Sunday, December 11, 2016

Power Episode 10 Take Over Woes

A/N: Welcome to Episode 10 folks. I also wanted to explain Zero Magic. This magic allows Zane to copy and use any magic that he sees. He also gets an natural understanding of most magic. Think of it like in Needless with Adam Blade. If you haven't read it, it is a good read. You may be seeing characters from Abnormal due to the fact that it is still on hiatus. It may help with something that you will see very soon and I'm not kidding on that. Lets begin already.

I also want to give the magic council personality because if most if not all of the second generation of the council seen in the series have no names. If you want me to get invested in a character, the first step is still to give them a name. Personal opinion about that. Ted from the last series will be now as Tex because I really like the name and also it doesn't fit the massive redesign I have for Taurus due to my immense meh toward the character.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the magic council H.Q. in the town of Carran. "That idiot from Heroes is a pain to deal with. He is working for us at the least. Thank you 6th." said a man. Within in the building, nine figures ,which includes Clyde and Valerie, that compose the head of the magic council stood upon a larger magic council. "He may not be like the rest of his guild 3rd but the rest of them will make a entire town disappears one day!" said a old man.

A feminine voice,"Don't jink it 7th. They might actually do it.". Clyde said,"At least, Zane captured Rufus for us.". "To be honest with you all, I'm quite fond of that idiot and his band of idiots." said a young man. "Shut up 8th!" said an old man. "They may be idiots but they're capable which we can use to our advantage" said the feminine voice. "I think we should just let them be for now. I mean we need them to make world fun." said 8th.

Lora was shaking and Barry said,"You alright?". He stood there right next to his partner who was still recovering from her motion sickness. "Yes but I'm finally here." said Lora. "At least it didn't take you seven weeks to get here." said Ryu. "Shut up. Don't worry so much Lora. Everyone in the guild is really nice and all interesting." wrote Zane. "Um. What does he mean by that?" said Lora. "You will find out. Do you mind doing the honer?" said Ryu. Zane nodded as he kicked the door open.  

The guild was filled with wizards drinking, eating, and enjoying each other company. A wizard with a elf like appearance said,"Hey Sakura! Could we get three bears this way?". Sakura stood there and she said,"Sure thing.". The pinkette was wearing a light blue striped shirt with green shorts and white tennis shoes. "Hey Sakura-Chan." said Wayne. "What is it?" said Sakura. The man made a heart out of smoke and he siad,"How about you and I go on a date sometime?".

A guy said,"You do know who her sister is right?". "Sorry Wayne but don't you...." said Sakura as she glowed. She turned into an older woman and she said,"Aren't you married with a kid?", "No! Don't turn into her!" yelled Wayne. Everyone around the two began to laugh and Sakura said,"Don't even think to try this with my sister because she has her Zaney.". She giggled at her older sister having a crush on one of the strongest wizards in the guild since he joined the guild.

As if on que, the door opened wide and Zane stood there. "We're back!" wrote Zane. "Aye sir!" said the dragon. "Welcome back you guys." said Sakura. She noticed Lora and she thought,"I guess you have more rivals big sister but she is rather cute.". "Hey Clair. How was your date with our lovely and your...." said a guy with black hair and green eyes with a noticeable pair of beaver teeth for front teeth.

He was kicked deeper into the guild hall by Clair whose face was bright red. "Shut up you dam Bastard!" yelled Clair as she stood over the unconscious body of the wizard. Sakura giggled and she said,"I guess with Clair back, the guild will be torn apart soon.". Clair had started a fight with other members and Wayne yelled,"It is already being destroyed!". Lora watched the chaos unfold before her with her attention focused on Zane who snuck upstairs.

Lora smiled and she said,"I'm finally here at Heroes.". Her heart was racing a mile a minute. Barry was somehow dragged into the chaos much to his dismay. "Hey!" said a voice that caused Lora to jump in surprise. She looked to see Kurt standing there who was only wearing a pair of black boxers and a silver necklace around his neck. "Hey! Did I hear that Zane is back! Lets seetle our fight from last time!" said Kurt.

A feminine voice said,"Hey Kurt. Should you put clothes on before Tessa catches you?". Kurt looked down and he said,"God dam it! Why the hell do I keep doing this!? Tanya, tell me something sooner next time!". Lora turned to the person who reminded Gray about his lack of clothing. She saw Tanya standing there and she was drinking. She was a tall and slim young woman with an ample bust and tan skin.

She has two shoulder-length strands of hair framing her face with the right one that had started from a prominent high fringe. It looks to be rather thick and wavy. She has large brown eyes and visibly long eyelashes. She has an incredible figure with large breasts and curvy hips. Her top was exposed thanks to her wearing a light green bikini with a camouflage them to it, a pair of black capris, and a pair of high-heeled sandals.

She had two bands hanging from each leg and a light belt covered in heart motifs loosely tied around the waist. She had a pair of metal bracelets adorning her biceps, bearing an incision composed of many "A"s and three simple round metal bracelets on her right wrist. "Tch. Another one of those guys then. Why couldn't they be like Zane?" said Tanya who started to drink from a giant barrel. "Hey! If I fight and defeat Clair, you'll fight me right Zane?!" said Kurt.

He walked toward the Slayer and Lora thought,"He seriously think that he could defeat Zane?!". "It's only noon and you lowly excuse for men." said a voice behind Lora. She turned around to see a large man standing there. He was rather muscular with tan colored skin. His long blond hair is kept styled upwards in long and wavy spikes. He has a scar crossing his left eye due to what happened two years ago.

He was wearing a dark blue jacket with purplish blue inners, held closed on the front by a line of large buttons with similar buttons on the sleeves' back and the zip located on the high collar left open for some reason. He was wearing matching pants held up by a simple belt and traditional Japanese geta sandals held in place by bands colored the same as his jacket's inners. He walked toward the two and he said,"Real men fight with their fists not their words!".

He was about to punch Kurt and Clair who yelled,"Screw you Norman!". They punched him across the guild hall with him almost falling unconsious. Lora sweat dropped as she watched the now named Norman slumped onto the floor. "All bark and no bite then." said Lora. "Hmm. It is so dam noisy in here." said a voice. She turned around to see a man standing there adjusting his glasses. He had short blond hair and brown eyes.

He was wearing a green fur jacket with a shirt aka a menacing skull on it, black jeans, and brown tennis shoes. "Wow. That is the Jason Knight. The top ranking wizard that you would want as your boyfriend. I guess he is alright in person." thought Lora. Two girls suddenly hugged Jason's sides and he said,"Ladies. I'm sorry that I have to leave you but I must fight for your honor!". "Good luck Jason kun!" said the girls with hearts in their eyes.

Lora said,"And his image is ruined. I wonder where Ryu went because strangely, him and Zane are the normal ones.". "Oh. You're the new girl that arrived with Zane." said a voice. She turned to see Sakura standing beside her sweetly. "Oh. I know you. You're the maiden of Flowers Sakura. It is nice to meet you." said Lora. She looked to see a table being throwing into the wall and she said,"Should we try to stop them?".

Sakura said,"Nope and this is actually pretty light. The more violent members are gone.". One of the bottles struck her head and Lora said,"Are you okay Sakura?!". Sakura got back up and she said,"It is really fun.". The bottle then caused her forehead to be cut with a small trail of blood falling from their forehead. "I guess but it is rather crazy. So where did Zane go?" said Lora. "He went upstairs because he isn't a big fan of fighting plus he is scared of my sister." said Sakura.

Lora said,"You serious? Who could be scared of....". Kurt landed next to her and the girls's mouths were wide open as he faced them. He was in his birthday suit and he stood a mere few feet away from them. On the other side of the guild, Kurt was twirling around his boxers and it was her index finger rather happily. "She is such a bitch!" yelled Kurt as he covered himself. Kurt spotted Lora and he smiled at her. "Excuse me miss, may I borrow your underwear?" said Kurt.

He was then punched deeper into the guild by a giant frozen fist and Sakura said,"Oh hey Tessa. I guess Kurt got what he deserved for stripping right?". Lora saw a girl standing there. She was a slim and young woman with her being rather pretty. She has her violet hair with her bangs framing her face. It is more wavy but not as much as Tanya's hair and it is in a ponytail going down to the middle of her back with a triangular tuft covering her forehead.

The ponytail was held there thanks to a red ribbon. She has green eyes with simple glasses and oval lenses. She was wearing a white coat reaching down below her waist with navy blue cuffs retaining the original color of their back edges, a dark cravat tie around the collar, tight-fitting dark violet pants tucked inside of white boots with navy blue soles. She also had a small dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist.

Tessa said,"All perverts should die and put her down now Jason!". Lora felt herself being scopped up and carried. She saw that she was in Jason's arms. "Kurt is so annoying, don't you think right? So do you work for a modeling agency do you work for?" said Jason while winking. "What the hell is going on?!" said Lora because Jason was punched in the face by Tessa. She along with Sakura went to the back of the guild.

Norman yelled,"Men should fight with their fists!". He rushed back into the fight but Norman was hit by Clair. "You're getting in our way so stay out!" yelled Clair as she hit Norman with a strong right hook. "You bastards! I can't drink in peace because all of your dam noise!" said Tanya as a vein was bulging on her forehead. "I think I have to end this guys." said Tanya. She pulled out a card and it started to glow with magic energy.

Kurt punched his left fist into his palm and he said,"This is getting annoying!". Ice was forming in the air around him and he said,"Ice..". Norman roared as his left arm glowed and it turned into stone. The playboy said,"Troublesome idiots.". His right hand was glowing with Clair said,"Come on then! How about you guys bring it on?!". Her hands were glowing in light as Lora said,"They are going to use their magic!".

The magic power in the room had skyrocketed and Sakura said with a sigh,"I guess that things are getting a little out of hand. I hope that Zane will be okay.". "Um why?" said Lora with a questioning look. "Oh. You think that I like Zane. Oh no, I like someone else but if you like, you have a lot and I do mean a lot of rivals." said Sakura. "I see." said Lora. She looked for Zane or his partner but the two were both missing from the fight blooming ahead.

A loud voice said,"You idiots! Stop right now!". A monster sized foot crashed onto the ground and Lora slowly turned around. She couldn't stop shaking in fear as a massive shadowy figure stood there and it almost reached the ceiling in terms of height. "Stop no!" roared the figure causing everyone to freeze in place. "He's so dam huge!" yelled Lora as her eyes expanded. "Oh. You're here Master Ax and how are you enjoying the guild Lora?" wrote Zane.

He appeared behind her with Ryu floating next to Zane and Ryu said,"Sorry that we left you alone but Zane had to make sure on something.". "He is the master?!" yelled Lora as she pointed a shaky finger at the monster. "Ha! You were all scared shitless! I guess I won!" laughed Clair with her hands on her hips. Suddenly, Clair was then crushed right underneath the shadowy figure's foot. "And she is out of here!" said Ryu.

The monumental monster turned its head toward Lora and it said,"Ah! I see that we have a newcomer to our guild!". "Um yes." said Lora who was shaking uncontrollably. Lora was then shocked for the seventh time today as the massive figure began to shrink and shrink. After a few moments, the huge and shady figure turned into an quite short older man. "Nice to meet you and you would be?" said Ax who waved to her.

Before Lora could speak, Zane had wrapped around her shoulder and he said,"Master. I thought you would be able to sense her magic presence. I mean it is like hers isn't it? Her name is Lora.". "Aren't you going to say her last name?" said Ax. "I think she should tell her when she is ready. She should introduce herself though." wrote Zane. Lora said with a small blush on her face,"My name is Lora like Zane said and we're good friends. It's really nice to meet you.".

Ax said,"The pleasure is all mine dear.". He jumped into the air while doing several flips through the air. He was going to try and land on a railing on the second level but one misjudge of a angle and he hit the railing head first. "Ouch." said Ryu and Sakura. After grumbling a few profanities, Ax rose and stood on the railing. He sighed and he pulled out a larger than normal stacks pf papers out of his jacket. "Shit." wrote Zane.

Ax said while shaking the papers in his hand,"You dam idiots did it again! All of this is from the magic council! Most if not all of this is negative!". "What could be good from the council?" said Tessa. "I think the good ones are from Valerie. I just hoped Master doesn't read them aloud because I'm not planning to get smothered by Tanya which doesn't sound bad but if Myra hears that she did this, I'll be dead meat." thought Zane.

Ax started to list all of the complaints with Kurt walking around the town naked after he had wiped out a dark guild that taken over said town, Norman had attacked the VIP that he was supposed to be protecting due to Norman having his manliness insulted, Tanya had drinking seventeen barrels of alcohol and she charged them all to the council, and Jason had flirted with the 3rd's granddaughter and damaged a talent agency.  

After listing most of the complaints, Ax hung his head and released a heavy sigh. "And then we have our Ace.". Zane looked up and Ax said,"You've only been back a couple of week but in that time, you destroyed the Young Thief Family along with destroying ten other houses, leveling a historical clock tower, burning down a church, damaging part of a famous castle, the observatory had collapsed, and also you scared half of the Alchemy Knights upon your last visit to Carran.".

Lora thought,"Huh. I guess Zane is actually rather destructive then.". Zane mumbled something about hurting the cat eared bastard next time. "Everyone. The council is seriously pissed off at me this time due to our Zane returning." said Ax. He clenched his fist and he started to tremble slightly with Lora wondering if he was going to start yelling at them but she was shocked again when Ax started to laugh. He lit the pile of paper on fire with him saying,"Screw the council!".

Ryu started to eat the burning paper and Ax said,"Listen up brats! The power to overcome reasoning comes from reasoning. Magic isn't some miracle. When the magic flows from within us and connects with the magic flow in nature, they will form an embodiment for the first time, You all will need to have strong mentality and a lot of concentration for that. I mean pouring everything you have got in something is that magic. Screw the council because they will hold you back.".

Everyone in the guild was grinning from ear to ear. This type of speech was a common thing for the guild and they all knew how it would end each other. "DO WHATEVER YOU THINK IS RIGHT MY CHILDREN! THAT'S MAKES YOU A HEROES WIZARD!" yelled Ax as he raised his arms into the air. The entire guild burst into a chorus of cheers and applause. Ax's speech roared life back into the guild and everyone started partying.

Zane was currently sitting next to Jade and Tanya who had joined them much to the little bookworm's annoyance. Upon Zane returning back from his misadventures with Wicked Genocide, he had been basically booked by the guild mainly the woman. Right now, it was Jade's time. She hadn't changed much in terms of body structure due to her smaller frame. She had a decently sized rack but due to her small frame, it made them look bigger than they were.

She was wearing the orange dress that Levy wears. Jade was secretly happy about that due to her and every other woman knowing that Zane was a fan of a very good figure on a woman even though he liked what was underneath. Her ass wan't anything to mock either. "So Zane, are you going on a job soon?" said Jade. She asked for some time off from her team known as the Ultimate Champions and it consisted of herself, Fred, and Victor.

Her friends cheered her on due to her crush on Zane. "Maybe." wrote Zane. "Weren't you going with me on a drinking contest?" said Tanya. "How about you wait your turn you floozy?! It is MY time to spend with Zane and I want to ask him on a job before he goes with her!" thought Jade. "I may love to drink but compared to you, I rather stay here in the Guild Hall for now." wrote Zane. "Okay but I want to be with my dragon sometime soon." said Tanya.

She then kissed his right cheek and she walked away. Most of the guys ,mainly the newer ones, were jealous of his luck. "Sorry about that Jade. We both know what she's like when drunk. So to answer your question, how I pick a job?" wrote Zane. "Okay!" said Jade. She was determined to seduce him thanks to some help from Angel much to her embarrassment. Zane smiled at Jade's determination and he went back to drink from his flask.

Lora nearby them was talking with Sakura. "So you want it on your left waist?" said Sakura as she held a magic stamper in her hand. "Yes. Is that weird?" said Lora. "Not at all. It is actually somewhat normal to say the least. What color would you like because we have tons to choose from?" said the pinkette. "Hmm.." said Lora. She looked around the guild hall and she spotted Zane who was talking to Jade and Tessa about a new book. "I'll go with Silver." said Lora.

Sakura looked at Lora's gaze and she smiled. She pressed the stamped down onto Lora' waist and she knew that Myra was going to have some trouble in trying in seducing Zane because of the fact that several girls liked him as well. She ,according to Zane, was Angel's little sister and she could see it but the two were rather close. Both her and Sakura looked alike."You better try your very best Lora because Myra is determined to take him for sure." thought Sakura. She went back to the bar.

Lora rushed over to Zane and she said,"Hey Zane! Look. I'm a member of Heroes.". "That's awesome Lora. Welcome to the best guild in Mural. Oh, this is Jade Emerald and Tessa Ramsey. They are good friends of mine and I'm sure that you'll get along." wrote Zane. He got up and Tessa said,"Where are you going?". "To find a job. I mean you don't have an annoying dragon for a partner." wrote Zane. He went to the request board and he scanned over the wide variety of jobs.

Wayne ,from nearby the board, said,"So where did you find her?". "I would kill to have a cutie like her on my team." said a boy. "Yeah. You wouldn't say that if you know that she was HER sister. I like her but I think getting the Angel's wrath is a bad thing." thought Zane. He picked up a request that would take a couple of hours and he wrote,"So when is Allison, Angel, and Myra Sakura?". "Let me start from the beginning so sit down." said Sakura.

Zane sat down and Sakura said while wiping down a beer mug,"Angel and Allison will be back in a couple of days and Myra will be back tomorrow. Good luck with that.". "Yeah. I'll be needing it. Hey Ryu, we're heading out on a job! It's a quickie!" wrote Zane. "Aye sir!" said Ryu who flew over to his partner in crime. He looked at the request and he said,"Nice choice boss. I mean 200,000 for taking down a dark guild. We got this.".

As Zane was handing the request to Sakura, he thought,"I also need to see if any members are able to survive her experiments. I love her but god dam. she can be such a sadist but I ain't one to talk.". A small boy then ran into the guild hall. He had straight purple hair with his bangs were way more prominent covering part of his forehead with some smaller strands jutting outwards from the top of his head. He has large blue eyes and a small and mildly round nose.

He wore a pine green t-shirt adorned on the front by a sketch S, brown pleated shorts with two large pockets on the backs. He wore simple sandals and they were being held up by two bands joined up by a round button. He ran right through the guild hall and straight up to Ax. "Is my dad back yet?" said the small boy causing Zane to turn and look at him. "Your father is a wizard Jaime. He is a good man so have a little faith in him. Go and wait for him instead of being annoying." said Ax in a calm tone.

Jaime said with tears building up in his eyes,"But he said that he will be back in three days and it has been a whole week since then!". "What the hell is that idiot doing? He should be back for his dam kid instead of spending time on Mt. Trarc." thought Zane as he watched Jaime appeal to Ax. "It isn't that far from here Master Ax! Please go look for my dad!" yelled Jaime. "No means no! Your father is a highly skilled wizard." said Ax. Nearby, Zane clenched his fists.

Ax said,"We don't have any deadbeats here so go home and play with your friends or something like that!". Jaime was fighting back his tears and he was shaking. Suddenly, Jaime glared at the old man and he screamed,"Die!". He punched Ax in the face and he rushed out of the guild while wiping away his tears. "Wow. I didn't expect that it would be so strict here." said Lora when she sat down at the bar.

Sakura said while stocking a couple of shelves,"Master can be like that sometimes but he is actually very worried about Eric.". Zane crushed the request in his hand and he slammed it into the request board. The member who was punched by Clair earlier ,who goes by the name of Randy Cook, said to Zane,"Hey idiot! Don't break the dam board!". Zane glared at him and he walked out of the guild hall with Ryu flying after him.

Lora said,"So what was that about?". "He is going to do something stupid like always. Can't believe that guy is a Wizard Saint." said Randy. "I know that he is going to go help Eric. No one can change his mind when he is determined on something so how about we just let him be." said Ax with him smiling with a pipe in hand. "I have never seen act him like that before." said Lora. She took a sip of her drink and Sakura said,"Zane has some issues.".

She was filling a couple of mugs of beer as she said,"As you know, Zane is able to talk thanks to his magic but before he couldn't talk without seeing a vision.". "A vision?" said Lora. She remembered when he talk, he coughed. "So did his coughs trigger the visions? I actively remember that when he talked, he cough. He told me that it wasn't a problem." said Lora. "Well, we all thought that too but he lied. Do you know of the wizard Hex Karma?" said Sakura.

Lora nodded and she said,"Yeah. He was rumored to be the strongest and most evil wizard of all time with the dark guilds being spawned from his ideals. What does that have to do with Zane's coughing and visions?". "He sees Hex in them." said Sakura. "Are you serious?" said Lora. "Dead serious. We know that he was cursed by him but that is all that he tells us." said Sakura. "Wow. I guess Zane has a lot of problem because his lack of direction." said Lora.

Sakura said,"We're all wizards of Heroes. We all carry something... wounds, pain, and suffering but we shouldn't let them control our lives.". "Oh. I understand." said Lora. She stood up and she said,"I better get going.". "And where are you going?" said Sakura. "To go help Zane. I mean he gets lost in a straight line." said Lora. She bolted out of the guild to search for Zane with Sakura thinking,"She is too nice Myra. Don't break her for me okay?".

After running for about seven minutes, Lora found Zane on the outskirts of Mural. He was stepping into a carriage. When said carriage started to move, Lora quickly hopped inside surprising Ryu and Zane. "Lora?! What are you doing here?!" wrote Zane shocked to see his brunette friend. "What? Do you not want me here?" said Lora with a bit of tears. "No. I was just curious is all." wrote Zane. "At least, you're better than her." said Ryu.

Zane nodded and Lora said,"I wanted to come and help you out. So who are you talking about?". "An annoying new member. She joined right after you and she pissed me the hell off. I can't convince the old man to kick her out because she's a cutie." wrote Zane. "Ah." said Lora. The three then sat in the carriage ride just talking. "So I have to find a place to live after we help Eric." said Lora. "How about you live with me and Zane?" said Ryu.

Lora's face blushed a very deep shade of red at the dragon's suggestion and she said,"Um... I rather try to find a place on my own.". "How about Heroes Haven?" wrote Zane. "Nah. I don't think she could handle having her as a dorm mom." said Ryu. "You're right and having her as a roommate is the worst." wrote Zane. The carriage came to a complete stop and Lora said,"We are already here?". "I'm sorry sirs and madam but I can't any further." said the carriage driver.

When Zane opened the back door to said carriage, the boy, dragon, and girl was hit with a strong gust of freezing wind. Zane jumped out unfazed into the raging snowstorm and Lora looked around the area. "So what is going on?! I thought it was summer time but right now, it is a raging snowstorm. Is the weather reversed here?" said Lora. She stepped outside of the carriage and it drove off. "Wow. He is a coward so why aren't you freezing to death Lora?" said Ryu.

Lora said,"According to my parents, we can handle any weather.". "Wow. You're twenty times better than that annoying bitch. I mean you're wearing more than her." wrote Zane. "Wow. You really don't like her." said Lora. "Yeah. Zane is like that." said Ryu. "So what would she do?" said Lora. "She would totally want to go visit Myra and Sakura's house to steal their underwear." wrote Zane. "You're not serious? Is he?" said Lora.

Ryu shook his head for no and he said,"No. She would come with us to save Eric only to improve her reputation in the guild.". "She is also incredibly noisy." wrote Zane. "Indeed. I would say that she's a spoiled child." said Ryu. "Indeed. She sounds like that to me." said Lora. "Liking you already Lora. I think you're perfect." said Zane. "Actually, I wanted to use this one for a while." said Lora. She pulled out a key and she held a silver key.

The bow of the key is very similar to a cuckoo clock with the crest in the middle colored brown. The blade of the key is of a simple design much like other keys. Lora said with a smile,"I Now Open Gate of the Clock! Horologium!". A door appeared and something strange walked out. It was a walking and tall brown grandfather clock with long black arms. It had a glass case and a roman-numerical clock at the center.

It had a small face at the top with slit eyes and a thin and twirly mustache-like mouth. The glass case serves as protection for the one who is inside. "Wow. That is pretty nice. Does he get rid of the snow storm or what?" said Ryu. "Not exactly little buddy." wrote Zane. Lora crawled inside the cloak and she smiled. "I'll stay in here for now right now, she says" said Horologium. Zane stared at Lora for a second and he said,"Whatever.".

He started in search of Eric with Lora and the walking cloak following behind him. "So why did Eric come up here anyway? She says." said Horologium. "Listen to a pro here Lora. If you don't find out anything before a job, you're an idiot. Anyway, Eric came here to restrain the monster Vexstrike. I used to fight them when I was a kid and when I need to release some stress, I got after them. They actually fear me back home." wrote Zane with a sadistic grin.

Lora's eyes widened upon hearing this and Horologium said,"I think you're more crazy than Magician Monthly makes you out to be. She says.". "Thanks for the compliment." wrote Zane. Zane looked around the snow terrain and he thought,"Where the heck are you Eric? I don't think that great ape could kill you. I mean you lived through the guild's puberty years and I know that shit must have been scary.".

Suddenly a large figure landed in front of them. Unlike the forest variation, this Vexstrike had white fur and black pectorals, abdominals, hands, ears, and facial feature. The lower half of the body is a darker shade of black and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm which are composed of black tufts of fur. Zane blocked the monkey's initial right hook and leg swipe. "That is the Vexstrike." said Ryu.

It went rushing around as the monkey pushed Zane out of the way and head straight for Lora. "Ah! I see a human woman! You're mine!" yelled the Vexstrike. He carried the clock away and the spirit said,"Help me Ryu and Zane! she screams!". "So he can talk? Didn't see that coming." said Ryu who nodded. "I know and we should go save her. I expect we'll find Eric too. Lets go." wrote Zane. "You love her don't you?" said Ryu. Zane ignored his partner.

Lora thought to herself,"So how did this happen to me? And why is this ape so hyper?!". She watched as the Vexstrike danced around the spirit. Lora pressed her face against the glass and then she sighed deeply. "Hurry Zane." whispered Lora as the beast pressed against the glass. "Woman." said Vexstrike as he tapped into the glass. Suddenly, there was a poof and the spirit was gone leaving Lora exposed to the ape.

Lora said,"Wait. Did the time run out?". "Yes. I have to leave but I have a feeling that you can handle it Lady Lora." said the clock before he disappeared. Lora looked to see the Vexstrike heading toward her and he said,"Pretty woman!". The two then heard,"Take your stinking paws off her, you damned dirty ape!". Zane burst into the cave and kicking the monkey straight into a nearby ice wall and Lora said,"Zane!". "Get away from Lora. And have you seen Eric anywhere?" wrote Zane.

Zane looked at the beast while it was getting on its feet. "Okay. This is going to be so dam annoying so if you don't want to get hurt, you better run away." wrote Zane. As the Vexstrike got back up, more out came from the nearby pillars. "How many of these things are there?" said Lora. "Who knows? I'm going to saw at least forty tops. Okay, I'll take care of the other thirty nine and you take care of the one that took you here." wrote Zane.

Lora said,"But.....". "Hey Ryu. Help out if she needs any help okay? I know that she is strong even more than Sakura is but you know what I mean." wrote Zane. "How is he...." said Lora. She was then ignored as Zane made the other thirty nine Vexstrikes started to chase right after him. "Supernova Blast!" wrote Zane. He then threw a giant ball of fire at the ape causing two of third of them to be burn from the attack.

Lora said,"Okay. You're going down. Open! Gate of the Golden Bull! Tex the Taurus!". She held a gold key. The head of a bull is carved in the base of the bow with two horns sprouting out on its side and it was surrounding a white center with the crest of the Golden Bull, colored in black. The blade of the key is designed similar to that of a two-sided ax. Each side of the ax was designed with an S facing the opposite direction. The blade finishes off with a pointed tip.

A door then opened up and something less strange than a talking clock but still very strange to say the very least came out of the door. An extremely tall, massively brawny and strong humanoid whose physical features which is highly reminiscent of a bull. His body is covered in a black pattern that is very similar to a Spanish Fighting Bull. The upper part of him ,from the waist up, seems more massive than the lower half.

His head is bovine in shape with small and elongated ears jutting outwards from the sides of his head and a pair of horns testifying him as a bull sitting on top of it. He has dark red eyes and his fat nose has a large golden ring in it similar to one that real bulls wears. His tail is quite small compared to the larger mass of his body. He was wearing an outfit that makes no sense of him but compared to most spirits, this is normal.

He wasn't wearing much but he wears a pair of black boxing shorts with a single green strip on the side and gold lining. He was wearing a pair of navy blue combat boots. He had black spike bracelets around his wrists with white bandages covering his fists and forearms. Crossing his chest diagonally and passing over his left shoulder is a large and rather simple brown belt closed by a simple gold belt buckled that which an ax was rested in.

It was a large than normal Labrys which is can be divided in half to make two battle axes and when thrown, they make very deadly weapons. It has symmetrical blades with light gold cutting edges and black central parts that are adorned by light gold carving. The carvings on both of the blades when taken together seem to look a very stylized bull. The axe's blade are connected to a massive and long metal pole. The handles of the axe are wrapped in matching bandages.

The upper and gold colored end ,near the blades themselves ending at a conical point. The ends to which the blades are attached pointing upwards, secured to the belt crossing his chest diagonally via an apposite metal hook. "I am Lady Lora. Who is my opponent?" said Tex. "A cow?" said Vexstrike glaring at the bull. "He is a bull and he is my strongest ,in terms of physical power, spirit. He won't be losing to a pervert like you." said Lora.

Tex said,"Lady Lora. I suggest you get back. I suspect that this ape isn't exactly a weakling and I will need to use my full strength to defeat him.". "I tend to forget that you're more serious than anything else." said Lora. "Hey! She's my woman!" roared Vexstrike with an angry expression. "My woman? I think that she should belong to whoever she marries and not some dam ape." said Tex with him then glaring at the monkey. "You're right Tex!" said Lora.

The bull rushed toward the monkey holding his massive ax and he sliced the monkey back. "Wow. I am impressed with him." said Ryu. "Thanks but I don't think that I can keep him going for long. You see Ryu..." said Lora. "I know that Spirit wizards haven't the best stamina but you have a lot of magic power in you. Angel has this as well." said Ryu. "Wow. You're so nice but Tex may need some help because of that." said Lora.

The dragon floated in Tex and the bull said,"Move now or else.". "Sorry but I promise Zane that I will protect your master because of the fact that this one is the strongest." said Ryu. The three saw that the beast ,after gaining back his strength from Tex's attack, standing up and he was in a boiling rage. "ME ONLY LIKE WOMAN!" yelled the ape with a purple flame surrounding it. "Um. I don't think normal Vexstrikes use fire magic of this nature." said Lora.

Ryu said,"That's right. This brand of ape can't because it is a master of Take Over magic.". "Are you serious? Take Over magic is a magic which allows the monster to gain abilities of the person that it well takes over and also gain back life. If it is a wizard, they gain the ability of that user so this one has the magic power of two in one." said Lora. "Yep. Lets get ready to fight bull boy." said Ryu. "I understand. Be prepared to die!" said Tex.

The monkey extended its right arm and fired a stream of flames at Tex. Tex blocked the attack and Ryu was heading toward it but the ape expected that. He slammed his right foot down on the ground and the dragon was trapped in a ring of fire. The bull didn't expect to be kicked into several ice pillars and he was punched into the ground by the ape who pounded his chest in victory. The bull said,"I am so sorry Lady Lora....". He disappeared and Lora fell to her knees.

She was out of magic energy and she said,"No Tex. I'm sorry.". She was afraid but she felt a warm feeling on her head. She turned to see Zane smiling. "Sorry you guys but those apes were annoying because of them tag team me." wrote Zane. He stood in front of the ape and he wrote,"Hey Lora. I'm going to tell you a little secret. All of us in Heroes are family. From the master, Sakura....". The ape was rushing toward him and Lora yelled,"Zane! Look out! He is coming!".

The beast was in front of him and Zane yelled,"I'm not leaving this mountain without you Eric! My fist will release you for sure! POWER DRAGON STEEL FIST!". The punch launched the beast into the wall causing several of the icicles around him to fall down. Zane held his hand on the beast's chest and he wrote,"Maelstrom Dragon Secret Art! Purge!". The monkey glowed white and Lora heard,"I hate Take Over Magic.".

In its place, a slim and mildly muscular man of an average height with short, straight, slicked back purple hair stood there. He had linear dark eyebrows and brown eyes. He had a prominent nose with a flat and rectangular front. The lower part of his face was covered in a large amount of stubble which includes a thin mustache. He has changed constantly in the past year. He was wearing a knee-length white jacket and it was open.

It had a wide and dark purple collar and matching edges with the sleeves rolled up. The sleeves of the simple dark shirt he wears underneath the jacket are visible sprouting from the latter's own sleeves and reached down below his elbows. He don brown and pinstriped pants held by a lighter colored belt bearing a snake-like pattern, with a simple and square shaped buckles that is hidden by his shirt and a very noticeable pair of shoes adorned with a leopard pattern.

He wore a large and serpentine necklace which is held up by a chain. "Is this him?" said Lora as she saw Zane eating the fire surrounding Ryu. "Yep. This is Eric Logan, one of the veterans of the guild and also a ladies man." said Ryu. "Like Jason?" said Lora. Zane placed Eric flat on the ground and on the left side, Lora and Ryu were looking over him. On his right, Zane had his hands hovering over his chest, glowing a gold light.

Zane wrote,"Don't worry Lora. He is going to be fine. I'm a master of Healing magic so this will get him back on his feet.". "Zane?" said Eric. He manged to get up with him looking down. "I'm weak. I was able to take down thirty nine of those mindless apes but the last one got me. I'm a failure to even go home to Jaime." said Eric. "Don't be ashamed. You did rather good for your age." said Ryu. "You suck you know that boney." said Eric.

Ryu smirked and he said,"Shouldn't we ask for a portion of the reward money?". "You're telling the guy who your partner injured to pay you?!" said Lora. "Ryu. We didn't come here for that. I came here to bring back an thoughtless father. Jaime needs you and I ain't being there for him. Have you seen what happens when I became a person's sibling figure." wrote Zane as he hit Ryu on the back of the skull. Eric said,"You're right bro.". The two shook hands as Lora smiled at their bond.

Back in Mural, Jaime was sitting on a bench right outside of the park in the center of the city. He then sighed and he looked down at his feet. Jaime said as he was crying a little,"Dad, Zane, Ryu, and that brunette. Please come back soon.". "Hey Jaime! We're back!" yelled a voice. Jaime slowly rose his head to see Lora, Ryu, Zane, and his old man standing in front of him. A smile started to spread across his face when he saw his dad.

He then remember that it was all his fault due to some of the other kids who were teasing him about his dad. "What's so great about those Heroes wizards?" said a boy. "Yeah. They are a bunch of drunk lazy douches." said a boy. "No they aren't!" yelled Jaime at the kids that were picking on them. "They are cowards!" yelled a boy. "And I think becoming an Alchemy Knight is better than a stupid as hell wizards!" said a boy. "And they stink like beer!" said a girl.

These painful words stung Jaime so later that day, he talked to his father. "Dad! Go do something with your life! They are so mean to me!" said Jaime. He saw the wounds that covered his dad's body and he said,"I'm so sorry dad.". He was shaking slightly and Eric hugged him. "No son. I made you worried and Zane lectured me about being a good dad. He healed me and gave me wounds but you know your big bro right?" said Eric.

Zane rolled his eyes and he wrote,"Listen Jaime. You should be proud of your dad. He kicked some major ass.". "Yeah but he is my dad so I think he is better than you bro." said Jaime who hugged his dad tightly making the wounds re open. "Let me tell you about my job Jaime." said Eric. "I want to hear it but thanks Zane and Ryu plus Lora!" said Jaime. Zane grabbed Lora's hand and he wrote,"I want to go help you find a place.".

Her face turned bright red as Zane lead her through the streets of Mural. "Wow. You haven't changed at all Zane. You always lead me to places that I didn't go but I had a rather fun time on this little and tiny adventure with you. I want to make sure that we keep going on adventures together so I will get stronger for you and to make myself into the perfect wife." thought Lora. Ryu floated behind them with a smile on his face.

Next Time,
Lora takes her first job with the help of Zane, Ryu, Tessa, Jade, Myra, and the girl that Zane hates the most. Will this go badly or good? Lets find out.

Guild Card #2.
Name: Lora Aquiler.
Age: 17 years old.
Magic: Gravity and Spirit Magic.
Likes: Books, her family, Spirits, and Zane. Dislikes: Her Fiance and Conflict.
Info: She may be new to Heroes but she hopes to be just as strong and famous as her older sister and the boy that she likes since childhood aka Zane. She also hopes to became an author and publish her adventures at the guild.
Affiliation: Heroes.

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