Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Power Episode 16 The Reaper vs Zero! Berceuse Revealed!

A/N: Yeah. That was something. So you may be asking why I brought Emily back. I felt bad for her because if I got rid of her then, I couldn't make fun of Lucy's character through the rest of the series and I would feel bad but sometimes, I just feel like being rude. I mean we have characters in a series that you're meant or like. Lucy is a character that you could like but I strangely hate more because of reasons. Rant channel will come eventually. Lets begin with Reisa. Zane being evil will be explained soon.

I also wanted to say something. In Chapter 512, Natsu learns about the origin of his scarf which was created by Lucy. I mean Anna because they don't look the same at all and if you could get confused despite the fact that parents never look a hundred percent like their mom or dad because of biology which I know very little about so take this with a grain of salt. I kinda wanted to see Igneel make it you know as a joke. I mean I get it is supposed to be taken seriously but tell me that you don't want to see a fierce and deadly dragon knitting a scarf for his son. It just sounds amazing to me at the least.

Narrator P.O.V.
On the tracks heading to Cromer Town, Reisa was walking along the tracks. "Cromer Town. This is where those old bastards are playing with their "children's" future. I'm almost there and my magic is now fully restore even though I just cast a highly powerful spell. Thank you Kane. I owe you one and I deliver." said Reisa. She floated in the air and she rushed toward the town. "They took our jobs and rights. Wait and see because Berceuse's song will end you. It's time for the Reaper!" said Reisa.

Back in the station, Zane was walking around. "All of Shadowblade is defeated father. So how is she liking her new playthings?" thought Zane. "Those three are doing fine with her. I think the one that the ones in the council call the Reaper will be stronger." said Pluto. "I understand. I plan to take her with me after I take care of the pests." thought Zane. "Right." said Pluto. He hanged up and Zane held his right arm in pain. Zane thought,"I can't keep this up but first, I have some trash to take.".

He turned around to see Emily, Mike, and Renato. "What the hell are you doing here?! I thought you were defeated by Titania!" said Emily. "I got lost upon arrival at the station. Are you going to try and stop me?" said Zane. "Yes. My name is Renato and you're captured!" said Renato. The ring around his ring finger glowed and he was trapped in gold locks. "Is that the best that you got? I could easily break out of this with...." said Zane.

Renato's middle finger ring glowed and Zane was blasted with a giant bolt of lightning. "Taste this now!" said Renato. Several stars like objects flew toward Zane and they smashed into him. "Wow. I thought he would be stronger but I guess not!" said Mike. "He isn't done." said Emily. "The blonde is right brunette. I'm just getting fired up. Inferno Eruption!" said Zane. A giant plume of fire had then erupted from the ground below Renato.

He screamed and Emily said,"Renato!". "I'll avenge you pal! Time to show you my magic that I got from my parents! Holy Rush!" said Mike. He rushed toward Zane and he was glowing. Zane knew how to stop this in its track and he said,"Dumbass.". He froze the ground below Mike who slide on the ground and Zane punched him into the wall. "Mike!" yelled Emily. Zane looked at Mike who was still standing and he said,"I'm not done yet! Holy Beam!".

A beam of light blasted the mask off Zane and Emily said,"Nice hit Mike.". "Yeah. Way to go." said Renato who recovered from the attack. The three were then shocked to see that it was Zane under the mask. "Zane? What are you doing?" said Emily. "I've been revealed. I owe you that but trust me, this isn't going to be the biggest shock." said Zane. The three were then slammed into the ground by Zane who made several hands appear.

Mike said,"Zane! What are you doing?!". "I'm doing my job as a wizard of Wicked Genocide. You'll be wise to run away in fear like you did before Emily. I expect as much from you since you're not like a Hero. You're a coward and a chicken." said Zane. Several balls of darkness appeared above the trio and Renato thought,"Zane is a dark wizard?! What happened to him during Wicked Genocide?!". "I hope you find that answer out in hell. Nightmare Spheres." said Zane.

The spheres came down on the three and it caused a huge explosion of smoke. Zane put his mask back on and he thought,"I should erase their memory just in case.". He took a deep breath and he was shocked to see that Emily had blocked the attacks protecting herself and her friends. "Emily." said the two. "I'm not a coward Zane!" yelled Emily. She clenched her fists and she said,"I looked up to you and I made myself a fool in front of you so I wanted to make myself up to you...".

She glared at him and she said,"I hate you now more than ever because of this! You're a Wizard Saint and you're acting no better than a common thug.". Zane looked at her and she said,"You're not going to try and say that you're sorry? I know that you're a killer because you were going to try and kill me for making fun of your dad. I bet wherever he is, he is sad by what his son turned out to be.". "What do you know about my dad?" said Zane.

His magic power spiked and he said,"You know nothing about him because you're just a human girl who is more focused on her beauty and ranking within in the guild. You may be trying to get back in the guild but I can tell the truth about someone since I'm a wizard of justice.". "Justice?! You know what Shadowblade is planning right?! They're going to kill the guild masters because of some petite action of revenge!" said Emily.

Zane sighed and he said,"You know what. I'm done with you.". He walked away and he said,"Oh and before I forgot. Sleep and Erase.". The three were asleep and their memories of the previous couple of minutes were erased from their memories. Zane looked at himself in a mirror and he said,"I give her some points on standing up to me. She is good but I think she is good for the guild now but now, I'm not a judge on character.". He disappeared.

Emily woke up and she heard,"Emily. Are you okay?". She looked up to see Zane ,not in his Kane's newer outfit but in his current outfit , standing there. "What are you doing here?" said Emily. "I got lost after I finished my job and I found you plus Mike and that prick." wrote Zane. "You mean Renato right?" said Emily. "I guess but I always think that he was one so are you okay?" wrote Zane. "Yeah. I feel fine but what happened to the dark guild member?" said Emily.

She held her head and she said,"We cornered him and Mike had blasted himself with an spell. I don't know what happened after that.". "I guess the memory wiping spell are still in development. At least they don't remember who I am." thought Zane. "You need to get out of here. I sense the others and I promise that the old man and the others will be safe." wrote Zane. "But I can help! I can use my magic to help you defeat the Reaper!" said Emily.

Zane put his hand on her head and he said,"I know but right now, You're need here. Mike and the prick need to rest somewhere and those grunts could come back but knowing the girls, they aren't getting up.". "Are you sure?" said Emily. Zane smiled and he wrote,"Yeah! I'll be fine!". He ran off as Emily smiled. "I guess I was wrong about Zane after all." said Emily. She picked up Mike and Renato using her magic.

Back with the main group. "Reisa's aiming for the guild master meeting?!" said Lora. "Yeah and we are stuck in here unless we can do something about that dam barrier." said Kurt while crossing his arms. They were on the main terrace and Steve said,"Charge!". He decided to rush toward the wind wall but he was blasted back by the powerful wind. "Son. Please help us." said Allison. He was still out cold even with Ana and Lora's help, he wasn't fully healed.

Steve said,"Guys! It is so easy. We'll just break our way though!". He punched the wall with his fist surround itself in shadows. He was send back once again from the wind and Lucky said,"You can do it Steve!". "Steve!" said Sakura as she rushed toward the slayer. "You can't break through it with just force Steve." said Tessa. "I'm not giving up now. I have to save gramps!" said Steve. He jumped up and he caused shadows to appeared around his mouth.

Steve then yelled,"Shadow Dragon Roar!". The stream of shadows hit the wall of wind with the two elements clashing for a couple of seconds but they were shocked to see that the shadows had actually cut through it to make a large opening. "It cut through?!" said Angel. They couldn't make a move due to the opening disappearing. "It didn't stay open for long." said Allison. "I can keep it going and I will get you guys out." said Steve. Allison shook her head for no but he ignored her.

Steve said,"Round Two!". He fired a roar with him going through it and he said,"Shadow Hands!". A pair of hands came out of the roar keeping open. However, his face and body was being cut up. "You need to stop it now Steve! You'll be cut up to pieces!" said Sakura who ran up to him. Steve ignored him as he kept pushing through the harsh wind. "Stop it now!" yelled Sakura. She grabbed Steve and she pulled him back into the station.

The shadow user turned to face at the person trying to pull him back but his eyes weakened when he saw the frighten look on her face. "I told you to stop idiot! Are you trying to be a hero?!" said Sakura with tears building up. "Oh man. You're making the demon's sister cry Stevie. You'll be dead meat if you survived the wind." said Angel. "You're right. I'm sorry Sak. I'm just angry about not being able to do something about Reisa hurting the master." said Steve.

Sakura wiped away her tears and she said,"It's alright Steve. Please don't do anything stupid again? I don't want to see you hurt.". "Even I helped you big brother, we'll be drain off our magic power and be stuck in here." said Ana. "And we'll need your power to help defeat Reisa so save your strength okay?" said Allison. "Okay." said Steve who sat on the ground."We have to hurry so why can't you freeze that thing Tessa?" said Dawn.  Tessa said,"I would have if I could Dawn but I can't.".

Allison yelled while slamming her fist into the wall next to her,"God dam it! What are we going to do?! We need to save master!". The group heard,"Ah. It seems like you need me and my brilliance to save the day.". Luke stood there with a smile and Angel said,"The Lion?! What are you doing here? I thought you would be with Zane!". "He is here but well, he is lost." said Luke. "Of course he is." said the group except for Lucky.

Steve's eyes widened and he stared at Lora. "What's up?" said Lora. He grabbed her shoulders and he said,"We can use your spirits! We can travel through the spirit world to get out of here.". "Should I tell him or should you?" said Angel. "I'll do it. Humans can't travel through their realm because they can't breath. The gate also opens where the spirit wizard is standing. If you want to get out of here, I or the Aquiler sister will have to be outside of the station." said a voice.

Zane stood there and he waved. "Zane!" said Allison and Tessa. Ana then hugged her big brother and Steve said,"So do you know what's go one big brother?". "I actually know everything about their plan because I was walking around the building and I found this weirdo with cat like whiskers. I read his mind and I got this." wrote Zane. "Don't do anything stupid like your brother Zane." said Dawn. "I promise nothing Dawn." wrote Zane. Luke left to go back to the Spirit World.

Steve said,"Could you try that Lora?! Please?!". "Weren't you listen to Zane when he saw that it is impossible?! It is also a highly important breach of contract when a human even enters the spirit world. I think that it is highly unlikely to begin with." said Lora. "Lucky didn't know that it was such a big deal." said Lucky. "It's fine you two but we take contracts seriously but you should know that due to my sister and your brother." said Lora who crossed her arms.

Ryu said,"Wait a minute! I just remember what Zane told me to tell you!". "What?" said Lora. "Since you and Angel are close to Zane's spirits, you're able to use his keys!" said Ryu. "Really?! And why are you going to tell me Zaney?" said Angel who pinched his cheek. "I regret nothing because you're mean to me plus your sister is still new Ms. S Class." wrote Zane. "Ah. You should use that new key that you got." said Ryu. "New Key?" said Lora.

Zane held Venus's key and Tessa said,"You stole that key?!". "Ryu took it." wrote Zane. Lora pinched the dragon ,somehow, and she said,"You do know that stealing is wrong right?". "Okay. Venus gave it to him." said Ryu. "She did?" said Lora. "What's going on?" said Allison. "Please don't waste any of our precious time on pointless crap." said Kurt. "Venus... You are taking about that orangutan maid who worked for that pervert right?" said Tessa.

Ryu nodded and he said,"She said that since Alvin was arrested, the contract was null and void. She wanted a contract with Zane because she loves him.". "And she is rather hot." wrote Zane. Angel then kicked him in his legs and Angel said,"So did you make a contract with her?". "Yes. I mean she can dig holes so we can escape the wind wall by going under it!" wrote Zane. "You're serious aren't you Zane?" said Kurt with his eyes and smile growing bigger. "Do it!" said Allison.

Zane rolled his eyes and he said while holding the key,"Okay. Open Gate of the Virgin! Venus the Virgo!". A blinding light had covered the room with a magic circle forming in front of him. A second late, a beautiful short violet haired with blue eyes girl appeared from the ground in front of him. She was shackles around the wrists. She was wearing the typical maid outfit with a black under coat and a white frilled-trim apron with white thigh length socks and black mary janes shoes.

Lora and Tessa stared at her in shock and she said,"Um Master, why are they staring at me?". "I just don't know." wrote Zane. "You lost a lot of weight didn't you Venus?" said Ryu. "I guess so Master Ryu. I'm sorry for any trouble that tub of lard that was my master before." said Venus with a smile. "I think she is a completely different person!" said Lora. "You changed for the better in my opinion but what do I know about looks?" said Tessa.

Kurt said,"Amen to that.". Tessa kicked him and Steve said,"What do they mean by that?". "Venus here is a very loyal spirit so she can be whatever form pleases her owner at the time. She looked like a gorilla because the Baron's sense of beauty is well messed up." wrote Zane. "Master is correct. I'm able to changed my form into whatever he wants." said Venus. Zane smiled and he said,"Wow. I am impressed. So you can go back to being the barrel thrower?".

A image appeared in the background. It was Zane holding Ryu in his hammer form while he was making his way up slanted floors. At the top of it, Lora was tied up with Venus ,in her ape form, throwing barrels at them. "Yeah. That would be so cool. I mean that stage is bull but dam it, I would love that for sure." wrote Zane. "That would never happen." said Angel and Lora. "You two are no fun." wrote Zane who sulked a bit.

Venus said,"If that is what you insist master.". She turned back into her previous form and everyone was shocked by this. "I'm good with that form. It looks stronger than the petite form earlier." said the knight. "Yeah and she has this certain charm to her." said Ana. "I guess so." said Dawn and Sakura. "I think you should stay in the previous form and that form when we're alone." wrote Zane. "As you wish master." said Venus as she changed back.

Kurt looked at her and he said,"Lucky son of a bitch. He's getting all of the girls!". Zane noticed the cold looks given to him and Angel said,"At least, he is modest for once.". "Indeed. I thought you are a pervert and I was right." said Dawn. "Lucky liked the other form better." said Lucky. "How about we get back to business? I mean Kurt is a stripper, Angel wears very little clothing, Allison and Tessa read smut, and I would say more but I need to live." wrote Zane.

Venus said,"Yes Master. May I ask you something?". "Yes?" wrote Zane. "What do you wish to call me to you?" said Venus. "Just call him Zane and start to dig lady!" said Kurt. "Yes Sir!" said Venus as she tunneled through the ground. "Wow. She really went through the ground." said Tessa. "Good job Zane!" said Allison. She hugged him against the armored chest and he groaned out in pain but he let Allison to continue with said hug.  

Kurt said,"Okay! Time to go save the Master!". He was about to jump in the hole that Venus created and Steve picked up Son. "What are you doing Steve?" said Tessa. "I won't feel right if I just let him die here. My dad taught me that every person has some good in them." said Steve. Sakura smiled at his kindness with Son ,who was waking up, couldn't believe at what he was hearing. Zane was the only one left inside of the building and he said,"Okay. I think its time to save the day.".

Steve let out a laugh as he crawled out of the hole. "We are finally free!" said Steve. "Hurry!" said Allison as she helped Lora out of the tunnel. "Wow. This wind is insane!" said Ana. She shielded her face from the wind and Dawn said,"Child. You're a wind wizard. This should be nothing to you.". "I think you would be more worried about your skirt flying up." said Venus. Kurt watched but he then stopped as he felt a deathly aura coming from Tessa.

Son said,"There's no way in hell that you'll be able to catch Lady Reisa even with a speed wizard in your group.". "Wait! Where did Zane go?!" yelled Allison in a panic. "Did you lose him again?" said Angel. Ryu was gone and Lora said,"Um guys. Where are they?". The group heard a motorcycle's engine roar and something came out of the wind bursting it into nothing. Zane along with Ryu were on his personal motorcycle.

It was like a mixture of Fenrir ,from Final Fantasy 7, and Kawasaki Z750 (1973) with a giant wolf at the front. He was heading after Reisa and Dawn said,"What is that beast?". "His personal bike. It is known as the Wolf. He told me that he made it during his time with Wicked Genocide." said Ana. "Wow. So cool." said Lucky as his eyes turned to stars. "I have to agree with the cat here." said Angel. "Lets get two magic cars and catch them." said Sakura.

On the tracks leading to Cromer Town, Reisa was imminent to the town with it being in the distance for her but then she sensed something. She turned to see Zane riding on the Wolf with Ryu next to him. "Ready Ryu?!" said Zane under his helmet. "Yeah buddy! Flame Ramp!" said Ryu. The bike went up the fiery ramp and Zane wrote,"My bike is able to erase and use magic! Thunder Dragon Roar!". The wolf at the front of the bike made a giant roar of yellow thunder.

She crashed into the tracks with Zane landing the bike on the ground perfectly and without a single scratch. "That was so cool Zane!" said Ryu. "Thanks little buddy. Time to show the Reaper the power of the Dragon King." wrote Zane. He send the bike and gear back to his pocket dimension. "You! I'm shocked to see a famous pest like you here." said Reisa. "Lets just say that I'm here to kick ass your ass to save my master!" wrote Zane as flames gathered around him.  

On the trackers farther back. "Dam it! I lost Zane Again!" said Allison. She slammed her fist on the armrest of the magic car that she had borrowed. She clenched her fists in anger and she thought,"You know that you just came back right Zane? Damn it Zane! Why do you have to do things on your own when you have us and me to help you!". "You know that this isn't the one that we got earlier." said Lora while looking out the window.

She thought,"Zane. Please stay safe. We'll be there to help you soon.". "I will give that bitch credit on destroying the only way that we could go after her." said Kurt. He looked at Son who was he forced to sit next to because Steve was on the floor in pain. "We'll pay for it once we get it back Lora." said Sakura. "Wow. You're stealing. I guess you guys are just like me and my guild." said Son who started to snicker.

Angel said,"We just borrowing it and we wouldn't have to be borrowing this if your lady didn't blow up the other one!". "Whatever. Why did you bring me to begin with?" said Son. "Steve was right. It would be wrong to leave you behind in a pretty much abandoned town. We're taking you a hospital since Ana can only heal so much. You really should be happy about this." said Tessa. "No. I mean we are enemies!" said Son.

He smiled and he said,"Oh I get you. You're taking me hostage so you can settle with Lady Reisa but it is a waste of time. She is inhuman and she'll continue her goal no matter what.". "Can you believe that we just want to help you?" said Sakura. "You do know that I could let you die right now." said Kurt. He made a knife of magic in his hand with him pressing it against the throat. Son squealed out in fear at this.

Kurt said making the blade disappeared,"You know that Dead and Life aren't the only ways to end a fight. You should value your life more and do something good with your life.". Son looked at the group with a surprised look. He couldn't believed that these wizards or his enemies were being so nice to him after what he did to them. "I guess they aren't so bad." thought Son. He was stopped as the can swerved to the right causing the group inside of the car to go to the right.

Tessa said,"Allison!". She checked on the knight and she was shocked. She was hunched forward with sweat going down her body and she was breathing quite heavily. "My sight is getting cloudy. I have used up too much up of my magic." thought Allison. She shook herself trying to wake herself up and she continued to pump her energy into the car. It continued going down the tracks as Allison said under her breath,"You can't let her win Zane. The master will die so hold on and stay safe.".

Reisa stood up and she looked at Zane. "Wait a minute. Who are you?" said Reisa. "You seriously don't know me? My name is Zane Alvarez!" wrote Zane. "Zane?" said Reisa. She looked at him and she thought,"He and Kane have so much in common.". She shook her head and she said,"You said earlier to kick my ass. How will you do it?". "I'll show you what I mean because I will destroy you with the wrath of a dragon and crush that dam instrument!" wrote Zane.

Zane thought,"Or until I can make a copy to convince the guild and the council. Master Pluto needs it for something important.". "What happened to my wind wall along with the rest of them including the man who's evil rivals my own. I was about to arrival to kill those older bastards but I was stopped by this annoying pest. Prepare to die by my winds!". She moved her left arm swiftly and she said,"You'll be dead now pest!".

Several swords of wind went toward Zane but she was stunned by the fact that Zane was smiling at this. As they got closer to him, Zane then rose his fists up with each other glowing with a different element. His left hand glowed red with flames coming off it and his right hand glowed light blue with frost coming off it. "Hellfire Dragon Steel Fist of Hades and Permafrost Dragon Steel Fist!". He began to start punching the wind with them either burning up or freezing on the ground.

Reisa couldn't believe her eyes as she started at the untouched slayer. "What?! I can't believe this! A pest was able to destroy my wind!" said Reisa as she went back. "I figured your magic upon seeing it once. I'm able to figure out magic with ease so you're doomed. Prepared to fear the wrath of Zero, the true Slayer!" wrote Zane with thunder traveling around his body. "This brat is strong just like Kane. I can't believe this!" thought Reisa.

Zane smiled and he said,"I think your clothes are hiding thanks to those clothes of yours so let me get rid of them.". He jumped into the air and he rushed toward her like a missile. His body was covered in light and he wrote,"Luminous Dragon Rapier Smash!". "He's so fast!" thought Reisa as Zane headbutt her with light and then she was blinded by the attack after a huge burst of light launched her into the air. Before Reisa could counter, Zane was on top of her again.

Zane wrote,"Power Dragon Claw!". Zane smashed his thunder covered foot onto her head with her heading straight into the ground with dust covering the tracks. Zane fired off a Hellfire Dragon Roar out but Reisa moved out of the air and flew into the air. She flew above Zane and she was breathing heavily along with her entire body covered in bruises and the clothes slightly torn from the light and thunder combo of Zane.

Reisa then said with her spitting out blood,"You're good boy I will admit to that but don't get carried away!". She moved her hands rapidly once again with Zane smiling as frost gather around his arms once again. "Get a load of this! Hurricane Bringer!" yelled Reisa. The wind around her went into a giant sphere that turned into a giant hurricane toward him. "I guess you really don't learn! Time for you to finally learn something!" wrote Zane.

He puts his hands in front of him and he wrote,"Permafrost Dragon Subzero Barricade!". A huge burst of ice came out of them which created a giant wall of ice appear in front of him. The attacks then collided with it being a battle of control. The ice begin to destroy the wind and she was in shock of the fact that the wind was destroyed. The wind redirected toward her and she dodged the attack as she flew toward Zane with her scythe was ready to go. "Eat this!" yelled Reisa.

She swing the giant blade but to her shock, Zane blocked the blade with his right arm. The slayer then grimaced in pain with the bottom of the blade cutting through his arm. "What is this kid?! He is like a demon!" thought Reisa. Zane used his left hand to make a giant burn covered the wound which he then started to cauterize it. He covered his arm in a giant ice cast with taking a deep breath. Water covered his mouth. "Water?!" thought Reisa.

Zane wrote,"Ocean Dragon Roar!". A giant amount of water came pouring at his mouth with Reisa flying out of the way in a split second, with the bottom of her clothing was soaked. She flew above him and Zane wrote,"Hey, you're pretty crafty and hot.". Blood was going down his left arm but he didn't notice or care. "You should come back here and fight like me man to hot and sexy babe." wrote Zane with a perverted grin.

Reisa thought with a blush,"What is this guy? Everything that he has done ,in our fight, has been nothing but irregular. I think I'm falling for this idiot even though I like Kane. Those two are alike in many ways.". "It seems that I have miscalculated you Zero was it?" said Reisa. Zane noticed that the wind around her was getting stronger around her and she said,"Let's fight for real. Me and you.". "I don't think that you fighting for real will make a difference to me." wrote Zane.

He thought,"Maybe if you start stripping, I think it will make a difference.". "Lets see how confident that you become after this!" yelled Reisa. Her body became encompassed in wind and she said,"This is my Tempest Armor! Prepare to die!". "You never learn but I'll ignore that because I know a rather thick woman. She is a driven gal but I love her so prepare to fail!" said Zane with his body erupting in water.

Back with Allison and the rest of the crew. "That silvered hair brat is dead now." said Son. The girls in the car snarled at him. "Watch what you saw about Zane you douche." said Angel who glared right at him. "Why would someone like you say that?" said Lora. "There's no way to break through Lady Reisa's Tempest Armor with any kind of magic alone ever." said Son with a highly arrogant voice. "I think you forgot something." said Tessa.

Son looked confused with Sakura said,"Zane isn't like Steve who only use shadow magic. He is highly competent in all forms of elemental magic mainly water.". "And you didn't know this but my big brother can eat air since he was trained by a dragon." said Ana. "No way!" said Son with a huge amount of shock in his face. "Oh it is very true Son. I know that Zane is kicking your leader's ass with no problems." said Allison who smiled.  

Back with Zane, Reisa fell on her knees as she said,"How is this possible?!". Her magic had failed as she felt her body go numb. She was blasted with a huge amount of magic and then a cold burst of icy wind. She was the reaper of Shadowblade and she was helpless along with being empty. She saw the slayer standing over him as water dripped from his body. She wasn't unable to even hit Zane once due to him being able to block every single attack that she tried to do.

He even broke through her magic and she thought,"A Slayer of this level exist after all.". Zane then held her by her throat with Zane holding her in the air and looking at him. The grip began to grow stronger around her thought. A few second later, the Shadowblade wizard began to lose air and she tried to make him let her go. Before her vision disappeared, she was thrown harshly to the ground with her gathering lots of air before she saw the slayer with fear in his eyes.

Zane said coldly with his eyes full of anger,"I could have killed you right now. I could have killed you during our entire fight but I'm not like you. I love life even the life of your cold-blooded killer like you.". Reisa looked down in shape and Zane wrote,"I would rather see you pay for your crimes and make you pay for your wrongdoings instead of killing your life.". He grabbed her and she saw the anger in his eyes.

Zane wrote,"You tried to kill my family. Dawn, Kurt, Lucky, Ryu, Sakura, Steve, the old bastards or our parents, ALLISON, ANA, ANGEL, AX, LORA, and TESSA!". His magic power spiked at that point when he wrote the last couple of names. "I will never forgive you or anyone who hurts women that I cared about but I will not stoop to your level. I will turn your miserable ass over to the council so they can you a suitable retribution but this will have to do!" wrote Zane.

His fist suddenly came forward and it hit her face knocking her out. "I hate to hurt your pretty face but I wanted to get revenge." wrote Zane. He stood very happy over her defeat and he looked at Berceuse which was leaking a small trail of dark purple smoke from its holes and it was started to chuckling slightly. "I better make a clone before they show up." thought Zane. He walked toward the instrument only to hear,"Zane!".

He looked up to see his friends coming toward him as he made a gust of wind blow the instrument toward Reisa's body. He waved toward them and he wrote,"Hey guys. Took your ass long enough. I took care of her already.". The car parked nearby them. "Yep! Zane kicked some major but which was normal for him. He did have to use a lot of spells though." said Ryu as he flew in the air. "Way to go Zane I guess but nothing less from my brother." said Steve.

Son said,"No. He defeated Lady Reisa and doesn't have a scratch on him.". Allison took the plug off her and she grabbed her head. She was about to fall toward the ground but she was caught by Lora. "I hope you didn't go overboard Allison." said Lora with a smirk. "I don't but I just need to collect my magic energy back." said Allison. "So how the hell did you defeat her?" said Kurt. "And get rid of her wind wall! That is the more important matter at hand." said Tessa.

Zane wrote,"The Wolf can eat magic power around it along with being able to use magic. I use it to eat the wind wall surrounding the station. I used my Slayer spells able to cut through her magic with ease. I was right but something happened.". He held up his arm showing the large cut that was slowly healing. "This is the only day that I didn't wear my armor but my magic is slowly healing it but well I wish I had your talent with healing magic Ana or Althea." wrote Zane.

Allison said,"Lora. I'm okay now. You don't need to help me anymore.". The knight made her way over to the slayer with Angel, Lora, and Tessa going with her. "You're not going with them Ana? He was rather stupid." said Dawn. "No. I may be mad at my big brother but this is something that he has to learn on his own." said Ana. "That's rather wise of you little sister. You get it from me rather than big bro right?" said Steve who tussled her hair.

Kurt said,"I don't get it at all. What's going on? I was confused on how a motorcycle even did that to begin with.". "Lucky thinks that Kurt is an idiot." said Lucky. "You'll understand when you are older Kurt." said Ryu and Sakura. "Hey!" said the Passion user. "Hey you girls! You missed it! I kicked some major but today. Shows you how strong I got in the past two years huh." wrote Zane. He didn't get a single word of acclaim but four sharp slaps.

The stunned slayer looked to see them glaring at him with Zane writing,"Okay. What did I do this time Ryu? Was it something perverted?". "I'll answer it for him Ryu. You're acting like a thoughtless idiot!" said Lora. She placed her hands on her hips and Tessa said,"You had all of worried for you and it wasn't a good feeling! You're lucky that you were about to even damage Reisa! You could have been hurt Zane!".

Angel felt tears forming in her eyes and she said,"You know that it would heartbreaking to see one of the most important people in my life hurt?! You just came back from a two year long job not even a month ago but Lora hasn't seen you in seven long years!". Zane was shocked when Angel launched her arms around him. "Zane. You were my first dam friend and I think everyone here thinks of you the same way so I don't want you to die." said Angel.

Zane sighed and he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry Rachel. No I'm sorry to all of you. I don't want to make any of you worried. I promise that I will tell all of you or Ryu but mainly me if I do something this stupid again. I swear on my name as the Slayer or Zero." said Zane with a soft smile. "That's I wanted from you idiot." said Lora. She punched him gently in his not injured arm and Tessa said,"Yeah. I will be the one to stop you idiot.".

Angel smiled at Kurt and his group and she said,"If you tell anyone that I cried, I will break you even more than I will to Zane if he does something stupid.". The five nodded in fear mainly. "She's right Zane. You are my best friend and I was the most worried about you. If you decided to run off and fight some megalomaniac, at least tell me before you do. I should have been here to help you fight her. She could have seriously hurt you or done something worse." said Allison.

During her little speech, she was crossing her arms under her chest and she did without thinking start to clench her fists. "Allison. You need to look at me." wrote Zane. She sighed as she looked at him. "I am sorry that I worried you. You're the one that I care about. Trust me, I don't want to say this but you couldn't have stand a chance against her in your current condition." wrote Zane. She looked down and Ryu thought,"I hope you know what you're doing.".

Zane gently held her chin and raised her head. "Don't get yourself down over this Allison. You used up a lot of magic power driving to Oakheart along with fighting Shadowblade wizards. I don't want to you to go fizzle out and get hurt in the process. I'm not a little kid anymore Allison. I can do things on my own. I promise that I won't let any of you get hurt because of my reckless actions again. I want no need you to go back to being the strong and capable wizard I care about." said Zane.

Allison hugged Zane and she said,"Okay Zane. You did a good job because of you, the guild master including master are okay now.". "You're right Allison. So since we're here, we should go see the old man. We can tell him what happened. He'll have a field day mainly due to the fact that I caused a lot if not thirty days of writing apology notes." wrote Zane. "Okay then. We should..." said Allison. She was stopped when the sound of the engine roared to life came to the Heroes.

They were all shocked to see Son was behind the wheel. "Son! What the hell are you doing?!" yelled Angel. He raced toward them and Zane made an ice ramp launching the car into the air. "You all are idiots! This instrument Berceuse belongs to me! Serves you right!" yelled Son. He drove off as Zane said,"That bastard will pay! The Wolf!". His bike appeared as he got on. "I'll go stop him so you guys have fun while I'm gone." wrote Zane.

He drove right after him with Ana said,"Did he do it again?". "No. This time he told us which makes it better I think?" said Ryu. "Not really." said Dawn. "How could he do this?! We even saved his but after you kicked it Steve." said Sakura. "We should go after him before Zane catches up to him right you guys?" said Lucky. "Yes! After them now!" yelled Allison. The group there agreed with her and they ran/flew after both Son in his magic car and Zane in his magic bike.    

A group of soldiers were heading toward Cromer Town as well. "Attention! Thanks to our reports, it seems that the dark guild Shadowblade is planning on murdering the guild masters in Cromer Town. I won't let that happen on my watch. Lets show those wizard the wrath of the Meca Army!" said the captain. "Yes Sir!" said the army on their weird chameleon like horse things. The mirage of Berceuse had appeared over the moon laughing manically at the outcome of today.

In Cromer Town, Son was starting to wheezing as he was walked off the magic car. He looked up to see that the guild masters were still in their meeting with laughter even heard from outside of its hall with the shadow wizard inhaled a huge amount of air at the sight of this. "Yes. Their stupid meeting is over yet. Berceuse's song can still reach them without any trouble from even here. Ha. Their life are at an end." thought Son.

He heard laughter and he turned around to see Ax reading Magician Monthly. "Oh! Look at these girls today! Back in my day, they were so prude like and dare not expose their bodies but now, it is the opposite of that! Zane really knows his stuff about the female body. I wonder if his time out on his two year long job." said Ax. He then had a look of fear on his face and he said,"No! I have to go find where those brats or else something terrible could happen!".

He looked at Son who looked confused at the sight of the old man and he said,"Oh. You won't tell anyone about me reading this magazine for the articles right? You should get back to the hospital my boy.". "Um sure thing." said Son. "He is the master of Heroes Ax Hunter or was it Silas Hunter. I don't care right now." thought Son. "Um.. Excuse me." said Son nervously. "Yes." said Ax who turned to face him.

Son said,"Would you like to listen to one of my songs sir? They wouldn't let me play at all because I have been working on this song for a long time now.". Ax looked at him with a highly doubtful look and he said,"That is a strange looking instrument.". The ocarina rested in his hands and Son said,"I get that a lot sir but I promise that it will be excellent.". "Okay young man. I'm rather in a haste." said Ax who sat down on the stump that he was reading said magazine on.

Son said as a rather diabolical smile appeared on his face,"Of course.". He brought the ocarina up to his lips with him recollecting what his guild members told him before this job started and this also includes Zane. "Legal Guilds are so a waste!" said Whiskers. "They are so powerless but they're so dam cocky! Makes it fun to kick their ass." said Dalton with a sadistic smile. Lamont nodded with Dalton without saying a single word.

Reisa said to them,"Their death is the result of the wizards that was living in darkness! We will start with killing them!". "Son. You shouldn't just follow the crowd like the rest of the nameless nobodies in your guild. You should find your path and follow it." said Zane. He then remembered what those Heroes wizards told him earlier. "You know that you won't get your rights back if you do something this awful and you're not the evil ones!" said Lora.

Kurt said,"You should value your life more and do something good with your life.". "Son! Please! We need your magic!" said Allison. "Who the hell are you?! Isn't he a member of your dam guild?!" said Steve. Steve started to grind his teeth as he was starting to faltered. He was having clashing thoughts because the old bastards caused his guild to become a dark guild but he couldn't help and think about how kind those Heroes were even though they fought earlier. He would have been dead other wise.

Just then, the group arrived there. "We finally found him!" said Tessa who was catching her breath after running. "Gramps!" said Lucky and Steve. "Master!" yelled Allison and Angel. "You kids need to be silent. It is getting really good to me." said Clayton. He stood there and he looked at Kurt and Steve who felt their skin freaking out at him. "Um. I hate to be rude but who is he?" said Lora. "He is the master of Thunder Wolves." said Sakura.

Clayton smiled and he said,"It's good to see you again Allison Chan along with Zane. He is nearby watching this play out.". "So are you going to play or what?" said Ax who was getting bored. Son was still confused on if he should even play the song to begin with. His hands couldn't stop shaking as he was sweating all over. "Master! Get away!" said Ana. "Easy there little girl. This is getting good for once." said Gary. "Do it." said Ax.

Everyone watched with them enticed as Son put the flute to his lips. "Play dam it! Everything will be better after this!" thought Son as he closed his eyes closed. "Boy. Nothing will changed. Weaklings will be weak forever but being weak isn't bad. Human beings are not perfect because you could be feeling scared but a guild is there. We have family so we can be stronger people. Some may take longer but you will gain your strength in time without a flute." said Ax.

Son took a deep breath with him thinking,"He knew everything about this.". He fell to his knees as he bowed to the old man. "I surrender to you Master Ax." said Son. "Master!" yelled the group. They ran to Ax who were shocked to see them. "What the hell are all of you doing here?!" said Ax. "You were so great master! Your words touched my heart!" said Allison. She hugged him and he hit the armored part of his chest with him grunting in pain.

Zane appeared from the forest with him writing,"Well done old timer. I guess you aren't so bad after all and that speech of yours right after gawking at girls.". He patted his master's head and Ax said,"I would suggest that you stop that right now Zane or else.". "Nah. I'm good." said Zane. "Well, I'm just happy that this mess is over with." said Kurt. Lora got next to Son with her helping him up. "I may be mad at you for leaving us but you made the right choice in the end." said Lora.

Everyone stopped talking when a evil sounding laughter sound came next to Son. "ENOUGH! I'M SICK OF YOU PATHETIC WIZARDS AND YOUR ANTICS!" said a evil sounding voice. "Hey Tessa. Please tell me that you was trying to be funny." said Sakura. Berceuse started to ooze out a thick black smoke  and the army ,nearby, was confused by the smoke forming into something. "I'M GOING TO DO THIS MYSELF!" said the voice.

A giant tree like beast with six eyes, two legs, four arms and two heads with three eyes each stood there. "YOUR MISERABLE SOULS BELONG TO ME NOW!" said the beast. "It's so big!" said Lora. "That's what she said!" said Ryu. Dawn slapped him for that as Son said,"What is that? I didn't know about that because Reisa didn't either!". "Oh my. We're in trouble now aren't we?" said Clayton with his hand covering his mouth.

Zane said,"Of course we are Master Clayton. That instrument is one of his creations after all.". "He's right because that belongs to Hex Karma." said Gary who started to sweat in terror. "I'm famish so I'm going to eat all of your souls!" said the beast. "Huh?!" said Steve. He turned to Kurt and he said with a confused look,"So do souls taste good?". "How the hell would I know that?!" said Kurt. "So how did that come from a ocarina?" said Sakura.

Zane wrote,"Berceuse is a creation of living magic. It was one of Hex's magic and his most famous one.". "Living Magic?" said Allison as she looked at the beast. "Who's Hex? He sounds like a name from the past or one of Jade's books." said Angel. "He was the ultimate dark wizard. I see him every time I close my eyes because he cursed me. I thought that he died but to see his works in action, I will fight with all of my power." said Zane.

Berceuse said,"Now. Whose souls should I enjoy eating first?". "You guys. Go protect the guild masters now." said Allison. "Quit barking orders Allison!" said Steve. "Yeah! You ain't the boss of us at all!" said Kurt. "GO NOW." wrote Zane. "Yes Sir!" said the two. "And those two are just loyal to the bone if giving the right incentive." said Lora. "No over grown piece of wood is going to scare the Meca Army! Attack!" yelled the captain. "Yes sir!" said the army.

Bercuese said while backing up,"You doubt me? I will make you fear me!". It fired a giant beam of magic power which destroyed a mountain top clear off. "So can we run now captain?" said a solider to his captain. "Yes men! Run for your lives!" said the captain. "Weaklings like always." wrote Zane who sighed. He stood in front of the demon and it said,"Your soul will be first.". "Fine but I taste so awful." said Zane.

He moved everyone back and the guild masters said,"Good luck Zero.". "Why can't we help you this time Zane?!" yelled Allison. "Zane has to do this by himself. He is driven by his revenge to kill Hex so let him do this my child." said Ax. Zane rushed toward it and it was about to play the sound. "I'm ready to fight how about you bastard! War God's Secret Art Seven Swords!" said Zane. Around Zane, five crimson blades appeared around him with two in his hands.

He fired them at the beasts which sliced the demon up. He dodged the demon's punch with ease and he wrote,"Luminous Dragon Ammo!". He created a huge amount of light which fired out like if he was using a Gatling gun. "Hell to the king baby!" said Ryu. It was going to play its songs but it truly forget about all of the holes. "Wow. How sad." said the group. "Shut up!" yelled Berceuse. It broke another mounter and it fired several balls of energy at Zane.

They went past him and they were heading toward the group. "KURT!" yelled Zane. Kurt took off his shirt and he said,"You don't have to tell me twice Zero. Passion Shield!". A giant shield appeared and it blocked all of the attack. "Wow. That kid is rather amazing with his magic!" said one of the guild master. "Good job Kurt." said Sakura. "Thanks." said Kurt. "Okay. I'm doing playing games with you Berceuse!" wrote Zane.

He started to climb up the demon with him jumping off the attempts at swatting him off. He jumped into his hand and he said,"In my right claw rest the power of Sivarth the king of Dragon and in my left claw rests the power of Ryuluth the Power Dragon! I give you my Power Dragon Vivid Storm!". The giant ball of magic energy appeared in front of the demon which blew the head off of the demon.

Zane then jumped back with wings of fire appearing form his back and he yelled,"This is the end of you here and now Hex's Demon or Berceuse! Power Slayer Final Art! Blazeyotta!". Berceuse was then hit with a large beam of magic power that could be seen around the world with it causing a giant explosion that destroy the area around him. "Well done by my boy." said Ax. The demon went back to being the ocarina and a huge cloud of dust appeared.

Zane made a copy of Berceuse to confuse the council and he placed the real one someone where his guild couldn't find it so he can give it to Pluto. "Wow. He destroyed that demon with no problem at all. I'm impressed with your wizard once again Silas." said Dana who is the master of the Bloody Darkness guild. Lora couldn't help her face becoming a giant smile with her watching Zane appear from the smoke. He held the defeated Berceuse and he wrote,"Tada!".     

Lora said,"Wow. That was amazing.". "You rocked Zane. I mean you kicked that demon's but." said Angel who put her arms around him. "Thanks." wrote Zane. "You did well. I can't wait for our fight soon." said Allison. "Me too." wrote Zane. "I helped too." said Kurt. "We know but you didn't do much in the grand scheme of things." said Tessa. "You know what. Just shut up." said Kurt. "Lucky is happy!" said Lucky. "So am I Lucky." said Sakura and Tessa.

Son was starting to cry as he watched the triumphant Heroes celebrate. He smiled at their bonds and he felt a huge amount of pain from Clayton. "Now we have to get you to a doctor. I used to look like you Sonny." said Clayton. Son's soul left him and Gary said,"Ha! Those Heroes are a strong bunch but to be honest with you, I like them that way.". "Thanks Gary!" said Ax. He had a huge smile on his face but it was gone due to the destruction that was behind Zane.

The meeting site was fine but the area around it was completely wiped from the earth. His eyes then started to open up and he was trying to sneak away from everyone. It was then that the rest of the guild noticed it. Allison and the rest of the girls were shocked to see. "Wow. I completely missed that building. Should I destroy that too?" wrote Zane. "No you idiot!" yelled the guild masters. They went after him who got ready to fight.

He was dragged by Allison and she said,"Sorry about him Master. He ashamed you.". "Don't worry about it Allison. I don't think I have to come back next time so plus for me." said Ax. "Yep. I love this guild. Lets get back and tell the others how awesome we were!" wrote Zane. He rushed ahead of the rest of them with the others following close behind. Son was still shocked at the fact of him being the younger version of Master Clayton who had a blissful smile.

Back at the guild. "Hey Sis. What do you have there?" said Norman. Myra was reading a book at the bar and she said,"Oh. It is a book that I "borrowed" from Jade.". "I think you stole it but I rather not die today." thought Norman with a sweat drop. "So what's it about?" said Norman. "It is about the Dragon and Slayers." said Myra while flipping a page. "Huh?" said Norman. He leaned over to see what his big sis was reading.

His eyebrow then rose and he said,"Dragon marriage and its relationship to Slayers. Why in the gods would you be reading that?". "Oh nothing." said Myra with a pure smile on her face. "Oh wow. It is no wonder why Jade's face was red when she was reading this earlier. I will make sure to have a talk with Lora about this juicy fact when she gets back. If all of us girls work together, we will be able to convince Allison." thought Myra.

Next time,
Allison and Zane face off! What did Jade/Myra find?

Guild Card #10.
Name: Tessa Ramsey.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Ice/Plant/Wood Magic. 
Likes: Zane, Nature, Glasses, and her guild. Dislikes: Perverts, Fire, and People hating her.
Info: She is knowing her hatred of perverts with her main target being Kurt who is known for stripping constantly. She likes Zane because of the fact that she called him cute in the first pair of glasses that she wore. She is a fan of Mother Earth and she hates fire because her magic is completely useless against her. She is holding a huge secret from the guild. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #11.
Name: Tanya Reed.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Card, Explosion, and Psychic Magic. 
Likes: Drinking, Teasing Girls, and Zane. Dislikes: Anything not alcoholic.  
Info: She has been able to drink since she was 13 years old even though the legal drinking age in Meca is 15 years old. She tends to drink doubly if Zane is seen with a girl other than her and it cause the guild's beer budget to double. She is now for being quite diverse in her magic power and she is able to fight with the best of them when she is sober that is. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #12.
Name: Jade Emerald. 
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Earth, Letter, and Water Magic.  
Likes: Zane, Books, Learning, Her Guild, and Animals. Dislikes: Dark Places, Thunderstorms, and being called little. 
Info: She has been in the guild for her entire life with her being known for her love of books. It is highly common knowledge in the guild that she has a major crush on Zane since he joined the guild because she is the only one who likes to read. She knows several different types of magics and she always love to learn something new. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

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