Friday, December 2, 2016

Power Episode 1 The Beauty and the Silent.

A/N: What is this story you may be asking yourself? I'm thinking that this is going to be the new Power Guild. I thought hard about this because Power Guild ,despite its crappy end on my part and other flaws, is still a good story in my eyes regardless. It is also one of the two stories that went over ten parts and I know that to the newcomers that doesn't mean anything but to me, it does. I tend to repeat myself but I like to myself known.

I have made some guidelines or rules to this story. The main character will be over powered like on the same level as Bob but he will have seals on him to keep him from one shot his opponents. He and his abilities will be based off Natsu's abilities because I like how much work I went into with Natsu and his abilities. It also makes me sound really lazy but sometimes, you need to be lazy. I mean you can sometimes notice the similarities between two series done by the same creator.

It isn't a bad thing but you noticed it if you're a fan of the previous series. That is me with Rave Master and Fairy Tail. If you're a fan, you notice it too. I may have problem with Fairy Tail but it is so much funny poking fun of it and reading comments. I thought hard about this having Bob being the star of another series wasn't really appealing to me so I went with a different different character that I have been working on for a sequel to Soul. He does has the same name first name as a character but that's it.

It will be a parody of Power Guild and Fairy Tail plus other Shonen type stories such as One Piece or other stories along those lines. There will be other series as well but like how in Soul, I bring up some typical high school manga tropes, it will be a joke mainly. It will have serious moments as well but I am going to make this story light heart. Most if not all characters will be returning from Power Guild but they will be leading different stories/lives to them.

It will be more based off the Anime and Manga to an extent. I may be skipping or breeze right though the first two arcs of the series but who knows?  The original story was like this as well but during the writing of the story, the Anime was still going. The Manga is still going but I highly suspect that it will be ending soon. There will be fourth wall breaking because I love that type of humor. There will also be constant fan service from both genders mainly the ladies but the guys will have some moments in the suns as well.

I also decided to make this series a Harem for one reason. I honestly think that Hiro could do a good harem because a simple Harem is fanservice and a decent plot aka Fairy Tail. I may be a fan but you are a true fan if you can poke at the series flaws. Nothing and I mean nothing is perfect. I know that you could add some action and a good story like Highschool DXD but sometimes, you just need junk food.

I mean I love Fairy Tail but if I want a good story and characters, I will read One Piece or Boku no Hero Academia because I love their stories mainly the latter. This Author Note has gone on long than say Soul because I have a lot to talk about compared to that series. I could make a social media thing but here is the thing, I'm extremely lazy and it is easy but I rather not do that. I am just that lazy and I will make a series that is well developed but sometimes, you need a fun series. This episode is going to be long.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the county of Meca which is a politically neutral country of about 20 million people. It is a world filled to the brim with magic. Magic is bought and sold there everyday making it a very essential part of their lives. Then we have people who use magic for a jobs. They are known as wizards and they all if not most belong to various guilds and perform various jobs and commissions. There are a good amount of guilds with in the land.

However, this is one certain city that houses a certain guild which is known for its various legends being born and rather shall be born long into the future, The name is Heroes. Our story begins in the year X765. A man was walking through the ruins of a once lively town. He took a deep breath and he brushed back his long black hair with white streaks as he said,"I can't believe that humans would do it for a false god.".

The man looked to be about 30 years old. He looked serious and not very friendly. He was wearing a black jacket with several white claw like markings on it. He wore matching baggy pants to his jacket and he didn't have on a shirt or shoes. He had scars covering the exposed parts of his body and one was on the left cheek in the shape of an X. He had sharp red eyes which glowed in anger upon seeing a dead body.

He looked around and he said,"I wonder if they took all of those children toward the towers that have been sprouting like weeds.". He sensed something and he rushed toward it. He saw a baby in a basket and the man was confused. "He has the magic potential that rivals a god but where are his mother and father?" said the man. The baby saw the man and it smiled. "Does he know that I am not going to hurt him?" said the man.

He picked the baby up and he said,"You're a boy right?". He wasn't exactly familiar on any kind of human biology so he was going to presume that. The baby rested in the man's arms and he said,"So lets see if they left any note behind.". He looked around for a note and he found one with a blanket, a notebook, and a gold necklace. He open the gold necklace and he saw a man holding said baby in his arms with the woman next to him smiling. The family looked happy.

The dragon looked at the now sleeping baby and he said,"Your parents must be dead now. Do you want to come with me?". The baby turned in the man's arms and he said,"I guess you do. Let me give you a name.". The man looked around and he said,"I think I saw that your name is Micheal but I don't like that name in my heir so I'll call you Zane Alvarez.". The man placed the necklace around the baby's neck and he said,"Now how am I going to do this?".

He put the baby in the basket with him covering the child with the baby blue blanket. He nodded and he said,"I think I should do the Level 2 Transformation.". He glowed as he turned into a Qilin and it had black scales with white streaks like his clothing. He picked up Zane using his psychic powers and he said through psychic power,"Young boy. I hope that you become a strong wizard and we'll teach you how to protect your loved ones. I promise that I Sivarth will make you powerful.".

It had been six years since Sivarth adopted Zane with the boy progressing at a highly advanced rate much to the dragon's utter shock. The man looked at the child who was focused on breaking a giant rock using his raw magic power and he thought,"He is able to access all of his magic power and at such a young age. I wonder who his parents were before they passed away.". He heard the rock exploding and he walked over to him.

Zane fell over onto his back and he saw his father figure looking at his work. The dragon ,who was currently in his human guise, looked at the destroyed rock which was now rubble and he said,"I'm impressed with your growth lately Zane.". Zane was going to say something but Sivarth said,"I'm sorry Zane but you know that I can't understand you.". The boy sighed and he stood up much to the pain that rushed through his body.

Out from his pocket, he pulled out a black notebook with a gold dragon on the cover of it. He held a pen and he wrote something. The man read the writing and he said while laughing,"I guess that my training is getting tired for you huh? So are you ready to start our journey?". Zane wrote down something and Sivarth said,"I need to go see some old friends and they love to train or should I say torture their students?".

A very noticeable gulp came from the boy and he wrote down something. "I truly hoped that you would start talking by now but I guess you're not able to." said Sivarth. He read the paper and he said,"Don't worry so much Zane. A true man doesn't worry about things that aren't able to protect his friends. Now, lets go.". He turned into his dragon form and Zane hopped onto the back of the dragon. He flew off. Zane held tight onto his father figure since the dragon goes fast on purpose.

A year later, Sivarth was flying toward his old friend Erisdar's house. Zane was stronger which made the dragon happy but he still wasn't talking. He was starting to get worried so he decide to visit the wind dragon ,who was his good friend, to hopefully train Zane in some healing magic such as the spell to cure motion sickness and check out why he wasn't able to talk. He reached the forest of the wind dragon and he sensed her anger.

Zane ,who somehow slept on the back of his father, woke up and Sivarth said,"We're here my son so please get off my back before she attacks me.". Zane hopped off the dragon's back and he landed in the bushes. A grumble was heard and Sivarth said,"I guess you still have the problem of not being able to find your way off a vehicle. That is sad boy. Lets go.". Zane rolled his eyes as he brushed the leaves off his clothing which was a pair of pants. He followed his father.

Erisdar was caring for her adopted daughter ,whom she found in the woods nearby her, and she smell Sivarth, the Dragon King. She was a different looking dragon. She has a body which looks like bird feathers rather than scales. Her feet remind people of bird talons. Her head is covered in what looks like fur and her skull is somewhat broad and fat. The fur extends down the neck and up to the upper chest region.

She sighed and she said,"What do you want Sivarth? And in the gods name are you in that form of yours?". Sivarth came out of the bushes and he said,"Before you attack me Erisdar, I'm here for a couple of favors.". The dragon crossed her arms and Sivarth said,"I know that you're thinking of training your daughter in your unique magic but I need you to help with Zane.". "Zane? Who is that?" said Erisdar. "Come out son." said Sivarth.

Zane stood there and Erisdar said,"You adopted a human?!". "I did because of his magic aura and he is quite the student. He was able to master several magic in only seven years but he isn't able to cast them normally." said Sivarth. "What do you mean?" said Erisdar. She saw that the boy was looking around her home and she said,"You may go play with my daughter. She has been rather lonely and I think a friend is what she could use.".

Zane wrote something down and Sivarth said,"I think it is fine as long I don't move from this spot right Erisdar?". She nodded as Zane ran off. "So why didn't he open his mouth? I know about humans better than you and kids his age love to talk plus cause trouble for their parents. Girls are easier to raise at this age." said Erisdar. "He can't talk. He usually writes something down in that notebook of his and I read it." said Sivarth.

Zane found a little hut and he went inside. He looked around and he saw a little bed. "I wonder if the nice lady has a little girl like me." thought Zane. "Um.... Who are you?" said a voice. Zane turned around and he saw a little girl standing there. She looked to be four years old. She had short red hair which was in the shape of a bob (hair style) and green eyes. She was a short blue and white dress that covered up to her knees and she wore matching shoes.

Zane pulled out his pen and he wrote something down. The girl read the paper and she said,"I'm sorry but I can't read yet. My mommy hasn't taught me yet so can you talk?". Zane shook his head to the left and right which means no and she said,"I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't being rather rude there.". She was about to cry and Zane placed his hand on her head. "It's fine. My name is Zane Alvarez." thought Zane. "I can hear you but how? Your mouth isn't moving." said the girl.

Zane thought,"I can't talk to others using my mouth but I'm able to write down what I'm thinking or my telepathy magic but the later option can only be used if I'm touching the person. My auntie taught me this to help with my talking problem.". "Oh. Well, my name is Ana! And my mommy is a super cool dragon!" said Ana. "My dad is a dragon but I wouldn't call him cool. He is something called a pervert according to my auntie." thought Zane.

The two walked out of the hut to see Erisdar and Sivarth with a giant bump on his head. The later was in his dragon form. He was completely covered in black scales with some of them being white. The lower body mainly his stomach, inner portions of his long tail and legs are a beige color. He has a lot of scars all over his body with the largest one being x-shaped. He had numerous black spikes down his back to the end of his tail.

He has a triangular head with horns, a pair of large and round red eyes and a sharp horn pointing just above his nose. He had sharp canine teeth and has claws with long and sharp red nails. He has large bony wings that resemble a bat with rippled tips. "It seems like you two have met. Do you like him young one?" said Erisdar. "He is nice but why doesn't he talk?" said Ana who looked at Zane. "Well it is complicated." said Sivarth.

Erisdar said,"And I plan to find out since he is staying with us for a while. Zane, you don't mind being an older brother for my dear Ana. I have a feeling that you'll be a good role model who will lead her down the right path in life and keep her safe? Do you promise me that?". Ana saw that Zane walked over to Erisdar with him placing his left hand on her mother. "I promise that I will and she will be a great wizard." thought Zane.

It was now the year X777 on the fifth of July. Zane held his right hand up and he move it down like a sword slash. The trees in front of him were sliced straight in half and he did a little cheer. "It seems like someone is happy." said a voice. Zane turned around to see his father figure who had a smile and Zane wrote something down in his notebook. His notebook is able to speak for him so whenever he writes something down, it gets sad.

The notebook said,"Father. I have finished up my training. May I go see Ana and Erisdar?". Sivarth said,"You may son. I want you back before dark. I know that you can handle yourself but I'm worried about you.". "Don't worry about me old bastard." wrote Zane. "You know that I missed when you were not able to talk." said Sivarth. Zane smiled as he ran toward Ana and Erisdar's house. "I'm going to miss you son. I'll make tomorrow awesome for you." thought Sivarth.

After twenty minutes of walking, he came up to a small house. He then walked close to it hoping to not scare anyone but he heard,"Big brother!". He was tackled by his little sister and he wrote which spoke after he finished,"I missed you too Ana but you're crushing me.". Ana helped him and she then hugged him. She buried her head into his stomach and she said,"I missed you big brother. I've gotten so much stronger thanks to Erisdar and I wanted to see.".

Zane wrote,"I don't want to be an annoyance to your mother and also my old man keeps rather busy with training even though I'm able to arm wrestle him in his human form.". He rubbed the back of his hair which was gray and he wrote,"So where is she anyway? I wanted to show her how strong I am.". "She went to get me some food and it is my favorite too!" said Ana. "So what do you want to do till then?" wrote Zane.

Ana looked at Zane with an evil grin on her face with her going on her tiptoes to reach his left shoulder and she said,"Tag, you're it!". She ran away from her older brother with a huge grin on her face. Zane sighed and he ran after his adopted sister. The two played for what seems like forever and Erisdar arrived with a giant boar with two giant tusks extruding from its mouth. "Oh Zane. It is good to see you again. Ana has been progressing in her studies well." said Erisdar.

Zane wrote,"Well, she is being taught by a great teacher and you didn't have her throwing boulders on fire at you.". Ana was confused with a question over her head and Erisdar said,"I believe in a more gentle method compared to your other teachers. I bet you two had fun playing. Did your big brother catch you Ana?". "Yeah! He cheated though! He used his wind to catch me." said Ana who puffed her cheeks in annoyance. The boy in question sighed at his little sister's cute action.

After the two humans finished eating, Erisdar said,"So what brings you here Zane? I thought you would be training with the idiot.". "I wanted to come see you and Ana because it has been too long. I think today would be perfect since it is so nice out today." wrote Zane. "Well, you'll always able to come here whenever you want." said Erisdar. "I'll keep that in mind. Are you ready to go back to playing Ana?" wrote Zane who smiled.

Ana said with a giggle,"If you can catch me!". She flew off and Zane ran after him. He knew that he could catch him using his wind magic but he wanted to give her a sense of joy of finally defeating her older brother. The two played for a good amount of time before Ana started to fall asleep. Zane sat down nearby by Erisdar who was thinking deeply about something. Ana went up to him and she sat on his lap. She smiled at him before resting on his stomach.

Zane smiled and he leaned back until he was lying on his back with his little sister rested on his legs and stomach. After a few seconds, Ana fell asleep with Erisdar saying,"She thinks the whole world of you Zane. I think she wanted to learn magic after she saw you using it.". "Yeah. I like her too because she is actually really cute and I want to protect her. So could you wake me in two hours due to my daddy being worried about me?" wrote Zane.   

Erisdar smiled and she said,"Sure son. I can do that so rest for now.". Zane went to sleep as the air dragon watched over her two adopted children. Later, Zane was woken up gently by the dragon and she said in a sweetly motherly tone,"I think we should have you going honey. Don't want Daddy Sivarth worried about you.". Zane tried to get up but he was stopped by his sleeping sister on him like a cat in her spot on the couch.

He slowly lifted up using the air and he stood up. He walked over to the little house and he opened it to see a little bed with a candle. He made a small flame that rested gently on his finger and he lit the candle lighting the room. He placed Ana softly into her bed and he pulled the bright blue covers up to her chin. Much to his shock, Ana opened her eyes to see him. She smiled at him and she said,"Are you leaving big brother?".

She was tired and Zane wrote,"Yep but I'll be back here soon I promise.". He smiled softly at her and Ana said,"What is your favorite type of magic? I mean you know so much but what is your favorite magic?". Zane looked at her and he placed his hand on her forehead. "I think it is telepathy. I think it is because this is the first magic that I've shown you so it holds meaning to me." thought Zane. "Hey big bro. Could you show me how to do that one day?" said Ana.

She sounded so hopeful and she was finally beginning to fall asleep. He smiled at her as she closed her eyes. "I promise that next time we meet, I'll show you how strong I've become. I will make you into the best wizard in the world." wrote Zane. "Thank you big brother." said Ana before finally going to sleep. He then leaned down to kiss her forehead and he wrote,"Goodnight Ana. I love you and I'll protect you with my life.".

He left the house and he saw that the sun was beginning to set. "Sorry Erisdar. I have to get going. I don't want to get my dad mad again!" wrote Zane. He ran off and Erisdar waved to him. Zane waved back to the dragon while crashing into the tree which broke upon contact with the boy. He found his way back to his home aka a cave. He saw Sivarth sleeping nearby the cave holding his baby blanket and he smiled at his father. He went out to get him and the dragon some food.

After hunting for ten minutes, he found some food aka a bird like creature. He killed it by slashing the avian creature using two flame swords. He looked to see Sivarth glaring at him with him placing the bird in front of the dragon. The two had a nice and quiet dinner with Sivarth asking about Ana and Zane answering hi, The two went into the cave and they went to sleep with Zane enjoying his father's warmth.

The next day was one of the best days of Zane's life. He got to play with Sivarth and not do a single ounce of training which made the student happy. The two enjoy each other's company and Zane was going to ask him why they weren't training but he ignored to have fun with his father. He was tired by the end of the day and he almost fell asleep during dinner. Zane decided to fall asleep on his father's head.

After a few minutes, Sivarth could tell that his adopted son was asleep. He lifted his son into his bed and he placed the blanket on him. "Son. I'm sorry but I have no other choice in the matter but to do this, I hope you understand while I'm doing this." said Sivarth. The dragon was gone and Zane had no idea about his father figure leaving him with the dragon leaving behind two treasure chest in his place.

Zane woke up with him opening his mouth and he looked for his father. "Where are you dad? Did you went to go get food?" thought Zane. He closed his eyes and he sensed for his father's presence which reminds the pre-teen of meat due to the two loving flavor of meat. He found the scent on the two chests and he went over to them. They both had magic seals around them and Zane thought that this was a simple seal for him to destroy.

He opened the one to his left and he saw several magic scrolls along with a note. He read the note and he used magic to read it aloud to him. "If you are reading this letter, I'm already gone and it isn't because I hate you. I love you in fact but I have a duty to stop a great evil. In this chest, it holds several scrolls with several forms of lost magic along with the strongest magic that a human can use. I hope you use them well. Please read the next note." said the paper.

Zane emptied the chest and he counted over twenty scrolls with Zane smiling at his father's kindness and he opened up the other chest. In this one, he found some him sized clothing and weapons much to his surprise. On the top of it, he found the note. "Son. I'm proud of you and I hope that you make me and your other teachers proud. Once you finished getting ready, go to your little sister. She will need you and go join a guild. Trust me, it will be fun." said the paper.

Zane looked at the clothing and he decided to go check on Ana rather than try them on. He placed the clothing, scrolls, and weapons in a pocket dimension. He popped his head out of the cave and he saw that the gods decided to curse him much to his annoyance was a thunderstorm. He made fire appear over his head and he looked over at his home that he shared with his father figure for twelve years. It made the boy tear up as he rushed toward Ana's location.

After thirty minutes due to the storm, Zane found his way to the house. He was really panting and he started to hear crying. He rushed toward the house and he wrote,"Ana?! Please answer me! It is me Zane! Are you in there?". He knocked on the door and it opened slowly. He saw Ana covered in her bright blue blanket and with his enhanced senses, he hard soft crying. He placed a hand on her and he wrote,"I'm here Ana. Please don't cry.".

Ana turned around and she said,"Big brother! I'm alone and I'm scared!". She wrapped her tiny arms around his chest and she buried her head into his chest, He wrapped his arms around her hoping to comfort her. She sobbed into him for a good half hour before she calmed down. "Big brother. Did you see mommy? She wasn't here when I woke this morning and then this storm came through. I am so scared." said Ana with a weak voice with tears still in her eyes.

Zane wrote,"Ana. I think they left us and I don't know if they're coming back.". He hugged her a little bit tighter to hopefully comfort her some more. She looked at her older brother and she said,"Why? I mean did we do something wrong?". She was beginning to sob again and Zane wrote,"I don't know Ana. I just don't know.". After another half hour of tears, Ana had cried herself to sleep. He picked the little girl up and she sniveled a little bit in his arms.

He rubbed the back of her head trying to comfort her. She laid her in the bed and pulled the blankets up to her neck. He looked out the window and saw that the storm was gone revealing the sun to be in the middle of the sky. He decided to start reading some of the scrolls that Sivarth left behind. He was worried about his little sister since her mother just left her. He didn't want to leave her so he just sat on the edge of her bed reading a scroll using the candle.

A little bit later, Zane heard crying and he looked over at Ana. Ana was still asleep but she held the blanket tightly and she was whimpering. Zane frowned at the sight because even without using his magic, he could tell that he was a nightmare. He used to be like that around her age and he decided to comfort her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit. She slowly opened her eyes and she sat up.

She looked at her brother before standing up on her bed. She was slightly closer to Zane's height due to the bed. She walked over to him with her hair covering her eyes and he wrapped his arms around her. "Big bro?" said Ana in a melancholy tone. "Yeah sis?" wrote Zane. "Will you leave me too?" said Ana. Zane slowly let her go and he placed his hands on her shoulders. He looked into her green eyes and he took a deep breath.

He said with a raspy yet determined voice,"Ana. I promise you that I will never leave you or discard you. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you're happy and safe.". "Big brother? You're talking." said Ana. Zane then started to cough loudly and he wrote,"Don't worry Ana. This happens if I ever talk. I will be fine so how about we go look for them? I know that you may not want to leave here but we can't find them if we stay here.".

Ana looked at her older brother's smiling face and she said while smiling at herself,"As long as you don't leave me big bro.". "Nope. I'll never leave Ana. I promise." wrote Zane. "Okay. Lets go then big brother." said Ana. He left go of her shoulders and looked out the window. The sun was beginning to set and he wrote,"How about we leave tomorrow? It is starting to get dark.". "Okay." said Ana. She began to rub her eyes and yawn.

Zane smiled at her again before he lied her back down and pulled the blanket to her chin. He was about to materialize a sleeping bag but he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. "Zane. Could you please sleep with me? I don't want to be alone." said Ana with a worried look on her face. Zane looked at her with a soft smile on her face. He climbed into the bed and got comfortable. He slowly pulled her over to him and wrapped her arms around her tiny body as she curled up into his chest.

She always enjoyed her older brother's warmth and she almost fell asleep there. "Goodnight Ana. I'll be here in the morning." said Zane who coughed away from her after finishing his sentence. "I love you big brother." said Ana who fell asleep. Zane looked at the roof of the small house and then he looked at his sister. "I will be here forever." said Zane. He regret talking three times today since he coughed a few minutes before falling asleep.

Zane woke up around nine or ten in the morning and he knew this because he had spent an unhealthy amount of time with the glowing ball of light. He looked out the window and he frowned. He couldn't figure out why both Sivarth and Erisdar would leave him and Ana. According to the letters that his dragon wrote, he had to leave for a reason and he hoped he was going to figure out what. He felt a lot of movement around his chest as he looked at Ana.

She was curled up with a huge smile on her face. Zane put a hand on her shoulder and he wrote with him using telekinesis magic,"Ana. It's time to get up.". She slowly opened her eyes and she yawned like a cat. "Morning big brother." said Ana in a tired voice. She got up and Zane left the house for her to change. Zane wondered if he should put on that clothing that Sivarth gave him and he opened up his pocket dimension to grab some new clothes.

He wore his worn out white pants and he fixed his scaly black and red scarf that his father made but that was to be kept a secret. He looked at his little sister who opened the daughter. She had an old looking green shirt that was a little too small for her and shorts that were dark green that were also too short for her. "Okay. We're first going to get some clothes." wrote Zane. He wondered if he could learn how to make cloth using one of the spells in the scrolls.

Ana said,"Mommy says that she gets my clothing from a friend who lives in a forest far away from here.". "I wish I knew what forest you were talking about but I don't know what forest she lives in so we'll have to find another way to get clothes." wrote Zane. Ana looked down at her feet and she was sad that she couldn't help her brother out. He noticed this and he put his hand on her head and she looked at him.

Zane wrote,"Don't worry Ana. You're helping me so how about we get ready to go?". After getting her stuff into a bag, the two were ready to go. He looked at the sun around him and he remember this place as one of his fondest memories. This is where he met his cute little sister and he wouldn't forget that for sure. He looked behind him to see that Ana was looking at the little house. "Bye house. I will see you again and I'll bring Erisdar back with me." said Ana.

She turned to face Zane with a sad yet determined face. Ana felt her brother' hand on her head and he wrote,"I promise that I'll find them Ana for sure. I know that we can do it for sure if we work together so lets go okay?". "Okay!" said Ana. Zane started to walk toward a unknown location and Ana started to follow him. This was just the start of the siblings journey to find their dragon parents and they will have a magical time doing it.

Next Time,
Ana and Zane head away from their home that they'll live in since they were young to hopefully find their adopted parents.   

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