Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Zero Shorts Episode 1 The Legion, Dragon, and Viola

A/N: What are Zero Shorts? This is the way to introduce characters and forms without having too many episodes. I try not to introduce too many forms per episodes because too many cooks in the kitchen. My stories still have that problem along with my over powered main characters. Yeah, I have problems with that and I'm mostly likely not going to change. I had this idea because here's the thing, I need to introduce a lot of characters and forms so Zero Shorts is the best way to do this.

The title of this series isn't the best and may not be the longest series. It's purpose is to introduce characters, forms, and also this is to make sure that Zero isn't 200+ episodes. Zero Shorts and Zero are canon being that they're called Episodes. You'll see what I mean by that when the Fairy Tail series comes before 2018 I hope. No promises whatsoever. Lets begin the Legion, Dragon, and Viola. This title is a reference to the good, bad, and the ugly. I'll let you pick which one is which. 

Unknown Narrator #1 P.O.V.
In a unknown house, there is a cozy looking chair with a fireplace being lit up. Savant walked past it as he said,"Oh. I didn't see you come in. My name is Savant Enoch Infinity. I'm the master of space and time or is it time and space. It's up to personal opinion. You may be asking yourself. Why am I talking to you when we could be watching Zane and company fight bad guys or deal with Karen's love life. Lets find out by me telling you a story.".

He sat down in the chair as he said,"Ah. It's truly nice here. Come closer. I don't bite.". He held up a book with Zane's logo on the cover. "You already know the story from Episode 1 to Episode 39. I'm a character in his story as well because as a being of space and time, I'm everywhere. Our story begins at the creation of the Omniverse a long time ago. It was quite long even before the big bang even. I do ramble on." said Savant as he opened up the book.

The war between the Astral Realm and the dimension known as the Dread Dimension had raged on for countless eons. The Dread Dimension's residents also known as the Qlakrik were well known for their destruction and chaos due to their hatred of law and order. The beings from the Astral Realm aka the Eazairvian were sick of their rival's so they created Zero. For countless eons, Zeroes have been defending their home world plus the Omniverse.

However, the leader of the Dread Dimension known only as Skull Plague was tired of this so he had them being killed by Form Morpher and it worked. In response to this, Parker asked the Eazairvian High Council, which consists of the five oldest Eazairvian, to create a hero to help the current Zero aka Legion Zero on his quest to survive. This hero is Viola. Fun fact, Viola is female. I feel like I should specified.

Viola is well known for her power to have the four core elements ,aka air, earth, fire, and water, at her disposal plus manipulating energy. Another fun fact, the Dragoness has the abilities of the mythical and powerful creatures known as the Akostar aka the dragons of the Astral Realm and the Omniverse as a whole. Viola will help Zero defeat Skull Plague being that this Zero isn't alone unlike the other ninety nine Zero before him.

Narrator P.O.V.
In a unknown location, Xona was bowing at her master who was currently looking out the window and it showed a city on fire. "Xona. Tell me why you haven't killed Legion Zero. He's a major pain and have you sent Form Morpher?" said the master. "I haven't had a chance. He's always with his friends and the Odium Society is being a pain to deal with. Not yet." said Xona. "You have a point there. So tell me about Dragoness. She has appeared correct?" said the master.

Xona said,"You're correct master. Dragoness has the powers of a dragon or to us, an very annoying Axostar. You have the power to grant superpowers to humans by signing a contract with them and if they disobey it, they're your puppets.". "And do you know what the best way is to get Legion Zero to take the bait?" said the master. "Turn his friends into villains?" said Xona. "You're so very correct Xona!" said the master.

Several strange stone like bats flew out of the room with the master saying,"I'll be sending you back to Earth right now! You will turn one of Legion Zero's allies into his enemy using them. I'll be trying to get connect using the old fashioned way. It's such a pain you know.". "I understand master. I won't let you down and FM will be called soon to handle him." said Xona who stood up. She was gone as the master said,"I'm so bored. Lets destroy a dimension maybe with fire breathing gophers!".

Meanwhile, Zane was currently mediating in Magus Form. He was in his room with the door closed and just in case, a sign that said,"Don't come in.". "This is nice. No one to bother me. Peace and quiet. Nothing could possibly..." said Zane. His concentration was cut by his phone ringing as he turned back to normal. "Me and my big mouth." said Zane. He grabbed his phone as he said,"You got Zane... What's up Parker?". 

Zane said,"Hold on. You're telling me that I have a partner? When were you going to tell me about this?". He was quiet as Zane said,"Okay Parker. Lets recap. You're saying that I've already met the both of them... Dragoness is a good girl and not a sexy villainness. I find her attractive. You may be a old slime but you have to admit that she's....". He was hit by nothing as Zane said,"When I found how to do that ability Parker, you're getting your payback.".

Zane said,"Okay fine. So how am I going to convince her to be good? She does like being well a thief and if I wasn't a hero, a thief would be my twentieth nine choice.". He stood up as he turned into Zero with him saying,"Okay. I'm on in.". He activated Athena as he said,"Hey Athena. Wake up Cole. We have a mission to accomplish.". "On it. Wake up you lazy bum!" said Athena. Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Man. You two are really like an old married couple.".

Zane heard a male voice,"Me and her Zane? No way in heck would I want to date her? She's so dam strict unlike me whose a party animal.". "Ignoring Cole for a minute or forever partner. What's the mission? Is it a crime in progress?" said Athena. "Lets use Frost Form! No Turbo Form! I got it! Liger Form!" said Cole. "Not exactly you guys. It's time to kick some but Legion Zero Style!" said Zane as he flew off.

Outside of Cypress Park's famous Mom and Pop diner known as the Cuisine of Art. It was known for being both a crafts door run by the wife and small bakery known for its delicious sugar filled ,plus having some not sugar filled, treats run by the husband. The two store building had snow white walls with several black tinted wings with the letters of the shop being tinted in silver coloring and with a starry night pattern. This store is also the home of Heidi Wong.

She's currently asleep and dreaming about Zane Vincent Alvarez. Everyone could see that she was in love with the teen but she respect him very much due to something from her past. She was so far into her dream that she didn't hear her phone alarm go off. She heard,"Heidi! Your alarm has been going off for ten minutes now! You can't be late for school again.". Heidi stuck her head out of her bright purple bed spread as she said,"Been down in a minute mamma.". 

She later walked down the stairs with her letting out a big yawn. "I'm so tired." said Heidi. She saw her mom who's had her normal big smile. She had her daughter's black hair and brown eyes. She's Italian and about 5 foot 8. She's currently wearing a white t-shirt with a plant logo on it, dark purple jeans, and black and pink sneakers. Heidi could tell that she just got back from her morning run as Heidi's mom said,"How did you sleep dear?".

Heidi dragged herself to the kitchen table as she said,"Okay mom. Sorry for just crashing. We stayed at the library for like an hour.". "According to your friends, it was about three. You were helping out your friend Travis with his class. You're so nice." said Heidi's mom. "Thanks. Travis is very sweet. I heard there's a new student coming today." said Heidi. "Are you going to try and be friends with her just like with Zane?" said Heidi's mom.

Heidi got silent as Heidi's mom said,"Oh. I heard about your not so little crush on him. Rebecca says that he's still single. You should snap him up while you can. That's the Wong way!". "I guess so but I don't want to ruin our..." said Heidi. She began mumbling as Heidi's mom said,"Oh dear. Honey! She mumbling again!". A man's voice said,"Try touching her cheek!". Heidi's mom touched her daughter as she said,"Thanks Mamma. I need that.".

A man was currently on the store floor humming a tune. He was a very big man with him having short brown hair with a full beard and ocean blue eyes. He's currently wearing a light green dress shirt with his burly muscles exposed, light brown pants, and matching brown shoes. He's also fully Japanese. "Um honey. We have a customer." said the wife. He turned around as Zane stood there. He smiled as he said,"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Wong. Is Heidi here?".

Heidi was currently outside of the door that led to the store with her screaming in her head. The man put his arm around Zane as he said,"And what pray tell do you want with my....". "Martin. Zane here is her friend." said the wife. Martin said sheepishly,"Sorry about that. You'll know soon what it's like to be a dad.". "Actually, Zane here is a dad already! At sixteen and he didn't have any nasty stuff like the nine months to deal with kids." said Cole.

Zane heard Athena zipping his mouth shut as he thought,"You two so aren't a married couple.". He looked around as he said,"I love your design for your sweets Mrs. Wong. It's very cute and unique for sure.". "Thank you Zane. Call me Helen. Our daughter design them." said Helen. "Really? That's so cool." said Zane. Martin noticed his daughter and he said,"There's she is! Look whose here to see you sweetie!".

Heidi walked out as she said with a stutter,"Hi Zane. What are you doing here?". "I wanted to walk with you to school. My car's currently in the shop right now so it's walking for me." said Zane. "You crashed your car!" yelled Cole as Athena hit him. "Okay! Bye Mamma and Papa!" said Heidi. She ran off as Helen sighed. "Let me get her bag." said Helen. She walked off as Martin said,"Yep. She's a scatterbrain just like her mother.".

He whispered to Zane,"Don't tell her that I said that or I'm in the canile.". "You mean doghouse? I'm pretty sure you spoke Italian." said Zane. "Yep. You're perfect for my daughter!" said Martin. Zane looked confused as Helen handed him her bag. "See you soon Zane!" said Helen. He was gone as Helen pushed Martin. "What?" said Martin with a smile. "Don't what me. I heard what you said about me." said Helen. "Oh boy." said Martin.

Zane then smiled as he said to Athena,"See. That's you guys except with less sweets.". "I'm going to ignore that. Tell me again why we have to walk with Heidi. She's a nice girl but..." said Athena. "Her bag totally doesn't go with your outfit!" said Cole. He looked down to see him holding a bright pink bag as he said,"I could totally rock this outfit and this is for the mission.". "Okay. Just stay focus on the target here Zane." said Athena.

Zane found Heidi waiting for the stoplight as she saw him. She ran over and she grabbed her bag from him. "I wasn't going to take it Heidi. I promise." said Zane. "Sorry about my parents. They can be so embarrassing." said Heidi. "Hey. It's their job. So tell me why everyone across the street is on their cellphone?" said Zane. She looked across the street to see everyone on their phone. "Who knows Zane? You know the stereotypes are." said Heidi.

Zane nodded as CJ went off. He saw a car heading toward a couple of people and he thought,"I'm sure that causing a car crash wouldn't be a good start to the day.". He covered his right hand as it was glowing steel gray. The car stopped just before the crosswalk as Heidi saw it. "That's weird. It's a good thing that the car didn't hit us." said Heidi. "Yeah but you're no strange to disaster according to your bestie Rebecca." said Zane. Heidi's face was red as the two walked to school.

Later, Zane was currently sitting in his Future Life class with him talking with Athena and Cole. "So did you find out who Parker wanted us to look for?" said Athena. "Well, I was doing that but then I got distracted by all of the cute dog photos!" said Cole. Zane sighed as he said,"Listen. You need to focus Cole. I'll make sure to keep an eye on them.". He looked up as he saw Cam roll up to him. "Hey man. You're stuck in here too." said Zane.

Cam sighed as he said,"Yep. I also heard that the new girl is going to be in our class as well. We're also supposed to show her around school.". "Isn't that the job of like the student rep or something not the president?" said Cam. Danny walked up to them as he said,"Do we even have a student rep?". "I think I was supposed to pick one or something." said Zane. "And why did people elect you over me again?" said Cam. "You were taken over by a crazy chick." said Danny. "Right." said Cam.

Heidi sighed as she was staring at Zane from Rebecca's seat. Rebecca  stood nearby her with Evan walking up to her. "So how long has she been in Zane land?" said Evan. "About three minutes. She really likes him. I get why she would but he isn't my type." said Rebecca. "Is it because he's a rep against authority?" said Evan. "It's his personality." said Rebecca. "Uh huh." said Heidi. Evan sighed as he said,"I'll never get woman. So have you seen Travis?".

Rebecca said,"Haven't seen him all days. Aren't you guys in the same class?". "Yeah. We're in Psych but he didn't show up. I hope he's okay girls." said Evan. "You really care about him don't you?" said Rebecca. Evan blushed as he said,"It isn't like that!". "Right. You're pretty at masking your feelings better than Heidi is." said Rebecca. "Well, look who it is. Clumsy and her two trolls. Where is the golem?" said a voice.

Heidi looked up to see Sam with her A-List group. "What do you want?" said Rebecca. "I think you should stop being friends with him. He's not worth liking." said Sam. "After what he did to Brad and Kristen at the pier! He broke up Cypress High's star couple!" said Hannah. "I don't think your entire legion thinks that." said Evan. Sam looked to see Roxy with her arm around Zane's. "Roxy! What are you doing with him?!" yelled Sam.

Zane covered his left ear as Cole said,"I think her voice is louder than Sound Form's sonics.". "We've got something that we agree on. Hannah is just the worse,." said Athena. "Don't get her panties in a knot Sammy. Zane and I were just talking right buddy?" said Roxy. She had her chest pressed against his as he said,"Yeah.". "He's a teen right? He has several girls flocked to him like bees to honey." said Cole. "Zane may be stronger than most people but his density is massive." said Athena.

Zane looked at his watch as Hannah said,"If she wants to get the loser, fine. Today Christina Gordon is coming and we need someone to replace Kristen.". Kristen looked away as Zane shivered. "Zane. Do you know Christina?" said Roxy. "Um no." said Zane. Danny noticed his friend's right eye twitching as he thought,"He's lying. I'll ask Marcia about it.". "I can't believe that the Zane Alvarez doesn't know about the Christina Gordon. She's the daughter of the new hotel owner here in town." said a voice.

Zane turned around to see the student council secretary Della Dixon ,which he didn't know the school had due to the school spending its money on the A List, and she had her signature glare. She's a short girl with shoulder length brown hair and sea green eyes. She's wearing her usual outfit aka a white hairband and silver rimmed glasses. She's wearing light pink lipstick. She's wearing a light green long sleeved dress shirt under a red and white vest.

She's wearing a bright red skirt with brown belt, black leggings, and black and pink sneakers. "So how would you describe her Athena?" said Cole. "I would say very loyal to the A-List, trying to impress them, and getting on their good side by derailing Zane's plans eighty percent of the time. I would say something nice but I got nothing." said Athena. Zane nodded at Athena with Della said,"I hope you two didn't forget that as the Student Council, we have to make her feel welcome.".

Kristen whispered,"Ten bucks says that it has due to her being a new hotel owner.". "Just my luck. I thought we were getting a nice girl." said Danny. "I heard that you two are best friends. You adore her so get going!" said Della. "And what right do you have to order Zane around?" said Roxy. "Yeah. He is so cool. He got Brad and Kevin suspended because of the fight." said Della. Zane was about to retort her when the teacher walked in.

She's a tall woman with her having light skin. She has dark blond hair ,which she has rested in a ponytail. She has blue eyes with thin pink lips and freckles. She wears a white jacket with a blue collared shirt and white undershirt under it, a pair of white earrings, and a small gold necklace hanging from her neck. She's wearing matching white dress pants and black heels. "Hi kids. I'm Miss Nancy Greer. I hope everyone found their seat." said Nancy.

The class ,with Travis sneaking in somehow, went to their assigned seats as Nancy said,"Is Mr. Stevens and Wallace still out? I hope they didn't cause another problem like before.". "Didn't they get suspended because of you Zane old buddy and pal?" said Cole. "He's a factor but not the main one in my opinion." said Athena. "I'm going to be your teacher because Coach Barnett got all of his clothes destroyed and also his house was pranked upon." said Nancy.

Kristen then looked right at Zane as he gestured that he didn't do it for once but he did. "So where is Christina Gordon Miss Greer?" said Della. "Her flight got in late due to Legion Zero's fight against Emperor this morning on the runway. She'll be here tomorrow Della. I heard she's excited to see you Zane." said Nancy. Zane rolled his eyes as he thought,"Great. This is so much fun.". "So how do you know her Zane?" said Cole. "Look in the database Einstein." said Athena.

Later after class ended, Zane was hungry. "I can't move. Need food." said Zane. Danny crossed his arms as he said,"I seriously question your powers if you have to eat every couple of minutes to even survive. It's lunch so lets get something Black Hole.". Zane was about to retort when the two heard,"I can't believe you guys!".  The two boys turned around to see Travis staring down Austin and Bryan with Nancy saying,"Travis. What's wrong?".

Travis looked at her and he said,"It's Bryan. He's been a....". "One of the many reasons why we won the game against our rivals." said Della. "No! He...." said Travis. "Mr. Romero. I really hate to do this but please head to Mr. Underwood's office." said Nancy. Travis then stormed off as the A-List plus Della snickered. "We should go try and convince Stan about this." said Athena. "Gotcha. I'll see you later Danny." said Zane. He was gone as Danny sighed.

Meanwhile, Xona was standing in front of the school with her saying,"Yep. This place is perfect. The common ground for negative emotions from women and males.". She was holding a mirror as her master said,"Good! Get his attention by turning him into a Qlakrik. Well, he'll technically be a hybrid of human and Qlakrik just like Legion Zero is but that won't be for too long.". Xona made a little stone bat appeared from her mirror and it flew toward the school.

Travis was stomping toward the principal's office as he heard,"Travis! Wait up!". He saw Zane and he said,"What do you want?". "To try and calm you down man. I don't want to lose a friend. So what did Bryan say?" said Zane. "You wouldn't understand." said Travis. He walked away as Cole said,"Can't you read minds?". "It's a later trick I can learn but right now, I need to..." said Zane. He felt weak as he leaned against the wall.

Athena said,"Zane! Are you okay?". "I feel weak. How are my..." said Zane. "It's still at full juice. Are you okay boss?" said Cole. "I'm fine." said Zane. CJ went off as he looked up. He saw a stone bat as he said,"What is that Athena?". "It's a bat like creature known as Brandsa. They're pets of the Dread Dimension and your fainting spell is the result." said Athena. "Dread Dimension?" said Zane. "We've a lot to talk about young one." said Cole.

Meanwhile, Travis opened the door to Mr. Underwood's office without knocking. The man looked shocked as he said,"Um. I don't mind when you kids come into my office without knocking but I don't think this is a good time.". Travis then saw the man playing cards on his laptop as he said,"Sorry about that sir. Let me try again.". He closed the door as Stan said,"He's a good kid. I would have let that slide for sure.".

Travis didn't see the Brandsa fly toward him and go into his body infecting it. "You may try against Mr. Romero." said Stan. However, Travis wasn't really there. He heard,"Hi there Travis or should I see Rampage? Yeah. That's an awesome supervillain name. You wish to get revenge on those who bullied you of all people.". "Yes. I will." said Travis. His body began changing as Stan said,"You can come in now.". The door slammed open as a creature stood there.

A giant Golem stood there, with him made out of metal instead of the typical rocks and he had a giant hook for his right hand, and he yelled,"I will get my vengeance so says Rampage!". He started on a rampage toward Stan as he said with him getting ready to fight,"I'm not sure what happened to Travis but you're going....". "You're not my enemy! Where are the A List?! Tell Rampage right now or else!" yelled Travis.

The library began to shake as Evan, Heidi, and Rebecca was there. "What's going on?" said Heidi as Evan went toward the window. Rebecca dragged her out of her hiding place ,aka under the desk, as she said,"Check it out. It's a giant walking golem with a really strong right hook.". Rampage roared as he landed on the ground. "Time for my vengeance so says Rampage!" yelled Rampage. He then stomped off as Stan said,"Call the police!". "What's going on? That's Travis? I think." said Heidi.

Rebecca said,"Who cares about that right now? He's become a super villain and he looks like Boulder Form except without the tail. Okay, I got my phone fulled charged! I'm out!". She ran toward the exit as Evan said,"Shouldn't you be running away from the rampage?!". "No way! A super villain equals a scoop with Legion Zero! I need this!" said Rebecca. She ran off as Evan said,"And she's gone.". The golem stopped and he grabbed a police car. He threw it away causing more destruction.

Rampage was walking and Tony said with him holding a laser pistol,"Okay! On my command, Fire now!". He along with some cops fired their pistols at Rampage who took the blast. He roared causing the cars and cops to be sent flying back. "Vengeance!" yelled Rampage. He grabbed a police truck and he threw it at a cop. The cop was saved as it was Zane in Swift Form. "Man. I can't believe that was a normal guy." said Zane.

He placed the cop down as he ran off. "I blame the Dread Dimension's magic." said Cole. Rampage glared at Zane as he said,"Yep. You're my enemy.". Rampage slammed the ground causing an large earthquake and launching Zane into the air. Zane turned into Frost Form and he said,"Time for you to cool off big guy!". He release a large blizzard with Rampage freezing in place. "At least, he isn't growing." said Zane. The ice cracked and he grew as Zane said,"Me and my big mouth.".

Meanwhile, Roxy was sitting in a classroom and watching Marilyn Gregory's report on her phone as she said,"All Cypress Park's residents! Please remain in your home under this golem. Swarm will handle it!". It switched to a news reporter as she said,"Our town is currently being attacked by Rampage and fighting against local hero Legion Zero. The cops and Swarm's weapons are useless against him but with Zane's Frost Form handle the Rampage?!". "I hope so." said Roxy.

Back with Heidi, she was sitting in the bathroom scared. "I really hate my luck. It was going so good with me walking to school with Zane, him standing up for me, and well, I don't know what else due to Travis being some sort of...". One of the stalls was glowing as she said,"What's going on?". She opened it and she saw nothing. "Okay. This better not be a joke!" said Heidi. The room began to glow as she covered her eyes and screamed.

She reopened them to see that she was now in a void. "Okay. Where the heck am I?" said Heidi. "So why are you here too?" said a voice. She turned to see Roxy as Heidi said,"Roxy?! What are you doing here?". "I was going to ask you the same thing." said Roxy. The two saw Parker standing there as he said,"Sup. My name is...". Heidi stomped on it as she said,"Was that a talking booger?!". "You are just like him!" said Parker. "Remove your shoe from it. Lets see what he wants." said Roxy.

Heidi removed her shoes as Parker said,"Thank you. I'm kinda shocked.". "So why are we here exactly?" said Heidi. "Yeah. I rather go back to my world." said Roxy. "The name is Parker and you're in the Astral Dimension. Well, it isn't exactly the Astral Dimension exactly but it's very close to it." said Parker. "So why are we here? Rampage is storming town and Legion Zero is fighting against him or is it?" said Heidi.

Parker said,"Listen Heidi and Roxy. This may sound strange to you but I'm...". "Wait. How do you know my name?" said Roxy. "I'm an Eazairvian. I know everybody in this dimension and can I tell you why you're here." said Parker. "Sure." said the two. "I'm here to tell you that you were chosen to be Dragoness and Viola! I think you already know about the former don't you Roxy?" said Parker as he "smiled". "Yeah. I sure do." said Roxy as she looked away.

Heidi looked at her as Parker said,"Before my meeting with you, Roxy had no control of this power being that it happened at random. Lets begin. Dragoness has the powers of an Axostar or a dragon making her an expert at close combat. Viola has the powers of the elements by her side plus energy manipulation. With your help, Legion Zero will be able to stop Rampage before he becomes a full Qlakrik.". "You must be wrong! I can't be a superhero." said Heidi.

Parker said,"Well technically, you would be a superheroine but for some strange reason, heroine on your earth is a drug. You humans are so wrong in many ways. Oh Roxy. Dragoness may have been a thief in the past but now, she can be good and help Legion Zero. You two were chosen out of lots of choices." said Parker. "We're stuck here so how can we help him?" said Roxy. "You need to accept your destinies." said Parker. The two looked at each other as Heidi said,"I guess we're in.".

Later, the two girls were standing in front of a portal as Heidi said,"So what do we have to do again Parker? And is this the only way back home?". "Yep. You have to defeated Rampage and then the Qlakrik will fly away plus be destroyed thanks to your efforts. There may be a lot of them but they're weak." said Parker as he crackled his "knuckles". "We'll just defeat it saving Travis from becoming a Qlakrik. How do we do that?" said Roxy.

Parker said,"Beat it up a lot and make it count!". "That's a good plan. I see nothing wrong with it whatsoever....." said Heidi. Parker pushed the two into the portal as they screamed and the portal was gone as the two entered. "Have fun! You just got to believe or something like that. I hope the A.Is told Zane about them. Knowing Cole, he didn't but Athena is another story. Oh well, time to go back home and work on something." said Parker. He disappeared.

Heidi landed on a rooftop as she said,"That really hurt.". She looked around for Roxy as she looked down. "What am I wearing?" said Heidi. She's wearing a black suit that completely covered her body with her collar being both light green and pink around her wrists. She had a metal staff that was attached onto her hips with her having an hourglass symbol on her chest and matching shaped mask around her gray eyes ,which covered her freckles, and crimson red hair. "This is so..." said Heidi.

Roxy saw that she was Dragoness but she looked to be the same age. "Cool! I'm Dragoness except much younger and hopefully not flirting with LZ. He's cute but I like Zane. Okay so where...." said Roxy. She heard an explosion over by a giant tower as she said,"I found him so how do I?". She sprouted dragon wings with her flying toward the tower. Heidi was still scared as she looked down to see Rebecca heading toward the explosion. "Rebecca?" said Heidi.

She took a deep breath as she said,"Okay. You're mostly likely not Dragoness so I must be Viola. So I can do this!". She fired a stream of water out of her hand and it latched onto a nearby building. "This is totally..." said Heidi. She was then thrown across the city and Roxy was flying toward the tower as she said,"Yep. I'm totally going to show....". She then heard screaming as Heidi went crashing into her with them landed on the ground hard.

Roxy shook her head as she said,"Seriously Heidi?! You had to come and see me this way!". "I didn't mean to! So you're Dragoness. It explains why you know so much about her." said Heidi. "Yep. So where is Legion Zero? We also shouldn't say our code names in public. Bad idea." said Roxy. The ground began to shake with Rampage heading right toward the tower. "Vengeance is mine!" said Rampage. "Lets go." said Heidi. The two ran.

Bryan was sitting there alongside the rest of the A-List with them soon noticing Rampage. "You're dead now Bryan! Prepare to die!" yelled Rampage. The jock ran away and Vicky looked right at the golem chasing Bryan. "He isn't a Phantom but he has a weird energy signature." thought Vicky as she was about to suit up. Bryan tripped and Rampage was about to smash him. He was stopped by a radiation beam as the two heard a Russian Voice,"That isn't nice Rampage.".

Zane ,in Radiation Form, stood there as he said with Bryan running,"I need you to calm down or I'll bring the pain train.". "You're dead!" said Rampage. Xona and her master were watching nearby. The two were fighting and the master said,"This is perfect. Legion and Rampage are clashing plus the girls are arriving!". Zane punched his chest as Rampage grew. "Doh I missed." said Zane as he was punched back a couple of feet. "Where are they?!" said Zane.

The two girls stood there as Heidi said,"He has it handled right?". Rampage threw a car at Zane ,who dodge it, and it went toward Hannah and Sam. "Son of a chestnut." said Zane. He turned into Turbo Form and he said,"Turbo!". He grabbed the two girls and he placed them somewhere safe. He was then grabbed by Rampage as he said,"Dragoness and Viola! Really could use some backup and don't use energy on this guys. Grows bigger!".

Roxy jumped at Rampage with her saying,"Picking on such a handsome devil. That's so wrong big guy!". She landed behind Rampage as she punched the golem's leg. He tripped as Zane was free and he said,"Turbo!". He flew toward Dragoness as he said,"Thanks for the assist Dragoness. I'm just happy we're on the same side partner.". "So the booger told you about us? Colored me impressed but where is she?" said Roxy.

Rampage was soon held in placed by the Earth as Heidi stood there. "Man. Controlling the ground is a pain." said Heidi. She joined her allies as Sam said,"So why are they with Legion?". "Who cares? I don't want to die by that beast!" said Hannah. Rampage broke out and he roared. "Okay. He doesn't take any negative opinions. So what's the plan?" said Roxy. "We need to beat it up." said Heidi. "A blunt answer. I like that." said Zane. Heidi blushed at the complement as Roxy felt jealous.

The two girls were grabbed by Rampage and he yelled,"Vengeance!". Zane turned into Vine Form as he said,"I got a way to hurt him a lot! Just hang around!". "Not in the mood for puns!" said Roxy as Rebecca arrived. Zane closed his eye and he opened up a nearby fire hydrant thanks to his vines. It was weird as Zane said,"I'm not done yet!". He threw two of his pods toward the flowing water as it become a giant flower/mirror.

It reflected the water at Rampage and the girls were free. The golem was slow as Zane said,"I had a feeling that Rampage here isn't very good with liquids. He may have been able to break out of my Frost Form's blizzard breath earlier but it took him a good amount of time. I had a guess and I was proven right. He's unable to fight right now but to keep on the waterworks.". He turned into Water Form as he fired a constant stream of water at it.

Roxy said,"So how do we smash it shellhead?". "Just punch it because everything can be taken down by punching!" said Zane. The two girls punched Rampage and he soon exploded. Zane soon made several water barriers protecting everything except for the fire hydrant. The water was gone as Zane went back to normal. Roxy hugged him as she said,"Awesome job Legion Zero! I really like you without the helmet by the way! It brings out the hunk while also keeping you a mystery.".

Heidi rolled her eyes as Zane said with a blush,"Yep. Are you okay Travis?". He looked around as he said,"Why am I here and wet?". "A long story. You were amazing Legion." said Heidi. "You two did good for your first time. You were better than Morph. I mean he's my friend but he isn't cute as you two are." said Zane. The two blushed as Travis looked around and he shook off the water. The two girls beeping as Zane said,"You two need to get out of there.".

Roxy said,"Why?". "Slimey didn't tell you but your connection to the AR isn't well the best. You need to get out of here." said Zane. They were gone as Zane said,"Great more training.". He looked over at Travis as he said,"Going to take a shot in the dark here and say that it was Bryan and co who made fun of you.". Travis nodded as he said,"They aren't here are they?". "Nope. They ran away and I'm sure that your friend won't be showing this part to the Legion Zero blog right?" said Zane.

Rebecca nodded as she said,"Don't let them get to you. So what did they make fun of you about? We won't make fun of you right Zero?". "Yep." said Zane. "I wanted to ask out a girl but Bryan told me that no girl would date a golem like me." said Travis. "Don't listen to them. Any girl would be lucky to be with you." said Rebecca. Zane nodded as Athena said,"This is the reason why he turned into the Qlakrik Rampage. He still exist but now in the Dread Dimension.".

Zane thought,"At least he isn't here on Earth.". "So who were your friends Zero? Are they here to protect Cypress Park alongside the rest of your friends." said Rebecca with her phone ready to record him. "Um. I don't do interviews normally but here's the thing. I'll be here to save the day when you need me plus my friends will be." said Zane. He turned into Turbo Form as he flew off after saying as Travis smiled.

Xona was back in the strange room with the window as her master looked out it. "So Legion Zero along with Dragoness and Viola defeated Rampage." said her master. "Sorry about that. I shall try again." said Xona. "No. Just keep an eye on him. I have a plan." said her master. Xona was gone as her master said,"Legion Zero. You think you won this round but I'll win this war and bring upon the great and crazy Apocageddon.". The master began laughing as screams of pain were heard. 

Class List (Back Row to Front Row):
Zane Alvarez
Roxy Stars.
Christina Gordon.
Danny Malone.
Heidi Wong.
Travis Romero.
Marcia Hunter.
Sam Bridges.
Rebecca Briggs.
Kristen Ortiz.
Vicky Mills.
Evan Becker.
Mack Osborne.
Susan Young.
No one sits here.
Brad Stevens.
Bryan Jones.
Della Dixon.
Hannah Grant.
Austin Lawrence.
Kevin Wallace.
Cameron Rivera.

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