Saturday, December 3, 2016

Power Episode 2 Shadow Boy, Clumsy Savior, and Rich Girl

A/N: Like that? That shows one thing. It is going to be different compared to previous stories that I've done since most of them start with some action. I love me action but I enjoy a sweet moment. It may not be sweet to you all at home but I find it sweet. I wanted to explain this here because if I did it in the previous part. It would ruin Zane's character. If you see wrote, that means Zane is talking and he will get much more sarcastic and lazy in the future. Bold means a spell and whenever he talks, he coughs. Anyway, we should begin right? There will be some character changes.

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been a month since the siblings left their homes ,that they have known since they were young, to find their parents. Ana yawned and she said,"Big Brother? I'm tired.". "I know Ana. We just need to get a little farther. I looked at a map and we're going to reach a town soon. I promise you that we'll be sleeping in soft and comfy beds for once. I'll make sure of that." wrote Zane. Ana smiled and she said with a yawn,"Really?". "Yeah." wrote Zane. "I hope." thought Zane.

Two days into their journey, Zane took out some bandits using his lightning enhanced punches and kicks. His reward was the duo got some new clothes thanks to a very happy owner who was happy that he didn't lose any of his wares. He still wore his father's scarf along with the necklace that he was born with. He wore a dark green jacket with a long sleeved black shirt, navy blue shorts, and white tennis shoes.

Ana wore a small white shirt with blue lines around the sleeves and base of the shirt. She got little blue shorts with her new shirt and white flats. She liked that her brother made sure that she got the right size for her. The two walked and Zane saw a body resting on the road. "Ana. Could you please wake up for me?" wrote Zane. The girl woke up and she said,"What's up?". "I need to use my magic for a second so I need my hands." wrote Zane.

Ana got off his back and Zane walked toward the body. He turned it around and it turned out to be a boy who looked to be about ten years old which means two years younger than him and a year older than Ana. He has short black hair with it stopping at his ears and blue eyes. He was wearing a black and torn shirt with matching black shorts and shoes. Zane shook him and he heard,"Hungry.". Ana looked at him and she said,"Didn't we get some leftovers big brother?".

Zane nodded and he pulled out a piece of meat which was the size of his arm. The boy snatched it and he devoured it with no manners. 'Thanks I guess." said the boy who rubbed his stomach. "Were you raised by wolves?" said Ana. "Nah girlie. I may sound crazy but I don't care. I was raised by the strongest dragon." said the boy. "You're serious?" wrote Zane. "I am so why doesn't he talk?" said the boy.

Ana said,"Big brother can't talk! Me and him were both raised by dragons!". Zane said,"I was raised by the Dragon King Sivarth and my sister Ana was raised by the Sky Dragon Erisdar. My name is Zane Alvarez and that is Ana Yagami.". He coughed and the boy said,"Are you okay?". "He is fine. It just happens whenever he talks." said Ana. "Okay. I was raised by the Shadow Dragon Briam and I'm searching for him." said the boy.

Zane wrote,"We're looking for our dragons as well so how about you come with us? I want to be the strongest so I can protect the ones closest to me.". "Sure. You two seem pretty nice and we should join a guild." said the boy. "What's a guild big brother?" said Ana. Zane wrote,"It is a place where wizard work and maybe we can find food/work there.". "Yep. The name is Steve Moran by the way. It is nice to meet fellow Slayers." said Steve.

Ana said,"Slayers?". "Since we learned how to use magic from dragons, we're called Slayers. Didn't your dragons teach you that?" said Steve. "Ana's dragon did but mine was being rather lazy. We better set up camp for the night." wrote Zane. "Sounds like a plan. Can I give you guys nicknames? It may sound weird but my old man taught me nicknames make friendships stronger or something like that according to my old man." said Steve.

Ana said,"Sure!". Zane nodded in agreement and Steve said,"I'll call you Power and the girl the Sky Maiden.". "Sky Maiden?" said Ana. "You seem pure and holy so it fits right?" said Steve. "It does sound cute just like you." wrote Zane. "And why do you call big bro Power?" said Ana. "He looks it to me. I mean he is able to make meat appear from thin air! That's cool to me." said Steve. "Okay. I think it is time to sleep gang." wrote Zane. "K!" said the two. Steve has joined the party.

Three weeks later, Zane was looking at his adopted siblings with Ana sleeping peacefully and Steve who slept silently just like Ana. The eldest siblings wrote up a magic barrier to keep the two sleeping and peaceful. He pulled out a scroll and started to read it. His enhanced hearing heard screaming from the nearby town that he could see in the distance. His eyes widened up when he figured out that they were under attack by some people wearing weird clothing.

Zane looked at his siblings and he decided to wake up Steve due to the boy knowing that he could fight due to a training fight that they had. He wrote,"Steve. I have fried mammoth meat.". Steve woke up and he said,"Where is it? I'm so hungry!". He looked at Zane with him saying,"Where's the meat bro?". "The town that we just left go attack and I'm going to help them." wrote Zane. "Lets wake up Ana and go." said Steve.

Zane hit him on the head and he wrote with serious in the lettering,"I need you to stay here until I am done. I will come back to get you guys for the feast that we get once I finish.". Steve then looked at the older brother figure and the boy said,"I understand big brother. I'll protect little sis too.". "Good job Steve." said Zane. While Zane was coughing, Steve picked up Ana and the two hid behind a giant tree. Zane ran away and Ana said,"Please be safe big bro.".

Zane ran right into town to try and see what the bandits were doing. Everything was in utter chaos with people running and screaming around him. He just happened to hear a scream in the distance and he rushed toward the scream. He then saw seven bandits standing in front of a woman who was tending over a little girl who was scared out of her mind. He then looked and the bandit grabbed the girl away from the mother with toss her away in a random direction.

Anger rushed through Zane when he saw the bandits kicking the child just for the fun of it. He move to them at the speed of light and he grabbed two of them back of the shirt. He slammed them into the ground and he wrote,"You guys are going to pay for your sins! Luminous Dragon Roar!". A huge burst of light came out of his mouth and it blasted the other five bandits away from the duo making the girl shocked at the boy's boy.

Zane went over to the girl and he wrote,"Are you okay?". The girl nodded mainly out of shock due to the boy maybe a few years older than her. He was going to ask the mother the same thing but he was then punched into the wall. He got up ,after moving the rubble away from him, and he saw another forty bandits had shown up to avenge their allies who were out cold due to the light. They stood in front of him and Zane just glared at them.

He slowly walked to the one in front that appeared to be their leader with him smirked at the boy in front of him. He raised his blade and he brought it down right toward the head. The boy just kept his glare as a bright left engulfed his right arm and the leader had to cover his eyes but the sword kept going. A large klank sound was heard and the leader removed his hand from his eyes to see the boy had blocked the sword with his arm.

The arm was covered in scales which looked like spirals and diamonds in one. "I'm not a normal human at all because I'm a Slayer so burn for your sins." wrote Zane. He disappeared in a burst of flames as he appeared on the roof of the building. He then raised his right hand up into the air and he wrote,"Hellfire Dragon Meteor Storm!". Several fire balls came from the skies and it rushed into the ground and they were all defeated with several burns.

Zane said,"Good job kid. I'm impressive.". Zane turned around to see a tall and muscular man with his shoulder-length orange hair slicked back and a slight stubble. He was wearing a long and black high-collared and tattered cloak with shoulder plates with a simple belt around his waist. He wears loose-fitting dark pants complete with an armored waist guard bearing plates similar to the ones on his shoulders tucked into simple boots.

Zane was used to seeing strange men in his life but he saw a huge amount of bandits behind him and Zane could tell that this strange man defeated all of them. "So what's your name?" said the man. The boy stayed quiet thinking if he should tell this strange yet strong man his name. "My name is Zane so who are you?" wrote Zane. "Can't you talk?" said the man. "I can't sir." wrote Zane. "Oh. I like your name kid. So do you live here or are you a traveler?" said the man.

Zane wrote,"I was on my journey but I heard screaming. I came to see that a bunch of idiots were attacking this poor village. Did you happen to see a little girl and woman?". "Those two. I saw them on my way here. They were worried about you after seeing you learning more about the wall. I think you made an impression on the little one. They're fine." said the man. Zane took a sigh of relief and he wrote,"So what is your name?".

The man then hit his left fist against his chest and he said with a larger than life grin on his face,"The name is Darin Price and I'm a member of Heroes!". He was expected a fan boy reaction from the boy since he was the great Darin Price for the number one guild Heroes. "Heroes? You don't look like one to me. More of a bum to me." wrote Zane. Darin fell over in confusion and he said,"You seriously don't know about the great guild Heroes and me?!".

Zane wrote,"I know what a guild is old man but I don't know about Heroes. It sounds like a weird name.". Darin sighed and he said,"Okay. You know what guilds are so I don't have to explain that to you but Heroes is no are the best in the entire country hands down.". Zane's interest was caught upon hearing the fact that he had found a place for him and his siblings could stay while he was looking for their parents.

Zane wrote,"Could I join?". "Sure kid. Our master accepts pretty much anyone and with what I saw earlier, you could be S class even before those four which is saying a lot." said Darin. "Could my brother and sister come with me?" wrote Zane. 'Sure thing kid. They could even join the guild if either one of them is a wizard like us and if not, they can live in Mural with you." said Darin. "That is really awesome! Let me go get them!" wrote Zane.

He took off running toward his siblings. Darin watched the boy and he smiled upon saying,"You're going to make the guild one awesome as well place. I may stay around more just to see you grow kid into a fine wizard.". Zane ran up to the tree where Ana and Steve were. He was about to call out their names but he was tackled to the ground by a sobbing Ana. "Hey. What's up?" wrote Zane. He then hugged her with him feeling the tears on his chest.

Ana cried out and she said,"I'm sorry. I was scared that you were going to leave me and Steve!". He stood up holding Ana in his arms and he slowly rubbed her back to calm her down. "I'm not going to leave you I promise and Steve will stay with you too." said Zane. He coughed and it took five long minutes for her to calm down. "So where is Steve?" wrote Zane. He looked up to see the boy and he said,"I wanted to let her calm down. Can't handle the crying. Super hearing.".  

Zane wrote,"I just met someone who is going to help us. He is going to take us to a city called Mural and let us join a guild called Heroes so we can make some money.". "You serious? Sounds interesting to me." said Steve. "Are we going to stop looking for mommy, Sivarth, and Briam?" said Ana. It was a depressing mood and Zane said,"We're never going to stop Ana. We will look for them and the guild will just be a good place to rest.". He coughed after that.

Briam said,"Never going to get used to that.". Ana grabbed his hand and Zane picked her up after seeing the glass and trash everywhere. He found Darin after ten minutes of walking. "So this is your brother and sister?" said Darin with him noticing the hair color difference between the three. "We all have something in common and I considered them to be my family. Ana and Steve, this is Darin Price. Darin meet Ana Yagami and Steve Moran." wrote Zane.

Ana said,"It's nice to meet you Mr. Price.". "Sup." said Steve. "It is nice to meet you two as well and we should get going." said Darin. He began to comically march back to Mural with the little girl being amused by his antics. Steve picked up Ana and he said,"I'll hold her for a while.". Zane then nodded his head and he thought,"Okay. I'm sure that my arms were going to fall off eventually.". The man then stopped and he said,"Wait!".

Steve said,"What?!". "I have a job to do but taking kids will run my rep." said Darin. "I'll do it for you." wrote Zane. "Are you going to leave me and Steve?" said Ana. Zane put the necklace around her neck and she said,"Your necklace?". "Yeah. Think of it like a piece of me that you can always carry around." wrote Zane. He hugged her and Darin said,"It is just to the north of here. Thank you kid.". Zane head north with Darin's job in mind leaving the three to head toward the guild.

After a month of walking due to him having an awful sense of directions, Zane had finally reached the mountains that would lead him toward Mural and the sight of Darin's job. Zane had no idea about how to get over the mountain. He was about to start to climb up the mountain but he spotted a large house in the distance. He decided to ask for directions since he was still on Darin's job which was around this area. He reached the house with him shocked by the size and the grounds surrounding it.

Zane knocked on the door a few times. After waiting a few seconds, a brunette in a maid's uniform answered the door. "Oh. What may I do for you young man?" said the maid. Zane wrote down,"Are you looking for someone by the name of Darin Price? And would you climb those mountains over there?". "Yes! Are you from Heroes?" said the maid. "Yes?" wrote Zane. "Oh good! Please come with me sir. I shall get you a map. There is a way that goes straight through the mountains." said the maid.

Zane wrote,"That would be great and what is the job?". The maid went to go fetch the map and Zane sat outside waiting for her. She returned giving him a map of the surrounding area and she said,"Here you go young man.". "Thank you." wrote Zane. His stomach started to growl loudly and he wrote,"If you don't, may I have something to eat?". He looked at the maid who was smiling at him and he then rubbed his back in embarrassment. She felt bad for the young man.

The maid said while opening the door,"You may have something to eat because you will need your energy for the fight ahead.". "Okay." wrote Zane as he walked into the large house. He followed the maid around the house and he thought,"Wait. What does she mean by fight? I hope it is like a huge monster or something maybe like a cute puppy. I hope that I can handle it without causing too much property damage in the process. Wish the old man didn't screw me over.".

The maid lead Zane into a large dinning room with her telling him to sit at the table while she made him something to eat. While Zane sat at the table, his eyes wandered around the room. The table was massive and could easily fit 70 people at the least. The walls had pictures and paintings on the walls and he saw decorations on the table in front of him. Zane smelled someone and he saw someone poking their head through a door behind.

It was a brunette just like the maid but a little bit younger. She had big blue eyes and she looked to be Steve's age. "Hi." wrote Zane as he waved to the girl. She took a deep breath and she stepped into the dinning room. "Who are you?" said the girl. "My name is Zane Alvarez. What is your name?" wrote Zane. He held out his hand and she glared at Zane before she shook his hand. "My name is Lora Aquiler. It's nice to meet you. So what are you doing here?" said Lora.

Zane wrote,"Funny story. I was supposed to join Heroes and become a guild wizard but due to my god awful sense of direction, it has taken me a month to even close to Mural. At least, I got to fight some tough foes like this one guy.". He stopped his writing to notice that she was looking at him with her eyes opened wide. "Are you to save my mom?" said Lora. "Your mother?" wrote Zane. "Yeah! She was taken by this huge monster and my daddy couldn't defeat them." said Lora.

Zane wrote,"Are you parents wizards?". "Our whole family is and my sister is super strong compared to me. I can only use one kind of magic while she can use three." said Lora. "Well, my little brother and sister can only use one type of magic but they're both stronger than normal. I just hope that they have done their training while I'm gone." wrote Zane. "So are you going to help us?" said Lora. "Of course I am Lora. I mean we're friends right?" wrote Zane.

Lora nodded and she said,"So why are you here?". "Your maid promised me some food and I can't fight on a empty stomach. Haven't eaten anything good for a day or two now." wrote Zane. The girl was shocked and the maid came back with some food. "Ah Lady Lora. What are you doing here? I thought the master asked for you to stay in your room until the crisis is over." said the maid. "She is going to help me take care of that monster right?" wrote Zane while he was eating.

Lora nodded and the maid said,"I think this would be good training. Lady Lora here is a Spirit wizard just like her mother and sister are. Her sister just joined the Heroes Guild like you are soon aren't you Lord Zane.". "Lord?" wrote Zane. "Yes sir. I will be leaving now." said the maid. She was gone and Lora said,"Are you alright with that title?". "Yeah. I'm just not used to hearing it. Are you ready to go fight the monster?" wrote Zane. Lora nodded as she lead Zane to the monster den.

Zane noticed the broken weapons and he thought,"Yep. This is where the monster is.". He turned to see Lora shaking in fear and Zane remembered when Ana did this during a thunderstorm or anything scary. He hugged her and he moved her head into his chest. "Zane?" said Lora. "Don't worry Lora. I am here to help you so don't worry okay? I need you to be strong just like your mom and sister. They are strong right?" wrote Zane.

Lora nodded and she said,"Okay. So what magic do you use?". "Um." wrote Zane. He then rushed in front of Lora with him activating the spell that he used to block the sword strike from the bandit as a giant tentacle hit him. A giant octopus came out of the little house ,which was twice maybe even triple the size of Ana's old house, and it roared. Lora was going to run and she said,"No! I have to be strong!".

Zane put his hand on her head and he wrote,"Okay. You cover me. I'm going in.". He walked toward the octopus and he wrote,"Chaos Dragon Excavating Punch.". Lora saw that several rocks appeared and they covered Zane's right arm. He rushed toward the target and he dodge the tentacles with ease and he jumped into the air. The rock covered fist smacked the squid directly on the head and the beast roared in anger.

Zane jumped back and he wrote,"Fine. If the earth couldn't stop you, I will try a different element of mine! Thunder Dragon Disintegration Punch!". He punched the air in front of him and a giant fist made out of thunder came out. It was faster than normal and it collided with the target causing a huge explosion of thunder. Zane used the wind to blow away the smoke and Lora was shocked to see that the monster was actually her mother. She looked like an older version of Lora. "Mommy!" said Lora.

She ran over to her and she said,"Mommy!". She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Zane. "She will be fine Lora. Take Over magic takes a lot of you." wrote Zane. "Take Over magic Zane?" said Lora. "Yep. It is when a wizard take over a monster's body to use it fight. It is actually an advanced form of Transformation magic. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the user and maybe adding an additional skill such as flying or breathing underwater." wrote Zane.

Lora said,"Wow. So what magic do you use?". "I was going to say that I use several types of magic but this one is my favorite. It's Telepathy." thought Zane. Lora smiled and she said,"You're strong. I think you could beat my sister." said Lora. "Who knows? We should get your mother inside of the house." wrote Zane. The two picked her up and they helped into the house. A little bit later, Zane was getting thanked by the man of the house aka Lora's dad.

He had brown hair just like his wife and daughters but violet eyes which he shared with his eldest daughter. He was wearing something that a rich person would wear and he said,"Thank you so much for saving my wife from that monster!". "It's fine sir but I should inform you that the monster is still in her but it will take a very long time for the monster to come back out. My punches are strong than a normal punch so call me back if the tentacle freak comes back." thought Zane.

The man laughed,"I guess you Heroes are quite the strong folks. I suspect you'll be heading back to your guild soon.". "Yep. I just have to follow the map that your maid gave me." wrote Zane. "She is a smart one. Oh, I wanted to give you a reward." said the man. "It's fine sir! I don't need a reward for doing a job that one of my elders gave to me. Personally, I think it was out of laziness on his part but who knows?" wrote Zane.

The man said,"I insist Zane. You helped me in more ways thank I could think of.". Zane knew that he was going to get a reward regardless of what he said so Zane nodded in agreement. The man handed him a small treasure chest and he said,"Open it my boy.". Zane opened the box and he saw six gold keys. "Keys?" wrote Zane. "Yep. I'm the proud owner of ten gold keys. I plan to give the other two that I have to my youngest daughter since my other daughter was the other two.

The man said,"So what do you know about Spirit Magic Zane?". "I know a bit but not much. Upon first summon a spirit to our world for the first time, they have to set up a contract with the respective spirit, This may seem stupid to an outsider like me but it shows how dedicated and serious the bond is between the spirit and summoner.". "Impressive. Do you think you have the magic power to handle these six?" said the man.

Zane looked at the keys and he wrote,"Yeah but I may be late to the guild.". "Oh! I can drive you there if you want." said the man. "Sure. That would be nice. So have you seen Lora? I wanted to tell her that I'm staying for a while." wrote Zane. "She is in her mother's room. She was worried sick about her mother and we tried inform our other daughter but she is busy." said the man. "I see. It is a good thing that I came by them." wrote Zane. "It is." said the man.

Later, Zane was relaxing in the baths. "Man. This is nice." thought Zane. He heard,"Um Zane. Are you in here?". Zane wrote,"Lora?". "Yes! I'm on the girls side of the bathes and I'm sorry to bother you right now but I have a question for you." said Lora. "Ask away." wrote Zane. "So why are you so strong?" said Lora. "I got strong to protect the people who I care the most about which includes my little brother and sister." wrote Zane.

Lora said,"You have a little brother and sister?". "Yeah. We may not look alike but we're a family. I hope they are doing okay." wrote Zane. "You know that I have an older sister right? She is about your age. She is an advanced student in magic so she got to go join a guild. I really want to join Heroes one day." said Lora. "How about you come when you finish your training?" wrote Zane. "Are you sure about that?" said Lora.

Zane said,"I'm sure about that. From what I've heard about the guild, we accept anyone regardless of how strong they are.". He coughed gently as not to scare Lora and she said,"Okay! So do you have any questions for me?". "Nope. I'll figure it out." wrote Zane. "Hey Zane. Could you be my sister's friend once you arrive at the guild? She'll be lonely I know it." said Lora. "Sure thing." said Zane who enjoyed the rest of his bath.

Next Time,
Darin arrives with Ana and Johnny to Heroes while their older brother arrives about six weeks later due to his awful sense of direction.

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