Sunday, December 18, 2016

Power Episode 15 Rumble in the Station

A/N: So why was there third Guild Cards last time? I decided to do Ana, Clair, and Steve due to the three of them being Slayers and it felt right. Anyway, this one is going to be filled with action so if you like action, this is the chapter for you. I have a problem with Fairy Tail being that until the fifth arc of the series ,in my opinion, gets really good. I mean the first two are meh, the third one is okay, and the fourth one is ugh. I mean there is nothing to keep you hook until then so be forewarned if you going into the series blind. Anyway, Lets begin. Also a return of a fan favorite much to no one's joy.

Narrator P.O.V.
About ten minutes later, the vehicle came to a stop just outside of the station. It was on the other side of the fence and they could hear what happened at the station. "A bunch of wackos with weapons took the train!" yelled an elderly passenger to a army guard. "I know who they are! They are from a dark guild and one was wearing a dragon mask!" yelled a woman. Lora couldn't believe what was going on as she leaned out the window.

Lora said in shock,"They took over the train?". She looked over at Steve who was resting in Sakura's lap with her running her fingers through his hair. "I can understand a carriage or a boat but why did they take a train?" said Lora. "Yeah. It doesn't seem like the smartest of moves since it can only go on the rails." said Dawn. "Yeah but a train trumps a carriage in terms of speed. Hell, Fred can out run a train but it is very unlikely that he'll get a chance." said Kurt who was taking off his clothes.

Tessa said,"Kurt. Clothes now!". Kurt groaned as he put on his clothes and Angel said,"Ignoring his little quirk, I think Kurt is on the right track huh?". Lora sighed and Sakura said,"Anyway. They may be in a hurry to get somewhere for his plan.". "Do you think that the military will be able to help big sis?" said Ana. "I hope so but I know something bad is going to happen soon." said Allison. She looked at the tracks in front of her as she thought,"Zane. I hope you're safe wherever you are.".

Forward on the tracks, the Shadowblade wizards were talking about the next part of the plan. While the other dark wizards made groundwork on the plan, Son ,who dragged Zane with him, explained what happened to him to Reisa. "Pests you say?" said Reisa who held the object in hand. "Yeah. It was a annoying punk who used the same magic as I and Kane here didn't help at all. He is nothing but a joke." said Son. "Must resist punching him for making fun of brother." thought Zane.

Reisa grinded her teeth with her right eye twitched. Suddenly, two blades of wind came out and Zane blocked them from slashing the bottom of Son's eyes. "What are you doing Kane?" said Reisa. "Your anger is not wrong. This idiot did let him see Berceuse but he was killed. I saw his dead corpse as the train drove off. Trust me on this, I will handle this. You just prepare your sweet ass for the plan. You are the key and star Reap." said Zane.

Reisa smiled and she said,"I will leave him to you then Kane. You will help make this plan a success and Berceuse will be yours.". She left the train car and Son said,"Thanks Kane. I owe you one.". "I'm not doing this for you. I rather have you focused on the job at hand." said Zane. Son smiled and he went into the shadows. Kane sat in a seat and he thought,"I've gotten them to like me Valerie. What is the next part of the plan?".

Valerie smiled from her room in the magic council and she said,"Have you found anyone worth of the name Wicked Genocide?". "Beside for Reisa, no one here is worth father's time. Do you think that the magic council will need a copy of the music?" thought Zane. "Mostly likely beloved. What do you like about Reisa?" said Valerie. Zane put his boots on the seat in front of him and he thought,"Gots a great determination. It rivals Ally when she's serious.".

Valerie said with a smile,"And it has nothing to do with her appearance at all Zane.". "What can I say Valerie. You got the best ass but I won't deny her being pretty is why I like her." thought Zane with a perverted smirk. "Whatever Zaney bear. I'll see you real soon." said Valeire. She hanged up and Zane sighed loudly. "I guess I'll could sleep for a while but I don't want anyone to bother me. Night time I guess." said Zane. He fell asleep.

In a empty train car, a voice said,"So can we come out of the ground now Mike?". "Sure Emily. We're in the clear." said a boy's voice. Emily appeared with two men who were very different from where in many ways mainly in appearance. The shorter one was about her height. He had light brown hair that was spiked up somewhat like Goku's, tan skin, an orange and white vest that covers the upper half of his body with a brown shirt, blue jeans, and orange shoes.

He carried a rather basic sword on his back. Any exposed part of his body was covered in scars from something. The other one was slightly taller than the two of them but he looked to be about Myra and Zane's age. He had slicked back blond hair with a few loose strands sticking out in the front and he had sapphire blue eyes. He was wearing a pinstripe violet shirt with wine red pants and matching shoes.

On his right hand, he had three wings. On the index finger, a ring with seven stars rested there. The middle finger had a small lightning bolt against a green background, and the ring finger was an steel lock with a god themed keyhole and a chain running alongside the band. "Do you think it was a good idea to sneak on a train with a member from the Wicked Genocide Mike?" said Emily. "Yeah because I think if we hide in here, we'll be able to help you get back in Heroes." said Mike.

Emily said,"Really? I mean Zane hates my guts a lot.". "I think it is because you pissed off the inner dragon." said the member of the group who did a pose. "I think Renato is right. He may be a wizard for hire but he has worked for Zane before and complimenting him plus using your magic to fight will make his anger died down." said Mike. "Okay. Lets hide for now." said Emily. "Right." said the two. Zane thought to himself with a smile,"Hello way to release my anger.".

A few miles behind the train, the magic car was going through the town at an intense speed. Kurt was hanging onto the roof for dear life while Allison was skidding and splice through the city with Kurt's eyes getting bigger when he saw the Magic Energy plug attached to her arm started to expand. "You need to slow the hell down Allison! The plus is really getting big!" yelled Kurt. "If Reisa plays that ocarina, several people will die! Lives are at stake right now!" yelled Allison.

Kurt said while dodging some flying junk,"I know that Allison but right now, we have no clue about what they're doing! You need to slow down because we have to fight those bastards soon enough!". "I don't care Kurt." said Allison. The car went faster and the magic mobile had finally cleared out of the city and racing toward the next town. "If I have to, I will use a stick to fight!" said Allison. She then turned her head to look at Kurt.

She said,"I still have all of you. This is why I planned to bring you and Zane. Zane may not be here but with all of you, we will be able to handle this dark guild with ease.". "Allison!" yelled Zane's voice that came out from the carriage. "Zane?! What are you doing here?" said Allison. She turned to see inside of the carriage. Ana, Angel, Dawn, Lora, Lucky, and Tessa were hanging on for dear life while Steve rested on Sakura's lap.

She was trying to help Steve's motion sickness but he was looking rather green. She saw Ryu and her not so secret crush's voice came out. "I know that you're worried about something. I may be far from you but I know when you're scared. Take it easy because they need Titania's strength so please stop okay?" said Zane's voice. She didn't see him but she could hear the worry in his voice. She sighed and Allison slowed the amount of magic.

The car slowed down but she was keeping a good pace. "Thank you bro." said Steve. "Wow. You've always been a sap when it comes to Zaney." said Kurt. He felt a chill go down his spine and Allison said,"You want me to come over there and show you what I do to people who call me a sap?". "No! I am good!" yelled Kurt in terror. "Good. I thought you were going to do something stupid. Things are going to be rough soon so will Steve be in fighting shape Sakura?" said Allison.

Sakura said while running her fingers through his hair,"Don't worry Ally. We'll be there soon Steve. I promise.". Steve buried his head in her thighs as he said,"Thank you Sak.". She blushed slightly and Kurt rolled his eyes. "Hey Lora. I think Zane told me something to tell you but I can't remember. It was really important." said Ryu. "What is it Ryu?" said Lora. "I told you earlier but I can't remember at it all." said Ryu.

Lora said,"Well, you're making me quite confused so please try and remember.". The little dragon look serious and Steve said,"Man! I feel awful!". He jumped off Sakura's lap and he drifted out the window. "Feeling awful." said Ryu as his mind began to work. "Steve! Be careful! You're going to fall out at this rate." said Tessa. Ana held onto the back of his shirt. "Just push me out. I rather fall face first into the ground rather than be on this death machine." said Steve with his cheeks growing.

Ryu said,"What did Zane want me to tell you something? I think it is was something about her being a weirdo or really cute like a puppy.". Lora's face blushed and she said,"He thinks I'm that cute.". "So I guess I have something to use as teasing material against her." thought Angel. "What is that?!" said Allison with her eyes noticing smoke coming out of the Oakheart train station at an alarming rate. "I am sorry about this Steve." said Allison. She pumped more into the car as it went faster.

Ten minutes later. Allison came to a complete stop just outside of the station. A huge crowd had collected themselves outside of the station. People were whispering and talking to each other to try and discover what was happening. "Okay. Everyone get out. We need to find out what's happening in there." said Allison who hopped of the carriage ,after taking the plug of her, and the rest of the group following behind her.

A police officer said through a megaphone,"Attention folks! We recommend you staying back! It is quite deadly! A train happened to derail by accident so no one is allowed into the station. Until we can confirm the situation and clears it up, we won't let in.". "Everyone move! Out of my way!" yelled Allison. "We should probably follow her." said Ana who followed her. "That sounds like the best plan of action right now." said Dawn.

Lora said,"But guys, the station is closed!". She was helping Sakura carry Steve, who was recovering from his motion sickness, and Kurt said,"You need to learn this quick Rookie. We don't listen to no one.". "We don't have to time to waste listening to them too sis." said Angel who pushed a person away. They finally reached the front of the crowd and Allison spotted a police officer trying to keep people back. "What is going on inside of there?" said Allison as she went up to the officer.

The officer said,"Um. Who are you?". She didn't reply back to him but she did headbutted him to the ground knocking him out. She spotted two more and approached them. "What's going on?" said the red head. He gave her a confused look and he was knocked unconscious. She walked up to the third officer and she touched his shoulder. "What's going on?!" said Allison. The officer let out a fearful scream when he turned to face Allison.

She growled in anger with her headbutting the man. "I guess she really likes people who give her an answer here and now." said Lora as she kept watching the knight head butting the officers much to the confusion of the crowd and group. "Allison has her own way of doing things." said Kurt while he was in his boxers. "Kurt. Clothes now!" said Tessa who punched him. "So was there something that you were trying to remember Ryu?" said Steve.

He had recovered his energy and Lucky said on his partner's head,"Lucky thinks that Ryu isn't paying attention to us!". The dragon ignored everyone and Allison was about skull bash someone but Angel placed her left hand on her left shoulder to stop the knight. "Okay. This is getting really sad Ally. I'll handle it okay?" said Angel. She pressed the worker against the wall and she got ready to get the answer.

Angel said as she got closer to the man,"Hey you. We're sorry to bother you like but we're from the Heroes guild and came here to stop some jerks passing through here. So could you tell me what they are up to? Please?". The man's eyes were glued to her luscious lips as he felt her her soft breathes and he said with his face producing steam and eyes turning into hearts,"Yes! A military group went in a while ago but have yet to return! The group Shadowblade is also in there!".

Angel winked at him causing him to pass out from excitement and she said,"Thank you all! I will be here all week!". "I still can't believe what I just saw." said Lora who pinched her nose. "It seems that you had to be a seducer in front of Ana." said Dawn who covered Ana's eyes. "Slut." said Tessa. The two was about to fight and Kurt said,"They might be in trouble so lets go help them.". He went into the building with the others following him.

Walking into the station, the Heroes were greeted to a rather sad sight. The stairs and entrance to the station was covered with bodies of defeated soldiers. Most of them were still alive. However, they were injured greatly but Allison could tell that some of them were dead. The sight of all of this death made the wizards cringe even a hardened wizard like Allison. "I can't believe that they were defeated this badly." said Ryu as he floated over the soldiers.

Angel said,"Our enemy is a dark guild which means that they are all wizards. A military platoon like this one couldn't stand a chance against them.". They took great care to stop over the fallen men in their way. "Hurry up! The platform is this way!" said Kurt as he pointed to a set of doors at the end of the hall. Everyone rushed down the hall and broke down the doors at the end of it. On the other side of the door was something that they didn't see coming.

Waiting for them, almost a hundred Shadowblade wizards stood there with Tessa noticed that Reisa was sitting onto the parked train. "Huh. I guess that he was wrong but welcome to your end here and now Heroes!" said Reisa as she rested the scythe on her shoulder. "Wow. They are a lot of them." said Lora. "We are waiting for you pests." said Reisa with an evil grin way over her face. "You are Reisa right?" said Allison who glared at Shadowblade's Reaper.

Her fists began to clench without her thinking. "How are you still alive? He saw your body." said Son while looking at Steve. "Hey. You need to focus Son." said Dalton while placing his hand right on his shoulder. "What do you intend to do?!" Your answer will decide if I punish you all or handle you over to the council." said Allison with her voice freezing some of the grunt in terror. "Hey. We're just in a bored tone so we wanted to have fun." said Reisa.

The rest of the guild began laughing and Reisa began to float into the air using wind. "You dam pests don't get it?! What do trains stations have?!" said Reisa. "She's flying like Lucky except with wings just like Ryu!" said Lucky in awe as she saw Reisa fly higher into the air. "That's wind magic Lucky so I guess you're not wrong." said Sakura. A strong gust of wind blew all around them and Angel asked herself,"Station?".  She saw Reisa fly toward the station's speakers.

The Angel wizard could hear the Shadowblade laughing behind her. "Your death is near!" said Reisa as she kicked the loudspeaker. Allison's eyes widened as it hit her like a truck. "You plan to broadcast Berceuse?!" said Allison in a shocked tone. "EH! No way!" yelled Lora with her mouth opened in terror. "You're kidding me?" said Kurt as he shivered in fear. "You heartless monsters!" yelled Steve as anger boiled inside of him.

Reisa exploded in laughter with a twisted smile on her face and she said,"There are hundreds no I am wrong about that. They are thousands of people gathered around us as we speak. If we broadcast it loud enough, maybe everyone will hear the song of death!". "That's murder idiots!" yelled Allison as she took a step forward. "We're simply cleaning up the ones who live their lives and enjoying their rights." said Reisa leaning back in the air.

She said,"None of them know that they are people have their rights taken away from thanks to the council. Living a life with them clueless to the injustice of the world is a sin. I am the Reaper and I'm here to make them pay with their lives!". She brought the scythe toward her lips and she then ran her tongue along the blade. "You know that you won't get your rights back if you do something this awful and you're not the evil ones!" said Lora while looking at the reaper.

Reisa said,"We have gone too dam far, I don't care about if we are good or bad. We seek justice and revenge! If we have that, we can erase the past and control the future.". Sakura then caused a growl to escape her throat and she said,"You're an idiot!". "We control your future and we want you all to die now!" yelled Son. He slammed his hand on the ground as several shadows appeared from the ground going past most of the group.

A large fist appeared from the ground and it was then about to smash Sakura into the ground. "Die you dam pink bitch!" yelled Son. "Sakura! I won't let anything happen to you!" said Ryu who flew toward her. Steve stood in front of Sakura with him eating the shadows in a second like pasta. "He is eating my shadows!?" said Son. "You bastard! I won't let you hurt one of my family! You will fall by my hands, the Shadow!" yelled Steve with him covering himself in shadows.      

Son said,"God dam it.". The rest of the guild covered Son and Steve thought,"Shit. There is way more than I thought!". "You have fallen into our trap Heroes. We had to spice things up here and there. It's time to go back to business. There is someone that needs to hear this song of death now! Someone that I must kill!" thought Reisa. "Reap my dear. I'll finish them so you continue the plan. I may not be here but I trust you." said Zane's voice in her head.

Lora said while pointing at the small army of wizards,"Hey! This is Heroes's strongest team! Prepare yourselves!". "I leave the rest to you all! I must play the flute. Let them feel the power of darkness now!" yelled Reisa. He then flew out a nearby window and Allison yelled,"Chicken!". "Do you think that he is going to the next building?" said Kurt. "Kurt! Steve! Tessa!" yelled Allison. The three then looked at her and she said,"You there go after her. You three together will defeat no problem.".  

Steve said,"Allison. I want to stay here and kick some ass especially man bun over there. He tried to kill me and hurt Sakura with me unable to forgive him for the later!". Sakura blushed and Angel said with a smile,"Steve. We girls will handle them for sure. Lucky and Ryu will be safe too.". "All of us against them?" said Lora. "Reisa is planning to use Berceuse here. We can't let that happen at all. I'm sure of that. We got this and you can trust me Steve." said Allison while looking at Steve.

Tessa said while placing her hand on Steve's shoulder,"You know that she is right Steve.". "I know but..." said Steve. Kurt grabbed him and he said,"Lets go already!". The three ran after Reisa and a wizard said,"Hey! Three of them are running away!". "They're going after Lady Reisa! Where is that guy from Wicked Genocide?" said a member. "He went to go chase some pest. I will handle them no problem." said Dalton.

Several wrappings ,which looked like mummy gauze, came out of the ground and lifted Dalton into the air. He then ran after the trio and Son said,"I'm coming with you! That gothic freak is mine to kill now!". He went into the ground with Whiskers said,"Those two are so quarrelsome. I know that it will be way more fun to play with the girls than the boys.". Someone tapped his shoulder and he heard a voice,"I will go after them too.".

Whiskers turned to see Lamont standing there. He was a short, hunched, and overweight man. He has no nose and has rather large lips with his face on the whole looking like a fish. His hair is purple and points upwards in many rounded and curved spikes. He was wearing a violet jacket with dark edges and a high collar held closed right under it but otherwise being left open over a white shirt which is quite shorter showing off his stomach.

He was wearing loose camo style pants held up by a simple belt and tucked inside a pair of combat boots. He had a massive necklace around his neck which had several large and metal discs connected by a long chain. "Are you sure Lamont? They may be stronger than you." said Whiskers. "Trust me. I will be fine." said Lamont. "Okay. Good luck bro." said Whiskers. Lamont went into the ground like Alvin did.

Sakura said,"Lora. Get ready to watch us whipped these guys into shape.". Allison and Angel took a few steps in front of them. "Sure thing Lora." said Lora as she grabbed one of her keys. "What can some girls and their pets do? They're all pretty sexy though." said Whiskers with a blush. "It is too bad that we have to fight girls though." said a wizard licking his lips. "I can't wait to see the heroes stripping." said a wizard with his blood coming out of his nose.

Ana said,"You're disgusting. If my big brother was here, he would have murder you all and then bring you back to kill you once again.". The winds were moving around her and Whiskers said,"Zane? That guy sounds pretty weak like you.". "Shut up now or else." said Angel. Her hands were glowing with light and Allison said as a sword appeared in her hand,"We'll handle them first.". "Wow. That is so cool." said Lora as she got ready to fight.

"Your magic is rather normal lady!" said a wizard. A sword appeared in his hand and another wizard said,"We have lot of them here as well!". He had two swords in his hands and he said,"We will make you strip and see what lies underneath that armor!". The swords wizards rushed toward the three and Allison said,"Ana and Rachel. Provide me cover.". "Gotcha." said the two. She rushed toward them as Lora thought,"Is she crazy?!".

However, Allison proved her wrong. She heard stories of Allison's power from Magician Monthly and from Ryu but it was something else. She blew through the small group without a scratch. She slashed through them like they were butter. Ana said,"Wind Slicers!". Several slices of wind sliced the ones who got close to her with Angel saying,"Angel Fists!". Several giant fists punched the other wizards down into the ground with ease.

The three stood there with three dozen Shadowblade wizards defeated and their clothes were torn. "I bet you bitches can't handle any kind of ranged magic!" roared a wizards as a beam of magic energy gathered in his hand which he fired at the three. "Angel Wall!" yelled Angel. Several walls made of angel wings covered the three with Ana launching herself into the air. "I call upon the spirits of the wind! Destroy them with your anger!" yelled Ana.

Several balls of wind appeared around her and she said,"Eternal Wind Spirit Spheres!". She fired the balls of wind at the ranged wizards at them causing them to be launched into the air. Allison ,thanks to Ana, jumped toward them holding a spear. She swiped several of them down to the ground and she swapped the spear with two matching blades. She sliced through the confused wizards and Lora was shocked at her strength.

Again, Allison swapped out her weapon with this time, a giant ax appeared in her hands. She made one massive swings launching them into the air only to be strike down by Ana and Angel's magic with one saying,"This girl. How can she make weapons appear so fast?!". "No. I'm more afraid of the exposed one and the little girl! One is controlling angels while the other is controlling the winds just like Lady Reisa!" said a wizard.

Ryu then fired out a fire ball which burned several wizards and Lucky said,"Allison, Ana, and Angel are just getting started Lora!". "He's right. They are known as the Sky Maiden, the Angel, and Titania after all." said Dawn. "Allison? Where have I heard that name before?!" said Whiskers. "Come on you guys! We still have the advantage!" said a wizard. They rushed toward them and Sakura said,"It is my time to help out! Vine Whips!".

Several jungle like whips came out of the ground launching them back and Allison said,"I think it is time to make them pay.". She began to glow and several swords appeared in front of her. 'How is she doing that?!" said Lora. "That is her special ability with her magic. She is able to make weapons and control them with ease." said Ryu. "Allison?! She can't be..." said Whiskers. "Time for you all to pay for messing with people's lives! Sword Rain!" yelled Allison.

The swords flew toward them at an alarming rate and they were all defeated by the attack. "Wow. It is so something awesome that Lucky can't even see." said Lucky. "Wow. I didn't even get to do anything at all." said Lora. "Yeah. You're pretty useless." said Dawn. "I didn't see you doing anything either if I may add something." said Ryu. "I was moral support." said Dawn. "Me too!" said Lucky. Whiskers was the only one left and Angel said,"Wow. Only one left.".

Allison said,"I left him for your sister to defeat.". "Wow. Thanks." said Lora. "Shit! I have to get out of here!" said Whiskers. He ran out of there and Allison said,"He may be heading after Reisa. Lora and Ryu. Go after him.". "Really? Her?" said Dawn. "We don't have time to argue." said Ana who pointed to the angry Allison. Lora and Ryu ran/flew out of the room as she went after Whiskers. As the two left the room, Allison went on her knees.

Lucky said,"Big sis!". "She is fine Lucky. She needs to recover her magic energy." said Dawn. "Your boyfriend was right about you over using your magic power." said Angel. "Shut up. Ana, can you use your magic to hold them so that the magic council can hold them in jail?" said Allison. "Yeah. I sure can. Can I have some help?" said Ana. "Sure Ana." said Sakura. Allison sensed something and she said under her breath,"Zane. Why are you here?". "Zane?" said the group.

With Kurt, Steve, and Tessa. "Us working together? That is impossible glasses." said Kurt as he ran next to Tessa. "You think I like working together with you stripper?! Allison then asked us to work together and I plan on doing whatever says." said Tessa. "I don't care who I work with. I just wanted revenge on that man bun before I go after Reisa." said Steve. The three heroes were stop at a three way fork at the end of the hall.

Kurt said,"So super sniffer, which way do we go?". "I can't smell her because wind wizards excluding Ana try to hide their magic scent and I'm not a fan of that nickname." said Steve with an anger mark on his forehead. "We'll have to split up you guys." said Tessa. She placed her hands on their shoulders and she said,"Listen you two. Our enemy is someone who is planning to use a magic that is able to kill thousands of people. If you find her, defeat her.".

Steve said,"That isn't her at all right? She is the idiot who picked a fight with our guild! I will make him see my justice!". His body was covered in shadows and the three got ready to go. Steve ran down the hallway to the east and Tessa said,"Please don't die Steve.". "Why did you say that?" said Kurt. "I didn't say anything stripper." said Tessa. "Yes. You did. I think it is because you love Zane and if you were the one who had his brother killed...." said Kurt.

Tessa's face lit up and she grabbed Kurt. "Don't tell Zane or else." said Tessa. Kurt noticed the wood wizard's anger and he said,"Chill out. I'm not a squealer like Myra and Ryu but my only advice to you is make it quick. Girls like Zane and he is going to choose one eventually.". He ran down the hallway to the west leaving Tessa alone. "I will soon Kurt. I promise." said Tessa. She ran down the final one as Dalton, Lamont, and Son appeared behind them.

Dalton said,"Twenty bucks says that I'll defeat my opponent first. I'll handle the stripper.". He swung like a spider can down Kurt's hallway with Son saying,"Screw Dalton and his bets. You go after the glasses.". "Right." said Lamont. He went into the ground and Son thought,"I will be able to handle him but I feel bad for whoever mess with Kane or Lady Reisa. Those two are stronger than me and the former one doesn't even use his magic.".

Kurt was running down his hallway and he said,"If she manages to play that dam song, it is going to be a mess.". He then came to a stop as he looked at one of the intercoms. "Of course. If she is going to play Berceuse, Reisa must be in the broadcasting room." thought Kurt. He then looked to see that there was a sign pointed to the broadcasting room and he followed it. He then found the room and he punched the door down. He then entered the room only to see that it was barren.

Kurt said,"Okay. Where is she? This is the only place in the building that can even projected sound through here.". He started looking around the room with him not noticing or caring about the figure coming from the ceiling. Dalton had a evil grin on his face as he was about to attack Kurt. "It is so weird that she isn't here." said Kurt. He then felt a shiver going down his back. "Does this mean that he never planned to play Berceuse?" said Kurt.

He ducked out of the way as several wrappings slammed toward the ground where he was. He turned to see Dalton sitting there in front of him with his legs crossed. "Wow. You have rather good senses for a human. I'm impressed. This is going to be fun." said Dalton. He jumped down the ground and Kurt said,"So you pricks are planning something? Care to tell me what it is because I will give you some fun that will make you cry out in joy.".

At the guild master's meeting sight. "Hey Silas-Chan! I love the wizards in your guild. I heard that a group of them caused a rather powerful man to surrender in fear plus Zero Chan returned." said the guild master of Thunder Wolves Clayton. He was an elderly, fashionable, and cross dresser. He was wearing a lime green spaghetti-strap shirt with a gold and purple hoop necklace and a horizontal pink and black shots. He had red lipsticks and blush on each cheeks. He also had tiny wings on his back.

His long black hair with purple streaks made his black eyes shine. "Oh yeah! He did returned and he brought back this cutie. Her body won't stop rocking in my eyes." said Ax with him taking a drink from his beer. "Oh Silas. You're a pervert." giggled Clayton as he waved his hand. "It's good to be active but you guys are going overboard like normal." said the guild master of Cinco Hydra Gary. He had a rather slim looking and average height for his age.

He is about in his early sixties or late fifties. His face was covered in wrinkles at the mouth right below his eyes and on his forehead. His brown hair was kept it a youthful style reaching down to his shoulders in a straight cut. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He was wearing a simple dark blue shirt with a matching pair of pants. He was wearing a pair of spiked bracelets and around a spiked collar.

He then sighed and said,"I heard that some of the council are worried that your wizards are going to destroy a town one day. Zane on the other hand is working for them still despite them hating each other like how fire and ice wizards hate each other.". "I want Lora's Boobs to smash me." said Ax as he spin in a twirl. "You shouldn't hit on your wizards Silas." said Clayton as he rested his head on his hand.

Suddenly, a messenger bird flew into the room. The small avian creature was holding a letter and upon seeing Ax, he flew toward the Heroes guild master. "Ax. You have a message from Zane." said the bird. It handled the letter to Ax as he opened the letter. Upon opening the letter, a small projection of Zane appeared. "I'm impressed with you old bastard. You actually showed up." wrote Zane. "This is one of my strongest wizards!" said Ax.

Clayton said,"Wow. He got really cute in the past couple of years.". "And I think he is more mature than last time I saw him. Must have been that long job." said Gary. "I guess this is good news for you I guess. Allison and Angel returned back to the guild and I almost died from her. She is on a job with some others. I plan to join them soon so I will see you soon. This is the strongest team in the entire guild so have fun with that old man." wrote Zane.

He disappeared and he fell off the table. "Silas!" said the guild masters. "Those idiots may actually destroy a town! The regular meetings end today and I can head home tomorrow! Zane, please don't let them cause any messes until then!" thought Ax. Back at the station, there was still a large crowd gathered around the station and they were talking about what's going on. "What's going on in there? It has been forever since the military went in there." said a man.

A woman said,"Have they have been defeated by the terrorists?". Her skirt was flying up and a teen with a blush on his face,"This wind is so awesome.". She punched him but all chatter was stopped as three figures walked out. It was Allison, Ana, and Dawn. All of them watched with enticed face as the older woman of the three walked over to a officer. "Hey! You're the woman who barged in there earlier! What is going on in there?!" said the officer.

Allison ignored him and she took the megaphone from his hands. "If you all value your leave, leave right now! This station is taken over by dark wizards!" yelled Allison. The group let out a gasp of terror and she yelled,"One of them is preparing to cast a spell that will kill all of you! Run away right now!". "She isn't the smartest one is she?" said Dawn. "Be nice." said Ana. The crowd stood there in shock for a moment but everyone rushed away from the station.

The officer said,"What is your damage?! You're scaring them!". Allison dropped the megaphone and she said while looking at the man,"I didn't want to see them die. I'm not lying but me and my friends are planing to stop them but we can't promise your safety so run.". He ran out of there and Allison then thought,"Berceuse. It will kill anyone who hears its tune. She is planing to commit murder on this degree. No one here to use it one so what now?".

Ana pushed her down as a huge gust of wind went right past her breaking the ground. The three were then shocked to see that a giant barrier of wind formed around the station. "How can this be?" said Dawn in shock. She looked at the giant wall of wind that towered over the station. It looked like the station was trapped in by a huge storm. "It's surrounding by wind!" said Allison. "Oh. Some mice escaped out of the mouse trap." said a voice.

Reisa flew down to them and she looked at them. "Ah. You're the ones who sent all of them away from the station. Hello Sky Maiden and Titania." said Reisa. "Reisa!" yelled Allison as she looked at her. "Did you do all this?" said Ana pointed to the wall of wind behind her. "I truly wanted to fight you Sky Maiden and Titania once but I don't have time to waste on either of you. Just stay in there and be good little pests." said Reisa.

She blasted the three with a mighty gust with the three going right through the wall of wind and right back into the station. Allison slowly got back up as Ana held the unconscious Dawn in her arms and the knight yelled,"Reisa!". She tried to put her hand through the wind with her screaming in pain as the wind cut up her unarmored hand.    She held her wounded and battered hand and she looked right at Reisa through the air and Ana healed her hand.

Reisa chuckled and she said,"Don't bother with this magic wall. Once you're in, you'll never get out. I want to give you some advice pests. If you try and leave, you'll become Swiss Cheese and you will be dead meat.". "Get back here now Reisa!" yelled Allison. "Nah. It is a cage for you pests. My time is precious." said Reisa who flew off into the distance. "What's going on? This station isn't their target is it?" said Ana.

Back with Kurt. "I will destroy anyone that will obstructs our plan!" said Dalton who flashed Kurt a smirk but it was evil. "This is the only place where you can play Berceuse from so if Reisa who has said instrument of death, why do you idiots want this place anyway?" said Kurt. Dalton laughed and Kurt ducked under the wrappings ,that tried to him like a whip, and he was shocked to see that he had destroyed the broadcasting equipment.

Kurt thought while glaring at Dalton,"He demolishing it without any thinking. They really don't plan on playing Berceuse.". Once again, Dalton fired the wrappings at Kurt but it was blocked a giant wall of magic power in front of him. It blocked the wrapping from all sides around him. Dalton started to laugh as the wrappings went black to him. "So you're a Creation type wizard. This will be fun." said Dalton with a smile.

Kurt said as the magic wall departed,"What's the plan?". "Now. Lady Reisa's magic wall of wind is done now." said Dalton. "Magic wall of wind?" said Kurt. "It's a way to keep you pests from leaving this place!" said Dalton with an evil grin. "What?!" said Kurt. He kicked Dalton right through a wall and he said,"I hate complicated stuff so tell me what your plan now!". Dalton wiped the blood from his mouth and he said,"Fine. You want to know why we did this.".

Kurt said with magic power gathering around his hands,"Talk.". "We kept you in here because you and your friends are accidental interruptions in our plan. We wanted to block off the transportation to Cromer Station, the final stop. The town is across a giant abyss and there is no transportation other than the trains. However, if you can fly like Lady Reisa." said Dalton. "So that's where Berceuse is going!". Dalton got up and he said,"Think about what's happen in Cromer Town!".

A large amount of wrappings went toward Kurt who didn't have time to block it. He was hit into the wall as Dalton smiled. "No way. It can't be. Cromer Town is where the old fossils have their meetings so you're after them!". "Yes! You finally figured it out little pest!" laughed Dalton. "I can't believe that you're after seniors and using such a deadly magic on them too." said Kurt. "Playing for those dam geezers will be easy than pie. Lady Reisa can do this by herself." said Dalton.

Dalton pointed at Kurt who was silent and he said with an evil smile,"You annoying pests can't leave meaning that you are screwed! We're talking vengeance because all of the injustice! Everything will disappeared into thin air!". Before he could keep talking, Kurt grabbed his face. He slammed him into the ground and he erupted in flame. Kurt glared at him with his eyes filled with rage. "You pissed off the wrong guild. Time for you to learn true fear." said Kurt.

The red knight had made her way back into the train station. She along with Ana and Dawn saw the others who had tied the fallen wizards up using Sakura's vines. "Before you say anything, we know about the wind barrier." said Angel. "And we tried asking them but they don't know anything." said Sakura. "Lucky is sorry for failing." said Lucky. "You did good." said Dawn from Ana's arms. "Hey girls!" yelled Kurt from the floor above them.

Allison said,"Kurt? I thought Steve and Tessa were with you?!". "There was a fork and we had split up. I haven't seen either of them since. We got a bigger problem at hand! They plan to use Berceuse in Cromer Town where those old idiots are having their meeting!" said Kurt. "Wow. I didn't see that coming but thanks to that wind wall, that is making sense." said Angel who sighed. "I saw it! If we go through it, we will became streamers." said Kurt as he hoped down to their level.

Ana said,"Are you okay?". "Yep. I didn't touch it but my magic wasn't so lucky." said Kurt. "They are close to master so we're wasting time here." said Allison. "One of these pricks should know how to get rid of the wind. Did you try eating it Ana?" said Kurt. "It is laced with magic. It made it too much for her to eat." said Dawn. "Wait a minute. I remember that someone in their guild by the name of Son who broke the seal to begin with!" said Allison.

Sakura said,"That would make him a dispeller so he might be able to get rid of the magic on the wind so Ana can eat it.". "Lucky likes this plan!" said Lucky with him flying into the air. "Lets split up. I'll go with Angel and Kurt the way that you, Steve, and Tessa went earlier while the others go find Lora and Ryu also to inform them of the plan. If either team sees Son, capture him and force him to get rid of the magic." said Allison. The seven split up.

Back with Tessa. "Where are you Reisa? I want this to be over so I can asked out Zane before he gets taken from me." thought Tessa. She was interrupt from her nasty thoughts of the Power Slayer due to her tripping on something. "What was that?" said Tessa. She turned around to see Lamont protruding from the earth. "Is he Alvin's sibling?" thought Tessa. "Eat this." said Lamont. He made a giant wave of mud and Tessa said,"Ice Fence and Wood Wall!".

The mud was either frozen by the fence or stopped by the wall. Tessa noticed that Lamont just waited for her to make a move and she thought,"Okay. He must have some kind of magic that allows him to go through the ground like Alvin and use mud. I better be careful.". "Sapling Cannon!" said Tessa as her hands glowed green. Several cannons ,made out of wood, appeared to her sides. They fired out several balls of magic with Lamont, despite his weight, dodging them.

However, one ball happened to hit him and his arm was covered in wood that had spread across the arm rather quickly. "What the hell?" said Lamont. "I'm not the strongest wizard in my guild but I am one of the smartest member in the guild. You won't be able to move at all thanks to my saplings. Do you want to keep fighting or else I will have get serious on you." said Tessa. "Fine. I guess I will have to kill you!" said Lamont.

He then rushed toward Tessa and she said,"Wood Eradication Ax!". A giant wooden ax appeared in her hands and she slashed at him. He was launched into the air by the weapon and Tessa said,"Wood Violent Strike!". He was then pelted with several spiked balls and he went colliding into the wall. It was fast as Tessa saw that Lamont was out cold and his clothes were torn. She smiled and she heard some footsteps coming close to her.

She was about to make another attack and she heard,"Tessa!". She saw Angel with Allison and Kurt heading toward her. "Are you okay?" said Angel. "Yeah. I'm okay. So did you guys find Reisa?" said Tessa. "He tricked us." said Allison. She explained everything to her and Tessa said,"That bitch! She will pay!". "Yeah. Lets go find Steve before he does something stupid." said Kurt. The four ran off as Lamont opened his eye to see Zane standing there.

Lamont said,"Kane?". "Yes. I checked with Dalton. He did tried to attack me after learning the truth about me and the fact that I had some happy fun time with your lady." said Zane who chucked under the mask. "What are you talking about?" said Lamont. Zane's arms glowed with shadows and he said with a smile,"I think I'll let him test you like I did with Dalton.". Lamont was gone in shadows along with Zane.

On the other side of the station, Lora and Ryu were slowly going through the vacated building in the search of Whiskers. The two had found traces of him due to several kicked over luggage. "Wow. This guy sucks at hiding." said Lora. "Every wizard in our guild sucks at that." said Ryu. "Even Zane and you?" said Lora. "Yeah. I'm a dragon so causing destruction and chaos is my middle name and Zane was raised by dragons." said Ryu.

Lora said,"Can't you track him?". "I can try but my senses suck since I don't have a nose." said Ryu who went closer to the ground. He made the sniffing sound and he said,"He is hiding inside of the bathroom.". "You're not serious are you?" said Lora. "Yep. I suggest sending Tex in there and tell me to go nuts." said Ryu. "Okay. Open Gate of the Golden Bull! Tex the Taurus!" said Lora. The bull then smashed the dark wizards knocking him out.

Steve ,who didn't know about the wind barrier, was searching for Reisa who was long gone. He then kicked down a door which went right through the stone wall. "Reisa! Where are you hiding?! You can't escape the nose of a Slayer!" said Steve. He looked for her but he went through the hole. "I think she is in the next one!" said Steve. He kept searching for him and Son ,who was on the ceiling just watching him, thought,"He isn't the brightest one then.".

Steve then broke through the wall and Son thought,"Lady Reisa is long gone by now so he is wasting his time and magic power. I could leave him be but....". He swung from the ceiling and he kicked the wizard into several boxes. "I won't be at peace!" said Son. "You?! I finally found you man bun!" said Steve who faced to the man. "I have got the core of your magic. You're able to increase your power by absorbing through your body. I would say that it is rather unique." said Son.

Steve said,"You're dead wrong. I want to hurt you for trying to kill me and hurting one of the people that I care about. I have to deal with your boss so where is she?!". His body erupted in shadows as Son said,"Oh idiot. I can't tell you that but maybe if you beat me, I'll tell you.". "Okay. I'm going to get my answer by killing your ass. Bring it!" said Steve. Son fired several shadows at Steve who then dodged his attack with ease.

Son said,"Dam. He is fast! You won't be able to dodge this! Shadows Serpents!". Several snakes then appeared and went after Steve. He kept dodging them but they would keep coming after him. "You can't escape from them! They'll be after you forever!" said Son. "Okay! I will make sure that they stop chasing me!" said Steve. He started eating them with Son said,"You're trying to absorb them like you did before but this time, they're stronger!".

Steve ate them and he said,"Thanks. I'm powered up now.". He aimed his hand at Son and he said,"I'll make you pay! Shadow Dragon Blast!". A burst of shadow appeared and it blasted Son back who tried to block the attack with his shadows which failed. "This can't be happening?" said Son. "This is for hurting my friend! Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!" said Steve. He was sent flying back as Son thought,"His punch? It isn't from a wizard at all!".

Steve wasn't done with him yet since he rushed after his fellow user and he grabbed him. He threw him into a wall and he took a deep breath with flickers of shadow appeared around the mouth. "Time for my Shadow Dragon Roar!" said Steve. "He's a demon! Just like Kane!" thought Son. He saw the shadows flow toward him and it causing an explosion to go throughout the station. "Steve. You better not be doing something stupid." thought Zane who was walking around.

Son was resting in a barely conscious mess along the whole. His eyes started to move as his clothing was making shadows appear in front of him. "Okay. I won so tell me where she is now!" said Steve as shadows was coming out of his arms. "You're in a dam idiot. She isn't here!" said Son as a smirk had rested all over his face. "What do you mean by that?!" said Steve as he grabbed Son by his collar. He turned to see the others excluding Lora and Ryu.

Alison said,"Stop Steve! We need him!". "You guys? What's going on?" said Steve. "I guess you did a good job." said Kurt. "You're okay Steve. I was worried about you." said Sakura. "Good job Steve but you're the best!" said Lucky. "Okay. What is going on?" said Steve. "We don't have time to explain Steve." said Angel. Allison said,"I'll handle it.". She got down to Son's level and she made a sword appeared with it going right next to her neck.

Allison said while placing the blade closer to his neck,"You will get rid of the barrier right now.". The blade had scarcely cut the skin causing Son to scream in pain. He got scared upon seeing the serious look in her eyes. "You'll be getting a new cut every time that you say no." said Allison. Son freaked out even more and Steve said,"You should stop before you do something that you'll regret for the rest of your life.". "Now isn't the time for that!" said Tessa.

Son was out cold due to a dagger hit his head causing blood to rush out and covered Allison in it. "I won't let Lady Reisa fail and trust me, I will not be gentle on you." said a haunting voice. They turned around to see a shadow. "Son! Please! We need your magic!" said Allison. "I got it!" said Ana. The girl started to heal the wound and Steve said,"Who the hell are you?! Isn't he a member of your dam guild?!".

Kurt said,"Dam it! He was only our hope right now! Hang in there man!". He put his fingers on his neck and his heartbeat was faint. "How is he doing?" said Dawn. "Awful." said Allison. "We need him alive so heal him Ana." said Angel. "I will! I won't let a man die!" said Ana. Steve rushed toward him and he said,"Die bastard!". He punched the shadow and he went right through it. "Good luck you dam pests. I see you soon." said the shadow. Lucy and Ryu came at a bad time.

Next time,
With Son done for the count, how will the Heroes defeat Reisa and stop Berceuse?!    

Guild Card #9.
Name: Ax/Silas Hunter.
Age: 88 years old.
Magic: Light Magic.
Likes: Young Women, Drinking, and Heroes. Dislikes: The Council.
Info: He may be an old man but don't doubt his magic power. He is able to hold himself in a fight with him being a Wizard Saint alongside Zane. He is also a fan of younger woman much to the shame of Althea. He is also a heavy drinker mainly when one of his precious children destroys something which happens almost every day.
Affiliation: Heroes.

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