Friday, December 16, 2016

Power Episode 14 The Song of Death

A/N: Welcome to Episode 14. If you felt that Episode lack action, this one will have even more than that by one percent. Yeah. I love Fairy Tail but I really think that the series picks up at the Phantom Lord Arc with the lowest point in the series being up to a fan's personal opinion. Mine are Galuna Island and Avatar Arc for adding nothing to it and just being plain boring. This applies to both of them so if I get to the later of the two, it will be better.

Narrator P.O.V.
The next morning at the Mural train station. Kurt and Tessa were fighting much to the confusion of the townspeople. "Why the hell am I stuck with this pointdexter?" said Kurt. "The feeling is mutural stripping princess." said Tessa. Steve was leaning against the wall where Ana was sitting with both Dawn and Lucky in her lap. "So are you ready for the job with the strongest team in Heroes Lora? I hope you're ready." said Ana.

Lora ,who was wearing an orange tank top with a short blue skirt with heeled sandals, said,"I really don't think you need me. Should we try and stop them?". "I don't think we can even if we tried. Those two hate each other." said Steve. 'They do but why?" said Lora. "Who knows? It may due to the fact that Kurt has a stripping issue. I" said Dawn. "Aye! Lucky thinks that Kurt likes to strip for some reason that Lucky doesn't understand!" said Lucky.

Angel appeared with Ryu and Sakura. "Sakura? I get Ryu and Angel but what are you doing here?" said Kurt who was pulling Tessa's hair. "I wish you two would stop fighting. At least in public. I also thought that you like me Kurt." said Sakura. She looked sad and the two felt bad. "Hey. I think I see Allison. We are over here!" said Angel. "Lets get along." said Kurt as he put his arm around Tessa's neck who forced herself to smile.

The two turned to see Allison heading toward them but he saw a laughing Angel with Tessa seeing the same thing. "That was too dam funny!" yelled Angel who couldn't stop laughing. "You guys are jerks!" said Kurt. "Maybe because you're way too dam easy to fool Kurt." said Tessa. "You fell for it two four eyes!" said Tessa. "Should we tell them that we could smell if Allison was nearby." said Ana who looked at Steve. "Nah." said Steve.

Kurt looked over the group and he said,"This group is just going to just cause problems. I barely know Angel's sister so how I can work with someone that I don't know.". "Do you want a hug Kurt Chan?" said Ryu. "NO!" yelled Kurt. He then froze in fear when he heard a voice speak up right behind him. "I'm sorry that I'm late for the mission you guys." said Allison as she was currently pulling a impressive amount of stuff behind her.

Lora thought,"I shouldn't say this at all but why does she have so much luggage?". Allison said with a smile,"It's really good to see you Lora. Zane spoke highly of you so you'll be quite helpful on this job but I rather warning you that this job may be way more trouble than the fight against the baron.". "I see then." said Lora. "Don't worry Angel. I plan to protect you but show me how much stronger you got." said Angel. "I will!" said Lora.

Steve said,"Hey Allison. Zane had something to tell you before he left.". "Why didn't he tell me it at dinner then Steve?" said Allison. "He says that it was between brothers. I suspect that he would like a fight. He has grown much stronger and expected a rather good fight from you. He will try to finish his job up before us." said Steve. "Is he insane? It is like Clair challenge Allison or Zane at the same time! She got curb stomped by Zane's thunder!" said Kurt.

Allison smiled and she said,"He has grown stronger in the past two years. I accept his challenge but he can't hear me can he?". "Who knows?" said Ryu. "You know that Zane will want you to give it everything that you got Ally. He wants a serious fight because to him, it wouldn't feel right if you did that." said Angel who crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh I know Angel. You're strong but Zane is way stronger and I will need to know that soon." said Allison.

She looked at Kurt and Tessa with her saying,"Do you two wish to fight me too?". "Nope. I'm good to say the least." said Tessa. "No way! I rather have my bones intact." said Kurt. "Lucky says we should go!" said Lucky. He flew toward the train and Steve ran after his partner. "Man. I forget that Lucky can be a little hyper activate." said Ana. "A little is an understatement." said Dawn. "Lets go already you guys." said Allison. "Right." said the group.

On the train. "Kill me now." said Steve who moaned slightly. He was covered in sweat along with his stomach bubbling. "Man. You can be so pathetic just like your partner. You know that you can sit not near me or run alongside the train." said Kurt who sighed. "You know something. If I wasn't in a huge amount of pain, I would kick your ass Kurt." said Steve who glared at Kurt who smirked. "So why do only Clair and Steve go through this?" said Lora.

The group was on the train and Ana said with Dawn on her lap,"I don't know. My mom told me that she trained me and Zane to vanquish this weakness.". "And the idiot gained the ability to get lost in a straight line in the process." said Dawn. "Hey Steve. I don't mind if you lay on my lap." said Sakura who smiled. "Are you sure? Do you remember what happened the last time?" said Tessa. "It's fine. I want to help out of my friends when they're in pain." said Sakura.

Lora thought,"I guess I should move then.". She got up and moved next to Allison as Sakura said,"I think you should lay your head down.". "Okay. Thanks Sakura. I hate this stupid weakness of mine. It is a pain." said Steve. "Just relaz and get some rest." said Sakura. She ran her fingers through his hair and the slayer smiled with his eyes closing. "We'll be there soon I promise." said Sakura. "Wow. You really like Steve but not as me!" said Lucky who was currently sitting on Angel's lap.

The group sat in complete silence for a long time with Steve sleeping soundly in Sakura's lap as she combed her fingers through his hair, Daw, Kurt, Ryu, and Tessa were playing a game of cards, Lucky was watching the things that were outside of the train and tellling Angel and Ana about it who was listening to the little cat. Lora was organized the stuff in her bags, and Allison was reading a book about something that made her face red wink.

After Lora finished her menial task, she decided to break the silence. "Hey Allison. What kind of magic do you use? I know that my sister uses Angel Magic ,that fits her title, Element Magic, and Spirit Magic like me." said Lora. "I see. We're going to be on the same team so leanring about the rest of the team's magic is rather a smart move. I use Weapons magic with me being able to make any kind of weapons that I need." said Allison.

Lora said,"Wow. That is rather impressive.". "Yeah. Her magic is so cute because of her opponent's blood comes rushing out like that!" said Ryu. "Are you sure that is supposed to be cute?" said Lora who looked at the little dragon. "My magic is nother special but I think both Kurt and Tessa's magic is far more pleasant to look at." said Allison. "It is? I mean mine is great but Tessa's magic is rather subpar." said Kurt. "Shut up stripping princess." said Tessa.

Lora said,"What magic do you use Kurt?". "I'll show you." said Kurt. His hands glowed with magic energy and a small symbol of the guild appeared in his hand. "I can use Passion Magic." said Kurt. "It is rather interesting since Kurt here isn't very creative at all." said Angel. "Hey!" said Kurt. "I can use Ice and Wood Magic. I think that I'm way stronger than the stripper because Zane thinks I'm stronger than him." said Tessa.

The two were about to fight but Lucky said,"Lucky can fly!". "It is known as Aera Magic. The one who isn't a cat use Dragon and Telekinesis magic." said Dawn. "I have a question anyway. Why did you ask me and Zane ,at the time, for help anyways? I mean before Zane left, you two could handle any job." said Kurt. "Ah. Let me explain. We were on our way from our last job. We stopped at a bar in Oakheart town where wizards gather. Some wizards there got our attention." said Allison.

Flashback to three days ago. Allison was sitting at a table near the back of the bar and she thought to herself."Wow. That was an easy job. Even without Rachel, this job isn't worthy of the title of S Class but I may just miss Zane. I have heard rumors that he's return but I learned not to trust rumors in the past.". "Hey! Where the fuck is my booze!?" yelled a voice from across the bar. Allison turned her head and she saw a table with five wizards on the other side of the bar.

One of them was currently pestering a waitresses who just wasn't having it. "Hey! What is your deal bitch?! You're making me wait for my damn beer!" yelled Octovio who was moving his empty mug up and down. "I'm sorry sir." said the waitress ina annoyed voice. She went back the bar to fetch the drinks and she was annoyed with the whiskers ,I will be calling him by the way, wizard. "You know that you don't have to be so mad bro." said Dalton as he leaned back in his chair.

Whiskers said,"How can I not?! We finally found this mysterious and illusive Ocarina but for some god dam resonit was sealed up tightly than Dalton's mom last night! Oh! How that did that even happen? Was it those dam pricks in Wicked Genocide who have such a hard on for Hex. We have no god dam way to even break the seal.". Dalton slamedd his friend into the table and he said,"Shut the hell up. You're making a scene you dam idiot.".

The other three sweat dropped at him and Whiskers said,"Dam it! Look away or else!". Everyone except for Allison stopped watching in fear. "It isn't like the seal is invincible even if she helps us speed up the process. I will handle it so head back the guild. Let Lady Reisa know for me." said a wizard with black hair that went down to his chin and brown eyes. He also had a ponytail that looked like a man bun.

He stood up and he said,"I shall return with the item in about three days.". "Serious?! You know how to break the seal?!" said Octovio. "Oh. Good job then Son." said Dalton. The black hair guy walked out of the bar as three of the four wizards were being a headache to the rest of the bar. Angel walked up to Allison and Allison said,"We're leaving.". "Okay then. This is a weird job." said Angel who followed her friend.

Present. "Ocarina?" said Tessa as she tried to figure out what it was. "Is it a magic that controls some one with its enchanted song or something like that?" said Lora. "I don't know Lora but they mention Wicked Genocide and something about it being locked by a magic seal means that it sounds quite powerful to me. I was hoping that Zane would know something about it due to his connection to the dark guilds." said Allison.

Lucky said,"Lucky doesn't get it.". "You don't get anything but to me, it sounds like you came a group of wizards that wanted to break the seal off some magic. It might have been a job that they were on or something." said Dawn. "I thought that at first too Dawny but then Allison mention the name Reisa to me. She is the strongest wizard in her guild Shadowblade hands down. Her name is Reisa Demise or the Reaper." said Angel. "Reaper?" said Ana and Lora.

Kurt said,"I have heard of her before. She only takes assassination jobs or did.". "The council made any jobs involving assassination illegal but Shadowblade chose money over following the rules." said Allison. The train was begin to slow down as it was pulling into the station. "About six or seven years ago, Shadowblade was kicked of the guild alliances and it was made into a dark guild because of their greed." said Angel. "A dark guild." said Lora who gulped loudly.

Sakura said,"You said that they were kicked out but did Shadowblade get any trials?". The group was then getting off the train and Ryu said,"I think Zane told me that their master was jailed. Their guild was also commanded to disband.". Allison was pulling her cart of stuff of the train and she said with a frown,"They also continue their illegal activities even though the council told them to do something even with force.".

Lora said,"Wow. This is getting rather frigtening.". "It was a error on my part. If I only knew where I remember hearing the name Reisa. They all would have been crushed under my blade." said Allison as her gaze darkned. "You're right about that. The wizards at the bar sounds easy to you Allison but a whole guild...." said Kurt as he put his hands in his pockets. "They have an ancient magic that is the same name as an instrument. We can't overlook this anymore." said Allison.

She turned to the group and she said,"We'll go up to Shadowblade and destroy them before they plan to do something evil.". "I'm liking that." said Kurt. "Same Pervert Princess." said Tessa. "I'm really wishing that I could be at home right now. So do you know where the guild is?" said Lora. "We will find it evenutally." said Allison. "That means that we'll be asking around." said Angel. The red haired knight looked up and she looked at Sakura.

Ana said,"Is something wrong?". "Guys! Steve is gone!" yelled Lucky who went crazy. Sakura went running back to the train station with an annoyed Kurt following her. When they got back, the train was long gone. Allison grit her teeth and clenched her fists. "I was way too focused on the problem at hand! We forgot to grab Steve when we left on the train. He's awful on transportation so he is already dead on that train." said Allison.

Angel said,"Yeah but at least, you didn't left Zane in a maze.". "You left Zane in a maze?" said Lora who was getting angry at her sister. "It wasn't my fault. I thought he head back to the guild after the job but he actually got lost in there for over a month. The guild had to search through the entire maze and we found him while he was eating some meat that he found from a wild animal that happened to enter the forest." said Angel. "Please hit me Sakura for losing Steve on a train!" said Allison.

Sakura said,"Calm down Allison. We don't need that.". "I would hit my sister for losing Zane but if you lost Zane Allison, I would smack you." thought Lora. Allison grunted and she looked around the train platform. She then spotted a supervisor and she stomped her way over to to him. She held the man by the collar of his shirt and she began to tell the story to him with her sounding quite desperate by the second.

Allison said,"So that is our problem! I need you to stop that train now! Please understand, it is for one of our family!". "Stop taking crazy! I can't just stop the train because your friend forgot to get off the damn train!" yelled the conductor who dusted himself off. Allison glared right at the man who went back in fear of her look. She stopped looking at him with her then spotting an emergency stop switch behind him.

Acting in a split second, Allison held the man and knocked out with a good headbutt. He was out on the ground with Ryu saying,"Wow. You're rather thick sometimes Allison. I wonder what you would do if you lost Zane.". She ignored the dragon and she pulled down the switch. Several alarms went off and lights blared throughout the station. The other people in the station either looked around in terror or turmoil.

Allison said,"Lets go get the Shadow Slayer.". She then turned to a group of people behind her and she said to a person,"Excuse me but could you deliver this to Hotel Flame.".She handed over her cart full of the luggage to one of them and she said,"Thank you.". "Who are you?" said a person but the girl was gone. "Wow. That was sudden." said Lora. "That's Heroes for you." said Ana and Dawn. "I think you're learning quick rookie." said Kurt. "Clothes Kurt." said Tessa.

Back on the train, Zane was currently on the train that his friends were on and Steve was nearby him still asleep from his motion sickness. He was wearing a dark gray hooded cloak over him which was fastened to cover his entire body except for his black pants and boots. He also was wearing a black mask with a dragon like theme to it. He was wearing there due to him currently being in Kane mode which involved hiding his magic presence from everyone.

Zane thought."I'm getting rather good at cloaking my presence from my friends. I do hope that they plan to come get Steve back. He's still asleep.". The slayer was dead asleep and Zane sighed. He then helped Steve against the window to look like he was awake. "Hey Kane. Who is that?" said a voice behind him. Zane turned around to see Son standing there. Zane had met up with Son after he had met with Reisa who Zane called hot despite her being hundred degrees of crazy.

After meeting up with Son and helping with him with the seal a tad, Zane figured out quick that Son was rather lost in what he wanted from this world. He was wearing a dark brown coat with a high collar and a highly complicated symbol on the back over a plain dark blue undershirt. He wears a pair of lime green pants, dark gray shoes, and small black earrings. He smiled and he said,"So who is he Kane?". "I don't know but I guess that he belongs to a guild." said Zane.

Son sat down with Zane sitting across from him. "So Kane. What guild do you think that he is from man?" said Son. "I don't know but don't say my name. I rather not have people hearing my name to begin with." said Zane. "Right. You're so secretive and the such." said Son. Zane rolled his eyes under the mask and Steve began to groan out loudly in pain along with sweat pouring off his body. Son then spotted the Heroes mark on Steve's left shoulder.

Son said,"Oh. You're in pain aren't you? I hope that we can get you to a hospital when we arrive in Cromer Town.". "If he wasn't on this train and smelt your dam scent. I think things would have been done differently." thought Zane. "So Heroes huh. You're from a normal guild. I resent you." said Son with a creepy smile. "Speaking of Heroes, Myra is rather prominent in the magic world isn't she? I'm sure that she is nice with her having a rocking body." said Son.

Zane thought,"What are you doing? You don't know what happens when you mess with a dragon's mate.". He clenched his fist as Son said,"I wonder why she doesn't go on that many jobs anymore. I heard that it was due to Zero just leaving for two years on a job. I also heard about this new girl who joined the guild a week or two ago. She is pretty smoking according to this chicken guy in our guild so do you know her hero boy?".

Zane let out a growl from his throat and he felt anger rushing throughout his body. "I know for a fact that normal guilds have tons of sexy babes.. I resent you because all of the girls in my guild are so dang crazy and not cute in the slightest. So how about you share some of them with the poor?!" said Son. Zane couldn't handle it anymore but he had to make sure that he got out his anger by another means like punching him while going after his friends later.

But he couldn't make a move since Steve got a strong kick to his face. "Don't give me the dam silent treatment you brat! That's a major offense to the dark guilds!" said Son. "Huh?" said Steve as he then moved Son's foot out of his face. "You can talk then?! I thought you were mute or something. I mean if you had a disability, you're pretty useless in today's world." said Son. "I was going to say get your dam foot out of my face but you pissed me off with the comment earlier." said Steve.

Son said,"Excuse me goth. You're going to have talk louder. I can't hear you at all. Heroes has been getting a lot of recognition. You know that we call you all pests. I think I should take out the pest don't you think?". He slapped Steve upside the head causing Steve to snap. The wizard rose from his seat and he exposed his anger at Son. "Oh. Are you going to do something you damn brat?" said Son with a smile. "This isn't going to end up good at all." thought Zane.

Steve covered himself with shadows and he aimed his fist toward Son but the train was against him and he went back into his seat. "Okay! That shit was so dam funny! What was that?!" laughed Son who hit his knee. When his laughter stopped, he gave Steve an hateful look. "You have to use your magic like this!" yelled Son. Several tendrils made out of shadows came out of the ground below him and they launched Steve into the air. "That's so funny!" yelled Son. Steve crashed into the floor.

Suddenly a loud screeching sound sounded throughout the moving vehicle and the two went straight into a door. "Wow. I guess you should sit down and wear your seat belt then. I wonder this is due to the fact that they forgot my bro." thought Zane who left the cabin to no make sure that Steve didn't sense him at all. Son groaned in soreness and he got himself off the ground. His eyes opened up as he saw that his bag was open and the content were everyone around the floor.

Steve said,"It's done moving.". He forced himself up but something had stick out of the bag that had caught his attention. It was a wooden ocarina with a six-eyed skull in it. "Fuck! You saw it!" yelled Son as he began to sweat. "You bastard. I was going to kick your ass for calling my friend a piece of ass and making fun of my hero is something that you'll forget for the rest of your life." said Steve. It was only for a second but his body erupted in shadows.

Steve said,"Shadow Dragon's Iron Fist!". Steve punched Son back with a shadow fist with the dark mark being launched into the next car and into the next one. Son spit our some blood as he tried to get back up. When he managed to get up, he saw Steve glaring at him. "Who is the pest now? I bet you know the answer right?" said Steve with him cracking his knuckle one by one. "You bastard. I will kill you." said Son as blood came out of his nose.

Son thought,"Where the hell is my back up? Is he a coward or what?". "I'm not trying to piss off the strongest guild on the continent second only to Chaos Lords. They're deadly when mad. I thought the ace taught you that Son." thought Zane. "Where the hell are you?!" yelled Son. Steve was confused and Son heard,"Enjoying some free rum thanks to you two shadow users. Get ready to attack him because I sense the train is going to move.".

Suddenly, the train's intercoms said,"We've learned that the emergence brake was activated due to an interruption. We will be leaving soon so we thank you.". "You know what. I'm out of here!" yelled the slayer. He then ran over and he grabbed his bag mainly for Lucky. "You won't get away! You picked a fight with the Shadowblade! You won't get away with this you pitiful pest!" said Son who staggered over to him.

Steve said,"The same goes for you. I know your ugly face now and I never forgot a face. You made fun of my family, threatening two of my brother's mates, and my brother! I'll kick your ass so hard that you...". He quickly covered his mouth as the train started to move again. He didn't want his annoying motion sickness being a bother to him so he jumped out of the window. He noticed that a magic four wheeler that was going after the train.

He was heading toward to said car with him shocked to see that Allison was driving it. "Hey you guys! I have a little problem!" yelled Steve. "Steve?" said Allison as her eyes opened. The knight then swerved the car closer to him. "Why the hell did you get out of the train you idiot?!" yelled Kurt as he head toward the top of the vehicle. "So why did we stop? Is that Steve?" said Dawn as she then looked out the window.

Kurt's eyes opened up as Zane headed right for him at an alarming rate. Before the passion wizard had a chance to react, the slayer slammed right into him. The two crashed head fist and were sent off the magic mobile. "Zane! Are you okay?!" said Sakura as Allison slammed on the brakes. "Yeah. I'm fine." said Steve who rubbed his forehead. "I'm fine too, thanks for asking. So why the hell did you do that shadow freak? I thought you were smarter than Clair!" said Kurt.

The two were being healed by Ana as Angel said,"Ana can use Healing magic making her a healer and she is important on the field.". "You're being too nice. Miss. Althea and Zane are way better users of healing magic than me." said Ana. "Lucky thinks you're great." said Lucky who was happy to be back with his partner. "It seems like I lost my memory due to my shock. So who are you and why do you smell like booze and the bathroom?" said Steve.

Kurt said,"Why you?!". The two were about to fight and he heard,"KURT! Keep your hands off him now!". Kurt backed away in fear and Tessa said,"Smooth Kurt. Really manly.". Kurt sighed and Ryu said,"We're sorry about leaving you on the train. I personally blame....". Dawn covered his mouth and Steve said,"Wow. I thought you guys were my friends but you forgot me. I'm thought that you would want to make your future brother in law happy.".

Angel sighed and Ana said,"What is he doing?". "I honestly don't know." said Angel. "Being the best duh!" said Lucky. "I'm sorry Steve. I was rather reckless so please hit me as revenge." said Allison as she hanged her head. "Sorry about that Zane. I'll make it to you later." said Sakura. "Anyway. I'm just happy that you're okay." said Allison. She pulled in for a hug and Steve tried to get his breath because she was a hug person to say the least.

He wondered how Zane could handle her hugs and he heard,"I was scared because if you got hurt, he would be sad.". "Hey Ally. I'm fine. Just a couple of brain cells." said Steve. Allison nodded and she wiped the tears out of her right eye. "Wow. Allison care a lot about the entire family. I mean I only like Zane but Ana and Steve are really nice." thought Lora. Steve hugged her too and he said,"I guess you want a hug too?". "Yeah. Don't something stupid again." said Lora.          

Sakura wanted a hug along with Ana as Kurt grumbled,"Why the hell do the Slayers get all of the girls?". "Someone has a case of the jelly." said Tessa. "Oh screw you." said Kurt. "Man. You guys missed the weirdest thing. Some fruitcake on the train tried to pick a fight with me." said Steve as Allison's eyes widen. "Was it someone from Shadowblade?" said Ryu. He got a nod and Lucky said with a smile,"Lucky knows that they're the bad guys!".

Steve said,"Huh. This is news to me. I thought we doing something about a music concert gone wild or something.". "You need to learn to listen." said Dawn as she flew back into the car. "You said that he was on the train earlier correct? We need to go after him." said Allison. She put the plug to the car since it ran off magic energy of a wizard along her arm. "Do you remember what he looks like?" said Ana.

Steve shrugged and he said,"Pretty normal looking to me. Oh. I remember that he had something that he was rather protective over. It was a weird flute like thing with a six-eyed skull in it.". "Wow. That is weird as shit." said Kurt and he went right back to the car. "A flute like thing with a six-eyed skull in it." said Ryu who was shaking in fear. "Is something Ryu?" said Lora running up to the dragon who was shaking.

Ryu said,"No. It can't be. He just made that story up to scare me from raiding the guild hall for food when I was little. If that flute like thing is the Ocarina.. Berceuse.. dream.. afterlife. That flute like thing is Berceuse... The Song of Death!". "What?!" yelled Allison and Angel. "A song of death?" said Tessa. "Zane told me all about strange magic when I was little but he said that there was magic that was able to crush people. This is more serious than one may thought." said Ryu.

The people at the train station ran away in terror from a group of wizards that had stormed into the stations. This group was lead by Reisa the Reaper. "Get them all off the train along with the driver. I don't want anyone beside us on here got it?" said Reisa as she moved her giant weapon off her for a split second. "Shadowblade is taking this over." said Reisa. The guild members followed her orders as she walked onto the train.

She saw Zane with a nursing Son. She looked at the two and Reisa said,"I heard that you two were on this train so we waited for you Son and Kane.". "Thanks Reap. Son has something to tell you." said a tired Zane. "I broke it Lady Reisa. It was nothing." said Son. He handled the ocarina to her and she smiled. "Good you two. This is the taboo magic Berceuse." said Reisa. "Yeah!" yelled the others in the guild.

Whiskers said,"Good job Son. Don't you think so Dalton?". "Yeah. We can complete our plan with no problems." said Dalton. "This was just a way to cast magic for normal people but Hex had a hand on it making into a deadly force." said Zane. "Yes Kane. He made such a thing. Group cursing murder magic Berceuse. It kills anyone who hears the melody of the Reaper. Lets get moving boys!" said Reisa. The dark guild cheered for their victory with Zane worried about Steve.

Further down the track, Allison's vehicle raced toward the station. Angel, Ana, Sakura, and Tessa held onto the vehicle's sides while Kurt and Lora held Steve ,who got sick again, and the two cats were on the floor. Ryu flew nearby keeping up with the car which was a shock but they got over it because of Allison pushing in a lot of her magic power. It raced by the land as it flew down the tracks.

Allison said,"Group-cursing murder magic!? If Reisa got ahold of this magic,... Bastards! What are they planning?!". Back on the train, Zane was relaxing. "I wonder if they figured out that I am here but soon, they'll find out. I don't want to hurt them but I want to keep my cover up as Kane, one of the kin." thought Zane. He didn't know or cared about the three wizards who weren't from the guild on the train but he could handle them for sure.

Next time,
What is Shadowblade planning to do with Berceuse? Why is Zane so concerned about keeping his cover as Kane so secure?! Who is on the train!?

Guild Card #6.
Name: Steve Moran.
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Shadow Slayer Magic.
Likes: Lucky, his older brother, his little sisters, staring at the night sky with his family that he cares about, Sakura, his father. and his guild. Dislikes: People hurting his guild and bright days.
Info: He is the adopted young brother of Zane, the father of Lucky, and Clair's partner. He is the more serious of the duo but sometimes, he can lose his temper causing him to freak out with the other members of the guild. He likes Sakura and Lucky the most even more than his brother, father, and sister.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #7.
Name: Clair Rodgers.
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Holy/Light Slayer Magic.
Likes: Barry, Zane, Allison, her guild, her mother, her team with Lucky and Steve, sunny days, and her guild. Dislikes: Nighttime.
Info: She is very beautiful and very much the prime example of destroying things. She loves her guild the most with her having a secret crush on Zane. She hasn't the bright girl around despite her magic. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #8.
Name: Ana Yagami.
Age: 16 years old.
Magic: Air/Wind Slayer Magic.
Likes: Zane aka her big brother, her mother, Dawn, Steve, Lucky, Ryu, clean air, deserts, and her guild. Dislikes: Pollution, violence, death, and her big brother's name.
Info: She is very loyal to her big brother and her guild. She is always trying to grow stronger for her big brother who got stronger to protect her when she was little. She got stronger but she constantly puts herself down much to her partner's annoyance. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

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