that slime. So why did Zane take me in?" said Kania. Parker shrugged and he said,"He and I may be connected thanks to us being both from the Astral Realm but I don't understand him. He may see him in you or something like that.".

Kania said,"How? He is an Eazairvian.". "You're wrong. He is only a fourth." said Parker. "So do you mind explain how? He is out right now doing what?" said Kania. "Getting something to eat. I guess that like most humans, he needs to eat and from he told me, hospital food was okay." said the slime as he went back to work. "Ah. So why are you caring so much about him anyway? I truly thought that Eazairvian didn't care that much." said Kania.

Parker said,"I see myself in him. He may be a brat but he's just like his father. You can smell his aura right?". "Yeah. He is like a mixture of the current king of Terrarune plus JV." said Kania. "He is the grandson of Arturo and I think the gods decided to place JV inside of Zane as a joke or to make him stronger. He is the current Zero as well." said Parker. "Seriously? How strong is this kid?" said Kania. "I don't know but I want to see him grow." said Parker.

Zane came back holding two bags and he said,"Hey guys. I'm back.". Kania walked up to him and she said,"You really need this much food?". "Yeah. I have to eat like a pig due to my powers being draining on my body plus you need to eat something. I didn't know when you last ate or what you like so I got everything." said Zane. He held a bag of dog food and Kania said,"Not a fan. Got any meat like steak?". "I did but I got the dog food for Parker." said Zane.

Parker said,"So did you take off those bandages yet?". Zane was wearing his normal outfit but with him having bandages around his arms, chest, and lower half his body. "The doctor says to keep them on for at least a week." said Zane. "Doctors. I'm the smartest being in all of the realms and I can tell you that you're fine." said Parker. "So are all Eazairvian prideful?" whispered Zane. Kania nodded as Zane said,"So what are you working on?".

Parker said,"Your upgrades.". "Sweet! This is going to be so cool." said Zane. "Yes. They will also help with controlling your new powers." said Parker. "New powers? Cool." said Zane. His Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"I can feel something bad happen near by. Is this new? I could only sense danger around me before today.". "It is and this is also the perfect time to test your powers and my new gear. I promise that it will be fun." said Parker.

A little bit later, one of several banks in the city was being robbed by the two grunts who earlier got their ass kicked by Zane. "GET DOWN! DOWN! RIGHT NOW!" yelled Roger. He fired his semi automatic into the air. The people ,inside of the bank, screamed and Roger needed it. After he and Harvey recovered from their beat down, their boss wasn't happy about that. He would make sure that if anyone broke the golden rule, he would shoot them.

Harvey ,nearby, yelled,"Where is the vault?!". "It's in the back." said the cashier who was a woman in her mid 20s and she was shaking in fear. "How does it open?" said Harvey. She didn't replay and the punk slammed his semi automatic on the table. "THEN HOW THE HELL DO I OPEN YOU DAM BITCH?!" yelled Harvey. "It... ha.... ha... s... a code. Three of them." said the cashier. "Okay. What are they?" said Harvey.

The cashier said,"I don't know.". "Oh?" said Harvey. He put the nozzle of his gun up to her face and he asked,"Do you know the code now?". "I only know one I swear!" said the cashier. "Okay. Who has the other ones?" said Harvey. "The manager but he is out right now." said the cashier. She fainted and Harvey said,"Shit. We better go with plan B then.". A little boy looked at the two villains with him decided to be a hero.

He remember seeing on TV that they have an alarm under the table. He sneaked away from his mom and he found the button under the desk just like on TV. He pressed it and a loud ringing sound started to echo through the building. "WHO did that?!" yelled Roger. He saw that the little boy was gone and he saw him there. He grabbed his brown hair and his mom yelled,"Colin! Let him go!". "Hell no! He tried to be a hero and he's going to die because of it! Hurry up man!" yelled Roger.

Harvey stood there with him saying while holding two big bags of money,"We're done. I'm happy that the boss is so rich sometimes.". "Hurry up. I have an idea to get into the vault." said Roger. He soon dragged the boy by his hair and he said,"Hey there buddy. You're going to help me get into the vault.". "No!" yelled Colin as he kicked him. The boy ran off as Roger aimed his gun toward him. Colin closed his eyes in fear but it hit something else with him hearing,"Diamond Form!".

A little bit earlier, Zane was standing outside of the bank and he said,"Time to go Hero!". He activate his costume by thought rather than saying Power Up. He looked in a mirror to see that it wasn't that much different. In terms of appearance, he looks the same. He was wearing the exact same thing except it was made of both cloth and metal now. He only a black metal bracer around his left arm with it being in the exact same spot when he wears his silver bracelet.

It had the symbol of a neon green pentagram on it with a gold dragon wrapped around it. He had on black elbow guards on both arms, knee pads, and shoulder pads that look similar to the night sky. The part of his chest that was exposed was covered in black body armor with a rectangular card shape in the center of it. He's also wearing a black motorcycle helmet with him wearing a navy blue visor that covers his entire face with him thinking,"Okay. It's go time.".

He turned invisible and he phased through the building. He landed and he saw the two idiots from the night before. "Weird. I didn't expect to see these two again." thought Zane. He saw that one of the humans was about to shoot a little kid and he rushed into action. He didn't noticed that a card was in his body armor. It had a black frame with a giant rainbow colored crystal in the center of the card. His body began to change being that cobalt blue crystals covered his entire body.

He looked like a knight. He is wearing a gold helmet which looked to be a mixture of a Barbuta, Great Helm, and Greek Corinthian Helmet. It exposed his glowing red eyes. His broad shoulders had a bunch of different colored crystals exploding from them. He's wearing dark pink gemstones worn like a bracelet. He wears a black top ,with no sleeves, that covered his chest with white pants and black combat boots. His outfit is covered in gray crystal symbols/markings.

He looked to be 7 feet tall. He soon landed ,in front of the kid, with the bullets do nothing to him at all. "Diamond Form!" said Zane. Colin was very shocked by this as Zane said,"So are you okay kid?". "Yeah. Are you a superhero?" said Colin. "Yeah. I think you'll like this." said Zane. He held his right hand out as the two men were caught in a crystal ball and they were held into the air. "Time for the ultimate payday!" said Zane. He moved his hand down as the ball went down on the ground.

It shook the ground slightly and Roger said,"Shoot him!". He fired his gun at Zane with the bullets doing nothing. "Dude. This armor is way stronger than your pea shooter. I think I should try to absorb the kinetic energy of them." said Zane. The bullets just stopped as Zane's body began to glow. "Eat this!" said Zane. A beam of energy flew toward Roger and Harvey causing them to be knocked out.

Zane looked at his hands and he said,"Dude. This power is awesome!". He heard the police arrive outside,"Surrender right now! Put your hands up now!". Zane shrugged as he dragged the two punks outside. He threw them in front of the cops and he said,"Here you go.". He turned back to normal and he said,"No one is hurt. I think the kid may be in shock with him being the real hero.". "Who are you?" said a officer. "My name is Zero." said Zane. He was gone as the cop said thanks.

He reappear in front of Kania and Parker and he said,"Parker! This is so cool! I just took bullets like they were nothing and I control this crystal like substance!". "Calm down." said Parker. Zane took a deep breath and he said,"So what was that?". "That is just one of many things that you're going to find out by yourself." said Parker. "No hints?" said Zane. "No. You'll figure it out. You should head back to your friends. They may be worried." said Parker.

Zane said,"So should I call a cab?". "Yes and take the mutt with you. She has been so annoying and I need to go back to the station." said Parker. "And how are you going to get back? I thought both you and Zane here hated going up there." said Kania. "I have that idiot firehead." said Parker. The slime was gone as Zane said,"Such a character isn't he?". "Yes. So are you ready?" said Kania. The boy nodded as the two were gone.

Back at the mansion, the teens were outside. Inside, the staff and adults were preparing for the party which was tonight. "Man. I hope Zane is okay." said Ray. "Zane is too stubborn to let a car kill him Ray." said Karen. "Yeah and he's also a metahuman. I guess a healing factor isn't one of his powers yet." thought Rachel, Kristen looked down as she said,"I miss him.". "Yeah." said the other three. The four were shaken from their depressing thought by a taxi.

It stopped as someone got out. Their eyes widened when they saw a familiar face standing there with a dog to the left of him. He wearing a black hoodie with a navy blue eagle on the back, a loose white t-shirt, blueish gray jeans, and red and white tennis shoes. He was wearing black aviators over his violet eyes and his black hair was slightly messy. The dog next to him had a light purple collar with the gold symbol of Anubis on it.

Karen and Kristen said,"Zane?". "Yeah. I'm back." said Zane. His Crisis Judgement went off and he decided to ignore it. He was tackled by the two girls with Ray saying,"Man. They missed you.". "He missed me didn't he?" said Zane. "Correct. Welcome back idiot. Don't go jumping to save lives again without calling Ray again." said Rachel. "What is she talking about Zane?" said Kristen. "Ignore her Kristen. I want you to meet Kania Anubis Alvarez. She is my new dog." said Zane.

The dog barked as Ray said,"Nice. She looks deadly.". "So where did you find her?" said Karen. "I was waiting for a Taxi and well, I saw her about to be attacked. I stopped them and she came with me after we had some really good steak." said Zane. The dog nodded as she remembered the meal that she had with her new owner. "Well, I'm just happy that you're safe." said Kristen. "Yeah. So where is my mom? I thought she would be out here." said Zane.

The girls let Zane get back up as Rachel said,"She along with Arturo, Luke, and Reggie are getting ready for the party.". "Oh yeah. That's tonight." said Zane. "We were told to wait out here but that is really boring. Anyone up for using the pool here?" said Ray. "The one with the water slide right? If that is the case, yeah." said Zane. "That sounds nice." said Kristen. "Yeah." said Karen. "I wonder if those two girls are going to fight for Zane." thought Kania. She followed the teens to the pool.

Later, Zane was in his room. "I'm really happy that this party is casual. Not a fan of suits." said Zane to himself. He looked at his new appear and he was shocked. It looked to be an upgrade of the watch that he wore before. It looked like a gauntlet and wristwatch. It covered all of his right hand with it stopping 2/3 up his forearm. It's still silver with the digital clock ,in the center of the watch, being green with it having a black, red, and yellow interface to it.

According to Parker, it was called the Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega or Z.E.R.O. It helped Zane by making suits of armor that will help him in certain events plus grant him advantages in combat. It had all sorts of other abilities but Zane didn't feel like testing it out right now. Ray was in his room sitting on the couch in there with Kania nearby. "Dude. That watch is so cool. So what other thing can you do with it?" said Ray.

Zane shrugged and he said,"Honestly, I think we should wait till we get back to Cypress Park. I really don't want me to expose as Zane.". "Yeah. I wonder how Danny and Gwen are doing. You saw two Midnight Men right? They were in groups of ten right?" said Ray. "Yeah. It was weird and according to some of the witness, the two goons mentioned something about a female being their boss. I wonder if New York has a female crime boss." said Zane.

Kania said,"It would be quite progressive.". "Yeah. So how are Danny and Gwen doing? I haven't heard anything from them." said Zane. "They are doing good. Sam is still being a bitch. No offense Kania." said Ray. "It's fine. From what you told me about her, she will pay for hurting Zane and I'm still annoyed that you didn't do anything." said Kania. "I rather stay there and not get expelled Kania." said Zane.

Ray said,"Zane may be a really good fighter but he only fights if someone is danger or one of his friends is hurt. He doesn't use his power for personal gain.". "Ah. You're way better than some of the other Phantoms that I know." said Kania. "That's a compliment right?" said Zane. He scratched under her chin and Ray saw her tail wag at this. "She likes you just like Karen and Kristen so make up your mind." said Ray.

Zane looked confused as Kania said,"Zane here may be a super hero able to stop with ease but I think trying to understand love skipped him and he's a guy.". "Hey!" said the two. "Like you said earlier Ray, no offense." said Kania. "I like her. She's way more fun than you." said Ray. "Thanks. I can feel the love here." said Zane. "So are you two up for a raid of the kitchen? They won't mind will they?" said Kania. "Welcome to the club Kania." said the boys.

Later that night, Zane was sitting in the movie theater snacking on a huge amount of popcorn. "This is going to be nice." thought Zane. "I knew that I would find my dork of a cousin in here instead of being at the reunion." said a voice. Zane turned around to see his "cousin" standing there with her hands on her hips. She is African American with her long ,up to her waist, red hair in a ponytail and she was wearing a light red strapless dress with puffed sleeves for both of her arms.

She has brown eyes with three gold hoop earrings in her left ear and two on her right ear. Zane got up and he said,"Missed you too dweeb.". They hugged and Zane said,"So Tara, why are you wearing that anywhere?". "I think that I'm dressed normally. So are you okay?" said Tara. "I'm fine." said Zane. "It has been a long time hasn't it?" said Tara. "I think the last time that we spend any time together was that summer." said Zane.

Tara said,"That was a good time so I heard that my little cousin became a player and a troublemaker at school.". "Well, she started it." said Zane. "Right. You know that I would have been on your side if that happens again?" said Tara. "So are you moving to Cypress High? I heard my mom talking to my uncle or your dad about it." said Zane. "Well, we both know that Edward needs something to get him out of the lab and your mom is the key. Lets go." said Tara.

She dragged him to the main hall and it was crowded. "At least, they aren't dancing to new age music or stuff from their era." said Zane. Tara smiled and she dragged him to her dad Edward Gregory who was currently talking to two men and Natasha. Edward Gregory is the adopted father of Tara after he was asked to and he treats her like his own. Him and Natasha are best friends with their kids calling each other cousin despite not being related.

Edward had the build of a motorcycle rider/martial artist. He was wearing a black button up shirt that would be seen on someone in Hawaiian with a white gear design, dark blue jeans, gray socks, and desert colored combat boots. His mildly spiky black hair was getting gray and he had blue eyes. The two men there shocked Zane since they were the fathers of Brad and Vicky who didn't like him and he hoped that their parents would be different.

The one on the left is a blond with his hair being a military style cut but slightly longer. He wears a blue shirt with black slacks and socks. He had a good build due to him being a cop back home and Zane knew that he helped out when he was Zero. The one on the left is an man with him looking like an older and male version of Vicky but with a good build from his time in the army. He had a scar over his right eye, his left hand is a prosthetic one, and his face had a claw marking from a tiger.

He is wearing a white shirt with a navy blue tie, black pants and matching shoes, and a pair of black glasses. He has black hair with it slightly receding, dark blue eyes, and a black bushy mustache. "Hey you found my idiot of a son." said Natasha. "Hey Zane. I bet you know me and Jimmy here." said the blond who pointed to the male version of Vicky. "Yeah. I am totally sorry about what I said to your very nice daughter Mr. Mills and awesome son Mr. Stevens." said Zane in a monotone voice.

The blond laughed out loud and Mr. Mills said,"It's fine Zane. Those animals were a stupid idea but my daughter is so stubborn sometimes. You can call me Jim if you want and Mr. Stevens here likes to be called Tony.". "Yeah and guess how many people think that Tara is Vicky?" said Tony. "More than two?" said Zane. "I would say ten son. Is something wrong Ed?" said Natasha. "Sorry. I just wish my sister was here." said Edward.

Tony said,"Seriously? She was so weird back in the day and she gave Shawn the most nasty look this side of the world.". "She did? And you knew my dad?" said Zane. "Who didn't? Your dad was the big man on campus but really humble." said Edward. "I wish I knew him like you did." said Zane. "Cos. I think we should get something to drink." said Tara. She gave her dad a look as she dragged Zane once again.

Edward looked up and he saw his friends looking at him. "What?!" said Edward. "You know that my son has issues with his dad. That's the reason why he was suspended." said Natasha. "We tried to get Zane back in school before coming here but Sam and the rest of them rule that school with an iron grip. My daughter is part of that." said Jim. "Yeah. My son bullies your son Natasha mainly out of jealously. I really wish that didn't happen by the way." said Tony.

Natasha said,"We shouldn't try to get too involve in our children's lives plus Zane can defend himself in a fight.". "Really? He doesn't look like the fighter to me." said Edward. "Pot calling the kettle black Edward." said Jim. "You're right but he seems more of a pacifist to me." said Tony. "Trust me, he can handle himself in a fight." said Natasha, "And you know this how?" said the guys. "He survived my training." said Natasha. "Wow. That's impressive." said the trio.

Meanwhile, Titan was looking at his hands. He was bored and he yelled,"Hey! When are we getting out of here?!". He along with his sister, OM (Occult Master), and Crash were in jail after losing to the Alliance and Zero who got to be famous online. "I don't know so shut up!" yelled Crash. Occult Master slapped Crash and he said,"Shut up. I have a feeling that we're going to be out of here soon and if you kept talking, we aren't.". "Really?" said Crash and Titan.

The door to the station melted and Epsilon stood there. "Sister! How did you break out of this hell hole?" said Titan. "I did you neanderthal. These cuffs may effect you all but compared to me, it is nothing." said a feminine voice. The three boys looked for the owner and the voice said,"You four will be the puppets for my revenge and soon, I will have everything that I ever wanted in this world and nothing is going to stop me!". The boys were taken over by this voice.

Back at the party, Zane was currently sitting in front of the lake. He was looking at the watch and he said,"Should I? I mean I need to test this out but what happens if they see me?". His Crisis Judgement went off as he turned around to see a girl standing there. She had her blue hair in a very cute pixie cut as her bangs were framing the sides of her face and orange eyes. She looks to be slightly younger than he is.

She has the body of a cheerleader but she has a pale skin complexion. She has a white shirt with thin straps and a black panther on the shirt that bulges out and attacks with her having a very modest but appealing chest. She wears a blue skirt that goes up to her thighs and she was wearing a pair of brown high heeled sandals. Zane jumped back as the girl help up her hands. "Easy there sugah. I'm not here to hurt you." said the girl with a very southern yet sexy Mississippi accent.

If I were to give an example of her accent, think Rogue of the X-Men."Sorry there miss. People back from where I'm from have a tendency of sneaking up behind on me and pushing me into the water. It didn't work but well, it happened more often than I would like to talk." said Zane. "You can be serious are you?". "Yeah. That's my life and not until recently, I got the respect that I deserve so who are you and what are you doing here?" said Zane.

The girl soon smiled as she said,"My name is Nova Blossom Estrada and I was invited here by the guy who lives here.". "So why are you out here then? The name's Zane by the way Nova if you were wondering." said Zane. "Reasons. So why are you out here tough guy?" said Nova. "I just need some air. I just got out of the hospital toady and well, I don't do good in crowds because I like being with my friends." said Zane.

Nova said,"May I join you then sugah?". "Sure." said Zane. She sat next to him and she said,"So where are you from? You don't like a spoiled rich kid to me.". "Cypress Park." said Zane. "Isn't that town famous for having more rich jerks than anywhere else in the world?" said Nova. "Yep. I'm also the second most hated kid there. The guy who is the most hated is way worse but he has some good points." said Zane. "Ah. You don't seem so bad to me but what do I know?" said Nova.

Zane said,"So what about you?". "I used to be a student in NYC." said Nova. "Used to? Why did you leave Nova?" said Zane. "You shouldn't ask that question. Hey, can you keep a secret from everyone you know?" said Nova. "Yeah. So what's up?" said Zane. Nova closed her eyes as Zane saw a handful of pebbles fly toward them. They stopped in front of Nova as she opened her eyes. They landed back on the ground and she said,"I'm a metahuman.".

Zane held a rock and he said,"So you can move rocks with your mind?". He threw it across the water and Nova said,"Not just that. I can manipulate Energy, Luck, and Plants. I just have trouble with the whole controlling it part.". "Yeah. I guess that can be kinda hard." said Zane. Zane stopped and he said within a second,"Get down!". The two landed in the water as an explosion went off where they were standing.

Zane stuck his head out and he saw Occult Master with the rest of his gang. "Hey fartknocker! You missed!" said Crash. "Shut up. I know what I'm doing. You and the rest of your group go find the one that the boss are looking for. She wants her in the library." said OM. "Fine! Lets go!" said Crash. He plus the other two went inside as Nova said,"You need to go alert Reggie about this. I will handle the fake.". "Okay. Just be careful." said Zane.

He ran after them and he went into one of the many rooms. "Okay." said Zane. He crossed his hands as his costume formed around him. He phased through a wall and he found Crash standing there with the villain siblings. "Okay. You know the plan right?" said Crash. "Yeah. I will cause a panic for these old idiots while you and sis grab who again?" said Titan. "Natasha Alvarez." said Epsilon. "Mom?! I have to stop them." thought Zane.

He was about to go after them but something got in the way. Tara was walking toward them and she said,"You're not taking my aunt.". "Yeah and how are you going to stop us? You going to hit us with your purse or what?" said Crash. "No. She's going to use this!" said Zane. The trio and her saw Zane with steel gray Nether formed around him to create a giant bull and he was rushing toward them. The trio went back from the attack into the main hall where everyone was.

Tara said,"Who are you?". "Zero. You need to find your aunt and get her away." said Zane. "Listen. I am not leaving you alone with them cos." said Tara. "You know? It was your dad wasn't it?" said the hero. "Bingo. I also have this." said Tara. She touches her earrings as she glowed. When the glow was gone, she wears a form-fitting violet shirt that covers most her head except for her cheeks and forehead. She wears navy blue coveralls and a gold belt.

It has three glowing green circles on it. The belt has matching on both of her arms and she wears navy blue knee pads. "You can call me Force." said Tara. "Whatever. Lets go kick some but family style." said Zane. The two found Titan and he said,"Sorry but ...". He was punched by Ray covered in steel and he said,"I'll take care of this one! You get the other two!". "No. I think it's time to show you my new power." said Zane.

Suddenly, a gold framed card with a boxing ring and boxer in the center appeared in the chest plate as Zane glowed red. His hands were covered in red boxing gloves and he said,"Boxer Punch! Zero gonna knock you out!". He punched Titan as the giant flew back. Ray landed on the ground and he said,"Okay. I call dibs on the short one.". "Scared to hit a girl tough guy?" said Tara. "Nah. I just want to beat up the more annoying one." said Ray. The two ran off as Zane went after Titan.

He got back up and he said,"You're dead now kid!". "Not going to happen! I always wanted to do this so eat my Rocket Fist!" yelled Zane. His right fist came off his body and it flew toward Titan. The fist smacked him in the face with Zane running up toward him. "Ascending Punch!" yelled Zane. He then uppercut Titan with the giant being launched into the air. Zane made the boxing gloves disappear as a new card replaced it.

This card had a silver frame with a hell hound in the center of it covered in fire. Instead of red, his body glowed black. His arms and head turned into a hell hound's head. "Hellhound Breath!" yelled Zane. He then fired out three constant streams of fire at Titan who roared in pain. "You are so dead now kid!" yelled Titan. He began to grow as Zane said,"Yeah. Not going to happen.". A volley of fire balls went toward Titan as it didn't stop him. "Dam." said Zane.

He was hit by the giant as Zane went flying. He crashed into the wall and Zane said,"Did anyone get the number of that giant?". He looked up to see that the building was falling apart. He also noticed both Karen and Kristen in danger. "No!" yelled Zane. He got back up as the silver card was gone. He saw the rubble was falling and he protected the girls. The three were covered in rubble as Titan began to laugh out loud.

Meanwhile, Ray was getting sick of Crash. "Hey Lugnut! Catch this!" said Crash. Crash's shoulders sprouted missiles as they flew toward him. Ray grabbed one and he said,"How about you get some iron in your diet squirt?!". He threw one back as he barely dodged the rest of them. He saw them go back around as Crash said,"They are heat seekers idiot!". "Okay." said Ray. He rushed toward Crash and he grabbed him. "What are you doing? Put me down!" said Crash.

Ray put him down as he said,"Okay.". He was gone as the missile hit Crash. The little one went into the air and he landed in the punch bowl. "And that's a splash." said Ray. He heard an explosion and he went outside. He saw Nova blocking OM's attacks with a giant rock. "Wow. I should be shocked at this but I'm not." said Ray. He ran toward them as OM said,"You may have power over the earth but you can't stop the magic!".

The rock was destroy as Nova was launched back. He removed his top hat and he said,"And from my hat.....". A giant explosion of magic energy came out of the hat and it flew toward Nova. She covered her eyes but she heard,"Not going to happen!". Ray stood in front of her and he took the blast. "What are you doing?!" said Nova. "Listen. I can absorb all forms of energy and that includes yours. So lets see how you like getting blasted!" aid Ray.

He fire a ray ,get it, of magic energy at OM with him flying back. He was out cold with stars around him and Ray said,"Freakazoid. So who are you?". "It doesn't matter now. Where is Zane?" said Nova as she clenched her hand over her heart. "Man. You pick up chicks fast." thought Ray. "He is fine. We needed to get out of here." said Ray. The two heard laughter and they saw Titan. "No." said Ray. He soon ran to help Zane. Nova didn't as she said,"We'll meet again sugah.". She was soon gone.

Tara was fighting against Epsilon and the villain said,"You are nothing more than an annoyance and you need to leave!". She touch the nearby wall as it began to melt. "I guess you don't know why they call me Force?" said Tara. She immediately moved her hands in front of her and a giant steel gray energy bubble covered her. It soon began melting as Tara broke out like a pimple and she looked around. "Now where did you go?" said Tara.

She blocked Epsilon's kick and she said,"I know self defense.". The two blocked blow for blow for a while. Kania jumped in their fight causing Epsilon to go back a bit as she said,"Are you okay? You looked like you need it.". "I have to thank you but after we take care of little Miss. Melt a lot." said Tara. The dog then nodded as Epsilon moved her hands down. The entire room began to melt as the villainess said,"I"m stronger than that brat, that weirdo, and even my brother!".

She noticed that Tara had a force field around her with Tara saying,"Yeah but you still need air to breathe and use your powers Einstein.". The girl began to beg for air as she ran out. As Tara released the force field, Kania jumped onto Epsilon's back to hold her down. "So who do we have left?" said Tara. "I think the tall one who is fighting your cousin Force. So what are you wearing by the way?" said Kania.

Tara said,"My dad made this for me so I could help him be a hero like him so I call myself Force.". "I like it. It fits. You're way better at naming than Zero is ." said Kania. The two heard a rumble and Epsilon laughed. "Your cousin is dead now because he invoke the titan's anger." said Epsilon. Kania increased the pressure as she said,"Go check on him. I can handle girls like her easily.". "Okay. Be careful." said Tara as she ran toward Zane.

Under the rubble, Zane could feel the rocks moving. Before they hit him and the girls, he placed a steel gray Nether shield around them. "I can't believe you're here." said Kristen. "I like to travel so do you have a way of here?" said Zane. "Try and release the energy of your shield as a wave. It should blast away the debris." said Karen. "I'll try that." said Zane as he focused. The energy glowed brighter and Zane said,"And release!". The debris went flying as Kristen said,"You did it!".

She hugged him as Karen looked sad. "Okay. You two needed to get out here. I have to handle the big guy before he goes all Goliath." said Zane. "We can't leave you." said Karen. Ray grabbed the girls and he said,"I got them Zero. Go kick his but.". "You got it." said Zane. He looked at Titan and the villain roared. "Hey ugly. Bring it!" said Zane. Titan slammed his right hand onto Zane and he said,"I am a Titan! I'm stronger than a god!". Titan heard,"Raptor Form! Hey! I'm not a bug!".

Earlier underneath the hand, Zane didn't see that the card slot was filled by a new one. It had a black frame with a giant bird like creature kicking its left leg into the air in a fighting move straight from a video game or movie.Zane looks to be a mixture of a eagle, hawk, raptor, and rooster. He looks to be six feet tall. His body is covered in crimson red feathers with white feathers around his chest, face, and neck.

He has semicircular red eyes with obsidian black feathers around his eyes, forming a domino styled mask. He has a short, gold hook shaped beak. Around his hands and legs, he has obsidian black feathers. It works very much like boots and gloves on his body respectively. He wears a crimson red shirt with the sleeves only covering up his shoulders. He has two black arrows on the left and right sleeve pointing downward. He wears black and green bands on his ankles and wrists.

Zane is wearing black and crimson red armored pants that end at his ankles with his feet clearly exposed. He has five sharp black claws and talons replacing his toes and his fingers respectively. He has two larger than normal talons protruding from his arms and around his ankles and wrists, he has little rockets implanted in them."Raptor Form! Hey! I'm not a bug!" said Zane. The hand was lifted back up and Zane stood there.

He backed away as Titan tried to swipe him. The bird human jumped over it and he said,"Eat this you overgrown idiot! Vitality Kick!". He did a backflip in the air and with his left leg, he began to ax kick the arm. His leg was covered in crimson red energy and he landed on the ground with a burn on Titan's arm. Titan pulled it back and Zane rushed toward him. He jumped into the air and he said with a smile,"I think I'm going to like this! Big Bang Punch!".

He pulled back his right fist as his arms were covered in crimson red energy. He fired a punch at Titan's stomach and Titan went back. He was about to fall back into the mansion and Zane jumped toward him. "You know need to go the other way! Move!" yelled Zane. He kicked him and he went back. He crashed into the ground and he began to shrink back to his normal size of 10 feet. "And this was awesome! Time to find them!" said Zane, running off.

Natasha looked up and she saw that she was tied up. She remember that something went through her and she was out cold. "Where are we?" said Natasha as she noted the many books in there with her and she figured out where she was. "In Reggie's library my dear Natasha but you know that don't you?" said a voice. She looked up to see that a vampire floating in front of her. She has a thin but also curvy and muscular body. She has pale white skin, fitting the vampire theme more.

Her eyes are red with no pupils. She has pointed fangs. She has long black hair which goes straight down her back. She wears a white long-sleeved shirt with black pants and a silver belt with a gold belt buckle in the shape of a small bat. She wears black boots and evening gloves with having claws at the end working as fingers. She wears a high collar cape which was connected around her neck. Her cape is white on the outside with it being gray on the outside. She's wearing gold armbands.

Natasha said,"You're a Phantom aren't you? Why are you doing this?". As she said that, she was slowly backing away from the vampire. "I guess you're still a brilliant beauty but you didn't change after college unlike me. I was once in your class or did you forget little old me?" said the vampire. "Who are you?" said Natasha. "My name is Sovereign but you may call me your wife instead." said Sovereign.

She was about to kiss Natasha but she was blasted by a energy beam. "HANDS OFF MY MOM YOU DAM DIRTY BLOOD SUCKER!" yelled a voice. Zane was back to normal and he was in his Phantom Half with a tint of red in his white aura. Zane rushed over to her and he freed her. "Are you okay?" said Zane. "I'm fine no I'm okay sweetheart. You need to take care of Sovereign and stop her before she does any more harm." said Natasha.

Zane nodded and he said,"Gotcha! Now get out of here!". Natasha ran out of the room as Sovereign recovered from Zane's attack. "You caused innocent people to get hurt and also destroy this man's home! You'll be getting a beat back to your castle!" said Zane. Sovereign smiled and Zane flew right toward her. He was about to punch her but Sovereign caught it. Under the helmet, Zane was shocked by this but he didn't have much time to react because he was slammed against a wall.

He slide down the wall and he landed on the ground. "Okay. I can't take you as a joke. Bring it on! It is time for a new upgrade." thought Zane. This card was special due it having a gold and sliver frame with the right being silver and left being gold. It had a bunch of wires tangled up. The card went into the chest armor and his body was covered in thunder. He has two antennae with them sprouting out of his back with a square plug at the end.

His fingers now matched his back antennae with gold battery bolts that sprouted from his arms, hips, and shoulders. "Fulmination Wire! You're going to get zapped hard!" said Zane. He aimed his back wires at the vampire with him firing a beam of electricity at her. She phased through it but she was shocked by it. "You can't stop me because I'm a Hero and nothing stops me when I'm serious!" said Zane. The vampire smiled and she said,"I wanted Natasha but you will do! Zero, right?".

Zane said,"You know me?". "Who doesn't?!" said Sovereign. She went through a wall and Zane went after her by breaking down the wall. "You're the protector of the realms and also a quarter of a Phantom who uses his powers for others. How very cute of you. So are you going to defeat me or try to convince me to stop all of this and go back to Terrarune?" said Sovereign. "You would be right but you hurt someone close to me so you're getting shocked!" said Zane.

Sovereign said,"I won't.". She then fired a beam of Nether with it being red and it destroyed Zane's attack causing him to crash right into a wall. "Eat this!" said Zane. He fired a steel gray Nether beam of his own and Sovereign blocked it by an Nether shield with it being red. "Wow. You're still very much a beginner. How did you defeated Astrino, Isis, and Wraith?" said Sovereign. "Okay. Take a volley of them plus my shocking surprise!" said Zane.

He threw ten beams at her with two giant streams of electricity. The shield expanded in size and Zane was shocked to see that they were all stopped by it. "Wow. So child like." said Sovereign. The shield was gone with Zane shaking in fear. "Are you scared of me child? Are you able to do this?" said Sovereign. Zane saw ten of her with Zane saying,"How are you doing this?". "Years of time and loads of money but you're screwed." said Sovereign and her clones.

They blasted Zane and he screamed in pain. He fell to the floor and he tried to get back up. One of the clones kicked Zane in his stomach and he coughed blood on his visor. He tried to stay awake and he was out of power. "Die." said Sovereign. She made a giant beam and Zane was gone. "Wow. That was actually really sad. Time to get what belongs to me." said Sovereign. She was gone as she went after Natasha.

Zane opened his eyes and he said,'Where am I?". He floated around and he heard,"Zero. You're back in the Astral Realm to recover from your fight with Sovereign. You were badly hurt and in critical danger after your change.". "Wait?! That was natural?!" said Zane. "Yes. All Zero have gone through it and now, you're able to fight against any foe." said the voice. "Then send me back to Earth! I need to stop her!" said Zane.

The voice said,"You will Zero but you need to head to the Temple of the Ancients.". "Why would I exactly? I thought that I got my powers when I fought the Food Baron." said Zane. "Compared to the previous Zero, you have no real training. You have a month but you are still a hatching. You however have heart." said the voice. "Okay then. So can I go there already?" said Zane. "Yes. You will do it Zero." said the voice.

Zane flew toward the Temple of the Ancients and compared to the last time, he found it with ease. He landed on the ground and he walked inside. He stopped and he saw two paths diverging. "Let me see which path is the good one." said Zane. He closed his eyes and he said,"Phantom Half!". His eyes turned yellow and he saw that the path on the left had a training arena. "Okay. Lets see what is down doorway number 2!" said Zane.

He walked down the path and he stopped right in front of a room. He then saw ,with it being the only thing in the room, a pedestal with a gauntlet sticking out. They looked to made out of black stone and it also remind Zane of obsidian. He then saw a symbol with the symbol of Infinite, Ouroboros, and Svarog in one. Zane walked up to him and he said,"So this is like the Sword in the Stone?". He then shrugged it and he pulled it out causing a bright light.

Meanwhile back on Earth, Kania, Ray, and Tara then saw Natasha and the mother said,"Ray! Is everyone okay?". "Yeah. Everyone is safe and those idiots are stopped." said Ray. "So where is Zane Ms. Alvarez?" said Tara. "He is busy and I think he'll be fine." said Natasha. The three noticed that she was worried. "Wow. This is a surprise. I get a crowd." said a voice. They turned around to see Sovereign standing there and Natasha said,"What happened to Zane?".

Sovereign said,"He died Natasha. I mean he got his but kicked and he didn't lay a single hit on me.". Kania jumped toward her and she chomped down. The vampire screamed out in pain as she said,"You will die first you bitch!". She kicked Kania with her making a giant energy blast. "Hey! You can't call a lady that unless you want an iron knuckle sandwich!" said Ray who was covered in iron. He smacked Sovereign and the vampire went back from it.

Tara made a force field around Sovereign and she said,"You're going to pay and Zero isn't dead. He is way too stubborn too.". "Yep and beating you feels good." said Ray who cracked his knuckles. Kania nodded as Sovereign said,"Fine. You want to see my true power!". The field around her broke and she multiple into four. The clones blasted the trio causing them to be knocked out as the original one moved toward Natasha.

The women was about to fight back as Sovereign said,"So stubborn but that is one of the thing that I like about you.". "I don't know you!" said Natasha. Sovereign held her hand up and Natasha was in the air with a red aura around her. "You will soon enough." said Sovereign. She was about to bit her neck and Natasha closed her eyes. "Hey! I told you once before to get off her! I think you should burn back in hell!" yelled a voice.

Sovereign was blasted by a fireball and she landed in the woods. The clones were about to blast the owner of the fireball but the ground under them burned them. They were gone as Natasha saw their savor. It was Zane with his hands having several red magic circles on his hands. He ran over to his mom and he said,"Don't worry mom. I"ll stop her because I know the weakness of vampires.". "You have garlic?" said Natasha. "No. I have a lot of light. Trust me mom, I'll be back." said Zane.

He broke the red aura around her and Natasha hugged him. "Be safe son. I'll get the others away from here." said Natasha. Zane nodded as the woman nodded. Sovereign soon flew toward him and she said,"You survived? Color me impressed boy. So do you want to be my apprentice?". "What are you talking about?" said Zane. "It's obvious that you stumble through your life and also trying to make sense of your life. I am the more advanced you." said Sovereign.

She made several clones of her appear and she said,"I have money and power attained by using my powers for myself so do you want to be like me? You would rule this world and kill anyone who made you mad or hurt you. All you have to do is renounce Shawn Alvarez as a awful man for leaving behind his family.". "Okay. I think you're loco lady. Shawn Alvarez was a hero and I'm a fan of him so time for you to go back to your realm!" said Zane.

Sovereign said,"I did warned you. Get him.". The clones rushed toward him as Zane made a card appeared in his chest plate. It had a black frame with a giant flame and glacier hybrid in the center of the card with a human like figure standing there. His body began to erupts in fire and ice making the clones stop in place. He looks to be eight feet tall. His body is made out of dark red and gray volcanic rocks in the shape of armor.

He wears shoulder plates with mini volcanoes that are currently active. Any part of his body ,that wasn’t covered by his armor, reveals his skin being a light blue/white liquid. His head was covered in flames with his skull sticking out. His skull is made out of ice with large curved horns and sharp fangs. His left wrist is covered in fire and his right wrist is covered by ice with large blades protruding from his elbows.

He’s wearing a sleeveless black motorcycle vest which revealed his ice like ribs. It has spikes on his shoulders. He wears black gloves, pants, and boots. "Thermal Form! Time to burn." said Zane. As he was talking, the fire around his head was flaring up alongside ice flakes which were coming off his body and on the ground. All of the clones were soon blasted by two giant fire whips causing them to disappeared in ash.

Zane looked toward the vampire as she said,"Zero stop. Think about all I could show you. You would no will be the true king of Earth.". "Sorry lady. I'm not ready to become a king or ruling everyone under my iron rule. You hurt my mom, my friends, and also my pride so nothing is going stop me from giving you a well needed tan!" said Zane with both of his hands gathering up flames fast.

He threw a giant fireball at Sovereign who blocked the attack. The ball still exploded and it covered the area in flames. "You know my secret but I know how to make you forget." said Zane. The vampire soon began to sweat due to the increased heat and Zane said,"Now leave before I make due on my threat vampire.". "Fine but next time, you will die." said Sovereign. She was soon gone as Zane sat on the ground.

He deactivated Thermal Form with him saying,"Okay. Training with this thing is the first thing I do when I get back home.". He looked at his watch and he saw after using his Boxer Punch, Hellhound Breath, Raptor Form, Fulmination Wire, Thermal Form, and using his powers normally, he was out of energy. He went toward the others being that they were at the front of the mansion while he was in the back.

In the front, Karen and Rachel stood there. They were with the rest of the party outside. Crash, Epsilon, Occult Master, and Titan were talking away to a super human prison that was currently in the final phases of its development. Crash, Epsilon, and Occult Master were quite easy to bring into custody but Titan was hard to drag into a car. He weighed a lot and it took ten SWAT member to drag him into one of the car with him having his own car compared to the other three who shared one.

Karen said,"So what happened to Zane?". "I don't know but I hope he's okay. I mean he defeated the big oaf using what again?" said Rachel. "Something called the Raptor Form. He was like something from a action movie or something like that." said Karen. Rachel looked over at Natasha who was talking with Edward, Reggie, and Tony. "I would feel bad about mister Reggie's home but well, he could buy like at least fifty of them." said Rachel.

Karen said,"I feel bad for Kania, Ray, and Tara. They fought against the trio and Sovereign. She was a student here right?". "You think they would remember if a girl like her was around. She sticks out like a sore thumb to say the least." said Rachel. Kristen looked around and she saw Zane walking toward her. "Zane!" yelled Kristen. She hugged him and Zane said,"Kristen! I'm happy to see you too but I'm still in pain.".

She let go as Rachel said,"You survive by the skin of your teeth didn't you?". "Yep. I was lucky that fate decided to be nice to me." said Zane. He looked around and Kristen said,"The others are fine. So where were you?". "I was outside of the mansion and this girl Nova protected me from the wizard. I ran off to get help and Zero was flying by." said Zane. "Thank god he did. So I guess this vacation is just what you need." said Karen. "Yeah." said Zane as he stared at his watch.

In a nearby mansion, Sovereign floated into it. "Sovereign. How did you lose to that Level 5 at best?" said a voice. "It wasn't my fault. He somehow figured out my weakness toward light. You know who he is under the mask." said Sovereign. "I do but if I tell you, where would be the fun in that? I think you're smart enough to figure it out." said the voice. "What are you doing here? The Odium Society didn't sent you here for a visit Fallout aka one of the leaders." said Sovereign.

The owner of the voice came out of the shadows and he stood there. The figure had a slim and sharp figure with a pointed chin and nose. His hair is a buzzcut with him glaring at her. His body is black like the night sky and the only color on him is his glowing gold eyes. "Yeah. You surely are." said the man. "You know that you stick out here due to you being living nuclear energy. So why didn't you sent Apazar?" said Sovereign.

Fallout said,"He was busy with another problem of ours so are you going to go back to your normal self?". "Fine." said Sovereign. A black glow covered her body and she turned back into a human. She has long white hair that goes straight down her back ending in a professional like curl, she has sky blue greenish eyes, and a rather attractive body. She's wearing a black business suit with a rose pink handkerchief  in her right breast pocket.

The suit has three buttons with her heaving one of the buttons undone being that this reveals her very impressive bust along with a white blouse and black dress shoes. "You look better in this form Lilith Rune. I mean you look sexy as a vampire but a s human, you look pretty nice." said Fallout Lilith looked at him and the man said,"Don't give me the glare. Okay, the others wanted to know if your Custodians are using the Billionaire's gear well.".

Lilith sighed as she said,"They're enjoying it. Is there anything else you need from me? I have some work to do.". "Nope. I just came to check up on you. Good luck." said Fallout. He was gone as Lilith walked into a room. It had several pictures of Natasha ,with some of them having Zane but most of them didn't have Zane in them, and she said,"My dear Natasha. You will be mine but I have to take care of Zero before then. Your son can stay there.".

Next time,
Zane returns back to Cypress High and he has problems in both his Social and Super Hero Life. Who is Nova and where did she go? This and more next time on Zero! Oh, Thermal Form's Head looks very much like the Atomic Skull from Justice League Unlimited and Ghost Rider's head for example.

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