Saturday, December 10, 2016

Power Episode 9 Power Dragon and Spirit Mistress

A/N: Yep. We are now at the beginning of the series with Zane now being able to talk. He is able to talk using magic and he tends to use this more often than his notebook now because for the past two years in the story, he had been doing that. You know when you do something for a while, you get it stuck in your head. It is like that for an example. Also Zane's Mask is like Kakashi's mask because I like that character design.

Narrator P.O.V.
A week after Zane's return, Zane was currently sitting on a train and he wrote,"Hey Ryu. Could you explain to me why we brought Clair along with us?". The light slayer was currently on the floor and Barry said,"She won the bet.". "What the cat said." said Ryu. "Sigh. I rather have Allison here and maybe she can knock her out." wrote Zane. "You seriously want her here?! She will kill you because you left her." said Barry.

Zane shivered and he wrote,"I rather be dead because looking at someone like this is killing me on the inside.". Zane was still wearing his Kane Outfit except for the armor because he was forced to take it off. He also show his silver hair and black eyes along with his tattoo. He was also forced to place his weapons in his pocket dimension much to his annoyance. "Are we there yet Zane?" said Clair. Zane sighed and the girl floated in the air.

He place the girl's head on his lap and she said with a blush,"What are you doing?". He placed his left hand go through her hair and he said,"Just relax. Our stop is in thirty minutes.". "Okay." said Clair. "I can't believe that you're still walking after the talk yesterday." said Barry.  "Zane is stronger than you think Barry." said Ryu. "Don't act cocky Ryu." thought Zane. He looked out of the window and he had a flashback to yesterday.

The guild was back to its old partying self. People were laughing, drinking, and punching each other and in two years, Heroes was extremely happy. As for Zane, he currently just got back from Magic Council H.Q. and Magician Monthly and he was talking with his closest thing. "It is really good to be back. And Myra, you really changed over the years." wrote Zane. "You think so?" said Myra with an angelic smile on her face. "Yeah. You seem more different." wrote Zane.

She was wearing a sleeveless ankle-length maroon dress with a pleated skirt. The chest is adorned by a large pink bow and similarly colored trimmings framed her ample neckline acting as straps and circle around the waist. She wears matching high-heeled shoes that match her dress and accessorizes with a small chain necklace with a blue oval gem attached to it, and a bracelet made of white flowers circling her right wrist. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back.

Myra had a gentle smile on her face but Zane felt a killing aura was being leaked from her and she said,"Is that a problem Zane?". "Not at all. I mean you just got even more beautiful." said Zane with a nervous smile. "Okay. I better not make her mad anytime soon. Rather live today." thought Zane. The blond had a deep blush spread across her face and she gave a gentle smile in response. 'Thank you Zane." said Myra.

Zane wasn't paying attention to Myra's facial reactions because he was drinking. Jade still noticed it and Tanya ignored it because she already knew about Myra's feeling for Zane due to her good insight skills. "Everyone! I think it is time that we get some answers from Zane!" said Ax. Everyone stopped what they are doing and started forming a semicircle around Zane. Zane looked around him with an tense look on his face. "Did I do something wrong or what? I'm not a troublemaker." wrote Zane.

Ax walked up to Zane and he sat next to him. "Not at all my boy. You aren't in trouble. Clyde didn't tell me what you did in Wicked Genocide." said Ax. Zane took a deep breath and he said,"I thought that you were going to gang up on me or something like that.". "Well start talking. What was it?" said Eric. "Well, to put it plainly. It was Heroes but it wasn't. There were three main areas. The grunts who can't do any magic, the ones that can use magic, and the Nine Kin of Purgatory." wrote Zane.

Everyone looked confused and Zane wrote,"The lowly guys are foot soldiers that can only use magic with the middle one is basically full of seconds rate mages with robes, staff, and masks and I'm pretty sure that Ryu told you about the Nine Kin of Purgatory are.". "Yep." said the guild in unison. "Good. I couldn't tell you about them even if I wanted to." wrote Zane. "Why? Are they so strong that they are weird?" said Wayne.

Zane thought about it and he wrote,"Yes. I think the most sane was me and I didn't even show my face at all.". "How is the guild like mine Zane?" said Ax. "Simple old man. The lowly guys partied and laughed together causing me to hang out with them more. I enjoyed my time in Wicked Genocide and I got to see a lot of what Orclana had to offer." wrote Zane. "And the ladies there. They were so hot!" thought Zane who hid his perverted grin.

Tanya said,"What?! I thought that you were being experimented on by them?!". "I was one of their top members. Who told you that?" wrote Zane. "Ryu did!" said Lucky. Zane glared at the dragon and he sighed. "Okay. I should be used to talking about me behind my back but sometimes, it gets real annoying." wrote Zane. "Sorry boss." whined Ryu. "Look. I was trained by the guild for the rest of the time." wrote Zane. "Really?!" said Ax. "Yep." said Zane.

Clair said,"Could we fight?". "Nah. I'm good. Fighting Nightmare was something else." wrote Zane who smiled. "Come on Zane! Please!" said Sakura using her puppy dogs eyes. Ana followed suit and Zane thought,"I trained through hell to survive the puppy dog eyes because Val did the same thing to me when she wanted to go shopping. Never again never again.". "Stop you two." said Myra who was giggling. The two girls said,"Fine.". "So what can you do?" said Ax.

"This." wrote Zane. He took off his scarf and he closed his eyes. He began to glow and he lit himself on fire with lightning rushing through the flame. Everyone jumped back at the sudden burst of large power and the rush of the fire. "What the hell is that!? It is so strong!" said Kurt. Zane said,"To be honest, I have no idea at all. I just call it my Dragon King Form. I can combine two different elements to make powerful attacks.".

Ax said,"You don't know?!". "No clue old man but I don't care. I mean I was able to do this after my first fight with Fulgor. Do you want to know something?" said Zane. "What?" said Myra. "I'm able not to get lost!" said Zane. "Really?!" said the guild. He reverted back to normal and he said,"I guess it is nice but I like this form.". Ax muttered,"Damn you, you dam brat!". He pulled Zane in a bone crushing hug using his magic.

Ax was crying his eyes out and he said,"We all missed you so much.". "Master. You are killing him again!" yelled the girls. His soul was flying out of his body and Ax pushed it in. Zane took a deep of breath and he yelled,"Don't do that!". Everyone laughed at the scene before them with them being the crying session. "However..." said Ax. He let Zane gone and Zane blocked Ax's giant fist. "What made you think that you were strong enough to face a dark guild!" yelled Ax.

Zane wrote,"I'm stronger than you old man! You're talking to the 1st Ranked Wizard Saint!". "You became a wizard saint and you're the strongest!" yelled Kurt. "Yep. Are you guys ready to go down guys?" wrote Zane. The guild excluding the girls and partners rushed toward Zane. They began a guild brawl and Ryu smiled. "It's good to see you in a good mood again." said Dawn. "Yes." said Steve who nodded.

The train came to a slow halt as they pulled into Davenport. The conductor walked up and he took a look at Zane. "Huh. I remember you." said the man. "You do?" said Barry. "Yeah. He rode this train up to Mural without paying seven years ago." said the man. "I was hoping that you forgot about that. I'm learning how to travel places without taking the train." wrote Zane. He along with Barry and Ryu got off of the train and they however left Clair on the train causing the three to sigh in annoyance.

In the middle of town, a young woman dressed in a worn out cloak was in Davenport's only magic shop. "What?! This can't be the only magic shop in town?" said the woman. She placed her hands on her hips and the shopkeeper said,"Sorry miss but this town is known for its fishing.". He raised his hands defensively and he said,"Hardly anyone here in town can even use magic so I opened this shop to help traveling wizards.".

The girl sighed and she pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance."I can't believe that I'm wasting my time here. I thank you for your time. Good day." said the girl. She then headed toward the door and the shopkeeper said with a loud voice,"Wait miss! Don't leave just yet! I just got a bunch of new items recently!". With a sigh, the woman began to browse around the small shop. "How about this one my dear?" said the shopkeeper as he took out a small device.

The man said,"It's Colors magic. This magic allows you to change the color of your clothes based of your mood. It's very popular with girls.". To establish this, the shopkeeper swiped his finger across the lacrima on the device. His clothes swiftly changed from green to orange. "I'm good. I'm actually looking for strong Spirit Keys." said the woman. "Spirit Keys? Those are rather rare to say." said the shopkeeper.

He suddenly spotted a small box tucked away off to the side. "The Evolution!" said the woman. She held a silver key and the shopkeeper said,"You do know that it isn't very strong.". She placed the key on the counter and she said with a smile,"I don't care about its strength. I've been looking for this one for a while now. Now how much is it?". "That would be 20,000 gold." said the shopkeeper as he held up two fingers.

The woman choked on her own breath when she heard the price but she kept her cool and continued to smile. "I wonder how much this key is?" said the woman as she tapped a finger to her chin. "Uh. I said that it would be 20,000." said the shopkeeper. She pulled out her pocketbook and she said,"Here you go sir.". She then placed the money on the table with her leaving the shop. The shopkeeper said to himself,"How is she so rich?!".

The woman said,"I made had to use some of my traveling money but it was worth it. Most people think that the Evolution spirit is pretty weak but it has the ability to evolve into several different forms making a highly sought after spirit. 20,000 is rather cheap.". She looked down at her larger than normal breasts and she sighed. "At least, I didn't have to use these unlike my sister." thought the woman.

A crowd of girls then ran past her. She watched where the girls were heading and then she saw a large crowd of cheering girls. "What is going on over there?" said the woman as another girl ran by her. "I hear that a famous wizard from Heroes is here in town?!" said a girl. "Yeah. I heard that it was that it was Zero!" said another girl replied with hearts in her eyes. "Zero? They say that he can use magic that is rare. I have to get a glimpse of him! He hasn't been seen in two years also.".

Just as the woman entered the crowd, Zane along with Barry, a pissed off Clair, and Ryu came walking down the other side of the road. "I can't believe that I had to ride that trice twice!" yelled Clair who looked at Barry. "I wish my partner was there to help me!" said Clair. "It isn't my fault that you're awful with transportation. I'm hungry." said Barry. "We can get lunch after we complete the job. I think his name is Rufus of Importance." wrote Zane.

Ryu said,"And why is the Magic Council making you take jobs like this?". "Don't ask me. I thought I was done working for those big wigs after that but they still have me under their control." wrote Zane as he thought of Valerie. Clair said,"Hey Zane.". He saw a large crowd gathered across the street but that's not really catching his attention. He inhaled deeply as he caught a familiar scent in the air. "No way." said Zane as he walked toward the crowd.

Ryu said,"What is it partner?". He flew behind Zane and Zane said,"I smell someone.". He pushed his way through the crowd as Ryu said while trying to copy his partner's action,"Who?". "Her name is Lora and it has been forever since I saw her." wrote Zane. The cloaked woman stepped forward as she was barely able to control herself upon seeing Zero. He had mildly short and spiky dark green hair jutting outwards with a long fringe left hanging over the upper right part of his face.

He possesses a mildly rectangular face with sharp features, dark eyes and thin dark eyebrows. His most distinctive facial feature is most likely the dark tattoo covering the right part of his forehead just above his left eyebrow. It being highly reminiscent of a thin and stylized pair of tongs and it was then placed horizontally with the handles pointing toward his left. He was wearing ornate clothing being that he was wearing a dark high-collared cape almost reaching down to his knees.

It possessed a lighter inner part and light edges adorned by a pattern consisting of many rhombus or many X;s lined up one after the other. Supe care is closed some centimeters below his neck by a small fastener adorned by a stylized flame with a light ribbon hanging from it and has large motifs adorning its sides starting from the shoulders and going down several inches. Each motif is shaped like a large, light and hollow circle from the outer side many arrows just outward in every direction.

It has several wavy lines protruding towards its hollow center. Below said cape, he wore a simple light short-sleeved shirt with outlined edges, paired with light pinstriped pants with visible hems, held up by a simple belt covered in elongated spots and largely hidden by his shirt and polished dark shoes with lighter soles and a light upper part going down from the ankle's front. He also sports large metal bracelets around both of his wrists and forearms. He also had black eyes like Zane.

"What's happening to me?!" thought the girl. Zero turned his gaze toward her and her heart began to jump out of her chest when their eyes met. "Is it because he is a famous wizard? Is that why my heart is beating so fast? Could this be love at first sight?!" thought the girl. "Lora!" said Zane. He pushed his way from the center of the crowd. He looked for her because he noticed that the cloaked figure wasn't fan girling like the others were but looking at him like the others were.

He was shocked to see that he saw a guy that he didn't know and had an attitude problem for sure plus he looked like a prick. "So who the hell is this prick?" said Zane with a bored look on his face. "Who am I?" said Zero taken back by his words. "My name is Zero. Surely you have heard of me before." said Zero who struck a pose in order to look cool but it didn't do anything since Zane began walking away in boredom and sadness.

Zane got a kick from a girl in his back. "You are so rude!" said a girl. The other girls joined in as one said,"That is right Zero is a world famous wizard!". "You need to say right now!" said another girl. "I think you bitches are crazy. I mean you're not even that hot." thought Zane. "Oh please ladies. There is no need to get upset. He just don't know how big of a celebrity that he was talking to." said Zero in an overly exaggerated 'cool' pose.

All of the girls squealed in response,"Awwww! You're so forgiving!". The only girl who wasn't at all impressed was the cloaked girl who was glaring at him. Zero was scribbling something on a piece of paper. "Here's my autograph kid. Now you can go brag to all your friends." said Zero. "I rather have some kick me in my stomach than that piece of crap." wrote Zane. All fan girls present got into a rage and pummeled him.

Zane was just sitting there and he thought about fighting back but he would go to jail for about five minutes before he showed his Saint Badge. "Looks like it wasn't her after all." said Ryu who floated above him. "Now then my dears, I must be going." said Zero. "What?! You're leaving already?!" said the fangirls. "Crimson Carpet!" said Zero who snapped his fingers. He then formed a cloud of flames to stand on and boosted himself with a jet of flames.

Zero said,"Tonight, all of you are invited to my party! Be at the harbor at nightfall!". He flew away as the fangirls ran to their homes to get ready for the party. "Sorry Zane. I guess that you didn't find who you were looking for." said Clair. The four noticed the cloaked girl staring at her and her heart was beating faster than normal. "Silver hair and a scale scarf. Zane is that really you?" said the girl as she built tears of happiness built up in her eyes. "Lora?" wrote Zane.

She took off her cloak and Zane noticed that it had been a long two years since he last saw her. She is a slender and well-endowed young woman with her short about neck length brown hair and fringes framing her face. She wore a plain white tank top with black strap and a plain black mini-skirt with silver sandals. Zane was very obvious about girls thanks to Ax, Darin, and X. She turned into a very beautiful young woman with a healthy amount of curves.

Zane pulled her in for a tight hug and he said,"I really missed you Lora.". "I-I missed you too Z-Zane because it has been two long years." said Lora as her face blush red. "Man. So much has happened to me since our last talk like me talking." said Zane. He released her and she said,"Well, we could go get something to eat and catch up.". She pointed to a nearby restaurant. "You're an angel Lora! Me and Ryu are starving!" wrote Zane who bowed.

Lora said,"Ryu?". "I'm right here." said the dragon who floated in her. "OMG! I always wanted to see a dragon before. You look so amazing Ryu." said Lora with stars in her eyes. "See Zane? Some one thinks I'm great." said Ryu. "Ignore that." wrote Zane. "So do you guys have money? I don't mind buying." said Lora. "Really?!" said Ryu. "Yes." said Lora. "Are you sure? I don't mind paying due to me getting paid of a lot recently." wrote Zane. The two teens were holding hands.

His left arm was then grabbed by an angry Clair who said,"Are you forgetting about me again Zane Alvarez?!". "I wasn't!" wrote Zane. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know that Zane was your boyfriend." said Lora who bowed. "Me and Zane dating?" said Clair whose face lit up like a Christmas tree. "And I'm hungry too!" said Barry. "You know that seeing a talking dragon makes a talking cat look pretty sad in comparison." said Lora.

Zane wrote,"I wasn't trying too but then I remember that you would drain my wallet like you did two years ago.". She started to pull him roughly by his ear and he said,"Okay! I'm used to this pain but stop this!". Lora giggled at the sight and she thought,"He is really cute when he cries.". "How about I treated all of you? My name is Lora by the way." said Lora. "My name is Clair Rogers and this is my partner in crime Barry!" said Clair. "Sup!" said Barry.

Ten minutes later. "No way. You two know Titania?! And isn't it a little early to be drinking that Zane?" said Lora. Zane was currently eating some cooked food and a lot of it plus with a bottle of whiskey, Barry and Ryu were eating a large pile of fish and meat respectively, and Clair was eating a salad covered in light. "Don't worry so much about that Lora. Zane has an inhuman resistance to alcohol. He'll pay for it." said Barry.

Lora thought,"That stuff is cheap to him? How money does he make?!". "Anyway. Do you two know Titania?" said Lora. "Titania?" wrote Zane as he took a giant bite of his burger. "It is Lady Allison's name like yours Zane." said Clair. "Oh. That fits her! She is really nice from what I remember." wrote Zane. "Yeah and she along with Angel is going to kill you soon enough." said Ryu. "Don't reminded me." wrote Zane who shiver.

Lora said,"Angel? You're talking about Rachel right?". "Rachel?" said Barry and Clair. "You know her real name idiots." said Ryu. "Hey!" said the two. "She is Rachel's little sister." wrote Zane. "Are you serious?!" yelled the two. The dragon hit them and Lora said,"Anyway. Do you happen to know Myra as well?". "Myra? Yeah. She is one of my best friends." wrote Zane. He thought,"And also one of my mates.".

Lora said,"No way!". She dug through her bag and after rummage though it, she eventually pulled a magazine. "She is so beautiful." said Lora. Zane leaned over and he saw what Lora was looking at. It was the latest issue of Magician Monthly which featured his return and Heroes's rise to power. Myra was currently in a bikini along with Allison and Rachel. He had a little nose bleed and he said,"She is really beautiful.".

Lora said,"It also features you as well.". Clair grabbed the magazine and she read the article about Zane. He was standing there with Ryu ,who seemed much bigger than his normal cute size that he was known for. It showed him in 3/4 black pants, a dark gray t-shirt, his signature scarf, and combat boots. His black tribal dragon tattoo appeared under his right eye making him stronger than before and it glowed.

In front of them, there was a dead demon. It had three big horns on its head and was covered in white scales. It had glowing gold eyes and its claws were covered in gold. It looked like a strange mixture of a lion and dragon. It had eight legs and four big bat-like wings on its back. "Wow. This is so you Zane!" said Clair. "Um thanks." wrote Zane. "I got to be on a date with their premier model so I'm not going to complain." thought Zane.

Lora said,"Thank you Zane.". "For what?" said Clair who looked at Zane who shrugged his eyebrows in confusion. "From freeing me from that jerk earlier. He was using Charm magic and it was drawing me toward him. It is a magic that is used to capture other people's hearts. That is why all of the girls were following his every command. It was banned several years ago and thanks to Zane, I broke out of the spell." said Lora.

Zane wrote,"Yep. You're Rachel's sister for sure.". "In more ways than one!" thought Zane who on the inside smirked while looking at her. "So is she a wizard too?" said Clair. "Yeah. I remember that she was trying to learn Spirit magic so she could come the guild. How is that going?" wrote Zane. "I did it Zane! You're looking at a master of Spirit magic and Gravity magic." said Lora. "Wow. That is so cool." said Barry. "Yeah but Zane is better." said Ryu.

Lora showed them her key collection and she said,"I have three gold keys with Zane having six of them and my sister have the other two. The final key is missing.". "Yeah and you have a lot of silver keys which can be just as powerful." wrote Zane. "Yeah. Angel's spirits are super strong." said Clair who shivered. "So what are you doing here in Davenport anyway?" said Lora. "Getting away from the guild according to Zane." said Barry.

Zane wrote,"No. I'm here on a job looking for Rufus the Importance. He is a wizard that the magic council is paying me a lot of completing the job.". "Wow. I guess that sounds rather important." said Lora. "I guess but I rather hate being their servant." wrote Zane. "If I find out that Valerie is giving me this job, she is dead meat." thought Zane. "Well. We better get going." said Lora as she placed some money on the table.

Clair said,"What do you mean?". "I was going to ask if I could join Heroes. I mean if all five of us look for this guy. It will be easy right?" said Lora. "Yeah. I like her too." said Ryu who floated over to her. "Sure thing Lora. I just need to get some more beer." wrote Zane. "Wow. You're become a male version of Tanya." said Barry. "Shut up Barry. I'll meet you guys outside." wrote Zane. The four left the restaurant as Zane along with Ryu went to go get himself more beer.

Lora then sat down on a bench just outside of the restaurant and she waited for Zane along with Barry and Clair. Clair sat next to Lora and the spirit wizard pulled out her issue of Magician Monthly. "So does you guys like to cause trouble?" said Lora. "Yep. We're awesome." said Barry. "So who took out the Young Thief Family?" said Lora. "Zane but he tried not to destroy several other homes. He can't hold back." said Clair.

As Lora flipped through the pages and she said,"So how do you get into Heroes anyways? So do you have to know some super strong magic or maybe take a test.". "You have to just come in and join. I'm sure that Master will love you and Zane plus Lady Angel will be too." said Barry. "Yeah and Zane will be there." thought Lora who blushed a bit. "So do you want to join Heroes?" said a voice. The two jumped out of their seat at the sudden voice.

They saw Zero in the bushes and Clair said,"What the hell do you want?!". "I've been looking all over for your friend my dead. A beautiful lady like you has to come to my party later." said Zero while winking.  "No thank you. Your stupid Charm magic won't work on me anyone because if you know about the magic, it won't work." said Lora. "So you're a wizard. I could tell that as soon as our eyes met. I would love it if you came to my party." said Zero.

Barry said,"Wow. He is a prick.". Clair nodded and Lora said,"I rather not spend any more time than I already have to. You're not even close to a popular wizard in my books.". The three started to walk back toward the restaurant but Zero called out to them. "Wait! You wanted to join Heroes right? I will talk to the master for you and get you in." said Zero. "Sorry buddy but we are taking her." said Clair who placed her arm around Lora.

Zero looked at Clair's guild mark and he said,"What?! I will no I can't let you get away!". "What are you going on about?!" said Lora with her placing a hand on her keys. "Holy ....." said Clair. The two girls were about to attack him but he raised his fist. One of his rings started to glow brightly with the three starting to feel faint and they were unconscious. "You should have come to my party." said Zero with him slinging the three over his shoulder. He was gone and head to his ship on pink flames.

Just as they were out of sight, Zane and Ryu walked out of the restaurant. "Wow. That barkeeper was really cute." wrote Zane as he opened a larger than normal flask up. "You seriously have a problem Zane." said Ryu. "Whatever. I mean if you dealt with the Nine Kin, you would drink. Valerie had a nice ass." wrote Zane. "At least, you haven't changed at all." said Ryu. Zane scanned the area outside of the restaurant but he didn't see the girls or talking cat anywhere.

Ryu said,"So where did they go?". Zane looked up and he followed a scent. He came up to the bench that the girls were. "She was right here and recently too along with that dam prick. I think his name was Chuck." wrote Zane. "His name was Zero. You didn't think that Zero guy did something to the girls and Barry?" said Ryu. "Well if I did, I think I'll kick his ass. I'm a violent mood today." wrote Zane as flames and electricity spread around him. Zane wrote,"I can track them!".

He followed the scent until he came to a ridge overlooking the town. "Hey Zane. Didn't Zero say that he was having a party on his ship or something?" said Ryu as he pointed his claw to a docked ship. "I think so. I really don't want to be the guy who has to clean up Clair." wrote Zane. "Yeah. She is rather useless on anything that moves but I can feel bad." said Ryu. It was then that Zane overhead a group of girls talking nearby.

"Did you hear that wizard Zero is having a party on his ship tonight?" said one of the girls. "Yeah. He is from the famous Heroes guild and he just came back after a two year long job." said another girl. "I guess I have to go find him then." wrote Zane. He jumped into the air and Ryu said,"That idiot.". The little dragon picked him and Zane said,"To the beach!". "Aye sir!" said Ryu. He then flew toward the beach and they got ready to save the girls and cat.

Lora awoke with a splitting headache. She figured out quick that she was on a ship and she figured out that she was in a large cage. When she sat up, she saw Zero smirking at her. "Where am I?!" said Lora. "You and your lovely friend are on my slave ship!" said Zero. Lora looked for Clair and Barry as Zero said,"They are currently in a different cage because she started puking.". "Let me go you jerk or I will hurt you!" yelled Lora.

She reached for her keys but when she grabbed one of his key, she grabbed air. She looked down and her eyes opened when she saw her keys were gone. "Are you looking for these?" said Zero as he then spinned her keys around his index fingers. "Hey! Give me that back!" yelled Lora. She reached her left arm through the bars of her cage. The other arm was attached to the cage and Zero said,"Where you're going you won't be needing them!" said Zero.

He tossed the keys out of the open window and Lora said,"No.". She felt tears building up in her eyes and Zero with a wicked grin said,"Now be a good little girl and let me brand you. This may burn you a little but soon you'll be fine.". "You're a son of a bitch and the worst mage ever you bastard!" said Lora as tears streamed down her face. Just before Zero could say anything, something hit the ship and the lights on the ship went out at the same time.

Several of his goons ran into the room and Zero yelled,"What the hell happened?!". "The ship was hit by lightning sir and it caused the power to go out." said a goon. "How the hell can they be lightning because it is a clear fucking night!" yelled Zero. The ceiling above them exploded in a burst of blue flames. Zero and his goons managed to jump out of the way just as Zane landed in front of Lora's cage with him smiling. Ryu floated down to them.  

Lora said,"Zane! You came to save me!". She wiped away her tears and Zero said,"It is that guy from earlier.". "Hey Lora. I got a little welcome to the guild present." wrote Zane. Zero felt something go past him and he looked down to see that the keys to the cage were gone. When he looked back, he saw Ryu freeing Lora. "You're welcome Lora. That was his gift and this is mine." said Ryu. He held her keys and Ryu said,"Caught them before they touched the ocean.".

Lora held them closed to her chest and Ryu thought,"I bet Zane wishes he was those keys.". "You two. Go help Clair and Barry." wrote Zane. "Aye sir." said Ryu who saluted him. Lora ran after him and she said,"I would be worried about Zane but he can handle them right?". "Yep. You're smarter than you look." said Ryu. "Um thanks?" said Lora. "After her! We can't have reporting this to the council!" yelled Zero. "Not going to happen." wrote Zane.

He snapped his fingers as the ship moved. Back on the mainland. Alice stood there and she said,"Are you sure that you can do this?". "Tch! I'm able to do this! Can you?" said a voice. The sheep girl had made giant walls of wool and she said,"Of course Ariel. I did it for Master.". Ariel scoffed and she said,"I guess you're not that useless.". Next to the sheep girl stood another of Zane's spirits known as Ariel the Aquarius.

She was a royal blue mermaid. She has a long blue fish tail with light blue hair that reaches up to her waist and a large bust. Her blue eyes have no pupils. She wears a revealing dark blue bikini top and on each arm, she has a golden armlet and bracelet. She has a headband, three piercings on her tail, and a golden belt at her waist with light blue crystal earrings. She had a dark blue tattoo that resemble the Aquarius zodiac symbol rests right under her collarbone.

She sighed and she said,"Why do we have such an idiot for a master?". "What do you mean? Zane is the best." said Alice. "He didn't use us for two years!" said Ariel. "Yeah but that was because he was undercover." said Alice. "I know but it was so boring." said Ariel. "Did you want to see him?" said Alice. "I guess because he is the only one who could handle my attacks." said Ariel. "Salvador can handle them." said Alice. "Yeah but Zane isn't that big of a sleeze bag like him." said Ariel.

The two heard the signal ,which was a snap from Zane, and Ariel said,"Ready?". "Yeah!" said Alice as she placed her hands on the ground. Ariel moved the boat back to the beach using the ocean and any splash back was absorbed into the wool wall. All of the people on board landed on the beach and the boat stayed in the water. "I think we did our job." said Alice. "Yeah. I'll stay behind and wait for the dragon." said Ariel.

The ram was gone as the mermaid saw Ryu ,who was bigger, and he had Lora plus Barry and Clair on his back. He was about the size of the guild and long as a football field. He landed on the beach and Lora said,"Is that?". "Oh hey. Good to see you again." said Ariel. The brunette then hugged the fish woman and Ryu said,"I can't believe that you let her hug you.". "I used to belong to her mother and she was a good kid." said Ariel who tussled Lora's head.

Clair said,"So where is Zane?". "On the boat blondie. God. Why are all of you humans so stupid sometimes?" said Ariel. The two glared at each other and Barry said,"So do you have any spirits to help us Lora?". "Um why?" said Lora. "Why do you ask?" said Lora. The cat pointed to the several grunts and Ariel said,"Tch. Annoying humans.". She aimed her urn at the grunts and a huge burst of water rushed toward them blasting a good chunk at them.

Clair said,"I will help too! Divine Light!". She fired out several beams of light which hit most of the grunts down and Barry flew over to them. "Holy Bomb!" said Barry. He made several balls of light which exploded on the grunts causing them to be blinded and making them get hit by either Clair or Ariel. Ryu said,"Lets go help Zane.". "Right!" said Lora. The two ran toward the ship where Zane was with Zero.

Zero regained his center of balance and he said,"What the fuck was that?". "That was my spirit and she is great like always." wrote Zane. "You know that you shouldn't go onto people's property without asking first." said Zero who smirked. Zane ignored him as Ryu arrived with Lora. "Does he need our help?" said Lora. "Not at all. He gots this in the bag." said Ryu. "So you're a Heroes Wizard?" wrote Zane as he glared at Zero.

Zero said,"One of the strongest in fact.". "Tch. That is a bold lie because I..." wrote Zane. Two of his goons rushed toward him only to get punched back by Zane as he said,"I'm Zane Alvarez of Heroes and I've never seen you ugly mug before! A real Heroes wizard wouldn't do this shit either!". Zero and all of his men went wide-eyed as they saw that Zane was wearing his armor around his arms and it showed his red with a gold outline guild mark.

One man said,"That mark. Rufus sir. He's the real deal.". "Don't you use my real name idiot!" yelled the man. "You're Rufus. Oh this is too good. I will be able to complete my job with no problem at all now. I'm here to hunt you down by orders of the council ,much to my annoyance, You were after all kicked of your former guild Crescent Tiger for doing what exactly? Oh I remember. Doing this kind of stuff. You hurt Barry, Clair, and Lora and used my guild's name in vain." said Zane.

Rufus yelled,"Shut the hell up you dam mute!". Zane was suddenly engulfed in a ball of pink flames which exploded into a giant burst of flames. "Zane!" yelled Lora. She tried to go help but Ryu said with a smile,"That weak ass flame is nothing to Zane.". "Seriously? I mean this tastes awful." said a voice. Everyone was shocked as they saw Zane literally eating the flames. His stomach then bulged slightly at the amount that he was eating at.

He burp and he wrote,"Not bad but not good either. Maybe two stars at the best.". "What the hell are you?!" yelled Rufus as he step backwards. "I don't think fire will work on Zane." said Ryu. "If you idiots have magic, use it dam it!" yelled Rufus. The thugs all looked at each other and scratched their heads. However, a single good took a step forward. "If fire won't work, let see if you can handle the thunder!" yelled the grunt.

He fired a bolt of blue lightning at Zane with him just opening his mouth. "Wow. This bunch of idiots are a kind bunch aren't they?" wrote Zane. The lightning then smashed right into Zane as the grunt said,"And you are out of here!". He then saw Zane with a disgusted look on his face. "Wow. Your magic is worse than your boss and that is saying a lot." wrote Zane. "Lightning won't work on him either because he is awesome." said Ryu as he crossed his claws over his chest.

Lora noticed that magic power was swirling around him and he wrote,"Okay. I am filled  with some very delicious magic so right now, I'm powered up now!". "No. He can't be can he? Rufus sir, I have seen this kid before. Silver hair and a scale scarf. There's no doubt..he is the real..." said a thug. "Lets see how you guys love this!" wrote Zane. He then took a deep breath as his cheeks puffed up. "Time for you to die by my hands! Power Thunder Roar!" wrote Zane.

A huge burst of thunder came out of his mouth and it made a giant explosion of thunder blasting the mooks back and they were stunned. Zane then turned to another group of thugs and he grinned with a demonic smile. "Hellfire Dragon Roar!" wrote Zane. A giant burst of fire rushed out and it burned them with it staying there for a while longer. It was a white flame with a gold tint. "Wait. Is Zane the real Zero?" said Lora. "Yep. He doesn't know that though." said Ryu.

Lora looked at him and he said,"Zane here was gone for two long years and Magician Monthly gave him that name because of his strongest magic. Zero Magic. It allows Zane to copy any magic that he has seen and use it himself in a fight.". "Remember this well Rufus! This is the power of a Heroes wizard!" yelled Zane. He appeared in front of Rufus's head and he kicked his head into the ground. It looked like some of his teeth fell out.

Lora said,"Wow. Zane is way stronger than I thought.". "What he did earlier was Slayer. Zane is able to use the lungs of dragons to breath any type of magic, scales of a dragon to destroy anything that comes at him, and claws to attack his foes. It is ancient magic that turns a person into a dragon and was thought made to fight dragons back in the day. Clair can use this magic too except she can eat light while Zane is able to eat anything!" said Ryu.

Lora thought,"You're really something Zane.". "Power Dragon Claw!" wrote Zane. He kicked Rufus in the face up into the air as he was covered in lightning. "You bastard! Take this!" yelled Rufus. He made a giant ball of fire with Zane sighing. "I just don't know what to say." wrote Zane. He put his left hand out to catch the ball of fire as it went into his body. "Okay. I'm done with this!" wrote Zane as he gathered magic power.

He appeared in front of Rufus ,who was floating in the air using his magic, and he said,"Bye bye. I guess you should now not to mess with me again. Power Slayer Secret Art! Power Dragon King's Punch!". He punched Rufus square in the face and he crashed into the ground hard thanks to a giant explosion from Zane's punch. "Wow. That was great Zane." said Lora. Zane smiled and he wrote,"I guess I showed him my power huh.".

Ryu said,"And with not that much property damage to boot.". "I know right? I usually destroy a city but today, I didn't." wrote Zane. The three heard approaching footsteps. "Oh great. I got this." wrote Zane. He then stood in front of the army and they went back. "Why is the army scared of Zane?" said Lora. "Lets just say that Zane scared them as a kid and him being a top ranking wizard doesn't help in their fear." said Ryu. "Ah." said Lora. She smiled as she hoped every day at Heroes would be fun.

Next time,
Lora joins Heroes and she helps Zane out once again!

Guild Card #1.
Name: Zane Alvarez.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Power Slayer Magic and Zero Magic. 
Likes: Heroes, fighting, growing strong, women, money, amusement parks, and drinking. Dislikes: People who misuse the guild's name, the Magic Council, shopping with women, demons, anything related to Hex, and doing work.
Info: He is the son of the Dragon King Sivarth. He is a extremely powerful wizard with him being an S Class, one of the two Aces of Heroes, and the top ranking Wizard Saint. He is also known for carrying around a flask with his favorite beer inside of it. He is loyal to his guild and he loves women and money more than most things. He however hates shopping because of a member of his family aka guild. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

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