Friday, October 27, 2017

Zero Episode 51 Worst Future Ever PT 2 Awakening

A/N: Yep. It's Zane vs Daemon. Past vs the Future. I would come up with something clear but I'm only human. Let me just say that the title isn't Zane awakening up to the truth or something like that but trust me, this part will be extremely graphic. I think this arc and maybe the last arc of the series will be this graphic. I know that it's a total mood whiplash to the rest of the series but will the crossover be more graphic? I'm not sure but lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Daemon was looking at the group with Zane in shock and captured in the neck. Daemon landed on the street as he placed his hands on his hips. "Danny, Gwen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara. It's good to see you again and not in the ground. Ten long years have passed in this timeline and well, it's hell." said Daemon. The group was soon trapped in purple flaming Nether with Daemon saying,"So why are you all here? I wonder why.".

He then looked at the medallions as Daemon's eyes widened. "Hourglass Universe?! I recognize that design. I thought she was a rumor just the Multiverse theory or is the Omniverse theory?" thought Daemon shacking his head. "Oh well. Time to get rid of you like everything else." said Daemon. He rose his right hand with him getting blasted by an orange blast and launching him into the street far away.

He looked from his crater and he saw Vicky with a wrist-mounted gatling gun and grenade in the other hand. He rose back up and he flew toward her. She threw the grenades at him with Daemon's hair turned into flames. The grenades blew up before they could reach him. She fired his gatling gun but before it could fire, he was grabbed by both wrists. "Not letting you escape from me again my love." said Daemon. Zane blew up the net and he thought,"Bastard! Let her go now!".

He turned into Liger Form and he rushed toward him. Daemon noticed the liger rushing toward him as he said,"Hold on there Vicky. I have to teach myself a hard lesson in learning to stay the fuck down.". He punched Vicky in the stomach and she went bouncing off the pavement and into the rubble. He grabbed her once again as Daemon said,"I thought about letting you as my mistress due to my feelings toward you but here's the thing. I'm a real monster.".

Daemon threw her toward some buildings as Zane said,"Victoria Mills!". Zane grabbed her and the feline slammed into the buildings with him crashing landing into the street. Vicky coughed blood as Zane said,"Victoria Mills! Don't you dare go to sleep on me brother!". "I going to guess that you're from an alternative timeline aren't you?" said Vicky. Zane looked at her as Vicky said,"I hate your guts now but you were and are so handsome. I wish I asked you out.".

She was out cold as Zane placed his paw on her neck. He couldn't hear her heartbeat as Zane's rage grew. "She's dead. I can't believe Vicky liked me or is it Daemon? That doesn't matter right now. I have to stop Daemon!" thought Zane. He began rushing toward Daemon who was looking at his former friends. "You know that if I was a nice guy, I would leave you alive. I'm a killer now and I'll be one for sure!" said Daemon.

Zane ,in Liger Form, began rushing toward Daemon with his teeth gritted and his fist clenched as his blood was coloring the ground. Daemon sighed as he said,"You got to be kidding me. I guess you're trying to stop me but will fail.". The two soon clashed fists as black lightning ,with a crimson red outline, was spreading from the impact and it was very noticeable. The two went back as the group was free and Zane looked at them.

Zane said,"Danny! Gwen! Lucius! Rachel! Ray! Tara! I need you to run away brother! I will join you after I defeated my counterpart who looks like an armored and badass demon!". Danny and Ray were about to go join Zane but they were soon dragged away by Gwen, Rachel, and Tara to honor Zane's demand. Lucius however ran off in a different direction. This was because they couldn't catch him before running off.

Zane started to glow bright purple as he yelled,"Time to become Liger Prime brother!". His body grew to sixteen feet tall as his fur got furrier and more shaggy like. The white stripes turned energy similar to his belt. His hands and feet now have five ,metal plated, claws as his arms and legs were covered in silver bandages. He's now wearing a metal jacket with black fur around the hood of his jacket. His upper canines grew much longer very much like a saber tooth-tiger.

He grew nine fluffy yet highly dangerous tails with the ends being sharp swords. "You are going to by my hand future me! This is what you deserve for all of your horrendous crimes in this dimension brother!" roared Zane. Daemon chuckled as he said with a smirk,"So you're now a bigger and more deadly looking cat? You can't save them because in the end, you'll fail! Trust me when I say this because I did the exact same!".

He released two flare bursts from his fire hair with Zane covering his eyes. The group stopped to see that they were next to Zane's house. The bricks of the house began to fall about and it crushed them in a second. "No! I'll kill you bastard!!!!!!!" roared Zane. He rushed toward Daemon as the older one punched Zane into the ground. "To be honest, you're making really annoyed. Didn't you know that you shouldn't fight a stronger opponent." said Daemon

Daemon roared loudly out in pain as he looked down to see Zane biting down his ankles. "You're really pissing me off now brother!" roared Zane. Zane released himself as he fired several energy beams out of his mouth. Daemon blocked most of them but he was punched by Zane. He went traveling through the ground with him breaking apart several buildings. Zane panted as he was soon blasted by purple nether.

He saw that the necklace were on the ground. "Their medallions! They must have gone back home like Steph and Remano did! They're alive and I should...!" said Zane. He held his medallion but he was blasted back by two Plant Nether fists. Daemon and Zane looked to see four people standing there with them watching the fight. One was the Scarlet Demon who had an eerie smile on his face. One of them looked like something from Science Fiction and looked male in shape.

He's a robotic Phantom ,very much like Bane, with him covered in silver armor and two glowing red lenses. His body is slim and streamlined with two green lines on the sides of his chest plate. The armor has two white hatches in the stomach area with a black base under them. His arms are gray cylinders serving as his elbow joins and he has white four fingers hands. There is silver armor plating on each of his shoulder which protects his green parts.

It also serves as the shoulders which connects to its main body. The hip area is silver and a "T" shaped base with gray materials that also serves as the connection for the legs. His knees are gray cylinders very much like the ones used for his elbow joins with his legs looking human like from his thighs to his knees and below his knees, he had bird like legs with two long pointed feet. His head looked to be a medieval knight's helmet with two sharp points on the sides of it.

One of the four is female and looks to be in her twenties. Her figure is amazing being that it's covered by a purple bodysuit with loose fitting sleeves that ends in a curved cup look. The top part of her costume covers her chest very much like a v neck tank top and under the purple costume, she has a black cover that ends with sharp spikes tips over her shoulders and a long trench coat tail piece that goes down to her calves.

Her skin is blue being that her hands and neck were the only part of her body exposed. She's wearing a black mask with five dark blue lines and two of the top lines are in angles, two of the lines are at the bottom also in angles, and one is from her chin. Her eyes are covered by two purple lenses being that all five lines are connected to one of them. She has long black hair that goes down to her shoulders but the ends in four points and part of her hair is in a ponytail.

It's up in the air with it curved like a scorpion's tail and has a sharp point. The final one looked to be male maybe older than Daemon and the female looked. He's very tall, pale, and has a slightly slim and muscular figure. He has a very small ,almost flat, nose. His hair is black and up to his shoulder with red-violet streaks. The back of his hair is curled, the top is spiky, and the sides of his hair are shaved off.  His eyes are bluish/gold/violet eyes and his right ear has a gold earring.

His arms and legs are longer than normal being that he make the others around him dwarf. His eyes are very sharp and intense. He wears a high-collared torn brown cape with it tied off in the roof and it exposed most of his muscular torso, black gloves, crimson red pants with a gold belt buckle, and gray spiked boots. He wears steel bands around both of his arms and legs that completely covered his ankles and knees. He wears bandages around his body but it still exposed his muscles.

Daemon said,"Ash, Daisy, Halphas, and Scarlet Demon. What are you doing here and interrupting my fight?". "We came to inform you that all opposing forces have been eliminated by us sir." said the robotic Phantom. "And we wanted to tell you that you shouldn't waste your energy on this child master." said Scarlet Demon. "I don't care about you gaining help to take me down brother! I will make you pay for killing Victoria!" roared Zane.

He turned back into Legion Zero as he said,"Um. What the hell just happened? I should be in Liger Prime but...". Zane was grabbed by Daemon who said,"You ran out of energy. I thought you know that but you're still a sapling!". He threw Zane toward the building very far in the distance as the taller man said,"So are you letting your anger out of him boss?". "Perhaps Halphas. Get all of the Pestcrusher along with Daisy." said Daemon. "Yes sir." said the woman.

The two flew off as Scarlet said,"What about us?". "You and Ash. Get the soldiers ready. I will be handling myself and teaching him a lesson that he needs to learn." said Daemon. He flew after his younger half with Ash saying,"So are we going to do that?". "We serve Daemon master or do you want to die like the rest?" said Scarlet. "Meh. Lets do the boss's order and then we'll help master with Zane." said Ash. "Okay." said Scarlet.

Zane recovered as he said,"Okay. I'm out of energy and I'm fighting my ,possible, jerky older self. So how could this day get any worse?". He looked down at his medallion and he said,"I could escape but all of this death and destruction. I need to stop him!". He took a deep breath as he remember part of his training with Lucius. "Brother. You're an Eazairvian and you're one of the strongest beings in the Omniverse meaning you can shape reality so learn how to use it!" echoed Lucius's voice.

Zane focused as he saw Daemon heading toward him. The older Zane saw that Zane's body was soon water and Daemon was soon blasted back by water. Zane looked at his body and he said,"Wow. I so didn't see that I could do that. This may be a new power of mine but it feel some familiar.". Daemon soon blasted Zane with a giant purple flaming meteor. Daemon's eyes widened as Zane's body was completely destroyed and it soon reformed back to normal.

Zane smiled as he said,"Daemon. Let me introduce you to the Celestial Anatomy!". His arms turned into highly pressure water and he blasted them toward Daemon. Daemon was soaked as he released his flames over his body. "Oh. You awakened haven't you?" said Daemon. He was soon blasted by a giant rock fist as Zane's body was living earth. "Awakened? I've always been awake and I'm going to kick your but harder than osmium!" said Zane.

He turned into a new form. Zane's body grew to 6 foot with his arms and legs now being coiled up silver metallic springs.  He's wearing a gray suit of armor with a short sleeved white athletic t-shirt under it. His skin is tan colored with him wearing sunglasses over his pure white eyes. His fists were now boxing gloves with his bluish green hair curled into a rocket like shape. He's wearing black and green boots as he said,"Spring Form! Let's Bounce!".

He started jumping into the air as Daemon flew after him. Zane stopped and he bounced off the air with him heading straight toward Daemon. They collided as Daemon went crashing back through the ground. Zane bounced in the air as he said,"You may be stronger than me Daemon but here's the thing. You're nothing but a clone of me while I'm the Prime.". Ash appeared Zane and he kicked the child into several buildings as they crumbled around him.

Daemon glared at Ash who said,"I did what you wanted boss. We should really kill him or at least hurt him a lot.". "Fine. He's stronger than my normal opponents. Are the soldiers around where Zane crashed into him?" said Daemon. Ash nodded as Daemon said,"Let him run out of energy by fighting the soldiers. You and Scarlet will hold him down. I'll land the final blow.". "Okay but I'm going to land a blow on him before then." said Ash.

Zane jumped out of the rubble and he said,"Wow. You bad guys have no honor.". He then saw that several soldiers ,with them being living chess pieces, and Zane said,"Okay. Spring Form may be better for one to one fight but he isn't for multi opponent fights. I just hope that I can handle this.". He turned into Raptor Form with him taunting the chess army and Daemon said,"Destroy him now my army!".

They then rushed toward Zane and he began punching them back. His strength kept growing upon destroying each piece. "You're getting weaker Zane." said Scarlet. He floated above the battlefield as Zane said,"Then how about you fight me? You're letting your men die just because you're too lazy to try and fight me a teenager.". Scarlet growled as he said,"I forgot how annoying you were but Master Daemon could handle you without breaking a sweat.".

Zane said,"Right and I'm the Lumberjack Princess of Canada. Lets see how you all like having the cold shoulder!". He punched the ground as several pieces were frozen solid. Zane charged up his energy and he started to spin around. He soon turned into a tornado of energy which destroyed the army. Zane stopped moving as he said,"What's next your highness?". Daemon snapped his fingers as Ash and Scarlet rushed toward Zane.

Zane turned into Thermal Form and he fired a giant blast of ice. The two flew past the attack as the ground below them froze making a gigantic glacier. Zane dodged Ash's punch but he was kicked into the glacier breaking it. Zane soon saw that Ash and Scarlet were heading right toward Zane with him saying,"You guys can't stop me! I'm not giving up until....". He turned back to normal as he soon went toward the ground.

He felt empty as he saw that there was a hole in his chest. Zane coughed up blood as Daemon said as he held Zane's essence aka heart which was a dark purple color,"You're not going back to your time at all. In fact, you're going to die here in my future and their hearts will be crushed just like everyone that I killed.". Zane was soon out cold and covered in his own blood. Ash, Daemon, and Scarlet stood over to the teen as Daemon said,"Bring him and the others to there. He'll awake soon enough.".

In the alleyway beside Fantasia, Danny, Gwen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara appeared in a flash of light. "I can't believe you did that Gwen. How did you know about the medallions?" said Danny. "I remember Zane telling us that Remano and Stephanie went back to their futures after their medallions fell off his body. However, Zane's still fighting his future old self." said Gwen. "Yeah. Lets get going! We've to go find Hourglass and force her to bring us back to that future!" said Ray.

Tara said,"Wait. Where's Lucius?! He must still be in the future. I mean is he okay?". "Who knows but I'm still shocked to see Zane turned into that. He killed all of those innocent people making him worse than anything I've ever seen." said Rachel. "Yeah. That future won't happen right?" said Danny as he imagined Daemon laughing. "It said 80% on the mirror meaning that it could be possible but what was the catalyst?" said Gwen.

Ray said,"It may have something to do with the celebration.". He pointed to a banner saying,"100 years strong!". "Maybe. That's what Future Vicky said. She's still there with Lucius and Zane but we need to find a way before we all kick the bucket soon enough." said Rachel. Her phone began running as Tara said,"Who is it?". "Karen. She's asking about Zane." said Rachel. "We're so dead." said Danny as he sighed.

Back in the future, Zane was slowly waking up. "I can't hearing my heart beating so how am I still alive?" said Zane. Something was focusing into his vision as he saw a statue. "Mom..." said Zane as he went onto his knees. He saw a statue of his mother and all of his friends smiling. He looked to see the eulogy saying,"GONE BUT WILL NEVER FORGOTTEN.". Zane looked down to see that he was tied in purple flaming nether rope.

Zane said,"They really died? God dam it. So where am I?". He looked around and Crisis Judgement went off. He saw Daemon staying there as he said,"To be honest, I can't believe that all of this death and destruction started because of a massive explosion.". Zane looked down to see that there was still a hole in his chest and the medallion was gone. "You may be asking how you're still alive but to be honest, you have to find out for yourself." said Daemon.

Zane rolled his eyes as Daemon said,"You're not going back to your time Zane but you're going to see my future.". He raised his hand and a portal appeared. It was a dark purple flame portal beginning and Zane saw that it was Terrarune. "I may not be able to go back to my time but I'll never become you! I want revenge on you for ripping out my Essence and killing the innocent people!" yelled Zane. He was soon kicked onto the ground by Ash. "Shut up brat." said Ash.

Daemon looked at the robotic Phantom who said,"Master. Why haven't you killed him? He's already near death and looking at him, he's reminds you of your past doesn't he?". Daemon glared at Ash with him saying,"Daisy. Get Ash out of my sight.". The robot Phantom was dragged away by plants as Zane said,"I knew you're keeping me alive because you care about your past don't you? You may be a killer but you're not fully a monster.".

Daemon looked at the statue of his family as Zane said,"Where's Atem, Ana, Kania, Lucius, and Wolfram?! They're part of my family despite not sharing a single percent of blood!". "I don't know who you're talking about but still, you bring me problems." said Daemon. He grabbed Zane and he threw Zane right in front of the portal. Daemon soon glowed as Zane saw himself standing there but he still looked different.

He has white hair ,with green streaks, and dark purple eyes. He's wearing a black jacket with gray lining, a weird ghost like skull on the back of his jacket, and his jacket is opening revealing his dark red t-shirt underneath. He's wearing black camo cargo pants and black short steel-toed boots. Zane's eyes widened as Daemon said,"Looking into a mirror aren't you? I know that I'm not an exact copy right now but....".

Daemon turned into a copy of Zane as he said,"Before you go into hell and have fun with my old friends, Halphas.". Zane was soon held in the air by the taller man as Daemon said,"Carnage. You shall rip open his prison for a second.". Zane turned to see one of the Pestcrusher ,which he remember seeing holding Vicky before, but he looked different than his brothers. He looked to be much taller and larger than a normal Pestcrusher with him being at least two times his size.

His body is covered with scars and half of his mandibles were ripped off. "Yes Master." said Carnage as he ripped Zane's right arm free. Zane try to focused his energy to make Nether appear and Halphas said,"You're out of energy right now Zane. Your essence is out of you. You can't do anything without it in you.". "Burn." said Daemon. Zane's right arm soon ignited in purple flame and he screamed in pain. "Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!" chanted the Pestcrushers.

Daisy looked away as Daemon said,"You need to watch this Daisy. You've killed hundred of people but perhaps seeing the younger me brings back old memories in us but you need to push back the memories. Memories are nothing more than things that hold you back from your purpose in life and it's time for Zane to learn the lesson that I learned when I lost them all.". Zane screamed out in pain as he saw that his right arm was now completely ash and on the floor.

He coughed up blood as Ash said,"Can we send him to hell already? He's making me sick to my stomach and I didn't even have a stomach anymore.". "Fine. Wrap up his prison." said Daemon as he sighed. Halphas wrapped Zane up tight as Daemon said,"Goodbye and good riddance Zane Vincent Alvarez.". He was kicked into the portal as he disappeared from Cypress Park. The portal was soon gone as something went in before it went disappeared.

Daemon was the only one who noticed as Ash said,"So what's the plan now? I mean Legion Zero is well dead. So what's next?". "We take over the Prime Dimension. We won't do this like we did with our world. It will be smarted and planned out over time." said Daemon. A portal opened as the army of bugs, soldiers, and Phantoms went through it leaving behind the apocalypse. Daemon stood back in the prime timeline as he said,"This will be fun I guarantee it.".

He looked at himself in the mirror as he said,"My old self. I haven't seen myself like this in a long time but I forgot how ugly I looked.". "Zane!" yelled two voice. Daemon turned to see Danny and Roxy running toward him. Roxy hugged him as she said,"You okay!". Danny hugged Daemon as he said,"So did you handle him?". "Him?" said Daemon. "Well, you were fighting against this older guy who liked to hurt others because he finds it hot right?" said Roxy.

Daemon's violet eyes glowed dark purple but returned back normal. "I forget how you were Roxanne being so sexy and I missed your friendship with me Daniel." said Daemon with a small smile and his more mature voice now matched Zane's voice. The two looked at him as Daemon said,"Sorry. That guy knocked me around and my memory is a bit fuzzy. I defeated him quite easily. I had you guys going there for a while?".

Danny said,"Well, I'm just your happy that you're back. So what else do you want to do?". "I was thinking that we should just want hang out at Rachel's place." said Daemon. The two dragged him away as they were being watched by Ash, Carnage, Daisy, Halphas, and Scarlet. "So what's the plan is? Master is busy keeping them busy." said Carnage. "Keep his villains busy. We can't have his cover being blown. My babies, you know what to do." said Daisy.

The Pestcrushers were gone as Carnage followed them. "Ash. Get connected to any servers that you can." said Daisy. "I was going to do that without you telling me. Have fun watching the master try and flirt. It sounds funny to watch." said Ash. He flew off with Scarlet said,"I shall be keeping an eye on the master from a distance.". Halphas pulled a cigarette as he started to smoke. "This is the end for all." said Halphas.

Next time,
What will happen to Zane?! Will he saved the day from Daemon?! Or is this the end?! It isn't the latter option but it sounds cool. This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Spring Form. This card has a black frame with a silhouette jumping around the card over and over.

Daemon's Group:
Ash is able to use Technology Nether.
Daemon is able to use Purple Flame Nether.
Daisy is able to use Plant Nether.
Scarlet Demon is able to use Blue, Green, and Red Nether.
Halphas is able to use Hellfire which is a bluish white fire color and green energy that’s very much like Animus.
Carnage is able to use Purple Nether which is rare being that Pestcrushers can't use Nether.

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