Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Zero Shorts Episode 5 Arcadia U's Welcoming Party and healing Zane

A/N: This episode will be some filler like all of the rest of them but this one is different because there will be no super villain I think. I decide that this episode will be able introduce a certain character who we saw the future version of but we haven't met the present version. If you've read all of the episodes, you know who it is but lets pretend like you don't for dramatic effect. I would have something to talk about but I'm ready for the next party so lets go!

We also may see a new form or perhaps a Prime Form. Wink Wink. I know that I said in Episode 3 that I wouldn't but I'm a liar. It's better than being in any fictional world. We'll see the character Agent Mustang a good friend of Danny and Zane, Tabitha Malone aka Danny's Mom, and Rocco and his Freakshow which is their team name again. I was going Deviation Gang but that's too cheesy. It's just Freakshow by the way.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane woke up to something licking his face. He opened his eyes to see Wolfram ,who loved to wake him up, and Zane focused his Nether to grab Wolfram, holding him in the air. "Morning boy." said Zane. The puppy barked as Zane said,"I see. Tell Kania I'll be downstairs and in my uniform.". The puppy was soon gone as Zane attached his watch and said,"And try to save me some breakfast!". "So what did you mean by uniform? Are you joining the army?" said Cole.

Zane soon heard the National Anthem coming from the watch as Athena said,"He isn't joining the army Cole.". "Thank the gods! You with a buzzcut is a major turnoff for me at the least. Kristen may dump you if you cut your hair like that." said Cole. "Ignoring the idiot. I'm happy that you're finally going." said Athena. "It beats the alternative. I rather go to school for super powered teens than do shopping and carry the bags." said Zane shivering.

Atem was enjoying his favorite food ,aka pancakes, as Ana was reading a book. The two were both in the living room. "So when are you going to school Ana?" said Arturo. The elder of the family stood nearby the children with Edgar resting on his shoulder. "Not yet. The middle school is currently being repaired due it being the epicenter of Spiro's attack. So how is Terrarune doing grandfather? Are they still rebuilding?" said Ana.

Arturo nodded as Atem said,"Yeah because daddy kicked some but!". He punched the air with Arturo saying,"We finished rebuilding but right now, Spiro is talking with some high powered Phantoms about Zane.". "He's getting an award for saving two dimensions right? I mean that's a smart move to me at the least." said Ana. "He deserves a parade!" said Atem. Wolfram ,who wanted some food but he was stopped by his adopted mother nearby them, nodded.

Kania said,"He saved both Earth and Terrarune. The idiot master deserves a parade but you know what they say about young Eazairvians.". "How do you know what an Eazairvian looks like anyway? I mean I've only seen pictures of them and the two I've seen look so different." said Atem. "I think Zane's Astral Form is currently the best example of an Prime Astral Form." said Arturo. "So where's Zane?" said Ana.

Zane walked downstairs and he was wearing a uniform. He's wearing a plain white dress shirt with an dark blue jacket and vermilion colored tie. He's wearing dacron brown/black/gray jeans that covered his hips down and he's wearing his sneakers. His watch was currently exposed and Zane said with a yawn,"Morning you guys So where's mom? I was expecting several thousand pictures from her.". He tussled Atem's hair as Ana said,"She's out right now.".

Zane took a breath of relief as he said,"Thank god. I love her but her first day of school photo storm is awful.". "Uh huh! Grandma is scary when it comes to pictures auntie." said Atem. "You'll be going through that once you start going to school." said Arturo. "Oh boy." said Ana. Zane went to grab an apple as Arturo said,"You look ready for school at Arcadia U. I'm so proud of you.". "Yeah. I'm just happy that I don't have to do any work as Legion Zero for three days." said Zane.

He bite into the fruit as Ana said,"So who's going to deal with criminals?". "I think the rest of Team Power plus those two new heroes can handle it." said Arturo. Zane nodded as he said,"Are you ready for school?". "Not really but I guess." said Atem. "Are you getting bullied? I'll sick Wolfram on them in a second." said Zane. The puppy nodded as Kania said,"He isn't Zane. He's getting praise from several teachers.".

Zane smiled as he said,"You're doing better than me. I wasn't exactly Mr. Popular. I was lucky that I had Danny from my time as an agent.". "Will I meet a friend like Danny dad?" said Atem. "You'll just have to wait and see. I'll let you finish your pancakes before we have to head off." said Zane. "You're the best dad!" said Atem. He went to get some more as Ana said,"Yep. I think Atem and you have the stomach thing in common.". "Ha ha." said Zane.

Later, Zane currently parked his car in the Arcadia U's parking lot. "Okay. I'm not a fan of this school from the start. I'm not a fan of mountain climbing." thought Zane. He looked up to see that this school was on the top of the mountain like hill and he had a long way to climb up. "Isn't there an elevator or carriage service around here?" said Cole. "They want you to travel up the hill for the first time. They are sadists for sure." said Athena.

Cole said,"Zane! You should totally use Swift Form to reach the top of the hill in a flash. I mean this school won't know.". "No Cole. I'm not sure that this school has cameras and I also want to make people think I'm normal at least for the first day." said Zane. "That's very mature Zane. You're a good person for not listening to this idiot." said Athena. "Hey! You love me!" said Cole. Zane turned them off as Zane started heading up the hill.

About an hour later, Zane had finished his walk up the hill and Cole said,"That was so dam annoying Zane! You should have used Swift Form!". "You weren't walking whatsoever." said Athena. "Yeah and it was a really good walk Cole." said Zane. Zane saw a massive building and Cole said,"This school is really screaming boarding school Zane! Run now!". Zane soon ignored his male A.I. as he went through the main gate.

After getting lost once again, Zane eventually found his classroom. "This school has everything from a fully functional mall, amusement park, and training arena. You may be able to suggest some time to train especially with Konosuke's blade." said Athena. Zane slowly opened the door and he thought with fear,"I really hope that it isn't like the last time I was seen as the new kid.". He stuck his head in and he saw thirty eyes looking causing him to faint. "Yep. Just like last time!" thought Zane.     

He slowly heard,"So this guy is supposed to be Legion Zero?". "I really don't care for your comment about the hero who saved Cypress Park and Terrarune Darren. He's just a little nervous. I mean all of us were staring at him." said a familiar female voice. "I still can't believe that this guy is the one who kicked my ass before." said another female voice. "We should wake him up!" said a male voice. Zane soon opened his eyes and he also punched something.

Zane looked around to see three students looking at him and he turned to the side of the room to see a giant hole. Two of three students were girls being that they were the matching shirt, jacket, and tie as him with them wearing a long skirt that matched his jeans. He saw that one of the girls was Sonya with a smirk on her and the other girl was a younger version of one of the woman that brought him to one of his futures Taylor.

Taylor had a mature physique being that she was taller than most girls that he knew back at his school and may be an inch shorter than him. Zane thought that her older self was beautiful along with the future Dawn but Taylor looked beautiful in present. She has long and flowing violet hair that was swept out at the ends, full lips, and brilliant silver eyes. She's wearing the school uniform and she had part of her hair in a ponytail in the back.

The boy had bright yellow hair ,which looked naturally spiky, and green eyes. He's wearing the same uniform except for the tie and his dress shirt exposed his muscular, toned chest. He's wearing dark yellow sneakers. "Are you already Legion Zero?" said Taylor. "Yeah and you look real strong." said Zane. Taylor blushed as Zane said,"So was that hole always there?". "You made that Hero Boy." said Sonya. "When did I do that?" said Zane. "Look at your arm." said the boy who pointed to Zane.

The young hero looked down and he saw that his left arm was Frankenstein Form as Zane said,"Oh. I guess I went a little overboard.". "You sure did Zane." said Sonya and the boy. Taylor coughed as she said,"Are you okay Zane? Do we need to take you to the nurse?". "I'm fine. So where's the teacher? I was looking for him." said Zane. He looked around the room and he saw Sierra who waved right at him. "You're late Zane. Let me guess the hike up here." said Sonya.

Zane nodded as the boy said,"You were so late so our teacher went looking for you.". The door soon opened behind him and Zane's CJ went off. He fully turned into Frankenstein Form as he heard,"Calm down kid.". Zane turned to see a rather small man standing there. He has short yet full gray hair with a beard and shinning blue eyes. He's wearing a full body navy blue suit with armor around his wrists and knees. He's wearing a dark blue domino mask that resembles an cross-hair.

Zane went back to normal and he said,"Sorry. I just get nervous in front of new people. People may think I'm cool but I'm actually a scaredy cat sometimes.". "It's fine. My name is Trevor Evermore aka Torpedo. I understand that you met some of your classmates." said Trevor. "Yeah. He blasted Nazar through the wall." said the blond. "Since you're enjoying this Darren, you can go get him and meet us in the P.E. field. Taylor." said Trevor.

Taylor said,"Yes sir!". "Calm down. Get Scaredy Cat here a uniform and meet us down there. The rest of you, lets go ." said Trevor. The class was gone as Zane stood there with Taylor. Sierra walked over to him and she said,"Good luck with her. She's something else.". She was gone as Zane looked at the girl. "So I guess we should get going." said Zane. "Yes. Lets go Legion Zero." said Taylor in a stiff manner. She was gone as Zane said,"You can call me Zane you know. We're friends I hope.".

Zane stood with the rest of his class and he was wearing a black and white tracksuit. "You want me to show off?" said Zane. "Yes Zane. You're a step above your classmates in terms of heroics being that you saved a town and dimension from a giant worm right? You will be going through eight events to show me how strong you are." said Trevor. Zane was lead to the start of a track and Trevor said,"It's time for the 100 meter dash.".

Zane stood there and he turned into Swift Form. "Wow! That's Zane's fastest form on land!" said a boy. "Yeah but lets see how fast. Ready kid?" said Trevor. Zane nodded as Trevor started a timer. It was less than a second but the teacher and class saw that Zane had reached the end while destroying the track in the process. "So what's next teach?" said Zane. "Grip test. Catch." said Trevor. The teen caught something and Trevor said,"Show us how strong you are.".

Zane nodded as he turned Brawn Form. He gripped hard and it was soon destroyed. The class was shocked as Zane said,"Sorry. This form is one of my strongest. I would have picked Liger Form but I'm not in the mood for screaming today.". Zane soon aced all of the events except for the last one being that it was tossing a softball. Zane stood in the ring as Sierra said,"You got this man. No real contest.".

Zane was about to throw the ball and Trevor said,"Zane. Stop.". The teen looked at the man and he said,"I've heard about you having access to Prime Forms. Are you scared of using them?". "Not really teach. I just don't feel like using that much power." said Zane. "Do you think that your enemies will think the same thing?" said Trevor. "No. They'll try and kill me so I shouldn't be scared. Okay, you all show stand back." said Zane.

He activated Archon Zero with him saying,"Diamond Form into Diamond Prime!". He turned into Diamond Form and then into his Prime Version with Archon Zero's lightning going through his crystal like body. He soon then threw the ball extremely far with the area under it being peppered with crystals that expanded upon contact. Zane smiled and he said,"Hail to the Diamonds Baby!". The class cheered as Trevor smiled.

Later, Zane was rubbing his stomach and he said,"Man. This place has a good cafeteria and I really need a map.". He opened the door to his classroom and he saw the guy ,that he punched earlier and he sits behind, standing there. The boy's name is Nazar Kern. He has short and spiky blue/purple hair and brown eyes. It was obvious that he had an impressive physique and muscular figure but still looked to be rather slim.

Zane said,"Nazar? What are you doing here? I thought you would have gone back to the dorms with pretty much everyone.". "Teach didn't tell you did he?" said Nazar. "Tell me what exactly? I mean I barely know anything about this place." said Zane. "You're my roommate at the dorms. We live with the girls in class. It's pretty nice right?" said Nazar lightly punching Zane's right shoulder. "Um that would be but I have a girlfriend." said Zane.

Nazar said with a shrug of his shoulder and sigh,"Ah. I guess Felicia was right. She is like psychic when it comes to relationship. I feel bad for maybe Sierra being that she like you a lot.". "Why? I mean I like them too because Sierra is really strong." said Zane as he grabbed his bag. "I guess Sonya was right about you being dense." said Nazar. The two were walking through campus as Zane said,"So is our teacher and school big on the whole independence thing?".

Nazar said,"Yep. Our class is special since everyone in it has super powers or they're really good with gadgets. We were selected by the Alliance to be the next heroes like Warrior and before I learned about the real scaredy cat aka you, you were one of them that were going to be a student here but I guess that you were busy.". "So is that my nickname or what?" said Zane. "Only for a while Zane." said Nazar.

Zane said,"So are we almost there?". "You're used to getting lost aren't you?" said Nazar. "Well, I've only been here for a day and no one has given me a dam map!" said Zane. "Yeah. It's funny but don't you worry bro. I got your back until you settle in!" said Nazar. Nazar put his arm around Zane and he said,"You and I will be best of friends.". "I already have a best friend Nazar." said Zane. "Well, I'll be your second best friend." said Nazar.

Zane shrugged as Nazar said,"Anywhere, here is the dorms. Your home away from home.". Zane soon saw that he was in front of a large building with four floors, separated in half. The front of the building is a strange triangle shape. Zane noticed that the building was circled by a medium hedge fence except for a small path in its center that lead to its entrance aka two sets of large, double doors and the building had arched windows with it being more noticeable on the first floor.

Nazar said,"Yep. This place is pretty sweet. The boys live on the right side and the girls live on the left side. The triangle building is the common area. Lets go check it out.". The two walked in and Zane saw several comfy looking chairs and couches with a flat screen, a dining room with five tables and four chairs each, and massive kitchen. "This is the main lobby. If we're not training, we usually hang out here or in our rooms." said Nazar.

Zane said,"Nice man. What about the laundry and baths?". "We have those Zane with a pretty nice courtyard. One of the girls in the class Krystal Hawkins love it mainly for her animal buddies. You met one earlier." said Nazar. "Cats and my family don't mix whatsoever man. The baths and laundry rooms are separated by gender I'm guessing." said Zane. "Yeah. I think in your case, you could go in either. The Eazairvian race is so confusing." said Nazar.

Zane said,"I'm one and I'm still learning how I work. So where's my room?". The two walked toward the boy's side elevator and he said,"On Floor 4. The first floor is the main living area. There are four rooms per floor. Our class has only nine guys so there are three room occupied per floor. The girls have all but one room filled.". "So we get our rooms?" said Zane. They were in the elevator as Nazar said,"Yep. Each room comes with an AC unit, bathroom, closet, and refrigerator.".

Zane said,"Sounds like a sick bachelor or bachelorette pad.". "Yep. According to Torpedo, they're the size of a small closet at an estate." said Nazar. "I'm just happy to be free of the rich kids man. One of my best friends may be rich but she's so different than the rest of them Nazar. So how is the room set up?" said Zane. The elevator stopped as Nazar said,"You'll see tonight. Good luck and you're on your own for room set up. Here's your key.".

Zane held a key and Nazar said,"Your room is to the right of Sierra. Have fun.". Zane got out of the elevator as Cole said,"To be honest, I kinda like this independence.". "It totally beats having your dog bothering you." said Athena. "Hey! Wolfram is awesome!" said Cole. Zane stopped in front of his room as he said,"Okay. Are you up for making this room the Zero Cave?". "Yes!" said the two. "Lets do this." said Zane. He turned into Brain Form and went to work.

It was night time, Zane ,in his gym uniform and exposing his short sleeved gray shirt, walked over to the rest of the guys in the lounge room. He already knew Tomas, got to know Darren and Nazar pretty well throughout the day, and the other guys weren't so bad. Darren and Tomas wearing the school ,gym, uniform with Nazar wearing a black tank top, red gym shorts, and green sneakers. The others guys in their class are Buster Eastman, Erik Norris, Harry Adams, and Vega Ramos.

Buster is rather muscular and taller. His gray hair covered his eyes and brown eyes. He's wearing the gym uniform ,without the jacket, and brown miltary boots. Erik is the shortest male student with him being a really hyper kid. He has spiked red hair ,which added some height, and bright green eyes. His build is lean yet slightly muscular. He's wearing a dark red hoodie with a pine green t-shirt that has a single red lightning bolt in the center of it, dark blue jeans, and red tennis shoes.

Harry Adams can be described as a pervert and he wasn't denying it. He was an average height with short brown hair ,that goes up to his chin and has dirty blonde streaks in his hair, and brown eyes. He is wearing a dark blue jacket with a green t-shirt, blue jeans, and brown tennis shoes. Vega Ramos and him have something in common being that he got his powers from the Astral Realm. He also plays for the other team.

He's African American with him being a quarter French. He's well muscled and he has brown eyes with his black hair going up to his shoulders. Darren saw Zane and he said,"So how was unpacking Zane?". "It was fun. I had to help my friend move into his house and trust me, it wasn't fun. So where are the girls?" said Zane. He sat down on the couch as they heard,"Hey you guys! Did Zane finish unpacking yet?".

Zane looked up from his seat and he saw the eleven girls. He already knew Cindy and Sonya before coming to class today from good and bad times respectively. He got to know Taylor Crawford well throughout the entire day. The others girls are Alice Evans, Felicia Howard, Krystal Hawkins, Ivory Murphy, Lynette Walker, Maria Barton, Sierra Ozaki, Sonya Barrett, Teresa Ramirez, and Wanda Morales. Alice Evans looked to be taller than Erik.

Her skin is peach colored and she has yellow eyes making her stick out. She has rather unruly chin length pink hair ,being that it was dyed, and she's rather cute. She's wearing a spaghetti strap tank top and shorts that exposed her body just right but not slutty whatsoever. Felicia Howard has the ability to become a bird and she's really good at controlling her bird like nature. Right now in her human guise, she has long ,up to her shoulder, brown hair, brown eyes, and tan colored skin.

She's currently wearing a blue tank top, black shorts, and brown shoes. Krystal Hawkins was really good with animals and that was obvious to Zane after one of her cat buddies scratched him earlier that day. She's an average sized young woman with long ,up to her waist, blond hair with blue eyes. She's wearing a dark brown long sleeved shirt and dark green skirt with brown wooden sandals. Ivory Murphy is very cold totally fitting her powers but she seems nice.

She has pale skin, medium length brown hair, and icy blue eyes. She was currently wearing the gym uniform with her hands in the pocket. Lynette Walker is very fashion conscious and she's constantly knitting something. Her figure is slender being that she had her long orange hair concealed in her salmon pink wool knit cap and she has olive green eyes. She's wearing an emerald green t-shirt with her midriff mostly exposed.

She's wearing a short blue hoodie with a strange brain shaped pendant. She's wearing a low cut denim skirt with a brown belt, thigh high black stocking, and knee length brown heeled boots. Maria Barton is the smartest and craziest girl he's met. She had a fit physique with a round chest for her age. She has messy yet wavy brown hair and gray eyes. She has pale white skin being that according to rumors he heard, she spends an unhealthy amount of time in her lab. 

She's wearing a black strapless crop top with a "V" neck, a pair of long gray gloves which go up to her elbows, and bandages covering her arms and legs. She wears black capris with a gear like design to them and brown knee high boots. On her forehead, she has on goggle-like glasses. Teresa Ramirez is from Hawaii and Zane didn't like her at first. He later learned of her reason for being here aka being a hero for her family and he admire that.

She has a natural tan from her home life and powers combo. She has long brown hair that goes down to her shoulders and gray eyes. She's currently wearing the gym uniform with the jacket tied around her waist. Wanda Morales was really good with a bow as Harry found out. She has peach colored skin with long and thick blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a slender figure but she's very strong. She has her hair down to her waist and she was wearing the uniform. 

Taylor was currently wearing a dark purple jacket with silver lining and it goes down her arm's length and wrists. It was covering a peach colored t-shirt. Her brown skirt cut off just a bit above her knees exposing her impressive figure. She's wearing long white stockings that have sapphire blue ribbons at the ends and it covers her calves and shins. She's wearing purple tennis shoes. Sierra and Sonya were dressed in their first outfits revealed. "Alice. I'm here and unpacking was sorta of hell." said Zane.

Taylor smiled as she said,"Since all of us are finally here, it's time for the room showcasing contest. I hope you guys cleaned up.". "I did but Harry probably didn't." said Erik. "Hey!" said Harry. "Lets start with Erik's room first!" said Alice. She ran to the elevator and Zane said,"Do we have a say in the matter?". "With her, I learned that we don't." said Sierra. The rest of the class followed her to the elevator.

Erik opened the door to his room and the class saw the shortest kid's room. He had magic themed posters and also some science equipment on his desk. "I was doing something important." said Erik as he hid the test tubes. Buster looked over the guy's shoulders and he said,"Oh. It isn't for Harry. I wish not to have what happened last time.". "Should I ask?" said Tomas. "No you shouldn't." said Ivory.

The next boy was Vega and he said,"Be impressed!". His room was very shiny and Zane turned into Cartoon Form. His eyes were on fire and he said,"Not going to lie Vega. Your room is very shiny that's for sure!". "Thanks Zane. So why did you turn into Cartoon Form?" said Vega. "Because this form is adorable!" said Cindy. "I would say that Gluttony Form is cutter." said Felicia. "Um ladies. It is my room's turn." said Harry. "How about no?" said the class except for Zane. Harry sulked.

The next room was Darren's and it looked normal. "So I thought you would have something else to be honest with you." said Teresa. "Yeah. I was expecting a giant battery." said Krystal. "You guys are so savage." said Darren with his body slightly shaking. They were heading to the next room as Darren said,"I'm kinda of annoyed.". "We have to agree." said Erik and Vega. "Hey girls. We'll keep going if we see the girls room as well." said Harry. "Okay!" said Alice. "Huh?" said Sonya.

Alice said,"Whoever has the best room doesn't have to pay for anything during Zane's trip to the mall on Sunday!". "I'm in but when were you going to tell me about the trip?" said Zane who turned back to normal. "Later. I think on Sunday perhaps." said Buster. "So who's up next?" said Wanda. "I think it's Nazar and then Tomas right?" said Sierra as she yawned loudly. "Yep! Lets go see the room of men!" said Nazar. He opened the door and the group looked in.

It looked really manly with there being a punching bag in the center, weights, and posters from action movies. "Wow. This room screams something alright." said Taylor. "So how much do you lift and have you seen Animal Fighters?" said Zane as he looked at the weights. "Thirty pounds and yes. I was a fan of the Kung Fu Koalas but Wrestler Walruses was okay." said Nazar. "Anyway, next up is Tomas's room." said Ivory. "Okay. This room won't blow your mind." said Tomas.

They opened the room and they saw nothing. "You don't have anything at all!" said Lynette. "So are you one not for items?" said Sierra. "I blame the fact that I was poor and I was held hostage by an evil group for years." said Tomas. "You do know that you're hiding your pervert nature right?" said Harry. "Next up for the boys is Buster and Zane plus Sierra." said Maria. "Would it be me first?" said Zane. "You have no say in the matter Zane." said Sierra. "I was just asking." said Zane.

The group stood in front of Sierra's room as Taylor thought,"She's one of the strongest members in the class.". "Despite being a girl, she's one of the class's hotties due to her male physique." thought Alice. "Lets get this over with. I'm tired." said Sierra as she opened her room. The group soon walked in and saw that it was a Japanese styled room. "I have so many questions!" said Nazar. "It's a secret on how I did it." said Sierra. "You're up Buster. Are you ready?" said Vega. "I guess." said Buster.

The group walked in and Zane's nose soon moved all around. "I smell something cooking. Are you making something?" said Zane. "No. Are you?" said Buster. Zane was quiet and he was soon gone in a flash. "He's really forgetful isn't he?" said Tomas. "I think that's obvious. I would rank this room a seven out of ten." said Felicia. The group walked over to Zane's room with the door slightly ajar. "I'm in here you guys!" said Zane. They walked in and they were shocked.

It had a bigger closet, a mini kitchen, a huge flat-screen TV, a large bathroom and shower with him having a hot tub/small pool, several weights, a punching bag, several desks with several gears on them and papers with music notes, a guitar in the corner of the room, and the bed is king sized with several pillows and warm soft blankets and sheets. "Sorry about the mess you guys. I had to make this room in a split second." said Zane.

He was holding a cake as Darren said,"Dude. Did you seriously do this and make cake?!". "Yep. It's the recipe for my friend's famous Devil Chocolate Cake. You guys want some?" said Zane. The group nodded as they were eating it. "I think you won Zane." said Erik enjoying the cake. "Thanks. I mean it's a mess." said Zane. "Seriously?! This room is cleaner than mine will ever be." said Harry. "You're honest about it and I have to brush my teeth after this. More please." said Sierra.

She held her plate asking for more as Taylor said,"Do you know how to play your guitar?". "And how much do you lift?" said Nazar. "Yeah. I have a really good tutor and she's been busy later so I'm a little rusty. I can lift a lot without going into Brawn Form" said Zane. "She?" said Sierra. "Zane, is your room connected to your house?" said Maria. "Yep. I built a cross dimensional doorknob while I was working on my room. Brain Form is really good at multi-tasking." said Zane.

After seeing all of the rooms with Harry trying to sneak a peak and failing, the group was soon now heading to their rooms as Taylor said,"Um Zane.". Zane looked right at her and he said,"What's up Taylor? Do you want the left overs? I think Sierra or Nazar claimed that.". "No. I wanted to know this about you all day but we need to talk in private." said Taylor. "Well come on in to my soundproof room. If anyone ask, you just need to talk to me about plans about the shopping trip." said Zane.

She sneaked in and she sat down on his bed. "This is really comfy." thought Taylor. Zane said while enjoying a soda,"So what's up Class Rep? Nazar told me you were class rep so that's something we have in common.". "Why did you call me strong? I mean I've heard you have a girlfriend and she's a Cross-Species like you." said Taylor. Zane then looked away as he said,"It's complicated.". "Do you mind explaining?" said Taylor.

Zane sighed and he said,"It's complicated Taylor. I told Nazar this but I barely understand how my Eazairvian biology works. I promise to tell you why once I understand. Just trust me.". Taylor looked at Zane and he smiled. "Okay. So what do you want for breakfast? We can have whatever we want tomorrow." said Taylor. "I'll take some bacon and pancakes." said Zane. "Have a good night Zane. I hope you liked Arcadia U." said Taylor. She was gone as Zane said,"I already do.".

The next time, the bright light and sunshine of the day went to the dorms and the class ,like most teens, weren't in the mood for it. Weekends were built for sleeping and catching up on some lazy activities. It was a while before they started waking up ,one by one, they stumbled out of their bedrooms and shuffled to the kitchen for breakfast. Things started out slow at first but once the students got their energy, it would be insane.

Most of them had gotten used to living with their classmates but with Zane joining their ranks, it was something else. It was easy to see their friends and building a plan for either studying for class or do some training. Everything has its problems but right now, they were enjoying their time. Darren is very much a drunk first thing in the morning with his hair looking like more wild than normal. He would throw around swears and growling when he wakes into anything in the morning.

The group soon learned how to take full advantage of the drunkard mainly Erik and Nazar. "Hey so did you stuck yourself into an outlet once again?" said Erik laughing at that memory. "Shut up now pipsqueak." said Darren. "You should totally stop drinking before you got to bed man. I mean girls don't like drunks." said Erik. He was slowly moving away from Darren being that it took only a few insults in the morning to activate Darren's powers.

Darren said,"Shut up, pipsqueak! I will electrocuted you if you don't!". "Dude, you know that just how he always look." said Nazar. Darren's body was producing sparks at an alarming rate. "Time for a shock treatment!" yelled Darren. "Oh crap, run for your lives!" yelled the two. The two bolted out of the kitchen with Erik being somewhat faster. Darren was exploding anything with electricity and it was soon replaced. He had abandoned the coffee that he had been making.

Most of the class was still eating, taking up most of the dining area with some sitting on the sofas in front of the TV. Their meal was interrupted by laughter and exploding objects. The trio rushed past them and they were being used as a diversion. "Hey, I don't care if you guys want to be idiots in the morning but don't do it in the dorms!" yelled Ivory. "I still can't believe they didn't learn their lesson after what happened last time." said Maria.

Taylor stood up and she said,"Stop you guys. You're acting like children. If you guys are going to be children, go do it somewhere we're not eating!". She was currently holding Zane's plate for him and the trio soon ran toward the main dining area. Anyone ,who was there, soon picked up their plates because Darren fired a huge bolt at the table destroying it. Taylor sighed as Buster said,"Don't try. I don't think they'll stop.". "Get back here!" yelled Darren running after them.

An elevator dinged with the doors parted, showing a sleepy Sonya. She yawned and she rubbed her eyes. "Good morning you guys." said Sonya. Her eyes went wide when she saw the three boys tried to come toward her. She turned the ground in front of them into liquid causing them to slide away as Erik and Nazar said,"Morning Sonya!". Darren went after him and he shocked the two of them. "I'll never get used to that." said Sonya. Tomas waved to her as he said,"Morning Sonya.".

The students soon put the table back to continue with their meal. Darren came back with an evil smile on his face as Erik and Nazar soon returned. The former had his body exploding with electricity and the latter two had several bruises. The two boys were smiling as Erik said,"That was totally worthy it.". "I do hope that you matured one day." said Taylor as she thanked the teachers for making the house able to repair itself.

Nazar said,"Come on Taylor. We men have to show our emotions through fighting and so what if we cause some damage in the process.". "Yeah. I sure don't do that." said Tomas pointing to some eggs on the floor before it was swept away. "I blame Sparky." said Nazar. He pointed a thumb over to the electric user being that he was drinking coffee. After eating and cleaning, they relaxed and started to make plans or start talking. All were there except Zane.

Taylor said,"So where's Zane?". She hadn't seen him since last night and she was worried if he has eaten in the past couple of hours. "He could be sleeping in. I mean he had an awesome day yesterday and that punch." said Nazar looking at the clock. "I checked with Danny earlier. He's like Zane's best friend or brother. Zane isn't one to sleep in." said Sierra. "He really should come down here and eat with us." said Buster.

Tomas got up from his spot on the couch and he stretched. "I'll go up there and grab my phone. Want me to go check on him pres?" said Tomas. "If you wouldn't mind. He needs to eat." said Taylor. She was getting worried about him as Alice whispered to Vega,"I can't believe she likes him.". "He did call her beautiful upon meeting each other. I wonder if Zane could share his love with another woman like several harems before him." said Vega.

As Tomas walked away, Taylor said,"Perhaps we should let him sleep more. He did seem tired after our little party.". "Really? He looked fine to me." said Sonya. "Nah. You wouldn't understand because she's in love with Zane!" said Cindy. "Oh really? He's already taken." said Lynette. "She could steal him from her." said Felicia. Taylor blushed as she said,"I don't like him that way!". "Right and I'm the president of the world." said Erik. Nazar nudged him in the gut.

Everyone could easily tell that she had a crush on Zane after he called her strong upon first glance but they didn't know it was because of Zane going to the future. Her admiration is like Heidi's admiration for Zane. Taylor looked at them and she soon ignored it. "Maybe I should make him breakfast. This food was pre-made and cold." said Taylor. "I can't believe the new guy gets handmade food!" said Harry. "He's likable." said Teresa. "He could be really tired if he's hasn't slept for long." said Taylor.

Darren said,"He's a full time hero so let the guy rest. He needs sleep.". "Wow. You actually care about someone." said Wanda. "Hey!" said Darren. "Zane is someone who can compete with Darren and also it's nice to see you finally caring about someone." said Cindy. Tomas soon came running down the stairs and he then stood there with him saying,"Guys.". They ignored his pleas as he said after taking a deep breath,"GUYS!". Everyone turned to look at Tomas who said,"We have a big problem.".

They ran up the stairs and after climbing three floors, they saw that Zane's bedroom door was wide open. The room was dark and gloomy with it looking like a war zone and it smelled like a dump of some kind. "Zane?" said Buster. The bed shifted and that's it. Buster, Nazar, and Sierra were the first one to step in. "Hey. You guys co know that there's puke on the floor!" said Harry. Darren focused his power turning on the lights as the bundle in the blanket whine tiredly.

The blanket fell off his face and they saw Zane's face. He looked terrible with his face bright red and his hair was sticking to his head from his massive amount of sweat. He was panting being that his nose was stuffed. He coughed out slime that looked it was from Zane's Slime Form. The class soon saw the puddle of slime and other things by his bed. "Okay. He just puked out slime!" said Tomas as he slowly got sick.

Nazar approached the wet floor with it being mostly water from Water Form and this was obvious due to Zane's right leg sticking out and it also looked like it. "Hey. Are you okay?" said Nazar. Zane slowly opened his eyes and he soon started seeing Nazar coming into view. "Uncle Nick? Is that you old man?" said Zane with his voice being sore and his nose being clogged. "Are you feeling alright man?" said Buster.

Zane tried to push himself up but that failed. He slowly fell back onto his bed and he soon groaned in pain. "Zane." said Taylor covering her mouth in worry. She had never seen him like this being that she had knew him for his smile. It was making her sick to just look at. She couldn't imagined how it was for Zane but it was breaking her heart. Nazar soon pressed his hand against Zane's forehead and he soon moved it. "Oh my god, He's on fire literally." said Nazar.

Zane's head soon turned into Pyre Form's head and he sneezed out a giant stream of fire. It slightly burned the roof as Vega said,"We should get him downstairs and call the nurse.". The room smelled awful and no one could doubt anyone could recover in here. "Help me get him out of here. I may need some help or a lot of help." said Nazar. He then yanked the blanket off and carrying Zane ,who soon turned into Mummy Form, was falling apart.

It was causing Nazar to worry about his most recent friend being well dying. Buster and Sierra went to go help Zane. Sierra then froze parts of Zane's body to keep him together and Buster helped Zane onto Nazar's back. This sudden movement woke him up again and the mummy looked around the room. "Why are you guys helping me? I mean you're my enemies Dyno and this is your problem so take responsibility for giving birth to Bane." said Zane.

Sierra said,"You're hallucinating Zane so just rest.". She made sure that he didn't fall off Zane's back as Nazar carried him out. The others moved out of his way and they followed him along. They then reached the main floor and with Darren and Sierra's help, Zane ,who was now Vampire Form, on the sofa. "Thank you for your help blah." said Zane. He was out cold and he was asleep. "I'll go get the nurse." said Erik. He was soon gone in a flash.

Harry ran over with him holding a trashcan and he placed it by the sofa. Lynette handed over a hand knitted blanket and a super soft pillow. Everyone helped to try and make Zane comfy. Zane coughed occasionally and grunted. He then turned to his side with him having extremely trouble. "Zane." said Taylor who stayed silent. "I guess it was a good idea that you checked on him." said Sonya. Lynette touched his forehead and then his cheek with back of her hand.

It was obvious to everyone that Zane wasn't feel good. He started to groan and he said,"Move out of the way Jake. I need to fire out my Atomic Breath.". His body leaned to the side and he almost fell off the sofa. Nazar and Taylor grabbed him with him being held in place thanks to Wanda. "You need to rest Zane." said Taylor. Zane shook his head and his cheeks soon puffed. Maria soon handled the trashcan to Zane and he vomited hard.

It was normal puke mixed with the elements. Darren turned away to fight the urge to throw up as well. It sounded painful and disgusting to say the very least. Harry's face was already green and he soon ran off to hopefully not join in. Zane stopped for a second as his face turned into Gluttony Form's head. He then burped an energy bolt which blasted one of the chairs back. He went back to puking as Lynette was holding the trashcan since Zane was focused on that again.

Taylor brushed his hair out of his face with one hand as the other one was rubbing his back with the other one. Zane soon finished as Sierra came over with a roll of tissue papers. She soon ripped some off as he and Lynette cleaned the spots that Zane's puke touched. He oddly aimed for the trash can and it didn't hit his mouth or chin. Sierra tossed the dirty tissues into the trashcan and lowered it to the floor.

Taylor helped him get comfortable in the sofa and covered him with the blanket, gently brushing his hair out of his face because she wanted to give him some comfort. The mood had went down a big amount since they grew to like Zane in a single day. "I'm sorry you guys." said Zane who struggled to speak. "Hey. It's not your fault Zane. Calm down. You need to rest." said Maria. "Erik's off to get the doctor. We're your friends and this beats doing something else." said Darren.

Taylor said,"He's asleep.". Her hand was currently resting in his black hair. It was messed up to see how much pain their newest friend was in. They only knew him for less than a day but it felt like they have known him forever. More bad news arrived when Erik called them. He told them that a group of Alliance were currently on a mission and requested to have several doctors and nurses on standby for the mission. Erik went to go find someone nearby.

While he was looking for a doctor, the students did everything that they could being that they were checking his temperature, bringing him water hoping that he'd take a few sips, and trying to take off Zane's watch. Everyone kept taking turns with most of them hoping that they didn't get one of Zane's more violent forms aka Liger Form. When Erik returned back to the dorm, he brought Parker with him. "So where is he?" said Parker.

Erik soon placed the slime down on the coffee table as Teresa said,"How did you get Parker?". "Luke can't even get him to help with anything." said Cindy. "Honestly ladies, he came to me." said Erik as he stood with the rest of the class. Parker looked over Zane as he said,"He's going to be fine.". "Are you blind?! He's dying!" said Felicia. "He isn't dying. It's called Ethereal Mania. It happens to all Eazairvians being it's our version of the common cold." said Parker.

The group looked at him with him saying,"This also includes Zane despite him being a quarter of our species. I'll admit to all of you this. I thought that his first case would be when he's a thousand plus years old but when it comes to Zane, don't expect things". "So he's going to be fine?" said Taylor. "If you and your friends take care of him, he'll live. Let me just take off his watch being that he could turn into a sick Liger Form which would be the worst." said Parker.

Krystal said,"Thank you sir. Even with my powers, I really don't think I could calm that beast down sick or not.". The watch was removed as Parker was soon gone being that the watch was resting on the nearby table. The class soon draped a cool, wet rag over his head. No one volunteered to clean up the mess in his room, so they drew straws. Darren said,"Why do I have to do it?". He heard chucking behind him and he turned around to shoot off a glare. "This isn't funny bastards." said Darren.

Some of the quieter students turned their heads with them trying their best not to laugh at Darren's luck. However, Alice, Erik, Harry, and Sonya were laughing and teasing him out lot. Ivory then held a bucket in front of her and she said,"And you win the bucket of cleaning up Zane. Congrats. I bet you're so happy about that". "I'm not cleaning up that mess got it you guys." said Darren glaring hard at the bucket.

Nazar said,"Come on, be a man Darren!". "You guys can't be serious. I mean we all saw disgusting it was and also how big it is!" said Darren. "Very much so but don't you worry." said Buster. Darren turned around to see Buster wearing gloves, a mask over his mouth and nose, and apron. "We shall be helping you right guys?" said Buster. He looked at Alice, Erik, Harry, and Sonya with a death glare on his face as they said,"Yeah. We will.".

Darren said,"Thanks you guys. So why didn't Sierra or Taylor draw straws?". "Well, Sierra went to get Zane's favorite drink. It's something with a lot of calories. According to her, Zane needs calories for his power. She thinks that a lot of calories will help with the recover and Taylor is well doing that for him." said Felicia. The avian girl pointed to the sofa as Taylor dipped a rag into water. It was created by Ivory and Sierra as she dripped the extra water back into and dropped it on Zane's head.

He was having a hard time to breathe with his nose being extremely running. He was coughing and it was like Zane was tugging at their heart. "Okay! Lets go you guys!" said Darren. "You're being a real man!" said Nazar patting his friend on the back. "Make sure to leave the window open to air out the room." said Buster. He led the five toward their doom being that they wished that they were spending their morning a different way.

Sierra came back with a drink as Taylor helped Zane sit up. The multi-element user added a straw to help Zane. "You need to stay hydrated and according to my research, this drink contains enough calories to give anybody ,but you and possibly the other Zeroes, diabetes." said Sierra. The Cross-Species nodded as he took the drink. He had a weak hold on it, so Sierra made an ice hand to help hold the drink.

Between sips, Zane took a break and gave himself a minute to breath again. He let out an exhausted sigh when he felt like he had enough. "Thanks Sierra." said Zane. He went back to laying on his back as Taylor tucked the blanket over him and placed her hand on his head to calm him down. "If you need anything, we're here. Got it?" said Taylor. "Don't need you being a hero more than you all ready are." said Sierra. "So how is he doing?" said Lynette.

She looked down at the resting Zane ,with her resting her elbows on the backrest, as Sierra said,"He managed to drink the whole thing. I'm going to guess that his body is slowly healing.". "The rest of the class is cleaning Zane's room. Buster used the glare." said Lynette. "From what I've heard, it isn't pretty." said Sierra. "Thank you. I know that I just met you guys but thanks." said Zane. His face was bright red but that was mostly like from his cold which was getting better and worse at the same time.

Zane coughed as he said,"This sore throat sucks so dam much. Is there any of that drink left?". "You need to rest Zane. You're really sick. Let us help you." said Taylor using her calm yet angry voice of hers. "She's right. You can't do anything right now and getting your cold is genetic. You don't need to do everything yourself." said Lynette. "Okay? I was just asking if there was any of that drink. I can barely move my mouth to talk." said Zane with a sweatdrop. "Here." said Sierra.

Zane sipped the drink as Taylor said,"So is the first time that you've gotten sick Zane? You're rather calm despite you having an over hundred temperature.". "Well, I've had a cold for about an hour. It was gone." said Zane. "So didn't you help your mom when she was sick?" said Sierra as she placed the empty can down. "Yeah. She was the only one who was there for me. I didn't make friends easily so I have to say thanks for helping me." said Zane.

Nazar said or lightly yelled,"Yeah!". He placed a box of tissues and put it on the table. "All of us are trying to be heroes! You may be a little bit ahead of us but you're my pal! I always help my pals even when they tell me not to." said Nazar. Zane sniffed and he said,"Thanks. So can someone?". Nazar then handed him some tissues and Zane cleaned his face and blew his stuff nose. "Is there anything bothering you? You can tell us." said Taylor. 

Zane was quiet as Sierra said,"You have anything?". "I guess I do. I'm worried about a lot of things you guys. Am I doing right by my father? Being a hero and putting myself in danger every time. I adopted Atem and somewhat Ana to make sure that they don't turn into me. A kid who's fighting against the world just to make his dad happy." said Zane. "I've heard that you had father issues but this is something else." said Lynette.

Zane said,"You must know about the Infinite Void by now right?". They nodded as Zane said,"He's been in there for over ten years. I'm not sure if he's still alive but sometimes, I can hear him telling me to keep doing what I'm doing. That's why I'm a hero and pushing myself to my limits. You heard about my fight with Spiro? I was lucky that I had backup handing his army and his overgrown pet worm is something else.".

Taylor said,"You had friends right? Why didn't you ask them for help?". "I wanted to trust me but I'm wasn't so sure. My temper blinded me and got one of my friends hurt because she was trying to help me. I felt so bad and I didn't want anyone I cared about to get hurt. It's something that every single Alvarez male or female has. We always put others first and our own well beings last." said Zane. The group there slowly digested that.

Zane saw a slight shift in Sierra's usually neutral expression, the shock in Nazar's face, and slightly awe in Lynette's face. He couldn't see Taylor but she had gone quiet. "Are you serious?" said Nazar. "I have been in hospital and recovering stuff a lot lately. I always push myself. It's just who I am and I can't change that part of me." said Zane. "You're a real man Zane. I mean you're trying to protect others at the cost of yourself right? That's makes you a real man." said Nazar.

Zane nodded and he soon started to cough. "So how many people know about your secret? We all know since our teacher can't exact keep a secret." said Taylor. "I think my friends, my family, and a couple of government guys. It's not bad to be honest with you all but I don't want my secret revealed to the world. I promised myself if that ever happened, I would erase ALL memory of my secret being well revealed." said Zane. "Even to your friends and family?" said Lynette.

Zane said,"Yeah. I can't let anyone that I care about getting hurt because I'm scared of losing anyone close to me. If I have to deal with the outcome of being alone in my fight for crime, I will deal with that pain I promise you.". Sierra shifted her hand a bit and her arms was soon covered in frost. She was annoyed and it was obvious to everyone there. "So what's your other school like?" said Taylor as she was hoping to calm Sierra down.

Zane said,"Fine. I mean I'm student council president which is pretty nice. I'm at the top of my class and I have friends. I do have a tendency to piss off the rich kids. It's pretty nice and something I'm going to miss in my later years. You guys should come and visit.". "Are you sure? I mean we're not exactly normal teens." said Lynette. "I never judge Lynette. You could have six arms and I'll still be your friend. You should be proud of yourself and everything that makes you well you." said Zane.

He felt something wrapping him in a tight hug as he heard,"Zane.". He looked to see Taylor hugging him and crying. Even though he was sweating a bucket worthy a minute, he could feel her tears on his neck. "I'm just so happy to have met you Zane!" said Taylor. She hugged him harder and he soon felt his wet cheek rub against her chest. "I'm happy to have you met you too Taylor but you may get sick." said Zane with his face bright red.

Zane thought,"I'm really don't want to be in the doghouse with my girlfriend. This sounds perverted but dam, she's huge!". He tried to push her away using whatever strength he had but she shook her head no and tightened her hold. "You need this Zane! We're your friends and will help you against your foes." said Taylor. Zane was going to say something but she was squeezing him hard and he was having trouble breathing.

Sierra said,"Taylor. You're killing him.". Taylor let him go as color soon regained in Zane's face and Sierra said,"We're comrades Zane. You fought against me to free me from my father and reunited me with my mother. I owe you a lot.". "She's right. You have allies and we're going to be heroes. All of us will be great heroes and now, you're going to get help no matter what you say." said Lynette. "Does Danny help you protect Cypress Park?" said Nazar.

Zane said,"He does but he's more focused on his studies. Lets just say that he isn't the best student in the world. He tries to come out and help but well, his future girlfriend isn't one to let him fail and I'm sure as heck don't want to mess with that.". "That makes sense! He sounds like a good guy. We need to go see Cypress Park right now or maybe once you recover. You may want to make some room due to me want a hug too!" said Nazar.

Before Zane could say anything, the blue haired boy hugged Zane and he said,"Manly hug!". "Get off Nazar! You're crushing us!" said Taylor. Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks Nazar but could you get off me?". "No. I want to join in too." said Sierra. "Seriously?" said Lynette. "I'm feeling like giving a hug and also I think they're done upstairs." said Sierra. The five heard,"My god!". "I think they're enjoying it." said Zane.

Later, Darren crashed on a nearby couch and he said,"We're done.". Nazar was looking up from his magazine with him saying,"You guys finished?". "Cleaning out that massive bathtub was the worst and well, I got annoyed." said Ivory. Darren looked over at the sleeping Zane with him saying,"So he's been asleep this entire time.". He looked at the rag resting on Zane's head and checking on it to feel that it was still cool.     

Nazar said,"He was awake and he seemed better. He's a really cool dude.". He ruffled his friend's hair and he said,"Sleep easy there. You can take a break.". He started to smell fresh cooking and Darren said,"So what's going on?". He looked into the kitchen to see Buster and Taylor wearing aprons with the boy chopping greens and him stirring a pot. "Is that soup?" said Ivory. "Yes but it's for Legion Zero." said Taylor.

Nazar said,"Man. Getting freshly cooked food by the pres and former gang leader. Pretty awesome if you ask me. You need help in there?". "With me, we don't." said Buster. They soon set down a bowl of steaming soup and Wanda said,"So who wants to wake him up?". Darren nudged Zane awake as Zane slowly opened his eyes. He saw several people looking at him and he said,"So are you guys just a fan of watching me sleep or what?'.

Teresa nudged him lightly as she said,"It seems that Hero Boy is getting better.". He slowly pushed himself up and he stretched. The rag fell off his head and Maria grabbed it just in case. "So what's going on? And why do I smell my mom's famous Ultra Spicy Soup with a hint of Fantasia's secret fries sauce mixed in?" said Zane. "We made you the soap thanks to Sierra getting your mom's recipe and well, I helped reverse engineer the sauce." said Maria.

His stomach growled as he said,"This is just for me?". "Yep. It's far too spicy for any normal stomach and since you have Gluttony Form, you should take it all." said Krystal. "Thanks. I owe you guys a private training session." said Zane. Zane soon devour the soup and Taylor smiled. "You guys will be great heroes trust me. If you need me, I'm going to be sleeping." said Zane. He went back to sleep as the day ended with everyone getting closer to Zane.

Back in Cypress Park and at Kristen's house, Kristen was studying her ,hand made, biology notes with both of her puppies playing nearby her. She smiled as she thought,"Zane. You're way too good for me.". Her doorbell ringed as the dogs went to the door. "Yep. I think Zane has to deal with the same thing except his dog can be MUCH bigger." said Kristen to herself. She soon went to the door and she opened it. Carlos ,not on fire, stood there and he said,"Hey sis. I'm back.".

Arcadia University Male’s Uniform is a pair of plain, dacron brown/black/gray jeans that covers from the hips down. They wear either the school’s shoes or their sneakers. They wears a plain white dress shirt with a dark blue jacket and vermilion tie. The female Uniform is an dark blue blazer with a vermilion bow, white blouse, and a matching dark blue skirt that goes past the knees being that they can wear any kind of hosiery. They wear regular shoes or sneakers very much like the guys. They have a gym uniform which is a simple black and white tracksuit for both men and women.

Floor 2 (Boys): Erik, Harry, and Vega.
Floor 3 (Boys): Darren, Nazar, and Tomas.
Floor 4 (Boys): Buster, Sierra (because why not and this will change later on), and Zane.

Floor 2 (Girls): Alice, Felicia, Krystal, and Ivory.
Floor 3 (Girls): Lynette, Sonya, Teresa, and Wanda.
Floor 4 (Girls): Cindy, Maria, and Taylor.

Tallest to Shortest:
Buster: 5 foot 11.
Zane: 5 foot 8.
Taylor: 5 foot 7.5.
Sierra: 5 foot 7.
Darren: 5 foot 6.5.

Teresa: 5 foot 5.5.
Nazar: 5 foot 5.
Ivory: 5 foot 5.
Vega: 5 foot 5.
Tomas: 5 foot 5

Felicia: 5 foot 5.
Harry: 5 foot 4.5
Cindy: 5 foot 4.
Wanda: 5 foot 3.
Sonya: 5 foot 3.

Krystal: 5 foot 2.5
Alice: 5 foot 2.
Lynette: 5 foot 1.
Maria: 5 foot 1.
Erik: 5 foot.

Zane's Class at Arcadia U (Name and Superhero Name plus power):
Alice aka Veil: Invisibility, Invisibility Combat, Intangibility Extension, Partial Invisibility, Phasing, and Supernatural Condition.

Buster aka Protoplasm: Appendage Generation, Body Manipulation, Regenerative Healing Factor, Regrowth, Replication, and Supernatural Condition.

Cindy aka Shift: Clay Generation, Clay Manipulation, Mud Generation, Mud Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Shapeshifting Combat, and Supernatural Generation.

Darren aka Discharge: Electric Aura, Electric Pull, Electric Shield Construction, Electrical Wall Generation, Electrical Exoskeleton, Electrical Healing, Electricity Absorption, Electricity Attacks, Electricity Conductivity, Electricity Constructs, Electricity Generation, Electricity Manipulation, Electrokinetic Blade Construction, Electrokinetic Claws, Electrokinetic Cloning, Electrokinetic Combat, Electrokinetic Creature Creation, Electrokinetic Flight, Electrokinetic Whip Generation, Electrokinetic Wing Manifestation, Shocking, and Supernatural Condition.

Erik aka Rush: Accelerated Metabolism, Electricity Manipulation, Enhanced Reading, Molecular Acceleration, Regenerative Healing Factor, Supernatural Condition, and Tornado Generation.

Felicia aka Pheasant: Avian Physiology, Claw Retraction, Flight, Sonic Scream, Supernatural Condition, Wind Manipulation, Wing Manipulation, and Zap.

Harry aka Bombardier: Explosion Inducement, Explosion Manipulation, Explosive Combat, Explosive Hell, Explosive Infusion, Explosive Proficiency, Molecular Acceleration, and Supernatural Condition.

Ivory aka Arctic Chill: Ice Manipulation, Ice Mimicry, and Supernatural Condition.

Krystal aka Fauna: Animal Empathy, Animal Scrying, Animal Manipulation, Animal Morphing, Mind Link, Supernatural Condition, and Taming.

Lynette aka Diviner: Attraction and Repulsion, Binding, Crushing, Levitation, Mind Control, Mind Reading, Psionic Speed, Psionic Strength, Psychic Attacks, Psychic Combat, Psychic Communication, Psychic Constructs, Psychic Force-Field Generation, Psychic Navigation, Supernatural Condition, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Combat, Telekinetic Flight, and Telepathic Relay.

Maria aka Techno: Mechanical Intuition, Omnifabrication, Supernatural Condition, and Supernatural Intelligence.

Nazar aka Fortress: Bulletproof Durability, Combat Adaptation, Contaminant Immunity, Dermal Armor, Electrical Immunity, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Natural Weaponry, Steel Mimicry, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Condition, and Thermal Resistance.

Sierra aka Karma: Acceleration Immunity, Aerial Combat Mastery, Aerokinetic Combat, Aerokinetic Constructs, Aerokinetic Flight, Aerokinetic Surfing, Air Attacks, Air Detection, Air Generation, Air Manipulation, Air Pressure Generation, Air Solidification, Air Walking, Aquatic Adaptation, Army Annihilation, Attack Ignoring, Attack Prediction, Avalanche Creation, Bulletproof Durability, Burning, Burrowing, Cold Air Generation, Cold Attacks, Cold Manipulation, Combat Specialist, Crushing, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Cryokinetic Flight, Deflection, Earth Attacks, Earth Detection, Earth Generation, Earth Manipulation, Earth Swimming, Earthquake Generation, Electrical Immunity, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Environmental Adaptation, Fire Attacks, Fire Detection, Fire Generation, Fire Manipulation, Firestorm Creation, Flame Solidification, Flight, Flood Creation, Freezing, Frostbite, Geokinetic Combat, Geokinetic Flight, Geokinetic Surfing, Ground Rupturing, Heat Attacks, Heat Generation, Heat Manipulation, High-Speed Flight, Hurricane Creation, Hydrokinetic Combat, Hydrokinetic Constructs, Hydrokinetic Flight, Hydrokinetic Surfing, Ice Attacks, Ice Generation, Ice Manipulation, Jet Propulsion, Martial Arts Intuition, One-Man Army, Power Legs, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Pyrokinetic Flight, Pyrokinetic Surfing, Regenerative Healing Factor, Seismic Sense, Shockwave Stomp, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Athleticism, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Temperature Regulation, Terrakinetic Constructs, Thermal Resistance, Tidal Wave Generation, Tornado Creation, Water Attacks, Water Detection, Water Generation, Water Manipulation, Water Pressure Generation, Water Walking, and Whirlpool Generation.

Sonya aka Epsilon: Earth Swimming, Elemental Swimming, Ground Liquification, Melting, Quicksand Generation, Supernatural Condition, and Transmutation.

Taylor aka Amazon: Enhanced Combat, Enhanced Musicianship, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Molecular Manipulation, and Supernatural Condition.

Tomas aka Dust: Burying, Dehydration, Psammoporation, Psammokinetic Constructs, Psammokinetic Flight, Psammokinetic Regeneration, Psammokinetic Surfing, Quicksand Generation, Sand Attacks, Sand Generation, Sand Manipulation, Sand Mimicry, Sandstorm Creation, and Seismic Sense.

Teresa aka Pyra: Burning, Combustion Inducement, Elemental Telekinesis, Fire Absorption, Fire Attacks, Fire Generation, Fire Manipulation, Fire Mimicry, Flame Solidification, Heat Absorption, Heat Generation, Melting, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Pyrokinetic Flight, Pyrokinetic Regeneration, Pyrokinetic Surfing, Pyroportation, and Supernatural Condition.

Vega aka Tremor: Earthquake Creation, Portal Creation, Supernatural Condition, Vibration Emission, and Vibration Manipulation.

Wanda aka Quiver: Arrow Generation, Bow Constuction, Bullet Hell, Energy Absorption, Energy Weapons, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Archery, Enhanced Condition, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Marksmanship, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Gadget Usage, Soul-Bound Weapon, Supernatural Condition, Super Speed Combat Archery, Trick Arrows, and Weapon Creation.

Sierra Ozaki.
Buster Eastman.
Taylor Crawford.
Zane Alvarez.
Teresa Ramirez.
Sonya Barrett.
Felicia Howard.
Nazar Kern.
Tomas Howell.
Wanda Morales.
Ivory Murphy.
Harry Adams.
Cindy Hale.
Erik Norris.
Lynette Walker.
Krystal Hawkins.
Alice Evans.
Vega Ramos.
Darren Spencer.
Maria Barton.

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