Saturday, December 31, 2016

Power Episode 17 Titania vs Zero! Zero gets Arrested

A/N: Okay. This may have nothing to do with Power or stuff that I usually talk about but I just want 2016 to be over with. I just want it to be over with it. I mean there is bad and good shit to happen but I'm just sick of the bad stuff. It outweighs the good. I mean if you use Youtube as a example, you would know that the website is having trouble for the past couple of years. In the past six months, I grew a hatred for Pranks Channels. It is dumb because I find pranks to be stupid.

I mean pranks can be funny but I hate Youtube Prank Channels and Videos. I mean that stuff is really sad because it makes you think that people in our world are idiots for blindly for sporting for this. I don't want to talk about it anymore because the more and more I think about it, it makes me mad and really depressed for our country. Just watch as our world go downhill. I just want 2016 to be over with. There was some bad and good but that is life. Lets begin with another episode of Power.

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been a week since the Berceuse Incident, the magic council was still talking about it due to them being rather picky on things. The 2nd seat Jim said,"Shadowblade may have been defeated but this is a small victory in the battle against darkness.". He was tall and he has white hair with a long beard and little mustache. He has pointy ears with him having one of his blue eyes open. He like most of his fellow council members were wearing a lot of robes but he had a little bat on his head.

The 3rd seat or Marco said,"You know what we should do? Eliminate using our armies. I mean we'll be the best generation of the Magic Council in the history of the council.". He was a short man with oddly flat brown hair which tapers out to a point in three places on both sides of his face and in the center of his forehead. He also has tuft of hair on either side of his head that are like ears and he has a light yellow tail growing out of his backside.

To little kids, he is a cat man. He had bristle-edged mustache along with tiny dark colored eyes along with eyebrows that resemble music notes. He was wearing a light-colored robe that bore stripe-like markings on both sleeves down his sides and his back. He had brown eyes. Clyde or the 6th seat said with a sigh,"And how do we do that Marco?". "We use OUR power Clyde. Are you getting old? This is so simple." said Marco.

The 4th seat Sarah sighed as she said,"You're an idiot Marco. We can't have them knowing about our plan. If we rush in out with our guns blazing, they will strike the innocent.". She was a tall woman with her wearing a cloak like the others but she had on a purple turtle neck. She had a long nose and it gives off a witch look to her. She had blonde hair which was tied up in a large ponytail that fan out into a series of spiky tear-dropped shaped tufts of hair and blue eyes.

Jim said while he was holding Berceuse in a sealed box that prevent their magic,"It doesn't matter on what we do either. It is a problem if any wizard to misuse Hex's magic. We can't allow anyone else to use his evil magic.". "How did they get that to begin with? We have to increase security around all of the known locations of Hex's magic." said Edwin aka the 7th seat. He was a tall and fir man with long graying hair and a long beard which is second only to Jim's.

He was wearing a cloak like the others except he had a staff with a designed serpent head on it. "I hate saying this but the blame may extend to the higher ups." said Marco. The others mainly the silent 1st seat and 5th seat agreed with the third. "You know that we have Heroes to thank for saving the day in the end. I mean they may be a pain in the ass to you older ones but they're good at handing problems." said the 8th seat Theron.

Theron was wearing elegant yet simple robes which consisting of a long white frock-coat with black stripes across the edges and the upper part of his arms. He was wearing a decorated standing collar with large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt with matching pants and shoes. He also sported a ring on his left middle finger with a very strange medallion around his neck under his jacket collar.

He had yellow like the sun hair and blue eyes. He leaned back in his chair with Valerie said,"Master Theron is right. They managed to take out an entire dark guild with only a couple of wizards.". She smiled and she said,"And our Zero managed to defeat their ace without a single scratch along with defeating Berceuse.". "And he is also a hunk." thought Valerie. The others grumbled in annoyance at the thought of Zane since a third liked him, a third hated him, and a third were meh.

Theron said,"It's something that may be a shock to all of you but this is what happened so suck it up already. If the guild masters were killed, things could have been much worse such as us being fired for example.". "Idiot! Are you going to bring up the matter of responsibility here?!" said Edwin. "I think you're just an idiot Theron! Heroes is already causing a problem for us!" said Marco. "Okay. I think we should talk with them." said Theron.

Back in Mural. Lora was currently thinking about recent events in her apartment. "Shadowblade who tried to kill the masters of the guild's meeting blown up because it took a day for all of Meca heard about it. I was involved in it but here I am now, living a normal day in my life." thought Lora. She was pulling on her normal outfit. "I have to admit it though. It was really fun upon remembering the incident. Everyone was really strong including me."thought Lora.

She thought,"I think Allison, Angel, and Zane were holding back mainly Zane. He defeated both one of Hex's demons and Reisa without a single effort.". She went to her writing desk and she grabbed a pen from nearby. She began to write a letter to her mother. "I heard that Son and the rest of his guild was arrested thanks to Emily's help which is a surprise to me at the least. I'm a little worried about about Reisa though." wrote Lora.

She thought of the reaper and shivered a bit. "I don't think she is going to try and attack heroes for revenge due to her crushing lose to Zane. We also have so many strong wizards in the guild. Rachel is doing good too mom." wrote Lora. She placed the letter in a envelope and she placed a seal on it. "I'm happy that I found Heroes since it's the best guild in the world. Zane is still the same guy from seven years ago." wrote Lora.

Lora wrote,"Don't tell dad or Rachel because I think i like Zane but I'm scared to tell him since he is quite popular with the ladies according to one of my friends.". She took a deep breath and she leaned back into her chair. "Wow. My second job was amazing and filled with tension but I like spending time at home." said Lora. She smiled that would make her sister proud and she said,"I think I will go shopping and maybe I can convince Zane to come along if given the right incentive.".

She heard,"Hey Sakura was right about this place. Only 70,000 a month is pretty sweet.". She turned around in her chair to see Kurt sitting there. "Hey Lora. Nice job." said Kurt who waved at her. She didn't take too kindly to him because he was currently kicking into the wall. "What the hell are you doing here?! And where are your clothes?!" yelled Lora. The door opened and Angel walked in. "Oh hey sis. I guess Kurt beat me here." said Angel.

Angel smiled and she said,"I think I'll tell Sakura about you and Kurt. She'll enjoy this.". "Sister! He came in my house and started stripping!" said Lora whose face was red thanks to her dirty mind. "I would like to say that I wasn't wearing anything upon getting here." said Kurt who looked proud of that fact. "You can't be serious Kurt. So did you tell her yet?" said Angel. "No because she kicked me into the wall. Nice kick by the way." said Kurt.

Lora said,"Um. What is she talking about?". "I guess that you forgot about Steve told Allison right before the job started." said Angel. "Oh yeah! Allison and Zane are going to do fight right! Lets head to the guild so we can watch!" said Lora. She rushed out of her apartment and Kurt said,"Wow. She is so strange.". "Yeah but you don't get to say that when her sister is right here." said Angel while she crackled her knuckles.

The two ,after Angel punched Kurt, rushed after Lora toward the guild. Upon getting close to the guild, Lora heard cheering. She saw a large crowd gathered in front of Heroes. She went up to the crowd while pushing her way through the crowd. She reached the front to see Allison and Zane who were in the center of the crowd. "Wow. They look really serious." said Lora. She spotted the Wood siblings and she walked over to them.

Norman said,"Of course they're serious Lora! They're real man after all!". He flexed his muscles and Sakura said,"You do know that Allison is a girl right bro?". "Yet she doesn't own a single article of feminine clothing on her." muttered Myra. "I still can't believe that two people from the strongest team are going to start fighting." said Lora. "Strongest team? What are you talking about?" said Kurt who caught up to her with Angel.

Lora said,"I thought you knew! I mean you're on the strongest team with Zane, Allison, Ryu, and Tessa! You guys are some of the strongest wizards in the guild right?!". Kurt looked more lost and he said,"Okay. Who in their right minds told you that? I mean someone is.....". He heard crying from Sakura with him saying,"Oh shit. Sorry Sakura.". "Kurt! Once Zane is doing with Allison, I'm going to kick your ass for making Sakura cry!" said Steve from his viewing point.

Myra punched Kurt and she threw Kurt toward Steve. "Wow. He sucks with women." said Angel. "I have to admit that both Kurt and Steve are quite manly but they aren't the strongest. They are weak compared to me." said Norman while crossing his arms. "I'm pretty sure that Clair ,who is a girl and much weaker than you in terms of physical strength, knocked you out with one punch." said Lora as Norman sulked a bit.

Jade said,"I know that both Angel and Myra are nearby but I think that Allison is the strongest female though.". "Yeah but I think Zane, X, and Grim are the strongest guy though." said Fred. "I think you are forgetting about Darin Fred." said a voice. This voice belonged to Victor Graves. He is a tall and slim young man with his orange hair kept in a unique way with it being reminded of a flame that you would find in a campfire.

He had black eyes with his eyebrows pointed downwards at their inner edges with him having sharp features in his face. He is wearing a single black shirt with red checkered pants and dark shoes with lighter soles. He is wearing a pair of distinctive belts crossing his chest which each one passing over one of his shoulders. "I think that they're just made a good team is all." said Sakura. "Ignore that idiot Sakura." said Myra who growled a bit at not being included in the team.

Angel said,"Anyway. This fight is going to be really good.". "Yeah. She's right. I mean Zane defeated her once but that was seven years ago." said Norman. "You really think so don't you brother? Zane is going to kick red's ass and then I'll defeat him making me the strongest." said Myra. "She isn't serious is she?" said Lora. "She is Lora. You'll get used to it I hope." said Angel. Back in the center of the crowd, Allison and Zane were staring each other down.

Allison had a small smile on her face while Zane looked rather happy. He had magic power exploding off his fingers while he cracked his knuckles. "Zane. We haven't fought in seven years. I hope you got stronger during your time away." said Allison. "Of course I did. I thought you got soft after I left but from I heard, this fight is going to be worth my time. I hope you got stronger because I sure as hell did and I don't like to hold back." wrote Zane while fire exploding off his body.

Allison glowed as she stood there in a suit of light armor. It was light blue, red, and yellow with it being both beautiful and actually practical in combat. "This is my Elemental Empress Armor. You're known for your elemental attacks so I hope you have something else up your sleeves." said Allison as Zane smiled. "Man. She isn't holding back against Zane at all. Zane may be a Wizard Saint but he is only human." said a spectator.

Ryu went over to Tanya with him saying,"Could I bet against Zane?". "You are betting against him Ryu!? I thought you two were brothers!" said Lora. She grabbed the dragon after he gave the drunk some gold. "Why not? I mean Zane is strong but Allison got way stronger and he told me too for reasons." said Ryu. "Yeah. Who would you bet for?" said Tanya. "I can't. I mean they're both my friends." said Lora.

Kurt walked over to her with some bruises on him as he said,"You do know that in life, there is one winner right? And you're way too nice to be a member of Heroes.". "Hey Lora. Can I speak to you in private after all of this is over?" said Myra. "Sure thing." said Lora. Myra smiled as she thought,"This is too perfect.". She had a smirk on her face with only Ryu knowing what's going in the blond's head. He floated nearby her and he thought,"Zane. I'm hoping that you're ready for what comes next.".

Zane said,"Okay. You may have armor that makes me weaker but I don't care. This means that I can kick your ass and make you mine!". "You're using your magic to talk so I hope you're ready to get your punishment." said Allison. The two got into a fighting stance with Ax saying,"Ready?". The two nodded and Ax said,"And begin!". Lora was shocked by the master going with this. No one moved but Zane started this fight with a bang.

Zane wrote,"Steel Punch of the Steel Bull!". Zane's arm turned into solid steel with Allison blocking the punch but this attack did knock her back a bit. She recovered with her throwing a spear at him but he turned into air evading the attack. He reappeared in front of her with him smiling. "You got better Ally but so did I. Dragon Thunder Kick!" wrote Zane. Allison barely dodged his thunder covered Axe Kick as she jumped back.

Allison was lucky that she was wearing armor due to Zane punching her in the chest. She went back from it as Zane rushed toward her but Allison figured Zane out quick. She swiped at his legs making him fall to the ground but to her shock, Zane recovered from the fall fast. He jumped backwards with his hands with his cheeks puffing up. Earth gathered around him with Allison thought,"A breath attack?".

Zane said,"Chaos Dragon Roar!". A huge amount of dirt and sharp rock went toward her. The crowd was shocked as Allison's armor was broken a bit. She looked for Zane who had disappeared and he reappeared right in front of her. Her eyes opened as Zane's fist was glowing light blue with frost off it. "Permafrost Dragon Steel Fist!" wrote Zane. His fist collided with her stomach which in turn knocked the wind out of her and froze her a bit.

She went flying past the crowd and crashed into the wall. "How is he so fast? He usually is pretty slow from what I remember." thought Allison. She saw Zane rushing toward her and she feared his punch which was glowing red with flames. She was confused when she didn't feel a burn at all. She slowly opened her eyes which she saw that his fist was currently inches from her face. She started to sweat immensely due to the flames toward her face.

The flames were gone as Zane held his hand to her. He smiled at the woman with she grabbed his hand. Zane then pulled up to her feet which made her grunt in pain. "Why didn't you finish the fight Zane?" said Allison. "That would be really lame and anticlimactic. I mean this is a simple spar plus hurting such a pretty face would be against the code of a gentleman." wrote Zane. Allison blushed at that and she said,"Thanks Zane. So when did you get strong?".

Zane wrote,"When your sparing partners are battle obsessed, you learn to get stronger. I also learned more magic thanks to them. How about we go get some cake?". "I would like that." said Allison. She was going to start dragging Zane away but the two heard a clapping noise. "This fight is over!" yelled a voice. The crowd moved apart to show a reptile-like man standing in the middle of the crowd with a neutral yet annoyed expression.

He was wearing a wide-collard dark jacket with wide sleeves and edges and cuffs adorned by a series of light stripes, over a light shirt, held closed on the front by a multitude of laces ending in a bow know in the upper part, and a long light skirt-like cloth covering the legs. The outfit is completed by a small elongated dark hat which matched the jacket which gets larger near the top and has a flat round object on the front very much like a medal.

He said,"Nobody move. I am a messenger from the magic council.". "The Council?!" said Jade. "A messenger is here at our guild?!" said Fred and Victor. "So I guess you guys are just accept him being a walking lizard?" said Lora who sweat dropped. He then pulled out a scroll with him saying,"With charges of property damage and thirteen other crimes from the Shadowblade trouble from one week ago. Zane Alvarez is under arrest!".

Zane wrote a question mark with Clair yelled,"What?!". "If you don't come quietly, your sentence will be tripled." said the messenger. "Why are you arresting Zane?! Kurt causes way more destruction that Zane did!" yelled Clair while getting closer to him "My orders are to arrest Zane Alvarez and him alone. If you would like to argue about this order, you can speak with the council." said the messenger.

Clair was about to kill the lizard with Zane sighing. "Don't Clair. I'm not in the mood for this. I will go will you quietly." wrote Zane. "But Zane!" said Clair. "Stop Clair. Everything will be okay. He'll be back soon right?" said Allison. "Yep." said Zane. He held out his hands with the messenger putting cuffs on him. "I'll be right back." said Zane. As the two watched Zane being dragged away, they felt bad for the young wizard.

About three hours later. The mood in Heroes was depressed as the guild member sat around not making a single peep. Everyone was confused by Zane's arrest, everyone except for Ryu. The little dragon was currently sitting in a chair in the middle of the guild looking rather calm. It looked to the outside that nothing was going on today. They thought that Ryu would be trying to go save Zane due to them being partners in crime but he was so calm.

"Hey guys! Let me out! Let me out of here!" yelled a soft voice. Sakura looked at a small glass on the bar with a little gecko inside. "Calm down Clair." said Sakura. "Come on! Let me out of here! This place seems awful!" said Clair. "If we let you out of here, you will do something to make things even more worse than we already are." said Sakura. "Name me one time I did that! I will be good I pinkie promise Sakura! I hate it in here!" said Clair.

Sakura said,"You won't go and try to save Zane?". "No! I mean Lady Allison said that Zane was going to be back!" said Clair. "Well, what do you think Steve?" said Sakura. Steve stood there with Barry and Lucky. "I think she's lying." said Steve. "Lucky thinks so too!" said Lucky. Clair sulked as Barry said,"Don't worry. You'll get out of there eventually.". "Yeah but I want to be out there sulking with you guys!" said Clair.

Myra was looking at Ryu who was relaxing. "Okay. Something is wrong here. Ryu wouldn't be this clam if Zane was taken hostage or something like that. We had to hold him down when Zane was taken to join Wicked Genocide." thought Myra. Lora also picked up on this while staring at the tiny dragon. "Why isn't Zane freaking out right now? I mean those two are best friends since Ryu was born." thought Lora.

Clair yelled,"You know because of Zane, the guild masters including Gramps would be dead!". Kurt sighed and he said,"You're an idiot blond. The council members pretty much write the rules and they are pretty much gods.". "They won't even listen to us to begin with." said Tessa. "But why this time though. We're known for causing trouble and making problems for them. Why are they making such a deal now?!" said Norman. "Who knows but I don't like it." said Angel.

Currently. Zane was currently bored. After getting off the train at the Meca Branch building, Zane was being made fun of the army of the Council who had a grudge against him since Zane was twelve years old. He would have attacked them but thanks to the Magic Elimination Cuffs, he was pretty much under their orders. He and the escort were walking around the building. They stopped walking as he saw Theron standing there while leaning against a pillar.

Zane thought,"Theron. You're still under Val's control and I can't even use my magic to see that. This is going to be good.". The lizard guard bowed to him as he said,"Hello again Zane. You don't need to be so vocal about seeing me once again. You're lucky that we decided to use our thought projections to talk with you. They wouldn't bother with anything involving you since you're the council little bitch after all.".

Zane was quiet and Theron said,"I like to hear your voice so talk for me.". "I don't want to waste my voice on a puppet like you." thought Zane. "You. Free him so I can hear his voice." said Theron. The Slayer's cuffs were loosen slightly and he wrote,"You're still not hearing me talk Theron. So why did you pick me to do this? Why not your precious Allison?". "Wow Zane. Your magically created voice is so lovely. I spoke on your behalf after all." said Theron.

Zane wrote,"They fear me don't they. I mean I did cause trouble for them on a daily basis so they pick me as a scapegoat didn't they?". "You're correct. I expect nothing less from you. Okay. I need you to shut your mouth or I will destroy the most precious things that you care about. Good bye Zane." said Theron. He disappeared with the lizard saying,"You're so famous in the council aren't you?". "How about you go to hell or something?" said Zane.

Back at the guild. Ana looked at Ryu with her getting angry much to Dawn's confusion. "I still can't believe that none of us are doing anything! My big brother is one of the strongest wizard in the guild and always there for us so why the hell aren't we doing something?!" said Ana. "I understand your anger dear but you need to be calm." said Ax. "Why are you saying this master?! He doesn't deserve this so lets go!" said Ana.

Ax said,"Even if we had Fred or if Nick was here, we wouldn't get there in time.". "Dam it." said Ana who clenched her fist in anger. "So if you don't mind me asking, what would we do? We can't go up to them and ask with puppy dog eyes to let our friends go. The council are gods and they make our choices no matter what we say." said Kurt. "You're right. I just don't want him to leave us again." said Ana who started to tear up.

Myra looked at Ryu again with him ignoring Ana's outburst. "Okay. What is wrong with you Ryu? I mean you're always have been loyal to Zane." thought Myra. She walked over to the little dragon and she had an awful idea. "Hey Ryu. Would you like something to eat?" said Myra with a sweet smile. "I was already fed by Zane earlier so no thanks Myra." said Ryu. "Ryu ignoring food and from Myra, I need to try something." said Lora.

She walked over to him and she glared at him. "Okay. So who are you?" said Lora. "What are you talking about Lora? It's me. Everyone's number one dragon Ryu Alvarez. You know that you girls are acting weirder than normal." said Ryu. Allison grabbed Ryu by his non-existent neck and Ryu said,"I am going to die you guys! Help me!". "What's wrong Ryu? I think you have a frog in your throat so let me help you." said Ax.

He fired a beam of light at the little dragon causing him to explode in smoke. Eric fell down to the ground and he said,"Guess I'm found out.". "Eric!?" yelled all of Ultimate Champions. "Sorry about that gang but I owe the Alvarez brothers one for saving my ass from those Vexstrikes about a week or two ago." said Eric. "So do you know where the real Ryu is then?" said Lora. "That bony idiot mostly likely went after his father." said Kurt.

Eric laughed and he said,"Man. You're one smart guy.". "This isn't something to be laughing at! We could be in serious trouble if Ryu does something stupid." said Angel. "Everyone. Please be quiet okay. Lets wait until the outcome." said Ax. The guild sat down waiting for the news. "Hey Lora. I think it's time for our private talk." said Myra. "Okay. Sure thing." said Lora. The two walked off as Norman looked at them.

Sakura looked at her brother and she said,"What's wrong bro?". "Nothing Sakura. I am just worried about Zane." said Norman. "Really?" said Sakura. "Yeah." said Norman. "Okay. I think we should let her go now." said Sakura. "Yes! Sweet freedom!" yelled Clair. "Could we leave her in there? I mean it has been so nice." said Steve. Barry and Dawn nodded with Steve as Lucky said,"They find you very annoying.". "Screw you three!" said Clair.

The blond let Lora into a storage room which was right near the back of the guild. She then turned on the light and Lora was shocked to see who else Myra brought to their "private conversation" with it being quite cozy despite all the people in there. Allison, Angel, Clair who was turned back to her normal self, Jade, Tessa, and Venus sat down on a table near the back of the room with a single empty bottle in the middle of the table sideways.

Lora saying while getting comfortable,"So what's going on here?". "I call all of you here because of this." said Myra. She placed a book on the table with Tessa picking up the book while reading the title. "Dragons and Slayers? What does this have to do with anything?" said Tessa. "Myra! Where did you find that?!" said Jade with her face red than a tomato. "So do you know what's going on?" said Tanya while looking for some beer.

Tessa placed the book down and Myra said,"I want an answer from all of you and it better be the truth.". "What is it Myra? I don't have all day." said Allison. "Okay. Tell me, do you love Zane?" said Myra. "Huh?!" squeaked Clair, Jade, Lora, and Tessa in unison. All of the girl's faces were red and Angel said,"Wow. You're really blunt aren't you blonde?". "Do you love Zane?" said Myra causing the four girls from earlier to squeak again.

Tanya said, with her face red either from beer or a blush,"And why are you asking?". "Because I love my Zaney more than my siblings even." said Myra with a blush on her face. The others eyes widened at that fact and Myra said,"I haven't heard an answer so I will spin the bottle. If it lands on you, you'll tell me. Sound good? I think I have a way for all of us to be happy.". "Huh?" said Lora. "What are you talking about?" said Jade.

The demon ignored her as she started to spin a bottle with it landed on Lora. "W-Well I think that I like...." said Lora. She looked up and she said,"No. I need to be truthful with myself here. I don't like Zane but I love him. I don't want to hide my feelings for him anymore. I don't care that I have to fight against all of you because I love Zane Alvarez.". She sound rather sure of herself which made all of the other girls smiled at that.

Myra said,"Anyway. I want you all to read this little sections.". She opened the book and Tanya said with confusion,"Dragon marriage and its relationship to Slayers?". "Well how should I say this. Most dragons can only take one mate which in others words means lover. This also applies for the Slayers as well. So if a Slayer is taught by a dragon, they can only have one mate in their entire life. They can't and will not love any else beside their mate." said Myra whose face was red during that.

Tessa said,"So how does this help us?". She turned the page and she saw the title of the next sections of the book. "Dragon King?" said Allison. "Yes. Dragon matting changes slightly when it comes to dragon kings. A dragon king usually has two to three mates to ensure that HIS magic is passed down to a new generation." said Myra. "Wow. That's sexist." said Tanya. "My dad did say something about the dragon elders being old and sexist beyond belief. I think my mate is Zane." said Clair.

Lora said,"I'm still lost.". "I guess Zane never told you about his training." said a voice. They turned around to see Alice ,shaking in fear, standing there with Ariel, Luke, and Venus. "So what are you four doing here and how are you?" said Angel. "I came here on my own power because these three like the boss." said Luke. "Really? You like Zane. I thought you hated men." said Tanya. "Shut up. I like him okay." said Ariel.

Allison said,"What was Zane's training about?". "Zane's father Sivarth in twelve years taught him several different types of magic making him even stronger than Darin when he was two according to the spirit king. He is also the next Dragon King." said Alice. "Really?" said the girls. "Yes. This also means that Zane gets to have as many wives as possible human, spirit, or whatever." said Venus. "I guess Zane is going to the Harem King." said Luke. "Leave. Girls only." said the eleven.

Luke was gone grumbling to himself about women being crazy. "Anyway. This drive to find mates is a side effect about being raised by the Dragon King. It drives him to find them and his children are able to learn one of his many magics plus one of the mate's magic." said Myra. The girls except for the spirits were getting the picture rather fast even Clair who was quoted for being a rather bubbly girl upon other things.

Jade said,"However, Zane picks his mates upon first sight. He will do anything to keep the potential mate no matter what.". "Wait. Zane is always making me happy by drinking with me because Eric and Wayne are total lightweights." said Tanya. "Everyone is a lightweight compared to you drunk. I mean why would Zane like ...." said Ariel. The two glared at each other with Allison stopped them with a single glare.

Lora said,"So all of us are potential mates?". "Yep! You get it." said Myra. "So who is Zane going to mate first?" said Tessa in a highly embarrassed tone. "I don't know but Zane needs to make the first move so we're going to have to wait." said Myra while standing up. "So why can't we seduce him? I mean it makes things easy." said Angel. "I think Zane's magic will think we're hussies and do you want to be ignored by Zane?" said Venus.

Angel was quiet as Clair said,"So how long will that take?". "I don't know but we have to wait. Zane isn't ignorant toward us." said Myra. The three spirits were gone as the girls left the supply room. "I have a question. Did the book say anything else?" said Allison. "Well, Zane will leave a special mark to show that he has claimed one of us and also gain some dragon like abilities." said Jade. "So will anything happen to Clair since she was raised by one?" said Tessa.

Myra said,"No. I know that we'll have heightened sense but not on the same level as him.". "That is really cool sounding. Thank you for including us in your plan. I think I'll be fine sharing Zane if it is will all of you." said Lora. "Yep. You do know that Zane is very liked." said Myra. "Yeah but I know that I'll like them too." said Lora. The group went back into the main hall to see Kurt and Jason who were attacking Eric on Ryu's current location.

Back at the council building, Zane wrote,"Okay. I've been here before and I'm sure as hell know that we passed the court room at least seven times.". The guard walked away and Zane wrote,"Okay. Why are you doing this in the first place Val?". She appeared from around the corner and she said while she was messing with the lacrima orb,"Harsh Zaney. I thought you would be hate to see your wife in training.".

Zane wrote while sighing,"So did he enjoy his birthday present?". "Yep! He loved it and he planing to use for something." said Valerie. She was getting closer to him and Zane wrote,"Are you sure that a lustrous member of the Council should be this close to filth?". "Do you really think I'm like those stiffs?" said Valerie. "No. I was just curious is all." wrote Zane. "So what did the puppet tell you earlier?" said Valerie.

The two were heading toward the court room and Zane wrote,"He is worried about me opening my big mouth.". "Really? You could take him with ease if you were serious." said Valerie. "Yeah but I hate to put that much effort into fighting. I need it for loving." wrote Zane. "Whatever Zaney. We're here by the way. I love you Zaney." said Valerie. She was gone and Zane thought,"I wonder if I can use Thought Projection Magic. Anyway, lets get this over with.". He opened the door.

He stood in front of the magic council and he saw a pissed look on most of their faces. "Wow. Tough crowd." thought Zane. "We'll begin this since you're so busy." said the 1st seat Roosevelt. He won't be described because he is hiding himself using magic. "Defendant Zane Alvarez. This meeting is due to your recent escapade with Shadowblade." said Roosevelt. "Escapade? How old is this guy anyway? I mean he must be older than gramps but not as old as Father." thought Zane.

The chairman/1st seat said,"You're charged with destroying part of the station, parts of the town, the bridge toward Cromer Town, and most of Cromer Town. According to eyewitness, the culprit was our very own Wizard Saint on a rampage.". "I'm hurt Roosey. I thought we're BFF." wrote Zane using a regular piece of paper and pen. "Can't you be serious for once in your life boy?" said Sarah. "Nah. It sounds boring and I think something fun is going to happen." wrote Zane.

The wall behind him exploded with Clyde sighing. "What's going on?!" said Roosevelt. Ryu flew in and he was using Transformation Magic. He looked like Zane in terms of body structure but he had no skin. He looked like a human version of himself. "MY NAME IS ZANE ALVAREZ! ARREST ME IF YOU CAN!" roared Ryu with him breathing blue flames. Zane laughed at this and he wrote to the council,"That's my kid for you.".

Ryu roared,"I'M THE ZERO OR ZANE! TELL ME WHAT I'M GUILTY OF!". All of the guild masters were in shock except for Theron and Valerie who were enjoying it and Clyde was more tired than ever. "I know that the charges against me are less important than the lives of the masters so let me go!" said Ryu while pointing at the council. He smiled with the chairman sighed. "Okay. Put the two in jail." said Roosevelt.

Zane said while laughing,"Sometimes Ryu. I wonder why we didn't plan for Clair to come instead. I mean her in a Zane Cosplay.". "That would be really fun partner." said Ryu as he turned back to his normal self. The two were taken to the prison cells and the 5th seat aka Randall sighed. He was a tall middle-aged man who was wearing a pair of small round dark shaded glasses. He was wearing a blue and white magic council cloak with the hood up.

He had large thin lips and tan skin. He had black hair and brown eyes but he had massive sideburns that almost hit his lips. On his chin, he had small chin hairs with small eyebrows that always point down making him look angry and serious. Valerie giggled in her head as she thought,"Zane. You're mine and I hope I'll be able to see you more. You need to meet your future daughter after all and I think you'll love her.".

About three hours later, it was well into the night. The duo of Ryu and Zane were sitting across from one another in a cell located deep in the council building. Zane was smiling while looking at Ryu who rest his little claws against his head while leaning against the wall. "I guess most of the guild knows that I was arrested due to the council's masculinity being questioned." wrote Zane. "Yeah. I know that Zane. You can use your magic now you know that?" said Ryu.

Zane said,"Then why did you come? I mean you did bet against me earlier today.". He made fake tears as Ryu said,"Okay. I need to tell you something.". "What's up? You don't have another babe in you do you?" said Zane. "Nope. The girls know about you being able to have a harem and not have it blow up in your face." said Ryu. "I guess they found the hint I placed in Jade's stack. Took her long enough." wrote Zane who chuckled.

Ryu said,"You want a harem? I mean you can say no to yourself.". "Yeah but I rather accepted it. I mean it's better than nothing." wrote Zane. "Yeah." said Ryu. Zane hugged the little dragon and he said,"You're a good son. I mean you risked yourself being thrown in jail without Myra's cooking. I'm so happy for you.". "Thanks partner!" said Ryu. The two talked not knowing that Theron was nearby them. "Well. I guess I know how to use you Zane." thought Theron with an evil smirk.

Next Time,
Something happens at the guild which is a huge problem I think!
Guild Card #13.
Name: Myra Wood.
Age: 19 years old.
Magic: Transformation (Demon/Devils) Magic.  
Likes: Cooking, her brother and sister, modeling, and Zane. Dislikes: Cockroaches and Death. 
Info: She is the Demon of Heroes being giving that name due to her magic. She is very harsh and blue to others but she has a soft spot for her siblings and Zane. She sees Zane as the most important person in her life and will do anything for him. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #14.
Name: Norman Wood.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Transformation (Beast) Magic. 
Likes: Being a Man, his sisters, and his guild. Dislikes: Studying and people who mess with his family.  
Info: He is known as the most manly in the guild because he loves to prove himself as a man. It comes from what happened in the past. He knows that he broke Myra's heart because thanks to his little sister, she found out about Myra's crush on Zane. He got stronger for her because she wants both of his sisters to be happy but he can be a little overprotective but most people know why he does that.  
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #15.
Name: Sakura Wood.
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Nature and Transformation (Animal) Magic.
Likes: Animals (with Dragon being her number one!), Cooking, and Romance. Dislikes: Death and Studying.   
Info: Out of her siblings, she poses the kindest heart. She tends to stay at the bar because of a job two years ago and the fact that she blames herself for what happened to Zane. She loves to tease Zane about her being Ryu's Mommy and him being Ryu's Daddy much to his anger. She tells him that he needs to take action for what happened. She has a crush on someone in the guild and the identity of the crush is unknown. 
Affiliation: Heroes.

Roosevelt. Chairman/1st Seat. Data Wizard. 60 years old.
Jim. 2nd Seat. Bullet Wizard. 63 years old.
Marco. 3rd Seat. Fire Wizard. 50 years old.
Sarah. 4th Seat. Lightning Wizard. 43 years old.
Randall. 5th Seat. Ice Wizard. 48 years old.
Clyde. 6th Seat. Illusion Wizard. 81 years old.
Edwin. 7th Seat. Shadow Wizard. 61 years old.
James Reynolds/Theron. 8th Seat. Space Wizard. 21 years old.
Valerie Edwards. 9th Seat. Arc of Time Wizard. 19 years old.

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