Sunday, December 4, 2016

Power Episode 3 First Impression are everything.

A/N: Welcome to Episode 3 of the third series on here. You may be forgetting Abnormal but that is on break for a while not because I don't feel like writing. It is because I want to finish Soul or get to a rather good spot. Power is currently the main series being working on. Instead of motion sickness aka a Dragon Slayer's weakness, I gave Zane the worst sense of direction known to man. It is like Zoro's for One Piece. Also called that death battle. I think Death Battle could have done more research on Erza but the outcome would have stayed the same to me. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ana was looking at Darin and Steve said,"You alright sis?". It had been a few days since Zane went on Darin's job and Ana said,"Do you think big brother got lost?". "Nah. He doesn't seem like that guy to me Ana." said Darin. "Actually, Ana was his sense of direction. He has no sense of direction. He says that it is his version of motion sickness." said Steve. "Okay. He will make to the guild. The kid has determination so he has this. So do you two know why he doesn't talk?" said Darin.

The siblings looked at each other and Darin said,"I'm curious. I mean girls loves the cool and silent type but I was just curious.". "Oh. I heard from mommy that big bro was born without any of the speech organs. He was lucky to have been a wizard or he would haven't been able to talk to anyone at all. He can talk but after he is done, he coughs." said Ana. "Ouch. That must suck." said Drain. "Zane doesn't mind not talking. He likes writing actually." said Steve.

The two siblings were shocked as the ground started to move. "Man. These people think I'm actually going to destroy my home." said Darin. The city had moved up and the trio started to walk toward a giant building out in the distance. "I'm strong maybe on the same level as your bro. It takes a lot out of me to make sure that I don't destroy everything in my way." said Darin. "Wow. He is just like big brother." said the siblings in unison.

It took about five minutes to walk through the city. The siblings were shocked by the building in front of them. It was a huge building that has multiple colors with a giant sign saying "Heroes". Both Ana and Steve were in awe of the building. "I guess you two haven't seen anything like this before but the inside of the building is going to be more crazy." said Darin. He pushed open the door and the slayer siblings heard,"Hey Darin! Welcome back!". It was from at least 70 different people.

Steve stood right next to Darin as he was looking around the building. Ana however was scared and she held onto Steve's left arm tightly much to the Slayer's pain. "Aloha everyone. These two plus the older brother will be joining the guild today. The elder of the three had to finish up a job and I think he will be here soon." said Darin. They all looked at Steve and they were confused. They were told by their guild's ace that a boy and his sister would be here but all they saw was him,

Steve got their confusion rather quickly and he said in a soft tone,"Okay. You can come out Ana. I'm sure that they don't bite.". He then glared at the crowd of people and he said,"If they do hurt you, they will get your big bros's wrath for sure and I'll be gentle compared to him.". Most of the guild if not all of the guild felt a shiver run down their spine from the threat alone. Slowly, Ana came out from her hiding spot aka Steve and she stood in front of him.

She held Zane's necklace and she said with her sounding both brave and scared,"It's n-n-nice to m-m-meet all of you!". She bowed afterwards as the guild got quiet. They then screamed,"She is so dam cute!". They ran toward the little girl and Ana got scared from the outburst causing her to hid behind Steve again. "GET BACK NOW OR ELSE YOU'LL BE FACING A DRAGON'S WRATH!" yelled Steve. They all stopped dead in their tracks turning from excited to terrified.

He then turned back to Ana and he said in the sweetest voice he could after screaming,"It's okay. You don't need to be scared but me and big bro are here with you always.". Ana got a small confidence boost from her second brother and she said,"Okay big bro.". She took a few steps so she could stand next to Steve and took his right hand in hers. The guild wanted to say how cute she was but they were scared of Steve to do anything.

An extremely short and elderly man appeared from the bar and he walked up to the siblings. He has blue eyes and he is getting slightly bald with only the outer rims of the head containing white hair. He had a thick white mustache. He was wearing a white shirt with a black sword stamp in the middle and it was under an dark purple hoodie. His attire was completed with matching purple shorts and purple and red striped jester hat. Ana wasn't scared since they were the same size.

The old man said with a smile on his face,"Hello there kids. My name is Silas Hunter or Ax if you want to call me that. So is what one of my wizards said true? You two plus your older brother wanted to join Heroes.". "Yes. We would like a home for us to join the guild." said Steve. He bowed with his little sister following suit. "Of course you two can join if you want and you don't need to bow to me since in this guild, we're a family." said Ax.

Steve said,"Thank you very much master.". The siblings bowed and Ax said,"You two must be quite the stubborn ones. You're fit perfectly in this guild. Myra, please give these two their marks and then everyone else let's party for our new members!" said Ax who smiled. A girl with blonde hair and brown eyes stood there. She had her hair tied in a high and larger ponytail on the back of her by a massive dark ribbon.

She was wearing a gothic looking and over revealing outfit. She was wearing a dark and skimpy sleeveless shirt adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest, a pair of leather shorts held up by a studded belt with a demonic-looking buckle and thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, each bearing a skull adorned by a flower on the upper front pants. She also sported a bracelet shaped like a demonic arm around her left wrist, a ring on the same hand's middle fighter, and dark nail polish.

She stood there with a stamp and she said with an annoyed voice,"What color do you two want?". "I would appreciate if you weren't so rude to Ana. I don't care but Ana is a little more sensitive than me or my bro. I would like white on my left shoulder." said Steve in an annoyed tone. She placed the stamp there on his shoulder for a few seconds before removing it. It had a white broadsword aimed downwards.

She looked at Ana who hid behind Steve and she said,"Listen. I'm sorry for being rude so could you please come out?". Ana came out and Steve thought,"Wow. I guess I shouldn't judge everyone for being an idiot.". "I would like my mark on my right shoulder and green please." said Ana. Myra did the same thing that she did for Steve except it was a green color. Myra threw the stamp at the bar and she ran to the middle of the guild with a big grin on her face.

This left both Ana and Steve in shock but they couldn't say anything due to Ax yelling,"It is time to party!". The guild exploded when they heard that from their master. A giant fight broke out in the middle of the guild hall due to Myra. She was currently fighting a girl with red hair who had armor on her. The Slayers's mouth had dropped at the sight with Darin placing his hands on the siblings's shoulders.

He said,"Look at this kids. I bet you'll get stronger since they fight almost every single day. It makes our guild better than the others in the land. Take this from an old man, everyone is here is one big and giant family and we will do anything for family. Trust me.". He went over to the bar and Steve looked around for a part in the guild that wasn't currently brawling at the moment. He found an area that had kids around his age. He carefully walked over with Ana so she wasn't involved in the fight.

Darin looked at the two and Ax said,"Darin. What is their older brother like?". The ace turned to see the master and he said,"Well, I saw him fighting off some bandits. He is stronger than most of the guys in the guild and heck, he could even beat Allison, Chad, Myra, and Rachel with no problem at all. He could handle us too master and if X was around, that fight would be great.". "Oh. I can't wait to meet him and see his magic." said Ax. "Yeah. It is strong." said Darin.

When Ana and Steve finally made it toward the little area of the guild, there were are least seven kids around their age. They all looked at Steve and Ana. Ana was feeling scared so she grabbed Steve's hand. "They won't hurt you. I promise." said Steve. Ana seemed to have calm down a bit but still held her brother's hand. All of sudden, Steve's other hand covered his sister's eyes. "What the hell is wrong you pervert?!". yelled Steve.

A boy with light blue hair and blue eyes had just stripped to his navy blue boxers. The boy looked lost at first and he looked down. He yelled,"Shit.". He ran off to go find his clothes and Steve said,"Is that normal around here?". "Yep. He has a stripping habit for some reason. We think this is because he is a pervert. His name is Kurt Raymond and my name is Tanya Reed." said a girl with red hair and brown eyes. She wore a plaid yellow dress.

Steve said,"Okay then. If Kurt stripes in front of Ana, I'm pretty sure that me and my big bro will be kicking the habit out of him.". "Okay. You're a funny guy. Allison said something like that." said the red head. "Allison?" said Steve. "Oh. She is the other red head fighting against Myra." said Tanya. It took a second for Steve to see the goth fighting against a knight. "Oh. It is nice to meet you by the way." said Steve.  

Tanya said,"Man. You're pretty polite and stuff. I guess you'll fit well in here.". Ana held out her hand and she said,"It is nice to meet you Tanya. Thank you for helping big bro.". "It's no problem. I guess you met Kurt, the girl who loves to read is Jade Emerald, the hyper one is Fred Armstrong, the tall one is Victor Graves, the blond boy and pink hair girl are Norman and Sakura Wood aka Myra's little bro and sister, and the blond boy is Chad Rogers." said Tanya.

The six there said hi and Tanya said,"That concludes all of the kids. I don't know the adults yet but you two will soon.". "Thank you Tanya. You have been a big help." said Steve. The two smiled at each other before she returned to talking with Kurt who had found his clothing. Ana looked at Sakura who waved to her and she asked Steve if she could make some friends. Steve said that it would be fine and he sat down at the table.

Steve was really happy for his little sister since she was making friends with Jade and Sakura while he made friends with Fred and Victor plus Norman when he enter their conversation. Steve wondered why both Chad and Kurt were trying to pick a fight with him but Steve ignored him. Steve had a talk with Tanya before he felt a tug on his shirt. "Are you tired Ana?" said Steve. She simply nodded with her eyes half closed.

Steve was about to take her to bed but he remember that they don't have a place to stay. "Okay. I am going to ask master if he has a place to stay so just wait here." said Steve. He placed him on his chair and he sneaked past the brawl to get to Ax to ask him his question. Ana sat there not trying to fall asleep on the chair but the brawl started throwing drinks everywhere so they didn't noticed one flying toward the kids's zone. A large smacking sound was heard.

The brawl was stopped dead in their tracks when they heard that sound. They slowly turned their head toward the kids area to see a now empty beer mug on the floor right next to Ana who had a bump on her head and beer all over her hair. Ana was trying to be brave like Steve and Zane would be but she lost. Tears were pooling up in her eyes and everyone in the guild had a feeling that they were going to regret throwing beer.

Ana burst into tears and everyone who is in the guild brawl felt something shoot past them. Steve was standing in front of Ana looking her over. He saw the bump on her head and the beer all over her hair with him equipping a towel. He said thanks and he began to dry her off. Everyone was shocked to see someone using the same magic as Allison and Steve kept saying while drying Ana off,"It's fine Ana. Be brave for me and Zane.".

After Steve finished, he placed her right next to Tanya. He turned around to face the guild with a aura of darkness appearing around him. "ARE YOU ASSHOLES HAPPY?! YOU POURED BEER ALL OVER MY LITTLE SISTER? OKAY, I GUESS I SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU MESS WITH ME." said Steve in a demonic voice and evil looking grin. A loud amount of screaming was heard in a minute causing most people to be in shock.

A little bit later, Ana was sitting next to Steve and she was drinking some orange juice while Steve just drank some water. Behind Steve, a pile of beaten up guild members who were in the brawl. The Slayer thought about trying to find the jerk who threw the beer but he was pissed off so he just attack everyone in the brawl. The only ones who survived his wrath were Allison and Myra because they were on the opposite side of the guild when the beer was flying.

Kurt said,"Hey. I still say that you can't defeat me, Allison, Chad, Myra, or the angel though. You're strong though.". He said that despite him watching him wreck the entire guild in under a minute. "I don't know who strong they are but I know one thing. All of you together can't defeat my big brother who isn't here right now." said Steve. "Hey. How about me and you fight to prove how strong I am compared to you?" said Kurt in a cocky voice.

Steve looked out a window in the guild to see that it was getting dark. "So how about tomorrow? We need to find a place to live." said Steve. Ana finished her drink and was getting sleepy. Steve picked her up and he placed her head on his shoulders. He walked over to Ax and he said,"Do you have a place for us to stay? We don't have any money.". "You two can stay in the guild until you find a place to live. The infirmary has beds that you can sleep in and the showers are in the back." said Ax.

Steve said,"Thank you master.". He walked past the pile of members and he opened the door to the infirmary. He saw about ten beds so he picked one nearby the door when he came in. He place Ana in the bed and pulled the blanket up to her chin. "Goodnight Stevie." said Ana with her eyes closed. "I'll see you tomorrow Ana. Sleep well." said Steve who smiled. He kissed her forehead and Ana smiled as she feel asleep right away.

Steve made his way out of the infirmary and slowly closed the doors so he doesn't wake up Ana. The ones who were attacked by Steve were getting back to normal. They all looked at Steve who said,"I bet you should stay quiet because if you wake her up, I will you guys a personal look at hell.". A chill went through their body when they heard Steve and became really quiet. For the next hour, the guild was quiet and only talked in whispers.

Finally, everyone began to go home until it was only Ax, Steve, and Darin. "So do you like it here at Heroes?" said Ax. "Yeah. It is really fun and it has a lot of nice people from what I can tell. There are people around me and Ana's age so maybe her making some friends would help boost up her very low confidence." said Steve. "There is also some cuties here your age so maybe you could hook up with one." said Darin with a smile.

Steve chuckled a bit and he said,"Maybe when we're older.". Darin laughed before he downed his beer,"Okay. I'm going home. I'm tired.". He walked out of the guild and Ax said,"I will be heading home as well Steve. Stay here as long as you need till you find a home.". He followed Darin and Steve smiled to himself. Zane made the right choice to come and join Heroes. He got up from his chair and he went toward the infirmary.

He walked in the room quietly and he looked at Ana. She was sound asleep with a smile on her face with him smiling before climbing into the bed next to Ana. He then took one last look around before he said,"Yep. I made the right choice.". He made the right choice and he fell asleep afterward. Steve awoke to the sound of food cooking in the kitchen. He slowly got up and looked around. Ana was still sound asleep in the bed next to his. He stood up and walked over to the showers.

After his shower, he got dressed and walked to the guild hall. There were a few people in the guild hall with most of them he didn't know but he saw Darin, Ax, and the other red hair girl named Allison May. Everyone looked at Steve with them wondering where Ana was with Steve putting his index finger to his lip to show them to be quiet. Putting two and two together, they figured our that she must be asleep.

They went back to their conversations but they were whispering instead of talking normal. They were all scared of Steve's anger because it was almost as bad as Allison's beating. He then walked over to Darin who was talking to Ax and Allison. He heard Allison ask Ax,"Do you know what magic that they use? I know that I saw the boy using the same magic as I but I can't be sure.". She hadn't noticed him behind her when she asked the question.

Ax smirked and he said,"You know. I think I forgot to ask so why don't you ask him yourself?". He pointed at Steve with Allison jumping in the air when she saw Steve. Steve looked at her and she was pretty not doubt about that. She had her crimson red hair braided in a ponytail. She wore a long white sleeved shirt with a black skirt. She wears dark red leggings matching her hair and she wore a pair of white boots.

She had a red ribbon around her neck along with some armor and a sword strapped to her hip. "You know that you can just ask me right?". She quickly composed herself and she said,"Tell me what kind of magic you and your sister use?". She sounded like a drill sergeant and Steve rolled his eyes. He hated people like her who don't say please. "How about you ask me nicely maybe with please?" said Steve who was getting angry.

All of a sudden, everyone in the guild looked at Steve like he just killed someone. He turned back to the guild and gained a confused look. He turned back to Allison to see her steaming. "Tell me now! I want to know!" yelled Allison. Steve was getting pissed because all she had to was ask her politely and he would tell her but she had to demand it for him. "Ask politely and I will tell you!" yelled Steve who was getting angry.

She just glared at him and he was sure that he has seen Zane and his father getting mad and this was nothing to him at all. "Please you two. Calm down." said Ax. He really didn't want to pay for the bills that he would have to pay. He didn't know how strong Steve was so he worried for his safety. Allison smirked and began to let her magic to flow around her hoping that it would scare him into defeat. She was shocked however when an equally amount of magic than her began to flow around Steve.

This magic was different yet familiar to her. It seemed like a dragon ,made of darkness, was standing right behind Steve. He was about to attack her when suddenly. "Big brother?" said Ana. The magic around Steve was gone as he went to the infirmary door. His bad mood immediately changed into a happy one. "I'm right here Ana!" yelled Steve with a smile on his face. Ana turned her head and she saw him standing with the girl that was fighting with Myra yesterday.

She ran over to Steve and she stood in front of him. "Big brother. Is there anything to eat? I'm really hungry." said Ana who stared to rubbed her stomach. "Why don't you go take a shower? I'll go get us something to eat." said Steve. "Okay big bro." said Ana. She pointed to the showers and he told her that he would bring clean clothes when she is done. She ran to the showers. Steve was about to get started with what he said he was going to do but stopped when he remembered what happened.

Steve said,"You know what. I don't care anymore. I will you tell my magic after I'm finished taking care of Ana okay?". "That is acceptable." said Allison in a commanding tone. "How about a fight between you two? It will show you each other's magic at the same time and it can show just how strong each of your are." said Darin. "I'm fine with that but I rather not spend my magic power. So make him fight Chad." said Allison.

Steve said,"I don't care really.". "Once Chad arrives, I will tell him the good news. He and Kurt want a chance to fight against you Stevie so at four thirty. You two boys will fight." said Darin. With that, the slayer went to get Ana some clothes and food. Allison went into the bar and ordered herself some chocolate cake. Both completely unaware of the guild was placing bets on who would win in this fight because of Chad being one of the strongest kids in the guild.

Time in the guild flew by. After Ana enjoy the food that Steve had gotten for her, she started to play board games with Sakura. Sakura was a petite girl with short pink hair and green eyes. She wore a simple pink dress which was paired with dark red shoes. Steve was going some quick training and he knew that Sakura and the other girls would protect Ana while he's gone. The guild was fighting on the opposite side of the guild that Ana was one.

They were still scared out of their minds of what Steve could do so they made sure that Ana was safe no matter what. Allison was sitting at a table with a plate that had a slice of chocolate cake on it. She was still mad at Steve for listening to her but his magic reminded her of something from her past. The guild had formed a safety circle around her and no one wanted to be twenty feet of her. Myra wanted to mess with Allison but her brother convinced her not.

Allison sat there with her eyes closed so she didn't notice when someone came up to her table. The brawling members froze in fear as they saw Ana standing at Allison's table. "Excuse me." said Ana with a sweet tone and a big smile. Allison stopped eating and placed her fork down. Without opening her eyes, she said,"What do you want?". "What're you eating?" said Ana. She at all didn't see that the others were shaking in fear.

Allison opened her eyes and she looked at Ana with no emotion on her face. "This right here is the greatest dessert in the world, Chocolate Cake!". Her face changed to a proud one and Ana giggled at her face as she said,"Could I try some?". The guild was shocked at Ana. No one dared asked Allison to share her cake unless they wanted to be dead. They wanted to save Ana out of fear of pissing off Steve but they were scared of Allison.

Allison looked at the small girl. She was going to yell at her saying that no one could ever had her cake but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her face. It was far by the cutest thing that she had ever seen. She had the most honest and inquiring face. Allison just stared for a few seconds but then she slowly grabbed her fork and cut off a big chunk of her cake. She never broke eye contact as she pulled out a second plate and placed the chunk of cake on it.

Her hand shook more and more as she pushed the cake toward her. She couldn't believed that she was sliding a piece of HER cake toward Ana but she was cute and couldn't say no to her. As the plate got to the edge of the table, Ana said,"You don't have to give me some if you don't want too.". Allison blinked a few times while staring at the girl. In an instant, she had the chunk of cake in her mouth. "I am shocked. You can't even share a piece with a little girl. Fattie." said Myra with a grin.

Upon her saying that, she placed the rest of the cake in her mouth and tackled Myra. The brawl was back to normal and the bartender who watched the whole thing had brought Ana a slice of the same cake. "It is on the house." said the bartender with a smile. 'Thank you!" said Ana with an even bigger smile on her face. She began to eat the cake completely ignoring the brawl behind her. She was half way done with the cake before she caught a very familiar scent.

She placed the fork down and ran toward the door. Steve ,who just came back from a light training session, opened the doors to be tackled to the ground. He looked down to see a mop of red hair. "Hey Ana." said Steve who picked her up. "So how was your game?" said Steve. "It was so much fun big brother!" said Ana. "Oh. Did you win?" said Steve. "No but it was still fun." said Ana. Steve carried her over to the bar and put Ana down.

She ran over to the table that had her cake on it and sat down. She began to eat again while Steve got his own food. "So Steve, are you ready for your fight? Chad was here earlier and he is ready to kick your but." said Darin while looking at the clock. It was four and Steve looked at the clock and then at Allison. "I know that I wouldn't be able to fight her but maybe I can teach her some manners in the process." said Steve.

All of a sudden everyone except for Allison, Darin, Ax, Myra, and Ana stopped fighting and burst out laughing. "You're crazy Stevie. Chad is going to kick your ass." said Kurt while laughing at Steve. He sighed as he walked over to Ana's table and began to eat the food that he ordered. Chad stood there and he was glaring at Steve. They were standing at the opposite ends of an open field since they had walked here from the guild with everyone following since they wanted to see the fight.

Chad had spiked up blond hair and gold eyes. He wore a long white sleeved shirt with an orange vest and blue shorts. Ax stood in between them as they were about fifty feet away from each other. "This will be one on one and will be finished when someone admits defeat or is unable to fight." said Ax. It was quiet as the two just kept glaring at each other. "Go Big brother!" yelled Ana. She stood there with the rest of the kids.

Chad then grinned and gave her a thumbs up. He then turned back to Chad and went into his fighting stance. His opponent did the same. 'The match will begin in three, two, and one! Go!" yelled Ax. The blond was about to move but he was shocked to see that Steve was gone. He reappeared in front of him with his fist pulled back. He hit him square in the chest and sent her flying back. Before he hit the ground, he flipped himself so she landed on his feet.

He skidded ten feet before stopping. He looked at Steve who was just standing where he punched him and she looked at him before yelling,"Holy Glare!". He made a huge amount of light that covered his body and Steve was blinded by the light. He waited until the light died down and he was punched back. "You're strong but I'm a Slayer! I'm the slayer of Light!" said Chad. "You're a slayer? I guess I will to fight for real then." said Steve.

Chad made several beams of light and he said,"Fire!". Steve disappeared into the ground avoiding the attack as Chad looked for him. "Shadow Dragon Iron Fist!" said Steve. Chad was punched to the ground and he said,"No freaking way. This is too good. You're a Slayer too!". The entire guild looked amazed and distracted, Steve was fighting against Chad with such ease due to his magic. The two had similar magic and Ax who knew this magic well along with Allison who figure it out.

Chad felt his entire body still shaking from that attack and he made several beams of light and they flew at Steve. Steve didn't have the time to dodge his attacks so he covered his fists in the shadows around him. He punched the beams of light away from him with him noticing that the light was from a dragon for sure due to his fists were bleeding from the attack. He was panting slightly from the attack and Chad however was having a hard time breathing and standing up.

He finally caught himself and stood back up. He recovered a little bit but was still breathing hard. "I'll make sure that I win for Lady Allison's sake! Holy Drive." said Chad. A holy glow appeared around him and he said,"Time for you to see the light!". He fired out a huge beam of light from his fist and Steve barely dodged it. He disappeared and Chad said,"That won't work on me a second time! Holy Implosion!".

A huge burst of light came bursting out of the ground in front of him as Steve was launched into the air. "Holy Lance!" yelled Chad. A giant lance made out of light flew toward Steve and he blocked the light with a giant sphere made out of the shadows. "That was my Shadow Sphere. My big brother had me work on my defenses a little more. I think I will finish you off with this one. Shadow Drive." said Steve. He had shadows surrounding him and he was charging his magic power.

Chad then smiled and he said,"Okay then Steve! Time to bring out my ultimate attack! Holy Dragon Secret Art! Ultimate Holy Blast!". He made a giant ball of light and he threw it at Steve. "Shadow Dragon Secret Art. Eternal Shadow Storm." said Steve. Several shadows came rushing out of him and the light and the shadows collided. Everyone except for Ana who was held by Ax was blown back from the explosion of darkness and light.

Darin ,who wasn't effected by this attack at all, knew that this was going to happen due to the two being Slayers. They are known for their destructive power and he got that from his encounter with Zane. Ana had a feeling that Steve was going to win because he was able to keep up with Zane and she didn't need to know how strong Chad was but he would lose to Steve. Steve recovered from the attack and he said,"That was a good fight Chad. Thanks for giving me a challenge.".

He turned to the defeated Chad and he was face first into the ground. Steve rushed over to Chad and he was shocked to see that Chad was a girl. "You're a girl?!" said Steve. Chad looked at him and she said,"Yep. Sorry about not telling you that but that fight was so awesome. So is your little sister like me and you?". "So is my brother. He is stronger than I and I bet he is stronger than Mr. Price if he is serious." said Steve.  

Chad was shocked at Steve. She knew that both Ax and Darin were stronger than her alongside with Allison, Myra, Rachel, and X but she didn't challenge them if she didn't want to be killed. "That was a good fight so if you want to fight me again, just ask." said Steve. Chad was shocked at her fellow Slayer because they fought because Lady Allison had demanded something from him and instead of asking nicely.

Steve looked at Chad for a second before he picked her up bridal style. She let out a girly squeak in surprised and again the entire guild was left with their mouths wide open. Steve carried her over to Ax whose mouth was wide open. "Could you take Chad to the infirmary so he can rest?" said Steve with him whispering,"I know that he is a she.". "Okay." said Ax. His hand grew large enough to carry Chad with ease. The girl in question had a bright red face and couldn't think straight.

Steve turned to the rest of the guild with a huge grin on his face and he said,"So how did I do? Was I strong enough?". They didn't respond because they were in too much shock to even speak. "Way to go big brother!" said Ana. She hugged his waist as Darin said,"Way to go kid. You defeated one of the top ranking kids of the guild and gained a rival.". The man thought,"And also a love interest but I will let him figure it out.".

The guild just looked at Steve for a few more seconds before Kurt ran up to him. "Fight me now! I'm kick the ass of the guy who defeated Allison!" said Kurt. Steve looked at him bored but it changed into an angry one. "What did I say about stripping in front of her?!" yelled Steve. He punched Kurt so hard that he was flying back to Mural. The guild broke out into laugh after they watched Kurt landed somewhere in the city.

Steve looked behind him to see that Ax was walking back to the guild with Chad in hand. Chad was just staring at him with an extremely confused look. When she realized that Steve was looking right at her, she turned her head to hide her blush. Steve saw this and chuckled a bit. Ana let got of his waist and looked right at him. "Big brother. Can we go get some food?" said Ana. "Sure thing. Lets go." said Steve. He began to walk back to the city with Ana by his side.

The others followed suit and the only one left was Darin who was just smiling to himself. "I knew that you would make the guild more fun. You're also stronger than I thought so I wonder how Zane would do against X. He is the one mostly likely going to be S Class." said Darin. He began to walk back to the city with him thinking about the fight between X vs Zane since those two are the strongest in the guild.

Chad had passed out on the way back to the guild. Upon waking up, she noticed that she was in the guild's infirmary. She slowly tried to sit up but had to stop due to the pain that she felt all over her body. "You shouldn't be moving with those injuries that you got Clair." said a voice. Chad jumped a little at the voice. She looked at the doors and she saw Allison standing there holding two plates of chocolate cake.

Chad/Clair said in a sad tone,"Lady Allison. I am sorry for losing to Steve.". "It's fine. He uses the same magic as you and he also came to check on you. He didn't hear you mumbling something in your sleep because of Kurt." said Allison. The blonde shivered at that and Allison had an idea about what the light girl was thinking about. "So how long was I out?" said Chad. "You are a Slayer so I would say seven days." said Allison.

She noticed her trying to get up but failed each time that she tried. "Do you need some help?" said Allison. Chad just looked at her with a good glare as she said,"I can get up on my own thank you very much.". Allison ignored the glare as she walked to the door and opened it a little. "She is awake you two. You may come in now." said Allison. Ana and Steve walked in and Ana said,"What do you need big sis?".

Steve said,"I think she wants you to practice your healing magic on Chad.". Ana nodded and she went over to Chad. "I'm fine Lady Allison." said Chad in an annoyed tone. Allison ignored her and walked over to Ana. "Don't over do it okay?" said Allison. Ana nodded again before she had to close her eyes and sticking her hands out toward Chad's stomach. A bright green flow began to radiate from her and the pain began to weak but Ana started to shake a little.

Steve put his hands on Ana's shoulders to hold up a little. Ana's hands fell off her and she began to fall asleep. Steve picked her up and placed her softly in the bed next to Chad. The blonde stared at the little girl due to her pretty much getting rid of all of the pain. The only thing was a little discomfort from moving. "She uses a special kind of healing magic but she is still young, it takes a lot of energy out of her." said Allison as Steve began to stroke Ana's hair.

Chad was still in disbelief but she asked,"Okay. I know that you use Slayer Magic like me but it was so much stronger than mine.". "Yeah. I had two intense and strong trainers. I asked Allison about this and you were also raised by a dragon right?" said Steve. "Yeah. My dad taught me it. I thought I was stronger but I guess I was wrong. So did you tell the others that I am a girl?" said Chad. "Nope. Your lady told me why you didn't tell anyone though." said Steve.

Allison said,"Yes. It is your choice if you want to tell everyone. I was shocked that both Ana, Steve, and their brother were raised by dragons with their brother being raised by a dragon king. Ana isn't as strong as you and Steve due to her not learning any combat spells. I plan to help her learn once she is ready.". "I couldn't stop her Chad or is it Clair? Listen, I respect you as a fellow Slayer but you should be more honest with yourself to get stronger." said Steve.

He walked toward the door and he said,"Once you heal up, come and fight me. I'll leave Ana with you two. I have to go tell Kurt that I'm ready to fight.". He left the room and Allison rubbed the top of the sleeping girl's head. Allison said,"I think the same thing of Steve. We will be here to protect you Clair. I promise.". She left the room and Chad fell asleep. "Wow. He was pretty cute. I wonder if we can be good friends." said Chad. She had a noticeable blush on her face.

Next Time,
Zane finally arrives at the guild seven weeks later. He also fights against some opponents on his first day.

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