Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Power Episode 5 A Fight between the Angel, Demon, Flame, and Knight/Zane's First Job

A/N: Welcome to the next episode. We actually meet a new character and learn a little more about some previous characters. This Author Note is rather short just like a normal Soul one. The Eileen reveal took thirty chapters later and it was obviously going to be Erza's mother or sister. I was hoping to expect a twist because her involving time travel isn't a good sign. Time travel is either a good or bad thing in a plot.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently mediating in the middle of the guild hall much to everyone's confusion. "So what is that idiot doing?" said a man. This man goes by the name of Eric Logan. He is a slim and mildly muscular man of average height with long and thick spikier purple hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a dark purple shirt with forearm length sleeves with white pants and dark shoes. He had a small wrapped around his left wrist.

A voice said,"You shouldn't worry so much Eric old buddy. I mean you'll get wrinkles from all of this over thinking.". Eric turned around to see both the master and his best friend Wayne Summers. He was about the same height as his friend and the most obvious thing about him is his brown hair is a pompadour. It protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly, and fluffy top. His eyes were closed but when they were open, gold eyes.

Eric said,"So why are you making him fight the girls? Rachel may be back in town but against all three at the same time! Are you crazy master?". "He is stronger than you think Eric. He held back in all of his fights." said Ax. "If you and Darin see that, I guess you're right about that. So why does X want to fight against him?" said Wayne. "Who knows?" said Ax. "You should know about your dam grandson old man!" said Eric and Wayne.

Zane opened his left eye to see Sakura. "Hey Sakura. What's up?" wrote Zane. "So are you going to fight my sister today?" said Sakura. "Yeah! She is really strong right?! She is known as the Demon right? This will be a good training for me." wrote Zane. He stood up and Sakura said,"Are you going to be alright?". "Yep. I'm stronger and I can handle your sister but if what I heard right, I'm going to need some help." wrote Zane.

He walked toward the library and he wrote,"Jade! Are you in here?! I need to talk!". Jade popped her head out of some books and she said,"Zane?! What are you doing here?! You need to get ready for the fight!". "I will be fine. Trust me, I just need a book or three." wrote Zane. Jade walked up to him and she said,"What do you need?". "I think a book on Angel, Element based, Transform, and Weapon magic will help." wrote Zane.

Jade said with Zane nearby her,"So are you okay?". "Yeah. Their punches barely hurt my dragon skin or something like that. Trust me, it is nothing compared to be thrown in the middle of an earthquake caused by a dragon in a mood." wrote Zane. "I know but I worry about you Zane. You just joined the guild and somehow you're able to adjust to the randomness. Ana and Steve took a long time to even get used to the fighting." said Jade.

A little bit earlier, Zane was currently eating some breakfast with his siblings. "Master. Let me fight him." said Allison. Ax looked at the red head and he said,"Are you sure? You know that he is a strong wizard. I think he could defeat Darin if he tried.". "Yes. I wish to challenge him to get an answer of mine answered." said Allison. "Okay then. Go and challenge him." said Ax. Allison walked up to him and she punched in the face launching him into the ground.

Ana said,"Big brother!". She rushed over to him and Steve said,"What the heck is wrong with you Allison?". "Fight me now Zane!" yelled Allison. "Hey! That's my line red haired bitch." said Myra who crossed her arms. Sakura looked at Zane whose face was being healed by Ana and she caught Ana before crashing to the ground. "Why do you get to fight him?! I wanted to fight him!" yelled Myra who glared at Allison.

The doors slammed open and X said,"This day just got better didn't it old man?". A girl stood there and she said,"I'm back bitches!". Zane looked up to see a girl about the same age as X  and she was standing there. She had brown hair with blue, red, and white streaks that reached just below her shoulders with the front portion cut about her nose level. Her outfit fit a certain theme and it was an angel.

She wears a short dress which was made of white feather with two feathery wings that hang from her back. The dress splits just above her navel and reveals much of her chest which there was something compared to Allison and Myra, it was like a vest. The deep and revealing v-cut is lined by a row of long feathers on either side of her, it continued up her torso and wrapped around her shoulders to form a collar. She had two wing-like tattoos which can be found on her collarbone.

Her skirt is also partially split down the middle. She had a dark-blue ribbon around her head with four bows hanging from it, two on each side, that cover her ears. She was wearing long and dark blue gloves that cover her arms passing her elbows and knee-length, dark blue stocking and light blue feathered boots. "So who is she?" wrote Zane. "That is Rachel Aquiler aka Angel big bro." said Steve but he noticed that Zane was gone.

Zane stood in front of her and Angel said,"So is he new?". "Yep! My name is Zane and I know your little sister." wrote Zane. "What? She has a little sister?" said a guild member. Angel grabbed him and she said,"And how do you know that?". "Because of this." wrote Zane. He pulled out one of the gold keys and Angel said,"You're a Spirit Wizard!?". "Yep." wrote Zane. "Hey old man! I wish to fight this brat!" yelled Angel.

Allison said,"You and the blond will have to wait after me. I already requested a challenge with him by my fist.". "Is that how people requested a fight here?" thought Zane. Ax said from his spot at the bar,"How about all three of you fight Zane at the same time?". "You serious master?" said Tanya. "I am because Zane can handled it." said Ax. The three girls said,"You're going down Zane.". They then walked away and Zane wrote,"Okay. This day is going to be good.".

Outside in the forest, Allison was training with Clair nearby her. "Why are you challenge him in the first place Lady Allison? I mean he is able to defeat me, Kurt, and Steve at the same time. He isn't a normal wizard but he is like a dragon in human form." said Clair. Allison stopped and she said,"Clair. I think he is the one who saved me back then.". "Are you serious? He is the one who was able to save you from that hell." said Clair.

She nodded and she said,"I'm not sure though.". "I thought you would remember a guy like that. He is your prince charming right?" said Clair. Allison had a small blush as she said,"I just wanted to thank him because he is the one who helped me get the strength to save my friends from him. Clair, I wish to be alone.". "Okay but be back at the guild for the fight." said Clair. She ran back to the guild and Allison thought,"I will be getting my answer from him.".

Myra was punching boulders which were thrown to her by Norman. "Big sis. Why are you fighting Zane?" said Norman. "I just have too okay Norman!" yelled Myra. She smashed a giant boulder and she thought,"I won't let my feelings blind me.". "I guess Sakura was right. She likes Zane. If I say it thought, I would dead meat though." thought Norman who was scared of his older sister whenever she was angry.

A little bit later, Zane stood there with three girls glaring him down. Most of the guild bet on one of the three girls with a few betting on Zane. "Are you ready Zane?" said Ax. Zane held his right fist in the air and he said,"As ready master!". He coughed a little and Tanya said to Steve,"Why does he cough whenever he talks?". "He was born without any of the speech organs. However to Zane, that is nothing because he is powerful." said Steve. "Begin!" yelled Ax.

Allison said,"I shall go first.". The red hair started to glow white as Myra said,"Screw you red! I want to fight him first!". She glowed dark purple and Angel said,"I let you two fight him first so then I can defeat him when he is tired out.". "She just wants money doesn't she?" said Eric. "Yeah." said Wayne as he smoked from his pipe. Zane noticed several swords appearing around Allison and Myra looked like a demon. "Uh oh." wrote Zane.

Myra said,"Darkness Torrent.". She made several hands of dark energy rush toward Zane with Zane dodging them. "Feel the power of my blade!" said Allison. Zane caught several of the blades using one of the hands and he wrote,"You know that I'm the son of Sivarth, the Dragon King and student of all of the Dragon Kings so your feeble swords and darkness won't defeat me.". The crowd was shocked at that and Zane said,"I'm Powered up now!".

He coughed and Allison said,"I'm powered up now?". "That is pretty silly." said Angel. Zane had a angry look and he wrote,"SHUT UP! MY DAD TOLD ME THAT WAS AN AWESOME PHRASE AND ANYONE WHO LAUGHS AT MY DAD WILL GO TO HELL!". He then disappeared and he appeared in front of both girls who attacked him earlier. "POWER DRAGON ADAMANTINE PUNCH!" wrote Zane.

Both of Zane's fists had the same spirals and diamond when he blocked those attacks from the leader of the bandits's sword and the tentacle. Alison and Myra coughed up blood and they were sent flying fifty yards away. "Don't make fun of my old man! He is one of the many things that I'm fighting and getting stronger for! And I don't like when people make fun of my family!" yelled Zane. He coughed up a storm and X said,"Old man. I wish no need to fight him after this.".

Ax noticed the fire in his grandson's eyes after seeing that punch and he said,"Okay my boy but wait until the girls are done with him.". Allison and Myra came rushed toward Zane with Zane having a huge smile and he wrote,"Wow. You two are stronger than I thought.". Allison was slicing at him and he dodged them along with dodging Myra's claws. "How is he is so strong?" said Angel. Zane was either blocking or dodging their attacks.

Zane wrote,"Sivarth and my other teachers taught me how to hold any thing heavy for a long period of time. I can hold up to 10 tons when not using any enhancement magic.". Ana and Steve knew this but when the others asked this, they ignored him. "I won't let you win against me Allison and Angel along with you too Zane! Vile Outburst!" said Myra. A dark colored sphere gathered in her palm. A powerful beam rushed toward Zane who only held up his right hand.

A explosion covered Zane with Jade and Tanya yelled,"Zane!". A giant lightning bolt came rushing out of the dust cloud. "Power Armageddon Roar!" wrote Zane. A huge burst of darkness and raw magic power came out of his mouth and it caused a giant explosion. Zane landed back on the ground in front of the girls and he wrote,"Wow. I thought that you two were beautiful before but when you're fighting, it is like seeing you without your clothes on looking at the person under the skin.".

The girls had blushes on their face and Angel said,"So what that a compliment or something pervert or what?". "You're cheating Zane!" said Allison. "Cheating?" wrote Zane who tiled his head. "You don't play with your opponent's emotions!" said Myra. Zane laughed hard before coughing and he wrote,"Okay. You two are pretty funny. I mean my old man always told me that the truth will give you strength no matter what and I really think that you're both beautiful.".

Allison and Myra started to blush again as Angel said,"This is getting good.". Zane was then hit into the ground by Allison who held a giant spiked mace. It has six large spikes running down the edge of the weapon with each one getting progressively larger as they reach the hook end of the club. Allison and the other girls around his age then saw that Zane was very deep in the ground and his skull was bleeding. "Zane/Big brother!" yelled the girls.

Allison was shocked because Zane could possibly be dead and she was about to cry. As she along with Jade, Myra, and Tanya were about to go and help him along with any one who bet on Zane try to get their money back, Ana said,"Big brother is fine. He isn't weak at all.". A hand with silver claws covered in magic burst out of the ground. They didn't expect Zane to come out of the place conscious and they never expect what could happen next. A whole body flew out and it was Zane.

It wasn't the same Zane as before. His entire body was covered in magic covered platinum dragon scales which looked like chain mail and any part exposed was covered, his hands were now silver claws, his ears were pointed upwards and were longer, his feet now looked like his hands with the same talons as his hands, his fangs grew longer, his eyes were gold and were like dragon slits, and he had dragon wings and a long scaly tail that matched his armor.

His wings were more like bat wings like the muscles and the hide of the platinum but the leather that covered them were black. Everyone was frozen still by the side to behold that was Zane Alvarez. The girls excluding Ana who smiled at this were shocked the most. The Slayer that they came to know and like a lot show that he was now half dragon but wasn't a monster. Zane looked at himself using a mirror and he said,"Huh. This is pretty badass!".

Allison yelled,"You're talking without coughing afterwards!". "Oh. I am. I guess this is because I am accessing my draconic nature or something." said Zane who smiled. Everyone in the guild was shock by this and X said,"I want to fight him now!". "So what is that form?" said Angel. "This is my Draco Form." said Zane. "Draco Form?" said Sakura. "It is the final ability that a Slayer raised by a dragon king and it allows the Slayer to access the power of the dragon king." said Steve.

Clair said,"Really?". "Yep! Big brother is the best in the world!" yelled Ana. "Lets continue our fight ladies! I want to show you my inner power!" yelled Zane. Allison rushed toward him and she said,"I hope you don't cry after you defeat you!". Myra fired another Darkness Torrent at Zane with Allison slammed the club on Zane. He blocked the club and he smashed the darkness with the broken pieces of the club.

Zane said,"You know something. My scales can't be effected by magic because it is a dragon scales just like my dad!". The guild was in shock except for Ana. Zane flew toward Allison and Myra and he lit himself with thunder. "Paramount Shadow Strike!" said Zane. He shocked the two and he said with his body glowing,"Time to end this! In my right hand, I have the power of a god and in my left hand, the power of the devil! I give you my Vivid Storm!".

He created a giant ball of magic energy and he fired it at the girls. Allison fell on her knees as the incoming projectile in fear and she made her feel back to her past. "Ah!" screamed Allison. She then closed her eyes and waited for the attack. "Allison. Open your eyes." said a voice. She opened her eyes to see Zane standing there and it was the normal one. "Are you okay? Sorry about that. I tend not to get that serious." wrote Zane.

He offered his hand to her and Allison said in shock,"Why didn't you attack us?". "Well, I don't want to hurt such a pretty face and also I won the fight upon activating Draco Form. Lets fight again and I won't use that form again I promise." wrote Zane. He smiled toward Ana who tackled him. "So who won exactly?" said Wayne. Allison and Myra ,who recovered from that attack, pointed to Zane who was rubbing his little sister's hair.

Some cheered at Zane's victory and others were crying due to them losing their money. Myra teared up and hugged Zane. "You were awesome!" said Myra. Zane was in confusion of this but she figured this out and she broke the hug. No one was paying attention to that and Jade hugged him along with Tanya making Allison and Myra get a little case of jelly. Angel walked up to X and she said,"So did you enjoy that fight Ricky?".

X smiled and he said,"Yeah. So why didn't you fight him?". "I knew from the first moment, I could not defeat him but maybe you can." said Angel. "Yeah. I'm ready to fight now." said X whose fists lit on fire. Zane held the winnings from the fight and he gave it to Ana. "We'll go buy something for you after my fight okay?" wrote Zane. "Okay!" said Ana. "You and me X!" wrote Zane. The two rushed toward each other with them collided an explosion of flames and lightning.

X smirked at this and he fired a giant ball of fire out of his hands. Zane looked up and he opened his mouth. He started eating it. Zane covered himself in fire and lightning and X said,"Man. You are way stronger than I thought! Lets go!". The two were about to rush toward each other but they were then stopped by Ax. "What the hell old man?" said the two. Zane coughed and Ax said,"I need to speak to you Zane but you two are stubborn.".

They stopped and Ax said,"You are now my new S Class Wizard Zane.". "Sweet! Wait. I have a new question." wrote Zane. "What is it?" said Angel who held X's arm. "What is S Class?" wrote Zane. "I can't believe that you can be so smart one minute and then dumb another." said Myra. "Whatever. I'll fight you soon Zane." said X who smiled. "Yeah. Good luck bro." said Zane who coughed. Zane had Ana grabbing his waist and she said,"I want to get some chocolate!".

Myra grabbed his left arm and Allison grabbed his right arm. "We're going with you!" yelled the two in unison. They glared at each other with lightning between the two. "Okay." wrote Zane. "Hold on. I wish to ask Zane a question. How did you do your training?" said Ax. "I spend about twelve years and all of my teachers were dragons. Trust me, it was hell." wrote Zane. "Wow. I suspect good things from you." said Ax. Zane was dragged away by the girls.

The next week, Zane was enjoying a soda. "Man. I'm enjoying this place more and more." thought Zane. He stared at Allison and Myra ,who were fighting, with him thinking about how beautiful they are in and out of battle. "Okay. I think I like them." thought Zane. He looked at Jade and Tanya ,who were playing magic chess aka chess magic style, and he thought,"I like those two. Why the heck can't I pick a single girl to like!?".

He looked up to see Angel staring at him and he wrote,"What's up Angel?". "Have you gone on a job yet?" said Angel. "No. I mean I get lost very easy. I only stay here at the guild for that very reason. I also haven't found anyone to go on a job with." wrote Zane. "You do know that you can go on a job alone?" said Angel. "I can!? But Ana and Steve went with others on their first job!" wrote Zane. The girl sighed and she said,"Follow me.".

Zane followed her to a board next to a job and she said,"You can read right?". "I have to write to talk to people. I think I know how to read." wrote Zane. "Okay. Pick a job then and pick a fun one." said Angel. "Um why?" wrote Zane. "You're twelve right and pretty strong. I think you could handle a job worthy of your time. I mean you completed the old man's job with ease." said Angel. "After it took me a month to get there." wrote Zane. "Pick one." said Angel.

The two talked/wrote in Zane's case with Steve smiling. "Bro. You look so weird when you smile. I mean you're the emotionless one." said Kurt. "Excuse me? I can show plenty of emotions. I just never seen my brother so happy before." said Steve. "Yeah. He is also so strong. I hope one day, I can beat him." said Kurt with his eyes filled with determination. "I wish you good luck with that. So do you know if Clair is on a team with anyone?" said Steve.

Kurt smirked and he said,"I guess you would want to be with your girlfriend huh Stevie?". Steve then glared at him with Kurt shivering. "No. I just think that she would be a good partner for my magic. I think you should use the two brain cells in your head to figure out that light and shadow would make a great combo on the field." said Steve. Clair rushed over and she said,"I'm in!". "You don't even know what you just signed up for!" said Kurt.

Clair pointed to her ears and she said,"I'm a Slayer stripping princess. We have great hearing.". "And a great sense of smell." said Steve who pointed to his nose. "Okay then. So one of you tell me what Eric and Wayne are talking about?" said Kurt. The blonde looked up and she said,"They are talking about Angel and what she is going to look like when she is older.". Steve said,"And Zane told her. I think she is ...". The brunette punched Eric and Wayne causing a brawl.

The next day, Zane stood in front of the train station holding a flyer. "Okay. Lets do this." thought Zane to himself. He walked onto the train and he looked at the job flyer. Thanks to Angel, he went on a job going to take down a dark guild who are planning to captured a monster. It was worth a lot of gold which was their currency in Meca. He plan to start buying material for a house because none of the houses in town is nice. He opened a scroll and he started reading it.

The train stopped and he just finished the scroll. "This dark guild will be the perfect test to test out my new magic." thought Zane. He left the train station and he wrote,"You two do know that I can handle this job on my own right?". Allison and Myra came out of the bushes with embarrassed looks on their face. "I forgot that he was a Slayer. Please hit me for my failure and me doubting you!" said Allison who bowed. "Can I?" said Myra. "No." said Allison bluntly.

The two were about to fight when Zane clapped. He got their attention and he wrote,"And you come out too Kurt!". Kurt came out and he said,"Stupid Slayer Snout.". "So why are you here?" said Myra who wondered while the wizard came here. Kurt started stripping and he said,"The siblings were very worried about Zane getting lost again and they asked me to make sure I get him back in one piece or something like that.". "Ah. That makes sense." said the girls.

Zane sighed and he wrote,"I guess we can be a team but I'm keeping the reward since Master gave me the job.". "Okay!" said the three in unison. Zane sighed and the four walked through town. Later that day, Zane was reading a magic scroll. "So what are you doing?" said Kurt who was getting impatient after waiting all day not doing anything. "Planning Kurt. I rather have a plan A and B going into this just in case. This may sound dumb but I like to plan." wrote Zane.

Myra said,"So what's the job anyway?". "I guess the blonde would be stupid enough to ask that. Zane is our leader and he'll tell us soon once he is done planning." said Allison. The two were about to fight and Kurt said,"So what's the plan?". "The Dark Guild ,currently held up in this down, is trying to plan to take control of a monster which could rival a dragon. However, that would be false since a dragon could easily destroy this creature." wrote Zane.

Allison said,"So we just have to stop a dark guild.". "You would be right except their leader plans to use Take Over magic to control the beast rather than getting a Monster Tamer." wrote Zane. "So lets do this already." said Kurt and Myra. "Yes but lets wait till night. We got some time so who is buying us dinner? Not it!" wrote Zane. "Not it!" said Kurt. Allison and Myra glared at each other and they said in unison,"We'll do it.". "Yes." said Kurt.

Later that night, the four were currently hiding in the bushes and Myra thought,"This is so boring. We have spent over eight hours doing nothing.". "Patient dear Myra. I promise that you will be able to release your pent up energy I promise you." thought Zane. She looked at him and he wrote,"I'm able to use telepathy magic. I can also read minds but I only use it in close range.". "Oh wow. That is really cool." said Allison.

Kurt said,"So what is this stupid guild after anyway?". "Swiftsins aka the dark guild is planning to take over the Warptaur. It was known in ancient times as well a savage. I heard that monster hunter groups haven't been able to take him down." wrote Zane. "Ah. We should stop the monster first then right?" said Myra. "No. We need to make sure that the monster doesn't get involved. If we do, just follow my lead." thought Zane. "Okay." said the three.

The dark guild appeared and Zane sent a plan to the other three using telepathy. They rushed off as the master of the guild said,"Men! We have work to do. We will captured the Warptaur and being able to steal the egg that it protects so we can hatch it to destroy the legal guilds.". "Yep. A typical tyrant to me. I'll handle him guys. You get his grunts." thought Zane. He jumped out of the bushes and he got the attention of the dark guild.

"Get him! He is a guild wizard!" yelled the leader. As the grunts rushed toward him, Zane then held a gold key in his right hand. The bow of the key is sculpted similar to a lion's head with the face of the bow's base complete with two fangs facing downward. The center of the bow is a white arc with the chest of the Lion, colored in dark orange, and surrounded by the lion's mane. The end of the key's blade is similar to a lion's tail with a crescent moon at the tip.

Zane wrote,"Open Gate of the Lion- Luke the Leo!". A door appeared and a person walked out. He looked to be 16 or 17 years old. He had long orange hair and many spikes of it jutting out in every direction. A pair framed his hair and it looked he had animal ears. It looked like a lion's mane and he had sharp lion teeth. He had gold eyes that were under a pair of light green-tinted sunglasses with a thin frame.

He was wearing a elegant dark black suit with the jacket left unbuttoned and loose pants held up by a light colored belt over a white dress shirt with a plain red tie around his neck and matching dress shoes. He had two rings around his fingers and one of them bearing an "X" shape and the other one was plain with both having edges in relief. "Sup Zane. Lets do this bro." said Luke. "Right. Hellfire Dragon Burst!" wrote Zane.

A giant burst of fire came rushing out of his right arm and it exploded upon contact with a dark guild member. "Now Luke!" wrote Zane. Luke jumped into the air and he said,"Regulus Burst Bomb!". He made several balls of light which exploded upon contact with a dark wizard. "This brat and wizard are so dam annoying!" yelled a member. "Passion Ax!" said Kurt. He jumped out and he created an ax which knocked several members out.

Myra fired out a Vile Outburst at several members and she was saved from a dark guild member due to Allison slashing a member who tried to attack her. "You owe me one blondie." said Allison. "Oh shut up red." said Myra. Luke said,"Hey Zane. We have a lot of these annoying grunts and also that monster. Do you think that you can summon a couple of spirits?". Zane who was holding a grunt in a choke hole wrote,"Sure thing Luke. Keep me covered!". "Sure thing bro." said Luke.

The lion covered Zane who held two gold keys. One key had a circular bow with a white circle in the middle, stamped with crest of the Archer, colored in green while the handle and blade are designed to look like an arrow. One key had the top of the bow looking similar to a ram's head with horns sprouting out of either side. The center of the bow is a white heart stamped with the crest of the Ram pink. The blade of the key was like ram's horns and the bottom was a hoof.

Zane wrote,"Open Gate of the Archer Simon the Sagittarius and Gate of the Ram Alice the Aries!". Two doors appeared and a person each walked the door. The one on the left was a tall and lanky black haired man with him wearing a horse costume. He was wearing a green shirt with yellow trims followed by a red and yellow pair of striped pants and purple frills. His weapon of choice aka a large bow is fastened to his back by a red strap along with an equally large quiver.

The other was a female with pink hair, purple eyes, and a pair of twisted horns on her hair. She was wearing an outfit that was white and fluffy like wool. She has white wool around her neck something like a scarf. "She is so cute!" yelled the guys. "Um thank you." said the girl. Luke punched some of the grunts and he said,"Only I can do that!". "Luke." said the girl. "Are you able to fight Alice? This fight is something we need to do." said the archer who bowed toward the cave.

Alice and Luke sweat dropped and Luke said,"You know that we're over here right Simon?". "Um. I think we should focus on them you guys." said Alice. "Fine. I shall take them out with no problem trust me." said Simon. He aimed his bow and he said,"Crossfire Arrow Storm!". Despite him firing out a single arrow, the grunts were hit with several thousands arrows which helped out Allison and Myra.

Luke punched several grunts back and Kurt said,"You spirits aren't so bad.". "Thanks Kurt. We know who you and the others are thanks to Angel's spirits. Lets work together." said Luke. Kurt fired out several lances which blasted the grunts into the air. Luke fired out balls of light which caused the grunts. Alice said,"Wool Torpedo!". She gathered up massive amount of magic wool surrounding her in which she fired at the grunts causing them to be in a relaxed state.

The others aka Allison, Kurt,  Luke, Myra, Simon, and Zane took advantage off of blasting the grunts with swords, passion lances, light, darkness, arrows, and fire balls. Zane looked for the leader who went inside of the cave and he wrote,"Alice, Luke, and Simon. Help Allison, Kurt, and Myra. I will go take care of the leader and the monster.". He rushed into the cave and the others kept on fighting the monsters.

Zane lit his left hand on fire and he looked for the leader. He remembered seeing that the leader had an goatee, an evil looking outfit, and nothing else. "Okay. I don't remember anything else but I need to find him before he find the Warptaur. I wonder he meant about the egg that it was protecting. From my research about the Warptaur, it isn't a fan of kids at all but after all, I was raised by a dragon who are known for being the death of humans." thought Zane.

He reached the end of the cave and he saw a beast sleeping in front of him. It was at least ten feet tall but compared to the height of a dragon, it was tiny. Its body reminded him of a mammoth, it had four giant tusks, it had brownish gray fur which reminded Zane of metal, four giant wings, four eyes but Zane knew if they were open they would be glowing gold or was it red, and a giant tail that would be able to crush him in a instant even he was in his Draco Form.

He looked for the leader and he saw the man smiling. "What is he planning?" thought Zane. He went into the shadows behind the leader and he heard,"You may be sleeping now but I will be taking you over to make sure that the world is mine. With your magic proof skin, immense strength, and ability to warp places. I will kill anyone who stands in my way.". Zane grabbed him from the shadows and he wrote,"Not going to happening!".

The leader sneaked out of Zane's grip by turning into water. "You must be an idiot. You won't be the one who stops my goal." said the leader. "I won't let take over its body!" wrote Zane. The leader then rushed onto the beast and Zane ran after him. "Thunder Crash!" wrote Zane. The leader dodged the bolts of thunder which woke the beast. Zane was tossed off the beast and the leader said,"You will be mine!". He glowed and the beast glowed with him.

Zane wrote,"Shit. I have to stop the beast but I can't even hurt it. What would dad do?". He closed his eyes and he said,"I know what to do. I'm sorry for this.". He coughed and he closed his eyes. Several magic circles appeared around the beast holding it in place from moving. Upon figuring this out, it roared loudly. "I guess the leader couldn't control you after all huh. Fine. I guess I will have to end you before you hurt my guild. Meteor Storm!" wrote Zane.  

Several meteors out of nowhere and it crashed into the beast causing it to roar. "Thunder Dragon Disintegration Punch!" wrote Zane. The giant thunder fist came out of his arm and it caused a giant explosion. Zane took a breath and he wrote,"You're not dead at all are you huh?". The beast ,after the smoke went into its body, puffed its cheek. "Shit. A roar. I better put up some barriers or I'll be dead meat." thought Zane. He put up a giant barrier as it blocked most of the roar.

The wizards saw that the mountain just blew up and Kurt noticed that the three spirits disappeared. "I see Zane!" yelled Myra. The three then saw Zane standing with the beast glaring at him. "That is the Warptaur right?" said Kurt who was shaking in fear. "Yes. We have to help Zane defeat the beast or else." said Allison. The three rushed toward him and they heard,"Don't come any closer!". "Zane? Is that you?" said Kurt.

Zane smiled which he blocked the beast's stomp with his hands and he said through telepathy,"If you come any closer, the beast will crush you to pieces and I don't want any of you to be hurt. Go get out of here. If I'm alone, I can handle him without any effort.". "No! We're not going to leave you behind so lets come over to you!" yelled Myra. She was about to go toward him but she was stopped by Kurt who grabbed her.

Kurt then held onto her tightly and Myra said,"Kurt! Let me go!". "No. We have to go. Lets go." said Myra who tried to escape Kurt. "Allison. Help Kurt please." thought Zane. Allison nodded and she helped Kurt drag Myra away. Zane smiled and he said,"You beast! I will take you down with the power of a dragon!". He coughed and his magic power double no tripled. "Time to finish you off with my true power! Maelstrom Dragon Needle Storm!" wrote Zane.

He aimed his hands at the beasts with several spears of pure chaos and rage rushing toward the beast from all sides. It caused several explosions of pure magic power and Zane wrote,"You're really going to regret pissing off this son of the dragon king Sivarth! Maelstrom Dragon Ultimate Art! Chaos Outburst!". Several glowing orbs of magic power came out of his body with them causing massive explosion with each one getting stronger than the last. 

Zane rushed in front of the beast and he wrote,"I'm not done with you yet at all! Maelstrom Dragon Ultimate Art! Maelstrom Dragon Apocalypse Roar!". A huge amount of magic energy appeared around him and he started to eat it. He takes a deep breath and he makes a giant roar which complete swallows the beast whole. Zane took a deep breath and he thought,"Even with two ultimate arts, that beast isn't done at all! I need to use those spells to defeat you.".

Zane wrote,"I know that you ave magic energy inside of you so this attack will be deadly to you. I promise you that this will be part of your destruction. This attack avoids people without any magic energy but that doesn't count you! Maelstrom Dragon Final Art Armageddon Downward Smash!". He made an orb appeared in front of him with him launching it at the center of the beast. It made a giant explosion and Zane wrote,"You're dead meat now beast!".

Zane said,"Power Dragon Final Art Judgement of the Dragon Kingdom!". He took a deep breath after his coughing storm. He made his dragon wings ,that came from the Draco Form, and he flew into the air. His arms and wings were covered in a golden glow. He went back about fifty feet away from the beast. He rushed toward the ground an incredible speed and his arms went straight into the ground.

Suddenly, the beast looked down to see that the ground was breaking apart him. A huge amount of raw magic power covered the beast and it went up the heavens causing an extremely huge explosion with Zane wrote,"This is the judgement of the dragon kingdom!". He sat on the ground and he felt the earth shake upon the beast being defeated. He then noticed it glowing and he thought,"I know that you didn't deserve to die but I had a job to complete.".

The beast was gone and Zane sensed something. He looked around the destroyed home of the beast and he saw an egg in a nest. "Oh my god. I killed a mother." thought Zane. He shook his head and he wrote,"I know that I had to kill it or else the world and my family would be in danger plus I wonder how a beast or mammal made an egg to begin with. Unless the Warptaur is part egg laying mammal, I think it was taking care of this egg.".

He walked over to the egg and he said,"I'll be taking care of you so will you accept me as your new father?". The egg jumped into his arms as Zane was coughing. "I guess that answers my question. I better go to Myra. She is worried about me." thought Zane. He held the egg and he felt his head hurt as he stopped. "I guess I need to get even stronger so I can prevent my friend's death and I will do what we can to save the world." wrote Zane. He left the ruined earth.

Next time,
Zane and the other members found out what is in that egg. Why was that Warptaur protecting it? And will something else happen?!    

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