Thursday, November 23, 2017

Zero Episode 64 Worst Future Ever Part 15 Recovering from Blacktomb Detention Center

A/N: We're done with the prison arc. I bet you're happy about that and this part will be just relaxing with the prisoners we grew to know over a month. Don't worry. We'll be showing what Daemon has been doing in the past couple of days. It won't be a lot but it will be a noticeable amount. We're also going to learn more about Leif and also Skull Plague's plan. What was he doing there? Will it involve with Xiadur disappearing? I'm really good at writing the next time.

Lets begin our story in the Alliance's HQ cafeteria. Victor will be Trunk because I like calling a character Trunk. Zane's dodging ability is called Astral Clairvoyance but it will always be a part of Crisis Judgement.

Narrator P.O.V.
At the Alliance H.Q, the soldiers were shocked to see the prisoners eating like crazy. "Wow. I can't believe how little they were fed in that hell." said Soldier A. "Well, they did commit crimes but that Qlakrik didn't have to do that." said Soldier B. "So which one is eating the most? I have my faith on the tall brunette." said Soldier C. "Seriously? You don't noticed the kid?" said Soldier A and B. Zane was currently devouring so much food with him saying,"Feed me more!".

Liv got his attention as she said,"Zane. You may not be getting our help against Daemon.". "What? I was really hoping you girls will join us." said Zane. "Most of us were killed during the breakout but Colleen, Elisa, and Marissa were unlucky. They need rest so this will be all we can do." said Liv. "So what happened to Marshal? I mean he died right?" said Zane. "No Zane. Marissa is Marshal and vise versa. I thought you know that." said Liv.

Zane turned his head to the side as Lucius said,"Zane isn't the smartest one of the bunch mainly when he's letting his emotions get the best of him.". "So how did you get us the boat?" said Marco. Daryl looked at him as Marco said,"So are you sure about following this kid? Zane is a good kid just like his pop but...". Zane was being punched by several prisoners as he was stealing their food. "Zane is able to handle anything just his old man." said Daryl.

Darin and Lucas got their attention as Lucas said,"So do you guys need more time to recover? You devour several amount of food.". "That's my grandson!" said Darin. "You shouldn't be proud of your grandson's black hole stomach!" said Lucas slapping Darin. "Your family is weird." said Amelia as Lucius sighed. "Yeah but it's the best family around!" said Kurt with him wasted alongside Trunk. "It seems that you don't know your mission." said Lucas.

Zane then looked at the man as he said,"I'm going back to my Dimension so I can defeat Daemon who ripped out my right arm and Essence. I regained them back thanks to the Rainbow Nether and my friend from a different dimension. I soon went to the Maiden Clan and I survived thanks to the queen being my grandma. I went to save Kurt from Blacktomb Detention Center which in turn made me liberate it from Xiadur because he's my race's sworn enemy. Anything else sir?".

The room was silent as Zane said,"So did I say something wrong guys?". "You did all of this in how long?!" said Henry. "Let me see. I think maybe six to seven days." said Zane. He was soon grabbed by two soldiers as Sirius barked. "I don't think they're going to hurt me. So what are you doing to me by the way?" said Zane. "Throw him in a room and don't let him out. Bring him a LOT of food." said Lucas. They dragged Zane off as he was thrown into a room.

Zane soon brushed the dust off his body as he said,"Man. I thought these guys would be nicer than the prison guards.". He saw that there was a bed, mirror, trash can, and window with him thinking out loud,"Okay. This is the bare minimum.". He walked right over to the mirror and looked at himself. He was wearing the same outfit that he wore in the prison except without the jacket. He couldn't stop staring at his chest and right arm ,still covered in bandages, along with his eyepatch.

He slowly went to remove it as he said,"I really hope I can still use this eye.". He removed it being that he saw that his left eye was working fine. "Oh thank the gods. I can still use it because if I lost the usage of my eye. My mom would kill me. She's going to do that already because I've been gone for almost two weeks, losing my right arm and pseudo-heart, and now with this one. I'm a dead man but well, I look badass." said Zane.

Zane soon threw the eyepatch in the trash. "And here comes the swish! I could have been a basketball player but my destiny is already decided as Zero. I guess I should talk to those two. They'll probably start lecturing me again." said Zane as he sighed. He sat on his bed with him getting in the Burmese posture. "I'm mediating to talk with those two and not control my emotions. I'll never probably learn how to control that part of my life." said Zane.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"My emotions are stronger than normal and while my enemies can use it against me, I'll destroy them before they get a chance. After all, my greatest weakness can be used as a great strength. A wise man once said that but I could be wrong. It could have been a woman but probably not.". He closed his eyes as his chest moved up and down showing that he was alive from an outsider perspective.

Back with Lucas, he was sitting in his office with Darin, Daryl, Liv, Lucius, and Marco. "So why did you call us here Lucas?" said Liv. "Did we get medals?" said Daryl. "So are you trying to be like the kid or what?" said Marco. "Maybe. So why are we here?" said Lucius. "You four are the most mature members of your motley crew." said Lucas. "I personally think that Zane should be here but you're worried about him dying. Angry Natasha is bad news." said Darin.

Marco said,"Is it really that bad?". "Yes. You should have seen her when she was giving birth to our little Zane. That poor doctor. He was scarred for life." said Liv. "I'm sure that you four are going to help Zane with Daemon." said Lucas. "Hell yeah. He is my friends's son plus he broke me out of that hellhole." said Daryl. "Speaking of that hellhole, who is going to be running that place now that the warden is gone?" said Lucius.

Darin said,"That guard with the potbelly. Zane says that he was determined in their fight. We plan to get on fixing the prison. I plan to train my grandson. He's strong no doubt but his emotions and age are his biggest weakness.". "I think his emotions are his biggest weakness grandfather and you forget another weakness. He was able to fight against opponents much stronger than him but I would say that Zane's dependence on his instincts." said Lucius.

Daryl said,"What do you mean Lucius?". "Sharia mentioned this to me and Amelia earlier before we found about Zane's defeat to Xiadur. He was heavily relying on his instincts and the memories of his previous lives aka the other ninety nine Zeroes. He knew how to use Celestial Body and Empyrean Will without thinking. He does know how to use all of his transformations so far, Astral Clairvoyance which he's really good at, and Nether but he's still learning." said Lucius.

Liv nodded as she said, "You may have a point there. Most Zeroes have used their ancestors's abilities to cover for their own personal weakness. This doesn't work all too well against the Form Morpher who has killed several Zeroes. When I was watching Zane and the gang's full out struggle, I saw that Zane was acting stupid but he's actually really smart. He's very much Natasha and Shawn's kid.". "So do you suggest we do?" said Darin.

Marco said,"Once Zane defeats his evil future self, I'll be training him for a period of time. It will be longer than a year but shorter than two years. He has potential to be the best but right now, I think he needs several amounts of training to be the best.". "I want in on my grandson's training." said Darin as he crackled his knuckles. "We'll both be helping you Marco along with Parker, his godparents, and his other grandfather." said Lucas. "Sweet. We got a battle plan now!" said Daryl.

Outside in the courtyard, Henry was watching Frank and Trunk training. Frank was now wearing a dark suit with gold edges and a pure white tie. He's wearing loose brown pants with a dark purple sash around his waist. "Come on Wood man. You can easily defeat me or are you weak?" said Frank as he dodge a giant tree coming toward him. Trunk was panting as he said,"You know that I'm not a metahuman like you right? I can easily make a wooden copy of myself but....".

He was soon punched by Frank who said,"Quit talking. You're annoying me more than that failure of a Sorcerer watching us.". "Hey you! I almost took over Taelamelan several times!" said Henry. "Yet you've never done it." said Frank crossing his arms. Trunk slowly stood back up and he said,"He does have a point. You do have the power to become a great Sorcerer but you won't.". Henry fired a magic circle at the two but it was blocked by Frank.

His body turned to steel as Frank said,"See. You have the power but you let your ego get the best of you. You're weak like Wood man but he has the power of creativity. He has something but you don't child.". Henry stormed off as Trunk said,"So why wasn't he thrown back into the prison?". "Henry may have helped Zane to escape but he has a chance to be a good person. He may be a great assassin like us but his potential is ruined. Back to training.". Trunk sighed.

Kurt was sitting on Sirius's back with Ivan spinning nearby. "I'm so happy that we rescued you and Liv from that hell! Thanks to my friend Zane!" said Ivan. Sharia walked over to the trio with Amelia as Sharia said,"So what are we going to do with Sirius?". "I'm pretty sure that mom won't let us have this dog despite having two other dogs which are smaller according to Lucius. We could totally have in Prime Force." said Kurt.

Sirius barked as Amelia said,"I hate to be a buzzkill but I don't think we could have him join us. I'm sure that you would be a great assist big guy but well, we already have one weirdo and I don't think we can handle two.". Kurt, Sharia, and Sirius looked at Ivan who said,"I'm not weird Amelia! Have you guys checked on Colleen, Elisa, and Marshal?". "Not yet. I know that the Alliance should be able to help with their acid problem." said Sharia.

Kurt said,"So both Colleen and Elisa were men before? How did they change? I mean I know that you can change your gender Ivan but I thought you can't change others.". "Well, your brother did one of them according to Liv but I changed the other." said Ivan. "Really? That's impressive. You better not do it to me." said Kurt. "I promise nothing friend!" said Ivan. "I really missed this. So are you going to stay with Zane after all of this?" said Amelia.

Kurt said,"Heck yeah! I mean I want to meet my nephew, my little sister, and see my mom again! I also want to see how my little bro has changed from a crybaby into a man.". "So Zane used to be a crybaby?" said Amelia thinking about Zane. "He didn't have friends until he was seven or eight years old so he only have his parents and us until then. I really want to thank all of Zane's friends for being his friends when we go back to the Prime Dimension." said Kurt.

Sharia said,"Oh. I have informed Lauren about our victory. She was shocked at us winning and also Zane's injuries. Do you know why Zane keeps on the bandages over his chest and right arm? He may have taken off the eye patch by now.". "Who knows? I don't mind that my friend is holding secrets from us but I'm sure that there is a reason for Zane lying!" said Ivan. "Yeah. So whose up for more food?" said Kurt. The dog barked as Amelia said,"Yep. You're brothers alright.".

Back on Prime Earth, Daemon ,currently in his Zane disguise, was currently sitting on his younger counterpart. It had been one week since he defeated/killed his younger self and he's been here living his life. His allies were getting annoyed with him mainly Ash because Daisy and Scarlet Demon serves him with no question on their part, Halphas really doesn't care, and Carnage and his armies consisting of Chess Soldiers and Pestcrushers serve him.

Daemon was worried about Ash betraying him but he was sure that he could handle whatever that Phantom would do to him. He heard,"Hey Zane. Are you ready for school?". It was Ana and Daemon didn't know what to think about her. He liked her but he didn't know about her counterpart where he came from. "Yes. I'll be done in a second." said Daemon. He walked downstairs and he was tackled by Wolfram.

This puppy really liked him and he usually tackles him upon meeting anyone. He was very loving and the puppy couldn't figure out that he wasn't his Zane. Ana sighed as she said,"Big brother. Why do you let him do this? I love him but it gets annoying.". "Well, I'm super strong so his tackles aren't that big of a deal." said Daemon as he moved the puppy off him. "You may have a point but still, it's rather annoying." said Ana.

The puppy pulled out the eyes as Ana said,"You know that I'm not mother right? It is adorable that you're trying.". Wolfram sulked as Daemon chuckled. "Don't worry. We'll get her to join our side eventually." said Daemon. Wolfram barked in joy as he ran off. "You're really good with dogs aren't you big brother?" said Ana. "Yeah. So where is mom and grandpa?" said Daemon. "They wanted to take Atem to school while walking Kania." said Ana.

Daemon said,"So when are you going to school? I'm pretty sure that it's wrong for you to stay here at home for so long.". "Weren't you home schooled?" said Ana. "Yes but I had my brothers to keep me from going crazy. You only have the dogs and grandpa." said Daemon. "True but mother is working on getting me into your school. Would you be okay with that?" said Ana. "I'm okay with it. You just come to me and my friends if you're having trouble making friends." said Daemon.

Ana nodded as she said,"You should probably getting going. You shouldn't be later student council president.". The boy aka man nodded as Ana went back to watching TV. Daemon turned into his Phantom Counterpart and he flew toward the high school. He knew about Swarm guarding this town from Phantoms but in his dimension, he learned how to avoid those idiots and also having Ash ,who can manipulate tech, is rather helpful.

He landed on the school and he watched ,while invisible, people walking in. "I still can't believe that I have been keeping this up for a week. Ash is obviously planning something against me but I won't let Ash ruin their lives like my Kevin did to mine so many years ago. Wow, I can't believe it. I guess that I'm not a good dictator at all." said Daemon. He turned back to his Zane disguise as he went through the ground. He didn't noticed that Halphas was watching him and he flew off.

Back with Zane, the young teen was walking through a hallway. This hallway was inside of him and he knew this because he had been here in the past week. He came here when he was recovering from Xiadur's acid bath. It was a normal hallway with the Hidari Gomon ,blood red, plastered all over it and Zane did make a comment about the room's design the first time. The ground was made of steel looking bricks and he could feel their presence as he keep going.

He noticed that there is obsidian black chains hanging from the ceilings being the end of the chains have hooks at the end. The chains also had blades, maces, saws, spikes, and several different weapons coming out of them. He soon walked down the hall and several torches ,lit up and floating around the hallway, upon him stepping forward. "I guess they know I'm here now." said Zane. He kept on walking down the hallway with him noticing several portraits.

They were the previous Ninety Nine Zeroes according to one of the two but their pictures were ripped out because they're dead. He also saw parts of bodies being that if he didn't watch bad horror movies with his friends, he would be really sick to his stomach. He saw skeletons of thousands ,perhaps millions on the floor, being that he noticed some arms, foots, hands, legs, and organs. They were hanging on the blades, hooks, and the other weapons. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I know that this place isn't the best but I really should try to clean this place up.". He reached the end of the hall ,after five to ten minutes while trying to avoid hitting too many skeletons, and he saw the entrance to the tomb. It was a massive sarcophagus being that it had two massive stone dragons in front of it. They have protruding glowing crimson red eyes with them placed in front of the sarcophagus.

The dragons looked like they were going to fight each other being ready for combat. Zane reached for the sarcophagus handle ,which was a gold color and human skull shaped, and he opened it. He saw a massive room and he walked inside. He soon heard,"So you came back didn't you brat? Why the hell did you take so long to get back here? You should have been here after you crushed that acid spewing bastard.".

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
While Zane's body was recovering from Xiadur's acid, Zane's soul was currently inside of this strange hallway. "Where am I? Why does this place seem familiar?" said Zane. He slowly got back up and he started walking. He started looking around and he said,"Okay. I think I actually found a worst place than Timmy's building in terms of a design.". He reached the end of the hallway ,taking about 10 to 20 minutes due to his injuries, and he saw the sarcophagus.

He heard,"Open the dam door Brat!". "Why? I mean I don't even know who you are." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. He went back as something roared behind the sarcophagus. "Yep. I'm not opening it." said Zane. He felt a strange feeling as he walked toward the door. "You know that I won't be opening the door right body?" said Zane. He saw his right hand opening the door as he said,"Why doesn't my body listen to me?! Dam it!".

Zane walked into the room and he saw two males standing there looking right at him. The one on the left is a titanic being, being about ten meters tall or maybe even bigger, dragon with him having ten long and sweeping tails. His body is covered in crimson red scales with some of them missing from his body and it looked like a weak point for him but Zane knew that this guy didn't look like a weakling. His lower body, stomach, and inner portions of his long tails and legs are a beige color.

He has several scars over his body with the largest scar being "Z" shaped and it's on his stomach. He has two large dragon wings sprouting out from the top of his shoulders. His dragon like head is triangular shaped. He has two large and round red eyes with his pupils being bigger than a tall human. He has very sharp canine teeth coming out of his mouth. He has three claws with him having Tyrannosaurus Rex like legs for his arms and legs. 

The dragon has black spikes going down his back to the ends of each tails. He has small armored guards ,that look to resemble a Triceratops's Frill, on his ankles, knees, and shoulder plates. The rest of his arms and legs are covered in long kite shields like frills with a long blade growing out of the shield and it extends right in front of him. On his shoulders, he has two Tyrannosaurus heads. They have razor sharp teeth and black eyes with them being sentient beings.

After observing the dragon, Zane looked over at the other figure. He's a tall and pale-skinned human male, with him covered in deep wrinkles, and has a strong jawline. He has spiky ,shoulder-length, white hair with him having pupil-less gray eyes. He wears a gray, full-length zipped up kimono and a black jumpsuit under his kimono with it exposed being obvious. He's wearing gray sandals. The sleeves of the kimono has four Hidari Gomon on them being that they were glowing the seven colors of the rainbow.

The one on the left reminded him of Tyrannus Nether and the other one of Parker. "You finally came to see us." said the old man who was floating in the air. "He should have been here earlier when he first unlocked the seal during that fight with that overgrown stone cat!" said the dragon as he slammed his claw down on Zane. He barely dodged it as he said,"Okay. Who are you two and where am I? I thought I was being healed.".

The old man sighed as he said,"Sometimes. I question why Parker doesn't tell you anything about your history.". "You seriously think that the booger would tell the brat anything? He doesn't care about anyone not even his kind old man." said the dragon  "Hold on. You're an Eazairvian just like me and the living space booger." said Zane. "Space booger? That makes sense. The name is Sivarth, the Eradication Phantom and this here is the Astral Elder Leif." said Sivarth.

Zane looked confused as Leif said,"Wow. He didn't tell you anything about me. I'm hurt but most of our kind tends to not care about others even fellow Eazairvian.". "So why are you two in here and the better question is why I'm in here?" said Zane. "You may want to sit down. This story is a long and to be honest with you kid, pretty boring." said Sivarth. Zane sat down as Leif said,"It all started a long time ago.".

Zane was asleep and Sivarth was half awake as Leif said,"And now we're here.". Sivarth pushed the young one awake as Zane said,"Do you think you can write that down?". Leif nodded as he said,"It has been twenty hours since you arrived here. You have five more hours until your body recovers so lets do something fun.". "Is it telling Zane that he should stop relying on his previous selves and come up with original shit?" said Sivarth.

Zane said,"What is that supposed to mean you overgrown lizard?". The two butted heads with Sivarth saying,"You know why you lost to that Qlakrik?! He knew your moves before hand because he's working with that bony bastard!". "Who are you talking?! I was fighting the Warden." said Zane as he gathered up Nether. He couldn't as Sivarth laughed. "Oh god! Parker really must hate you if he didn't tell you about the Qlakrik!" said Sivarth.

Zane kicked the dragon as Leif said,"Sivarth is right about you needing to coming up with original moves so that your enemies can't predict you. The Qlakrik is our species's rival being that we can't destroy them and they can't destroy us. You can hit them with Primordial energy being that it's rather effective on them.". "Primordial?" said Zane. "Hey old man. If you get a chance, slap Parker for being an idiot and not teaching Zane anything." said Sivarth. "Agreed." said Leif.

About four and half hours later, Zane understood more about his race as he looked at the two. "I'll see you guys real soon and thanks for teaching me about myself!" said Zane. "Don't dare lose to that Qlakrik or else!" said Sivarth. "I won't! So how can I come see you guys?" said Zane. "Just think about coming here through meditation. We shall see you soon. This is Elysian by the way and we'll be talking to you until you die." said Leif with a smile. Zane closed the door as he ran back to wake up.

Narrator P.O.V.
Sivarth slammed his claw on Zane as he said,"I'm proud of you Zane!". "Then why are you hurting me?" said Zane. "Because you let Skull Plague get under your skin." said Leif. "Yeah. The old man is right. I mean you used Tyrannus Nether by letting your emotions get the better of you." said Sivarth. "You guys do remember that I'm SIXTEEN YEARS OLD RIGHT?!" said Zane while he was sneaking out of Sivarth's claw.

Leif sighed as he said,"You have a point but you're an Eazairvian meaning that your emotions are very much the make or break in a fight.". "Okay. So any new information for me?" said Zane. "Do you want to know how you got Tyrannus Nether?" said Leif. "Did he tell me this when I fell asleep during his first story?" whispered Zane. "Nah. How about you tell the brat already?" said Sivarth as Leif nodded.

Leif said,"To start, you gained Tyrannus Nether from Johnny Vincent.". "Great. I love him so much for that." said Zane with his voice filled with sarcasm. "He was a good Phantom but being called him and not yourself would piss you off." said Sivarth. "You also gained Sivarth being that he's Tyrannus." said Leif. "Oh. That's why you look like me when I activate it except with less tails and spikes." said Zane. "So why are you here anyway?" said Sivarth.

Leif said,"Perhaps, he's here to train a bit before his fight with Daemon. I suspect that we should train him while he's here. Johnny Vincent opening the seal to Sivarth was because Skull Plague tried and failed to bring him to his side.". "At least he didn't work with the skull." said Zane. "Lets begin our training already!" said Sivarth. He flew into the air as Zane turned into Legion Zero and he rushed toward the dragon.

Back at Prime Cypress Park, Daemon was walking toward the cafeteria. He sent a clone of himself to attend classes because he did this back when he was a student. He had mastered cloning faster than most Phantoms in his dimension. He wondered why Zane stayed behind because he knew that it had to do with their friends. That's why he stayed behind because in his dimension, he wasn't the most infamous kid in school but just a lonely guy only having a couple of friends.

Daemon looked to see Kevin sitting alone and the super villain thought,"Why am I caring about the person who turned me into the man that I'm today? I guess being related to Zane means that I care too much about other people.". He soon disappeared as he placed a clone. He flew up toward the roof and he turned back to normal. He looked toward the sky and he said,"Zane. You're one lucky son of a bitch you know that.". He flew off as Ash and Lucius stood nearby him.

Ash said,"You were right. He's getting too attached to his past. I thought him killing several people back in our dimension.". "So what do you suggest we do? I doubt that we can convince Daisy for a mutiny." said Halphas smoking. "Oh. You don't know the truth about Daisy. She may like the boss because of his killing but at the same time, she loves power. The both of us are more powerful than our leader." said Ash.

Halphas put out his cigarette with him saying,"So are you saying that we should have a mutiny?". "It would be something stupid. I doubt the two of us can fight against all of them plus the idiots we'll attracted using our powers. I may be able to hide our Nether Signature when not in combat but in it, we'll be attacked by everyone and their grandma.". "So we need some help right? I'm pretty sure that "Zane" has several enemies." said Halphas.

Ash said,"You know that I've been talking with this Dimension Kevin right? There is the big game tomorrow night and we need Daemon to come out and fight.". "And how do you suggest that? He's really good at pushing people out of him when it comes to possession. I highly doubt that a memory manipulation spell will work on him. Sorcerer magic doesn't work on Phantoms. We both know this and it's pretty obvious that we're grasping at straws here." said Halphas.

Ash smiled as he said,"We're not grasping at straws. You've heard of the name Skull Plague? He's the way we'll get our change at taking over the Omniverse. The Alliance doesn't stand a Phantom of a chance against us with his power on our side.". "Seriously? Anyone without a microcosms of IQ knows that teaming up with the Skull Plague is like stabbing yourself in the back. I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know that this is really grasping at straws." said Halphas.

Ash said,"Who said that we were going to contact him? I think taking over one of these brats to contact Skull Plague.". "That could work Ash. Who should we pick?" said Halphas. "I'll give you a hint. I've been working with him upon arriving." said Ash. "Wow. You're a real bastard. Okay. Lets go already. I'm getting bored and you know what happens when I get bored." said Halphas. Ash then nodded as he looked for Kevin who wasn't at the school.

Meanwhile, Kevin was currently sitting inside of his room. He knew that Ash was going to betray him because he knew that Ash had several issues and he wasn't kidding. He looked at his computer which showed video of Zane ,before Zane started weird, and the current Zane. He knew that Zane wasn't taken over by a Phantom but was a Phantom himself. He sighed and he looked at the Buffer Suit that was sitting in his room.

He noticed that Legion Zero has been missing since Zane started acting weird. He was convinced that Zane was Legion Zero but this was proven wrong several times. The two were in the same place and shown together. He sighed as he went back to his invention. He soon heard,"So do you want power little boy?". Kevin looked around and he said,"Ash. This joke isn't funny anymore okay? Just stop it okay and come out right now".

In the time that Kevin has known him being almost two weeks now, Ash loved to scare Kevin thanks to him appearing from anywhere in the house which included the Buffer Suit that tended to be his favorite spot. The cyber Phantom didn't appear at all with Kevin saying to himself,"Okay. I must be hearing something. I'm must be going crazy due to this dam Phantom.". He went back to work as he heard,"Are you doubt my existence little boy? I mean you believe in Phantoms.".

Kevin looked at his bedroom mirror ,which he looked in every day fueling his ego, and he soon saw something appear in front of the mirror. To Kevin, it looked like a living and somehow breathing humanoid male skull. He looks to be the size of a basketball or watermelon. The skull is a ash gray color and covered in a black aura. In the center of the skull, there is a singular eye. The eye itself is just a red pupil. He has four thin, black limbs that were constantly moving around the skull.

He has three bone like fingers on the end of each limb. Out of its back, energy was generating being that it was a dark red color. Kevin put on one of the Buffer Suit's gauntlets as he said while it was charging up,"Who are you and what do you want with me?". The skull soon had two of his arms held in front of him as he spoke with a masculine voice,"Easy with the weapon there! We don't want your room to be destroyed do we?".

Kevin was quiet as the skull continued to talk. "I mean even with powers and a robotic maid, it's so boring to clean up a room. You want power don't you Kevin Wallace?". Kevin soon held both of his gauntlets right at him and he said,"I hate to repeat myself. So where are we? And how do you know my name?". "Easy. My name is Skull Plague, the leader of the Qlakrik. Cypress Park hasn't changed at all since the last time I've been here." said Skull Plague.

Skull said,"But right now, we're in Savadran aka the only way for me to talk with people like you. I'm so lonely. I know everything about the Omniverse but I'm unable to talk with anyone. Such a sad life isn't it?". "Okay. So why are you talking to me and how do we get here?" said Kevin. "To be honest, I have no idea. Someone must have summoned you and this house to this Realm and you're lucky that I found you." said SP.

Kevin said while sighing,"Should I ask?". "Nah! So do you want power? I mean power is pretty cool and amazing. I mean you can destroy all of your enemies, get all of the bitches, and the respect that you deserve! I know that you want that more than anything." said Skull Plague. "I do but I rather do it on my own. The last times that I got power from strangers, it ended badly for me." said Kevin. The teen soon saw two video screen showing his two beatings from Legion Zero and others.

Kevin groaned as he said,"You don't have to remind me. The latter of the two is on Youtube and I can never forget it.". "I could alter reality but that involves me taking over your body. Lets make a deal Kevin young boy." said Skull Plague. "A deal?" said Kevin. "I'll unlock your hidden potential for free but you need to do one thing for me." said Skull Plague. "Which is?" said Kevin. "You'll know when the time is right. Oh and don't forget to attend the game tomorrow." said Skull Plague.

Kevin said,"But I hate football. Stupid jocks.". "Yeah. They may be popular but you'll be the one that you'll be keeping away ladies." said Skull Plague. "So how do I confirm our deal? Do I need to sign a contract with my blood or something?" said Kevin. "Meh. That way is so messy. I just need to cover you with my aura and the deal is done. So are you in? I'll be leaving you alone after that and you can go back to working on being the best like no one ever was." said Skull Plague.

Kevin looked at the Buffer Suit and he said,"This suit is going to take several days and I don't have the time so sure thing boney.". The dark aura covered Kevin as Skull Plague said,"And now, I'll see you again next time on Skull Plague's misadventures!". He was gone as Kevin saw that he was back on Earth being that Ash was looking at him. "You alright kid? You look like you've seen a Phantom huh?! Get it?!" said Ash.

Kevin sighed as he said while taking off his suit's gloves,"So what do you want?". "I'm just checking on my number one guy. So how is your suit going?" said Ash. "About two to three days from now, I should have it down before the Anniversary of Cypress Park. Why?" said Kevin. "Oh. I was just curious. See you later." said Ash as he flew off. Kevin sighed as he looked at his left hand. Since he returned back to Earth, his hand felt weird.

He grabbed a baseball ,that he got from when he went to a baseball game with Zane when they were kids, and he was shocked. The ball was destroyed as he said,"How did I?". He grabbed the remains of the ball ,now with his right hand, and it soon went back to normal. He placed the ball back down on his desk and he went toward his bed. He looked at his hands and he said,"What did that bony freak do to me?!". He soon went to sleep.     

Next time,
What did Skull Plague do to Kevin?! He can erase with his left hand and restore with his right. Will Kevin use this new power to take over Cypress Park? For his sake, he soon hoped that he learned his lesson after the last two. What will happen at the game and will Zane know about it? This and more next time on Zero! 

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