Sunday, October 22, 2017

Zero Episode 47 Princess today, Queen tomorrow

A/N: Welcome to the updated Zero which is slightly different compared to Zero Episode 1-46 and the five shorts. The only difference is just that only a couple of people know Zane's secret rather than everyone and their grandma. I don't like when some many people know about your secret identity. I means what's the point. I only changed that only a couple of people who know Zane's secret and a couple of little things.

You may remember that Karen, Kristen, Heidi, and Roxy became superheroes because of Zane with the two Ks knowing Zane's secret. Thanks to Zane changing it, Aqua and Sonic don't exist anymore but Dragoness and Viola do being that they're allies with Zane or Legion Zero. Ray and Tara will also know Zane's secret identity due to them being close family friends which also applies to some others which you'll see at the end of the episode.

This is an example of the Reset Button Trope. It happened in the highly overrated TV animated adult cartoon Rick and Morty which isn't a bad show but the fan base made me hate it. I did watch the show before I grew to hate it but still, a fanbase can make you hate or like the show. This is a case of the former. I picked that example because there is a lot of examples of this trope. I also found a neat word Proboscis. I just like that word for no reason beside it's just fun to say. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was sitting with Danny and Gwen at Fantasia. The two of them were giving him a very hard glare. The two were now wearing new outfits. Danny ditched his baseball cap with him wearing a white jacket, an orange v-necked shirt with black stripes, dark red cargo pants, and brown tennis shoes. He's still wearing his glasses. Gwen still had her earrings on her. She's wearing an blue and purple shirt with her black jacket, black pants, and white clockwork designer sandals.

Zane said,"Please say something you guys. Your stares are killing me.". "I still can't believe that you changed the entire universe just because of the old story of the Universe Crucifixion." said Gwen as she sighed. "And why are we the only ones who remember your dirty little secret? Karen and Rachel doesn't remember about being part of the superhero team. You also got rid of your happiness." said Danny. "It was for the great good to be honest." said Zane.

Gwen said,"You have a point Zane. I mean your secret identity was known by your enemies and I'm guessing that you were worried about them. You do have an anger problem plus you're worried about your family and us.". "I guess you're not the bad guy but why did you have to erase Rachel's memory again?" said Danny. "I blame Savant. He told me that this was on purpose." said Zane. "That makes no sense." said Danny and Gwen.

Zane said,"Oh I know that. Parker says that trying to understand the time walker at all is like trying to under quantum physics of how the Dinosaurs took over Europe in ,I think, Dimension 1890 which is in the Inner Ring.". "The Omniverse is big right?" said Danny. "It's bigger and older than anything on Earth or Taelamelan." said Gwen. "It's also far more confusing." said Zane. His phone started to ring as Danny said,"You going to answer that?".

Zane said,"It's a crime alert. I had it installed after my fight with Spiro. I just wanted to answer any questions you two may have.". "You need to get going Zane. Do you have a list to read for us so we can be in private?" said Gwen. Zane smiled as he said,"I get you two. Have fun you two.". Zane put a piece of paper down on the table and he went over to his bike. He drove off as Danny said,"So are you okay with us?".

Gwen said,"I don't know if my feelings for you were altered by Zane but Zane being well dense may not have done anything. I know that for the past couple of months, I like hanging out with you. You're also a good person. We should take things slow however there Danny.". "Okay. That's fine with me Gwen." said Danny. He looked at the piece of paper and Danny said,"Wow. He really didn't change much.". "I guess Zane likes this world a lot." said Gwen.

Zane parked his bike in a nearby alleyway as he said,"So what am I dealing with?". "Your old friends Irene is currently robbing a store." said Athena. "It's strange. I mean what would a teenager do with the stuff that she's stealing. I mean the devices that she's stealing could be used for mind control and what enemy uses mind control?" said Cole. "Princess Mind. I haven't heard from her since Celeste's concert. I guess she's been hiding to plan something and using Irene to do it." said Zane.

He turned into Legion Zero and he went through the building by going intangible. He saw Umbra putting things into her portal as Zane stood there. "So you're stealing technology now Umbra. What's up with that?" said Zane. The shadow woman looked at Zane as she said,"Legion Zero. We met once again and I'm stealing this tech for a private buyer.". "And should I let you do that? That doesn't sound very heroic." said Zane.

Umbra said,"You probably will be being that you're going to be busy with him.". "Who are you talking about?" said Zane. He was soon blasted into the wall by a Nether explosion. Zane looked to see a Phantom Knight standing there. He was holding two knight swords with him wearing a silver suit of medieval armor. "Great and this day was going too good." said Zane. He activated his Warrior Blade and he rushed toward the knight.

They clashed as Umbra said,"You idiot! Take him outside. We can't have the tech being ruined. I don't think you'll like the boss angry.". "So you're working for someone? Care to share the details with little old me?" said Zane. The knight knocked Zane outside of the store as Zane soon saw that the cops had the area contained. "Perfect." said Zane. The knight was about to slash Zane but the hero went back gaining some distance from the Ghostly Knight.

He then activated his Sub Zero Armor and he fired a wave of ice. The knight was soon frozen in a ice cube as Zane said,"Chill out knight. Let me get your partner in crime before I send you back to Terrarune.". Zane walked back into the store and he saw that Umbra was gone. "Son of. I should have made a clone to keep her busy." said Zane. He turned around and he saw that the knight was gone with Zane sighing.

Later, he crashed onto his bed and he said with his voice muffled by the pillow,"So Athena. Do you know what I missed about the old universe?". "Your relationship with Kristen?" said Athena. "I miss having partners. I mean I still have allies but keeping this from Karen and Rachel is awful. They're two of my closest pals and they can never know about me." said Zane. "You want to protect them right? This is what we have to do. It sucks but keeping them alive is important." said Cole.

Zane then looked at his watch as Athena said,"I just heard him too Zane. I guess Cole does have his moments.". "Yeah. I guess you're don't judge a book by its cover." said Zane. His phone ranged as Zane saw that it was Gwen. "I guess it's time for training." said Zane. He stood back up and turned into Legion Zero. "It's a good thing that you're training with your two swords." said Athena. "Parker told me to get stronger and I'm going to do that." said Zane as a portal opened up.

The next day, the school was being forced to an assembly. Two people were standing on the stage of the auditorium. The one on the right is a young ,don't mention her age if you want to live, woman with long brown hair with the end making a claw and peach skin. Her eyes were a brilliant green with her wearing a dark blue summer dress, matching gloves, light blue earrings, and a noticeable emerald green ring. She had on matching dark blue high heels. She also had on a strange gold necklace.

The one on the right is a young ,he's actually like being called old, man with light blue hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a long-sleeved gray shirt, dark purple jeans, and black tennis shoes. The man had a strange earring being that it looked like a dragon's eye. "Hey there girls. Have you ever wanted to be a princess before?" said the man. Some of the girls cheered with the woman saying,"Not every girl wanted to be a princess Bert.".

Bert said,"Don't be such a sourpuss sis. Ignoring her ladies. You get to wear such beautiful gowns and jewelry that makes your eyes sparkle in the moonlight.". Danny sat with Gwen, Karen, Kristen, and Rachel with Danny said,"This Bert guy sure is well fabulous.". Karen, Kristen, and Rachel were also wearing new outfits. Karen's wearing a dark green camisole with a ocean blue sound wave pattern to it, black jeans, and her brown boots with no heel.

Rachel is still wearing her choker with her now wearing a long sleeved green blouse with a floral pattern under a white jacket, her plaid skirt and jeans combo, and sneakers. Kristen is now wearing a snow white tunic dress with a sky blue cardigan, flame design scarf, black tights, and brown knee high boots. "What about the part where girls can charm and seduce that special prince?" said the woman. Rachel gagged a little after hearing that.

The woman said,"Hello there kids. My name is Marin Summers and this is my younger brother Bert Summers. I decided to make that dream come true here in Cypress Park. One of you lucky women will become a princess for a today.". Bert pulled on a rope as a poster which said,"Miss Cypress Park Beauty Pageant". "This sucks more than listening to Sam talking about her new outfit." said Rachel as she slammed her face into her hands.

Kristen said,"I'm guessing you don't like beauty pageants.". "They turn girls into shallow bitches at least more than normal and boys into drooling buffoons. I see no problem with it." said Rachel with her usual sarcasm. "It does have a talent competition." said Karen. "We need one of you strong men to become a worthy and chivalrous knight to select our princess for a date." said Bert. Several of the guys started raising their hands with Gwen looking at Danny.

Danny said,"Hey. I already got my princess. She's also way too good for this pageants.". "You're a smart guy. So where did Zane go? He would love this. He loves pageants." said Gwen. "You can't be serious." said Kristen. "He and his mom always watch this one pageant every year. He's really close to her." said Rachel. "Hey. I'll defend that one Rae. It had a martial arts round. The women there are so cool! It's also filled with women of all different shapes and sizes." said Danny.   

Meanwhile above the school, Zane was currently avoiding his enemies attack which was currently a Blacksmith/Ax welding Executioner Phantom. He's a large Phantom with him wearing a Roman-style Metal Short Sleeved Medieval Tunic with a strap that would normally have his battle Ax but it was currently in use. He has on large silver shoulder pads and his mask is a red skull mask. He also had strange spiral tattoos on his arms.

Zane kept dodging them as he was soon sliced in half. His body reformed as he said,"Hey! I don't like when I'm sliced in half. If you want to slice something, you could have just axed!". The Phantom then threw something at Zane with it being a fiery mace. Zane turned into Slime Form as the mace went right through him. "Sorry buddy but you missed! Better luck next time!" said Zane. He was soon hit by the mace as the Phantom sighed.

Zane recovered as he said,"Okay. You may have gotten me the first time but Legion Zero doesn't fall for the same trick twice in the same fight!". He then landed on the roof with the Executioner following suit. He turned into Gravity Form and the Phantom was held in place. "You're not leaving any time soon buddy. How about we go for a ride?" said Zane. The Phantom was slammed into the roof as he went through it. "Son of a!" said Zane. He turned back to normal as he flew after it.

Back in the auditorium, Bert and Marin were looking over the boy as Marin said,"I say we should pick a boy who appeals to the masses.". "So maybe a common boy?" said Bert. "You're right. Lets go with someone attractive and has a unique personality." said Marin. She looked right at Brad, Bryan, and Mack with her saying,"Far too popular. Too athletic. Too Rich.". "So honest dear sister. Let me pick." said Bert.

He looked at Kevin who said,"Too handsome? Smart? Intelligent?". "None of the above. You're more annoying than nails on the chalk board." said Bert. Above them. the Executioner was flying toward them as Zane ,right behind him, thought,"He's leading me somewhere. I better be regular old Zane just in case.". He turned back to normal as Zane landed on the stage. He saw everyone looking at him with him saying,"Um. Sorry I'm late. I just want to make an entrance that's for sure.".

Bert said,"You're perfect!". He hugged Zane as the teen said,"Easy there! I may enjoy a good hug but not from someone I don't know. And what am I perfect for?". He looked at the sign behind him and he said,"Okay then. This may not be such a bad thing but who knows?". Unknown to him, a portal had opened up as a person watched. He looked to be a tall man with shriveled neon green skin and glowing red eyes.

He's wearing a dark blue robe that covered the upper part of his face except for the eyes. The other thing that makes him stuck out is his scythe. It looked ready to slice. "You're perfect Legion Zero. I think you'll make my world a reality!" said the man. He laughed with him saying,"This will make me the true ruler for sure.". The portal closed behind him as he began forming his plan with his hench-minions.

Danny and Zane was walking through the hallways as several girls said,"Hi there Zaney.". "Dude. It's so weird being called that by anyone other than Kris." said Zane. The two were stopped by Sam who said,"I got your favorite for you Zane! Extra Spicy Chili Fries from Fantasia!". Hannah stood there as she said,"I did your homework for you Zane!". Zane chuckled as he said,"Now. I know that most of the time we're enemies but you can't bribe the judge with food or homework.".

Danny sweatdropped as he said,"Then why are you eating it?". Zane looked down and he saw that he was eating. "Honestly, I have no idea. I may be just hungry." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane was grabbed by Brad with his fries falling to the food. "Those were really good and may have given Sam the vote in her favor a bit!" said Zane. "Priorities Zane." said Danny with him shaking his head. "It's been only two hours but having all of the girls over you is pissing me off!" said Brad.

Zane said,"I always wanted to do this but you left me no choice.". Zane snapped his fingers as he said,"Attack Ladies!". Sam kicked Brad who jumped for a while and he was soon chased away by several women. "Dude. This must be a dream come true. I mean you finally got to use women to attack Brad with. I thought you would have to use your powers to accomplish that or use your fans. I think every girl wants to be a princess." said Danny.

Kevin came up to them as he said,"Zane! Old pal! Can you help me out? I need a date.". "So get one yourself. I thought you hated my guts." said Zane. "That was in the past Zane. You can't change it but I need a date." said Kevin. "He isn't going to stop until you get him one." said Danny. "Fine. Go talk to any girl who's in the pageant, tell her that I sent you and if she goes out with you, she gets some extra brownie points with the...." said Zane.

Kevin was gone as Danny said,"Dude. He may slow when it comes to gym but him getting a pity date is another story. I"m just happy I'm with Gwen.". "So who's in the pageant? I was honestly forced to listen to Bent and Marin talk to me for an hour and half about pageants. Not fun when I could be out searching for Ax." said Zane. "You mean the Executioner?" said Danny. "I think his real name is Ax man. That must be his Phantom Name. It fits so well. Whose in this thing?" said Zane.

Gwen and Rachel walked up to them as Rachel said,"I am.". "You're in the pageant!?" yelled Danny and Zane. "She signed up for the pageant. What's the big deal exactly?" said Gwen. "Gwen. Rachel hates pageants more than cats hate Zane. This must be a joke right?" said Danny. Zane pulled out his phone and he said,"Nope. So why the sudden change?". "I'm not doing this to win. Doesn't Bert and Marin seem strange to you guys?" said Rachel.

Zane said,"Well, Bert is a little eccentric about his job and Marin's not. They do remember me of this comedy duo from one of my mom's old movies though except they weren't siblings I think. Hard to tell in black and white.". "Well, I'm going to prove a point." said Rachel. She walked off as Gwen said,"And what's the point?". "Girls aren't idiots?" said Danny. "Yeah. They're pretty smart especially in Extreme Pageants. Ms. Penguin stole my heart when she broke that guy's back." said Zane.

Gwen looked at her boyfriend who said,"Don't Gwen. It's not worth explaining it at all. So about that Phantom?". "Yeah. He's working for someone. He brought me to the auditorium. I may enjoy being well a judge but I'm a hero first off." said Zane. He walked off as Gwen said,"Should we keep an eye on him?". "Zane's a big boy. I need some Latin help." said Danny. "Didn't you study last night?" said Gwen. "I was kinda focused on the whole universe altering thing." said Danny. Gwen sighed. 

Later outside on the football field, Bert and Marin were looking over the girls who decided to enter the pageant as Danny and Zane sat in the bleachers with Gwen. She was reading a magic book as the boys were focused on the girls as Bert said,"Ms. Powell is right. She may pretty but you girls are all unique, have strong minds, and you know what you want and you go for it!". "Preach it!" yelled Cole as Athena slapped him.

Marin said,"We'll be focusing on that but like with ninety/all pageants, we'll be erasing that and make you into perfect princess. Lets begin shall we?". "Yeah!" said most of the girls except for the group of Karen, Kristen, Rachel, and Roxy. They were soon walking with books on their heads as Danny said to Zane,"So how does walking with books on your head make you a princess?". "Honestly, I have no idea. It may improve balance but tightropes are the way to go." said Zane.

Gwen said,"You do know that Cypress High can't afford a circus right? It's due to someone using the budget on less important things.". "Hey! Fantasia Friday is a very important things along with several other things that may not deal with growing the school." said Zane. "Yeah. I seriously don't think that Rachel is following suit." said Danny. The trio watched as Rachel ,reading said book, crashed into a girl which caused them to fall. "Timber!" said the boys.

Gwen hit them as Danny said,"Okay. You were thinking it.". "Yes but I'm smarter than you two and I'm not a judge." said Gwen pointing to the girls glaring at Danny but waving at Zane. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as Ax flew out of the bleachers causing them to be destroyed. "It's time to take down Axie!" said Zane. He jumped into the hole with him turning into Legion Zero. He then blasted Ax back into the forest and flew after him.

Bert and Marin ,ignoring the fight between Zane and Ax, watched the girls show them their smiles and Rachel stopped in front of them. She opened her mouth revealing bad teeth. "Do you not brush at all?" said Bert. "I do but this was so worth it." said Rachel. Marin held out her hand as Rachel spit out the fake teeth. In the forest, Ax soon landed on the ground growling at Zane. "Okay. Time to see how you like being Rammed!" said Zane as he turned into a new form.

He grew to eight feet tall and looks like a humanoid goat/ram. His body was covered in short ,yet very fluffy to the touch, navy blue fur that covers his entire body except for his chest. The fur covering his chest is gray and fluffy. He has a flat nose, fluffy white beard, and a short fluffy tail. He has thin yet muscular frame with a very toned abdominal. He has two gold curled horns on the sides of his head that point up toward the sky.

His feet and hands are hooves with four fingers and a thumb and five hoof toes. They are a black color. He has two green eyes. He wears a gray karate gi, tied with a black belt and he wears black pants. He has navy blue bands around his waist. Zane got into a martial arts pose with him saying,"I hope you're ready for a beating that you've earned for messing with the innocent. Ram Form will deliver the beating!".

As Ax flew toward Zane, the Phantom was kicked back into several trees. The Phantom stopped with him feeling that the kick hard. and then he threw his weapon. Zane dodged it as the ax cut through the trees and the trees was about to fall on a couple of stoners that were nearby them.

Zane looked at this as he said,"While I question why there are here, I have to save them.". He jumped toward the falling trees and he began kicking them several hundred times. It soon became tiny splinters as it avoided the stoners. Zane landed on the ground with him seeing that Ax was gone due to Zane being distracted by the wooden danger. He couldn't leave the forest however since the stoners really liked his fur much to his dismay.

Back on the field, the girls were still practicing. They had an interesting makeup session with Sam looking something out of a horror movie and Rachel something out of a teen romance movie. The two weren't happy about that. However, Rachel noticed something strange about Bert and Marin. The two were acting like reptiles being that they weren't a fan of the slightly cold weather and when a girl spilled cold water on Marin, she growled like a dragon.

Later the next day in the cafeteria, Rachel said to Zane,"I'm telling you Zane. Something's up with the Summers Siblings.". Zane nodded as he said,"Aww! That hits the spot.". "Like they're Phantoms or something." said Rachel. Zane turned to Kristen with him saying,"Kris. I'm really like the whole back rub thing. You're winning votes in my favor.". "Hey Zaney. I think Rae is trying to tell you something about Bert and Marin." said Kristen.

Zane shrugged as he said,"So they're strange Rae. Nothing scary.". "I'm so focused on those two not Ax. He's tried to kill me/annoy me five times. He's up to something." thought Zane. Rachel stormed off as Zane said,"Rae! Wait! Kris, hold my massage.". He ran after Rachel as he said,"Okay. What's up with you? You've been acting strange.". "Seriously. Haven't you noticed that things have been weird strange around here late? I mean Legion Zero just popped out of nowhere." said Rachel.

Athena said,"She may be remembering the past Zane.". "Wait. I thought her memory was erased when Zane rebooted the Omniverse." said Cole. "Their bond perhaps?" said Athena. "You don't get it do you Mr. Judge? You're being bribed!" said Rachel. "No! I mean kinda." said Zane. "Hey Zane. I got those compliments for you." said Sam. Danny stood there as he said,"I'm recording them to blackmail you in the future.".

Zane's CJ went off as several students went passed them running. "Didn't we have a Phantom Alarm System?" said Sam. "It was mostly likely destroyed during the whole Phantom Invasion a few weeks ago. Good times." said Danny. The trio was soon gone as a Phantom floating there. It was an Archer themed Phantom. He's wearing a crimson red hoodie/tunic with several straps on his arms. He has black gloves and he's currently holding a bow.

On his chest, he had two shoulder straps creating an X. He didn't have legs. He also had a quiver and it looked empty being that it only has three arrows. He fired his bow at Zane with Zane ducking under a table. He turned into Legion Zero as he said,"Okay Archer. Tell me where your pal Ax is or I'll....". He pondered for a bit as he said,"Give me a second. I need to come up with a good archer related punch. Note to self, ask Quiver about that later. She might know some jokes.".

He saw an arrow fly toward him and he caught it. "Ha!" said Zane. He noticed the giant bomb at the end as he looked toward it. "I hate my luck." said Zane. He was soon blasted back into the wall as the girls ran past him. Sam stopped in front of him as she said,"Don't tell Zit this but I'm still totally into you Legion Zero.". "That's awesome! Now go!" said Zane. He turned into Atomic Form and he fired two atomic blasts from his palm. It launched the Archer back.

He landed in the ground with Zane floating over to him. "Listen. I don't want to keep kicking your butt back to England or wherever you came from. Just tell me who you're working for, why you and your pal are attacking me constantly, and why did Umbra steal that tech? I love having the girls all over me and you're keeping me from that." said Zane. He made an atomic energy cage as Archer looked around.

He fired several arrows at Zane which somehow knocked Atomic Form into the bleachers. Archer flew over and looked for Zane. The hero was behind him ,and in Camouflage Form, and he soon grabbed his quiver. Archer glared at nothing as he heard,"I guess you're nothing with your precious arrows.". Archer smacked something as Zane reappeared. "I totally forget that you can still hear me in this form." said Zane. He turned back into Zane as Archer sent the teen flying. 

He was soon gone as Zane said,"Okay. I'm getting real sick of being beaten by the renaissance fair rejects. Hey, that's a good name for those two. Anyway, I have to do something about this.". "Hi there Sugah/Zaney." said Nova and Roxy respectively. "Maybe later." said Zane. The two girls dragged him away as Bert said with him watching the fight through a portal,"He's really good sis. He defeated Archer and Ax at least twice. He's however also distracted by the fairer sex.".

Marin said,"It's a good thing we masked our Nether Signature. His Crisis Judgement can detected me after he defeated me twice.". The reaper like figure stood there on a magic ball as he said,"Which I can't say for the girl! You know that she isn't stupid like the rest of them or Saul.". "Hey! I take so offense to that." said Bert. "Listen close, I need you two to keep Legion Zero busy while we get ready. Do you understand?" said the reaper. They didn't noticed that Rachel was watching them.

On Friday night, Zane stood on the makeshift stage as he thought,"Well, this was nice. I mean the girls were in love with me.". He turned around to see several girls looking at him as he said,"Yep. I guess my fifteen minutes of fame are over or just getting started. Who knows?". Zane was heading out to the main stage as Rachel stopped him. "Zane, please don't go out there!" said Rachel. "Look. This is just a pageant. I mean what's the worst that could happen?" said Zane.

Athena and Cole said in unison,"You get mauled for picking the wrong girl.". Zane rolled his eyes as Zane's CJ went off. He turned around to see Ax heading toward him fast and he said,"Okay. I won't go out there and in the mean time, have fun Rae!". He ran away as Rachel said,"Wait! Where are you going?!". She was going to go after him but she was stopped by Marin. "Ms. Summers. I didn't hear you. Where's your brother?" said Rachel. "He's busy and we can't miss the pageant." said Marin.

Zane ,turned into Legion Zero, was flying after Ax who said,"You know something Axie! I was so hoping that we would meet again so I can kick your but another time.". Ax threw his weapon at Zane who dodged it as Zane said,"You know if I forgot about your mace from our last fight, I would be stupid to think that your ax wouldn't come back.". He flew around the area trying to shake the ax off with him losing it by slamming it into a billboard.

Zane was soon trapped to the billboard ,with his head barely avoiding the ax, as he saw Archer with his bow aimed right at him. "Okay. This is the worst. I mean it beats seeing the drama teacher in tights." said Zane. Back at the school, the pageant was going underway as Rachel said,"To be honest with you, I'm not really cut out for beauty pageants. It's not really my thing.". She was soon walking away as Marin grabbed her hand sharp.

She soon began to glow as Rachel soon saw the Phantom Mareona ,currently in her dragon form, with her standing there and Rachel gulped. Back with Zane, Ax was about to slice Zane in two with him saying,"Hold on guys! You can't kill me! I don't know if in Camelot, you have trials but in America, we do. We also a phone call or last request. At least let me have a last meal or something like that.". The clock chimed for nine PM as the two were gone.

Zane soon broke free as he said,"Huh. I didn't know that Phantoms had curfews. I guess you learn something new every day. That's just plain sad.". "Zane. The pageant. You need to get going." said Athena. "Yeah but what about the renaissance fair rejects?" said Zane. "They'll probably trying to get back home before they get caught for breaking curfew." said Cole. "Getting going now." said Athena as Zane flew off.

Zane soon returned as he watched the talent portion. He enjoyed it mainly the girl who could sing opera and the one who could play the harp. Rachel stood there as she said,"My talent is....". She then looked at Marin who turned into Mareona for a split second. "Poetry. Life and Death are one in the same. Marin is Mareona. Marin is Mareona." said Rachel. She was soon dragged off stage as Zane said,"Huh. Marin is Mareona. That's unique.".

Zane's eyes widened as he said,"Frag.". He jumped from his spot and he said,"Um. I'll be right back because I have to tally the votes.". He soon saw Marin disappeared with Rachel as Archer and Ax was behind them. They soon re-appeared in Terrarune as Rachel saw that the three Phantoms were bowing to the reaper. The reaper took off his robe and it turned out to be Hyde. "My dear Rachel. I hope you can bring my successor or else, you're dead meat." said Hyde.

Zane was currently flying in Terrarune as he said,"I didn't even pick anyone and the girls still want me dead. I'm going to kill or at least hurt a lot those renaissance fair rejects.". "Sorry about my sis Zane. I guess she's working with him again for power of the kingdom." said a voice. Zane then turned around to see Danny and Gwen ,in costume, inside of the Midnight Bird and a little teen ,a littler younger than him, who was floating nearby the jet fighter.

He has pale skin with light blue hair and blue eyes. He had noticeable fangs sticking out of his mouth with him wearing a crown made out of iron. He was wearing the same amulet as Mareona around his neck. He's wearing the exact same outfit as Bert with him wearing a cape ,which is black on the outside and blue on the inside, which is fastened to his shoulders by a gold dragon skull. "So who's the kid?" said Zane.

Gwen said,"Zane. This is Prince Saul aka one of the rulers of Terrarune.". "He's also Mareona's little brother. He's going to be the next ruler of Terrarune aka Auratina's possible husband." said Danny as he tussled Saul's hair. Zane then bowed as the kid said,"Please don't do that Zane. I'm annoying by people doing that. I wish I could be back on Earth.". "So why did your sister and the renaissance fair rejects steal my friends? Phantoms didn't mess with people unless it involves pranks." said Zane.

He flew over to them as Saul said,"I honestly don't know what my sister is thinking most of the time Zane. He's teamed up with Hyde to take over my kingdom.". "Hyde? You mean the former Zero?" said Danny. "Yep. He wants power and I think my kingdom ,which is one of the founding kingdoms of Terrarune, will get him that. I like you that you called Archer and Executioner the renaissance fair rejects! It fits them." said Saul.

Zane snickered as he said,"Their names totally fit these job descriptions.". "So about finding Rachel before Hyde kills her or before she becomes a Phantom?" said Gwen. "Right. Athena, track anything that doesn't have a Nether Signature." said Zane. The two Phantoms go into the ship and it flew off to a different part of Terrarune. "Welcome to Camelot." said Saul. "Hold on a second. I think Camelot was a castle somewhere in Great Britain." said Danny.

Saul said,"When my father ,who was the former king, founded this area of Terrarune, he named it after the castle. We should stop here. For some reason, technology doesn't work as well in this part of Terrarune.". "So will Danny still be able to fight?" said Gwen. "Yep. Any vehicles won't work here not people Slicer." said Saul. Zane parked the jet fighter on the outskirts of a castle with him saying,"Lets go save Rae.". "Right!" said Danny and Gwen with Saul nodding.

Danny said,"So why are you helping us anyway Salamander?". "Is that my nickname? I mean my name is not very long to begin with but I really like my nickname." said Saul. "It is." said Gwen as she sighed. "Well, it's your fault Zane." said Saul. "What did I do?" said Zane. "It isn't a bad thing at all! You're being the one who defeated Spiro and returning him back is something of worthy praise in Terrarune. Most Phantoms are smart enough not to mess with you." said Saul.

Zane said,"Explains the lack of Phantom attacks recently in town. I guess Hyde isn't part of the group so how do we break in gang?". They were in front of the castle as Saul said,"We can go through the front door or through the moat filled with hungry animals that we don't feed the best food. It's also because you're royalty Zane and we have to stick together.". "I'm going with the latter option and thanks." said Zane. Gwen hit him as she said,"We'll go through the front door.".

The four went toward the door with Zane's CJ alerted him. He turned around and he said,"Oh come on. Aren't you guys sick of fighting me?". The Archer and the other one with the axe floated there with several knights. "I'll handle those two. Give me some cover!" said Zane as he turned into Frost Form. Danny nodded as he turned his fists into the Phantom Smashers with him punching the knights back.

Gwen saw that Executioner threw his mace at Zane who froze it and Gwen said,"Lets see how you like it!". She used a gravity spell to bring the mace toward her and using Time Rune, she hit the mace back at Executioner causing him to be knocked back. "That was so cool Slicer!" said Saul. He saw that the Archer was about to attack Zane with the young prince's mouth turning into a dragon. He fired out a fireball which launched the Archer into Executioner.

The two heard,"Hey boys. Time to chill out!". A giant ice hammer crashed into them and the duo was knocked out along with the knights. Zane landed on the ground as Danny said,"You're getting better with the puns Zane.". "Thanks. I think we need some disguises. I'll go intangible, Saul you stay yourself, and Danny and Gwen." said Zane. "I understand Zane. I called dibs on the Archer Danny. He doesn't smell bad." said Gwen. "Dang it." said Danny.

Back inside, Rachel was being held prisoner by two guards as Hyde paced in front of her. "So why do you want me exactly? I mean I'm not the most beautiful girl." said Rachel. "You're perfect Rachel since you've a bond with Legion Zero. You helped him against Princess Mind when she took over the poor rocker's mind and so much other stuff like that. I think by getting Zero's body thanks to you, I can control the Omniverse." said Hyde.

A guard came into the room as he said,"Legion Zero, the prince, and two teens came here to try and rescue her! They already defeated Archer and Executioner.". Hyde then smiled as he flew into Rachel with her screaming. Her body was soon covered in veins as Rachel stood up. Her eyes glowed red as she said,"Lets go see my dear old pal.". She flew off as the three guards shook their heads in utter confusion.

The teens were fighting in the main hall as Danny said,"Dude. We really need to work on our whole sneaking in thing.". He fired his Spook Howitzer at some knights with Gwen slicing back a couple of them. "In Zane's defense, he didn't know that Saul was currently wanted for treason against the court but some research ahead of time should be a good idea." said Gwen. Zane ,who was currently in the air and back to normal, said,"I'll deal with that later!".

He swung onto the chandelier as he threw himself into a giant mob of guards. He turned into Ram Form and he slammed his horns into them causing a huge explosion. The guards went flying as the teen said,"So where did his royal highness go?". "He went to go find his sister. He cares about her despite her trying to kill because you didn't let her go to the ball." said Danny. "In my defense, she was the one who made Kristen spill my orange soda and that's a major crime against me." said Zane.

Gwen sighed as she said,"One of us should go look for Saul. You two can handle any guards that come after me right?". "Okay. Go get back the prince Gwen." said Danny. Gwen then ran off in the same direction as Saul with Zane hearing,"Zaney. It's me you old pal Rachel.". "Rachel? Is that you? Why do you sound like Hyde?" thought Zane. Rachel stood there as Danny said,"Is she?". Zane turned into Brawn Form with him saying,"Hyde's controlling her!".

She ran toward Zane with him saying,"Hyde! Get out of my friend!". He threw her away from him as Danny said,"Dude! She may be under the control of an evil Phantom but....". Rachel soon started to transform. She turned into the dragon form of Mareona with her saying,"She lend me her power so burn!". Zane blocked the fire attack before getting launched into the moat. Danny then dodged Hyde's dragon breath as he thought,"Hurry Gwen!".

Gwen found Saul looking over Mareona who was breathing heavily. "What happened?" said Gwen as the prince looked at her. "Hyde stole her necklace which gives her his power. We need to get it back from Hyde." said Saul. The two heard an explosion as the castle was being ripped apart. They saw Danny and Zane ,in Brawn Form, fighting against Rachel with Saul saying,"I found him you guys. We need to find the amulet and get Hyde out of her body.". "That's not him?" said Gwen.

Saul shook his head as he said,"Hyde and all Phantoms have a unique Nether Signature which all Phantoms can use to track each other. That's your friend Rachel. She's safe from becoming one of us but if we don't get her out in time, she'll die and be reborn as a Phantom.". "So can Zane use his power to release Hyde from Rachel?" said Gwen. "Yes. We just have to get her to become less reptile like and I can help." said Saul as he glowed.

Outside, Zane was dodging Hyde's fire breath as Danny said,"So how can we hit her? I mean Rachel may not remember all of this but she's still our friend.". "I know that Danny but right now, we need to turn her back to normal. I think we have some help." said Zane. The dark red dragon was soon slammed into by another dragon. It was covered in black scales with a blue belly, wings, and flaming spine. His eyes and fangs are blood red with a long forked tongue.

He has green horns, claws, and spikes on the tips of his wings and tail. He's wearing his amulet. On his neck, Gwen was on him as she said,"Charge Saul!". "She's having fun. I'm happy but at the same time, I'm really jealous." said Danny. "I can turn into a dragon. We should totally do that and also something else but I have a better idea for now." said Zane. He then leaned down to Danny and whispered something as Danny smiled with him activating his Phantom Smashers.

Danny said,"I like that idea a lot man. I will give you some cover and I hope Gwen gets the idea. She is really smart and can probably tell Saul the plan.". Danny punched Hyde in the shin very hard. "You dam fools! That idiot child is back! I better get rid of him before Zane will..." said Hyde. He was blasted by elemental Fire from Saul. "I'm doing this right?" said Saul. Gwen nodded as Zane turned into a new form and it looked interesting.

Zane looked to be about twelve feet tall with him having an extremely muscular figure. His body is a steel gray color alongside his arms, face, feet, hands, and legs. He has two red eyes. On each side of his head, he has a curved horn coming out of it. It was glowing with cosmic energy. It's a steel gray with the tip of it being red. He has five fingers and toes. His left arm has a natural looking broadsword ,which is black at the front and steel gray at the bottom, like protrusion coming out of it.

His right arm has a natural looking circular, bucklet shield like protrusion coming out of it. It's the same color as his sword. He's wearing a giant version of his Theta Costume. "Titan Form! Let me show you how this form got that name!" said Zane as he soon began growing in size. He made the two dragon look like small reptiles. He punched Hyde with Hyde went flying toward the moat. Hyde shook his head and Zane soon fired an giant glowing red cosmic energy beam from his both eyes.

The dragon roared in pain as Gwen said,"Zane! You need to stop! That's still Rachel you know that right!". Zane stopped the beams as he said out,"You're right Gwen. Your mastery! Bring me Hyde to me.". "Did you really need to echo man?" said Danny. "I don't but I knew it would annoy you so I had to do that." said Zane, smiling down at him. "I hate you sometimes." said Danny. Saul held the unconscious Hyde/Rachel up as a steel gray magic circle appeared over the dragon. 

Zane said,"I need to get rid of Hyde from within Rae's body. We first need to get rid of Mareona's necklace being to get rid of it before we can save Rachel.". "Please find it Gwen. I'm begging you Zane's echoing is really annoying and loud. He's also doing this on purpose." said Danny. "You're right on that end." said Gwen. She found the amulet and she sliced it off the dragon. The dragon turned back into Rachel with her being held by Saul. "And you're finally free." said Zane. 

The girl was covered in a blinding white light with Hyde falling to the ground. Rachel soon woke up as she said,"Um. Where the heck am I?". "Aren't you concerned with the dragon and the giant whatever he is?" said Danny. Zane went back to his normal superhero self as Rachel shrugged. "You do know that I live in a town where supernatural stuff happens ever other day right?" said Rachel. "That's a fair point there Rae." thought Zane

Later, the four stood inside of the Midnight Bird and flying back to Cypress Park. "So let me see if I got this right. Zane erased my memory of you guys being super heroes because he wanted to protect me and our friends." said Rachel. Zane looked away as Gwen said,"He does blame Savant and from what I heard about him, this isn't out of left field for the time walker.". "Yeah but that doesn't matter anymore for at least now. You now remember thanks to Hyde taking over. What was that like?" said Danny.

Rachel shivered as she said,"Disgusting Danny. So what about the pageant?". "I was thinking about hiding out in Fantasia and use one of my forms to make the Pageant not happen." said Zane. "You did like Kristen's back massage didn't you Zane?" said Gwen. "I can get that without being mauled and or maimed by perfectly manicured nails, high heels, and anything else girls have in their arsenal which I know is a lot of things." said Zane.

Danny said,"You have a point Zane. So what's Saul's plans?". "Talking with Spiro about being part of the Phantom Council. Mareona isn't on board but oh well, I guess there's good and bad things to come out of this." said Zane. "Zane. I'm mad at you for erasing our memories so you owe me an answer. So are you going to be with Karen or Kristen? Team Kane and Krane?" said Rachel. Zane sighed as Gwen said,"So is the paring known as Kane Karen and Zane or Kristen and Zane?".

Danny said,"The former. You'll pick the right choice. So whose up for pizza?". "If Rachel is buying, I mean its the twenty first century." said Zane. "Fine." said Rachel. She hugged him and Danny as she said,"You know if I didn't know you two, life would be so boring in Cypress Park.". "Yeah Rae. Who else could we borrow money from?" said Danny. "You guys wouldn't do that right?" said Rachel. "I so don't promise that." said Zane. Gwen sighed as Rachel hit Zane and they went back home.

Umbra reappeared in front of Fallout as she said,"Legion Zero doesn't know about me stealing the tech thanks to us using Hyde's petite desire for power.". "Good. We'll begin our master plan and soon things will belong to the Odium Society." said Fallout. Umbra was gone as Fallout said in a strange voice very much like the one that Xona calls Master,"Zaney. You and I will meet soon and things won't end up like they did last time. I promise you that.".  

Next Time,
A Bros Weekend goes wrong when things keep getting in the way. Why did Fallout speak in the same voice as Xona's master? Who is Xona's Master?  This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Ram Form. This card has a black frame with a caprine like creature standing in the center of the card getting ready to fight with a sunset background.

Titan Form. This card has a black frame with a human like silhouette and it looked to be a massive size.

People who knows Zane's Secret Identity:
Gwen, Danny, Rachel, Jasmine, All of Springs Gate, All of Terrarune, High Ranking Members of the Odium Society, Blanche, George Richard, all of Zane's classmates at Arcadia University, Luke Bishop, Parker, Savant, Raymond, Tara, Ed, Reggie Robertson, the Alvarez Family, and All of Taelamelan. 

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