Monday, January 2, 2017

Power Episode 19 The secret of Klihsh Island

A/N: Welcome to the true first post of 2017. I don't expect parts to be finished in a day. It really depend on how fired up I can get when it comes to writing. It can either be slow as molasses or fast as a jackrabbit. I know that doesn't make much sense but trust me, I know what I'm doing most of the time. Enjoy some Zane because he wasn't seen much in the last third of the last episode. Enjoy Julie and Nick shipping which I'll be calling Juck or Nilie. I like the former.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently talking to Sakura through his personal communication lacrima while sitting on his motorcycle. "So what's up Sakura? I didn't make that big of a mess when I left." wrote Zane. "Clair took an S Class Job!" yelled Sakura. "Really? I didn't expect that from her." wrote Zane. "So where are you right now?" said Sakura. "Um. I'm outside of the capital city. Finished my job rather quick so I'm just waiting for Ryu. I should be back in about two hours." wrote Zane.

Sakura said,"Okay. Please hurry.". She hanged up and Zane thought,"Okay. So where are you Val? I didn't come out here for nothing.". "Zane. Is Ryu gone?" said a voice in his head. "Yeah. So where are you?" thought Zane. "I'm on Klihsh Island on a mission." said Valerie. "Why are you there? I mean you begged me to meet you here. I mean you had something important to tell me. I need to get back to the guild. And why do you care if Ryu is here when you're not?!" thought Zane.

Valerie said,"I was supposed to show you her but Master Pluto need her and Fulgor to go find one of his keys despite us not needing but what do I know?". "Who knows Val? So can I go now?" thought Zane. "Are you going to give me a goodbye kiss Zaney?" said Valerie. "I'll give you one if I see you see again." thought Zane. Valerie squealed with Zane wrote to himself,"I love her.". She hanged up and Zane drunk some of his portable whiskey.

Ryu flew over to him and he said with a fish,"That was so easy Zane! Should we go back?". "Yeah. I need to head back to the guild. Clair did something stupid again." wrote Zane while putting on his helmet. "Okay." said Ryu. Ryu jumped onto the hood of the bike with him wearing a dragon themed helmet and Zane drove back to Mural. Zane thought,"What the hell are you thinking Clair and what is she talking about?". He shook his head with him focused toward returning back to the guild.

Back on Klihsh Island, Lora was slowly walking up. She felt the sand holding onto her body as she was being dragged away from the beach. She looked around for her friends but she only found pieces of the boat around her. She dragged herself toward the wreckage and she found the rest of the group in the wreckage. Her face went blush when she saw the very intimate position that Julie and Nick were in. Nick's face was in the cowgirl's chest and Julie's hand was on his chest.

Julie groaned as she slowly woke up to see a very blurry gray blob. She looked down and she found that Nick was out cold on her chest. "Eek!" squealed Julie. She pushed Nick off her before standing up. She picked up her hat and she said,"Man. I'm so happy that Nick wasn't awake. I mean he will think that I'm loose or something.". She figured out rather fast that Lora was standing there with a blushed face. "Um Lora. I can explain...." said Julie.

Nick woke up and he said,"Hey! We made it to Klihsh Island with no injures!". He jumped up to his feet and he said,"Smell that beach air ladies! You okay Julie? I mean your face is red.". "Nothing. At least all of us are together." said Julie while trying to get rid of her huge blush. "What happened? I'm still shocked at his arm. It was so demonic looking. He told us that and then he vanished." said Lora as she helped Barry, Clair, Kurt, and Tessa to wake up along with Nick.

Clair said,"Don't worry Lora! Let's go explore!". She went toward the nearby jungle with Lora said,"I guess you forgot that we're here on a job so please be more patient. According to the map, there is a single village on the island and the mayor there is our client. We should head there first.". "Wait you two." said Kurt while slowly getting up. "You can't take us back Kurt! I mean there is no bridge and I ain't helping you rebuild the boat that was destroyed." said Clair.

Barry was holding several pieces of the boat with Kurt saying,"You're an idiot Blondie. I'm coming with you guys. There's no way hell if you girls got to the second floor before I did and you guys got kicked the guild, it'll be so boring. If we pull this off, Master will be mad only for a while.". The two girls smiled as Barry said,"Lets go then!". Clair let the group with Barry on her shoulder followed by Kurt and Tessa talking to each other with Julie and Lora ending the pack.

Lora said,"Hey Julie. About what I saw.". "Shoot. Look some bushes." said Julie with her trying to change the subject. "You can't ignore this. I mean I saw what I saw. You and Nick were....." said Lora as she was stopped by a blushing Julie. "Please don't say anything about this Lora. I mean he doesn't need to know." said Julie. Lora grabbed Julie's wrist with her removing the other brunette's hand off her mouth.

Lora said,"I understand how you feel Julie. You don't want to lose your friendship with Nick. Don't be scared of that. You'll never know what the future faces if you're scared of moving forward.". "Hey ladies! You two coming or not?!" said Nick. He stood there with the rest of the group and the brunette duo said,"Coming!". They joined the rest of the group. Hours had passed and the sun was beginning to set again with they reached a massive wooden gate.

The most obvious thing about this is the giant sign that said, "Stay Out!". "Okay. Why do they need that big of a sign?" said Kurt. "Look at that fence. When they mean stay out, they mean it." said Tessa. "Anyone home!? We came to help you! So could you please open the gate?!" yelled Lora while she knocked on the gate. "How about we just break it down?" said Clair with her cracking her knuckles. Nick watched as Clair got smacked upside the head from Lora.

Nick said,"I think Clair needs to see someone about her destructive tendencies.". The group saw two men appeared on the gate above them. "Who's there?!" yelled the guard on the left. "We're from the wizard guild Heroes. We saw your request and we're here to help." said Lora. "Heroes? Why weren't we notify that your guild took the job?" said the right guard. "Hmm..." said Lora. "There was some mix up with the paperwork and we'll leave if you don't want us to come in." said Kurt.

Clair said,"I'm not leaving Kurt.". "How about you shut up for once in your life?" said Kurt with him punching her in the arm. "Fine! Let me see your guild marks!" said the right guard. The seven show them their guild marks with the right guard nodding. "Their marks looks legit. Strip the women!" said the guard. Nick pulled out his gun and he fired a round which barely missed the guard. "We are from Heroes. Now let us in." said Nick.  

The left guard said,"Sorry about that. He tends to get carried away.". He quickly pulled a lever with the gate rising up. "Go in. I'll get the chief!" said the guard. "I thought it was the Mayor." said Barry with a confused look. "I guess it's either or." said Julie. Seven minutes later, the seven were standing in the middle of the village. The townspeople gathered around them with them all wearing robes and Tessa thought,"Pretty sure that we're in a cult village.".

One figure holding a staff said,"Thank you all for coming here wizard. My name is Brad and I'm the chief of the village. This may be sudden and rash but you need to see this. Everyone take off your robes.". They all slowly took off their robes with them all having horrifying mutations much like Owen had earlier. "Wow. Just like him." said Kurt. Clair looked at the chief with her saying,"You have awesome sideburns bro.".

He was an old man with tan skin with long gold sideburns running from the length of his face down to his hips. He was wearing a necklace that seemed to be made out of large animal teeth with a skull center with a dark green cap that drapes down from his shoulders toward the back of his knees with it featuring a full moon symbol. He was wearing a black tribal-like kit that had featured a green ringed circle with two red strips encircling near the trimmings of the kilt which is cut decoratively.

He had gold rings on both of his legs and his left arm. His right arm has demonic. "Doesn't this surprise you boy?! Everyone on the island even the animals are effected by this curse." said Brad. "I'm just asking a question. What makes you so sure that it is is a curse? I mean it could easily be some new kind of disease." said Kurt. "I've been to several doctors and they don't count my arm as a disease. This is the result of the moon's magic power." said Brad.

Lora said,"What do you mean by the moon's magic power sir? I mean I don't know if the moon has magic power to begin with.". "Ever since the times of the ancients, this island had been gained moon light with it making it so pretty since it shines like a moon but a few years ago, the moon turned dark red." said Brad while looked at the moon above. "The moon turned red?" said Barry. "I haven't seen that before and I'm a traveler." said Nick.

Brad said,"Everyone from the mainland says that but the moon did go red on this island and after the moon showed up, our bodies began to change. Clair looked up and she said,"Hey you guys. The moon is up.". The clouds were gone as the moon was glowing red. "Wow. A Red moon or a blood moon." said Julie. "I'm freaking out here." said Kurt with the moon's red glow making a chill go down his spine.

The wizards heard,"This is the curse of the moon's magic power!". He gasped in pain and he said,"I wish for all of you to stay back. Our change is about to begin.". The villagers around them began to screamed out in pain as their bodies were changing due to the moons's light hitting their skin and it was accelerating their transformations. "What's happening?!" yelled Clair. The screams finally died down and they were all demons.

Brad said,"I'm sorry if we scared you all but when the crimson moon comes out, our bodies become these ugly demons. If this isn't a curse than what's it?". Several of the villagers began to break down into tears as Clair's heart was breaking. "Once morning arrives, everyone will go back to normal but as of late, there were some who didn't change back as they lost their minds." said Bard. "That sounds awful." said Tessa in a shocked tone.

Brad said,"The fate for those people who lost their minds to the demon curse, we kill them.". Nick grabbed him and he yelled,"You sideburns bastard! You killed your family! What the hell is wrong with you?! They could return back to normal eventually! If your friend thinks that they are a demon for some reason, you shouldn't kill them! Even if they changed, they could have turned back to normal but you killed them! You're a bastard!".

Julie along with the rest of the group was shocked since Nick isn't known for anger. "You're right but we couldn't take that chance. I wish you were here when we started to kill them. I had to kill my own son." said Brad. He pulled out a photo with tears filling his eyes. He showed the picture to the group causing them to be shocked beyond belief. It was Owen who brought them to the island yesterday. "I don't get it.. He ..." said Lora.

Kurt stopped her by whispering,"We now know why he vanished on us. He's dead but his soul won't rest until his home is safe.". Lora gulped in fear. "Please I beg of you famous wizards. If this goes on for much longer, we'll all die." said Brad while bowing. "Don't worry! We won't let that happen and we save you guys and the island!" said Clair with her voice filled with determination. Brad pointed to the moon and he said,"There is only one way to stop the curse! Destroy the moon!".

Barry, Julie, Kurt, Lora, and Tessa said in unison,"Huh!?". "I'm sorry. You all must be quite tired from your journey here to our village. Please rest for a while. Kelly, my dear." said Brad. A blue female demon stood there. She had light blue skin, short blue hair, very noticeable and large teeth, sharp eyes, pointy ears, and a pointy chin. Her belly is covered with dark blue scales from which the one covering the front overlapping a scale that starts from underneath her breasts.

Her arms are a darker blue than the rest of her body. She was a purple bra with a green skirt along with a large green and white necklace, yellow bracelets and red strap around her neck. She has small horns on her shoulders. She also had horns on her knees pointing upwards in an even darker blue than her arms and stomach. On her elbows are another pair of small horns, but further up her arm, there are some bigger horns.

She nodded before walking away. The seven followed her to a shape hut. Kelly held the door open for them with the group entering. As they prepared for bed, Barry was staring the moon from the window and he said,"Wow. I didn't know that the moon could ever be so dam creepy.". "Could your please close the window Barry?  Did you forget what the chef said?" said Lora while unpacking. "Um. Lets say that I do." said Barry while closing the window.

Julie said,"He said that we should stay out of the moonlight because we'll become demons too.". "I got you!" said Barry as he jumped down from the windowsill. "That's really pissing me." said Clair while slouching in her straw chair. "There's now way in hell that we can even destroy the moon to begin with." said Kurt. "Yeah. Don't get any ideas Nick." said Tessa who looked at the cowboy who was in deep thought.

He said,"I think it'll take a lot of shots to do it but how many is the question?". "You are seriously thinking you can destroy the moon?!" said Julie. "Nick. It is impossible to destroy the moon." said Kurt. "I don't think any wizard could even do that to begin with." said Lora. "But we have to destroy the moon because it's our job right now. If we don't do it, that will be a dishonor to our guild. I won't do that because I'm a real Hero." said Nick. "Yeah." said Clair.

Kurt said,"That doesn't matter right now you two! Impossible still means impossible! How would you even get to the moon in the first place?". "Barry duh." said the two in unison. "Yeah. I can't fly that high for that long. You know that Clair." said Barry. Clair slouch deeper into her seat after hearing that as Nick grumbled something about needing a longer ranged sniper. "Look you guys. The victim wants us to destroy the moon since they think it is to blame." said Lora.

The group looked at her and she said,"I suggest we do some investigating and maybe, we can find a different way to break the curse without destroying the moon.". "I guess you're right brunette. You guys can do whatever but I'm going to sleep." said Kurt. "Please Kurt. Show your respect to Lora for once." said Tessa. "Okay. We'll go exploring tomorrow!" said Clair as she plopped down onto the floor. She along with Barry fell asleep after that.

Kurt said,"Whatever light bulb.". He fell asleep with Lora following suit. The group fell asleep after that but Lora was forced awake due to Clair and Kurt's snoring. She looked over to Julie, Nick, and Tessa with Lora noticing that they had earplugs in it. She looked around the room and she found a small box with her name on it. She opened it and it was earplugs from Tessa. She smiled at her fellow Zane lover and she went to sleep with a smile on her face.

Earlier that day, Ryu and Zane arrived back in Mural and they were heading back to the guild. "I'm shocked that Clair would do something this stupid." said Ryu. "Yeah but she mostly likely doing this for me." wrote Zane. "What makes you so sure?" said Ryu. "I'm just that conceited plus according to Steve, she got stronger for me or something like that." wrote Zane. "Really Zane? I didn't notice that because I was training with Allison, Myra, and Sakura." said Ryu.

Zane wrote,"Yeah. I find it really sweet.". "Wow. I thought Wicked Genocide would make you so cold heart but it's the complete opposite." said Ryu. Zane opened the door normally and he wrote,"I know right?". He looked at the guild who was worried about the blond. "Zane! You made it!" said Sakura. She hugged him and he wrote,"So what happened? I mean you gave me the cliff notes and I need the full story.".

Zane sipped on his beer and Ryu said,"Why aren't you angry Zane?". The two were currently on their way to the train station after getting the full story from Sakura. "I would be but I was planning for her to go on a S Class job." wrote Zane. "You're serious about that?" said a voice. The two saw Allison and Myra standing there. "Yes." wrote Zane. "You know what we're talking about Clair Rodgers? I mean she isn't ready." said Myra.

Zane ordered four tickets to Davenport and he said,"Yeah but I'm making sure that my guild is ready for that.". He went onto the train with Allison said,"Ryu. What is he talking that?". "I honestly don't know. Zane hasn't told me about his most recent visions." said Ryu. "Wait. I thought that he only saw visions when he talked not using his magic. Has he been doing that?!" said Myra. "No! He has been so distant lately. I mean you two notice it right?" said Ryu.

Allison nodded and she said,"You're right. He has been more distant and drinking more than Tanya which is something.". The three talked about Zane not noticing that Zane could hear them. "You do know that I can hear you right? I would be mad but I just don't care. Father promised me something involving them so I'll be your cold hunk for now. I will do anything to find them even if that means pushing you all away from me." thought Zane.

Back on Klishsh Island, "Guys. It's too dam early!" said Cliar and Kurt in unison while going behind the rest of the group. "You guys should really stop. I mean it looks pretty sad to me." said Tessa. Lora was holding Barry in her arms with Nick saying,"I think all of us slept good.". "Yeah." said Julie and Lora. They walked through the village and made it to the front gate. "Wow. You guys are up early. I'm going to guess because you all were surrounded by demons or the curse?" said the guard.

Lora said,"No. We all slept well. We can't destroy the moon during the day so we're going to go explore the island for a while. Is that alright sir?". "Really?! We're going to destroy the moon after all?! Hell yeah!" yelled Nick. His mouth was covered by Julie's hand and the gate guard looked at the group for a while before pulling a level to open the gate. "Go head but be careful in the forest there is..." said the guard.

He looked down to see that they were already gone with him saying,"Oh. I guess they left already. I think they'll be fine.". Julie led Nick out of the village with the others following behind. They were a safe distance when Julie removed her hand from his mouth. The cowboy glared Julie and he said,"I can't believe you guys! I mean you told me that I can't destroy the moon even though I could destroy the moon with enough bullets and sand.".

Lora said,"Nick. It is impossible to destroy the moon. I said that because we need them to work with us rather than be against us.". "Even if we could destroy the moon, we wouldn't because we would not be able to view the moon. It would also cause a huge hole in the moon and mess with the ocean currents causing to live under the water." said Kurt. "Oh right. We wouldn't be able to enjoy the limited Heroes special Moon Viewing Steaks! Myra makes them the best." said Clair while drooling.

Barry nodded and he said,"Yeah but we would fish everyday though.". "Hey guys. Would you mind keeping it quiet please? I mean we don't know what could be living in this forest, she says with fear in her voice." said a voice. The five wizards and cat turned around to see that Lora was currently resting in Horologium. "We have no idea about what could be out here so why would we draw any kind of attention to us, she demands with slight anger." said the clock.

Clair said,"So why aren't you walking on your own?". "I don't think that is how you use your spirits to begin with." said Kurt with a sweat drop. "Look. This curse is something that is freaking me out? It is impossible for us to kick its ass and leave, she says with nervously" said the clock. "Don't worry. I will protect you guys for sure." said Nick with him cocking his gun. "Okay! Lets go on the S-Class quests! I'm powered up now!" yelled Clair.

Kurt said,"Don't worry so much Lora. I got this in the bag with my Passion.". "I think these three are the idiots of the group." said Tessa. The group walked around in search of any clues but after they had searched for over an hour, they couldn't find any thing. As the group stopped to rest in a clearing, the slayer picked up a strange sense. "What's that? It really stinks like rotten cheese or Kurt." said Clair who started to sneezing.

Kurt was about to punch her but Julie stopped him. "What are you talking about Clair?" said Julie. "I don't know Julie but something really stinks." said Clair. She turned around to follow the scent but her eyes bulged out. "What the hell is that?!" yelled Clair. "Oh shit." said Kurt. A giant mouse or rat was currently standing behind them. It was wearing a dark blue corset-style top with white frilly edges that is tied up the front with black strings.

It had a white lace headband and a pink ribbon tied across its chest. It had seafoam green fur and a huge than normal tail that has a special ability. "Don't just stand there you guys! She say. You got this Clair. He says." said the clock for both Lora and Barry. "Okay. Bring it on." said Kurt as magic power gathered around his fists. "Hey Princess! It's going to fire a roar on us!" said Clair. The rat/mouse's cheeks were growing in size.

Kurt put his hands in front of the mouse and he said,"Passion....". The giant rodent then fired out a strange purple and toxic gas from its mouth. "Gross!" screamed Julie, Kurt, and Tessa. Nick didn't say anything since he rushed away using his magic before the gas reached them. Clair was on the ground due to her having enhanced senses. "Hey you guys?! What happened! She says." said the clock as he inhaled the nasty gas.

The spirit was gone and it left Barry and Lora to the smell. The rat let out a good laugh before it went over to the group. "Clair, get up!" yelled Kurt to the unconscious blond. She flipped him off as Tessa said,"You remember that she has an enhanced sense of smell right?!". Kurt was forced to pick her up as Julie yelled,"Grab her and run!". The group ran from the giant mouse who was chasing after them and it tried to attack the wizards but they dodged it.

The rat was blasted by a giant sand fist. Julie saw Nick standing there and he said,"Hands off my friend you dam smelly rodent!". The mouse growled at Nick with Kurt saying,"Thanks buddy. I owe you one. Passion Floor!". The mouse rushed toward Nick only to slip and fall straight into the trees just to the right of its intended target. It was out cold and Clair said,"Oh. Good job princess and also Nick. I could have handled it.". "Oh shut up flashlight. You were out by its breath." said Kurt.

Lora looked over and she saw some ruins. "I think that's a temple. We should go check it out before anything else comes." said Lora. "One second!" said the guys and Clair. Lora turned around to see Clair, Kurt, and Nick attacking the down mouse. "You can't be serious." said Tessa. Julie pulled Nick away and she said,"Please stop you guys. We don't have the time to waste on this thing.". "Fine but I better get to hit something later." said Nick. "We better." said Clair and Kurt.

The group entered the abandoned temple and they were in a large room but it was mostly empty and it was falling apart. "Wow. This room is really big." said Lora. She looked over the massive room and Kurt whispered to Nick,"That's what she said!". Nick chuckled as they were hit by Julie and Tessa in unison. "Wow. Look at all of these moons." said Clair. It has symbols of the moon phrases. "I think this place was called Moon Island before the curse shit." said Kurt while looking at the marks.

Julie said,"A moon island, moon related curse, and moon shaped marks. This is getting really weird you guys.". "Man. This place is really old like older than Master old. I wonder if the floor is strong than my stomp." said Nick who stomped his foot on the ground. "Don't do that Nick!" said Lora. The floor was broken under them and Nick didn't fall due to sand appearing under him. "I'll kill you after this Nick!" yelled Kurt.

Tessa said,"Hang on you guys! Wood Net!". She created a giant net which only prevent them from being injured from the fall. Julie was shocked to see that Nick had caught her and he landed on the ground. "Nick! Are you okay?!" said Julie as she got off him. "Yep. I'll be fine. So are you guys okay or what?" said Nick. "Just be careful okay Nick. I thought you got hurt." said Julie. She had a blush on her face but Nick didn't see it.

This is due to Kurt punching him in the back knocking him to the ground. "Did you have to that? I mean I expected that from flash light but you!" said Kurt. "Screw you Kurt! So where are we anyway you guys? Did we go through a wormhole to the past or something?" said Clair. "I don't think that at all Clair." said Barry. "We're mostly likely under the temple." said Tessa. "Wait. That sound so cool. I will meet you guys later!" said Nick as he kicked up a dust cloud.

Kurt said,"Your boyfriend needs to calm the hell down.". Julie blushed at that with the others going after him. As Nick rounded a corner, he stopped in place. "Hey. What's up?" said Lora. "Okay. I've been to several places but I've never seen that before!" said Nick. The group followed Nick and they were also shocked by what he said. In the center of the room was a colossal demon entrapped in a strange object.

While the others were shocked by this beast, Kurt was having a different reaction to it. "What is it doing here?!" yelled Kurt. "You know this thing?" said Clair. "Kurt. What is that thing?" said Tessa as she walked over to him. "That's Estrasum....The demon of extinction. Why is it here? This thing shouldn't be here!" said Kurt. It was a massive dark gray humanoid demon. It had a huge chest and four large arms end off in scale covered hands.

On the left and right parts of his torso along with both sides of his neck, it was covered with a series of spikes. It had two massive legs with its feet being very much like birds with additional spikes on the back. His hair is much like a lion's mane with it flowing down toward the top of his shoulders. He had four horns that were pointed up with jutting from a plate on its forehead. It had large pointed teeth along with two hollow eyes.

Clair's ears perked up as she said,"Shoot.". She quickly grabbed the others and threw them behind some nearby boulders. Before Kurt and Tessa could argue, the blond covered their mouths. "I smell someone coming." said Clair. From the cave that they came in, two men emerged. They were very strange looking to the group and they just stayed for the night in a town of demons who were once humans and they saw a giant rat wearing clothes.

The one on the right was a lean-built with little muscles young man with unique animal like features due to the pair of canine ears resting on his head. He had a small dark nose and a lower face which is colored different from the rest of his body much like a muzzle of a dog. He has shoulder length and straight orange hair with large round eyes with black pupils and dark eyebrows. Both of his biceps are adorned with tattoos.

The left bicep had the word salmon with the other one being more elaborated one of a snow cone. He wasn't wearing a shirt with him wearing an extremely loose pair of pants with mildly torn hems. It was held up by a long belt covered by many rhombus with the pair left out from its plain looking belt buckle hanging down. The pants had a large dark shield-like logo emblazoned on the left eyes. This is a skull with ears matching his own one with a pair of bones crossing it most likely tibias.

He was wearing a red collar covered in hollow studs circling his neck with a pair of simple dark shoes with a light stylized footprint. His partner was a short and slim young man with a pair of bushy square like eyebrows. His eyes are dark blue with his hair arranged in a number of spike pointed up with a huge one topping his forehead and it was a dark green color. He was wearing a red coat that went down to his knees and sported white sections.

The white sections were the sleeve;s out part with each of the sections going up to the jacket's high collar. It was on the lower parts with a plain blue belt with a square belt buckle which together with the two horizontally striped overlapping hems placed on the front with it superimposed from the waist up but splitting some inches below it to create a slash, kept the garment closed. He was wearing black pants and they were loose and white shoes.

The green hair man said,"Are you sure this is where you heard voices? I hate being up this dam early to begin with Adrian.". They walked past the group and the shorter one said,"Adrian. Did you let the Heavenly Sprinkle effect you? You have strange ears.". "Shut up! There are a fashion statement! The ladies love them!" yelled the tall one. "Whatever. I'm messing with you." said the man. "Oh. Sorry about Terry." said Adrian.

Tessa whispered,"Heavenly Sprinkle? Is that the name of the curse?". "Adrian Holland and Terry Sutton. We have a problem." said a feminine voice. A third person stood there and she made the other two look normal. She had green eyes and pink hair with a very curvaceous body. She had her hair in pigtails with her choker tied into a ribbon, a black and purple short spaghetti dress with light pink trimmings, black leggings, and high heeled sandals. It had two long and thing wings at the back.

Terry said while putting his hands behind her back,"Oh Reyna Bliss. It's just you.". "My precious Lynette was hurt her and I'm depressed." said Reyna. "That was a mouse!" yelled Adrian with him getting a death glare from Reyna. "She isn't a mouse but a hunter that wanders through the darkness to keep us from harm. Love." said Reyna. "She's interesting." said Lora. "They're also not from this island. They smell different but I smell the rat on pinkie." said Clair.

Barry said,"And they aren't cursed but Adrian maybe.". "So we have intruders?" said Terry. "Yes. The moon will appear soon but we have pests how sad this is." said Reyna. She looked at the demon and she said,"They saw Estrasum so they can't live. We also can't let the Glacial Sultana know about this as well because we can't let those three show us up.". "I agree." said Terry. "This is love!" said Reyna as she clasps her hands in front of her chest. Adrian yelled,"We're going to kill them!".

They were gone as Clair said,"Okay. We should have grabbed them and asked questions.". "If those three go missing, something bad could happen." said Lora. "This is getting really annoying. I mean we first had a curse turning people into demons, a demon trapped in a very strange substance, and someone called the Glacial Sultana." said Tessa. "Estrasum. How did they even find it to bring it here of all places?" said Kurt. "Where was it before?" said Barry.

Kurt said,"It was sealed inside of a glacier on the northern continent. Ten years ago, this monster had fun killing innocent lives that lived in the Land of Isvan. The woman who taught me my magic was Ashley Edwards gave her life to stop this monster forever.". The group was shocked and Kurt said with anger,"I don't know how it got here but I won't let this Glacial Sultan bastard do anything with my master's name! We're going to stop him no matter what?!".    

Next Time,
The group learns more about the Glacial Sultana and the reason why Estrasum is here on Klish Island to begin with.

Guild Card #19.
Name: Julie Brown.
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Gun Magic.
Likes: Nick, her guild, and romantic movies. Dislikes: Sweets and her weapons not working.
Info: She came from the west with her being known for her trigger finger in the guild even more than the guild's other sharpshooter Nick White whom she has a crush on. She is able to make several types of guns appear with her known for her sniper skills. She can't gather the courage to confess to Nick despite him liking her back. Most of her friends try to help her with it but it's not easy.
Affiliation: Heroes.

Guild Card #20.
Name: Nick White. 
Age: 18 years old.
Magic: Gun, Sand, Speed, and Tracking Wizard.
Likes: Julie, adventure, finding out stuff, and his friends. Dislikes: Anything spicy and idiots.
Info: He came from the west with him being called the Sand Traveler. He is able to run fast and control sand magic which makes quite the wizard. He loves adventure, finding out secrets of the past, and Julie with the later being the most. He doesn't have the guts to tell her how she feels and he is rather dense. Jason feels bad for him and tries to help but his help made the wizard see Jason as his rival much to the playboy's confusion.
Affiliation: Heroes.

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