Monday, January 15, 2018

Zero Episode 79 Memories of Childhood

A/N: Welcome to the second part of the Second Season finale which consists of Episode 78, 79, and 80. These parts are going to be long and I should have said that in the last part but like I have said before. I don't think ahead with these stories. I live in the moment and tend to take a long time when it comes to editing for this series. I also repeat myself a lot because I forget what I say. Lets begin with us going back in time so that means Flashback Narrator P.O.V. is going to shine and we're going back 12 years ago.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
In Noble Haven, Japan, there is a mountain known as Mt. Stirols which was named after one of the town's elders several hundred years ago. This mountain are the stomping grounds of the worst creatures on the planet itself. It's said that only the strong survive against these deadly beasts. There is a rumor that it is also home to creatures that could be consisted extinct. "So why are we living on Mt. Stirols again mommy?" said a young voice.

A trio consisting of a father, mother, and their four year old child. He had his father's black hair ,with red tips from his mother, and his mother's violet eyes. He also had his mom's fair skin but compared to the sixteen year old Zane, it was a more peach color. He also lacked his more masculine feature he had a teenager but looked more feminine. As a child, his face looked like his mother's and this changed as he got older. 

His face made him look like a chibi version of his teenager self. He's wearing a pink green tracksuit like jacket with a short sleeve black shirt under it. He's wearing navy blue knee length shorts that fit his age rather well and white tennis shoes.  He's wearing a pine green jacket with a short sleeved black shirt resting under it. He's wearing navy blue shorts and white tennis shoes. This trio is Shawn Alvarez who is 29 years old, Natasha Alvarez who is 28 years old, and Zane Alvarez.

Unlike his parents, he recently had a birthday where he turned 4 years old and this birthday was about a week ago. "We're living here now Zane because someone burned down our house." said Natasha. "It was daddy wasn't it?" said Zane. "Nope. I know that sounds like a surprise but it wasn't him. Let just say that one of our former neighbors can't be allowed near a stove. I really wish we found a house anywhere else." said Natasha. 

Shawn smiled as he said,"Come on you guys! Haven't you always wanted to live a forest Zane? Don't you want to be like Tarzan?". "I can be like Tarzan?" said Zane as he thought about it. "I'm not a fan of our child crashing into a tree at his age." said Natasha with a punch to her husband's arm. "Don't worry Natasha. He'll have the protection of his big brothers Kurt and Lucius. Our boy won't be crashing into any trees." said Shawn.

Zane said looking at his shoes,"Will they like me daddy? I mean you told me that they're super strong but I'm super weak. I can't even pick up one of your weights.". "Don't worry Zane. If you keep eating your mother's cooking, you'll be big and strong just like your favorite parent!" said Shawn. "I rather be like mommy because she punches you a lot and I don't want to be punched." said Zane with a blunt tone. Shawn sulked as Natasha said with her tussling his hair,"Yep. You're our son alright.".

The three stood outside of a house as Shawn started knocking on the door. "Lucius! Kurt! Are you two home?" said Shawn. "This place was recently made right? Can I go explore?" said Zane. "Just stay nearby okay." said Natasha. Zane nodded as he ran off. The door opened as a younger Lucius stood there. He stood had a lean frame but his muscular and well-defined build was less than when he was an adult. He's also missing the goatee on him.

He still has his chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. He's currently wearing a dark green t-shirt with the numbers 42 front and center. He's wearing blue shorts and black sneakers. He's also missing his tattoos, earrings, and sunglasses. "Mr. Alvarez? What are you doing here? I thought you and the rest of the family weren't showing up till later. Kurt's still out getting lunch." said Lucius. "Sorry about my idiot of a husband not telling you and your brother about our arrival." said Natasha.

Lucius saw Zane looking around the area as he said,"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Alvarez. So this is Zane then? He seems like a hyper one.". "Zane. Meet your older brother Lucius Hiram Alvarez. He's eight years old than you." said Shawn. "Hi big brother! My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez!" said Zane. Lucius smiled as Zane saw a rock almost hitting Natasha but just missing. "Hey! You almost hit mommy! Say sorry right now!" said Zane, glaring hard.

The three turned to see someone sitting on something looking like an animal and he was holding a bloody stick. "So you returned Kurt. Just in time too." said Lucius. Zane looked to see a boy ,about four years older than him, sitting there with a smile. He has spiky orange hair and brownish blue eyes with dark bags under them. He had a very lean and muscular figure fitting his age and his skin was slightly tanned. He has sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth.

He's wearing a torn white sleeveless t-shirt that exposed his young figure perfectly, worn out and torn black knee-length shorts, a fire themed elbow guard on his right arm, and he's wearing dark yellow sandals. "I'm waiting!" yelled Zane. "Zane. This is Kurt Ethan Alvarez. He's your older brother by four years." said Shawn. Zane growled as Kurt laughed. "You think you're so tough don't you squirt but I can tell you're a crybaby." said Kurt.

Kurt jumped down toward Zane as he said,"It's nice to meet you little bro. I brought back a meal so lets eat already.". "Yeah! I'm starving!" said Zane. He rushed into the house as Lucius said,"He does know that we have to cook the food first right?". "Usually the misses has his food prepared before Zane's black hole stomach requires substance." said Shawn. "We better get started." said Natasha. The three walked inside as Shawn said,"So I guess I get to bring lunch in. That's fine.".

Later, Zane was devouring anything in sight as Kurt said,"So he is four years old right?". "Yes. It's because of his latent powers mostly likely." said Natasha. "Could I have some more mommy?" said Zane as he smiled. "I need to tell you about this mountain son. This is a very dangerous place so if you want to go out, please go with one of your brothers or one of us. Kurt brought back this meat so thank him okay?" said Shawn. "Okay. Thank you big brother! This is really good!" said Zane.

Kurt smirked as he said,"Lucius has never said that my food is good before so thank crybaby.". "I'm not a crybaby!" said Zane. The two glared at each other before Kurt was hit on the head by Natasha as Lucius said,"She's very protective over Zane isn't she?". "And you know why." said Shawn. "You two are going to be brothers from now on so you should protect each other and care for each other okay you two?" said Natasha. Kurt rubbed his head as he looked at his little brother.

The four year old had gotten bored as he decided to look around the house. It was a simple place being they had a kitchen, living room, bathrooms, and bedrooms upstairs. Kurt walked out of the house as Zane saw this. He ran after Kurt as Natasha said,"Get back here Zane!". "I'm going to go play with my big brother!" said Zane. The two were gone as Lucius said,"Zane is going to change Kurt. Oh and you're cleaning up Shawn.". "Why me?" said Shawn. "You're the father." said the two.

Kurt stood on the top of a hill as he said,"Okay. Lets go explore the west side today.". "Hey! Wait for me!" said Zane. The four year stood at the bottom of the hill as he said,"Wow. You're really fast big brother! I want to go play so can you play with me?!". Kurt's hand engulfed in fire as he said,"Try dodging this.". He threw a ball of fire toward Zane as he began running. Zane ducked as he dodged it with Kurt walking away.

Kurt was on a ragged bridge as he heard panting. "I found you!" said Zane's voice. Kurt smiled as he said,"Okay. Try this now.". He slammed his foot down causing Zane to fall off the bridge. The child screamed as Kurt looked away. "I guess he can't flying. I better go find him." said Kurt. His arms was soon fire as he went to go catch Zane. Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks big brother! You're so cool! I mean your arms are literally fire!".

Kurt smiled as he said,"I'm impressed that you came after me. Most people usually run away when they see me ignite.". The two were on solid ground as Zane said,"You're my big brother and daddy told me how cool you are! You can defeat massive animals with ease! That's awesome.". "Well, I can also climb up mountains too but watch out for boulders." said Kurt. Zane nodded as Kurt said,"Let me tell you a story about this place.".

The young Zane enjoyed his time here being that he was usually out playing on the mountain with his big brothers being that they protect Zane from massive crocodiles, a giant snake, vultures, giant fish that would eat him in a single bite, and a tiger which Zane defeated after both Kurt and Lucius weakened it it so their little brother would be proud of himself. He was usually crying about not being able to help so the two decided to train Zane with Natasha giving him permission.

In due time being that it had been three months since he arrived, Zane was able to defeat some of the massive beasts that lived here with them. Zane wanted to be just like his father, mother, and also both of his big brothers. Zane admired both of his big brothers being that Kurt was so cool when he could turn himself into a fiery bird that he called his Phoenix Mode. Lucius could increase his strength and manipulate metal. Zane found both of them really cool.

He asked his mom if he want any powers like his brothers being that Natasha didn't tell him about any of his powers. She told him that it doesn't matter if you don't have powers, you're already really strong. Zane ,being four, was okay with this answer. One day, Zane was shocked to see a dump on the mountain and he said,"Wow. This place really stinks. I guess this must be the dump that big brother was talking about.". He walked around the dump as he saw animals walking around.

Zane said,"Kurt! Lucius! Where are you guys! I thought we were playing Hide and Seek! Mommy and Daddy told us not to go out this far!". He looked around and his sense went off. He dodged some trash about to fall on top of him. "I guess this place must really be a dump. I'm happy that I don't have that super smell." said Zane. He spotted Kurt being that Zane said,"Found you big brother!". He ran after him back to the forest.   

Kurt stood in front of a tree as Lucius's voice echoed,"Do you lose him?". Lucius rested on a branch as Kurt said,"Yeah. He was very hard to lose but I'm sure that.....". "Found you!" yelled a voice. The two turned to see Zane as Kurt said,"Seriously?! I took you through the Cesspool!". Lucius hit Kurt on the head as he said,"You took our brother through the Cesspool!? What were you thinking? Do you want to piss off mom?".

Zane said,"Don't worry big brother! I didn't get any of that trash on me but I did manage to find this really cool ship!". "Well, the Cesspool is where the Omniverse dumps its trash. I'm just shocked how much you've grown crybaby." said Kurt. "I'm not a crybaby!" said Zane as he wiped away some tears from his face. "You're not a crybaby anymore little brother." said Lucius. Zane smiled as Kurt said,"I think he's more of a crytoddler now.".

Lucius noticed that his brother's hands were glowing steel gray and Zane yelled,"I'm not a crybaby got it!". He fire two energy beams out of his fists splitting the trees in half. Kurt was shocked by this as Zane said,"What's wrong?". The energy was gone as Kurt said,"Look what you just did!". Zane looked at the two trees as he said,"What happened to the trees?". "You fired two beams of energy out of your fists and well, you did that Zane." said Lucius.

Zane's eyes twinkled as he said,"That's so cool!". Kurt sighed as he said,"So do you know how you did it bro?". "Well, I was really mad at you calling me a crybaby because I'm not. I guess I was just really angry or something." said Zane. His left hand soon glowed steel gray as he fired off another beam out of it. "Okay. We need to tell the folks about your power Zane and then we'll train it." said Lucius with a smile. "Okay!" said Zane as he fired off another beam. "Quit doing that!" said Kurt.

Later, Natasha stood in front of the brothers as she said,"So let me get this straight. You went to the Cesspool in your game and you discovered that you have powers Zane.". Kurt and Lucius were bruised as Zane's hands were covered in a pair of gloves. If they weren't, Zane would be firing out steel gray energy beams. Shawn laughed as he said,"I'm impressed Zane! You accessed your power at such a young age! It took me till I was 6 before I could use Animus.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Well, I guess I'm super strong! Could I have some ice cream?". "Sure. Just grab some without blowing up the house." said Natasha. Zane nodded as he ran toward the kitchen. "I still can't believe that we're in trouble and Zane isn't." said Kurt. "Well, he is mother's favorite and both of us are his older brother. We're supposed to teach him right and wrong." said Lucius. "But still Lucius, this hurts." said Kurt.

Natasha said with her arms crossed,"So what powers does Zane have? We've all seen the hand energy beams. You two must have seen something.". Zane was eating ice cream nearby as Lucius said,"Our training showed that he has really good reflexes and hearing.". "And also a black hole of stomach but you knew that didn't you mom?" said Kurt. "I see. Okay then, we're going to do some training." said Natasha. "Are you going to training with us mom?" said Zane as he finished off the bowl.

Natasha said with a smile,"Zane. How do you think I got my punch? It's really strong because I may be human compared to you guys but I'm really strong.". "Is it because you're a woman? That's what daddy tells me when he asks me to do his share of the chores." said Zane. Natasha glared at Shawn as he said,"Son. Why do you have to tell the truth?". He was punched by Natasha with Kurt and Lucius laughing as Zane said,"Because you told me never to lie? Did I do something wrong?". 

A few days later, Zane was rushing toward Kurt. "Eat this! Zane Beam!" said Zane. He fired the steal gray energy beam out of his left fist being that it went right through Kurt. "Don't you remember me that I can turn into fire?! And why did you announce your attacks?!" said Kurt. Kurt punched his brother as he began crying. "If you're going to be a fighter Zane, you can't cry after each punch that the enemy hits with you." said Shawn.

Zane turned to see the rest of his family as he said,"Okay daddy! So what's for dinner?". "I was thinking that we go after that tiger." said Lucius. "Yeah. I mean he hurt my little boy. Don't cats hate you and not our son?" said Natasha to Shawn. "Honestly, it only goes after males in the Alvarez family except Zane." said Shawn. "Lets go already!" said Zane. He ran off as Kurt and Lucius ran after Zane who's really fast.

Natasha said,"So where did you find those two? You never told me where.". "I found both of them in destroyed dimensions by Skull Plague and his forces. I didn't want the boys to grow up sad and alone but I guess that Zane is doing a good job at making them feel happy." said Shawn. "Okay. We should take them to that place Zane loves in Noble Haven." said Natasha. "That sounds like a plan to me. I think we have some alone time." said Shawn. The two went back to their house.

Later, Zane was walking ahead of his family. The five were currently in Noble Haven and Kurt said with a confused look,"So is this place good?". "It has awesome food there big brother! You'll love it so much!" said Zane. The five were soon in a restaurant as Lucius said,"So you actually do work? I thought you just hang out at the house.". "Your old man isn't a lazy bum thank you very much." said Shawn.

Zane soon started to devour bowls of noodles as Kurt said,"You're right bro! This is amazing! I never had this much food in my life!". Kurt pat his stomach as Lucius said,"It seems that we have to come back once in a while.". "Amen brother!" said Kurt and Zane. Natasha smiled as she said,"It's a good thing that we're the only ones in here.". "Yep. Today has been a good family outing. So whose up for dessert?" said Shawn. "We are!" said the brothers.

Later that day in the forest, Zane smiled as he rested on a tree. "This is so much fun! I can't believe coming up to this mountain would be so much fun." said Zane. Lucius and Kurt stood nearby as the eight year old said,"You're right squirt. I guess you've evolved from a crybaby.". "Thanks big brother but I have a question." said Zane. "What's up?" said Lucius. "Why do you call me your brother? I'm not related to you guys by blood." said Zane, tilting his head in confusion.

Kurt said,"So? That doesn't matter to me. You're my little brother regardless of sharing a pint of blood with either of us. We see mom and dad as our parents so don't think otherwise.". Lucius walked to the cliff side as he said,"I'm going to be a man worthy of my last name!". Kurt and Zane smiled as they followed suit. "I'm going to kick so much but that people will know my name!" said Kurt. "And I'm going to be super strong so I can protect my treasure!" yelled Zane. The three brothers smiled.

The three were soon in front of a stump as Zane said,"So did you steal this Kurt?". Kurt placed a bottle of sake on the stump with three cups as Kurt said,"Yeah. Dad saw me and told me to take it for some reason. Let me tell you a story. We may not be connected by blood but once we share this drink, we'll be brothers for real. We may be far apart and close but we're always connected by the bonds of brotherhood. So are you two in?". "Yeah." said Lucius and Zane.

The three each grab a cup as Kurt said,"Any last words before becoming brothers?". "Nope. I'm very happy to be an Alvarez despite not being born one. Kurt." said Lucius. "At first, I only like Shawn because he saved me from my hell but having you two plus mom isn't half bad. I guess we have the runt now." said Kurt. Zane punched him as he said,"To being an Alvarez!". The three chinked their cups as they chugged it.

Nearby, Natasha and Shawn watched. "So let me get this straight. You let our three sons drink some alcohol before any of them reached the legal age just because they wanted to be brothers." said Natasha with her arms crossed. "They were going to ask questions eventually so why not just let them have their fun? I mean the drink I gave them had like little alcohol in it." said Shawn. "That doesn't matter!" said Natasha as she bonked him on the head.

A few days later, Shawn was sweeping in front of the house. "Why do I get stuck with all of the dam chores while the boys get to play?" said Shawn. He heard,"Hey there Alvarez.". He looked up to see two people there as one was Nate and the other was Isabel being the both of them looked older. Isabel is wearing dark red lipstick and nail polish. She wears a large gold bead for her earrings. She wears a fitted blue halter neck dress with a knot connecting the straps behind her neck and a low cut back.

It goes down to her ankles and flares out at the end. She wears tan ankle strap high heel pumps. She also has a gold wedding ring. Nate is wearing black sunglasses. He's wearing a dark blue collared unbuttoned shirt with his sleeves rolled up over a red shirt, blue pants with a brown belt, and brown shoes. Like Isabel, he's wearing a gold wedding ring. "It's good to see that your wife is still dealing with you huh Shawn." said Nate. "Screw you. So how are things going with you two?" said Shawn.

Isabel smiled as she said,"We're doing fine Shawn so where's my adorable godson?". "Auntie!" said a young voice. They soon saw Zane as he hugged the woman. "It's good to see you again Zane." said Isabel. "It's almost been about three months since our last encounter so we decided to see the prodigal son who is so much better than his father." said Nate. "Hi there Mr. Nate!" said Zane. "Your grandpa's coming up for a visit later but don't tell your dad okay?" said Isabel.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay Auntie!". "So why are you guys living in the mountains again?" said Nate. "And what's so bad about the mountain? I'll have you know that we eat every meal and I'm sure my Zane could totally beat you in a fight." said Shawn. The two soon argued nearby as Isabel loudly sighed. "Even as adults Zane, they fight like they were kids." said Isabel. "Is that a bad thing?" said Zane. "A little." said Isabel.

Isabel soon said with a smile,"We brought you guys some new clothes. I know that your birthday is coming up Zane but I decided to bring your present to you a little early. Come on out you two. I don't bite.". Kurt and Lucius stood nearby as Lucius walked over. "Seriously man? You just trust her? She could be evil." said Kurt. "I do Kurt because she's our parents friends plus you like her don't you Romeo." said Lucius in a teasing tone.

Kurt looked away as Isabel said,"I heard that you're the naughty one of the trio but you seem like a pretty nice guy to me.". "Who told you that rumor?" said Kurt with a blush clearly on his face. Lucius and Zane snickered nearby as Zane said,"Kurt and Miss Jennings-Freeman sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the baby in the baby carriage. So I did get that right big brother?". "You sure did Zane." said Lucius snickering.

Kurt said,"You're dead meat!". "Hold still." said Isabel. "You two suck." said Kurt. The brothers laughed nearby. Later, the seven were eating dinner as someone fell into the ground outside. "This food is so good!" said Zane. "You think everything is good." said Kurt. "True. I'm going to find the best food and bring back here." said Lucius. Shawn's eyes widened as Darin stood behind the trio and he said,"Dad! What are you?!".

Darin smiled as he said,"I decided on a surprise visit! How are my three grandsons?!". "Good! We're brothers because we drank together!" said Zane. "I see. That's amazing Zane!" said Darin. He began laughing as Nate said,"We better head out. See you later Shawn.". "Wait. You knew about my dad coming for a visit didn't you?" said Shawn. "Maybe. Have fun Shawn." said Isabel. The two were gone as Darin said,"So my grandkids.".

The trio looked at them as Darin said,"I brought with me something amazing. Can guess what it is kids?". "Food?" said Zane. "Nope." said Darin. "A really cool power?" said Kurt. "Nope." said Darin with him looking at the eldest of the trio. "I'm going to guess something embarrassing of our dear pop or something along those lines." said Lucius. "Yeah! Scrapbooks!" said Darin. The brothers cheered as Shawn sighed. Natasha smiled at this scene of three generations bonding.

Five to six months later, Shawn stood there with a year old Kurt, Lucius, and Zane. "Well done. You three managed to attack me." said Shawn. He took off his jacket as Lucius said,"Well done Zane. We couldn't have done it without you.". "Thanks big brother!" said Zane. Kurt smiled as he said,"Don't let this go to your head brother.". Something hit Kurt's head as he saw that it was a picnic basket. "I didn't interrupt your training right?" said a voice.

Natasha stood there as she said,"So how are my guys doing?". "Mommy! You brought food!" said Zane as he ran toward her. "We were just about to take a break." said Shawn. "Well, I brought you something to snack on." said Natasha. "Sweet! I love your cooking but it's always good no matter what you make mommy!" said Zane. She hugged him as she said,"You're so adorable Zane. You'll make a girl happy someday!". Zane smiled as Kurt frowned and pouted.

Natasha said,"And then we have the stubborn one. You do know that I work hard to make sure you and your brothers grow up big and strong.". "So? I mean your cooking is good but I'm not even that hungry." said Kurt. His stomach growled as Natasha said,"Being a tough guy for your brother is fine Kurt but both Lucius and Zane see you as someone to protect if you don't eat.". "I know that but in our trio, someone has to be the tough one right?" said Kurt.

The two talked as Lucius said,"So are they fighting?". Zane was eating as Shawn said,"Your mother and Kurt have an interesting relationship. It remind me of Isabel and Nate.". "Have they found him yet?" said Lucius. Zane looked up from his meal as he said,"What's wrong with Uncle Nate?". "You do know that he isn't Dad's brother right?" said Lucius. "I know that big brother but they're just like the three of us according to Aunt Isabel." said Zane.

Natasha placed her hand on Zane's head as she said,"He's fine Zane. I'm sure of it. So how strong has my little man gotten?". "Pretty strong! I'm able to almost hit dad!" said Zane. "After I distract him of course." said Kurt. "Instead of being the tough guy, you're the one with the big ego." said Lucius as he sipped on some water. Zane started laughing as Kurt said,"Can it!". The family started to laugh as they enjoyed their time together.

As the brothers were hunting, Natasha and Shawn was in the house. "Lucius is growing well." said Natasha. "Yeah. I expect him to be a powerful member of the Alliance when he goes up. I'm not sure if he'll be in the Alliance but I'm sure he'll be a force to reckon with." said Shawn. "True. Zane's also growing up well around them. When you told me that you would be adopting Kurt and Lucius, I was shocked but they've helped Zane and vise versa." said Natasha.

Shawn said,"What about Kurt?". "He's a good kid too but I'm not sure about a lot of things. He seems to be a pyro but he's a good kid regardless. I'm happy to have him as my son. He's a good brother for the both of them. I bet Kurt's your second favorite after Zane of course." said Shawn. "You know me so well don't you?" said Natasha. She soon headed toward the kitchen as she said,"So about Nate. Is he? I'm sure that Zane is worried about his Uncle Nate and Zane likes to ask questions.".

Shawn said,"I don't know yet. I'm going to check in with Isabel when we get to Ezlario. Are you sure about this? I mean this is Zane's first real mission for the Alliance. You said that you didn't want Zane to fight at all.". "Zane wanted this for his birthday so we should give this to him plus he has both Kurt and Lucius looking out for him." said Natasha. "You're forgetting about someone aren't you?" said Shawn. "Those three will be protect you." said Natasha. Shawn sulked as he said,"Ah man.".

The next morning, the family stood in front of a portal. "Are you guys ready?!" said Shawn. "Yes sir!" said the trio. "We're heading out Natasha. See you soon." said Shawn. The two kissed as Zane said,"Ew! That's so gross!". "You'll be doing that one day." said Kurt. "Be careful out there and protect each other okay?" said Natasha. "Don't worry. We're the Alvarez Trio and nothing can stop us for sure." said Lucius with Zane nodding. The four went through the portal as the mother sighed.

She walked back to the house as she said,"Zane. I hope you grow up to be bright. You don't have to be smart and I don't mind if you grow up cocky. I just want you to value friendship. Even if you grow up to be a negative person, remain positive and always give people a second chance. Everyone has good in them so don't let anyone force their opinions down their throats. Why am I talking to myself when I could be telling him myself this later.".

Narrator P.O.V.
The mother didn't see but she along with her family had been watched by the sixteen year old Zane and Hourglass Universe. Zane wiped some tears away as he said,"I will mom.". "So are you alright Zane? You've seen the past two years of your life in a short recalled moment." said Hourglass. "I will be fine. I just miss having Shawn in my life." said Zane. "So are you curious about your Uncle Nate?" said Hourglass. "Yeah. Is that up next?" said Zane.

Hourglass shook her head as she said,"No but the reason why involves you.". "Huh?" said Zane as he tilted his head. The area warped as Zane said,"Let me guess. I'm going to find out and then you're going to tell me.". "You're getting it Zane. I'm impressed." said Hourglass. "You've been showing me my past for a period of time so by now, I'm starting to get it. Could you teach me how time works during my training?" said Zane. "That sounds fair." said Hourglass.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was playing nearby his house. Despite being five and super strong, he was unable to go too far from the house without either brother or parent's supervision. "So where did mommy, daddy, and big brothers go to grandpa without me? Why did they all look so sad?" said Zane. He  found a strange divot in the ground as he said,"I've never seen this before.". He walked toward it as he saw part of a treasure chest. "Huh. Lets see whats in here. I bet it'll be awesome." said Zane.

He pulled it out of the ground as he slowly opened it up. Upon opening it, A skull ,with it being the same skull from Zero Episode 64 aka Skull Plague, flew out as he said,"Thank the gods! It's been three thousands years since I have been on Prime Earth!". He turned around and said,"Hey buddy. How long have you been there? I bet you know me don't you?". "No. You're a skull right? How are you living without a heart and body? Mommy says that you need a heart and body to live." said Zane.

The skull laughed as it said,"You're cute you know that. The name is Skull Plague.". Zane tilted his head as Skull said,"Listen. I need you to release me from the Dread Dimension so I can bring to life my desire. Do you want to know my desire?". Zane picked his nose as he said,"Not really. So do you have any treasure?". "No. I don't have any of that pointless junk with me but I have..." said Skull. He was soon gone as Zane blasted the treasure chest with his energy beam, destroying it.

Zane said,"That's weird. I didn't mean to do that. I wonder why I blasted that chest. There could have a bit of money in there. I could have bought Kurt and Lucius a real present.". Zane soon shrugged as he said,"Oh well then, I'm going to get some meat. They won't know if I don't tell them and I'm really good at hiding secrets.". He then rushed away from the area as Zane went to go get some food and he didn't know what he just did.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back in Zane's room in the present day, Hourglass and Zane returned. Zane sat on his bed as he said with his hands over his eyes,"So losing my father and Uncle Nate to that bastard was my fault!". He soon punched his right arm as he said,"Dam it!". "Calm down Zane. You didn't know what you were doing back then. You did good as well being that you prevented Skull Plague from taking over the Omniverse way back then." said Hourglass.

Zane said,"Yeah but I lost my dad, Aunt Isabel went missing, and Uncle Nate is the annoying boney bastard's puppet in the process!". "Think about it like this Zane. You met and made so many good friends and allies that will last for generations to come, and you're a father now. There is a good and bad thing to everything. You should know that." said Hourglass. "Just leave me alone. I need to think about all of this." said Zane. "Okay. I'll see you soon." said Hourglass.

She was gone as Zane soon fell back on his bed. He looked at his watch as he said,"Why did I have to open that chest? I mean I know that I shouldn't have but still. I was a dumb kid and I thought there would be treasure but it only brought me pain. I mean I wouldn't have met Danny and the rest of my friends. So good with the bad I guess. I guess you'll be telling me won't you mom?". He looked up to see her standing there and she said,"I guess we have to talk.". "Yeah. We really do" said Zane.

Next time,
It's time for a very awkward talk between mother and son about the past. We'll see a little bit more of Zane's friends before they say goodbye to Zane. What will happen? This and more next time on Zero!

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