Thursday, December 8, 2016

Power Episode 8 Return of the Power

A/N: Yep. I think it is going to start the story after this part. I could be wrong about that but I didn't want this to go past ten. This story was based off several awesome fan fictions. If you look past all of the Natsu and Lucy stories ,which gets annoying after a while, you will find so good stuff. I think that they will never compared to the original story except for this most recent arc. It has a lot of good but way more what the heck is he thinking moments. Every series has that though.

So lets begin already but this episode is all Zane's P.O.V. I switch Anna to Valerie for a reason. I got her name confused with Ana because it is just one N away from Ana. I get confused easy. Also Zane's Harem is going to be very huge trust me on that. Also Zane is a pervert but trust me, I will be making several comments on both genders. Trust me, I aimed to be neutral.

Zane P.O.V.
I heard,"A-AAGH! AGH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!". It was a demon being experimented or being subjected to tests. It had been two years since then and every time that I was forced to come here and watch causing me to feel sick to my stomach. "Ether release cycle complete. Bio readings are normal and unchanged." read a visual lacrima screen. "I still can't believe we haven't found a single one Kane." said a voice.

I turned out to see Valerie and I said,"Yeah. It's weird.". I was talking using my magic to replace my missing organs. She grabbed my left arm and she placed in her glorious rack. I tend to keep my emotions hidden because my magic sealing breaks after that. It is torture because she is smoking hot. "Do you think it is wise to push their bodies so far? We're going to run out of Hex's demons." said Valerie.

Our master ,who was hidden in the shadows, said,"Yeah. I guess you were wrong again. I thought that he was a strong Lucerna!". "He is! I know it but this isn't going to activate his Lucerna Mode. That one thinks that he is still a human. I'm sure that forcing him to release his energy through all of this will only kill him and possibly us if we actually succeed!" said Valeria. "You know what?! Kill this demon now!" yelled Pluto. He stormed out of the room and I sighed.

Valerie sighed and I said,"I'll kill this one Val. You get some rest. We have to look for a key and we have the Magic Council to worry about.". "Okay. I'll see you later beloved." said Valerie. She kissed my cheek and she left the room. I kept staring at her ass and I slapped my face. "No. I can't let that seductive woman seduce me! I love Myra." I thought. I aimed my finger at the in pain demon and I put it out of its misery.

I went to my room and I crashed on my bed. In only two years, I became a member of the Nine Kin of Purgatory replacing Seth much to his anger. I got closer to them with Fulgor treating me as a rival and Valerie fell in love with me much to my joy and dismay. I learned that Valerie did this because of reasons that I found out thanks to one of the members of the Nine Kin. I woke up the next morning as I heard a voice in my head,"Zane. Are you in there?".

It was Ryu and I thought,"Ryu? What are you doing here?!". "I came here to save you. According to the magic council, you can leave the guild already. I mean you found what powers Master Pluto cna use right?" said Ryu. "Yes and no. I have been working like crazy the past two years. So where are you?" I thought to my partner. "I'm using my magic to sneak through the base and I'm reaching your room." said Ryu. The door opened and I saw my partner.

Ryu looked longer about the size of my scarf lay straight out. "Wow. You changed buddy. You look pretty handsome but what do I know?" said Ryu who held his arms. I looked at him and he said,"Hey Zane. Are you in there or have they taken over your mind? I have been training my but off to save you and you're not even talking.". I hugged him and I said,"I missed you and the others so dam much by the way!". I was crying and I wipe my tears.

Ryu said,"Me too buddy along with the others. So how do we get out of here?". "I could sneak out or destroy the place." I said. "I like the later option myself pal but I have a problem." said Ryu. "What is it?" I said. The dragon looked confused and he said,"How the hell are you talking? It is so weird to here you actually talking.". "Since they know about me being well a mute, I had to replace my vocal organs with magic." I said.

Ryu said,"So could you do that before?". "Nope. I learned how thanks to Clyde. Despite the council being filled with dicks, he is actually a pretty nice guy all thinks considered." I said. "Okay. Lets go and are you keeping that on?" said Ryu. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw my Kane persona sticking out. "I guess so. I used Illusion magic to make them think I'm wearing something else and I love this outfit." I said. I wore black combat boots made out of a very durable leather.

I had on a pair of gray and white cargo pants with several pockets. I wore a black vest with crimson red trimmings. Under that vest, I wore a skin tight navy blue shirt that totally had a distinct feudal Japanese style to it. I wore a black trench coat ,over everything, with dark red trimmings on them and it had a white flame on the back of it. It had four pockets on the inside of it and two on the outside of the cloak. It had a hood function that I used to cover my face.

I wore the lower half of my face is covered up by a dark blue mask that was attached my shirt. I wore this because Valerie was a romantic to say the least. I had my arms covered in a golden armor-like shell that reached from my shoulders down to my hands. The shoulders of the armor had the symbol of a dragon on the right and the symbol for Wicked Genocide on the left. I was going to get the left side changed after I leave this hell hole.

I had several weapons since I couldn't use my slayer magic as it would blow my cover. I now had a sword called Aetherius. It is a katana with a black hand with a white crisscross pattern. It had no handle guard and a long red string that at the end resting a small silver dragon head. I had its sheath around my back. I used a dagger called Scarlet Shadow. The dagger is curved with a jagged backside of the blade making it easy to slice through solid steel.

The handle are simple gray leather and they have an inch hand guard that slightly curves upwards to the blade. The blade is pure black with a navy blue etched dragon and crimson red etched dragon similar to the symbol of infinite. I keep the sheath for the dagger on my left thigh so when I am able to grab it during a fight. I carry a hundred or so throwing knives that are black with a symbol of a proud and noble dragon.

I keep them in holders on my clothing with each one holding ten knives each.I now use a pistol called Crimson with it being a black metal with the side of the handle having a small flame. It is able to make several bullets of different elements upon my's thought and it is filled with a magazine filled with special bullets. I keeps in its holster aka a simple black leather that I keep strapped to the side of my right thigh.

Ryu said,"Okay. Lets get going then.". "Okay. You better use your Transformation magic to hide from Master Pluto. I need to get an assignment from him to even leave this place." I said. The dragon nod his head and he glowed. He turned into a dragon bracelet that I put around my right arm. "Hey Ryu. I missed you guys. Does Myra wear my scarf?" I thought to Ryu. "Yep. She rocks it better than you ever did." said Ryu. "Whatever you. Lets go." I said.

I could feel like Ryu was stronger and I smiled at my partner's growth. I waved to a passing patrol of guards and I whispered,"I'm the most approachable member of the Nine Kin. The others are either too crazy. This place is like home except way more violent.". He went to the throne room of Master Pluto and he knocked on the door. "Who is it?!" yelled a voice. "It is me Master Pluto." I said. "Ah Kane. I need to have a word with you." said Pluto.

I opened the door and I saw Master Pluto sitting in his throne with Valerie to the left and the strongest member of the group ,in my opinion, to the right. Valerie wore a single sleeved white kimono with her messing a lacrima orb. The other one is Takeru aka Nightmare. He is a tall, massive, and highly muscular man with tanned skin ,which I think is due to his magic, and thick dark purple hair that is like long, dark, leathery strips of confetti jutting out in all directions.

He has brown eyes and long sideburns joining up to his hair to his prominent goatee, which takes the form of several triangles pointing downwards and extending upwards on his chin. He has a straight purple streak running over his right eyes which extends up to the top of his forehead and down to his mid cheek. Each of his ears is adorned by a large earring shaped like a round crescent moon pointing down.

He was wearing an interesting outfit that was inspired by tribal-like motifs. The chest piece of the armor is simple with the central section highlighting his prominent abdominals and pectorals underneath it being light green separated by the dark green parts on his sides by a pair of thin white lines framing it on both edges. The V-shaped part around the neck is instead purple. The chest piece comes as a pair of large and dark-colored shoulder pads.

It can complete with light color edges and massive straps hanging from them with them decorated by similarly large hollow studs. Like my armor, his left shoulder pad bears the symbol of the dark guild that I was trying to escape. He wears a simple plain belt distinguished by the dark motifs on it below it, the leather armor continues in a waist guard composed of four large and semicircular flaps each decorated by studs identical to the one on his shoulders pads.

It matched the color scheme on his chest. His arms are covered with loose and light green sleeves with a dark green band circling each of them closed by a stud identical to those adorning the rest of his outfit. Dark colored stripes framing the areas where the sleeves open laterally to reveal part of his forearms. His parts are orange but still has the same structure of the sleeves with the lower parts being slashed on the front where they are framed by green strips and overlooked by studded bands.

The sides of his pants are adorned by a series of dark motifs running down their entire length. It was visible from the slashes in them are his white boots. He is a proud and noble warrior. He tends not to soft emotions toward anything around him except for fighting. Me and him are rivals like how Fulgor sees me as his rival. I wanted to fight him using my real power but I had to fake it on the count of the fact of my normal self being hated by the dark guild.

I bowed and I said,"What do you need from me master?". "Thanks to my work in the council, I have learned that Heroes have been getting stronger in the two years since that annoying slayer got out of our way." said Valerie. "Yet she loves you as Kane." whispered Ryu. I shrugged and Pluto said,"I'm planning to send you out to keep an eye on the dark guilds Shadowblade and Fallen Ravens along with new recruits".

I said,"But sir, aren't Fallen Ravens and Shadowblade members of the Bael Alliance sir?".Nightmare sighed and he said,"Yes but they plan to betray us.". "That isn't good at all so I will take care of them using the guilds no the lapdogs of the council to make sure that the others don't find out about us." I said. "You're dismissed. Valerie shall be keeping in contact with you." said Pluto. I looked over and she was licking her lips. "I would be scared but I'm almost out of here thank god for that." I thought.

After leaving that ship using their teleportation pads, I looked around and we were back in Cromer Town. This is where most masters of legal guild meet for their monthly meetings. "Wow. I finally free from that hell hole." I said stretching my arms. Ryu turned back to normal and he said,"Yeah. We all missed you. So did they see your guild mark?". "I hid it little buddy. I just have to switch this guild mark on my armor upon getting back to Mural." I said.

Ryu smiled and he said,"Hey guess what.". "What?" I said. "We got a new S Class member and his name is Grim. He is a new member but he makes everyone excluding X fall asleep for some reason. I think he is rather shy myself." said Ryu. "I see. So did the others know about you coming to save me?" I said. "Actually, I was asked by the council member to come save you. He wants you to come and report anything that you found out in two years." said Ryu. "I see." I said.

I shivered and Ryu said,"What's wrong bro?". "Nothing. So do you still enjoy eating elements?" I said with a smile. "Yeah! Lets go!" said Ryu. He flew ahead of me and I sense something. "Wait a minute Ryu. I need to handle something." I said. "Okay. I will meet you later. Don't get lost!" said Ryu. He flew ahead and I said,"You know that I could sense you following us.". Valerie stood there and she was wearing that purple kimono that I love to see in her. It beats that battle suit of her.

I said,"What are you doing here?". "I want to..." said Valerie. "What?" I said. "I want to leave Wicked Genocide." said Valerie. "Why? I mean you could be trying to trick me with your seductive ways. I'm not that stupid anymore." I said. "I guess you don't trust me but I could report back to Master Pluto. I mean he sees you as his son and it would break his heart causing him to destroy your precious guild so how about..." said Valerie.

I slammed her against a tree and I said with my eyes glowing red,"You won't or I will make sure that you pay for your crimes against innocent humans.". "Kane." said Valerie. "My name is Zane Alvarez aka the Power." I said. "No. I can't have fallen for an idiot like you." said Valerie. "Okay. You need to stay in Wicked Genocide but I will be erasing your mind of knowing my secret. Can't having you telling Master Pluto on me." I said.

I placed my hand on her head and she said,"Please don't Kane no Zane.". "Tell me why?" I said. "Do you know that beside you and her, you are the only person to make me smile." said Valerie. I let her go and I said,"Okay. I'll help you by keeping you as my partner in crime. I rather not have the Magic Council control me like their bitch. You will be staying in Wicked Genocide and report to me if you tell anything to Pluto.". "Okay." said Valerie.

Later. I was looking around and I couldn't see him but I remember his magic presence well. It is Hex Karma. "What are you doing Hex?" I said. "We will be fighting each other Zane. It is destiny." said Hex. "And how do you know my destiny?!" I yelled. He always had a calm look on his face and he said,"I'm sorry but by the day that you were born, you and I were destined to fight. I blame your dad and mom. Good bye Hex.".

I woke up and I was sweating hard from my dream. Ryu was sleeping on a bag ,that I brought from my pocket dimension, and I sighed. "Zane. Are you okay?" said Valerie. She was traveling with us because according to her, Master Pluto would want the magic council member to be out in public and I sighed. "I'm fine Val." I said. "Did you have another vision of him?" said Valerie. "Yeah. I thought he would be gone from my dreams but he is still there god dam it." I said.

Valerie said with a reassuring voice,"Don't worry. You're way stronger than you were two years ago and I think your friends got stronger.". "But what if I lose control of my powers? I could hurt others around me." I said. "You won't. I'm sure that your protective side will stop your darkness. You did hurt me but I knew that you weren't truly serious." said Valerie. "I guess you know me like I know you Val." I said.

Valerie said,"So are you going back to being a mute?". "Well, I like that side of me and I'm not a fan of wasting my magic power." wrote Zane. Valerie kissed my lips and she said,"I'll see you again my beloved.". She walked away and I glared at her. She is a beautiful and seductive woman and I think she is part of my Dragon Harem which means that for each dragon king or ruler, I could have an unlimited amount of women for each dragon king/ruler. Thanks old man.

The next day, I was back in my hometown. I took a long breath of fresh air and I wrote,"It is good to be back!". "Yeah. It is awesome here buddy. So where is that lady?" said Ryu. "After we sucked lips which was hot, she had to head back to the council." I wrote. Ryu smirked and he said,"So were you together during your dark guild days?". "You could say that we were close and dam, she has a great ass." I said. "I missed you bud." said Ryu.

We walked through town and it didn't take my super senses to tell me that they were talking about me since I was currently in my Kane appearance. I made it to the guild door and I was shaking. It wasn't with fear but in joy. I was back home after two long years and I said,"I still can't believe that I'm back Ryu.". "You're not using the notebook?" said Ryu. I blushed and I wrote,"Sorry. I tend to forget about that. Been a long time since I used the notebook but first.".

I lifted my right leg and I kicked the doors down. Everyone in Heroes was expecting an enemy and I said,"Oh yeah. I'm wearing my hood still.". I took my hood off and I smiled. "I'm back you guys." I said. The room was dead silent and I could tell that their pupils were getting smaller by the second with me noticing that Jade, Myra, and Tanya were looking at me. "Zane?" said Ax. "Yep. I'm finally free from Wicked Genocide!" I yelled.

I heard,"Zane!". The whole guild started to break out in cheers and tears and everyone started running toward me. "Oh shit." I said. The set of wizards tacked me to the ground hard and I then felt my soul flying out of my mouth. Everyone started freaking me as they wrestled and eventually shoved my soul back into my body. "Are you all insane?! I almost died again." I said with a my face with no pupils at all.

Fred said,"Sorry about that man. How are you talking by the way?". "Magic okay?" I said. I got up and dusted myself off. "Anyone else going to tackle or..." I wrote. I was attacked by my little sister and she screamed,"Big Brother!". "I missed you too Ana and I bet you got stronger didn't you? I wrote giving her a tight hug. "Yep! I could defeat Fred and Victor!" said Ana. "Anyone could beat them but it has been two years. I wonder if they got stronger." I thought.

I let her go and I said,"Who else?". "Zane!" yelled Norman. He charged at me and I knew that he was going to hurt me if I let him go at the speed that he is going at. Right before he tackled me, I stopped him using my telekinesis magic. "Don't big guy." I wrote. "Okay." said Norman. He gave me a one armed hug breaking my ribs and I thought,"Yep. He got stronger for sure!". He placed me down and I wrote,"Anyone else? Please say no.".

I was then tackled by Clair, Jade, Myra, and Tanya. "Zane!" yelled the quartet in unison. "Hey Ryu. I want to go back to the dark guild!" I said. The guild laughed at me and Sakura said,"Is that really you Zane? I mean you are talking.". She was crying and I wrote,"I can use magic to be able to replace my vocal organs. "And it is nice. I missed you!" said Myra. "Same!" said Clair, Jade, and Tanya. "So do you know where Allison is?" I wrote.

Dawn floated over to me and she said,"She went on a job with Angel.". "Oh thank the heavens. Didn't want my bones to be broken anymore." I wrote. "You know that we were thinking the same thing as she was if we found you." said Myra. "Uh oh." I said. I disappeared because I evaded a punch to my face from Clair and Myra, a kick to my chest from Jade, and Tanya. I didn't want to be hurt there at all. I went back outside and I said,"Don't hurt me!".

The four girls yelled,"Why the hell did you do that?!". "You know that you made us worry ourselves sick about you Zane?!" yelled Sakura. "You know that you didn't have to sacrifice yourself to those guys in the council?!" said Myra. "And what is going through your head?!" said Tanya. "I'm sorry but I just knew that I would hurt you because all of you in the guild are precious to me." I wrote since I wanted to save my power.

Clair said,"I guess we can forgive you but I have a question.". "What?" I wrote. "Why do you have a girl's perfume on you?" said Clair. "Oh. I guess it must have been her right Zane?" said Ryu. "Zane. I want to know who she is talking about!" said Myra. "Um. It was a good friend of mine and I'm going to take my nap now." I wrote. I fell asleep and Ryu said,"According to Zane, she had a great ass.". I hated him sometimes.

I woke up in the Guild Hall in a little bit of pain. I had a feeling that it was due to Ryu. I then looked around to see that I was in the guild's infirmary. I got up and I felt something around my neck. It was my scarf tied around my neck. I guess Ryu was right about it being good around Myra but I think that it looks better around me. "Thanks Myra. It is good to have this around my neck again." I thought to myself.

I walked out of the infirmary and I made my way back to the guild hall. I didn't even need to use my magic to tell that everyone was looking at me. "Hey Zane! You're still alive!" yelled a member. "It's good to see you again Zane!" said another member. "Hey Zane! How about you show how stro...." said Kurt. I blasted him with a thunder bolt and he went flying to the other side of the wall making him crash through the wall.

I cracked my knuckles and I said,"Man. That even beats punching tubby.". Laughter erupted from the guild and unlike the past two years, this one was filled with joy and tons of it. "Why you son of a bitch?!" yelled Kurt. He charged at me and I said,"What the hell?!". I rushed toward him and we caused a giant brawl. I could tell that everyone was happy to see me and I was happy to see them again. This is my home after all and I will protect it with my life I promise.

Next Time,
Zane goes on a job and he meets an old friend.

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