Friday, October 13, 2017

Zero Shorts Episode 3 The Real You PT 1 Freakshow Reveal

A/N: Welcome to Episode 3 of the Zero Shorts which will always be staring Zane of course and his partners in crime Athena and Cole. Yeah, you may be asking why I don't make this and the past two episodes into regular episodes. The original amount of episodes planned were 100 ,just like the forms, but well, that changed. I also do these to focus on characters such as Zane, his friends, love interests, and other stuff that I don't have time to include in the main story.

I know that the crossovers I have planned are going to be big with the first one being the longest for sure. I think the next episode will show off Arcadia U. It's that thing that I mention in EP 36 and also in a couple of episodes afterward. I just focus on other things and doing Zero Shorts ,which will be in the middle of regular episodes, is the best way for me to do that. Okay, there is another reason for this and it's the biggest one for sure.

It's also mainly to raise the form count being that we've seen forty forms out of a hundred forty forms so to start the first crossover/spin off, we need to see twenty five forms and also four more prime versions ,which will be shown in the main series mainly I hope, so lets begin! This episode will show off a new form. Soon, we'll see an upgraded version of an old version. I had given hint of this with the Command Zion Unit showing it off in action.

Oh and I'm sure I mention this before but Zane always has the Galaxy Phones on him, they're grafted to his body. I'm sorry for any British or people that I'll offend with our new character and it's rather interesting. I also decide to make this a two parter so after this and the next episode, we will finally see Arcadia U in person. You think I would do something smart but I'm tend to change my mind on the spot rather than thinking ahead.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,as Legion Zero, was looking over Cypress Park as he said,"Man. I'm living the sweet life. I've been relaxing for the past couple of days after the invasion and it's time to kick some but.". "I'm with you on that partner! We've been sitting around in here not being able to do anything. We should try some new technique. I got an idea. Lets turn into Pyre Form and then go into Frost Form. Lets do it boss." said Cole.

Athena said,"I'll agree with you guys on one thing. We haven't done anything in the past couple of days beside practice on the partial transformations.". Zane focused as he said,"Diamond Form's right arm.". His right arm soon turned into his diamond form's right arm and he said,"Okay. I still feel the exact same. How is my voice?". "Your text isn't bold so you're basically normal except for the giant diamond arm which looks totally cool but highly impractical." said Cole.

Zane focused as his arm turned back. "That is so cool. So what else can I do? I mean you keep telling me that I need to create more tricks." said Zane. "Well, I think you have your perfect chance to try it out. I sense some baddies and well, they're yours." said Athena. Zane suddenly looked down from his perch ,aka the church, as he saw mutated rhinos with him saying,"You know that this isn't Remane's typical stick but who cares? It's smashing time!". He went down and he had some fun.

Zane was walking through town the next day ,with a big smile, and he said,"Man. That was so much fun. I mean the mutated rhinos did rampage but thanks to super sonic blasts.". "Yeah. You did good Zane but don't get a bigger ego." said Athena. "Yeah. I mean you already ready have an volcano like anger problem so a big ego would be the worst." said Cole. "Thanks you two. I'm really feeling the support. So explain to me why I'm doing these errands again?" said Zane.

The teen hero was currently carrying four bags filled with stuff as Athena said,"You and I mean I did promise your mother that you would help out with some shopping.". "I know that Athena but why did I have to be Zara?" said Zane. He was actually his female alter-ego meaning that he was currently in Astral Form and a she. To make sure that Kristen ,aka his girlfriend and Zara's new friend, she had to disguise herself.

She kept her physical appearance the exact same as before except for a light smattering of freckles along and under her nose but that made her more attractive according to Cole which made both Athena and Zara question their partner more than they already do every day. Her body did look more slender but athletic than it did before. She had shoulder length chestnut brown hair with her bangs covering her forehead perfectly and she kept her violet eyes.

She was wearing a black jacket that exposed her arms up to her shoulders, a white tank top with several purple lines, that slightly shows off her midriff but not her navel, black ankle length jeans with a cute white belt, and black and white high tops. She's wearing several gold bracelets on both of her wrists with long eyelashes, coral pink lipstick and nail polish, and her Z.E.R.O. watch/bracelet. She also kept her first outfit's earrings which were star and moon earrings.     

Cole said,"Well Zara. An Eazairvian doesn't have gender. You could also rule the world if you wanted too so yeah, that's on the table."."So how much do you know about Zara's biology that she doesn't know about? It's shocking." said Athena. Zara sighed at the couple's bickering and she said,"Anyway you guys, all of these errands are making me starving. We should get something to eat. I heard that they've build a new soda shop or malt shop around here. Lets live like Seth once did.".

Athena said,"You do know that a lady eats like a normal person and I do mean normal FEMALE right Zara? And also why do they have a malt shop here?". "This town is so weird and also who cares about that little issue for now? I want a chocolate shake!" said Cole. Zara giggled at the two as she head to the door. She was about to go in but the guy ,who was slightly ahead of her, slammed the door in front of her.

Zara rubbed her right shoulder as she said,"Ouch. That would hurt if I was a normal human or a normal girl but I'm not.". "That jerk! I may be an old fashioned Artificial Intelligence but a REAL man like Zane would hold the door for a lady." said Cole. "Well, there is two things wrong with your statement Cole. Artificial Intelligence were created rather recently but you're sort of right. We also make sure Zane doesn't be a complete guy." said Athena.

Zara said,"I question what you two do for me but in today's day, men and women both hold the door for each other. I also think that's Mack guys. Do you honestly think he cares about a woman's feeling except in the bedroom?". "No but we should play a prank on him. One with pudding for sure." said Cole. "How about mud?" said Athena. Zara opened the door as she said,"I'm happy that I'm the only one who can here and also people don't think I'm crazy.".

Zara found herself a booth with her looking over to find Mack. "Are you sure that it was Mack? I mean it could have been some nameless joe and order a Chocolate Drink!" said Cole. "Well, I think Zara would like strawberry." said Athena. "She's right but lets use some magic guys. I think see my friends and well, I'm curious to hear if they talk about without me there." said Zara. "Yep. You're so damn nosey Zara." said Cole. Athena punched him as Zara enchanted her hearing.

At a nearby booth, Danny, Karen, Rachel, Ray, Tara were talking. "So explain to me why you guys are complaining again? I mean boys have it so much easier than girls do. You don't have to worry about fashion or mainly in Karen's case, you have to look good for the guy she likes." said Rachel as Karen blushed. "Wait. Karen likes someone?" thought Zara. "Idiot." said the A.I.s. "Most guys do try to look nice for their special lady but I don't think Ray ever showers though." said Danny.

Ray said,"Hey! I showered this morning and I just happened to walk past the meat district on my way here.". "So tell me why we didn't ask Zane to come? He would love this place." said Danny. "Well, he may love anything involving food but we need to talk about which gender is better. Zane is both of them so I don't know what side he would be on giving his neutral stance on everything that isn't food related." said Rachel.

Zara ,aka the guy that they were talking about, was currently sipping on a strawberry slushie. "She does have a point Zane. I mean you're rather neutral in a lot of things." said Athena. "Except for which places has the best food." said Cole. "We also have to prove ourselves all the time because for some strange and sexist reasoning, guys are supposed to be better at everything that doesn't involve children or housekeeping." said Karen.

Danny sipped his drink as Ray said,"It's all a matter of choice. You want to look good for our dear old pal Karen but he likes you for you Karen so don't be like Sam. You also have the best perks. If I was a girl, I would use them to my advantage. I wouldn't getting caught. No one would expect a girl like me.". "I think we have to agree that you would get caught Ray." said Rachel. "Yeah." said Danny as he nodded.

Cole said,"I got it! I have an idea to make sure that you get your revenge on that d who didn't show you respect earlier Zane.". "How about no? You know that fixing a problem ,that small, is a waste and it creates only more problem. Lets just enjoy my food before...." said Zara. As she said that, she heard sirens in the distance. "I get called to work." said Zara. She was gone ,with her bags, and she said after running into an alleyway,"It's time to Power up!".

Several people were running away from the duo of Cesar Burgess aka Chomp and Julie Weaver aka Tone. "Wow. This is so much fun!" said Chomp, blasting a car with his energy beam coming from his mouth. The police soon surround them in seconds as Tone said,"You just had to cause a scene didn't you?!". Tony stood there as he said with a microphone,"You two. Stop your rampage or else.". "Or what?" said Chomp.

The cops and teens heard,"Or else, you'll have to fight me!". The two were soon hit by a giant steel gray Nether baseball bat, sending them flying. The cops looked up to see Zane ,in costume and the right gender, standing in the air and he said,"I'll handle these poser officers.". The two got back up as Julie said,"I can't believe we got hit by that obvious attack.". "Well, you did. Grow up." said Zane with a smug look.

Chomp soon recovered as he said,"Time to make you lose that smug look.". He soon began eating everything around him, grossing out his partner. He soon fired a barrage of energy beams from his mouth as Zane dodged them. Before Zane could attack Chomp, he soon jumped back from Julie's aura construct giant's hand. Julie removed the giant's hand to see that Zane was long gone. There was a hole left behind. "So where did he go?" said Chomp.

Before they could begin looking, the ground was beginning to shake as the duo tried to stand up. "He must be underground." said Tone. Chomp was about to blast a hole in the ground but before he could do that, Zane was behind the duo ,in Fulmination Form, and shocked them. The two were both out cold as Zane said,"And that's what happen when you go up against me without a plan but it has to be a really good one. I'm a jack of all trades or wild card according to my website.".  

Zane ,who deactivate Fulmination Form, was watching both Chomp and Tone get placed in police cars as an officer said,"Thanks Zero. Mind helping us with the problem at the bank?". "What's going on at the bank?" said Zane. "Some punks are setting up bombs at the bank." said an officer. "I don't know if you guys know this but you're supposed to rob banks not blow them up." said Cole. This earned him a slap from Athena as Zane said,"On my way.". He soon flew off toward the bank.
Outside of the bank, several officers were surrounding a group of thugs and they were either keeping the cops back with laser weapons or setting up some kind of bomb. They were seemingly made out of a copper like metal. It has a translucent circle ,in the center of the bomb, that was currently displaying the innards of the bomb which had a strange glowing red substance inside. There were two groups of thugs and they weren't humans.

The first group looked human but they had four stocky legs and huge tentacles for arms. They were wearing emerald green suit and matching colored masks for his head. He has six pink eye slits. The other ones looked to be more alien like being that their skin is a flesh/scale hybrid. They were silver colored being that they were wearing pink vest with gold gauntlets, boots, and shoulder pads. They have four blue eyes, sharp ears, and bald heads.

One of the cop said,"I know that we're trained to fight humans and keep the super humans busy to any extent before one of the heroes in town show up, but aliens! That's crossing a line that I refuse to cross man!". "And that's where I come in." said a voice. The cop then turned to see Zane standing there as he said,"So what's with the extra-terrestrials?". "No idea. They're the ones that are planning the bombs." said the cop.

Zane put on his goggles as he said,"Okay, lets see what makes these bombs tick.". They soon glowed as Cole said,"Let me see Zane. They're bombs no duh but unlike a normal bomb, this one is filled to the brim with a interesting material. Once they go off, this entire area will warp to another dimension in the Omniverse.". "The radius will cover the entire town. I suspect that we have about ten minutes before they go off." said Athena.

Zane nodded as he took off his goggles as he said to himself,"Okay. Time to take care of the groupies before I get the ringleader.". He soon turn into Cartoon Form being that he soon made five copies of himself being that the four copies turned into Brawn Form, Liger Form, Sound Form, and Swamp Form. The four clones soon jumped over the police barricade being that the four clones attacked the clones as the main Cartoon Form smiled.

Cole said,"I hate to ruin your mood but we just so happen to find the source of the bomb. It's inside of the bank.". Zane was about to turn into Camouflage Form but he was stopped by Athena. "That isn't a bad idea but with your pals, they'll be expecting you mostly. Try something different. I mean you're a wild card." said Athena. Zane smiled as he looked at a nearby mirror and he said,"I got it. The clones will keep them busy.".

Inside of the bank, three people stood there. One of them looked to be larger, taller, and stone like than Zane's Brawn Form with his mouth ripped open. It revealed his long tongue and missing teeth. His eyes are glowing red. His earlobes looked to be very much like a pair of circular earrings. He's wearing an ancient looking black tunic with glowing red lining and matching shorts. His arms and legs are covered in linen bandages.

He's wearing a gold collar around his neck and a circular hieroglyphic tattoo on his forehead. His hands and feet are covered in sharp nails. The creature next to him had scaly red skin and his arms were massive. His shoulder pads are covered with large crystal formations. His head is very much like a dragon that stays horizontal with him breathing heavily. He doesn't have any pupils in his dark brown eyes. He has three massive legs and a thick tail with the end being covered in crystals.

His hands were crystals like and his arms is shaped like clubs. They could totally be used as a good beating weapon. The one looked more human than her gargoyle and reptile companion but at the same time, she did look off than a normal female. She was rather pale with her having a hunched ,but still slightly feminine, figure. She was wearing a white tattered straight jacket. It's tattered from her more noticeable disfigurement aka her extra set limbs which are above her arms.

They're green ,looking like a plant and tree, and more muscular. They were covered with dark brown pods that looked detachable from her. Her rather messy dark brown hair covered her crystal covered eyes. "So explain to me why we're here again Solomon. Master doesn't like money does he?" said the girl. "Grr. Grr. Grr." said the stone creature. "Be patience Blanche and Tototl. We'll get our answers soon." said the diamond creature. "Yeah. You're going to be waiting for a while!" said a voice.

The three looked for the voice and didn't notice that one of the mirror was distorting behind them. A creature step out of it. He's eight feet tall. The most noticeable thing about him is that he's made out of glass. His glass body is blue, green, and red clear see through glass. He's wearing natural black body armor over his chest. He wears a short sleeved gray shirt under his body armor exposing his muscular armor. He's wearing dark gray cargo jeans. His feet and hands are claws.

Tototl turned around as he screamed. The other two turned around and Blanche said,"Is he Legion Zero?". "Yep. I think the master would like him slightly damaged." said Solomon. Tototl then rushed toward Zane and he said,"Okay. You guys must know but here's the thing. This is my first time using this form in public! Lets see how you like being in the Mirror World by yours!". A mirror appeared in front of him as Tototl got sucked up into it.

Blanche yelled out,"Where is my friends?!". Solomon looked up and he said,"Move now!". The two moved as Tototl ,appeared from a mirror on the roof, crashing into the ground. "He's there. I'm in the only one who can survive in the Mirror World for more than a minute. This is my Mirror Form and trust me, you don't want to mess with me." said Zane. Solomon fired several crystals from his right hand as Zane created another mirror.

They went into the mirror as Zane said,"Where they go, you don't know.". Blanche was soon hit with Solomon's crystals as Tototl rushed toward Zane. He punched Zane and the glass creature soon shattered. "Yes!" said Blanche. "No. It's bad. The Master needs him alive not in pieces. See if we can reattach him." said Solomon. Zane reformed as his right hand turned into a glass version of Danny's Phantom Busters. Tototl was punched back as Zane said,"Yeah. I'm stubborn.".

Zane was about to rush toward them as he heard,"Zane. It's good to see you again but you're more older, wiser, and possibly more stronger. You're their son so that's a given and Morph's best friend so yes.". Zane turned around to see a guy standing there with two thoughts going through his head at this very moment, "Okay so who the hell is this guy?! How does he know me and my parents?! I need to find out how.".

Out of the four he's met in the bank, he's the most human one which is saying a lot compared to the living crystal. He's a tall, muscular, and well-built fair complexioned man maybe in his mid to early 40s. He has long black hair ,that went down to the lower part of his back, and the ends was tied in a ponytail, and dull red eyes. His chin has a noticeable scar on it. He's wearing a grayish brown trench coat that went down to his knees and ripped from something.

His chest is a cybernetic armor plate ,being dark purple, and it's attached to his neck. It's a matching color with a single transparent circle where his Adam Apple would be. He's wearing two gold and highly mechanical gauntlets with the ends of it being claws. He's wearing pale white jeans that have strange greenish-silver blotches on them. He wears brown boots. Zane looked at his smile with him noticing that his teeth were a tan color.

The man looked at Zane as he said,"Listen buddy. I don't know who you are and how you know me but you and your freakshow are going down!". Tototl growled as the man said,"He didn't mean it did you Vincent?". "It's Zane!" said Zane. He rushed toward him as he said,"Oh. I should mention that I can do a little something.". Zane was frozen in place as he glowed. He turned into Slime Form and he splatted into the man. "Gross." said Blanche.

The slime reformed as he said,"How did you? I didn't want to...". "Become your most gelatinous form? Let just say that you're not invincible." said the man. He looked at the trio with him saying,"I suspect that they're on the way.". "Yes Master. If Zane is here, they'll be showing up. Should I start the bombs?" said Solomon. "No! I won't let you!" said Zane. He then threw parts of himself at the reptile with Solomon said,"Tototl.".

The gargoyle went in front of the reptile with him grunting something. "Okay. I don't speak grunt so what did he say?" said Cole. "He said that your attack won't work on me eh Zane. You're still the child that I remember." said Zane. "How did you know that?" said Athena. Zane grabbed his head as he saw Tototl opened his mouth. A huge flame came out which burned the slime as Blanche said with a smile,"They're gone now.".

The man smiled as he said,"See Zane? You're starting remember us aren't you?". Zane backed away as he saw the door in front of the trio explode. "Sorry. We're late man. Those grunts were a pain and the bombs are long gone by the way." said a voice. The four clones was standing there with the group of Danny, Karen, Ray, and Tara. The man grabbed Zane and he struggled in his grip. "Let me go you long haired...." said Zane.

He was put to sleep by one of the gauntlets as Zane soon went back to Legion Zero. This also got rid of the clones. "Blanche and Solomon. We should get out of here. I think it's time to show our friend a reminder of his past." said the man. Danny rushed toward them and he said,"Not happening! You're letting my pal go!". Tototl soon opened his mouth ,again, but his tongue came out and he grabbed Danny. He tried to turn his arm into a weapon but much like Zane, he was knocked out.

The man said,"Taking them both back? That's sound brilliant but still cover our escape.". Solomon nodded as the rest of the heroes ran toward them. "Not happening Regulars!" said Solomon. Several crystals appeared from the ground as Ray punched it. He went back and he noticed that instead of the crystal being destroyed, it was only slightly destroyed. "Okay. Any bright ideas here? I don't think punching is going to work this time!" said Ray.

Tara sighed as she said,"Didn't you tell me that punching always work or you not a man huh?". Ray smirked as he said,"I know you're making fun of me and it's working!". He soon punched the crystal harder as it shattered. Karen saw that both Danny and Zane were being dragged into a portal ,that was coming out of one of the seeds that were on one of Blanche's arm, by the gargoyle. "We'll be talking them back to their real home. Good bye." said the man. He was gone as the room was silent.

Danny soon woke up and he looked around. Instead of the bank, he was on some grass. He looked around and he said,"That's right. That longed hair guy knocked me out after stone face grabbed me without his tongue.". He soon brushed off the spit as he said,"Okay. That's gross. So where the heck am I?". He looked around and he saw an unconscious Zane ,back to normal, nearby. "Zane!" said the boy. He ran over to him and he looked him over.

Zane looked fine as Danny put his ear to Zane's chest. "Okay. His heart's beating. He's just asleep. I guess Zane doesn't like sleeping moves." said Danny. He looked at Zane's watch and he said,"Hey Athena or Cole. Can you guys hear me?". "Ugh. I can't believe the sleeping dust effect us too." said Athena. "Okay. You're awake. So can you tell us where we are? I'm pretty sure we're not in Kansas nor Cypress Park." said Danny.

Athena was silent as she soon said,"I can't get a signal and Cole isn't in here.". "Are you sure? You two are always together." said Danny. "Daniel. I would know if that idiot is here wouldn't I? He must have taken his program out of the watch." said Athena. "I thought Zane ,to an extent, and Parker were the only ones who knows how to work that thing." said Danny. "I'm not so sure. That man was able to change Zane's forms and defeat Crisis Judgement." said Athena.

Danny said,"Okay. He and his pack were creepy. So how would you wake up Zane? If we can't find a signal here, lets see if we can find a place where we can.". "I would normally say something with food but right now, we could try shock therapy." said Athena. Zane's body was soon covered in an electric shock as Athena said,"This would normally be a shockwave if anyone beside Zane touched the watch while he's out cold but it can work like this.".

Zane soon woke up and he said,"I didn't murder the president!". Danny looked at his friend and he said,"Dude. Are you okay?". Zane shook his head as he said,"Yeah. I just had a weird dream. So what happened?". "Before I fell asleep, I saw the girl called Blanche pull off one of the seeds on her arms and they created a portal to wherever. Zane, they took Cole. He isn't in the watch." said Athena. "Lets go find him and his freakshow!" said Zane.

He stood up and he said,"We should go this way!". He pointed north as Danny said,"And why do you think that?". "My stomach is telling me that it's feeding time and my hearing is telling me that food is nearby along with people." said Zane. "Is he serious?" said Danny. "My scanners ,while limited, can sense heat signatures. I don't know how the combo of hearing and stomach work together though. It's strange." said Athena.

Zane started walking as Danny said,"Wait man! We don't know where we are and why the Freakshow bring us here?". "Okay. I don't know but I need something in my stomach. You know what portals do to me." said Zane. Danny nodded as the two walked away from the crash site. The man ,that brought them here, stood in the forest as he said,"Everything is going to plan. Zane and Morph, welcome back to your real home.".

The two teens kept walking as Zane said,"Hey Athena. Do you still have the Alliance's database on you?". "Yes. Why do you ask?" said Athena. "Find out about our friends while me and Danny try to find out where we are." said Zane. "Understood partner. I'll also look for Cole and don't you say a word about me being in love with that idiot. If you say anything, you'll get a shock like you did earlier today.." said Athena.

Zane sighed as Danny said,"She likes him doesn't she?". "As a lover, I'm not sure. So do you have a signal?" said Zane. "Not yet. How's your unique sensor going?" said Danny holding his phone. "So do you remember the time before we met Danny?" said Zane. "Of course. I remember that stuff. So what about you man?" said Danny. "No. You do know why I haven't told Atem my past right?" said Zane. "I thought it was because it was so bad that you didn't want to hurt him." said Danny.

Zane shook his head as he said,"I can't remember it Danny. Heck, I remember bits and pieces of my summer trip that I took with Marcia. I'm sure that I could never forget all of those museums. I feel bad for Travis somewhat.". "Wow. I totally thought that it was because you were bullied and your dad but wow." said Danny. "Thanks man. You want to hear the weird thing?" said Zane. "Shoot. I'm curious." said Danny.

Zane said,"I could understand stone face. He said that he knew me and they knew me. I wonder if I did something to me in the past.". "Yeah but what could a kid you to piss off a guy like him? I mean have you see how long his tongue is?" said Danny. "Focus. You know that the crystal lizard guy? He reminded me of Diamond Form except less crystal and more reptile." said Zane. "Weird. Anyway, I'm seeing a city. Thank you nano machines." said Danny.

The two were in front of a city as Zane grabbed his head. "Zane!" said Danny. The black haired teen went onto the ground and Danny grabbed his friend. The two were soon surrounded by gray/white colored AMW trucks. Danny turned his arms into the Phantom Smashers as he said,"Are you ready to fight bro? They're not friendly.". "Huh? What the?" said Zane. Out of the tanks, soldiers came rushing out of them as Danny thought,"Huh? The Sentry Corps on Earth? This is a good thing right?".

They were dressed in gray suits with matching balaclava and over their eyes, they had on a pair of welding goggles with Danny unable see their eyes. They're wearing white ballistic vests with gray military like boots. They're wearing white armored elbow pads, knee pads, shoulder pads, and utility belts. They were holding Close Quarter Battle Receiver aka rifles and they were aimed right at the duo. One of them looked different compared to the rest of them.

He had a red sash worn over his shoulders and his balaclava was a black color. The goggles ,that he had on, showed his green eyes. He pressed his left finger on his ear as Danny heard a communication device activate. He said,"This is Commander Fuller of Unit 7-G. Citadel, do you copy?". "Go ahead Commander." said a female voice. "We found two teens in the area of the spatial rift. They look like Danny and Zane." said the agent.

One of the agent poked Zane with him saying,"And this one looks a confused Zane.". "How do you know us? And you better tell me or else you're getting my........" said Danny as his fists deactivated turning back to normal. "Okay. Didn't see that coming." said Danny. The female voice buzzed,"That's Daniel and Zane but they're older. I deactivate Danny's nano machines and it seems Zane's memory is missing ten years. Bring them back to base and I can see what's wrong.".

The commander signaled for his troops to lower their weapons and he walked over to the teens. "You two may not remember us kids but we remember you. You two are both suffering from some serious memory loss. We'll help you I promise. Our doctor is really good at her job like really good. You two know that but right now, you don't so trust me." said the commander. Danny looked at his friend and he said,"Help him.".

Zane's face had a look of utter confusion on it and his face was bright red. "So is this a side effect of the memory loss?" said Danny. "No. It isn't Danny. Zane's under a fever and it's one of the problems of being a quarter Eazairvian. They really hate portals." said the commander. "I don't know. I don't remember anything beside Danny, my name, my powers, and where we are. Danny, we're in Noble Haven, Japan where I was born." said Zane. He was out cold after that.

Next time (This will be the only one of these in Zero Shorts I hope),
Who are Blanche, Solomon, and Totol? Who is their mysterious boss aka leader? What was with the bombs? Where's Cole? And why is Zane's memory so messed up? This and more next time!

New Cards/Forms:
Mirror Form. This transformation's card has a black frame with a mirror in the center of the card and a creature is hopping out of it.

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