Saturday, October 7, 2017

Zero Episode 43 Terrarune Takeover PT 1 The Coming Storm.

A/N: Welcome to the first part episode. This may be happening later down the road. If you're looking for the next Zero Shorts, they will be after these two episodes. I will be doing about two or three episodes and there will be more forms and characters introduce and develop them. I should do this in the main story but meh. We also saw two new forms last time in the forms of upgraded gold cards. I wonder if there will be more down the road. Hint Hint. There will be. Lets begin.

Also the Thor and Wonder Woman death battle. I don't watch Death Battle because they're right about two ,most of the time, fictional characters fight to the death. I just watch it for the violence. I know that Thor and Wonder Woman make sense but why didn't they pick Female Thor. I mean the two daughters of thunder gods would be pretty cool to me. I get why they picked the male Thor due to him having more appearance than Jane Foster.

I think the character of Thor and Jane Foster have been around for the same amount of time at the least. I'm may be a super hero fan but if you ask me for little details about a comic, I may not get exactly right most of the time. I'm only human. I also wanted to say that Brad and Zane's relationship is not the best. They're kind to each other when not in school but in it, they are rivals because Zane isn't one to lead Brad walk over him and him dating Kristen may not be helping.

Narrator P.O.V.
Deep in Terrarune, a unkindness/murder of Phantoms Crow/Ravens were rested in a tree. They soon scattered away as Sovereign flew by them. She was holding the Nightmare Key and she said,"Lets begin.". She flew toward a castle with the door being conveniently open. She smiled as she flew in the castle. The hallway was filled with skeletal guards ,with them being dressed in all eras of guard or other uniforms, and depressed looking portraits of dead U.S. President.

She found a door at the end of the hall with her opening it. It lead into a throne room with the throne being currently empty. She flew toward the throne with her smiling. "And I'm here. The throne of the first and most violent Emperor of Terrarune Spiro Midnight." said Sovereign. She stopped as she stood on the front of some stairs. She turned to see four skeletons with them wearing a suit of armor as they were blue, orange, red, and purple.

Sovereign said,"This is also the resting area for the Horsemen of Spiro or is it horse riders since a couple of them are females. Airielle, Alastor, Rayth, and Sandra.". She looked up at a skeleton holding a strange glowing orb with a pair of gauntlets floating in them. They were completely green with a skull on a black background on the backside of them. "But first thing, I need the Gauntlets of Power to do anything." said Sovereign. She held up the Nightmare Key as she stuck it into the sphere.

It soon dissolves leaving the gauntlets in her hands. "The Emperor of Terrarune's weapons that he used to rule Terrarune with an iron or steel fist! With this power, I shall..." said Sovereign. She put on the gauntlets with them shrinking down to fit her hands. She looked at herself as she said,"Oh right. You need the crown of rage. I can't believe I forget that.". She looked around and she then saw the crown floating above the throne. She grabbed the crown with it letting off a silent alarm.

Sovereign said,"With these two items together, I shall get everything that I deserve.". She barely dodged a air compressed Nether sword slash with her hearing,"One steals from the Emperor shall be punished by death.". She saw a Phantom walking toward her and the first things that she notices about were him being a Samurai, his wooden geta sandals, and his swords. The latter of which scared her the most.

He looks to be nine feet tall with him having black hair tied in the back with a topknot. He's wearing a simple sea themed samurai gi. He has several bandages covering most of her face only revealing his glowing red left eye and right side of his chin. His figure is muscular with him keeping his katanas and ready to use. One blade was crimson red, ocean blue, and snow white. The other blade looked to be more deadly than its counterpart and she knew this blade. It's name is Forsaken Dirge.

It was famous in Terrarune belonging to Konosuke, Shogun of the Blue aka the right hand man of the Emperor. It looks like a normal Katana being that the blade is black and it shows no signs of damage and wear. The sword has a molten god/reddish purple hamon being that it’s very noticeable and looks like fangs belonging to a unknown beast. The tsuba is dark purple and shaped like a dragon’s mouth with flame like ends. The hilt is wrapped in black silk.

The blade was currently resting in a black with red spade like markings sheath. "Why are you here vampire? Have you come because you want more power?" said the samurai. "You're correct so I'm actually a fan of your boss's work." said Sovereign. She smiled as the samurai sighed. Anyone outside would see that an explosion rocked the castle being that it soon launched Sovereign into Terrarune.

The samurai looked at the four armored skeletons with him firing a blue nether beam at them. They soon gained flesh as he said,"Arise guards of the Emperor!". The one in the red armor looked to be a male with tan skin. He has long white hair that completely covers his right eye and his exposed left eye is an orange color. His head was covered in lines that were glowing blue. He's wearing a black and red armor with him missing the neck. "Rayth, the Horsemen of War." said the samurai.

The horsemen bowed as he said,"Konosuke. Who should you have me kill?". The one in the blue armor looked to be a pale skeletal male teen. His black hair was long ,still shorter than Rayth, and blue eyes. His eyes are covered in black marking around his eyes due to lack of sleep. He's wearing black jeans, boots, and shirt. He's wearing a dark blue cloak around his head and his right arm is a scythe with his legs broken. "Alastor, the Horsemen of Death." said Konosuke.

Alastor said,"So what's the plan chief?". The one in orange armor looked to be the most human out of her fellow horsemen. She has bright green skin and blue hair cut to her shoulder with a diamond shaped gem on the top of her forehead. She wears a sleeveless white top with a high neck and it was showing off her entire midriff, black skirt with two extremely high thigh slits, two slits on the top of the skirt, and it barely covered her up. She wears thigh high black boots with a heel.

Konosuke said,"Arise Sandra, the horsemen of Conquest/Pestilence.". "It's horsewoman! Like I so told you fifty times." said Sandra in a valley girl tone. The one in orange armor looked to be a way better role model than Sandra Her figure is tall and curvaceous slightly more than Sandra. She has long and wavy white hair ,very much like Rayth, and it goes down her back plus you can see her bright green eyes.

She's wearing a navy blue blouse, a long white skirt with reddish purple shredded ends, tan open-toed sandals, several gold and purple bracelets on her both of her wrists, and gold hoop earrings. "Arise Airielle, the horsewoman of Famine." said Konosuke. "It's fine Konosuke. I'm okay with being called a horseman unlike Sandra." said Airielle with a very regal and calming voice. "We have to show the intruder what happens when you steal from the Emperor." said Konosuke. 

Outside, Opehlia was healing from Konosuke's initial attack with her saying,"I have to get out of here before they....". She turned around to see Konosuke and the horsemen ,flying right behind and around, her as she said,"Kills me!". Alastor and Rayth grabbed Sovereign's arms as Konosuke charged up energy in his swords. "You had stolen what belongs to the king." said Konosuke. He sliced her in half , disappearing, as Sandra said,"So if she was a clone, where's the real one?".

Back in the castle, Sovereign was talking with the Spectral Samurai as she said,"You know that with your strength and my genius, I think we could work out a deal.". "A deal?" said SS. The two were hit by Air and Water with Sovereign flying away. "Call me! We'll talk soon!" said Sovereign. She flew off as she said,"Got to hurry before he shows....". She crashed into something as she said,"I can't believe I ran into....".

Spiro stood there as he said,"A level 9 trying to steal from me?! Prepare to die!". He swung his weapon ,an axe, at Sovereign causing her to go flying off. Konosuke flew up to his king as he said,"Um sir. She still has the gauntlets.". Spiro roared out loud causing him to fire Crimson Red Nether ,aka a brighter shade of Red Nether, as Sovereign turned back into Lilith and kept on flying as she slammed into several boulders, increasing her wounds.

Back on Earth and in the Alvarez's household, Natasha and Reggie were working on a new invention known as the Command Zion. Reggie said,"So how is Zane dealing with you working on this when you should be resting?". "I told him that I was making him a mecha and well, he really likes them. He wanted to try it out soon after we finish." said Natasha. Reggie pressed a button on a remote as the suit glowed green and it began stomping in place.

Reggie said,"We have the legs completely being that they're fully charged and well working. I'm just happy that we got part of this working. Once we finish the arms and the neural interface, he should beat back any opponent, not matter how powerful.". "You're right but the interface is still dangerous. I think we should have..." said Natasha. A portal appeared above them with a beat-up Lilith crashing to the ground with the gauntlets shrinking down to a matching pair of bracelets.

The two looked at each other as Natasha said,"Lilith Rune!? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since college.". "And I did invite you to the reunion but you didn't show up." said Reggie. Lilith looked at the two of them as she said,"Natasha and Reggie, my dear old friends....". She was out cold as Reggie said,"I'll take her upstairs. We'll figure this out after she recovers.". He took the woman upstairs as Natasha looked at the disappearing portal and she said,"Uh oh.".

Outside of Cypress High, Zane was currently leading against a tree with him looking happy as Danny and Gwen walked up to him. "You're happy. What's the occasion?" said Gwen. "Zane actually had a full date with Kristen and defeated Wraith and Mareona." said Danny. "And I had time to finish Coach Barnett's stupid assignment. Why would a gym teacher give us homework? Nothing could ruin my day." said Zane as he got up from the tree.

He didn't see Austin, Brad, and Bryan standing nearby him as Brad's holding a football. "Hey Zit for Brains!" said Brad. He threw the football with Zane getting hit in the stomach and thrown back by the force of the ball. Danny and Gwen rush over to him with Zane holding the ball. He looked angry as two out of three jocks laughed at him. Zane growled as he release a small burst of Nether from his body causing the football to explode and destroy a stop sign.

It fell to the ground causing the three jocks to trip over it. Zane walked over as he picked up the sign with a smile. "Man. You guys really need to learn how to look where you're walking. I mean tripping over a sign is pretty sad." said Zane. He walked away as Brad and Bryan growled. Austin thought as he picked himself up,"Zane is a dead man.". Inside of the school, Zane was picking books in his locker as Kristen and Rachel stood by him.

Kristen said,"Honey. You know that you're playing with fire right?". Zane turned around as he said with a smile,"I'll be fine. I mean I can't control my emotions except for love.". He pointed over to something as the girls looked to see Brad and Mack by their lockers. Their lockers were struggling to stay open with them opening it. The two were soon covered in pie with Rachel said,"So what pie did you use?". "Honestly, that one isn't mine but it's still funny." said Zane.

Kristen said,"You know that they're going to blame you right?". "Are you serious? I mean Brad may be strong in the muscle department but not in the head." said Rachel. Brad then noticed a note and he grabbed it. "ZIT!" yelled Brad. Kristen and Rachel noticed that Brad was steaming as Kristen said,"I guess someone blamed you. You better run.". "Don't need to tell me twice." said Zane. He rushed away as Brad ran after him.

In the library, two nerds were playing some kind of table top board game. The nerd on the right said,"I cast the spell of freezing on you!". The other nerd rolled a dice as he groaned. "I really hate my luck." said the nerd. The door burst open as Zane came in looking for somewhere to hide. "So explain to me why we're hiding again? I mean you could easily go Brawn or Liger Form on him and kick his ass head to timbuktu." said Cole.

Athena said,"Even if we go Zero, Swarm could storm the place and I highly doubt that Zane could get out of there without someone getting hurt and using them as well.". "And I told you that I'll use them soon." said Zane. He hid under the table where the nerds were playing. "ZIT!!!!" yelled Brad. He looked into the library with Zane's purple eyes were sticking out from the shadow. He looked away and he said,"Man. That was close.". He turned to his right and he saw that Vicky was hiding there.      

Zane said,"So why are you hiding here? I mean have you looked under these tables?". He pointed to a huge group of chewed gum with Vicky saying,"Shut up Alvarez. Us in the A List need to hide from things too.". "Like what? Reality?" said Zane. Outside of the table, Kevin was running by the table as he said,"Vicky?! Sweetheart! You still owe me a date for taking care of your along with my baby! Get back here!".

He then ran away as Zane said,"Okay. I see why you're hiding. So how did you convince the pervert anyway?". "He isn't dating Brad's sloppy seconds." said Vicky. Zane growled as Vicky said,"Kristen is a nice girl way too good for Brad but I guess for you, she's fine. So did you do Coach Barnett's stupid assignment?". "Yep." said Zane. Later that day, Zane and Vicky hid behind a corner with Vicky panting. "How are you not tired?" said Vicky.

Zane said,"Been running from Brad and your pack since 8th grade. I gained a lot of endurance. Hey do you see a place to hide? I hear our chasers.". Vicky pointed to a dumpster as Athena said,"Well, I am sure one of your forms is more digesting.". "Twenty bucks on Gluttony Form!" said Cole. Zane shrugged as he turned to see Karen hiding behind it. She pointed to Zane as he said,"I'm currently on the run from our number one athlete.".  

She pointed to Vicky who said,"Hiding from our number one pain in the ass.". Kevin ran by and he sneezed before running. "And you?" said the two. She pointed as the two looked to see some geeks looking for her. "Wow. You have a fan base girl." said Vicky. Zane told the two to hide behind the dumpster with Zane looking up to see his house. "We can hide out from them in my place." said Zane as he told the girls to follow him.

Karen and Zane were running ahead as Vicky was behind them. "So why are you helping Vicky? She hates you." said Karen. "Yeah but she likes Kristen so I'm good to her right now." said Zane. The two reached the steps of his house as Karen said,"Be careful. I just don't want you getting hurt because you invited one of your enemies for tea.". Vicky stopped at the steps surprised with her walking up to them. Zane opened the door with his eyes widened.

Lilith sat, in the living room covered in a blanket, with her playing chess with Arturo and Reggie watching them, Natasha is holding a teapot, Atem and Wolfram are playing, and Ana and Kania were glaring. "This is a weird picture." said Cole. "Yeah and Sovereign is here. She knows about you being Legion Zero from the Phantoms no doubt plus you know about her due to her Nether Signature don't you Zane?" said Athena.

Lilith looked at Zane while moving a chess piece as she said,"Ah. It's so good to see you again and look how big you've gotten.". "Okay. Who is she Zane?" said Karen with Vicky nodding. "You. What are you doing here?!" said Zane. He went over to them as Natasha said,"A good question. She came here rather suddenly didn't you?". She poured the teeth into her cup as she said,"Can't I come see an old friend?". "Not the way you came in." said Natasha.

Lilith said,"I was just going through town with me hearing about your SPECTACULAR battle armor that your mom and one of your godfathers are building for you mainly for protection. I can't just fire missiles on them so I thought I was just steal it from under all of you.". Zane rolled his eyes at this as Natasha and Reggie chuckled. "That was supposed to be funny?" thought Karen and Vicky. "Ah. You and your sense of humor." said Reggie.

Arturo said,"That humor is rather unique.". "Uh huh." said Atem. Ana walked over to Zane as she whispered to Zane,"I've been keeping an eye on her since she got here. She's the reason behind the Custodians.". "I figured that out when I felt her Nether all over you and them during my fight with Hydro Storm. You and Kania just keep an CLOSE eye on her." whispered Zane. "I'm getting started on dinner." said Natasha as she went to the kitchen with Arturo following her.

Zane walked over to Lilith with him saying,"I'm watching you. Don't think you can trick me like you can with mom and Mr. Robertson.". "Oh Zane. If you say anything, I'll share your secret with the web and you know how fast news travels." said Lilith. She looked at Vicky as she said,"You must be the young Ms. Mills. It's nice to meet you in person. I was coming to see you and your dad after this but well, early is better than being late.". "You know me?" said Vicky.

Zane thought,"Wow. She's stalking my mom and one of my enemies. This's so dam creepy but it does explain why I can kinda feel Sovereign when I'm fighting her.". The house soon blared out alarms with Kania, Wolfram, and Zane covering their ears from them. Arturo, Natasha, and Reggie rushed into the room as Karen helped Zane to the couch. Natasha touched a photo of her and Zane ,which was taken before the series started, and a strange panel appeared in its place.

It then showed several green balls of energy as Reggie said,"So this is your Nether Alarm Natasha? I like that the Phantoms are glowing balls of energy. Quite fitting.". Ana, Atem, and Vicky then ran up to them as they said,"The Nether Alarm?". "I built it just in case we have a huge Phantom invasion and it's right now." said Natasha. She looked at Zane who slowly stood up. "I'll be fine." said Zane as he ran toward the basement.

Vicky was grabbing her bag with her confused why it isn't there. "Are you looking for your Phantom ending gear?" said Lilith. The woman held the bag as Vicky said,"Phantoms? How do you know about that?". Lilith dropped her bag in her hands as the two walked away. Ana looked at Kania as the dog said,"I'll keep a Phantom eye on them. Keep Wolfram from following me.". Meanwhile, Zane soon reached the basement with the alarms still flashing and a portal resting there.

Zane said,"It's time to power up!". His costume soon covered his body with him activating Rapid Fire Rifle. He aimed the gun at the portal with him saying,"Didn't even know that I still had this but who cares? On my signal Athena and Cole...". Zane then saw Headless Horseman's pumpkin head with him saying,"Okay then. This may not be a bad thing.". "Legion? What are you doing here?" said HH. "Okay. This is going to be really easy." said Zane.

He was then blasted by Black Nether coming out of the portal with him on the ground. Something was on his chest and neck as he saw Wraith standing there with Hyde. "Hyde and Wraith? So did you guys meet online or what? And I'm happy for you." said Zane. Hyde looked at the portal with him saying,"I told you that there was a way out here.". Zane soon saw Celeste, Dyno, Remane, and Volcanis's head with Zane saying,"You're scared but of what?".

They all came rushing out of the portal as Wraith said,"GO!!!!!". They rushed out of the house with them going above Zane's house forming stormy weather. Zane soon recovered with him grabbing his two enemies and he said,"Lets see how you like being dragged through the house!". He flew through the house with him throwing them into the air above his house. Zane turned into Brawn Form and he was about to punch them but he was stopped by a dragon's claw.

Zane looked up to see Mareona ,in her dragon form, with Erin riding here. "Erin?! What is going on? And how did you get her to trust you?" said Zane. The dragon roared as Erin said,"He didn't mean it Mareona. We're friends and right now, you need to let Hyde go.". Zane had the former Zero in a headlock as Zane said,"Okay. What do you mean by that? I mean Hyde is the former me except way less handsome.".

He then looked up to see all of the Phantoms that Zane has met ,in the series except for Arturo, the Colossal Keeper, Kania, Lilith, Nexus, and Wolfram, floating there. He saw Iris, Lady Nezera, Aster, and Celeste standing there with the rocker saying,"You met him before Zane today. His name is the Emperor of all of Terrarune. Spiro Midnight.". "Hold on. You're running away from Auratina's really big daddy?" said Zane.

Wraith them stood with Dyno and Remane as he said,"Now we may be in a hurry, we have some payback don't we?". Wraith soon smacked in the head with Dyno firing Pink Nether at Zane right in the stomach and Remane sicking some of his animals at Zane. The evil Phantoms fired their Nether at Zane who tried to block it and he went flying toward the ground beaten. They soon flew off except for Bane, Celeste, Jennifer,  Kendra, and Seth standing there.  

Zane soon turned back to normal with Jennifer said,"So explain to me why we didn't do anything against them?". "Because Baby Doll, we can't fight anyone right now. I mean we tried to stop those horsemen but they're quite the tricky pickles." said Seth. "So why is Spiro attacking to begin with?" said Kendra. "I don't know but we need to get the group together and make a plan to defeat him before he destroys Cypress Park and Zane." said Bane.

Celeste looked at Zane as she saw Karen running out to him. "Are you okay Zane?" said Karen. The boy opened his eyes as he said,"Yes. I'm just annoyed and confused. Spiro is attacking Terrarune and the Phantoms ,good and bad, came here. Why?" Karen helped him into the house as the rocker flew with her friends. Zane looked up to see her flying away as he thought,"Don't worry. I'm going to figure out what's going on and stop it.".

Meanwhile, Kania was watching Vicky ,in her Agent Phoenix, flying on her hoverboard with Lilith riding on it as well. "This is a weird romance as Zane would say." thought Kania as she sweatdropped at the scene. "So the equipment is working well?" said Lilith. "Hell yeah!" said Vicky. She landed on a building with her saying,"You designed it just for me didn't you?". "Well, I may have built it to adjust the user's body." said Lilith.

The older female cross-species hopped off the board with the board going back into the suit. "So why would you do this?" said Vicky. She removed her hood as she said,"I'm like fifteen almost sixteen. I thought you make it for Marilyn.". "She may be an expert on creating weapons to kill Phantoms here in the city but you're far more useful with them. Vicky. You're smarter than most of the teens in this town, faster, stronger, and determined unlike Sam." said Lilith .

Vicky said,"Seriously?". "Correct! Why else would I say a thing? You know I could be like an evil villain and using you to kill someone so I can get what I want." said Lilith. Kania and Vicky looked at her with her smile which looked big and fake. The two began to laugh as Kania sighed. "I would first kill Zane for being the seed of the man who..." said Lilith. Vicky looked at her as Lilith said,"I'm kidding. Here is a new piece of gear.". She handed her the bracelets aka the Gauntlets of Power to her.

Vicky then looked at the woman as she said,"Bracelets?". "Not just any bracelets Vicky. They've been passed down from generations and well, they boost up your natural strength and durability.". She then gave it to her as Vicky put them on under her suit. "Well thanks Ms. Lilith." said Vicky. Her body had an Red Nether glow with it disappearing. "How about we keep this our dirty little secret?" said Lilith with a smile. Kania rolled her eyes as she heard a screaming.

Vicky said,"What was that?". She put on her hood as Lilith said,"An idiot Phantom must have come to Earth to cause some trouble and I think the town needs their REAL hero.". Vicky then activated her board as she said,"Those Phantoms are dead meat!". She flew off as Lilith stood there. She turned into Sovereign as she said,"Zane may hate you but he'll be protecting you from Spiro and well, I'm getting me a battlesuit.". She began laughing as Kania went to go inform Zane.

Back in Terrarune and in Spiro's castle, the four horsemen stood there in front of Konosuke. "Are the armies ready?" said Konosuke. "Yes sir." said the four. "Good. We need to get the emperor so he can issue his c..." said Konosuke. The samurai then turned around to see Spiro standing there with Kurse, Shayde, and Spectral Samurai. "I am here Konosuke." said Spiro. "So where is the princess old man?" said Alastor.

Spiro glared at the horsemen as Rayth hit him. "Sorry. It's been a while since we were summoned but I'm curious about the princess's location my liege." said Rayth. "It seems that she's currently under the weather." said Shayde. "We shouldn't let her go hang out with others." said Kurse. "Go to Earth. I sense my Gauntlets's power there and divide and conquer. No mercy." said Spiro. The Phantoms and their skeleton army saluted him.

The next day ,around lunch, at Cypress High, Zane was tired looking and annoyed. He sat there with Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kristen, Rachel, and Tara with Tara saying,"You okay cos?". Zane glared at her as he said,"What do you think?". "Sorry dumb question. So did you get any sleep?" said Tara. "Not even a god dam minute! Every single Phantom in Terrarune are running around Cypress Park and pissing me off!" said Zane. His lunch was then taken by a Phantom Lion.

Zane said,"It's been like this for the past couple of hours. I didn't get any sleep because my bed was taken by Lilith.". Vicky walked by their table as she said,"Hey Zane.". "Hey V." said Zane. "So why is Zane being nice to Vicky and vise versa?" said Danny. "She and him are friends and I'm pretty sure that we're having a party with our enemies next week." said Rachel. "Here's some advice. You're not exactly wanted here." said Vicky. "Why would you say that?" said Karen.

Zane's CJ went off as he turned around to see Brad and Bryan standing behind him. "Hey Zit, there is no teachers around to protect you." said Brad. "Seriously Bradly? Can't you leave me alone? I'm not in a good mood right now and you're really not helping. Can't you go be failing a test, being a total dick to everyone around just to make yourself feel better, or beating someone weaker than you like Kevin perhaps?" said Zane.

Bryan said,"Kevin's out today so that means you're up Zit. Brad won the coin toss so he gets the first punch.". Brad was slowly about to punch Zane and even under his tired state, he still dodged the punch with him noticing Jennifer's head sticking out of the ground. "Don't worry Zane. I got this jerk." said Jennifer. She tied Brad's shoes together as Brad said,"I don't know how you did that zit but eat this.".

He was slowly falling toward the ground with Vicky whistling. She kicked a tray of food toward Brad who fell into it. "How about you eat that first Bradley?" said Zane. The kids watched cheered as Zane smiled at Vicky who ran away just in case the A List saw her helping Zane. His friends walked over to him as Danny said,"Nice job. You and Vicky worked well together.". "Really? Don't you think he noticed Jennifer's head sticking out of the ground?" said Kristen.

Gwen said,"She was there?". "If you have Phantom Blood, you can see them even if they're currently well invisible. It's a gift. He's too dumb to see anything plus it's nice to see people getting what they deserve." said Zane. He walked away as Kristen looked worried. "What's wrong?" said Rachel. "It's Zane Nether. It's usually a bright and inviting steel gray but right now, it's dark and cold red just like the type he used against the Sphinx." said Kristen. "We so need to talk with him." said Tara.

Back at the Alvarez's house in the basement, Ed, Lilith, Natasha, and Reggie were currently working on the battle suit as Ana ,who didn't go to school yet, and Kania watching them. Arturo, Edgar, and Wolfram would be joining them but they were helping with the Phantom overload in town mainly thanks to Natasha seeing her baby boy tired. "Hey Lil. Do you mean handing me that?" said Ed. He pointed to a tool as she handed it to him.

The man worked on it as she said,"No problem pal. So when is this thing going to be working?". "We can't work any faster Lilith. This device needs to be worked on slowly or else Zane will get seriously hurt wearing this." said Natasha. Lilith felt something as she heard a horn. "Could we go like a little faster?" said Lilith. "So what was that?" said Ana. A portal suddenly open up as Reggie was hit by a giant Nether Battering Ram. "Watch out. Ram." said Lilith.

Konosuke stood there with him saying,"You remember the Emperor's order! Destroy this town in search of the Gauntlets of Power!". Several skeleton armies, the four horsemen, Kurse, Shayde, and Spectral Samurai flew or ran out of the portal going intangible into town. Natasha held a bo staff as she rushed toward Konosuke. The staff was soon grabbed by the samurai and he held her. "You have his Nether around. Tell me where Legion is." said Konosuke.

Lilith said,"Hands off the woman I love!". The two men, woman, and Phantom looked at her as she said,"As a dear friend or a sister perhaps.". She looked at the top and bottom of the battlesuit as she said,"So is this working at all?". Ana grabbed the staff with her hitting Konosuke as Kania bit right into him. "Only the bottom half but the neural interface hasn't been added on yet. It could kill you Lilith." said Ed.

Lilith said,"Well, one of you guys should try it. I mean it's your guys invention. I would suggest that Natasha should do it but she's...". Konosuke threw Ana and Kania back as he fired a fire nether beam from the multi-colored blade at the trio. Reggie blocked the attack using vibrations. "Sorry but I'm not letting you destroyed the lab." said Reggie. He got into the bottom half which looked to be about five feet tall. "It's Phantom kicking time! Activating Neural Interface." said Reggie.

Ed pressed a button on a remote which made the pants activate. Reggie's arms, legs, and spinal cord was soon covered in metal with green glowing lines. He ran toward Konosuke with him slicing the air in front of him. It missed Reggie with Konosuke firing several beams at the man who dodged them all. He soon jumped into the air with him kicking Konosuke's head causing the samurai to drop Natasha on the ground.

Ana went over to her mother as Kania decided to go tell Zane about Konosuke and his army. She was gone as Reggie said,"And you're out of here!". He kicked Konosuke out of the house and the samurai landed into a nearby billboard. He shook his head as he said,"Those legs are strong but they have a weakness. I need to find Legion and the gauntlets.". He flew off as Reggie stood there with the four heading toward him. "Man. These pants are amazing and with my powers, I'm...." said Reggie.

The suit then slowly beeped as Reggie felt weaker. "Okay. This is......annoying..." said Reggie with a weaker voice. "Reggie!" said Natasha. Ed caught him before he fell as Ana said,"This is draining you like a battery Uncle Reggie.". "So whose taking his pants off?" said Lilith. Ana, Lilith, and Natasha put their fingers on their nose as Ed said,"God dang it.". "You snooze you lose." said the three women as Ed slowly pulled off Reggie out of the suit's bottom half.

Out in the town, it was currently being over ran by the Phantoms mainly the Skeleton armies. They were throwing cars into windows from the ground level to an upper level, slice open anything not living, and in general, they were causing the town a whole lot of repairs. People were running in terror from them as above them, Erin looked down. "Those poor humans. They're being attacked by Spiro's army. I wonder if Johnny is down there fighting them." said Erin.

She turned around to Aster, Bane, Celeste, Jennifer, and Kendra standing them. "Who cares about JV right now?" said Celeste. "You do Celeste. Since we came here, you tried to help Zane ,not JV, with the more mischievous Phantoms." said Jennifer. "You two just need to tell him about that. He isn't going to figure it out." said Aster. "That isn't the point right now Aster. They're coming here faster than I thought." said Bane.

Kendra said,"So should we camouflage ourselves? I mean the others didn't use the confusion and panic to find places to hide.". "You're right but we can't." said Erin. "She's right. We will disguise ourselves among the humans." said Bane. "That's sounds like a plan." said Aster. The four were gone as Celeste looked over at the high school. Jennifer placed her hand on her friend's shoulder as she said,"He'll be fine. I know it.". The two followed their friends.  

Outside of the music store, Celeste was sitting on a counter in front of a small crowd as she said,"I have a song called. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!". She strummed down on her guitar as the crowd of teens ran out of there. "She rocks!" said one of the teens. Jennifer appeared with Bane and Kendra as Bane said,"At least, we're not pushing people out of their homes.". "I heard some phantoms call a store their home." said Kendra. "That's just weird." said Jennifer.

Outside of the high school, the armies were slowly heading toward the school. Zane was currently talking with his friends as he said,"You guys can't be serious can you?". "I'm serious Zane." said Danny. "Vicky is one of YOUR enemies. She has been trying to kill you for months now. So do you really think it's a good idea to let her so close." said Tara. "Meh. I can handle her and Hyde at the same time. She's also not the worst member of the A-List." said Zane.

Vicky then walked up to them with her saying,"And you're better than the rumors say Alvarez.". The group ,except for Zane and Vicky, turned away with Vicky saying,"So did I mess the turn session? Or what". "No. They're really close friends and well, they're being overprotective of little old me." said Zane. "Of what? I mean you and I both don't have anything to hide." said Vicky. Zane smirked and his friends frowned.

Zane's CJ went off as he said,"Well, I have to get going. I think I left my.....". He was gone as he ran right into Brad. Brad grabbed him by his collar as Zane turned to see the armies outside of the school and heading toward them. "Look. This is really bad Brad. Can we reschedule your embarrassment to when we're in public." said Zane. "Not happening Zit unless you can somehow make me look like an idiot but what's the chance of that?" said Brad. Zane's eyes slightly glowed with an evil smirk.

Brad was soon slamming himself into the lockers over and over. He then stopped and he fell over as Zane ,while invisible, flew out of Brad's body with him going to a nearby hall. He walked out and he saw his friends and Vicky looking at him. "Well, you should learn your lesson by now Brad! So if you didn't, I won't be so gentle!" said Zane. He then ran behind the corner with him seeing Sovereign waiting for him as he crashed into her.

Sovereign said,"Does it feel good Zane? Using your powers on those who annoy you, hate you, or getting what you desire.". Zane growled as he turned into Legion Zero with him then turning into Werewolf Form. He fired off a sonic howl right at her causing her to go flying. "Actually, it feels really good and I'm itching to kill a vampire." said Zane. He went on all fours as he rushed after her to get rid of his anger.

Back with the others, Vicky said,"So where's he off to? I only see guys running like that are usually late for dates with their girlfriends but you're here.". Kristen then glared at her as she said,"And what are you saying Vicky?". "Nothing Kristen. Zane may be like every guy at this school aka cheating on their partner." said Vicky. "Zane isn't a cheater." said Karen. "Yeah. He won't help Ray out with his tests by cheating even though he used the puppy dog eyes." said Tara.

Vicky said,"And you don't like him. I can't believe that you two are friends even though Kristen here stole Zane from under your nose. You know how guys can be.". "Why do I oddly feel offended?" said Danny. "Um, I may like Zane but he's just my best friend." said Karen. "Right. He is your best friend already. You two may not be the only ones who like him and Zane's a guy so make him notice you before you lose him by someone else." said Vicky.

Before either Karen and Kristen could say anything, Gwen pulled out her phone. She turned on the news app as the reporter said,"This is Sophie Baldwin, with Cypress Online News Now.". The group gathered around Gwen with the brunette news woman saying as a background looking very much the Nether Alarm that Zane has at his house,"This is the Nether Alarm and it only activates when we're under a massive Phantom invasion.".

The screen showed several Phantom skeletons destroying the town as the cops were trying to fight them off but they were blasted by Sandra ,who was looking at her nails, and Spectral Samurai as he kept them busy. "Cypress Park is currently under a massive Phantom attack and here's Lloyd Baldwin with him actually there in person." said Sophie. As she says, the cameraman was soon being attacked by a skeleton Phantom's sword slash.

A blond man soon stood there in front of the camera as he said,"And here I had to be the one to come out when I could be in my..... Anyway, we have been having activities all over town.". Back in the Alvarez basement, Natasha was looking at the TV with Ana and Ed helping Reggie, who just got out of the Command's bottom half, with the reporter said,"And if you can see, they seem to be heading right toward the schools.".

Reggie said,"We have....". Natasha put a hand on her friend's shoulder as she said,"Reggie, your body is still drained from just putting on the bottom half to the suit. I'll get Atem and Zane.". "I'll go with you. I have to get Tara." said Ed. The two were gone as Reggie held his head. "That's a good idea. I will just rest here." said Reggie. Meanwhile, Jim was looking at his computer screen with it showing the news.

Lloyd was saying,"All parents should be heading to pick up their and get out of town before...". Jim ran off as Lloyd said,"Oh no! They're here!". Skeletons soon surrounded him as the broadcast ended with every parent in town began heading toward the high school. At said high school, Sovereign stood with Zane soon following with him glaring and getting his claws ready. He rushed toward the vampire and she slammed him into the ground.

Sovereign said,"Calm down, Zane! I didn't come to fight you in your beast form! We have much bigger problems to worry about.". "You mean your garlic breath?" said Zane. Zane's CJ went off as he barely dodge Konosuke's swords. Sovereign then saw Alastor and Rayth riding on a blue and red skeletal pegasus respectively. The horses both had sharp fangs and teeth with Rayth soon holding a scarlet red blade and Alastor holding a pale blue scythe.

The skeleton army stood behind them as Konosuke said,"I found you Legion Zero or should I say Johnny Vincent?". Zane roared as he sliced down on the samurai. Sovereign looked at the angered teen with her dodging Rayth's slash which destroyed the football post. Zane fired three sonic howls at the samurai and two skeleton soldiers. He was then swarmed by the skeletons with Zane saying with him clenching his fists,"Leave me alone!".

He turned into Sonic Form with him releasing his discs from his body. "Surround Sound!" said Zane as the discs created a large sound causing the skeletons to turn into ash. Zane recovered and he was about to be attacked by a skeleton. Red Nether flew past him destroying the skeleton. Zane turned to see Sovereign standing there as he said,"You're helping me?". He punched away several skeleton with him releasing his discs to create some breathing room.

Zane said,"You already have everything that you want Lilith except for my mom.". Sovereign was fighting off skeletons with her saying,"Quit reminding me about that but if you allowed me to put a move on her...". She was then grabbed by Konosuke who threw her to the ground aimed his multi-colored blade on her neck. "The Gauntlets! Return them!" said Konosuke. Zane glared at Sovereign as he said,"You stole the Gauntlets of Power?! How dumb can you be?".

Sovereign said,"That could have been any Phantom Vampire but you could...". Both Konosuke and Sovereign were blasted by energy. Alastor and Rayth soon saw Vicky ,as Agent Phoenix, holding up a cannon. "Guess what, Phantom Scum! Agent Phoenix, the best hero in Cypress Park is here! And that means, you're about to be sent to hell!" said Vicky. Sovereign flew over to Zane with her saying,"She's really good at this.".

Zane then looked at her as he said,"I'm going to ignored that you're currently helping her trying to kill our own kind because she thinks that we're working with the samurai and his army.". "I think you're right Legion Zero and she doesn't like us whatsoever so we have two enemies. So how about a team up?" said Sovereign. Vicky soon threw several pellets right at Sovereign and Zane. Sovereign dodging the attack but Zane took the attack.

Above them, a bunch of Cypress High students ,Brad, Kristen, Rachel, and an invisible Kania, were watching the fight. "Be safe my idiot master." said Kania. Kristen then looked at the dog as several cars drove up to them. There were several types of cars with maybe one hybrid. "Wow. I can't believe there is one hybrid here." said Rachel. Jim soon got out of his car with him running over to the kids as he said,"Have you guys seen Vicky?".

Kristen and Rachel looked at the explosion with the two saying,"With Zane.". Natasha ran up to them as she said,"Have you see Zane?". "With Vicky." said the two. "Seriously?" said Natasha. Vicky then looked at the explosion with her saying,"Alright. You're dead Legion Zero!". The explosion was being absorbed by something as Zane said with a lot of static,"Sorry Agent Phoenix. I'm too dam stubborn to die! Fulmination Form!".

The groups soon saw an eight foot humanoid looking creature standing in the place of Zane. His body is a solid black color with his two arms covered in white thunder bolt tribal tattoos. He has two electric blue ,lightning bolt shaped, eyes with a bold silver outline around them. He has five fingers and five pointed toes. He's wearing a black muscle shirt over his body with whites stripes going around his chest, dark red cargo pants, and gray boots.

He has two octopus like tentacles ,which is like power chords, coming out of his shoulders with silver battery ,triangular, plugs on the end of them. Zane slammed his hands down with several light purple electricity shocking several skeletons. His tentacles grabbed Vicky. "Let me go!" said Vicky. She pulled out a knife as she then stabbed one. Zane growled as he said despite not having a noticeable mouth,"Listen to me. Me and Sovereign aren't the bad guys. Just look!".

Vicky looked to see Sovereign fighting against Konosuke and the cronies, who flew toward her. She then cloned herself three times with each one of the vampires fired off Red Nether blasts causing the skeletons to be destroyed but Konosuke blocked the blast. The two clones fired their blasts at the samurai with the warrior blocking the attack. "So you monsters are fighting each other? This is pretty awkward." said Vicky.

Zane slapped his forehead as he said,"Okay. Look, I'm so not happy about working with you or Sovereign but....". Sovereign was then tackled by Alastor and Rayth with Zane saying,"They're the enemies because some idiot had to steal from the Phantom Emperor. You may not trust me or her but right now, we need to work together.". Sovereign soon got back up and she blasted back the two horsemen.

Konosuke pulled out his sword with him getting ready to fight. "I still don't trust you." said Vicky. "I really don't care. You want to protect the town right now so help me." said Zane. He held out his right hand as Vicky looked at it. She shook it as Zane smiled. He jumped toward Konosuke with Vicky right behind her. Zane fired a huge blast of electricity at Konosuke with the samurai blocking the attack.

He didn't see that Vicky had punched him back. Sovereign got back up with her firing her nether at the samurai causing him to fall back. "Is he serious?" said Alastor. "You should know how strong Konosuke is and with his signature blade, he's invincible." said Rayth. The samurai soon got back up as Zane said,"Okay. I don't care what you're doing here but you can take Sovereign back to Terraune and to your boss.".

Sovereign said,"I thought we were allies.". "Me and Agent are allies. You're just a means to an end vampire." said Zane, with a clenched fist "Zane is acting very different today." thought Sovereign. "You dam fools! I just wanted to return the gauntlets back to Spiro. You haven't give me no choice idiots." said Konosuke. He held up his sword as he said,"By the authority of Spiro Midnight...". Green Flame Nether covered his sword with him slamming the blade into the ground.

Zane felt CJ going off as Athena said,"Zane! We have a problem!". "Yeah. There's a huge amount of Nether slowly flowing through the Earth." said Cole. "I should get rid of that sword!" said Zane. He was soon caught by Alastor and Rayth. "What are you kid? I mean you're a Phantom with blood of Sorcerer, Eazairvian, and human. Most Cross Species have only two at most different species but you're special." said Rayth.

Zane then looked to see that a nether shockwave has appeared from the sword. The skeletons stopped in place with them bowing. This spread all over town with the citizen being extremely confused by it there. Konosuke stood back from the sword as he said,"This town shall belong to Spiro Nightmare aka the Emperor of Terrarune!". Zane then soon saw that he and everyone else was trapped in a giant dome with no sign of escape as he said,"I really hate my luck.".

Next time,
What will happen next time? Will the dome being destroyed? Will Sovereign return the gauntlets of power to save her skin? What's going on with Zane and his new personality? Why is Spiro doing all of this? And what happened to Princess Auratina? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:      
Fulmination Form. This transformation's card is very different to Fulmination Wire's card from Zero Episode 13. It was special being that it had a gold and silver frame with the card had a bunch of wires tangled up. Zane's body was covered in thunder. He has two antennae with them sprouting out of his back with a square plug at the end. His fingers matched his back antennae with gold battery bolts that sprouted from his arms, hips, and shoulders. Fun fact, Fulmination Wire, Brick Morph, and Sleeping Powder were five episodes apart from each other. It's cool. This card now has a black frame with several wires covering the card with them very much completely covered in electricity and in the background, there is a power plant and telephone poles with a superhero like figure standing on one of the telephone poles

Phantoms seen in the Series so far (Tell me if I missed one except for Arturo, Colossal Keeper, Kania, Lilith, Nexus, and Wolfram): Alana, Asterino/Aster,  Bane, Celeste,  Crunch, Dyno, Erin Palmer, Estelle, Ether, Food Queen/Florence, Grady, Headless Horseman, Hyde, Isis, James, Jennifer, Jester, Joyce, Kendra, Lady Nezera, Mareona, Larcosh, Princess Auratina, Radio Surge/Senta, Remane, Riveter, Ron, Septichris, Seth, Sheryl, Slug, Smog, Thorgeir, Volcanis, and Wraith.

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