Friday, December 16, 2016

Power Episode 13 The Return of the Queen Fairy and Angel

A/N: Yeah. I was harsh on the Lucy Character I mean Emily. I mean does anyone like her? I mean we all have things we hate about Fairy Tail like two members of the assassin guild Trinity Raven. They were made at the last minute but most people hate Fukuro and Vidaldus Taka because they stick out and completely stupid. I like them because they stick out and they are more memorable than Ikaruga because you remember them because of their design. Anyway, lets begin. I also don't know how to write love at all.

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been a week since Lora's first job and she was looking over the numerous jobs currently on the request board. "Lets's see. What would be a good mission to go on with Zane?" said Lora. She asked him if they could go on a job together since he has been busy dealing with the aftermath of kicking out Emily. She grabbed several request with her looking over them fast. "A search for the magic charm to promote growth in money? That sounds rather uninteresting." thought Lora.

Lora thought,"Removing a spell from a cursed object? Not a fan of being possibly cursed. Seeing the future with our love fortunes?". Her face went red and she said,"That job would be good for me but I think Zane would find that rather boring. I think this job would be good. Exterminating a monster on a all terrain.". She looked at Zane who was forced to be with Myra and Tanya who was talking to him with his arms in their chest.

She sighed and she said,"I think Zane would enjoy that but I don't have a place to hide if Zane goes overboard.". She sighed heavily and she placed her hands on her hips. "What's up Lora?" said Sakura who was nearby her and she was talking with Tessa. "Yeah Lora. Is something wrong?" said Tessa. "I guess I am looking for a job despite us being payed a lot from the previous job. I asked Zane to come with me." said Lora.

Tessa said,"So you can't find one to go on? I personally think Zane would like a job where he could cut loose.". "Yeah but if he does, I don't have a place to hide from his anger. I mean have you seen him truly mad?" said Lora. "Yes and you need a place to hide. If you find a job, tell me because the master isn't here right now." said Sakura as she started wiping down the bar.

A guy yelled,"Hey Sakura, we need three more beers over here!". "Coming!" said Sakura. "By the way Myra, do you think that you'll be able to help me score a date with Sakura Chan?" said Wayne with hearts coming out of his pipe. "You know that you should go after women rather than girls right?" said Eric. "Well Wayne, there is a problem with that." said Sakura. She pointed behind him and Myra said,"You're married!". Eric laughed and Wayne said,"Stop that!". "Nah." said the sisters.

Lora sighed and she said,"At least the guild is lively. So why is Master out and is Zane in charge like he said that he was when he kicked Emily out?". Steve walked over to her and he said,"He is at the meeting. So did you get that book from big brother? He wanted to make sure.". "I did and it was a nice read like the rest of his stories. So why did he ask you?" said Lora. "Well, my big brother is in a predicament." said Steve.

Lora saw Myra and Tanya fighting over Zane who was just sipping his tea without a care in the world and she said,"That makes sense. So how much does he drink anyway? I've seen him drink from that little flask.". "Well, I think he started drinking seven years ago upon joining the guild and becoming S Class." said Steve. Zane went over to a barrel and he poured some beer into a black flask with a small silver dragon with a gold crown on the top. "Wow." said Lora.

Steve said,"He says that it is to refuel himself but compared to how you fight with Ryu unlike Emily who hide behind you and Ryu, he needs to refuel himself.". "I think that he just wants to drink to say the least." said Lora. "Message for Zane, message for Zane." said a black bird wearing a small blue top hat. "Sometimes. I wish that your master would come to me instead of using you huh?" wrote Zane. "Cyrus is planning to perform tonight so do you wish to attend?" said the bird.

Zane wrote,"Rather last minute isn't it? Yeah. Tell me where and when.". "Wow. Zane sure is popular to say the least." said Lora. "Yeah because Zane just has a lot of love to give and he expresses it in his own special way." said Sakura. "I guess. So will someone tell me why Master isn't here? I think we got distracted about Zane not to answer the question." said Lora. "Oh right. Sorry about that Lora. We tend to lose focus." said Steve.

Sakura said,"It is a monthly meeting where guild master from other guilds give reports to the other guilds.". Lora looked lost and Sakura said,"It is different from a council meeting but I guess it is rather hard to understand.". She was looking for a better way to explain things to Lora but then Steve turned over to Jordan who was drinking at the bar. "Hey Jordan. May I borrow your light pen?" said Steve. "Sure thing." said Jordan as he passed the magic pen over his shoulder.

Sakura said,"Thank you Steve. Lora. You couldn't have known about the highly organized chart of the magic world due to you just joining a guild.". She held the pen to write in the air. She hummed a happy tine as she was drawing a diagram to use in her story. "We have nine council members who hold the highest positions in the magic world. They exist to protect order in the magic and they will try wizards who commit any crime." said Sakura.

Steve pointed to the center of the diagram and he said,"The guild masters are right under the council and their job is to smooth communications between the guilds in the region and notify the members of the guild about decisions made by the council along with bringing them together. It is a rather hard job.". "Wow. I didn't noticed that everyone is connected." said Lora while looking at the request board because of reasons.

Sakura said,"This is important because if you don't....". "The people from the darkness will come and get you..." said a dark and demon voice. Lora then jumped back in her seat and Myra started to laugh behind her. "Ha! You should have seen your...." said Myra. She was grabbed by her younger sister and she said,"Myra! What did I say about scaring people?". "Don't but it was too easy because you made it perfect!" said Myra.

Steve thought with a smile,"They're rather cute together. Myra and Sakura. I think they're happy that Zane saved her sister and brother's life two years ago at the cost of him joining a Dark Guild. It is obvious that both Lora and Myra like my idiot older brother along with several other women in the guild. I haven't know you for long Lora but it feels likes we have been friends for years. She made friends with everyone here. I want her to be happy along with my brother.".

He looked at the door and he thought,"I also want Clair and the other girls to be happy as well. I think there is a way for everyone to be happy.". Lora crossed her arms and she looked away from Myra. "I think you're rather mean Myra. I mean I remember that Zane doesn't like mean girls." said Lora. "You not serious are you?" said Myra who sulked at the bar. "Wow. You can actually control the demon Lora Chan." said Wayne.

He was punched by Eric who told him to shut up. "So continue the story Sakura." said Lora. "Sure thing. Myra wasn't wrong about the people from the darkness. They are from a dark guild and they are a guild that doesn't belong to the council.". "They don't follow the law so they are rather scary to say the least." said Myra with a grin while putting her hands behind her head. "Yep." said Steve. "I wonder if they're looking for anyone in the guild." said Lora who sighed.

Steve said,"So Lora. I was thinking about asking you on a job but if you don't want to, I understand because you want to be with Zane.". Lucky flew over and he said,"Lucky wanted to go on a job due to Barry and Clair being out of town on a job.". "Yeah but I would like to spend some time along with Zane but he is rather busy." said Lora. "Lucky says to ask him!" said Lucky. "He is right. I mean my bro likes you." said Steve.

Ana walked over to them and she said,"Big brother likes you a lot Lora. He and I both think you are really nice, funny, caring, smart, strong, and rather pretty.". Despite a girl telling her that, Lora was fighting off a furious blush as she smiled at that thought. "Hey Ryu. Do you want to do some good training?" wrote Zane as he was currently drinking from his flask. "Sure thing partner!" said Ryu as he flew after Zane.

Ryu was very much startled by Zane's training because he knew that his master was known for his physical training. He knew that this training would be worth it so he decided to go with the flow of things. The two were now currently sitting on one of the tables in the guild Burmese posture. The two were still alive due to their chest moving up and down at a slow but a good pace. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the father and son duo.

Tanya said in a concern tone,"So what are they doing?". "Meditating duh." said Jade. "I expect that Zane would be doing that but Ryu." said Lora. "I think Zane and his partner are full of surprises. Zane may have learned this during his time in Wicked Genocide." said Sakura. The guild noticed that Kurt was walking toward Zane and he said,"Hey Zane! What are you doing?". It ticked him when he didn't see a reaction. He then threw a punch toward Zane but before he was hit, his fist erupted in flames.

Kurt yelled,"Hot!!!!". He ran around the guild hall trying to blow out the fire. The rest of the guild then laughed much to his annoyance. "Annoying bastard!" yelled Kurt. His hands were covered in magic power and Lora made a note to ask her later. "Lets see if you can handle this!" said Kurt. He went in for a punch but this one had his arms erupted in lightning. "Why the hell does this keep happening to me?!" yelled Kurt. The guild then erupted in laughter at Kurt's expense.

When he put out the lightning, he took a look back at Zane who had a small smile on his face. This just pissed Kurt off but he wasn't that stupid enough to try and punch him. That and his clothes had mysterious fallen off with him getting punched by Tessa calling him a pervert. After all of that had passes, Lora decided to walk up to the two and instead of talking to Zane who would have frozen her into a giant black of ice. She went up to the partner aka Ryu the Dragon.

Lora said,"Ryu.". She then repeated his name a little louder with the little dragon's eyebrow twitching a little bit. "Ryu! Answer me now!" yelled Lora. Ryu was brought back to the guild hall and he said with a groan,"What in the gods name do you want?". "I'm sorry Ryu. We were just worried about you two." said Lora. "Okay then. Sorry I snapped like that. I was being like the boss man. Someone broke my concentration." said Ryu who glared at Lora who sulked.

Ryu said,"Anyway, I'll tell you since I can't go back there according to Zane. He is currently thinking right now.". "Zane is thinking!?" said a voice. "I never that Zane would think! What did they do to you Zane?" said another voice. "That isn't possible!" said a third voice. "That because it isn't. This is our Zane. He never thinks." said a fourth voice. "Ryu wouldn't lie would he?" said a fifth voice. "Yes he would." said a sixth voice.

Ryu said,"You guys know that I'm right here! And Zane can hear all of you you know that?". This got the ones who commented on Zane look at him who looked calm and peaceful but it was alarming to say the least. Lora backed away from Zane with the six saying,"We're sorry!". Zane didn't react at all which made them more nervous to say the least. "You're dead meat you guys. So did you find a job yet?" said Ryu.

Lora heard,"You don't have to force yourself to team up with anyone including Zaney." said Kurt who started to smoke. Jason was standing next to him and he noticed that Lora was looking right at him with her giving her a wink. "You defeated some mercs from the Bloodsins guild and an irregular like maid right? That sounds amazing to me." said Kurt. "Actually, it was Zane and the others." said Lora who caused Kurt to growl at him.

Kurt grabbed Zane's scarf and he said,"So it was you huh?". Zane ignored him and Kurt was launched back into the wall with him covering in ice. "Wow. What a curbstomp." said Lora. "And I don't think we should talk about his lack of dress." said Sakura. "God . That can be such a pain. So tell me why we can't just beat it out of him?" said Myra. Steve looked at her and he said,"Go nuts.". Myra smiled and she punched Kurt. The two began to fight drawing others in.

Jason walked over to Lora and he said,"You're really gorgeous Lora.". He placed his hand around her shoulders and he smiled her. "Even through the blizzard, you will light my way." said Jason. "Wow. I can't believe girls actually fall for that." thought Lora who pushed him away. Ryu grabbed the back of Jason's jacket and he said,"You may not want to do that.". "And why not? I mean she may be part of Zane's team but she is single." said Jason.

Ryu said,"Well, Zane expect this because of your nature but you should know that she is her sister and they use the same magic.". Jason looked down to see the keys around her belt and he said,"You're aren't a spirit wizard? Are you?!". "I am and what does that matter?" said Lora. "I must end us right now so see you around!" said Jason. He rushed out of the guild with a scared look on his face. Lora had a confused look on her face.

She then returned to the bar where Sakura was currently cleaning some dirty mugs. Lora said,"So do you know that was all about?". "Oh. You were lucky that Ryu stopped him. Jason may be a nice guy but he sometimes doesn't know how to stop and well, it gets rather destructive for the guild hall. He tried to flirt with me once and well, my big brother can be a tad over protective to sat the very least plus it took eight people to pry him off." said Sakura.

Lora said,"Doesn't Zane care about all of Jason's flirting? I mean he seems like that kind of guy to me at the least.". "I don't think Zane really cares about Jason because he is loyal to the guild. Jason would fight for the guild and defend the guild's name unlike Emily." said Sakura. "I see. So what is Allison or my older sister like? I mean the guild is scared of them. I also think that is why Jason stopped flirting with me." said Lora.

The two talked while Zane was currently talking with Master Pluto through a secure link of Telepathy magic. "So what is it Master Pluto? I know that Valerie send you information about both guilds that you asked me to look after." thought Zane. "Yes and your information is quite valuable. We have got something interesting." said Pluto. "What are you talking about Master? I have contacts making sure that they don't do anything." thought Zane.

Pluto sighed and he said,"And I don't doubt you at all Kane my boy. The Shadowblade's ace Reaper has been sending some of the lower members of the guild to find one of his item." said Pluto. "Are you serious? I thought you send Fulgor and Nightmare to search for anything Hex related a year or two ago." thought Zane. 'Yes but somehow, they missed a couple. I have the rest of the kin looking for them which leaves you and Valerie." said Pluto.

Zane took an inner mind breath and he thought,"What do you need me to do master? I suspect that keeping Valerie in the magic council is your main priority. I'm a field man.". "You're correct my son. I suspect that you want to hurt the one who make you right? I'll tell the master of Shadow Ravens that I will be sending you to help out with their plains. If any legal guilds get in the way, you know what to do right?" said Pluto. "I understand father." thought Zane who smiled.

Jason came back rushing into the guild and he was out of breath. "Is something wrong Jason?" said Myra. He said,"Guys. We got a big problem. They're back.". The entire guild got quiet with Myra and Kurt stopping their fight. "Myra! Kurt! Angel and Allison are back!" yelled Jason. "Really?! I better get out of here!" said Kurt as he rushed toward the door. "Sweet! Red is back. Hey Zaney, ready for your punishment?" said Myra who looked at the still mediating Zane.

Sakura said,"Oh joy! I'm so happy because we have the old gang back together.". The rest of the guild was deathly quiet with Myra and her sister being the only ones in a good mood. "What's wrong with everyone? I mean from what Myra, Sakura, and Zane told me. They are really nice but Zane has been gone for two years so that might change for him." thought Lora. "Well you guys. I'm heading home so see you all later." said Jason as he followed after Kurt.

Upon reaching the guild door, they began to slowly open. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks as two figures appeared in the doorway. The first figure was extremely beautiful. She had a slender and busty figure that Lora was in awe of. Her skin tone is a peachy white. She had hip length scarlet red with her bangs parted to her left along with it somewhat covering her eyes. She has two straps of hair being about shoulder length and they are the same size. She has sapphire blue eyes.

She was wearing a black t-shirt with the word Dragon Knight in red, white pants, and brown wedges sandals with a suit of cute yet highly functional armor. Next to her was her sister Angel who hadn't changed much with her only getting hotter according to Magician Monthly. The red head was holding a rather large horn in very frilly decorations. "I'm back." said Allison. "Sup you guys." said Angel who smiled.

Fred said,"So what's with the horn Lady Allison?". "Ah. It came from the horn of the demon that she slain all by herself. I think those villagers were way too loving for my case but Ally here loved it for sure." said Angel. "Watch and learn Lora." whispered Steve. Allison took a deep breath and she said with a motherly yet angry voice,"I've heard somethings and the master may be fine with it but I am not at all.". "Oh. I get it." said Lora. "Bingo." said Ana and Steve.

Allison said,"Tanya! Drink with a shirt on and drink like a normal person! Wayne! Pick up your damn cigarette butts! They're everywhere!". She lectured on for a while and Sakura said,"Hey Allison and Angel! Welcome back!". Angel noticed Lora and she said,"So you finally made it here sis?". "Yeah. I got a little lost." said Lora who hugged her sister. "They're sisters!?" said the guild. Angel looked at them and she said,"Is that a problem?". "No Lady Angel!" yelled the guild.

Angel smiled and Allison said,"Is the master here?". "No. You two just missed him. He is currently at the regular guild master meeting." said Sakura. "I see then." said Allison. "Hey big sis! Guess who just came back to the guild!" said Allison. 'Who is it? X? Darin?" said Angel. "Nope. I'll give you a hint. The person was gone for two years." said Steve. The two looked at him and they figured it out rather quick. "You're not serious are you?" said the two.

The two Slayers pointed to Zane who was still meditating. Allison couldn't believe that she saw her Zane once again. She was worried sick about him and she walked toward him. Angel was crying and she said,"He's finally back.". "Why?" said Lora. "You'll learn soon sis. So do you like him?" said the older sister who tussled her younger sister's hair. "A little. Do you?" said Sakura. "I did when we're kids. He wasn't scared of me." said Angel.

The aura of the guild got tense as Allison got closer to Zane. She stopped in front of him and he didn't move at all. "Zane." said Allison. He didn't respond to her with her trying again but with a more anger voice. He didn't do anything at all and she yelled,"Zane!". She clenched her right fist and she said,"Okay. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine but you will be getting your punishment soon enough.". She launched her fist at Zane with Myra yelling,"Stop it Ally!".

To some of the guild, the fist from one of the three strongest women in the guild that going to hit the wizard saint and break it too causing Zane to stop talking even more than normally he does. However he caught it. Allison was shocked to see that because his eyes was closed. He opened his eyes and he made eye contact with Allison. He smiled and he said,"Hey! Welcome back Ally and you too Ray! I missed you guys!".

Allison lowered her arm and she regained her self-control. "Yes. We're back." said Allison. The entire guild watched the two wondering what was going to happen between the knight and the dragon but the angel walked over to them. "So what about you Zaney? When did you get back?" said Angel. "I guess you're not going to question how I talk without my notebook or coughing. I came about three weeks ago." said Zane.

He hopped onto the floor in front of Allison who smiled. She then threw another punch at Zane with him blocking it. "Wow. You're seriously mad aren't you dear Allison May?" wrote Zane. She didn't even recognize him and she kept throwing punches. Zane block or dodged each one of her punches and normally, he would have stopped her by freezing her or trapping her in a giant sphere of water but he wasn't really feeling it.  

They repeated this throughout the guild with no one of the other Heroes were brave enough to stay out of the way. Allison stopped with Zane hoping that she was done with him. Despite him being trained and raised by dragons, her punches caused some damage. He wasn't going to say it because of the current problem at hand but he was proud of Allison becoming stronger in two years. Zane then learned that he was dead wrong due to a kick from Allison.

Zane blocked it and he leaned his head back to avoid the uppercut to the jaw. "Tch!" said Allison as she went back to throwing punches. "Ally! Stop this already!" said Angel. Allison didn't stop at all and she said,"You're a bastard.". It was quiet enough for the Slayers and Sakura to hear this. Sakura was shocked at first but she looked in her eyes, she figured out why she was doing this. The little sister was hoping that Zane could figure out that he only had two options.

Option one was to stop dodging and let her hit him and option two was to do something else to make her feel better. Zane did the latter because he noticed the look in her eyes like Sakura did earlier but it made him fell like crap. There was rage, pain, betrayal, and the biggest one is heartache. It was due to the fact that he left without sending anything to tell them that he was doing fine. She was about to throw another punch but Zane stopped her.  

Zane dodge the punch and grabbed her waist and much to her shock, he pulled her into a very loving hug. Allison and the rest of the girls plus the guys were shocked and she missed Zane's warmth and a unlimited amount of kindness. The guys were wondering what they should be writing on Zane's grave and the girls were jealous of Allison right now. "I'm sorry Ally." said Zane. "What? You can't at all be talking because of the visions." said Allison.

Zane said,"I need to say this to all of you and using my magic will help me. I let myself be used by the council to make sure that Wicked Genocide stays under control. I just saw no other way....". He was crying and Allison hugged him back. "I'm just happy you're back idiot." said Allison who smiled at him. "We no need to catch up later." wrote Zane. "I would like that but for now, I need you and Kurt." said Allison.

Kurt was sweating in fear and he said,"What did you say?". "She is right. I heard some bad news on the job. Ally says that we should talk with the old man about this but this is a huge problem. This is why we need your help. You'll come with us right?" said Angel. "No way!" said Kurt. "I'm sorry but I can't." wrote Zane. "Why?" said Allison with her anger rising. "Ease Allison. I love you too but I am being forced by the Magic Council on a job." wrote Zane.

He could say that since Valerie was on the council but he wrote,"Take Ana, Steve, and Tessa with you Ally and Ray. I'm pretty sure that they can fill in my shoes rather well.". "Okay but you and I need to talk alone." said Allison while she glared at the little dragon who went back to the bar. Zane was then dragged out of the guild and Ana said,"I'm going to show big brother how strong I got.". "Yeah. Same here little sis." said Steve as he tussled her hair.

Allison looked at Zane with him writing,"Is there something that you want to tell me?". "I missed you Zane." said Allison. She then hugged him and she said,"Why did you have to go? I mean you hate the magic council more than anyone.". "Sorry but they have the information that I'm looking for and I'm sure that I have to find it no matter what." wrote Zane who looked determined. "I see. So that girl at the bar next to Sakura? Is she new?" said Allison.

Zane wrote,"Yeah. She is Angel's little sister and she is going with you.". "Um. Why are you the one deciding my team?" said Allison. "Because she is going to be a member of our team which includes Tessa and Ryu if you recall." wrote Zane. 'What?! Zane! You know how I feel about working with others rather than you, Ryu, and Rachel. I didn't want to bring the others but we will need their help to handle this threat since you're not going." said Allison who looked away.

Zane wrote,"Lora is really strong. She helped Eric a week ago and she was a huge help on my latest job so please give her a chance. You'll love her I promise.". "Okay. I'll do this for you." said Allison who couldn't ignore Zane's puppy dog eyes. "You're the best Ally! I love you!" wrote Zane and he hugged once again. "I know Zane. So why didn't we get something to eat? We can catch up." said Allison.

Zane wrote,"Sure! Let me grab....". He was going to run back into the guild but he was stopped by Allison who grabbed his scarf. "No Zane. Just you and me alone." said Allison. "Okay. I get it. You want to spend some alone time with your Slayer don't you?" wrote Zane. "You know me so well. I want to be alone with you okay?" said Allison who tried to the puppy dogs eyes like Zane but it was so much cute,

Zane smiled and he kissed her forehead causing her face to light up. "Okay Ally. Lets go already. I'm starving." said Zane. "You're the best Zane!" said Allison with a smile. She wrapped her arm around his waist and Zane smiled. Lora looked jealous and Angel giggled. "You better get used to that little sis. They're closer than ever but trust me, you can do it for sure." said Angel. "I won't give up and I won't let anyone defeat me." thought Lora.

In a forest with several dead trees, a building rested there. This is the dark guild Shadowblade which is known for them being known for accepting jobs involving murder. "Wow! What guild is that babe from?!" said a member. She pointed to a picture of the mostly recent issue of Magician Monthly. "I don't know man but I think that the red head is way hotter than the blond." said another guild member as he pointed to another picture of the red haired wizard.

"She beautiful! I totally should have made a move on her!" said the first guild member as he groaned loudly. "Bro. You stand a snowballs chance in hell with her." said the member with the magazine said a smirk. "The hell!" said the first member. The two were about to fight when they heard,"You two. I hate to interrupt this important gossip but Reaper needs the location on Son.". The two members then turned behind them to see one of the top members Octavio standing there.

He is a tall man with a octagon-shaped face with dark brown hair that is arranged in the back in a uneven plumage going downwards. On his face were distinctive whiskers-like objects with each cheek bearing five of them. He was wearing a zipped orange jacket with a huge collar over a dark violet shirt, dark green pants, and average looking shoes. "Do you honestly think that it would be easy Oct? Even with his help, Son is going to have some trouble." said a voice.

One of the other top members appeared from the rooftop and he smiled with an eerie smile. He has a seriously bad tan with a very sharp looking nose with a pointed chin. He has dark line around his eyes mostly likely due to his lack of sleep. He was wearing a jacket that was extremely original. It was white at the bottom, red in the middle, and black at the top with a matching hood tightly around his head with matching stripes. He wore a blue shirt under the jacket with simple pants and shoes.

Octavio looked at him and a voice from the shadows said,"You're right Dalton. We should be ready to attack and it is perfect because they're all at the regular meeting.". The voice stepped out into the light and it was the guild's ace Reisa Demise aka Reaper. She was extremely tall, with a lean built, and had a slightly muscular body. Her sliver hair was covered all of her face with her having sharp features and pointed ears. Her glowing blue eyes stuck out.

Her eyes had circles around his eyes like Dalton but they had a simple tattoo of a skull right below the eyes. Part of her body is tattooed but with a much greater design of the skull around the back of her shoulder, her waist, and the center of the back. She is wearing an outfit not at all fitting the design of her epithet the Reaper. She wears a black leather vest with crimson red trimmings, a black armlet around her biceps, and a skull choker around her neck.

She had spiked bracelets on both of her wrists with skull earrings in both of her ears. She wears a long black coat with it being decorated with gold trimmings over her vest and she tends to wear the hood over her. Along with her black armlet and spiked bracelet, she wears gold bands around both of her arms. She also wears a tight-fitting shirt that shows her voluptuous chest. She wears a pair of loose gray pants which she keeps up with a simple belt tucked into her black heeled boots.

She had something that matched her name aka the giant scythe in her left hand. The blade had quite the large and uneven blade with a light-colored cutting edge with the rest being dark which is held on a deformed staff curving slightly before the blade itself. Opposite to the blade on the top of the staff is a highly ornamental skull that wasn't from an animal but it was a human making her even more scary than normal.

Next time,
What is Reisa and her guild planning?! Does Master Pluto Know!? Will Zane help out Heroes or will he try to stop them.

Guild Card #5.
Name: Allison May.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Weapon Magic.
Likes: Weapons, Armors, Deserts, and her Guild. Dislikes: Evil.
Info: One of Heroes's strongest female member. She is known as Titania because she is quite fairy like in combat. She is known for being rather harsh to the guild for their actions and this includes Zane who knows how to push her buttons.
Affiliation: Heroes. 

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