Saturday, October 28, 2017

Zero Episode 52 Worst Future Ever PT 3 The Fixer, Rainbow and Tyrannus Nether, and Daemon's Origin

A/N: Yeah. Things are pretty intense in this alternative future. Vicky died in Zane's arms, Zane tried to avenge her death by defeated or killing him depend on how mad he gets or doesn't have control of his actions, and he lost his Essence and right arm thanks to Daemon. He's pretty much on death's door right now. What happened to Lucius? We know that he didn't go to the past so could he still be in the future? What's up with the title? Will we learn more about Celestial Anatomy? Wow. This is sounding like the end card but it isn't.

Zane P.O.V.
I was soon knocked into the portal which was created by my alternative future counterpart who went by the name Daemon instead of Zane. I could tell by his Nether Signature that he was more Phantom than Eazarirvian and even human. I could tell that Daemon wasn't good and well, things haven't been going good since coming to this future. I lost my right arm and my essence. My essence is my heart and for some reason, I'm still well alive. I wasn't even Legion Zero but normal old Zane.

I couldn't stop to figure out what's going on because I was drifting through Terrarune. It wasn't my dimension Terrarune being that I could still tell this despite not having a essence. I struggled against the ropes that was slowly burning my skin. "I have to get out of this! Power Up!" I grunted. I tried to go hero but I soon found myself even more struck in the rope. "This's a pain in my ass." I said. I soon found myself heading toward a meteor and I closed my eyes.

I heard,"Hey bro. Wake up.". I woke up to see Lucius as I said,"Lucius?! What are you?". I stayed behind to help you fight Daemon but I failed." said Lucius. I looked at the spot that belong to my right arm as I said,"Yeah. It's fine.". "Zane! You lost your arm and we have no idea about how we get back home! Daemon is planning something with his army and I doubt that it isn't going to be pretty Zane!" yelled Lucius.

I said with me glaring right at him ,"Lucius. I never give up no matter what. Our father never gave up even when the odds are against him. I'm his son and that means I never give up! I'm going to find a way back home, defeated Daemon, and save the day from my evil self. I may have lost my arm and essence but I'm still kicking!". Lucius was silent as I said,"I need your help brother. I want to save the people that I care about so help me please.". He looked at me as he said,"Fine. Lets do this.".

I smiled as Lucius said,"Okay Z. We need to get you out of this before anything...". He was blasted away by an Orange Nether Clown Car. "Lucius!" I yelled. I turned to see Jester standing there. He wasn't the same clown as before. His face was still covered by white makeup ,which is now natural being that he has pale skin, and red lipstick. His body is far more muscular and wearing a different outfit. I was actually hoping that Jester in my dimension changes hint hint.

Instead of the torn clown outfit, he's wearing a gray jumpsuit with sleeves torn off and he had a strange tattoo of a clown skull on both shoulders. His arms were covered in burns mostly like from Daemon I hope. His left hand was covered in a white glove while his right hand was a very big and massive Thompson Submachine Gun mostly likely for me. His mouth was wide open revealing his sharp yellow slightly rotten teeth.

His once short almost not existing red hair was now dark gray with it going over his right brown eye and the other one was cybernetic. He's wearing big black shoes. His left arm are covered in dark blue orbs which looked to be filled with explosives. His gray jumpsuit are covered with purple streaks. "I found you Zaney boy. All of you have been planning on taking you down and here you are. You must be feeling rather stupid huh?" said Jester.

I said,"Jester? What happened to you?". "YOU DID THIS!!!!!!" yelled Jester. He then took a deep breath as Crisis Judgement went off. I barely avoided his acidic breath which destroyed the meteor behind me. It looked cool yet deadly. I then bumped into something as I looked to see a slightly ,and I used the term loosely, larger Marie. Her skin was still pale and tan. Her curves are gone as her hair was still the same, her eyes still glowed the same, and fangs were still the same.

Her outfit was still the same but it fit her bigger size. Her freckles were still there as I said,"Marie?! I think you're....". "I'm fat aren't I?! You killed all of the vampires in my clan just because I tried to seduce you?!" said Marie. "Beautiful. You know what they say. Big is Beautiful!" I said. She soon punched me back and I crashed into something else. "Oh. Who's next?" I said. I turned to see Specter Samurai with him ,missing all of his limbs, just floating there.

I looked at him with me saying,"Specter Samurai?! Okay, I don't know what happened to you but it wasn't my...........". "Die Alvarez." said SS. He threw his sword at me with it soon forming into a shadow like creature. It slammed into me and I saw that Jester was making a giant clown head over him while Marie was making red nether heading toward me. "Don't attack me! I'm innocent! You got the wrong...!" I said before I was blasted by them at once.

Narrator P.O.V.
Back on the Prime Earth and in Zane's room, Daemon ,in his Zane's disguise, sat on Zane's bed and he looked around."My old room. It hasn't changed at all." said Daemon. He looked at Zane's guitar and he said,"Here's the thing that was going to change my social status at that school. I'm guessing that Zane is far more popular than Malik Vincent Alvarez ever was.". His senses went off as he saw his mother standing there as she said,"So how are you feeling Zane?".

Daemon shook his head as he said,"I'm fine Mother.". "Mother? I'm not that old Zane. So what was the future like?" said Natasha. "It wasn't the best and I don't want to think about it." said Daemon. "I understand Zane. Have I ever told you about how proud I am about you being Legion Zero?" said Natasha. "Countless times mom but could you tell me about it again?" said Daemon. "Okay then. Do you mind if I sit next to you?" said Natasha.

Daemon smiled as Natasha sat next to her "son". "At first, I was worried about you being a superhero fighting bad guys and almost killing yourself to protect me and your family. You reminded me so much of your father. He did the same thing as you but the two of you have done the right things with your powers. I'll keep on covering for you until you feel ready to tell the world about your alter ego.  I'll always be there to protect you my baby." said Natasha.

She hugged "Zane" as Daemon looked in the mirror. He saw his real self standing there and he said,"I always be there for you too mom even when I get married.". "Don't. You need to be there for Karen or maybe Kristen." said Natasha. "Karen? Kristen?" said Daemon. "I know that Karen had a crush on me and Kristen. She only liked me because I helped her pass Math Class." thought Daemon. "Or is it your friend Nova, Roxy, or some other girl?" said Natasha.

Daemon thought,"This version of me has several girls attracted to him?! That lucky son of a bitch! I wish I had this!". "So do you have any plans for the rest of the day? Patrol?" said Natasha. "Nope. I was just planning on recovering from what happened to me." said Daemon. "Okay then. How about we get the family together and we have a family dinner before I go crazy?" said Natasha. "I would like that a lot mom. I'll be honest with you." said Daemon as he smiled.

Back with the real Zane, he was currently being pushed around by several of his enemies. It started with Marie who blasted him with red nether bats, Jester with two nether lions, SS's sword which sent him flying into a meteor and into Remano who release electricity nether into his body. Zane went to the ground but he was soon punched by Jester right into Marie. She grabbed him and slammed him into a building wall.

Lucius ,who was held in a nether cage, said,"Zane! He isn't the one who did this to you! I swear that he didn't do this to you!". "Oh, stop! He's the one who have done horrible things to killing all of the people that you care about like Celeste and Jennifer!" said Remano. "No. I killed Celeste and Jennifer." said Zane. "You've hurt anyone that you've ever come in contact with upon getting our powers!" said SS.

Marie said,"You hurt your family, friends, and mainly us which is way more important!". "Focus on your priorities! I'm not the one who did this! Isn't my Nether Signature different?!" yelled Zane. "I think we've knocked him around too much guys. He doesn't have a Nether Signature anymore or an Essence. Lets end his life!" said Jester. The four began to charge up an attack as Zane said,"I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I didn't do it!".

His body was soon covered by Nether as it glowed the colors of the rainbow. "It can't be! He has that!" said Marie. "That is what exactly?" said Jester. "Rainbow Nether. It can belong to only one Phantom but it...." said SS. Zane soon burst right of his prison with him stretching his muscle and the nether focused around the stump that belonged to his arm and chest. It soon made a new arm and essence. Zane's eyes are gold as he made an explosion blasting the four away and out cold.

Zane's eyes turned back to normal as he saw the four unconscious Phantoms. Zane floated over to his brother and he broke the prison. "Zane. Are you alright?" said Lucius. "Yeah but how did I do that exactly?" said Zane. He looked at his right arm and it was made out of Rainbow Nether. It looked just like his old arm except it was his Nether and its coloring. "Okay. That is weird but kinda cool to be honest with you." said Zane.

Lucius sighed as he said,"Never mind. We need to get back home. Where is your time medallion? I think that's the way back.". Zane shrugged as he said,"I think Daemon destroyed it and he locked me in this dimension.". He was soon smacked by something as he said,"Okay! Can't I get a break from things hitting me today?!". Lucius saw that it was a cyber baseball and he said,"So did you piss off any Phantom Pitchers?". "Not to my knowledge but Daemon, maybe." said Zane.

The ball opened up as it showed a holographic map. "Let me see. We're here over by the destroyed castle of Spiro Midnight and we need to get over toward the remains of Dyno's prison. Wow. This place is pretty much a dump." said Zane. "And who's fault is that?" said Lucius. "My evil alternative future self. Lets get moving." said Zane. "Are you feeling alright?" said Lucius. "For some reason, I don't feel sick at all." said Zane. The two flew off as his enemies woke up.

About an hour or two later, the brothers was in front of a gigantic gate. "Should I ask about if this is back in the normal Terrarune?" said Lucius. "Honestly, Terrarune is at least twenty times bigger than Taelamelan and even with my map, I still don't know where I'm going half the time. So I have to ask you something. How are you breathing in Terrarune? I mean humans or really anything that isn't a Phantom can't survive in Terrarune without becoming one." said Zane.

Lucius looked at his brother as he said,"You're asking me this now?!". "Well, I was without a Essence aka my Heart! I was kinda focused on that little problem at the time but now, I have one. I think I like it more than my other one." said Zane. "You know that mom's going to kill you or Daemon after she finds about you losing your arm and your heart." said Lucius. "Her anger is scary so how are we going to get in? I don't think we can just bust our way through it." said Zane.

Lucius pointed to a lever with Zane saying,"Okay. I may be an idiot when it comes to something but that's obvious a trap.". "No really. Just watch and learn bro." said Lucius. His right arm soon grew bigger and it slammed down on the lever. "See? This is just one of my many powers." said Lucius. He turned around to see Zane's eyes turned into stars with Zane said,"Could you do that again? That was awesome!".

Lucius shook his head no as he said,"Come. It's a cave.". The two floated in as Zane's arm made a naturally flashlight. "Can you turn that off?" said Lucius. "Bro. I didn't even know how I made this to begin with so me turning it off isn't a possible. What could possibly go wrong?" said Zane. He was soon split in half by a giant ,spiked, metal boulder as Lucius yelled,"Zane!". He saw Zane's upper half suddenly soon sprouted several rainbow tentacles as it attached itself to Zane's lower half.

Zane stretched as he said,"To be honest, I have no idea how that worked.". "Okay. Try not to get hit by every trap on our way there." said Lucius. "I can't promise myself whatsoever." said Zane. The two started walking down the cave with them reaching the end of it. Lucius saw the end of the cave was filled with equipment as he said,"I still can't believe you do that.". Zane's body was covered in arrows as he said,"Hey. You threw me in front of the flamethrower! Thanks bro.". 

Zane shook the arrows out of him as Lucius said,"So where's the Fixer? According to the map, he should be here.". "Welcome to my home Lucius and Malik." said a voice. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Danny?! Are you here?!". The two heard wheels as they saw Danny ,except with a beard, in a wheelchair. He was also missing his shoes and his clothing was torn. "Did I do this to you Danny my friend?" said Zane. 

Danny shook his head as he said,"Not exactly Zane. My name isn't Danny Malone in this timeline but Devin Malone. Your arm and essence interest me young one. Daemon or Malik Vincent Alvarez ripped out your essence and burned your arm. He always seems to do that to people being that he lets his enemies die slowly.". "How do you know about Zane's injury and what happened to Malik? He wasn't always like this was he?" said Lucius. "I have sources and Malik is a long story." said Devin.

Zane said,"We have time but could you make a new arm and essence? I know that you're smart. All of this technology proves that in ten years, you're far smarter than the guy who asks Gwen for help in Latin just to get some alone time with her.". "Gwen. She was an amazing girl. She had a talent with magic but in this timeline, she was a normal girl. Malik was the only one with powers and Kevin was jealous. I can build you a new arm and essence." said Devin. "Kevin?" said Lucius and Zane.

Zane was sitting on a lab table with Devin saying,"Okay Zane. You need to get rid of your arm and essence so I can make the new ones.". "Well, I don't know how I even made it. I was fighting against my or Malik's old enemies and well, I gained my rainbow limbs. It's like Nether but at the same time, it feels like my old arm except more colorful." said Zane. "Zane. You need to calm down and get rid of it." said Lucius.

Zane sighed as his rainbow arm and essence were gone leaving Zane without an arm and essence. "So do you mind hurrying? I mean you must know that a Essence is my heart right?" said Zane. "I know that well Zane. Just relax." said Devin. Zane was soon out cold as Lucius said,"So what did you do? I thought Crisis Judgement would have prevent that needle easily.". Devin was holding a needle and he said,"Crisis Judgement is part of the user and Zane trusts me or my identity.". "Ah." said Lucius.

Zane slowly woke up as he heard,"So why did you wrap Zane's arm in bandages but not his chest Devin?". Zane looked down to see that he was shirtless. His right arm was covered in bandages being that his chest had an interesting new piercing. In the center of his chest where his heart or Essence would be, he has ridges of machinery that formed to make a long and thin "Z" shape with it looking both organic and metallic.

After getting over that, he saw that his Galaxy Phones and shirt were nearby the table. He put them on and he heard,"His body was given a new arm and essence thanks to some highly experimental genetics mixed with robotic limbs. It was one of Maxwell Brock's inventions before Daemon killed him in a rage. I was lucky to get the blueprints for them before Daemon destroyed his lab. It was a bloodshed.".

Zane saw the two sitting there with Lucius said,"How long have you been awake Zane?". "I've been up for only a few minutes now Lucius. Devin. Tell me how Daemon began and don't hold back on the details. I want to know how all of this happened. My dad taught me a lot being that he said to always here both sides to a story before picking a side. This could work for an argument or debate as well. I came come up with a way to stop this." said Zane.

Devin sighed as he said,"You and him share a lot in common. You two both had to know the truth so I guess it all started right at the first day of Freshman year when Malik first got his powers.". "Hold on Devin. I got my powers at the first day of Sophomore year not a year before. So Daemon's real name is Malik. That's a pretty cool name just like mine." said Zane. "Let me start for the beginning of this whole mess and listen well." said Devin.

Devin said,"Malik started out as the nerd of Cypress Park,. I was your only friend.". "Not even Karen and Rachel?" said Zane. "Nope. Malik didn't have your natural confidence Zane because Malik didn't know his father. He died after cheating on Malik's mother." said Devin. "Shawn would never cheat on Natasha!" yelled Lucius. "What he said." said Zane. "You two do know that Shawn Alvarez wasn't Malik's father but Lincoln Rune. You know that last name right Zane?" said Devin.

Zane said,"Wait a minute Devin. I know a person by the last name but her name is Lilith Rune. I'm going to guess that Lincoln is Lilith in your dimension.". "I'm impressed with you Zane. You're not shocked about them getting together and being your dad?" said Lucius. Zane's eyes widened as he said,"No way man. This is messed up.". "Anyway, you got your powers when you protected Kristen and Roxy from a Phantom. Can you guess who?" said Devin.

Lucius said,"Lincoln. Lilith is your main enemy in our universe so it only makes sense. It's a weird to get your powers but the Omniverse is messed up.". "Yeah. I had my powers thanks to my birthright so I guess Malik was the same as me." said Zane. "Correct but Malik didn't know who this vampire was or his father but he swore to protect all of Cypress Park. Malik was a good hero Zane. I swear that he was for a whole year before that day." said Devin.

Devin smiled as he said,"I was the only person who knew about his secret until the very end. It was a bomb that was going to power up the entire world but someone tampered with it. It was your old pal Kevin Wallace.". Zane punched a nearby wall and he said with rage flowing through his body,"Kevin killed everyone that I care about and what happened to him?". "He died by the explosion but no one cared about him like with yours." said Devin.

Zane sighed as he said,"I do care about Kevin despite the things I hated him. I said this once before today, I'll be repeating myself once again. He may be a narcissist, womanizer, selfish, irresponsible, a coward, sexist, an ego maniac, and a megalomaniac but I can see the good in him. He's a good guy to say the least. I bet he can be a hero just like me if he had the support of someone. When I get back, I will treat him as a friend rather than an annoyance.". Lucius smiled at his brother's maturity.

Lucius said,"So what happened next?". "Lincoln adopted Malik and he didn't know that he was the man who gave him life and later his powers. You two bonded for two years and when Malik turned eighteen, Malik began an eight year rampage of your Earth and Terrarune. Malik wanted revenge and Lincoln stopped you. However, I supposed that he didn't expect Malik to find about who the man really is and he drained Lincoln of everything. You've killed millions." said Devin.

Devin looked at an photo of him and Malik ,looking like Zane without the red tips, with the two smiling. "To be honest, I miss those times. It has been ten long years." said Devin. "Devin. Is there any way to travel through dimensions?" said Zane. "You're going after him aren't you? I suspected that and Lucius told me about your plan." said Devin. "And?" said Lucius. "I want to help you and making a portal to the Universe Path is the only way to do so." said Devin.

Zane smiled as he said,"Sweet. Lets get going then.". "This portal will take time and trust me, you will need to rest and recover from your injuries. You will have a chance to do justice to the millions or billions who died by Daemon but right now, just rest." said Devin. "He's right. I promise that this will be your best chance saving everyone." said Lucius. "Okay but I'm going to do some light reading if you don't mind." said Zane as Arcane Lexicon appeared in hand and began reading.

Outside of Fixer's H.Q, the quartet of Jester, Marie, Remano, and Specter Samurai as Marie said,"So are you sure he's in there? I mean it's just a gate.". "Trust me. I smelled his Nether Signature for a second before it went poof." said Remano. "So why don't we break down the gate? I mean it looks so easy to smash into pieces." said Jester. "Because it's covered in Anti-Phantom material Jester. We need to think about this with a plan." said SS.

Marie focused her Nether as Remano said,"Didn't you just listen to him?!". "I want Daemon dead for what he did to us and the rest of his kind!" yelled Marie. She fire a giant red Nether Bat which made a giant bat shaped hole. "Wow. I didn't see that coming." said Jester. He was soon blasted by the giant spiked boulder from earlier. "Sorry but we didn't invited four rejected Halloween characters but maybe, I'll be teaching you a lesson." said a voice. They saw Zane standing there in costume.

A little bit before, Zane had just finished reading as his Crisis Judgement went off. "Guys. We have some company." said Zane. Several alarms went off as Devin looked at his monitor. "Four of yours and Daemon's enemies. I need to finish the portal." said Devin. "I'll go handle them. You helped him brother." said Zane. "Are you sure?" said Lucius. "Bro. I need to handle my mess and this is just the start of my healing." said Zane as he turned into Legion Zero and walked down the hall.

Back with Zane, Jester said with him laughing,"So you're wearing that now? You look so funny now! Who dressed you Daemon? Your mommy?". "Hey. Don't bring her into this. I really do hope you surrender. I hate to use my power over you." said Zane. The two dinosaur heads appeared on his person as Marie said,"You can't have Rainbow and Tyrannus Nether?! That's impossible! You can't be serious!".

Zane looked at himself with the dinosaur heads looking at him. "So you're called Tyrannus Nether huh? Okay. Lets show them why you're so scared!" said Zane. The two heads fired Crimson Red Nether at the Quartet with it destroyed a meteor. It caused a massive explosion which blasted the four back from Zane. Zane looked at the dinosaur heads who smirked as Zane said,"Yep. You two are far more destructive than me. I like it!".

Lucius sighed as he said,"So what is Tyrannus Nether and Rainbow Nether?". Devin was working on the portal generator as he said,"Rainbow Nether is one in a million Nether. It seems that Zane was the lucky Phantom. It can regenerate lost limbs and can knock out Phantoms with ease. Tyrannus was a powerful Phantom being around since before Zin, the first Emperor of Terrarune. Lets just say that Zane isn't one to mess with. It can nullify a Phantom's natural born ability.".

Lucius shivered as he said,"Okay then. We need to add another thing to Zane's training. So how much more time do you need on the portal?". "About five minutes. You need to tell Zane to get rid of his old enemies and then I can send you to the Universe Path. It's the fastest way to your dimension and save Daemon from himself." said Devin. "Okay." said Lucius. He was gone with Devin looking at his old photo of him and Malik as he said,"You can do this Zane.".

Zane was soon standing there as the two dinosaurs blasted any of his enemies back. "Okay. This is so much fun." said Zane. Lucius tapped his shoulders as he said,"Can you keep them back for ten plus minutes?". "Yep. I think I can combine Tyrannus with Rainbow." said Zane. "Really? How are you so sure?" said Lucius. "Who knows? Lets try it!" said Zane. The two dinosaur heads fired out another roar attack which blasted the four back and they were out cold.

Lucius said,"So did you combine their power?". "Yep. I'm guessing that Tyrannus can release a roar based attack which nullify a Phantom's abilities. I'm also guessing that Rainbow Nether can stop my Phantom enemies. This is going to help me so much." said Zane. He soon turned back to his normal self as he said,"Okay. I really need some food to recharge myself.". "Lets get out of here and save our family." said Lucius as he helped Zane into the cave.

Devin looked at Lucius and Zane with the latter eating something. "Are you ready to fight Zane? I mean you've eaten most of my food storage." said Devin. "Yep! I'm fully revived and I'm ready to fight!" said Zane. "Yep. So what's the plan Devin?" said Lucius. "You two will traveled through the Universe Path and get back to your dimension. Try and avoid the creatures of the Universe Path and you'll be okay." said Devin.

Zane smiled as he turned into Legion Zero. "Okay! I'm ready to go!" said Zane. "Zane. Do you think you can do this at all?" said Devin. "He has a very good point there Zane. You're still learned how to use your immense power which is impressive mind you." said Lucius. "You guys honestly have no faith in me. I'm hurt but I'm an Alvarez. I never give up when I'm pushed against the wall. You guys aren't stopping me." said Zane.

He looked at his hands as he said,"If I didn't have you guys, I'm sure that I would become Daemon in a heartbeat but on a far more destructive level. I would destroy the Omniverse and I'm pretty sure that no one could stop me.". He took a deep breath as he said,"I'm making a new vow. I'm not losing any fights in my future. Thank you for being there for me. I would become what I hated. Okay, are you ready to go guys?". "Yeah." said Devin and Lucius.

Devin pressed a button on his wheelchair as a portal appeared. "Good. It will take a month to get back to your dimension." said Devin. "A week. You have no faith in me." said Zane. He jumped into the portal as he said,"I'm coming for you Daemon and you're going down!". He was gone as Lucius went after him. "Okay. I need to begin Plan B just in case they failed but with Zane focused like that, I may not have to do it." said Devin. 

Back at Prime Cypress Park, Kevin was walking into his house with his parents currently out of town for business. He knew that this was the perfect time to make himself the true hero that Cypress Park deserves and not Legion Zero. He also noticed that Zane has been acting strange the past couple of days. He couldn't figure it out but he knew that Zane was currently being possessed by one of those Phantoms and he was going to make sure that this one is killed.

He stopped in front of the Buffer Suit which he created to steal an item for his power suit but Legion Zero stopped him. "You and I are very similar aren't we Kevin?" said a voice. Kevin turned to see Ash floating there as he said,"This house hasn't changed. So how is the Buffer suit doing? I mean it can repel all matter except for sound. I think you can't fix its weakness being that you need the Gascine isotope.".

Kevin crossed his arms as he said,"So why are you helping me? I mean you're a Phantom and they can't be trusted.". "I'm a Phantom yes but it wasn't my doing. Daemon did this to me and I want my revenge." said Ash. "So why are you teaming up with me?" said Kevin. "You and I are the only one who are smart enough to keep Daemon dead and Zane will be a bonus." said Ash. "Deal. I'll work with you if you let me be the hero." said Kevin. "Sure kid." said Ash.

Next time,
What is Ash planning by using Kevin?! Is it really against his master Daemon? Will Lucius and Zane come back in time?! This and more next time on Zero!  

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