Thursday, December 15, 2016

Power Episode 12 The Expulsion

A/N: Welcome to Episode 12 and I wanted to explain myself. I decided to be a dick to Emily because I hate Lucy. I mean I really don't like her for many reasons. I wanted to make a rant story where if I want to rant about something, I need to rant. Anyway, Emily will be the butt monkey for this chapter because she is getting kicked out for reasons shown in this and the last chapter. Also does being naked help with hypothermia?

I'm not a medical person but that doesn't make sense to me. This is the biggest problem that I have the most recent chapter because it ruins the fact of the Dragon History which sounds somewhat interesting. Eileen is my favorite female Spriggan so I want to learn more about her and Erza rather than see Natsu and Lucy scene #78,902,478. I also don't like this arc due to the fact that Lucy is a selfish bitch.

I mean she ignored the job to read the book that they were supposed to be destroying. I know that her reading the book eventually saved the day but in retrospect to me, that is rather selfish and my hatred for Lucy grows upon going back. I just don't like her and Gray but will I let them ruin the series for me? No. That would be stupid. I think I really should

Narrator P.O.V.
Ron rushed down the path and he said,"Where are you little Hero?!". He was then punched in the back of the neck by Myra who was in her demon transformation. Ron recovered from her punch and he landed into the bookshelf. He went in a complete circle. Several books covered him and Ron then exploded several of them causing the room and the nearby wood to be burned to a crisp. "Come out and face me you Hero bitch!" yelled Ron.

Myra stood there and Ron looked at her. Her eyes were darker and her eyelashes grow larger with a dark and thin marking in a light zigzag-style crossing her left eye vertically and matching markings are present above her left breast and on both of her bare thighs. Her hair became wilder, protruding upwards and getting curlier, with the front ponytail growing longer and her ears enlarging extending backwards and gained pointed edges bearing elf like ears.

She now had sharp canine teeth and her lips were covered in dark lipstick. Her forearms and hands received some noticeable changes. They became covered in scales and each sprouting a fin-like protrusion on the outer side. She also grows a large and stocky tail seemingly made of metal plates or scales getting smaller and smaller near the end. Her outfit changed into something that she cared about.

It was a dark and skimpy one-piece suit which revealed her arms and legs and it is open on the front and the back. It exposed most of her belly and wide cleavage. Such has golden-colored edges taking on spiky shapes and her similarly spiky collar is tied around her neck by a cravat tie. Her shoulders are tied in thin belts protruding from her one-piece and her feet are covered by matching high-heeled thigh boots which are decorated by lighter motifs on the upper parts.

It was taking on the shapes of jagged blades pointing downwards on the front of her legs and on the lower parts, in correspondence to her ankles and feet. She also don a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms.  "Wow! That is so pretty. Is that Take Over or is that something else?" said Ron. He threw two giant explosions at her and he laughed,"Sucks for you bitch! I'm the master of Explosion Magic! You can't stop me no matter how strong you are or were!".

The explosion were gone as Myra smiled. "Those are strong? Nothing more than a pebble to me and to my Zaney, they are nothing at all." said Myra. "Zaney?" said Ron. "You don't deserve to know who he is because you're dead. Darkness Torrent." said Myra. Several hands came rushing at Ron who fired several explosions at them but he didn't see two of them rush past them. They then grabbed him and held him against the wall.

Ron tried to blow them up but Myra said,"Not going to happen. Prepare to die. Vile Outburst.". It was a shock to Ron as he was hit by the dark colored sphere. He was blown through several walls of the mansion and he crashed into the solid gold statue of Alvin. He was out cold and Myra went back to her normal self. "That was too easy. I guess he was the weakest of the four. I hope the others and Emily are okay." thought Myra as she worried about Zane. 

Brent had reached the end of his path and he looked around for one of the seven Heroes. He didn't tell anyone other than mama about him not even being able to see a few feet in front of him. "Come out and fight me or else." said Brent. He threw a giant fireball and it caused a gold bathroom to erupt in flames. Jade hide behind a desk and she thought,"Wow. He isn't that good at sensing.". Jade got ready to fight him when Brent said,"Flamethrower!".

A stream of fire went toward the location to the right of Jade and he said,"Dam it. I missed again.". "I can't believe it. Boulder Storm!" said Jade. Several rocks hit Brent and he tried to hit burn the rocks away but Jade expect that. "Letter Magic! Cage and Blizzard!" said Jade. Brent was trapped in the makeshift prison and Jade said,"Letter Magic! Sleep.". Brent fell asleep and Jade ran off to hopefully go find the others.

Tessa ,on her path, made several different paths to hopefully confused whoever went after her. She smiled and then she felt an intense cold. It rivaled Zane's Permafrost related attacks and she rushed toward the wall nearby her. She fused into it and Juan then walked in the room. His entire body was covered in a light blue and the ground below him froze under him. "Wow. He must be a strong ice wizard." thought Tessa.

Juan said,"Where is she? I sense that both Brent and Ron were defeated by the stronger blond and the greenette.". "Good job Myra and Jade. I wonder who is left." thought Tessa. "The ones that could be left which are the violet hair woman, the silver hair man, the brunette female, the weaker blond, and talking dragon. Either Cecilia or the employer will find them. I have to find one of them to hopefully get Zane. He is wanted by Cecilia for some reason." said Juan.

Tessa thought,"Zane. I better stop him so I can go help Zane.". She was about to cast a spell but then Juan said,"I will need to freeze him but first.". He threw a giant snowflake at Tessa who quickly made a ice shield that had the guild's symbol in the middle. The shield was completely frozen and Tessa saw Juan in front of her with a giant polar bear behind him. "Die." said Juan. The bear was about to attack Tessa but then the wall exploding shocking the two for different reasons.

Earlier, Cecilia was slowly walking down her path and she said,"Where are you my little Kane? I'm looking for the one who was a member of Wicked Genocide.". Zane ,who was hiding in the shadows above her, thought,"How does she know that I'm Kane? Kane and I have different magic presences to say the least.". "I found you." said Cecilia. Zane jumped out of the shadows and he saw the wall that he was hiding in was completely destroyed.

Cecilia looked at him who wrote,"You! How do you know who I am!?". "I just have to tell you if you defeat me but that won't happen." said Cecilia. Zane's left arm was covered in water and his right arm was covered in fire with him writing,"BURNING SPHERE! FREEZING SPHERE!". A giant ball of fire came out and it combined with a giant ball of ice making a half fire and ice ball which Cecilia smiled at upon seeing the power of the attack.

It caused an explosion of fire and ice with the room either burning or completely frozen. "You have always been so strong Zaney." said a voice. Zane was shocked to see the area around Cecilia was completely untouched. "You use your Gravity Magic to move the explosion around you or did you use your Space Magic to make the attack go somewhere else." wrote Zane. "Correct. I guess you're smarter than you look." said Cecilia.

Zane sighed and he wrote,"Now that I'm more calm, how do you know me or Kane?". "Your anger is something that I never could forget. You destroyed my home town alongside the crazy one and the strong one." said Cecilia. "To be honest with you, Fulgor did most of it while me and Nightmare stood there and watched. Fulgor was in a bad mood due to him losing a game to one of the younger member of the Kin." wrote Zane.

Cecilia glared at him and she said,"I don't care. You attack my village for no reason and I joined up with Bloodsin to try and find you so that I may get my revenge!". She rushed toward him and her hands were glowing with magic energy. Zane jumped over her telegraphed attack and he wrote,"I'm sorry but I had to be a member!". "Why then?!" yelled Cecilia. "Reasons known as Blackmail." wrote Zane. "Blackmail? From who?" said Cecilia.

Zane looked around and he wrote,"I'll tell you if you answer me something. Why does one of the best authors Edgar Fruit's last book belong to Alvin and he calls it trash?". "I don't know myself but my partner Juan does. He is able to hear anything using his Ice Ears." said Cecilia. "Ice Ears? That is very stupid." wrote Zane. "He isn't the best at naming his attacks but he is our strongest member. I suspect that both Brent and Ron were defeated already." said Cecilia.

Zane wrote,"So we need to find this Juan guy and how do you expect that?". He sensed something and he wrote,"You got to be kidding me. You're still alive?". The giant maid stood there and she said while glaring,"You! You and your friends are making the Master angry.". "I personally blame the high pitch blonde myself." said Cecilia. "Yeah. We just came here to burn a book that your master called a piece of trash. I'm paraphrasing a bit here however." wrote Zane.

The maid was about to punch him but a hand blocked her. "Now now. We don't want to get violent in your master's home do we? That would make you a bad maid wouldn't it Venus?" said a voice. Zane saw Luke with him writing,"You know that I didn't need your help right?". "Sorry boss man but you didn't know what she was planning." said Luke. He saw Cecilia and his eyes turned to hearts. Zane sighed and Luke said,"So who is she boss?".

Cecilia said,"You're a Spirit Wizard and you have the leader of the Zodiac?". "Yep. He tends to fall for any pretty girl so this is the Maid then? Huh. I didn't expect that but Simon wears that horse thing so I shouldn't be shocked anymore." wrote Zane. Venus looked at them and she said,"You're looking well Luke.". "You know that I don't like you in that form V." said Luke. "Form?" said Cecilia. "This is what the master likes." said Venus.

Zane wrote,"I may think he is crazy but everyone had their own sense of beauty no matter how weird and creepy it is. I think Little Princess is a little bit vain.". "A little?" said Luke. Venus said,"So what do you want me to do?". "Luke. Go help Tessa defeat Juan and transport him to me. Venus, you need to tell me where the money room is." wrote Zane. "You're greedy but I like you." said Cecilia. "Yep. I think it is good time." said Zane who coughed afterwards.

Tessa saw the spirit and he said,"Hey Green Girl. What's up with you? You're looking well to me but you always look hot to me.". "Where's Zane?" said Tessa. Juan was shocked to see the leader of the Zodiac standing there and he said,"He went to go find the money room with Venus. He asked me to help you out but he and I both know that you're stronger if you use that magic.". "And you two both know why I don't." said Tessa.

Luke shrugged and Juan recovered. "Where is Zane? Did he defeat Lady Cecilia?" said Juan. "It was easy for him after all. He is able to use Zero Magic." said Luke who smiled. The ice wizard made ice surrounded the room and Tessa said,"Smart lion cub.". "Meh. I like a challenge. Mind being there for me once again?" said Luke. "Sure. Ice Spears!" said Tessa. Several sharp spears of ice then appeared above and around Juan with Luke said,"Regulus Burst Bomb!".

The balls of light collided with the ice making explosion of light and ice. Juan was going to move but he was punched into the wall by a combination of light and ice. Luke put his arm around Tessa and he said,"You know if I wasn't partnered up with the Zane Man, I would be by yourself as a guardian lion.". Tessa broke his arm and she said,"I don't like perverts.". "But you hang out with Zane Tessa. He is a giant pervert." said Luke as he nursed his wound.

Zane appeared in the room with two giant bags of money and he said,"Wow. Good job.". He didn't cough this time and Tessa said,"Zane! You actually stole from the Baron?". "Yeah. He had a lot of money." wrote Zane. Luke disappeared as Tessa saw Cecilia and she got ready to attack the wizard before she was stopped. "She is our friend Tessa." wrote Zane. "But she is..." said Tessa. "I and Lady Cecilia were just looking for the one who killed her village aka Zane." said Juan.

The man walked into the room and Cecilia said,"Easy Juan. He is a friend now because I know why he was forced to join Wicked Genocide.". "How does she?" said Tessa. "I honestly don't know but I don't care. So where is your contractor aka the Baron of Fatass?" wrote Zane. "He is probably going after that blond, brunette, and dragon. They weren't found by any of us in Bloodsin so they have to face him." said Juan. "Lets go save Lora and Ryu." wrote Zane.

Cecilia said,'What about the third member?". "Meh." wrote Zane. He walked away holding his bags of money and Tessa said,"You two better stay here and I'm sure that Jade and Myra know about your switching so don't do anything stupid.". She ran after Zane ,who can walk rather fast despite the huge money bags in hand, and Juan said,"So why didn't you defeat him Lady Cecilia? He along with his former guild destroyed your home.".

Cecilia smiled and she said,"I don't know why I did what I did but even with my power, I would have been defeated by Zero.". "I see. So what should we do now? I mean with Zero, we would have lost for sure." said Juan. "I think after they destroyed the mansion, we go on a little journey. Just you and I Juan. How does that sound?" said Cecilia. The ice wizard then had a blush on his face and he said with a goofy smile,"Sure thing.".

Back with Lora. She was watching Emily reading and Lora said,"This is rather boring.". "Yeah. We could easily just burn this book but no. We had to be stick with the annoying one." said Ryu. "Shut up dragon!" yelled Emily. She then closed the book and she rested her head against the sewer wall. "So what is in there?" said Lora. "Yeah. Is it a treasure map or did you learn common sense?" said Ryu who smiled.

Emily said,"How about you stop asking your douche of a master for once? This book holds a secret and we can't burn it. We have to give it to Jared.". "What is it?" said Lora. Emily was about to tell her but the three heard,"So you figure it out? I knew letting you read ugly would be the best plan.". The blond was grabbed by Alvin who appeared from the wall. "So what did you find in that book? What is the book's secret?" said Alvin.

Lora was about to help her but she was stopped by Ryu. "Don't Lora. I'm not Zane but we are testing you two. You need to learn how to handle yourself in a situation like this. Do you understand Lora? I would help you if you were there but we need to teach you how to handle yourself." said Ryu. "Ah. I do feel bad though." said Lora. "Help me guys! He is an enemy of everything good and he called me ugly!" yelled Emily.

Alvin said,"An enemy of everything good?! You are saying this about the great Alvin Earnest? I am amazing and highly accomplished. "How can a man who is happy to have such ugly as hell man be so amazing? You are just like Zane. An annoying as hell douche." said Emily. Zane sneezed and Tessa said who caught,"Are you okay?". "Yeah. I have a strange urge to hit Emily twice." wrote Zane. The two were looking for the trio and they found Jade and Myra.

Alvin said,"Don't say that about my sexy maid, you harpy! If you don't tell me, I will break your arms off.". "Go to hell bastard! Help you guys!" yelled Emily. Lora felt Ryu's bony claw and she nodded as she ran off. "You guys!" yelled Emily. "That is my book! I made Edgar Fruit write it so that secret belongs to me too!" yelled Alvin. Emily was about to attack him using her magic but she was saved by Lora who had used Ryu as a hammer.

The brunette was holding a dragon hammer and the weapon said,"We felt bad for you right Lora? I mean I would have done something eventually but you should have attack him when he grabbed you instead of expecting us to save you. You need to learn how to fight on your own.". Emily stood next to them and Alvin looked at them. "I guess I should have grabbed you as well." said Alvin as he wipe the dust off his suit.

Emily said,"It is now three against one! If you give me this book, I may forgive you for you calling me ugly but I will be kicking your ass.". "With what?" said Lora. "Oh. I suspect that you think that you can defeat I? You may be a fan of the written word but you used it wrong. You should use it if you were up against a weak foe but I'm stronger than normal wizards." said Alvin as he went into the ground.

Ryu said,"Wow. Does he seriously think that we didn't know that he was a wizard? I mean he was going through the ground like a mole.". "I think he is just stupid." said Emily. "Like you." said Ryu who dodged Emily's punch. Lora grabbed Alvin and she threw him back. "It explains that in the book which stares him as the main character. It is this awful adventure story with him as the overpowered main character. It is like if Zane wrote a book." said Emily.

Alvin said,"It is amazing that I am the main character and everything is in there is trash. He is Edgar Fruit not some piece of shit author! Horrendous indeed!". He went back into the ground and Emily said while hiding behind Ryu who became a giant shield for the two girls,"You forced him to write it Eggman! That isn't cool at all!". "I think you're mistaken. I'm the great Alvin and nothing is wrong about me. Edgar Fruit should have be proud to write about me!" said Alvin.

He had been trying to get to them for a while but either Lora with her gravity magic or Ryu with his dragon powers had kept him back. Emily did jack shit like a certain other blonde because all she does is relies on others to win a fight. "You threatened to withdraw his citizenship of his entire family if he didn't write that book!" yelled Emily while hiding behind her "friends". One wasn't a fan of her due to Zane and the other one grew to dislike her over time.

Alvin smiled and he appeared Emily. He grabbed her and he dragged her through the ground. "Can I help her now Ryu?" said Lora. "Sure. Use the Bull this time." said Ryu. "Open Gate of the Golden Bull! Tex the Taurus!" yelled Lora. The bull appeared and he rushed after Alvin. He threw Emily into the water and she screamed. "What is wrong with you?! This is a new outfit!" yelled Emily. "You let her into your guild?" said Alvin and Tex. "I don't know why." said the two who face palmed.

Alvin said,"Well in the end, Edgar surrender and he wrote it! He rejected to write the book at first so I made him write in a room with no chance of escape! I crushed his pride of being a writer!". "Tex. You know what to do!" said Lora. The bull smashed his ax into the man like whack a mole and Lora said with anger,"I don't like pride full people like you and Emily but making a man do something that he hates is something that I hate!".

Alvin noticed that his head was bleeding and he said,"You bitch and your dam cow too!". "I don't care what you call me but you broke someone into doing something that he hates! I hate to think about how Edgar felt while he was here for three long years!". The bull launched Alvin into the air and Ryu said,"Wow. He is stronger than I thought.". "Of course because he is a bull." said Emily. "I think you're dumber and weaker than Victor." said Ryu.

Lora said,"I honestly don't care about what's in that book anymore. I rather just defeat you because I am here on a job which takes importance over some petite reason.". "Good answer Lady Lora. I shall fight with you." said Ryu who floated next to the bull. "So what is in that book?" said Alvin. "All of the bad stuff that you did!" yelled Emily. "He did. I didn't expect him to do that. I guess I will have to do this." said Alvin.

He then held a gold key and Lora was shocked. It was a gold key with a white center of the bow with it stamped with the crest of the Maiden, colored purple. Surrounding the heart-shaped center on either side are simple curves spiraling on the top and bottom. The blade's end is shaped like a heart. "Open Gate of the Virgin! Venus the Virgo!" yelled Alvin. "He can use the same magic as you Lora?" said Emily, "Didn't expect that." said Ryu. The bull nodded.  

Venus appeared and she said,"How may I help you master?". "Venus! Get that book back from that bitch now!" yelled Alvin. "She is the Maiden? I thought she was more smaller." thought Lora. "Not going to happen ugly! Ice Fence!" yelled a voice. Both Alvin and Venus were trapped behind a Ice fence as Tessa appeared with Jade, Myra, and Zane. "Good job Lora." said Jade. "Yeah. You're not bad brunette." said Myra.

Lora smiled and Emily said,"What about me? I protect the book from him?!". Zane walked over to her and he wrote,"Give me the book now.". "Um why?" said Emily. "Okay. I guess I have to show you why I'm the real head of the guild." wrote Zane. His magic presence increased and Ryu said,"I think he is mad now.". "Mad?" said Lora and Tex. "Yeah. Zane is usually pretty calm but when he gets mad, you don't want to be in his way." said Myra with a smile.

Venus shivered and she thought,"His magic. I wonder why Alice and Ariel talk in great length about him plus Luke was smiling more than normal which is saying something. I wonder if he is looking for a new spirit.". "Hey Heroes. Is he the Zero?" said Alvin. "Why yes he is." said Jade. "I will give up if I don't have to fight him. He is scary." said Alvin. "Wow. I guess he is scared of Zane. What is he going to do to Emily though." thought Lora.


Emily yelled,"And what makes you master?! You're just a pathetic as shit wizard you know that! I bet that dragon who raised is probably kicking himself in his GRAVE for having such a little shit for a son.". "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY DAD?" wrote Zane. "Uh oh. We better get out of here now." said Tessa. "Why?" said Alvin and Lora. Venus returned to the spirit world to hide from Zane who was about to explode. The five wizards ran out of the mansion due to Zane's wrath

Zane said,"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY DAD LIKE THAT YOU UGLY HARPY! HE IS ALIVE ALONG WITH ANA, CLAIR, AND STEVE'S PARENTS! I'LL FIND THEM BUT FIRST, I NEED TO DO SOMETHING.". His finger glowed blue and he wrote,"From here on, you're out of Heroes Emily Watson.". A beam erased the guild mark on her hand and Emily said,"No! What gives you the right to erase my guild mark?! You're not Master!".

Zane wrote,"I'm one of the guild's two ace meaning that if I see that if a member is unfit for the job such as letting your friends for your battles for you and without doing ANYTHING at all to even help them. You also ignored the job to read this piece of shit.". He lit it up in flames as Emily said,"No! I need to get that Jared!". "You're not a member of our guild any more so get out of my sight now or else." wrote Zane.

Emily said,"Or else what?!". Zane's magic power caused her to fall to her knees and he wrote,"I will make you leave with this. Ocean Dragon Grandiose Burst.". Water started to gather in both of his hands and he joined them together to make one giant sphere of water. He fired it at Emily causing a huge and disastrous explosion of water upon collided with her. The mansion was also destroyed and Emily flew off into the sunset.

Back at the client's location. Jared said,"You destroyed it?". "Yep and I blasted a bitch so I feel good no great even," wrote Zane with a huge smirk on his face. "Anyway, he made this for you to read instead." said Jade. She held a matching book for the man and he said,"What is it?". "I get why you would want to burn the book because you're his son after all and smearing the family name is awful but I think this edition, he would want you to read." said Myra.

Jared said,"This edition? After being held jailed by that man, he cut off his left arm right in front of me and he told me that he would never write again. He then took his own life. This book has brought him nothing but pain and you want me to read it. He gave into Alvin's demands and he gave up his life because of it. I wanted it destroyed because it is a sin on my father's great life and you made me a copy.".

Zane sighed and he said,"Yeah. I understand your pain Mr. Berry but your father wouldn't want you to let the guilt of one little book ruin your entire life. He would want you to be happy so take a peak inside of the book for him okay?". The book began to glow a bright light and Jared said,"What is going on? Why does it now say Dear Son when it said Sunshine?". "Your father was a wizard like us and he became a writer afterwords." said Tessa.

Lora said,"He didn't quit being a writer because he had written the worst book in the entire world but he wrote the best book and it wasn't about critical acclaim but for you, his son.". Jared started to read the book and he was crying. "Yeah. The girls did the same thing when they were reading their copies down by our resident copy and paster Zane." said Ryu. "Harsh. Enjoy that book because we all did for sure." said Zane who coughed. "I will. I promise." said Jared through tears.

It was night time and the group was heading back to Mural. "Wow. Is this is a normal job and I really don't need this much money." said Lora as she held a bag of money. The group was stopping for the night and Jade said,"I thought you would be happy Lora. I mean we got a lot of money from Zane's job and a really good book.". "I am but I feel bad for Emily." said Lora. "You can't be serious are you Lora?" said Tessa.

Lora said,"A little. She got kicked out by an angry Zane. So why did Zane get so mad at the mention of his father?". "Zane's father like with Ana, Clair, and Steve were dragons." said Myra. Ryu nodded as Zane was nearby them sleeping. "They abandoned them causing Zane to be the over caring guy that he is and search for them like he does even if he drains of all energy afterwords." said Ryu. The girls all look at the sleeping slayer and they felt bad for him.

Lora said,"So did I do good?". "Yeah. I think you did great for a rookie." said Tessa. "Better than she would must not be named." said Myra. "Yeah at least you fought with that bull guy since the other two gold spirits couldn't fit inside of the sewers." said Ryu. "So who is the stronger members of the guild?" said Lora. "I would say that Myra and Titania would be the strongest females." said Jade. "I say that I'm stronger than her." said Myra. "We'll see soon." said Tessa.

Zane thought to himself,"I think me and Darin are the strongest. According to Sakura, he hasn't at all return in the past couple of years. I bet that he doesn't know about me leaving for Wicked Genocide to begin with. I haven't met Grim yet but if Master made him S Class over Ryu and Tessa, he is quite strong. X. He is more deadly than one may think and I will be able to crush him. The only one that you can meet is Allison May or Titania. I'll see you soon my scarlet knight.".

Next time,
Allison and Angel returns and the knight comes with a mission

Guild Card #4.
Name: Kurt Raymond.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Passion Magic.
Likes: Fun things. Dislikes: Being called out on his stripping.
Info: He is a master of Passion magic. He is able to use any magic power that he gathers around him to create weapons or objects to use in battle. His power and skill rank him in Heroes but he was a rather nasty habit of stripping off his clothes much his annoyance on the matter.

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