Monday, January 15, 2018

Zero Episode 78 The town rebuilds and the truth is revealed

A/N: That title sounds like pretty stupid but this title reveals that we're finally done with the Worst Future Ever Title. I was pretty sure that it was going to be in the 30s and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't so things may be long mainly in the past two episodes. They were also pretty preaching and like all Shonen, it has to come eventually. I should also explain something. Karen and Ray are both metahumans being that Karen's powers came to be in episode 20.

I didn't explain it and I haven't explain Ray's power at all. It will be seen more often in the third season which is going to be a reboot of the series. I don't mean a full reboot but a reboot like Naruto Shippuden. I mean it's the same characters but older. I can't promise that the series will get better but I can say that I'll explain things far better than I could ever do in the past hopefully. This and the next two to three episodes will be lead ups to the training. Just watch and see.

The barrier ,that was around the town, was based of the dome that around Springfield in the Simpsons Movie which I watched just before starting this arc. So did the people of Springfield have shovels or what? I mean they could have been thinking with force rather than logic. However, they made a joke about it in a later episode. It could be because of all of the guards and a surveillance system but we never saw them I don't think.

Zane P.O.V.
It has been a week since I defeated Daemon/Malik, killed Ash/Kirk, and saved Cypress Park from the duo. To me, it has been several years since I've been home but it's only been two weeks. I couldn't move after the party celebrating my victory. Daemon joined in even though he was a good distance away from the main event. I was mainly shocked at Kevin. I've known him since we were kids and all of this changed him for the better.

He was a technology and women obsessed teen who wanted to be popular but now, he's just happy to have friends. I guess he just wanted friends but his ego gave him enemies. I remember when he was given superpowers from Isis. She didn't know that things would happen the way they did but you can't change fate no matter how much power you have. He was so jealous of my popularity and I bet if he knew that I had powers, it would have made things worse.

The second time he got power was when Septchris used him to rule being that he failed thanks to my son Atem. We did stop him but Kevin was still corrupted by the scepter and he became a monster in a human shell. Me and Ray had to fight for our lives in the coliseum but we were saved by Atem. The weird thing was that everyone wore Egyptian outfits except for me. I did like seeing the girls in them but we're getting off topic here.

I always wondered why I would help people like Brad and Kevin. They were selfish people and one of them used to be my friend. I was lucky that I didn't have to make Kevin's ego bigger because of Sivarth's power inside of me. I'm sure that the beatdown he received that day made it clear to his ego and him what happens to people who are selfish. After that, he changed according to my friends and I'm happy for him.

Lately, I've been thinking about myself. Yeah, I have an ego and I know it. In the past two weeks, I know how weak I really am. In both my powers and myself. I love women despite being part of a species that's both gender and I love several of them. I always played the idiot to make sure that I didn't break anyone's heart but I did. I wonder why I did what I did but well, things happen for a dam reason.

I was currently looking over Cypress Park. Despite reconstruction, the city/town was in a state of destruction. Buildings were destroyed and nothing was in prime condition. The cars were also rusted over and mostly like unable to drive. It reminded me so much of those post-apocalyptic movies that I used to watch with my family but well, I didn't like seeing it come to life. I soon touched the ground after turning tangible. I was supposed to be resting in my house but I need to leave.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane currently had a clone there being that he hoped no one ,mainly his mom or grandma, found out about him leaving. Zane himself is currently wearing a dark purple t-shirt with distinctive short white sleeves to them, black jacket with gray lining, navy blue jeans, and his sneakers. He's also wearing the bandages around his right arm with both his watch and talisman. He need some air so he decided to walk around town.

Despite the debris, ruined vehicles, and a small amount of the rotting animal corpses, Zane reached the town. He would have been disgusted but he's been fighting, killing a couple of people, and other things, he doesn't care anymore. Zane was shocked to see that people were walking around being that they were exchange clothes, food, and other stuff rather than using money. Zane knew why they were doing this because Halphas and a couple of Pestcrusher burned down the bank for some reason.

Zane would have expected some Phantoms to be in town but Spiro told them all back being that they were having a massive town meeting. All of Terrarune was forced to come and this including the Phantoms in Zane's family were forced to go. Zane wasn't because Natasha asked Spiro to let Zane stay in town because she wanted to spend time with her real son. "Hey Zane!" yelled a voice. Zane turned around to see Cam heading toward him.

Cam said with a smile,"So how did you escape your prison your highness?". "I was already in prison Cameron and my house isn't a prison." said Zane. "Yeah. I'm betting the food is much better than that prison you went to." said Cam. "Honestly Cam, the food wasn't half bad. I think it was the fact that I was currently focused on saving my brother not to care about the food." said Zane. "I see. So where are your friends that you made in prison? I think one was wearing a crocodile suit." said Cam.

Zane said,"He's one of the normal one. I think he's with Liv cheering my recovery with the rest of the group. She's a nice woman but like the rest of her group, she's very free. So has anything been going in town lately?". "I think we should go to your castle." said Cam. He was currently heading toward City Hall as Zane said,"You do know that me and Malik are different people right?". "I do know that but it's more fun to call you Daemon." said Cam. "Ha Ha." said Zane.

The two were soon lead to City Hall and it was almost destroyed. "Lets get going Zane. I soon bet the mayor wants to see you." said Cam. Zane's right eye widened being that the two were soon heading toward the mayor's office as Zane looked around. "Yeah. We should have our town back to working order in a matter of weeks and we'll have to go back to that hell." said Cam. "Well, I won't think it's so bad." said Zane. "Yeah. You're the town hero." said Cam.

The two entered the office as Zane saw someone that I didn't expect to see. "Kevin?" said Zane. The teen sat in the chair and he looked right at Zane. "So why are you here? I mean I don't mind seeing you but I thought that your mom would have keep you in the house." said Kevin. "I sneaked out. It's pretty easy when you know how to clone yourself. So you're the mayor now? You're better than the last one." said Zane.

Kevin said,"True but that isn't very hard. I mean you weren't so bad. My counterpart was far worse in terms of treating us like animals.". "I'll leave you two alone. You must have a lot to talk about and I doubt it's for me." said Cam. He rolled out of the room as Kevin said,"So. When are you leaving? I mean you just came back and you're already leaving. Your Mom and Son wouldn't like that plus the girls won't either.".

Zane said,"Yeah but I need to get stronger Kevin. I want to protect everyone that I can with my power and if I stay here....". "Don't worry Zane. I'll protect the town." said Kevin. "You will? Let me guess. I bet you're doing this to just outshine me or something along those lines." said Zane. "Nope. I want to protect the town where my friends live. I have power Zane and I'll protect the town while you're gone I promise." said Kevin.

Zane said,"You've changed Kevin and for the better.". "Same for you Zane except I didn't get a cool mechanical arm and heart." said Kevin. "It's called an Essence Kevin." said Zane. "Heart and Essence are the same thing right?" said Kevin. "They are but Phantoms tend to get annoyed when you call it that." said Zane. "You better get going. I bet if you stay any longer Zane, you won't be able to leave town." said Kevin. Zane nodded as he flew out of the room.

Meanwhile in a unknown location, a snake was heading toward a mountain. Its scales was blue and white. It had a strange white wrapping around its stomach. It has dark markings around its eyes. It reached the mountain being that it slowly entered a cave. The snake soon said,"Master Eros. I've arrived.". It looked forward to see a extremely large dark purple Naga snake resting on a throne and it looked to be calm and male

He looked to be several times bigger than a normal human being that his body was wrapped around the room, making him at least twenty feet if standing up straight. He's wearing a professor's hat or a turban with seven pointed edges and a clear orb resting on the top of it. He's also wearing a chain around its neck and he was currently smoking. "Good Yayo. Is the portal ready?" said Eros. "Yes but are you sure that we should bring him here? I mean he may be the next Zero but still..." said Yayo.

Eros said,"I know that you and the other snakes are worried about having a human here but I need to see him right away. This is of great important.". "I understand that master but I'll be keeping a close eye on him." said Yayo. He soon slithered off as Eros said,"My child. I know that you are very worried about this human invading our land but right now, he need to know the only way to defeat the Omniverse's true enemy.".

Back in Cypress Park, Zane was currently heading toward his house. He soon disappeared being that he soon found himself in a hut. "Eat up sonny boy. You must be hungry." said a voice. Zane looked to see two snakes looking right at him. The one on the left had red markings around the mouth and the back of its body. It's wearing a high-collared gray robe over its yellow scaled body. It also looked like an old female.

The other snake looked to be an old male with his scales are a dark side of blue with some white scales. He's wearing a matching robe like the females. "So where am I?" said Zane. "My name is Hatari and this is my husband Darwin." said the yellow snake. "Sup. You didn't answer my question but it's nice to know my kidnappers." said Zane. "You're just like Shawn Zane except you have your mother's heart." said Darwin.

Zane said,"Hold on a second. You reptiles know my folks.". "We do but we don't have time to chat Zane." said Hatari. "Why?" said Zane. "You are going to meet Elder Eros." said Darwin. Zane looked confused as Hatari said,"I don't think Shawn told Zane about his connection to the Snake Clan before he went to the Infinite Void.". "That sounds right dear." said Darwin. The two talked as Zane thought aloud,"So did those two forget I'm here?".

Cole said,"Beats me Zane but I like them.". "I'm looking up the Snake Clan now Zane. Ask Sivarth if he knows anything." said Athena. "He would Athena but Sivarth is currently ignoring Zane for some reason. He's a total Tsun." said Cole. Zane sighed as he said,"I'll go see this Eros guy and I'll ask him my questions when I see him. So you said something about food?". "That sounds like a plan." said the two. Zane followed the two snakes as he said,"Oddly this isn't the weirdest thing in my life.".

Zane soon stood in front of Eros as Darwin and Hatari were to the left and right respectively. Zane saw Yayo glaring at him as Eros said,"Zane. It's good to finally meet you.". "Well, it's nice to meet you too." said Zane. "You fed him before arriving right?" said Eros. "We did but his stomach is much larger than Shawn was." said Hatari. "His powers may have something to do with that and he devour anything that wasn't stabled to the ground." said Darwin.

Eros said,"You're here Zane because you're planning to go on a training journey.". "So can you see the future or something? Darwin told me ,during our meal, that you and my dad have a connection that I don't remember or he never told me. The latter is more likely." said Zane. "That's your father Zane. Let me tell you something about your future. You'll soon meet and train with an abnormal man who lives on a island of animals and exist outside of time." said Eros.

Zane said,"Okay then.". "Do you know why you were picked as Zero?" said Eros. "I guess Leif just liked me. He told me that I'll be fighting Skull Plague one day and I need to be ready for it so that's my main reason for training. I also want to protect my friends and I know they'll protect me. May I ask a question?" said Zane. "What?" said Eros. "Where in the Omniverse are we? I mean I think we're in a forest but that's all I got." said Zane.

The five heard,"I think I'll be able to answer your question Zane.". Zane turned to see Leif floating there as Eros said,"It's good to see you old friend.". "And you as well. So have you told Zane about his future?" said Leif. "He did Elder." said Yayo. "So where are we?" said Zane. "You're currently in the Klepehn Woodlands. This is the home of all snakes in the Omniverse. My good friend Eros here is also an Astral Elder being a Eazairvian just like us Zane." said Leif.

Zane said,"That's cool. Nice to meet another Eazairvian being that I've only met two others except for myself. So are there more elders or what?". "Over all, there are thirteen elders being that except for me, the other twelve elders are based off the Chinese Zodiac. I could have based it off the Western Zodiac but I'm not a fan of them." said Leif. "So where are the other eleven elders? I would like to meet them." said Zane.

Eros said,"My fellows are currently in the Astral Realm. Your father is the only other human to have ever visited this place.". "Really? That's awesome." said Zane. "And while I may like Shawn, you're nothing more than just his hatchling." said Yayo. He was glaring at Zane with Hatari said,"Please be nice Yayo to our guest. Zane here has proven himself to Eros and myself. Zane here ate my famous Bug Soup without complaining unlike my idiot husband.".

Darwin whistled as Zane said,"So why don't you like it Darwin? I mean it's really good. So whenever you don't eat it, are you in the doghouse or whatever the snake version is called. I think it would be called the snake condominium". "Focus. Zane, you have collected two of the Astral Priestess's book correct?" said Eros. "Yeah. Volume 2 and 5. I know about the Vulcorian and how my kind worked with Skull Plague to wipe them out." said Zane.

Leif sighed as he said,"Yeah. That wasn't one of our species's brightest moves. Skull Plague and the Qlakriks tricked us with them wiping us out. I think there are four Eazairvian left in the Omniverse and well, I'll tell about it later Zane.". "Wow. He actually stopped himself from going into one of his speeches." said Cole. "I guess he knows when to be serious like a certain someone who lives inside of the watch." said Athena.  

Zane sighed as he wished that he wasn't the only one ,most of the time, that could hear the married couple argue. "Eros, have you told Zane about the Prophecy of Space and Time?" said Leif. "No but I will now. The Astral Priestess is famous for those seven books along with being the first being ,that isn't an Eazairvian, to ever defeat Skull Plague. She sealed him in the Dread Dimension aka the home of the Qlakriks for the end of time with him unable to leave." said Eros.

Zane whistled as he said,"Wow. She sounded real strong. So where did she do this? I want to see this place.". "She perform this in Noble Haven, Japan in the Prime Dimension by the way. Now a day, the Prophecy of Space and Time is seen the main way for the Omniverse to defeat Skull Plague or there will be a whole lot of fighting and I really mean that." said Eros. Cole whispered to Zane,"He means you by the way Zane.".

Athena punched him as Leif said,"There are twelve symbols and they're connected to people who are the most close to you Zane since you're the most current Zero and hopefully, the longest living. The twelve symbols for the Prophecy of Space and Time are Annihilation, Competition, Creation, Life, Love, Magic, Peace, Science, Sight, Space, Time, and Violence.". "So when will I meet them?" said Zane. "You've met most of them already Zane but you'll me them when the time is right." said Eros.

Zane said,"So do all elders like speaking in riddles?". Zane evade the tail as Yayo said,"Listen up brat. You may be Shawn's son but you're not earning my trust so easily.". "I get you. So how do I get back home? I'll be in the doghouse too if I don't get back before dinner." said Zane. "Soon. I do need to warn you about your teacher." said Hatari. "He's interesting but he's very powerful and don't take him lightly." said Darwin. "Gotcha." said Zane.

Eros said,"Before you leave Zane, take this.". Zane soon caught a sword and he looked at it. It was currently resting in a white sheath with a dark purple snake design wrapped around it. "You'll be a impressive warrior with Espada. This blade was once used by Eros and he'll be able to contact you through the sword." said Leif. "Gotcha. So how do I go back?" said Zane as he held the sword. He was soon gone as Leif followed suit.

Zane soon found himself in front of his house as a couple of Freedom Worlders were shocked to see him appear. "Okay. I really need to learn how those reptiles did that." said Zane. "Zane? What are you doing out of your house?" said the Freedom Worlder who was wearing a Raccoon Costume. "It's a long story. So where is Liv? I need to talk with her." said Zane. "Follow us. I like your sword by the way Zane. It's nice." said a Freedom Worlder wearing a deer costume and is a female.

Zane soon saw Liv dancing with Ivan as Colleen, Elisa, and Marissa sat nearby. "I'm happy that you guys are taking this lightly." said Zane. Liv hugged him as Ivan said,"It's good to see you old friend! I am joining the group to find my friend Shawn for you!". Zane sneaked out of Liv's grip as Liv said,"I still can't believe you Zane. Your bonds with your friends and family are stronger than fate itself. It's also good to see you back to normal!".

Zane said,"Yeah but I'm happy that you two are safe.". "We have your grandma to thank for that and I'm just happy to be back with Mistress Liv." said Colleen. "Zane." said a voice. The group soon saw Daryl as Zane saw that he was wounded. "Zane. Don't blame yourself for what happened to you. We all wanted to kill Kirk and the pain that you felt was felt by all there. You should know that I owe my life to you and your father." said Daryl.

Zane said,"I know but it doesn't make me feel better. Is my family home?". "Nope. They went out to get some food. We're going to have a big dinner and party before we head out to the Infinite Void. It will also be for your journey." said Daryl. "Have you told your mother yet Zane?" said Liv. "Not yet Liv. I'm going on this journey no matter what." said Zane. "We'll make sure to be by your side as that will happen no matter what." said Ivan. "Thanks. I'll need it for sure." said Zane.

Zane was about to go inside as Liv said,"Zane. Our journey together is going to end. It's been a fun one right?". "Yeah." said Zane. "I think all of us are bonded by the memories we made." said Ivan as he started to spin. "Zane. You're an honorary member of Freedom World just like you and the rest of the gang. We'll make sure to write tales of you for years to come. I promise Zane." said Liv. Daryl smiled as he said,"We'll leave you be.". Zane walked into his house through a hole.

Zane looked around to see that compared to outside, the damages were very few. Zane remembered that this place was the home of the Resistance. He soon headed upstairs and he went into his room as he remembered being shocked upon seeing it undamaged despite everything that happened. Zane sat at on his bed as he placed the sword down next to him. "So? Are you going to come out and talk with me or what?" said Zane.

Zane looked up to see Hourglass Universe floating there as she said,"So your senses have improved since the last time we meet.". "Yeah. So why are you here?" said Zane. "You're planning to train for several days no months to become stronger right? I'll be helping you train." said Hourglass as she floated next to him. "Seriously? I mean we barely know each other at all." said Zane. "I owe your father a strong debt and I intend on paying it." said Hourglass.

Zane said,"I'm guessing you knew all of this was going to happen didn't you?". "Perhaps. You did defeat Daemon and also forgive him for your crime. I'm impressed." said Hourglass. "Thanks so you're a powerful Phantom right?" said Zane. "I am. Do you wish to see the past?" said Hourglass as she made a portal. "Yeah. I need to see everything from the beginning. I should be back for the party right?" said Zane. Hourglass nodded as Zane said,"Lets go.". The two were gone.

Zane looked at Hourglass as he said,"So how far are we going back?". "To see your dad when he was your age." said Hourglass. "So a hundred years ago." said Cole. "Don't say anything Cole." said Athena. The two were out of the portal as Zane looked around. "We're in Taelamelan. I guess Dad didn't live on Earth before meeting Mom." said Zane. "We're currently viewing a memory of the famous Sorcerer city. We also can't be seen by them." said Hourglass.

Zane said,"So I can like stick my hand through someone and they won't notice.". "Yes but try not to do that Zane too much. It gets annoying to see. Lets go." said Hourglass. The two soon began walking as Zane said,"So how do you know my dad? I thought Phantoms and Sorcerers hated each other.". "This was before that stupid feud began Zane. Your father is a very accepting man just like you are." said Hourglass. "Yeah. I guess he taught me a lot before he well...." said Zane.

The two were in front of a house as Zane said,"This is my dad's house right? We may not be able to interact with the people here but I can feel a strong amount of Animus mainly Grandpa's everywhere in the house.". "You're correct. Lets go in." said Hourglass. The two went through the building as Zane looked around. It was rather big and more like a temple than a house. He soon heard,"Come on Nate. Hurry up and try to hit me. We do have a mission today remember?".

Zane looked at Hourglass who mouthed,"Find out. They won't see you.". Zane soon sneaked toward the sound as Athena said,"You do know that you could be playing the drums right now and they won't hear you right?". "Yeah but Zane is being a ninja." said Cole. Zane soon found the sound's location as he opened the door. He saw three teens ,about thirteen, standing there with two of them being males and fighting as the other one was a female.

One of the boys was standing there and he looked rather bored. He has short black hair, blue eyes with a pair of light green framed glasses, a t-shirt with an eight ball in the center of it, a gray belt with blue jeans, and brown slip on shoes. The other boy had more scratches on him as he was an average size in both height and muscle tone. His pointed chin and nose stuck out to Zane. He has short and spiky sandy blonde hair and pale hazel eyes.

Zane saw that nearby the girl, there was a dark blue jacket with a fire themed collar and trimmings to it. It also had a fireball symbol on the back of it. The boy was wearing a white short sleeved shirt with purple shorts, white belt, and black sandals. The girl looked to be an average height with her having burgundy brown hair that goes down to the middle of her back. She has fair skin and green eyes being quite large but still attractive. Her eyebrows were long and arched being that they're naturally thin.

She's wearing a light-green kimono top with long purple sleeves, red skirt with black tights, and brown high heeled sandals. She had a backpack nearby her and the jacket. "You know one of them don't you Zane?" said Hourglass. Zane turned around to see her floating there as Zane said,"Yeah. I guess so.". "I don't get why you're being such a prude. I mean this time, I'm going to win." said the blond. "But you've lost several times now Nate. It's getting sad." said the blackette.

Zane's eyes widened as Zane said,"Is the blond?". "Yes. That is Fallout when he was your age. He was a sorcerer.". "But why isn't he a living, breathing example of freaking nuclear radiation? He was a sorcerer?!" said Zane as he looked at Hourglass. "You'll need to ask your grandfather about how and why Nate is the puppet of Skull Plague. It's a long story." said Hourglass. Nate fell on the ground as the girl said,"Did you have to use that spell on him Shawn?".

Shawn shrugged as he said,"He was boring me Isabel. I thought knocking him out would end this weak excuse for a fight.". Nate bounced back up as he said,"I'm not done yet Shawn!". "And it's time for our mission. Lets go you two." said Shawn. Nate was shocked by this as Isabel put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Nate! You're getting him next time for sure! You're going to be the strongest Sorcerer right?" said Isabel. "Yeah!" said Nate. The three were gone.

Zane sat down as he said,"So my dad was a asshole when he was a kid?". "He was born with a high I.Q. and strong connection to the world of magic. Your father has a bit of an ego but that part of him left him by the time he met your mother. So aren't you curious about the girl at all?" said Hourglass. "She isn't my mom. I've seen pictures and heard stories. They didn't meet until they were in college according to the stories." said Zane.

Hourglass said,"You and that woman have a bond that was born because of her and your father plus Nate been on the same team.". The area around them began to warp as Zane heard,"Time to see the next scene Zane.". Zane soon saw that it was now five years later as he saw an older version of his dad and Nate ,looking and dressing the same as they did when thirteen but older, fighting each other. "I really do take a lot after him. He's 6 feet tall right?" said Zane. "It seems so." said Hourglass.

Shawn said,"Come on Nate! Today is the day you could finally defeat me!". "Yep. He's a different person alright." thought Zane. "Screw you man! I'll make sure that you're ready to fight any problem on Earth." said Nate. "Earth?" said Zane. "Today is special because like with you, this is his last day in his home." said Hourglass. "This must be the fight that Mom was telling me about. She told me that my dad and his best friend were having a final fight between bros." said Zane.

Zane watched as Shawn dodged several fireballs being that it was by a split second. "Wow. You've grown since our last fight." said Shawn. "I don't need your sarcasm Shawn. I've gotten stronger just like you have." said Nate. He release a wave of flames from his mouth being that Shawn made his shield appear. "He's had that shield since he was sixteen and it became his signature weapon soon after." said Hourglass. "I see." said Zane.

Shawn placed the shield in front of him as it protected him from the flame. Shawn threw the shield as Nate said,"Ha! You .....". Nate dodged Shawn's punch as Nate heard,"I decided for our final match to follow in your footsteps.". Nate smiled as he punched Shawn. The two began brawling as Zane said with a smile,"I guess Dad had a friend like Danny when he was my age.". "Those two teens are very much like brothers like you and Daniel are and will be always." said Hourglass.

One of the door opened up as the two were brawling. Zane saw an older Isabel standing there as she sighed. "I should have expect this but today isn't the day for your silly fighting!" said Isabel. Zane saw her disappear being that she punched both of them on the head. "Wow! I knew it ! Messing with a women is a bad idea! They can move at light speed!" said Zane. "She used magic to enhanced her speed Zane but it's a good lesson for any man to learn." said Hourglass.

The boys said,"Ow! Why did you do that?!". "Because you're leaving for Earth Shawn and I really don't want to piss off your dad or Morgan." said Isabel. "I'm not scared of your old man but your friend. She's scary." said Nate. "You know what they say about women Nate." said Shawn. "They may be beautiful but don't piss them off." said Nate. The two were soon hit by Isabel knocking them out as she dragged them out of the room.

Zane sweatdropped as he said,"So am I like that?". "Sometimes but you have Crisis Judgement so you can dodge the fist of love." said Hourglass. "So are we going to see a younger grandpa and the headmistress?" said Zane. "Yes." said Hourglass. The two soon warped in front of a portal as Zane saw both Darin and Morgan standing there. Darin looked the same being that he looked old and the young woman looked like her daughter.

Zane said,"Wow. Dawn really takes after her mom.". "Ah. You have a connection with the Sorcerer and I feel like you two will have a relationship like your parents did." said Hourglass. "I guess so Hourglass. So where is my dad?". "Being dragged here by Isabel. She learned how to enhanced her strength from your grandfather." said Hourglass. "Yeah. Grandpa is a strong guy despite his hatred of doing any kind of paperwork." said Zane.

Morgan said,"Darin. Do you think sending your idiot of a son to Earth? I mean what happens if his secret is revealed. I doubt the Alliance can cover up the secret of magic if it gets revealed.". "I don't have any worries about my grandson. He's an Alvarez and a proud one! I hope he brings me and the wife a cute daughter in law and one day, a grandchild stronger than the past two generations combined! You and my son would make a good couple." said Darin.

Morgan smiled as she said,"He's a sweet guy but he isn't my type. Shawn is amazing. He helped me gain life long friends in Isabel and Nate.". "True but at least, you're a good friend of the family. If you ever need a job, just come to me and I'll give you a job hands down." said Darin, with a smile on his face "Thank you Mr. Alvarez. I'll keep that in mind." said Morgan. The two saw the trio coming toward them as Darin started laughing.

Morgan saw Isabel with her arms crossed as Nate and Shawn stood behind her with them covered in bruises. "Let me guess. These two were fighting again Isabel." said Morgan. "Yeah. You think that they could stop fighting for one day but they haven't since we were on this team." said Isabel. "Yeah but real man bond with their fists!" said Darin. "You're so right" said Nate. "Please don't encourage them Mr. Alvarez." said Isabel and Morgan.

Shawn said,"So are you guys going to miss me?". "You better not screw things up Shawn. You do know how hard it is for Sorcerers to leave right? Even on mission, we're limited on where we go to begin with." said Morgan. "I can't promise that I won't expose having power but I won't tell anyone except for my true love about my world where I came from." said Shawn. "You seriously think that you'll find your true love on Earth?" said Isabel.

Shawn said,"Well, I believe that I will so have a little faith in me.". "Well, she better be strong. I'm looking for a new rival since my last one was so bad. I mean he may have been a pain being that he was always defeating me but with each fight, I felt us getting closer. We're more like brothers than rivals and I'm going to miss him." said Nate. Nate held out his right fist as he said,"Remember what Master Rico told us when we went to go visit him.".

Shawn nodded as he said,"Even though we may be apart, we're bonded upon colliding fists.". The two fist bumped as Zane said,"Master Rico? I've never heard of him before in any of my dad's books so who is he?". "You'll understand soon. Our next scene is several years later when your father was 24 years old and your mother a year younger. We're also going to New York. It's where your parents met and feel in love thanks to Liv." said Hourglass.

Zane saw the world transforming being that he saw that he was in the streets of New York as Zane said,"Yep. This is New York. So where is their place? I can't sense either of them.". "You're see them soon Zane." said Hourglass. Zane heard,"Get the Vulcorian. Master Skull Plague needs him alive and well, I rather not piss him off.". "Skull Plague?" said Zane. "Yes. This is the story on how you got your Vulcorian blood." said Hourglass. "I got what?!" said Zane.

Hourglass said,"Lets go back to earlier. You'll understand better.". The area warped as Zane saw his parents talking. Shawn looked the same as he did when he saw him in Animus except without the silver streak or faint five o'clock shadow. His mom was wearing a green short-collared blouse with her wearing it over a long, brown dress that goes down to her knees. She's wearing black heels with it being an inch high. "Wow. My mom looks amazing even at that age." said Zane.

Hourglass said,"Your mom has always been beautiful Zane. Look at her stomach.". Zane looked at it as his eyes widened. "That's me right?" said Zane. "Yep. At this time, Shawn has been recently told that he's a father." said Hourglass. "Cool." said Zane. "Natasha. I'm sorry about leaving you and the baby alone." said Shawn. "It's fine honey. You know that your father wouldn't want something that bad out in the city. You're the close operative around. So what was it called again?" said Natasha.

Hourglass said,"Your father didn't want to keep any secrets in their relationship so he told her everything.". "Not sure Natasha. I'll be back to tuck you and..... Did we decided on a name yet? I was thinking Malik. Pretty cool right?" said Shawn. Zane's eyes widened as Natasha said,"Malik sounds like a good name but to be honest with you, I want to name our first son Zane. It just fits him doesn't it Shawn?". "I guess so dear. I'll be back." said Shawn. He kissed her as he disappeared.

Zane soon saw that Shawn was on the roof of a building as he said,"Okay. The old man says that the creature reacts to a high amount of power.". He released out Animus as Zane said,"Wow. My old man isn't a slouch!". "Zane. He's one of the strongest Sorcerer of his generation so I wouldn't be too shocked Zane." said Hourglass. "Yeah but I've never seen him serious before." said Zane. The two Alvarez heard screaming as Shawn looked down to see blood coming from an alleyway.

Shawn said,"Shit. Intel was wrong. It doesn't care about who it kills.". He was about to go check on those people but he heard something behind him. "Don't go buddy. They're long since dead." said a voice. He turned around to see a male creature standing right there. He has long white hair being that it went down to his knees. His skin is a pure alabaster white color. He has two silver curved horns that extended right in front of his body. His irises were bright gold and they stuck out.

His pupils were white and silt shaped like snakes with his sclera being black. His cheekbones were still high. It had a broad red line coming from the lower part of his eyes and green lines below them as they made a skull shape. His blood red teeth looked rather jagged and sharp. His blood red nails are long enough to be called claws. He had blades sprouted from his calves and forearms. His body had a gold outline.

He's wearing a robe that's closed at the top of his chest. It's open and in turn, it was showing off his broad upper torso and muscular body. He had a giant hole in the center of his torso. His arms were covered in gray fur. He's wearing dark gold pants with black combat boots. He had a katana sheathed on his right side. He's wearing silver ,natural looking, pauldrons. "What in the gods name are you? It doesn't matter because you're going down!" said Shawn. He threw his shield toward the creature.

Hourglass said,"Do you remember the creature?". "Somewhat. He looks to be a monster version of that other me who was kicking my ass while I was that monster hurting my friends." said Zane. The creature caught the weapon and it roared. "Okay. You're not human." said Shawn. The creature threw the shield away as he rushed toward Shawn with a grin on him. "Bring it on. I plan to live for me, my family, and my soon to be born baby boy!" said Shawn as the two collided.

Shawn jumped back as he thought,"This thing is much stronger than I thought. I'm forced on the defense. This isn't good.". Shawn rushed toward his shield as he blocked the creature's left arm blade in a second. "Okay. This thing must have some training on him. It's like I'm clashing with Nate but he's still alive. What is this thing?" thought Shawn. He went back as Shawn and the creature sensed something coming toward them.

The creature began charging up energy as it focused in the center of his horns. It was a pure white color as he yelled,"Karmic Limbo!". A giant beam came out as it made a massive explosion over the city. The creature just stood there as Shawn said,"That power. I can't believe that it just did a Karmic Limbo and used Mojo. The Vulcorian were wiped out before even the old man was around. So what the hell are you doing here?". It soon started to rain over the city.

Shawn's shield was soon blocked by the creature's blade. Zane noticed that it was an exact copy of the blade that the older him used in Elysian. "Don't you see the big picture here Sorcerer? I've survived this long despite having the Alliance and Odium Society looking for me. It's really annoying you know." said the creature. The two soon heard,"Get the Vulcorian. Master Skull Plague needs him alive and well, I rather not piss him off.".

Zane soon saw two figures floating there as Zane said,"They have the same energy as Xiadur. They must be....". "Yes Zane. The two of them are Qlakrik just like the former warden of the worst prison in the Omniverse." said Hourglass. One of them looked female with the one next to the lady looked male. The one on the right had an interesting body since compare to the male, she looked human.

She has a tall and slime figure with her looking attractive to males due to her body. It's slender with it curving down, having clearly wide hips. She has long blue hair that goes to her waist and dark green eyes. Her eyes are covered by a black ring around them. She has a button nose and large gold earrings. The upper half is a light blue color and the lower half is a black color.  She has five fingers with each nail having hot pink nail polish to it and looking like claws.

She's wearing a backless red dress with a large silt in the middle of it and white high heels which looked rather small on her. She has a thin and curly looking tail, looking like a pig tail. The male was wearing a silver bull/crab skull helmet over his face. He's wearing a long white trench coat like cloak over his body being that he has a navy blue, furred pauldron on both of his shoulders. He's wearing a navy blue sleeveless shirt under his coat.

He finishes off his outfit with light blue trousers, black combat boots, and bandages over his body. He has a musket like weapon on him but it had a sniper scope and the bayonet part looked to be part of a rapier. It was connected to him by a winged x belt that went across his chest. "Okay then. Those two are very powerful." said Shawn, sensing them. "So what should we do about the Sorcerer? He seems pretty yummy to me Surgrag." said the female licking her lips freaking Shawn out.

Surgrag ,aka the male, sighed as he said,"Do whatever with him Carza. I will be focused on...". He was stopped as a white energy beam heading toward him and it was blocked by Carza. In response to this, the creature roared. "You're a loud one aren't you?" said Carza. She gathered up energy in her fists being that it was a blue color as she fired an beam at the creature who dodged it but it turned around and Carza said,"Your luck is mine you ugly son of a bitch.".

Much to his shock, the creature was soon hit by the beam sending him toward the ground away from them. Shawn was about to run in toward them as Surgarg said with a groan,"I guess you'll annoy us as well.". Shawn was soon trapped in a blood red energy cage as the two Qlakrik and monster was gone. Zane soon saw that he was now with his mother who was reading a magazine in their home's living room.

Natasha said,"I hope your father is okay Zane. I'm not sure if you're going to be a boy but I got a feeling that you'll be one. Call it a case of women's intuition. If you're born a girl, your name is Zara.". She soon heard something crashing toward the ground outside of her home with Shawn as Zane said,"Don't go out there Mom!". She didn't hear him as he followed her. Both of them saw the creature panting. He was missing his right arm.

The creature said,"I forgot how annoying those dam Qlakriks can be with their Carnal. It's just like the Eazairvian's Primordial. So annoying.". He looked up to see Carza and Surgrag flying toward him. "I'm getting sick of their kind chasing my ass all over the Omniverse. Lets see how they like being send back to their master." said the creature. He soon fired a massive white beam being that it soon erased Carza, causing Surgrag to flee.

The creature soon fell to the ground and Natasha ran toward him. "Don't!" yelled Zane. She ignored him once again as Zane heard,"That Vulcorian is quite powerful isn't he Zane?". Zane turned to see Hourglass behind him as Zane said,"So what did you mean by me having Vulcorian powers? I'm a Cross-Species of FOUR species not FIVE!". "You'll understand soon enough. Lets go forward in time once again." said Hourglass. "I'm getting real sick of people saying that." said Zane.

Zane soon saw that he was looking at the creature inside of a bed. He began stirring as the two heard a voice said,"Don't move Kane. You still need time to heal.". Zane saw Natasha standing there in the doorway with her arms crossed. "I've told you a thousand time now human female that my name is Xazzaran." said Kane. "And I've told you a thousand time that name is so boring. Kane sounds pretty cool doesn't it?" said Natasha."I guess. So why haven't you told your man about me yet?" said Kane.

Natasha said,"Well, you're my friend.". "Excuse me? I tried to eat your soul when you saved me from that god awful rain. I've killed several of your kind without a single moment of doubt in my mind." said Kane. "To be honest, I wanted to tell Shawn about you living here after seeing his wounds from your fight." said Natasha. "Yeah. Not sorry about that but he's stronger than most Sorcerers I've eaten and their power is really sweet." said Kane.

Natasha said with a smile,"You're a good person Kane. I can feel it my heart.". "You saved me just because your heart told me that I'm a good person. It must be a prime example of that women's intuition crap." said Kane. He was soon punched by Natasha as she said with a frown,"You're being a bad guest you know.". "Fine. So when's the date?" said Kane. "For my child right?" said Natasha as Kane nodded.

Natasha looked at her stomach as she said,"His due date is going to be July 11th. Why do you ask Kane?". "No reason female. So what's for dinner? I'm starving." said Kane. "It's Steak. I got a lot of it this time after remembering how much you eat." said Natasha. "It's a curse. To have this much power inside of you, you need to eat like you're going to a buffet. Remember that." said Kane as he smiled. Natasha rolled her eyes as she left the room.

Zane said,"So is Kane a tsun?". "Vulcorian were once a proud species and Kane being the last one gave him some humility. Lets go to your birth now." said Hourglass. The room warped once again as Zane soon saw that he was in a hospital room. He saw his mom sitting there looking depressed as Zane said,"Wait a minute. I remember mom telling me that she was happy to hold me in her arms for the first time so.....".

He heard crying as Zane said,"That sounds like my crying.". "You know this how?" said Cole. "It's because he knows himself." said Hourglass. "Wait a minute. You can hear them?" said Zane. She nodded as Shawn entered the room. He groaned as Natasha said,"What is going on with our child Shawn?". "Okay then. According to the doctors, our boy has both Animus and Nether inside of him." said Shawn.

Natasha said,"You have Animus and that's like magic. So where did this Nether come from?". "It's from your daddy." said a voice. The two turned to see Conner standing there. "Conner?! What are you doing here?" said the couple. "I came here to see my godson." said Conner. "And how did you get here from New York? Pretty sure you don't have a job." said Shawn. "Well, I walked here obviously." said Conner with a serious look.

Shawn face palmed as Natasha said,"So what do you mean by that? I was adopted by my family when I was little.". "Well, it's complicated so you may want to sit down Shawn since Natasha is already in bed." said Conner. Shawn sat down as Conner said,"Your little boy has the powers of a Phantom aka your species enemy Shawn because of your wife. When a Phantom mates with a different species, their children doesn't get any of the Phantom's signature powers.".

The two nodded as Shawn slowly got the picture and Natasha was confused. "The kids may have enhanced abilities but you won't be phasing through walls anytime soon Natasha so try to do once you're free. It instead goes to their grandchildren aka Zane. It's skips a generation.". "So my dad was a Phantom? What about my mom?" said Natasha. "I think you'll tell us tomorrow after you somehow find a way to heal our son." said Shawn. "You know me so well Shawn." said Conner.

Shawn got on his knees with him saying,"You've been like this since we were in college Conner so please help our son.". "Shawn." said Natasha. "Well, I was going to do it without you prostrating yourself but...." said Conner. He took a picture as Shawn said,"Dam it! Can't you be serious for once in your life?!". "Nah. That sounds boring and when there is an opportunity for blackmail, I'm going to take it." said Conner.

Shawn groaned as Natasha said,"So how do you know all of this Conner? I mean you know about Shawn being a sorcerer and me being the daughter of Phantom.". "Well, I know everything including how your husband here isn't good on arrival." said Conner. Shawn blushed as Natasha sighed. "Lets do it." said Conner. He left the room as Shawn said,"So why is he our friend again?". "Honestly. I have no idea but I'm thankful to him." said Natasha.

Conner was in the Newborn Nursery being that he looked for Zane. He soon found him being that Zane was crying. He had been crying since being born and Conner knew it was because of the conflicting forces in his body. Due to his neverending crying, Zane was forced into a different room in order to not bother the other patients. He enter the private room as he said,"Man. You sure are a crier. I really wish I learned that silencing spell from that Sorceress I was with.".

He looked at the baby as he said,"So when are you coming out to play with little old me? I mean I hate looking too crazy.". Hourglass and Zane soon appeared in the room as Zane said,"Is he talking about us? From what you've shown me, Conner is unique.". "That's an decent word to describe him yes. He's currently talking to an old friend of ours. We just saw him recently." said Hourglass.

Zane said,"You mean Isabel and Nate right? I don't know how they would help my body adjust to having Animus and Nether plus Sivarth inside of my body rent free by the way.". "Just watch and learn Zane." said Hourglass. "K." said Zane. The teen was shocked to see Kane standing there. "So how the hell did you sense me? You know why I'm here right?" said Kane. He walked toward the child and looked at him.

The baby didn't see the Vulcorian standing there due to him crying. "I'm just that awesome and are you sure about this? I mean if you do this, you can't go back. Heck, you'll give this kid even more power then he's going to have. I think he'll have a really big god complex." said Conner. "I owe Natasha a favor for healing me through human methods after I defeated both of the Qlakrik who tried to kill me." said Kane.

He placed his left hand on the baby as Kane said,"I'm sure that this kid will be worthy of having the strongest power in the Omniverse. You know that already don't you?". His body soon began glowing as Conner said,"Do you have last words for Natasha? She'll never see you again or will she when she looks into her son's eyes?". "Tell her that Kane always repays the people who don't judge him because of his race and to protect her kid like a good mother should." said Kane.

Kane soon turn into light being that he went into the crying baby. The baby stopped crying as the man took a breath of air. "Thank god. I didn't expect him to be so loyal to Natasha but she did help him despite him being the last of its kind." said Conner. Conner looked at the sleeping baby as he said,"I'm sure you'll be having troubles in your life kid but here's some advice from your godfather. Be proud of your power and show them the power of your name.". He left the room.

Hourglass looked at Zane as she said,"Are you okay Zane?". "I'm fine. I'm just shocked that Kane would do something like that for a woman who saved her life. I mean he was the last of his kind and he wasted it on her kid." said Zane. "You should listen to Conner. He may be a very strange man Zane but I'm sure that he can be trusted to give some sage like advice from time to time." said Hourglass. The room warped once again as Zane said,"So what are we seeing now?".

Hourglass said,"The time from your 4th Birthday to your 6th Birthday. This is going to be a long one so are you ready to see it?". "I guess so. I mean I saw my dad when he was around my age and I guess that my perspective on him changed a little bit. So will this show me what happened to him? I know bits and pieces but I rather know the truth." said Zane. "Yes.  I'm a Phantom of Time so I can go back to any time." said Hourglass. "Then lets go." said Zane.

Next time,
We got back 12-10 years to see Zane when he was only a child. So what happened to Shawn? Will the truth be revealed? And when will the training start? This and more next time on Zero!

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