Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Power Episode 11 Entering the mansion like Ninjas!

A/N: Welcome back. I have been on a roll with this series since I'm re reading Fairy Tail and falling in love with again. I think that with my better writting skills, this is better than Power Guild. I made Ryu and Zane to replace Scampers and Bob because it reminds me of the old version. I also like Zane because I like writing a mute character ,who can talk using his magic power and notebook, and if he makes into a series, I'll find a way to make him express himself. Lets begin at Lora's apartment. Also if you are a Lucy fan, be forewarned. I'm not going easy on this character than Zane hates. I also won't be going into buildings because that is a lot of work. This is going to be long,

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been three days since the rescue mission and Lora said to herself,"I still can't believe that he found me such a nice place.". She had just finished her bathtub and she quickly dried her hair. She wrapped a towel around herself. "It's very spacious for only 50,000 golds a month. There is plenty of storage space, pure white hallways, the scent of fresh wood, a cute old fireplace, but the biggest thing is...." said Lora. She looked out to her living room and she was shocked to see no one there.

Lora thought,"Huh. I thought that someone would be in here.". She heard the doorbell and she said,"I will be ready in a second!". She pulled on some casual clothing and she opened the door. She saw her not so secret crush standing there with a angry look on his face. Ryu floated in and Lora said,"Did I invited you in?". "No but I guess I shouldn't have gone in." said Ryu. "Are you two alright?" said Lora. "Not in a good mood but I wanted to spend time with you." wrote Zane.

Lora said with a blush on her face,"Really?". "Yeah and stop scratching her walls." wrote Zane. The little dragon was about to claw the walls and he said,"Yes sir.". "Wow. You guys are off. How about you come in?" said Lora. Lora noticed that Zane was walking over to her desk across the room much to her shock. "So what is this..." wrote Zane as he held a stack of papers. "Hey. It looks like a..." said Zane. "Don't!" yelled Lora.

She dived across the living room and snatched the papers out from his hands. Her face was flushed red in embarrassment as she held the papers very close to her chest. She glared at Zane who looked lost. "So what's up?" wrote Zane. "You're not going to ask what it is?" said Lora. "Oh no. I figured out what it is from my first glance. You're writing a book." wrote Zane. She squeaked and her face turned even redder.

Lora eventually stammered out,"Of course not!". That didn't convince the saint as she held the paper tighter in her hands. "If you are Lora, I don't care. I think it is awesome actually. I have seen Jade trying to write her own stories over the years but she had a trend of giving up. It takes a lot of guts and skill to write a book." wrote Zane. "Really?" said Lora. Her heart began to beat a bit and Zane smiled. "Yep. Your book will be awesome but promise me something." wrote Zane.

Lora asked,"What is it?". "Let me and then Jade be the first two to read your book once you're done please!" said Zane. "Okay. I like you and Jade but you two will have to wait for a while." said Lora as she got even more embarrassed. "Yep. Me and Jade will be happy if it takes a long time." wrote Zane with a smile. "How about you don't tell anyone at the guild yet beside Jade. They would make a big deal out of it." said Lora as she held it closer to her chest.

Zane wrote,"I won't but I will tell Jade and she can be rather quiet.". "Oh my god Zane. Do you even know what you're doing to me. I think I'm falling in you every day." thought Lora as her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. "I love seeing all of the women in my life happy and pissing them off will cause me to be sad. I can't see them mad either which makes me both liking and hating this job that I got for us." thought Zane.

Ryu smiled and he said,"So why you two staring at each other?". "Um...We weren't starting at each other." said Lora with a nervous laugh. "Nah. I was staring at her beautiful blue eyes. She is quite the looker." wrote Zane. "You like each other!" said Ryu. "No! It isn't like that!" screamed Lora with her face red from embarrassment. "She totally digs you." thought Ryu. "Yeah. She does but lets her figure it out." thought Zane. She left the two alone to go make some tea.

Zane thought,"I bet that she just took a bath. I bet she looked amazing in a towel. The thought alone is making me hot. I think that those shots from the Magician Monthly like god dam.". "Hey Zane. I need to talk to you so stop being a pervert." said Ryu. "Yeah. I'm listening to you little buddy but I'm being a man." wrote Zane. "Sigh. You got that from Darin and nothing else!? So do you like Lora or what?" said Ryu.

Zane crossed his hands over his chest and he said,"Honestly Ryu, I don't know.". "That is an awful answer." said Ryu. "She is beautiful, emotionally stronger than I, and a fun person to be around but I feel that with most of the women in my life. I just want to make all of the girls in my life happy but never sad. I know that I can't keep a person happy forever but I'm going to try my best and keep them happy." wrote Zane.

Ryu said,"I guess you being trained by seven dragons makes a lover not a fighter.". "I guess but I will keep them and my home safe. I hate seeing my family sad mainly the ladies because all of them hold a special place in my heart. I will protect the girls and my family no matter what." wrote Zane. "I may not have the same reasons as you do but I want to protect the guild too. But will you protect even her Zane?" said Ryu.

Zane wrote a groan and he wrote,"God dam it. She is a part of the guild too and she is so annoying man.". "And why didn't you tell Master to shove it then?" said Ryu. "You know Master like I do and he would never kick someone out unless they do something." wrote Zane. "I think if they threaten the life of another member or allow another member to die when you could have done something. What are you thinking?" said Ryu. "Nothing." said Zane.

Earlier, Ryu and Zane had arrived back ,from a quick job, and he saw Myra waiting for him. "Good luck buddy." said Ryu. He flew off as Myra said,"Welcome back Zane.". She had an angelic smile on her but Zane knew for a fact that this was a lie. "So I heard that you brought a girl to join the guild? I also heard that she is your old friend." said Myra. Her eyes twitched in both jealously and annoyance with her inner demon pouring out.

Zane took a gulp and he wrote,"I did. She wanted to join the guild for a long time. I am showing her the robes you know as a senior member and stuff like you did for me back when we're kids.". The aura was gone and Myra said,"Good. So I heard that you plan on going on a job with Jade and Tessa soon.". "I am. We have a pretty simple job in fact. Let me guess you want to come." wrote Zane. He had a feeling that she would wanted and she said,"Yes.".

Ax hopped over to the two and he said,"Ah Zane my boy. You have a new assignment.". "God dam it old man. Why can't you tell them that I ain't their busboy?!" wrote Zane. "Sorry but they need you. I can't convince them otherwise." said Ax. "You know that they have nine other saints and I am sure that they want to help them." wrote Zane. "So what is the assignment master?" said Myra and she grabbed Zane's right arm.

Ax smiled and he said,"He is to go after a Baron Alvin Earnest. It isn't worth anything but they saw that you can steal all of the money that you find in his mansion.". "Really?" wrote Zane. His eyes had turned into dollar signs and he wrote,"This is perfect since my next job has something to do with this baron guy anyways.". "Ah. You're going on a job with Jade, Myra, and Tessa plus Ryu. May I suggest something?" said Ax.

Zane wrote,"I'm good.". "Do you mind taking Emily with you?" said Ax. Zane's face had a face filled with rage and Myra said,"Are you sure that this is a good idea master? You know for a fact that Zane hates her guts right?". "I do but she is a member of your family so you have to like her." said Ax. "No I don't old man." wrote Zane. "I'm saying that you will and no buts." said Ax. Zane stormed off and Myra said,"This is a bad idea master.". "I don't care." said Ax.

Back at Lora's place. Lora return back to the duo of human and dragon with her preparing some tea for the three of them. "Come have some tea you guys!" said Lora. She placed the three cups on a small table in her kitchen with the boys joining her in the kitchen. Zane sat across from Lora and Ryu sat on the table. "I'm sorry you guys but I just moved in so I don't have any furniture. So please head home after you finish your tea." said Lora.

Zane wrote,"You could have asked the guild to help you Lora. All of us are really nice and wouldn't mind helping out a member.". "Aye." said Ryu after taking a sip of his tea. "I guess but everyone was fighting again." said Lora. "I personally blame Clair but I wanted to ask you something. How many spirits do you have on you?" wrote Zane. "Yeah! Show all of us!" said Ryu. "She can't little buddy. If she does, she could run out of magic power and that is bad on a job." wrote Zane.

Ryu said,"But Angel does it for me.". "She likes to show off little buddy." wrote Zane. "Anyway, I've three gold keys and several silver keys. I actually lost count of them. The gold keys are from my dad as you already know Zane. I have Tex the Golden Bull, Lisa the Heavenly Scales, and Percy and Pearl the Paired Fish." said Lora. "Paired fish?" said Ryu as he was thinking of fish. "He loves to eat anything mainly meats and such." wrote Zane.

Lora sighed and she said,"That reminds me, I still have to form the key that I bought in Davenport. I don't think that you guys would be interested in seeing how a Spirit magic form a contact with a spirit would you?". "I have done it countless times and seen your sister do a good amount of time. I think Ryu would like to learn though." wrote Zane. "Yeah! All of Zane's spirits are super strong mainly Ariel." said Ryu who smiled at the fish woman.

Zane wrote,"The wizard summons the spirit through the gate to ask when it is alright to summon the spirit, usually during what days of the week, through depending on the wizard's magic power or the relationship with the spirit, the time frame can be more flexible. Ending a contract occurs when one of three happen according to Luke. The user gives up the keys, put in jail for a crime, or dies. If any of this happens, the spirit is free to form a contract with whoever gets their key next.".

Lora said,"Wow. You sure know a lot about magic don't you?". "I do because it comes with being the right hand of Heroes and also Zero magic. I'll show you mine." wrote Zane. He pulled a key ring with several keys and Lora said,"That's impressive.". "At least you're not like Emily." said Ryu. "She is a greedy woman to say the least. I also want Ryu to learn something. Both brains and power are very important to me." wrote Zane.

Ryu said,"So does this contract involve blood seals?". "Nah. They don't little buddy. I mean I would be drained of all of my blood if that was the case." wrote Zane. "Okay. Those two can be both cool and weird at the same time." thought Lora. She closed her eyes and she held up the silver key. "I am the one who connects the road to the spirit world. Thou shalt respond to my calling and pass through the gate!" said Lora. The room was filled with a bright and blinding light.

Lora said,"Open! Gate of the Evolution! Eevee!". The light began to disappeared and something then appeared. A short creature with brown fur appeared there. The tips of its bushy tail and its large furry collar are cream-colored. It has short and slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. It has brown eyes, long pointed ears, and a small black nose. "Eee! Eee!" said the dog like creature.

Ryu flew over to her and placed his claw on her shoulder. "Don't feel so bad Lora. Everyone even I get things wrong." said Ryu. "I did do it right you bony jerk!" said Lora. She grabbed the small spirit and she smiled with her hugging it close to her chest. "AW! She's so cute!" said Lora. "Eee!" said the spirit. "I have to agree with you on this." wrote Zane as he tussled the spirit's head making her really happy.

Lora said,"Her gate doesn't take too much magical power to open so they make good pets. Do you have one?". She placed the dog down and Zane wrote,"I have a pet. He's right here.". He pointed to Ryu who said,"Ignore that.". "Okay. Lets begin on the contract." said Lora as she pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil. "Eee!" said the spirit nodding her head in agreement. Lora asked the spirits what does she could be available.

Ryu said,"This is so dam boring.". "I know but this is important." wrote Zane. The spirit started to explore the room after they finished the contract. 'That was easy." said Ryu in a monotone voice. "It may look easy but it is important like Zane said. We make sure that we don't go back on words and I don't." said Lora. "Yeah. That is awesome Lora." said Zane who coughed. 'If you're going to talk, do use your magic. We don't want you seeing him." said Lora. Zane wrote,"Oh right.".

Lora sighed and she said,"Oh yeah. I should name her.". "Isn't her name Eevee?" said Ryu. "That is the basic name." said Lora. She smiled and got down on the ground. "Come here V!" said Lora. The dragon looked at her and Lora said,"I know that you're going to say something sarcastic Ryu but I am not going to care. That name sounds cute to me right V?". "Eee! Ee!" said V nodding her head in agreement.

She started to move around and the group there stared at her with confusion. "So what is she doing Lora?" said Ryu. "This is new to me." said Lora. "I see. You're both smart and adorable just like your master!" wrote Zane. "He thinks I'm cute." thought Lora as she had a small blush on her face. "I can't believe that he understood V." said Ryu. "Aren't you his partner?" said Lora. "We may be partners but we don't know that much about each other." said Ryu.

Zane wrote,"You know you're right. You and Tex were awesome plus us saving Eric was made even easier because of you coming. Okay. My mind is made up. Welcome to the team.". "Team?" said Lora. "Yep! All of us in Heroes are family but we make teams with the people that we were get along with. If you're on a team. harder requests just got easier. Zane is usually partnered up with the Titania and Tessa with us being the strongest team in Heroes." said Ryu.

Zane wrote,"I would argue something different but I know that you would ignore me on that so will you join us?". "Join us Lora. Our side has cookies." said Ryu. "I would be honored to join you guys on jobs." said Lora. "Sweet! We already got a job." wrote Zane. "You did?" said Lora. "Yep. Zane may have convinced your landlady to help with the rent but we need to make sure that you have a steady cash flow." said Ryu.

He placed a piece of paper ,that he pulled out from his body, onto the table. Lora began to read it and she said,"Wow. Erith. That isn't too far from here... WHOA! We just have to get this book from this Baron Alvin guy and get 500,000 Gold!". "Yeah. It is a simple job and I have to take down him for the council so killing two birds with one thunder bolt right?" wrote Zane. Lora read the bottom and she said,"He is a pervert?".

Zane nodded and he wrote,"Don't worry. I'll protect you, Jade, Myra, and Tessa from him.". "What about Emily?" said Ryu. "Emily?" said Lora. "Ugh." wrote Zane. "She is the person that we hated the most." said Ryu. "Then when why is she joining us?" said Lora. "Master forced us. I already planned on having you joining my team with Allison and Tessa and this job was going to be the perfect first job since it is rather easy but that old bastard..." wrote Zane.

Lora noticed that Zane was getting angry and she said,"Don't worry. You won't have to deal with her because I bet the others will make sure that you two don't cause trouble. I promise.". "I know that you will. I mean we Spirit wizard take promises and contracts very seriously." wrote Zane. He walked to the front door and Ryu said,"You ready Lora?". "Yep!" said Lora. She followed after the to meet up with the other members of the team.

Back at the guild hall. Tanya said,"Hey Sakura. Where's Zane?". "He went out on that book stealing job with Jade, Lora, Myra, and Tessa." said Sakura as she was carrying a few plates. "I want to be near him. He is like a living heater. I still can't believe that you DON'T have a crush on Zaney but your sister does." said Tanya. "Yeah. Even Jade likes her." said Fred. The two girls saw him standing there with his signature smile on his face.

He had his black hair kept jutted backwards at the sides of his head. He has a sharp face, a somewhat prominent, flat, and defined nose pointed downwards and distinctive teeth, with a protruding sharp triangular-shaped upper molar complemented by a chipped portion on the lower row, something which allows him to close his teeth completely despite such a peculiar physical irregularity. He was wearing an interesting outfit.

He wore an open light brown coat with yellowish fur trimmings on its edges and sleeves which reaches down below his elbows. Below it was a high-colored purple shirt with said collar mostly left open which was sometimes seem left hanging over the checkered belt below it with a rectangular buckle and others tucked inside of the baggy dark pants covering his legs which are inside of dark boots.

He was sometimes shown with a bracelet composed of thin ropes around his left wrist and a watch around his right. The most obvious piece of his outfit is the fancy and extremely high hat matching his coat with a large brim and fur trimmings over its either length at regular intervals plus a large furry ball on the top. "Yeah but this place is so boring without my Zaney." said Tanya. "I would have to agree with you on that." said Ax from his spot on the bar.

Both Fred and Tanya were shocked to see him there but Sakura smiled. "However, me sending two S Class, three S Class level wizards, and two newbies was a bad idea. The job just became more of a problem. I just got in touch with the client." said Ax. "Was the job cancelled?" said Sakura. "Not at all my dear. The reward was just increased times ten." said Ax which a smirk. Everyone in the guild was heard around the guild.

Fred said,"Five million for a stupid book!?". "Wh-Why all of the sudden?" said Tanya as fear filled throughout her body. "Stay safe idiot." thought Tanya. "Wow. They got a good one." said Sakura. "It seems like things are getting good around here." said Kurt with him taking a puff of his cigarette and messing with the ice in his drink. "Hey Kurt. Look down." said Sakura. He was in his underwear and he said,"God dam it!".

On the outskirts of Mural, the group consists of Emily, Jade, Lora, Myra, Ryu, Tessa and Zane were in a carriage bound for Erith. In the carriage, Lora interlaced her fingers and rested her head on her heads while she frowned at the puppet that was Zane. Much to the confusion and depression of the rest of the group, Zane actively refuse to go in a carriage with Emily forcing Zane to ride on his motorcycle outside of the carriage.

Emily in question didn't care about because she made Lora like her despite Zane hating her guts. She had shoulder length blond hair and gray eyes. She has a purple and light blue sleeveless vest with a red push-up bra that expose a considerate amount of her breasts, a white mini skirt and long black boots that go up to her knees. She was rather pretty but it was obvious to everyone that she was trying to get attention.

She said,"So Lora, how close are you and Master Zero?". "Master Zero?" said Lora. "I think she is trying to practice for the role of maid. You know that this Baron guy loves blond maids and not other hair color on girls." said Ryu. "Yeah Ryu. I mean me and Myra are the only blonds so we have to get ready right Myra?" said Emily. Myra tched louder than normal and Tessa said,"So why can't we just destroyed the place?".

Jade said,"Well, Baron Alvin is one of the richest men in Mural. He is also able to ruin your and your family's live for generations.". "And also the Magic Council will throw you in prison." said the Zane puppet. "To be honest, this is going to be a rather easy first job right?" said Lora. "Yeah. Zane's first job required him to fight the Warptaur and he kicked his ass." said Myra. "Yeah but my first job was way better." said Emily.

Tessa noticed that the puppet rolled his eyes at that and she said,"Anyway, we will make sure if the baron does anything pervert. We'll stop him.". "Yeah. We're going to do great." said Jade. "Yeah and sneaking into a mansion is easy than one may think." said Ryu. "Yep and I'm rather confident in my sexiness." said Emily. "Meh. You look pretty normal to me." said Ryu. "You know that you aren't at all a human." said Myra.

Emily said,"So about the pay rate. Me and Myra will be doing the work. We will be earning 500,000 gold plus whatever Zane will find in the mansion so lets add 6,500,000 to the five hundred thousand gold. I think that we should split the payment like this. I'll get half. Jade, Lora, Tessa, and Myra will get 10 percent each. Ryu will get nine percent, and Zane will get one percent.". "She really can't be serious can she? I think she is." thought Jade, Myra, Ryu, and Tessa in unison.

A slap sound was heard and the puppet had slapped Emily. "What is wrong with you?!" said Emily who felt her left cheek stinging and it would absolutely cause it to be sore. "Let me tell you that will hopefully understand you dumb bimbo. I didn't want you on this job. You will stay out of my way and if you don't listen to me, I will get you kicked out of the guild faster than you can say Please let me stay. Now shut the hell up." said the puppet.

It was quiet and the puppet said,"Sorry about that. Don't worry ladies. I will rescue all of you if you get caught except for Emily.". "Why not me?!" said Emily. "He doesn't like you." thought the rest of the carriage. "Keep this in mind Lora. You can never know what could happen on a mission. I just wanted to protect the women in my life along with my partner except for Emily." wrote the puppet. All of the girls ,excluding Emily, had a blush spread across their face.

Three hours later. "We;re finally here!" yelled Emily as she got out of the carriage. Zane took off his helmet and he wrote,"That was a nice ride. Totally worth my money.". He put the bike in his pocket dimension and Jade said,"So Zane and Ryu, are you two hungry?". "A little." said Ryu as his stomach growled loudly. The two began searching for nearby restaurants and Tessa said,"How about the hotel first? We can put our stuff away and make a plan.".

Emily said,"I'm not really that hungry because I have to keep my hourglass figure.". Zane rolled his eyes and Emily said,"Why don't you just eat the fire around Ryu?". "Is she really stupid or what? I'm dead serious." wrote Zane. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" said Emily. "Slayers can't eat their own element and Ryu's flames are his life force." said Jade. "How do you know that?" said Lora and Myra. "I read a book." said Jade.

Emily sighed and she said,"Wow. That must be rather annoying to you fatty. I'm going to check out the town for a bit. You guys go and eat.". "Wait!" said Jade. It was too late since Emily had already taken off down the street. "We should eat together as a team." said Jade sulking. Zane placed his hand on her head and he said,"Don't worry. She isn't part of a team in my books.". "Yeah. I saw a restaurant over there." said Myra. "Lets go then." said Lora.

Ten minutes later, Zane and his dragon were devouring their food. Zane was chomping down on a large than piece of meat, Ryu was eating an large fish, and the girls watched nearby. "Wow. I haven't known him as long as you girls have but has he always been that much of a gluttony?" said Lora. "I think it is a cost of his huge amount of magic power." said Tessa. "That's a good reason to me at the very least." said Jade.

Ryu said,"Hey Myra. Do you think Emily would like some?". "Yeah. Leave her the fatty stuffy. She needs some meat on her." said Myra. "Should I hit you guys?" said a voice. The group saw Emily in a maid outfit and it was meant to show off her body. "How do I look master?" said Emily. Zane looked her up and down with him thinking,"Meh. She is hot but I like a girl for their personality. She has the body but personality is very much missing.".

Emily said,"So how is your food master? If you're still eating, please take your time.". "Hey Zane. I think we should tell her the truth." whispered Myra. "Do I have too Myra Chan? I wanted to make her into a cosplayer like her." wrote Zane. "And she is getting perverted looks." said Jade. "You do know that we were going to raid his home and take that pervert done." said Tessa. "Are you serious?! That's so dam stupid! I thought you were smart!" said Emily.

Zane was about to punch her but Lora stopped him. "She isn't worth it Zane." whispered Lora. "But she ...." wrote Zane. "Don't worry buddy. I have a plan." thought Ryu. The little dragon then told his partner in crime his plan and the Slayer smiled. Tessa noticed this and she thought,"I do hope those two don't cause our guild more trouble. She won't be happy if we get in more trouble with the magic council.". Tessa shivered at that thought.

After walking around town, the group found themselves in front of the home of the client. "Does it belong to the Baron?" said Lora. "Nope. It belongs to the client. He looks richer than 500,000 gold so lets try to..." said Emily. She got a glare from Zane and she said,"Never mind.". Myra knocked on the door and a voice said,"May I have your name please?". "We're from the wizard guild Hero..." said Jade. She was cut off.

The voice from inside of the mansion said,"Excuse me but can you enter from the back? Please. It is important.". They went through the back door and they saw an older couple standing there. The man was relatively tall and aged man with peach colored skin, gray hair, and a small mustache which is a darker gray than his hair. His eyes were closes and he was wearing a tattered blue suit with a red tie with his woman being shorter than them.

She had large breasts which caused Zane to get punched in the right rib by Myra when she caught him looking, and brown hair. She was wearing a tattered purple shirt and matching skirt with a violet necklace. "I'm sorry for earlier. My name is Jared Berry." said the man with a smile. He lead the six wizards and dragon through the mansion. "And this is my wife." said Jared. He and his wife lead the ground into the living room.

Zane stood behind the girls ,who had taken over the couch much to his annoyance, and Ryu sat on Lora's lap. Jared sat across from them. "Your name sounds good old man." wrote Zane. "Aye." said Ryu. Lora hit the dragon gently and she said in a motherly tone,"You may have Zane for your father Ryu but you should be nice to your elders.". "And you need to stop being so rude!" said Emily. "Hey Ryu. Can we switch naggers?" wrote Zane. "No." said Ryu.

The two glared at each other as Tessa said,"Sorry about them sir.". "It's fine! People tell me that all of the time!" said Jared. "Huh. Berry. This town sounds familiar too. Where have I heard this before? So why can't I remember it?" thought Jade. "I never actually thought that someone no a group from the very popular Heroes would accept my request." said Jared. "Yeah. I was wondering why no one took such a request." said Myra.

Jared said,"You're young so you must be famous.". He looked at Zane with Ryu saying,"My partner and best friend Zane here is the Zero!". "I see! You look like the pictures of you. I heard that you're quite popular with the young girls here in town." said Jared. "Any cuties?" wrote Zane. The two then got a glare from the wife and Myra with Jared said,"So who is this?". He pointed to Emily and she said,"I'm a Heroes wizard too!".

Jared said,"So is that your thing or something? I mean it's fine and all but....". Emily looked at Zane who wrote,"Not going to help you here. You dug your own grave blondie.". Emily sighed and Jared said,"So about the job. I only ask one thing. Baron Alvin has a book called Sunrise of the Goddess in his mansion. I want you to burn this book.". "So you don't want us to steal it?" said Jade. "Well, in a way. You would be stealing it." said Jared.

Lora said,"From the job request, I thought that you were going to ask us to bring back a book that he stole from you.". "Yeah but who cares? We work in burning stuff! Right, Zane?" said Ryu who looked at his partner was silent even more than normal. "Zane?" said Tessa who noticed this as well. "I rather not go to jail because of you two idiots!" yelled Emily. Myra said,"Ignoring our maid fetish friend here sir, may I ask why?".

Ryu smiled and he said,"Who cares?! We get 500,000 jewels to burn it.". "Actually, the reward has been raised to five million gold." said Jared. "Five Million!" yelled the girls. "I'm sorry but I thought that you knew about the pay incre...." said Jared. "Don't give me." wrote Zane. Everyone's attention shifted to the silver haired wizard who looked at him with a neutral expression. "I am not like the girls because of my nose." wrote Zane.

He then said,"I can't tell that you don't have any money to spend on us. The differences between you and the house not to mention that we had to come through the back. I wasn't born yesterday old man and you're faking being rich.". "You could tell all that?" said Jared. "I don't mind taking a job if they have no pay at all but I don't like being treated like an idiot." wrote Zane as his magic power leaked out giving off a murderous aura.

Lora thought,"Note to self. Don't treat him like an idiot.". "Yes. Everything is true. We aren't rich at all but please destroy that book. I can't let that book remain in this world." said Jared. "Okay. You can keep the money. The real reason that I picked this job was to spend time with four important women in my life but my idiot of a master brought me our dumb maid. Just don't pull that shit again or else you'll feel the wrath of a dragon." wrote Zane.

He left the house and the others followed right after him. "Was it alright for them to go? The last guild failed the same mission just last week. From the Baron's view, it was just another failed robbery but I have no doubt that he has increased the security since then. Entering that mansion will be much more of a challenge." said his wife. "The silver hair boy saw past our deceptions and still took the job so I bet that they will do the job with no problem." said Jared.

About ten minutes later at the Earnest Mansion. Emily said in a cute voice,"Excuse me. I'm here to apply for the blonde-haired maid position. Excuse me, is anyone home?". "I still can't believe that I the great Emily have to be ogled by some pervert for a job that I'm not getting paid for." thought Emily who glared at the rest of her team. "Don't mess this up. This is training." wrote Zane. "Why is Zane being so rude to her?" said Jade.

Myra, Ryu, and Tessa said in unison,"He hates her. Plain and simple.". "Aye." wrote Zane as he took a sip from his flask. Emily then squeaked when the ground next to began to roar. A few seconds later, a colossal and appalling violet-haired maid tied in pigtails jumped out of the ground next to Emily. The maid glared at Emily as she surpass over the wizard. "Oh? You're a maid? There is a girl who came here to apply for the maid position Master!" said the maid.

The ground began to shake again and a second figure burst out of the hole. He had chin length brown hair and brown eyes. He is very round and short. His arms and legs were rather skinny. He wears a formal white jacket with his jacket fastened with a large gold button and adorned with a decorative green flower. Beneath his jacket is a black collared shirt with a red necktie and dark red boots. He also sports a curled mustache which directly extend from his nostrils.

Zane wrote,"I hope she doesn't do anything stupid because we need to sneak into Baldy Mcnosehair's house.". "You called!" said the man with a creepy smile. "Oh god. He is so much uglier than on the picture." thought Emily as a shiver went through her body. "Let me see you." said the baron while he began to look over Emily. "Like what you see? I hope to serve you well Master." said Emily forcing a sweet smile on her face but on the inside, she was trying not to punch the perverted old man.

Emily thought as she felt goosebumps form all over her body,"Man. This guy is so dam creepy but I have to stay calm.". "You know what? You're rejected! Go home ugly!" said Alvin. With Emily being impaled with a sign that read ugly, Zane laughed. "You heard the master didn't you? Go home you ugly woman." said the giant maid as she picked her causing another ugly sign to go through pierced her body and Zane snickered again.

Alvin said,"Sorry but a man of my stature has certain standards to uphold..". Four more very strange looking maids appeared behind him. "And this is why I hired the goddess of this world!". Emily's jaw then dropped hard as the maids began to swoon over him. "Master!" said a maid. "You're so caring to us Master!" said another maid. "Thank you for the compliments, master!" said a fourth maid. The ape like maid said,"Go home ugly.". Emily screamed as she was thrown out of the mansion.

The baron and the rest of the maid left as soon as Emily cleared the mansion's gate. She the hit the ground and she yelled,"Why the hell didn't any of you catch me?". "Teaching." wrote Zane. "You know what screw you." said Emily. Tessa held Zane back as Ryu said,"So I guess your maid plan was useless.". "Yeah. I would have done some research on him and used my magic to disguise myself as one of those beastly maids." said Myra.

Jade said,'I would have used my magic to sneak it.". "Yeah." said Tessa. "Those maids were ugly! I'm hot and they're not!" yelled Emily. "I think that people should have a choice on what they find pretty or ugly." said Lora. "Wow. You're being nice." said Ryu. "Yeah and a idiot." said Emily. Zane glared at her and he wrote,"Okay. I'm not in the mood anymore. It's time for Plan Z.". "Yeah! That bastard will pay for calling me ugly." said Emily.

Lora said,"I don't think I should ask but what is Plan Z?". "It's vile, heinous, and it's lemon scented! It can't possibly fail!" wrote Zane. "What is it you idiot?" said Emily. Zane glared at her and he wrote,"I won't tell you because it's too awesome for you and idiot to understand.". "Just follow him and don't ask any questions." said Myra. Inside of the mansion, the Baron was sitting in his chair and he was smoking a cigar. He was flanked by four tall shadowy figures.

The Baron smiled and he said,"Wizards came again in spite of what happened to the last guild. The mark that the blond bimbo is exposed to me is from Heroes. They must be new and they thought that this would be an easy job due to it being just stealing a book from I but they are dead wrong. Now, I think we should have fun killing them this time.". "Right Baron Alvin sir." said the four shadowy figures.

It took twenty minutes and it would have taken ten minutes but Emily had to change from her maid outfit. "You're not going to drop me right?" said Emily. Ryu had flown up Lora and Myra with Zane lifting himself, Jade, and Tessa up to the mansion's roof. "I won't." said Ryu. He dropped her on the roof and the dragon said,"My bad. My talons hurt.". "Thanks you stupid dragon." said Emily. "So why do we have to sneak in exactly?" wrote Zane while looking through a window.

Emily sighed as she put her hands on her hips. "I thought you were smart Zane but I guess you just like the other guys in the guild. An idiot." said Emily. "Explain now or I'm going to blow up you and the house at the same time." wrote Zane. "She is right Zane for once. You may have been a former dark guild wizard but this target is a very prominent figure. He may be an annoying pervert but he isn't a villain. The military will take action." said Tessa.

Zane rolled his eyes and he wrote,"I scare the military shitless, steal his riches, and do whatever I dam please because I don't care.". "Please don't Zane." said Jade and Lora. "Yeah. He may have done horrible things to me so when we're done burning his book, I'll clean his toilet with his toothbrush or stash his shoes somewhere where he can find them." said Emily. "That is pretty sad and pathetic. You should be more destructive." wrote Zane.

Myra said,"Either way, no terrorism Zaney.". Zane ignored her and he stared at his hands with a bored look on his face. "What is up with that face?!" said Emily as she was about to hit him. "You are a liar Emily so lets go already." wrote Zane as he blocked her attack with ease. He then punched the glass window and Jade said,"What did Myra just say?!". "I regret nothing and this is rather tame compared to what I could have done." wrote Zane.

He hopped into the room that he opened as the girls followed him and his pet dragon. It was filled with various miscellaneous items. "So is this a storage room or something?" said Emily to no one in particular with looking around the room. She was then scared by Ryu who was wearing a mask and he said,"How do I look ladies?". "Yeah. That fits you Ryu." said Myra. "Yeah." said the other three. "I hate you and your partner." thought Emily.

Zane had found a door leading out to the main hall and he looked up and down. He sensed several magic presences excluding his groups own. "Okay. Move out." wrote Zane. The group sneaked into the hall with them moving to the closest room. "Okay. Can I just blow this place up? I mean I really don't want to do this." wrote Zane. "We're going to search every room! And you're now blowing anything up at all!" said Emily.

Lora said,"I think it would be faster to find someone and ask them where the book is.". "Couldn't you use your magic to go through the house Tessa?" said Emily. "Nope. I tried that earlier. I am able to go through most things but this place must have been enchanted to only allow the Baron and his maids to go through it." said Tessa. "I think you two will be like ninjas if we go unnoticed." said Jade. The boys eyes shined and Zane wrote,"We'll go the peaceful way for now.".

The floor in front of the ground exploded as the five maids from earlier appeared. They were holding hands excluding for the biggest one. "We found the rats inside of Master's home! Get them!" said the violet. "Oh well, I guess we can't be ninjas." said Ryu. Zane then rushed toward them with his scarf covering his face even more then normal and he wrote,"Hellfire Dragon Tomahawk Comet!". He jumped into the air and he flew toward them like a comet with flames surrounding him.

He hit the four of the maids with a lot of fire and the violet maid said,"I won't let get away from me wizard.". "Not going to happen. Permafrost Dragon Subzero Punch." wrote Zane. His right fist was covered in a light blue aura. He then punched the maid causing her to turn into a giant ice cube with her crashing into the floor below them. "What is wrong with you Zane? You could have used something other than those violent attacks!" said Emily.

Zae wrote,"We can't not let the old bastard hear us.". He held a hand and he said,"Now. We must go find the devilish book.". "I think his brain was burned." said Emily. She grabbed his collar and she dragged him away. "I bet someone is coming after us because of you!" said Emily. He made her let him go and he said with a demonic aura,"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME EMILY OR ELSE, I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE.".

Myra pulled the two into a side room and she said,"You two are both so stubborn.". "Wow! Look at all of these books!" said Jade as she ran toward the giant library. "Yeah. He may look stupid but he has a good taste in literature." said Lora. She scanned through the array of books and Emily said,"If he actually reads all of these, I will respect him a tiny bit.". "Okay. Lets find this stupid book so I can rampage." wrote Zane.

He scanned through the array of books and he said,"Hey Tessa! I found a really perverted book. Do you want to destroy it?". "Sure." said Tessa. The boy threw the book at the girl and she then pierced through the book with a giant ice spike. "And there goes the respect that I had for him." said Emily with a sign. She placed another book back onto the shelf and she said,"It's going to be a major pain in the ass to find one book out of all of them.".

Zane wrote,"I really hate when a book is all words.". "You do know that is normal for most books right Zane?" said Jade. "Yeah but they could some pictures in it for the people who hate reading all of the dam words. My magic scrolls had pictures showing the spell in action." wrote Zane as he placed a book back. "Oh HEY! I found it!" said Zane. Emily went wide-eyed when she saw Zane holding a golden book. She rushed toward him and she said,"That was way too easy.".

Myra said,"Who cares? Lets burn it and get out of here!". Zane held a book that was covered in gold and it had the words Sunshine with it showing lights over a glacier. "Rather pretty title but who cares? I need to burn something." wrote Zane. His left hand was lit on fire and Emily said,"Hold on a second pyro freak!". She took the book from his hands and she said,"I didn't know that it was written by the Edgar Fruit.". "His name sounds good too." said Ryu.

Jade said,"Well, he was a wizard along with being a author. I hear that he stopped writing because of his death. I wonder this was the last book that he ever written before his passing.". "Who cares about who wrote it? I want to burn something so give me the book already." wrote Zane. "No way you dam freaking pyro! This book is a cultural treasure! There is no way that we could just burn it!" yelled Emily as she backed away from Zane.

Tessa said,"You're abandoning your job Emily.". She got a glare from Emily who said,"Hey! I'm just saying that I was a big fan of his!". "I'm a fan too and I think Jade is too but we're on a job right now Emily." said Lora. "And we not getting payed for it because of that pyro!" yelled Emily. "That isn't a good excuse at all Emily." said Myra. The group walked toward her and she said,"How about we just say that we burned it and I'll keep it! I won't tell anyone I swear.".

Zane wrote,"Grow the fuck up Emily. I'm not very nice when I don't get to punch something. You act like a spoiled princess and right now, we need a wizard rather than you.". "Didn't you hear me?! This is the only copy of the book in the world! If we burn it, I won't be able to read it!" yelled Emily. "You so dam greedy." said the rest of the group. "I see, I see!" said a voice. The ground broke and Alvin stood there. "So you came here for that!" said Alvin.

Myra said,"So you let us get this because you wanted to know what why we came here right?". "You could have let us come in the normal way but nope, we had to become wizard ninjas!" said Ryu with him moving his claw into an advanced motion. "Oh you figure me out then? I still can't that all of you wizards come here for that waste of space in my perfect collection of books." said Alvin. "Waste of Space? That describes Emily perfectly." wrote Zane.

Lora sighed and she thought,"Mr. Berry was willing to pay five million jewels to destroy this book and the person who owns it calls it trash.". "So can I keep them if you call it trash?" said Emily. "Do you not know how to read the room?" said Tessa. "I honestly think that she can't." wrote Zane. "It may be trash but it still belong to me!" said Alvin. "You heard the Baron. Give him back the book which belongs to him." wrote Zane.

Emily said,"You're both assholes.". "Wow. She is so ugly and doesn't know how to shut her trap. I would love to know why she was let into your guild." said Alvin as another ugly sign went through the blond. "I have to agree with the baron on this one." wrote Zane. "So could we just burn the book and go home?" said Jade. "No! We're absolutely not burning this book!" yelled Emily as she hugged the book closer to her.

Tessa said,"Emily! I know this book is special to you and under any other choice I would let you keep it but we have to our job to do.". "And that requires us to burn that book!" wrote Zane. "Then let me read it first!" said Lora as she sat down on the ground and opened the book. "Right now!" yelled the group and Alvin. "Okay. I've had enough of these wacky shenanigans! You will not live any longer so come in here!" yelled Alvin.

A set of bookcases next to Zane began to open revealing a set of stairs. Descending the stairs were the shadowy figures from earlier. One was a taller than normal man with chin length red hair and red eyes, a average sized man with chin length white hair and black eyes, a smaller man with chin length brown hair and black eyes, and the last one was a woman. She had shoulder length black with gold streaks and purple eyes.

The red head was wearing something that was reminding of a Hawaiian God (Maui), the white hair man was wearing a giant parka that covered his face (Kenny), the brunette looked crazy with most of his clothing blown apart, and the woman looked beautiful in her black dress exposing her body. "It is time for us to get business boys." said the woman. "If we get paid without doing work, we're going to be in big trouble with mama." said the red head.

The parka man mumbled something and the brunette said,"You're right! These girls, guy, and their little dragon are from Heroes would be funny!". "Look at the bands around their arms! They belong to the mercenary guild Bloodsin." said Ryu. "So they hired guys like that? This is going to be fun right Zane?" said Myra. "Bloodsin are always looking for a fight so bring it on your fools!" yelled Alvin as they rushed toward the group.

During this whole thing, Emily was continuing to read Sunshine. Everyone started at the blonde and Zane wrote,"I got this you guys.". He walked over to her and he snatched the book from her. He then proceeded to kick her in the head gently. "What the hell is wrong with you Zane!? I'm pretty and you should be hitting that pervert instead of me! And give me back that book!" yelled Emily. "How about you say please you dumb and ugly bimbo?" wrote Zane.

An dumb and ugly sign went through her again and Zane wrote,"You're going to take forever and a half to read though this thing so I'm going to breeze right through it real quick and make Jade and Lora a copy later.". He flipped through the book and Alvin yelled,"You're reading it now!". "And you are not making me a copy!" yelled Emily. "Wow. These two are both annoying." said the four from the mercenary guild. "Indeed." said the Heroes.

Zane finished the book and he threw the book at Emily hard. "Keep it and lets see if you can find out what it means. It's quite fascinating. Would you mind doing Plan M Tessa?" wrote Zane. "You got it Zane." said Tessa. She placed her hands on the ground and she said,"Ice Labyrinth!". The seven wizards were separated from each other with Alvin and his four mercenaries trapped in the center of maze. It had five ways out.

Lora was stuck with Emily and Ryu with Myra yelling,"Get out of her and protect that book! Zane knows why the client wanted us to destroy it!". "Okay!" said Lora. She noticed that Emily was gone and Alvin said to himself,"Did the silver hair mage find something in that garbage? It evaded me but what could it be? Maybe a treasure map perhaps! You four. If you find the blond, bring her to me so go get them!". He started to dig under the ground and he went straight forward aka the north path.

The woman said,"Brent of the Volcano. You will take the North West Path.". "Yes sister." said Brent aka the red head who rushed that way. "Ron of the Bomb. You will take the South West Path." said the woman. "Sure thing sis! I just want to blow something up!" yelled Ron aka the crazy brunette who went down his path by placing his hands behind himself causing explosions to propel himself forward and drastically increasing his speed.

The woman said,"Juan of the Blizzard. You will take the North East Path.". Juan mumbled and she said,"Yes Juan. You're able to go all out. I will be handled the last path because I am Cecilia of the Universe.". Juan rolled his eyes and Cecilia forced him down his path. She smiled and she thought,"I know your magical aura Kane of Wicked Genocide. You may not remember me at all. I do wonder why you're trying to disguise yourself but I'll make you remember me.".

Next time,
The Secret of Sunshine is Revealed! And I don't mean the song!

Guild Card #3.
Name: Ryu Alvarez.
Age: 6 years old.
Magic: Telekinesis and Unknown Dragon Magic.
Likes: Zane, teasing others, Heroes, and eating. Dislikes: Being treated like a beast.
Info: He was born from an egg that was protected by a beast called the Warptaur. After his best buddy/father was forced to join a dark guild not by choice and order on the magic council, he soon grew much stronger.  
Affiliation: Heroes. 

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