Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Power Episode 6 Partners

A/N: Welcome to the next episode of Power. We get to the year X784 aka the start of the story by EP 10 I hope but it could be earlier. I don't know how long this will go far and I don't mean the story. I'm enjoying it and I love Soul but boy, I need a break sometimes. Trust me, the series is going to be gone but I need a break. Anyway, lets begin six months later. I like the number seven more but trust me, you will see what I mean very soon.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the forest nearby Mural, Zane was training with Ana, Clair, and Steve. Ana, Steve, and Zane have became some of the strongest child mages in the guild with Ana and Steve about on the same level as Clair and Kurt and Zane was on the level above Allison and Myra with him on the level as Angel and X. It had been six months since Zane joined the guild and everyone in Heroes pitched in to make a home for the Slayer siblings to live it.

They were overjoyed at their kindness and started to learn how to live in a normal house thanks to strict training from Allison and Myra. Sakura gradually grew closer to Zane who was like an older brother to him, Jade and Tanya were growing feeling for Zane, Myra showed her affections for the Power Slayer by constant teasing, and Allison also got closer to him since those two teamed up for jobs mainly because Zane's awful sense of direction.

One morning, Ana was trying to practice some attacking spells with Clair who didn't mind helping out her little sister. "Okay Ana. Lets practice some attacking spells. We thank you a lot with your recovery and status boosting skills but to be able to fight makes you a real man!" said Clair. "You have been hanging out with Norman too long." said Steve. "It isn't a bad thing." wrote Zane. "I got this. Wind Slicers!" said Ana.

She made several sharp blades of wind and she fired them at Clair. "Holy Shield!" yelled Chad. She made a giant shield of light which blocked most of the attack and Steve said,"Wow. She is getting better at defending herself.". "Yes but compared to Ana who is growing stronger by the day, this is going to be a good fight for sure." wrote Zane who held the egg in his arms. "Wind Cyclone!" said Ana. A giant cyclone launched Clair into the air with Clair making two giant chains of light.

They wrapped around her arms and she fired them at a nearby tree. She flew in the air like she was gliding in the air. "Holy Burst!" said Clair. Ana was blinded by the light and Steve said,"Lets stop the training before this fight gets too serious.". "Okay." said the two. Zane looked up and he wrote,"We need to get ready for a fight. We have a troop of them coming this way.". Suddenly, the four were trapped by a troop of the local wildlife.

They are known as the Vexstrike. It was a large and anthropomorphic monsters that resemble apes. It had distinctive facial features aka elongated chins, prolonged ears, and pointed heads that resemble a single horn on top of their head. They have gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands that attach to their muscular torso. They have large hands that are attached to their muscular torsos. They have small legs that feature a long tail connected to the bottom torsos.

This beast has three unique breeds and this one are the forest variation. It had bright green fur and their pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial features colored a bright shade of blue. They lack pupils and they were glowing. The lower half of the body is a darker shade of blue and the decorative patterns on their arms consists of seven pink hearts on each arm. "Our breakfast!" yelled the troop of apes. They rushed toward them with the four smiling.

Steve said with an evil smirk,"Correction.". He made the apes stop in place with giant shadow chains with Ana holding the egg as Clair and Zane rushed toward them with their fists glowing with light and water. "Ocean Dragon Steel Fist!" wrote Zane. Several of the apes were shocked and Clair said with her saying,"Holy Eruption!". Several beams of light defeated the rest as Clair said,"You messed with the wrong wizards!".

Ana nodded as Zane heard something falling from the trees. He caught them using hands made out of water. Three things landed in there and the group excluding Zane screamed. They rushed toward the guild and Zane walked after them holding his egg. Clair opened the door and she said,"Check out we found!". The guild saw Ana, Clair, and Steve all holding an absurdly large egg that matched Zane's egg who held it using his telekinesis magic.

Ax said,"Where in the world did you find them?". "In the woods." said Steve. "Well, look at that. I guess you guys can be useful after all. So are you going to fry it for us Zane?" said Zane. "You're not wearing any clothes again!" said Tanya. Kurt went to go find them and Ana said,"Don't joke about that Kurt! They are dragon eggs and we're going to hatch them!". "Are you sure that it is a dragon eggs to begin with?" said Tanya with a sweet voice.

Zane said,"Mine not be but the patterns on there look like a dragon claw and trust me, I know what a dragon's foot looks like.". "I guess you're right about that." said Kurt who didn't feel like question the S class wizard. "So gramps, do you think that you can hatch the eggs with your magic or something like that?" said Clair. Zane hit her on the back of the head and he said,"Could you tell them gramps because I'm not feeling it?". He coughed.

Ax sighed and he said,"Using magic for such a thing like that would be a bad thing upon the miracle of life. Life is born from love and love alone. No spell will be able to go over that power.". "I don't get you at all." said Clair. "You need to learn how to read blond." said Steve. "You will get it older. I promise you that my children." said Ax. Allison approached the group and she said,"If you want to hatch, you will have to work hard and take care of it on your own.".

She smiled at Zane and she said,"It would be nice to see those two not destroy everything in their way right Zane?". "I guess." wrote Zane. "I have been looking for you Allison!" yelled Mira. "I won't let you talk to my Zane!" thought Myra. "We never did finish our fight the other day did we?" said Allison. The two girls had their magic auras surrounding them. The two began fighting and trash talking to each other, Kurt and Tanya sweat dropped and sighed.

Steve said with a mischievous smirk,"Wow. Those two are worse than you and I Clair.". "What the heck is that supposed to mean Steve?" said Clair who glared at him. The two argued the way to a different part of the bar and Ana said,"Could you help me raise the egg big brother?". "Sure thing Ana." wrote Zane. "You know that you two make a good brother and sister relationship right?" said Sakura. "I guess so. So are you here to Ana?" wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"Yeah. I mean Ana is like the cutest thing in the world and raising a dragon is going to be so much fun!". "So how are you going to do this?" said Ana. "Do you even known and raise a dragon to begin with?" said Kurt. "Well, I read in a book that if you keep the egg warm, it will warm." said Sakura. "Then why didn't my egg hatch? I'm a living heater!" thought Zane. "Okay. I think Zane's flames are too happy. Let me use my magic!" said Sakura.

Ana placed the egg down and Sakura glowed. She turned into a large pink bird. The feathers from the user's neck up to its head, wings and tail are dark green, lime green, and pink respectively with the tips of the wings possessing a blue-tint. She had long crimson talons and a green beak. She covered the egg with her wings. "Wow! Good job Sakura!" said Ana. "Yeah. I didn't think of that. I guess I know where Myra gets her brain from." wrote Zane. Sakura smiled from this.

Four days later. "Hey Wayne. Did you hear about how Ana, Sakura, and Zane are raising that dragon egg?" said Eric. "Dragon egg? They are myths." said Wayne. "Didn't Ana, Clair, Steve, and Zane say that they were raised by dragons?" said Wayne. "Yeah! No way in hell that I believe that!" laughed Wayne. "You're totally wasted bro. Anyway, I heard that they made a secret house to live in! It is so cute." said Eric. "I guess it is good to be young." said Wayne.

They didn't noticed that Myra was listening to them and when she reached the end, her limit was now broken. She broke the table in half and Eric said,"What is wrong with you Myra?!". "She is jealous of Sakura idiots." thought X who was watching. Myra came up with an excuse and she said,"I've been wondering why Sakura hasn't being home. So she has been with Zane. Why is she with the idiot who works with the armored whore?!" said Myra. "You can't be serious?" thought Angel.

Back at their home aka a well crafted fort, Sakura said,"Did you hear something Zane? It sound like a certain someone's stomach.". "Sorry about that." wrote Zane with a noticeable blush on his face. Ana was currently sleeping on her older brother's lap holding the egg. Zane held his egg using his magic and Sakura said,"So how do you guys eat anyway?". "We work for it mainly me and Steve. Ana tries to help but well, she is still learning." wrote Zane.

Sakura said with a sad look on her face,"I feel really bad for you guys." Her face then lit up as she had an idea pop in to her face. "I know! I could make you guys some food!" said Sakura. "You can cook for us?" wrote Zane. "Yep! I'm not good as my sister though." said Sakura. Zane wrote,"Wow. I so didn't see that from her.". He imagined her cooking and she had a blissful smile on her face while doing it. "Wow." thought Zane.

Sakura said,"Even Norman can cook.". "That is obvious." wrote Zane. He imagined Norman cooking with a chef hat on, a pan in his hand, and a huge smile on his face. "You're not going to cook the eggs are you?" wrote Zane. "No. How do you think Clair and Steve doing?" said Sakura. "Knowing those two, they are doing good." wrote Zane. "So do you think I would make a good sister in law?" said Sakura. "What are you talking about?" wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"Well, you're going to find someone so I want to help you out. Maybe Stevie could use a girl to make sure he doesn't go insane.". "Oh. You like him don't you?" wrote Zane. Sakura blushed and she said,"Maybe a little. I mean he went on a job with me and he is a good guy.". "Yeah." said Zane who coughed. Ana's egg shook along with Zane's egg. "The eggs are moving!" said Ana who woke up. "Yeah." wrote Zane. The next morning, the eggs were gone.

Kurt said,"The eggs are gone?". "We don't know anything about it. Sorry Ana and Zane." said Tanya with a look of sadness. "Did you steal it Mr. X?" said Ana. "No squirt. I don't mess with a kid's stuff or something like that." said X who sipped his drink. "Okay, did you eat Allison?" wrote Zane. "So why did you think I ate it?" said Allison. "Meh. I had to pick and Angel doesn't look you anything at all." wrote Zane.

While Angel hit the boy, Sakura asked,"Big sister. Do you know where the egg is?". "No but I wanted to help you out sister." said Myra. "Oh. I think Myra would cook it." said Allison with an evil smirk on her. The blond turned to face her rival and gave Allison a murderous look. "What did you just say you flat chest?!" yelled Myra. The two mages were fighting it out again with them calling each other names like goth bitch, tin can, and sadistic emo.

Ana had started crying with Zane trying to calm her down. "Where did our eggs go big brother? So where did they go?" said Ana who was crying in his chest. "I don't know but we'll find them. I just know that we will." wrote Zane as he cried a bit. The girls stopped fighting for a second to see the usually happy Zane cry. Myra had a light blush on her face and Allison felt bad at seeing the sight of Zane crying.

Myra teased with a small smile on her face,"Don't go crying now. It is so cute.". "I'm not crying. I just have something in my eye." wrote Zane who wiped his tears away. "Myra! This isn't the time for that and a real man doesn't cry." said Allison. "I'm not crying at all!" wrote Zane who couldn't hold back his tears. "The eggs." said Ana and Sakura who were both crying. "Hey! Ana, Sakura, and Zane! I have both eggs right here!" said a voice.

The group saw Norman standing there holding both Ana and Zane's egg. Clair and Steve stood next to him holding their eggs. He had wavy short blond hair and black eyes. He wore a blue suit over a white shirt and a red tie around the neck and polished dark shoes. "Big brother? You stole the egg but why?" said Sakura on the brink of even more tears. "I'm sorry but I was worried about the eggs. They were left without a blanket in the cold and I didn't want to you guys up." said Norman.

He gave the eggs back and Steve said,"He helped us with our eggs.". "Yeah. Norman here is a real man!" said Clair who slapped his back. "A real man." said Norman who had a blush. "Sorry about that. I guess I shouldn't bottle them up like that." wrote Zane who finished off his tears. All four eggs of the shell began to crack. "It's going to hatch!" yelled Ana. "Wow and at the same dam time. How convenient." said Angel. Everyone in the guild started to crowd around the egg.

"Hey! Move you bastard!" said a male. "I can't see!" said a female. As everyone gathered around the eggs, the pieces started to fall off one at a time with light started shining through the holes of the eggs through out the guild hall. The pieces all fell out and came something strange. One was a orange and red cat with wings and green eyes, one was a red fur cat with wings and brown eyes, and one was a light blue fur and brown eyes.

"Huh?!" screamed everyone in the guild with their face in completely shock. The angel winged cat lightly hovered in circles where they were just born and then descended on Ana, Clair, and Steve's head. "Sup!" said the red cat. "Ribbit." said the blue cat. "Tch." said the orange and red cat. They all had adorable smile on their face as they all had their left paw in the air and sitting up right. "They're so cute!" said Sakura.

Everyone in the guild gathered around the newborn trio with smiles. Zane looked for his cat and he couldn't find him. "I guess I don't have one." thought Zane. He sighed as he heard,"Hey dad! Don't forget about me!". He turned to see something stranger than a cat with wings. It was a chibi dragon but it didn't have any muscles like a normal dragon would. The bones were black with silver stripes running across the bones. Its body was also covered in a gold and red aura.

It was flying in the air using telekinesis magic and it had a long thin dragon tail. "So why aren't you a cat?" wrote Zane. "I ain't no cat. I'm a dragon but not a dragon at the same time. Look at that shit. In the six months, I have watched you and this guild. It is nice to see everyone happy." said the dragon who rested on Zane's head. Allison and Myra were smiling at each other. Norman, Kurt, and Tanya were laughing together. Ana, Clair, and Steve were enjoying their partners.

Even the usually grumpy X has a smile on his face. "Happiness huh. I guess I'll call you Happy then huh little guy?" wrote Zane. "Tch. That name ain't for me. You can call me Ryu. It means dragon after all." said Ryu. "Wow big brother! You got a dragon!" said Ana who held the pouting cat in her arms and Clair said,"Way to go big brother!". "It is nice but I'm happy with Lucky here." said Steve. "I'm calling her Dawn." said Ana. "Barry." said Clair. "And Ryu." wrote Zane.

Nearby the crowd, a man with an easel was getting ready to paint this scene. "I think this moment is something that none of us should or will ever forget." said the man. He has shoulder length orange hair kept up in a afro and blue eyes. He wore a large black shirt with the sleeves rolled up toward his elbows, dark blue pants and matching pointed showed adorned by light full moon-like motifs on the inner sides, and a hat reminded others of a traditional wizard. This is Jordan and he is an artist.

Later, Ryu was resting in his dad's arms as he was currently talking with Ax. "So you been having visions of the future my boy?" said Ax. "Yes. Once I defeated the Warptaur six months ago, I have been getting visions of the future. It is impressive to say the least but most of the time, they have been filled to the brim with death and sadness." wrote Zane. "Like what my boy?" said Ax. He took a deep breath and he wrote,"I'll start with the first one. Sakura dies.".

Ax said,"No. Is there any way to stop it?". "I'm not sure but I will find a way. Ryu is someone who needs a female in his life to raise him the right way and Ana likes her a lot." wrote Zane. "Zane. Will you get strong enough to protect Heroes?" said Ax. Zane pointed to his guild mark and he said,"I will master. I promise.". He coughed his way out of the room and Ax said,"That young man has a lot of problems but I know that he can find a way through it.".

Next Time,
Something happens and it changes Heroes forever.

Zane: 12/13 years old.
Ana: 9/10 years old.
Steve: 10/11 years old.
Darin: 31/12 years old.
Lora: 10/11 years old.
Ax: 81/82 years old.
Allison: 12/13 years old.
Myra: 12/13 years old.
Tanya: 11/12 years old.
Kurt: 11/12 years old.
Chad/Clair: 10/11 years old.
Norman: 11/12 years old.
Sakura: 10/11 years old.
Jade: 10/11 years old.
Victor: 11/12 years old.
Fred: 11/12 years old.
X: 16/17 years old.
Eric: 29/30 years old.
Wayne: 29/30 years old.
Rachel aka Lila: 16/17 years old.
Jordan: 20/21 years old.
Ryu: 0 years old.
Dawn: 0 years old.
Barry: 0 years old.
Lucky: 0 years old.

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