Thursday, December 8, 2016

Power Episode 7 Even Heroes have Tragedy

A/N: Okay. If you read Power Guild, you know that I glossed over the fact that Sakura died from her big brother. The Beast will be here but trust me, it will be different to say the least. So I want to know something. Do you think Azir and Jacob are defeated? I mean we won't see them for at least four chapters due to the fact that we have Eileen's time to shine. Or is it because they were already defeated by Fairy Tail? I need answers dang it. Anyway, lets begin in the year X782. Dawn looks like Carla, Lucky looks like Frosch, and Barry looks like Lector because I'm lazy.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the woods nearby Mural, Ana ,who was now fourteen years old, was training nearby her house that she shared with her older brothers and their partners in crime. It was a single story tall and it was a soft white color. It had three bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a usually fully stocked kitchen, a large living room and was about 2000 square feet. It looks like an average house to most people but to the slayers and their partners, it was like a mansion.

Ana had out grown her crybaby phase and she was more confident. According to most of the guild, it is like having a ray of sunshine because he loves to smile. She was a petite girl with fair skin. She had long bright red hair which goes to about her shoulders. She doesn't have any bangs. Her green eyes shined along with her elongated canine teeth. She is now considered to be one of the cutest girl in the guild and ranked highly in Magician Monthly.

She wears a flowing dress with a triangular pattern near the top and crossing pattern around the rest of the dress. She wears a thick dark blue band around both of her arms and ankle tied sandals on her feet. It is the dress that Wendy wore after the Oracion Seis. She then took a deep breath and she said with a smile,"Okay. Lets begin today's training. Are you ready Dawn?". Her cat partner flew toward and she said,"Are you really ready dear?".

The orange and red cat stood there in front of her with her wings out. She is wearing the dress that Carla wears in Episode 178. "Yep! Big Brother is coming back along with Ryu so I want to show him that I got stronger." said Ana who had a fire in her eyes. "Okay child. Be prepare." said Dawn. She flew into the air and she fired several balls of fire at Ana. "Hurricane Swarm!" said Ana. Several tiny but powerful hurricanes rushed toward the fireballs with the flame blown out.

Dawn avoid the hurricanes and she said,"Wow. You mastered a C rank spell.". "Yep. I wanted to start learning the secret arts soon." said Ana as she threw several balls of wind at her. The two kept their training going but they were stopped by a voice. "Lucky is here to save the day!" said a voice. The two saw Steve with his partner Lucky. Lucky was now wearing a light pink frog suit and it made him even cuter.

Steve stood there with a smile. He was now a slim young man of average height with rather messy hair which almost reaches down to his shoulders, along with some strands pointing upwards on the top of his head and a prominent tuft obscuring most of his forehead. His hair is brushed to the left side of his face covering up his left eye. His snake looking eyes stuck out even with his hair blocking his left eye.

He is wearing a light-colored leopard-patterned kimono that only covers the right half of his torso and he wears armor that is light in the chest but dark everywhere else: the neck of the armor coils around his own and fastens there appropriately, and his left arm is exposed at the shoulder exposing his guild mark. Around his waist, he has a long sash that ties on the left side of the body and loops around the right. It holds a design-adorned piece of white fabric in place over the top of his loose black pants.

Around his left forearm, he had a black band that has a white ring over the wrist. He finishes this off with black ankle boots within in it, his pants are tucked. "Hey Steve." said Dawn. "So how is Dawn doing on her training?" said Steve. "Lucky thinks that she is doing awesome!" said Lucky. He ran to his adopted aunt's arms and she picked him up. "Yep. I can do A level spells now with ease." said Ana who smiled.

Steve said,"Still having trouble with the Secrets Arts though. I can tell.". "Yeah but it took Clair and your brother until last year to even begin casting the spells for their respective elements. In terms of improvement, you are doing quite well." said Dawn. "I know Dawn. Where is Clair and Barry? Are they in town?" said Ana. "They are but they are currently pouting in the guild hall." said Lucky. "We should go right?" said Steve. The four went toward the guild hall.

Clair was eating some salad covered in light and she said,"Why the hell couldn't I go on that stupid job?". "Because of the fact that you're too dam destructive and also the obvious fact that you suck on any moving vehicles Princess." said Kurt. "Oh shut up stripper." said Clair. Kurt in four/five years hasn't changed much beside for the fact that he wears a white shirt, which gets taken off soon enough and not even a minute later, and black jeans.

The blond next to him was both a beauty and bruiser much to the joy/shame of Ax Hunter who loves any beautiful woman but hates paying for his children going crazy and destruction bills thanks to the "almighty" magic council. She had waist length spiky blond hair, smooth skin, perfect curves, petite yet strong body, and full and well developed figured. Today, she has a chunk of it in a side ponytail held by a pink ribbon and the rest of it falls loose.

She has slanted and slit pupils gold eyes closed with a thin and diagonal scar above the left eye. Her right eye is adorned with an earring which ,in itself, is attached to a prominent metal pendant that is crystalline in shape. She kept eating and her sharp canine teeth was exposed as it devour the food with ease. Most people thought that she was a beauty but her guild mark is

She wears white bandages over her breasts. She wears a dark blue with gold trimmed jacket as well as a black high-collared piece of what appears to be armor underneath, exposing off her well toned stomach. With this, she wears light-gray colored pants with fang-like designs on the side and two different belts. One around her waist holding up the pants and one below that holds a feather boa for some odd reason.

She wears distinctive dark blue galosh like footwear with high heels that reaches up to her thighs and attach itself to the upper edge of her pants. Kurt looked over at Clair's partner and he said,"So why is she like this?". "No reason other than Myra told her no." said Barry. "Yeah but I'm totally ready to do an S Class Job!" said Clair. "I think you not being able to control your destructive power is something to consider." said Kurt. The two began to fight much to Ax's dismay.

One hour ago. "Come on Myra! Let me come!" yelled Clair. She was holding onto Myra's left ankle and Myra said,"For the last time, No means no Clair! I'm not letting you come with us!". She struggle to walk with Clair stuck onto her ankle like gum. The duo was right at the edge of town so no one was watching but the people who were trying their best not to laugh right now because they know better than to.

Sakura said,"Hey sis. Could we just let her come with us? You know how stubborn she can be.". She was now wearing a short dark red dress with a white collar and bow. Up on her arms above her elbows, she wore gold rings with a pale pink fabric flowing down from them. She wears tall and black shocks with brown shoes. Her brother Norman was wearing something like a traditional school uniform for Japanese Boys.

Norman crossed his arms and he said,"You know that she is right? I mean this mission that were doing is perfect for him to bring along.". "NO means NO! We're going to a town nearby to fight this beast and this is an S-Class Job!" yelled Myra. "So what?! I'm just as strong as you if not stronger than you! The only reason that I'm not S Class is because I always get in trouble with the council as the selection comes up." said Clair.

Myra said,"You would destroy the entire town!". "Oh. I guess that you can't come then." said Norman and Sakura in unison. "Come on Myra! I'll be a good Slayer I promise!" said Clair with waterfalls of tears coming from her eyes. "No means No!" yelled Myra. "Wait. Why would you should that this being an S-Class job was a problem too?! You're bringing Norman and Sakura, right? Zane brought you on his jobs!" said Clair who looked at the siblings.

Myra slightly went back and the slight blush that she had on her face didn't go unnoticed by Sakura who had a smirk on her face. "Oh. I ummm..." said Myra. "You can't answer, I can come!" yelled Clair who hooked herself onto Myra's upper thigh. She was wearing revealing clothes ,mainly for a certain wizard, and Sakura said,"So why are you doing that? She isn't a fan of perverts even if they are girls!".

Clair said,"It's working isn't it?". "You do know that we have to take a train to get there right?" said Norman. "Okay then. See you." said Clair who walked away as Barry followed her. "How did you do that Norman?!" yelled Myra and Sakura. The brother sighed and he said,"Don't ask me. I just know her better than you guys do.". He walked toward the train station with the sisters shocked at what the big brother said.

Clair ,back in the present, said to Steve who arrived with Ana, Dawn, and Lucky,"Look Steve. This sucks that I'm not S Class yet but I'm stronger than you and Kurt combined!". "I think the only way that Master will make you S Class if you beat big bro." said Ana. "Yeah. So where is Zane? Did he get lost again? I thought Ryu would help with that." said Kurt. "I'm right here by the way Kurt and I missed you too." said a voice.

The group turned to see Ryu floating above him and he looked the same. "Hey Ryu!" yelled Lucky with a huge smile on his face. "Hello Lucky. It is good to see you all again. My idiotic partner just had to take jobs that would keep him away from the guild for a month." said Ryu as he floated over to Ana. "So is big brother here Ryu?" said Ana. "Yeah. He went to go see Jade about something that he found on the job." said Ryu.

Clair said,"Is it something cool?!". "Well personally, I think that it is pretty normal but it sparked his interest so I let him do it. So what is going on?" said Ryu. "Clair is complaining about not going on a S Class job with Myra and her siblings." said Steve. "Okay. That makes sense to me knowing her. I think that you are ready for the trial but I don't know anything about your human culture." said Ryu who sighed. "Thanks." said Clair. "So tell me about the job." said Ryu.

Zane was walking around the guild and he was looking for the bookworm. He had matured into a very handsome young man being that he is known for his well developed figure. He looks to be weak and fragile but anyone with any kind of magic power at all, you would known that he is an excellent and powerful wizard. He has a well-developed six pack and equally well developed chest that makes him look like a boxer. He is very nice but very blunt.

He wears a long sleeved black coat that he keeps open and un-tucked. It has light colored trimmings and he has the sleeves rolled up to his wrists. He wears a navy blue long sleeved shirt and long gray pants. It has held up by a red belt. He wears black combat boots with red streaks. He placed his hand on the guild wall and he couldn't sense Jade's magic presence. "I guess she isn't here. I guess I will ask her about it later." thought Zane who sighed.

He sat down with his fellow slayers and Kurt. He felt something on his neck and they were Tanya's breasts. "Hey Zaney. I missed you so much." said Tanya. "Wow. I think she has grown a cup size since last year." thought Zane. "I was only gone for a month." wrote Zane as he hid his blush which was light pink. The two heard about Clair's problem and Ana said,"So what are you going to do about it big brother?". "Why did you think I'm going to do something about it?" wrote Zane.

Tanya said,"You always helping My-My no matter what even though I could be yours.". "Wow. She is in love with this idiot." thought Ryu. "I guess you could go after her but remember what happened you went after her or Lady Allison." said Kurt. "Yeah. They broke her arms and legs. That was so weird right Lucky?" said Barry. "Lucky thinks so too!" said Lucky. "I guess we should do something about this." said Dawn. "Oh I know!" said Clair. She punched Kurt causing a brawl.

An hour later, Zane was walking around Mural. He had placed a ice double to hopefully get some air but he couldn't stop thinking about the job that the Wood trio was on. He knew well that Myra could handle herself and her siblings weren't slouches either but this job was filling him with a lot of worry that couldn't escape his body. He decided to do something about it. "Hey Ryu." wrote Zane. The little dragon landed on his partner's head and he said,"What's up?".  

Zane wrote,"You know that I have visions of the future right?". "Yeah. I'm not blind unlike the others excluding the master. Did you think that Myra is in trouble?" said Ryu. "Not her. I'm worried about Sakura and not in that way!" wrote Zane. "I know that. She isn't your type but her sister is quite a beauty but very mean to me." said Ryu. "You peeped on her." wrote Zane. "And you haven't! I mean I know that under your quiet facade, a pervert is there." said Ryu.

Zane sighed and he wrote,"Lets go save them but lets not take a train.". "Did you get motion sickness or something?" said Ryu. "Nah. I just feel like running." wrote Zane. "I naturally stretch my wings so lets go." said Ryu. The two ran off in the direction that Myra, Norman, and Sakura's job. Two hours later, it was utter pandemonium. People were running toward the evacuation route in a rampage due to the Beast ,known to the locals, was controlling Norman and it was on a rampage.

Norman had tried to stop the monster after Myra thought she destroyed it but the beast's will was way stronger due it still having fight left over. Now, Norman was being controlled by the beast using Take Over magic and having a blast through the town mainly destroying it for fun and anger. Lets go have to the Wood Siblings. "Get them out of here!" yelled Myra. Sakura was helping people out of the town and Myra was trying to hold Norman back without hurting him.

The beast roared at her and the young woman was thinking about fightning her until Sakura came back. "Big brother! Snap out of it! I know that you're stronger than him!" yelled Sakura. She held out her hands in love and Myra yelled,"Sakura! Get of here now!". She was ignoring her sister and she yelled back to her,"No Myra! I know that Norman is in there! I just know it!". "Sakura! He isn't in control of the beast right! He doesn't know who you are!" yelled Myra.

Sakura said,"I know Myra because he is a real man!". The beast's monstrous arm came down for the kill and Myra closed her eyes in terror. "Sakura!" yelled Myra. Suddenly, a flying object came out of the sky and it grabbed the pinkette which moved her out of the way. The beast was blasted back about 100 meters thanks to a hard punch to its face from a lightning covered object. The flying object that grabbed Sakura turned out to be a dragon with no flesh but bones.

Sakura saw this and started bursting into tears. Ryu smiled and he said,"Sup Sakura.". "Ryu.. Thank you." said Sakura who cried onto his bones. "You don't have to me to thank at all. You got my dad to thank." said Ryu who smirked. The lightning dissipated and it was Zane. "Myra, what happened here and I know that you're shocked to see me but we ain't got the time for hugging." wrote Zane. Myra had a smile on her face.

Zane had came in to save her and her whole family. Ryu had saved her younger sister and Zane had just punched the large monster that had taken Norman 100 meters away. She would have hugged him but it wasn't the right time for it like he said. She dropped to her knees and she said,"Norman tried to defeat it but it used Take Over on him because I bet it was afraid that we will going to kill it.". "I hate Take Over Magic." wrote Zane.

He then took a deep breath and he said,"So Norman is trapped inside of the beast over there right? He is using his power to keep himself from dying right?". "You're talking." said Myra. Zane coughed and he wrote,"I need to make sure you could hear me.". "So you're going to have find a way to beat it up without killing Norman inside." said Myra. "I have a plan." wrote Zane. "Hey Zane." said Myra. "Do you have something else to tell me?" wrote Zane.

Myra said,"How did you know that we were in trouble?". "I didn't but I just trusted my gut. My old man told that trusting your gut is the best way to see the truth. I also had a feeling and I acted upon it because I care a lot of you Myra." wrote Zane. He smiled warmly making Myra's heart skip a beat as Zane wrote,"Ryu! Bring Sakura and Myra to a safer area! I'll handle the beast.". "Aye!" said Ryo. He flew toward a place outside of the town with Myra following.

Sakura yelled,"Zane, wait! Don't hurt him! Norman is still in there!". Myra hugged her sister from behind and she said,"I think he knows that.". Sakura began to cry and Zane wrote,"Okay. I will get you out of the beast for sure!". His magic power started to build up as the beast rushed toward him at an alarming rate. The beast was about a forth of the size of the Warptaur. It had larger arms and sharp claws. It was covered in thick fur with the abdominal and pectorals prominent in the middle.

It had a blond mane, pointed ears and canine teeth, and striped horns pointing upwards starting from a plate on its forehead. It had its horns on it sprouting from their shoulders and its legs reminded Zane of hooves. It had the pants that Norman was wearing and Zane thought,"At least it is clothed. Not a fan of seeing his little man at all.". "Slayer Mode!" wrote Zane. His body glowed gold and his hair and eyes stayed the same.

He flew up in the air and he rushed to the chest of the beast. He wrote,"Maelstrom Dragon Secret Art! Purge!". The beast roared and it felt it losing its power. Zane smiled and he wrote,"Paramount Shazam Strike!". He crashed into the beast with the beast feeling several volts of lightning going throughout its body. The beast went crashing into the ground with a massive explosion and it made a giant crater. It turned back into Norman and Zane smiled. "Welcome back." thought Zane.

After a few minutes, Myra, Sakura, and Ryu came running up to them to check on them. Zane ,who was back to normal, sat next to the unconscious Norman. "Zane! Norman!" yelled Sakura. She ran faster to the two and she said,"Are you okay?!". "A little tired but Norman here after I destroy the beast using a secret art. I'll be back to normal along with Norman after a little rest." wrote Zane. "I'm so happy. Now lets go home." said Myra as she picked up Norman. "Yeah!" said Ryu.

Sakura said with a bright smile,"Come on you guys! Lets go!". She has far ahead of the others and the silver haired slayer wrote,"Sakura! Slow down!". "Speed Up!" said a voice. Several crystal balls came rushing toward Sakura and Zane saw this. "Thunder Storm!" yelled Zane. The crystal balls were destroyed by several bolts of lightning but the rest went toward Zane who punched them and his gloves were cut showing scars on his fingers. He then coughed.

"Are you okay Zane?!" yelled Myra, Ryu, and Sakura. Zane sniffed the air. "This presence, that magic... Where are you Valerie?!" wrote Zane. "I'm here my beloved Zane." said a voice. The three other than Zane saw a girl standing on a larger version of the crystal balls that attacked Zane. It was a seventeen year old woman. She had long dark purple hair and red eyes. She was wearing a purple kimono that exposed off her perfect body aka the outfit that Ultear wore in Episode 52.

Behind her, there was a dark guild. "I also brought some company Zaney. You don't mind right?" said Valerie. "Not at all. Taking down dark guild is what I'm best at and defeating Wicked Genocide will be just plain fun." wrote Zane. The two girls and dragon were confused while the most powerful dark guild in the world came to attack them? Whatever the reason was, it was apparently big because they sensed a strong magic presence. It was the master of the Dark Guild Pluto.

Pluto said,"Zane Alvarez! I request that you come and give yourself up to Wicked Genocide!". The girls looked at him suspiciously. They weren't going to give them Zane at all. "Hell no!" yelled the girls and dragon. "So why do you want little old me to begin with? I'm not into guys at all." wrote Zane. "That is you to find out Zaney so come with us!" said a boy. He has long and spiky blond hair that reached down to his lower back.

Myra saw the psychotic grin on his face as he showed his teeth. His red eyes consisted of several circles showing how crazy he really is. He wears a yellow and dark violet skirt-like armor with a white waist ribbon that exposes the left side of the chest as well as the left shoulder showing the guild mark. "Fulgor." wrote Zane. The girls could tell that Zane didn't like the blond. "Zane. How do you know Wicked Genocide?" said Myra.

Zane wrote,"It was on a job two years ago. I saved a town from them causing me to fight Fulgor and his tubby partner while Valerie hid and watched.". "Hey! My name is Seth! I told you that!" yelled a man from the crowd of wizards. "Tch. I don't care about you." wrote Zane. He knew that he wasn't the brightest member of the Nine Kin of Purgatory, if not all of Dark Guilds. He just pissed the Power Slayer for no reason.

Fulgor laughed and he said,"That was so funny!". Seth stood there and Sakura thought,"Wow. Seth is so large even more than Jordan and that is because of Master's magic.". He is a huge and overweight yet muscular man wearing a large dark robe-like garment with a lighter-colored spotted design near the top. Underneath this, he is bare-chested ,with two belt-like collars wrapped around him in a criss-cross fashion, and wearing superhero like tights.

His skin tone is chalk white and pale. He is extremely tall and extremely large hands. He has shaggy black hair and slight sideburns. He has a huge head, a comparatively small face, and a very thick neck. He has giant eyebrows, his bulging chin, and thick lips. "Screw the both of you! You're going to come with us! Wicked Genocide!" yelled Seth. "And what makes you guys think that we're going to give you Zane!" yelled Sakura.

Valerie smiled and she said,"Because if you don't, we will take him by force.". She made crystal balls back behind her in a arc above her head. "Why do you want Zane exactly? With the history you guys have, it would make a lot more sense if you were here to kill him." said Myra. "Oh trust me you blond bitch! I really wanted to kill him, drink his blood, and burn his corpse but purple bitch won't let me!" yelled Fulgor.

Valerie sighed and she said,"Ignore our blood hungry maniac here, we will kill you if you stand in our way.". "Okay. Sakura, Myra, and Ryu. Leave now." wrote Zane in a serious tone. The girls were both extremely shocked at Zane. They knew that Zane loved to fight with his friends instead of holding them back in a effort to protect them. It made them question how strong this dark guild truly is but it made them question what made him think that he could beat him.

Ryu knew that Zane was going to fight seriously. "What are you saying Zane?! We can fight with you and I want an answer!" yelled Sakura. "Two simple reasons. You guys are tired of fighting with our sleeping beauty so your magic energy is very short. The other reason is that you guys don't know who strong they really are." wrote Zane. He wasn't going to let anyone precious to him die at the hands of the craziest dark guild in the world or himself.

Myra shouted at him,"And what makes you think that you're strong enough to beat them?!". "All of my life, I've being holding back. My true strength can destroy anything in its path including all of you in the guild plus my sister." wrote Zane. "Are you sure that you can?" said Myra. "I'm sure." wrote Zane. This made everyone there present including Wicked Genocide question how strong Zane is and they wondered if he could defeat the strongest dark guild on Orclana without any help.

Fulgor yelled,"Just try it you cocky as hell bastard!". He then rushed toward Zane and his body was producing black lightning from his body. Zane turned into air with Fulgor going right through him and he grabbed him. He threw him back toward the mob causing him and Seth to crash into their guild hall aka a floating battleship. "You can't defeat me when you're covered in the lightning of a god!" said Zane who coughed afterwards.

Myra said,"I wish he wouldn't talk. It ruins the effect because of the coughing.". "Yeah. I don't think Zane just gets that yet." said Ryu. "Did that dragon just talk?" said Valerie. "Okay. I guess you belong with the guild of idiots after all. Oh and Myra, I have something to give you." wrote Zane. "What is it Zane?" said Myra. Zane kissed her on the cheek with Ryu smiling and Sakura's face blushing red along with her sister.

He then tied his scarf ,that he re-equipped after leaving the guild hall, around her neck. "I care you for you a lot Myra. You're my demon after all Myra so get stronger Sakura. You do have a lot of hidden potential." wrote Zane. "Okay." said Sakura who was crying a lot. "Ryu! You need to get Sakura out of here now!" said Zane who coughed. "Right!" said Ryu. He grabbed Sakura and he flew off with the younger sibling.

Myra was still shocked by the kiss and Zane wrote,"And I need you to be nice Myra.". "What are you talking about Zane?! Why did you kiss me?!" yelled Myra. "You need to smile for the guild while I'm gone okay?" wrote Zane. Myra held in her tears and she said,"Okay.". She turned into a demon and she flew off with Norman. She knew that her magic would keep her going for a while. "Zane!" yelled Sakura. She saw her older brother like figure disappeared from her sight.

Myra started to cry because she let the man that she loves fight against a strong as hell foe. She also screamed his name and Ryu knew that Zane would be fine. Zane watched them leave and he knew that he would see them again so he began to gather magic power. "Okay! Time to Power up!" yelled Zane who coughed afterwards. He rushed toward the dark guild and a huge brawl that destroy the town began.

Two hours later. Myra, Ryu, and Sakura made it to Mural. Myra had turned back to normal and began to carry Norman on her back. Sakura began running again when Ryu let her go. Ryu had wasted all of his magic power when he finally made it back to Mural so he was carried by Sakura. They had finally made their way back to Heroes, Myra kicked the door open and everyone was shocked at the three of them. They were tired, beaten up, and Norman was out cold and injured.

Ax said,"What in the world happened to you guys?!". Sakura told them everything up to the point where they left Zane to fight Wicked Genocide with tears forming up in her eyes. "What?!" yelled the entire guild after hearing the story. "Why did you leave him along to fight the strongest dark guild in the world?!" yelled Allison and Ax. Sakura went back because she was scared. "I didn't want to at all because Ryu grabbed me before I could ask why and he was acting weird too." said Sakura.

Myra said,"Zane was acting serious. Wait a minute. Ryu!". The scream stopped the dragon slowly and he was trying to sneaking away from the crowd. He was heading for the door but he felt all of the eyes of the guild on his back and he began to sweat despite him having no sweat glands. He slowly turned around to see the glares from the guild coming at him. The heaviest glares were coming from Myra, Allison, and Tanya. Sakura had a shocked look on her face.

Allison and Myra yelled,"Ryu! Why did you listen to Zane without any argument?!". Ryu went back far and he was tempted to tell the guild all about Zane but he would be breaking his promise or he could hide the truth and get killed in the process. He picked the latter but he had a lot of confidence to him. "Okay. I do know but I ain't telling!" yelled Ryu. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" yelled AX. He grew to the size of a giant scaring the dragon. His sweating increased much to his annoyance.

He was a proud dragon and he was scared of a human. "I can't tell you master. I made an promise no a dragon pact to Zane so I can't tell anyone not even Ana!" yelled Ryu. Ax went back to his normal form and he walked up to the dragon. "Is that the truth Ryu? Did you promise Zane not to tell anyone about what he is hiding?" said Ax with a serious tone. "Yes." said Ryu. He was looking at the floor and Kurt said,"So what is a Dragon Pact?".

Steve said,"A Dragon Pact is like the Pinkie Promise except if you break it, it is pretty much death for you. I wonder what big brother is hiding.". "I just want to know why he did that." said Ana. "Look. I know that a Dragon Pact is extremely serious so I won't push you and no one else will right?" said Ax with a glare. "Yes Master." said the guild. "No. I need to get this off my lack of a chest. Zane couldn't keep it hidden any longer." said Ryu.

He took a deep breath and he said,"First off, Zane is way stronger than you think. He could rival his old man's strength now and even gods fear him.". Everyone was shocked at this because they knew that Zane was strong on the same level as Darin even but he could be even stronger than a dragon and a god. Myra and Sakura knew that Zane was that strong because he wrote that he never used all of his power.

Ryu said,"Anyway, you guys knew that Zane can turned into a half dragon when he activates his Draco Form.". "Yeah. That was a long time when he joined the guild when he defeated before Allison and Myra not me though." said Angel. The two girls glared at her with her whistling. "Well, Zane did fighting Fulgor and Seth ,quite easily I may add, and he got stronger during it." said Ryu. "You aren't talking about those three earlier aren't you?" said Sakura.

Ryu said,"Yeah. They are Valerie, Fulgar, and Seth. Valerie uses a lost magic called Arc of Time that is able to control the time of inanimate objects. Seth uses a magic that can control a person with a doll and it sounds incredibly stupid I know but he is stronger than one may believe. He still the weakest in the Nine Kin of Purgatory, which is the name of the team of the strongest wizards under their master however in Wicked Genocide. Fulgor can use Lightning God Magic.".

Ax said,"God Magic?". Everyone else was in a confused state because they didn't know that a human could learn even magic from a god but four of their members could use the power of a dragon. "So do you know about it Master?" said Jade. "Yes. It is a new type of magic that the council made known. I have no idea about how this Fulgor person got it but it is able to defeat a Slayer. Zane would be fried by the lightning of the gods." said Master.

Everyone except for Ryu looked at Ax with a shocked look. "So what power did Zane gain during the fight?" said Tanya. "He was able to use Fulgor's magic against him. He is able to master any magic due to him able to copy magic at just the sight of it. It calls Zero Magic" said Ryu. "What?!" yelled the guild. 'So how did he do that?" said Kurt. "He let him take the attacks and he punched Fulgor in the ground with his magic." said Ryu.

Sakura said,"So has he copied our magic?". "Yeah. He was lucky though since he took down two S Class ranked beasts before fighting the idiot trio." said Ryo. "So wait! Even with that known, he still can't think he can defeat that entire dark guild can he?" said Myra. "Well, that isn't what I'm hiding from all of you." said Ryu. "Then what is?" said Ax. Ryu took a deep breath and he said,"Okay. If I tell you this, will you think differently of Zane?".

This confused the guild at once. Why would they ever think anything differently of Zane? He was in the same guild as they were and one of their strongest wizards just under Darin. Why would they hate him because he kept a secret from them. That was normal of a person to keep a secret or two but what could this secret be that he thought that they would hate him? "We wouldn't ever hate Zane Ryu. We promise right guys?" said Sakura who glared at them. It worked.

Allison said,"I promise Ryu. We are friends after all.". "Us too." said Myra and Tanya. "I think that he is so cool and strong so I won't think anything less of him." said Kurt. "I promise too." said Jade. "We are his family." said Steve. "And Big Brother is Big Brother!" said Ana. "Lucky could never hate that guy!" said Lucky. "Same." said Barry and Dawn. "I think we're all in agreement." said Ax. "Okay. I'll tell you." said Ryu.

He wiped his open eye sockets and he said,"Zane tells me that he has visions of the future and they're usually right.". "So his secret is visions?" said Fred. "No! It is more that! They happen every single day! It shows the future! The most recent one is that all of you are dead because of him." said Ryu who looked away. "Are you serious?" said Allison. "Yes. He also sees a person who goes by the name of Hex Karma in there too." said Ryu.

Ax yelled,"Hex Karma!?". Allison and Jade looked shook up as he did and Ryu said,"Do you guys know him or something?". "Everyone who is connected to the council knows him! The only reason that I know him is because I read a little bit too much. His name is Hex Karma, the Primordial one and he is no the most wicked and strongest wizard of all time!". "What?!" yelled the guild. At this point, the town folks were worried about the guild since there is more noise than normal.

Ax said,"We know that he has these visions everyday. They have gotten worse than when he was a child. How is Zane dealing with them Ryu?". "Well, he tells me that he talks. Every time he talks, a vision appears and he sees them causing him to cough." said Ryu. "Wow. I didn't know that is what happened when he talked." said Kurt. "Yeah. He tends to do it more often than I would like but he tells me that sometimes, he has to talk." said Ryu.

Just then, an object had busted right through the roof and crash landed in the middle of the group. It was a sphere that was just radiating with magic power. "That is a Lacrima." said Allison. "So who sent it to this?" said Myra. "Okay." said Ax. He picked up the sphere and it started glowing. It then beamed out light and Ax dropped it and took some steps back. A screen formed and revealed an old man around Ax's age.

He was a short old man with thick light-gray eyebrows and a small toothbrush mustache that reaches halfway to his mouth. His eyes were very much closed and he wore a long sleeved wine red shirt with black horizontal strips and a four spiked black hat. "Um. Who is that?" said Myra and Sakura. "He is a member of the council. What is it Clyde?" said Ax. "Ax. I wish that I was here on better news but I have something to show you." said Clyde.

The old man moved back and the guild saw a drained and tired Zane in a bed nearby. According to Ryu, Zane sounded invincible but what happened to him?! "What happened to Zane?" said Ryu. "We found him on the ground along with several hundred dark guild members and a destroyed ship. He told me that Pluto along with the Nine Kid ran away after he destroyed Pluto's strongest spell and he passed out after telling my leader." said Clyde.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Zane was truly like Ryu said he was. The fact that pissing off the young man was a really bad idea because he would destroy the entire town without any hesitation at all. "So can we come see him Mr. Clyde?" said Ana. "Yes. Tell us." said Allison with Jade, Myra, and Tanya agreeing with her. "Huh. I guess that Zane is a harem king." said Clyde. All four girls blushed red. "Anyway if you wish talk to him, he is conscious barely." said Clyde.

He moved the lacrima to Zane and he said,"I got them Zane.". Zane raised his head up to meet his fellow guild members and he smiled a weak smile. "Hey you guys." wrote Zane. The sight of their strongest wizard made Heroes on the verge of tears. He had sacrificed himself in order to keep his friends safe from danger. Most of the others wouldn't have done that because they don't have the strength and courage that Zane has.

Zane wrote,"Don't worry Ryu. I know that you had to tell them that but right now, I need all of you to do me a favor.". "What is it Zane? We will do anything for you." said Ax. "Okay then. Don't come and see me." said Zane. He coughed loudly and the blood of the others in the guild became quiet. "I WANTED TO SEE MY WIZARD SO TELL ME WHY I CAN'T!" yelled Ax. "Master is right! We want to come and see you in the hospital." said Sakura.

Clair said,"She is right Zane. You are a member of our guild and we don't leave any man behind so tell us why. Please.". Everyone in the guild started joining in the yelling which was making Zane more angry by each yell. "You can't!" yelled Zane who coughed blood. Everyone stopped there and stared at him. Zane's eyes were now pitch black with gold irises. His fangs were growing larger and his teeth got sharper.

Zane figured this out and he calmed down. "I'm sorry. I can't get angry right now." wrote Zane. Clyde appeared in front of Zane with everyone wanted him to move. "Zane right now is recovering from a magic overload. According to our doctors, he usually holds back but he let loose causing the entire town to be wiped out. Only he survived, no building survived." said Clyde. "So how do you know Hex Zane?" said Ana.

Zane looked away and he wrote,"I met him when I was a kid. I was looking for Visalth because at the time, we were playing hide and seek. I could never find because I always got lost. I ran into him and he cursed me. I later figured out that it was that I could never talk unless seeing a vision of the future and none of the vision have never been pretty. I saw all of you dying from something so evil that I could never forget it.". He was shaking like crazy and he was crying.

This brought tears to everyone in Heroes mainly the girls who liked Zane at lot. They thought that Zane wasn't scared of anything but he was. They were supposed to love him and they almost betrayed that love. "Zane. We would never think that you are a freak." said Sakura. "I never thought that." said Myra. "Um. Why did you ask?" wrote Zane. "We heard about the visions that you get whenever you talk." said Allison.

Ryu looked down and he said,"Sorry dad.". "Ryu. You told them. I'm not mad at all." wrote Zane who tried to wipe away the tears but he couldn't move his body. "Yeah but we think that you are a friend or something else." said Tanya with a suggestive wink. "She is right I think." said Dawn. Everyone then chanted his name making Zane break out into a large smile with his eyes still hidden from the others due to the tears.

Clyde said,"I hate to be a jerk but I need him for something Silas.". "What is it?" said Ax as the guild got nervous. "I need him to enter Wicked Genocide." said Clyde. "Are you serious?!" yelled Myra. "I am Ms. Wood. We need someone of Wizard Saint level quality to enter the guild. I think he is able to mask his magic power from even the most powerful magic scanners. Master Pluto will not know that he is the wizard who destroyed a town." said Clyde.

Ax said,"You didn't want us to know about this didn't you Zane? You think that we would hate you because of that.". "Yes and the fact that I can't exact contact you without them finding me out. I don't want to leave but I owe Mr. Clyde for helping me get to my nest in the first place. I don't go back on me. I also know that Master Pluto would destroy all of you and I don't want that to happen." wrote Zane who used his magic to wipe the tears away.

Zane wrote,"Also the fact that Pluto somehow has an infinite amount of magic. It is like he can never run out.". "Are you serious?!" said Jade. "Yes. I plan to find out how and I will find out." wrote Zane who looked determined. "This is how we got him to help us to begin with." said Clyde. "Let me come with you! We're partners!" yelled Ryu. "Sorry buddy but I need you to help Ana get stronger. I will be back I promise." wrote Zane. The lacrima ended and everyone was determined to get stronger.

At the Wood house at night. "How is Norman doing?" said Sakura. "He is going to fine according to Ana and Althea. So where is Ryu?" said Myra. "He is looking at the moon in my room." said Sakura who pointed to her room. The two walked upstairs to see that the little dragon was looking outside at the moon. "Hey Ryu. Can we talk?" said Myra. "Hey Myra." said Ryu but he didn't turn around. He was looking at the moon.

Sakura said,"You miss him don't you?". "Of course I do! He is my dad! My best buddy! I should have stormed the Magic Council and forced Zane to let me come with him!" yelled Ryu. "He wanted you to be safe too Ryu. He sees you as his most precious thing because you are like his son." said Myra who hugged the little dragon. "Are you sure?" said Ryu. "Yeah. He told me that when we went on a job before all of this happened." said Myra.

Sakura said,"So I bet that you want to get stronger to be Zane's wife don't you Myra?". Myra blushed red and she said,"What are you talking about?!". "Oh yeah. He kissed you. Good times. I think Zane likes a lot of girls because of his dragon blood." said Ryu. "Anyway, how are you going to get strong Ryu? I mean you can use telekinesis magic." said Sakura. "I can learn more and I could be strong as Zane if I could read any of his magic scrolls." said Ryu.

Myra said,"Do you know where they are?". "Yeah. He keeps them in a treasure chest hidden in the house somewhere." said Ryu. "I bet we can find them with Ana, Clair, and Steve's noses. We will look tomorrow." said Myra. Myra carried the little dragon to her room and he fell asleep on a nearby pillow. Myra looked at a picture of her with Zane and she said,"I'll be stronger and I will make you mine even I have to share you.".

Next time,
Two years have passed.

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