Friday, November 3, 2017

Zero Episode 55 Worst Future Ever PT 6 Welcome to Prison aka Hell

A/N: Yep. Zane's going to prison but not for being arrested, he's going to save his family despite him still recovering from his fights. It may seem like a dumb reason but like Darin said at the end of the last part,"Our family are stubborn as hell fools but when we're serious, no force in the Omniverse can stop us. Good Luck Kurt and live for the brothers who will push through hell to get you back.". Every one in the Alvarez family is stubborn and won't give up until they're dead.

Zane is the poster boy from the stubborn family and it's going to be shown in this arc. It will be shown in the future but not as much. We're going to start today's part on the Universe Path and the trio of Lucius, Sharia, and Zane heading to the prison. I would come up with something else but I got nothing. Also Crisis Judgement and Crisis Judgment are the same thing.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently fighting against robotic soldiers with Lucius and Sharia watching. "Your brother is impressive. He just devour 1000 kilograms of food and I'm pretty sure that a normal person would be a ball of fat. I'm jealous of his metabolism to be honest." said Sharia. "Well, he did enjoy eating the Maiden's food and well, I think his power is affected his stomach. He would eat stone if there was no choice." said Lucius.

Zane's arms turned into that strange liquid as he grabbed a handful of the soldiers. His arms turned hard with him slamming his arms together. The robots and his arms were destroyed but the latter soon came back to Zane. "So do you know how Zane's doing that? I'm not well versed in the biology of the strongest species in the Omniverse." said Sharia. "Well, I just know only bits and pieces because the information about Zeroes are even more scarce than knowledge on Eazairvian." said Lucius.

Zane soon walking over to them as he said,"So could you tell me how I did that?". "You don't know Zane?" said Sharia. "Yeah. I mean when I'm in a fight, I just let my instincts take the wheel. The only part I contributed is my charming annoyance. I learned that make your enemy going into an angered or flustered state will usually causes mistakes which I can exploit." said Zane. "That's actually really smart Zane. I thought you were an idiot." said Sharia. "I'm hurt." said Zane in a mocking tone.

Lucius said,"Anyway. You know about Crisis Judgement/Judgment is right? It's three parts being the ability to dodge/see any attack coming toward and it's usually before it happens known as Astral Clairvoyance, the ability to manipulate your body back to its Eazairvian form known as Celestial Anatomy, and Empyrean Will which deals with the manifestation of your will. You know about the former two right?".

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean I've been dodging attacks since I started my career as Legion Zero and the other one I've been used since I met Daemon. It's weird but it's like I can do it without any practice. I'm still going to practice mind you because I'm not one to run into a fight completely cocked.". "What about the latter? I heard from Lauren, you used it on the maidens during your fight with Carolyn and Naomi." said Sharia.

Zane remember seeing all of the girls faint ,except for the warrior sisters and his grandma, and he said,"I did that?! I thought they all came down with a sleeping spell and Naomi felt bad for almost crushing you and Lorena. That's one of my powers? Sweet!".  His stomach growled as Sharia said,"I question how you survive with your stomach. You just devour a good portion of our food supply and I thought Lauren was kidding!". "She wasn't whatsoever." said Lucius as Zane smirked.

Back in the prison chamber, Kurt looked at his grandfather with him saying,"To be honest, I never expected Lucius and Zane to be strong! You three were powerful kids being that you honestly gave my idiot son and my sweet daughter in law hell! Good times!". "So why are you here and telling me this? I know my brothers and they're too stubborn to be stopped. Why was I captured to begin with grandfather?!" said Kurt.

Darin said,"Honestly, I have no idea. You and the rest of Prime Force are members of the Alliance in a sense. I better get going. Lucas needs to talk with me before the prison comes down.". He walked off as Kurt closed his eyes. "Big brother! You're so cool!" said a younger voice. "Don't let this stop you from avenging their deaths. Keep on fighting for them." said an older voice. Kurt opened his eyes as he said,"Lucius and Zane. Stay safe.".

About two days later, Zane heard screaming which woke him up. He left his cabin and he saw his brother and Sharia. They were sitting in from a sphere like object and Zane saw that it was showing a strange tower like structure with it shaped like a trident. It was surrounded by water with gigantic sea like creatures swimming around it like it was their nest. "Wow. What's that?" said Zane. "This is the worst prison in the Omniverse known as Blacktomb Detention Center." said Lucius.

Sharia said,"This place is filled with several ,cramped, cells and torture chambers. The cells are made out of a highly durable material found in the Omniverse. I've heard rumors about the torture there and it isn't pleasant. You two are old enough so this shouldn't scare you too much. Whipping to death or really close to it, burning thanks to magma cauldrons, spiked pits used for impaling, etc.". "Wow. I'm pretty sure that it sounds like a masochist and sadist dream come true." said Zane.

Lucius said,"We're about half an hour away. I need to tell you that we'll be taking out the cameras to the prison first. They have a camera in every corner of the prison and well, they go to the guards and we'll be caught if they see us.". "Okay. I think there should be a generator room or we could make the cameras show a picture." said Zane. "So can your brother read minds?" said Sharia. "Maybe but he's seen enough spy movies according to him," said Lucius.

The yacht soon stopped as the trio got out onto the deck. Zane saw that it looked to be bigger than the Leaning Tower of Pisa and maybe half the size of the Eiffel Tower. The tower looked to be surround by a moat and the tower itself looked like a trident. "So where's the entrance to this?" said Zane as he tried to figure it out. "The center point of the Trident. The other points are for the guards and wardens living area respectively Zane. Look there boys." said Sharia.

The brothers then saw that several black and orange colored ferries were heading toward the tower alongside them as Zane said,"So does this place give tours too?". "They're prison transfer ships Zane not for normal people. You don't expect them to be carrying the worst of the worst but they are. We're going to commandeered one of them." said Sharia. Zane was about to say something with Sharia saying,"And try not get caught.".

Zane said,"Darn. I really wanted to be a pirate and say shiver me timbers. Let's go already you guys. I want to save Kurt.". "Be careful not to step in the water you two." said Sharia. "Why?" said Zane as his Crisis Judgement went off.  A giant eel like serpent jumped in front of them. "Those creatures are the Frenzy. They're a lot like the Trastry except far better built for aquatic environments. They'll eat anything including their kind." said Sharia. "Duly noted. We should be careful." said Lucius.

Zane nodded as he turned intangible and grabbed the two turning them invisible. He then flew off with them and onto one of the ships as the yacht was eaten by the Frenzy. The trio ,while invisible, were looking at a group of prisoners on the ship as Sharia said,"This place is depressing isn't it? I wonder how your brother was caught to begin with.". "Who knows Sharia but we're going to get him out of here for sure." said Zane.

Lucius said,"Hey guys. I think we may have a problem with that.". He pointed to the top of the door leading into the prison. There was a black box with a dull green light to it as Zane said,"So they have weird design choices? What's the point?". "That's a Nether detector. Do you know how to hide your Nether Signature?" said Sharia. "I can go into Camouflage Form but what about you two? I don't think you two will fit it." said Zane.

Lucius pointed to the guards with them wearing military uniforms as he said,"We'll find a way little bro. Deactivate your invisibility.". Zane shrugged as he turned visible. The two were gone as Zane was in Camouflage Form. The reptile rested on the wall with him soon seeing the prisoners being escorted off the ship with his brother and queen ,looking like the guards, leading them in. Zane was following them as Zane thought,"Going into Prison. Crossing that off my super hero check list.".

Upon entering the prison, Zane climbed up the wall with him watching the prisoners and guards just standing there. "Note to self, I'm getting some air freshener for this place once I save Kurt. This place stinks like dead bodies." thought Zane as he held his nose. He soon saw a man standing in front of the group. He looked to be very tall being about nine feet tall and his stomach stuck out. He has horns sticking out of his shoulders with strange electricity traveling through them,

His chin is covered with hair making a hook shaped beard and gray eyes. His head is covered by an strange helmet being that it covered his entire head except for his face and beard. It's a orange color with dark green stripes. He's holding a massive spear with the end looking very sharp. He's wearing the same military style uniforms as the guards. "Welcome to hell prisoners." said the man. He looked at the prisoners with him saying,"Boo!".

The prisoners looked at each other with Lucius thinking,"Is this guy serious?". "My name is Damien and I'm the vice warden of Blacktomb Detention Center. From my research, all of you scums of the earth will be staying in Level 1. It sucks but that's the fact of your life.". He held a remote with him pressing a button. The floor under the prisoners was gone as they flew on down. "Guards. Please follow me. We're going to meet with the warden." said Damien.

The guards and the trio followed Damien as Zane heard,"Some of you are new so let me explain how this works. The prisoners will be dropped down to their levels with them getting a lovely bath filled with boiling hot water cleansing them of their sins. Some of the more violent prisoners don't scream upon being dumped in the baths. All of you will go into rooms to be scanned just in case you've got weapons on you. If you do, you're turned into ash by fire. Have fun!".

Zane saw several doors with him seeing Lucius and Sharia going into one. He followed the two of them as he soon saw Sharia pulling out a spray bottle. "This's to make sure we have privacy for up to five minutes." said Sharia. Lucius took off his uniform and put on his normal clothing as he said with him stretching,"Okay. That vice warden is a weird guy isn't he Zane?". The reptile landed on the ground as he said,"He's pretty interesting to me. So what's the plan?".

Sharia said,"We're surrounded by all sides so while I make sure that the cameras aren't functioning, I want you two to go into the prison. Try not to cause that big of a ruckus. There are over a thousand guards working here and they know how to handle prisoners.". "Don't worry. I'll make sure that Zane is gentle on them. We promise." said Lucius. The three heard Damien say,"Guards. Is everything alright in there?". "Yep! Just give me a second!" said Sharia.

She glared at the two with Zane turning back to normal, grabbing his brother, and turning the two of them invisible as the door opened. "So what happened to the other guard who came in here with you Guard 7897?" said Damien. "He was hiding weapons and planning on helping a prison escape so he was burned to death." said Sharia. "Poor guy. We have security for a reason. Follow me, the others already went ahead to meet the Warden. You get to go with me. Fun right?" said Damien.

The two walked over to an elevator as Damien said,"We may be a prison but we have elevators that can work during a fire. Pretty impressive right?". "Yes sir." said Sharia. The two walked in as Damien said,"We'll be going through Level 1, 2, and 3 to reach the warden's office which is on Level 4. You'll be hearing their screams so if you're a masochist, try not enjoying it so much.". Sharia looked at the brothers ,on the roof, as they mouthed,"Good luck and thanks.".

The elevator went down as Zane whispered,"So where should we go?". "We're going down Zane. I'm expecting that Kurt's on the bottom floor. Lets look for the stairs Zane. The guards will mostly like have the cameras around the elevator because would you take the several hundred stairs or the fast elevator." whispered Lucius. "Gotcha. Lets get going bro." whispered Zane. The two soon found the stairwell as they went down them.

In the water, a Frenzy was swimming around but it soon roared in pain. It was being sliced into pieces by strange creatures and the water was soon covered in blood. The killers were large masked dog-like creature with them having crossed Axs instead of faces. They're wearing gold robes that goes over their body, wine red fur, and bright blue eyes. They have large and cubed hands and feet with giant double sided broadswords on their backs.

They were currently dragging the cut up eel ,oddly in circular shapes, toward the tower as a guard voice ,from a microphone, said,"Crimson Ogre. Ration Complete. Open the Hatch.". The Crimson Ogre went toward the tower as a hole opened up with them swimming it. The door soon closed as the creatures shook to get rid of the water. "Good job. Half of you go back on patrol and the others get meals prepare for the bastards." said a guard. They nodded.

In the monitoring room which was in the guard's dorms, the computer beeped. A guard sat there as he said,"Amelia Pearson has been seen on Level 1. Send all guards and Crimson Ogres to place her on Level 2. Don't forget the cuffs that inhibit powers.". On Level 1, a woman was hiding behind a wall as she heard the guard,"Son of a bitch! I'm going to kill Data once I get out of her.". She's rather short being shorter than 5 foot 4.

Her figure is slim, curvaceous, well-endowed, and has an hourglass figure. She has short orange hair that goes toward her ears and amber colored eyes. She's wearing gold ,ball shaped, earrings, a purple t-shirt with a UFO icon that was obvious due to her chest, knee high light blue skirt, black thigh high stockings, and light brown high heeled boots. She broke a nearby camera as she ran off to try and hide from the guards.

One of the prisoners said,"Ha! That stuck up bitch is going to get tortured by the Crimson Ogres for trying to save her boyfriend!". "I don't think that but who cares?" said another prisoner. The Crimson Ogres soon ran past their cell as the woman started to run away from them. Back with Lucius and Zane, the two brothers stood in front of a giant door. "So this is the way to Level 1 right? I mean it's a dead end." said Zane.

Lucius nodded as Zane heard,"Hurry! We need to capture her before the Warden hears about this and gives us his divine punishment!". Zane's right arm soon stretched up to the roof with him grabbing his older brother. The two saw several guards below them with the door soon opening up. "Okay. Thank you whoever the escapee is." said Lucius. The two went through the door as they went to the floor above them.

The guards ran away as Zane looked around. "Wow. This place is huge and has an echo." said Zane as he was very tempted to make an echo sound. "Lets keep moving. We can admire this place later Zane." said Lucius. The two ran past some cells as Zane heard,"Hey Bro!". Zane soon turned to see a prisoner and he stopped. "Yes?" said Zane. "Why are you going toward the stairway? You and your friend should be trying to escape." said the prisoner.

Zane looked confused as he said,"Why would I want to leave? I just got here and I'm hungry.". "You can't be serious bro?" said a prisoner. Zane turned to see that Lucius was long gone as he thought,"I'll go find him after I finish my chat with these prisoners. They may know something about this hellhole that we didn't know about it.". "So who are you? You're not a prisoner or a guard." said a prisoner. It took only a second with Zane being the center of attention.

One prisoner said,"So how did you get outside of the jail?". "I came in from the outside. So do you guys know where a prisoner by the name of Silver Raptor is? I'm here to rescue him." said Zane. "I can't believe how dam stupid you are kid! I mean he's mostly likely on Level 5 and you'll have to go through all of the guards and warden! You're going to die kid! How about you go get the keys for us bro?" said a prisoner. Zane looked confused as he said,"Level 5?".

Zane heard that the screaming was getting closer as he saw the woman from before being chased by four of the Crimson Ogres. "So are those the guards? They don't look human." said Zane. "They're the Crimson Ogres!" yelled a prisoner. "Crimson Ogres? I'm pretty sure they aren't cats right? The Omniverse loves giving me cats to brawl." said Zane. He got into a fighting stance as a prisoner said,"Run! You're going to be killed!".

One of the guards threw his sword right toward Zane with it slicing right through him. The prisoners then screamed as the woman ran past them along with the cut in half Zane and the two were running from the creatures. "Man! It's really hard to run in half!" yelled Zane. "Yeah! Their swords are really sharp!" said the woman. Zane's body soon connected back together as he said,"Thank you Celestial Anatomy! So who are you?".

The woman said,"Who are you kid?! And why are you here?". "I came here to find someone and I didn't get caught unlike you." said Zane. "Shut up! I also came here to find someone but one of these slime balls ratted me out. He's an idiot for getting caught." said the woman. "I promise Sharia that I wouldn't get in trouble but you got these things chased off me. How do we get rid of them?!" said Zane as they evaded their swords.

Zane saw several more rushing toward them as he said,"So can we just fight them? I mean they don't like that strong to be honest with you.". "You must be crazy. They will tortured us if they catch us at all kid!" said the woman. "Look. We can't get capture. We just have to kick their ass." said Zane with a smirk. "You remind me of my idiot comrade. Always rushing into battle despite me telling you the risks of battle! It really pissed me off!" said the woman.

The two stopped with the woman saying,"So what's your talent kid?". "Bringing the pain! The name is Zane!" said Zane. His left arm stretched out and the woman was shocked to see that it turned into five version of it knocking down five guards. Zane's CJ went off as an Crimson Ogres soon appeared behind him. The woman kicked him back into its brothers as she said,"The name's Amelia! So got anything to defeat them at once?". Zane nodded as he soon turned into a new form.

He looked to be about six feet tall with a lean yet muscular build. His skin is a tanned color with short brown hair and gold pupil-less eyes with gold stripes running along his face looking like tattoos. He's two large pointed teeth protruding from his lower and upper jaw. He has a large silver scorpion tail ,that was moving back and forth looking rather metallic, with it covered in black stripes. His chest is covered in scars with him having white bandages around his arms and legs.

He's wearing a sleeveless red vest ,with no shirt underneath, and it has a gold collar. He wears blue jeans to finish off his top outfit. He's wearing purple leather greaves and vambraces. He's wearing brown leather boots that go up to his shin. "Jackpot Form! Lets shake things up shall we?" said Zane. Amelia nodded as the Crimson Ogres ran up to them. Zane made a sand shield with him pushing his way through.

He fired an energy beam from his tail blasting the Crimson Ogres toward Amelia who kicked them into their brothers. "So what are these things? They're really annoying." said Amelia. She and Zane had finished them off much to the shock of the prisoners. "I think I've read about them. They are the Crimson Ogres and they're from a dimension where battle is the only way to survive. We better keep moving." said Zane. The two were gone as the prisoners begged them to let them out.

One of the guards on Level 1 said,"You're saying that instead of one, we have three?". "Yeah. The camera shows two shadows fighting the Crimson Ogres and the other one is looking for a way to Level 2." said a guard in the monitoring room. "So did they win?" said the guard. "Yeah. They won upon one of them turning into a scorpion." said the monitoring. The guard shook his head as he said to his fellow officer,"We can't let the warden know about them.".

In a different part of the prison, Amelia and Zane ,with the latter turning back to normal, reunited with Lucius as Amelia yelled,"You two are here to save Kurt?!". Lucius nodded as he said,"We need to be quiet. They may find us.". The three were talking in a empty cell ,being the prisoners inside of it were all dead, as Zane said,"You're the only member of Prime Force to come and rescue my brother. I hope my brother isn't a bother to you guys.".

Amelia shook her head as she said,"No! Your brother is one of the strongest member in the group but the others were busy on assignment leaving me to be the one to save the day. So I can't believe you three are brothers. You look nothing alike.". "Yeah. We became brothers through a different method so we need to go Level 5 to save him right?" said Lucius. "Yeah. I think we..." said Amelia. Zane's CJ went off as he said,"We need to move. Guards coming. Prisoners ratted us.".

The three were soon running away from the guards ,who tried to shoot them down, as Zane said,"So why we can't go from Level 1 to Level 5?". "It's like a video game Zane. Every Level is stronger than the last. We're on Level 1 which is where petite crooks go and as we go down, the crimes get worse by each level. I'm sure that if Daemon was here, he would be on Level 5." said Lucius. Zane's arms soon multiplied to five as he punched the Crimson Ogres ,who had been chasing them, back.

Amelia said,"However, I heard a rumor that there's a rumored Level 7. Level 6 doesn't exist but Level 7 hosts the worst of worst. The Alliance wants these people erased from the history of the Omniverse due to their crimes. We should try to get more allies.". The trio stopped in front of a wall as Amelia said,"So are you like Kurt?". "You mean destructive?" said Lucius. "Yes." said Amelia. "I've been dying to cut loose!" said Zane.

He made a steel gray Nether Boxing Glove as it smashed a hole into the wall. The trio saw that it's the guard quarters for this floor. "Who are those two with Amelia? Are they members of Prime Force like she is?" said a guard. Zane took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the ground. The guards were soon held by steel gray Nether Skeletons as Lucius said,"How?". "I just rely on my instincts. So should we repair the hole?" said Zane. "Yeah." said Amelia.

Zane sat nearby his brother and new friend as he was eating some meat. "So we have to go through this forest to reach Level 2?" said Zane. The guards were knocked unconscious with the wall being repaired by Boulder Form and Amelia. "Yes Zane. It's called the Forest of the Dammed. All of the prisoners here ,on this level, are travelers of the forest." said Lucius. "So how is there a forest in a prison? I'm not an environmental scientist but don't plants need sunlight?" said Zane.

Amelia said,"The prison created these forest with it being extremely sharp and it's covered with the blood of the prisoners who walked through it. It's also covered in a illusion being that the prisoners are chased by their worse fear. I heard that the pain the prisoners feel thanks to the forest is ignored due to the illusion. Welcome to Blacktomb Detention Center.". "Ah. So how do we get down to Level 2?" said Zane.

Lucius then pointed to the monitor and there was a giant hole. "To get to Level 2, we jump down the hole. I think it's simple right?" said Lucius. "Yeah. Lets go there." said Zane. "Can you turn into a form that's immune to illusions? Me and Lucius will take one of the guard's illusion proof suit." said Amelia. Zane nodded as Lucius said,"Lets get going.". The three left the guard's room as the guards were walking up.

Later, Lucius stood next to Amelia ,on a elevator heading down to the forest, and they're wearing a hazmat version of the guard uniform. "So how long do we have to go until we reach the hole?" said Lucius. "About ten to thirty minutes. The guards should be learning about us because someone left behind a note." said Amelia. The two turned to see Zane ,in a new form, standing there. He's twelve feet tall humanoid crocodile with his body covered in unique clover green scales. 

These scales are a mixture of normal reptilian scales and stone. He has a muscular yet thin body. He has two dark yellow eyes. His mouth has two sharp canines coming out of his mouth. He has five sharp claws and talons on his hands and feet respectively. He has really spiky silver hair. He's wearing a sleeveless dark purple top, dark red pants with silver kneepads, and a royal blue bandanna wrapped around his forehead. He's wearing black and white wristlets. 

He has a strange silver orb implanted into his palms. He has a large and long moving tail. "Ignoring that since we were going to get caught by their cameras regardless. So are you sure that Tombstone Form can handle the illusions right?" said Lucius. The elevator stopped as Zane said,"He can. So how strong are these elevators anyway?". "Who knows? Lets get going." said Amelia. The three walked through the forest and Zane couldn't ignore the screaming.

The three were in front of the massive hole as Zane said,"Meet you guys at the bottom!". He then jumped down the hole with him saying,"Cannonball!". "He does know there isn't any water down there right?" said Amelia. "Yeah but Zane is still enjoying himself despite being in hell." said Lucius as he smiled. The two jumped down as the Crimson Ogres looked for the three prisoners only to be effected by the forest.

Next Time,
The trio of Amelia, Lucius, and Zane soon reunited with old and new friends? Sharia meets the warden of the jail and things can only get more intense from here! This and more next time on Zero!  

New Cards/Forms:
Jackpot Form.This card has a black frame with a scorpion wrapped around a pot of gold ,filled to the brim, in the background.

Tombstone Form. This card has a black frame with several reptiles and felines living around a giant tombstone like creation.

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