Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Zero Episode 118 The Sisterhood

A/N: Yep. Zero is back after I worked on Fairy Legion. I did initially plan on stopping Fairy Legion after I finished the Phantom Lord arc with Chapter 40 and 41. Not sure which one just yet but I'm thinking the latter rather than the former but hey, I could be wrong. This has changed being that I really wanted to work on Zero being that I do have the DC story planned out and really want to start writing it. I also had a case of writers block and I honestly need a break from it to help.

I'll come back to it but I'm going to take a break. However, I made a point to myself to make sure that the DC story won't come out for a long time. This is after I cross certain points in both Zero and Fairy Legion being that the latter will be taking a break once I cross both of those points. I can spoil Fairy Legion's point being that it's going to be after the first 48 episodes of Fairy Tail or after the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc.

It was going to be after Tenrou Island but I decided to change it because well, Fairy Tail after Battle of Fairy Tail is either really good or bad depending on your opinion. I mean I've mentioned that you should have a opinion on something and not follow the crowd several times in Fairy Legion. Zero's point will be after the graduation of the class of 2020 which isn't for a long time being that we're only in January of 2020.

So we're going to be writing Zero for a while because we're not even halfway there. I also wanted to mentioned that there will be links to other things. I honestly enjoyed doing that because well, it was kinda fun. I won't go back and put in links into past stories being that I like keeping the past alive and well. To me, my writing is something that has grown and evolved over time. I'll admit that my stuff has been cringy but whose past stuff hasn't?

I mean even your favorite shows have their rough beginnings. Nothing starts out perfectly being that trial and error makes perfection. That's just my two cents on the issue. I should mentioned that I'll be featuring a same sex couple in this episode and I'll be treating them in the same way I would with a normal couple. I won't be playing up the stereotypes of same sex couples in fiction so if you're not a fan of that, rejoice. Lets begin in Outer Space which is the final frontier.

Narrator P.O.V.
Basalt's ship also known as the Indefatigable was currently hovering over Jupiter being that it had left Saturn a few days ago so they could get close but keep their distance from Earth. The hull of the ship soon opened with five Betas flying toward the planet Earth. In the captain quarters, a member of its robotic crew said to their captain,"The Betas have been sent to Earth and equipped with the improved tracking system. They should be able to find and retrieve the Z.E.R.O. watch from its owner.".

Basalt ,still inside his healing chamber, said,"They may find it but retrieving it isn't going to be easy due to its current owner being an opponent that's worthy of the title Zero. He defeated two of the four bounty hunters I hired plus that foolish devil royalty. I will get what I deserves and soon, I'll have my chance to face Zero myself.". On Earth, Zane was currently at Fantasia and drinking a slushie that's based off one of his forms aka Slime Form. This slushie is grape.

Courtney stood there as she said,"Well, what do you think?". "It tastes fine Courtney. I mean I'm sure this will sell like nothing else since you're using the hit new thing as its mascot." said Zane, putting down his Slime Form slushie. "Yeah. I've been wanting to do something to support you under the radar for a while now." said Courtney. "Being my awesome adoptive older sister is good enough but you haven't done any crimes yet so we're good." said Zane.    

Zane looked over at his car as he said,"I should probably put gas in that thing huh.". "Great way to change the subject bro. So why haven't you invented the next form of motor vehicles yet?" said Courtney. "I'm kinda focused on get my future up and running for right now." said Zane. "I can't believe that my little brother is going to do something impressive with his life. Makes my life feel pretty sucky in comparison." said Courtney.

Zane soon shook his head as he said,"And I thought I told you to stop judge your life on others. It isn't very healthy.". "True. So how are you and Rae? I mean you two finally hooked up right? I mean you did save her from her fiance." said Courtney. "We're doing just fine Courtney. She's been really proactive in our relationship because well, she has found her own true love." said Zane. "So Seth tells me that's a big deal but nothing else? Mind explaining how that works to me." said Courtney.

Zane smiled as he said,"Sure. You sure that your boss doesn't mind you slacking off?". "He's cool with it since we're kinda slow during the school day except from the loyal support of our number one consumer aka you.". "Yeah. I do drink an unhealthy amount of the stuff but it's good." said Zane. "So about the devil's true love?" said Courtney. "Right. According to more sources, devils are commonly shown to be very faithless when it comes to romantic relationships." said Zane.

Courtney nodded as Zane said,"However, that's false. A devil has only one true life partner being that once they find that partner, they're extremely affectionate toward them. I'm thankful that Rae isn't always the jealous or the possessive type. She allows me to hang out with friends and the other girls equally being that during the night, she and I can have our alone time.". "Okay. That makes sense. I didn't need to know about your sex life but whatever." said Courtney.

Zane shrugged as he said,"You know me. I'm a open book. So how are you and Seth doing? I mean he's making my big sister happy and from what Johnny's memories have shown me, he's a pretty good guy most of the time.". "We're doing fine. I even met Norman because of him. My ancestor was so cool." said Courtney "Yeah. I thought he was cool too but we didn't really meet on the best day since I was forced to help Roland with his sceme." said Zane.

Zane's phone soon buzzed as Courtney said,"So are you getting a booty call?". "Ha. You're so funny Courtney. It's my crime detection system." said Zane, pulling out his phone. He saw that a group of masked individuals breaking into a lab. It wasn't Champion Tech but was an associate of Champion Tech. So there goes another Champion Tech robbery technically. Well, I guess I better get going." said Zane. "Good luck bro." said Courtney. He soon walked over to his car as he soon drove off.

In an underground location in town, there were two scientist in the lab being that they're closing up for lunch. Around the lab, there is a variety of weapons ranging from weird-shaped guns ,straight from the future, and a bazooka gatling gun. "So can we hurry the hell up? I would like to get lunch sometime this century." said a scientist with long brown hair. "Just calm the hell down. We have to make sure the security system is up to snuff." said the other scientist with dirty blond hair.

He said,"We're working under the radar of the government and secretly for the new boss of Champion Tech so we need to be careful or else.". "Yeah but the new boss is smoking hot and this job pays like a dream come true. I can't complain. Did you knew about her having that kid?" said the brunette. "No but she may want to keep him and her owning our old boss's company a secret. The traps are all done so lets get some food." said the blond. "Finally." said the brunette.

The two scientists soon left after turning off the lights to the lab and walked into the hallway toward the exit. After passing by a vent that was on the side of the wall, something started to bang on the vent from the inside. Several vines came out of the vent grate and it opened up to reveal a female standing there. This is a member of the Sisterhood ,aka the all female mercenary group and rivals to the Tremendous group, known as Botany.

She’s cute but deadly. She has short bob-cut green hair with thorn-like bangs covering the right side of her face and blue eyes. She wears a long-sleeved white dress/robe ,which completely covers her body, with a black belt, combat vest and fingerless gloves. She wears brown knee-high boots. She looked around and turned toward the direction of the two scientist. "Those damn idiots. They've left those weapons for us." thought Botany.

She soon walked toward the wall with several vines ripping it open like it was paper. "You did a good job Botany." said a voice. Botany turned to see the other members of her group being Sapphire and Storm. Sapphire is a African American woman with a muscular yet dainty figure. She has shoulder length golden brown hair with it braided in a spiky ponytail and brown eyes. She wears a bull themed helmet with two gold horns.

She has a scar over her right eye. She wears a aqua blue cropped tank top with black edges and a splashing design on the front of her top. She has white bandages wrap around her arms and legs, with black spiked elbow pads. She wears matching capri length pants with black boots. She’s a beautiful Japanese woman with the body belonging to a woman in her early to mid twenties with pale like the moonlight skin.

She has long, free-flowing silver hair ,which goes past her hips, and hazel brown eyes. She wears black lipstick along black markings extending from each of her eyes. She wears a gray full-body suit which does a great job at showing off her curves being that if you stare for too long, you get blasted by the arm-mounted laser blasters that can cut its way through solid steel. It comes with a head guard and a lightning bolt emblem on her chest.

Storm soon looked at Sapphire with her saying,"Sapphire. Botany has completed her part of the plan and now, it's your turn.". "Gotcha boss." said Sapphire. She soon ran into the main room being that Storm said,"Don't look at me like that Botany.". Botany looked at Storm with her arms crossed as the Chlorokinetic said,"I don't like when you use my girlfriend to disable the security measures that these weapons are supposed to have Boss.".

Storm sighed as she said,"Botany. I know that you and her just started to date but you know how strong she is being that her durability is stronger than most metahumans. I wouldn't have her doing this if I didn't believe that she could make it out alive.". "I know that but...." said Botany. The two soon heard gun fire, the sparks of fire, and sparks of electricity. "I really don't like hearing those sounds." said Botany. "Right. Lets go help her." said Storm.

A few minutes later, the trio were in the building that was right above the underground lab aka one of Cypress Park's banks. "So do you think we can get some cash for these rich pigs before we go boss? I mean we already broke into the bank so why not?" said Sapphire, with the muscle holding two bags filled with weapons. "That isn't the mission Sapphire. We were asked to break into the lab and not steal the money." said Storm.

Sapphire noticed the group of people that were surrounding the bank being that the amount of SWAT officers would be a problem. "So what's the plan boss?" said Botany. "You return those guns would be a good start." said a voice. The three criminals soon turned around to see gas appearing in the room before forming into Matter Form. Before they could do anything about him being there, he soon slammed down on the ground in front of him.

This created a massive shockwave which launched the trio into the area being that Storm said,"So the town's champion decided to come out and play huh?". She soon aimed her arm at Zane with it firing a laser from it and right at Zane. He turned his body into gas, with the laser going right through him. "I can become any state of matter so you can really do nothing to stop me." said Zane as several sharp vines went through him thanks to Botany.  

Zane soon went through the plants before he was caught up in an explosion which in turn caused the sprinklers to go off. "Lets go!" said Storm. The two women nodded as before they could leave, they were soon grabbed by something invisible. "Why are you girls leaving? I mean we're just getting started." said Zane's voice. The superhero soon appeared from the smoke with him clothes lines both Botany and Sapphire to the nearby wall.

He soon trapped the two to the ground ,by trapping them using packing foam, with Storm planning to blast him in the back. "Oh wow. You're an all girl group. Pretty cool." said Zane. "So what are you going to do about it?" said Sapphire. "Keep you hanging around while I'll handle your boss." said Zane, ducking to evade Storm's blast. Zane soon turned into a liquid form as Storm tried to hit him using a boxing move.

He soon reforming behind Storm and with his right arm shaped into a hammer, Zane said,"Time for your home town hero to hit a homer folks!". The hammer slammed right into Storm, sending her flying into the same wall as her comrades. "Boss!" said the two. "Now tell me why you're robbing this place not of its money but of weapons? Kinda missing the whole point of a bank robbery you know." said Zane, crossing his arms.     

Crisis Judgement went off as five lasers broke through one of the building's window and tried to blast Zane. Zane blocked their attack by reflecting the laser back at their owners thanks to a metal shield that can from Zane's back. As he blocked the shots, he trapped Storm to the way using the same stuff as both Botany and Sapphire's prison. "You girls mind hanging around for a while? I need to handle the uninvited guests." said Zane.

Four Betas soon entered the room with Zane saying,"Huh. I thought there were more of you but whatever. I'll take you down equally.". He soon jumped toward them and while in the air, he soon propel himself toward them in a spinning motion. Several openings appeared on his body, releasing an invisible gas into the air around him. Upon getting close to them, he ignited the gas and caused an explosion which engulfed one of the Betas.

The three remaining Betas soon fired a laser beam at Zane ,who quickly deactivated Matter Form before turning into Torrent Form, turning intangible and hit the bags of weapons, exploding and also freeing the Sisterhood. "While I'm mad about the weapons being destroyed, they gave us an exit so lets take it guys." said Storm, getting a nod from the other two girls. The two ran off as Storm aimed her sights on Zero who was dodging and blasting the Betas.

She ducked for cover being that she wasn't an idiot. She knew about Zero's impressive radar like senses from the report she heard when her and her crew were hired for this job. She decided to buy her time but she soon noticed Scott sneaking into the room. She smiled as she soon aimed her right arm-mounted blaster aimed at the roof above him. She fired her shot and it destroyed the roof that was right above the police captain, causing rubble to fall onto him and knocking him unconscious.

Zane saw this as he got pissed off fast. The Betas fired lasers at him being that they flew right toward Zane with the tentacles grabbing onto them. "You made me mad and you don't like me when I'm mad!" said Zane, breaking them with a huge amount of electricity. Zane turned around to glare right in Storm's direction and blasted her with ice from all four tentacles, freezing her in place. "Don't do that again or else, I won't be so gentle." said Zane.
He soon floated over toward Scott with him removing the rubble off him being that his tendrils are rather strong. "You need to get him to a hospital Zane." said Athena. Zane soon deactivated Torrent Form with him turning into Teleport Form. He picked Scott up and he said,"Got it. Hang on Scott. I won't leave your daughter alone.". He was soon gone being that Storm was soon free from her icy prison thanks to a punch from Sapphire.

The armored women said through shivers,"Thanks Sapphire.". "So why did the kid freaked out on me when you blasted the rubble above the old man." said Sapphire. "It's because the police captain and Zero have a special connection." said Botany. "Okay then. So what do you want to do with this junk boss? We could sell for a quick buck." said Sapphire. As the muscular woman soon reached the first Beta, all of the Beta's eyes glowed.

Each Beta soon latch a cable onto Storm's exposed neck, causing her to scream out loudly in pain as her body began to change. Due to Botany and Sapphire currently being focused on their boss's new transformation, they didn't see the Betas falling to the ground and being destroyed plus the rest of the CPPD (Cypress Park Police Department) entering the building. The officers aimed their guns at the trio as an officer said,"Freeze!".

Storm soon faced them being that she was now more machine than woman. The regular phrase is more machine than man but that doesn't work for obvious reasons. Her skin turned crimson red with her eyes turning bright red. Her hair is still the same color. Her face now looks more skeletal, lacking a visible lower jaw being that she has small fang-like projections on each side of the mouth but oddly has the black marking and lipstick.

She still wearing her costume being that it has several ridged blades stocking out of her arms being that her arm are protected by a cannon and her hands are sharp, metallic claws. "Sorry but I'm not going back to jail again!" said Storm, firing lasers at the police officers. They were sent flying away with the only entrance to the building being covered by fire and rubble. Sapphire grabbed a nearby bag of money as the three women were gone thanks to Botany's plants. 

At Heartstone Medical Hospital, Zane ,out of costume, was talking with his brother Lucius. "Don't worry so much bro. I mean Ellie knows her stuff. Scott has a severe concussion being that she'll be out for several hours plus some lacerations and a broken arm." said Lucius. "I know that Lucius but I can't stand that most of all." said Zane, pointing to Karen who was sitting in a chair that was nearby her father's bed.

Lucius nodded as he said,"Yeah. Mom told me that Karen's mother died before Karen was born and Scott basically raised her.". Zane nodded as the two heard,"Like your brother said, don't worry so much okay? He'll be fine after some rest.". The two turned to see Ellie standing there as she said,"So Legion Zero told me that he was hit by some rubble. It makes sense given the nature of this city the past couple of years but how did you and Karen get here so fast?".

Zane shrugged as he said,"We were at CPU when Zero came to pick up because I'm Karen's special friend like how you're my brother's special friend.". "Zane!" said Karen and Lucius with both of them blushing and the latter punching Zane. Ellie giggled as she said,"That's the Zane I know. Your unique brand of humor hasn't changed and it's a good way to cope with this situation. I have to check up on some other patients. See you all later.".

She kissed Lucius's cheek goodbye as she head off. Zane smirked as Lucius said,"You won't tell mom about this.". "I won't." said Zane. "He's lying. Don't trust him!" said Cole, earning a head smack from Athena. Zane walked over to Karen with him saying,"So are you going to be okay Karen? I mean if you want to smack me for not protecting your dad, I totally understand.". "You were in the heat of the moment. I don't blame you and neither would my dad." said Karen.

Zane soon sighed as he said,"I know that but I do. I'll stay by your side if you need me okay? I asked Danny and Gwen to cover for me in the meaning time.". Zane placed his head on her shoulder with Lucius standing nearby. "So he'll be having the cast on for a few days at the most so I'll need to stay with him before I move in with you and Rae. You two aren't getting too frisky right?" whispered Karen as Zane whistled, earning a sigh from her and Lucius.

Back in outer space, the robot crew member said,"The Betas were all destroyed.". "Send out more of them right now!" shouted Basalt. "We don't need to. Three of the five Betas merged together and I'm receiving one combined signal and that signal is moving." said the robot crew member, messing some kind of tablet. "Very interesting. Lets see if this puppet can be used to our advantage." said Basalt as he smiled.

On Earth, people were currently running away and screaming out of a jewelry store that Storm was robbing. Botany and Sapphire were fighting against Danny and Gwen outside. Storm stopped in front of a container with it contained many pieces of jewelry. She fired a beam of energy from her being that it melted the glass container. Storm reached her hand into the case with her picking up a handful of jewelry.

She was about to clench her fist in success but then she soon remember how she now has enhanced strength so she placed them in her bag. She soon looked behind her to see a woman standing there and walked toward her. Before she could do anything, her head was beating like a drum and she fell to her knees on the floor. "Listen to me whoever you are human female." said a voice inside of her head. "Who the hell gave you the right to go into my head you damn telepath?!" said Storm.    

The voice said,"Don't ignore your mistress! You were created to serve me!". "Sorry but unless you're paying beautifully, I ain't doing a dam thing." said Storm with the pain in her head increasing being that it felt like her brain was being electrocuting from the inside. "You have power that you could never imagine but the way you're using it is worthless! Carry out my orders and I will teach you so if you fall me, I'll burn you to ash!" said the voice. 

Storm could feel the anger in the voice with her saying,"Okay. What do you want me and my girls to do?". "I only one thing. It's a piece of valuable technology that's currently not in my possession and you already have it in your programming." said the voice. Storm recovered from her headache to see that Botany and Sapphire were still fighting Danny and Gwen. She smiled as she soon came up with a plan to find what she was programmed to do. 

Back at Heartstone, Zane was looking over Scott, looking at his body being that he was keeping a close eye on his future father in law. "Zane. He's going to be fine." said Karen, placing a hand on her boyfriend's back. "Yeah. I mean he may not be a metahuman but he's pretty tough. I mean he deals with supernatural threats daily and he's still fine." said Lucius. "I'm just worried okay? I know that he's tough but still." said Zane.

Lucius looked at his brother as he said,"Come on Zane. You know it's not good for you to bottle up your emotions like that. Let it all out.". "Fine. Scott has known about my secret since we first met two years ago after I saved him from one of Crash's attempts at a robbery. He's been my good pal in the CPPD, defending me from the press who wants to be badmouth me but I let my guard down. As a hero, I need to protect those who can't protect themselves." said Zane.

Karen said,"You can't blame yourself for anything bad happening. You're still one person against the world despite having the ability to clone yourself.". She hugged Zane with Zane half hugging her back. "I know Karen. I just wish that I could have taken out the woman before she decided to blast Scott instead." said Zane. "Don't heroes not hit girls?" said Lucius. "They do if they want to be chivalrous but I give my all in a fight regardless of gender." said Zane.   

Lucius sighed as Zane soon got up. He walked outside of the room with him taking a deep breath as he leaned against the window. Karen was going to go after him with Lucius soon stopping her. "We may be his older brother and girlfriend respectively Karen but let the people who are bonded with him at a genetic level talk to him." said Lucius. "You're right. So you and the doctor? How long has that been a thing?" said Karen, earning a blush from Lucius.

Zane looked down at his watch as Kane said,"So what are you thinking partner?". "Something real stupid." said Zane. "Like Cole stupid or kid stupid?" said Sivarth. "Both I guess. I could use Gadget or Inventor to make those machines work better so she would go back to normal. I could also use any one of my healing forms." said Zane. "You do know why that is a bad idea right?" said Twilight. "Of course I do." said Zane. "Really?" said Lucifer.

Zane sighed as he said,"They may be a slight chance of making something small and minor into a major problem. I think I should take my time but my damn need to help people is acting up like nothing else and it's a pain in my ass.". "The curse of a hero I guess." said Azalea. Zane agreed with her as outside of the hospital, Storm stood there with a bruised Botany and Sapphire. The two meta humans had been fighting against Danny and Gwen with the two putting a good fight.

They only escaped thanks to a smokescreen provided by Storm. "So what or who are we going after boss?" said Sapphire. "It's Legion Zero." said Storm, focusing on the hospital in front of her. "Did you injure him before you were frozen?" said Botany. "Nope. He has something that I want real badly and we're going to get it." said Storm. "Mind if we take a break?" said Sapphire. The muscle of the group was soon held over the edge of the building as Botany screamed in terror.

Sapphire looked at her boss as she said,"What are you doing boss?! I thought you should that we should always been in tip top shape before even attempting a job.". "That was the past and if you're too tired to join me, I'll go by myself." said Storm, throwing her back to the roof. Botany held her girlfriend as Storm flew off. "What's up with the boss?" said Sapphire. "I don't know but it has to do with her new look." said Botany.

Back in the hospital, Zane looked at Scott once again being that Zane punched a hole in the wall. "I know that you're mad bro but try not to break the hospital." said Lucius. "I know that but damn, I feel so useless." said Zane. "How about we talk about those robots who attacked you at the bank?" said Karen, hoping that changing topics might do something. "Sure. They belonged to that giant robot who attacked me a few weeks ago." said Zane.

Lucius crossed his arms as he said,"They seem to be after you or to be more specifically your watch little bro. Parker has mentioned multiple times that the watch you wear is the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse due to its versatility.". "Yeah. I'm sure that the robots and bounty hunters are connected some how being that someone wants this watch for evil. Nothing new for me to here." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Karen looked out the window and gasped.

Storm soon crashed through the window into the hallway and Storm looked right at him. "I want that watch. Give it to me now!" said Storm. "How about instead of my brother's watch? You get this instead!" said Lucius. He soon made the pipes in the ceiling wrap around Storm with the three soon running away from Storm. Storm broke free being that she chased after them, blasting anything in her way which caused a lot of property damage. 

The three soon reached the stairwell with Zane opening the door and closing it. "So that thing after us is one of the three from the armored robbery. I think she goes by Storm." said Zane. "So did she look like that before or what?" said Karen. "Nope. She must have merged with the robots you destroyed earlier and well, she's more machine than human now." said Lucius. There was soon another loud explosion above them as they continued to run.

As the trio reached the bottom, Storm threw the door to the stairwell to the side and jumped down with her landed on the floor. Her scanners said that they went in three different directions being that she said,"I'll get his attention another way.". She soon fired several lasers, making her way outside being that Zane's group was heading toward the main entrance. "So when are you going to go Zero Zane?" said Karen. "She isn't rushing you but people are kinda in danger." said Lucius.

Zane ignored them as they left the building and into the parking lot. "I have my clones doing that so I can handle the angry lady with the lasers." said Zane as he ran behind a nearby ambulance. Karen and Lucius followed suit as the front door was blasted away by Storm. "Come on out kid. I really don't want to hurt you but well, I'm not a good mood right now so you're going with me painfully if you don't show up right now!" said Storm.

Storm soon looked up and smiled. She soon aimed her shoulder lasers above her being that she fired at a billboard. It was falling toward a crowded street being that Storm smirked. "Time to go hero right now." said Zane, turning into Legion Zero with him now wearing the Legionnaire Gauntlets. "Want some help?" said Lucius. "Make sure the people inside are safe. I'll handle red." said Zane. He soon flew toward the billboard with him catching it and placing it inside of a giant spider web.

Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"Gotcha!". Storm was about to kick him in the back but Zane phased through her as he said,"You really should know that I'm not into feet but the pavement is so how about you give it its kink instead?". Zane punched her right into the pavement below him as the crowd of people soon ran with Storm making a crater in the ground. Zane soon flew down to her as he said,"So what's up? You knew in town or what?".

Storm soon got back up as she fired a barrage of lasers nonstop at the surrounding area around Zane as this caused multiple explosions. After a whole minute of nonstop firing, Storm stopped her laser barrage and looked around for any sign of her enemy. Once the smoke had cleared, Zane soon got out of a crater with him looking unharmed. "So what was that your best? I mean you're not very good at the whole villain thing are you?" said Zane, taunting her.

She flew right toward him with her getting ready to slice him. "I'll destroy you for my mistress!" said Storm. She was about to make contact but she passed right through him. "Well. Here's what I think about that." said Zane. He was in Raptor Form and kicked Storm right into the side of a gas truck. "I do hope that you're stronger than the average killer robot." said Zane, creating a ball of crimson red energy and throwing it down at a stream of gasoline igniting it upon contact.

It spread to the truck being that Storm was soon caught in a explosion. However instead of flying away, she flew toward Zane being that she was about to kick him. Zane caught the foot as he said with a smile,"And I guess you don't listen. I don't do feet!". Zane threw her back with him soon blasting her with another energy sphere and upon contact, it froze her. She broke out of it but Zane soon threw her into the air and jumped after her.

Zane clenched his hands together with him bringing them down onto the robot, sending her into the ground. "You really aren't good at this are you?" said Zane. "I'll destroy you!" said Storm, with her throwing several bombs at Zane. They were soon caught being that Zane soon kicked her a very good distance away from him. "And you're out of here! Stay gone okay?" said Zane, deactivating the form and flying off. Botany and Sapphire saw this and came up with a plan to get back their leader.

Danny and Zane ,both out of costume, were walking toward Scott's new room. "So you were attacked by the same robot woman that was robbery the jewelry store being that her partners aka a crazy plant lady and Ms. Muscle weren't there at all." said Danny. "Nope. She wanted to destroy me and was after my watch." said Zane. "I think you're wanted bro. Sorry about that." said Danny. "It's fine. I'm kinda used to being famous." said Zane. "This isn't a good thing." said Danny.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I was told that laughter is the best medicine.". "Yeah. I don't think you should be joking about this but hey, it's you.". The two soon reached the new room being that Scott had regained conscious with Courtney, Gwen, Karen, and Lucius by his side. "Zane!" said Karen as she ran up and hugged him. "Way to show that girl whose boss bro." said Courtney. "You did good like always kid." said Scott. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Just doing my best sir. I don't think she's down for the count though.". "She does seem like she's the determined type. Her partners were being that me and Danny couldn't even get into the jewelry store earlier." said Gwen. "And the big girl had a pretty good punch to her. My jaw is still killing me." said Danny. "So what's your next plan of action kid?" said Scott. "Drawing her out." said Zane. "So you're making yourself bait for the woman trying to kill you?" said Lucius.

Courtney said,"Not one of your better plans bro.". "I know that but I don't want you to get hurt again Scott. You too Courtney. Both of you are still human and I don't want to see you getting hurt." said Zane. "Wow Karen. You were right. He has been blaming himself." said Scott. "Yeah. My brother can be pretty stubborn when it comes to things like this." said Lucius. "Zane. This isn't your fault. You know that right?" said Gwen.

Zane nodded as Danny said,"I may have only become a superhero to protect you man but you can't always save everyone. Comes with the job. Accidents happen every day. You just need to relax. We'll be fine okay? Don't worry so much because gray hairs are unattractive.". "Daniel. Is there something you're trying to say about my hair?" said Scott, giving him the best angry look he could. Danny shook his head as he said,"No sir! You look great!". The group chuckled as Zane looked away.

Storm had just regained consciousness after being kicked away like a football from Raptor Form and she looked at the crowd of people that had gathered around her. She chased them away thanks to her blasting a nearby car. She soon felt pain inside of her head as Basalt's face appeared in front of her and said,"I want the watch.". "I didn't get it but you didn't tell me that it was attached to Legion Zero aka this town fucking protector." said Storm.

Basalt sighed as he said,"I should have but I didn't because I thought that someone of your stature could handle a Zero. He may be a impressive warrior but you'll deliver me his lifeless corpse so I can gloat about killing him to the slime.". "Then about you do it yourself patchy and I'll be taking the upgrade. Our partnership is now over." said Storm. She soon felt her boy being ripped apart limb by limb. "You will get me the Z.E.R.O watch or I'll burning you alive! Bring him to you!" said Basalt.

Later, the group of Courtney, Danny, Gwen, Karen, Lucius, and Scott were asleep in Scott's hospital room being that Zane was still wide awake. He looked down at the injured Scott with him thinking to himself,"I need to do the right thing. I'll be back I promise.". He left the room with him heading outside. He sat on a bench with him picking up on an APB. "Reports say the armored assailant has incredible fire power and has blown up several police barricades." said the police dispatcher.

Zane stood up with him hearing,"She's currently outside of the police training center just outside of Cypress Park.". "It's time to go." said Zane. He looked around to see that he was alone and he soon transformed into Turbo Form. "Turbo!" said Zane, rushing off. Back in the hospital, Karen woke up to see that Zane was gone. "Zane? Where did you go?" said Karen. She soon saw a note on the bed and she grabbed it.   

Karen soon picked up the note and unfolded it. "Courtney, Danny, Gwen, Karen, Lucius, and Scott. I care about everyone who supports me too much. I know that all of you want to help me fight the good fight but I can't stand seeing anyone getting hurt. I'm not going to say that I'm going solo because all of you are my treasure and I'll fight tooth and nail to protect it. I'll be right back after I take care of the woman who put your dad in here. Love Zane." said Karen.

Karen didn't read the last part because it was rather private between the two of them. As she finished reading the note, Scott woke up from her sleep. "Hey princess. What is it?" said Scott. "The attack at the police training center continues and several officers have been injured." said the reporter on the TV.  "Zane is gone but I know where he went dad. I have to go and stop him from doing something stupid." said Karen. "Wait. Wake up the others for support." said Scott.

Karen shook her head as she said,"I know that you're worried about Zane too but this is something I have to do as his girlfriend.". "Yeah. I may like Zane and approve of him dating you but..." said Scott as Karen stopped him. "Dad. I'll be fine. You've trained me ever since I was in middle school. I'll be just fine. Mind telling the others not to come after us?" said Karen. "Okay. Good luck." said Scott as Karen ran out of the room to help her boyfriend.

Outside of the hospital, a worker was currently leaning against an ambulance and writing something down on a tablet. As he was doing this, another worker came up next to him. "They need us down at the police academy due to that psycho robot." said the worker. The two quickly got in the ambulance as both Botany and Sapphire sneaked into the back of the ambulance as it drove off. At the Police Academy, a police car was thrown in front of the entrance of the academy and exploded.

Storm stood there with her firing lasers from her shoulders, destroying multiple parts of the building with ease. She was soon blasted in the back by a steel gray energy beam to the back. She was soon knocked down to the ground, revealing Zane currently in Insect Form. "Sorry but your rampage has to stop because you're being a big pain in the ass." said Zane. Zane dodged Storm's swipe as he landed in front of a police car.

Storm fired lasers at Zane, with the bug flying into the air and causing the car behind him to explode as smoke covered him. "She wants your precious watch so how about you give it to me? I want to keep this upgrade of mine." said Storm. "So who are you taking about?" said Zane. Zane soon flew down and slammed her into the ground. She soon got back up with her trying to blast him dead. Zane soon ate one of the laser around him and blasted a nearby fire hydrant that was nearby Storm.

Storm was blasted by water, causing Storm to be unable to move. "Damn you!" said Storm. "Wow such language. Your mother would be ashamed." said Zane. He deactivated Insect Form with him in his costume and producing several version of Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum. "Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Bombardment!" said Zane, slamming the barrage of fists onto Storm. These fists pushed her back and right into the ground.

She recovered as a tank drove onto them with it aiming its barrel at Storm. "Hey. They're after you robot girl. So catch me if you can." said Zane as he turned into the Upgraded Swift Form. Before she could do anything, Storm was blasted by the cannon and covered in the smoke. Crisis Judgement went off as the tank suddenly went flying toward him. It was thrown by Storm ,who had recovered from her bath, and she said,"Sorry but he's mine and no one stops me from getting him!". 

The SWAT officers ejected from the tank just before the tank exploded upon connected with the ground. Storm smirked as before she could do anything, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She was soon socked in the face by Zane ,in Undergrowth Form, who deliver a series of left and right hooks to Storm before being uppercut into the air and then grabbed by a giant earth hand, slamming into the ground.

Storm got back up with her firing a laser at Zane who took the attack. There was a hole in his body with it regenerating. "Sorry but that won't work on me." said Zane. She soon rushed toward Zane with her starting to attack him. Zane blocked most of her attacks being that Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned into Mummy Form, evading the kick to the nuts. Zane soon held her back with his wrappings before tossing her into the air.

He soon slammed his staff into her, sending her back to the ground. She soon got back up being that before she could do anything, a portal appeared above her and released a powerful stream of fire onto her. "That's from the fire dimension and by the way, it's hot." said Zane. She rushed toward him being that she was bout to knee Zane in the stomach. He dodged her attack being that he soon jumped into the air.

He turned into Frankenstein Form with him saying,"Thunder Emperor Crashing Punch!". He soon slammed his fist on Storm, causing a giant explosion of thunder. Zane jumped back as Storm got back up and she wasn't looking too good. "So how about you give up? I mean you survived a beating from me." said Zane. "Sorry but you'll die!" said Storm. She fired laser at Zane with it bushing him back a bit.

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"That tickle. Let me show what I can do. Thunder Emperor Downpour Slug!". Zane soon made several bullet like objects of electricity appear right in front of him, firing them at Storm who couldn't dodge the attack. In front of the academy, the EMTs arrived as Botany and Sapphire sneaked out of the car. "Okay. Who needs help?" said the EMTs as Zane soon landed in front of them. 

Storm followed after him being that she was soon grabbed by Zane and was thrown away. "You may want to focus on the people inside. They need my help than I do." said Zane. "Right. Thanks for your service Zero." said the two EMTs. As Zane watched the two men leave, he soon spot Karen ,as Starlight, flying toward their general direction. He turned into Frost From with him releasing a giant stream of ice, encasing Storm.

Zane flew upwards upwards as Karen saw the giant butterfly/moth human standing there with his arms crossed. "So why are you here? I thought I made it clear in my note that I wasn't going to leave you guys." said Zane. "What kinda of girlfriend lets her boyfriend go off and get himself killed even if he can bench pressed a building?" said Karen with anger in her voice. "I'm not going to die Starlight. I promised......." said Zane.

He was soon slapped by Karen with him saying,"Okay. I didn't expect you to go through with that but hey, I deserve it.". The two soon heard an explosion as Zane said,"We can finish this later. We have a rogue M.W. on the loose and chasing after me.". Karen nodded as the two flew off with the ice prison melting away as Storm looked for Zane. The two teens were running through an obstacle course as Storm tried to blast them.

After about ten blasts, Storm couldn't find the teens being that she began looking for them. Unknown to her, Karen and Zane were hiding behind a fallen standee with the latter out of Frost Form. "Zane. I love you." whispered Karen. "Okay. I know that but why are you telling me this now?" whispered Zane as he kept an eye out for Storm. "I shouldn't tell you this but me and the girls made a pact once we joined the harem." whispered Karen. "Like a blood pact?" said Cole.

He was slapped by Athena as Karen whispered,"Rae is going to live longer than the rest of the harem combined so she promised to keep loving you for all of us once we pass on. That won't happen if you let yourself die.". "Why are you telling me this?" whispered Zane. "Because when two people get together in any kind of partnership, they shared their problems. Your fight with Storm became my fight with Storm." whispered Karen.

The two were about to kiss before hearing more laser fire. "I'm guessing Storm is still looking for you huh." said Karen. "No Starlight. She's looking for us. We need somewhere to hide before she actually finds us." said Zane. The two soon found a nearby gym being that Karen said,"So have you been able to even dent her or what?". "Yeah but I have an idea to stop her. I just need her to loose her guard so I can do my thing." said Zane.

Karen soon looked right at him as he said,"And yes, I tried my jokes. They only seem to make her mad and want to kill me even more.". "That wasn't my question but what's your plan exactly?" said Karen. "If I can't destroy from the outside, I'll destroy her from the inside." said Zane. "Ah. That's a good idea. Need my help?" said Karen. "Of course. Did Danny ever tell you about Storm's friends who attacked them earlier?" said Zane. Karen nodded as Zane said,"Okay. Here's the plan.".

Storm's radar soon picked up on Zane's watch being that she fired lasers over the roof of the gym and making her way in. The two teens were gone with Storm knowing that he's in the room. "Come on out you damn teen. I won't hurt you too much." said Storm, with her weapons locked and ready. She was soon blasted in the back by an energy beam. Karen stood there with Storm saying,"You're dead for doing that girlie.".

She was about to blast him before she was shot by massive soundwaves. She shrieked in pain being that she was soon kicked in the chest with her heading toward a wall. She looked up to see Zane with him standing there in Inventor Form. He's 8 feet tall. His body is coal black with him having a cyber and science fictions theme very much like some of his robotic forms. His body is skinny but has he does have muscles.

His face is divided perfectly by a giant white stripe starting from the middle of his forehead and down to his chin. He has two slanted oval shaped light green eyes. He has a port ,which looks like a USB port, where his nose would normally be. His mouth is a straight line. His arms, chest, and legs are covered with black and glowing yellow circuits. His four fingers, three toes, and two palms are electrical wires.

They're strung together to look like a normal fingers, toes, and palms. His palms are circular ports being that he’s wears a long dark blue sleeveless trench coat with it having a rather high collar that covers his chin. He can make it cover his mouth and nose if he pleases at the time. He wears gray pants with cybernetic boots. "Sorry but it's time to learn your place!" said Zane with his voice having a techno filter to it.

Before she could get back up, several nanomachines trapped her to the ground. Any time she blasted them away, they instantly regenerated. "What the hell is this?" said Storm. Zane placed his right hand on her forehead as he said,"My machines and don't try to fight this.". He soon turned into a blob of nanomachines and began to merge with her. Storm tried to break out of her capture being that she soon stopped moving.

Zane soon found himself inside of Storm's head as he said,"Oh wow. Your head is empty. I guess this is what happened to your head when you don't have any free will.". Zane soon turned to see Basalt standing there with him saying,"And your inner demon is uglier than mine!". "Listen to my words. Be afraid child. You cannot run, you cannot hide for me. I'll find you and when I do, your watch will belong to me and you'll die." said Basalt.

Zane was soon out of Storm's head as he landed soon in front of her. "So mind telling me about your inner demon?" said Zane. Her answer was a laser to the face being that there was a hole in the center of the face. Zane soon recovered being that he began dodging her attacks. Zane soon looked at the gym equipment behind her with him sending his nanomachines into it, putting the machine under his control. "I think you need to gain some muscles." said Zane.

The machine stretched out to grab Storm, slamming her into the beam of the upgraded equipment a couple of times. She was soon sent backwards to a treadmill which Zane had taken control of, with it sending her toward Karen. She roundhouse kicked Storm in the face being that Storm recovered. She fired lasers at the two of them with the machine taking the blasts directly before regenerating and Karen dodge them.

As they were fighting, Karen and Zane soon looked up at the ceiling and noticed that the support were crumbling and was about to collapse on them. A bunch of SWAT members stormed into the building with guns at the ready. "Move!" said Karen. The group soon ducked as Storm tried to blast them with her being that they soon fired their guns at them, causing them to flinch. Due to her being distracted, Zane tackled her onto the ground.

Zane smiled as he said,"Now this will hurt you more than it will with me.". Zane soon merged with Storm, causing electricity to pulsate around them. "Get off me!" said Storm, sending Zane off her. "I did warn you." said Zane. Storm got back up with the intention of blasting him to pieces. Her skin was soon turning back to normal being that the machinery that covered her and fell onto the floor around her. "I'm back to normal?" said Storm.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"Yeah. I mean in a world of metahumans, you're kinda not but welcome back.". "What were you thinking kid? I mean I'm your enemy and I tried to kill you." said Storm. She was about to blast him but she was soon stopped by her suit not responding. "Oh and this is for hurting Captain Scott." said Zane. Both Karen and Zane punching her in the face, knocking her out cold.

The two teens highfived as an officer said,"Good job you two. We've been looking for her for a long time and with that new suit of hers, she was a major pain in the ass.".  The building was starting to shake as the supports were starting to break. "Everyone! Get close to me!" said Zane as the officers listened to the superhero. Zane soon made a force-field protecting the group as the building collapsed around her. "So she belongs to you." said Zane to an officer who nodded.

The next morning, Karen and Zane found themselves in the hospital parking lot with Scott having a cast over his arm. "It's nice to get out of the hospital." said Scott. "Yeah. I really don't want you to go back here so try not to do anything that gets you back in here dad." said Zane. "You do know that you can't call me that until you and Karen get married okay Zane? I know that you two will but wait until after college like you wrote in your note to my daughter." said Scott.

Karen blushed as she said,"Daddy! I told you not to read the note!". "Eh. I was going to but then my curiosity got the better of me." said Scott. He was punched in his good arm as Zane chuckled. "So what happened last night in the gym?" said Karen. "Huh?" said Scott. "When Zane transformed into Inventor Form, he tried to merge with Storm and they didn't move for a good five minutes." said Karen as Zane shrugged.

Zane sighed as he said,"From what I saw, I figure out who is targeting me. His name is Basalt and he's a powerful warlord wanted by the Alliance. His species is a Maferno aka a species that can control lava and magma. He's after me because of my watch.". "Well don't worry. You got our back Zane and don't you forget it." said Scott. "I know that Scott. So whose up for lunch? Scott is buying it by the way." said Zane. Scott soon nodded as the day was over.

In outer space, Basalt said,"Why has my servant failed me?!". The robot crew member didn't want to answer him being that it didn't want to die. "Fine. I tried robots, mercenaries, and devils. It's time to take things into my hands. Speed up my healing process right now!" said Basalt. "Yes captain!" said the crew member. "Enjoy this victory for now Zero. I will get that watch from your cold dead hands as I burn you alive!" thought Basalt.

Next Time,
What will happen when Basalt and Zane face off? What will the Odium Society do about this? And will Storm and the Sisterhood return? This and more next time on Zero!   

New Cards/Forms:
Inventor Form. This card has a black frame with several famous inventors in the background and a forge in the center. When Zane places this card inside, Zane becomes an inventor.

The Sisterhood. This group is famous for being an all female group and are known as the rivals of the Tremendous group. They hate being compared to men and being treated as inferior to them. However, the trio’s leader Storm and Tremendous’s leader Cryonic have some sexual tension that you couldn’t cut with a knife.

Botany aka Blanca Schmidt. She’s able to manipulate plants and able to manipulate others into doing her binding.

Sapphire aka Belinda Watkins. She has immense strength with her being the muscle of the group. She can easily throw around people much bigger than her and this includes steel doors. She also has superhuman durability being that she can survive from fall from incredible heights.

Storm aka Connie Dawson. Her suit has superhuman speed, flight, blasters attached to each shoulder and arm, and superhuman capabilities. After getting an upgrade, she can now use her claws to slice through anything, fly with a rocket pack, produce any kind of weaponry, and bombs. 

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