Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Power Episode 4 Zane vs the Army?

A/N: Yep. Zane finally arrives after seven weeks. Yeah. I like giving him this weakness because why not? It would be interesting because it is one of the reason why I like Zoro because I am sure that he would get lost in a straight line. So Zane is a not speaking and has no sense of direction wizard. That is his weakness for right now. May add more but I haven't decide yet. Lets begin with Zane finally. It has a lot of action in this part. I also made Chad a girl because why not?! Maybe for a pairing? Who knows?

Narrator P.O.V.
While Ana and Steve were enjoying their time at their new home, their older brother aka the main character was currently trying to find his way. His awful sense of direction caused him ,after he got a ride from Lora's father, to get in trouble with a food stand owner because he didn't pay for the food but he was starving for about two days straight. He didn't get why he was angry with him but he didn't care as they started walking away without a care in the world.

As a result, he called the Alchemy Knights, the magic council's army, on him for stealing. At first, the two knights that showed up were trying to be nice until he punched them for hearing them calling an annoying mute. Usually, he doesn't mind when people note on his inability to talk but these guys were pissing him off for some reason. They ,after they recovered from Zane's flames, called more knights on Zane with Zane saying that it would be a warm up.

After two or three hours of fighting waves of Alchemy Knights, one of the council member talked with Zane. The council member was an old friend of the current master and he offered to show him the way to the guild. Zane said that the lesson on money, public life, and even other guilds in the kingdom. The council member asked Zane if he could help him out one day. Zane said that it would be fine and he headed on his way.

He made it to the town called Davenport, Zane was fishing for both money and food. After giving one of the shop keeps some of the fish that he caught, he learned that he could take a train to Mural with Zane thanking the man. At the train station, Zane had noticed the AK (Alchemy Knights) and they were standing there. Zane didn't wanted to deal with them so he jumped onto the train without paying and this was going to cause him some trouble later on in the week.

In the forest west to Mural, a older woman was sweeping in front of her home. She was a slim and tall woman with pink hair tied up in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face. She has blue eyes and a beauty mark located below her mouth, on the right side of her face. She was wearing an interesting outfit to say the least.

It was a dark green blouse with a tie around the collar, paired with a long matching skirt and simple shoes. She was sporting a crimson-colored cape with a wide collar decorated by massive Dragon horn-like decorations protruding outwards and edges adorned by white arch like motifs. She heard some leaves rustling and she looked to see a young man about twelve years old. It was Zane and he was grabbing his stomach.

The woman thought,"A human? What is he doing in the woods?". He fell over and she ran over to him. "His magic aura. It is just like that girl and boy who joined the idiot's guild. I need to get him inside." said the woman. She carried inside her home and she placed the boy on the bed. She put her hand on his forehead and she said,"He isn't with a cold but he is sick. I wonder what it could be. You are an interesting one boy.".

She was studied a beaker filled with a crimson red liquid closely. She sighed and she looked up to see him walking up. Zane looked at her and she said,"Hey boy.". She looked into his eyes. There were warm and they were like little suns. His aura was something warm and reminded her of the dragons from the past. "Where are you going?" said the woman. Zane wrote,"I'm heading to the Heroes guild to join up. My name is Zane Alvarez.".

The woman said,"Hold on. Why did you write that down?". "I can't talk like you can miss but I can perform magic using my notebook. My dad got it for me." wrote Zane. "Oh. Are your parents living or dead?" said the woman. Zane looked away and he said,"I don't know. The person who adopted me told me that I was abandoned as a baby.". He coughed loudly and the woman said,"Are you okay? You are coughing.". "It's fine. This is just what happens when I talk. " wrote Zane.

He got up and he wrote,"I better get going. Thank you for letting me rest in your home. I didn't get your name but I'll come by and see you.". The woman grabbed his shirt sleeve and she said,"It is too late for you to go anywhere. Rest here for a while and I'll show you the way to the guild.". "Really? I would love that because I kept getting lost. Even with a map, I still got lost." wrote Zane sheepishly as he smiled. "My name is Althea Harmony and I think you would like this magic." said Althea.

The next day, things were rather typical at the Heroes Guild. Two men were laughing, talking, and drinking with each other, Allison and Myra were getting into their standard squabbles and nearby them, Ana, Norman, and Sakura were watching them. Tanya was playing cards with Jade and Steve with Fred and Victor cheering on Jade much to her embarrassment, and Kurt was stripping every so often and it took Clair ,who came out as a girl, remind him.

Darin and Ax were sitting at the bar talking. Ax looked at one of the top young wizards and also his grandson Rick Hunter aka X. He is a tall and muscular young man with red eyes. His red hair is slicked back and its numerous spiky strands pointing backwards, through small falls down in a small tuft on his forehead. He has a distinct flame-shaped scar on his left eye. He has dark circles around his eyes and a single but noticeable eyelash jutting outwards.

He was ignoring the others with his magic headphones. He was a short sleeved red shirt with a long sleeved black shirt and dark red pants tucked into black boots. The others in the guild were doing their general stuff. "Wow. This place seems rather boring. I may head out on a job soon because I'm bored." said Darin. "Yes. We still waiting for Ana and Steve's older brother. I wonder what is taking him so long." said Ax with a shrug.

Myra said while wresting on the ground,"Red headed witch!". "Blond haired hag!" yelled Allison. "I think we should stop them." said Darin. "No my child. I think they usually resolve this kind of stuff on their own." said Ax. The guild doors suddenly opened up and everyone turned to see Zane who was standing in the doorway. "I finally made it! Thank god!" yelled Zane and he coughed up a storm causing everyone in the room ,excluding Ana and Steve who were shocked, to sweatdropped.

Ana ran up to him and she screamed,"Big brother!". She hugged him hard and Zane wrote,"I missed you too so did you get stronger?". "Yep! I also made some friends!" said Ana. "That's awesome so where is Steve? He was protecting you from anything dangerous right?" wrote Zane. "He scared the entire guild on the first day using his Shadow Presence!" said Ana. "I guess teaching him that wasn't a waste of time after all." wrote Zane.

He looked behind him and he wrote,"Aren't you coming in Ms. Harmony?". The old woman stood there and Ax said,"Althea? What are you doing here?". "So why are you even in town? I thought you hated places where humans were." said Darin. "I do but I'm not here for all of you. I was here because of this one. He got lost in a straight line so I wanted to make sure that he made it here without getting himself lost again." said Althea. "Yeah but I finally made it." wrote Zane with a smile.

Kurt said,"That is Ana and Steve's big brother?". "I know right? He is so weird. I mean he kicked the doors open and screamed causing him to cough like crazy." said Tanya. "This one may come and see me if he wants but if I see anyone of you, I will get angry." said Althea who glared at the guild. They nodded their heads and Darin said,"So did you complete the job?". "Yep and I learned a new magic so win win." wrote Zane.

Althea said,"I need to have a word with you Silas.". "Okay." said Ax. He jumped off his seat at the bar and he headed to his office with Althea. Zane noticed that everyone was staring at him. "What? I didn't do anything right?" wrote Zane. "You did break open the doors and cough violently. So what did you do to get the old hag to like you anyways?" said Darin. "Big brother was just big brother right big bro?" said Ana.

Zane tussled his sister's hair and he wrote,"Yep.". Sakura walked over and she said,"Hi! My name is Sakura Wood. So your name is Zane right?". Zane was quiet and Sakura said,"Come on! I want to introduce you to the others! Lets be best friends okay.". He was still quiet and Sakura said,"Does your brother hate me Ana?". "No. He doesn't hate anyone but he can't answer you because he can't talk at all." said Ana. "Are you serious?!" said Sakura.

Myra said,"So this is the famous big brother that we've heard so much about?". "Yep." wrote Zane. It was awkward in the guild hall. "So do you know why he is like this Lady Allison?" said Clair. "I do not know Clair. I truly don't know." said Allison. The red haired girl thought,"It's him! The one who saved me! Why is he? And where is his dragon that he came with? I should ask him about that but maybe more privately.".

Ax asked Althea,"So what made you take the boy in?". "It was his magic aura. For some reason, it was like a warm hug from a loved one." said Althea. "Really?" said Ax. "Yes. Your idiot ace sensed it as well upon meeting him. He is strong Silas. I would not want to get on his bad side at all. He is a good boy." said Althea. "I wish you the best of luck on your journey back." said Ax. "Don't forget. I think having him as an enemy will end your life." said Althea.

Zane was sitting on a chair with his arms folded and eyes closed. He was mediating on the chair and he was in deep thought. "Okay. No offense Steve but your brother is weird." said Fred. "He isn't a big fan of starting a conversation." said Steve. "So why is he like that?" said Jade. "I think he is a loner or something." said Norman. "Maybe he just needs someone to be his friend. I mean he is good looking right big sis?" said Sakura.

Myra had a small and faint blush on her face as she said,"What?! He ignored you earlier and he only talks/writes to Ana and Steve!". "It is because big brother isn't a talker. He can't talk and until he was nine or eight years old, he couldn't communicate with others." said Ana. "I wonder why he is refusing to talk to us." said Allison. "Lets go try then!" said Sakura. She was heading toward Zane but she was stopped by Allison. "Just wait okay?" said Allison. The pink hair girl pouted after that.

Ax ,after his talk with Althea who left, walked over to Zane. "Are you listing to me Zane?" said Ax who looked at him. "I am Master Ax. I know who you are from your old council friend Clyde. He is doing well." wrote Zane. "Well, I can see that you're strong just like Darin said you were. Welcome to Heroes so where would you like your mark?" said Ax who held the stamp. "Um..." wrote Zane. The boy sensed something as the doors opened wide again.

The kids and master noticed that Zane disappeared as over fifty alchemy knights walked into the bar and they were shocked because they haven't done anything yet. Some of the members got ready for a fight. "We're not here to fight you wizard scum but we're looking for a boy. He has silver hair." said the leader. Ana was worried for her big brother who disappeared and Steve wondered what his older brother did to get into so much trouble.

Allison said,"Why are you looking for him?". "He caused a huge amount of trouble after defeating over 100 legions of soldiers, stole a train without paying, eating food with paying, and we're here to make sure that mute bastard is taken to prison." said the leader. "What makes you think that he is here to begin with?!" said Tanya trying to defend Zane. "People have seen him walking toward the guild with a strange old woman." said a leader.

Zane ,who was hiding, glared at the leader because he didn't mind being called names but he minded a lot when his friends are insulted. "Well, he is about to join our guild so about you just it slide." said Ax. "He is JOINING this piece of shit!? I won't let that bastard slide away! Soldiers, find that kid and take him for an eternal life in prison!" yelled the leader. The soldiers were about to charge in inside the guild hall but they were stopped by a giant wall of fire.

Zane stood there and he started walked toward the knights. He stood ten yards away from the leader and his men. "It looks like he came out because he is worried about his fellow guild members. That is so cute. Get him!" said the leader with a twisted smile. The soldiers rushed toward him and the guild saw that Zane's cheeks puffed up. "Permafrost Dragon Subzero Roar!" wrote Zane. A explosion of ice came out of his mouth.

Half of the soldiers were frozen in huge blocks of ice and the other half were just looking back at him with anger. "You dam brat! I'm going to make sure that your time in prison is hell!" yelled the leader who rushed toward Zane. Zane stood there with Ana said,"Big brother. You got this right?". "Yeah. I don't need any assistance at all so just watch and learn." wrote Zane. He rushed toward the knights and he wrote,"Okay! Time to show you my power!".

Zane's left arm glowed red and he wrote,"Hellfire Dragon Fireball Swarm!". Several fireballs came out of his arm with each one causing an explosion upon impact with a knight. Zane's right leg glowed silver as he wrote,"Steel Dragon Sword!". His leg turned into a large and jagged steel blade. It cut through several soldiers coming his way and Zane jumped back. "Power Dragon Explosive Wings of Thunder!" wrote Zane.

A huge amount of thunder formed around his arms in the shape of wings and he fired them down on the knights causing an explosion of thunder. Several knights tried to shoot him down using magic bullets but Zane stopped them with a giant barrier. "Power Dragon Steel Fist!" wrote Zane. He punched the knights to the ground and he glared at the rest of them. Darin kept the rest of the guild back since he had a feeling that this would end very soon.

The Alchemy Knights fired a huge ball of magic at Zane who said,"I hate to talk but I need to end this first now. Power Dragon Secret Art! Powerful Heaven Storm!". He coughed as a huge storm of raw magic power appeared in front of him. He launched it toward the knights caused the Alchemy Knights to be thrown out the guild and over into the next town. The guild was in shock of the boy and Allison said,"Who are you?!".

Zane pointed to himself as he wrote,"My name is Zane Alvarez and I'm a Heroes Wizard!".  "Well. I am impressed. You're strong so welcome to the guild. If you want your guild mark, go over to Myra aka the blonde with the tude." said Ax. "Sure thing Master." wrote Zane. He walked over to Myra and he notice that the guild was acting rowdy than normal. He suspected it was about him but he was just happy to finally be here.

As he was walking over to her. he noticed Sakura standing next to her and she was holding Ana's left hand. Zane was happy to see that Ana made a friend. "Where do you want your mark and what color Zane?" said Myra who glared at him. "Um. I'll have on my right shoulder and could you make it Red with a gold outline please?" wrote Zane. Ana said,"You kicked their buts!". "Yep. I had to impress my future guild mates after all. I think a good first impression is better than a bad one." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"I think you did awesome because my sister couldn't stop staring at you while you were fighting those knights. She loves guys who can fight.". "Yeah. I guess you were pretty good. Ana said that you could defeat me but I'll have to wait and see right?" said Myra. "Sure. I think you will be a good fight Demon of Heroes." wrote Zane. Kurt walked over to him and he said,"Man. You're strong so who taught you, Ana, Clair, and Steve your magic?".

Zane wrote,"I don't know about Clair though but I was taught by my father and Ana was taught by her mother. This magic is rare and only a few can truly access the power of the dragons.". While Zane talked with the other kids, X glared at Zane. "He is holding back." said X. "You noticed it too didn't you?" said Darin. X turned to see Darin and X said,"Yeah. I'm not blind like you and the old man. He won't be easy to tame I can tell you that.".

Zane ,who left an ice double behind with the others, walked around the guild hall. He looked up and he thought,"Wow. That is a lot of books.". "Um. What are you doing here?" said a shy voice. Zane turned around to see Jade standing there holding a lot of books. She had wavy emerald green hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a cute dress and she was wearing a pair of magic glasses. "That was cool what you did." said Jade.

Zane wrote,"Yeah. So your name is Jade right?". "Yes. How did you know that?" said Jade. "I can use more than offensive magic. Would you like some help with those?" thought Zane. "Um. Sure thanks Zane." said Jade. He carried some of the books and the two talked. A little bit later, Ax called Zane over to him. "Yes Master?" wrote Zane. "You may sleep here if you don't have a place to stay. Your brother and sister are staying in the dorm for Heroes members." said Ax.

He gulped down some of his beer and he said,"Once you complete a job, you'll be able to stay there and Ana is doing fine.". "Thank you Master. I was worried sick about her and Steve. I know that he would have found his way here eventually. This guild is like my new dragon nest." wrote Zane. "You could stay at our place!" said Sakura. She joined their conversation and Zane wrote,"Are you sure? I mean I hate to impose.".

Myra yelled,"No way!". She slammed her hand on the table and Zane wrote,"It's fine. I have slept on the cold hard ground during winter so this place is like a penthouse to me.". "Please big sis? Just for a week! You let Ana stay with us until we went on a job!" said Sakura. She was looking at Myra's eyes with cute puppy dog eyes. "Fine but only for a WEEK!" said Myra. She glared at Zane and she said with a glare,"I will want you to do everything that I say so write this down!".

Zane nodded and Myra said,"You will wash the dishes, water the front lawn every day, and DON'T touch my sister! Understand!?". Zane felt the anger from her so he wrote,"You got it.". He rather not piss off anyone here especially a female. "Okay. Lets go home, it is getting rather late." said Myra. "I will be fine. I just have to talk to the master in private." wrote Zane. "You don't know where we live Zane!" said Sakura. "I'll find you trust me." wrote Zane.

Ax looked at the boy who wrote,"Master. Can I tell you a secret?". "Yes my boy." said Ax. "I think I would like to fight the strongest kids here. I can tell that you're thinking of making me one of the top wizards in the guild but I want to prove myself first. I will tell all of my magics after I finished fight all of them. I can tell that you're curious about me." wrote Zane. "I hope to see you in action very soon Zane." said Ax. Zane walked away and Ax thought,"I wonder if Clyde noticed it.".

Later, Zane knocked on a door. The door opened and Myra stood there. "So how did you know that I was here?" said Myra. She looked at Zane with him writing,"Your magic. It is something that makes you different from say Ana or Steve. I would use my dragon nose but I tend not to use that one.". He walked inside and Myra said,"Are you a bloodhound or are you a stalker?!". She had a death and dark aura around her with him about to attack Zane.

The two were about to fight but they were stopped by Sakura. "Oh hi Zane!" said Sakura. "Yeah. I am not that kind of person. I did want to spend the night at the guild but I was asked by your lovely sister here to stay the night." wrote Zane. "You know what, I don't care anymore. You just hurry up and wash the dishes!" said Myra. After Zane finished the dishes using his telekinesis magic and some water that he found, he found Myra waiting for him on the couch.

Myra glared at him with a deathly glare,"You'll be sleeping on the couch because we have no extra rooms. You'll have to sleep without a blanket or pillows.". "Cool. I just use my magic to stay warm so could you get up?"  wrote Zane. "Are you going to be alright? It does get rather cold down here." said Myra. "Thank you for the concern but trust me, I can handle the cold. Trust me." wrote Zane. He held Myra's hand and she felt instantly warm.

Myra's face suddenly felt red and she punched Zane in the face. "What are you doing idiot?! I am not concerned about you at all!" yelled Myra. She ran up to her room and she closed the door. She felt her heart beating and she said,"What the hell is going on? Why is my heart beating so fast around him. I hate that brat's guts!". She screamed into one of her cute pillows so no one could hear her. She had a blush spread across her face and she sighed. "He was warm." thought Myra.

Back on the couch, Zane placed his left hand on his face with it getting cold. "Man. She has a strong fist. Even more than Sivarth when he is really angry." wrote Zane. He went to sleep and he thought,"I love this guild.". The next morning, he opened his onyx colored eyes to see that Sakura was watching him. "Morning Zane!" said Sakura. "Good morning to you as well Sakura." wrote Zane. "Breakfast! I won't repeat myself!" yelled Myra from the kitchen.

After breakfast, Zane sat at the kitchen table using his magic to wish the dishes. "At least, I have a place to crash for now. I wonder why Myra hates me though. Sakura likes me but I'm not sure about Norman. He seems to be scared of me. I guess it is the fact that I don't talk. I wish I could talk but at the same time, I wouldn't want it ruining my body and magic power." thought Zane. He finished and he took off the apron just to make sure.

Steve was waiting for his older brother to return. He saw the Wood siblings coming through the door and he said,"Hey. Have you guys seen my idiot of a brother?". "He is back at my place washing the dishes. He should be here any minute now." said Myra who went to the bar and started picking a fight with Allison. The door opened and Zane was covered in branches. "Did you get lost on your way here or what?" said a man.

A man said,"Wow. He is dumber than I thought.". Myra punched him and she said,"Only I can call him that Eric.". Eric rubbed his purple hair and he said,"Man. That hurt.". "Hey bro. Remember this little. Shadow Dragon..." said Steve. He rushed toward Zane with his left fist producing shadows and Zane said with a smile,"Okay. I guess I have to show you my Hellfire Dragon...". He coughed as flames went around his fist. "Iron Fist/Steel Fist of Hades!" said/wrote Steve and Zane.

Their attacks collided and a small explosion occurred blowing the two back. Steve rushed toward his older brother with him saying,"Shadow Dragon Slash!". He slashed the air in front of Zane with his hand covered in darkness. Zane was about to punch Steve in the stomach but Allison yelled,"Stop right now!". The two then looked at her and she said,"I wish to know your magic.". "You know that mine is Shadow Slayer magic." said Steve. Zane wrote,"I have several magics.".

Kurt said,"Hey Zane! I want to fight you now!". "Me too!" yelled Clair. "I guess I will have to face all three of you then." wrote Zane who had a smirk on his face. "Lets take it outside." said Ax who rubbed his nose in annoyance. "Wait. Why do you stink so much bro?" said Steve. "Oh. I used this water that I found to wash Myra's dishes with." wrote Zane. "Wait, what?! What kind of water did you use that made you stink?!" said Myra.

Zane thought about it and he wrote,"You were so nice to me so I decided to use the water that I found in a bucket with a stick.". "YOU CLEANED OUR DISHES WITH MOP WATER!? ARE YOU SO STUPID THAT YOU CAN"T USE THE RIGHT KIND OF WATER!" yelled Myra with her killing aura blasted through her body. "Fine. I was hoping to fight you so I did it." wrote Zane. "You know. I will kick your ass to get rid of my anger at you." said Myra.

Outside of the guild. "Passion Lance!" said Kurt. Several lances appeared and they were made with concentrated magic power. Zane jumped over it and Clair said,"Holy Beams!". He made an ice wall blocking the light and Steve said,"Shadow Chains!". Several chains ,that appeared from the ground below him, captured Zane who lit himself on fire. "You destroy his shadows?! That is impossible! It is able to even fight Clair's light!" said the scared Kurt.

Zane smiled and he said,"Time to finish this fight! Power Dragon Impact!". After coughing a little bit, his entire body lit up with raw magic power and he rushed toward the three. He connected with them knocked them back a couple of feet. Clair got up and she said,"Note to self. Don't try and piss you off.". She rushed toward him with Kurt and Steve rushed behind her. "You guys are stubborn. I like that!" wrote Zane. He rushed toward them.

After thirty minutes, the trio of Clair, Kurt, and Steve were breathing heavily, bruised, and battered while Zane felt perfectly fine with his wounds healing as soon as he got them. "Fine! Time to finish you off! Passion Blades!" yelled Kurt. He made two blades of magic power and he slashed at Zane who jumped back. "Holy Bomb Storm!" yelled Clair. Several balls of light went toward him and it exploded upon getting closer to Zane.

Steve said,"Shadow Spiral.". The shadows surrounding Zane and he jumped into the air. "Power Dragon Secret Art! Golden Narcissus Detonate Sword!" wrote Zane. A huge amount of lightning came out of his arms and it caused several explosion of lightning. Zane snapped his fingers with it causing a giant explosion. Clair, Kurt, and Steve were defeated and the others clapped and cheered. It was no shock to see that both Ana and Sakura were cheering the loudest.

Zane helped Kurt up and he said,"Man. You're so strong. I beat you could have used your flames to melt our attacks or something. "I could because my father Sivarth taught me to have complete control over my magic to destroy anything that hurts my loved ones." wrote Zane. "Bro. That sounds a little bit too serious for me." said Kurt. "Yeah. I tend to be the thinking type." wrote Zane. "Speaking of your father, may I ask you a question?" said Allison.

Ana was helping to heal Clair and Steve with Zane wrote,"What's up?". She looked around and she saw that everyone was staring at them with her saying,"So where is Sivarth?". "Um. He doesn't like most humans and he along with Ana, Clair, and Steve's parents are missing." wrote Zane. "Were you four raised by dragons or something?" said Allison who sweat dropped. "Yep, My dragon was a king making me awesome." said Zane who coughed afterwards. The guild was shocked at this.

A little bit later, Myra was looking at Zane who was talking/writing to her rival Allison and Jade with Ana enjoying some orange juice on her brother's lap. She was getting pissed off at this and she said to herself,"Why am I getting so angry about this?!". "Hey Zane! I want a rematch! Fist to Fist!" yelled Kurt. Tanya said,"Are you stupid? He kicked your butt earlier.". "Okay. I'm good. Ana, keep an eye on my seat." wrote Zane. "Okay big bro!" said Ana.

The two wizards fought each other as X noticed Myra staring at the mute wizard. "So what are you looking at blonde?" said X in a teasing voice. Myra turned to see him with a grin on his face and she said with a big red blush on her face,"What are you talking about?!". "So you like him don't you?" said X. He was pushing her buttons. "Why you annoying little...." said Myra. X blocked her punch and he threw her toward Allison causing a fight between the two.    

Zane ,who defeated Kurt with ease, sat at a table alone eating some food when Jade tugged on his shirt sleeve. "Um. Could I take with you?" said Jade. "Sure thing." wrote Zane. He saw the big book that she was holding around and he wrote,"What is with the book?". "It is one of the books writing about Slayers. I decided to study them since we have four slayers in our guild." said Jade with a smile on her face. "Cool." wrote Zane.

Jade noticed this and she said,"Is something wrong?". "I don't know about Clair Jade. I haven't read her mind and if I don't want to. On the day July 7 in the year X777, our dragon parents just vanished and I only know that my dad had to leave for some kind of reason. I plan to find out and make them pay for breaking our hearts." wrote Zane. Jade grabbed his hand and she said,"Don't worry. I'll help you out if I hear anything.". "Okay. Thanks." wrote Zane.

"Hey Brother! Come join the brawl!" yelled Steve. Zane was dragged into a the brawl much to his annoyance. Jade sighed and then Sakura sat next to her. "Hi Jade!" said Sakura. "Hey Sakura." said Jade. They both smiled at each other and Sakura said,"So Jade, I bet you have a crush on Zane don't you?". Jade's face then went bright red and she tried to hide it behind the book. "What are you talking about Sakura?!" said Jade.

Sakura was enjoying this and she said,"You know that holding someone's hand is so romantic.". "So what about you? You like him too!" said Jade. "Nope. He isn't my type but I bet that you will have a lot of competition." said Sakura. She looked at Myra who was looking at Zane who was punching both Fred and Victor using Kurt. "I will win his heart no matter what for sure." said Jade who had her heart set on him. Sakura smiled at this.

At night, the guild was quiet and everyone in it was tired. Zane was watching Clair, Kurt, and Steve who were fast asleep and they were still punching each other. Zane went to the backyard of the guild to get some fresh air and sat next to Sakura who was watching the sunset. She jumped in shock and she pushed him to the ground. "Ouch." wrote Zane. "Zane!? Don't scare me like that!" yelled Sakura who glared at him. "Sorry about that but I don't make a lot of noise." wrote Zane.

Sakura smiled at him and she said,"The sunset is so beautiful.". "Yeah. It is." said Zane. He coughed and Sakura said,"So why do cough whenever you talk?". "I just do and it sucks to say the least but I got used to it." wrote Zane. "So do you like Jade?" said Sakura. He nodded and Sakura thought,"You owe me one Jade!". Th two talked and they didn't noticed that Myra was looking at them. She felt so jealous of her little sister with her swimming in a sea of doubt now.

She went to the backyard as well and she said,"Yo. Sakura and Zane. Time to go home.". Zane helped Sakura stand up and it increased her jealous. "Hey Myra." wrote Zane. Myra panicked and blushed a bit so she turned around to try and hide it. "What is it?" said Myra who was trying to ruin her image in front of him. "You guys go on ahead. I'm staying her tonight to enjoy the stars." wrote Zane. "We will be here tomorrow so don't leave okay?!" said Myra.

Zane wrote,"Yeah. I'm a member aren't I?". Myra blushed again and she said,"Fine! Leave for all I care!". She turned her back to him and she said,"Come on Sakura. Norman is waiting for us." said Myra. Both of the sisters left and Zane went in search of a place to stay. He didn't feel like a bed but he decided to place three chair in a row making a bed. He re-equip himself a blanket and a pillow as he fell asleep.

Much to his soundless annoyance, he was awoken by a noise in the kitchen and he dragged himself in there. He then saw a stray cat and he wrote,"Are you hungry little guy? Do you want something  little one?". The cat meowed and Zane got him some fish. The cat left with Zane heading toward his bed. He then found Tanya sleeping there with a blissful grin on her face. The young man wasn't in the mood for her to be angry so he lightly woke her up.

Zane wrote,"So why are you Tanya? I thought you lived at the girls dorm which me or Steve aren't allowed in even though we want to see Ana.". Tanya said with a yawn,"It is too dark outside and I might get eaten by wolves or something.". "Okay. I'll take you home because I am going to be up for a while longer." wrote Zane. He grabbed Tanya's right hand and she blushed. "Wow. He is so warm like a fireplace." thought Tanya.

She then dragged her heels into the ground as Zane wrote,"What's wrong Tanya?". "I am scared of the dark." said Tanya. She then hugged him tighter causing her to blush harder. Zane made a fireball with his free hand and the ball flew in front of him. "Don't worry Tanya. I'll take care of the wolves while you lead me there." wrote Zane who smiled afterwards. Tanya looked at Zane and she was amazed by his smile and the light from his flame was just adding to the charm.

The two walked through the darkness covered city with Tanya had a smile of pure bliss on her face and she said,"Well, here we are!'. Zane smiled and Tanya said,"Thanks big brother.". She kissed Zane on his left cheek and ran off into the dorm. Zane blushed a little and he touched his cheek. "Wow. She is pretty interesting." thought Zane. He walked back to the guild and then he noticed X standing there waiting for him. "We need to talk Zane." said X.

The two were walking through the city and X said,"Why did you hold back?". "What are you talking about X?" wrote Zane. "I, the old man, and the idiot saw through you. You could have destroyed the knights with a single attack and defeated those idiots with a single attack again." said X. "I hold back because I want to see a person's strength. That sounds weird but I'm strange like that." wrote Zane. "I guess. So are you going to be S Class once you defeat those three?" said X.

Zane wrote,"Yes. Once I defeat Allison, Myra, and a girl named Rachel, I will be promote to S Class like Mr. Price. This is what I promised Master.". "Yeah. If you still have magic energy after that, care for a fight with me?" said X. "Yeah. I sensed your magic power upon arriving to the guild so I know that you're going to be a strong opponent." wrote Zane. "Right." said X. The two separated and Zane went back to the guild hopefully to get some sleep.

Next Time,
Zane fights against Allison, Myra, Rachel, and X to be S Class.

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